#moth explains a musical
kentucky-fried-thea · 2 years
send me an ask with a musical and I will explain it
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angrycloudcrown · 2 months
Sometimes I think I'm a regular fandom person and then I get brainrot for the most embarrassing trainwreck piece of media and then I remember this is why I picked tumblr to be my main social media platform because obviously the people here would have the same fate
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 months
Humans are Space Orcs - Chocolate
"Ugh, I would kill for some chocolate right now."
Gorvan fumbled the holopad he'd been typing on, all four hands brushing against the screen as he tried to keep it from hitting the ship floor. He failed and it bounced off the tiles - thankfully neither breaking, nor denting the flooring. Grimacing, he swept it up with his tail and checked over the casing, before the alarming words registered in his head. A glance at the couch showed the human - Max - hadn't moved - still twisted up in their weird, pretzely way, chin in their weird five-fingered hand as they peered at the passing stars with a far-away look in their eyes.
"You, uh, want...chocolate?" He asked, certain he'd misheard.
"Oh my god, yes." Max heaved a sigh, shoulders rising to their weird, inefficient ears before dropping back down. "Jesus, I'd even eat a Hershey's Bar right now."
Gorvan gripped his tablet with two of his hands, hard enough to crack the casing. "Oh, um - what is a 'Hershey'?"
Max didn't look away from the window, still lost gazing into the galaxy. "It's a type of chocolate bar from Earth. Maybe a Mars Bar or a Milky Way would be better..."
Gorvan huffed through his nostrils, tail lashing anxiously behind him. "Oh. Um. I - er, I forgot I have a meeting with Captain! I have to go." Without waiting for an answer he turned and fled the recreation room, hooved feet clattering against the floor, desperate to report what he had heard. He missed the bemused look Max gave him before returning to his star gazing.
The human paused upon entering the meeting room, seeing the rest of the C7H8N4O2 Star Explorer gathered around the table. All eight were tense in their seats, and the moth-like Elaana looked like she'd been crying. (Well, the species equivalent, which appeared as a dusting of pollen along her sharp cheekbones.)
Taurvin, the captain, was sitting in the largest seat at the head of the table, his considerable bulk looming over the rest of them. Oddly, the first-mate seat to his left was empty. Gorvan was instead sitting in Max's own.
"Uh, hey all. We playing musical chairs?" Max glanced between the empty chair and Gorvan, but when nobody asked for an explanation to their odd human reference (a common occurrence), they figured it wasn't the time for jokes.
"Have a seat, Max." Taurvin motioned to the first mate seat and, with a bit of hesitation, Max moved to take it. Luckily Gorvan, despite being bulky himself, wasn't too much larger than a standard human and the chair was comfortable enough. "We have something important to address."
Oh god above, what had they done this time? Max tried to think back to all the interactions he'd had onboard the last few weeks, but couldn't come up with anything too egregious. Sure, there was the whole joke with 'human snot is acidic' thing but that had been more of a gross-out joke for Elaana, the ships medic, who hadn't seemed to upset when he accidentally sneezed on her a few days later and dropped the act. Epitak, the ships engineer, had been pretty pissed when ze found out Max had taken apart the air filtration unit in their quarters to try and understand how it worked, but ze had also walked him through repairing it, so they thought it was all forgiven.
Oh jeeze, had they found the plans to get a kitten onboard under the 'emotional assistance animal' loophole?
"Max." Taurvin's normally jolly voice was grave, and all the crews eyes were on them as he spoke. "It has come to my attention that you have been expressing some...troubling thoughts."
Okay, definitely the kitten thing then. "Look, I can explain," they started, but Taurvin held up a large, three-fingered hand and stopped them.
"I do not want you to feel pressured to speak to us if you do not wish to. As a member of the Intergalactic Exploration Society, you have access to mental health resources at no cost, any time, anywhere. I will be more than happy to assist you in setting up a link to a therapist through HR and, if required, will grant you time off the ship if you need it. You are the best navigator I have ever seen, and I do not want to lose you."
"Well, thanks, but uh, what do you mean?" Max glanced around the table and noticed that their normally upbeat crew were all showing signs of distress (Elaana was brushing away newly fallen pollen from her compound eyes).
"Max, you requested chocolate." Gorvan reminded them. "This morning, you said you would even eat a substance known as a Hershey Bar from your home planet." The human had never heard the first mate sound so distressed. When Max just blinked, Epitak took over, beak clacking anxiously as ze spoke.
"We understand that many planets have government programs in place for self euthanasia," ze explained, technical as always in his word choice, "but we aboard this ship would much rather assist you in healing rather than lose you, despite what you may feel is best for you. Suicide by theobromine is not the way forward."
"It's okay, love!" The pollen was flowing freely from Elaana's eyes now, and she blinked it away with her long lashes. If there weren't a table between them, Max was sure she would have bundled them up in a full-wing hug and refused to let them go. "We'll support you through it all, we promise. You're part of our crew - our family, and we never want you to feel otherwise!"
"Well, uh, thanks. I see you all as family too...?" Max glanced at the four remaining crew members. Dhaca and Lenzoill were quiet but obviously upset, Qhals was staring at the ceiling with their fanged muzzle pulled into a tight grimace, and Ir'ith was -
Ir'ith was smirking.
Max narrowed their eyes at the inventory manager who also served as the ships cook (for the simple fact that he was the only one onboard who could cook). The zad merely shrugged when their eyes met, though his grin was growing.
"I think I'm missing something here." Max admitted, looking between Gorvan and Taurvin. "This is all because I got a chocolate craving?"
"A craving?" Elaana almost lunged across the table at the word, the only thing holder her back Ir'ith's hand on her shoulder. "You mean you've had chocolate before?"
"Well, yeah? All the time." Max was not expecting the horrified expressions they received.
"So humans treat theobromine as a drug?" Epitak asked, aghast.
"Noooo...? It's a dessert. Like, a sweet treat." Max had no idea what was going on now, but by the way Ir'ith's shoulders were shaking, he did. "Hershey's is a candy bar."
"Wait," Dhaca finally spoke up, leaning forward and shoving his glasses (well, glass - one lens for one eye and all) to the top of his head, "theobromine is not toxic to humans?"
"I'm assuming that theo-stuff is chocolate?" When Dhaca nodded, Max nodded in return. "Yeah, no, chocolate isn't toxic to humans. I ate it all the time on Earth."
Ir'ith gave up and cackled, sounding a bit like the grackles Max used to watch in their back garden on Earth. The avian's wings flapped a few times as he laughed, having to lean forward and grasp his stomach with taloned claws to keep himself from falling out of his chair. When he finally glanced up at Max, it was to the flattest look the human could manage, which only sent him into another gale of laughter.
Taurvin sighed, pinching the bridge of his boar-like snout. "I believe this has all been a misunderstanding," he spoke over the cooks laughter, which had turned into squeaky gasps. "Dismissed."
A few befuddled glances were thrown Max's way, but the rest of the crew were quick to leave, avoiding Ir'ith's flapping wings as they squeezed out of the room. Soon only the cook, first mate, captain, and navigator were left.
"Sorry, kid." Ir'ith finally came up for breath, wiping at his eyes as he regained his composure. He fished into one of the many pockets that adorned his poncho and produced a bar wrapped in purple foil, which he tossed to Max. The human caught it and felt their whole face light up. "No hard feelings, right?"
"None at all, dude!" Max tore open the wrapping and took a big bite of the Cadbury Dairy Milk Bar, nearly melting at the familiar, sweet flavor exploding on their tongue.
"For the record," Ir'ith said as he stood, cracking his back, "Zad's can eat chocolate to. Let me know next time you have a craving." He sauntered out of the room, humming happily.
The three sat in silence for a moment, other than the crinkle of the chocolate bar wrapper. Finally, Taurvin cleared his throat.
"Max, I apologize for not conferring with you in private beforehand." The captain sighed. "I did not wish to embarrass you, but an intervention was suggested and I believed that comfort from your crew would be the best way to show the seriousness of our support were you truly entertaining the thought of self euthanasia."
The human shrugged. "It was nice to hear you all care about me, even though I've only been on board a few months," they admitted. "And I got chocolate out of it." He wiggled the remains of the bar.
"Still, if you ever feel the need for mental health services, they are available to you. And if there is ever anything I or the rest of the crew can do to assist you in that way, please don't hesitate to ask." Taurvin placed a hand on his chest and bowed his head, a show of sincerity for his people.
"Well," Max tapped the chocolate against their chin in thought, "there may be one thing. Have you ever heard of cats?"
Next: Bluffing
Original Reddit Prompt:
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bitchiswild · 1 month
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G!P Yunjin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: SMUTTTTTT🤪
A/n: some Coachella smut for you guys 🤭 (kinda not really bullshitted this :3)
Since the moment you glimpsed the lineup and saw Le Sserafim's name, you'd been eagerly counting down the days.
Le Sserafim wasn't just another group to you; they held a special place in your heart. You were determined to catch their set, even going as far as snagging VIP tickets just to be near them, to be near Yunjin. And as luck would have it, you spotted her a few times throughout the weekend, whether she was grabbing drinks with her members or snapping photos for her Instagram. Each time, your heart skipped a beat, completely taken by her presence.
What you didn't realize was that Yunjin, was also keeping an eye on you. From across the VIP area, her gaze often found you, drawn to your magnetic aura. She knew she wanted you, craved you beneath her, and would stop at nothing to make it happen. Each glance exchanged only fueled her determination, igniting a urge she couldn't ignore. As the festival's pulsating energy surrounded them, Yunjin was ready to do whatever it took to make you hers.
As the doors opened, you rushed to the Sahara Stage and wasted no time securing your spot near the front, eager to immerse yourself in the magic of Lesserafim's performance later that night. Hours passed in a blur as anticipation mounted, but finally, the moment arrived.
As Le Sserafim took the stage, you found yourself spellbound by Yunjin's presence. Her ethereal beauty and magnetic energy captivated you, drawing your gaze like a moth to a flame. Throughout the entire performance, you couldn't tear your eyes away from her, each movement she made, each note she sang, sending shivers down your spine.
Little did you know, Yunjin was also aware of your presence. Peeking out at the crowd before her performance, her eyes locked onto yours, and she knew she had to meet you. Throughout the set, she stole glances in your direction, her heart skipping a beat each time your eyes met, but careful not to draw too much attention.
As the music pulsed around them, a silent connection formed between you two, each stolen glance speaking volumes of the desire and anticipation simmering beneath the surface. And as the final chords echoed through the crowd, Yunjin made a decision – she had to meet you, no matter what it took.
As the final notes of Lesserafim's performance echoed through the Sahara Stage, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. As you prepared to make your way back through the throngs of people, a figure caught your eye – Yunjin's manager, rushing towards you with purpose in their stride.
With a mix of surprise and anticipation, you watched as they approached, their expression a mix of urgency and excitement. Before you could even process what was happening, they were standing in front of you, extending an invitation that left you speechless.
"Yunjin would like to meet you backstage," they explained, their words ringing in your ears like a surreal melody. Your heart raced with excitement as you processed the invitation, the realization sinking in that you were about to come face to face with the object of your admiration.
Without hesitation, you accepted, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you followed Yunjin's manager through the backstage area. Each step brought you closer to the moment you'd been dreaming of, the chance to meet Yunjin in person and perhaps even share a moment alone with her.
As you approached Yunjin's trailer, your pulse quickened, nerves and excitement intertwining in a heady mix. With a deep breath, you stepped inside, ready to embark on the next chapter of this unforgettable Coachella experience.
Inside Yunjin's trailer, the air crackled with an electric tension that seemed to draw you both closer together. As Yunjin stepped into the room, her gaze locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. You couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lingered on you, a silent invitation sparking between you like a flame in the darkness.
"Hello," she greeted, her voice soft but tinged with a hint of something more, something that set your pulse racing. "I'm so glad you could make it."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to find your voice, the heat of her gaze making it difficult to focus. "Thank you for inviting me," you managed to say, your voice husky with emotion. "It's an honor to meet you, Yunjin."
As you exchanged pleasantries, the tension between you grew thicker with each passing moment. Every touch, every shared glance, seemed to fuel the fire that burned between you, igniting a desire that threatened to consume you both.
In the intimate confines of the trailer, the boundaries between you blurred, giving way to a palpable chemistry that simmered just beneath the surface. You could feel the heat of her body as she moved closer, her breath mingling with yours in the close quarters of the room.
"I've been eyeing you all day," Yunjin confessed, her hand raising to gently brush a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
Your breath caught in your throat as her touch sent a jolt of electricity coursing through you. With a shaky sigh, you managed to reply, "I've been eyeing you since you debuted," your voice barely above a whisper, tinged with a nervous giggle.
Yunjin's smile widened, a playful glint dancing in her eyes as she leaned in closer. You felt the heat of her breath against your skin as her gaze flickered down to your lips, then back up to meet your eyes.
“You know why youre here right?” She questioned. A shiver ran down your spine as Yunjin's voice took on a husky tone, her gaze burning with an intensity that made your heart race. Her hands trailed down to your hips, their touch sending waves of sensation rippling through you.
You met her gaze with a mixture of anticipation and desire, your breath catching in your throat as you searched for the right words. "I think I have an idea," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, the air thick with tension.
Yunjin's lips curved into a knowing smile as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against your ear. "Good," she murmured, her voice sending shivers down your spine. "Because I've been wanting you since the moment I saw you."
With that, she closed the distance between you, her lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss that set your world ablaze. In that moment, there was no Coachella, no trailer, just the two of you lost in a whirlwind of desire and longing.
The kiss deepened between you and Yunjin, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of her lips moving fervently against yours. A low moan escaped your lips, mingling with the soft gasps of pleasure that echoed in the intimate space of the dressing room.
Feeling emboldened by the intensity of the moment, Yunjin's hands roamed eagerly over your body, her touch setting your skin ablaze with desire. With a sudden urgency, she pushed you gently backward until you felt the edge of the bed against the back of your legs.
Your heart raced as you tumbled onto the soft mattress, Yunjin hovering above you with a hunger in her eyes that mirrored your own. With a sensual grace, she straddled your hips, her movements fluid and deliberate as she pressed her body against yours, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment.
Her hands trailed along the curves of your body, leaving a trail of tingling sensation in their wake. You arched into her touch, a soft gasp escaping your lips as pleasure coursed through you. And when her lips found yours again, the kiss was searing, a passionate symphony of tongues and teeth that left you breathless and wanting more.
Lost in the heat of the moment, you surrendered yourself to Yunjin's touch, allowing her to explore every inch of your body with a fervor that left you trembling with desire. And as she moved with increasing urgency, her movements becoming more frantic and desperate, you knew that there was no turning back — tonight would be a night to remember, a night of unbridled passion and ecstasy that would leave you both forever changed.
Yunjin's hands moved with purpose, trailing down your body until they reached the waistband of your bottoms.
With a gentle yet urgent tug, she began to slide them down, exposing your skin to the cool air of the dressing room. Your breath caught in your throat at the sensation, a rush of heat flooding through you as Yunjin's touch sent electric currents dancing along your skin.
"Let me please you, baby," she whispered, her voice husky with desire, as she leaned in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. "Let me touch you, please."
Yunjin's words ignited a fire within you, and with a hungry whimper, you nodded eagerly, unable to contain the waves of desire crashing through your body.
"Yes, please," you pleaded, your voice trembling with need as you reached out for her. "Touch me, please."
As Yunjin's warm breath teased your skin, anticipation coiled tightly within you, every nerve on edge in anticipation of her touch. When her tongue finally made contact with your slick folds, you couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped your lips, a jolt of pleasure racing through your body.
Her tongue danced across your sensitive flesh, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over you. Your body quivered in response, pleasure coursing through every inch of your being as she expertly teased and tantalized your most intimate area.
Unable to contain the overwhelming sensations washing over you, you arched your back, your hands clutching at the sheets beneath you as pleasure consumed you. Yunjin's movements grew more fervent, her tongue flicking and swirling with a rhythm that mirrored the pounding of your heart.
Yunjin's tongue traced slow, tantalizing circles against your throbbing clit, a chorus of moans escaped your lips, mingling with the sound of your ragged breaths.
"Oh, god," you gasped, your voice thick with desire as pleasure rippled through you. "Yunjin, please... don't stop."
Yunjin's only response was a low, guttural growl of approval as she intensified her ministrations, her tongue flicking and teasing with a practiced precision that left you trembling with need.
"Yes, just like that," you whimpered, your fingers tangling in the sheets as you surrendered yourself to the blissful onslaught. "Harder... faster..."
