#hello look i finished a drawing for once please reblog it
russellsppttemplates · 8 months
This drawing is for you (Lando Norris)
Matilda already has her love language, handing out her drawings to people
Note: english is not my first language. Look who showed up, hm? Honestly, the last two weeks have been a bit all over the place and I've been meaning to post way more than what I actually have
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Mummy?", you heard your daughter call for you, walking to her playroom since you assumed that's where she was, "yes, baby?", you made your presence known.
"Can we stop by the stationery shop when we go and pick daddy up from work, please? My colouring pencils are getting too small", she showed you a few examples, the colours you recognised from having a big presence in her drawings belonging to pencils that you were barely able to hold in your hands yourself.
"Of course, Tilly", you smiled, "speaking of which, we have to leave soon. Are you almost finished with your drawing?", you wondered, "yes, mummy, I just need to finish colouring in the sun", she mused, grabbing the tiny yellow pencil and carrying on with her work.
When she finished, she set the pencil down, stopping in the bathroom to wash her hands and heading to the door to meet you, "hold your sleeves", you nudged as she held on the hems while you put on her jacket, not wanting her to let the clothes climb up her arms and be uncomfortable.
"Let's go, mummy!", she cheered, walking downs the stairs into the garage so you could get in the car and drive to the factory.
As you were driving, your husband called, "hello, love! We're already in the car on our way to get you, we're going to stop by the shop to buy some colouring pencils for Tilly so we don't have to wait too long for you", you said, turning on the blinker once you faced the junction.
"Hi daddy!", Matilda spoke loudly, hoping her could hear her like she heard him, "How are my favourite girls today? Actually, I was calling because the meeting ended early and I'm ready whenever you want to pick me up", Lando voiced as you saw your daughter smile from her spot in the back of the car, "you can come with us to the shop, then!", she said excitedly.
"That's a great idea, love! Me and Matilda will go and pick you up first, then! We're ten, maybe fifteen minutes out, depends on how traffic is, it looks okay, though", you muttered, finding it easy so far to drive to the factory.
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you! I love you, girls! Drive safe!", he said before ending the call, Matilda clapping her hands excitedly at the prospect of seeing her father earlier than expected.
By the time you arrived at the factory, Matilda had listed all of the materials she would like to get so her drawings would be pretty. Parking the car, you got out, putting on your coat as you walked to open Matilda's door, "let's go, Matilda!", you smiled, unbuckling her belt and making sure she was cozy and warm to face the cold end of the day temperatures.
Everyone in the factory knew you and your little one, so they would have at you, knowing they would have a difficult time at getting many words out of your little girl, usually a sweet smile, a wave and a small and quiet "hi" before she held onto your legs and hid her face there.
Lando was laughing loudly, so it was easy to know that as soon as you crossed that corner, you'd find your husband along with one of his mechanics and engineers.
Matilda smiled as she saw her daddy, releasing the grip she had on your hand, but keeping them laced until Lando and her locked eyes, "hello, my loves!", Lando said, crouching down so his daughter could finally unlace her hand from yours and run up to him, hugging him and allowing him to pick her up so she could kiss his cheek, "Hi, daddy", she whispered in his ear.
Even though there were only two other people beside her parents, she was still shy as they greeted her, "Hello!", they said as she waved, smiling before hiding her face on her father's neck.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Goodbye Y/N, bye-bye Matilda!", they said as they went the opposite direction, you and Lando bidding goodbye whenever you encountered someone until you were in the parking lot, ready to get in the car.
"Do you want to drive?", you asked your husband despite already knowing the answer. He hated not being in control of the situation if he could, so driving his family around was non negotiable most times, only sitting as a passenger when he was very tired.
Buckling Matilda back in her seat and kissing her forehead, you got into the car yourself as your husband drove to the usual shop where you got your daughter's art supplies and your own whenever your work required materials.
"Do you already know what you want to get, babygirl?", Lando asked as the three of you walked inside the shop. It was unusually quiet for this time of the day, and a small part of Matilda was happy because she could go up to the shelves and drawers she already knew had what she needed without having to ask her parents for help in moving along the shop.
After grabbing the supplies she needed, she took them to the young woman at the front so her parents could pay for it, "have a nice day, Matilda! I'm sure your works of art will be beautiful!", she said. You and your family were regular costumers, so they had already grown to know your name and hers, so they had managed to get in the small group of people that were not family and friends and Matilda didn't feel to shy with.
"Bye-bye, have a nice day, too!", she waved sweetly before running up to her daddy, "very good, Matilda, I'm very proud of you for that!", he said, kissing her cheek and walking along with you to the car.
The McLaren unit was working on full speed as you arrived, coffees and other drinks being served as guests arrived or workers carried on with their day, you opting to go to the track, along with Matilda, after the initial morning rush so you wouldn't have to deal with too many people at once.
"Do you want to to go to daddy's room or stay here?", you questioned her, "here in the lounge", she replied as you walked to one of the tables near the windows so you could be near the sunlight that had graced the weekend and be a little further away from the buzz.
"Do you want to draw with me, mummy?", she offered once she was comfortably sitting on the chair, taking her pencil case from her backpack along with the blank sheets of paper.
"Sure, love! Let me just text daddy so he knows where we are when he finishes his meeting", you smiled, grabbing your phone to text Lando before setting it down and grabbing the things you needed.
"Are you drawing daddy's car?", Matilda asked sweetly as she took a peek at your work, "I am! Do you think it's pretty?", she nodded, "but not as pretty as yours, I love your butterfly", you complimented.
As she was finishing colouring in the wings, one of the girls from the PR team came to greet you, "Y/N, Matilda! It's been a while since I saw you around!", she cheered, kissing each of your cheeks as you did the same to her before she noticed your daughter looking at her, "hello", she said in her usual quiet tone.
As you spoke with the young woman, your daughter carefully folded the paper and ripped it by the crease she had made so she could separate the small drawing from the rest of the plain paper.
"Alright, girls! I'll see you later!", she said as someone called her name, presumably with a task for her to do.
"You can have this one if you'd like", Matilda spoke, showing her the drawing, "really, babygirl? Thank you so much, I'm so flattered!", she said, accepting it and keeping it safe in her notebook, "I'll keep it here until I can get home and put it in my wall, okay?", she nodded as your little girl blushed at the attention, nodding too.
Because the practice session was being used as the scheduled opportunity for the reserve driver to do a few laps on the track, Oscar joined you and Matilda as you looked over the cars on track.
"I need to go to the bathroom. Do you also need to go, Tilly?", you asked your daughter, earning a head shake no, "I'm good, mummy", she said, going back to colouring in.
Excusing yourself after Oscar assured he'd keep her company, Matilda was quick to silently offer her crayons to the Australian man along with her colouring book.
"Where are Lily and Lucas?", she asked for her usual companions for the weekend. They would often be together so you and Lily could catch up while the kids entertained themselves in eachother's company.
"They stayed back home this weekend", Oscar explained, "but they told me they wish they were here. I think they're coming to Silverstone, so we will all be together then", he smiled as she gave him a small smile, too, noddinh in agreement and taking out her new glitter pens.
They start colouring and not saying much, only asking eachother to please hand them a crayon or pen the other couldn't reach or if the drawing looked good. Matilda felt understood by him, so it was no surprise that, besides her family, he was the person she felt the most comfortable with spending time in the paddock.
"Where's daddy taking you, little miss?", you asked as you saw Lando change the t-shirt your daughter was wearing. Under her dungarees, she now had an orange McLaren t-shirt, matching her father as he held her on his hip, "we're going to hand in drawings I made, and I didn't want to do it alone, and since you said you were feeling tired, daddy said he would take me", she smiled, kissing your cheek when you got up to kiss your husband's lips and her forehead.
