#hey look i finally made my own art tag
soepwashere · 2 years
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Syndicate hugs for Revivedboo doodle dump because I need fluff with my angst
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xervn · 3 months
like a french girl 🎨
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part 2 - like a | art major ellie x dance major reader
first chapter | next chapter
summary: ellie had been struggling with finding the perfect model for her art final. that was until she saw you
18+ MDNI | 3.7k words | tags; college au, pining, still sfw for now, texting, no use of y/n, not proofread
a/n: if you're not imagining the prof as nick offerman you're not doing it right.
The song finally ends and all the other dancers in the studio scatter, just as breathless and exhausted as you are, leaving the room reeking with sweat and the remnants of unbridled passion.
You try to steady your breathing, leaning forward with a hand bracing your thigh, fanning yourself off by pulling at the collar of your tee. Today’s practice was more exerting than usual, especially since you were the one leading it. 
You might’ve showed off a little because you overheard some of your classmates undermining your talent; claiming they could do your own choreo better than you can. It wasn’t like what they said bothered you, however, you needed to set the record straight.  
You’ve always been an amazing dancer, you have the awards, the scholarships to prove it. You’ve scraped your knees bloody to get to this point in your life. You weren’t gonna let a few shit talkers ruin a great thing. So, yeah, you’re absolutely winded because you wanted to prove a point, but you don’t regret a second of it. The looks on their faces was enough to clear any doubts for the rest of the year, for sure.
You drag your feet over to your stuff huddled in a corner, dodging past everyone else in a rush to leave. You pick up your water flask, taking a much needed chug. Mid-drink, you hear the doors of the now empty studio swing open and you swivel around only to see Dina in her black leotard, clutching her bag on her shoulder as she jogs towards you with a suspiciously wide smile.
“Hey, D. You don’t look like you want anything at all.” You say sarcastically, scoffing as you set your bottle down. 
“Oh, come on! I can’t see my best friend?” Dina asks, resting her hands on her hips. All you can do is stare at her with an unmoving expression of doubt, folding your arms with a perked brow. 
“My best-est friend in the whole world. Ever.” Dina adds on. 
You don’t think Dina could make it any more obvious so you decided to wrap it up yourself. “Dina, what is it? I swear to god if you say Jesse…” 
The expression on Dina’s face pointed in every direction that it’d be about him. You groan, amazed that you’re having this conversation again. She’s been pestering you for weeks now about meeting this “amazing” guy she’s been recently dating. She insisted that he’d be like another gal pal, but obviously you doubted that. You’re sure he’s as great as Dina says, but you find it awkward to meet him like that anyways. 
“Just hear me out!” Dina practically begs, clasping her hands together and everything.
“Dina— I love you, but I don’t wanna be a third wheel for an hour.”
Her wide grin returns, looking oddly ecstatic to hear you bring that up. “Okay, well, what if I told you that you won’t?”
You already told yourself you made up your mind the minute this conversation started, but you gesture for her to continue anyway.
Dina’s face lights up as she goes on, “Jesse’s going to bring his friend too, then it’ll be the four of us!” 
You’re not sure how to feel, it does cancel out the one annoyance you had, but now it sounds like a straight double date. The thought alone makes you cringe a bit. 
Dina can tell, rolling her eyes before speaking, “His friend’s a girl, and she’s cool.” 
You just silently make out an ‘oh’ and Dina snorts at your expression. Well, now there’s nothing keeping you from going, but you don’t feel like letting Dina have this one that easily, so you intensely rub your chin as if there’s something else to be considered.
“I’ll buy you food! Cinnamon rolls!” Dina exclaims with a hint of desperation. You giggle and stop the act, finally giving Dina a smile and a nod. She’s already pulling you in for a sappy hug and you return it with an eye roll, making sure she doesn’t go too crazy now that she’s finally convinced you.
“So, when are we doing that?” You ask.
“Today. You're so sweaty, gross.”
“Rude— Today?!”
After a nice shower and a trip to a small on-campus bakery, it was time to go meet Jesse and his friend with Dina. Just to make conversation, you tell Dina about your embarrassing encounter last night as you two walk around campus. 
“You mooned a stranger?! Listen, when I said you should hook up with someone while I was gone, I meant through a party or an app. Not the window!” Dina exclaims, not even attempting to hide the amusement in her voice. 
Honestly, you were amused by the situation too, it was hard not to be. “Shhh… I didn’t moon her, she just happened to be there. Plus, my ass was mostly covered.” You reply with a playful grin before biting into your promised cinnamon roll. You didn’t really have anything to be embarrassed about, either way it’s an emotion you deal with often. First of all, you’re a dancer; you’ve tripped during a routine before, danced a few humiliating moves. It’s a part of the process. Second of all, your ass is fucking great and we’re ending on that note. 
Dina tsks and shakes her head at you in pretend disappointment. Unable to take her seriously, you dissolve into laughter. 
You two walk across the courtyard and into the school commons; a tall and open building, with the walls of it being large windows. For the time of day, it wasn’t that busy. You decide to scope out the small crowd, and play a little game with yourself to see if you can find out who Dina’s man is before she tells you. 
Not him. Definitely not him. Maybe him? Nah. Who is that?
“Over there!” Dina taps your shoulder excitedly and points in the distance, but you were already looking that way. 
There was a girl, maybe an inch taller than you in a black, patch-covered varsity jacket that definitely didn’t fit her, facing a taller guy that looked exactly like Dina’s type. You weren’t positive why you were drawn that direction, all you knew was that there was something vaguely familiar about that girl. You tried to put the pieces together, but you gave up not even two thoughts later; shrugging it off. 
The guy looks towards you and Dina, smiling brightly as he beckons you two over. Dina links arms with you and drags you along before you can even acknowledge it. As you two start approaching, the mystery girl finally turns around and offers a small smile to Dina, only for it to drop the second she lays eyes on you. 
Your eyes lock on hers and you’re absolutely mortified. It was definitely that girl. Y’know, the one you saw through your window? That girl. Even if you didn’t see her all that well last night, the struck look on her face gave her away. This funny situation was getting less and less fucking funny as you and Dina stride closer. The panic starts to override your sensory abilities, the unusual feeling etching into your thoughts. Maybe you should just own it? Pretend you don’t remember? Should you run away? You think you should—
“— meet Jesse!” Dina says, looking at you expectantly. You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice you stopped walking. Now the girl is way closer than she was last night. You could keel over and die now, really. 
It’s not like you’ll see her again. You wish you could turn back time and slap yourself for jinxing you like that. You glimpse up at her, and, fuck, she was looking back at you. You guys needed to stop doing that. Even worse, she’s just as hot as you were hoping she wasn’t. The hair, the outfit, the decorated carabiner hanging off the loop of her jeans? She’s a fucking lesbian wet dream. 
You whip your head away, and unbeknownst to you, she’s still staring; gawking, even.
For Ellie, ever since you walked up, all that’s been going through her head was, ’I wanna draw her’ over and over again. Seeing you up close was even better than she could’ve ever imagined. Your… everything was better than she imagined. She initially locked eyes on you when you were still passing the courtyard and she was in awe of that smile of yours. She was obsessed with how you laughed, how you threw your head back as you did. For a moment, she wondered what was funny. For a moment, she thought about what she’d give to hear it. She had to look away and face Jesse so her whole body didn’t turn red from just watching you. 
She only understood the gravity of the situation when you finally approached. What were the chances you were Dina’s friend? You were really in front of her now, an arm distance away. She has literally never been happier to go out before. She was genuinely glad Jesse dragged her out here for once. 
For as long as she could, she admired you; already color-matching the shade of your skin, your eyes. Appreciating the plumpness of your lips, how expertly your gloss spread across them. She wants to appreciate more of you, but from the way you looked away from her, she worries you might think she’s a pervert and honestly, you’d be well within your rights to think so.
Ellie catches her stare, dipping her attention onto her feet instead. You catch the sheepish action in the corner of your eye and it automatically tells you everything you need to know. If she hadn’t seen anything, she wouldn’t be acting like that, right? Let alone remember you. You wish you weren’t agonizing over this, catching these little traits was only making things worse. 
It’s painful; the situation. The whole thing didn’t even cross your mind until recently. You can’t make eye contact with anyone in front of you anymore, so you nervously say hello along with your name while looking out of one of the several windows. 
Dina forces a smile, since she already introduced you herself, giving you a quick ‘what the fuck’ look on her face before turning back to Jesse who still hasn’t caught a whiff of the tension. Your behavior was incomprehensible. You’ve never acted this way around new people. The whole reason Dina begged you to come was because you were so personable, so you can only imagine her confusion now.
Jesse and Dina exchange looks before Dina attempts to continue the convo. “So, Ellie, what’s your major again?” Ellie. Now the (extremely good-looking) face has a name, great.
“Uh, drawing. Art.” Ellie says, awkwardly tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear as her eyes darted everywhere but you. You were making it awkward, she was making it awkward, and all for different reasons. 
Dina nods along to Ellie before saying, “Oh, really? Didn’t think you guys left your rooms.” Dina teases, slow-turning to Jesse who already has a fist bump waiting for her. 
Ellie shakes her head with half a smile. “Ha, ha. Very funny. Yeah, I guess I needed some sunlight.” 
“Yeah, right. I had to bribe you out with a DC comic.” Jesse chirps in, his tone taking a dramatically repulsed turn. 
Ellie immediately punches him in the arm, “You haven’t even read the comics, asshole.” 
Jesse’s hand shoots up to soothe the spot as he laughs.
“Well… I think DC is better than Marvel if you ignore the movies.” You spit out and Jesse and Dina are immediately groaning at your comment. The only reason you said anything was because you felt inclined to take Ellie’s side since they were ganging up on her. Not to mention you might’ve traumatized her, so you might as well attempt to make buddy-buddy. You weren’t lying though, you read enough comics in middle school to know; even if your appearance and style might’ve indicated otherwise.
Ellie teeters at the side, not expecting you to speak at all, let alone take her side. She didn’t think she deserved to hear you speak more than she has already, but here you were, making her blush over a silly shared interest.
Ellie stuffs her hands into her jacket’s pockets, twisting her lips before gaining the courage to speak to you. “That’s because it is. They haven’t read Sandman yet.” 
“Oh, shit. Sandman was really good! Death was definitely my gay awakening now that I’m thinking about it.” You respond, glancing off as you dwell back on it.
Ellie definitely blacked out for a moment after hearing “gay” and “awakening” leave your mouth in the same sentence. Now there’s a part of her wondering if she has a chance with you.
She doesn’t say anything, she can’t say anything since she doesn’t trust her voice. You can’t tell if she’s super awkward or homophobic, but she doesn’t look like the latter. She just gulps loudly and you take note of… this whole interaction and store it in your brain for a later date, like a sleepless night.
