#his design updated from the last drawing i posted on here anyways
thedoodlemuffin · 1 year
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Pre-Maelstrom Oslo on the left and Julius who belongs to a good friend of mine
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sockysucks · 28 days
ive come to create a incredibly lengthy post about the new mascot horror game called Indigo Park
I need to ramble ( haha rambley ) about it as i have just quit twitter for an indefinite time for my own mental health as an autistic cannot last on there at all
anyway, im going to talk about all the reason why indigo park is so good and what i hope from it!! and any criticisms i have for it, i honestly dont have many even though its so early to talk about.
how i found out about indigo park:
UNIQUEGEESE!! naturally, i was watching one of masons past streams on his youtube playing FNF after having rejoined the FNF community after its update and finding out about the mod HIT SINGLE; the mod masons was playing( people know it mostly for the silly billy song ) and he had mentioned about him making a mascot horror game which i shrugged off naturally because i am not a fan of modern mascot horror as most of it seems to be low effort and genuinely unappealing, i knew he had made something that was definitely made with love but i didnt have the will to check it out until a announcement trailer dropped which i then saw snippets of the game and the characters and environment, which i was definitely intrigued so I played the game myself.
My thoughts playing the game:
and found it surpisingly good compared to any other mascot horror game, it was unique, genuinely had awesome character designs and very high quality’s graphics and beautiful models and lighting were stunning, again really surprised having endured the hideousness of other low quality mascot horror games, to then find a game with fucking great models ( unlike banban, 2 billion polygon remote or whatever lmfao ).
I started the game and to be real as a extremely gay furry who loves little silly furry boys i felt like i was gonna explode during every single rambley voice line and animation played and fell so in love with him, now a massive comfort character and ive draw. him like 12 times prior to the games first chapter being released like 2 days ago lol, ive never gotten so attached so quicky in my life which definitely makes rambley and indigo park a really special game.
I really love this game, the pacing is really well done, the horror isnt low quality, the like actual character models for lloyd and molly are really gorgeous, i just think the hair and some of the texturing is over done slightly, but definitely made me shit myself multiple times despite this, all while i was laughing with my new silly raccoon boyfriend 💜💜💜💜
hugeeeeww shoutout to team neutron for the the absolute gorgeous expressive rambley screen animations and the credits theme that left me almost tbe same way portal 2’s credits effected me the first time i ever played and definitely huge huge props to otterboyva for the super adorable voice of rambley.
what do I hope for the future of Indigo Park
I hope for the future of this game that content farms and bootleggers disregard it, but this doesnt give me hope seeing that one rambley plush that a company made before the first chapter even released that was completely unlicensed. I will be avoiding social media in efforts to not see people start shitting on this game if it becomes on the same level and milked by content farms like what happened to the amazing digital circus ( i watched this on the day the pilot released, and was equally devastated as many others to see it being used as low effort bait in shitty kids cartoons on youtube shorts )
in case you didnt see i did a little animation at the top of this!! very rough but yeah
I love tgis game PLEASEEEE i cannot wait to see more high quality content from this really passionate creative team uniquegeese/mason has formed
in case you wanted to play it for yourself, heres a link to the steam page!! the first chapter is free and a kickstarter started a couple days ago has been completed funded so…. CHAPTER 2 IS CONFIRMED!!
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kerubimcrepin · 1 month
Crepinlore and the 30-50 random games 90% of fandom has never heard about
This post, like everything else about this blog, is very self-indulgent. I discovered many things, during its making. I shall begin with something you likely have literally never heard about, and go to more popular things from there:
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Krosmaster arena online was a video game it seems nobody played, and honestly, I am mentioning it here because I fear that if I don't document it, it will disappear, and it will turn out that it was simply a vision I had, as if in a David Lynch movie. Evaporating, like tears in rain.
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I don't think anyone ripped/tried to rip/found a way to rip the models from it — and considering the fact they're pretty... mobile ad-core, not much may have been lost.
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Anyway, here's Keke beating the shit out of some guy.
Wakfu Les Gardiens
Joris appears in the quest "The Tree of Life" of this game, which, as far as I'm aware, was updated in time with Wakfu episodes.
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Even back then, Ankama knew that 1. Joris is very sus and 2. you cannot let him get close to you during a battle, or it's OVER.
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It's all very cute.
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There is some interesting I have to say about this sprite, actually!
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An alternate version of it exists, made as a concept for the Dofus MMO. I am assuming it was Juien Druant elaborating on the ways Joris might look in the game. The first two designs are: baby Joris (probably not used because he looks too young to be a 200 year old man...) and Welsh & Shedar 60yo Joris. They were combined to make the iconic Dofus MMO-era 200yo Joris design.
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I'm quite sure that this sprite references the Les Gardiens one very heavily.
One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend
The first game in this list that actually has implications for real lore, and yet its plot is literally "it was all a dream that Oropo was having while inside the Eliacube"
For this reason, the events of this game are not entirely reliable — but are probably based in some way on the memories Oropo has.
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The main contribution this game has to Crepinlore is a third Crepin, who might be an ancient ancestor of the brothers, whom Oropo met and remembered, some sort of cousin, or he might be based entirely on fiction, and inspired by Kerubim (though ehhh I severely doubt Oropo would care so much about him that he'd hallucinate a guy like him within Eliacube's fake world).
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I really want to headcanon that the events of the game are based on something he really experienced, waaay before forming the brotherhood. But that's just my brain disaeses.
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Here we can see the store itself.
I saved the best for the last — Krosmaga.
A video of the casts of Dofus and Wakfu beating the shit out of each other
There are characters besides Atcham, Joris, and Kerubim in this game — Julith, Jahash, Lou... But I choose to concentrate on my favorite three ones. Or I will die fr.
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If this Ecaflip gives the impression of constantly having a bad hair day, it's precisely because he doesn't have any! Brother of Kerubim Crépin, Atcham is fiercely jealous of the man he considers his worst enemy. And how could he not be, when not only does he occupy the prestigious position of Ecaflip's favorite son, but also displays his dense, silky fur without any modesty or sensitivity?
Here are his three forms:
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I'm.,. unwell about the white one. I have to draw Atcham in a Bontarian getup one of these days.
They're really giving a fight to this Joris costume recolor from a Christmas event in one of the MMOs... (Now I want to see Kerubim in red too!)
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On topic of Joris,
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Adopted son of Kerubim Crépin, Joris is a curious and mischievous little boy. His favorite pastime is listening to the childhood adventures of his beloved "Papycha". And when he's too busy serving customers in his antique store, he's off playing with his best friend Lilotte! An avid boufbowl player and fan of Khan Karkass, Joris also hopes to become a star of the horned ball. While his destiny may already be mapped out on the stadium pitch, his origins are much less clear… But the good thing about not knowing where you come from is that you can imagine anything! For the little boy, there's no doubt: his parents were great boufbowl players, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not!
Here are his alternative forms:
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And now, last but not least: Kerubim.
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Judging by his adventures, Kerubim seems to have had more than 9 lives! From small-time opera rat, to Bontarian police officer, to lawyer: the least we can say is that during his youth, the man Joris calls his Papycha never stopped working! So much so that today, the owner of the antique store Aux Trésors de Kerubim takes advantage of his free time to purr quietly in his armchair, or to tell his adopted son about his past adventures. Past? Well, not quite! Because when the terrible witch Julith arrives to retrieve Jahash's Ivory Dofus, and seems intent on attacking Joris, the old tomcat doesn't hesitate to get in her way. With Kerubim, there's no age limit to being a hero!
Once again, it is confirmed that the store's name s literally "Aux Trésors de Kerubim". Sorry, I'm insane about the name of the show being the name of the store.
And his alternative forms:
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He's beautiful.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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You know, one thing I don't like when I digitally color sketches is that the colors end up looking a little desaturated because of the paper. It doesn't look bad, I guess, but I have to eventually find a way to "fix" it eventually.
Anyway, today marks 6 years since BATIM Chapter 4 was released. Damn. I know I say something similar every time I recognize the passage of time, but it's hard to believe that it's been more than half a decade since this chapter came out. Time passes, I get older, it's crazy! And I wanted to do something to celebrate. I've never been able to do anything to celebrate this chapter's anniversary since 2019. Which is a shame because "Colossal Wonders" is my favorite chapter in BATIM. Some of my favorite moments from this game are in this chapter.
And every year I try to do something to celebrate the anniversary, but I never manage to do it and it sucks! And as usual, what I really wanted to do this year didn't end up happening. I'll probably do it at some point later, but there was no way I could execute the idea I had in mind in such a short amount of time. But I still wanted to post something today, so something small will have to do.
In this case, oh hey! It's Bertie and Lacie! In recent times I've been going back to old designs of mine of the human cast of the Bendy universe, and since CH4's anniversary was coming up, I thought it would be good to update my designs for both Bertrum and Lacie. It's been so long since I last drew them, so it's about time. I liked the general idea of the last versions of them that I did in the past, so I tried to keep those ideas still, in a way, but at the same time giving them new life. Lacie falls more in this case, tbh. Bert still maintains some of the previous idea, but I had to change a few details. He still looks good, tho.
