#i just want to see more AUs with Alfred in them especially where Alfred is being a good grandpa/guardian
phantomposting · 2 years
My mind is jello please excuse spelling errors and grammar mistakes I haven't slept much lately due to issues with insomnia. Either way I hope you guys have been enjoying the silly little writing prompts I make :D I like day dreaming when I can't fall asleep. Sorry in advance this one is a bit long.
Trigger Warning: injury, dissection/vivisection
This is another Danny and Damian are twins au. In this AU we got the there can only be one heir thing and Damian is the one to come out on top due to how protective Danny is of his sibling. So Danny ends up in Illinois and goes down the path to becoming Phantom.
Eventually Danny's parent's discover he's Phantom and try to study and dissected him and Danny has to go on the run deeply injured physically and emotionally. His running leads to him being homeless and hiding in Gotham. He's super paranoid and trusts nobody trying to keep his distance from people so he hopefully doesn't get caught and dissected molecule by molecule.
One day Alfred is out grocery shopping when he spots the terrified injured teen in an alleyway and it's the weirdest thing. This kid looks almost exactly like Damian except his eyes are an icy blue and the poor kid is skin and bone. He looks to be about the same age as him aswell.
Alfred tries to offer the injured child some help but the kid vanishes. The whole situation is baffling but he was never one to give up that easily and he can absolutely tell the kid is in a dire situation and really needs help. So he decides the best course of action is to take it slow and try to slowly earn the kid's trust.
Every day Alfred goes "shopping" he goes to the grocery store and leaves a meal and supplies for the kid. He can't really tell the others especially Bruce due to how paranoid the bats can be. All signs point to possible league activity but Alfred can tell the kid isn’t dangerous just terrified. If he had to guess he would guess the kid was going to be used in some league plans but managed to escape. He knows Bruce would be far too harsh with the kid and that's the last thing someone so terrified needs right now.
So Alfred's secret meetings with the kid continues slowly gaining the kid's trust more and more until eventually he gets the kid to talk to him. He learns Danny's name and Danny thanks him for the help and kindness. Everyone can see Alfred is acting a little cheerier after that and nobody knows why. They won't really question it though the man is baking cookies more than he used to and well his cookies are worth staying in the dark for.
One day though Danny doesn't show up to their meeting. Alfred begins to worry something feels wrong. He decides to contact Barbra and ask her for help locating the child. He trusts her to not overreact and he knows she's the best person for the task.
Barbra can absolutely see why Alfred kept this a secret once she locates Danny. This kid's resemblance to Damian is scary the only thing that makes her believe this might possibly not be a clone is the ice blue eyes. Locating Danny reveals he's been heavily injured and Alfred rushes out to aid him.
Upon arrival he realizes this is a bit more than he himself can manage especially in some dirty Alleyway and with the possible league ties he knows he can't take the kid to the hospital so he has to give in and tell Bruce about the situation. Of course at first he just starts with a call saying to bring in Dr. Thompkins which makes Bruce anxious as hell.
Danny is brought into the batcave out cold and Bruce of course is his paranoid self. The rest of the family is quite curious about the odd child that Alfred brought in and is hovering around. Damian doesn't understand why the others are so nosy that is until he catches a glimpse of the kid and realizes it's his dead twin brother.
Damian has his guard up majorly after that. The doctor helps Danny and the Y shaped wound from his run in with his parents is discovered and its not doing so great so this kiddo is gonna need a lot of bed rest aside from the odd burns.
Turns out Danny had a run in with the GiW they located him in gotham and he barely escaped. He's out for a hot minute tho so that leaves all the family to speculate. Bruce is being super paranoid and a bit hostile with the kid but Alfred vehemently defends him.
Damian is deeply conflicted he doesn't feel his brother could possibly want to hurt him. He knows how protective Danyal had been. He knows Danyal gave his life to make sure he would live on, but there's no way Danyal can be alive without the League's involvement. Damian refuses to leave Danyal's side until he knows for sure what is going on, of things will be safe, and if Danyal will be alright.
This leads Bruce to question him and thats when everyone discovers Damian and Danyal are in fact twins. Bruce is heartbroken he never even got to know about his 2nd son and this stirs conflict between Damian and Bruce. This also makes Bruce want to believe that Danny is safe and would hopefully join the family, but this also makes him far more anxious about league involvement and makes him raise his guard.
Eventually Danny wakes up and is forced to explain things though he tries to leave the half ghost stuff out and everyone can see he's hiding something making paranoia grow within the batfam members but everyone also tries to give Danny a chance. It could just be processing trauma after all and if he was really after something he would have made a move by now right? The only one fully trusting of Danny is Alfred whom has become rather close with the child. Alfred is happy to have another grandchild to bond with.
Eventually Damian forces the whole truth out of Danny since Danny's ghostly obsession makes him desperate for family and he deeply doesn't want to risk losing Damian again. Damian promises to help keep Danny's secret but tries to reassure him that it's okay to share it with Bruce and that they'll help keep him safe but Danny's fears make it very hard for him to do so.
Eventually the truth forcibly comes out when the GiW comes knocking down the front door for Danny. Danny runs for it absolutely terrified and Alfred threatens them with a gun. We all know Alfred isn't afraid to kill in order to protect his family. Eventually the bats are able to sneak in and knock the agents out but Danny is missing.
The bats bring the Agents to the cave and interrogate them and Damian goes looking for his brother. The Agents tell the bats Danny's secret and demand they hand over the "Ecto Scum" the Bat's are pissed with the agents and now understand why Danny was so secretive.
Damian eventually locates Danny and is able to comfort him and get him to come back to the manor with him. The family doesn't tell him they know his secret. He gets to share it when he feels safe enough to. They do however work hard and get the anti ecto acts repealed.
Eventually Danny gets adopted, the Fenton's go to jail, and Jazz, Tucker, and Sam are reunited with Danny and Danny gets to have a healthy life in Gotham with his new found family. Eventually becoming a Gotham vigilante and getting back on track with things in school. Basically everyone gets a happy ending :D
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Saw the ask about rogues and civilians thinking Red Robin died while he's off on BruceQuest AND discovering he spent years undercover as a sex worker and thus band together to makes entire sections of the city impossible for other Bats to enter
Fuck, how does this affect Red Hood? From Jason's own personal thoughts on Tim and (how much does he learn?) to his reputation
Yeah when Tim's hero reputation is irreparably FUCKED before he does things himself and goes off on BruceQuest, all hell is breaking loose and now a good chunk of Gotham's people and rogues are . . .
As far as they know right after the kid got Smear Campaigned he fucking DIED
Wtf would they even do after that?
Dick-as-Batman is gonna have it horrifically, how are civilians and rogues gonna treat Damian as Robin? Will they try and kidnap Dami to try and save him from Jane Doe's fate?
What does any major character think of this? Individually or collectively?
How does this affect their relationships with each other? Oh God, Alfred; what about him?
During BruceQuest do rogues and civilians alike try to reach out to the third Robin's associates to see if they need help themselves like Cassie
Joker???? What about him and if this is a timeline where Tim was earlier Joker Junior'd? What will he think when news comes out what will he do?
Does Harley decide, after Red Robin returns and it's revealed the kid is alive and well, to go "Joker is objectively 100% awful but he was up to something" and adopt Tim as her own kid of sorts, but without Joker sharing custody and doing it with her owm friends instead like Ivy?
My brains melting, go crazy go stupid
Alright!!! Let's try to answer the questions ^^
For Jason/Red Hood, it depends on how much RH is associated with the Bats. Before the BruceQuest, it might not be well-known that he's allies with the Bats (especially because he's shot at or tried to beat him up). Depending on how public his aggression towards Robin (now RR) was, this might endear him to the areas that are closed off. As far as emotionally, there Jason had to resort to crime and desperate measures just to eat. Dealer's choice on whether he had to resort to selling himself or not. Regardless, I bet Jason throws up repeatedly in horror and distraught after finding out that Tim has been doing that during his time as Robin (not sure when Tim would have started, but at least as young as 15). There's a bit you can explore there with angst and shit (especially since Jason attacked Tim at the age of 15).
I think that maybe Gothamites would believe that Robin has lost his marbles in grief. However, that makes perfect sense due to everything he's been through (as far as what's publicly known of him being a child therapist, Robin, and losing Batman). Despite them thinking it's possible he did lose himself, at least he wasn't putting people in the hospital like Batman did. I think they would be more upset that RR wasn't supported and how hypocritical everyone was.
It's a toss-up on how they would treat Damian. It probably varies between despising the child for taking over R3's place, wanting to protect him, and being indifferent to Batman throwing another child into the line of fire.
