#hi hello. i have never played alan wake in my life and it's not in my plans to do so currently.
bri-does-art · 7 months
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Kingdom Hearts got a lot darker and scarier than I remembered it.
Illustrating my friend @honestlyvan's vision is a pleasure as always!
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crmsnmth · 7 months
So, since I'm never satisfied, and it's been quite some time since I did this, here's
Version 5
(I apologize for the length. I kind of just got caught up writing it.)
Introductions Are stupid
Hey. How goes it? Here's a little bit about me, and why I do what I do. We all in? If not, too bad. It's time to move.
I'm a 36 with no pronouns. Just call me whatever you want, I don't give a damn. Pansexual, if you must know my private business. I live in a small town of 2000 people right in the center of the drunken state of Wisconsin. It is not even close to as fun as that sounds, and it doesn't sound all that fun to begin with. It's a place where alcoholism is worn like a goddamn badge of honor. Try being sober when getting alcohol poisoning makes you a legend, and wearing DUI's like peacock feathers. I've lived in many other places though, jumping around the Midwest as if it were playground hopscotch. I guess it's true what some people say though, and we always end up right back at home. I keep coming back here at least.
I work two jobs, both in the same field. For one, I am the kitchen manager/Head Whatever for a Bar/restaurant/bowling alley. I told you, it's a small town. And I also work as a plain old line cook at another bar/restaurant/event center. I've been working the kitchen life since I was sixteen and started working at a Rocky Rococo's Pizza. That sucked and this sucks too. I'm not a fancy chef, and I didn't go to school for shit, but I've been in this industry a long time, and I still love the basics of my job. It's one of the few things that I can actually say I'm good at and take a lot of pride in what I do for work.
I spend most of my time listening to music (it's always playing around me). I listen to all music, and I'm not just saying that. I actually do. You can go through my main playlist and you'll find everything from Slayer to Britney Spears to Alan Jackson to The Casualties to Katy Perry etc… My favorite band of all time is the Descendents (I'm just a square going nowhere). But standing tall in second place is Amigo The Devil (As long as I wake up, I'm already stronger than dead) and Frank Turner (If you're all about the destination, then take a fucking flight) rounding out my top 3. Honorable Mention goes out to Lana Del Rey, Blitzkis, Murderdolls, Poor Man's Poison, Pat "the Bunny"(And all of his projects) and I'm going to stop now or this will just turn into bands I like. I am always on the lookout for new songs to memorize, so tell me the songs that mean the most to you. I seriously want to know.
I am a massive film fan. Mostly old horror, but I love the weirdest movies out there. Art films? Hell yes. Although, I'm still a sucker for the classic 80's slasher, or the 30's Universal horror. I've seen every Friday the 13th (official films, including the remake) enough times that I can quote almost every line from each film (those damn enchiladas). My favorite movie of all time, and I say this without any irony at all, is a little indie number called "The Room." I fucking love Tommy Wiseau's The Room. It is the greatest peice of cinema this world has ever seen. If you have not seen this fucking beautiful trainwreck, please rectify that. Like now. Stop reading this and find a way to watch it. Watch it. Go on, get. Come back to me when you've learned some film culture ettiquette.
I'm mentally screwed and quite medicated. I have come to peace with this fact. I've been as stable as I can get for a good four years now. So that's neat.
I am a raging cynic. I'm not sure if it's by choice or by enviroment. Either way, it's easier this way.
I'm a political nihilist. The system has failed, will continue to fail, and always will fail. It's inevitable and it doesn't matter who you put in charge. It will always fail. So please, shove your political opinions up your ass. I don't care.
I am a recovering addict, long-term. 8 Years. I am sober a little over two.
I started writing young. As soon as I could basically. Stashed somewhere in a box of my dad's thing is a few pieces of paper with a short little story in it. It's awful, but it's the earliest fossil of my work. Writing became a form of therapy and how to cope with my parent's divorce, my extreme depression in my teens, my anger and even lonliness. Words were comfort. Words are easy. Words are what I have to really express myself and I couldn't be happier that I've found other writers who aren't in it for fame or glory, but just for the simple fact that they love to write. I write more than any sane and healthy person should right, but I'm far from sane and I'm far from healthy. I write this much because if I don't, my head will explode into a shower of blood, brain and skull. Take that as a metaphor if you want, but I'm telling you the truth.
I do not write for anyone's actual approval. Not even my own really. I do this because it's the only addiction I have that isn't actively trying to kill me, and is actually trying to better me as a person and get in touch with unresolved feelings and places that will never have closure. Plus, the idea of my skull exploding sounds ok, but I can't leave behind that mess for anyone else to clean up.
I will always love constructive criticism. But please, for the love of all the love in the world, don't just tell me I suck. I get that. It's a massive part of my whole act. Please, give me a reason why I suck, what I'm doing wrong in your eyes. Help me to better this craft I play with. Seriously, I love it. But if you can't give me a reason, maybe it's best you keep that food-hole shut, and stop trying to be a dick, dick.
So what do I write? What do I put here on my tiny molecule of the internet? Bad poetry, and way too much of that. You'll find random crappy drops of stores or fiction (September Sky is still being worked on, I didn't forget about it). You'll find song lyrics for songs never written, scripts for films never shot, speeches given to people who aren't alive anymore, letters that never get sent. I try to write something at least once a day, but If I get on a roll, I'll post up to 15 or 20 new posts a day. Call it obsession if you want. I guess by definition, you wouldn't be wrong.
So since, I write some much, what topics to a tap dance to the grave with? I'm pretty predictable. So this stuff:
The Girl with the Ocean Blue Eyes*, Kid*, The Broken Mirror Girl*, My Junkie Angel*, My April Fool's Riddle*, The Cynic's Best Friend*, love, lost lovers, hopelessness, isolation, drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, forgotten acquaintances, mental illnesses, rage, hate, rejection, joy, insignificant moments, slices of life, laughter, beauty, self and self-reflection, self-hate, art, other writers, panic, infatuations, obsession, therapy, group homes, rehab, jail, grace, nature, loss, hope, fear, grief, anguish, philosophy, anarchism, nihilism, religion, god, the devil, ugliness, politics, serial killers, cults, suicide, death, destruction, chaos, music, validation, closure, memory, enemies, friends, rock bottom, sex, violence, rock and roll, sin, self-exploration, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, pain, self-destruction much more. I'm a firm believer that tragedy equals beauty, and take the tragic parts of my life, the shit that really bothers me, to this day, and I write it out. Maybe someone will see those words and realize they aren't alone. Wow, that's not very cynical of me, is it? Ok, fuck those people. Is that better?
Consider this little spot your trigger warning. Seriously, if just read the paragraph above you and think I play it all that safe, your definitely in the wrong place. I will talk of horrible things. They will bring horrible feelings. They could set you off. I'm stating it once, here and now, under a blanket term. Read what you want, but read with caution.
I make music as well as the writing gig. I don't bust out music as much as I do words, but I still have fun doing what I do, and if you'd like to tell me how much I suck at it, please do exactly that. At either of these chosen sites (Reverb has everything. I'm too cheap to pay for Soundcloud's stuff):
Look, if I came off has Nr. Doom, the misery poet archetype, the aged out punk rocker, the reclusive loner, I'm really…I was about to lie and say I wasn't those things, but that's is what I am. I am also a lover of art, a lover of food, a lover of love, an artist, a weirdo, a very scared individual, paranoid, insecure about everything, socially awkward kid who never grew out of black Misfits t-shirts and chain wallets. I am not an animal. I'm a goddamn human being.
Oh, because I get asked about them or why I just seem to ignore them. I am the goddamn king of typos. Missing letters, misspelled words, horrible grammar, broken sentences, sometimes even missing words. I'm really good at them, and I'm almost positive there is always something I could go back and fix. But I'm not gonna do that. I don't want to. If you can get the meaning of what I'm saying, the message is more important to me than the medium. I type way faster than my skill, and my brain works way to fucking fast for my hands to keep up, so it becomes a race to get words on page. And then my fingers tap dance and trip over themselves. I knew I should've sprung for lessons.
There. There's bare bones about me and what I'm about and where I stand. If there is anything else you'd want to know for some godforsaken reason, go ahead and message me. I may not be real good at it, I do enjoy having fifteen second conversations. I always finish early.
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milesluna · 9 months
My Favorite Games of 2023.
Hi. Hello. Thanks ever so much for clicking on this page. Happy to have you.
First thing's first: I'm a little freak when it comes to video games. I don't feel the need to beat most games I play. From Software is one of my favorite studios in the industry and I've never finished a single one of their games. This means, fortunately, that I get to play a LOT more games than the average bear.
I've written up some blurbs about my top ten favorite games from 2023, but before that here's the list of every game I remember playing this year that left any sort of lasting impact on me (in no particular order):
Dead Space Remake Resident Evil 4 Remake F-Zero 99 Humanity Dredge Metroid Prime Remastered Anemoiaplois Alan Wake 2 Baldur’s Gate 3 LoZ Tears of the Kingdom Counter Strike 2 Hunt Showdown El Paso Elsewhere Jusant Slay the Princess| Remnant II The Finals Street FIghter 6 Lethal Company BattleBit Remastered Don’t Scream Homebody The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Pizza Tower World of Horror Super Mario Wonder Mr. Sun’s Hatbox Fifa 23 Sea of Stars (Demo) Half-Life (25th Anniversary Update)
And the games I played that were NOT released in 2023:
Unpacking Persona 4 Golden Picross 7 The Order 1886 Shovel Knight Dig Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Spider-Man: Miles Morales Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Project Zomboid Quake LoZ The Minish Cap Drill Dozer Wario Land 4 Pokemon Pinball Resident Evil Revelations Summer of ‘58 Trackmania TwinCop We Were Here Visage Cursed Halo CE Half-Life 2 (I probably play this once per year) Witch Hunt Red Dead Redemption 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Borderlands 3 Brutal Legend Cultic Slay the Spire PUBG Rez Infinite Batman Arkham City Alan Wake Alan Wake: American Nightmare Max Payne LoZ: Majora’s Mask 3DS Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2 Tunic Everhood Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Remake GOODBYE WORLD Yakuza: Like a Dragon Critters for Sale Dome Keeper Phasmophobia Hades Nintendo Switch Sports
Now that you understand the kind of freak you're dealing with…
Let's dive into my top ten favorite games from this objectively fucked up year.
10. El Paso Elsewhere Developed by Texas indie studio Strange Scaffold, El Paso Elsewhere is a Max Payne-clone with vampires, an opinionated narrator, and lots and lots of bullet time. As a small studio punching well above their weight class, Strange Scaffold leans into abstract, PlayStation 1 minimalism when it comes to visuals and pairs them with a soundtrack that will make your hands sweat. The vibes are here and they're ready for the end of the world. I'm personally also a big fan of everything this studio stands for.
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9. Mr. Sun's Hatbox I want you to imagine Metal Gear Solid V. Now I want you to imagine that game as a 2D, level-based, slapstick platformer you can play with up to three friends. If you think that sounds stupid, you'd be right. And it's beautiful. As you build up a secret army of soldiers with various skills (and disorders), you'll start to develop *favorites*. This game constantly asks if you're willing to send those favorites on a harrowing mission and risk losing them forever… or if you'd rather send an idiot you recently captured who blinks constantly and can't kill anyone without fainting.
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8. Dredge Every year I feel like I find one game that falls into the “just one more round” category, and baby… Dredge was it for 2023. As a weary fisherman in strange waters, you'll make the most out of your 12 measly hours of sunlight only for your daily voyages to inevitably pull you into the darkness of night, and night is when things get weird. Rocks emerge from the fog that you swear weren't there before, your equipment malfunctions, and you're pretty sure you just saw something in the water… something big. Despite only containing a small collection of islands, the world of Dredge manages to feel vast - perhaps vast enough to swallow you whole.
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7. Resident Evil 4 Remake I was curious to see what sort of changes would be made to the timeless classic and father of modern 3rd person shooters, Resident Evil 4. I wasn't let down. RE4 Remake takes all the things that didn't age well about the original, tossed them out, and replaced them with only good things. And MORE things! It's campy, fun, and better than a game of bingo.
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6. Jusant I really feel like this one didn't get the recognition it deserves. Jusant is a rock climbing game that combines the quiet contemplation of Journey with the mechanical specificity of Death Stranding. Unlike Death Standing, though, there is very little story to interrupt your flow. There are plenty of collectible bits to find for those curious to learn more about what happened before the events of the game, but the environmental storytelling does most of the heavy lifting. For me, the joy of the game comes from how it feels. Right trigger controls your right hand grip, and left trigger controls left hand grip. Plan your route, manage your stamina, and climb high above the clouds in search of answers.
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5. F-Zero 99 This. Shit. Slaps. I've never been a big F-Zero guy, but this MADE me one. The “battle royale”, 99 player format is the perfect fit for the ruthless, high octane world of the game. Races last about three minutes, and friend, they are the most intense, white-knuckled three minutes of your life. The decision to make your boost meter the same as your health meter started in F-Zero 64 (I believe), and it is so much more HARROWING in this game when another player could side-swipe you mere meters from the finish line and blow you to bits. Sadly it's only playable via Switch Online, but it made me cheer, laugh, and scream enough this year to earn a spot in my top 5.
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4. Alan Wake 2 Remedy makes weird games that also manage to exist in the AAA space and for that I will forever love them. Although Alan Wake 2 resembles a 3rd person shooter survival horror, I'd honestly say it's more of a narrative game than anything else. There's sidequests, there's puzzles, there's upgradeable skills, but at the end of the day the characters, world, and story are what kept me playing. If you haven't checked them out recently, you should definitely watch a story recap of the original games before diving into this sequel, but the wild swings for the fences this game takes are well worth that small price of admission. There's a god damn musical number, for Christ's sake.
