#here he is in a starter
sullivanxshaw · 1 year
location: All Night Diner Status: All
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It was only eleven by the time Sully was allowed to take a break from work and he was already exhausted. Between trying to be super dad for his sisters, trying to make money, and keeping his own secrets as secrets, Sully was barely able to get everything taken care of. So when he left the bakery and found himself asleep at one of the booths at the diner. An uneaten lunch sitting next to him, it wasn't a surprise. He didn't know how long he was out for and woke up a bit confused by the time he heard a noise loud enough to move him from his slumber. Sully rubbed his eyes and looked around, only for his gaze to land on who had made the noise. " Oh, crap. " He muttered to himself. " How long was I out for?"
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bleue-flora · 5 months
Ok, so can we talk about Punz for a second? Because like when I rewatched that stream the other day, not only did I notice that it was Punz who avenged Dream by killing Tommy and returning all of his stuff, after Sapnap and Tommy had ambushed Dream and refused to return it [details] (making him truly the mvp, who really doesn’t get enough credit). But I also noticed some other fun things.
Specially this.
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And this.
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Tommy punches Dream -> immediately killed by Punz [clip].
Like okay maybe we could make the point that Dream pays him to kill Tommy and reclaim all of his stuff [clip], but pretty sure Dream isn’t paying him to be so protective.
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avastyetwats · 20 days
Vampire AU Starter for @fornassau <3
“What about him, Captain?”
Golden orbs looked in the direction his Quartermaster had gestured, taking a moment to observe the man in question. He stood from the table he’d been sat at with some other men and a couple of whores, and the second he stepped forward, he stumbled. He grabbed onto the table for support and laughed while his men laughed at him, clearly inebriated which had Flint grimacing. “Too intoxicated.” Which he was not in the mood for tonight. He was fucking starving, but not enough to make himself drunk. Or high. Which many of these men currently were. If not incredibly aroused thanks to the whores scattered about. Their minds were filled with nothing but filth and it disgusted the Captain to the point of silencing them.
“That one?” Gates nodded to another that just walked by them and Flint followed his line of sight, watching.
He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Smells as though he hasn’t had a bath in days. Weeks, even.”
He heard his Quartermaster sigh. “Captain, most of these men, if not all of them, have likely not bathed in several days.” Why did he have to be so damn picky? Oh right, because he was a vampire.
Flint shoots him a glare. “You think me picky, but would you not want to enjoy your meal? Or would you be content with molded bread and meat?”
Gate huffs. “I hate when you do that.”
Flint grins, knowing he was talking about the mind reading. “A habit. Forgive me.” He chuckles and Gate rolls his eyes, but there’s a smirk there now. He was the only man - the only human and, quite honestly, being - that James Flint trusted. They’d been friends for years now, sailing together for just as long, and he was the only one that knew of his Captain’s… condition. He’s kept his secret for this long and was always good at removing any suspicion among the ship that Flint may not be human. He was simply a different Captain from all others. Both highly respected and feared. His name was known far and wide and here in Nassau, especially.
He wasn’t the only Vampire, of course, but he was the only vampire pirate Captain. There was no other like him.
The doors to the tavern open and in walk some more men, more pirates and Flint’s hums, nodding in their direction. “Him.” He mutters, eyes darkening as his hunger grows, following his target - his soon-to-be-meal - as he takes a seat at one of the empty tables with his mates.
Gates groans. “Really, Captain? Him?“ He clearly wasn’t approving of his choice. And for good reason. “Captain Vane has already taken notice of some of his crewmen goin’ missing and because you’re his favorite person,” that was said with heavy sarcasm. “He’s sure you’ve got somethin’ to do with it. Now, if you could please explain to me, as to why you’re so keen on making that worse?”
