#healing the trauma and whatnot
ashgunnywolf · 1 year
Being a freak of nature is hard. Being the freak of nature spawn of two other freaks of nature is harder. Being the manifestation of the trauma of the two biggest fucking idiots on the planet is downright unbearable. Being stuck in a damned thermos for fucking YEARS? Torture.
It's only natural to want to burn all of existence to the ground. To make everyone else hurt exactly as much as he does. Who cares about the universe? No one who lives there ever loved him. Not all of him. Not the ugly parts.
And there's nothing left of him but ugly parts.
Danny, fool that he is, couldn't bear the vision of what he could become, so he quite literally bottled him up and ripped him out of reality and asked the undead god of time to pretty please keep this awful thing on your shelf where I don't have to look at it.
He couldn't even sleep in the thermos. Did time even pass outside the insulated metal walls of the thermos, in the halls of Clockwork's lair? It felt like eternity. Existing without sensation, drifting in limbo, unable to even move... Surely this was hell. What he deserved.
And when confronted with that wicked thermos again, all the oceans of anger and rage and hatred parted, and everyone could see what he really was.
Lonely. And scared.
He didn't want to be alone again.
He wasn't a version of Danny that was driven to madness. He was a Vlad who refused to accept that he was all alone, and he was a Danny who couldn't bear the reality of how alone he really was.
And more than that, he was that kindred energy drawn together into one being.
How dare others have families? How could anyone even think to feel things like joy and comfort when he was so alone? Didn't anyone CARE?!
And then this reality's Vlad gave him a body. He looked like Danny again. He was human again, something that can eat and sleep and shit.
When he was pulled from the stasis tank and given a towel to wipe the slime off his skin - he had SKIN again, real human skin with blood vessels and a pleasant pinkish hue instead of undead grey - Vlad called him Daniel.
"How do you feel, Daniel?"
He winced despite himself.
"What is it?"
"I... I don't know what to call myself," he admitted. "I AM Danny, but you know as well as I that half of me is you."
Vlad furrowed his brow. "I see." He sat in silence for a moment, then asked, "Would you like to choose a name? It doesn't have to be right now."
He shrugged. "I suppose."
Vlad placed a hand on his shoulder. "I can't imagine what you feel right now. You've been through so much..."
He wrapped his arms around himself, and it struck him how natural it felt to be so small again. "You know some of it. You lived it, to a point."
"Right." Vlad slouched, looking away. "Driven by what I thought was vengeance. But all along, I was just afraid of accepting the truth. That I was alone."
He interjected, "So was Danny. He was driven to cleaving himself in two because he couldn't bear the loneliness either."
He continued, "The two of you are more alike than you realize. Not only because you're both half-ghost. You're two of a kind. Why else would the worst parts of the two of you fuse so seamlessly... into this?" He gestured at himself. "Selfish, petty, vindictive... lonely..."
Vlad took the towel and ruffled it over his soaked hair. "I wanted Daniel to be my son. Not just to punish Jack. I truly wanted him by my side."
He chuckled. "I remember." He drummed his fingers on his knee, feeling the bones vibrate under his flesh from the gentle impact.
"If it's any consolation, he wanted you in his own way." He shrugged. "I can't speak to how he feels about you now, after everything that's happened..."
"That's alright."
"...but if I were to guess, I'd say part of him is still drawn to you."
Vlad raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
He was about to reply when his stomach gurgled. His eyebrows shot upward and he clutched his gut. "I'm... hungry."
A small smile crept onto Vlad's face. "So you are. What would you like to eat?"
He looked down at his feet and thought about it. "I don't know. What would you eat?"
"I was planning to have lobster with bechamel and a side of asparagus."
He nodded slowly. "That sounds good."
Vlad laughed. "Better than Daniel's usual diet of Nasty Burger, right?"
He snarled, baring his teeth - flat human teeth, not his fangs, so some of the bite was lost.
"Not a fan of Nasty Burger? Neither am I."
He glared at Vlad. "I do NOT want to talk about that."
Vlad held up his hands in surrender. "Fair enough."
Lunch... was nice. He hadn't realized how much he missed eating. Properly eating, not just tearing people's flesh with his teeth.
Vlad kept looking up at him from across the table and smiling. He tried hiding it from him, only doing it when he thought he wasn't looking, but it was obvious.
He didn't hold it against the man. He enjoyed the company, too. It was nice to not be alone anymore.
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mikhailoism · 15 days
kinda sad to me that there's no truck bombing aus where bobby was on the truck and he's the one who gets crushed........
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furiousgoldfish · 9 months
Speaking from a bad place, so bear with me. Has anyone thought about how being important or special to other people is based just on the people closest to you?
We regard strangers as people who are fairly irrelevant to us, because they have little to no impact to our life, and their lives and struggles won't generally touch us. In contrast, lives of people directly around us have a great impact on us, and they decide our relevancy. We give them roles in our lives, like friends, mentors, partners, lovers, caretakers, and in that regard they're special to us, irreplaceable. We also want to have an equally strong meaning in their life, to have a warm place in their heart and respect in their minds, as they do for us.
When people around us who hold great relevancy for us, also give us that same relevancy back, we feel important, we know we're special to them. That our role in their life shapes their experience, gives them gratitude and they've accepted us as someone they want and need around.
In contrast to that, when people in our life refuse to give us that same respect, warmth and relevancy, then we wonder what is wrong with us. What is missing so we can't be appreciated and regarded with the same love and respect that we show to them. Lack of mutuality makes us sink down with insecurity, self doubt and deep feeling that we're not enough, that we've done something wrong, not to deserve the same that we give to others.
And it also works out the same in isolation, if you have no one close to you, no one who has your well being in mind or cares for what becomes of you, it feels like you're important to no one, like you are not special whatsoever, even like you could be disposable if nobody cares at all.
But none of that is based on what's inside of us, who we are or how much love and good we are capable of giving and showing. It's nothing even related to our behaviour and actions, you could put anyone in these situations and results would be generally similar; person who is not experiencing reciprocity, or is left to fend for themselves alone, will lose the feeling that they're important or special in any way.
Isn't that weird? That we can end up judging our own worth based on nothing we did, or nothing we are, just based on how people around us are treating us, or whether we have anyone around us at all. In our essence we didn't change at all, it's just who is or isn't around, that determines our worth.
If we're put in a group of people who want to create bonds based on good things they see in us, we'll become able of seeing that good in ourselves. If we're surrounded by people who all feel the same as we do, act on the same moral code, readily reciprocate respect and warmth that we show to them, we won't feel like anything is wrong with us. We'll feel at home.