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3. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom I've really got nothing to say about this game that most people don't already know. It's incredible. The fact that Nintendo made a game that redefined an entire genre and then made a SEQUEL to it that ups the ante is remarkable. To be honest, I've only cleared the Rito, Zora, and Goron cities. I got a bit tired of exploring the depths and guiding Koroks to their friends, but I can't deny the sheer level of complexity and polish on display here. I saw someone on TikTok build a functioning Mecha Godzilla in this game. Good God. I've heard that the ending of this game is one of the best in the franchise, and if I'd seen it this year then it may have wound up higher on my list, but for the time being I'll continue picking up this masterpiece from time to time, chipping away at it until the day comes that I can finally smack the tits off thicc Ganondorf.
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2. Half-Life (25th Anniversary Update) I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but I don't care. This year was the 25th anniversary of Half-Life and Valve released an update that made playing it (and it's online Death Match) much more accessible. I threw it on my Steam Deck out of curiosity, expecting to play for 20 minutes. I could not put it down. It is unbelievable how modern this game still feels. I simply had so much fun sprinting through the corridors of Black Mesa with a dozen weapons strapped to my back, blasting aliens and military Spec-Op chumps as a 24(?!) year old theoretical physicist.
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1. Baldur's Gate III This game is fucked up, man. The sheer amount of writing in this game scares me. We can all talk about how BIG this game is, it deserves it, but the thing BG3 does better than any other role playing game I have ever experienced is actually encourage roleplaying. I've played through Act I four times now, with four different groups of friends, and it has felt fresh every time. I have seen the same events play out in so many different ways that it boggles the mind, but in every one of those play sessions I see players asking themselves “What would my lil guy do here?” rather than "what is the best thing to do here?" The game rewards players constantly for just trying shit and the D&D 5e rule set means playing like the character you said you were from the start leads to frequent Points of Inspiration. Maybe one day I'll see the end of this story (probably not), but I don't have to in order to feel a connection with BG3's world, characters, and most impressively, the characters I made myself.
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Honorable Mentions for 2023
5. Dave the Diver 4. Homebody 3. Sea of Stars 2. Humanity 1. Super Mario Wonder
Top 5 Favorites NOT from 2023
5. Metroid Prime 4. Final Fantasy VII Remake 3. Cursed Halo (Halo CE Mod) 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3DS)
Games I didn't have a chance to play from 2023 but still want to when I find more time...
Viewfinder Venba Chants of Sennaar Thirsty Suitors Hi-Fi Rush Moonring Armored Core VI Laika Aged Through Blood Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
Hi Crowie ^-^ Sorry for the long delay. Here are my gaming asks for You <3 Have fun
1 - 2 - 3 - 10 - 18 - 28 - 30
Tight hugs
🦋 Rumor Imbris 🌧️🎵⛈️🎶
@rumor-imbris! Hello! *hugs back* Don't worry about the timing, I was still happy to receive this from you! I hope you're well! <3 Anyway, allow me to finally get back to you with my answers! ^_^
(Also, sorry this got so gif-heavy, but I'm addicted to using them lol)
1. Last game you finished?
Uncharted 4, baby! Loved it! (Nathan Drake has my heart)
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2. Game(s) you’re currently playing?
For a while there, I was keeping on the Uncharted train and working through Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. However, I recently booted up Resident Evil: Village for the first time and have switched my focus over to that. (Chris Redfield also has my heart)
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3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed?
Hmm, let’s see...in no particular order...
1. Bioshock Infinite, for sure. I’ve literally have beaten the game 5 times now, with my most recent completed run being on the hardest difficulty, “1999 Mode” (complete with the tough ‘Scavenger Hunt’ Achievement’ #humblebrag), and I STILL enjoyed the heck out of it. (Booker DeWitt also, also has my heart, and Elizabeth is precious and needs to be protected at all costs)
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2. Red Dead Redemption 2. I’m far from completing this game, but I love the world so much. It fun to just run around and explore and visit the towns, and such. AND THE DETAILS. THE AMOUNT OF DETAILS IS INSANE. (Arthur Morgan also, also, also has my heart)
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3. Alan Wake/AW’s American Nightmare. THIS. GAME. THIS GAME LITERALLY CHANGED MY LIFE. No joke. It’s not just a game, it’s an experience. Gosh, I cannot praise it enough. The writing is just... *chef’s kiss* (Alan Wake himself may or may not also, also, also, also have my heart)
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10. A console and/or handheld you’ve never played but would like to try?
There are some more modern consoles that I’ve yet to try, but since they play basically the same as some previous generation ones, I think I’m going to cheat with this question a bit and not necessarily highlight a console, but an arcade cabinet instead. There’s this one called “Carnevil”, which is basically an on-rail shooter type of game, but it takes place in a haunted, resurrected, and obviously evil carnival, run by a mad professor. (That aesthetic is just my jam, really.) It sadly has never been officially ported to any consoles, so chances of trying it are very low, but if I ever get the opportunity, I’d be one happy gal!
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18. A game location you really like
Because I won’t shut up about Bioshock, I’m going to highlight the “Battleship Bay” section from Bioshock Infinite. It’s absolutely GORGEOUS and was one of the things that attracted me to the game in the first place. Seriously, that soft color palette is EVERYTHING.
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28. Pick a series you like. What was the first game you played for it? Was it a good starting point? Would it still be a good starting point now?
Since I spoke about Bioshock in my last ask response, let me bring up an older series that was a HUGE staple of my late childhood/early teens: Sly Cooper (or Sly Raccoon, if you’re outside of the U.S.), I started with the first one when I was only 10, and was totally hooked! While most claim the 2nd game, Sly 2: Band of Thieves, is the best in the series, I believe playing the first one was the best starting point, and still think it is, even now. Sure, the other games may be a tad easier, and the first one may not be the most polished, it still has its charm, and sets up Sly’s motives and family history from the get go. (I still haven’t played the 4th one yet, but if I ever get my hands on a PS4 or PS5, you know I’ll give it a try!) Overall, I highly recommend this series!
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30. Game you think you’ll finish next?
Given that they’re both what I’m currently focusing on, it’ll likely either be Resident Evil: Village or Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. I'm enjoying both so far!
Thank you so much for you ask, and your patience! These were really fun to answer! ^_^
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lights-switched · 28 days
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peter gadiot & he/him/cis man — i see you’ve settled on ALAN WAKE ! fill your inventory, you’re heading to litwick. you look 39 years old and i hear you’re from olympia, washington ? well, i think chanterelle gardens will be the perfect fit for you. make sure you stop by the books & the beesand introduce yourself as their new BOOKSELLER ! it’s strange, you almost remind me of alan wake from the remedy connected universe. we hope you enjoy the slow life ! ( guppy, mst, she/her, twenty-two )
“ the UNANSWERED MYSTERY is what stays with us the longest, and it’s what we’ll remember in the end. ���
hello, everyone! i am very excited to be here and to be playing one of my favorite video game characters of all time. i look forward to writing with y'all later this afternoon.
full name: alan vincent wake
nickname(s): al (anyone), scratch (by his editor)
age: thirty-nine years old
birthday: january 30th
gender: cis man
pronoun(s): he/him/his
romantic orientation: heteroromantic
sexual orientation: heterosexual
home town: olympia, washington, u.s.a.
current residence: chanterelle gardens, litwick
occupation: bookseller (the books & the bees), bestselling crime series author (under pseudonym, vincent scratch)
martial status: married
— trigger warnings:implied alcoholism, clinical depression
alan never quite found a balance between the dark and the light. from infancy, he suffered from aural migraines onset by too-bright lights and over-stimulation. even though the light could be a literal pain, the dark was no better. he feared the unknown lurking behind shadows, shut curtains, and closed doors. his mother was finally the one to give him some hope in the darkness with "the clicker." it was just an old light switch the family had laying around the basement, but to alan it was a life-preserver. every time he felt fear creeping in from the dark, he could flip the switch and his whole world seemed to brighten. forget teddy bears or nightlights, the clicker was what he carried on overnight trips and held close to his chest each night as he slept.
even as alan grew up, the clicker was a habit he couldn't kick. by the time he was in college—a moody english major with a penchant for herbal cigarettes—it became a part of a pick up method when attractive co-eds would ask what he was doing carrying around a light switch in a bar. it was easy enough for him to make up some tragic or fascinating tale that would lead to an epic one-night stand. he had somewhat of a reputation for being a heartbreaker, but the school was big enough that it didn't spread to every possible hookup. if anything, the rumors made him more mysterious and charming, as he was gossiped about as an artist struggling with deep emotions and an inability to commit. even if he was a bit of an asshole and a playboy, he truly was an artist with a talent unmatched by his peers.
by graduation, alan had already signed a publishing deal for a book he'd begun writing his freshman year: alex casey. he moved up to new york city to be closer to his publishing house, and picked up some odd jobs along the way to keep the lights on while he waited for his advance to roll in. one of those jobs, as a night watchman, led him to his future wife.
alice was attempting to break and enter, thinking the warehouse alan watched over was abandoned after dark. all she needed was to get some photographs for a series she was putting together. alan put the kibosh on that quickly, but he couldn't get her out of his head. he let her go with a soft warning, and a request to take her out to dinner.
she accepted, and the rest is history.
a successful six-book series and two moves later, they've wound up in litwick hoping to get away from city life. with writer's block weighing down on him, and a lack of motivation to get out of bed most days, alice thought the move might bring some much needed clarity. he's been four years sober, and fears that his writing talents may have been connected to the bottle. the last time he put out a book was three years ago, and the masses are hungrily awaiting the conclusion to vincent scratch's alex casey mystery.
maybe he's no longer cut out for writing. maybe he's destined to spend his days dusting bookshelves and ordering new bestsellers from the publishing house he was once the king of.
his agent, barry, keeps calling to ask about his contract, but those calls have gone unanswered for far too long.
it's time for a change, and an expensive clinical psychologist.
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klonoadreams · 4 years
I’m guessing you’ve refamiliarized yourself with the other characters of Hamefura in preparation for Panna’s debut (still can’t wait to officially meet her 🥰). We already have your opinion on Keith, but what’s your opinion on the rest of harem?
ohhh maaaaan, it’s been ages since I last read the LN (last I remember, was the magic coma Katarina fell into and that’s really it I guess, idk, like I was in the 30s or something in terms of chapters)
Alright lemme JUST consult the wiki and refresh my memory... (I haven’t done a read through yet since I was focused on my Japanese homework, but also, I’m still on an Inuyasha binge, but I’ll get to it soon since I’m going through Verge of Doom)
(actually, gonna read the manga now)
Geordo/Jeord/Gerald: PICK A FUCKING NAME DAMMIT. Okay, as far as dudes go, he could be worse. And by that, I mean at least he isn’t that one dude from the Mad Dog Princess, because JESUS FUCK, I HAAAAATE that situation. There’s a time and a place to go after people because they’re “interesting”, and up until then, the one that I was absolutely fine with HOLD ON I JUST FOUND OUT A LOT OF SHIT.
Wjhat I read is pretty much the entire web novel (kinda - didn’t get to the last few chapters), MEANING. Whatever else I know about this dude ONLY applies to that.
ANYWAYS< because Panna doesn’t fyucking know that, she only thinks Geordo as, “Fine.” because she DOES NOT KNOW THE LIGHT NOVEL CONTINUES FURTHER. SHE STOPPED AROUND CHAPTER 31. THAT’S IT.
So here’s to hoping she can somehow derail whatever LN development happens that just makes Gerald go...YEAH. I know this was a crack fic idea, but now I’m genuinely worried about his development, because Hamefura WAS such a good concept, but now I feel it’s trying to drag on in a bad way.
Gonna read more it here to avoid clogging up the dashboard. :V
Alan: I actually like him a lot, the poor guy can’t get a break from Katarina. RIP.
Panna thinks he’s cool, because she also likes music (past life, was in band, always wanted to play the piano, but never got the chance). Feels bad for him that Bakarina stole his fiancee. Will give him a pastry in these trying times.
Mary Hunt: This girl is what hooked me on COMPLETELY to this series when I first started reading translations.
The thirst is real, and Panna can only watch in amusement as she eats her macarons in peace.
Sophia: I like her a lot and really wish the absolute best for her.
Panna would likely reach out to her, should she be given a chance.
Nicol: I remember him the least because it’s been years, but I guess he’s okay??? I’m really bad at remembering.
Panna is just ??????? and just smiles at him I guess. Offers him a treat, like she would anyone else.
Seriously, starting to think that Katarina might be aro/ace spec (hello new headcanon), and in the closet. Whether she’s a aro/ace spec who’s bi/pan, or just a closeted aro/ace spec lesbian who thinks she’s straight, who knows, but she’s still pretty gay regardless and might need a wake up call.
At least, for Maria’s sake, because DAMMIT, Katarina, at least acknowledge she loves you!! DX
Panna MIGHT be able to help her out in that respect. Whether or not this changes everything, by screwing with who’s crushing on who, I have no clue.
But after getting a heads up from what I found out about the Light Novel, versus the Web Novel, I might have to go in with some caution on MY end, so....
Let’s see where this mess takes Panna as she continues to be herself. She only remembers Katarina 100%, so if she ends up meeting anyone else, she might not even KNOW she’s in Hamefura. So let’s see where it goes, yes?
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judylicious · 3 years
And When He Smiles I Swear I Can’t Breathe
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader
Word count: 1,996
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies. This refers to Alan Rubin as a character in the movie, not the real Alan (although he obvsly played himself but you know what I mean)
I’d like to add that I made everyone of the band a few years younger (so the age gap between the reader and Alan isn’t that big), so he’s approx. in his early 30s.