I originally wanted to put Jack Fain here too, because,by all accounts, Jack Fain only came into existence with the release of CH4 and the remasters of the other chapters. As much as you can put him on CH2's anniversary,he, at the end of the day, was only introduced on April 30, 2018. Problem is, I didn't like the drawing I made of him. I don't know, it wasn't that good in my opinion. And I didn't want to redo the drawing again (this would be my third attempt) and I wouldn't have enough time to redo his part. So today we'll just have Bernie and Lacie. Sorry Jack. Maybe next time, when I show my CH2 cast designs in one place.
Once again, happy anniversary to Chapter 4! This is my favorite chapter of the game to date. It includes some of my favorites from the story, it has several surprises that caught me the first time I saw the chapter, it brought new updates to previous chapters that added things that I still like to this day (and this goes especially for CH2) And overall, it's a pretty cool chapter me thinks. 👍
That one day we can hear more from Bertrum and Lacie again.🙏 (Especially Lacie. Seriously, don't you guys think it's wild that Lacie is the only one of the human cast of BATIM who hasn't appeared in practically anything since the first game. Like, yeah, she's mentioned in the Handbook, but other than that, she's not mentioned in nothing else after, whether in games or books. I think about this from time to time. Truly one of the Bendy characters of all time)
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tricitymonsters · 1 year
This is mostly taken from my kickstarter update but I wanted to post it here for yall too.
Tri City Monsters has funded at 141% with the help of 273 backers!  The total raised was $7,064!!
Firstly, I want to say thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart for helping me make this game. For backers to trust and believe in the project to make pledges literally just makes my stupid little goblin heart swell. I had someone pledge over $300. I had an ARMY of $2 and $5 pledges that did so much heavy lifting together and everything in between. I had snipers down at the last second putting pledges in. It's insane!
Beyond pledges though, I want to specifically thank everyone who took time to play the game on itch, who wishlisted on steam, who talked about it on socials, who drew or made posts or wrote about it. Your effort to get the game seen was fucking HUGE. And it WORKED. TCM doesn't have a formal marketing budget- while I did save up and set aside some specific money this month for blaze posts and some other ad runs, the fact of the matter is that you guys did a ton of heavy lifting and I don't make the kind of money it would take to buy those numbers. (Not a lot of indies do, that's how much you guys pushed).
I want to cringe call out/ profusely thank @booket-png as the game's lead artist but also as a huge and wonderful help in all the design work that's constantly being done with this thing, @epoch-smog for tolerating me posting their drawings constantly, plus @coyoxxtl, @rainmonarch, @mineshaft-birdie, @gedankenmoon ALL of whom are a constant support team and also blorbo crucible who tell me to keep making Kazu taller and his tits bigger like a little pack of shoulder devils when I waffle.
Sometimes they say raising a kid takes a village and I'd like to add that making indie games takes a community.  So! Not to belabor the point but THANK YOU!
To business:
As mentioned in during the campaign, I will be using Pledgebox to help me organize orders and move ahead with logistics way later down the line when we get to that point.  To reiterate some important dates, here's what the immediate future is kinda going to look like:
I'm happy to report that I've already got a head start on some of the digital rewards
Backer surveys will go out towards the end of July at the earliest, I may push it back a little bit depending but I want to give Kickstarter the full 14 days to collect payments with some buffer.
These surveys will be where you can choose variants for what products you purchased.  So if you backed for a daki, you'll be able to choose your character at this point.
Digital rewards will begin filling in July as well.  I hope to have the discord space ready for you within a week or two (the tcm server is chill to hang out in anyway but a backer dedicated space will give you instant updates and banter with me as I'm working plus you'll be able to talk about love letter contents and pinups and stuff like that without a lot of worry about spoilers or anything.  I hope to see yall there soon!)
The wallpaper pack will be quick to follow this.
I would like to finish all the love letters before I begin releasing them, right now that's also looking to be a late July delivery, possibly early August delivery.  I've gotten a couple done already and they're very fun to work on, I think yall will enjoy them a lot! >:3c
Pinups will be on a longer time scale.  I have one of three artists confirmed (Atlas will be doing Mori's!) and we're going to go through their schedule to see what their timeframe looks like.   Regardless, you can expect updates on that as I make progress.
As far as the physical merch, remember that fulfillment is slated to begin Q1 2024.  The process to produce physical goods is long and I want to have plenty of time to carefully go over samples and get through packing and shipping. 
Also slated for Q1 is the prologue release!  The prologue will be one long introductory chapter featuring all three ROs and will segue into the route of your choosing.
And then, my goal is to update the game each subsequent month with a chapter update to one character's route, cycling through all of them in turn until we can wrap them up.
SO this is my plan for the latter half of 2023 now that the Kickstarter is over but I'm going to pull a Nintendo Direct because I have one final announcement to make.  
The Pledgebox will continue to sell TCM merch, including digital stretch goal access, for the next few months while I prepare all of this stuff.  
If there's something you missed, you'll be able to add it to pick it up through TCM's Preorder Page
Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions or need clarification regarding the Pledgebox page, you can find me on discord 99% of the time (i'm pockatuck) or message me here!
As always, transparency is a huge priority for me so please expect more updates as all of these tasks get underway!
in TOTAL gratitude,
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storytimewriting · 5 months
Watching Paint Dry (HRN3)
Hi everyone!
I know it's been some time, with busy holidays, vacationing, and getting sick on top of that.
But still, I am so excited to update the HR Nightmare Series!
Here are the first two chapters if you have not read them yet, or if you just need a little refresher: Chapter 1: Perpetually Late Chapter 2: First Night at Freddy's  
Again, this is a series that I hold close to my heart. I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
I plan on updating more frequently than I have been! Working on the next chapter as you read.
(word count: about 5.7k)
xx gwen <3
HR Nightmare (3)
Watching Paint Dry
You were getting more comfortable in your new job. If you were this comfortable in three weeks, you’re certain you’ll feel at home once you hit a month.
You’ve had a few projects since the last one you worked on with Elle. None of them were anything major, just small designs for advertising and websites mostly, but you loved it. Getting paid to do something you love was a dream come true.
You went to Freddy’s with the same group of people last Friday as well. It seemed as though it was going to become a routine for you and your new group of friends to go out together on Fridays to unwind from the work week.
The more time you spent with these people, the more you learned about them. You were actually starting to feel close to them. You finally felt like you had friends at work.
Nothing has really changed with Elle. You felt more comfortable around her, but that just means you’ve started to get used to her teasing and attitude. For anything you say, she has some smart remark ready to throw back at you. It still gets under your skin more than you’d like to admit, but you’re starting to learn how to deal with her.
It’s Tuesday when Mr. Cooper calls you into his office.
“Yes, Mr. Cooper?”
He holds a finger up to you as you stand in front of the door you closed behind you, telling you this will only be a second. The finger points at the couch against the wall, so you take a seat while you wait for him to finish the phone call.
“Yes,” he speaks into the phone. “Yes, we can do that, too. Of course, we keep all our departments in house.” You can’t hear the person responding on the other side of the line. “Great, just send me the written instructions. We should have it done by the end of the week.”
You fiddle with your fingers as you wait for him to finish. You’re not sure why he didn’t just wait until he was off the phone to call you in, but he looks at you and smiles throughout the conversation, almost as if you were both in on some joke together. You didn’t know why he was smiling.
He throws out a quick goodbye into the phone before hanging up. He laces his fingers together and places his hands on the desk in front of him, smiling wide at you.
“Are you ready for another collaboration?” he asks.
You laugh at his demeanor. Some people think of this man as a hard ass, but from what you’ve seen, he’s quite the softy.
“Of course, sir. Who with this time?”
“Anthony,” he watches your lips twitch upward at his name, then continues, “and Elle.” His smile widens.
Yours drops, but you try to cover the displeasure. He notices anyway and laughs.
“It should be an easy project,” he assures you. “Anthony designed a new website for one of our clients, and they’re looking for someone to add graphic designs.”
“Oh that sounds like fun,” you gush, but quickly your face fades into confusion. “Wait, what does that have to do with Elle?”
“They need a good first blog post to draw attention, and they asked specifically for her to write it. They saw the work you and Elle did with the coffee project, and wanted a similar look to their website and blog,” he explains.
“Okay, that sounds great. When do they want this by?”
“The end of the week. It should be simple enough, but there are quite a few graph designs they want. Both Anthony and Elle will have the details, so they can each direct you through what they need.” He shuffles some papers around on his desk, opens his drawer, and places them in a file. “You can start with Anthony in the conference room since he’s already had a start on the project.”
“Yes, sir,” you smile, then turn to leave.
“Elle will join the two of you shortly. I’m sure she’ll want to assess everything herself before she works in a group,” he tells you before you open the door.
“Okay, thank you Mr. Cooper.”
You leave his office, grab your tablet and laptop from your desk, then walk to the conference room. Anthony has his head buried in his computer and his finger between his teeth as he studies whatever is on his screen. He only looks up when you shut the door. When his eyes meet yours, he smiles.
“Cora,” he cheers. “I’ve been dying to work with the best graphic designer in this company- don’t tell Mark I said that,” he adds quickly.
You laugh. “Of course not. So what are we working on?”
“Mr. Cooper didn’t tell you?” His head tilts with his question.
“He gave me a run down, but he told me you and Elle would fill me in on specifics. I know you designed a new webpage for the company, but I don’t know exactly what graphic designs you’re looking for.”
His eyes stay trained on yours as you speak and he nods his head in understanding. “Ahh,” he waves his hand at you, calling you over. “Let me show you.”
