#here’s my crazy fucked up niece
rithalie-sideblog · 7 months
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I want Mizu’s father to be a complicated character.
I’m a sucker for reformed fathers and while I don’t think it will happen, I want Mizu’s father to be VERY morally grey. Give me a man who doesn’t believe in fairness or goodness anymore. Give me a man who had been through so goddamn much he can’t even see the kindness for what it is. A man who sells souls and bargains with demons and kills people with equal amount of interest. A man who doesn’t believe himself to be a god or melomaniac but simply a practical man who knows what he is and what he is not.
A man who knows he’s not good, and doesn’t dare to think he is, a man who has been broken once and put himself back together out of sheer force of will.
Man who, at his heart, still remains humble street rat.
Man who is friends with horrible people because deep down he doesn’t believe he deserves better ones. A pact brother to Fowler, who he matches in strength and brutality but not exactly in tastes or debauchery.
Give me a man who once had a goal, he reached it or failed it and now has to keep going, because he made a lot of people dependable on him. A man who keeps his people fed and safe but doesn’t tolerate the littlest bit of resistance or disloyalty because he fell for that once before and he’s still hurt. (Sounds familiar?)
Give us man who maybe had a son or two already but secretly wants a child that he could protect and maybe save and who deep deep down dreams of having a daughter he could spoil rotten. His little princess.
And then he meets Mizu’s mother and he either falls in love or he doesn’t but he suddenly has a goal again and he would be damned if he loses it. And he does lose it, either by having his daughter stolen from him and killing everyone responsible for it, or by thinking both his daughter and his woman were murdered.
Let us see his breaking point, him losing himself in cruelty once again, because he had just what he wanted in the palm of his hand and he threw it all away for a business trip or a seemingly important deal back in London, which turns out to be his biggest mistake.
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And then give us a man who sees his daughter again but she’s not his little princess anymore. She never was.
Give us a man who is furious at what this world shaped his daughter to be. Who sees himself in her and he’s seething because he very much wanted her to be the opposite. To be happy and spoiled and loved. And Mizu is not.
She is ruthless, she is vary and she rarely sees kindness for what it is, especially in a foreign land. And she doesn’t trust him, even as he offers help in killing men that Fowler made her hate with his meddling. Men she suspects are either her father or the devil he works with.
Give me man trying desperately to make connection. Even as he bends the rules for her and breaks his own promises and lets himself care again.
And if it all fails and if she discovers he’s her father, he still tries to find a way to keep her. To protect her, shield her. Even if it’s by blackmail, even if he holds her friend’s lives in the palm of his hand as he offers her all the power he has. Even as she hates him with that reckless abandon we all know her to possess.
Give us a man who made a clan out of outlaws and makes Mizu his heir and their princess, as she screams and kicks and tries to get out of this position.
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sensitivegoblin · 2 years
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yeonzzzn · 6 months
💙beautiful angel: sim jaeyun
2.0 of won’t give up on us for the off limits trilogy
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pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: 2.1k
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synopsis: after the birth of his daughter, jake takes on the responsibility of watching after her while you sleep and get the much needed rest after giving birth. jake and jay spend that late night reminiscing about old times and discussing the future.
genre: established relationship, older brother’s best friend!au, fluffy, suggestive talk.
warnings: swearing, jake and jay being down bad for daughter/niece, mentions of sex, pregnancy mentions, that’s probably it! ♡
✰ this a 2.0 to this trilogy, please see parts 1-3 under the title before reading this one. ✰
˗ˏˋseries spotify playlist´ˎ˗
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Jake lets out a quick yawn, rubbing his right eye as his other holds Hwa tighter then wraps the arm back around her. 
You were sound asleep on the hospital bed, completely exhausted from obviously birthing a child earlier in the day. 
Jake rocked little Hwa in his arms, smiling over how soundly she slept like there was no care in the world. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Jake saw Jay’s head fall from the hand he was resting on, jolting him awake. Jake tried to not laugh, not wanting to wake up his daughter. 
“You can go home, man,” Jake whispers, “You’ve been here all day.” 
Jay rubs his eyes, “You can go home.” 
Jake scoffs, narrowing his eyes, “The fuck I will go home, my fiancé just birthed my daughter.” 
“And my sister just birthed my niece.” 
“Point taken,” Jake sighs, knowing damn well Jay wasn’t going to leave. As he said at the sports bar the night they watched the Formula One races, they were both fucked if you had a girl. And well, here you all were. 
Jake assumed Jay was going to stay at the hospital as well once everyone else eventually piled out. They even had to ask the nurses to bring an extra recliner chair for him to sleep on. 
Jay yawned, sitting up in the chair and stretching his arms above his head, “You sure you don’t want to go home?” Jake teased. 
Jay flipped him the bird and stood up from the chair, “I’m going to the cafeteria, want anything?” 
Jake nodded, “Surprise me.” 
Jay left and came back quickly, carrying two chicken sandwiches, “They didn’t have much, since ya know. It’s two am.” 
Jake shrugged, reaching a hand out for the sandwich, “I don’t care at this point I am just starving.” 
Jay unwrapped the foil on the sandwich and handed it to Jake, “Need me to put Hwa in her little crib thing?” 
Jake quickly shook his head, not being ready to let her go yet. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to snatch her away from his family and friends earlier, to yell at them that he wanted his daughter back in his arms. The protection Jake felt towards his daughter was insane. Wanting to bark and growl at anyone and everything that looked at her for too long. 
Jay just rolls his eyes and sits back in his recliner across the room on the other side of your bed, “Well, I call dibs holding her after we eat.” 
Jake glared at him, only for Jay to glare back. 
“I’m just as crazy about her as you are man,” Jay hissed, “My family too.” 
Jake decided to ignore Jay and take a bite of his sandwich. Jake knew he eventually had to get some sleep, mostly if he wanted to be awake when you wake up later. 
So Jake eventually nods and swallows his food, “Fine, only because I need to get some sleep and I rather my daughter sleep peacefully in one of her family member's arms than that plastic hospital crib.” 
Jay chuckles as he eats his sandwich, “I couldn’t agree more, brother.” 
Brother. That word holds so much more meaning now than it did before. Jake went from being best friends with Jay to practically being brothers from how close they were, to being brother-in-laws. Jake will soon actually be related to Jay, and honestly, he couldn’t wait. 
“It’s crazy how everything worked out,” Jake said, finishing the last bite of his sandwich, his hand that still held his daughter slightly squeezed her small body, “I still can’t believe it. Like I am waiting to be woken up from a dream.” 
Jay just stared at his friend, watching how he smiled down at his niece and the tears swell in his eyes, “You know, I’ve never seen you cry as much as I have ever since you started dating my sister.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
Jay laughs, finishing off his sandwich and standing from the chair, “But it’s not a dream, Jake. Trust me I tried to pinch myself awake after finding out you were messing around with my sister.” 
Jake just shakes his head, “It just feels all so unreal to me. Like I’m a father now? Who would have ever thought about it.” 
Jay just nods. It seemed so out of reach and impossible for the old Jake. The Jake who partied every weekend and was bringing many different women in and out of his bed, didn’t take college all that seriously and honestly only did it to stay with his friends. Jay saw a change in Jake the moment his sister arrived at the house during winter break all those years ago. You changed him, and it was for the better. 
“Yeah it’s weird to think about,” Jay took Jake’s trash and threw it away, quickly washing his hands and making his way back to Jake, reaching his hands out for his niece, “My turn.” 
Jake lifts Hwa up, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and straightening out the blanket wrapped around her then sending her into Jay’s arms. 
“Hello sweet girl,” Jay whispered to her, holding her close to his chest and placing a kiss on her forehead, “Uncle Jay has you now.” 
Jake stared at his friend and daughter with endearment, “I love you all so much it’s insane.” 
Jay carefully sat back into the recliner chair, lifting the leg up, “Same here, man. I love you all with every inch of my heart.” 
Jake stood up and stretched, letting out another yawn before sitting back down and getting comfy in the chair, his eyes looking over to you, watching how your chest raised and fell with each sleepy breath you took. 
“Stop looking at my sister like that,” Jay softly snapped. 
Jake looked away from you, his eyes now piercing daggers into your brother, “Huh? That’s my future wife.” 
“Yeah, and you’re looking at her like you want to impregnate her again.” 
Jake smirks, “Because I do.” 
Jay groans, “Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Trust me, the moment I can, I’m putting another baby in her,” Jake knew these sex jokes were pissing Jay off, they always did. His big brother protective persona always came out. Even though Jake knocked you up and was now engaged to you, Jay still never wavered his protectiveness. And Jake was honestly happy about it. 
“Remind me that I need to speak to her about getting back on her birth control,” Jay said with a roll of his eyes. 
“I’ll just hide it.” 
“Okay yandere Jake,” Jay chuckles, “Calm down.” 
Jake laughs with his friend, enjoying every moment with him. 
He glances back at you, smiling wide, “It’s crazy how things worked out.” 
Jay was busy adjusting the blanket around Hwa, tracing a finger over her little face, “Yeah, things turned out how they were supposed to.” 
Jake sat up in his chair, keeping his eyes on you, “Thank you, Jay.” 
“For what?” Jay asked, leaning his head down to kiss Hwa’s forehead, smiling as she softly yawned. 
“For walking into my life when you did,” Jake was truly, truly, thankful for Jay. Jake remembers the memory so fondly, sitting at the small table in kindergarten alone. Twirling his thumbs against each other as he watched the other kids in his class make the friends he was too shy to make. 
“Why are you sitting here alone?” little Jay asked, nearly scaring Jake to death, “Don’t you have any friends?” 
Jake just shook his head, looking away from Jay. Jake didn’t attend the same daycare these other kids did, everyone already knew each other or were social butterflies enough to make friends. 
Jay sat down beside him, “Sunghoon, come here!” 
Little Sunghoon stood up from the playing mat and waddled to the table, sitting across from Jay without so much as a thought. Sunghoon was shy too, but since he already knew Jay he felt comfortable. 
“What’s your name?” Jay asked. 
“Jaeyun…” Jake whispered, “But I go by Jake as a nickname.” 
Little Jay just smiled, “I’m Jongseong, but my nickname is Jay. And that’s Sunghoon. We are your friends now. I have a friend in the first grade named Heeseung, he’ll be your friend too.” 
And since then the four of them have been attached at the hip. Jake chuckles at the memory. Jay was also remembering the same memory, smiling and chuckling as well. 
“You were so shy back then, I wonder what happened.” 
“I became friends with you,” Jake teased, smiling even wider, “But it’s because of you, on why I am where I am right now.” 
Jay nodded, looking back down at his niece, “Someone had to become friends with you.” 
