#hes just some dude that wants to make pizza and own a shop
ddejavvu · 1 year
Steve telling robin about this girl who he’s spoken to a few times and reallly wants to ask out and she’s a big hype man for his love quest. But then he comes in one day to see robin very innocently flirting with you bc she doesn’t know you’re the girl Steve’s talking about. So queue shenanigans of him trying to get robin away in anyway that won’t make you think he’s weird, but maybe he’s going to trip her over or something so he can tell her that’s you and she can be his wingman instead, just a funny shenanigans plot haha
Steve doesn't think twice about the bell to the shop tinkling over the door from where he's rewinding tapes in the back. He watches the picture rapidly flit from scene to scene of Pretty in Pink, until the credits appear and he ejects the VHS from the player. He slides it into its sleeve, but then he hears your voice, a sound that breaks him out of the monotony of his job, and has his feet moving towards the door of their own accord.
He rushes out to the counter, cursing himself for letting Robin take the counter for this shift. You usually come later, so he'd been prepared to swap with her before 5PM, but it's 3 now and you're chatting jovially over the counter with her.
"Your bracelet is gorgeous," She croons, and there's something more-than-friendly about the way she cradles your wrist in her hand to admire it, "It suits you really well."
"Aw, thank you!" You gush, grinning at her, "I called ahead to reserve The Goonies, Steve said he'd put it behind the counter?"
He had put it behind the counter. He'd set aside cash there, too, because he was going to pay your rental fee, and when you'd thank him for it, he was going to say that it was no big deal. But that if you wanted, you could come over to his place to watch it? And he'd pay for pizza too, you wouldn't have to worry about that. So when Robin reaches for the movie, Steve jumps into action.
"Oh, yeah! Here it is," Robin grabs the tape from where it's tucked beneath Steve's jacket near the trash can, "Okay, $1.99 for the rental fee, and you'll have to pay another $0.99 for every day after this Friday that you keep it."
"Actually, Rob," Steve rushes to the counter, cheeks slightly flushed as you turn to watch him, "Uh, I can take this one."
"I got it," She stares awkwardly at him, hand already reaching for the two dollar bills you're handing her
"Uh, no I- I need your help in the back," He jerks a thumb towards the rewind room, "Would you-? I'll- we'll be right back," He smiles at you, gripping her bicep and tugging her away from the counter before she can take your money, "Just give me a second!"
"Dude!" She hisses the moment the door is shut, "What's the matter with you? I totally could have handled that!"
"That's the girl I was telling you about," Steve gushes, his eyes wide and his hands tense at his sides, "I- You can't flirt with the girl I like!'
Her eyes widen momentarily, and her shoulders sag, "Oh, Steve, I didn't know. Okay, uh- alright, you can ring her up. God, why do you always call dibs on the pretty ones?"
"Thanks, Robin," Steve grins, patting her on the shoulder as he rushes for the door. He jogs back to the counter, matching your kind smile with his own where you've set your $2 on the counter.
"Hey, uh, no worries," He stands at the cash register, pushing your bills back towards you and pulling out his own, "I got this one."
Your brows furrow, "Wait- you...? No, I got it! Steve, I'll pay for it, it's okay."
"Don't worry about it!' He insists, pointedly ignoring the way you're holding the cash up for him and sticking his own bills in the register, "I just- I thought that, uh, it would be nice if you came over to my place to watch it. Tonight. Or- or some other night, if tonight doesn't work. But I-," He stammers, grinning sweetly at you, "I can pay."
Your eyes soften, and the hand with the money in it sags. Your confused frown morphs into a smile, "I'd love to come over, Steve. Tonight doesn't work, I'm babysitting." You lament, "But I'm free tomorrow, if you are?"
Steve has a closing shift tomorrow.
"Yeah, no I'm- I'm free." He nods vigorously, already thinking about what food he can bribe Robin with to switch her hours with his tomorrow, "Uh, I can come pick you up at six?"
"Six-thirty," You bargain, and he hands you the tape with a smile and a nod, "Thanks, Steve."
"Yeah, anytime! See you then!" He calls after you as you head for the door, and he waits until you're safely out of the parking lot to rush for the back room, not wanting you to see his desperation.
"She said yes!" He practically shouts, scaring Robin so much that she drops the tape she's holding. It shatters on the ground, plastic spewing over the scratchy carpet, and she shares a horrified glance with Steve.
"Shit. Uh," He stammers, floundering for a solution that won't cost him more than his allowance, "I'll buy a blank tape, just- stick it in there and don't tell anyone. Here," He digs in his pocket, pulling out a ten dollar bill he'd planned to use for gas, "Take this, that's, like, $4 for the tape and $6 for dinner tomorrow night, you're closing."
"I don't have a closing-" She starts, her brows furrowing, then her eyes narrow and she fixes him with an unimpressed stare.
"She wants to meet tomorrow!" Steve insists, running a hand through his hair, "Just- take the cash, Rob. Plus, you owe me one," He reasons, "You flirted with my girl."
"She's not your girl," Robin gripes, but she's more than happy to take the money, "Just be glad I'm an easy bribe, doofus."
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morverenmaybewrites · 5 months
Hiya! First of all your blog’s interface is so cute i’m rolling on the floorrrrrrr
Second of all your writing is absolutely amazing, i’ve just finished reading “the pizza delivery girl’s survival guide to gotham city” and lemme tell u i can’t wait for the next chapter cause absolute gold-
I wanted to ask what your thoughts are on Jason and day-to-day life outside of costume. Like, dude HAS to go outside as himself at least every once in a while, out of pure necessity. How do you think he goes on about it?
Aw, thank you, I'm glad you like my blog interface and my fic. I think it depends on how much he's progressed in processing his trauma, to be honest!
I imagine when he first moved back in Gotham, he avoided going out as much as possible, for a multitude of reasons. First, because he was still reeling emotionally from Bruce enacting project Knightfall (aka faking his own death), he was recovering from the injuries he sustained during the events of Arkham Knight (and of course, the injuries he got from the Joker). Most importantly, he is adjusting to living in a city he once hated enough to want to destroy.
I feel like those first few weeks were painful for him. Every place is filled memories, and while not all of them are bad memories, they often feel too painful to revisit. He likely spent most of his time cooped up in a safehouse (which was established as something he makes no effort to make comfortable), only going out when he absolutely had to. Interacting with the city and its people as little as possible. While I don't think the Joker ever meant him to survive his torture, the amount of scars and physical injuries he bears means that a lot of his interactions bring a lot of (misplaced) guilt and shame. Did that shopkeep spend too long looking at his face, his scar? Maybe he'll pass by some hole-in-the-wall shop and remember that he and Dick and Barbara would cool down there after patrols. The ramen, he'll think, is surprisingly good. The owner is a smiling, heavyset man who insists that they never pay for their meals. Maybe he'll even take a single step toward the shop, only to remember that the scars on his hands make it so it's hard to hold cutlery without shaking. That there are days when it's physically painful to eat. And he'll shake his head and walk away.
But I think the more he interacts with PG in the story and the more he fixes his relationship with his family, the more he'll be able to interact with Gotham City. Maybe going to the grocery won't be treated like a military supply run. Maybe he'll look up from his carefully-curated list and realize a type of candy Barbara used to be obsessed with is back in stock now. Maybe he'll put it in his cart, and for the first time in a while, he doesn't have to think about what he did to her as the Arkham Knight. One day, he'll wake up before his alarm and remember that you used to talk about watching the sun rise over Gotham Bay. He'll take a long walk along the shoreline and watch the way the sky turns into soft shades of pink and orange, and he'll be surprised at the realization that there are still beautiful things in Gotham. Maybe your face will flash in his mind, and he'll think that perhaps he shouldn't be so surprised, after all. Maybe one day, after a long night of patrol, he'll pass by the ramen shop again and this time, he decides to stay. The only thing that has changed is the owner, who's gained weight and a few gray hairs, but his smile is still the same. He'll bring Jason's order without asking, and he'll insist that he doesn't have to pay for it. Eating doesn't hurt as much as he feared. In fact, some days, he can move his hands without feeling pain. This is one of the good days. Maybe on that good day, he'll be surprised to find that the ramen is still good. That he can think of the days he used to stay here with his family after patrols, exchanging combat tips and juicy bits of gossip. And this time, he's able to smile.
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houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
First High
warnings: marijuana, fluff, platonic soulmates
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"Alright Y/L/N time to get your cute little ass high," JJ said as he walked into Y/Ns room sitting on her bed. Y/N threw her phone to the side sitting up excitedly and watching JJ pull pre-rolls out of his pocket. Y/N had moved to Outer Banks six months ago and JJ was the first person she met. Well ran into actually.
She was walking along the beach enjoying the summer breeze listening to the waves crashing and then being knocked to the ground by a tall blonde.
"What the hell dude?" She looked up at the boy ready to give him a piece of her mind when she realized how handsome he was. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He helped her up looking behind him to see Rafe and Kelce running onto the beach after him. "Try to get behind that tree without them seeing you. I'll tell them you went a different direction." She smiled looking at the tree a few feet away from them. JJ made himself blend in with the crowd before disappearing behind the tree. "Have you seen a blonde with cargo shorts, a white t-shirt, and boots?" Rafe asked looking around and Y/N played dumb shrugging. "I definitely saw him go that way." She pointed in the opposite direction where the boy was.
"Thanks. I'm Rafe by the way." He nodded to the other boy he was with to hunt the blonde boy down. "I'm not interested." You walked away from him leaving him dumbfounded. No girl had ever walked away from him. JJ saw the whole interaction smiling to himself seeing her reject Rafe. Rafe scoffed to himself joining Kelce in finding JJ. "Thanks for helping me out." JJ popped out from the tree leaning against it and smiling at her. "You're welcome. I'm Y/N." "JJ."
After that JJ took Y/N to meet everyone else and she instantly became part of the group. "I'll order us a pizza for when we're high. My parents left me some money for dinner since they're away." "Thanks, gorgeous. Hurry so I can see you stoned." JJ smiled getting everything out while she called the pizza shop. "Let's do this thing." You placed your phone down leaning towards JJ and looking at all of his items. JJ opened the window next to her bed before placing the pre-roll in her mouth and lighting the end. "Now inhale some of it but keep it in your mouth. Blow out after a few seconds." She did as instructed and started coughing immediately causing JJ to chuckle.
"Don't laugh at me." You playfully pouted and he did the same kissing your nose. "It's normal. And it was cute." JJ winked watching her take another hit and not coughing. "Good girl." He praised innocently taking the preroll from her taking his own hits. Y/N got up, turned her speaker on, and played music from her phone to fill the silence. "How ya feeling cupcake?" He asked causing her to giggle. He could see her eyes starting to get red and squinty and her lips staying in a smile. "I'm definitely feeling something." She giggled cutely causing JJ's heart to melt. He adored her not in a crushing way just in a soulmate-friend way.
"Want one more?" He raised an eyebrow at her moving to sit next to her and she looked over into his eyes and then down at the pre-roll. "Just one more." She smiled leaning into him before taking it and inhaling the smoke before blowing it out. "I like the feeling," Y/N said handing it back to JJ and making him laugh. "That's why a lot of people do it." His chest rose and fell with his laughs. JJ took his last hits putting the preroll out and getting off the bed dancing around and singing along to the song playing.
Y/N giggled uncontrollably at his antics grabbing his hands that he held out to pull her off the bed. JJ twirled her around dancing around her room with her a smile on her face the whole time and giggles leaving her mouth. "This is the best night ever." She had her arms wrapped around JJ's neck and his around her waist. "Mine too. I'm honored to be the first one to see you high." He moved a piece of her hair out of her face to see how red her eyes were. "God, you're so gone." He spun her around to face the mirror making her look at her eyes. "Thanks to you Maybank." She turned her head to smile at the boy.
"OOOOO can we watch Tangled?!" She exclaimed jumping up and down with excitement, at the moment JJ would watch anything she wanted to. "As you wish." JJ turned her tv on as she shut off the speaker. Y/N plopped down next to JJ pulling the blankets over her body and cuddling into his side. Y/N made it through most of the movie before she fell asleep on his chest with her arm wrapped around his torso and her leg intertwined with his. JJ held her tighter kissing the top of her head falling asleep himself.
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around1302 · 1 year
SPARE PARTS: blurb 1/1
(W) strong language, alcohol use, brief smut: if u can call it that
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“Why can’t you just trust that it’ll be fun?”
“Because you don’t even know who’s playing! What if it’s some screamo guy and I get traumatised.”
“Please, Charlie, you’ve met my friend. You think he’s going to guitar for a screamo guy?”
Charlie pauses, remembering everything she can from the brief meeting between her and Becca’s friend at her house party last week.
“Yes. Yes I do.”
Becca rolls her eyes, nodding in gratitude at the bouncers who let them into the Troubadour, past the lines and lines of people. Charlie has to admit that’s promising, at least. Surely a hundred teenage girls wouldn’t be queueing for something unworthwhile.
“I thought as a musician you’d be buzzing for a free invite to the Troub!”
Charlie’s turn to roll her eyes, now.
“The Troub?”
“Let me pretend I’m in on the lingo, too.”
“God, you’re just making it worse.”
Becca is Charlie’s only remaining friend from her pre-band days. In contact far too little, but enough to see each other in between schedules. Becca manages a restaurant in London, and throws killer house parties every Saturday. It’s ritual.
Of course, with band life, Charlie barely ever attended. But since the split and a (much too long) nine month hiatus from the industry, she’s had a little more time for living her 20s like she never entered that competition in the first place.
“You want a drink?” Becca shouts over the already loud crowd. Just as Charlie opens her mouth to answer, her forearm’s gripped so tightly she’s sure the blood supply’s been cut off.
“Oh my God! Charlie Greene?” A girl practically screams in her face, holding the hand that isn’t keeping Charlie there in a death grip over her mouth.
Despite her usually extreme routine when it comes to being avoided in public, Charlie assumed tonight could be a one off. Who would recognise her in this crowd, in this venue? Panic strickens her before Becca has to step in, shoving the girls palm off.
“Dude, don’t touch strangers like that.”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just such a huge fan. I can’t believe you’re here! We all thought they were just rumours.”
“What?” Charlie’s dumbfound, forgetting all that media-trained ‘smile at the fans, don’t let them know you want to punch them’ bullshit.
“You know, you and–”
“Look, I’m sure you’re a nice kid, but we’re just trying to enjoy our night. You want me to buy you some alcohol to get you to go away?”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, of course. E-enjoy your night.”
The poor girl scurries away, screaming something to her group but Charlie’s too riddled with guilt to hear what.
“For fuck’s sake, Becs, she’s like sixteen!”
“Gripped you like a forty year old WWE champ though, look at your arm!”
Charlie glances down, noticing the white and red splotches beneath the hazy blue lights. Becca has a point, even if she was a little harsh about it.
“Screw the drinks, let’s just get backstage before anyone else tries to cut off your circulation.”
Nodding, Charlie follows Becca through the crowd, making sure to keep her head down this time. Of course they’re asked for IDs and stage passes before getting through, Becca proudly letting security know they’re friends of the guitarist.
“I’m so proud of Mitch, man. He’s come so far. Can you believe he used to work in a pizza shop?”
“I know, it’s impressive shit,” Charlie nods, hugging her hoodie tight to her chest. Something bad swirls in her gut as she watches the audience from the safety of a thick curtain, seeing whispers and screams shared.
“You don’t think that’s about me, do you?” She points for Becca. Becca scoffs.
“Nah, don’t get too up your own ass, Char. The act’s probably about to come on.”
The band will be entering from stage left, opposite to them both. Charlie has to admit she’s curious. It’s been forever since she’s attended any kind of underground gig, it’s exciting – what music’s really about.
“Gemma Styles.”
Until that moment.
Ears ringing, throat drying, sweat forming. Charlie grips her hoodie so tight her knuckles blanch – she’s wrong, she has to be. It’s just her mind and anxiety playing tricks on her. It’d be impossible for–
“No way, Charlie?”
“… Charlie?”
“I mean hi! Sorry, hi!”
