#hes so pretty and cute i lob him
dimplecki · 7 months
anybody wanna see my dog
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gffa · 11 months
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THIS IS SO CUTE, Tim is fixing Damian's collar as Damian is lobbing the most tame insult pretty much ever, that there's a comfort level between the both of them, that Damian is letting Tim touch him and his joke is light-hearted, and it's so very brotherly between them now and I love that Bruce has three of his kids tucked close, even if they have to go to the dumb gala and they're all crowded in together like a bunch of weirdo bats (because they are, using facial rec for a party SO HE DOESN'T HAVE TO REMEMBER THEIR NAMES, like no I'm on Bruce's side, actually that's pretty smart, even if it's still weird) and it's AN ADORABLE MOMENT.
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hbdttg · 1 year
Part 1 / tag list below the cut
“I’m quitting,” Eddie declares, “I’m out. Call me a tree, ‘cause I’m leaving. Call me a banana, ‘cause I’m splitting. T-t-t-t-that’s all, folks!” he adds, doing his best impression of Porky Pig’s signature stammering.
Chrissy’s laser focus doesn’t stray from her monitor, even when Eddie bodily throws himself into the chair across her desk with a long, strangled groan. Wordlessly, she raises her left index finger at him in a silencing gesture. With her brows furrowed in concentration, she drags her mouse around on its pad and double-clicks something on her screen before nodding decisively to herself. After another few clicks, she finally lowers her finger, raises her eyes, and meets Eddie’s gaze.
“Would you mind grabbing what I just printed? Please?” she asks, smiling at him imploringly.
Chrissy could ask Eddie to bleach his hair and shave off an eyebrow and he’d do it. She’s actually who he has to thank for landing such a cushy job with HHH—a referral from a trusted associate like her goes a long way in a place like this.
And despite Eddie’s many complaints about becoming a corporate sellout, he can’t deny that it certainly has its perks. The office is only a ten-minute commute from his apartment, the compensation agreement he signed amounted to more money than his last two jobs combined, his benefits package is frankly ridiculous, and he gets to work with one of his best friends in the world. Overall, not a bad gig.
Even so, he makes a show of sighing, loud and longsuffering, before doing as Chrissy asks, leaving her office to grab her job off the printer. Eddie knows she works in HR and some of her stuff can get pretty confidential, so he doesn’t even try to skim the contents of the page as he walks it back over to her.
“Here,” he says, thrusting the paper at Chrissy facedown.
“Thanks!” she says. She makes no moves to take it from him. “That’s for you, actually.”
Curious, Eddie takes the paper back and flips it over. In the center of the page is a graphic of safety sign one might find in a cartoon factory, though Chrissy had edited the original from “[___] Days Since Last Accident” to “[___] Days Since Eddie Last Threatened to Quit His Job”. There’s a big red zero in the counter box.
Eddie tries to glower down at Chrissy, but it’s sort of hard to maintain when she bursts into laughter. It’s been years, but the sound of Chrissy laughing like this, all bright and breathless and unrestrained, never fails to transport him back to his (third) senior year of high school, when they first became friends over a failed drug deal.
“Don’t be cute,” Eddie says with a laughable lack of authority, dropping heavily back down into the chair.
“Do you know who you’re talking to?” Chrissy counters, brow raised archly.
Eddie rolls his eyes, crumpling the page into a ball and lobbing it in between them.
Chrissy lets the ball land harmlessly on her desk before sweeping it into the trashcan by her feet.  “Just so you know, I’ve had that saved on my desktop since Monday—and I haven’t had to edit the days count a single time.”
Eddie scoffs, but it’s hard to defend himself when this current visit marks the fifth day in a row he’s floundered into her office, vainly announcing his resignation. “Yeah, well,” he says weakly, “printing it seems like a gross misuse of company resources.”
“What are you going to do, report me?” Chrissy says with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
“Let me guess: you’re the one who receives those reports?” Eddie says dryly.
“Yep!” she says cheerfully. “Now, go on and tell me about your latest trainwreck of an interaction with Steve Harrington.”
“Christ, Chris!” Eddie hisses, leaping to his feet and immediately spinning around to check if anyone was around to hear her damning words. The coast is clear, luckily, but he still scrambles to shut her office door before falling back into his chair. “You can’t just go around saying his name all willy-nilly.”
“He’s not gonna suddenly appear if you say his name three times, Eddie. See, watch. Steve. Steve. St—”
“Don’t risk it!” Eddie squawks loudly, cutting her off.
“You’re an absolute mess,” she says through a laugh, shaking her head at him.
And well, Chrissy’s not wrong.
Eddie’s been a mess since Monday morning, when he unknowingly produced, directed, and starred in The Roast of Steve Harrington. He blames his shitty memory for forgetting what floor his new office was on—if he’d known he was sharing the elevator with someone he could have potentially worked with (let alone someone whose surname made up a third of the company name), he wouldn’t have opened his big, fat mouth in the first place.
When he finally gathered the courage to make it back down to the fifty-second floor and show his face at the HHH office, he kicked off his onboarding with Chrissy with a strangled, “I know it’s my first day and I technically just started ten minutes ago, but I quit. Thank you for the opportunity and good-bye forever.”
Chrissy, the traitor, spent a full five minutes laughing in his face over his shamefully recounted story before patting him twice on the head and informing him he wasn’t allowed to quit for at least six months. The overly saccharine tone of her voice alone told Eddie there was no room for argument there.
Still, that didn’t stop him from following her into her office after the all-hands meeting on Tuesday, all the while whining in her ear, “I can’t thrive in these conditions, Chrissy. Please, I beg of you—accept my sincere and humble resignation from this cursed hellscape.”
‘These conditions’ consisted of any rooms and/or conversations that contained Steve Harrington. Eddie hadn’t been expecting to see the guy doting over the catering when he walked into the conference room that afternoon, and he certainly wasn’t expecting his supervisor and trainer, Murray, to lead him over to Steve to introduce the two of them (though that was likely just an excuse to head straight for the sandwiches that were laid out for the meeting).
While Eddie choked on his own tongue trying to spit out some generic, inoffensive greeting, Steve merely watched him with an amused smirk before thrusting his hand out and offering a perfectly friendly “It’s nice to meet you, Eddie, I’m Steve”, as if Eddie didn’t have Steve’s name and face (and stupidly fit body—who the fuck looks that good in a pair of khakis?!) burnt into his memory from the day prior.
Afterward, Murray, who most assuredly did not have a filter of any kind, bluntly commented on Eddie’s awkwardness, then spent the next five minutes trying to determine if it was normal, strangers-meeting-for-the-first time awkwardness, or something more sensational. Eddie stubbornly kept his mouth shut until the meeting started.
Wednesday followed a similar pattern, with Eddie flouncing into Chrissy’s office with a dramatic “I choose to break my blood oath. At this point I’d welcome the sweet release of death if it meant I didn’t have to work here anymore.”
Chrissy just corrected him, patiently explaining that he was employed at-will, rather than by blood oath, and that if he left before his sixth month, she’d personally skin him alive. Eddie had to pause and weigh the pros and cons of being skinless. Surely it couldn’t be worse than his latest exchange with Steve—via email this time, mercifully.
He’d just learned how to field helpdesk tickets and received one from Steve Harrington himself. It was a simple enough software request ticket, so he assigned it to himself and replied with next steps, asking Steve for a code so he could remote into his computer and install the program.
Steve replied back, asking where he was supposed to find the code. It was an innocuous enough question, but then Eddie noticed something a little off about his email signature: his last name was bolded.
Eddie ignored it, assuming it was a stylistic choice—nothing to read into, surely—but then Steve sent another email shortly after to let him know to disregard his last email; he’d found the right app and was just waiting for it to generate a code. This time, Harrington was bolded and at least two sizes bigger than his first name.
Then, in Steve’s third email, sent not a minute later with the requested code, Harrington was bolded, two sizes bigger than his first name, and highlighted yellow—a tactic Chrissy found so hilarious that she had to shoo Eddie out of her office with tears in her eyes so that she could compose herself and actually get some work done.
Thursday was a blessed reprieve from Steve’s unique brand of psychological warfare, but Eddie still somehow managed to royally humiliate himself in front of him. After he slunk into her office and silently pushed a scribbled-on napkin across her desk—
Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as Systems Analyst II at HHH, effective immediately. Effective yesterday. In fact, I’ll pay you back the entirety of my wages earned if we just forget I ever worked here.
—Chrissy tutted at him sympathetically before taking the napkin and reaching over to dab it at the large wet stain on his shirt.
He’d been walking back to his desk from the breakroom when he rounded a corner and bumped into Steve in the hallway. Literally bumped into, bodily contact and surprised yelps and everything. And it probably wouldn’t have been such a big deal, really, if not for the fact that he had a newly refilled mug of coffee in his hand.
“Eddie, oh my god, are you okay?”
No, Eddie wasn’t okay, because he just splashed himself with hot fucking coffee and now Steve Harrington was worriedly fussing over him and tentatively trying to mop up the liquid with his own fucking hands for some reason, and he was embarrassed (and a little turned on?) and he had to get the fuck out of there now.
“I’m okay, sorry, it’s fine—” he managed to squeak before whirling around and scurrying to the bathroom.
So yes, Eddie’s been an absolute mess the past few days, and today is no different.
…Actually, scratch that. Today is different. Today is worse.
“Okay, now spill,” Chrissy says. “What happened?”
With another drawn-out, pitiful groan, Eddie sinks down in his seat and lets his neck hang off the backrest, blinking up at the ceiling.
“Talk to me, Eds,” Chrissy says, concern starting to bleed into her voice. “If he’s actually bullying you, you can file a complaint. I have a form here somewhere.”
Eddie hears her open one of her desk drawers and reluctantly sits up. “He’s not bullying me, Mom,” he says with a huff. “We actually…we talked.”
