#his feet would wear off into nothing if he didnt have shoes
allylikethecat · 6 months
hello!!! i missed talk shop tuesday but im assuming i can still come to chat :)
How long have you been a 1975 fan and when did you decide to become a fic writer for the fandom?
most played 1975 song of all time?
if you could choose any artist for a musical collaboration who would you want?
and lastly, just for fun what is your hottest take just in general not necessarily about the fandom?
You are ALWAYS welcome to come chat!! My inbox is ALWAYS open and I get so ridiculously excited that people even want to chat with me so THANK YOU!
I've been a fan of The 1975 for too long at this point 😂 I discovered them during the self titled era via Tumblr / Chocolate being played on the radio my senior year of high school. I thought Matty was super hot 😂 I actually still have the promotional Twitter DMs that they sent out during the ILIWYS era saved on my account because looking at them makes me laugh - wow have we come so far! (I also distinctly remember watching them on SNL the first time and the TRSMT festival performance with my college roommate and her being like whoa he is not okay) HOWEVER, I didn't get involved in the fic writing side of the Fandom until last year. I had done some lurking on AO3 over the years, but never fully committed to it. Then BFIAFL came out and holy crap did that album just like totally consume me, it also lined up with my life totally falling apart and so I dove extra head long into anything to do with the boys as a little bit of an escape / distraction a good IRL friend of mine was the one who encouraged me to actually start writing my own fic and posting it / making a fic Tumblr and now here we are 😂
Probably The City - I'm not actually entirely sure because I've been listening to this band for so flipping long that I had to listen to A PHYSICAL CD IN MY FIRST CAR and also this was like prespotify for me and I had to BUY THE SONG ON iTUNES and listen to it that way. So we're talking about me trying to pull and compile data from multiple places. I do however know that was my first favorite The 1975 song and I did listen to it on repeat obsessively for a while there.
Not to be controversial but I would KILL for that scrapped Taylor / The 1975 collab - think their voices would really complement each other as would their writing styles and George's production. I don't really enjoy a lot of the Taylor stuff that's been happening lately because as a football fan I hate Travis Kelce, and I hate how her fans treated Matty last spring and I don't want him to have to go through that again but WOW I feel like a song between them would be incredible.
Hottest take in general? Hmmm I am a wealth of hot takes... honestly my instinct was to say that I fucking hate bean sprouts they are little strings of evil but I think that's just because I got dinner with some friends tonight and I forgot to say no beansprouts in my pad thai and was just like traumatized by the pile of them on top. They all laughed at me because my hatred of bean sprouts is very well known. I'm sorry that's a very lame hot take. OH ALSO NOT ALL FUCKING HORSES CAN BE BAREFOOT AND NOT ALL HORSES SHOULD BE BAREFOOT REGARDLESS OF WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA WARRIORS SAY. I FUCKING WISH POP COULD BE BAREFOOT IT WOULD SAVE ME SO MUCH MONEY BUT ALAS HE LIKES HAVING PIECES OF STEEL NAILED TO HIS FEET EVERY FIVE WEEKS.
Thank you so much for sending this in!! Getting to chat and ramble on was so exciting!! Thank you so much! I hope you had a wonderful day and that you have the best rest of your week!
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thyln4gf · 5 months
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✞ You and Carlos have been best friends since forever. But is platonic love really everything that you feel for each other?
✞ Word count - 2,5k
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "genie in a bottle" - Christina Aguilera, "friends" - Chase Atlantic, "a rash decision" - Ice Nine Kills, "sonne" - Rammstein, "dont be so shy" - Imany.
✞ Warnings - smut, unprotected sex (wrap the beast before the feast, folks), the influence of alcohol. I also wrote the most of it at like 4am, so pardon the quality of it, thank yewww x
✞ Carlos Sainz x fem!reader
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As soon as you step into the house, a soft groan of relief leaves your throat. Your heels immediately get kicked off of your feet, and you dont even bother to fiddle with the straps too much. You had a long, long evening - formal settings werent exactly your natural habitat, but being there with Carlos made them much more bearable. You are his best friend, and he is a famous figure, meaning that he invites you to all sorts of events all the damn time. Speaking of which - he was watching you with amusement, completely aware of the fact that you werent exactly in a huge amount of comfort at the moment.
"And whos not making any sense now? I told you not to wear those." Carlos slips the comment your way, making you roll your eyes only hearing the three magic words. He didnt tell you everything, though - yes, he knew how uncomfortable your heels were. And yes, he also knew that walking in them sucked. But he kept something to himself - the fact that only the thought of those heels excited him, as he had always liked to imagine taking them off for you. He could vividly imagine kneeling right in front of you, taking his sweet time, kissing your skin everywhere that he could reach. He liked the idea of it a little too much, to the point he found himself disappointed when the sight of you kicking them off greeted him.
"I had no choice, and you know it. I had nothing else to go with this dress!" You complain, vaguely gesturing at the dress you were wearing - the tired whine in your voice was obvious. Carlos' eyes slide up and down your body as you did so - he had a chance, and he took it. God, he loved this dress - the red, short-ish dress with a slit on the side - the tattoo on your thigh peeked through each and every time that you moved. He got a sudden urge to bite your thigh right there and then, but he knew that hed be overstepping the boundaries.
All he does is let out an amused, half-chuckle type of laugh. He loved listening to your rants. And boy, could you do that just fine - your mouth never closed. And he loved it.
He started slipping his own shoes off, all while watching you walk into your kitchen - your movements were so smooth, to the point that he swore that you were floating sometimes. He doesnt want to have you out of his sight for too long, so he takes his shoes off just a little faster than he normally would, and following your idea of entering the kitchen. There he found you by one of the counters, pouring yourself a glass of wine. He lets a small smile appear on his lips - he just couldnt help himself around you.
"Tired, amor?" His voice floats through the air, smooth as butter on toast, and just as warm. He always used that specific petname for you, and only you. And youd be a liar if you said that it didnt make you feel some type of way - the tone he used never failed to turn you on just a little, despite you two being... friends? You werent too sure at this point. You just shrug at him as a response, still trying to grab a set of words that were coherent enough. You swirl the beverage in your glass around, eyebrows rising up for barely a second before taking a sip.
Yet another thing that he enjoyed about you - watching all those small habits of yours, which you probably dont even notice. He liked observing you, just looking at you. And he didnt even try to hide it - he'd just wink at you each and every time that you caught him doing so, with no shame.
He wasnt exactly shy, but when it came to you... he felt like he was a teenager all over again. You made his head spin, and it was a much more enjoyable high than alcohol could ever provide. Only the thought of you made his chest tighten, the air threatening to escape his lungs. He shouldnt be so nervous around you, he thought. He could get anyone all giggly in the matter of seconds. Proof? Charles. But you were a special case... thats for sure. The roles were reversed - you were the one that had him thinking about you all day and night, wishing to get out of the friendzone that everyone hated oh so much. He might have had a wank or two with you lingering on his mind - the way you smelled, the way your eyes looked at him. If the dictionary ever needed a picture to describe being down-bad, they should just stick one of Carlos in there.
After a minute of him staring at you with your drink, you look his way. It felt like a routine at this point - you look away from him even for a fraction of a second, and you know that youre going to see his goofy smirk staring right back at you. But this time... this time, something was off. You couldnt tell if it was the alcohol, or something else (you had a pretty awesome night, despite the event being a formal dinner, but thats a standard at this point) - he was looking at you with an almost... hungry look in his eyes. He looked like he was about to drill a hole through your soul, and was particularly enjoying himself, shooting the usual wink your way, before walking up to lean against the counter, right by your side. His thigh brushes against yours, the material of the suit against your skin almost making you shiver.
"You know what would make tonight even better?" He speaks up, his eyes never leaving yours. Hes acting all smooth and smug right now, but you could see him swallowing his own saliva, and his cheeks turning just a tad bit more red.
"Spill it, big boy. Im listening." You reply, your voice sounding just as seductive as his, almost making his brain short circuit - and you can see it from the way his grin makes its way back onto his lips. He had always found your teases adorable, honestly. Hats off for that.
"Well..." Carlos hesitated for a second, which wasnt like him at all - he was nervous, and it was an adorable sight to witness. "We could have the evening to ourselves and..." his eyes moved to your lips for a split second, letting his gaze linger on them for way longer than what he had considered the "safe limit". He only managed to speak again in a second, seemingly collecting himself a little better now. It didnt mean that his cheeks werent heating up in embarrassment, though. "Well, you know."
A chuckle slips from your throat upon hearing his offer. He was beating around the bush slightly, but not like you minded. You had always liked this goofball of a man, and his methods of getting his way. You never let them sink in deep, confused on his true intentions behind his actions. But something about this evening... the alcohol has hit your brain already, and awhile ago, and all you could think about was your friends lips all over you.
You down the rest of your drink, and put the glass down on the counter, a little to the right of you. You turn your head to Carlos, once again. He couldnt be more predictable - youre greeted with a sight of him staring at the hand handling the glass, then your waist. Eventually, up to your eyes. You stare back at him. You raise your finger to trace it along his jawline, his chin, the bottom half of his cheeks. He gulps, getting much more nervous than he was before.
"Youre adorable, did you know that?" You whisper right in front of his face, your warm breath hitting his lips. He doesnt even get to respond, before he feels your lips on his. His brain doesnt even register what was happening at first, but his body reacts way before his brain - his left hand immediately went to your hip, pulling you to his body. The other one is now gripping the counter, and he finds himself hoping that his knees wont give out. He could smell the cherry and cinnamon wine on you the moment you got closer, and he doesnt waste any time - he pushes his tongue out of his mouth, hungry and desperate to taste more. He groans, and your hand slides to his neck in response, gripping it ever so slightly, pulling him closer. He takes it as permission to shove his tongue even deeper, earning a little chuckle out of you.
Quickly enough, his other hand goes down to your hips as well, now caressing them with great intensity. The material of your dress slides up ever so slightly, and he just cant wait much longer - he lifts you without even trying, and places you on the counter. His movements are harsh and desperate, and he doesnt notice the glass. He knocks it over, and it shatters to pieces, right on the floor.
"Carlos..." you groan against his mouth, trying to pull away a little, so you could actually look at what just happened. You earn a sigh out of him for that - out of all the scenarios he had imagined of your first time together... all the circumstances of you moaning his name for the first time were not that. He clicks his tongue, and grabs your chin, turning your face to his, slamming his lips back on yours. It was almost like him saying that he really couldnt be giving less shits. He wanted you, and he was forced to wait for way too fucking long.
His other hand travels down to your thigh, now kneading it like his life depended on it. A moan slips from you, right into his mouth. The grip that you still have on his throat only tightens, causing his movements to become even more aggressive.
He tries to slide your dress up to your waist, but the fabric being trapped between the countertop and your body didnt let him. He lets out a slow groan of frustration. Desperate times call for desperate solutions, no? He leans you against his body, leaning back a little himself. That lets him pull the skirt up. He has barely even brushed his fingertips against your skin, but it was just enough to make your certain area feel a little tingly already.
He wants to take off your underwear as well, while you two are at it. He finds that his back cant take much more of being in this position, but he still hesitates about doing that, his fingers tugging the lacy material ever so slightly. You notice it, and grab one of his wrists to guide him to take those off, almost desperately. You can hear him sucking in a breath, but not resisting anything at all.
Once theyre off, he sits you back down to your previous position. His lips pull away from yours first, something that he never thought that he would be doing. He keeps staring into your eyes, his hands reaching to take his own pants off. This man had his tongue down your throat just seconds ago, and even that didnt make your face heat up more than this.
His pants are off in the matter of seconds. For a second there, he was close to fucking you just like this, through the hole his underpants had in the front. He ended up taking the underwear off as well, and it flied off even faster than the pants did, his boner getting freed as well.