"You sit tight, alright baby?", Lando urged, "me and Tilly want you to be well rested when the time comes to watch the race", he kissed your forehead. You hadn't slept that well the night before, so when Matilda had built her collection of gifts, she didn't want to tire you out more.
Leaving the hospitality, Lando walked with Matilda, asking her where she wanted to go first, "Can we find uncle Seb first? Mummy and I saw him when we arrived, but there were a lot of people near him so we said we'd see him later", she reasoned as Lando quickly searched for the retired German driver, "there he is, love", he pointed, walking in his direction.
Despite her initial confidence, Matilda felt shy as everyone's eyes landed on her and her father, cooing at the sight of them matching and the fact that little Norris had showed up, too.
"Hello, Matilda! How are you?", Sebastian asked, smiling at the duo as she retreated, hiding her face on his neck. Her backpack was open as Lando pulled the art pieces out.
"Didn't you want to give something to Sebastian, gorgeous girl?", Lando encouraged, kissing her cheek sweetly and giving her time.
"The bee one, daddy", Matilda whispered against his neck where she kept hhalf of her face hidden as Lando flickered the drawings, finding the one she meant.
"Is this for me? Thank you, Matilda, this is very nice!", Sebastian said warmly, making he little girl smile at him.
"Who's next?", Lando asked, "Charles, I made a drawing for him with a sea, because he lives in Monaco", she reasoned.
"And on the screens now we can see the McLaren garage this afternoon, where Lando Norris has his little one and his wife here this weekend!", Natalie said looking at the screen along with Naomi.
"That's true! Little Matilda has been in the paddock with her parents this whole weekend, and yesterday I had the privilege of seeing the cutest scene! She was hiding behind Lando's legs, but she kept holding some of the drawings until she found the people she wanted to give them to!", Naomi added, "she had one for Sebastian, for Charles, and she also shared some with the McLaren crew, too!
"And when I was interviewing Oscar this morning, Matilda walked closer to us and asked for his help to get the drawing she made of me - I have it right here, let me show you! - and this is the cutest thing ever! I have an orange suit - because of papaya, she said -, and my braids look so good with this glittery accent, see?", she showed Natalie as she nodded, "she's usually a very quiet little one, but she's an artist for sure. She takes after her mummy, so I've heard", she smiled into the camera.
"Yet, this morning, when me and the crew were deciding where to go first, we caught a father-daughter that made our hearts melt, take a look in the screens!", Natalie finished.
"Is it silly, Matilda?", Lando tried, seeing his daughter give him a full belly laugh as he drew a crocodile with rain boots, "crocodiles don't need rain boots, daddy! They can swim and walk all the same!", she giggled, delighting the people who were watching and hearing her laugh. "Well, maybe I should give him some floaties, too! Should I make him pink ones like yours?", he tried, earning another set of giggles out of his little girl.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
can you make a headcanons with satan + solomon and maybe any character you want to add with mc who likes doodling cats/stars or anything during the day or maybe even in class on the (character) hands and they find it cute ??
love you❤️ .
drawing cats on lucifer, satan, solomon, and diavolo
includes: lucifer, satan, solomon, diavolo x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: ugh this was adorable, i hope you enjoy! thanks for requesting and ly2!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come talk w me
please like, reply, and reblog!!
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grabbing a pen from your bag, you take your seatmate’s hand in yours, double-checking to make sure the lecturer isn’t looking.
“what are you doing?” he hisses, but you only flash him a grin, putting the pen to his hand. gently, you draw out a design, taking care to make it neat and cute.
patiently, he waits for you to finish, taking notes with his other hand. you should be taking notes. it’s fine, you’ll get them from him later.
once you’re finally done, you pull back, letting him admire your work.
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➳ lucifer looks down at his hand, eyebrows raised. “a cat? really?”
you let out a quiet giggle, leaning your head on his shoulder. “i made it grumpy, just like you!” you take his hand again, admiring your beautiful art, and can’t help but laugh again.
“i should go wash my hands,” he whispers idly, a half-threat. hopefully, he doesn't–you put effort into that cat! you even tried to make the eyebrows match!
unbeknownst to you, however, lucifer secretly quite enjoys the drawing and doesn’t plan to wash it off any time soon.
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➳ satan look down at his hand, breaking into a rare smile. “a cat? oh, mc, you know me so well.”
“of course i do,” you return, and he chuckles quietly.
“here, give me the pen.” you do as he says, and he takes your hand. “i’m going to draw a cat to match.”
he’s so serious and focused, which is honest perfect, because it gives you a moment to stare at his face, unabashed. after a few moments, he pulls back, revealing his masterpiece. it’s honestly not that well done, but you’ll cherish it all the same.
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➳ solomon squints down at his hand. “what in the world is that supposed to be?”
“a cat!” you hiss, scowling. “isn’t it obvious?”
“a cat?” he turns his hand this way and that, trying to see a cat in the squiggle of lines you’d drawn. “no, not at all.”
“you suck,” you inform him, and he laughs.
“here, give me the pen. i’ll show you how a real cat is drawn!” the mess he leaves on your hand isn’t any better than your attempts, something you continue to rib him over for the next few days.
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➳ diavolo preens as he examines the drawing. “i like the hearts around its head,” he whispers. “what’s its name?”
“harold,” you whisper, and his shoulders shake with suppressed laughter. it wouldn’t do for the lord of the devildom to be caught slacking off in class.
“the name suits him,” diavolo praises, and you smile, satisfied. “perhaps i should get this tattooed here. i’ll even draw you one to match”
“i wouldn’t go that far,” you say quickly, not wanting him to do something stupid, “but i don’t hate the idea of matching tattoos.”
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leviathans-watching's works - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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book-place · 1 year
Arts and Crafts Disaster
Warnings: blood, papers cuts, slight cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Castiel x reader platonic, Dean Winchester x sister reader, Sam Winchester x sister reader
Request: hello :))) I have a request!! Can you do a castiel x child reader where castiel has to babysit child reader again, but child reader somehow injured themself and dean and sam come back from a hunt to a crying child reader and a panicky cas? thanks!! love your stories btw<33
Request by: @homowholikespace
*not my gif*
Summary: Cas is back to babysit again
A/N: There’s some references to a past work of mine —> Of Cats and Angels; Also, yes paper cuts do hurt that much. No, it’s not dramatic
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Cassie!” You cheered as soon as the angel landed in the bunker's library, hurrying over and wrapping your arms tightly around his leg in a hug.
“Hello, Y/n.” He greeted, patting the top of your head fondly.
“Thanks again for watching her, Cas.” Dean spoke up, striding into the room as he slung a duffel bag containing all he would need for the upcoming hunt over his shoulder.
“It is no problem.” He answered the eldest Winchester honestly, nodding along as you already began babbling to him about one thing or another.
Dean gave him a smile, clapping him on the back before trailing after Sam, who had walked up the stairs and out into the garage moments ago.
The two of them were going out on a hunt a couple miles away, so they called up their angel friend to babysit you once more. Considering the last time had been a success, save for the newfound kitten that now roamed the halls of the bunker.
“Say ‘hi’ to Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens, Cassie!” You demanded, presenting the cat up to him as soon as your brother disappeared.
“Hello, Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens.” He echoed, reaching out a finger and gently scratching the small thing behind its ear.
You grinned up at him, satisfied, and set the cat free on the ground, “What are we gonna do today?” You asked eagerly.
From the look on your face, he could tell you were hoping that today would end with you gaining a new pet again. But he couldn’t let that happen, he doubted your brothers would let it slide again. It was pure luck he got away unscathed after they found out about Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens last time.