Pretending her ears aren’t still painfully ringing, Charlie accepts the open arms of the woman in front of her. Specifically, the sister in front of her. Her ears stop buzzing enough for her to hear Becca’s gasp beside her, and enough to hear her heart coming up through her throat.
“I can’t believe you’re here, it’s so good to see you!”
The one thing Charlie never understood was how Harry could be so intolerable and Gemma could be so… Gemma. Despite the ugliest truth she’s discovered in a while coming undone, she feels somewhat comforted by her hug and her words and her smile.
Perhaps they’re all a little too alike Harry, or perhaps the opposite. She can’t tell. There’s a lot happening.
“Yeah, um…” at a complete loss for words, Becca quickly steps in.
“Hi, I’m Rebecca. Friends with the guitarist.”
“Oh, Mitch! Isn’t he amazing? I’m Gemma, Harry’s sister.”
“Jesus, I’m sorry.”
Charlie shoots Becca a pointed glare. She apologises again, a little more sincerely this time.
“So does Harry know you’re here? Bet he’s thrilled, are the others here?”
“Um, no. And no. Not that I know of. I’m actually here for Mitch, too.”
“Oh, I–” Gemma frowns, understandably confused, but is cut off by the house lights dimming and some opening music starting.
Charlie pinches at her arm beneath the once soft material, it only now feels scratchy and too thick. Should she run? It seems like her only viable option. Except her feet are failing her and it’s too fucking late because–
“Hi everyone! I’m Harry, it’s a pleasure. This is my wonderful band, and we’re going to play a few songs for you. Starting with a new one, this is Complicated Freak.”
Frozen to her place, Charlie listened harbouring feelings she couldn’t quite place. Part of her wishes she had just done those few shots before she left like Becca had quite smartly suggested, but a larger part of her wishes she never came.
Because fuck, has she missed him.
She’s missed his voice, and his hands, and his eyes, and his dimples, and she could say she’s missed his hair but that’s gone with the last nine months. She missed watching him concentrate entirely too hard on playing the guitar and she missed watching that crease form between his brows as he closes his eyes and just feels the music. His music.
The music that sounds eerily familiar. Then suddenly flashes of a tour bus come to mind; long hair and slender fingers strumming a guitar. Lyrics that rendered a little to close to home but were promptly ignored at the time now echo the venue, echo her chest.
“Thank you so, so much everyone. I’ll see you soon!”
Harry lifts his palm to the roaring crowd, intimate and small yet still as deafeningly loud as she remembers them always being for him. Begging for an encore, or at the very least one more wave.
But it’s only then that she realises, still stuck to the floor, that he’s taking his guitar off. He’s offering the audience one final bow and kiss, and he’s turning, and he’s walking, and he’s grinning ear to ear and accepting his friends and family’s congratulations, and then he’s stopping, and he’s staring, and his lungs have stopped and his heart has faltered and–
“You wrote me.”
His lips quiver, paused in an effort to say the right thing. Say anything.
“Yeah, I…”
It’s as if the venue and people around them grew wings and flew away as time itself stopped just for them. The first time they had seen eye to eye in the time you could grow a whole fucking baby for God’s sake – and yet they could barely speak. So much unsaid, it’s almost too much. What do you start to say to the love of your life – who you lost?
Luckily, the people around them didn’t actually grow wings.
“We’ll see you later, H,” his older sister squeezes his dead arm, nodding towards Charlie (as if she saw) and then the other confused onlookers who had developed behind them during the show but fuck if Charlie noticed.
Gemma leads the group out, leaving the pair of them in a silent standoff, the muted sound of a dying crowd and crew starting to clean punctuating the quiet.
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“I wanted to call you so many times.” Charlie finally admits, three double vodkas deep.
“Why didn’t you?” Harry almost whispers four whiskeys in.
Malibu’s, their old, usual haunt, has been avoided for the last nine months. Not a single band member dared to go, whether it be that Zayn no longer bartends there or that they were afraid of memories. But it felt like the only place for them to be right now. Elbows leant on the same sticky counter, knees pressed together in their tipsy mis-care, no time passed yet the whole world between them.
“I was scared.” Charlie begins. “I needed time, and after I realised that you leaving us didn’t really matter in the end, I was too late.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Harry. I saw the tabloids. A month after we split you were seen with this person, that person. You had moved on from us, from me.”
Her confession is startlingly sobering, and Harry can’t help but gulp down a painful lump at the way her eyes water. Harry hadn’t moved on in any sense of the word, Harry was simply trying to find Charlie in anyone he could. The way in which he had coped with his web of feelings for the woman for the past six and a half years.
“I could never move on from you, Char. I was just… lost.”
Charlie snorts, turning to down the rest of her drink.
“Baby I–”
They both freeze. Harry didn’t mean to call her that, but God, doesn’t it feel natural? Isn’t that why it slipped out in the first place? Yet, a slap in the face would have felt better for Charlie. The vodka gets caught in her throat, the once warm liquor running ice cold down her chest.
She turns, her heart melting at the sight of his face. It’s that same heartbreaking, broken concoction of regret and worry knitting his brows and dripping from his eyes. And it has her lips hungrily on his.
He catches her, grabbing her hips as he opens his legs for her and draws her to his chest, breathing in every inch of her. Because that’s what kissing Charlie is like. Oxygen for the first time, water for the first time, life for the first time. His rough hands snake up her back, grip her sides, pinch her skin. Her nails rake at the nape of his neck, muscle memory expecting locks to hold onto but finding short curls as their home instead.
Their tongues and lips work in an unspoken agreement, all the way to her new apartment by the bar, all the way to her bed.
They didn’t speak. They were both far too terrified to lose this moment. They just needed each other, the touch they’d both been desperately chasing for months. Charlie closes her eyes as Harry’s mouth starts its attack on her neck and is transported to Louis’ apartment, where she first felt that same desperation.
“Please.” She breathes, wrapping her legs around his hips, eliciting from him a muffled groan as she grinds up towards him. He nods into her neck, his lips still working down her soft skin. She still tastes the same, that strawberry vanilla he could drink by the gallon.
Charlie claws at his back, making an attempt to remove his black button-up as he moves down her body. She just about manages it as he settles between her legs, pushing up her denim dress without grace or care before biting the edge of her knickers.
The heels of her feet press into his toned back, her palms already fisting the sheets as he harshly grips her hips to push her back into the mattress.
A million thoughts run through Harry’s head, but fear holds him back from saying a single one of them. Months ago, he would’ve told Charlie everything. How good her thighs feel, how fucking pretty she looks laying there, needy for him. How much her soft little pants sound like she should be begging for him, how hard he is for her like this.
But he can’t. For all he knows, he’s simply a mouth right now. He’s not Harry, he’s just something she needs, and fuck if he’ll be whatever she needs.
So he bites into her inner thigh, sucking away the sharpness as she grips and tugs at his hair. He moans into her skin, eyelashes fluttering against her hips as he kisses the top of her pubic bone. His touch is rough in every place but his lips as he makes a path to her core, pressing teasing kisses over her clit. Her knickers are fucking soaked through, and the sight alone is enough to send him berserk.
“Charlie, I’m gonna have to–”
“Please, just–”
With that sliver of permission, he reaches down, squeezing himself over his trousers. The slightly relieved pressure has him gasping against her lace, which quickly becomes wetter. Charlie sits up on her elbows, watching Harry touch and squeeze while he continues to tease her.
And it’s there. In between the need and the pleasure, Charlie begins to cry. Softly, quietly, but enough to garner Harry’s distracted attention.
“Hey, hey,” Harry moves back up her body, tugging her dress back into place as he squeezes her hip, “I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s fine.” Charlie’s voice cracks as her head hits the pillow, hot tears quickly meeting her hairline before she can wipe them away.
“I’m not your fucking sweetheart.” Charlie murmurs between gritted teeth, sending Harry aback. He sits up on his heels, his touch slowly leaving her. Charlie presses her palms into her eyes, squeezing the tears out as she muffles sobs against her hands.
“That’s the problem.”
It’s hardly above a whisper, but Harry hears every last syllable. Leaning back over her, he removes her fists, gently brushing her blotchy cheeks.
“I’m just drunk and emotional and weird and–”
“Stop it,” Harry murmurs, pulling her up to sit in front of him. “Tell me what you’re feeling.” When she doesn’t budge, he drops his head and whispers, “please.”
Charlie finds his eye. In so many ways, he’s unchanged. He still looks at her like that, and it crumbles her, just as easily as it did all those months ago.
“Everything got so fucked up, Harry. The band, me, us. I haven’t sang a chord in months. I see the guys, what, once, twice a month? And you…”
“It’s my fault, Char.” Harry sighs, collapsing beside her, rubbing his face. “I left, I split everyone up–”
“You needed to.” She interrupts, stern. “I didn’t realise at the time, it took me a while to accept it, but you needed to. Niall was starting a family, everyone was starting to burn out, even if we didn’t want to admit it.”
“You did the right thing.”
Those fives words are all that Harry’s wanted to hear for nine months. He’s spent countless, sleepless nights wondering if he’d messed everything up for everyone, forever. If in his selfishness he’d forgotten to use logic.
“I’m just not sure I did.”
Harry frowns, turning to look at Charlie.
“What do you mean, Charlie?”
“I worry that I was… hasty. Rash.”
Harry can’t help the small smile that starts to tug at his lips. He lifts his knees and rests his chin on his palm to hide it.
“I did a really messed up thing, you were justified.”
“No.” Charlie sighs, looking at the ceiling. “I was right to be mad, but I wasn’t right to have said all the stuff I did. I was especially not right to leave you.”
Harry’s chest jumps, but he tries to calm his excited heart before Charlie can finish. When it comes to her, there’s no real predictability. She might be about to destroy him all over again.
“Those six years mean more to me than anything I’ve done in my entire life. You were there through everything, every shitty and amazing thing, all I can think about is flashes of you. My sister, my audition, my first heartbreak, my first– I could go on and on, but the point is, you were there.”
“Even if you annoyed the shit out of me for the better part of it, you’re my life, Harry. I was stupid to think I could ever live it in the same way without you.”
It’s impossible to fight his grin, now.
Charlie finally turns to face him, instantly rolling her eyes at the sight of him. His entirely too wide smile, his glinting eyes and how they quickly flit to her lips, the twitch between his brows that lets her know he’s holding back a comment.
And despite his speechlessness, his answer is obvious.
“You sure you don’t want someone easier?” Charlie lilts, swaying into him.
“Why on Earth would I want anyone else?”
“I don’t know. I yell at you a lot.”
“I’d rather have you hate my guts than have anyone else.” Harry takes her waist, easing her beneath him again as he hovers over her. “I’ve spent my entire life waiting to hear you say that, you know.”
“Entire life is a bit dramatic.” Charlie drapes her arms around his neck, her fingers finding his nape. That hair is going to take some getting used to.
“Nope,” Harry pops his P, leaning down to press a kiss to her jaw. “You’re my life too, Char.”
She leans back into the pillow, her thumb circling his neck. “You mean it?”
It’s Harry’s turn to roll his eyes, now.
“You really have to ask? What more could I possibly do to prove to you that you’re it for me, you always have been.”
Charlie smirks. “I could think of something.”
“Always thinking with your dick, Greene.”
Charlie lets out a scoff, and Harry let’s his chest do whatever it wants.
@lilfreakjez @be-with-me-so-happily @sirtommyholland @tpwksm @b-reads-things @tiaamberxx @daphnesutton @mleestiles
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gemini-sensei · 8 months
Platonic Keene!Chubby!Reader who ends up being really good friends with Hawk?
Hawk would be apprehensive at first. Why should he trust Robby's sister? But he ends up seeing how cool she is. In his head, she's nothing like her brother. So they hangout a lot and end up becoming close.
When Robby and Hawk are at odds, Reader is not afraid to hangout with Hawk. Robby would hate it, constantly calling Hawk an asshole and talking bad about him. Hawk is more classy though because he knows he can't bad mouth Robby to his own sister. So they talk about other things. They spar and do karate sometimes, even though she's unaffiliated to any dojo.
Whenever she doesn't want to be at home, she goes to Hawk's house. His place becomes her refuge when her dad or brother get on her nerves. They get pizza and play video games until he has to drive her home.
She tells him everything and he ends up telling her a lot. She ends up understanding why he's so guarded and tough. When she opens up about her childhood and parents, he understands her a lot. He ends up being the closest person she has aside from her brother.
When he has good ideas, she supports him and when he's totally wrong or overconfident, she tells him so. He tries to pull her into activities, hangouts with friends, movies. He doesn't push her to karate unless she brings it up because he knows her dad tries to pull her into karate.
When she's talking about a guy she's into, he's her hype man. He tells her to go for it and she does but when it falls through, he's there for her.
"Whay happened?" he asks.
She rolls her eyes, pretending she isn't affected. "He said I'm not his type." Her tone says she's irritated, but her eyes are sad. She pulls her knees to her chest as she watches him play video games, sinking into his couch. "I know that just means he's not into fat girls. It's whatever."
The game pauses.
"This isn't whatever. Who is he?"
"Leave it alone, Hawk."
"No way. Where does he live."
"Calm down, dude. Jeez."
He's peeved but let's it go. He's mad that someone hurt her feels, made her put her walls back up and hid away. She doesn't want to talk about it and pull back from trying to date. So instead of dwelling on it, he takes her to the mall and they shop around a bit. He just wants to make her feel good about herself.
When Robby and him are on the road to being cool, he slips up and tells Robby about the guy that hurt his sister's feelings. And Robby takes this very seriously. I see them teaming up to make this guy, who she's already brushed off and moved on from at that point, pay for what he's done. And when she finds out they did something, she pulls Hawk away from her brother.
"You two obviously don't need to hang out," she huffs. She's not thrilled that they went behind her back and took revenge on the guy that rejected her. 😒 she's so not into her friend and her brother being friends if this is gonna be how they act. "I don't need you two 'defending my honor' or some bullshit."
She may be the bridge that helps Hawk and her brother be friends.
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iamvegorott · 4 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt4
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin chewed the inside of his cheek as he sat on the street bench, watching people walk in and out of a cafe as his stomach growled. It’s been a whole week since he ‘appeared’ and he’s barely been scraping by. He’d stolen some food but it wasn’t enough to fully satisfy since he didn’t want to draw too much attention to himself and he’s been sleeping in the park after he tried breaking into a hotel and nearly got caught when a last-second check-in had him climbing out of a window at three in the morning. 
He tried every single phone number he knew and none of them connected to where they should have gone. Pizza shops, schools, and an elderly woman he spent a long time talking to cause she thought he was her son and he didn’t have the heart to hang up. 
Watching all of those people with their treats and drinks had Marvin willing to do anything for a decent cup of tea right now. Some food with it would be nice too. 
Marvin groaned and tilted his head back, trying to will his body to not want things and he closed his eyes. He felt ridiculous. Sitting on a bench in the wrong country with no access to anything he owned, no one he could get a hold of, hungry, tired, and wearing the jacket of a man trying to drag him away to some ‘House’ with ‘Egos’. 
‘Drag him away’ wasn’t really fair. The poor man seemed to be doing a job and was trying to be the nicest about it. Jackie said there were others, Marvin saw them on the phone, so why didn’t they send more of them out? Or someone else? Was it about that ‘connection’ thing that was mentioned the first time they met? There was definitely something more to all of this than the surface level he could find. 
“Veggie or chicken?” 
“Huh?” Marvin lifted his head and opened his eyes to the sight of Jackie sitting next to him, holding out two, what he assumed were foil-wrapped burritos, toward him. 
“I got a veggie one and a chicken one. I didn’t know if you ate meat or not and usually chicken is a safe go-to if you do.” Jackie explained. “I was starving most of the time I was out on my own.” He added. Marvin hesitated at first but he could smell the food and it smelled so good. 
“I’ll do the veggie one.” 
“It’s a pretty good one, has a lot of stuff for protein and it’s really filling.” Jackie gave Marvin one of the burritos and he started digging into a backpack sitting on the ground between his feet. “I also have some drinks. I got water, coffee, and tea.”
“What kind of tea?” Marvin gave up at this point and accepted that he was going to share a meal with Jackie. 
