#hidden healthcare costs
livingwellnessblog · 1 year
California's Homelessness Crisis: Addressing the Tragedy of Unhoused Individuals and Mental Health Reform
In the heart of California, where dreams are often synonymous with palm-lined streets and golden sunsets, there exists a shadowed reality that has long eluded the postcard image – the homelessness crisis. The scale of this epidemic is staggering, with tho
In the heart of California, where dreams are often synonymous with palm-lined streets and golden sunsets, there exists a shadowed reality that has long eluded the postcard image – the homelessness crisis. The scale of this epidemic is staggering, with thousands of vulnerable individuals left to weather the harshness of the streets each night. California’s Homelessness Crisis and Mental Health…
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the-marron · 2 months
Confession: I like the ending of Guardian drama.
And yes, whoever just thought "because you like angst, you sick cryptid, you" - yes, yes, guilty as charged.
But there is more to it than just "my favourites die and I like that for some reason", and I would like to share my other reasons.
Now, those of you who don't like it because of the emotional impact it caused them - I hear you and I won't attempt to change your minds, it is upsetting when people who deserve everything don't get it, especially if it's because they are not the "correct romance". So this is not me trying to convince anyone that this ending is *happy*, far from it. Or that you should like it, you do you.
I just want to tell you what I see in it. Spoilers under the cut.
Sorry, no pictures because I will try to be concise.
See, Priest is a fascinating author who not only weaves amazing stories with endearing, complicated characters, but who also aims her pen at different injustices and flaws of the reality she observes. Whoever read Mo Du, or Guardian, probably noticed that she points out different social issues that she finds concerning or worth talking about. Some of them even made it into the drama, and got elaborated on.
An incomplete list:
- illegal immigration problem (Dixing/Haixing tensions)
- nepotism (ZYL, GCC)
- children left with elders not equipped to care for them (Li Qian)
- healthcare that depends on money and connections ( the Zu Ma arc, the entire Merit Brush arc)
Just to name a few.
Now, one of the things that is shown to be a big problem from the very beginning is the Xingdu Ministry - they want ZYL to stop causing trouble, to keep the existence of Dixing hidden, they conduct their own shady experiments on Dixingren and Haixingren too.
Now, when Ye Zun starts appearing in Haixing and the team already knows that his goal is to incite the Dixingren to attack, ZYL goes to the Minister and tells him that he wants to warn the people, to prepare them for what's coming and to try to dissipate the tensions before YZ comes.
The Ministry declines.
They try to cover it up, even when the Minister gets kidnapped, even when Zhao Xinci was kidnapped, the Ministry's policy is: deny, deny, deny. "Let's wait it out, let's not cause panic, let's not make any hasty movements"
Then Ya Qing uploads the files and reveals everything about the SID to the world and... Xingdu Ministry allows the hunt for everyone in the SID.
And then, the finale happens, Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei give their lives to save the two worlds and...
Nothing changes.
Dixing and Haixing are separated, and yes Dixing gets light again, the clock starts, but these two worlds did not learn to co-exist, no.
The Ministry didn't change their tune any - they cover up the cost of victory. Shen Wei is no longer a concern anyone speaks about for long, and there is a stranger walking in Zhao Yunlan's body, assuring people a year later that everything is fine, that the crisis will not be repeated, that the heroes of the day, the SID, are still here.
That's the tragedy of the ending and also the part that points an accusing finger at the people in power. The real heroes are swept under the rug, the word 'sacrifice' is not uttered in the open, it's a 'victory'. Sounds familiar, if you look at history.
Lin Jing and Da Qing come to Yunlan's flat because this is the only place where they can still mourn, where they can say out loud "these people are no longer here and we miss them."
But the official narration is different.
According to the official version of events, there is no professor Shen and Zhao Yunlan is alive, the hero is still here.
Except he isn't. The drama ends up in a lie, Dixing changed but Haixing didn't. Officially there is no one to mourn.
I am aware that I am approaching it through the lenses of someone who watches propaganda pieces and analyses them for fun, but I find this ending really interesting, because it is a real tragedy consciously wrapped into a pretty present - "look, nothing happened! No one died, life goes on", but the inclusion of Zhang Shi walking around in ZYL's body with a heartbreak on his face is here for a reason, I believe.
This is a propaganda in the making, happening before our very eyes.
And I think it's a very Priest thing to do, to draw our attention to how horrible it is. Because we, the viewers, know the real costs - Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan, Sha Ya, Wang Zheng - we know these characters, we spent 40 episodes getting to know them and care about them. How dare you say they are acceptable numbers. How dare you say there were no sacrifices?
And yet that's what the Xingdu Ministry wants you to accept.
And yeah, we, the viewers should absolutely be angry about that.
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rjzimmerman · 11 hours
The Hidden Environmental Costs of Food. (New York Times)
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Excerpt from this New York Times story:
As pricey as a run to the grocery store has become, our grocery bills would be considerably more expensive if environmental costs were included, researchers say. The loss of species as cropland takes over habitat. Groundwater depletion. Greenhouse gases from manure and farm equipment.
For years, economists have been developing a system of “true cost accounting” based on a growing body of evidence about the environmental damage caused by different types of agriculture. Now, emerging research aims to translate this damage to the planet into dollar figures.
