#hell still be sleeping when you wake up though he is strict on a whole cats need about 20 hours to sleep rule its cute
mydetheturk · 1 year
Title: In A Circle 'Round the Kitchen Table Author: mydetheturk Rating: T Word Count: 1,653 Warnings: None really; Vash is sad about Knives and Wolfwood's more high-strung than usual, but its just soft times at Home
Summary: It's Vash's fault they're here at Home, where everything has Nicholas on edge. Making him food is the least Vash can do, then, to make Nicholas feel better.
Author's Note: Just some soft stuff for day 4 of @mashwoodweek; I chose the prompt "comfort food" and I just really wanted to make Vash cook for people. It's also a direct sequel to Hell, I'm Dead Already, which will provide some context as well. Enjoy <3
(You can read on AO3 here)
Title from Big Houses by Squalloscope
Vash convinces the others to go Home, to Ship Three. He hasn't been since Meryl and Wolfwood dragged him there after Wolfwood found him again. Wolfwood is still breathing odd to Vash's too sensitive ears and it worries Vash. Wolfwood's cranky about being here, on strict “No you're not allowed to smoke, not even if you're outside, we're trying to heal you, you idiot,” orders.
(Wolfwood won't talk about it, but Vash knows he's on edge because of the doctors checking up on him as well. There's an edge to his nightmares and he's barely sleeping deep enough for REM cycles.
Wolfwood doesn't talk about the Eye of Michael, only speaks around what happened to him. What was done to him.)
Wolfwood is dozing in Vash's bedroom and Meryl is out in one of the biomes with Luida.
Vash is in the kitchen making stir fried rice for someone else for the first time in a hundred and fifty-two years. He doesn't think about the exact number of months and days, nor who the rice was for. He's made it for himself countless times over the years, quiet and alone, but hasn't shared this with anyone else.
The motions are rote, Vash going through them via muscle memory as his mind drifts. Chopping vegetables, waiting for the rice to cook, all of it brings back a nearly-forgotten laugh and a hint of the geraniums Rem loved so much.
Vash is just pulling out the oil and heating the wok when the door for the kitchen opens.
“Oh!” Meryl is on the other side of the door frame, surprised to find Vash here. “I smelled rice,” she says sheepishly. “Are… are you cooking?”
“Yeah,” Vash says. “Want to go wake Nicholas? By the time you get him and get back I should be closer to done.”
“Sure! What if he's actually asleep asleep, though?” Meryl hovers at the door, staring at Vash, who doesn't stop his movements.
“I… don't think he's slept well, Meryl,” Vash admits. It's why he's making this. He can't do much else, really, except be here for Nicholas when he wants to open up.
“You mean he's being worse than you and you don't think he's slept at all, got it. One cranky undertaker, coming up.” The door closes behind Meryl as she heads to Vash's room. He trusts she'll get there and back with fewer problems than Nicholas by himself.
The rice is finished and Vash is starting in on the eggs when Meryl brings Wolfwood through the door. He looks worse than he did when Vash left him alone in his room a couple of hours ago. Like he hasn't actually slept and instead tossed and turned the whole time.
Vash pauses in whisking and steps lightly over to the door and looks at Nicholas for a moment, head tilted in a question.
Nicholas sighs, leans forward, and settles his head on Vash's shoulder. Vash tips his head onto Nicholas's and chirrups, reaching out the way he would one of his sisters. He only leaves a slight impression from his Plant markings when he pulls back, a hint of shimmer in Nicholas's hair.
“When're we gettin' out of here, blondie?” Nicholas asks. It's not desperation in his voice; it's resignation.
“I could ask my sisters, see what they think?” Vash says. Nicholas grunts. Vash kisses Nicholas's cheek, and between him and Meryl they make Nicholas sit at the tiny kitchen table. It's not a space designed to be eaten in by more than one person, but it's alright. It’s a tight squeeze, but they’ve had tighter ones. Meryl grabs plates and silverware when Vash directs her, setting the table as he continues cooking.
“What're you making?” Wolfwood finally asks. Vash glances at him over his shoulder, taking in his partner. Bruises instead of circles under his eyes, several days of beard growth, his nails bitten to the quick, and a small hint of blood in Nicholas's cuticles from it – Nicholas is in agony here.
Vash turns back to the rice, tossing it in with the vegetables. “It's a recipe my – my mother taught me,” Vash finds himself saying. Nicholas sits up straight and Meryl nearly drops the plates in her hands. “The last time I made this for someone other than myself, we found the remains of our sister two weeks later.” Not long after that, Nai orchestrated the Great Fall.
“Vash,” Meryl breathes.
“Damn, blondie.”
“She'd been experimented on. We were lucky we hadn't been.” He doesn't – doesn't know why he's saying these things. He needs to close his mouth, shut himself up, make himself small so he can't burden them with the fact that he cares about them enough to make Rem's rice, the rice she taught Vash and Nai how to make together.
Vash flicks the wok. The eggs go in slowly, coating the rice.
“Your mom taught you how?” Meryl says, breaking the silence.
Vash is grateful she didn't ask after Tesla. He knows she will at some point. He knows Nicholas had – has – had the means to find out.
“Yeah. Me and Nai.” Vash stirs the rice, eyeing it suspiciously.
“Brothers are fucking difficult,” Nicholas says. Says like he has experience, and Vash knows he does. The name ‘Livio’ in a broken, rattled tone is one that still rocks around Vash's mind when he dreams.
“Don't have any brothers,” Meryl says.
“Would not recommend having any, either,” Nicholas says immediately. Vash privately agrees, though he supposes his own history with his brother is more... homicidal, than most. “They're a pain, they always want to stick around you, they get you into trouble, and you're stuck with them. They go missing, and you can't stop wondering if it's your fault.” There's a sound like the rattle of metal on metal, but Vash knows the difference between gunmetal and Home's silverware and Meryl's chair getting shoved back faster than the chair would like.
Behind Vash, Nicholas's breathing catches. He's trying to not cry over his little brother Livio again. Nicholas has been on edge and paranoid the entire time they've been Home, and it's Vash's fault. He was the one who suggested here, convinced Nicholas to let the few doctors Vash trusts look at him; this is Vash's fault.
The handle creaks under Vash's grip. He relaxes his hand, purposefully does not think of his own brother any longer.
“I'm fine,” Nicholas says.
“You're such a fucking liar,” Meryl hisses. “It might, actually, kill you to tell us what's eating you, wouldn't it?”
Vash wouldn't go that far, but he agrees.
Oh. Rice is done.
Vash flicks it once more, inspecting the food. It looks the same as usual. There's nothing different about it.
It feels different, to make this for someone else again.
“Dinner's ready,” Vash says. He clicks the burner off. Turning to face his partners, who are in each other's faces with matching irritated expressions once more, Vash relaxes. “No more talk about brothers tonight. What's everyone been doing?”
Meryl sits down with a pointed thump. “Luida's been showing me the biomes. They're beautiful,” she says.
Nicholas sighs, sitting back and closing his eyes against the lights. “Brad says the docs should be able to synthesize something to heal some of the damage. Might have to convince the Plants, though, is what one of the grumpier docs said, apparently.”
Nicholas is not the washed out, ashen shade of when he'd downed too many ampules in Vash and Meryl's defense, overworking his body and almost killing him. He hasn't been sleeping since Home picked them up, and he's been stewing in a cocktail of nicotine withdrawal and anxiety the entire time.
Vash can still see how the serum cracked him, can smell the bile that forced its way out of Nicholas's lungs and stomach. Can hear the way his heart has to work that littlest bit harder now.
Vash wants, so very badly, to know what his brother did to Nicholas.
Vash does not think he will ever get to know, not from Nicholas, and absolutely not from Knives.
“So we talk to the Plants!” Meryl says. “They'll listen, right?”
Vash scoops a large spoonful of rice into Meryl's plate. “They'll listen.” His sisters are very good at listening. Vash has to focus, but he can always feel them, just beyond his senses.
Another scoop, slightly larger, ends up in Nicholas's plate. Nicholas narrows his eyes at Vash, but picks up his fork and pokes at it. A third scoop onto Vash's plate and Vash sits in the remaining chair.
“Eat,” Vash says.
Meryl doesn't need prompting twice, but she gives Nicholas a kick in the shin to get him to do more than poke at his rice. Vash takes a bite of his own and swallows it before Nicholas starts to eat his. Paranoia, then, as well, from the lack of sleep and his nerves. Vash will have to lay on him tonight, keep him warm and safe.
Out of the corner of his eye, Vash notes Nicholas's hackles slowly relax further than they have since arriving Home. Vash'll suggest they make a swing past Hopeland when they're done here. Vash will beg his sisters for their help if he has to. He doesn't want to lose Wolfwood, not to this.
“It's really good!” Meryl says, breaking Vash out of his reverie.
Nicholas nods. “Yeah. Thanks, Vash.”
He really means it. Vash smiles.
“We should talk to my sisters tonight,” Vash says. “While the others are asleep.” He hasn't shown them his favorite spots in the Plant room, though Vash thinks the only one of them who might fit into a couple of them now is Meryl.
Nicholas and Meryl start chatting, Meryl holding most of the conversation while Vash watches. They're too good for him, really.
He's glad they chose him anyway. Given the choice, he'd choose them again too.
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slasherparty · 2 years
can we get a nsfw or sfw fix with Josef and a chubby trans male reader,, hes a big comfort character to me:,))
ofc ofc !!! he's very comforting to me as well (i'm also fat + transmasc so this might include a bit of projection forgive me!)
josef 🐺 / chubby trans male reader (sfw)
josef finds you very interesting, from the get go. he's glad he can engage with someone who isn't offput by his demeanor and often feminine mannerisms. he can be himself in front of you (whatever 'himself' is; he still hasn't really decided, doesn't think he ever will).
he isn't one for personal space, that much is obvious. he likes making people uncomfortable. it's kind of his thing, part of the fun of his whole process. the first thing he does that he assumes would be an unwanted invasion of space is lay his head onto your soft belly while sitting on the couch next to you. he's surprised when you don't stiffen under him. well... even if it didn't scare you, at least you felt soft and comfortable.
he's curious about your gender story and wants to hear the very gritty details of it. partly because he wants you to feel vulnerable, but also because he's genuinely interested in getting closer to you. whether or not this is for ulterior purposes, he does seem engaged when you speak about your journey; the good and the bad.
josef is most likely nonbinary, or at least uninterested in subscribing to strict gender outlines, so he delights in bonding with you over shared opinions and thoughts on identity. he's a bit shaken by this, because he finds himself being completely honest about himself to someone for the first time in a while. it's an... uncertain, but refreshing change.
he decides to pause his little game for a bit, if only to learn more about you and enjoy the fun he's having with you a bit longer. the thing is, the more time you spend with each other, the more... normal this whole situation feels. a bit domestic, honestly. it freaks him out, but he can't deny how excited he gets waking up and realizing you're still here. you haven't gone anywhere; quite the contrary in fact. he isn't sure he'd be able to get rid of you. and he knows you wouldn't be able to get rid of him.
josef 🐺 / chubby trans male reader (n/s/f/w)
so, by now it's kinda obvious he has a thing for you. you know he's never been one to keep his hands to himself or generally respect personal space, but the lingering hugs, greeting pecks on the mouth ("it's how they do it in europe!"), his hand on the small of your back when you take walks outside, waking up to him sleeping laid across you... well, this felt like something else.
he found you attractive, undoubtedly, and... you felt the same for him. there was heat there and you weren't feeling so shy about it anymore.
one night, you both were lying on the sofa in front of josef's grand fireplace (how the hell can he afford these places?), watching a found footage horror flick on the big screen. you casually draped a leg across his lap, made it look like an effort to get more comfortable. without missing a beat, he lays his arm across it, squeezing your calf. he smirks. "getting comfy?"
"hmm, yeah. but i could be comfier." you shrug, and pass him a suggestive side-eye. his brow raises.
"how so? i wouldn't be a good host if i didn't attend to my guest's needs." you snorted. you both knew you were far beyond host/houseguest at this point. you lean up and put on a thoughtful expression.
"well... let me try something." you move until you're sitting fully on his lap, his limber thighs framing your larger ones in a way that felt... oddly correct. like puzzle pieces slotting into each other. "oh, yeah. now this is comfy."
to his credit, josef doesn't flinch even once during all of this. his hands pause, though, just a moment before he slides them along where your thighs meet. his chest rumbles against your back. "yeah... i could get used to his."
he props his chin on your shoulder, and you suddenly feel caught in the jaw of a wolf. you didn't dislike it. especially when his hands began to wander, up your thighs to your belly, where he squeezed and massaged the soft flesh there. thank the lord you weren't ticklish (though he would have loved to torture you with this).
you sink back into him, which invites him to touch more of you. he feels up your chest hesitantly, and when you don't protest, he continues confidently. his stubbly face turns astride your neck, and you feel his hot breath against your nape. "anything else that would make you more... comfortable?"
"mmm... uh, well..." you can't help but squirm a little. he chuckles, in that same lighthearted way he would as if you'd just told a joke. it calms you down, just in time for him to lick your neck. "ah!" out of left field as usual for josef. but you let him continue, because he was cradling you like something he caught out in the woods and dragged back home, and it made you heated.
his left hand, large and dexterous, ran up your chest to hold your shoulder close to him, pinning you against his chest. his other hand, similarly dextrose, felt down your torso further and further, before... ah. he felt the heat there, pooling in between your thighs. you whimpered, and he bit down teasingly into your neck.
"is this it? what would make you so sooo comfortable?" you nodded helplessly, desperately. "kinda rude not to answer directly, bro. c'mon... tell me."
"yes, fuck, touch me josef. that's what i need right now." you felt a little humiliated, but this was all the better for him. he tucked two long fingers under the waist of your shorts, feeling your soft belly, and the heat underneath. you shuddered as his hands met with your swollen t-dick, rubbing the taut flesh that was frankly touch starved.
"fuck, fuck, fuck..." your head fell backwards, limp against him, as he kissed and bit at your collarbone.
"good boy..." he slid his fingers deeper, hooked them inside of you, his thumb rubbing against your t-dick to keep you breathless in his lap as his fingers pumped you. you were wet and undone, bucking against his movements like a wild animal. it was fitting, considering he was biting into you like one as well. "that's right... let me give you what you need, baby."
he began to outright fingerfuck you, fingers curling in just the right way to make you howl, convulsing against him in full-body pleasure. "don't stop, fuck, don't fucking stop...!!"
josef bit down hard into your throat, just as you came all over his hand, still moving furiously inside of you. you felt absolutely spent and overstimulated as he continued to experiment with you, feeling how swollen your t-dick was, rubbing against it off and on as you twitched and came down from the insane high.
josef brought his hand out gingerly, and of course, slid each digit in his mouth to taste you. you were inside of him, in a way, and it made him giddy. "comfy now?"
you could barely breathe out a laugh, exhausted. "yeah. yeah, i am."
um..... hi.... i hope this isn't embarrassing as fuck lmao <3 hope you enjoy anon :)
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
I know requests are closed but when they open can you do Mornings with Riddle Roseheart like you did for Leona please?
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Mornings with him
notes: there you go anon! hope you enjoy it!
contains: character x gn!reader
warnings: none
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Waking up with Riddle is.....something to get used to. He is very adamant about sticking to his schedule and he has his set getting up alarm and he will get up at that time. There is no staying in bed for 10 more minutes to cuddle, it is 6am on a Monday and Riddle will get up at 6am on every week day except Thursdays where he gets up at 5:15 because the Rules of the Queen of Hearts say so.
If you want cuddles in bed in the morning, you gotta wake Riddle up earlier. He will complain that you didn't let him sleep until his alarm rings but that is quickly forgotten if you trail some kisses down his neck or kiss him on the lips.
He'll gladly indulge you in that case, however he still lets his annoying ass alarm turned on because of that one time where he turned it off when waking up and lost himself in your kisses to the point where he got up half an hour later by accident. You quite frankly found that hilarious and Riddle just looked at you with an angry expression like "You're so irresponsible". He can't stay mad at you for long tho. But let me tell you, Ace and Cater teased the hell out of him for coming to breakfast late when the whole dorm was already there because they didn't want to get reprimanded by Riddle for getting up too late. They gave you shoulder pats, congratulated you and they still talk about "the time Riddle got held up from getting up on time because he's fucking whipped for his s/o"
Honestly your best chance at getting some affection from Riddle in the morning is on weekends where he gets up two hours later at 8am. Not ideal either but better than 6am at least.
On school days Riddle has an overly strict morning routine that he will try to drag you into but eventually give up if you refuse. And when I say strict morning routine I mean he has a schedule at what time he brushes his teeth and packs his things for class etc. And he'll get salty if he can't do it at that exact time because he's held up by a conflict at the Heartslabyul breakfast table or something.
On weekends he's a little more chill. Gets up at 8am but otherwise his schedule is fairly loose and you two can take your time enjoying a nice breakfast together where he holds your hand and gives you some extra affection.
He always tells you he loves you and gives you a Good Morning kiss tho. Without fail. That became part of his schedule by now
He re-adjusted his week schedule a little though, to have some time to walk to school with you and stop at Sam's shop to buy you a coffee or hot chocolate or whatever it is you like to drink. Maybe a snack too. And he'll enjoy the nice morning atmosphere with you, especially in late spring and summer when it's warm outside.
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multifandomwriter5 · 3 years
'fuck, i love you' | richie tozier x fem!reader
warnings: mutual pining, some kissing lol, extremely unedited
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you loved richie, you loved his terrible sense of humour, you loved his smile, you loved the way he would fidget when he got nervous, you loved the stupid nicknames he would give you, you loved the way he trusted you with everything, and you loved the way you knew you could tell him anything, you just loved richie.
richie seemed to be complete oblivious to this, he’d flirt with you and trace you skin teasingly all the time but never showed any real interest and as much as that hurt you, you’d rather be friends with him then not have him in your life at all.
richie on the other had thought he couldn’t get anymore obvious with his crush on y/n, the flirting, the name calling, the touching, the looks he’d send when she wasn’t paying attention, he was in deep and didn’t know what to do, there’s no way y/n could like the neighbourhood trash mouth, but a boy could dream right?
you were at the quarry with the rest of the losers, you’d spent the whole day there with everyone and the sun was slowly starting to set, it was beautiful “you know you should just tell him y/n/n,” bev told you as you found yourself staring at richie again lost in thought “w-what?l” you were shocked, you hadn’t told her about your crush on richie, though you couldn’t be too surprised, it was obvious, but it caught you of guard non the less “you are so blind you know?” she laughed “what do you mean?” you were confused, did she know something? “he’s not like that with every girl, he totally likes you” she smirked as richie glanced your way, turning around embarrassed when he saw you’d caught his stare “no,” you breathed lightly, shaking your head. it’s not that you didn’t want to believe her, but you couldn’t get your hopes up just to be disappointed.
“ugh look at her, she’s perfect,” richie exclaimed as he looked at you shamelessly “dude just fucking tell her already,” eddie told him, it was a regular conversation between the boys, richie would say things about y/n and the boys would tell him to tell you but he never did.
as fun as the day had been, it was now getting dark and the remaining losers had to start making their way home for dinner. y/n and richie walked together, richies parents weren’t home and y/n’s weren’t too strict on times as long as she was being safe she could be home whenever.