Alfred is debatable. How cruel it is to Alfred and how the old man reacts depends entirely on how he acted to Tim during his years of Robin, whether the 16th birthday incident happened, and whether he intervened when Damian said harsh comments to Tim. That would change Alfred's reaction to being either "fuck it's all my fault" or "what more could I have done so this didn't happen?"
Maybe a rogue or two tries to reach out to RR's non-Gothamite associates. I'm curious how Anarky reacts to all of this.
Adding JJ to this AU would be so fucking cruel to Tim, but I'm down for that. That would give him parent issues with 3 sets of parents, but Harley is just a complicated mess of emotions and shit. I think she would take on more of an aunt role to Tim due to the whole JJ incident. There could be some angst there with Tim calling her Aunt Harley
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joaniejustwokeup · 2 years
Decided to make this prompt it’s own post- originally based off @noir-renard’s tags on this photo post:
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I had an idea for where it could go…
Jason uses Bruce’s account to bid on the car.
Danny uses Vlad’s account to bid on it.
They drive up the price ridiculously high.
Danny wants the car to go on a summer road trip/ college tour with Sam and Tucker.
Jason wants to use it to pick up his brothers from work and school to embarrass them. He’s sure he can convince Alfred to let him be the designated chauffeur for a bit.
Danny just barely places the winning bid in time.
When he gets the car he tricks it out with a bunch of anti-theft and especially anti-ghost security measures. No way he’s letting Johnny or Technus or some other random ghost steal it from him, this car is his. He also adds special storage for ectoplasm and ecto-dejecto, since they’ll be on the road for a bit, but also in case there’s an emergency and they need to get out of town fast. And then they’re off on their summer adventure!
They stop in Gotham to check out Gotham University, and because Sam love the aesthetic and Tucker loves Wayne Tech, leaving their car in a lot frequented by tourists.
While he’s out on patrol Jason suddenly sees THE FUCKING CAR!!! Holy shit it must be destiny. Fuck it, Red Hood is stealing a car today because dammit this was supposed to be his janky-ass dead guy car. He’s gonna reclaim his undead honor and this shitty car if it’s the last thing he does. Only one problem. The car immediately zaps him, knocks him out, and soups him with the automatic thermos the second he touches it (what’s this? A halfa Jason Todd au??? Oh dear!).
Danny, Sam, and Tucker return none the wiser, having had a great day touring the city and the university’s campus. But soon they’re back on the road, having a couple more weeks of travel and touring campuses planned. They finally return to Amity Park, and it’s only then that Danny realizes the car had captured some random ghost while they were on the road. At least it looked like the car had fed them from the ectoplasm storage while they travelled, so they should be healed of any souping-related injuries.
Danny decides to release them in his royal keep in the Infinite Realms (AND a ghost king Danny au? wow who would’ve thought), so that he can have Wulf on hand to portal the ghost back to their haunt if they mean no harm, or contain them in the Ghost Zone if they turn out to be violent.
Jason is spewed out of that freaky thermos into a throne room of black marble, surrounded by glowing, translucent beings. Everything has a Lazarus-green glow, and something deep in his chest seems to be humming in recognition, like a tuning fork resonating with an entire orchestra (is that how tuning forks work? Jason doesn’t fucking know).
Above him floats a teenager in a black and white jumpsuit accented with pieces of medieval armor and a cloak lined with swirling stars and nebulae. Atop his snow white hair sits an obsidian crown bathed in green flames, the same bright Lazarus green as the boy’s eyes. He’s holding the thermos almost sheepishly, looking at Jason in shocked amazement.
“Holy fucking shit- I SOUPED RED HOOD??? RED HOOD’S A GHOST?!?!?”
Meanwhile, the Batfamily has been frantically looking for Red Hood for weeks now. No one knows where he’s gone- his tracker showed him traveling from state to state seemingly at random, before stopping and disappearing entirely. His last tracked location was in a small midwestern town called Amity Park.
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necrotic-nephilim · 27 days
For the ask game
au where brudick happens but they keep it VERY hidden to the point only cass knows but she thinks everyone does cause to her it's so obvious, so one day on their monthly family dinner that no one misses she ask's them why they have different rooms when they always go to eachother during the night. What do you think would happen? Would they deny deny deny? would they ask her what she's talking about? how does everyone else react to this revelation? do the other heroes find out? do they have opinions about it?
for the ask game!
I LOVE THIS SHIT. truly love Cass noticing things she shouldn't and assuming they're common knowledge, it's my fave flavor. this is such a fun idea-
so Cass knows from like, day one. and obviously she never says anything bc she assumes this is normal. in a way, the weird vibes between Bruce and Dick *are* normalized to the Batfam, everyone sort of. tiptoes around their weirdness (even if they don't know it's romantic) so Cass learns to do the same. she doesn't mention it bc no one mentions Bruce and Dick's bond, it's only ever acknowledged with shared looks. it takes years before she has the courage to ask and i think it's fun if she asks for an utterly mundane reason. like, Alfred makes a teasing remark about washing everyone's bedsheets and what a task that is, and Cass just drops it into conversation that Dick's bed is rarely used because he's always in Bruce's, so that must make it easier to handle.
Dick was try to play it off as a joke. just the mention would make Bruce go silent, for once finally not having a contingency plan on how to handle something. he and Dick were never supposed to happen in the first place, it was so accidental he's never considered the possibility of someone finding out bc they're so careful, though in hindsight, of course he should've known Cass would've figured it out. Dick would awkwardly laugh, try to say something to the effect of "very funny, but we're not *that* close haha" just to break the tension. Cass doesn't give in, though. she's not the best at social cues and doesn't understand the desperate look Dick is giving her, trying to get her to drop it. she pushes on and corrects Dick, insisting she doesn't judge them for it. Bruce would finally snap back into reality and give a more serious denial, quickly changing the conversation before anyone else can press.
the issue is, the minute Cass says it out loud, it becomes *so* obvious. especially to Tim, who has the biggest "oh my GOD" lightbulb moment of his life. there is no unseeing it. it takes him a while to process how he feels about it, the same with everyone else. for a week, there's an obvious tension. no one will say anything, but everyone knows and is trying to sit with it to decide how they feel. it's not a simple situation to feel one way or another about. that's when the questions start. Tim asks Dick questions, Alfred asks Bruce questions. how old was Dick, how did it happen, all the things Dick and Bruce have never wanted to have to answer. bc none of the questions have clean answers. it was a slow and gradual relationship. sure, they can say the first time they slept together, but that doesn't *really* count as the start of things. the start goes back to when Dick was still a teenager, probably underage. even if nothing happened, they both knew. and the way they dance around the questions makes that obvious.
most of the Batfamily i think, would begrudgingly accept it. it's too late to convince Bruce and Dick out of it now, and at the end of the day, Bruce and Dick will always choose each other over anyone else. fighting it just increases the chances of getting ostracized and pushed away by the two of them. feelings vary. i think Alfred would be the least happy about it because he was there when Dick was just a 10 yr old. everyone else only has memory of Dick as an adult, but Alfred watched Dick grow up, raised by Bruce, so he just can't shake that image. Tim sees it as one of those things you just have to accept about Batman, and carefully considers his role as Robin and makes sure he focuses on making sure Dick is happy/safe as well as Bruce. if nothing else, Tim will put his feelings aside to be the Emotional Support Child. Barbara would distance herself from the Batfam for a while just to sit on it, because she also saw Dick as a kid and it sits wrong with her. long talks with Dick convince her to let it go, but she does keep a *much* closer eye on Bruce to be sure this doesn't become a pattern. i think she'd enlist Cass to make sure Bruce never shows romantic/sexual attraction toward other Robins. Steph and Jason are equally apathetic toward it, being the ones who are most negative toward Bruce. they just shrug and go "yeah sounds like some shit Bruce would do". Damian's a bit of a toss-up. i think it'd really throw him for a loop and he'd be far more critical of Dick in the beginning, but once he approves of Dick, he'd *really* latch onto him.
i do think the rest of the hero community would find out. not on purpose, but the leak happens. Babs vents her feelings about it to Dinah, Helena, and Zinda. Tim mutters about it to the Titans. and Jason will tell anyone who asks because he doesn't have a rat's ass to give about Bruce's precious reputation. (if anything, he'd purposefully try to ruin Bruce with that info) the hero community... varies. i think Oliver would be the *most* pissed. Oliver is very similar to Bruce, in that he's taken in his share of strays, but he was objectively a lot better at it than Bruce. it causes a minor public scandal when Oliver drinks too much at some gala and just. publically beats the shit out of Bruce Wayne, incoherently talking about something to do with him being a creep. i could see Oliver rallying support from people like Barry and Arthur who also have young sidekicks and would agree it being fucked up. i don't think Bruce would be entirely ejected from the hero community, but he would be quietly removed as a chair member of the Justice League and have most of his power as a team leader stripped. no matter how much damage control Dick does, insisting he was an adult when anything real happened and he consented, no one can look at Bruce the same. sort of a bittersweet ending, Bruce and Dick are together and no one can take that from them, but there's still realistic reaction and blowback to it, which i personally think is a lot of fun.
