#hi guys have I ever talked about how much I liked Connie
birdinabowl · 4 months
“Connie’s a bad character”
then they’re reasoning is the fact she tried to fight Blue at Garnets wedding even though she had no chance at winning. Like??? You would call her a coward if she didn’t fight, she literally was fighting a 50 foot space god and you are dissing her for it.
Another common thing I see is the fact she didn’t talk to Steven after he came back from homeworld. People seem to forget she was 12, of course her response isn’t going to be perfect, she even acknowledges the fact it was wrong but she wasn’t sure what else to do. I’m not saying her reaction was right here but Connie shouldn’t have to be perfect to be considered a good character.
like how can anyone hate her, look at how silly she is!!
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look at her!!!!
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amesemii · 2 months
Anything she wants.
A/N: HEY YALLL this took a lil long an im sorrryyyy!!! i haven’t made my rules yet so just don’t act like idiots or ill block you💋💋 this was my first time writing in a while and im a little rusty😩 tryna keep up with yall and the new trends in writing tho!! feedback is always appreciated so please don’t ever hesitate❤️💋.
WK; 1.1k
summary: your father forces you last minute to attend a meeting with him to get you out of the house and you meet a certain someone who wants to give the spoiled girl a try.
tw; nothing really, he calls you mama, he lowk a simp, flaunts his money too😒, daddy’s girl, spoiled yn, just be aware ig
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“Y/N please come down, it’s time to leave” your father yells up the stairs, and you rush to tie your heels up. Your father knew you took long to get ready so you don’t know why the hell he trying to rush you now when he only let you know of this event a few hours ago.
That was one of the things your father did that you didn’t like much and he was quick to apologize and get you a gift knowing you wanted to look your best in front of other people,he couldn’t tell his lovely daughter no. You were his pride and joy being the only girl out of 2 children. Your older brother long gone a few hours away with your lovely sister in law and your niece.(who you could argue is more spoiled than you)
So now you’re here in the blacked out car with your dad going to some random business party that you didn’t even wanna be at but at least you’ve got your card(your dads card) so you can sit and online shop while your father mingles with his partners.
You sit there scrolling on Amazon just adding things you think are cute to your cart, not even caring to look to into the details. Daddy will handle that, you think to yourself as you add a new vanity to the cart. You’re just scrolling through things when you hear someone mumbling in your ear
“You sure are a spoiled little girl aren’t you?” You look up startled to see a man that should be described as nothing BUT sexy. Tattoos adorning he lights lined body grillz and chains glistening short black hair and he was looking just SO good. But that was besides the point, why was he all up in ya phone?
“An you sure are nosey” you go back to scrolling on your phone now having had moved on to another store until you feel him sit next to you and you try to ignore him but you can feel his eyes grazing over your outfit, you’re about to speak up but he’s quick to interrupt.
“I’m Constance but you can call me Connie , and you are?” He’s not mumbling anymore and you’re pretty sure you hear a little accent but you’re not sure from what.
You look up at him from your phone and introduce yourself but that’s not enough for him, he wants to get to know you. You look pretty, smell good, and got an attitude. His favorite mix. You guys talk for a bit, mostly trying to get to know each other and flirting a bit till he asks a certain question.
“Let me take you out mama”
You actually let out a chuckle at that because there was no way In hell he wanted to fuck with you. You’re too expensive and hard to deal with, you know this for a fact because your brother makes sure to tell you every other day on the phone how you and his daughter make flies come out his wallet.
“You can’t handle me” you say smirking at him and his eyes darken and he’s quick to retort “I’m pretty sure I can handle a little girl like you.” And you scoff cause who tf he calling little?? Ain’t nun lil bout you. “Tuh show me then.” He hands you his phone and you put your number in but he looks confused and excite out and goes to show u other apps.
He goes from cash app, to a regular bank, to a bank you’ve never heard of and then still pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket. “I’m pretty sure I can handle you pretty.” And you can’t help but smile a little bit. “We’ll see Constance.” “I said you can call me connie”
“I know.” You chose to call him by his government because why not try to get under his skin? You look up to see your father coming towards you two and you sit up straight and smile “hey dad!” You start hoping and praying that he says it’s time to go home so you can plot.
“Hi baby girl, are you ready to go?” And you nod your head but go to introduce your father and Connie and they shake hands, you give Connie a side hug as you prepare to leave.
You and your father get to the car and you both slide into the back and he’s quick to start questioning you “so is he your boyfriend?” And you’re quick to say no. You only just met him an hour ago, he was NOT your boyfriend.
the rest of the ride was silent after your father basically played 21 questions. you just chill texting some of your friends and watching instagram reels til a text pops up on your phone.
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you had to think for a second about that. did you want to lie and say you had plans or just tell him nothing? you take a second to decide and choose to tell the truth.
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you just decide to leave him on read since your ride pulls up to your house. you and your father get out and he asks you what you want for dinner so he can order it and you tell him then quickly get upstairs.
you get to your room and open the door and are hit my a breeze. damn! you always leave that fan on to make sure you don’t get hit but it’s cold as a motherfucka in here.
you go to your closet and pick out some pijamas and go into your bathroom. you turn on the shower and wait for it to get hot and you step in.
you wash your body and just think. did you really wanna go on this date with connie? you know if you were to get hurt your father would handle the situation, so that wasn’t a worry.
you were worried about yourself, you didn’t want yourself to fall for him just cause he makes you feel nice and can give you butterflies. he could be just live everybody else.
but he might not be. it wouldn’t hurt to give him a chance and by now you already know what to look out for. so you turn off the shower and go out to your room.
you grab your shea butter and body oils, to lotion yourself and get dressed. as soon as you’re done, you decide to text connie back.
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you can’t help but smirk to yourself in anticipation of what was to come tomorrow. you were gonna enjoy this
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celesteleoves · 11 months
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summary: eren only shows his dimples around you.
warnings: eren has dimples, fluff, mentions of spicey things (girls teasing girls ykyk), erens very stoic around people he’s not close with.
“can you imagine jean having dimples, mikasa? i mean that would boost his ego too much.” annie laughed as you all sat around armins house.
your friend group had decided to have one big hangout! currently, the girls were sitting in the basement catching up on gossip while the boys went out to get stuff for a barbecue later.
“he still looks insanely good annie, can YOU imagine your boyfriend having dimples?” mikasa retorted back as the rest of us girls laughed.
“at least he’s good in bed-”
“hey, y/n, you like guys with dimples right?” sasha questioned as she downed a can of root beer.
“who doesn’t? dimples are so cute!” you said as the girls agreed.
“historia loves me and my freckles, dimples ain’t got nothing on us.” ymir pulled historia to her chest who only giggled and nodded.
you smiled at the two, they were so cute it drove you nuts. but at the moment, you remembered something about your crush and a feature you noticed about him.
“wait, eren has dimples guys!” you said with a smile on your face like you’d just solve the biggest mystery on earth.
the girls narrowed their eyes at you and then turned their attention to mikasa, who was a bit confused as well.
“don’t look at me, i can’t remember ever noticing eren having dimples. you sure y/n?”
“i swear, just wait till he gets back and look closely! you can see them.”
“she’s so in love she’s imaging eren with her favourite features a guy can have.” historia mocked and you rolled your eyes.
“i swear by it.”
mikasa laughed at your words as the girls listened closely to this newfound information.
“sure you do, i’ve known eren my whole life and i dont ever really see any prominent dimples on his face.”
“mika, let’s also remember she’s heavily obsessed with him. of course she noticed these things.” sasha joined in on the teasing as you groaned.
“fine, maybe you guys are right about the dim-”
“right about what?” jean asked as he, armin, and connie walked into the room with drinks and snacks.
“it’s girl talk, jean.” armin said while putting stuff down on a near coffee table before taking a seat on the couch annie sat at.
“well let me in on it!” jean pestered mikasa as he also joined her on the couch also.
“sasha! of course you ate my favourite chips bro.” connie whined as he noticed the chip bag he brought was in her hands and was now devoured by Sasha’s uncontrollable need for food.
“shut up connie!”
“anyways, we were talking about how y/n says she believes eren has dimples.” historia brought the conversation back and now everyone was listening intently.
“that mean bastard? doubt he could have something as attractive as dimples on his cold, ugly face.” jean said as he emphasized the last few words in a mocking way while mikasa slapped his arm.
armin paused and thought about it before speaking. “actually, he might. i think i almost saw his dimples once but he turned away from me, so i couldn’t see them.”
“see!” you smiled in victory and stood up to grab a coke can but before you could, a hand swooped and grab it right out of your reach. the person raised it above their head.
“don’t mind me, i’m really in the mood for some coke.” the person you guys had been talking about for a while finally arrived, eren.
and god damn, he looked too good even though you saw him thirty minutes ago. somehow, he manages to just get more attractive in your eyes day by day.
“eren, i was gonna have that actually so hand it over.” you smiled and reached to grab it, the visible height difference between you two causing troubles.
your friends went silent as they watched you bicker with each other. they had all been rooting for you two to get together, for a while now. you had easily fallen for him, what you didn’t know as of right know is that he fell harder.
although, one thing that made the whole groups jaws drop was the prominent dimples that appeared through eren’s smile as he looked down at you, his green eyes seeming brighter as he teased you and laughed.
“no fucking way.” annie whispered and nudged armin who only stared at the two with a smile on his face.
“shit man, turns out he does have something as cool as dimples on his face.” jean sighed and leaned into mikasa’s shoulder who only let out a chuckle at that.
truth is, mikasa knew eren had dimples. but, she only saw them when eren was around you or when he talked about you with a smile on his face.
a/n: heyyy, so i’m back with the aot oneshots too! im in a aot brainrot bc of the trailer and how sad i am that aot is going to be ending soon :( anyways, hope you enjoyed!
please message me if u have any concerns, suggestions, or a specific aot or mha work in mind that you would like me to write!
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
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summary: ony was a known player. women have practically threw themselves at him in hopes that they’d be the one to make him “change”, but they never succeed. he finally met his match when he started messing with you…
cw: toxic!reader, toxic!ony, smoking, smut
word count: 3.6k
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onyankopon wasn’t the type of man to chase. he wasn’t the man that would go above and beyond or make a woman feel like she could never be replaced. ony believed women were for the moment, having nothing to them that made him yearn for more. he’d be with a women one night and be moved on and ready for another women victim the next.
“man how you just gon block keisha like that? she bad as hell” connie said as he and ony rolled up on his couch. the darkskin male just laughed, shaking his head as he closed out her instagram profile and began looking through the hundreds of other women in his dms. “i already fucked, and it was like every other pussy i put my dick in. she pretty tho” connie shook his head in disappointment as he continued to crush up the weed between his fingers.
ony had no problem settling down, or so he said, but he just doesn’t think the women he’s been with were the right ones. leaving each of their houses without so much as a “goodbye” before deleting them from his phone and from his life completely. “don’t shake your head at me nigga. you be doing it too” ony laughed as he watched his friend place his hand on his heart. a shocked expression on his face as he played offended by the accusation. “it’s not the same and you know it. i at least talk to em from time t’time. you delete em and have em going crazy over you” all ony did was shrug his shoulders, continuing to roll up his blunt without trying to defend himself.
“lemme just take you out t’dinner then. m’tryna get t’know you ma” the brunette said as you sat in the passenger seat of his his hellcat. you were only here for some free weed, using your beauty to your advantage as you batted your lashes and bounced your tiddies while laughing at every terrible joke this man tried to crack. “can i think about it? ima very busy girl” your sultry voice made eren’s palms sweat as he handed you the baggy full of weed. you had this man whipped and he hasn’t even ever fucked you. “alright mama jus lemme know, and i put a lil extra in there f’you. witcho fine ass” he mumbled his last sentence as he watched your ass move in your shorts while getting out the car. you turned around slowly, kissing your hand before blowing it to him. your sparkly clear lipgloss making your lips pop as you gave eren a cute smile.
as soon as he drove off your act dropped. an annoyed look quickly fell on your face as you rolled your eyes. “corny ass nigga” you mumbled as you made your way into your house. these men where too easy when it came to you. always gravitating towards your pretty face and how you carried yourself like a “good girl”. you were nice to everybody, and everybody was nice to you. when you would find yourself messing with a guy, it was never for long. as soon as you got what you needed there was always an excuse on the tip of your tongue.
“m’going through a lot right now”
“i gotta focus on my classes more”
“i need time to heal from my past”
it was honestly the easiest thing in the world. and since you were so nice these niggas had no choice but to put respect on your name no matter what.
you quickly made your way to your room, turning on your led lights to purple as you got out your tray, papers, grinder, and your freshly “bought” bag of weed. “let’s get this shit started” you said as you turned on your tv.
as ony looked through his phone he noticed a freshly posted story from your account. he thought nothing of it as he clicked it. eyes widening at the sight of your other stories throughout the day. there was picture after picture of your beautiful body in a sundress. posing with a hand on your knee as you bent over slightly in the mirror. the next photo was you in a tube top and mini skirt. your big brown eyes looking away from the camera with a finger on your lip as if you were thinking. “jesus” ony mumbled. why hasn’t he ever seen you before?
connie leaned over and looked the the picture. “oh that’s y/n. she fine as hell ain’t she? been tryna get on that for months” his best friend said before taking a hit from his blunt. ony was intrigued. you were one of the sexiest girls he’s ever seen. “why ian ever seen her?” he mumbled as he continued to go through your stories. “that’s ‘cause she a good girl. she don’t party, don’t be fighting bitches over dick, nun of that. she be in her books and chilling” connie’s words brought excitement to ony’s body as he looked at your latest post.
you were in your bed with ed, edd, and eddy playing on your tv. your beautiful brown legs crossed, nails and feet looking freshly done as you held a fat blunt in between your fingers. ‘in my own little world’ the story captioned with poison by brent faiyaz playing softly in the background. ony’s fingers moved before he could think, swiping up on the post before typing you a quick message.
a ding from your phone brought your attention away from your cartoons. ‘must be eren’ you thought as you took a deep sigh before opening your phone. you were right, but there was another message after his.
onyahead replied to your story: let me join that lil world
you have heard plenty about onyankopon. the 90s fine dark skin that had a thing for breaking girls hearts. never seen with a girl, but constantly in the middle of drama when women are at each others throats over a man. he was no good. a liar, a sweet talker, and most of all… a player. but still you replied.
prettybrowny/n: i’d rather not have a mob of girls coming to burn my shit down.
you threw your phone to the side, giggling to yourself as you continued to watch your shows. less than ten minutes later, you heard another ding from your phone.
onyahead: don’t be like that ma. i’m just tryna smoke
what? did he think you were dumb or something? this man was clearly not “just tryna smoke” and that was obvious. it was nearly one in the morning. but still you replied.
prettybrowny/n: send your # and i’ll drop my lo
you weren’t like these other women he’s been with. you didn’t want the same things from him as they wanted. it was late and you were bored. eren gave you so much weed that it wouldn’t hurt to share, and at the end of the day onyankopon was nothing more to you than a man. a very fine, well known man, but still just a man. and at the end of the night you still expected to see him as such.
a smile graced ony’s face as he rose from connie’s couch. he quickly grabbed his hoodie before making his was towards the door. “where you goin? i just rolled two more” connie said. ony looked back at him, a sly smirk adorning his features as he twisted the doorknob. “finna go fuck on the good girl.” all that was heard from connie were loud gasps before ony left the house, putting your address in his gps as he approached his black srt challenger.
