#heck I may actually cry a little bit right now
direbeastrex · 11 months
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lluvllimoo · 5 months
Apart from you
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English isn’t my first language so there might be mistakes.
TW: bondage
Its angst first then tickles 🤭 (i die for angst something is definitely wrong with me.)
@itzsana-kiddingmenow 😉
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Skz was at the Makneas dorm watching the new Skz Code episode. Everyone seemed to be having fun except Hyunjin, who was zoned out. He was way too far gone. Until he felt someone shaking him back to reality.
"Hyunjin-ah, are you okay?"
"Oh yeah, I'm just tired."
"I think I'm going to go to my dorm and get some sleep."
Hyunjin got up to leave. He walked out of the door and started walking down the streets. The fresh hair really woke him up. It was cold, and there were gray clouds.
"It is probably going to rain soon."
"A little rain won't hurt anyone anyway."
Don't get him wrong. He actually loved the rain so much. I mean, how could anyone hate the rain? Every time it rained, he jumped in joy and wanted to go out, but he was quickly stopped by the leader, Bang Chan.
He was walking toward God knows what. He was just having a deep thought. He wasn't really thinking about where he was going or what he was doing. Now you may be asking, What is he thinking about?
While others were watching Skz Code, he was focused on one thing. Felix. Felix is the person he adores the most. He loves him, but because of some "stays" that started giving them death threats, the staff had to separate them for their safety. He appreciated that they were looking out for them, but he missed his little sunshine, where he could hug him on camera. And hugging was a pretty big deal for Hyunjin since he doesn't like skin ships. Felix was the only person he accepted to hug. I mean, how could he say no to that cute ball of sunshine? Well, he didn't have to say no now since he couldn't even talk to him on camera. It hurts him deeply to know this will likely last for a while. As he was walking, he watched old clips of them when everything was okay and they had so much fun together on set. He didn't even realize the tears that were coming. It was all too much for him. So he just cried and cried and cried. When he looked around, everything was blurry because of the tears in his eyes. With his blurry vision, he sat on a bench that was facing the Han River. If he hadn't found a place to sit in time, I think his legs would have given up on him. As he looked around again, he realized. When did he get here? It doesn't matter anyway. Soon, it started to rain. He couldn't care less; he put on his earphones, opened a sad song, and kept on crying. He missed his best friend. Why couldn't they understand that there isn't anything going on between them? Why?
"I want him back so badly."
He said it with a shaky voice. His nose was running because of the crying and the cold. But suddenly, his music stopped. He looked at his phone for the cause and saw Bang Chan calling him.
He looked at the time. 1:36 a.m., he wipped his tears in an instant and answered the call.
"Hyunjin, where the heck are you?"
"Sorry, I wanted to get some fresh air."
"At this time, and while it's raining?"
"You better come home right this instant."
"Okay, Hyung, I'm sorry."
He hung up the phone. He got up from the bench and started walking back. He tried not to cry again because he didn't want them to know that he had been crying for hours. He opened a happy song to get his mind off it. Soon, he arrived at the dorm. He slipped in the key and quietly opened the door, trying not to make any sound. But, to his luck, there was an angry leader on the other side waiting for him.
"Hyunjin, you're sooked.
"Come here."
Chan opened his arms to Hyunjin, waiting for a hug. Hyunjin hesitated a bit. Hyunjin thought he would be furious at him. How can he be mad at his children when he loves them deeply? He slowly hugged back.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yep, I haven't been this sure."
He assured him with a smile. 
"Well, you better take a shower if you get sick; I'll beat your ass."
Hyunjin giggled. His giggle was precious and so cute.
"Okay, okay, I'll take a shower now, and you should go to bed, Chan Hyung."
"Ill try."
"IlL tRY"
He mocked Bang Chan.
"Ya! I'll kill you."
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
Hyunjin walked towards the bathroom. At least he could keep crying there, right?
Hyunjin took a long shower. He thought about Felix a lot and cried while listening to the sound of water dropping. It made him relax more.
After what seemed like ages, he got out of the shower and dressed up in his pajamas. He should at least get some sleep. So he was going to bed, but not his; he was going to Bang Chans bed. As he entered, he saw Chan looking through his phone.
"Is something wrong?"
He didn't answer his question and went straight next to him and cuddled him. Well, that's a first.
"Are you sure you're good?"
Chan put his phone on the night table and cuddled Hyunjin back. With Hyunjin's warmth, he could fall asleep. That's also a first. It must be the magic of Hyunjin's hug. When they woke up, they looked at the time: 1:38 p.m. They had never slept that much. So they got up and went to the kitchen to see Han and Changbin talking.
"good morning."
"It's not even morning, idiot. You guys slept a lot."
"Then why didn't you wake us up?" Chan said.
"Well, how often do we get to see you sleep?"
"You guys were too cute." Changbin said as he waved his phone in front of them.
Changbin had taken a picture of them.
"That's not very nice." (ifykyk;)
"Just eat so we can go to the Makneas dorm," Han said.
They ate and started getting ready to meet the other members. When everyone was ready, they hopped into the car and started driving to the other dorm. Five minutes later, they had arrived at the dorm. They got off the car and went into the dorms. They had been greeted by none other than their little sunshine, Felix. Everyone was sitting in the living room talking about stuff. Suddenly, Hyunjin got up and went towards Lee Knows room. 
"Hyunjin-ah, where are you going?"
"Im tired; im going to sleep."
It was true that he was so tired, both emotionally and physically. After Hyunjin went to sleep, the others started to talk about him.
"Did you guys notice Hyunjin's behavior?" Jeongin pointed it out.
"He is acting weird these days," Lee Know said.
"Yesterday, he got back home at 2 a.m. He was sooking wet, and he looked very sad, and while he was showering, I heard him cry. I didn't want to talk about it since he looked like he didn't either."
Felix couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could he not know his own best friend was struggling? He felt angry that he couldn't be next to him while he cried. He wanted to be there with him. He felt so bad for him.
"Guys, I think I'm going to talk to Hyunjin a bit." Felix said. 
"Okay, tell us if something happens."
He got up and went to Hyunjin, who was sleeping. He looked closer to his face. There were tear marks on his flushed red cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Hyunjin."
"I'm sorry; I didn't know you were having a hard time. If I knew, I would have been there for you."
"I feel very bad."
Felix laid next to Hyunjin and hugged him from behind.
"It's okay, Felix." Hyunjin whispered.
"Hyunjin!" Felix jumped when he heard his voice. He thought he was sleeping.
"Look at me." Felix demanded.
Felix sat up and looked at Hyunjin, who was also getting up. When their eyes met, Felix saw for the first time that Hyunjin's eyes looked tired. 
"Oh, my sweet baby, I'm sorry."
"What happened?"
"Please tell me."
With that, Hyunjin couldn't stop his tears and started to cry about everything. But he refused to tell him what he was crying about.
"Hyunjin, please, what happened?"
"Okay, do you at least want a hug?"
"That would be good." He said it with a shakey voice.
As he hugged him, Felix's finger slipped to his sides and started to tickle him softly.
"Stohohpp ihim nohot in thehe mohohod."
He giggles to himself, and Felix won't stop.
"No, you've been sad for so long. It's time to cheer you up."
He tackled Hyunjin and sat on top of him. Hyunjin was giggling in anticipation.
"Awww, already giggling for me, cuteee."
Hyunjin got embarrassed, so he covered his face.
"Nah-ah, do you think you can hide from me?"
Felix pulled his hands from his face and tied his hands to the head board.
"So will you tell me whats wrong, or should I tickle it out of you?
"Felix, please don't do this."
"Wrong choice, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin."
As he said, he lifted his shirt and tickled his ribs at a fast pace.
Hyunjin tried to squirm away from the tingly feeling, but he couldn't escape anywhere. Felix got a feather and was circling around his navel. 
"NO." Hyunjin screamed. He knew what was about to come was going to be torture. 
Felix finally went in, and the scream Hyunjin produced. You could hear it from the other side of the country.
Hyunjin saw stars, and he thought this would be his end. That's how bad it was.
"So are you ready to let me know, or would you like me to continue?
"I can't tell you.
"All I can tell is..."
"It's about us."
"What's up with us?"
"Okay, Hyunjin, you're getting it."
Felix kneaded his armpits with one hand and tickled his navel with the other. And Hyunjin went ballistic; he was arching his back, which only made it worse; he was screaming; there were tears coming out of his eyes. The worst part was that he was immobilized. He screamed so much that he ran out of breath. Felix stopped to give him a break. He didn't want to kill him.
"So will you be telling me?" Felix wiggled his fingers towards Hyunjin.
Hyunjin started giggling like crazy.
"Didn't know you were air ticklish?"
Felix's fingers got dangerously close to his sides and belly, so he gave up; he knew it would only keep getting worse.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you."
"You know we can't stay close to each other on camera, right?
"It hurt me every time I looked at you. It wasn't fair to me. You could touch anyone except me; it hurt. It hurt so much. I can't stay away from you, Felix. He whimpered this time, and sad tears came out.
"Nothing is more important than you."
"We'll talk to JYP about it, and I'm sure he will gladly accept helping us out."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
"Now, will you stop crying, or should I help you out?"
"No, no, I'm done."
"Hmmmm, well, I'm not done with you yet."
"wait what?"
This was going to be a long day for Hyunjin. Let's all pray for him to make it out alive. And I assure you, the other members also joined Felix.
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 So i originally gave this idea to @itzsana-kiddingmenow her fics name was “closer to you” but back then i didn’t write fics but since i now do i decided to write my own version.
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whattraintracks · 5 months
Hello! I'm passing by with an opportunity to ramble if you'd like! :D I know you like Raph - what about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)? Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most?
Yes, I would actually like to do that. Thank you much!! I've been wanting to post and write more now that classes are done, and this was a helpful kick-start. A little too helpful, some might say. Very long post ahead.
What about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)?
Honestly, liking Raph took me by complete surprise. Growing up on 12 and getting back into my TMNT fixation with Rise, Leo and Donnie were my favorite turtles by far. But then I decided to watch as much as I could in chronological order. 87 Raphael was not at all what I expected, and I immediately loved him. He's hilarious and exudes the kind of sarcasm I can only aspire to. And as I began watching and rewatching shows and movies, I realised a lot of them have this dry wit that appeals to my sense of humor.
Raphs also go through so much crap internally and externally, and I'm a sucker for angst. Plus, it's so important to me that no matter how much they struggle, no one gets and loves them so well as their family. Maybe a weird example, but I love Mr. Nice Guy (1987), in which Donatello's Personality Alterator gets turned on him accidentally, and the other three freak out and send him to therapy. Like it's a silly situation, but the fact that they clock something's really wrong in the way he's not acting like himself and get him help is heartwarming.
Had a good laugh earlier this week at the realisation that most Raphs are particularly sweet on kids, old blind folks, and animals. Followed a couple of days later by the thought, duh, these populations are particularly vulnerable to abuse and harm, so of course, a Raph is going to be protective of them.
Also, sai are so cool, what the heck. Can't believe I was obsessing over katana as a kid when sai are right there. With my limited understanding, they may not always be shown correctly in TMNT? But they're truly very neat weapons, and sai kata are cool to watch.
Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? 
Gotta love the classic
87 Donatello: Oh well, you know women. 87 Raphael: No, we don't!
Raphael Meets His Match (1987) is perfect. No notes.
90s Raph and Casey's first fight ("Cricket! Nobody understands cricket. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket"), then he goes home and curls up with Splinter to cry about getting his butt kicked by Some Dude. He's quite the daddy's boy in the 90s.
Raph's voice is unfairly gorgeous in Coming Out of Their Shells. I straight up clutched my heart the first time I heard it
Mikey: Tell 'em Raph! Raph: It isn't burgers or french fries that work for turtles of our size
I love this silly line entirely because of his voice and delivery. He's also fun to watch on stage. One of my favorite bits is this backward skip he does when he sings, "And moving backwards is a crying shame!"
The one where Venus gets her name
TNM Leo: Hey, Venus! Uh, what's with the statue head? TNM Raph: Hahaha! She won it in the park, slaying bad guys.
After the TNM gang saves a baby turtle from a poacher, Raph gets on the floor to be at eye level with her
Raph: You know what, you're kinda cute for such an ugly little thing. I'm you're Uncle Raph~ You wanna go for a ride in my hog? Ayo, Donnie! Can you make her a teeny tiny helmet?
And then Donnie teases him while everyone stares, so he gets offended (read: embarrassed), and Leo teases him harder, and he gets even more offended.
Just thinking about the beginning of Meet Casey Jones (2003) makes me tear up.
The almost as funny successor
12 Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen 12 Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen? 
As a fellow biggest sibling, Rise Raph in Pizza Puffs is such a mood. Also love the scene where he eats his phone in Mystic Library.
Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most? 
87 Raphael and Donatello's dynamic is very important to me. In my heart, they're twins. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where they pair off or take the same side of a team argument: Splinter Vanishes, The Big Blow Out, Back to the Egg, Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter, Combat Land, Cry H.A.V.O.C.!, etc. I also love this line from My Brother, the Bad Guy
Raphael: Okay, this is the point at which we get squashed like bugs, or! turn to Donatello for help. R+M+L: DONATELLO! 
Coming Out of Their Shells Sunset Duo are the besties everrrrr. Mikey raps a whole verse in Cowabunga about how Raph is his best friend and they wrote all of the music together and that is like the most epic thing ever and I love their energy and how they play off each other on stage and they love each so much I can't– 
TNM Raph and Venus!! The siblings ever, truly. So much sass. They are both overprotective of each other. They're literally the best.
03 Sunset Duo will never not be funny. Raph can be tricked into verbally affirming he loves Mikey when he thinks one or both of them are about to die. Raph is also incredibly distraught about Mikey possibly and then actually winning the Battle Nexus Tournament. Peak comedy and siblinghood.
07 Raph and Leo quite possibly make me feral. "Is he kiddin'? He's lecturing." I still can not believe he didn't know Raph was Nightwatcher. For so many reasons, but especially because some of his initial comments in that fight are pointed. I always wonder if, on some unconscious level, he did know. And then Raph goes through a battery of emotions with the katana breaking and pinning Leo and then running and all the screaming, gosh. Leo, too. They're so similar it hurts.
I also love 12 Sunset Duo, but I think I love the A-Team a little more. Honestly, their interactions remind me so much of my siblings and I. Pushing each other's buttons so hard, then taking over the world together. Actively trying to kill each other, but minutes later, they're professing their undying love. So much ganging up on their little siblings. Leo gets adorably excited with him sometimes ("Look, Raph, mouser-kebabs!"), and Raph is frequently going, how are we related??? ("Halt? Villain?? When did we start talking like that?!" and "Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes"). Favs.
Thanks for asking, and I hope everyone who made it here enjoyed the ride!
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Lost and Found (Super)Stars
PT. 4 (index/parts) (Tag: desktop/mobile)
FNAF Security Breach Ruin, post-"betrayal" elevator ending hurt/comfort, Found Family, something I like to call "Hopeful Horror"
Summary: Having had her kindness stomped on then spat back at her, betrayed by who she thought was her friend, and now stuck at the ruined remains of Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex, Cassie tries to find the slightest bit of meaning and worth in all of this.
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Most of the way back through the cavernous path was silent. Cassie didn't want to linger long enough to wonder how deep underground they were, for there to be things like actual glowing mushrooms, it's just unnerving to think about; and Roxy was anxious to return back to their PizzaPlex place (as ruined as it is now,) feeling as if the cave-like area was going to collapse on them any moment; And they're out of the V.A.N.N.I network coverage zone, meaning Helpi and M.X.E.S as well as the AR world are unavailable until they make it back into the coverage zone.
Yeah, nobody wanted to stick down there longer than necessary.
Seeing the elevator that would take them back up to the PizzaPlex should've been at least mildly relieving, but Cassie felt her chest tighten with dread, especially when thinking on what happened with her on the other elevator. It's almost ironic, how she bickered with Helpi in refusal to use more vents, only to change her mind when he suggested an elevator shaft. Right now, she'd rather take the most decrepit vent filled with the most hostile robot than an elevator. But alas, that was the only way up, so there wasn't really much of a choice. Cassie entered it with Roxy, hoping with all her soul that nothing bad would happen to either of them in there.
