#now take her off my hands and her sword off my neck pretty please
rithalie-sideblog · 7 months
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I want Mizu’s father to be a complicated character.
I’m a sucker for reformed fathers and while I don’t think it will happen, I want Mizu’s father to be VERY morally grey. Give me a man who doesn’t believe in fairness or goodness anymore. Give me a man who had been through so goddamn much he can’t even see the kindness for what it is. A man who sells souls and bargains with demons and kills people with equal amount of interest. A man who doesn’t believe himself to be a god or melomaniac but simply a practical man who knows what he is and what he is not.
A man who knows he’s not good, and doesn’t dare to think he is, a man who has been broken once and put himself back together out of sheer force of will.
Man who, at his heart, still remains humble street rat.
Man who is friends with horrible people because deep down he doesn’t believe he deserves better ones. A pact brother to Fowler, who he matches in strength and brutality but not exactly in tastes or debauchery.
Give me a man who once had a goal, he reached it or failed it and now has to keep going, because he made a lot of people dependable on him. A man who keeps his people fed and safe but doesn’t tolerate the littlest bit of resistance or disloyalty because he fell for that once before and he’s still hurt. (Sounds familiar?)
Give us man who maybe had a son or two already but secretly wants a child that he could protect and maybe save and who deep deep down dreams of having a daughter he could spoil rotten. His little princess.
And then he meets Mizu’s mother and he either falls in love or he doesn’t but he suddenly has a goal again and he would be damned if he loses it. And he does lose it, either by having his daughter stolen from him and killing everyone responsible for it, or by thinking both his daughter and his woman were murdered.
Let us see his breaking point, him losing himself in cruelty once again, because he had just what he wanted in the palm of his hand and he threw it all away for a business trip or a seemingly important deal back in London, which turns out to be his biggest mistake.
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And then give us a man who sees his daughter again but she’s not his little princess anymore. She never was.
Give us a man who is furious at what this world shaped his daughter to be. Who sees himself in her and he’s seething because he very much wanted her to be the opposite. To be happy and spoiled and loved. And Mizu is not.
She is ruthless, she is vary and she rarely sees kindness for what it is, especially in a foreign land. And she doesn’t trust him, even as he offers help in killing men that Fowler made her hate with his meddling. Men she suspects are either her father or the devil he works with.
Give me man trying desperately to make connection. Even as he bends the rules for her and breaks his own promises and lets himself care again.
And if it all fails and if she discovers he’s her father, he still tries to find a way to keep her. To protect her, shield her. Even if it’s by blackmail, even if he holds her friend’s lives in the palm of his hand as he offers her all the power he has. Even as she hates him with that reckless abandon we all know her to possess.
Give us a man who made a clan out of outlaws and makes Mizu his heir and their princess, as she screams and kicks and tries to get out of this position.
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Ok but the comic of the fantasy Ghost and Soap got me thinking about Princess Darling 😭
Princess darling who is a war prize for the guys? Who is delivered to them after the sacking of her father’s territory, a last ditch effort for him to save his neck? And they look like this?
18+ MDNI
“Take my daughter.” He wheedles, slick as a snake, eyes wide and desperate as the flick between them and you. “She’s pure.” Your mouth drops open in outrage, heart thundering in your chest loud enough it rattles your ear drums.
“Father-“ The one in the skull mask with a black hood tilts his head at the sound of your voice, towering over you, gloved fingers flexing on the hilt of his sword.
He can’t mean to give you to these men. They’re… so big. And half covered in blood.
“Quiet.” He snaps, silencing your protest. Your eyes find the floor, counting the grooves and ridges of the marble. Your ribs pressurize around your lungs, squeezing, kneading, keeping your breathing too light in your already too tight corset.
“Ye’ve naught been married?” The brown haired one cocks his head with interest, and your knees tremble. You try to look away, escape the burn of his ice blue eyes, intense gaze unwavering as bear down on you, and your cheeks heat beneath the scrutiny.
“P-please. I know she’s older but-“ You want to cry. Scream. You’ve never been married for many reasons. Not that he cares about a single one of them. Not that the health of his daughter, or her feelings, have ever mattered to him.
“That’s enough.” Skull mask says. He looks at his partner, silence louder than a scream. You can only see the one man’s eyes, but they squint for a moment, before relaxing.
And then, he nods.
“We accept.” Your father loosens a sigh, the exhale loud over the echo of your gasp.
“No!” It’s a sputter, desperate and shocked. “No! No, father- you- you can’t!” He can’t. He wouldn’t. Would he? Send you off with these… marauders?
“Be silent.” He whirls, hand darting through the air to grip your upper arm, fingertips sinking into your skin like daggers. The shriek is automatic, half instinct, half muscle memory, and you flinch away, but he doesn’t let go. He digs in, trying to drag you towards the two and you gasp for air, panic cooling your skin and the sweat on the back of your neck.
“Let me g-“ You scream, choke out a half cry, only for it to be stolen from your lips by the swing of a sword.
Blood spurts from your father’s elbow, where it’s been cut clean off, his forearm and hand falling limply away from your body, a ruby red fountain spraying all over your face, your chest, your dress.
Your father howls, hand going to clamp over where his arm is now a bloodied stump. You’re stunned, frozen in time, just watching as he stumbles to his knees, face twisted in anguish.
You’re so distracted, that you don’t even know the blue eyed man has come up behind you, wrapping a thick arm around your waist. You feel his mouth, his breath, ghosting along your ear, warmth tickling your skin as the skull face turns to give him a nod, sword hanging precariously over your father’s bent neck. “Time to go, love. Close those pretty eyes for me now.”
You don’t know why, but you do. You let your eyes slip closed, let this monster scoop you up, let him cradle you to his chest. If you keep your eyes closed, you can just pretend. Pretend this isn’t happening. Pretend it’s not real.
There’s noise in the background, but a big hand covers your ear, pressing you against his leathered armor, right over his heart.
“Good girl, darling.”
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anonymousbardd · 6 months
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Character Headcanons
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: My Man
↳ Various x FemReader
The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Gongseob Ji.
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ When he first heard (F/n) call him "my man", because a random girl was drooling all over him, he couldn't help but think about that moment every night before sleep.
'Cause of that, he's been a bit more affectionate which isn't really his thing, this confused his lover a bit but hell she ain't complaining.
Now whenever Gun teases (F/n) he'd say something like, "Come help me out with work, after all, I'm your man, aren't I?"
And now, Gun repeatedly asks what he is to (F/n) whenever they make love in front of the mirror.
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ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ When Gun had asked what Goo means to (F/n), the blonde man was eavesdropping and was surprised when he heard his lover response.
"Goo...? He's silly and well, goofy, but even so, he's still my man."
He got so excited and came out from his hiding place, catching the young woman off gaurd.
"Cutie piee! I'm your man?! You called me your man!" He kept repeating it over and over again.
(F/n) had been smothered in gifts and kisses the next few weeks after.
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ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ It was just a normal kissing session between the two in Samuel's office, it was getting spicy when someone had knocked on the door.
Samuel pulled away and cleared his throat while (F/n) fixed her blouse, Samuel then sighed and let the person who knocked in.
It was a young girl who seemed to be nervous to be there.
"Uh-uhm... Mister Goo Kim wishes to see you..." She said, (F/n) huffed and crossed her arms.
"Tell him that my man is busy and will get to him in a bit," she said in a stern voice.
The young girl nodded and left the room, Samuel turned to (F/n) and chuckled, "Your brother's going to kill me, you know."
(F/n) rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'll take care of him, don't worry."
Samuel chuckled and kissed (F/n)'s lips, before Samuel even got the chance for his lips to reach her neck, Goo came barging in with a sword in his hand ready to remove Samuel's existence.
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ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ It was a lovely day, Jerry and (F/n) were playfully claiming Jake for themselves.
"Sir Jake belongs to me!" Jerry said, "Nuh-uh! He's mine!" (F/n) argued, Jerry and (F/n) had a sibling like relationship.
They continued to argue like that for a while.
"Humph! Sir Jake is my boss!" He said, "Oh yeah? Well he's my man so let him go!"
Once those words left the young woman's mouth, a grin crept on Jake's lips, the other members who were in the same room stiffened as the atmosphere tensed.
Jake turned to (F/n) and leaned down, "What did you say? Could you repeat that please?" He said.
The young woman shook her head and let go of Jake, "I-it's nothing..! Forget about it!" (F/n) turned to Lua in hopes to get away.
Jake held the young woman's wrist and dragged her out the room, "Come now, I want to hear you repeat what you just called me in bed."
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ʚɞ ┊: Gongseob Ji
↳ (F/n) would rather be caught dead than to call Gongseob her man, she's still in pretty much denial phase that the young man had taken interest in her.
Though she slowly started to warm up to him, she still wanted to keep their relationship a secret.
The typical good girl x bad boy romance.
(F/n)'s friends had noticed how close Gongseob is, or rather, how close Gongseob tries to be with (F/n).
Eventually, they asked (F/n) what Gongseob is to her.
(F/n) paused and thought for a moment, then, a random girl was talking about how hot Gongseob was.
(F/n) huffed and crossed her arms, in a loud voice, she stated, "He's MY man, Gongseob Ji is MY man!"
It was loud enough for the girl to hear, and for the passing braided man to also hear.
"Oh-ho ho? You're finally admitting it?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around (F/n)'s waist.
"Humph! Shut it," she replied, still, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips.
She then shot daggers on the girl who was overly complimenting her lover and stuck out her tongue.
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erajoie07 · 2 months
Pleasuring: Gwayne Hightower x fem reader
˙˚ଘo(∗ ❛ั ᵕ ❛ั )੭່˙ Writer's note: Okay, I meant to post this after I posted my first GH fic but I wanted to spice the smut. I haven't watched ep.05 yet. This fic is imagined as before Gwayne moves to King's Landing. I hope you enjoy!
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“What's a pretty jasmine such as yourself doing out here?”
His cool and proud voice resonates to her and she turns around holding a bundle of wildflowers she plucked from the side of the road.
“Gwayne!” She extends the flowers to him and stands. He leaps from the horse to kiss her. “You're finish with training?”
“Yes, my jasmine. Took them all out, they have nothing in their hands against me.”
She grins from her words, “Of course.” She jumps in surprise when he lifts her on his horse to sit upon.
“I should walk you home now.” he leads the horse stright down the path.
“You should teach me some day, so I can defend myself.”
Gwayne chuckles, “Why learn when I'm here to do defend you? I am a Hightower and we carry the banner.”
Her voice is low, “Well we are built different and we may never know what lies beyond the land. I want to learn to wield the sword.”
Gwayne stops and turns to her, “You are my lover, my sweet jasmine.”
“Stop with your flattery.”
“It's the truth.”
She looks away from him into the distant land beyond. He places his hand on hers and caresses it, he sighs afterward when she does not speak. “Very well, my jasmine, I will teach you the sword.”
She does not speak yet but her smile does not hide the comfort in his words. She squeals and jumps off the horse, “Thank you! Thank you! I won't let you down. I am a good learner.” she kisses him after and jumps in delight.
When they got into her place, a familiar armor with the Hightower sigil stands guard with two other knights. She looks to Gwayne who is confused.
“What is the meaning of this?” He calls, the knights ever seated on their horses trot to him.
“We have a message from your father, ser Gwayne. Otto Hightower has been ousted as Hand by your nephew, King Aegon. An army is waiting for you to King's Landing.”
Surprise fills her face and she writhes inside of the coming dread.
“You may leave.”
“Must you go?” She pleads to him, reaching out for his arm.
“I must, my sister and my house needs me against the blacks. War had already begun and will bring ruin to us all.” Pouring wine into his goblet facing away from her.
“No man returns from the war and will make us victims and their wives will sorrow deep. Please don't go.” She becomes unreasonable for the fate that Gwayne sets foot upon.
Gwayne turns to her. The glint in her eyes suffer from the news the knights brought. “But I am not that man. I will return to you.” He says pulling her when she looks away as tears prick her eyes. “Listen to me.”
She turns to him albeit seconds after.
“I keep my promises and I will return to you. I will leave on the morrow but tonight I want you to forget about your worries.”
Gwayne pushes her gently against the bolster of the bed, he grabs her chin and gently pushes his lips on hers. Her hands move to unlace the strings of her corset. He licks the side of her neck to her ear and nibbles it while he rests his hand on her breast. He grabs her breast with bis mouth and suckles upon it while she twists her fingers on his blonde hair out of its formality.
