#heres my (game) theory
egophiliac · 4 months
there is zero basis for this, but I can't get this thought of my head
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I don't know why I decided to draw it this way
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#(these will be relevant in a moment)#this isn't going to happen. but WHAT IF.#anyway i didn't get him (damnit birdman come home) so i had to look up his story#and let me tell you friends my findings were SHOCKING#crowley canonically likes vegetables which means that the crowley is revaan theory = BUSTED#crowley is sailor venus = CONFIRMED#(i know 'whip of love' is a saying but that's where my mind always goes)#DISCLAIMER: this is (mostly) a joke please continue to hold whatever theories and headcanons you want#but look. c'mon. look over here at this whiteboard i've covered in red yarn.#revaan being a picky eater has come up multiple times and there is an entire whole bit about how much he hated jerky and refused to eat it#and now they've made a point of talking about how crowley will eat almost anything and loOoOoves wild game meat especially#it's SO stupid but i can't help but read way too much into it#(this is tumblr if you don't want to see incredibly stupid overanalysis of anime guys then why are you HERE)#and i gotta hold on to something because otherwise whenever malleus and crowley are onscreen together i just keep going 'same hair color...#unless this is like. some kind of deep cover thing.#lilia doesn't recognize him because he saw him eat a green bean once and revaan would NEVER#crowley's secret is safe for another day#(serious hat on: i do think they're probably connected in some way)#(but there's something deeper going on that we're just not clued into yet that will hopefully explain things)#man forget revaan what if crowley whips off his mask and it turns out he was meleanor this whole time#wait hold on meleanor loves jerky. IT ALL FITS...
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audible301 · 27 days
Sam Reich knows what he’s doing because every time I rewatch the finale teaser to try to look for clues I get immediately distracted by how hot everyone looks in it.
Sam you smart son of a bitch I know you did that on purpose.
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luminous-orb · 3 days
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doodle comic i made just before beating VLR. not to worry, I Know Now :)
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justaz · 29 days
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looking at this map i couldn’t help but notice that the perilous lands are dividing the south from the north of albion. assuming all of elmet is to say perilous and untraversable, could the northern kingdoms be more pro-magic than the southern ones?? like i guess technically they could get there by water, but i’d see that from the coast kingdoms, not camelot. idk i’m just imagining sometime after the fisher king dies and he isn’t tied to the land anymore which allows it to heal somewhat and arthur and them are finally able to travel north and its just magic galore.
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call-me-corvid · 1 month
Seeing “The Devil’s Chord” has only solidified my opinion that the Doctor is whatever the hell the Toymaker and the Maestro are
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Legends Arceus is such a good game if you try to play it from a character's POV. I personally do it with most pokemon games because it's just a thing I've done since I was like seven I think BUT it just adds FLAVOR. Blorboify your experience.
Like. OK. Say you play as Akari but HC her as Dawn being isekai'd, partial memory wipe maybe if that's your jam. Does she choose Oshawott because it reminds her of Piplup at home, wherever home may be? Does she hear about Almighty Sinnoh and vaguely recall something about adventures with friends, something so close that she just can't quite grasp onto? Does she feel this... unease around Cyllene, even though she knows Cyllene has done nothing but be helpful and stand up for her so far?
Currently in my playthrough, Playing as Drew and having this immense adverse gut reaction to Melli? Frowning at Akari, knowing she seems familiar from... somewhere, assuming Drew and Dawn have crossed paths coordinating. Or him seeing Irida's red headbandy thing and short bobbed hair, and feeling this jolt of familiarity that he feels like he should know like the back of his hand? Picking wildflowers in Cobalt Coastlands, trying to grasp onto fleeting memories of flowers and conversations on far-off beaches?
A funnier option: Playing as Ash, being surrounded by people you vaguely swear you know one way or another but having to deal with the fact that to them you're just some guy that fell out of the sky?