The ride up was also silent, but Roxy was very attentive; Every now and then, either one or both her ears would twitch, hearing Cassie's slightly shaky breath, or her soles antsy shifting her weight from one to another, besides the off-sync, lower-pitched elevator music (it sounded so wrong...) She would've asked Cassie if she was okay, if only to cut through the silent elevator ride, but honestly? That's such a dumb question.
Of course Cassie is NOT okay! She's been evading death all night, for someone else, who wasn't even there... and chose not to be there for her when he could be. And she nearly did die down there! Cassie's probably not even fully processed everything.
Roxy keeps herself from growling, if only for the girl's sake as to not concern her. She does, however, gently reach her claws to take hold of the child's much smaller hand into them, a small but nice bit of reassurance, while also respecting possible boundaries of a kid who might be in need of a little space right now. She felt a little, nice flutter in her wirings upon sensing the small hand return the hold, with little to no hesitation.
Her ruined and sharp looks really meant nothing different for Cassie. She was the same beautiful winner she's always been. If Roxy had tear ducts, she'd cry to herself right now.
Fortunately, the elevator ride is not eternal (even if it may have felt like so,) and both are let out back into the more constructed environment. Technically still under Roxy Party Garage, so they make way again. The way up is quite dark, Cassie felt the need to hold Roxy's hand in more of a guiding manner as their feet met the metallic grid surface of the stairs. "Watch your step." She softly instructs the eyeless wolf-- heck, she had to watch her own step, even with the flashlight in her other hand. And Roxy followed suit diligently.
Soon they make it to the end of the staircase and through the door that led them straight to where Cassie had... deactivated Roxy. She pointedly looked away from the spot, the shame that washed over her made her feel almost sick in the stomach. Roxy avoided looking too, it just made her feel sad, for the both of them; while missing her eyes, her hearing was so acute and precise, it was almost as if she was 'seeing' with her ears instead, along a sense of location. At least Helpi and M.X.E.S were back, now that they were within the network coverage zone again.
"Helpi, what's the nearest parent node again?" Cassie asks, feeling as if the little bear was clung to her shoulder over her backpack like a koala, the sensation similar to when she felt M.X.E.S touching her mask. Of course she knows the nodes, she unwisely deactivated them (regrettably,) but there were instances she wasn't sure in which order she did; Even in ruins, the PizzaPlex was huge!
"From our current location, backtracking will lead you into Fazerblast!" Helpi reminded.
Cassie felt her chest constrict; the first thing that came to her mind upon hearing Helpi's answer was the horror of the heavy steps of an once lovable bear beating into her ears as it bolted for her the last time she was there, always on her heels and one second of hesitation away from being grabbed.
"Do not fret!" Helpi is quick to reassure. "Since you're no longer going against the security protocols but rather in their favor, it's unlikely that any distress signals will be emitted to point you as a threat."
Wait, Helpi had a point; the animatronics were going after her because M.X.E.S was calling them over to her in order to protect the security nodes. But now the security bunny had no reason to do that. Sliding her mask back over her face, Cassie looks over to M.X.E.S as if looking for some kind of confirmation to what Helpi said. It refuses to look directly at her, but with an eventual glance her way, it nods its head lightly.
"But I don't recommend dropping your guard completely, either." Helpi quickly adds before Cassie could get 'too comfortable', his mouth a flat line. "If the animatronics see or hear you, they might still come at you independently!"
Oh. Yeah. That does sound rather risky. But so long Cassie hides herself and be quiet, she should be able to sneak past lingering threats. Being a child and small comes with a tiny little advantage point there.
But would that even matter for an animatronic with no eyes or ears but still patrolled? Was that headless Freddy pointedly after her with M.X.E.S' help? Or would it (he?) be clueless without it? Cassie can't imagine how he's functioning without a head. Or what it's like to function without a head. Is that even Freddy? Does it have any semblance or essence of him in there? Or was it all gone along with his head?
The small quartet squeeze through the cluttered Roxy Party Garage, though they do pause at several points to see if there was anything around them that could become useful ahead-- there's a lot of clutter, it's worth skimming over just to make sure. And if there was anything worth collecting, into Cassie's new backpack it'll go! Maybe a little screwdriver won't hurt!
Roxy weaved her feet over some old pieces of wood, likely from pallets. "... I remember something."
"What?" Cassie looked back from where she was pointing her flashlight at.
Roxy's ears stand upright. "People used to lose and forget those duffel bags in the PizzaPlex all the time. Rarely if ever the owners claimed them back, or claimed only what was inside."
Cassie blinks at the wolf, lightly tilting her head sideways. "You think there could still be any of them around here?"
"I certainly wouldn't be surprised." Roxy hums, holographic gaze landing on the Glamrock Freddy backpack; it's nice and convenient, but if they're going around nitpicking stuff on the way, it might become too small.
"Well, I don't see any around here right now." Cassie hums in response herself, pointing her flashlight over the more immediate area. "But if we find any somewhere ahead-"
"Then it's finders keepers, baby!" Roxy finishes the sentence in mild amusement, which Cassie reciprocates, a small upwards tug at the corners of her lips.
"Finders keepers."
They eventually come across a familiar vent and some blocked off pathways, and Cassie lifts her mask off her face, suddenly feeling rather claustrophobic at the thought of crawling in there again knowing now what's in there. And Roxy's too heavy to go in there with her and her weight might make the whole thing fall down.
And Roxy's aware of that. "I can take an alternative path and meet you on the other side, Cassie."
"Uh, are you sure I can't just go with you?" Cassie asks a little uneasily, remembering the creepy crawly that chased her in those. Roxy shakes her head.
"The vent is far safer for you to use."
"Remember what I said, Cassie? You're stronger than you seem to believe yourself to be. We won't be apart for long, and I'll still be nearby so just hang in there, okay Champion?"
Cassie is a little taken aback by the new term of endearment; she felt her throat tighten but not in a necessarily bad way. It was just a bit too big of an emotion right now.
"Do not be afraid!" Cassie hears Helpi chiming in by her shoulder. "The Music Men shouldn't bother you this time, either! If they get in your way you can try... asking them to please move?" He suggests, though it's clear he doesn't sound very sure of his own advice. But definitely sure of his claim of them being harmless or at least neutral.
Cassie's eyes drift over to Roxy's endoskeleton eyesockets. "... you promise you will be there on the other side?"
Roxy shifts into a more confident stance. "Like 1st place at the finish line! I promise, Champion."
The girl eventually nods, and turns to face the vent, crouching down to enter; though she pauses to look back over her shoulder to see Roxy prying planks and slashing at a blocked off door, likely the alternative path she was going to take. Cassie kept her mask off her face (the vents feel even more claustrophobic with it on,) before she finally went on crawling in.
Okay, she knows this vent has nothing in it, but the next one...
The little girl however gets a small reprieve first upon crawling out the other side of the vent, in the form of a small room with colorful lockers, likely part of a hallway or utility room between attractions. There was a door, but it was jammed and barricaded shut. The other vent was right there, but it was rather up high on the wall. Cassie's brows furrow slightly.
"I need something to reach it..." She mutters out loud as her eyes evaluate the many lockers in the small room. One was more or less favorably placed, if she pushed it she could send it back against the wall. She begins trying to push at the locker to shove it back, but it was a tad too heavy for the child; she could feel it move slightly under her efforts though. She changes her strategy a little by first shoving into the locker as hard as she could, then while it's rocking a little at its base, she took a few steps back then ran towards it, ramming her shoulder into it with enough effort that the locker finally topples back with a small grunt leaving her, the locker's top hitting the wall right under the vent.
Cassie is left wincing, her shoulder now with a dull pain from hitting it into a hard surface, but now she could proceed! "Yes! I did it!" She just spends a few moments taking a couple breaths while rubbing at her eyes, then she climbs up the knocked locker until she reaches the vent finally, crawling once more.
Okay, so far so good... The vent is a smooth ride. She was very faintly starting to hear the Fazerblast music meaning she had crawled a good way in... Then it showed up.
Right as she was supposed to take the last turn, the creepy crawly Cassie dreaded meeting again dropped from above, blocking her path, its teeth clattering and its head and arms twitching. The girl stops in her tracks, forgetting how to breathe. While it doesn't break into a run towards her like it did their previous encounter, it stared at her unblinkingly. Cassie felt herself between a rock and a hard place, the only pathway she had was ahead, or retreat all the way back, which at this point was just a hassle.
"Don't be scared!" Helpi's voice pipes up, trying to calm her nerves. "Try going on anyways, it shouldn't be compelled to hurt you anymore."
Cassie hesitates; there's been times Helpi guaranteed she was safe only for circumstances to refute it, but that was when that thing down in the basement had a hold of him... Surely he wouldn't egg her into walking into danger with the promise of safety as himself... right? He did seem to feel bad he was tampered with, after all.
Swallowing dry, she makes a tentative crawl towards the miniature Music Man. "S... sorry. Can you... can you move, please? I- I need to pass." She follows Helpi's earlier suggestion, counting on nothing but luck for it to work. The small spider-like robot just continued staring at her for a hot minute, but to her pleasant surprise, it complies!
It skitters backwards towards a dead-end with a vent fan, unblocking the way for Cassie, who just then lets out the breath she was holding, relief draping over her like a thin but smooth blanket. "Uh, thank you."
Being tucked under a blanket with only a dozen pillows and plushies sounded just about great right now, actually...
"See? I told you so!" Helpi states proudly, as if he himself hadn't been somewhat uncertain of his own claim. "All you had to do was ask!"
"That you did." Cassie responds as she crawls past the small Music Man, then her brows furrow a little. "But... didn't you also say that I shouldn't let animatronics see or hear me?"
"Ah, well-" Helpi lets out a sound akin to a throat-clearing. "You see, it's a bit of a toss up."
"Oh no..."
"Hey, don't despair! If you prefer you can choose to err on the side of caution. Remember that you're not alone this time!"
Well, that was a bit of a nice reminder, though it doesn't really solve the fact that she was basically gambling with potentially still aggressive animatronics.
Cassie soon finds herself coming out of the vent, finally, and into a small backstage-like room for Fazerblast, cluttered and still with a few pieces of the former attraction. The only way through was the door that would take her straight into Fazerblast itself. She can't help but feel nervous, knowing what (who?) is lingering around there. Okay, okay, she just has to reach the parent node then its two child nodes without running into them. It's just two child nodes, she can do this! She already did once, only in reverse.
Swallowing thick, Cassie, grabbed the door handle and opened the door, letting herself into the ruined Fazerblast.
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To Be Continued...
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hanablooms · 2 years
*Spy X Family Theory/Speculation about Anya's Unique and Adorable Hair Accessories*
(May contain *Spoilers* from anime/manga, proceed at your will)
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Waki waku theory incoming, so let's dig in! I have always wondered about Anya's unique yet adorable horn like hair accessories before... Like WHAT IF? Those very hair accessories were given to her by someone? Someone close to her back at the lab? We saw in her flashbacks in both anime/manga that she didn't wear those back at the lab and it is a low possibility that it was given to her by the scientists to 'hide' her telepathy secret because THEY DIDN'T ALLOW HER TO GO IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN THE FIRST PLACE IMO AS SEEN SO FAR SO WHY WOULD 'THEY' GIVE HER THOSE?? And she was little so she couldn't buy those herself since she has little knowledge and given she was buying a poster with just a coin in episode 1(again, they didn't let her out either). And we know she escaped the facility later on but did she escape a well maintained and guarded facility full of scientists that had eyes on her by herself? Just like that? What if it was her og 'parents' that helped her escape as their last goodbye? Or someone else who was close enough to help her escape? And then gave her those accessories telling her to ALWAYS keep them on NO MATTER WHAT (note that she's never taken them off ever since she left the lab, as of now) and keep her secret from the world bidding goodbyes. There are lots of possibilities since her past right now is completely shrouded in mystery and she doesn't react to anything in her daily life showing any sign of trauma or flashbacks except from ones seen in episode 1, I can be wrong nevertheless. And if that same person was who gave her 'Chimera' too? I don't suppose she'd love to keep close smth she had from back then if it brought unpleasant memories, pain or those scientists deeds... Unless? She has good memories and those are a symbol of love/care of someone, maybe her og parents?! Or what if her accessories and chimera are given to her by 'someone else' and not her parents? Cuz her og parents are dead? I fear this sm tbh. Cuz if her og parents still exist then the existence of the forger family becoming a real and mutual 'family' at the end would be difficult so they're gone from this world, I assume. Hence, anya's reaction when she cried saying 'mama' during the admissions interview episode. Either she was so close to her og 'mama' that she had memories she clung to and when that got brought up, couldn't help but cry OR she cried because she's NEVER actually experienced having her mother/doesn't remember even a bit resulting in her crying thinking she didn't have one 'mama'? Either way it's really painful to bear for a little one like her, heck even I still am super close to my mom!😭
Anyway that's my little theory for now, will write about my theory about Anya's parents next! Stay connected! Peace✌🏻! Uchuu~~✨
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kanerallels · 2 years
Okay, I'm vibing at home procrastinating from writing so now's as good a time as any for this post that I owe @starbirdrising!
Behold: My Top Ten Fantasy Books/Series For When You Need Something With Magic And Kingdoms And Good Vs. Evil With Good Winning And Fun Adventures And Probably Dragons So Basically You Want To Read Narnia But Something New Would Be Fun:
"Valiant", by Sarah McGuire. I will recommend this book for as long as it takes the larger part of my followers to read it. It's a fantasy fairy tale retelling of "The Valiant Little Tailor", which is in the gray area between well known and "wait that's a real fairy tale??" where The Seven Swans and King Thrushbeard resides. The general plot is this girl moving to a new city with her dad, but due to unforseen circumstances she has to pretend to be a tailor to make a living. And then giants show up. And she accidentally gets involved. There is a bit of romance, but it's really, really good. Also the writing style is IMMACULATE and there's adoption. (this is one of the only single books on the list, the rest are series)
"The Dragon With A Chocolate Heart", by Stephanie Burgis. First of all, I should have asked for this for my birthday. Second of all, this is about a dragon who gets turned into a human. By a food mage. Have you heard of a food mage before? No, you haven't, but they're amazing. Especially when it comes to chocolate. So, said dragon sets off to seek her fortune as a chocolatier! Super fun platonic relationships, and there are DRAGONS
"The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In A Ship Of Her Own Making", by Catherynne M. Valente. How can you turn away from an incredibly cool name like that?? This is your classic portal fantasy-- girl travels by leapord to Fairyland, gets up to trouble with a Wyverary, and has to face off with an evil Marquess! Also it's a series, and the prose is freaking STUNNING. I reread the last one recently, and there was crying
"The Green Ember", by S.D. Smith. My sister just called this series "this generation's Narnia" and WOW is she right. The journey of two young rabbits as they discover their heritage and the war to save their world-- it's beautiful!! And also really funny
"Magic Marks The Spot", by Caroline Carlson. This one has PIRATES. It's about a navy admiral's rebellious daughter, who takes off to become a pirate instead of going to finishing school. It's funny and delightful and just such a good read!
"Breadcrumbs," by Anne Ursu. This rec is accompanied with a story, because I said so. So, when I used to actually have time and go to the library every week, I would always see this book. EVERY. TIME. It was weird. I ignored it for the longest time-- until finally one day I decided "may as well give it a shot" and brought it home with me. And HOLY HECK was it good. A retelling of The Snow Queen, this book is about friendship. And growing up. And it made me cry. And I love it.
"Storybound", by Marissa Burt. This one is a duology, and they're both amazing! The first one tells the story of Una, a girl who winds up in the world where stories come from. The sequel continues her adventures, and also introduces a character who I love so so much. He's so funny and carefree. Until he's not in which case holy SPADES IS HE COOL. Also I'm suddenly realizing this book may have inspired more of my WIP than I thought. I digress
"The Search For WondLa", by Tony DiTerlizzi. This is actually not fantasy. It is, in fact, sci-fi! It's about a girl who lives in an underground home with her robot caretaker. When their home is attacked, the girl escapes to discover that the Earth she thinks she was raised on isn't Earth after all-- it's another world entirely. It's got AMAZING found family, super cool world building, and it's just so fun!!