By displaying these so-called true prices, sometimes next to retail prices, researchers hope to nudge consumers, businesses, farmers and regulators to factor in the environmental toll of food.
The proponents of true cost accounting don’t propose raising food prices across the board, but they say that increased awareness of the hidden environmental cost of food could change behavior.
We asked True Price, a Dutch nonprofit group that has pioneered true cost accounting alongside the United Nations and the Rockefeller Foundation, to provide a window into some of their research. They came up with a data set that compares the estimated environmental costs of common foods produced in the United States, divided into three categories: Climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and ecosystem effects from land use, including loss of biodiversity.
“These costs are going to be paid,” said Claire van den Broek, managing director at True Price. “They’re paid in the healthcare system, in climate adaptation mechanisms, and those will come back in taxes. It’s not like these costs are fictional.”
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ennovance · 6 months
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Hospitals Are Adding Billions in ‘Facility’ Fees for Routine Care
Unsuspecting patients find themselves at the mercy of institutions tacking on the bills
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The hidden life of a disabled/chronically ill person.
(Basically a rant about everything wrong in my life and in this society)
At this point I don't even know what's wrong.
Am I feeling exhausted because of idiopathic hypersomnia or am I at the beginning of a spondylitis flare up.
Do I even have ankylosing spondylitis? The symptoms list is a bit sketchy. I mean, there's something there in my body acting up, but... Anyway, I'm too weary to go through all that, the tests and so. I'll just die with my joint aching, I guess.
And am I crying because of the fatigue or is it the start of another depressive phase? Who knows? Not me. Maybe I'm just fed up of being this way.
What way it is, I don't even know anymore. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more laying there inside me to be diagnosed.
The point is, I've been in and out of so many doctors' offices and two decades later I feel like nothing has changed.
I see people over there, talking about their six months wait for a diagnosis, starting meds right away that changed their life. I'm so jealous. Are these people even real?
I lost count of how many specialists I've seen since middle school. I've lost count of how many times I've given up ever finding a diagnosis or a helpful hand. I certainly haven't kept a list of the doctors I came to hate for their incompetence and their cold dismissal.
I hate the healthcare system so much. There's specialists and centers and places I can't even access because I need other doctors' letters to even take an appointment. But the doctors I have are all incompetent morons that don't even listen to me. Where are the good doctors? Where do I find them?
And in the meantime, I survive. There's no other word for the way I live with so little money. How would I survive without the help of a family I'd rather be estranged with? The little money I get from the state doesn't cover for the bare minimum of living. I could get more if I applied for it but... I'd need to be fully diagnosed. The diagnosises I have now aren't enough apparently. I hate that there's people in offices that put a percentage on my level of disability and can decide of my future. Because I really don't know what I'd do if they'd reject my application. I'd be force to find a job that might just kill me, or maybe my bf and I would be forced to live with his father, living on what my family could give us for food. And what would we do the day they'll all be dead? Who'll help us then? Where would we live? How would we find food and clothes?
The state never cares about people like us living with dignity. They don't even care about us being alive. They'd rather see us dead, because we're wastes of money to them. So they don't want to help us. They do not care about making things easier and more accessible. They want us gone.
Okay, I didn't mean to go on a rant, but, well, that's the life of disabled and chronically ill people. We are more than our disabilities and illnesses, yes, but our lives can't be separated from them either. It's not just about 'spoons' or 'batteries', we need to think about so much more than that. And the irony in there is that it costs a lot of spoons. Abled people can have hard lives, sure, but they have more energy to spend and means to find solutions. They survive more easily. For us, it can mean death far more quickly, and no one cares.
If we can't take care of ourselves by working, earning money, making a place for ourselves in this broken society, we are devalued and outcast.
"Earning money". Do we have to earn our right to live too? Apparently so. At least, they won't try to make it easier for us.
Sure, there's stuffs that exist for helping disabled and chronically ill people. But it's enough sugar-coated bullshit to appease the people, to show enough kindness not to look heartless. I don't believe for one second they care for us, and you should not too.
They expect us being voiceless, because we are often silenced by our own lack of spoon. We live a life where we need more energy but have less than most people. It is thus unfair that we are the one that have to be our own advocates.
Sure, we have allies. But if there's one thing I have learned is that if you don't leave it, you don't know what people that live it really need. The best allies are forums. They're empty spaces that make the minorities' voices resonate, that emplify them. Allies' voices are echoes. But echoes can be dangerous, the original message distorted beyond recognition. So we need to be the ones to be heard. No small feat.
I know that I can't do that. I can only send tumblr posts into the void. Is that enough? It'll have to be, because I can barely remember to eat, I can't fight this battle on top of everything.
Kudos of the activists that manage to do it all. I hope you don't get burnt out.
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gravityengineering · 24 days
AI & Machine Learning Services: Driving Innovation in Business
In today’s fast-paced digital world, AI and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing industries across the globe. These technologies are no longer futuristic concepts but integral parts of modern business operations. From automating routine tasks to making data-driven decisions, AI and ML are transforming how companies operate, innovate, and compete.
Why AI & Machine Learning Matter
AI and ML empower businesses to process massive amounts of data quickly and accurately, uncovering patterns and insights that would otherwise remain hidden. This capability opens the door to smarter decision-making, predictive analytics, and automation of tasks that previously required human intervention. In industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing, AI and ML are enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and enabling personalization at scale.