She sits between his spread legs, stamping soft and airy kisses upward his bare thigh to the base of his cock, with her gaze locked upon her. She spits on the strong heady smell and taking the head in her mouth. She flicks her tongue on the slit watching Gwayne squirm with anticipation, his chest moving faster than normal. He grabs the arms and pushes his head back shen she licks a stripe on the underside vein and taking him midway, stroking inches. Gwayne writhes in his seat and his cock twitches flowing with his cum. She takes him again this time to the hilt and he moans and grabs her hair controlling the motion of her head. His mouth hangs upon and shoots his cum after in the back of her throat. She pulls away but Gwayne is quick, “You did well, my jasmine. Now sit on my lap.
Gwayne slides his lone finger on her slit repeatedly hitting her sensitive clit, whispering sweet nothings that heavily contradict how his fingers thrust inside her soppy and wet cunt, spitting liquid and sounds of skin slapping that races his heart. She grips his arm firm, writhing as he continue to do so.
“Such a beautiful jasmine I have here. Are you going to cum?”
Her mouth hanging as his lips move across her neck while he finishes thrusting his fingers before she finally cums on his fingers.
“Such a good girl.”
She catches her breath and steadies her heart. Her mind is going blank from the aftermath of him fingering her wet cunt.
She watches Gwayne fix the saddle on his horse, but her yes are fixed on him. All the while after they had sex, he doesn't hear anymore anything from her. The way to his father may not be long and would still feel her presence, but the path to King's Landing is heavy and face and he wouldn't recognize her face anywhere.
“Here,” she hands him a yellow handkerchief, “I finished days ago, so you may always know that I'm by your side and you won't feel lonely.”
Gwayne grins then jokes, “Why, did you put some spell on it so when I breathe it I'll get well faster?”
She rolls her eyes, “Don't be an asshole.” she says firmly and proceeds to smack his arm. He laughs and puts the handkerchief to a safe spot. Finally he gets on his horse because pressing another kiss on her lips might he never leave, and his hands are now tight on the reins, as well as his eyes.
“Gwayne, I love you. You should do well to always remember it. Be safe and come back to me.”
“I will,” he doesn't look at her then commands the horse on his way.
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jinwoosungs · 6 days
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09/15/24; 02:30pm
vampire hunter d x human!fem.reader
[ minors don’t interact; by choosing to interact with this content, you have consented to viewing something n-fw despite the warnings. ]
it was such a mystery why this mysterious man chose you as his sole place of solace. your meeting with him was nothing short of fate, with the thought of it all remaining as a shining memory within the depths of your mind.
you were working a late shift at your local saloon, serving several cups of beer to the patrons all while ignoring the leering glances all the men were giving you.
you lost count of the sheer amount of times the drunkards had grasped at the ends of your skirt or wrapped an arm around your waist, their breath heavy with the lingering scent of alcohol that you had to bite back your words of protests. not wishing to cause a scene, you spend the next 6 hours biting back your words while forcing a smile.
later that night, you were free to return home, carrying with you a small pouch that contained the measly amount you had earned from working. feeling so exhausted, you remain completely unaware of how a man hidden in the shadows was stalking your every move.
upon reaching your quaint little home just near the outskirts of your town, you suddenly felt the hairs standing at the back of your neck. your reaction was a little too late when you see a man coming closer to you. his face was flushed red while his greasy hands fumbled with the waistband of his pants.
“you’re such a whore… prancing around the saloon like that, acting like you can’t even see me.”
a whimper escapes from you, and you attempt to run away from him, with your home settled just beyond the cobblestone walls. pushing your legs forward, heart threatening to choke you with its rapid palpitations with your calves burning, you reach out-
only to fall forward when the powerful stench of beer fills your nostrils, gagging you as tears fell from your eyes. your back lands against the cold, unforgiving ground, the drunkard already gripping at the lace fabric of your bodice, ready to tear the flimsy material off of you.
“p-please, don’t, i-i’ll give you all of my earnings! j-just- mph!”
you struggle and continued to gag, tasting the bitter alcohol from his lips, writhing beneath him as you struggled to kick him off of you. just when you felt his legs spreading yours apart, the man suddenly slumps forward-
bringing with him an overpowering scent of blood.
you felt sick to your stomach, realizing the drunkard was now lifeless as his blood slowly began to seep into your dress. something slender and bright catches your attention. your gaze follows it, realizing that it was a slender sword that was quickly being dislodged from the man’s back.
your savior was a tall, yet pale men dressed in all black. his stallion seemed to suit this man, letting out soft huffs as its hooves tamped down against the ground.
you look away from the horse and chose to focus on its master, your heart racing, meeting the dark eyes and pale face of that man. the wide brim of his traveler's hat obscures half of his face, yet he seemed intrigued by you, angling his chin ever so slightly so that he could get a better look at you.
you end up letting out a gasp upon seeing him. an impossibly pale yet sharp face looks down at you, his eyes reminding you of a pure, moonless night. rich, brown locks of hair was seen reaching down to the ends of his back, and you notice how his thin lips remained set in a straight line. he appeared nonchalant as his eyes continue to take you in.
“she’s a pretty young thing… but don’t you think you’re scarin’ her a bit, d?”
d? was that his name? and where was that gruff voice coming from?
the man, d, clenches his left hand shut, muffling that strange voice while continuing to look down at you.
“are you alright?”
his voice was soft, yet… achingly comforting to you. his beauty matched that of the night. you forgot all about the drunk man that was settled next to you-
but end up stiffening when the awful stench of urine fills at the air. you turn your face away, already feeling the contents within your stomach swirling around, threatening to escape from your throat when a hand scoops you into his arms.
you let out a gasp, allowing d’s scent to fill your senses (a great distraction from the scent of death the drunkard had exuded.) he smelled like fresh rain and wildflowers, a scent that you eagerly breathed in as you found yourself pressing the tip of your nose against the side of his neck.
d stiffens at your sudden touch, but maintains his calm demeanor, “where do you live?”
his question breaks you out of your reveries, making the heat dye your cheeks in response when you show him your cottage on top of the hill. “that cottage is my home.”
the man shows no visible signs of acknowledging your answer, yet gently coaxes his stallion toward the hill that lead up to your cottage. you remain safely tucked within the man’s arms, somehow wishing that this moment won’t ever end.
yet your homecoming seemed inevitable the moment the horse stops directly in front of your home. d was the first to get off, his boots landing against the ground while offering a hand out to you. you nod and place your hand in his, shivering at the cold sensation felt against your skin.
coming safely back down on the ground, you began to feel even more flustered upon realizing how much taller d was than you. he continues watching you, with your arms crossed over your chest as you reached into your pouch to pull out a single key. the moment you slot the key into your door, you hear d straddling his horse once more. not brave enough to face him, you call out to him,
“mister d?”
the sounds of hooves clopping against the ground stops momentarily, and you knew then that d had every intention to listen to what you had to say.
you face him once more, seeing d look at you from his periphery. “if you ever need a place to stay, please, come find me. it’s the least i can do for you since… since you saved me.”
d says nothing, yet spends several seconds looking back at you. he continues staring at you, as if wishing to memorize your every feature before finally turning away from you, his stallion already taking great strides down the hill.
that was how your first meeting with him went, and despite your kindness and how you truly wished to see him again, you didn’t think the man would take you up on such an offer-
yet, you were proven wrong several months later, when a storm had hit your town and you heard several faint knocks against your door. upon answering, you were shocked to see d standing before you, his left hand wrapped in a bandage as his stallion took refuge from the rain while remaining beneath the trees.
you purse your lips, remaining silent as you stepped aside to let him in. you were afraid to speak, truly fearing that if you said something, then it would make him change his mind and he would end up leaving you. as he steps into the house, the gentle drizzle of rain was all that could be heard. if you didn’t feel small during the time where you had first met him, then you certainly felt small now, watching as d towers over you while in the seemingly cramped space of your cottage.
he takes off his hat, his hair still dripping with the lingering raindrops. his eyes take in the sight of your quaint home, and he sees the table that holds a wooden bowl filled with stew along with a loaf of bread.
“ah, my apologies! are you hungry, sir?”
d shakes his head, “i’m fine, just a glass of water will suffice.”
you nod, feeling your heart begin to race as you grabbed a glass and filled it with water from your pitcher. you place the cup on the table, watching as d takes a seat before place two, burgundy capsules inside of it.
you sit across from him, going back to eating your dinner without tasting anything. d gently swirls the capsules within the water, not stopping until the water turns crimson red, carrying with it the lingering scent of iron.
your appetite was slowly diminishing, heart still pounding when you watch d drain the cup of the blood-like liquid dry. you continue looking at him, unable to tear your gaze away from him. d returns your gaze and softly asks, “does this bother you?”
a shiver runs down your spine, your mind screaming at you that d was no ordinary man-
yet you couldn’t bring yourself to reject this mysteriously elusive man.
so, you ignore the rationality of your mind and settle with following your heart, shaking your head while admitting to him, “it doesn’t bother me, not even in the slightest.”
a flash of something was seen across his dark eyes, and you saw it glimmer with an unknown emotion, one that you were too scared to truly identify. you watch as d stands from his seat, his strides being able to reach you within seconds.
he towers over you, and you felt his long, slender hands caressing at your cheek. you lean in closer to him, ignoring the lingering coldness felt against his skin.
his name falls from your parted lips, filled with yearning as it was enough to make his tranquil façade slip. suddenly, d’s arms were felt wrapping around your form, bringing your body closer to his as his lips sought its sanctuary with yours.
soft moans came from you, your nipples going hard against the sheer material of your nightgown when d presses you even closer to him. sharp canines gently tease against your bottom lip, and you realized that such a trait was what gave his identity away-
“vampire…?” you breathlessly whisper against d’s lips, earning a subtle head shake from him.
“dhampir.” he gently corrects you before claiming your lips once more, already picking up your body as he lead you back inside the comfort of your room. not caring about the consequences, you shamelessly cling to him, wrapping your legs around his waist, feeling the cold leather of his pants surround your inner thighs, causing you to shiver in response.
you were breathless by the time d gently sets you back on top of the bed. his expression remains unreadable, yet the way his long fingertips gently traces across the expanse of your skin (the touch remaining oh so reverent) was more than enough proof of his desires for you.
he gently pushes aside the sheer material of your nightie, leaving you bare for his eyes. d seems captivated by the sight of your nakedness, his gaze darkening ever so slightly before traveling down your form. settling himself between your legs, you felt the way d’s cold breath breathe in the scent of your aching core, a soft groan escaping from his lips.
keeping your legs spread wide open, the dhampir places his thin lips against your sensitive flower, darting his tongue inside of you as he tastes your honeyed sweetness. your moans fill at the air, allowing your back to arch against your bed. pants and moans echo throughout the room, and just feeling d’s gentle ministrations against you makes you slowly lose your mind.
due to never experiencing such pleasures before, you felt something snap within your abdomen, filling you with the first pinpricks of pleasure. d drinks up all you had to offer with a gentle hum, using his tongue to trace at your outer lips before moving away from you.
you were in a daze now, becoming dimly aware of the shifting of belts and fabric. you watch as d’s pale body glows from beneath the dying candlelight, his dark hair cascading down his muscular back. your mouth turns dry, unable to believe that such a beautiful creature was going to be yours-
if only for tonight.
d rejoins you in bed, laying across your body as he wraps your legs around his waist. the tip of his hardened cock continues to collect at the evidence of your release, tracing around its borders as you let out a sigh in response. as if knowing that this would be your first (and last) time with a man, d takes a hold of your hand and gently enters your slick heat.
the sudden intrusion makes you wince, your breasts heaving as you struggled to take in the sheer size of him. as tears were felt dotting your vision, d focuses his attention on your chest, his cool lips already wrapping themselves around your hardened nipple. you let out a gasp at the sudden sensation, moaning while delving your fingers into his hair.
only when he was completely sheathed inside of you did he finally stop moving, busying himself with the taste of your skin, greedily sucking at your breast. not knowing how much time had passed, you figured d had the patience of a saint, not even daring to move as he allowed your body to get used to the sensation of his cock filling you up.
your legs felt like they were turning numb, and as you adjusted your legs, you felt a sudden jolt of pleasure coursing through you. your breathing becomes labored, nails already gripping at d’s biceps as you begged him to move.
he hums, somehow able to switch positions as he was left sitting on the bed, still remaining connected to you. from this position, you were able to control the pace, your head seeming to spin. a ghost of a smile was seen gracing d’s features, and you settle both hands against his broad chest before slowly moving your slick heat up and down his cock.
your movements were sloppy and uneven, serving as evidence of your inexperience. looking down to where your body was connected with his, you could see the spot of blood over his cock, making you tremble in response.
d hisses when you began to bounce against him at an even faster pace, with you biting down on your bottom lip so harshly that it was close to drawing blood. the pleasure you felt was so intense-
so all consuming that you lost all of your inhibitions.