Jake rolled his eyes, slumping down into the chair. “If you never invited us to come back home with you, we wouldn’t be sitting here right now.” 
Jay nodded again, “Yeah, we sure wouldn’t be.” 
Jay was honestly happy with how life turned out to be. He’s kept the same friends his entire life, had a perfect sibling relationship with you, you’re engaged to one of his best friends and now he’s holding his niece in his arms. Everything balanced out how it should have. 
“I am glad it was you,” Jay said after a few minutes of silence. 
Jake tilts his head into his hand, “Oh yeah?” he said through a yawn, “Glad it was me who became your best friend?” 
“No,” Jay said with a pause, earning Jake to glare at him, “If you’d let me finish,” Jay hissed, “I am glad it was you who fell in love with my sister. You’ve given her a love no one else could. Nobody was good enough for my sister, not until you.” 
Jake smiled, looking at you, “I am so in love with her. Thank you again for walking into my life when you did. For welcoming me into your family and for letting me love YN. You could have easily beat my ass and forbidden me from ever seeing her again. Thank you for accepting my love for her, thank you for letting me date her. She’s my soulmate, my everything,” Jake now looks at Jay, then sending his eyes to his sleeping daughter, “It’s because of you that I not only have the best friend a guy could ask for, but I met my soulmate so early on in life, and now I have a beautiful daughter. It’s all because of you.”
Jay tried to not let the word go to his head and let his ego boost further. Jay knew this was all because of him. But he was glad for it just as much as Jake was. 
“Yeah, be grateful,” Jay teased. 
Jake was about to comment but stopped quickly. 
“Oh my god can you both shut up?!” you groaned, using all your strength to push yourself up to your elbow, “Some people are trying to rest!” 
“Baby,” Jake said, quickly standing up to rush to your side, “Were we being too loud? I am so sorry.” 
You secretly have been awake the entire time, listening to their conversations and cooing over your daughter. You kept praying they’d eventually just shut up and fall asleep. 
You look at your brother, watching as he places more kisses all over Hwa’s face and suddenly you want nothing more than to hold her. 
You reached your arms out, “Gimme.” 
Jay didn’t want to give Hwa up yet but stood up anyway to hand her over to you. 
You smiled down at your daughter, “Beautiful angel.” 
Jake wrapped an arm around you, leaning his head against yours, “She is, isn’t she.” 
Hwa has already received so many kisses since she was born, but you couldn’t help but press your lips to her forehead, sending every ounce of love you have into her skin. 
Jake loved seeing you like this, so motherly. It turned him on, he had to admit. 
“Let’s make another one when we get home.” 
“Oh god here we go,” Jay groaned, sliding down the chair and crossing his arms. 
“I’m telling you,” Jake chuckled, “I am going to knock her up again. I’ll have sex with her every single night over and over until she’s pregnant again.” 
You tried to not laugh at seeing the look of pure disgust on your brother's face. 
“I take back everything nice I said earlier,” Jay said with a pout. 
“No you don’t shut up,” you laughed, “You love us.” 
Jay nods, “I damn well do.” 
Jake kisses your brow, “Let me get you pregnant again,” he whispers. 
“At least get your own apartment or house first, jeez,” Jay sighs, “Our apartment is crowded enough.” 
“Awe, but if we move out how can I tease you about our sex life?” Jake smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Jay. 
You tuned out the teasing argument between your fiancé and brother, putting your full attention to your daughter, watching as her small eyes flutter open and a yawn leaves her little lips, her eyes now locking with yours. 
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel.
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—tags: @ikeuverse @slutforsjy @hanjisunginc @alvojake @lhsvibez @wonsbaer @zeeloveshee @jjknoir @jaeyunq @jaklvbub @woniebae @jeongingf1 @haelahoops @willgrysn @in-somnias-world @lovelyikeu @ilikekpop-c @moonrachas @misssparklyprincess @eddieeddiesblog @kaykay11sworld @tasnim10 @kangnina @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @mymemoriesandmelodies @iselltulips @jooniesbears-blog @shawnyle @brownsugarbaybee @woahsehun @laurradoesloveu @citylightsdoll @simjyunnie @cmoundiamante @caramelcandescence @lavenderiridescence @niniissus @wonniethepoo @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @fried-bread071696 @coolwitu @kyeoluvr @crimnalseung @jwnghyuns @woninluv @fakeuwus @simhinata
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DPXDC prompt. Family? Assemble!
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Reporter: Gotham News, and we have a new supervillain on the line. Mr Phantom, what are your demands at the moment? Phantom with lack of sleep and with tears: I..I want a titanium model of a spaceship! And to get a good night’s sleep and to go to the local school…and some fudge and.. Reporter: Oh, my bad. Just one question for clarification, are you by any chance an orphan or are your parents villains? Phantom: I prefer the term mad scientists Reporter: Okay. So, Gotham news! And with me on the line is the new potential child of Wayne or Batman. Want to know how two serial adopters will share a child leading a double life? Stay with us and find out. Now let's check in with Jessie for our weather report. Phantom: Wait, what?
Danny spends the night running from the Red Hood with a bag of fudge, Red Robin with a pot of coffee, Batman with the adoption papers and, for some reason, Brucie Wayne with an idea of internship at a space station. Ha! The Justice League will never let a ghost into orbit. Not that Wayne can blackmail superheroes or smth. Danny: Fuck you all! I’m done with vigilante activity, I’m not your competitor! What do you want from me? And I’m done with crazy billionaires too. I swear, I’d rather be adopted by a local mob boss just to piss you off! ~Later~ Danny *sees peering out of the corner Matches Malone*: Are you kidding me?! Robbie *jumps off the roof and lands right behind Danny*: Stop running, lil brother, No one’s left the family yet. Minnie: What about Neal? Robbie *shakes a knife with a bow on the handle negatively*: He’s on sabbatical, that doesn’t count. Anyway, it’s a gift for you, cub. Danny: Um, thank you, but my lab scalpels are definitely sterile, and your blade was in who knows who before you brought it here. Robbie: It’s brand-new! And Archie decorated it with a ghost on the handle. Look! It's cute! With a smile and… Dick: Hands up! You’re under arrest for trying to steal our new member! Minnie: Why is he yours, damn cop? Selina: Boys, don’t fight. He’s mine. Schrodinger’s cat is still a kitten. Killer Croc: No way, my niece is staying with me. Danny: Uncle Waylon? Long time no see. Ra's: My grandson needs steady access to ectoplasm. Danyal, come with me. Danny: Over my dead body! Oh shiii…I mean no. Anyway, don’t you think the alley’s getting a little crowded?
Killer Croc: Is he still mad at me? RR: Danny doesn’t talk to uncles who tried to eat his beloved brother Red Robin. Killer Croc: He wasn’t even your brother then. What do you want? An apology from me? RR: That would be nice.
Danny: I didn’t think the GIW agents would really fear the reputation of Gotham and not follow me. What a relief! Jason *quickly throws the knife into the sink*: Wow, you got lucky. Alfred: Master Jones, why don’t you eat your steak? I thought last week you were complaining to Batman that 'cause of him you got not many prey. Croc *pulls a piece of white robe from the teeth*: Well, now there is a lot of it. Bruce *gives Jason and Croc the side-eye*.
Ra's: You do realize that Malone, Wayne and Batman are the same person, right? Boy, you were born into a family of geniuses, don’t disappoint Grandpa. Danny: Triple pocket money, triple gifts for the holidays, the opportunity to complain about the same family member three times. No, Grandpa, I definitely don’t understand. Ra's: Smart little weasel.
Selina: Okay. Purely theoretical. Do you like to steal? Danny: I wouldn’t say that. But somehow I stole the sword from the fright knight. And also stole few jewels but then I was under the mind control. I returned them. Well, the crown and ring of the king of the ghost zone I also took without permission. Oh, and the answers to the test once. And I’m really sorry about the last one. Neal: I feel the story behind it but I prefer to know nothing about it.
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httpsserene · 3 months
𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 - 𝐥𝐬. 𝟏𝟖 | 𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝟒𝟎𝟒: 𝐏𝐍𝐅 |
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𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝟒𝟎𝟒: 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 - 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞
summary: after all of the trials, tribulations, and failed relationships of your life, you deserve your happy ending. content warning: soft launch and hard launch. sibling dynamics (bullying). reader's mom. puns. happily ever after. elden-ring dlc spoilers! (ik it came out very recently but we’re pretending it’s older in this universe). profanity. a couple suggestive lines. attempt at humor. alcohol (reader gets drunk on nye). pairing: lance stroll x fem!black!reader
from serene: the insane amount of work i did to make fake clips of a twitch stream…there’s most definitely an easier way to do it. unrelated: i did not think a lewham win was in the cards this year, but i'm so fucking happy that he did win silverstone! of any race, i'm glad it was that one. finishing up toasty part two today, so expect it to drop tomorrow or the day after that! and most importantly, enjoy this final installment of error 404: plot not found xxx
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twitter • ynplays • december 27th
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instagram • ynfanaccount • december 27th
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liked by lancestroll, user35, user12, and 11,376 others
ynfanaccount: the three most popular clips from yn's twitch stream today! can you see a theme?
tagged ynplays
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user1: lance liked this!!!
➥ user2: do you think he watched the stream :(
➥ user3: girl. i think he watched IRL. that was definitely a man's voice in the third clip! you can kinda hear him at the very start!
user4: don't know what's worse: yn lying to us about having a date for nye or yn gaslighting us into believing that was her sister smh
➥ yoursister: i'm not even at her house rn 🤔
➥ user4: exposed by your own sister
➥ user5: L + ratio
➥ user6: ynnnnnnn who was thatttttttt
user7: so we can all agree that she was talking to lance in that last clip :o
➥ user8: um no. he's still in canada. yn seems like the type to have already moved on to a different man 🙄🥱
➥ user9: who the fuck are you? you must be new around here if you're deciding to talk crazy.
➥ user10: and how TF do you know that lance is still in canada? r u stalking him or smth? last clip, turn up your volume, clear as day you can hear yn almost say his name
➥ user11: worst take i've heard so far @/user8 delete your account 🤡🤡🤡
igstory • ynplays uploaded!
