#her magic to help her steal! so yeah! cool stuff!
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princessbrunette · 6 months
omg I love kitty!reader sm!!! she’s a lil weirdo just like me!! she’s probably v into witchy stuff and learning about the occult and magic! and jj is always letting her talk his ear off about whatever you’re hyper fixating on at the moment. I can totally see her randomly asking him super seriously if he’d ever taste her blood because she read in some spell book that it would bind them together forever and he’s just looking at her like “Do we wanna go to a graveyard to really seal the deal orrrr” because let’s be honest, that fact that you’re into strange stuff like him turns him on sooooo much it’s kinda funny
₊⊹ ᥫ᭡🐈‍⬛ ⁀➴
thinking about kitty!reader talking jj into making blood vial necklaces for eachother <3
it turns him on how devoted you are to him to wanna do something like that, so he agrees without much thought. only the next day you’re showing up at his place with a whole kit, little needles and syringes with empty vials tied to ribbons that you’d purchased all for this marvellous event. you’re giddy, and he’s increasingly nervous.
“and— and it’s even better ‘cos tonight’s a full moon.” you beam at him as you clean his arm, preparing to take some of his blood.
“okay so… am i like, gonna turn into a werewolf or somethin’?” he teases making you giggle.
you take his blood, pulling it into the syringe and he’s a total baby about it, yelping and wincing, rambling in order to keep himself cool. “y’know i watched this movie once about this crazy scientist who steals this guys blood and he like — he makes evil clones of him. i lowkey feel like you could do somethin’ like that, y’know. like — an army of evil boyfriends— i dunno—”
“jayj stop moving!”
“my bad.”
it comes the time to take your blood and he pretends he’s not feeling a little squeamish at this point, letting you lay against him as he slowly pulls the syringe up, filling it with dark red blood. you were never good at this kind of thing, getting weak and lightheaded, eyes fluttering as you drop more weight onto him. he blinks, craning his head to look at you.
“uh, hello— yoohoo— kittycat… this was your idea, rise and shine.” you smile weakly at the slight panic in his voice.
“m’just resting. feel a little weak.”
“okay, that’s normal right? yeah that’s — that’s like regular. this is a super normal thing to do.”
when he’s done he makes kissy noises, the same you would to a kitten to attract its attention and you open your eyes, sitting up and stretching your back a little. “mm, thanks jayj.”
“uh, yeah.”
you chat as he watches you pour the blood into the vials, so casually that he can’t help but feel in awe of you.
“now you have a piece of me forever.” you grin, canines glistening in the dim lamp light.
“y’know some couples just get matching tattoos but uh— this works too.”
₊⊹ ᥫ᭡🐈‍⬛ ⁀➴
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This is the most useless random writing bit but it was an idea and I had to do it. Gosh why are there so many characters though. XD
Link's Favorite Item
The group of Links had settled for the night, settled by a fire. Smith prodded it occasionally, ensuring it stayed bright and fed. Glider sat beside it, eyes halfway to glazing over as they watched the flickering flames. Sky seemed halfway to dozing off while Wind and Forest had started some sort of silent face making contest. While Ordon and the Spirit had left to walk around the campsite.
Rinku was working on a device of some sort, ratcheting pieces of metal together with furrowed brows. The Engineer was watching intently, eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. Rinku ignored him in favor of her focus on the work.
"Say..." Hope started as he propped himself against Rinku's back. She glanced up momentarily to glare forward. Sky stifled a laugh. "What's everyone's favorite tools of the trade?" He asked, grinning. "I'll go first. Best thing to exist is the Magical Sword."
"That's boring, anything other than a sword or shield!" chimed Wind, hands moving sharp and quick.
Hope stuck his tounge out at him and he laughed. She sighed, thinking for a moment longer, "The Clock, then. ...man I miss the clocks."
Forest tilted his head, squinting, "Why are clocks important for you?"
"Oh, they stopped time for a bit. I could just do whatever until moving on. It was nice."
"Where did you get THAT?" Forest demanded.
"Monsters dropped em" Hope shrugged, "OK Rinku's turn." Forest gaped at the redirection, clearly still wanting to interrogate him about the time stopping clocks.
Rinku huffed, "Too many and too many different reasons for them to decide."
"Oh come onnnnn," Hope whined, "Pick the first one that comes to mind!"
She glanced down at what she was working on and raised the half done device. "Switch Hook."
"Oh!" The Engineer gasped, "That sounds cool."
"What's a switch hook do?" Sky asked, leaning to look.
"You switch places with what you shoot with the hook." She shrugged, "I lost my old one. I'm trying to make a new one..."
"Absolutely incredible, you must be brilliant" Hope cheered, leaning his face close to hers. Rinku's face flushed, and she shoved a hand in his face making him squawk.
Engie giggled and spoke up, "Can I count my train?"
"HA, if I can't pick my sword, you can't pick your train. We all know you're the train kid."
Engie sighed, pouting as he thought some more.
"Hyoi Pear!!" Wind offered with a grin. He signed, "I can use them to control seagulls."
Rinku snapped her attention to him with wide eyes, "Excuse me?"
"That's my thing." Hope complained lightly.
"The seagulls don't mind it too much. They're mostly there for the free food." Wind said, "Plus, who wouldn't wanna fly around like a bird."
Sky nodded sagely, and Smith shook their head quickly.
"Okay, okay, I've got it." Engineer announced, "The whip!"
Several heads turned toward Engineer with varying levels of surprise and confusion.
"...What?" He muttered awkwardly, "It's a good multi-use tool. I could attach it to wood bars some birds would hold to, and it'd fly me around. Wind's thing reminded me of it."
"Ohhhh" whispered Glider.
"I expected some sort of high-tech future gadget..." mumbled Forest with a slight pout.
"I'm the one with those." Glider said with a laugh, "My favorite is the slate. Of course."
"Yeah, you're so obsessed with the thing you won't let anybody else touch it." Rinku mumbled.
"It's important and I don't need anybody messing with the settings." They huffed.
"Favorite part of the slate then." Forest demanded, smiling.
Glider hummed, leaning backward and looking at the sky. "Bombs." He concluded.
"Bombs? Dang it! I should've gone with bombs." Hope complained.
"Endless bombs."
"You can't be serious." Smith said.
"No way!" Forest shouted.
"Oh come, on why is all your stuff so cool." Engineer grumbled.
"On Hylia, how-?" Sky whispered.
"Who’s helping me steal that thing?" Wind laughed.
Rinku shook her head, though she gave a very inquisitive look at the slate.
Glider laughed, "Still not letting any of you touch it."
"Well, excuseee us for being interested in the most interesting thing you have."
"What about you, Sky? You mentioned that your time had ancient tech, too." Glider deflected.
"Oh! Er. Well there's the Beetle."
"A bug?" Smith asked, raising a brow.
"It's like a flying machine?" He scratched his head, and gestured to show its size, "it's shaped like a beetle and it gives me a view of what it sees and can pick things up."
"Now I want to see it," Glider said with a light pout.
"Can we?" Rinku asked, tilting her head.
"I don't have it with me... I would've if I knew I was going to wind up traveling across- well. Everywhere." Sky chuckled, shrugging.
"Well, I like the Pegasus boots." Smith offered, stomping on the ground twice to showcase the boots he was wearing.
"Oh those are useful," Rinku said with a nod.
"Or- well actually maybe the fire rod..." He mumbled, eyes flickering red. Va shook his head, frowning, eyes turning green, "Actually, the roc cape was really useful... fighting a wind mage and all..... or no! No," blue overtook green with a gesture of his fist, "The power bracelet!"
"OH just pick one!" Hope huffed. Rinku reached up to flick his ear. Hope squeaked, finally leaning up off her.
"They were all useful for different things!" Smith complained, sighing. "Hmm. I guess my favorite thing as a kid was the Kinstones."
"What are those?" Forest asked.
"They're magic tokens that you could match with people, and lucky things would happen.... they were a bit of a fad," Smith said with a shrug.
"Ohhhh that sounds fun." Engie mumbled. "I like matching games."
"What about matching games?" Ordon's voice picked up. Hero's Spirit followed after and settled to float beside Sky, tilting their head.
"Hope asked us what our favorite items were." Sky explained.
"Smith got magic stones to match with other people in his time!" Engineer said.
"Oh! Sounds interesting."
"What's your favorite?" asked Forest.
"Oh, hm." Ordon muttered, brows pinched "Fishing rod?" He offered tentatively.
"What?" Hope spat, "I know you're a fluffy farm dog, but at least pick something worthy of adventuring with!"
"Fishing is just fine of a thing to like," Rinku defended with a light glare back at Hope.
"Oh no I can think of something more adventurous," Ordon mumbled, "eh....the Dominion Rod was fun?"
"What does it do?" Wind asked.
"Let me control certain statues. Mostly just walk em around." He said, "not the most generalizable tool, but fun."
"You are. So boring." Hope muttered.
"Y'all are welcome." Ordon said with a smile.
The group giggled.
"I think other than the Spirit, the only one who hasn't answered now is Forest."
"Oh! Oh..." Forest frowned, pensive as he considered. "Well."
"No pressure, really," Sky said with a light smile.
Forest crossed his arms, "No, I know it. It's the Ocarina." He said eventually. "It is the single most important tool throughout the entire time I've traveled."
Hero glanced at him, their face changing to look like Forest, then an older version of him. Then they flickered to look like a much younger Smith, and a small pink haired Rinku, and back to their self. "Ocarinas tend to be important, don't they?"
"Why do you say that?" Engineer asked, glancing at Smith and Rinku.
"Oh, they just. Keep coming up in my head." They shifted to look like Engineer, clad in green, then Sky and eventually Hope, small and pensive, "Musical instruments in general, really."
A small quiet pause settled through the space. Hope, the usual one to interrupt silence, stared at the echo of his smaller self.
"Huh." Glider eventually huffed, just to fill the space. "Actually, Hero, what about you? Out of all the things you can recall, what's your favorite item?"
The Hero shook their head to clear their mind, shifting back to normal. "Oh boy. I don't really know I- ....wait. Why did so many of you have boomerangs? They're not even useful half the time."