“I have iced and hot. It’s-uh-I think it’s like a gray tea or something? I’m not one of the tea drinkers in the house, I had someone else make them while I did the coffee.” Jackie pulled out some thermoses.
“You’re the kind of person that overpacks for trips, aren’t you?” Marvin chuckled. “And I’ll take the hot tea.” 
“You can never be too prepared.” Jackie gave Marvin a thermos and grabbed a different one for himself. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like ‘cause we have a lot of different tastes between everyone. Remember the really smart dude I mentioned? He only ever drinks things cold. Something about it ‘tasting like hot’ and like, I don’t get it, but I do get it at the same time.” Jackie pulled out some napkins and placed the stack between them. Marvin was just letting Jackie talk away as he unwrapped the burrito and ate. It was a pretty good burrito, he’ll have to thank the chef at some other point. “Whenever we make coffee together he makes me have the cold stuff with him cause he says I’m too impatient and burn myself too often.” Jackie opened his thermos and took a sip, cursing and hissing a bit in pain.
“Did you just burn yourself?” Marvin asked.
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
“I would not.”
“Then, yeah, I did.” Jackie’s confession got Marvin to laugh. 
“Now I can see why he insists on you drinking the cold stuff.” Marvin teased and went back to eating. He was already halfway done with the burrito and he usually didn’t eat this fast but a hungry stomach didn’t care about waiting between bites. 
“So were you in shock again or did I manage to sneak up on you this time?” Jackie asked with a grin.
“I was half asleep.” 
“Damn, I’ll properly sneak up on you one day.”
“Good luck with that.” Marvin winked and Jackie just chuckled and started eating as well. 
The two sat in a strangely comfortable silence as they ate and drank. Marvin finished his food first and then took his time sipping the tea. It was okay, he definitely makes a much better tea, but it still felt so good compared to the cold air. He found himself watching Jackie out of the corner of his eye. Marvin swore that smile was permanent or something since he looked like a puppy with a new toy while eating. He waited as Jackie finished his food, downed the rest of the drink, and then wiped off his face with a napkin, but still had some sour cream on his cheek.
“You missed a spot.” Marvin took one of the napkins and cleaned off the spot. He didn’t even really think about it, he just did it. 
“I-uh-” Jackie cleared his throat. “Are you willing to go to the House now?” 
“Nope.” Marvin popped the p and then took off. 
“Marvin! Wait!” Jackie scrambled to throw the stuff into the bag and ran while zipping it up. “Come on, man!” He saw Marvin slip into an alleyway and he ran there as well. Jackie didn’t see Marvin but did see a fence at the end of the alley. “Faster than I thought.” He ran over to the fence and easily climbed up to the top of it. “Why are there pillows-!” The last word became a shout when something hit Jackie’s side and he fell off the fence and landed on the pillows. 
“Bye, Jackie~!” Marvin sang, standing at the opening of the alleyway, waving, and then running off. 
“I am so grounded after this.” Jackie groaned, letting his face plop down on the mountain of pillows. 
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free-boundsoul · 1 year
Guy's having a rough day at work, which is only made worse by someone verbally abusing him. Honey walks in during the middle of his rant. I'm still on my bear shifter! Honey brainrot.
If you'd like to read it on Ao3, it's here
Guy was at the end of his rope. He came into work to find out they had a callout, so he just knew he’d be on his own in the shop after four until Rosa came in. But that was doable! He was one of the more senior workers, so he knew he was the best shot to handle the store and let the new kid handle the deliveries.
But then in the middle of his delivery runs, a kid had bolted out the door when he’d been walking up the rickety steps. He’d managed to not cover the kid in hot cheese and sauce (two points to him for saving the boy and the pizza) but as soon as his foot made contact with the deck, a sharp pain jolted up his leg from his ankle. At least the mom that came out was apologetic and didn’t blame him. And she gave a really nice tip and the kid even apologized! Guy still knew he’d be limping the rest of his shift. At least when he got home, Honey could use those fancy-dancy healing powers on him and he could say that he wanted to give them some practice! And they were experimenting with a new dessert, and he couldn’t wait to taste test!
But as his shift wore on, the pain only increased. It was bad enough delivering, but at least he could rest his ankle a bit as he drove since it was his left leg. Once he was on his own in the kitchen, he didn’t have time to rest. Answering the phone, greeting customers that came in, making the pizzas and making sure everything was ready for delivery or pick up…he was exhausted.
It was so close to the end of his shift, only ten minutes to go when Rosa was scheduled when a man walked in. Guy already had a feeling he was going to be a headache, the pizza box he was holding was a dead giveaway. No happy customer walked in holding a pizza box.
The man slapped the box down on the counter, flipping it open to reveal a pizza that only had about a quarter left. He proceeded to go on a rant about the presentation and the taste and that there was too much cheese. How anyone could complain about that, Guy would never know. He practically flinched when the phone started to ring, but one look at the man told him that answering it would result in the person on the other side hearing him. And he didn’t want a customer to hear this guy’s mouth.
Guy was grateful when Rosa came from the back to answer it, giving him an apologetic look. When the dude finally paused for breath, Guy was quick to offer to make him a new pizza. It didn’t matter that it was probably just a ploy for a free pizza. He just wanted him to go away. But when he mentioned the wait time, it only sent him into another rant. He went on about how it was ridiculous that it’d take twenty minutes for him to fix his mistake. Guy just wanted it to end, to be able to go home and hug Honey and maybe have a little cry? Or scream into a pillow until he couldn’t talk.
Guy couldn’t even look toward the front door as it gave a cheery little ring to announce a new customer. Just what he needed, another person to hear this jackass go on and on, repeating himself until the words were all just blending together. Didn’t he realize that the sooner he stopped ranting, the sooner Guy could actually make his damn pizza? Before Guy knew it, the guy shoved the old pizza at him. He managed to dodge it, the box hitting the floor as the asshat slammed his hands down on the counter and leaned in to get his point across.
“Are you some kind of idiot?! You messed up my fucking order and now you’re going to make me wait twenty minutes to fix it?! Is this place just full of incompetent college drop outs? You should be refunding my order rig-right…now…” His voice stuttered a bit as the air seemed to grow heavier as he ranted. The man had no idea why, but something inside him was telling him to run. A primal, ancient part coded into his DNA just shouted at him that something wasn’t right. He just knew the feelings definitely wasn’t coming from the pizza guy that was behind the counter.
Even Guy could sense it, and that made him look toward the door to see a familiar figure. His relief was short-lived as Honey stepped closer, steps slow and measured as they glared at the man in front of him like they were trying to set him on fire with their mind. Could they do that? They said that fire bending was a thing, right? Well they didn’t call it that, wait, shit. Focus, Guy.
He’d never seen them look so…pissed. Yeah, annoyed at him and frustrated. Common occurrences, so what? But this? Their eyes seemed to glow in the heat of their fury, their jaw tensed and…did they look bigger than usual? OH shit, were they about to bear out right here in the restaurant?! How would he explain a giant bear to Rosa or Max?!
He was jerked out of his thoughts when the jerk finally turned to his partner that looked 0.2 seconds away from tearing out his jugular with their bare teeth. Or would it be bear teeth? Gah! This isn’t the time for puns!
“The fuck are you looking at?” The phrase was meant to be intimidating, the dude really tried, but the slight warble to his voice made it lose its edge. He swallowed thickly as he tried to square his shoulders, pretending to be larger than the predator that was staring him down.
“I want you to shut your mouth and leave before I do to you what you just did with that pizza.” Their voice was calm, they didn’t need to yell to get their point across. Not that they didn’t want to give this prick a taste of what he’d been subjecting their mate to. But Guy didn’t have to see them like that, not when he’d just dealt with it.
The man gulped, meeting their eyes before quickly looking away, apparently his sense of survival was greater than his pride. His shoulders rounded up as he stepped to the side, trying to edge around them when their hand shot out to grab his arm and swing him until he was facing the counter, his eyes wide with how easy he was man-handled.
“You can go…after you apologize to him. And promise to never pull this kind of shit again.”
He opened his mouth like he was going to protest when a hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed. Not hard enough to damage anything, just hard enough for him to realize the strength that those hands held. It was then that a torrent of apologies and promises flowed from his mouth, and only then did Honey release him to flee out of the restaurant.
“Honeybear!” They were sure it was only their enhanced senses that allowed them to catch the gremlin that had literally thrown himself at them before he hit the floor. They couldn’t bring themselves to scold him as his arms wound around their shoulders and their face was peppered in kisses. “My knight in a comfortable cotton-polyester blend! What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, of course I am-“
“You were late, I was getting worried since you haven’t texted me in hours. Someone usually spams me any spare moment he gets.” They went to set him down when they felt the wince that went through his body. They frowned as they lifted him back up. “You’re hurt? Was it that asshole-“
“No! No, I turned my ankle earlier and it still hurts. But its not so bad, I can walk.” He reassured them, but he wasn’t surprised when they made no move to set him down. Not that he’d complain about them holding him close like this in public.
“You can clock out now, right? You can’t keep walking on that.”
“Don’t worry, hun! You get home and relax, I’ll be able to handle everything here!” Guy could almost kiss Rosa as she called out to them. He giggled as Honey carried him to the back to clock out and grab his bag before they left through the back. They took his keys as they set him in the passenger seat and got in themselves to drive them home, luckily they didn’t live far. Honey parked the car in Guy’s spot before going around to open his door.
“Come on, Cub. Let’s get you inside.”
“Ooooh you gonna carry me again? You just want an excuse to keep me close, don’t ya?” He teased before he yelped as they threw him, albeit gently, over their shoulder. They were careful with his ankle as they made their way up to the apartment. “Y’know, I’d complain about being treated like a sack of potatoes but I’m not gonna argue with this view~”
“Just keep your hands to yourself until I can look at your ankle… is that the only spot that hurts?” The gruffness in their voice softened at the question.
“Nope, just the ankle. You already soothed the ache in my heart when you arrived.”
“Hmmm, you sure you don’t have head damage? I shouldn’t be carrying you like this if you do,”
“Hey! I’m trying to be romantic and sappy and you’re saying I have brain damage? This is just-“
“Don’t fucking say it-“
“Unbearable” They could already imagine his smug grin at his pun, they scoffed as they unlocked their apartment before locking it back up behind them. They set him gently on the couch, grabbing a throw pillow to put under his foot as they took off his shoes.
“That one is quickly getting old.” They grumbled as they took his left sock off to see his ankle. It was a little swollen, but they should be able to handle it. “You know I’m not the best healer…this will probably hurt like hell.” They warned, their heart twisting at the thought of inflicting more pain on him.
“It’ll be fine! I don’t mind being your homework for healing class, you know. You can study me all night long~” his eyebrows wiggled provocatively as he looked them up and down.
They snorted softly, a soft golden light surrounded their hand before they slowly traced their fingertips along his skin. They really tried to be gentle as they sent their magic into his ankle.
They closed their eyes like the professor had taught the class. It made it easier to visualize the magic seeping into the skin, finding where the pain was radiating from. Honey could almost feel the heat from the inflammation, the bands of tissue that were overstretched but at least they weren’t torn. “How’s it feel?” They asked softly.
Guy tensed as they started to heal him, his fingers trying to find purchase in the couch cushions until his knuckles turned white. He wondered how it worked, was the magic reversing the damage or just speeding up the recovery process and that’s why it hurt? His voice was strained as he cracked a smile. “It- its okay. It’s not that bad…have I ever told you how stunning you are when you’re working your magic? And I don’t just mean what you’re doing right now, though you are really cute when you’re concentrating like that. You get this little crease between your eyebrows that I just wanna smooth out-“ His rambles were cut off with a gasp as they finished healing him.
Honey’s fingers gently massaged the area, working out the stiffness and trying to get the newly healed tissue to relax. “All done, Cub.”
“Oh that feels so much better! And the massage is just a wonderful little treat, but maybe you can go a little higher?”
They rolled their eyes at him as they stood up. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Just try to be more careful next time. Or text me if you get hurt at work. I can heal you in the car or something.”
“Awww Honeybear~ You do care. Maybe I should start calling you my Care Bear-“
“Don’t even think about it.”
“…You’d so be Grumpy.” He grinned up at them, swinging his legs off the couch so he could stand up. His eyes lit up when he could stand without pain. He bounced up to wrap his arms around their shoulders. “But you’re my grump…my big bad bear that came into my work and scared the shit out of that jerk! I can’t believe you did that…”
Honey blinked, their hands automatically resting on his hips as he pressed against them. They glanced away at the soft, appreciated light in his eyes. “Well I couldn’t do nothing with him talking to you like that.”
He hummed at the rare bout of bashfulness, his lips curling up as he pressed them against their jaw. “It was downright hot. Especially that thing when you looked bigger….can you show me that again?”
“You’re fucking incorrigible.”
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stellocchia · 1 year
I got inspired to make a 2012TMNT Spiderverse AU by a Rise AU my friend @alwerakoo made, so here we go. It will be a bit disjointed because it's copy pasted from Discord.
This was born fron the idea that all of them lost one of their brothers as their origin story. Aside from Leo who is our Miles Morales pretty much.
Leo got bit by a radioactive spider only very very recently. My man almost immediately gets dragged into the life by the old Spiderman (the Splinter of this Au) only to see him get murdered almost immediately by the Shredder (pretty much the King Pin of this universe).
In his universe Splinter wasn't their dad. Leo and his brothers are just sort of living on their own. They're supposed to be in the foster system, but Donnie managed to find them a place on their own thanks to the help of his bestie April. Officially, they're under the legal charge of April's dad, but he can't really afford to support them so they're making do on their own.
They can afford it a bit thanks to Donnie's scholarship, a bit thanks to Mikey's job as a cook at a pizza shop, and a bit thanks to Raph's job at the car repair job (he mostly does the car paint job). Leo always felt kinda like the useless one, and getting bit was about the worst and the best thing that could happen to him. Because now he has even more pressure on him to succeed, but at least he can help people in his own way.
In the spidey!Raph universe he was bitten when he was out on a walk with Leo. Leo was also the only one that knew. Being twins they were always the closest. And, honestly, Leo took it far more seriously than Raph. At least at the beginning. You probably can see where I'm going with this.
Leo was kidnapped by a criminal to use him as leverage against Raph. In the struggle that ensued Raph wasn't able to save Leo. So now he pretty much shut himself off from the rest of his family to try and protect them.
In the Spider!Donnie universe, Donnie was actually the one who made the spider that bit him. He was helping a professor at the University he got to attend earlier with his project and it backfired.
Btw, it later turned out that the professor was Baxter Stockman. Because I like to keep some parts of the show and he's making mutagen for Shredder in this one too. Because it just makes sense.
Of course, accidentally working for a supervillain doesn't end well. And Mikey ends up getting caught in the crossfire. He goes to try and find Donnie and finds him being strapped to a chair by Baxter who is studying him. Mikey manages to free him, but he gets stabbed by Shredder who came in at that point.
In the spider!Mikey universe he was delivering pizza at Baxter's lab when he got bitten. Because even evil scientists need to eat.
He did not figure out anything was wrong until a few weeks later because his fingers are always sticky anyway and he thought the Spidey senses were just Raph's paranoia rubbing off on him.
Until he gets to meet one of his idols, Chris Bradford (secretly the villain Rahzar). Raph didn't fucking trust the intentions of the dude so he followed them. And he was right, because the dude just wanted to get the spider they think was stolen by Mikey back from him. Raph catches onto it and bursts in to get his brother back. Only to, you know, get stabbed because he's a normal civilian and not a fucking super human. Mikey manages to swing them out of there with his spider webs (because he actually produces his own) but Raph dies in the hospital. So Mikey is stuck with the guilt of having gotten his brother killed (not really, but Raph warned him not to go and he did anyway so he still feels guilty about his death) and powers he has no clue what to do with and way too many responsibilities.
Some more fun facts about this AU:
Mikey is the only one of the spidey!brothers that can produce his own spiderwebs biologically. The others had to create their own or, in Raph's case, steal a prototype Donnie made and act as if nothing happened.
Leo has special healing hands powers on top of the typical Spidey powers. Both because canon and because he's the Miles of this universe so he gets extra powers.
Raph is the one who has been Spiderman the longest. Leo has been dead for years now. They were in middle school when he got bitten.