Possibly the funniest: Playing as Iris/Cilan/whoever in Unova and seeing Ingo like HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE
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kazamajun · 3 months
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
Wondering if Messmer was just the only one to help/sympathize with Marika on the shattering of the elden ring. His relation to snakes, fire, etc, could just be that he turned himself into a living weapon taking parts of all of the enemies of the Erd Tree he could find. Momma's boy headcanon tbh.
until the DLC is fully out and confirms otherwise, i'll stubbornly cling to the mommy's boy theory fr fr 😭😭
with Fromsoft's track record of portraying motherhood (*stare at Bloodborne*) i simply refuse to believe they made the Mom™ in Marika and won't expand on her further or won't have a kid that is just...insane over her. prayer circle for that theory to be supported in canon because i have ART to DRAW if true !
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
sorry I'm having late night majora's mask thoughts and they might be half thoughts and not super coherent, but... the fact that link learns the song of healing from the happy mask salesman from an organ...... like... I don't know, I'm wondering how that fits into this whole healing thing, since what he heard from an organ last time was basically the source of all his trauma, now becoming the first anchor to help people moving on (starting with himself)
I don't know, it's also the thing about koume and kotake being basically kind swamp grandmas in this one despite the gerudos being pretty much still gerudos (even arguably crueler) otherwise...
like I don't know if that's anything, but I'm wondering how his time in Termina helps Link process This Gigantic Part of his trauma, and how that ties up with Skull Kid and Majora (and the moon itself, awful and horrendous and destructive from outside then incredibly calm and beautiful and childlike within)... and what he gets out of this and reapplies to Hyrule later, especially given we're in the backstory of Twilight Princess and we all know how that goes!!!
I don't know, I always felt like Ganondorf (and Zelda, and any of the major NPCs) just not being present in the game (Zelda memories/fisherman situation not accounted for) was actually a pretty potent choice, because these characters are everywhere but in a distilled form; and I think Ganondorf especially (given he's the reason Link is not doing fine in the first place) exists in the moon, the Mask, Skull Kid, Ikana...
But also it's a game with such tenderness for the monsters (the re-deads dance when nobody is looking, the mummy is a loving father that his daughter tries to protect from you, the dekus are fully fledged people...), and it's a game that rejects evil as a fixed characteristic safe for the corrupting object (AND EVEN THEN you get the moon's insides where every boss becomes a literal child), so I can't help but wonder how Link's little brain is processing this whole mess on uhhh This Side of the equation
(I'm taking on the metaphor angle, I'm not onboard for the "it's all a dream" game theory sides of things, I think it can both happen for real and be a metaphor at the same time, to clarify, and I think it's the most interesting setup narratively so vOv)
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missmungoe · 9 months
If Garling is confirmed as Shanks' dad, will you include him in your fics?
Oh I already have! We don't wait for canon in this house if we like a theory (see: Makino's baby), so he shows up in Andromeda Unbound, and my planned outline for Salt Vows, although I've left it vague enough to (hopefully) accommodate for any eventual corrections, since nothing has been confirmed yet, although my suspicions are strengthened now that we know what he looked like 38 years ago:
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Must be all the evil in his diet that's made him age like that, because I refuse to accept any future where Shanks doesn't turn into a stone cold silver fox.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hank, Sanford and Deimos with a Reader who does Handcrafts
Gonna post my old MadCom stuff since people seem interested in it! I didn't write too much back then, but I'll post it anyway and hope for some MadCom requests as well! What the title says! Reader knits, crochets and embroiders in this! The format is different from how I usually write, but that's because I wrote this months ago, if not in 2022! I don't remember when, but it's been a while since I wrote this!
If you get his attention while doing one of your crafts, expect him to just stare at you for a while. He knows what knitting is, since you can use those needles to stab someone with enough force, but he never really cared much for any of it. So, seeing you do those small, but precise movements has him somewhat curious. If you beckon him closer to check out what you’re doing, he will approach you, taking your piece from your hands and gently examining it, before returning it to you.
While he won’t join you that often due to his occupation, Hank will lie down next to you from time to time, watching you work until he falls asleep eventually. Doing so next to you, especially when you’re knitting or doing embroidery, takes a lot of trust on his behalf, so it’s a rather rare occurrence, but it might happen. Still, sometimes even Nevada’s most wanted can’t resist getting some sleep in.