You take a seat next to him, placing your tablet and computer in front of you. He tilts his screen towards you, where you can see a mostly completed webpage. There are a few empty boxes that you assume to be placeholders for where your designs are meant to go.
“It’s for a skating company,” he begins. “They used to be specifically branded for skateboarding, but they want to expand to reach a wider audience. That’s why they’re basically rebranding themselves,” he explains.
“That makes sense. So what kind of designs are they looking for?” You look up at him when you ask.
He holds eye contact with you, a friendly smile painted on his face. Anthony is handsome. Soft brown hair and pretty eyes to match, it makes sense that he would be with someone like Elle. It’s on the tip of your tongue to ask, and you nearly let it slip, but you manage to keep your composure.
“Well, they’ll be adding roller-skates, bicycles, and scooters to the products they sell, so they want the designs to reflect products that all people can buy,” he points to the different sections of the webpage on his screen as he speaks, where you assume the corresponding design would go.
“Did they give you specifics on how they want me to do that?”
“Honestly, not really. They left a lot of room for creative freedom.” His head snaps to yours and his eyes widen slightly. “But they want the overall style to match- they were very clear about that.”
“Okay, so they want a skateboard,” you point to the first blank square on his screen, “roller-skates,” you point to the second, “a bike,” the third, “and a scooter,” then the fourth. You look up at him for confirmation.
He rubs the top of your head endearingly. Generally, an action like this would annoy you, but coming from Anthony it is actually quite sweet. He acts on his emotions, always coming from a good place.
“You catch on quick, kid,” he smiles.
“We’re the same age.”
“Actually, I’m a year and three months older than you,” he corrects.
You shake your head at him. “Okay grandpa,” you tease, “I’ll come up with a few mockups for you to approve of before I start the final designs.”
“Works for me, but you may want to wait for Elle. She’s much more picky with her work than I am, so you probably want to match the designs to her demands,” he warns you.
You sigh. You know he’s right.
“So it’s not just me she’s like that with?” you ask. You nearly cringe when the words come from your mouth. You didn’t even realize you were saying them.
His eyebrows crease slightly, but not in anger. The rest of his face remains soft. “What do you mean?”
“I- well it’s just,” you stumble over your words a bit, not wanting to insult Elle to one of her best friend’s faces. “She’s just not very patient with me. I was scared it was just a ‘me’ thing.”
“Ahh,” his mouth opens in understanding as he nods his head. “No, that’s not just a ‘you’ thing. She can be a little…” he pauses, searching for the right word.
“Harsh?” you offer.
“She’s just a perfectionist,” he corrects. “She doesn’t mean to be harsh, but she’s just always that way with her work. I don’t think she realizes the pressure she puts on other people- or herself, for that matter.”
“What about outside of work?”
“Is she like that with people outside of work too?” You know you’re pushing boundaries now, but you can’t help it when you’re finally getting the answers you’ve been yearning for.
A knowing smile crosses his face. At the same time his mouth opens to speak, so does the conference room door. Both your heads snap to look at the person walking in.
“Elle, baby,” Anthony calls out. “You miss me so much you gotta come see me on company time?”
“You wish,” she rolls her eyes, but the corners of her mouth twitch upward.
She closes the door behind her and walks further into the conference room, taking a seat on the other side of Anthony. She places her laptop in front of her and opens it.
“Did you finish the blog already?” His entire body leans over her, looking at her screen and effectively blocking her view of it as well.
She pushes his head out of the way softly, but he allows himself to be moved. “I got the assignment twenty minutes ago. I’m good but I’m not God,” she shakes her head.
“You’re basically God,” he admits.
He looks at her as though he genuinely believes the words coming from his mouth. Your fingers toy with each other as you watch them interact. You don’t feel you have a place to speak. Honestly, you feel like you’re interrupting something just by being in the room.
That is, until Elle makes eye contact with you. “Have any mock-ups for me yet?” she asks.
“No, I- well Anthony just explained the project to me, but I thought I’d wait for your demands for the designs before starting. I know they’re all supposed to be the same sort of theme, so I want to make sure they’ll match,” you ramble on, offering more information than needed.
Her eyebrows lift as you speak and she attempts to muffle a smile- she’s amused. You’ve gotten much better at reading her.
“Probably smart.”
Her compliments are subtle, and few and far between, but you soak each one in like water.
“I have an idea for the blog,” she cuts you off. “But let me see the webpage first,” she pulls Anthony’s computer in front of her to scan over the work he did.
“You like it?” Anthony asks. He leans back in his chair and throws an elbow over the top of it. “I know, I do good work,” he pats himself on the back before she even has the chance to agree.
She side eyes him and shakes her head lightly. “Yeah, yeah. So obviously they’re expanding. I want the blog to speak directly to the potential new customers, without shutting out their initial clientele. I think the designs need to match that- like softer, brighter colors, but I think it would be cool to keep the graffiti look in all the words.” Her eyes drift from the screen, to Anthony’s, to yours, and back.
The two of you stare at her in awe. You’re not sure how her mind comes up with the entire basis of a project so quickly. You almost tell her she should be a graphic designer, but you hold your tongue, scared the words may insult her somehow.
“We know they need to follow a general theme, but it might be smart to add some variation. I mean, they want to bring in varying customers, so we’ll have the designs reflect that.” She looks at you expectantly, and you realize she’s waiting for your confirmation.
“Oh, yes- right- that sounds good. That makes a lot of sense actually,” you clumsily respond.
“Well, yeah. I thought of it,” she says smugly.
“You have to be careful when you compliment this one,” Anthony speaks up. “If her ego grows any more we won’t all fit in here,” he nudges her arm with his.
“Oh shut up,” she laughs.
Was it that easy to soften her up after acting like a smartass? Why couldn’t you change her mood as easily as Anthony does?
“Okay, so should I start with the basic designs for the mockups? Then you both can tell me if there’s anything you want changed,” you offer.
“I’m sure it’ll be Elle who offers critiques,” Anthony says.
She rolls her eyes and pushes her chair back, standing up. “I’m leaving,” she announces. She grabs her laptop, and turns to walk away.
“Oh, come on, Elle,” he whines. “I was only kidding.”
She continues walking towards the door, and doesn’t turn around as she speaks. “I have to work on the blog. If you finish the mockups, send them to me.” She opens the door, steps out, and closes it behind her.
Anthony runs his hand over his face. “Man, I gotta stop doing that,” he grumbles.
“Doing what?”
“I just push her a little too far when I tease her sometimes.” His hands drop from his face and back to his computer. “It’s fine,” he reassures himself.
“Was she upset?” you ask. From what you could tell, nothing seemed to upset Elle. If anything, she always seemed like she couldn’t care less.
“She’ll be fine,” he says instead of answering your question. “Anyway, I have to work on the other pages of the website.”
The two of you work in silence together. You had never spent so much alone time with Anthony, but you can see why people would like him. He’s sweet and comforting and conversational.
You start your designs by drawing the skateboard, and quickly get sucked into your work. This happens often, as soon as you start drawing, it’s like you’re transported into another world.
You finish a few different skateboard and roller-skate designs, and look up to find Anthony with his head still buried in the computer. You bounce in your chair, waiting for him to look up at you, but when he doesn’t, you tap him yourself.
His head snaps to you and he smiles. “Yes?”
“Wanna see what I finished?” You smile proudly. Every time you finish a new design, you can’t help but be excited.
“Of course, Cora. Show me what you got.” He rolls his chair closer to yours to look at your tablet with you.
You hold your tablet in your hands, tilting it towards him. You start with the first skateboard drawing. “Okay, so I have four different skateboards and three different roller-skates to choose from. Tell me your favorite.”
You slide through each skateboard drawing, and Anthony “ooo’s” and “awe’s” at each one. You can’t tell which he likes the most because he is just as excited by every drawing you show him. The same thing happens when you go over the roller-skate drawings.
“These are all so good, Cora. I cannot believe how good you are at this,” he gushes when you finish.
You laugh. “They’re only mockups. They should be even better when I finish the real thing.”
“You should show Elle,” he tells you. “She could probably give you better advice than I can. She always knows how to personalize these projects for our clients better than anyone else.”
You admire how he speaks about her. You honestly can’t blame him. Despite Elle being cold towards you, you still had a lot of respect for her. She was obviously extremely talented, not just at her job, but at everything. She could step over into your field and know exactly what you needed to do or change to make the project perfect.
“Yeah,” you agree as you stand up. “I’ll go do that now.”
“Actually,” he stops you, placing his hand over yours as he pushes his seat back and stands as well. “I have to go discuss something with Mr. Cooper, so I can tell Elle to come in here.”
You nod your head in agreement, sitting back down.  
It’s only a few minutes before Elle walks in, closing the door behind her. She takes a seat next to you, but doesn’t say anything.
“Okay, so I haven’t finished all the mockups yet, but I was hoping you could tell me which you like most so I can try to mimic that style throughout the rest of the designs,” you explain.
“Alright,” she says simply.
You pause for a moment, waiting for her to say more. When she doesn’t, you tentatively pick up your tablet to swipe through the designs. She hums softly at each one, but doesn’t offer her opinion. You almost miss her insults. Her harsh critiques on the first project were what pushed you to create such good designs.
Slightly irritated, you sigh, putting down your tablet. “Are you gonna say anything?”
Her eyebrows pinch together. “What?”
“You always have something to say and now, when I’m actually asking for your critiques, you don’t want to say anything,” annoyance lines your voice.  