‘know you ride it right. i might jus die tonight’
‘but you know i’m still coming through baby’
you changed the lights in your room to red as you waited for him to arrive. rolling up two more fat blunts as you hummed along to your favorite song.
‘i know it's bad for me. and you know it tastes so sweet.’
‘i think i need your abuse baby’
ony was happy to see that you only lived ten minutes from connie. checking himself in his mirror before exiting his car and making his way to your front door. after he knocked on the door he saw a glimpse of your beautiful figure through the window. cami top on without a bra, booty shorts so tight he was almost certain he’d see some of your ass spilling out if you turned around, and your pretty gold anklet shining as you walked towards the door.
you looked up at him with your big brown eyes. your clear glasses reflecting your porch light as you spoke. “hi” you said quietly before moving to the side so he could enter. you closed the door behind him before leading him deeper into the house. “where we smoking at” ony’s deep voice made your stomach flip as you swayed your hips as you walked, already knowing he was looking at your ass. “my room”
‘girl you do damage to me. know i love it ,yea i love you’
‘ain’t nothing better for me now’
“welcome to my lil world” your pretty voice caressed his ears as he walked towards your bed. he thanked the lord he wore sweats as he laid down on his back. waistband hanging low on his hips, happy trial showing as he put his hands behind his head. his hood was up, covering his grey durag. your eyes traveled up and down his body, repeatedly stopping at his waistband. this man wasn’t wearing boxers. “you gon stare or you gon smoke me out?” his voice snapped you out of your thoughts, making you slowly sit in the middle of the bed before picking up the blunt.
‘girl you do damage to me. know i love it, yea i love you’
‘ain’t nothing better for me now’
ony moved closer to you laying down almost right next to you as he watched you put the blunt to your lips. “i rolled you your own ‘cause i got lipgloss on” you gave him a confused look at the chuckle he gave you. “what?” ony gave you a small smirk, your stomach doing flips as you noticed the gold grills adorning his pearly white teeth. “ion care bout that. we can share. make it last longer” you gave him a small nod before trying to start up your lighter. ‘why you gotta break now’ you thought as you repeatedly flicked the lighter just for nothing to come out. another chuckle rumbled from his chest before ony dug in his pocket for his lighter. his big tattooed hand made its way towards your face before he held the fire on the end of your blunt. “gotchu ma” he mumbled as he watched the smoke begin to rise into the air.
you took the first hit, letting the calming drug run all through your system. ony watched tv as you smoked, paying you no mind as he waited for you to rotate to him. you did the same after passing him the blunt, shifting your body towards the screen as you sat on your knees. ony took this as the time to ogle you. like he thought, your ass was spilling from the bottom of your shorts. what he wasn’t expecting was the pretty dermal piercings on your lower back. the diamonds twinkling at him as if they were begging for him to rub his thumbs along them. “how long you had these?” he mumbled to you, making you turned around before following his gaze. “oh. ehhh about a year now” you said before turning back towards the tv.
ony leaned up, sitting next to you as he continued to shamelessly stare at the front of your body now. perky brown breasts, pudgy little stomach, thick thighs, and a pretty face. you were his poison.
‘angel of the night. down between your thighs’
‘i’m still here. ain’t no excuse baby’
you felt him stare at you, but kept facing forward. fighting back the urge to shy away from his gaze as you fidgeted with your fingers. this man was something else. it was like he wanted you to eat you, but you wanted to stay strong. ‘i’m not like them. i’m smarter’ you thought to yourself as you took a deep breath and turned towards him. “you chieffing it nigga” you giggled as you went to grab the blunt from him, but ony moved his hand away. putting it in his other hand which on the other side of his body. “gotta come get it if you want it mama. ion do hand outs”
his voice brought a certain tingle in your nether regions, making you have to take a deep breath before doing what you where about to do. you reached across his body, purposely putting an arch in your back as you slowly looked him in the eye while plucking the blunt from his fingers. the two of you stayed still for a while, looking into each others eyes.
‘i see you in my sleep. i'm scarred beyond belief’
‘ain’t nothing you can't make me do, baby’
ony was the first to move, sliding his free hand down your back before letting it slowly smooth down your ass. the dark skin and ink of his hands contrasting with the light pink fabric of your shorts. “so pretty” he mumbled, loving the way you shied away from his gaze at the compliment. he was breaking you down, but you were doing the same to him. heart beating rapidly in his chest as ony looked at your beautiful breasts peaking at him from your top.
‘girl you do damage to me. know i love it, yea i love you’
‘ain’t nothing better for me now’
you followed his eyes down to your top before slowly moving off of him. blunt now in your mouth as you inhaled deeply. ony watched you, brown eyes never moving from your face as he let you blow smoke on his. you admired him some more, feeling a your breath hitch as you noticed the prominent bulge in his sweatpants. ony saw you staring, smirking as he thought it’d be nice to tease you. “you want it baby?” you mindlessly nod your head, the effects of the weed starting to get to you as you quickly covered your mouth and began shaking your head “n-no”.
“s’okay mama. i wanna give it t’you. can i?” this man is good. you know he has no intention of keeping in contact with you after tonight, keeping his voice soft to bend you to his will as he used faux kindness. if you were any other girl you would’ve fell for it immediately. but if you weren’t then why were you letting him move your stuff from your mattress to your bedside table? and why were you letting him lay you down on your back? big inked hands making quick work of removing your shorts, before ony smiled down at your pretty pussy.
‘girl you do damage to me. know i love it, yea i love you’
‘ain’t nothing better for me now…than your poison baby’
ony quickly removed his hoodie and shirt before setting between your thighs. his brown eyes looked up at your for the “okay” to begin and you let him in a heartbeat. you don’t think you’ve ever gotten better head in your life. ony was skilled with his tongue, running it all over your pussy sloppily before he sucked softly on your clit. he repeated the motion over and over again, getting rougher and rougher with you until your back was arching from the bed. your hand flew to his head, holding him there as you began to grind on his face. ony seen no problem with this, wanting you to get as much pleasure as you wanted right now. “m’gonna cum ony. fuck m’gonna make a mess”
ony looked up at you before snaking his hands up your body. he lifted your shirt to free your pretty breasts before squeezing them in each of his hands. “gon head. make a mess on daddy face” your body didn’t stand a chance against him. a loud whine was released from your lips as you came all over ony’s face, wetting his mustache and anchor beard. “good girl” his praises went straight to your core, making your arousal build up again as he slowly pulled down his sweats until his dick sprang free. now you could understand why women would fight and throw themselves at this man. he was very well equipped. a thick vein running up the underside of his dick as his bounced up and down before you. he was not only long, but incredibly thick, making you wince as he began to line himself up with your entrance.
‘girl you know i play my role when i’m inside that’
ony noticed the worry in your eyes. “relax babygirl. i would never hurt you” he say lowly, letting you grip his hand as tight as you needed while he sunk deep into your walls. he gave you time to adjust, keeping your fingers intertwined as he began slowly stroking you. “how it feel ma? does it hurt” his soft voice made you want to melt into the sheets, eyes already rolling back as you felt his dick kiss all the right places inside of you. ony noticed your lack of reply, chuckling as he watched how fucked out you already were. he continued to talk you through your daze, only stopping to give you light kisses on your neck.
“feel so good mama”
“takin me like a good girl”
“you like bein my good girl don’t you?”
the praised just kept on coming and before you knew it, his large inked hand was wrapped around your throat while ony began to pound you into the mattress. the sudden change in pace made your legs shake at he began to hit you so deep you were seeing stars. “how it feel baby?”
‘with my hands around your throat. i know you like that’
ony felt your release coming, the tightness of you walls making him have to close his eyes as he continued fucking into you. “s-so good daddy. feels so g-good” your moans were music to his ears as he started quickly rubbing his thumb all over your clit. “then make a mess f’me. show me how good daddy make you feel” you listened to him instantly, your release quickly rushing out of you and all over the both of your stomachs as ony fucked you through your orgasm. “good girl mama”
‘girl i’ll do anything’
before you knew it, ony had flipped you onto your stomach. strong hands lifting you up by your waist before he sunk back into you again. “it’s my turn now ‘kay?” your eyes widened in shock at his words.
‘you mean to tell me that whole time everything was just for me? this man is a problem.’
you thought as you felt ony begin to roughly fuck you into the mattress. both inked hands, pushing your back down as he began to angle his hips downward to keep hitting your favorite spots.
“you feel it mama? feel daddy in your tummy?” ony groaned as he felt you clench at his words. he left kissing along the back of your neck before he pulled you up slightly by your hair. “say my name baby” spit dripped from your mouth to the sheets as you listened to the filthy words that came out of ony’s mouth. “say who fucking this pussy so good”. the way he was fucking you, you were glad to say his name. replying to the best of your ability as you felt him kiss your g spot. “onyyyy. o-on-yyyy fucking this pussy so g-good. feel so good daddy” you screamed as you felt ony’s dick kiss your cervix. “that’s right mama. now cum with me. wet my dick while daddy fills this pussy up.”
‘to hear you scream my name. i love your game’
‘i do…..i do’
the two of you came together. your release tricking down your thighs as ony gave you three more strokes before stilling inside you, filling you with his hot cum. he let you catch your breath before slowly pulling out and laying on his back. his strong arms lifting you onto his chest before he said something he never imagined he’d say in his life. “do you want me to spend the night with you?”
‘girl you do damage to me’
when ony woke up he was met with an empty bed, the sound of the shower running signaling to him it was time to go. he made quick work of getting dressed and before he knew it he was out the door, walking tiredly to his car. as he pulled off he contemplating blocking you. your pussy was one he’s never had before. your moans were like music, and your beauty was unmatched. but still he felt like he needed to block you. so with that being said he pulled out his phone, searching your account on instagram so he can do what needed to be done, but his jaw dropped at the realization that your account was nowhere to be found. while he was asleep you room you made the executive decision of blocking him before he even got the chance to block you. ony smiled at your cleverness, but you were “not clever enough mama”
‘but i love it babe’
as you got out of the shower, you heard the sound of your phone dinging. ‘must be eren’ you thought before picking up the device. it wasn’t eren this time…your jaw dropped as you looked at the name on your phone.
snapchat: onyaheaddd sent a chat!
ony💯: i’ll be back over tonight. i forgot my hoodie.
‘oh you’re poisonous baby’
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cottonconnielvr · 1 year
can you write one when its like, reader x plug!connie where they like toxic off and on, but he still spoils her and all that because they in love fr. he's like a real jealous type and is lowkey overprotective. but they always together and spend alot of time with eachother
No matter what you were always gonna be Connie’s.
No matter how many times you guys “broke up” you still belonged to him and everyone knew.
It was hard to strive as a now “single” woman. All of your old hoes were wiped off the face of the earth somehow (thanks to Connie). Any new guy that has the potential of being just a one night stand was scared away by a pair of emotionless eyes that stared you down from across the club.
Every night out with your girlfriends was ruined, any attempt to hook up with someone. ruined
Connie was everywhere you were. You blocked him on every social media, but he still created more accounts just watching your page. He also had eyes on you everywhere. You’d often see some of his most trusted guys at the mall, updating him on your safety.
His friends are so faithful to him it’s frustrating. Your bestfriends were his bestfriends, due to the fact that you were always around you all just became so close!
But when you have a girls night out with Mikasa and Sasha they are always cockblocking for connie.
“That guy was a dick Y/N”
“I dunno maybe you should just get back with Con”
Everyone around you did nothing but encourage you to get back with him, even your parents!
They love having him around and he’s excellent help in the kitchen!
Connie is fairly toxic but you won’t really notice until you think about it.
He’s got himself so involved in your life and everything you do, people can’t help but ask about him! And that was what he intended to do.
There was no possible way you could forget him, he was everywhere. You broke up with Connie but Connie didn’t break up with you.
You lasted 35 days and 45 minutes before getting back with Connie. Ever since you “broke up” with Connie, you’ve been focusing on a clothing line you’ve been wanting to release. You gave up on trying to go out and find simple one night stands. You were fairly sex deprived but didn’t give in. Nothing a vibrator couldn’t fix.
You were over men and their stupid ass inconsiderate ass feelings. Connie didn’t stop taking care of you though. You’d get random paypals and cash apps from Armin or Eren. $850 - FOR from Connie :)
You still were extremely grateful though. This particular night you decided to go to a party Ony was throwing. You were going out for yourself tonight, plus you haven’t popped out in a while gotta keep these bitches hatin
You walked through the entrance of the house, “Way 2 Sexy” blasting through the speakers.
“Heyy sexyy” Sasha drags out as she wraps her arm around you, holding a cup in her hand. You hug her back with a smile on your face, ready to get wasted.
After many mixed drinks and a blunts worth inside of you. You stumbled to a bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You lip synced to the song that was playing from downstairs, checking yourself out in the mirror. Your eyes were red and low, all your movements sloppy.
As you re-applied your lip gloss, a deep voice spoke out to you.
“You’re avoiding me” You jumped at the sudden voice, thinking you were in the bathroom alone. You looked back in the corner of the bathroom, seeing Connie lean on the wall. He looked good as always.
“Connie just go” You mumbled in irritation, not wanting to give into the man in your drunken state.
“What did I tell you about watching your surroundings mama, hmm?” Connie stepped closer to you, “Didn’t even notice me following you. How are you supposed to stay safe princess” Connie fake pouted at you, looking down at you with pity. You could reject him all you want but your face told it all, you missed him so much.
“Sshut upp” You slurred, attempting to walk around him and out of the door.
“Talk to me” Connie’s hand gripped your waist, pulling you back in-front of him. “There’s nothing to talk about, we areee overrrr” Your own eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t cry mami,” Connie cupped your chin, making you look up at him, “Just take me back. I promise I won’t fuck up anymore. I swear i’m going crazy without you, I can’t stop thinking about you. Just please come back home with me” Connie rushed out, the tattooed drug dealer fought the urge to cry. You’ve been ignoring him like crazy. A part of him felt like you were really done with him and he couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay Connie, I will” You nodded, letting your emotional state take over. Your arms wrapped around Connie, just wanting to feel him. “I’m gonna go home with you”
The next day you were sitting on Connie’s lap at Eren’s house. You sat pressing sticky kisses up and down Connie’s neck while he counted a few bands, a joint resting in his mouth.