If you give him a scarf or anything of the likes it might seem like he doesn’t like it at first. As he only grunts in acknowledgement and doesn’t wear it, it might seem disheartening at first glance. But rest assured, he’s well aware that him wearing it would only get it covered in blood, and he wouldn’t want your creation, that you put so much love into, to get sullied like that. Hank does keep it somewhere hidden where only he can find it so that it won’t get stolen as well, he truly does treasure anything you give him.
He has helped his mother crocheting every once in a while when he was young by holding her wool for her. Sanford always thought it to be really cool how you can make something so beautiful out of something as simple as wool and yarn. Much like he did when he was younger, he’ll hold your yarn for you, making it more comfortable to knit or crochet for you. Unlike Hank and Deimos, he will try to learn it as well. It seems relaxing, so why not? But by no means is he a master. Due to his strength, he will likely rip the yarn and wool apart from time to time and come to you for help.
In order to relax and unwind a bit, he’ll likely come to you and ask if you would like to practise your craft for and with him. Having you around in and of itself already makes Sanford happy, but just getting to spend time with you without having to worry about being killed by the enemy makes it all the better. If you let him, he will hold you close, lean into you, put you on his lap, anything you’re comfortable with.
Please give him a sweater. Because he’s never wearing a shirt he gets cold fairly easily. He’ll cherish it dearly and wear it whenever he can, and whenever he knows it won’t get ripped. Another thing he’d be very happy with would be a piece of embroidery. It reminds him of better times and gives him hope, especially when your piece of art is something pleasant and sweet to look at. Because of that, he will put it up somewhere in his room where he can always see it. Even if Deimos makes fun of him for it, he will simply lightly jab at the smoker, all the while smiling at it.
He’ll lovingly call you a grandma for having hobbies like these. Even while doing embroidery, where you stab things thousands of times, he will snicker at you whenever he catches you doing any of these things. Though, he doesn’t mind that sort of thing at all since that means you’ll be sitting still for a while, meaning you’ll give him a chance to unwind with him. Deimos will wrap his arms around you, leaning onto you or just cuddle into you in general. No fighting, no getting hurt, just watching you do the same movements over and over again.
Despite possibly calling you boring, he does have great respect for your craft, since he can’t do any of it. It’s too tedious and he can’t sit around for long enough doing something like this. It’s simply not exciting enough. But the moment you give him his first sweater, he will think it’s the most awesome thing to ever exist. Proud as a peacock, he will flaunt and taunt his new piece of clothing, especially to Sanford and Hank, declaring just what a great lover he has.
Present him with a plushie and his mind will be blown. He always thought knitting and crocheting are just for woolly hats and sweaters and scarves and all. If he sees you made him a tiny grunt, he will simply lose it, run around the Status Quo base and show everyone what you’re capable of. It doesn’t even matter to him whether or not it looks good. Your hands are magical to him and absolutely everyone has to know just how cool and epic you are.
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
Qrow’s Semblance is Fortune! 🐦‍⬛
I talked about this briefly before, having speculated that Clover’s pin carries on his good luck after death or that Qrow has just done a lot of training mentally and/or physically. @benevolentslut had some amazing additions as well & I want to sum up this theory for you as best as I can as we reached similar conclusions even before I had read her reblog.
Qrow has only been in the negative all his life, mentally and emotionally.
This man has had barely any positivity in his life.
"His whole life he's been the epitome of cynicism and pessimism." - @benevolentslut
Qrow grew up under constant stress & threat of those around him.
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Needless to say, but I don't think he could trust anyone he grew up around except maybe Raven.
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Then he has to constantly worry about being found out by the other huntsmen! Also growing up with the threat of huntsmen and Grimm the entire time!
Then Oz drops the whole Salem problem on him & I'm sure that didn't help his mental health in the slightest!
"His sister leaves him and their team, and then summer disappears." - @benevolentslut Yeahhhh he is losing everyone close to him in one way or another! That cannot be a fun experience!
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This look like the face of a guy that's doing okay?