He cant resist looking down to your pussy, already so wet and ready for him. So needy. You had always put up a tough demeanour, which you were trying to maintain even now. Adorable, he thought. He looks back up to your eyes while getting closer to you again, his palms landing on your thighs, spreading your legs just slightly. He was desperate, almost shaking with desire. But he still wanted to get your consent. God, you love men doing the bare minimum so much. All you can manage is a brief nod, and its all it takes him - he almost explodes on you. His lips immediately attack your neck, pressing multiple kisses everywhere that he could reach. He was never a man who liked to waste much time, and it shows - he gave his cock a few pumps before entering you right away, yet still taking his sweet time to let you adjust to him. He earns a gasp out of you, as you throw your head back. He cant help himself, and the kisses on your neck turn into gentle bites. You moan a little louder - feeling him on you, and in you was almost overwhelming, and you could already feel the knot in your lower stomach forming. Though, you werent sure if it was that, or his length hitting you deep. Or both.
He was even closer than you were. The precum has leaked long before he even took his pants off. Honestly... Being near you was almost like keeping an infinite edging streak - sexually frustrating torture. He thrusts into you for a few more minutes, and he already knows that hes about to cum. He groans in frustration (but only because you havent reached your high yet - he was disappointed with himself. But its not his fault that you were so... hot) and is about to pull out, but your legs suddenly wrap around his waist, pulling him closer right before he can do that. A loud moan slips from his throat, the warm liquid already filling you up so good. And you find himself shutting him up with a kiss - the sloppiest youve ever had at this point.
His movements stop, his mind hazy from all the pleasure he's receiving. All he can focus on is you, and only you. You were content with leaving things like this, you were honestly about to cum anyway. Just another minute of him staying inside of you... But Carlos seemed to have gotten a different idea. Suddenly, he's in a kneeling position right in front of you, looking up with his pretty eyes. His eyelashes are longer than mine... what the fuck?
However, your train of thought quickly melts away when his tongue makes contact with your clit. He wanted to go slow just to tease you, but all the pretty sounds you were making teased him instead, and he found himself speeding up just a little, making sure to apply some more pressure as well. And, soon enough, youre riding your own high against his face. Both of your breaths are heavy, and both of you could be found smiling.
You both forgot about the load in you, however. You were still bathing in the dopamine after-high, the satisfaction making both of your heads spin. He looked up at you, again. And right at this moment, marrying your best friend seemed possible - something you never believed in.
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lilliumrorum · 7 months
Okay guys weed story time *a new tradition* (Every time I am in an interesting rotation or situation I will post it)
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The first time I ever got high I was 14(DO NOT SMOKE UNDERAGE YALL) and my friend had invited me back to his house after we had been in a parade for AFJROTC.
Originally we were supposed to go back to get his money and then walk back to the restaurant (which was all the way across the city from his house). On the way there, I was still wearing my Combo-1 Uniform (cap included) and this important for later in this recount of events. After nearly being attacked by a dog, we made it to his house.
He told me about how he fucked his girl and got caught (my at the time bestfriend) on the couch and I remember looking at him like ???
We went back to his room to get his wallet and I instantly smelled bud. He noticed the lil smile on my face (I had smoked before but never got high) and he was like "You wanna smoke, bubbles?" (Btw this was my nickname bc of an inside joke in ROTC)
And this is how it went:
"Sure, but nothing's gonna happen. 'Never works"
A wicked grin spread across his face as he passed me a wax pen and uttered:
"Something will happen, follow my lead. If you don't feel it you're fuckin immortal."
So as I suck the life out of his cart he puts on Rammstein and blasts it on his fucking speakers, and he makes me hold the hit in for as long as I can before I cough. THEN HE WHIPS OUT A FUCKING PEACE PIPE WITH AN AXE ON IT.
"Now you're gonna hit this, trust me that pen aint shit"
I was already beginning to feel the effects of the wax, but I trusted him.
After taking 8 hits off of the pipe he had me take 5 dabs (Fuckin love dabs) and I was starting to get paranoid.
He just took a picture and laughed at me and said he was gonna send it to his gf (my best friend at the time) and then MADE ME HIT A FUCKING BONG.
After 15 more minutes of fucking around with his guitar and fumbling about, he took me to the garage with a joint (Mike Tyson knockout strain) and a pipe and we finished them both off.
"How's life right now, Lily?"
"Oh its goooooood." I giggled with a dumb-ass smile and a thumbs up.
He laughed for like a minute straight and I was bewildered bc like pls stop this is not funny I'm new to being high and I'm trying my best to breathe rn I'm breathing manually.
So he led me outside and whipped out his phone and was like "What does it look like"
I have the video if yall wanna see it but I looked terrible
So anyways I ended up almost getting run over two times bc I was bumbling around and my shoes were making my feet blister and he didnt make an effort to help me. After walking for four miles we finally got to the restaurant and he ordered me a wrap and bought it for me (which was really sweet) and a smoothie, but my eyes were red as shit and I needed to go to sleep so I decided to nap on the table.
There we were, still in our uniforms, but I looked higher than NASA at this point and I eventually was asked if I was alright and caught a few stares.
I ran to the bathroom bc I almost threw up.
After 15 minutes he walks in the bathroom and drags my ass out of the stall and starts fucking hollering laughing and saying shit like HAHAHA I KNEW I COULD WIN or something like that and called himself my weed demon like ?????
He barely even smoked compared to me...
My mum's name flashed on my phone and he picked it up for me and claimed I threw up at his house and I was going home (It was close to the restaurant so I would be home soon) and she was like OKAY:D and all happy bc she thought I wasn't depressed anymore since I was with a friend I guess.
After he walked me home I immediately looked down and averted eye contact with my mom and her ex and just speed walked my ass to my room with my leftovers.
I heard a quiet "I think shes high"
And just said NO. not a yell, just fuckin
and when I woke up that night I fucked up that food and smoothie and facetimed him and his gf while devouring it.
Experience rating: 7/10
Good food, Almost got killed, almost got my ass beat by my mom, guitar, good music, Indica.
@konigslittleliebling wanna share your experience with a reblog bae?
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crispy-jpeg · 2 years
School of Not-Me’s
TW: none, really
Notes: FUCK I MADE THE ,POST BUT TUMBLR DECIDED TO BE SILLY GOOFY AND KILL ITSELF AND I DIDNT GET TO SAVE this is a story about cove and autism and its based on a fanart i saw on twitter and its been on my ao3 for a while OKAY BYE
Synopsis: It didn’t help that he wasn’t all that great at understanding other people. It didn’t help that he often saw things in his own way. And it certainly didn’t help that he was constantly wondering why no one else thought the way he did about things.
He was probably different.
Cove sort of dwelled on the idea for a bit, but couldn’t stay stuck on it for long. 
He already moved on to other things. Like his shoes, for example. They were uncomfortable. Way too uncomfortable. He couldn’t wait to get them off his feet.
They were new shoes. His neighbor called it a good 18th birthday gift. He felt obligated to wear them. He didn’t get what was so special about an 18th birthday. They were the same as 17th birthdays, or 16th birthdays. His classmates gave their happy birthdays to him like they did every other birthday. The shoes didn’t feel any nicer just because he was 18 now. In fact, they felt suffocating. Cove didn’t like shoes anyways.
He thought that maybe it was the same for everyone else. That, you know, his neighbor was the weird one, treating his 18th birthday as something special. But for some reason, people were congratulating him more than usual. Even his teachers would tell him happy birthday when he went to hand in his homework. That never happened. 
Being 18 couldn’t be that special. 
By the time he got home, he had been given extra food in the cafeteria by his friends, greetings from people he didn’t even talk to, and small congratulations’ from teachers he barely knew. Sure, the attention didn’t feel that bad, and he could never turn down free food from friends, but something about it felt weird. 
The thing is, Cove couldn’t understand what was so special about it. He could take what was given to him, but it was like holding a bomb and he didn’t know when it would blow. It felt like vital information was being withheld from him on purpose. It started to eat at him.
“What’s so special about being 18, anyways?”
His dad chuckled as the sounds of chopping echoed through the kitchen.
“Well, son, you’re an adult now. Most people would find that something to celebrate.”
“Is that really so important that you need to celebrate it?”
Cove took the cutting board from his dad’s hands, scraping the vegetables into the bowl.
“Well, I think it’s a wonderful thing to celebrate. It’s a new stage in your life. Maybe now it’s pretty uneventful, but someday you’ll think that it really was as important as people made it out to be.”
Cove furrowed his brow, not getting any closer to an answer he could understand.
After dinner, Cove found himself at the beach, where he usually went. He wasn’t upset or angry or anything - he was mostly just confused. Nothing about it all made sense. I mean, sure, being an adult was great and all, but was celebrating it that big of a deal? 
And never mind the celebrating thing, what was so great about becoming an adult anyways? Cove felt like he’d been waiting for it his whole life - people kept telling him that becoming an adult was the greatest feeling in the world, like he’d feel freedom that he’d never feel before or something. But by the time he turned 18, he didn’t know what kind of feeling he was looking for. No one had actually bothered to tell him what that “special feeling” felt like, only that he’d know it when the time came. But how did they know? And how did they know that he knew?
Before he knew it, Cove was already waist-deep in the ocean water. He blinked in surprise, having realized that he never actually took off his clothes. It meant he’d have to walk into the house soaked.
Well, what else was new?
Figuring that he was already wet enough, he kept wading in the water.
Relating things to his interests were what kept him focused and interested. He sort of imagined the school like an ocean, kind of like the “school of fish” terminology. Everyone sort of blended in together into chunks of people around him, all functioning about the same. He felt like a different kind of fish compared to the rest, so it took a lot more out of him to blend in. He tried, he really did, but sometimes it felt like people could still point him out amongst the rest of the people. He didn’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.
He ducked underwater, feeling his whole body get engulfed in the water. The water felt cool on his skin, and he couldn’t feel his clothes being wet at all. It was satisfying. It felt nice. Cove opened his eyes then, pleasantly greeted with the view of the ocean. He didn’t swim too far out, but just enough that he could see small fish in the distance, swimming around without a care in the world. He imagined his classmates there, swimming in their chunks of synchronicity with a colorful fish like him at the center. Sure, it felt self centered to imagine himself as different, but from far back enough, they’d all look like the same fish.
A school of not-me’s, that’s what he called it. And dead center of that school of not-me’s was him. “Me”.
Of course, Cove was only human, so he had to come up to the air to breathe. He sighed, feeling the grains of sand that already had made their way into places they shouldn’t be, feeling his wet shirt stick to his skin. Obviously, now he had to go change. 
A voice in the distance reminded him of where he was, and as he turned he began to think that maybe he wasn’t entirely alone in that school of not-me’s. That there weren’t one, but two very colorful fish, keeping eachother company amongst the synchronized schools.
The one person who had stuck by him from the beginning was there too. The pop of color in his otherwise duller world, at least that’s who they were when he was 8. The buyer and gifter of those shoes, which served their purpose as a reasonable gift to give to an 18 year old. The second colorful fish. His other half.
The day was over. And amongst those “not-me’s” swam a colorful “me,” beautifully different and perfectly content with being 18 and colorful.
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mtfstuff · 3 years
Becoming Officer Bradley part 1
I was sitting alone in the room I'd rented for my special project. Some days ago I got pulled over and should have gotten a speeding ticket. Of course I did this intentionally. I looked out for the cop who was on oatrol that day and drove with 18mph over limit past him. He pulled me over and wanted to give me a speeding ticket. I excused myself that my child was sick and that I had to drive home fast. I gave him a card that he could get some free massages if he would let me go with a warning. Of course He didnt know that this was all a bait. He agreed.
Now waiting in this room I hoped that this hunk would enter. And he finally came.
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It already got dark outside but I saw how his police car drove onto the driveway. As he entered with big steps I remembered why I chose him. Standing about 6"4, he was intimidating with his muscular physique, big biceps, broad shoulders, big hands, muscular calves,...
He had this cheeky but nice grin no one could resist. As he entered he looked around.
"Looks like you have nothing to do.", he said. His deep baritone voice made me shiver.
"My last customer left an hour ago.", I lied.
He pulled the card out of one of his vest pockets.
"I want to redeem this.", he said.
He holds it into the air. I acted as if I didnt recognise it from the start.
"Oh yeah, of course.", I answered. I gestured towards a massage bench. "Which ones do you want?" I handed him a card with multiple kind of massages. He sat down on the bench and reads the card. He chuckled at one point, looked at me and then read further. I bet he read my feet massage.
He handed the card back and looked at me, again with his cheeky smile.
