#hi salty i stole some of your pictures
madame-mongoose · 6 months
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me and @saltedserval took yes man to my fav hidden treasure in the middle of nowhere. he's christian now
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shogunish · 3 months
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼𝘀 & 𝗶. [𝟬𝟰]
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synopsis. you got your period & satoru bought too many pads.
words. 996
warnings. reader cusses like once
note. i got my period and thought, hey why not turn this into some cute fluff for the series 😔🤞🏻
comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! <3
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no calls, no text messages and the ones satoru sent you all remained on delivered.
usually, you’d ask satoru how megumi was doing, ask for pictures of the dogs, but this time it felt like your very presence was erased from the face of earth aka the display of his phone. a coil of worry sat in his abdomen like a snake, just waiting to crawl up his neck and slowly suffocate him before it’d eventually eat him up in one go.
“are you still alive?”
after thirty minutes of no reply, satoru got up from his seat on the couch and made his way over to your apartment. with a spare key — which you’d given him for emergencies — he unlocked your door with a quiet creak. “[name]?” he called out carefully, but got no reply. satoru swore he heard a shuffling of blankets from the living room.
with the curtains half-drawn, only a few sunrays dappled the living room. on the coffee table rested an empty pack of painkillers, a half-empty bottle of water and an empty bowl of chili chips. the tv was still running on the lowest volume, playing some movie satoru didn’t care about; not when you laid on the couch curled in on yourself and buried underneath a fluffy blanket like a hedgehog.
“satoru?” you raised your head from the pillow and rubbed some sleep from your eyes. you’d been taking a nap, satoru guessed.
taking a seat on your couch, satoru peered into your tired eyes and the pained expression painted across your face when you moved. “you look like shit,” he deadpanned, “what’s up? you haven’t been answering any of my messages.”
with a little hiss slipping through your teeth, you sat up on the soft cushion. a hot water bottle was stuffed in the waistline of your sweatpants. “sorry. i got my period and i’ve been feeling like shit all day. thanks for pointing it out, by the way.”
there was a little tug at satoru’s heartstrings when he saw your face so unusually pale and the discomfort in your body. he knew there was little he could do, yet he still asked. “is there anything i can do for you?”
satoru was too good for his own good. he didn’t have to check up on you and make sure you were alright. after all, you were supposed to be nothing but his son’s babysitter. or nanny. or whatever satoru called that arrangement. yet, here he was, in your home and looking at you with eyes that betrayed the worry in his abdomen. how could you refuse such an offer? you couldn’t, that’s how.
“actually..could you fetch me some pads and painkillers? i’d go myself but– oh fuck.”
as another cramp seemed to stab your womb, satoru gently put his palms on the slope of your shoulders and pushed you back down onto the soft cushion of your couch. to see you so out of commission tugged at his heartstrings in way it probably shouldn’t. “say no more. you just rest. i’ll be right back.”
all you managed was an affirmative grunt and a nod of your head before satoru made his way out of your four cozy walls to fetch you some pads and painkillers.
about half an hour later, he came back with a bag of the things you asked for and some salty and sweet snacks as well as some heat patches for your lower back.
“..why’d you get so many pads? these are enough to last me a year.” a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you pulled out item after item.
satoru shrugged his shoulders, a sheepish smile on his handsome face. “you didn’t specify which pads you needed, so i asked the lady in the aisle for help. well, in the end, i wanted to be sure and bought a little bit of everything.” he filled the bowl on your coffee table with some salty chips and stole one or two chips for his own before letting you have a taste. “i think i did a good job. i made sure all of them have wings, too!”
laughter bubbled in the back of your throat and for a moment, you forgot that your uterus was made of knives – or maybe it was thanks to the painkillers you had swallowed. “yeah. you did the best job.”
when your praise went in his ear like sweet honey and you looked at him with those sweet eyes, satoru swore his heart skipped a beat under his ribs. a feeling he hadn’t felt in so long, but it wasn’t too bad. at least, it was better than the snake of worry in his tummy.
“you didn’t have to buy all these things though,” you said and turned around so satoru could reveal the skin of your lower back. with careful fingers, satoru stuck the heat patches to your skin before pulling your shirt back down.
“you’re right. i didn’t have to, but i wanted to,” satoru replied, sitting back on the couch and casually draping his arm over your shoulder to pull you a bit closer to him. “besides, you looked so miserable that i took pity on you.”
“..i’m gonna pretend like i didn’t hear the last part,” you grumbled and snuggled up to the taller man who took up half of your couch, but you didn’t mind. in fact, you appreciated the warmth he radiated and so willingly shared with you.
satoru found a piece of home as you were cuddled into his side and watched the movie running on tv. how sweet it was to have a pretty woman in his arm, finding amusement in the silly lines of the characters and eventually snoring away on his shoulder like it was where you belonged.
satoru made a mental note to come by in four weeks again when your period would start just so you’d let him cuddle you.
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taglist. @risuola, @torusmochi, @cinnamonmon, @ayanominitrash, @lordbugs, @phoenix666stuff, @hotvinimon, @stevenknightmarc, @sukunasleftkneecap, @erigaur, @lu-lynds, @staryukis
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mekochansblog · 2 months
Little Mermaid
Five Hargreeves x mermaid reader
Summary: Five and his family are finally taking a vacation! When Five stumbles on a little mermaid that loves looking at him.
The picture at the bottom is not mine credits to the creator I just colored her how I imagined her.
Five surveyed the ocean and breathed in and out, smelling the salty water. He took in the view. He walked towards a rock and saw a little secluded place. It looked like no one went there at all. Five turned towards where his family was and recognized that he walked further from the public beach and was more at a place that felt sacred in a way. Well it looked like it with just a glance. He kept going and slowly sat himself towards the sand. He gazed at the ocean and felt the waves crashing closely to where he was. It's not that he didn’t want to be with his family. After all, they did save the planet 8 years ago. He was finally 21, an “adult” even though he was 66 years old mentally. He just needed some space from his overly excited golden retriever brother Klaus and his chihuahua brothers and sister. He zoned back when he heard a splash close to him. His eyebrows furrowed and he squinted to see if he was able to calculate where it was coming from. That's when he saw it. A splash of a tail. He blinked multiple times. He was imagining stuff right? No way he just saw a tail that looked nothing like a fish or any other type of sea animal that he knew had a tail. Five slowly stood up and slowly took steps towards the ocean. He didn't want to scare whatever type of new animal he just discovered. Once he was waist deep he saw it.
He rubbed his eyes to see if maybe it was light that was deceiving him but no. There in front of him was a real mermaid swimming around. He took in her features. Her skin wasn't a normal color, it was more like an ice blue color. It actually looked pretty on her, he thought. Her hair color was a white silver with some blue tint at the bottom. What really interested him was her tail. It was an azure blue, it was long and wide, maybe around two to three feet longer than normal legs, her tail was wavy like a flowing dress. He knew that there wasn't a color that would match her tail,her scales glittered when the sun hit them making them look like diamonds. He didn't notice himself getting closer to the mermaid until he couldn't feel the ground with his feet. He panicked for a bit but then actually moved his arms and legs to not drown himself. When he calmed down and made sure he looked where land was he looked back where the mermaid was but he let out a small scream and backed away. Turns out the mermaid caught him and swam closer to inspect him seeing as she has never seen a human up close. You tilted your head when Five did it too, you kept copying his movements until he gently pushed you away from him. His hands were a bit shaky when he grabbed your shoulders. He cleared his throat which you mimicked also, finding whatever he does fascinating.
“I…I’m Five.” He gently murmured towards you. 
You blinked your eyes and tilted your head. You copied his lip movements but nothing came out. He eyed you, confused why you haven’t said anything. His eyes widened and he let out a small ‘oh’. He guessed you didn’t understand what he was saying. Until you grabbed his head and kissed him. His eyes widened and he didn’t know if he should push you away or not. The first physical girl/mermaid that he interacts with more and not counting his family or the people that want to kill him and she steals his first kiss (Dolores stole many kisses from him but he could never feel her soft lips on his skin). When you let go of him you were sofly panting while he was catching his breath from that intense kiss you gave him.
“I..I /N… Y/…N '' you stuttered. It was your first time talking in the human language. You didn’t even know if you said your name right.
 Mermish was the language the mermaids spoke but if spoken in land it sounded harsh and raspy, like a scream. Five stared at you confused and still a bit dazed from the kiss. He didn't know why you kissed him. Was this how mermaids introduced each other? He didn’t know. You smile at him so innocently and giggle. He kept blinking and just stared at you. He finally coughed and cleared his throat.
“Y… yeah I’m Five… Five Hargreeves. You said your name was Y/N?” He softly questioned you. 
You looked at him for a minute trying to understand the question he just asked you and you nodded your head eagerly. You were too excited to finally talk to someone that wasn’t a merperson. You swam from side to side wondering what else you will be able to learn about this human. Five nodded and hesitated in asking about your kind. He’s read too many books whether real or not about the merpeople and knew they were secretive. What he wanted to ask was why you kissed him out of nowhere. So he did.
“So so so why… Why did you kiss me? Is that how you introduced each other?” Five questioned you. He did want to know in case he ever encountered another merpeople, (which he hoped not since he for some reason will feel guilty). You looked at him and shook your head.
“No… I wish to know languages… not good…I kiss to know human language” You replied back to him, still smiling at him. Five’s face grew hot at what you just said, and so casually too like it was normal. Jesus you will be someone interesting this vacation. He knew he won't be able to get rid of you so easily now. 
Five gave out a small laugh and shook his head. Well at least now he was able to somewhat understand you. Your English wasn't the best and your sentences were somewhat out of place but that's all right. You giggled back seeing as he wont be a harm to you. You couldn't wait to gush to your best friend about this Five human. Five then started swimming towards the shore seeing as he was tired of trying not to drown. You tilted your head questioning in your head why he was leaving when you swam under and saw his legs, your eyes widened in fascination and touched his feet. Five felt the touch and tried to hurried it up, he shook his leg wanting you to stop touching his leg. He got closer and shook his head like a dog. he sat close to the ocean where the sand met the water so you don't have to come out not knowing if you'll be able to survive or not. You popped your head out of the water and laugh. he looked at you and let out a chuckle. You were one fascinating creature. He mentioned you to get a little closer to him so he would be able to talk to you then screaming and exposing you.
You smiled widely and swam a bit too excited towards him. You kept staring at his features. You again leaned close to his face almost touching nose to nose. Five's face flushed at the sudden movement but didn't move at all. She admired the way this particular human looked. He had an olive tint to his skin nothing like the icy blue she had. His hair was a chestnut color, his eye color reminded her of the seaweed she will mostly use, but they had a speck of gold on them when the light hit his eyes. She moves her head a bit to look more at him. His physique wasn't exactly muscular, but the hard outlines of his body still captivated you. Your eyes drank in the sight of him, lingering on the way his chest rose and fell with the quickening pace of his breath, before trailing down the soft expanse of his stomach. Five let out a small mewl, you didn't know that you were turning him on. It was just the way your burned on his skin, the way she took the sight of him like she could ravish him and he will let her.
Five grabbed your shoulders and gently pushed you away, the way you were drinking him in will make him go feral and he didn't know if he would be able to control himself. You tilted your head, your furrowed in confusion not knowing what you did wrong. You looked at his face turning crimson, his breathing was irregular. You put your hand on his chest and leaned your head to hear his heartbeat, closing your eyes taking it in. Five's mind stopped working right there. All the blood rushed towards his cock and he had to stop himself from grabbing you and kissing you. Well fuck this cute innocent's mermaid. By the end of this summer he will make you squirm just for him.
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megu-meow · 1 year
i can't lose you either - megumi fushiguro
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megumi x fem. reader
Summary: Megumi often tends to risk his own life to save yours.
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"You can't just sacrifice your own life to save mine, Fushiguro!" your tears are running down your face like rainfall, breaking Megumi's heart even more. He hates seeing you cry, especially when he's the cause of your tears. Moreover, he can't recall the last time you addressed him so coldly, you always call him either Gumi or Megumi-chan, the annoying nicknames sounding sweet and loving coming from you.
He knows that if he stays right now he will say something even more hurtful, he would break your heart with words he doesn't mean, but his anger and annoyance might bring them out of him. So he doesn't say a word. He picks his jacket up from your bed and leaves your dorm, closing the door carefully. He swore he would never get angry or aggressive with you, he would never raise his voice, he wouldn't do anything to scare you. He just leaves you in your dorm room, with your tears that seem to have doubled in number since he walked out the door.
An hour passes and you fall asleep with puffy cheeks and eyes, your face decorated with salty lines from crying. You wake up later in the night and notice that it's pitch black out and you haven't heard from Megumi since he left. You check your phone, you have a few messages from Gojo-sensei about the next day's lectures and some more from the shared group chat with the other first years, none from your boyfriend though. You even start questioning whether he's still your partner or not, the thought of the two of you breaking up making you even more upset.
So you get up, determined to make the first move towards resolving the issue at hand. You put on his hoodie, the one you stole from him a few weeks into dating, one that complements his porcelain skin and dark features. You love it most because it's cozy, perfectly oversized and somehow always smells like him. You walk out your room without even looking in the mirror as you shuffle all the way to his dorm, your head hanging low. For your surprise, he's not there. You ask Yuji, but he claims he hasn't seen him all day. You call Gojo who doesn't know anything about his whereabouts either and starts dramatically wailing on the phone claiming that "you have to make up because you two are the only reason why he believes in love".
You go to the kitchen, but he's not there either. You start to panic, it's getting way too late and he's nowhere to be found. You go through your contacts to check if there's someone else you could call and ask about his whereabouts. You stumble upon a phone number you haven't used in years and you quickly realise where he ran off to. You call Ijichi to give you a ride and he quickly agrees. As you leave the dorms his black car is already parked in front of the building, you quickly hop in and give him the address. You cannot see it, it's dark out and you are facing his back but he smiles widely, because he was the one to drop off Megumi at the destination hours ago and he knows you're the only one who could have figured out the boy's whereabouts, you're the only one who knows him well enough to do so.
As you arrive at your destination you don't even wait for Ijichi to park the car, you hop out thanking him for the ride and sprint into the building. You take the elevator to the right floor and softly knock on the 3rd door on the left. There's no response, so you slightly open it, seeing the bright light coming from the inside. You spot Megumi sitting on a stool, hunched over the bed, his hand intertwined with the unconscious girl's smaller one. Your lips curl into a soft smile from the picture in front of you. The door behind you clicks as it closes and Megumi bolts up from his slumber, his eyes quickly finding yours. His panicked gaze softens and he quickly gets up to embrace you in a hug.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, for walking out on you, I can't stand arguing with you and I didn't want to say anything to hurt you!" he rambles.
"I know, Gumi! I'm sorry too... You scared me, you didn't text me and no one has heard from you all day."
"I used to ask Tsumiki for advice on how to confess my feelings towards you. Then I asked her where to take you for our first date. Then I took her advice on what to get you for our anniversary. I needed her advice on how to make up to you today, but she's in a coma and she couldn't help me. I can't lose you too, y/n! I lost so many people in my life and I'm gonna lose many more. You can't be one of them, I'd rather die than live a life you're not in."
"I can't lose you either, Megumi! You're the most important person in my life, you can't leave me behind, Baka! I need you here, alive and well." you say looking deeply into his desperate eyes, the green orbs softening upon hearing your words.
That's the moment he realised saving your life by risking his own wouldn't solve anything. He has to be there for you, just as much as you he needs you there for him.
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Good Times Roll, The Cars}
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Program: Eddie is the type of boyfriend who will do absolutely everything for you in order to make you happy. But he's also a little shit who can't get enough of you.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Couple of swears, Eddie oogles reader, cheeky bum grab, lil make out if you can even call it that, Pet name (dove)
Length: 1137w
Counselor Notes: I hiked St. Sauveur in Acadia! Eddie would definitely grab your bum when he gets comfy with you in a relationship, and I couldn't stop thinking about that. Pictures below :)
Patches of hot sunlight break through the tree canopy and bake the bed of sheetrock. A concerto of Chickadees features a Mourning Dove’s solo. Twigs snap from little critters dashing to their homes and underneath your stumbling feet.
“Are you sure this is the right way, Eddie?” you pant. Beads of sweat trail down your temple and trickle onto your tongue leaving a salty taste.
“Course I do! I told you that I would handle planning this vacation,” he calls back in confidence. Eddie’s figure always somewhere in your line of sight. 
An amused chuckle pushes past your dry lips while watching your boyfriend dancing between trees. This whole hike, Eddie wouldn’t share your target location, but his excitement bounces as he skips over roots and quickly scales boulder formations. He looks so at home in the lush pine forest, your woodland prince.
Turning to face you and shielding her eyes, Eddie’s throat dries at the sight of your glowing figure. Unabashedly, his eyes trail down your body following the droplets of sweat glide across your skin. He wets his lips and bites his tongue. Lost in his thoughts, Eddie can’t help but let his mind wander. How you would react if he stole a little taste.
The sudden sound of a cleared throat startles him out of his daze. His heart racing and slightly flushed, Eddie’s slightly guilty eyes meet your teasing gaze. Chuckling, he presses an apologetic peck to your cheek while uncomfortably adjusting the cooler backpack strap. 
“Just up these rocks and we’re there. How about I help you up?” Eddie winks. A dramatic flourish of his arms and bow invites you to take the lead.