Flint heard his Quartermaster’s words, grinning the entire time but not bothering to look at him. Especially not when he walked in. Charles fucking Vane. Flint’s grin grew wider, fangs almost bearing. Gates was right. Flint knew that and that’s exactly why he wanted that particular man. Because he enjoyed fucking with Charles Vane. His greatest rival, his biggest threat, and the most powerful of Captains and men, aside from himself, of course. They’d been enemies for a long while now - always trying to one up the other and trying to take the biggest prize. Trying to become the biggest and baddest name in Nassau and on all the seven seas.
But there was more to it than that… more to them. Though neither would ever fucking admit it. But deep down, Flint knew. And the way his cock hardened from the mere sight of him sometimes made that obvious, but only to himself.
Finally, he looked to Gates, his eyes even darker now and his voice a low, hungry growl. “I want him.”
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thankstothe · 7 months
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
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Aero traded their coolass jacket for...whatever this is i made them wearing
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passingfaces · 11 months
sandy cheeks - open
Onyx had just finished taking samples of the algae in the water when his team decided to call it a day. Packing up his supplies, he took off his work clothes and went into the water. He could never get sick of being in the ocean, it was as comfortable as breathing for him. Walking out of the water, he noticed a familiar face on a towel in the sand. A smirk formed on his face as he walked over and shook his hair, making sure to get them wet. "My bad, I didn't see you there," he teased.
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angstfactory · 30 days
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"I do love me some finger foods y'all but," the creole man shook his head once, grinning down at the grill as he skillfully flipped several fat, juicy burgers, "there ain't nothing betta than some good ol' barbecue." Wyndham had eagerly taken the chance in offering his services to Victor tonight, in working one of the grills. While yes, he got to show off his new Kiss the Chef apron (he'd already been given two cheek kisses from a couple of sweet young girls whose mother seemed too shy to do so herself -- totally fine, it was all in good, innocent fun), the man was particularly keen on just being involved in general. His company, Wyndham Lucas Enterprises, had helped partner this event and it seemed only appropriate that he be there to rep the name. Wyndham shot a smile towards the person nearby. "These few here 'bout to be done, if you hungry," he offered, using the spatula to point out a short row of burgers with nice grill marks on them. "Though I'm gonna warn ya, you betta have a taste for spice 'cause I added a dash of my secret weapon." He tapped the top of a Lawry's Cajun Seasoning. "It's gonna be a minute yet for the others." As in, those he made without the kick. Not everybody liked spice, after all.
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poke-poke-poke · 1 year
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do you think leon's a 'snorrrrk... mimimimiii' . or a 'honnk shooo' kinda guy.........
(just some progress pics under read more-)
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puppyeared · 9 months
28 for the ask game !!!!! ^_^
28: do you collect anything?
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send me a number!! 💌
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penroseparticle · 4 months
irreplaceable rant? to the left to the left
My irreplaceable rant is essentially:
When Beyonce wrote Irreplaceable it was like a giant stepping on an ant. Even in 06 she was shaping up to be a Juggernaut. B'Day launched at number 1 I believe? She was blowing up. Well established, producing bop after bop after banger after banger. And We bought Irreplaceable because we, fully, were on board. Beyonce COULD have another you in a minute. The mythos of Beyonce was taking shape. She was Beyonce, you were some guy. To the left.
When she wrote Lemonade it was like. Oh there are stakes now because whether you think Jay Z is great or not or a garbage dude or whatever, he's at least closer to her level than just "some guy".
Like. Of course she could have another you in a minute if you were some dude. But could she have another Jay Z in a minute? No, categorically she could not, and to say otherwise is to tell yourself fun lies because you hate cheaters or men or whatever. I am a firm believer that Beyonce is one of a kind and cannot be replicated in our lifetime as a cultural phenomenon, artist, creator, singer, you name it she is. incredible. But I'm also not going to pretend Jay Z wasn't in some ways just as singularly, powerfully monolithic with popculture just because most of this website understands rap less.
She writes the Sistine Chapel about him because like it or not, she wants to. She looks at him and sees things you could only dream of creating and I for one am just happy to be here, and could care less what you think about Beyonce's specialist boy who is the catalyst of some of the best music I've heard in the past decade, and also someone who MADE some of the best music I've heard in the past 20 years as well.