“d…” you gasp, lips already seeking his as you kissed him deeply, the squelching sounds of your lovemaking already taking over your senses. his grunts were the final push that you needed to reach your completion, climaxing against him when you still your hips and swallowed the entirety of his cock.
you felt the clear liquids of your release travel down his shaft, your broken moans filling at the air when d’s cock was felt twitching deep inside of you, shooting his seed deep within your womb as you fell against him.
your mind becomes hazy, feeling d press a lingering kiss against the side of your neck before laying down. the rain had simmered down to a light drizzle, and you bask in the gentle sounds of its droplets, feelings your eyes grow heavier while still in d’s embrace. upon feeling his lips against your hair, you allowed your body to succumb to its exhaustion, keeping the memory of the pleasure d had given you as a means to lead you towards a peaceful slumber.
you lost track of time of how long you had been sleeping, never once rousing from your slumber until the sunlight was felt hitting at the back of your eyelids.
the warmth of the sunlight manages to awaken you from your slumber, and when you gently moved your hand across the bed, you felt a crushing disappointment at how d had left you once more. not wishing to open your eyes while bearing witness to the empty side of your bed, you allowed your daydreams to take over, willing the image of his beautiful body to remain within your mind’s eye-
yet when your fingertips felt the soft sensation of petals from beneath your hand, you opened your eyes with a gasp. with the morning light painting your room in pastel hues, you take in the sight of a lone, white lily settled on the pillow where d once lay.
your heart hammers within your chest as you slowly sit up in bed. with gentle movements, you gingerly held the lovely flower within your hand, using its petals to caress at your cheek as you imagined it was your beloved dhampir gently caressing you with the back of his hand…
and despite how d never once announced his departure or spoke a word to you-
you knew that he would return.
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end notes: d is so my type, someone send h e l p 🫠
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
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x-hotoke · 1 month
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gods & goddesses au
      A land not too far from civilization yet was hidden well enough that no mortals from the outside world can ever find it. Two kingdoms fought for each other's land, a never ending war between the two. It has been going on for decades and yet no one bothered to stop.
It was their greed for power that costed thousand of innocent people's lives every day. Y/n—a guard at the royal palace of Araken—was at the center of the town trying to help as much people to evacuate to a nearby barn away from the waggering war that was happening.
“Get in! Quick.” He instructed, holding out his hand for them to use as they climbed up to the vehicle made out of hay and wood, four circular stones on each corner. “It reached it's capacity! Go now!” y/n shouted to the driver ahead. The horse started to move as well as the wooden carriage.
“Please! My child, take her!” A girl shouted desperately. Y/n's heart broke as they stared at them. “Take care of her please, save her. I'm begging you!” She continued, holding her baby up as thousands of people were trying to get inside the carriages to safety.
It was clear she was in her teenage years, he looked at her hand, seeing the silver band wrapped around her ring finger. The look of realization hit y/n as he realized she was forced into marriage and had to give birth to a child. The child he was holding looked around three yearsold.
Y/n nodded, taking the child into his arms. “I'll make sure she's safe.” He reassured the teen.
“Nobara- her name!” Her shout was unheard as a bunch of screams erupted, the gate that kept the people of Araken safe from the war outside was set ablaze and the townspeople were in a frenzy.
Y/n unsure on what to do was pulled backwards—toji who was behind him, quickly grabbed his shoulder to lead him to safety. “We have to go now! The guards will take care of them.” He shouted.
Y/n's gripped on nobara tightened as he ran to the carriage that only soldiers can use. The trip back to the castle's gate was treacherous, the desperate screams and cry for help from the people of Araken was the only thing they could hear.
He looked down, studying the child's appearance. Nobara’s hair was a dark shade of ginger brown. It was short—about neck length long—her pretty orange coloured eyes glossed with tears. It got caught in her long eyelashes as it streamed down her face, a confused look on her pretty face. “Nobara.. it's a unique name—it also means wild rose—I guess thats where your mother got it from.” He smiled weakly, cradling the child in his arms. “I'll keep you safe.. no one will dare to lay a hand you.” He whispered.
“That's a big promise, y/n.” The general spoke up, his black coloured eyes staring at the child.
“One that I will continue fulfilling as long as I live.”
“Did her mother die?” The black headed male asked, there was no concern nor empathy in his tone. “No but–she was willingly enough to save her daughter that she gave nobara to me.” Y/n hesitated to continue but did so anyway. “Her mother looked young—probably in her teens—from the looks of it she was forced into a marriage she didn't want in the first place, I noticed she had a silver ring wrapped around her ring finger.” He said, looking down at Nobara who fell asleep in his arms.
“It is inevitable. People like her parents will do anything to have power and money they desired even sacrificing their daughter to men twice as their age to achieve it.” Toji closed his eyes, placing one hand on his sword leaning back in his seat. “Greed always overtakes love in some way.” after that it was dead silent.
Toji remembers that day clearly. The time where he prioritised gambling over his family. His greed for money wrecked his family.
Once they arrived, y/n quickly hopped off carrying nobara who was laying her head on his shoulder, sleeping. She was tired from all that occured earlier.
“Sir—what about the gate?” Y/n asked the older male, worried.
Toji let out a sigh, looking ahead. “It was set ablaze. This leaves us an opening for an attack. You report this to his Highness, ey? I trust that you will send the message to him.”
“Tell him that I am needed elsewhere.” Toji glanced at the child, y/n was holding. “Oh and while you're at it, I suggest you keep her a secret for the time being. His highness won't show mercy for her.” He continued, taking out a pack of cigarettes from his pockets.
Y/n nodded, his eyes hardening. The general was right, he has to keep her a secret. “I will, safe travels general.” He saluted the other male before hastily walking towards the abandoned barn that was used for storage by the servants.
“Nobara, stay put right here. Don't go out of your hiding place, okay? I'll be right back as soon as I can.” He whispered, waking up the child who nodded and let out a yawn in return. “You promise?”
“I promise..” Nobara meekly said, laying on the dirty bed that was left there. The spot was behind a few junk and hay that was laying around which was good. “Good, don't cause any trouble while I'm gone alright?” Y/n patted her hair before leaving the barn.
Y/n kneeled a few feet away infront of the king who sat on the throne. “Why is this fuckin’ soldier here and not my general? Where is he.” The king spoke, anger visible in his tone.
“Your highness, I was sent by the general to inform you of the current situation out there and as for the general's whereabouts, he is currently unavailable at the moment.” Y/n said trying to hide his annoyed tone, glaring at the floor.
“Then go on with it—I don't wanna spend my time on a low life like you.”
“The gate was set on fire and a few of our walls are beginning to crack by the giant rocks that are being catapulted by the enemy. We are trying our best to evacuate the people of Araken away from the war.” M/n said, unsettled by the king's lack of concern Y/n anger expression on his face even though he couldn't see his eyes, he knew the king wouldn't show remorse to those who are no use to him.
Lin Itadori, the 16th king of Araken was known as an unpredictable and ruthless man. No remorse for the people under his care. “Why the fuck are you still talking? I don't care for those shits. They can die for all I care.” he claimed, taking another gulp of the red wine bottle he had on his hand.
There was also one rumor that intrigued y/n the most. King Lin hired an assassination on the previous king who was his father. To achieve the power he always dreamt of getting and now he has it. He spends his days, drinking away while his people are suffering day by day because of the war.
“But those are your people are they not?” Y/n snapped, clenching both his hands. The amount of courage he had when he lifted his head to show the anger in his eyes. “Yet you sit here on your throne, drinking to your heart's content. Do you not know the outcome of this war if we lose? If they'll be kind enough to just kill us all off and not turn us into their slaves, it would be much better right?” He continued, standing up from his kneeling position.
“Do you know how many innocent lives are taken day by day because you— you..” He gritted his teeth, looking at the man in front of him.
“Ah y/n!—I was about to tell the guards to execute you.” Lin grinned.
“I must say this takes a lot of courage, ain't that right? Oh, the look in your eyes.” Lin taunted the soldier, throwing the bottle of wine in front of y/n feet. “But you have no fuckin' right to talk to me this way! I am your king, the one that has the higher authority. The one who has the power to have you executed at this very moment. So you better watch who you're talking to.”
“I've killed people like you in the past for having this attitude to me, you're lucky that I like you or else your head will be on the next fuckin' plate offered to the gods.” The king was enraged, his red eyes piercing glared at y/n which made him shivered. “Now be useful for once and get the fuck out. I expect you to come back in the evening.”
Y/n rolled his eyes. “Yes.. your highness.” Saluting to the drunk king. He turned around before swiftly walking out. “And while your at it, fix that fuckin' attitude of yours, ey?” Lin let out an obnoxious laugh that echoed, forever engraving it to Y/n head.
Y/n watched as Nobara eat the loaf of breads he took from the kitchen—he didn't really take it, the lady was kind enough to give him some—his eyes fluttered slowly, having one arm propped on his thigh to support his head while the other laid flat on his lap. “I know it's not much but that's the only thing they could offer.” He mumbled.
Nobara didn't reply, too focused on eating as much as her fill. He let out a sigh. “You aren't safe with me.. nor in this barn. I wouldn't be able to sleep if something would have happened to you while I was gone.”
“You know, I'm pretty much close with the prince.” He continued on blabbering about things he experienced except the horrendous things he had to do by the order of the king. “He has a tunnel underground that leads to the other kingdom for some reason, I know he has like a friend over there.” He blurted out.
“a tunnel that leads to the other kingdom...” Y/n whispered, he looked at the child in front of him deep in thought. It was near where they are currently, it wouldn't be much of a trip considering it was close. May the prince be blessed by the gods above, he thought. “The tunnel!” He clumsily got up.
He isn't a believer in any gods and goddesses of sorts. As he says, 'to see is to believe' and yet he hasn't seen one face to face. Though he knows it will never happen, he's an ordinary guy with.. elf ears. Would that make him an ordinary elf guy? Not really, he kills people for the king's entertainment. That would make him a criminal in any case.
Y/n placed the leftover loafs inside the plastic bag. “You might not understand me, Nobara but I hope you do.” He mumbled, picking up the girl with one arm while the other held the plastic bag. “I don't think king lin plans on winning this war by the looks of it.” He squinted his eyes, kicking the wall that was already cracked. He placed down Nobara, ushering her to go through with the plastic. “Nor does he care if he loses.”
Once she got out, he was next. Y/n held his breath in to make sure he doesn't get hurt by the splinters on the wood.
“His majesty is quite an unpredictable man, he has the potential to lead yet he drowns himself in drinking liquor.” He grunted out, rolling his eyes. “Hold my hand, Nobara.” He said softly.
“Alright, I'm pretty sure it's to the left? Wait no, the right.. yeah.” He sheepishly said, they began their trip to the underground tunnel discreetly as they could.
Hiding behind crevices whenever they spot a guard heading their way until they get to the back of the palace where the garden was located. “We're here, now I know the entrance of Prince’s tunnel is somewhere around here.” He grinned—pushing the bushes away—grabbing the hatch and pulling it upwards. He carried Nobara with one arm and descended the ladder, the hatch closing after–making a booming sound.
“I’ll figure out a plan to disguise ourselves, al’ aight?” He smiled down at the child he was holding.
“Though it will be hard but I'm sure we- I can execute this very well.” Y/n chuckles, a sweat dropping from his forehead ss he squinted his eyes. The tunnel was dimly lit by torches. Nobara whimpered—hiding her face in his shoulder. “You scared, girl?”
Y/n felt Nobara's head shift, he frowned slightly. “Don’t worry, I'll get us out of here soon. ‘Kay?” he patted her back, he activated his invisibility cloak to avoid anyone finding them.
He stopped—seeing someone ahead—who is that? He didn't dare say a word as he tilted Nobara’s head to place a finger on his lips—a sign to stay quiet—the girl nodded, shoving her face back into his shoulder which made him wince from the impact a bit.
He carefully backed up until he was at the part where there was no lighting at all. He examined the person, their appearance confused him. They were short-probably in their 15’s or lower.
What's their status?
Y/n thought. The person was wearing a somewhat noble outfit, one that looks like it's from royalty. His nose scrunched up—seeing them summon two dogs, white and black.
He forgot the other kingdom uses curse techniques unlike theirs.
He shook his head—seeing the person walk away with the two dogs following in pursuit but one of them turned around, sniffing the air before letting out a growl. “Oi.” a voice spoke out, a male voice.