“How about some arts and crafts?” Castiel suggested.
After the last time, he had done some research on what children liked to do, and this was one of the top results he had found.
You squealed, nodding up and down happily before skipping off to go get some art supplies Sam had left in a nearby closet for you and returned with a box filled to the brim with different papers, colored pencils, markers, and crayons.
You happily dumped them on a table and you and Cas set to work, a determined silence falling over the two of you like a blanket.
Working side by side, you each were laser focused on your own projects at hand, Castiel trying to draw a rainbow with the perfect mix of colors, and you working hard to draw a family picture of you and your brothers- featuring Castiel and Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens, of course.
This went on for hours. Every time one of you finished your drawings, you wouldn’t find it satisfying enough, and would crumble it into a ball, toss it into a nearby wastebasket, and start over. There was definitely something admirable about both of your determination to get your pieces of art just right.
Finally, a wide grin broke out onto your face as you stared down at your paper, “Cassie! Cassie, look! I did it-“ You whipped your paper into your hands all too quickly to try and show the angel your finished product. The material sliced across your finger in such a way that it began to bleed immediately. Paper cut.
Both of you stilled for all of a minute, until the pain stung harsh and fast and tears began to fill your eyes.
You began wailing right away, sticking out your wounded hand as if it was infected, and Cas’s panic quickly filled his silent void.
“Are you alright?” He asked hurriedly, “What can I-“
You just kept bawling though, the sting of the paper cut that dug deep fresh in your pain.
Poor Castiel had no idea what to do. He had never been in this situation before. Sure, he could reach over and easily heal you with a touch, but all logic seemed to fly out of his mind the second you began sobbing.
“Hey! We’re home!” As always, Dean and Sam burst in at just the wrong moment.
The second your cries reached their ears, they flew down the stairs in a blur of movement and panic, very similar to Castiels, not stopping until they were right in front of the two of you.
“What is it?” Dean panted instantly, “What’s wrong?”
With a wobbling lip, you held out your scarred finger to them, and they both let out simultaneous breaths of relief.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Sam cooed, shoulders relaxing as he scooped you up into his arms, letting you burrow your face into the crook of his neck, “It’s okay, you’re alright.”
He lead you off to get a bandaid and Dean whirled around to face Cas as soon as he was out of sight, “What the hell, man?” He demanded.
The angel shrugged helplessly, “Just a moment ago she started crying very loudly and I didn’t know-“
You and Sam entered back in the room, hand in hand, as you wiped your eyes and nose with the back of your sleeve, calming down significantly.
“Are you alright?” Cas immediately asked in concern.
You nodded shyly, focusing your eyes on the ground as you shuffled your feet up and down.
Sam smiled down at you softly, squeezing your hand gently in reassurance, “She’s alright, just got a bit freaked out, that’s all.”
You sniffled slightly, gently letting go of Sam’s hand and walking back over to the table, lifting up your drawing- very carefully this time- to show the three men your hard work.
“Wow, great job, kiddo.” Dean praised instantly, reaching over and ruffling your hair, emitting giggles from you.
Sam grinned, studying the drawing of himself, “The hair is spot on.” He remarked.
“It looks wonderful, Y/n.” Castiel told you honestly.
All four of you were standing in a line in the picture, holding hands and wearing bright smiles, Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens of course hanging a couple inches above all of you in the air, doing so with the powers you were convinced he had and just never used when you were all around.
Idjits 👟- @ineedmorefanfics2 @roseblue373 @popfishjr
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ficsofabotchedmind · 8 months
Little Menace
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Summary? No, heheheheheh.
Warnings? Yes; Cavity inducing adorableness
(Read the tags before you read and don't be mean or I'll restrict comments AND reblogs AND I'll happily block you.)
A ruckus came from within the office of Principal Larissa Weems, "Y/n, don't touch that! No, not that either!" Larissa whined as she chased around a bubbly, Y/h/c shapeshifter. 
The toddler zoomed around in absolutely nothing, the babe was as naked as the day they were born. 
"Oh God, Y/n. No! Darling, please don't touch that!" Larissa said as she finally caught the stark naked shifter. 
Larissa heaved the wriggling and giggly toddler up safely in her arms, "Please, whatever you do, allow me to get your diaper on!" 
All the little shifter could do was shine a smile so wide that Larissa just forgot about all the mayhem that was just had...partially. 
Larissa took the tot in the shared bedroom and put them in a pull-up until Morticia could get back. 
Larissa didn't know exactly what to do because normally her and Morticia's partner had a plan in place when they regressed, but not this time. 
No, this time it was a complete surprise.  
*2hrs ago* 
Larissa sat at her desk and was finishing paperwork on Wednesday's usual troublesome stunt when her and Morticia's partner came in, Larissa took notice of how tired the usually bubbly and excitable person was and made a mental note to sit with her other halves in a warm, calming bath later on. 
Y/n barely cast a glance but muttered an exhausted, dull hello and kept going into the apartment. 
*1hr later* 
Something seemed off, it was quiet, too quiet. Larissa made a note to herself that even the TV wasn't on, so she got up and headed towards the door where she paused in shock. 
Papers, toys, anything you could name, it was all strung all over the apartment but no Y/n in sight. 
Larissa’s ears perked at the sounds of giggles emanating from the bedroom, and when Larissa walked in, she was greeted by the sight of the tot drawing along the walls. 
Larissa stood gaping at the Y/H/C shifter in shock, but she quickly snapped out of it and carefully but quickly approached the toddler, but before she could retrieve the marker the tot turned around at the noise of feet behind them. 
Grinning happily, the small babe started getting up yelling, "MAMA! MAMA!"  
Larissa couldn't help but smile and watch as the tot finally got up and shot towards her yelling Mama the whole time. 
The tiny one collided with Larissa’s legs and said one simple word with outstretched arms, "Up!" 
Larissa smiled and said, "Now, what do we say, sweetheart?" 
The tiny shifter thought for a minute and then said, "Peeeeaaazzzz! Up, peaz!" 
Larissa smiled at the babe and carefully scooped them up and held them close while exclaiming, "You need a bath! Dear me, you stinky baby!" 
The toddler giggled out an, "Yep!" 
Larissa sighed and looked towards the wall and back at the babe giving them a look, "But let's clean this up first, shall we?" 
Y/n got a sad look and hung their head, they knew they had done wrong, "Sorries, Mama." 
Larissa sighed, she felt bad and so she decided to let it go just this once, "While it is not alright, I will not make you sit in the corner, but you will have to help me pick up all your toys and markers, is that understood? First thing is first, you need a diaper, yes?" 
The tot smiled and nodded, "Oui, Mama!" 
Larissa gave a deadpan look at the toddler, "You sound too much like your Maman, you little menace." 
Y/n gave a bubbly giggle and with that the two got to work, but after 30 minutes she noticed things had gone quiet and once again, it was too quiet. 
Next thing Larissa knew she saw a toddler streak past her wearing absolutely nothing. 
The tot flew out of the bedroom, heading into the living room, and heading straight for the door, which Larissa forgot to shut. 
Larissa shot up from her crouching position, but it was too late, the little hellion escaped and made their way into the office and that's where all of the chasing and grabbing ensued. 
*Present time* 
Larissa, having made sure to shut the door to the apartment, turned on the TV to Y/n's favorite show and set out to make dinner. 
Not 15 minutes later Morticia walked through the door, she heard one, "Shut it quick, Morty!" And another, "MAMAN!" 
Morticia shut the door just in time to feel a tiny body collide with her legs, she peered down and smiled.  