“Why do I get the sense that you’re up to no good, Munson,” you mumble, keeping a wary eye on him.
Eddie gasps, “How dare you question my integrity?”
“Oh, very easily,” you throw back while grasping onto the first notch in the rock, ��Need I remind you of the PDA ban instilled back in Hawkins?” A searing heat hits your ankle from the jarring angle it twists.
“I don’t get the big deal,” Eddie’ voice much closer than a second ago. “If I want to show my love and affection, I should be able to. Not my fault Harrington’s hurt that he can only look but not touch”. His hands firmly grasp the back of your thigh when he notices your ankle jerk from the loose rock. 
You snap your head to look back at him shooting a suspicious stare. “The hell about Steve? And, careful with those,” you warn.
A mischievous spirit hums through Eddie as he responds with his sweetheart smile, “Get your mind out of the gutter and get climbing, dove”.
Slowly turning away from Eddie’s foux-innocent look, you refocus on the boulders blocking your way.
Before you can even move your hand, two quick squeezes to your bum shoot a surprised jolt through you. A tiny squeal squeaks itself free from your lips. Whipping your head around to peer at Eddie’s crouched form, hunched in uncontrollable laughter. “You little shit,” you hiss, “This is exactly why that ban is in place around our friends!” Giggles soon tickle your chest and betray your serious glower, “Telling me to get my mind out of the gutter when you steal cheeky grabs and pulling me into closets”.
“I’m sorry,” he wheezes and raises his hands in mock surrender, “Fuck, I’m sorry”. Eddie tries to catch his breath and provide some relief to his burning lungs. Tears stream down his face mixing with sweat as he wipes his eye, “But I’m really not. I’m obsessed with you, dove. Just want to keep you in my arms all day”.
“Your sweet words reek with testosterone,” you shake your head and pull yourself further up the boulder. Fingertips searing with pain from holding onto the ledge for so long. Your knees wobble in relief from the release of pressure. So close, nearly there.
“There you go, dove. Just a little further, and then you’ll see why I suggested this hell trail,” Eddie pushes your leg up and over the top. Giddiness bubbles inside him as you reach the summit. All the late nights planning. The little bickers loading the car. All worth it for your happiness.
Awes washes over you, head to toe, while you take in the mountain top view. “Holy shit, Eddie,” you breathe out. You watch the tiny sailboats float on top of the vass ocean harbor with little wakes trailing after the motorboats. The tall pine trees frame the scenic picture and share their well hidden secret.
An arm wraps itself around your waist, a welcoming warmth tingles through you as Eddie pulls you close. His other hand presses a cool can of beer to the back of your neck. “I was really hoping you would like it after all the death valleys and ass cliff climbs we did to get here,” he mumbles into your hair. “Told ya, I knew where I was leading us,” he jokes with a final kiss to your crown. Taking your hand, Eddie walks over to the cliff side, and he shrugs off the cooler and grabs a beer for himself, putting it off to the side. With cautious ease, seats himself on the ledge and safely guides you to join his side.
As one arm secures you to his side, the other reaches for his beer. The crack of metal and hiss of carbonation already make it feel as if the temperature has dropped a few degrees. “To our first couple’s vacation,” Eddie cheers.
“And to many more to come,” you promise, clinking your can against his. Your shared laughter mixes with the refreshing reward of cheap beer.
Stealing a kiss, the savory taste of beer and his tender touch make you dizzy. Nipping at his lip, the vibration and sound of his groans cause your heart to race. You press yourself further into his embrace and relish in how he so easily pulls you closer. Pulling away, you press rapid pecks to his smiling lips. “Thank you, honey. This is amazing,” you lean your head on his shoulder, feeling how heavy his breath has slightly become.
“Anything for you, you know that,” Eddie takes another sip of beer trying to wash away the growing need beginning to burn in his stomach. 
A lone drop of beer dangles from the corner of his mouth that catches your attention from the corner of your eye. As you press yourself even closer, you feel Eddie’s breath hitch. Licking away the teasing, amber droplet, you laugh darkly from how still Eddie’s become. You settle back into his hold and take in the gorgeous view while Eddie tries to remember how to function once more.
The PDA ban wasn’t just Eddie’s fault.
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zablife · 1 year
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Maybe something darkish with Alfie if you feel inspired? 😇 Suggested: enemies to lovers 🤔
When Did You Realize I Was Not Dead?
You stole inside the large seaside mansion, clutching a pistol. You'd only seen a housekeeper come and go in recent weeks, but you weren't taking any chances. You'd come for Alfie Solomons once before and he had been unguarded. He wouldn't be stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. You moved silently through the house, eyes darting suspiciously for any signs of security as you attempted to find the irritating mad bastard who refused to die. 
As you snuck past a small sitting room crammed with heavy, ornate furniture, an open balcony door caught your attention. The curtains flapped lightly on a breeze that brought in a healthy dose of salty, sea air. You inhaled deeply, allowing yourself to release the tension in your neck and shoulders with the slow exhalation of breath. Momentarily closing your eyes, you attempted to picture Alfie here taking the air.
It wasn't difficult as the King of Camden's voice boomed from one corner of the room suddenly asking, "Gonna improve your aim by closing both eyes this time, dove?"
You spun in all directions, attempting to locate him. It only took a moment to realize he had concealed himself by sinking into a plush looking armchair. He peered out at you with mild curiosity, but utter lack of fear. 
"Fuck you, Alfie. I'm the best Tommy's got," you said, holding your head high.
"Well I'd hate to see his worst," he taunted you, rising from his chair with a groan. As he faced you, you saw the damage you’d inflicted the last time you visited. The left side of his face was stitched together in a crude patchwork, his left eye so badly damaged it was now a milky white. You couldn’t help the shocked expression that came over you as you took it all in. It was rare to be confronted with the consequences of your bullets as John and Arthur mostly handled that. The first pangs of regret hit you hard and fast as you’d always had a soft spot for this wild man and if you were honest, a bit of admiration as well. 
You remembered the day they called you about Alfie’s body. John shouting down the telephone line that something had gone wrong. Arthur demanded to know why there was a trail of blood in the sand but no body and you couldn’t explain it. You’d left Alfie for dead that day on the beach thinking no one could survive a bullet to the head. You held a handkerchief to your mouth to hide the sobs from them, afraid they would find out how much you cared for your mark. When it had been suggested he got away, you wondered if you hadn’t missed intentionally.
“Admiring your handiwork?,” Alfie asked, gesturing toward his scars with a flourish, gold rings catching the light, mocking you in their insistence you see what you had done to your former lover. You instantly snapped out of your dreamlike state as he continued to needle you. “Or do actually mean to kill me this time?” Alfie frowned at you, his hulking form before you like a terrifying grizzly ready to charge. 
Then with a quick turn of his back, he paced toward the open door. “Nah, that’s not why you’ve come. You’re losing your touch, getting sentimental on me, pet,” he pronounced. He looked over his shoulder briefly at your gun, still in hand, but not aimed at him for some curious reason. He sucked his teeth for a moment before continuing, “You’re a bit of a failure, ain’t ya?” he laughed heartily. “I mean, ya come here to kill me, cock it up and now you stand there…stand there, right, having a butchers but like a sodding muppet and you can’t even point the bloody thing at me,” he said, scratching his beard. Honestly, you were as confused as he was, unsure how to proceed. You had your orders, but you couldn't carry them out now that you were stood face to face.
Alfie made his way back to you, his limp slowing him considerably. “What’s that pikey paying you, hmm?” he demanded.
“Why? You going to offer me something I want more?” you asked, swallowing harshly with Alfie so close to you you could smell the rum on him.
“Dunno. What is it you want?” Alfie asked. “Gold?” He was testing you to see if you had a price. He wanted to know if this had been about the money from the beginning and that hurt you deeply.
You shook your head as a tear fell down your cheek. “What if I said I didn’t want to kill you at all, Alfie? What then?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper. And you awaited his reply, frightened of the honest answer he might give.
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kiruuuuu · 1 year
Siege the Valentine's, Day 11 💘
Hi all, you know the drill, follow @dualrainbow for more events like these and so you don't miss a single entry 😁 Thank you again to all the people organising this and thank you also to the participants!
My entry is a wholesome one (for once) about how Bandit and Jäger go on a date, but not really. I hope you enjoy it!! (Bandit/Jäger, Rating T, fluff, ~3.7k words)
“You better dress up for our date later.”
Bandit looks up only once his shoe is lightly kicked and greets his teammate with a wide grin, noticing how Rook’s head in the background whips around at the statement. “Rented a tux for you, babe. You better follow… suit.”
He earns a very satisfying groan and an eye roll, warranting no further questions from Jäger himself, though prompting IQ to lean over. “What are your plans for today?”
“Let’s see…” Bandit glances at the other man to check he’s not forgetting anything. “Early film, of course the most romantic one we could find, then a candle light dinner at an Italian place near the sports park, and if I play my cards right, it’ll turn into a sleepover with benefits.”
“Nice.” IQ nods in appreciation. “Learnt your lesson last year, huh?”
Bandit has long noticed they hold all the attention belonging to an increasingly confused-looking Rook who’s trying his best not to stare, so he hams it up even more. “Yeah, eating dinner first and then going to the cinema was a nightmare, we had to beg the waiter to rush our food even though they were swamped because the old couple who stole our table just wouldn’t leave and Marius was cranky the entire time. We only barely made the film and were too stressed out for any… other activities afterwards. Unlike today, hopefully.” He winks at Jäger and receives a sincere nod in return.
“I was in favour of just staying home and making some food ourselves, but he vetoed that. Vehemently.”
“Look, it would’ve been fine if you were still in your pickled phase, but fermentation?” Bandit makes a face in IQ’s direction. “You don’t want to know how much kimchi I’ve had to try in the last months. And those salty half-alcoholic fruits that never turned out right -”
“The kimchi was fine”, Jäger insists, getting huffy, “you’re just mad because I refused to make beer for you.”
“Absolutely no reason to just leave food lying around until it gets kinda mouldy. I don’t even like sauerkraut.”
“Soy sauce is fermented, actually, and you might as well drink the stuff with how -”
“You’re going on a date?”
It just burst out of Rook – even he seems appalled at his sudden interjection yet his curiosity must burn too bright for he does not recant his question. Instead, his eyes dart between them, seeking a specific reaction, a revealing sign, anything.
“Yeah”, Bandit replies easily, “just one of many, you know.” He doesn’t need to look to know Jäger nods in confirmation. IQ probably does as well.
No way he’s letting him off the hook like that. Instead of picking up on Rook’s non-verbal implication, Bandit simply raises his brows expectantly and waits. He’s going to make him say it.
After he’s fidgeted uncomfortably for a few seconds, he finally blurts out: “So you two are dating.”
IQ throws him a pitying look. He’s not the first and he won’t be the last, and this whole thing is part of why Bandit enjoys days like Valentine’s so much. His smirk is overly smug yet he makes no effort to reign it in. “Of course we’re not. Never have, never will. What makes you think that?”
And he just soaks up the mixture of bemusement and annoyance radiating from the young Frenchman.
He’d be hard pressed to remember all the details from their first ‘date’, though some aspects preserved themselves illegally in his mind: when he pictures it, all he sees is a lanky, withdrawn nerd who grimaces every time anyone mentions Christmas around him, so Bandit naturally did what he always does. He pokes and prods and rubs it in until he finally gets a straight answer out of his current object of curiosity, and the one they called Jäger admitted his long-term boyfriend recently broke up with him so now all their plans for the festive season were nullified, leaving him devoid of company. And hey, what a coincidence, Bandit’s then-girlfriend (not for much longer, obviously) had just accepted an invitation to her horribly backward, racist and homophobic family’s party and he’d been looking for a good excuse to ditch her.
So they did the most stereotypical shit they could come up with, watched Die Hard and ate potato salad and drank too much beer until Jäger passed out on his couch, and then they proceeded to not interact with each other for a long time. The chance never really came up, is the thing, and Bandit did an undercover gig and Jäger was sent somewhere else after and then a year had passed and Bandit asked for his plans for Christmas with a tongue-in-cheek comment, referring to the previous year and expecting a laugh and to be shot down (like Jäger usually does when it comes to social events with people he doesn’t know well, Bandit is aware and stopped inviting him without changing anything else about their conversations which somehow seemed to put Jäger at ease) – except Jäger is the one who suggests they celebrate Christmas like the Japanese and get KFC together.
And as a casual acquaintanceship slowly blooms into something more, they involuntarily learn a variety of things about each other. Bandit’s habit of putting a cigarette behind his ear, losing it almost immediately and complaining loudly while he calculates how much that single cancer stick cost him. Jäger’s preferences in food, which are as cryptic as they are manifold: sometimes he rejects dishes for consistency, sometimes for colour, sometimes for reasons unknown to everyone including him, and Bandit forgets them all the second Jäger divulges them which turns out to be fine as they keep changing from month to month anyway. Jäger tries futilely to convince him not to buy a new motorcycle whenever the urge overtakes him, and they inevitably end up tuning it together.
Eventually, Jäger readily offers advice whenever Bandit describes whoever he’s flirting with at that point, and Bandit talks a little about his night terrors (though not sober, he needs to be dead drunk, meaning the opportunity presents itself quite often), and Jäger laments his difficulties in finding anyone with whom he’s comfortable enough to start a relationship, and the two of them swap work stories that leave them the unhealthy flavour of desolate. But it’s either Bandit’s dry sarcasm or Jäger’s genuine enthusiasm about his current fixation that allows them to move on, and then one year, everyone brags about their perfect Valentine’s date, so naturally, Bandit and Jäger name each other as their Valentine’s. They go ice skating and Bandit ends up with a bloody nose and nearly a finger less than before and they conclude that next time, they’d rather do something more romantic.
It just escalates from there. Though they do spend significant holidays with their families or, rarely, their partners whenever possible, more often than not something comes up and they just celebrate together. By the time they can’t remember how long they’ve been friends they’re leaning into it all the way, sipping sickly-sweet cocktails on Christmas while slagging Hallmark-like films shown on TV, mocking the many advertisements in between to the point where Jäger is red in the face and can’t breathe anymore.
(When Bandit finds out Jäger is following him into Rainbow, he ends up crying. Could be all the gin and tonic, who knows, could be the relief of knowing he’ll have someone who has his back no matter what, but he knows he wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t been pissed, and he certainly wouldn’t have done it had he known Jäger would mirror him. It’s not – not a sob fest or anything, they don’t cling to each other shedding tears of joy, it’s just annoyingly wet and a pain to wipe away of which he does a bad job of hiding while Jäger gets some tissues for himself, and they quickly change the topic afterwards.)
“I don’t actually know which film we’re seeing.” Jäger bounces on his heels in impatience, eyes darting around the lobby trying to find the poster that reveals whichever kitsch Bandit might’ve picked.
“You’re remarkably calm about that.” He’s busy operating the vending machine responsible for dispensing reserved tickets, a blessing as far as Bandit is concerned – he doesn’t need to talk to a human being and the poor cashiers don’t have to deal with his sorry attitude. “When I was sixteen, Ced invited my girlfriend and me to a double date and kept the film a secret. It turned out to be some fucked-up gory horror flick. I think I still have the scars from where my girlfriend clawed into my arm while trying not to scream.”
Jäger scoffs. “I would’ve dumped you for that.”
“Even though it wasn’t my fault?”
“No, because you probably laughed at her and brought it up at every opportunity. You told me how you were at sixteen.”
There’s no arguing there. Bandit grins and snatches the printed-out tickets before Jäger can sneak a peek. “I did, and she did dump me. Now she’s working as an accountant and has like three kids, so who really lucked out in the end?” His companion opens his mouth. “Don’t answer that. Let’s go.”
In true date night fashion, Jäger links his arm with Bandit’s and they meander through the floors together, commenting on a few cardboard cutouts and which one they’d put up in their homes if they had to choose. Eventually, Jäger voices a sudden oh! and yanks Bandit to a halt so abruptly he nearly drops the popcorn they’re going to share. “It’s this one, isn’t it.” He points to a pink-framed, mellow poster picturing a woman beaming up at a man at sunset. “This is the worst one I’ve seen so far. What is it called? Building a Bridge to Cloud Nine? Seriously?”
“That doesn’t sound OSHA-compliant.”
“If it’s about a career-oriented woman who falls in love with a builder, I’m walking out.”
“I bet it’s a really sexy quantity surveyor. His catchphrase is ‘let me survey your quantity’.”
Jäger beams at him with an amused and delighted expression not unlike the one displayed by the actress on the poster, and for a brief second, Bandit is filled with the sudden epiphany of this is exactly what I want. Followed by a derisive mental sneer, of course, because he’s far from being the romantic type – quite the opposite. Still, he can’t deny that he craves intimacy, however shape it eventually takes, and he’s secretly glad he didn’t actually choose a film that would fuel this particular desire.
Why can’t it ever be easy? Why is it always complicated, draining, requiring constant work and mental resources, why is being in a relationship so goddamn hard? Bandit has tried, couldn’t even count the attempts if he wanted, and there was always a wall they hit, sooner rather than later. He’s been accused as selfish, withdrawn, brooding, even his therapist complained about him not opening up enough. He doesn’t see why it’s necessary. There are people in his life who know enough about him so that nobody else needs to, like Blitz. Like Jäger.