In every universe aside from the Spidey Leo universe, Splinter is their dad. But in the Spidey Donnie universe they're very very distant. Splinter was a very strict dad there and both the Leo and the Raph of that universe pretty much ignored their younger siblings to try and chase his approval (in Leo's case) or get attention from him by misbehaving (in Raph's) which is why Mikey was the only one who noticed that Donnie hadn't come back the day he got bit.
Splinter is a great dad in both the Spidey Mikey and Spidey Raph universe. In the Mikey universe he actually knows about Mikey being Spiderman and trains him so he can be as safe as possible. In Raph's universe he tries his best to care for them, but Raph is shutting him out. Splinter tried giving him space at the start because he thought he just needed time to grieve, but after years he's just desperately trying to get him to a psychologist.
During the actual movie plot kinda thing spidey!Raph would have Peter B's role from the first movie with spidey!Leo. Both because he's the one with the most experience and generally more disillusioned. But also because that's his dearest brother he fucking lost, so he's already attached from the get go.
And being around Spidey!Leo is what makes him finally reconnect with his family.
Also thinking to maybe make Raph university aged because the idea of him having already moved out and having cut contact only to show up back in front of his family's house under the rain crying after the movie like "Dad I'm home" and having Splinter hug him so tight they can barely breathe but neither cares is just hhhhhhhhhh.
Also, I wanted to talk about who knows my boys secret identity in their universes.
In the Spidey!Raph one obviously Leo knew before dying. Mikey and Splinter are completely oblivious. Donnie doesn't know for certain, but he does suspect that one of his family members is Spiderman, which is why he keeps making spider themed gadgets and "forgetting about them" in corners of his room. He never tried to figure out who it actually was though.
In the Spidey!Mikey universe literally everyone knows. The only one who didn't have a chance to learn about it was Raph who died before he could. Splinter was the first one to learn about his powers when Mikey called him from the hospital where he brought Raph in the middle of a mental breakdown while ugly sobbing. The others know too though, as Splinter is training them as well so they won't have another death in the family, because Raph's loss left them all pretty fucking messed up.
In the Spidey!Donnie universe no one from his family knows. Donnie went no contact with the rest of his family after Mikey's death, he felt like they never cared anyway. (They did, but love isn't always enough to keep a relationship going). He also dropped out of university after the whole "incident" with Baxter and made himself a little apartment in the sewers which he uses as his headquarters. At the very least though, he did get to meet April and Casey, and both of them know and help him. Casey is properly his sidekick and works on the field alongside him, while April is basically their person in the chair. There is no love triangle here, they're all in a poly relationship, but Casey and Donnie still keep up the banter they have in canon. Chosen family for the purple boy!
I have also thought about what costumes they would wear (and borrowed ideas from actual canon Spiderman costumes I could find), so here they are:
Raph wears something like this:
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Big ass hoodie over the all red suit from one of his exes (probably Slash, let's be real). Plenty of pockets in it to stash all the random gadgets Donnie creates and then promptly "forgets" about in a dark corner of his room.
It's comfy and practical.
Also, he wears normal ass jeans underneath. He looks a bit like Peter B. because it fits him.
Mikey gets this cool ass design:
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Offers way more protection than Raphs as it's a proper combat suit. It was designed by his dad based on old combat uniforms he studied. He also wanted to make it completely black so that Mikey could blend into the night perfectly, but Mikey was not willing to compromise his sunshine aesthetic quite that much!
The headwear is a proper helmet from a motorbike that Mikey painted on. It hurts like a bitch when he headbutts you.
Donnie gets something like this, but with the spider glowing bright purple instead:
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Fully designed by him. Hypertechnologic. There is an AI system inside. It works similarly to one of the suits Peter used in the movies, the one Mr. Stark designed.
He's silent as fuck and can dim the glowing of the spider how much he wants. Nobody ever sees him coming. He also has methallic spider legs that can pop up from the back. And plenty of vials of chemicals he worked on hanging from a belt. Everything either made by him on his own, or with April's help.
Leo at the start only has a hoodie, some goggles and a normal ass medical face mask. There is nothing to indicate that he's part of the Spidey brand. The only Spidey thing he gets are the web shooters he inherits from dead Splinter.
But later on he gets something more classic with the red and blue motif. But he takes the comfy approach Raph went for (that is his mentor after all) which includes the oversized hoodie. Basically something like this:
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Also, his suit is a two piece. The top part with the mask and hoodie (they're all in one) and the bottom part with some tight blue gym pants that he got his actual Raph (the one from his dimension) to decorate for him.
Lastly, here's the ages for all the boys in every universe:
s!Leo universe:
Donnie is 19 (just started uni)
Raph is 18
Mikey is 15
Leo is 14 (I need more youngest Leo in my life)
s!Donnie universe:
Leo is 22
Raph is 21
Donnie is 20 (has been Spiderman for 2 years)
Mikey was 16 when he died, would be 18 now
s!Mikey universe:
Raph was 17 when he died (would be 18 now)
Mikey 17 (has been Spiderman for 1 year)
Donnie and Leo are 14
s!Raph universe:
Raph is 24 (has been Spiderman for 11 years)
Leo was 13 when he died, would be 24 now as well
Mikey is 22
Donnie is 19
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crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
A Damn Good Slice
A/N:  Buy me a Ko-Fi 
Pairings/Characters: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader; Frank Castle x Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
Summary: Looks like Frank Castle finally found oyu. Time to make good on that pizza date.
Part 1: Terrible Taste in Pizza
Word Count:  3,086
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It’d been a few weeks since you last heard from Castle. You figured that he probably wasn’t going to take you up on your offer to get pizza together. You’d heard about a few mobsters gone missing since the failed abduction on you. Things had gotten so bad, that the new rumor in the city was that Hammerhead fled until things got a little cooler around the area. You didn’t want to think that the Punisher had taken this into his own hands as a favor to you, but it was a thought that got you particularly hot under the collar.
You could track his whereabouts. You were great with tech. Where your dad would use Jarvis for things like that, you could do it yourself easily. You could probably figure out a way to find him, but you didn’t want to appear desperate to this man. Plus, if he really wanted to avoid you, he would figure out a way to do so, you were sure of it.
So, with no word from Frank, you went about your life. You piggy-backed some missions for the team, you were their eyes and ears back at home base guiding them along and being a lookout for them. Even that seemed like too much for your father to comprehend you being able to do, but he allowed it. The thought of you being sent out on a mission was just simply not going to happen, even if you had a weapon to use for such and occasion, and even if you were going through the training and practicing for the day that you left the lab and entered the battlefield.
But, as your father would always tell you, you were just too much of an asset behind the desk for them to want to risk you in the field.
As per usual, the team was out on a mission and you were back in New York. You attended a tech conference, you were bored out of your mind, and you handled a few meetings your dad should’ve attended, but, ultimately, didn’t because he just did not want to and he was happily busy doing anything but that.
Taking time for yourself, you were out in the city one night and trying to decide what to do with yourself. Go shopping, go drinking, or go shopping? The options were clearly endless, and you were bored out of your mind. At the moment, you were also currently being stalked by paparazzi, so the thought of doing anything right now was fleeting and you were willing to forego all of those options and just run back to the tower.
You ducked into a store to get some reprieve and headed right towards the back and away from the windows. You sighed as you leaned against the wall and stared at the wall of knock-off purses as you figured you could slip through that backdoor, cut through the side street, and make an escape somewhere.
Just as you snuck out through the back, an arm from your side grabbed your arm and yanked you towards them. You yelped and reached for their arm, their other hand coming up to grab yours. It was a quick tangle of limbs before you were somehow very gently pinned against the wall.
“Well, damn, Princess, here I was thinkin’ we were friends,” you heard him before you really could see him under the hood. Looking up and under the hood, you could see Frank Castle smirking down at you.
You scoffed and kicked his shin lightly, “There was definitely no need for that, dude.”
“Yeah, there was, actually. You got paparazzi down right where you were headed. They’re all over your ass, huh?”
“Dad’s outta town, so they need a new toy to play with,” you replied. “It’s a thing. It happens. You might want to stay away from me.”
“And here I was thinkin’ you were gonna make good on that pizza date you talked about.”
You chuckled a little. Tilting your head back, you stared up at him and chewed on your top lip before shrugging, “I’d like to, but there’s not going to be much privacy.”
“Leave that to me, sweetheart. Come on,” He pulled away from you, gently took your elbow, and guided you down the opposite direction before pulling down his hood and taking off his baseball cap to hand to you. “Put that on, princess.”
You put the hat on backwards and glanced at him. He scoffed. You smirked, “What, not right?”
“Smart ass. You’re a real smart ass, huh?” He asked, grabbing the hat and putting it on your head correctly.
“Eh, it’s my Stark charm,” you replied, bowing your head and following him away. “So how we getting out of this?”
“My van’s down that way.”
“Huh. Grabs me in an alley, leads me away from the population, tells me he’s got a van nearby. Sure, that’s totally not me getting kidnapped a second time or anything.”
He snorted, “Please, lady. You need me to kidnap you right now. You’ve been ducking and dodging them for the last hour. You were drowning without me coming in for the save.”
“For the last hour?” You stopped walking and stared at him, hands resting on your hips while he continued to walk a few steps before stoping and turning to face you. “You’ve been watching me for the last hour?”
“Something like that, needed to find an in with you,” he explained.  “I did say I’d come find you for pizza some time.”
“True,” you acknowledged this and spotted a black matte van down the street. "That it?”
“Yup, come on, Princess. You’re gonna tell me where to get some good pizza.”
“Can I drive?”
“Hell no.”
“Oh, come on —“
“You are not driving my baby.”
“Baby? More like a tank,” you mumbled under your breath as you followed him.
Like a gentleman, he opened the door for you. You cooed and made a remark that he was such a kind, soft man. He grunted in response, muttering for you to watch your step and not break a heel. You winked at him as he shut the door on you and walked around the front of the van to climb in.
“All right. Where am I going?”
“Ah, forget it. Get out.”
“Oh, come on! You kidnapped me, remember?”
“I'm not kidnapping you!”
“Uh-huh, that’s how all kidnappings start.”
“How many times have you been kidnapped?”
“You don’t want that number,” you shrugged. 
He shook his head at that and started the car, “Where in Queens?”
“Crossbay, we’re going to New Park. It’s gonna be good.”
It was a casual ride over to Queens. Traffic, for once, wasn’t terrible like Frank had predicted it to be. The music was on low, it was mostly quiet for a little while, until about twenty minutes in when the conversation of pizza started again. 
As you were closer, Frank listened to you call the order in: three large pies that were well done. He stared at you in shock and waited until you hung up the phone.
“Thought the Avengers were out of town?”
“Well, one pie for us now, and then for later: one for me, one for you,” you shrugged. “That’s called strategy, Frank.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered. “I think you have an addiction.”
“Or am I just great at planning? Think about that while I grab some cash and the pizza.”
“Hey, I can — “
“It’s on me, Frank. Deal with it,” you said as you jumped out of the van. As you walked around the car, you tapped on his window and waited for him to roll it down, “Ya like Cherry Coke?”
“Uh, sure.”
Frank shook his head and watched you walk way from him and out the parking lot. Y/N Stark, a total rich girl princess, at least that’s what he thought, and yet the more he spoke to you the more he thought…huh, is she weird or is she just painfully normal for being a Stark surrounded by superheroes, aliens, and constant drama?
When you left the bank, he watched you walk into the pizzeria and go to the front for your order. By the shouting he heard taking place, he gathered that you were here often. Given the smiling and joking that seemed to be going on, you were definitely familiar to the staff there and they treated you well. He could see the stack of pizza boxes, the two sodas, and then noticed them adding more stuff on top while you protested, but accepted nonetheless.
When you were leaving, Frank climbed out the car, opened the back, took the pizzas from you, and shut the door before climbing back in. You instructed him where to go, take a left out the parking lot and drive about a mile to pull off at the small little fishing area off of Cross Bay Boulevard right off of the bridge. 
“Don’t worry, it’s just some guys fishing, usually. No one should bother us,” you said as he pulled into the mostly-empty parking lot. You both climbed out, he grabbed one box, you grabbed the sodas, and you both found a spot on the rocks and sat down in front of the water.
“What’s that extra stuff?” He asked, nodding to the bag as you opened the box. 
“Ah, told them I was introducing a newbie to them, they gave me two white slices to try too.”
“That was nice of ‘em. You come here a lot?”
“Way too much, but I love this place,” you said as you grabbed a slice. “Cheers, Frank.”
“Yeah, cheers, Princess. Better be good, got me coming out all the way to Queens.”
You watched Frank take his first bite after you had yours. The man was studying it intensely. His face was unreadable as he chewed, and you wanted to throttle him and ask him what he thought about it.
“You know what?” He swallowed the food in his mouth and nodded to you, “You picked a good slice.”
“I fucking told you!”
“Look, look, don’t get too ahead of yourself.  I still have to judge that white slice over there, all right?” He grabbed the coke and took a long sip. “But it’s good, real good, actually, a damn good slice. Well done, you said?”
“Yeah, ya gotta order it well done. Gets nice and crispy, ugh so good. You taste the salt on the crust, right?”
“Yeah, I’m getting that.”
“It’s so good,” you moaned happily and took another bite.
He watched you for a moment and laughed, “I don’t think you get a lot of boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever it is you’re into.”
“Really? How can you tell?”
“I don’t think anything’ll satisfy you as much as pizza,” he teased.
You laughed loudly, almost shooting soda out of your nose as you nodded in agreement, “You’re absolutely right.”
He chuckled too. You both ate pizza in a comfortable silence and completely finished the pie you two were sharing. You both moved on to have one white slice each, which definitely was far too much for you both to be eating after splitting an entire pie, but you did it. You’d lay there sipping soda, talking about other pizza places since that was apparently the biggest thing you two could talk about.
“So they ditched you, huh?” Frank asked after awhile. “Left you behind while they go take all the glory?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’m Tony Stark’s kid. Mostly, they all think I’m some baby they have to protect 24/7.”
“Mostly, huh?”
You propped yourself up on your elbows as you thought about it, “Yeah. Nat — Black Widow? She doesn’t think I’m incapable. She’s advocated for me to go with them, she’s trained me to fight.”
“That’s what you want to do? Be in the field?”
You shrugged, “I was supposed to be, that time those aliens attacked? Don’t know if you were here or overseas, probably overseas — “
“Yeah — “
“Yeah. I was supposed to be on that mission too. See, my dad’s got his suit. That’s obviously a given. But I’m good, like, really, really good with the tech stuff ,like him. I was, kind of, supposed to run point with them and work on the tesseract. Dad veto-ed it. Then Loki came at the tower and we had a fight.”
He chuckled in amusement, “No kidding?”
“I was just chilling, trying to build out the lab like we were doing and that greasy fucked walked in, ugh,” you shook your head. “He won, but only because he got a cheap shot in. Okay, maybe because I’m not a superpower or anything either, but, yeah.”
“Right. You went hand-to-hand with a god?”
“Demigod, I think,” you corrected him and reached into your back. Frank watched you grab a thin silver handle and watched as you whipped it forward. Out came what looked to be a rope of pure energy and power. Frank looked confused at what he was staring at. 
“The hell is that?”
You beamed, “It’s a whip I made. Like, you ever see Star Wars The Clone Wars? They have vibroblades and vibrowhips, so it’s, uh, what’s the best way to explain this — “
“A flaccid lightsaber.”
You snapped your fingers at him, “A flaccid fucking lightsaber! Thank you, Frank. See that? You get me?”
“Yeah, I get you, apparently,” he shook his head. “And, what, you want to run out there whipping everybody?”
You shrugged, “I’d like to be out there watching my dad’s back, the team, they’re family now. I’m not some helpless little kid, you know? I’m a full-grown, adult woman who can make her own decisions. I’m capable.”
“Don’t be a pushover,” Frank said. “You want to do something, you know you can do it? Do it. Don’t let nobody stop you.”
She hummed, “You know what? I like the way you think, Frank. I’ve got just the thing in mind.”