Scooping the babe up Morticia laughed, "Oh my, what do we have here? Do we have a tiny menace on our hands?" 
Y/n giggled and exclaimed, "Oui, Maman!" 
While Morticia proceeded to blow raspberries on the babes cheeks, Larissa spoke over the shrieks of laughter coming from the toddler, "You have no idea, Morty! That little pup right there had strung toys and other items all over the living room and then proceeded to draw on the bedroom walls!" 
Morticia pulled back and gave the squirmy, happy baby a look but of course couldn't stay mad at the look in those Y/e/c eyes, "Is that so, little pup? Did you give Mama trouble?" 
Y/n nodded solemnly and hung their head, "Yes, Maman." 
Morticia gently cupped the child's chin and lifted their face, "Will you do it again, sweet one?" 
Shaking their head furiously, the babe quickly said, "No, Maman!" 
Both Morticia and Larissa smiled, Larissa came over after putting the plates on the table and both gave the small one soft kisses on their head. Pulling back, Larissa said, "Good. Now, little pup, how about some food, yes?" 
The babe grinned, "Yes!" 
Sitting Y/n down in their highchair, Morticia grabbed a bib from the drawer and a bottle from the cabinet and gave the bottle for Larissa to fill up with water.  
Carefully getting the bib on the hungry toddler, Morticia placed a soft kiss on Y/n's head when done and she sat herself. 
Larissa did the same once the bottle was sat carefully on the tray and they all dug in and quickly came to the realization that if Y/n needed a bath now, they would certainly need one after this. 
*After dinner* 
After cleaning up and wiping the face of a squirming Y/n, the women set to work in getting everything for the bath and after ready. 
Morticia drew the bath as Larissa gathered everything for the bath and once all was done, Morticia gently picked up the sleepy darling and got them in the bath. 
Y/n loved bath time, it meant play time AND cuddle time. Once in, Y/n latched onto their Maman and waited for their Mama to get in. 
Once everyone was in the bath, Larissa and Morticia made quick work in getting themselves and the sleepy, and now increasingly whiny, toddler clean. 
Larissa claimed out and dried of first and once in the towel took a fussy Y/n from Morticia and proceeded to dry the unhappy and squirmy babe while Morticia herself quickly dried. 
Now done in the bathroom, Morticia quickly got everything in place and powdered, diapered, and clothed Y/n while Larissa got prepared for their nightly routine. 
Everyone was all done getting ready for bed and so they climbed in, Morticia held a crying Y/n, who was begging for their special cuddles, while Larissa got her top half undressed and shifted. 
Taking the sobbing babe from Morticia, Larissa allowed them to latch on and within no time being spared, Y/n latched on quickly. 
Both women smiled down and the tot who was sniffling and dozing off while latched carefully onto their Mama with their other hand curled around their Maman's finger. 
Larissa settled deeper into the pillows as Morticia curled around both little and Larissa. 
Larissa carefully reached for Y/n's pacifier so she or Morticia could be ready to slip it into Y/n's mouth once the tot had fallen asleep. 
Morticia smiled and pressed a kiss to Larissa’s lips and the little pups head, after Larissa pulled back and looked Morticia in the eyes and smiled. 
As she looked the sparkle in her eyes got brighter, Larissa pressed a soft and gentle kiss upon Y/h/c hair and settled back into the pillows as Morticia curled up and started humming. 
Eyes growing heavy on all three, the babe let their eyes close first. After a few minutes, Larissa could feel the suckling stop and soft even breaths hitting her chest. 
Looking down, she saw Y/n had fallen asleep. So being very careful, the two women carefully unlatched the tot from Larissa’s chest and slipped in the pacifier. 
After dressing her top half once again, Larissa settled Y/n between herself and Morticia. 
Once the tot was settled, the two women said their goodnights to each other, and each pressed a gentle kiss to Y/n's head. 
That night was filled with pleasant dreams all around, Y/n's most of all. They dreamed of their caregivers, cuddles, and stuffies. 
Not a sound, all was quiet and peaceful except for soft breathing coming from each occupant. 
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Special Interest 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, age gap, creep behaviour, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Cole Turner, short!reader
Part of the Bookstore AU
Note: this one is a bit longer than I anticipated!
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You have everything neatly tucked into a box for your delivery. You're anxious, more so to get it done and over with, than to meet the demanding buyer. Your mother finishes up and hurries you to get ready. You can’t help but take your time.
You bring another box, this one full of parcels to be sent out. After dropping those off, you’re back in the car hug the last order in your lap. Your mother pulls into the lot, just behind the garden center outside, now selling wreaths and pine trees in lieu of the season bulbs and petals.
You get out and check your phone. Your mom comes around to read over your shoulder. You keep an arm around the box as you lean it against the car. You bring up your Etsy messages.
‘Think I got here early. In the garden center checking out the garlands.’ 
“Oh, great,” your mother says, “we won’t have to waste too much time.”
“Mhmm,” you agree and bring your other arm around the box, pressing your phone to it as you follow her. 
She doesn’t wait as she walks along the wall of the garden centre and dips through the door. You catch up inside, nearly bouncing off of her as you hold the box ahead of you. She squeals and points out a shelf of ornaments made of pine cones. You humour her with a smile and hum.
“Those are cute, mom, but we’re not here to shop,” you huff as you peer around.
That woman in the patchwork jacket looks like a farmer. She has the square jaw of a real hard lady. You know she’d probably best you in any physical combat. You meet her eye, tilting her head in question, ‘are these your crochet goods? Huh? Did you make me come all the way down here?’
She frowns and quickly turns away. Alright, not her but you’ve definitely creeped her out. You glance back at your mom as she ogles the ornaments. You wonder how she manages to work from home effectively.
“Excuse me, uh, SashayCrochet? Um, I think that’s for me?” A voice draws you back to face the rows of trees and hanging wreaths. You almost fall over as you recognize the man approaching you. No flipping way. “Hey,” he points at you in a similar epiphany.
“Uh, Farmer’s Delight?” You grimace.
“That’d be me,” he smiles. He’s wearing the same tan jacket, you note the stain by the pocket, “thanks for meeting me here.”
“Uh huh,” you squint at him. What a gosh dang diddly darn coincidence this is. “Here, everything’s there. Have a good day.”
“Oh, wow,” he sputters as you push the box against his stomach, slowly placing his hands on the corners. “Do you mind if I check to make sure or–”
You hold back a sneer. You can’t believe this. You had a bad feeling all along. You somehow don’t think this is fate. You think this guy has a problem. Why would he needs a lady’s magenta cap and matching mitts?
“Honey,” your mom finally catches on to the scene behind her, “oh, is this him?”
“Um, hello,” the weirdo smiles at her, “yeah, uh, it’s me. Cole.”
He offers his hand as he shifts the box under his arm. Your mother shakes his hand and nearly vibrates in excitement. She loves finding a new mark for her unending small talk. They deserve each other.
“Cole, that’s such a cute name,” she rescinds her hand, holding it over her chest coyly, “matches you well.”
“Mom,” you growl, raising your chin defiantly at Cole the creep, “I included an invoice so you can see everything’s there. Go ahead and check, we have things to do.”
“Honey, don’t be so rude,” your mother chides, “so, Cole, you live on a farm?”
He sets the box down on the corner of a table and shuffles through the contents. You stay where you are as your mom steps closer. You wonder if she sees the silver in his beard and just thinks that’s some festive touch. He’s ancient.
“Yeah, my parents’ place. I help out. As much as I can.”
“Oh, wow, I always dreamt of living out in the country but I’m too much of a busy body. The city is where I belong,” she preens, “but my daughter, she’s loves being at home. Don’t you, honey?” She beckons to you but you don’t move. “Spends all her time making this stuff,” she motions to the box.