With a primal hunger that matched your own, Yunjin obliged, her movements growing more urgent as she drove you relentlessly towards the brink of ecstasy.
As the tension coiled tighter and tighter within you, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of release, every touch, every lick pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
And then, with a final, exquisite flick of her tongue, Yunjin sent you hurtling over the edge into a blissful abyss, your body convulsing with pleasure as waves of ecstasy washed over you, leaving you trembling and utterly spent in her embrace.
Your breaths grew ragged, your body writhing with uncontrollable desire as she drove you relentlessly towards the edge.
"Oh, god, Yunjin," you cried out, your voice raw with need as pleasure engulfed you. "I'm... I'm gonna cum so hard for you."
Sensation overwhelmed your senses, every touch, every flick of her tongue sending shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through your veins. You were teetering on the brink, on the precipice of an earth-shattering release that promised to consume you whole.
With a final, fervent thrust of her tongue, Yunjin pushed you over the edge, and you exploded into a crescendo of pleasure so intense, it felt as if the world itself had shattered around you.
Your cries of ecstasy filled the air, mingling with Yunjin's name as waves of euphoria crashed over you, leaving you trembling and utterly spent in the aftermath of your explosive climax.
Yunjin's sudden movement drew your attention, and as she yanked down her own bottoms, revealing her throbbing, veiny cock, your jaw dropped in stunned amazement. The sight of her arousal, her shaft glistening with pre-cum, sent a surge of desire coursing through you, igniting a primal hunger that burned hot and fierce.
Your eyes widened with anticipation as you took in the sight before you, unable to tear your gaze away from her magnificent arousal. The sheer size and potency of her cock filled you with an overwhelming sense of longing, a need so intense it bordered on obsession.
With trembling hands, you reached out for her, your fingers trailing eagerly along the length of her shaft, reveling in the sensation of her hardness beneath your touch. A low, guttural moan escaped your lips as you felt her pulse against your skin, the heat of her arousal searing through you like a wildfire.
you leaned forward eagerly, your lips parting to take Yunjin's throbbing cock into your mouth, a low groan of pleasure escaped her lips. The taste of her pre-cum on your tongue sent a shiver of delight down your spine as you eagerly took more of her length into your mouth.
Yunjin's fingers threaded through your hair, guiding you gently as you worked her shaft with fervent enthusiasm. With each bob of your head, she let out a string of soft moans and gasps, her hips moving in time with your movements.
"Good girl," she breathed, her voice husky with desire as she praised your efforts. The words sent a thrill of excitement coursing through you, fueling your desire to please her even more.
With a newfound determination, you redoubled your efforts, taking her deeper into your mouth, swirling your tongue around her length, and sucking her with an intensity that left her trembling with pleasure.
In that moment, there was only the two of you, lost in a world of sensation and desire. And as Yunjin's climax approached, her grip on your hair tightened, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as she reached the pinnacle of ecstasy.
With one final, desperate thrust, she came undone, her release flooding your mouth with the taste of her pleasure. And as you swallowed every drop.
As you turned around, positioning yourself on your stomach and lifting your hips in anticipation, a whimper of desire escaped your lips. You glanced over your shoulder, locking eyes with Yunjin, conveying your eagerness and need with a single, longing gaze.
Yunjin wasted no time, her hands gripping your hips firmly as she positioned herself behind you. With a low growl of anticipation, she pressed the tip of her throbbing cock against your slick entrance, teasing you with the promise of what was to come.
"Please," you begged, your voice thick with need as you pushed back against her, desperate for the exquisite release only she could provide. "Fuck me, Yunjin. Hard and fast."
With a primal hunger that matched your own, Yunjin complied, driving into you with a force that left you gasping for breath. Pleasure surged through you in waves as she pounded into you relentlessly, each thrust sending shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through your body.
Your cries of pleasure mingled with Yunjin's own grunts of exertion as she claimed you as her own, the intensity of your connection igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment.
Her thrusts intensified, the sound of skin meeting skin echoed through the air, punctuated by the wet, rhythmic slapping of her hips against yours. Each impact sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through you, the sensation heightened by the intoxicating mix of pain and ecstasy.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Yunjin groaned, her voice thick with desire as she drove into you with primal urgency. "You're so tight, baby. Just for me."
Her words sent a shiver of delight down your spine, fueling the fire of arousal that burned hot and fierce within you. With each thrust, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of oblivion, pleasure threatening to consume you completely.
Yunjin's cock drove deeper into you, stretching you to your limits, a wave of pleasure mingled with a hint of pain washed over you. You could feel every inch of her thick shaft filling you, stretching you in the most deliciously agonizing way possible.
Each ridge and vein on her cock teased your inner walls, sending shivers of ecstasy coursing through your body. The feeling of her veins rubbing against your sensitive flesh sent sparks of pleasure dancing along your nerves, amplifying the intensity of each thrust.
"God, you're so tight," Yunjin groaned, her voice thick with desire as she buried herself deeper inside you. "You feel so fucking good around me."
With each movement, Yunjin's cock seemed to find new depths within you, hitting spots you didn't even know existed and sending waves of pleasure radiating throughout your entire body. The sensation was almost overwhelming, bordering on too much, but you welcomed it eagerly, craving more of the delicious torment she was inflicting upon you.
In that moment, there was nothing but the sensation of Yunjin's cock stretching you, filling you, and the overwhelming pleasure that accompanied it. And as she continued to drive into you with relentless passion, you surrendered yourself completely to the exquisite bliss of being taken by her, knowing that there was nowhere else you'd rather be.
Yunjin's thrusts grew more frenzied, her grip on your hips tightening as she approached the edge of release.
"I'm gonna cum," she groaned, her voice thick with desire as she pounded into you with reckless abandon. "Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you come apart around me."
The words sent a surge of pleasure coursing through you, pushing you closer to the edge with each passing moment. With a cry of ecstasy, you felt the first tendrils of release begin to wash over you, pleasure building to an unbearable crescendo.
"Yes, yes," you moaned, your voice a breathless chorus of need as you gave in to the overwhelming bliss. "I'm gonna cum for you, Yunjin. I'm yours."
And then, with one final, earth-shattering thrust, you tumbled over the edge into ecstasy, your climax consuming you in a whirlwind of sensation and pleasure. Waves of pleasure crashed over you, each sensation more intense than the last as you surrendered yourself completely to the rapture of orgasm.
In that moment, Yunjin followed suit, her own release washing over her in a torrent of ecstasy. With a guttural groan of satisfaction, she spilled her essence deep inside you, filling you with the warmth of her climax as you both rode out the waves of pleasure together.
As the last echoes of ecstasy faded into the air, you collapsed into each other's arms, spent and sated, the blissful aftermath enveloping you in a cocoon of contentment.
A gentle calm settled over the room, the only sound the soft echo of your breathing as you lay tangled together in the aftermath.
With tender care, Yunjin withdrew from you, her touch gentle and reverent as she pressed a series of gentle kisses along your spine, soothing the lingering ache of pleasure. Her arms enveloped you in a warm embrace, pulling you close against her chest as she whispered sweet words of affection and adoration into your ear.
"You were amazing," she murmured, her voice soft with tenderness as she traced gentle circles on your skin. "Thank you for letting me be with you like this."
A contented sigh escaped your lips as you snuggled closer to her, basking in the warmth of her embrace. "Thank you," you whispered back, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude. "For everything."
In that moment, there was only the two of you, lost in the quiet intimacy of your shared connection.
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woniverse-writes · 8 months
"Moth to a Flame (part 5)"
Bada Lee x Reader
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part 4 ⟵ part 5 ⟶ part 6
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 6k
warnings: swearing, angst, y/n is a little psycho asshole in this chapter, but like- bada.... eeh scary, a lot of plot changes cuz I like playing the victim lol, not proofread, ending was kind of rushed, nothing i write is a reflection of anyone's true character and is a work of total fiction
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Shortly after Rie Hata’s message finished playing on the monitors all teams wrapped up their fun and began heading back to the studio to begin preparing for the mega crew mission. They all dry their hair and get changed, reapplying their makeup to prepare for filming again, when the host appears with another message. He congratulates the remaining teams for surviving, and at the mention of Tsubakill’s elimination y/n and the rest of Jam Republic immediately frown. 
Daniel continues to explain the mission and informs them that there will be three different concepts that they have to use, but the way they will be decided is by group discussion. On top of that team Bebe has the benefit of going straight for whatever concept they want without discussion. The three creative prompts consisted of ‘outdoor’, ‘structure’, and ‘all gender’. 
“Ooh we could definitely do something sick with structures” Audrey perked up and her partner-in-crime nodded in agreement before speaking
“Yeah but honestly I think we could do well with any of these…” y/n countered smirking cockily prompting Emma to hum and hold out her hand for a high five.
“I personally feel like we should go for outdoors. I already have so many ideas for what we could do and I know some of you do too…” the leader chimed in, eyeing Ling and Y/n at the mention of other members having ideas. They decide to have their three creative directors be Kirsten, Ling, and Y/n and the three begin coming up with their own separate ideas, with the help of another member. 
When the crew came back together after a few moments of planning and creative briefing, they all shared their ideas. Kirsten came up with the idea of showcasing the beauty of New Zealand since it was most of their crew’s homeland- she wanted to shoot on the beach and have the rocks behind them. Ling’s idea was to take more of an approach that would appeal to their Korean audience, by incorporating more K-pop dance styles and music and shooting in the heart of the city with all the lights in the back. Everyone really liked both ideas, but y/n’s quickly became their favorite when she explained it.
“Okay so this might be too much, and could easily get muddled- but what if we did a sports theme? Like- we each represent a different sport or activity while also representing our culture or background… each of us could get a highlight and we’d all have our “teams” that would dance in our own styles- then we’d all come together in the end as a sort of pep-rally type thing…” y/n finished off the basic ideas of her take, and everyone immediately either nodded or clapped, thoroughly impressed with how quickly she had come up with such an elaborate idea.
“And this is exactly why you’re here girlfriend- forever a genius…” the leader nodded and smiled at her youngest, clapping her hands slowly and appreciatively. It was an idea that could work with all three concepts so the team decided to mark y/n’s as the top choice as of right now.
When all the teams gathered to pick their concept Jam Republic and Bebe were the only groups that chose something other than ‘structure’, Jam Republic sticking to their outdoor idea and Bebe going with the all gender category. After the pink team explained why they picked what they did, it caused Deep n Dap to change their pick to outdoor as well, saying it was because they felt their crew could easily rival Jam Republic, which caused Kirsten to maturely and professionally nod, while y/n covered her mouth and snickered.
After Jam Republic has guaranteed themselves a spot in the outdoor concept, they head back to their team hideout and begin to plan out their ideas in full. Y/n already begins to map out choreography for her and Ling’s sections, while Emma does the same for herself and Audrey, leaving Kirsten and Latrice to pair up. The girls decided to head back to New Zealand and take advantage of the scenery as part of the expression of their members’ culture. It was a nice blend of y/n and Kirsten’s concepts. 
Y/n and Bada hadn’t really talked much since they began preparing for the Mega Crew mission, both focusing on their team’s success. Although they still texted daily, sometimes it was only a quick good morning or goodnight, while other times they had fuller conversations.
‘Have a safe flight, text me when you land plz!’ y/n read the message right before she got on the plane. She felt her heart swell at the little gesture of care, hearting the message and replying with a selfie of her in the airport paired with the words ‘thank you lovey, I will <3’.
Jam Republic boarded their plane and took off from South Korea to New Zealand, with many plans already going wrong as soon as the plane was in the air. You see, they had just been informed of how bad the weather was in the area, then about how many of the dancers they called for wouldn’t be able to make it. Each member was responsible for contacting and securing 10 members to come dance with them, explaining how the show would be paying for their trip and all the dancers had to do was show up and give it their best. It started off really well, with each of them actually coming back with more than 10 dancers. Then the weather hit. Flights were canceled or delayed to the point where people wouldn’t make it in enough time to learn the dance. On top of that, their idea to shoot at the beach was totally scrapped due to the intense winds. With the major setbacks of losing over half their dancers and not being able to use their original scene, the girls had to redo choreography and practically start the whole project over.
“This can’t be happening…” y/n was the first to start spiraling, ever the drama queen- but this time it was very justified. All six members of the crew stood in a circle in the middle of the studio floor, eyes flitting back and forth between each other and their leader, who was staring at the floor deep in thought. Kirsten let out a huge sigh and crossed her arms tensely.
“I’m sorry girls… but I really don’t know what we’re gonna do…” the leader ran her hands down her face and let out another deep breath, turning away for a moment with her hands on her hips. At that moment, the youngest realized how serious the situation really was, seeing as her leader wasn’t presenting her usual calm self. Typically when there was an issue, Kirsten was calm, cool, and collected- even if it seemed unsolvable… she always had an answer no matter what.
y/n being the perfectionist she is, began racking her brain for any possible solutions, already feeling her lungs begin to collapse at the possibility of complete failure. On top of being a perfectionist, the young girl also had a pretty bad case of savior complex, feeling like she had to fix everyone’s problems, especially when there was no one else who could- even if she knew that she herself probably wouldn’t be able to fix it either (at least not without bending over backward and bleeding herself dry). 
“No… no we can easily fix this-” all eyes went to the youngest member who ran off to grab all their notebooks and bring them back over to where the crew still stood. She spread them out, riffling through the pages until she found ideas they could use. 
“We can still use the stadium… it won’t be as grand of a scale as we wanted, but that can still work. And- and we can make it related to New Zealand instead of all of our different backgrounds, so it’s easier to put together and less choreography to make up… we can fix this!” y/n was frantically and hopefully (delusionally) explaining her ideas, trying as hard as she could to bring the team’s morale back up. They sat down in their circle and began connecting the ideas, just hoping for the best at this point
Even though the Jam Republic girls were frustrated, they only let it fuel their will to work even harder. It crushed y/n a little to have to scrap her idea, knowing it would’ve brought them an easy win, but she was determined to make their new routine strong. The team had ultimately decided to keep the athletic theme but changed it quite a bit to highlight rugby which was a big part of New Zealand culture. The girls planned on dancing in the bleachers and on the field to portray a Friday night lights feel, or a game- since it technically was still a competition between them and deep n dap.
A few days go by and it isn’t getting any easier for Jam Republic. As much as they try to stay positive, the insane lack of dancers makes it hard to achieve the impact they’re going for. Y/n kept saying how they needed to keep trying to find more dancers, but Kirsten just wanted to focus on perfecting the routine with what they had. The young girl also kept mentioning little ideas and elements to add in order to amplify the concept they were going for, but again the leader was more focused on solidifying the present piece. Y/n ended up getting so frustrated that she would just randomly start tearing up and crying during their breaks, not allowing herself to stop for more than 30 seconds, grabbing a quick sip of water, and then immediately going back to practicing. She thought that maybe if she gave it her all, she wouldn’t be as disappointed in herself when she wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. 
Of course, all of the girls were on edge but they at least were able to put it aside at some moments, still being able to enjoy parts of the process. y/n tried her best not to let her teammates see how anxious and worked up she was, but the girl was so overwhelmed with fear of failure that it would be impossible for anyone not to see it. Which is why it made everything so much worse for her when she continued to go through the rest of the preparation without a single person asking what was wrong. Y/n understood- really, she did. Everyone needed to focus on the end goal, and that meant there wasn’t time to deal with her feelings.
Bada was beginning to worry, seeing as the last response she had gotten from y/n was days ago. The girl had landed her flight and texted the Bebe leader immediately, letting her know she was safe, but also explaining the problems that had already arisen. They talked briefly about how the pink team was likely going to have to restart everything if the weather didn’t ease up. Then a couple of days later, they talked on the phone about the complete concept change and reboot of their whole routine. Y/n tried to keep her stress to a minimum, not wanting to be a burden to the other girl who was also beginning to get stressed. 
It had been many days since then, and she’d texted the younger girl three separate times as well as tried calling her twice. Bada finally got a response the day before Jam Republic would be flying back to Korea for the midterm mission check, where they as well as the other teams would be reviewing each other’s practice videos of the choreography. It had been a somewhat longer text message reading ‘hi. I’m really sorry for not responding at all for the last few days. I know you’re probably just as stressed as i am, so I’m sorry for not being able to be there. Things haven’t been going good over here and I’m honestly really scared to present what we have… but I’m sure everything will be fine haha. How have you been?’
Bada felt her heart clench at the girl’s words, understanding why she wasn’t responding but still feeling a bit upset nonetheless. It hurt her to see y/n try to brush off her stress and redirect her attention so it would focus on caring for others instead of caring for herself.