"Tuesdays At The Castle", by Jessica Day George. Okay it's been a while, so I don't remember the exact premise of this one. But as I recall, it's about a royal family who lives in a magical castle that can shift rooms and grow new parts as well! When the royal siblings' are under threat from foreign enemies, they have to work with the castle to protect each other. Super wholesome family vibes, and the series is really fun in general!
"Wizard For Hire", by Obert Skye. I could not tell you if or if not this is fantasy. But I can tell you that it's set in modern day, and it's about a boy who lived on his own from a young age after his parents disappeared. And one day, he finds an ad in the paper for a wizard, and hires him to find his parents. Shenanigans ensue (as well as really funny catchphrases and a lot of breakfast food. No one is surprised that I love this trilogy)
Well, that's all the room I have for now! This post was super fun to make-- I might make another bizarrely specific one like it someday! For now, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy some of these book recs
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taigaoftundrablog · 1 year
blog 2 (school edition!)
this week has been about what you'd expect from the first week of school: basic stuff, introduction of classes, etc...
it's nothing too special, but i'm pretty excited for it anyways as who the heck knows what high school has in store, probably way too much heckin work but ima try to manage
few things i wanna get out the way
i am taking questions from replies (not from the ask me anything thing) and i'll feature hopefully all of them in the beginning of the blog, basically where this part is right now
i also have settled that i'll be posting this on mondays as it's most convenient for me
this week i fell in love........with pikmin
i noticed a pikmin 4 branded kitchen towel on the my nintendo store in america but i kinda haven't been able to get it as I'M NOT IN AMERICA
it's the best thing ever like look at this i gotta get my hands on it
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the journey i've gone through so far to try and get it is: emailed finnish nintendo support > redirected to uk nintendo support > automated bot messages > went back to finnish support > redirected to german nintendo support
i haven't been able to hear from the german support but my hopes are high that today i'll get some sign of hope from them of me actually being able to get it
guys if i don't get this towel i'll actually cry i wish i was kidding
taiga's amount of time to do things
okay so back to more normal topics, i have realised i have a massive lack of time (sometimes motivation) to work on projects, although i've found a little thing which i've found interesting but actually starting work on it may take a while as i have lots of things piled up
also my lack of time is purely due to my schedule (8am-2pm/4pm school, 4pm-7pm look after kids) and usually at the end of the day i feel a bit demotivated to work on things
some days i also don't get enough sleep (today) so i feel very sleep deprived and overworked and honestly it also really doesn't help with motivation either
i don't think i've done anything gaming-wise either, just been a bit of a quiet week for me, most of it spent on talking to friends
taiga's laptop from school
school started, i got laptop, i can do a few things with it but it'll obviously be for schoolwork like 95% of the time, since i don't really feel like i should be using it for things i'm not meant to use it for, although i'm really sad my drawing tablet doesn't work with it
closing thoughts
so this week has been pretty okay-ish i think, nothing has happened really but i feel like it's been alright anyway as i've at least done a few things
maybe next week will be better? who knows
find out next time in blog number three
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charlezarrd · 2 years
video games, 8, 12, 19!
8: A series you haven’t played but are interested in trying
A SERIES, you say?
Hmm… Well, I want to play Metal Gear, but I’m always a bit turned off by the memishness, high production values, and resulting high price points.
I’ve always wanted to play Guilty Gear since I’m a fan of BlazBlue, but I’ve got zero idea where to start to get an idea of the plot.
I also have the first Little Nightmares and the first two Dangan Ronpa games, but I have yet to play either of those. For different reasons.
I think thats it for series specifically, but i have a bunch of singular games that I have, that I need to get to playing.
12: A character you particularly like in the game you’re currently playing
I had to ask myself “What the heck am I currently playing” because right now I haven’t actually played much on account of alternating between being tired and doing schoolwork or life things, so I’ll go with things I’m technically in the middle of, which there are a few:
Robert from The Inner World. A point and click protagonist whose primary characteristic is naivety, it’s kind of refreshing. He’s a very sweet guy.
Aaaand also V. from Devil May Cry 5, Because of spoilery reasons, and also because he’s a piece of shit edgelord who has the fashion sense of a mosh pit, and PROBABLY smells like one too. What an absolute mess of a human. God I love him.
19: A game you started up for the first time and you knew from the start it was going to be great
This is tough. Because generally, I go into a game with some reservations, unless it’s an indie sequel like The Inner World 2, or Lethal League: Blaze.
But i think, in recent memory, Darkness Under My Bed fits the bill here. The trailer, Game For Anna, is absolutely terrifying, and I love everything Desert Fox makes, and I was extremely excited to see them explore a new art direction away from Bad Dream.
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technetiumai · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 People
Thank you for tagging me @raenestee and @cutestkilla! These are so much fun! I love learning more about you guys!
Oh, I’m supposed to tag 15 people? 😬 Do I even know 15 people?
1. Are you named after anyone?
My legal first name was my father’s grandmother’s name, but the only people who have ever called me that were people reading it off of official paperwork. My mom liked that my initials could also be a name and decided, before I was born, to call me that.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I seriously cry so much. I probably cried a little bit like half an hour ago because of a song I was listening to or something. But I guess that was like, I’m at work and I’m holding it together crying, not full on crying… I’m like 90% sure I was fully crying because of either a vlogbrothers video, a Rush song reaction video, a Glass Onion or Knives Out reaction video, or maybe a Dimension 20 clip either yesterday or the day before…
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, twin eight-year-olds. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hmmmm. I think so? It used to be one of my defining characteristics, but I don’t really know if it is anymore. I definitely use snark fairly constantly. The sass flows freely.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How the heck would I know? I don’t keep track... I’m sure it can’t always be the same thing, but I have no idea. Everything and nothing.
6. What’s your eye color?
Green. A it’s a true green in the center part and the outline of the iris, then most of it is like a turquoise with gold flecks in it that looks green when you zoom out. Not that anyone but me has ever looked close enough to notice 😂. That may be what all green eyes look like, I don’t know.
7. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings, I guess. I usually find scary movies mostly boring. Not that I don’t ever get scared or anything, it’s just… just being scared isn’t very entertaining for me I guess. Also scary movies tend to very quickly break suspension of disbelief so usually it’s hard to a stay in a brain space that’s really open to being scared. I think there’s just something I don’t get about the genre, and maybe a campiness that’s not really my thing. The Ring is the only “scary movie” that jumps to mind where I was like in it. I know there has to be more though, my brain is just empty. What was the question? Oh, I mean… happy ending still has to a have a good journey though, right? And I’m not opposed to tragedy. I guess my point is that I don’t like either for either’s sake, but if it’s a good movie, it’s a good movie. 
8. Any special talents?
Define special—Ummmm… No, I’m gonna go with no. I have no idea. Throwing themed parties? Maybe? 
9. Where were you born?
Des Moines, Iowa. I read an article once that ranked Des Moines as the #1 metro area in the US to live in, in terms of something, but I can’t remember what... I think that pretty much sums it up.
10. What are your hobbies?
Craft stuff. None of it is actually interesting to talk about. 
11. Do you have any pets?
We have an ancient, calico Manx cat; she’s roughly 130 years old in cat years (factoring in the comparatively short lifespan of her breed). We have a four year old black cat, who a former coworker found abandoned by his (the cat’s, not the coworker’s) mom in the garage of a Masonic lodge soon after he was born. So we’ve had him since he was the size of a like a peach or something,  and now he weighs like 15 pounds. We also have two sweet little Guinea pig ladies, who are six years old and were already four when we adopted them. They’re so cute 😖🤗. I’m getting some baby-fever-style urges to get more pets though… more cats, or maybe rats… I want a pot bellied pig, but I don’t really think I could give it enough attention. I also want a goat, but that’s not legal where I live.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Lol, I wish.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject at school?
Always math. I was never good enough that I got into super advanced classes, but it felt like I was just spending a bunch of time solving puzzles and getting rewarded for it; seemed like a great deal to me. Plus it didn’t have as much of the social weight that the rest of them did for me. 
15. Dream job?
I really want to keep part of Raen’s answer 😅 “Anything that I don’t dread going to every day, something that doesn’t feel like it’s sucking the life out of me.” That really is the dream. I really would just like to constantly be doing something creative collaboratively with other people. I’m not really picky about what it is though. Or if I could solve intermediate algebra problems all day—that’d be amazing. That’s not very realistic though. That’s what computers are for. If I could get paid what I’m paid now to like organize things or file things or something, I would love that.
@onepintobean @ivelovedhimthroughworse @captain-aralias @fatalfangirl 
I can’t do tags; you know the drill.
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aeoki · 8 months
Fist of the Shangri-la Idol - Epilogue 3
Location: “Fist of the Shangri-la Idol” Movie Set Characters: Touri, Subaru, Mao, Yuzuru & Eichi Season: Summer
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Makoto: “........!”
(Wow… Fushimi-kun is in really high spirits. It makes me feel the same way and I think I’m doing a good job with my acting, so I’m grateful!)
Fushimi: “Come on! What happened to your power!? That’s not all you’ve got! Mr unparalleled geniuuuuus!”
Makoto: (His lines and behaviour are still scary as usual, though!)
(Our movements are bound to be boring, so he’s equipped with a sword to make things flashier, but I just think he’s gotten even scarier!)
(I’m scared of the weapon! But I know it’s just a toy that’s made from plastic! I touched it before filming just to be sure!)
(Also! I was able to see and feel Fushimi-kun’s real bloodlust up close during the “break-in”!)
(Compared to that, I can tell what he’s emitting right now isn’t “real”!)
(It’s really intense but Fushimi-kun isn’t trying to actually kill me – I know he’s just acting!)
(If I can experience it and come to understand it, then there’s nothing I need to be afraid of!)
“You’ve really fallen so low.”
“I didn’t believe it when they told me – I couldn’t.”
Yuzuru: “━━━━”
Makoto: “But I understood when I saw you swinging that sword around and not wanting to get your fists hurt!”
“You had forgotten the teachings of our master and have been swept away by the feeling of content – You’re no longer the person I once knew!”
Yuzuru: “......!”
Makoto: “Our master in shangri-la and your fists are crying right now…!”
(Alright! That was good! I was finally able to pull off that line and it’s a battle from here on!)
(I’ll make a punch here just as we practised! Take that!)
(I’ll move my body just like I did in practice! I’m scared of fighting but this is the same as dancing on stage as an idol!)
(This is just an extension of our idol activities...!)
Yuzuru: “Urgh! Shut up, shut up, shut up! Do you want me to pull out that chatty tongue of yours!? You’ll never understand me – you took everything from me!”
“You! You took everything I had and now you’re trying to take away my love too…!”
Touri: (Wow, Yuzuru is holding onto me way too tightly! Just as it’s written in the script, though! His attachment towards me feels a bit too strong for some reason and it’s scaring me~...)
(It’s fine though. That’s also why I can be serious and act like I’m really scared!)
“Help me! Please! If I’m to be taken away by someone, I wish it were you!”
Makoto: (Okay, Himemiya-kun! The camera’s over here!)
(If I do this, this part of the outfit will flutter and it'll cause a little dust cloud that’ll look good for the shot!)
(Alright! Just like I thought, I can make good of my modelling experience for the movie!)
(It kept bothering me so I asked the screenwriter why they chose me to be the “protagonist”.)
(I wanted to be convinced… since the screenwriter had no choice but to leave halfway through my audition due to their busy schedule.)
(To make up for that, they said they worked really hard examining the documents.)
(And apparently, they saw my photo attached to my application and said, “he’s perfect!”)
(They said it was the best photo – it fit their image of the “protagonist” that they had.)
(That’s why they chose me. Of course they would… I know how to make myself look best in photos.)
(I may not look it, but I was once called the child prodigy of the kids modelling industry!)
(That’s why I can understand the “protagonist’s” feelings when he was called the unparalleled genius of the kung fu temple!)
(I understand him and sympathise with him, so I can act it out!)
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Makoto: (Right now, I’m not very reliable and can be a bit absentminded.)
(But I definitely have talents that have been acknowledged by the world, so I’ll use the heck out of it in order to protect those that are precious to me!!)
(I wasn’t miscast at all! The “protagonist” of the movie is none other than “me” through and through…!)
“Instead of taking things away from each other, I wanted to understand you! Just like in the faraway shangri-la!”
“But! We’re still confused and we’re living in a reality that’s far removed from our ideals!”
“That’s why! It’s unfortunate but we have no choice but to fight, don’t we…!?”
< After that… The filming for “Fist of the Shangri-la Idol” comes to a finish and the film is released all over the country. It is quite well-received nationally. >
< And it becomes a success story in the film industry for the ever-growing ES. >
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Fake Sith TCW Trio
I have another fucked up time-travel AU! Who’s surprised? (Nobody.)
So like. Have you guys read that one fic where Luke and his students go back in time and pretend to be Sith Lords and are super hammy about it? (Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight)
This AU has contributions by @atagotiak, @the-lunar-system, @purronronner, @gelpenss, @creepingthroughthistidalwave, and @thisarenotarealblog.
I want TCW trio (plus Rex and Cody) to go back to several years pre-TPM and, since the Council DEFINITELY won't believe them about the Sith being back... they'll force the issue.
Anakin is weirdly excited about things and building up their backstory.
Anakin: Okay so I can definitely be a Maul type, with the unhinged ranting and manic laughter, Obi-Wan can be the whole Refined Rich Guy type like Dooku, where you can't even tell he's evil until he starts talking about getting out the eyeball scoops, maybe toss in a bit of mad science stuff? Ahsoka could play up like Ventress OR, oh oh, she can be the Light Side Child we need to PROTECT who's publicly begging us to return to the Light after our big dramatic Falls where we murdered like eighty people to save her, and-- Obi-Wan: Why are you never this enthusiastic about actual undercover missions. Ahsoka: Did you just have all this ready to go, or...? Anakin: WE COULD GET YELLOW CONTACT LENSES FOR ME.
Obi-Wan: How's my evil laugh?
Anakin going “Okay.. so if any of us need to murder someone to sell the bit it should be me, I think I could handle it the best. Why? No reason.”
Obi-Wan: I'm not sure a complete Fall could come from protecting Ahsoka, really-- Anakin: No, no, it could.
Obi-Wan: Surely you’d hold back because you realize neither of us want that for you. Anakin: Uh. Sure. Definitely.
Obi-Wan points out that none of them can channel the dark side to Prove they're Sith and Anakin just goes "Okay, give me like two seconds to stew in my negativity and--right, you can stop staring in horror, please."
Anakin rambles on that they can TOTALLY make the galaxy a better place while playing at being Sith! He's got a whole LIST of slave empires to "take over" and disassemble!
Anakin has a whole excited spiel about how EVIL soldiers and assistants are minions, in this case partly because Cody and Rex are too good at what they do to be mooks. Cody could pull off evil minion very well. Facial scar? Looks good in black? Quietly competent and sarcastic?
He also pushes for Obi-Wan to lounge in a fancy throne with a glass of wine while Anakin stalks the shadows and Ahsoka hangs out on the window ledge. The disaster lineage is dramatic, okay, Anakin’s just leaning into it, he’d appreciate it if everyone stopped looking at him like that.
Qui-Gon, surprisingly, ends up a skeptic about all of this. Everyone is freaking out about the Sith and he’s like “y’know I’m not even sure they’re darksiders.”
Some Jedi, possibly Qui-Gon for his conspiracy board, gets in a real risky situation and one of the Fake Sith saves them, but also panics and kinda drops character for a bit.
Jedi: You saved me! Why’d you do that? Anakin: I uh... just wanted the pleasure of killing you myself?