Why can’t it ever be as easy as with Jäger? They settle into the loveseat like it’s the most natural thing in the world (and it was only last year that Jäger booked one for kicks for the first time though it turned out to be much more comfortable than they expected), and, because it’s Valentine’s and they have to keep the theme going, Bandit puts an arm around him and Jäger laughs but cuddles up to him and the point is making everyone around them think they’re a couple anyway. The gangly nerd is flexible enough to sit cross-legged and it almost feels like they’re just at home on the couch watching something in private. Very cosy.
The cosiness is only briefly diminished when a series of gruesome deaths happen on screen as a building collapses, impaling someone with a steel bar while someone else’s head gets squished between two concrete blocks. Jäger turns to him with a glint in his eye. “Is this the new Final Destination?!”, he whispers. His delight only grows when Bandit nods with a smirk. “I love them! They’re terrible.”
They are. Bandit figured there’s no better film to watch on the day of love than this schlock and, judging by Jäger’s thinly-veiled excitement, he’s not alone in this opinion. He pushes away his musings about relationships and the likes and leans back to enjoy the grisly spectacle.
“- look, just stop me if you don’t care about this stuff, but I need to tell someone how wrong they got it”, Jäger blabbers, still exhilarated from the film, “because buildings don’t work like that. Not the one they chose, anyhow, there’s not just… air between the floors, there’s wiring and -”
Though it’s the last thing Bandit wants to do, he interrupts his companion with a gentle: “I think you should order.” He’s already conveyed his choice of food and drink through a series of subtle pointing, acknowledged by the amused waitress with a nod as they’re both subjected to one of Jäger’s famous rants. It usually takes every new person in the engineer’s life about two to three months before they get to witness one since he watches himself carefully around casual acquaintances, which means most people experience him as a friendly and modest co-worker with no noteworthy eccentricities.
But once he’s thawed enough and one of his current pet peeves is brought up (they change depending on his current fixation), there’s no stopping him. He’s never angry, just passionate, with an overwhelming urge to share his grievances with anyone willing to listen, and they’re always factually flawless. Bandit couldn’t name half the topics on which he became an unwitting expert purely by existing around Jäger for so long.
When he loses his train of thought, however, is distracted or interrupted by anything, Jäger deflates instantly and requires a few sincere prompts to start up again. And as much as Bandit loves listening to him, he is quite hungry.
The peppy waitress, who takes it in stride and seems to find the whole thing extremely cute, helps Jäger pick something with no fuss and promises them a short wait time despite the busy restaurant. Seems like they chose well, the service is fast and friendly and the other customers appear satisfied with their dishes.
Jäger comes to the same conclusion and comments: “Nice place. How’d you find it?”
“They offer a discount for couples today.” Bandit winks at him, making him laugh.
“Do I need to start calling you ‘babe’ now so we don’t strain your wallet too much?”
“Oh I think we’re plenty convincing already.” From the few glances and smiles they’ve earned between entering the restaurant and now, he’s sure they have everyone fooled. “We’re like an old married couple who managed to keep the magic alive and still go on dates together.”
His friend shrugs. “We might as well be.”
Yeah. It’s not that far from the truth with how much time they spend in each other’s presence. “Alright, so back to the structural integrity of an office building”, he changes topics and Jäger’s face lights up instantly.
“Don’t be ridiculous”, Bandit grumbles as they walk arm in arm through the brightly-lit and pink-clad shopping centre as a shortcut to his car. It’s already dark and though they’ve got to work the next day, they’ve both decided on watching another film in Jäger’s apartment to conclude their ‘date’.
“I don’t make the rules – I get the bill, I’m the top.”
Outraged, he tries to nudge Jäger into a potted plant but his companion merely spins them around it, laughing. “I’ve always gotten the bill before. Every waiter and waitress we’ve had decided I’m the top, the outlier today means nothing.”
“Maybe she just wanted to show her support of top twinks who are as vocal in bed as they are in conversation.”
“Or she didn’t like me and wanted to piss me off.”
“Or she wanted to introduce you to new opportunities, you know. She figured we’d discuss it and I’d get a chance to say I’ve secretly wanted to top you for years now but didn’t know how to bring it up -”
“Marius, you’re so experienced I’d let you top me in a heartbeat if you asked.”
Jäger is about to retort when a blonde woman with a camera addresses them, and Bandit is almost glad for the distraction. While they’ve talked about plenty of sexual escapades before, it was never really about them and something about it made him… uneasy. As if they’re toeing some kind of line. Which is nonsense, they’ve been close friends for so long now that if anything was going to happen between them, it’d have happened years ago, they know too much about each other.
“Sorry to bother you”, the young woman says, eyeing them with a smile, “I’m a freelance photographer and I’m working on a personal project featuring couples of all races and genders – would it be alright if I took a photo of you two?”
The option of correcting her doesn’t even enter Bandit’s mind. He flashes her a winning grin and drags Jäger to a more favourable position next to him. “Of course, go ahead. Today is probably the perfect day for your project, hm?”
“I don’t really like having my picture taken”, Jäger mutters in protest but lets Bandit move him around anyway.
“Babe, you always look camera-ready.” The two of them exchange a look, Bandit innocently smiling and Jäger with a dark scowl, which is exactly when the woman photographs them. “Wait, take another one, you didn’t catch his beautiful smile.”
Somehow, this does not seem to lighten Jäger’s mood. The woman, being a professional, seems to sense his discomfort with presenting himself for other people and opts for a different tactic: “Do you want to try kissing?”
Hell yeah. This will make for a fantastic story tomorrow and even more in-jokes between the two of them, so Bandit doesn’t even think twice about it. He catches sight of a raised eyebrow and curled lips and assumes Jäger is once again reading his mind, as he always does when Bandit is up to his shenanigans, and then he’s already pulled the other man to his chest and locked lips with him. They barely manage a proper kiss at first because Jäger pulls away as soon as Bandit’s tongue touches him, but when Bandit quietly calls him a chicken, Jäger returns with a vengeance. Fully aware of their audience, they violently snog while refusing to allow each other the upper hand and Bandit has to exert immense self-control not to burst out into laughter. He’d love it if they made it into some sort of exhibition among all kinds of other couples with this.
And then he notices he’s wrapped both arms tightly around the other man, and Jäger’s hands are sneaking into his biker jacket to stroke over his sides, and somehow…
It’s not the same, kissing Jäger versus kissing anyone else, though he’s not really sure why. He’s a good kisser, now that the initial playfighting has turned into something more cooperative, and he smells nice, and the faux fur of his jacket is tickling Bandit’s cheek, and their lips are moving against each other like they’ve done it a thousand times before, and this kiss has lasted a long time already, they should probably stop. No use in milking it any further. They got their material, time to move on.
Jäger’s tongue curls against his own and he’s left wondering why it’s so good to feel him in his arms like this, why it felt so good to spend a whole film with Jäger snuggled up to him, why he couldn’t stop smiling as Jäger pointed out all the flaws afterwards, and there’s really only one explanation for all this, the only one that makes sense, and then somebody wolf-whistles them.
Without a second thought, Bandit breaks the kiss to turn in the direction of the whistle and yell out an instinctual: “Fuck off!” He regrets it instantly as he spots another gay couple grinning at them over their shoulders while walking away. So… no sarcasm, instead probably a show of appreciation. “Damn, they were really hot, too”, he mutters, feeling Jäger shake with silent laughter. The photographer has disappeared entirely; she likely figured they needed some privacy.
And all of a sudden, this is extremely awkward. He turns back and Jäger is still smiling though there’s a decidedly lost quality to his features, as if he didn’t know what to do with himself either.
When the prolonged silence of them hugging and gazing into each other’s eyes helplessly becomes too unbearable, Jäger utters aptly: “Well. Whoops.”
Bandit snorts and tries to hide his burning face in the side of Jäger’s fluffy hood. “Fuck, man.”
“I don’t think I can pretend that didn’t happen”, Jäger mumbles to Bandit’s relief as he feels much the same way. “Were you – did you know -”
“Let’s not talk about it here, alright?”
A nod. “Alright.”
They both take a deep breath before separating and though Bandit misses the physical proximity straightaway, the dull yearning is alleviated by fingers interlacing with his own. If this is what’s been going on with the two of them, without them being aware of it, it would explain a lot of things. He tries his best to calm racing thoughts, not very successfully, and a random one pops into his head, unbidden: if Rook gets wind of this, he’ll have a field day.
“You know”, Jäger says, cheeks red and not looking at him, thumb stroking over the back of Bandit’s hand, “if this turns out to be our first proper date, it was a pretty good one.”
“It was”, Bandit agrees. Now he just needs to play his cards right.
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enlovewithenhypen · 2 years
Kim Sunoo – Seashells
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Genre: Childhood Best Friends To Lovers
Summary: You and Sunoo have been best friends ever since you were neighbours in childhood. As you grew older together you slowly developed feelings for him, not knowing how he feels about you. Now that you are spending the day at the beach with his family, will you finally gain some hints about his feelings?
word count: 1.7k
a/n: Hello! This is my first work I have written about Enhypen! I deeply apologise if it is too cliche or badly written. I really tried my best to write it well!
I love the childhood best friends to lovers trope so much and I think Sunoo really suits this romance trope, so I thought of this fanfic for him! I do have an idea for a second part but I’ll see how this one goes first. Actually the picture of Sunoo holding up the seashell to his ear inspired me to write this fic and inspired one of the scenes in it, along with the title haha.
Anyways, I hope you will like and enjoy it! I am not sure if it is good, so please tell me what you think of it in the comments! Thank you so much! I appreciate you reading my first story! I hope you have a wonderful day or night! 
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It was a nice and clear day and you and your best friend Sunoo’s family decided to go to the beach. It has been like this for years with your families. It started ever since you two were little children and you lived next to each other as neighbours. You could say you knew Sunoo for as long as you have lived, and you loved it that way. Days like these as you spend your time with him were your favourite, you didn’t tell him yet but you were in love with your best friend. 
As you arrive at the beach and step out of the car the refreshing smell of the salty ocean tickles your nose as you take a deep breath of the cold air in. 
The Kim family hasn’t made it to the beach car park yet so your family starts to unpack their things from the back of the car and make their way down to the beach to find a nice spot on the sand.
“Are you coming y/n?” Your mother asked you from the beach’s stairway with the lunch she made for the day in her hand.
“Oh, I think I am going to wait for Sunoo, he texted me saying he will come soon, his sister just wanted to stop at the shops to buy some sunscreen.” You responded.
“Okay, that’s fine, we will be down here if you need us.” Your mother happily replied with a small grin on her face. She knew that you just didn’t want to do anything without Sunoo with you first, you have always been like this since you were little.
While you wait for him to come you decide to sit down at a bench in the shade while admiring the beach, you pan your eyes across the horizon of the waves and take a good view of the beautiful scenery. It was a very beautiful day and you are so excited to spend it with Sunoo.
After a few minutes Sunoo’s family finally came and parked in the parking spot next to your car.
You recognised it was them straight away and stood up from the bench starting to make your way over to Sunoo’s car, as you did you could see Sunoo already running over to you excitedly.
“Y/n!” He called out. As he finally made it over you could see he was out of breath from running so fast making you chuckle.
“Sorry we took so long, y/n! My sister is always so forgetful and of course she had to tell us only at the last minute that she forgot her sunscreen and we needed to go to the shops.” Sunoo said apologetically, feeling bad for making you wait for so long.
“It’s fine Sunoo! I am just glad you are here now.” You assured him with a happy smile.
“I swear I’m really going to get mad at her one day! She stole the time I could’ve been spending with you here.” Sunoo pouted, making you blush a little knowing that he was just as happy as you were to spend the day with him.
“Hey! I heard that Sunoo!” Sunoo’s sister yells from the car, causing you to laugh.
“What? It's true!!” Sunoo argued back. 
“Anyways! Enough wasting time talking! Let’s go and have some fun!” Sunoo joyfully shouted while grabbing you by the hand leading you down the stairway.
“This day was going to be amazing” you thought to yourself. 
When you and Sunoo arrive at the bottom of the stairs, you both make your way to the now set up picnic that your family had arranged.
“Hi Mrs (mother’s last name)!” Sunoo greeted your mother respectfully while bowing.
“Hello Sunoo! It’s so great to see you again, as your usual cheerful self I see!” Your mother responded to him with a soft smile forming on her lips when she sees you two holding hands.
“Of course! I am always happy when I am able to be with y/n.” Sunoo replied while smiling brightly, making you even more flustered. Why is he saying all these sweet things today?
After Sunoo’s family members make it down to the beach, your Father asks you to walk back to the carpark to the Kim family’s car to grab the umbrellas which will provide shade for the picnic.  
You unlock your hands from Sunoo’s and you obediently accept your task. Sunoo’s eyes follow you as you start to walk away. 
“Is it okay if I help y/n Mr (father’s last name)?” Sunoo asked your father. “My mother brought a lot of umbrellas so there might be too many for y/n to carry alone.”
“That’s thoughtful of you Sunoo, yes you can go up with her, we will all wait for you down here.” your father said.
As you make your way to your car and open the trunk to unpack the umbrellas you suddenly feel a larger hand on top of yours grabbing the umbrellas too. You quickly withdraw your hand in surprise and turn behind you to see Sunoo…? 
“S-sunoo?” you stuttered, confused.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you y/n. I just wanted to help you out with the umbrellas since the larger ones might be heavy and there is a lot to carry.” Sunoo said while scratching the back of his head bashfully.
“O-oh okay, it’s fine! I know you didn’t mean to scare me, I was just startled since I didn’t realise you were behind me.” you responded laughing a little at yourself.
“Yes my bad.” Sunoo heartily laughs with you while smiling at you with that warm signature smile of his that you adore so much. You're sure you could feel your cheeks heat up whenever he smiles at you like that.
You and Sunoo finally make it back to the beach where everyone else was and you both start to open the umbrellas, sticking them into the sand.
“There you both are, I was starting to get worried about what was taking so long.” your father said.
“Sorry Dad, Sunoo and I just got a bit distracted by laughing.” you mumbled with a grin on your face while you looked over to Sunoo who was also smirking at you.
“It’s okay, now let's get the food out, everyone must be starving by now.” your father replied.
The next few hours were peaceful. Both of your families gathered together and happily chatted with each other while they ate their food they brought for the picnic. You got to sit in front of Sunoo at the table which made you feel a little shy since he would be able to directly look at you while you ate. Which he did, Sunoo’s eyes couldn’t stop staring at you the whole time during lunch and you couldn’t either. You have always loved Sunoo’s eyes, even though they were sharp and seemed cold, behind them he was truly warm and sweet. While he was looking at you it's like he was trying to tell you something by his stare, you could tell because whenever he had an idea you could see it through the playful look in his eyes. 
“Hey y/n.” he leaned forward and whispered to you with a smile on his face. In curiosity with what he is going to say you answered “Yes?”
“After we eat I want to show you a fun place we can hang at together on the beach.” he told you.
“Sure! Let’s do it.” you happily said.
After everyone finished eating Sunoo quickly grabbed your hand once again and led you to this rocky outskirt on the beach. It was a nice and quiet secluded place with a pretty view of the ocean waves. 
“Remember when we would play around big rocks like these when we were little and try to climb on them?” Sunoo said while sweetly looking at you.
“Yes, it was so fun.” you chuckled thinking of your childhood memories with him.
“Y/n look!!.” Sunoo excitedly shouted. 
You turn your head and see Sunoo running towards some seashells that he found on the sand, collecting a couple in his hands. 
You walk over to him and see him starting to hold some seashells up to his ear trying all the different ones he found. You decide to join him and try to see if you could hear anything out of them too.
“Did you know it's true that you can hear the ocean inside seashells?” Sunoo excitedly said.
“I used to think that as a child but now I know that it’s not true.” You responded chuckling.
“Well I think you would change your mind after putting your ear up to this seashell! I swear I could hear the sound of the waves really clear in this one!” Sunoo protested. 
You already knew that the seashell’s noise would be the same as all the other ones you have tried but you couldn’t help but giggle at Sunoo’s cuteness. 
You sit down shuffling closer to Sunoo on the sand and lean toward him to put your ear up to the seashell that he was holding in-front of you. Being so close to him made your heartbeat much faster than usual, you could now easily see his delicate features as he faced toward you. You blushed hardly from the proximity of your faces and you hoped Sunoo won’t see how red your face was getting. 
“Are you okay y/n?” Sunoo asked innocently without realising how close he was to you.
“U-uh yes I’m fine.” You quickly replied, as you continued to stare into his eyes while he held up the seashell. 
“Y/n…” Sunoo softly says while leaning even closer to your face. “Do you…” and before he could continue a loud voice yelling from the other side of the beach interrupts him.
“Sunoo, Y/n!!!” your father’s voice echoes the beach. “Where are you two? We are going to start playing beach volleyball now.”
At the sound of your father’s voice you swiftly stand up and tell Sunoo that you two should head back while trying to cover your now very flustered face. Sunoo still remains sitting on the sand with the same feeling in his chest that he has felt for years already when he’s around you.
“How will I ask her?” Sunoo thought to himself.