Jam Republic arrives back in South Korea and heads straight to the studio to film their reactions and judgments of the other teams. They immediately make their way to their pink hideout passing by other crews, but not having time to mingle or really do anything more than smile and wave. The girls were exhausted from the flight, jetlag, and overworking themselves. y/n didn’t even realize team Bebe wasn’t with the rest of the crews when they passed through the lobby.
Bebe sat in their room, feeling more anxious than usual, a bad vibe floating through the air. No one could quite put their finger on it, but something definitely wasn’t right and it was causing all of the members to feel its effects. It officially came time for all crews to review each dance practice video. Each team’s video played one by one and the members had time to fill out the review cards before moving on to the next. 
Bebe’s video played next and the reactions were not positive, to say the least. Everyone seemed disappointed by the piece as a whole, expecting something much bigger- the music was too big of a risk, the props were poorly utilized, and it was overall just too simple. It wasn’t a bad video- it just didn’t meet anyone’s expectations since they were all waiting for some elaborate project, knowing Bada was very capable of doing so. Shortly after, a similar reaction was felt while everyone watched the Jam Republic video.
“They don’t have enough people…” Mina Myoung was the first to observe the team’s lack of crew members. They even paused the video to count how many were shown, seeing 28, which was under the minimum limit of 30 people.
“It honestly isn’t powerful enough… it’s just not impressive” Buckey commented, crossing her arms over her chest. Yoonji sighed and frowned.
“This is so sad… I was really rooting for them” The girl mumbled, genuinely feeling pity for the international team, hoping they’d be able to pull through.
When it came down to voting for the team that should be eliminated, Jam Republic ultimately chose Bebe. They were originally tied between voting for Bebe and Wolf'lo, with y/n fighting her best fight to vote for Wolf'lo because it just didn't look entertaining to her and they had no story or plot.
"y/n…" Kirsten started off in a warning but gentle tone
"We can’t just not pick Bebe because of you and Bada… this is a competition babe." and y/n was kinda hurt by that because she knows how to be objective and she didn't even think she was biasing Bebe- she just personally didn't like Wolf'lo and thought they should be eliminated over any other team.
Then it finally came down to the results. Each team would be given a scorecard showing the comments and feedback they’d received from the others. One card would reveal the team voted as most likely to place first, and another would reveal who was most likely to be eliminated. When Jam Republic opens their card, it felt like all of the air suddenly got sucked out of the room. 
“God DAMN” Audrey laughed humorlessly in absolute shock, as they all stared at the words ‘MOST AT RISK FOR ELIMINATION’ in big bold letters at the top. y/n stopped breathing for a few seconds and she’s pretty sure everyone else did too, seeing as there was not a single sound to be heard in the dressing room. The young girl once again tried to convince herself to think rationally, but couldn’t get past the anxiety and crushing weight of failure that was starting to fill her lungs. She wasn’t even angry, even though she should’ve been because she understood. y/n understood that they didn’t meet the criteria, and their dance simply wasn’t as put together as it should've been, especially in comparison to other teams/
What really got her emotional was realizing that Bebe- that BADA- voted for them too… it felt like such betrayal and she wore that shit on her face like usual. But still- she didn't feel angry, just betrayed and heartbroken, and really fucking disappointed. The more mature and logical side of y/n was still trying not to jump to conclusions because maybe it wasn’t Bada that decided… Maybe it was the same situation her team had going on- maybe Bada didn’t want to vote for Jam Republic but the majority of others did. Y/n truly did understand everyone’s reasoning, but that didn’t make it hurt any less, especially having Bada vote to eliminate her as well
“It’s gonna be okay lovey… I promise” Kirsten wrapped her arm around the youngest’s shoulders and whispered reassuringly to her as she watched her begin to have a mental breakdown. Moments later, the rest of the crew’s ranking was revealed, showing 1 Million in first and Jam Republic in last, but also- Bebe in sixth, the second to last place. Seeing this, Bada sighed and began to have her own slight mental breakdown.
Some teams celebrated their rankings while others sat quietly, reviewing the feedback and pondering what to do. Jam Republic sat in silence as Kirsten read over the comments. Y/n sat by her side with her head in her hands sobbing silently, so overwhelmed that she didn’t know what to do. The entire team was at a loss, and soon Kirsten started crying too, wrapping and arm around the youngest members, who finally let her emotions be shown to her team. The loud cries were the only sound in the room.
Y/n was able to calm herself down after about 20 minutes of crying. The poor girl felt so awful about how things were going feeling responsible for a lot of it- thinking that maybe if she had pushed her ideas a little more, or gotten in contact with more people, or even just tried a little harder, maybe Jam Republic could’ve done so much better. Even though she’s calmed down, tears still flow down her face without her even realizing it. Y/n was never angry at anyone else for their opinions, but now she’s feeling awfully spiteful towards herself. The youngest member was filled with so much resentment and self-hatred, that it immediately sent her into an inescapable depression.
The show writers and staff were cruel. So cruel for making these girls show off their inspiration boards and creative briefs live in front of the other teams. Each team explains their given concept and how they came up with the details to highlight what they chose. While it was much more of a relaxed environment (in the sense that there would be no feedback or ranking based on this), a majority of contestants were nowhere near feeling at ease. 
The members of Jam Republic were able to build themselves back up and put on their game faces while presenting, except for y/n. She really did try her best to not look like she was about to cry at the drop of a hat, but it was no use. The girl was simply not herself. The small girl’s usually bright and energetic personality was nowhere to be found, not once cracking even a hint of a smile- even when Jam Republic received immense praise for their ideas. She didn’t find any enjoyment in the other crew’s presentations, although to be fair she wasn’t really able to focus on them- she just sat there in a daze.
It made everyone nervous to see Jam Republic’s youngest member like this. Her members noticed that she had become even more irritable than before- but now in a scary way that genuinely had them concerned for themselves and everyone else. The girl was calm but you could just feel the rage and depression and resentment radiating off of her to the point it made chills run down your spine.
After every crew had shared their ideas and idea boards, they were allowed to go back to head back to their hideouts to discuss any adjustments or further plans that had to be made before returning to their projects. Jam Republic had to get right back on a plane in a few hours to head back to New Zealand and somehow fix their entire routine, again.
Y/n just finished walking up the staircase leading from the fight zone to the crew lounges, when she heard someone call out her name from closely behind her. The girl turned around to come face to face with the tall leader she had been talking with for the last few months.
“Hey, are you okay? I called your name like three times…” Bada questioned worriedly, her eyebrows furrowed and head tilted as she waited for the younger girl’s response, with wide caring eyes.
“...I'm just really tired” y/n whispered in the meekest voice possible, already feeling her eyes start to sting again, but trying to cover it up with a smile. Bada sighs and pulls her into a big hug, and surprisingly y/n doesn’t burst into tears. The girl continues to try as hard as possible to keep the droplets from escaping her eyes as she squeezes them shut.
“Look… I’m really sorry” the older of the two began resting her head atop y/n’s, but the shorter one felt her body tense at the apology already not liking where the conversation was headed. y/n let go of Bada’s waist and backed away, waiting for the older girl to continue.
“It wasn’t personal… the dance was still very good, and it’ll look even better with all of the ideas planned out!” she finished, referring to how her team had voted Jam Republic as the worst crew. Y/n’s face lost any emotion she had regained, looking empty and exhausted again, making Bada’s skin prickle.
“no, I understand” was all y/n spoke, already trying to disconnect from reality to save herself from crying again or making a bigger fool out of herself than she already has. But Bada is only more upset by the reaction, seeing as y/n just doesn’t seem at all like herself. The girl genuinely looks empty inside and no one on the show has ever seen her like this, in fact- no one in Jam Republic has even seen her like this and they’re all beginning to become extremely worried about her. And even though it’s clear the small girl just needs time and space, Bada decides to keep talking 
“The vote was objective I promise, I don’t want you to think anything personally of it” At the end of the older girl’s sentence, y/n just felt the tiniest bit of a scowl make its way onto her face, feeling pissed off at the thought of someone once again thinking she doesn’t understand the concept of a competition.
“Obviously- I’m not stupid, this is a competition.” the harsh tone that comes out of the younger really throws Bada for a loop because she has never seen y/n speak to or about anyone like this- and it makes her feel sick to her stomach that her first time witnessing it is directed at her.
“I- no, what? Of course you’re not stupid! I just wanted to make sure… to make sure you knew. That’s all.” Bada started off a bit panicked and emotional but quickly was able to calm down and speak rationally, understanding the younger girl was known to have a bit of a temper. There was a long silent pause.
"did you decide on Jam Republic?" y/n asked a bit accusatorily
"Huh?" the older tilted her head, still absolutely confused about how this situation was occurring right now.
"did YOU, as in yourself, Bada Lee, decide to vote Jam Republic as the team to be eliminated, or was it someone else's idea…" There was silence for a moment before Bada sighed then pursed her lips
"We all decided-" 
"but who's idea was it? Did you even argue it? Were you even thinking of anyone else? Or did you just immediately decide and agree that my team should be the next to go?" Bada didn’t say anything as she started to get a little frustrated, but she watched as y/n just scoffed at the lack of response and turned to walk away, rolling her eyes. Bada followed her and pulled her aside, a few feet away from the outside of Bebe's dressing room
"well you voted for my team as the worst, so how is this any fair at all?" the tall leader finally let her emotions take control of her as she shot back with much less frustration than her counterpart, but still irritated nonetheless.
"because I didn't want to vote for you! I fought to vote Wolf'lo over you guys because I know you don't deserve to go home! I understand it from an objective perspective- I promise Bada, I do- but that doesn't make it hurt any less!" There were a few beats of silence before y/n continued
"and it's honestly really infuriating that you don't think I understand that this is a competition-" she finished off quieter than before but still filled with annoyance and betrayal.
"WOAH- now when did I EVER say that??" now it was Bada’s turn to blow up
 "Oh my god- you don't have to say it! You clearly think I'm just here to have fun and make friends!" y/n once again raised her voice, this time rising in pitch as well.
"Why would you say that??" Bada fired back and was immediately met with the calmest tone of voice y/n had spoken in since the argument began, and it terrified her.
"Bada- you haven't seen me as a threat once this entire competition… have you? Not to you, not to your team…" Bada stuttered for a second, completely blindsided by the argument
"where is this all coming from y/n?" the tall girl asked, genuinely concerned. y/n sighed and her eyes softened, shook her head.
"never mind" She turned and went to walk away, but Bada grabbed her by the wrist again and dragged her inside the blue team room, closing the door behind her
"you need to speak to me. You need to communicate with me what's going on right now because whatever you're feeling is totally valid- we had a rough day out there- fuck, we’ve had a rough few days, especially you- but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on me… so please tell what's wrong, so I can try to help." the older girl calmly and gently explained her thoughts and feelings to the girl in front of her, and y/n almost cracked. almost.
“I think it’s best for me to focus on the competition… building relationships clearly isn’t working out to my benefit" Her previously soft and watery eyes, had quickly cleared up within a few seconds, leaving her looking cold and unapproachable again. The response was petty and childish, y/n herself knew that, but she said to hurt Bada. 
why do you want to hurt Bada? She was apologizing, why are you making this harder? You’re being childish and proving everyone right- you’re not fit for this competition, you’re too young y/n and you don’t know how to handle things when you actually need to.
The younger girl’s internal dialogue was emotional and resentful towards herself, but for once, the expression on her face didn’t show how she was truly feeling. The anger and hatred taking over her features wasn’t directed towards the older girl in front of her, which is what anyone witnessing the interaction would assume. y/n could feel her stomach churning and her face getting hot with embarrassment. She didn’t understand why she was acting like this and didn’t know how to get herself to stop.
It felt like hours had passed before Bada spoke again and when she did it was led by an aggressive scoff.
“You can’t be serious right now…” she challenged so calmly that it sent a chill up y/n’s spine, the younger girl’s resolve finally breaking down and it became apparent that she wasn’t actually as tough as she was trying to be. Bada could see the cold glare falter for a split second, watching as her eyes became full of emotion before the younger was able to reel it in again.
“Why wouldn’t I be serious? This is a competition and the only people I should be trusting are my teammates, I shouldn’t be letting my emotions get in the way of things…” y/n responded just as calmly. If anyone else were to be present for the interaction they probably would've froze to death due to how cold the two were being.
“Next time I'll make sure to vote objectively and solely based on what I see in front, instead of trying to think about who deserves to be here more.” she finished with an empty, tight-lipped smile, tilting her head feigning understanding, and Bada let out a humorless chuckle
“God- have you always been this manipulative?” it was her turn to try and hurt the other girl. y/n’s cocky grin dropped immediately and she straightened up entirely.
“Excuse me?” the younger girl furrowed her brows and scowled again
“You heard me…” Bada replied cooly and nonchalantly as if this were any other normal conversation 
“I came to you, apologizing for what I did and your response to that is to start an argument- and THEN when you realize you’re in the wrong, you try to turn it on me?” the older girl finished, voice rising slightly
“I never turned it on you- I said how I needed to focus on the competition and stop being so friendly with everyone, how are you so self-absorbed to think that was about you?” y/n could barely even get her last word out before the other was shouting over her.
“BECAUSE IT WAS- it so obviously was a dig at me y/n, because who else are you close with? Huh??” the volume of Bada’s voice caused the younger girl to flinch, no longer being able to preserve her emotions. The tall girl took a few steps forward and leaned down, getting in y/n’s face.
“Who else can actually stand being around you…” shot after shot fired, Bada was doing a much better job at hurting y/n than y/n was doing hurting Bada. She wasn’t even thinking about how she used to tell herself that she would never be the reason y/n would be crying, and now here she is, feeling satisfied when she sees a single tear run down the girl's face. She wasn’t paying attention to how it sucked all the air out of her lungs and made her stomach turn in disgust, only noticing the minuscule feeling of satisfaction.
“I think it’s so funny how you say that, knowing damn well you get jealous any time someone even looks at me… you know better than anybody that anyone in this fucking place would love to be in your position-” and this caused Bada to let out a loud laugh of disbelief, backing away slightly before getting right back in her face
“Yeah? Then how come nobody even paid attention to you until I took notice… you know that’s the only reason you’re popular, right? If it had been anyone else, no one would’ve cared… admit it to yourself, nobody wants to be in my place y/n- they all wanna be in yours, so maybe think about how lucky you are…” Bada didn’t believe in a single thing that was coming out of her mouth, she honestly couldn’t even believe her own voice hearing how condescending and spiteful the words sounded as they left her lips. She could feel a slight ringing in her ears, part of her brain processing it as a tiny voice screaming at her to stop and that she was making a mistake. But the damage was already done.
Y/n was barely holding back tears anymore, pursing her lips and clenching her jaw did nothing to stop the flow of salty droplets from streaming down her face. Her nostrils flared slightly as she swallowed down sobs and tightly closed her eyes.
“I’m not having this conversation anymore…” she managed to get the words out without sounding horribly choked up as she turns away to leave, hand about to turn the knob as the older girl lets out another dry chuckle.
“Oh so now you wanna act mature? Let me tell you this isn’t the mature way to handle the situation anymore- you don’t know how to talk to people or resolve conflict, in fact you’re NOT confrontational at all, and are really just a scared little girl who’s all bark and no bite. You’re such a child- that’s all you are- is a FUCKING child…” it’s dead silent after Bada’s done screaming at her. Y/n turns around slowly and just stands there for a moment with a blank stare, then lets out the most dry, humorless laugh. It honestly scares the shit out of the older girl, eyes going wide and face paling, coming to her senses and realizing how fucked the situation was. 
Y/n was smiling and laughing, albeit a little psychotically, all while still crying- she had finally snapped, and Bada was terrified. The girl in front of her could easily be a danger to herself, and possibly others in the state she was in, but all the leader could think about was how there was probably no coming back from this. The younger of the two just closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them and nodding at Bada with a tight-lipped smile, taking a deep breath.
“Okay” y/n smiles painfully as tears continue to run down her face- she turns around, swings the door open, and slams it shut as she walks out. The silence that followed was broken only seconds later as Bada heard the sobs that were almost immediately released by the girl who had just left.
y/n hadn’t even noticed the rest of Bada’s team standing around the corner, as she walked in the other direction to head back to her own room. Once she was far enough away, Lusher led the group quietly into their space seeing their leader sat on the couch with her head in her hands.