A flurry of noise broke out at once. Rinku snorted. Hope flailed his arms, complaining as if it was a stupid question. Engineer and Wind both laughed. Ordon mumbled something about monkeys and fairies that only Sky seemed to have paid attention to, eyes going wide. Glider just shrugged.
Ultimately, Hero never really answered the question.
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Just remembered a slightly easier variant on the idea I just sent regarding Volpina.
Lila inheritted the Miraculous & knows it can be used for magical feats and heroism and all sorts of cool stuff!
But Trixx has not awakened & Lila doesn't know how to wake the Kwami up so all she can do is fiddle with the necklaces color scheme.
She still tends to use it to make herself more eye-catching and has a lot of fox & illusion themed stuff, one could even have her obsession with false faces coming from this.
It plays into her stealing the book, as she also realizes what it is but thinks Adrien doesn't (Perhaps) and is hoping to figure out how Trixx works. Buuuut poor timing and all Ladybug gets the book from her and Fu takes back the Miraculous & oh boy, oh boy, Hawk Moth has a 'day' with this one.
Trixx isn't thrilled either, about any of this.
Could also go a more optimistic way with her joining the team or some other variation but yeah, I felt it was fun. & it could serve as a stronger basis for an obsession turned antagonist or even villain arc.
See I've just been slammed back to the time right before Volpina aired when we only had the Lila/Volpina concept art and we thought we were going to get a new character come in and actually be like. A slightly more experienced Hero who was joining the team and would be helpful.
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whumping-valentine · 2 months
@augusnippets Day One: Brainwashing
I was originally planning on making these generic, nameless, whumpee/whumper things, but I thought it would be more fun to use my different characters. This was… MUCH harder than I thought it would be. Between picking the character and not trying to spoil something that actually happens in my series, it's a challenge in and of itself, nevermind the 31-day prompts! This was hard to plan out, I hope you like them, and I hope you'll like this glance into my broader book universe AKA my entire life lol
I've been procrastinating all day, but here it is! I feel like most people have these all ready in advance, but I'm writing these one day at a time just like god intended. Alright, enough yapping.
Content: (Implied) brainwashing and propaganda, fantasy racism.
Characters used: Misty (angel) and Jackson (demon)
These are pretty much exclusively for myself, but if you enjoy them that's cool, too! I just wanna challenge myself with writing my different characters every day.
Also sorry if the writing is bad, I wrote this in 20 minutes at 11 PM, lol. I'm jus' goin' with it, man.
"Do you have to bother me?" Jackson exasperated. "Do you not have anything better to do with your time?"
Misty straightened herself, "Do I have to bother you?" She scoffed, "Is that what you think this is? Am I a mild annoyance to you?"
"You are, yeah. Now, your mother, that's someone I would take seriously. But you're just a little girl who's been fed so much propaganda that she thinks what she's doing isn't crazy."
"Little girl?" She took offence, "We're the same age! Don't- don't you dare condescend me!"
"If me being slightly rude to you is the worst thing that's ever happened in your privileged life then you're doing pretty good." Misty was about to reply, but Jackson continued, "I'm sure Heaven isn't all it's cut out to be, really. There are so many different dimensions and planets in our world, what makes you think yours is the sole paradise? All of that brainwashing propaganda they feed you? That they feed the humans while they're still on Earth? Does it make you happy to stomp on creatures who don't have the same privilege you do? Does it make you proud, Princess?"
"No, see this is what you demons do. You lie, you trick, you steal, all for your own gain. You don't care about humans, don't act like you do. As Princess of Angels it is my job to keep them safe. Me, my family, and all of the other higher angels stress by the day. I am not the highest authority, I will admit. I would never place myself to the same level as the Virtues, Thrones, or Seraphim. I am merely an Archangel who looks after humans."
"That's a whole lot of yapping to say fucking nothing. Really though, you should consider yourself lucky. You have an entire team of angels to help you. You know what my job as Prince entails? Making sure that all of Hell doesn't literally fucking escape! Do you think we ALL want this shit? You think we're all evil just because our magic is different than yours? Because we look different? Because we live somewhere you deem unholy?"
"You're lying."
"Is that your only retort? That we lie? Because the only people that I see lying are angels."
"Angels would never lie, that's a sin."
"Well then your people are the biggest sinners I know." He said, "And, honestly, Misty... If you really want to do good in this world, you should look out for all of your souls. It just so happens some are suffering in Hell."
"Why should I care about them? They made their choice while they were on Earth."
"And what about all of the non-humans who were sent there as a form of punishment?"
Misty rolled her eyes, "That doesn't happen!"
"Really? It doesn't? How would you know, did your family tell you that, too? Look, one of us here is the demon prince who has seen this stuff first hand, and the other is a sheltered angel princess who's rarely left the safety of paradise. I bet you don't even know what happens in Hell. I bet they tell you it's all fun and games down there, don't they?"
"Of course not, Hell is supposed to be a punishment."
"Then what kind of punishments are happening in Hell?"
Misty was silent.
Jackson spoke darkly, "Do you want me to tell you?"
This wasn't very whumpy but hey, I still followed the prompt! I think it's quite fun to take a prompt and spin it a bunch. It makes things more creative and diverse. The whump is more so implied in this one.
Also I don't think this is technically canon to my series because I'm not sure when this conversation takes place. It would have to be while they're really young because Misty has always been more of a rebel teen, but the dialogue isn't exactly childish. Oh well, it's fun to write random stuff without worrying about actual canon to its fullest. This is slightly out-of-character for the both of them but not enough that it's weird.
Also it is like almost midnight that's how much I've procrastinated lol. Good night
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more Curse of Strahd ideas you can steal {for dms}
(again spoiler warning for the campaign also sorry I haven't given out more ideas had a bit of creative block for like...a long time also dear god this is really long so brace yourself)
Gadof Blinksy is an artificer (maybe multiclassed?) that uses his magic skills to help make toys and also has enchantments on some to help protect the children of the country well as make his toys more fantastical for the children. {I kinda fixated for a while on this silly man and wrote way too much stuff about him. I imagine he knows spells like Mending for fixing porcelain dolls and like heat metal for making toys out of well metal. As for the protective spells these enchanted toys hold one spell and can activate once per day like a banshee doll that casts Alarm or a rabbit plush that can cast expeditious retreat. Spells that also work for this are guidance, invisibility, lesser and greater restoration, rope trick, darkvision, aid, sanctuary and so on and so forth. Cuz for the love of god SOMEBODY has to protect the kids.}
The consorts of Strahd each have a magical item that tethers them to him in a sort of telepathic link so if something happens to them he'll know IMMEDIATELY. {Part of my campaign is gonna be taking down the consorts one by one either from killing them or making them turn on Strahd. And something about my version of Strahd is despite the fact his consorts are only there to fill the hole Tatyana's death created truly cares for them so anytime one of those two options happens Strahd kinda sorta maybe goes on a rampage á la Vlad Dracula Tepes from Castlevania}
The Morning Lord and Mother Night are twin deities. As well as they're also deities of the past and the future respectively. {Just thought it'd be cute. And also to explain why the Mother Night gave Madam Eva her accurate divinations. The church of the Morning Lord deal in things like funerals and memories for the past. The church of the Mother Night deals with things like weddings or births for the future. Could also be part of why Baba Lysaga worships the Mother Night)
Father Donavich's first name is Gabriel and which makes Doru's last name Gabrilovich. {Just because Father Donavich in the module doesn't really have a first name. And neither does Doru have a last name so uh yeah.}
Some characters like Victor are now neutral. As well as Helga and Piddlewick II. {Thought it'd be more interesting if these characters weren't fully evil that's all}
The older consorts Strahd has like Ludmilla are full on vampires for he trusts her not to betray him. {This is mostly so the consorts have the full capability to betray Strahd. Both the monster manual and Baldur's Gate 3 have vampire spawns be fully loyal no matter what to the vampire that sired them}
A couple group names I came up with but haven't finished making the groups are The Coven of Blood and the Court of Rats do what you will with those. {Just thought it'd be cool}
The horses that carry Ez's magic wagon are named Rubinus and Safir respectively. {They're both words for Ruby and Sapphire in different languages just like Ez's name is another language's word for emerald. Thought that'd be cute}
Also Ezmeralda has a gun as well as a crossbow that shoots wooden stakes. {I saw somebody I think on youtube have the idea that Ez has a gun to give the concept of her being the future of monster hunting while Van Richten is the past I added the crossbow as part of my own spin on that idea}
The people with souls tend to be younger as the soul gets taken to a baby maybe within a few minutes after birth and sticks there within five years. {Cuz people die all the time in Barovia the opposite I think is also true that people get born all the time in Barovia. And because of that more children tend to have souls more often than the adults. The soul not really sticking til five years is based off the idea of people "gaining consciousness" around five or six. and also to give magic users a time window to try reviving whoever had died as well as an explanation for babies dying from SIDS as the soul had returned to the body via revivify.)
Wereolf Ireena? Just a thought. {An intrusive thought I had a couple days ago}
Strahd's goal maybe instead of making Ireena into a vampire bride could try to tie the soul of Tatyana into a vessel that won't ever leave him. Aka Vasilka. {As an add on to the idea of Ireena being a werewolf Strahd may see the fact she is one as a deal breaker because Tatyana surely wasn't a werewolf. Also because I think after four or five times of getting Tatyana and then losing her has probably made him and everyone in his court tired of the cycle. So Strahd would rather end it entirely.}
the name "mongrel"folk (not sure if I'm gonna have that as their actual race name maybe like chimerafolk or something) was an insult to the Belviews by the Abbot because he just despises the poor things so much. He also created the first of this race using the bodies of the Belviews and animal corpses as an experiment for making a flesh golem that was perfect for Strahd's undead bride. {That's honestly about it. Tho if I do call them chimerafolk I will have to probably hear Nina Tucker jokes so yeh}
Volenta has a fight club. That's it.