For example, in retail, AI-driven recommendation systems help businesses offer personalized product suggestions to customers, boosting engagement and sales. In healthcare, machine learning algorithms analyze medical data to assist in diagnosing diseases earlier and more accurately. These applications are just the beginning—AI and ML can be tailored to meet the specific needs of almost any industry.
The Role of Gravity in AI & ML Services
At Gravity Engineering, we understand the transformative potential of AI and ML and are committed to helping businesses harness these technologies to their fullest potential. Our AI & Machine Learning services are designed to address the unique challenges of our clients, offering customized solutions that drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.
We assist businesses by implementing AI and ML solutions that automate processes, improve decision-making, and uncover actionable insights from complex data. Whether it's predictive modeling, natural language processing, or computer vision, we leverage advanced algorithms to solve real-world problems. At Gravity, we also ensure that our solutions are easy to integrate with existing systems, minimizing disruption while maximizing impact.
Our expertise extends across industries, from streamlining supply chains to enhancing customer experiences. By working with Gravity, businesses gain a competitive edge through smart technologies that enable them to stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.
Unlocking New Opportunities
AI and Machine Learning are more than just tools; they represent a new era of possibilities for businesses. By embracing these technologies, companies can innovate faster, make smarter decisions, and unlock new revenue streams. At Gravity, we believe in the power of AI to create a better future, not just for businesses, but for society as a whole.
In partnering with Gravity, businesses are not just adopting new technologies; they are investing in a strategic partner that understands the “gravity” of change and is dedicated to helping them thrive in this AI-driven world.
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hoochieblues · 7 months
Peppy's Big Day Out
Small dog, big excitement. Peppy got to do her first meet and greet event... and she didn't screw it up! 🎉
We got the opportunity to attend a local charity day yesterday, mostly thrusting flyers at people and raising a little bit of awareness, and Peppy got the Very Important Job of poster dog.
From her point of view, she went to a weird place where a bajillion potential new best friends had come especially to meet her. And there was cake. To say she had fun is an understatement.
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Doing any in-person stuff for European dog rescue tends to be a bit of a hard sell. Lots of 'ewww, foreign dogs' and 'but why pay attention to... over there... when there are so many UK dogs in need of help?' which is a reasonable question. To which the reasonable answer is 'we're lucky enough to have animal welfare legislation and an established rescue infrastructure with large national charities, though ofc there is always a need to do more, particularly at the moment with abandonment rates increasing due to cost of living, and the blatant cruelty and unfairness of BSL resulting in record numbers of bull breeds being given up or wrongly persecuted. If you'd like to donate to those causes, I have links! Meanwhile, 'over there' relies solely on individual animal rescuers doing their best with less than minimal resources and a corrupt and compassionless system of 'public shelters' where dogs are routinely starved, beaten, and inhumanely euthanised. Would you like a leaflet about supporting the campaign for legislative change and systems of street dog population reduction that don't involve culling, or would you like to hear about what happens when an animal is injected with weedkiller?'
Not to overtly politicise, but I don't like the isolationism that made Brexit possible, and I don't think compassion should know borders. My colleague just got back from a trip to Romania to see some of our dogs in care with rescuers there, and to meet an amazing woman we're working with to (potentially) expand helping with TNR and vet outreach programs in the future. Equity is about helping how and where it's needed, and it's the same reason I support microlending platforms and independent healthcare NGOs over, say, Oxfam.
Anyway, not sure how many minds we really changed, but the majority of people were sympathetic and/or open to learning more, and the small wiggly terrier beast giving I Am Cute puppy eyes while I explained how she'd spent time in the doggy equivalent of Rikers Island (pictured) definitely helped.
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We even got to do some walks around the public gardens and go into the house for cream teas. Amazingly, our very own PeePeeFace behaved herself, didn't tinkle anywhere she wasn't supposed to, didn't chew any children (the mouthing is a lot better. She knows she isn't supposed to playbite unless she's had her key phrase... which is 'yum yum' in a Gremlins voice. Hey, if it works, it's not stupid.), and even (mostly) walked nicely on the lead, with only a little bit of spinning and flailing. We even got a few 'gosh, she's so well behaved!' comments, at which I tried with all my might not to say 'yes, it's because she's slightly overwhelmed. Don't worry, it'll pass.'
It was by far the busiest and largest thing she's been to, but she did really well... and now she is verrrry eeepy.
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Also, to those wondering: Chance handled being home alone for longer than usual really well, though I did get back to find the carefully hidden evidence of a felony.
The 2lb locking tub of peanut butter (which had been on the back of the counter after I filled his kong that morning) had been the subject of a daring but extremely tidy heist.
Very little on the counter had been disturbed (even though he had to have been up there to get it, which... good job, buddy. Given the dodgy back leg, good job.) and the tub was just quietly sitting, unlidded, under the table. Not a drop of peanut butter on the rugs, nothing else disturbed. The mark of a master. Not even mad.
Anyway, overall a really good day, and huge progress for Peppy. Dunno if any of the people we met would potentially be interested in adopting her, but you never know. There's got to be someone out there for her.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Does anybody ever just wonder why the US always spends ten times as much as other leading nations on everything from the Military to Healthcare, yet the results are always such shit?