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[caption1; when he gifts you flowers just because >>>>] [caption2; wild baby sega posing pretty in the snow 🥺]
yourbestie: answer my fucking facetime neOWW YOU WHORE
yourfriend1: "he" as in lance stroll, the f1 driver that flew all the way from canada to see you and prove that a long distance relationship with him is worth it and he also begged for you to cuddle him live on your twitch stream, gifted you flowers just because? ynplays: he *allegedly begged for me to cuddle him. you couldn't really hear it on the stream 🤓☝🏽 youfriend1: OMG ITS ACTUALLY HM INN YOUR HOUSE U LYING SNAKE yourfriend1: oh your sister is going to kill you rip 😔
yourfriend2: oh wow lance...i didn't expect him to be a returning love interest at all (sarcasm) yourfriend2: put my niece on the phone 🥱 ynplays: sega is not your niece ynfriend2: PUT MY FUR-NIECE ON THE PHONE BEFORE I STEAL HER 👺
yoursister: omw. ynplays: m not opening the door yoursister: okay? lance will open it for me ynplays: not if he doesn't want me to die he won't ynsister: if he wants to live, he will. also you gave me a key ✨
lilymhe: can't wait to see you in the paddock next year 😘 ynplays: wtf. you know who i am😨 lilymhe: alex gossips VERY loudly with george liymhe: also i love the unedited skincare & makeup videos you make, they feel like girlhood honestly ynplays: going to faint rq brb
instagram • lancestroll • dec28th • where i'm supposed to be ⚑
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liked by estebanocon, chloestroll, ynbestie, and 675,432 others
lancestroll: reconnecting
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estebanocon: seems better 😁
➥ lancestroll: yes you were right okay thank you
➥ user12: right about what?
➥ user13: think it's a refrence to esteban's reply on lance's previous post!
fernandoalonso: that pizza looks mid.
➥ lancestroll: what
➥ user14: IJBOL 😂😂😂
➥ user15: it feels like i just heard my parents using slang
➥ user16: that's my favorite rookie 🙂‍↕️
user17: okay yn's best friend liked!
➥ user18: soft launch radar: SCREAMING 🔊🎚️
➥ user19: does this count as a sl? it's more like a deluxe edition to an album
➥ user20: it's giving album repackaging
➥ user18: i think it's cute that he's still doing a sl !! i'm just happy they're getting back together 😌
user21: LANCE the bouquet you gifted her was sooo pretty!
➥ user22: my boyfriend has to step the fuck up (the location on this too 😭😭😭)
➥ user23: bro there's no conformation he even gave her those 😒
➥ user24: are you blind 🤨? you need to get your eyes checked fr @/user23
➥ user21: ain't it funny? how the non-believers have fallen so low into their delusion...
twitter • december 28th
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instagram • ynplays • dec 30th • happy ⚑
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liked by estebanocon, lilymhe, yoursister, and 179,674 others
ynplays: yes, i have a date for my new year's party: it's the 31st! 🥳🥳🥳
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alexandrasaintmleux: i can treat you better than him 😩
➥ lilymhe: she's mine 😡
➥ ynplays: but pookies :( don't fight
➥ alexandrasaintmleux: okay kitten whiskers :(
➥ lilymhe: hmph. as long as you don't forget that you were daddy's first 😤
➥ user25: if i didn't know the shrek reference i'd be calling the cops
yoursister: you will send that poor man to an early grave
➥ yoursister: at least you're raising his blood pressure and not mine
➥ yourbestie: i'm just happy i'm not getting the video game rage texts anymore
➥ ynplays: haters (i love you both)
➥ yoursister: it takes the same amount of energy to love or or hate and i will always chose hate when it's you (i love you more)
➥ yourbestie: it's a consequence of cutting my hair off when we were three (ditch your man so we can have a sleepover please)
user26: lame ass dad joke in the caption
➥ ynplays: i thought it was funny 😕
➥ yourfriend1: it wasn't 👎🏽
➥ yourfriend2: should've asked the gc b4 you posted 🤷‍♀️
user27: so we all just ignoring her asking him for nudes…
➥ user28: and what about it???
➥ user29: you're just mad you don't have anybody to send you smth naughty
➥ user30: you notice how he didn't say no tho 👀👀
user31: nonchalant boyfriend core
➥ user32: nonchalant boyfriend & gamer girlfriend >>>
➥ user33: like, he just always in his own world, he rly quiet fr unless he know u
➥ user34: he funny asl tho if he know u type shit
user35: adding this to my lance stroll x reader fic
➥ user36: you couldn't WATERBOARD this info out of me 😭
➥ user37: lance stroll boyfriend aesthetic
➥ user38: ...aye dm a link to that fic LOL ☠️☠️☠️
igstory • ynplays uploaded!
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[caption; ui i Lov myy bfrikenddd!!!?! happy new yrsss, ocme give me a KISS labbceyyyy]
lancestroll: i leave you with your sister for 2 seconds to use the bathroom lancestroll: you're super adorable when you're drunk lancestroll: i'll get you some water and come give you a kiss mon coeur lancestroll: you're so pretty
user39: something tells me you will not be able to stream tomorrow
user40: PUT THAT DOWN !!! ts is bigger than your HEAD GIRL
instagram • lancestroll and ynplays • january 1st • my heart ⚑
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, twitch, astonmartinf1 and 3,492,125 others
lancestroll and ynplays: you guys haven't seen us together since last year 🤪😅
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📌 lancestroll: yn's still passed out from last night but she wanted me to tell you guys that she will still be streaming tonight
➥ lancestroll: (you didn't hear this from me but she is definitely not going to be able to 🫥)
➥ user41: LMAO tell her to rest well
➥ user42: make sure she drinks lots and lots of water
➥ user43: thank u for the update messenger bf lance!!!
lewishamilton: happy it worked out for you man
➥ lancestroll: me too 😁
➥ user44: ik lewis mad as hell he didn't find yn before lance LMAOO 😭😭😭
twitch: now when are we seeing you two play overcooked on stream?
➥ lancestroll: she gets mad at me in animal crossing so i don't think it'll be in my best interests to play overcooked with her
➥ user45: yeah that game tears marriages apart
nhl: can't wait to see you guys rink side together - admin
➥ user46: nhl admin is one of us
yourfriend1: WHAT A HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
➥ yourbestie: glad to start the year knowing i will NEVER have to sit through another vacation fling ever again
➥ yoursister: well,,,what if i want to find love on vacay?
➥ yourfriend1: NO
➥ yourfriend2: UH UH
➥ yourbestie: H-H-HELL NAW ❌❌❌‼️‼️
user47: i love when soft launches only last for a few days
user48: i saw this and smiled like i had anything to do with them getting together
➥ user49: nodded my head like i know them personally 😌
instagram • ynplays • january 1st • where love grows ⚑
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liked by lancestroll, nhl, estebanocon, lewishamilton and 2,582,991 others
ynplays: yeah yeah yeah stream is cancelled tn (my head is about to combust) to make up for it, canada vlog is premiering tonight 💁🏾‍♀️
tagged lancestroll, segagenesisthedawg
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lancestroll: do i get vip on twitch yet?
➥ ynplays: i'll teach you how to mod too
➥ user50: modern day love story 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
➥ user51: discord mod and kitten ts
➥ ynplays: 🤢🤢🤮🤮
lilymhe: i got early access to this video, we are NOT the same xxx
➥ alexandrasaintmleux: i got it too, so we are the same x
➥ user52: damn they really tussling over yn???
➥ user53: can't blame them, i would do the same 💆🏾‍♀️
yourbestie: i feel like i should've gotten more screen time in this vid 🤔
➥ yourfriend1: speak on it bc when she wasn't with lance she was with us being annoying asl🥴
➥ yourfriend2: are we losing the friend group leader to a man? never thought she'd fall so far from grace...
➥ ynplays: friend group leader is CRAZY n y'all just happy to use me for clout huh 😤
yoursister: didn't realize we were returning to clickbait storytime yt era
➥ yoursister: sucks to see how unreletable you've become 😔
➥ ynplays: im going home and stealing ALL my clothes back
➥ yoursister: i misspoke, i apologize for my words *plays ukulele*
➥ user54: believe it or not this is love 🤓
yourmom: lance, thank you for giving my daughter the love and care she deserves x
➥ ynplays: mom this is my post???
➥ lancestroll: of course ma'am. i'll love her tirelessly
➥ ynplays: i'll love you endlessly baby 🥹
➥ ynplays: thank you my love! i wish you the best year everrrr
➥ user56: happy new year yn stans we up haters stay down
user57: i didn't think we'd get a vlog!!! ilysm ynnnn
➥ user58: best content creator out rn hand down
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© httpsserene2024
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fangirlingpuggle · 22 days
Please tell me more about your au where the twins are billford kids please please please
Hey there haven't been able to stop thinking about AU so here more additional thoughts
Mable and Dipper not knowing about their deal power until later, like Mabel accidentally making deal with Pacifica/challenging her and suddenly her hand is on fire '...that's not good' twins frantically trying to fix everything and now they have a no deals rule.
Well after some experimentation the twins wanted to know what would happen if they tried to make deals with each other... both hands catch on fire and well... Grunkle Stan watching TV and then turning head to see his niece and nephew turned in ash ans still slightly smoldering.
Others slowly finding out about their demon forms, Candy and Grenda they love Mabel's demon form and think it's so cool... they also help her experiment with powers... it usually ends in chaos.
Wendy finding out, realizing these 2 kids have had to live copped up indoors and not do anything like go to school and have friends and is instantly like 'I am going to make sure you 2 have so much fun, you are going to have coolest summer ever!'
Pacifica also finds out, because of demon deal but pretends she doesn't. It's only later she reveals.
All the life threatening events are far more less threatening it's less my life is in danger more like I need to blow I'm not human/ I can't let my powers go crazy cause otherwise things are gonna get weird and maybe worse.
Whenever Stan hears the kids voices he automatically looks up he's really used to then kids floating.
Bill finding out he's parent freaking out and the Henchmanics are torn between 'WE'RE HONORARY AUNTS/UNCLES' and... welp fuck probably not gonna be able to make while worlds a party since Bill is already asking about how to baby proof the mindscape.
When Ford comes back it's him that faints this time... everyone else has known about him for ages.
Mable and Dipper have seen journal 1 and then journal 3 after Dipper finds it (Stan is not surprised, kid is so much like Ford of course he's find where the nerd hid it... now they only need the 2nd journal) Mabel's seen the writing about don't trust him about Bill and seeing journal 2 she puts together her parents aren't.... on the best terms. She still is on the matchmaking thing cause she has an ideal dream of 2 happy parents along with her twin, grunkle stan and big brother Soos.
Fiddleford even when meeting twins for first time in human form is terrified of them. He is scared every time and he doesn't know why just instinctual fear.
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lovexjoe · 2 months
Your dad was suppose to be home 4 days ago with Uncle Mike but they are no where to be found. You were currently leaving the hospital when the news report caught your attention.. WANTED FUGITIVES? It broke your heart knowing Captain passed the way he did. Your dad gave you the phone call and you couldn’t even make it to the funeral due to your exams and clinicals. You knew it wasn’t true at all, someone had to be framing them.