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vinelark · 1 year
Hi I feel like you always have the best batfam fic recs, so I was wondering if you have any recs for any Dick and Tim bonding fics (especially fics that deal with the fallout of Dick giving Robin to Dami)?
hi! so glad you like the recs, i'm always happy to give them 🥰  every time a friend expresses even a passing interest in one of my fav characters i have to stop myself from like, creating a fic rec spreadsheet on the spot.
that said, i got stumped by the second part of this one. i was like oh yes definitely, i totally have read fics for that, and then…could not dig any up from my brain or my bookmarks. i feel like there's a fic on the tip of my tongue, but in the meanwhile, if anyone has any tim & dick red robin reconciliation recs (holy tongue twister, batman) i too would love to see them!
and here are some tim & dick recs in general:
🎄 only you will have stars that can laugh by silverwhittlingknife
set early in tim’s tenure as robin; dick realizes tim is about to be alone on christmas, and they end up spending the holiday together. i love how tentative both dick and tim are about this for different (and at times similar) reasons, and how heartwarming and cozy it ends up being. lots of reflection on family in all its forms and a really good tim & dick dynamic.
🚗 I’d Fly Far Away From Here by Sohotthateveryonedied
in a somewhat similar vein, a oneshot set during tim’s robin era in which tim hitchhikes to blüdhaven after a fight with his dad. dick and tim are two people who technically aren’t brothers yet by law but already are at heart, which doesn’t make it any easier to navigate conversations about tim’s home life or either of their relationship with bruce. (they make it work, though.)
🩹 Not So Large But Definitely In Charge by dottie_dc
tim and dick get tossed into an alternate gotham where there’s no batman or justice league, but find their way to bruce and alfred anyway. this has great tim-under-pressure pov, and the amount that he and dick care about each other even through their arguments is palpable. there’s also a fantastic (and at times gut-wrenching) sequel by JackHawksmoor focusing more on dick & the bruce of this different world. (cw for: past major character death aka alternate universe dick grayson)
🤖 Very Pleasing to My Optical Sensors by waffleelrond
another early robin!tim fic, in which tim gets injured and dick steps in to translate bruce's bruceness about it. it's tentative and sweet and a little silly, and a great bite-sized fic to read when you want to see the two of them just starting out as brothers.
🌌 To an Athlete Dying Young series by SonoSvegliato
at a glance from the summaries this appears like a tim & jason + tim & bruce series (and it is!), but the tim & dick scenes land it on this list for sure. i'm a broken record here with the early-robin!tim & dick recs but man i love them here; in the second fic there's a sequence where dick is teaching tim how to grapple across rooftops that sticks in my mind as one of my top favorite bonding moments for them. (heads up that the series currently ends on a cliffhanger—it's not finished yet!)
🦉 the once and future robin by AstraEllis
and as proof that i can in fact rec something other than early-robin!tim, here's an au where instead of becoming batman's robin tim ends up adopting a talon!dick grayson from another universe as his older brother. and becoming his robin. and then finding his way to the batfamily. i'm fascinated by the tim and alternate-universe-talon!dick relationship in this, and the questions of identity/personhood that it tackles by virtue of the story it is telling. plus, talon!dick's connection to robin as a concept despite the alternate universe aspect is really sweet.
also circling back to red robin reconciliation, i do have these two longfics open in my many tabs to read/finish; both tackle the post-rr era and the dick & tim of it all in their larger plots, so i'll toss in Extant by Kgraces and The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks to check out too!
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allineedisonedream · 7 months
omg i stumbled across your blog recently and your art is gorgeous!!! i love the style and the way you draw dick in particular so much!
also i couldn’t stop thinking about your tangled au it’s so clever! it got me thinking of an au of your au (if that’s presumptuous or annoying feel free to ignore this ask lol). but it always bugged me slightly in the original tangled that rapunzel could remember stuff from when she was a baby bc babies can’t do that lol (obv she also has magic glowing hair so suspension of disbelief and all). but what if dick was actually older when slade (or court of owls tbh take your pick) kidnapped him? like he came under bruce’s care just like in canon after his parents died, and was around long enough to become brothers with jason, and tim had just been adopted when dick and bruce have a fight and dick storms off. not as bad as comics and bruce doesn’t kick him out bc he’s not an ass lol, but maybe dick wants to do more with his powers and bruce is overprotective, so dick storms out fully intending to come back, but slade has been watching him and takes this chance to kidnap him. and when bruce goes looking for him all he finds is a bloodstain and no dick.
and obviously dick is very keen on escaping the creepy dude who’s kidnapped him, but slade brings him to the basement of the tower and begins to torture/brainwash him sort of like the apprentice arc. and over time bc slade sucks and is good at the whole brainwashing thing, dick slowly looses his memories and eventually can’t remember a life outside of the tower at all. and he continues to grow up in the tower with slade as his “father” and he always has this sense that something isn’t quite right, but he can’t put his finger on it. like he has all these weird torture-like scars that he can’t remember getting, but slade tells him that it was from when he was young and before slade rescued him, and that’s why the world is so scary and dangerous and he has to stay in the tower where slade can protect him. and ofc he does bc slade loves him and wouldn’t lie to him right? and he doesn’t know why the name richard doesn’t fit him quite right, or why his heart races when slade appears unexpectedly (that’s how love works right?). but he stays in the tower like he’s supposed to until wally and roy show up.
and slowly after traveling with them he begins to get weird flashes of both painful and good memories, and strange sensations of deja vue. while meanwhile bruce is still all brooding and mourning bc it was his fight that led dick to run away. and added angst is that jason and tim actually remember and miss dick, even though tim had just started to get to know him. and damian is angsty bc he’s the only one never to have met dick (handwavy on the ages just like dc lol). meanwhile the kingdom still remembers and mourns the charismatic adorable prince that they lost.
and then when slade eventually catches up to and captures wally and roy, dick offers to give himself up and promises never to escape if slade spares them. and it’s extra sad bc he finally remembers what he’d be giving up. he remembers bruce and alfred and his brothers, and he remembers all the trauma slade put him through, and he’s willing to go through it all again to save wally and roy (bc is it really dick grayson if he isn’t super self sacrificing lol). and ofc it eventually ends happily and dick is delighted to go back to his family with his new friends and see his old brothers and meet his new brother all with a new haircut.
but yeah overall your au wormed its way into my brain and i couldn’t stop thinking about it lol, it’s so good!!!!
Ahjajfk thank youuuu<3
And OMG, this is amazing! Beautifully written, yes, absolutely love all the details, especially Slade's and Dick's relationship in all this. I've actually thought about him being taken later on so Tim and Jason would also remember Dick. But I think I started overthinking everything and made it way too complicated (I think I wrote about 20 pages of notes and stuff, I kinda got lost in them. I was/am pretty obsessed with this AU), so I just reeled back a bit and stayed close to the plot. It also simplifies things; I don’t have to rewrite the whole story, which, with my overthinking skills, would take forever. 💀
And that part with Slade making Dick forget who he was is great. I kept the whole AU pretty open with some stuff for imagination. My running idea at the moment is that he got sick when he was 8, so Bruce found the flower, and later Slade kidnapped him, making him forget everything and thinking Slade is his father.
But yeah, OMG, this is awesome. I totally love it. I tried to make it as detailed as possible story-wise, but at the same time, I really needed to limit myself to finish fast because I was scared I would lose interest or don’t have the patience haha But Now I’m kinda even more excited about how people will react to the next chapters. 👀
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Now I'm curious, how would you rank the batfam based on how you'd get along irl??
In a scenario where I know their secret identities, and there’s a professional, almost co-workers-like dynamic, I think it'd varie greatly from one wherein which vigilante roles are completely absent. Among those I'd resonate with most (in the event I was born in their world) are Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and Jason Todd. It's mainly due to shared backgrounds and similar upbringings, I think. Conversely, interactions with Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Damian Wayne might be more difficult for me. Strained, even, due to differences in ethical frameworks, perspectives, class understanding and overall core values. So there's two ratings; one where I'm in their AU and one where they're in mine.
Alfred Pennyworth: 4/10 - He might perceive some of my approaches as unorthodox, but I believe he would grasp the reasoning behind them. Our interactions would be limited primarily to joint missions. We wouldn't be close. | 6/10 In my world about 60% of elderly people seem drawn to recounting their youth to me, perhaps due to my perceived trustworthiness, and I like to think he'd be part of that demographic.