Eren rolled his eyes as he walked pass you two on the couch. As annoying as it was, everything felt back normal again. You were right where you were supposed to be, with connie <3
thinking about toxic!yandere!friend group now but in a platonic way
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seredelgi · 1 month
And what pet names do they use the most? / AOT x ferm!reader
featuring: Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Reiner Braun, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman
tw: kissing, groping, pet names, slight angst, fem!reader
You love to hear him say it, honestly. Doesn’t matter if you’re actually with him or if you guys are talking over the phone. It’s about the hoarseness in his voice as he breathes it out. And it honestly already puts you in a better mood as soon as you walk into your new shared apartment. He immediately catches the tiredness in your expression and he comes to take you in his arms “ C'mere, doll”.
He loves to call you his princess. It’s his way of making you aware of how much you mean to him. And of course, he knows how to treat you like one, as well. Armin always showers you with praises and gifts. It honestly baffles you how much affection you can feel in the way he treats you. And if you ever question him about it, you know the answer will be “That’s ‘cause you deserve it, princess”
The way Jean addresses you is the sweetest you’ve ever heard him use. His tone of voice can go from harsh to downright sugary the moment his words are referred to you instead of his friends or co-workers. No matter the situation, he can’t bring himself to be rude to you, not even while fighting. So it’s no surprise when he stops mid-sentence during an argument over the phone as you enter the room. He smiles charmingly before greeting you “ What’s up, darling?”
Connie plays around with a lot of pet names, honestly. He uses many, and some are very weird and even too sweet, but very often they’re thrown around playfully. His favorite one, however, remains the one that has always been able to genuinely make you smile shyly to yourself. And it comes out of nowhere, maybe as you’re cuddling snugly on your couch, only for him to pull you in closer and whisper it huskily in your ear “ ‘Gimme a kiss, baby”
You honestly have no idea where it came from, but you love it. It speaks of the way Reiner sees you, the way he feels as if you’re everything good in his life. He’s had a harsh childhood, and you’re the only person he ever trusted with all his secrets, the only one who has been able to help him through a long process of acceptance and self-love. So it makes you giddy and ecstatic when he greets you warmly and hushes on your lips “ I love you so much, angel”
Erwin is a gentleman. The man just never misses an occasion to remind you how good you look, and it’s been like this since you two started dating. He loves to call you gorgeous or even his pretty girl, which always makes you feel some type of way, honestly. But he reserves his favorite for whenever you’re feeling especially down or insecure. And it’s said lovingly, usually while holding your chin up with his finger, making you look into his shimmering blue eyes “Tell me what’s wrong, beautiful” 
Levi doesn’t use nicknames. He honestly just loves the sound of your name, the way it rolls off his tongue and so easily gets your attention. However sometimes it just slips, very often in the bedroom, and very probably because you mewl so loudly at every single one of his hot kisses on your skin that he can’t help it. There he says it, and it’s so breathless that your insides twirl “Want me to touch you, kitten?”
So what about the way they kiss you?
What gets them going?
How do they take you?
Do they get jealous?
What's their love language?
How do they take compliments, then?
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justkennadi · 6 months
What the boys got you for christmas 😍🎄‼️
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Notes: Just a little something for christmas 😭👍🏾 i haven’t written anything else lately cause of work but that armin angst is still coming! But yeah, still merry Christmas!
Context: The following aot boys x black!fem reader. (not proofread😭)
Warnings: fluff aside from couple of cuss words and mention of getting high on plug!connie’s part
Characters: Armin, Eren, Connie, Jean and Reiner Bonus!: Nerd Armin and Plug!Connie
- Armin is so sweet.. From the moment u met him u knew he was a soft bookworm with a kind heart. He asked you to be his on valentine’s day by writing a letter confessing his feelings.
- You were happy to be his fr and you were really excited when y’all’s first christmas together came around.
- You got him this limited edition old dictionary, one of those fake aquariums from the 2000s, a fancy microscope and the entirety of his favorite book series.
- However when Christmas came and it was his turn you couldn’t have been more surprised.
- He got you multiple cute chanel coats and purses, a box of your favorite chocolate, a box of miss dior and an entire macbook😭😭😭
- “ARMIN?!?” You exclaim. “Since when ever was you rich????!?”
- And the boy just smiled at you and said he saved a bunch of money from his job but you didn’t really believe it.
- He also spent the whole day watching christmas movies and taking taking cute pictures together with you😚❤️❤️
- You and Eren got officially together on Halloween after a party so you guys were still kinda new and tryna feel each other out.
- You knew he liked working out so you just got him some gray sweatpants, some protein crap and one of those flannel hoodies.
- This boy ended up getting you some uggs and one of those “The tote bag” bags and a bunch of bath and body work stuff
- He even got all your favorite scents, aw❤️
- Eren acted like he didn’t always listen or pay attention but he clearly was the whole time and it made your heart melt🥹
- Eren didn’t wanna do the sappy shit he did but he sure wasn’t gonna show it right now so he just hopped on the game and you happily watched for the rest of the day.
- Connie and you spent yall first christmas together as not really a couple but that weird talking stage thing. You still counted tho cause you might as well be his gf🤷🏾‍♀️
- Connie was a goof ball fr so you didn’t really know what to get him. When it came down to the serious emotional stuff y’all just joked yall way out of it and so it was this weird limbo ish going on
- You settled on a nike jacket and a gift card to his favorite restaurant. You felt so bad cause it seemed like bare minimum but Connie was excited regardless!
- He said it’s the “thought that counts🥰😊” and all you could say after a few seconds was “Moral of the story headass..” and yall just busted out laughing
- Connie ended up getting you the brown faux jacket you saw and wanted from burlington, some pearl earrings and a necklace and a visa gift card with-
- “How much money is on here Con?”
- “$500.😗”
- WHAT?!!!2!@/
- You were expecting $50 or even $100 but $500? Half a band?
- “Yeah i didn’t know what to get u so…😗have fun!”
- You hugged him so hard and accidentally said he was the best boyfriend ever but when you pulled away to quickly apologize he just shushed you and said, “Anything for my beautiful girlfriend😌..”
- You and jean got together in the summer after school let out. Jean didn’t talk much like Eren but he was a goof ball like Connie especially when he was around him.
- You didn’t have much to work with embarrassingly. It was gonna be y’all’s 6 month anniversary on christmas but you barely knew a thing about him!!
- You ended up getting him some polo club cologne, airpods and a plain black hoodie.
- When Christmas came around you received some jewelry, some of the makeup you use and a cute brown fluffy teddy bear 🧸❤️
- Y’all had a very chill christmas, Jean wanted to go for a walk so you went with naturally and y’all ended up witnessing a beautiful sunset❤️
- You and Reiner got together in spring. He asked you out by bringing you a bunch of flowers in a bouquet which was definitely on theme for spring time..
- Reiner also stayed to himself a little bit more but he was more open with you so you had a good idea of what he liked.
- You got you and him some matching pjs to wear for the holiday. You got him a couple of books since sometimes he would read, a fancy shaving kit, a couple of turtlenecks and a photo album of you guys first year together❤️
- You were really proud and happy of your gifts but then you saw he didn’t get you anything other than a bunch of replacements for the hair products you use.
- “Hold on i think i put your other gift over here….close your eyes real quick..”
- You sighed and closed your eyes. You prayed he wasn’t gonna put anything together out of nowhere. You were kinda disappointed but it was ok.
- You heard shuffling and then you could tell when he was right in front of you.
- “Ok, open.”
- When you opened your eyes yoy immediately took everything back.. what you saw was a kneeling reiner on one knee holding a gorgeous diamond ring 💍😍
- For christmas he gave you a proposal!!!
- Even though it was kinda early, to be honest you two were talking for a lil minute anyways so it still felt like proper timing.
- You guys planned your wedding for christmas eve as spent the rest of that day cuddling with him watching Christmas themed sit-comes
- You knew Nerd!Armin since you two were kids and over time feelings developed.. then it naturally blossomed into a relationship. It was kinda weird because as you two grew up you guys just slowly became girlfriend and boyfriend.
- Nerd!Armin had always been a bit brainy and a major science fan so it wasn’t hard to get him anything at all.
- You got him a brand new pc, plentyyyy of books especially the sci-fi types and some weird graphic tees.
- He smiled with his braces and handed you a louis vuitton purse that had some louis vuitton jewelry and perfume inside. Also a soft blanket with your favorite design/character on it, Dior makeup items and chocolates.
- “Where did you get the money to buy this? Cause all i see you do is watch youtube and science shit-“ You questioned in surprise.
- “Stocks..”
- You just shrugged cause you had no idea on what he was talking about but you were just happy this silly brainiac was yours for the holiday 🫶🏾
- You and Connie started off as any other plug and customer. But then Connie started to catch feelings and by like August of this year he asked you to be his.
- He was very protective of you so by the time the holidays came around no one knew you two were a couple.
- He would always spoil you too with shopping sprees and paying for you to get your hair and nails did 💅🏾
- It was hard to think of what he’d want cause he could literally buy anything he wanted plus he didn’t really talk about himself much
- You settled on a couple of hoodies, one of those vape shark jackets and a game for his ps5.
- He ended up getting you a whole ass black Audi r8.
- Your jaw was on the floor 💀
- “Con, what the hellll..”
- “What? Y’don like it?”
- “I do but literally how??”
- “Ion know😗.”
- “Boy-“
- Connie never told you how he did it but he had proof it wasn’t stolen at least so 🙄
- He also got you a giant teddy bear and a new iphone.
- You kinda felt like your gifts were not the best compared to his but he assured you it was fine and he was grateful to have you regardless. ❤️
- You two ended up spending the rest of the day getting high and watching weird christmas movies no one talks about .
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jaegersdevil · 10 months
three plans - eren jaeger
College!Eren x Fem!Reader
summary: eren needs help asking you out!!
cw: use of y/n, very rushed ending, mikasa & jean are dating (briefly mentioned), eren and jean actually get along, the dorms are massive at my fake college (i'm talking like 2-bedroom apartment-sized, ok).
w/c: 3.4k
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Eren was about to leave. He sat on the couch in Jean Kirstein’s dorm and waited for him to return from his management class, cursing himself repeatedly for asking Jean, of all people, to help him with his issue. 
To be fair, you weren’t the worst issue Eren could have, but his situation, or lack of situation, with you was… an issue. Eren would consider himself a confident guy until it came to you. He had barely spoken to you, becoming speechless whenever you were nearby.
Despite having class together, he was sure he wouldn’t know what to tell you if he bumped into you on the street. So, yeah, it was a sizeable issue, considering he was harbouring the world’s biggest crush on you. 
Toying with the hem of his sweat shorts and chewing on his bottom lip, Eren sat in silence. He was well aware of Jean's invitation to play NBA 23 on the PS5, but he was too nervous to even think about taking up the offer. He’d rather sit, wallowing in his anxiety, than play a video game. So, yeah, maybe this issue was larger than he thought. 
“Ok, what do you want?” Jean’s voice and the slamming of the dorm door simultaneously cut through the quiet, making Eren jump in his spot. 
Upon realising what he was about to tell Jean, Eren turned red. He opened his mouth to say ‘never mind’, 'forget it’, or even your name, but nothing came out. 
“Woah, bro, you good?” Jean threw his backpack onto his desk chair and tilted his head. Eren nodded and then shook his head before nodding again. Jean scoffed out a laugh and held his hands out. “Okay, let’s start with making sure that you’re breathing. You’re breathing, right?” 
Eren put his hand on his chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his chest before letting out a ‘yes’. 
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed; he’d never seen Eren like this before. “Eren, calm down. Wait, you’re not dying, are you?” Jean’s sudden panic caused the brunette to shoot up from the couch. 
“No! No, Jean, I’m not. But I’m the most embarrassed I’ve ever been right now, so can you just stop asking me questions, please, and I’ll tell you what’s up.” 
The smirk on Jean’s face dropped when he realised how much this was affecting Eren. Jean didn’t speak as he nodded and sat on the couch Eren previously sat on, urging him to continue. 
Eren glared at him. “If I hear one word out of your mouth—” 
“Yeah, I got it.”
Eren sighed as he ran his hands over his face. “I like this girl, and—” 
Jean’s eyes widened. “No way! You’re like this over a girl?” He exclaimed. 
Eren clenched his jaw and tilted his head when the 6’2” boy jumped up and began shaking his shoulders. “Bro!” 
Jean’s hysterical laughter could be heard down the hallway, piquing the interest of Sasha and Connie, who smiled knowingly before they left their dorm. 
“Forget I ever told you, Kirstein,” Eren said lowly, shoving Jean’s hands off his shoulders. But before he could leave, the dorm door swung open. 
“Jaeger, what’s going on?” Sasha’s voice was twinged with mischief, Connie following close behind. Eren wished the floor would swallow him whole. 
But before he could make his great escape, Jean sported a cheeky grin and hooked his arm around the shorter boy’s neck, pulling him into a loose headlock. “Eren likes a girl, and he’s sooo shy about it.” 
“Y/n?” Connie said. Everyone paused their movements, Eren trying to escape Jean’s death grip and Sasha moving forward to tickle him. 
“How—?” Eren started before Connie cut him off. 
“Don’t think we don’t notice how you practically stare at her in Finance and search for her at the courts. You’re the most un-subtle person ever, Eren.” 
Connie knew he had hit the nail on the head when Eren turned a deep shade of pink, making his friends whoop in laughter. 
“Eren’s whipped!” They teased, ruffling his hair and poking him in the ribs as he attempted to leave. 
“No, don’t leave! We’ll help you!” Sasha called after Eren when he walked out the door. 
Eren stopped in the middle of the hallway. Was he really about to take girl advice from a bunch of idiots? Did he have another choice? He knew he'd get teased relentlessly if he told Armin and Mikasa. But he'd already told these three, and they were the biggest loudmouths in the universe.
Groaning, Eren spun on his heel and trudged back into Jean’s dorm. 
The night before, after telling the boys and Sasha about his issue, Eren was given a plan and told to follow it. 
It was the first class of the day, and Eren held his usual black coffee in one hand and a note in his other. He rolled his eyes and shoved the scrap piece of paper Jean, Sasha, and Connie had written on in his pocket before running a hand through his hair. There’s no way he was going through with this. 
“Ready for the plan?” Connie asked, a giggle slipping through as he shook Eren’s arm. 
Eren forgot he had Finance with him. “Yeah, bro. Totally.” 