"You saved me. Why?" "Mmmm. Jedi." [walks away]
Qui-Gon: [trying to figure out what is up with these people semi-competently (from his perspective) pretending to be Sith] Dooku: [trying to protect Qui-Gon from Sith influence]
The gang is the most successful at pretending to be Sith to Dooku. Sure, they’re not gonna punish him for something he hasn’t done, but it’s not hard to act menacing and angry around him.
(They really do have so much fun irritating the heck out of Dooku. He hasn’t Fallen yet, but they want to keep an eye out.)
At some point, future Obi-Wan definitely drops that little tidbit of "What, you didn't think the Banites were the only Sith running around did you? You... didn't even know about the Banites. How... disappointing."
They REGULARLY use Ahsoka as an excuse to be marginally less terrible. They claim that if Ahsoka pouts, they stop. ‘Soka also uses them as an excuse for why she’s a lil feral. (To be fair, that one is accurate. She was already a lil feral before but it’s not like they did anything to stop it.) Ahsoka gets her "breaking into people's offices" jollies by bugging Nute Gunray's office.
The Jedi keep trying to Rescue Ahsoka.
Rex and Cody end up in real beskar, there's a whole Thing with Mandalore and Jango and Satine.
Obi-Wan is CONSISTENTLY worried about Anakin Falling for real, which... hey, at least he knows to be worried about Anakin Falling. Step up from canon, really.
Anakin is WAY too into killing the Hutts but like. It does... technically sell the bit.
Obi-Wan: Sure, I’m not sad that they’re dead, especially because we’re not connected to the Republic, so we don’t need to worry about starting a war and all that. But. Anakin is disturbingly cheerful about this. Rex: Wasn't he a Hutt slave? Obi-Wan: Well yes, but-- Rex: I'd kill Nala Se if I could get away with it.
Cody and Rex are very supportive of Anakin's murderous intentions.
Obi-Wan does understand anger, even killing someone in anger. Like Maul (the first time at least) and D’nar and a few others. All the same, like... y’know. The level of bloodthirst from the others is a little off-putting.
At one point, Anakin accidentally addresses young Obi-Wan by name, despite never having met before, and to cover it up, he... panic-flirts. He panics, and so he flirts, with young Obi-Wan.
(He will later blame this on old Obi-Wan, because he had to pick up the habit of flirting with the enemy from somewhere.)
Anakin vaguely implies that he's a wee bit obsessed with young Obi, and that the padawan should "get used to being the target of a dark-sider's interests," because he’s scrambling for Ominous Shit and, well, future Obi-Wan was pretty frequently a fixation point for darksiders, right?
The second he gets out, he just starts screaming into a bucket while Rex pats him on the back.
For the next however many terrible months, possibly years, he has to keep up the act while having an ongoing meltdown about how That's My Dad As A Twenty-Something.
(It doesn't help that young Obi-Wan reflexively flirted back.)
Old Obi-Wan, meanwhile, is just very "you dug this hole yourself, padawan."
There is an argument at the beginning about Obi-Wan’s outfit. If he’s gonna be a Sith, he can’t just go around in beige, but he’s like “I like this and it’s comfy.” Sure, he’s changed clothes for undercover stuff, but that’s always been temporary, y’know? He likes his beige.
We have a number of options.
My first instinct? Beige linen three piece suit, like a southern lawyer. "Now I may just be a simple Outer Rim force adept--"
And, of course, you can TOTALLY make the beige sinister: he’s impersonating a Jedi! Jedi impersonation would also explain why nobody has a red saber.
“Sure is good that the Jedi don’t seem to realize most of the galaxy doesn’t know red sabers are different and bad.” “Shhhh, stop poking holes in our story where a Jedi might overhear.”
Like.... if you do enough doublethink, it works! How would a Sith hide? In plain sight. Also, it’s a GREAT way (if they were actually assholes) to try to slander the Jedi name.
(Anakin and Ahsoka still think he could stand to put a little more effort in. Add a splash of color, for pity's sake!)
Though tbh part of me is like “What if Old Obi wore, like... a split skirt suit...” Victorian womenswear inspired because he misses his robes, but he has to look Professional, and like he's MOCKING Jedi instead of BEING one, so he wears a vintage-y split skirt thing over his leggings. Ends up looking a lot like what Ventress had for a while, but Beige. I also keep wanting to put him regency menswear.
Anyway. Obi-Wan’s wardrobe aside...
Anakin builds up his Tatoo accent again. It helps him with the (mostly true) "slavery helped me fall" backstory.
Either Cody or Rex offhandedly mentions being made to serve them (the Fake Sith) and now the Jedi are somewhat concerned about brainwashing. Are these Mandos the victims here?
“No like. Literally made for this. In a lab.” This is even more horrifying. So...
On the one hand good! The Jedi should be scared about Sith! On the other hand... it makes the Jedi more determined to stop them, specifically. They keep on getting in the way, just, all the time, and they’re not investigating the actual Sith problem, which is decidedly not great since the Team doesn’t actually know who’s a real Sith right now, except Maul, and who even knows where that guy is.
Obi-Wan, at some point: Do you think we've succeeded at this ruse... a little TOO well? Anakin: I don't follow. Obi-Wan, gesturing at the truly obnoxious amount of wealth they've collected, including "trophies" of their kills: Really? Because I'm a little worried! Anakin, planning out a battle to take on Nar Shadda: ...I'm not.
"How many people do we realistically we need to take over Hutt Space? Apparently... five."
(Mostly because Anakin is ridiculously op.)
Anakin: Okay, so, I need to get really angry about something to pass as a Sith... time to think about my WIFE and how I'll NEVER SEE HER AGAIN.
Since Anakin’s life never goes as planned... this does not work. Instead of getting properly angry, he makes himself sad. There are tears. There is wailing. There’s a distraught rant or two. Young Obi ends up awkwardly trying to comfort him.
“Oh no, this… Sith?? Is crying on me. What do I do???”
Later on, when the Council wants intel: "So... one of the Sith cried on me about his wife. I think she's dead? He wasn't very clear about it but it, uh... it sounded like it might have contributed to his Fall. Also the relationship was a little unhealthy? He basically worshiped the ground she walked on and kept ranting about how he would have given her the galaxy on a platinum platter of she'd only asked, but that might be new and inspired by the Dark."
One of the random Jedi is REALLY good at detecting the truth Through The Force, and asks Anakin how he Fell...
Anakin just. Tells the Tuskens story.
They don't get pinged as lying, but oh boy does old Obi have a LOT of questions for Anakin once they're in private.
There are other things happening to help sell the ruse. Some of them are necessary! Some of them are... not.
Obi-Wan: What's the best way to show we're rich and kind of evil, but like... classy about it? Anakin, immediately: I sit on the floor next to the throne, leaning against it, and you call me pet names while stroking my hair, and then when you need something killed I get to do it for you and then I go back to the floor and you thank me for the directed violence, and then you go back to Negotiations with criminals while I’m sitting there covered in blood. Obi-Wan: ...is there something you want to TELL us, or...?
"You're all going to get a glimpse of something normally kept hidden about me." "Anakin, you don't have to do that." "No, I'm gonna."
(Anakin has decided hes going to peel his kink tomato to sell this ruse, and the others are slightly uncomfortable with that.)
Anakin: Okay, I cannot keep flirting with you. Young Obi: Wait, what? But that's the best part of any time we run into you! Anakin: You look WAY too much like my Master did when I met him. Obi: O...kay? If someone looked like my master when HE was young, I'd-- Anakin: My Sith Master half-raised me. He's basically my dad. Obi: ... Anakin: What's that look for? Obi: I mean, you spend a lot of time lounging at his feet, and, like, given how much you hate slavery, I... kind of assumed it was a kink thing? Anakin, brightly: Oh no, I just have a LOT of trauma. And neuroses. Snips says they’re neuroses.
Young Obi is a little upset because he was actually getting REALLY into Flirting With The Enemy and was hoping it would go somewhere. He mopes to Qui-Gon about it. Qui-Gon isn't sure whether to be proud about Obi breaking rules, or worried over Obi-Wan falling for a Fake Sith.
(As Tia put it: "You enjoy making young Obi-Wan have a completely unrequited crush on Anakin, don’t you?")
Fortunately, one of those attractive Young Mando boys very kindly helped him tape up his ribs this one time, and has thus caught his eye...
I feel like having Cody date Young Obi would court an entirely different kind of (internet) drama because clone ages, but whatever.
Also please imagine an element of "so I'm dating the genetic identical of my boss... who's dating the man I'm a genetic identical of..."
(It's probably not actually Jangobi but man would that be funny and also stupid.)
Somehow Young Obi figures out that the "Sith Master" is a future him before he realizes that they're not actually dark. In his defense, Anakin was pretty convincing. Especially with the wife rant. It makes HIM more obsessed with Anakin, in a reversal of the implied earlier dynamic, which is all kinds of weird. Less romantic but like. Still weird.
"Future Me Scares Me" with Extra stupid. "Future Me Annoys Me." "Future Me acts like grandmaster Dooku, but more sass." "Future Me raised a really hot evil guy that refuses to bang Present Me." "Future Me might be a Sith, but I'm getting more and more convinced he's just fucking with us all." "Future Me is really rocking that beard, and I can't BELIEVE we figured out a way around the babyface."
"I’m kinda concerned about the whole evil thing, but I’m also glad that I know I’ll stay hot as I get older."
Quinlan approves of the priorities.
Also a lot of interactions with older Obi are very Anakin: [does/says something deeply unhinged] Obi-Wan: So, do you want to…. Talk about that? Maybe? Anakin: What’s there to talk about?? I’m fine, everything’s fine! Anyways how about those plans for tracking down Maul?
Anakin later, like way after the ruse is lifted, just blankly tells everyone that he did Fall, once, and Older Obi made him get therapy about it after the truth came out between the two of them a few months into the Fake Sith thing.
Where'd they find a therapist? I'm sure there's one SOMEWHERE around. Denon and Herdessa are close enough, and they've done enough "your criminal empire now belongs to me" that they can pay well. They make sure to find one that takes confidentiality real seriously.
It's all very "we need some more time to unpack all that."
Therapy helps get Anakin to figure out Sheev’s whole deal. They don't necessarily figure out he’s a Sith from it, but they figure out he’s sketchy and they need to look into that more. Obi-Wan probably already thought he was sketchy, but the whole active gaslighting campaign was a little surprising. They realize that he kinda benefited a lot from a lot of Sith plots and they still probably don’t think he’s a Sith but Obi-Wan is definitely starting to think he’s working with one.
"Okay, we're already bugging Gunray, should we bug Palpatine just to be safe?"
They get away with a lot of slicing because Anakin is a technical genius from twenty years in the future.
The reasons they're so good at Taking Over Hutt Space: 1. They know parts of the future. 2. They have superpowers and FAR less reason to not use them, now that their actions aren't going to reflect on the Republic. 3. They have Cody and Rex, who are two of the greatest military minds in the galaxy, and know EXACTLY how to wage a war that covers a solid third of the galaxy, starting from a position of relative weakness. 4. Anakin's charisma is scary high, and his knowledge of slave culture means they gain a lot of trust from the people they free, and they just... keep acquiring volunteers for the army they didn't plan to have. Obi-Wan doesn't know what to do. He thinks they might have started a cult?
In his defense, Dooku sort of started a cult, and Komari got kidnapped by a cult, brainwashed into joining it properly, and then took it over as head figure of said cult. It's practically tradition!
Comics Vader is the central figure of like three different cults, it was really just inevitable.
Anakin: Aw, don't worry master, it's not a cult, it's a revolution! Ahsoka: They're worshiping him, though. Anakin: ...it's still a revolution! Just... with some misunderstandings.
Also, if they got wind of people trying to keep people from being able to leave and other culty stuff like that, they’d probably put a stop to it pretty damn quick.
Names! Time for names. As per usual, it's easiest to keep track of Obi-Wan's alternate Older Self by just calling him Ben.
Darth Ben.
Ahsoka: You should be Darth Boring. Obi-Wan: I can still make you run laps, you know.
Anakin: The Force is telling me to call myself Darth Vader. Obi-Wan: ...why? Anakin: I dunno, but it sounds cool, I'll run with it.
Someone: Ben has all the answers; we shouldn’t question him, ever. Ben: One time I lost a planet, and a five-year-old found it for me.
More options: Going with the "evil word with the prefix 'in' chopped off" that we get with Sidious and Vader: Darth Surrectus (as in insurrection) Just random Latin words: Darth Temporus (time) Darth Commenticius (fake)
Anyway, back to Nonsense:
Maul goes after young Obi early, because the Fake Sith are really invested in this one random Padawan (Sidious is saying he might be a cousin of the false Sith Master? They do look similar enough) so someone needs to investigate. Naturally, Anakin shows up with some wild screeching to fight Maul, and when someone questions why he got involved it gets very "Kenobi is MINE!" and like. Okay. So.
Anakin means it in a very Sith "to toy with" and "to torture" way, or the ‘my chosen opponent!’ way, just the same kind of Obsession as Maul had with Obi-Wan in the original timeline. Unfortunately, Anakin’s a weird-ass person who flirts with Young Obi against his own better judgement, so there's some awkward "Like... your boyfriend?" from young Obi. Anakin just screeches in SOME emotion that nobody wants to interpret, and couldn't even if they wanted to, and starts whacking away at Maul again.
(Anakin hasn't explained the "you look exactly like my dad, sorry, it's just too weird" thing yet, and he is HAVING MANY REGRETS.)
There's definitely at least one instance where a person asks Anakin if he's planning on dating That One Jedi Twink, or at least banging out the tension. At that point in time, Anakin doesn't actually know who the fuck they're talking about, because "Obi-Wan + Twink = Does Not Compute" for dear, dense Ani, and instead he just ends up ranting about how he is LOYAL TO THE MEMORY OF HIS LATE WIFE, how DARE anyone so much as INSINUATE that he would TARNISH HER PERFECT MEMORY and UNWAVERING KINDNESS and WHOLESOME BEING, and the person who asked doesn't end up lightsabered but they do end up with a LOT to tell whoever they're reporting to.
Young Obi-Wan definitely hears Anakin mutter the phrase “something to discuss with my therapist later” a few times, and he’s a little bewildered because darksiders definitely don’t seem like the type of people to go to therapy. They’re the type of people to need therapy, sure, but not the type to go to therapy.
I think it would be very fun for Young Obi to continue sighing over Anakin (who's pretending to be fine with it and even flirting back because he's in too deep to stop and hasn't worked up the courage to explain the elephant in the room) while Anakin is covered in grease and infodumping while having a slightly manic hyperfocus on engine repairs while the two of them Somehow got stranded together in the middle of bumfuck nowhere (it's Plagueis's doing, he finds the interactions between THESE two in particular to be the most informative regarding the fake Sith).
Anakin, at some point while stranded with young Obi-Wan, and having actually started unpacking some stuff in therapy, though he’s def still got a ways to go: I’m pretty sure Ben cares about me. He acts like he cares, like he’ll do stuff like put extra blankets in my quarters in the spaceship because I get cold real easily or track down those droid parts I need for a project and he always has my back in a fight but y’know it’d be nice to hear him say he loves me once in a while. Especially because we kinda had a rough start and idk I don’t think he wanted me around at first.
And uh. Obi-Wan definitely relates to that a bit too much, y’know?
I want to say that Young Obi ends up mentioning All That to one of the clones or Ahsoka later, because they seem probably invested in Anakin's well-being, even if Ben is, well, a Sith, so Obi-Wan's a little worried the man's affection really is fake, but at least Ahsoka...
(Ironic, given what Anakin's actual eventual Sith would-be-Master was like.)
Young Obi mentions Anakin’s most recent rant to Ahsoka, and she just goes "Wait, is that why Skyguy likes to sit by the throne and get called pet names?" "Uh... I don't... know... but it sounds like all of you have a LOT to unpack there, Miss Apprentice."
Later on: "Master Kenobi, you need to tell Skyguy you love him 'cause apparently he's been having a lot of emotions about you not telling him you care and he's been talking to mini-you about it whenever they get stuck together and--"
Young Obi-Wan is just constantly the "Now we don't have time to unpack all of that" John Mulaney gif. Anakin in particular is a mess, and young Obi-Wan slowly goes from "I want to date that" to "I want to study that" about him.