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hdmiports · 7 months
thinking about maddy and mandie again
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they're like so insufferably stupid together its not even funny. like they locked eyes for -2 seconds and maddy was already whipped so bad (she's just like me fr)
mandie is the same way but she was looking at a maddy like
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for that entire cab ride i swear. but to be fair who can blame either of them, they're both just so 👹👹 yk. and yeah maybe im biased but i fucking love them like have you SEEN them ????????????????? guys like are you looking for a third bc i may be your god but ill pull a chuck and insert myself into the story babes
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anyways speaking of them being literally the hottest people that don't actually exist, im sauuurr happy with their new revamps from the other day. this is what i was picturing when i first thought of them. also if you don't know they were born from a post on my writing blog where mandie is dead (rip) and maddy is basically a hxh chimera.... and i was so obsessed with their lesbianism that i stole them from myself for my creative writing class and now i think about them everyday
i love them so bad and also let me go deep in the recesses of my google drive and find the character sheets i made for them that defffffff need to be revamped bc i haven't changed them since that one post
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most of this is still accurate tbh but i wanna talk more about it
has a very complicated relationship with her mom (again, just like me fr)
her dad and his partner are her best friends even when she was still in georgia
also extremely close with her grandma, magnolia, who keeps her mom in check
really does hate mandie's twin brother bc he's a homophobic little bitch baby who's salty that his sister is cooler than him
her dad is Mr. New York Business but growing up he encouraged her love for art and dress up which inspired her to pursue fashion design (she picks mandie's outfits out when they start officially dating instead of being stupid homos)
she transed her gener in middle school and is extremely out and proud about it
extremely close with her mom who was the first person she came out to
speaking of her mom, while she was pregnant with mandie and adam, she experienced some complications that severely reduced her hearing in both ears and she now communicates largely via ASL, which mandie is also studying in school
her dream is to open a salon that provides gender affirming services and offers stylists that are fluent in ASL at the very least
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jelly-interaction · 2 years
𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚! 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Druig x gn! reader
𝐀/𝐍: I just wanna say thank you for all the likes and reblogs for my druig fic!! I really appreciate it <3 so I made this for yall while I finish off my other work :D
(this can also be read as a general hc if the eternals owned a cafe)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: not proof-read 
So Ajak is the m(om)anager.
Ikaris and Sersi are the waiter/waitress for Eternal’s cafe (Kingo thinks that they would bring in more customers)
But tbh it’s Thena who brings in the most number of customers.
“Damn why is the cafe full on a Tuesday,” Druig grumbled while brewing another order of coffee.
“Thena’s on cashier duty,” Sprite said while wiping down the counter.
Phastos is the pastry’s chef, inventing most of the cafe menu and Gilgamesh being the kitchen’s helper.
Gilgamesh would sneak in pastries to Thena.
And it’s canon that Gilgamesh would wear a ‘kiss the cook’ apron
I can imagine that Phastos first met Ben (his soon to be husband) in the cafe, him being a regular customer there.
“Oh Phastos your boyfriend is here!”
“He is not my boyfriend Druig!”
“Yet,” Makkari signed.
Kingo is the one who sponsor the cafe (and that’s on being a famous movie star) and in charge with the advertisement.
“Err Kingo… I don’t think a cut out of you is necessary,”
“What do you mean Ajak? I think it’ll do good for the business,”
“No it’s not, it will make us go bankrupt.”
“That’s it Sprite! I’m taking away your credit card privileges!!”
Anyways, Druig and Makkari are the barista while Sprite is in charged with the cashier.
Druig and surprisingly Ikaris are banned from entering the kitchen because Druig will always steal the pastries while Ikaris managed to destroy the kitchen once -only Arishem knows how.
“What about Makkari?? She always steal the food!”
“Well Makkari doesn’t finish all of it and she’s an angel,”
Then there’s Makkari standing behind Phastos looking at Druig all smug.
But still that didn’t stop him since Phastos was busy flirting with Ben.
Ben is not the only regular customer there, you would frequently visit the cafe after classes/work for a hot cup of tea/coffee and their cinnamon rolls -which is to die for.
You’re Sersi and Makkari’s favorite customer.
Makkari taught you some basic sign language after you stood up for her when a customer was being rude.
Thena made sure that he will never set foot inside and Druig purposely made his coffee salty.
Sersi would keep you company when you needed the cafe’s wifi for assignments/reports late at night and she was stuck with closing the cafe.
Anyways, Druig was the type who wouldn’t remember his customer’s faces but you.
When you first entered the cafe, he was smitten. That is because you tipped more compared to other customers.
Just kidding, he admired you when you defended Makkari from that jerk.
 He even made sure to spit in his coffee too.
He doesn’t talk that much and occasionally nod at you when you came.
But you didn’t know how his head will always instantly whipped to the entrance when he hears the bell ring or memorizing your order by heart or even how your latte art was extra special.
When he knows you had a bad day, he will always give you a cookie (that he stole from Phastos’s kitchen) to cheer you up. 
Kingo will always tease him every time he caught Druig staring at you.
“You should take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Done that.”
Unknown to Druig, you too like to admire him from the window seat - great view to see him making your tea/coffee.
Sersi and Makkari encouraged you to ask him out but you were too scared of rejection.
Eventually, both of you grew a pair and exchange phone numbers.
However, both of you didn’t see Kingo and Gilgamesh behind the counter collecting their bet from Ikaris.
“Pay up Ikaris,”
“Kingo you’re a millionaire…”
“A bet is a bet buddy.”
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Your character analysis posts are really accurate! I like how you want to show that a character is a lot more than they show. It kind of angers me that there are people who headcanon the boys as something they're not, or they saying that they're this one personality trait only. What other characters from twisted get mischaracterized, at least in ur opinion?
I really enjoy going into depths of characters' personalities because damn- there were some big brains behind their creations!
This question was rather important so I couldn't decide on any specific characters to talk about, so I decided to list all of the twst characters and how they'd often get mischaracterized.
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Mischaracterization isn't bound to twst fandom because as long as a there's a fandom, fanon interpretations of characters exist.
Almost any character in any fandom can be mischaracterized at some point, but it isn't always that noticable or important. Mischaracterization often becomes noticable when pretty different interpretations of rather 'popular' characters exist within a fandom, which causes many to argue over what the correct interpretation is.
For now, I'm dividing all of twst characters into "5 groups" to explain how each of them might often get mischaracterized.
Group A: Complex personalities
It's simple, these characters can be quite hard to understand. It's either because of having too many features at the same time, which makes them quite hard to read because we'll need to achieve a balance between all of their different personality aspects, or being quite secretive and mysterious which awfully bounds our knowledge regarding these characters and their personalities.
•Malleus Draconia: We previously talked about Malleus; the main reason of him getting mischaracterized is having plenty of spine-chilling features while having considerably childish and innocent hobbies at the same time. This opposition often makes it hard to decide on what the cannon Malleus is like, because it can hard to choose one between his darker side and softer side. What we need in order to achieve a rather cannon interpretation of Malleus, is a balance. Just as I previously said: Malleus isn't a baby, but he isn't a monster either.
•Lilia Vanrouge: Even without going into depths, you can tell that Lilia's personality is complicated as hell. Though I can't really tell that he's being Mischaracterized because the cannon Lilia himself can switch into a totally different personality in a matter of second, one moment he's a 90+ year old father trying to lead his children into he right path, one moment he's an unraveled neon teenager playing the ear-scrathing heavy metal with that guitar of his, and the other second he's an absolute monster which can creep the heck out of you with a simple "Boo". Lilia can also get plenty of different personalities through fanon interpretations:Yandere Lilia/Vampire fae/ Papa Lilia/ Daddy Vanrouge many other details which I can't go through now,but let me just say: A Lilia analysis would be rather long, and interesting one.
•Jade Leech: Speaking of reading characters, better know that this mister eel Leech is an absolutely tough one. You'll never know what he's hiding behind that friendly yet evil smile, or what intentions might be behind his extreme will to play the role of the butler and help everyone out. Understanding this Sebastian Michaelis complex is an absolute challenge and this is probably one of the things that makes him so Interesting, you always know that he's hiding something dark on the inside, yet you can't really tell what it is.
•Cater Diamond: This might be rather hard to notice, but there's a lot about Cater which is left untold. Despite his sweet and positive appearance, his personality is actually a bitter-sweet complex of too many emotions and a pretty well-written background. The amount of info found through his voice lines and personal stories is rather amazing as if you're reading a real boy's life story! But this amount of detail and considerably dark aspects of his personality can make it really hard to understand what's going on in this mysterious mind; especially because of how he seems to be hiding a second face under that friendly smile.
•Jamil Viper: Jamil can be quite hard to read. He isn't really emotional and hardly ever expresses his true feelings. Even NRC students agree that he can be quite a mystery, from his past life and daily struggles to how many of his true feelings and intentions remained a secret until chapter 4. Jamil is a complex of pain, power, hatred and patience. His background is perfect example of a villainous story and how a child can grow to be a villain, which is quite interesting! Jamil's story is worthy of a detailed analysis and some time for all of us to understand what this guy has been going through.
•Rook Hunt: We often tend to know him as Pomefiore's "dramatic stalker", and he surely is! The fanon interpretation of Rook doesn't usually go against his cannon interpretation (Expect for the times that people get salty over his appearance or attitude- Which leads to the creation of countless Rook memes-) While it's true that he's more than just a French stalker, it can be hard to talk about anything else when it comes to Rook, because the cannon Rook tends to hide a lot about himself, leaving us with a considerable lack of useful information to use. He really got us all there, huh? Even as he's a fictional character and we're living in real life- he tends to control what we know and think of him-
characters that can also belong to this group: Leona Kingscholar, Idia Shroud, Vil Schoenheit , Floyd Leech
Group B: Ignoring important features:
This group can get easily mischaracterized, mainly because each and every of them has an specific feature that really makes them stand out. (Ex: Riddle's short temper, Azul's soft and sensitive side, Sebek's obsession with Malleus,...) But paying to much attention to that one specific feature often leads to ignoring everything else about their personalities, and gives them a pretty simple and fanon interpretation which can sometimes be the total opposite of the detailed and cannon one.
•Azul Ashengrotto: Azul's fanon picture had an extreme change after chapter 3, mainly because of how his background and breakable side was revealed; the cruel and heartless mafia boss turned into the soft and emotional baby. This sudden change in perspective stole the hearts of many fans and the fandom in general came to appreciate Azul even more, but at some point it caused his most important feature to be forgotten: Azul tends to be strict about hiding that sensitive side of his, so the Azul we get to see in general is the fearful picture of the mastermind who's taken the magics of many away, not that baby Octopus who used to cry whenever other kids bullied him because he was different. Getting to know his background and true feelings made us forget about his professional and strict side which is indeed the most important side of his personality!
•Idia Shroud: Baby boy, soft child, sweet tooth cutie, pretty little emo,...and hundreds of other nicknames to appreciate Idia and his iconic nature. But in contrast to what many assume based on his appearance and social anxiety, Idia is way different from just a shy yet adorable nerd; this guy is seriously hiding some evil inside. If you go through his stories and get to the points where he's thinking with himself, you'll see how different he can be. While he can't really get to tell these properly through his main lines, you can find him secretly insulting and nagging at how annoying some people are several times. It isn't just about being shy, Idia obviously dislikes many of the people around him. Focusing on his social anxiety and awkwardness causes us to forget how different he is when he isn't forced into a face-to-face conversation, also note that there are many thoughts going through this guy's brain that you probably hadn't thought of.
•Floyd Leech: While Jade's personality is obviously a pretty complicated one, Floyd's character is even more confusing because of his playfulness and seemingly childish manners. But it's important to remember that deep inside, floyd is just as mysterious as his brother. Describing Floyd as childish and dumb is equal to falling into Yana's trap, because Floyd is designed as an extremely smart and somewhat of sadistic character. It's so important to know that he's way more than just a chaotic eel or an playful idiot, Floyd literally has anything needed to be ranked among the most dangerous characters of the game, his personality along side his magic and genius can be quite deadly.
•Sebek Zigvolt: To be honest, many of us are just doing him dirty. Look, it's true that Sebek's often caught praising and talking about Malleus but please do not forget that Sebek as well has got his very own personality! Associating Malleus with whatever he says or does (especially through fanfictions) is somehow fading his character because most of the things I get to read or hear about him involves Malleus. Come on! This is Sebek that we're talking about, not Malleus! I understand that talking about Malleus is legit something he often does but while you're writing a fanfic, please remember that Sebek has got hundreds of features and personality manners to talk about other than talking about his "Waka sama". So instead of just focusing on his Malleus appreciation habit, try to get to know his very own features and personality! In many of fanon interpretations, Sebek is bound to doing nothing but talking about Malleus and only him which is pretty unfair! We should all take some time to talk about Sebek himself, not his obsession with Lilia or Malleus.
•Riddle Rosehearts: I understand where this is coming from, but I want to see something more than an angry Riddle shouting and screaming about the importance of rules and harshly forcing others into following them whenever I read something that involves Riddle. I see how being angry and turning as red as a tomato is his rather famous feature but we shouldn't ignore everything else about hum because of it. Other than his background and mentionable talents and abilities as the greatest dorm leader Heartslabyul's history, keep this in mind that Riddle did decide to try and change his way of leadership and reduce his obsession with rules after his overblot.
Characters that can also belong to this group: Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Kalim Al Asim, Silver, Epel Felmier
Group C: Ignorance/Lack of information
The reason with this group is obvious, we need to talk about them more often! While they're all great characters with interesting designs and personalities, it's somehow rare to see anyone doing a proper analysis of their characters, either because of not going through their details or stories, or even going through them but not finding anything special.
•Ace Trappola: Both Deuce and Ace are characters who have appeared through all of the chapters so far, which means that we've had the chance to get to know them better than any other character in the game! But their fanon interpretations are pretty simple and sometimes, boring. Most of us don't even realize that we're mischaracterizing them-! I often see them being pictured as either stupid or loud and troublesome. Ace for example, got a really strong plot about how he'd go through a relationship and his past experience in the ghost marriage, which can be a strong guide to how we should picture Ace in reader inserts, but sadly we're just sticking to fanon interpretations and don't give his personality the detail and cannon depth he deserves. Let's note that he can be quite evil, smart, logical and unpredictable too at the time.
•Deuce Spade: Deuce's case is pretty similar to Ace. I'm not saying that he's a totally different one from how the fandom is characterizing him, but come on, Deuce isn't just a chicken dummy! We've learned a lot about his relationship with his mother, his past life, his relationship with his close friends, his hobbies and his will to become a great magician so there's a lot we can say about him! Instead of just sticking to his clumsiness and sometimes, stupidity it's better to consider those features and details to describe him. Not only will it make us have more of a cannon interpretation on Deuce, but it'll also inspire us to create newer and more creative content for him!
•Silver: Look, while many of us love this sleepy guy, we need to understand that he isn't just a sleeping beauty or Lilia's cute son! Let's admit something, we're facing a lack of Silver content and even as we go through most of the existing Silver fanfics and content, it either has something to do with his sleeping issues or his relationship with idia, maybe some arguments with Sebek as well but it's rare to see anyone talking about anything else than these when it comes to Silver. His relationship with Lilia and Malleus, he way he appears in others' side stories, how he handles his tasks and the way Malleus and Lilia describe him is telling us that there's a LOT about him which we often ignore!
•Trey Clover: It's true that the cannon Trey isn't that different from the fanon one, but I can tell that the fanon Trey lacks quite a few of the cannon features. We're giving him a rather solid and sometimes boring personality of Heartslabyul's calm and collected mum who treats everyone nicely regardless of how reckless or annoying or rebellious they are. But the real Trey does express annoyance and uncomfortablitiy from time to time, he can even be quite sarcastic. If you come to get a close look, you'll see that Trey isn't always as nice as he seems to be.
•Ruggie Bucchi: I genuinely adore Ruggie's personality design, especially how he mostly comes of as a mysterious troublemaker but at the same time, he's being a tiny family man on the inside. Watching how he can be quite reckless toward other students in NRC (especially the first years) and on the other hand, be a pretty caring and protective sibling who really loves and cares about his poor family and is working his hardest to support them really brings the tears of joy to my eyes. Ruggie's story has got a lot to tell and this interesting design and personality really deserves more attention and supporters!
•Jack Howl: It's true that Jack doesn't really get mischaracterized , but he deserves to be talked about more often! Most of the fandom captured his personality really good and I can feel his tsundere-ish and protective vibes through most of the fanfics that involve him. He's got a rather calm and collected nature which gives him a more balanced personality compared to the rest of the characters, and can make it easier to understand the cannon Jack. He used to get really mischaracterized back in twst's pre-release, but after the game was released and we got to know the cannon Jack, most of those misunderstandings were solved. Perhaps the only thing that I wish to mentioned more often are the adorable details and his background, especially his relationship with his family and siblings.
Characters that can also belong to his group: Silver, Deuce Spade, Ace Trappola, Rook Hunt
Group D: The healing type (Iyashikei)
Look, the cannon interpretation isn't always the happiest or the sweetest. This group usually get mischaracterized because their fanon interpretation is presenting something better, something that more fans would accept and love. 'Softening extremely dark and unapproachable personalities' or 'spreading adorable and wholesome headcanons' are two common ways of the healing type. Characters with extremely bitter personalities usually belong to this group, because their stories can be too sad for the fandom, so many decide to go for a softer yet untrue way of characterizing them, which is sometimes good but going too far with the softening process often leads to creating a character that's nothing like the original.