With the sudden silence befalling, you both look over to see that Dina and Jesse are still passionately ranting and raving about how trash DC is, so passionately they look like they might kiss about it. Like, their faces are inches away from each other. You and Ellie are absolutely baffled at how this is even possible. They’re talking about superheroes. Superheroes! The sight makes you wanna hurl. You scowl and look elsewhere, catching Ellie grimacing in the process. 
Her brows are furrowed, lip upturned, and her nose is slightly scrunched up to the point where she kinda resembles a squirrel. You snort to yourself at the comparison. Okay, she’s adorable, so it took everything in you to contain your laughter. Obviously, you did a poor job since Jesse and Dina turn to your stifled giggling, following your eyes to see a plainly disgusted Ellie judging them. 
They get flustered, shyly laughing it off while Ellie pretends to scold them. “Welcome back. Now cut it out.”
Ellie turns to you with a surprisingly bewitching smile that catches you way off guard, and mouths out ‘gross’ while stealing a glance at the couple. 
“Pfft, I think it might be time to change topics.” You say, biting back the smile forming on your lips. Ellie is unintentionally endearing, you can tell because, well, she’s growing on you. Maybe you’ve been overthinking the whole thing? From the looks of it, she might’ve just needed to warm up to you. You like that conclusion much more than anything else. Anything else being a possibly unflattering angle of your ass cheeks.
Dina chuckles before nodding, “Okay, well,” Dina puts a hand on your shoulder and looks between Jesse and Ellie, “She’s a dance major too. The trendy kind.” 
“Trendy kind?” Ellie asks, focusing on you as she waits for an answer.
You roll your eyes at Dina for the silly description and fixate back on Ellie, finding yourself unusually nervous under her stare. “I’m focusing on commercial dance choreography. For singers, concerts, things like that.”
“She also did ballet for ages.” Dina chimes in. You nod reluctantly, since it was a long time ago, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t still use those skills. 
“Oh, that explains it.” Ellie says, looking directly at you, clearly without a thought. She doesn’t mean anything bad by it, it just explains why she was weirdly infatuated with your back; your posture. Either way, that was supposed to stay in her head and not for you to hear.
You raise a brow, barely tilting your head to the side as you ask, “Explains what?”  
You hold your eye contact with Ellie this time, silently waiting for an answer. 
“Oh— err—“ Ellie stammers. She has no idea how to save herself. Even if she did, she doesn’t think she’d be able to say it when you’re looking at her like that. Looking up at her quizzically, slightly pouting out your full bottom lip. You’re a bit intimidating, you’ve always been a bit intimidating to everyone. However, Ellie finds herself oddly attracted at the same time and it’s really fucking with her brain. You aren’t even trying to be threatening though, you only want to know what she thinks of you. For no particular reason. 
Ellie, flustered beyond comprehension, can only shrug and manage out, “Uh, nothing? I guess, um, that’s how you two met?” 
You calm your expression, afraid Ellie might melt if you put any more heat on her and for the record, she would’ve, but not for what you think. You couldn’t read her at all and it made you wanna rip your hair out. 
You end up giving her a small nod while a trace of curiosity lingers on your face. 
Coincidentally, Ellie can’t read you either. Do you know she was the one “creeping” on you last night? If you don’t, then maybe all hope isn’t lost for her. But, of course, she can’t fucking tell. One second you’re looking at her like she’s a ghost, the next you’re giggling at all her jokes. But she’s not an idiot, she knows that as long as she doesn’t completely scare you off; she can complete her final. The only question from here is if she’ll ever gain the courage to ask you. 
The answer to that is no. No, no, no. You’ve been integrated into Ellie’s life for weeks now. Although it hasn’t been daily you always show up at least twice a week, over three when she’s lucky. It’s been weeks and she still can’t ask you. 
In her defense, you guys are never alone. You haven’t even walked by Ellie since the dance wing and art wing are nowhere near each other. You’re always with Dina, she’s always with Jesse. All four of you occasionally meet up for lunch, or spot each other at student events and parties. Never just you and her. Ellie has tried to rehearse just asking you casually with Dina and Jesse around, but that sounds like a fuckin’ humiliation ritual. Imagining you saying “ew, no” or bringing up how she was ogling you through your window in front of them. 
It’s not like you’ve been giving her the impression that you would. It’s actually far from that. You’re a walking ray of sunshine. You always, and I mean, always say hi to her first. Ellie might be a little nuts, considering it’s only between her and Jesse, but she swears you do. Sometimes, you even avoid him to get to her first and she thinks it’s the cutest damn thing ever, but as far as she knows, that’s just her imagination playing a sick prank on her delusion.
Good news is that her work has improved since she still gets to see you often. She steals glances at you, taking mental pictures of you whenever she can. If someone told her to draw you eating a damn french fry, she’d be able to do it perfectly. 
Her professor leaves less marks on her work than usual, and with finals rapidly approaching, Ellie thinks this is the best she’ll ever be able to do. It’s way better than before and the chances of you modeling for her are slim to none, so she’s trying to convince herself she’s perfectly fine with wrapping it up here. Acting like it doesn’t eat away at her to not be able to draw your full body, all its perfections and imperfections. 
You’re chatting with some friends as you gather your stuff up to leave, when your professor calls out your name. Your head shoots up in that direction and you quickly excuse yourself as you walk over to a scruffy looking older man shuffling around paperwork.
“Yes?” You stand neutrally at his desk, completely unaware of what he has to say to you. 
“You’re failing. Failing horrendously,” He shifts in his seat to look at you better, “You know you are human right? You labeled the rectus femoris the tibialis anterior for fuck’s sake.” 
The… what? You had absolutely no idea you were failing and no idea what he was saying. Yeah, you spent zero time studying, but it’s human anatomy. It’s just a stupid mandatory course. The classes with actual dancing are what you put your time and effort into. What type of asshole teaches a science course at an arts school, then fails the students? Whatever.
You bite your tongue before speaking, forcing a faint smile. “Oh, well, can I make up the grade…?”
The man pinches the bridge of his nose before pulling out your paper from the stack and in front of you. “You’re not understanding, out of 640 muscles in the human body you got one correct. The pectoralis major.”
Honestly, you have no words. Seeing the paper in front of you was pretty humbling. 
He laces his fingers as he continues to gruffly speak, “I don’t know if it’s because you’re gay or something and the only thing you can identify are boobs, but this is an easy grade. You had to get at least 200 correct to pass.”
Did he just? Your jaw dropped ages ago, and you start to say something but he immediately cuts you off. “I don’t wanna hear it, take your paper. Study, and I’ll let you retake it. Do not make me have to fail you.” 
You purse your lips, conflicted with how he called you out and how he’s giving you a redo. You just snatch the paper and storm out of the classroom. 
you: its not fucking funny
dina: is it becus ur gay or something
you: STFU!!!!
you: what do i do ffs
you: finals week is coming up soon and im stupid
dina: you shouldve taken the course with me last semester
you: help me study
dina: foh i barely passed 
you: 😭😭😭im so screwed 
dina: no ur not
dina: don’t worry
dina: ask ellie 
Ask Ellie? Your thumbs shake over your screen. How could you ask Ellie? The amount of strength it takes to talk to her in real life without turning into putty is insane. You guys don’t even cross paths enough for you to comfortably ask for a favor, but you really need to pass this class. It definitely wouldn’t be the worst to finally talk to her one on one... hang out with her more… see her more… Fuck it.
you: what’s her number?
what's this? click!
tag list: @bready101 @pascals-doll @macaroni676 @khai-le @pedropascalsbbg @seraphicsentences @starlight-savegery @snowy-vee
a/n: marvel solos but i think ellie would love dc
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potol0ver · 7 months
Ask; Hello, I read you have your request open, and I really like how you write about Erik. So, if you feel in the mood, I like some scenario (GN or AFAB) in which y/n starts to work ato Opera House like an skilled effect artist and one night, when y/n finally has some time free and alone, Erik found her playing something like ROxxanne tango with the cello, because she play it but only for herself.
Tags; Fluff, GN reader (you and yours),
A/N; Hey, I’ve been silent for a while and I’m sorry for that. I wasn’t motivated to post any fics and was in writers block. Now I need to focus on my health because a serious health concern has come up for me, so I apologize for continuing to be radio silent. I’m a little out of it while I’m writing this so I’m sorry, Please injoy this fic, it will most likely be the last for a while. (You may continue sending asks just be warned I might not be able to get to it for a couple of reasons.)
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With a heavy sigh you put aside your art peice, a stage mask that just wasn’t holding up to your standards. You’ve painted over your dried paint and wiped it off to many times to count already. Your hands had become shaky long ago as you sit at your desk that was in an obscure corner of the Opera house.
You push your chair back that gave a screech and sluggishly walked back to your small room in the Opera house. Thankfully it looks like none of your roommates are in the room which means you can properly relax and wind down. Most importantly in your mind, it means you can practice your cello without disturbing anyone.
Quickly you set up your space, adjusting your chair, setting up your music stand, making sure your bow has enough rosin. Flipping to your favorite cello peice you take a breath and start playing. Letting your fingers and how move on the strings fluently, you we’re getting entranced by your cello. Unknown to you, you weren’t the only one being entranced.
Somewhere deep in the Opera house, the Phantom can hear your playing faintly thanks to the echoing of the monumental walls. Intrigued, Erik quietly yet softly made his way to you until he could hear you clearly. Leaning against a wall he let his eyes shut and get wrapping up in your music, loving where you crescendoed and adding your own flare.
When you got to the end of the piece and pause your playing to find another to play, he finally peeked a look at you. He thought you would’ve been apart if the orchestra, but he didn’t recognize you, it also looked your your cello while well kept, was quite old to. Erik became very fascinated by you now, he started by “testing” you. Slipping new and harder pieces for you to try, and if you did play them he’d be happily surprised with how well you make the notes come to life.
Next, after you passed his “test”, he worked hard to see if he can find you a proper newer cello. Only the best for his new found talent, that day by day he was slowly falling for. The more he became infatuated with you he got more determined to find a cello to match your one of a kind soul.
After a while he did find a very good cello, a one of a kind, just for you. So, Erik made quick work to insure it’s yours. He personally polished and cleaned it, making sure no scratches were on the instrument. While you were working hard at your props job for the play, he made diligent work to set up the present in your new room. That of course was also a present from him. How could he let his musical muse share a room with a bunch of strangers?
Leaning the cello against the bedside table he placed a rose and a note next to it. Despite watching you for so long and being so devoted to you, he never got to the courage to say anything to you. Hopefully the grand presents will be a good first impression.
Groggily you walk back to your room, only to be told you don’t sleep there any more. Which after the long day you had of making props wasn’t good for your anxiety. As you followed the directions to your new room, you think about how you could’ve gotten on the bad side of someone to get an even more run down place to sleep in than what you have already had.