But who is that other person with them? You knew Mike had a son but you never knew any details beyond that. They were broadcasting names and pictures on the tv. Uncle Mike popped up first. Your phone interrupted everything and you decided to just step outside because it was quiet hours in the hospital. You picked up the phone and nearly cried.
“Hey baby, yes I’m okay, but I need you to go to Dorn’s house. We got some injuries we need some help with.” Your heart felt whole again to hear your dad’s voice.
“Okay I’ll be right there.” You snuck out with a kit from the hospital and headed straight to Dorn’s house. You notice a black van was following you for quite some time, but you managed to lose them.
As you pulled into the driveway your heart started to beat fast. The idea of something happening to your dad really shook you to the core. Being away from home for so long due to nursing school you lost so much time with your family. You also missed Uncle Mike, he’s the only person that knows how to deal with your dad.
You knocked on the door to see Dorn and immediately he gives you a hug. You missed him and Kelly so much. As you walk inside you immediately give your dad a hug and check to see if he had any bad injuries.
“There’s my favorite niece!” Uncle Mike picks you up and spins you around. You noticed a familiar face in the kitchen and your heart immediately went to your ass.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” You look at the prisoner who you’ve fell head over heels for but haven’t heard a word from in 2 weeks. Armando just stood in the kitchen holding a beer looking like a lost puppy. He knew he was going to see you once Marcus made that call.
“Y/N this is my son Armando he-“
“YOUR SON?!” You were in love with a MIKE 2.0 ??!??!!? That Lowrey DNA is a fucking bitch. You had the biggest crush on Uncle Mike in your teenage years now you bent ass backwards over his son.
“Princess it’s okay. He’s come a long way since killing Captain Howard-“ Marcus tries comforting you.
“Marcus…” Mike gives him a dirty look cause it was a low blow.
He killed Captain Howard?……
The look on your face broke Armando’s heart. Yes he killed Captain Howard and if he had a choice he would have never done it. He watched the terror of it unfold in front of his eyes and he regretted every moment of it. Whatever you guys had was probably dead after hearing that. You ended the conversation as you started to clean up Uncle Mike’s wounds.
“Geez I remember when I was babysitting you now you over here cleaning me up.” Mike jokes as he sips on a beer.
“Sounds like you getting old” You started to laugh as he straightens himself up and push his chest out.
“There was a car following me on the way over here but I managed to lose it.” You finished stitching up his wound and Armando was next.
“You should stay here tonight just in case. You and Armando can share the guest bedroom. Mike and Marcus can stay on the pullout.” Dorn suggested and Kelly agrees with him.
“Armando you sleeping on the floor and don’t get any ideas!” Marcus warns.
“Please Marcus, that boy is clearly in love with whoever in dem damn polaroids he got on him.” Mike teases and your face immediately turns red as you wipe down Armando’s wound. He tries to maintain a straight face but he couldn’t help the little smile that creeped up. Yes he was in love with you as crazy as it sounded. He wanted to tell you after the visit but he lost all his access due to the fight.
After playing nurse for everybody, it was time to clean up and get some rest. You and Armando headed off to the guest bedroom with the clothes and towels Dorn gave you. As soon as the door closed, you pulled him in for a hug. Yes he killed Captain Howard, but he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t have any redeeming qualities. You let all your emotions come to the surface.
“I thought I lost you…”You let out a soft cry. Armando caress your face and wiped your tears. He didn’t deserve you even after hearing he killed Captain you still wanted to talk to him. He didn’t want to question it, he just thanked his lucky stars.
“You could never lose me mami. I love you Y/N. The day after the visit, I wanted to tell you but the fight happened and they cut off all my access. I love you I’m so lucky to even have you.” That all you needed to hear. You pulled him in a for kiss. This time you guys had extra hours to yourself no guards to interrupt your time.
“Alright stinky go take a shower!” He strips down and you took both of your clothes to the laundry. Obviously you checked to see if anyone was up but the lights were already out. Your dad and Uncle Mike already snoring in the living room. You hopped into the shower with him, taking in his figure for the first time. He had old scars and some new wounds but god was he handsome. The water cascading down his caramel skin had you drooling. You couldn’t help but take in how …..packed he was. He was already bricked up but you couldn’t blame him. You knew he’d be getting off to your picture so seeing you in front of him like this…..he was using the last bit of self control he had.
“Touch me….” You wrapped his arms around you as the water hits the both of you. The warmth of the water and the steam filling the air was adding to the heat you were feeling for him.
“I-I shouldn’t ….we should wait…” Your foreheads touching as his hands stay firmly at your waist. He didn’t want you to feel like you were obligated to give him some ass just cause he’s out of prison. He could easily help himself in the middle of the night or just have self control. But seeing you out those fucking scrubs had him bricked and aching.
“Armando I’ve waited long enough…please touch me….I need you…” you moved his hands to your ass and started to kiss on his neck.
Fuck. The self control was out the window.
Taglist: @yeahnohoneybye @cardi-bre91 @onlysarang @romanreignsluver1 @minwn
@armandosbabymama @dyttomori @bbyplutosblog @vergilnelosparda @believeinthefireflies95
@ebsmind @hopetookourvibe @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @poppetbaby02 @bitchyglittersuit
@jacobscipioswoman @sunrisesfromthewest
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fandoms--fluff · 6 months
Crushing Hard
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Hybrid female reader x Hope Mikaelson (+mikaelson family & caroline)
Summary: Hope has a massive crush on you, a girl who basically nobody knows anything about. And her family comes for a surprise visit, yay.
Warnings: swearing
Hope has been a little obsessed with you, she admits it. She can't help but be attracted to you, you're crazy hot, not afraid to speak what you think, and your personality is amazing. And has she mentioned how drop-dead gorgeous you are?
The only setback is that you hate the school and basically everyone in it.
"You're drooling" Josie whispers into her ear. Hope snaps out of it, and brings a hand up to the corner of her mouth to find out it's completely dry. She rolls her eyes and looks up at Josie, frowning.
"Oh, you're crushing hard. Sorry for interrupting your daydream, but I'm pretty sure your family is here," Josie tells her, looking between Hope and some of her family.
"There are a bunch of newer kids this year, but still a lot of the older ones. I try to make the environment around here fully positive and happy." Caroline explains to the family. An amused snort comes from the couch a couple feet away.
"And you don't ever take a break" You glare at her. All their heads turn towards you. "This is y/n, one of the older students. I believe she came here a couple months before Hope did." Caroline sighs.
"You must be delusional because I did not come here willingly. You forced me. And still force me to be here every fucking day of the year" You stand up, crossing your arms, fury evident in your tons and stance.
"Werewolf?" Kol's the next one to speak. "I don't know, what do you think?" You snap at him before turning back to Caroline. "And that's the other thing, I've been here for how many years, and no one still knows what I am"
"You won't tell us" Caroline points out.
"Well, I would think considering you're apparently an expert on supernatural beings, and run a damn school for them, that you or anyone here would be able to tell like that" You snap your fingers at the end.
Klaus steps forward, not liking the way you've been talking to Caroline. "Oh, don't even start" You roll your eyes before he can get a word out.
"What?" Hope snaps her attention to her friend before looking in the direction Josie was a moment ago. To her surprise, her Dad, Mom, Auntie Rebekah, Uncle Kol, and Uncle Elijah are standing across the room, chatting with the headmistress, Caroline and you?
Oh no, Hope thinks to herself before getting out of her seat and quickly walking toward the group with Josie right behind her.
"Dad! What are you guys doing here?" Hope goes up to her father. "We came here for a surprise visit, but caught up in the wonderland tour," Kol told his niece, glancing at Caroline then at you.
You still have your arms crossed, leaning most of your weight on your right leg, making your left hip slightly pop out a bit more than the other.
Hope tries to keep her eyes off of you, not wanting her family or you to notice.
"Oh, nothing. Having a splendid fucking time!" You tell her in a fake cheery voice. You start walking away, "I like your shoes" you tell Rebekah before walking out of the room, your high heels clicking strongly as you do.
"She's mean..but sweet? I don't know" Caroline shakes her head. "She's like Katherine. I like her" Kol answers, smirking.
"Kol." Elijah says sternly to his little brother as Klaus galres at him.
Hope just stares at the ground, not wanting anyone to notice the flush that appeared on her face. "You okay Sweetie?" Her Mom asks. "Mhm. Uh I'm glad that you guys are here, but Josie and I have to finish a project. I'll, uh, catch up with you later" Hope tells them quickly before practically dragging Josie out of the room with her.
"What was that?" Josie asks her as Hope paces around Josie's room. Lizzie is planning a dance somewhere outside with a huge binder.
"I don't know, but now im pretty sure my family kost likely doesn't like Y/n. And if somehow my delusional relationship with her actually freaking happens then there's no point becuase there's a big chance my dad will get protective and ban her or kill her or something. Wait can she even die? I don't know, there's no way she can't die, right? Oh that would suck I'd she died before I can even make a move, or who am I kidding there's no way that's gonna happen. She probably hates me anyways. God, I'm so pathetic" Hope rants to her best friend.
"Okay, okay, calm down. You're not pathetic. You're just overthinking this way too much. There's no way Y/n hates you, I don't believe she does" Josie places her hands on Hope's shoulders, making her stop moving around.
Hope let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, then sighs, "I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for" Josie smiles.
You walk into the dining hall, only to be met with the same group of people. "Fucking great" you practically growl, rolling your eyes. You go over to the table lined with food and grabbed a piece of garlic bread.
As you're about to take a bite of it, a voice sounds. "Are you sure you're supposed to be eating that? It says no one is to touch the food" Elijah nods to the sign standing before the long table of food.
You glance at it then shrug, "Well too bad, I'm hungry and they don't exactly have any blood beside from fucking Thumper and Bambi" you take a bite of the garlic bread.
"So you're a vampire" Rebekah says. You twitch your eyebrow up, a smirk playing at your lips.
"Depends how you perceive it" you walk over to them, your eyes turning yellow and veins appearing under your eyes.
"A hybrid" Hayley's eyes widened a bit. "Did Hope turn you?" Klaus asks, not remembering himself ever turning you.
"Seriously? You think I'd let a girl who has a crush on me, sire me? I don't think so" you cross your arms.
"Crush?" Kol asks, knowing Hope has only told him about her crush on you. He wonders how you found out, cause there's no way his neice would've told you. Especially considering the interaction earlier today.
"Not that hard to figure out. Especially when her eyes are always on me, not the chalkboard in class" you cross your arms. "Oh, and Katherine was basically my sister, so that was a compliment back there" you smirk.