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I'm just going to copy paste this here as I hadn't noticed it & it feels worth noting that the intensity of his misfortune seems to increase with the increasing mental strain.
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While we don't know for sure that all of these things are a byproduct of Qrow's misfortune semblance, it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. Notice the worsening of his mental health resulting in potentially more disastrous outcomes. 😰
"we see him blaming himself constantly for everything that goes wrong, and it only causes that to become more true." - @benevolentslut
She lists a lot more examples of where Qrow's semblance has potentially worked this way in the original post. Clover comes along & starts lifting him up, giving him actual hope. He now has a little seed of hope planted in him. 🍀
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Wow, Qrow is doing so good for himself lately! I sure hope nothing-
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Oh... oh no. From his perspective Ruby & Yang could literally be dead. He is stricken with grief as he watches it all unfold & probably sunk back down into a negative spot mentally. He may even blame himself in some way.
When you're this low, there's a saying that goes "nowhere to go but up."
I firmly believe that Qrow would see things that way, especially after reaching his lowest point. He can only do his best to help those around him. Though he's the most alone he's ever been, he's becoming a part of a new community where people help one another. In that sense, it's impossible to be alone. In spite of it all, he slowly finds his mental health improving! Ruby's message to the world is bringing people together! 🌹
"and we see him take up clover's role, both in terms of how he's helping out around shade, and more literally, in the unmissable parallel where he catches the guy who trips." - @benevolentslut
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Ruby & Clover have both filled him with hope & he's more optimistic than he's ever been, which results in bursts good fortune! ✨
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There's also already a premise for shifts in mental health and trauma resulting in semblance evolution.
Cinder betrayed Neo & so she winds up in the Ever After & through her form changes is showing us that she now has negative feelings towards Cinder.
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She's so upset that her semblance starts to make multiple clones of her which it has never been able to do before. Her Overactive Imagination semblance has evolved due to the state of her mental health.
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Her semblance begins to evolve so much to where she can create entire architectural structures and buildings out of it!
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She can even use it to talk through the people she recreates, something she's not physically capable of herself.
While we do have to take into account that the Ever After plays by rules that are a little bit different at times; this absolutely confirms that semblances, much like people, can change & grow! 💪
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My conclusion: Volume 10 & beyond will show Qrow's personal semblance evolution as he finds out that his power is actually Fortune itself & the ability to control it, good and the bad.
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annoyingfobbie · 10 months
making fun of "pick-me girls" set feminism back so far. toxic masculinity being rebranded as straight girls having "icks" set feminism back so far. "girl dinner", "girl math", "explaining _____ for the girls" set feminism back SOOOOOO FAR.
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vanlegion · 27 days
Teal! He's Teal. Hands down. I have solved it. How you ask? I'm obsessed with a certain Maroon Nerd and on a filter in my art program I hit Difference and was like 'Huh... OH!' Also this:
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HA! Which makes Caroline Cyan. And then I did this for Shits and Giggles:
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Hehhahaha~ I love how the show joked about first Grifs colors then Tuckers colors. X3 Hehe. And then for some more fun Sarge Red FF0000 vs Caboose Blue 0000FF Maroons hex is 800000 and is seared into my brain now along with FFA500 which is "FUCKING ORANGE" (A very bright orange) Random - I always thought York was Gold.
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slavonicrhapsody · 9 months
Hello ! I’ve seen a post mentioning the demigods of the Mausoleum as well as the ones killed by Vyke, and while as the person say that this does have potential for oc writers, I can’t help but wonder who they might be related to. (Like seriously I can’t stop wondering the relation between 9 dead demigods and the demigods we know about as well as the Elden Lords and Marika). So I became so desperate that I finally dare to ask other people their thoughts about it (my family doesn’t even know a little bit of Elden Ring Lore or just forget about it).
Hello! OK this topic has actually stumped me for so long, so I finally got around to looking into the wandering mausoleums and wow is it weird and complicated. 