“You talked?” Chrissy asks, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, about the elevator. Buried the hatchet and everything. I said sorry, we laughed about it, it’s over and done with.” Eddie’s gaze darts around Chrissy’s desk, searching for something to distract him from the warm and fuzzy feeling growing in his stomach at the memory of their conversation.
“That’s great, I’m so proud of you!” Chrissy says cheerfully. “But wait, if you two are good now…”
Eddie doesn’t want her to ask what she’s about to ask, because the answer might be more embarrassing than all of his other Steve stories combined.
“Why are you still going on about quitting?”
Eddie drops his face into his hands, feeling totally and utterly pathetic. “Um, because I think I’m sort of, kind of, just a little bit…in love with him?”
tbh I didn’t think I’d be writing a second part, but if strangers on the internet validate me enough, I guess I’ll do anything~
Y’ALL. I’m blown away by the response to part one of this silly lil au. I didn’t reply to any of the lovely comments or tags, but please know if you engaged in any way (or even if you just read the fic and snorted a little through your nose at a bit you found funny) I love you with my entire heart and you’ve made my entire life.
[Now for the tag list, which I’ve never done before. Sorry if you didn’t actually want to be on here! Or, sorry if you’re stumbling upon this post on your own after asking to be tagged and I missed you oops.]
@messrs-weasley @n0-1-important @bornonthesavage @thing-a-ling @eddiemunsonswife @changenamelater @ispyblu @thesuninyaface
@invisibleflame812 @4nemo1egend @ikolanatari @mavernanche @songbird-garden @trashpocket @original-cypher @over7joyed 
@commonxsenss @justdyingontheinside @mojowitchcraft @maya-custodios-dionach @justmiiriam @imzadidragonfly @lillemilly @gay-stranger-things @child-of-cthulhu @bleedingoptimism @lemanzanabizarra @melaniehere91
@iswearitsjustme @silver-snaffles @csinnamon-fox @paint-music-with-me @epicsteddieficrecs @sweetcreaturetm @hxneyfarms @bossyknow-it-all @vecnuthy @stevethehairington @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @nburkhardt
@gayngerthings @patchworkgargoyle @violetsteve @henderdads @2btheanswertothequestion
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sc0tters · 9 months
Ride it Baby! | Trevor Zegras & Jack Hughes
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summary: Trevor finally gets a chance to make a move on you but what happens when Jack isn’t far behind?
request: yes/no
warnings: mature scenes, threesome, p in v, oral (m receiving!), handjob (fem & m receiving!), swearing, mild dumbification kink?
word count: 3.73k
authors note: look at me still alive! This request has been staring at me for days and it was about time that it got written out. If you wanna read an actual good threesome series with these two go find the one on @drysdalesv ‘s page! I’ve been writing this for like a week now so I’m glad you all finally get to see it. I picked the Calgary stampede for this cause like: a. it’s men in cowboy hats and b. my dad found his old hat from the 2010 stampede and it’s officially mine when I go home!
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You didn’t know how you got dragged into this.
Cole thought it was a smart idea having the group go to the Calgary Stampede and as Luke’s best friend who was also Canadian, you were immediately Luke’s plus one.
It had been an amusing for the first few days watching the boys embody their best country personalities “morning pretty girl,” Jack smiled tilting his hat towards you.
The middle Hughes boy spent the last two years of knowing you towing the line between being friendly and flirty. After all you were Luke’s best friend and that was what Jack had to repeat to himself whenever he saw you “hi Jacky.” You giggled leaning against the counter as the locks of your freshly curled hair dropped to frame your face.
He reached over to tuck your hair behind your hair pushing your hat backwards “get to see your face now.” The hockey player mumbled pinching your chin between his fingers causing you to smile.
Your cheeks grew warm as your stomach turned into knots “c’mon you two were gonna be late!” Trevor called out as the rest of the boys were already waiting outside to make their way to the venue.
Trevor had to admit that the way you looked like he had walked in on something made him feel jealous. The ducks player had thought you were cute since he met you, Trevor just I never thought that his competition to get you would be Jack “let me fix your hat Z.” You placed your hands on your hips as the boys hat was lob sided.
It made Jack smirk at the clueless look on his friends face “thanks doll,” the nickname fell off Trevor’s tongue as you playfully rolled your eyes “we can’t be late now boys.” You giggled walking off as you wrapped your arm around Luke’s torso.
For both boys it was the constant reminder of one of the reasons why they couldn’t have you.
The day had gone on and it was well into the evening when things started to truly get hot “it’s too hot Lu!” You groaned as you shook your head turning down the boys offer to go talk to some pretty girl.
Luke didn’t want to argue so instead he went alone “you feeling hot baby?” Trevor asked patting his thigh for you to sit as there was no space for you on the bench.
You took the offer of his thigh as you smiled “so hot,” you complained fanning your face.
Trevor smirked wrapping his hand around your waist as he pulled you closer “you look hot,” he mumbled effortlessly flirting with you.
It made you laugh “what are you getting at Zegras?” You asked wriggling your eyebrows as you took the beer from his hand taking a few sips from it in the process.
The hockey player felt his cock grow hard as a drop of beer fell from your lips letting it run down your chin all the way between down between your breasts that were highlighted by the tight white T-shirt you were sporting.
Watching his eyes follow the droplet you smirked “you think I’m hot sweets?” You asked reaching forward to take the hat from his head as you let it fall onto your head. Luke had stolen your hat minutes ago so you know had one back on your head.
Trevor’s jaw tensed as he watched the playful grin form on your face “baby don’t tease me,” he warned squeezing your thigh as you pouted.
Your fingers lightly traced up your arm “you know what this means here?” You pointed to his hat causing him to furrow his eyebrows “means I wanna fuck you,” your lips pressed a kiss against his ear lobe making sure that your words were only heard by him.
That was all it took for Trevor’s mood to change “you better not be fucking with me,” his tone was serious making you clench your legs around his thigh.
The hockey player let out a forced cough drawing the attention of his friends “I’m not feeling well,” Trevor blurted out making you furrow your eyebrows.
He didn’t let his fingers stop tracing figures on your thighs “you want to come home with me?” He asked suddenly helping everything fall into place.
You were quick to nod “I’ll make sure he gets home safe.” You mumbled holding your hand out as you two quickly left before anyone could question you two.
Whilst Alex and Cole didn’t seem to care about what happened as two girls walked over to them, Jack never let his eyes leave you two “I gotta go.” He announced quickly letting himself get excused as he slid out of the table.
Despite the fact that that the walk back to the Airbnb was only five minutes it felt like an eternity.
Trevor’s lips attacked your neck as you tried to unlock the front door “fuck Z,” you moaned struggling to focus as your body melted into his touch.
Your hand shook as you failed to get the key in the hole “c’mon baby, don’t you want me to fuck you?” His voice rang through your ears as he went back to kissing your neck.
When you let out a needy cry he finally gave you a moment to breathe “want you to make me feel so fucking good.” You pleaded finally getting the door open.
You turned back to Trevor who smiled “let’s not waste time then.” He mumbled capturing your lips in a kiss.
It was messy as you could taste the beer on his tongue “jump,” Trevor grunted pushing you inside.
His hands hooked under your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist shutting the door behind you both. Your lips against his as his tongue ran over your lower lip.
Wanting to play a harder game you kept your lips shut this time frustrating the boy in the process as he carried you up the stairs.
Trevor let his teeth sink into your lip causing you to moan “that wasn’t so hard now baby?” He asked bringing you into his room.
As your body was thrown onto his bed you were reminded of the fact Jack was his roommate based on the second double bed n the room “if you think he’s gonna come back baby, he won’t.” Trevor seemed to take your look as one of concern.
If only he knew.
You nodded smiling as he came down onto the bed with you “been wanting you out of these little shorts the entire day.” The hockey player confessed letting his hands cup your ass that was barely covered by the denim material.
His comment made your panties turn wet “what are you waiting for then?” You gasped at the feeling of Trevor’s cold fingers gripping at the hem of your shorts.
It should have surprised you when it took him little to no effort to rip the denim where your crotch was “now you can’t be in those for the rest of the week.” Trevor smirked at you as he leaned forward letting his nose hover over yours.
Your lips formed a pout “I liked that pair,” you mumbled causing him to laugh “I’ll buy you a thousand of them if it means I can tear them off of you.” The hockey players confession made you whimper as the boy kissed your lips.
His hips grinded against against yours making him wish that the layers between you two weren’t there.
A groan left your lips “I need you,” you begged driving your hips upwards.
With one hand Trevor hooked his fingers in your panties pulling them down your legs as his other hand had two fingers tapping on your lips “suck.” The hockey player ordered looking at your big eyes.
Traditionally you weren’t that kind of girl in bed but when Trevor said that you had to listen “good girl,” he smirked to himself at the way your mouth took his fingers in.
That as you swirled them in your mouth like you were sucking his cock made Trevor nearly come on the spot “been thinking about this since I met you.” The hockey player confessed thrusting his fingers further into your mouth causing you to groan.
He pulled them out of your mouth when he decided that he had enough letting out a gasp as the saliva trail broke on your shirt “gonna make you feel so good.” Trevor mumbled kissing your lips as his wet fingers teased your clit.
A moan was trapped in your throat when his fingers slid into your core “you’re so fucking wet baby.” The hockey player grunted feeling your pussy clench around his fingers.
All you could do was nod “don’t stop Z,” you whined letting your head drive itself into the mattress beneath you.
Trevor smiled pecking your lips “don’t worry baby.” The grin on his face was clear “won’t leave you here.” When you didn’t respond with anything coherent Trevor realised that you were letting the pleasure get to you causing the boys fingers to increase the speed of their thrusts.
His eyes watched as your pussy swallowed his fingers “enjoying being my greedy little girl?” The ducks player asked sending his fingers into a come here motion “all for you sweets,” you moaned sliding your shirt up as you pulled your bra down letting your tits fall free.