Sophia & Lisa are two OCs created by two lovely people within the fandom.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, COs having some kind of breakdown
So the next two chapters are gonna be somewhat of a bumpy ride for Charlotte. Just please stay and bear with me until the end of chapter 4, when the magic starts happening. Xx
Chapter III
The next morning Charlotte was having breakfast with her family. “I didn’t hear you coming home last night.” Her dad gave her a harsh look. “Well, yes it got pretty late. I fell asleep during the last movie and the girls felt so sorry for me they didn’t wanna wake me up!” She laughed, trying to lighten up the mood but her father just starred at her emotionless. “I’m sorry, dad. I promise it won’t happen again.”, she added in a apologising tone, which seemed to soothe him. “What films did you watch?”, her sister asked curiously. Charlotte looked at her with big eyes. What the hell? She knew her sister asked that without any ulterior motive, it was just her way but still… “You know, those classic ones. Halloween and some romcom in the end to lift everyone’s spirits.” 
“Was it worth watching?” Oh for crying out loud! Thankfully the phone starting ringing, Charlotte’s mother picked it up. “Hello, Sylvia Ellington speaking.... Hun, it’s for you, it’s Lisa!” The girl quickly jumped to her feet. “May I take it in my room, please?” Her mother looked at her husband and gave her daughter a quick nod. In her room Charlotte took the phone to sit on her bed. “Lisa?” “Hiya!” “How was your evening with Lou? Did you…?” “Naah, we didn’t. But it was lovely seeing him again, I missed him so much. He’s just so shy sometimes. I mean I love that about him, I just wish he’d take the initiative more often.” “I’m sure he will eventually. It was your third date after all. Take it as a compliment that he ain’t rushing things and wants you both to be ready.” “I hope you’re right. Sooo…? You and Alan? I saw you two leave…?” “Yeah, yeah stop it right there. He took me home like a gentleman.” “BORING! Nah, I’m just kidding.” Charlotte sighed. “You know, I like him but I don’t know anything about him. Is he single or seeing anyone? Perhaps he was just trying to be friendly, taking the opportunity for a nice drink. No more, no less.” “Just ask him out on a date, pretty sure his reaction will tell.” “And what if he’s interested in a casual hook-up only? I don’t wanna make a fool out of myself.” “I’m afraid you won’t know if you don’t try.” “Hmm.. But I know someone who DOES know! Lou! I’m sure he knows what’s going on in Alan’s life, you always told me there were close.” “Yeah but.. I don’t know. It would feel strange asking Lou about Alan for you.” Both girls were silent for a moment. “Wait, I’ve got an idea.” Lisa said excitedly. “I’m meeting Lou in his lunch break at the cafe tomorrow noon. You could accidentally bump into us and join us.” Charlotte giggled. “Sounds perfect. I see you then!”
The next day Lisa opened the door to the small Soul Food Café on Maxwell Street and greeted the waitress with a warm smile. “Hi Mrs. Murphy!” “Hello sugar, nice to see you again.” Lisa sticked her head in the kitchen. “Hey Lou!” He looked up from the dishes and his face lighted up the moment he saw his girl. “Give me a minute, babe. Right with you.” Lisa smiled and chose a table at the window. She ordered Lou’s and her favourite dish and watched him as he left the kitchen. He quickly pulled off his hair net and gave her a kiss before sitting down. “Food’s already on it’s way.” He grabbed her hand and caressed it with his thumb. “I’m so happy to be back after our tour. I love performing with the boys but I felt sorry for leaving you so early in our relationship.” He softly brushed a strain out of her face when he got interrupted by someone banging against the window. Charlotte. She quickly walked inside. “Oh my God what are you two doing here?” “Well for starters, I work here.” “Would you like to join us, Charlie?” “Sure, why not, thanks. How are you two doing?” “Good thanks, we were about to have lunch.” The tall, handsome man said. The girls gave each other a look, without saying a word. Lou’s eyes wandered from one girl to the other and back again. “You two are terrible actors, you know that.” And he started to laugh. “Why are you here, Charlotte?” “I’m sorry, Lou. It’s because of Alan. I had a lovely time with him the other night and was wondering, is he dating anyone recently?” “Hard to tell, really. I mean with us touring in the last couple of months, it was difficult for all of us to meet anyone at all. I know that he used to see a woman named Lari. They also met a few times when we where on tour. Think she owns her own business, forcing her to travel quite a lot through the states.” “Are they… dating? I mean is it anything serious?” “I don’t even know if they still see each other.” “So nothing serious?” Charlotte kept pestering him. Lou sighed. “Listen, Alan’s one of my best mates but you should know that he’s quite popular with the ladies. Even I can see how good looking he is. Every concert he had some other woman showing up for him backstage and I can’t remember the last time he was in a serious commitment.” He could see the disappointment and sadness in Charlotte’s face and felt sorry for her. “But you’ll never know. Perhaps when the right one crosses his way.” “I heard you, Lou. but thanks for the effort to cheer me up.” She quickly got up from her seat “Really sorry for spoiling your little date.” And with that she left the cafe, Lisa running after her. “Charlie wait, please!” She finally had caught up with her. “I’m sorry Lou didn’t tell you what you’ve wanted to hear.” “It doesn’t matter okay? I don’t even know why I got my hopes up in the first place, we had a drink, that’s all.” Lisa looked at her friend with compassion in her eyes, grabbing on of Charlotte’s hands. “I guess, Alan’s been the first one who showed any interest in me for quite some time and it felt nice.” She looked down at her hands, fiddling around. “Honey I’m sure someone will come along eventually.” “Right, and as soon as the meet my dad they’ll keep running away.” “Don’t you think it’s time to move out? Sophia got her own place, too.” “I already told you, I can’t. It’s complicated. I don’t expect you to understand.” She freed herself from Lisa hand and started walking down the street. “Charlotte!” But she started to walk faster until she ran, disappearing in the crowd on the streets. Lisa went back inside the cafe and sat next to Lou, who softly put his arm around his girl. “I’m sorry for what I’ve said, I didn’t think she’d take it so hard.” She gave him a quick snog on his cheek, reassuring him that her friend would be okay, though she couldn’t stop thinking about her and how hurt she was.
Charlotte got home around dinner time and found her mother in the kitchen preparing food. “Mum?” She leaned against the worktop, resting on her elbows. “I’m thinking about moving out.” Her mother dropped the knife and looked at her concerned. “This again? Don’t let your father hear about your ideas.” “What ideas?” The two women were startled and turned their back to face Charlotte’s father, who had gotten back from work. “I still wanna get my own place, dad!” “I thought we’ve talked about this way too often, Charlotte.” “But I’m old enough, I could get a job and pay for the rent of a little room myself.” She watched him pouring a glass of whiskey and taking a sip. “Dad?!” He crashed the glass down onto the table. “This still ins’t open for discussion! As long as I’m paying for your education, you stay where I can keep an eye on you!” He said angry. “No one’s asking you to pay.”,  Charlotte mumbled away and was about to leave the room. “What did you just say?” “Nothing!… Right so perhaps I don’t wanna study law.” “Don’t you forget that your mother and I had to go through a lot of trouble to get you that college place, considering your poor grades.” He walked towards her with big steps, shaking his finger at her. “Well, would have been nice if you had asked me before.” “Do you even listen to what you’re saying?! Have we left our manners at the door once more?” He was furious and discounted his glass from the kitchen table in one motion. Charlotte hated seeing him like this and it was one of those moments when she had to decide whether to retreat, displaying her fear of him or stand her ground, and for the first time ever she decided for the letter. When her father got closer, she could feel her knees began to buckle, she was trembling. Suddenly he grabbed her throat, pushing her head up and forcing her to look at him. “Once in your poor, miserable life you got the chance to do something useful with it. And we’re sticking it up your erse. Show some fuckin gratitude. If it wasn’t for you mother you wouldn’t even be standing here!” He yelled at his daughter wrathful and she felt his spit on her face. She knew what he meant by that. She knew that her father didn’t want her, when her mom, his girlfriend at that time, told him she was pregnant with his kid. “And clean up this mess! Your mother doesn’t have to do everything around here.” He added before he left hold of her and stormed out.
As it got dark Charlotte checked on her parents in the living room, both had fallen asleep in their armchairs. She left the house for a walk, which would hopefully get her mind off her toxic parents. She wasn’t living far away form Chicago city, so eventually she bought herself a beer at some street shop and set down on the pavement between two parked cars, hugging her knees. I will be stuck with them until I’ve finished college. If I finish at all. If he doesn’t care for me why doesn’t he let me go. It wasn’t the first time that night when she thought about just leaving, running away from her family.
And then she heard it. His laugh. His warm and soft giggle. She looked up but couldn’t see no one. There it was again. And then she saw him. He was walking on the other side of the road. A lady at his side, one arm tugged into him. She was absolutely gorgeous, tall, long, straight blond hair, wearing heels, a mini skirt underlining her stunning long legs and as it seemed his jacket hang over her shoulders. They both were laughing and smiling at each other. And Charlotte felt a deep, sharp pain in her heart. She was purely crushed seeing him with another woman. And before she knew it they were out of her sight, disappearing behind some cars.
She laid her head on her arms, squinting her bleary eyes. She wasn’t angry with him. But with herself. Disappointed she had left him into her heart so early, without knowing so less of him. And she felt stupid, like a teenager for getting her hopes up only because she liked him, only because he was nice to her. She felt stupid for believing a man like him could be interested in someone like her, when he could be with an actor or a model, literally anyone.  And a single tear ran down her cheek before she started weeping into her arms, trying to wash away the entire day.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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cinnamon-bebe · 5 years
Remember Us
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(Sebastian x Reader)
Summary: Some mistakes cannot be fixed. A couple must come to terms with their loss.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, bereavement, cheating, mentions of abortions.
(’Re-purposing’ and embellishing an old storyline I had written for a fic years ago)
My feeble fingers fumble for the stereo in an attempt to put an end to the miserable love song on the radio but of course, I fail spectacularly, dialing up the volume with all my drunkenness.
“And I wish I could leave my bones
And my skin
And float over the tired, tired sea
So, that I could see you again
Maybe you would leave too
And we’d blindly pass each other
Floating over the ocean blue
Just to find the warm bed of our lover”
Why must the radio torment me tonight?
I try to change the station as I grip onto the steering wheel, I feel my car sway from side to side but it’s fine. There’s no one here, I’m all alone.
I soon come to realise that the music isn’t coming from the radio, rather a CD inside my stereo. Ripping out disc, my bleary eyes make out the name; Gregory Alan Isakov.
She must have forgotten this.
God, I shouldn’t be driving. If my agent knew, she’d be livid but for the sake of my sanity, I couldn’t stay at that PR sham any longer. Seeing all those phoney faces, pretending to be interested. Pretending to be into my hot new co-star, all for the sake of eliciting some publicity for our film. The only thing that made the night bearable, was the endless supply of booze. No doubt the organisers were hoping for the press to catch some drunken antics by the bevy of celebrities; we’ve got a movie to sell, all publicity is good publicity right? And I almost succumbed to it if it wasn’t for Maddie, physically holding me back from taking another swig straight from the champagne bottle. I was being every agent’s nightmare and she wasn’t afraid to tell it to my face. In fact, she ordered me straight into the men’s room to “fix myself up” before I dare make another appearance back at our table. She probably thinks I’m still in there.
I remember now. She used to love this album.
I throw the disc onto the empty seat next to me, as the house finally comes to view. I pull up on the side of the road; the lights are off, she’s not home.
The deafening silence in the car hurts. I feel my brain trying to sober me up but my mind just isn’t ready yet. I fall back against the headrest, my hands on the wheel to steady myself, to keep my head from spinning.
She’s usually home by now.
I reach for my phone, hopeful that Y/N had come around and returned one of my calls.  
A text from my mother at 3.
A couple of missed calls from Chris at 7.
3 voicemails twenty minutes ago from Maddie; probably figured out I was gone.
My fingers slide over my contact list until it finds a familiar number, one I have hesitated to call lately after our last encounter but I guess, the alcohol is fuelling some sort of blind courage tonight.
“Liv? It’s me…Seb.” I slur. I figure the louder I speak the more comprehensible I would sound.
“Wow, you have some nerve don’t you? Did I not make myself clear last time?”
I wince at the hostility in her voice.
“Is Y/N with you? She’s not picking up her phone…I’m outside her house right now.“
“Jesus Christ Sebastian. Just leave her alone okay? She doesn’t need this right now! She doesn’t need you fucking with her head anymore!”
I’m sure Liv is just as sick of me as Y/N.
The last 5 months I have been trying to see Y/N, to tell her how sorry I am, to fix our lives but she’s manage to avoid me in every way imaginable.
Her locks are changed, she no longer frequents the places that we loved and I know she’s taken extra shifts at the hospital, all to avoid seeing me; the pariah.
Liv was my only window to her, to find out how she was doing.
After my last attempt to raid Liv’s house for her, she’s cut off all contact from me.
I’m surprised this woman hasn’t hung up yet.
“I just want to know that she’s alright…that’s all I want to know Liv. I miss her.”
I feel as if my entire body is sinking, my shoulders grow heavy and the exhaustion of everything that has happened, all hitting me at once. Blow after blow.
I cry down the phone to her best friend who hates me.
My Olivia.
My Olivia who was always in my corner whenever I fought with Y/N, helped her see past all the stupid shit I’d do, helped her see the rational side of things whenever she had doubts. Liv was our family who had been through it all, seen all our good and plenty of the bad. God knows how many times she intervened to save our relationship.
Seems as though this time, not even Liv can salvage what is left.