“And I don’t think I want to know,” Frank stood up and extended a hand to you. “Come on, let’s get your ass home before your dad returns and has a shit fit. I don’t need that kind of fire on my ass.”
“Ah, you can only handle one Stark at a time, huh?”
“Barely,” He muttered as you two went to the car. “Can barely even deal with you, to be honest.”
“Oh, please. I amuse you, and you know what?”
“I got you some damn good pizza today, so, you owe me one, Frank.”
“I thought we were even because I saved you from getting kidnapped?”
“Actually,” You stopped in front of the passenger side door after he had opened it. “My pizza was so good, it counts as two wins. So, technically, you’re now in my debt.”
“Yeah? I’m in your debt, is that it?” He asked as he stepped closer to you, prompting you to step back until you bumped into the van. “What’s my bill?”
You opened up your mouth to speak and promptly shut it as you realized that your father was right: Frank Castle was exactly your type.
“What? Cat got your tongue? Ya scared of me now, Princess?” He asked as his hands slowly came up to rest on the side of the van, caging you in by either side of your head.
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself. “Quite the opposite, actually.”
Now it was his turn to be surprised as you grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and yanked him down to your level to smash your lips against his. Frank was momentarily stunned as you kissed him. He thought he was just playing a fun game of cat and mouse. He didn’t think you were going to exceed the level he was playing at.
“You don’t want any of this,” he muttered as he pulled away from you. “I’m a grim reaper, Princess. I’m a death sentence.”
You tilted your head to the side, “Oh, Frank Castle doesn’t know how to fuck. That’s all you had to say, man.”
You tried to push him out of the way so you could get into the passenger side. Frank’s hand snatched your hip and held you in place against the van as he pressed a button and opened the back door up after slamming the passenger-side door shut.
“Get in,” he growled against the shell of your ear.
The team returned home victorious. They were chatting away as they came upstairs from the hangar and discussing what they were going to do next. Your father, of course, talking about throwing a party in celebration.
You leaned against the railing of the lab, bright-eyed and smiling as you wiped the grease off of your hands and watched them all flock to the bar in search of food or snacks that you’d usually leave out for them.
“Hey, spawn,” Tony glanced up at you. “How’d your day go?”
“Great,” you nodded to him. “Went out, got some pizza, made some changes.”
“Changes?” Tony raised an eyebrow. “What changes?”
“Since you don’t like to listen to me, I’ve taken the liberty of making some modifications to your suit that are both incredibly necessary and long overdue. I’ve started work on an air-cycle for Clint because, let’s face it, he needs transport that isn’t going to fuck him over.  And to top it all off, I’ve decided that if you don’t get over this need to be extremely overprotective of me since your abduction in order to make up for the fact that you were basically a non-existent father for most of my life, then I’m going to leave the tower, leave Stark Industries and either support one of your rivals out of spite with your money, or start my own, because I’m not going to live as your shadow and I’m too damn good to be waiting like some housewife after the war.”
The room was in a stunned silence, save for Natasha, who managed to pour herself a drink and say ‘hell yeah’ to you before raising her glass up in your direction and chugging it.
Meanwhile, Tony could only focus on one thing. He was staring hard at you, so you thought, but he was looking more at something else.
“Is that…” he raised his hand and pointed at your neck, “Is that a hickey?”
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happybird16 · 2 years
AOT Favorite Restaurant Headcannons:
(I live in America so feel free to add on any options from elsewhere :))
It’s a bit long so hcs below the cut:
Levi: The man loves cafe’s, but definitely not anything mainstream or too busy. I feel like he’d prefer to support a small mom&pop business over a big bustling corporation. Just a cute little classic diner aesthetic with very little foot traffic where he can enjoy his morning paper or book alongside his tea and fresh baked goods. (He 100% checks the health code ratings of every food place he sets foot in)
Erwin: For some reason I think this man would love old fashioned 50’s style diners. The ones with old license plates and photos decorating every square inch of the walls. I’m unsure if he likes the historical element or if he’s just an old man at heart.
Hange: Breakfast places. The ones with those little puzzle sheets and crayons that you can doodle with. I see them working a lot of crazy long hours regardless of what their modern career is, so they usually frequent a breakfast place in super early in the morning for their dinner. It’s full of old people and usually quiet enough that they can occasionally drag Levi along.
Moblit: I know in cannon he apparently drinks heavily, so I think a modern AU version would also enjoy some booze. I can see him as one of those people that likes to try every new craft beer he can get his hands on. Even has that app where you can rate them all. So he eats a lot of typical pub food; decent quality burgers and fries, pizza. Pub foods actually pretty good ngl.
Eren: I cannot see this boy eating anywhere that isn’t cheap and greasy. He’s a sucker for fast food places, though he prefers higher quality places than just McDonald’s. Like Five guys or In-N-Out.
Mikasa: This one is the hardest one for me tbh. I think she’d most just follow Eren around and eat what he eats, even if it’s pretty much garbage. He probably wouldn’t even ask what she wanted :(( If she’s for some reason on her own I think she’d love a good sit down pasta place. She’d not the type to really care if she’d solo in a family restaurant. It’s sad, but I think she’d go to reasonably nice places like Olive Garden and sort of imagine Eren was there with her :((
Armin: I know your thinking a seafood restaurant. I know. But for some reason I think this boy would have ALLERGIES. As someone who has to eat a very specific diet, he just has that energy to him. I think he’d love a good salad or soup at Panera Bread. Would absolutely love to try seafood though :/
Sasha: Anything. All you can eat buffets. Girl is just happy to be eating. I think she probably eats a lot of gross garbage food until she meets Niccolo and he shows her better options. Before they met she just kind of inhaled food and didn’t really taste any of it. Then she develops a bit more of a refined pallet and prefers his cooking over everything else. So Niccolos cooking or a well rated fancy restaurant.
Connie: I picture this dude absolutely loving Denny’s. It’s greasy as hell and terrible for his stomach but it’s a guilty pleasure for him. White Castle is also up there. Taco Bell. I can see him as sort of a stoner who wanders into these places at like 2am.
Jean: The one person in this group who I think would purposely eat healthy. I feel like he would love fruit smoothies for some reason. Loves going to The Juice Bar, makes him feel very official and adult to eat good. I think he’d also love sushi, it’s light and generally very healthy for you.
Annie: Small hometown donuts shops. She’s a bit quiet and shy, so she prefers somewhere less traveled like Levi. Plus, the mom&pop shops always have better donuts.
Reiner: Steak places. Literally anywhere he can get a gigantic well cooked steak. LongHorn Steak House or Texas Roadhouse, those kind of places.
Historia: Handmade pastries! I think she’d be a sucker for anything sweet so she’d like bakeries and ice cream shops.
Ymir: I dunno why but I think this girl would love spicy food. Absolutely kills hot wings at a terrifying rate without even breaking a sweat. She has that intensity about her.
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clouditae · 2 years
First Love | 25
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Yoongi x reader | 18+ | college au | tattoo artist au | angst | fluff | smut | oral | penetrative | fingering | choking | dirty talk | swearing
we finally coming to an end my dudes
Word: 4.8k
You first saw him in the multi-purpose room. Later learn his name, and on your third year, as he becomes your neighbor, you discover his lifestyle. Knowing your crush on him was nothing but that, you wanted to find the courage to look for love. Asking your friend for help, you’re pointed in the direction of the expert. Your neighbor, Min Yoongi
Chapter Index
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“Camping?” you ask, your feet guiding you left to avoid the oncoming traffic of people heading in the opposite direction you’re going. 
“Yeah,” Ari begins, the two of you rounding a corner, “remember last year we said we’d go camping during fall break? Well, since this is our last fall semester, why not have fun?” 
You’re quiet for a moment, thinking her request over. As you begin your reply, the two of you enter the pizza shop at the lower level of the student center, “I don’t mind going, but I’m not sure if Yoongi will be as willing.” 
“Hoseok is talking to him, and you know that if Hoseok talks to him, Yoongi will go. They’re best friends,” Ari replies, wrapping her arm around your shoulder. “Just like us,” she adds. 
You chuckle as the two of you wait in line for your turn to order. With the time just hitting noon, you two will be able to get your meal and find a seat somewhere easily as several classes end, and students are making their way towards the food courts. After you’ve placed your order, Ari sets off to find a table while you wait for your number to be called. 
It’s crazy how you’re already going to graduate. Four years you have spent at this university, and within those four years, you’ve experienced so many things and went through so much emotionally. But through all of that, you’re somewhere in life you never expected you’d be. You’re happy where you are, and you’re excited to see where life takes you from here on out. 
Your number is called and you make your way towards the pick up counter. Grabbing the tray, you thank the staff and make your way outside the building, scanning the tables for Ari. She waves you down across the small court. You make your way towards her and place the tray on the table as you reach your spot, taking a seat next to her. 
“I haven’t had a pizza in a hot minute,” your best friend exclaims, grabbing her slice, eyes lighting up with hunger as she takes a bite. “I forgot how amazing it tastes.” 
You nod in agreement as you take a bite of your own, feeling the warmth of the cheese and pepperoni invade your taste bud. “Where would we be going?” you ask in between bites. 
“Hoseok said it’s up in the mountains a few hours from here. Nice cabin in the woods—with other cabins of course. I’m not going out into the woods to die in some cabin with no one else around,” she states, shaking her head. 
“Your mind should be focused on midterms rather than a possible horror film in the woods. They begin next week,” you remind, grabbing your cup for a drink. 
Ari groans. “Don’t remind me please. I am not in the midterm mood to think about my two tests and two papers I have to worry about. Just let me focus on fall break, and the cute cabin I’ll be relaxing in for a few days.” You can’t help but sigh, knowing that she’ll do her papers last minute, stressing over how little time she has. All because she isn’t starting it now. As if sensing your disapproval, she adds, “I’ll start this weekend.” 
“Boo.” Both you and Ari jump in your seats, turning your heads towards Hoseok who is grinning wildly at his accomplishment. 
“You—” Hoseok’s laugh interrupts Ari as he leans down and kisses her temple. Yoongi walks up next to his roommate, shaking his head. 
You smile at him as he takes a seat next to you, Hoseok claiming his spot next to Ari. “Class is over already?” you ask as he places his food tray in front of him. Usually right now he’d be in class and wouldn’t be out for another half hour or so.
“Canceled,” he replies, unwrapping his sandwich. 
“So,” Ari begins, “about the trip.” Your attention turns back to your best friend. Ari looks between all three of you. “Our check-in time is around two. My last final ends at ten, so Hoseok and I will be able to make it to check-in.” Ari’s eyes land on yours. “I know your last final is the day before…” she trails off, eyes slowly scanning towards Yoongi who is taking a bite out of his lunch. 
He looks up, takes a few seconds to chew his food before answering, “My last final starts at six, so I won’t get there ‘til midnight or so.” 
Ari hums in response. “So any activity will be the next day. I’ll reschedule the dinner reservations for the next day.” Grabbing a pen and notebook from her bag, Ari jots down a note in it before placing it back into her bag. “Then I’ll make sure we’re awake to let you in so you’re not outside all night.” 
“What are the plans for the trip?” Hoseok asks. 
Ari’s eyes seem to light up as she looks at her boyfriend, ready to go into detail as to what is planned for the trip. She then goes into a very long, very planned agenda for fall break. Hot tub, watch movies, play games, build a snowman, sledding, and whatever else is possible if the snow isn’t too bad. 
“What kind of movies,” Hoseok questions, tone cautious as if one of the movies is going to make him back out of the trip.
Ari smiles sheepishly. “I only have one scary movie. Everything else is comedy, romance, or action.” Hoseok gives a look of distaste. “Don’t worry, I was only planning on watching it with Y/N while you and Yoongi did your own thing.” Your roommate places a hand over her boyfriend’s in a comforting manner. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Hoseok replies, snatching his hand away from his girlfriend as if she had just insulted him. Ari laughs in response. 
“Are you going to ride with them?” Yoongi asks you.
You look to him. “What do you mean?” you respond, the little bickering between your friends drowning away as you focus on your boyfriend. 
“When they leave for the cabin, are you going with them? If there’s anything that doesn’t fit in their trunk, you can leave it here and I’ll bring it.”
You shake your head. “I want to go with you,” you tell him.
“I’ll be arriving late,” he somewhat objects, as if your sleep is important when in reality just being with him is more important to you than sleep. 
“I can sleep a little before we leave,” you counter. You want to go with him, and nothing will change that. It also seems that Yoongi caught on because in response he nods, a small smile growing on his lips. You couldn’t stop the fluttering in your chest at his smile.
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You help Ari with the last of her suitcase, hearing a grunt from Hoseok as Ari closes the trunk to his car. You look over to him, watching him adjust the strap on his shoulder as he makes his way over towards you. 
“What’s in the bag?” you can’t help but ask. Everything should already be packed, so why does he have one more?
“I bought a bunch of games yesterday for us to play in case we get snowed in,” he answers, a big grin on his face.
“How much is “a bunch”?” Ari asks, eyeing his bag.
Opening the back passenger side door, Hoseok carefully throws the bag in the car. “Enough to play all of them before we head back here.”
Ari sighs and you laugh. Hoseok closes the door and walks up to the two of you. Wrapping an arm around his girlfriend, he asks, “You ready to head out?” 
“Hell yeah. I need a much needed break from this place.” Your roommate gazes over to you. “We’ll see you there, and be sure to tell Yoongi to drive safe,” Ari instructs, stepping away from her boyfriend and wraps her arms around you in a hug. 
“You guys be careful on your drive there,” you tell her, wrapping your arms around her. 
“We’ll be fine. You’re talking to the number one safest driver in the world,” Hoseok says, wrapping an arm around you once Ari had let you go. Both you and Ari laugh at Hoseok’s comment, earning an offended look when he separates from you. “I’m being serious,” he argues, a hand on his chest as if he really were offended. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go Fast and Furious,” Ari comments, patting his back before making her way towards the passenger side car door. “See you there, Y/N!” she calls before getting in.
“Later, Y/N,” Hoseok says before making his way towards the driver's side. 
You wave goodbye and watch your two friends drive out of the parking lot. Once the car is no longer in sight, you make your way towards the food court. Walking up the stairs, you dig in your pocket for the chips as a pair of students exit the building, one holding the door open for you. You thank them before entering, walking up to the person behind the register. Handing your chips to the person, they reach down under the counter and pull out a plastic cup and container, handing it to you just as you press your ID to the scanner. 
You enter the room lined with foods of all kinds. Scanning the varieties of foods for the day, you contemplate on what to get. After a few seconds of deciding, you make your way towards the far back room where they have a delicious pasta you can’t name. After gathering all the foods you want, including a broccoli cheddar soup and an ice cream, you make your way back to your dorm where a new episode of your favorite show is waiting. 
And so, you spend the next couple of hours on your computer doing whatever to keep you entertained. 
Hours have gone by and you’re awoken to the feeling of something soft caressing your cheek. You slowly open your eyes, adjusting to the bright light you had left on. As your eyes focus, you find Yoongi standing in front of you, a small smile on his lips. “Morning,” he says. 
You’re fully awake now and sitting up as you ask, “Are you done with midterms?”
You frown. “How did you get in?” you question. You didn’t leave the door open—the doors are too heavy to stay open.
“Ari gave me her ID yesterday. She figured you’d fall asleep,” he replies, handing you your best friend's ID. 
You take the card, nodding your head in agreement. “She does know me,” you confess. You look back up to him after putting Ari’s ID in your pajama pocket. “Did you eat? Pack? Are you tired?” you bombard him, eyes scanning him up and down for any signs of exhaustion or hunger.
Yoongi lets out a quiet laugh. “I did pack. I did eat. I’m not tired, I stay up pretty late, so I won’t be tired for a while longer.” His eyes glance down to under your bed where you left your suitcase. “You ready to head out?”
You nod, removing the blanket off you and hop off your bed. The two of you gather all your belongings—you double check to make sure you’re leaving nothing behind. Following him out of your dorm, you turn off your light, and make your way down the hallway towards the door. Your guess is that he already has his stuff in the car. Exiting the building, you’re met with cold, moist air. 
Guess it rained, you think to yourself, carefully walking down the wet steps. 