The answer, of course, is the degree of Privatization, Financialization, and Deregulation.
Our Healthcare system is so expensive and so poor because a Capitalist stands between you and your doctor, extracting profits even as they demand as few expensive treatments as possible, regardless of that treatment's effectiveness.
The results are predictable: poorer results with shorter lifespans, worse quality of life, and fewer overall doctor's visits. The other obvious result is the extraction of a larger percentage of profits for the Capitalists and the same or lesser care than other countries for you. Medications and treatments that cost just a few dollars in Cuba or the UK can cost thousands in the US.
Well the same is true of the US Military and even NATO itself.
We spend absolutely OUTLANDISH amounts of printed money on high tech military equipment with the extraction of profits amounting to thousands of percentage in profits for Defense Contractors over their costs.
Last year alone, the Pentagon had, get this, over $35 Trillion dollars in "adjustments" to its budget and $30 Trillion the year before. It's the hidden cost of the Capitalists at play.
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Cost overruns? No Problem! Congress will authorize more spending! After all, those same Defense Contractors spend billions on buying Politicians from both Parties.
This is plainly a recipe for disaster. Besides bankrupting the US, the MASSIVE Pentagon spending is only bringing us closer to nuclear conflict as the Biden Administration is ratcheting up tensions with China on a daily basis, even as they continue escalating their provocations against Russia in Ukraine. The US sends more and more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, including some armaments previously considered "off-the-table" by the Biden Administration because of their potential to escalate the conflict.
The same is true of Taiwan, as new contracts have been announced including weapons procurements for Taiwan lasting into 2029.
But if you take a look at the non-privatized Military spending by Russia and China, it becomes incredibly obvious just how much more efficient Military procurement is for them. You don't read about "adjustments" in the trillions from the Chinese or Russian Ministries of Defense. It just doesn't happen. A contract is agreed to with Defense contractors mostly or fully controlled by the State, and those items are procured at the agreed rate. Period. Completely unlike the years-long court battles, lawsuits and cost overruns in the hundreds of percent you see with US Military procurement.
How much longer can the US spend more than its entire economy on Pentagon "adjustments" every year?
Can the US, with it's "just-on-time" military procurement system really continue to challenge Russian and Chinese Military power on the other side of the globe?
At this point, the US system is in a slow-motion collapse under the weight of its own corruption. The status-quo cannot continue without bankrupting and impoverishing us all.
Empire, Capitalism and corruption all come with a cost. And that cost will be felt for generations to come.
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pain-and-persistence · 4 months
Experience the reality of chronic illness 😷
Unveiling the Reality of Chronic Illness: Beyond the Surface
Chronic illness is often misunderstood, its complexities hidden beneath the surface of outward appearances. In this blog, we delve into the raw reality of living with chronic illness, shedding light on the unseen struggles, emotional toll, and resilience of those who navigate this challenging terrain every day.
1. The Invisible Battle: One of the defining features of chronic illness is its invisibility. While some conditions may manifest visible symptoms, many are silent, lurking beneath the surface. Fatigue, pain, cognitive fog, and other symptoms may not be apparent to others, leading to misconceptions and disbelief. This invisibility can be isolating, as individuals with chronic illness often feel misunderstood and invalidated.
2. The Daily Struggle: Chronic illness isn’t just about occasional flare-ups; it’s a daily battle against symptoms that disrupt every aspect of life. Simple tasks like getting out of bed, preparing meals, or socializing with friends can become monumental challenges. The relentless nature of chronic illness demands constant adaptation and resilience.
3. The Emotional Rollercoaster: Living with chronic illness takes a toll on mental and emotional well-being. From frustration and anger to sadness and grief, individuals may experience a range of complex emotions. The uncertainty of the future, fear of worsening symptoms, and the loss of identity and independence contribute to emotional turmoil.
4. The Impact on Relationships: Chronic illness reverberates beyond the individual, affecting relationships with family, friends, and even healthcare providers. Loved ones may struggle to understand the daily struggles and limitations imposed by the illness, leading to strained dynamics and feelings of guilt or resentment. Communication, empathy, and mutual support are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships amidst the challenges.
5. The Financial Burden: The cost of chronic illness extends far beyond medical expenses. From lost wages due to decreased productivity or disability to out-of-pocket costs for medications, treatments, and adaptive equipment, the financial burden can be overwhelming. Limited access to affordable healthcare exacerbates the challenges, placing additional strain on individuals and families.
6. The Stigma and Misconceptions: Despite growing awareness, stigma and misconceptions surrounding chronic illness persist. From assumptions that it’s just “in your head” to judgment about perceived laziness or weakness, individuals with chronic illness often face skepticism and discrimination. Challenging stereotypes, advocating for greater understanding, and sharing personal stories can help dismantle stigma and promote empathy.
7. The Resilience and Adaptability: Despite the myriad challenges, individuals with chronic illness demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability. They find strength in adversity, cultivate coping strategies, and redefine their sense of self and purpose. Each day, they navigate a complex landscape with courage and determination, refusing to let their illness define them.