The line crackles as she sighs.
“Seb…we both know this is better for Y/N. She needs to move on and you do too.”
“I don’…I can’t. I can’t lose her, not like this. I can fix this.” My cries become uncontrollable, I have ruined the expensive suit I’ve been wearing, if it wasn’t already been marred by the stench of booze.
“Seb. There’s just nothing you can do. She doesn’t want anything to do with you.”
“Liv please. Help me, I know you can help me.” I regain an inch of control over my sobs, holding onto the last sliver of dignity that I have left.
“How?“ She sighs, exasperated. “How do you expect me to fix… this?”
“Just tell me where she is.”
She pauses, I can hear her contemplating over the line.
“She’s gone on out with someone.“ She says curtly. "She should be back soon but you need to be gone by then.”
Before I could even respond, she hangs up the phone.
Is she seeing someone?
I pull my palms across my face, cleaning myself up as I run through all the possibilities of who Y/N could be out with at this hour.
I adjust myself in my seat. I’ll sit out here for as long as I need.
I have to see her tonight.
The car ride home was quiet. I had fiddled with my nails all the way through, scratching out bits of the red varnish I had spent so much time and effort painting on. The air conditioning was blowing directly at me, much to my discomfort but I didn’t want to break the peace and ask for it to be turned off.
It’s fine now. We’re outside my house.
“I had I great time Y/N.” Josh holds my hand, affectionately running his thumb against my skin.  
Handsome, smart, dependable Josh. Perfect. Just perfect. Which is exactly why I am kicking myself for feeling so miserable this whole night.
I had went all out to pump myself up for this date, even so much as buying a ridiculously expensive dress that I’ll probably never wear again.
We’ve been seeing each other for the past couple weeks, yet I feel nothing. No butterflies. No chemistry.
“Me too.” I lie.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He begins to stroke my face, my body fighting its urge to flinch.
Slowly, he draws me closer, planting a soft and affectionate kiss on my lips; which I return. A part of me hoping it will ignite some spark but instead, only the desire to push him off and run.  
“Good night Josh. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I pull away, hoping he misses the aggrieved expression on my face.
I can tell he is disappointed that I didn’t invite him in but I just can’t. I’m not ready no matter how many times I tell myself I am. It’s been 5 months and the thought of having another man in my house still makes my stomach turn.
I give him a final wave as I leave his car. Making my way to my door, my feet drags slowly behind on the pavement, pained from wearing the stilettos I had reserved for special occasions.
From the corner of my eye, I swear I could see a familiar car.
No. My mind must be playing tricks.
I fumble away for my keys as I reach the steps of my porch.
I halt to a stop.
My breath hitches as he emerges from the shadows, gathering himself up from where he was sitting on the floor.
His voice. That voice that’s been haunting me, turns me immediately on my heels and sends me running in the opposite direction.
He pulls me from behind. I feel myself numb in his arms, his body pressed so tightly against mine as he holds me hostage in the dark.
“Get off Sebastian.” I try to whisper, remain as calm as my mind would allow. The last thing I want is to wake my neighbours and invite them to this little peep show.
“I want to talk to you Y/N. Please.” He’s been drinking, I can smell it from his pores.
“Get off.” I try to turn myself around, facing him so I could push his heavy chest away.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just get off!” I begin hitting him, smacking him hard in the torso. Even just an inch between us would allow me to escape.
“We can work through this, it’s us.“
I refuse to respond.
"It’s us.” He cries, dropping his arms from around me, finding my hands instead. He rests his forehead against mine, his tears hot on my cold skin.
I upset the moment pushing him one last time. His reflexes falter causing him to stumble, permitting me to break away.
I harshly jerk from his clasp, ignoring him clamouring after me. I rush to my door with the keys shaking in my hands.
“Will you just talk to me? Please!” He gets angry with me.
The audacity.
I ignore him again, trying my best to get my hands to function, to get the key in.
“You think you’re the only one hurting Y/N?”
The keys drop from my hands, along with my every chance to get away, hitting the wooden slabs of my porch with a loud thud.
“GOD!” I scream. At him. At myself. I stare at my keys sitting so helplessly on the floor, as I fall down myself.
How have I become so weak?
I no longer recognise what I have become, what we have become.
I have spent every ounce of my energy trying to recover some form of normalcy back in my life, convincing my friends, myself, that everything is fine, that my world isn’t falling apart. I try so hard but I can never fool myself. The world can see right through me, no matter how much I force that smile.
“Y/N.“ Sebastian collapses beside me, tugging at my arm. "Look at me, please.” He grabs my wrist, propping my hands against his pain ridden face.
"I know I can’t do things over, I can’t change what happened but we can overcome this. W-we can make it through the other side.”
I sit motionless in his arms.
The night is dark, so dark it seems we were exiled from the world. It must be 2, 3 am in the morning by now, not a decibel disturbing the street.
Sebastian starts to relax his hold on me, I can feel him slowly sobering up as he rests his head on my lap, his face nestled close to my stomach. The vitality we once had has drained out of us, our lifeless vessels too weak to go on.
I look down at him, his eyes are closed as he murmurs inaudible words into my abdomen.
“We lost the baby.”  I whispered.
“I know.”
The reality of those words cut me in a million ways. I have never dared utter those words out loud, too afraid to speak the truth into existence.
“I did this, didn’t I? I made you lose the baby.” Sebastian looks up at me, his eyes vacant; dying.
I can’t find the will to respond.
I’ve spent so long placing the blame on him, why is it suddenly so hard to say it out loud now?
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peach-pops · 4 years
hello! may i request a romantic matchup? i’m a 5’7 and heterosexual female who is very introverted and bashful. i have dark skin with black eyes and long, black hair that i normally wear in a ponytail. i also wear glasses. i have an infj-t personality type. i tend to avoid large crowds a lot since i can be quite awkward when talking to people sometimes. but, i’m a pretty happy and kind person that cares about others and tries to cheer people up if they’re feeling sad. (part 1) 🦑🦑
My brain short-circuited when I read league of legends cause my brother has been playing it this whole quarantine and I swear he will not stop screaming at nighttime over it. 
i’m also a pretty smart and hardworking person that is optimistic about the future. my zodiac sign is pisces and my hogwarts house is hufflepuff, which is accurate for a friendly and forgiving person like me. my favorite color is blue, but i also enjoy green since they go well together imo. i enjoy playing video games and rhythm games, writing, reading, watching anime, watching memes, sleeping, and eating food in my free time. (part 2) 🦑🦑 || (cont)  i also enjoy playing basketball and volleyball in my free time too. however, i mainly play video games like splatoon and league of legends since games are really fun. i tend to be attracted to people who are quiet, calm, caring, and aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in. i’m also attracted to people who are taller than me and have similar interests as me. but, i’m fine with being with anyone since opposites can attract! (part 3) 🦑🦑 || (cont)  if i had a significant other, i would totally play video games with them (like a chill date) or eat ice cream with them since i love food. in a relationship, i would be very loyal to my lover and would never leave them for someone else. i would be very gentle and patient with giving affection just in case my lover is just as shy as me. i also would do anything to protect them and do my best to give them a lot of affection in order to show my love for them. (part 4) 🦑🦑 || (cont)  my favorite song is either pop/stars by kda, miracle by chvrches, or lily by alan walker ft. emelie hollow. thanks in advance! (part 5) 🦑🦑
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I ship you with Kenma!
You two have been friends for so long so it was only a matter of time before you two started to see each other in a different light 
Honestly, you can’t even pinpoint when the two of you started dating. When Kuroo would tease the two of you about dating, it just kinda stuck and now boom, certified love birds
Kenma really appreciates the two of you taking things slow especially since you both are pretty shy but that doesn’t stop him from being a great boyfriend
Even when he’s out hanging with other members of Nekoma, he’s always thinking about you and sending you pictures of cats with edited hearts around it cause uwu am i right
*Sends pic*
 “ Aw cute cat! do u miss me?”
“ I always miss you”
I know all couples have to fight but between you two, there is never anything to argue about because you’re one of the few people in his life that has never annoyed him so why pick a fight? 
Both of your temperaments are the same and when people hang out with you, you both just radiate calm energy ( unless Lev is around cause Lev just brings out such a weird side to Kenma)
IDC what anyone says, I know Kenma is shy and all but he will always speak his mind and you admire that about him
You never have to guess what he’s thinking but you’re so quick to read him anyway and vice versa 
If you guys are ever out together with his teammates and it gets too hectic, you two can just look at each other and you know what the other person is thinking
*I rather be home to be honest*
*Same here, lets leave so we can hop on league and order takeout*
And you both would just smile at each other cause damn, yall both know each other so well 
ALSO?!? Napping with Kenma hits different like you both probably fall asleep back to back but when you both wake up, you two are cuddling and facing each other and Kenma does not mind at all 
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fleurpurr · 5 years
A mere glimpse into the true vastness of Alan’s kindness and friendship. (A long read, but well worth it)
A friend of Alan Rickman, Peter Kyle, has shared a beautifully moving tribute on Facebook. 
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Alan Rickman: The Most Beautiful, Fearless, Person I've Met
“We’ve lost another giant. Someone who made us laugh, who thrilled kids with his sinister and sensitive portrayal of Snape, and who made us sob with his achingly beautiful portrayal of grief with Juliet Stephenson in Truly, Madly, Deeply. So collectively we say goodbye to someone who brought us together with his awesome talent. This is true for me, but I have also lost a very great friend too, a most beautiful, fearless, and caring presence who’s been in my life for almost 25 years.
Way back in the early ’90’s when I was just 21 years old, I was part of a small group of people setting up an aid agency and we needed money and support. I wrote to the star of Die Hard and Robin Hood, who’s career had just gone through the roof, and a week later he was in touch. Together we put on a show at the Brighton Dome called The British In Love.
But Alan would never have been happy just handing over a cheque. His brain was creative and strategic, so he would help us solve problem after problem in the years ahead. Soon after The British in Love he called me up and said a film he was working on had finished ahead of schedule and he has a few days free. So together we flew out to north east Romania to join the team working in an orphanage supported by the money he helped raise. The kids adored him, but the hardened team of care workers did too. The village we lived in had no running water and he was first down to the spring to collect water for everyone in the morning. He slept on the floor of a school hut with the rest of us; I remember waking up on the first morning to have Alan peer over from his sleeping bag and say in his trademark droll tone, ‘you didn’t mention that mice would feature so prominently in our trip’. The room was infested and you could feel them running over you at night — I had forgotten to warn him, something he ribbed me about periodically for decades.
At key times in my life, he was always, unstintingly, there. He desperately wanted people to use all their talent and he hated it when friends talked themselves down. Once we were walking down a street and I laughingly said, ‘oh the university have suggested I do a doctorate’. He asked why I was laughing. When I said that people like me don’t do PhD’s and, anyway, I’m not bright enough, he stopped in his tracks and rounded on me. He literally tore strips from me for underestimating my own potential, for taking the easy way out by not taking something tough but achievable seriously. He took me back to his flat and sat me down with his partner, Rima, who was a lecturer, and from that moment sprang the first step to me becoming Dr Peter Kyle. I wasn't alone either, there are dozens of people out there who have similar stories to me.
With his resolution came extraordinary sensitivity and caring though. I worked myself too hard writing my thesis and became ill at one point. He called once to say ‘hello’ and didn’t believe me when I said I was fine, he heard something in my voice. Half an hour later came another call, ‘I’ve booked us tickets to Circ de Solei tonight, you’re coming up, staying over, and having an evening off. I won’t take no for an answer!’. He was right, or course.
We know about his career, but there’s more to it than people realise. He was fearless and values-driven — not just in his personal life but whenever he could professionally too. The best example is Rachel Corrie. Rachel was a young American diarist who became a campaigner for Palestinian communities in the West Bank. She died under an Israeli bulldozer and her diaries told the story of her journey. Rachel’s parents treasured the diaries and wanted them to inspire others, but were careful about who to trust to tell the story. Alan met them and grew to love them and lovingly adapted the diaries for stage and directed the play both in London and New York. There were protests and rancorous arguments about such challenging subjects, but in his heart he knew the story was sincere, powerful, and need to be told and nothing would stop him.
I learned so much from Alan. He was disciplined, fun-loving, and thought deeply about people and the world. A great example of what it's like to be his friend is when I was staying with Alan and Rima in Italy. One morning he said we were meeting some friends for lunch, so I drove us. The friends turned out to be Richard and Ruth Rogers, the architect and famous chef, and some other amazingly successful and talented people. I was awestruck by each and every one of them. The conversation, the food, and setting was like nothing I’d ever experienced. As we were driving home he said to me, “you know we always go through life thinking of ‘what’s next’. That was a great lunch, what’s for dinner? That project went well, but quick I need another one. But sometimes you have to stop and say to yourself, ‘this is as good as it gets’ and celebrate the moment. Today was as good as it gets for me and I want you to know that.”
What a moment to share. What a beautiful thing to say. And what a fantastic insight into how to enjoy life and recognise the people who make it special.
Last year Alan came to campaign for me in Hove for the day. What he really wanted to do was thank the people who had worked so hard for my election. I’m posting a photo from that day, it was very special to everyone. The public moments are what everyone sees, but what people didn’t know was that even though he was directing his film with Kate Winslet, A Little Chaos, he was also calling and emailing me furiously with lovingly supporting messages, urging me to stay focussed, to work hard, but most of all, to never forget to listen to people.
I write with a swelling heart and tears in my eyes. I loved him very, very much I’m glad from looking at the news today that so many of you did too, Peter”
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“Watching, Potential, Learn, Grow, Provoke, Consume, Reward, Patience”
(Spotify Link x)
Episodes 1 - 30 
Shoulders Back- Honest Men (On the open ocean he is welcome, he is free, he is comfortable. It is his first and only real home.)