Bruce Wayne: 2/10 - Disagreements on methodology would likely hinder rapport, especially given my skepticism toward billionaires, which might result in minimal interactions outside of vigilante duties. | 1/10. I'd see him as a man-whore.
Dick Grayson: 3/10 - Our interactions would likely be brief and casual, without the potential for friendship. His typical millennial demeanor might clash with my sense of humor. But he reminds me of my older sister, so I can't rate him lower than a 2. The age gap might lead him to treat me like a younger sibling, which I'd find condescending. Certainly not someone I would befriend. | 2/10 My personal envy would breed hostility, resulting in a reciprocal cycle of unkindness between us.
Jason Todd: 8/10 - Especially in a context where we were familiar with each other before his whole "being-adopted-by-Batman" thing. He'd likely resonate with my approach to tasks and comprehend the motivations driving my actions. We're not THAT far apart in age so he'd get my humor, I think. | 4/10 In my world however, because I'd be nervous and there would be a lack of common ground between us without vigilantism.
Cassandra Cain: 2/10 - It would unsettle me to realize she can discern my emotions merely by observing me. While I'm generally transparent, this level of insight would make me uneasy, prompting me to steer clear of her. | 7/10 She shares some personality traits of one of my closest friends. Given my penchant for chatter and her inclination to listen, we'd likely complement each other well and have a harmonious friendship.
Tim Drake: 1/10- He wouldn't understand why I dislike him. And I wouldn't have an explanation. | 0/10. Earth isn't big enough for the both of us (completely one sided beef).
Stephanie Brown: 6/10 - She'd get how I roll, but Tim might have complained to her about me not being nice, so she'd be protective of him. | 10/10 We'd be the kind of girls who were super close in middle school, maybe even a bit too much. We'd drift apart in high school or college but still think about each other now and then, though not enough to reach out and become friends again.
Damian Wayne: 1/10 - Likely would perceive me negatively, interactions would be minimal. | 0/10 I just don't see us getting along.
Duke Thomas: 9/10 - He'd totally get my approach and might even be up for joining in (Bruce would see me as a bad influence). We'd both be game for pursuing each other's not-so-great ideas. Would have tons of fun but also engage in meaningful discussions about race, religion, politics, economics, society, art and allat. | 7/10 I can’t see myself being 100% comfortable around a man despite that, so that's how far it'll get, sue me !
Barbara Gordon: 4/10 - Like Dick, she'd likely see me as a kid, which would irk me because I'd want to be seen as an equal. However, since she's a woman, it'd feels a tad less patronizing and more maternal, so she gets one extra point in my book. | 6/10 She's that nice employee at the bookstore who takes my search for a specific book I don’t remember the name of super seriously. But we would not be friends.
To @voiddaisy who asked me a similar question, this is for you too ! Thanks for the ask !
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Pride and Prejudice AU Anger Management (dp x dc)
Guess who just finished reading+watching Pride and Prejudice? And guess who’s now obsessed with making an Anger Management AU based on it? It’s me babyyyy (btw it's sorta more of a fusion than a proper AU I think?)
Casting: Jason as Elizabeth, his siblings as the bennet sisters. Alfred is mr bennet, Bruce is mrs. Bennet except they’re not silly they’re instead paranoid and emotionnaly stunted.
Jazz as Darcy, Danny as Georgiana. 
Kon as Bingley (with Tim being Jane looool)
Vlad is lady catherine and dani is cousin anne.
Wickham is both the Al Ghul (Talia and Ra's) they pretended to be nice to the Fenton before trying to enslave/exorcice Danny.
Plot (which is basically just P&P but like slightly modified so it works):
Jazz & Danny got spit out the pits. The Al Ghuls pretended to be kind and honorable and stuff, and Jazz was just so happy the dimension they ended up in had some nice (though weird and formal) people. Then, she ends up finding Danny tied up and Ra’s talking about what an interesting specimen he is, and how he’ll help them figure out how to be immortal and all that. Jazz goes full-on Beserk mode and destroys the base + burying pits.
Vlad and Dani end up there too a little later, but she doesn’t tell them the specifics just not to interact with the League of Assassins. Danny is hurt and Jazz is still a bit feral. They end up in Kansas where the Kents offer them a place to stay for a while. So they do stay, and Superman+family end up being really nice people. She doesn’t tell them about the Ra’s, just that the trip between dimension was rough. She also says nothing about Danny’s power and keeps that secret because he’s still hurt and she doesn’t want anyone trying to take advantage of him.
Magic users recognize her as Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms and like everyone who’s met her agrees she’s a fair and kind ruler, so they respect her a lot. So Captain Marvel, Zatanna and Wonder Woman (after they mention Pandora) all vouch for the Fentons and they’re generally just considered really powerful and benevolent.
Anyways danny is severely injured (plus his powers are really reduced) and Jazz is so stressed about it not to mention the queen regent thing (she has paperwork and correspondence with Frostbite, Pandora and Clockwork for all kind of stuff to do, including making sure there is no war after the future King was kidnapped by humans wanting to experiment on him again!!!) plus making a good impression on the league. So she comes off as a little bit stand-offish especially to the heroes she doesn’t know super well. She’s been burnt by the Al Ghul and is just so busy and stressed she has little energy for socialization. She accidentally snubs Dick which everyone in the batfam takes as an insult plus a lot of the younger generation heroes do too. General consensus is that she’s a bit stuck-up and only makes an effort for the big names (Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel). 
Jazz makes a comment about Jason after Kon teases her about him (like “I know his type, pretty bad boy with a list of issues a mile long, not to mention how shit at emotions the bats apparently are”) and he overhears and is like not like I would want to end up with such an arrogant snob no matter how handsome she looks.
So anyways, they end up going on a few missions together and Jazz gets to see that Jason is actually a really good person who does his best and wants to help everyone so bad. Also, he’s so good with kids and Jazz is 100% sure Danny would love him despite him hating most of her previous boyfriends.
Meanwhile, Jason sees how she keeps taking down the villains faster than him and even takes on some of his that he was handling thank you very much, and assumes she’s being condescending instead of trying to be helpful. 
She also talks about school that she’s started and how much she enjoys it because she heard he likes to read but he takes it at a dig at how he never completed his formal education which is a sore spot. She also sometimes completely disregard his suggestion when they go after supernaturals which fair but like super rude?! But it’s just Jazz being used to being in charge and having to wrangle a bunch of go in first, think of a plan later type of people.
(Talia has come by and fed the batfam an edited story of what happened with the pits, which makes Jazz look really shady.)
Danny sees Jazz is completely crushing on this dude and after hearing her talk about him for so long, he’s on board with Jason and also curious to get to know him. Danny tells her to go for it and ask him out. Meanwhile, they each agree to tell Vlad nothing, because he might not be as crazy as he used to be, but he’s still a complete ass.
So at some point, after a mission, she takes Jason aside and asks him out, while insulting his family accidentally (like makes a joke about reserving an extra table for his brothers to spy on them). She means it as a gentle tease, but Jason takes it as a giant insult, since it’s also super true so instead of just saying no, he goes for the snark.
“Thanks and all but I dont date future villains.”
Jazz is fucking insulted. “Ok wow. From what I heard everyone in your family has at least one alternate version of themselves whos a villain, so keep talking shit?!”
“Not even trying to hide your contempt for us now are you?”
“I don’t have contempt for you guys.”
“No? You told Kon he shouldn’t date Tim!”
“That is NOT true! I said to take it slowly while he deals with his identity issues as a clone first to make sure he doesn’t jump into something new while he’s not ready!”
“Yeah, sure. I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with how 'shit at emotions' my family is.”
“Well, it doesn’t help that you’re all emotionally stunted, no!”
“That’s your excuse for Tim, sure. But what about that nice little tale Talia told us?”
“Talia Al Ghul?”
“Yeah. Now why would a hero like yourself cause the complete collapse of a secret organization they should have no knowledge of considering they had arrived in the dimension less than a week ago? I mean, I know they’re assassins and all, but I thought you guys had landed in Smallville, Kansas. That’s a long way to go if you really didn’t have designs on the fucking pits. Did you or did you not burry the pits where no-one except someone who can go invisible and doesn’t need to breathe could access it?”
“I did.”
“And you want to tell me you’re not a villain? You may have everyone else fooled, but I know what you are.”
“Fine,” she says. “If that’s what you want to think. Sorry you had to endure my presence for so long.”
She leaves him a note still, because she knows at least some of the batfam have had contact with the pits. She knows he’s a good person and actually really trustworthy plus how much he cares about children, so she trusts him with Danny’s secret. She explains how Talia and Ra’s have plans with the pits and liminals, and to look out for himself. She tells him to verify with Zantanna if he wants because she’s the one who helped put up the wards to hide Danny’s presence while he recuperates.