Connie smirked, adjusting his backpack strap on his shoulder. “Get ready. Phase one is in motion.” 
Eren was about to ask him what he meant but was instead rendered speechless when he spotted you disappearing through the doors to the lecture hall. 
“Come on,” Connie pulled Eren along, nearly tripping them both. Meanwhile, Eren was running through what to say to you. His palms were sweaty, his breathing was shallow, and he licked his lips nervously.  
He saw you giggling with one of your friends, someone he had yet to know the name of, but he could barely take his gaze off you. So effortlessly gorgeous with kind eyes. Shy and reserved, but he’d seen you at parties and knew that you were the opposite when you were with the right people and in the right place. He hoped he’d eventually be someone you could be yourself around. 
“Go,” Connie’s voice brought him back to reality, and before he knew it, he was shoving Eren in your direction. 
“Hey, Eren.” Your voice. 
Eren stood straight as a board, frantically looking at Connie behind him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
He then focused his attention on the wall behind you, trying to remember the notes on the paper and the plan he was told to follow. The plan!
“Oh! Uh—hey, Y/n. What’s up?” He internally cringed at his attempt to talk to you.
“Not much, just freaking out over the quiz today,” You laughed, playing with your pen. 
Eren’s eyes widened. 
“There’s a quiz today,” He said it more to himself as a realisation than a question, but you nodded. 
“Yep, on topics 3-6.” 
Eren sucked in his cheeks. How could he forget? 
“Eren, you okay?” You asked him. He exhaled and nodded, throwing his thumb over his shoulder. 
“I should probably sit.” 
You held back a laugh and nodded again, not knowing what more to say. Eren would have slapped himself had he not been in a lecture hall with 300 others. 
“Bye, Y/n,” He rushed, turning around and making a beeline to where Connie sat a few rows down. 
He wore a devilish smirk when Eren plopped into the seat beside him. “So, loverboy? How did it go?” 
Eren shook his head, flustered. “Nothing happened. We’re moving on.” 
Connie’s jaw hung open. “No, the plan says—” 
“Fuck the fucking plan, Springer. It’s not happening. I can’t do it.” 
Connie felt a pang of sympathy for his friend. “Eren—” 
“Nope, I’m spending the rest of my life alone.” 
Eren didn’t dare turn around to look back at you in fear you’d have realised his intentions and laugh at him for his attempt to flirt with you. 
Connie opened his mouth to joke about something to quarrel Eren’s anxieties, but the lecturer spoke loudly over the microphone and announced that there was, in fact, a quiz. 
Plan #1 = A Fail
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“I just don’t understand why we can’t tell the rest of the group. I feel like this is a friend group issue,” Connie complained. 
“This is not a friend group issue, Constance, this is a me issue, and I have come to you to help me. If I wanted their help, I would’ve asked them,” Eren said firmly. 
Connie threw his hands up in defence and nodded, mouthing a ‘sorry.’
Jean shook his head. “I agree with Connie."
"Me too!" Sasha cut in.
"We should tell them.”
“No! I’m not telling them, and soon, I won’t be telling you about this anymore," Eren mumbled.
“But, Eren, you know we love helping you! I’m sure they would love it too,” Sasha urged, sighing when the brunette shook his head. 
“Not happening.” 
The two boys and Sasha groaned and began arguing their points. 
“At least tell Armin and Mikasa. I think they deserve to know what’s going on,” Sasha hinted, smiling widely when Eren glared at her. 
“You what?” Mikasa’s yell made Eren step forward and cover his best friend’s mouth. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Eren whispered. "You can’t tell anyone.“
He took his hand off Mikasa’s face and rubbed his eye with his knuckle. 
“You can’t talk to a girl because you’re scared?” Mikasa provoked, covering her mouth with her hand to muffle her childish laughter. “This hasn’t happened before.” 
“Thanks, dipshit, I know,” Eren rolled his eyes before pacing the room. 
Eren was usually the shit-stirrer of the friend group, but his friends could tell when he was in distress, and clearly, not being able to speak to you was turning out to be a bigger deal than they initially thought. 
“You really like her?” Armin asked.
Eren was shocked when he didn’t hear an ounce of humour in his best friend’s voice. “Yeah.” 
“Okay, let’s devise a plan, then.” 
Eren shook his head. “No, no more planning. I’ve already tried Sasha’s plan.” 
“Wait, Sasha knows?” Armin’s eyes widened. 
Eren laughed and nodded. “And Jean and Connie.” 
“Wow, so much for being our best friend, Eren,” Mikasa joked, ruffling his hair. 
“Get off me, and fine. If you want to make a plan, talk to them and I’ll see if your plan is good enough to use.” 
“This is a shit plan.” 
Armin gawked. “You haven’t even read through all of it yet.” 
Eren shook his head. “I don’t need to read all of it to know it’s shit.” 
Armin rolled his eyes and scrunched up the piece of paper in his hand. He grumbled something as he did so and found the trash can in Jean’s room to throw it in. 
“Ok, fine. Think about it this way,” Jean said, ripping another page from the notebook. “You’re Eren fucking Jaeger, okay? You’re hot and you’re great with girls, and if Y/n is the one you really want and she’s as great as you say she is, then there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll like you too. But bro, gonna be honest, this is sad to watch.”
“Shut the hell up,” Eren mumbled, a smile gracing his cheeks. But nonetheless, he cocked his head in contemplation and with a surge of confidence, he was off. Jean’s words were next to hopeless, but he was right about one thing. 
Eren really wanted you. 
You sat in the coffee shop on the edge of campus like you did every Thursday afternoon, except this time, you’d be getting a visit from Eren. 
You hadn’t expected him to stumble towards you in class last Monday morning, but you were glad he did. You’d been wanting to talk to him since the first time you saw him and you counted your lucky stars that he initiated the first conversation before you had to. Although calling it a conversation would be an overstatement, it was a few words at best. Nonetheless, since last Monday, you’d been looking for him more than you usually did. 
But, sitting in the coffee shop like you did most weeks, you didn’t expect him to put up a chair beside you. In fact, you would’ve never anticipated the hard set of his jaw with the contrast of his nervous eyes, but you weren’t complaining. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Eren greeted, his hands laced together on the table. The corner of your lip drew upwards at the sudden company.
“Hi, Ren,” You replied sweetly. You didn’t miss the way his cheeks tinted pink at the way you used his nickname. It was cute when you said it. 
“Uh—I was just wondering if you..” He trailed off, and you tilted your head, urging him to continue. “If you, uh, had the notes for class last week? After the quiz?” He said in a rush. Your shoulders visibly slumped at the mention of class but nodded, alas. 
“Yeah, I can email them over to you, or text, whichever is easier,” You smiled; however, Eren noticed it didn’t reach your eyes like it normally did. 
“You can text them to me, that would be best. Here, let me give you my number,” Eren grinned, and you felt a spark in your chest. He had the prettiest smile. 
You passed him your unlocked phone and watched as he typed in his phone number. 
“There you go,” He slides your phone across the table. “Thank you.” 
You locked your phone without checking the screen beforehand and nodded. “It’s no problem, Eren. I’ll have them to you by tonight.” 
Eren beamed and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth to stop smiling. “See you next week at the game?” 
You drew in a sharp breath. “Yes! I’ll be there. It starts at 7, right?” 
He nodded and stood from the chair. “On the dot. See you there.” 
You stared out the window with warm cheeks as he left. Scrambling to pick up your phone, you open it to see Eren’s contact. 
Ren :)
Your heartbeat increased when you saw the photo of his face on the contact. He must’ve taken it while you were clicking around on your laptop to locate the class notes. 
Oh yeah, this was going to be an issue.
Plan #2 = A Success
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You texted Eren later that night with the notes from class attached. He swore he stopped breathing when he saw the unknown number on his phone screen. 
“What’s up, Eren?” Reiner asked when he saw his friend in a state of shock. 
Eren whipped his head towards him. “Oh, sorry, nothing.” 
Porco squinted at Eren from behind his glasses, a small smirk growing on his lips. 
“You need new glasses or something, Galliard?” Eren snapped. The boys around him started whooping and shaking his shoulders when they heard his attitude. “Get off me.” 
“Love troubles, Eren?” Pieck joked, complaining when Sasha pinched her bicep, but then her eyebrows flew up when she realised she was right. “Who is she?” 
Jean, Connie, and Armin sat silently on the couch, Sasha, Pieck, and Mikasa on Jean’s bed while the boys prodded Eren for answers. He was becoming more snappy than before, so they knew they’d hit a soft spot. 
However, Ymir noticed that the three most talkative weren’t talking. “You know,” She threw an accusatory finger at the boys on the couch and then at Sasha. The room went silent as everyone watched the interaction. 
“We know nothing,” Connie said, shrugging his shoulders. 
But, then he winked. Fucking Connie.
The room went loud with shouting and laughter, and Eren knew he’d have to tell them eventually. 
“Fine! Calm the fuck down and listen because I’m only telling you once.” 
Ymir laid back on the giant beanbag with a shit-eating grin alongside Historia. 
Eren stood in front of them all, wringing his fingers. 
“Today, Jaeger,” Ymir rolled her eyes when Eren took a second too long, earning her and the others that snickered a glare. 
“Okay, her name is Y/n, and she’s in my finance class, okay? I’ve tried talking to her too many fucking times, and I’m hopeless. So there, are you happy now?” 
Eren had boys shaking his shoulders with words of encouragement while the girls laughed and teased him for his crush. 
“You should give her your jersey for next week’s game!” Armin suggested. 
The room fell quiet. 
“Arlert, you are a genius!” Connie yelled, and Mikasa and Sasha ran out of the room to get Eren’s spare jersey from his dorm. 
But, Eren was stuck in a whirlwind of things to say, things not to say, ways of giving you the jersey, how to text you, how not to. Even though it was an overload of information, he was sure he had a sound method of getting the jersey to you. 
Over the course of the next week, Eren and you had been texting non-stop. A random text from you on Friday night about which diner in town was the best for ice cream sundaes had sparked a debate over what flavour ice cream sundae was the best. He then messaged you a photo of a dog he saw on his morning run on Sunday.
Despite not seeing each other until Friday due to busy schedules, Eren felt he had known you forever, as cheesy as it was. You agreed and disagreed on the same things except for the ice cream sundae dilemma.
“Don’t fuck this up or all of our hard work would’ve been for nothing,” Jean mumbled in Eren’s ear 3 hours before the game. Both of them were already in their game day suits, Eren with his black coffee and Jean with his new pair of Jordans.  
“Gee, thanks for the words of encouragement, horsey.”
Eren had texted you half an hour before to meet him at the coffee shop, hoping you could make it. You responded immediately, accepting. Oh, how his skin tingled and the nauseous feeling in his stomach settled at the sight of the little ‘x’ at the end of the message. 
This plan may be the best one yet. 
Jean left Eren alone at the coffee shop to make his way down to the basketball court, saluting him as he walked off. Eren shook his head and rolled his lips between his teeth. It was now or never. 
“Eren!” You called from across the grass, waving at him. He swore the smile on his face couldn’t get any bigger, but when it came to you, he didn’t know what was possible. 
“Hey, how are you?” He asked, a grin playing on his lips. You laughed until you stopped in front of him. 
“I’m great now. Are you excited for the game?” You questioned, lacing your fingers in front of your body. 
Eren nodded before he realised why he asked you to meet. “I, uh, actually wanted to ask if you wanted to wear my jersey tonight, to the game? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but I just thought I’d ask anyway–”
“Of course, I’d love to,” You said shyly. Eren sighed in relief as he passed you the black material. 
You giggled as you unravelled the jersey, admiring the ‘Jaeger/4’ on the back. Your heart leapt in your chest and your stomach was full of butterflies. You let out a little noise of happiness and peered at Eren. 
He watched you with such adoration, it shocked you at first, but then the feeling of his eyes looking at you so intensely was something you wanted for the rest of your life. 
“God, you don’t know what you do to me,” Eren blurted. He’d never felt so vulnerable and embarrassed, but those lovely eyes of yours assured him that whatever he was feeling was okay. “Sorry.” 
Your eyebrows flew to your hairline. You weren’t expecting that. 
“Don’t be sorry, Eren,” You said softly, your voice void of any indication you were making fun of him. “The feeling’s mutual. I was actually going to tell you that I can’t stop thinking about you before you interrupted me.”
“Really?” He laughed in disbelief—he never thought he’d meet someone like you who’d want him back. His friends were right.
You nodded, playing with the collar of the Jaeger jersey in your arms. You smiled and felt your cheeks get warm. “Now, go. I don’t want to get in trouble for keeping you from warm-ups, you’ve got a game to win.” 
Eren brought his fist up to his ear before he pointed at you and stepped backwards. “I’ll look for you in the stands, okay?” 
You giggled and nodded. “Score a point for me, Ren?"
“I’ll score multiple for you. And maybe I’ll buy you an ice cream sundae after the game.”
You gasped, and your smile grew impossibly larger, your cheeks hurting from grinning and the cold.
“Chocolate and banana?” You call after him.
“You bet! I’ll even get you extra M&Ms.”
And once he was a fair distance away, you spun around, screwed your eyes shut, and laughed excitedly.  
Plan #3 = The Winner
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jeankirsteinsgirl · 11 months
Somebody Else ~ Eren Jaeger NSFW
smut with plot
CW: vaginal sex, nsfw, angst, jealousy, fingering, cunnilingus, nicknames (baby, slut, babygirl), no condom, mating press, slight degrading?, reader and eren are broken up, alcohol, slight drug use, creampie, overstimulation. read at your own advisory, 18+
Summary: you and Eren just broke up so you decide to go to a party to move on. You make out with Jean briefly Eren sees you there and makes sure you know you’re his.
3.5k words
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Two weeks. It’d been two weeks since you broke up with Eren, and more than you would like to admit, it was slowly killing you from the inside- tearing at your guts like a stomach virus you couldn't get rid of. Every time you opened your Instagram there he was posting another Instagram story of a girl grinding against him at some club, drink in his hand looking completely unphased in the slightest. This isn’t how this is supposed to work no no no, you broke up with him, HE should be the one moping around in sweatpants not having left his bed since Thursday. But he was fine, apparently not giving any second thought to the termination of your long-term relationship. This was misery. You finally understood what everyone was talking about in every breakup song ever- you just couldn’t get over it. You had to remind yourself that this was your decision. You did this to yourself, it was you who couldn’t deal with him going out all the time, it was you who needed more attention, it was you who said you were hindering each other’s growth, it was you who said you should break up. 