All of those thoughts quickly got washed away when you opened the door to your new room. It had everything you needed to live alone, a small kitchen/living room, a nice bedroom with a decent sized closet, even a space to practice your cello. You were so stunned at what you did to deserve this new room that you didn’t question how everything you own was already there.
Quickly, your eyes caught the sight of the luxurious cello next to your new bed. Gently you caressed it, looking over all of the fine details, it looked like a masterpiece that was specifically catered to you. The red rose next to the cello caught your eye next, along with the letter that had a skull stamp.
Carefully opening the letter you scanned the words, a mixture of your emotions sitting in your stomach as you read.
“My dear, I have heard you playing for a while now, and I must say the way you make the notes come to life is hauntingly stunning. You have caught my interest in the best way.
I know you haven’t seen me or heard me before, which is why I hope your new room and house warming gifts are a good first impression. If you wish, I can also arrange a seat for you in the opera’s orchestra so you don’t have to continue working in the messy arts department.
P.S. If it’s not to much to ask, I would like to hear back from you, so please consider us to be pen pals now. Also, if you ever need a quiet place to practice you can always come to my lair to whine down, maybe that way we can play music together.
~Yours devotedly O.G.”
A single thought ran through your mind as a mixture of unease and swooning butterflies ran through you…
What have you gotten yourself into?
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bloodynereid · 7 months
I watched Gen V and fell in love with Jordan x Marie, so I was hoping to request a piece between them. it can be pretty much anything haha sorry for the lack of imagination, I trust you’ll do it justice regardless. If anything, however, I’m a whore for angst with a slide of fluff or smut🤭 thank you so much in advance for considering my request!
Brewing Love
pairing: jordan li x marie moreau
tw: cursing, mentions of horrible professors, nothing else really
description: marie is in desperate need of a place to write her term paper in... and she find the perfect little cafe owned by the one and only jordan li.
a/n: hii tysm for ur request <3 hopefully this is something that you were looking for since you gave such an open prompt lol, i didn't really do much angst and i don't write smut at all really so i'm hoping and praying this is still enjoyable to read. limoreau has my heart and i might make a part 2 to this someday.
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(they both look so hot here i'm not okay)
Marie was stressed out. Her term paper was due in two days and she had barely drafted a plan yet. Usually she was better at dealing with assignments, for goodness sake she usually got them finished the day they were assigned! But this one assignment slipped by her for multiple reasons: 
1. She hated the professor teaching it. 
2. Said professor explained the paper horribly.
3. She was busy as fuck.
Now Marie was struggling with what most seasoned professionals call a “writing slump”. Honestly Marie was surprised she hadn’t completely burnt out by this point but this situation was not going to make the paper write itself. And so… she continued to procrastinate in a multitude of ways, which may or may not have included reading fanfics of her most recent obsession. By the time she had finished reading something that would probably be considered a novel the sun was already dipping behind the Performing Arts school that Marie’s window faced. Well shit.
Marie realized that she desperately needed a change of scenery so at least half of this paper could be written out tonight. That meant having to find a good enough cafe close to campus since she knew that the library would be packed full of students in the same situation as she was right now. As she packed up her laptop and notes, she tried to find a good cafe with wifi. Key-word: tried.
She spent a whole ten minutes scrolling through student forums and Google Maps until she finally found somewhere decent… a place that was even owned by a God U graduate. So she quickly grabbed her headphones and started walking out of campus in the direction of ‘The Woods’.
A loud guitar solo was blasting through her headphones when Marie pushed open the door to the beautifully decorated cafe. She stared in wonder at the multiple lights that hung from the ceiling adorned with vintage lampshades as well as the huge variety of plants and greenery that decorated the place. Oh she had definitely made the right choice.
Slipping off her headphones and dropping them into the opening of her backpack Marie fixed her shirt and walked up to the counter. She waited for one of the other customers, a tall blonde dude she vaguely recognized from God U. The guy was directly talking to one of the baristas behind the counter who had a little name tag that read: ‘Andre’ and was decorated with random sketches.
“Andre stop fucking flirting! We have an actual customer that’s not Luke.” A velvety voice yelled out from behind one of the fancy coffee machines before a figure stepped out and Marie stood dumbfounded. How could one person look so fucking stunning?
“Sorry man.” Marie was brought back to Earth as the voice of Andre cut through her haze. Shit when was she last attracted to someone this much? Probably never.
“Nah it’s good, Cate’s probably waiting for me. This place has the best coffee by the way.” The blonde guy, who Marie knew was called Luke now, said as he turned and gave her a wink before he walked off with two cuts filled with matcha.
“Flattery isn’t going to make me forget Luke, but you actually paying would. Hi, sorry about th-” The barista yelled at Luke’s retreating back before they focused back on Marie. Jordan felt their jaw drop open as the person in front of them smiled sheepishly with a little twinkle in her eye.
“Uh you okay?” Marie asked as her smile dropped into a more confused expression.
“Yes, yup, sorry. Long day. What can I get you?”
“I actually have no idea, do you have anything that’ll get my paper written for me?” Marie asked as a laugh left her mouth. Jordan immediately thought that she had the nicest laugh she had ever heard. It was like the congruence of dozens of instruments.
“Unfortunately not, who do you have as your professor? I may be able to help, I graduated only like 2 years ago so I should be able to give some pointers.” Marie smiled in gratitude as she leaned onto the counter, getting closer to Jordan in the process.
“Powell.” Jordan let out a low, agonized groan as their face twisted in disgust.
“He’s still around?”
“God, that man is like the worst professor in history.”
“Totally agree. Uh, I’m Marie by the way.” Marie said as she extended her hand which Jordan promptly shook, they immediately took note of the slightly raised skin in the center of Marie’s palm.
“Jordan. Nice to-”
“Oh and who’s flirting with customers now, huh?” Andre teased as he walked back out into the main counter area and sent a cheeky smile to Marie.
“Fuck off Andre.” Marie let out a laugh at Jordan’s annoyed tone when she realized she was still holding their hand. She almost felt unable to pull away from the easy warmth that emanated from them. Then almost by magic Jordan’s hand slightly changed before her eyes and she glanced up to see that Jordan had shifted, only for them to pull their hand away from hers in favor of pushing Andre.
“Oww okay fine whatever, I shall stop your highness.” Andre exclaimed out as he retreated to the other cash register. Jordan turned around and stared at Marie for another second before a smile reappeared on his face.
“Sorry about that, no idea why I hired him.”
“It’s cause I’m the best, obviously.” Andre chimed out, making Jordan send him another poisonous glare which softened the second they looked back at Marie.
“So have you decided what you want?”
“Coffee I guess? That’s probably the only thing that will get me through this.”
“Actually… would you mind if I recommended something else? It was my tried and true fix when I was in the same boat as you.”
“Oh my god, you would do that?! Yes, please I will take anything.”
“Okay great, go ahead and set up anywhere and I’ll have Andre bring it to you.”
“Cool, how much do I owe you?”
“Nothing, you’re a first time customer and you look like you desperately need it.” Plus you’re too fucking pretty for me not to want you to come back soon - Jordan added in their head.
“I- thank you.”
“Of course.” Jordan flashed Marie a smile as she turned and walked over to one of the tables.
“Oh you’re so fucking gone for her.”
“Shut the fuck up Andre.”
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i love their dynamic sm omggg
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blood-grove · 2 months
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The Hunt
part 1 -> next hunt
x tws; violence , blood , injuries , gore , slight suggestiveness , sickness. <- more will be added possible depending on the part.
x pairings; soap x male!reader (😲)
x characters; soap , ghost , price , gaz + (others will maybe be added? idk ive never written a whole lot of characters cuz i get confused in my own head)
a/n; i may make art for this series! and i will also possibly making art for my merfolk au.
Alarm bells rung threw out the small town the yells and panicked cries of the townsfolk as the huddle and ran into houses under carts under anything.
You let out a amused chuckle that came out as a growl to everyone else.
You were admittedly showing off a bit more than usual today pushing your self up with another flap of your wings as arrows shot past your head.
Christ John had to get better aim.
You dove letting out a bone shivering roar it was getting boring doing the same exaggerated display but it paid well.
John or Soap as the guild nicknamed him all those years back was your very lovable boyfriend.
To say what you both did was wrong would be true.
If it didnt bring so much coin.
Slaying dragons was a respected craft and admired by many and all, The demand for dragon slayers was high since such a feat was beyond dangerous and mostly ended in death.
Dragons were usually hunted by groups who set up traps of sling shot nets , big crossbow contraptions meant to pierce threw thick hide and scales.
But Soap didn't need of that,
Not when he had you.
Speaking on which you felt something dig into your side as you let out a fake cry of pain as your turned away from the village you couldn't hear anything they were saying from up here but you could imagine Soap's heroic rant as he chased after you away from the village a few more arrows stuck too you as you decided to close your act for today.
A final dramatic cry as you dived down intentionally losing control as you crashed into the ground.
A few taps to your face.
"Heyy wake up bonny boy"
You grumbled huffing.
"C'monn- You need to get up so I can pull the arrows off ya daft-"
You peered a eye open to him shifting as you got up shaking off a few branches and leaves from your head.
"Ye wanna know what name they gave ye today?"
You grunted as you got up shaking off any remaining stray debris before laying back down as Soap went to work with tugging off the arrows from you they never pierced your flesh magical properly imbued inside of them made them stick painlessly to the target more like tracking tag than real damage arrow.
"White Death, Ah think that's cooler than yer lest name na? whit wis it again.." Soap pulled off another arrow storing it back into his quiver.
White Death certain was a better name than your pervious infamous nicknames.
"Ah I remember was it Snow Scales or Ice Lizard-" Soap grinned as your growled looking away embarrassed.
Soap chuckled.
"I got 300 coin from you today- We could head somewhere nice grab some pastries from that Village a bit west I know ye loved there cinnamon rolls."
The suggestion had you perked up at the mention of the sweet which Soap grinned at.
"We should get all washit up na? Ye juist haed tae land in the mud—"
You flicked your tail at him sending him off balance and falling back into the ground as well as yo letting a raspy soundalike laugh.
Pushing your claw against the amulet that sat tight around your neck it glowed for a moment before you started to shift and change shrinking as Johnny complained about getting his satchel and clothes dirty.
Once it stopped glowing you were human size albeit a bit taller than Soap, You still had some draconic features your eyes still dilated into slits under the sun, Scales around you arms and back that were easily hid with clothes and gloves, and horns that were luckily short enough to be hid with hair or hoods.
You walked over to him holding out a helping hand only to be yanked down onto the ground by him.
"Payback-" Soap flicked your forehead as you huffed.
"Whatever you're not the one that takes the daring crashes and falls in out little acts-"
Soap just rolled his eyes. "I never said 'Oh and at the very end make sure to get covered in mud!'."
You huffed flicking his shoulder as he grinned as he retold his fake little heroic story he told to each village rambling on about these couple of cats he saw as you just listened fondly.