Y/n huffed quietly, an annoyed look on his face as he watched the three intensely. “Nanami-san wants me to find someone, come on.” His curious eyes watching the child disappear around the corner.
“Huh.. how'd they know about the prince’s tunnel?..” He whispered, t'sking.
“We'll have to be more careful, nobara.” Y/n adjusted his grip on her as he moved out of the dark spot. He'll have to find a place for them to sleep in.
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ooooh for the fake dating prompts: geraskier + #1? pretty please 💜
They were actually quite the good kisser, but they of course would never ever tell them that.
“We need a cover story,” Jaskier says. “If the Duchess thinks you’re here as a witcher, she’ll have her guards throw you out before you have time to get annoyed by all the people.”
Geralt wants to argue, but the bard actually has a good point. “I could pretend to be your bodyguard again. At a gathering this size, there have to be at least a few nobles there you’ve cuckolded.”
Jaskier wrinkles his nose, considering. “You showing up with swords might put her on her guard, whether you're here as a witcher or bodyguard."
“Then what do you suggest?” Geralt crosses his arms over the chest, scowling. After passing a couple of messages for the Redanian Secret Service, the bard thinks he’s some kind of mastermind at espionage.
Jaskier thinks for a moment, then brightens. “I know! You can come as my apprentice who is really my lover.”
“Why not just your apprentice?”
“Because no offense, Geralt, but no one is going to look at you and think you’re in training to become a bard. And gods help us if anyone asks you to sing. So it behooves us if they think that the only reason I keep you around is because of the service you provide to my instrument.” He wiggles his hips.
Geralt feels his lips twitch of their own volition. "Hm, not sure if we can pull that off."
“And whyever not?” Jaskier looks offended.
“If I’m your lover, you’d have to go at least three days without letting anyone else into your pants. Might kill you.”
“I can go three days without sex!” Jaskier plants his hands on his hips.
“Since when?”
“I went nearly two weeks without when we were traveling through Velen!”
“And you bitched the entire time.”
“I would have done that anyway. Velen is terrible.”
Geralt can’t argue with him there. “No one’s going to believe we’re really lovers.”
“Why not?”
"Because no one’s going to think that I’m the kind of person you take to bed," Geralt doesn’t say, thinking of the pretty barmaids and fancy nobles Jaskier normally pursues. Instead, he says, “There will be people you know there. They’ll have seen you with your lovers before.”
“And?” Jaskier arches an eyebrow.
Geralt searches for the right words for a moment. “When you’re sleeping with someone, you’re usually all over them. You can't keep your hands or your lips off them. It’s why you nearly get gelded for fucking the wrong person so often. You’re not subtle.”
Jaskier opens his mouth as if to argue, then closes it. “Then I suppose I’ll have to do that with you.”
Geralt snorts, skeptical.
“What?” Jaskier asks, taking a step closer. “You think it will be such a hardship, draping myself over you?”
The neck of Geralt’s armor feels a little too tight. Did he have it fitted wrong? “No one will buy it.”
Jaskier takes another step, moving into Geralt’s space. “Then we really should start practicing now.”
“I don’t need to practice,” Geralt growls. “I’m not a spotty youth who’s never held a girl’s hand before.”
Not that hand holding comes up much in his intimate encounters, but he’s not going to bring that up.
“Even the greatest master at his craft needs to keep his skills sharp.” Jaskier tilts his head to the side, studying Geralt’s face. “And you’re right. We’re only going to be able to sell this if we look like two people who are used to being intimate with each other. Kiss me.”
Geralt can’t quite school the surprise out of his face. “What?”
“Kiss me,” Jaskier says again. “Do you want to take the Duchess down or not?”
“Not sure how kissing you will help that.”
“We might need to kiss at some point to maintain our cover,” Jaskier says. “Best not to risk it, right?”
Geralt lets his gaze drop to Jaskier’s pink mouth. The bard’s lips have always been inconveniently pretty, especially when they’re parted in stunned offense or curled into a wicked smile. He almost says no, that he’ll figure out another way to get close to the Duchess. It’s best not to let Jaskier anywhere near a contract this dangerous anyway. Jaskier can go back to his succession of pretty lovers and Geralt can find and kill a monster, just like they always do.
He’s about to pull back when Jaskier seems to get tired of waiting for Geralt to make a move. Before Geralt can react, Jaskier’s lips are on his and suddenly, Geralt isn’t thinking about the Duchess or the contract anymore.
Jaskier’s lips are warm and soft against his, tasting of the wine they had with dinner. He doesn’t realize that he’s cupping Jaskier’s face in his hands until he registers the prickle of stubble against his palm. He slides one hand down, over the silky fabric of Jaskier’s doublet, warm from the bard’s body heat. Jaskier shivers as Geralt’s hand rests on his lower back.
Geralt drags Jaskier closer, breath hitching as Jaskier’s fingers tangle in his hair. He can hear Jaskier’s heartbeat hammering and can practically taste the arousal in the air. It would be so easy to drag Jaskier the short distance to the bed, to lose himself in Jaskier’s taste and the feel of him and…
Jaskier pulls away, blinking up at Geralt with the dazed look of someone emerging from a deep sleep. For a moment, they stare at each other. Jaskier’s pretty mouth is swollen from kisses, a sight that sends something hot and possessive surging through Geralt’s belly.
Jaskier clears his throat and laughs, the sound more high-pitched than usual. “And you think we couldn’t pull it off!”
“Pull what off?” It takes Geralt a moment to remember why they were doing this in the first place. The Duchess. The contract. Right.
“Pretending to be two people who are intimately acquainted.” Jaskier waggles his eyebrows. “Now you won’t have to pretend to be unable to get enough of my lips.”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “Sure, bard.”
“Oh, don’t lie to me. You have to admit, that was a damn good kiss.”
“I’ve had better,” Geralt lies.
Jaskier gasps, mouth falling open. It’s a sight that makes Geralt glad that his new armor has a codpiece. “Pure and utter slander! I’ve had it from reputable sources that I’m the finest kisser on this side of the Amell Mountains.”
“You know they’re paid to give you pretty compliments at the Passiflora, right?”
“Brute.” Jaskier pokes Geralt in the chest. “That’s a terrible thing to say to your pretend lover.”
“Forgive me,” Geralt says dryly. “I’ve never had a fake lover before.”
“And at this rate, you never will again.” Jaskier turns on his heel, nose in the air.
With the bard looking away, Geralt reaches up to touch his lips. He can still taste mulled wine and can still feel the warmth of soft pink lips against him. He’d like nothing more than to pull Jaskier close and lose himself in another one of those kisses.
But this is just pretend and Geralt can’t let Jaskier know the effect he has on him. So he wipes away the lingering taste of Jaskier with the back of his hand and goes to sharpen his sword. There’s a monster to kill, after all.
Fake dating prompts
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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words-of-wrath · 5 months
Once upon a time there was a knight and a princess 😈
Enjoy 🖤
The city burned outside, as did the furnace. It blazed like the glory that was ignited in Lady Maven's heart when the siege began. She could not yet shake the exciting imagery of the battle, still raging outside though she was not part of it anymore. The trebuchet's flinging large boulders, the swords clanging and clashing. Lady Maven remembered dashing through the mud and dirt, scuffed and scorched. She remembered screeching as she drove her freshly sharpened blade into it's first heart. And soon it was dripping with the blood of the enemy, flecking droplets over the grass. And the bodies lay strewn around her, eyes hanging eternally open. Lady Maven rose a hammer up and brought it down upon the petite golden crown in front of her. She was a knight of the realm. Respectable, full of valor, loved by many. But now, oh now, she would let a more deviant side of herself out. 
She remembered what he had said to her. "I have a special job for you, Lady Maven. Oh, Maven, bravest and best of all knights!" Her commanding officer had said. She had smirked at that then and she was smirking now. Another strike on the crown, and it buckled under her force. Soon it would mold to her will, her specific desires. "Once the siege starts you are tasked with... taking care of the princess." Lady Maven struck the crown again and it nearly flattened. She dislodged the jewels from their homes and started to reshape the attire in the heat of the flaming furnace. While doing so, her eyes wandered over to the post just next to her. There she was, bound by the torso, arms behind her back, and gagged. "Do with her what you will," she remembered him saying.
The princess. The fair lady. What would they think of her if they saw her now? Lady Maven grinned deviously. Her auburn hair was spilling over her shoulders chaotically, her deep brown eyes filled to the brim with fear, wide as they could go. She watched Maven hammer away, twisting and contorting in her pretty pink dress. She was like to ruin it fussing like that. Maven cared not, however, she was nearly done. It would still be hot, but a snot-nose noble brat like this one deserved a good branding. Maven fastened the jewels back into place on the newly shaped collar. She smiled wickedly, turning in the Princess' direction. 
It was hot, but her knightly gauntlets protected her from most of the head. Princess shook her head from side to side quickly, mumbling against the pair of panties gagging her as Maven squatted down and opened up the scalding hot golden collar. Maven gripped a fistful of Princess' wavy auburn hair. She began to scream even before it was fastened around her neck. When the heated metal finally touched her bare neck, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her skin singed. The collar cooled around her throat while tears streamed down her cheeks and drool dripped from her gagged mouth. 
"Come now, Princess," Lady Maven cooed sinisterly as she hooked a leash to her neck and started to unfasten her bonds. "Darling, a little pain never hurt anyone," she reassured as she tugged Princess toward her feet. The gag was taken off and her screams were freed from her mouth, spilling over the dirt ground. On her hands and knees, Princess could barely look up at Maven. The pain was still too much to bear. "Beg," Maven said plainly. "Beg for my mercy, Princess..."
A single sob caught in her throat as she gripped Maven's ankle with weak fingers, clutching and slightly digging her fingernails into the flesh. "Puh-puh-p-please, Lady Knight... I wish not for thine wrath... please..." she gurgled out, saliva dripping down from the corner of her mouth to the ground. "I've done n-nothing to deserve this..." Maven took a deep breath, and then a swift kick to the Princess' perfect ribs sent her careening across the ground in a heap. She tugged Princess back up, unfastening her belt and letting her trousers fall to her ankles. 
Princess watched, half awestruck, half in horror as Lady Maven's cock beat to life in the freshly heated air. Her lips pursed together and she shook her head as Maven grabbed another fistful of her hair and drew her close. Princess' nostrils were suddenly filled with Maven's scent as she nuzzled the base of her erect member. Lady Maven dragged her lips up and down her own shaft. Princess was forced to kiss up and down, coating her with a thin film of lip gloss. Finally, when she got to the tip, the knight shoved her halfway down her length. Princess hummed at the sudden filling of her cheeks, forced again to slide down to the base. She gagged. 
Tears welled up in her eyes once more as Lady Maven bucked her hips, gripping her face on both sides with her gauntlets and sliding her cock in and out. Down her throat it bored, hitting the back harshly. Maven rolled her eyes to the back of her head and let out a grunt as she continued to violate Princess' mouth. "You're no longer royalty, dear. Not when you're with me," Maven hissed through a moan. "Now, you're just a harlot. A dumb whore for my use." Princess looked up at her desperately, innocently taking Maven's cock between her lips. Finally, Lady Knight shoved her down to the base as she spilled down Princess' throat. 
Mouth dripping with seed, Princess was tugged off of Maven's half deflated cock. She was tugged up to her feet as their lips were drawn together. Lady Maven tasted herself from Princess' lips as her tongue snaked into the throat she had just gotten done violating. Princess was pushed up to the lip of the furnace. Palms extended, heat blasting over her, she winced as the leash was tugged from behind. Her back was forced to arch, and a gauntlet ripped at the skirt of her pretty pink dress. Maven's metal fingers massaged her slit. She was completely exposed underneath as Maven had ripped the panties off earlier to gag her. 
Princess had begun to sweat, the flames ever so close to her. Lady Maven squatted down, drawing her hips near with a firm grip and shoving her face into her cunt, dripping with anticipation. Princess shivered as her tongue snaked along the clit, flicking and spelling her name. M A V E N, each letter carefully drawn out with the tip of her tongue until Princess was a shivering and moaning wreck of a human being. Her tongue mercilessly invading her body, assaulting her pussy as Princess gripped the lip of the furnace, dripping with sweat. 
Maven stood soon after it was clear she couldn't take it anymore. Princess felt the tip of Maven's cock teasing her slit. She braced, back arching once more as the leash was tugged. One hand on her hip, the other gripping the leash, Lady Maven thrust into her. "Your body will be conquered like your kingdom," Maven said as she started to thrust in and out of her. "Sown like the farmlands we take, bred like the animals we raise." 