Shoulders back Blades together Chest held high Free forever Dominion is never ending Kingdom come a new beginning
Randy Dandy Oh- Assassins Creed 4 (Out to sea they go. A simple merchant trade run, business as usual)
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn Weigh hey, roll and go! Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
That Sea, The Gambler- Gregory Alan Isakov (Every trip is a gamble, a hand they willingly play, but this venture was cursed from the beginning)
Cursed your captain and stow me below Hole me amongst all your cards Oh we were sea bound, and aimless at best Clutching to the wheel and those charts But that sea was just a gambler at heart
Notos- The Oh Hellos (The storm rolls in, but it is an explosion in the night that brings the ship down, and Fjord with it)
And every word you shouldn't say Will come bubbling out of your throat But you've got no one left to blame For the things you lost to the winds of Notos
Under the Water- AURORA (Drowning. The glowing eye of an alien god. Fjord catches the attention of an ancient entity)
So many souls, that lost control Where did they fall? Into the deep, what do they seek? Where did they fall? Where did they fall?
Sea Tune- Elephant Sessions (Washed up on shore, he wakes with no memories of an deal struck. He makes his way back to Port Damali, and upon arriving trades the storm for a hurricane named Jester)
SeagullxEagle- Tall Tall Trees (Together they make their way up north to the empire, kindred opposites)
When we’re together, birds of a feather I make you lazy, you keep me sharp There’s not escaping the love that’s forsaken Why must we fake them when he knew from the start!
Running from My Savior- Wolfie’s Just Fine (It is unclear if he is trying to convince himself or others that he is not running from anything. Perhaps both.)
Stampin at my feet Try to catch my breath And the memories The fire in my chest Running from my savior I'm in danger But I'm not afraid because I am god
I Can’t Tell My Secret Weapon- Chessboxer (The events of Trostenwald)
Blood On My Name- The Brothers Bright (On the open road from Trostenwald to Alfield he dreams, drowning again in his sleep, meeting again, an mysterious force that speaks, consume, learn, grow, potential)
There's a reckonin' a-comin' And it burns beyond the grave Lead inside my belly 'cause my soul has lost its way Oh, Lazarus How did your debts get paid? Oh, Lazarus Were you so afraid?
I’m Okay- Honest Men (Again, he tries his best to convince the others that he is fine, a poor effort to convince himself in the process)
Outside polished clean A good degree, a movie screen, commercial But to my defeat My mind’s a mess, the guilty stress, impress you My philosophy Is that the more I give the more you see what I do Tell me I’m alright
Silence- Marshmello, Khalid (A life spent fighting, a comfort gained then lost. Fjord’s life has never been smooth, but he does his best to make peace with it)
Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter (fighter) 'Cause all my life, I've been fighting Never felt a feeling of comfort All this time, I've been hiding And I never had someone to call my own, oh nah I'm so used to sharing Love only left me alone But I'm at one with the silence
I’m Always Walking as Somebody Else- American Murder Song (He has always been good with accents, with changing his gait, his posture, his appearance. His life has been a practice in observance and alteration. Again he dreams, of swords, and wakes to blood)
Pull down my sleeve, bury my flag Whistle for a stranger, one two three bang! One two three bang! Shaved off my knot But not this vest I am a survivor West young man west West young man west West young man west I'm always walking as somebody else
Ditchdigger- Tyler Lyle (The Nein are nothing like he has ever known before, but he appreciates them for all they are and do. For the first time in a long time, he finds himself comfortable)
I choose my eyes wide open And my heart half-broken every time Over the gilded golden shackle And the reassuring sentimental lie I’ve seen the rolling meadows And the cruelest ghettos in this town. I know the baker and the undertaker And the girl with the stars on her gown.
Here I Stand- The Ballroom Thieves (He wasn’t watching, wasn’t listening hard enough. It was his fault, he knows it was, is, will be. With nothing to offer he bargains with an unfeeling god that they’ll get out of this, even if he doesn’t)
Well, I've said it before My hands have been holding the door I am heavy of heart, I am not in control Lord, forgive me, I'm bargaining Fervor for stones, singing Oh
Glendale- Clans (Post-rescue. The guilt sets in. The rest of them, they try to tell him that it isn’t his fault, but he can’t believe them, not really. He wouldn’t blame them, even if he does himself)
I won’t die this way, Got a broken heart ‘bout ready to escape And a mouth full of bitterness I can taste it still I wonder if you hate me now… And this is the end of us, the end of us I swear, you are it
The Ocean- Dar Williams (Heading towards the Menagerie Coast. A weird mix of emotions for the place he grew up, that swallowed him whole, and gave him a shelter, and spat him back out again. He wonders if it will welcome him back as he does it, but he is happy for Jester)
I went back to the ocean today With my books and my papers I went to the rocks by the ocean But the weather changed quickly, oh the ocean said “What are you trying to find, I don’t care, I’m not kind I’ve bludgeoned your sailors, I’ve spat out their keepsakes Oh it’s ashes to ashes, but always the ocean,” But the ocean can’t come to this town, this town is a song about you
Sea Legs- The Ballroom Thieves (Growing pains. The exploration of passages long shuttered, of scars long healed. He searches for himself, and comes out stronger for it)
A dark night at sea And no one but me To hold on to these old sails Who's steering this ship Oh, and where is the rest of it Still homesick for a foreign harbor
Moving Forward- Colony House (An exercise in moving forward, this time not alone. For once, Fjord is really, truly happy. Whatever comes their way, he can face it)
I found life and I found laughter In forgiveness, I found rest On the shoulders of redemption I found hope when hope was dead I could lose it in a moment So I dare not close my eyes I'll watch fear fall with the sunset And see hope rise with the tide And when the pain is true Sometimes these troubles prove that I'm alive
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jewrocker · 4 years
Biden’s “Impossible Dream”
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Along with the other eighty-million Americans with an IQ over five, I too am doing backflips at the prospect we’re just weeks away from flushing this unprecedentedly corrupt and incomprehensibly cruel administration into the cesspool of infamy where they belong.  However, as ecstatic as I am at the thought of an actual human being once again occupying the Oval Office, one must still be realistic as to what to expect going forward.  Sadly, it seems, to the contrary of our president-elect.
President Biden’s statement that he intends to be a president ‘...to all Americans’, while admirable and more than a welcome change from the incoherent ramblings of the Mad King, seems to be more than a bit out of touch with what’s actually going on in this country in 2020, and beyond.  While he may indeed devote every ounce of energy to this seemingly insurmountable task, unity is still a two-way street.  Last we checked, there’s a massive concrete divider in the middle of this one.  A concept that the president-elect inexplicably doesn’t seem to fully have grasped.  Especially, considering, as a former vice-president, he lived through eight years of Senate Republicans sticking it to his boss every chance they got.  I mean, “Hello, McFly?”  Do you really believe Congressional Republicans are just going to snap out of their near twenty-year trance because you’re friends with them? 
Exhibit One: Leader McConnell.
If you’re old enough to remember the Obama years, you’ll have no trouble recalling the now-infamous line uttered by that bastion of Honor and Ethics, Mitch McConnell.  That being, “My only goal for the next four years is to make Obama a one-term president.”  Aside from being borderline treason for a Senator to openly admit he’s going to spend every waking moment betraying his oath in order to achieve his despicably anti-American goal, “Moscow Mitch,” as he’s now affectionately known, hasn’t changed a bit.  In fact, he’s gotten worse, and, thanks to his miraculous re-election in a state that had him at just an 18% approval rating, more emboldened. 
After shamelessly defending our Russian-asset POTUS at every opportunity, including predicting the outcome of an impeachment hearing before it actually took place, the worst leader in the history of the United States Senate spent the past four years doing NOTHING, but filling an unprecedented number of conservative judgeships; including, surprise, the Supreme Court, where the louse seemed to actually revel in reneging on his own call to wait until after the election to choose a replacement for Justice Ginsberg.  No policy.  No compromise.  No nothing.  Nothing, that is, but increasing the deficit by trillions and making sure his corporate cronies are exempt from responsibility due to their shameful response to the pandemic.  I guess that’s something. 
Thus, unless our incoming president is suffering from severe amnesia, he should have no illusions that, following the Georgia runoffs (should Republicans maintain the stranglehold they currently enjoy), there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell McConnell, the demonic amphibian he is, will allow any dissenters to side with the president, on anything. Not a bill to curtail the amount of robocalls one gets on a daily basis, nor a motion to change the ketchup dispenser in the congressional cafeteria.
Exhibit Two:  Trump’s Minions 
If, after witnessing 126 House Republicans sign onto what is nothing short of a statement supporting the overthrowing of our Democracy, as well as several Republican Senators coming out in support of objecting to the States’ already-certified electors, anyone who thinks president Biden will somehow get these cockroaches to join hands singing Kumbaya, is living on another planet.  In fact, from what we’ve seen in the last six weeks, alone, it’s fair to say Congressional Republicans are now more of a threat to our nation than ISIS.  Yes, that ISIS.  At least, the Islamic State have the decency to tell you to your face exactly what their objective is: The total destruction of American Democracy.  Period.  Modern day Republicans have proven they have the same exact goal; they just do it from within, disguised as “patriots.”
Exhibit Three:  Seventy-Million Idiots
In spite of the Deplorables on The Hill, the biggest hurdle the president, and vice-president, have in front of them may very well be the American People, themselves.  While there’s got to be a few million in the human Chernobyl’s base of seventy-million-plus who aren’t full-blown, racist psychopaths, there are still way too many who’ve shown they’re fully committed to the cult of Trump.  Even now.  Even though their government led them into a year-long nightmare of misery and misinformation: even as their apathetic leaders choose to bail out their billionaire buddies, while sending them a $600 slap in the face, they continue to support them. Unmoved.
Even though Benedict Donald has spent the past two months proving he has zero interest in/reverence for this Democracy and in a peaceful transference of power, truth is, outside of maybe a handful of ‘awoke’ individuals who’ve finally seen enough, he’s most likely not lost a single one of his hardcore supporters.  In fact, many of them have doubled down in their support of the village idiot - going as far as to organize a “parallel inauguration” on Universe Two - the fantasy world where Trump will still be president (Most pundits refer to Trump supporters as living on ‘Earth 2,’ but their thinking is so alien to facts/common sense, IMO, they deserve their own universe.).   These sad, sorry fools fell hook, line and sinker for the president’s claims of “fraud”, to the tune of stocking his post-election war chest with a cool quarter-billion dollars.  Translation: you’re looking at an entire sect of people who have no basis in reality.  So, who’s worse?  The Trump supporter?  Or the one who tries to reason with the Trump supporter? 
These Trump-described “suckers,” who, in spite of everything they’ve seen, in spite of the fact we have a president who’s golfing while millions can’t even put food on their table during the holidays (those still alive that is) are still so consumed with hate for the other side, they’d rather see their nation brought to the brink of civil war than be governed by a Democrat.  They’d rather elect a corrupt, bottom-dwelling QAnon conspirator to Congress, than an honest, sane liberal whose major crime is refusing to believe Tom Hanks and Bill Gates are partners in a global kiddie porn empire.  Case in point, the more than dozen House seats that flipped red this past November, and, with them, some who actually believe the above.  This kind of unhinged, spiteful, masochistic thinking suggests the hate modern day Republicans have towards liberals is greater than the love they have for their own children.   Good luck overcoming that type of home-grown martyr, Mr. President.  
Exhibit Four: Biden, Himself:
The welcome, sorely needed public comments seeking to reunite a hopelessly divided nation, notwithstanding, by stating what the New York Times calls “no interest” in pursuing any type of retribution/Justice, re: the myriad of crimes committed by this horrific administration, IMO, the president-elect has already stepped in it.  Especially after the Georgia phone call. 
It’s never a good idea to address your supporters, many of whom feel they’re owed some form of payback after being forced to watch helplessly as their Constitution was consistently used as toilet paper by a mob boss POTUS for four, long years, and, right out of the gate, say you’re just going to forget the whole thing.  After all, this isn’t Nixon we’re talking about here. This is a thousand Nixons... on steroids.  This is treason in all its forms.  The attempt to “find” 11,780 votes, just one more than Biden, is the most egregious crime ever committed by a U.S. President. Yet, the president-elect continues to spew this type of disappointing, non-confrontational rhetoric. While hopefully just said for the cameras, it definitely gives many of the incoming president’s supporters, including Yours Truly, night sweats.  
In fact, IMO, SDNY aside, letting these, spineless, racist, anti-American miscreants sail off into the sunset, with free health care for life and full pensions, on us, would be worse than all their crimes put together.  As it will not only show the next corrupt bunch of lawless idiots to come down the pike they can do whatever they want and they’re guaranteed a free pass from the next guy, it will end our experiment in Democracy as we know it; as it will have all-but-proved the president is, in fact, above the law.  I really hope I’m wrong.  Fingers crossed Biden is just doing his job and saying all the right things, while privately working to nominate Sally Yates for A.G.  IMO, should Ms. Yates get the nod, she will see to it Justice is served on all fronts.  If not, you can bet there’s a damn good reason.
Mueller made the fatal mistake of playing fair with Trump and Barr, and their legion of sycophantic sheep in Congress, and wound up looking like a timid, outmatched eunuch. After living through the Obama years, after living through The Trump years, after seeing the literal definition of treason on a daily basis, it appears Biden is choosing to ignore these screaming red sirens and walk down that path, as well, at least with his words.   
How much more proof does the president-elect need to know these individuals on the other side of the aisle are only interested in one thing? Total Dominance, by any means necessary.  Even if it’s a flagrant violation of their oaths to defend The Constitution.  Every single low-life choosing to join a wanna-be fascist in his reprehensible attempt to overturn our national election are only Americans by birth.  That’s where it ends. 