He took the moment to lean forward and take your one breast in his mouth swirling the sensitive nub around with his tongue. You looked down at Trevor and you knew it was all over for you the moment your eyes locked in on his.
Your hand wrapped around the sheet beneath you as your face began to scrunch up “I’m coming fuck!” You chest heaved as your head fell onto his shoulder.
The post orgasmic bliss look formed on your face as his fingers fell out of your pussy “you think you can give me another one?” The boy mumbled hooking his fingers under your chin as he kissed you. Trevor pulled the shirt off his shoulders as he threw it across the room letting it land on Jack’s suitcase.
A smile formed on your face as you followed his actions “I could go all night sweets,” you shot back playfully sticking your tongue out at him as you ignored the way you felt seeing his cock come out of his boxers.
It made Trevor smirk that he knew even when he wasn’t inside of you he still had you forcing your thighs together to stop the buildup of pleasure “my needy girl huh?” Trevor’s words made you whimper as you pulled him down onto the bed.
Anticipation ran through your veins as the boys hands formed a cage around you “I wanna ride you,” the confession fell from your lips as your cheeks turned red.
There wasn’t a lot of effort from Trevor to flip you two over as your clit hit his torso “Trevor,” you moaned rubbing the sensitive nub against his chiseled abs.
Trevor’s hands reached up to grab your hips “no touching,” you shook your head pushing his hands away.
He listened wanting to see what would happen “like it when you listen.” You cooed grabbing his cock to tease your clit a few times before your sank down on his cock.
You rolled your hips against Trevor’s as your nails ran down his chest “so good,” you groaned letting your head fall back as the boys cock throbbed from inside of you.
The pleasure wasn’t enough to distract you from the sound of his bedroom door opening “Jack,” you moaned feeling Trevor’s hands grab at your waist.
Jack stood there with wide eyes as he tried to ignore the way he felt seeing how Trevor stared up at you.
He saw that your eyes hadn’t left the younger boy “you think it’s hot as he watches me fuck you?” Trevor grunted locking eyes with Jack as his hands went around to your ass where he slapped the area of skin.
It made you jump as you whimpered “answer me baby,” the boy warned reminding you what he expected of you.
Jack should have felt dirty as his hand went down under his shorts and boxers as he began to palm his aching cock “makes me feel hot,” you confessed pushing your hair out of your face as Trevor ran your nipples between his fingers.
His effort to tease your sensitive nubs made you whimper “think you should invite him then.” Trevor’s voice was raspy as your pussy clenched around him at the suggestion.
Your eyes didn’t leave Jack as his best friend continued to fuck your pussy “want to suck you off.” You mumbled letting your lips form a pout until Jack walked over to you “take it pretty girl.” Jack’s voice was soft as he leaned down to kiss you letting the grunt fall from his lips as you began palming his cock.
The Ducks player watched feeling jealousy corse through his veins watching Jack smirk into your kiss “oh fuck.” You moaned feeling Trevor’s rough thumb come to your clits attention.
Jack took the opportunity to slide his cock into your mouth “like having us both baby?” Trevor asked not letting his movements on your clit slow down.
All you could do was nod as a muffled cry from your lips was swallowed by Jack’s cock “look at our little cock drunk girl.” Jack cooed as his fingers locked into you hair forcing your throat to accommodate his cock as you tried to not gag.
The scene was hot as both boys seemed to use you for their own pleasure trying to see who could last longer than the other “you’re gonna love this pussy dude.” Trevor grunted as you squeezed his cock.
That was the first time the two had actually addressed each other “so tight like she’s never been fucked before.” He added making you whine as you stared up at Jack who didn’t let his eyes leave you.
It was clear that you were overwhelmed with pleasure when your eyes began to roll back into your head “is that it pretty girl?” Jack asked making you blink at him “are we fucking you dumb?” His second question combined with the way Trevor’s fingers focused on your clit as his cock kept on discovering new parts of your pussy.
Both boys could tell that you were close which made them let out sighs of relief when it meant that they no longer needed to worry about not outlasting you “baby we will be nice and let you come tonight.” Trevor mumbled feeling his cock throb from inside of you.
Jack watched as your face scrunched up “hear that pretty girl, you don’t even have to beg him.” Those words made Trevor regret not holding you back as it seemed to touch a jealous thought in his head making his thrusts speed up like there was no tomorrow.
Your orgasm came quickly as a cry left your lips thighs shaking as Trevor fucked you through your high. That feeling of your pussy suffocating his cock spurred his orgasm on but he tried to not think about it “right there fuck!” Jack groaned with his body sputtering as he shot his load into your mouth.
His hand wrapped around your throat “let me see your tongue pretty girl.” Jack ordered as you listened moaning when Trevor slid his cock out of you “want to see you swallow.” It would have made the middle Hughes boy come all over again as he felt his realise slide down the inside of your throat.
Trevor presence was reminded to you as you got up to feel his come ooze out of your pussy “how do you want me honey?” You asked bringing his lips down to yours.
The Devils player clicked his tongue as he let out a laugh “pretty girl thinks she is in charge now.” His pulled at your waist making you gasp “want your ass in the air.” Within no time Jack had spun you around leaving you to stare at Trevor who had also repositioned himself.
You sent Trevor a smile as you leaned down to kiss him. The soft gesture from you was quickly ruined when Jacks cock ran between your folds “you were so right about this.” Jack grunted thrusting into your pussy as he used Trevor’s come that mixed with yours as lube “been keeping this a secret from us.” He added letting his head fall forward.
The ducks player took the moment to grab your face “enjoying this baby?” He asked taking the moment to be softer to you.
You nodded feeling tears from in your eyes as Jack’s cock was slightly longer than Trevor’s “so much,” you mumbled “so big,” you added surprised that your legs were still stable.
Sounds of skin slapping echoed through the room “you wanna taste it?” Once your eyes fell to his cock that was already growing hard at the sounds of your gasps.
Your head nodded repeatedly until the boy kissed your lips “take it baby.” Trevor leaned back edging his cock closer to your face.
Jack’s fingers dug into your hips making you cry out in pleasure. It gave Trevor the opportunity to push your face down to his cock “little baby behaves so well for us.” Trevor cooed as you gurgled around his cock.
All three of you were still sensitive from your previous orgasms and despite the fact that it was a sensory overload, you still managed to force the boys cock further down your throat. Your lips were swollen from sucking on both boys cocks.
Trevor locked his hand around your hair in this makeshift ponytail as he helped guide you through the motions.
Hearing the pretty little noises fall from your lips made both boys feel content. The mini competition the boys once had to made you come first was now out of the window as they each prioritised their own orgasms.
Between Jack’s harsh snaps of his hips against yours and Trevor forcing more of his cock into your mouth the scene all together was hot.
Jack slipped his hand over your hips as it rested on your clit, fingers drawing circles on the sensitive nub. Your nose hit Trevor’s torso as your eyes shot open in surprise.
It didn’t take Trevor long to pull you off of his cock with his hands cupping your cheeks “so fucking pretty baby.” The boy grunted kissing your lips as your hand replaced what your mouth once did.
The hockey players couldn’t decide what position they preferred more “I’m gonna come!” You groaned having your hand speed up around his cock.
Jack didn’t seem to like that announcement as he shook his head “want to hear you beg for it baby.” He murmured not letting his fingers movements calm down on your clit.
A cry left your lips “please Jack,” you whined feeing his hips hit yours. The boy didn’t let up “I’ll be so good for you both.” You gasped hoping sending Trevor a pleasing look as you hoped he would help you out.
When he remained silent you let your mouth replace your hand having your tongue swirl around his cock as you hoped it would help your cause “give her what she wants J,” Trevor grunted as you tried to suck the life out of him.
The devils player decides to listen as he nodded “go on pretty girl.” Jack slapped your clit causing a long moan to fall from your lips as you came spurring on boys orgasms.
Your body shook when the younger boy’s load shot deep inside of you “there we go baby,” Trevor cooed stopping your head as his orgasm washed over him making sure that not a drop of his release left your mouth.
Jack knew it was fucked up but as he let his soft cock fall from your pussy the devils player couldn’t help but stare at the sight of his brothers best friend all fucked out by none other than Luke’s brother and his friend.
The air in the boys bedroom was warm as Jack placed you on the bed giving you a moment to recover “ayo Trev you gotta see this!” Alex called out as the two oldest boys walked into the house.
Trevor clearly looked annoyed “it’s okay, I got her from here.” Jacks quick interception had the Ducks player roll his eyes “see you later Z.” You mumbled your words softly blinking at him.
When you didn’t dispute what Jack said it irritated the older boy “night baby,” Trevor mumbled kissing your forehead before he quickly got changed “I’ll be down in a sec!” He yelled back downstairs.
This was the first time you were left with Jack and before either one of you could talk your phone went off.
Pookie 🤪: I’m not coming home tonight
Pookie 🤪: this girl thinks I’m a catch??
Pookie 🤪: hope your night is as fun as mine!
A laugh left your lips as flipped your phone around to show the boy his brothers messages “let’s get you in cleaned up then.” Jack proposed picking you up as your were in dire need of a bathe before you let slumber consume you.
The middle Hughes boy set you in the shower to clean you off before he got you into your bed “you okay pretty girl?” Jack asked smiling at the sight of you in his devils training camp shirt.
You nodded letting out a yawn “I’m good honey,” the hockey player pressed a kiss to your forehead watching you nestle your head into your pillow.
Jack sat next to you massaging your cheek with his thumb “I’m gonna let you sleep.” He mumbled seeing that your eyes were growing heavy.
A little thumbs up that you sent him made the boy laugh “tonight was nice,” you announced watching him make his way to your door.
He chewed at the inside of his cheek, Jack wanted you to himself and not as something that he had to share with Trevor.
All Jack knew was that the rest of this week and how the summer played out spending the time with you was going to be interesting.
