#heat exhaustion/dehydration
jediexile · 10 months
I’m such an iDiOt I got a salad a couple days ago (along with borger and fry) from a local restaurant as a treat, and also so I would actually eat something, and tonight I had the salad which I assumed would be fine, bc salad right? Except the dressing has garlic in it and now I feel like I’m both throwing up and shitting out my intestines
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whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
Summer Whump
Bug bites
Sports injuries
A summer cold
Pollen allergies
Light sensitivity
Heat exhaustion
Boating accident
Swimming accident
Fireworks accident
Lawn mower injuries
Picnic food poisoning
Fear of thunderstorms
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IMPORTANT- If you live in Britain in an area where hedgehogs are present, PLEASE leave a shallow bowl of water out for them. The excessive heat and drought is causing many of these fragile precious creatures to die of dehydration. 
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Burnt with a cigarette for tiny Daero?
Author's Notes: got a little carried away, turned the fella into an ashtray. :')
Content Warnings: demon whump, tiny whumpee, torture, burns, smoking, cigars, heat whump, cruelty, dehydration, exhaustion, multiple whumpers, demon whumpers
Thirst brought him to these lavish gardens after days of wandering in search of shelter. The trickling of a fountain was so enticing and his need so urgent that he didn't consider who might own the property. Desperate, he fell to his knees beside it
It turns out that the gardens are kept by the courtesans of five wealthy and powerful but brutish demons, who waste no time punishing the intruder.
Now the demons sit out on a patio, around a circular wooden table, gambling, arguing, and puffing on cigars. Daero lies sprawled on his stomach in the ashtray at the center of the table, the pewter cold against his newly shrunken body.
At this size everything is louder, brighter, more painful. Dehydration has left him too heavy-limbed and weary to budge. He has never felt so vulnerable.
The group erupts with laughter, startling him awake just as his eyes begin to shut. One of their hands raises above him, casting Daero in shadow. He taps the cigar and glowing embers sprinkle from the end of it. Daero flinches, but by the time they reach his shivery skin they are nothing more than warm ash.
Four more hands and four more cigars follow until the tiny demon is lightly coated in it. Unable to even lift his head, he inhales a mouthful of the foul gray powder. Violent coughs wrack his listless body until his lungs and parched throat burn.
Daero is so tired of burn and heat and dry. His skin and lips crack with it. His eyes are bloodshot. And his tail - oh, his tail...
More frightening than all the hurt he can feel is the one he can't. His tail is completely numb, a relief that morphs into sinking dread. What if it's scorched beyond repair or worse...gone entirely?
Yet he can't help but feel relieved, because not long ago it was in absolute agony. It was delicate enough at regular size; like this it was outright brittle. And then the demons coated it in kerosene, set it ablaze, used it to light their cigars and then the flame die out on its own until his poor tail was burnt to a crisp.
Unable to catch his breath, Daero becomes lightheaded. Time passes in blurs of sound and silence, bright daylight and darkness, as he fades in and out of consciousness.
He is awake when the sun starts to set the demons finish their game and stand from the chairs. One of the tall figures looms over Daero; he shields his face, expecting more falling ash.
Instead the demon half-extinguishes what remains of his cigar on Daero's bare back.
It's an instant, sizzling pain that drags him from his respite. His mouth falls open in a thin, crackling gasp, the most his raw throat can manage now. Tears prick at his eyes and make tracks through the ashes on his face.
One by one each demon does the same thing, leaving Daero's back a mess of overlapping burns. Smothered by smoke and pain, Daero fades quickly, while the ends of five cigars continue to smolder atop him long after he blacks out.
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Chambers s01e10: “Please.”
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bitegore · 1 year
incredible how much physically better i feel just by sitting in Warm House instead of House So Cold I Wear Three Pairs Of Pants And Six Shirts and Am Still Cold
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puppyexpressions · 11 months
Keep Your Dog Cool In the Summer
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As the weather gets warmer and the sun gets brighter, we look forward to spending more time outside, however, the potential for dehydration, heatstroke, and danger to our dogs increases.