And since this is so intrinsic to being a person, to long for this and only feel relevant, safe and cared for in these circumstances, isn't it natural that we all deserve that? To be surrounded by people who make us feel like nothing is wrong with us, and like we're at home? Who help us focus on everything good in us, and give us no reasons to believe that we should be rejected or banished at all? Since abuse did the absolute opposite, and forced us to believe there's only reasons for abandonment, hatred and contempt, I believe being in the environment where people see many reasons to want us in their lives, would heal us.
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nexus-nebulae · 5 months
neither of us have introduced ourselves here like At All i don't think but. jumping on here for a second to say. this is the first time in i think actually 6 months since we formed that we've actually seen Maxwell genuinely smile
#- will#we've Been Here just staying in the background for personal reasons 👍#anyway healing power of friendship and whatnot#maxwell felt alone bc they were pretty much The Only brainmade active whatsoever for a good couple months#and was thus much more affected by irl trauma bc there weren't any exomems to like. block that out with#and like. bc of weird headspace lore they also felt kinda guilty for existing in the first place#so. the stuff we do to our bodies in headspace. injuries and things. that tends to be permanent?#if we get injured in paracosm we stay injured in headspace#and percy is like. basically a fragment of a gods soul embedded in a human body#but the 'percy' part of the equation. was entirely the SOUL and not the body#so when at one point their soul became fully separated from their body#maxwell appeared. basically the human that was In The Background of their mind the entire time.#bc percy and also maxwell by extension were plural in source before getting introjected#but then in their canon their magic somehow forced all those previous headmates into their own bodies essentially dissolving the system#so they were freaked out alone in their own mind (they assumed)#but then the echoes started finding each other and combining into their own system-like structure so they weren't alone anymore#but then maxwell gets ejected from that system by having the echo part of its soul torn out#so they're alone in their mind AGAIN#but now they're like. forming their own little subsystem here. and it's making them feel better. less alone#there's maxwell and me (william) and we're brothers and then there's wasp (my weird cousin) and roobles (the bug that walked in)#and then julianna the mermaid and terria the little girl that hates everyone and then trick the weird fuckin imp goblin thing
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atrociousgargamelitis · 3 months
Realistically I don't think it's going to happen BUT. What if by the end of the show, when everyone has matured and dealt with their trauma and we've gotten closure and whatnot, WHAT IF Blitzø reclaims the o. As a sign of healing. UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES AND IF IT IS EXECUTED CORRECTLY I COULD LOVE THAT.
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 9
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 1
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The house was clean but it bothered you it wasn't cleaner. It had been almost a week since the murders. You didn't remember most of your time at the hospital. The doctors told you that you went into cardiac arrest due to trauma. Even your heart was over dramatic. You died for a few seconds but something somewhere decided you needed to be here. At least that's the way you liked to think of it. Friday was Sydney and Tatum's funeral. It was a hard thing to sit through especially seeing Dewy cry the way he did. There was a reason he lived through the murders, maybe it was the same one that kept you breathing.
Staying at home alone was slowly killing you and your dad saw it. In all honesty you couldn't believe he had agreed to letting Stu move in for a bit. Your dad barley let you leave the bed, scared you wouldn't heal properly. He had been taking care of you the best he could. Changing your bandages and whatnot. He had to go back to work soon and he didn't want you to be by yourself.
Stu had called you every night once he heard you left the hospital. He told you all about how his parents were back in town just to see the damage to the house. He didn't seem upset by the heartless fact but you knew it had to hurt worse than his stab wounds. Billy moved back in with his dad, that's what Stu had told you. Billy kept calling but for reasons unknown to him you never answered. Even if you did pick up the moment you heard his voice the phone would hit the receiver.
You heard a car pull in the driveway making your heart sink. Trying to convince your father to let you ride with him to pick up Stu was an impossible task. "You are not going outside with it being cold as hell. You better be glad I'm letting him come over here at all. End of discussion." It was aggravating sure but you couldn't argue with him.
"Boy who raised you?" Your dad snapped as he opened the front door. "Um no one really Sir." You dad dropped Stu's bags by the couch letting the boy walk inside. "That would explain it." Your eyes were wide hearing the hateful conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" Your dad hung his keys up on the hook leaving his coat on the rack beside the keys. "Your friend here thinks 21 Jump Street is better than Miami Vice." Stu shrugged while you bit your lip holding back a laugh and tears. The last time you saw him was at the funeral and you did get to speak to him then. "Is it alright if I give her a hug?" Stu looked at your dad then back at you.
"She's a grown woman ask her." Your dad may not act like it but he appreciated the boy's polite nature. "Can I hug you?" He held out his arms, his baggy sweater covering the wounds you knew littered his skin. "Get over here doofus." Your voice was shaky. A small wince left your lips as Stu squeezed you a little too tight. You weren't about to complain though. You were just happy he was here. Stu pulled away once your dad started talking. "I cleaned out the guest bedroom so you'll have a place to stay. Now I don't care if you two hang out in the same room but the doors in this house stay open." Stu nodded terrified of your dad.
"Understood Mr. L/n." Stu saluted and your dad just sighed. "Have you eaten yet kid?" Your friend barley remembered his middle name let alone the last time he ate. "No Sir." Mumbling under his breath your dad grabbed his coat and keys again. "I'm going to get pizza. Is he allergic to anything?" He asked pointing at Stu. "Soap maybe but that's about it." Stu poked your arm with a smile, happy you still act like your old self. Things were different no doubt but if you made it through death he was sure you two could fix whatever was broken. Your dad took off leaving the house to you two.
"21 jump street really? Man you've got a type." You joked but Stu stayed serious. "Have you talked to him?" By him he meant Billy. The last person you wanted to talk to or about. "No. We have nothing to talk about." The biggest understatement in the history of understatements. "You have plenty to talk about. You could say "Hey Billy does this look infected?" Ooh or "Billy did you ever think that haircut made you look like a ken doll?" You laughed so hard your side started to shoot pain throughout your abdomen.
Stu didn't know his own strength when it came to jokes. "Um here sit down." He grabbed your arm as his other hand rested on your lower back supporting you as you sat on the couch. "I'm fine. It does that sometimes." He looked down at you noticing the bags under your eyes and the sort of death warmed over look you were absolutely rocking. "Can I see it?" He said wanting to compare the damage. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." You winked at him but he just stared at you with concern. Slowly you peeled up your shirt showing off the gauze. "Jesus Christ it's so bruised." He curiously touched the tip of his finger to the discolored skin.
"Ah!" You screamed scaring him. He jerked his hand away as you held your side and laughed. He felt hurt for a second before pursing his lips, finally having a laugh. "I'm glad you're lightening up." You patted the seat next to you wanting him settle down for a bit. "I've just been really worried about you. You literally died." You could hear the sadness start to crack in his voice. "Hey, only for a few seconds. I'm a drama queen at heart." Stu smiled looking at the wall rather than you.