Jason is like, ok so maybe she’s not a future villain. So he feels a little bad about his outburst plus dumb about trusting Talia about anything, she’s a liar that is well-known. But he still stands by turning Jazz down coz she is genuinely sort of a snob a lot of times.
After that they go on a few missions together and Jazz acts much better, she actually listens to his feedback even if most of the time she doesn’t need to when it’s supernatural beings. She also seems way less wound-up and doesn’t say a word about how emotionally constipated the bats are, which she used to do way more often. She’s being polite, kind and open to suggestion and Jason is like so maybe I judged a bit fast. He also starts to see how many responsibilities she actually shoulders (Queen Regent, her brother, Justice League stuff) and he’s a little humbled by how well she does it. At some point he meets a Realm Ghost who talks about what a great Queen she is and all that she’s done for them and Jason starts feeling some feelings.
They meet up again for a low-level mission with a supes, it’s like undercover/surveillance about white collar crimes or something, and the vibe between Jazz and Jason is super good until he gets a call. 
Damian/Cass end up captured on a mission by the Al Ghuls to experiment on. All the batfam is losing their minds and Jazz is like this is my fault they know about ectoplasm at all, because she trusted them and talked to much while Jason is like no I’m the one who should’ve told them. 
Jazz goes and rescue the batkid. In exchange she offers one vial of pure ectoplasm (ecto dejecto) which she was saving for emergency in case she gets injured. She tells the Al Ghuls this is worth all the test subjects “from which you’ll try and extract it and it probably won’t work. So do your crazy experiment on that and leave liminals alone.”
So yeah the designated batkid is rescued (tho they don’t realize by who cause they’re unconscious) and Jazz asks Superman to take the credit for it. Jason learns it was Jazz and feels so guilty and grateful. He bakes/cooks something and goes to thank her. He meets Danny who is super excited to meet him and doesn’t know about the messy rejection coz Jazz didn’t tell him because she thought she might have deserved it a little bit. 
So Jason sees how sweet Jazz is with Danny and how much more relaxed she is at home and he’s like ok, so maybe, maybeee I have a feeling about this. Meanwhile, Jazz is still completely gone on him (the man can cook!) and Danny approves. Jazz doesn’t really have the heart to tell him it’s not happening.
All the while, because of Jazz’s connection to the pits the batfam are super suspicious of her and keep making digs at her. Jason feels terrible about it (since she literally saved the batkid) but Jazz just takes it and answers back politely, cause she likes Jason still and doesn’t want to antagonize his family.
Meanwhile, Kon and Tim started dating and the whole batfam are like ‘finally!’ Kon defends Jazz anytime one of the batfam says something about her and they think he’s a little naive but they like him so they stop when he’s there.
Vlad ambushes Jason at some point and tells him he’s not allowed to date Jazz. And Jason is just like “fuck you I do what I want”. He eventually admits to Vlad he isn’t dating her, but when Vlad asks him promise he never will, Jason says “I’m not promising that, she and I can do what we want.” 
At some point Jason and Jazz meet together by coincidence, and it’s a little awkward. Jazz has not been able to forget about him, she just likes him a lot so she goes, “I heard Vlad came by.”
“Yeah, what a weirdo.”
“Yeah, Sorry about him.”
“Hey you have to deal with my crazy family, it’s only fair.”
They laugh
“Sorry if this makes you unfomfortable, say the word and I’ll never mention it again, but I can’t help but ask. I still like you a lot and I wanted to know, could you maybe might have changed your mind about a date?”
“Yes. Uh, I mean for the date, yes I’d like to go on one.”
“Yeah. I, actually, Um. I like you a lot too?”
So they end up dating and they actually like each other a whole lot. Danny is over the moon, as is Dani. Vlad still thinks Jason isn’t good enough for Jazz. The whole batfam is like wtf, I thought you hated her. Dick is the first to be like gotta make an effort for Little Wing’s girlfriend and ends up thinking she’s actually pretty cool. The rest are slower to follow, and Bruce is snail-pace. Alfred just likes that Jason is happy so he’s all for it.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Batfam as catshifters pt 2
Part 1 (But you don't have to read if you don't want. Anyway I have more brainrot of this au so here ya go
Jason would be the type to hiss at people but also crave love and attention, especially from Bruce. He could argue all he wants but it’s clear as a day when he purposefully shifts and cuddles up to Bruce when he’s feeling neglected.
Every single one of the kids has napped on Bruce’s lap when he was in an important league meeting (once the secret was out ofc) and they made it into a game to see how many times they can get him to crack that stony expression. 
Cass is leading the scoreboard with a whooping 30 times while Tim is dead last with a mere 8. Tim insists that he doesn't care but they all see the droopy cat ears.
Stephanie is absolutely in love with that red light, she’ll spend hours trying to catch the red light on the wall. If the walls have any scratches, you didn’t see them and moved on.
Alfred had absolutely raised hell because of it so everyone that was in cat form was forced into the cat room. 
In the room that’s for their cat forms where there are many toys and obstacles for them at their leisure. Every 6 months Bruce takes it down and gets a new and harder one (bc they keep complaining about how “easy” it was and that they needed an “actual challenge”, the old ones he donates)
Everyone always uses Bruce’s bed for cat naps and cuddles because it has so much space and everything’s just soft. Plus, there is a warm human they can cuddle up next to, who wouldn’t want that?!
Damian loved being in cat form to hang out with Alfred, the cat. Animals were his best friends so it was great to understand them on a deeper level. He loves sitting on Batcow and just existing with her.
Dick loves to be spoiled by Bruce so that he could maintain his self-proclaimed position as Bruce’s favorite. Belly rubs, scratches behind the ears, the whole nine.
Tim often “runs away” from home when his family is being too much of a family. He doesn’t hate it but he isn’t used to attentive families. 
When that first happened during his Robin era, Bruce went on a whole manhunt for this kid, his mind kept wandering to broken bones and smoke. 
Once Tim was found, he was hiding on a rooftop (these bats and their rooftop, I swear) he was given a stern talking too and a heart-to-heart. Afterward, he was allowed to go on breaks, but give head-ups and check in every so often.
There are protocols if they happen to shift during patrol or a fight. First, a smoke bomb goes off and covers the entire area in a thick layer of smoke. Every team is notified and those who are closest come to get the person out of there and then they deal with whatever was going on prior.
The cat shifter then goes to one of the many designated rooftops to be collected or they just go home by themselves. Even with this detailed plan, there have been many, many close calls.
Like that one time Condiment King almost got Duke in his cat form if Cass hadn’t come in the literal nick of time or when Damian got transformed while fighting Killer Croc.
The kids like to follow Alfred around while in cat form so that he can “accidentally” drop whatever dinner their eating for that night, and “Oh now, it’s on the floor, we eat can’t this piece of fish for dinner but-” and it’s already being eaten by Dick. Jason was hot on his trail too but Dick’s agility had given him an edge. This leads to Alfred “dropping” another piece on the ground for Jason to eat.
Bruce comes in with a raised eyebrow but no one offers an explanation for his unanswered question and he doesn’t mention it.
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backjustforberena · 2 months
I saw your post about Addam and alyn. How do you feel like rhaenys would have reacted to the rest of the season? Like to ulf and Hugh and rhaenyra’s weird religious stuff.
I'll be honest, it's something that I've been thinking about A LOT and it's actually really, really tricky for me to pin anything down. And, frankly, that's because although it doesn't feel like it (for various reasons) a lot of the things happen only because she's dead. And because they lost Meleys. So there's this whole argument you could have about how none of this would have happened at all if Meleys and Rhaenys hadn't have died because the motivator that Rhaenyra has to try this desperate act and gain more dragon-riders is gone.
The only thing that can't be changed, in my mind, is Addam being claimed by Seasmoke. But even Corlys being Hand, or Mysaria's growing influence, or Rhaenyra's isolation and pulling away from her council is all up in flux if you have Rhaenys around.
And I think all that is not only a really straightforward fall of the dominoes but it's also just because of the space and the role that Rhaenys played. She was the only character that sort of existed in all of these spaces: she's in the Council Chamber as an advocate but also able to take charge of them (without the aid of a pin), she's a dragon-rider out on patrol and in battle, she's able to have these private conferences with Rhaenyra, she's also on Driftmark and has a connection to that side of things with Corlys as well, and (though it's not utilised in the series) she has a connection and access to the younger brood as well. She's fulfilling, and able to fill, all of these roles and be everything to everyone.
When considering this sort of AU, I'm trying to figure out where Rhaenys would sit on the scale objectively, and also where Rhaenys would falter. On a general level, she's super cautious. She's advocated, time after time, to not go in blindly, to not send in dragons until you have to, to be smart and not impulsive. The Sowing represents a significant escalation. I don't imagine she'd take kindly to the idea, especially if Addam comes to them. Then, I think, she'd be thinking: leave it. They've got enough firepower to challenge Vhagar. Just leave it. It's too dangerous. It's too much.