Being prepared for the heat of summer and knowing how to handle symptoms of overheating in your pet is important. Understanding which signs to look for is crucial, especially as some dog breeds are more susceptible to overheating than others due to their physiology. Because of their flattened faces, breeds such as Pugs, Boxers,  Shih Tzus, and Bulldogs have a more difficult time breathing when overexerted. These pets, along with the elderly, overweight, and pets with health problems should be kept cool more often than not.
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What is Heatstroke?
Heatstroke occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature due to too much time in the heat: the body’s temperature rises rapidly and the body is unable to cool down. Signs of heatstroke include:
Excessive panting
Difficulty breathing
Increased heart and breathing rate
Glazed Eyes
Profuse salivation
Deep red or purple tongue
Weakness or lethargy
Lack of balance or collapsing
If your dog shows signs of being overheated, quickly move them into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Applying ice packs or cold towels to their head, neck, and chest or run cool (not cold) water over them will help them cool down fast. Allow them to drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. Take them directly to a veterinarian if you think they are experiencing heatstroke or show signs of excessive stress due to the heat.
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How Do I Keep My Pet Safe Outside?
Any time your pet is outside, it’s paramount to ensure that they have protection from the heat and direct sun, as well as having access to plenty of fresh, cold water. During times of excessive heat, adding ice to water can be helpful. Tarps and shade under trees are great sources of cooling because they don’t obstruct air flow but provide relief from direct sunlight.
When taking dogs out for a walk or to play, be aware of the surfaces they are walking on. On an 86-degree day, the asphalt can reach temperatures as high as 135 degrees! At 125 degrees, the pad of a dog’s paw can get burned in as little as 60 seconds.
A good rule to keep in mind is that when it comes to hot pavement: if it is too hot for your bare feet or the palm of your hand, it is too hot for their paws.
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Top Tricks For Keeping Your Dog Cool
Whip up a batch of quick and easy DIY frozen treats for your dog this summer. A delicious Pupsicle recipe can be found HERE.
Keep your pet from overheating with a cooling body wrap, vest, or mat. You can find these at local pet stores or online at retailers like If your dog enjoys water, provide a shallow child’s pool for a cool soaking.
Always provide your pet with plenty of fresh water, whether your pets are inside or out. Hydration is one of the most essential needs for pet health. The hotter the temperature outside, the more water they will drink.
Splashing around in small, shallow pools of water or hosing down the driveway and sidewalk can make a big difference and help to ensure your dog doesn’t burn his or her paws. Remember, dogs do not have the ability to sweat, making it much harder for them to cool off their bodies. However, the bottom of your dog’s paws and the spaces between their toes function to keep them cool, meaning keeping their paws cool helps keep them cool!
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antique-symbolism · 2 years
I accidentally scheduled myself to lifeguard for six days in a row. everybody please do your best rain dance so that the projected storms on Wednesday and Thursday may come to pass
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roguelibrarian · 2 years
certain people in the fandom: Maul never physically hurt Ezra!
me: First of all, irrelevant. Second, [gestures at Twin Suns].
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guayabaenjoyer3000 · 1 year
im in my not doing so hot era
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jedi-bird · 1 year
It is already very hot in the house. I have spent the last four hours (starting way before the sun came up) trying to get chores done and move things for final measurements, took the trash cans out, watered the yard, and now feel like shit. My partner is complaining that it's too cold in the house when it's already almost 80f/26.6c and I've got the fans still on their lowest settings. I currently in a very bad mood and it's slowly getting worse
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
How long do you think a mermaid can survive out of water? I'm thinking where they have absolutely no contact with water as well. Also what do you think the symptoms would be for that sort of thing? Thank you!
It depends on several factors such as their size (larger body lets them maintain oxygen levels for more extended periods than smaller fish), their species (amphibious fish and brackish water fish can survive much longer than freshwater), what kind of surface they land on (more absorbent surface means more moisture being sapped away and therefore shorter survival time), etc.