Beyonce's first solo recording was 03 Bonnie and Clyde, btw. As in, she was a feature on a Jay Z song before even releasing Dangerously in Love. Which. Also prominently has a Jay Z feature. In the lead single. That arguably launched Beyonce's career. Why would she ever write songs about the man who helped her launch her career that she has been married to for 16 years. A damn mystery.
And for the record, if she wanted to make the most beautiful art in the world about literal garbage, so the fuck what. We hate Duchamps The Fountain on this website now? Irving Penn spent years taking extremely detailed, well composed photos... of actual trash. Like Mud Glove. His photos were hanging in the Smithsonian a few years ago. Turns out beautiful art that says something, even something about trash? Still beautiful.
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springbandit · 7 months
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"Like, this was your sandwich?" Shaggy's eyes went wide, though he refused to return the half-taken bite. Though he kept eye contact, he slowly began to chew enough that he could speak clearly enough to be understood. "I thought when they said 'All You Can Eat', they meant, like, off any plate!" He chuckled, finishing off what he was eating before pushing the plate across the table. "If you still want to get in on the action, the more the merrier!"
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fisheito · 8 months
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Dude i don't know
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All those small moments Tobi came up with like
I totally wondered myself when in concert what he did when he ran off the stage every time and look, it's all part of the movie! He planned it all along
He even makes fun of all the costume changes
Like when he's confused about the sudden Year Zero outfit and makes Eww when he sees he holds the cross UP lol
The way his parents seem to scare him about death only to scare us
How you barely notice all the times he throws the mic from one hand to another by the way the movie is edited UNLESS you give that special attention and see how it's suddenly in the other hand (I watched it twice okay)
That time when he's on the drum pedestal and we see him from the back as he looks over his shoulder to us
"When I first came here to be an entertainer ... well, that wasn't ME, but you know what I mean ..." Might be me but I love how he lets his own self shine throw the personas sometimes. He's so touching and caring beneath all that
Tress Biyan for fuck's sake
My utter confusion about the red demon windows during Square Hammer, what does that mean?? They were monochrome white the other events -
Remembering the striding away after the finale was the sexy teaser when the movie webpage was first announced only to learn he falls on his face next thing (his self irony is so charming)
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fcdcdmcmories · 7 months
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HE HAD NEEDED TO GET OUT OF HIS ROOM A LITTLE BIT. and so, of course that he had asked to be wheeled outside for a little bit. what had he needed? a chance to clear his head? to get some fresh air? yes, that was precisely it. he knew that there was a chance that people would be looking for him, but .. eh, he'd go back soon enough. right now? being outside and getting some fresh air was too good to pass up. "i know, i know. i shouldn't be drinking, but.. i won't tell if you don't? AND BESIDES, MY DOCTOR SAID IT WAS OKAY." was it? eh. shrugging, as he placed the bottle down, gesturing for the other to sit down next to him if they wanted to. "want a drink? it's a pretty night, so.. gotta make the most out of it, huh?" instead of being trapped inside.
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ashton-ryder · 9 months
// open. int. atrium - night. 23 dec 2022
Another year another obnoxiously lavish party at the Wexley. If Ashton had any other excuse to be anywhere else, he'd take it. But the flights home were too expensive and he had work to do on his thesis right up till Christmas, even if the university was technically on break, the campus was still filled with students for one reason or another. Ashton had came back from the campus, having the party slip out of his mind and instead of actively avoiding it, he unconsciously walked right into it. Getting caught in the crowd at the entrance and giving in once the announcements were made and the food and drinks were flowing.
"I could use next month's rent for something else then.." Ashton murmured to himself as a sat alone on a couch in a quieter corner of the Atrium, a mulled wine in one hand and another flipping through his monthly expenses on his phone. The books he had borrowed from the school library and brought home acted as his arm rest. He only looked up when he heard someone approaching, and he raised his glass as a small greeting. "The Wexleys are feeling charitable this year, huh?"
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