You grabbed his hand from his lap weaving your fingers with his. "It's going to be hard but we'll make it work. We'll start all over. Just us against the world." He wanted to imagine Billy here. He'd be on the other side of you just sitting, listening to you and Stu talk. The Billy you knew wasn't the Billy Stu had lived with for the past year. Sure he could be a self righteous asshole but behind closed doors he was caring in his own way.
"How is he?" You asked breaking the silence in the room. "He's good. He's going back to school tomorrow." The school had closed for a week out of respect for the people who lost their lives. Everyone had told you to take your time to heal and grieve before going back. It was a surprise to hear Billy would want to go back immediately. "Why?" Stu thought back to the long conversations he's had with his friend every night since he left the hospital. "He said he just wants to get back into a routine. At this point we're just trying to graduate."
It was a valid point. "What are you doing after graduation?" Before, Stu would've said party. But now he truly didn't know. "I guess go to college like everybody else." You didn't know it but your little speech really did a number on him. Not to mention the brush of death he experienced. "That's no fun." You pouted. The boy just shrugged. "Helps me blend in you know? Like you said when we first met." If Stu wanted his sequel he was going to have to work for it.
Lifting up your arms you cup his face turning him to face you. "Don't think you need to change Stu Macher." Now you were just confusing him. "You changed yourself for Billy and it worked. Why can't I be who you need me to be?" His voice was once again wobbly. "Because Stu I fell in love with the real you. The one that hits on anything with a pulse with no intention of following through. The real you that secretly loves girly shit but won't admit it in fear of your friends hating you for it." His lip quivered as tears built up on his waterline.
"If it wasn't for you this whole story line would've been much different. You gave me hope that this whole thing might just work out. You're my best friend, and before you get upset thinking I've friend zoned you. Just know that I love you with all my shitty heart." It was a little soon to be saying the word "love" but after helping murder people it was probably the least dramatic thing you could say. Stu lunged forward with the intention of kissing you. Instead his forehead collided with yours. You grabbed your head falling back from the force quickly holding your side which also started to pulse with pain. "I am so sorry." Stu said trying to check your forehead. "It's okay just give me a second everything is hurting."
If Billy was here Stu knew he'd take initiative. He'd grab your face making sure you weren't hurt and would somehow magically make the pain go away. But Stu wasn't Billy so he had to think of the next best thing. "What can I do to help?" He asked as you waited for the headache to stop. "Can you get the ice pack out of the freezer?" Now that he could do. He pulled open the fridge going straight for the ice box at the bottom. He grabbed the cute little plaid ice bag from the box and shut the door. "Here you go."
"Thanks." You held the bag on top of your head for a second as the cold helped alleviate the beginning of a migraine. Stu sat back down next to you watching you close your eyes. You really were one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen. "Okay now if you promise not to beat me up you can have that kiss now." He carefully placed his lips on yours, smiling into the kiss. Stu pulled away wanting it just to be a cute little moment. "You didn't have to stop." You said giving him a weird look for the grin on his face. "I know. It's just... you actually smell terrible and I just couldn't go on much longer." You scrunched up your nose playfully smacking his good arm. Stu was back and you were glad to have him.
Your dad finally brought home the pizza noticing someone had already set the table. "Y/n I told you not to be-" He looked at you sitting on the couch with a magazine while Stu was fixing drinks. "What do you want to drink?" Stu asked grabbing the last empty glass. "I didn't know you hired a maid Y/n." That boy was whipped and your dad knew it the moment Stu got in his car. "I didn't, he offered to help." You defended yourself and Stu backed you up.
"It's true. I just wanted to help is all." He wasn't lying but there was more to it. You weren't able to do the few things you loved to do. Having the table set and everyone's food ready was like a love language of yours. Stu was just happy to see you smile because of something he did. "I'll have tea." Your dad sat the pizza on the table as you walked over to Stu. "What do you want to drink?" Stu asked you once he sat down your dad's glass of tea. "I am perfectly capable of making my own drink." You protested but Stu was determined. "I know but I'm already up and making glasses so what would you like?"
You mumbled an answer as he filled your glass. "Thank you." He just smiled at you telling you to sit down. Once Stu sat down everyone started grabbing pieces. "What kind of music do you listen to?" Your dad asked Stu before taking a bite of his pizza. Stu swallowed the food in his mouth before he spoke. "I listen to what most people my age do. A bit of the Beastie Boys mixed with some Nirvana. Nine Inch Nails is pretty cool." Stu saw the unamused look on your dad's face. "That new Elvis record sure is groovy." Your friend's impersonation made you nearly choke on your food. Your dad even laughed which was a hard thing to get him to do.
"He sounds just like you." Your dad pointed towards you. "I do not sound like that." He raised his eyebrow as your mouth hung open. "You definitely sound like that." Stu said choosing to side with your dad rather than you. You shrugged taking a drink from your glass. Once the box was empty your dad folded it throwing it in the trash. "Thanks for dinner Mr. L/n." Stu said making your dad shake his head. "You're welcome kid." Finishing the rest of your drink you stood up not with a wince in pain. "Woah you need help?" Stu asked as he quickly stood up ignoring his own pain. "No I'm fine. I think I'm going to take a shower."
The room got quiet. Stu didn't know what all that entailed and your dad was simply waiting for Stu to make a wrong move. "Dad I'm going to need you to show him how to cover this so he can help when you go to work tomorrow." The boy next to you looked at you like you were crazy. The thought of you being half naked with him and your dad in the same room gave him the heebiejeebies. "Don't he know how to cover his own wounds?" Your dad asked thinking the whole demonstration thing seemed awkward. He didn't do awkward.
"Oh I've just been letting the stitches breath." Stu said nonchalantly. You gasped at the admission in shock. "Good God. Both of you get up stairs to her bathroom I can't believe I've gotta do this." Your dad cursed under his breath. You and Stu started up the stairs before you had a chance to scold him. "Let me see them." You went ahead and started pulling at his shirt. "Unhand me woman!" He yelled embarrassing you. He laughed as he made his way into your bathroom.
Your dad made his way into the bathroom bemused by you and Stu's thumb wrestling match. "Y/n come here." You stood with your arms up as far as you could bring them. He grabbed the hem of the shirt trying to pull it off without hurting you. By this point he had the technique down. Stu cringed just thinking about what was under the bandage. Billy had told him what you did and how you did it. When you hit that wall the blade had curved going diagonally into your skin. They said it was a wonder it didn't go out the other side.