“God i cant believe im moping over Eren while he’s out having the absolute time of his life with Armin.” you think to yourself. After what felt like hours of scrolling through his instagram and old pictures of you and him you decided it was time you did something different. Maybe Eren had the right idea, maybe forcing yourself to move on was really the best way to do it. So you called the two people who knows how to party harder than any of your other friends. Sasha quickly responded to your SOS message about needing to get back out there and Connie said he was conveniently planning on hosting this huge house party tonight at 11. Great. You’ll be there. Looking at your phone it was 7pm now and you figured it couldnt hurt to get ready now and show up a couple hours earlier to help Sasha and Connie set up. So that’s what you did. First you needed to shower badly it had been about 3 days of laying in your bed in the same sweatpants and tanktop and if you were gonna pick up any guys you had to get the depression stench off. Sp first thing you did was hop in the shower letting the steam waft over you, feeling the warm water against your soft skin, thinking about the last time it was this steamy in here, Eren’s hands massaging the shampoo into your scalp his lips tracing kisses- NO. No were not doing that this is about getting over him remember. “You’re getting ready for a party to hookup with the first hot guy you see, thats what this is. This isn’t about him” you tell yourself like a mantra, trying to convince yourself that it was actually true. 
You hop out of the shower smelling like warm vanilla and cinnamon, your signature sent that got you lots of compliments all the time - much to Eren’s chagrin. You slowly brush your thick hair out before deciding on straightening it, tossing it in a messy half up half down style. You put on some glowy natural makeup with heavy eyeliner and glittery eyeshadow, I mean after all it is a party you have to look the part. You trot over to your closet listening to some upbeat music to prepare for the night. Dancin over to your clothes you inspect your options and settle on a tight black spaghetti strap dress that you know hugs your curves in all the right places. After finishing getting ready you hop in your car and drive over to Connies surprisingly large house - perfect for house parties- you think to yourself. You pull into the long driveway leading up to the front door and see a few cars already parked in the parking lot, you quickly recognize your best friend Pieck’s car. The red VW bug could be spotted anywhere. Getting a little more excited now you happily walk through the front door and into the kitchen where Sasha, Connie, and Peak were. Connie leaning on the bar dragging on about the latest girl he hooked up with, Sasha punching him in the arm dissapprovingly and pieck sitting at the island laughing. Their faces light up with excitement as they see you, its been too long since they’ve gotten you to go out with them and their very enthusiastic about your sudden interest. “Oh. My. God. That cannot be who I think it is” Connie teases, making fun of your prolonged absence from the friend group before wrapping you in a tight, warm, already drunken hug. “Don’t mind him, were just glad you finally decided to join us!” Sasha says her eyes lighting up as she walks over to hug you in one of her famous bear hugs. “Alright, alright Sasha you can let me go it’s not like I died” You giggle softly before wiggling out of her grasp and grabbing a seat by Pieck. “These two am I right?” Pieck whispers as she leans over to you and rolls her eyes. You agree and let out a quiet laugh before asking what the plan was before the party starts. 
Connie says they’ve mostly got everything ready, they went to the store earlier to get the snacks, and alcohol, but he asks if you can get the solo cups from the garage. So you do ad everything was ready. It was just a matter of waiting for everyone to get there. It was about 9:45 now, so your friends decide to share the stories of all the events youve missed in the past two weeks, laughing the whole time while pregaming just a little. Before you know it its 11:15 and people are flooding in, you knew Connie was charismatic and that he had other friendgroups, but not this many. As more and more people arrived the music got louder, the lights got dimmer, and the sent of weed wafted through the air. Connie and Sasha had long left to go dance and Pieck, not usually one for this big of a crowd was petting Connie’s dog on the couch while talking to Annie. 
You scanned the chaotic atmosphere and decided now was as good of a time as any to join in on the fun, so you finally dragged yourself off the stool at the island and joined the bustling crowd of sweaty, drunk people. Connie, surprisingly, had a more indie taste in music - the 1975 being his favorite band. He idolized the british drug addict aesthetic of Matty Healy much to your disdain, but at least his parties always had the best music. In the middle of the party you closed your eyes and swayed your body to the steady beat of the music, finally feeling something other than sadness. Feeling a little tipsy by this point you didn’t care who saw you or what they thought of you, you just let yourself enjoy the smooth vibrations of the music. 
Until you felt something brush against your waist. You opened your eyes from your music induced coma to see a familiar face close to yours. Jean Kirstein. You, like your friends had known Jean for a while but you weren’t by any means close. Eren never liked you talking to him. But you always thought he was sort of- pretty? And that was only heightened by your drunken state. “Heard ‘bout you and Eren” Jean said sort of matter of factly, it was the first time anyone had directly mentioned Eren to you since it happened. But surprisingly you didnt get that well of sadness in your throat instead you felt slight annoyance. Why was Jean bringing up Erean? “Mhm” you nodded nonchalantly as you continued dancing, Jean towering over you. “Shame” he tsks. You cock an eyebrow up at him in confusion before he continues. “Cant believe Jeager would waste a pretty girl like you.” He said as he lightly grabber your hips with his rough fingers. But you didnt resist him, looking up into his lidded amber eyes it was clear he was drunk too. But isn’t that why youre here, to make bad drunken decisions? You leaned into jeans grasp and turned around pressing your ass into him making him gasp slightly, he hadn’t expected you to be this forward. “Don’t worry ‘bout Eren anymore Jean.” You whisper into his ear sedcutively, cocking your head back to reach his ear. “Yeah? Is that right?” Jean says before placing a single kiss on your jawline, just to judge if you were actually into this or not. After he pulled away you turned around and with some magical sense of sudden confidence pulled him into for a deep kiss. You could feel him smirking over you as he glided his tongue over your bottom lip, you could taste the whiskey on his tongue and smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne. His hands ran from your waist lower and lower until they reached the soft crest of your ass. Moaning into his mouth as he touched you, Jean went from making out with you to placing, sloppy, hot, open mouthed kisses down your neck to your collar bones. “Y’look fuckin’ amazing tonight you know that?” You blush slightly as he continued his attack on your neck. “Wanna feel these beautiful tits bounce under me.” Now it was your time to take the lead, you snaked your small slender fingers under his t-shirt feeling his abs earning a soft groan, leaving sloppy, lipglossy kisses down his neck now. “”Lets go upstairs baby.” Jean growls in your ear before grabbing your hand leading you beyond the crowd of people. 
Little did you know Eren was watching the entire time from the couch, legs spread, blunt between his fingers, Mikasa practically drooling over him. He takes a long drag before ghosting it over her lips “Where the fuck she going?” he whispered. “Huh? Oh her” Armin states in disappointment. He’s been trying to get his heartbroken best friend to move on for the past two weeks and it doesn’t seem to be working. “C’mon man you’re not with her anymore” Armin states before taking the blunt from Eren and inhaling. “She’s my girl, not fucking Kirstein’s” Eren remarks angrily, glaring at the scene before him, watching every movement of your ass against Jean, hands balled into fists so tight his knuckles were white. “I dunno man she’s probably just tryna move on. ‘Mean you did the same thing.” Armin remarks back trying to calm Eren down. Just like Eren’s worst nightmare he sees Jean whisper into your ear and drag you upstairs. He knows what that means, he’s done that more times than he can count, and he’s not about to let Jean get away with that. “I’ll be a dead man before I let Kirstein fuck her.” Eren grunts through his teeth before setting his beer down and standing up, knocking poor Mikasa off his lap. “Eren c’mon man dont waste your energy on a slut whose not even your slut anymore” Armin laughs out. “Don’t fucking call her that Armin, she’s my girl, she just doesn’t know that right now.” Erem storms off, Armin losing sight of him as he marches up the stairs with determination. “This whole fucking party’s about to get ruined.” Armin sighs dejectedly. 
Meanwhile as you and Jean make it up the stairs you open the door to the first bedroom you see and Jean tosses you on the bed, both of you too drunk to really comprehend the weigh ot your decisions. Jean snaked his large hand up your thigh and you wriggle under him while placing sloppy kisses over his, now shirtless chest. Until you hear a loud bang as the door opens. Fuck. Fuck it’s Eren. What is he even doing here? Why did he know you were in here? Was he watching you? “Get the fuck off her Kirstein” Eren spits out at Jean. “Look Jeager we’re kinda in the middle of something if you don’t mind” Jean smirks. “I said fuck off Kirstein.” Eren grits through his teeth, balling his fists. “Oh yeah and what you gonna do about it Jeager?” Jean antagonizes, its like they both forgot that you were sitting there they were so entranced in fighting eachother. “Guys its okay. Jean go back downstairs I’ll meet you down there in a minute okay?” You say hopefully, doing your best to avoid a fight. “Whatever man” Jean huffs as he walks out and slams the door. 
“The fuck you think you’re doing fucking Kirstein?” Eren asks loudly as he walks over to where you’re sitting on the bed. “Eren… I… you know we broke up” “Fuck does that have to do with anything? You’re my fuckin’ girl you better get that through your thick skull, you understand me?” “Eren…” You sigh out at how difficult he was being, but you knew you wanted him, you couldnt deny it. “Eren I’m just trying to move on… I- I mean I thought you already had considering your instagram stories….” You trailed off. “You think I wasn’t looking for you in every slut I met at the club?”. This comment caught you off guard. I mean no, you didn’t think that. Eren was hot, everyone knew it, he had so many options, you never even stopped to consider thinking he still wanted you. 
“I- I didnt know…” You said stil trying to process the idea that Eren still wanted you. Eren took your chin in his fingers and lifted it up to face him, before you had the chance to comment he smashed his soft lips into yours. God your lips moved perfectly together, so in sync. Memories flooded over you as you breathed in his masculine cologne You could feel his teeth tug at your bottom lip and you gasped softly, allowin eren access into your mouth. His tongue danced around your mouth perfectly, he knew exactly what he was doing. His fingers played with the hem of your dress as his other hand was massaging small slow circles on your inner thigh. “You look so hot tonight don’t you baby. You tryna get me hard for you princess? Hm? Wanted me to notice your pretty tits?” The truth is he was right, he could read you like a book. You wanted him to see you in this dress. You wanted him to see you grind against Jean. You wanted him to stop you. “Mhm” You moan out softly as his lips had moved to sucking dark hickeys on your neck. “Gonna show everyone you belong to me. Show everyone whose good little slut you are.” God his words had you dripping you could barely control yourself you needed him. He pushed your shoulders back so you were laying flat on the bed. He slowly drug your tight dress over your head before his eyes traversed your body seeing the wet spot in your light pink panties.
“Wet for me hm?” Eren cocks an eyebrow teasingly “Or is all this for Jean?” “Y-you ‘ren its all for you.” You whine out softly, looking up at him, your gaze practically begging him to touch you. 
“Can I take these off babygirl?” Eren asks with a false since of sweetness. You nod your head frantically as her quickly removes your panties from your core. He teasingly slides two of his fingers up your entrance collecting your wetness, spreading it for you to see. “Such a slut, you were just about to hop on some other guys dick and you’re already soaked for me.” He giggles and pushes his fingers into your lips waiting for you to suck. “Taste yourself for me, ‘wanna see you suck on my fingers. This just made your wetness pool even more, dripping down your thighs now. Eren’s fingers were gracing the crease of your upper thigh, purposefully avoiding touching you where you needed him most. “Ren please…” you pout. “Why should I make you feel good huh? Wouldn’t you rather have Jean” he cruelly teased, gracing his fingers over your clit everso softly. “N-no ‘ren- please I need you” you beg. Eren loves it he loves watching how wet you get while you beg for him to touch you. “Alright, ill touch my pretty little slut” he says swfitly shoving his ring and middle finger past your soaked lips with an obscene squelching noise, the cool metal of his rings providing a delicious contrast with the heat of your core. He relentlessly starts moving them in and out, curling them upwards hitting that perfect spongey spot inside you. It hadn’t even been five minutes and you were about to cum all over his fingers. He knew too, and moved his fingers even faster and deeper. Suddenly your high washed over you likes a tidal wave, your pusy gushing and your whole body shakin. “Such a messy little pussy for me” He removes his fingers and spreads your lips “So pretty too” He spits on your sensitive pussy and rubs it in with his thumb before lowering himself to attach his lips. He licks up and down your slit before he settles on sucking hard on your sensitive clit. “Eren its… t-too much” you whine out at the delicious overstimulation. “Yeah? Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you grinded on some other guy.” He chuckles into your sopping pussy pushin his two finger back in. 
You could feel your second orgasm coming on even stronger than the first one of thats even possible. “Already gonna cum for me again? Such a needy girl, bet Jean couldn’t make you feel like this could he?” eren teases, but you couldn’t even respond because of the overwhelming pleasure. But he doesn’t stop at your second orgasm, he loves seeing you squirm under him overstimulated, mascara running down your face, eyes squeezed shut. He adds a third finger and easily slides it in “Your pussy just sucks me up so well baby, ‘bet your ready for my cock already” he says as he relentlessly pounds his fingers into your tight pussy, your wetness dripping all over his hand “Making such a mess too” he laughs. Before you know it you’re cumming again, squirting all over his hand, shaking uncontrollably. He finally pulls his fingers out, he slaps your sensitive clit and laughs to himself when he sees the relief in your face. “Oh baby, you thought we were done? I havent even been touched yet.” You reach out to pull his sweatpants down but he tsks “No babe, I’m gonna fuck you. Gonna fuck my cum into this pretty little pussy.” He says as he pulls his huge throbbing cock out, the pink inflamed tip was leaking with precum, you could tell he needed you desperately. He folded your legs up to your shoulders and slapped your clit with his tip. “Please Eren, I- I need it.” you whine. “So impatient” he tsks before sliding all of his length inside you at once, his girth providing a satisfying burn at just how much hes stretching you out. “Fuck baby I missed this pussy.” He groans out as he takes no time to allow you to get adjusted to his size, he’s snapping his hips hard and fast and especially deep due to the filthy position he has you in. “You take my cock so well baby, fuck.” he groans as he brings one hand down to rub your clit with his thumb, his black strands of hair clinging to his red face due to his sweat. You could see his muscles flexing underneath you with everythrust and it was outright pornographic how is abs contracted. You whimper out in pure euphoria as he pounds into your tight little cunt, nearing your fourth orgasm. “Gonna cum in this tight little pussy. Gonna pump you full of my cum.” Eren grunts out as his thrusts become faster and more sloppy. As he says that your walls contract around him as you reach your orgasm, screaming his name. The contrction of your walls around his despereate cock was enough to send him over the edge as he moans loudly pupming your sensitive cunt with every last drop of his cum, fucking it up in you to make sure he doesn’t waste a drop. When he finally pulls out he just stares at the erotic scene in front of him. 