You visited villages with him sure when you were in your human form but it just always made you feel antsy the odd stares you'd get were enough to make you visits to cities, towns, and villages very sparse.
Soap had noticed of course the observant caring bastard that he is and wouldn't stand for it of course not forcing you but you both went out for little walks, for supplies, and for getting you and him clothes and gear.
That's what you loved about him, He brought you out of your shell his voice and mannerism really just made a part of you melt.
To think when you both met when he was going to kill you.
a/n; not very confidence in this but i wanna commit to it </3 my nerves r all over the place makes it hard to write.
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cheri-2047 · 10 days
can you write a hurt/comfort Kaveh x reader where the reader feels insecure because they don't have any talents or passions and Kaveh reassures them that they deserve to be loved even without those, and if they want, he'd help them find something they like doing that makes them happy
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG !!! I had writers block 😔 anyways thanks for requesting :3 (idk how to title this do I just made it comfort)
Kaveh x Reader comfort
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TAGS: mentions of alcohol, fluff
CHARACTERS: kaveh, mentions of alhaitham
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I’m gonna make it so Kaveh and Alhaitham are still roommates, it’s just alhaitham allows you to stay over and stuff because you and alhaitham are friends too.
The scenario for this is you and kaveh were drinking and you accidentally say things you didn’t mean to say while drunk. (Alhaitham isn’t at home right now)
Lately you’ve been feeling down, but you didn’t want to tell it to kaveh because you felt like it would only make you a burden, that is until you accidentally let it all out one night.
Kaveh said, bringing his drink up to yours. You two haven’t seen each other in awhile, due to personal reasons such as him having multiple projects, but now that it’s over, you two decided to celebrate.
You two had been drinking for the past hour, your cheeks only getting more and more flushed per sip.
“Finally that project was over! That client kept wanting me to change things, it went from him saying it needed ‘minor changes’ to the point that he changed almost everything!”
Kaveh exclaimed, taking more sips from his cup.
“Anyways, how are you?”
He turns to you, noticing your flushed cheeks.
“Drunk already? Hmm… but it’s only been your third drink!”
He laughed, before noticing your sullen expression.
“Hey if you want to go to bed you can… I’ll wash the cups don’t worry”
When you didn’t stand up, kaveh placed a hand to your shoulder.
“Stop…stop calling me that”
He looked at you with a worried expression, gently cupping your cheek.
“What’s wrong?”
You buried your head in your arms, after taking a sip of the wine.
“You…I don’t deserve you… “
Kaveh frowned, setting his hand that was on your cheek to your shoulder.
“And what brought you to that conclusion?”
“Forget it”
You mumbled before taking more sips.
“No no please y/n, what’s wrong? Is it cause of my projects?”
The thing is, it was because of his projects, not because you weren’t spending time with him, but because you can’t help but feel like you’ll never be as talented as he is.
You hated how you made yourself feel bad about it, it’s not like kaveh said anything or anyone did. It was truly your own mind.
Kaveh noticed your silence, he felt guilty even though he didn’t do anything wrong.
“I’m sorry I’ll spend time with you more I swear! I promise y/n”
He said as I tilted your chin to look at him.
“That’s not it”
You mumbled.
“I’m not good like you… I don’t have any passions, I can’t do anything well, I don’t feel good about myself. I feel useless”
Why were you even telling him these? You don’t know. To your surprise, you kept talking.
“How could you possibly love someone as useless as I am? I can’t do anything at all!”
Kaveh set both your drinks aside.
“Please look at me”
He muttered, before hugging you tightly.
“I love you very much, I don’t think you’re useless at all. I think quite the opposite. I think you’re amazing, the way you’re so kind and caring…I love you.”
He rubbed your back comfortingly, looking at you with a frown.
“I think you’re more than enough love…”
He pulled you closer, burrying his face on the top of your head.
“And plus…there’s no rush, it’s okay, it’s everyone’s first time living…”
He cradled you in his arms
“If it makes you feel better, maybe I can help you? I know I’ve liked art since I was a kid, but I’ll do anything in my power to help you.”
He gave you a reassuring smile.
“I think you’re wonderful, I love you so much.”
To his surprise, when he looked down at you, you had already fallen asleep in his arms. Most likely due to you being drunk.
He presses a kiss to your head and carries you to his bedroom.
The next morning, he’s already prepared with stuff you two could try, and if you tell him that you feel bad for “wasting his time” he will always say no and that he loves you
Thank you for requesting! So sorry if this was mischaracterized or I wrote reader a bit weird 😞 I hope ure okay tho!! Just a reminder that everyone deserves to be loved <3
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demonichikikomori · 2 months
1am Hotline.
Ruggie Bucchi x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1.1k+ Tags: Phone Sex/Established Relationship
Art is by llilililiiliii on Twitter!
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Happy (early) birthday Ruggie babyyyy!~! Everyone needs to love and cherish him NOW. KISS HIM. NOOOOWWWWWW!!! Not this year for this fic haha. This is also just a one shot stand alone and has nothing to do with my Ruggie series so please enjoy!~!
You called Ruggie late at night on his birthday. You thought he was sleeping, he was actually wide awake.
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You laid in bed, smiling to yourself as Ruggie finally answered the phone. “Hello?” His voice was groggy and breathless, most likely from sleep. You gently chirped out a sweet ‘happy birthday’ into the receiver in the darkness of your bedroom, looking up at your ceiling with a wide smile. “Is it already- It’s 1am?! You could’ve told me in the morning.” He groaned and you rolled your eyes. “It is morning. And this is payback for you shoving my face into Jack’s cake last year.” You scoffed jokingly with a hand gingerly rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Ruggie clicked his tongue on the other end in annoyance before starting to snicker. “Hey, hey, that was an accident. It’s not my fault you were so close to the cake. And the birthday boy already got his slice and chewed me out after.” His sly tone made your heart skip as you felt yourself starting to forgive him all over again.
“It ain’t good to hold grudges. When have I ever really wronged you? Some frosting in your hair ain’t that big of a crime is it?” He purred and you shook your head with a grin forming. “I guess not… But honestly, I wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday. Since, well, I don’t live in Savanaclaw. And usually it’s Leona who tells you first.” Since Ruggie was the royal alarm clock, Leona always had first place for his birthday wishes and gifts. Which you didn’t appreciate. 
“Well start livin’ here with me. I’ll make space and we can share a bed. It’s a little small but I’m skinny enough.” He suggested playfully, and part of you wondered if he was being serious. You smirked and glanced towards the window, watching the moon vanish behind the dark, cottony clouds. “So you’re inviting Grim too right?” There was silence on the other end and you struggled to hold back your giggle. “You know, couples do best with their own personal space… I see articles of married people sleeping in their own rooms doing better than those who do.” He changed the subject which made the both of you laugh. You leaned in closer to the phone with a soft smile, moving to sit up and lean against the headboard and pillows. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“I wasn’t sleeping.”
He wasn’t? But it was already so late. “Really? You sounded tired when you answered.” You raised a brow in confusion as Ruggie began to snicker with amusement. “I was jerkin’ it.” You felt your stomach flutter. “You know when you can’t sleep and you think to yourself; hm. I should jerk off and make myself tired.” He sounded so casual about it. You felt your face start to burn. “O-Oh! I see… Sorry for disturbing you…” You apologized with a sheepish voice as Ruggie hummed on the other end. 
“Who do you think I had on my mind?” The burning traveled from your face and up to the soft tips of your ears. “Wanna try it?” The birthday boy was making a request. One that left you rubbing your thighs together from arousal and curiosity. “It’ll be fun. S’just us. You just gotta stay on the phone with me.” He cooed into the receiver, and you shucked away your blankets. Maybe you could indulge the birthday boy a little. And Grim was asleep in a different room anyway. It wouldn’t hurt. Just this once.
“So what do I do?” You asked nervously while wriggling out of your pajama bottoms while Ruggie was shuffling around on the other end. “Touch yourself. We’re gonna jerk off together.” It was somewhat intimidating. Even though you couldn’t see Ruggie and he couldn’t see you; you could still hear each other. The soft slick sounds of him pumping his cock, moaning softly into the microphone as he did so encouraged you to join. Your hand slipped between your thighs and you toyed with your clit. Rubbing in delicate circles with soft whines passing your lips. “Don’t be so quiet.” Ruggie grumbled on the other end. “I can’t be too loud… The walls are thin and Grim is sleeping.” You whimpered quietly and Ruggie grumbled something inaudible before starting to snicker. “Oh yeah? You don’t have me on speaker do you?” He asked and you shook your head before giving him a soft no, a finger making its way down to slide inside of your hole. 
“Good. I’ll just be louder for the both of us.” His tone was teasing, and almost malicious.
Ruggie’s moans were much louder in your ear, you could feel your hole twitching in excitement as you pumped your finger faster. “Fuuck!~! You make me feel so good. I love thinking of you when I get off. Thinking of you fisting my cock. Riding me, squeezing me so tight with your hole.” He groaned into your ear leaving your heart racing and your face hot and flustered. “I love when you drool and gag on it too. Working so hard to take me all the way. Seeing your eyes get all wet and teary when you can’t breathe. You’re so nasty with it.” He snickered as you slipped another finger inside, pushing deep and curling your fingers against your soft bundle of nerves. Spongy and sensitive, forcing your walls to constrict tightly around your fingers. “I bet you wish I was there, huh? Am I right? You wish I was there fucking you instead?” You nodded silently grumbling out a weak ‘mmhmm’ in response as the coil in your stomach tightened and twisted. Threatening to snap at any given moment. 
“I wish I was there too. Fucking you as much as I wanted. Filling you up with my cum- Fuck watching it leak out of you…” His voice hitched, trembling on the other side as he started to sound strangled. “FFuck mm’ cumming…” He growled into your ear as you let out a weak sob, feeling your body convulse as your juices flooded out of you. The state of euphoria was dizzying as you fell limp against the mattress, your hole squeezing and sucking your fingers deep inside you as Ruggie sighed into your ear with bliss. The two of you panted together, laying in the darkness. “See… Felt good… Right?” Ruggie huffed and you nodded against the phone. “Yeah… But I do wish you were here…” You grumbled with a sense of disappointment, listening to Ruggie snicker weakly. “Well… We got the whole day to see each other. It’s still my birthday for the next twenty-somethin’ hours.”
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Tagged Accounts: @ruggiethethuggie @nicoliharu @candlewitch-cryptic @yandere-kou @butterfly---bones @epelorchard @strawberrycaramelcapybara @the-monday-witch @nicoliharu @bontensbabygirl + Fill out the Tag List to be tagged in future fics!
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hey jelly! You write wonderfully! How about Single Dad! Levi x reader where Levi is a single father and about to introduce the girlfriend to his kid. Reader is in love with Levi so she is nervous because she want kid to like her. I'm sure it will be adorable
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Hopeful family
Pairing: Dad!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, dad Levi, adoption, little Mikasa, fluff, meetings, being a couple.