“hey are they adding a new game?” y/n asked richie as they passed by the arcade “looks like it, we should check it out tomorrow,” he said “sure, we inviting the rest of the losers?” she asked, hoping he’d say no “nah, just the two of us" he said as if it was the easiest thing he's ever said.
richie was internally dying, he had gotten home hours ago and all he could think about was her, her hair, her face, her eyes, her smile, her laugh, god her laugh. what if she wanted to go with the losers tomorrow, what she though it was weird, he felt like an idiot, and idiot in love.
y/n on the other hand was flying, she was so happy, she was going out with richie tozier, her best friend and crush, sure it wasn't a date or anything but she hadn't really had much alone time with him since she realized how big of a crush on him she had, she didn't want to be weird but today proved that it could be fine, and if she could walk home alone with him she sure as hell could play a few video games with him.
richie was up all night, he was so anxious for the day to come, he was about to call and cancel when there was a knock at the door, he answered it, still in his pajamas "oh- hey y/n," "richie, did i wake you, it's 1 in the afternoon?" she laughed "n-no sorry, uhh, come in," he said, oh my god he was stuttering, he never stutters, this is going to be a long day "do you want anything," "i'm ok thanks, you good richie, you seem out of it?" she asked him confused with the change in his regular attitude "yeah, i'm fine, just tired, didn't get much sleep last night," "right, well we don't have to go to the arcade today if you don't want too, you look exhausted," "no, no i want to spend time with you," he yawned "we can still hang out, here, my house, diner, park, you pick," she smiled "well there are only so many places in town," he laughed "so how about this, your basements always been comfortable, we'll order pizza and pop and if your up for it, later we'll go to the arcade," "sounds good,"
the afternoon was great, it started off a bit awkward at first but eventually they were laughing together at some sitcom and cracking jokes at every stupid line said, they even fell asleep for a while.
when they woke up y/n was in a haze, she looked around a bit confused, sure she's been here thousands of times, even slept over but they were on the couch together and. it all felt so intimate "you ok toots?" richie asked as he fixed his glasses, she didn't answer she just looked at him, it felt like hours had passed but at the same time it only felt like seconds, and all of a sudden they were kissing, neither of them really knew how it happened but it did "i- i'm sor-" she didn't even finish the word before richies lips were back on hers "fuck, i love you," he managed to mumble in between kisses "i love you too,"
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honeyabyss · 3 years
When Mc gets sick
will scold the hell out of you
"didn't I tell you to take care of yourself?"
you can have only a slight cold and he will insist on you staying in bed for the rest of the week
humans are weak and die easily, and you're apparently stupid on top of that for getting sick even after his warning
will constantly sigh, scold and act like it's a huge nuisance taking care of you
says he doesn't care
actually cares a lot
keeps his brothers away from you, so you have peace and silence to recover
if your condition worsens he will grow panicked, he doesn't want to lose you!
will take you to a human world doctor so you can get the right treatment
after your recovery, he will be so paranoid and overprotective for the first few weeks, will wrap you up in blankets, constantly makes sure you drink and eat enough, will put his coat over your shoulders if he even just gets the idea you might find it cold
"that's your own fault!"
someone like the great Mammon would never get sick
leaves the room only to come back half an hour later panting and packed with bags full of medicine and other stuff you might need
he didn't know what you need so he got one of all
there isn't the right thing among it? oh well no worries he'll get you whatever you say
after all he cares a lot for his human, even though he denies it
he will keep you company and try to distract you from your pain through telling you about his new money making schemes, or try to get you to laugh through telling you about stories where he failed and received Lucifers punishment
he doesn't like that you  have to go through this so he tries to help you however he can
if you'll ask for some quiet time, he will struggle, it's not like he doesn't want you to have some rest to recover, it's just he is so worried and confused, he feels more at ease when you talk to him or laugh about his stories, if you answer that is prove you're still alive and breathing
once you've recovered everything goes back to normal, Mammon will be confident in his ability to take care of you...for now that is, it's probably diffrent once you're actually sick again
stupid normie! An otaku like him doesn't get sick, because he never leaves his room and avoids interactions with others
he, of course, secretly cares though
"Mc? I brought you these anime that we can watch together to pass the time"
"oh and in case you want to rather read something in silence, I brought you some manga recommendations, but please don't sneeze all over them..."
does the online RAD lessons with you as he stays at home almost everyday anyway, so he can show you how they work and help you
he will awkwardly sit next to you on the bed, trying to keep a small distance between the two of you A) because he is shy and nervous and B) because he can't get sick, he would miss all his in-game raids
will ask if you want to play games as well, but soon realizes that you two won't be making much progress with your current reaction time, so he chooses an easy and fun game for you
he wouldn't admit it but he might have set the game to the easiest settings and he himself plays slower for you
he is actually kind of disappointed when you recover so quick, he will miss you now that you visit RAD again instead of doing the online lessons with him, but he is glad you're feeling better again...maybe you could stay home more often with him though?
he will buy and read every single human medicine book so he can find the best solution to your illness
will obviously read them in your room, because he can't leave you alone in this state
makes sure to keep you warm and makes you herbal tea depending on your symptoms
will skip school in favour for your well-being, especially keeps this behaviour up when Lucifer gets mad about it
will yell at everyone who dares to try and enter your room while your still sick, how dare they disturb your rest
will get embarassed about yelling and actually being the disturbance to you himself, will apologize and leave your room to keep reading somewhere else, still checks up on you occasionally and brings you light novels to read so you don't get bored
will come in stumbling into your room with the perfect medicine to cure you, only to find that you're already feeling better
gets embarassed yet again, but says it was worth reading all these books as he can now react faster the next time you get sick
will keep a check on your health and make sure you're always taking care of yourself
keep your snotty face away from him, but also come cuddle
he is very conflicted, because getting sick is not good for his skin, but he also wants to make you feel better with his hugs
will wear a mask so he doesn't get infected that easily
Asmo doesn't know much about medicine but he knows that certain herbs are good for your health, so he'll make you a nice herbal bath to boost your healing
also will take over your skin care routine and adjust it while your sick so your skin doesn't get worse, says he will only buy a refreshing face mask, comes back with more stuff though... I mean what did you expect from him?
will stay in bed with you and constantly cuddle so you don't feel lonely
he will most definetly whine if you ask him for some space or alone time, but does comply...fo at most half an hour, look this is hard on him too! His darling is sick and he can't do anything but be a moral support for you
if you thought he stops to cling to you once you've recovered, then you're mistaken, he will give you so many kisses and hugs having missed being able to do that
"Will food make you feel better?"
"You don't feel like eating?"
the poor boy is so confused, you're going to die if you don't eat! He will ask Satan what humans need when they're sick
will make yoou the perfect meal based on your symptoms, he'll even hold back on eating from it
he has a huge smile on his face while he watches you eat what he prepared, he is so proud that you like what he made you
eat as much as you can, Beel will eat everything you can't, all this boy wants for you to eat at least a bit so you have enough strength to recover
you get cold? cuddle time!
there is no way Beel will leave your side for as long as you're sick, he'll hold you close and share all his warmth and food with you
is so happy when you're better again. Will celebrate it with inviting you to a restaurant
being sick is like being sleepy right?
he will just go back to sleep next to you as if nothing happend
wakes up because of your coughs and pretends to be annoyed, but is actually worried
will leave the comfort of the bed to get you some medicine, before wrapping you up into a blanket burrito and cuddling into you
don't expect to be getting up any time soon, he wants to sleep...you better not have to go to the bathroom
sleeping is best medicine but Belphie takes this a bit to literally, you two will almost only sleep
once you're better he will still want to sleep using you as a pillow, good luck getting out of that situation
"Are you dying Mc?"
"Barbatos turn back the time before Mc got sick! -Wait you're going to be okay?"
Don't scare him like that! He is always ready to save you from death!
He will let you live at the castle for the time being and appoints the best doctor to take care of you, because he still isn't completly convinced you're going to make it
Does his work in your room, so he can keep a check on you
will not do much work much to Barbatos dismay, Dia is just so worried about you and will constantly ask if you need anything
his breaks consist of hugging you gently and drinking some tea with you
he will literally cry and almost crush you in his hug, when you're finally healthy again. This man was so anxious about losing you, even thugh he could've commanded Barb to just turn back time
he knew you were going to get sick, so he's prepared
knocks on your door in the house of lamentation, before you're even able to tell anyone that you're sick
made himself a very strict schedule for everything so he can help you and still attend to his duties as a butler
gives the brothers various tasks so they can indivdually take care of you in the time he isn't able to be there for you
he will get back to you in the evening after having finished all his work for the day
will make you a light dinner and sit next to your bed
stays with you until you fall asleep stroking you hair and holding one of your hands, when you wake up the next morning Barb await you with a small breakfast, if he stayed over night or left and came back in the morning will stay a secret of his
is relieved and at the same time sad when you've recovered, will miss coming over and seeing you, maybe you can return the favor and visit him at the castle sometimes...
is a human so he knows what to do...
but magic is quicker!
he tries to heal you with a spell, but he just end up making it worse
"Oh no Mc I'm so sorry! Let me make it up by taking care of you!"
undefined matter soup a la Solomon, "eat this", he said, "You'll feel better", he said ...you don't feel better...
the brothers will get so angry and throw him out of the house, he is only allowed to come back once you've recovered, actually scratch that he's not setting foot anywhere near you again if it were for the demons
but Solomon finds his way into your room through your window...will stay over the night, cuddling you and constantly apologizing
will laugh about the whole ordeal once you've recovered
he is so calm, like yeah? Humans get sick, but they recover soon if taking care of correctly
Simeon is just the best!
he knows the right food to make for you, will give you the best medicine and make sure you're taking it at the right time
will make sure you're always comfortable
bored?  "let me get you a book!"
tired?  "let me fluff your pillow so you can sleep better!"
he will sit next to you the whole time looking so calm and confident
he will pray for you to get better quick so you don't have to suffer too long
promises you to take care of you again if you get sick in the future, this man just wants to be there for you
"Are you dying Mc?" Version 2.0
no seriously are you? Will you become an  angel? We can live together in the celestial realm and bake desserts for Micheal!
Mc why are you so angry? No you misunderstood I don't actually want you to die!
Is so sorry he couldn't protect you from getting sick, he will feel so helpless
Simeon and you will cheer him up and tell him there wasn't anything he could have done to prevent it
Luke will bake you light desserts so you can eat some sweets while recovering
will visit you daily with Simeon after school and tell you about the day
crushes you in a big hug once you're healthy again
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Troubled - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Kinda Angst(?), Storyline
Summary: Even though the two have been dating for about 2 years, Bakugou never knew about Y/N’s troubling life. With Y/N being lost and needing to find herself again, here’s how he finds out.
Bakugou and you were so happy. The relationship was incredible. He loved you and you loved him. You were both so loyal to one another, so protective, so honest...sorta. That’s where you faltered a bit. You see, you had a secret.
In the 2 years that you have been together, it was obvious that you’ve already met Bakugou’s parents. However, he never met yours. You told him “they’re really strict. I doubt they want me to be dating so I don’t think it’s best for you to meet them just yet. Don’t worry, they’re awesome! Just overprotective.”
And like the good, loving, trusting boyfriend he is, he believed you! He so badly wanted to change your parents’ minds but he’ll meet them whenever you’re comfortable. He can wait. But it sucks that he could never go over even when there were times where it would just be you and him. Apparently your parents “didn’t allow anyone over while they were away.” Whatever, fair. He still loved you regardless. And besides, you always went over to his house anyway! So everything was fine.
You fed him these lies and kept the truth away from him. In reality, you did have parents. Divorced parents. A loving mother who is sadly always working from early mornings to late nights and a runaway father who eventually got a new family with new kids.
Your father left you. He left you and your mother when you were just 5 years old and you never told anyone. This caused you to be so..angry..and confused..and hurt. Your busy mother was never around to help you cope and so you resorted into actions. You took on this rebellious bad girl persona. Yes you were in the hero course, but you put up a front that displayed you as the rotten apple among the group. You were still lovable and very friendly (a little teasing but still) and people loved you. What they didn’t love was when you went over the top with your bad girl image and even Katsuki got a little peeved at it from time to time.
“Your homework assignment: Create a visual or report on the history of Japan’s hero industry. Japan has had a lot of unfair rules when it came to heroes and so it’s your turn to speak on them, who rebelled against them, and tell us something you rebel against. I expect it to be done next week. Don’t forget it...understand L/N?” Aizawa said as he stared you down.
You sat with your legs crossed with your chin in your hand as you blew a strand of hair out of your face. “Yeah, we’ll see how well that goes.” You sarcastically said with a nose scrunch and devious smile.
The bell rang and students began to leave the classroom. You caught up with your boyfriend, Katsuki, who waited for you at the door. You pecked his cheek before you both began walking to the dorms.
“Hey, dumbass,” He called for you.
“Yeah Suki?”
“You are gonna do the assignment right?” He questioned. You chuckled a bit as you looked at him.
“Suki, c’mon. We both know that’ll never happen.” You said with a laugh but Bakugou just looked at you with a concerned face.
“And why not? You know you can do it and you choose not to. For what? You act like they won’t kick you out of UA.” He reminded you.
“Because they won’t. It’s just homework and I make up for it by excelling at everything else,” you said proudly but he wouldn’t budge.
“Okay but first it was skipping class, then it was skipping school, now it’s dropping class and home work. When are you gonna get off this bad streak?” He asked. You felt a little hurt due to the misunderstanding. He truly didn’t understand but that wasn’t his fault. You didn’t say anything so you have no one to blame but yourself.
“Never!” You laughed, “I’ll be fine Katsuki. Besides, you like my bad side. It makes us balanced. You’re the rowdy and rude hidden Angel and I’m the sweet and pretty devil.”
“Heh, so I’m not pretty?” He jokingly asked. You faced him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You’re the prettiest,” you joked with him. You both giggled a bit before sharing a sweet kiss for a moment. You both separated and you began to walk hand in hand as you led the way.
“But seriously babe, be cautious. Okay? S’all im asking for. And at least try to do your homework. There’s no reason for you to be acting up like this.” He said but his words stung a bit. He..really...didn’t understand....at all. Your eyes went wide but you minimized them before turning to face him. You grew slightly silent as you stopped walking for a bit and he looked at you with a concerned yet serious face.
“....Um...yeah. Sure. And you’re right Suki. There’s uh.....no reason for this.”
After Katsuki walked you home, he kissed you goodbye for now before you walked into your very empty home. You sighed at the quiet and walked to the kitchen to find another note and your dinner placed in tupperware.
‘Hi baby. I’m sorry I’m not home again. I’ll be back later tonight. I have your dinner all set, just heat it up before dining.
Love you, -Mom’
Great. Another empty house for the umpteenth time in a row. You appreciated everything your mom did for the two of you. I mean, she is working 3 jobs to pay for the house and your school. Not to mention, put food on the table. But sometimes you couldn’t help but hate her for being gone so much. You missed her.
You took a shower and changed into some sleeping clothes. You brought your school bag with you to the kitchen and placed it on the seat before heating up your dinner. While waiting, you pulled out your homework.
Listen, it’s not that you didn’t want to do the homework. It’s more so that you couldn’t. You weren’t the smartest student and a lot of the time, you’d need help with the work. In class, it was easier because you had Katsuki but recently he’s been a little busier so you didn’t wanna be a bother. You didn’t wanna ask anyone else and so you resulted into helping yourself in some way. People always told you to confine in the help of your parents but one of them was gone and the other was always busy. There’s no one that could help.
You read the itinerary and came to the conclusion that it was just too hard for you to understand on your own. It would have to be another failed assignment but whatever. It was just one of many. You ate dinner, put away your work and bags and opted to sleep. Just drift away into dreamland where things were better. Where your dad was still a part of your family. Where your mom didn’t struggle in bringing home cash. Where you were a better student and person who did her work.
A Week Later
“So did your little brat ass even write down a sentence?” Your boyfriend teasingly asked.
“What do you think Suki?” You said with a smirk as you faced him from your desk. His eyes went wide as he stilled in his seat next to you.
“...Did you even try?” He asked, worried for your academic career and you. He tried encouraging you all week and you didn’t do anything?
“Relax babe. I opted for a visual,” you said with closed eyes and a smile. He smiled too, proud of you for getting it done.
“You actually did it? Nice work princess,” he said and leaned over to peck your cheek but you only giggled as you clarified.
“Well, more or less.” You said as you stated ahead with a smirk.
“More or less? The hell does that mean Y/-“ he was cut off by the sound of the door opening and their teacher walking in. Aizawa had walked up to the podium and began role-call. Eventually, he made it to the topic of homework and his attention was immediately focused towards you.
“L/N!” Aizawa called out in a non-aggressive or angry way. More like his form of enthusiasm.
“Yes sir?” You replied back with actual enthusiasm.
“Time to present your homework.”
“Can’t do that sir.”
“Why not?”
“Didn’t do my homework sir.”
“Why not?”
“That’s what I’m rebelling against sir.”
You smiled with a very devious demeanor and Aizawa sighed again before he continued. “Did you at least do anything for the assignment?”
“Sort of. But I’m gonna need a certain someone else to go first. Iida, I’m talking about you,” you said turning to face the very robotic and precise young man.
“I’d be glad to present first!” He said and quickly left to the hallway to bring in his visual. Now, the reason why you called on Iida first was because you knew he’d be the only one to actually do a visual and he went above and beyond. Aka, he used sparklers to give it a “wow factor” for creativity points. You would know. You had watched him do his work to see what you can rip off of him but oh well. A new plan already came into mind and so here we are!
Iida walked in with his visual to stand at the front of the doorway and yes, the sparklers were lit! You smiled at the sight and only allowed him to get a sentence out before you interrupted.
“Perfect! Thank you Iida!” You said as you got up. “But now I’m gonna need to show my assignment. You just stay right there.”
“Y/N..” Bakugou quietly called out as he watched you walk around to every student.
“Now, I’m gonna need a piece of everyone’s assignment. So I’ll take this,” you said and took Denki’s paper off his desk and went for everyone else’s as well. You lastly took Bakugou’s before walking over to Iida and taking a sparkler.
“So! For my assignment based on a rebellion, I chose to ignore the whole history part and decided to show you what’s gonna be happening in the now. This is my rebellion. Homework! Why all the homework, Aizawa?” You asked as you walked back to your desk. You kept talking as you kept walking. “We wake up at early hours, go to school, then go to hero school/training and head home with more work to do aka homework. As students, we never get to take control of what we want to do because we’re so preoccupied with school, school, school.”
“L/N...” Aizawa warned as he watched you stand on your desk.
“My rebellion? No homework, more freedom.” You said and began to bring the spark close to all the paper assignments but Aizawa snatched them out of your hand before you and the chance to start a fire.
“Al-Alright! That’s enough L/N!” He warned but you stood firm as you raised the sparkler to the roof.
“No homework, more freedom! No homework, more-“ You were cut off by the sprinklers being activated due to the spark being so close. Students ran out the room to avoid the water but Bakugou stayed with you along with Aizawa as the three of you became soaked.
10 minutes later
You and Katsuki waited outside the room together waiting for Aizawa to return to most likely scold and reprimand you. You were both drenched in water as you looked towards the ground and Katsuki grinded his teeth together. While waiting, it was clear your own boyfriend had been pissed with your actions and surprisingly, he decided to scold you as well.
“What the hell was that all about Y/N!?” Bakugou shouted as he stepped infront of you staring you down. You looked up at your boyfriend in shock. You’ve known each other ever since Junior High and not once has he ever been truly angry with you and your rebellious side. So this shouting was a shock to you.
“What? I did the assignment. I showed what I rebelled against-“
“Y/N quite acting like a dumbass! You know what I mean!” He shouted again. “You’re smart! I know you are! You have intelligence and yet you refuse to do anything useful with it! You get yourself into so much damn trouble and I’ve been trying my fucking best to lead you away from that shit but nothing seems to work! I want you to be yourself and I love you with my everything but this bad girl image isn’t you! Do you even realize how fucking disrespectful and wild you get sometimes?! It’s getting out of hand!”
You bit your lip as you looked to the floor once more. A silence over came the two of you.
“I’m sorry..” you softly said while looking up at him before the silence had a chance to grow alarmingly loud.
“I am too! Because you go too fucking far!” He said with stern eyes and a booming voice. You felt tears reach your eyes and you tried to blink them away as you looked at him and spoke again.
“....I have no one at home who helps me with my homework...” you said brokenly. Bakugou looked at you with a confused and kind of worried face as another silence grew. You said nothing and did nothing as you walked away from him, not even bothering to wait for Aizawa anymore and just went home.
Bakugou constantly tried to reach out to you. He called you always, spammed you with texts, left voicemail after voice and nothing. After that day, you stopped going to school. Bakugou occasionally tried going to your house to knock on the door, but it wasn’t too often due to him still believing your “strict parents” story. And either way, you never opened the door.
On the inside of your home, you were in your room. You ignored all of Bakugou’s attempts to contact you. You couldn’t be around him right now. You couldn’t be around anyone right now. You didn’t even wanna be around anyone at home but I guess that was the usual already. Your mom was too focused on working to notice her sad child but luckily she was also too busy to notice the constant phone calls from the school trying to inform her of her child’s absences. She always had a meal prepped for you when you “returned home from school,” and so that would be your meal. Including anything else you guys had laying around in the kitchen.
Days past by and most of the time, you were in your room staring down at the homework itinerary. You constantly thought about Bakugou’s words.
“You’re smart! ...... This bad girl image isn’t you!”
Was he right? You had no idea. Your dad left when you were five and it blindsided you. You’ve been lost and in the dark for 11 years. Was this bad girl who you were? Were you smart? Did you even know who you really were? You would constantly stare at yourself in the mirror trying to figure out and recognize who the girl in front of you was but you never figured it out. You thought you did but maybe you were wrong.
You spent a lot of time on your phone, specifically through the photo album on it that was filled with pictures of you and Katsuki. It made you smile looking at all the memories. You smiled at the fact that you were blessed with him. He brings out a better you...the best you....the real you. All the times you were with him were all genuine. It was the real you. And you had finally realized that. But you couldn’t be sure.
The bad girl you was still a part of who you were for over a decade of your life. Maybe that was who you were now. And there was only one way you could find out.
It’s been a week and you still weren’t in school. The day ended and Bakugou still waited and waited for you. He never stopped trying to reach out to you. He never stopped because he loved you but now, he also had questions.
‘What did you mean when you said you had nobody at home to help you?’ He thought to himself. The end of the day bell rang and Bakugou, too lost in his mind, didn’t realize all the students leaving. He didn’t even realize Mr. Aizawa walking up to him.
“Bakugou..” he began.
“Tch...the hell do you want?” He said while still staring down at his desk. Aizawa stared down at the sad blonde, slightly in shocked. He had never seen his loud, angry, prideful student this way.
“How’s L/N doing?” He asked.
“Like I would know. She hasn’t spoken to me in days.” Bakugou easily confessed. He honestly didn’t care how he looked. He’s been bottling up everything and needed to talk to someone. He was a little glad it was just his teacher and not one of his peers who he thought would just tease him for the weakness he was displaying.
“Well try to keep an eye on her.” he said and Bakugou looked up at him in confusion. “L/N may put up a tough front, but she’s human. She can only take so much before she explodes like a volcano. Knowing her, it can go 2 ways. She either breaks down in tears and gets everything off her chest or most likely, she’ll follow her rebellious behavior and utterly screw up. Who knows what trouble she could get herself into.”