“Hey…” she speaks quietly, and Bada looks up with an empty look in her eyes, but tries to hide it when she realizes her team is present. Before she can even try to pretend nothing happened, the sub-leader was speaking up again
“We heard everything…” Bada sighed and felt tears pricking her eyes, disappointment and heartbreak finally taking over as she realized how fucked up the things she said were. The younger members sat around their leader and rubbed her arm or leg while they all watched with sad eyes as she sobbed. This was going to be a rough next few days.
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notes: i'm so sorry...
taglist (open): @tinybada @angel-hyuckie @violetinferno @jesuschrist2006 @1luvkarina @uwulyn @justandloyal2961 @deadgirlwalking3 @heeheemich @squidvoldyvoid @vivzyo @ouhaika @jksjx @ocyeanicc @marianamartinsthings @jxrdxnh @luvjanexx @lorenztired @khjssss @heavenlycloud @loisje123 @starchasermyloves @zhivaxo @grinnwolph @notyourd0lly @stinkbvgs @nermandiiiii-blog @abllucena @arujee @idontknownemore @thatgayinsomniac @l-a-u-r-a--b @fruitr0llup @cgriffin9797-blog @woooooya @kaaylvst @ssc7514 @astoreea @linda-botello @kpopgirl-97 @erikook @majookim @okjaeminn @misszoldyc @sammisregrets @jysai @moonsvrse @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog @tikitsune @aestrelle19 @laaaasanielzz @randomhoex @tswisal1 @leasha25823 @unpretty-reader @charlesswife
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new hs history teacher(/basketball coach ofc) steve who is being shown around the school by gym teacher chrissy.
she takes him around the building to show him where the teacher's lounge is, the cafeteria, what bathrooms to avoid at all costs, and to where her office is if he ever needs anything.
"If I'm not here, I'm probably in Robbie's class over in the language department."
"Robin, my partner. She officially teaches ASL, but she likes to join in on the others' lessons whenever she has downtime."
Finally, once they've covered the whole length of the school, she brings him to his room. "So this is you, and right next door is Eddie, our Criminalistics teacher." gesturing to the still-dark window of the door directly across from his in the alcove. 
There's polaroids covering nearly every inch of the outside of the door, pictures of what he can only assume are students with the same dark-haired man.
"It's a science elective," she explains, "It focuses on the basics of forensic science!"
"Wow that’s…really?"
She nods enthusiastically, "It’s super interesting,” she nods, moving to unlock the empty what-will-be history classroom. “Eddie’s here on even days, and in the music room on odd days for the guitar elective classes."
"Anything I should know about my wall neighbor?" he asks as she pushes the door open.
It looks like she's going to say no, but something flickers across her face and she winces minutely.
"Oh god, what is it?"
She looks at him sheepishly, "How do you feel about metal music?"
Since his tour in mid June, Steve's completely overhauled his classroom. 
The only room available to him was the one down here in the science hall, but he made do, plastering removable whiteboard contact paper to the tops of the lab tables and a little reminder at each spot for the students about his less-than-stellar hearing, to make sure they speak up when answering a question from the back of the room.
And ever since he got his room, he'd been waiting for the day he finally meets his neighbor.
He met Chrissy's Robbie the same day he had the tour, and they clicked instantly (No seriously, how did he ever function before Robin?). Chrissy had made the comment about them being platonic soulmates one night in August when they'd gone out for one too many drinks, and it's stuck ever since.
Speaking of: "What are you still doing here, dingus? It's almost five."
"Yeah, I know, I know," he says, waving her off.
Robin comes in from the hall and plops herself down on one of the table tops instead of helping him hang a map behind his desk. "You're still adding stuff to your walls?"
"Well, I haven't been here for a couple years already, Bobs," he grits out as he stretches up on his toes to hang the far corner of his map. Finally, the eyelet hooks over the many-times-painted-over hook embedded in the concrete wall. "So yes."
"Well you can finish up tomorrow, we," she emphasizes the word by dramatically waving the same sign with her hand between them, "Have a burger date to get to." 
The following day, the day before the school year officially starts, Steve arrives early to his classroom, only to find his neighbor's classroom lit up as well.
The be-polaroided door is propped open all the way, the sound of heavy drums and guitar streaming out the door along with the faint smell of moth balls and a spicy incense.
His own room forgotten, Steve steps through Mr. Munson's doorway.
Eddie is standing behind his desk at the front of the room, but hunched over it scribbling onto something.
When Steve's shoe squeaks against the tile floor, Eddie says "Hey, what do you think, identifying skeletal remains, or blood spatter first?" without looking up at him.
"Skeletons, of course." Eddie's head snaps up to look at him. His huge dark eyes are much more striking in person than in a photo. "Much more interesting, yeah?"
Eddie blinks at him. "You're not Chrissy."
"You're correct."
Eddie blinks again, "Who're you?"
"Oh, sorry, hi. I'm Steve. I'm your new neighbor." he gives the other man an awkward wave when he still doesn't move. "Sorry, should I--" he says, gesturing over his shoulder with a thumb.
"No!" Eddie interrupts, standing straight and hurrying out from around his desk. 
He extends a hand and jogs lightly up to Steve. His pen is still laced into his fingers, the end of it chewed flat. "Oh shit, sorry, sorry," he tucks the pen behind his ear, "I'm Eddie. Munson."
"I know," Steve smirks, taking Eddie's hand. "I've been waiting to meet you."
"Oh have you?" he smirks.
"Yeah, Chrissy told me you're her best friend and I wanted your advice on maybe asking her out."
Eddie's face hardens immediately, the warm milk chocolate of his eyes curing into a solid dark, the easy smirk morphing into a cringe as he looks Steve up and down.
He opens his mouth to say something particularly scathing, Steve's sure, but he cuts him off before he can. "I'm kidding, man, I know she's with Robin."
His expression softens just a bit.
"Plus, she's not really my type anyway, even if I were hers."
"Yeah, I'm more into brunettes." Steve winks, finally releasing Eddie's hand. "I still have a bit more to get done, but I'll check in with you later?"
"Oh--yeah, for sure, I'll be here." Eddie stammers out, his cheeks tinged pink.
Steve fist pumps in his head as he heads to his door, You still got it, Harrington.
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renardtrickster · 5 months
Also because bringing up "I watched Hazbin Hotel" and only talking about discourse is a Bad Look, here's my thoughts on the pilot and the four episodes thus far released.
I've seen some people say the animation in the show is less fluid in the pilot, but I think I like the show's animation more? It's a lot more consistent, the characters are shaded so they stand out from the background more (and kind of "pop"), but honestly a passing vibe I got in the pilot now and then was that it was "too fluid", like it moved too fast at places or like it had a lot of "flourishes" that felt off. I can't accurately explain it, but point is, I like the show's vibes more.
I also like the redesigns. I didn't notice anything too drastic with say Dust, Alastor, or Charlie, but Vaggie's was an upgrade. The red shirt breaks up the white, and she's looking much more Moth (the more Moth your characters look the better).
I don't really have anything to say about the voices, my attention was divided elsewhere. I will be committing seppuku later for not being able to have a strong, belligerent opinion on this matter.
Speaking of Vaggie, now that I've seen more of her character, I've grown to appreciate her more. There's a sort of 4-section graph where Charlie and Vaggie believe in the Hotel's success, with Charlie being much more personally emotionally invested in it while Vaggie's more cynical and seems to be doing it more for Charlie's sake. Meanwhile Angel Dust and Alastor don't believe the Hotel can succeed, but Alastor still helps while Angel Dust just blows things off.
Also everyone who did the "she's an Angry Latina stereotype" thing can eat shit now. She was angry in the pilot because Angel Dust publicly embarrassed her girlfriend, tarnished any credibility the Hotel had, and then insulted her to her face while being unrepentant the entire time. Now that we've seen more from her, she's just grumpy and more willing to put her foot down (as opposed to Charlie who is bubbly and more accommodating). I knew this specific accusation was bad faith from day 1.
I genuinely don't think the show is edgy. It "appears" edgy, but Charlie's a disney princess who walked onto the wrong set and is shifting the genre through her presence. The fact that her goal is to show that people in Hell can change and become better people isn't just portrayed as earnest (instead of naive) but it is in fact achievable (as shown by Pentious and the others over time) adds onto this. The show is a fundamentally hopeful and positive one and I respect it for that.
In line with that, I appreciate the musical numbers. They bop, I didn't need to tell you this, but they also fall into the category of "endearing through earnesty". Like Charlie singing to Pentious about how change begins with an apology is the corniest shit on earth, but I couldn't help but smile about it.
I do like the speed of the plot, both the "redeeming people" plot and the "expedited extermination" one. I cynically expected Pentious' redemption to be a red herring, but the fact that he stuck around and is turning over is something I approve of. It is a bit fast at times though, I do know that this is because there's only 8 episodes, but I choose to blame the studio/streaming platform over the writers on this one. Also, we should throw bricks through the window of every streaming service headquarters.
I did like Adam's portrayal. The original Adam and Eve myths, whether or not Lilith is there, do lend themselves to misogyny, both in terms of reading and "what influenced some doctrine". Between Lilith being cast out for not wanting to be subservient to a man/wanting to top and then having sex with animals and demons or something, and Eve getting duped by the snake and now humanity's been cursed with original sin because femoids are dumb and bad and men should make the decisions, etc. etc. Adam being depicted as a misogynistic frat bro-type who is obsessed with his dick and brags about his conquests to random people reads to me more as "a clever take/commentary on christian mythology and culture" instead of "gratuitous edginess".
Honest to god, I think they're better at using swear words now. My principle criticism of Helluva Boss (which I like) is that they sometimes use "fuck" like it's punctuation, and it can get grating or become "noise" that doesn't register, which is Bad when it's your funny dialogue. Cursing is still casual, but I feel like characters only turn on the capslock and start screaming FUCKING SHITASS when they're emotionally compromised or intentionally meant to come across as crude and unlikeable. If they took notes and course-corrected on this, I will never wear a hat because it's going to be off to them forever.
Angel Dusts' voice direction in episode 4 was really good. He usually speaks in a somewhat high-pitched, New York ("new yoike") accent, but when he was yelling at Charlie to leave I noticed that it seemed to get a bit deeper and he lost the accent, as though he was so upset he couldn't keep up the affect anymore. I got chills.
TL;DR Hazbin Hotel is good, actually.
Maybe people should take more breaks from using the internet, for their mental health.
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dorcas4meadowes · 4 months
could you do a luke fic where an apollo kid reader teaches him how to play guitar?(and maybe sing together) also i love your works🫶
Taught Strums
Pairing - Luke Castellan x Apollo!reader
W/c - 1.5
Master list
A/n: you are so sweet ml <33
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Attempting to engage a handful of demigod children proved to be tedious. It was more tempestuous than a quest ever could ever be. You were exceedingly grateful for your students' inherent abilities to produce music, but it sounded as pleasant as a group of seven could on untuned guitars.
This was the most demanding part of your mornings, seeking out gratitude amongst the ringing noises. You woke with the desire to teach and would leave feeling mildly accomplished, but mostly drained. You loved your siblings, but they had demonstrated to be rather difficult.
You moved your brother’s grip to grasp a chord and allowed a gentle note to caress your ears.
“When can I learn a song?” He asked, strumming gently against his instrument.
“You keep this up and maybe by the weekend.” You replied with a soft smile.
“Really!?” The small blonde you assisted, beaming at his success.
You wouldn’t admit to favourites amongst your siblings, but the Solace boy raised your spirits.
Your sister called for your assistance and you were once again whisked away to help, oblivious to the eyes that remained on your applicable frame.
Your boyfriend was at the dining pavilion playing a distracted game of cards, his gaze gently on you. He watched you lean forward, the beads around your neck slipping over your shirt, his sight set on an additional emblem that graced the thread around your neck and his. Few campers had nostalgic pieces adorned to their threads, Annabeth had her fathers college ring, a few of the demeter kids had resin pressed flowers, but you and Luke shared a small stone carving a Lyre. It represented your gift, your love and the ever dreamt of Elysium. The charm is a constant affirmation of who you belonged to and who he would seek out in the depths of Tartarus.
“Luke,” Chris gestured, having to repeat his name to gather his attention, “your play man.” He mindlessly set out a card and let his gaze return back to your attentive grasp, soaking in your warmth. He couldn’t help but dismiss the meaningless game when you were near, he was like a moth to a flame, your fire slowly making his other priorities melt.
“Dude just go.” Connor took the pile of cards back and began to shuffle them, a few of them floating on the ground.
Luke didn’t have to be told twice and let the invisible guide between you tug him to your presence, to your sweet smile and gentle hands. His inherent nature was dependent on you, he was forever reaching out.
“Hi Luke,” a few of your siblings chorused, your head turning at his arrival.
“Bad time?” He asked.
“Just a minute,” you replied, turning to your sister. While you assisted the girl your siblings instantly flocked to Luke, asking questions about swords and fighting, the real world and about anything that came to their small minds.
As to your promise you salvaged him from your pestering - loving - siblings, explaining that practice was to be finished later, leaving them with a guitar’s neck in your grasp.
“Where to, ‘Lucy Gray’?” he asked, his calloused hands finding yours.
“You’ll see.”
The sun followed wherever your feet trailed, an ever glowing halo making your skin warm to the touch, Luke forever in the palm of your hand. You led him towards the lake, just to where the stones met the lush grass and blanketed at the base of an Oak tree, a seat woven from the flora and roots.
The plants saved you from your troubles and moulded around you, sculpting against your body and Luke’s alike, your guitar resting in your lap. Your eyes flickered to the splash of Naiads who retreaded under the rush of waves, the women’s tails snapping against the tension of the water, and letting it ripple against the tide. You turned your gaze to Luke, who’s never left yours. Your boyfriend had a tendency to stare, his mind would buzz and his head would tilt a little, but you couldn’t sustain contact for as long as he could, so you turned to your instrument.
The notes your fingers strum were pure and resonant and echoed through the stillness. Your fingers pulled across the strings with ease while you let a soft hum leave your lips, a whisper to the passing breeze.
You had a gift, distinguishable from your siblings. Children of Apollo had a tendency to lean towards the liberal arts, but you could manipulate sound like none of your siblings. The gift came after a rather uneventful evening in Olympus, Apollo was feeling bored and after your generous offerings he decided to grant you with the ability to hypnotise through your music. Your art tempted people, it made them forget their own names, it was a temporary trip from their troubles and had them craving your sound, fumbling under your voice.
Luke was not immune to your gifts and he adored them greatly. With you beside him he could appreciate his surroundings, the music pushing his stresses into the background.
“Can you sing?” He asked, his tone gentle. This was his request any time an instrument was in reach.
You smiled at his question, he still made you feel needed after years of people’s pleading. Your fingers smoothly eased between chords and began to play a song which plagued your mind, the lullaby which kept you at ease and proved your love is yours, all yours.
Moon a hole of light
Through the big top tent up high
Shinin’ down on me
The words rolled off your tongue with ease and were sent directly to Luke, slipping through his entire body. You fingers continued to toy with the strings and he continued to lean towards your presence, becoming completely in awe with you once again.
My baby, here on earth
Showed me what my heart was worth
So, when it comes to be my turn
He felt as if the words were crafted for him, each strum and pluck had him in mind, that the choreography of your fingers embraced him. It felt that way at least.
'Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love mine, mine, mine
Nothing in the world belongs to me
You lingered on the last note and then changed your grip and speed, confusing the brunette. Your hands trailed up the instrument then stopped looking over to him, setting the guitar beside you and nearing closer to him, resting your legs over his and pulling the instrument into your grip once more. You pushed the head in his direction which he graciously took then plucked at one of the strings, a painful sound from his flicking.
“Here.” You took his hand and settled it above the strings, his arm resting against the pure wood waiting for instruction. Your fingers climbed over his and delicately plucked at the string closest to him, pulling at it in a repeated manner. Once he grasped it you leant over to his other hand to linger between a few frets, the pattern continuous and difficult for his feeble fingers.
“Mhm, just like that,” you praised, your words lightening his view. He continued to pluck the strings and move his other hand, occasionally forgetting his next move which he picked up easily.
Once he became comfortable with the pattern he noticed your hands underneath his, playing a more complex tune. The two sounds - out of time - familiar to him.
You had shifted so you were practically in his lap and spoke “Ready?” To which he nodded, he would always be ready for you. You started, him following sourly after you, you slowed a little gaining motion with him.
“What is it?” He asked, his fingers messing up, his lips letting out a soft hum.
In your response you sung the chorus in time lowly.