In Conclusion: The reality of chronic illness is multifaceted, encompassing physical symptoms, emotional struggles, financial challenges, and societal barriers. By acknowledging the unseen complexities and fostering compassion and support, we can create a more inclusive and empathetic society where individuals with chronic illness are seen, heard, and valued for their resilience and strength.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a bid by anti-abortion activists to throw out more than $2 million in damages they were ordered to pay Planned Parenthood after secretly recording video of abortion providers in a scheme to try to show the illicit sale of aborted fetal tissue for profit.
The justices turned away the appeal by David Daleiden and his group, the Center for Medical Progress, of a lower court's decision in 2022 upholding most of the damages in a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood, a women's healthcare and abortion provider, accusing the defendants of conspiracy, eavesdropping and other claims. The lower court rejected the argument made by the defendants that with the secret recording they were exercising their right to free speech under the U.S. Constitution.
The justices announced their action on the first day of their new nine-month term.
Planned Parenthood filed suit in 2016 against Daleiden and his California-based organization in federal court in San Francisco seeking monetary damages, accusing them of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and engaging in fraud, trespassing, breach of contract and illegal secret recording.
The case before the Supreme Court centered on whether Planned Parenthood, even though it did not sue for defamation, should have to overcome strict limits that the justices through past rulings have placed on damages that public figures may recover for alleged harms related to a publication.
Various activist groups on the left and right conduct undercover operations often involving secret recording. Daleiden and his team portray themselves as investigative journalists and have said that the judgment against them in the suit threatens undercover reporting, a technique that can help expose wrongdoing and corruption.
Planned Parenthood has said the defendants are "ideological activists" - not journalists - whose videos were heavily edited as part of a smear campaign aimed at destroying the organization.
Using a shell company and fake identification, the activists gained access to Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation conferences and other locations where they recorded staff using hidden cameras.
The Center for Medical Progress released videos in 2015 purporting to expose Planned Parenthood officials trafficking in aborted fetal parts, sparking controversy, congressional inquiries and investigations in various states.
Planned Parenthood denied profiting from fetal tissue donation for medical research. Lower courts concluded that the videos did not contain evidence of wrongdoing.
A jury sided with Planned Parenthood in the lawsuit, and a judge awarded $2.4 million in damages - including for security costs to prevent future infiltration and targeting of doctors and staff - as well as more than $13 million in attorneys' fees and costs that are the subject of a separate appeal.
The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld most of the award last year, concluding that the First Amendment did not protect the defendants.
Noting that damages had been awarded for harms related to the infiltration, not to Planned Parenthood's reputation, the 9th Circuit said, "Invoking journalism and the First Amendment does not shield individuals from liability for violations of laws applicable to all members of society."
Daleiden and another activist also face an upcoming criminal trial in California in connection with the secret recordings.
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srkshaju · 9 months
The Economic Hitman: Friend or Foe to Developing Nations?
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Imagine a world where seemingly helpful experts convince countries to take on massive debts for fancy new infrastructure. Sounds good, right? But what if these projects benefit foreign companies more than the locals, leaving the country drowning in debt? This is the story of the economic hitman.
Who are they?
Economic hitmen aren't your typical assassins. They're consultants, often working for big banks or international organizations. Their job? Persuade developing countries to borrow huge sums of money for things like dams, power plants, and highways.
The Pitch:
These consultants paint a rosy picture. They promise economic booms, job creation, and a brighter future. But the reality is often different.
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The Hidden Costs:
Crushing Debt: Countries get stuck with massive loans they can't repay, diverting money from healthcare, education, and other crucial needs.
Broken Promises: Many projects fail to deliver on their promises, leaving local communities worse off than before.
Environmental Damage: Dams and other mega-projects can harm ecosystems and displace people from their homes.
Is there hope?
Yes! We can hold these "hitmen" accountable by:
Demanding transparency: Shining a light on how these deals are made and who benefits.
Investing responsibly: Supporting projects that truly benefit local communities and the environment.
Speaking up: Raising awareness about the dangers of unsustainable debt and unfair development practices.
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Economic hitmen operate in the shadows, but their impact is real. By being informed and engaged, we can help developing countries avoid the debt trap and build a brighter future for themselves.
Let's keep the conversation going! Share your thoughts on economic hitmen and how we can create a fairer development system in the comments below.
Additional Resources:
John Perkins's "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"
The Centre for Economic and Policy Research
The Bretton Woods Project
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jcmarchi · 10 months
The Black Box Problem in LLMs: Challenges and Emerging Solutions
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-black-box-problem-in-llms-challenges-and-emerging-solutions/
The Black Box Problem in LLMs: Challenges and Emerging Solutions
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Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves three components: algorithms, training data, and the resulting model. An algorithm, essentially a set of procedures, learns to identify patterns from a large set of examples (training data). The culmination of this training is a machine-learning model. For example, an algorithm trained with images of dogs would result in a model capable of identifying dogs in images.
Black Box in Machine Learning
In machine learning, any of the three components—algorithm, training data, or model—can be a black box. While algorithms are often publicly known, developers may choose to keep the model or the training data secretive to protect intellectual property. This obscurity makes it challenging to understand the AI’s decision-making process.
AI black boxes are systems whose internal workings remain opaque or invisible to users. Users can input data and receive output, but the logic or code that produces the output remains hidden. This is a common characteristic in many AI systems, including advanced generative models like ChatGPT and DALL-E 3.