"You know, after such a long day of work, my feet are really tired. And after that I'll take a back massage.", he said quiet cocky.
"Good choices. Do you want anything else? Maybe something to drink?", I said.
He laid down onto the bench, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"I'll take a glass of water."
I went into a back room and mixed a sleeping pill into a glass of water and brought it to him. It would make the future process easier. He took and glass and a big sip out of it.
"Do you want me to straighten up the bench?", I asked. I hoped for a yes so he would see how I'd work on his feet until he was completely servant.
"Yeah, that'd be great.", he answered.
I pulled up the head part of the bench and sat down at his feet. They looked incredibly massive in those black combat boots. I could no other than letting out a gasp because of it. He chuckled.
"I know I have big feet.", he said. From this position he looked really nice. What a shame.
I took his left foot in my hand and searched for a zipper but it didnt have one so I untied his laces. It took some time as it was tied really tightly. As I finally managed to pull his first combat boot off by having one hand at the heel and one at the tip, his formerly tucked in pants fell onto his ankle. I wanted so bad to raise his boot to my noise but it had to wait as he was watching. I put it to the ground and as I turned to his ither boot I could finally smell his sweaty feet. It was a real turn on and I was happy that he couldnt see how my dick raised against my pants. I untied his second boot. This time I had to wiggle it a bit more to get it off. He finished his glass water and relaxed.
"Do you want me to keep your socks on?", I asked. I just wanted to see his bare feet.
"Ehh... keep 'em on.", he said. His face looked kind of confused.
"Alright. I always ask customers what they prefer.", I said. He nodded and leaned back again. I started to massage his left foot. I made sure to hit the spots to make him completely servant. He started to moan silently and closed his eyes. It looked like he enjoyed it. I finished his left foot and took on his right one. He must've liked it so much that he started to touch his dick beneath his good looking pants. Good, he's loaded there too. It showed that my technique started to work. As I finished I took both of his combat boots in my hands. Without opening his eyes he said:"If you're finished, you can put my boots back on."
"Well, there is this thing I always wanted to do.", I said.
He leaned forwards and opened his eyes. He looked incredibly tired. Another proof that it's working.
"What exactly do you want?", he asked not so nice anymore.
"It feels so wrong to bribe a cop.", I said holding a $50 bill. I made a pause. "I'd love to smell your boots and socks."
"Oh, you're one of those. I've heard of you guys. People who live to smell people's dirty feet.", he gestures to hand him the bill. I do so. "Go ahead. Knock yourself put.", he said, putting the bill away.
I raised his boot to my nose and took a deep breath. His smell overwhelmed me. Such a manly smell. I could imagine just by this smell what he did the whole day with his imposing, good looking body in this sexy uniform. I licked the inside of his boot and he didnt notice it. Next, I rolled up one of leg of his pants till I reached his knee. He wiggled his toes on the yellow tip of his sock. I ran my fingers down his leg until I reached the start of his black otc socks. I pulled it over his muscular calve to his feet and then off of it. I took a deep breath as he said:"Now put 'em back on."
"Well...", I pulled out another bill.
"Yeah?", he didnt seem to be turned off by me.
"Can I lick your sole?"
"Hmm... I'll do it for twice of that.", he pointed to the bill. I took out another and handed them over.
I let my tongue slide over his bare foot, from heel to his toes. I started to suck on each toe as his body started to twitch slightly. That was it. It was done.
I stood up, the young cop's eyes followed.
"Who are you?", I asked with my firmest voice.
"Police off... I-I'm your boy. Aiden Bradley.", the cop stammered.
"Good boy."
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I pulled off my shoes and put his combat boots on. They were way too big for me but it still felt great and got my blood pumping through my dick. I tucked my cargo pants in and tied the laces. I walked around the bench so I could stand behind him. I took his police badge and waved it in front of his face. "Looks like you wont need them anymore."
I started to take off his heavy vest by opening the velcro and the zipper beneath it. I pulled both of his muscular arms out of the vest and put it next to me on the ground.
I opened his heavy equipment belt and put it to the ground. I unzipped his pants to pull his shirt out of it. I started to unbutton it slowly, feeling his chest muscles beneath the tight fitting shirt. I pushed him forwards to pull it off of him. I grabbed him by his breast muscles and pulled himself back towards me. I walked around the bench again.
I started to peel off his other sock. Next I grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him towards me, his calves now hanging in the air. I grabbed his uniform pants und pulled them off of him. I pushed the crotch area against my face and took a deep breath. The sweet smell of cum and sweat filled my nose. I dropped them to admire that beefcake in front of me. Aiden Was just sitting there wearing nothing but a small jockstrap, smiling at me.
"Who's the boss now?", I asked with a devilish grin.
"You are.", he answered.
"Stand up boy."
He got off of the bench and stood in front of me. He was towering over me by at least 8 inches. Even though I was wearing his boots and he didnt. I ran my fingers over his sweaty abs until I reached his jockstrap. With a quick pull it was laying on his feet. He stepped out of it.
"Now be close to me and strip me off my clothes.", I ordered and he followed.
He turned me around and pressed his hips and dick against my back. I felt how it pulsated and pre-cum dripped against my shirt. He carefully unbuttoned it with his massive hands. Standing there I could smell his manly sweat.I turned my head to smell his armpits. He pulled my shirt off and opened my belt pants. He turned me around again. His dick now touched my flat and pale belly and mine grazes his inner thigh. Only now being so close to him, I realised how tan he was. It definitely complemented his abs.
He bowed down to lift at first my left and then my right feet to untie and pull off his old boots and my socks. After that he pulled off my pants. He looked surprised that I didnt wear something beneath as my dick popped out of it right in front of his head.
While I bet that his beautiful lips would give an amazing blowjob I pulled him up on his feet and pushed him onto the bench again.
"Spread your legs boy!", I ordered. He lifted his massive legs to reveal his hole. I couldnt believe I was losing my viriginity to this beefcake.
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mqnasluvr · 4 years
heya ! i heard you were new around here, could i request headcanons of enemies to lovers with kaeya and childe ? any pronouns are fine ! they’re so annoying i hate how i love them nevertheless,, thank you belladonna and take your time <3
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enemies to lovers | kaeya alberich
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pairings; kaeya x gn!reader
mentioned; jean
warnings; enemies to lovers but it’s pretty one sided, spoilers for kaeyas backstory, no beta we die like men, a lil bit of kaeya slander im sorry i had to, gn! reader
word count; 2k
a/n; where did kyquu go? :( i hope they at least see this.. i didnt finish childes part but i wanted to push this out as soon as possible. :(
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to put it simply, your relationship with kaeya was... tiring.
you had been close to kaeya and his younger brother for years, them being your closest and most trusted friends throughout part of your childhood and teenage years. but that all came to a halt when the former admitted to being a spy from khaenri'ah.
in no way or form did he expect for you two to forgive him— but actually seeing your broken and betrayed faces hurt him more than he thought it would, and the image still haunts him to this day.
you had separated yourself from the two brothers. although diluc didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t want to pick between them ( even though you really should’ve ). that decision was too hard for you to make.
for years, you stayed out of touch with kaeya as he continued to climb the ranks within the knights of favonius, and you followed, much to your dismay. you worked hard to become a knight, and you weren’t going to quit just because of some bad blood between you and your superior. ( props to you for maturity )
he wanted nothing more than to reconnect with you, and maybe even diluc— but that was wishful thinking. diluc ragnvindr was a stubborn, hardheaded man, and getting past that exterior would be no simple feat.
so, he opted for ( not so ) subtly courting you— giving you the occasional wave whenever he saw you walking through mondstadt, offering to help you train ( although you declined every time ), and other small things. you question why he chose to do this now of all times, after half a decade of not speaking to each other.
you weren’t sure how to feel, but it made you agitated. not seething with rage, but it did annoy you to see his lazy grin whenever he walked into the angels share and saw you sitting in the corner of the room. it annoyed you whenever he did that stupid two finger salute before walking off, and archons, did it annoy you when he patted your shoulder after sparring as if you were the best of buds.
then why did your thoughts never stray from him?
that question, you couldn’t answer.
and so, you resorted to treating him like he didn’t exist. it was rude, but you couldn’t really think of anything else. avoiding him like the plague was the one thing you were good at.
as if things couldn’t get any worse, one of your worst nightmares came to fruition.
“jean, please. why can’t i do this mission with you? why... him?” you were basically at the acting grand masters feet, head in your hands and pleading up at the woman. she felt bad, but there was nothing she could do.
“i’m really sorry y/n. but i’m too busy with other things, and kaeya happens to be available. you know an ordinary knight wouldnt be able to take this mission,” her guilt worsened when you looked up at her with ( fake ) tears in your eyes. she kneeled to your height.
“i don’t know of your history with kaeya, but please, just put it aside for this one mission. it shouldn’t take you very long.”
jean helped you stand to your feet, the frown etched into her face growing deeper when she saw your shoulders slump. “alright, fine..i’ll try-”
“jean! have you seen y/n— ah, there they are,” kaeya waltzed in without so much as a knocking, making you jump in surprise and shoot a glare at him. he flashed you a lazy grin.
“speak of the devil..” you muttered.
“are you ready to go? we don’t have much time.” the mission you were assigned was to gain intel on what the fatui were planning. to get said intel, you had to sneak into a gathering held by the fatui. the dresscode was rather expensive— more expensive than anything you owned— so to help you out, kaeya took the liberty of purchasing an outfit for you.
kaeya dropped it into your arms. “change into this. don’t want to show up to a party wearing uniform, do you?”
“thanks...” your face felt warm from embarrassment, but you did have to admit, that was considerate of him.
he laughed and waved his hand, shaking his head. “let’s get going, yeah?”
you finished getting ready with the help of jean. she sent you one last apologetic gaze before walking you out the door, waving at you both.
kaeya didnt even hide the fact that he was checking you out. his eyes raked over your attire, before sticking his arm out for you to hold. “my, my, you look quite impressive, y/n. is everything suited to your tastes?”
you huffed and walked past him. “the corset is too tight, and the shoes are too small.” you were only half lying— the corset was a bit uncomfortable to move in, but he got your shoe size down to a T. how? you didn’t really want to know.
“if that’s the case, i can loosen it for you-”
kaeya laughed it off, and you only grew more irritated. “come now, y/n. don’t be so stiff.”
“i am perfectly content with being stiff, thank you. now hurry up, i want to get this over with,” you muttered the last part.
you didn’t want to admit that you were struggling to take your eyes off of his attire. he was clad in a white suit with blue complimentary colors to match your own outfit.
you rolled your eyes. ‘of course he’d get us matching outfits.’
but, you didnt find yourself minding all too much.
the party looked like any other party— fatui agents littered all over the residence, along with guests in fancy clothing.
you tugged on your sleeve, feeling uncomfortable and out of place. but on the outside, yourself and kaeya blended in pretty well.
because kaeya was such a well known figure, he had to change up his looks a bit. no eyepatch, ( i know, so uncharacteristic ) and he used contacts to change his eye color to a darker shade.
he also put that disgusting rat tail away.
so he didn’t look completely different, but he looked different enough.
...the change was nice.
you couldnt help but feel watched though. but that was to be expected. even though you felt somewhat secure in this situation, anxiety rests for no one. it rested in the pit of your stomach dormantly, waiting for a moment to bloom.
looking around the ballroom, kaeya found people dancing in the middle. deciding that it was better to at least enjoy the party before leaving, he stood in front of you and held his hand out, bowing.
“may i have this dance?”
“who do you think i am-”
kaeya flashed you a cautious glance, head nodding towards a fatui agent who was keeping their eye on the two of you. holding back a sigh, you placed your hand in his. he grinned.
“thank you,” he said. you grunted quietly and held back a roll of your eyes as he dragged you to the middle of the dance floor.
“attention whore,” you muttered, feeling warmer as he placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you in closer.
“you wound me, y/n.”
“you deserve it. i wish i could slap you.”
he stayed quiet. maybe too far?
you shook your head. no. there was no way you we’re going to let yourself feel sorry for him when he was literally a spy.
but he feels honest enough.
sure, his intentions at first were.. questionable. but he’s changed for the better. kaeya has been in mondstadt for years now, and khaenri'ah fell ages ago. his love for mond shouldn’t be doubted for a second, even if he hides it quite well.
before you could look up and make sure your words didn’t hurt him too badly, he leaned down near your ear.