•Leona Kingscholar: While I was working on my Leona analysis, I came to understand why some fans prefer the fanon Leona over the cannon Leona. Cannon Leona is quite dark and unapproachable, and you'll find his background and personality in general quite painful and sometimes depressing if you try to study the cannon Leona. Within all of the twst characters, he's got the darkest design therefore it can be quite hard for fans to accept his cannon interpretation. That's why some try to give him more of an affectionate and soft nature to make his personality seem less painful to go through. This sometimes create a totally wrong interpretation that goes against everything that the cannon Leona is, but at the same time many fans agree that cannon Leona on the other hand is just too dark to accept. We can tell that this fandom's favorite Leona is a balance of cannon and fanon Leonas, something neither too dark nor to childish and wholesome.
•Ortho Shroud: There isn't much we know about Ortho and his background, and I can't say that he's being directly mischaracterized either. Sometimes all we have to use in order to capture his personality are the fan- theories, which can really complicate stuff. Best way to know him is by paying enough of attention to his voice lines and hidden details, but it can end up being quite dark if you dig too deep- His background with Idia isn't directly mentioned but there are some dark details hiding through the story that can seem quite scary when you actually think about them, therefore many of the fans decide to ignore those details, and since there isn't much of Ortho content (mostly fanfiction) either, many (including me) decided not to mention anything about those dark aspects...
•Epel Felmier: Cannon Epel is quite different from the fanon Epel. Not saying that Epel is a meanie because he surely does have pretty cute and adorable aspects but the cannon can Epel can be quite reckless, mean and rude at the time while the fanon Epel is always described as a shy, cute boy(which is exactly what the cannon Epel hates to be described as). Going through his ghost marriage stories and voice lines, we can realize that Epel's rather bad with romance, and for now, he doesn't really seem to be interested in any love-related issues either. Writing reader inserts especially can be really hard if you're going to stick with the cannon Epel, therefore many choose to use the fanon Epel instead, a cuter and softer Epel who's quite acceptive and approval of being in love. A considerable majority of fans prefer this soft and cuter Epel, and this is why Epel mostly gets mischaracterized in reader inserts.
Characters that can also belong to this group: Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengrotto, Cater Diamond, Ace Trappola, Lilia Vanrouge
Group E: Mischaracterized on main
Spreading false headcanons, not paying enough of attention to official details and simplifying complicated personalities are often counted as general ways of mischaracterization. Unlike the previous groups, this group doesn't really have a proper excuse for their mischaracterization, especially as we see some fans are being attacked and offended by some who tend mischaracterize characters in this way.
•Vil Schoenheit: We previously talked about Vil and how there's a pile of wrong information about him spread all over the fandom, from the one saying that he's trans and his pronouns are she/her (Many fans were attacked and forced to use She/Her for Vil) to the ones that are picturing him as a selfish character who cares about no one but his very own beauty, and is bullying Epel just because he envies Epel for being more beautiful than him. Look, regarding his relationship with Epel I must say that he's trying is hardest to make Epel be more mindful of his appearance and manners, he cares to help each and every around him look their best and isn't just focusing on his very own beauty. I meant to add him in group B because how many consider him to be obsessed with beauty and ignore everything else about him like his remarkable skills in leadership and other abilities in general, but considering the great amount of wrong information that is being spread around the fandom and is causing misunderstandings and arguments, I thought it'd be better to put him in this group.
•Kalim al asim: One sentence, four words: He is NOT stupid! While I insist that everyone in the fandom is free to have their personal interpretation and ideas regarding the characters and their personalities, keep this is mind that it's okay as long as it doesn't offend anyone else! How does it feel when Kalim stans are just watching others making fun of their favorite and calling him useless and stupid? Even worse, how does it feel when they're being told reckless stuff like: "Hey, you know that your favorite is the dumbest character in the game?" Let me clear 3 points right here: 1)Even if one's favorite is stupid, you do not have the right to insult them because of it even if you mean it as a joke 2)Nope Kalim is not stupid, generosity and caring for everyone around him with genuine kindness makes him a good and pure person, not a stupid one. 3) People who are saying that he's stupid because of not doing that great in school are just as funny as those who told all of us that you won't be any successful if you don't get good grades in exams. Lmao, dude this is the 21st century.
Characters that can also belong to this group: Floyd Leech, Epel Felmier
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Well, I guess that's all? I couldn't talk much about any of them otherwise this would've gotten too long- So I just put a small intro of how each of the boys often gets mischaracterized instead. Okay it's awfully late lol I leave this now-
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aliensunflower-fics · 3 years
How to Exploit Kindness [A New Kind of Lila Salt Prompt]
[ Ive seen Lila and Class salt that goes a lot of different ways. In some Lilas a sad lonely girl who will do anything for friends and the class fall for her lies through a mixture of manipulation and Lila’s genuine sad lonely but real persona. In others Lila is insane and the class get basically sucked into her cult. And in others still, Lila slowly breaks the class down by preying on there insecurities, hidden jealousies ect. There are the versions where Lila just bribes the class with connections and the versions where Lila frames Marinette until no one believes her. But I wanted to write a new idea for people to use, one that I feel is a bit more realistic. One where Marinette’s classmates are more their more authentic kind selves but still get slowly pulled into Lila’s web and where Lila is just a bit more intelligent. ]
[ As usual with all my prompts feel free to borrow the idea to write for your own thing salt, sugar, cuteness angst ect just be sure to credit me for the idea so I can read it. ]
Lila was furious! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go! She was supposed to be everyone's friend! She was supposed to finally get a cute perfect boyfriend who would cherish her like she deserved! She was supposed to be HAPPY! But no, the pathetic beetle Ladybug and that goody two shoes Marinette kept ruining everything!
No… No that wasn’t quite true. As much as she wanted to blame her problems on those two it wasn’t entirely their faults. Honestly Lila wasn’t quite sure what had happened. Her lies had been working at first, they had gotten her praise and compliments and adoration and friendship! But now? Now they were all ignoring her, unimpressed by her celeb lies! She could not understand it! At first she’d been sure it was Marinette or Ladybug maybe even Adrien had turned on her! But when she’d probed for information she’d learned that none of them had blown the whistle. So what was it! Tomorrow… Tomorrow she will find out one way or another. She needed to get them back under her thumb somehow.
 It was Chloe who gave Lila her answers. Chloe was the reason none of her classmates cared about her stories! Chloe was the idiot mayor's brat. And what a brat she was constantly wiggling her way into her mothers fashion shoots or had celebrities over at the hotel. Of course Lila’s classmates didn’t care about Lila’s celebrity connections because Chloe was always name dropping just as many people as herself. The only difference was Lila used fake modesty and shyness that made her ‘friends’ view her lies in less of a gloating light than Chloe’s haughty claims of celebrity meetings.
It was a damn shame, celebrity lies were her bread and butter, they were exciting got people to think you were important and they were hard to prove or disprove allowing Lila to easily get around the messy little detail of ‘proof’ if someone asked for pictures all she could say was that her mom didn't let her take any because she didn't want her precious daughter being targeted by crazy fans. And if someone asked her to use her celebrity connections? Well she could just turn on the water works and cry about them just being her friend for her connections. Thus her prey would be forced to be her ‘friend’ , always listening to her and doing things for her, unable to ask for anything in return. Then when her mother announced their next move Lila would tearfully say goodbye and leave all her suckers behind. But without the sway of her celebrity lies her system broke down. That was the problem with picking the school full of rich talented idiots she supposed.
Well with Chloe ruining her system she’d need a new one. Scrolling through her classmates' social media for a clue she sneered at their overly cheerful and cutesy posts. Always encouraging one another and posting encouraging puff pieces about this or that. Always acting like they were so nice. As Lila scrolled over a charity fundraiser event that Alya had retweeted from Milene a sudden thought crossed her mind. Her classmates were very ‘nice’ and annoyingly so. They were always butting into each other's business, always being SO concerned, always organizing events to help each other and appreciate each other and going to charity events.
In fact now that she thought about it the stories that had intrigued her ‘friends’ always had some sort of charity garbage attached. Saving Jagged’s kitten or raising money for some cause or other that always got her heaps of praise. Sure saying Clara whatshername stole her dance moves got attention but not in the same way saying she raised money for some green project. Was it really that simple? Sure her classmates all loved Marinette for her extreme generosity and kindness but was it REALLY that simple? She needed to check.
 It was actually that easy. One simple little lie about how she pulled a blind old man out of danger when he was nearly run over and suddenly the class was bathing her in praise. And the ‘fact’ that the whole very real thing made her miss first period and sprain her ankle? Well that was just the cherry on top. Suddenly Max was offering her a copy of his notes and everyone was back to caring for her like she was a princess. The fact that Marinette looked like she was seething only for sweet naive Adrien to keep her mouth shut was just so perfect. She’d found her golden ticket. Her classmates were truly ‘good kind people’ and nothing could be exploited quite like kindness.
With this knowledge Lila would easily be able to destroy Marinette, sure she wouldn’t be able to do it quickly but slowly she would replace her, with every good deed she made up with every act of false modesty she would build a reputation greater than Marinette’s she would replace her and become there new ‘everyday ladybug’ and the best part was she wouldn’t have to say ANYTHING against Marinette. Not. A. Thing. No sweet righteous Marinette would eventually snap, sadly for her it would probably be too late with how much control Adrien had over her, so when it happened Marinette would look like the jealous crazy girl going after the girl that was kinder, sweeter, and better than herself. As for Adrien… Well she had a hard time believing it at first but he really was an idiot with a pretty face as long as she was careful as she built her new reputation he would genuinely believe that she was changing for the better and then he'd fall for her.
The best part was, her classmates were genuine. As she built her new good girl heart of gold persona they would genuinely come to love her, all the loyalty Marinette got to enjoy all the perks of being friends with such talented, kind, sweet people would become hers. Slowly no matter how Marinette struggled she would lose, eventually she’d have nothing left. Of course she’d need to be careful with her lies but that was easy. Bring the class to a charity here and there and tell them that she was the one who gave the idea for the charity to the actual organizer but didn't want any credit because she was just that kind and humble. If they tried to make her do actual work then she’d have a sudden accident that would require she sit down.
And then once she’d done more photoshoots with Adrien for Gabriel she’d ‘convince’ the man that a charity would make him look good and boost sales. She’d MAKE her lies true all while winning over her future father in law, and heck maybe she’d even pocket a little of the money, she could use a better wardrobe and the extra would be perfect to buy her ‘friends’ the occasional ice cream or presents. In between that she’d just lie about saving people or volunteering on weekends. Maybe even let it ‘slip’ how she was a temp hero for Ladybug . One of the sweetest parts was that between volunteering with Lila, there own activities and hanging out with Lila so she could ‘thank them for their hard work’ no one would be spending a second hanging out with sweet pink little Marinette, they'd abandon her without even realizing it because they’d be SO busy. Sadly this plan of hers would take a little more work then her others, but it would be worth it to become the queen bee of the class- NO the school! And when Marinette eventually slipped up and looked like the biggest jealous bully in the school. Well she’d have no choice but to leave the school with her tail in between her legs.
Victory was looking sweet and satisfying.
 [ And where it goes from here is up to you. Lila can win, she can slowly convince the class and school that she's a model citizen and an everyday hero. She can sneakily maneuver the class to not spend time with Marinette slowly separating the girl from her friends. In this way Alya and the rest of them don't become evil salty versions of themselves who overnight hate Marinette and love Lila, but rather they are good naive people who got slowly separated and tricked by someone who wants to use their genuine talents and skills to make herself look better. Adrien who is already shown to be naive and wants to believe the best in people, can fall into Lila’s trap and become genuinely convinced that his high road method really worked and ‘reformed’ Lila into a better person. OR Lila can fail, she can claim to be the wrong temporary hero for ladybug, or she can pick the wrong charity to lie about, or get exposed any number of ways and the class can realize with horror that because they are kind but flawed people who are perhaps too trusting and gullible that they got pulled away from Marinette through subtle manipulation and so they can be redeemed because instead of turning into outright bullies they stayed the same kind people they always were but just got genuinely tricked which is something that can actually happen in real life. You can go heavy salt where Marinette does eventually leave the school or class heartbroken that her kind friends have fallen prey to a bad person Marinette cant find a way to expose. Or you can go clever salt where Marinette figures out Lila’s plan and fights her from the inside slowly exposing the cracks in her facade. Or you can go sugar and redemption where maybe just maybe Lila actually LIKES being nice to people and having real friends who dont care about her fake celeb connections, maybe she honestly redeems herself and even makes amends with Marinette. You can do genuinely anything with this idea and I hope to see this generate some new less *and suddenly everyone is evil* content for those that like salt and angst. ]
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svchengss · 3 years
two halves | l.mh
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PAIRING. mark lee x reader
GENRE. fluff, heavy angst
WARNINGS. major character death, grief
SUMMARY. right after his death, mark watches how you cope with the loss
A/N. i saw this one tiktok and it kinda inspired me to write this
// just to let you guys know, reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !! thank you for reading :D
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white walls, white room.
mark scrunched his face, his eyelashes slowly fluttering open, the dark brown iris adjusting the size of the pupils due to the brightness of the walls reflected upon it. a soft groan vibrating from his throat, he assessed his surroundings where nobody or nothing else is present. he looked down to inspect his clothing, hoping that it would give him any clue of this room or space he’s in - an all white outfit. this scene looks exactly like the one in the movies where the characters realize they are dead. except this time, he really is.
the muffled sounds of cries and sobs rang through his eardrums, triggering a reflex to wake up from the state that he thought was a slumber. he is lying on the hospital bed with the light blue clothing piece, faint light illuminating the space where people are huddled up around him. he waved his right hand in the air to let them - who he later remembered as his family members and friends, know that his eyes are already open. nobody moved even the slightest, the atmosphere being very much dead, scent of medicine intoxicating his mind.
then he saw someone who he holds very dear to his heart - you, enter the hospital room, dropping onto her knees as soon as she saw his state of condition. in an instant, he shot up from his lying position and ran over towards the crying you, shoulders shaking and all. bringing his hands to hold you in his embrace, not even a glance spared by you brought a hundred and one questions to him. why didn’t anybody acknowledge him when he woke up? why can’t you feel his touch?
“mark lee. time of death, 10:23 pm,” the tall doctor with glasses rested on the bridge of his nose announced before leaving the room, holding the clipboard close to his chest. mark gauged the monitor screen next to the bed, the line indicating his heartbeat is no longer showing spikes going up and down - instead becoming a flat line, deafening beep present with it. then he sees himself still laying on the white sheets, eyes still closed and no signs of breathing evident. a surge of panic rushed through his veins.
this can’t be real.
mark rushed into the bathroom, a surprised gasp leaving his lips. his body is semi-transparent, the shape of the toilet bowl can be seen through his left shoulder. his body shakes with terror, slapping himself in the cheeks multiple times just to make sure that this whole fiasco is just a nightmare.
oh my god. no, this is real.
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mark stood in the back of the crowd, witnessing the funeral of someone and that someone being him. of course, he’s never expected to get the sight of his own service. his mother is standing beside you, her hands rubbing circles onto your back in an attempt to calm your mourning state. you’re still looking ever so pretty, a black chiffon dress on your body with white pearl necklace on your collarbones and your wavy black hair hanging down your shoulders. not that anybody else would notice, it’s someone’s death after all.
“stay strong, y/n. he will always be in our hearts,” the same rhythm of sentence in tones full of pity being directed towards you. mark’s sister enveloped you into a warm hug despite the chilly atmosphere, whispering comforting words into your ears before getting into the family’s car. you’re not going back home, not yet when you still feel reluctant to let him go.
“why did you leave me?” the only coherent words from your hoarse voice can be heard. mark, who is crouching next to you, is holding his tears back. instead, he sends a sorrowful smile - not that you can see him anyway. is there any way to let you know of his presence?
“goodbye, love. i’ll see you tomorrow. i promise,” you dusted the back of your dress from any dirt or debris, leaving a rose on his tombstone. the thing is, he doesn’t want to part from you. and that’s why his figure is seated beside you in the cab. he grazed his thumb on your knuckles, making you feel tingles rushing through. you pushed the slight thought away, you must be tired to be feeling things.
you slowly opened the door to your apartment, you and mark’s to be exact. the whole house is making those memories make their presence in the back of your head again. the kitchen where you two baked cookies for christmas last year. the bedroom where you snuggled upon his chest, not wanting to start your day just yet. the piano where he sang those cheesy songs for you. the living room where you slow danced at 3 in the morning. his favourite mug resting on the countertop, probably will not be used again. this whole situation is too overwhelming for you. you feel weak.
with each day passing by, you didn’t even miss one without a visit to his resting lot. you would tell him stories of how your day went or something that you read which would made him ponder. the words carved on it are already etched onto your brain.
mark lee. a son, a brother and a loving partner.
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the clock hanging on the grey wall has it’s arms stretched out to display the time - two in the morning. you can’t sleep just yet, not having any for the past few days even. dark circles are appearing around your eyes, not yet recovered from the puffiness from all the crying. mark’s heart aches everytime he takes upon your state. he feels very guilty, not that death was his choice after all. it’s simply fate, a cycle of life, a destiny that every single creature on this planet will end up with.
you’ve taken the whole month off work, still feeling ever so helpless. in fact, you can’t even remember the last time you’ve stepped out of the apartment, the night before his passing perhaps? you’ve completely shut yourself out from any interactions - deactivating your social media, not accepting any calls. you just need time to heal.
as if you’re being controlled by some type of mastermind, you shoot up on the balls of your feet, pulling away from the couch. those images of you slow dancing with mark, hands in each other’s holds, your chin rested in the crook of his neck and being ever so engrossed in love are coming back more often now. you trudged to the vinyls arranged neatly on the shelf, picking one before placing it on the turntable - frank sinatra, one of his all time favourites.
holding your hands up at about his usual height, you start twirling around. you can almost see the outline of his smile, his features right in front of you. except, he is. he’s been observing your moves the whole night. mirroring your current position, as if you can really see him, it’s a miracle for him. overjoyed actually, he doesn’t realize the salty tears streaming down his cheekbones and so are yours.