Stu had cuts on his arm and different sized cuts all over his abdomen. Some of which broke the skin on his back. You crossed your arms over your bra concealing what was already covered. "Can you get your shirt off by yourself?" Your dad asked his parental mode on. "Um yeah." Stu said getting up off the edge of the tub and slowly peeling off his shirt. "Jesus Christ boy." You covered your mouth seeing his blood stained tank top. "What?"
"That crazy son of a bitch sure did a number on you." He said looking Stu up and down. "I don't go down easy." He laughed not truly understanding how depressing the sight was to see. "You don't have to tell me that. Do you need help taking of the wife beater?" You mentally face palmed at his words. Stu started to peel the shirt off but his skin was stuck to it. "Ow fuck!" Stu cursed forgetting about your dad in the room. "I'm so sorry."
"How long have you had that shirt on?" Stu thought about it for a second. "Since last night." He really was helpless. "Get in the tub." Your dad sighed but he couldn't be mad at Stu. You told him about his family or rather the lack there of. Stu taught himself everything he knows so he's simply doing all he knows how to do. "Excuse me?" Stu asked not sure if he heard him right. "Y/n get me a warm wet rag." Your dad practically pushed Stu into the bathtub. What Stu failed to realize was that the fabric of the tight tank top had bonded to the fresh scab each stab wound had. If he just torn it off it would rip the scabs off leaving him bleeding again with the risk of infection. If he didn't already have one by now.
"Here hold the rag on each of your cuts to soften up the scabs." Stu did as told trusting that your dad knew what he was doing. "Now let's get this done really quickly. You watching?" Stu looked over at you as you smiled down at him all scrunched up in the bathtub. Even with your dad present it was an oddly intimate moment. "Take off all the tape and gauze. Throw it away, any time we take off the bandage it goes in the trash. Even if it looks clean." Stu nodded along mentally taking notes. He looked at your stitches noticing they didn't look near as bad as his. The bruising was absolutely horrendous but the wound itself looked great.
"Clean it with warm water only. Don't use alcohol or anything like that." Stu starred blankly regretting his previous actions. "If you did don't worry, I'm surprised you tried to clean it at all." You wanted to tell your dad to be nicer but you honestly agreed with him. He took a different wet rag wiping your side gently. "That doesn't hurt?" Stu asked worried about you. "Actually it's not that bad after awhile. It's mainly when I raise my arm to take of my shirt that it pulls the skin and hurts."
"After it's clean put some Neosporin on it and you cover it back up. Since she is taking a shower though I'll have to tape a piece of plastic over the bandages. Make sense?" It made sense but Stu knew he'd forget most of it. "How will I take a shower?" He asked your dad. The boy had been living without bandages since the hospital. He didn't know you needed to do all this extra work and his parents sure didn't ask if he needed help. "Honestly I think you'll just have to get a wash cloth and wash off for the next couple of days."
You saw the discouraged look on Stu's face. He was almost too cute to be a murderer. "Don't worry. We got each other's backs right?" You asked him dragging him from thought. "Of course." You and your dad slowly started peeling Stu's tank top off. You apologized every time he winced or cursed in pain. "Well now you'll learn not to do that again." Your dad said as he threw the ruined shirt in the garbage. The wounds on his pale skin were an angry red meaning he was probably starting to get an infection. Your dad helped clean each wound and after awhile everyone was making jokes.
He placed the last piece of medical tape down making sure he got all of the wounds. "That's the last of them I think. Now let's go get you a shirt on and let her take a shower." Stu slowly got out of the bathtub taking his sweater out of the bathroom with him. Your dad was just about to walk out before you hugged him. "Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." He was starting to understand why you needed that boy over. "You'd be surprised." Your dad said as he left the room.
The shower was quick and careful. Making sure to avoid the new bandages at all cost. Once you got out and dried off you peeled the plastic layer off of your side, throwing it in the trashcan. You opened up your closet deciding to put on a robe because you struggled with shirts. You walked down stairs to tell everyone good night when you saw both Stu and your dad passed out on the couch. Your friend was curled up with his head on the chair arm, using it as a makeshift pillow. While your dad sat with his arms crossed and head back. You walked towards the TV set turning it off with a click.
"I was listening to that." Your dad mumbled. "Yeah I bet. Go to bed you've got work tomorrow and Stu. Stu?" You called his name slowly shaking him awake. His eyes were wide with confusion. That nap must have been deep. "Hey hun I'm going to bed. Your bed is already made up and everything." Stu barley understood a word you said. "I'll make sure he gets to bed and stays in it. Goodnight sweetheart." Your dad said as he kissed your forehead. You just smiled. "Night dad, love you." You said as he returned it. "Love you too."
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Part 10
Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @imobsessedreader @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree
(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you)
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hmmm-shesucks · 1 year
Once the Foxes have done some healing and whatnot, they begin to joke about past traumas, as traumatized individuals tend to do. These kinds of jokes are more personal and for themselves, really, but because they are all so fucked up and they share a year's worth of mafia bullshit, their jokes sometimes run into each other and become group jokes. One of these jokes is the phrase ‘trigger warning.’
A few examples:
Dan: *has a box of razor blades for some reason*
Andrew: *walking by* trigger warning
Nicky: *not paying attention while driving. Almost hits a median*
Andrew: *reaches over and jerks the wheel*
Aaron: trigger warning
Foxes: *walking through a hallway that happens to have a fire safety box on the wall with an axe in it*
Neil: trigger warning
Foxes: *horrified but hysterical*
Idk my friend, and I do this a lot, and it’s always about stupid stuff. And it’s always out of the blue, and it catches everyone off guard when it happens, but we find it so fucking funny. I just feel like it’s a really morbid but absolutely hilarious thing to say, and it’s out of pocket enough for the foxes.
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I need more content of Hank being disabled.
make him talk weird, or not at all! He has no lips, his teeth are exposed. His lower jaw is metal. This man cannot form easily understandable words.
And also the explosion in apotheosis completely ripped him apart.
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Reattached limbs usually never work the same afterwards. Regaining 60-80% of use is considered an excellent result! And the guy’s in pieces, so many things need to be reattached, or replaced. And madcom has cloning and MAGs and whatnot, so screw it, pull some cyborg shenaniganary when repairing Hank’s mangled mess of a body!
And then there’s all the head trauma.
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This man’s brain really shouldn’t still be functioning, but somehow it is. The parts that appear to have been damaged are, well, all of it really. So that’s probably not great.
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and all of the injuries in the series happened in a very short amount of time! In the first five episodes he’s seen to still have the bandages from the previous episodes’ injuries! Meaning he is not giving his body time to heal before going out and killing again! Which is just gonna make everything worse! Like, dude, go lay down! You’re still severely injured! Go take a nap or something! Stop trying to fight people while recovering from multiple traumatic brain injuries, multiple stab wounds, and having your entire body reconstructed after blowing yourself up!
anyway, I wanna see that acknowledged. And I want Hank to please take a break because he desperately needs it.
in my eyes Hank is some guy in his 50s with nerve damage, chronic pain and brain damage. Sorry this is kinda long. Idk why I’m so passionate about this, but I am. And I need to see this in more art and more fics.