Concept: You and Levi are deeply in love with each other, so he wants to introduce you to his adopted daughter, Mikasa. You are terrified of it happening because you can see yourself growing old with Levi, and you have talked so much about the future. You finally meet Mikasa and things go better than you expected.
Taglist: @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @2moth-anon2 @youre-ackermine @nyxiieluna @nbinairyn @thebobaprincess @levisbrat25 @demonsimp6
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You climbed off the bus with your overnight bag in hand, along with a bag full of gifts. Levi had offered to pick you up, but you said you would make your way over because you needed to prepare yourself. You needed to calm your anxiety before you met Mikasa.
Levi adopted Mikasa when her parents passed. Mikasa was a distant relative of Mikasa's and became her dad very quickly. He took her as his own when she was a few months old. Levi had raised her from a baby and loved her as if she was his own. You knew how close they were and that she was Levi's world and he did dream of having more kids in the future.
You gulped hard as you stood in front of his cute townhouse with perfectly painted fences, neatly laid out flowers and a cute swing bench on the decking. You adored his house and seeing a little girl's outdoor toys on the grass made you smile.
Mikasa was only three, but she was a smart and active little girl. Levi told you how she was running circles around him most days. Levi loved it. He loved everything about his little girl and showed you videos of her and her development. Levi had told you Mikasa was going to love you, but you still worried.
You opened the little gate to the front garden and made your way up to the front door. You let out a long sigh and shook your arms a little. You pressed the doorbell and waited. You smiled when you heard a squeal of happiness and Levi's muffled voice getting closer.
Levi opened the front door and smiled at you. "Hey, beautiful." He pulled you close and kissed you. "Mm, you are wonderful. I'm so glad you're staying over."
"Me too."
"I love you."
You blushed. "I love you too."
Levi looked down at his little girl, her back hair was tamed and a cute red bow was in it. He smiled as she fiddled with her pretty dress, one that she told Levi she had to wear because she wanted so badly to look good for the visiting Queen. Levi loved how Mikasa was so excited to meet you and for you to be her mummy.
He petted her head. "Go ahead."
Mikasa shuffled in her little socks with cats on. "Mm...hi...I'm Mikasa."
You crouched down and offered your hand as you said your name. "Lovely to meet you finally. Your daddy has told me so much about you and I must say, you are like a little princess."
Mikasa's eyes lit up. "Princess?"
You giggled. "That's right." You gasped. "I love your dress and socks. You like cats?"
She nodded. "Yes."
"They're so cute."
She bounced up and down. "Can I show you my kitties?"
You gasped as she grabbed your hand. "Oh, I'd love to."
Levi chuckled. "I've got your bags."
"Thanks." You ran with Mikasa and went upstairs. You released her hand and watched her run around grabbing a few toys she liked. "They're very cute. Which one do you love?"
She picked up a little kitty. "This one."
You sat on the floor and hummed a laugh. "I like it."
Levi stepped into the room with a bag. "You might want this."
You took it from him. "Thank you. I have a hello gift." You pulled out a big cuddle cat. "I picked this one because it looks like your daddy."
Mikasa took it from you and stared at the big cuddly cat. Tears filled her eyes before she threw herself at you. "Thank you."
You hugged her back. "You're welcome. I uh...I baked some cakes cause your daddy said you like tea parties."
Mikasa opened your bag and looked inside. "Yum yum yum!"
Levi picked up the bag. "Not yet."
Mikasa pouted. "Daddyyyy."
He ruffled her hair. "Not yet. We'll set up the party first. Once we have the party, it's nap time."
Mikasa pouted. "No nap time."
"Yes nap time. You need sleep."
You cleared your throat. "I like nap time, it's my favourite part of the day."
Mikasa gasped a moment before humming. "Okay. Nap time." She got up. "Party!"
Levi watched her run off. "I might ask you to come over more often." He looked over at you. "To get her to sleep."
You lowered your head. "I think I need help getting up."
You whined. "Yes. I can't believe she likes me. I was panicking so much."
Levi knelt in front of you. "She was so excited to meet you that she couldn't sleep. It took us a while to get her outfit this morning. She said it had to be perfect."
You welled up. "She's so cute." You threw yourself at Levi and hugged him. "I'm so happy she likes me."
Levi squeezed you. "She loves you, I can tell." He picked you up and stood making you laugh. "Come on, my Queen, our little princess is waiting." He took you downstairs and plopped you onto your feet. "Looks like the princess is setting up her tea party."
You giggled as she ran around setting up her little table. "I'm glad she's excited."
"Me too."
Mikasa ran over to you and held your hand. "The Queen sits with the princess!"
Levi folded his arms. "Oi? What about the King? He wants to give the Queen kisses."
Mikasa shook her head. "Later, daddy."
"Okay, later."
Mikasa pulled you along and patted a seat. "This one."
You sat down and smiled. "Thank you."
You had your tea party with Mikasa and talked to her whenever she asked questions. You made her laugh and fascinated her with stories. As time went on she slowly fell asleep. She hugged your side and fell asleep holding you.
Levi smiled as he cleaned up. "I think today went perfectly."
"Me too. I was worried over nothing."
Levi picked up Mikasa and held her close. "I'll put her to bed and I'll be right back."
You waved. "Sure." You walked to his kitchen and made a cup of tea for you and Levi. You sat in the window seat and opened the window to get the warm summer air in. "Mm, peaceful."
"You look right at home."
You blushed as you looked over at Levi. "Really?"
He sat opposite you and enjoyed his tea. "Mm. Wonderful tea, thank you."
"I'm glad you like it."
He put his cup down and took yours away from you. "Come here."
You pouted. "My tea."
He grabbed you and dragged you between his legs and into his arms. "I was denied kisses. I need kisses."
You wrapped your arms around Levi's neck and started kissing him over and over. You smiled against his lips before pushing your tongue into his mouth. You moaned in delight as your tongues danced together and a tingle started in both your bodies.
Levi squeezed your bum in his hands. "Tomorrow morning will be interesting. I am sure Mikasa will wake us both up."
You hummed a laugh. "That's okay. I'm just glad she's accepted me."
"Well, you're Queen according to her." He purred. "My Queen and I'm your King."
You nuzzled your nose against his. "Yes you are."
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jesuisici33 · 8 months
Some Sentences Sunday
tagged by @daffi-990 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @wikiangela and @rmd-writes <3<3 something from my vampire!buck au which finally has a title! i want my blood in your veins
Waking up he finds himself in a different, unfamiliar place. He’s not at home, hearing Christopher wake him up to get ready for school. He’s not waking up in one of the 118 bunkers, where someone is waking him up for a call or to come eat because Bobby made food for everyone. Instead he’s in a large bed staring at a blank, white wall with no idea how he got here.
What is the last thing he remembers?
Something about…small pretty ladies dressed up in princess dresses? And then being everywhere in the universe? Then the scariest thing of being confined to one place and being trapped. Somehow he managed to calm down, but he doesn’t know how. Then…he’s here.
He turns around to his other side and sees Buck. Oh, that jogs some more memories back into place. This is Buck’s apartment. His new apartment, which explains why it’s so bare. He thinks he recalls saying that to Buck when they got here last night. Was it last night? “Pictures! Big pictures! You need to just-” Spreading his arms he makes a whooshing sound showing Buck what he means. Buck gets it based on how huge his eyes are. They’re so pretty when they start to turn with hunger. The red slowly replacing the blue. “I’ll take you to get some good art.” Buck nodding along the whole time Eddie starts to think of ideas. Buck chiming in every now and then with some favorite art pieces of his own. 
Now, Buck opens his eyes and they’re completely red. Squinting at the morning light, he groans, pulling the covers up. “What happened?”
“I think we were drugged. At least, that’s what Athena said.” He looks around for his phone to see who took care of Chris while his high wore off. Sighing with relief to see it is still in his jeans, he finds it’s somehow miraculously on ten percent left. There are texts from Carla detailing how she took care of Chris for the night and that “his little LSD trip” isn’t mentioned to his son at all. 
He borrows Buck’s charger on the nightstand and turns back to the man himself still burrowed under the covers. “Hey.” When that doesn’t get Buck to come out, he tries again. “Are you okay? I don’t remember you eating more brownies than me.” 
“I’ll be fine. Are you good to go back home to Chris?” The reply is muffled, yet faint. His voice sounds almost pained. Eddie can’t think of any reason why Buck would sound-
Then he remembers – Buck has red eyes right now.
tagging @hippolotamus @911-on-abc @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1 @apothecarose @mammameesh @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @fortheloveofbuddie @wandering-night19 @liminalmemories21 @carlos-in-glasses @wildlife4life @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz @theotherbuckley @your-catfish-friend @pirrusstuff @heartshapedvows @honestlydarkprincess @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @callmenewbie
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Hi! I really liked your dad!jake stories and I've got an idea for an alternative version of Picasso (Specifically PT 2) where The reader ends up feeling really insecure and starts changing everything about herself, like she removes the color from her hair And doesn't even do her art anymore, and even begins to talk less and less and starts to just avoid people until Jake confronts her about it comforts her
I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort with dad!Jake lmao If you do take this idea could you tag me in it if you don't mind? :))
Oooh I love this idea <3, I literally wrote this during my planning period so I apologize if it isn't the best. Anyways dad!jake warms my heart, I wish he was real :(
Picasso P.II-Alternate Ending
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Your dad was the first to notice you changing and not for the better since arriving at the island. It started with the removal of the pink from your hair which wouldn't have been a big deal until he asked if you wanted to put color back in and you shook your head no before he even got the question out of his mouth.
"Hey is everything alright with your sister?" He asked your twin.
"I haven't noticed anything different about her yet but I can keep an eye on her." He offered as your dad nodded his head.
The next red flag was that you stopped doing your art completely which neteyam brought to his attention. It had started when Tuk asked you to help her draw something and you said no poor Tuk didn't understand so neteyam stepped in and you bit his head off about it before leaving and leaving your siblings confused. 
"She just snapped at us." Neteyam said to your parents concerned.
Your parents looked at your room in concern as your siblings told them about your changing behavior and tried to figure out what was going on.
"Give her some space maybe she is just having a hard time adjusting to the situation." Neytiri said but your dad couldn't help but feel like something deeper was happening.
And he was right just as your siblings told him a few days ago, you truly stopped doing art which made him sad to see because you were just so talented in his eyes and he didn't understand what was happening with you. 
The final red flag was when you started avoiding everyone and talking less. Your dad noticed that you were less talkative with everyone but especially him, it was like you were closing yourself off from the world.
Your dad had enough and was planning on talking to you about it when you got home only when he returned he could hear your cries.
"Babygirl?" He asked stepping into your room.
All he saw was your tears before you ran into his arms and wrapped them around his waist making him concerned as he comforted you.