Obi-Wan gets stuck somewhere with Ben, tries to small talk, gets on the topic of Vader, and spills the drama. He gets an awkward “Thank you for bringing that to my attention.”
It’s followed by a fairly frustrated “I try, but Anakin refuses to communicate his needs to me, and it feels like I’m always falling short.”
At least one member of the group is in therapy, probably all of them, but they’re still using young Obi as a sounding board for all this stuff. On the bright side, this is probably good for impressing the importance of good communication on Obi-Wan.
Good for Obi-Wan! And... whatever Padawan he eventually has.
As for baby Anakin, who is approximately age four, I want to go with "Anakin decides to be his own uncle, and Shmi just rolls with it because fuck it, she’s not a slave anymore, and a Fake Sith is a solid defense against anyone trying to re-enslave them."
[This is a backstory I've had them use before (see here and here).]
Seeing Big Ani and Little Ani in the same space might be what finally pings the "oh shit, that's future me" thing for Obi-Wan... you know, if he’s ever allowed close enough to see Little Ani in the first place.
Little Ani stays with the fake-Sith and is sorta jointly trained by all of them, and young Obi-Wan teaches little 'Soka at the Temple. Ani and 'Soka still end up friends somehow, but it is fairly different.
Every time little Ani addresses Old Obi as "Dad," it's just like ten kinds of awkward. The one time someone tried to explain that Ben wasn't his new dad, Shmi glared them down. She is of the opinion that, all the gods be damned, Ani deserves to refer to the most mature man in his life, who raised another him in another timeline already, as a father.
Ani doesn't NEED a father, Shmi herself is more than enough, but he does deserve to have this if he wants it.
An alternative conclusion to the time travel is uh. So the Mandalorians are genetically identical (give or take a hair gene) and really resemble Jango Fett, though whether anyone notices that is up in the air. Then the three ‘Sith’ (two fake Sith and their morality chain tag-along) have three younger, identical copies show up….
It could be really weird cloning shenanigans. Now, it makes no sense that they’d make clones, and stagger their production like that, and leave them as babies on various planets for Jedi to find. IDK what reasons Obi-Wan would come up with for that, but it’s a fun little detour before he gets to time travel.
There's a really painful moment (for the audience, who know about canon Vader) where someone tries to convince Ahsoka to leave the Sith and she's just like "no way, they'd never hurt me!” Then she clarifies that “someone has to keep them from doing stupid Sith shit whenever they get bored, you know?"
A bunch of Jedi probably think she’s delusional, but the few that have seen her get into trouble that is legitimately too much for her, which isn't often, have then seen Anakin show up like the devil himself to save her, and it's like. Oh. This is why she isn't scared of them hurting her.
We’ve discussed how Anakin does get concerningly in character with the fake Sith thing. However, Anakin and Ahsoka are, just once in a while, surprised by how Ben gets sometimes when playing the bad guy.
After all, he stabbed a dude with a fork and threatened to eat him during his time as Hardeen…
He has the same dramatic streak as all the rest of the lineage. He can be vindictive and creepy and scary as fuck.
Obi-Wan: I know I'm supposed to be playing at evil right now, but how do we feel about me making that evil a little... fruity? Ahsoka: Fruity, master? Anakin, who knows where this is going: [buries face in hands] Obi-Wan: You know, the... [limp wrist] Ahsoka: ... Obi-Wan: I mean, I'm already bisexual and well-groomed, I can play it up.
What’s the point of being evil if you can’t be flamboyant?
Anyway, I had to put in a lot of thought for what to do with Rex and Cody, because there's a solid place for them in terms of strategy, but it doesn't do much to give them independent narrative arcs, and 'young Obi-Wan has a crush' isn't much of an arc, you know?
So, basic info first: Cody, Rex, and Anakin all hold the rank of General in this AU because, like... who else is gonna. Ahsoka remains a commander because everyone declares her Baby, and also to keep up the "I'm a morality chain" ruse.
Cody maintains a very stern and unyielding public persona, but the second they're behind closed doors, he's roughhousing with his little brother.
Rex has some fun pretending to be a sadist whenever he and Anakin have to team up, because hamming it up as an evil bastard in front of Jedi is actually really fun... but usually, he's a competent fucking professional.
Because here's the thing: someone has to be.
They both kind of hate the army they've gotten, because these people don't even have proper trigger discipline, let alone any actual discipline.
This army? Tragic. They hate it. Give them the clones.
They have to be drill sergeants for months before they have anything worth sending onto the field.
I think that might be how/when they end up reaching out to Jango. Like, the first inroad is absolutely "we're your clones from the future and you were a Shit Dad so you owe us," but then they actually talk him around into letting the Fake Sith hire him. He brings along all the Mandalorians he can get to answer his calls, and on suggestion from Those Mando Twins, joins the army Ben doesn't even want.
Darth Boring doesn't want an army! Unfortunately, Cody thinks that's stupid as hell, and is overruling Ben so they can actually work on this 'cleaning up the galaxy of slavery' thing with actual resources.
Cody and Rex are super competent, and it shows in their horrified disdain for the state of their troops.
Rex: Fucking natborns. Anyone who isn't in the know: What's a natborn? Rex: [leaves without answering] People: WHAT'S A NATBORN???
(I'm assuming that the word smush is harder to parse in Basic.)
I think young Obi-Wan's new crush on Cody should also be unrequited. Cody's just like... bemused. Very "Okay, then, that sure is an Affection you've decided on."
Cody and Anakin both: Sorry, it’d just be too weird. Obi-Wan: Why would it be too weird? Cody and Anakin: Reasons.
Rex has to deal with the "whyyyyy" from both his brother and his (former?) General.
Young Obi-Wan just likes cute boys that fight good! Is that so wrong???
Ahsoka: So since we're not officially Jedi anymore-- Obi-Wan: We're still Je-- Ahsoka: Can we date? Can I date now? I want to date someone before we go back to the Code. It's a classic life experience for most teenage girls, and I want to Have That Experience before we're back at the Temple. Obi-Wan: You're not... you can date, Ahsoka, that's not actually banned by the Code. I mean, you'd have to keep it casual, but-- Ahsoka: I CAN DATE!!!
(Great priorities, Ahsoka.)
An idea I'm toying with is that one of the clones ends up Legally Engaged to Satine for political reasons, and young Obi-Wan is just like ???? because not only can he not date the hot boys, but one of said hot boys has become Mr. Steal Yo Girl.
Young Obi-Wan is suffering, and Quinlan is the worst friend ever because Quinlan is laughing at him.
There is obviously the question of
"How would Satine ever end up agreeing to that, given what their public personas are like and all that? She puts duty ahead of personal feelings but all indications are that it’s a terrible decision both ways." (as stated by Tia)
Which, yes, I forgot to actually say that I was imagining Jango had declared "those twins" his heirs after telling people they were his younger* cousins. Because reasons.
* Jango is about 27 when they land in the past, and I’m going to say the accelerated aging ended after hitting physically twenty because no, I don’t want to deal with that. As far as anyone knows, Cody and Rex are about five years younger than Jango. They’re less than year apart, which isn’t very visible, and most people assume they’re identical twins (except Rex’s hair), and that Cody just looks slightly older because of the scar.
Darth Boring had convinced Satine that the way to keeping Mandalore peaceful was to work with Jango (because Darth Boring, which is not his actual title but it is what Ahsoka insists on calling him in private, has a vested interest in keeping Mandalore and all interested parties calm), and he... maybe accidentally set up a political marriage between her and one of the clones.
It wasn't on purpose! Satine never married in his timeline, okay, he didn't expect her to ever get married here, either! He didn't even suggest it! This just happened!
(I want to say that Cody would be more competent at having a political marriage? But IDK.)
Do I do the Satine thing? It has potential, but also it's a bit of a cop-out. Do I have Cody be a diplomatic representative for their pseudo-Sith empire? He could be, but I think he'd hate it. Do I have Rex date one the Chaos Entities (Anakin or Ahsoka), or is that too repetitive with my other works? THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH GOING ON.
Part of me wants Quinlan to get a crush on Cody, and the crush gets bigger specifically in response to the fact that Cody refuses to take him seriously and/or just doesn't give him the time of day.
Based on their one interaction in TCW, they probably let get along ok. Cody maybe likes him back, buuuuuuut internally he's just a little "you were tolerable at almost-forty; early twenties you is obnoxious."
Just imagine the absolutely puppyish attempts at gaining approval and Impressing The Hot Mando General. Quinlan keeps having vague daydreams of seducing someone to the side of the Light. He really leans into the bodice ripper fantasies of saving someone evil with the power of love! (And also the power of really good sex.)
Bant looks at Quin and Obi and wants to throw them both into the nearest pond because they're idiots, but on this topic they are the same flavor of idiot. She considers calling up Reeft and Garen to help her knock some sense into them.
Quinlan: Can I volunteer to go undercover to the Sith? The Council: No. Quinlan: ...what if I-- The Council: No.
Tholme tries to get Qui-Gon to commiserate over their Padawans getting obsessed with Hot Sith Boys, but Qui-Gon just finds the whole thing funny. He knows from the chats he has with Ben that Anakin feels so completely, utterly, incredibly awkward about all of this.
(Ben continues to hold to "Anakin brought this on himself.")
(Ben also “kidnaps” Qui-Gon a lot.)
Also, hey, at least Quinlan isn’t actually into hot Sith boys! He’s into hot Sith minions which is... probably a step up. At least Cody’s not a Sith himself!
It's a step in some direction but Tholme has no idea which one.
(Quinlan sees Cody in dress uniform once and just keeps the mental image for Ages. It’s in his dreams. Sometimes said dreams overflow to Tholme via Force Mind Magic and Quinlan wakes up to someone smacking his face with a pillow.)
Arguably, Quin's also a lot more romantic about his crush than Obi-Wan is, in this case. Quinlan: I want to save him... Obi-Wan: Hey, hey, cute boy. Look at me. Let’s bang.
Cody: There are currently two future Jedi generals having some form of absurd romantic fixation in my direction. I don't know how to feel about this. Rex: Bed them. Cody: ...I'm not saying that's not eventually an option, but one of them is the younger Kenobi, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. Rex: Pat him on the head like a tooka and then bed his friend, it'll be funny.
I think the Quinlan thing and also general exasperation of leading an absolutely useless army can function pretty solidly as the basis for Cody, but I have another idea for Rex now.
Komari is currently brainwashed in a cult, yes? So.
I keep bouncing around back and forth on what to do with Rex, but part of me suddenly really likes the idea of, after Team Fake Sith finds and dissolves the cult (as one does), and takes Komari into custody (because she's dangerous and deeply unwell), Rex kind of ends up her touchstone to being a decent person. He’s not a morality chain, and it’s not really a redeemed-through-love thing, just This Is A Solid Dude who doesn't pity her or thinks she's irredeemable (however you choose to define such a thing), but actually relates to the kind of conditions living like that can involve, and just kind of...
I don’t know. I think Rex's arc in this AU could be very heavily grounded in something to the effect of "You're not the worst darksider I've met. You're not the only person who was in a cult. You're not even the only former Jedi I know that's committed awful, horrible crimes. My question is just this: What are you going to do moving forward?"
Later Anakin: Wait, who do we know that was in a cult? Rex: What did you think Kamino was?
(Rex isn't as chill as he'd like her to think, but he's trying, and she's fairly reliant on the Force to understand emotions, and is currently in nullifying cuffs, so he can bluff.)
Komari needs someone solid and dependable to rely on for at least conversation, and I think Rex needs to feel needed.
I’m not sure if it’d be romance or friendship, but I think there's a solid basis to work with, potentially.
Per Tia:
One thing about Rex and shipping is like. If you want to do Rexwalker again that's fine, but if you're worried about repetitiveness but still want to like. Ship him in a non-political-convenience way. Rexsoka here actually would be different than your other stuff.
I'm trying to figure out if I can make it work because Ahsoka thematically fits very much into a little sister shaped hole here? She feels younger than in other works, despite not actually being younger than she is in, say, Commander Buir. In those other fics, she has some time alone to function and prove herself independently of Anakin and Obi-Wan.
I usually pluck Ahsoka out at sixteen if I'm pulling her from TCW, so she's got most of her competence but hasn't gotten quite all the trauma yet. Commander Buir, in particular, also has baby-shaped Anakin for contrast.
That said, I can see a decent source of narrative conflict in her wanting to experiment with romance and all that, and Anakin trying to tell her she's too young.
A year into this whole time-travel mess, she wants to give the dating thing a shot, and it spirals into "You were only two years older than me when you got married!"
I think I could build a plot out of Ahsoka wanting to do these things, and Anakin as an audience insert not quite processing that she's old enough to make these decisions. If she's choosing to date Rex, whose age works out as being close to hers when one takes into account Kamino fuckery, and whom she trusts absolutely, it’s arguably extra weird for Anakin to be upset with it.
"Senator Amidala was five years older than you, and you married her when you were nineteen and had only really known her for a week! I can go on a date with a guy we both know is one of the most trustworthy people alive if I want, Skyguy!"
I can definitely see Ahsoka getting annoyed with Anakin being overbearing and controlling at some point before that unrelated to romance, too. It’s not exactly a new fault of his.
My god, just imagine someone snidely asking Anakin "where's your little shadow?" and Anakin, being Himself and also a Fake Sith, has an emotional breakdown about how Ahsoka yelled at him for micromanaging her and not trusting her to make her own decisions in life and so she got herself a multi-month solo mission from Ben that Anakin isn't allowed to know any details about, and--
It's another one of those "oh, you have PROBLEMS problems with your mental health" incidents for the Jedi to add to the file, because Anakin having emotionally charged rants about his issues at seemingly terrible times is how they get a lot of information.
Some of the rants are planned.
Many of them, actually.
They want the Jedi to know these things.
Just, well. Anakin.
He really is a little Like That.
On that note, I'm low-key imagining that Anakin gets put on mood stabilizers by the therapist in this context, and he's doing good! He's handling his issues! He's--been captured with Obi-Wan the Younger again and his medication was confiscated.
Anakin is... not great. He's a little out of practice managing his unmedicated self, and when adding withdrawal symptoms onto that... poor Anakin.
(Poor Obi-Wan.)
I think it would be best if Anakin makes a bunch of ominous blustery comments at their captors about how they won't like what's coming to them if they take his belongings (AKA the fanny pack that has his backup pills), and then Obi-Wan just gets to watch Anakin get more and more erratic, because like. Yes, Anakin is using the Force to compensate, but unfortunately he's mostly cut off, and the stress of the situation is pushing him away from depression and into the beginnings of a manic episode.
Anakin is aware of his issues to the point where he's mostly managing, and he keeps asking Obi-Wan "would it make sense for me to [slightly deranged, very impulsive action]," and Obi-Wan realizes he's being the morality sounding board for the Hot Sith because ??? reasons?????
Eventually, Anakin does flop back in bed and dramatically throws his arm over his eyes, and says he needs his meds back, he's absolutely going to lose it, and Obi-Wan tentatively asks what kind of medication. There are levels to worry about. Mild allergy medication is one thing, but heart medication that needs to be taken every four hours is another, you know? He wants to know how much panic is appropriate.
Anakin lets him know that it's Psychiatric In Nature. Obi-Wan suddenly realizes that he really, really, really doesn't want to know what a properly erratic, unmedicated Anakin is like.
(An unmedicated Anakin really isn't nearly as bad as Obi-Wan fears. Anakin's been dealing with this for a while, and knows what his issues are and some of how to deal with them. He'd need to be running on no sleep and higher levels of stress, or to have been drugged with something meant to increase his aggression, to really lose his shit and do something worthy of Vader. RotS levels of stress and sleep deprivation is required to pull RotS levels of manic paranoid delusion.)
Tia asked:
How long does it take the Jedi in general to catch on to how like. They have opportunities. But these Sith never seem to harm any Jedi. And it’s not just like, the past timeline parts of the disaster lineage. They probably get opportunities to hurt other Jedi. Ones that are less skilled at saber work. And more importantly ones that they don’t seem weirdly interested in."