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beesspacedotorg · 5 months
thinking about tinky winky (purple lino) and begging cute boyfriend minho to dye his hair purple again and because bunny loves loves loves compliments it turns into a “so you think i’m pretty huh☺️” fest of him fishing for praise from his partner -🌸
cherry blossom anon, I may have accidentally forgot to put in compliments and instead it turned into a 750 word fic about dyeing his hair. I hope that's okay. Mayhap I'll revisit this featuring the compliments and ... other thing.
You aren’t above begging. You aren’t above a lot of things, actually, as proven by the way you’re currently on your knees in front of your boyfriend, hands clasped together like you’re praying.
“Minho, please. I’ll do anything. Literally anything. I’ll unclog the tub drain myself next time, I’ll give you earth-shattering head, pleasepleaseplease.” He looks at you, mildly confused from where you’ve ambushed him at your front door before the realization dawns and his eyes narrow.
“You’re kidding me right now.” He toes his shoes off.
“I’m not. Please, you looked so hot I don’t see why you won’t let me.” He’s walking towards the kitchen and you follow after him, still on your knees.
“Are you saying that I don’t look hot now?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth. You just looked so good with the hair, please. Stay will literally thank me.”
“They’ll think it was skzigi.”
“I’ll roleplay as JYP Entertainment staff if that’s what it takes, Lee Minho.” He sighs, throwing his head back towards the ceiling while mumbling. Your boyfriend isn’t religious, he’s one of the few members of his group who has never had any particular faith, but you think he might be praying for something right now.
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’m mostly just doing all of this for the bit.” You’re standing now, hand on his shoulder as you peer at him, worried that you might have taken it a step too far.
“Shh. I’m trying to think of how I’ll explain this to our manager and Chan without getting my head lobbed off.” You smile, wide and beaming as you clap your hands excitedly, rushing off to the bathroom and reappearing next to him with a bag in your hands.
“Great! When you come up with a good excuse meet me in the bathroom.”
“How did you- Why- You didn’t even know I was going to say yes!”
“You’re right, I didn’t. I was going to save it for a rainy day, or use it on myself.” And with that, you’re gone, leaving Minho alone in the kitchen as he imagines how hot you would look with purple hair.
“Wait,” he calls after you, setting his half-opened ramen packet on the counter and turning, “did you buy enough for two people?”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to shower?” He asks, sitting backwards on the toilet lid as you mix the bleach.
“I didn’t go to hair school, so I’m not an expert, but I did dye my friends’ hair all throughout highschool and we had better results with less damage when their hair was gross so, yes. I’m sure.”
“That smells awful.”
“It’s almost like its chemicals.”
“I’ll leave.”
“There’s already bleach in your hair, if you leave now you’ll have awful streaks that even the most diehard LeeKnower wouldn’t be able to justify.” He huffs at that, mumbling something about how Stays aren’t that shallow and you reply with a comment about Hyunjin’s Maxident hair that shuts him up.
“He looked good,” he starts and you sigh, head dropping forward. “I don’t see what they were so upset about.”
“I know, dear.”
“He suits short hair!”
“He does.”
“It fit the concept!”
“It did.”
“Yah!” He turns, hitting your arm lightly and almost knocking the bleach bowl out of your hands. “You aren’t listening.”
“My apologies for not wanting to hear my boyfriend wax poetic about another man’s hair.”
“How long does this have to sit for?”
“Ask me that again and I’ll leave it in until you go bald.”
The bleach is washed out and his head’s half purple before he looks at his phone and his eyes go wide.
“What’s up?” You’re busy drawing shapes on his head with the dye.
“Hannie is calling.”
“So answer it.”
“It’s video.”
“Say that you’re naked.”
“Like that’s stopped me before.”
“Say that I’m naked.” The call promptly drops.
“How long does this have to sit for?”
“Do you give the hairstylists at the company this much trouble?”
“I’m shaving you bald.”
His hair has been rinsed and blow dried and you’ve been making eyes at him for the past ten minutes while he shoves ramen noodles in his mouth.
“Can you stop staring so hard? My head’s about to catch fire.” His mouth is full.
“No. No I cannot.” His eyes roll and he sets his now empty bowl down.
“So… about that ‘earth-shattering head’ you mentioned?”
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scozthewoz · 2 months
TF2 ships and i think have chemistry and why
(note : i don't personally ship any of the mercs together, except maybe heavy and medic)
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Heavy + Medic
a classic! needs no explanation. they're besties, your honor. they work well in battle, and they mesh well outside of it, so they'd obviously make a good couple.
Medic + Scout
for this one, i feel like scout would physically appeal to medic since he's the youngest and also very fit and in quite good health. subsequently, scout would get some fucked up sexual awakenings from medic's "inspections"
Scout + Sniper
lively young spud full of energy + scrungly sad wet cat of a man dynamic i find very cute. also the interesting dynamic between scout's submissiveness and easy bashfulness despite a tough exterior, and sniper's predatory nature and dominance despite a quiet exterior.
Demoman + Soldier
this one also needs little explanation. this applies to specifically red + blu. they were canonical best friends, could very well be somethin more.
Medic + Engineer
these two do some pretty cool stuff when they put their smart little heads together, shown extensively in expiration date. all that time spent alone together in a lab could get a little devious.. engineer also seems to have a habit of lobbing his own limbs off without much thought, so medic is required.
Spy + Sniper
classic enemies to lovers. they're natural rivals in gameplay, so it'd be real silly if they were a couple in non-gameplay. they share a very quiet and reserved nature i think they'd like in each other.
Pyro + Engineer
this "ship" i see as more platonic. the other mercs really fear pyro and avoid them mostly, while engineer's gentle nature allows him to show kindness to them. this, in turn, lets pyro show their sweetness to him freely and have it reciprocated.
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mera-k1 · 20 days
hello, thank you for your work, a lot of lob for you muack and since requests are open jsjs I would like to request for bae headcanons or how would they react with a fem reader who has sad eyes, I mean it's not that she feels sad but her eyes are just like that and when look up, it gives a lot of tenderness ~ tkmm and welcome ^^
i'm not always good with stuff like this but i tried my best, nonnie!!
Tender Gaze
BAE x fem!reader
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-i'd think allen really likes your gaze. he's not sure why but whenever you look at him with so much love and tenderness in your eyes, he just absolutely melts:((
-he just can't find it in himself to say no when you look at him like that. even when you're angry at him, he can't help but feel like you look like an angry puppy...
-allen easily caves in when it comes to you as well... just the way you look at him has him immediately tending to whatever you need even when you assure him you're fine and you don't need anything or that he can focus on his music.
-anne loves your eyes, they think they're so pretty! they love to do your makeup because well, you have different eye shapes! so why not experiment with things on yours too?
-there's not much they say about your eyes other than that they think they're pretty. your appearance doesn't matter as much as their own appearance matters to them. you're still their perfect girlfriend either way~
-hajun pokes a little bit of fun at you for your downturned eyes. he means nothing by it but he just thinks your reactions are cute when you get grumpy at him.
-i think he'd especially like it when you're tired and the sleepiness is evident in your eyes and you give him a sleepy smile:(( it makes him all warm and fuzzy inside and he just can't explain why.
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fanboo · 1 year
You’re sick hc’s
• “I think I’m sick- what’s that sound?”
• He immediately drives to the store to pick up any medicine he thinks you’ll be needing and food
• Treats you like you aren’t sick while still taking care of you
• “I wanna cuddleeee” “I don’t want to get sick” *three seconds of silence* “scoot over, you look cold.”
• cuddles
• Depending on how sick you are, he’ll cancel his plans to take care of you.
• Makes sure you’re hydrating and eating
• Sings you songs
• Blanket? Nonono. Wilbur
• Mom mode activated
• “Wil, I’m fine.” “You’re way too hot, get in bed.” “You think I’m hot?” “Y/N, bed.”
• Forehead kisses galore
• He doesn’t actually know what to do at first, so he calls Phil, Wilbur, and his mom for advice
• Lets you stay at his house until you feel better
• It’s like being comforted by a little kid but also better
• Mf still streams
• But makes the streams shorter so you don’t think he’s ignoring you
• “HELLO CHAT! Y/N is sick so today we’ll just chat. Can’t get too loud cuz they’re sleeping”
• Honestly it’s just cute
• “We’re going to the doctor”
• Will not leave you alone
• Makes sure you get whatever you want as soon as you ask for it
• Has Sapnap run to the store to get you food and medicine
• You now live in his bedroom
• Minecraft and cuddles
• As soon as he sees you he knows you’re sick and sends you to bed
• That purple Balenziaga hoodie? It’s yours the entire time you’re sick
• Buys you so much junk food
• Also buys salad
• “Healthy food healthy body”
• You’re pretty sure he cuddles the sickness out of you
• So many comforting kisses
• Oh my god so much kiss
• Dream almost got throat punched once because he coughed in the same room as you right after you just got out of a sickness
• Bless his heart
• “Wtf do I do I don’t know how to take care of people”
• “Dream help”
• With Dream’s help he takes great care of you
• Because he’s just kinda a little stupid he managed to get sick with you
• Sick cuddles>>>>>
• “I lob yoo” “George how are you sicker than me” “Say it back!” “I love you too”
• Karl is on top of taking care of you
• He makes you soup for lunch every day
• Cuddles and forehead kisses
• “Just tell me whatever you need, Y/N”
• Blows all his friends off to take care of you until you feel better
• Gives you his comfiest outfits to wear
• Probably takes better care of you than anyone else ever will
• Very good brother
• Tells you stories
• Constant check ins
• Even if he’s streaming, he’ll walk away for a second to see if you need anything
• “Can you tell me a Greek myth?” “How about all of them?” “Wait no” “Too late.”