“Yeah because you’ll throw a fit if I do,” she bites back.
Confusion crosses your features. “What?”
She rolls her eyes. “Play dumb, whatever,” her arms cross over her chest.
“I’m not playing dumb-“
“Oh that’s right, you were just born that way.” She leans back in her chair, chin tilted upwards so she can look down on you.
You want to respond with an insult to match, but manage to contain yourself. “Look, I don’t ‘throw fits’ or whatever you think. Can you just be your usual bitchy self and critique my designs?”
She glares down at you for a second, eyes drifting around your face, assessing you. She sighs. “Fine. Show me again.”
You start at the beginning, with the first skateboard drawing.
“This is too similar to their original look. We need to put our own twist on it,” her tone is bitchy, but you find comfort in it. She sounds like herself.
You swipe to the next design.
When you see your work in front of her, it’s much easier for you to pick apart. It’s like you know exactly what she will and won’t like.
“Are you showing me the same drawing twice? What’s even different about this one?” Her nose scrunches with her questions.
“The wheels are different,” you defend yourself.
She looks at you flatly. She doesn’t even have to say anything for you to know to move on. You swipe to the next image.
“Okay…” she says hesitantly. “I can see the vision more with this one. It is a bit softer, but almost too much now. This style might work with the other drawings though. I just think the skateboard should be a little less soft than the rest of them.”
A smile graces your lips but you do your best to shield it from her. “Okay, I think you might like this one then,” you swipe to the next image.
“Yes, exactly,” she says excitedly. She quickly covers it up with a snarky remark, “you should’ve just shown me that one first. Could’ve saved me some time.”
You roll your eyes. “Anyway, now the roller-skate drawings.”
You swipe to the first one and as soon as you see it, immediately brace yourself for her critiques. You can already tell she is not going to like this one.
“Is this an ad for a preschool? Why does it look so childish?” They’re rhetorical questions. The cadence in her voice always reflects how she feels. 
You sigh. “I know, fuck, ignore this one,” you lift your finger to swipe to the next drawing.
“Wait,” she stops you. “Why did you draw it this way?” Her tone is softer this time.
Your finger taps the back of your tablet while you contemplate your answer. “I’m not sure,” you admit. “I just thought about all the new customers they would want to bring in, and I figured some would be children, so I think I just drew this one more childlike subconsciously.”
She hums as she takes in your words.
“It looks stupid, I know,” you quickly add.
“No, no,” her eyes stay focused on the drawing. “It just gives me an idea for something else. Can you send this to me separately?” Her eyes meet yours when she asks.
She looks almost sweet this way. Her entire face is relaxed- she doesn’t seem like she’s on the defense for once. Her head tilts slightly to the left, her eyes stare at yours expectantly.
Too caught up in the details of her, you nearly forget she’s asked you a question.
“Oh- yes- yeah I can send this to you.” You curse yourself in your head.
“Thanks,” her eyes continue watching you. Her head straightens back up, one side of her mouth lifts into a smirk. “You can swipe to the next one now,” she encourages you, eyes flicking from yours to the tablet and back.
You break your stare from hers and shake your head. “Right.” You swipe to the next design.
“I like this one. It matches the skateboard we agreed on, but it’s a little softer. I think you should make the colors on this lighter than the skateboard when you do the real piece.”
You appreciate the advice she offers. Truthfully, it saves you time in the long run.
You show her the last drawing as well, but you both agree the second one is best. 
You have a smile on your face by the end of your conversation. Of course, she was her usual bitchy self with her subtle insults and attitude, but she was much nicer this time. She had patience and advice and compliments, and you actually felt like you were able to connect with her in some way.
In moments like this, you understand why everyone seems to like her so much. She’s too easy to connect with, even when she’s being a pain.
Her fingers fiddle with the sleeve of her shirt, rubbing the material between them. “Do you think you can finish the other designs in the same style?”
“Of course. I’m the one who drew it,” you tease.
She scoffs in disbelief. “And you call me a smartass.” She pushes the chair back and stands to leave.
“You don’t have to leave, you know,” the words were out of your mouth before you realized you were speaking them. You weren’t sure why you were saying this, you just wanted her to know she had the option to stay.
“What?” She’s taken aback more than anything.
“I just mean- I know we’re working on this project together. You can work in here with us if you want to,” you offer. 
“I have to focus on my writing. I can’t have distractions.”
“I’ll be quiet. I’m quiet when I draw, anyway,” you throw out quickly.
One side of her mouth lifts slightly. “All my stuff is at my desk,” her voice drawls out, like she’s contemplating staying in the room.
“Just bring it in here,” you offer yet another solution to the problems keeping her out of the conference room. “Do you want me to get your stuff? I have to go check on Anthony anyway,” the lie slips through your teeth easily.
The side of her mouth lifts higher, but she sits. “Alright, if you’re going there anyway,” she agrees.
You scramble out of the conference room. What is wrong with you? There was no reason for you to act this way or offer to get her stuff. You’re sure you look like an idiot desperate for her approval.
Truth is, you wanted to keep this moment going. It’s not often you feel like you have a connection with Elle- not one deeper than annoyance, anyway. If you had the opportunity to keep her in this room longer, it was hard not to take it.
You grab her laptop from her desk and scan to see if there’s anything else you should grab for her.
Her desk is relatively empty. It’s neat and organized, with only a few pictures displayed to personalize it. You assume the main picture is of her and her family. There’s two smaller polaroids tucked into the frame: one of the group of friends in the office and one of her and some girl you don’t recognize.
It takes everything in you not to go through her desk in search of a deeper understanding of her as a person. Despite your curiosity, you manage to grab her laptop and walk away.
You stop by Mr. Cooper’s office to check in on Anthony, but you can see them still in conversation through the window, so you walk back into the conference room with Elle’s laptop and no Anthony.
She’s sitting, leaned back in her chair while it bends to accommodate her posture. One leg crosses over the other at the knee, her foot in the air kicking slightly. Her elbow is kicked back over the top of the chair, exuding confidence from head to toe. Her eyes drift over your frame when you walk in, from your shoes, to her laptop in your hands, to your eyes.
Your feet carry you closer to her. She snickers when you stumble as you get to your chair. You ignore her.
“So where’s Anthony?” she asks.
You place her laptop in front of her. “Still talking with Mr. Cooper. I didn’t want to interrupt them.”
Her eyebrows raise and her jaw drops open. “Oh, you do have a brain,” she exclaims in faux-surprise.
Your face falls flat. “I do you a favor and you return it with an insult?”
Her elbow pushes off the back of the chair, now sitting upright. “Actually, I think you’re doing yourself a favor,” the smugness in her tone sends waves of irritation up your spine.
“How am I doing me a favor?”
As soon as the question leaves your lips, you know you messed up. If you know the answer to the question, you’re sure she does, too. A blush coats your cheeks, embarrassment floods your system.
The next words leave her lips like fact, giving no room to argue, “you like me.”
You scoff, despite the deepening redness of your cheeks. “Yeah, right.”
Her lips curl. “You’re blushing.”
On instinct, your head turns away from her slightly, an attempt to shield the heat from her. “I am not. Fuck off,” you mutter.
“It’s cute,” she laughs.
“I don’t like you,” you insist. “You’re just not being a complete pain in my ass for once.”
“You can admit it,” she persists.
“I don’t-“
“Everyone likes me, Cora. It’s okay,” she coos. She’s taunting you.
“I thought you had work to do,” you change the subject instead.
She smiles like she knows she won. She opens her laptop and, for the first time since you’ve walked back into the conference room, lets her eyes leave you.
“Finish those mockups for me, won’t you?”
You don’t dignify her mockery with a response. Instead, you turn from her and start working on the last few mockups you need to finish.
It’s about an hour of working in silence- well, silence aside from Elle’s constant tapping on her keyboard- when Anthony walks back in.
“Wow,” he sings, “look at the two of you working together.”
You look up from your tablet at the sound of his voice. Elle’s sigh draws your eyes to her, the blank stare on her face aimed at Anthony.
“We were working until you so rudely interrupted us.”
He saunters over, arms swaying with each step, stopping at Elle’s chair and leaning overtop of her. He scans the contents on her laptop, wrapping one arm around her collarbones as he reads.
“You’re nearly done with the blog,” he observes. His arm unwraps from her as he plops himself down in the chair next to hers.
“Like I said, we were working- as in actually getting work done,” it’s like she can’t help the attitude seeping from her lips, but her tone is playful.
He pouts his lips at her. “Are you still mad at me?”
He rolls his chair closer to her, grabbing the arm so he can maneuver it to make her face him. “How can I make it better?”
Her arms are crossed over her chest. She sighs, eyes looking up towards the ceiling and lip tapping against her chin in faux-thought. “You can buy me a coffee.”
He scrambles from his chair, muttering a quick “deal,” before nearly sprinting out of the room.
You laugh in disbelief. Her chair swivels to turn to you. She tosses her feet onto the table and crosses one over the other at her ankles. Her arms are still crossed, leaning back against the chair, a proud smile painted on her face.
“What?” she asks, as though she doesn’t already know.
“Do you always have people waiting on you hand-and-foot?” You’ve started to understand which jabs dig further under her skin. You figure it’s only fair considering how often she gets under yours.
Though, her smile doesn’t drop. “I do, actually. Are you looking to fetch me something else?”
Your initial jab seems to have backfired. “I’m not playing your games.”