"Wait, if you're that old, what are you doing here?" Hayley asks.
"Well I'm pretty sure then Caroline would hate me more than she already does, then tell Damon and he would try to kill me, but it would end up with his head cut off his body and then Elena and everyone, and personally I don't have any fucking time or want for that. Though Damon being dead would be a bonus. So mind as well make some people, aka, Caroline miserable for a bit" you pop the rest of the garlic bread in your mouth.
"What? You still have that sappy crush on her?" You tease Klaus.
You turn around and walk out of the room. As you turn the corner, you run into Hope. She looks if you had a word, sheepish.
You sigh, realizing it, "You've been here the whole time, haven't ya?" You crossed your arms.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry," She turned before walking as fast as she could away from you. She had come down here to find her family, and instead heard you talking to them again and couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
She can't believe she's been so stupid. There's no way she's ever had any chance with you. And your acknowledging about her crush on you was just the cherry on top. She wishes she was anywhere but here now.
You look up, quietly groaning, not wanting her to find out like that. Both your age (well, sort of) and the knowledge of her crush.
You vamp in front of her in a split time of two seconds. "Look, I get it, I'm just some stupid girl who has a crush on a girl or woman I don't know! who's way out of my league. No need to rub it in my face!" She exclaims, trying not to let any tears cloud her vision.
"Hey! You're not some stupid girl, okay?" You tell her before she tries to walk away from you again. She lets out a harsh breath before looking up at you from the ground.
"And I'm not trying to rub anything in your face. Yes, I know you have a crush on me, but I don't want you to think anything bad about that. I'd never use it against you or make fun of you for it, or whatever you think I may do." You run your hands through your hair to keep it out of your face.
"And I've never thought about you in that way before, but I can say that I don't hate you as much as everyone else here," She snaps her gaze from the wall to your face, not expecting that. To have that said to her from you is basically like a simple 'I love you' to someone a person may have known for a while. It's also a really big compliment coming from you.
"So there's that" You walk closer to her before pressing a kiss on her cheek. You walk away, up the stairs to your room as Hope stands there frozen. That's one of the best solutions that could have happened at the moment, and she's practically screaming with joy on the inside.
She brings a hand up to the cheek you kissed and gently grazes her finger against the spot.
Her family then also comes down the hallway and up to her. "What happened, Sweetie?" Her mom asks, noticing her reddened face.
"Oh, n-nothing," She tells her, trying her best to hold back the grin that she has on the inside.
Kol looks from her hand placement and reddened face to her excited stance, putting two and two together. He catches her eye and smirks before mouthing 'good luck'.
That just makes her blush more than she already is if that's even possible.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 11 months
Maegor Targaryen x niece!readee
Warning: age gap, manipulative reader, in**st
A/N: There will be a part 2 probably but not sure at the moment
You always imagined you were going to marry your uncle to further the pure Targaryen bloodline. You have loved him and wanted him ever since you became a woman, but now are rumors going on that the council is advising Maegor, the king, to arrange your marriage to Lord Baratheon or Lord Lannister to have a strong alliance. You don't want that. You want to marry Maegor and become the queen, his other wives are irrelevant to you
You knew how to get Maegor and made a plan. That night you went to your uncle's room, wearing a very revealing night gown but acting innocent about it. The guards didn't dare try to stop you from going to his room. He was with one of his wives and she was on his knees pleasuring him with her mouth, it was more like Maegor roughly using her mouth.
"Uncle, I need to talk to you," You said softly and innocently. Maegor's eyes turned dark as soon as he saw you in the see through revealing night gown and he started to use his wife's mouth faster, and soon cum in her mouth. As soon as her job was done he dismissed her and she ran out of the room.
"What can I do for my dear niece?" Maegor asked as he sat down, all his attention on you and your beautiful body. "I have heard rumors that you are going to arrange my marriage with old lord Baratheon or Lord Lannister," You said softly as you poured him a cup of win gave it to him. You also picked up a wash clothes to get him cleaned up after he used his wife.
"The rumors's are true," Maegor said as he looked at you, his eyes mostly down your dress as you were on your knees and gently cleaning him with the wash cloth. "I don't want to marry them uncle," You replied. "Lord Baratheon is too old and Lord Lannister has already been married three times," You looked up at him with your innocence filled eyes.
Maegor gently caressed your cheek and pulled you up to sit on his lap. He threw away the wash cloth and held your hand, your soft skin gently brushing against his cock. "Then what do you want, my beautiful niece? You know I will throw all the alliances away for your happiness."
"I want to stay here by your side always. I want to be your wife and give you heirs," You replied. "I love you uncle, I always have and I don't want to ever leave you." Maegor was melted by your words. It's not like he never craved you, and he loves you the most or at least you are the only one he genuinely wants.
His grip around you tightened, his hand slowly moving from your waist to your breasts which are almost exposed because of the low cut of the night gown. "Then you will be by my side always. You will become my wife and we will further our pure bloodline," Maegor said before capturing your soft lips in a deep passionate kiss. Of course you kissed him back, his tongue dominating you. You can feel his cock now completely hard. As the kiss deepened you gave attention his cock with your soft hands which made Maegor go crazy.
He picked you up and took you to bed, and easily ripped apart the thin material of your dress. You have been dreaming of this moment for a long time and it is finally happening now. One last time you played innocent, trying to cover yourself with your hands. "Your wives and the council will not be happy if claim me before we get married," You said, sounding concerned, but in reality you were craving him. You want him to claim you. You were getting very wet between your legs and want him to use you.
"I don't care about them," Maegor said as he removed your hands and pinned them over your head. He kissed you again and started teasing you with his fingers. He was pleased to find how wet his beautiful young niece is for him. A gasp lep your lips when he pushed his finger inside you, it was music to his ears. He could feel how tight your virgin cunt his and can't wait to properly fuck you.
His cock was big but you believed it was made to fit your holes perfectly. It was the highest cunt Maegor has ever claimed and he was pleased it's yours.
The entire night he fucked you. Your moans were heard in the halls but you didn't care. He kissed and marked you everywhere, his seeds filled your womb.
After he pulled out he kissed your forehead and both slept, his arms caging you.
The next morning one of his wives came to do their duty and wake him up by pleasuring him but you ordered her to just step aside and not disturb. You kissed Maegor's lips and then started sucking his big cock.
The wife was shocked by the incestuous act as she thought you were marrying old lord Baratheon.
Maegor soon woke up and it felt like heaven. He let you pleasure him with you mouth a bit longer and then pinned you to the bed again before claiming your sore cunt again.
After he was done he ordered his wife to clean you up. She had no choice but to obey. He watched and talked as his wife gave you a warm bath which relaxed your body.
"Lord Baratheon and Lannister are joining us for the feast tonight. I want you to be by my side when I tell them the change of plans," Maegor said as you got out of the water. "Of course, my king," You smiled. You know there is now no one who can stop the union of you and Maegor now.
Since he ripped apart you night dress and you had nothing to wear, Maegor put his cloak around you himself. You two kissed but this time it was more gentle. "Take some rest, my beautiful niece. We will announce our wedding at the feast tonight."
Part 2?
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weirdwildwonderland · 21 days
How TUA should've ended
Lila and Five relationship-Lila and Five don't spend 7 years in the subway. They do get lost, but it's more like two years this time (whoever thought of 7 years was crazy). Two years is enough for Five and Lila to almost kill each other many times, enough for them to cry to each other one night and swear to never talk about it again. Enough for many bouts of food poisoning and starvation and cold nights when the train didn't show up. Enough for Lila to keep waking up with a sick feeling in her stomach because she keeps having dreams where she wakes up in her house, with Grace and the twins and Diego just downstairs. Enough for Five to stay awake as he wipes silent tears away because he's thinking of his siblings. The only ones who have been there for him. They find the strawberry timeline near the end of the two years, and it only makes them miss everyone more. There's a lump in Five's throat as he mutters something about how "wish we could've taken the idiots here" and Lila starts to cry, because something about this timeline is so warm and safe, because she would give ANYTHING to have a Saturday morning with her family again, Diego making her coffee, waking up the twins, reading to Grace. She finds a delicate silver bracelet on the floor of the greenhouse, and remembers how her father gave Grace a bracelet just like this when she was born, and that's when she breaks, and Five begrudgingly helps her off of the floor and pats her on the back. They find the notebook a few days later, and both of them well up as they ride the subway back. It's only been a few hours for the rest of them, and as Diego hugs Lila again, this guilty feeling wells up in her chest, because she remembers how they were before, how distant they had become. But he's still here, somehow. So they go inside and she starts crying when she sees everyone. Diego asks about the bracelet and Lila and Five exchange a look. You tell him. No, you. Diego asks if something has been going on, and it all comes out. Lila crumbles even more. Isolation does funny things to the emotions.
They all finish watching the dance of the sugar plum fairy before the news about Ben flashes onto the screen. It's the most peaceful hour or so of this whole fucked up week
2. They get swallowed by the cleanse.
3. And then they all wake up in the void. All of them are dazed and drained. The man on the TV is talking about shattered timelines (or something related to the themes of time in the show). God watches on her bicycle as they slowly figure out that they lost their powers again. Diego starts crying because he realizes Ben isn't there and Lila comforts him. Luther looks more worried about Diego than about the fact that they're dead. Allison, Klaus, and Viktor seem glad that their powers are gone. Five just looks happy that they're all still together. Klaus goes up to God.
He says something along the lines of "Hey, I'm happy that I can still come up here and all, but you need to get us back down somehow, because there's no way I'm spending all of eternity with THEM. Plus, I have nieces and a nephew and I hope they're...not up here too."
She says something like "They're not."
He stares at her.
She says "I think you're insufferable. I don't know anyone who comes up here multiple times and then goes back down."
"Look, God, I've had it up to HERE with my life so far, and I can say the same about all of them over there. But I've gone through some things recently, and it made me realize that I would really like to keep living it, if you wouldn't mind. And," he points at everyone "they have their reasons. And they deserve to live the rest of their lives out, too."
She stares at him. "I've had it up to here with you too. You know, I watch you down there, sometimes. I think you're better off there. Not up here, annoying me. Plus," she looks over at everyone else (they're freaking out/arguing etc) "it's too early for all of you to be here."
She picks 8 marigolds from her basket and plucks the heads off. They fall to the ground and new sprouts start coming up from the earth. "Whatever was in you, it's gone now." She looks over at everyone, annoyed. "Oh yeah, I forgot you need help to get back." She rolls her eyes.
"You know, you kind of remind me of my niece." Klaus says
She snaps her fingers
Cut to black again.