• 10/10 brother
• Prepare to be pampered
• He gets you so much fast food
• Sucks at cooking but manages to cook you soup a couple times
• Cuddles
• He’ll sing you silly nonexistent songs to distract you
• Sucks at caretaking in all honesty but he is doing his best here
• Got sick right after you so you had to take care of him
• He was visiting Tubbo when you called him
• Found a flight back home as soon as he heard the sickness in your voice
• Didn’t tell you they did this until the next day when they walked into your house with groceries and their bags
• So much cuddle
• Very forehead kiss
• Had the foresight to buy canned soup so they just had to microwave it for you
• Literally takes the best care they can of you
• Took you back to Tubbo’s with them to keep an eye on you and still hang out with Tubbo
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turbulenthandholding · 5 months
👀 just wondering if you’re writing anything these days!
1. Hi, hello, thank you for the ask @anxietycroissant! ❤️
2. I am...or I am trying! I am about 16,000 words into what is probably going to be a pretty long fic. It's an unexpected pregnancy/speed-run-the-relationship Sydcarmy and I am happy to be writing it because it's what my brain wants to read but it alternately falls out of my head and gives me great angst. I had been pretty blocked for more than a week but 3000 words fell out of my head like nothing last night which was a nice surprise.
Excerpt (Syd and Carmy are at IKEA):
“Sammy, right? Weren't you Carmy's sous?”
Sydney looks up to see Claire standing before her. “Claire. Hi. It's Sydney, actually,” she says and rises. Claire's eyes fall to Syd’s abdomen. “And I'm his CDC now.”
“Oh, that's so cute!” Claire says, her eyes falling to Syd’s belly. “You finally got over your weird obsession with Carmy and moved on,” Claire says. “Congratulations!”
“Weird obsession?” Syd asks. She feels pinned again like she did the first night she met Claire during the reno, glared at for reasons Syd at least thinks she understands now. Jealousy, and this time, lingering anger at her breakup with Carmy, which Claire lobs at Sydney like a knife.
Syd struggles to respond. “Sorry...are you like here to look at a couch? Or like, eat some meatballs? Sorry.”
“How do you feel about a lingonberry juice box?” Carmy asks Syd as he returns, focused, unaware, unwrapping and inserting the straw as he moves to hand it to her. “Got some water too,” he says, finally engaging with the scene in front of him.
“Carm, hi,” Claire says, features pinching. Syd takes a sip from the straw.
“Uhh, hey, Claire,” Carmy returns. He slips his arm around Syd, possessive fingers digging into her hip. A united front.
“Just one…” Claire begins. “Did this, uh, overla…how far along are you?”
“Due at the end of February,” Syd says.
Claire calculates, glares at Carmy. “You didn't waste any time.”
Carmy shrugs.
“Well, this is just so fucking precious,” Claire says through clenched teeth. “I guess when you said you didn't have space for fun or enjoyment in your life, you really just meant you don't have space for me. Cool. Cool. That's just…I’ll see you around, Bear. Good luck with whatever.” She slings her bag over her shoulder and stalks off back towards the escalators.
“Uhh,” Syd says, before taking a last drink from her juice box. The lingonberry juice is good, a little tart cutting through the sweetness. The box scrunches and crunches in her hand and makes the sound that juice boxes do when they are finished. “Sorry, that was loud. And just like…sorry that, uh, this happened.”
(2.5 - I could probably use an alpha reader if any of my Sydcarmy mutuals wants to take a look and tell me if it's bad or that I'm crazy because it could very well be!)
3. I'm also working on a soul mark/soul scar Sydcarmy. It's probably about 3k words so far but I put it to the side because I realized I had a huge plot hole and haven't quite figured out how to come back from it yet.
Sydney gets really good at applying foundation to her arms, pressing it in with setting powder to help keep it waterproof just in case. The number of tattoos gracing her arms has been growing exponentially over the last few months. There's a pyrex measuring cup holding the whole world, a couple of angels, a fish. S-O-U on the fingers of her hand. She's a senior in high school on track to graduate with honors and the body art would be a distraction, a mark against her. An indication that she's not serious enough to do anything other than make terrible decisions or jeopardize her future; a constant, tangible reminder that she doesn't have the grace about things like this than people whose skin is lighter than hers. She wishes she didn't care. But she does, so she covers them up every day in a routine that feels like it has become her religion. She wears button-down shirts with long sleeves secured at her wrists most days, even when the heat and humidity in Chicago are oppressive. Counts the seconds until she can go to the CIA where maybe the sight of Schrödinger’s tattoos (simultaneously hers and not hers) won't hold her back.
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arcmiho · 2 months
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Extra+rambling under cut
Me when clear all Cathy (feat: my pm oc/insert)
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No but I started to cry when it got to this stage of the node and man I clicked on the thing like 30 times before clicking on the clear all Cathy. MAN I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A COOL JOKE UGHHHH. Also Cathcliff is one of my favourite PM ships now they’re just cute.
Random note but I couldn’t finish this when the 3rd part of the canto came out because my iPad kept crashing on the Vergilius node and I had to wait like 1-2 days before I was reunited with my computer to finish this so I missed out on the cleared before nerfs : ( (The moment I got home after a 8 hour flight and 2hr ride home I played through the last bit because I didn’t wanna be spoiled lol, and a lady at the airport got me sick too so I was jet lagged, tired as hell and sick but first priority was limbus lmao)
But like, seriously this canto made me spiral on this one thought. So in the canto it is explained that souls can’t like move on to actual death death because the Wuthering Heights manor is built on a stream. This stream that’s the same thing that the original seed of light project utilised to make cognito and in lobotomy corporation it’s derivatives such as enkephalin and the light/ golden boughs.
And we learn in Lob corp that cognito is pulled up through a well, likely connected to another stream of sorts. (Or is it just the bucket/ Carmen’s nerve system?) (because if it’s just that everything else here’s just invalid lmao)
So like if every branch had a well, which they would because they will have the extraction team to get more abnormalities that means there was a ‘stream’ of sorts underneath every Lob corp branch.
That means in every facility there’s just ghosts haunting the place. Everywhere. And people who died in those places even after Lob corp fell, (Aya, Yuri, the bug veterans) is also just ghosts there now???
Imagine Yuri just dying in that branch and is greeted by the ghosts of all her former co-workers and they’re just like oh cool you managed to get out but why tf did you come back or something.
But this is more interesting for the main facility, the main branch because of Enoch/ Tiphereth B and the light that happened. So Carmen and Ayin got sucked up into the light right? So what about all the other dead souls unable to go on because of the stream? Did they get sucked into the light as well? So is there just a hive mind of people up there we don’t know about? Especially for Enoch since he was a pretty big player in the script and everything. (Here’s where I shall just ramble about the little boy because I quite like the little man) If he got swooped up into the light as well what would his interaction with Carmen be like. I would think he’d just forgive her because he knew what he was getting into. But what about Ayin? Would he understand that this was for a better purpose or be angry at what he made the others (especially Lisa/ Tipherepth A) go through? And additionally would he be angry at Lisa? I pose this question because he wanted to have a purpose, a bigger reason to be living and would he view her letting him be killed (again) as something sad because he could never experience the end of the script and the result of his work/ his ‘purpose’ that he lived to create. Or would it be a little more messed up where he finds his purpose in the light, helping distort people/ gain EGO. (Mostly gain EGO as the preferable outcome, Carmen in Leviathan says something to that extent where’s it’s better for people to ignore her and develop EGO) (I think, I haven’t really read it, just watched random analyses using Leviathan for evidence) And if all the dead people in the main facility is in the light imagine what the actual hell they could do. Like that’s so many people in there.
Also if they are all in the light Tiphereph reunion isn’t impossible, but unlikely since Tiph A has gone through her character develop already :T but I want to see that. How Tiph B feels about what Tiph A did both with pushing Carmen further down depression and her decision to put him down for the sake that he didn’t have to suffer. And just how Tiph A would react to seeing/ hearing him in the light which she probably won’t think it’s a good thing he’d getting caught up with Carmen again : P
Also could the records team have something to do with this fact as well? Like does this explain how the dead are able to come back other than the time thing?
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crinosg · 1 year
Okay so here are some more Disney Mirrorverse characters
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Anger they didn't really change at all. They just made him slightly volcanic. He also has a sword (not pictured here).
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Baloo basically looks like he walked out of a weird Furry version of Mad Max.
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Baymax looks weird, it looks like they tried to integrate his power armor into his design. Not really a fan.
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I like how they didn't really change Buzz's design. They just gave him a bigger gun.
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Man if looks could kill Donald would already be in prison. I do like they made the effort to distinguish him from the KH version. The energy anchor is a nice touch too.
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OKAY WHY IS DORY EVEN FUCKING HERE? Spare her the horrors of war I implore you!
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I like this, its similar to her normal outfit, but clearly designed for combat with more maneuverability.
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THIS IS THE MONADO'S POWER! I mean, EVE already has combat abilities, does she really need the flipper swords?
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Again reminds me of Elsa's design. Its the same dress as the canon version, just designed for more maneuverability. And with big stupid WOW shoulderpads too. Also I guess she's just lobbing the poison apples at people now.
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Yeah, remember Frank Wolff? Dwayne the Rock Johnson's character from the hit Disney Movie Jungle Cruise? Yeah no I don't either. Look, the movie had came out, they needed to promote it. Have Dwayne The Rock Johnson with a Swamp Thing arm.
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This one is alright, feels like if they were making the edgy Pre MCU Frozone movie this is what he would look like.
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Alright real big fan of this one. This looks like the Genie like a thousand years post Aladdin where he's become a powerful Genie lord and rules over his own kingdom and stuff. Just love the design here.
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I like this. Pretty simplistic design.
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Not gonna lie I could imagine canon Hades wearing this.
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I think this is largely just a recolor of his canon costume. *checks* Not even a recolor, its basically just the same outfit.
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Honestly never even seen Onward so I could not comment. It looks fine though, he looks like a DnD character.