She pushes her lips into a mocking pout. “You did earlier,” she argues. “Fetching my laptop like a good girl,” her cadence is though she were speaking to a dog. 
“You’re an ass,” is what you settle on. Still, your cheeks are burning red.
“Oh my god,” she laughs, “you like that.”
“I do not,” you argue, but your body betrays your words.
“You so do!” She accuses, laughter still heavy in her chest.
Your nails pinch into the fleshy part of your palm, a feeble attempt to control your irritation. You roll your eyes and shake your head, picking up your stylus to continue drawing in an attempt to ignore her.
She doesn’t stop. “Oh, don’t get all quiet on me now.” She drops her feet from the desk to lean closer to you, elbows on her knees. “Come on, Cora, be good and look at me.”
You open your mouth to tell her off, but the door swings open to reveal Anthony with a coffee in his hand and a proud smile on his face.
He stops in front of her. “Am I forgiven?” He bends over, head down and hands holding the coffee out in front of him.
Elle takes it from his hands, has a small sip, and smiles contently, before responding with a simple, “yes.” 
Anthony cheers, head lifting back up. When his eyes meet your face, concern crosses his face. “Are you okay, Cora?”
Before you have the chance to answer, Elle responds. “Oh, she’s ­very good, aren’t you, Cora?”
You should hit her- dump her coffee all over her stupid head- but you’re almost certain that would get you fired in a second. Instead, your nails bite further into your palms and you force yourself to take a deep breath.
Through gritted teeth, you speak, “yeah, just great.”
The three of you work in silence for a bit, until Mr. Cooper calls Elle into his office. She skips there, face relaxed and light on her feet.
“She’s in a good mood now, huh?” Anthony observes.
“Must be the coffee,” you mutter.
Although you know Elle was only teasing you earlier, the words remain echoing in your head, redness seeping into your skin when you think a little too hard about her voice uttering those words.
He laughs at your words. “I better start bringing her coffee every day.”
It’s now when your curiosity has truly gotten the better of you. You don’t want to ask him directly about his relationship with Elle, but you have to know if they’re together. You’ve held your tongue for long enough, you’re sure of it.
“You’d be quite the boyfriend for that,” is what you settle on.
Anthony laughs. Hard. Doubled over in his chair, the sound echoing across the walls. He collects himself for a second, but as soon as he looks at you and begins to speak, the laughter starts again.
Your eyebrows crease together, lips pushed into a frown. What was so funny?
“Do you think-“ a laugh to interrupt himself, “Do you think Elle and I are dating?”
“Are you not?”
He laughs again then, like it was the most absurd thing for you to think. “Absolutely not. Elle’s like my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I adore the girl, but it would never work between us,” he emphasizes the word.
You don’t understand how it could never work between them. Anthony is handsome. Elle is beautiful. They both have faces made for movie screens. They have faces that are supposed to be romantically paired.
“Why not?”
He contemplates his words. “Well, aside from the fact that we’re practically siblings, Elle doesn’t even like men.”
The revelation echoes in your head for the rest of the day. From when Elle walks back into the conference room, to when Mr. Cooper tells everyone to go home, on the train ride back to your apartment, till now, sitting in bed alone.
It shouldn’t affect you. It shouldn’t even matter- it doesn’t matter, you tell yourself.
Elle liking women doesn’t mean she could like you. You don’t even want her to like you. You don’t like Elle, so why would it matter if she liked women? It didn’t. Elle liking women was stupid, pointless information that was about as interesting as watching paint dry.
But you were an artist. You appreciated all forms of art, and you loved watching art form.
You loved watching paint dry. 
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seeyounexttime · 2 years
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Blank Page Brigade Spotlight: Assistants (6/5) + extra
6 of 5? yes, because last time I left off at 5/5 but now I have obtained scans of the Blank Page Brigade for vol.31 and vol.32
At the end of volumes of Black Clover is space for the “Blank Page Brigade.” This particular “brigade” is composed of the assistants (you know, those who help with art) and others from the Black Clover manga team, lead by “Captain Tabata.”
In each volume there’s a question that everyone answers. Assistants also include a drawing with their answers. I’ve compiled the answers and drawings from volumes 1-32, and grouped them together.
Previous answers (and drawings from the assistants):
Assistants (1/5) – Hayato Gotou, Genya Hori, Asahi Sakano. &  Assistants (2/5) – Kouki Ishikawa, Masayoshi Satoshō, Kou Shimameguri. &  Assistants (3/5) – Teruaki Mizuno, Hikaru Mizuno, Suzuki, Yōtarō Hayakawa
Assistants (4/5) – Kazuhiro Wakao, Shuutarō Koga, Seiya Miyamoto. &  Assistants (5/5) – Souta Hishikawa, Yagasa, Yuu Aoki, Tatsuya Hayashi, Ajina Yuu, Shion Kobayashi; +vol.30 Miyamoto drawing
Staff – Comic Editor Tomiyama, Comic Editor Koshimura, Comic Editor Fujiwara, Comic Editor Chiba, Designer Iwai, Media Editor Takahashi. &  The Tabatas – Captain Tabata and his wife. &  Editors – Editor Katayama, Editor Toide, Editor Iwasaki, Editor Fukuda
(( I've also gone back and updated/replaced some images with cleaner scans and in some cases with the official translation ))
You've already seen the vol.29 and vol.30 drawings from Tatsuya Hayashi and Ajina/“Witty” Yuu in a previous post, but I decided to just redo their pages with cleaner scans + the vol.31 and vol.32 drawings:
Hayashi seems to enjoy drawing demons/monsters
and Yuu is a straight-up baseball fan (also that drawing of Yuno is so cute!)
more new drawings by:
Seiya Miyamoto (present since vol.18) – Kou-chan’s 15 seconds of fame! really made Sekke look fierce in that vol.32 drawing too :0c
Souta Hishikawa (present since vol.18) – well, I have also learned that wombat dung is cube-shaped... to quote wikipedia "As wombats arrange these feces to mark territories and attract mates, it is believed that the cubic shape makes them more stackable and less likely to roll" and yes, wikipedia has a picture
Yagasa (present since vol.20) – Yagasa continues to win, that Liebe drawing is the best :>
and what’s this? the return of Yotaro Hayakawa as well! Hayakawa has been present since vol.11 and I guess was only absent for vol.29! rip lucifero
20. Shinobu KASAYA
was only around for vol.31
according to Tabata, Kasaya had a one-shot published in Jump Giga
the 20th known named individual to have been Tabata’s art assistant, even though their time together was brief, that is an expressive drawing of Zora that Kasaya left us
EXTRA: So was no one gonna tell me that the guidebook also comes with Blank Page Brigade drawings or was i just supposed to find that out while wading through possibly sketchy sites myself
Blast from the past seeing some of the original 6 again!
Hayato Gotou was really by Black Clover’s side for 29 volumes straight and the guidebook. Also, if it’s hard to see, the spell is Heat Wave Magic: “3-Meter Radius Summer Vacation”
And on god that’s the most on-brand weirdo shit Kouki Ishikawa could’ve said and drawn...
"carry your heartbeat" let me explain... this seems to be a reference to a song lyric from Exile's "Choo Choo Train" and made popular in Japan a certain dance move they called the ぐるぐるダンス ("guruguru dance") or ロールダンス ("roll dance"). Some meme examples here [exhibit A // exhibit B // exhibit C]. However it turns out this move was showcased back in the 90s in "I Like the Way (The Kissing Game)" by American R&B group Hi-Five
anyways your ride Valtos is here to pick you up
Teruaki Mizuno wrote the most and never used punctuation, hopefully I got the gist of what was said...
also idk what “Ashi era” refers to... Tabata was assistant to Toshiaki Iwashiro, now while you may be tempted to go it's from iwASHIro that.. well i mean idk but that doesn't seem to me the kind of nickname that would be created from i-wa-shi-ro to-shi-a-ki?? idk idk
Hayakawa bringing a new attribute to Black Clover and a crossover!
took me a while to find what 金斗雲 was but apparently it's an alternate writing of 筋斗雲 which is the name of that cloud that they use to fly around in Dragonball which Funimation translated as "flying nimbus" ☁ guess Hayakawa wasn't pure enough...
Kazuhiro Wakao really did indeed write "godfather" ゴッドファーザー now if he means like from the movie of the same name or like the position of a godfather idk but what are you doing down that bad for that gal Wakao why out yourself like this...
Shutaro Koga answered with 社長 shachou which translates to “president (of a company)” with alternate translations of "manager", "director" and "CEO" so I went with "The CEO" because it sounded more quippy :p
Captain Tabata didn't answer the Blank Page Brigade question because the question was about himself, so instead of the usual, he provided a new drawing of Asta & Yuno
what does it say within the black arrow and why didn't I replace the words? well that says something like from page 137 onward it's all about Tabata, and yeah it's like stuff about his process and questions and so on but that's not included in this post, it's a lot and my reading level is not that high *finger guns*
21.? Uemura?
according to a comment by Tabata in Weekly Shonen Jump back in April: “My mysterious assistant Uemura-kun, who hasn't been with me for very long, has a one-shot in this week's issue of Jump in Japan! What's it like?"
the one-shot in question may be Koi, Tokidoki Chounouryoku – is the assistant Taishin Uemura?
I did not find their name in vol.32, which was published in early April. Maybe Uemura will be in the blank page brigade for volume 33?
