morrisseyhaterr · 1 year
7, 8, 11, 18 pls!!
okay, definitely putting a readmore lol
7: Favourite live performance of a song
Okay, I'm definitely biased on this one, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the demo version of wonderful woman and I don't even want to know how often I've watched this video, but it's this 1983 performance of "What do You See in Her":
https://youtu.be/W9ktxjzC_4A !
The way Morrissey sings is SO incredibly emotional, and you notice how personal those lyrics are to him - this is what people mean when they say "he poured his heart and soul into it". Wonderful Woman is among the most underrated Smiths songs for me, but honestly, I'm still sad about the lyric change.
I also have to dedicate a honourable mention to this 1986 performance to The Queen is Dead: https://youtu.be/-o76TepMrJI. Though i was first completely put off by Morrissey's random gurgling and gagging, and disliked this performance when I first saw this video, it has now definitely grown on me. Though I wouldn't listen to this version when I just want to hear the song, it definitely fits the vibe of the song: it's not only meant to be an easy listen, but also convey a message, while ALSO being witty and ironic. Also, LOOK AT JOHNNY PLAYING THE GUITAR WITH A DRUMSTICK??? i LOVE this man so much.
8: Best cover of a Smiths song
I don't know if this is a basic answer, but I really like the Deftones cover of "Please, Please, Please, Let me Get What I Want". The band brings a completely different sound to the song and changes your eperience listening to both the original and the cover, and I think this is what a great cover is supposed to do. Also love the recordings with Sandie Shaw, but I'm not sure if they count as covers haha
11: Theory I'd like to share
This one is a bit far-fetched, but here goes:
So, I know that "This Night Has Opened my Eyes" is at least partially based on "A Taste of Honey", but I do think that it is also based on another play called "Faust" by german author Goethe. Actually, the only thing keeping me from 100% believing that theory to be true is that Morrissey has never admitted to being inspired by Goethe, like he has with other great authors. I'll summarise the play here, but fyi, in it, themes of pedophilia/grooming and a dead baby are discussed, so if you don't want to read about this, please skip this one! :)
To sum up the play "Faust" as short as possible, there's this guy ( around 50) who is really booksmart, but doesn't know anything about real life, so he basically makes a bet with the devil, who makes him younger (about half his age) and helps him get with a 14-year old girl called Gretchen, which is obviously very creepy, but at the time people thought it was normal. She comes from a poor household, her mother is sick, she basically had to raise her own sister when she was still a child, and her father isn't around - and now there's this older guy, who also seems to have some money, taking an interest in her. She falls for him, thinks he loves her too - which he doesn't, it's implied that he just wants her for her body (also she's 14 and he's 25! let's not forget this fact). He gets her pregnant and leaves her, and now she's on her own, with no way to support the child, and being outcast by the people in her village, so she sadly drowns the baby. She then goes to jail and dies there, but her soul is saved by god and she goes to heaven. Pretty crazy stuff, honestly.
You can probably already see where this is going: The first verse of the song discusses drowning a baby in a river, which is exactly what Gretchen did. The line that goes "a grown man of 25, he said he'd cure your ills, but he didn't and he never will" also makes a lot of sense through this lens, and by singing "save your life, cause you've only got one" Morrissey could be referencing her soul being saved.
18: How did you first get into the Smiths?
Honestly, completely coincidentally. Last winter, I was just opening up YouTube and looking through my recommended videos when I saw a video titled "There is a light that never goes out". I had heard the name of the band this song was by once or twice, but never really checked them out, but for some reason, I just clicked on the video, and that was it: I was completely enchanted. Naturally, I checked out some other songs and was even more impressed with this band. They became the first band whose full discography I had listened to in the correct order. I just got the urge to find out more and more about them, and they became more and more important to me over time- and now I'm here, with basically almost my whole tumblr account dedicated to this band!
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alcappacino · 1 year
NEW CAT PFP?!!?!? 💕💙♥️💕💞💖💙 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🎃🎃🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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music-for-them-asses · 5 months
Dropping by to also say happy birthday I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY !!!
Omg thank you!!!!!! 😁😁💗💗💗
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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[DC] say cheese 📸!