People in Vallaki gossip that Rudolph van Richten is in the country. Maybe making jokes about him killing Strahd. {Just wanted a reason for 1 Strahd to know about van Richten being in the country and 2 so I can have a bit of npcs making Chuck Norris jokes but with van Richten}
That's about it hope this helps
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kentucky-fried-thea · 4 hours
explain sweeney todd
oh goodie!! sorry this took possibly a year? I forgor
ok so the musical starts with the whole fucking cast going ONCE UPON A TIME there was this guy! he had weird eyes :) and then sweeney arrives
so this guy named anthony is a sailor who rescued sweeney which I guess makes sweeney his new dad ? and anyways they reach london and anthony is like ahh london 🥰 and sweeney is like ahh london 🤮🤮🤮 and anthony is like hold on my stuffs already here... and then the beggar woman sexually harasses them both ooh la la
and then for plot and exposition reasons I guess sweeney explains to the audience I mean to anthony that he used to be a barber but then this bitch judge turpin fell inlove with his wife and sent him to prison oh wow. oh and also he had a daughter named jooohaaaaaaannaaaaa. then he leaves and his first stop is fucking mrs lovetts fucking meat pie shop
so mrs lovett is like OOOH A MAN and her voice and her loins are READY to tell him how fucking awful her pies are and then sweeney asks to have the upstairs bc that's where he worked when he was normal. and she goes oooh careful that's where this guy used to live until his wife got stolen and raped and he got prisoned. and sweeney goes no fucking shit lady I'm that guy. so lovett goes "oksies won't tell anyone <3 btw your wife arseniced herself. I am implying that she's dead btw this is plot relevant. oh also turpin kidnapped your daughter"
so sweeney is like oh cool so I'm gonna fucking kill him then and lovett is like oh boy! you should use these here razors that used to be yours and are like the best ever. so yeah he becomes a barber again
meanwhile anthony is walking by a window and oh wow whos that gorgeous lady singing in the window SPOILER ALERT ITS SWEENEY TODDS DAUGHTRT JOHANNA and he's like fuck yeah I'm gonna steal that bitch but turpin and his slimy ass little minion beadle chase him off but he still is like IM STEALING HER GODDAMMIT
oksies so now tobias the street urchin is advertising adolfo pirellis magical hair growth elixir and sweeney shows up takes one sniff and goes ITS FUCKEN PISS which.it is. it is fucken piss. so pirelli comes out and is like YOU WANNA GO? IM READY TO FIGHT ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT? I WILL TAKE YOU OUT BACK AND SHOOT YOU I SWEAR TO GOD and then sweeney kicks his ass in a shaving contest and offers turpin's slimy little henchman a free shave
anyways turpin is like. ok so yk how I'm your father kind of or at least that's what I'm telling you? and johanna goes ya. and he goes GREAT so I'm marrying you. and for some reason johanna is against this idea??? hmm.
ok back at the combination pie shop hair parlor anthony plans to elope with johanna and hide her there, and pirelli and toby come in and pirelli goes upstairs to threaten sweeney which ends in death and I think you can guess who died meanwhile lovett adopts toby in the pie shop
oksies turpin comes in for a shave bc he wants to look fresh for johanna and before sween can kill him fucken tony runs in and explains his plan to get johanna and turpin storms! off!!! and then sween is like oh ok so this means that everyone ever should die ! and then he and lovett hatch a plan to kill people and then make them into meat pies <3
Act 2
oksies so everybody loves the murder food and sween built himself a fun little murder chair and offs people on the regular and somehow noone questions it
meanwhile tony finds johanna in an asylum where she's hidden until she marries turpin and then he escapes before beadle can doink his shit in (thanks @resident-dumb-fuck ) and meanwhile lovett is fantasizing moving to the seaside with sweeney and their adopted son toby
anyways tony asks for help with johanna and sween says to pose as a wigmaker who wants her hair and he goes ok thumbsup. but WAIT! he's just the bait for the trap to lire turpin in so sween can kill him
so toby is getting suspicious of sweeney and so he goes mommyyyy I think your boyfriend is killing. and lovett goes sure dear eat your pie <3 and then teaches him how to use the meat grinder and then locks him in the basement to shield him from the Horrors what a good mom. but alas, he finds a fingernail in his pie oh and also sweeneh just killed beadle so his corpse tumbles into the basement so um. jig is up. so sweeney and lovett decide to kill their son :(
so tony shows up at the asylum but johanna BLOWS HIS FUCKING COVER WTF GIRL WE'RE ON TBE SAME TEAM so he has to gun-threaten the asylum owner and then OOPS they killt him. and then they leave.
tony leaves johanna at the barber shop so he can hitch them a ride but then johanna hears the beggar woman coming in and hides. the sweeney comes in and she's like oh I know you and so naturally he kills her. then turpin comes in looking for johanna and just before sweeney slits his throat turpin recognizes him! ah well, he's dead now.
*seth rudetsky anywho* ANYwho, sween finds johanna and tries to kill her but it doesn't work and then he goes downstairs to the basement where lovett is trying to hide the beggar woman's body. hmm wonder why
so sweeney sees this and figures out that the beggar woman was his old wife and that mrs lovett lied on omission so he kills her about it furnace style. and then toby comes in and kills sweeney. wow theyre just letting anyone be a murderer these days arent they
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constellama · 2 years
Both six of crows and pjo are rotating around in my head like a rotisserie chicken so I was thinking what it would be like if The Crows met The Seven (including some other characters)
!! Spoilers for both the Six of Crows duology and the pjoverse !!
Also disclaimer it’s been literally years since I’ve read any of the riordanverse so I’m going off of solely my memory here bear with me
Jesper joking around with Percy and Leo like cmon they would all be such good friends
And knowing how excited Jesper was with Sturmhond’s flying ships, he’d probably think the Argo II is the coolest thing ever
That’s where this is taking place actually I’ve just decided. Let’s put all these traumatized teenagers on a giant ship and see what happens
Wylan and Leo talking about explosives, need i say more
Wylan and Annabeth talking about architecture and Wylan showing Annabeth his sketches of the Ice Court
I wanna say Kuwei and Leo would also get along, since yk, fire powers and they both know science things. Leo keeps getting called an Inferni and it sounds cool to him so he doesn’t say anything
I don’t know why but I feel like Kaz and Percy wouldn’t really like each other (at first)
Kaz probably respects Percy a bit more though after learning that Percy literally fell into Tartarus for Annabeth and they made it through alive
Either that or he wouldn’t believe it
He’d also try to steal Riptide just to look at it after seeing it turn into a sword. It keeps returning to Percy’s pocket which confuses Kaz even more. After Kaz finds out just what’s up with Riptide though, he continues stealing it just because he can. He knows it’ll go back to Percy’s pocket but Kaz needs to be dramatic ok
Just “where did my pen go this time—?” “THIS pen?” “Damnit Brekker—”
Jason and Matthias would be friends, the stoic blond dudes who are incredibly loyal to the places they grew up in. They’d both be talking about wolves and growing up with them. Oh and they also have one other thing in common I’ll let you guys guess that one 😁😁
Nina being a big sister to Nico bc let’s be honest they’ve both been through a lot and hello?? Raising the dead??
Kaz would be somewhere off to the corner avoiding talking to anyone and maybe just maybe he’d see Nico, the boy with hurt in his eyes who reminds him a little too much of himself when he was younger
Wait I just had the sudden image of Kaz and Nico bonding over card games excuse me while I cry
Kaz being haunted by his memories of Jordie 🤝 Nico being haunted by his memories of Bianca
Piper and Nina sharing beauty tips and braiding each other’s hair :>
Annabeth showing Inej her dagger bc oooo knives
Wait I just realized they both have daggers/knives either made of bones or having a bone handle
Frank turning into a wolf and Matthias being really excited
The Crows tripping up and accidentally calling Percy a Tidemaker (multiple times) He doesn’t know what it means but hey it sounds cool
Hazel doing things with her mist magic and Kaz being so incredibly baffled bc what do you mean it’s just magic. No there’s a trick behind it how did you do that
Frank turning into a crow and Kaz internally fanboying just a tad bit
Jesper and Hazel can both do cool things with metal and rocks and stuff so I think Jesper might call her a Fabrikator they’d exchange some knowledge about it or smth
Frank lowkey losing his mind bc one Leo was bad enough but now there’s Jesper ?? (/lh)
Kaz and Annabeth being the schemers/planners and leading their groups. Don’t know if they’d get along or not, what with Kaz’s,,, methods
I also think The Seven trying to explain the gods being real would go horribly wrong. Kaz would just snort and be like “yeah and I have two good legs”
Ough don’t even get me started on all the parental issues literal everyone has here
Except for like. A select few that have stable relationships with their parents
Colm Fahey helping his children commit crimes 🤝 Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis fighting off monsters that one time in The Last Olympian
I literally can’t think of any more, feel free to mention any interactions you think would happen :D
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nana-kom · 5 months
Oh boy, I have never talked to you before, but I really wanted to tell you that you are someone very creative, with a lot of potential and that I love your ideas sm, but It really makes me sad that you used AI for your last story (yes, I read the post of chubbydwaekki) Bc I feel that writing these types of stories is something really personal, that it requires certain types of thoughts that we only have in a certain mood And I honestly think that using AI makes it lose all the magic
Take this wherever you want, mainly because I'm a ghost reader but idk as a writer and a digital artist, I really feel that i need express my disgust of this type of AI's use
Hi !
First of all thank you for the compliment it makes me really happy that you like my ff 🥰
Now I think I need to explain why I made this fic like that, because I think people are missing something about it.
To start, I would like to say that it was my first time using chatgpt for a fic, and there is a context behind this. As @cutiedwaekki already said, it was because we were talking about it and it was making us laugh. So I was like « omg why not test it ? » and at first when this fic idea came into my mind it was only between me and ChatGPT. I gave the plot to the chat and I was looking at what it wrote, and it was fun for me to do it, alone and just like that, nothing more.
But then I was like « omg this fic is kinda cool » so I was like « why not rewrite it and post it after ? » but the fic was not good, because it was just write by the chat ! As you said, ai don't have that kind of mind. so i take some of the parts that I like, and then I rewrite all the other things myself ! as the dialogues, some description and stuff, and as I write it, it was more like a collaboration and not just some : copy/paste for all the fic, that’s not the truth.