Bakugou’s eyes shot open at the thought of you committing such terrible things. Aizawa walked back to his yellow sleeping bag once he realized Bakugou got the message.
“However, I will say this,” he said and got into his bag. “She’s very lucky to have you as her light in the dark. Make sure you continue to be her light until she’s completely away from the shadows.”
Bakugou nodded his head in silence as he stood up and went home. Tomorrow, he was going to get to the bottom of this. He won’t let his little volcano blow.
The blonde had gotten ready and planned to head over to your house to talk to you. Not try to. He will speak to you and he will help you. As he walked into the gates of UA he was shocked to see a pretty face waiting for him at the entrance.
“Hey Suki!” You said with a smile as you walked to him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Y/N...” Bakugou gasped out quietly. Once he felt your embrace around his neck he was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hold you tight. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and melted into the scent of you. He held you so close you were kind of losing oxygen.
“Umm..Suki. Can’t breath!” You said jokingly. Bakugou was quick to let go but still keep a loose hold on you.
“Sorry! Sorry- I just- I-“
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m glad you missed me,” you said with a wink and Bakugou smiled. He truly did miss you. “But right now, we should get to class.”
Bakugou was shocked you were choosing to go to class but he nodded with a soft smile and followed your lead nonetheless. You walked into the classroom and took your seat after making eye contact with Aizawa. When you were seated, Aizawa looked at Bakugou and gave a signal of an explosion with his hands and mouth. Bakugou got the idea.
At any time, this might be the buildup to Y/N’s explosion.
Bakugou took his seat and was quick to talk to you. “Baby? You’re not gonna....burst or something right? Everything is fine? Yeah?”
“Uhh, kinda? I mean, I’m pretty secure. I just wanna find myself after all the years of being so lost. .....I’m sure that soon I’ll get those answers.” You calmly said.
“What do you mean?” Bakugou said. He knew it. You were gonna explode. And he also realized he needed answers too. What the hell was going on with you and why didn’t he know?
“Don’t worry love!” You cheerfully said as Aizawa began class. Time went by and class continued. Bakugou was constantly looking your way to check for any signs of agitation. Suddenly, the fire alarm rang and students jumped at the loud sound. Some began walking out as Bakugou sighed in relief.
“Oh thank god! You exploded,” he sighed with his head back and hand on his chest.
“What do you mean?” You questioned.
“You. You exploded. This is you getting all the frustrations off your chest,” he stood up and addressed everyone. “It’s fine idiots. This is just Y/N being a little delinquent,”
“Your blood pumping?” You calmly asked.
“Yup,” Bakugou said with a satisfied smile.
“Good, I didn’t do it,” you calmly said to Bakugou but he continued.
“Yes you did! Im assuming she started a fire but it’s fine. S’not a villain or something so don’t sweat it.” He said aloud. “Go ahead and get out of here Morons, I’ll make sure she’s in check.”
“I-...I didn’t do it,” you still calmly said but this time to reassure the class as Bakugou grabbed your wrist.
“Yes you did, and it’s fine! Because this is how you get all the bad out so now you can’t do anymore bad for 3,000 years.” He said happily but you still looked at him with a bored stare when out of nowhere, the alarm stopped and Principle Nezu came onto the loud speaker.
“Sorry students. False alarm. No need to worry, please proceed with your studies.” The students sighed in relief and Bakugou’s smile dropped as he finally realized this wasn’t you going boom.
“You didn’t do this? You aren’t a volcano?” He asked.
“No explody,” you said in a sing-song voice as you shook your head.
“You need a nap?” He asked. Maybe instead of exploding, you could just sleep off the issues.
“Wide awakey,” you replied.
“..You’re gonna burst and destroy the whole village, aren’t ya?” He sadly and metaphorically asked. You nodded your head as you replied.
“......And the neighboring towns.”
Bakugou just groaned and dropped your wrist as he sat back down with an annoyed face. You giggled as you took your seat too.
The bell that signaled the end of the day rang and you were quick on your feet as you skidded to Bakugou and pecked his cheek. He looked up at you with a soft smile, poked his lips out a little, and pointed at his lips for an actual kiss (which you gladly gave.)
“What’s the rush dumbass?” He asked.
“I’ve got somewhere to be. Don’t worry though, I’ll be fine!” You reassured him.
“..Alright I guess? You still coming over later for dinner with the old hags or...?”
“I’ll be there Suki!” You said and his nerves settled a bit. He kissed you on your cheek and nodded before he allowed you to leave the room and head off to wherever. As he watched you go, he couldn’t stop the uncomfortable stress he felt in his chest.
A few hours had passed since Bakugou’s last seen you. After school he went straight to the gym before dinner. While working out, his mind couldn’t help but wonder what you were up to. What was so important that it had you rushing around like that?
While Katsuki sat at the gym questioning your whereabouts, you were walking to the park with a book bag. You walked into the closed park. It was beautiful. The calming winds, the soft grass, the shining moon, and the beautiful gardens that held happy statues. Too bad you were here to find out who you were.
You placed the bag down on a bench and pulled out your tools. A brick, a hammer, spray cans, and matches. You looked at the instruments you brought and sighed at your actions. Were you really going to demolish a beautiful place just to discover yourself? Was this bad girl image really worth it? You hesitated before you went in to pick up the hammer but before you could, a familiar voice spoke up.
“Well look what we have here. Miss Y/N L/N, the rebel herself.” You turned around to see a few old friends. Haruki Gen, the professional gambler and money hussler and Izumi Tobio, the ruthless fighter. These two were your old friends. People you used to get into a whole lotta trouble with. You three were a delinquent trio that were all about no rules and no restraints. You completely forgot this was the usual hang where you three would just relax after a hard day of mean pranks, harmless stealing, and bullying.
“Haruki. Izumi. S’been awhile,” you said with a nonchalant smile.
“Of course it has. You left us after you got with that blondie boy-wonder.” Haruki teased. You chuckled but were offended as they picked at your boyfriend.
“His name is Katsuki.” You said with your hands in your back pockets.
“Whatever,” Izumi interrupted. “It’s a little dark out here. It gets scary when it gets dark around here.”
“Oh, I appreciate the warning.” You softly said with rudeness laced into the message.
“So where’s boy wonder?” Haruki asked.
“Boy wonder. We see you got a brick and hammer here. Boy wonder isn’t gonna stop you?”
“Once again, Katsuki.” You warned.
“Yeah yeah. You gonna tell us what you’re doing here with those things. Whatcha’ gonna do? Build a house?” She teased.
“She’s Y/N L/N. She’s gonna burn the place down,” Izumi said as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Nah,” Haruki Said. “She’s changed. She’s gone soft. Just like boy wonder.”
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to start calling him Katsuki.” You warned.
“You’re soft like Katsuki. Better?” Izumi said softly into the side of your face.
“I’m not soft.” You said but Izumi disagreed.
“Yeaaahhhh you are. You’ve gone soft. But that’s okay. ‘Cuz we can fix that. And you know how we fix things? With a hammer.” She said and looked to Haruki. You both watched as Haruki went to pick up the hammer you brought and walk back to her spot next to you. “We could do a loootttt of damage with this equipment. Is that what you came here for? To see what you’re still capable of?”
“....Yeah....yeah I came to see what I’m still capable of.” You replied with a quiet but dark voice.
“Really?” Izumi said. “Because I’d love to have you back here doing damage with us.”
“Mhm!” Haruki agreed. “Now...watch and remember that this is what we do with a hammer.” She said before she bashed the head clean off the neck of a statue that oddly resembled your own boyfriend. You slightly flinched at the sound and sight of destruction while Izumi walked to Haruki.
“Okay slugger, let’s give someone else a chance,” she said and took the hammer from Haruki before placing it in your hands. “Show us what you got....softie.”
You took the hammer and once again hesitated before you raised the tool in the air to smash the statue. You freezed midway before you could finish the job. The statue really did remind you of Katsuki and you didn’t know if you had it in you to destroy anything reminding you of him. You paused for awhile and Izumi sighed as she took the hammer out of your hand.
“You’re soft L/N. I know it. You know it.”
“You’re not one of us anymore.” Haruki said.
“Exactly. You’re too soft to be one of us.” Izumi pushed you a bit, causing you to stumble forward slightly. “You chose the wrong group of friends. Chose the wrong person to associate with....you chose him. And he made you weak. So why don’t you just admit he made you weak and go home-“
“No. Because I’m not week.” You said as you faced them.
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Haruki said as she walked towards you and you to her. “Take this hammer from me and prove it. Or else I’m gonna bust up Mr. Perfect right in front of you. ‘Cuz I don’t see anyone here who can stop me.” She said as she motioned towards the statue. She went in to bash it once more and you were quick to grab her arm and snatch the hammer out of her hand.
“Yeah there is,” you said and walked to the bench and picked up the hard piece of rock. “‘Cuz I’ve got the brick, and I’ve got the hammer.”
The two girls smirked at you and Izumi spoke up once more. “Good for you L/N. You know what you’re gonna do with those?”
You sighed through your nose before taking your arm and wrapping it around Izumi very casually, but brought her below your level and whispered in her ear but remained loud enough for Haruki to hear. “I know exactly what I’m gonna do with those.....I know exactly who I am.”
You pushed Izumi off of you and watched her backup to Haruki. They both looked at you in shock and slight fear as you held the weapons that you were capable of harming them with. You stared them down as they watched you with caution.
Hinata L/N. Your mother. She returned home at a surprisingly early hour of the night after finishing her final shift. She was exhausted and completely overworked, but knowing she made some money to support her and her daughter made her smile. She was glad she got to come home and spend some time with her daughter but when she called out your name, only silence filled the air.
She walked to the kitchen but stopped in shock to find the dinner she left for you completely untouched. It remained on the island with the Saran Wrap still covering it. Worried, she went up to her daughters room only to open it and see no one. Hinata’s eyes went wide in shock. Where was her baby girl? She ran to the closet in hopes of you being there, went to the bathroom to find it empty, and even went to the backyard to no avail. The entire time she screamed your name with tears filling her eyes. In a panic, she called a close friend of hers, telling her that she was on her way for a quick visit. It may have been years since they’ve spoken, but the bond was still there and help and comfort was all she needed right now.
Bakugou had finished his time at the gym, took a quick shower there, and made it home. When he walked through the front door, he didn’t expect to find his worried parents consulting a sad woman.
“The hell happened?” The young blonde questioned. The adults in the room took notice of the boy as he walked into the living room and Mitsuki was the first to speak up.
“Katsuki, this is my old friend Hinata. She’s come here for help.” Mitsuki quickly explained. Usually, she’d check her son for his abrasive language but let it slide as she wanted to out her full attention of her dear friend.
“That still doesn’t explain what happened, ya old hag.” Bakugou said placing his bag down and taking a seat. He was a hero trainee and it was in him to help those in need. Granted, he was kinda peeved at not seeing his girlfriend for a few hours and helping out some random, sappy, sad stranger wasn’t really intriguing but a hero’s gotta do what a hero’s gotta do.
“My daughter, Y/N, had gone missing.” Hinata explained. She was worried, yes, but she had always allowed Y/N to wander the city so in the back of her mind she hoped her daughter was just extending the time of her little stroll or whatever she was doing.
“Y/N?” Bakugou whispered to himself.
“Katsuki, you idiot! Your girlfriend!” Mitsuki shouted at the boy. Bakugou’s eyes popped open as he stood from his seat in a rush. He felt his heart about to blow in fear of something bad happening to his Y/N.
“WHAT?! Where the hell did she go?!” Bakugou screamed in fear with a worried look. Before any adults could answer a cop walked through the open door.
“I can answer that.” Officer Haru said. The four of them all looked towards the door to see the officer at the door way. They watched as the officer faced the door and tilted his head inwards. In came another officer that dragged along Y/N. The officer kept Y/N’s arm behind her back as she stumbled forward the slightest bit.
“Baby girl, what happened?” Hinata said as she got up in concern. You remained silent as you allowed officer Haru to speak.
“I’ll tell you what happen. Musutafu code 459 and 623.” He said.
“Vandalism? And Physical Assualt?” Masaru said concerned.
“What?!” Mitsuki said in shocked.
“What?” Hinata said in follow.
“Y/N...what the hell did you do?” Bakugou said in concern as he faced you. Your boyfriend kept his worried but stern gaze on you but that was because Bakugou was shocked. He knew you would explode but committing crimes and assault? Not to mention getting arrested? That’s not what he expected at all.
“You...” you began as you slanted your sight to your Pomeranian of a boyfriend. “You did this to me! Lock me up and put me in jail for the rest of my life and don’t allow visitors or else he’ll show up and bring me my stupid homework!” You said as you walked towards him but the officer held his hand out infront of you to keep you from getting any closer.
“Well first of all, I’d be helping your dumbass!” Bakugou said in reply. The officer took a look at Bakugou and spoke again.
“You’re the kid who’s head she put back on,” Haru said as he pointed towards Katsuki.
“What?” The blonde boy said.
“He’s my boyfriend and he ruined me!” You said still being held back by officer Haru’s arm.
“She’s my girlfriend and I love her,” Bakugou said with a stern voice and his hands in his pockets as he glared you down. “Look, Y/N. Just tell me what you did.”
“She assaulted two teenage girls and did a number on a public park. My park. I watch that park every day and it has never met harm not once until she came along.
“I’m sorry...” you softly said. A quick silence filled the room before Haru spoke once more.
“You all care about this girl?”
“We do.” Mitsuki said with 100% sureness.
“Then let’s all take a field trip down to my park so I can show you all just what she did. Let’s go.” Haru said and guided everyone out the door. Katsuki tried to grab your arm to get an explanation on his own but you shook your head, took his hand, and guided him as well.
After a short walk, you all made it to the park. All of you had walked through the gates to find the concrete area had been completely altered. The walls were painted in beautiful colors with inspiring murals, covering them in words of hope. Extremely precise and intricate chalk designs were covering the ground and the once broken statue had been fixed completely. You all looked around in awe. You walked towards the statues and Bakugou followed you.
“.....I had a brick in my hand.”
“Why?” Bakugou asked with a soft voice. You looked up to him with an equally soft expression as you spoke quietly.
“..because somebody went after you..I know you can defend yourself Suki but..still.”
“Who Y/N?” Mitsuki asked with worry. You took a breath before continuing as you opened up about your past a bit.
“..These two girls I used to know. These two troubled girls I used to know. I could’ve been them..I was one of them. And Suki, even today I would’ve been one of them.” You said but you made eye contact and broke into the smallest smile as you stared into his ruby eyes. “But I’m not. ‘Cuz they think a hammer and a brick makes you strong and as much as I wanted to throw a brick through a window..I knew it would’ve made me weak. I’m strong. And I know it’s because there’s something inside me that stops me from being weak and being one of them, and you are the reason why I have that something. And that something is the reason why I’ll never do any true damage.”
“Because you’re not bad, Y/N.” Bakugou said with a soft smile. You nodded your head and agreed.
“Yeah....why am I not bad?” You asked in confusion. Bakugou chuckled as he took your hands in his and placed his forehead to yours.
“Because it’s just not who you are. You may be a rebel at times, but you’re a rebel with a cause....it’s why I love you.” He softly said and you whimpered a bit at his words as he pulled you in for a tight hug and you slightly weeped into his shoulder. He kissed your temple to calm you down and you pulled your face away from him and just allowed your body to rest against his.
“What happened to the girls?” Masaru asked. You pulled away from Bakugou but allowed him to hold onto your side as you explained with a quivering voice.
“Oh, well they may or may have not insulted everyone and everything I love, so I may or may not have used my hero training against them until they learned their lesson.....especially since they were the ones who destroyed the statue.” You explained and they all just chuckled at your explanation.
“Yeah....they ran away so fast,” you chuckled out softly.
A comfortable silence came around until officer Haru spoke again. “My park. I watch this park everyday.”
You pulled away from Bakugou and stepped to the officer. “...I’m sorry..” you quietly said as you placed your wrists together, expecting the old officer to cuff you. Instead he stared at your wrists before softly grabbing them with his hands and just holding them.
“..You know I’m not gonna give up on that Izumi and Haruki. But I don’t want you to be anything like them.” Old officer Haru said with a comforting voice.
“Heh...I can’t....Katsuki won’t let me.” And the group all chuckled and laughed at that. Haru let go of your hands as he spoke again.
“Musutafu code 459 and 623. Vandalism. Physical Assualt. I’m gonna write this report down. And I’m gonna put it into a file. And then I’m gonna “misplace” that file. And if I never hear from you two hoodlums again, then that file remains misplaced.” He said, admitting to letting you off the hook. You sighed a little as Katsuki walked up to the two of you and softly spoke to you.
“....Ima hoodlum.” He said. Oh, the comedic relief this boy is bringing. You looked at him but went back to the officer as you looked at him in confusion.
“Why’re you letting me off the hook?” You asked but officer Haru just looked around at his newly renovated park.
“My park....I look at this park everyday....I have hope for this park too.” You smiled at him before he nodded with his cap and walked away from you all. The adults all looked at the two teens and saw Katsuki nod his head as he held you. They decided to give the two of you some space and head back to the house while you and Katsuki took a seat on the bench. You sat next to each other in a warm silence as Katsuki kept an arm around your waist and held you tight.
“...You still owe me an explanation Y/N.” He said and you nodded as you looked to him. He was right. You not only owed him an explanation but he deserved one too. And so you told him everything. All the lies, how your father left early on, how it was just you and your mother who struggled to keep the lights on. You told him you lied to him to prevent him from worrying, claiming that the troubled life was everything you knew and you thought you would be able to survive without his help. When he asked how his mother knew yours but didn’t know that you were the daughter of her dear friend, you told him how she did know but you begged her to not tell Katsuki. You told Mitsuki you would tell Katsuki eventually but eventually never came until now. Katsuki, being the great boyfriend that he is, listened to everything. He didn’t judge you for anything. Was he a little mad at the lies? Yes, but he understood. And he still loved you nonetheless.
Eventually, it became so late that the sun began to rise over the park and you were all cuddled up into Katsuki’s side with your knees pressed up against your chest. He rested his head on yours as you rested your own on his shoulder. You both just reveled in the intimate moment and savored every second.
“Hey princess?”
“Yeah Suki?” Bakugou looked towards the statue and smiled before speaking.
“Thanks for putting my head back on.”
You looked at him, pecked his cheek, and snuggled in closer.
“Yeah.....same to you.”
A/N: Hey Cubs! I know this wasn’t really a Bakugou x Reader kinda thing but I like the story line of it and I wrote it so HAH! Truthfully though, I hoped you all enjoyed it. Stay tuned. Oh! And part 9 of “Oh, The Lies You Tell” will be out shortly! See you soon Cubs!
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Dysfunctional - pt. 1
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A/N: I'm just bored.
Growth is something only a little amount of people know about. Nobody truly wants to grow but they do, whether they choose to or not, through time they change.
And so as a bad man finds a bible, a good woman finds her power.
Who were you in the eyes of most people? - A question that always floated in the back of your mind. Like a pebble in your shoe, the one you could never get rid of. It was the main question that bothered you all years through Hogwarts, up to a point where you pushed it so far down and completely transformed it.
Who are you in the eyes of yourself?
Foolish question that oddly worked wonders for you and your transformation. You change your mindset, you change yourself right? At least that's what all those Muggle books had been telling you.
All Hogwarts dug their interest in you all of a sudden but you haven't thought much about it. For you, it was as if nothing had changed. You thought you didn't interest anybody and that was what made you keep yourself on the right path to focus on you and the little moments life has to offer.
"I can't believe that's her." Sirius leaned over, staring and smiling.
"Wave a whole banner, don't you." Remus retorded, rolling his eyes.
"If only she wasn't a Slytherin- by the way, how could she had got sorted into Slytherin. Since our interactions had always been so... civil and well... she posed no threat what-so-ever. I'd always imagined her being in a Hufflepuff." James added, meanwhile Sirius sat down and grabbed himself a toast.
"She lives not far from us." started Peter and all eyes turned to him. "(Y/n)." he felt the need to clarify. "I had heard loads of shouting in her house... since we lived there, everybody knew her family situation."
"Rich and spoiled?" Sirius rolled his eyes, taking another bite in his toast.
"Rich and... strict... very strict father and mother..." Peter mumbled, looking at his bread.
"Oh, that's right. Met her father once- loud old sod." James looked back, looking at you laughing with some of other Slytherins- the bad kind that caused his heart to be swallowed by his stomach. "Always so angry..." he continued, looking at you until your eyes met and he quickly turned away.
"She's got nice hair." said Sirius as all of them furrowed their eyebrows at him. "It's just an observation." he shrugged.
You had been starting to hang out a lot with the wrong crowd of Hogwarts. Everybody started to notice... everybody started to say they were corrupting you and the changes they noticed were quite massive.
You started talking back to the teachers. Something you have never thought of doing, since your shyness was a large part of your childhood personality. But that was just it... you weren't a child anymore, were you?
You were going out of the classroom when somebody rushed right into you, spilling the coffee in your hand all over you and your books.
The boy's eyes widened as he continued to look at the stains that were starting to show all over your uniform.
"I am so sorry, (Y/N). I swear, I didn't mean to- I just- you appeared out of nowhere-" James started to apologize. You were only staring down, staring at him, then back down and just as James was preparing to be yelled at, hexed at or cursed at you let out a laugh.
"Well hell..." you smiled up at him. "Finally a reason to get a new robe." you let out another laugh, meanwhile James only stood there.