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Lets get the basic facts out of the way… Basically, the wandering mausoleums house the bodies of “the soulless demigods:” 
“The mausoleum prowls. Cradling the soulless demigod. O Marika, Queen Eternal. He is your unwanted child.” (Spirit NPC)
“The sun in eclipse is said to be the symbol of the Wandering Mausoleum where the soulless demigods slumber.” (Eclipse Crest Heater Shield)
The mausoleums’ bells are said to ring "in constant mourning for the soulless demigods.” (Mausoleum Surcoat)
The mausoleums (well, most of them... stay tuned) are defended by Mausoleum Knights, undead warriors who “willingly beheaded themselves so that they may serve their masters in death.” (Mausoleum Knight enemy description) The mausoleum knight Lhutel the Headless earned herself the honor of Erdtree burial for this sacrifice. These knights carry shields bearing the symbol of the Eclipse:
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“The eclipsed sun, drained of color, is the protective star of soulless demigods. It aids the mausoleum knights by keeping Destined Death at bay.” (Eclipse Crest Greatshield)
We also know that Castle Sol and Miquella are connected to all of this, because the inhabitants of Castle Sol seem to worship the eclipse… there are two spirit NPCs in the area who say these things:
“Ohh, great sun! Frigid sun of Sol! Surrender yourself to the eclipse! Grant life to the soulless bones!”
“Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless... I will never set my eyes upon it now... Your divine Haligtree…”
There is some kind of operation to “give life” back to the soulless demigods of the walking mausoleums centered at Castle Sol. 
So who are these dead guys??? It does seem that they were killed on the Night of the Black Knives… Godwyn the Golden’s murder was said to be “the first recorded Death of a demigod in all history” (via Rogier), so we can assume that these guys were also killed by Destined Death, wielded by the Black Knife assassins. I think they are considered “soulless” because, since they were killed by Destined Death, they died in both body and soul… Ranni set up her ritual splitting the cursemark of death so that she would die only in body and keep her soul, and Godwyn would die only in soul and his body stayed alive, to everyone’s horror… so a killing with no special ritual would just kill both aspects of a person, and prevent them from experiencing the “proper” death of returning to the Erdtree: 
“A proper death means returning to the Erdtree. Have patience. Until the time comes...and the roots call to you.” (Spirit NPC)
So I guess the goal of the eclipse ritual is to retrieve these demigods’ lost souls, including Godwyn’s. 
As for the soulless demigods’ identities, a spirit NPC does explicitly state that a demigod within a mausoleum is Marika’s child. There is indeed plenty of room within the Golden Lineage family tree for there to be a bunch of currently unknown family members, because Godrick is said to be the last of the Golden Lineage and a distant relation of Queen Marika… so that’s potentially a ton of previous generations of demigods that are just not named! These demigods could easily have been killed in order to hurt Marika and the Golden Order in Ranni’s dire plot, with Godwyn being the most devastating loss and the target of her specific ritual. 
I should also mention that there are two unique wandering mausoleums in Liurnia, around the Uhl Palace Ruins, that do not have a bell, are not protected by mausoleum knights, and can only duplicate remembrances of NON-shardbearing bosses. @katyahina pointed this out in this fantastic post, and I wouldn’t have even thought about these mausoleums if I hadn’t read it!! I’m currently unsure if these two soulless demigods had unique identities; however, really interestingly, unlike every other demigod corpse, the corpses in these two bell-less mausoleums are charred black:
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(Normal mausoleum)
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(Bell-less mausoleum)
So I’m inclined to think that something weird happened TO these two demigods that didn’t happen to anyone else that caused them to behave as less powerful versions, rather than them having unique identities from the other demigods to begin with… but that's just my take. What could have happened to them??? And why are they confined to this one “Mausoleum Compound” area, that’s among the Uhl Palace Ruins, where there are also Ancestor followers??? Literally I thought about this so hard I gave myself a headache. Anyway give katyahina's post a read for some fun ideas about their identities. Whoever they are, I think whatever happened to them means that they’re beyond saving; even the eclipse ritual can’t help them.
Also I could not ever begin to guess what’s going on with the demigods supposedly killed by Vyke in order for him to have gotten great runes and it honestly makes absolutely no sense to me. sorry but if I try to think about this anymore I fear my head will explode
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