The thing to know about THIS fic is that the point of it was the fact it’s written by me AND the chat, I will not use this in the future because it was just the point of THAT fic. Recently I didn’t have time to write or post, but I still have some idea and I was « why not test something for one fic to see what that can make and the conclusion is : ChatGPT is not bad, but it can’t write the fic in the way people (me included) like it. So yeah I had to modify things and that's why I posted it, because I wanted to make it in the way people would like it.
For the people who said that I was stealing the jobs of other artists, I totally understand that point for art, especially with drawings and animations ! Buut for this, I don’t get it, the point of it once again was just to test something ! And that’s all, I have been writing fics since I’m 13 or something, so I know how to write by myself, and the idea came from me and all that happened in the fic came from me too. It’s not the ai who created that, it’s not the ai who described everything not in a bad way without any help. And also, we are talking about kinky fic, we all know why we write that right ? So I think you can enjoy the fic by itself without thinking about chatgpt ! Who once again, didn’t write the fic in this kinky way ! That’s why I’m here 🤗 to make it cool for people to read it and enjoy, i told you at first it was written in my original language in a bad way so of course I had to make it for people !
I understand that it can really be interesting to talk about ai in the future, but trust me try to write a fic with chatgpt and not correct it. It will be bad and not kinky…
Anyway ! I love to write fics and I will continue to do that in the future because I like it, and I have been writing this kind of fic for a year now and I will not stop, and I will not use chatgpt because that’s NOT the goal of my fic. If I take an example when I write « Maknae on Top » that was the original idea of @cutiedwaekki and I made it for her. So what does this mean ? Does that mean she used someone to write a fic ? When people make a request and we write it, does that mean we’re stealing the job for the person who has the original idea ? I don’t think so ! I know it’s not the same but i think it’s a good point to illustrate what can be the point of the fic and why we write it.
So ! This fic was an attempt to create something fun, new and cool. But people didn’t like it, because everyone is thinking that this will DESTROY the kinky authors and fics, but that's not the truth. Once again, it was just to test, and have fun for me and for you. Nothing more. I sincerely hope that everyone will understand now that I talk about it. I hope this message is clear and that you will understand why this fic exists.
I really hope you understand now, we can still talk about it. I’m really sorry that people didn’t like it, and in the end, I’m sad too. Because I’m taking time for my fic, even this one, I take more time on this one that some others you know…so yeah I was a bit disappointed to have reaction like that, because I was just a test, but the fic still come from me in the end. So yeah, tell me if you have more questions, I will answer to it.
Have a good day ! And I’m really open to talk about it 💕
Thank you for reading all this 💜
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waste-lit · 2 months
The Crone
Amafray stared down the steam rising from her stack of pancakes, blinking sleep from her eyes. She and Wiggins sat at their usual table at the back of Old Glass Eye’s Tavern. The sun was fresh in the sky and it was too early for most people to stop by for breakfast. The early birds and the seniors would show up around seven or eight. That would be for another two hours. Her stomach felt slightly nauseous from the lack of sleep. She had stayed up the night before reading cover to cover a textbook on aphrodisiac potions, giddy with the idea of testing one out on Wiggins. She was not expecting him to come knocking on her door just after five in the morning. She had to open the door and let him in just so that he wouldn’t wake the other residents. Now she was here, eating breakfast with him when she really wished she could stay in bed. She could feel his eyes on her from across the table. She sighed. “Okay, fine. Why did you just drag me out of bed?”
“A date!”
Amafray perked up, leaning towards him. They almost never went on a real date. She hoped it would be something romantic such as a canoe ride or roller skating. “A date doing what?”
“There’s an abandoned cottage on the edge of town and it’s got tons of stuff in it. It’s got metal and magic.” Wiggins was basically wobbling in his chair with excitement.
Amafray deflated. That didn’t sound romantic or fun. She frowned and crossed her arms across her chest. “You want me to help you loot someone?” 
“No looting, it’s scavenging.” 
“So you want to spend our first date in who knows how long ‘scavenging’ at an old cottage?” Her voice came out acidic and cold.
“There’s lots of things you could use! There’s tools and ingredients you could use for potion making. What do you think?” The look of hope in his eyes was more than Amafray could bear. Her heart throbbed a little. The things we do for love.
“All right, yeah. We can go.” She took a bite of one of her pancakes, suppressing a smile. They lacked flavor except for the sweetness of the maple syrup. Old Glass Eye was not known for the quality of his food.
Wiggins’ face broke into a toothy grin and he rummaged through his knapsack, grabbing a map and flattening it onto the table. Amafray studied the many penciled in paths, locations, and warnings that Wiggins had added to the map over the years. Running her finger over it, she finally landed on The House of Inspired Hands, the temple where she was raised and lived. Scrawled in the alley next to the temple was the word tourist. She noticed that the word was scrawled several other places throughout the city. Standard positions and routes for the city’s guardsmen were marked with little “G”s. Amafray realized that Wiggins must use this map for his thievery and mischief.  Wiggins took his finger and pointed to a small clearing marked in the woods on the edge of town. 
“You promise we’re not stealing?”
“Of course we aren’t. Now, this is where the cottage sits, right in this clearing. See we’ll take this path here,” he traced a dotted line with his finger, “and the cottage is easy to find once you hit the clearing.”
Old Glass Eye stood sentry behind the bar, as he looked out over the tavern. Two young adventurers were planning their next expedition, pouring over a map. It appeared as though they had everything figured out. But Glass Eye knew otherwise. The  man folded up the map and tucked it into his tunic, and the girl counted out several nibs to leave on the table. They reached the door when Glass Eye spoke.
“Be warned,” he said, “there are dangers in the woods.” Amafray could swear that his glass eye was glowing a misty blue. Unsure what to say, they nodded and thanked him, and stepped outside.
The morning air was cool, the air not yet heated by the oppressive mid day sun. The road leading out of town and towards the woods was alive with people going about their days, heading to work and doing their morning chores. A man stood at the corner selling fruit from a cart, and nearby a woman was attempting to soothe a crying baby without much success. Sights, sounds, and smells all battled for attention. Wiggins’ sticky fingers snagged a few coins from passerby’s pockets, and Amafray tried not to notice. She knew it was no good trying to tell him not to steal. She’d already tried. The way she tried to see things was that Wiggins was a good person, who just didn’t always do good things. Amafray worried that he would eventually have to face the law, but so far his small stature and natural stealth had always stopped him from getting caught.
At the edge of the woods, Wiggins pulled out the map and began to maneuver the twisting dirt paths that ran through the undergrowth. The further they went, the narrower and less defined the paths became. They became more overgrown, pricker bushes and brambles lining the sides. Dead leaves piled up beneath their feet, crunching as they walked. In the shade of the trees, shadows danced about, bringing life to the quiet woods. A chipmunk or rabbit scurried into the bushes as they approached, and somewhere in the trees birds were calling out to one another.
They had been in the woods for the better part of an hour when they came upon a small clearing ringed by thorn buses. It was smaller than Amafray expected. In the middle of the clearing stood a ramshackle cottage with a sagging rood and rotting siding. Wiggins was right, the cottage was pretty easy to find. A garden of bright purple flowers growing on long vines grew in the front yard. Their bright colors seemed out of place in comparison to the gloominess of the cottage. As they approached, Amafray realized that the flowers were each so large that she could wear them as hats.
The air was still and all was quiet, and it made the hairs on the back of Amafray’s neck rise. Trouble was brewing. Wiggins moved forward without sound, seemingly unbothered, and she struggled to match his pace. Her own footsteps sounded heavy to her own ears, like a one person stampede. Potion bottles in her knapsack clinked together and she cringed at the noise.
As they passed the vine garden on the way to the front door, Amafray could swear that the flowers tilted their heads, watching them pass through. An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. Invisible eyes glared at the back of her neck.
“I don’t think we’re alone,” she said, scanning the tree line. “I think we’re being watched.”
“I’m telling you, this place is abandoned. I mean, just look at it.”
Amafray had to admit that Wiggins had a point. The cottage was beyond run down. The windows in the front broken, spiderwebs growing from the remaining shards. The vines had spread from the garden in the front and were slowly climbing up the outer walls. Wiggins gave the front door a slight push and it swung open without resistance. He grinned at her as if to say told you so, and went inside. Amafray looked over her shoulder one final time to make sure no one was watching, and followed him in.
It was dim inside the cottage, but enough sunlight shone in through the broken windows  to light their way and illuminate the dust that hung in the air. Amafray coughed. Even her apartment was cleaner than this. She felt a shiver pass through her and goosebumps rose on her arms, despite it being no cooler in the cottage than it was outside. The floor of the cottage was made of packed dirt and lent it an  earthy aroma. Amafray looked over and saw that Wiggins had his knapsack open and was scouring for any valuables. There were several tables cluttered with miscellaneous items, but most of it appeared to be junk.
“I wonder who used to live here,” said Amafray.
“Whoever it was,” Wiggins said, holding up a dirty green gem to the light, “they were into crafting magic potions. Look, over there.” He pointed towards a corner of the room were a black cauldron sat under some dilapidated rows of shelving. 
Amafray went to the cauldron and began to inspect the shelves. They were full of dried herbs and spices, ground rocks and sands, and pickled animal parts, all an assortment of both rare and easy to find. Who ever had lived here had been a serious potion maker. She ran her fingers over the lids of the jars while she tried to decipher the labels. Handwriting had not been this stranger’s strong suit. When she pulled her hand back, she realize there was no dust on her fingertips. Her guts turned icy. 
“Wiggins, I think someone still lives here.” She looked around her, checking for a hidden silhouette in the shadows.
Wiggins scoffed. “Come on, who would live in a dump like this? Ease up.”
Amafray’s heart began ramping up, despite her best attempts to stay calm. “I want to leave. Now.”
“Oh, relax. It’s fine You’ve just got the nerves.”
Amafray sighed in frustration, a stress headache beginning to form behind her eyes. “Fine, I’m leaving. I’ll wait for you outside.” 