“we have to go.”
“i’ll explain later, but we have to go,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the crowd.
you didn’t notice, but several of the fatui agents were watching you. you didnt change your looks as much as he did, opting to use simple touch-ups to make yourself more presentable. but it wasn’t enough.
“hey!” one of that agents shouted, and kaeya turned his head back to see how close they were. like he suspected, they were following gou. they pushed through the people, even going as far as knocking one man over, just to catch up.
you hurried your steps along with kaeya, almost sprinting to keep up with him. his grip on your hand was firm though. you two dashed up the stairs onto the third floor of the residence, where the bedrooms were. offices, libraries, bedrooms— they were all there. kaeya picked a random one and shoved you both inside.
it was a red themed bedroom, the lights dim with papers scattered along the desk on the other side of the room. “it seems we’ve gotten lucky,” kaeya joked, skimming over the papers. they were letters, between the fatui and some unknown source. kaeya stashed them in his jacket.
you didn’t understand how he could joke at a time like this. you still arent in the clear and you could hear rapid footsteps coming upstairs. “kaeya—!”
“you know how you said you wanted to slap me?” he said while tucking the last bit of papers into his suit. he didnt even give you a chance to answer. “you can, after this.”
you were confused, but when he backed you up against the wall and pressed his lips to yours, that confusion turned into anger, then more confusion, then understanding.
sighing when you finally caught on, he pulled your body closer to his and you wrapped your arms sround his shoulders. he tugged and nipped on your bottom lip, and if you didnt know any better your knees would be knocking. he was almost too good at this.
suddenly, an agent— a female one, this time— barged in. “have you— hey! take that shit elsewhere, lovebirds!”
kaeya hid your face in his chest, grinning lazily at the woman. his lips were swollen and his eyes were lidded. the woman blushed.
clearing her thoat, she held up a picture of you. well, moreso the back of your head. “have you seen this individual?”
he stared at the woman, then glaced down at you. “..sorry. i’ve been busy, i haven’t seen anyone of the sort. wish i could help,” he shrugged, and the ladies blush worsened. “o-of course..” she muttered, before closing the door and locking it.
kaeya snorted at the irony. he looked back at you, who was still touching your lips with your fingers.
“was i that good?” he chuckled, and caught your hand when you moved to slap him. his laughter died down and he looks oddly serious.
“y/n, we need to talk..”
“...no we dont,” you turned your back to him. he put his hand on your shoulder.
“yes,” he sighed. “we do. i know you didnt want to do this with me-”
“-and really, i understand. but i’ve changed, and i know you’ve noticed. i dont want you to hate me forever-”
“and you can’t-”
“kaeya!” you nearly yelled. he finally stopped talking over you. “i don’t want to talk about this right now. can you just drop it?”
“then when?” he narrowed his eyes. he laughed humorlessly when there was no reply.
kaeya’s eyes softened the longer you stayed silent. he gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a hug. “...sorry.”
“could you please shut up,” you mumbled into his chest. he laughed softly.
“i know you’re wary right now. but all i ask for is a second chance,” he pulled away and hend your hands together in his. “...please.”
it was an odd sight, seeing him this vulnerable. then again, there was a good chance he was faking it to get on your good side but.. for some reason you found it hard to believe that. he looked truly sincere.
you groaned.
“you better not make me regret this.”
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kaz11283 · 3 years
46. “I’m in love…shit” with Loki. If you are still wanting requests. No pressure your stuff is amazing!
46) I'm In Love....Shit
I think I'm in Love
Summary: you and Loki spend some time together, later while talking to Thor in their mothers garden Loki comes to realize that he is absolutly in love with you.
Announcement: I havent been very with it these past few days and I feel like I have been slacking in a way. I have been so busy that by the time I finally get home and I am able to relax a pass out because I am so tired. I am trying to get better at this though and I am trykng ro work out a schedule for Fire and Ice maybe set a day of the week for that and just do requests durimg the rest of the week. I love you all and thank you so much for the love that you guys give me!!! 💚💚💚💚
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"Darling! It was absolutly hilarious." Loki laughted looking down at you.
"It was not and you know that very well Loki!" You said reaching up pulling a twig from your hair. You and Loki had decided to go out and ride since it was a pretty spring day and there was nothing else to do.
"Come here and let me help you." He pulled you to a stop so that he could help pull leaves and twigs from your hair. "You should have held on tighter." He smiled pulling the last of it from yojr hair.
"You should mot have slapped her tonmake her run off, Mr. Mischief." You said playfully smacking him on the arm.
"Watch yourself my dove." He warned stalking over to you.
"Oh what are you going to do about it Mr. Trickster?" You laughed pulling up you dress so you could take a few steps back. "This whole prowling thing doesnt intimidate me like it does your other fair maidens." You laughed loudly. He stopped and stared at you.
"My Lady y/n for you to think there are other besides you I would rather spend my time with." He placed a hand on his heart. "Why, you are absolutly right." He took off after you while you squealed with delight and ran away.
You ran from him up one of the paths that lead between the orchard and the castle walls. There were hidding spots all through there were the two of you use to hid when you were younger, the tall bushes being the perfect hidding spot to keep out of view from him. As you two chased and played you didnt realize there were two others observing.
Thor and Frigga warches from the balcony of her quarters as the sounds of screaming and laughing rose to them.
"How long do you think it will take for them to realize how in love they truly are?" Thor turned to his mother.
"Son, they have been doing this same song and dance now since before they were teenagers. Sometimes it takes a while for somethingblike that to become obvious." She answered leaning onto the rail.
"It is very obvious to others." Thor was happy that Loki had you but he knew that his brother wanted more he could tell by the way his eyes would light up when you were around.
"Though it is obvious to us it may not be as obvious to them. They are simply best friends that spend every hour of every day together." She sighed. She had taken you in and had let you start training with the other ladies working on how to be a princess.
"I dont understand allmother why I should start these. I am not fit to be a princess." You stated after your first class.
"But one day you will be. You may even rule over the kingdom." She said with a knowing smile.
"Thor, call for your brother please, it is time to start preparing for the banquet tonight." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave a final look down to the garden where you and Loki where laughing loudly after he had caught you.
"Yes mother." Thor walked off.
"Loki! Mother wanted to let you know its time to start gettkng ready for tonight." Thor yelled through the garden trying to find the two of you.
"Ah, Lady Y/N, will You be joining the festivities tonight?" Thor bowed to you.
"Yes, I do hope you save a dance for me, will you Thor?" I asked smiling up at the blonde prince.
"As long as Loki doesn't stab me for it, I would love nothing more Lady Y/n." He took your hand and kissed the top of it.
"I shall see you both later." You curtsied and walked away.
"Brother," Thor smiled placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Does my eyes deceive me or could you possibly have a crush on Lady y/n?"
Loki moaned looking at Thor. "For the thousandth time, I do not have a crush on her. She is my best friend, someone I can talk to. Vent to when everything in the castle is just to much."
"Then I guess it would not bother you to bad to know that Fandral has asked if she would be attending tonight." This caused Loki to stumble slightly. "Said that if she wasnt escourted by anyone he could possibly have a chance to 'get to know her tonight'."
"Y/n wouldnt give that oaf the time of day much less attend anything with him. She has more class than that i dare say." Loki rolled his eyes.
"Well he hasnt asked her yet. Saod he figured he would wait till tonight and just meet her there. Said he couldnt wait to see just how pretty she looked." Thor gave Loki a sode ways glance and smirked.
"She can do so much better than him. She has better taste in book, though I doubt that he can even read," he tutted, "more grace, she is a wonderful listener, and he cant even dance that well." Loki stopped in front of his chamber doors.
"Loki, is that jealousy that i am sensing from you?" Thor raised an eye brow.
"By Norns, no Thor. It is not. I simply worry that she will be stuck with him the rest of the night and not be able to get away from him." He opened his door and walked inside his room. His heart was pounding, he did feel jealous. He was jealous that the time he would normally be spending with you would be spent with someone else. The only smart thing for him to do was to get ready and meet you.at your quarters so that he could escort you there and keep Fandral away from you. Of course time wouldnt work in his favor that night.
When you had arrived at your chambers you noticed a box with a note on top of it with Thors messy handwriting.
Lady y/n, I decided to take the liberty and pick out a simple dress for you for tonight. Though I realize that you must already have one but when I had seen this one I knew that i had to get it for you. I know the one you chose must be just as beautiful as you are i would greatfully appreciate it if youncould wear this one.
You rolled your eyes at thw thought of Thor picking out a dress for you, red and gold, he is by no means quarting you butnhe would do that type of thing just to get under Loki s skin.
When you opened the box the first thing you noticed was a beautiful golden chain that you assumed would go around your head, with an emerald that would sit lightly between your eyes. You removed more of the paper and noticed the dark green hues from the dress, when you pulled it from the box you noticed that the skirt hit midthight and the sleeves had cuts in them the material hanging from your shoulders to the ground. Next to the box was yet another note feom Thor.
Just go with it and lets see how you like it, the matching shoes are shoved under your bed. Dont worry thank me later by dancing with me.
You could see his face in your mind, picture him winking at you. You would surly kill him for this, or at least step on his feet.
After you finished pulling your hair half up and half down with a few braids falling from the side and finished your makeup you took a deep breath and stepped out of the door. You didnt understand why you were nervous but you were, its wasnt like you had never wore green before but this time it was different, this time there was nothing but green. It looked as if you were trying to say something.
You had always liked Loki, you has been friends since you were kids. Loki was your best friend, he was kind, caring, giving, compassionate in things that he truly cared about. You could talk to him about anything and he would listen, what you loved more than anything isnthat when he was with you all of his guards were down, you were the only one that got to see that side of him. You knew in your head though that he would see it as a compliment from his best friend as he sanced the night away with numerous other girls vying for his attention.
"You look....lovely?" Fendrel glanced at you as you walked into the dinning hall. "Might I be lucky to have a dance before you are snagged away by one of the princes?"
"Of course you may." You smiled holding your hand out to him. "You have always been a good lead Fandrel."
He took you spinning you onto the dance floor were some couples parted to make room for the two of you. He placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you closer to him. "You are quite a beautiful woman Lady Y/n, any man is lucky to be able to spin you around the floor." You blushed looking away from him, as you scaned the room you noticed Thor and Loki quietly talking to themselves. Loki looked handsome in his royal outfit, black and gold elegantly intertwining woth each other causing the emerald green to pop and to being ojt his eyes.
"Honestly brother, if she had planned on coming with him why did she have to wear my color? She knows by now what that stated." Loki rolled his eyes looking back to you and Fandral twirling around the dance floor.
"Maybe she didnt think much about it. You do realize that it is simply a color? There are many others here wearing it also." Thor said grabbing two glasses of wine and handing one to Loki.
"You truly are an idiot if you that she just so happened to pick out something like that, that just so happened to be my color. She wanted to make a statement." He handed his glass back to Thor and walked down the few steps leading to where you were dancing not noticing the small smile on Thors face.
"You know you are just as mischievous as your brother." Frigga came to stand beside him causing him to jump.
"Mother, I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Of course you dont son, just be careful, you could possibly be playong with fire on this one. Once they find out it was you setting this all up there no telling what they might do." Thors face dropped at the thought of the two of you teaming up aginst him.
ANNOUNCEMENT: OK Annon, I havent put the "I think I'm in love" prompt in this one because in all honesty this one I got carried away on and it was getting so long! I am making a part 2 and will add the link in once I am finished with it, i may actually have time today or tonight to start on it. Thank you so so much for the request and I love that it actually took me away and I didnt even realize how much I had wrote until I looked at it this morning! Keep an eye out for part 2 coming soon!!!
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Gaslighting - read on ao3
Tagging: @snowstark @someonepostedart @thegreenmetblue @sinditia @just-things-things @andacheesyoneliner @lokitonypeter @bluestarker @lilcoffeecup @useless-fanfictions-for-mcu @tnpt
Peter isn't spiderman in this fic, but Tony is Ironman.
"Tony?" Peter calls, walking down the stairs and into the lab.