“It’s very nice,” he says as he admires the beret style cap, “good handiwork. Talented.”
“Yes, a good hobby,” your mom insists, “not so useful as working the field, I’m sure.”
He chuckles, “yeah, I guess, but it takes all sorts.” He lifts the box up again, “my mother is going to love all this. Her birthday’s just around the corner and I didn’t really wanna walk in with another gift store teddy bear.”
“Too sweet,” your mom chimes, “any mother would be so lucky. Honey, get over here.” She reaches back blindly and grabs your arm, forcing you up next to her, “she always makes me something pretty for the holidays but you can only really have so many socks and scarfs.”
“Mom,” you snarl again, glowering at Cole as amusement dimples in his cheek.
“Actually, uh, I was just coming from the market. I have a booth there. I sell plants, so, uh, I have some in my car. If you wanna have a look. You can have one for free… some probably won’t last that much longer,” he suggests.
“Oh, plants! I love plants. And with this weather, everything’s so grey,” your mother trills. “We’d love to have a look.”
You almost hiss at her again but you don’t want to argue, not in front of this man. He smiles and leads her out of the garden center. You trail behind reluctantly. Your mother glances over her shoulder and snaps her fingers at you. You come up behind her and lean in close.
“Mom,” you whisper, “do you really think we should follow this stranger to his car?”
“Stranger? He’s so nice.”
“You said two words to each other.”
“Don’t be so cynical,” she snaps back, lowering her voice as she talks out the side of her mouth, "he's gorgeous."
He takes her to a pale blue truck and opens the back door, he tucks the box on the floor and steps back, gesturing to the back seat. You furrow your brow at your mom. She is easy pickings.
“You can have a look. Mostly cacti,” he shrugs.
“Don’t mind if I do,” your mom steps up and peeks into the back seat.
You can see the edge of a cardboard tray as she moves around the small pots. You stay a few feet back and cross your arms. Cole edges towards you.
“I guess… we’re running into each other so I can apologise,” he says, keeping his voice notably low, “about the bookstore.”
“Huh, bookstore? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m being nice. I just wanna make it up for you. Why don’t you take a plant too?”
“I don’t have much of a green thumb. I’d rather knit my plants,” you sneer.
“You mean crochet,” he corrects you. You look at him sharply and he lifts his brows plaintively, “I’m learning, see?”
“Mom,” you put your hand up as if to say ‘talk to the hand’ and block him out, “hurry up. We gotta grab that thing for dad. Remember?”
“Great, I’m heading inside too,” Cole says, “they have some sod in stock and I need some chicken wire.”
“I like this one,” you mother shows a prickly cactus with a little red cushion on top, “and wonderful, you might know what this is,” she fishes out her phone with her free hand, “something for the sink. My husband sent me a link…”
You die a little as your mother shows him the web page. Of course she can’t just let him go. She can’t let you get out of this. She thinks this guy with his dumb blue eyes and sandy brown hair is some sort of Prince Charming.
“Maybe I’ll just wait in the car,” you say.
“Oh, honey, don’t be silly, it’s too cold for that.”
Cole looks at her phone, “oh, I know exactly where those are. One sec.”
He shuffles past her to shut his truck door. You glare at your mom but she doesn’t notice, she’s completely enamored with this tall hunk of weirdo. Whatever, you’ll have to sneak away and hide in the pet section and daydream about the puppy you never got.
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askbrightsans · 2 months
Hi hi hi- I HAVE A PURPOSAL- please hear me out
so I'm going to be making a interactive comic (if that's what you call them) y'know where you choose what happens next with polls
And so I really didn't want to go to like 50 creators asking if I could use some of their AU's or characters as Background characters or AU's Star visits, (because when I search other's blogs I do it very poorly and get frustrated) SO to sovle that I have a Google form where you can just recommend an AU that you know or your own! I'd love to know what AU's you want to see!
I'll start posting this comic once I finish the main story (AKA the ask blog)
The link to the form Is under the cut
I really want to get better at animation and drawing as a whole and I think this will help!! You can tell I have way too much free time-
You'll mainly find the link on my main @0utskirtz and here! (You will not be able to find the link on @moonswapofficial unless in reblog form!)
Please reblog, and remember,
Ok I have the single character one done
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shiftingpath · 10 months
Exalted Secret Santa, 15th Edition
Hello friends!
It's that time again; time to come together over the winter season to make some art of each other's amazing Exalted characters. If you're an artist in the Exalted fandom, here's what you'll need to participate:
1) A working tumblr account. RSVP to me in an ask, message, reply to this post, confirmation in the reblog tags, etc. so I will know to add you to the list. If you submit under a new handle but have participated before, or if your tumblr name has changed, please note the name of the account you will be posting with for the exchange. I like to make sure repeat participants get different assignments and gifts every year; if you have changed names please just remind me a little, so I can ensure you don't get paired with the same person twice.
2) Post a journal to tumblr by December 10th with the descriptions of the character you would like drawn. Include two or three if you have them to give the person drawing for you more options. Please provide all the physical and relevant details needed to draw the character, and provide a reference picture if at all possible. (A piece of your own art, a commission, a play-by picture, etc.)
Also, if you have any strong aversions or phobias that might be important for a stranger drawing your character, please note that in the journal. (For example: “Silent Vortex of the Storm’s left eye is brilliant white-blue like her anima, but her right eye is lost and that side of her face scarred badly. She always wears her eyepatch and a close-fitting hood. (I’d prefer not to see any graphic eye trauma.)”
Just try to make it as easy as possible for your gifter to draw your character!
Tag your journal with #exalted or #exalted secret santa so I can find it (or message me with a link). Once all the journals are up, I’ll make a post compiling the links to them all so they’re easy to find. I will also send you a message through asks or messages with the name of the person you are assigned to draw for. Please try to get your journal up by the 10th so your gifter will have plenty of time to draw for you.
2) Check your messages or ask box for your assignment. I will have this to you on December 11th if at all possible. Let me know if you’re planning to be unavailable for any major length of time just in case I need to get ahold of you for further details. If you have an emergency and cannot finish the trade in time (for example, your tablet or scanner breaks), let me know asap so I can arrange a replacement. Thank you!
3) Submit a piece of finished artwork by January 14th.  Please tag your submission with the secret santa tag and your giftee’s name if you wish, or I can notify them once it’s up. When all the gifts are posted, I’ll compile them into a single post so we can all get a good look at them.
Let me know by December 10th and I will have your assignments to you within 24 hours if at all possible. Feel free to message me at any time with any questions.
Sorry, I do not accept writing or mechanics submissions for this Secret Santa (though you are welcome to accompany your picture with some text, and of course welcome to host a writing exchange of your own!)
Happy Calibration,
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xolliwritez · 8 months
Commissions Are Open!
Hello my ratizens! My commissions are - finally - open and ready! Before you commission me, I will draw for..
I will NOT draw for...
Full Body (still learning it)
More Then 2 Characters
My current prices are...
Sketch & Bust - $5 AUD
Lineart & Bust - $10 AUD
Colour & Bust - $15 AUD
Shading & Bust - $20 AUD
If you want a second character involved, the prove will be doubled, for example, $5 for a lineart and bust will be 10!
Examples of my art are...
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I currently only accept KoFi, and please dm me before you pay!! I will accept a half payment and check up on you once I finish the sketch to see if you enjoy it or want any changes! If you have a oc, send me images of what they look like, aswell as Fandom characters! Thank you for reading, and do reblog if you can!