In Alan Parker’s classic film, Mississippi Burning, there’s a great line in the scene where the two FBI agents, played by Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman, realize playing by the rules with these racist bastards will never get them the Justice they seek.  Straight-laced Dafoe says, “Don’t drag me into your gutter, Mr. Anderson.”   To which, no-nonsense Hackman replies, “These people crawled out of a sewer, Mr. Ward!  Maybe the gutter’s where we outta be!”  Here’s hoping there’s more of Anderson than Ward in our next president. 
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solastia · 7 years
Faith | 2
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Chapters:  [1] [2] [3] [4]
Pairing: Namjoon X Reader
Word Count: 3,569
Genre & Warnings: Fluff & Smut....and ANGST. I’M SORRY. 
Notes: This chapter seems a bit fragmented because it takes place over the period of a year. I wanted to show how good and cute they were together. 
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“Where are your pants?”
You glance up from your movie to see Namjoon had let himself in again. This was slowly becoming the norm over the past month that you’d been seeing each other, and you found that it didn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, you were pretty sure it gave you those warm, tingly, butterfly feelings everyone always went on about. 
“I’m sorry, sir, but in this household, we follow a no pants rule. The only exception is pajamas or if we have to wear pants to leave the apartment.” You pat the empty seat next to you on the couch and watch as he kicks off his shoes and pants before dropping into it, obviously exhausted. 
Another habit he’d developed over the past month was practically living in your apartment. He still went back to his place from time to time, mostly to get more clothes. However, he always came back here, and it was always the first place he’d go after work. You were already living like an old married couple, and you hadn’t even started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend yet. 
“Hard day?” You lean in and peck the back of his neck as you massage his shoulders. He moans loud and dramatically, leaning into your touch. 
“Yeah. Construction is no joke.” He mumbles, looking down at his hands. 
Following his gaze, you see several blisters and chipped nails. You jump up and run to the bathroom, coming back with a bottle of aloe vera gel. Grabbing his large hand, you begin to slowly massage the gel in, taking care around the blisters. Namjoon sighed and leaned into the back of the couch with a small smile. 
“You’re too good to me, baby.” He whispers softly, and you smile up at him, shrugging. 
“It’s the least I can do. Maybe someday, when you’re a rich and famous rapper, you’ll think of me whenever you get some fancy Swiss Masseuse.” 
“Baby, when I’m a rich and famous rapper, we’ll be getting those fancy ass couple massages with the rocks.” 
You can’t help but internally squeal every time he says “We.” He uses it so often, especially when he’s talking about the future, and you wonder if he even realizes how it sounds. 
You were about to respond when you were interrupted by a tiny bark. 
Namjoon shot up and looked around, before looking at you in confusion. 
“What was that?” 
You grin sheepishly, before going over to the box that was next to your television. Pulling out the gray pitbull puppy, you use his little paw to wave at Namjoon. 
“Hello, large human. I am still unnamed male puppy. Pleased to meet you.” 
“Why do we have a dog? We didn’t have a dog before I left.”
“Yeah, well, get with the times. Things change. Ugh, you’re just another old guy who doesn’t wanna accept that the world is changing.”
“1, You’re older than me. 2, You still haven’t told me why we now have a dog.”
“You know Mike, the homeless guy that I always give my cans to? When he came to pick them up today, he had this little guy with him. He thought I might be able to take him in. Apparently, he was in a trash can. Like, a really big one. Meaning someone tried to literally throw him away.” 
“Holy shit, that’s fucked up! Gimme.” Namjoon reaches his arms out for the wriggling puppy, placing him on his chest as he leans back. 
“What’s up little guy? I’m your Dad.” 
“You’re his what?”
“What? Did you think I’d let you be a single parent?” He answers without even looking at you, petting the dog behind the ears. 
 You scoff at him. He really was adorable. 
“We have to give him a badass name, babe. Like, Tupac, or Nas.” 
“Does it have to be a rapper?” You whine, knowing that you’ll end up giving in anyway. Anything to see the dimples. 
“It doesn’t have to, but there are some cool names there. What about Snoop? You like Snoopy, I like Snoop Dogg.” 
You smile and kiss his forehead, dodging the puppy’s tongue coming after your face. 
“It’s perfect.” 
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It was your two month anniversary. You were all set to surprise Namjoon with a nice romantic dinner tonight, maybe have some wild and crazy sex, and just have a wonderful day. Only, now you were walking home, dejected because you’d just lost your job. 
You’d been working as a waitress at a little restaurant for almost three years. They’d been promising you more hours for months, only to finally tell you today that they just weren’t making enough to have as many employees as they did. So, you were let go, along with three other people. 
You were so worried about what you were going to do. You didn’t have any savings because that was damn near impossible to do when you live paycheck to paycheck. Unless you found another job in the next two days, you weren’t going to have enough to pay rent, let alone feed yourself or Snoop. 
As you walk up to your apartment door, you can hear Snoop on the other side of it, sniffing and scratching at the door in his excitement to see you. You hoped Namjoon would be willing to take him for a bit if you had to leave your apartment. 
You open your door and Snoop starts jumping around you in excitement. The smells of Chinese food surround you, rap blaring from the kitchen as Namjoon is putting the contents of the containers onto plates. There was even a big bouquet of flowers sitting on the table. He looks up, smiling widely at you, and you melt a little. This was just so...domestic. 
“Hey there, Baby Girl. I had THE BEST show today. We sold out every ticket to get in the club. To see ME! I’m going to perform again next weekend, so make sure you get some time off. I want you to come see me so you can be proud of your man.” He’s talking so fast and he’s so excited. You really don’t want to ruin his mood, but his talk of taking time off reminds you of your dilemma. You watch as Namjoon notices your tears and his smile dims, making you feel guilty. He rushes over and grabs your cheeks between his large hands. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did you not want me to let myself in when you’re gone? I’m sorry. I just wanted to surprise you.” He looks so worried and embarrassed, you feel bad for freaking him out. 
“No, it’s fine. I just had a hard day, and this was a nice sight to come home to.” 
“What happened?” He asked softly, picking you up and settling you into his lap as he sits on the couch. You lean in with a sigh, tucking your head under his chin. 
“They let me go. Now I’m going to have to...I don’t even know. I need to find another job as quickly as possible or I won’t be able to pay rent. I might end up having to have you keep Snoop with you for a while, while I figure something out. It’s times like these I wish I had decent parents. Although, Alan might let me crash with him for a little while.” 
Namjoon starts twirling a finger into your hair, playing with a curl. 
“OR, I could officially move in and pay the rent myself until you find something.” 
You lift your head to look at him, confused. 
“What? Joonie, I wasn’t asking for money. I don’t need you to do that.” 
“You don’t want me to be here?” His hurt tone had you rolling your eyes. 
“Namjoon, I was going to ask you to move in with me today, after a nice romantic dinner and all that jazz. But, now it would basically be you moving in to support me, and I’m not comfortable with making you do that.” 
“You’re not “Making” me do anything. I offered...no...I told you, I’m moving in. You already said you were planning on asking me anyway. I’m here all the time, use your water, eat your food. It’s about time I pay you back. Besides, what kind of a Father would I be to take Snoop away from his Mother? Not to mention, I’d have the added benefit of having 24/7 access to your body.” He wraps his arms around your stomach, kissing the side of your neck. 
“Woman, do you not understand that your happiness is my number one priority? Damn, I know it’s only been two months, but I love you.” The blush on his face contrasted so cutely with the forceful way he declared it. 
You sigh, leaning back into him. 
“I love you too, Namjoon.”
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“Who the fuck puts peanut butter in the fridge?” You mumble to yourself, pulling out the container you were looking for and slamming it on the counter. Now you’d have to wait for the peanut butter to soften up before you could make a sandwich. And you were so fucking hungry. You’d come home from your new job at the grocery store, tired and starving since you’d not had your lunch. All you wanted to do was have a damn sandwich and go to sleep.
You and Namjoon had been living together now for five months. While most of the time it was great, since he was sweet and thoughtful, there were moments where you wanted to choke the life out of him. Like when he snored so loud he’d wake you from a deep sleep. Or how he NEVER changed the toilet roll. OR PUT PEANUT BUTTER IN THE FRIDGE. 
Grabbing the offending item, you stomp into your bedroom, where a corner had been changed into a little work area for his music. Two pairs of eyes look over at you as you stop in front of them. 
“Uh oh, sis is on a rampage.” Your brother Alan play whispered to Namjoon, the latter looking more worried. Ever since Alan had come over and discovered that you were dating the local rap legend, he’d been hard to kick out. Now he was constantly here, making music with Namjoon. 
“You shut up twerp. And YOU. Properly raised individuals do not put peanut butter in the fridge. I happen to know you were a properly raised individual because I adore your Mother. Do it again and die.” You’re shaking the container in front of Namjoon’s face, while Alan is howling with laughter, falling to the floor. 
“I can see who wears the pants in THIS relationship. Oh, wait, no pants rule.” 
Namjoon gathers you up, peppering kisses all over your face. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I made a sandwich and put it in there without thinking. Forgive me? I love you!” 
He even makes apologizing adorable. How does he expect you to stay mad? 
“It’s fine. I’m just hungry and now I have to wait for it to get soft.” You mumble, trying to act like you’re still pissed so you don’t look ridiculous for giving in too easy. 
He nuzzles his nose in your hair, acting cute. 
“You want me to get you something? How about Pho? You love Pho.” 
“I do love Pho.” You murmur in a cutesy tone.
“OK, Imma go get my baby some Pho. You stay here and get comfy and look pretty.” He smooches your cheek, before throwing on his jeans and leaving the apartment. 
“You guys are disgusting.” Alan huffs, and you throw the container of peanut butter at him.
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You stare at the lines on the little stick in your hand. You guys had always been so careful, but apparently not careful enough. You had just taken five of these stupid stick tests, all of them coming up positive. You were pregnant. 
You look up as you hear Snoop yapping and noises coming from outside the bathroom. Namjoon, now your boyfriend for one whole year, had just come home. 
“BABY! I have some amazing news! Where are you?” Namjoon’s deep voice boomed as he made his way down the hallway. 
You quickly put all the sticks in your tampon box, knowing he’ll never look in there. You splash your face with water, trying to calm down before throwing open the bathroom door. Namjoon is on the edge of the bed, changing his clothes and he gives you the biggest smile you’d ever seen on him yet. You swear you’d never seen his dimples look that deep before. 
“Y/N, love of my life, my shining star. I have the best news in the whole world. You remember how packed it was at my show last week? Well, apparently there were talent scouts there. From a big ass label! Like, I can’t go into details yet, they said, but one of their rappers rhymes with Rake, ya feel me? And they want ME!! They want us to move to New York and they are going to sign me! Baby, we made it!” Namjoon is literally glowing, and you can’t bring yourself to mention the tests. 
“Congratulations, my Joonie. I’ve always had faith in you. I told you that you’d be famous as hell one day.” You force a giggle, not wanting him to catch on that anything was wrong. And truly, you WERE happy for him. No one else in the world deserved this more. 
“Let’s celebrate, Joonie. I’ll take you out for steaks!” You declare, shoving yourself into some jeans and dragging him out. 
You watch him over dinner, excitedly talking about his plans for the future (with a full mouth), and you slowly start to realize...you could never tell him. This was his chance. With his level of talent, you were sure he would be at the top in no time. You were going to have to set him free so he could do achieve his dreams, without worrying about you or what was soon to come. 
When you get home, you climb onto Namjoon’s lap as he lounged on the bed. 
“Namjoon? I need you to make love to me.” 
I’m going to need to savor this for God knows how long. 
“Happy to oblige, miss.” He jokes, pulling you in for a soft, slow kiss. 
You try to memorize every movement he makes with his plush lips. The angle of his head, how he teases the seam of your lips with his tongue to ask for entrance, the way sucks your bottom lip before he pulls away to smirk at you. He moves down to your neck, kissing and sucking on the spot that sports a hickey 90% of the time because he loved it. You silently wondered if it would be too cheesy and weird if you took a picture of it later. Your last love bite.
Namjoon pulls off your shirt and expertly unhooks your bra (Heh), throwing both off the side of the bed. He cups your breasts with his huge hands, gently rubbing your nipples with his thumbs. 
“Babe, have your boobs gotten bigger? They feel heavier, and like, the nipples look darker.” He’s staring intently at your breasts and you scramble to think of an answer. You should have thought about the fact that Namjoon knew your body so well by now. 
“Uh, maybe a little? I’ve been doing lots of chest exercises lately. That might be it. Or it could almost be time for my period.”
You wished. 
He shrugged and leaned over to suck your nipple into his mouth, laving it slowly with his tongue. You sigh and lean your head down to kiss the top of his head, smelling the scent of his citrus shampoo. He works his way down, stroking at your core and finding it already dripping wet. He maneuvers you to lay down and climbs over you. Just as he’s about to enter you, you decided that you want to top, so you push him down and hover over his hard cock. 
You look at his face while he’s watching you. Even after doing this countless times over the past year, he still looks at you like he’s amazed every time. His eyes are blown out and hazy with lust and adoration. He looks down as you hover above him, and his eyes follow when you drip all over his cock.
“Fuck, baby, that is so hot. Ride me, yeah?” He bucks up, trying to enter you, but you raise up even higher to avoid him. 
“How much do you want me, Joonie? Ah, I am so wet I would just slide right on. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You tease, and you know you shouldn’t, considering how you were going to be breaking up with him in the morning. But you had to know. You had to have this memory of Namjoon wanting you so badly that he’d beg for it. 