"Yes, baby?" Tony answers, lifting his head up from his project to smile at the boy.
"Dinner's ready," he said softly. "I tried to call you earlier but you must've been busy."
Tony steps away from the work bench and pulls Peter towards the stairs again when he saw the curious glint in the boy's eyes.
"I was, I'm sorry, baby. What are we having?"
Peter's Bambi brown eyes flicker up to Tony's, the question momentarily side tracking him from voicing his questions on what Tony was working on.
Peter wouldn't approve, Tony knew. Best to keep him out of it for as long as possible.
"Uh, chicken alfredo, with broccoli and garlic bread," Peter said, leaning into Tony as they both took the stairs up to the main floor.
"Sounds wonderful," Tony smirked, pressing a kiss to Peter's temple before sitting him, then himself at the already set table.
"What are you working on?" Peter asked, padding over on bare feet. A yawn pulls his mouth open as he rubs at his half lidded eyes.
"Nothing important, baby," Tony hums, closing the lid on the small sample.
"If it wasn't important you'd be in bed with me," Peter pouted. Tony chuckles and steps over to him, making sure -again- that Peter won't get too close.
"You're right," Tony nodded, wrapping his arms around the younger man and kissing his pouty lips. "Lets go to bed, hmm?"
Peter nods sleepily and allows Tony to walk him back up the stairs.
He waits until Peter's fast asleep before returning to the lab. Hes so close to finishing, he can get it done tonight if he focuses.
"Tony, please, harder," Peter cries, back arching, exposing his neck. Tony snaps his hips in harder, giving the boy just what he's wanted.
Ever since the test, Tony's gotten more energy. He's gotten stronger. Its made their sex all the better.
His next round of shots is in a day. He can feel his whole body changing on a molecular level.
He's more connected with the endo-sym than he ever thought possible.
Peter cums on a wail, and Tony's not far behind, burying himself to the hilt as he fills Peter up.
The two lay beside each other, panting and sweaty.
"What happened to your eyes?" Peter asked softly, turning his head to look at Tony.
"What do you mean, baby?"
"They, flashed," Peter tried, stilted with an effort to find the right word. "I swear for a second they turned blue."
Tony lets out a huff of laughter, turning his head to look back at the boy.
"Must've been a trick of the light," he mused, pulling Peter close, even as the younger scowled in confusion.
"Are you sure?" He asked, lithe form pressed against Tony's more athletic build. If Tony wanted to, he was sure he'd be able to snap the boy in half with his bare hands.
Instead, he nuzzled against Peter's jaw, kissing his skin.
"I've never seen the light do that before."
"Theres nothing wrong with my eyes, baby."
"What is that?" Peter asked, eyes wide. Tony glances up, inwardly cursing. He didnt realize the boy had made his way down into the lab.
"Its something new," Tony said, deciding it best not to avoid it any longer. The boy was already getting too curious. If Tony didn't give him something, Peter would either leave, or find out for himself.
Tony reaches for Peter and the boy walks into his hold, letting Tony pull him in close and wrap his arms around him.
"Its called endo-sym," Tony hummed. "Its an armor."
"For the ironman?" Peter asked, brown eyes shining with the shifting reflective silver.
Its in a small chamber, vacuum sealed shut so it doesn't get out. Tony's got a problem linking with it still, and doesn't want so many months of hard work going down the drain if the thing decides to leave.
"For something better," Tony said softly. Peter frowned and glanced up at him, pouting slightly.
"What is it?" He asked. "What does it do?"
The endo-sym jumps at the rim of the chamber before falling back down like the waves of a storm. Angry and restless.
"It works like the nanotech from my last suit," Tony lied. "This is just- a smoother version."
"It looks alive," Peter said softly, leaning closer to see through the clear lid. The endo-sym jumped up, sensing a human close by, and Peter jumped back, right into Tony's chest.
"Its not," Tony lied. Peter doesn't look like he believes him, but Tony's not worried about it. He just needs the boy ignorant for a little while longer.
Tony's expecting the boy to freak out. Expecting it and already ready to explain. The endo-sym is nearly finished. The last injection of Extremis taken the night before, and Tony's eyes are bright blue.
Theres no hiding them from the boy. He wakes up first and makes his way down to the kitchen, making coffee and heating up some leftovers for breakfast.
Peter pads into the room a short time after Tony's second cup of coffee, wearing his tshirt and nothing else, curls a mess on top of his head.
"Good morning," Tony hummed. Peter's too sleepy to pick up on the change as he accepts Tony's coffee.
He barely looks at Tony as he brings the half mug of coffee to his lips and takes a sip.
Tony leans against the counter, waiting for the inevitable. It happens when Peter lowers his mug and finally looks up at him.
He gasped, eyes widening and promptly dropped the mug of coffee.
Neither of them were fast enough to catch it and it shatters on the tile floor, spilling the still hot coffee over his bare feet.
"Tony!" He exclaims. Tony steps towards the boy, glass cracking under his shoes, and he quickly lifts Peter off his feet by his underarms.
"Stay here," Tony orders after setting the boy onto the counter.
"Tony, your eyes are blue!" Peter exclaimed, as Tony crouched down to pick up the glass from the floor.
"They're contacts," Tony hummed, dropping a handful into the trash can before picking up the smaller pieces.
"Those aren't contacts," Peter scoffed. "How did this happen- what caused it-"
"Stay," Tony ordered, glaring up at the boy when Peter moved to jump down again.
The blue eyes really must be shocking, because Peter stills, eyes still wide and breath hitching.
"Tony, please," he says softly, tears beginning to well in those pretty brown eyes. "You have to tell me."
Tony doesn't say anything, just dumps another palmful of glass into the trash before standing and grabbing the paper towel.
"Please," Peter continued, voice wavering. "You've been lying to me for months. You- you're hiding things from me and- and I can't-"
A wet sob cuts Peter off, and Tony looks up from soaking up the coffee spill to see the boy with his hands over his eyes, scrubbing away the flow of tears as he tries to calm himself down.
Tony sighs and stands up, stepping between Peter's knees and grabbing his chin.
He tilts it up, forcing Peter to uncover his face, which is growing splotchy with his tears. His breath hitches on his inhales, and Tony leans in to kiss him softly on pouty lips.
"Do you trust me, baby?" Tony asked, making sure Peter looks him in the eyes.
The boy sniffles and nods, lower lip trembling and body sagging towards the older.
"Then trust that me keeping things from you does not lessen my love for you," Tony said.
"No buts," Tony interrupted, wiping the tears from the boy's cheeks. "You don't need to know everything I do, sweetheart. You'll know when I want you to know."
And with that, he crouches down again and continues to soak up the last of the coffee spill.
Above him, Peter continues to cry, face hidden in his arms to muffle the tears and sniffles. He doesn't move though, which is all Tony cares about.
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loousir · 3 years
[Merman] Music Keeps me Sane
Merman x Musician Male Reader
Warnings: Some slightly angsty parts, mention of losing a loved one, comforted by a merbabe
The morning breeze blew gently across the shore as the waves softly crashed against the rocks and sand. A man with (H/c) hair sat on top of a pile of rocks that acted as a pier of sorts. He held an old violin, very clearly well loved.
He stood up, violin and bow in hand and started playing.
It was a short yet well done song, ending with him dropping his arms to hold the bow and violin by his side. A burst of emotion can over him as he threw both the violin and its bow into the ocean. Tears brimmed his eyes as he watched the waves carry it some way before sinking.
He sat down again and pulled his knees to his chest, resting his chin on them as he looked out over the ocean. He sat there for a while just staring until he decided to move elsewhere. The soft fog dimmed out the sun, casting a nice light over the shore.
After a short walk he arrived at a small cove that had a watery path to a pretty sizable cave. He hopped along the rocks that made a natural path and went to the back of the cave. There was some chairs and a small table set up along with an old ice chest.
He walked over to the chairs leaning against the wall and grabbed one, opening it and setting it on the mini shore. He took his socks and shoes off, rolled up his pant legs and sat down in the chair. A sigh left his lips as he leaned back and closed his eyes, feeling the cold water hit his ankles.
Maybe 30 or so minutes had passed before he opened his eyes again after being totally lost in his head. He looked up and around the black sand and gravel before seeing the violin he threw earlier. His brows furrowed as he looked around, not seeing anyone.
He stood from the folding chair and walked over to it, picking it up. The violin was waterlogged and totally unplayable. He flipped it over and water poured out along with a small crab and some sand.
Deciding it's for the better, he walked out of the cave and threw it again before walking back in. This time he saw the bow laying near where the violin has previously laid. You sighed before becoming confused.
"How the fuck..."
Before he could go grab the bow and throw it back he noticed the relatively calm water had shifted. He quickly hid behind a rock and waited to see what earthly, or unearthly, force was returning his old violin to him.
A head of deep blue, almost black hair popped up from the water holding the violin. They had pale skin and soft freckles that littered their cheeks. Their bright blue eyes scanned the area as they pulled themselves onto the shore showing a deep blue tail.
--2nd Person P.O.V.--
Your eyes widened as you looked on at the mer-person. You couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl since they were wearing some type of top that hid their chest from view. You carefully came out from your hiding spot and started to walk over. You must have made too much noise because they turned around to look at you, shocked.
There were already almost fully underwater when you called out. "W-wait! Please hold on a moment!" You said running over to the water.
They were gone.
You sat down where they sat, right next to the violin bow. Hesitating for a moment, you picked up the bow and played with one of the strings that had broke loose. Your vision became blurred with tears and a few even dripped down on the back of your hands. You almost instinctively wiped your eyes, not noticing that someone had been watching you.
The waves gently washed against your feet, making you look to them, your hands going back down to hold onto the bow. You looked up when you heard footsteps approach you. There was a man holding a familiar object to you in his hand and when you looked up to his face you recognized it.
Neither of you said anything as he walked over to you and sat next to you. He placed the violin between the two of you and let his feet touch the water.
"Why did you bring it back to me..."
You asked, not daring to look up to him. He didnt respond for a moment but when he did, it was another question. "Why did you throw it into the ocean?" You pulled your knees to your chest again and hid in them, trembling slightly.
"H-hey are you ok?" He asked, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. You jumped slightly but just kept to yourself. "Sorry... I um... Dont know what to say..." He said retracting his hand. There was silence again for a moment but it broke when the man spoke.
"I've listened to you every morning you play, y'know. So, when I saw you just throw it away like that I got worried..."
You hesitantly looked up to the other before looking away and out to the ocean. "Sorry if I bothered you..." He quickly shook his head, "No no! I love listening to you play! Its... Its beautiful." You bit your lip as tears started to well up again.
"Can I ask why you threw it or... Is it a bit much right now?" You just shook your head and sighed. "Its fine. It's probably easier for me to get it off my chest to a stranger anyway."
"Then I'll hold off on the introduction." He said with a smile looking over to you. You looked up to his eyes before looking away again. "Hey, uh, can I hug you? I know that's probably a weird and sudden question but-" You didnt care, you really needed a hug right now. You hugged the man and he hugged back.
Have you ever had one of those hugs that has that, feeling, y'know? That one that you've only experienced once in your life but it just feels so nice and you're always wondering when it'll happen again? Yeah. This is one of those hugs.
He gently rubbed your back and you started to shake again, tears coming back to your eyes for the umpteenth time today. He smelled like the ocean but it was almost comforting. "I'm s-sorry..." You mumbled, it was slightly muffled by that fact your face was buried in his shoulder. He rest his head on your shoulder and kept rubbing your back.
"Its ok. You have nothing to be sorry about." You kept hugging him before speaking softly. "Someone close, they passed away... R-recently... And I u-used to play-y-y..." You couldnt finish cause another wave of tears came on. He just hugged and rubbed your back gently. "Its ok, I know what you're trying to say."
He pulled away and looked down to you, cupping your face and wiping some tears away with his thumbs. "I'm sure that they wouldn't have wanted you to stop playing even though they're gone. It's more of..." He paused for a moment and glanced away. "Playing in memory of them."
You looked down to your feet and gently grabbed on of his hands. "I-I guess I didnt think of it that way..." He moved to lock his fingers with yours which made you look up again. "Its ok. You just think about the negative with how it hurts to remember. But forgetting is worse... That's just my opinion but..."