I heard he lives down a river somewhere
With six cars and a grizzly bear
He's got eyes, but he can't see
Well he talks like an angel, but he looks like me
He smiled sweetly, still out of pace, but his dimples showed for your accomplished work. His soft curls fell over his gaze, obstructing him slightly, but he didn’t mind, he enjoyed the simple pleasures as your hands brushed against one another, his lips buzzing a soft sound.
I heard you sold the Amazon
To show the country that you're from
Is where the world should want to be
You both choked out verses and let your voice guide his. He was not a child of Apollo - his voice cracks were questionable - but it was sweet being amongst one another with no other priorities.
When Luke’s fingers became numb he relaxed into your side, his curls tickling your neck and soft breath hitting your skin. You continued to toy at the strings and drifted between a piece you’ve been working on and trying to memorise.
You were a ballad and he was dyslexic, your relationship was a constant blur.
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@prettyinsatiable @daisydark @creamsweets @auttumnsayshi @ashr0 @y0urm0m12 @2hiigh2cry @niktwazny303
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Captivating || Aemond Targaryen
summary: A celebration in the Red Keep, which only went interesting for Aemond Targaryen, once he met a mysterious, beautiful woman.
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In the opulent halls of the Red Keep, the air was thick with anticipation and celebration. Amidst the throng of bodies, Aemond Targaryen, the younger, strikingly handsome prince with silver-golden hair and a violet eye, stood out like a beacon of desire.
Aemond's gaze swept across the crowd until his eyes locked with a captivating sight—an enchanting woman who seemed to radiate a magnetic allure.
Her hair lays in gentle waves down her back, framing a face that held a captivating blend of innocence and sensuality. Her eyes sparkled with an unknown secret, a promise of untold pleasures waiting to be discovered.
Unable to resist the gravitational pull, Aemond found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame. His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the woman, his every step fueled by an obsessive desire he couldn't explain.
"May I have this dance?" Aemond asked, extending a hand to the bewitching woman.
She smiled, a mix of amusement and curiosity dancing upon her lips.
"I would be delighted, Prince Aemond." She smiled.
Their bodies swayed to the rhythm of the music, their movements synchronizing in a sensual dance. With each twirl and dip, the tension between them grew, sparking flames of desire that threatened to consume them both.
As the night wore on, the garden called to them—a secret sanctuary where passion could bloom amidst nature's embrace. Aemond led the way, the woman's hand securely held in his, their fingers entwined.
In the garden, the moon cast a silvery glow upon their entangled forms. Aemond's gaze traced the contours of her face, memorizing every delicate feature. Unable to resist the magnetic pull any longer, he cupped her cheek, his touch sending shivers down her spine.
Their lips met in a searing kiss, a fusion of fire and tenderness. Aemond's hands caressed her body with an intensity born of love and longing. Their bodies melted together, driven by a hunger that could not be satiated.
Whispers of passion and sighs of pleasure filled the air as they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating dance of desire. Aemond explored her every curve, leaving no inch of her untouched. Their bodies moved as one, driven by a fervor that surpassed reason. Time seemed to slow as their kiss deepened.
In the aftermath of their tryst, Aemond held her close, their hearts beating in sync. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, he knew he had found his ultimate obsession...
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dreamauri · 10 months
Hi I live and breathe for your dark fics could you do dark ex Charles Leclerc x reader and it’s kinda like your max fic, Charles kidnaps her or she ran from him and he finally found her
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♪ — 𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘 dark! charles leclerc x fem! reader (angst/yandere + smut) “. . . peace is short, charles will keep you to himself.”
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( general master list | more of charles leclerc ) ( requests )
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The only sound you could hear was rain as you ran through the street. stumbling on your feet and shoes, you cried as you did your best to escape your no-longer house, and your no-longer boyfriend.
You eyes were tainted with the memory. Your boyfriend with q tight grip on a crowbar, covered in blood with a dark yet soft gaze, staring into your soul. "Y/N- I can't explain." You didn't wait.
You couldnt stand another second in that household. So you listened to your brain and escaped, running from your calling lover behind. You only gave yourself a break once you reached a train station, slumping in a chair knowing you'd be a safe distance away from the unfamiliar man.
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PRESENT TIME :: 2 years and 6 moths later . . .
You blushed as Mika twirled you as the two of you walked down the street together, sharing an ice-cream cone. Mika was solace, your garden of warmth and joy. She was your first roommate here in Italy, your closest ( and only ) friend.
Although the weight the word friend carried was different. You were the type of friends that shared a bed, cuddled in front of the window while watching it rain, sometimes you took each other on sunset walks, or maybe you shared ice-cream cones like the way you were doing right now.
You were sure your feelings for her surpassed the definition of friends with the way she kissed your cheek, or the way she hugged you and held your hand. Or the way she pressed you in the wall as she kissed you while you showered. Mika was a true blessing in your little world.
"Stay here, sunflower. I'll need to get some guitar strings." She ruffled your hair before entering the music store. You nodded, eyes following her through the window as she talked to a staff member. In the shiny surface of the window, your eyes caught the reflection of the all-to-familiar yet unfamiliar green orbs.
"Charles?" You whipped around to look at him only to come face to face with the crowded market. Gulping, you reach for the door handle only to bump face first into the man you were dreading. "Y/N." His soft french accent flowed into your ears as he pulled you into a hug. "I've been looking for you for so long, amour."
No matter how much you were scared of him, you found yourself shakily hugging him back. "I missed you Y/N. Why did you leave me like that? You left me all alone and I was so sad without you." You couldn't bring yourself to speak, the memories of the night you last saw him playing in your head.
"It's all good now. I found you. We can go home together—" "Excuse me." Pulling away from the hug, Charles turned with an angry face to the voice of disturbance, only to find your blond companion. "You must be Mika." Charles forced a smile, outstretching his hand for her to shake. "My girlfriend told me so much about you."
He wrapped a hand around your hip, squeezing gently to send a message: 'play along'. And you did, you didn't want her to have a similar fate to the pool of blood in your living room back in Monaco. "Yeah." You hesitantly nodded, forcing a smile making Mika return the handshake. "I thought I'd stop by in Italy since its my vacation time. Didn't think I'd run into you two."
"You didn't tell me you were coming." You told him, chuckling weakly. "It was a list minute trip. But I don't regret it. I got to see you again." He was ecstatic, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your temple. "We wont hold you back from looking around any longer, Cheri. Me and Mika have to go home anyways." You tried to pull away only for Charles to hold you in place.
"You can join for dinner if you want. It's normally just us two." Mika offered, which Charles quickly accepted. Arriving to your little house, you slipped your shoes off before moving to the kitchen while Mika went upstairs to fix her guitar.
"Oh how I've missed you." Charles mumbled in your neck, breathing in your scent as he licked you ear. "I was so sad when you left me alone like that. I was only trying to protect you. You broke my heart, Y/N. I thought about you everyday." You shuddered as you felt him press wet kisses to your skin and nape.
"Play time is over now. We have to go home." You could feel yourself tear up, holding in your breath as you shook your head. "No?" His voice darked, gripping your neck tightly as he pushed you into a wall. "Y/N this girl on girl fantasy of yours ends here, You are coming with me." He growled, his fist cutting off your air supply. "Would you rather I eliminate Mika? Or are you going to be nice."
You closed your eyes nodding quickly, tears streaming down your eyes at the thought of your lover receiving a death sentence from this monster. "Good girl, ma jolie." [my beautiful] he whispered in your ear, finally letting you go. "Tell her to get something from the basement. I won't stretch out your playdate for long."
"M-Mika!" "Yeah?" You heard her footsteps jumping down the stairs. "Can you get the Madeleines pans from the basment." "Sweet! Yes!" Mika clapped her hand hungrily as she ran to retived the desired item. "Do you want one or two?" She called upstairs looking between the two pans.
"She says both." Charles replied for you. "That's odd." Mika mumbled taking both as she switched off the light, walking up the stairs. " . . . She always says one." The blond mumbled to herself as she opened the basement door open. Looking at the kitchen, she furrowed her eyes confused at you and your apparent boyfriend's absence. "Y/N? . . . "
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"What do you see in her?" Charles voice was the cratrast of his nice and friendly one from earlier. It was dark and menacing. What do you see in Mika?
Well for starts, they Charles and Max are like fire and water. While Charles was French; Mika was Italian. While Charles had chocolate hair and green eyes; Mika had blond hair and blue eyes. While Charles played the piano, a classical instrument; Mika played the electric guitar for a rock band. And the most obvious reason, one had dick and the other had boobs. Very different fields when it comes to sexual occasions.
Charles wrapped his hand around your waist as he pulled your drugged body through the crowd. You couldn't bring your mouth to reply, only mindlessly walking with him. "She can never ever please you like I do. She can never love you like I do." He whispered angrily in your ear as you started to lose the strength in your feet.
Charles carried you in his back as he walked away from your home. You could only lean your head on his shoulder as your consciousness slowly died out.
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You breath was ragged when you finally woke up in your bed back in Monaco. You tried to pull yourself up only to discover one of your wrists was tied to the bed, literally. You cursed under your breath as you tried to reach for your nightstand drawer where you remember keeping a pocket knife.
"Ah ah." Charles warned, pulling you back from your wrist to face him. "I thought we were playing nice." He reminded you as he brushed his lips over your neck and collar bone. You squeezed upur eyes shut, trying to pull away only for the monegasque to push you face down and take you right then and there. Claiming you once more.
This went of Days which turned into weeks. Desperation fueled your will to break free. Fear clawed at you, urging you to run, to save yourself from the clutches of a man consumed by obsession and such darkness. And although you were always se hesitant to escape even though you knew you were very capable of breaking free, you didn't. Even if you no longer saw him the same way. No matter how many times he touched you or hugged you, the way he came home from a long trip to you or the way he pleased you.
He felt suffocating for the most part. The way his arms hugged your waist in your sleep so you wouldn't break into run or escape. You hated his eyes, so filled with love yet darkness followed you around your prison.
You hated him overall at this point and you couldn't stand another second with this man. Dragging you around the house, shouting at you, touching you, using you, "loving" you. It was too much, you couldn't stand it anymore.
"911, what's your emergency?"
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Your breaths were ragged as you burst into the garden, the moonlight casting eerie shadows around you. Charles' footsteps followed, the pounding of his heart matching yours in a dangerous rhythm. With a chilling desperation, he lunged at you, his hands reaching out to claim you once more.
In a final act of defiance, you caught a nearby crowbar, or maybe even the same one from that night. Your fingers trembling around its cold metal surface. The collision between you and Charles was raw and unyielding, both of you locked in a desperate struggle. Adrenaline surged through your veins, lending you the strength you needed.
"Y/N, stop! You can't escape me," Charles growled, his grip tightening.
With a swift, heart-pounding strike, you managed to swing and hit Charles with the crowbar, his body falling. Panting and shaking, you stared down at the man who had haunted your every waking moment.
You were quick to drop the crow bar, covering your mouth once you processed your actions. His body was limp and still, eyes closed. A gasp left your mouth as you dropped to your knees, eyes tearing up at what you had just done.
He was cold to the touch, and his skin had paled. In a moment of panic you had pulled him in your arms to check if you'd hit the life out of him.
Gripping your hair, you could hear the sirens of the police summoned. Your nails digging in the dirt as you watched Charles try to pick himself up. Wincing as he looked up at you, one eye closed where you aimed.
In a final attempt, Charles manages to catch your crawling away figure. "If I'm going down. You're coming with me." And with one swift move, the chisel end of your fallen weapon had been forced into the skin and flesh of your stomach.
A pained moan left your mouth as you gasped for qir. Charles harshly turned you from your chin and crashed his lips onto yours before he was tackled down and disarmed by authorities.
You watched as he struggled and fought while you pushed yourself away from him, hand over your open stomach.
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The stab wound wasn't too deep. You sat quietly as a medical officer stitched you up while you took in the breaths of fresh air and moon light.
This must've been what freedom felt like. You missed this. A small smile covered your lips as you closed your eyes sighing in relief.
War was over. For the most part . . .
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voice notes 🔊 . . . ( this fic features an oc with the name of 'mika giovanni', made by a friend of mine who i cannot tag because he doesn't have Tumblr >=( you can check out mika HERE. want to feature your oc? send a dm or drop them in my inbox)
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kentucky-fried-thea · 2 years
explain ~newsies~ pls
*kissing you on the mouth /p*
also I've listened to audios of newsies so much that I have most of the show memorized :p (thanks mike faist)
also im warning you this is super long so um yeah i’ll do a part two for the second act just send me another ask lmao
the show opens with a killer overture like I swear that shit fucks SO hard. and then crutchie gets up and tries to go downstairs (they're on top of the newsies lodging house) and jack is like bro. slow your roll. it is the buttcrack of dawn. and crutchie's like but jeck I wanna look strong so I don't get thrown in the refuge. and then he almost dies bc he falls down the ladder.
and then jack is like slow down and look around. guess what. I'm going to move to santa fe, and all my problems will be solved. if you come with me, all your problems will be solved.
ok so now it's ~actually~ time to wake up.
albert: I had the most amazing dream; my lips are still tingling!
race: a pretty girl??
al (gay gay gay): a leg of lamb *snatches cigar*
race: hEY thats My cigAr
and then all the newsies sing a nd dance about how they are newsies and they sell newspapers and sometimes it's hot and sometimes it's cold and sometimes it rains and sometimes it's very hard. and then they see the headline for the day and it's the trolley strike for the third week in a row. which is. boring. also jack tries to flirt with a girl on the street and fucking crahses and burns lmao
then all the newsies make fun of weisel and then a new kid rolls up wait sorry what did you say? oh, woops, sorry, he’s new too :)
lo and behold, its davey and les jacobs! davey asks for 20 newspapers, but oscar accidentally only gives him 19 on account of he can’t count to twenty with his shoes on. then jack offers to buy him more papes and davey goes I am NOT a fucking charity case. oh and also they become selling partners and then they do the spit handshake thing and davey’s gay ass is like “thats d i s g u s t i n g”
pulitzer is losing money bc the headline fucking sucks and so he’s like, ok business assossiate, token female, and queer coded hairdresser, how can we sell more papers. and when none of them get the answer right, he reveals that the best way to do it is to ✨exploit the children✨ so they raise the newsies’ paper price by ten cents, which is a Lot. and he has the audacity to say that they’ll thank him.
ok we’re back to the newsies nwo and david is trying to sell a pape and he is Not Good At It. so jack grabs it and just fucking lies about the headline and sells the paper. and then les also sells a pape by pretending to be a poor orphan boy and being cute and shit (oh btw hes nine (almost ten) did i mention that?) and then they’re like jack do you wanna come eat with us and our parents? our dad got fired bc he got hit by a car, and this is exposition! adn jack is like oh um no thanks i got a date with a guy (in a totally straight not bisexual way ofc) adn les sees a spooky man and goes IS THAT HIM!? and the answer is nO
so they run away from spooky man and wind up at a theater, and then they exploit the new kid trope to give exposition to the viewers that that was sneider the spider, and he runs a jail for underage kids called the Refuge, and for every kid he nabs, he gets money straight to his pocket. woooo new kid trope
and then medda larkin arrives and is like i spy with my little eye a bunch of fucking children get the fuck out and then jack is like even me??? and she goes Oh. nvm. sorry love.take your time. also, thank you for painting very pretty picture i am saying this because the author needs a way to introduce you as an artist who paints backdrops for me <3 and then she sings a song about how shes so rich that whatever she touches rises (thats a dick joke by the way) and jack goes up to watch from a private box.
so he gets to the private box and there is someone in there and its the girl he failed at flirting with earlier and she’s like ...what the hot and crispy fried fuck are you doing in my private box you bitchboy i am a reporter who is doing reporting things and i am Not in the habit of speaking with strangers. and jack is like then why the fuck are you a reporter. and then he draws her on a newspaper while he sings a very bisexual song about love at first sight, and then he leaves the pape in the box and splits.
ok so it’s the very next day and oh good lord look at the new newsies price
so the newsies are like ya no that aint gonna fly and so jack is like lets do something! and davey goes oh shit you mean a strike? and jack is like fuck dude what an idea lets have a strike and davey’s like WOAH WOAH WOAH I SAID LIKE A STRIKE WE ARE NOT FUCKING GOING ON STRIKE. also you’re not a union :p
davey: you arent a union
jack: waht if i says we is
davey: you need to do things to be a union. you need a membership
the rest of the newsies: so are we fucking chopped liver?
davey: well you also need leaders n shit
crutchie: jack said gather round and everyone listened. do you know what it takes to get finch to listen to instructions?
davey: umm. how about a statement of purpose
jack: guess fucking what. if your dad had a union, he would still be employed
davey: oh shit your right. guess we’re a union now
okokok so now they’re a union and they sing a song about how they will make the world (hehe get it bc the planet and also the newspaper lmao) know that they are not taking any of this bullshit and there’s a whole thing about not having hats but they literally. all have hats. so umm. yeah.
ok so they’re now at jacobis for water and jewish representation and they’re like ok now we gotta spread the word. and it turns out that everyone is afraid of brooklyn bc spot conlon. so jack is like ok me and davey will do it and davey is like tf we are and then girl from before is back and is like why tf are yall afraid of brooklyn. and its because they are all homosexual for the brooklyn newsies. and because its the third largest city in the world. and she’s like okie dokie. so.
reporter girl: i’m a reporter. may i pplease... report you???
all of the newsies: no we want a man 
reporter girl: there is not a man on this earth who is going to give a fuck about this rn so take what you can get. 
reporter girl: pwease :3
newsies: ok cool
and then the newsies leave and jack and the girl stick around for a sec and jeck is like what even is your name bro and she goes I'm katherine. plumber (?). and he's like you do not sound too sure of that miss girl and she's like its my pen name. you'll need that information later in the story *wink* and jack is like ok. write it good. :) and then kath has like a whole as breakdown where she's like this kid is a fucking tool but I gotta write it good.
ok so it's the next day and none of the other newsies are showing up to the strike bc brooklyn wants to wait until the manhattan newsies have proven they won't be scared cats. but they still do the strike, and they get the scabs to do it too. and then kathy gets a really nice picture, and then the police show up and fucking demolish them. and they get crutchie and drag him off to the refuge :((( and then jack makes it back to the lodging house and he's so fucking pissed and he sings about santa fe and how he deserves better (he does fyi)
okie dokie I think it's pretty clear I am incapable of being normal about newsies, so I'll do a part 2 if you like :) for now tho, this is really fucking long...