As you reach the last step, you follow Yoongi towards his car, which is parked at the closest parking spot. Yoongi opens the trunk, lifts your suitcase into the trunk and places it next to his. You were right about him already putting his stuff in the car. You hand him your smaller bag for him to place it next to your suitcase. As he closes the trunk, the two of you make your way to the front. 
You climb into his car, put on your seatbelt and place your pillow on your lap. Yoongi straps his seatbelt and starts the engine. He looks to you. “Ready?” he asks. You nod.
The entire drive is a comfortable silence with soothing music playing, and Yoongi never once letting go of your hand. 
By the time Yoongi pulls into the driveway of the cabin, it’s a quarter till two. You see Hoseok’s car, confirming that they made it. As Yoongi cuts the engine, you unbuckle your seatbelt and climb out of the car. There’s no snow yet, but it’s very cold here compared to the city you had just left. The cabin looks like your fairytale with ivy hanging off the wooden walls, deer figures scattered across the lawn. It’s beyond cute, and you’re so excited to stay here.
Hearing the trunk open, you turn your attention towards Yoongi at the back of the car. You make your way over towards him, taking the small bags while he takes both of your suitcases. With everything in hand, you two walk up to the door. Yoongi releases on of the handles and punches in the code on the doorknob and a small click sound is heard. You enter the cabin.
It’s dark, with the furniture outlined from the moonlight, but you can’t see anything else. As much as you want to see everything, you don’t want to wake up your friends, so you opt to tour the entire cabin tomorrow. 
“Hoseok said our room is at the end of the hall,” Yoongi whispers. “Take the suitcase,” he instructs, handing you one of the suitcases. You take it and wait a few seconds, hearing some shuffling sounds before a sudden light appears from Yoongi. You realize it’s his phone’s light. “Let’s find the room.”
You make your way towards the hall, passing the sofa, the kitchen it seems, and a closed door. As you make your way down the hall, you pass a few more closed doors. You’re unsure as to which one Ari and Hoseok are sleeping in, and you’re beyond curious as to what it looks like. Reaching the end of the hall, Yoongi stops at a closed door. He twists the handle, opening the door. A few seconds later the bedroom light comes on. The bedroom looks so modern, as if it doesn’t belong to a cabin. The walls are gray, floor an oak wood, a desk to the right, TV hung on the wall across from the bed, and just decorations on stands, bookcases and hung on the wall. 
“Looks cozy,” Yoongi comments, walking into the room and closer to the door for you to enter. Once you’re inside, the door closes behind you. He places both of your belongings against the wall, and you do the same. 
You take out the essentials and decide to worry about unpacking the rest later. You climb into bed and scroll through your phone while Yoongi takes a shower. You decided to wait for him before going to sleep. When he finally comes out, he’s wearing just sweats, his hair dripping wet and his towel draped around his shoulders. You can’t stop your heart from beating rapidly as you watch him dig through his bag. You watch him carefully as he pulls out a shirt, making his way towards the foot of the bed and takes a seat. His back is to you. His glistening back with beads of water falling down to his sweats. 
Your body seems to move on its own. You crawl over to him just as he stands and tosses his towel on the love seat in the corner. You sit up on your knees behind him, the tips of your fingers touching his back. He lightly jumps and turns to look at you. He stares at you with curious eyes, but his eyes soon change to something else when your hand grabs the waistband of his sweats and pull him closer to you. The shirt is no longer in his hands.
Yoongi closes the gap between you two within seconds. His lips are warm and eager much like your own. He kisses you as if he’s been deprived, and you know you’re the same. You’ve waited so long for this. So long to just have him. All of him. Every heartache, every unsaid word that has built up between the two of you since he agreed to help you is just fading away within this one kiss. 
You feel his hands at your side, fingers gliding under your shirt, brushing along your skin. His fingers only linger for a moment before they grab the hem of your shirt and he lifts it up. You break the kiss, lifting your arms for him to pull your shirt over your head before your lips meet again. There’s desperation between the two of you. Desperation to feel each other, to be close to one another. To feel that pleasure you’ve longed for. 
You’re not going to let anything stop you two from going all the way.
Your hand that is still holding on to his waistband travels inside his sweats, pushing past his boxers. You reach down until you feel Yoongi’s member. Taking a hold of it, you bring your hand from the base to his tip, earning a groan from your boyfriend. The sound—his sound encourages you to do more. To keep going. And so you do. You move your hand back and forth, every now and then twisting your hand, and as you do so, you feel it get harder and harder.
Yoongi grabs a tight hold of your hair, pushing your head back just a bit as he takes a light bite of your lower lip. His eyes bore into yours, showing nothing but lust. A shiver erupts throughout your body. Yoongi releases your lower lip, and you whisper, “I want to taste you.” 
He releases your hair, letting you take control of the situation. You get off the bed, turning his back to the bed, and lightly push him to sit down. You get down on your knees, grabbing a hold of his sweats and boxers. Yoongi lifts himself just a bit for you to pull it off of him. They fall to his ankles and you focus your attention on his hardened member in front of you. You reach out, taking a few strokes before leaning forward, letting your lust take control. You take him into your mouth, feeling his warm, throbbing shaft invade your taste buds. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi mutters, his hand going back into your hair to remove it from your face. 
For a moment you let your tongue swirl around, tasting the saltiness from his pre cum before you bring your head up to the tip, and then bring it back down to the base. You feel his tip hit the back of your throat as you bring your head back up. His hips jerk as you go back down, swirling your tongue; his grip on your hair tightens. 
Your body is burning as you continue your motions. Your body aches for his touch, your ears beg to hear his moans, and your mouth lusts for his taste. You can’t control yourself. You don't want to control yourself. You want to get lost in the lust your thoughts are giving, give in to the need your body is craving. And you do. 
You’ve always been slow when it comes to pleasing, but your body wants to go faster, deeper. You want to wake up with a sore throat all while knowing you gave Yoongi the best pleasure you can give. All while knowing that he released himself in your mouth and you swallowed every bit of it. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” Yoongi moans, gripping your hair even tighter, and holding your head still. You look up at him with curious eyes and you're met with one of hunger and need. You feel your face flush as he mutters, “Let me finish, baby.” He’s never called you “baby” before, and it sends butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You nod as you let him be in control, and when he does, you’re only more desperate for him to be in you. 
Yoongi thrusts into your mouth with such quick and hard thrusts that your eyes water and you’re gagging every time he hits the back of your throat. But he doesn’t stop. He never once stops as he ravages your mouth, moaning and praising you as he pleases himself. He thrusts and thrusts until he goes rigid, warm liquid filling your mouth. You swallow, licking everything you can off of him before breaking away from his member. You look up at him as he cups your cheeks, thumbs running across your cheeks.
“Was I too rough?” he asks, eyes searching yours as he continues to wipe away the tears that have fallen.
You shake your head. “Please touch me,” you say, hands going over his. “I need you, Yoongi. My body is burning, and I can’t control all these thoughts that are running through my head. I want you. I want to feel you inside me—I want to feel whatever it is my body is yearning. I don’t know why I’m so desperate for you right now, but I am. I want you to take me and make me yours.” You ramble, letting everything you’re feeling at the moment come out. You were never like this with Hanbin, and you don’t know how to understand your thoughts and needs. All of this is so foreign, and you need Yoongi to fix it. To put your body at ease. 
Yoongi takes a hold of your hand, pulling you to your feet as he stands. He caresses your cheek once more before kissing you. He’s soft this time, and slow. You instantly feel at ease as you kiss him back. Kissing him as if it’s your first shared kiss. There is so much love and tenderness to this kiss that you feel as if you can get lost into it.
You feel Yoongi’s hands on your back, traveling up to your bra. He only takes a second to unclasp your bra, the two of you letting it fall to the ground along with the rest of his clothing articles. As your tongues dance around each other, one of his hands cups your breast. His thumb rubs against your nipple, every now and then giving it a pull and earning a gasp from you. 
“Yoongi,” you beg, and he catches the hint. 
He pushes you back onto the bed. You take a seat at the edge of the bed, looking up at him with eager eyes. Yoongi follows your motion and gets to his knees. He grabs the waistband of your pajama pants and underwear and says, “Just like our first practice.”
Your thoughts flood back to the first time you felt Yoongi’s tongue between your legs. It was your first time experiencing something like that. You had your eyes closed, unsure as to what pleasure you were feeling until you finally opened your eyes and looked towards the mirror. You couldn’t see Yoongi’s face, only the top of his head as he busied himself with your core. You watched in awe for a moment before you let out a moan. Then you were lost in the ecstasy that you felt that day.
You prop your feet at the edge of the bed once the rest of your clothing is removed. Yoongi grips your thighs, spreading your legs open wider before his mouth finds your center. You let out a moan, your back arching as you clutch the blanket. Yoongi lapses his tongue between your folds, sucking on your clit when his tongue reaches the top. He swirls his tongue between your folds, sticks it in your entrance, and repeats those motions until you're a moaning mess. You’re panting and begging for him to not stop, moaning his name. 
“I’m close,” you cry, your hand clutching his hair. Yoongi’s mouth travels up from your entrance to your bean. He licks and sucks as he pushes two fingers in your entrance. “P-please don’t stop,” you beg, your toes curling. You’re so close—you’re almost there. Yoongi picks up his pace, his fingers curling as he pulls out. You see stars as you shut your eyes, one of your hands practically white from the grip you have on the blanket. Your body quakes as you feel your body reach its peak. Yoongi slows his pace but doesn’t stop until your legs collapse from exhaustion. 
He removes his fingers and mouth from you, standing to his feet. You open your eyes just as Yoongi pulls his fingers from his mouth. Sitting up, you reach for his once again hardened shaft. “I need you,” you tell him, stroking him. 
He groans, taking your hand away from him. You scoot back as he climbs on the bed. You lie down as he claims your lips once again. You can’t help but bring your hand back down between you two and take a hold of his member again. He moans, breaking the kiss. “If you keep doing that I won’t make it,” he says against your lips. 
“Did you bring any protection?” you ask him, your fingers brushing along his throb.
He hisses in bliss. “No, but I saw that note and box on the nightstand when we first came in.” He looks to the side of the bed closest to the bathroom door. You follow his gaze and see the nightstand with a white folded paper and a box of condoms. Yoongi reaches for both and hands you the note. Opening it, you read:
Enjoy your first night, you two! Hoseok and I made sure you got the soundproof room ;)
You never once saw the note or box.
“I’ll be giving Hoseok a hard time for providing me with these,” he begins, already having opened the box and wrapper, unrolling it on his penis, “but for now I’ll thank him for it.” He slides his wrapped organ against your folds, causing you to gasp, the paper falling to the side somewhere. “I can’t wait anymore, Y/N.”
Neither can you. You’ve waited for so long. Grabbing his penis, you guide him towards your entrance. Yoongi leans forward, pressing his lips to your as he pushes himself inside. You inhale a short breath, feeling him push himself deeper until he no longer can. You’re both still for a moment, breaths mixing with one another as you wait. 
“Tell me when to move,” he whispers. You wait a moment, letting your body adjust. Finally, you give a nod, and he slowly pulls out. Yoongi moans as he pushes back in. “You’re so tight. Fuck, Y/N. I don’t know how long I can last.” 
No words leave your open mouth as you enjoy this sensation he’s giving you. You feel as if this is your first time. As if he’s taking this precious piece of you, and is so careful with it. He’s gentle and kind, but you want something more. You want him to not be so gentle. You want him to pin your hands above your head, put your legs on his shoulders, or even pin them wide open for him to just take complete control. You want him to treat you the way he’s treated all those women you’ve heard from your room.
“Yoongi,” you moan. He looks at you. “Be rougher,” you whisper, feeling the heat in your cheeks from embarrassment. “Please.”
He gives you one more kiss before sitting up. Taking a hold of your waist, Yoongi takes complete control. He thrust roughly into you, your breath leaving your lungs. He doesn’t slow down, but goes harder as the sound of skin slapping fills the already moan filled room. He grinds his hips against yours, his fingers digging into your skin as he grunts. 
“You feel so good, baby. Keep moaning for me.” One of his hands travels up from your waist to around your neck, tightening around it just a bit. Your hands wrap around his wrist, holding onto it tight and making sure he doesn’t remove his hand from around your neck. 
You remember the first time he had his hand wrapped around your neck. The two of you were in the bathroom at a party. You’ve never felt so much pleasure back then, but what happened many months ago can never compare to what is happening right now. 
“Yoongi,” you whimper, feeling your high coming way too quickly. He releases his grip around your neck and leans forward, kissing you. You’re getting closer, and as much as you don’t want to finish, you’re tired. After sitting in a car for so many hours, exhaustion is finally kicking in. “I’m close,” you groan, hands clutching onto his back as your high builds. 
You feel Yoongi’s pace no longer has a rhythm to it. He kisses you again and tells you, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you cry, your orgasm following after.
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simmonsized · 2 years
Is it cool if I keep asking for your hcs? They’re pretty fun tbh. I got excited seeing the notification for the last one and they did not disappoint. Maybe I’ll ask for Alpha Dave this time because he’s pretty fun in your fic. I love his characterization a lot! Mom Lalonde would be nice too but hmm, maybe next ask? Or do both if you’d like to. It’s really up to you.
I just really like your guardians hehe.
Of course!!!! Honestly it is a lot of fun for me and it gives me an excuse to talk because, you know! Tbh it's the first time anyone has asked me in depth about any of the silly stuff I spend all my time thinking about, so I kind of love it! (also please always ask abt the guardians, i really like them, too!!)
SO: Alpha Dave (in context of rng)
A!Dave (and Bro) broke his nose when he was 13, for plot reasons, so his nose is slightly crooked (lists to the left)
He is Tall and hunches constantly because he hates being the tallest person in the room but no he doesn't but yes he does
Also it makes it easier to talk to people shorter than him
He can in fact fit into alpha Rose's clothes
He's a nail biter
This man has anxiety
He didn't get his glasses until he met Ben Stiller obviously so before that he would just wear very funny plastic sunglasses
Speaking of plastic this man own nothing but plastic cups EXCEPT
He owns one Whataburger mug that he has had since he was 10
He slept on John Crocker's floor for like, 4 years when he said he was going to college (he did not go to college)
This man did not even bother finishing high school
The Con Air Museum was a birthday present for John (he never got to see it in person)
Absolutely refuses to eat the crusts on his pizza and leaves them lying around the house for weeks until someone else picks them up
Only owns 7 pairs of socks god help him
Yes some of them have no heel
Also Left-handed for obvious reasons
collected Zoobooks until the fall of the humanity meant the publishing company went under
He keeps them in the back of his closet where no one but him will ever know
The secret to guardians is that they are duty-bound to their "kid", even if it means dying for them (example Mr bro bad man strider) but their separation over time and a whole life lived has caused Dave (and Rose) to lose most of that. Interpret any changes after meeting Dirk as you will
He is really bad with kids, mostly because
Dave Strider does not like kids
He does not like talking to kids, does not know how to talk to kids, because by the time he died at 65, there were no kids left for him to talk to, and he is just. Kind of a weird dude
My man has not had an apple juice in literally 16 years
Also to reference my last post, the alpha guardian formula [(2024+4n)-1995+t] means he and Rose were 65 when they died, according to RNG canon
He also broke his arm when he was 12 :)
He has never been to Disneyworld but used to take himself to Disneyland once a year for Christmas, sometimes Rose if she would fly out for him
He used to work in a record shop in Houston
This man can cook even less than Mom Lalonde
all his chapter titles have a theme
He does not like puppets but his proximity to Dirks (and Bro) are giving him pretty much unwanted exposure therapy lmfao
His favorite soda is Cherry Cola :)!