"It's okay baby girl, I'm right here." He said as your tears finally stopped and your breathing started to mellow out.
"I don't fit in here Dad...ever since we got here I've been picked on about my hair, my art, and just everything and I thought that maybe if I stopped doing that stuff I could fit in....but it still didn't work they still picked on me and I didn't want to say anything because it seemed like Neteyam and lo'ak we're adjusting fine...so I that kept it to myself but I can't do it anymore." You said as your father's heart broke.
"I just want to fit in." You said quietly snapping your dad out of his thoughts. 
"Look at me baby, you were born to fit in. You were born to stand out...the hair color... the art.... everything about you is born to stand out you're not supposed to be like me or your mother or your siblings....you are supposed to be your own person...and I know it's hard right now and I know what you are going through right now but don't conform....show them who you truly are...because the right ones will love you for it." Your dad said staring into your eyes as you nodded your head. 
"I love you baby and the next time you are even remotely feeling like this, I want you to come to tell me, I don't want you to ever suffer in silence again, you hear me?" He asked you. 
"I do. I love you, Dad, thank you." You said hugging him and feeling him squeeze you a little tighter. 
A few hours later, you were passed out in your dad's lap from all the crying when your family had come back for the evening...all laughing until they saw you and your dad and instantly shut up not wanting to disturb you. 
"Is she okay?" Your mom asked taking a seat next to your dad, running a hand through your hair. 
"She will be. Turns out some of the islanders had been making some comments about her and she took it to heart..she just wanted to fit in." Your dad said as your mom frowned not realizing her daughter had been hurting so much. 
"Oh, my sweet girl." She said placing a kiss in your hair. 
"You two..." Your dad said but they stopped him.
"Already on it..no one hurts her and gets away with it...but tomorrow let's spend the evening with her." Neteyam said taking a seat on the other side of your dad as your siblings gathered around you to make sure you felt how loved you were.
You smiled a small smile to yourself hearing all the kind words your family had to say about you and your uniqueness maybe being different was a good thing after all. 
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plottwiststudios · 4 months
Women of Xal II Kickstarter: Delayed?
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Hey, have you heard of the overly ambitious visual novel titled "Women of Xal" for Steam and Itch.io? (PC/Mac/Linux) Because that plays into why we might need to shelf the series for a few years. Full breakdown under the cut. (No spoilers)
For those who have gotten the True Ending, you should be fully aware that the story is about to vastly expand outside of Xuna's castle. It's a narrative must where everything that happens, happens well outside the scope of the original game in so many ways. And let's talk about scope! Especially if you have no idea what's so staggering about the original Women of Xal visual novel:
600+ optional choices we painstakingly programmed
Branching paths that people are still asking for guides on
A dozen romance options
Poly and gay options that interact with one another
Voice acting from now VERY popular voice actors
A 15 hour story full of mystery, lore, and tense politics
110 track soundtrack
4 Endings
Thousands of art assets (Bless Cat)
Years of hard work and long nights
No AI Art
100% positive reviews as of this post
Recouped $6000+, or roughly a fraction of the cost of development. After 2+ years of being released
Note that very last bullet point. Doing things for the art and passion is amazing and all, but I can't be investing literal thousands of hours into creating a game for a subset of a subset of a subset of people. I have bigger projects I want to finally get to work on. Ones I really hoped Women of Xal I would help a bit with funding. But it's not. And because of certain facts about the game, it may never be able to do so. To no fault of any of the players.
When I made Women of Xal I, my time was more readily available and I was quite a bit younger. The cost of running a company and creating a game like WoX as the first product hadn't quite hit me. I was also silly enough to believe "if you make it, they will come" to a degree. That part makes me grin in a not fun way.
But these days I have a job that takes me away from creating, but does pay the bills and debts. Debts I don't want to get into again in order to create the sequel that will undoubtedly come with far higher costs due to the game's scope. I have a better understanding of the costs of hiring returning and appropriate talent necessary to create a game better than the last. (I don't personally believe in being satisfied with an intentional steep downgrade.)
Yes there is the Kickstarter option for Women of Xal II, but there are plenty of costs and time investment that makes it an unviable avenue to explore during this point in time. After all, who but the people who sat down and explored everything the first game had to offer would understand how we came up with a $50,000 Kickstarter price tag for a visual novel's sequel? Especially since too many will look at the first Kickstarter and believe we made the first game with only $14,000.
I have thought about giving Women of Xal I a modernized facelift with a smaller Kickstarter, complete with a ton of new features and fun ways to streamline and highlight the narration's strong points, but there's a LOT of baggage that comes with that, including not wanting to go backwards when I still want to create my "pipe dream" projects.
So I'm thinking we'll give it a bit more thought these next few days, and if we can't think of a solution that we haven't already tried, we'll officially announce the delay (and before you suggest your own ideas, know that there's a 99% chance we've already tried it).
A long, long post just to say I do sincerely apologize for having people wait longer, but I am literally still a few thousand dollars away from paying off all my debt that came from funding the first game. It's a micro-trauma I do not feel inclined to repeating again. When the franchise is in a better place, or I am emotionally/physically, I will return back to Women of Xal to finish the story. If I cannot, I will release a summary of events that transpire after the first game's true ending.
But for now, I'm going to focus on financial and emotional healing, and creating projects that I feel will be more appreciated by both myself and people who are turned off by what "Women of Xal" offers.
Thank you all for supporting our small company these past several years. <3
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tripleyeeet · 6 months
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hey there! so recently i hit 2,000 followers which is super cool and crazy, so as a thank you i wanted to host a little celebration in the form of a good old fashioned sleepover!
so, with that being said, let's look at our itinerary for the weekend!
the event will run from thurs, dec 21st to sat, dec 23rd. however, my inbox will be open now!
must be 18+ if you're requesting anything smut related. will be ignoring anons.
to celebrate please send me an emoji (with the additional request details, obviously) from the list below:
want to know about me or my wips? or maybe want some behind the scenes scoops on some already posted fics? hit me up with all your curious questions and i’ll answer them to the best of my abilities!  
do you like music but hate the hassle of making playlists? if you do, this is the pick for you because i will literally make anything. from character playlists to random recs i've got you covered!
games are a fun way to interact with you guys so i thought i’d add them in just for fun. (examples of this are fmk, cast your mutuals, would you rather, etc.)
want some weird art made by yours truly? well, if you do, now’s the perfect time to ask for it! whether it’s for a character or a story of your own feel free to submit a moodboard request with some deets and i’ll try and work my magic!
and finally, to say a big ol' thank you i'm opening up my inbox for a couple of (big emphasis on this) drabble requests, as well as headcanons. just a heads up though, they will be shorter ones so if you're requesting keep that in mind!
and that's that! if you've made it this far in the post i'm also going to be doing a raffle for a fic of your choosing! basically all you have to do to be entered is participate in the festivities and i'll add your name! :)
also, tagging some mutuals who might be interested??? (if not please feel free to ignore i will not be offended!)
@imgoingtofreakoutnow @fictionobsession @elfinbloodbag @sweatandwoe @novarunestone @sunserenade @gunslingerorchid @infinitystoner @the-lady-amphitrite @use-your-telescope @justporo @megs-98 @feydstan @novarex @kiaransalee
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variousficss · 5 months
[Bucky Barnes] set of 2 - part 15
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Summary: also you and Bucky bonding. Your way ;)
“Crochet, huh?” Bucky said, eyeing the hooks as if they were alien technology. “Isn’t that like, knitting or something?” Sitting in the living room with a bag full of yarn and crochet hooks, you couldn't be more happy. Bucky, on the other hand, looked like he was facing a particularly complex enemy tactic and you were loving. “No, it’s way cooler. You’ll see.” you handed him a hook. “This is going to be so fun!”
Bucky held the hook awkwardly. “Do you know I have a metal arm, right?”
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You started with the basics, showing Bucky how to make a slip knot. After several tries and some swearing, Bucky finally managed it, a stupid grin on his face. “Now, we chain stitch,” you instructed patiently. Bucky’s brow furrowed in concentration, but every stitch he made was either too tight or too loose. Yarn tangled around his metal arm, creating a messy web. “I think the yarn is attacking me,” he grumbled. You couldn’t stop laughing. “Don't worry, Bucky. It’s not out to get you.”
“That’s what they want you to think,” Bucky muttered, but there was a smile tugging at his lips.
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An hour in, and the soldier's first attempt at a crochet square looked more like an abstract art piece. You couldn't hold your laughter every time Bucky groaned in frustration. “This was supposed to be relaxing,” he said, half-amused, half-exasperated, untangling his fingers yet again. “It’s about the journey, not the destination,” you quipped, showing off your own perfectly crafted square. Bucky looked at it square, then at his own. “You kicked me when I said that to you at the gym."
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Despite the challenges, Bucky refused to give up. He started getting the hang of it, his stitches becoming more even, the square gradually taking shape. You watched, impressed and slightly surprised. “You’re actually getting good at this,” you admitted, faking disappointment. Bucky looked proud, “Doll, I’m a super soldier. I can handle a little knitting.”
"This is not knitting!"
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Eventually, Bucky finished his square. It was uneven and quirky, but it was his. He held it up, a victorious glint in his eye. “Behold, my masterpiece.” You clapped, proudly, and he blushed. “It’s… unique.”, you failed at praising his words and earn a glared from Bucky. “Hey, it’s got character”.
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Tag list: @almosttoopizza @creat0r-cat @aesthetic0cherryblossom @cjand10 @sapphirebarnes @nouk1998 @unaxv @rain-lavender-rain @winterslove1917 @marvel-wifey-86 @pigeonmama
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tojivu · 1 year
a/n part 1 out of idk.. anyways this was so heavily inspired by phoebe bridger’s songs.. i’m so obsessed with her (=´∀`) oh and also by a book i finished a long time ago but haven’t gotten over lol. i tried writing this in 3rd person pov but tbh it’s hard for me to display emotion in my writing if it’s 3rd person cus it’s like giving u instructions on how to feel 😭. I KNOW ITS 2023 OKAY I KNOW WE DONT LIKE 1ST PERSON ANYMORE BUT PLS LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT
warnings/tags barely proofread (i tried), if yall don’t like tis i’ll probably discontinue it LOL, childe x implied f!reader, sfw.
listen to chinese satellite by phoebe bridgers.
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“Good morning.” Ajax is speaking to you, voice low. “It's a hot day.”
You were shivering, actually. Mornings were always cold no matter what the temperature was. Nevertheless, you nod and agree with him anyway. “Yup, isn’t it?”
You two were standing outside your house, waiting for the other to initiate the walking, to which you end up doing it. He follows behind, the path too narrow to fit the two of you—this was a familiar sound. Heavy footsteps you could only recognise to be Ajax’s only two metres behind you. You don’t need to turn around to know he’s staring at the back of your head.