"A-ah!" was all Princess could muster as Lady Maven took her then and there, sheltered by the rickety stable. Heat spilled over her as her tits spilled from her pretty pink dress, bouncing up and down as Maven fucked her mercilessly. She was tensing, aching, body begging for more but too prideful a Princess to admit it openly. In that moment she was owned. And she may very well be for the rest of her life as Maven pumped in and out of her like a wild stallion. Maven reached around to grope her tits, tugging on the collar with one hand as she pounded Princess from behind. Her cheeks slammed against the knight's hips and jiggled as the rest of her body tensed. 
"G-good girl," Maven said with one final push, pumping loads of warm seed up into her womb. Maven could no longer hold it back, and she let out a deep cry of pleasure. A slap was planted on her ass and Maven tugged out. "You're not a noble now. You are nothing!" she said as she tossed Princess to the ground. Her pretty pink dress torn, her hair mussed, and her body aching, Princess fell to the ground. "A noble knight's toy. A slut!" Maven turned her onto her back with her boot and planted it into her chest. "Tell me you're mine," she said, cocking her head to the side and staring at Princess expectantly. The kingdom burned outside, the people screaming as they fell one by one by the sword. Princess turned her gaze onto Lady Maven and gulped. 
"I-I'm yours," she said.  
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mikamakuna · 6 months
Mizu x afab reader
Summary: you work at a brothel and see a fine, young samurai.
Warnings: nsfw, smut, fingering, nipple play, stripping, swearing, degrading, praise, strap-on,
Mizu uses him pronouns before you find out her gender
Written in second person
Not prof read
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When the mysterious blue eye samurai entered your quiet village, the samurai became the talk of the town. Even though everyone knew about him no one had managed to get a glimpse of the legend. You didn’t care for the drama that the maikos told you. But your curiosity was killing you, making you spend sleepless nights thinking about getting lost in his ice blue eyes and longing for his embrace.
You had just finished up with a customer, leaving with your kimono hanging off your shoulder and you make up smudged. Standing in the entrance of the brothel was someone now, you hadn’t seen him are the village before. His voice was raspy with a cold tone, a scowl of his face… and piercing blue eyes. You quickly fixed you makeup and put on a beautiful silk kimono. You caught his eye while walking past. He would be yours.
Later that day you had to keep the samurai company.
“Sir, may I come in?” You asked hesitantly,
“I want to be alone.”
“I will be punished if you don’t let me in,” you said in a melancholy tone in an attempt to be let him.
He signed “Fine.”
You sit down next to him, his back turned away from you.
“May I ask your name?”
“What it matter to you?” He said in a harsh tone.
You bite your tongue to not insult your customer. When started to pour tea for him, he finally turned to face you.
“Your eyes are…” you said in amazement while offering him the tea.
“Whatever clever insult comes next is not as clever as you think” he said with a harsh and bitter tone.
“They’re beautiful… I’ve never seen any like your…” you spoke softly while reaching out to clasp his face
He grabs your hand, “just because you complement me, doesn’t mean I owe you anything.”
“Of course.” You said as you bit your tongue.
“Mizu… my name is Mizu.”
You give him a smile. “Thank you Mizu. Call me whatever you want.” You cooed attempting to hold his hands but this time he lets you.
“Your hands are so cold…” you breathed softly while getting closer to him.
“I can help warm up.” You whispered into his ear while slowly taking if you clothes. Mizu couldn’t help but watch you undress. So slowly undid your Yukata but only letting him see your shoulders. You let down your hair. You got on your knees and bit you finger in an attempt to tease him. His pale skin became a light hue of red as his eyes looked you up a down.
“Show me your sword…” i said crawling on all fours towards him in like a cat hunting its prey.
“Mizu please.” You wined stoking his upper thighs
“You’re just like Tigen when we were children. A fucking brat.” Mizu said harshly.
“Pretty please Mizu. There’s no need to be in barest.” You pouted
“Relentless aren’t you.” He said rolling his eyes before pushing you to the floor and kissing your neck. You whimpered and squirted under him feeling his warmth breathe on your neck while his cold hands exploded you body. Your hands made their way to his thighs as he kissed you lower and lower down. You where now completely exposed and at his mercy.
“Name your desire…” He whispered breathlessly before kissing your inner thighs
“Wet already? From me calling you a brat. Of course a slut like you would love it.” He gently kissed your thighs before licking you slit. The sensation made you jolt. He began sucking on your sensitive clit before inserting two finger into your warmth. He had a rhythmic pass as he hit all the right spots causing you to clench around his things.
“You just love that don’t you. Don’t even think of cumming yet.”
His raspy voiced commands just made you even wetter and clench harder.
“You’re so needy.” He said pulling out his fingers.
“Why should naughty girls be rewarded?” He whispered inches away from your lips while flicking your nipples.
“I think they need to be punished.” He grinned before gently rubbing your clit.
“Didn’t you want to see my… sword?~” He stood up slowly before taking off her poncho, scarf and then he revealed his chest. You saw the scars and heal wounds all over him with his chest rapped up. You gently touched his scars before he began kissing you again. You touch this opportunity to takeoff his trousers…
The room feel silent. Mizu stopped kissing you.
“I-I’m not what you expected…” she sighed.
You passionately kissed her.
“You’re beautiful.” You stated before taking her hair down and kissing her forehead.
Mizu rested her head on your breast as she gently stroked your thighs before rubbing your clit. All you could do was hold onto her shoulders as your legs trembled.
“Mizu~” you whimpered. “I can’t take much more of this~!” You moaned as you clenched around nothing.
She softly smiled “I have something I’ve been wanting to test for a while and you might enjoy it~” she chuckled softly before standing up and going back to the pile of clothes. She pulled out a strap-on.
“On my!” You gasp looking at the size of it.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to” Mizu reassured you.
“I still want to try it” you said before pulling her back to the floor and lowering yourself onto the strap.
“You take me so well.” She chuckled before grabbing you hips and helping you lower and raise yourself. Her strap stretched your walls making you whine.
You started to pick up speed as she fondled your breasts and you played with your clit.
Suddenly, Mizu swiftly pushed you to the floor before shoving the strap back in you and pounding you like a piston. You grabbed onto her shoulders as she’s rubbing your aching clit.
“UHHhH~ mizu!” You moaned and whined, not caring if the whole village could hear.
She puts you in a mating press, reaching the deepest parts of your cunt.
You could feel your climax fast approaching, your cunt dripping.
Your felt a warmth wash over you as you finally finish. Mizu slowly pulling out of you.
She planted a kiss on your forehead before getting dressed and leaving.
Once you got back to the other workers they bombarded you will question about how good the samurai could use his sword and you just gave them a tired smile.
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brunossan · 9 months
Part 3: Jaune and The Girls
*in the Last Episode, Jaune Arc discovered that Witches have a way to find their mates by seeing a certain light in someone's eyes. Now, this Witch Hunter apprentice is The mate of 4 Witches: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.*
*Now, The Narrator is gonna let Jaune tell How he is right now. After all, in The time of this AU, one week has passed.*
Jaune: Hum... I am supposed to read something?
*no, Jaune. Just Tell me, How this week has been.*
Jaune: Oh! Its... Been great. Im living pretty well actually.
*So They are treating you well?*
Jaune: I mean... In their own way. *Blushes.*
*If you do not feel ashamed, Tell me. How They are with you?*
Jaune: Can i Tell in Order? *The Narrator nods* Ok. I Will start with Ruby. She is gentle, kind and Very cute. And she loves weapons. Like, a lot!
flashback on
Ruby: Here, right here. *She shows her scythe to Jaune, focusing on The Blade* You see? Its getting blind.
Jaune: Blind?
Ruby: It means The Blade is getting Weaker. But with my Magic, i can revigorate It. *she uses her wand and The Blade is shining like New* See? Good as New!
Jaune: That's Very cool!
Flashback off
Jaune: And that night i discovered that It also affects organic things.
flashback on
Jaune: *panting, no clothes on bed* Ruby... Please... No more... Its been 6 times already... The others are gonna get angry...
Ruby: *on top of him, with a grinning Smile* Well, I was the one to bring you here. And I convinced Yang that you would Last The entire night in my First time so...
*she Takes her wand and touches The tip of his Dick with It. Without any further Warning, The massive dong rises again, Ruby smiling in a pervert way, while Jaune looks terrified.*
Ruby: Get ready for more 4 rounds of riding.
Flashback off
Jaune: Yeah... Ruby can be cute and kind. But in bed... I must pray to survive her lusy.
*And The other girls?*
Jaune: Oh, yeah. Well, Blake is like a cat. She is serious, acts like Nothing matters but... She has a Very cute and needy Side too.
Flashback on
Jaune: Is that... Cat ears?
Blake: Yep. *Reading an erotic book, sitting by his Side in The couch* I use to hide them in a bow, as Its a way Witch Hunters finds either Witches like me or Familiars.
*Jaune looks at her cat ears, an urge growing Inside of him. Blake notices his looks, grabbing its hand and putting it in her Head.*
Blake: Listen. If you ever Tell anyone that i like being petted, i Will turn you into a Frog And dissecate you. Got It?
Jaune: ... I got It.
Blake: Good. Now you can pet me.
*Jaune moves his Hand in Blake's Head, patting her. The Black haired girl then lets a small and cute purr, while clinging in The Blonde one*
Blake: You know, you have a good talent with hands.
Jaune: I was the best at polishing armors and giving massages in The academy.
Blake: Massages? *She lays in his lap, letting her back visible to him, smiling in a smug way* The girls Will take her time to Go back, so How about you give me a special massage?~
*Jaune gulps, as he looks at her back and butt. He looks around, trying to see If They are truly alone. Suddenly, his neck is pulled by a Black cat tail, making him get on top of Blake's back, his crotch near her butt. She smiles as she feels his bulge grows beetween her buttcheeks*
Blake: Oh, so you are Anxious for that~
Flashback off
Jaune: Blake is The boldest of them all. And likes to take risks. Different of Weiss. Weiss is... A princess. She is Very bossy and its on Command of everything. But there's The thing. She... Knows How to motivate everyone.
Flashback on.
*Jaune is swordfighting with Weiss in The forest, The girl overpowering him with its Rapier. Suddenly, with a fast cut, Weiss disarmed him, slicing its rusty armor in half. Jaune drops his Sword, putting his hand up*
Jaune: I surrender.
Weiss: Good. *she makes her Sword disappear* Its Very rare for a Witch Hunter to surrender.
Jaune: Im not totally a Witch Hunter, you know.
Weiss: Yes That's why i Said It, dolt. *she cleans her hands*. You need to improve If you wanna have a chance against me. Or anyone.
Jaune: I got it... *He turns around, going towards The house.*
Weiss: Where are you going?
Jaune: Im tired. I wanna rest. *he bumps into an Ice wall* ouch!
Weiss: You are not tired. I can Sense it. Come here and Tell me what's wrong.
Jaune: Im saying im Fine! Its not enough?
*Weiss opens its arms, Jaune dont understanding any of this. Suddenly, an Ice Pillar pushes him towards her, The girl embracing The taller One in a gentle hug.*
Jaune: W-weiss what are you doing? *He asks as he blushes, his Head in her chest*
Weiss: People used to treat you harsh, right? And your calming mechanism... Was hiding. Lying that you are tired Just for staying alone... *She touches his hair, stroking it.* And crying.
Jaune: I dont cry. Im Fine.
Weiss: Jaune... *She pulls him down, making him knee* You know that a week has passed and The light didnt faded away, right?
Jaune: ... Yeah.
Weiss: So dont be afraid of crying on my shoulder when you want to. Ok? You are my mate, our mate. And... I wont think you are weak If you show me your feelings.*
*Jaune Arc stopped resisting The hug and started letting himself be embraced by Weiss arms, all while sunking its Head in her shoulders and, in silence, letting The tears flow. Weiss stroked his hair, while thinking that Maybe They werent so different after all.*
Flashback off
Jaune: I like that she is The Ice Witch but gives me The warmest hugs. Even in bed. Her favourite position is anyone where she can hold in me. In my opinion, i think she is The most clingy.
*I see that your Relationship with them has improved. But i have a question for you. And Yang? You still didnt talked about her.*
Jaune: Oh. Yang. Of course. Well... She is... Difficult. Very difficult. I dont think she likes me much. In fact we still didnt did... Anything. *Sigh* I still think she wants to Crush me.
*I as The Narrator knows everything. However, i cant Tell you much. All i can Tell to you its to be patient. Because you still need to Dig deeper Into her Heart.*
Jaune: Can you give me some advice?