Amafray turned to the doorway and was about to leave when she froze. Standing in the door was a bent old woman, stringy gray hair hanging loose about her waist. Pink scalp showed in patches. Her clothes were made of tattered rags and her teeth were yellow when she smiled at them.
“Listen to you, bickering like lovers.” The crone’s voice was high and raspy, unpleasant to the ear. Around her feet vines slithered into the cottage, new flowers budding and blooming at rapid speeds as it went. They swiveled about on the vine, as though they were looking for something or someone.
Amafray heard Wiggins yelp and turned to see that the vines had wrapped around his legs and were quickly enveloping his small frame. As more flowers sprouted she swore that it appeared that they were drooling. She unsheathed a dagger and went to take a step towards Wiggins. The vines were beginning to crush him and even without a face, Amafray had the feeling that the plant was hungry.
“I don’t believe it’s a good idea to help him, dear,” said the crone. She snapped her fingers and a large dog with gleaming fangs and smoldering eyes materialized between Amafray and Wiggins, blocking her way. It stank of sulfur. Gods, thought Amafray, a real hell hound. She’d only ever read about them in books, and never imagined that she would meet one in person. Now she was wishing that she hadn’t. She let her dagger drop to the floor. There was no use in provoking a hell hound.
“That’s better,” said the crone, her voice an airy rasp. “Now I do believe I am dealing with thieves. How do you plead?”
Amafray shook her head no. The vines had wrapped all the way around Wiggins, gagging him so that he could not respond.
“Speak!” the crone demanded.
“No, we just, we thought-” Amafray stumbled over her words.
“Enough! You lie to me?”
“No, I-”
“Silence!” The room became deathly quiet, the only sound that of the panting of the hell hound. “I have heard all that I must. You are a thief and you must pay.” The old woman pointed a skeletal finger at Amafray and focused her gaze. In a voice much stronger than Amafray could have imagined coming from such an old and feeble looking woman, she bellowed, “LUPIS!”
Amafray’s stomach dropped and a searing heat spread from her heart and into her hands and feet. She doubled over, falling to her knees, and proceeded to throw up on the earthen ground. She coughed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Then, feeling something strange, she touched her teeth with her fingers. Her canines were elongated and formed sharp points. Lowering her hands, she saw that dark fur was beginning to grow on her arms and backs of her hands. Above everything, she felt an extreme hunger spread through her. Panic rose in her throat and she gasped for air. Amafray had heard of magic like this before, a lycanthrope curse. Soon she would be nothing but a beast in the shell of herself. She fell to her knees and hung her head. Her shoulders shook. “Undo it, please! I’ll do anything! Please!”
The crone smiled, exposing a gap in her teeth. “I will undo the curse on one occasion.”
“I’ll do anything, anything at all!”
“I shall send you on an errand then, a trip to the dry well on the other side of the river. At the bottom of the well is a healing moss named Blue Whisper. Gather some and bring it to me. But be wary of the spirit’s voices, they may try to fool you. Not many people leave the well, at least not the same as they entered.” The crone stepped towards Amafray and held out a round, smooth stone. “This is a guiding stone. Follow the glow and you shall arrive where you need to be. You do not need to tell it where you are going, it already knows. Now be off. If the curse is not broken before the moon rises it will be permanent.
With this the crone turned and disappeared into the daylight, the hell hound at her heels. The vines receded with her, uncoiling from around Wiggins and leaving him in a heap on the floor. Amafray rushed to him and cradled his head in her hands. He smiled at her through panting breaths. With more effort than he would like to admit, he slowly got to his feet, hands clenched into fists at his side. “Well, it seems that we have ourselves an adventure now.”
The guiding stone led them to the river, a steadily moving brook about a half hour’s walk from the clearing. The sound of rushing water disrupted the otherwise still air. There was no bridge that either Amafray or Wiggins knew of, but after hiking alongside the river for a while they came to a spot where several flat stones were raised above the water. The guiding stone glowed brightly. While crossing on the stepping stones, Amafray caught a glimpse of her reflection in the water. Her stomach dropped and her heart raced. She had to take several deep breaths to stop herself from full out panicking. Looking back at her was a girl, but this girl had dark fur growing up her neck and encroaching onto her face. She prayed that they could stop the curse.
On the far side of the river, the land was rockier and they had to maneuver around and over shrubs and fallen logs. They did not have to travel far before coming upon a squat stone well that was crumbling due to neglect and years of exposure to the weather. A rope was tied to a wooden bar that lay across the well’s opening, and it disappeared into the gloomy dark below. Wiggins looked over the edge and squinted, but it was far too dark to make out the bottom of the well. There was no telling how deep it was. In Amafray’s hand, the guiding stone flashed madly. This was the place. Wiggins grabbed the rope and yanked on it hard. It seemed to be weight bearing. Rope held in both hands, Wiggins hoisted himself onto the the side of the well and prepared for the downward climb.
“Are you sure about this?” Amafray nervously twisted her hair between her fingers.
“Well, it’s either this or you could be stuck as a wolf for the rest of your life.” Wiggins smiled, hoping to lighten the mood. Amafray shook her head no. “Then stay put, I’ll be right back. If anything goes wrong I’ll holler.” Wiggins gave her a wink and blew her a kiss before kicking his legs over the side of the well and beginning his descent on the long rope.
Inside the well the air was cooler, and grew chilly the further down he went. The smell of rock and dirt was comforting and reminded him of his home. Wiggins had come from a mining town, and his father was a miner as well as his father before him. When he had come to the city in search of adventure- and riches, he had solidified himself as the black sheep of the family. Looking up, he could see the circle of light above him grow smaller.
The bottom of the well was far from spacious, not even wide enough for Wiggins to stretch his sore arms without bumping his knuckles into the walls. It wasn’t completely dark, however. Patches of faint blue light glowed on the walls of the well. He had found the Blue Whisper. In the quiet, with the outer world muffled by stone and dirt, Wiggins swore that he could hear the moss talking. He leaned in closer.
He jumped back, startled. Could he be hallucinating? 
Stay with me, here. Stay Wiggins.
The soft glow of the moss beckoned him closer. He reached out a finger to touch it. It was surprisingly soft against his rough fingertips. He lifted his finger and a blue afterglow stained it. 
Join me here, Wiggins. Join us in the well.
Wiggins’ suddenly felt woozy, as though his legs might give out from under him. He fell back a step to regain his balance and heard a crunch beneath the heel of his boot. He looked down. The bottom of the well was littered with bones- humanoid looking ones. Wiggins fought against a panic rising in his chest, stumbling in the dark, and losing his footage. He fell, tripping on a hollow skull, and hit the ground hard. The smell of death surrounded him. On the wall the blue moss’s sickly blue glow grew brighter. It almost sounded as though the moss was laughing at him. The laugh was shrill and jarring, nothing human about it.
 Shaking his head to clear it, he used one of his daggers to scrape a clump of moss from the wall and into a vial that Amafray had given him. As he cut the moss from the stone he could hear it’s screams inside his head. He was careful to make sure that the cork stopper was properly sealed. Holding the vial to his ear, he was able to hear indistinct murmurings. Placing the vial into his knapsack and wiping his hands on his pants, Wiggins looked up to the opening of the well. A circle of blue sky with a branch cutting across in a jagged line. He grabbed ahold of the the rope and began the upward climb. 
At the surface, Amafray sat on th edge of the well and listened to the chirping of song birds as they flew about the trees, building nests and calling for mates. She had always loved to lay in bed in the morning, listening to the birdsong. Now though, she felt something different. Now, she felt hunger. A dull yellow goldfinch sat on a nearby branch, partially hidden by leaves. Amafray crept forward and raised her bow. She moved without thought. She aimed, pulled back the bowstring, and and released. The arrow struck the bird, and it fell to the ground. She set down her bow and walked over. She nudged the lifeless body with the toe of her shoe. It didn’t move. She picked it up and cradled it in her hands. Its feathers were soft and its body warm. The smell of the blood caused her stomach to ache with hunger. Without thought, she raised the bird to her mouth and sunk her teeth in. The metal taste of blood filled her mouth, her hunger inhuman and unstoppable. 
Amafray spun around, blood smeared at the corners of her mouth and dead bird in hand. A trickle of blood ran down her chin. “I didn’t want to hurt it.” She let the dead bird fall to the ground and covered her face with her hands as her shoulders shook, smearing blood across her cheeks and nose. “I was just so hungry, I didn’t want to hurt it.” Her voice broke. “I didn’t mean to.” A sob rose in her throat. How could she had been so brutal? How could she have claimed such an innocent life?
Wiggins went to her and began to rub her back in slow circles. She clung to him, smearing blood on his leather armor, but he didn’t mind. “Love, hey, it’s okay. You didn’t mean to do it. I know you didn’t mean to. It’s not your fault, it’s the curse.”
“Promise you’re not mad?” Wiggins could barely make out what she was saying through her sobs. 
“I’m not mad, love.”
“Do you still love me?”
“Of course I do.” Wiggins pushed back her hair and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead, one of the few places that wasn’t soiled with blood. For a moment they stood there, taking deep breaths and holding one another. After a few minutes, Wiggins stepped back and led Amafray to the river’s edge so that she could wash her face and hands. While Amafray washed, Wiggins discretely took care of disposing the dead bird’s body, throwing it into a nearby bush. 
Amafray sat at the river’s edge, studying her reflection as ripples passed through it. She was definitely a bit furrier, her body hair fuller and darker than normal. Baring her teeth, she could see that her canines had become long and pointed. Her stomach growled. She was still hungry.
“Ready?” Wiggins asked as he came to join her by the water’s edge. “I’ve got the moss.” He held up the vial, its blue glow faint in the bright sunlight. 
Amafray nodded and reached out her hand to Wiggins. Hand in hand, they bagan the trek back to the crone’s cottage, using the guiding stone to lead the way.
The crone was outside when they returned. The vines had vanished, and she was now tending a garden in their place. The plants were full of tomatoes and zucchini, herbs and medicinal flowers. The garden appeared as though it had been there forever, its plants large and leafy. They approached the crone.