"You're not... mad?"
"Well, being mad wouldn't really do us much favour, would it now?" you picked up your books that weren't that much damaged as you thought they'd be. "Shame for the coffee tho. Can't really function without it."
"Coffee?" he repeated. "You're mad about the coffee?" he started to feel a bit relieved.
"I don't joke about coffee, Potter. You should know that." you wiped the books with the sleeves of your uniform. You started to take off the robe so that you would only stand there in front of him with your shirt, tie and skirt. Only then James started to realise how much your body has changed since the last time he had seen you. Your breast, specifically, where he could see your finely shaped lace bra through the coffee stain. He felt his cheeks go red, radiating through his faint freckles and you couldn't help yourself but to smile.
"I'm so sorr- rry." he muttered again, taking off his robe and offering it to you. "Here. Take it."
"Oh, nice. A Gryffindor robe." you took it and wrapped it around yourself. "Though, I always imagined stealing it." you winked and he let out a laugh.
"Would fit your house perfectly."
"Theft?" you questioned. "No. Not a trait for Slytherins."
"No?" he grinned, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back. "If it's not their trait, then whose is?"
"Mine." you winked again, grabbing the bag from the floor as James grabbed your books. "Now, imagine a Slytherin coming into the common room with a Gryffindor robe. God, I'd piss them all off."
James started to laugh. "You hate your own house?"
"Oh, God no." you let out a laugh as you started to walk beside him and notice him looking at you, observing you. "I just find this house thing rivalry real funny." you said, finding him still staring. You stopped and turned around. "What are you staring at Potter?"
"You, clearly." he pointed out bluntly. "It suits you so much better than me and it clearly doesn't even fit you."
You started to laugh. "Well, don't get jealous over it. I'll give it back to you when we reach the dungeons."
"Oh, you can give it back later?"
"Because you can see everything through the stains. Why do you think I offered it to you? Plus, you said you wanted to piss off Slytherins and I'd like to piss of Slytherins as well."
"A common interest."
"Though, I think they'll live, knowing I wear a bra and that I have... a body. Maybe they'll finally stop thinking I'm half mermaid or something." you started to joke and so did James. "If I really wanted to piss them off, I'd use a tie because a robe looks like any other robe, really."
James was the one that stopped now, shoving the books he held into your arms and untying his tie.
"No way, you're doing that. I was joking."
"I'm not." he smiled with his teeth and pulled it over his head. He untied yours and pulled it over yours, exchanging it for his own, Gryffindor tie. "Tell me how it goes. " he said just before he left, lifting your tie in his fist. "I'll keep on to this- just in case I don't get mine back.
"Alrighty!" you shouted after him.
It wasn't until the next day when James was drowsily eating his breakfast before his practice. You came from behind and scared him half to death. His toast flew from his hand and all eyes flew to the two of you. You squeezed between him and the red-head, completely dismissing her presence as you gave James a cheeky smile.
"Want to know?"
"You made my toast fly away." he siad drowsily.
"And you made my coffee make love to the floor. Now do you want to know?"
"How are you so chirp this morning? It's not even seven?"
"Got up at 2am. Had like two coffees since then. Anyway. Do you want to know?"
"Two in the morning? Hell, why did you get up so early- that's not even early... that's like late. And yeah, I do want to know." he started t wake up to the news.
"Been studying all week at night and now I sleep in the noon and am awake in the night. Fun." you chirped.
"Okay- tell me what happened?"
"The looks- oh, my God, you should have been there when I walked it. It was like I murdered their entire family."
"No-" he let out a laugh.
"Mulciber came to me." you started to talk in a more drama-spilling tone and James got excited.
"I thought the two of you were like friends."
"Us? Maybe in another dimension but like-
' *flashback*
"What the hell are you wearing?" he stomped to you and grabbed you by your tie, to which you shoved away in a second.
"Haven't you seen this new trend? I think it goes with- you are what you eat." you started to tease, turning around like a fashion model as you placed your hands on your hips. "Or in this case, you wear what you eat and I eat coffee every day, any day." you winked.
"And the tie?"
"You like?" you continued, seeing the little jealousy burn in his eyes, except you knew far well it wasn't jealousy. It was possessiveness and you'd rather go to hell than be anybody's property. "It's from my new beau." you fanned yourself, wrapping yourself in his robe and peeking through it. "A prince on white horse came to me today-"
"Be serious, (y/n)."
"I am dead serious." you pouted playfully. "He rushed on his horse and knocked me down, spilled my poor coffee all over me. It was like love at first sight. He scooped me into his arms and said 'Oh, dear! How could I have hurt this beautiful creature.-"
"You really didn't say that?" James interrupted the story telling, laughing as the other's who were surrounding you laughed with you.
"I did. Now let me go back."
- "He didn't say that!" Mulciber rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you're shagging a Gryffindor?"
"I'm not." you started to get more serious. "And if I would be, would it be such a bad thing doing one? I mean, you only live once, why would it be wrong not taking a taste of all four cakes." you teased again, causing him to grow redder in his pale skin.
"You stole it."
"It was pleasantly exchanged."
"A tie for a tie." you smiled.
"Why don't we go, eye for an eye?"
"Because nobody wants to give their eye, silly." you continued.
"You really annoy me, you know."
"I do and I really do not care. I only want to go to my room and take a nap."
"I will find out, you know!"
"I don't care!"
"Who was it?!"
*end of fashback*
"You're crazy." James continued to laugh.
"A little dysfunctional but not crazy." you winked and got up.
"And my things?"
"Do you got mine?"
"No, I didn't think I'd see you this early."
"Well then... guess they are mine now." you leaned forward, an inch apart as both of you continued to grin at each other, not another word spoken. You didn't dare to look anywhere else than his hazel eyes, such a wonderful mixture of green, brown and yellow. It amazes you how somebody can have such a wonderful eye colour. He didn't even only have one colour but three. "Pretty." you said, still smiling and pulled away, jumping back on your feet as he turned to you, smiling.
"Wait!" Sirius spoke before you could leave. "When did... when did you become best friends?"
"We didn't." James answered and you looked down at him, raising an eyebrow and feeling amused.
"No. We just made blood bond nobody else could break." you spoke mysteriously, putting your elbows on James' shoulders and placing your head on top of his, staring at Sirius. "And now we will secretly plan the end of the world. Muahahah." you joked, standing back up as the others laughed. "See you later Potts." and with that you were gone as the other watched you.
"What... just happened?" Remus started laughing, amazed.
"They made a blood bond." Sirius pointed his finger at you disappearing.
James started laughing. "Maybe now I can ask her about what she does with her hair for you." James got up and winked at Sirius.
"Oh, would you? I really want to know." Sirius stood up and started to walk behind him. "Just... say it's for Lily or something."
James started laughing again, then realising. "Oh, shit!" he turned around, searching for the red-head that was sitting beside him. "She was telling me something when (y/n) appeared. I totally forgot about her."
Sirius started laughing loudly, tapping James' shoulder. "Good luck getting her attention now."
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Visiting Hours
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Spencer Reid x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1074 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Spencer’s new wife dealing with his incarceration and all the struggles that come along with it. 
Being away from Spencer was killing you.
You couldn’t believe that your lives had come to this. Up until now, you didn’t even think that something like this was possible.
...But you’d been wrong.
Spencer was in prison, and could be for up to three months. That fact alone was bad enough but what was even worse was the not knowing. You had a front row seat to what kind of men ended up in those places.
Monsters lived within those walls and now Spencer was locked in with them.
You couldn’t imagine anything worse than that.
Every night, you went to bed, completely unsure if Spencer would be alive in the morning, and the mornings weren’t much better. All they did was remind you that he wasn’t there, when you had to wake up in an empty bed.
By all accounts, you were finding it hard to keep up hope. You just missed him so much, and nothing you did would make it better.
The two of you had just gotten married a few weeks ago and now, you weren’t even sure you’d be able to see him again without a sheet of plexiglass between you.
If you didn’t figure this out before long, there was a chance he’d be in there for life. Based on what Prentiss had told you, he’d be lucky if he got twenty-five years.
That was hardly what you’d been expecting when you said I do, especially not after all of the years that you had known him.
You were sure Spencer wasn’t that kind of guy, and that was because he wasn’t.
You knew that, they all knew that, but proving it wasn’t going to be so easy. Thankfully, that wasn’t your job. Your job was to be there for him, and that you could do.
Especially seeing as they’d recently cleared Spencer for visitors.
If nothing else, you would be able to see him for yourself, and make sure he was okay.
Or at least, breathing.
It would have been foolish of you to even entertain the idea that he could be okay after everything he’d been there. You certainly weren’t okay, so there was no possible way that he was.
Still, it did help to know that at least you could talk to him again. Anything would be better than struggling with the unknown.
For now, you just had to let that be enough.
It was a little victory, a small victory in a sea of crap, but a victory nonetheless.
It had to be enough, for your sake and his.
You didn’t know what you would do if it wasn’t.
You were practically shaking with nerves as you waited in the lobby for your turn at check in. It was a super tedious process but for some reason, this whole place had you on edge.
You couldn't imagine Spencer in here all the time, as unsettling as it was on this side, you shuddered to think about the other.
It was terrifying.
Still, before you could imagine just what fresh hell Spencer had to endure, it was your turn. Your identification and paperwork had all gone through and that meant you could see him now.
You had to follow some pretty strict guidelines and rules within the walls, but it was all worth it to see Spencer.
Frankly, you would do anything you could if it meant seeing him. At this point, there was very little you wouldn’t do. Getting to look him in the eye was all you wanted.
...And as it would turn out, that was the only thing you could have.
Within a matter of minutes, the man you loved came into view, along with a gaggle of other inmates.
He didn’t look good, of course, but that was to be expected. You had no idea if he’d been sleeping or eating. The stress of the last few days alone would be enough to cause that.
Spencer hadn’t been expecting you today, as best he knew, it was Garcia’s visiting day. That didn’t affect his relief to see you though, not in the least.
He’d missed you, so much that he didn’t even realize the severity of it until seeing you again.
You were beautiful.
There wasn’t a moment since he’d been in here that he hadn’t thought about you.
Every memory you two shared together were what was keeping him going, from your first date to how beautiful you looked on your wedding day.
He didn’t think it was possible to be more in love with you than that moment but Spencer was wrong.
Right now, being able to see you was a Godsend.
“Hey” you started, thought nothing felt like the appropriate greeting. You’d been thinking about what you would tell him if you got a chance, but now, there was nothing.
You were coming up empty.
Thankfully, Spencer was more than willing to just sit here, taking in every detail of your face. More than anything, he just wanted to see you.
It was a dream come true.
“I’d hug you but I don’t think it’s allowed” you added finally, before anything else. You could practically feel your skin itching to touch him, to hold him, but you just couldn’t.
Those sorts of things weren’t allowed in a place like this.
You supposed it was too human.
Spencer smiled, a small amount of joy evident on his face for the first time in a while. Without the glass separating you, this almost felt like all those other times before.
You would have pizzas and watch movies, with pleasant conversation scattered about, or crack jokes on dinner dates.
“It’s okay, I get it” he shrugged, not even bothering to drop his gaze from your face. Normally, he would have been bashful about it but not now.
Now, he wanted to take in even the most minor details of your face. This was all he had in here, after all.
“How are you doing? I mean, aside from the obvious” you wondered, you didn’t really know what else there was to say.
You couldn't talk about the outside while he was trapped in here, but you also didn’t want to know too much about the inside.
Your imagination was cruel enough.
“It’s only a couple months. How bad can it be?” he shrugged, asking the one question you wished he wouldn’t.
After all, that was what you were afraid of.
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buck-buck-boose · 3 years
I'll Love You 'Til I Die
Masterlist | Playlist
Summary: A Brooklyn schoolgirl fell in love with James Buchanan Barnes at the tender age of nine. With this love she made a vow, promising to love him until her very last breath.
Pairing: Bucky x OFC
Warnings: Language, pining
Word Count: 2.1k
Author's Note: Thank you for all the patience and support! I love love love seeing replies and reblogs :,)
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Chapter Twenty-Three: The Journey to Azzano
October 24, 1943
Yet another sleepless night. A night spent away from the nurse’s tent, handkerchief in hand, with eyes cast towards the heavens. The stars stared back, silent watchers from above; the petrified audience to a grotesque display of gore, violence, and inhumanity. Lottie knew that they were nothing but balls of gas, great masses of fire that drifted in that infinite chasm of space millions of lightyears away. Somehow, her heart still broke for them.
How painful it must be to be a star, she thought, To see the Earth, to see its people, to see the love and hope. To be forced to watch its destruction, its pain. Oh, how the stars must weep, gazing down at the broken bodies of men and boys, women and children, all victims of such a cruel war.
Still, the pain of a star could never come close to the pain of a nurse. The stars would never hold those bodies in their arms, they would never fumble for a tourniquet as blood spilled from a fresh wound, the stars would never have to slide a man’s eyelids shut, his skin cold to the touch.
Lottie was becoming quickly acclimated to the smell and feel of death. It never seemed to leave her skin, no matter how thoroughly she washed her hands. Though they were constantly rubbed raw, she could not rid them of death’s stench or its thick grime that seemed to coat every inch of her skin.
After they’d left Pantelleria, the SSR had scrambled to stay afloat, constantly caught in the crossfire of other Italian campaigns. The Germans had weaseled their way into northern and central Italy, with carnage in their wake, the nurses of the SSR were left to care for their victims. Lottie had come to know death as intimately as one knows the curves of their lover’s body, all the dimples, ridges, and edges.
“No number of bandages would’ve saved him, Lottie,” Gladys would whisper, “We’re nurses, not miracle-workers.”
“If I remember correctly, folks at the SSR sure love to rant about that ‘miraculous’ serum we developed.” “Betty, you know what I mean.”
Lottie wished she could be a miracle worker. The men that she managed to save definitely thought she was, but who wouldn’t think so highly of the woman who saved them from certain death? It would have been a comfort to visit them in the recovery ward, but the SSR would whisk them away, further north and closer to Hydra before she had the chance.
The SSR found themselves in Siano, a village an afternoon’s trek away from Salerno. At another time, it would be quite lovely. The quiet little community was nestled between small mountains, far too grand and looming to be called hills. The greenery was lush and the air was crisp, mingled with the saltiness from the nearby sea. A cool, sweet breeze kissed Lottie’s cheeks and became entangled in her curls that had finally been loosed from her strict bun. With every graze of the breeze against her cheeks and every rustle of the grasses beside her, it seemed that the very earth was breathing beneath her. Every movement was a great inhale or exhale that emanated around her; the only calming element to an otherwise restless night.
Their camp was just outside the town, stationed in an expansive field which was quite likely an abandoned pasture. Camp had been sloppily thrown together, after a horrifically bloody day in Salerno, morale was low and they knew their stay would be short-lived. Agent Carter had mentioned that they were urgently needed in Azzano; there was a POW situation up there that involved Hydra. Their stop in Siano, as Colonel Phillips had explained, was merely for recuperation. With a day of bloodshed behind them and several days’ worth of traveling ahead of them, rest was needed by all.
But she couldn’t really rest, could she? Lottie would always be on edge, on high alert, until she had her boys by her side once more. At every camp, in every campaign, she searched for the 107th. For any sign of a USO show. So far, she had come up with nothing. Nothing but disappointment.
All that she could do was gaze up at the stars and wonder if a pair of clear blue eyes were doing the same.
Somewhere in Azzano
Liquid fire in his veins. Muttered words in German. Leather straps that dug into his skin; they kept him from writhing in pain. Days bled together and he could barely find the willpower to stay conscious, blurring the lines between his dreams and reality.
Bucky didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know what was going on, either. All he knew was agony, frustration, and a girl. His best girl, Little Lottie. The first time he’d seen her, he was sure that she was real. He had just undergone the first round of… whatever this was, and all of a sudden, she’d appeared before him, dressed just as she’d been when he last saw her— white uniform, thick stockings, and a heavy coat that seemed to swallow her whole.
He’d tried to yell at her, warn her about how dangerous this place was, but he could only muster a choked groan which had earned him a blow to the head. After that, she kept appearing— every time he was poked or prodded at, she stood in the corner of the room and watched over him with a smile on her lips. His head would loll to the side with exhaustion and their gazes would connect; it was the only glimmer of hope in the midst of his torture.
His Little Lottie would only speak to him in his dreams, but she wouldn’t speak, really. No, she’d do this thing he’d seen her do to Stevie hundreds of times when he was sick in bed. With gentle hands, she would smooth his hair away from his forehead, freeing the sweaty, bloodied strands that clung to his skin. She quieted his groans of pain with soft sounds and breathy hums of her favorite songs— mostly from the musicals they had gone to see in the thirties. Little Lottie was fondest of numbers by the Gershwin brothers, he’d noticed, as she was always humming one of their tunes in his dreams.
Any anger toward her was forgotten, but the fear remained. Fear for her safety devoured him from the inside out; if Hydra ever got their hands on her, there would be hell to pay.
Siano, the next day
“Y’know if you’re gonna make a habit of this, I might as well take your pillow for myself.”
Lottie blinked her eyes blearily, taking in the figure of Betty before her. Apparently, she’d fallen asleep outside. Again. The first time it had happened, they’d been camped out in Salerno and while her companions had gone to bed earlier, she’d attempted to calm her nerves with a midnight cigarette. Suffice to say, the cigarette had done its job, though she’d woken up with a terrible pain in her neck.
This time, the pain was located in Lottie’s lower back, probably due to the uneven ground she’d fallen asleep on.
“Believe me, Betty, I don’t intend to make this a habit,” Lottie gritted her teeth in pain as she attempted to maneuver herself off of the ground.
Betty sighed and grabbed her hands, heaving her up, “C’mon, we don’t have all day. Colonel Phillips wants the tents down as soon as possible.” She jerked her head in the direction of the other three nurses a few yards away, they were evidently having a difficult time with the canvas and poles of their tent.
The two of them rejoined their group and Gladys tossed a pack to her with a smile, “Your stuff’s all good to go. Figured you needed the extra sleep.” Lottie squeezed her shoulder in thanks and observed Nancy and Mary as they argued over the correct way to pack up their tent.
“First we need to disassemble the poles, then we wrap up the canvas and—”
“No, we need to take care of the canvas before we can—”
Agent Carter stalked toward them with a rather agitated look on her face; only she could look powerful crossing an uneven field in heels. Lottie bundled up some poles in her arms, trying to stow them away in a pack before they could be berated for being the last ones to finish.
“Ladies,” Agent Carter began, voice firm, “You did not go through a year of training just to be the last ones done packing up your tent. We need more speed from you five to reach the one hundred and seventh in time.”
Lottie nearly dropped the metal poles in her arms and choked out a gasp, “The one hundred and seventh?” That was the regiment with the POWs? The POWs that had fallen victim to Hydra? Her heart was suddenly beating a mile a minute, her stomach was all in knots.
Agent Carter furrowed her brow, likely confused by her reaction, “Yes, they were vastly overpowered in a recent battle. We’ve been summoned to provide medical care to the survivors as well as to assist in a reconnaissance mission for information regarding the whereabouts of the POWs.”
She was tempted to ask about Bucky, to see if she’d heard anything about their survivors, but she ultimately decided against it. It was unlikely that they already had extensive knowledge regarding those who had been saved or lost.
“We’ll be done in a jiffy, Agent Carter,” Nancy nodded, removing the poles from Lottie’s grasp.
After another minute or two, their tent was packed away, and each nurse was outfitted with a hefty pack that carried their belongings. Together, the nurses and the rest of the SSR agents began their trek through the Italian countryside, keeping close in their groupings. It would have been far easier to be transported by plane, but the agents had to take as much caution as possible with Hydra's threat level. If traveling by foot kept the lowest profile, then that was what needed to be done.
Lottie’s four companions broke out into quiet conversation to pass the time while fearful thoughts weaseled their way into her mind. What if Bucky really had been taken by Hydra? What would they do to him? Would they kill him? She’d heard of their horrors from Erskine, and she’d even seen their ruthlessness at his assassination. The dark thoughts that began to swim around in her head made her want to be sick. Lottie wanted to double over and retch, to alleviate the sick feeling that crept into her at the thought of Bucky in Hydra’s clutches.
“You alright there, Lottie? You’ve been awfully quiet,” Gladys sidled over to where she was walking, only a foot or two away from the rest.
“I don’t think so,” Lottie began, her voice strained, “I mean, with the one hundred and seventh and everything, I just, I don’t know how to—”
Gladys nodded, a sad look on her face, “I know, it’s a dreadful situation, isn’t it? I can’t imagine how those survivors must feel. Having your comrades stolen away from you in a bloody battle.”
“It’s not just that, it’s also—”
“Oh yes, definitely more than that. Not only the mental anguish but the physical, too. I mean, we’re here for a reason, we’ve got to be prepared for the worst when we get there. I’ve heard they’re in absolute shambles.”
Lottie fisted her hands in frustration, “Gladys. Bucky’s a member of the one hundred and seventh. That’s his damn regiment. And I haven’t a clue of whether he’s dead, alive, or barely holding on in some dingy cell, so I would really appreciate it if you would spare me the monologue about how terrible their situation is.”
Gladys stared at her, a look of shock painted on her face, “Lottie, I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I— gosh, I feel absolutely awful now, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Lottie grabbed Gladys’ hand to squeeze it, their arms knocked together as they walked side by side, “I just need to think optimistically right now. If I start thinking about all the atrocities, I might go crazy.”