Cut to outside Diego and Lila's house. It's hot out, and they all wake up on the asphalt in their winter clothes. Everyone starts complaining about how hot it is. Diego gets up and knocks at the door. No one knows what day it is. For all they know, their kids could be teenagers now, and that scares him.
Someone bumps into Lila on the street, and it's the Handler. Only, she's not. She's just a normal woman talking on her cellphone, and she looks at Lila apologetically before continuing her conversation. A woman looks at Viktor and asks him if he needs help off the ground. It's Grace, and she's walking with a baby stroller. Viktor nudges Diego and they're both speechless.
The door opens, and Lila's mom answers. Lila bursts into tears and hugs her. Grace and Claire come to the door and Grace says something about "you didn't pick me up from camp on time, Mommy! And Coco's been crying for FIFTEEN minutes, that's what Grandma said. I think she misses you. Oh, and Ben (boy twin) broke a bowl, but Grandpa said it's okay" and Claire rolls her eyes and asks what they're all doing dressed in coats and tells them that they're all so weird. Grace turns to Claire and accusingly says "You never told me that grownups cry too." Klaus and Allison both burst into tears too, Luther and Viktor look like they're about to cry, and Five just looks the most relieved he's ever been in his life.
Lila's mom sighs and says "Come in, everyone. I don't want to know what you've gotten yourselves into now, but you look hungry. It's too hot out to cook, so you're eating the leftovers." Diego is still crying, but he starts to laugh. And then Five starts laughing too. And then the rest of them. Lila's mom tells them that they really need to get inside now before someone starts looking at them weird.
Cut to shot of all of them walking into the house, taking off their shoes, flopping onto the couch, hugging their kids, etc. Continue to "I think we're alone now" montage of all the side characters walking on the street living life as normal people.
POGO: On the twelfth hour of the 8th day of August, 2024, nothing out of the ordinary happened. You might say it was just a normal day.
Cut to black
Credits roll
Post credits scene
There's a knock on the door. Ben walks in looking dazed, holding Jennifer's hand. "What's up, assholes? I'm back!" he says, before everyone groans and the screen cuts to black again.
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iamred-iamyellow · 2 months
also the way your 1st request (how, why??? people should be fighting to beg for the honor) was just me thirsting over 2 old men and a hot blonde🫠
I feel like I owe you restitution. but also…..they would make really great DILF. and I feel like TS is already kinda a MILF with the way she collects her talented children. so I feel like it’s only fair that we get to see the “step children” fighting their new dad. and if you feel really crazy maybe even a real DILF moment. cause at the rate of being too feral (and all joke aside, if this is too feral totally understandable and I will respect that boundary) at least one of those old me have to have some kind of kink that they want to see her as a hot mom w/ a baby. like forget Range Rover mom, she’s 100% and Aston mom💛
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Aston Mom - [BONUS CONTENT]
♥ prev | masterlist
♥ pairing: mark webber x fernando alonso x fem!singer!reader (+ some platonic grid)
♥ synopsis: heres some bonus content crack
♥ smau (crack) - fc: taylor swift - none of the pictures are mine
♥ warnings: swearing and suggestive jokes !!!
♥ a/n: you 🤝 me. btw two old men and a hot blond is like the perfect fic name/song title/rock band
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liked by yourusername, oliviarodrigo, conangray and 963,585 more
gracieabrams The Secret Of Us out June 21st 💛 !!!
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conangray and a respectful fuck you to @/aussiegrit and @/fernandoalo_oficial for making our mom miss several recording days of their song 'us' :)
oliviarodrigo they're literally uber drivers
gracieabrams not even uber. LYFT.
sabrinacarpenter and I'm gonna puke at the thought of them kissing 🎶😔
fernandoalo_oficial is this any way to speak to your fathers ?
conangray I just died. I'm dead.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, aussiegrit, oscarpiastri and 560,429 more
yourusername my niece and one of my daughters (my cat) 🩷🎀
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aussiegrit come home now.
yourusername oh!
yourusername that's super ominous mark.
yourusername I'm not complaining tho
user2 the breeding kink is strong with this one
user9 coquette cat coquette cat
user13 pink aston martin sign me the fuck up
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
Heres a tweet I scrapped from the fic:
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hanasnx · 5 months
so i imagine that toji and you have been on-again-off-again for a couple years now, like every time you break up, your dads all like 'yeah right, i give it a week.' but this time its for real, say its been like two months and to prove to your family that you're over him, you invite your new man to your dads bday party at your parents house.
you get there and are obviously pissed. of course your dad invited toji and didn't tell you, he didn't believe you were broken up. but what's worse is your new man ain't answering his phone, so you cant even lie to him and tell him the party is cancelled. so he shows up, and its awkward as hell, and he doesn't understand why until you finally introduced everyone except toji. i can see his cocky ass strolling up to the poor guy, smirking with his shady eyes, shaking his hand firmly and introducing himself as your ex boyfriend.
or would he just say hes a friend of your fathers? play along, and befriend the guy before you or maybe one of your nicer cousins pull the poor guy aside and fill him in? all the while, you're staring daggers at your father, while he's shrugging at you like he isn't at fault for this.
idk, i just love the potential for angst and tension here with this scenario. i fucking live for it bro. like your new man seeing a photo of you and toji on the wall, didn't you ask your dad to take that down last time you were here? or how toji's hand lingers on yours a little to long as he passes you your slice of birthday cake. or how friendly all of your family seems to be with him. he fits right in.
but the best part-later that night, after your new man's ego has been beaten down beyond repair, and him and most of your family has left, Toji lingers (because your father made it clear he's always welcome), and he ends up fucking you in the spare room that used to be your bedroom, or maybe in the back of his car parked out front, or in the kitchen while your parents are sleeping, all the while whispering and teasing you about how cute it was for you to think you could ever move on from him.
i could even see him texting your new man from your phone while he’s doing it, saying something cheeky or even breaking up with him for you. but you'd be too preoccupied to notice or care, obviously, reveling in how good it feels to be filled up by him again, because of course toji’s dick is bigger than what you’ve been getting. but not just his size, he knows all your sweet spots and remembers exactly how you like it, how could he forget? and by the time he’s done with you, he’s already convinced you to get back together.
his dick game is just that good you cannot convince me otherwise.
— source.
me rn bcos i got to feel like the reader and was biting the fuck outta my finger flirting with the screen
i absolutely love the on-and-off-again trope. your dad probably thought you two were gonna get married bcos of how attached-at-the-hip you were for a while. like angelina jolie and billy bob thornton. crazy in love, cant keep hands off each other, making long-term plans, toji probably asked for his fucking blessing at some point
and just like that, it ended. totally blindsided the whole family, constantly asking you about "wheres your man? huh? where's he at?" until you had to solemnly explain you weren't together anymore. all your little siblings and cousins, nieces and nephews, all are devastated because uncle toji isn't around anymore and they loved him so so much. that was the first time you and him broke up, and he was already so ingrained in the family that it shook through them all when suddenly he wasn't around anymore, everybody loved him. especially your dad who's tough and just, and never liked anybody, especially any of your boyfriends. he's expressed that toji was good enough to take care of his little girl, that he could trust you were in good hands when toji was around. you were safe, protected. (your new boyfriend cant compare in your father's eyes. he's a pansy compared to toji, which you always distressfully protest to because that's not a real criticism and your dad is just playing favorites.)
but then the family sees you two get back together, you and toji are back and better than ever. everybody's ecstatic to see him: your sisters and aunts dote on him, ask him to carry heavy things just to talk about how handsome he is when his muscles bulge like that; your uncles and brothers talk man-to-man with him, show him their cars and share their beers and ask him if he wants to watch the game. toji, quite the charmer, insists he's gonna spend time with his girl, and stays with you in the kitchen while you hang with your mom. oh, your mom loves toji. talks about what a spitting image he is of the husband shes always wanted you to have. she makes him lean down so far when she wants to give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek at the end of the evening, she lists out the stuff she wants done around the house and toji does them. even tho its supposed to be a party.
fast forward to your dad's bday, and nobody believes you that you and him are done "for good this time" because they've heard about almost every break-up and reunion. they're so convinced that you and him are meant to be, you're just being stubborn.
toji swaggering up to your poor new man to introduce himself so gruffly with his deep voice and callused hand shaking his, saying so shamelessly he's your ex boyfriend. that's crazy big dick energy. it implies so much, loaded asf, bcos you're sighing and hanging your head into your hand because toji just had to go and do something like that.
the photo!! the fucking photo on the wall!! your new bf sees it before you can hastily pull it down off its fucking nail bcos you totally did ask them to take that down! and its such a good picture too. you and toji tangled so close together. he's in leather jacket, cheek-to-cheek with you, arms around you while your leg is up around him. you look good together.
i think he'd play a bit of a hard-to-get thing with you, coyly asking you about your boyfriend, where'd you meet, etc. you know him too well to think he's being genuine, and he hits you that he thinks its "cute"
you have to leave because there's no way you're gonna talk about this shit with him, having an argument in the driveway between your cars because you cant keep your voice down when you're with him. you're berating him for showing his face here even if he was invited, and he's telling you its not his fault your father loves him so much. fighting like an old married couple when he tells you he wants you back and he doesn't give a fuck who that skeevy guy was that came earlier. he tells you that he knows you want a real man when you left him because of how pigheaded and brutish he is. pandering to your family so you'll never be rid of him is exactly the kind of manipulation you wanted to get away from, and he defends it as some sort of strategy of playing the long game for the finger he wants to put a ring on. and its like you've done this game before, you're tired. one thing you're not tired of, is how remarkably agreeable the two of you are while you're fucking. so you settle the argument with your bodies <3
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Could you do—Garten of Banban Characters reacting to WereGator!Reader going through the games events to find their nieces? (Same principle as a Werewolf, just with them being able to turn into an alligator. They can semi-shift sharper claws or more menacing eyes.)
Monsters are secretly intermingled with normal society. They just tend to stay out of sight or hide their otherness to blend in. Cause humans are crazy population wise to them, seriously eight billion?! No lone species wants to get that many humans ticked off/scared of them. Reader was really wary of letting their sister-in-law leave her daughters at the daycare. Sure, it catered to monster kids but something was always a bit off… Weregators have strong nurturing instincts when it comes to their or any family member’s kids. The worry was just brushed away as that being in overdrive…
Reader goes through the various puzzles a bit aggressively (never destroying anything outright but Banban can see them barely controlling their strength/shifts).
Oh I love this!! I'll just be doing 4 characters
You had your suspicions about letting your nieces get dropped off at the kindergarten during "Bring-A-Friend Day".