With those things in mind, an average fish may optimistically survive anywhere from a couple of hours or just ten minutes if they have no help or access to water. They would probably feel the effects of:
Dehydration: thirst, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, dry mouth/lips/eyes
Oxygen deprivation: restlessness, anxiety, headaches, confusion, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, bluish skin
And heat-related illness: [x]
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oflgtfol · 1 year
also worthy to note is that i didnt start getting auras until my 2017 migraine and ever since then i’ve gotten an aura every single time. of varying intensity of course but still there
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Author’s Notes: based on this post!
should I leave him like that?
Shae Taglist: @whumpsday
Content Warnings: tiny whumpee, almost drowned, washed ashore, dehydration, heat, sunburn, heat exhaustion, collapse, ambiguous ending
Last night’s storm leaves debris strewn across the beach. Even when the thunder and lightning pass, the sea thrashes and churns well into the first light of a cool morning.
Waves are still gently lapping at Shae’s feet when he snaps awake with a gasp. The faerie coughs up saltwater until there’s nothing left in him, and even then his body continues to shiver and dry heave despite how weak he is. He curls his arms around his cramping stomach. Unable to catch his breath, he passes out again quickly.
Shae can’t stay awake. Awake is a splitting headache and numb, heavy limbs. It’s a sore, raw throat and burning eyes. It’s an empty, aching belly. Awake hurts too much to stay there.
The chill in the air is quickly replaced by sweltering heat. The tide has receded and the damp sand is beginning to dry.
Shae lies on his side, breathing shallowly through cracked lips that sting with salt.
A piece of shell is digging hard into his hip. When it becomes unbearable he forces himself to roll onto his stomach, groaning from the effort.
His hip twinges as blood rushes to the newly formed bruise, but the new position is more comfortable. The faerie is much too exhausted to deny himself the pull of sleep when it comes.
Harsh midday sun bears down from a cloudless sky. It bakes the sand and everything on it, and Shae’s tattered, salt-crusted clothes offer little protection.
Maybe it’s the delirium setting in, or just self preservation, but Shae feels the sudden urge to move. He can’t bear the heat a moment longer, and though he can barely make out where the beach ends, it does end. Shae gets to his hands and knees and starts to crawl desperately towards hazy shapes in the distance without knowing what dangers they might bring.
Shae’s path draws a wobbly line across the beach from where he first washed up to where he finally wilts into the sand, unable to go on.
He shields his face from the light with his arm and tries to simply breathe. Indifferent to his suffering, the sun shines on.
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eeveearoace · 2 years
Saw your headcanon abut Marcy’s disability and got me thinking about her parents. Marcys dad basically instilled the “you cannot be a burden” mentality into her from a young age. I think he’d be like “it may not be your fault for having this, but it is your fault if you don’t try hard enough”. Meanwhile her step mother(my headcanon is that Marcy’s bio mom died in childbirth) insist she’s making too big a deal out of this, and basically just trying to hop her up on pain killers and calls it a day.
if i may borrow a line from my amphibia poetry collection
If she let the pressure hold her down, she wasn’t fighting hard enough. If she was strong enough to swim, she was being dramatic.
just the idea of "letting disability hold you back" being related to "being weak" or "not being/ trying hard enough" - ugh. yes, i understand that you shouldn't "let things hold you back" but sometimes you need to listen to your body/ mind and just accept that you can't do something, and that there's nothing "wrong" with that. mr wu stop with the ableism please
(side note, but i think i put myself through heat exhaustion the other day because there was an important event for my brother and i didn't want to leave early - but i ended up having to bail because my body was like "enby. you are actually putting your body in legit danger right now. leave" and my mom took notice and was like "kai you need to cool down and get some water" so. yeah. sometimes you literally can't just "tough it out")
"my headcanon is that marcy's bio mom died in childbirth" daaaang tharrb, are you a disney movie? because you love killing parents /hj
but, yeah, i could see a parental figure trying to go for the "easy solution" and not actually addressing the real issue.
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kkrazy256 · 2 years
goddd water is sooo good, *chugs three bottles of it*
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