He flops on the bed next to you and pulls you onto his chest before twirling your hair between his fingers. “I love you, I never stopped loving you.” “I love you too Eren” you blush as he presses soft a kiss to your forehead. It’s safe to say you weren’t meeting Jean downstairs…
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♡  a o t   l o v e   l a n g u a g e s  ♡
summary - attack on titan characters’ love languages 
word count - 2.217
setting - any! (canonverse, modern au, etc)
features - armin, connie, eren, hange, jean, levi, mikasa, reiner, & sasha
warnings - none
a r m i n 
expresses his love through quality time. armin goes through life feeling like there are never enough hours in the day. he just has so much stuff to get done that tasks get pushed off because he overbooks himself. since his time is so valuable, blocking out time for you and planning how you should spend it is not something that he takes lightly. this doesn’t mean that every date is extravagant, he just wants to show you how important you are to him. he does his best to put effort into thinking of something you could enjoy together, even if it’s just reading in near silence. always shows up. you are a top priority.
armin needs words of affirmation to feel loved. he has a hard time believing that he is deserving of good things, armin really appreciates reassurance. hearing you, someone he has so much admiration and care for, insist that he matters reminds him that maybe, he is worthy afterall. tell him how lucky you are to have him in your life. armin is one of a kind and should be appreciated for it. “simple” affirmations are important too; “that sweater looks great on you,” “i missed you today,” etc. remind him that he is so, so loveable.
*bonus* - armin could tear up at an act of service from a friend. he is always willing to help with whatever you need, even if deep down, he doesn’t really feel like it. like i said, he always shows up. the moment you show up for him without him needing to ask is the moment he feels important. you could literally just pay attention to how much he is working/studying and making tea accordingly. he’ll never forget about it. 
c o n n i e
is all about gift giving. but not because he spends all his time/money on it. he just finds shit that he thinks you would like and gives it to you. expect to acquire a (genuinely interesting) rock collection. he would have specific reasoning as to why he picks each one, like if they’re shiny or heart-shaped. 100% picks wildflowers for you whenever he sees one. if he gets bored and there’s paper nearby, he’ll make “origami” (he can make the basic swan and then everything else is up to interpretation). also buys some smaller items when he’s just out and about, but he goes all out on important occasions. rarely gets you food despite buying it for sasha though. 
connie wants to hear words of affirmation. tell this man every single positive thought you’ve ever had about him. this might cause him to make some jokes at your expense, like teasing you for being “all obsessed” with him, but hearing such thoughtful things coming out of your mouth gives him the much needed reminder that people care about him. you care about him. there’s a reason he makes so many jokes, and it is not (just) because he is a funny guy.
*bonus* - connie likes having physical touch in his friendships. he just wants to platonically hold hands on walks with his friends (Jean has slapped his hand away more than once). he wants greeting and goodbye hugs whenever you have plans to hang out. expect him to give you hair ruffles/head pats and playful shoulder punches. he wants you to take turns giving each other hand massages. he’s also down if you ever need a piggyback ride, but keep in mind that he’s expecting one in return.
e r e n
is a quality time guy. eren is a fan of deep conversations. can these get depressing sometimes? yes. is that one of his favorite things about them? also yes. if you can handle that shit, then he knows you’re the one for him. he is a small talk hater, and if you’re taking the time to understand his deepest, darkest thoughts and let him in on yours without making light of it, he’ll feel very connected to you. of course, no one can keep that up all the time and while he isn’t a fan of small talk, he likes really bizarre hypotheticals, comfortable silence, and head scratches.
eren is so grateful when you lend him a hand. this man is by no means lazy, but he is 110% a procrastinator when it comes to any practical facet of his life. he’ll be so focused on doing his tasks for work that his home is just a total wreck and it never seems to get better on its own. to be frank, he would not notice if you helped him with a little bit of everything. but if you helped him with one specific task, like doing his dishes or making him a grocery list, he would be elated. of course, he would never use the word “elated” or allow his face to show that emotion, but it would relieve a lot of his stress when he gets home. please remind him that every task is an accomplishment, no matter how small. 
h a n g e
is dying to get their hands on you. take that any way you want. scientifically, romantically... very romantically. there’s lots to experiment with. all jokes aside, hange is a physically affectionate person with most people (probably more so if she wasn’t friends with levi and erwin, the least physically affectionate duo ;-;), but mostly in a proximity sense. like, they’re the kind of person who comes to sit beside you on the sofa and their thigh is basically on top of yours they’re so close. they also get closer when they talk to you, like if you back up, you will end up walking backwards to the other side of the room by the end of the convo. but in a relationship, hange is three times more intense. expect them to actually sit on you when you’re on the couch. hugs when they’re super excited, forehead kisses when they’re sleepy, shoulder rubs after long days. if you’re sitting in a chair, they’ll come up behind you and wrap their arms around you
hange loves that you spend time listening to them. to have a successful relationship with hange, the key is paying attention. they have a lot to talk about and they need someone who will not only listen, but expand upon what they’re saying. if you demonstrate even an ounce of critical thinking on one of the subjects of their interest, expect hange to be visibly excited. they will shake you by the shoulders with excitement before taking your face in their hands and calling you smart and looking in your eyes, and- well, the rest is up to you.
j e a n
jean wants to spoil you. he thinks you deserve nice things and he wants to be the one to provide them. as someone who has always yearned for a taste of luxury, he feels that the best way to show his love is sharing that taste. he wants to take you to fancy dinners, buy you flowers every time you’re feeling down, and take you shopping (he totally loves it when you try on outfits for him. he gets all blushy, but plays it “cool” ofc). and if he’s really in his feels, he might even draw a little something for you. pretty please put it in a special place in your home.
jean feels closest to you when you’re touching. he feels like there’s nothing quite as intimate as being physically close to someone (hence why he’s quick to slap connie for trying to initiate platonic hand holding). knowing that you want him close to you, so close that you have to touch him, makes jean feel important. he seeks comfort in your hugs and kisses, knowing they provide a level of safety and compassion he can only get from being near you. there’s something very exclusive about it for him.
l e v i
loves through acts of service. his acts are often masked by what some (levi included) might deem as “ulterior motives.” for example, washing/ironing your clothes because he didn’t feel like having dirty/wrinkled clothes around. mostly cleaning service tasks: something like brushing the dirt off the soles of your shoes or organizing your drawers (says he has a thing about privacy, until it comes to cleaning). he assumes that you’ve never had any organizational system in the first place. he will not explain the new system to you. he thinks it’s obvious. but sometimes, when you don’t wake up to him reordering your stuff, you wake up to a cup of tea or a plate of toast. be sure not to make a big deal out of it though or he’ll get embarrassed and "misplace” your birth certificate next time he’s cleaning.
levi secretly craves words of affirmation. frankly, “words of affirmation” might even be a stretch for what he desires most. he doesn’t need to be told how good he is at his job or how much others care about him. he wants you to pick up on little things about him that he hasn’t even realized. tell him if you like the way he pronounces a certain word or how lovely he looks while he’s focusing on the newspaper. he doesn’t let people get close to him easily, so by approaching your position as his partner with such attention to detail, you’re reminding him that he made the right decision letting you in. not even levi is immune to compliments.
*bonus* - levi’s friendship love language is quality time. let’s face it. the only way you’re getting close to levi is if you spend a lot of time together. the problem is actually getting that quality time with him. for levi, this would usually mean doing independent tasks like reading or doing paperwork together. also, doing group tasks (cleaning, cooking, etc) in comfortable silence. being friends with levi is the definition of being alone together. perhaps when you get really close you can have a little conversation with your tea. 
m i k a s a
will jump at the chance to perform an act of service. she loves to feel helpful, and since emotions aren’t something she is super comfortable expressing, she finds that assisting you with your day-to-day tasks is a good way to show she cares. she especially likes helping out with physical activities. after years of hanging around armin, she knows how vulnerable they can be, so it’s her own special cheat code. besides, she likes that her strength is useful for a variety of reasons.
mikasa feels seen when you gift her something. the fact that you saw something and thought of her makes her happy beyond comparison. mikasa’s typically focused mind will definitely wander to giddy little thoughts of you. how often do you think of her? what kinds of things would you like? what can she do to make you know that she cares? she’ll try to center herself, but part of her is glad to have something so wonderful to be distracted by. gifts are never wasted on her. she will treasure whatever you get her, even if it’s not something she would typically buy herself.
r e i n e r
loves spending quality time together. honestly, he just wants to talk. reiner wants to know your thoughts on everything. he wants you to play with his hair while he lays his head in your lap as you tell him about your day. he gives (somewhat) good advice and always remembers small details. he views the people you tell him about like characters and gets invested in your stories.
reiner is eternally grateful for the acts of service you perform. putting out his slippers in the morning, making him a plate for dinner, asking if he needs anything while you’re up/out. he also views the anticipation of his needs as a huge act of service. for example, if he tells you that he doesn’t need anything, but you come back with a blanket because he looked cold, reiner will never stop thinking about it... or you.
s a s h a
will hype you up with words of affirmation. it’s not even something she does super intentionally, and frankly, her encouragement is not something that she provides exclusively for her partner. however, every time sasha has something nice to say about you, she will say it. and since you two are together, she has a lot of really nice things to say. she has a feeling personality, so of course she’s going to gush over you! plus, she thinks that the way you react is really cute and she wants to keep seeing the look on your face as often as possible.
sasha feels appreciated when you perform acts of service. obviously this woman will go feral if you cook her food. that is no secret. but she will also be completely enamored with you if you help her out with other things as well. fold her laundry?? sasha is raving about it for a week. offer to brush her hair? she will give you little kisses all over your face. for sasha, devoting your time and effort is the kindest thing someone could do.
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icysinner · 1 year
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#ID: that cute boy from your english lecture catches onto your codename for him.
nya note: there will more than likely be a pt 2 to this, me writing something other than influenced? new. may or may not be based on a true story … that’s what they saying ….
warnings: nothing crazy.. i’m connie insane atp
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connie springer, that was his name. you only knew surface level things about him, like how he likes to dye his hair or how much he misses his mom’s cooking when he’s living on campus. you observed him, not in a creepy way, because you thought he was so cool. you’d even developed a small crush on him, one very reminiscent of the ones you get in middle and high school. connie had tons of friends, meaning you couldn’t talk about your crush out loud — it’d get back to him.
“make up a codename for him. something you and me can know. he won’t know, and nobody else will either.” your roommate, sasha, said as she wrote down her notes. “good idea – what’s a good one for him, though?” you ask, a sigh coming after. “something that stands out, maybe? something he wears?” “i got it! red, i think i’m gonna go with red.” connie’s new name, ‘red’, was made because of his adoration for cherry red jordans, shoes you wore that garnered a compliment from him.
but, the codename wasn’t as incognito as you thought — at least not when you and sasha was the ones using it. it didn’t take long for him to catch on, because the two of you were painfully obvious. “look, red’s here.” sasha poked your shoulder, making you look up to the doorway that he’d just walked through. “he’s never on time, you guys really have a lot in common.” sasha joked, making you roll your eyes and direct your attention back to him. you made accidental eye contact with him, causing you to immediately look down, making him smile to himself.
yeah, he knew. he knew very well, but he just liked pretending he didn’t know. it was fun to listen to you and sasha talking about ‘red’, like you two weren’t talking about him. connie had only talked to you a couple times, usually because he lacked a pencil or a pen, and you were the closest person who would have one. he liked asking you, though. some part of it was just enjoying watching you fluster and trip over your words, when the only answer to “do you have a pencil?” was yes or no. but also because you were pretty.
“hey, y/n.” connie said, pulling your attention away from your phone — while immediately making you nervous. “i have a question.” he continued, making you put your phone down. “what’s up?” you replied, although in your head you were reeling, this is the longest you’ve held a conversation with him..ever. “why red?” connie asked, a smile growing onto his face as pure humiliation grew onto yours. “oh my god. you know about that?”
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Family at the Core
So I decided to continue the rogues-as-family-with-Danny once they realize he's a baby & flee to the DC universe/Gotham fic.
Parts 1 & 2
Info: AU where you gotta fight ecto with ecto - it’s the only thing that has any effect on them, and it’s part of the reason why the ghosts love Amity so much - aside from the whole “thinking danny was old ghost pretending at being human and openly challenging pretty much everyone by claiming a Living Realm haunt and then opening a stable portal in it” (from their perspective pre-’holy shit he’s baby’ realization) - Danny? Sam & Tucker with ecto weapons? Humans who can and will put up a challenge but won’t try to seriously harm them ala bastards like Pariah & the Guys In White? It’s practically the ideal ghostly vacation spot. 
The Fenton fam are the first to discover how to fight ghosts in their dimension, but DC didn’t have blood blossoms and made the deal w/Pariah before they figured out the ecto v ecto option
This is pre-ID reveals among the JL because it’s funnier. 
Disclaimer: idk how the police work I’m just rolling with what sounds probably like it’d be right.
Kitty and Johnny disappear before they can discuss a time for the police sweep, but Kitty <i>had</i> asked for Bruce’s number earlier in the conversation - “To set up that playdate once we’re more settled in” - after Bruce had mentioned the benefits of peer contact for children.
(The complete and utter disconnect from information about humans certainly lent credence to their claim of being ghosts - or at least not humans)  
She’d promised to give him a call once they got their phones set up. Hopefully that would be soon - they really needed to talk about the Lazarus Pit in the building before the kid fell in and died - assuming they truly weren’t aware of it prior to selecting the location. 
Perhaps Bruce could convince them to block it off? If they truly weren’t after the pit, he could ask about setting them up with a better place; make up some excuse about wanting the building for the company.
He makes contact with them and is left with more questions than answers; at least they know where they are now, despite the in-costume team's inability to track them as they left.
Constantine and Deadman arrive together <i>less</i> than an hour later, managing to arrive at the Batcave at the same time as Bruce’s group.
Constantine twirls an unlit cigarette between his fingers as the footage of the Joker incident plays.
It stops twirling when the lunch lady appears on the screen.
His lips form a grim line as he watches.
“Anyone ever told you you’re the unluckiest bastard this side ‘a the pond?” Constantine asks, turning to Batman once the first video concludes.
“No.” Is Batman’s humorless reply.
“Don’t leave us in suspense here, Conny,” Nightwing slides closer to lightly elbow him in the side. “Is Damian Wayne’s doppelganger the most haunted kid in America or what?”
Robin, for his part, crossed his arms and continued sulking - as he had been since Batman had read them in on the existence of JL Dark and verified that ghosts were indeed real.
“Most haunted kid this damn dimension, Bird boy,” Constantine answered, stowing his cigarette. “Those-” he gestures to the now-blank screen “-are Infinite Realms Ghosts. They aren’t like Deadman here, they’re about a million times worse.”
“Hey!” Deadman protests.