“I see you’ve brought me the moss,” said the crone, not looking up from the tomatoes she was tying to stakes, the heavy fruits weighing down the vines. “I can hear the spirits calling to me. Now, bring it here.” The crone held out a bony, pale hand and Wiggins hesitated before reaching into his knapsack and producing the moss. Whispers filled the air. It sounded angry. He handed the vial to the crone.
“The curse, will you lift it now? We’ve completed the task,” Amafray ringed her hands nervously. 
“Not yet dear,” replied the crone, “I have one more task for you before I break the curse.”
“That wasn’t the deal!” Wiggins’ fists were balled at his sides and he glared at the crone.
“True,” said the crone. “Would you prefer to be dinner for my hell hound? You’d be a perfect snack for him.
Wiggins looked away, face red, cautiously scanning the grounds for the massive beast. “Fine,” he said, “Tell us what we need to do. 
The crone straightened and looked at them with a sickening smile of yellowed teeth. “There is a poacher on my lands, I wish for you to bring him to my sister. She will-“ the crone licked her lips, “dispose of him. The stone will guide you.” With that, the crone turned away and went back to her gardening.
Amafray and Wiggins walked in silence, following the guidance of the magic stone, both lost in their own thoughts. Wiggins couldn’t believe the gall of the crone. Who was to stop her from adding yet another task after this? How could he know that she was even able or willing to break the curse? Amafray studied the backs of her hands and frowned at the dark fur that was beginning to cover them She wished she could go back to the river and watch her reflection, try to remember what she looked like before the curse took effect and only a wolf looked back at her in return.
Dropping into a crouch, Wiggins stopped suddenly and held the guiding stone out to Amafray. Its glow was pulsating. They had reached their target. Dappled sunlight shone through the trees, but low lying branches stopped most of it from reaching the forest floor. Ferns grew in abundance in the comfortable shade. 
“Shit, we’re never going to find somebody here, at least not before they find us,” Wiggins whispered, scanning the surrounding underbrush. 
“Wait,” Amafray said, pointing. “In that tree.”
Wiggins looked to where Amafray was pointing and there was a flash of silver amongst the green. Someone was wearing chain mail armor in a  tree stand, and it appeared that they were unaware that they were being watched, back to Wiggins and Amafray. The tree stand was a good ten feet in the air, but it was an easy climb with plenty of sturdy branches to use as footholds. The thick foliage almost kept it out of view, but not completely. Wiggins grinned. Plenty of coverage for a sneak attack.
Wiggins held a finger to his lips and then pointed towards the figure in the tree. Amafray nodded her understanding. Wiggins moved through the ferns and crept to the base of the tree. Reaching up, he grabbed onto one of the lowest branches and hoisted himself onto it. He moved without sound. Amafray crouched in the shadows of the undergrowth and watched as Wiggins made his way up to the tree stand, taking care to conceal himself in the lush foliage. The poacher sat, bow in hand, scanning the woods ahead of him for game, his full attention consumed. He never expected Wiggins’ dagger at his throat.
Wiggins gently pressed the blade of his dagger against the soft blade of the poacher’s throat. “Don’t move,” he whispered into the poacher’s ear.
Startled, the poacher thrust his elbow backwards, sending Wiggins off balance, and he teetered for a moment, enough time for the poacher to wheel on him with a small hunting knife. On the ground, Amafray could see trouble in the tree stand. She hastily grabbed a vial from her knapsack and shook it gently. Red flecks swirled in the orange liquid. She popped the cork from the vial and downed the contents in one gulp. It tasted strongly of cinnamon. A warmth blossomed in her belly and spread outwards into her arms and legs, down to her hands and feet. She lifted an open hand towards the poacher and closed her eyes in concentration. 
On the tree loft, the poacher stumbled backwards as his chain mail began to glow red with heat. He let out a scream as he tried to tear off his armor, burning his hands on the metal. As he struggled, Wiggins took the hilt of his dagger and hit him over the head with one powerful blow. The poacher crumpled into a pile at Wiggins’ feet. Amafray lowered her hand and the glowing red ebbed.
While ambushing the poacher had been relatively easy, lowering him to the ground below seemed to require a bit more thinking. Wiggins lowered the poacher off the side of the tree stand, holding him by the arms. Once the poacher was only a few feet off the ground, he let go and the poacher landed in a pile at the base of the tree. It wouldn’t do if he broke a leg, they still had to walk to find the crone’s sister’s house. 
Amafray moved forward and tied the poacher up with a length of rope from her knapsack so that his arms were bound to his sides and his legs were kept free so that they could lead him on foot. She tore a strip of cloth from her own tunic and stuffed it into the poacher’s mouth to act as a gag. Wiggins approached her and pointed at her newly exposed midriff. 
I’m digging the style,” he said. “It’s cute.” 
Amafray couldn’t help but grin as a red blush spread across her face.
He jestered at their captive. “I suppose we should wake him up, I sure don’t want to carry him.”
Amafray grabbed a canteen from her bag and poured a small portion of water onto the poacher’s face. His eyes fluttered open. Amafray could recognize the look on his face. It was pure fear. She had captured a glimpse of it on her own face when she had washed the bird’s blood away in the river. Fear of what she was becoming. As she looked at the poacher, she knew that she was leading him to his death. Nothing good could come from the crone’s sister. Now she had to kill a man in order to save her own humanity. How was that fair?
Wiggins yanked the poacher to his feet and Amafray took hold of the guiding stone. It glowed softly, ready to lead the way.
The stone led them through the woods, and slowly the trees became more rotted and thinned out as they reached a marshy plane. Water rose up to their knees and their feet sank into the mud beneath. All of the vegetation that had once lived there was now spindly and dead. Whatever evils the crone’s sister contained had spread out into the environment around her. The stone began to pulsate, warm with energy, however Amafray couldn’t see anything resembling a home through the thick fog. She worried that the stone had led them awry, but they carried on. As they continued, a dilapidated shack rose from out of the mists.
They shack had no windows and there was no door in the empty door frame. The roof sunk in the middle and appeared to be on the verge of caving in. As they grew closer, they could see there was a large figure slumped in a battered rocking chair outside the front of the shack. It was a large woman, grotesque and swollen. Of course, thought Amafray, a flesh crone. They weren’t just delivering the poacher, they were providing lunch. 
As the trio approached, the flesh crone rose from her chair and strode forward them, her steps lumbering and heavy. As she approached Amafray could feel the air around them grow colder, yet she was covered in a nervous sweat. The flesh crone was surrounded by a shall of evil. Silently she pointed a fleshy finger at the poacher. Wiggins pushed him forward, towards the crone and she clamped a hand onto his shoulder. She took in a deep breath, smelling him. The flesh crone stared at Wiggins and Amafray for a moment with her beady black eyes before turing and bringing the poacher into her shack. They disappeared into the gloom of the shack. From inside they could hear a scream, muffled by Amafray’s makeshift gag, the sound of a heavy cleaver chopping, and then nothing.
Amafray and Wiggins stood motionless for a moment after the silence had settled before they allowed themselves to relax. Both of them had goosebumps despite the muggy air.
“Let’s get out of here,” Wiggins whispered. “Who knows if she’ll want desert.”
Amafray took out the guiding stone with shaking hands, and they began to follow the glowing light back to the crone’s cottage.
They walked in silence on the way to the cottage, both lost in their own thoughts. The sky was beginning to turn pink, and golden light filled the forest. The moon would be rising soon, and then the spell would be impossible to remove. Amafray quickened her pace and reached out for Wiggins’ hand. It’s weight and worth brought her some comfort.
“Will you still love me if we can’t break the curse, if I’m a werewolf forever?”
Wiggins squeezed her hand. “Of course. I’ll love you forever, no matter what. I’ll even get you a bone to chew on.” He grinned and Amafray playfully punched his arm.
As they reached the cottage, twilight was beginning to fall over the clearing. The vegetable garden had been replaced by a frog pond filled with white water lillies that glowed softly in the dark. Chirping frogs filled the air. Lightening bugs were beginning to light up like stars just out of reach. Wiggins strode confidently past the garden and rapped his knuckles against the front door, Amafray close behind him. Her stomach felt twisty and sick, and she was unsure if it was part of the curse or her own nerves. Would the crone even hold her end of the bargain?
Wiggins was about to knock again when the door swung inward to reveal the crone. She gave a wide smile and Amafray noted that she was missing several teeth that she could have sworn had been there earlier.
“Ah, yes,” the crone said. “You have been successful in your endeavors.”
“The antidote,” Wiggins demanded. “We did your errands, now give it to us.”
“Yes, yes. Come in.” The crone waved Wiggins and Amafray into the cottage. They went in hesitantly.
The crone ushered them over to a cluttered work bench covered in vials filled with liquids of varying colours and jars containing a variety of ingredients, some of which Amafray could not recognize. The crone picked up a vial containing a silvery liquid that had shimmering specks in it. She gave it a swirl.
“Is this the antidote?” asked Amafray. A quesy warmth was spreading in her belly.
“Yes, my dear. But there is one more ingredient that is required.”
Wiggins bristled and balled his fists tight. He was about to protest when the crone raised her hand. “Don’t fret my dear, the final ingredient is here with us now.”
“Well, where is it?” Wiggins asked?
“I require a drop of her true love’s blood.” Amafray and Wiggins both stared blankly at the crone. She sighed and pointed to Wiggins. “You. I need a drop of her blood.”
Wiggins nodded in understanding and took a swiss army knife from the inside of his tunic. He selected a small but sharp pearing knife and held it to the tip of his fingertip. He made a small cut, barely deep enough to break the skin. A few drops of blood beaded on his finger. The crone uncorked the vial and held it towards him and he let the blood drip down into the vial. The specks within the antidote began to glow.
The crone held out the vial to Amafray. She took it, then looked to the crone and to Wiggins. They nodded back to her and she put the vial to her lips. As she drank the liquid she could feel a soothing coolness spread throughout her body. Her body tingled and she closed her eyes until the feeling passed. When she opened her eyes she looked at her arms. No longer furry. She smiled big and looked up to Wiggins and the crone, beaming.
Wiggins came forward and took Amafray in his arms, burying his face in her hair and kissing her head. “I’m so happy you’re okay. I was so worried about you.”
