#herb nutrition
morethansalad · 15 days
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Pumpkin Crostini with Sage Cream Cheese (Vegan)
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I knew people use cayenne pepper to season food and drank the "master cleanse" with the herb in it, but I often forget that cayenne pepper helps with circulation and apparently it can help stop bleeding! Who knew! I only knew of raw honey being safe to put on cuts but now we've got another one!
Ah, the healing power of herbs.
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eatclean-bewhole · 25 days
Harvesting wild elderberries with mom to make elderberry syrup. Came across some milk thistle too, which is great for the liver! 💜🌱
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sharon339433 · 3 months
Cordycepin has strong antifungal and anti-HIV-I virus activity, it has been introduced into the clinical application of cancer treatment and antiviral drugs in many countries around the world since its discovery. Cordyceps militaris is the only Cordyceps that can produce large amounts of Cordycepin!
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afitnessgoddess · 5 months
Subjects to help enhance your knowledge of herbalism and holistic health.
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mikahli · 1 year
Just had a conversation with my Academic Advisor after taking a year's hiatus due to burnout and health issues. Not gonna lie, I was nervous about getting back into Master student mode.
But after hearing about classes like Culinary Herb + Healing, Food + Culture, and an in-person Cooking Lab, I'm hype AF!
#RoadtoCNS is coming back in Fall 2023 baby!
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oroverdea3 · 1 year
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ORO VERDE è un'azienda artigianale che affonda le sue radici negli anni '50 e che è stata poi ricostituita nel 2013 dai fratelli Andaloro, ispirati dal loro spirito imprenditoriale e dalla passione ereditata dai nonni per la natura; l’azienda si pone al centro di una filosofia che coniuga tradizione e innovazione, in linea con i principi della dieta mediterranea.
PRODUZIONE ARTIGIANALE E TECNOLOGIA. Specializzata nella produzione e trasformazione di pistacchi, mandorle, pomodori ed erbe aromatiche, ORO VERDE adotta un approccio unico alla produzione, proponendosi di emergere come protagonista nel settore. Ponendo l'accento sulla qualità e dedicandosi sia nella preservazione delle tradizioni che nel progresso tecnologico, l'azienda mantiene tecniche tradizionali tramandate di generazione in generazione per garantire la qualità delle materie prime, combinando al contempo l'utilizzo di macchinari all'avanguardia. Questa combinazione di maestria artigianale e tecnologia moderna consente ad ORO VERDE di offrire prodotti di alta qualità che conservano sapori autentici e caratteristiche tradizionali.
INNOVAZIONE E ADATTAMENTO AL MERCATO. ORO VERDE abbraccia l'innovazione e ricerca costantemente percorsi fuori dall'ordinario per lo sviluppo dei propri prodotti, comprendendo l'importanza di adattarsi alle mutevoli preferenze dei consumatori e alle abitudini alimentari, in sintonia con le esigenze nutrizionali dei nostri clienti attenti alla salute, in particolare rispettando i principi della dieta mediterranea.
LA DIETA MEDITERRANEA COME PRIORITÀ. Riconosciamo che i consumatori cercano sapori deliziosi, ma conferiscono anche la priorità alla salute e al benessere. I nostri prodotti a base di pistacchio e mandorle, per esempio, sono ricchi di nutrienti essenziali, tra cui vitamine, minerali, fibre e acidi grassi essenziali, che sono componenti fondamentali della dieta mediterranea. Miriamo a offrire ai nostri clienti non solo un'esperienza gustativa eccellente, ma anche un'opzione salutare e nutriente che sostenga il loro benessere.
ORO VERDE si distingue come un'azienda artigianale che dedica attenzione alla qualità, adotta un approccio scrupoloso nella produzione e si impegna a fondere tradizione e innovazione, offrendo una gamma di prodotti selezionata che non solo deliziano il palato, ma che supportano anche un'alimentazione sana e nutriente, in linea con i principi salutari della dieta mediterranea. Mentre continuiamo a crescere ed evolverci, il nostro obiettivo è fornire prodotti selezionati di eccellenza che incarnino al meglio l'armonioso connubio tra tradizione e progresso tecnologico, nel rispetto dei principi salutari della dieta mediterranea.