“They come from a place they call ‘The Infinite Realms’ - big shock there. Their kind haven’t been seen in this dimension for tens of thousands of years now; most people just think they’re myths by this point. I only even know about it because my thrice-damned house wouldn’t stop throwing a book on the subject at me until I read it a few years back.”
He puts the cigarette away in favor of crossing his arms.
“The Realms are said to be connected to every dimension there is, and legend has it that way back when we got a lot of visitors from their side. Had a lot of names - the era of chaos, the age of disaster, whatever you wanna call it. They treated this dimension like a plaything, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them. 
Nothing worked - salt, holy symbols, the magics of the time, etc. Supposedly, someone even tried summoning a demon and watched the thing get hunted. Realms ghosts were leagues more powerful than any of the other known beings at the time and no one could find a way to fight them. The only reason they left was because some group made a deal with their king - no details on what the deal involved other than getting them to get lost.”
“So we are simply supposed to hope that their king isn’t too busy dealing with the infinitely many other dimensions they are apparently hooked up to to come get a few strays out of ours?” Robin questions icily.
“It means you’re simply supposed to give me a chance to do some more research - I only skimmed the one book to get the house off my back. What I read wasn’t promising, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t more useful information buried somewhere.” Constantine replies with an eyeroll. “For now, if they want to play house with some poor bastard? Wayne’s got enough kids to know how to give good enough advice they don’t accidentally kill him in the meantime. Infiltrate their playdates if you’re that worried. And look on the bright side! They took care of your clown problem. Now, you said you had two videos?”
“Yes,” Batman answers tightly, bringing up said second video. “We managed to get footage of their meeting with the Waynes.”
The second watching was far less eventful.
Until the very end, when Kitty and Bruce shake hands and Constantine lets loose a stream of curses.
“What? What’s wrong?” Red Robin demands.
“What’s wrong is that Brucie Wayne is dumber than a sack of damn bricks.” 
The batclan members make various coughing/strangled noises at this, save for Batman, who remains stoic. 
“Who the fuck meets a self-declared non-human entity and shakes on a deal.” Constantine drags an exasperated hand down his face. “Make sure Wayne knows his ass needs to buy them that building asap or Ghost Girl gets to make him dance to whatever tune she wants; break a deal with a dealmaker and they get controlling shares in your soul.”
“I see,” Batman says, “We’ll get in touch with him again after this; we need to discuss the police sweep of the Yuyan building anyway. If direct observation will help, he should be willing to bring you along as a civilian friend.”
Constantine looked at him like he had three heads.
“Not a chance in hell, Bats.”
He backs away from the table toward the cave’s Zeta tube.
“Oh! Oh, me! Pick me! I wanna meet the new ghosts!” Deadman shook his arms wildly, doing loops in the air.
“The visibility spell won’t last that long and we don’t know if their kind of ghost can see you without it. Also, we were in the middle of something. We already detoured. Let’s finish the job and then we can come back and play ghost party 2: yet another pain in my ass edition, yeah?” 
“Awwwwww,” Deadman slouched sadly before zipping into the tube with him.
“Great. Have fun, try to get along with the new neighbors, don’t shake any hands, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, yadda yadda, aaaaaand bye.”
And with that, they were gone. 
“Well that’s not ideal,” Nightwing mutters.
The meeting had at least answered one question.
Now for the other two dozen.
Kitty wants to get this cop sweep over with as soon as possible.
The others are hesitant at first - or territorial, in Walker’s case - but a little fast-talking has him all for the idea. 
The chronic rule-follower had only taken to making his own rules because of the zone’s inherent chaos and lack of real, broader government. In Gotham there are rules pre-made to follow, to enforce. He eats it up.
He’ll be obsessed with being law-abiding once he’s done studying up, but Kitty had been headed towards a future in law before her own death. She was well aware that it would take him - even with the aid of an eidetic memory - a minimum of months to read enough to actually start enforcing anything. 
And until he’d read it all? Kitty was free to make him paranoid about missing a later subsection to create her own Walker-loopholes.
Once he’s on-side, he practically carries the argument for her. She only pipes up again to mention how “the baby would probably be a lot more comfortable with a stable, uncontested home.”
Walker does his own sweep of the building, opening cabinets and hidden passages and drawing attention to weapons and other hints of crimes-past and Kitty hovers over Technus’ shoulder as they hash out the details of how best to lure in the police.
The Box Ghost leads the others - except Ember, who ‘s on baby-watch at the pool - in packaging up everything they want to keep to be phased into the ground under the building.
Arguing took most of the time and it’s only the work of another two hours to have the entire building ready for the cops to peruse. 
In the end, they decide setting off a small bomb by the entrance is the easiest way to draw police attention - they’ll come investigate, when no one responds they’ll have to check it out, they’ll find the weapons and cult-like documents and murder records Walker had located sitting out in the open, et voila: wanted owners and building up for grabs.
They, of course, will be invisibly watching the whole thing.
Danny hasn’t left the pool since their arrival and they don’t want him to, so he stays there with Johnny on watch to make them both invisible if and when anyone enters that room.
It goes off without a hitch, and by 11 o’clock Kitty is flying to a nearby roof to call Bruce and remind him of his end of the bargain.
@yjfk @fisticuffsatapplebees @little-pondhead @avery-isastupid-name @queenofdiscord @samgirl98 @inkyunicorn @mimilikey @aconitewolfsbane @miraculousandmore @someonebored0100 @wildbacon-blog @fleshybeing @vala-dreams @ironicvixen @blurblurbblurrrr @ectoplasmic-knife
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Flashbacks of You. (c.f)
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Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader, Conklin!Reader (Steven’s Twin)
Summary: flashback moments from you and conrad growing up. part three to the 'isn't the same without you' series!
isn't the same without you (part one), for you, always (part two), making you blush (part four)
Warnings: mainly fluff! little angst but comfort. mentions of cancer. first kiss...
a/n: SURPRISE FOR THE EARLY UPDATE!! you guys convinced me to do another so i thought the best thing for a third part would be flashbacks filled with very domestic fluffy moments of these two idiots who are together but are too pussy to make it official!
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Age 7
“Can I sign your cast?” Conrad asked from beside you.
“Can I sign yours?” you threw back.
“Duh, why do you think I asked to sign yours,” he laughed.
You ran inside to grab a sharpie tripping on your way to the door.
“Don’t break another arm,” you hear Conrad tease.
Age 10
Your favorite part of the year was coming back to Cousins and spending time with the one and only, Conrad Fisher. Being separated for most of the year was hard on both of you. Neither of you really seemed to care for others while you were beside each other. Susannah would always say she saw a future with you two.
You guys shared a bunk bed in Conrad’s room with you being on the bottom bunk because of your fear of falling off the edge of the top. Though it seems Conrad never really spent much time on the top bunk, he would end up squeezing next to you at night wanting to talk more before going to bed. As your guys trailed off your conversations, you also seemed to dose off and fall asleep next to each other. 
Even from a young age you always picked each other's side of an argument or situation. Others found this extremely annoying knowing it would always be a 2 versus 1 if you came to a confrontation with one of them. Especially Steven.
“Steven, give it back,” you whined as he dangled your headphone above your head due to his sudden growth spurt that you seemed to lack.
“No, this is too fun,” he snorted at you.
“Ok, I get it you’re tall now, but come on I just want them back before you end up breaking them,” you scoffed.
“Steven, give it back to her,” you hear from behind you as Steven hands back the headphones with a frown walking away.
Conrad always had your back and defended you in as many ways as he could. He loved the sense of being able to protect you from even the smallest things. The best part was everyone kind of listened to him with him being the oldest out of all of us. 
 “Thanks, Connie,” you said appreciatively looking up to meet his eyes. 
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Age 12
“You’ve always had the most gorgeous blue eyes, Con,” you confessed to him.
“What about them?” he asked confused.
“They’re so pretty, you know. Like as someone who has brown eyes, yours are much cooler.” you talked staring into his eyes to get a better look.
“Y/N, well you have a pretty smile,” he complimented you.
“You’re just saying that so you don’t seem rude.”
“When have I cared about being rude?”
“Actually, fair point.”
“How’s football going? Is your dad still pushing you to do it?” you asked.
“Yeah, he is, but it’s going great actually. The coach says I got some potential or something like that apparently.”
“It’s because you’re amazing, Conrad. Take pride in that.”
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Age 15
From a very young age, you both showed the potential to be something more when you guys grew older. It was a shock to the families to hear about other significant others as you grew older and matured. Though as bad as it sounds your friendship was never strained during them. 
Finding out Susannah had cancer was tough on everyone. Nobody could ever imagine a life without her. Conrad took it worse than everyone though he felt like he could’ve done something to prevent it in reality there was nothing he could do. The second you guys were alone when you came back to Cousins. He told you all his worries about Susannah. 
That was the best part of your guys’ friendship (relationship) is that you would always be able to confide in each other. No judgment would ever be made. 
"There's no shame in crying, Conrad. I promise. It’s just me," you spoke softly into his ear as he clutched onto your sides, burying his head into your neck. You held him as you played with the hairs on the back of his neck as he tried to hold in the tears but simply couldn’t.
“I can’t lose her, Y/N,” he muttered. 
“And you won’t. Susannah’s strong. She’s the strongest person I know, and she will get through this. You know your mom she’s a fighter.”
“Thank you for being here.”
“I'll always be by your side.”
“I love you,” he said as he pulled back a little to look into your eyes.
“And, I love you,” you responded as you laid a gentle kiss on his forehead, he blushed.
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Age 16 
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” you heard from around the room as you walked into your house. 
You looked around to see so many faces of the people you loved. You saw your parents, Steven, Belly, Taylor, a couple of your friends, and Steven’s, then you saw the Fishers standing to the side with bright smiles on their faces. Your eyes traveled to them one by one until you saw Conrad Fisher.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart!” Susannah spoke to you. 
“Hey, birthday girl,” Jeremiah said.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” Adam added.
“Happy birthday, love,” Conrad finished.
You squealed at the sight of them. You ran to Conrad tackling him into a hug as you peppered kisses over his face.
“You’re here,” you said still in shock.
“Of course, I am,” he smirked. He let you go so you could greet the other people in the room and thank them. Everyone could see the love in his eyes as he watched you interact with everyone.
“Happy birthday, sis,” Steven laughed at your facial expression. He had just gotten back from a trip with your guys’ dad. You thought he would be gone for your shared birthday but everything was planned to surprise you. 
“I’m so glad, you made it in time.” you joked as you did a handshake you forced him to learn when you guys were seven. 
“How could I miss our birthday?” Steven claimed.
“Cause you said you would?” you mocked.
“Oh, shove you, dork. Go back to lover boy he might miss you,” he grinned as you shoved him with your shoulder as you walked to Conrad.
“Hey,” you greeted him as he turned his attention away from his brother to you.
“Hello to you too.”
“Come to the backyard with me?” you asked him.
“Yeah sure,” he answered.
“So how’s your birthday?” he asked as you two walked outside sitting under the shade.
“Better with you here,” you admitted.
“I missed you,” he confessed taking your hand in his. 
“I miss you too. Like all the time,” you replied giving his hand a squeeze. 
“It’s hard to sit here and be close to you and not want to kiss you,” he muttered under his breath hoping you wouldn’t notice but you did. 
“Then why don’t you?” you said as the words slipped out of your mouth. 
It felt like time stopped as he searched your face for any signs of hesitation, but there weren’t any. You had just turned sixteen but never had your first kiss yet. You were sure he knew that, but you hoped he didn’t notice your lack of experience. He leaned into you slightly like he was waiting for you to stop him, but you wanted this. You wanted him. You leaned more in until you felt his breath fan over your face. 
“Kiss me,” you whispered against his lips.
His lips pressed yours as his hand went to your waist. You responded immediately to the kiss putting your hand against his cheek. As he deepened the kiss his grip on your waist tighten as well. You let out a small gasp allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Both of you fought for dominance but ended up with him winning. You pulled back enough to take in some air allowing Conrad to catch his breath as well. 
Each looking back at the other's lips waiting for the next move. Conrad pulls you so you're straddled on top of him as he reconnects your lips. You smiled into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands moved to your hips. You moved forward slightly to lean more into him and he let out a groan against your mouth. He stilled in the kiss firmly keeping your hips in place from moving any further. Your lips parted from each other but stayed in the same position.
“I have your gift. Do you want it now?” he said moving one of his hands to his pocket and taking out a small box and showing it to you.
“Sure,” you said flushed taking the box in your hand as you unwrapped your arms from his neck.
“I thought you’d like it since you’re like obsessed with like space and stuff. I got a matching ring to it too you see. It’s okay if you don’t like it though I can totally get you something else if you want,” he rambled as you took out a moon and star necklace that matched a signet ring that rested on his left pinky. 
“I love it, Con. Thank you,” you giggled pressing a light kiss on his lips. 
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AOT characters in university
Hiii this is my first post like this. It is literally so unserious and silly please don’t take it personally if I roast ur fave. Some of these are soooo dumb but I hope u enjoy! 
cw: drugs, weed, drinking
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Floch: this dude is 100% in a frat. The guy who stands at the door decides who gets in. For the boys in absolutely every possible way. Has punched multiple holes through walls. Doesn’t talk in class, if he does his whole personality is based on being a frat boy for life. Finance major. Always wants to be ‘devil’s advocate’ in class debates. Says edgy shit just to get a rise out of people. Scared of Erwin. Posts thirst traps on instagram. Is part of the boxing club. Has never read a single page of any text book ever, just watches YouTube videos to learn. 
Connie: You meet him during freshman orientation and he is now your ride or die. He’s outgoing and makes friends easily, but would 100% rather spend Friday nights playing video games and smoking weed with his friends instead of going to a party. Calls his mom often. Studying accounting because he wants to have a stable job. Makes lo-fi tracks and posts them on YouTube. Skips his morning classes because he refuses to get up for his 8am’s. He won’t plan anything but is always a good time when he comes out. Loves going for Korean barbecue. Loves watching reality tv and talking about it in the group chat.
Jean: Certified stressed and depressed. Definitely studying comp-sci even though he’d rather be in the arts. Is in your English class and even tho he complains about the work he still would rather write essays than look at his coding. Talks so much shit about the frats, still tried to join and never stops talking about them. Will  get into a fight with Eren during frosh week.  His mom also calls him all the time but he gets super embarrassed when she does. Brings all of his laundry home over break so that she can do it. Jean is always looking for a good time, he’s definitely planning nights out and trying to get the full college experience. Something embarrassing always happens when he goes out on the weekend and Connie and Sasha always make sure to remind him of it. The person you’d call for advice when you’re having a bad day.