My original bday post + action pose art! And some bonus sketch comms :)
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dailydccomics · 2 months
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Young Justice by Francis Manapul
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lesbiannieism · 6 months
meme-worthy panels from young justice (2019)
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ernest-frankenstein · 2 months
Keli: Thank you all for being here today. I'll get straight to the point: I'm worried about Superboy. I think Robin is hurting him. Cassie: … Bart: … Cassie: … Bart: … Cassie & Bart: *guffaws* Cissie: Wait, why do you think that? Keli: Do you guys remember the debrief last week? How Robin looked really angry and was all, "Superboy, can I have a word?" and Superboy was confused and protesting but then Robin grabbed him and dragged him out of the room? Well, I followed them and saw Robin shoving Superboy into an empty conference room. I tried to get in there but he had locked all the doors and deactivated all the security cameras AND all the listening devices. And then when they came out an hour later Robin looked all smug and self-satisfied and Superboy looked kind of dazed and was limping really badly. Do you guys not see what this looks like? Cassie: … Bart: … Amethyst: … Jinny: … Steph: … Cissie: *clearly dreading it* … What does it look like? Keli: Torture and interrogation, obviously.
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couldtheycatchkira · 2 months
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one-bat-day · 1 year
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I think this is one of my all time faves from this series
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a-deck-of-cards · 1 year
yj98/yj19 incorrect quotes pt. 2 !
previous - pt. 1
Anita: *holds up bottle* Is this wine or perfume?
Bart: *chugs bottle*
Bart: It’s perfume.
Kon: Hold on, I’m having those. . . headaches with pictures.
Naomi: . . . What?
Tim: He’s having an idea.
Kon: *playing with Tim’s hair* You’re so cute and pretty.
Tim: I could use kryptonite to kill you.
Kon: I know.
Jinny: There is SNOW! Falling from the SKY! *wave hands in texan*
Naomi: See, I would be more worried if you started floating up but you do you.
Bart: The most important thing about any relationship, whether romantic, platonic or familial is that you got to be in cahoots.
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catgirlemi-doodles · 29 days
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Hey guys! I'll be at Saboten on Aug 30 til Sept 2! I'll have a bunch of new stickers and charms!
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aboutzatanna · 1 year
Hey, remember that JLU episode titled ‘The Once And Future Thing: Weird Western Tales’ where a couple of JL members ended up stranded in the old West thanks to time travel?  
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Well, turns out there was a comic book very similar to it written by Gerry Conway with art by Don Heck but starring a different set of JL members which may or may not have been the inspiration for the episode:   
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The episode was written by the late Dwayne McDuffie who was no stranger to writing in references to older comics. For instance, the two parter ‘Brave and the Bold’ Flash’s hallucinations were references to various Silver Age Flash comic covers and he was also very open about the fact that the line up for the Terra Beyond two parter was based on Marvel comics Defenders (no not the Netflix team, the one with Namor and Dr Strange). Even the episode title itself, ‘Weird Western Tales’ is a reference to the long running anthology series of the same name featuring DC’s western characters. 
The story arc in the comics ran from Justice League of America Vol 1 #198-199.     
While it’s hard to conclusively say that the episode was inspired by the comic, there are some interesting similarities like Batlash’s introduction here:   
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I posted Zatanna’s meeting with Cinnamon earlier in another post but here is a little excerpt:  
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Interesting to note that one of the goons calls her an ‘Eastern Filly’ (is it because of the way she was dressed or a subtle hint that she is not 100% Caucasian?).  The heroes and their new Western cowboy friends all meet at a Saloon: 
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Then they all ride off on horses out of town to confront the villain and of course, faces robot cowboys:   
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The differences begin with the choice of the time travelling villain, the comic went with classic JL villain: the Lord of Time:   
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JLU went with David Clinton, aka Chronos. He’s a different villain who is primarily the enemy of the Atom/Ray Palmer but has also fought the JL on occasion.   
The Lord of Time on the other hand, is a conqueror from the future who travelled back in time with future technology to conquer the past and rule the future. Sound familiar? He was Kang before Kang.  Since JLU’s version of Chronos comes from the future, you could make a case that version is a combination Chronos and Lord of Time.   
Then of course,  there is the line up, the comic features Zatanna, Elongated Man, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan whereas the show features Wonder Woman, Batman and Green Lantern.  Superman also appears trying to thwart the Lord of Time in the present day.     
On the Western heroes side, we got Diablo instead of Cinnamon and Scalphunter is replaced by Pow Wow Smith (and it only takes a cursory glance at the characters wikipedia pages to see why the socially conscious Dwayne McDuffie made that choice).   