I'm not sure, really. The Jedi don't spend as much time in the Outer Rim as they could, and that's where the Team operates, so actually running into them by accident is unlikely for anyone other than Shadows.
Fortunately, it's really easy to toy with Shadows with the excuse of "I want to see how long it takes before you Fall with us."
I do want like... okay. Here’s the mental image:
Qui-Gon calls them out on being Fake Sith pretty quickly, so Ben just sort of eyes him, dramatically, and orders out "Leave us" to all non-team people. The threat of torture is implied but not stated. He gestures with wine to keep in character. He definitely makes sure Young Obi-Wan is ushered out, so it's just five time travelers, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Ahsoka's immortal force birb.
"...so, what's the reason for the farce, Obi-Wan?" "How in all the hells did you figure it out so quickly?"
(Qui-Gon cheated a bit. He could feel the broken training bond that was never properly severed due to Traumatic Death Of A Master on Ben's end)
Ben didn't realize he'd feel it! Young Obi-Wan can't feel his older self or a training bond with Anakin or Ahsoka, so why could Qui-Gon?
IDK if there would be anything on the level of crying and hugging it out, but I think it would be very funny if, every time young Obi and Anakin are getting captured by pirates or something, Ben and Qui-Gon are just having a nice afternoon tea and checking their watches to see if their respective walking bundles of neuroses are done with their adventure yet.
The Council is So Done, because Qui-Gon continues to insist that they're Not That Bad, but every time anyone other than Qui-Gon brings up the friendship, Ben laughs and makes a comment about how absolutely gullible Master Jinn is.
Obi-Wan is skeptical of his own experiences with Anakin, at least, if only because he's skeptical about Anakin's everything.
"I don't know if Vader is telling me the truth. I don't know if he's telling himself the truth. I don't think he's a great source of information even when he thinks he's being honest."
Anakin could tell Obi-Wan the full and complete truth, and Obi-Wan would worriedly put a hand to his forehead and start doing tests for hallucinations and paranoid delusions. In his defense, this is a very reasonable assumption to make with an individual like Anakin. It's just also not accurate, this time. I don’t know if Anakin hallucinates in canon without a weird inciting incident like Force Nonsense or getting drugged by the enemy, but paranoid delusion is pretty much all of RotS.
"I’m your time-traveling padawan who’s pretending to be a Sith to catch some other Sith who’re going to start a galactic civil war and those Mandalorians you like are from a clone army based on a template of Jango Fett made to serve the Jedi (because that’s totally something he’d sign up for), and one of the Sith is your grandmaster but he doesn’t seem to have fallen yet, it’s probably fine," is hard to believe.
Honestly, even if he seemed stable before saying that, which he doesn’t, it’s all real far fetched. There's a lot going on and Obi-Wan wouldn't even begin to believe it without evidence.
I've had it in my head that he and Bant and Quinlan have been gossiping about the mess for months if not years about these idiots, and at one point it became common knowledge that Ben was a Kenobi, and Bant convinced them (since the two were among the most likely in the entire Order to encounter the Fake Sith) to get a DNA sample, probably hair or blood since that's easiest so they can figure out HOW these two are related, if they are, and then there's a whole big thing.
Bant: No, no, this must be contaminated, it's coming up as Obi-Wan! Are you sure you didn't accidentally grab some of your own hairs? I know it's a little long for most of your hair, but the braid-- Quinlan: Wait, they keep claiming stuff about cloning, right? Maybe someone's a clone? Check for artificial telomeres! Bant: ...okay, so, there aren't any artificial telomeres, but the ones from apparently-Ben are... a lot shorter... um... I don't know what to do with this. It's like I have two samples from the same person, twenty years apart. Quinlan: Obi-Wan, what's that face? Why are you-- Obi-Wan: Vader told me he was a time-traveler. I thought it was the fever talking, but...
That’s how he finds out that Ben is future-him before finding out about how he’s not evil!
"Master Jinn... I think... I think the Sith controlling the Outer Rim is me from the future." "Oh, you finally figured it out?" "I AM HAVING A CRISIS HERE."
Obi-Wan, after a few hours of dazed realization, runs screaming to Quinlan and Bant like 'GUYS GUYS THIS EXPLAINS WHY VADER KEPT SAYING IT WAS WEIRD AND THAT I LOOK LIKE HIS MASTER AND THAT IT WOULD BE LIKE DATING HIS DAD.'
You know, the important stuff.
I think Qui-Gon tells him that Ben isn't evil because, like, That Sure Is A Crisis Obi-Wan's Having. He could hold off for shits and giggles, sure, but Obi-Wan’s on the edge of something Really Concerning, mentally. Best help calm him down on at least one or two things.
Obi-Wan’s maybe still a little skeptical until he confronts them over it. Because their Sith act was real good and also like. Maybe Qui-Gon just wants to believe the best of his Padawan, y’know?
Quinlan runs into Ben before Obi-Wan does, after this whole mess, and gets to observe as money changes hands and people act like sore winners about bets made for When Does Obi-Wan Figure It Out.
Anakin was saying 'soon' because he really didn't think the fever-fueled rant would be discounted as easily as it was.
Cody was of the opinion that it would take at least a few more years since they're actually pretty damn good at this whole schtick.
Quinlan: Wow, he's... going to be really disappointed that you have such a low opinion of his intelligence. Cody, gesturing at Ben: Experience. Darth Ben: ಠ_ಠ
Cody just rattles off some of the Extremely Stupid Shit that Ben's done in their time working together.
Rex cheerily offers up "You didn't even realize General Skywalker was married, sir! And they weren't subtle!" "I knew they were together, I just didn--" "Everyone knew they were together, sir. Everyone."
(Rex had the lowest opinion of their deductive capabilities. He claims it would have taken until Baby Ahsoka showed up at the Jedi Temple.)
-Once Obi-Wan accepts that they're decent people after all- Obi-Wan: Wow, Anakin, you're real good at acting unhinged! Anakin: Haha. Yeah. Thanks?
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allthings-sandy · 2 years
It’s been a super long time since I last posted and wrote a fic but I finally finished one! It took me months to write it so it may not connect very well... oh wells
Plot: Mainly about the FL’s rocky relationship with her dad, Tony Stark. And a lil bit of side romance with Peter Parker. Warnings: Angst(?)  Word count: 4.1k
“You’re a… Stark.”
Probably the millionth time a person has affirmed this fact. I can’t even register the person in front of me. I find it hard to recognise let alone remember a bunch of important people grouped in a gigantic living room in an enormous compound. I’m pretty sure I had better memory before I became a ‘Stark’
“Last time I checked.” I said with a sweet yet sarcastic smile to the person who I thought I met an hour ago. Total déjà vu moment.
My ‘dad’ moved a little forward, bringing the attention back to him. “She’s not accustomed to all this yet. This is all a big change for her.” He said to person I may have met an hour ago. Lord, every time he speaks, I swear he means to cut me with his words. Whether or not he means to, he definitely knows how I feel. After all the times I’ve merely expressed my feelings of being stripped of free will.
Growing up without parents and living in an orphanage was all well. I was fine. Then he came along, claiming I was his daughter; the daughter he ‘temporarily left in the care of someone else’. Calling him crazy, it took only two days for him to make some arrangements and here we are, with a group of important people in a gigantic living room in an enormous compound. And by compound, I mean the Avengers compound. So yes, I live with the Avengers.
They’ve all been really nice. Being grumpy, I wanted to not like them. But they somehow swerved past the walls I built and nestled into the depths of my heart. Especially Peter. Being my age, he sort of understands me. Besides my goodbye gifts from the orphanage kids, he’s the closest thing that reminds me of the orphanage which really says a lot about how my world shifted.
This party is apparently for me. I heavily disagreed with a conference to introduce me to the world as Y/N Stark so Tony settled for a party that I would say, ‘would launch me into society’. Obviously, I was adamant on not having the party either.
Having no similarities to Tony whatsoever, people just cannot believe I’m his daughter. Heck, even I still can’t believe. Even with a DNA test result that actually proved that he was my father.
“Can I leave now?” I asked Tony as that person I may have met before left.
“This is your party. You may as well enjoy it.” He says in a cheery voice.
“But you can tell I’m not, right? I would feel much better if I could leave.” I said, giving myself a pat on the back for my politeness. Not quite polite but yet quite polite.
“There are people who came just to meet you. This is a great opportunity to meet the people your dad is close to.” He said, looking all sentimental. A person with a dad who didn’t abandon them would fall for it but not a girl who was abandoned by her dad.
I scoffed. An action I used so much it was second-nature. He looked at me for a moment longer and squeezed my shoulder before steering me towards a group of important-looking people. Hopeful, I looked around for help and my eyes locked onto Peter’s. I gave him a pleading look which very clearly translated to “Please help me.”. His reply? His eyes said, “I would love to but no way you’re on your own Mr. Stark would kill me sorry.”
I pouted and faked a cry in his direction and as I looked away, I caught him laughing at my response. He’s really cute when he laughs. Shoving that thought to the back of my mind, I continued being dragged around by Tony, the same pattern repeating itself; meeting people, putting on the fakest smile I could muster, them questioning if I’m actually a Stark, Tony intervening and finally, him and I leaving to repeat the process again.
After what seemed like an eternity, I stepped into my room and quite literally ripped the dress off. I didn’t really mean to but I was angry and exhausted. I got dressed in my oversized hoodie, sweatpants and fuzzy socks. As I spit the residue of toothpaste, I heard a knock on my door. I already had an inkling on who may have knocked and no surprise, it was Peter.
“Welcome to my humble abode. Although not exactly.’ I lazily bowed, stepping out of the way for Peter to come in. His eyes caught the torn dress on the floor as I sat on my bed, unbothered by the unfortunate sight of the dress. I admit, the dress was beautiful and it didn’t deserve to be torn like that. I feel worse for the dress than what Tony’s reaction would be if he finds out I ripped the dress he gave me.
“What happened to your dress?” He asked, although I know he definitely knows the answer.
“The dress couldn’t take the immense strength fuelled by rage. I’ll have Wanda patch it up or something, I’m pretty sure she can do it.” I said and pat the empty space next to me on the bed.  From the way he traipsed to my bed and the weight of him sitting next to me was an indication of what was coming for me.
“It couldn’t have been that bad you know. So many girls would kill to have a party like that! A beautiful dress, amazing food and people attending just to see her.” He said, trying to sound like what he all said was wondrous. He does this a lot. He knows what I’m dealing with but he makes me see the brighter side of everything I despise about my situation; even if the situation was actually bad.
“Well too bad I’m the girl who actually attended the party and all I can say about it is that it freaking sucked. A beautiful dress? Sure. Amazing food? Yes please. But the people? The most horrendous group I have ever met.” I said as I fell back onto my bed, the spite slipping off my tongue.
Peter stayed silent for a moment before he said, “It’s been 4 months now, Y/N. When are you just going to accept that this is your home now?”
I closed my eyes in frustration. “Did you come in here to cheer me up or did you come in here to tell me all about family? Seriously Peter, I told you I didn’t want to talk about it, like ever.” I said with my temper rising and fizzling at the last second.
“Come on, Y/N. You can’t run away forever. Mr. Stark has been nothing but nice to you ever since he brought you here.” Peter said oh so compassionately as he looked down at me.
“Nice?” I said as I sat up. “Taking me from my home isn’t nice! I never wanted to come here!”
“This is your home! Your dad is Tony Stark and nothing is going to change that. You probably can’t see it but he brought you here to protect you and because he loves you. If he didn’t bring you here…” Peter stopped. I was too filled with bitterness and heartache that I didn’t care what he wanted to say. My eyes were too watery to really see the anguish in his own eyes.
“He abandoned me after my mom did! I got abandoned twice. Do you not get that? I don’t care if he wants to make amends now. He didn’t want me in the first place!” I said, my tears streaming down my face effortlessly. He nor my mom wanted me. They probably thought they were better off without me. Without me deterring them from their careers.  
“I’m sure he had his reasons.” Peter said before he got up and left, just like that. Another one of our many, many disputes about family that usually ends the same way it always does – he apologises first and I apologise then we hug it out and make up. This time ‘round however, I don’t think it’ll end like that. My head spun with the night full of resentment and cynicism catching up to me, leaving me no choice but to crawl back into my bed after grabbing a handful of tissues to rub (not wipe, rub) the tears away as well as the feelings that came with it.
The next morning, I sported a headache, sore eyes and mild heartache – the trinity of crying to sleep – as I walked to the bathroom to look at the mess on my face.
“Ugh I’m a mess.” I thought as I washed all the grime accumulated. Feeling not quite refreshed, I listlessly put on some shorts and a t-shirt Peter gave me. Just for a second, I came to my senses and grumbled and fumbled out of his t-shirt to put on something that was purely and solely mine which was hard to find. When I first got here and even until now, I refused to let Tony buy anything for me, especially clothes. As Peter and I became more acquainted, he gave me his old shirts after I made a comment about liking oversized shirts. Overly sweet guy really.
Sweeping the memory aside, I was about to leave when F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke, AI voice resonating throughout the room. I never failed to always jump at its voice which is exactly what I did when it said my name.
“Y/N, Mr Stark would like to see you in the workshop.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, voice flat as usual.
Talking back to the AI wasn’t a good idea no matter how much I wanted to. The first and only time I did, it earned me an extremely deafening alarm to get me out of my room. Lesson learned – don’t mess with F.R.I.D.A.Y. and she a.k.a my dad giving orders won’t mess with you either.
“Morning Y/N.” Steve greeted and tipped his mug at me as I walked by the living area.
“Morning.” I greeted back nonchalantly, as per usual or at least I thought it was. Steve noticed the minor change in tone.
“You doing okay? Last night must’ve been hard to adapt to.”
“Who said anything about adapting?” I said and made my way to the workshop which was next to the living area. I mentally sighed at the response before. Peter got me so riled up because there was a lot if not some truth to what he said. But my feelings overshadowed all of it and I’m okay with that.  
“Yes?” I answered as I leaned against the door of the workshop. Tony was playing with his Iron Man suit. To think I used to look up to him for saving the world when he abandoned me to do it.
“I wanted to know if you were up and about.” He said, turning to me and leaning on his desk.
I sighed. “Now you know so…” I was about to turn when he caught my shoulder to prevent me from leaving.
“We’re going somewhere in an hour. It’s really important that we go today so get dressed.” He said and released my shoulder from his grip.
“What, another party? Press conference? Business lunch? Whatever it is, I don’t want to go.” I only went to one party and it could tire me out for a decade.
“It’s nothing like that. We’re just going out for lunch, not a business lunch, and heading out somewhere. I promise you, no party, no press conference.” He said convincingly well. I look at him sceptically and gave in. He pats me on the shoulder before he starts to clean up the desk.
Whenever Tony asks me to do something or go somewhere, I don’t put in a lot of effort as an act of rebellion. Childish, I know, but I’ve got to retaliate somehow. So, I put on some jeans, wore the same t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. Not bothering to do anything else, I waited for the hour to pass.
When Tony saw me, he had his lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.
“At least wear a nicer top. Please?” He said and even though he’s a person I despise, I still have a heart. There was something in his pleading that flickered a switch. I acquiesced and turned back to my room to put on a nicer top. I could give him hell later.
We ate lunch at a little elegant restaurant. Not quite high-class and thank God for that. After lunch, we made our way to wherever it was. I didn’t recognise any of the roads.
“Where are we going?” I asked Tony while still looking out the window.
“Just visiting someone.”
The car made a stop at a large black gate. We were at the cemetery. My heart quickened at the sight of headstones. I wondered who it was we were visiting when it became very clear exactly who when we stopped in front of a certain headstone.
“My mom’s dead?” I asked, incredulous of the fact. I imagined she was living her best life without me because I was just an obstacle in her life; a mere inconvenience she had no problem throwing away.
“She was killed by some former employees of mine. It’s a long story to go into but I fired them and, in their words, ‘ruined their lives’. They just wanted to hold someone I had a connection with ransom and after some digging, they managed to find Lucy and you. They knew about you before I did.” He said, rubbing his temples. Now this, I didn’t know about.