This man has never wanted anyone to like him as much as he desperately wants every iteration of Dirk Strider to like him
He is more interested in getting his own way than placating people, and this causes him to routinely mow over other people's thoughts and feelings
If he realizes he cannot get his way this way, he switches to Being Nice
He cannot (will not) stop following after Bro Strider like a lost dog after a bone no this will not change
It's fucked up but he is genuinely jealous that, at times, Dirk appears to get along better with Bro than he does with Dave
He uses strawberry scented shampoo
But still buys cvs brand detergent yes even now
He has scars across his knuckles in the exact same pattern as Bro Strider
He's also got the same scar across his palm as Bro :)
Only ties his shoes into bunny ears
There was a time when the alpha guardians did not know that their lil packages would never arrive
Can sleep literally everywhere on everything
Undisclosed back injury that causes bouts of sciatica from time to time
Is 120% more likely to accidentally kill a person than Bro Strider, but both of them have that kind of control you only get from a lifetime of not being particularly kind to yourself
Not afraid of blood
Has always wanted to go to a candy store
Actually likes driving BUT
Possibly the second most reckless driver out of all the guardians, after Mom Lalonde
Has some fucked up way of viewing both the Daves through the lens of his younger self, but unfortunately for all Daves, dead (or recently back to life) daves are the enemy
Did not learn how to swim until he was in his teens
Alpha Rose Lalonde was his only friend for like 20 years and my god, it shows
It is actually so fucking funny to me that bro spent so long trying to get Dave to stab him, on purpose, and yes this is also about Bro but mostly about Dave, and yes, he was in fact hoping Dave would stab him, and he was also a little disappointed that Dave had enough control to stop himself
Probably also impressed
Dave thought he was fucking insane (he is) and thus felt guilty every single fucking time because it's just a Dirk (bad)
But also at the same time has the same compulsion as Bro to like. Poke him until one of them gets stabbed by a sword, on purpose.
Wears a watch for the funnies
I really like the concept that Dave and Rose both maintained some kind of connection to their aspects but for Dave who never had a connection to the horrorterrors or Light (fortune), he mostly came across as what I am currently calling "a Failed Knight" (thus my joke about the old knight adage, "service without complaint")
Has a tendency to put things into his pockets instead of his sylladex without thinking about it
Started smoking younger than Bro
Pall malls, always, shitty on purpose, yes
Learned to sit still during [redacted] but has since pretty much lost that ability and is now completely fucking unlikely to stand still for longer than necessary unless it's like
I think he is more likely to yell than Dave, because that cold anger is a Learned Trait, and I think he has a lot to be angry about
He absolutely is going to need bifocals one day never before has a man squinted so much as a computer screen for so long
Coffee is half his diet
His favorite color is blue
stardust is an intentional parallel of neptunium
Remember that time Dave beheaded a juggalo president and no one talks about it what the fuck is up with that
He also has a fucked up death scar but I think I already said that
Thank you for asking I'm realizing I could go forever so I'm stopping here
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elisela · 3 years
if your still accepting requests and it hasn’t been taken, could you do grey sky + sterek + fluff or angst please 💕
pattern derek x stiles, post-canon also on ao3
If anyone asks Derek how he happened to end up living in the same city that Stiles did after nearly ten years of being out of touch, he tells them it was a coincidence. He’d left Beacon Hills around the same time they all did, lived with Cora on and off for some time, decided on Colorado for the accessible wilderness and was just as surprised as Stiles was to walk into a coffee shop one morning and see him standing there.
(The truth looks a little more like Derek keeping tabs on both Stiles and Scott no matter where they go, but he’s been removed from it enough that he knows it won’t get back to either of them, so that—the slight overprotectiveness, the worry—is something he’ll take to the grave.)
(It’s ingrained in him, he’ll admit, if he’s ever forced to say it. He can live without a pack, without having those ties to someone, but he’ll never truly be settled. And though the truth is that he never wants to set another foot in Beacon Hills again, if the situation was reversed and Stiles was the one still living there, he still would have chosen him over Scott in a heartbeat.)
Manufactured run-in aside, Derek didn’t have any further plans when it came to Stiles. The knowledge he was close would have been enough; his scent lingering in places Derek could visit, the edge of his laughter. He’d offered up his phone number and had been prepared to leave it at that, but Stiles at nearly thirty was both a completely different person and utterly the same, smiling a little softer at Derek but still displaying the same dogged persistence by showing up at his house later that night. Derek hadn’t asked him how he got the address and Stiles didn’t offer the information, just walked in with a pizza box in hand and said “Have you tried Audrey Jane’s? It’s the best, dude,” and didn’t leave until well past midnight.
That was two years ago. Any awkwardness has since melted away—and there had been plenty of it, moments when Derek would shut down and lock himself in his house, times Stiles would become irritable and snap meanly at him until Derek snapped back, at which point he’d look like someone tore his beating heart from his chest and treat Derek with kid gloves, which Derek hated almost as much—and in its place is just an easy companionship that Derek hadn’t ever hoped to have.
“So,” Stiles says, cringing as he flops back against the couch, “my house is flooded. Was flooded? I guess it happened a few days ago. I gotta go see how extensive the water damage is.”
Derek raises an eyebrow. “Margie said you had a leak, not that the house was flooded,” he says, glancing at the phone to remind Stiles that he could in fact hear every word of the conversation. Stiles waves his hand as if that distinction isn’t important, and Derek shakes his head and looks back down at his paper. “Well, go check it out then. Let me know if you think I can fix it or we can call a plumber when you get back.”
Stiles doesn’t move or make a sound, which is—odd, really, considering Derek had expected him to start negotiating for Derek to come along with him instead of waiting for a call. But Stiles is just looking at him, studying him, almost, with such concentration that his forehead is creased. “I haven’t been home in weeks,” he says, eyes flickering all over Derek’s face like he’s waiting for a cue. “If I didn’t keep forgetting to cancel the cleaning service I wouldn’t have even known.”
He hasn’t really been home in longer than that, but Derek doesn’t point it out. His guest room hasn’t been fit for guests since Stiles took it over months ago, when winter was gradually letting up into spring and the snow was finally melting. It’s been at least half a year since Stiles spent any time in his own house that wasn’t just stopping by to grab things he needed, and Derek is more than okay with having his single pack member constantly in his space.
“I turned down a date today,” Stiles says abruptly, sitting up straight and twisting; it’s so far from the conversation that Derek thought they would be having that he sets down the paper he was marking and gives Stiles his full attention. He has a—complicated relationship with the idea of Stiles in a relationship; he wants him to be happy, he wants him to find someone to spend his life with and have kids with and all those other things that he knows Stiles wants, but he’s also fairly certain that Stiles and his future partner aren’t going to want him hanging around as often as he’d like to be around. He doesn’t think he’s ever made that known, however, and Stiles has turned down dates from people he wasn’t interested in before, so he’s not sure why he’s hearing it now. “I told her I had a husband. Like—unintentionally. She asked me out and the first thing that came out of my mouth was ‘sorry, I have a husband’.”
Derek stares back at him. “That would be hard to take back,” he says slowly, still trying to figure out the point of this story. The other deputies have teased them about being life partners since Derek started coming into the station at odd times, an in-joke that grew when Stiles would invite people to visit at Derek’s house, with every time Derek called while he was at work to tell him he wouldn’t be home for dinner or to ask if he needed anything from the store. “If you explained—”
“I don’t want to explain,” Stiles says, looking tired all of the sudden. “That’s not the point.”
“I don’t know the point,” he admits.
Stiles’ shoulders drop a little as he sighs. “My point is that I think I’d like the husband,” he says, and although his voice is soft he’s still looking at Derek more intensely than he normally does. “Only with more—husbandly things. If that’s something you would be interested in.”
Derek breathes in through his nose, picks up the scent of anxiety and hope, takes in the grey sky outside and the glow of the Christmas tree set by the fireplace that throws a multitude of colors around the rooms as it blinks merrily. “I already put a roof over your head, what more do you want?”
There’s a moment when he thinks Stiles will bristle at the joke but after a few seconds where all Derek can hear is the pounding of his own heart he smiles, pressing his mouth closed to hide it. “Your ability to have dinner on the table when I come home leaves something to be desired,” he says, flopping back down like all his strings have been cut, cheek smashed into Derek’s bicep. “And I always thought if I had a smokin’ hot husband that he’d be shirtless a little more often.”
“Should have moved somewhere warmer in that case,” Derek responds, reaching back for the stack of papers he’s supposed to be grading. “Go check the house. I’ll make sure dinner is done when you get home.”
“I swear to God if it’s frozen burritos—” Stiles starts, shoving off him and to his feet, leaving the threat hanging empty between them. There’s a heartbeat and then Derek feels his chin being tilted up and Stiles kisses him, a soft press of their lips together that makes his breath catch in his chest at the gentleness imbued within it. It’s not sparks or fireworks, it’s a warmth growing in his chest, a settling of his heart; it’s perfect, because Derek’s never trusted things that burn, anyway. “Be back in an hour or so.”
He spends another five minutes on the couch after Stiles leaves, ostensibly grading a paper but really just staring at the words as they blur in front of his eyes until he can’t take it anymore and sets the whole stack aside to deal with in the morning. It doesn’t take long for him to kick into gear—he throws the casserole dish of shepherd’s pie he’d prepped in the morning into the oven, rearranges his dresser and closet to fit Stiles’ clothes in alongside his, and starts looking up marriage licenses and rings, because if Stiles is offering forever then Derek is damn sure going to take him up on it. He pulls his shirt up over his head when he hears the cruiser coming up the drive just because he can, and is dishing out food shirtless when Stiles walks through the door.
“You’re not freaking out,” Stiles says, eyes roaming over his body as he leans against the kitchen doorway. “Why aren’t you freaking out? Why are you agreeing?”
He’d thought there’d be a little more time before Stiles started getting anxious, but he’d known it was coming. “You want me to freak out?”
“No,” Stiles says, narrowing his eyes, “I just don’t know why you’re not. Granted your freaking out looks a lot like glaring at everything and not saying anything so you might have done that while I was gone—”
“I moved your things into my room,” he interrupts, and Stiles’ mouth drops a little. “There’s nothing to freak out about.”
“So you were just .. expecting this,” Stiles says, suspicious expression giving way to something more confused. “Because I didn’t even know what I wanted until this afternoon but I guess it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that you knew before I did what with all the enhanced abilities, and I guess I could see you not saying anything because you do like to occasionally fall into bouts of epic man-pain—”
“I wasn’t expecting anything,” he interrupts before Stiles can really get going and manage to insult the both of them to the point that they don’t want anything to do with one another for the rest of the night. He carries the plates to the table and motions for Stiles to sit. “You, here—that’s what I want. Why would it bother me if you were offering more?”
Stiles pauses with his hand on the refrigerator; Derek can’t see his expression, but he can hear the way his heart thumps wildly for a few moments until Stiles’ shoulders rise and fall with an exaggerated movement that belays deep breathing. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Derek Hale,” he says finally, dropping a bottle of sparkling water on the table before sinking down in his chair.
“Well, that’s probably always been true,” Derek says, and grins back when Stiles snorts and kicks him under the table. “Eat your dinner. It’s not very husbandly of you to turn your nose up at my hard work.”
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a03bkdk · 3 years
no quirks bkdk fic rec list (p 2)
thirsty gay wingman fic by lalazee
Oct 11, 2019 "Thinkin abt besties-since-birth BkDk goin to college together, Dk begrudgingly bein Bkg's wingman w/chicks & lamenting his big gay crush. One nite, Bkg cant get laid, hes drunk in a shitty mood, so Dk propositions him, which turns into the best night ever & the WORST consequences."
My tweet got 366 likes & 66 reblogs, so that was more than enough reason to write about it.
romeo and romeo by supercrunch
There’s a nasally howl from the neighbour’s place. Izuku looks up – it’s the very loud, very blond guy living in the unit opposite. They’re technically in separate blocks but their balconies are close enough they can see into each other’s living rooms. He’s dancing around in his pyjamas. Yodelling at the top of his lungs off-key, swinging his Pomeranian around by the armpits like a furry ragdoll. “You’re a dog! You’re a fluffy little yellow dog and you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my favourite shit-stain, yeah!”
Izuku bursts out laughing. The neighbour’s head whips around. He yelps when he sees him, tossing the dog on the couch and scrambling out of view to hide in the hall.
Izuku drops the watering can and runs back inside to find his phone.Small Might: Guys. I've decided i have a crush on my neighbour.
(quarantine baking: a balcony romance)
mechanical bull by warschach
Katsuki has a track record of bad choices, it's a condition, but Izuku might be the one choice that's right.
battle of the bands by roadtripwithlucifer
'The rules are simple. Battle of the Bands. Local bands send in a single track to the radio station, and ten tracks are selected. Over the coming month, the songs play on the station and listeners vote on the top five. The top 5 play a live concert as part of a music festival, then the top 3 at a larger, indoor venue. The top two have the honor of opening on the first stop of All Might’s retirement tour – here. In Izuku’s home town. And finally, the winner gets the ultimate prize. Getting to spend the rest of the tour, forty cities, across the country as All Might’s opener. Three months. Same tour bus. Shoulder to shoulder with the greatest musicians the world has ever known.'Izuku Midoriya is a broke college student presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. But winning isn't gonna be easy, especially when one band's aggressive blonde frontman seems to be dead-set on making Izuku's life a living hell.
oh my god! they were roomates! by phatye
“Don’t go through my shit, and if there’s a tie on the door, then fuck off!” Katsuki growled. “...what?” he asked. Katsuki glared at him. “This is fucking college, and I plan on getting laid a lot! I don’t need some nerd cockblocking me! And what is with all the fucking toys here!” Katsuki had moved over to his shelves. “Are you a fucking child or something?!” This was not what he was expecting.
shades of blue by young_crone
Echoes filtered down the white hall as he descended the stairs toward the locker rooms, reverberating from the pool. A whistle, the sound of breaking water. He swiped the towel over his face, paused. The sliver of cerulean catching the sinking sun pouring through the skylights, the red and white lane buoys, the burn of chlorine.Izuku ran a hand through his curls, snagging on a knot. The clock on the wall reminded him how late it was. A minute wouldn't hurt. He worried his lip. Just a glimpse.
k-9 by warschach
((smut- 18304-1/1))
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
sucker punch by warschach
But, whatever, Disney Boy over there was—
Prettying up real damn good that Katsuki got kind of distracted—totally understandable, like god those CGI pine eyes—and didn’t see the straight path he made for the metal trash bin in the center of the area until he was tipping forward and waist deep in discarded bottles, plates, balled up tissues sticky with he prayed was chocolate ice cream and nacho cheese.
Mina howled behind the gate. “Look, Katsuki returned to his home.”
(or Katsuki works security at Six Flags and moonlights as a derby dude and continuously looks uncool around Izuku)
may I take your order, dipshit? by supercrunch
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
raise me so high (your sins become my pedestal) by stardust_painter
After his boyfriend cheats on him, Izuku wants to do something stupid. The question is how stupid does he want to be.
The answer is very stupid apparently.
eye for an eye or whatever by tobiyos
“I’ll make it up to you!” Izuku says brightly, lifting his head from Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he isn’t still pushing Izuku away so. Progress. “Fuck are you gonna do to make it up to me?”
“Hmm…” Izuku says quietly, tapping at his chin. “Oh! You’re still a virgin, right?”
Katsuki chokes on his own spit and promptly renews his efforts of pushing Izuku away by the forehead. “Fuck off,” he wheezes, “get out of my room.”
leap of faith by ladyofsnails
Midoriya Izuku is just a random kid who loves art, analyzes everything, and is obsessed with the (in)famous hero Mighty Spider. He's got a loving mother, a great uncle, and maybe not too many friends that aren't those two but he's working on it.
And then a random cute boy shows up at his school, a spider bites him, he meets his hero under the worst possible conditions, and it all goes to hell. Now he's got villains on his tail, a promise to keep to a dead guy, and a washed-up hobo as his mentor.
Here goes nothing.
green is the warmest color by gloriousporpoise
“Woah, someone call the fire department,” Eijirou says, elbowing Katsuki squarely in the ribs. “That guy is smokin.’”
“I literally hate you.”
Here’s the thing, though. Eijirou’s a certified dumbass, but his current observation isn’t even a little bit wrong, much to Katsuki’s displeasure.
“Think you can get his number?”
Or, Bakugou is a painter without a muse.
you and i collide by ethereals
And not that Bakugou’s the type to sexualize a potentially dead body; especially one that he just accidentally murdered, but the man has some pretty solid DSL’s. He would hit it, with more than just his car.
in which rich fratboy! bakugou is a badass who accidentally hits poor med student!izuku with his car and chaos ensues therefore.