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serickswrites · 29 days
could you add me to the tag list for Eyes Like Fire? also, how to you organize all of your WIPs and tag lists? i can barely keep my few WIPs untangled in my head
- @eyehartart
Hello, friend! I absolutely can add you!
Ok, so the tag list is the easy part because I only tag people who reblog, comment, or reply to a post (the likes are just beyond my brain at this time), and of course if people message or send an ask for me to add them. As for how I organize all my WIP, it's a really shitty system, but I have a notebook that I put all the stories I want to continue in. I put one per page and I put the general plot (like how many parts, what happens in each part) and then when I'm ready to write it, I put it on a word doc (or sometimes they sit in my drafts on tumblr depending on my mood). My notebook is a bit of a monster right now because I have filled it, so I have loose pieces of paper, post its, and notebook paper jammed in it because I refuse to get a new notebook to fill until I finish writing all the pieces in it. I used to have multiple notebooks at a time, but that was really stressful. I highlight a story once it's completely written and I put paperclips on the top of the pages that still need to be written.
I also keep notes on my phone because if the idea strikes and I don't have my notebook with me I have to write it down somewhere. It's really not a good system, but it works for my brain. I continue pieces on request, or if I see that it's getting good traction and I wouldn't mind continuing it. More often than not though, when I post a piece, I already know (and have likely plotted) that it has multiple parts--usually because I envision the ending and have to work backwards.
I hope this answered your questions! In the mean time, please enjoy another 'Eyes Like Fire', which, fwiw, is actually not fully plotted. I am lowkey pantsing this one lol
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Warnings: destruction, mayhem, unconsciousness, magic, binding
Villain hadn't moved from where they lay. Hero slowly crept forward. They didn't have any salt, but they couldn't let Villain get up and continue on their rampage. They had to do something.
The demon seemed unconscious, Hero realized as they pulled out their phone. They didn't need salt, but they needed something to bind Villain so they could no longer attack the city.
Hero scrolled until they found a binding spell. They quickly skimmed the spell, reasoning that they would remember it more once they got going.
"I'm not going to let you destroy my home. I'm going to stop you. And send you back to where you came from," Hero muttered as they grabbed the chalk they always kept in their pocket.
The spell was simple, draw a circle of power, draw the binding, say the incantation, and then, boom, demon would be trapped and bound. Hero worked quickly. They couldn't risk the demon waking up. Didn't want to risk. They didn't know why Villain had fainted and they weren't about to question this boon. They just needed to stop the demon.
They stood back to admire their handy work. They had drawn a crude circle around the demon, large enough that they didn't have to get too close--Hero remembered something about their ability to possess different bodies if another body touched their current body. Hero felt bad for whatever person this demon had possessed. Once they bound the demon, they would look up the exorcism spell. One thing at a time.
Hero quickly muttered the spell, they had to do this before the demon woke up. They had to work quickly. Villain groaned as Hero muttered the final word. Villain blinked up at Hero, their eyes glinting with the reflection of fire deep within. Hero had never seen a demon with eyes like fire. "What--" Villain's words suddenly cut off as the magic took its course.
Hero was ready. They had beaten a demon! But as they watched Villain rise and step out of the circle, they realized they had made a mistake. This wasn't a spell that would bind Villain to the circle. This was a spell that bound them to the spell's caster.
"Oh fuck," both Hero and Villain said in unison as they realized what had gone horribly wrong.
Tags: @wankusbonkus@st0rmm@pigeonwhumps @eyehartart
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idv-ask-the-showman · 10 months
✨🪷The Wedding Ball Had Return🪷✨
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Hello hello!
It had been a while since the last ball I hosted no? I remember all your lovely faces enjoying the last one and I truly missed those beautiful priceless smiles on your faces not to mention that there are now new faces who didn't get to have the fun of the ball!
SOOOOOO~ I WILL HOST ANOTHER ONE SOON, YAAAAY! there would of course be some changes here and there but the concept overall would still be the same and the rules the same. ya can go and try to find your partner for the ball or you can come without any, whatever suit you best! Have Fun~
pls use the #IDV-WeddingBall tag so me and everyone can see ya post and use #IDV-WB-RP when you start one and only use it again when you finished with that one rp.
The event may be a wedding theme but you don’t have to dress as a bride or a groom for it, you can simply dress any other role if you wish!
The kids of the event can still attend and wear pretty dresses by any colour but please don’t let them wear what resembles a Groom/Bride outfits. The kids would even be able to take the role of The Flower Girl/Boy if they want.
In the event you can either come alone or pick a partner to come with you.
Please put in mind that you can’t keep asking or forcing someone to be your partner after they refuse in the event or else you would be a nuisance to other and would be kick out immediately! be respectful to other people’s boundaries.
Gender rules doesn’t matter here, if you a boy and wanna wear a dress or a girl who wanna wear a suit or None-binary who wanna wear a mix of the two, THEN DO IT!!
Please keep it age appropriate tho.
Please do not cost any distribution to any of the other guests in any shape and form and if you have some kind of a huge plot idea for the ball pls tell me first in DMs so I can give you the green light to go for it or not, this is a event for fun and not too much drama! Do not get me wrong I would not mind drama here and there but there is a limit to it soooo- YEAH! Drama between two or few characters are okay but for the whole ball nah!
If you have some event in your blog that may hold you back from joining the ball, do not worry! You can separate the two events from each other, having your blog’s event still going on its own while also joining this ball as a side one if ya get what I mean.
Ya do not need to have an idv ask blog to join, ya can use any other blog to let ya OCs join!
if you have any problems during the event pls dm me!
🎊{Event Activity}🎊
The event would last for a whole month (but maybe longer if needed) so take your time and have fun with everyone who joins in, from drawing together to RP and so forth!
As before If you already have a partner use 💐 if not and you looking for one use 🌸 if you don’t want anyone at all use 🥀
Do not hesitate to flex your outfit by either drawing or just posting photos of what you may wear, I would may even reblog it!
I may suddenly send you guys some random scenarios in your inbox and you can reply to how you act during those scenarios! It's not gonna be just me sending scenarios in your inbox only, I may even at times make a post with scenarios writing in it and ya can reblog it with what ya gonna do!
Of course~ there would be some special events and scenarios that I would send to you or post with a “❗️” and depending on how you answer them, you would gain points, lose points, or lose or gain nothing at all! What are those points for?… well~ the ones who has the most points would have me draw them! It would be up to 3 winners so keep tabs on your points and do not cheat for I would also gonna keep tabs!
However, keep in mind I am but one person, and I may not be able to send it to everyone so I may need help to send those scenarios if anyone is willing to help it would be nice!
There of course other ways to gain points, like writing small stories yourself and I would Grand each one 5 point of course ya can not abuse this power and you can only use it once. as for rps is the same but only once for each rps that is started and finished, if you started a rp you gain 5 point and when ya done you gain 5, making it ten!
also pls make sure to type down your points maybe in your bio or post so it would be easy for me to know!
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yeahworms · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I need money to pay for class materials at school so I’m opening character illustration commissions! All slots currently filled, thank you!!! (I will reblog this post again once they're reopened!) If you want to see more of my art, my digital gallery is over at @beetle-soup. More info under the cut!
PRICES (ALL IN USD): Bust (shoulders up): $7 sketch, $12 lined, $16 flat color, $20 fully shaded Half body (waist up): $12 sketch, $16 lined, $20 flat color, $25 fully shaded Full body: $15 sketch, $20 lined, $25 flat color, $30 fully shaded Additional character: +75% each Props: +10-25% each Prices may vary based on design complexity!