Your sister-in-law didn't see the problem. Sure, the place was apparently creating living, breathing mascots and likely violating all moral/ethical codes in doing so...but she thought it was fine.
Lab-bred monsters interacting with the natural monsterkind living quietly in the outside world? Surely nothing could go wrong...
Until it did and you found yourself going to this place to find your two nieces.
They weren't even your own children, though as a weregator your nurturing instincts went into overdrive the moment you heard of their disappearance.
And it's for that reason you'd be....quite aggressive and direct in how you solved the strange puzzles throughout the facility.
Nothing pissed you off more than the drone--as sometimes it refused to cooperate.
You came close to smashing the controller numerous times.
You meet Banban after he tries knocking you out, but he's stunned when you barely flinch and tackle him, eyes turning reptilian, alligator claws growing on your hands, and patches of your skin turning to scales.
And you growl angrily, threatening his very existence.
But since he shares Untham's fascination with monsterkind, he just stares at you like you're some spectacle, totally fearless.
"My, what big claws you have....sorry, bad joke-"
"Shut it, "Banban"." You snarl. "Where are my nieces?! I swear if you did anything to them-"
"I've done nothing to them. In fact, I feel terrible about what's been going on here. And that's why I want to help you find them."
"You do..?" You blink. "Then why did you attack me?"
"It's hard to explain. Sometimes I lose control over myself...I truly am sorry about that. Now could you let me go? I think doing that will benefit both of us."
"I promise I'll help you the whole way. Believe me, I've tried helping others before you, but...they were humans. Held back by fear and lack of physical endurance. You, however, stand a chance. But you'll need some guidance. This place is huge, after all."
You were surprised by his offer, albeit cautious of his intentions.
In the end, you let him go as killing him wasn't gonna bring you anywhere closer to your nieces.
He oversees your journey and helps where he can, although he cringes when you damn near shatter the glass panels when solving certain puzzles or fully shift into your gator form when you're trying to fight of Nabnab....
Or when Banban turns into his "hellish" form and tries attacking you, with you leaving some pretty deep scratches on his skin.
Once he snaps out of it, he's like "omg you're just like me fr, we both have trouble taming the beasts within ourselves-"
You take full offense to that and remind him that you're both nothing alike.
Opila Bird Up
She basically fucked around and found out when she first confronted you.
Her screeches of intimidation turned to shrieks of fear the second you shifted into your gator form, causing her to stumble and fall into the abyss where the ball pit once was.
So for the most part..she left you alone after that.
Even Banban was impressed.
When you put her babies back into their nest, she's at first terrified that you were going to eat them....yet you had no intentions of doing so as you calmly greet her before leaving.
Even though she's been aggressive and instigated your transformation in the first place, you saw her younglings as you would your own.
You'd never think to harm them even though everything here so far has tried to harm you.
And soon a shaky alliance was formed, but only because you two shared the common instinct to protect your kin.
The turning point was when you saved Tarta and Opila from being crushed by Jumbo Josh--you literally held up his fist in your gator form so the couple could flee the fight.
Even he was shocked
That's when Opila knew you were someone who could be trusted to the fullest.
Ya'll know how some species of wading birds have gators as their "bodyguards"?
This is where you and her family are at right now. You'll fight tooth and nail to defend them.
She trusts you with her chicks and knows they're in good hands (or claws, rather).
Your end goal was still finding your nieces, but you'll save whatever children you could along the way. Human or monster or both.
You weren't inclined to sit in some uncomfortable plastic chair and get schooled by this "teacher".
First she saved you from Opila Bird and now she's basically holding you hostage, confiscating your drone.
At this point you're over it. You're wasting precious time here when your nieces could be in serious trouble.
When Banbaleena threatened to tear you into pieces the next time you're "late", you snap right back at her with "how about I tear you into pieces instead?"
As you say this, you show your claws, scales, and reptilian eyes so she knew exactly what she was dealing with.
Suddenly her strict demeanor goes away and she puts you at the "mean kids" table right away.
You suspected her donor feared monsterkind, a trait that was transferred directly to her, as she keeps stuttering when giving the next lesson and deciding you're correct even if you pressed the "wrong" answer.
She can't even look you in the eye and shakily asks you to be gentle with the tape recorders.
Yet she still calls you a "bad student" for leaving and attempts to give chase, but it doesn't last long and she gives up rather quickly.
She hasn't dealt with anyone who stood up to her and lived to tell the tale.
Especially a weregator.
He's not intimidated by you in the slightest.
You could partially-shift or even fully shift into your weregator form and this jester will find ways to make jokes out of it.
Besides stopping you from interfering with his plans to make the queen laugh, his goal is to make you laugh, too.
He knows killing you by himself is no longer feasible so he's gonna be an annoying mf who stalls you with bad jokes.
"What do you call an alligator examining a crime scene? An investi-gator!!"
"What's the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? You'll see one in a while, and you'll see the other later!"
When you don't laugh, it just irritates him a lot and he storms away.
He sets Kittysaurus upon you and is shocked when you manage to subdue her with ease.
Not by letting her ram into the walls over and over, but by throwing her into those walls/buttons yourself.
Never did you think you'd wind up in this situation when all you wanted was answers as to where your nieces went....
But you'll be damned if you let some clown and dino-cat hybrid stop you from finding them.
It's actually quite funny when you come back to the kingdom's throne room and see Bittergiggle throwing an absolute FIT because you once again stopped him from telling his joke to the queen.
And I mean stomping, waving his arms, hitting the floor, etc. Just a full-blown tantrum.
"Wow, even my nieces are more mature than you smh"
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good4olivia · 2 years
I started this fic, then completely lost ideas for it lol, if you like it and have any ideas of what could happen next let me know?
“Don’t you want me as your wife, my dragon?” You whispered in his ear, as you traced your fingers down his stomach. You were sitting on his lap in his chamber trying to seduce your way to securing Aemond to your mothers cause. 
He took a sharp breath at that. He had always favoured you ever since childhood. You were his innocent flower but now you weren’t acting so innocent and he was struggling to keep his composure. “Yes, very much so.” He kissed just under your earlobe, “And I will take you as my wife, after Aegon’s coronation.” 
“Rhaenyra will be Queen, Aemond. And I, after her. And I would like for you to be my King, your Grace.” You teased the words on your tongue, indulging in the way Aemond reacted to hearing it from your lips. You could feel him growing under you, so you pretend to readjust yourself knowing it would drive him crazy. 
His grip on you tightened, “Your asking me to betray my family.” He gritted out through his teeth, his hands roaming your body. 
You stopped his hands when they started to reach under your dress, “My dragon, we can’t go any further. We are not wed yet.” 
He growled, “Is this your plan? Keep yourself from me until I have no choice but to commit treason?” 
“Every man can make his own choices, Aemond.” You said wth fake innocence. “And it is not treason. My mother is the heir to the iron throne.” 
“It’s just you and me here, [y/n.] We do not have to pretend.” He ran his hand down your hair, twirling its at the ends.“Your mother will never be Queen. If she does not bend the knee, she will be dealt with. Same with your brothers, same with Daemon.” He took and breath and looked in your eyes, “Same as you.” He said it with such sincerity that it made your skin crawl and you removed yourself from his lap, finished playing this game. 
“Have I offended you, my love?” He stood up from his chair too, closing the distance between you once again. “Don’t be afraid my flower when you are my wife and swear your fealty to my brother, they won’t hurt you. I won’t hurt you.” 
You put your hand over the one Aemond was holding your face in, “Swear fealty to my mother and I promise, we will not hurt you.” 
When after a moment he did not reply you made up your own mind, “Very well. If you will not wed me under my mother’s rule, I’ll find a lord who will. One who is loyal, handsome… and strong.” You only used those specific words to throw Aemond off who really was the next lord you had in mind, Cregan Stark. 
He dropped his hand from your face. “You should leave now, niece.” 
“Have I offended you, my love?” You returned his mockery. 
He only glared, “Get out before I lock you in this room and never let you return to your whore traitor mother.” You only smiled, and kissed his cheek before leaving his room. 
— Three Moons Later — 
Aemond sat idly in the small council chambers. He hadn’t had much interest in the war council after Alicent had denied his idea to “burn the blacks to the fucking ground.” It wasn’t till Otto brought up the North. 
“What do you mean we’ve lost the North? How could we’ve lost the North?” Aegon demanded. 
“It seems, Y/N Velaryon is wed to Cregan Stark of Winterfell.” Otto said. 
“So my whore niece opens her legs and now we lost half the country?” Aegon questions. 
“We didn’t take the North seriously enough, father.” Alicent adds. 
Aemond felt his heart drop in his stomach for a moment before the rage took over. He stormed out the room, everyone else falling silent at this outburst. 
Alicent was quick to follow her son out of the room, finally catching up with him in his chambers whee he was already pacing the room. 
“Son, I understand you had some childhood affection for Y/N, but-“ 
“She was supposed to be my wife! Mine! She came to me, trying to renew our betrothal and-“ 
“She did what? When was this?” Alicent questioned. 
“Does it matter? I refused her for the sake of this family and now she’s wed to that plain faced northerner.” Aemond spat. 
“Did she give any indication that she was going to go to Cregan?” 
Aemond rolled his eyes, “Don’t you think if she did that I would speak of word of it? No she deceived me into believing she was gong to marry Jace. I should’ve known better.” 
Alicent sighed and placed a comforting hand on her son’s arm, “You will have your match that will help our family. Your wedding to Cassandra Baratheon will secure Storm’s End. The loss of the North is not the end of us, my sweet boy. I promise.” 
Aemond was only partially appeased, “I will marry the Baratheon girl.” Alicent smiled at that, only for a moment before Aemond continued, “And then after I’ve fed Cregan to my dragon, I will take my niece as my wife, in the tradition of Old Valyria.” 
“Save your breath for after the war mother, please.” He pleaded. 
Alicent granted her son this, bid him goodnight and left. Aemond only replayed the last time you were in his chambers with him. He tortured himself with scenarios were you stayed with him. He should’ve been able to make you change your mind. Aemond knew now that if he could go back, he wouldn’t let you leave. 
That night he couldn’t find sleep, he was tormented with the mental picture of you and Cregan. He tried to find peace by instead focusing on the flames that would engulf the Stark’s skin.
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
mama’s baby, daddy’s maybe
in which connie is a famous basketball player who has a secret baby with his best friend
part one of part five! had to split it up because it was getting kinda long but i hope you enjoy! <3 read part four here
@beautifulalienslimecroissant @iiilovemilfs @neptunes1nterweb @yourrfavzxri
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The next day, I was really appreciating Layla for staying over because she was able to help take care of Celest while I was as work. When I got home and got settled in, my brother Trent came over. Trent was my older brother by four years but we were so close. Ever since I was young, he was my protector. Since he and his girlfriend have an apartment close to where I live, he makes his way over to see Celest and I almost everyday.