I also think she'd be thinking about the other things that need to be solved prior to going down this route. The glaring issue is Daemon. It doesn't matter your personal feelings, if he's turning against you, if you can't rely on Caraxes, then you need to know. And if you can rely on Caraxes, then you don't need to go down this incredibly risky path of "handing out" dragons. I can see Rhaenys advocating going herself to Harrenhal. She'd be quicker than Alfred Broome and more likely to slap Daemon around the head to get some sense into him - and Daemon can't fool her. She can leave Corlys to take her place in the politics, and she'd make it a swift trip.
But, she would need Rhaenyra's permission and that's where things could go a little unstuck. I can see Rhaenys lose access to Rhaenyra and once that happens, you're in a pretty dangerous spot because the Sowing then becomes inevitable. You mentioned Rhaenyra's religious stuff? I'm not sure it's all that obvious to anyone who isn't the audience. It's hinted at but I don't know that the depths of that would be apparent. Maybe little warning bells go off in Rhaenys's head but it could also seem like Rhaenyra is just growing into her role. This is also more likely as the religious leader stuff is essentially walked back in the next episode. So, it's in flux, rather than a marked personality change. If Rhaenys doesn't have the context, she can't see the bigger picture.
I've got two bigger questions that generally might impact how Rhaenys would respond to the Series 2 events following her death. The first is: how does she view the dragons? That's a tricky one because we don't really get her speaking about dragons very much or about Targaryen power and exceptionalism and all these themes that are knotted and tied together which inform the characters who do have strong opinions on not only what being "blood of the dragon" means but how they should be treated and what it means to ride one. Characters like Viserys, Aemond, Daemon, Rhaenyra and even Jace are much easier to pin down in that regard.
The only thing I personally feel that I have to go off of is her relationship with Meleys (her oldest and surest friend, her other self, her companion of over 40 years, who she has a love and responsibility and care for) and her position as the most experienced and eldest character around especially when it comes to riding a dragon. I naturally want to associate her more with the Dragon Keepers because of that. The idea that the dragons are a blessing and not a weapon. That they stand apart, that they should not be dragged into a conflict that will give them harm. I don't think it's a case of blood purity. She's never given off those vibes, as much as she's superior - that often comes from rank, not blood.
I don't think she buys into the idea of signs of the Gods or blessings or the things that Rhaenyra is clinging to. She's been scorned so much and whilst she does believe in the Gods and in their divinity, I don't think she thinks the gods care (see her lines over Vaemond's body). Certainly not enough to lay a path or favour one side over the other or to get involved so blatantly. Rhaenys is a woman led by reason and a keen awareness of human nature and power corrupting. Something else that also informs opinion is her line:
[War]’ll be savage beyond all compare. There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin. And no war so bloody as a war between dragons.
That's a quote that goes against the Sowing and against Rhaenyra's logic behind it, if ever I heard one. So, whatever the circumstances, she'll dislike it. It's too uncontrollable, too unknown, too unpredictable and it's something, once done, that cannot be undone. She'll be against it. Whether she is enough to stop it, I don't know. Because then we come to my second question: where's her breaking point?
I'm not suggesting for a moment that Rhaenys is about to go to pieces and be useless and otherwise fumble or falter. She's so strong and so aware that she can't falter. However, events beyond Rhaenyra hatching the Dragonseed plot will have put pressure on Rhaenys in a way that needs addressing and a way that she didn't have in the previous 4 episodes.
We don't know, for example, how the events of Rook's Rest may have changed her. Whatever this conflict now is, she is the one who has opened the floodgates of dragon war. She brought a dragon onto the battlefield and so everything now stems from that. She's also gone against kin, gone against all principles she may have held on to. She's done a big thing and she knows it's a big thing. That's going to change her, I would say. Whether it's to make her more ruthless or closed off to get her through the horrors that will come or whether, in fact, it makes her sick, I'm not sure. But the battle, for those that survived it, was a crucible. Rhaenys wouldn't be exempt from that. It could even have broader implications for her movements - Rhaenyra could be happier to send Rhaenys and Meleys against a foe and so she's being sent out again and again.
The other, major, thing is Corlys. That whole mess. It needs addressing. It would very much need addressing even more after Addam claims Seasmoke. That's a whole kettle of fish. That would take her focus away from the Black Council and has the potential to really destabilise her. She's come face to face with Alyn, she's broached the topic for the first time after knowing for years and met resistance from Corlys. Now one of his sons has claimed her son's dragon? It's a lot. And it's something she will have to probably deal with on her own. Does she have enough in her to keep rising above everything? Does she have enough control over it all? What the hell is her self-worth like, if there's the implication that she wasn't even unique enough to give Corlys dragon-riders?
Especially as, and I've mentioned this in other asks, she would be so close to it all. She'd be helping to teach the Dragonseeds. She'd be recreating lessons she taught her son on that same dragon to the son of her husband, a product of an affair that she has very limited knowledge of. If Rhaenys is so emotionally compromised, she cannot be impartial. And she cannot be across everything and solving everything and being there for everyone.
She takes her eye off the ball and people will be chaotic. We saw that basically as soon as Rhaenys died: people were falling apart! Corlys was getting drunk and angry, Daemon was going insane, Jace was lashing out, Rhaenyra was going haywire; seeking comfort in people and physically attacking others. That's not good!
And I know I'm rambling but yeah, I can all too see a situation in which Rhaenys loses her grip of control and is forced to feel things and show things that she wouldn't ordinarily. I can see her isolate herself as much as others could start isolating from her, which makes for a situation in which the Sowing happens as we see it on-screen. Which, finally, gets to the other part of your question, and I'm just going to go with personality rather than the ins and outs of it all:
Hugh: Decent, I think. Nothing massively objectionable or an idea that they'd clash. He's respectful, and honest. My opinion on all the Dragonseeds is she'd want to talk to them (light interrogation under piercing pleasantries). She'd be quick to figure out what he wanted or he expected from such an arrangement, and be curious about his family and what he left behind. It would be interesting if Hugh told her of his mother - Rhaenys would have known all about that. And he does look remarkably like her/their grandfather.
Ulf: No patience. No time. Much side-eye. I think she'd size him up very quickly and be extremely cautious. I also think there's something interesting about him having claimed Silverwing. That was the dragon of her beloved grandmother. The dragon that Alysanne wept over flying for the final time. I also think pairing Ulf up with a woman a bit like SIlverwing (a regal older lady) would be a fascinating dynamic. I'd love it if we got to the point where he kind of wanted to impress Rhaenys. Like, was attracted to and yet ultimately fears her. Fun!
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vulnonapix1234 · 11 months
Ok, so, a few months ago, I talked about a „Cursed Tim Drake AU“, where my favorite little stalker gets cursed by one of the artifacts in his Home.
The curse turns him into a Wolf whenever he lets loose of his Emotions.
For him, it was less of a curse and more of a Gift, as it had made his Birdwatching Hobby a lot easier.
After his adoption into the Bat Clan, he mostly kept it to himself, because he knew that he had to keep his cards close to his chest if he wanted to survive.
The only ones who know are Alfred, Jason, and Cass.
Anyway, I wanted to add that the rest of the Batfam learned about it because of Ra. Not because he knew, but because Tim got so furious about him that he nearly ripped his throat out.
Because the immortal Fucker decided to fuck with his Brothers.
Bruce was Kind of upset because he thought that his kid was scared of his reaction. Tim didn't care about him and his reaction to his secret at that moment. Not when he had his secrets that he held over them. They did talk about it and Tim was kind of touched about it.
Still, he becomes a lot more open with it, since he sees no point in hiding it from them.
Especially Damian and Dick are thankful for it, for different reasons. (Damian has an easier time dealing with animals and Dick can suddenly read the emotions of his brother easier because of his Tail and Ears)
Stephanie just bullies him for it. She calls him a furry and sometimes buys him dogtoys. It's good natured.
Duke is super embarrassed. He has baby-talked and petted his brother repeatedly, even if he thought that he was just a lost stray.
Another thing that I want to Point out is that Tim was domesticated by a conspiracy of Ravens. It all started with Brucie, whom he found on one of his bird-watching adventures. The poor thing had lost one of its wings to Ivys Plants, so he took care of it. The rest of Brucie's Family just started to freeload off him.
(Tim still loves them and has taught them how to stalk ppl)
Bonus: badly drawn sketch of Tim and Damian
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Some ppl wanted to get tagged, so here we go: @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @ohits3amfuck
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shini--chan · 8 months
I am not sure if you do AUs, but if so can I ask for some headcanons for Cardverse!America?