I WILL DRAW: Humans/humanoids Anthro Ponies (will draw full body at half body prices) Simple-shaped characters (same as bust prices) Gore (clear it with me beforehand)
I WILL NOT DRAW: Hate speech Explicit content (NSFW) or fetish art Mechs Full nudity (only because I can’t promise it will look good lol) Scenes or complex backgrounds (unfortunately I don’t have the time right now) Is there something not on this list that you're not sure about? Feel free to ask!
You don’t need a character reference to commission me! I can draw something from a description and/or from reference photos (like Pinterest)!
I will communicate with you throughout the process to make sure you like how it looks, and I can make adjustments to your liking. Once the piece is finished, I will email you the .png files (a transparent version and one with a background). All illustrations are done digitally.
Payment via Paypal (worldwide) or Venmo (US only). Please DM me if you’re interested! Thank you for reading <3
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purplemninja · 2 years
Hello everyone. I’m just giving you the current status of my continuation/fix-it comic of @hezuart‘s ‘Channel Change’ AU.
I’ve just finished all of the panels for page 2 of it (27 panels/12 image files total this time) and I’ve already made progress on a few of the panels for page 3 (which is also the last page and will be 29 panels/ 13 image files), and some panels are even finished (I didn’t draw all of this comic in order), but there are still a number of panels that haven’t been started yet and the ones that are already being drawn in progress need to be finished.
Also I guess this may count as a little update but I was considering a slight edit to the last panels of the comic, but I decided that it’d probably work better as an epilogue. So now this comic will have a little epilogue to it (that’s very short, only 5 panels/3 image files long).
I still plan to upload the entire comic all at once like Hezu did, so I’m still not going to upload anything anywhere until it’s all complete. And like Hezu did with ‘Channel Change’, each post will have a link to the other pages in the descriptions, so when I finally start uploading them please wait for me to add the links to the other parts before liking and/or reblogging so that all of the links are there. I can’t add links to the different parts right now because they are all in drafts right now. So please do wait a few minutes for me to put the links in when I finally upload them (Refreshing the page will probably also be required for it to work).
And if anyone wants any updates on my ‘Six’s Shield’ series, I have the written part of the second to last chapter uploaded, now I just need to make some art for it. Then there’s just one last chapter left to write and make art for, and then the series will officially be finished, though with the last chapter I plan to make the art for it first before uploading the written part so that both bits of the last chapter can be done as close as possible.
And for anyone particularly interested in my ‘Six’s Shield’ series, after I upload the stuff for the last chapter (when it’s made first) I will also upload a separate ‘master post’ of the series here, on Reddit and probably somehow on Deviantart too (I upload stuff for it on the LN subreddit and DA too), which will firstly have a link to the whole series for people to pick which instalment they want to read, but it will also have some ‘fun facts’ in it, for anyone who’s interested in any trivia about it. And I plan to pin these master posts onto my Tumblr and Reddit accounts, so there’s that to look forward to for anyone who likes the series.
I look forward to finishing and uploading the comic and the art for the latest chapter of the last instalment of Six’s Shield, and eventually the writing and art for the last chapter too.
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harbek · 2 years
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Kaptein Sabeltann
My all-time favourite pirate king, from my all-time favourite Norwegian musical kids franchise, spanning film, TV, books, animation, and a series of stage musicals that have been running since 1990.
The Captain is hundreds of years old and he can smell gold from afar. He throws a big baby tantrum if people don't do as he says. He's the most feared pirate on the seven seas, and the most beloved king of The Invisible Land. He's terrified of ghosts. His ship has a giant skull on the stern. He says ladies have cooties and he hates getting up in the morning. He routinely threatens people with violence and murder. He sings pirate shanties. His favourite food is tandoori chicken. He's defeated countless warriors, witches and sorcerers. I adore him.
Captain Sabertooth
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pastelpasteru · 3 years
can i request a fluff for suna x f!reader ?
so how about suna having a girlfriend who have a fox-like eyes , and she sits on his lap and ask him to put eyeliner for her cuz he is a pro at doing eyeliner and that's a big fact .
you can ignore it if you don't want to write it or it's making you feel uncomfy 💖💖 .
➧ Hello anon, apologies for the delay. I made this on the spot, haha.
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“Fox eyes.”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Suna doing his girlfriend's eyeliner and being a pro at it.
˚₊· Fluff • Suna Rintarou × F!Reader • Oneshot/Drabble
˚₊· Warnings — None, just fluff! BTW! This is slightly suggestive, and mistakes are present, much appreciated if you ignore them! (*´ω`*)
˚₊· Requests? Sure, I accept those! Feel free to drop 'em! Though I am not sure that I'll do it.. ┐(´ー`)┌
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[🌸//💎] The first time is a fail, the second time is, too. Well, now, third time's a charm, right? It's just—too hard.
You said to yourself—grumbling as you continued to fail on putting eyeliner on your fox eyes. Attempting to speed up the process and only failing miserably.
“Ugh.. C'mon, just—make that nice curve and let's finish!” You growled, grabbing your make-up remover and wiping the failed stroke on your lids, not noticing that your boyfriend who has been watching you the whole time walking towards you.
“Babe, you almost done?” Suna asks with a chuckle, whispering to your ears, sending shivers down your spine—and causing you to whip your head to him.
“....Rin! You shocked me there... Anyway, give me five more minutes—!” You huffed, only to be pulled by your boyfriend to his lap on the bed.
“H..Hey, Rin, we're gonna be late, no time for, uh, this.” You muttered, averting your eyes away from his—receiving a smirk from the male.
“What are you talking about, babe? I'm just...” Trailing his words, Suna reached for your eyeliner with one hand, while the other stayed on your hip, holding it firmly and lowering you near his crotch.
“..Gonna do your eyeliner.” He continues, waving the product in front of you with his usual lazy look, while your cheeks heat up in embarrassment—thinking of something else.
“Ah, uhm, is that so? T..Thanks, I appreciate it. Do you know how to, though..?” Stumbling on your words, you placed your hands on his chest and asked him if he could—doubting your lover's skill in doing so.
“Of course, I'm a pro at it, heh..” He cooes, a finger taking your chin and pulling it close to his face. A quick kiss given to your lips before he opened the eyeliner. Preparing to make your fox eyes even more prettier.
“Just wait and see what I can do. I'll make you more prettier, babe. Prettier than you are now.” Smiling, he scanned your other eye that has an eyeliner before going to the other—drawing a quick stroke that matched it while you still sat on his lap. Amazed by your boyfriend, as per always.
“So, how's this?” Handling you a small mirror, Suna presented his work to you smugly, as you gasped—loving it.
“It's perfect! Thank you, Rin!” Leaning forward, you embraced the male who buried his face on your neck, drawing circles on your back.
“Mhm... Now we match. Fox eyed couple, yeah?” Suna says, kissing you once again and looking at the mirror with you—comparing your fox eyes with his.. “Yes.”
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˚₊· Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and follows are highly appreciated. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
˚₊· Wanna send feedback, or messages? DM me here at Tumblr or at my Instagram and Facebook account, Pastel Pasteru. (。・ω・。)ノ♡
˚₊· I just decided to do this now on the spot, lol. Sorry again for the late production of this work. I plan on closing my account, haha.
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© Pastel Pasteru, 2021, please do not copy my contents or I'll come after you. Thanks.
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shiftingpath · 2 years
Exalted Secret Santa, 14th Edition
Hello again, all!