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 8 months
Can you write jealous Fenrys with some fluff at the end?🥰
Okay... this took a turn... I apologize but it did 😂
He trusted you. There was not an ounce of fear in his heart that you would leave him. He knew you. Knew in ways no one did. No one could. No one would get to. But oh, did it grind Fenrys's gear, when he had to watch males twirling around you like moths around a glass of ale. Was his scent not there? Didn't they feel it lingering? The smell of a mate. The smell of a male that had her. Had her in more than one way.
But he had told himself that he was not going to become like those other territorial bastards. He was not gonna try to fuel his pride by jumping into pointless tassels over you. What was there to prove? You never entertained the males. You always came back to him.
"That girl of yours... Man, bet she rocks your world", a stranger clapped Fenrys on the shoulder as he walked by, barely standing on his feet. Lorcan let out a low laugh and Fenrys was quick to send him a death glare. "No, but tell us, how much does she rock your world?", Lorcan asked and it took all of his strength for Fenrys to not jump over the table and tackle Lorcan to the ground.
The uneasy tightness ripped at Fenrys's chest. It didn't help that your relationship was new too. Fenrys had known you for decades yes but only recently had you finally lowered your guards and took a step forward with him. So Fenrys, maker, and all the stars above, he didn't want to come up as possessive. But each and every cell in his body screamed in desire to keep you close.
To be able to touch you at any given moment. To be able to sense your presence near. To know. To know that he had finally found him forever. Had found his happiness in you.
His senses suddenly flood out. Bubbling over the top. The music got too loud. The laughter around him made him want to rip at his ears. Fenrys gripped the table tightly his fea hearing betraying him as all he could focus on now were males talking. "Look at her hips", "Can you imagine just how good she would look...", with that Fenrys jumps up. Hand ripping at the collar of his shirt. He looked like a lost pup, twisting and turning until he practically fell through the door. "Get, Y/N", Gavriel said coldly as he followed the boy. Lorcan raised to his feet in a heartbeat.
You had Lorcan's cloak on as you rushed through the street. Letting your senses guide you. The situation was scarcely explained to you by Lorcan, and you had indeed shown him a middle finger for teasing your boyfriend like that. But he had also been the one to say that all this could be because of a suppressed mating bond. A frenzy of emotions that reached its highest climax.
You eased a breath as you noticed Gavriel and Fenrys standing by the dock. Fenrys was pacing aimlessly. Hand in the air while Gavriel just stood there. A calming presence. A shore for the wave to crash on. "Fen...", you breathed out, his eyes instantly turned towards you but then his eyebrows crunched. "Take it off, that, that off", he stepped closer, trying to get hold of Lorcan's cloak that covered your body. A gesture with no bad intentions. Just the timing now was wrong.
You shrugged it off, letting it pool on the damp concrete. Gavriel stepped between the two of you, "I think this here might be...", he stated but you still walked closer to Fenrys. "Lorcan told me. I got this", you reassured the lion. Those suppressed frenzies were rare. Just as rare as mates hurting each other in an outburst of emotions. You reached for Fanrys who was breathing heavily. Guiding his arms to lay upon your body.
"I'm here", you muttered, "I'm with you", your eyes searched his. "They all...", Fenrys breathed out, eyes darting to the tavern. But you quickly guided his face towards you. "Ground yourself", you said softly. You laced your hands around his torso, melting into his strong chest. Fenrys let out a deep growl. His hands held onto your hips. The roaring in his head faded. Filled with the sensation of your heart beating.
You looked up to him, "I'm yours. Body and soul. They all can talk all they want", you stated firmly now. You needed him to believe it too. As much as you did. "Because even if the world was ending, I'd still be yours", you reached deep within yourself. Flowing deep within your senses where a bond you knew lurked was. Pulling at it softly. Awakening it. Wanting nothing more but to link your life to Fenrys's forever. The white wolf let out a deep sigh as that big black void filled with you. A feeling of you. He rested his forehead on yours. Breathing finally back to normal. You smiled at him sweetly. "I'm afraid I'm even more in the mood to rip them apart for their words now", Fenrys snickered but you only rolled your eyes. "On that note, I'll walk myself out", Gavriel chipped, making you both turn his way. Fenrys let out a low growl but you pulled at his hand, laughing.
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lick-me-lennon22 · 1 month
Beatles X Assistant!Reader headcanons
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(requested by a lovely anon :) enjoy, loves 💕)
John finds himself increasingly drawn to your quiet efficiency as the band's assistant. He admires your intelligence and wit, and he can't help but feel a flutter in his chest whenever your eyes meet. He'll start finding excuses to linger in your office, hoping for a chance to make you laugh with one of his dry quips.
John will go out of his way to do little things that make your life easier, offering to carry your heavy bags or lend a listening ear when you've had a frustrating day.
He finds himself unable to resist the urge to tease you whenever the opportunity presents itself - purposely misplacing items just so he can watch you furrow your brow in concentration as you search for them, only to reveal their location with a mischievous grin.
Despite his playful demeanor, there's a softness in his gaze whenever he looks at you, a warmth he can't explain or ignore.
Paul is enchanted by your radiant beauty and warmth. He often finds himself seeking you out just to chat, whether it's about music, life, or anything in between. He loves the way you listen attentively to his ideas and offer thoughtful insights of your own.
His feelings for you are like a symphony playing in his heart, each note building upon the last until it becomes impossible to ignore.
Paul is captivated by your presence, drawn to the way you move with grace and purpose. There's a tenderness to his touch whenever he reaches out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face, a silent confession.
And though he may not realize it at first, there's a depth to his feelings for you that goes beyond mere admiration - it's a love that's as timeless and enduring as the music he creates.
George is intrigued by your quiet confidence and mysterious aura, and finds himself drawn to you like a moth to a flame. He begins to notice the little quirks and habits that make you unique and starts to seek out opportunities to spend time with you, whether it's sharing a cup of tea during a break or asking for your opinion on a new riff he's been working on.
He's fascinated by the glimpses he catches of your true self beyond your professional exterior, and he can't help but want to know more about you.
George will often linger near your workspace, pretending to be absorbed in his own tasks while secretly stealing glances in your direction.
Though he may not show it outwardly, there's a gentleness in his touch whenever your hands accidentally brush, a silent acknowledgement of the growing connection between you.
Ringo is captivated by your infectious energy and zest for life. He loves the way you bring a sense of fun and spontaneity to the band's work and finds himself gravitating toward you whenever he needs a pick-me-up, cherishing the moments you spend laughing together.
Ringo's affection is evident in small gestures he makes, bringing you a fresh cup of tea without being asked or leaving a silly doodle on your desk just to make you smile. He'll suggest you grab a bite to eat together after a long day in the studio, relishing the opportunity to see you in a more relaxed setting.
Despite his easygoing nature, there's a vulnerability in his eyes whenever he looks at you, a longing that he struggles to conceal. He starts to realize that he feels happiest when you're around and he can't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, you feel the same way about him.
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danceinthunder · 13 days
Regulus is sure he was only given five senses to appreciate James Potter.
Anyone would know why it was a blessing to see James. He was pretty and handsome and always so happy. It was infectious, Regulus had to fight and fight and fight not to just grin because James was. He had pretty privilege and didn’t even know it. Sweet and innocent and fun and bright - sun incarnate.
Touching James was like burning. Warm and delightful but dangerously tempting to step closer till the flames that surrounded the boy engulfed you. James made touch casual. Happy to hug anyone; slap a hand on a shoulder; a tired head on the shoulder. But Regulus monopolised his touch. He found James’ hands linger and rest on his waist. A sly finger on his cheek, brushing off an eyelash. Holding his hand and playing with his fingers. To touch and be held by James Potter was to be touched and held by a God, Regulus thought. There is no other way to explain such perfection.
James Potter never smelt of one single thing. He was a teenage boy who played sports, so unfortunately, sometimes that was for the worse. But most of the time he would smell so good. His jumpers from home smelt of turmeric and ginger and dried basil - James’ mum used to dry off their cloths in the kitchen and the smells of his childhood and family followed him always. Sitting near enough to him, near enough to breath in the spice and sugar of him, made Regulus feel like a part of the exciting world that conjured James Potter.
Everyone across hogwarts would probably be able to hear James. He was unapologetically loud. Gleeful laughs and his loud chatting would linger in hallways like ghostly echoes of a happy life being lived. Regulus would chase empty corridors to follow the sound so comfortable and tender. If moths were drawn to flames they were stupid - to be drawn to anything but James’ laughter and joy would be stupid. And his whispers, the secret words that he would pour into Regulus ears were siren songs, honey-sweet promises. ‘Drown me in them and I’ll die happy’ Regulus would think staring up at the smiling boy resting him on his legs, ‘Orpheus and Eurydice, me and you, where I hear your voice I’ll follow.’
And Regulus held the secret of what it was like to taste James Potter. To feel his lips against his own and know what he tasted of. All the sugar sweetness and gentle spice that was addictive against his tongue. Regulus would starve himself to consume the taste of James, to define its changing feeling. All the joy and happiness and sunny warmth of his lover. Ambrosia and nectar and James Potter. Regulus would fight anyone, anything to steal a taste from his lips as many times as he could.
To take James Potter away from him would be to blind him. It would be to take away any pleasure of taste, any joy of music and sound, any sensation of feeling against his skin, and leave him unable to enjoy the subtle scents of the world around him. James Potter owned Regulus Black’s heart, and Regulus would fight to keep them both safe.
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Saturday lovely fandom. We’ve reached the seminal episode of their secret dating period. This ep doesn’t need much of an intro. Just lots of goodies and an ending that still makes me blush... I fit everything I could gif wise ha Let’s get started.
5x12 Death Notice
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We start off with Lucy and Tamara and I’m so glad we do. This scene is perfection. Tamara is testing the waters with her. Saying she was surprised Lucy was here....I have a feeling Lucy been out a ton since she started dating Tim. Love this. Tamara giving her crap saying she stayed up till 1am and she wasn’t here. Lucy trying to brush it off saying they must missed each other that’s all. That trivia ran late for her. Tamara can’t do it anymore. Calling her pseudo mom’s bluff. Straight up telling her she saw Tim drop her off. HA I wonder what she saw? Must’ve seen her kiss him good night.
Which makes me all giddy inside. Lucy gets so excited and drops her bag. Exclaiming 'Thank god.' Telling her she’s so sick of cover stories. Tamara asking why they’re being so secretive? Lucy explaining they’re figuring things out. I love Tamara being a facilitator for them. Saying she can do whatever they need for alone time. Lucy tells her they’re not sleeping together. It’s the way the music stops in this scene that kills me after she says this. Tamara is then the fandom and says ‘Why not?’ Lucy tells her they’re taking it slow. They want to do this right.
Tamara follow ups are perfect. Asking her if she’s not sure how she feels? Lucy saying she knows exactly how she feels. ‘The most amazing relationship she’s been in since ever. ’my heart. Tamara’s questions her again and says ‘ So....You’re waiting why?’ Haha Tamara is out here trying to get Lucy laid LOL I love it sfm. I think Lucy knew once they started they wouldn’t stop. Kinda like the Pringles slogan. ‘Once you pop you can’t stop.’ Heh Once they started she knew they wouldn’t be stopping...
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Lucy finds Tim immediately at work after her convo with Tamara. Gah these two could not be more obvious in their stupid happy smiles. Sure no one has seen Tim smile like he does with her. What happens when you're properly loved. I love the way Lucy gravitates towards him when she finds him. How he instantly gets as close to her as possible. Nary an inch between them. Smooth you two. They are radiating sunshine and happiness and they haven’t even slept together yet. That’s how well it’s going for them and I’m dying with glee.
I could write an entire essay on how much I love the secret handholding/touching portion of this scene. It was a must to get a really good gif of this. Lucy’s finger touching him as they walk. Because she can’t help herself. Has to be in constant contact with him. Moth to flame. Tim returning the favor with tapping his fingers on her thigh. The most telling smile on his face as he does this. Such small gesture between them is sending into a squee spiral haha
Tim feeling cheeky as he taps on her thigh. Not only taps it but does it TWICE. He did it twice everyone. It was double tap. One wasn't enough for him. *squee* The man loves her thighs and we love him for it. Saw a post said ‘When you’re at work and wanna hold hands. But you’re at work.’ Ha These sneaky little touches sent me into a damn tizzy. We're two minutes into this episode and they're already killing me. Lucy tells him 'Tonight is the night.' Clearly her talk with Tamara bearing some good fruit for Tim LOL She is ready to go after that convo.
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Tim tries to contain his excitement when she tells him it’s go time. Asking her his place or hers? Jealous dog or nosy roommate? ha. This brings up Tamara and her knowing about them. Tim isn’t mad so much as shocked she told her. Lucy having the best reply. ‘She has eyes.’ LMFAO So does everyone else in their world….The world worst kept secret these two my god. I mean it's not like you guys are all that subtle my love. Lucy cheers him up saying she’ll be at a friends tonight though….Tim perking right back up. Looking at the smile on that man above. He is very excited about tonight being the night.
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Grey interrupts the heart eye nation they have going on. They jump a little ha Forgetting they're at friggin work. They were being all happy and cute as Grey walks up. The man knew already but seeing them like this? All flirty, smiley and happy. It was all the confirmation he needed. He asks them to ride together today. Aaron is going to be with Harper. This time not a peep out of them unlike in 5x08. Another telling sign tbh… Lucy mentions this is going to be awkward.
Tim being Tim saying it’s fine. They’ve done this hundreds of times together. It’s not big deal. Lucy tells him yes but never as a couple though. Tim once again not seeing the problem she so obviously sees. Saying on the streets they won’t be. Ok babe… You weren’t great about hiding your feelings when you weren't together. But sure not that you’re together that wouldn't be amplified at all... I love Lucy opening the door for him. Then teasing him in the most flirtatious way. Asking if he won’t be thinking about tonight at all?
A night I’m sure he’s thought about a million times since they got together. (If not a little bit before too) Being flirty right back saying ‘Not at all..’ idk what I love more Lucy checking out his fine ass Or Tim saying thank you to her opening the door. Ok well obviously it’s Lucy blatantly checking him out. Shooting back ‘ Me neither.’ Ha sure... Not that I blame her. I mean my god look at him. Tight jeans a a henley? You check him out Lucy. Mmm. Although I do love him saying 'Thank you' for her opening the door it's adorable LOL It’s a close second. Heh
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We join them getting their shop ready for the day. Lucy saying she could fein food poisoning. Tim seems offended by this idea. Saying she would do that just to get out riding with him? Lucy says yeah with no regrets. Ha Wanting to avoid the weirdness of them having to ride together Tim telling her she’s overthinking this. Then says the most hysterical lie of all.