“They were only supposed to use you and Lucy for ransom… I’m not sure what happened but all I know is, Lucy was never supposed to be killed.”
“Hold on a second,” I said with a finger up to shut him up. “Why the hell are you telling me this now? All this time I thought she dropped me off with you and just ran away. Are you going to tell me you didn’t abandon me at the orphanage next?” Hearing all this for the first time, I’m wondering, why? All these hidden truths for what?
Tony took a moment before continuing, “Lucy was never able to send you to me. I found you hidden in the closet.
I scoff, still unbelieving of the whole situation. “Thank God they had some decency to not kill a baby.” I let go of my hair I unconsciously grabbed in the moment and asked again, “Why tell me now?”
“I thought I could spare you some of the pain. Growing up, you seemed fine thinking she was out there living her life. But then you came home with me and I became the brunt of all your resentment. I just… I just want to be the father I never was before. Everything I did, I thought was right. But I’m sorry for hurting you.” Tony apologised, with so much regret and sorrow in his voice and expression.
I don’t speak after that. Tony took it as an indication and led me back to the car by the small of my back. A trip to my mother’s grave sucked the life out of me, leaving just my motor skills intact. Lifelessly walking into the car, out the car, up to my room, unaware of my biological father’s concerned gaze running over me.
Curled up in my bed, I recall my life and my severely wrong perception of my mother and even my father. Months ago, I would’ve wanted nothing more than to see Tony broken and vulnerable, begging for forgiveness. But now, it hurt me too much to look into his eyes. How stubborn I was. How stubborn I still am.
I want to say I’m sorry and I want to treat him better but I am a coward and embarrassed of my past actions.
I hear a soft knock on my door. My heart pounds at the thought of who it could be. Tony? Steve? Natasha?
“Y/N, can I come in?” Peter’s voice is muffled behind the door that I almost missed it. We haven’t spoken in a while, not since I blew up at him the night of that party. Another one of the many regrets rolling in my head. I didn’t want to face him, at least not now, with how I am and how I look. I hear him twist the doorknob but to no avail. In my state, it was a miracle I remembered to lock the door.
“Y/N, open the door… please.” He asks, almost pleading. I sit up from my bed and stare at the door, to contemplate his request. As much as I didn’t want to, opening that door would be the first step to ease my head and heart. I trudge to the door and unlocked the door with a click. I quickly walked to my bed and covered myself with the blanket before he could see me. I don’t hear his footsteps approaching. As my back was to him, I turned around, still cocooned in my blanket, and peeked out to see what he was doing. He was just standing there, looking at my form. Our eyes met and I whipped my head back to the front.
He slowly walked towards my bed but I guess he didn’t see the lump underneath the blanket and sat right on them.
“Ow!” I yelped and pulled my feet from under him.
“Oh I’m so sorry! Are you okay? Are you hurt? I didn’t know your feet were there!” Peter frantically apologizes, hands lightly brushing over my cocooned form to check if I was alright. That’s just like Peter. Sweet and caring. After any argument, he would always come back and talk to me.
Tears prick my eyes again, at the thought of Peter and his care for me.
Peter calmed down after a moment and sat on the bed again. “I don’t know what happened with you and Mr. Stark but I’m here. If you need to talk or someone to listen.” His words almost sound like questions.
I didn’t want to say or do anything but I knew I wanted him here. I forced my hand out of my blanket to grab the hem of his shirt. I eased out of my curled-up form to properly lie down on the bed, with my blanket still over my head. Peter grabbed my hand in his and laid down beside me. We stayed like that for a while until I was ready to tell him everything.
Peter listened attentively, caressing the back of my hand and squeezing it to reassure me he was there for me and me alone.
“I’m sure you know what you have to do. You just need some courage.” He says softly, looking straight into my eyes as he gripped both of my hands in his. We were so very close now with only our grasped hands between us.
“After airing it all out, I think I have some.” I speak. Now in this position, I feel like I could pour all of my feelings out and they weren’t going to be just about my parents. “I’m sorry I got mad at you. Not only for the last, but for every time I lashed out at you.” I apologise, avoiding his piercing gaze. Tears pricked my eyes again and my lip quivered. Seeing this, Peter pulled my hands, moving me closer to him. He lets go of my hands to cup my face, his thumbs ready to wipe away the tears that may fall.
“I accept your apology. But you weren’t acting unreasonable. You’ve been through a lot, more than I could think.”
He was so close to me that I could feel his breath fanning over my face. Maybe it was the ambience. Maybe it was because I poured my heart out. I’ve never wanted to kiss Peter this badly before. I’ve imagined it many times before, but never in this capacity. The urge to pull him closer and kiss him was immense.
He saw right through me. I wondered how I was looking at him because he pulled my face that was still in his hands very much closer to his. Any sort of movement forward could make our lips touch. He took a moment to caress my cheeks with his thumbs, his eyes locked onto mine.
“Only if you want to.” He whispered.
“I do.” I whispered back.
He moved closer. Our lips touched. It was electric.
It was nothing I could have ever imagined. If I wasn’t in such a state, I would be overthinking about how to move my lips against his and where to place my hands. But it all fell into place. My hands naturally wound around his neck and into his hair, whilst his right hand caressed my side and wrapped around my waist. His left hand travelled to the back of my neck and pulled me closer to deepen our kiss. After a few more moments, I pulled away. We were out of breath and our eyes barely open. Even after kissing, the feeling of his lips didn’t go away.
Peter brought our foreheads together. “I’ve been in love with you for a while now. Be my girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend.” I say, nodding frantically in small nods. He pulled me to his lips once more. A smile formed over his lips as we drowned the rest of the world out.
Feeling well rested for the first time in a while, I made a resolve to talk to my dad. I thought only good thoughts as I couldn’t let anything barge their way into my mind and break my resolve. The good thoughts came easily, especially after last night. I wasn’t expecting to sleep after Peter left my room. As much as he excites me and sends tingles all over my body, he soothes me, both my mind and my heart.
I fidget all the way to my father’s workshop. Deep down, I hoped he wasn’t there but there he was.
“Hey.” I said softly. He whirled around as soon as he heard me. He looked slightly worse for wear, the eyebags under his eyes more evident than before.
“Y/N. What brings you here?” He asked, failing to hide the surprise in his voice.
“I… I just wanted to see what you were doing.” I said and walked around the table, across from where he stood.
“Well, I was working on a new suit. For Pepper.” He extends his hand in an act to show me the blue armour laid on the table. It already looked like perfection on the outside. I expected nothing less from my genius of a father.
“I wonder if you’ll make a suit next time.” I joked with him, which was definitely a first. The many times I ‘joked’ with him in the past were full of sarcasm, so I deliberately raised my tone so he knew it wasn’t one of those moments.
He paused for a moment which caused me to panic. I looked up through my lashes to see him just staring at me with wide eyes.
“I mean you don’t have to! I’m fine without one.” I said in a rush and frantically shook my head left and right, embarrassed at my first attempt to joke.
“No, I am definitely more than capable of making you a suit. It’s just dangerous. Wouldn’t want you to be caught up in… all of this.” He waves his hands around, gesturing to the fact that all of this was his life.
Oh no.
Dangerous territory.
It was ‘all of this’ that made us who we were. Me, bitter and scornful, and him, trying and heartbroken. We fall silent. I’m sure the same thoughts ran through his mind.
If anyone was going to break the tension, it had to be me.
“I’m sorry.” For everything, I should have continued but that’s all I could muster in that suffocating moment. I looked down as my eyes pooled with tears.
“I’m sorry too.” He said and slowly took my hand and squeezed. I guess I didn’t need the love of a father until I experienced it. My tears instantly fell on the table. My dad let go of my hand and returned with tissues. I gratefully took them and made the effort to hide my eyes from him. In just a glimpse, I saw that his eyes were watery.
“Let’s go out for dinner tonight. You like Japanese food, right?”
“My favourite actually. 7p.m.?”
“Sure. And don’t worry, it’s not a business thing.” He said and I smiled, happy to know he would take all the gatherings down a notch.
“I’ll see you then.” I spoke. Again and again, I would say those words for the many lunches and dinners we would spend together, as father and daughter.    
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Dumb thing, obviously ingo is in Hisui and Emmet is in present day and time wouldn't it be hilarious if, hear me out, he took on an apprentice to help ease the strain of the work alone and ends up taking on some young trainer with Grey white hair and grey silver eyes (for no particular reason(also look i don't actually know the exact color of Ingos hair and eyes I checked his bulbapedia quick just now and it doesn't hecking say but like same color okay)), and they're pretty quiet mostly but clearly really love trains knowing lots of train stuff having train themed pins ect, a fellow train lover and like it helps ease the ache cause the others didn't really love the job they were there for the money they didn't love trains the same they didn't have that drive, but this one does and so Emmet is going about training them. He tries to hide the wet glisten in his eyes when he sees them using a fire type pokemon smoke and flames billowing around them but just, the wrong color, but the smoke still tricks his eyes just for a second. One day he's doing like conductor over speaker stuff you know showing them the buttons and such and asks if they want to tell everyone all aboard, cause he's polite even if generally they're quiet, they nod an excited beam in their eyes as they take the mic they breathe press down the intercom button and pelt at the top of their lungs "ALL ABOARD!!!!" And for a split moment it's like Ingo is right there with him again and he can't help but cry. Now one day they're sat enjoying lunch he asks how they got into trains cause like friendly work banter, they talk about their family in their usual soft voice and say something about an ancestor and they laugh awkward and say in the photos you know they kinda looked like Emmet. They take out their phone and find the picture they took of an old faded brown scale photo and hand the phone to Emmet who nearly drops the phone in shock, cause right there looking back at him a bit scruffy and worst for wear was, his brother Ingo. And some other lady he didn't really recognise with a Rolycoly (look, its track themed I think he'd like a woman who works with a pokemon who wheels around like a cart of a train(platonically tho like yes coworker u, and one day they kinda mutually went we should make a baby together because then they will also like trains and continue our work(platonically has child together cause I do respect Ace ingo Emmet headcanons it fits but I also want to make people hurt so))), the apprentice goes on to say that they apparently came to ancient Unova and may be to credit for the treks that were in place that eventually became train tracks and they just, found that really fascinating how their history may be so linked to trains and it became a dream of theirs to return to family tradition. Emmets hands are shaking a little as he hands the phone back processing all he heard and saw and he looks at them really properly looks at them, and he knew he saw Ingo in them before he knew he was biased and wanted a resemblance of his brother but, he might actually be looking at someone closer to Ingo than he thought.
Tldr: Ingo kinda had a family and Emmet ends up hiring one of his descendents as his apprentice and like I think I'm funny even if its painful, also funny af if Ingo came back to present time and like oops this is fucking up the time line but arceus shows mercy and let's them not be erased from the time line so now it's the Submas twins with niece/nephew. What is it with these guys and adopting kids I swear, except this one is actually related.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hey!! If ur comfortable with this could u maybe do cherry blossom and joe for sk8 with a s/o that has adhd and is often forgetful
kaoru sakurayashiki x gn!reader, kojiro nanjo x gn!reader
a/n: sure thing!! I don’t think I’ve written for either of them yet, so I do hope it turns out alright-! Thank you so much for requesting!!
The way just listening to the Sk8 into and outro gets me prepared to write for it aaaaaah, it’s so good,,,, those are 2 songs that never fail to make me happy;;;
Benekejdjd I also just realized I call Cherry by his real name, yet call Joe his S name,,,, oh well KSNEKDNDJ sorry for my inconsistency 😭✌️
warnings: none <3
word count: 916
Cherry Blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki <3
Honestly? Kaoru is wonderful to be in a relationship with when struggling with forgetfulness.
He’s naturally pretty good at remembering things, but he’s also an avid fan of AI- so, you have both Kaoru and Carla to remind you! Just tell him something important, or something small you feel like you should remember, and he’ll be telling Carla to remember it as well. Human minds are flawed, but Carla surely won’t forget!!
Now, if you forget before telling him/thinking to tell him, he’ll be as calm and understanding as ever.
He isn’t exactly sure how to jog your memory sometimes, but he will do the whole “retrace your steps” thing. Tells you to go back to the other room and enter this one again- try to figure out what you were thinking about beforehand. Maybe being back in the other room will help…?
Or, if it’s during a conversation, and you forget what you were about to say- just tell him you forgot, and he’s calmly listing off things about the conversation. Keywords, almost? Facts about a story one of you just told, words that stick out, etc.
As frustrating as forgetting can be, Kaoru has patience to make up for it. He doesn’t mind doing his best to help you, you’re his s/o after all. If he’s patient and loving (in his own way) towards the kids’ antics, he’s going to be just the same towards you.
If you express your frustration, he isn’t quite sure what exactly to do. He can handle practical things- reminding you, helping you with tasks, but emotions are a bit different.
Despite that, he will try to help. Not out of obligation, but because he genuinely cares, and genuinely wants you to know it’s all right.
“Ah… there, there, (Y/N). It’s completely understandable to be upset, but it’s alright to be forgetful. That’s what I’m for, isn’t it? Why else would you have a boyfriend such as myself, with an assistant such as Carla? If it’s something you can’t remember, it will either come back to you because it’s something you should remember- and, if it doesn’t, I’m sure it wasn’t too important in the first place.”
Doesn’t exactly know how to deal with crying either, so if you do get frustrated to a point of tears, he’ll kind of… pinch your face? Not harshly, but enough to get you to focus on him instead. Once he has your attention, he’ll give his little spiel.
Of course, he isn’t heartless- he’ll comfort you however you need him to. Hugs, kisses, etc <3
“(Y/N), wouldn’t a kiss be more likely to distract you from what you want to remember?”
“It’ll distract me ‘cos I’m upset that I can’t remember..”
“Don’t pout- I’m not denying your request, just questioning your methods a bit.”
Joe/Kojiro Nanjo <3
Joe may not be as effective as Kaoru, but he does try as hard-!!
He may be charismatic and confident, but he’s still a loving boyfriend. He wants to help you in any way he can, and if memory is the way he should help, then he’s on it!!
He has to have decent memory, he works at a restaurant after all? He’s bound to be able to remember orders and recipes, so things that you need him to remember isn’t normally a problem!
Just to be safe, he keeps sticky notes around! On counters, he even has a few set in the kitchen- just in case you walk in, telling him to please remind you of a certain date or something you need to do! He’s pausing whatever he’s doing, if it can be paused, and writing it down, giving you a sweet “got it, baby!”
When he’s not able to see you in person, he doesn’t mind you sending him texts! He’ll write it down just the same, set a reminder in his phone- or, if it’s important enough, or he’s worried he’ll actually forget as well, he’ll (ask?) tell Kaoru to set a reminder on his little machine assistant.
(“She has a name, you idiot gorilla. I’ll do it for (Y/N)’s sake, of course, because they actually remember Carla.”
“Ah, I remember. I just don’t care-“
“You’re on thin freaking ice.”)
If you walk up to him, opening your mouth to say something, then shutting it- your eyebrows furrowing to try and get yourself to remember- he’ll also be very patient. (He’ll also find your expression strangely cute, as if everything about you isn’t.)
“What were you doing before you came in here? Watching anything, searching for something?”
He’s not as great at jogging your memory as Kaoru is, but he certainly won’t give up. Heck, he’ll walk around the entire house with you, or go to the room you were just in. Pointing at things, trying to list anything that may be a keyword- any way he can try and help!!
Now, if you get frustrated because of your forgetfulness, he can handle it a bit better than Kaoru.
If you start to cry, or even if you just need a hug, he’s hugging you, patting your head carefully. Buff gorilla though he is, he’s a loving buff gorilla who definitely gives good hugs (and kisses)!
“Don’t cry, (Y/N), it’s alright. I know you’re frustrated, but I’m sure it’ll come to you eventually. You don’t need to be upset with yourself just because you forgot. It’s not like you chose to forget, so don’t get too worked up… it’ll all be okay, I promise <3.”