YEAA agree
Can I drop headcanons
Ehh fuck it
Hank has severe brain damage and they are selective mute because of 1: anxiety 2: because it kinda hurts for them to talk. They prefer to use body and sigh language. Also headcanon that they can't run for long.
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balanceoflightanddark · 3 months
Why a Redemption Arc for Azula is Important for Me
I've said it before and I'll say it again in the future. When it comes to the discussion for Azula and redemption, I am firmly in the pro-camp. Now people like myself have made countless arguments in the past for why Azula should be redeemed: she's not irredeemable, it would fit perfectly within the narrative themes of ATLA, and it would be a powerful and impactful story for many of us.
(spoilered for personal issues)
The last one I feel is especially important. Now I can't speak for others, but I can speak for myself. I've...come out as autistic in the past. I've had a habit of considering myself to be a perfectionist, often to my own detriment. For a long time, I had a serious time coming out with my problems cause I was paranoid the whole world was out to get me. And...I've had breakdowns and self-identified as a monster.
Sound familiar?
I'm in a better place now mentally, but I'm just using my own past as an example of what I'm talking about. Azula's story hits on a lot of these themes, and a whole lot more that I probably haven't covered. You could even say I see a lot of myself in her and whatnot.
But what I think would most be impactful would be...well, you see her chained to a grate and balling her eyes out to a bloodred sky. It's images like that that scar you no matter how old you get. So many people believe that once you hit the bottom like that, you can't come back. You're condemned and the whole world treats you like the monster you are. I've been there. More times than I can count. And I like to believe a lot of people have been in that place too.
What a redemption arc for Azula would say is...you can move past that.
You can heal. Be better. Change. That no matter what trauma the world throws at you, you can be all the more stronger. Cause yeah, the world CAN be pretty dark sometimes. But that doesn't mean you can't get back up.
And I want to believe that her final scenes wasn't there just for the sake of tragedy. I mean, she is a tragic villain. Obviously. But maybe, somehow, this indoctrinated child soldier can be better than what the world gave her. I have to believe in that. Otherwise, all that pain would've been for nothing.
But that's just me rambling. Let me know what you think down below.
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gothushi · 7 months
okay so i haven’t found anywhere to watch the full episodes nor do i know any context of the show/his character so this’ll just be like.. my own interpretation/ideas? if anyone does have anywhere i can watch the as if episodes he’s in from in the US please lemme know:D
starting off a bit deep, i think he struggles with some mental health issues, possibly some trauma from a past relationship or a family member, (considering how he freaked when he had his photo taken suddenly with his shirt off) i won’t detail much bc i’m still thinking on it
so, due to that above, i think he needs to learn consent and communication is extremely important to him. it probably causes some issues early on in your relationship, he probably walks out a lot when he gets upset, takes time to cool off and then comes crawling back with tears and an apology (you eventually get him into therapy)
probably works at the local library. likes organizing things and putting everything where they go, and his favorite section is the CD’s
sappy and cliche as it is, he loves dancing with you in the kitchen of your little apartment. 2am, making something sweet to satisfy a late night craving, a CD playing in the radio on low volume. he’ll spin you around, sway with you, grinning all big as he leans forward to kiss your head
really likes getting spanked. yes i’ll elaborate later
after a few months, instead of walking out when he’s upset, (even if he still shuts down and is just quiet for a bit) he likes laying down with you in bed. lets you hold him, rub your hands over his back and arms, press gentle kisses to his skin, it helps calm him more than he knows (inspired from one clip i’ll either add to this or post separately)
could make out with you for HOURS i mean it. sat in bed up against the wall or headboard, you in his lap or laid on his chest, kissing messy until you’re both drooling and barely able to breathe, he likes that, a lot. also grabbing at you, very handsy in a gentle way
back to spanking in more detail. it was a fun little thing at first, a little playful slap here or there, either during the day randomly or during sex. after he gets into therapy and whatnot, he actually asks if it can be used like an actual punishment, something to ground his mind if he gets angry or upset even if it isn’t directed at you. so bend him over your lap, hold an arm behind his back and spank until he cries. he’ll wiggle, kick his feet, whine in that cute little tone, but once the tears fall he’s learnt his lesson and he’s done. comfort him with some kisses while rubbing his back and thighs, and then let him fuck into you until his hearts content
speaking of fucking ^ possessive, growls, groans, whines, all kinds of noises into your neck or against your mouth. pins you down and lays his body over yours, flesh to flesh, hips chasing a sloppy rhythm against your own while he mouths at your neck
likes groping you, during sex or randomly. will grab at your tits over your shirt, massage the muscles in your thighs while you ride him, grab at your tummy when he hugs you from behind
really really really likes cute dates with you, go to the park with him, go on a picnic, go to the movies. it helps unknowingly heal the part of him that he lost in earlier years due to his issues and trauma
very affectionate, kisses your forehead a lot, holds your hand or side hugs you when out in public, will definitely be the boyfriend to make out with you standing on the sidewalk or in the corner of a cafe
also really likes you play with his hair, lets you braid it, comb it for him, tuck it behind his ears whilst he’s smiling at you all big and giddy, loves you grabbing it and pulling it during sex
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Welcome to Wonderland but it's drugs used as copium against all the pain and trauma Red has true?? trueee
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like here she's being delulu about all the pain that Wonderland has caused her - maybe she's introducing Chloe to the NEW Wonderland, the one that her mother protected and loved and nourished, but all Red can remember is the one that caused pain, caused death, caused blood, the one that was red, red, red.
so maybe Red starts taking drugs to cope with the pain. after all, they've got potions and pastries to help you grow tall. they'd probably have potions and pastries, spells and whatnot to help you feel better, feel more wonderful.
but Red can't keep this up yk?
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her facade starts fading as the stress, the trauma, the addiction starts to truly hit her. she's conflicted, torn between the past and present, the past that SHE knows to be true, the present's past that everyone else knows to be true, and the present which comes about from that past but the past is not the past, at least not to her and she's so torn, so confused. her thoughts tangle up in words and riddles as she tries to understand, she knows the drugs are wrong but they're the only thing (expect maybe Chloe) keeping her sane in this world where the past is not really the past and the present is more like a fever dream.
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so she breaks.
now the question is, which ending?? hurt/comfort or just straight up hurt/no comfort?