Apologies for starting a little late this year; things piled up unexpectedly. However thanks to feedback from last year, you’ll have some extra time and a later due date, so I hope that’ll help make up for it. So let’s get going with our official welcome. If you are an artist and Exalted fan, here’s what you’ll need to participate in this year’s exchange:
1) A working tumblr account. RSVP to me in an ask, message, reply to this post, confirmation in the reblog tags, etc. so I will know to add you to the list. If you submit under a new handle but have participated before, or if your tumblr name has changed, please note the name of the account you will be posting with for the exchange. I like to make sure repeat participants get different assignments and gifts every year; if you have changed names please just remind me a little, so I can update the giant excel sheet of secret santas past make sure you get a new partner.
2) Post a journal to tumblr by December 10th with the descriptions of the character you would like drawn. Include two or three if you have them, to give the person drawing for you more options. Please provide all the physical and relevant details needed to draw the character, and provide a reference picture if at all possible. (A piece of your own art, a commission, a play-by picture, etc.)
Also, if you have any strong aversions or phobias that might be important for a stranger drawing your character, please note that in the journal. (For example: “Silent Vortex of the Storm’s left eye is brilliant white-blue like her anima, but her right eye is lost and that side of her face scarred badly. She always wears her eyepatch and a close-fitting hood. (I’d prefer not to see any graphic eye trauma.)”
Just try to make it as easy as possible for your gifter to draw your character!
Tag your journal with #exalted or #exalted secret santa so I can find it (or message me with a link). Once all the journals are up, I’ll make a post compiling the links to them all so they’re easy to find. I will also send you a message through asks or messages with the name of the person you are assigned to draw for. Please try to get your journal up by the 10th so your gifter will have plenty of time to draw for you.
2) Check your messages or ask box for your assignment.
I will have this to you on December 11th if at all possible. Let me know if you’re planning to be unavailable for any major length of time just in case I need to get ahold of you for further details. If you have an emergency and cannot finish the trade in time (for example, your tablet or scanner breaks), let me know asap so I can arrange a replacement. Thank you!
3) Submit a piece of finished artwork by January 15th. Thanks to those of you who provided feedback last year; as a result I’ve extended the due date. Hopefully those of you who are busiest during the holiday season can use the extra time after New Years to help get your submission finished! 
Please tag your submission with the secret santa tag and your giftee’s name if you wish, or I can notify them once it’s up. When all the gifts are posted, I’ll compile them into a single post so we can all get a good look at them.
Let me know by December 10th and I will have your assignments to you within 24 hours if at all possible. Feel free to message me at any time with any questions.
Sorry, I do not accept writing or mechanics submissions for this Secret Santa (though you are welcome to accompany your picture with some text, and of course welcome to host a writing exchange of your own!)
Happy Calibration,
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clownaroundtown · 4 years
How To Make Your Own Clown Doll ! (A Guide)
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Hello good people !!
I have made a few clown dolls before, and someone submitted a question asking if I followed any guide for them or had a guide myself. I sorta made it up as I went for the first doll, but I have learned better methods of doing things since then!
Here is my guide on how to make some dudes for yourself!
You will need:
Fabric for the body - I used an off-white fleece for the torso and limbs for this one, but have previously used a thin off-white sorta cotton fabric, which works better if you want floppier/thinner limbs!
Fabric for the clothes - Use whatever you want, honestly! I used some cool stretchy silver-metallic fabric for mine but have previously used cotton and polyester patterned fabrics !
Polymer clay - I used Sculpey III for this one, but for my previous two I used some other kind of Sculpey that was very very light and airy, which made it hard to sculpt properly without squishing it! If you want to add any detail to the face shape, use some firm polymer clay !
Posca pens (optional) and acrylic paints - Acrylics are used for the base coat on the head. I used the paints for the details too previously, but used posca pens on this one which was much easier to do the face details with! Either works just fine, though : )
Faux fur - for hair! If you want a bald clown or one with just a hat without hair, you don't need this!
Decorative trims and such - I used some pink frilly elastic trim, blue dotted non-elastic trim, white elastic frilly mesh, buttons, a silver bell and some blue velvet ribbon for this guy! You can literally use whatever you want (ribbons, bows, pom-poms, lace, etc) to make your clown look cute!!
Varnish - Use spray varnish if you can! It'll help prevent the face paint from smudging (all 3 of mine have had this happen using varnish with a brush). It is possible to use varnish with a brush on them but be careful with it! I used sculpey gloss varnish.
Tin/aluminium foil
Basic sewing supplies (needles, thread, pins, scissors)
1. Make a ball out of the foil, a little smaller than the size you want the finished head.
2. Cover it in a layer of Sculpey and sculpt the face shape you want. Include a pretty thick neck with the base at the bottom WIDER than the rest of the neck. This will be how the head is anchored to the body!
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3. Bake the clay, let it cool, and sand it down so that it is nice and even without any finger-prints!
4. Paint a base coat on it with acrylic paints!
5. Paint/draw on whatever face details you want using acrylics or posca pens! Let your creativity flow!!
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6. Varnish it!
7. Draw out the body pieces (torso and limbs) on your body fabric. You'll need two torso pieces, four leg pieces and four arm pieces. Honestly there's no method to what shape to draw, just draw what shapes you want them to be! (Remember to reverse each second piece though so that they match up when sewing them together). I used a rounded rectangle for the torso, and chose to make the legs on mine very long!
8. Cut out all the pieces and sew them together with the CORRECT sides facing INWARDS and the WRONG sides facing outwards. Once sewn, flip them inside out. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE THE TOP SIDE OF THE TORSO UN-SEWN TO INSERT THE HEAD!
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9. Almost fully fill the body with plastic pellets, and only partially fill the limbs (I filled them about 1/4 full)! If you don't have those, use dry rice like I did (or dry lentils) or sand! If you use sand, ensure sure you make your stitches REALLY close together so sand doesn't come out of any gaps! If you want the limbs to be chunkier, fill them with more pellets OR stuff the rest of them with poly-fill or cotton wool!
10. Insert the neck into the torso and sew the opening tight around it, like this! The wide base of the neck stops the head from coming out : )
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11. Sew on the limbs! The stitching doesn't have to be perfect here since the clothes will hide it!
12. Make the clothes! You can make whatever kind of clothing you like; I just made a baggy little jumpsuit sorta thing for my guy! To do this, I laid the clown out on the fabric and roughly drew the shape for clothes around him based on what I wanted! Flip it, lay it down in the fabric again and then trace this to get the second jumpsuit piece!
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13. Use the same method of sewing the pieces together with the CORRECT sides facing each other so the WRONG sides are facing outwards. Then turn the clothes inside-out so that the right sides are now facing outwards! MAKE SURE TO LEAVE OPENINGS FOR THE HEAD AND LIMBS TO COME OUT THROUGH!
14. Put the clothes on the clown!!
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15. (Optional) Glue fake fur on the top of the head in the style you want it! I used hot glue because I didn't have anything else, but fabric glues and all-purpose glues would be good too! If you don't want hair, just skip this step!
16. (Optional) Hat!! Cut out a wide triangle shape, sew the opposite sides together and then sew a circle to the base if you want a pointy hat like my dude's one (I don't have photos of this sadly but I'm sure there's a tutorial out there of how to sew a cone)! Then glue the base to the top of the head.
16. And finally, add all the trims and extra bits you want to make them look super cute !!! I just sewed on some ribbon to the base of the hat and around the ankles, sewed some frilly elastic trims around the neck, added a little silver bell to the hat, sewed frilly trim around the wrists and ankles and then sewed two buttons onto the front of his clothes!
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And then, your little clown is done !!!
I hope this comes in handy to anyone wanting to make their own clown dude!
I would appreciate any reblogs and such of this to help spread the clown joy !!
Have fun !!!
(Small note! I would appreciate if you didn't copy any of my clowns directly! Please use this as more of a guide than an exact tutorial to make this specific clown! Being creative with yours is much more fun!! :•D)
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