‘We leave our personal life at the door. Just like always.’ Uh when has that ever happened Timothy? Some of your most intimate and bonding moments have happened in your shop and on patrol but ok. I love Lucy calling herself his Girlfriend. be still my heart. Just out in the open like that. Tim isn't contesting this fact one bit either.
Never be over how ready she is with Tim for everything. Her commitment issues flew out the window when they got together. Makes my heart so happy it might implode. Couldn’t stand the idea with Chris after months. Few weeks with Tim and she’s all about labeling herself as his Girlfriend. Eeeeee. Tim simply says ‘Yeah.’ To her statement though. Trying not to seem phased. Oh my boy.
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The absolute sass in this scene from her is glorious. Trying so hard to prove her point and Tim isn’t listening to her. Lucy does the cutest little dance with her duty belt. Seeing if he’ll notice the mistake she purposely made. He doesn’t…Sharp hard ass Tim Has left the building. Super in love puppy Tim has taken the wheel. Tim is floored she did this on purpose.
Telling her she doesn’t do Tim Tests. He does them. Lucy is on her game today and doesn’t let that hold her back. Saying it’s not a Tim Test. It’s a 'Lucy Lesson' hehe. I adore her touching his arm and saying he’s taking it easy on her. I mean he is….He just doesn’t want to see it. Doesn’t want to admit something has shifted between them. Lucy points out their dynamic has changed and they’re not even on the street yet.
I love her being so damn cheeky with him. Tim is getting antsy af tells her to just get in the car. Done with this convo now. Lucy with her sassy fully sharpened says ‘It’s a shop.’ Taking us all the back to the Pilot. Where that Tim would be appalled at this one LMFAO. The look he gives her I’m dying. Remember when one look used to send her into a tailspin? Now she owns this man in front of her. LOL Tim is so done with her antics and yet impressed with her sass at same time. No words left just points for her to get in car. heh
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I love them coming back from getting coffee together. Mini date on the job. Lucy is all about the touching today. I'm here for it. Touching his arm to get him to stop. Lucy asks if he’s noticed? Tim says of course he noticed. She’s carrying her coffee in her gun hand. Forgetting all about the time he destroyed her in 2x19 over the same thing. Oh my Timothy so blinded by love my dear.
Telling her these ‘Lucy Lessons’ are pointless. Oh but they’re not and you’ll find out the hard way later… Lucy is shocked he doesn’t see how he’s treating her differently. Tim trying to pass it off as her not being a rookie anymore. She can do whatever she wants now. Mmmhmmm… Then the biggest lie of all comes out his beautiful mouth. Saying he would give Aaron the same leeway. This isn't about them.
Lying liar. It’s so cute though he’s just so in love with her and refuses to see reason about this. Just happy to get to spend a work day with his girl. Also this has been the case for years now. It’s just massively amplified cause he’s in love with her now. Lucy never has nor will she ever be just another cop to him. I adore Lucy’s ‘Mm…’ Knowing he’s full of actual crap here. Hehe
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Tim and Lucy are citing our their arrest together. The guy looks through his bag and says his earrings are missing. Asking if Lucy took them? We watch Tim get defensive and looks like he wants to deck the guy. Lucy tells him she didn’t take them. Tim steps in and says they’ll call him when they find them. Basically being like back off my girl right now.
Lucy playing Tim like an absolute fiddle in this moment. Saying she didn’t take them. Tim knowing this and telling her as such. Saying these things happen. Tim ‘Rules matter’ Bradford saying 'These things happen.' Lucy not letting him give her a pass. Saying they don't happen to her. Then bringing it back to them. Telling him she’s been so focused on them and tonight. Wondering did she screw up? Tim looking as lost for words as I’ve ever seen him.
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Tim is frantically checking their shop for the earrings. The man is in an absolute panic about this. Lucy is watching him as he desperately searches for these bloody earrings. Lucy tells them they’ve checked everywhere at this point. Tim refusing to give up on finding them. Lucy saying he needs to report this now. Tim won’t do it. Telling her they’re not there yet… Lucy asks how long he has?
He explains it’s up to his discretion on these things. If they find them no need for paperwork. Lucy reminds him if they don’t he will have to report her to IA. He looks gutted at the thought of that. Won’t even entertain the thought. Instead says they can see if janitorial swept them up. Oh Timothy a man of principles and contradictions for those he loves. 2x01 Tim would floored by his actions. Trying to leave info out of a report for her. Which I just love tbh.
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Lucy comes home looks exhausted and slightly defeated. Tamara is in a panic and says she is almost out of there. Lucy tells her not to worry they canceled their date…Saying today revealed all the issues with dating your boss. Tamara asks if they’re gonna break up? Lucy is SO firm In her reply. Telling her 'No they’ll figure it out.' instantly. Tamara can’t help herself and asks how? Lucy isn't too sure yet. All she is sure of is they're not breaking up. That's a non starter.
Tim shows up at their door. Tamara answers and tells Lucy her 'Boyfriend is here.' hehe Tim’s face is hilarious. He's so cute hands in his pockets as he waits to be let in. Tamara smugly telling him she figured it out. Wanting Tim to be a little proud of her. He is and tells her 'He has no doubt.' when she says she would be a good detective. Lucy appears and says she thought they canceled? That is the face of a man who didn’t think they did. LOL So sassy when he says ‘Uh we didn’t.’ ha
I love the hug she greets him with. My damn heart. He fully expected to be spending time with his girl tonight. Sex or not. When they pull away Tamara is just awkwardly standing there smiling at them. Kinda like us as the fandom when we watch them have scenes haha I think she wants to hear the tea between them. Then quickly realizes they want some alone time and ducks off to her room. Oh Tamara I love you. I think she's just really excited for Lucy. Knowing this one is the real deal.
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Tim tries to come up with a new excuse why they couldn’t find the earrings. Saying maybe they thought it was for a female officer. That they put them in the locker room. Lucy shoots that down instantly. Saying she already checked. That he HAS to report this now. Tim looks so damn defeated when he agrees with her. Knowing she isn’t wrong. Lucy noting that if it had been Aaron he would’ve done it already. Tim sighs deeply replying he knows. But it’s not Aaron. 'It’s YOU.' Gah getting me right in the feels Timothy. Two words meaning so very much.
Tim has it so bad for her he was completely blind to favoring her. To treating her differently. She’s the exception always has been always will be. But more so now. I love how transparent he is in this moment. Telling her exactly what’s happened. Because he gets to now. He doesn’t have to hide the fact that he cares about her anymore. Makes my heart happy. Lucy follows it up with ‘You can’t be objective when it comes to me right?’ Tim just sadly shakes his head no. I love her ‘Mm-hmm.’ Like there we go my love. You're getting it.
Then she brings it home saying 'Thus endeth the Lucy lesson.' The student has become the master ha I remember being absolutely floored by her. In awe really. What a brilliant way to bring her point home. Tim too is floored by this. Lucy is feeling pretty damn proud of herself. I love her putting her chin on her fist. Staring at him with heart eyes. So confident. Tim telling her it was impressive but evil. Lucy says she knows but he wasn’t facing the problem. Tim looking defeated again saying 'Well now he is. So what do they do?'
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This next scene just shows why Lucy is his person. They say the only have two options. Break up or one of them leaves Mid-Wilshire. I love how Lucy doesn’t even contemplate a breakup. That's not on table. Just says it should be her. Tim fighting her on it saying no she she loves it here. Lucy REFUSES to let him take a demotion for her. Tim tries to fight her but she won’t let him. Flat out won’t have it. Of course she did her research on this for them.
Checking see if there another version of his job in the division. I just love them having this conversation together. So opposite of what he had with Ashley. Lucy is including him in her future. Even if that means she has to leave. If that's what they need then that’s what going to happen. Especially if she gets to keep their relationship. Gah I love this scene so much.
What a huge upgrade for Tim. To have someone willing to sacrifice for him. Not something he’s ever had or been used to. She was willing to take a leap elsewhere just for him. He’s finally in a relationship with someone who is gonna fight for him and them as a couple. Put him first. Which he also has never had. I love it so much. It's making me emotional. My damn heart. This episode it’s a friggin dream to watch.
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They return to the station and Tim tells her good job today. Just handing out compliments. I adore it. She has more than earned it. Lucy reciprocates. I love her pulling the lint off his uniform. Such a wifey move honestly. It truly is such an intimate thing to do. There’s that great line from New girl from Cece. ‘Picking lint of a man’s sleeve is the most intimate gesture.’ It’s perfection. Lucy legitimately can’t keep her hands off him in this episode.
I love how Tim looks down where she’s touched him. *heart clutch* It’s the little things that get me so much. Tim makes a joke they’re not partners on the job. Her sweet little shove and his in love smile. These two gonna be the death of me in the best way. It's killing her that they won’t be seeing each other every day. They're breaking up their professional relationship for their personal one to thrive. Tim agrees and doesn't like the idea either. Says that’s even if their shifts sync up.
Lucy seems so damn saddened by this idea. She didn’t even think of that…Saying 'By doing the right thing they’re gonna see less of each other?' Tim replying probably yeah… I adore Lucy’s little whine ‘No…’ She sighs and says she will put her transfer paperwork in tomorrow. Even despite that she's still willing to do this. Tim looks devastated by how sad she is. Won’t even let her takes the kit bags. The sweet smile she gives him. Knowing exactly what this gesture means. (Wish could've fit this part in.) How far we’ve come everyone how far we’ve come.
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Tim comes to see Grey. Says he needs to talk to him bout something he’s been hiding from him. Tim lets Grey know he and Lucy have been dating for a few weeks. Wade sighs and says he suspected as much. I mean we all knew the man knew. He wasn’t going to say anything until Tim was ready to. I love that. Tim letting him know they needed time to figure out their feelings. Grey assuming it’s serious then since they're having this convo. I love the zero hesitation from Tim in reply to this.
That man couldn’t be more all in if he tried. Telling Wade with serious conviction 'It is.' This woman is it for him. His endgame and he will do whatever it takes to be with her. One of my fav Chenford scenes without Lucy even being present. It’s just shows how serious Tim is about her. About them. I’m getting emotional writing this up. He so deserves a partner like her. He saw the sacrifices she was going to make for him. For them. Never had that in his life in a relationship.
So instead of letting her take the bullet for him. He dives in front of her and takes it himself. Knowing she would’ve done it for him. But he would rather be the one to take the hit for her. Gah it’s so romantic. Asking for a position at the station he doesn’t care what. She is so worth any position in his mind. Grey telling him it’s not great. Tim doesn’t care as long as it keeps him with her. He will take it. Doesn't matter what it is.
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We switch to Lucy making a romantic dinner for Tim. Love this btw. Lucy is talking about which division she wants to move to. Tim tells her it’s not necessary. That he talked to Grey and she’s looking at the new 'Court Liaison Sergeant.' Lucy stops dead in her tracks stumbling on her words. Almost stunned into silence. Replying 'That’s a desk job…' Tim is beaming. 'Yeah out of your chain of command.' He is so proud of himself for this solution. So happy and willing to take a desk job for her.
Man is so in love with her. This decision is so significant on so many levels. Lucy even though immensely grateful for this solution pushes against it. Telling him he will bored out of his mind. Tim is on it though. Saying doesn’t matter to him. His objective was to stay close to her. He achieved that. Not only that but for her not to sacrifice her career for him in the process. A desk job is nothing compared to getting to be with her at work.
Gah so damn romantic. Look at our boy. Tim explaining they’ll get to see each other every day this way. Also she won’t have to travel to some far away station. Be treated like a rookie. Have to do midnight shifts because of it. He couldn't stand that fate for her. He loved her for wanting to do it for him. That was the key factor here. That she was willing to do that for him. She put him first. Meant everything.
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Lucy is in awe of this man right now. That OTP line of 'Some things matter more.' Resonates so much in this season. This is also hitting on another from 5x08. Letting Lucy know without a doubt she is worth the effort for him. This man who wouldn’t leave patrol for anyone, wouldn’t uproot for Rachel to NY or walk away from being a cop for Ashley. Lucy once again being the exception. For her he would do all those things listed above and more. Hell he just did.
He walked away from patrol. Something he’s said for years he would never leave. Loved it too much. Then he fell in love with Lucy Chen and all that changed for him. His perspective shifted and she became far more important than anything else in his world. Because she became his world. This is so beautifully romantic I can’t stand it. Lucy wants to fight him some more but Tim cuts her off. Telling her it’s a done deal. There is no use in arguing about it. He’s so sure of his decision. So happy to take this bullet for them. it’s so sexy if you ask me.
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It’s then the tone shifts. Lucy goes from argumentative to turned on let’s be honest. This man just sacrificed a career he absolutely loves just to stay near her. So they could see each other every day at work. She is very seductive as she leans in for a kiss. Silkily replying 'But we're so good at arguing.' I.e. foreplay for them really. Revving both their engines in this moment.
Gah I love the way she places her hand on his shoulders. Just plants one right on him. She is done talking. Done arguing. Just wants to be with him. I’ll forever love him chasing her lips for a second taste when they kiss. He does that a lot and I really love it. Always wanting more. Chasing the high that is her lips never having enough. Needing that second kiss. The way he raises himself up to full height and gets that second kiss. Replying 'I know.' *phew lord.*
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That lovely height difference coming into play above. Tim being much smoother in his lines for this moment than he was in 5x10 with ‘naked time.’ Saying he is hoping they’re good at certain other things as well. Being seductive in his own right. Trying to be sly about sexy times. There was no doubt in ANYONES mind these two were gonna be glorious at it. Not one. I adore her hands moving down his chest as he talks. He is just revving her up in this moment. She can't take her eyes off him.
The way he is looking at her my god. He’s wanted this forever. They both have. But hot damn this man has man has been patient. Lucy following it up with a super smooth line of her own. Asking him if he wants to find out right now? I remember thinking is this real life? It’s the way they’re swaying and Tim’s huge ear to ear smile. Oh my lord. His smile is going to be the actual death of me. Happiness looks really good on you Tim. He is the epitome of love and happiness in this moment. That man is deliriously in love and it’s all over this beautiful face.
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Lucy isn’t pulling any punches with her massive heart eyes either. Her eyes zeroing in on his glorious lips. Looking just as happy and in love as Tim. Almost a fiery look to her heart eyes in that first gif. Like she is so very ready to have her way with this man. Eager to break this slow down of their's right now. Gah then the hotness really ensues after this.
I feel like I need ice water and a spicy fic involving this moment after I watch this ahha (I highly recommend this one btw.) Lucy is unbuttoning his shirt as he leans in for a sensual kiss. Needing a head start on getting that man shirtless. It’s the forehead touch and the way that kiss heats up quickly. Also looks at the smiles on these two as he leans into kiss her breathless. *internal screaming* How gently his hand is coming up to cup her face and jaw.
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His hands don't make the full journey due to Lucy's eagerness with his shirt. Ripping it off in record time. Never seen a shirt ripped off so quickly. She wasn’t messing around at this point. Her little moan as she rids him of hit. Oh my lord. Tim understood the assignment and came prepped with that shirt. Those snap buttons coming in clutch at this moment. Lucy is so ready to have this man. Years of UST coming to an end in this moment. It’s glorious. Never be over her urgency to get him out of that shirt as soon as she possibly could. I do not blame her. Lucy looking down at her handiwork when he breaks their kiss for a moment to look at him and all his glory.
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I welcome shirtless Tim back to our screens. Hello biceps and deliciously toned chest. We missed you. Let's not forget the jawline we could cut glass on. Phew Lord. Also look at how effortlessly he rids himself of his sleeves. Not breaking eye contact whatsoever as he pulls himself free. *fans self* Forever love Lucy checking him out as he sheds himself of his shirt. Finally getting to and not having to hide how attracted she is to this man. Lucy is so very ready to have this beautiful man in her bed. Not hiding checking him out in the least.
Her fingers are just hanging out in front of his jeans with a tight grip. Keeping this man as close to her as possible. Fingers dancing on his insane abs that she can now enjoy and touch. Once Tim is rid of the shirt he is on her like white on rice. Lord have mercy. Encasing her face in his hands and basically devouring her with his lips. hot damn. Lucy is so giddy as he has his way with her. Look at her smile. More than willing to be at his mercy.
I love that he’s so gentle In cradling her jaw but so fiery in his kisses. I had been waiting years for this moment. Actual years ha Rookie day one girl here. Her checking him out and smiling into this hot kiss is one of the best parts. It’s almost like she can’t believe this is finally happening. She too is deliriously happy. Her hands are also encasing him once he rejoins their kiss. Gah it’s the way she has one behind his head drawing him to her. The other running up and down his beautiful back.