*Unfortunally, only on next episode. Also, If someone wants to know something more about this séries, The Askbox and The comments are always open. See you later.*
*To be Continued...*
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prettygreenpills · 1 year
okay, hear me out.
blood play. Brienne of Tart. Dom reader x sub bienne
aaaand I would like to take this 🪼 emoji for the requests and anon games:) thank you so much!
Oh my- let me just say, poor Brienne-
KINKTOBER day 10 | blood play - Brienne of Tart
I’m not scared
warnings: cutting, blood play, sub!brienne, dom!reader, fingering, eating out, etc.
“Lay onto the bed,” you told the high beauty and when you turned around and saw her only in her fabric bra and panties, you breathed out in satisfaction.
“What now?” Brienne asked, her voice quiet and like silk. You smiled only and turned to see her. Her sword was laying on the carpet next to the bed and you walked over there, taking it. “Y/n-“
“I am sure after the years of being a knight few cuts don’t really bother you,” you noted softly and Brienne shook her head no. Smiling at her, you turned around and started undressing as well.
“What do you want to do with my sword?” She asked you and when you looked at her, you could see some worries in her eyes.
“Not with the sword but this smaller knife,” setting the things into right positions, you showed her the knife she had hidden next to her sword and Brienne gulped.
You put the knife down to her legs and you started taking off your own dress. When you unhooked all of the strings it had and let it fall onto the floor, the knight gasped at the sight of you undressing. You took your underskirt off too and you were left only in your underwear.
“Now be a good girl for me okay?” You asked her quietly and in your underwear, you crawled up to the bed.
Brienne nodded her head and you saw how she took a deep breath. Realizing that she undressed just then, your eyes widened as they fell onto her pretty hard pink nipples.
“You look so beautiful,” you breathed out and kissed her onto one of her nipples. Brienne moaned out and tilted her head back, giving you a beautiful sight of her neck. And this was an amazing opportunity.
“Don’t get scared okay?” You warned her softly and she just hummed. You took the smaller knife you had taken out earlier and pressed it against her neck softly. Brienne gulped what you could see and you just smiled. “You look even more beautiful like this.”
“T-Thank you,” she said and from her voice you could say that she was scared. Your smile widened even more and you kissed her down on her torso, moving aside to kiss her nipples. Brienne pushed her tits out for you as she arched in her back from the feeling, so you took one of her nipples into your mouth and sucked on it softly. “Oh my-“
You smiled for yourself and let your hand trail down between her legs. You softly brushed her upper thighs, what left the strong woman all shaky under you.
With loads of kisses, somehow you made your way down, straight to her core. When you were kissing her on her pubic bone, Brienne spread opened her legs for you and one of her hands started playing with your hair while she was focusing on taking deep breaths.
“So eager,” you commented only over her behavior and a second later you started sucking on the spots on her inner thighs. Brienne moaned softly and you continued upper and more to the middle, until your lips didn’t meet with her dripping wetness.
Without giving her and answer, you looked up at her from between her legs. Brienne had her eyes closed and she was waiting for you what would you do. So you decided to circle your tongue around her clit, just to tease the woman a little. Along with playing with your tongue, you brought your hand between her legs and teased her entrance with one of your fingers.
“Y/n- fuck me-“ Brienne breathed out with her accent and you could swear you could feel yourself throb. Ready to give the woman what she needed, you prepared two fingers and started making your way softly inside of her, ready to bring the woman the most beautiful pleasure on the whole world.
Taking the knife with your free hand, you softly brought it to her silky skin. While you were busy working with your lips, tongue and your fingers inside of the woman, the hand with weapon peacefully waited for its time to shine.
“Oh god- Y/n-“
“Mmmmh,” you just moaned against her, sending vibrations through her whole body, hopefully bringing her a little more pleasure.
Brienne kept moaning softly and filling the room with her noises. Eating the woman out and finger-fucking her, you brought the knife to her thighs softly and then you looked up at her.
As the blonde felt the cold metal on her skin, she lifted her head up and tensed up a little bit. You just smiled, trying to calm her down and you softly slid her knife on the snowy white skin. As you did so, Brienne hissed from pain and what surprised you… she moaned.
“Oh, do we like this?” You asked her with a smile and you still moved your fingers. Hitting her walls, Brienne wasn’t able to answer you. And honestly, you didn’t really need an answer from her.
The moans were enough.
Still sliding her own weapon on her body, you were marking her and Brienne was moaning louder and louder each time you cut her. And you liked her reactions so much.
When you cut her under her boob and her body was all from blood, you threw the knife away and moved up. Licking your lips, you licked that one wound, making the woman almost scream in pleasurable pain. Then she hissed and you licked her whole wound.
Sucking on few of them, when you tasted the metal in your mouth, your eyes closed. And when your mouth was full, you pulled away and leant above Brienne��s face, waiting for her to open her mouth.
And she did so. As soon as she parted her lips, you spit her blood into her mouth and then you kissed her onto her lips.
“Oh fuck-“ Brienne hissed louder and you kissed her onto the injury after that. Then you softly pulled away and looked at her body which was decorated with few red cuts.
Your fingers were discovering every single curve of her body from the inside. You straightened in your back and settled your thumb on her clit. She let out a soft gasp and she pushed her hips up in the air just like her boobs before.
“Please what darling? You’ll need to speak up for me.”
“Please fuck me- I need to cum-“ Brienne kept moaning and when you looked her into her face and found her frowning… you knew that you were about to give it to her really easily.
“You’ll cum baby, whenever you need. Just look at you how well are you taking me. Such a great girl you are-“
And how you finished your sentence with praising her, Brienne reacted.
She arched in her back, pulled her thighs together. Her mouth was opened agape even though no sound left from her mouth only heavy breathing. Her walls clenched around your fingers and warmth covered them just like when you started using your fingers on her.
“Holy fuck-“ Brienne just breathed out a little louder than before and you smiled, fingering her through the orgasm, what left her body all shaking.
“That’s it Brienne, you’re such a god girl for me, doing an amazing job,” still praising the woman through her orgasm, you swallowed. God you wanted to taste her so bad…
When Brienne let out a soft exhale, that was a sign for you that you could take your fingers out. And you did so. With that movement, Brienne exhaled softly and she kept resting on the bed. While you were licking your fingers clean, you kept watching Brienne who seemed to be too exhausted to even move.
“Oh my goodness,” she moaned softly and opened her eyes looking at you, how you were licking your fingers.
“You taste delicious.” You told her with a smile on your lips and Brienne went red in her cheeks.
“T-Thank you,” she said shyly and swallowed.
“You’re very welcome my beautiful knight.” You whispered to her and a smile widened on your lips.
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Hi! If your requests are open for Pokemon Sword and Shield, could you please write something about Leon and Gordie with a short librarian reader? Maybe the reader works with Sonia by bringing her sources or something like that, and she introduces Leon or Gordie to the reader and they really hit it off. Bonus points if something cliche happens like the reader has to use a stool to stock books on higher shelves and they end up falling but are caught by one of them. Thanks so much, I hope you have a great week! ☺️
Leon's schedule is flooded with things he has to do, but you still manage to see him at the library at least once a week. He always asks your recommendations for what he should read next, making sure to mention his thoughts on the last couple of novels you convinced him to read. "You could've given me a heads up about that ending, Hop found me crying my eyes out." You felt bad after that one and made sure to recommend a feel good book with a happy ending after that incident.
It feels strange meeting you outside the library, handing a large pile of documents to Sonia, despite it being the way you were both introduced. But she doesn't help, wiggling her eyebrows at Leon when your back is turned after catching him staring at you. "So... have you asked them out yet?" She whispers upon you moving out of earshot to fetch something else for her.
"Not so loud." He murmurs back.
"I'll take that as a 'no'," he scratches the back of his neck, avoiding her inquisitive stare. "Seriously, you've been going out of your way to visit the library for how long now? And you haven't asked them out yet?" Just as she opens her mouth to say something else you appear back from around the corner.
"Hey Sonia where's the stool? I need something from the top shelf." She grins.
"Don't worry Leon can help with that!" She pats him on the back and wiggles her brows at him one last time, mouthing 'you can do this,' as she waits for you both to go and fetch the document. It's a good thing Leon was already planning on asking you out because Sonia would not let him live it down if he didn't.
"You must hate it when people ask for books from the top shelf." Gordie joked after just meeting you, and you at the time had let out a loud huff.
"Don't get me started. It doesn't help that our book ladder at the library is a danger to society." He thought at the time you joking about the book ladder, and laughed. But now that he's at your library watching you make the climb up said ladder, he realises you were in fact, not joking.
"It can't be legal to make you use that." The ladder looks like it's holding on for dear life, wobbling with each step you take upwards. You have to stop less then halfway up, suddenly unnerved by how unstable it seems to be.
"I already told my boss if I fall, I will be suing but she thinks I'm being dramatic." You shoot a grin down at him, a gesture that he returns back to you.
"I can get you in touch with a pretty good lawyer if that happens." You're about to move up the ladder again, and it visibly shakes, making an unsettling groan as it does so. He grimaces. "But he can't help if you die." You laugh.
"I'll be fine." Your fate was sealed the moment the words left you mouth. Because less than thirty seconds later, you were in fact not fine. You'd lost your footing attempting to make the next step upwards. Gordie, who had been lingering around the bottom of the ladder was quick to catch you in his arms.
"See if I hadn't caught you, you'd have been in trouble."
"Or laughing with all my royalties. You never know." He rolls his eyes, placing you back onto the ground. "Thank you for catching me, I owe you one."
"You could come with me for lunch." While your lunch break was coming up, and a coffee shop around the corner, making it a tempting offer. You still look slightly confused.
"Not sure how that helps settle the favour?"
"I'll get some piece of mind knowing you're not attempting to climb up to your doom." You smile at his evident concern, completely won over by his offer.
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aria-ashryver · 7 months
Woven Threads and Winding Roads (Pt. 3&4)
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Book: Blades of Light and Shadow Pairing: Tyril x f!human!MC (Raine) Words: 1.3K Ratings/Warnings: General; none
Summary: Five times Tyril attempts to braid Raine’s hair; and one time those threads begin to come together again as they should.
A/N: Written as a gift during the Choices Secret Admirer event - Raine belongs to the wonderful @thosehallowedhalls 🌼💛 Also participating in Choices February 2024 with the prompts Eros, Philia, and Pragma.
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‘I thought we were training swordplay,’ Tyril protested, rubbing at his arm where Raine had just landed an unarmed blow. The sun dipped low to kiss the horizon; the woods were cool and calm this time of evening, perfect for a spot of sparring, just the two of them.
They’d been trading the “we can relax now” argument back and forth between them as the weeks wore into months; Undermount remained as well-guarded, well-provisioned, and frankly boring as ever, and still some days Raine woke, her fingers itching for the comfort of a blade.
By some unspoken agreement, she and Tyril had kept room in their slowly filling schedules to prioritise their weapons training. Peaceful though their corner of the world may be, they wanted their skills sharp.
‘Imtura said my Boulder form needed work.’ Raine grunted, trying her damnedest to slam into Tyril with her shoulder. ‘She threatened to make me spar with Skullcrusher if I hadn’t improved my Kaytar by the time we saw her next.’
She lunged forward with a jabbing thrust that Tyril parried, stepping within his reach and trying her Boulder form again. 
‘Here, be a little shorter for a moment, will you? Maybe just… humour me and fall down a little bit?’
Tyril stepped easily out of the way of her manoeuvre, the tip of his sword pointed low in a ready guard.
‘I think not.’
‘Damn it.’
They circled one another, blood humming with exhilaration.
‘You’re really not letting the cape thing go, hmm?’ Tyril smirked as Raine’s footwork turned a little more… swishy than was entirely necessary.
‘“Hero of Morella”, Tyril!’ Raine countered, a verbal riposte to match her swordplay as steel rang against steel. ‘How did it go? “Champion of the Realm and Saviour to all”? No, I am absolutely not letting the cape thing go. A title like that deserves a fancy cape now and then.’
Tyril gave her an unreadable stare. On the next swing of her blade, he side-stepped, grabbed the edge of her cloak, and jerked it so she stumbled off-balance.
‘Ack— hey!’ Raine laughed at the mischief dancing on his face. ‘Now who’s cheating!’
The leather band she’d tied her braid with came away in his hand; they traded blow after blow as her hair began to unravel.
Calling a draw some time later, they collapsed together on the soft earth, chests heaving. Their fingertips found each other’s in the grass, wildflowers and clover tickling their skin. The minutes passed in quiet harmony as they watched the sky melt from gauzy pink to deep tangerine, the sunset shining majestic through the gaps in the canopy.