"No, you're right. I was so concerned with trying to forget the pain I... Didnt think about anything else."
He smiled which made you smile. "Would you like your violin back? Or can I take it as a keep sake?" You laughed softly. "Its ruined now anyway. Do what you will with it."
"Well, now that that's over, I'm Marlow. And I'm sure you already know by now but I'm a merman."
"(Y/N). I'm glad you're here Marlow." He tilts his head slightly. "Why wouldn't I be? I care about you even if you just learned of my existence." He said with a soft laugh and blush as he pulled his hands away. "Let's head back to your place? Maybe help take your mind off things more." Marlow spoke softly as he stood the two of you up.
"C'mon, let's go."
----- 1465 Not very proof read (Some parts may not fully make sense lol)
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Caught Kissing Mrs. Claus
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Picture found on Pinterest
Hope you all enjoy
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder
"Thank you again for dressing up as Santa, honey. You dont know what it means to these kids". You kissed Kevin's lips in your Mrs. Claus outfit, Kevin was going back to work after he gave out presents to the awaiting kids.
"No problem. I'm glad I could help. Every kid should get a present on Christmas". Kevin kissed you again.
A crack through the door spied little eyes of a little boy who's father was kissing not his mother but Mrs. Claus. He gasped and ran to tell the land of his tell of daddy kissing Mrs. Claus.
"You get dressed and I'll go get everything ready for your entrance". You told Kevin as you grabbed the basket of candy canes from the table.
"See you out there". Kevin began to undress and slipped into his Santa outfit. He practiced his jolly laugh and made his fake belly shake with joy. It was time to go see the children.
"Merry Christmas". Kevin sung as he made his way to the stage. You stood by him with candy canes and Adam the little elf helped the children get in line for their present and picture.
It wasn't Adam's idea to dress as a elf in tight green tights and red pointed shoes with bells with big pointed ears. It was Kevin's and he enjoyed every minute of it.
Jay helped out as well but he tried refusing to wear the green  tights and shoes but he was forced by Voight. Voight was originally asked to play a elf but he wanted to bring his grandson instead so he made Jay do it. There were pictures they'll be forced to live with forever.
"Its your turn little buddy". Adam's squeaky voice made everyone laugh. Gave Kevin the jiggle for his tummy.
"What do you want for Christmas"? Kevin asked the shy little blond headed boy who was sitting on his lap holding his candy cane for dear life.
"A truck". He whispered.
"A truck? Hmmm. I think I can do that". Kevin searched with chuckle through his big red bag of toys and pulled out a big present, handing it to the boy.
"Thanks, Santa". The boy squealed with joy as he opened it up and saw it was a blue truck with working  lights.
"You're quite welcome. You be good for your parents and do good in school. I'll see you next year". Kevin told him as the boy gave him a hug.
"I will, I promise". The boy replied as he got down off of Kevin's lap.
The building was packed with kids and their parents. Thankfully the toy drive was a bigger success than you thought it would be. Every child got a toy, a picture with Santa and a lunch to take with them. The family's got a Christmas dinner to take with them and everyone was happy and excited for Christmas.
"Aw, it's our little boys turn". You squeezed Kevin's shoulder as your son walked up to Santa. He volunteered to help out as well but he did ask to talk to Santa at the last minute which you thought was the cutest thing.
"Ho ho ho. What do you want for Christmas, young man"?
Your son looked down at his feet and spoke. "I want my daddy to stop kissing Mrs. Claus".
Kevin wanted to laugh but he kept it in. "What do you ever mean"?
"I went to tell my mom that the kids were arriving and I saw my daddy kissing your wife. My mom is going to be so upset and then they'll get a divorce". He spoke so sadly. Your heart was breaking.
"Have you told anyone about this"?
"Yeah, my uncles. They said they'll have a talk with my daddy but I just want everything to go back to before I saw him hurt my mom".
"Okay. How about this, I'll talk to your dad and we'll figure everything out. I'm definitely going to have a talk with my wife about kissing other people's husbands. She'll be on reindeer duties until next year". Kevin chuckled.
"Thanks Santa. I'm sorry about Mrs. Claus".
"That's okay. We'll figure everything out. Just you see".
Your son hugged Santa and went on his way. Kevin looked up at you and tears in both of your eyes.
After the toy drive and everything settled down you asked Adam to bring your son in back so Kevin and you could talk to him.
"Santa? Mrs. Claus? What are you two still doing here"? Your son asked as he came in.
"Come sit down. We need to talk to you". Kevin patted the seat beside him.
"Son, what you saw was not real. Your mom is Mrs. Claus and I'm helping Santa out". Kevin explained, while taking off the outfit. You doing the same.
"You're not the real Santa and you're not the real Mrs. Claus"?
"No, sweetie. We're just helping out. Santa has a lot of children to look after and he gave your dad the honor of helping out. He knew your dad was a police officer and a trusting and good man so he asked him to take his place for just today. To give the kids something to look forward too".
"Oh". Your son because shy and bashful.
"So I was just kissing your mom. Not Mrs. Claus. And don't tell the kids that I was Santa. Don't want to ruin their holiday. Okay"?
"Okay, dad. I'm sorry I caused a problem".
"No. No. I'm glad you're looking out for us. We appreciate it. But nothing will ever come between us and taking care of you. Nothing".
"Alright. Can I go back out there"?
"Yeah. Go ahead". You kissed your sons head.
"Wow. That's something". Kevin chuckled.
"That was one thing that never crossed my mind that would happen today. I thought Adam and Jay would get into a elf fight or something but not this. My husband cheating on me with Mrs. Claus. How rude". You giggled.
"What can I say, Mrs. Claus is looking very lovely today". Kevin playfully growled, grabbing your hips, pulling you closer to him.
"Stop that. You old goof. You'll get us in trouble". You giggled playfully slapping his chest.
"You're right. I'll just have to wait to unwrap my gift tonight". He kissed your red hot cheek.
"Kevin". You gasped, with a blush.
"Wait, you're not Santa"? You both turned your heads to the door where the little Adam elf stood with a pout.
"Great. Adam wait". Kevin said as Adam ran off.
"This is it. No more Santa for me". Kevin grumbled as he went after Adam to tell him the truth well sort of.
You snickered as you got undress. You didnt think that dressing up would cause such a problem.
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aubreyprc · 3 years
In My Veins Final 2
part one part two part three part four part five(happy) 
Find the first half of this here
Again... very sorry. also i know i said tomorrow but... oh well lol😀✋
once again, tagging those who have read from the start, yall really🥰😎 hell yeah besties @hotchnisscardigan @florenceremingtonthethird @olivinesea @eprcntiss @jetaime-jespere @petit97
another big shoutout of course to @suckerforhotchniss. this was all her idea and actually if you’re going to come for anyone come for her okay?:)
TW! for/ mentions of depression, drugs, death and suicide. please read with caution if these things could trigger you, but they are only mentions. nothing graphic.
They bury her on a warm day in the fall. Jack stands in front of his father, the man’s hands over his shoulder as she’s lowered down. There are tears down his face but Hotch remains standing straight, holding back his emotions, watching with a broken heart as she lowered to the ground for the second, but final time.
JJ grips Will’s hand tightly as she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, Garcia then loops her hand in hers and the woman faces her and nods, before turning back.
Penelope has tears streaming down her face as she watches, she looks over to the Hotchner’s and just wishes there was something she could do for them, but the only thing they want is her back and that is something she just can not do, no matter how much she wishes she could. She wants to hug Hotch and tell him it’s okay, that she forgives him but she can’t. All she can think about is the fact that her friend died and he didnt let her say goodbye. Again.
Spencer is standing a few feet away from her, staring at the casket being lowered into the ground as he holds his breath. He can feel Morgan inches from him and all he wants is to reach out and grab his hand but he doesn't know if he can. Ever since Emily died they’ve been… different. Spencer knows that Morgan blames him and he accepts that. It’s his fault anyway.
As the casket lowers into the ground, Hotch feels the grief for two, because along side Emily in that casket is their baby, their baby that will never be. The baby they will never hold, or name or watch grow up. He will never tell anyone about them. They don’t deserve the right, simply due to the fact that she never knew. Emily will never, ever know that they had created a life together before hers was taken, alongside theirs.
As the casket reaches the bottom with a small thud, as he and jack place some mud into the grave, along with some flowers, as he watches his team do the same, he can’t help but feel like his future is buried right there with her, and he doesn't see a way through it.
One month after Emily dies, he goes back to work. Jack’s started sleeping through the night again and there are no more nightmares.
Every Sunday night it’s no longer one candle the young boy lights, it’s two. Haley and Emily.
He and Aaron will sit on the floor in the living room, place the candles on the table and Jack tells them both about his week, about school, he’ll tell them he still misses them everyday and that he is still so sad but that he’s going to be strong for them. He tells them he loves them and he looks to his Dad, who will then do the same.
He’ll share a funny, but PG story about something one of the team did at work for Emily and then a funny story about Jack or Jessica for Haley. He’ll tell them he misses and loves them and Jack will blow the candles out and smile at the smoke.
Jack will go to bed then and like every other night previously, Aaron will sit on the couch, grab Emily’s jumper he keeps under it, bring it too his face and he will cry for her. For their baby. For them.
Everything in the apartment reminded him of her. Her smell still lingered in their bed, her shampoo and body wash remained exactly where she had left them, her clothes remained in his draws, unmoved. The coat she'd left still hung up next to his, her shoes still on the stand.
He knows JJ and Penelope had cleaned out her apartment weeks ago because they’d handed Dave the clothes he had scattered around there and with a sad look in his eyes, he gave them back to him.
Those clothes remained in the laundry room of his apartment. He won’t wash them. He won’t wear them again.
The mug she had drank out of the morning they had left for North Carolina still stood unwashed and untouched in his sink. Her lipstick still on the rim of the mug and he remembers the way she had smiled at him from under it as he spoke to her that morning. The way she chuckled lightly when he winked at her before trying to get Jack ready for school.
He remembers that he’d kissed her quickly before he left like he would do it for the rest of his life. He remembers it all. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget. He doesn’t want too.
Two months after Emily dies Hotch is no better. His smiles, however rare they were in the first place, are now non existent. The team brings up depression and they talk about how he should see someone about his grief but he pushes them away with a single “I'm fine” and ends the conversation.
Jack struggles to bring his father out of his grief, he spends most of his time with Jessica, but every now and then Aaron will take his son to the park, or to the beach and they will smile, they will laugh and everything would feel like it was before.
Sometimes Jack can hear his father crying, so he jumps from his bed and walks into his bedroom, jumping onto the bed and laying next to him. Hotch will take a breath and hold back the remainder of his tears and Jack will lean over to wipe them.
“You did this for me when I was having my nightmares,” He whispers to him when he wipes a tear from his face and Aaron chuckles.
“Thank you, buddy.” He whispers back and the boy smiles.
Aaron’s grief consumes him. It’s overwhelming the way he loves her and it’s overbearing the way he misses her. Grief is all he feels. Grief, heartbreak, loss, emptiness and anger.
He wants to get over this for the sake of his son and he tries but he just can’t. It’s overtaken him and he can not get out of the pit the loss of her has put him in. He feels like he can’t even breathe without her. Everything feels harder than it should and he just can’t do it. He’s trying for Jack but it’s starting to eat him alive, the guilt, the loss, the memories, everything.
It’s a Thursday night as he stares at the bottom of an empty bottle with tears running down his face, a picture of him and Emily in his hands that he becomes haunted by the thought that his own son might not even be enough to get him through this.
Three months after Emily Prentiss died a man named Peter Lewis enters his life and from the moment the killer sets eyes on Agent Hotchner he knows that’s the one whose mind he can break easily. That’s the one who he can snap in half. With a grim smile he watches, and plans his attack.
Three weeks and two days later Aaron Hotchner is walking from the parking lot towards his car when there is a sharp needle in his neck and a voice behind him. He’s falling to the floor slowly as his mind clouds over and all he can think about is that the whole thing is sort of...peaceful.
Peter Lewis places the mask over Hotch’s mouth and let’s the drugs do their job, leaning over him and whispering..