Such a nostalgic feeling, you think. You and him have been passing by the same trees and the same brown-cream coloured houses for 5 years now.
“Can you believe that we’re graduating in two months?”
He doesn’t answer.
You repeat the question again and he finally responds. You turn around, curious as to what had gotten him so distracted; his phone is in his hand, he’s looking into it and it’s pointing at you—his bright yellow phone case pales in comparison to the smile he has on his face.
“Not even going to let me pose?”
“You don’t need to do that. Your morning face is enough.”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’re pretty when you wake up.”
It’s 6 in the morning. Ajax was never one to think before he speaks, especially when the sun had just risen 5 minutes prior. You ignore what he says, assuming he just couldn’t tell that isn’t something you say to friends.
It’s 8:27 am. You’ve been sitting through an hour of English, and you swear you thought the subject couldn’t get any more boring than when it was in middle school. You’re spinning your blue MUJI 0.5 tip pen between your middle and index finger, ultimately failing after 5 seconds and letting it drop to the floor. It rolls away, farther than you could bend and reach for—a soft metal clinking sound is heard when you realise it’s hit someone’s chair.
The red and black coloured backpack on the floor next to the chair made it obvious where your pen had gone and who’s chair it hit.
You whisper-yell, “Hey, can you pick that up?”
Ajax turns around and looks at you and then the floor. You’re thankful as he picks up the pen, but then quickly confused as to why he just turns forward again—keeping your pen at his desk.
YOU: It feels as though the evening has been stretched, like time is in slow motion and not in a good way; because I’m looking at Ajax sitting across from me and we have not spoken. I have a cup of coffee in my right hand, much too sweet for my own taste; a cat drawn from the latte art I don’t remember requesting. I’m very sure I asked for a bunny. I’m very sure. I think I left my Math textbook in class. The trees look really lively or something like that, I don’t really know, I am making sure to look away from Ajax because I know he’s staring.
“What what?” He acts like he wasn’t just staring at me for the past 5 minutes. “Is there a problem?”
“My problem is that you’re being weird today.”
His mouth is agape, too dramatic to be genuine. “That’s rude.”
I don’t know what to reply to him now, knowing that he’ll just continue acting stupid. My shoes squeak against the wooden flooring as I lean back in my chair, it’s evening now and I’m so exhausted. People from the high school three streets away from ours are filling the tiny place up, passing by our table and some stare at Ajax as they do. The oak tables that were empty just a half hour ago are now full of teenagers, this whole place is infested with us; behind, left and right.
It’s not weird for people to stare at Ajax when we’re out together. It’s not like he’s a celebrity or anything, but somehow every girl I know has heard of him or has heard of him from someone who has heard of him. It’s a big chain of people I find impossible to keep track of. If you mentioned his name anywhere, someone would definitely go “you know him too?”.
I’m drinking my tea slowly and quietly. A group of girls are laughing so loud my eardrums could burst. Another group of girls walk in and the familiar bell sound of the café entrance rings, and it’s no surprise they know Ajax too; he smiles at them, I can’t tell if out of politeness, when they walk by. They’re giggling to themselves and I can’t help but feel a bit lost.
“What’s wrong with you today?” He’s asking me as if multiple things aren’t wrong with him. Suddenly, I’m the one with the problems.
I don’t bother anymore, I think about that moment minutes ago over and over again and I have no idea what to make of it. That giggle wasn’t a “what a coincidence” giggle, more like a teasing sort, the kind your friends do when your crush talks to you.
“Nothing is wrong with me.” I’m lying. “I’m gonna go home.”
He is so clueless, so oblivious to everything it is paining me. Oblivious to the amount of girls that are looking his way in this very establishment, at this very moment in time. It makes me almost angry, somewhat, that he doesn’t know.
AJAX: It is 7 P.M. and dark out. I think she’s angry but she’s just slouching over, but I get some sort of sensing that she will explode if I try to talk to her.
“Helllooo.” I’m next to her now, and she doesn’t want to reply to me; her eyes are on mine, eyebrows furrowed and clearly sending a message: Don’t even say anything.
I feel myself smiling because she looks very adorable. She is much shorter than I am. When she’s angry, I’m never able to take her seriously. I don’t think I ever have. Oftentimes in her fits of anger I am caught admiring her, smiling because I think she is so dramatic. When we were 15 she once yelled at me for using her charger, and apparently ‘making her phone charge slower’. She is one of the angriest and most short tempered people I know, yet I think she pulls off the frustrated pout and narrowed eyes very well. It doesn’t matter much to me.
“I’m not gonna ask what’s up with you because you got mad when I did.”
She looks forward again and we are still walking. Her house is still a few blocks down. I think she’s getting tired, too. I shouldn’t have dragged her to get milk tea with me. This path is too narrow to fit the two of us.
I walk in front of her and I can hear her tongue clicking out of annoyance. I bend down and stretch my arms, “Get on my back”.
I feel weight shifting onto my upper back, her long hair is tickling my neck but I don’t mind. Her arms are tired, slow in their movements as they wrap around me too, her head on my right shoulder and she does not say a word in all of it.
“Thank you.” she is whispering to me a few minutes later, and I think I am getting tired too. My legs want to give out. They don’t because I don’t let them.
It’s another 10 minutes and I’m at her front door, unlocking it using the key in her wallet; her parents are on the couch and watching TV and I start to wonder what this would look like to them.
“Ajax?” Her mother turns her head around and is surprised to see me, considering I wasn’t calling to say I was coming over. I haven’t done that in months.
“Is she okay?”
“She’s just tired, that’s all.” I tell her and I try my best not to speak too loud in case the girl on my back wakes up. I can feel her breaths on my back, slow and controlled. I bring her upstairs to her room and I lay her on her bed. Her room has changed quite a bit since I had last been in it, her desk is much more organised than it was a few months ago.
I found myself rejecting her invitations to hang out in her room over the summer break.
I think if I were to be alone in a room with her for too long I would end up blurting it out. I would tell her I’ve loved her since we started being friends, and she’d kick me out of her house and never talk to me again. But now she’s sleeping and I think I’m okay, so I pull her blankets over her and whisper; “Goodnight, I love you”.
YOU: I have no idea what day it is. I feel sticky. I look around and after a few seconds I sigh out of relief, realising this is my house, and these are my bedsheets. I don’t remember how I got here, though, my uniform is still on and the last thing I can recall is me on Ajax’s back.
I reach for my phone but realise it’s dead. A post-it note is next to my nightstand, ‘You’re welcome for the ride back. Call me when you wake up You owe me’, and on the bottom right corner there is an ugly and disproportionate cat drawn.
He didn’t even have the courtesy to remove my socks for me, but I guess that’s fair because I don’t think I’d go anywhere near his feet either.
I plug my phone into my charger and wait. I don’t know if he wants me to call him, but I think I should, I want to.
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28 days later and i’m back with this shitty fic — 130423
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i-am-church-the-cat · 3 months
you can always go home again (or for the first time)
This is my fic for the Andi Mack gift exchange! This is for @paracosmicat, I'm so sorry that it's late, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Summary: She ruffles his hair as she leads the way back through the apartment. It’s small and crowded with trinkets, books and shoes, basketballs and art projects, and something that must have exploded from the kitchen. Three more people are waiting for them in the living room, less than T.J. expected from the level of noise he’d heard. “Hey guys, this is T.J., the dude I was telling you about,” Jonah introduces him to the group at large and he offers a small wave. “T.J., this is Andi, Cyrus, and Marty.” WC: 2674 Pairing: Gen mostly, but with pre-relationship Tyrus and minor Amris Tags: College AU, First Meetings, T.J. POV, Amber and T.J. are siblings Rating: Teen
He knew it was saving him money, but sometimes living with his sister and her girlfriend could be really annoying. T.J. had been trapped in his room for ages, Amber and Iris having fought and made up over the past several hours, both things he would rather not be witness to. At this rate, he was going to be locked in here until graduation. 
Hey man, you looking to hang tonight?
Something like relief passes through T.J. when he gets the message. He and Jonah aren’t the closest of friends, yet. They hadn’t gotten along when Jonah was dating his sister - between the compulsory heterosexuality and Jonah’s constant avoidance of anything even hinting at romantic in nature, it had been hell from start to finish - but since they were both studying kinesiology, they’d tried to be friendly. Today, that work had finally paid off.
Yeah man, what were you thinking?
Some of my friends are holding a get together at their apartment, just a small thing. You wanna come?
Another noise came from the living room. T.J. didn’t want to know if it was a yell or a moan. 
Send me the address, im omw
Since the path to the front door was locked, T.J. used the fire escape by his window. It dropped him right next to the motorcycle he probably shouldn’t be parking in the back alley. But hey, it hadn’t been stolen yet, and it made for a very quick getaway. T.J. set his phone to give him voice directions to the address Jonah texts him and then he’s off. 
The apartment building is nice, an artist-y co-op on the west side of town. T.J. heads up to the third floor after texting Jonah again for the apartment number - Beck wasn’t always the most aware person. Both the bike ride and the jog up the steps do a lot for getting T.J. in a better headspace than he was in earlier. 
He hears the apartment before he sees it. Jonah said it was just a small get together, but from the noise coming through the door, T.J. has some serious doubts. He considers bailing before remembering what’s going on at his own apartment and knocking on the door. 
Surprisingly, it’s not Jonah who answers. It’s a girl with tight braids and wearing a Utah Jazz jersey. She looks like someone he should know, but it slips his mind. She looks him over and must find him wanting because her expression is thoroughly unimpressed. 
“Can I help you?”
“Um, hi,” T.J. says, trying for a smile and probably failing short. “I’m looking for-”
“Oh, Buffy is that T.J.?” A thankfully familiar voice comes from inside the apartment. Jonah Beck pops his head around the girl - Buffy’s - shoulder and flashes his big signature smile. “Teej, glad you could make it! Come in, come in.”
“Just inviting people into my home now, Beck?” Buffy asks, clearly not amused, but she steps aside with a nod to T.J. He nods back, figuring it’s the best course of action, and he’s rewarded with Buffy’s expression going a little less intense and a little more accepting. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry Buffy.” Jonah’s apologetic grin is too cute for anyone, even Buffy, to hold a grudge against. She ruffles his hair as she leads the way back through the apartment. It’s small and crowded with trinkets, books and shoes, basketballs and art projects, and something that must have exploded from the kitchen. Three more people are waiting for them in the living room, less than T.J. expected from the level of noise he’d heard.
“Hey guys, this is T.J., the dude I was telling you about,” Jonah introduces him to the group at large and he offers a small wave. “T.J., this is Andi, Cyrus, and Marty.”
T.J. opens his mouth to greet the group but the guy he’d thought looked familiar beats him to it. Marty hops up, big grin on his face as he offers up his hand for T.J. to slap.
“Hey, Kippen right? Aren’t you the new freshman starter for the basketball team?”