Eventually Tyril pulled Raine upright; she sighed happily as he braided her hair once again, the slight tug of her roots against her scalp soothing as he worked. When he tied the end off with the leather band he’d stolen, she tugged it over her shoulder to inspect his work.
‘Not bad!’ Gingerly, Raine felt around her scalp. ‘You’re starting to get pretty good at this.’
‘I hope so,’ he said gently. ‘I can’t think of any other way I’d rather spend my time.’
‘What?’ Raine laughed. ‘Braiding hair?’
‘No.’ Easing her back down into the grass, Tyril captured Raine’s mouth in a slow, tender kiss. ‘Taking care of you.’
His kisses tasted of moonflowers and honeydew, the crisp, salt tang of sweat and steel. Raine drank him in deep, winding her arms around his neck to draw him close.
The world was easy, when it was just the two of them. When they had nothing and no one to please, little to think about except making the other smile.
Undermount was lovely… but sometimes, Raine found she couldn’t quite relax. She was plagued by this constant feeling that she was forgetting something. Missing something. 
Some spark of adventure. 
Life and laughter. 
Camaraderie and purpose.
Her purpose was in loving Tyril now, she supposed. There was freedom in that. The joy he brought her was so abundant it almost terrified her sometimes. She could do worse than spending her days making him smile.
Happiness brimming in her heart, Raine wrestled Tyril onto his back, peppering his face with tiny kisses, feeling his eyes crease with a smile beneath her hands. 
She pushed up onto her feet when he tried to kiss her back, darting just out of his reach.
Delighted, he laughed. ‘What are you doing now?’
‘Zephyr form! Try and catch me!’
Tyril’s expression lit with playful challenge. He sprang to his feet, his mouth curved in warning.
Grinning, Raine took off through the trees.
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Raine jerked herself awake as Tyril brushed a lock of hair back from her forehead, pressing a kiss to her sleep-warm skin. 
Groggily, she glanced around at the book splayed open in her lap, the fire burning low in the hearth. The embers crackled, their molten glow soothing against the night dark that had stolen into their bedroom.
‘Was your book so interesting?’ he teased. Her cheeks were pink and creased with sleep; strong as she was, it melted his heart to see her look so impossibly soft, at times.
Every day, Tyril found a reason to fall in love with her again.
‘It was, actually,’ she said, indignant. ‘I was utterly riveted… up until the part where I, uh, fell asleep.’
Tyril chuckled as Raine tugged her shawl around her shoulders, shifting to make room for him on the soft, shaggy rug before the fireplace. He breathed in the scent of her skin as she snuggled into his side; Raine smelled of old parchment and sunlight; of wild thyme and blade oil. 
To him, she smelled of home.
Thumbing the dog-eared pages, Raine set her book aside. ‘Kade would love this series.’
‘You’ll have to lend it to him the next time he visits.’
Something soft glowed in Tyril’s chest at the warm smile that lit Raine’s face at the mention of her brother.
‘I’d like that.’
Snagging a pillow from the chair beside them, Tyril eased them back, his fingertips tracing idle patterns against her arm as he held her close.
 ‘We should put a bigger settee in the library,’ Raine mumbled into his shoulder, already half-asleep again. ‘So Kade can sleep there when he visits. If he wants.
Tyril pressed a kiss to her forehead, watching the firelight play in soft shadows across her face.
‘I miss him,’ she said quietly.
‘I know.’
‘I hope he has time to visit us soon. This house is too empty just for the two of us.’ Raine was quiet for a long time, before she added, ‘There isn’t enough laughter in the taverns here.’
Tyril had been feeling it too. That emptiness everywhere their friends weren’t. Kade. Mal. Imtura. Nia.
‘Yes, my heart?’
Raine’s fingers knotted into the silk of his nightshirt. 
‘Can we sleep down here by the fire tonight? I just feel like I need…’ Her words were lost beneath a shuddering yawn. ‘I don’t know what I need. But, will you stay with me? The bed is just… it’s too soft, sometimes.’
Some nostalgic pull hooked itself beneath Tyril’s ribcage. Gathering up the blankets from the bed, he nestled them around Raine, slipping in beside her to gather her close once more. 
‘I will always stay by your side, beloved.’
Gently, he tugged the tie from the end of her braid, unravelling it with loving fingers. She groaned in contentment as he worked his fingers against her scalp, soothing away the day’s ache.
Tyril let the golden strands spill across his fingers, sunlight made solid. It wasn’t long before Raine’s breath had evened out beside him in peaceful rest. He watched her for a long time, memorising the lines of her face.
The wind blew cold beyond the frosted windows. It was a long time before sleep found him.
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Click here for: [Prev - Parts 1&2]
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesfandomappreciation @choicesfebruary2024 @thosehallowedhalls @dutifullynuttywitch @lilyoffandoms @stars-are-within-me @jerzwriter
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Poison Me
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18+ Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Having sex at parties is their thing, even if they're not dressed as themselves
Warnings: public sex, bathroom sex, daddy kink, blow jobs, rough sex, spanking, unprotected p in v sex, slight aftercare
Word Count: 1.9k
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She finally wanders up to him after at least an hour apart, talking to their two separate friend groups at the same party. Their costumes didn’t match, she was poison ivy and he was Aragorn… it worked, she kinda looked like an elf without the ears, he just looked like himself with a sword. 
She was having fun with her friends by the fire in Harrington's backyard, drunk and a little high now, but she missed her man. She walks through the house, looking in each room for him, finding him in the living room. She slips into his lap and clings to him. She kisses the side of his neck, mumbling something he can’t quite hear over the music. 
His hand trails up her fishnet stocking-covered legs, on his way to cup her ass. His fingers slipped under her skintight shorts, bare fingers touching her cold butt cheeks, he knew this was her costume idea for months, he didn’t object knowing she was just going to be in booty shorts and a corset and then covered in fake ivy. She looks so hot, so he gets a little hard when she sits in his lap, without many layers between them.
She just sits there for a while, letting him rub all over her legs and under her shorts. He was so handsy when he was high, holding a joint in his free hand, they shotgunned smoke back and forth. He kept talking to his friends the whole time, they didn’t care, they were used to it at this point. 
“Can we go fuck somewhere?” She whispers in his ear between nibbles, “please?” 
He smirks like the devil, looking at the guys who all know what’s going on as he stands up with her still in his lap, helping her to her feet and making sure her ass was covered again, “I’ll be back, I gotta go get laid.” 
“Have fun,” Gareth rolls his eyes and smacks Eddie’s ass when he passes by. “Name it Gareth if you forget to pull out!!” He calls after them, making most partygoers turn to them with knowing smirks. 
They fucked at most parties, and have been doing so since Jr. year, not scared in the slightest of being caught anymore— not since they did it in the pool at Harringtons in front of everyone over summer break after they graduated. Too horny to be scared when Eddie slipped her bottoms to the side and took her without anyone giving a fuck. (Eddie likes to joke and say only he gave a fuck that day, and it was the best fuck of Y/N’s life.)
Tonight she hauls him off to the bathroom and pushes him against the door the second it’s closed, she locks it once she gets to her knees in front of him and then moves her attention to his belt. “You look so hot when you’re just talking…” 
He laughs, leaning back against the door and letting her have her way with him, “I’m sure you were lookin’ pretty doin’ whatever you were doin’.”
“Thanks, daddy,” she gives him one last smile before she pulls his pants down and takes his cock out of his boxers. She pumps his cock to total hardness in her left hand, slowly seeing as he’s had a bit to drink tonight, but she doesn’t mind. She kisses the vein on the underside of his dick, then his balls, where she fondles and sucks on them for longer than expected.
He just sounds so good when she touches him like this, his moans are cute she smiles through some of her kisses before dragging her tongue up along the vein of his cock. Flicking her tongue against the head, he whines, “babe…” 
“Hm?” She looks at him all innocently. “You normally beg me for blowy’s?”
“Yeah, well,” he cups her face with his big calloused hand.  “I’ve been thinking about being inside of you since you sat on my lap, love… I think you poisoned me,” he’s honest, she knows because his cock twitches in her hand. 
“It’s a love potion,” she teases, stealing one last kiss to the head of his cock.
He helps her back up to her feet and backs her up against the sink where she takes initiative and takes a seat on the counter with her legs spread apart. His hands trail up her legs, he takes in a deep breath and releases it in the sound of a groan, “fuck… you’re so hot like this.” 
She nods, knowing because he tells her all the time. She pulls her knees up to her chest so he can pull her shorts off and drop them to the floor. “I’m gonna rip these,” he announces, playing with the seam of her nylons, he puts his finger in one of the fishnet holes and stretches it open enough to fit his cock through. Without completely ruining them, he moves her thong to the side and drags his index finger over her clit. 
She tosses her head back, both hands gripping the countertop like her ice depends on it when two of his fingers plunge into her. “Oh, fuck,” she moans a little too loud. 
Attaching his lips to her neck again, he sucks on her pulse point while fucking her on his fingers. It’s hard and quick, covering the palm of his hand with her slick as his thumb rubs her clit. She’s such a whore for his hands, she would stay like this for hours, days, years even. 
“Please, please, please?” She starts to beg, for what, he doesn’t know. 
“Words, princess,” he teases against her skin, covering her in love bites. 
“Wanna cum,” she whispers, breathy and so close. “Fuck me, please?” 
“Okay,” he pulls out, using her words against her. She wasn’t clear enough, how did she want him to fuck her? When did she want to cum? “You’re gotta be more clear, baby.” He teases, bringing his hand to his mouth and licking his palm up to his fingers. He sucks them into his mouth with a groan. His cock twitches between them, jumping with excitement. 
She whines again, “please?” 
“Hold on,” he spreads the excess wetness over his cock, stroking himself twice while biting his tongue. It felt so fucking good but he knew her tight cunt was better. 
He slips in slowly and her grip changes, letting go of the counter, she wraps her legs around him and grips his back with her fingernails dug into the skin. “Better?” He whispers into her ear. 
She whimpers when he doesn’t move, feeling so full, “fuck me, please? Fuck me so hard, I need you, Eds.” 
He hums, kissing her cheek before looking into her eyes, all watery and blown out, her mascara started to run. He tilts his head to the side, “how hard?” 
“Hard,” she looks him dead in the face. 
He slips out, pulls her off the counter and turns her around so her chest is against the cold countertop and her ass out. He takes her ass cheeks in his hands and spreads her apart, amazed at how her pussy clenched in anticipation. “Please,” she whined, almost stomping her feet with desperation. 
He slams into her without warning, making her gasp loud enough to be heard over the music that filled Harrington's house. He pulls out a bit and slams back into her again and again and again until the noises she’s making are complete nonsense. She whines and moans and digs her face into the countertop while pushing back against Eddie. He slaps her ass a few times, making the sound reverberate around the porcelain bathroom like an echo. 
He needs more friction, so his thrusts get less powerful and more rhythmic, he uses her like a toy bouncing her on his cock like a rag doll. She felt like her main purpose in life was to be fucked by him, it felt so good, it felt incredibly right, she loved every fucking second of it. 
He slams into her cervix over and over again, the head of his cock kissing the puckered skin again and again. Her hungry cunt sucks him in so deep, never wanting him to leave, and he can tell she’s close just from the way she clamps around him like a vice. He reached around to her stomach and drags his hand down her mound to rub her clit with his middle finger. The rhythm barely matches, but she loves the way it feels. It’s unpredictable, it’s all under his control, she just sits there and takes it like the good girl he’s raised her to be. 
“Cum for me baby,” he insists, “I wanna feel it. I want you to cover my cock in your cum before I fill you up to the fucking brim.” 
Too fucked out to really respond she reaches one hand behind her back so he’ll hold it. He intertwines their fingers and leans forward to kiss her shoulder as his hips snap against hers with force. She starts to shake, her legs barely able to keep her up as her orgasm hits her and rattles through her body. He feels the spasm from the inside, her cunt flutters as she releases all the built-up tension in her body, it’s so good. She’s so fucking tight he’s barely able to register his own orgasm approaching when he topples over her on the counter, fucks into her as deep as he can go and stills. She can feel rope after rope of his cum pump into her, they can hear the dribbles on the floor between them as it overflows and drips out. He hasn’t cum that much in her since the first time. 
He kisses her shoulder and the side of her neck, “you did so good, baby.” 
“Thank you,” she sighs, so tired now that they’re done. 
Her legs are wobbly, and she can barely stand on her own when he pulls out… and it’s a mess when he does. He helps her to the toilet, she pees while he cleans up the dribble on the floor and then helps her back into her shorts as if nothing happened. 