“When you wake up.. Your precious son will be dead, you watched me kill him before I brought you here.” He smiles to himself, “You will see the person you love the most and when they hand you the gun.. you’ll know what you have to do.”
What he thinks will happen is he will see Jack’s mother, he thinks she will tell him to kill his team when they walk through the doors and that he’ll do it, before his brain snaps like everyone else’s and he’ll become Mr Scratch, leaving Peter Lewis to roam free.
What he doesn’t expect is for Aaron Hotchner to be depressed and in love with a dead woman named Emily Prentiss. What he doesn’t expect is for the man to be suicidal, the grief of losing the woman he loves and their baby almost too much for him to handle.
What he doesn’t is expect that his son was the last thing keeping him holding on.
He doesn’t expect a lot of things that he should have.
Aaron wakes with a gasp and looks around the room. He sits up and feels for his gun to find himself without it.
Looking around again he notices that he’s in a house he does not recognise and doesn’t know how he got to. He feels a slight twinge in his neck and it jolts something inside of his mind. He sees flashes of a man breaking into his house, he can hear his son screaming for him and he… he remembers fighting a man who was going after his little boy. He closes his eyes as he tries to force himself to remember more when there’s a loud sound from another room. He stands up and walks towards it, only to freeze when he’s met with the man he sees in his flashes.
“Where is my son?” Aaron asks the man, who laughs in response.
“You don’t remember?” He asks, “Think.” He tells him, and Hotch looks around his unfamiliar surroundings again.
“What have you done with him?” Aaron asks, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
“You really don’t remember?” Peter Lewis questions and he steps towards him. Hotch watches every move the man takes but he won’t step back. Not until he finds his son. “He’s dead Agent Hotchner.” He smiles and Aaron didn’t think he could ever, ever, feel anymore pain but he was wrong. Those words slash through him like a knife. He steps backwards and takes a breath, shaking his head and looking around the room.
“You were there, remember?” Peter Lewis pushes, Hotch looks around. “A bullet.. right between his eyes. You watched…” As he hears the words Hotch’s mind starts to piece it together and… he can see his son lay on the floor, his eyes open, staring blankly at him and he remembers trying to get to him before being pulled under by whatever was put into his neck.
“You.. you killed my son?” Hotch asks, tears running down his face.
Peter Lewis just smiles before walking off slowly and Hotch wants to go after him but he can’t. His mind is foggy and it’s putting pieces together, sending him dizzy. He hits the floor with a thud as his mind clouds over once again.  
The team realise he’s missing an hour and a half after he left that night after a call from Jessica to Rossi, asking if Hotch had left yet because Jack can’t sleep unless Aaron puts him to bed.
The CCTV footage from the parking garage tells them all they need to know and they’re working immediately.
“This is bad, Rossi.” Morgan tells them as they stare at the board, “The man’s mind is already…” He pauses, “Whatever happens to him, whatever Peter Lewis does to him.. I don’t see him coming back from it. He still hasn’t come back from losing Emily.”
Aaron comes to again a few moments later and with a foggy mind, dizzy and confused he sits up and stands. In his mind all he can see is Peter Lewis in his apartment, Peter Lewis holding a gun up to his screaming little boy and firing. He can see Jack staring blankly at him before he sees nothing.
His phone rings then and he frowns in confusion about how he still has it.
“Answer it,” He hears Peter Lewis say from somewhere.
“Hello?” He says down the phone, looking around the room he’s in.
“Aaron?” The voice says and Aaron stops, “It’s Dave.”
“Dave?” He questions, “What-“
“Tell us where you are.” Dave commands and Aaron looks around once again, searching for windows, maybe a front door but there is nothing.
“I don’t know…” He mumbles, “He...he killed Jack.” His voice cracks and he wants to scream.
“What?” Dave questions, “Who did?”
“Peter Lewis. He’s here.. somewhere. I don’t know. But I saw it… I saw him…”
“Aaron.. listen to me.” Dave tells him sternly, “Listen.”
“Okay…” He whispers, sinking down onto the floor.
“Mr Scratch did not kill your son. Jack is not dead.”
“What?” He says, confused and shaking his head. “But-”
“But you saw it, I know. That’s what he does. He drugs people into seeing whatever he wants them to. You know this, Aaron. Fight it.”
Hotch doesn’t say anything, just remains silent while his mind shatters to pieces. Imagines of him and Emily flash before him, her laughing, smiling then her under a car. Then it’s him and Jack and they’re smiling and laughing but then… but then Peter Lewis kills his son. He see’s it happen and it looks so real.
“Aaron!” Dave shouts again, “Fight it. Fight it.”
Aaron goes to speak when theres a noise from somewhere infront of him and when he opens his eyes.. he see’s her.
“Emily?” He questions, almost as if he doesn’t believe his own eyes. She smiles and bends down in front of him. His breath catches in his throat as she looks at him.
“Hi.” She says softly, “Don’t listen to them. They’re lying.” She tells him. He just stares at her and reaches out to touch her, and when his fingers touch her skin he quickly pulls them back.
“How.. what?”
“Aaron!” Rossi shouts down the phone again and Hotch puts it back to his ear.
“Yeah..” He says but it’s obvious in the way he says it that the hallucination of Emily has his complete attention, not that they blame him, some of them even wish it was them seeing her.
“Listen to me, okay? Listen.”
“I am..” He says, still looking at Emily as she sits in front of him, a smile on her lips and he reaches out to touch her once again before freezing just before his fingers reach her cheek.
“That is not Emily.” Are the words that freeze him, “Jack isn’t dead and that is not Emily and you need to find a way out of there.” Rossi shouts.
“Why?” He whispers, “It’s her. She’s here. I can see her…”
“It’s not her, Aaron. Emily is dead, Aaron. She isn’t there. You know that.”
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t know that. He was already so broken before Peter Lewis drugged him that his mind had now shattered completely and to him what he was seeing was true. It was true and she was here. His son was dead and she was here. He had nothing left to fight for.
“Emily..” Aaron whispers again, before putting the phone down.
“Aaron you need to get out of there,” Rossi tells his sternly, “Even though the thought of a life without Emily is heart breaking and I know how much pain you’re in, there is a six year old waiting for you at home who’s going through the same thing. He needs you, Aaron.” He says, “Jack isnt dead and that is not Emily.”
There is silence for a few moments before Hotch ends the call, as as the beep of the loss of singal echos around the room, Rossi stands.
“Track that call!”
She smiles as he ends the call and puts the phone of the floor, his eyes transfixed on her.
“I’ve missed you.” She tells him, reaching for his hand and when she takes it and he feels it on his own, tears fall from his eyes because she’s here. she’s back.
“I missed you too.” He whispers, smiling at her. He looks at her and tilts his head into her hand when she cups his cheek and he can’t help but notice just how cold she is. He intertwines her fingers with his as they rest of his cheek and he sighs.
“Jack’s dead?” He whispers, and Emily nods softly.
“Yeah…” She replies, “I’m sorry, honey”
“He killed him..” He says and Emily nods her head again. She pulls her hand from her cheek slowly, but keeps their fingers locked together as she starts to stand. He follows her actions and when they’re stood, he stares at her.
“Do you trust me?” She asks with a smile while she locks their hands together, he nods.
“Always.” He tells her and she smiles.
“Follow me.” She says and leads him into a different room. They stand in front of a closed door and before she opens it she looks back at him.
“What’s this?” He asks her and she smiles, opening it and he looks inside. “Is that-”
“That’s our daughter.” She tells him, unlocking her fingers from his and walking towards the little girl sat on the floor. Emily crouches down next to her and they both stare at him.
“How?” He whispers, he walks in and bends down in front of them both. “They said you didn’t know..”
“I didn’t..” She says, “But I know now.”
“She looks just like you.” He tells her with a smile and she nods.
“Come on,” She says and grabs his hand again, pulling him away from the little girl who waves goodbye to him, he’s still looking behind him as they leave the room.
“Emily.. what is going on?”
“What do you mean?” She questions, standing in front of him in what looks to be a living room. It’s not one he recognises.
“How are you here?” He whispers, “You’re.. you’re dead.”
Emily stands in front of him and rests both her cold hands on his face and nods.
“Yeah.” She whispers, “But I really missed you.”
“I miss you too, god.. you have no idea.” He tells her but she’s pulling away and he wants to follow her but he can’t move.
“It’s so cold, Aaron.” She tells him, there’s tears in her eyes, “It’s so cold, and it’s so dark.” She whispers, “I’m cold…” She says again, looking at him.
“Emily-” He starts to say but he can’t finish it because he remembers her saying this the first time. How when she coded in the ambulance all she felt was darkness and cold and it’s been haunting him for months thinking what if she’s cold where she is? What if it’s dark? And to have her say the words to him breaks his already shattered heart.
“Aaron,” She whispers and he looks at her, there’s blood down her face and coming from her mouth and he’s seeing flashes of her once again pinned under a car. “I need you.” She tells him, “You’re the only place I feel safe. I don’t feel safe here. Its so cold. It’s so dark. It’s so lonely.”
He loves her so much that this is torture for him to hear this. To hear that this whole time she has been in the dark, cold and alone. He reaches out for her but he can’t reach her.
“Let me help you. Please.”
She walks towards him and presses something heavy in his hard and he looks down to find a gun. His eyes snap up to hers and she’s smiling, nodding her head.
“I love you.” She tells him, “Please. Help me.”
“But-” He wants to say what about Jack but then he remembers that his little boy was dead. His son was gone, taken by the man who’d brought him here and he had nothing left now.
He loved her so much and she’s cold, she’s scared and she’s alone. There is a gun in his hand and in one click it’s all over he can join Emily where she is and she won’t have to be cold and alone anymore. He can join Jack.. and Haley and they can all be together.
“It’s okay,” She nods as she lifts the gun for him, it’s balanced against his temples and her hands are on his cheeks and she’s so cold, he can feel it on his skin and it makes him shiver. He’s starting at her but he’s not afraid, he smiles at her and she’s smiling right back. “We’re waiting for you.” She says and then there’s people behind her. Not just people but, Jack, his little boy, he’s in his mother’s arms, who’s nodding her head in his direction and then there’s the little girl with dark hair that looked much like him and Emily he could not believe it.
He stares at Emily once more and she smiles at him.
“I love you.” She whispers to him, he sighs, nodding his head and the gun goes off.
His hallucinations fade away just as he does.
He dies instantly.
The team rush into the building to find Peter Lewis waiting from them on a chair in the middle of the abandoned building, laughing.  
“He was more broken than I thought.” He laughs, “I can’t even be angry that I’ve been caught. Watching him so..shattered, was better than I could have imagined.”
“Where is he?” Rossi shouts as Morgan picks the guy of the chair and handcuffs him.
Peter Lewis laughs and looks at him, “If you thought everybody you loved was dead, and the one person you loved more than anything was telling you how cold they were.. where would you go?”
Everyone freezes, before taking off in a run. Peter Lewis is handed to local PD as they search the house.
JJ runs into an empty room and spots his legs, he’s lay on the floor and for a moment she lets out a sigh of relief until she realises he isn’t moving. She walks slowly towards him, her heart hammering against her chest and she can’t breathe because surely, surely this isn’t happening. It can’t be.
“Hotch?” She calls, taking slow steps, “Hotch..” She says again when she reaches him and at first glance it just looks like he’s lay there, but then she spots the gun in his hand and the bullet hole is his head and he’s staring so blankly at her she feels like she might throw up. All she can do is scream.
It’s JJ’s scream that gives them all his location and as the blonde woman falls backwards into Morgan’s arms, they all see the sight she had.
Aaron Hotchner lay dead, a bullet hole in his temple, a gun in his hand in the middle of the floor of an abandoned building.
Rossi walks over and bends down, closing the man’s eye while he ignores the cries of JJ as Morgan holds her tightly.
“It’s okay,” He whispers to the dead man, “You rest now.”
They all arrive back at the BAU and the first person they break news to is Garcia.
Morgan is the one to tell her and when the words leave his mouth all Garcia can do is scream before almost dropping to the floor, collapsing in Morgan’s arms as he holds her up and brings her into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her.