T.J. grins but can’t help the flush that takes his face. He’s proud of himself, yeah, but he finds it’s not always the best to introduce himself with his sporting career. It hasn’t always worked out the best in the past, which was mainly his fault to be fair. He hadn’t been a nice person on the court when he was younger.
“Yeah, I remember you from tryouts. You’ve got a great three-pointer, man.”
“Oh god, Jonah don’t tell me you brought another jock,” whines the other girl in the apartment, an Asian girl with short hair and paint on her t-shirt. “Now Cyrus and I are outnumbered 2-to-1.”
“I also invited Walker and Libby, but they both had things,” Jonah tries to defend himself, flopping down on the floor and grabbing a handful of popcorn from that half-empty bowl on teh coffee table. “It’s not my fault T.J.’s the only one free enough to join us.”
“I’m not totally sure if that’s an insult or not,” T.J. admits, looking around for space to sit. Andi and Buffy are sitting on the couch, Marty going back to sit in the third seat. Jonah’s on the floor. The only seat left is the loveseat, next to the only person here who’s voice T.J. hasn’t heard yet. 
“Hi,” he greets, moving towards the other boy. “I’m T.J. Can I sit?”
The brown-haired boy has big eyes that seem to suck all the air out of the room. Either someone just started hitting a bass drum, or T.J. could hear his heartbeat in his ears. Soft freckles dusted the boy’s nose and his pink lips had teeth indentations in them, as if he’d been biting them only seconds before. Those same lips lift into a smile, crinkly his Bambi eyes at the edges. 
“Sure,” the angel fairy boy said. “I’m Cyrus.”
“T.J.,” he mumbles, sitting down on the cushion. The other boy’s eyes fill with mirth.
“You said that already.”
“Right.” T.J. blinks, wondering it this is what deer felt when they get stuck in headlights. “Sorry.”
Cyrus is clearly laughing at him but he has the decency not to show it. Instead, he leans forward and grabs something off of the pile of snacks on the coffee table. 
“Muffin? It’s chocolate chocolate chip.”
“Oh.” T.J. looks down at the muffin in surprise. It’s big and rich and somehow exactly what T.J. needs. His stomach growls in appreciation as he takes the treat in gentle hands. “Thank you, these are actually my favorite.”
Cyrus’s eyes twinkle. “Mine, too,” he says, grabbing another one and holding it out to cheers against T.J.’s own. T.J.’s grin is huge at the simple gesture. 
“So, T.J.” The voice draws the two out of the little bubble they had gotten sucked in so quickly. T.J. turns to Buffy while his fingers tear off a bit of muffin and pop it in his mouth. “What do the T and the J stand for?”
He snorts, used to this line of questioning. T.J. leans back in his seat, one arm going across the back of the couch. He doesn’t the notice the way Cyrus looks at the arm in surprise, face going slightly red. 
“Sorry, but that’s highly privileged information. Only four people on Earth know it.”
Marty leans forward with eager eyes. “Is it really that bad?”
T.J.’s face and voice are deadpan when he says, “Worse.”
“Amber told me it changes every month,” Jonah says from his spot on the floor. 
“Oh wait, are you Amber’s brother?” Andi says, eyes going wide in recognition. Shoot. If she knows his sister this could either be really bad or… nah, just really bad. His sister’s kind of a dick. 
“Yeah, younger, by two years.” 
“How come we never met you when she and Jonah were dating?” Buffy asks. The way she’s looking at him is different now but T.J. can’t tell if it’s better or worse. “We met Iris.”
“And she was so nice, though obviously in love with Amber,” Cyrus says. This gets sounds of affirmation from all except Jonah who shrugs. 
“I never saw it.”
“You never see it,” Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus all chorus back at him, different levels of fondness or exasperation. T.J. wonders what the story is there. Though, if it’s anything like the one he heard from Amber, he can probably guess.
“They’re actually dating now,” T.J. says, hoping to steer the conversation away from his and Amber’s relationship. He loves his sister, and even likes her these days, but that wasn’t always the truth. “They were roommates and finally admitted their feelings. When Iris moved out of her room, they had an extra, so I moved into their place when I went to college.”
Andi is nodding. “That’s smart. Cyrus, Buffy, and I all the split the rent here and we’re still eating mostly junk food we get on sale.”
“The stipend they give us on sports scholarship is not enough,” Buffy sighs and T.J. can commiserate with that. He holds up his half-eaten muffin in a toast. 
“Hey, at least you and Cyrus are on scholarship,” Andi pouts. “Liberal arts college is the worst financial decision I’ve ever made.” 
“But it’ll all even out when you’re a world famous artist and we can fly out to France to see your new art gallery in the Louvre,” Cyrus encourages in a way that feels more sincere than most. 
“Yeah, and you can represent Jonah when he gets sued for what he’s done to his apartment,” Marty snickers.
Jonah kicks up a fuss and the others fall into bickering over something T.J. clearly does not have enough information on. Instead, he turns his attention back to Cyrus, where it had been threatening to float all evening. 
“You’re going to college to be a lawyer?” He asks, taking a bite of his muffin. Cyrus turns to him as if surprised to be T.J.’s focus once again. 
“Yeah! A civil rights lawyer, though, not a defense attorney.”
“That’s really cool.” He hoped he sounded as sincere as Cyrus had earlier, cause it’s true. T.J. wished he had a career path that was at least half as good for the world as Cyrus’s. He was only studying kinesiology because it’s what a bunch of student athletes did and his parents wanted him to have something to fall back on. He wasn’t going to be changing the world anytime soon.
Cyrus shrugs and blushes, ducking his head. He’s clearly not used to taking compliments which is a shame because they’re filling T.J.’s head like helium in a balloon. One poke and they’ll all come spilling out. 
“Yeah, well, it was either that or become a psychologist. All four of my parents are psychologists.”
“Mom, dad, step-mom, and step-dad,” Cyrus says with a shrug. This topic of conversation he’s far too used to. “You know how it goes.”
“Nah, actually,” T.J. glances away for a second before back to Cyrus. “My parents are the kind that should’ve split up but never did. It kind of left a bad mark on Amber and I’s relationship with them, and each other.”
Cyrus looks up at him curiously. He’s curled towards him, leaning against the back of the loveseat and subsequently propping his head up on T.J.’s arm. The weight is nice, grounding.
“Is that why we’ve never met you before?”
“Yeah,” T.J. admits. It feels safer to tell Cyrus here, where they’re practically alone, instead of to the whole group. “I left to live with my grandparents in high school. The distance helped Amber and I a lot.”
“I’m glad.” Cyrus smiles up at him. “I don’t have any siblings but Buffy and Andi are basically like my sisters. We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember.”
T.J. smiles, feelings bittersweet. “I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone like that.”
Cyrus considers him quietly. His face is serious and strangely more confident than it had been when their conversation began. “You should.”
They fall into silence then, just observing each other, gathering their thoughts and basking in the feeling their bubble had created. T.J. was still impressed by how quickly Cyrus had sucked him in. There was just something about the young man that felt authentic and calming, like everything was going to be okay. It’s a feeling T.J. has rarely ever felt in his life.
“You know, you’re weirdly easy to talk to.”
Cyrus smiles, teasing. “It’s the four therapists as parents. You get used to listening.” 
Cyrus and T.J. don’t have an opportunity to be quiet together for the rest of the night. Once the other’s finished bickering, they drew the two into a game of Trivial Pursuit, and then Truth or Dare, and then Charades, which T.J. and Buffy weirdly dominated at, to Marty and Jonah’s chagrin. By the end of the night, T.J. was exhausted but happy. He’d left the house to escape the private going ons of his sister and her girlfriend and ended up meeting people he’d never believe he felt so at home with. The way they opened up and welcomed him in felt amazing, like nothing he’d ever experienced.
“It’s a great feeling, right?” Marty had said, halfway through the night, when they’d both stepped into the kitchen to grab a drink. “Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus have always been this trio. It should feel like an impenetrable wall to cross but they always open up and offer space to anyone who needs it. Jonah and I in middle school, Walker and Libby in high school, and now you.” 
T.J. had blinked in surprise, looking back out to the living room. The three roommates were doing weird poses, trying to convince the others they were real formations used in yoga, or just trying to make the other two laugh. He watches with a warm feeling in his stomach as Cyrus laughs so much he topples out of the position he was in, sprawling across the carpeted floor. 
“Can it really be that easy?”
Marty had shrugged and given him a welcoming smile. A beckoning smile. “Only if you let it be.” 
And T.J. was going to let it be. He wasn’t going to question the new familiarity between himself and these people. He was just going to accept it and holds on as long as he could. By the time he left, he had four new numbers in his phone. When he got home, there was a text from one of them. 
Buffy the Basketball Slayer
You better ask Cyrus out soon
He’s not known for making the first move and I can not handle three months of pining
Hop on it Kippen
T.J. grinned. He sent back a thumbs up emoji before pulling down the fire escape. He stumbles through his window and onto his bed, feeling dazed from both the climb and the night he had.
“Hvae fun?” Amber asks from the open doorway. That had definitely been closed when he left, but T.J.’s proud of the fact he didn’t startle at her sudden appearance. 
“Yeah.” He knows he’s grinning like a madman but he just can’t help it. 
“Good,” his sister says. She ruffles his hair, blonde matching her own. “Good night, little bro.”
“Night,” he calls as she exits the room. He sits up a little to make his next words heard. “Good night to you, too, Iris!”
There’s a pause, then, “Good night, T.J.! Sweet dreams!”
And well. There’s no doubt that they will be.
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tired-reader-writer · 10 months
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“It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s strange. Why would I do this? I want to help you, want to go out of my way to help you. [...] Now, whyever would I go and do a foolish thing like that?” — quote from @sadoeuphemist here
“Hey. Don't cry. This was always going to happen. It was decided from the start. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. It's a lot, isn't it? You had the right to hear it from me face-to-face. You should've been told sooner. I love you. Do you understand? I love you. Try to survive beyond the end, okay?”
“I just did. I knew. Had a feeling.”
“Don't worry, this'll keep you warm, okay? You'll be warm. And you'll never have to pilot that damn thing again.”
“Look, it's. It's hard to explain. It's like watching a glass fall off a building in slow motion, yeah? It's gonna shatter. You know it's gonna shatter. Like that. Does that make sense?”
“You're not alone in this, yeah? You're not the only one. They matter to me too. I'm here to help, okay? My life for their peace.”
“Hi, hello. I love you.”
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*drops this and runs away*
So. Yeah. Finally drew my G-witch OC: Ellyus Mercury. I won't ramble about him in this post since I'm low on energy and I've already made numerous lore posts about him before: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] and also his character tag: Ellyus Mercury (OC) and the AU tag: like the strings on a rope (darling I fray like a firework)
Seeing somebody else upload art of their own G-witch OC gave me courage, basically.
If you're on browser and would like to see the posts in chronological order:
Character tag
AU tag
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