“It’s all thanks to you,” said Amafray. “You’re my true love.”
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quixoticrobotic · 8 months
Question entirely on a whim - classpect the comicrew, go!
i also have jaeris, joanna, erin, and allen bc sburb aus delight me i also have chumhandles, i can share those if you like
also i assume you want reasoning
Linkara: Knight of Mind. Hes such a knight of my god like insisting your fine when you arent? absolute knight behavior. i chose mind because one of my favorite aspects of linkara is hes like. the kind of character who needs to have a plan for everything which is usually a bad guy trait and is a trait you see in a lot of neurodivergent ppl so its nice to see in The Hero
but yeah a knight of mind would use logic and thinking as a weapon which linkara really enjoys doing
90s Dude: Mage of Hope
hope players represent! (im seer of hope!) but yeah hope is a broad term bc like lots of things can inspire it, hope plays typically have something they're really passionate about, something that sparks that ability to believe and like i dont have to say what 90's dude's is. he wears his passions on his sleeves, he gave us "more radical, less sadicle", the stuff that hes passionate about is his strength. mages are kinda like seers except less direct? instead of sharing knowledge to help the team they have this very personal, intuitive understanding of their aspect and how to wield it. fits the sleepwalker arc p damn well
Harvey: Prince of Time
every time i have to make a character i love a prince like i know you'd hate these pants im sorry
but ok i knew harvey would be a time player bc time is associated with music and death, two things that are very relevant to harvey as a character. i think i settled on this bc i saw a quote on pintrest "not living, just killin time" and harvey was the character i was fixated on that week. princes destroy their aspect/are destroyed by their aspect/destroy with their aspect. so if you wanna put a less gloomy spin on this you can go with "making up for lost time"
also i rarely get to have a session that has both a time and space player and thus isn't automatically doomed, which brings me to
Linksano: Seer of Space
multiverse and green. also seer fit since his official job on the team is science consultant like, he uses his knowledge of the multiverse to help his friends
Jaeris: Thief of Void
THIS IS ANOTHER MEAN ONE like thief bc of him stealing magic weapons BUT ALSO thief's tend to have a "my way is definitely the correct way of accomplishing this goal" and it bites them in the ass. i saw a theory i take whith a grain of salt but its basically void players tend to have their perspective skewed by some personal bias
and meanest of all
jaeris gets nothing. thieves take their aspect for themself. void is nothing. jaeris gained nothing. im so sorry space cowboy u make it too easy
Joanna: Witch of Doom
so doom is destiny, fate that cannot be changed. but this often represented by computer code/coding (which fits so neatly into the at4w 'verse tbh)
witches manipulate their aspect
now of course we know joanna sees the tapestry of fate and pulls out a seam ripper
but i also headcanon joanna is a cool gamer hacker babe who likes computers/ai/robots/ect. she and jaeris are a steampunk/cyberpunk power couple. also i like to think think by giving her one of the most OP classpects i'm making up for her lack of screen time
Erin: Rouge of Light
rouges allocate their aspect to help the team, light is luck, fortune, and fate that can be changed. fits Miss "Technically I was always your friend. Just in very weird and roundabout ways." who was introduced stealing the magic coin
Allen: Page of Life
im not gonna lie allen is mostly here so we have an even number of players. im sorry allen fans
i dont actually have a gt for mark bc linkara needs a strife specibus
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zorphie · 11 months
🖊 tell me about koda please [stares at you with big eyes]
ty for the ask I GOTCHU!! 🤭 stuff is below!!
hes from darkmoor ("lovely place" dworgyn's words) and his family has beef with the von shanes. i haven't figured out all the precise details yet but the conflict ends up with him on his own unfortunately wandering around darkmoor trying his best to fend for himself. sometimes he sneaks into the manor to steal things from them out of spite(good for him he's allowed) eventuallyyyy he's given hospitality by amari's mom which gives him the opportunity to take classes in ravenwood
he has a ghost friend he met shortly after enrolling, he's actually super familiar with ghosts since they kept him company in darkmoor. they'd chat , teach him things, and tell him stories!
everyone just sees a ghost floating around and following koda , freaked out. and he's just like "oh! yeah !that's my buddy don't worry about it" he's completely forgotten the fact it's probably not normal and looks weird to everyone else
his enrollment was super messy and rushed so he and amari didn't even have dorms for awhile and just stayed at her mom's house. he had to make his own spellbook because they ran out... they also were there while malistaire and sylvia were still teaching and they were very close (you can see where this is going😭)
okay so um! pain all around because this guy is really determined to achieve his goals yet he ends up going about them the wrong way. and it's still something im tweaking since I'm planning arc 1 atm and koda's actions are of huge importance but he does get some form of closure in the end and learns from his mistakes (which honestly he wasn't at complete fault for in the first place)
when death students were forced into independent studies, amari would drag koda along into balance school as a secondary. when you leave people to their own devices one day they will sneak into the forbidden section of the library(yes he did this... something happened )
it led him to try to learn shadow magic in secret while at ravenwood and have his morals manipulated by some random lady🤦‍♂️ ? He didn't become"evil" he just wanted to good things . bwahhh. he thought if he represented a hero then it would get rid of a lot of troubles death students face. he tries really hard to be a good role model when their teacher is gone. he wants to give them hope. EXPLODES
after malistaire's defeat, he's learned a lot of things. hehas so many mixed feelings, but now he knows he doesn't need to be "special" or "stand out"just to do the right thing or have an impact. (cough explanation for this is he was tryint to be the scion since he believed if a necromancer was the scion itd be the most effective way of being a role model)
he works overtime to help rebuild the death school and actually have dworgyn on campus. he helps out malorn with his teacher assistant job and even offers to be one himself. he hopes he's made his classmates lives a little bit better
he has that mysterious vibe about him which is hilarious because he's the complete opposite.. he is an open book. he /tries/ to come off as the calm cool collected guy and fails miserably. he is The cringefail. he's very laid back though
his pet is an iron ram who makes it impossible for him to start gardening because his pet will always eat the plants. and i swear to god i did not give it to him because of the egg name that was just a weird coincidence (the egg is "chimerical egg" iirc? my antagonists are called the chimera and he puts up with them the most out of everyone else. it's very awkward) anyways his pet gets stuck in trees all the time. it flies up but never back down for some reason. it can also travel through dimensions because that's funny i don't have full details on it, it just can
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hello august i would like to ask What Happened In Season 2 Of The Owl House because i kind of. stopped after s1. and i wanna get back to it so here is ur opportunity to ramble about toh <3 tell me everythingg season 2 and also whos your favorite character i am curiosu
**massive spoilers for season 2 of the owl house obviously**
okay so i am just going to talk about what happens vaguely in every episode. i am so sorry in advance
ep 1: luz sets sail on a ship of pirates to go on a bounty hunt to try and make some extra money for eda because she feels bad about her losing her powers
ep 2: luz willow and gus get expelled from their school by amity's parents because they think that amity having them as friends is distracting her from her school work. so luz goes to the blight's house in order to try and convince amity's mom odalia to let her and her friends back in. odalia agrees, but she will only do it if luz agrees to be the tester for some of odalia's abomination robot machine things at this convention she's hosting later that night. it's pretty dangerous and then amity shows up and saves luz.
ep 3: luz hooty and lilith (who lives at the owl house now after leaving the emperor's coven) go and check out the place that eda found king when he was just a little guy. i honestly don't remember much about this episode but yeah
ep 4: we meet eda's stupid bitch ass mother fucking mom when she just shows up at the owl house out of the mother fucking blue like the bitch that she is and she tries all these stupid ass ways to get rid of eda's curse. and also we meet eda's super chill dad who she hasn't spoken to in a while because back when eda first got her curse she accidentally attacked him and left him blind in one eye and she's felt really guilty about it since.
ep 5: okay so gus meets this cool group of kids from another magical highschool and he tries to impress them by pretending he can do all sorts of magic with the help of luz's glyphs. so the group of kids all take him to this place called the looking glass ruins in order to steal these stone things that would make them hella powerful. they find out about how gus can only do illusion magic and they are super rude to him. gus realizes that stealing the stones is unethical as hell and is like "fuck this shit you guys suck eat my ass" and then scares them all away with some spooky ass illusions. the other part of this episode is about how luz and amity to into this sort of forbidden part of the library amity works at in order to find the diary of the only other human who has lived on the boiling iles before, philip wittebane, so that luz can try to figure out a way to make a portal back home. they find the diary but luz yells really loudly after finding a mouse inside who ate the page of the book. they get caught and amity is fired. luz feels bad and does a bunch of tasks and stuff to get amity her job back. amity goes through her slay era and decides to dye her hair purple. luz lets amity know that she has her job back and find the stupid ass mouse from earlier followed her from the library. amity explains that it's an echo mouse, which is a species of mice that can replay the information of whatever book it ate, so it's all good now because luz takes it home and can now get info about philip's diary from it. but before she goes home amity kisses her on the cheek and then panics and leaves.
ep 6: okay so at school everyone gets to pick out their palismen, which is the magical animals on top of witch's staffs, like how eda's palismen is owlbert. everyone gets one except luz because the way you bond with a palismen is to share what you want to do in life or something like that and luz is like "idk man im from the human realm so will i even have a future with magic??" and so later that night she sneaks out to visit the palismen who are being kept at hexside and she decides that she won't leave until she figures out what she wants to do in life and she gets her palismen. but while she's doing that, the enclosure of palismen with her inside gets stolen by the golden guard. the golden guard is emperor belos's nephew who leads missions and stuff. he always wears this gold owl shaped mask so we never see his face. we've met him earlier on in season 2 but he hasn't had much screen time until now. so luz and him get into a fight and then the flying thing that the golden guard was using to take the palismen crashes after being attacked by this weird dragon thing. after waking up, this cute little red bird palismen follows her from the wreckage. luz then finds the golden guard on the ground after the crash, his mask has fallen off to reveal that he's just some scrawny kid around the same age as luz, and later it's revealed that his name is hunter. which may i say is a stupid ass name but okay whatever. luz overheards kikimora, this annoying ass bitch who also works for the emperor but fucking hates hunter because she wants to be the emperor's right hand man but she can't because that's what hunter is, talk about how she sent the weird ass dragon to take down the ship in order to beat hunter to the palismen to gain the favour of belos (the emperor). luz wakes up hunter to let him know what tf is going on and they form a truce to get back the palismen that kikimora took in order to give to belos because that's how he maintains his forms for goofy reasons. they agree to form a truce because neither of them want kikimora's bitch ass to win. blah blah fight scenes whatever. luz ges the palismen back to the school and the cute little red bird palismen goes with hunter and becomes his palismen. he names him flapjack and he's cute as hell.
oh lord okay so it's almost 12am here and if i continue then i will not be asleep until like 6am. so this is all you get avi :)))
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elamimax · 1 year
Excerpt time!