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“thank you for coming, dear. it’s a pleasure seeing you in what, weeks?” a laugh escaped the woman’s lips. you reciprocated her hug before stepping into the living room. it’s been a long time since you’ve been here, was it in january? mrs. lee had invited you over for a simple dinner, checking up on how you’ve been. you can see that the family is still struggling over his passing, the way his sister’s eyes are not twinkling as usual makes it hard to cover up the lie.
“you see, this was on his high school graduation day. he was very happy that day, doing all sorts of dances and stuff. finally escaping from hell as he said,” she giggled. she’s been displaying all sorts of memoirs to you, photo albums and photographs scattered on the wooden floor. to be honest, you’ve never seen these before. all smiles mark lee, easy to notice among the crowd. not that he’s changed, he’s still that boy now. mark just sat on the couch - his favourite spot, observing the throwback session going on. if he’s still here, his sister for sure is going to tease the hell out of him.
“he told us so much about you, you know? as if everything reminds him of you, that boy is lovestruck. really,” that sudden confession made your tongue dry, unable to find a perfect response. you were really that special to him.
“drive safe honey, you can come over whenever you want. you know you’re always welcome here, right?” mrs. lee handed you the small box filled with some things you’re going to keep. she kissed both of your cheeks, mr. lee standing behind her giving you a small wave. a small smile crept up onto your face before igniting the engine, turning your wheels out of the housing area.
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the netflix show is playing on the television, the faint voices of the characters playing in the background. you’re sitting on the floor, flipping through the photo journal you two decorated throughout your one year of relationship. you can see his little scribbles and doodles, often a little dinosaur symbolising your always grumpy personality.
in one photo, a golden birthday hat is nicely placed on your head with him kissing your right cheek. you remember clearly, a surprise party for you last year. in the following ones, they are mostly candid shots - you blowing out the candles while he looks at you full of love, him eating a portion of your dish while you pout your lips. you would say it was the night of your life, spending it with the guy who stole your heart.
the next page of the journal is a shot of mark taking a photo of you in the park. you suppose it was taken by donghyuck? that one picture of you was stuck as his lock screen wallpaper for a while, you remembered getting so embarrassed over it. mark would give you the same excuse every time you questioned him about it, implying that the sight of you would light up his whole day. cheesy really, but that was what remained as memories of the past, tied neatly in your heart.
the rain trickling against your window eventually made you doze off to wonderland, creating the perfect chance for mark to browse through the journal in your hands. carefully lifting it from yours so that you won’t be stirred from your sleep, he settled down in the space beside your sleeping figure. slowly turning the pages, he smiled fondly at each photo holding a thousand moments that can’t be recreated ever again. some of them would make him giggle. he kneeled down slightly to place a soft kiss on your forehead, making you squirm a little due to the faint touch.
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“give him a chance. i’m not saying that you should forget mark but it’s been months, you should live up a little,” yerim’s voice sounding concerned from the other end of the line. perhaps she’s right but you just need more time. but how much longer? you’re afraid you yourself have no specific answer for that enquiry.
you’ve been feeling better by now, welcoming people back into your life and carrying out the same daily routine of yours. going to work, buying groceries, going to the drive-thru and whatnot. of course, the void is still obvious - coming back home to an empty atmosphere instead of him waiting for you on the couch, sometimes dozing off, no more weekend cafe runs. but at least you’re trying your best. you bid your goodbyes before tapping the red button, ending the call. plopping the device onto the mattress, you stared at the white ceiling, deep in your own thoughts.
you should give him a chance. live up a little.
yes, you should.
getting hold of the phone and immediately opening the messages app, you searched for jungwoo’s number. he’s been trying to take you out for dinner for a while now. you still remember his exact words, whenever you’re ready he’s always there, waiting for you. you’re not really sure about that particular question but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, right?
typing in the words ‘okay, sure’ is already a pressure for you but you still proceeded to press the send button. glancing at the clock showing the time, the notification ping redirected your focus onto the screen.
jungwoo: cool, is tomorrow night okay with you? i’ll drive, of course :)
tomorrow night. okay, tomorrow night.
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an elegant red gown is wrapping your curves perfectly, a thin necklace with the seashell charm around your neck while your lips is decorated with the dark red tone, highlighting your poise appearance. hearing the doorbell ring, you tidied up the dresser as your eyes landed onto the picture frame holding a photo of you and mark. a sad feeling crept into your heart but you pushed it away, opening the door to reveal jungwoo in a black and white tuxedo.
you would say that the dinner went well, none of his questions or chatters crossing any borderline. he’s just so polite, even you are amused. feeling comfortable with his presence, the small gap in between is eventually closing down since you’ve learned so much about each other during the other few dates. one night completely changed it for you, him offering you a dance at some event he’s bringing you with.
you observed that his moves are slightly similar to mark’s - not completely of course, mark’s is very unique and very…mark-ish. for the first time ever in the recent turn of events, you flashed a genuine smile. one that is not just for show, one that only comes out when you’re truly elated, one that you only manage to give to certain. mark just observed the scene from a distance, admiring how you’ve managed to find the spark of happiness you once lost.
alas, mark saw his other half become full again with another, her eyes twinkling with the same joy but this time, it’s not him in the reflection.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
In Love With A Downright Git
Requested: yes
Fred Weasley x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Warnings: sexual themes, crude language, chafing, mentions of being unclothed, George Weasley in burgundy boxers with beater’s bats and snitches on them
Word Count: 7456
i got a tad carried away with this one but i loVE IT SO MUCH
Fred watched as Y/n L/n gave a perfect demonstration in front of the class, Professor Snape clearly proud of the representation of his house. The potion, a bubbling sage green that smelled faintly of mint and dirt, was not what Fred was paying attention to. No, he was watching the way Y/n’s hair, pulled back into a ponytail, seemed to showcase her face perfectly. Her just barely arrogant smirk that was drawn so delicately on her features, eyes looking at her partner who was shaking her head at her with an annoyed smile. Fred thinks her name is Lily but isn’t sure, she never tickled his fancy, not like Y/n did.
“Thank you Ms. L/n. You may have a seat now, though I may implore you to assist others who might not have such a natural gift.” Snape sneered, his eyes moving to an unsuspecting Ravenclaw.
Y/n was making her way back to her table when she decided to make the detour to her favorite set of twins to gloat.
“Keep staring, Weasley, maybe you’ll learn something.” She smirked and Fred, as usual, had to ignore the need he felt to pull her lips onto his.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you Y/n.”
She blushed, barely, but she did before rolling her eyes and making her way to her table.
The rest of the class went by rather quietly, Fred and George brewed a potion that smelled of roasted chicken and was an odd orange color. Y/n had been making rounds to tables that hadn’t quite understood the instructions but she was deliberately avoiding Fred and George.
“Freddie, bet you five sickles you won’t taste the potion.” George leaned over to whisper to Fred.
Fred scoffed as he looked at his twin, “You’re on.”
He dipped the end of his index finger into the potion and it came out covered in a thick goop that made Fred’s stomach turn a bit. However, he was never one to back down from a bet, especially if money was involved, and he stuck his finger in his mouth quickly before pulling it out with a pop. For further effect he gave George a stretched, close-lipped smile as he swallowed. There was a faint taste of tomatoes and something unnaturally salty, it wasn’t bad but he didn’t enjoy the experience.
“Wicked. How’d it taste?” George asked and the two broke into a conversation about the taste of the potion.
They hadn’t gotten far in their conversation when Snape called for a sample of the potions from each table. George was the one to pour their potion in a small tube before handing it to Fred to take to Snape.
“Oi, I can’t find the cap, make sure you snag one before you turn it in.” George called to Fred, who was already walking away.
Fred had turned to look at his brother as he talked, he gave an eye roll as he started to turn his body back to face ahead. Only he was too late and he ran right into something, or rather, someone spilling the contents of the potion.
“It’s in my mouth!” An unmistakable voice exclaimed.
Y/n L/n was standing in front of him, covered in an orange goop.
“Don’t worry, darling, I had some and nothing happened to me. You’ll be just fine.”
Lily had to grip onto one of the tables as she laughed at her best friend’s face of bewilderment.
“Why would you taste it?” Her eyes were wide with both worry and confusion.
Fred went to open his mouth to answer and realized how ridiculous it truly was but decided on telling her either way.
“George said I wouldn’t.” He shrugged.
She let out a groan before using her wand to clean herself up, also cleaning the splatter that had ended up on Fred’s robes while she was at. Y/n turned to leave the class before anything else could be spilled onto her, and Lily trailed after her, still unsteady with how much she was laughing at her grumpy face.
“Smooth, Fred.”
Fred turned to look at George who was also having trouble stifling his laugh, “Shut up.”
The pain at the top of his head was the first thing he felt, making him groan. He couldn’t tell if it was his head or his… hair that hurt. Fred reached a hand up to the top of his head where the pain was, but kept his eyes closed not yet wanting to fully wake up. His hand found his hair, rubbing at his scalp gently hoping to ease the pain but it seemed the more he moved his hair the more it hurt.
It was when he turned, his hair tickling his shoulder, that his eyes shot open. His hair couldn’t have grown that long within one night, could it? Most things in the room were still a bit out of focus from having woken up so abruptly, but it was the lack of blinding sunlight that usually flooded through the window in his dorm that made his mind race. Fred couldn’t remember going to someone else's dorm, instead all he could remember was falling asleep in his bed in his dorm. He remembers it clearly because he had chosen to wear socks to bed, much to George’s disagreement, because of how cold it had been in their dorm. He no longer had socks on.
His eyes seemed to focus better now, and he was facing a wall next to the bed. There were pictures hung up on it, frameless and unorganized. His face inched closer to the pictures and he noticed Y/n L/n was in most of them, the others had her friends. There was a picture of her on Draco’s lap, her hands holding his face to her chest as she squeezed his cheeks. Draco seemed to be annoyed with the girl but dealing with the harassment. There was another one, Lily and Y/n from the shoulders up in front of a lake. Fred realized they were most likely naked, seeing as their shoulders were bare and their smiles screamed of an adrenaline rush.
Fred realized he was probably in Y/n’s bed, seeing as now that he was paying attention it did smell like her. He closed his eyes and smushed his face into the pillow hoping to remember the night somehow, after all the years of pining and sexual tension he finally wound up in her bed and he can’t remember how. He rolled over and let his hands fall over his face, rubbing at his eyes, but something was off. His hands felt far too soft to be a beater’s, and they were smaller than he remembered.
Slowly, he opened his eyes as he held his hands up in front of his face. Fred let out a yelp as he saw, not his hands, no, he saw Y/n’s hands. Nails painted a dark green, and her usual bracelets adorned her wrists. He shot up, back rigidly straight as he sat in her bed, his head turning to see Lily starting to wake up.
“Quiet down would you?” Lily grumbled before moving to get up.
Fred watched as she moved to get out of bed, the blanket falling off of her giving Fred a view of her bra and underwear.
“No!” He yelped again before slapping his hand to cover his eyes.
“Are you on drugs? Genuinely, I’m asking because I’m worried.” Lily’s voice was annoyed, clearly not a morning person.
Fred didn’t know what to say. Not only did he have your hands, but he had your voice too and this was getting way too weird for him.
“Put some bloody clothes on, then we can start asking questions.”
Lily grumbled but it sounded like she was shuffling around before she gave him the ok. Fred slowly pulled his hand away from his eyes to see Lily in a sweater and shorts as she gave him a look of genuine worry.
“Where’s the mirror?”
“Over by the bathroom door, where it usually is.” She said slowly.
Fred stood up and nearly wobbled, he was a lot closer to the ground then he was used to. He rushed over to the mirror and gasped as he saw himself, or, Y/n staring back at him in a cropped grey shirt that she clearly fashioned herself, surely getting herself expelled if she were to wear it out of this room, and royal blue underwear.
It didn’t feel right to be looking at her body like this, and he turned abruptly before walking back towards her bed.
If he was here, in her body, did that mean she would be waking up to George’s snoring in his body?
Y/n woke with a jolt, her feet were uncomfortably hot and constricted. She wrestled the sheets to pull her legs out and take off the socks, she never wears socks to bed. She furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed her unnaturally large feet and long legs that were extremely hairy. Then she saw her hand, a large, rough, man's hand let out a short shriek as she jumped to stand but her long limbs got stuck in the sheets, she fell to the floor with a thump.
“Shut, the fuck, up.”
She looked toward the sound of the voice and saw a heap of red hair poking out from under a knit blanket, much like the one that had strangled her. She was in the boys dorms, and it didn’t look like any boy’s dorm that she knew. The walls were bright, reds and golds were everywhere, along with a lovely window. She wasn’t in the dungeons anymore.
Y/n looked back toward the boy in the bed and suddenly felt her heart stop for a moment, that red hair seemed awfully familiar.
The body turned allowing her to see the face of the person.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “You’re not starting to confuse too, now are you?”
George sat up in bed, the blanket falling off his legs to reveal his burgundy boxers that had snitches and beater’s bats on them.
“George! You don’t have clothes on!” Y/n scolded him as she moved to stand up, looking away from him.
“Fred, you alright mate?”
Y/n stopped. He called her Fred, why had he called her Fred.
George noticed the way his supposed twin froze at the name, his eyes going wide, and he subtly slid his wand behind his back from under his pillow.
“When we were five I fell off of a broom we stole from Charlie, which bone did I break?”
She was stumped, obviously, not knowing the answer.
“I don’t-”
“Which bone, Fred?” The name had a standoffish emphasis as it rolled off George’s tongue.
“Your arm.”
George was quick as he shot up from his bed and shoved his brother into a wall, holding him there with his wand pointed in his face.
“Trick question, Fred was the one to fall and he broke his right leg. You’re not Fred.”
Y/n panicked, “I’m not, I’m not. It’s me, Y/n.”
It was the cold wall against her bare back that made her realize she was, in fact shirtless, only with long pajama pants on.
“I don’t have a shirt on you perv!” She shouted shoving George off of her to cover her chest.
Underestimating her newfound strength, she had shoved George a bit too hard and nearly pushed him back onto his bed.
She looked at George, popping a hip out with an attitude, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”
George wanted to laugh, Fred or rather Fred’s body, was standing before him, hip jutted out and hands covering his pecks as he gave him a pointed look.
“So does that mean…” George started but decided not to finish the sentence at the look of horror that flashed over Fred’s face.
Y/n was horrified, if she remembers correctly she is not wearing any pants and now Fred was waking up in her body.
“Get dressed we need to go find me.”
“I know who you’re looking for.” Lily said matter of factly next to Fred.
He turned to her, his new long hair whipping around, “What?”
“Come on you do this everyday, you look for that Weasley boy and I tell you to get over yourself and just ask him out and you pretend like you have no idea what I’m talking about. Honestly, Y/n he looks at you just as much as you look at him, stop wasting time and hop on that.”
Fred nearly choked over what Lily insinuated and he was hoping the ‘Weasley boy’ in question was him.
“I don’t like Fred.” He answered, trying his luck.
Lily scoffed as she shoved a spoonful of cereal in her mouth, chewing and swallowing before answering him, “Yeah and I’m Dumbledore. Hop on that dick, Y/n, or someone else might beat you to it.”
“Hop on the- I-” Fred cut himself off as he saw George and...well himself, walk into the breakfast hall.
He got up and swung his leg over the bench, lifting his leg a bit too high not yet used to the shorter legs he was sporting, which caused Lily to pull his skirt down and cover his, or Y/n’s, underwear.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m gonna, I’m gonna go hop on that.”
“Atta girl!” Lily called, but he was already too far away to turn and respond.
He made his way to the Gryffindor table, and scanned the area for his brother and himself. It seemed as though they had disappeared into thin air as they were nowhere to be found.
There she was.
Fred turned around coming face to… chest with himself. He angled his neck upwards to look into his own eyes and it was the most peculiar thing to see himself as someone else would.
“I’m hoping you are who I think you are.”
Y/n leaned down to reach Fred, who was in her body, “It’s me you bloody idiot, Y/n.”
“That’s what I was afraid of.” Fred grimaced.
Y/n scoffed before grabbing Fred’s wrist, well her wrist but considering the situation…, and pulled him out of the breakfast hall with George following.
“Fix this.” She said once reaching a vacant corridor.
“I don’t know how.” Fred answered honestly.
She threw her head back as she spun in place, a deep groan coming from her lips, “I am tall, and gangly, and- a ginger!”
Fred scoffed, “You think that’s bad? I’m about a foot tall, wearing a stupid bra. Why do you wear these anyway they are so uncomfortable, and don’t even get me started on how crude your friend Lily is. She told you to, and I quote, ‘hop on my dick’. What’s that about?”
“Bloody hell…” Y/n felt herself blush as she heard what Lily told him, but her attention was soon stolen by something else.
“Fred, why don’t you have stockings on?”
Fred looked down at his legs, now shorter and out in the open, “Why do I need stockings?”
Y/n gave a short chuckle, “You do have shorts on underneath, right?”
Fred shook his head.
“Well, you’re gonna start chafing. So thanks for that.”