LLMs such as GPT-4 present a significant challenge: their internal workings are largely opaque, making them “black boxes”.  Such opacity isn’t just a technical puzzle; it poses real-world safety and ethical concerns. For instance, if we can’t discern how these systems reach conclusions, can we trust them in critical areas like medical diagnoses or financial assessments?
The Scale and Complexity of LLMs
The scale of these models adds to their complexity. Take GPT-3, for instance, with its 175 billion parameters, and newer models having trillions. Each parameter interacts in intricate ways within the neural network, contributing to emergent capabilities that aren’t predictable by examining individual components alone. This scale and complexity make it nearly impossible to fully grasp their internal logic, posing a hurdle in diagnosing biases or unwanted behaviors in these models.
The Tradeoff: Scale vs. Interpretability
Reducing the scale of LLMs could enhance interpretability but at the cost of their advanced capabilities. The scale is what enables behaviors that smaller models cannot achieve. This presents an inherent tradeoff between scale, capability, and interpretability.
Impact of the LLM Black Box Problem
1. Flawed Decision Making
The opaqueness in the decision-making process of LLMs like GPT-3 or BERT can lead to undetected biases and errors. In fields like healthcare or criminal justice, where decisions have far-reaching consequences, the inability to audit LLMs for ethical and logical soundness is a major concern. For example, a medical diagnosis LLM relying on outdated or biased data can make harmful recommendations. Similarly, LLMs in hiring processes may inadvertently perpetuate gender bi ases. The black box nature thus not only conceals flaws but can potentially amplify them, necessitating a proactive approach to enhance transparency.
2. Limited Adaptability in Diverse Contexts
The lack of insight into the internal workings of LLMs restricts their adaptability. For example, a hiring LLM might be inefficient in evaluating candidates for a role that values practical skills over academic qualifications, due to its inability to adjust its evaluation criteria. Similarly, a medical LLM might struggle with rare disease diagnoses due to data imbalances. This inflexibility highlights the need for transparency to re-calibrate LLMs for specific tasks and contexts.
3. Bias and Knowledge Gaps
LLMs’ processing of vast training data is subject to the limitations imposed by their algorithms and model architectures. For instance, a medical LLM might show demographic biases if trained on unbalanced datasets. Also, an LLM’s proficiency in niche topics could be misleading, leading to overconfident, incorrect outputs. Addressing these biases and knowledge gaps requires more than just additional data; it calls for an examination of the model’s processing mechanics.
4. Legal and Ethical Accountability
The obscure nature of LLMs creates a legal gray area regarding liability for any harm caused by their decisions. If an LLM in a medical setting provides faulty advice leading to patient harm, determining accountability becomes difficult due to the model’s opacity. This legal uncertainty poses risks for entities deploying LLMs in sensitive areas, underscoring the need for clear governance and transparency.
5. Trust Issues in Sensitive Applications
For LLMs used in critical areas like healthcare and finance, the lack of transparency undermines their trustworthiness. Users and regulators need to ensure that these models do not harbor biases or make decisions based on unfair criteria. Verifying the absence of bias in LLMs necessitates an understanding of their decision-making processes, emphasizing the importance of explainability for ethical deployment.
6. Risks with Personal Data
LLMs require extensive training data, which may include sensitive personal information. The black box nature of these models raises concerns about how this data is processed and used. For instance, a medical LLM trained on patient records raises questions about data privacy and usage. Ensuring that personal data is not misused or exploited requires transparent data handling processes within these models.
Emerging Solutions for Interpretability
To address these challenges, new techniques are being developed. These include counterfactual (CF) approximation methods. The first method involves prompting an LLM to change a specific text concept while keeping other concepts constant. This approach, though effective, is resource-intensive at inference time.
The second approach involves creating a dedicated embedding space guided by an LLM during training. This space aligns with a causal graph and helps identify matches approximating CFs. This method requires fewer resources at test time and has been shown to effectively explain model predictions, even in LLMs with billions of parameters.
These approaches highlight the importance of causal explanations in NLP systems to ensure safety and establish trust. Counterfactual approximations provide a way to imagine how a given text would change if a certain concept in its generative process were different, aiding in practical causal effect estimation of high-level concepts on NLP models.
Deep Dive: Explanation Methods and Causality in LLMs
Probing and Feature Importance Tools
Probing is a technique used to decipher what internal representations in models encode. It can be either supervised or unsupervised and is aimed at determining if specific concepts are encoded at certain places in a network. While effective to an extent, probes fall short in providing causal explanations, as highlighted by Geiger et al. (2021).
Feature importance tools, another form of explanation method, often focus on input features, although some gradient-based methods extend this to hidden states. An example is the Integrated Gradients method, which offers a causal interpretation by exploring baseline (counterfactual, CF) inputs. Despite their utility, these methods still struggle to connect their analyses with real-world concepts beyond simple input properties.
Intervention-Based Methods
Intervention-based methods involve modifying inputs or internal representations to study effects on model behavior. These methods can create CF states to estimate causal effects, but they often generate implausible inputs or network states unless carefully controlled. The Causal Proxy Model (CPM), inspired by the S-learner concept, is a novel approach in this realm, mimicking the behavior of the explained model under CF inputs. However, the need for a distinct explainer for each model is a major limitation.