Gladys squeezed back, a faint smile growing on her lips, “You’re right. Think optimistically. I bet he got out of it just fine, with a few scratches though. But he’ll be waiting for us real patiently, waiting for the fine nurses of the SSR to patch him right up.”
She found comfort in Gladys’ words. It was much nicer to picture him that way, sitting in a medic tent cot, wounds scabbed over in blood, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Maybe he'd be cracking jokes with the other poor souls stuck in that tent, his eyes alight with humor and that lopsided grin threatening to send that cigarette straight to the ground. He would be a bit battered and bruised, but he’d be there waiting. Waiting for her.
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Random BNHA Headcanons
(This is my first time doing this 😭)
Summary: A bunch of random BNHA headcanons. So, basically the title. The only reason I’m adding a read more is because I want it to be easier to navigate my page, lol
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Bakugo is oddly nice when he first wakes up, but he's not exactly a morning person. He's less "I hate the world, why am I awake???" And more like "I'm extremely comfortable and the only thing that can ruin my mood is becoming less comfortable." He likes hovering between awake and asleep, y'know? Which is why if he's sleepy, his guard drops. When leaving the dorms, if he hasn't fully woken up, he goes from "outta my way, shitty-hair," to "mornin' Eijirou," and by the time he's actually aware of what he said, Kiri's already freaking out. If he's in bed all day for any reason other than being sick, he's probably soft for at least a few hours.
Kaminari's the type to wake up at 2 AM with an idea, go to jot it down, and then realize that he wrote a ten chapter book and now he's late for class. He'll probably put it into a google doc or something, so he can continue to add onto it throughout the day. I also feel like he probably will also randomly get a question and then spend hours researching it and any surrounding topics, before rambling to Kiri about "bro, if I went to the beach, I could make a bunch of glass! Probably! Maybe!" And then have to try and convince his friends that he can just make windows if anyone needs them.
Sero had added moves to his skill set, and practiced particular actions, with the sole intention of mimicking Spiderman. When Kirishima questions him on it, he compares Spiderman to Crimson Riot. They have a conversation that's essentially fanboying, both of them saying "we are not bringing All Might into this," and then more fanboying.
Jirou has an extremely eclectic music taste. If you can name a song, she probably knows it. She can memorize full melodies and all the lyrics within two or three listens, because she's just that good. Some people call her the human Shazam, because if you play the first five seconds of a song she likes, she'll immediately know what it is. She's also called out artists if they made a clear rip-off of a much better song. Her music taste is all over the place, which therefore makes it superior. However. This does not stop her from listening to the same six songs on repeat for a week. The six change a lot, though.
Koda has trouble with bugs, especially big ones. They scare him. But he has pretty much no issues with tigers, lions, horses, or even wolves. He loves animals, he really does. If you just showed up at his doorstep and shoved a bear cub in his arms, he wouldn't really question it, because he'd be happy to have a cute animal to play with.
Todoroki believes himself to be the opposite of moody. His definition of moody is switching emotions for no reason. He, personally, doesn't feel any emotion until something happens that day, be it a thought or an event, and his emotions stay fixed like that until something else happens. He could be having a great day, and then suddenly, it's a horrible day, and he can't figure out how people just "get over it." He does, however, find that unless something REALLY bad or REALLY good happens, his brain does a little emotional reset when he goes to sleep. Like, go to sleep feeling down, wake up feeling kinda meh.
Kirishima has considered re-dying his hair. Come on, hot pink is so manly! How could he not consider it? But he eventually resigns himself, because red just is his color now. Also, I feel like once, before dorms, he was really out of it, so he went to class with his hair down, and this was the first time anyone had seen him like that, and everyone was just confused as hell. Especially Bakugo. "Your hair's less shitty today. What the fuck."
Uraraka takes part in stupid bets all the time. Partially for the fun, and partially for the profit. She once floated Bakugo to the ceiling for 26 minutes before she had to put him down, because Kiri said that if she survived, he'd give her a dollar per minute. She ended up having to go to the recovery girl's office, but at least she got her money.
Mina is one of the few people who can understand and keep up with Deku's mumbling. This is not because she specifically tries to, (like Uraraka) or because she's known him long enough, (like Bakugo.) She's just used to gossipping with Hagakure at 4 AM, and therefore can understand high-speed low-volume speech. She's called him out on things before, but only when she's interested. She completely tunes out things about All Might and heroes and whatnot, but if he ever has anything to say about his classmates, specifically about Uraraka, Todoroki, and Bakugo, (because she, Hagakure, and Denki placed bets,) she hears every word.
Iida secretly loves to break the rules. He acts strict in front of anyone who he respects, or wants respect from, but after he thinks everyone's asleep, he relaxes, doing things that he considers rule-breaking without any remorse. Denki heard someone walking around outside while on one of his late-night internet searches. After finally willing himself to break away from an article about pandas, he popped his head out of the door to find Iida sneaking around. After some silent observation, Denki realized that not only did Iida just get back from breaking curfew, but he casually stole Hot Cheetos from Bakugo's room on the way back to his dorm. He said nothing the next day, at least not directly, but he sorta shoved Sero and Iida in the same room so that they could be bad influences on each other.
Despite it being a major part of her quirk, Hagakure almost never feels invisible. She has a lot of friends to talk to, she can wear cool outfits to stand out, and she is always talking. The only time she's not talking is during stealth training, and when she's using said stealth training to spy on people.
Tsu's little "ribbit" thing is actually just for fun. It feels right to do it, so she does it. Nothing wrong with that. However, pretty much everyone else assumed it was a part of her quirk. It took an insane amount of convincing to get that idea out of their heads. Deku was proud to be one of the few who never actually associated it with her quirk. He could prove it if he wanted to, actually, but that would require showing someone his notebook, which would open a whole other can of worms.
Oh yeah, speaking of Deku's notebook, he has multiple. Six to be exact. One is on his fellow classmates, one is on most pros, one is on the LOV, one is specifically on All Might, one is on his own quirk development, and the last one is a narrative of what's happening in his life, which is why he's constantly thinking as if he's telling a story. He mentally narrates everything that happens in his life, although he sometimes wonders if he's dramatizing things because of that. His internal monologue is constantly running its mouth, and sometimes he ends up speaking over it.
Tokoyami really likes plague doctors. He just does. He wants a plague doctor mask so he can walk around with less judgement, or maybe more, who knows? He just loved the concept. He claims that they're just really cool, which most people agree with, but he's never told any of them that he likes them because he saw a plague doctor mask for the first time at the age of six, and immediately thought bird man.
Sato likes baking, but he can't cook normally to save his life. Well, he can, but he can't. He hasn't burned water, and he knows how to do the very basics, but he can't function without a recipe, not to mention the fact that he's googled how to saute mushrooms three times and still doesn't get it. Baking comes pretty naturally. Exact measurements, precise times and temperatures. Cooking does not. Eyeballing ingredient amounts, guessing if the flame is high enough, trying to figure out how often 'stir occasionally' is. He actually once asked Bakugo if he had advice, to which he responded, "Why the hell are you asking me?!"
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Nightmares (Levi x Reader)
Authors Note: Here we go sweetness. I’m awfully sorry it took so long! I had actually planned to do a Levi x Nightmare fic so when it became my first request, you bet I fangirled harder than ever before! I hope you don’t mind that I added my small original idea to yours. If you don’t like, I can always write up a slightly different scenario ^^”  First Levi x Reader fic. Yikes.
Word Count: 5,542 (Sorry!)
Summary: You scream out into the middle of the night from a nightmare, nearly waking the whole squad. As your captain and being someone he cares about, he does his best to calm you down.
You watched as Levi swung gracefully through the air despite being covered in titan blood, only for the wires of his ODM gear to be yanked by greedy hands, rendering helpless. You were too far to reach him. Your ziplined through the trees, screaming for his name. No matter how fast you flew, you weren’t fast enough. Multiple sets of hands fought over Levi, tear him limb from limb. His cries were mixed with yours as you screamed for him. Having reached him just as his eyes made contact with yours before the rest of his body became titan food. “NOOO! LEVI!” Your blood curdling scream echoed throughout the forest, and the chill of the room where your nightmare took place. Everyone, particularly in the Survey Corps have seen horrors to the extreme, and because of that, each cadet suffers with nightmares where it has them screaming out into the night. There’s no judgement or annoyance from those who share a room. It’s probably best that they did since it allows them to have someone there to comfort them. Despite taking up quarters in a building that had more than enough rooms to spare, some cadets still preferred to bunk with each other. You preferred to have a room to yourself if it was available. A lot of it had to do with the fact that you and Levi had grown closer and late-night visits became a thing. Particularly after a brutal mission that, not only left you a complete mess, but would have some sort of impact on Levi where his usual coping method of secluding himself to his room didn’t work.
Your room was never too far from where his office is. The man barely slept and would often spend the majority of his night catching up on paperwork, or making himself a cup of tea. Any small amount of sleep he did get, it was mostly just him nodding off in his chair, having not realized that sleep had overcome him.
Despite how late it was, it was still early in the night for Levi. His night went as per normal. Always staying up until the last member of his squad retired for the night. He may look like a ruthless asshole to nearly everybody else, but he’s not so bad once you get to know him. He’s strict, and firm, with certain things. But he’ll always join his comrades for meals, he’ll always sit and have a cup of tea with them, talk to them. He’s really not that bad.
He made another cup of tea and took it up to his office where a small pile of paperwork was waiting for him. Tch. He wasn’t a huge fan of paperwork. Particularly the reports that had to be completed from unsuccessful commissions; the field report that required details of what happened, what went wrong. There was the death reports of all the soldiers that had died and Levi had to sign off on it before sending letters to the families. He’d much prefer Erwin do this part of the job since he’s the Commander, but Levi doesn’t quite trust the man to do it with the weight of the burden he ought to rightfully carry. For Levi, he felt it’s the least he could do for those who gave their lives to save humanity.
Luckily tonight wasn’t one of those nights where it was a haunting and grim reminder of what would have occurred only hours before. Rather, the paperwork was dull and boring. Of course, he’d much rather that than the alternative. 
Cup and saucer gently placed on his desk, he sat down and glared at the pile of paperwork before deciding to procrastinate just a little bit more by taking his first sip of his tea, choosing to relish in the liquid for just another moment longer. An hour or so went by and he had finally signed off on the last piece of paper. How the hell he got through reading Hanji’s report without the need to stab himself in the eyes with his pen is beyond him. Slamming the piece of paper down on the top of the small pile of papers, he stood up from his chair and pulled the pile to him, tapping them into a neat pile before placing them in a manila file, ready to be sent back to Erwin in the morning.
It’s probably past midnight by now… the moon shone brightly, helping to illuminate the dimly lit room further. The night sky littered with stars … and not a cloud in sight, Levi’s come to notice as his footsteps took him to stand by the window and gaze out. It was a summer’s evening but there seemed to be a slight breeze in the air as the silhouette of the tree leaves could be seen swaying slightly.
 This small moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of his name being screamed in a terrifying manner not far from his office. His head sharply whipped around, bangs to sway harshly with his sudden movement.
Quick strides had him yanking his door open to already seeing a few members of his squad wearily stepping out of their rooms and into the hall as they made their way in the same direction that Levi was heading. He heard his name being called in half greeting, half question but he didn’t have time to tell them that he’s got in under control, not when you’re still screaming at the top of your lungs for him.
As soon as he opened the door, he saw your body writhing beneath the blankets and he didn’t waste a second by stepping into your room and immediately sitting on the edge of the bed. He didn’t miss your features being contorted into a face full of pure terror and pain. He didn’t want to know what the hell was playing out in your head, whatever it was, it must be worse than their own reality. Because even amongst the horrors and deaths they’ve faced, he’s never seen you look so scared before. 
It reminds him of the moment he lost Isabel and Furlan… but this seems far worse. Hands were placed on your shoulders and his voice sharp with authority tried to be heard over your screams, “Y/N! Wake up! Y/N! C’mon, I need you to wake up…” You weren’t known to be a heavy sleeper. At least, not this heavy. It took a while for Levi to wake you up, even him raising his voice to be heard over your relentless screams. Not that it was a competition, but you definitely won ‘Nightmare of the Year’, even Levi hasn’t seen a reaction this intense, not from him, and as far as he knows, not from the rest of the members of his squad either. You heard Levi call out to you, which was impossible because you just saw the last of him disappear into the titan’s mouth. Your traumatized mind must be playing such cruel tricks on your mind. All you could do was watch the titan finish devouring the man you’ve come to care about, the man you’ve come to…well… love. You can hear his voice calling your name again, as the titan’s bloodstained grin stared at you, taunting you in a way. You felt your face contort into something terrifying as you screamed with the heartache of losing the one you loved. That scream carried over when you woke up, not realizing it was you who was screaming into the dark room. It only turned into a scream of panic as you felt a pair of hands gripping your shoulders, and that’s when you fought against the constriction of the sheets that held your body day, panicking like a tortured animal. Your mind hadn’t quite caught up to reality just yet. The scream died from your lips and panicked, frightened whimpers filled the room instead. To be honest, Levi hadn’t expected such a violent reaction upon waking you up. His hands were knocked from your shoulders in your sudden state of panic as you desperately tried to crawl away from him but the writhing in your sleep had caused you to become too tangled up in your sheets. “Hey. Hey! Take it easy. Just a nightmare.” His voice deep and firm, hoping to ground you back to reality at least. His hand hovered in midair as though he was trying to calm down a frightened animal. Finally you were brought back down to reality and you stopped moving, frightened gaze settled on the face you just saw being eaten. You tried to swallow down the whimper that was caught in your throat but failed to do so and you could only close your eyes momentarily in embarrassment. Though you immediately regret doing so, because the moment you did, you were flooded with the same scenes again and your eyes flung open as another state of panic gripped you. “N-No. No. No. I can’t… I can’t get out… I can’t…” your breathing coming out in shaky breaths, the panic had risen to borderlining a panic attack as your chest tightened in fear and your lungs refusing to work properly. Your hands clawed at the sheets, trying to get yourself free from the grips that reminded you too much of seeing Levi gripped in a Titan’s hold. Levi sprung into action as he moved off the bed, gripping the sheets and tugged them back and forth to loosen their bind on you. Once there was an opportunity, you immediately sprung free and made a beeline for the other side of your room. You could finally breathe.
You inhaled deeply but another whimper-like gasp (something that sounds like a ‘nngh’ from the back of your throat) sounded as you took a deep breath. Your hands rested on your thighs as you hunched over, catching your breath.
Levi watched you spring out of bed and try to compose yourself. He understood how nightmares worked. On the odd occasion that he had them, some had left him springing up from his chair. So he understood this moment was pivotal in the need to have some space. He watched as you crouched down with a long, but still shaky, exhale, muttering a ‘shit’ as you braced yourself with your elbows on your thighs, fingers clasping together, thumbs crisscrossing too, and forehead pressing against the base of your thumb where it curves into the palm. It took everything in him not to walk over to you and physically help you through it. He couldn’t even place a hand on your shoulder. Not with everyone ogling at the door. It was probably already suspicious enough that he was the one in this room with you – but, he’s your Captain and the way you had screamed out into the night was not something that he could ignore. It’s no different to when he and Eren stole a couple of moments of privacy to talk one-on-one, right? Grey eyes snapped back to the few members of his squad that had gathered at the door in concern for their terror-stricken comrade. “Alright, show’s over. Back to bed.” The order was given before grey eyes snapped to Eren and bore into his green eyes that widened as soon as Levi barked his name, “Eren go downstairs and make some tea. Don’t fuck it up.” “Sir!”
He waited for everyone to disperse before he took a few steps over to where you were. “Must’ve been a fucked-up nightmare.” You heard his footsteps stop a little bit before you, but you didn’t lift your head. Not just yet. You needed to calm your nerves down, because right now, it felt like it was more than just your heart beating wildly. It felt like every part of your body was throbbing. Including your eardrum, which you’re surprised you could even Levi’s voice over the sound of whatever the pressuring sound in your ears was. “Yeah.” “Want to talk about it?” “No.”
Levi hummed lowly as he closed the rest of the gap between you both, you still didn’t lift your head. He could hear you taking long, careful, steady breaths, immediately recognizing it as a grounding technique. He remained quiet, not wanting to interrupt whatever progress you made with yourself, so he opted to quietly place a hand on your back in a form of some physical reassurance. That’s when he noticed how damp your pyjama’s were. Tch. Eyes snapped over to the mess of your bed in the dim light of the room and he knew immediately what he had to do; change the sheets. It might seem trivial, but even if he didn’t realise it himself, it was far more beneficial to do so in a situation like this. Imagine waking from a nightmare, and then reentering the same messy, sweat-soaked bed again? It’s practically an invitation for another nightmare. While Levi’s reasons lied with the fact it was disgusting to be sleeping on sweat-soaked sheets, the other benefits was a fresh set of sheets, freshly made bed, which should help equal a fresh reset of the mind for the remainder of the night.
“I’ll be back.” Levi murmured as he stood up and fingers trailed off your back. You immediately missed the warmth of his reassuring touch; you missed the calm demeanor he held despite not being the type of guy to mollycoddle you in moments of likes these. You almost whined when he left… no, not whined, begged. You almost begged him to not leave you alone. Luckily that pathetic noise caught in your throat before it could make itself known. You already looked pathetic enough, you didn’t need to sound pathetic on top of it. It’s just adding salt to the wounds. You heard Levi enter back in your room just as quickly as he left it. You heard him place something down; it sounded soft but firm, but you couldn’t make out what it could be. And then you heard the distinct sound of sheets being yanked off the bed. What on earth…?
When you felt like you could lift your head from the heaviness of the fog that shrouded your mind, your eyes opened to Levi changing the sheets on your bed. “Uh, Levi? Y-you don’t have to…” He didn’t even turn around, not even when you stammered slightly. “Tch. Just change into some new nightwear.” You bit your lip, contemplating whether or not there’s any actual need for you to change your nightwear. They’ll dry. It’s not like your drenched in sweat. Suppose to Levi’s cleaning standards, you probably already are. Hearing no movement from you behind him, he added “I won’t look, brat. Just get changed into something clean.” and there was the confirmation that this came down to Levi’s strict hygiene. It could have been worse. He could have ordered you to take a shower or bath as well. You stood up, shakily so to the point where you stumbled a little on your footing before you began to walk over to your drawers and retrieved a new set of nightwear out. You entire being trembled. You weren’t physically shaking on the outside, but you were definitely shaking on the inside. If that made sense? Your hands were the only thing that physically trembled as you changed as quick as you could while Levi had his backed turned. You didn’t even think about your bedroom door being left open and other members (or eren with the tea) could easily have walked in! Though at this point you were too mentally exhausted to deal with the embarrassment of all that. “Uhm..” You awkwardly stood there, completely changed into new attire (it felt much more comfortable, admittedly, now that your damp clothes weren’t sticking to your back), holding your damp clothes in a semi-neat bundle in your hands. Levi stood from straightening the blanket out, pulling back the blankets neatly in the corner, leaving it there as an invitation for you to get back in bed with crisp, dry sheets. He cautiously glanced over his shoulder before he turned to face you, making sure you were decent. He bundled the sheets in his hands and grabbed your nightwear from you as well. His fingers brushing against yours, causing you to meet his steely gaze. You were surprised to see a firmness to them, as though he were silently relaying something to you. You didn’t know what, but it made you feel like you should take a deep breath and trust in him. It was one of those knowing looks.
And with that, Levi left the room with your damp clothes and sheets. Suddenly your room felt colder, you felt colder. Your hands came up and hugged your arms as you glanced around the empty room before your orbs landed on the window. You couldn’t see much outside. Just the stars and the silhouette of the trees. In the daylight, it was an open field of just greenery. Grass for miles, trees, blue sky, flowers blooming. Things that one could take pleasure in but also have that trampled and slipped through your fingers in seconds, just like Levi did with those titans that plagued your dreams. In that moment, you were thrusted back into that vision; the darkness that had you screaming out for Levi. The colours of your world tainted in blood and flesh. His own screams matching yours. You hadn’t realized how rapidly the panic arose within you until you were struggling to breathe and you felt a pair of hands clasp over your wrists, which were resting on your forehead, your fingers curled in the air slightly. At some point you had pressed yourself back against the wall and slid down back into a crouching position again. Slender finger curled around your wrists and tugged them down, “Y/N!” Levi wasn’t even gone a full two minutes as he walked from one end of the building to the other, to dispose of your damp sheets and nightwear. He didn’t think you could get any worse than when you were slightly unresponsive from earlier, so he didn’t think it would be a problem to leave you on your own for a moment or so. It was when he walked down the hallway, back to your room, that he heard those struggling whimpers. The type of sound where you struggle to breathe in between trying to force down the uprising hysteria. (In your case, panic). “Hey.” His low, firm voice called out, losing the iciness that was usually toned in his speech. He got no response from you except to watch you bump yourself against the wall and slide down on legs that couldn’t seem to support your weight. “Y/N.” Footsteps brought Levi over to you but you still didn’t seem to acknowledge him. It wasn’t until he crouched down in front of you and pulled your wrists away from your face, that you finally acknowledged him. Your E/C orbs glanced at his stormy grey ones, his head ducked to be in your line of view, nothing but concern showing through those orbs of his despite the stoic expression he wore. You were on the verge of tears for various reasons. Mostly because you felt so helpless with your feelings, thoughts and emotions. It was overwhelming. You’ve never had a nightmare that affected you so. Levi said nothing. He continued to hold your wrists firmly, gaze locked on yours. What could he say to make it better for you? Nothing, really, except to validate your feelings and even then, it feels useless to do so. Instead, he just quietly held your gaze, quietly grounding you again. You held his gaze back, latching on to it as though it were a lifeline to you. Perhaps he could see that, hence why he hadn’t let go of your wrists nor moved away from you. He intended to stay until he knew for certain that you were going to be alright. The lack of verbal reassurance didn’t bother you overly. You knew he was a man of action rather than words – as the saying goes ‘actions speak louder than words’ and how fitting that seemed to describe him. He didn’t even pull away when Eren came by with the tea. “Uh Captain Levi, sir? I got the teas you wanted.” Levi gave you a slight nod, hopefully successfully relaying that he’s going to break eye contact but he’s still here. His grey eyes left yours to look over his shoulder at Eren who carried a small tray with two teas. “Put it on the table.” Levi gave the simple order. Eren nodded in response and carefully walked the tray over, placing it down on the bedside table. “Anything else, sir?” “That’s all. Go back to bed. You lot have an early start tomorrow.” Another nod from Eren, “Goodnight sir. Goodnight Y/N.” his green eyes cast over your slightly distraught form, breathing back under control again. “Goodnight. Sorry I woke you.” You murmured barely above a whisper. But you heard Eren hum in response, had you looked up you would have seen your friend’s face full of concern, but you kept your eyes downcast.