Fred, not really caring at the moment, shook his head, “We’ve got bigger issues.”
“Like what? What could be a bigger issue than this?” Y/n said exasperated.
Fred scrunched his face, avoiding eye contact as he said, “I have to pee.”
“No you don’t.”
George let out a loud laugh at this, otherwise staying silent through the entire ordeal.
“Listen class is starting, Fred and I have all our classes together so you’ll have me to help you out, Y/n. And Fred… good luck mate.”
“What? No, I can’t go to class alone! She has runes first, I cant go to runes alone!”
“How do you know-”
George cut her off, “It’s one day, you’ll be fine. We meet here at lunch.”
Everyone agreed, a few grumbles sounded, then they were all on their way.
Y/n walked alongside George, her hips swaying awkwardly as she moved.
“Why are you walking like that?” George asked, noticing her odd gate.
She gave a distracted answer as they reached their first class, and took a seat uncomfortably.
“I usually don’t have anything between my legs when I walk, so this is all a bit new to me. Excuse the learning curve.” She was frustrated, and George couldn’t help but snort at her annoyed face.
Fred on the other hand was having a very rough beginning to his day, between the cat calls in the halls that truly got extremely annoying, he had now understood why Y/n was so worried about chafing.
He was walking back to the meeting spot with his legs as far apart as he could get them so the insides of his thighs wouldn’t touch, and his bra was itchy and poking at his back, and it was all a lot to handle at the moment.
The vacant corridor was still vacant, meaning he was the first to arrive. He sat down on the floor, knees bent and apart hoping to relieve the now red and bumpy skin that had chafed.
“Ms. L/n, close your knees and sit like a lady!”
Fred felt his blood boil, if he was told to do anything like a lady one more time he’d lose it. But for now he quietly grumbled as Professor Mcgonagall left him alone, closing his knees as he complained.
Just in time, he turned his head to see George and Y/n walking up to him, both of them laughing at something she had said. The sight further irritated Fred, and he got up quickly.
“Why are you walking like that, mate?” George asked as Fred hobbled over to them, laughing as he had asked the same question to Y/n.
He gave a sarcastic laugh, “I’ve started chafing.”
Y/n stifled her laugh as she saw the dangerous look Fred gave her, her own eyes narrowing at herself was quite the sight.
“We are going to our dorm, and fixing this I don’t care about what classes you have next. And I’m taking your bra off the second I get there.” Fred stated before walking away, Y/n and George following after him after sharing a look.
They were on their way to the Gryffindor towers when Cormac McLaggen caught sight of them.
“Oi, Y/n, why so angry, love? Need me to make it better?” The comment made Y/n cringe but it was Fred who was fuming.
The mix of jealousy, annoyance, frustration, and the stupid chafing was not a healthy concoction and Cormac felt its wrath.
“I’ll shove your broom so far up your ass, it’ll be coming out of your nose McLaggen. Don’t talk to me again, or I’ll make sure there’s room for two up there.”
Y/n rushed over to Fred’s side and wrapped a long arm around her own shoulders, pulling Fred away. George, at this point, was enjoying this far too much and thought it would be quite funny if they never changed back.
The rest of the way to their dorm went by as smoothly as it could, and soon they were alone in the dorm and the door was locked.
Fred wrestled with his shirt, untucking it aggressively before reaching under his shirt and trying to take the bra off. Never having to take a bra off himself before, he was unable to do and nearly shouted profanities before Y/n put a shoulder on his hand.
“Here, calm down, just don't get any ideas.” She muttered before reaching her hand inside his shirt and unclipping the bra.
He felt like he could breath as the bra loosened around him, and Y/n helped instruct him on how to slip off the loops through each arm hole.
“Thanks.” Fred muttered.
Y/n nodded, “Sorry I can’t help the chafing, any spell I could use wears off pretty quickly.”
Fred nodded and decided that not having an itchy bra on was enough, and sat down on the bed.
“As lovely as that was, we need to figure out how this happened and how to fix it.”
Both Y/n and Fred nodded.
“Also,” Y/n started, “I have to pee now too.”
George pointed towards a door, “Bathrooms there.”
“Alright let’s go.” Fred said walking to the bathroom.
Y/n gave a look of confusion, “Where are you going?”
“To help you.”
She laughed, “I think I can handle this, thanks.”
“I nearly fell in the toilet today trying to pee with my eyes closed, and you’re just going to go in there and ‘handle it’? Wanna see me naked that bad huh?” His tone was cocky as he smirked up at her.
She gave a sarcastic laugh, “You wish, and I have to pee, so if we could please speed up this argument.”
“Fine just don’t - be gentle I take pride in-”
“Yeah, alright I’m going.” Y/n said cutting Fred off.
He was slow to move from in front of the bathroom door, still trying to keep his thighs from touching, so Y/n took matters into her own hands… or well Fred’s hands. Fred let out a yelp as he was lifted off the ground and moved out of the way, George’s giggles sounding from the otherside of the room.
Fred gave him a look, “Shut up.”
The three of them brainstormed theories as to why Fred and Y/n had switched bodies, all of them coming up empty. It was the most peculiar thing, it wasn’t like polyjuice, they hadn't changed their own bodies to look like the other, they were the other.
Lee, their roommate, was also let in on the secret seeing as he had to sleep in this room tonight.  He wasn’t aware of it beforehand, having spent the night with his girlfriend the night before and didn’t have the luxury of waking up to George tackling Fred to the wall.
“You can’t think of anything, something you both ate or drank. Maybe someone who wanted some revenge?” Lee asked, looking between Fred and Y/n.
Fred looked at Y/n as he shook his head and she thought before answering, “No, not rea-”
“Oh we are all so dense.” George laughed as had a look of realization.
Everyone looked at him questioningly but Fred was the one to speak up, “What are you getting at?”
George shook his head in disbelief, “The potion, Fred you tasted it and then when you ran into Y/n and spilled it on her she said she had gotten some in her mouth. You both had the potion that we made.”
“Georgie, you’re a genius! Please tell me you wrote down what we put in there.” Fred asked.
George nodded smugly, “Always do, the paper is in my textbook.”
He reached over to the book on the floor and pulled out the piece of paper showing it to everyone.
“We need to make another one. But tomorrow's Saturday and we don’t have potions until Tuesday.” Fred answered as his tone deflated.
Y/n shrugged, “I’ve got the spare key to Snape’s personal supply closet.”
They all turned to look at her in disbelief.
“You...what?” Lee asked slowly.
“Yeah, Snape gave me the spare key. I go in there and take inventory every Monday for extra credit, he lets me use them sometimes too. Doesn’t ask questions.”
Lee gave a chuckle of relief, “I thought you were sleeping with him!”
“Excuse me?” Y/n asked, thoroughly disgusted.
Fred was the one to speak up, “Well, you always had the highest marks in his class, and we saw you going in the direction of his class on multiple occasions late on Mondays so…”
His voice trailed off realizing just how rude it sounded, and his gut turned when he saw the way Y/n slumped, her eyes turning glossy for a hair of a second. In that moment Fred wasn’t watching his own body slump, Y/n’s raw emotion had broken through his exterior and he could’ve sworn he just saw her.
“And it never occurred to you that maybe I get the highest marks because I’m just good at what I do. A natural talent, no of course not I had to be sleeping with the greasy professor because there is no way for me to be smart enough to actually earn the marks I get. Forget practice and dedication, I’m just some whore who opens her legs instead of doing honest work.”
She felt herself getting angrier as she continued, and Fred just felt worse along with George and Lee who had their heads lowered avoiding her gaze. But that didn’t matter because what they thought didn't matter, no, she was looking at Fred. She was speaking to Fred because she had feelings for him and put him on such a high pedestal in her mind and he just saw her as an easy girl, a body and nothing more.
Fred felt the heat of her stare and he wanted to the ground to swallow him whole.
She cut him off quickly, “No. We are going to make the potion, fix this, and after that don’t bother speaking to me.”
Y/n stood up and grabbed a sweater that was on Fred’s bed and threw it at him, “Put it on. Sorry to ruin your image of me but I’d rather not have everyone see me braless in a disheveled shirt.”
Fred nodded and didn’t say much else as he threw on his own sweater, the material baggier than usually making his hands disappear in the sleeves. George and Lee looked at him, asking what to do next and he just motioned for them to follow.
Awkward silence ate away at Fred, George, and Lee as they made their way to the dungeons. Y/n wasn’t feeling it, too busy trying to keep the tears at bay, she didn’t care about how awkward they felt.
They made it to the entrance of the common rooms and everyone looked at Fred expectantly.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “You need to go in, I can’t just walk in as Fred Weasley and expect everyone to be ok with it.”
“Right, where are the keys?”
“Inside my dorm there is a trunk on the right side of the room, that’s my trunk, the keys should be in there in a small black drawstring pouch. Get them and leave, don’t talk to anyone.”
Fred nodded and walked to the three skulls on the entrance to the common room.
“Pureblood, that's the password. Say it to the skull that has the snake going through its eyes.”
He looked at each snake, the one in the middle having a snake going through each eye hole and out the mouth. He leaned forward slightly and said the password causing the door to swing open slowly. He walked through and the door closed behind him loudly.
Fred made his way through the common room, people were scattered around doing different things and there was a quiet buzz as everyone talked. He remembered the way to her dorm, seeing as he had to leave it this morning, and quickly found his way. It was empty now, and was significantly darker than before. His hand reached to the back of the skirt he was wearing, finding Y/n’s wand tucked into the waistband. He didn’t have anywhere else to put it earlier considering she didn’t have any pockets.
He cast a quick spell, making all the hanging lanterns in the room grow a bright flame illuminating the room pleasantly. Fred took a moment to look around as he dwelled on what had happened earlier. He had really mucked up his chances with Y/n, he was sure of it. He knew the rumor was stupid and quite literally created by Lee and himself after getting drunk one night. Fred was ranting about how he couldn’t get her to fall at his feet like everyone else and Lee mentioned something about Y/n having someone else. Fred was the one to jokingly say Snape and they just ran with it since then, it had made him feel better when she showed little to no interest in him. He thought everything fit, you were Snape’s favorite and the man never had favorites, obviously Fred had overlooked your actual skill in class to make himself feel better. Now he’s regretting ever saying it, a childish, mindless thing to do and he’s just glad he hadn’t blabbed about it to anyone else outside of Lee and George.
He brought himself back to the task at hand and got to his knees in front of the trunk and opened it. There weren't many things in it, a few folded clothes and a shoe box of pictures. He found the small black pouch in the middle of it all, lying on a stack of pictures and opened it making sure the keys were in it before setting it down next himself before looking back at the pictures. There were a plethora of different ones, some taken with a muggle camera and others taken with a magical camera and his curiosity got the best of him.
Fred thumbed through a few before finding one of just Y/n. She was looking at him, eyes sparkling with mischief, before she rushed forward puckering her lips and then leaning back laughing. He turned it around looking for writing but found none, it was clear someone else had taken the picture and he couldn’t help but feel envious of the person behind the camera who got to see her act so goofy and carefree.
Realizing people were waiting for him he closed the trunk quickly and stood up, tucking the wand into his waistband then folded the picture and tucked it on the other of his waistband before grabbing the pouch and leaving.
He had almost made it back to the door until he heard your name being called, he turned toward the voice and it was none other than Draco Malfoy.
“Could you help me with my potions essay?” His voice was lacking the usual mocking tone, it was earnest and quiet, he seemed embarrassed.
Draco got closer, lowering his voice, “It’s just, Professor said you’re really good and you know if I don’t get my marks up in potions my father will skin me.”
His frantic eyes made Fred panic, he was torn between laughing at him and feeling bad but he knew he couldn’t do anything of substance now.
“I need to go… take inventory of Snape’s supplies. Can I help you tomorrow?”
The blonde perked up before trying to calm himself, regaining his cool demeanor Draco nodded then left to join his friends again.
Fred let out a sigh of relief, rushing out of the common room hoping not to come across any more Slytherins.
“Alright, give me the list, you guys keep watch.” Y/n instructed the others as they stood outside the door to the supply closet.
Fred saw this as his chance to talk to her alone about the Draco incident, not feeling like he should mention it in front of George and Lee.
“I’ll help you.”
Y/n shook her head, “No, it’s fine.”
“If Snape shows up and sees me in there I think we are going to have a bigger problem. But if I’m with his favorite student Y/n L/n, the punishment will be a lot less severe.” Fred bargained.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Y/n unlocked the door and walked through, Fred following her. She handed Fred a small sack she had gotten from somewhere and he held it open as she silently put in all the ingredients they needed, along with a cauldron.
“I ran into Malfoy. You’re helping him with his potions essay tomorrow.”
She froze before starting to look for another ingredient, “Alright, is that all he said?”
“More or less.” Fred mumbled watching as she went rigid.
The silence returned and Fred shuffled in his spot as she put in the last ingredient they needed. She walked out of the room making Fred follow her, bag of ingredients in hand.
Fred, George, and Lee watched as Y/n made the potion quickly, sitting on the floor of their dorm. It was mesmerizing the way she worked, her movements were confident and sure, hardly ever needing to look into the textbook to make sure everything was used correctly.
“You’re really good at that.” George complimented, his tone showing his amazement.
Y/n was monotone, “Thanks.”
Fred grimaced at the guilt settling uncomfortably in his gut, watching as she gave the potion a few more stirs then stopped. It was the same goopy orange color that had the smell of roast chicken.
“That’s it.” Fred confirmed looking at the cauldron.
Y/n nodded, “Alright, since most of the ingredients have a membrane that has touch sensitive properties, that means the potion will probably only work if we drink it the exact same way we did the first time. I could be wrong but better safe than sorry.”
Everyone agreed and soon Fred and Y/n were standing in front of each other with Y/n holding the cauldron. She made a face before dipping her finger into the orange goop then putting in her mouth, making a face.
“Alright now you have t-”
He was cut off by the goopy potion hitting his face and clothes.
“I remember.”
Fred nodded knowing he deserved that and licked his lips getting the potion in his mouth before using her wand to clean everything up.
“We have to fall asleep now.” Y/n concluded.
“Alright, you can take my bed. I'll sleep on the floor.”
Fred wasn’t open for debate as he moved his mum's knit blanket and a pillow onto the rug beside his bed, making himself a nice little spot there. Y/n didn’t want to talk any more, so she was fine with not arguing and grabbed his pajama pants she had woken up in and walked to the bathroom to put them on. When she was out of the room, Fred pulled the picture he had snatched from her dorm and slid it into his trunk while he pulled out clothes for himself to wear. Y/n walked out of the bathroom as Fred closed his trunk and walked silently to his bed, Fred went to change, coming out later in a pair of his clean boxer shorts and his green sweater with a letter F on it. Everything was far too big on him then he was used to, and it was odd wearing his boxers with underwear but he respected her far too much to just strip her naked when she had no say in it.
When he came out everyone was already in their beds, the air dense with awkwardness as he slid into his blankets on the floor. Y/n was already asleep, seeing as her breathing was even and shallow as she was curled on her side with her back facing Fred.
The next morning Fred woke up, his feet cold and back… not as sore as he’d expect from laying on the floor. Realizing he wasn’t on the floor anymore he shot up and looked at his hands, they were his hands, and his face was his, and he was back in his body. Then looked onto the floor hoping to see Y/n’s body, but instead being met by his folded sweater and boxers and her own clothes missing. She had left earlier, and Fred should have expected it. She made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him but the empty spot still stung. Quietly, as to not wake George and Lee, he walked over to his trunk and got out the picture he had stolen from her dorm. He crawled back into bed and watched her laugh and smile and pucker up at him as his thumb came up to trace the edge of her cheek on the paper, slowly falling asleep with the picture clutched in his hand.
George pretended not to notice the picture when he woke up later.
The next few weeks for Y/n were miserable. She had to first deal with Lily’s rapid fire questions about where she was and why she was showing up to their dorm after missing an entire night, but she assuaged her questions with a look of sadness and defeat. Lily asked no more questions, instead holding her friend as she cried, making Lily assume it was Fred Weasley who had something to do with this.
Y/n ignored both Fred and George in the classes she had with them, and was uncomfortable each time she had to ask Professor Snape a question or if she was called on to help him do something. The admittance of them thinking she was sleeping with the teacher made her self conscious everytime she interacted with him. Fred noticed the change, Snape was always quick to ask Y/n to demonstrate something or help others but after she rejected his offers a few times he stopped doing so.
Fred also missed the witty banter he and Y/n would have, the way she was so smug and confident in her teasing comments to him. Now she avoided him, hardly able to make eye contact as they passed in the halls or in class and George noticed the toll it took on his brother. He had become fully absorbed in watching Y/n from afar, making sure she was alright and no one was bothering her, and the picture of her hardly ever left his grasp. George also noticed Fred sneaking away ingredients from potions class, but deciding against asking Fred about it preferring to have him tell him when he was ready.
It was two months now since the incident when Fred ran around the castle trying to find Y/n. He was out of breath, the container he had neatly put a twine bow around accompanied with a square tag was getting slippery in his hand, and he was about to give up and try again tomorrow when he caught a glimpse of her leg hanging out of a tree that was by the shores of the Black Lake. He caught his breath before making his way to Y/n.
“What is it with you Slytherins and sitting in trees?” He called, tone cautious yet playful.
Y/n didn’t flinch and Fred realized she had probably seen him coming and was hoping he wouldn’t be able to find her, and his smile faltered as she refused to look at him.