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So they took Judy Hopps and gave her a Zero Suit. I can dig it.
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Again, this is something I could see Maleficent wearing.
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So the question is how do they change up Maui for Mirrorverse? Answer, just make his tattoos glow. Its a cool effect to be sure.
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this one is pretty good. No complaints.
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I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS. Why is Mike in power armor? Why is here here at all?
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Pretty cute design, but I get the feeling Minnie isn't fully aware she's about to be going to war.
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This is a nice design, its simple, and it builds subtly off Moana's normal look.
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Why are his hands glowing? What does that add?
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OH GOD THEY PUT OLAF IN A LITTLE CAPE I CAN'T. Why is he even here? Olaf cannot face the horrors of war. He looks so determined too like that face says "I'm about to kick some ass today!"
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Okay the jacket is a bit much, but I am kind of digging the roulette wheel shield and the dice flail.
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Again have note seen Raya, but this seems alright. Probably should make time for some of these newer Disney films, especially since I want to show support during the whole DeSantis....thing.
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Really like this one, especially the sewing needle weapons.
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Goddamn Scar, cut back on the vaping man! What the actual fuck with this one?
Okay I'm out of space for pictures in this one so gonna continue this in a part 2.
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mikolovesazul · 1 year
If it’s okay, can I request Malleus x male reader angst? I don’t have any ideas in particular but there just isn’t enough x male reader angst out there lol.
No way .... First post and it's already angst HWHAHAH
also I lob lob malleus !!
tw: one sided love, friendzoned , reader likes Leona
Word count : 692 words (this would possibly be a part one-- if the anon wants a part 2 then lmk~!)
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(y/n), malleus's best friend and only friend, was always there for him.
The way he smiled, the way his fingers brushed up against his own.. oh how he loved this feeling.
Malleus had a smile every time he glanced at (y/n), he was the man in his dreams-- a dream come true.
(y/n) turned to the side and smirked at Malleus. "Morning to you too, hornton!"
Ah...there was that smile..
Malleus gave a slight smile, "Good morning, (y/n)"
(y/n) had a slight scoff and playfully pouted
"I thought we promised to call me (n/n)! Hornton!"
Ah.. yeah..
"I...forgot, sorry.. (n/n)" Malleus had a faint blush as he looked away.
(y/n) chuckled a little which made malleus flinch for a while.
That chuckle..so cute...
Before Malleus could do anything else, the teacher came in and told everyone to go to a certain chapter.
Malleus had forgotten to ask (y/n) to come eat with him, he went to the rooftop and couldn't find the (taller/shorter) man.
Where could he be...?
He then walked to the cafeteria and heard laughter from two certain individuals.
...there it is again, the way (y/n) looked at Leona lovingly.. it was disgusting. The way the lion-like man nuzzled against him... It was utterly disgusting.
Malleus stared at the two longingly, hoping that (y/n) can understand what he's hinting.
(y/n) noticed him and waved at him, as a sign to come eat with them.
Malleus begrudgingly walked there and it turned awkward.
Yeah...it went awkward fast
Malleus stared at Leona-- and Leona did the same.
Man.. this was getting awkward, (y/n) tried to struck up a conversation.
"s-so...uhm..did you do your homework?"
The two then answered at the same time-- only to glare at eachother again.
Oh dear..
When it finally turned night time, (y/n) went out to their usual spot.
As always, he saw malleus sitting at the bench-- with a flower at hand.
"Hornton!" (y/n) shouted as he ran to his best friend.
Malleus's expression enlightened as he looked up to see his future man-- ahem.. friend.
"(n/n), good to see you tonight" malleus had a smile as he stood up.
The two were standing close to the fountain, the birds were chirping-- it was the perfect time to confess.
"(n/n)-- no, (y/n) .. I've taken a liking to you ever since you stumbled in this place. I love you, will you reciprocate my love?" Malleus had a big smile on him as he gave (y/n) the bouquet of roses he picked.
Is (y/n) gonna confess? Malleus was sure he woul---
"I'm sorry .."
Malleus 's eyes widened as (y/n) didn't take the bouquet and looked away from his eyes instead.
....ahaha, what a funny joke. He was sure that (y/n) liked him too-- right? ....right?
He stumbled behind a little but then chuckled
"I was merely joking, you're my best friend-- and I love you...platonically"
(y/n) had an embarrassed blush as he took the bouquet and nervously smiled.
It hurt his heart, alot.
"what? You thought I liked you, (n/n)?"
"pretty much yeah, it looked convincing. You should be an actor, hornton!" (Y/n) replied as he chuckled at Malleus.
At this point, malleus had his heart shattered. Who could (y/n) like other than him?
"(y/n), as a friend.. I should be able to know this. Who do you love?" Malleus asked immediately, his tone a little sad.
"oh? I love Leona! He's a nice guy and----"
Malleus didn't dare hear the other words.. why Leona? Why him? He would be happy for (y/n) if he picked anyone else but Leona
Damn you, Leona
Malleus tried to keep his cool and bowed at his friend.
"it's getting late, I'm going back to my dorm."
"oh! Alright, see you... Hornton!"
There it is again, the cheerful smile.
It hurt, it hurt alot.
"Please forget about Leona and more on me.."
"hmn? What was that?"
"nothing... Goodnight"
Malleus left (y/n) all alone..consumed with his thoughts
"Malleus...oh malleus.. I'm sorry.."
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Thanks for reading~ let me know if you want a part two!! -miko
Hey you, yes you! come request here or in my inbox!! I'll reply as soon as possible!
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TWST - Sleepover
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Cater x Reader
Rating: Everyone
Warnings: H*and holding;
Word count: 1359
A/N: This has been lounging in my drafts for ages along with its half-finished nsfw sequel, but there doesn't seem to be much reason for keeping the cutesy bit hidden away.
It was a sleepover night at Ramshackle. Ace, Deuce, and Cater helped you heap blankets and pillows on the floor of the common room, prepare an obscene amount of snacks, and pick out the cheesiest horror flicks known to man. It was Cater's first time finally attending so you were extra excited. You crossed paths with him on your way to put your pajamas on and you stopped, your head tilted as you stared at him curiously. He had just finished getting changed himself.
"Something wrong with my face?" he teased, his usual grin in place. 
You shook your head. "I've just never seen you with your hair down before." You held your hand out, asking to touch the loose strands. Cater wasn't a fan of people touching him usually, but for you he'd make an exception. He stood there, green eyes narrowed as you ran your fingers through his hair when you made a noise of surprise. "You'd think I'd be used to it by now on account of how often Ace and Deuce are here, but," you skimmed the curve of his cheek with your thumb, just under his eye. "Seeing you guys without the card marks is still pretty trippy."
Cater hummed brightly, catching your hand in his and pressing a quick kiss to the inside of your wrist. "Well you'll just have to help me with it tomorrow!" You laughed and went on your way, joining the boys back in the common room with Grim on your heels 15 minutes later. Cater was squishing Ace’s face in his hands, talking about how cute he’d look with his hair back.
“Gimme a headband, will ya?” Cater said. You jogged back up to your bathroom, ignoring Ace’s yelling of ‘don’t you dare!’ with a cackling laugh. Despite his attitude Ace sat with a pout, arms crossed, as Cater put the headband on him, arranging Ace’s hair so it spread evenly under the stretchy sparkly fabric. “Adorbs!” Before Ace could stop him, Cater had snapped a photo and was posting it online.
“You do look really cute,” you said. Deuce snickered into his fist behind your back and Ace lobbed a pillow at him. Deuce dodged and the pillow sent Grim sprawling instead. Grim wailed because the bowl of chips in his paws were now scattered and smushed and you glowered at your fellow freshman until they had sheepishly picked up the mess and refilled Grim’s bowl. Cater snapped away all the while.
“Lookit you, keeping the freshies in line.” Cater commended. You took a dramatic bow and eventually the five of you settled into the blanket pile and started the first movie. By the end of the movie Cater was lying with his head on your leg and you had taken to absentmindedly running your fingers through his hair. Halfway through the second movie he was wearing Grim like a fur hat, because the little monster didn’t care if Cater was lying there; it was his lap to sleep in. When Grim had crawled into your lap it effectively put an end to playing with Cater’s hair. Instead of simply letting you go the Junior had grabbed your hand and was now holding it against his chest. You kept finding yourself focusing on the warmth of his body and the faint beat of his heart instead of the show.
“Cute cuddle pile,” Ace teased as he leaned in to grab from your largely untouched pile of snacks.
“You can join if you’re jelly, Acey.” Cater said with a grin.
“No way!” 
You sighed. “The first time we did this, they cuddled together in their sleep. They’ve made me be the barrier ever since.” Cater squeezed your hand comfortingly and lifted it to kiss your wrist. It was the second time he’d done that and it made your chest flutter.
“You wouldn’t wanna wake up spooning your dorm mate either!” Ace insisted. You gestured to Grim but were cut off by Cater giggling.
“I can say from personal experience that Trey likes being the little spoon.”
“What?!” Ace yelped.
“Really?!” Deuce cried.
Cater laughed. “And it doesn’t even happen by accident!”
Grim grumbled in his sleep, his foot thumping Cater on the top of his head.
Ace’s mouth worked open and shut for a moment and then he shook his head. “You know what? Coming from you, Cater, I can’t even really say that’s a surprise.”
“Is it nice being the little spoon?” Deuce wondered aloud.
“Only one way to find out,” Cater said. Before Deuce could retract his statement Cater grabbed him and pulled him to the floor, holding him as the little spoon. Deuce cried out, struggling for a moment before giving up, his head resting on Cater’s bicep. You were laughing so hard you woke up Grim who bopped you on the nose, which made Ace laugh, before he crawled under another blanket and fell back to sleep. 
When you’d all finally calmed down Deuce said slowly “this is actually pretty nice.”
“Told ya so,” Cater said.