1. she turns to Chloe, who helps her through the vices, the horrors, the pain of addiction, as well as Red's own painfully fragile mental state
Chloe is the only thing sure in Red's heart, the one thing she can't afford to lose, the one thing she won't let leave. so she accepts the help, she relishes in it, and slowly gets better
Red lets Chloe heal their song, their love leading them into a gentle waltz around her heart, protecting and strengthening the barriers there, while installing a door there for Chloe. Chloe, her protector, her lover, her knight in shining glass shoes. Chloe, the song inside Red's heart, the only thing she knows to be true. Chloe.
2. Red starts losing it. what is the point of anything? nothing brings joy any more, only stress and pain and more memories of bloodshed and loss and red red red red red
there's only one thing sure in Red's heart. and that's the inescapable pain of all the trauma that she's been through. there's only one way to escape, to finally feel peace. she's sorry to Chloe, to Bridget, to Mads and whoever else could possibly care about her but she can't do this anymore.
the song inside Red's heart, the pain and horror crescendoing in a harsh and discordant duet, yearns, begs to escape. and Red can't deny it anymore, she's so sick and tired of everything, everyone. she loves Chloe, she thinks. but Chloe shouldn't be burdened by her baggage, her trauma, her. and she wants to finally be free, and at peace.
so she lets the song inside her heart leave.
anyways here's the fuckass prompt i was rambling about a few days back i love anson seabra
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rosefilledpiano · 7 months
hi can you do leo valdez x di angelo reader who’s the eldest? and she’s starting to fall into depression aft r everything that’s happened with bianca, the prophecy and whatnot? i feel like leo would just BE THEREE for anything 🤭
Leo Valdez x di Angelo reader
Look, Leo gets what it's like to lose family. He's still healing from the guilt of accidentally killing his mom, and he was kicked out by his remaining family after her death. He might not know your exact situation, but he understands.
Leo probably just assumes that most people cope with their trauma and sadness with humor (Percy, Leo, etc.) so he makes a few jokes to cheer you up when you're down. Not that they help much.
He tries, though. He really does. The poor boy just doesn't understand people like he does machines. It's not like he can fix your problems like he can Festus, he can just support you and be your rock.
And so, he is.
It takes him a while to find out about Bianca. One day, Percy and Annabeth are talking about Nico, and he just so happens to hear that you have another sibling. One he'd never met before.
His first instinct was to ask you about it, not knowing that she was dead.
"Hey babe, why didn't you tell me you had a sister? Is she as hot as you, or is she spooky like Nico?"
Then when he sees the tears welling up in your eyes, he instantly knows something's wrong.
He immediately shuts up, pulling you into a hug and letting you cry until you've calmed down enough to talk about it.
He asks if you wanna talk about it. If you say yes, he listens the entire time. He doesn't make a single joke. But if you say no, he gets that. He knows that you're probably still processing whatever it is that happened.
But gods, is he worried. He goes to anyone he thinks was there when you, Nico, and Bianca showed up at camp, trying to just figure it out so he can help you.
Luckily, he doesn't need to look long. Annabeth and Percy are always there at camp.
When he learns about it, he definitely feels bad for saying that without looking into it, first. You're a di Angelo, for Hades' sake, of course, you're bound to have some things hidden.
The next time he sees you, he wraps his arms around you, gives your forehead a kiss (if he's tall enough, I mean. If he's not, he kisses your neck.), and tells you it's not your fault. That there was nothing you could do.
At first, you're confused. Until it just hits you like a big yellow school bus.
He knows.
And he's staying by your side every step of the way until you've healed from it.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
(s1 finale… Ready for pain and blood? Let's do this. *grabs tissues*)
Season 1 episode 7 [The Thing Lay Still] - part 1/3
- Oof, opening with the Moonlight Sonata, how to put you right in the mood.
- Daniel side-eyeing Rashid/Armand…
- [Daniel] "Can an immortal meet mortality?" - weeeell, to paraphrase our favourite rockstar, "the sun or the fire might kill me, but then again, it might not".
- [Louis] "Decapitation. He confided that to me one blood-drunken night in Bâton Rouge." - and then Louis proceeded to never forget it. I want to know more about their nights of hunting and partying. There's like, 80 miles (is that roughly 100km? I'm French, I don't know miles) between NOLA and Bâton Rouge, even if they're vampires, that's still a little trip that could be special when they have all of New Orleans to hunt (an anniversary? A date? A special performance of Macbeth or Puccini? Someone needs to write a fic)…
- [Louis] "Add to the toxic air a new ever-present paranoia, and now, you are with us." - kinda wish I wasn't tbh. "The toxicity, in my city"… Ahem.
- [Louis] "Lestat de Lioncourt. 179 years in the Savage Garden. 148 years the blood-drinker, the bringer of death… the deer come up the trail." - ooof, first point, Lestat, or at least, Louis' version of Lestat in this recollection, oozes danger and predator. He looks, feels and moves dangerously. And acts unhinged. His words heavily accented. Go figure if he really was that scattered and angry at that time, or if Louis' anxiety, trauma and guilt color the scene that way.
Second point, another mention of the Savage Garden! Made by Louis this time, so one could imagine that Lestat told him about it, that they had a conversation or more about the subject during those 30 years together, given that the theme is a Lestat special.
- Ooooh, the unholy family moving and acting together as one, totally in synch! Say what you want about how toxic they are for each other, it can't be denied that they are a family that knows each other by heart.
- Hey, who turned off Moonlight Sonata? Now I'm left wondering if it was extra or intradiegetic music. A disk playing in NOLA in 1940 or in Dubai in 2022? Can't decide.
- [Lestat] "Enough! Two in one night. Dolls, Bibles, letters become torches and pitchforks. We have to leave this place. We have to leave New Orleans." - should have left 10 years ago when Grace decided to kill off Louis… I wanna say better late than never but given that people are actually openly seeking your house to ask for healing and whatnot… Y'all are in danger. And obviously it's Lestat so there's no leaving discreetly. Gotta make a show out of it.
- Looooove Daniel getting distracted by Armand's presence. Cannot wait for some more Devil's Minion.
- Hello social commentary, segregated tramway, another slight to Louis and Claudia. I love the layers.
- [Claudia] "'You share a coffin with him.' [Louis] 'I don't talk in my sleep.' [Claudia] 'You share a heart with him.' [Louis] 'I can cut it off!' [Claudia] 'No, Louis. You can't. You spend an hour with him and you're breathing in sync together.'"
Thank you for confirming that they've still got it bad for each other, Claudia. Love the way the heartbeat starts getting louder, love the way Lestat can feel Louis looking at him and immediately looks back.