“I made you something.” He said, getting her to turn to look at the container as he set it down at the base of the tree.
She stayed silent, looking at the lake once again as Fred shoved his hands into his pockets.
He took his opportunity and slowly rocked back and forth before starting, “I’m sorry about everything. I never really thought you were, it made me feel better to think so lowly of you when you didn’t swoon at my every word. It was stupid and ridiculous and I’m sorry, Y/n. I like you, a lot, and I didn’t know how to handle you not sharing my feelings. Being you, having to deal with the calls and names in the halls, I would get angry and jealous. I thought they were disgusting and I never realized I was just the same as them.”
Fred paused, watching as a slow tear rolled down her face before she quickly wiped it away.
“I’m sorry.” He said quietly and went to walk away before he heard her voice.
“You were wrong.” She stated quietly, Fred staying silent hoping she would continue.
“I always liked you, I thought you were funny and charming. I always thought so highly of you, Fred, and you thought I was shagging a teacher for better marks.” Y/n kept her eyes ahead, still refusing to look at him and her words were painful as they hit him.
Fred took in a breath, feeling incredibly stupid, “I’m downright git, aren’t I?”
Y/n didn’t answer and Fred turned around, knowing when he wasn’t wanted anymore, and made his way back to the castle. Y/n turned to see he was already out of earshot and she got down from the tree carefully before grabbing the container on the floor. The tag read:
‘Chafing balm, made it myself. Should work, I tested it on myself and there were no negative effects though I understand if you don't trust it. It’ll work for twenty four hours, I remember you saying nothing lasted long enough. Also it smells like vanilla, I didn’t know what you preferred so I went with my favorite. I hope this works. I remember how incredibly aggravating this was back when I was you.
All my love,
Fred Weasley.’
Y/n laughed as she opened the container and smelled it, only Fred Weasley would make something like this. She giggled remembering the way he was walking around as her with his legs apart and an angry face.
She then looked back to his retreating form, and he was just barely visible when she decided to go after him. Y/n sprinted in his direction as she called after him, but he was still too far to hear her. With a huff she sped up as much as she could and continued to shout his name, after the third shout he turned around and stopped.
Y/n caught up to him and took a few deep breaths as she took a moment to regain her composure.
“You are a pompous ass, Fred Weasley.” She stated, pointing at him. “Thinking you could win me over with some stupid chafing balm that you made, because if thats what you were thinking... it worked.”
It was a few seconds before Fred realized what she had said, “Come again?”
“It worked. I have been won over with a sickeningly sweet gift and I hate myself for it but there’s no use in fighting that I am head over heels in love with a downright git.”
Y/n gave a smug smile as Fred had the mischievous glint return to his eyes. He moved toward her quickly, arms going around her waist, pulling her into himself and crashing his lips onto hers. She returned the kiss making him let out a low groan, almost growl like, into her mouth making her give a short whimper.
The kiss was passionate and angry, all of their feelings flooding into the kiss making it was almost too intense to handle. Fred could remember all the times he wished he could do this, the times where all he wanted to do was grab her and hold her as his own. His hands came up to hold her face, in place as their teeth clashed. Fred grew fed up with the dull ache in his neck as he leaned down to kiss her. So he was quick to swoop down and slide his arm under the curve of her butt, making her jump and wrap her legs around his hips.
She broke away and her chest heaved as she looked into Fred’s eyes. They were brown, with different shades of caramel layered in his irises. Fred now had both hands holding her up as he took in the sight of her swollen lips, and heavy breathes, feeling incredibly proud of himself. Y/n reached a hand up to let her thumb run across his chin and jaw before slowly lowering herself to kiss him again.
Fred met her lips, and this kiss was far more reserved than the first. Both of them were careful with the other as their movements were slow and curious. He was the one to pull away this time making her give a quiet whine in protest before regaining composure and moving to stand on her own two feet.
“I think we have a date tonight, I’ll pick you up in front of your common room at 7:00?” Fred asked, a smirk coming to grace his lips.
Y/n nodded, suddenly shy under his gaze, “Yeah, 7:00.”
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — soccer player! jake x reader 
: genre — slight angst, fluff 
: song rec — these days by wallows 
: a/n — i don’t know too much about soccer so apologizing in advance if i mess up some terminology! 
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There was a slight orange hue to the sky as the sun had gone down, the fluorescent lights of the field were switched on while you waited for Jake to finish up soccer practice since he promised to walk you home after. 
He made his way towards you with a goofy grin on his face. A duffle bag slung over his shoulder and a towel thrown around his neck to absorb his sweat. You end up meeting him half way into the field. 
You two were the only ones at the field so he grasped your hand in his and begin to walk down the artificial grass. You and Jake were a fairly new couple, none of your friends had known you guys were even friends let alone dating each other. 
“So y’know, the annual soccer game is tomorrow?” Jake speaks in a low tone as you both walk down the sidewalk. You turned your head to him and meet eyes, giving him a nod. “Well...” he trails off his sentence, unaware of how to continue on. You stop walking and patiently wait for him to continue with a soft look on your face that made Jake smile. “I was wondering if you maybe wanted to wear my spare jersey to the game?” 
Its not that you were ashamed of Jake and your relationship, no not at all! You’ve always been portrayed as a quiet, reserved person who maintains the best grades and sticks to themselves You were scared of what others would think of you dating The Jake Sim. one of the most well known kids at your school. Your silence made Jake feel a little bit regretful of asking you. 
“Listen you don’t have to. If you aren’t comfortable or ready yet, its cool, I understand.” His eyes emit slight sadness that you noticed. The silence you started carried on throughout the rest of the walk home. 
by the time you had reached your house, the sun had fully gone down and the moon had replaced it. The awkward tension still lingered as you still had yet to answer. Unaware of how to bid you goodbye, Jake gives you a high five and made his way home. 
You spent that night staring at your ceiling in the dark. It wasn’t a big deal, but you were scared of all the things people would say. They would judge Jake for dating someone like you. They would insult you, tell you that you weren’t good enough for Jake. These thoughts clouded your head. Until, a specific cutie texted your phone. 
From Jakey <3: can’t wait to see you tomorrow at the game! sleep well.
Unconsciously, you smiled at your phone. Picturing the grin on his face while texting you made your heart beat a little faster. You couldn’t say no to him. Not when that pretty little smile of his stays alight, even if he is feeling down.
To Jakey <3: drop off the jersey at my door before you head to school. rest well jake, you’ve got a big day ahead of you <3
You turned off your phone and fell asleep, in the hopes that a certain boy would show up in your dreams that night. 
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You had opened your door to leave for school and right there sitting on your door step was his jersey plus a flower. It looked like it was picked out right from the ground but you were still very grateful. Before you left you ran back into the house, leaving the blue and white jersey and flower in your room. 
School had consumed your day while practice had consumed Jake’s which meant that neither of you could meet up before the game. You came home and quickly changed, adrenaline racing around your body in the excitement of getting to see Jake play and being able to support him. 
The school stadium was PACKED. All the bleachers were filled with students from your own school and the other. The cheers of the students rang around the entire stadium, shaking the seats and giving you a slight headache. Your group friends ushering you to their location, shock covering their faces. You had no time to explain as the game was about to start. 
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There was about a minute left on the clock. The giant buzzer board flashed the numbers counting down. The two teams were tied. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, you included. The ball moving back and forth between both teams, leaving the people questioning if this would go overtime. The last 30 seconds had arrived and the crowd had gone silent. Scared that any noise would ruin the players momentum. 
The ball had been moving further and further away from your school’s team, until the best midfielder on the team, Jake Sim, swooped in and stole the ball. He starts sprinting across the field whilst managing the ball straight against his feet. He reaches the goal and kicks with the side of his foot with all his strength. As if time had stopped, the ball slowly goes into the opposite direction the goalie had been jumping towards and hits the back of the net with a thud. 
Jake Sim just won the soccer game. 
The crowd starts screaming again just like the beginning of the game. The cheers could possible be heard all the way from the other side of town. You jumped out of your seat, screaming as loud as you could, watching Jake’s team mates tackle him onto the ground. The adrenaline you felt earlier had reached you again and you found yourself running down the bleacher steps towards the field. You start shouting his name. 
“JAKE! JAKE!” of course, he recognized your voice, even if it was from miles away. He watched you get closer and closer to him as you dashed across the field. He squinted his eyes a little just to see your infamous school colours spread across the shirt you were wearing, well rather, his shirt you were wearing. The boy’s smile unknowingly got even wider, reaching his sweet eyes that were filled with love. His arms span out to wrap you in his warmth. 
You grab onto his body and enclose your arms around his neck. He lifts you off the ground and spins you around, giggles erupt from the both of you. The sound of your voice fills Jake’s mind as you began to ramble on about how amazing and cool he looked on the field. Everything around him was drowned out and all he could focus on was your lips that kept on moving and moving. 
It all stopped abruptly when he smashed his lips onto yours. Unsure of how to react at first, you didn’t kiss back. Once you realized that he lips were actually on yours, you gave in. His hands found home on your waist tugging you closer, while the palms of your hands rested against the nape of his neck. Your heads tilted slightly to deepen the kiss. His lips tasting salty and sweet, a flavour you don’t think you could ever get tired of. You pulled away, slightly breathless, foreheads resting against each others. 
Jake looks into your eyes, his shiny smile mirroring yours. 
“Thank you for supporting me today baby. My jersey fits you so well, it almost like you were made to wear mine.” He teases you as you look away, the apples of your cheeks turning a deep shade of pink at the use of the pet name. 
“Anytime #15.” Jake kisses your cheek, letting you rest your head against his heart, that might’ve been beating a little more than it should’ve. 
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nanamins-kitten · 3 years
First kiss
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note: I've been thinking about this for daaaaaaaaaays and I finally procrastinated studying to do it
no warning, just soft core Nanami lover
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Being dragged to church in itself sucked. Being dragged to church for multiple hours sucked even more. Being dragged to church for multiple hours at night sucked dick and balls.
At least the service was over, after like 2 hours of keeping yourself occupied with watching your candle burn and the wax travel down until there was no more string to keep the light alive, and the church was surrounded by nature, lots of trees and a whole row of blossoming magnolia trees.
But it was still after midnight. And it was slightly chilly.
And it started raining.
You grumpled. You had no umbrella and no hood on your white overcoat and stopping somewhere would just take more time to get home. Swearing inside your head, you continued your walk along the magnolia trees.
'Excuse me...'
Suddenly no water was hitting your head anymore. Looking up, and towards the voice that came behind you, a umbrella was now shielding you from the falling water, held by a young guy with blonde hair and bangs falling into one side of his face. You slightly compared it to those of the emo guys that were all over quotev and wattpad covers when you were still active on there, but it was suiting him and his slightly tired, yet defined, face. He seemed to be wearing some sort of uniform, a school uniform.
'You, um, seemed not prepared for the weather.' he said once you two locked eyes.
'Yeah, I made the mistake to not check the weather forecast' you laughed nervously, a little shy at talking with a stranger and slightly intimidated by him. He was tall, very tall, and he was really pretty, and very close to you, sitting under the same umbrella. But he seemed a little shy, or stand off-ish, unsure in his movements, like an awkward teenager. That comforted you.
He looked away for a second, seemingly thinking, pondering something, before looking ahead the magnolia trees again. 'There is a bit of a walk till the gate. Let me walk you there.'
'Oh, thank you! You shouldn't have, but thank you.' Starting to walk on the road again, at a comfortable pace, you continued to look at him and smiled genuinely. 'You're really nice to do that.'
That seemed to make the boy blush a bit, making you smile more, keeping a giggle inside. He was really cute, wasn't he?
'I think that you also look very nice.'
Now it was your turn to blush. It was nice to be complimented by someone you were attracted to.
'Thank you.'
He hummed and the two of you continued to walk quietly. It was actually nice now that you were covered. The smell of rain and spring flowers in the air, the soft nightlights and no busy noise around felt actually close to a date, a perfect date. Step by step, you observed the boy had slowly gotten closer and closer to you, enough that he was in your personal space now, not uncomfortably so, but just enough like someone that you are close to. His hand with the umbrella was between the two of you, his upper arm touching yours. You liked the closeness and tried to swiftly bump your shoulder into his (which was pretty hard, since he was so tall and you could only touch his arm with your shoulder) and it was nice. It felt warmer, even if it had actually gotten slightly windy, but the silence in his presence was actually comforting, and he didn't mind when you lowly hummed a tune.
Finally, the gate was reached.
You turn towards the boy, smiling softly. The rain is much gentler now, but the wind started picking up. 'Thank you again for being so nice.' The gate was right there, a few steps ahead. But you felt the need to do something. So you stepped on your toes and leaned to peck his right cheek, on the spot that wasn't covered by his hair. It was closer to the corner of his mouth than you had planned, which made you blush and bite your lip nervously when you pulled back and were to continue to walk away.
Until he caught your hand.
His face was adorned by a rosy pink and his face was scrunched in some kind of confusion. Was it because you kissed you him? Was it because he didn't know how to react?
Stepping again closer to him, so his arm dropped, but his hand still in yours, you looked him in the eye and waited for him to make the next move. To see what idea is in his mind, what is he planning.
He locked his eyes with yours. He looked determined, a little intimidating, but there was no feeling of fear around you, he didn't want to hurt you. So you didn't move. His head leaned closer to yours and his hand, the one that one second ago was grabbing your hand, reached for your cheek, his knuckles caressing blushed skin. When your noses touched each other, he stopped in his tracks, unsure if to continue or not, if you changed your mind or not. You could feel his anxiety cascading out of him.
So you moved your head forward, your noses rubbing onto his this time, as consent to go ahead. It was a soft peck on the lips, just as gentle as the kiss you left on his cheek. His lips were slightly chapped and felt salty, like he just ate something very recent, but it melted your knees from how gentle it was when he cupped your face with the one hand.
You felt a sudden weight on you, looming, and you opened your eyes in shock to see him stumbling over you.
The wind had picked up suddenly and powerful and stole the umbrella away, exposing the two of you to the rain again. You broke apart to take the image of the umbrella flying away at big speed in, but then your vision went black as a piece of cloth went over your face and a yelp escaped your lips. Turning back to the boy, you understood he took his uniform jacket off and put it over your head to protect you from the rain, while he was completely exposed to the water droplets carried aggressively by the wind. His face was flushed more and more, and he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
'I don't want you to get wet.'
You weren't sure why that sentence hit you in the guts as hard as it did. Was it the gentle way he was holding the jacket so he could still see your face? Or maybe it was the way he was looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world and was afraid of accidentally bruising you?
Maybe it was all of it that made you smile cutely, cup his face with both hands and tug him down, where you kissed him lovingly, like he was the love of your life. He was surprised, shocked, but his arms wrapped around your waist to keep you there.
You felt something soft under your hands, but it was not his face, it was softer and lighter, easily to grab and squeeze.
You woke up, eyes slowly fluttering to the morning sun. There were no more rain, no more night, no more church, magnolias, and the boy disappeared completely. Just you naked under the duvet.
Two arms squeezed your waist and a pair of lips left a kiss on your cheek, and then the face all those limbs belonged to nuzzled against yours. "Did you have a good sleep, darling?"
He didn't disappear.
He just grew up.
"Kento," you whined in your sleepy voice, turning in his arms to face him, "I had such a beautiful dream. And you were there too?"
His eyes were still closed, but he hummed as a sign that he was listening. "Is that so?"
"Yes, but actually it wasn't you... it were you when you were still a student, like I saw in the pictures when Gojo showed me."
Nanami groaned. "Please don't mention him first thing in the morning, kitten."
You giggled a bit. "Sorry, sweetheart. Will not happen again." You kissed his nose in apology. "And I was a student too, I think, and we met one silent, rainy night and you walked me with an umbrella and then we kissed."
He squeezed you closer to his chest at your words, kissing your forehead. "I like your dream, kitten."
"Me too." A dreamy sigh left your lips as your fingers were leaving circular patterns on his shoulder. "You know, if that would have been reality, you would have been my first kiss."
"Was I a good first kiss?"
Looking up to him, his eyes were still closed. You continued with your skin patterns, pointedly ignoring his question.
Immediately, his eyes opened and he lowered his head to look at you. You continued with your silly little task, trying not to smile when he moved to ask you again. "I believe I asked you something, kitten."
Damn him and his sexy morning voice, even deeper than usual, and his strong arms grabbing your naked skin so expertly.
"I mean..." you knew teasing Nanami had its limits, but it was way too fun sometimes. Like right now. "It was as good as a kiss as a dream kiss could be. You were really cute and shy then, all blushy and hesitant." Finally, you left a giggle out, remembering how cute he was, you wanted to squeeze him to your chest.
The Nanami you had with you then and there, however, was nowhere near the shy awkward teenager from you dream. He easily flipped you on your back, hands softly pinned on each side of your head, the duvet uncovering your body as he loomed over you.
Going for your right ear, he trailed kisses down to your neck, biting the skin near the shoulder. You moaned and bit your lip, embarrassed by the sound, even after so much time of dating Nanami.
"Aren't you the shy one now?" the whisper in your ear sent shivers down your spine, and warmth shooting through the whole body.
"Kento..." you started, intertwining you fingers with his while he held you down, staring you down.
"What is it, kitten?"
Your eyes travelled to his lips and stayed there for a few seconds, not saying anything.
"I need words, kitten."
Locking eyes with him again, you whispered "Kiss me like it's the first and last time, please."
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