“Jealous yet?” you said teasingly to Ace. He stuck out his tongue and sat back to watch the movie, although he was closer to you than before.
With Grim out of the way you resumed playing with Cater’s hair, only this time in your distracted state sometimes your fingertips would stray along the line of his jaw or the shell of his ear. It wasn’t until you started fondling his earring that you realized how handsy you were being. “Sorry!” you whispered fervently. “Didn’t mean to be all grabby!”
“You’re fine.” Without the usual insouciant grin on his face Cater looked so serious and melancholy. His chin rested on the top of Deuce's head and his heavy-lidded eyes were trained on the TV and you couldn't help but stare for just a few seconds. He almost looked like an entirely different person.
As the end credits rolled you yawned and stretched, poking Ace in the forehead when you dropped your arms. He scowled and poked you back and it nearly escalated to full on war when Cater said “and that’s Deucey down for the count!” You both looked and sure enough, Deuce was fast asleep. You grabbed your phone and checked the time.
“It is almost 2 am. We should all get some sleep.” You carefully extricated your leg from under Cater’s head and stood, stepping over Grim’s sleeping lump to use the bathroom. When you came back Cater and Deuce were still in the same spot covered with a blanket and Cater had replaced your leg with one of the pillows. Ace was a few feet away half covered with his own blanket. You considered your options for about two seconds before lifting the blanket and snuggling up against Cater's back.
"Really?!" Ace said.
"Don't get left out Acey~" Cater cooed. You slung your arm next to his over Deuce and nuzzled your face shamelessly between his shoulder blades.
"Unbelievable," Ace griped. All the same, a few moments later he was lying down next to you. Almost as an afterthought he grabbed the blanket Grim was asleep on and dragged it down next to him. "The things I do for you people."
"Love you too!" You and Cater said at the same time, the both of you laughing after. Ace huffed and you felt him shift against your back. He might be trying to act cold now but you knew that when you woke up in the morning he'd be as cuddled up to you as you were to Cater.
Grim mumbled something about tuna and you stifled your laughter against Cater's back. "These are the best nights," you said wistfully. Ace grumbled a response and while Cater said nothing, you felt the unmistakable brush off his fingers against yours.
Your heart leapt into your throat and you literally held your breath as you adjusted your arm and moved your hand so that it was beneath his. Slowly, his fingers filled the gaps between yours, curling into your palm. It wasn't until his back moved against your cheek that you realized he'd been holding his breath too.
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Welcome back to Keef rewatching TFP and you just get the notes!
This is Episode 8 of Season 1: Con Job.
I write Timestamps in, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly out of sync.
00:03 - beautiful shot, damn
00:10 - how does Miko not fall off?
00:24 - Optimus slowly opening and closing his mouth reminds me of a fish.
00:44 - mind me, just gonna enjoy Optimus’s voice over and over again.
00:53 - Bulkhead recognising WheelJack’s voice within the second is proof that they’re gay for each other. It’s not up for debate.
00:54 - I’m sorry but Bee’s little step back looks so polite.
00:56 - you can tell Arcee wasn’t thrilled about having to move.
00:59 - Same deal with WheelJack recognising Bulkhead’s voice.
01:00 - that was a dumb question.
01:14 - Optimus saying Wheeljack in a questioning tone is cuter than I expected.
01:34 - Arcee gets it.
01:52 - how does.. how does Soundwave have access to full body scans of the Autobots?
02:10 - and here we have waisted potential.
03:27 - reference to previous episode nice.
03:45 - smart protocol.
03:55 - mmmm s u r e
04:05 - I don’t know how I feel about Bee so silent.
04:57 - go off, queen
06:12 - ✨Jackie✨
06:20 - so Arcee and Bee were useless.
06:35 - I want to punch her so bad. I’ll consider easing up on the Miko slander if someone can give me a good reason as to why she’s such a pain.
06:45 - hah. He looks so short compared to Optimus.
06:52 - I will never get over Optimus’s formality.
06:53 - I Don’t know why I haven’t mentioned it before, but I really like the way the metal actually has a reflection on it.
07:11 - Optimus randomly gets very expressive here, it’s adorable, but kinda sad considering that he’s not talking to the real Wheeljack
07:24 - sexy walk cycles
08:35 - Beautiful scenery ruined by MIKO.
08:48 - I used to be on a netball team with this girl that would throw passes really violently that the rest of the team would be scared to catch it (she caused my fingers to jar multiple times) - it just reminded me of that.
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Look at hiiiiim
Actually, look at this scene.
There’s something so precious about Bee sitting on the floor, tapping his knees to the music, while right beside him Ratchet’s working.
08:57 - they’re throwing a circular object at each other, Jack. Take a while guess.
08:58 - Lobbing? Seriously? They were throwing it at each other’s stomachs. Lobs are high passes. I know, I know, they’re saying it’s a Cybertronian thing, but I’m nitpicking.
09:13 - I f o r g o t this part was in here! Raf dancing like a god and Bee’s head popping into frame like a giraffe.
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09:17 - Shh… I love it.
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09:19 - The moment Bee makes a sound, Ratchet stops what he’s doing to watch.
09:21 - Precious af.
09:25 - Jack’s obviously jealous of the way the two dance otherwise he wouldn’t have changed the subject, prove me wrong.
09:30 - I refuse to believe that. (Not to mention they’re not partying.)
09:34 - Raf and Bee dancing as the ball flies past is unexpectedly funny.
09:35 - that ball was gonna hit the ground.. how did it fly up??
09:37 - quick reaction time from Ratchet, goddamn.
09:38 - the wheels on his elbows were spinning as he moved and started to calm down.
09:39 - I’m surprised he didn’t threaten to kill them. I would’ve.
09:43 - I dunno why, but I really like the animation during this specific line. I think it’s because it’s slightly exaggerated so you can tell he’s annoyed, but it’s kinda comedic too.
09:57 - Ratchet feelin proud of himself at that moment. *Cri* look at hiiim
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10:08 - not suspicious at all.
10:42 - This story telling part is weirdly pretty to watch.
11:10 - These two looking fiiiine.
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11:13 - how long did it take y’all to realise that the laugh Bee just did was his equivalent to a full body laugh? I’ll tell ya, I only just realised.
11:26 - Bulkhead’s double take when he realised Wheeljack wasn’t paying attention.
11:31 - translation: *concerned boyfriend noises*
12:00 - I’m not the only one that feels uncomfortable from how that line was delivered, right?
12:32 - Reaction image right here.
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12:40 - Both of them looking up at Bulkhead is so cute I caaaan’t.
12:42 - Bee just in the corner. Also translation = *skeptical boyfriend nosies*
12:59 - When you say that their legs could kill.
13:46 - So no red flags going off for Miko? Seriously?
14:17 - Now appreciating the way the bots look down.
14:57 - the way his eyes moved
15:02 - live ratchet reaction.
15:11 - Mmm exaggerated movements, my love
15:18 - that has the energy of that one friend stealing a cookie.
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15:29 - ratchet: 😯
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16:29 - there was quite some buildup for that reaction.
17:57 - Gaaah
18:11 - Wheeljack needs some self help books, huh?
18:44 - rude.
19:44 - And he’s dead. Wasted potential.
19:51 - Another beautiful scene.
19:54 - what’d I tell ya? He’s jealous. Can’t dance nearly as well as Raf and Bee.
20:02 - hell yes.
20:10 - He’s so tall
20:32 - fuckin w h a t ?
20:44 - Boyfriends.
21:14 - that… sounded weirdly sexual, right?
Mmmmm that was Con Job.
It was pretty alright, not a favourite ep of mine, but I’d rewatch it in a binge.
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Okay, so all in all, this Lego game is actually pretty fun and cute in how it presents the key scenes from the films, but I just want to say that the "Snape's Memory" level was probably the most uncomfortable level of any game I've ever played, and let me tell you a thing or two about how the sort of games I've played over the years aren't always cutesy animal mascots or funny little platformers.
This level has you in the shoes of young James, Sirius and Remus as you chase down a clearly scared young Severus Snape through the halls as he hides in lockers, behind items and finally in a tree that you will then conjure a pair of shears to cut down the branch he's sitting on as he reads a book. Then you duel him and it initiates a cutscene of which, after attempting to defend himself, James blasts him with a charm that leaves him standing in his shirt and little green Lego underpants, trying to cover himself before the memory ends with a zoom out to present day Lego Snape's lip wobbling before he points Lego Harry out the door in a much more subdued manner than how the movie presents it and far more tame than how it went down in the books.
As you can see here, I hesitated in my footage as I was realizing in real time that I was supposed to terrorize young Snape. 🥺
Now, of course, Snape wouldn't exactly be my favorite character of the series, as I grew up reading the books and can easily point out all the reasons why you really shouldn't take his redemption arc as perfect... But I wouldn't say he's my least favorite as he's certainly a very interesting character and the movie portrayal was absolutely a fantastic adjustment ((thanks to my brother, YEARS ago, I have a little Snape figurine that's kind of cute and modeled after the movie version, and I unironically love the little piece of plastic)).
((a lengthier post under the jump here, in which I ramble about the complex morality of said character, remind y'all that he was also a bully, and also other tangents that'll let y'all really know that I probably haven't told you guys just how much this series was a key memory of my childhood))
There's his good moments that were definitely planted early on to make re-visits to the series a nice refresh now that you know the intent of his actions, but, as I like to say: "Hey, didn't he literally throw a glass jar in the general direction of Harry's head once, just days after the whole thing about Harry unintentionally invading his memories? Like, this 36 year old man lobbed a glass jar at a 15 year old kid's face because he's still holding a grudge over this kid's dead dad. Yeah, that's book exclusive, but it still happens."*
But, that said, Snape's childhood was rough and this part was a bit rough to play through with that context, I suppose at least the Lego form of it omitting being hung upside down by the ankle and getting his mouth flooded with soap to the point he was choking was wise on thier part-
Oh, wait, didn't he also call his one good friend a slur after she attempted to help him, because she kind of smirked a bit at seeing his underwear?