*Mike Rowe voice* We've explored the bonus pages looking for and learning about the hard-working men and women - 20(+1) assistants, 4 editors, 4 comic editors, media editor, designer, and Tabata's wife - who made Black Clover possible
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chocoholicbean45 · 2 years
Heyo guys! I'm back with an art dump, sooo these'll be either drawings i forgot to post, not fully finished orr just left out since life happened. Ah and i'm so sorry for the long wait! I've been driving myself a bit insane with saving up money for december, with a shopping trip coming up on the 19th, andd trying to think of what members of my family would want for Christmas, sooo yeah.
Anyways, let's get on with the artwork shall we?
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First off, macaque!!! Tho kinda combined his Monkey King 2009 design with the lego style monkie kid's in, as a sort of past version i guess? Like his cape over the years grew darker in colour and gotten a bit more worn down. And with his new powers, came the black fur?
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Here's some training drawings i've tried doing, since i want to get better with harder and more dynamic kind of poses. Annd, heyy! RJ got a new outfit! And ngl i'm starting to like the colour pallet i used for it 😍
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Ohhh i drew that pose a whiile back but never got to finishing it til today, sooo i turned it into a drawing of Tang with a sort of outfit i thought up...tho idk why but i kinda see harry potter instead of him 😅
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For this drawing, i had been thinking, Sun wukong has the scarf, andd Macaque has a cape, sooo why not give MK a red bandana? Like he could have wanted to match Sun a bit more, with being his successor, and Rummaged through some old stuff of his and found it? Orrr maybe tang or pigsy gave it to him? I'm not sure, either way, i love how it turned out.
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Ooohhh this is a fun one! My idea of how Mk and Red Son had RJ was, maybe during a sparring session or fight, something happened anndd well, in a nut shell, RJ was born from a stone egg (Pftt-Try explaining to your son how children were made when they came from an Egg 😅), I had to reference the egg mk came from well, from the pilot episode,but add in some fire elements to reference Red Son's fire powers. As RJ is a combo of both of them.
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Oohhh 🤣 i wanted to do some muscle practise sooo it turned into a shirtless Red Son drawing..whiich i'm considering drawing one of the other character's reactions to it. I ain't saying who tho~
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These were part of a small art challange i came up with, i drew Red Son and MK buut, i used a colour generator to colour them in. I was going through art block at the time soo, it really helped out!
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Annd here are the last few! I was watching a youtuber try out a couple tik tol art challenges and i saw this one, "If you see this, draw your oc as: Normal, Genderbent, Child(Past Self), Royalty, and Villain". I haven't gotten onto the villain part yet buut i thought i should at least show these.
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Here are the last 2! I loved seeing people's versions of a swap au sooo, I thought I'd try doing my own! Just, i guess you could call it a "Swapped Destiny AU"? Mk is the full son of DBK and Princess iron fan, And Red Son is the Monkey king successor! There were other ideas of Bai-He(Lady bone demon's vessel/Possessed girl), and Mei being swapped around, andd Sun and Macaque swapping roles too. Buut that's something for another day!
I hope you all enjoy the drawings! And i'll try to update whenever i can 😅 have a nice day,night, morning or afternoon wherever you are!
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blarrghe · 5 months
Was tagged in a wip post yesterday by @herearedragons thank you (and I have been enjoying your stuff a lot!)
Not a lot to share on the wip front so I thought I'd share a life update and a snippet of the thing I just finished. I have a new work-from-mostly-home job that should theoretically mean I have more time to write/draw/participate in fandom (and also uh. finish my master's degree.) anyway would love to find more fun avenues to share with others this year, so tag me in posts and tell me about exchanges :3
I am hoping to start posting a new fic very soon! I know I've been saying that for months but for realsies.
Anyway, I just finished The Purge of Wycome, my Whumptober project that lasted until January, which was very exciting. Going to try to draw the boy all bloodied and pathetic to promote it I think but give it a read. Here's a snippet from the last chapter about getting a tattoo. Also I just got a new tattoo.
Taren closed his eyes and breathed, in and out while the mallet struck the needle into his skin. He followed the curves in his mind's eye, across his shoulders, down his spine.  The pain was ever present, sharp and stinging with every quick tap. Sometimes the bite was hard, too bright against some deep, dark ache in his scars, and he clenched his teeth, sucked in a breath, tensing with tight muscles, sighing away flashes of memory. But it was steady, regular.  Tap, tap, tap . The harsh spots passed, stinging as they were left written with the ink of his designs.  His mark, his. He breathed in and out, holding steady under the continued sharp raps of needle and ink-thread.
some tags: @sulky-valkyrie @rosella-writes @greypetrel @melisusthewee
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neptuniadoesstuff · 3 months
Le main crew of Mortal's Curse! (Also TW for some scarring/injuries)
(Update: Had to remove a slight error I made in the drawing)
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I spent way too much time on this just for Screb to make the quality trash. :( So yeh uh... Enjoy this "masterpiece" I made in IbisPaint-
Also some close-ups lol.
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Btw the pink stuff on the knife is just jam.. ITS JAM NOT BL00D!
Elara "Velvet" Shelley (Velvet is just an online aliase as she is referred to "El" irl) (My ver of Canon Elara Shelley)
Jeremiah Samuel Greenbel/"JJ the Rascal" (JJ is a online aliases & his nickname) (My ver of Canon Jeremiah Greenbel)
Sirius "Foxglove"/"Fuax" Grant (Both Foxglove & Fuax are online aliases) (My ver of Canon Sirius Grant)
Harper Halmor Tolnek Turner (Often refered to "Hall" or "Harp") (My ver of Canon Harper Turner)
Miren'Aska Lao Middleton (Just referred to as Aska or Miren) (My ver of Canon Aska Middleton)
Facts are gonna be in a new post of mine so u goobers after to wait.
1: || Elara Shelley | Age: 27-28 | Female, She/Her | Straight Ally (Is prob a Gray-Ace as well) | Is Greek/Japanese American | Engaged to Sirius | Born a Mortal but was given the "Curse of Immortality" at a early stage of life ||
2: || Jeremiah Samuel Greenbel/Turner aka JJ | Age: 34 | Cross-Gender (Male), He/Him (Sometimes He/They or He/They/It) | Bisexual, Demi-romantic | That of European Ancestry + Korean-American | Married to Harper | Born with "Greenbel Syndrome" (a family-based gene) & a mutation that made him have a tail ||
3: || Sirius Grant | Age: 30 | Male (Trans), He/Him | Straight | Russian-American | Engaged to Elara | Last name was originally called "Alexeyev" but he was adopted by a mixed family ||
4: || Harper Hallmor Tolpek Turner/Greenbel | Age: 34-35 | Male, He/Him | Gae | African-American, Mexican (& is somewhat descended from the Ferronox Tribe) | Married to JJ | Is a complete coffee-adidct & will become feral when given decaf ||
5: || Miren'Aska Lao Middleton | Age: 32 | Demi-boy, He/They | Pan | Filipino & British but born in New Zealand | Married to a Russian/German woman named Rushka | Is often called Miren or Aska by his friends but is referred to as "Michael" or "Mikey" by close friends ||
Plz note all of this info I made up is only Canon in Mortal's Curse & not MO: Astray. Also my ver of Aska & Sirius are not related to their canon counterparts family-wise. + MC takes place in the later future of the good ending.
Characters: The main crew of MO: Astray but my vers (All designs are mine ig but originally by Rayark & Archpray)
Art: Mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Personal project masterpost
Alright so I have realized all my stuff is too much for the pinned post but I can make this masterpost and update it periodically. This will include: links to intro posts/refs, links to doodles/additional official art, and the given hashtags for each individual thing. Fan art/asks with art and most text posts will not be linked here, but you can search my blog/tumblr by the official tags in order to find stuff. Note: for additional small things such as fun facts about characters not on their official refs, check out the “#oc factoids and asks” tag and search with the tag of the given character/project. Yeah sorry you have to do some digging yourself, I can’t update this post every single time I make something new. Anyway let’s just jump into it. Last updated: 8/6/24 (d/m/y)
Omega Lab (#omega lab au, #omega lab)
Ref sheets for all mainline characters (Test’s tags: #test!sans, #test omega lab | Glow’s tags: #glowstick!sans, #glowstick omega lab | Tizzy’s tags: #tizzy!sans, #tizzy omega lab | Bio’s tags: #biohazard!sans, #biohazard omega lab)
Tizzy and Biohazard doodle
Glowstick and Test doodle
promotional piece
dynamic elaboration drawings
Sanses in alt subcultures (#alt sanses my beloveds) [casually known as Altverse but that is NOT its official name, do not tag it as such.]
Also the official tag is what you can use to browse MY blog. It’s not a title either. Just tag your art with the characters included.
Pastel goth!Dream (#pastel goth!dream sans)
additional Dream drawing
Alt!Killer (#alt!killer sans)
Classic 2000’s emo!Nightmare (#emo!nightmare sans)
NM pixel doodles
Scene!Ink (#scene!ink sans)
scene!Ink pixel doodle
Scene!Ink’s small psa
scene!Ink featured in my 2023 Inktobertale
Scenemo!Cross (#scenemo!cross sans)
Because things are often misinterpreted with this AU, it has its own clarifications tag. “#alt utmv clarifications” is the tag, if you’re ever wondering something about it then check there. If one of those posts doesn’t have an answer, just feel free to ask me yourself.