[Claudia] "'He'll know. It'll only work if you give in. Give him all your heart and I'll do the rest.' [Louis] 'I can't do that. I'll lose myself in him.' [Claudia] 'Leave a little shelf inside there for me. I'll jump back in and pull you out before I kill him. Can you do that for us, Louis? Louis?' [Louis] 'Yeah, I can do it.'"
*screams* First the wink and Lestat obviously seeking Louis' attention. Then Claudia directly asking Louis to keep a part of his heart for her, all that she's ever wanted, to be put first. Then her overestimating her pull on Louis and underestimating the intensity of Lestat and Louis' relationship. And then Louis very clearly knowing he cannot resist his feelings for Lestat no matter what. And finally Louis outright lying to Claudia saying he can pull it through while already knowing it will destroy him, have you seen his face in the last shot before leaving the tram? He knows he can't but he'll still try and maybe do it, but he'll lose a part of himself, and he's already grieving for it.
Then again. That's 2022 Louis describing the scene and the conversation, with the hindsight of 80 years or more (I'm bad at maths) of knowing what he's lost and how he lost it and how much of himself he's lost. Maybe 1940 Louis wasn't thinking of that at all.
*screams a little bit more* Maybe if y'all learn to openly communicate, we wouldn't be currently plotting a murder. Maybe.
- [Louis] "'What about Greece? Cradle of Western civilisation.' [Lestat] 'Sun worshippers, hot springs…. Those Who Must Be Kept.' [Louis] 'What was that?' [Lestat] 'Nothing.'"
Yeah, absolutely nothing. Don't mind that. It's really not important. Not at all about to come back and bite you all in the neck.
Things that mean nothing for show-only and everything for book readers… *jumps around the room in excitement*
Do we think Marius is still in Greece in 1940? If Lestat still meets him around 1789-1790, it's been a century and a half, he's definitely moved them somewhere else.
Love how Lestat's face goes vacant and momentarily dreamy when he starts thinking about Akasha. You can tell she still lingers in his mind.
- [Claudia] "'Bach. Always back to Bach.' [Lestat] 'Bach is beyond you.' [Claudia] 'Yes, the music of the master race is… not made for these mongrel ears.' [Lestat] 'You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me.' [Claudia] 'I came to make peace with you, Uncle Les.' [Lestat] 'Mm. Sister, daughter, infant death, you must think me an idiot.' [Louis] 'Could you two please just…?' [Claudia] 'Musique française pour les mains françaises ?'"
Pleaaase I love them. Toxic mother-daughter relationship, it's like looking into a mirror. Love all of Claudia's punches. Bailey's French is really good. And love how Louis immediately moves in to turn the pages for them.
- Oooh, so the party idea is not Lestat's but part of Claudia's murder scheme? How delightful!! Like father like daughter I guess, how they resemble each other so much. And love how Lestat starts by being against it and then gets slowly seduced by the idea.
- Oh, goddamn fucking bloody Tom Anderson is still bloody fucking alive. Kill hiiiiiim, please kill him. Wonder why he hasn't led a mob to their doors yet, with how he literally has known them since 1910 and has a pic showing them still as they are. Too chicken, Tom? Or too New Orleans, rather not know and keep going as is? Oh, I see, tempted to make your own deal with the "Devil". Ha. Idiot.
- [Louis] "The weird brothers and their doll-like sister were coming out." - I just like this line. Tells about a whole story hidden behind the main story.
- "Let the flesh instruct the mind." - now that is one hell of a line.
- Lestat playing his bloody Marie-Antoinette fantasy is simultaneously so bad taste and so hilarious.
- Their outfits are GORGEOUS. And the white is making Louis' green eyes even greener.
- [Louis] "The blood was everywhere. The veins and arteries of a few hundred hearts ringing out like air sirens, drowning out the rhythm section of the hired band."
I love how Louis' narration is almost inaudible beneath the sounds of heartbeats.
- Lmao, Lestat has groupies everywhere he goes.
- [Louis] "A cascade of feelings came over me as I watched him sponge up the adoration. I wanted him dead. I wanted him all to myself. The fasting was a mistake. I wasn't thinking clearly. Something was off."
You never think clearly around Lestat, Lou babe. Case in point, the besotted face you were just making at him, that he was returning to you (where are Sam and Jacob's awards), and the fact that suddenly you can't even tell Claudia's mental voice from - oh, a wild Antoinette appears. Yeah, something is off.
- When can we get rid of Tom Anderson. Soon? "It's got to be one of those tricks that you and your fag pederast satanic trio got in your pocket." Ugh, he looks so proud of his dumb line. Please tell me we're draining him soon. Thank you Louis.
- Aaaah, a balcony scene, aaaaaah! Aaaah, the lightning of cigarettes, aaaaaaah! Aaaaah, Lestat being emotional and genuine, aaaaaah!
Time to sing Sam Reid's praises:
"I'm going to miss this place. There's not an inch of this city that wasn't built from the fierce wilderness that surrounds it. Hurricanes, floods, fevers. The damp climate on every painted sign, every stone facade. High windows, through which enamelled bits of civilisation glitter. Silhouettes emerging, wandering out to catch a silent flash of lightning. The silky warmth of summer rain. Desperately alive… and desperately fragile. The hunger has me too, it seems."
*pterodactyl screech*
It's the way his voice wavers with barely restrained emotion. It's the tears glittering in his eyes. It's the way he never stops looking at Louis. It's the way New Orleans was, is and continues to be a metaphor for him, for Louis and for their relationship, "I am she, she is me".
The way his voice breaks on "desperately alive", because at the end of it, that's what Lestat, little Wolfkiller, who refused Magnus' bite and was forced into the darkness, who rejected the idea of a coven, who gazed upon the Mother of all vampires, Lestat who is constantly struggling to run away from his pain, trauma and loneliness, that's what he is, desperate and alive and desperately alive. And so afraid to show his real self to Louis and be rejected for it that he immediately makes a joke out of his deeply genuine moment.
And the way Louis refuses to engage with this moment also says a lot about where Louis is at at this stage. Refusing to give in fully, rejecting the true emotions, running away from both Lestat's love (because that's what it's about) and his own love (the shame and the guilt and the fear)… Refusing to open up his heart and thus forcefully closing down any door that could be opened.
Imagine for a moment that Louis had answered Lestat's feelings in truth? What would it have changed, in what ways? Or would it not have changed anything, because neither he nor Lestat are in control of the narrative at that point and Claudia holds the power? And what would Louis responding in kind and giving in to Lestat's depth and his own emotions look like? It would be interesting to explore it…
ep1 | ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | part 2 | part 3
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crazilust · 2 months
manifestation, money, laws, fame
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just saw of video on youtube about how fame and trauma are often linked. meaning that you wanting fame might just be the results of your trauma. needing validation, needing to feel loved, seen, etc.
i think it’s important to keep in mind when trying to manifest, that it’s much more important to heal our wounds before even attempting to manifest.
manifestation is real. there’s a reason why there’s a saying that goes “be careful what you wish for”.
if you just manifest without much thought, half believing and you haven’t done the proper work to heal, you might just end up manifesting things that are not serving your higher good.