It’s a bit of a hit and miss thing with me and AUs - sometimes I’m into doing them, other times not so much. In the case of Cardverse, its a tentative yes. 
Most of the time, Cardverse America is comparable to normal America. Here, the deviations will be presented. 
Yandere Cardverse America - HCs
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Trigger warning: Isolation, implied noncon/dubcon, forced marriage
The modern America we know is all about liberty and freedom. In the Cardverse world, he would hold the same values, he would just express them differently. As king, he has the freedom to do as he pleases and if that involves taking you as his willing, or not so willing, bride, then it is so. This is a land where the divine right of kings is in place, a right that places him above ordinary mortals. While there is a lot of classism in the land and it would be frowned upon for him to obtain you if you are of lower status, it is not like he was to be open about his relationship with you.
You are not to be Queen - that is a political position and he doesn't want you to be caught in that bloodsport. The most politics you'd be involved in would be managing the court and pulling strings from the shadows. You are to be his consort, and to him it doesn't matter if you have to direct affairs from your quarters, you'll still be his. 
As such, he is unlikely to gain much flak or backlash from the public for courting you, simply because you are not publicly or politically relevant. If you are, and that presents an obstacle for him, then he can very easily arrange for a fall from grace. That, or he can fake your death. Or he can pull the strings to make you quit your position out of loyalty and flee into his arms - the love story for the century, a charming fairy tale come true for the unwashed masses. 
All in all, the most critical part of his relationship with you would be the outside perception. The other member of court could use any perceived cruelty to usurp him, and while the country can be mostly sated by “bread and circus”, he can’t risk giving the populace a tangible reason to be rid of him. Religious glorification and fear mongering can only protect him for so long, should he go down the path of openly flaunting his possessive and cruel behaviour. So for all but a few, you’ll be a cookie cutter couple, so enamoured with each other that you sometimes need to be dragged out of the candy cotton bubble. 
Would love to have a big wedding with you, filled with foreign and local dignitaries. White doves, a several layered gourmet cake, a bouquet that almost makes the table break - he wants the full package. Any tears distorting your face paint can be dismissed as tears of joy or nervousness. You are just so shy, especially in front of all these people, and that is the excuse he’ll use to whisk you away and not let the public see you any more; exempting a few choice occasions. 
Alfred will expect you to give him a child soon, and so, will start pushing you to fulfil your marital duties soon enough. He won’t really care if you are unwilling, since duty comes before personal comfort, and the kingdom needs an heir to the throne more than it needs the wellbeing of a single woman. Though, if pleasure and need could go hand in hand, then he’ll be gentler with you, and more inclined to fulfil your desires. 
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Hello I just graduated!! YIPPIEEEE :>>
That's why I have been thinking of AU for Tim! In my spare time that is.
The idea is that whenever Tim is shocked or angry his face would be blank as if there were no expressions in the first place. Inside his eyes, and the vitality/lifelessness on that face looks like he's already facing death so many times that he isn't surprised anymore.
Many people would've been scared but him? He doesn't think his expression is a problem because when he was little he always hides his emotions by suffocating himself to repress his feelings deep and deeper till he can't feel anything anymore. This continues to the present where the time that Bruce or anyone angers Tim, they can finally see how broken he is and yet they didn't realize that Tim has been broken so many times and buried himself into the ground till his oxygen gone just like his emotions.
They should have known.
"That" expression they have been seeing is also caused by themselves.
Hmm ~ As far as the Tim au/hc, it sounds like forced apathy to me that evolved into a coping mechanism. For him, that would make sense. If he's constantly having to hide or disregard his own feelings, he may end up feeling nothing.
The dense nothingness would become a void that consumes both positive and negative feelings and would also envelop him. As someone who wasn't allowed to express anger when I was younger, apathy is a bastard to battle with.
This could tie into some of the hc ideas that people refer to Tim as a "robot" or "android" due to his difficulties with expressing emotions, excited, sad, or otherwise. That, or he got skilled at pretending to be okay and happy until he was too tired to anymore (probably after all that grief and death in his life).
We can also add on that, in this AU, he would essentially "shut down" whenever he felt angry or anger was expressed to him. His face would become impassive, and his eyes would look dead.
Bruce, for the longest of time, didn't notice. He was lost in his grief and anger after Jason died. It was a relief that Tim just stood there and listened to his lectures instead of yelling or fighting back (Tim would get revenge or be petty later when Bruce wasn't expecting it. He was also more subtle about his retaliation).
Alfred, in this AU, is both a neutral party and also keeps a professional distance from the child that isn't even a Wayne ward. He's kind and caring, but cool. It's not his business that Tim's eyes occasionally become lifeless as long as Tim is relatively okay.
Dick is also a bit blinded by his grief and how similar Tim looks to Jason. The stark differences in personalities are both soothing and painful. He cares for Tim, but the kid is also great at lying. After Dick making one comment about it, Tim works hard to hide it from the older man.
This habit of Tim to repress his emotion (especially his anger and sadness) came from his parents. Part of it was due to his parents never being home. Any time they were, he didn't want to ruin their visit by bringing down the mood. Time with them was so little. There were also the comments his parents made about how disappointed or upset they were when Tim wasn't showing a happy demeanor. They'd also get pissed if Tim dared showed his anger because he's "a kid who doesn't know anything" and is "so ungrateful." Lovely stuff.
As the years went by with Tim as Robin, his ability to hide the void slowly diminished.
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
The infidelity AU where Tim has a bunch of babies that may or may not be Jason's is living in my head rent free rn omg
Bc I have to imagine that Tim is humiliated or ashamed when he finds out he's pregnant that first time, bc it's not even his bf's baby, it's his bf's DAD'S baby! That makes him a slut, doesn't it? Tim doesn't want to be a slut! But he decides that it was just a single mistake that won't happen again, and Jason doesn't have to know and get his heartbroken
The intention is that Tim will never sleep with anyone who isn't Jason again. But then they tell Bruce about the baby and Tim sneaks away later to speak with the man privately. Not even a minute later and Tim is moaning and opening his legs like a whore and he's so ashamed of himself but so turned on. He tries to tell Bruce to pull out, bc he doesn't want to get into any bad habits, but Bruce keeps going and grunts to Tim about how he's already pregnant, they might as well take advantage of that, and Tim doesn't say anything more about it, so weak willed in the face of such pleasure
He tries not to go back to Bruce, wanting to be loyal to Jason, but he finds himself in Bruce's arms (and on his cock) more and more frequently as the pregnancy develops and Jason's schedule gets busier. Then Dick comes to visit and Tim sees him stare at Tim's tits and round belly, and he isn't sure what possesses him to do it, but between one blink and the next, Tim suddenly has Dick's cock in his mouth, lathering it up to make the push into his wet pussy easier
So Tim is hooked, but he figures it's the hormones, and by the time the baby is born he'll be able to resist Bruce and Dick. He is wrong, especially when he's being fucked postpartum by them both and begs for them to pull out, bc he's fertile and could get pregnant again. But they both start to talk dirty, Bruce whispering that Tim is such a good little slut that he'll let Bruce and Dick do whatever they want to him, and Dick moans about how good Tim will look all swollen with a baby again, and Tim gives in and gets knocked up, no idea who this baby's father is
He tries to resist over the years, but by the time he learns he's carrying his own father's baby, he throws any hesitance out the window and eagerly falls into his role of eager slut, playing up his and Jason's "misfortune/luck" with fertility and birth control. In reality, he's just an easy cum-addicted slut who loves getting pregnant and not knowing who his baby's daddy is, and he's on his sixth kid by 22 years old
(I like imagining Tim getting a bit riskier over the years, too, maybe fucking some people who won't guarantee a baby with Jason's coloring, but Tim plans on explaining it away as genes skipping generations and stuff and Jason falls hook line and sinker, not that he questioned it in the first place. His first risk with fucking someone he wouldn't normally is when he's three months postpartum with baby 8 and desperate to get knocked up. Bruce and Dick are gone tho and Jason is about to leave for a few weeks, so Tim sleeps with him right before he leaves ((making Jason pull out ofc)) and then seduces Alfred, getting pounded all over the Manor until his pregnancy test comes back positive. He sends a pic to Jason like "it really just takes once, huh?" and Jason is ecstatic. Tim is too, mostly bc letting their elderly butler fuck him pregnant is one of the hottest things he's gotten to do, and he still has two weeks before any of the other three men of the house return, so he and Alfred celebrate properly by marathon fucking around the Manor)
I just keep thinking about Tim's progression, and like his opinion on all of this from the start and how heavily it contrasts with his slutty bx years and years later 🤤🤤🤤
!!!!!! tim being so ashamed in the beginning and trying so hard to be loyal to jason but it feeling too good being with others and even if he loves jason, jason's not always there and bruce and dick are! tim giving in to being a slut and having as many different babies as he can because in the end he likes it and jason is happy so who is it really hurting??😍😍
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necrotic-nephilim · 16 days
What do you think of alfred/bruce?