Dang, everyone sucks here. This whole event reads like a Reddit AITA post, ngl. My favorite character was Remus, and arguably, while he didn't actively participate in the bullying, he still acknowledged years after the fact that being a bystander was just as bad, so even my favorite character is in the wrong and can't be excused.
But, hey, if everyone was perfect, then stories would be boring because there's no conflict or flaws, and that's sort of needed anyway in order to show growth or downward spirals.
* Really, anything that Snape did in relation to literally bullying children he's supposed to be teaching is just gross. Remember that Neville's boggart takes the form of Snape, when everyone else is afraid of things like spiders or snakes or Voldemort. Neville didn't feel safe around his own teacher, how messed up is that? Snape got bullied as a kid and turned around to be the bully, and even WORSE, joined a supremacy club, and only tried to back out when it affected him personally. He did not break the cycle. Casual reminder that Snape was 100% willing to let James and Harry die in exchange for Lily, and only revised that idea after Dumbledore called him out on being such a sick slimeball.
Simply put, Snape was an incel, and I think we shouldn't forget that. And that's fine, that's his character, it makes his choice to sacrifice himself for the greater good a little more satisfying, but we should not forget that this whole story was mostly his fault to begin with. Alternately, if the Sorting Hat had placed him anywhere else, it might have improved his chances of bettering himself, or if his parents weren't such awful people to him, but at the end of the day, he made the choices he made and he had to deal with it.
Why am I even typing all this, it should be pretty obvious that I don't support his actions despite him being in my list of favored characters of the book, like, he's just interesting in the sense that I grew up with the books as they were coming out, so there was all these years of build up for me to flit between "Ew, Snape." and "Oh, Snape?" and "Aww, Snaaaape..." and "Wow, Snape!", so it was literally information I picked up between ages 11-17, much like the main characters of the books, tbh.
My favorite Snape moment in the books? Book 3, when we find out, thanks to the Time Turner, that he wasted no time in tending to the kids and Sirius after finding them unconscious, so he conjured up stretchers to take them back to the school, when like, it's established that as far as he knows, no one is around to observe this and he doesn't take the opportunity to rough up Sirius a bit, so him choosing to do things the right way while not being observed is an interesting side of his character that isn't remarked on enough.
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Favorite Snape moment in the movies?
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This. "Prisoner of Azkaban" was the only Harry Potter movie I saw in theaters because my mom's coworkers convinced her to take me right after her shift at work when I was spending the day with her on a day off from school and had dragged along my copy of "Order of the Phoenix" to read quietly, and next to Book 5, Book 3 was my next favorite in the series and this adaptation was my favorite despite the major changes, and the changes to Snape's involvement to the plot was honestly welcoming because Snape throwing his arms back to defend the kids from Lupin as a werewolf, without hesitation, is such a good layer to add to him.
Favorite Snape moment in the Lego Games?
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Hard toss up between the fist pump at getting his dream job, the shaky wand before being forced to kill Dumbledore, the refusing to celebrate thing even though they slapped a hat on him, the nod to Harry after revealing that he was the Half-Blood Prince, the fact that Lego Snape's "death" was prompted by scarfing down the last cookie, or that they had to extra his tears by shoving an onion in his face ((I don't even think he dies in this version of events, he just cries and falls over)). Lego Snape is the saddest looking piece of plastic I've ever seen. He falls in that category I have for Lego Joker, which is: "The actions of the source material character doesn't carry over into Lego form, so they can be judged based on thier actions as Lego, therefore I can call them cute in the sense that they're goofy action figures."
Just a but disappointed that we didn't get Snape's completely unhinged shrieking fit at Harry and Hermione after Sirius and Buckbeak escape, and he's ((rightfully)) 100% convinced they had something to do with it, but doesn't have the proof other than he just knows. The all caps words on the book pages while he's just screaming about Harry somehow escaping the hospital wing to do this because it's the sort of thing he knows Harry would do, while Dumbledore and Fudge are just exchanging glances and Harry keeping a straight face during this is just sublime.
I mean, as far as Snape knew, he was about to finally get revenge on the man he thought was responsible for the death of his closest friend/crush, her husband and about 12 other people, and presumably said individual was out to get the last remaining bit of Lily's legacy that survives, so naturally Snape was like "Oh, joy, I not only get to end this once and for all, but I'm gonna be seen as a hero for saving these kids and maybe I'll get that validation I've only dreamed of, tee hee~" only for it to get snatched away in a few minutes, and he knows full well that Harry has already thwarted no less than three attempts on his life so far and the kid totally has the nerve to do stupid brave things all the time, I don't blame him for thinking that Harry was the one who let Sirius escape, and he's totally right but can't prove it, lol.
Kind of wonder what Snape must have thought when he found out that Sirius was in the Order, too? Can you imagine how awkward that probably was when Snape walked into 12 Grimmauld Place, and sees this guy and the mysteriously disappeared hippogriff in there, two years later? I bet Snape's brain gears went into overdrive and was like "I freaking KNEW it." and probably threw his hands in the air once he was brought up to speed on the situation by Dumbledore.
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himebushou · 10 months
HI – I am finally watching Shaman King 2021!
The 2001 anime consumed my head and my heart (many a Maths lesson was spent discussing what had happened in Last Night’s Episode), so I’m happy to be diving in at last!
I’m grouping my rambles for convenience.  Here are some squiggly thoughts on Episodes 1-9!
Episode 1
Ep 1 of Shaman King and I'm getting emotional – the way Anna and Yoh go up against Hao in the opening sent a chill down my spine!  And wow, they didn't waste any time establishing the twin connection, huh?
There's definitely a lot packed into Episode 1, which means that it goes super fast but hey, that's fine!
It will take me a while to get used to the voices because I love and adore the 4 Kids dub – but I'm watching this subbed and having fun so far!
Episode 2
SHAMAN KING is one massive eco message and I loooove iiiiiit!  Having Ren spend all that time staring up at the stars rambling on about air pollution… you tell ’em!
Episode 3
Phew, the bit in the Lee Pyron episode where he starts crying... that takes me back…  (Though I think they missed a trick here by sticking with ‘Lee Pyron’ in the dub; ‘Lee Pai-Long’ made a lot more sense to me, back in the day.)
Anna literally slapping sense into everyone, including Jun fhdjdn
Episode 4
Episode 4 is my favourite so far – the introduction of Tokageroh!  There was a proper laugh-out-loud moment as well as plenty of action... though I have to ask how in the world baby!Mosuke was making swords, lol.  Him and what resources?  The knife from his father? Gosh.
Tokageroh’s backstory was delivered pretty quickly… I also appreciated Ren in this episode.
I wish that the English dub had stuck with 4Kids’ term ‘sacred hang’ – that had so much flavour.  Ryu talking about a ‘happy place’ doesn’t really have the same pizazz.
However!  Amidamaru referring to Yoh as ‘Lord Yoh’?  Amazing.  Splendid.  Beautiful.  I believe it was ‘Master Yoh’ back in the 2001 days.
Episode 5
First of all, starting off with Ryu was cute!  Though I don’t understand how Anna summoned Mosuke to fix Harusame considering that he's dead dead (having passed on at all), but hey, I think we'll have to let it slide…
SILVA IS HERE!  I had to skip back and watch most of the episode in English because hi, DAN GREEN, HI.  He was so great and I just felt so happy hearing his voice again after all this time~ it helps that Silva is an AMAZING character and so much fun!
I cracked when Yoh lobbed Amidamaru like a baseball and tfjfj the bit where Amidamaru's spirit nearly ascends is so good –
I actually squealed when Over Soul started playing, sheesh.  Oh well.  It wasn’t too late, so I’m sure my neighbours were fine.
And man, Ren is such a lil creep at this point... The Tao family give off serious Zoldyck vibes, tbh.
(Shaman King 2021 is still super fast and I think it’s okay for people who’ve got 2001 or the manga as a baseline, but if I were completely new to the IP, I would be LOST.)
Episode 6
Horohoro is so cute.
That’s pretty much all I have to say!
Episode 7
Faust the VIII is a FREAK what the hell!
At this point, I’m flip-flopping between the sub and the dub based on whether it’s a Silva screen or not dndjkd but Faust sharing a seiyuu with Saurtobi Sasuke (from Sengoku BASARA!!) is making that complicated!
Also, the soundtrack is perfeeect for Shaman King I loooove it
Episode 8
Manta comes from money?? I don’t remember all of that stuff with his family from 2001 at ALL.
Also, the funny thought of Ryu going to America to train as a sushi chef like... surely it would be more prudent to stay in Japan?  lol
I'm pretty sure Amidamaru uses "de gozaru" when he speaks, which is super cute
This episode introduces Tamao!  I think she might be a little younger than Yoh and Anna (11?). Ponchi and Conchi were absolutely vile which was definitely, definitely left out of the dub.
I feel like we could have had more of Yoh's struggle in Yomi Cave, for sure, but that’s 2021's breakneck pacing again!  Also, I really have to question the tournament format considering that something like 10 days have passed since Yoh's loss to Faust – there wasn’t any mention of how long the qualifiers would last.  I love tournaments in anime, but they MUST be well structured!!  Or I get mad!!
Bason is adorable...... Also, I completely forgot that Ren disdains the Tao family?  What a dweeby child.  I love him.
How is it that Tamao has an Over Soul but Yoh didn't even know what it was called nfjfjd Just HOW slack was Yoh in his training??
Episode 9
I love how much this episode focused on Yoh saying things like, “I'm not going to force myself" djdj I wish he was the shounen protag whose example I'd followed… Yoh says such important things about not working to death that many of his peers could listen to!  And me too sigh sighs
Once again, the timeline is whack – the preliminaries are over but Ren’s only had two battles?  Huh??
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