While you may still want fame after you’ve started your healing journey, you also might not.
I know for me, the more I heal, the less fame I actually desire. But some of my dreams are still very much intact which indicates to me that those are probably the true, authentic ones. The ones that match with my higher self and not my trauma.
It’s important to realize what we actually want in order to create the life we truly deserve. When we go through trauma, we might start to desire things that are quite unhealthy for our true self, but in the moment, we really crave it.
For me, for example, I really wanted fame when I was going thru it. I didn’t even want money as much as I wanted everyone to know I had succeeded.
Fast forward to now, I realize that my privacy is one of the most important things in my life. Also that I love running stupid errands, walking around, discovering neighborhoods and whatnot. Meaning that the level of fame I wanted to achieve a few years back, I would actually DESPISE right now.
That’s why you do the work, then you manifest.
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oluka · 1 year
Tony and transhumanism
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Tony Stark mentions in Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest (2023) #3.
Setting aside the “even HE knows what hands-off means”, it's interesting to me that when faced with a humanoid-machine blend, Carol's mind goes to Tony. She says that Tony was the original transhuman, and well, he maybe wasn't the first in the marvel universe, but he got his first synthetic heart in Iron Man #19 (back in 1969!), and transhumanism has been a part of his story arc for a long time. Some examples on the top of my mind (I know there are more, this is not an exhaustive list):
-When Tony had an implant in his mind to remotely control the armour while he was paralyzed in volume 1.
-His fight with the sentient armour in volume 3, and the end of it, when it gave him its heart (Iron Man vol.3 #30). And fully replaced Tony's heart with its own "mechanical bio-physiology". An artificial heart that was still implanting itself into Tony and fixing his broken ribs in issue 31 (body horror much??).
-Extremis, of course, which to me is the height of Tony's path to transhumanism. It's one of the two logical conclusions to his search to always perfect Iron Man and himself. Either make his body machine, or forgo the body entirely (looking at the three different Tony Stark AIs Tony has made). Extremis is especially good to me because of how he made himself the perfect blend of man and machine. Tony had until then always had recurring problems with his heart and other physical disabilities, and with Extremis he was finally past that "flaw". He was stronger, could heal, but more importantly, his mind was faster and better. I think he never came closer to erasing the line between Tony Stark and Iron Man than he did then. There was so much potential for this story beat, but Civil War and Dark Reign kind of ruined it. I really wish we could have had Extremis for longer, and really explore the classic "what makes one human" "man vs machine" and other transhumanist questions with Tony. Oh well. As an aside, it's interesting to me that Superior Iron Man decided to bring Extremis back. Clearly to him that was the next step of evolution, or in his words, what made him a god. If we push the analysis further, does this mean that regular Tony has developed an aversion to Extremis and what it entails? Maybe some left-over trauma from the Civil War and brain deletion?
-The repulsor node in Tony's chest after he was brought back. That controlled his brain. And also the bleeding edge armour that Tony casually put into his bone marrow. You know. Like one does.
-The fact that Tony apparently was experimenting on his biology and body and that that was the only reason Carol didn't kill him at the end of Civil War II. And then the fact that he managed to bring himself back to life and synthetize a new body.
-The Tony Stark AI that ran around during Secret Empire. Who made himself drunk, and also remembered Civil War somehow, and had all of Tony's character traits and regrets (see Secret Empire (2017) #6). I know it's probably an error on the writer's part, but I choose to believe that somehow this artificial version of Tony really remembers the Civil War. On top of AI Tony acting and thinking like the flesh and blood one, everyone around him really treated him like the "real" Tony. Hydra Steve even said that Tony downloaded his consciousness into the AI. Making it essentially Tony. I don't know where I'm going with this but I have Feelings about AI Tony.
-The whole mess of Tony Stark: Iron Man and Iron Man 2020 where Tony was wondering if he was just a soulless copy of the original dead Tony Stark (Which, weird that he now starts to worry about this after all his deaths and comas and whatnots), decided he was just an AI in an artificial body, and then with the help of his friends remade his body. Again. Also, he spoke with AI Tony for like five minutes and then AI Tony sacrificed himself. I am still mad about that.
Transhumanism is one of the most important beats in Tony's character, right alongside his quest to make the future better and his alcoholism. It's a facinating subject that I will never get enough of, especially not in relation to Tony, who for a very long time has dealt with physical disability, and whose mind and genius is maybe the one thing he can rely on and one of the rare things about himself that he is proud of.
Right now, Tony's just a regular man in a can again, but I really hope that we'll see more of his journey into transhumanism, because to me it's an essential part of his character. And done well, it's an excellent source for angst, too.
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francesderwent · 5 months
sometimes having sex with people you’re not in a loving, long-term relationship with isn’t good, but that’s absolutely not universally true. your perspective is valuable but not universal. saying that “the sexual revolution has been a pointless failure” is…. not right? it was about more than just having sex with random people; it was also about destigmatizing homosexuality and it was about accessibility to birth control (and the birth control is also more broadly about women’s health and having a knowledge of your own body, its capabilities, and how to address its problems). this isn’t trying to be anon hate or anything—i want to hear your opinions on the nuances of modern feminism. it’s just more complicated then the way you presented it
hi anon! you were really very respectful in your framing of this ask, which I greatly appreciate!!, so while there’s too much to fully get into I will say:
I simply disagree. I do not think there is any situation or circumstances in which having sex with someone who doesn’t love you is going to be good for you, psychologically. it’s not going to be worth it. hyper-sexuality is often a response to trauma, and not a healthy, healing response. it just makes whatever the pain is worse. this isn’t at all to imply any judgment against people who have had hookups or whatnot, it’s just to say that I do not think it is ever a good idea. and a society which goes on blithely encouraging it and pretending like that’s making people happy is not going to be a healthy society.
ask yourself this: how many people do you know in therapy because of a past sexual relationship? how many people do you know who are in therapy for something else, but are also having a lot of sex to try to numb the pain? this stuff really hurts people, and ignoring that because it goes against the party line isn’t doing them any favors.
I believe there are a few things in life that are serious enough that we ought to guide people’s dealings with them the way we put railings up around cliff sides on trails. the railing is universal. it applies in all cases, because falling off a cliff without a parachute is dangerous in all cases. sex is so vulnerable and so intimate. and so there oughta be a railing placed around it.
hopefully that helps to explain my viewpoint.
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