Robo-Ink aka Oil (#robo ink, #oil!ink sans, #robot!ink sans)
Based entirely on the simple (initially joke) proposition: “alternate multiverse where everything is the same except Ink is a robot”. Oil hails from a whole separate multiverse just like the usual one, accept for him being the way he is. Slightly different in personality, but you only really realize it when putting the two characters in the same interaction. Either way, he is my pride and joy and a great project so far.
No ref sheet currently exists for this character
initial conceptualization sketches
full-body further conceptualization sketch dump
more anatomy elaboration
Faeverse (#faeverse, #faeverse au) [please read info]
Ok so Faeverse isn’t actually entirely my creation, it’s a shared project with me and @dinosaurzzz. I’m just the lead character designer and artist, I don’t own it. Faeverse is a retelling of Underverse with a twist of Xvials and fae folklore from various cultures. Some things are critically changed in this au, so I’m begging you, if you’re going to make fan content, to read ALL OF THE INFO we have about it, including the masterpost about a core character Dino made which is linked in the below ref sheet.
Fae!Ink ref sheet (#fae!ink sans, #leánnan sídhe!ink sans)
Very pretty Fae!Ink doodle sheet
Omega!Cross (#omega!cross) [on hiatus]
Omega!Cross is a half-wolf version of Cross who was inspired by the works of some of the other creators in my general orbit, for posts featuring him interacting with the other 6 wolf!Cross’s, check out #wolf!cross gang shenanigans!
this project is currently on standby due to the stress I get when creating it. There may be the occasional thing here and there but for now don’t expect any big additions to Omega’s story. It’s a mess right now.
Omega!Cross ref sheet
just some expressive doodles
his canonical identities!
Design clarification text post
design clarification doodle
full doodle sheet 1
Canon height diagram
lore teaser
R34L17Y_D3C4Y (#r34l17y d3c4y, #reality decay)
R34L17Y_D3C4Y (pronounced “reality decay”), or R_D for short, is an Undertale alternate multiverse where all outcodes, multiversal beings, or beings that have been separated from their original universes gain weirdcore designs and qualities. I started it over on my Reddit but am moving it here.
Explanation/lore post
Fresh’s ref (#reality decay!fresh)
Wink’s ref [Ink] (#wink reality decay, #wink r34l17y d3c4y, #wink!ink sans, #rd!ink sans, #reality decay!ink sans, #wink rd)
Spinner’s ref [Error] (#spinner reality decay, #spinner rd, #spinner r34l17y d3c4y, #spinner!error sans, #rd!error sans)
Blossom’s ref [Dream] (#blossom reality decay, #reality decay!dream sans, #blossom!dream sans, #rd!dream sans, #blossom rd)
Annulus (#annulus sans, #annulus!sans)
silly one-off OC of mine
ref sheet/info post
Miscellaneous utmv ship kids
Dagger Striper [Killer x Ink] (#dagger striper)
Brightspex [Ink x Dream x Cross] (#brightspex)
Homestuck fantrolls
Gradient blood trolls concept post/initial art of my primary fantrolls (#gradientblooded trolls)
Primary three fantrolls sprite post (Spiral’s tag: #spiral circus | Orbovo’s tag: #orbovo weaver | Rodiea’s tag: #rodiea lassos)
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rhonuscorner · 1 year
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I’m still working on updating Taerel’s whole character sheet, slowly but surely getting there. I have 7 out of 8 outfits fully finished - some only needed some altering, others need to be completely redrawn from scratch - and I finished redrawing his hair on all but 2, plus some minor detailing here and there. I still have to completely redo his Dalish gear which I’m not looking forward to lol. I hate the one I designed the last time but eh, I’ll figure something out. It’s the least important one anyway because I’ll probably never draw him in his Dalish outfit again after this... unless I give in and decide to torture myself by doing a comic of how he briefly ended up in Kirkwall as a freshly vallaslin’ed 18 year old >>;;;;
The ones teased here are, left to right, pre-Skyhold field gear, Halamshiral, post-Trespasser casual. I’ll go into more detail about them all when the whole thing is finished.
Looking at Tae’s face makes me happyyyyyy but I need a big break lol.
Lastly, semi-related: I really hate having to bring it up, but reblogs are really appreciated 👏 I need to build up my audience again and y’know... likes are nice but they don’t help me in that regard. You don’t have to if you don’t want to of course, no hard feelings or anything XD but please know that I’d really appreciate it! ❤️ Also if you’re a DA blog I’ll come check you out because I really need to find some more active people to follow ^_^
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master-k0hga · 6 months
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| B R A D Y |
[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| Last OC ref in my drafts before I post the couple other lots later today (Cuz I think I might've missed like one or two, not like this post would be done and posted before I have to leave for work anyways..)
This is Brady, also part of the Frostclaw tribe (and again, everyone from this project were former Yiga OCs..). Brady is a nervous wreck and seems very timid and sweet on the outside.. In fact he kind of is, except that he's obsessed with the town's local chef to an unhealthily unhinged degree. Like full on stalkerish fan and also in love too..
But other than that, if he's not being obsessed, he can be kinda chill too...
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Brady Species: Ice Elf General Personality: Sensitive, kind, nervous, love-struck, emotional, jealous, sweet Height: 6ft “8” Relationship Status: Single
Extra Info:
He works part time in the local library of the town, mostly works at the little shop that resides near the back of the library itself along with a small café inside too. Absolutely filled with glee when they get a delivery for new books each month, especially when Jackson's cookbooks are in the monthly delivery
Is a fan of Jackson and his food, loves to go to every restaurant and bakery to try out the food; However is a little disappointed when the food isn't up to par with the "man himself"
Loves food and can be quite the food critic, believe it or not even though he's just some average joe, he does inspire some beginner chefs with his whimsical critiques; Although sometimes his opinions tend to get shut down when he starts comparing food to his favourite chef
He can get rather jealous very quickly, so his obsessiveness can sometimes get the better of him. His traits can be toxic however that seems to be a mechanism his brain triggers when he feels "threatened". Does go to therapy trying to control it but tends to purposefully miss out on his sessions for obvious reasons
Sometimes when there are updates or other public announcements about the town he doesn't usually keep up to date with much, due to lacking understanding, his personal stresses and whatnot. It's not exactly a bad thing; However he does become misunderstood sometimes because he doesn't keep up or show any empathy for something. People just need patience is all
He's not a fighter for the town but he is part of a small force who defend it when it comes to emergencies or last-minute procedures; Although dangers don't come around here as much as they used to, sometimes you get the odd rebels from the outer walls of the town infiltrating and causing a slight ruckus now and then
He loves reading and listening to audio books, especially to help him sleep. Or even when he's washing dishes or doing chores
Flails his hands in excitement, especially towards interests or things he enjoys. It's cute
He doesn't have many friends, but he enjoys talking to his regular customers, seeing as most are mainly old ladies or visitors who have decided to stay in the tourist/vacation side of town. It's helped his socials skills quite a bit despite still having a little ways to go
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Words aren't working, forgetting what words to use for these now and I hate it.. Oh well not like that matters anyways, but still have loads of these to go anyways so I'll be doing these for an awful long time.
I just don't really want to draw fan art in between re-posting and trying to finish off OC refs and whatnot because I'll just get distracted and leave them all to collect dust all over again.. Designing characters is always fun though, it's just trying to name them, working out their purpose and further developing them.... Especially when you decided to make it into a project and go as far as to creating worlds for them.
I want to die..
. Brady, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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mocchite · 1 year
menety -> mocchite (+update)
hi y'all, i'm back to this account (and with my actual pen name). it's been a long time and idk if any of my followers are still active here, but i wanted to talk a little about the reasons behind my absence
(tw for mentions of depression, epilepsy/seizures and other brain diseases)
so uh. my last post on here was in mid 2019, and between that time until mid 2020, the main reason behind my absence was due to me switching fandoms (from touhou to kpop lmao).
still, in 2020 i suddenly started having seizures. after getting an mri docs found inflammatory wounds in my brain, and the cause was unknown. after that i took several appointments with several doctors in hopes of getting a diagnosis, which was no easy task. the easiest and fastest way to get a diagnosis would be through a brain biopsy, which had been suggested by doctors, but other doctors said that would be too risky considering they'd have to remove a sample of abnormal tissue from my brain, and the easiest areas to get the sample from could potentially my ability to see or perform movements from the left side of my limbs (which includes the hand i draw with). so i picked the long path, which was getting a diagnosis by the process of elimination.
after several failed treatments, it took me almost a year to get a proper diagnosis, and another entire year to get the specific treatment i needed. during said time, i fell deep into depression due to all the uncertainty going on in my life. aside from the uni-related projects i needed to do, i've barely drawn anything at all.
fortunately, my condition has stabilized by now, and i've managed to graduate from uni and get my degree on animation design (woo!). though i'm still getting treatment, i'll be doing my best to become active again. i'll keep drawing touhou but other fandoms and OCs of mine might pop in at some point. anyways, i hope you'll like my new artworks and thank you for sticking with lil old me 🤧🤧💕💕💕
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rawrroarart · 2 years
Hi everyone, semi-important update regarding this blog and why I don't post as often. I say semi because if you're just a casual looker of my blog, you can disregard this because nothing in my blog will change and I'll still be here.