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sukirichi · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing okay. So I just had a thot. And idk what to do with it. So Imma just put it here cause your blog is my new favourite. I'm not even joking. I literally devoured everything related to Tokyo Rev on your blog. So here's my theory. Do correct me if you think I'm wrong Sensei!
Bouten husbands and where they liked to be kissed the most/ or is their weakness. (Ps: it's just my opinion. I mean no offense to anyone.)
Mikey~ Kiss him on his shoulders and he'll cry. Cause he's been bearing all the burden of his dark and decaying world for so long that he doesn't even know that he needs to take a minute for himself and rely on others around him. Especially since most ppl around him are willing to give their life and limbs for Mikey. He just can't seem to keep that in mind. So you've taken it upon yourself to remind him frm time to time. Just a little peck on his strong and broad-ish shoulders to remind him that he's not alone. That if nothing, he has you. He always will.
Rindou~ Something about being kissed on his cheeks, especially by his lover, does things to him. Like his cardiovascular muscles do a little somersault in his chest or something. Because yes, it doesn't matter if he's one of the big, scary and irreplaceable executive of Bouten, he still has an unconscious inferiority complex. Sometimes it just skips his mind that despite everything, he too deserves the world. And every once in a while you need to remind him about it. That he doesn't have to be flashy and snarky like his brother. He just needs to be himself and that he is undeniably worthy of love.
Ran~ Not many people are taller than him, you are no exception. So it makes sense that in order to kiss him you need to be on your tippy toes. And still you're only able to reach his neck. So yeah, just kiss him there. Right on his Adam's apple and he's a goner. It doesn't even have to be sexual. Ran is always the one to take charge. It's kind of in his nature and you happily oblige him. But every now and then, you also need to remind him to take a breather That he can just let go and get dotted over for a change. You're more than happy to take care of him, that he needs to be taken care off.
Koko~ This man not only, brings in the big dough for Bouten, but also beats up people while at it. To say that he's always overworked is an understatement. His hands are always doing something, illegal things most of the time. He knows he's no saint. That there's no coming back into the light. He's painfully aware. But once e intertwine your hands together and kiss him on top of his knuckles, he swears that it's his redemption. You're the only light in his dark and dangerous world.
Kaku-chan~ Please. Just kiss this man on his forehead. Please. He's literally out there, ready to give his life for the things he wants to protect. He's always doing that. Protecting the people that have gone astray, who have no more hope left. He's ready to die for them, if it means they'll keep going. So please, just once, just protect him instead. Protect him from the demons he skillfully hided in his head. Protect him from the nightmares that torment him every night. Just protect him for a change. He needs it more than he's willing to admit.
Sanzu~ Okay. Hear me out. He's deranged and he knows it. He knows he's won't bat an eye before painfully torturing someone to death. Heck he'll even do it with a smile plastered on his face. He knows that he's stained in blood almost all the time.(sometimes his own, most of the other times, not his own). He'll even relish it. He knows that he's been tainted with burden of death. He knows that he lives in the shadows. He's not sane. He's not good. He's bad. He's ugly. You can tell that these awful thoughts keep him awake at night. So when they do and he has this almost painful look on his face. Just pull him close and kiss him on his face, over and over. Kiss his scars, kiss his lips, kiss his nose, his eyes. Just don't stop until he's got your point across. That yes, it's true that he's despicable. But you still love him nonetheless.
Ps: Sorry that was too long and kinds got out of hand. But these are just my "thots". Thank you for hearing me out!~ Thot anon
hi i’m doing okay, thanks for asking n i hope you are too !! also aaah i’m glad to know my blog is your new fave, i hope you enjoy more of my future tokrev content 🥺 ALSO YES ITS HEADCANON TIME LETS GO LETS GO
mikey n shoulder kisses 🥺 i hc that mikey is stiff and rigid all the time without knowing. like you said, he has a lot on his mind and draken even said mikey had a heavy ass cross to bear, so imagine the weight and burdens he has to shoulder 🥺 so if you lean into him for a hug then kiss his shoulders, mikey deflates. to him, its like a reminder he doesn’t have to carry it all by himself all the time and poor bb forgets that often
cheek kisses for rindou 🥺 the idea of this big, bad executive infamous for breaking limbs but is actually a sucker for cheek kisses and turns into a soft lil bean when you cup his face and just smother him with love n affection? bless. rindou probably unknowingly exerts too much effort sometimes to prove something - may it be his strength, his power, or how he’s perfectly capable of fighting by himself - he’ll have that voice at the back of his head that he needs to do something. giving him cheek kisses grounds him and elicits butterflies in his stomach bcos he realizes that, “oh, i don’t have to try so hard. silly me...now more cheek kisses, please.”
ran and neck kisses !! ON THE FLOOR RN, TELL ME MORE. but yes omg i also hc that ran is such a giver and grown up to look for others the way he does for rindou, so in his head, he’s kind of drilled it into himself that he has to be the one in the lead - not necessarily in a mikey way - but in a “he needs to take charge and take his responsibilities seriously” kind of thing. like mikey, ran is probably often deep in thought as well despite his teasing mannerisms, that when you kiss his neck he can’t help but soften. he enjoys being doted on. loves to be the one on the receiving side. has the sweetest smile on his face when he gets a lil ticklish and he just feels like he’s on cloud nine <33
knuckle kisses for koko 😫 everything you said was on point !! his hands are probably so tired from fighting and counting bills all day, not to mention the amount of paperwork he has to do bcos who else will do them ?? no one knows the inner system of koko and how it works as well as koko does, and he wants to do his job right. he gets a little too absorbed in his work, however, that koko gets a little confused when you take his hands away from whatever he’s working on to leave little kisses at the pads of his knuckles, maybe even massaging his hands or playing with his fingers to help him relax a bit. and you know how koko is so good at what he does bcos its all he knows, but at the same he probably hates how he treads on this dark path ?? so when you kiss his knuckles, he feels relieved. like everything will be okay and second chances are real n something he’s worthy of
omg now this is my favorite - kakucho + foreahead kisses. forehead kisses are always so intimate and soothing in a sense. like come here so you can kiss him on the forehead, watch the way his eyes flutter close and a smile tugs at his lips when your lips trail down to his scar, all the while your hands are cupping his face with such tenderness he never really knew of. kakucho is so used to being the tough guy with his rough childhood that it almost feels surreal. surreal that he’s in bed, with you, safe and sound and you’re kissing his forehead so comfortingly he doesn’t have to worry about putting his walls down for a second. he feels safe. he feels at home. but most of all, he knows he’s not alone and he has you - his family
kissing sanzu’s scars 🥺 everything you said was beautiful n i can totally see it happening !! as much as we all know sanzu takes great pleasure and finds entertainment in what he does, it sinks down a little too late. when he’s not high, that’s when he feels the lows. when the blood on his hands are dried, that’s when he realizes it gets harder to wash them off until it stains deep all the way into his soul. then his scars. he sees his scars and remembers how he has to hide them at some point. he stays awake at night and oddly enough, silent and unmoving. and what better way to ease his worries than to pull him close and just to kiss his scars that he thinks are only one of the ways the darkness - the ugliness - of his soul shows through. keep him close and kiss his scars. sanzu may not always be in the right mind to understand your words, but the simple gesture of showing love and acceptance to a part of him that makes him a whole will engrave deep into his heart. leave him butterfly kisses. kiss him from everywhere to his eyes until they flutter close to sleep. kiss his nose adoringly until they scrunch so cutely. kiss his lips until its your taste that overwhelms him. and kiss his scars to remind him his imperfections are accepted and loved
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aliasimagines · 4 years
It Was You All Along // Dave Lizewski
requested by a lovely anon 💕
Can u write dave x fem!reader where reader Always had a crush on him but he kinda ignored reader bc of Katie but then someone popular asks reader out and he gets jealous and y/n dresses up super hot and he realizes he fucked up
word count: 1809
a/n: i hope this is close enough! ❤️ (i couldn't think of a different title but this one reminds me of Agatha All Along xd)
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"Hey, Dave! My folks are gone for the weekend and I thought we could have an X-men watch party. Wanna come?" 
"Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Katie." 
"Again?" you ask a bit louder than intended,causing a few people to look at you in the hallway. You continue with a lower voice "Aren't you like, tired of all the lying? Like, what if she finds out that you're not actually gay, hm? Cause you know she will, eventually." 
"Why do you care so much?!" Dave says, clearly frustrated. 
You raise an eyebrow. 
"Oh why would I? Maybe because we have been best friends since diapers, you stupid asshole!" you say not caring if some students hear you or not, anymore. "But you know what, you are right. I shouldn't care. Go play pretend with Katie but don't come to me, crying when you end up getting your heart broken." 
"Don't worry, I won't." he snaps back. And you turn around and leave but not before flipping him off. You felt the angry tears rolling down your cheeks as you zigzagged between the chattering teenagers. 
You couldn’t  believe how Dave could be so blind! He only had eyes for Miss Perfect. Whom by the way, is a real bitch and would go back to ignoring Dave or calling him a freak if it wasn’t for his little gay act. 
Somehow you made your way over to the restroom and locked yourself into one of the booths.
Dave couldn’t even see you as a potential “love-interest”. Eventhough you were the one who always were there for him, you were always there when he called, running to him like a lost puppy. And he couldn’t even care less. And you hate him for it. But you hate yourself more for still liking him. 
It’s not like you can do something about it, if you could, you would have. But that’s not how it works, so you are just crying your guts out on the toilet trying not to think about Dave.
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In all honesty, you have no idea how you made it through the day. You almost cried during biology but you caught yourself after a few lonely tears. You could feel Dave’s gaze on you but there was no way you would look at him. As soon as the last bell rang you were out of school, hurring past Tod and Marty, not being in the mood for them either.
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The next day wasn’t any different, you didn’t hang with Dave, Tod and Marty like you normally do. You didn’t sit with them at lunch, instead walked over to the only empty table you saw and placed your tray there. You mounched on your food, completely unaware of your surroundings until you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. You look up to see Matthew Greendale, resident hottie of the school sit next to you. 
"Hey, sorry, it's not a problem if I sit here, right?" he asks. You eyed him suspiciously. 
"No, it's fine." 
It's fine?! You mentally scold yourself. You never even spoke to this guy, outside of literature in first year. Why would he sit next to you? 
"I didn't want to sit with all the other "popular jocks" he answered you unspoken question while taking a bite of his canteen-hamburger. “They’re fun and everything but it’s nice to get away from them sometimes.”
You think of your friends who are sitting a few tables away and you can’t help but agree with Matthew.
“Yeah, I feel you.” you say without thinking.
“Hey..We used to sit next to each other in freshman year, didn’t we? It’s y/n ,right?” 
You nod with a smile, honestly being surprised that he remembers you.
“I haven’t really seen you around a lot. But when I do you are always hanging with those comic book nerds.”
“Hey! Comics are great.”
He puts his hands up in a defense.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as an insult. Some comics are good, my little brother made read one last month. It was actually great.”
“What comic was it?”
“Oh, uhm..It was about some kind of blind dude in a devil costume.”
“Daredevil?” you ask with a giggle.
“Yes, that one!” he laughs too.
The two of you continue talking until the end of lunch break. He is surprisingly fun to talk to and he even offers to walk you to your next class after lunch. You had such a good time you didn’t even think about Dave, heck, you didn’t even notice him literally glaring daggers into Matthew.
“What’s up with you, dude?” Tod asks snapping Dave out of it. 
“Yeah, Dave. What the shit is going on with you and Y/N?” Marty asks too.
Dave forrows is eyebrows. Yes, what the shit is going on with the two of you? Every since yesterday's 'fight' with you he can't stop thinking. About how he spends most, if not all of his time either with being Kick-Ass or, rather with Katie. It used to be different. He spent every second with you and he just threw you away so he could maybe get laid. And sure, Katie may be hot as fuck but she is.. Well, she is not you. 
"We had a fight, yesterday. I.. And she was right." he explains with a grimace. "But why the fuck is that Greendale asshole is with her?" 
"You jealous or something, dude?" 
"Wha- Of course I am not jealous! Why would I be? You guys are nuts." 
Jealous… The word rolled around in his mouth like a new flavored milkshake he never tasted before. 
Could he be… Jealous? He never thought of you that way, you were always his best friend. Just that. But.. The more he thinks about it the more he can't stop that twist like feeling in his stomach. 
That night he can't focus on crime fighting. All his thoughts are tied to you. Whether he likes it or not, memories of you keep popping up in his mind. How didn't he notice your beautiful smile before? And your laugh? It's like a beautiful melody. And… Gosh! When did he become such a sappy teenager? Oh and another thing.. He kept trying to think of something else, anything else like Katie for example but he doesn't care anymore! 
Dave goes home early with a frustrated growl. The remaining hours of the night he spends with tossing and turning and daydreaming instead of sleeping. 
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(the next afternoon, Atomic Comics) 
Dave bangs his head against the wood table once again. A tired groan leaves his lips when he hears Tod almost choking on his iced coffee. 
"What the tunk, Tod?" Marty and Dave ask almost at the same time. The dirty blonde haired boy keeps pointing outside the huge window that they are sitting next to at Atomic Comics. 
"Is that fucking y/n?!" 
Now all three of them look outside the shop and see you, all dressed up nad seemingly waiting for someone. 
"Holy fuck!" Dave whispers. He stares at you, with his mouth a gap before jumping up from the booth they were sitting at and rushing outside the store. 
"Y/n! Y/-" he yells almost tripping on thin air. 
"Dave?" you question, quickly turning towards him. Damn, you missed him. No! Yeah, you did… "What do you want?" 
"What do I- What, can't I talk to you?" 
"If you wanted to talk you would have in these past days!" you say. Yes, you might have missed him, but it's not like you're gonna show it. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am waiting for my date to show up." 
"Your.. Your what, now?!" 
"My date" 
"You can't go on a date!" 
"And why is that, Lizewski?" 
"Lizewski? Really, you're calling me by my surname? Are we in such a bad place right now?" 
"I don't know, you tell me. Are you going to tell me what i can and can't do, hm?" 
"I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"What, it's fine when you say it but when I do it with you about Katie I'm the bad friend?" 
"No,it's just-" 
"Sorry. Matt's here." you point to the street across the road where you saw the boy walk towards you. "I gotta go." 
You start walking away but Dave grabs your wrist. 
"Please, don't." he mumbles. 
"Why not?" you snap at him but your expressions soften upon your eyes land on his saddened face. 
"I- because I don't want you with him. O-or anyone." 
You raise an eyebrow. 
He took a deep breath before looking around. Matt was waiting patiently by the traffic light so he could cross the road. Dave quickly began explaining. 
"You were right. About Katie. I was such a dickhead, I am so sorry, y/n. I am sorry for ignoring you over her and and.." from the corner of his eye he sees the traffic light turn green. "Shit! I don't want you to go out with Greendale cause I.. Because I like you. Like really fucking like you. And oh my god you look so fucking hot in this outfit, not that you're not always hot but holy shit. I know we are just friends and you don't think of me that way but I ju-"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?" you yell before pressing your lips to his. Dave stumbled back a little, but quickly recovered and kissed back. Your hands cupped his face and his hands grabbed your waist in response. You both tilled your heads, deepening the kiss earning loud knocking from Marty and Tod as they watched the whole scene through the window. Not that you noticed any of it. You didn't hear the passing by car honk at you nor the yells or whistles. You also did not notice Matthew walking away with a sad smile after seeing the two of you. Your touches intertwine and you're pretty sure you heard Dave moan slightly which causes you to giggle into the kiss. You both pull away gasping for air. You look down at your shoes, hoping to hide your flushed cheeks. Dave scratches his back and looks around nervously only to see his two idiotic friends making kissy faces. He lifts his middle finger for them before clearing his throat. 
"So.. Khm.. I guess you like me too?" 
You let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I do." you say looking at him with a smile.
"That's.. Fuck. That's great." he replied genuinely happy. "Wanna get out of here?" 
You nod and you take off. You take Dave's hand and he intertwines your fingers with a smile. Maybe he is truly a superhero. He helps people and he gets the girl of his dreams. The happy ending. 
Dave Lizewski taglist : @sethcohenluvr @your-hispanichufflepuff
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