Approximating Counterfactuals
Counterfactuals are widely used in machine learning for data augmentation, involving perturbations to various factors or labels. These can be generated through manual editing, heuristic keyword replacement, or automated text rewriting. While manual editing is accurate, it’s also resource-intensive. Keyword-based methods have their limitations, and generative approaches offer a balance between fluency and coverage.
Faithful Explanations
Faithfulness in explanations refers to accurately depicting the underlying reasoning of the model. There’s no universally accepted definition of faithfulness, leading to its characterization through various metrics like Sensitivity, Consistency, Feature Importance Agreement, Robustness, and Simulatability. Most of these methods focus on feature-level explanations and often conflate correlation with causation. Our work aims to provide high-level concept explanations, leveraging the causality literature to propose an intuitive criterion: Order-Faithfulness.
We’ve delved into the inherent complexities of LLMs, understanding their ‘black box’ nature and the significant challenges it poses. From the risks of flawed decision-making in sensitive areas like healthcare and finance to the ethical quandaries surrounding bias and fairness, the need for transparency in LLMs has never been more evident.
The future of LLMs and their integration into our daily lives and critical decision-making processes hinges on our ability to make these models not only more advanced but also more understandable and accountable. The pursuit of explainability and interpretability is not just a technical endeavor but a fundamental aspect of building trust in AI systems. As LLMs become more integrated into society, the demand for transparency will grow, not just from AI practitioners but from every user who interacts with these systems.
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sathya32 · 1 year
Data science
In today's data-driven world, the term "data science" has become quite the buzzword. At its core, data science is all about turning raw data into valuable insights. It's the art of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed decisions. Think of data as the ingredients, and data scientists as the chefs who whip up delicious insights from them.
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The Data Science Process
Data Collection: The journey begins with collecting data from various sources. This can include anything from customer surveys and social media posts to temperature readings and financial transactions.
Data Cleaning: Raw data is often messy and filled with errors and inconsistencies. Data scientists clean, preprocess, and organize the data to ensure it's accurate and ready for analysis.
Data Analysis: Here's where the real magic happens. Data scientists use statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations in the data. This step is like searching for hidden gems in a vast treasure chest of information.
Data Visualization: Once the insights are extracted, they need to be presented in a way that's easy to understand. Data scientists create visualizations like charts and graphs to communicate their findings effectively.
Decision Making: The insights obtained from data analysis empower businesses and individuals to make informed decisions. For example, a retailer might use data science to optimize their product inventory based on customer preferences.
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Applications of Data Science
Data science has a wide range of applications in various industries.
Business: Companies use data science to improve customer experiences, make marketing strategies more effective, and enhance operational efficiency.
Healthcare: Data science helps in diagnosing diseases, predicting patient outcomes, and even drug discovery.
Finance: In the financial sector, data science plays a crucial role in fraud detection, risk assessment, and stock market predictions.
Transportation: Transportation companies use data science for route optimization, predicting maintenance needs, and even developing autonomous vehicles.
Entertainment: Streaming platforms like Netflix use data science to recommend movies and TV shows based on your preferences.
Why Data Science Matters
Data science matters for several reasons:
Informed Decision-Making: It enables individuals and organizations to make decisions based on evidence rather than guesswork.
Innovation: Data science drives innovation by uncovering new insights and opportunities.
Efficiency: Businesses can streamline their operations and reduce costs through data-driven optimizations.
Personalization: It leads to personalized experiences for consumers, whether in the form of product recommendations or targeted advertisements.
In a nutshell, data science is the process of turning data into actionable insights. It's the backbone of modern decision-making, fueling innovation and efficiency across various industries. So, the next time you hear the term "data science," you'll know that it's not just a buzzword but a powerful tool that helps shape our data-driven world.
Overall, data science is a highly rewarding career that can lead to many opportunities. If you're interested in this field and have the right skills, you should definitely consider it as a career option. If you want to gain knowledge in data science, then you should contact ACTE Technologies. They offer certifications and job placement opportunities. Experienced teachers can help you learn better. You can find these services both online and offline. Take things step by step and consider enrolling in a course if you’re interested.
Thanks for reading.
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The Definitive Guide to Purchasing Apartments in Thirumazhisai, Poonamallee, and Thiruporur
Are you considering buying an apartment in the thriving localities of Thirumazhisai, Poonamallee, or Thiruporur? These areas in Chennai offer a unique blend of urban convenience and serene living, making them highly sought-after for property buyers. To ensure a successful apartment purchase in these locations, follow this comprehensive guide:
1. Location, Location, Location: The primary rule in real estate is to choose the right location. Thirumazhisai, Poonamallee, and Thiruporur are strategically situated near key employment hubs, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. Consider your daily commute and proximity to essential services when selecting a property.
2. Budgeting Wisely: Determine your budget before embarking on your apartment hunt. Property prices in these areas can vary significantly, so it's crucial to have a clear financial plan. Be mindful of hidden costs such as registration fees, maintenance charges, and property taxes.
3. Research Builders and Developers: Research reputable builders and developers with a track record of delivering quality construction. Read reviews, visit completed projects, and assess the builder's credibility before making your decision.