!!! good question, i love them so dearly.
shipping Bruce can get difficult when you want to put him in the position of submission. it's not impossible and there are characters you can make him submit (Clark and Diana are the obvious choices) but they're not characters who would any significant power over him, so for the fun of like, fucked up power play, unless you're doing something like an Injustice or Justice Lords AU, it's hard. so if you want to ship Bruce with someone who holds an implicit power over hi him and has the rare ability to tell him what to do, the answer is Alfred. which is just so fun.
because i personally really enjoy putting Bruce in a submissive role. it's a subversion of what you expect out of him, and subverts a lot of his key character traits. he's someone who *requires* control as a part of his personal regiment, part of his mission. he doesn't like to give it up, and he won't give it up to just anyone. when he does give it up, it's always conditional. the few times he gives someone like Dick control, he always takes it right back. Alfred is one of, if not the only person who has full control over Bruce. he can tell Bruce what to do, and Bruce will listen. it's still not perfect and Bruce will go against him, but largely, he can and will exert that control when he feels it's necessary. so that's so fun to play with romantically. especially with the aspect of him not only raising Bruce, but knowing Bruce practically his whole life. Alfred has just always Been There. he's a constant pillar.
and i had an interesting conversation with a mutual about how Alfred's life pretty much revolves around Bruce. Alfred will toss aside his own blood family (Julia) to prioritize Bruce. how Alfred behaves around the rest of the Batfam is defined by their relationship to Bruce and his love for them is often just an extension of his love for Bruce. it's complete devotion from Alfred, and if you make it romantic, it immediately borders on obsession. there's no. "healthy" version of this ship and that's the fun of it. especially if it's a Year One type era, where it's just the two of them. but it's also fun to introduce the rest of the Batfam and see their reactions to it. how long they take to notice, what they feel about it, etc.
these two are so intertwined in a very similar Batman/Robin way, in that most superhero spoofs have a butler for a reason- you just can't separate Bruce from Alfred unless you're willing to kill one of them off. we treat Alfred like this kindly old man who's just there to make tea and witty remarks, but in reality this man is a war vet who served in MI-5. he's rough around the edges in a way that if he and Bruce had met under any other circumstances, they likely wouldn't get along. Alfred has killed people in combat, he has no reason to believe in a no-kill rule and would see the flaws in it. but it's *Bruce*, a man he's been devoted to since the Waynes died. someone Alfred watched grow up.
if i were to personally write them together, i'd have them get together after Bruce leaves and trains for years. because who Bruce is when he leaves Gotham and who he is when he returns are two very different people. and Alfred still lives him wholly, but this isn't a traumatized boy anymore, this is a man who's systematically turned himself into a weapon. and so when Alfred agrees to help, it comes with a natural relationship that's complicated and has built-in fucked up power dynamics. Alfred is the one person who can get away with telling Bruce what to do, killing for Bruce, and taking care of him when he's emotionally vulnerable. there's a deep level of trust in all of that so i really love it and wish we had more of it. you can take it to the extreme dead dove end of things, or play with it in a more domestic sense and both. both are good.
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floralcrematorium · 9 months
How are your boys, aka the NA bros, spending this Christmas? New Years?
Thanks for the ask!
Assorted NA Bros and occasional FACE Holiday Headcanons!
• I don't think either of them are religious in human AU and Christmas is an excuse to get together and have a good meal. Sometimes they invite friends, sometimes it's them and their dads, and sometimes it's just them
• Kuma is always invited (human AU where he's a dog or nationverse, whatever. KUMA IS INVITED)
• Alfred probably wants to throw on Christmas movies and Matthew utterly protests. They end up watching movies anyway. Some annual repeats probably include those old stop-motion movies?
• I think Christmas during the height of the pandemic they still got together, but it was just the two of them. I think for this particular holiday, there was wine or weed brownies involved and the binging of far too many Hallmark Christmas movies. I think they broke sometime between movie 14 and 20. Especially Alfred because I think he's rather straight-lace and he was really Out Of It thanks to whatever substance was consumed
• Christmas is an excuse for them to have a sleepover. Christmas Eve into Christmas, and hell, maybe even the day after, they're together. I think it doesn't matter who hosts or if they're anticipating other guests, Mattie and Alfred tackle everything together. Not only that, but it's just an excuse for them to spend time together they don't otherwise get to.
• With the above point being said... Cuddle pile with Kuma? PLEASE GIVE THAT DOG SOME LOVE!!!!! I like to think of Kuma as a samoyed:
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• Matthew is not allowed to help cook if he's smoked. He can cook perfectly fine if he's not high, but if he is? Good luck, he is improvising the whole way
• I can see them cooking some of Francis' recipes or Arthur's favorites every year just as a staple, but I think they have at least One New Dish they cook for fun every year
• When they were younger, a tradition they had (thanks to Alfred) was to have one of those shitty Whitman chocolate samplers around:
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My grandmother has brought these things to every family get together (supposedly) for the last? 50+ years? Obviously I can only attest to ~20 of those, but the way it works every family gathering is you cannot eat from the second layer of the box until the one on top is gone. Or almost gone -- the chocolate covered peanuts and cashew clusters are always the last to go and don't count.
Anyway, Alfred and Matthew make a game of who gets the messenger boy (the rectangular chocolate in the center. don't know why there are two on each layer bc the one my grandmother gets always has One). Yeah, there's a second layer with a second messenger boy, but where's the fun in that? They make a game of nabbing the messenger boy without the other noticing, however there are rules:
Both people have to be in the room when the messenger boy gets stolen
No involving other people. If you're to cause a distraction, outside help is not allowed. (This rule was created on account of Alfred getting Gilbert or Alastair to distract Matthew more than once)
Once the box is placed, it may not move. No hiding the chocolates
Matthew usually wins. Alfred's not good at being sneaky.
Alfred is also the one who continues the tradition. He still buys the sampler every holiday they're together.
• They give their gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. This is a long-standing tradition from when they were impatient kids and begged Arthur and Francis to let them open gifts early, and when they said no, they begged to at least let them open the gifts they were exchanging between the two of them early
• They try to best the other at who can get a better gift for either parent. These are not the kind of boys to give up and give their parents gift cards as gifts
• They make it a game to give the other the most embarrassing or cheesy gift possible. When they get older, there's probably an additional gift that's actually thoughtful, but if you're not going to torment your sibling with a sparkly life-size cutout of Dolly Parton, then what's the point? (Matthew's plan backfired when Alfred actually unironically liked the Dolly Parton cutout)
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• Alfred is the kind of person to try and unwrap presents early to figure out what's inside. One year he discovered he was receiving Pokemon Emerald. He proceeded to play and beat the game in only two nights before rewrapping it, putting back under the tree, and getting away with it
• The best gift Matthew's probably ever gotten Alfred was a missing sports card he needed for his collection (you know that boy collects baseball cards or pokemon cards or something). The best gift Alfred's gotten Matthew was a hockey stick or jersey signed by his favorite player
• Alfred doesn't like eggnog. He buys eggnog every year. He never learns.
• Alfred gets Kuma a new toy every year. Matthew holds it for him to unwrap
• They have gingerbread house building competitions. If they can get Arthur and Francis involved, it's Arthur and Alfred vs Fran and Matthew. Arthur is too impatient and their house collapses, but Francis is so meticulous that they run out of time. One year they switch it up and it's the brothers against their fathers. You can assume how well that went (Alfred and Mattie won)
New Year's
• They probably don't hang out every year for New Year's because I can see Alfred wanting to go out and Matthew wanting to stay in
• The boys inherited being judgy little freaks (affectionate) from Francis. On the years they're together, Alfred puts on the New York New Year's TV thing where celebrities perform, and they sit and judge everyone
• Al's probably dragged Mattie to Times Square for the ball drop at least once. It was cold, there were too many people, and it was not worth it. Matthew never wants to go again
• If they're staying in, they have a feast of appetizers. It's mainly frozen. I think Mattie makes poutine, but aside from that, everything they're eating is junk from the frozen aisle aside from maybe a veggie platter. Favorites include jalapeño poppers (Matthew cannot handle spice and will wrestle the jalapeño out and just eat the breading and cheese), Totino's pizza rolls, and mozzarella sticks
• The first year Kateryna came to spend New Year's with them, Alfred made the joke that he had nobody to kiss at midnight. Matthew told him he could go and kiss Kuma (this did not go over well)
• In the 2000's, they definitely had those awful New Year's glasses:
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(They definitely could've been doing this through the 90's up to now, but I think that any year not 2000-2010 looks really silly, with the exception of 1998, 1999, and 2020)
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