Levi: Sick of it and annoyed. Philosophy major. Always debates in class and wins. You met him through Hange. You see him at the gym super late at night, between 11pm-1am when no one else is around. Hates big parties- especially frat parties- but always will text u asking how it is and if you want to leave. He likes to cook and invites you to come over to eat. Likes dressing nice for class. Uses black mechanical pencils and exclusively takes notes in black muji notebooks. Likes dark humour and will only talk in the group chat to add some sarcastic remark. Always drinking tea (duh) out of the same reusable mug. Likes going to low-key gatherings with his friends and playing card games and chess. Volunteers for the student food bank. Makes Spotify playlists. Has insomnia and will answer every and all texts you send, no matter what time it is.  LOVES to talk shit and roast people who he thinks are elitist, mean and hypocritical, especially Zeke. Works as a TA and is always busy and grumpy, but his friends keep him sane.
Historia: Wants to be a veterinarian. Quiet but kind. Has a really aesthetic instagram and is always posting cute coffee shops and pictures of her pets. Her girlfriend Ymir is literally the opposite of her and they both make u laugh. You sit beside her in class because she has a gentle chill vibe and always has extra pencils to give you. Offers you gum. Would give you a tampon if u needed it. Not really in any clubs but you see her studying at cafe’s and she always says hi. 10/10 sweetie. Knits in class.
Eren: President of the frat. He doesn’t even know how he ended up here but now he’s the guy. Kind of nice when he’s alone or in class but an absolute dick when he hangs out with the boys. Gets everyone at the party fired up. His girlfriend and his best friend are so nice. Wants to be a CEO, has no idea what his business will be. Wakes up early to go to the gym and never stops talking about it. Undefeated in Catan and Risk. Secretly a reddit lurker. You helped him study for biology once and he was actually very nice to you. Invites you to the frat parties on the weekend, but doesn’t really talk to you when you go. Loves karaoke and will always find a mic to sing into wherever he is and always picks Britney Spears songs lol. 
Hange: SCIENCE MAJOR. Literally the most outgoing person you’ve ever met. Befriends you in biology and helps you study. Has so many niche interest and friends from each of their hobbies. Brings all of their friends together to hang out and its the most random group of people you’ve ever seen, but everyone still gets along. Encourages you to go to the gym, and is always hitting legs. Definitely signed up for some sports leagues; is in co-ed soccer, basketball and softball. Athletic and smart. Wants to be a marine biologist to understand life under the sea and could talk about it for hours. The person who would drag you from your depression hole after finals season. In 4th year but knows people of all ages. So nice; you miss them when they graduate. 
Sasha: Environmental science major. Loves nature and is part of a hiking club. Smokes weed and makes the most delicious sandwiches ever. Always hanging out with Jean and Connie, loves playing smash bros. Gets along with absolutely everyone and is invited to everything because she’s the most fun. Is so good at beer pong and always wins tournaments. She has the craziest stories. Gives u a sweater for no reason, she’s just the type to do it. Goes on runs every day and has a dog at home that she misses soooo much. Comes back from winter break and gives everyone cookies. Not really the type to date but everyone has a crush on her. Sends the funniest memes to the group chat. FaceTimes you with a wild story while she’s walking across campus. Always has snacks in her dorm room. 
Erwin: Law student that has a degree in political science. Active member of the student society and always trying to get better food in the dining hall. Is your tutor and is sooooo nice. Gives u advice on how to make it through university. You could ask him any question and he would be able to help you. Likes to read. Him and Armin are your late night library friends. Loves to talk about deep random scenarios with you. Drinks black coffee and he’s muscular but you’ve never seen him eat. Is too busy trying to network in the legal field to go out to parties, but when he does he’s always the most popular person there. Used to be an athlete but doesn't really talk about it. Would walk you home from a bar to make sure you get home safe. Has no tolerance for bullshit and is ruthless to mean people; you’re happy that he is your friend. Would send you book recommendations to read over the summer. Plays chess with Levi. 
Mikasa: Her major is undecided. You meet her at the gym. She always works out late and is seemingly only ever studying or doing her daily circuit. Isn’t outgoing but is nice when approached. Not really into parties or big events but will come out for dinner or go on a walk with you after class. Her boyfriend is the president of the frat and they couldn’t be more different but she still loves him and says that he is a sweetie with her. Loves it when pet-a-dog day comes around. Enjoys spending time in the women’s centre on campus. She tells every girl that she meets that if they ever need help they can call her and she means it. The frat guys are terrified of her. Has an instagram with two pictures and they’re both of flowers. Likes collecting tiny figurines. Plans self-defence classes for the girls. 
Reiner: Bruh Reiner is 100% that transfer kid who still wears his old universities hoodie EVERY DAY. History major and way too into WWII. Likes to read for fun. Loves bears and will send you the cutest tiktoks. Look like he could kill you - is a cinnamon roll. Sad boy energy and loves to watch rom-coms. Listens to emo music and Kpop while he's working out. He knows where the best lookouts are. Likes older women lol. He loves going for all you can eat wings. Will have the highest grades in the class but never seem to actually study. Wants to be a teacher. Likes painting nice little pictures. Does yoga. 
Armin: Another day-one friend. You meet him in your math class and the two of you get through it together. He is kind and always remembers stories that you tell him. Loves going to arcade bars and doing anything that involves a challenge. Engineering student. Loves to solve riddles and play Zelda. Watches the planet earth series and sends you facts that he learns about animals. Knows when the next meteor shower is happening and will drive the friend group out to go stargazing. Is doing a study abroad in a different country so that he can learn a new language and see things from a different perspective. Despite being more shy and reserved, he is an absolute riot when drunk and makes everyone dance with him. He always brings the best snacks to late night study sessions.
Zeke: Philosophy major and literally will take whatever side of the argument Levi is against. Fighting with strangers on twitter and believes his opinion is always right. Will give you his opinion about your life even if you don’t ask for it. TA’s a class and is ridiculously hard on everyone when he’s grading papers. Hot and popular but emotionally unavailable because of his daddy issues. Wants his PHD mostly just to flex lol. Is on the baseball team and is always fidgeting with his hands. Has expensive taste in food and likes craft beer and nice wine. Has broad knowledge but its not deep. Wears boujie clothes and has a nice backpack. Prefers backpacking over staying in hotels because he thinks it is more ‘authentic’. Can speak multiple languages. Loves writing silly notes on your papers. Says that he is too good for the frats but still is there with Eren and Floch every Friday night lol. 
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shawtuzi · 2 years
hi love! can we maybe get a plug! levi🫶🏾
i know y’all probably tired of this but i live and breathe aot characters as plugs im sorry </3
this is 18+///cw include: drug usage, smut, fluff, black coded reader, bad writing 
- okay so when i think of plug!levi i think of him as the supplier, the guy eren and connie get their shit from but never give credit to when people talk about how good the weed is and it annoys the absolute shit outta him
- he’s often mobile but not as much as eren and connie. he doesn’t like to be away from you for too long
- best believe his weed is homegrown!!! he doesn’t trust anyone to handle his plants the way he does. it doesn’t matter how long it takes no one will see one single nugg until levi deems it’s good enough but trust it’s worth the wait
- he’s one of those people that insist they aren’t addicted and can quit anytime he wants but is quick to roll a blunt at the slightest inconvenience
- plug!levi prefers to keep your relationship private when it comes to social media but is not afraid to show a little affection in public such as giving your shoulder a kiss or a giving you a lil forehead kiss
- the clingiest boy ever when he’s high he loves being skin to skin with you whether it’s innocent cuddling/cockwarming or fucking your brains out in missionary pushing your chest snuggly against his as he fucks into you
- go to song to fuck you to is gang over luv- brent faiyaz
- like eren he’s not big on drinking but is a SLUTTT when he drinks!!! if y’all are in public he won’t show his neediness no no instead he’ll be in your ear the whole time telling you how much he wants to fuck you
- cannot and will not go to sleep until he gets a goodnight text from you something about that “goodnight i love u so much <3” text puts him right to sleep
- the only time you will probably ever see plug!levi be messy is when he’s eating your pussy while high. he doesn’t care if your slick is covering his nose and chin he will not stop until your cheeks are soaked with tears and you’re pushing his head away
“c-c’mon levi that’s- hah t-that’s enough,” you whimpered lightly pushing levi’s head away. “but we just started baby c’mom gimme a few more you can do that right? lemme make you cum three more times and i’ll buy you that chanel bag you’ve been wanting,” he grunted pressing sloppy kisses against your trembling thighs. from the neediness in his voice to the pleading look in his bloodshot eyes it all had you spiraling until you decided to let him have his way with you. even though you blacked out on the third orgasm it was totally worth the praise and the new chanel bag
- doesn’t wear any jewelry except thin lil chain but it still looks hot regardless
- when he smokes he likes to have you in his lap while you run your fingers through his hair quietly talking about how your day went or anything else you want to talk about he doesn’t care as long as he gets to hear your voice
- i won’t be elaborating but he wears bleu de chanel cologne
- whenever it’s time for him to get a haircut he has you do it for him instead of going to someone else. there’s just something about the act that’s very intimate to him. the way you constantly ask if you nicked him in a gentle voice or the way you kiss his shoulders every once in a while he just can’t get enough of it
- as stated before missionary is his go-to position he loves being able to admire your facial expressions and hear your little moans and whimpers in his ear
- “that’s it baby, feels good yeah? tell daddy how good he makes you feel,” levi whispered in your ear nibbling gently on the lobe. “s’good daddy y-you feel so good,” you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist giving him the sign you wanted him to finish inside and he was more happy to oblige, after hearing you beg for it ofc
- whenever you’re giving him head and have cotton mouth he forces his middle and ring finger in your mouth fucking your throat with them until your mouth is wet enough (i’m sweating)
- he doesn’t say this often, which is okay because he shows it with his actions, but he loves you more than life itself. as corny as it sounds you are his first love and he would wreak absolute havoc on the world if anything or anyone hurt you
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mstrickster · 29 days
For you ships: what's one thing one half does that drives the other crazy? Could be crazy with annoyance or crazy with love lol
Thank you for your ask! So, I am going to break this down by fandoms. Enjoy!
The BatFam:
I'm starting with my favorite family of Cryptids. I believe that anyone who's ever been in a relationship with one of the bats has generally the same thing that annoys the crap out of them. In fact, I'm sure there's plenty of things. However, I want to talk about two. The first would be the bats and their paranoia, and the second would be their willingness to throw themselves in the line of fire on TV or with no backup plan that they can admit to having.
Like whoever you ship the bats with you can guarantee that there has been a moment in that relationship where they have had to go and either save them from a villain or save them from falling out of the sky. Only for their bat to go, "I had it."
All of their current and past love interests have so many gray hairs.
Also, to love a bat is to endure their contingency plans. They will have a way to stop you if you turn evil. In fact, they have several, and no, they won't tell you.
On the flip side, I could see the bats being annoyed for the pettiest of reasons.
Like Damian gets annoyed with Jon because he refuses to let him sleep in the barn with the animals...during winter. He also gets annoyed when Jon tries to treat him fragilly. Many arguments have started from that and ended with "IM THE SON OF THE BAT!"
Dick is better. He got most of his gremliness out as a child. However, he will get extremely annoyed if you eat his stash of cereal. Or if you take his siblings' side during an argument.
People do joke that Jason is always annoyed. He isn't, but he also doesn't see a point in hiding his frustration. However, he gets annoyed to death when someone goes into battle unprepared. He is resourceful and will chew people out for getting hurt in a clearly avoidable incident.
Tim is a lot like Jason, where annoyed sometimes feels like his default. However, he only gets annoyed when people talk over him. Or that one time that Bernard told him he couldn't punch his way out of all problems and Conner agreed with him. Tim pouted for like a week. Bernard is constantly annoyed when his boyfriends are late for a dinner date because they stopped a criminal. There's two of them and they both had to get sidetracked? Ridiculous.
Cass doesn't get annoyed, really. Of course, not many people would be brave enough to annoy Cass. Steph can be ridiculous, but Cass usually looks on in fond amusement rather than annoyance. She does love seeing Steph go all superhero mod, though.
The Mighty Ducks
Banksway: There are definitely a couple of things that drive Adam crazy with annoyance but also crazy with love at the same time. One thing is when Charlie truly believes something, he will stubbornly follow his beliefs even to the point of ruin. Like I could see Charlie coming out because he is so intent on his feelings for Adam and he's like "I'm not going to fucking hide you!" It's so endearing but but Adam really wishes he would just listen to him. He also gets annoyed with Charlie stubbornness. Especially since a lot of the times if Charlie thinks he's right he will act like he's right. Until he's proven wrong. However if he is proven right he will rub it in Adam's face a little bit. On the flip side when it comes to Adam Charlie gets annoyed that he doesn't always voice how he really feels. Like unless you push Adam to the breaking point, he will conceal; don't feel his way out of most things. It's not that animal won't fight for things it's just that a lot of things you just doesn't see the reason to put in the effort. He's very good at following rules, and Charlie wishes he wasn't.
Gerreau: I don't think there's much that Connie and Guy get annoyed with each other about. It does drive guy crazy with love when he sees Connie do her leadership thing. Like he loves to see her take charge. He doesn't know it but Connie does the same thing with him. She loves to Hype him up and she just adores him. Like he could bake cookies and she would just be so madly in love because he did that. It is truly adorable.
Hazbin Hotel
Now you didn't specify fandoms, so I'm including this one because these are some of my newer ships.
Obviously, Husk gets annoyed when Angel is fake. It drives him insane when he tries to hide how he's actually feeling behind his facade. However, it also drives him crazy with love when he gets to see Angel do something he really loves, like dancing. He just gets all warm and fuzzy all over. For Angel, it drives him mad when Husk thinks badly of himself or thinks that he isn't worth redeeming. He gets very passionate and will scream affection at Husk. Saying things like how he is worth more than any of those other lowlives outside the hotel. Then he will hug and cuddle Husk until he agrees with him.
I feel like a better question is what these two do that doesn't drive the other person crazy. Like Alastor can stand slightly different and Lucifer will think he's doing it to annoy him. Which is exactly what Alastor is doing. They are constantly butting heads, and that's why they work. No one pushes them to outdo themselves like the others! Sometimes, they even push each to be better, if only on accident. They are a disaster, and that's why I love them.
I don't think it's a big annoyance, but I do feel like Vaggie gets a little annoyed at Charlie's willfulness to trust almost anyone. Vaggie is always on edge if there is even a chance someone will betray them. However, Charlie isn't like that, and it can be frustrating. However, that's also why Vaggie loves her. It drives her insane with love when she sees Charlie tap into all her power and show the world who they are messing with. For Charlie, she kinda gets frustrated with Vaggie's trust issues, but she tries not to express it. She is driven mad with love when she sees her girlfriend fight for the hotel.
Anyways, that is all. Thank you! 😊
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