The plot of the JLU episode involved a corrupt sheriff using future technology to take over the town but the plot of the comic is a little different. The Lord of Time sent the heroes back in time, erased their memories, because an anti matter meteor was set to strike earth on that day.   The LoT is counting on the heroes to stop the meteor so he can have it for himself so he can use it to conquer the world.  (Why he doesn’t just get the meteor himself? Maybe he didn’t have the technology to?) 
Anyway, the heroes learn about the anti matter meteor heading towards them, Zatanna is reluctant to leave her new found cowgirl girlfriend with her friends to fight the robots:
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But she ends up going anyway:   
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Can I just say, I really like this shot of Zee and Green Lantern flying together? Even though she is depowered during this period, they never really stuck strictly to the ‘she can only manipulate the elements’ ethos.  Having her flying alongside GL and being unabashed powerhouse is really cool and shows her place among the DCU. There is no ‘she has to be taken out so someone else can shine’ bs here.  Also, reading these comics, I have felt that GL makes the most sense as the field leader of the JL; power based on creativity and will power and they are specifically trained to work together and take on strange extra terrestrial or otherwise threats. I think any of the human GL’s (except maybe Guy) can lead the team.  
Zatanna and GL  manage to stop the meteor. But in present timeline the Lord of Time ends up defeated by Superman (early on he got in a kryptonite trap set by the LoT but managed to escape) just as the time trapped Leaguers make their way back.      
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Awww, a krytonite waterfall wasn’t that bad, Clark.    
Overall, the issue was alright. It does feel like placeholder (albeit a fun one) before the big #200 celebration issue (I posted some scans from that here). Come to think of it, the episode came off as filler as well, with the Western parts feeling like a fun romp and ultimately inconsequential to the arcs of the main heroes but the follow up portion set in the Batman Beyond timeline was more impactful and memorable.   
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sereiaadella · 2 months
got a long list of 𝙚𝙭 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨, they'll tell you i'm 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗲.
...e ela é mesmo!
antes de todos terem os seus finais felizes, adella viajava pelos mares e conhecia rapazes em diferentes reinos. ela ficava com eles, alguns mais sério do que outros; mas todos tinham algo em comum: logo depois que se relacionavam com adella, eles encontravam os seus amores verdadeiros ou simplesmente decidiam dar um pé na bunda nela sem mais nem menos. logo ela, que além de bonita, sexy, inteligente e charmosa, era também uma princesa sereia. e rica! muito melhor que qualquer princesa que lavava o chão, convenhamos. agora que adella está sendo obrigada a conviver com todos os ex namorados e ficantes que a trocaram por princesinhas ou decidiram que eram melhores sem ela, a sereia decidiu que se vingaria de todos. foi assim que roubou um artefato de úrsula e, sem saber como usá-lo, saiu amaldiçoando os seus exes por aí!
aqui está a lista de exes e maldições para eles! essa é uma conexão aberta à longo prazo. caso tenha interesse em colocar uma maldição boba no seu personagem, fala comigo no chat para ser ex da adella. as maldições são realmente bobinhas e não têm efeito por muito tempo, até porque ela não sabe manusear a magia da úrsula. as maldições não tem um prazo para serem desenvolvidas também, vocês podem considerar que já aconteceram ou que ainda vão acontecer! ou que simplesmente não aconteceram, a adella só tentou e falhou.
@lykostrophy — ele vai latir como cachorro pra lua por alguns dias.
@adamthebcast — vai ter mais depressão (brincadeira) ele vai tomar ainda mais decisões erradas.
@talesofeugene — o cabelo dele vai cair e ele vai ficar calvo.
@phillipxasleep — ele vai cair no sono em momentos aleatórios do dia, em qualquer lugar.
@wcstcrgaard — a voz dele vai afinar toda vez que estiver flertando/jogando seu charme por aí.
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dailydccomics · 13 days
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Young Justice by Derrick Chew
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sammydem0n64 · 6 months
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My favorite The Hex (2018) character is Admin T. Isaac, yeah they showed up during the Gameworks Raid in the background screaming and crying and throwing up saying that they don't wanna die over and over again. Pretty underrated character honestly but that's what happens when they don't have much screen time </3 (obvious jest. say hi to Isaac for me)
Irene belongs to @aftout uh huh uh huh
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pulpsandcomics2 · 8 months
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Weird Western #16 March 1973
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