“Hey~” I tried to greet him as I let him in but he pushed me out the way
“Move, bitch!” and made a quick beeline over to his niece, who was sitting playing with dolls on the floor with Layla. I giggled to myself as I shut the door behind him. Trent loved Celest and I didn’t know if it was because she’s his first niece or because of the story behind why she’s here.
“CeeCee~” He cooed as he started to pluck her from the floor until Layla stopped him
“Aht! Put my baby down.” He looked down at her like she said something crazy.
“The fuck you talkin bout? This my baby.” He tickled her all over her tiny body, which sent her into fits of laughter.
“Oh I’ll be damned.” Layla stands up and reached for Celest and Trent turned away. They did this everytime they were at my house at the same time. Celest didn’t seem to mind because as long as she was entertained, she was satisfied.
My phone started to ring which caused Trent and Layla to stop their playful bickering and looked my way.
“Who is it?” Layla whispered as if I answered the phone already. The both of them walked up to me, surrounding me and the phone I had in my hands that was ringing with Connie’s contact.
“Connie?” Trent was visibly confused so that’s when I forgot to tell him all about meeting Connie again again yesterday. “The hell?” He whispered more to himself than to me.
“Don’t cuss in front of my baby— Hello?” I waved the both of them off and walked into another room.
“Hey, Chy’anne. How are you today?”
“Uh.. I’m doing pretty good. I forgot you had my number.”
“Yeah, I was scared to call you lowkey. Didn’t know if you were busy or anything.” I could hear the hint of nerves in his voice but I wondered why. I was definitely more nervous than he was. It’s been 2 years since I’ve talked to this man at all let alone over the phone and what I was hiding still twisted my insides.
“No.. no, I’m not busy. I just got off work not too long ago.”
“Oh? Where you work at?” I wondered where this conversation was going if it was going anywhere at all.
“At a design company..” I trailed.
“Cool cool, that’s wassup. Hey listen, I hope this isn’t like, last minute for you or anything but I was tryin to see if you wanted to come out with me for dinner later,” My heart dropped to my chest. This was the last thing I imagined happening so quickly. I looked back into the living room from where I was to see Layla and Trent on the floor with Celest, feeding her Cheetos. “I understand if you say no because of your daughter and everything but you can bring her, I don’t mind it or anything.”
“Um.. sure! Sure, that’s fine. What did you have in mind?”
“The, uh.. Mexican restaurant down the street from the mall.”
I nodded as if he could see me. “Alright, yeah. Yeah, that’s fine. What time?”
“Damn, um.. is 7 good?”
“7 is great! See you then.” I hung up so goddamn fast, I didn’t even know if he said anything else.
As soon as I was finished, I came and sat down on the couch in the living room with Trent, Layla, and Celest.
“Soooo what he want?”
“He wants to take me and Celest out to dinner tonight.” Layla did all the squealing for me. It was if she was more excited than I was.
“See? He still like you girl!”
“What the fuck is goin on? You talkin to Connie again? You ain’t speak to that nigga in 2 years.” Trent laughed.
I rolled my eyes. “I know, but—“
“We went to the Titan’s game yesterday and they talked and everything!”
“Oh shit, I forgot he went pro…” I didn’t. In fact, I didn’t even want to remember because the year he got drafted I found out I was pregnant with Celest. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the draft on tv with everyone else when it happened.
“He pickin you up??” I didn’t stick around on the phone long enough to ask.
I shrugged as I looked at my nails. “I don’t know.”
“Shit he better be pickin y’all up. He the one that invited you out.” Trent did have a point. Him being the most honest sibling I had was useful.
“C’mere, baby,” Layla held onto Celest’s little hand as they stood up. “We gonna go take a bath. You goin out with daddy~” Trent and I glanced at each other as we watched them walk down the hall.
“You didn’t tell him, did you?”
I looked down in shame. I really did not need anyone else telling me how bad of a person I am.
“You know you got to now, right?” I nodded. “But if that nigga on some crazy shit, I gotchu alright?” He held his hand out so I could dap him up.
“Thank you, T.”
After Trent and Layla helped Celest and I get ready, I texted Connie the address and within minutes he said he was on his way. I assumed that he was probably already in the area.
“You ready~” Layla teased as Celest sat in her lap happily.
“No.” I was being honest. My heart was jumping out my chest and the fact that I was dressed all nice for a dude that was supposed to be my baby daddy but he didn’t know that he was my baby daddy was making me feel worse.
“Well, you best get ready.” I was the only one nervous in this situation. Celest played happily not even really aware of what’s going on and all Connie knew was that he was gonna pick up his estranged best friend and her cute lil daughter.
“Bitch you didn’t even do my baby’s hair!” I noticed that Celest’s hair was all over the place and needed to be brushed at least. I went to the bathroom to get hair products and stuff to start brushing up Celest’s hair into two small braided buns.
“Girl,” Layla laughed at my anxiety. “You runnin around like a chicken with your head cut off for what? A man who don’t even know who—“ There was a knock on the door.
“Can you get that for me, T?” I finished Celest’s hair just in time. “All done!” Celest jumped out my lap as she copied the phrase all cutely. Trent opened the door and Connie was there in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers. But they weren’t fancy dinner type flowers, they gave off the simple floral collage vibe with lightly colored daisies, roses, and sunflowers. It was beautiful.
As the guys do, Connie and Trent had their little reunion but I didn’t mind because they really hadn’t seen each other in a while and that was my fault.
“Aww, he bought you flowers!” Layla exclaimed excitedly, which made Celeste jump up in excitement too.
“For the pretty girls.” He smiled as he handed the beautiful bouquet to me. Being a celebrity and all, I thought he’d be dressed down in a suit with blinged out jewelry to show off but he was dressed casually but you knew he was taking things seriously.
“C, you wanna say hello?” By this time, she was clung to my leg because she wasn’t familiar with the man in front of her.
“Hey pretty girl!” Connie kneeled down so he could talk to her properly. “I’m Connie, what’s your name?” Layla, Trent, and I were looking at each other because the two of them was completely unknown to the circumstance. Celest answered his question the best way she could
“I’m a pretty girl, why didn’t I get any flowers? I’m sure you have enough NBA money to go around.”
“Layla shut up and let them have their moment.”
“You got her car seat and stuff?” I nodded before going to Celest’s room and bringing her carseat to the front. Luckily I thought to clean it yesterday. Trent had already brought her diaper bag full of everything else. “I gotchu.” Connie took the carseat from my hands and was taking it to the car. Celest and I said our goodbyes as we walked outside.
“Have fun, girlie!”
“Y’all lock up before you leave.” Trent and Layla were the only people I trusted with a key to my house. But with that, we were on our way.
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Everything Changes | Modern Au | Alpha!Dark! Aemond Targaryen x Omega!Niece!Reader | Sneak Peek
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Prologue (One day, not now ;))
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond is a hunter and you are his prey.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting / Eventual Smut / Alpha-Omega Relationship.
Warnings: This fic includes manipulation, violence, death, use of dr4gs and inc3st, at some points. Minors DNI
This is the result a really stressfulll week, a ton of red bull and monster cans and a little of Craziness :D Just a sneak peak, sorry :(
I will update Dark Desire tomorrow, so... while we are waiting, I leave this here :D
Author´s note: Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: +700
He feels like he shouldn't be there. He always feels that way. However, he returns to the same place. Every Friday afternoon. He never lose it. Before what happened, he hadn't felt anything for you. You were a girl when they caught him. When he came back, you were a woman.
He takes the credit card out of his wallet.
Lately, he finds no better use for it than that. He creates a line of white powder on the desk table and inhales it forcefully, no need to roll a bill like before, he simply covers one hole of  his nose and inhales it. When he raises his head, you have plunged back into the water. You are very pretty in a bikini. If he hadn't snort in that line, he'd get up and take it from you. He would make love to you in the pool. No, he would fuck you. Since he came back he hasn't made love again, if he ever did.
Luckily, he's too high. Thank the gods he won't get up and teach you anything. It would not be ethical or moral. He keeps looking at you. He likes when you get out of the pool and sunbathe. You are very pretty all wet and shiny from the sun that hits your skin. Would you call him "Daddy" while he pulls you? He likes the perspective, smiles at his thoughts running through his mind. He lights a cigarette and leans back in his chair. He wishes you would come over and kneel down to suck him off while he's like this. 'I like you, (Y/N)' he confesses to himself in his mind. He imagines you walking hand in hand. He imagines sleeping with you. He just imagines you. He puts his fingers to his nose and pinches his bridge. Why does he imagine such sweet things with you?
"I thought you were clean of that shit," he hears Daeron's voice behind him, but he doesn't even turn to look at him. He's not in the mood to be lectured on morals by his little brother.
“I'm leaving it, before I snort much more. Now it's only Fridays, when I'm here” he lies to Daeron with his hoarse voice, shattered by years of captivity, after the conviction for murdering Luke. He shrugs and continues to look at you. You are precious. His little niece.
“When are you coming to see her?” Daeron asks, dropping a folder full of papers on the desk. He clicks his tongue in disapproval, but he hasn't given a shit about these things for a long time “You should keep your distance, because in the end you're going to do something you'll regret.”
“Like what?” Aemond tells him smiling sadly, turning to look at him. Daeron looks at him worriedly, Aemond knows that looking at the enormous scar that runs across his face is not easy, that it is unpleasant, the white and blue prosthesis greets him in a macabre way... but you look at him as if he were still attractive, as if you like him, as nothing would happen to his face or to his destroyed body “With the eager that Cregan is, I'm sure he'll even put her in my bed and give her to me if I tell him I like her. He would be honored if his daughter gave birth to the future offspring of the House of the Dragon. Yeah, he wouldn't give a shit, even if I'm his wife's little brother.”
“She's very pretty” his brother Daeron comments as he approaches the window, with his arms behind his back “But, (Y/N) doesn't deserve to be with a man who lines up on his back while he fucks her from behind” he says harshly, without any feeling. Aemond smiles wearily, jaded by the situation. He knows perfectly well what happens between almost all of his siblings when you are around them.
“No, of course” he tells Daeron, taking a drag on his cigarette again, watching you through the smoke that he expels from his mouth “She deserves a proper lawyer. I suppose you would take her to dinner before fucking her, to see if she would fall in love with you that way” Aemond laughs contemptuously.
“Unlike my brothers, I know how to control myself, even though she is the first omega born in our family after so long” Daeron smiles, but without losing sight of you. Liar. All his brothers are liars with you.
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