Have the chapter opener to Flipping Out, a coming of age crime thriller that takes place over 15 years. It follows six kids who, with the help of a mysterious, magic coin that allows someone to change their shape, figure out their identity, sexuality, gender, and the world in general, and just happen to steal a lot of money doing it. The protagonist is a hopelessly bisexual trans genderfuck, and the other characters all have their own stuff going on :)
Four heists, four major periods in their lives, and they're all messy. Enjoy!
“I hate New Jersey.”
“You know, a year ago I would’ve told you you were exaggerating,” Jack said, “but I gotta give it to you, New Jersey fucking blows.” He ignored the people honking at him. Fuck this road, fuck this jug handle bullshit, fuck these people. “Why do New Yorkers even keep coming here? There’s nothing here.”
“Hey, don’t disrespect the wonderful toll roads, Jacks,” Lisa said, her legs up on the dashboard.
“Turnpike,” Jack corrected her, mumbling to himself as he navigated the kind of traffic that could turn a lesser man into a slasher villain. “It’s called a Turnpike.”
“Did you know that Gotham is supposed to be in New Jersey?” Lisa said as she retrieved a slice of pizza. They were supposed to wait until they got back to the others but sometimes the stack of boxes at your feet just smells too good to resist. 
“Wait, like Batman?” Jack said as he turned onto the road to the trailer park. 
“Yeah. Gotham’s in New Jersey, and Metropolis is in Delaware.”
“How do you even know that?”
“It’s because I’m so cool and sexy,” Lisa said as she kicked the door open and tumbled outside with the grace of a newborn foal, only barely managing to land on her feet, then scooped up the pizza boxes. “Come on, these are gonna get cold.”
The trailer park near Plymouth, New Jersey was a hole; the kind of hole people fall into when a  society is built like a latrine. It was a place where you got a lot of yelling at night, and you didn’t walk around barefoot. All things considered, it was one of the nicest places Lisa had ever lived. It took two cookouts and a grocery run to really convince the neighbors that the six of them weren’t here to party and ruin things for everyone, but that only made sense. 
She had expected the people here to suck. She had expected a lot more guns and shouting husbands and possibly significantly more nefarious drug dealing, but she’d come to realize that that image all came from television and, well, you can’t trust what they say on there either, so you might as well trust the fact that the neighbor who doesn’t talk to you did go out of his way to find you the only part your broken engine was missing and that the guy asking for cash might just need it to eat. Communities on the edge, in the hole, between the floorboards, they got like that, sometimes.
The whole thing is a good 40k words long at the moment, and can be read on Patreon but if you wanna read it without paying for it (who can blame you, we're all broke down here) the first five chapters have been uploaded for free here, with no requirements for making an account or stuff like that :)
Anyway, that's all from me today, enjoy!
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aceofj · 2 years
Anyone else ever think about what a new sonic story book game would be like? Cause I do. Arthurian legend and the Arabian Nights are amazing subjects to base a game on in general but nothing really compares to them.
There's only so many story collections you can compile to try to compare to those two, first one that comes to mind for me is robin hood, but it feels a bit to similar to the story of King Arthur, at least in time period.
For context, if you don't know the story book games there all about Sonic being magiced into different story books in order to help people and stuff. He's always summoned by a human girl with pink hair, though her role changes depending on the book; in sonic and the black night she was Merlin's granddaughter whilst in sonic and the secret rings she was a genie.
Anyway, I think putting him in robbing hood could be really cool! The pink haired girl who would be maid Marian, just cause they're always either the villan or linked to the villan and maid Marian is related to the bad King. Instead of being about "what makes a knight/hero" and the chivalry stuff, its more about mortality. With the whole "Stealing from the rich, giving to the poor" stuff it make sense. Sonic could take the good kings place but that's a bit to close to SatBK so making him robbing hood works better, not sure what super evil the the villan would have or how he'd be summoned there tho.
Another idea I had is the nutcracker, we take it a different direction where sonic is slowly turning into a tree and he has to defeat the rat king to remove the curse and leave the story. The pink girl would either be the sugar plum fairy, a sugar plum fairy or claira. I think making her a sugar plum fairy who needed protection from a rat horde works well and we could have this twist with them stopping the rat king only to learn the sugar plum fairy queen was behind the curse and now she has to be stopped. Fun little parallels we love.
Last idea is a lot roughter; just slap him into a mythos. Greek, Norce, Egyptian, Asian, etc. All of them would be really fun! Plus I could make sonic in god of war jokes! The pink girl would probably be a profet, minor goddess or magical thing. The greek one would 100% have some thing to do with the Trojan war, or the after math of it. Norce would be Ragnorock, so the good end is destroying the story which is so fun! Egyiption and Asian I know a lot lest about, but I'm thinking something to do with the death God after he first died for Egypt and riffing off of journey to the west for Asia (I know I'm lumping mythoses by saying Asia but I don't know a lot about them and there all the same content so sorry).
But yeah, heres my late night musings. I doubt well ever get a storybook game again, not overly sad about it tbh, but I just think exploring these sorts of things are fun!
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
🎲 it starts with kokichi already being well known and has planned the biggest heist yet, when the detective agency like, hears abt this from the letter. they decided that perhaps a new detective should be in charge of this case since Shuichi is still somewhat of a rookie, a good one that's been close to capturing Kokichi but alas, what people wanted were results of him actually being captured.
Shuichi cant have this, not only because it'd basically feel like all that progress he did amounted to nothing– but he also feels something fishy is going on as he looks more into the kind of stuff Kokichi is stealing to get a pattern (they were all stuff that were "donated" to be displayed, aka a la british Museum style, Kokichi plans a heist to return ancient heirlooms and beloved artifacts etc.)
ofc, Shuichi doesn't make this epiphany yet but he was getting there— until the detective agency sent in Kirigiri, nothing against the woman btw she's just doing her job but it's revealed later on that she thought the switching of the detectives heading a case just when a big one showed up was stupid.
it all leads up to Kokichi hearing abt it, making a fuss just as Kirigiri arrives and a chase ensues, only to which Shuichi is the only one who's able to keep up since he knows the other's routes well.
lmao the trope of A & B being handcuffed together happens. they lost the key on the way and they could either– go back to the police station OR go to Kokichi's hide out.
it's a funny argument until Shuichi agrees since it could mean learning more about Kokichi– and he does! he learns a whole lot!
and that Kokichi was a fucking magical girl/j
okay not really but the reason his magic tricks work? while most of it yes, they're parlor tricks, the way he disappears is by literally going into another fucking realm what the FUCK Kokichi???? why are you showing him this???? it's so cool, they're bonding but why-?
apparently, Kokichi loved the cat and mouse chase, he was so excited for the game to reach the highest high and Kirigiri was a roadblock and that he wanted to work together even, they could make a spectacle of Shuichi capturing him!
Shuichi doesn't understand, he was stealing just to feel the thrill of it??? he wants him to work with an infamous criminal?! ni! their relationship wasn't fun and games, it was a detective chasing down a thief!
conflict, drama, they get the handcuffs off but it also means that when Kokichi runs, Shuichi loses him in unfamiliar territory which leadss up to Shuichi doing detective work and finding his base of operations and figuring out the reason Kokichi is a thief in the first place.
also probably a DICE moment wheree they're the one who left clues, they're the ones helping make Kokichi's tricks go smoothly behind the scenes and saw that the detective needs to realize an important detail their leaderr forgot to leave out!!
and now, for the kicker, one of the DICE members come in panicked, Kokichi is cornered, he did the heist without DICE watching over him and it's clear some of the men being brought in aren't afraid to start shooting (they're working for corrupt officials-) Shuichi has to G o.
and he does, he comes in out of nowhere, literally, Kirigiri halting the gunmen and they cant shoot otherwise their cover will be blown, Kokichi's surprised Shuichi came for him, Shuichi does NOT want Kokichi to like fall okay.
"Shumai, trust me-" "What do you mean trust you?!" "Come on, look I know I lied but trust me on this." and then. for a beat. Shuichi does.
they fall. the bright lights on the helicopters following them and Kokichi laughs.
"FOR MY NEXT TRICK, WE'RE GOING BYE BYE!" and they fucking disappear bc Shuichi forgot, oh yeah, Kokichi has fucking ties to magic.
he's left at a nearby rooftop of a building, unable to comprehend what just happened, Kirigiri comes in checking to make sure he was okay, interviews him on what happened, and thanks him for saving Kokichi bc it turns out, the reason she accepted was so that no corrupt detective could come in and she wanted to investigate herself if something shady was going on.
anyways, tired as hell, Detective Saihara goes home, only to find black dice on his table, looking outside to see a familiar silhouette—
they turn around but what meets him are bright yellow and violet eyes, not the amethyst he'd see behind the mask. Shuichi runs out anyway—
"nishishi, rather weird to just run out your house to greet someone, stranger."
"ha. ha. i'm pretty sure we met already."
"oh really? what's my name then?"
"uh-" "thought so, name's Kichi." "...Shumai."
"that's a nice name, whoever gave you that has excellent naming sense!" *snort*
"wanna... wanna go get some coffee?" "pfft, okay, but i choose the place." "oh yeah? it better be worth it." "trust me shumai! it's Magical."
omg that is delightful! i love the magic thing, makes me wonder why i never thought to add magic myself to any phantom thief aus
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