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medixic · 9 months
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अश्वगंधा पाेषक तत्वाें से भरपूर हाेता है। पुरुषाें के लिए इसके फायदे जानकर आप हैरान हाे जाएंगे। अगर पुरुष नियमित रूप से इसका सेवन करेंगे, ताे उन्हें कभी भी सेक्सुअल लाइफ से जुड़ी समस्याओं से नहीं जूझना पड़ेगा।
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vitalitybasecamp · 9 months
"Fenugreek: A Spice with Secrets and Health Benefits"
"Fenugreek: A Spice with Secrets and Health Benefits"
           https://amzn.to/3TR4BqN Fenugreek: A Comprehensive Exploration Fenugreek, scientifically known as Trigonella foenum-graecum, is a versatile herb with a rich history and a plethora of uses. This plant is native to the Mediterranean region, Western Asia, and Southern Europe but is now cultivated worldwide for its culinary, medicinal, and aromatic properties. In this exploration, we…
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morethansalad · 6 months
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Vegan Quiche Tarts with Wild Garlic (Gluten-Free)
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fortheloveofnutrition · 6 months
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I like to re post this every now and again because it's good advice I frequently forget.
Also I post it in part because I'm laying in bed with Covid (for the first time) at the moment and eating as much fruit as I can to expedite recovery. I grabbed a banana and orange, ate the banana and asked myself if this was a good combo or not. Glad I checked, because it was not. The last thing I need is indigestion.
But because it's me, my main focus has been doubling down on nutrition and observing my own results. I was eating plant based before, but sometimes I went a little too hard on the peanut butter trail mix, breads, or other sweet treats.
My doctor said rest and hydrate, but I took it a step further and since testing positive have cut out wheat, sugar, and any kind of dairy or processed foods. I figure nothing that could make inflammation worse. I've been consuming tons of herbs like cinnamon, ginger, echinacea, and turmeric while eating fresh citrus fruits like lemon, orange, strawberry, and pineapple daily.
Now I did a bit of tooling about the internet to see if any studies had been done over the last four years regarding a plant based diet and it's effects on Covid. The results were hopeful.
I found one study that said,
"Merino et al revealed that healthy plant-based foods could decrease the risk and severity of COVID-19.21 In this large survey, it was shown that as the quality of the diet rises, the risk of disease COVID-19 (HR 0.91) and severe COVID-19 (HR 0.59) diminishes.
Which gave me hope so I kept digging.
Another one stated, "Compared with an omnivorous Western diet, plant-based diets containing mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, with restricted amounts of foods of animal origin, are associated with reduced risk and severity of COVID-19. "
And I can tell you that has been my experience thus far. I developed a fever that went away after 24 hours and didn't go over 100.4. My only other symptom has been a stuffy nose with sinus pressure. Im definitely tired and need to limit activity but I can still taste and smell, breathe through my nose a decent amount of the time, and I'm not coughing. I'm lucky in that I have time off from work and for that I am grateful, as rest is another key component.
And why would a plant based diet be so beneficial for mitigating Covid symptoms? Because, "plant-based dietary patterns are rich in antioxidants, phytosterols and polyphenols which positively affect several cell types implicated in immune function and exhibit direct antiviral properties."
The full study can be found if you pop this into Google::
Acosta-Navarro JC, Dias, LF, de Gouveia LAG et al. Vegetarian and plant based diets associated with lower incidence of COVID-19. BMJ Nutr Prev Health 2024:e000629. doi:10.1136/bmjnph-2023-000629
I was really scared at first and this information helped me feel more empowered in my health and recovery. It's not a substitute for any medical attention or prevention like vaccines, hand washing, and mask wearing- all things I was doing regularly prior to getting sick which may have also been variables in keeping my symptoms down. A little help goes a long way.
Has any other plant based person had a similar experience? Let me know.
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angelofsoil · 9 months
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thevibranthomestead · 10 months
From Spice Rack To Wellness Wonder!
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Natural Remedies For A Healthy Wholesome You.
Read More Here: 
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aadavayurveda · 1 year
Discover the numerous benefits of incorporating plant-based proteins into your diet. Learn about the rich sources of plant-based protein, from legumes to nuts, and how they contribute to improved health and environmental sustainability. Plus, explore the option to enhance your protein intake with Aadav Ayurveda's premium plant-based protein powder
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Discovering the Therapeutic Potential of Ayurveda
Have you ever thought about ancient healing knowledge mixing with modern science? Let's start an exciting journey of discovery by exploring Ayurveda's healing secrets. We'll also add a modern touch by including CBD, a trendy wellness element!
Ayurveda, the art of balance, gifts us with holistic wellness tools that harmonize mind, body, and spirit. Now, imagine blending this ancient magic with the therapeutic prowess of CBD – a natural gem found in the cannabis plant. 
CBD, like Ayurveda's herbs, offers a gentle hand in promoting relaxation, easing discomfort, and supporting overall well-being. It's like the universe's way of saying, "Here's some calm in a chaotic world." 
As we fuse the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda with CBD's soothing touch, we invite a new realm of healing possibilities. Let's celebrate this harmonious partnership and honor the traditions that guide us towards vibrant health.
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