 Eren seemed hesitant to leave you but you were in the hands of Levi, and even though he might not be the most emotionally supportive person, or appear to be, he’s still the safest person to leave you with. Footsteps quietly retreated as Eren headed back to bed. He might still be naïve in his young age, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew there was something there between you and Levi. While you both weren’t publicly lovey-dovey, nor were you behind close doors, there still seemed to be the silent connection between the two of you. Kind of like how Petra, Oluo and the rest of the ‘Levi Squad’ had the silent understanding of they worked together.
Levi watched Eren leave the room before he turned his attention to you, expecting to meet your gaze but your head was ducked out of his view. His fingers uncurled their grip from your wrist but didn’t let go entirely. They trailed over your skin until he gripped your hands in his, fingers curling over your palm instead. Your own fingers curled lightly against his. At least it was some sort of acknowledgement, he was content to settle with that. Bare minimums, it was better than nothing. “Your tea’s going cold and that shit’s expensive. Come on.” He gave a small tug to your hands, hinting for you to stand up and move to the bed. He didn’t mind you were in a sulky mood, but he’d rather you sulk in bed rather than on the dirty floor. Standing up, he felt you move slightly, and with his help, you were standing upright. You could still feel your body trembling violently internally. If given any food, you likely would have thrown it up. You stumbled in your footing and Levi’s quick reflexes had his hands reaching out to balance you. “Easy.” He murmured in a gentle warning, this time he kept his grip on you as he guided you to bed. Grey eyes bore into your frame, taking in your features, your current state. He wondered if something else was going on with you other than the nightmare. Feeling ill, perhaps? You looked far more paler than when he left you to change your sheets. He pushed the blankets back just a little further so you could climb in bed without needing to squish yourself up in order to get beneath the blankets. You certainly hadn’t expected Levi to ‘tuck’ you in either. Though, his version of ‘tucking you in’ was to flick the blankets back up and leave it at that. Still. The small gesture touched your heart and you felt a little of the whatever-it-is-your-feeling ebb away. You leant back against the frame of the bed, hands resting your lap until a cup of tea was brought into view, and your hands welcomed the warmth of the cup. The bed dipped slightly as Levi sat on the edge, facing you, taking in your pale, exhausted features. You suddenly looked so small to Levi. Sitting in bed, slightly curled in on yourself despite your current position. You still looked bothered. Upset. He didn’t know what, but it unsettled him. You had a haunted look in your eyes; it was something Levi couldn’t just up and leave you be. Not that he was planning to just yet. But afterwards… he had a feeling that, even then, he didn’t want to leave you. He’d probably be content to pull up a chair and just watch over you for the rest of the night. But you still looked shaken up.
“What the hell happened in your nightmare?” he finally broke the silence since you were avoiding eye contact as you slowly sipped away at the tea. “Nothing… just the usual.” You quietly respond, though you were annoyed at yourself the way your voice wavered to a quiet tone afterwards. “You’re a shitty liar.” Typical Levi, calling bullshit the minute he sees it. “It’s clearly more than the titans to have you like this.” There was a long stretch of silence on your end and Levi waited patiently for you to answer. He could see you trying to collect your thoughts as your E/C orbs danced back and forth, and your brow gently furrowing. The last part Levi would have found cute had it been under a less distraught situation. Eventually you found your voice, even though it was a lot quieter than you thought you were being, “No, it was that. But…It’s just… you were there. And then you weren’t. They had you. They had you and I couldn’t get to you in time. And it was my fault. It was my fault. I tried, Levi, I tried so hard. I ran as fast I could.” The more you spoke, talked about what relayed in your head, the more the hysteria was building up in your voice until it caught in your throat on a threatened sob, which Levi immediately picked up on. He was quick to remove your half-drunk cup of tea from your hands and place it on the tray by the bed.
Finally the sob tore through, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
It was clear that you had thrusted yourself back in the dream as you relayed it to Levi, losing your place in reality for a moment.
Levi finally reached for you, in the sense of physical reassurance. His right hand reached for your upper arm, tugging you forward. He pulled himself forward too, so he could position you against him. His left hand came around and looped around the nape of your neck, pulling you into his chest. His right hand left your arm and immediately came around your back. “Calm down Y/N. It was just a nightmare.” Probably not the best words to be comforting someone with, brushing aside the valid response to a nightmare.  But Levi wasn’t one to verbally comfort someone without soft reassurances. He says it how he sees it. Stating the facts. But it was the calmness in his voice that people can find safety and reassurance with. Almost like he was trying take your burden and carry it so you don’t have to. Humanity’s Strongest. Your hands shot out from resting in your lap to gripping his shirt on either side of his hips. He could feel his shirt tugged down slightly as the material scrunching into creases, but it didn’t seem to bother him. If it did, he didn’t show any signs. Despite the fear of wanting to close your eyes again, your eyes immediately squeezed shut when your ear was pressed to his chest, the sound of his heart beating in perfect rhythm blocking out the screams from your nightmare that still echoed in your head.
Your exposed ear was resting in the crevice of this thumb and forefinger, long slender fingers threaded through your locks as he gently cradled your head to his chest. This had been the most comforting thing you needed, to be engulfed in his scent, his warmth. Despite being the cold, distant, stoic man he is, even when comforting someone to this degree, he still had warmth and compassion within him, it’s just hidden behind that exterior he wears. If you’re smart enough, understand him enough, you’ll be able to see through the cracks and realise it’s the things he does that offer comfort.
Your body shook with the sobs that you were trying to hold in but failing miserably at doing so. Your teeth had hold of your bottom lip to force the sounds from pouring out but if you bit down any harder, you’d cause yourself to bleed. So you surrendered the fight and let it all out. Your body trembling violently beneath his grip as your entire being was struggling to let out all that you held in.
You felt Levi’s grip on you tighten just a little bit, obviously not enough to hurt where his fingers were cradling your head. “It’s alright… It’s just a nightmare. You’re safe.” He couldn’t promise that the nightmare wouldn’t become a reality, because there’s always a chance that it could. And he didn’t see the need to make empty promises. But he couldn’t just silently let you cry it out like this. Not when your sobs were wails of pain. It’s likely you might have woken some more of your colleagues up, especially with your bedroom door still open, but Levi didn’t give a shit about it right now. And he certainly wasn’t going to let go just to shut the door. If someone came in to investigate, he’d have no issue telling them to scram. It really must’ve been a fucked-up nightmare for you. He could only imagine just how graphically the nightmare played out for you. He wouldn’t be all that surprised if you chose to stay awake for the remainder of the night. He’d rather you not because you all have an early start in the morning with training, but he’d also understand. As long as you’re still right to train, he didn’t care if you didn’t fall back asleep.
Levi’s heartrate didn’t change, it kept beating in perfect rhythm, matching the calm tone of his voice and demeanor. You were grateful for this because it helped ground you once more as your cries quietened down. But you didn’t move away from him, nor did he make any movement to pull away from you. He continued to hold you to his chest, his other hand giving your back a small rub here or there. He patiently and quietly waited until you were ready to decide what to do next.
But you never did. You stayed like that for a good long while, Levi never questioned it, never moved. He continued to hold you as long as you needed. Oddly enough, your eyes begun to flutter close. The emotions draining you completely with exhaustion. It wasn’t until Levi felt his shirt relax from your grip that he craned his head to take a glance at your features. Your nose was red from crying, your eyes were slightly puffy, lashes still wet from the tears. It was at this point that Levi finally made the first movement as he stirred you from dozing off to sleep so you could lay down properly. And you did so without little grumble. Too exhausted to fight it off. Levi stayed. He got up to close the door, but he pulled up a chair and stayed. It was only a couple of hours until the sun rose above the hills. If you could get a couple hours worth of sleep in, he’d be content with that. The room was already lighting up with the darkened morning beginning to fade as the sun made its way around to their side of the earth.
Arms and legs crossed, his gaze rested on your peaceful features, contemplating how badly this nightmare had shaken you up. He knows you’ve seen horrors, had a few close calls with death – they all have. But he’s never seen anything to have brought you down like this. Though, there’s always something that makes a person break. Even him. You always amazed him how strong you were. You carried the team the same way he did. Putting aside your emotions and feelings in order to push the squad forward and focus on the mission. You were their sounding board, their grounding point. Especially when they needed someone to talk on a personal level where Levi couldn’t offer them that. If it weren’t for your softness, you would’ve made a great Vice Captain.
He cares for you. More than you’ll ever know. More than he’ll ever let on, or admit to. It’s why he chose to stay rather than retreat back to his office. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving you after witnessing you break the way you did over something so trivial as a nightmare. Even though you were asleep and there was nothing more Levi could do.
He stayed.
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slutsofren · 3 years
Danger Days Chapter 8: Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back
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summary: finding shelter in an abandoned home, you try to keep your wits about you and care for the still unconscious Joel until some trouble comes knocking
word count: 3,792
content warnings: mention of gore and impromptu medical care, more canon-typical violence, death, murder, arrival of.... cannibals, y'know the deal hurt/comfort
notes: i didn't mention it last time but yeah, your shit really can kill you if you get your lower intestines punctured lol it's a real thing and gnarly af
read on ao3 / masterlist
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You woke up in a start. Heavy breaths taking hold in your lungs. The small, barely considerable amounts of sleep were getting to you as they had been for the last month as more and more night terrors racked your brain. Rubbing at your eyes, you pushed yourself up to begin your usual routine.
It had been a couple weeks since your little group found yet another abandoned home and it took some hell of maneuvering to get Joel into the basement but it worked. The winter snow was coming in full force and it was peritive you all kept Joel as warm as possible, there were too many odds stacked against him.
Walking over to his prone body, you checked on his wounds once more as you did practically every couple of hours. He was looking worse for wear, even changing out the gauze could only do so much. Whatever small amounts of clean water the three of you had went to cleaning it out, hoping to stave off the infection.
Joel was, by all means, not doing well.
To top it off, even with your meager amount of medic training from your days with FEDRA could never prepare you for the long-term haul you were in with Joel, he was dying. The bastard was dying and you couldn’t help but feel it was your fault.
Night after night you were haunted by the image of him falling off that balcony, the sounds of his groans of pain still lingered in your head even when you were awake. It fucking sucked.
He was asleep now, he barely woke up since everything went to shit at the university then at the mall. That in and of itself felt like a lifetime ago. You put a hand against his forehead, feeling how his fever still hadn’t broken. With the chill in the air as winter was fully settling in making your fingers cold as ice, he didn’t even flinch away. You closed your eyes and sighed, still not wanting to give up. Not for Ellie, not for Tommy, not even for the grumpy man himself.
A quick glance out the small basement window told you it was nearing dusk which startled you. Ellie had left when the sun was at its peak, sometime around noon, surely. She had been gone much much longer than she normally would have.
Usually it was you who left to go hunting for food once your supplies dwindled but Ellie wanted to help relieve the burden from your shoulders and you reluctantly agreed. Yo hated to admit you needed a break. She had argued she wanted to get better with her bow and arrow and she certainly did, often bringing back animals of various sizes. It was her way of coping with potentially losing Joel, something she confided in you that was one of her biggest fears.
Thoughts of Ellie swirled your mind and you paced back and forth, chewing at your fingernails. A nasty habit you suppressed most days. A part of you wanted to go find the girl, follow Callus’ tracks in the snow. Another part of you didn’t want to leave Joel by himself.
Fuck, you thought.
Compartmentalizing you figured if she didn’t return within an hour, you’d go looking for her. If you couldn’t locate her within a mile radius, a strict rule you enforced her limited hunting zone to, you’d hunker down with Joel and wait until morning to find her and scold her for being irresponsible.
You stopped your pacing to look at Joel’s face, seeing how his face was still warped in the painful scowl he hadn’t let go of. His features were beginning to slowly become gaunt as the small amounts of food you’d been able to get him to eat the rare times a day he’d wake were coming far and few in between. Even his usual tan skin was slowly softening to a cooler shade of bronze. He looked like death.
Joel, by all means, was a handsome cowboy. Even with his patchy beard that was littered with grey hair in a few spots. Now he just looked like a ghost of himself.
Okay, fine, you admit to yourself. With Joel down, you’ve kind of missed the fool. You missed the banter and arguing with him about stupid shit. He irritated the daylights out of you because he always wanted to jump headfirst into things without a care for his safety clearly but dammit, the lack of his presence was palpable. You hated it.
You sat beside Joel, removing one of his hands from under the blanket to hold. His hands still rough and calloused, mirrors of yours if you weren’t missing a finger. Once upon a time, you remembered hearing that coma patients could sometimes hear what people said to them, that it helped. Maybe talking to him now would help not just him but you as well, to keep your mind occupied. Maybe pass the time a little. Maybe.
“Hey, it’s me, you grumpy bastard,” you started off lightly. “I don’t know if you can tell but you’ve been puttin’ that girl and I through hell and back trying to keep your ass alive.”
A hollow laugh escapes you, feeling a little more choked up than you’d ever dare to admit. Composing yourself you tried to use playful banter. “How do you do it, cowboy? Ellie is a goddamned handful. Shit, I thought I was bad when I was a teenager,” you sniff, feeling your voice waver.
“When I first laid eyes on you two, I think it would have saved me a whole lotta trouble and pain if Maria let me shoot you,” you sigh dramatically. Even though there was a smile on your lips, it didn’t reach your eyes. What did were the tears that were slowly forming. The added stress of Ellie being missing was really wearing you thin.
Amongst other things.
“Y’know,” you sniffled, “you really hurt my feelings back at the university. When you thought I led the two of you into a trap.” You took a sharp inhale. “As much shit as you and I put each other through, that was the one thing that stung. More than anything.”
You squeezed his hand and sighed, closing your eyes. Admitting that was hard, stars know you’d never say that to Joel while he was conscious nor in front of Ellie.
“Don’t die, you asshole,” you begged softly, wiping away the light tears that coated your lashes, reluctantly letting go of Joel’s hand as you tucked the blanket around him tightly.
After you said your piece, your mind became overrun with the little turd you grew fond of. The more you began to worry about Ellie, the more your thoughts swirled rapidly into worst case scenarios.
Before you worked yourself into a much deeper frenzy, a loud metallic bang echoed from upstairs. You ran up the steps and came face to face with Ellie, looking just as frantic. She raised her hand and in it, a tied white rabbit, so white it was nearly silver in the dim lighting. “I got food,” she said breathlessly.
“And,” she shoved you aside and took off to the basement, “I got this. Can it help?”
Ellie reached into her pocket and pulled out a syringe and orange bottle, she handed it to you while kneeling next to Joel as he shifted in his sleep. You were still rather shocked to see Ellie who looked faintly bloodied and tired, before you could comment on the new rifle on her shoulder, you took the bottle and were damn near milliseconds from riding into her until you read the faded label of the glass container.
“Where the fuck did you get this, Ellie?”
Without waiting for her to answer, you dug in your pack and pulled out some disinfectant alcohol and a gauze pad to clean the syringe and a spot on Joel’s arm. Ellie refused to look up from where she kept her gaze focused on Joel’s face, “‘s not important.”
“If I wasn’t so mad at you right now, I’d kiss you.”
Throwing away all the questions you had for her, you administered the antibiotic as quickly as you could, he sighed as the medicine entered his body. Although, it was likely you were giving him too much, truthfully, you didn’t think it would hurt him worse than he already was.
As he relaxed underneath your hands, you looked down at his wound one last time for the evening. The haphazard stitches were taut on his stomach where the swelling was, hopefully by morning, he’d be better.
You didn’t look up from Joel as you laid into Ellie, “I don’t want excuses about where you were, only that you promise me to be more careful in the future, please.”
“Ye- yeah, I promise.”
“Good,” you covered Joel back up, “Now go get some rest. I’ll take care of the rabbit and wake you when it’s done.”
You turned your back to Ellie, it wasn’t that you wanted her to feel bad for her little disappearing act. You just needed some space to gather your thoughts. Between being Joel’s caretaker, Ellie’s temporary guardian, and keeping yourself sane, you were a wreck. You needed a moment.
Before you took a step on the stairs you paused. “Good work on getting the medicine, kiddo. Joel would be proud of you too.”
She didn’t respond as you walked away, the implication that although you were upset with her, you were still proud lingered in the air. Mindlessly, you focused on the rabbit, doing what needs to be done to cook it for dinner, pushing away those lingering worries. Ellie was safe, you reminded yourself, she came back.
It didn’t take you long to finish with your meager dinner, still pretty damn proud of Ellie’s evolving hunting skills. Maybe you’d offer to teach her a couple snares in the morning to leave out overnight. Although they tended not to gain anything bigger than a rabbit or a squirrel, something was better than nothing and you’d figure it would help Ellie focus on something other than Joel’s condition.
You bounded down the stairs, bringing the freshly cooked meat with you. A small shake to her shoulder and she was awake, “Dinner’s ready.”
Ellie didn’t bring her gaze up to look you in the eye, likely still ashamed. The two of you still sat in silence eating, occasionally looking to Joel for any changes or whenever he shifted in his sleep.
“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice sounding small.
“I know, Ellie. I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I was just worried.”
Once again, the silence encompassed you both like a blanket, warmer now than it was before. You broke it first, “I was thinking about teaching you a couple snares in the morning. How does that sound?”
Ellie wiped the grease from her fingers on her jeans and looked up, “I think I’d like that.”
Just like that, the two of you were on even footing. It didn’t feel right to be mad at each other, not when Joel wasn’t there to diffuse. Either way, it was much like when you were the one in between their own fight that day you’d met them, it wasn’t healthy when you all had to rely on each other for survival. At least with Ellie, she was quick to forgive and forget in the face of the larger picture. A quality you kind of admired in the young woman.
Both of you finished with your portions of the meat, saving the rest for the morning or for Joel if he wakes in the night. Simultaneously you shuffled through the remaining ammo together, doling out some spare bullets to Ellie for her shiny new rifle, still not going to ask how she acquired it. Let her have her space.
She took the bullets graciously, reloading her sidearm and long range weapons and placing them in her backpack before getting ready for sleep. You stayed fiddling with your own weapons for a few moments longer before calling it quits too.
You laid down on the opposite side of Joel, biting your lip and hoping for the best. You tossed and turned, not knowing if you could take facing Joel’s sickly frame but you also couldn’t turn your back on him and Ellie who laid on her backpack on his other side.
Please, you wished, let the medicine take.
These kinds of wishes filled your mind until you slowly drifted to a fitful night’s sleep.
By morning, you happened to find yourself shaken awake with Ellie’s face close to yours, “Wake up, I need you awake!”
You jumped up, onto your knees. “What is it,” you ask startled, afraid Joel was worse than he was when you fell asleep. Looking at Joel, he didn’t look like he deteriorated in the night, but he also didn’t look like he improved any.
“I was tracked,” she says as if that explains anything. Both of you have your hands on each other's arms in a failed attempt at communicating the other’s panic.
“What do you mean ‘tracked’, Ellie?”
“Those people I got the medicine from, David and-and James, they fucking tracked me!”
“Ellie, what the fu-.”
“Look, listen, I’m gonna draw them away. Keep an eye on Joel,” she tells you in a rush, letting go of you and bolting up the stairs, grabbing her backpack on the way out.
“Fuck,” you practically shout while getting up and looking out the window. Outside you see silhouettes of a few men, searching the nearby area. Frustrated, you kick the washing machine.
Shit, shit, shit.
You don’t know what to do, you feel tied down once again because of Joel’s condition and Ellie’s neverending saviour complex. You mumble out a few more expletives at this situation just as you see the girl bound down the street on Callus shouting for the intruder’s attention. As she rides away, you hear bullets being shot at her, getting further and further away from you.
You carelessly threw your denim coat on and opted to grab your knives instead of guns, hoping to kill anybody who came close without alerting the others. Out the basement window, you could see a few of the men still lurking about, choosing not to follow Ellie.