“Yes, I’d like that. God, I can feel how warm you are like that. Please, Y/N. Please, baby, just ride me. God, I want you so much. I’ll always want you.” He moaned, and you watched as more precum flowed from his tip. Knowing that he liked subbing too would have been useful information to know earlier, you mused. 
Deciding that you’d teased him enough, you slide down his cock slowly, relishing the stretch even though he’d been in you so often. Balancing yourself with your hands on his chest, you ride him, staring into his eyes. You watch as his cheeks start to redden and his breathing hitches. He’s getting close, so you speed up your hips, sliding up and down at a brutal pace. 
“Oh God, I’m going to cum Y/N. Fuck, yes Baby, like that.” He grabs your hips to help, making you go even faster. You can feel yourself getting closer. With a shout of your name, you feel Namjoon fill you up, bucking hard into you. You let yourself fall apart, cumming with him. You fall onto his chest, shaking and sobbing. You bury your face into his neck, and you were sure he felt the tears. He just pets your back in large circles, letting you calm down while his dick slowly softened enough to slide out. 
“It felt that good, huh? Wow, we’re amazing.” He cooed, and you snorted into his neck, before giving it a small kiss, breathing in the scent of post sex, sweaty Namjoon. With a sigh, you slide off of him onto your side of the bed, and he cleans you off with one of the baby wipes that you keep in your nightstand. He tucks you into bed before sliding in himself, pulling you up against his sweaty chest. He falls asleep quickly, the snores that would usually make you want to suffocate him with a pillow suddenly sounding like a lullaby. 
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“You what?” 
Namjoon is staring at you like you’ve lost your mind, and you almost think you have. 
“I can’t go with you to New York. I think you should go by yourself. This is the most amazing opportunity for you, Joonie, and I wouldn’t want to mess it up for you. So you go, become the best, and I’ll be here waiting when the time is right.” 
“So, wait, are you breaking up with me?” Namjoon’s face is so pale, and you’re so damn heartbroken that you want to vomit. 
“Yes. I think it’s for the best.” You whisper, flinching when you hear Namjoon’s indrawn breath. 
“You’re not even willing to TRY? I mean, we could even try long distance, if you’re really so set against moving there?” He pleads, hands out and you back away. 
“No. I made up my mind. I love you so much, and I want you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of. This is the best way. I have faith that when the time comes, we’ll come back to each other.” You try to contain the tears that you feel building in your eyes, and you avoid looking at him so he doesn’t see them. 
“Y/N, you’re everything I dreamed of.” He whispers, and you sob, running towards the door. You pick up the bag you packed and Snoop’s leash. 
“I’ll be staying at my brother’s until you leave. I...I love you Namjoon.” 
You close the door behind you and let the tears fall as you hear the sounds of his roars and crashing behind it. 
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You’re laying on the hospital bed, sore but happy. You hold the bundle in your arms to your nose, smelling the oddly comforting baby smell. You click refresh on the laptop you were balancing on your thighs, happy to see the video that had finally loaded. It was the first music video of RM, the new rap talent the entire country was talking about. You click play, and watch with silent tears as the love of your life performs passionately about lost love, and you tilt the head of the baby to look at the screen. 
“Look at that sweetie. That’s your Daddy. Isn’t he handsome?” 
The nurse comes in with your paperwork, smiling at the two of you. 
“Here you are, just gotta start getting these all filled out. Do we have a name for our little Princess yet?” 
You smile down at the little face that already looked so much like her father. 
“Her name is Faith.”
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lotrewrite · 7 years
LOT Chat Summaries (Sep-Oct)
Sorry this took so long! Find below the LOT Chat Summaries for the chats held on 16 September and 1 October. Includes the song recs and fanfic/fanart etc moments we’d like to see, as mentioned in the chats :-)
Episode 1
A gifset of Kendra flying, a flashback to a sepia-toned image, and then her saying “not another flashback
Gifset of Kendra saying she dumped Carter
One with Mick and Nate, with nate realising he’s travelling on his own
Something of Nate waving his pencil in Oliver’s face and complaining about his thesis
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Don’t Let ‘Em Grind You Down by motörhead for Nate
Dust in the Wind by Kansas for Mick
Centuries by FOB just in general
Do it like a Dude for Queen Bee
Europa - Globus should be for WWII
40s music! There’s Torched Song from the L.A. Noire soundtrack and it’s so good for Mick
You Turn Me Right Round for the Lichtenstein anomaly Hello by Adele for Coldwave
Postmodern Jukebox
for the 40s in France music, there should definitely be Le Temps des Cerises
Legendary by Welshly Arms for the rewrite in general
Welshly Arms - Legendary for the whole season 
"Look What you made me do” theme for the Legion
 Our Corner of the Universe by KS Rhoads for Team Legends
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjiupe-odRQ Goldberg Variations
“Sexual Healing” for Queen Anne/Sara…
“House of Memories” by Panic at the Disco for 2 or 3
way to the future by kate herzig
Episode 2
Bambi and Ray eating together
Ratigan riding bambi at one point
Bambi meeting Ratigan
Bambi in the remains of the other raptors
Ratigan standing on Bambis head, pointing one paw: ONWARDS, Waverider in the background, Ray and Mick screaming of screen “Come back you little shits!”, “Join the Legends of Tomorrow” text above, “Save the Timeline” underneath, think like an old style Soviet propaganda poster, Waverider in the background, Ratigan and Bambi up front, “Join the Legends of Tomorrow” text above, “Save the Timeline” underneath
Coldwave song idea- Whispers by Dave Baxter)
Angel with a shotgun (for song choices)
gregorian monks chanting modern songs?
Pull the monks from Monty Python
For Ray: “I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts”
Gregorian version of “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”
“I walk a lonely road” = Ray having a moment
We are the monks from the Galavant soundtrack
I’m a different kind of princess from the galavant soundtrack for Sara
Mick telling Jax to fly because he’s already had whiskey
Jax and Stein in the infirmary
More of Kendra’s incarnation’s story
Hotblooded for Mick
arsonist’s lullaby
Sir Patrick Stewart played the Lionheart once
coldwave - fate don’t know you by desi valentine
a version of friar tuck as one of the monks 
Jurassic Park theme
Jon Bernthal’s character would be good for Peter
“Istanbul not Constantinople” by They Might Be Giants
“Jerusalem of Gold” by Ofra Haza
“Lanercost” by Steeleye Span
Episode 3
Ginnifer Goodwin as Nancy wake?
Melanie Lynskey for Nancy
Amaya and Sara’s conversations
The moment where Nate shouts “NANCY WAKE?!?”
le temps des cerises europa
fanart of that fight scene with everyone
Edith Piaf
Europa by Globus
“Le Temps des Cerises”
“La Vie En Rose” by Edith Piaf
In the Mood" by Glen Miller
la marsaillaise by edith piaf
The jukebox version of Seven Nation Army
Sentimental Journey by Doris Day for Amaya
Cover of paper planes done in a '40s style by jukebox
Hitler Has Only Got One Ball to the Colonel Bogey’s March
Nancy Wake’s song is Witness by Mindless Self Indulgence 
Episode 4
Watch Your Back by Sam Tinnesz for the second half with Eobard
Fanart of the moment Eo brings back Laurel
Sara and Laurel in the med bay
Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, possibly some ominous cover version, for the villains’ evil wall related schemes
Sara and Eobard drinking together
Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfeder. He does great minor covers of songs in major keys
99 Luftballoons by Nena
Something with Stein giving Marty his talking to, in the middle of the crowds in Berlin
Kim Weston – You hit Me Where It Hurts
The Ramones – Never Should Have Opened That Door
It’s So Easy when you’re evil
Rotten to the Core Disney movie descendants
When You’re Evil" by Voltaire for the Legion
Episode 5
Faroese Valravn or German Faun’s music
Mick Rory with the viking horns
Gunlod singing at the battle
ride of the valkyries
Looking too Closely by Fink for the end
Faun’s Walpurgisnacht would fit
fanart (gifset if possible) of Jax and Gunlod, being all flirty
Valravn has a version of Drømte mig en drøm
Jakob Oftebro for King Sweyn
Never Forget by Greta Salome
the fires
Mick headbutting the viking with his horned helmet
Paprika Steen or Hella Joof for Adisla
everybody talking to Lisa about their memories of Len, like one of those pics, with the bonfire and everyone around it, in the centre of the page, and then everyone’s memories in a circle around it
Eivør Pálsdóttir for Gunlød
“For the Love of a Princess "James Horner https://youtu.be/fckH2P0KK14
Episode 6
Uh, all of it
fancasts for our robot gangster
brent spiner
THE VOICE OF K2-SO whatshisname
Alan Tudyk
James Spader
we should just have ALL the famous robot actors hanging out
C3PO too
R2D2 and BB8
something frank sinatra
mission impossible theme
Robot Parade
"Mr Roboto”
A mix of Mission Impossible and the LoT theme
There’s a french revolution documentary with a song called rise of robespierre that sounds very steampunk and mechanical
Mick in his fireman clothes
the song from anything goes where she’s singing about her gangsters
Lisa kneeing Ray in the balls? like, I love Ray
like, every moment of lisa
“Weird Science” for the Stein/Dr Metcalf argument by Oingo Bongo
The Last of the Real Ones by FOB
Episode 7
Cisco getting thumbs up from Felicity and Winn when Lisa winks at him as she’s walking off
X-files theme somewhere along the way
seven nation army the original version would be good there
“Space Girl” for all the girls
salute by little mix for the girls
“Science Fiction Double Feature”
Episode 8
it’s a kind of magic
Lupita Nyong'o for Queen Bee
Magic Man" by Heart
Angela Basset
Taraji P Henson
viola davis
jada pinkett smith
Constantine interacting with the Legends
Something with the legends standing outside Zatanna’s place, looking frustrated at her “I’m not here” sign
Episode 9
Mick and Georgie, anything and everything with them
Is Anybody There from 1776
One of those things that fly across your dash with Ray and his rocket boot
Battle of Yorktown
fanart of that first confrontation when they meet Rip for the first time
Fanart of Washington’s ridiculous height
Georgie and Mick towering over everyone
Sara realising she just knocked back Martha’s eggnog and is actually talking to George Washington
Joke suggestion for Rip: I knew you were trouble, Taylor Swift
For Georgie storyarc, the Too Late to Apologize cover
mama look sharp from 1776
for Mick and Len and the hallucination arc, “Drumming Song” Florence and the Machine
“White Rabbit” Jefferson Airplane for Ray’s shrinking arc
 "The Battle of New Orleans"
Episode 10
black sails intro
pirates OST
Ray’s costume trials need “Sharp dressed man”
There’s a lovely cover by Jo Dee Messina
“Yo Ho A Pirate’s Life for Me”
Wolves of the Sea by Pirates of the Sea, the Eurovision version
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag music
I’m a Modern Major General for Stein in disguise
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw for the legends at some point in some episode
Ray’s montage fanart
something from crouching tiger hidden dragon maybe
Ray dressing as blue beetle and everyone looking thoroughly unimpressed
Ray trying to be Cold, and Mick of taking back the cold gun
Mick and Ray arguing about pirates vs ninjas and Len in the back, very very frustrated
Fanart of what would happen if Len COULD change outfits at will, mick looks over and has to try not laughing if len could change outfits, Len shows up in a terrible pirate outfit, Mick spit-takes, Ray says “we have to re-shoot that”, Sara (from offscreen): “Where did you even GET that?”
Ming-Na Wen for Ching, Maggie Cheung, Michelle Yeoh, Fan Bingbing
Episode 11
Mick in shorts
“Down Under” by Men at Work, maybe for the sequence where Mick is being mistaken for an Aussie
fanart of that scene and also of everybody in their clothes
Everybody Wants To Rule the World by Tears for Fears
all the bad fashion
lost boys soundtrack
fanart of the intro scene of bby Mick and Len
people are strange by the doors; don’t cry little sister
Weird Al’s “Smells Like Nirvana” for the section that goes
we didn’t start the fire
Ngaire - Keisha Castle-Hughes
Episode 12
the alien theme
Sort of atmospheric background music
skittering noises
Space Girl
Ziggy Stardust
Lost in Space theme
Thus Spake Zarathusa
cold as ice for Len
AIDA from Agents of Shield in part inspired Grace, but she’s not the fancast
major tom 
sigourney weaver as the engineer
for fanfic, something about Mick as Chronos, or Rip and Miranda hearing the story of the Mosaic
The moment with the Captain is saving Mick
Len and Gideon
The ghost behind Sara, and of Medusa!Grace
scaredy cat Stein
Sara and Mick sharing the quiet moment next to the graves
From Space girl: “Travelled through the time warp in the Psycho Plan”
Len shouting at Mick not to go on the other ship
Episode 13
Some ironic/dark use of something from the Evita musical
Don’t cry for me, Argentina
Mercedes Sosa
Solo le pido a dios
Churros. Any pic set of this episode must include churros.
Saved the world by eurythimics
copa la vida by ricky martin, maybe for the sequence with the soccer reference
under my umbrella aka, “Bus Stop” by the Hollies
The Legion surrounded by umbrellas
when Mick and the others are in the bakery
Fanart of Len, Thawne and Dahrk replicating the Singing In The Rain poster
Episode 14
fanart of Amaya dancing while Jax looks on like a proud brother
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry
Pasttime in Good Company
Brian Blessed
Eric Bana 
Sean Astin
Mick sitting alone in the garden with his lighter while len looks at him sadly
the globe burning
Sara dancing with Henry, and amaya in the back like….oh shit
Burning Down The House
Talking Heads
Royals by Lorde
Sons of Serendip
Fanart of Sara and Amaya trying to get dressed
Natalie Dormer as Ann, Natalie Portman
prison themed music for the dungeon scene
Johnny Cash
lone blues harmonica 
Mood board for henry and anne (+sara)
Episode 15
New york new york
All the old Irish songs about New York
Streets of New York
Pogues and Flogging Molly 
Wolfe Tones
the legion in their “hq”
Queen Been in a barbershop chair
Amaya carrying Sara with spirit wings behind her.