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Tim is literally kissing the life out of her and Lucy is here for it. She is putty in his hands. Just having his way with her in this sexy make out. It’s the swaying, the touching and how he can’t keeps his hands off her face. Getting as close to her as he can in this moment. Lucy’s hands roaming up and down his back. Eventually landing on his hips. Finding purchase there. Her mission to also not let him get far from her.
Good god this scene is sexy and I love it so damn much. I still can’t believe we got it. Over a year later and this scene still has me in shambles when I watch it. That we got this heavy make out session with him shirtless. Lucy running her hands all over him like she can't get enough. She is very thirsty and he is a giant glass of ice cold water. Getting to see all the scars and such on his back was a nice bonus I have to say. Mmm. Yum.
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I adore her giggling as he starts to move them towards her bedroom. She is on cloud 9 and straight up euphoric right now. The high of endorphins she’s feeling in this moment are spilling out. Coming out in excited giggles as Tim takes over. Literally pushing her against a door frame to have his way with her more. lord. Pushes her up against that wall and continues to kiss her passionately. It’s the sexy thud as their collective body weight hits the wall. His hand bracing their impact somewhat. My god.
He is so determined in his movements in this moment. What’s that song 'Wild horses couldn’t drag me away?' Nothing was keeping Tim from her in this moment. Such certainty in how he moves them towards the door frame. Lucy is holding on for dear life to his hips as moves them toward the wall. I’ll never be over his hand cushioning her head. He’s so lost in this moment but makes sure she doesn’t get hurt.
Even in this moment where they’re both lost in this passionate make out he’s her protector. Something so damn soft and adorable about this gesture. Lucy is in no frame of mind to care about her head in this moment. Lost in his lips and touch. Straight smiling to death as Tim Bradford has his way with her. Hands caught up in her hair as he kisses her as if his life depends on it. Definition of passionate embrace. Legit fireworks for them both as they continues this spicy make out.
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They take a beat once they’ve reached the door frame. Making out some more against it. Tim has her firmly pressed against it. We can see he has an intense hold on her face as he continues to kiss her breathless. Lucy clinging to him like he’s a damn life raft. Moving one her hands up to the back of his head. While the other stays planted on his hip. Tim deciding it's time to move to her bed and walks them back not breaking their kiss at all. Who needs air right? Sweet lord.
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It’s the cute giggles as he basically slams the door with her back. We see her curls pressed up again the door. My god. They’re about to find out how really good they are at this. Amazing her bed survives this honestly LOL I can’t count the number of times rewatched this scene including watching this time around.
Good lord that scene is most romantic and yet the sexiest scene ever at the same time. The entire episode is one beautiful thank you to the fans for waiting. Every moment building on the last till we get to this final moment. A moment where we’re all a puddle of shippy goo haha Oh my lord that was fun to write although nerve wracking considering the enormity of it. Such a damn good ep I cannot. I need some ice water any one else?
Side notes-non Chenford
Oscar always hilarious. Love when he comes on.
That’s it really hahah my brain gets taken over by Chenford in this one.
Forever thanks to those who read, like, moment and reblog these reviews. Makes all the effort so very worth it. I shall see you all in 5x13
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elliesflower · 2 years
i saw you in a dream [2]
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chapter 1 here
summary; you and ellie get closer as she helps you with playing guitar.
chapter; 2/? 2.7k words
cw (per chapter); recreational marijuana usage, language
a/n; let's play a game called 'how many times did i use the word 'guitar' in this god forsaken chapter?' anyways, i'm sick with a cold right now so i've had lot's of time to write, but little mental capacity for proofreading. let me know what y'all think of this chapter <3 (and find it on AO3 here)
“Be my guest,” Ellie relaxed a bit once she realized you were truly okay with everything, reaching behind her to grab her guitar. “You sure it won’t mess with your concentration, though?” 
“Oh please,” you waved your hand dismissively. “If anything, it’ll help.” 
“With the guitar playing, or the nerves?” Ellie smirked, crossing one leg and resting her guitar in her lap, fiddling with the tuners. Almost immediately, you felt another blush creeping up your neck. Were you that obvious? You opened your mouth to speak, but she cut you off before you could get a word in.
“Relax, I’m just fucking with you,” she laughed, not even glancing your direction. You gripped the bong tighter, letting out a nervous laugh as you let your eyes wander down, admiring the tattoo that graced her forearm and trailed off on her wrist. Her hands worked their way around the guitar, dancing over an intricate moth design at the top of the neck that matched the one on her arm. 
“Well to be fair, you are giving very suspiciously free guitar lessons,” you pointed out, walking past her to sit gingerly on the edge of the mattress. It felt very personal all of a sudden, sitting on the bed of a complete stranger, about to smoke weed that may or may not be laced with poison. Ellie laughed again, plucking a couple strings in an unfamiliar melody like it was second nature. She looked up at you, and you only hoped that she couldn’t somehow hear your heart rate increase. 
“This is true,” she said thoughtfully, resting a hand on the side of the guitar. “Yet here you are.”
You swallowed harder than normal, and instead of saying something potentially embarrassing, you brought the mouthpiece to your lips, lighting the bowl. Yet again, you faintly heard Ellie’s enchanting laugh over the sound of the bubbling water before pulling out the bowl to breathe in the smoke. You held it in for a moment, letting it flood your lungs before exhaling gently, passing the glass to Ellie. She took it with a quiet thanks.
You didn’t smoke nearly as often or as much as Dina, so the first hit—especially off a bong—always gave you a slight, yet pleasant and relaxed high. It was definitely needed, as you found yourself scooting back farther onto the bed, before prying open your guitar case. The anxiety in your brain slowly dwindled as you pulled your own guitar out along with the sheet music, crossing your legs before resting them in your lap. 
“So, are you a music major?” You asked, looking up at her.
“Oh, no,” she smiled before blowing smoke. “I’m a graphic design major. Music is just a minor. My step-dad taught me to play guitar when I was in high school and I just fell in love with it.” Ellie moved the guitar back into playing position and strummed a few chords. A few loose strands of hair fell into her face as she looked down at her hands, and you let your gaze follow—her long, slender fingers produced a beautiful sound from the strings, and you had to stop yourself before you stared for too long. 
“So you just decided to give free lessons…for fun?” You pressed further. The weed had you caught between feeling both assured and apprehensive.
“Well, kind of for fun, kind of because I’m bad at remembering to do my homework and my teacher agreed to extra credit in exchange for me giving out some free lessons,” she explained, ceasing her strumming and grabbing the bong once more. She pulled it to her perfectly pink lips, and you couldn’t help but to stare this time. 
“Anyways,” she said suddenly, looking back up at you. You quickly averted your gaze, but not before she caught you looking. She smiled, warm and inviting, blowing smoke from her nose. It was hard to tell what was making you high at this point—the weed, or the way she looked at you. Probably both. “What is it that you’re having trouble with? A certain song? A certain technique?”
To be honest, it was kind of everything that you were having trouble with. It felt clumsy whenever you tried to move your fingers at the same time you strummed, you always forgot the difference between a whole step and a half step, and all the notes on the page sometimes just looked like hieroglyphics. But you couldn’t tell her that—not when Dina was halfway-right and Ellie does seem like some sort of guitar legend.
“Well, for the final we just have to pick a song and play one verse, but we get extra credit if we can do the chorus too,” you explained. “I picked Sparks by Coldplay because it seemed pretty easy. I’m…okay at doing the verse, but I’m having more trouble with the chorus. I think it’s the strumming pattern I can’t get down.” 
“Ah, that's a good song,” Ellie beamed at you, eyelids just a bit lower now. “When’s your final?”
You hesitated for a moment. 
Her eyes widened almost comically. 
“Wednesday, as in, this coming Wednesday?” she asked. You nodded sheepishly.
“Well…let’s hear you play the verse, then,” she conceded. The nerves started to settle back in; however, this was no one’s fault but your own at this point. She stood up, reaching behind her to grab a short, well-loved music stand, before placing it in front of you. It wobbled slightly as you opened the sheet music onto it, watching her settle back into her chair. God, was it too late to ask for another hit?
“Okay, um,” you mumbled, sitting up straighter and positioning your hands on the guitar. You took a deep breath and looked at the music sheet—there were only eight notes in the whole song, and you knew them, logically, but getting your fingers to cooperate was a different story. It especially didn’t help that Ellie was laser focused on you now. You gripped the neck and placed your fingers in a C-chord position, taking in a deep breath. 
Slowly, you began to strum, and almost immediately you could tell your strumming pattern was off. It sounded like a five-year-old was playing as you moved your fingers into A-minor-seven on the wrong beat. You continued playing for a moment, feeling abashed until you reached the chorus and gave up. You risked a glance at Ellie, and to your surprise, she didn’t look like she was going to laugh at you. In fact, she said:
“That wasn’t so bad!”
You let out a laugh that was both amused and mortified. 
“Thanks for sparing my feelings,” you said, burying your face in your hands. 
“No, I'm serious! I’ve heard worse, trust me,” she assured, standing up and walking towards you with her own guitar. You felt the bed dip near your side as she sat next to you. You peaked through your fingers and saw that she was this close to touching your thigh with her own. “You should have heard me when I first started playing.”
Lifting your head from your hands, you rested your elbows on your guitar. Her reassurance was appreciated, but you still felt embarrassed. Ellie looked over at you with sympathetic eyes, sparkling in the faint lamplight, and it took everything in you not to burn under her gaze. 
“Look, let’s just simplify it for a moment. You know what the original song sounds like, yeah?” she asked, pulling her guitar into position. 
“Yeah, I love the song,” you replied, watching her movements. 
“Okay. We’re basically playing a few different variations of the same three chords: C, A-minor, and F-major,” she strummed the notes as she listed them. “Do you know those three chords?”
You nodded. 
“Good. So I think one of the main things that you’re struggling with is the strumming pattern. Try leaving a beat in between, like this,” she played the three notes in a much more basic strumming pattern—though it was obviously not the original, it was easy enough to understand, and definitely made more sense than the one you had been trying. 
“You’re really good at this,” you seemed to lose inhibition around her, though, of course, you’d just blame it on the weed. Ellie didn’t look at you, but gave a breathy laugh. 
“Okay, let’s hear you try now,” she said, avoiding the compliment. “Just pick one chord and practice the pattern.” 
You lingered on her side profile for a moment, admiring the way her nose bridge sloped into an adorable peak, the slit in her eyebrow, the concentration on her face as she studied her own guitar. Before she could look over, though, you brought your guitar back into position and did as she said. 
Much to your dismay—and humiliation—this new strumming pattern sounded worse than the first one you’d been practicing. You groaned in frustration, slapping your palm over the strings to stop the awful sound they were emitting. Squeezing your eyes shut again, you refused to look over at Ellie, in fear she may be about to give up on you already. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” she said softly, and without warning, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. Normally, your instinct would be to shrink away from the touch, but you found yourself completely subdued by it. It was gone just as quickly as it had come, and by the time you opened your eyes, she was already standing up. Had you just imagined that?
“Put the guitar down for a sec,” she said from across the room now. Her own guitar was already leaned against the dresser as she grabbed the bong from her desk. 
“Don’t I kind of need the guitar to practice guitar?” You questioned, despite following her instructions anyways. Faintly, you heard your mother’s voice in the back of your head, asking you, if all your friends were going to jump off a bridge, would you really follow them off it? Unsurprisingly, your answer was almost always yes.
Ellie gave you an amused look. “Not always. Just trust me.”
She outstretched the bong to you, and you accepted it, gratefully. She began messing with the speaker behind her as you took another hit, and another one, and another one, until she was sitting in her chair and rolling it towards you. All the racing, anxious thoughts in your mind slowed, one-by-one, and your arm felt heavy as you handed the glass back to her, pushing your legs out in front of you to hang off the edge of the bed. 
“Feeling better?” She asked with a slight smile. Your mouth unconsciously turned up at the corners to match hers, and you nodded. 
“I don’t know if I can play like this, though,” you laughed now, your restraint flowing out the slightly-open window. “Do you get all your students high?” 
Ellie laughed, rich and harmonious. 
“Just close your eyes and lay back.”
Though her words should have had you nervous, the insinuation enough to send a shiver down your spine, you obliged. Your head fell back onto the duvet with a soft thump, eyes closing in bliss. The smell of her was everywhere, in the bedding and in the air, the woodsy-amber combined with the ever-present peppery musk of weed. You were only slightly aware of her presence at the edge of the bed until she spoke again. 
“Just listen to the song. Pay attention to the guitar,” her voice was almost commanding. Not that you needed any persuasion—you were ready to jump off that bridge as the music started, the wistful acoustic filling the room. 
Did I drive you away?
I know what you'll say
You say, ‘Oh, sing one we know,’
Your fingertips lightly traced the silhouette of your guitar next to you as you listened, eyes fluttering open slowly to stare at the ceiling. 
But I promise you this
I'll always look out for you
Yeah, that's what I'll do,
Faintly, you heard a second guitar chime in with the song, quiet, yet heady. Your head lolled to one side and you caught sight of Ellie, strumming along with the track. Her mouth moved slightly in time with the lyrics, but the combined sound of the speaker and the guitar were too overpowering to hear her voice—you longed to know what harmonic sound escaped her lips. 
Sitting up, you watched her face as she continued to play. She didn’t glance up at you, but she did stop singing out once she caught you looking from the corner of her eye. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly with concentration, yet she exuded bliss. It was like she was in another world as she played. 
My heart is yours
It's you that I hold on to
Yeah, that's what I do,
Remembering why you were even listening in the first place, you tried to focus on the guitar like Ellie had said. Not her extremely enticing face. You listened to the blend of her playing along with the track itself, willing yourself to focus. Maybe taking so many hits wasn’t such a great idea. 
La, la, la, la, o-oh
La, la, la, la, o-oh,
“Aren’t your eyes supposed to be closed?” she asked, playfully squinting at you as the song came to an end. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be teaching me guitar?” You retorted with a laugh. You felt at ease now, looking at Ellie through the thin cloud of smoke in the room—she didn’t look away this time. She only looked back with an expression you couldn’t quite read. 
“Just pick up your guitar and try again,” she shook her head in defeat, a small grin still present on her lips. “Start from the beginning. Try it with the basic strumming pattern, and just focus on the C, A, and F chords. Fuck everything else.”
Though your nerves were long gone at this point, you still weren’t sure you’d be able to play in your altered state. The guitar felt bulky as you pulled it back into your lap and leaned forward, toes just barely touching the floor. You drew a deep breath as she watched you, pulling together all your brain power.
And then, it was magic. 
You could visualize Ellie in your mind, her tattooed arm flexing as it moved up and down along the guitar, and you mimicked the movements. The sound coming from the guitar actually sounded halfway decent—not great, but definitely an improvement. You chanced a look at the redhead, and she was already smiling at you. Before you reached the chorus, you stopped playing and looked down at your fingers, wondering if she possibly performed some sort of witchcraft on you. 
“See? Sometimes you do need to put the guitar down in order to play,” she smirked, putting her guitar down. “That was much better.”
Your cheeks flushed and you averted your eyes. Normally, you could take a compliment, but it felt…different, coming from Ellie. Here she was, a perfect stranger, letting you into her space, letting you smoke her weed, dedicating her time to you—it all felt remarkably intimate in such a short amount of time. Was it just the sapphic passion that seemed innate in you at this point?
“Yeah, yeah, I guess you are a pretty good tutor…or whatever,” you trailed off, bashfully looking back up at her. She beamed back at you, but before she could say anything, your phone chimed from your pocket. Ellie simply twirled around in the chair, beginning to play yet another song that she plucked from her memory, and you only wished you could have even a fraction of the skill she seemed to possess. 
You pulled your phone from your pocket and unlocked it. 
hey, you still alive over there??
i’m actually really bad at writing please don’t make me write a eulogy
do you think i could pay someone to do it
would you be offended if i paid someone to write your eulogy
You nearly snorted at the messages from Dina. It was almost hard to imagine that barely an hour ago you had been nervous to even come here. 
Everything’s going good!
You texted back. Her reply was almost immediate:
just good???
“good” as in you’re good at guitar now?????
or good as in good ;) ?????
orrrr good as in you’re narrowly avoiding death as we speak?????????
You looked up at Ellie through your lashes, and watched as she bobbed her head lightly, singing softly with the sweetest voice you think you may have ever heard. 
You texted back:
Good ;)
chapter 3 here
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