97.6 FM by jamjars
Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Or Radio Host! Baugou x Listener! Midoriya
give me that sweet love by xsxuxgxax
Things Katsuki needs to excel at: be hot, be clever and pretend to be nice, let Izuku kiss him publicly, let Izuku fuck him privately…
(sugar baby katsuki and sugar daddy izuku pretty much)
dance with me by astralchaos
Mina pulled up a video of a young man, seemingly teen, dancing to a popular new hit, and Izuku felt his heart drop to his stomach. His skin prickled and felt clammy as he started sweating nervously, not daring to move or make a noise. His eyes were glued to the screen but he didn’t see anything – his brain was too busy going into overdrive and freaking out.
Because Mina was showing him a video of himself. The one he uploaded last night.
How on Earth did she find this? He had barely a few thousand views, he wasn’t popular, and it’s not like he was even any good, especially compared to her or Kacchan–
“That move was sexy as hell,” Kacchan said, and that was when Izuku realized that his childhood friend – his longtime crush – also leaned in to watch the video Mina was showing him.
puppies puppies by Esselle
"So after doing all that," Katsuki says, "you're just going to settle here? Tatting up wannabe bad boys?"
"You think all guys who have a lot of tattoos are wannabes?" Midoriya asks, so smoothly that it throws Katsuki.
"Wh—no, I mean—maybe!" Katsuki says. "You'd know best, wouldn't you? Are you a bad boy?"
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes it, and he regrets them immediately. There's a figurative list of things that one should never do, and probably high up on it is asking dark-haired sailors with ocean green eyes and black swirls of ink all across their barely concealed muscles if they are bad boys.
Katsuki thinks he has everything he needs in life: a successful pet shop, an occasionally reliable assistant, and the unconditional love of the twenty puppies he’s raising for adoption. But when the tattoo parlor next door hires Midoriya Izuku, a hot sailor with an affinity for dogs, it makes Katsuki wonder if he might need something more.
Like… a piece of that ass. Maybe. He’s figuring it the hell out as he goes.
im gonna make a part 3 later ergaegrggjnjuvuh
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Not a total frickin’ idiot
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For the request: R x Daphne Kluger. R being a part of the original Heist Crew and also being the one Daphne approaches. They’re super flirty w/ each other and everyone knows that they like each other except themselves.
Summary: You thought you had gone unnoticed at the Met, but Miss Kluger never forgets a face.
Characters: Daphne Kluger x fem!reader, the Ocean’s team
Word Count: 1,657
Warnings: swearing!? Do i still have to put a warning for that? idk
If you had learned anything about diva actress Daphne Kluger from Rose, it was that you don’t speak unless spoken to first. 
And considering she didn’t talk to you at all during the heist, you were able to get around the entire night never uttering a single word to her, fulfilling your role on the team without any kind of hiccup.
So you were quite surprised when she had slid into your booth at your favourite coffee shop, giant sunglasses and a fashionable sunhat masking her face. You looked up from your phone and were about to comment about your booth being taken until you recognized her.
Your mouth hung open a little bit as she took off the hat and glasses. Her lips were painted a deep red and her outfit was impeccable, as always.
“Say..” she immediately said, pearly whites nearly blinding you as she smiled, “you were at the Met, weren't you?”
“I- I’m sorry?” you began. “I don’t know-”
“Oh my god! You totally were! You were wearing that adorable dress. Gosh, you looked so good.”
You were blushing hard, because in a matter of barely a minute, Daphne Kluger, gorgeous movie star, had called you adorable and good-looking all in the same sentence.
“I was there too- well, obviously you know that,” she chuckled, “and I was wearing that beautiful diamond necklace, don’t you remember? It was all over the news. Especially when I supposedly lost it.”
“O-oh? Right, y-yes I remember reading about it in the news..”
“And you know.. I couldn’t help but wonder how weird my designer was acting all night. And that lady in the black from the staff, who found my necklace? You’d almost think they were acting.”
You were almost as pale as a sheet at this point, gripping your cup in shaking fingers.
“And you know what’s funny? I saw you talking to both of them during the night. I mean, how couldn’t I notice? You looked so gorgeous, almost like you were asking me to see you.”
You gulped, “I do not know what you’re talking about, Miss Kluger-”
“Just call me Daphne,” she leaned forward, lips spread in a feline smile, elbows resting on the table and propping her head up on her hands.
“Y/N, right? I asked for your name from the guest list, I hope you don’t mind. They let me in on those sorts of things anyways.”
“That’s me,” you replied. 
“Do you know Debbie Ocean? Of course you do, you two also seemed pretty close all night, hm? You’re lucky I was the only one who noticed.”
“I’ve been approached by an investigator who seems really interested in her because the uh, necklace turned out to be a fake.”
You tried to pretend to be surprised at the news, but you couldn’t muster it, and Daphne looked at you knowingly.
“Luckily, I didn’t tell  him any  of your names, because I wasn’t sure if I was right. But you just confirmed all my suspicions anyways, so..”
“Are you threatening me?” you narrowed your eyes at her, and she gasped in mock offence.
“Of course not!” she leaned forward, giving you ample view of her cleavage, hand trailing over yours,
“I’m seducing you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what to say as she looked at you with those deep, telling eyes. Her own eyes flickered appreciatively over your features, and you wondered if she was checking you out or if she was simply acting.
A small group of fans approached the table, chittering and blushing at the sight of Daphne Kluger in a meagre coffee shop such as this one. She smiled amicably, accepting their compliments and giving them autographs, before saying,
“You’re all so sweet, but do you think you’d be able to let my girlfriend and I have some privacy for the rest of our date? Thaanks,” she waved as the fans rushed off, gasping and gossiping amongst themselves at the prospect of the Daphne Kluger having a girlfriend. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked once you found your voice again. She only grinned and winked at you.
“Oh, don’t be like that baby. Now, are you gonna tell me about the necklace, or what?” she sipped your drink and your mouth went dry.
“Chilly,” Daphne remarked at the glances given by the rest of the group, “what about, ‘Hi Daph, welcome to the team. Let’s not all high five at once.’”
You chewed your lip, bounced your leg, avoided her gaze altogether, and tried very hard not to look at how good she looked in her black dress. You were sitting across from the couch where she had plopped down, hunched in the metal framed chair.
“Why’d y’let her get to you, Y/N. I told you not to draw attention to yourself!” Rose said to you, after you and Debbie had explained how Daphne had found you, recognized you and called out the plan. You, being the newbie in the ways of criminality, could barely think of a cover up and ended up bringing her to Debbie with a spluttering confession.
“She didn’t,” Daphne’s eyes were locked on yours, “I just noticed her myself.”
You blushed a little and looked away. Debbie looked at you apologetically, knowing you felt put on the spot.
“Plus,” Daphne continued, “I am the one who is saving your asses from insurance fraud, okay?”
The team burst into shock, responses flying left and right.
“I-I was gonna get to that,” you said hastily, eyeing Debbie, who stepped in,
“It seems that they’ve assigned an insurance investigator-”
“Who’s about to look up your asses with a flashlight,” Daphne pointed out.
"Oh, this little Columbo dude, everything but the trench coat, totally on to you.”
“His name is John Frasier,” Debbie said.
"Wha- you know him?” Amita spluttered in disbelief.
“Yes, he busted my father twice, my brother once.”
“He’s family,” Lou added.
“Lest we forget, this entire enterprise was to keep me out of jail,” Rose interrupted, worry etched on her face.
“No one is going to jail,” Lou assured her.
“We expected this, we prepared for this,” said Debbie. Not many of the team seemed to believe her, with Nineball adding,
“Yup... that’s clear.”
“We will not be the prime suspect,” Debbie said sternly.
"Then who will be?”
“Well,” you added, “we’ve got the security guys, the busboys-”
“...The shady guy who put you away,” Tammy sighed, arching an eyebrow at Debbie, who could barely contain the smirk on her face. Daphne stared at her incredulously,
“..the boyfriend.”
"Mhm,” Debbie replied, “they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
Lou nodded in approval, adding a faint, “that’s nice.”
“Wow... that is amazing,” Daphne grinned, chewing her gum in delight, “the precision, right? It’s always the attention to detail and the little grace notes that really make something sing.”
A short silence followed. Glances were cast between the rest of you, wondering what on earth had gotten into Daphne’s head.
“...Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, clearly dumbfounded by this multi-millionaire actress dropping into their party. Daphne stilled for a moment, her eyes flickering to you for a second before saying,
“I.. don’t have that many close female friendships. Plus bookclubs are the worst, so I just thought y’know... could be something fun to share?”
“You’re becoming a criminal because you’re lonely?”
“...Who isn’t sometimes, right?”
"Are you an only child?” you asked her. Her silence told you enough.
The team seemed to accept at that point that Daph was there to stay, so they went about their usual business. 
“Beer?” Lou offered you, which you immediately said yes to, feeling a little woozy after that whole experience.
Tammy went to the kitchen and opened another pizza box, and you went to grab a slice for yourself before calculating your next move carefully, hoping your brain wouldn’t short circuit as you grabbed another slice and headed to where Daphne was sitting by herself.
You sat next to her, very very awkwardly, and offered her the paper plate.
“Aw, thanks,” she smiled, cheering up a little, “you know you don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Be nice to me because you feel bad for me. Look, I’m sorry I cornered you the other day. I didn’t mean to seem desperate or whatever.”
“You- you didn’t seem desperate,” you frowned, “and I don’t feel bad for you. Whatever gave you that idea?”
She looked at you with a mouthful of pizza, and made an exasperated gesture to your whole surroundings, indicating the events that had just occurred. She also didn’t want you to know how she had been dying for your attention the minute she had seen you at the Met. 
“Oh, well, I mean, I think your reasoning was perfectly justified,” you cocked your head at her and smiled. Then you lifted your pizza and said,
“to crime!”
The rest of the group cheered and replied with the same phrase, lifting their beers or pizza with glee. Daphne blushed at the exclamation.
“Now you,” you said, nodding encouragingly. 
“Do it! If you’re gonna be a part of the Ocean’s team, you gotta get with the rituals.”
“Rituals?” Daphne scoffed. But then she saw your dopey smile and sparkling eyes, and her insides melted. She delicately lifted the pizza and said,
“to crime!”
You laughed and sipped your beer.
“Ten bucks says they’re dating by next week,” Nineball said in the kitchen, peering into the fridge.
“I say by the weekend,” Constance offered. 
“Idiots,” Rose shook her head. “If tonight is gonna keep up like this, I say by the morning.”
They eyed you and Daphne chatting away on the couch, completely forgetting about everyone else.
“Not so lonely anymore I guess,” Tammy smiled.
“Told you, crime’s good for many things,” Debbie nudged her and smiled at Lou, who rolled her eyes playfully.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching The Kids Are Alright
Welcome to “Dean and Lisa Clearly Didn’t Put Safty First: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s3,e2: The Kids Are Alright
 After a dad drops his little girl off with his ex-wife because she didn’t want to spend the night with him, he goes home and dies oddly on his own power saw. Cut to Dean wanting to go to that town because there’s been a string of odd deaths and Sam badgering him into admitting he wants to look up a hot yoga instructor there with whom he once had a fling. As the episode progresses, more children are acting not quite right and more dads are dying bloody and weird. Dean meets up with Lisa, his fling, and discovers she has an eight-year-old son, Ben, who looks a little like Dean, acts a little like Dean, and is just the right age… Dean goes into protective mode immediately. Ben responds well to him, but Lisa tells him to take a hike… until he saves Ben from the monster of the week. Lisa had been insistent that Ben was not Dean’s, but when Dean admits that he’d have been proud to be Ben’s dad, Lisa’s reaction suggests she may not have been truthful. She invites him to stay, but he has things to hunt… and dying to do. So off he goes.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 Ooooh THIS one
 this is where Lisa is her most interesting and she just gets... less
 oof yep
 some people didn't have a safty freak for a shop teacher in high school and it shows
 yep, safty first, I always say
 i hatejoo (I luff you)
 "I was just ordering pizza" SAMMY
 Dean with his newspaper
 one power saw and one ex bendy girlfriend
 omg DEAN
 "does that make me pokey?"
 that means he was NINETEEN
 my god if you opened your door to THAT SMILE
 nineteen, jesus
 maybe JUST squeaked past twenty
 omg Dean "how old?"
 you can SEE him doing the math
 omg him trying to pick a direction. too adorable
 Dean, honey, behavior isn't genetic, sweetie
 plus, 9yo boys generally aren’t into girls in that way just yet
(no one can convince me Ben isn't Dean's kid though. that is absolutely his child)
 oh absolutely
 yeah that's definitely a woman telling the truth
 I love that shirt on Sammy
 goddammit, Ruby GO AWAY
 you don't close someone else's laptop and you DON'T STEAL THEIR FRENCH FRIES
 I also hate it when people say a certain food is “like crack” so crass and uninventive
 christ, she’s such a bad actor
 i don't know if it's just that I don't like the actress or if it's bleed over from not liking Laurel [from Arrow] or what but I cannot get past feeling like I can't forget she's ACTING
 like, this twelve year old kid blows her right out of the water
 ug pushy people at the door
the worst
 a sad child. Dean must fix
HAHAHA “only bitches send a grownup"
 the way he draws back like he's surprised and then deeply impressed
 omg the one kid doing the moves like on the controls even though he isn't playing
 Dean looking around and giggling omg
 omg Dean’s guilty look
 dean! no one here but us previous one-night stands
 Dean Winchester, do NOT tell a mom to relax
 oooof YEP
 oh Dean
 I kinda get where Lisa’s coming from. She hasn’t seen Dean with kids and only knows one part of him and that part doesn’t seem like a good father figure
 oh yeah absolutely
from her point of view she should send him packing
she doesn't even know him as a full-blown grown-up
 jesus, this woman’s solution to the problem is extreme to say the least
like, you don't even start with the pediatrician?
 Sammy is looking SO GOOD in this episode
 he really is
 Dean just casually putting together some flamethrowers
 "no no, I feel terrible"
 oh DEAN
you mess with his kid, you’re IN TROUBLE
look at that pissed off FACE
 I know we've talked about class markers in the set dressing and what that's doing, but it is FASCINATING to me that Lisa lives in the upper middle class gated neighborhood here and the next time we see her she's in a house/setting MUCH more aligned with the working-class aesthetic of the boys
 oh YES
 I can’t remember what the next house is like, but I believe you and that’s very cool
 yeah, it's not like rundown or anything but it is definitely not this brand new house with the fancy kitchen and the stone stairs in the lawn and all whatnot
 oooh Sammy with the flamethrower!
 the parallel Ben hugs
 and I LOVE that Lisa is like "yeah nah" as soon as it's clear something is up
 while the other mom is having a meltdown in the bathroom
 not that I blame her
 but Lisa is much more Dean’s style
 but it makes it believable that Dean likes her
 Sam's little look and the tap on the windshield
 he’s a smarty, he knows what’s up here
 you didn't mention your job because YOU WERE NINETEEN
 she is LYING
 oh DEAN
 "I swear you look disappointed" FUCK 327
 his freckle game is… wow… in this ep
 "I would have been proud to be his dad" and then that kiss. Ben's his
 the turnaround here is amazing. he came to this town to see her and now he’s refusing to… see her
 have we talked about how I assume she's gotta be older than him too?
 yeah she must be if she was an established yoga instructor i would assume she’d be more than 19
 um, except for her dad, right?
 and the fact that eight years after getting unexpectedly pregnant with no partner in the picture she has that kind of house and what not
 oh god Sam yelling right in her face DED AGAIN
 Mary's dad? doesn't he get resurrected? like, he is dead now, I think?
 oh is that right? I can’t remember
 she had to be more established in life than she would have been at ~19 or ~20, I'd think
 i think so?
 i think he's only around in S6 and it's a whole "why are you alive?" situation. and then the time travel eps
 (there's honestly SO MUCH show and a fair amount of hand waving, that I sometimes have a lot of trouble keeping bits straight)
 Yeah I’m hopelessly forgetful about so many things in this show. it’ll take me a few more times through to get things halfway straight. We’ll be in the retirement home watching together before that happens
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