Legion!Len being pissed at racists
Some dramatic baroque-layout style picture of the mob about to start, and the only points of colour in the pic are Sara, Amaya, and Darhk
Lily fanart
her and Rip working together to guide the team from the Waverider
Stein helping a tiny Lily make her first atom model
Episode 16
annoying game show background music
A montage set to the actual Legends of the Hidden Temple, or art with the Legends and Legion wearing those dorky outfits
Benny Hill theme song
The Chicken Dance song played in slow mo 
theme from Gremlins
Someone who does podcasts needs to do some lines from the announcers
Fanart of the renegades first appearance
Fan art of affronted Mick and Len
Those (song) in Minor Key posts, Maybe the Benny Hill theme in minor key for dramatic parts
Stephen Fry would probably be perfect for Ethelred
Some of the challenges in the labyrinth should come with really annoying early computer game sounds
Art of the game in the style of one of those old crappy text RPGs and at one point, there’s a sign off to the side that says “don’t go this way - you will be eaten by a grue”
The whole Legends in The Future, yelling at a computer
16 or 32-bit version of the characters
 in the year 2525 (song)
Episode 17
it's gotta be cassette quality 90's music
Green Day
Aqua barbie girl
drunk Legends
Spice Girls
lots of Madonna and Prince and Maria Carey
Jax and Jessica duke it out at the whack a mole
all the home alone sequences
Sound of Silence for the “Hello Darhk-ness my old friend” part
O!Len realising L!Len can see him
Jessica - Gina Rodriguez
“I put a spell on you” for the final sequence with Queen Bee
Any Jax/Jessica photoset would need their respective dolls
Episode 18
music rec: we will rock you. Nothing else will do for Sara’s gladiator appearance
the woman who played Lucilla in Gladiator for Fulvia
Marc Antony, the guy who played him in Rome did it
Is Anybody There from 1776 musical
Rome, Spartacus, The Gladiator soundtracks
Sara fighting Darhk
EVERYONE in ancient Rome outfits
Kendra and Fulvia, lounging on their seats
Legion!Len in his toga
Having scenes from this episode using dialogue from Life Of Brian.
Kendra in Rome getup
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Episode 19
Camelot from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Len’s ice ramp
Old school superhero comic style fan art of the knights
Joan (song)
everyone dressed up for dinner
Mick and Mordred
Colin Farrell for Jason Blood
Merlin - Taika Waititi
Eva Green for Morgana
Sofia Boutella for Nimue
Ivana Baquero ystina
Faun's Tanz mit mir for the party scene
Doomworld 1 & 2
crossover fan art of a certain Victor von Doom being angry with the Legion
It’s the End of the World as We Know It
Eurythmics "Sweet dreams are made of this"
Walking on the Ground
for Batman, Batfleck, Jason O’Mara
B: TAS theme
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"
Nathan Fillion - Hal
Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant
Ted - Danny Pudi
Everyone decked out in their doomworld versions
The fight between Mick, L!Len, and then the lanterns show up
all by myself to be playing in the background at the very end when Mick is left alone
Land of Confusion by Genesis, or the Disturbia version
Uprising by Muse
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Last Episode
Fan art of Bambi leaping joyfully into Ray’s arms
A gif set of Mick and Len hugging
fanart, specifically, of Ray and Bambi skipping through a field of flowers towards each other as “So Happy Together” plays in the background
everyone hugging Len, then Len and Mick hugging
A sweet piece of Sara and Laurel talking through the inter-dimensional skype
O!Len holding the spear, with the team in the back yelling at him not to do it 
The sequence where the jump ship explodes in the middle of the time stream
we are the champions
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descentintobandom · 7 years
How Far I’ll Go Chapter 3
Title: How Far I’ll Go Chapter: 3/? Pairing: No Pairing Rating: T/M Fic Summary: Evie, an orphan with no memories of her past, has felt drawn to the ocean ever since she was born. Austin, former frontman of Mice & Men, a man born with the ocean in his veins. Evie cannot remember her parents, but she knows they must be out there. Austin lost his daughter 12 years ago and he’s been searching for her. What happens when fate throws these together again? Will Evie finally find where she’s meant to be? 
I hadn’t realized how much time had passed until I heard, “There you are, my little mermaid”. I smiled, hearing the familiar nickname. I opened my eyes and saw Jenny standing there. “My father used to call me that”, I told her.
“Really?” she asked me.
“I have this memory of me and my parents. At the beach. My father called me his little mermaid”.
“That’s wonderful, sweetheart. Go get cleaned up for dinner”.
I got out and she wrapped a towel around my shoulders. I sighed.
She had just taken it out of the dryer.
“Hey Jenny?” I asked her, “Do you know what happened to my parents? Who are they?”
She tucked some wet hair behind my ear and frowned. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’t know. You just showed up on my doorstep one day”.
“Oh, well…I thought it was worth asking”.
“You’ll know some day”, she said kissing my forehead.
I snuck past my foster brothers and sisters and up to my room. When I came out of the shower, Rose was sitting on my bed. “Um…hello?” I asked her.
“Okay, so I know how to cheer you up”.
“Oh, yeah?” I asked her as I got dressed.
“I scored us tickets to Warped Tour tomorrow in KC”, she said.
I shrugged.
“Oh come on. All the best bands are going this year!” she said, throwing me the current AP magazine.
“I guess it would be fun”, I said.
She squealed and hugged me.
“Rose! Evie! Come help set the table!” Jenny called.
Rose and I went downstairs and into the dining room.
The two youngest Violet and Brennen were already in their seats.
Rose and I grabbed the plates and silverware while Marcus and Jeremy got drinks for everyone.
As we all sat down to eat, I looked at my foster family.
We were from all different walks of life, but we were family.
Jenny did her best to provide for all of us without having to give any of us up and while she wasn’t married (and never had been), she was still the best foster mother we could ask for.
The next morning, I was awoken by Rose jumping on me.
“C’mon, wake up!” she yelled.
“Rose, the gates don’t open till noon. Get off”, I said shoving her off me.
She pouted and got up. “Fine!” she said and stormed out of my room.
I got up and walked over to my trinket box taking out the sand dollar. I grabbed a piece of twine and carefully created a hole in the center and threaded the twine through. I finally tied it around my neck. I vowed to never take it off, until I met my parents. I got dressed and packed what I thought I would need for Warped Tour, throwing the AP magazine in my backpack. I went downstairs where the rest of my foster brothers and sisters were eating.
“Are you ready?” Jenny asked me.
I nodded excitedly.
Today was going to be my first time ever going to Warped Tour.
“This is going to be so great! We’re going to meet all the best bands!” Rose said.
“Please be careful”, Jenny said.
“We will”, Rose told her.
We arrived at the venue and Rose immediately tugged me over to the main stage.
“So who’s playing first?” I asked her.
“Of Mice & Men”, she answered, “They’re great. Austin is the screamer of the band. He was part of the band a long time ago. He’s back with the band for now, but my favorite member is Alan”.
I giggled as I listened to her rant about the band.
Pretty soon we heard their set intro start playing and they came out on stage.
“Which one is Alan?” I asked Rose.
“The ginger”, she said.
My heart started racing for an unknown reason.
The lead singer, Austin, came out on stage last and the crowd screamed.
“How are you guys doing?” he asked, “I know it’s been a while since I’ve seen you guys. So we’re gonna start things out a little slow. This is an older one, but feel free to sing along if you know the words!”
The song started and a feeling went through my entire body.
I knew this song, but I’d never listened to Of Mice & Men before in my life.
Before I knew it, the ground was rushing up to meet me.
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ellenarcher · 7 years
Battle For Mewni Liveblog
(I'm a few days late because I was at D23) Marco is so upset poor baby!! "Can you be addicted to crying?" The teen sadness hotline! 😂 And Star is wearing MARCO'S HOODIE!! I love life! And she's just watching him and they're missing each other! "Why do you have to be such a cute idiot?" "They're fine. Still in their... stasis." Omg the mementos Star's dad packed! Sweet little Star! "Marco taught me a lot." I'm really excited for DuckTales but I do wish this ad wasn't in the corner the whole time. Oh snap! Star is maaaaad at her mom! Awwww omg this is getting so sad! Toffee killed Queen Butterfly's mom! 😢 Ahh now a flashback episode to Moon as a girl Star's age!! "Yelling feels really good right now!" Even as a youngin River was so sweet!! An apology meat! Looooots of crying in this movie! It's hurting me! Poor Moon has a really hard decision to make! I love her already. I feel like I recognize her voice so I'm gonna have to look up who plays her later. Ooh this is the part they showed us at the convention! With Moon sitting down with her picnic and Toffee coming out of the shadows! Oh snap Toffee can't grow his finger back! This is a lightning scar situation! Moon is a boss! And they changed the ending credits sequence and song!! 💫 Ludo thought Glossaryck was a pole! 😂 "So this is probably not one of my favorite things that's ever happened to me." Why is Glossaryck cooking pudding over the fire? (Scrape the sides) Ludo to the book: "I'll turn this car around so fast!" Now he's trying to get back together with the book! "If it's something I did..." and then "I love you, book." And Glossaryck making fun of him!! Howwwww does Alan Tudyk do that with his voice what the heck? I'm jealous! I'd love to be a voice actor! Oh snap I love me some possession! Toffee taking over Ludo's body! Glossaryck! :(((((((((((( 😢😢😢😢 This is too sad! River going crazy and having a blast when he's home alone! Marco came to visit!! And River is so happy aww!! Oh gosh the city is on fire. Ewwww a spider just crawled out of that boy's eye socket and into his mouth. "Well, I'll be dip." And telling the monster in the corn field to scram! 😂 "We're about to die, y'all!" Sweet sweet Marco taking care of his future father in law! Moon picked out outfits for River so he would know what to wear (and they're all the same)! Marco giving advice and making sure the city stays safe for the girls to come home to! 😍 "No offense King, but you're a terrible king." "We don't need magic to do extraordinary things." Aw I LOVE that!! "Fetch us our loincloths!" "What?" "You kept motioning 'come here.'" "No that means 'go away.'" Classic monster/king misunderstanding! Oh snap that ending! Ludo is here to destroy! Aw of course Star's first thought when she wakes up is of Marco! Star just punched a serpent in the face! She's awesome! ❤️ Buff Frog in his underwear oh gosh. "Ma, get with the times. Not all monsters are bad." I've probably eaten 25 peanut butter Oreos during this movie whoops. "Where dem babies at?" "Toffee not dead. Toffee inside Ludo." Oh gosh that's dirty. Ewwww Buff Frog lifting his man boob to show his Ludo tattoo. 😖 "Your daughter is very strange." "Thank you." All of Buff Frog's games are about staging coups, destroying castles, and killing the queen! 😂 It's not awkward or anything! I love a classic distraction scene. I also love that Moon and Buff Frog are learning that the stereotypes and prejudices they were taught as children aren't actually true, and that they're not that different after all. Katrina can talk! She's adorable! "Sometimes you just gotta sneak into the club and go dancing." "I feel ya, girl." "Don't worry." "I'm VERY worried." "She's gonna die." I love how all of these episodes have classic endings like that! 😂 "We don't want your stuff! We don't like you. Nobody likes you, dude." I want to talk to a king like that! Poor Marco! "I'm bad at everything." No you're not sweetie! This show is ridiculous I love it so much! Ludo just buttered his forehead. "The dungeon has air conditioning?" "It's a dungeon, not a torture chamber." Hahaha Marco scolding River like he's his child! "River! Did you eat the butter, River?" "I used to be king." Yayyyyy Patrick Stump is back!! That makes me VERY happy! "How'd I ever live without a solid gold toilet?" "As artists, our job is to comment on the world around us, not 'doing stuff.' A heavy burden, yes, but that what it means to be an artist." "We all know the mine is an artistic genius! *angrily whispering* Genius!" Marco is the cutest! "You all make me sick." Wooooo they got the key! "You guys really had me fooled." "No, we really do hate each other." "Now, we fight." Gosh I love Marco so much! Ludo shooting the choir into the sky because they were off key. "Singing with the angels." 😂 OH MY GOSH YESSS Star came back!! For her dad! "You're talking to your hand, dude." Awwww Marco taking off Star's headband so he could hug her tighter! 😍 "He is really good at ruining people's lives with songs." "Marco you've never looked cuter in that beret." Whatever happened to Marco's two friends from season one? "Hello, princess." I love how menacing that is! I am loving this music right now as Toffee takes over Ludo's body! Oh my gosh WHERE IS STAR?? This hurts me so so much! To see Moon and Marco both crying and fighting for Star! More amazing music as Star dives for the magic! This is such an emotional and intense episode!! 😱😱 And Star crying underwater! And struggling to breathe as she sobs! 😭😭 This is heart wrenching! MORE INCREDIBLE MUSIC! Star is dipping down! She's coming back to life! She's killing Toffee oh my word! Ew his gooey disfigured body is disturbing! "Only I know how this turns out." "Turns out you're dead." Oh no! What is happening to Moon? She's in a lot of pain! I'm guessing it's because the spell to hurt Toffee didn't work? Ooh Eclipsa is breaking out!! What an amazing start to the season! I can't wait to see what happens next! I can't believe we have to wait all the way until November for new episodes! That's going to be very hard! Here's to then! 💫
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