But for the rest of you interested in reading more, I do have a lil potential treat at the end of this post, but it's a little long-winded to get to that point since I'm going to vent a little about my art. Though whether you read my ramble or not, you are free to claim the treat at the end (it's only a potential treat because it's based on if you even like it LOL). I'll be posting in the LWA tag, as I pretty much am a LWA blog, but I do apologize for clogging the place with something a bit unrelated, and this should be the last time I do it
Anyway if you're still reading let's get to it:
So obviously I've been dead in my blog and I hardly, if ever, post art. Now I guess it's normal to see something like this for blogs, as life gets in the way for most people and things just start to faze out. Circle of life or whatever. But truth to be told, I am still very much interested in drawing often, and as of late my life isn't even currently "in the way" that would prevent me from doing so. So why aren't I posting more frequently or even drawing at all if even on my own?
Drawing isn't fun.
That's really misleading, but let me clarify: I have too high of an expectation for myself, and with so many people watching, I get overwhelmed and even nauseous really about not churning out my absolute best All the Time. My situation obviously isn't unique or special or anything, and is of absolute no fault to you or anyone else following me. And I know, of course, no one is telling me to always churn out 100%, but it's the fear inside me to not disappoint even one of you, and I try to be a perfectionist and people-please all at once. Trying to draw like this isn't fun.
Aside from that, I also have huge issues regarding "spamming" people with my posts. This is a honestly stupid issue because no one is forced to follow me, and I know people are here because they want to be here, but I just can't help but feel bad when I post too frequently, especially combined with content that's subpar. Even this post alone I feel guilty about, since no one really "signed up" for a whole rant about inadequacy, but I figured it would be good for me especially for what treat I mentioned earlier.
These two issues together make up part of the whole sha-bang of my standstill. I get stressed if my content isn't up to standard and I get stressed if I post too often. So I just do nothing. And the more I do nothing the more stressed I get about having to be even better than the last time I've drawn, because it's obviously been so long that I must have improved on my own! (I haven't)
Anyway what does that bring us to? What is my attempt of a solution? Something obviously needs to happen to fix this, and I just want to have fun creating content again. So here's the "treat" that I mentioned earlier: I have a new art blog or should I say a doodle/scrap blog, and you are free to join me on my new journey.
How is this different from my current art blog, you ask? Well for one thing, it's going to be mainly for doodles, blurbs, anything I want really. The real kicker is that I also won't be tagging my posts (maybe occasionally if it's funny enough), so they shouldn't reach a bigger audience and spam the designated tags they would be in (like LWA). I can also more appropriately convince myself that, if you followed me, you especially are consenting to a bunch of posts (if I even post that much ha), and I'll also hold a soft spot for you LOL
You also don't have to follow me, as I'm sure a lot of my doodles will make their way to my art blog here, but in the form of one singular post labeled "doodle dump" or something. So no ones really "missing out" on anything. Following the new blog just gives you first access to whatevers going on with me
Note: I will still be posting art I put a lot of effort into on this blog!!
Of course this is all experimental, and it could all just go to shit, but I want to try to do something to get out of my slump. And before you ask "why can't you just draw without posting," it's because I thrive on validation also which is also why I get put in a standstill LOL. So yes please follow me if you'd like, I would be happy.
On another note, I'm also planning to purchase an ipad to actually have a better way of drawing, as my current digital art set up is really janky, laggy, and off-putting that it makes me not want to try either. But apple's art app looks so nice and seems perfect for me. I've set up my kofi to accept donations with a milestone if you wanted to lend a helping hand. It should be linked in my bio!
Anyway yea thanks for reading this far and supporting me. I'll do my best to keep producing content and improve my skills.
Tl;dr If you're here for the "treat," I have a new doodle blog but you consent to no thoughts head empty if you follow it. I'm also looking to buy an ipad sometime.
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sakunataa · 9 months
February 2nd (Status Report) + February 2nd (202X Tutorial Update) Review
I wanted to apologize to everyone who is reading this, particularly Dev, for the current absence of reviews. I haven't had the time to truly be online, much less write anything longer than two sentences, because I've been so busy changing jobs and homes. Now that I've found a home and a job that suits me, I can carry on reviewing YanDev's WordPress!
Yes, I'm going back to Feb2, which is when my next review was supposed to be done. Dev is understandably taking a break from working on the game, thus this is as good a time as any to resume reviewing. I'm hoping that he sees these encouraging words and has something to look forward to during the next months.
I'll review everything having seen (almost) all the updates I know now (obviously), and I'll comment about how much better it gets with time, based on how well I think it was done back then. For the sake of lengthening this post and, well, for Dev's sake as well, I'll be examining the two Feb2 posts at the same time. 🩷
I begin.
I'm really happy that Dev finished the tutorial cutscenes! I'm really ecstatic knowing how wonderfully done it is. It's stunning and fluid on top of that. Compliments to the chef! Dev wants to make adjustments to the animations even after they are finished, ensuring their quality and completion. Knowing how much he was going to do at the moment made me so eager for the massive build that was about to be released.
For the intro animation's adjustments? Hauntingly gorgeous. It's a lovely touch to use the glass fragments as a symbol for how truly damaged Ayano feels. The smallest visual enhancements can make an already excellent animation even better, provided the art isn't compromised. There's a perfect balance of everything here! It's good to see him improve on what's already there; I really appreciate the direction he's taking everything in.
The game's update and how long it will be before the next one is released are covered in the following section. In all honesty, I find it hard to see why anyone would think that tutorials are generally a waste of time. I agree that tutorials are important and shouldn't be avoided, but seasoned veterans of all sorts of games wouldn't understand that! But Yandere Simulator is so complex and detailed that I feel a tutorial is very necessary.
Anyway, it is understandable why he might want to put the update off for a little while longer. Imagine creating a game this size and being prepared to add this large update to it. The game is strongly supported and shaped ever so slightly by the tutorial level, which also gives the impression that the game is getting near to feeling and being more complete! Making a YouTube video is a cool idea, but I can also see why he would be torn on such a significant choice as that. So I can definitely support the last listed con.
Making it the "newest" video on the channel would inevitably draw in the wrong crowd. While I consider the game's tutorial to be a significant achievement, the regular trolls and detractors might not agree. It's the fundamentals—something that introduces you to the game and helps you understand its mechanics. YanSim's growth has been a challenging process from the start. Making this tutorial now is entirely justified. Cut him some slack!
This makes a seamless segue into the next post, in which he announces his decision to refrain from posting a video about it to his main channel. Well played, Dev! Moving it to your secondary channel, where all of your other content is posted, is much smarter. It fits in well. (Thanks Cameron for providing the tutorial's audio! You were outstanding in all you did. I'm proud of you. Your work is fantastic.)
As someone who has completed the 202X tutorial, I can tell you right away that I adore it. It's well-designed and a lot of fun to do. Despite the fact that I already knew how to play the game, I found it to be a truly enjoyable experience, especially after a brief break! It was also wonderful to see Kokona in the spotlight once more! She's always been one of my favorite characters, so seeing her again made me quite pleased.
I have always wanted to make a game, with a tutorial to boot. And after being in numerous classes and doing all the research I possibly could to see where I could start out, seeing the tutorial of this game inspires me! Dev couldn't have released this at such a better time. A solid tutorial all around. Easy to understand, control, and finishing it didn't feel frustrating or overly-complicated.
Making a game, with a tutorial to boot, has long been a goal of mine. And after being in numerous classes and doing all the research I possibly could to see where I could start out, none of them truly inspired me the way this game does. This release by Dev couldn't have come at a better time! A strong tutorial overall. It was easy to understand, control, and complete; it didn't feel difficult or needlessly complicated.
(The idea of a custom level maker similar to that of the Final Test sounds like such a great idea. I'd play the hell out of it if that was ever a thing. The possibilities and videos on that would be endless.)
I have gushed about 1980s mode for so long. Still do. The prior rival introduction cutscenes were enjoyable to watch, but I always pondered how it would have seemed with actual cutscenes. I used to constantly experiment in my head with numerous angles and possibilities. And it appears that my wish has finally come true! These brand-new, diverse scenes are all exquisite, with amazing attention to detail! I frequently replayed the mode to see if I had missed anything in these sequences, and I'm always amazed every time I do. The quality and the passion are both present. It's genuinely excellent!
(I'm also impressed with the volunteer's work with the "Senpai meets Amai" cutscene. Feels really good, refreshing, and brilliant. Props to them as well!)
To me, the concept of a small town prototype has always been, well, huge to me. I've always found it fascinating to imagine exploring a town as Ayano and seeing other people interact. Sadly, I am unable to locate any concept pictured that I recall drawing at the time. But? I do recall Dev's post on Feb25 where he had a what-if idea of what it may be like to wander around a small town, and I just melted! I couldn't have asked for a finer picture of what it could be like.
New animations, enhancements, and bug fixes follow from here. For all of which, Dev deserves all the praise! Thanks to his diligence and perseverance, everything feels tidy and well-done. Dev has often demonstrated to us that effort and dedication are crucial, especially with significant updates like this. Congratulations to everyone, including Dev! He gathers everyone and does his share to ensure that everything is well-organized and, in the end, stylish and beautiful.
This update is enormous, magnificent, and wonderfully imaginative! I'm happy I waited since I absolutely adore this game and how it's being developed. I'm excited to go through all the other posts and give it the attention it still deserves. Endless acclaim and appreciation, even for small achievements.
Until next time! It's good to be back.
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