Just before you followed Ellie out of the house, you doubled back to Joel, kneeling forward and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “We’ll come back, I promise you Joel. Just please, don’t die on me now.” Another kiss on his warm skin and you left without stopping, barricading the basement door as if it was left unoccupied.
Everything in you wanted to panic, your muscles were screaming to fold in on yourself and heave what little food remained in your stomach but you couldn’t give in. Not when Ellie was in danger. She may have been a pain in the ass, but she was your pain in the ass.
After your conversation last night, you’d be damned if anybody hurts your girl.
Taking a deep breath, you shook your worries free and cleared your mind. Although you were a field medic by title with FEDRA back in the day, working with them turned you into a killer. It was a toxic mindset for you, even when you had joined the Fireflies, they took advantage of your ability to focus on one thing and one thing only, turning it into their own game - death.
It took years to shake off that blank emotionless part of you, even Tommy was afraid of it when he saw the horrendous things you were capable of, what the Fireflies exploited from you, but Tommy wasn’t here and the people you loved were hanging on by a thread.
It was easy to see the outlines of the few straggling men who searched the nearby homes, whatever Ellie did really pissed them off. Now, these people only pissed you off.
You stayed lurking within the shadows of the homes, even with the sun just getting ready to set, it wasn’t too difficult to stay hidden. Especially to those who weren’t familiar with the layout. It was easy to spot how the few men tended to remain within a handful of yards together, opting not to venture out into the buildings alone. Alert and yet unorganized as you could see how they would often turn their backs on each other, giving you such a delicious opportunity to sneak in and out, weaving through them and taking them down one by one.
Was it absolutely horrible this was your instinct? Maybe. But you had two people you wanted to protect, two absolutely annoying yet selfless humans who gave you hope. You did love Joel and Ellie, even if you hadn’t admitted to it yet. Besides, you had a whole lot of stress burdening your shoulders and you wanna hit something.
You watched as the small group approached one of the homes off to the left, allowing you ample room to get close without having to cross the street in the open. You took off running, not bothering to try and conceal your footprints in the snow as you got to the house besides the targets. You entered through a broken window - a common for every single house on this block. Taking lighter footsteps, you ducked by the windows and reached the second floor landing.
The homes in this area were built within close proximity to the others, making it easy for, say, somebody needing to jump between windows without being seen. Perfect.
You listened hard and close as the men shuffled and tossed things around the first floor, looking for any sign of Ellie and ‘those two people she was with’. You growled lowly, really hating the implication that these people knew about the three of you.
Taking another assessment, you noticed there were two men standing guard out the front of the house, idly walking to-and-fro, their conversation remaining on wishing they were chasing Ellie instead.
A deep breath in and you jumped with an ‘oof’, trying to make as little as noise as possible, aiming for a wide open window with a snow covered bed on the other side. Between the snow and the mattress, the noise was cushioned to only a small thud, thankfully concealed by the thuds of the men downstairs shuffling through rooms. You quickly got up and went to the doorframe and saw there was only a hallway and stairs leading down.
You took deeper breaths again, trying to center yourself for what you were about to do as you heard one person come up the stairs - alone.
Placing your body flush against the wall, you waited in stark concentration, drawing your knife from its sheath. The footsteps came close, nearing the room you were hiding in and just as an armed gunman came in, you rushed him. Putting one hand against their forehead, you pulled the other hand and dragged the knife into their throat, essentially cutting off the person from making a noise and ending their life. You pulled and lowered their body as they began to choke out, laying them on the floor gently against the wall, carelessly hiding the body.
Downstairs you could still hear shuffling of the other invader and you made your way to them, silently assessing.
From what you could tell, the other person was banging around in the basement. So you rounded a nearby corner to where the open basement door was until finally, finally, somebody came through. You took him down just the same as his buddy.
So unorganized, you thought. If they were really looking for you and Joel, they were doing a piss poor job of it.
You swiped a bottle from the kitchen as you strolled past, taking aim out a broken window. Giving it a nice little toss, it shattered against the other house and without fail, you heard the tell-tale signs of one of the other men asking ‘what was that’. You ducked behind the faded curtain until one of the targets came into view, watching how he was pensive and alert, fortunately he was by himself which made the next part just as easy.
As soon as the man walked by the window, you jumped out from your hiding spot and jabbed your hunting knife straight into the soft squishy part of his eye, surprisingly facing little to no resistance.
You pulled it back and repeated the motion again once the man made an audible noise, probably alerting his friend. In only a slight rush now, you jumped out the window and removed your blade, now stalking towards the front when you could hear the other man yell the other’s names.
Wrapping around the corner of a house in a whirlwind, you surprised the last one when you stood face-to-face with him. He looked at you, astounded, mouth agape and dropped his weapon - a handgun. Looking down at his body, he whimpered as he took in the sight of your knife now buried deep in his stomach as you yanked them up into his chest piercing his heart.
Copper scent filled the air as the hunter’s body gave out. His blood spilling down your front. Under normal circumstances you would’ve likely vomited all over yourself but considering the innate need to protect Ellie and Joel, all that shit is blown out the window.
All in all, maybe thirty minutes have passed, you wanted to check on Joel but the distant gunshots were making you worried. At the very least, the longer they went off, the longer you knew your little fighter was alive.
Okay, think, you tried to get yourself to focus. You came up with a rapid-fire plan and before you could second guess yourself, you ran. Refusing to stop. Each step in the plush snow found you closer and closer to your hideout.
Entering the home through the garage, you gave Whiskey a pat as you walked on by and headed straight for the basement. You pushed the undisturbed barricade from the door, grateful it signaled that Joel was safe. Entering the downtrodden room you grabbed your holsters, strapping them maybe a little more tightly than you should’ve and throwing your backpack over your shoulders. You double-checked your weapons, making sure they were fully loaded.
Once again, you kneeled next to Joel as he laid on the dirty mattress, huffing from the rising pain from the stitch in your side. “Joel? I’m gonna go back out and find Ellie. I’m gonna go get our girl,” you said.
You hoped you were telling the truth.
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thewitchofbooks · 4 years
Konnichiwa~ How about...family headcanons for ikepri suitors???? You can chose whoever you want~ thank you! 🤝🤝
Hello there~You didn't ask for someone specific, but I didn't want to come to conclusions, so I wrote for everyone, haha. I hope you like it! Also, thank you for the request! 
Game: Ikemen Prince 
Type: Headcanons 
Characters : All the characters
Warnings : Kind of spoilery, I hope it is okay, lol,my English,the characters might be ooc. 
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~Chevalier Michel 
🔹Chevalier becomes a bit more gentle when you two start your own family.
🔹Sometimes, you catch him smiling at your children and playing with their chubby cheeks. They always giggle and hug him. 
🔹He tries to tell them how much he loves them, more with his actions and not so much with words. But they know he absolutely loves them. 
🔹"I love you too." You heard him once say. You peeked inside the library and saw your handsome husband kneeling in front of the youngest, who was crying. The moment your kid heard that, he/she was grinning as he/she threw himself/herself at Chevalier. 
🔹Then Cheva walked out (after a lot of awkward but comfortable cuddles on a small chair. 
"Chevalier?" You said his name. 
"What?" You smiled and asked. 
"What did you say before?" Chevalier frowned. 
"Nothing that concerns you, dummy." You laughed as he walked away. 
🔹Once, you went to wake Chevalier in your shared bedroom, only to see a large lump and a lot of smaller ones, covered with the fluffy blankets. 
🔹Now you have to wake them all up, but you gave up a few hours later and slept with them. 
🔹Chevalier is very clever and very strong so, sometimes, he teaches his children. 
🔹Every night, he reads them to sleep. 
~Clavis Lelouch 
🔹You were in for it when you agreed to start a family with Clavis. 
🔹If your children didn't look like him, they surely took his character. 
🔹Clavis will be coming back after work and instead of being greeted with deep bows from the maids, he gets greeted with buckets full of sparkly confetti and glitter. 
🔹He is very proud of them but he doesn't want you to have a lot of headaches. 
🔹Clavis always makes time to play with his children. He is being sweet and he helps them however he can. 
🔹He teaches them to not be too open with suspicious people and if they get in trouble, he shows them how to get out of it. 
🔹He let's them keep pets. And if you're allergic to furr, it's okay! None of these pets have furr at all! They can be from small, little snakes to big birds and fishes. 
🔹He is trying his best. 
🔹Your children love him and they show it all the time. 
🔹Clavis is getting attacked with love, which he wasn't used to. He was completely shocked. In the end, he got used to it and he adores it. 
🔹There will be days where you'll wake up with sketches on your face and your husband laughing with your children. 
🔹They are very adorable when they're sleeping together, Clavis arm wrapped protectively around them (and you, of course).
~Leon Dompteur 
🔹Leon is a very loving man. You and the family you both made are his oxygen. You're the most important reason to keep loving and enjoying life at the fullest. 
🔹There are days where Leon has finished with training his army, so he takes you and your children for rides with his horse. 
🔹You ride in the city and go straight to the food section. 
🔹He spoils his children very much, you have to stop him. Do they like sweets? He'll walk through hell to buy cakes, chocolates and everything else. (or ask Yves to bake fresh cakes, lolol). Do they not like sweets? What are those? He never heard of them. (He still eats them.) 
🔹Leon always tries to find new activities, just to make sure his children are having fun in the palace, or outside. 
🔹Everytime they do something troublesome, like breaking glasses and plates with their father, they try to play innocent. 
🔹If they have nightmares, Leon will help them through them. 
🔹He always tells them that they don't have to 'stop seeing nightmares' to be brave. Braveness is when they search for someone they trust, because opening up is harder than keeping it inside.
"But dad, when I'm sad and I don't tell anyone... am I weak?" Leon wiped his kid's tears away. 
"No. You are strong. But if it is something too hard to keep to yourself, you can share it with anyone you trust." 
~Yves Kloss 
🔹Yves is a big tsundere and he is shy. So, when you asked for a family, he blushed and tried to deny it. It wasn't working. 
🔹His eyes light up everytime he looks at his children. They're the most adorable children in the world. And his world is made with you and them. You are all the matters. 
🔹After his royal duties, he bakes cakes, the children are decorating and you have to watch the chaos. 
🔹Before having a family of his own, he found it bothersome and annoying to have things all over the place, but he got used to it. 
🔹He is sneaking kittens in the palace for them to feed and pet. Where did those stray kittens you show on the street when you were shopping? Yves doesn't have any idea what are you talking about, but you now have to sleep in your shared bed with foolur freshly bathed kittens. 
"Are you sure you don't know them? They look comfortable around you." You said, your brow raised. The kittens were sleeping on him. He blushed and glared at you. 
"Hmph, I don't know them! No, lay down Snowflake, we aren't fighting with your mom." He stroked the white furr and the small animal fell asleep again. 
🔹He gives to the children gorgeous clothes and he brushed their hair, putting it in the best hairstyles. 
🔹At night, he praises them for being kind. 
~Luke Randolph 
🔹Luke grew up in a bad environment, so he makes sure that his children won't ever have to grow up like that. He could give his life in a blink of the eye to do that. 
🔹He doesn't spoil his children too much, because he wants them to be down to earth. For him, his role as a prince is not important, but his family is. 
🔹The children are tripping on his long legs while they're playing outside and he sleeps. 
🔹Luke is a Disney Prince. That means all the animals love him. He gently cradles small fragile butterflies, or cute little birds to show them. 
🔹Luke is taking them for walks in the forest. As the time goes on, more and more animals are attached to their gentleness. 
🔹If anyone dares mess with his children, they are in for a big surprise. Luke will take them down and fight them until he is sure that they won't bother them again. He won't kill someone though, only hurt them enough for his family's safety. 
~Sariel Noir 
🔹Sariel is a very busy man and you know that. So when he asked you if you wanted a family, you were super exited. 
🔹By the time your children are born, their bedrooms and everything inside is already ready to use. 
🔹Sariel seems pretty strict, but he has a soft spot for your family. 
🔹He helps them study all their lessons. If they don't understand something, he'll go out of his way to search it up and give them all the information he gathered. 
🔹After babysitting the Princes, he takes a few books filled with fairytales and reads to them in his soothing voice. 
🔹Sariel loves his kids dearly and he protects them from harm, even if it means being in the shadows. 
🔹The children love to hug him and cling on him, while he is giving lectures to the Princes. (translation = scolding Clavis.) 
🔹Sariel was lonely before, so he won't let anyone hurt his family. He'll let his people "clean up the dirt". 
🔹Sariel kind of spoils his children, and you, because he is weak for your eyes and pouts. 
~Licht Klein 
🔹Licht seems distant from afar, but his family gets to see his true colours. 
🔹Whenever his children are playing or doing something else (that isn't harmful), he smiles softly, his red eyes fill with love and adoration. 
🔹He is scared that someday, they'll have the same bad luck his brother and he had. 
🔹That's why he always keeps an eye on them. 
🔹Licht was never troubled if he died, until one of his children told him he/she loved him so much, that he/she will make him the proudest dad in the world. 
🔹Licht's eyes are wide open and he thinks about his choices again. He'll have to live in order to help them grow up. 
🔹He is very supportive with their choices, unless it's something bad for them. 
🔹At nights, he sings to put them to sleep, his smooth voice calming the down completely. 
🔹You can find the m all sleeping together on a chair. 
🔹He won't admit it, but he loves sweet food and his children are no better. 
~Nokto Klein 
🔹Nokto became a whole new person when you had your children. 
🔹He still stayed playful for them. 
🔹Nokto is happy when they are happy, he is sad when they're sad... 
🔹He despises it when they hurt themselves, physically or not. 
🔹He is also scared like Licht. He doesn't want then away from each other. He wants for them to be happy. 
🔹Before they were born, he was scared that he wouldn't turn out to be a good father. He was scared of rejection. 
🔹He lived with the same fear, until his children run up to him and hugged his legs. 
"Dad! Thank you for taking us with you! We love you so much!" They said happily. 
🔹Nokto.exe has stopped working. 
"I love you too." He quickly hugs them to his chest, trying to keep the tears in. 
🔹He is teasing them (in a good way) till there's no tomorrow. (with uncle Clavis). 
🔹The children, with your help are making presents for him. He gets so happy! 
🔹His past self still haunts him, but he doesn't let himself fall. He is strong. 
🔹Nokto doesn't take risky jobs anymore. He takes better care of himself for the sake of his family. 
🔹When stormy nights fall, his strong arms are ready to close you and the kids to his heart. It's his promise of never letting go, even in the scariest times. 
~Rio Ortiz
🔹Rion is as exited as a puppy! 
🔹Right after they are born, they are in his arms, cuddled up to him. 
🔹Rio travels with them in other places (for personal reasons). He shows them all around and does anything they ask. 
🔹Are they hungry? A whole buffet is made for them. 
🔹They have his heart and mind. Sometimes, he is scared they'll think he is annoying, but they always tell him how much they love him. 
🔹He takes time off his work and plays with them in the garden or in their Rooms. 
🔹He always hear their problems. If he can help it, he'll tskr care of them. 
🔹Rio won't let others hurt his children. If someone tries and he is in front of the scene, his hand might slip and he the other guys might get hurt. 
🔹At night, he cuddle with them and they all wait for you to read them to sleep. 
~Jin Grandet 
🔹Jin was feeling bashful. He really wanted a family with the most beautiful person in the world (you). 
🔹Like almost everyone else, his character changed a bit. He spends more time with his family. 
🔹His children like to climb on his back and go fit walks. His back hurts, but are they happy? They it's worth it. End of the conversation. 
🔹There are days where he is too tired so he takes food and drinks (not alcohol) and sets them on the king sized bed with you and the kids. 
🔹He is manipulating Yves to cook (lol), but Yves does it for his nephew(s) /niece(s). 
🔹If the children are terrified from the nightmares or other scary things outside of the windows, they'll run to him, crushing him on your bed. 
🔹When morning comes, they are all over the bed, sleeping soundly. 
AN: I'm writing from my phone now, but I'll fix it when I'll get my laptop! 
Also, fun fact: When I first started the game, I fell asleep while reading/listening the prologue, because Sariel and Chevalier were speaking! I love their voices and I want them to put me to sleep every night, lololol.
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stellar-imagines · 4 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝just anemic.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta ] 
「Headcanons of Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki and Aizawa with fem S/O who’s exhausted, dizzy and cold most of the time and ends up fainting during a training session. Who ends up being brought to the nurse only to discover that she’s anemic. 」
♤ The guy is super worried for you and always asks you if you need anything. When Midoriya sees that you're feeling unwell, he does everything he can to prevent the worst from happening. This cute little bean is always by your side to help you with anything and when you're cold, he's handing you his blaser andHe doesn't really pick up everything from the get go but all he knows is that you were exhausted which was probably due to lack of sleep. Midoriya might seem very annoying, clingy and repetitive but he means well okay?
♤ He seems to be hesitant with training. You have been working hard with your quirk and wanted to test out a new move. Midoriya wouldn't say no when you're looking so eager to try out this new move of yours. The green haired boy tries to convince you to just try another day when you're feeling much better but alas you were quite persistent and he gave in. He eventually comes along with you to the gym for some training. With him around, at the very least, he can watch over you.
♤ When you actually end up passing out after the training session, he's panicking and carrying you to Recovery Girl's office for treatment. When Recovery Girl revealed that you were anemic which was the reason why you've been tired, dizzy and cold most of the time. Midoriya is asking a whole ton of questions about what he can do to help you. Once you were okay to leave, this guy doesn't let his guard down and takes responsibility over your well-being.
♤ This guy is at your beck and call. He sees you shivering a bit, he's already bringing a blanket or jacket for you. When you mention about wanting to eat something, Midoriya is going to get it for you. He's super worried for you so let him babysit you for a few days until he's convinced that you've recovered. He pays more close attention to your health from that day onwards and muttering about the benefits of certain fruits or food.
☆ Bakugou pretends not to care that you're feeling under the weather at all. But in reality, he's very concerned. The guy sees you tired while you're sparring, he goes a bit easy on you. When he sees you starting to fall asleep in class, he's taking notes for you even though he blames you for not getting enough rest and having a fucked up sleeping schedule. He starts noticing that you get a bit cold easily and he will complain about how careless you are while throwing his jacket/blazer at your face.
☆ We all know that this guy is a softie for you and always thinks that he's doing a good damn job at taking care of you, even though he was quite aggressive with it. Bakugou decides to take it upon himself to start watching over you. But of course, you ended up dragging him into sparring with you. At first, he was against it but when you pulled out the right cards — saying that he's a coward and doesn't think that he could win against you — he agreed faster than you anticipated.
☆ Oh boy, when you ended up passing out, he's already blaming himself for getting riled up and forgetting his responsibilities. Bakugou is bringing you to the nurse to get you checked. This guy stays by your side the entire time until you regain consciousness. Everything the nurse advises you not to do, he's taking mental notes of all that for you.You were told to rest for a few days to recover you strength. When he catches you training a bit, he's scolding you like mother would and forces you to rest.
☆ Even after you recover from your condition, he's still very serious about ensuring that you're healthy at all times. Bakugou is making sure that you have a healthy diet, exercise often and get enough rest every day. During training, he works you to the bone but makes sure that you have a lot of time to rest. He tends to scold you when you skip meals, consume a little bit too much junk food. This guy even goes as far as to cook for you and honestly, you're not complaining.
♡ Todoroki is kind of dense but he notices you being exhausted and cold most of the time. This guy doesn't think too much of it and is more gentlemanly about this whole thing. When he sees you shivering a bit, he's offering you his blazer/jacket and sits next to you to warm you up. If you're tired, he tells you that you can rest or take a break. This guy just thinks tat you need a bit of rest. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do when you're feeling a little sick.
♡ When you both were training, he was a bit hesitant on letting you continue because you looked ready to give in. Todoroki suggested taking a break to regain your lost energy for a few moments. But you were quite stubborn and insisted that you were fine and that there was nothing wrong with you at all. One side of him is telling him to be more assertive and forceful for your sake. But the other is telling him that it would be rude of him to hold back against you.
♡ He's panicking when you actually pass out during training. Todoroki stands there for a while, like what the hell is he supposed to do, did you die? Are you still alive? Do you need medical assistance? Are you playing dead? It was until someone yells at him to bring you to the nurse for a check up. This guy sits patiently next to you, fidgeting a bit as he awaited for your results and for you to wake up. Todoroki is pretty worried about you and is always by your side when you're supposed to be resting in bed. He brings food for you and don’t expect anything homemade because thus guy can’t cook for shit.
♡ More observant after that incident. The next time he sees you shivering, he's a bit scared and asks if you need to go to the hospital. You know that Todoroki is looking after you but he's just making it a big deal because of that time you passed out. Whenever he sees you sick even though it was only a small sneeze, Todoroki is already bringing blankets and warming you up, asking if you feel like dying or anything. He’s overreacting a bit so just bear with him a bit, this guy is scared that if he ignores you, something might happen.
♧ Aizawa watches over you like you're the problem child in the class. But you were both adults and he knows that you're capable of handling yourself. He knows that you're not yourself. You're always exhausted, dizzy and cold up to point where you had to bring a jacket with you to keep yourself warm. Sometimes you would ask for cuddles when the two of you are just relaxing and you crave for warmth. This guy doesn't look like the affectionate type but he welcomes cuddling.
♧ He enjoys watching you train and he actually likes getting involved with your training. You were both heroes and you both occasionally train together to improve your skills and get to know your quirk even better. Aizawa noticed the signs that you're feeling a bit under the weather but he never expected for you to pass out.