“Can you see the rip?” She asks, trying to see her own ass in the bathroom mirror, but it looks fine. 
He shakes his head, “nope, I kept it pretty unnoticeable…” 
She lets out a deep breath as she fiddles with her hair, she leans in to see her face better to fix her mascara, all while he watches. “You look beautiful.” 
She smiles at him through the mirror, “thanks.” 
He wraps his arms around her, resting his chin in the crook of her neck, swaying back and forth with a smile as they looked at each other in the mirror. “I love you,” she reminds him. 
“Mhm, you better,” he teases, smacking her ass as he pulls away. “Home or back to the party?” 
“Let’s go home,” she agrees, taking his hand and leading him out of the bathroom. They didn’t even bother to make it look like they weren’t just in there fucking as the lineup to use it watches them leave. 
Eddie gets high fives from the boys, and she gets dirty looks from everyone else but she doesn’t care, she just gives them the finger and follows her man out to his van. It was too much fun being fucked by him to give a fuck about anyone else. 
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@fightingdragonswithwho @mrs-dr-reid @kyomito @reidselle @venomsvl @nomajdetective @girl-with-an-orange-cat @stevesmunsons @blairscott @sweetyyhippyy @wroteclassicaly 
@ncsls0515 @reidsbookclub @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 
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piakae · 2 years
your highness ☆— p. sunghoon
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synopsis ➔ sunghoon isn’t tricked by the princess into attending a party and he is tricked into a kiss.
pairing ➔ royal!fem!reader x bodyguard!sunghoon
genre ➔ fluff, royal!au
word count ➔ tba.
warnings ➔ 3rd person, protective sunghoon, mentions of poison, reader can order sunghoon to do whatever she pleases (but she doesn’t really use it against him)
a/n ➔ had an idea and wanted to write it as fast as i could so sorry if it’s shit. also it’s not proof read/edited. live laugh love royal sunghoon
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“And remind me what your duties are as my bodyguard?”
Y/n presses further, already skimming through her large closet for the perfect dress for the masquerade. Sunghoon, dressed in his perfectly ironed uniform of a navy suit with gold and gleaming accents, crosses his arms and gives her a stern look through her vanity mirror, which reveals her cheeky grin.
He bites back a groan before monotonously replying, “Abide by your orders, no matter what.”
She giggles shortly, “Aaaand what did I order you to do?”, her hands find a pale pink dress, not too fancy or plain. A perfect middle. Sunghoon sticks to his position in the doorway, not keeping an eye off of her and the surroundings, and sighs. He riffles a hand through his chestnut hair (another ‘order’ from the Princess, she thought it’d suit him,) and places his hand in his pant pockets, just above his sword.
“I’m not taking you to that party. Another one of my duties is to keep you safe, no matter what.” Her shoulders slump at his stern words. She makes her way to her bed with a pout and hangs the pretty dress over her hand. Y/n was in simple winter pyjamas, not at all like a princess.
But she could be dressed in a potato sack and she’d still look like a princess to him.
Sunghoon finally leaves his post and walks into her room to stand over her, looking down with the same look he gives to people at the parties he actually lets her attend.
“Those rules contradict each other.” She says.
“Doesn’t everything?” He replies.
Ever since he was assigned her bodyguard at 16, he knew he wouldn’t ever give up his position. Y/n was a natural royal. Kind, loyal, perfect etiquette and perfect look. But as the years went on, the pair discovered more about eachother. How he could be comfortable staying in a castle away from his family, how she could handle being watched 24/7 with barely any freedom. Their friendship blossomed. Sunghoon would protect her, and she would protect him. Mainly from her father, who was constantly asking her to fire him after a simple mistake.
She wasn’t just a princess to him, but his princess. His queendom. And it hurt every time he had to build the walls higher.
“Exactly. It’s a masquerade. Nobody will know each other. If anything, it’s the safest party I could possibly attend.”
Y/n pulls a lip by her pearly white teeth and looks up at Sunghoon with pleading eyes. Something she had perfected. But sadly, he was the one who watched her perfect it.
“I’m sorry, your highness.”
He unlocks his arms and almost reached out for her, before she stands, closing their distance in a split second. She smells like vanilla, and it’s the only thing he can think of. He can’t even comprehend her breath lining up with his neck.
“At least stay until I’m ready to sleep. I know it’s not protocol as the time spent until then is usually spent alone, but my parents and the other guards are not here.” She whispers, blinking slowly as she awaits his reply. He falters,
“I can’t, you know that.”
“You can’t do anything with me. Can you?”
“I cannot stay in your room other than to protect you.”
“If anything I am at my most vulnerable when unconscious.”
He sighs because he knows she’s aware of the immense amount of security that’s strategically placed around the castle grounds, just not at her doors.
“Would you feel more comfortable if I stood outside?” He proposed.
She wanted more. She wanted him to stay close, like they were now, but warm and dreaming under the covers. She wanted him to hold her as she fell into slumber, she wanted to help him pull through the nightmares she heard him complain about to other guards.
But he’s already stepped back, taking her silence as defeat. Sunghoon’s uniformed back is turned before she can say goodnight, but luckily he can sense her urge.
“Goodnight, Your Highness.” He looks back with expecting eyes, and goes to close the wooden door, before she stops him with a hand.
Her eyes flutter before walking to her nightstand. She grabs an unopened packet of lip balm encased in a tin barrel. It’s red and shiny, and she brings it to her body guard. “I need you to try this for me. To make sure it isn’t poisoned.”
He smiles tiredly for the first time that night, and nods. He secretly loathed the way this night was coming to an end. She passes it to him carefully, and he takes it with the same gentleness. His long fingers open the tin, and take a small piece of it.
Sunghoon looks up at her and swipes the balm slowly over his already peachy lips, watching her watch him with intent.
He smacks his lips once, quietly, before closing the lid and swiping his tongue onto his bottom lip, testing the taste. It’s strawberry, and as he slowly closes the distance between him and the princess, just like she did moments before, she’s sure she can smell it.
“What will you do if it’s poison?” He asks in a whisper, eyes faltering towards her own lips. She doesn’t need the product, he thinks.
“I’ll kiss it off.” She replies.
He gulps and his breaths start catching in the air. Her scent causes him to forget his duties completely. The moment is silent for a moment, before he lies,
“I think I’m feeling lightheaded, Your Highness.”
Sunghoon places his delicate hands on her waist, and she places her own on his shoulders. In a swift and smooth movement, he moved one hand behind her head and smoothes her hair. His now red lips hover over hers, and she can feel his minty breath playing with her own.
He stops.
“Your highness, this goes against protocol.”
She looks up at him only for a moment, shaking her head slightly.
“Sunghoon. I order you to kiss me.”
His smooth lips meet hers, and suddenly everything comes crashing down. All of the rules, protocols and regulations are broken, and in that moment neither of them care.
Sunghoon removes himself, an uncomfortable feeling of excitement and dread drag his shoulders down, and she can sense it just by his grip. He has ruined his own life by making it a thousand times better. He almost looks pitiful as he replays his decisions and envisions the consequences.
“Sunghoon,” she whispers, taking him out of the silent dilemma he was over thinking
“Your highness.”
“Kiss me again.” And when he doesn’t, “please.”
Their lips connect again, and Sunghoon moves them both forward to close the door behind him, his hands find their way to her waist again and they both sigh in contentment.
“Your highness, I…” he pauses scrunches his eyes together, blinking them open and looking at her with too much adoration and love that any of his words could explain. He attempted it though, “I… love you. And I won’t stop loving you until there’s a hole through the Earth and the Moon has passed through it.”
He stops for a gulp, watching her closely,
“Your highness.” It is outrageous. A guard confessing to a royal.
But in that tight and warm moment, they both feel as if they are equal in every way possible.
“Sunghoon, I know it’s against protocol but, I feel the same.”
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## taglist — @i520sn @raevyng @enhacolor
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crescentmoonrider · 12 days
Yuuta feels like his skin is on fire, and Toji-san laughing at his new red tint really doesn't help. Ah, well, it could be worse. For the prompt : Sunburn [ @badthingshappenbingo ]
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read on AO3
or under the Read More, I’m not your boss
“Maybe, and I’m just spitting here, but maybe fixing that hat would have been a good idea ?”
Yuuta groans in response.
There’s a lot he could say to counter Toji-san’s playful ribbing. That the hat in question had its actual structure damaged, and Yuuta is just not good enough of a weaver to fix something that big, for one. Or that Toji-san’s attitude is not helping, and he would appreciate a little more sympathy.
All he manages, though, is a weak “please stop laughing” and a whine.
Yuuta’s skin has always been weak to the sun, quick to burn and basically unable to tan like would be expected from most anyone else of his class. Supposedly that makes him pretty, but all it really does for him is make summer a living hell.
And the road these past days has been nothing but fields and low bushes and dirt clouds wafting upwards at the lightest breeze. No real shade to be found, even when making the effort to avoid travelling in the middle hours of the day. And Yuuta broke his hat – it was stupid, too, he stumbled while moving out of the way of a messenger in a hurry, and the hat got crushed between his body and the swords on his back.
Toji-san shouted insults at the messenger following that, but the man was already too far down the road to hear. Which was probably a good thing, in all honesty.
But as a result of all of this, Yuuta is just. Suffering. His face, his neck, the little triangle of chest not hidden by his kimono – all of it feels too warm, too sensitive, to the point that even the light touch of his own hair against his skin makes him wince.
“It really hurts…”
“Yeah, I can imagine,” Toji-san says, and Yuuta dares to hope for a little kindness. “I mean, your face looks like a camellia.”
Hidden in Yuuta’s shadow, Rika-chan lets out a sound almost like a growl. She’s pouting because even her unnaturally cold existence doesn’t relieve Yuuta’s pain, but that won’t stop her from telling off Toji-san for being too mean.
Not that he can hear her.
All Yuuta can do is wait patiently for Toji-san to find the plant a healer showed them in Chuugoku some time ago, and bear with the snark in the meantime. It’s all in good humour, Yuuta knows, Toji-san just has a sharp tongue and doesn’t like to dwell on painful things if he can help it. It’s just that, right now, Yuuta isn’t really in the mood for that.
Even his ears feel like they’re on fire, for goodness’ sake.
“Drink a bit before you pass out.”
“Ah,” Yuuta startles, “I’m fine.” He smiles. Winces. “Well, I’m not, but it’s just my skin. I’m not dizzy.”
Toji-san grunts. He doesn’t sound all that convinced, but Yuuta doesn’t mind. It’s sweet, honestly. Much better than the fear in Toji-san’s eyes when they got caught in the rain and Yuuta got the sniffles for a while last fall, the way he hovered close and kept trying to make Yuuta take it easy until Yuuta snapped and reminded him he isn’t a child.
And it’s not like Yuuta doesn’t get it – he did get very close to death last summer, even if he never told Toji-san quite how close – but this kind of over-protectiveness… it doesn’t suit Toji-san. Doesn’t suit the kind of person Yuuta wants to be, either.
So, this is much better. Even if Yuuta could do without the snark.
“Just making sure, that’s the right plant, yeah ?”
Yuuta looks over Toji-san’s shoulder, at the long, thick leaves coming up from the ground, layered like the petals of a chrysanthemum but curved outward. The edges have sharp, evenly spaced thorns, and the plant as a whole is a somewhat uniform blue-green.
“Looks like it.”
Toji-san doesn’t wait another moment to grab a leaf and separate it from the bunch, cutting off the sharp edges and then slicing the leaf half through the length and the juicy inside.
He licks his thumb, hands covered in shiny goo that Yuuta does his best not to stare at. Makes a face.
“Gross. Yeah that’s the right one,” he adds, sputtering in an effort to get rid of the taste.
Yuuta laughs, then yelps when Toji-san slaps a slice of plant on the burned skin of his nape, the goo sticking it there, almost cold in comparison to the fire licking Yuuta’s face from the inside.
“You could be more gentle,” he whines.
Yuuta rubs some of the plant’s dripping juices around the leaf, into his skin, trying to get as much of them as possible on his burns.
He sighs in relief.
“It feels really good, though.”
Toji-san looks at him. Opens his mouth. Closes it. Cuts some of the leaf he still has in hand in two parts, before placing them on each of Yuuta’s cheeks.
“Careful,” he laughs, turning around to cut more leaves, “Rika’s gonna get jealous of that plant if you use this voice.”
Huh ?
“Huh ?” Then, “what voice ?”
Toji-san doesn’t answer, instead just prepares and puts more leaves on Yuuta – never as suddenly as the first time, which is nice. But still –
“Toji-san, what do you mean ?”
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