4. Amenities and Facilities: Evaluate the amenities and facilities offered by the apartment complex. Look for features like 24/7 security, power backup, fitness centers, and recreational spaces. These can greatly enhance your quality of life.
5. Legal Due Diligence: Engage a legal expert to scrutinize all property-related documents. Ensure that the property has clear titles and all approvals from relevant authorities.
6. Future Growth Prospects: Investigate the future growth prospects of the locality. Proximity to upcoming infrastructure projects and potential for property appreciation should be considered.
7. Resale Value: While buying your dream apartment, also think about its resale potential. A property's value can increase over time, so investing wisely now can pay off in the future.
8. Consult Real Estate Agents: Enlist the services of experienced real estate agents who specialize in these areas. They can provide valuable insights, guide you through the process, and help you find the best deals.
9. Negotiate Effectively: Don't hesitate to negotiate the price. In a competitive market, you may be able to secure a better deal with effective negotiation skills.
10. Home Inspection: Before finalizing the deal, conduct a thorough inspection of the apartment to identify any repairs or maintenance issues.
Additionally, if you're looking for an exceptional residential project in Thirumazhisai, we recommend exploring VRX 360 by Vijay Raja Group. VRX 360 offers a smart home community with meticulously designed apartments and cutting-edge amenities that cater to those seeking a premium lifestyle. This project combines modern living with community engagement, making it an excellent choice for prospective homebuyers in the area. Explore VRX 360 to see how it aligns with your preferences and requirements, ensuring a well-informed decision in your apartment purchase journey.
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sjerzgirl · 1 year
"Back in 2004, Toyota announced they’d be opening a new factory in North America. Three southern US states offered them billions in tax advantages and free land, with the Republican governor of Alabama openly bragging about how cheaply his citizens would work for the company.
But in the end, in 2005, Toyota announced they’d be building the factory in Ontario, Canada because US healthcare costs are nearly twice those of Canada, which has had a successful Medicare For All system in place for more than a half-century (as I lay out in The Hidden History of American Healthcare: Why Sickness Bankrupts You and Makes Others Insanely Rich).
Since then, as Republicans (and a few bought-off Democrats) continue to fight any effort to establish a national healthcare or health insurance system, the company has built two more North American factories in Canada."
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clindcast · 1 year
Healthcare IT Consulting Company in Florida
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When it comes to healthcare IT consulting, Clindcast stands out as the go-to company in Florida. As a trusted and experienced healthcare IT consulting company, Clindcast specializes in providing top-notch technology solutions and services exclusively tailored to the needs of the healthcare industry. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by healthcare organizations, Clindcast excels in delivering comprehensive and innovative strategies to optimize operations, elevate patient care, and maximize overall organizational efficiency.
At Clindcast, we take pride in our expertise in electronic health record (EHR) implementation and optimization, making us the leading healthcare IT consulting company in Florida. We understand the intricacies and complexities involved in adopting and effectively utilizing EHR systems. That's why our team of seasoned consultants collaborates closely with healthcare providers to assess their specific requirements, craft customized EHR solutions, and seamlessly integrate them into existing workflows. By doing so, we empower healthcare organizations to harness the full potential of EHR systems while ensuring regulatory compliance and maintaining robust data security measures.
With a strong focus on strategic IT planning and project management, Clindcast enables healthcare providers across Florida to stay ahead in the digital transformation journey. Our expert consultants work alongside organizations to develop robust IT strategies that align seamlessly with their unique business objectives. We consider crucial factors such as scalability, interoperability, and cybersecurity to deliver comprehensive, future-proof solutions. Our project management prowess ensures the smooth execution and timely completion of IT initiatives, minimizing any disruptions to daily operations.
Clindcast also recognizes the paramount importance of data analytics and business intelligence in modern healthcare. Our cutting-edge analytics solutions empower healthcare organizations to unlock the potential hidden within their vast data repositories. By leveraging advanced tools and techniques, we transform raw data into actionable insights, enabling improved clinical outcomes, cost optimization, and enhanced patient satisfaction. As the leading healthcare IT consulting company in Florida, we are committed to helping our clients make data-driven decisions that propel their organizations forward.
Moreover, Clindcast serves as a trusted partner in navigating the intricate realm of regulatory compliance. With ever-changing regulations and stringent standards, healthcare providers need a reliable consultant by their side. Our knowledgeable consultants stay at the forefront of the industry, ensuring our clients' adherence to critical compliance requirements. From HIPAA regulations to meaningful use criteria and cybersecurity best practices, Clindcast provides comprehensive compliance services, safeguarding patient information and mitigating potential risks.
At Clindcast, we prioritize building enduring partnerships with our clients. We understand that the healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, and we are dedicated to keeping our clients at the forefront of technological advancements. With our ongoing support and maintenance services, we ensure that our clients' IT systems remain robust, secure, and adaptable to emerging trends in the fast-paced world of digital healthcare.
When it comes to healthcare IT consulting in Florida, Clindcast is the premier choice. Our unrivaled expertise in EHR implementation, strategic IT planning, data analytics, and compliance solutions sets us apart from the rest. Trust us to optimize your healthcare organization, drive innovation, and deliver exceptional patient care in the dynamic realm of modern healthcare.
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