♧ He's very worried when you pass out because he has been watching over you so much and assumed that you weren't suffering from any illness. When it was revealed that you were anemic, he's super worried and blames himself a bit for not paying more attention to your condition. Aizawa ensures that he know every single little thing about your condition so he can do everything he can to help you.
♧ Somewhat similar to Bakugou, he will be scolding you for not being careful and taking of your health properly. Even so, he will always be by your side when you're resting on bed. He stays in the room together with you and does his own thing while keeping you company as you sleep. He brings you food, medicine and everything you need without you having to ask for it. Aizawa asks Recovery Girl about everything he needs to do for you. This guy has you under strict supervision and makes sure that you are always resting instead of training and tiring yourself out.
Total: 1457 words Published: 19.06.2020
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 OMG, my assignments are killing me. And to top it all off, I have a report, poster and presentation to make for a competition uwu ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! While Lou is suffering despite her one week break, I’m drowning in my own problems. I hope everyone else is doing better than we are.― author Natsuki
Requests are closed for now! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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samwrights · 4 years
Team Karasuno as dads [hc]
For a married woman that doesn’t want kids, I sure do fantasize about my boys being dads a lot.
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He definitely cried when he found out you were pregnant.
When your daughter was born, he couldn’t even be in the room because he was so overwhelmed with you being in pain and the fact he was about to bE A DAD
He doesn’t even remember how you started dating because he was so blown away by your beauty or so he claims but the fact that y’all were married?? And having a kid?? When did he get so bold??
Eventually he got over it cause he felt bad that he wasn’t in the room holding your hand while you literally pushed a whole ass human out ya cooch.
He fainted
The first time he held his daughter was the first time he had felt complete, more complete than when he rejoined the volleyball team in his third year. It felt amazingly right. He tries to deny the fact and say your wedding was just as wholesome but you can tell. Fatherhood is something entirely different for him
“She takes after momma’s beauty.” A simp through and through.
Asahi is a parental HOG. Which is kinda nice cause he loves doting on your child but also HI I AM MOM AND WOULD LIKE TO HOLD MY BABY???
He tells YOU how to hold her and feed her and little ticks about her personality like you aren’t on maternity leave and are with the baby ALL DAY (although he is REALLY pushing for you to just be a stay-at-home mom)
Because he is soooo doting, it’s very rare that you wake in the middle of the night to feed or change her—Asahi is ALL over it. But he is human and there are days he’s too tired to wake up from dead sleep. It’s ok, he’s your human. Daddy deserves rest too.
Asahi would totally be a co-sleeper, or at least nap with the baby as much as he possibly could.
Definitely bought her multiple onesies that say “daddy’s little princess”.
She gonna be a spoiled brat when she’s older 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Daichi Dadchi;
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I mean he’s a literal running joke in the fandom
After being elected as the unofficial dad of the VBC in his high school days, it was no wonder that he was such a natural with your three munchkins.
Having three slightly older boys of varying ages, you relied heavily on Daichi to get through to them when you couldn’t.
He’s definitely the strict parent; your sons all try to take advantage of you 💀 demons
Your boys saw you as a pushover most of the time because you were just so tired.
“Just keep trying for a girl, they said. There’s a 50/50 chance, they said.” Was something Daichi would find you chanting to yourself often while you cooked dinner and the boys were playing soccer in the house and breaking something.
Even though Daichi is strict, he really tries to emphasize to the boys to treat you with kindness to make it a bit easier on you.
“Guys, please don’t make your mother rip her hair out.”
“We’re just playin’!” They would sing in flawed harmony
“One day, you guys are going to be all grown up with your own special person with your own kids, and you’re gonna love them so much that you’ll understand why I’m telling you to calm down and listen to your mom.” Asjdfkhlek.
“Ewwww, daddy loves mommy.”
“I sure do.”
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On god, Suga would be the most patient parent. He treats your toddlers like mini adults and not your insane nine year old girl or six year old boy.
He listens thoroughly when they are upset about something, cautiously listening to the deeper truths about why they’re upset and takes great care in making sure his children feel validated.
Super dad 🥰
But it’s not a random event; after being married to you for the last decade, he had so much practice with conflict resolution and genuinely listening to you that it was a natural tendency at this point.
For the most part, your children are incredibly well behaved. Sure, there’s an occasional incident because, well they’re kids. Your daughter, being the older of the two and nearly finished with primary school, was entering her phase of discovering boys and constantly writing in her diary.
Suga may be super dad, but he is not perfect, and for some reason I totally see him reading her diary.
“Koushi, put it back. Now.” He was just going to pretend that you using your mom voice on him didn’t turn him on and prepare him to fill you with another baby.
While he may be an expert on conflict resolution, you enforced respecting their privacy; quite a dynamic between the two of you in terms of validating your children as individuals.
“But honey, our daughter is starting to like boys.”
“At least one of the females in this house does.” 💀💀💀 with angels for children, someone had to be the clown of the Sugawara family and it was certainly you.
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You and Tanaka had your first baby in your guys’ third year of high school, which you would be lying if you said it wasn’t hell.
Tanaka fought tooth and nail to try to do everything from makin dinner, working, making sure you were getting rest, and of course still playing volleyball. Everything except actually trying to graduate.
“I don’t have time to study babe, I have practice and then we gotta put this squirt to bed.”
There was a constant argument about Tanaka continuing with volleyball that nearly forced you two to split. While you knew how important it was to him, there was no way he was going to graduate from Karasuno while he was trying to care for you, a child, work, and play volleyball.
“Ryuu, please. I know you don’t wanna quit but if you can’t pass your classes, you won’t be able to participate anyway.” He did not take well to that.
It took him time to come to his senses and in that time, you had kept you and your son away from him to allow him his space.
Apparently that was also a wrong move on your part.
He was so angry and frustrated being away from his mini me that he had easily conceded to retiring from volleyball if it meant being able to watch his little nugget learn how to sit up and crawl.
Yes, he goes HAM on the nicknames. Squirt, nugget, mini me, beanie baby, tyke, and all of the above. He pretty much calls your son everything but his actual name.
“I’m sorry for being stubborn.” He says one night while you help him study for his finals, your sleeping son swaddled in your arms.
“I’m sorry for making you give up something you love.”
“Nah, I got you and the munchkin. That’s all I need.”
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I love Noya 🥺 but at first, he is a chaotic parent. Granted y’all had your first child when you were still in college and he hadn’t the faintest clue on how to be a dad.
To be perfectly honest, you weren’t quite sure how to parent either.
Neither of you knew how to change diapers
Noya definitely got peed on more times than he wishes to admit
When your son was still a newborn, just around finals time, neither of you could figure out for the life of you why your baby was crying in the middle of the night. Which inherently made you cry because you had an 8am final and you had finished studying 5 hours prior 🙃
“Try to get some sleep, babe. I’ll take care of him.” Nishinoya’s voice was thick with exhaustion, but he knew how little you’d been sleeping since giving birth.
When you went to leave for your final, Noya was asleep in your living room rocking chair, baby safely in his arms with the both of them just snoozing away.
It was a struggle but the two of you faced the challenge together, one step at a time with your energetic four-year-old son as you graduated university. By the time you had all settled into a larger apartment together as a family, Noya had yet to pop the question. He was too busy having fun with his little man.
Sometimes it scared you how in sync he was with his child probably because he was still a child himself but it was sweet and endearing.
“Hey babe?” He asks softly after the two of you tucked away your boy for the evening. You raised in eyebrow at him, silently goading for him to continue. “Do you want to have another?” Needless to say, he sure as shit impregnated you that night asjckglpwm
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With Hinata being an older brother, I actually see him being a wonderful dad. However, homie’s got a one-track mind and with him playing professionally, you’re usually left to do the parenting.
Your kids definitely like you more than Shoyo, not that anyone blamed anyone; they just never see daddy :(
BUT when he is in dad mode and home, you suddenly remember why you were eager as shit to have more kids with him 🥴 which explains ya you’ve got your third on the way
When he does come home, he automatically greets his older, 8 year old son with noogies and a brief wrestling session. For some reason, Hinata felt the need to compete with his own child 💀
But when he sees his daughter, his world stops because he has favorites and EVERYONE in the Hinata house knows it
Always asking your 6 year old girl how her day was, asking how she was doing ruling over her imaginary kingdom and if she found her Prince Charming yet.
“Pffft I don’t need Prince Charming, daddy, he’s icky!!! Mommy says I don’t need a man!”
Where is the lie
“Your mom is absolutely right and you should totally listen to her, she’s the best queen in the whole world.”
Because of his one-track mind, he is engaged fully with your kids when he is actually home. Your son had naturally gotten into volleyball which, even after a long day’s practice, Shoyo spends hours training him.
“Do you think this one’s finally gonna like me more than you?” He asks one night while he’s doing the dishes after dinner, while you’re right beside him drying them off.
“Sho, our kids love you. But mom is home with them allllll day and has been since birth.”
“Can we keep trying until one of them finally likes me more?” 💀💀💀 “or until we have enough to make our own volleyball team?”
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How this socially inept clown got ANYONE pregnant was unthinkable. Of course, to anyone but you. After being with him all throughout high school, it was more of a wonder how you didn’t get pregnant sooner
This dude dirty. His one track mind, if not on volleyball, was entirely on you. Nearly every night was date night which ALWAYS ended with bow chicka wow wow 😏 you horny mfers yalll moved in together as soon as you graduated from Karasuno.
Clothing at home was nonexistent.
With the two of you in your second year of college, living in your apartment, and being 8 months pregnant, the air had dramatically shifted.
Kageyama’s once still high sex drive had been channeled into school work, working, and of course, volleyball. You were planning on at least completing your semester before taking time off to care for the baby. It seemed one of you would have to really step up, and from what it seems, it wasn’t going to be Tobio.
When he was home, which was very few and far between with how much he had going on, he had tried to dote on you as much as he could physically muster. Kisses here and there, bathing together, and lots of snuggles.
Kageyama is in charge of the nursery and there’s no room for argument on this. With him not being as present at home, he sets up the nursery as a way to communicate with his child that he’s never going to see because of volleyball
I love Kags, but he is nowhere near ready to even think about parenting 💀 which you tried to be patient with, but with the due date approaching very rapidly, you kinda needed him to step it up.
“I’ve helped.” He tries using the nursery as an argument and he had gone to every doctors appointment but homeboy still doesn’t know how to make a bottle or change a diaper
Was he prepared to have to clean up baby shit and vomit? Absolutely not. Was he going to anyway? Lmao, absolutely not. This boy only wants to be daddy, not dad.
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It shook everyone and their mother when people found out that Kei not only had a girlfriend that he met in college, but that his girlfriend was a milf according to Kuroo and Bokuto
When you and Kei had first started dating, your daughter was already five. And while you obviously didn’t bring her to classes with you, she was always with the two of you for date nights. Oddly enough, he really didn’t mind.
His patience for kids, now that’s he’s older and kids are actually kids and NOT his peers, rivals that of Sugawara’s.
“Hey Tsukki,” your spawn asks at dinner one day. “When are you and mommy gonna get married? People keep making fun of me cause I call my parents mommy and Tsukki.”
“Making fun of people isn’t cool, it’s so lame. They’re just jealous cause they don’t get to call their parents mommy and Tsukki.”
That same night, Kei offers to read your daughter to sleep as if to reinforce the notion that mommy and Tsukki was cooler than mommy and daddy. Of course, he was pushing for this to hide that he was upset that children were making fun of her.
After that Tsukishima really gets into his dad role—walking your daughter to school with you or without you everyday, picking her up and giving her grandiose hugs. He made sure to lock eyes with every spectator, his height towering over many at the kindergarten. Silently telling them all “do not fuck with her, or you answer to me.”
He’s sosososo protective, I can’t. He ain’t scared to fight a toddler.
Even well after you and Tsukishima introduce a child of your own, your daughter still insists on calling him Tsukki and adamantly tries to teach her sister to say Tsukki instead of dada.
“You’re okay with the kids not calling you ‘Daddy’, Kei?”
“The only one I want calling me daddy is you.”
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This poor bean 💀 not only was he not prepared for fatherhood in the slightest, but twins?!
You both swore up and down they were evil. If one was hungry, the other one would refuse to eat until the other finished their meal. This applied to using their diapers as well.
Imagine the energy of Hinata and Nishinoya as baby twin boys, and lo and behold, yours and Tadashi’s kids.
While you had slightly more patience with them, knowing they were going to grow up eventually and become their own independent humans. Tadashi was not handling this well at all.
Low key, he felt like he was doing a horrible job as a parent and, after the boys had finally gone to sleep for the night, you’d spent a lot of time consoling Tadashi.
“Why can’t I be like—“
“Baby, you’ve got to stop comparing yourself to all of your friends. None of them have twin boys that are less than a year old.”
“Yeah but Hinata has three of them, so does Daichi—“
“Honey, you aren’t them. You’re you, so please, just be you.”
He’s ambitious when it comes to parenting—he wants to be the best dad ever, and he only gets better with practice.
That doesn’t make him wanna tear out his hair any less, but as the boys get older, it does get easier. We pretend their toddler years didn’t exist, it was a nightmare that Tadashi does NOT want to relive
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Beetlejuice x reader
Beej and reader have a fight, reader pretends beej is invisible to get back at him
Sorta nsft, crude language
"I cant believe you, I asked you multiple times, we had a deal and still"
Beetlejuice, after promising he wouldnt, scared the piss out of your friend who dropped by to help you fix your laptop, you two had a deal, he refrains from scaring and you buy him those salted tarantulas he loved so much. But no, he broke your deal. Your poor friend was was in tears it was so bad, he even left his coat behind, even worse he wouldnt responded to your calls or texts as you were trying to do damage control and cover up what beetlejuice did.
"Come on babes, i was doing ya a favor-"
"How?! By ruining what little soical life I have?! Making the people I care about be afraid to come near me?!" You snap back, you didnt have many friends, there was nothing wrong with that, you just only had a few, and now you're terrified that you lost one for good because of the demon.
Glancing to your phone, still no response
"Well he's gotta come back for his coat sugar" beetlejuice shrugs
You scowl at the ghoul, Beetlejuice's confidence shrinks at the sight of how mad you really were, to the point it looked like you were going to cry, he huffs.
"Like I said sugar, I was doing you a favor, I KNOW guys like that, they help a gal out, in hopes they'll get a little-"
the ghoul flinches at your tone, purple hue taking over his appearance, you never raised your voice to that extent.
"We had a deal, you broke it cuz you dont care about anything but a cheap thrill" you were right in his face, it was a weird scene, a delicate breather yelling at a demon they have backed into the wall.
"Whoa there, believe me, your friend-"
"I don't want to hear it, if shit went bad I would have called you, but they would never do that, you're just looking for an excuse to-" you sigh, deflating and anger being replaced with exhaustion "who cares, theres no point in even arguing with you, just forget it" you back down, and shuffle to your bedroom to mope, curious on why you gave up, beetlejuice follows, till he gets to your room, placing his ear against the door, nothing.
He huffs, okay so maybe he just wanted to scare your friend, to have his cake and eat it too, and maybe he was jealous at how well the two of you got along, and yeah he was lying on how he could tell your friend had alternative motives, but hes a demon straight from hell, scaring is what he does, deal or no deal, you dont ask a bird to stop flying. Floating over to the living room he flops down on the couch, he sighs, whatever, you'll be back to your easy going self tomorrow, and you'll forgive him, like always, you were the bigger person after all.
Morning comes and Beetlejuice perks up when he sees you heading to the kitchen to start your morning routine, he quickly joins you, eager to see if your not as mad as you were for his little joke.
"Morning babes"
No response, maybe you're still half asleep.
"G'morning" the tries again a little louder, still no response, he huffs, grabbing onto your arm and giving it a yank, causing you to stumble "I said, morning"
You yank your arm back, refusing to look at the ghoul as you continue to make your coffee
You brush past him as if he was invisible, you were still mad.
"So you're gonna give me the cold shoulder huh? You're gonna regret that" he mutters watching you stare at your phone as you enjoyed your morning coffee.
It starts off simple, beetlejuice slapping your phone out of your hand, and you picking it back up as if you dropped it, then he bumped it up following you around the house being in the way, following you into your room, leaning against the door watching you get dressed, making lewd comments and gestures the entire time
"Pretty cute panties sugar, shame they don't match the bra" "why dont you just hang around in your undies today baby? It's too hot to not" giving you a jerking off motion the whole time you were changing.
But Still no response from you, you were being so stone faced, beetlejuice had to legit question if he was invisible again, he wasnt. What happened to his jumpy easily embarrassed breather? Were you really that upset?
The entire day went on like this, every time you would make eye contact with beej he would pull a disgusting face to try and get something from you, dehinging his jaw, and have a tarantula crawl out, or replacing his eyes with mouths, at one point he pull out all the stops, a face so horrible and horrific, he did get you to react,seeing the colour drain from your face, but you made a quick retreat to the bathroom to regroup, a small victory and he took it, shame you didnt scream or curse at him though.
Leaning against the closed bathroom door he snickers "nice try babes, I'll give ya that, but no one can ignore the ghost with the most, so how about you drop this silly game"
No response
Enough was enough, Hes had it with this childish game, you're supposed to be the bigger person not him, beetlejuice phases his head through the door, completely red "I WILL NOT BE IGNORED Y/N" he shrieked, steam practically coming out of his ears.
And as if on cue, you leave the bathroom as if you didnt have a ghost head screaming at you on the door.
The red quickly leaves Beetlejuice's hair and is replaced with an awful mix of blue and purple, this was worse then being banished, he'd rather have you yelling at him then this, at least you'd be talking to him, acknowledging him, pulling his head out of the door, he floats after you.
Seeing you sitting on the couch messing around with your phone, he sits down next to you, you dont look up from what you're doing, but you do notice his now purple and blue hue, as bad as you feel about that, You cant break now.
The rest if the evening beetlejuice hung close by you, never saying a word, never touching you, just being there, watching you.
As you head to bed, the ghoul doesnt follow, he stays behind twiddling his thumbs, feeling rotten, he forgot how awful it was to be invisible, and hell he wasnt, he was just being treated as such, what's gotten into you? You're never this strict on being mad with him, you normally would break by now. He sighs, were you really that mad at him messing with your friend? How long will this go on? He didnt want the one breather he cared for so much to pretend he wasnt there anymore. Being invisible sucks, being alone sucks, he wants your attention back, he wants you back.
As you get yourself ready for bed, you hear a knock at your door, weird, cuz beetlejuice would either just barge in or walk through the wall, before you could debate on acknowledging him you hear him speak
"Hey, y/n? I get it, you're pissed, and this is you getting back at me, yeah, I know I broke our deal, and our promise, and scared the piss out of that scrawny breather, and I'm sorry"
You basically go bug eyed at that, you didnt think beetlejuice was capable of apologizing
"I'd rather you be screaming at me till you're blue in the tits, then to have you ignore me, a harsh reminder how lonely I use to be when I was invisible, without you, so..." he trailed off
You opened the door to see the demon, completely purple, he flinches at the sight of you, nervous on how you'd react
"I forgive you" you say softly
You see Beetlejuice's expression change on a dime, to depressed to over joyed, in a split second you were in him arms, his scruffy beard rubbing against your neck as he spun you around the room, once the spinning stops the demon still hold you tight, refusing to let your feet touch the ground.
"That's all I wanted from you, an apology" you manage to squeak out
"You should have said so sweets"
"That's not the point" you push away from the ghoul as a signal you want to be pit down, he reluctantly does so "the point is I shouldn't have to tell you, and I know it's something we gotta work on if we're gonna make this whole thing work, I dont like being mad at you" you sigh "but let's drop it for tonight yeah?" You walk over to the bed, turning to face the demon, slightly purple, fiddling with his tie, you give him a soft smile "would you like to sleep with me tonight?"
The purple hue quickly leaves him and is replaced with soft pink and green, yes beetlejuice has slept with you on many occasions, but was NEVER invited, he always just snuck in while you were asleep and see your embarrassed face in the morning.
"Only if you'll respect me in the morning, babes"
You snort a laugh "of course Beej"
In a flash you were tucked in with beetlejuice next to you, his arms wrapped around you, more then two, hands holding you as if you would up and leave him, one tangled in your hair, one rubbing your back, one on each shoulder, hell you even felt them gripping your ankles, and yet not a one groping you in any way, it was a mess of limbs.
"I guess you're not invisible anymore huh?" You whisper
The demon snorts, pulling you closer to his side "you're gonna regret that joke sugar"
You try to smile but are interrupted with a yawn.
"Night sweets"
Waking up in the middle of the night as you're known to do, forgetting the demon was holding you, you wake up in an anxious state, you quickly calm down when you remember what happened earlier. The ghoul's hands were still all over you, still shocked that not a single one has tried to grope you, as he was known to do.
You sigh content that your little childish game got the better of him, yes you felt bad about it, but it paid off to get him to take something seriously.
As you were about to go back to sleep a low grumble catches your attention, looking over to beej, in the dark you you could see he was more purple then green, you frown.
"Y/n don't leave me alone...." a low mumble, Beetlejuice's grip tightens around you, pulling you close to him, was he talking in his sleep?
You snuggle close to the demon, gently kiss his lips and whisper
"I wont, I promise"
Despite the ghoul being asleep you swear you see him smile.
Tomorrow you'll make it up to him for your childish torment.
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