“He can’t be dead!” She cries, “He can’t be…he can’t die thinking I hated him.” She's sobbing into his chest and Morgan holds back his own tears as he holds her close.
“He didn’t think that.” He whispers, rubbing a hand down her back.
“He did!” She cries, “He died thinking that I couldn’t forgive but I did.”
“He knows, Penelope.” Morgan reassures her, “He knows.”
Jessica and Jack walk into the BAU with no idea what to expect.
Dave guides Jessica into his office while JJ sits with Jack. They have no idea how to break the news to the six year old who is now an orphan. Every parental figure he has gone.
“He’s dead, isn’t he.” Jessica says, looking at Dave. The man nods slowly, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“His name was Peter Lewis. He.. he drugged Aaron and-”
“I don’t need to know the specifics.” She tells him, shaking her head and looking at Jack as he talks to JJ.
“What do I tell him?” She whispers, “How are they all dead?”
“Life is cruel.” He says to her, “I find peace in that he’s with Emily.”
“Where’s Jack’s peace?” She questions, looking at the older man, “He lost three parents in two years. How does a little boy get through that?”
“With time.” Rossi says softly, “With help.”
Jessica and Dave look back to the boy who sits and waits for them, not knowing that his dad had joined his mother and Emily. Not knowing he was alone.
In the end it’s Dave who breaks the news to him because Jessica just can’t do it. She tries, but as the boy’s eyes stare into hers she just can’t.
Dave takes over and crouch’s down in front of the boy, smiling sadly at him.
“Hey Jack.” He whispers and Jack just looks at him and he already knows what is coming. He’s been through this twice now.
“Is Daddy gone?” He asks, “Did he join Emmy?”
“Yeah, buddy.” Dave says after a few moments, “I’m sorry.”
Jack looks down, tears burning in his eyes. He leans forward and wraps his arms around Dave.
“He promised me.. Uncle Dave. He promised me he wouldn’t go away like everyone else. Why did he lie?” Jack cries into his neck and Dave just holds the boy tighter.
“He tried very hard to stay for you, Jack. Really really hard.” He lies to the boy because he doesn’t need the truth. He wouldn’t understand it. He’s better without it. There’s movement behind Dave and Jack looks up to find JJ standing there. He slowly pulls away from him and heads towards the woman. Looking at her with wide eyes and she smiles, bending down to be eye level with him.
“He lied, Miss Jennifer..” He whispers to her and she shakes her head, wiping his tears with her thumb.
“Come here,” She whispers and scoops the boy into her, holding him tightly as she stands. The boy cries into her neck because what she forgot was that she was wearing Emily’s perfume and all the boy could smell while he rested in her arms was Emily.
“You smell like her.” Jack whispers as he rests his head on her shoulder. “I miss them.”
“Me too, baby.” She says, kissing his head.
Jessica takes the boy home an hour later and as they lay in her bed, him resting softly next to her, he asks her a question that breaks her in half.
“Is it just me and you now Aunt Jess?” He asks her. She turns to face him and runs a hand through his hair.
“Yeah baby,” She tells him, “Just me and you.”
“You’re not going to leave?”
“No.” She shakes her head, “I’m right here.”
The two candles turn into three and as he tells his parents about his day, Jessica watches with a sad smile and just hopes that the young boy makes it through this.
They bury Hotch next to Emily four months and two days after her funeral. Jack stands in front of Jessica, watching as another casket is lowered to the ground. Spencer and Morgan stand two feet away, hands grasped together and they hold back their tears, Penelope’s hand wrapped in Morgan’s other, tears falling freely from her face. JJ and Will stand two feet away from them, Will holds her close as they watch. JJ can’t take her eyes away from Jack, the little boy who lost so much so quickly.
As the boy places a rose on each grave, the team cry silently.
“Let’s go give the other rose to mommy.” They hear Jessica whisper to him after a few moments and the boy nods, taking her hand and letting her guide him through the small walk of the cemetery to where his Mother was buried in the Brookes plot.
The team come by and visit Jack for a few months after Aaron and Emily’s deaths. They go to as many of  his soccer games that they can, they try to take him on days out and make him feel as though he’s still a part of their family. He has play dates with Henry and for a few months they’re doing what they know Aaron and Emily would have done for them and try and help Jack through the process.
Yet, one by one the team just stopped coming over to see him. It’s too hard. He has Haley’s eyes and Hotch’s face but he also has Emily’s mannerisms and it’s too hard for them to see it. He reminds them of all they’ve lost and soon no one comes to see him anymore and he’s never understood why everyone always leaves him.
Why didn’t anybody ever stay?
So when Jack snaps at sixteen because everybody he loves is dead and everybody else left him alone to deal with the repercussions,  it’s the team he goes after.
He manages to get all of them apart from one before they catch him.
Rossi is first because.. that was Uncle Dave. That was Uncle Dave and why didn’t he stay? Why did he leave?
He shoots him in the chest because it’s his first one and he hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet. Dave looks at him and takes a hollow breath,
“It’s okay, kid. I get it. I’m sorry I left you. I forgive you..” and he won’t stop talking. Jack shoots him in the head and just like that there’s silence. He bends down and looks at the older man. “It didn’t have to be this way Dave, but you didn’t stay. Why didn’t you stay? Why didn’t anybody just stay?”
Spencer is next because he was like a brother to Emily and a man his own father treated more of like a son than he did him and it has always upset him that after just two months without them he put them and him in the past and moved on. When he’s done Spencer, a gun shot to the chest, he moves onto Morgan because he was supposed to be the protector of the group and he had promised him he would be there but then once again had chosen Spencer. Just like he had done with his father, like he had Emily.
As they're both dying, gripping each other’s hand as they take their final breaths he scoffs because “Why should you get to die together when they didn’t?” They bring Emily and Aaron. They being him and his family.
It’s JJ next because he can’t believe that after everything Emily did for her she just left him when he was just a child with no parents. She even has a child herself and Henry was his friend and so why did no one help him?
He doesn’t make it to Penelope before he’s caught. When he’s asked by detectives and Agents why he did what he did he looks them straight in the eye before answering.
“Because they made promises they couldn’t keep, and they left me. My parents died for them and they couldn’t keep their promises.”
Garcia buries all of her friends in the fall and when a leaf falls over the middle of where Emily and Aaron have lay for the last ten years, she thinks maybe Jack sparing her what their way of saying they forgive her for not being there for him and takes it as a sign to be there for him now.
Penelope visits Jack in prison every week for five years. She bumps into Jessica every now and then and they talk about their lost friends. About Jack.
Jack spends the rest of his life in prison. Forever missing his parents and forever holding a grudge against those who left him on their own accord. He doesn’t forgive those he killed and he doesn’t think he ever will.
He has a picture of him and his mother on the wall, as well as a picture of him, his father and Emily.
“I miss you,” He whispers to their pictures one night three years later, “I’ll see you soon.”
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the-trans-otter33 · 3 years
Poetry Night
Posted on Ao3:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Analogical - Relationship, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders Characters: Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders Additional Tags: gay boys, Kissing, Poetry, College, Logan is in college, hes an english major, Virgil is an EMT, no they didnt meet in college, they both love poetry, yes they have facial hair, sue me, im unconditional in the boys styles, poem, apartment roommates, please ignore typos I beg, Virgil put out a roommate application form btw Summary:
Virgil and Logan go to Poetry night together every weekend at Virgil's favorite nightclub. Neither of them have every shared any of their work. But Virgil figured that now was the time to change that.
Logan shuffled uncomfortably. Virgil had a hold of his index finger, as to not hold the entirety of his crush’s hand. Virgil led them through a crowd of people at his favorite nightclub.
Ever since meeting Logan, he’s got to admit the amount of times he’s showed up for poetry night has increased tremendously. Poetry night was really the only time anyone ever saw him there but even then he didn’t go every night. Then when Logan arrived as his new roommate in his apartment, he became a regular there. Both of them went every single time Poetry night was an event.
Logan absolutely loved poetry, it was his favorite thing. Besides Virgil anyway. Virgil and Logan had been crushing over each since day one, but neither of them wanted to admit it. Logan, as an English major (and creative writing minor in a nearby college) was more than ecstatic when he learned that his roomie had a secret passion for poetry too. It did seem a little odd to Logan at first, Virgil being an EMT in training and all.
Virgil was an anxious ball of messiness most of the time, but there’s nothing more exhilarating to him than having a chance to save someone's life. That's why he became an EMT. He wasn’t a full paramedic yet, but he did just get hired. When Logan learned of this, it truly did just make him swoon even more. A part of him wanted to have a heart attack just so the hot emo EMT he lived with could resuscitate him.
Nevertheless, they both loved poetry and secretly each other. They had lived together for 3 years now and Virgil wanted to do something before Logan got his degree. Virgil, at this point, could barely handle himself whenever he looked at Logan. His roommate had changed so much since when they first met.
A lot of that is Virgil’s fault, making Logan feel more comfortable with his sexuality and his off putting personality that he grew up to hate.
Virgil had watched Logan change from a silent, short haired, clean shaven, polo wearing nerd into a Long haired (he usually wears a man-bun that kills Virgil) , bearded hipster that bore fancy dress shoes, perfect black slacks with his suspenders flowing to the floor whenever he unhooked them from his shoulders.
He always wore different colored button ups (Virgil's favorite has a rainbow pattern) and depending on his mood, a suit vest or one of Virgil’s jackets. At some point, all of their laundry got mixed up and the two gays were so tired that they agreed to just share their wardrobes and wear whatever they wanted. This also killed Virgil, deep down to his core.
Logan has done a lot of the same for Virgil. He encouraged him to dye his hair (pure white) and cut it into a messy (yet somehow smooth???) Mohawk. It was at that point that Virgil decided to get an eyebrow and lip piercing. He was lucky they lived in such a liberal area too, otherwise he’d never get hired as an EMT anywhere else.
Virgil also bore his brown sideburns, letting them grow out after Logan threw the shaving products out of their 7th floor window in a fit of rage (It’s a long story).
Virgil pretty much wore the same exact clothes as before, just with Logan’s wardrobe added in for whenever he felt like it.
Currently though, Logan was being placed right in front of the 4-feet-off-the-ground stage. It was practically nothing to him and Virgil, both of the men being 6’3 in height.
“Virgil, when exactly are you going to tell me what is going on right now?” Logan gained that little smile of his, crossing his arms as Virgil took a step back.
“Well, I can’t exactly tell you, Lo. But I need you to just stay right there and don’t move for the next,” he checked his watch, “minute and twenty-five seconds?” Virgil spoke with a shrug and shield of nervous energy.
Logan nodded, “Sure.”
Virgil kind of hopped between his feet. “I’ll be right back, I guess. You’ll see me.” He didn’t give Logan much time to argue, given as he bolted from the area and Logan actually lost that tall EMT in the crowd. Damn Virgil’s anxiety fueled methods at making himself blend in like a damn chameleon.
Logan looked around. He hoped that Virgil would get back sooner than just a minute. He wouldn’t want Virge to miss the poetry displays and he would hate to miss staring at Virgil getting lost in the words spoken from the stage they yearned to be at every weekend.
That is, until the lights dimmed and the crowd shushed itself. A silhouette of some tall man could be seen sliding across the stage, to the center. Logan’s eyebrows raised and his eyes widened in shock as the lights slowly brightened once more. And there he was.
Virgil stood there, where Logan dreamed of seeing his crush so frequently. Virgil had the microphone in hand, refusing to look anywhere but Logan. He had never shared his poetry to anyone before, besides his roommate but that was a given.
Virgil cleared his throat before he began to speak, clearly having memorized his piece.
“There’s something there that I hold, hidden within the halls,
It surrounds my very being, my every breath, it even bounces like a rubber ball.
Here where I stand, it is so clear, that this thing I hold is very dear to me,
It seems to be a man, wearing glasses and bearing a bun I can’t ever not see.
He’s tall and free, a lot like me.
Bonded by homosexuality,
those beautiful hazel eyes see me for me and have always cared.
It was in recent times that I dared to plot my scheme, after three years.
In terms of dating, both him and I are wet behind the ears,
But I’d love to give it a try if he’d be mine.
Who is this man, I see everyday?
A man I share my home, my life, my everything with?
He’s here with us today, among the crowd of eyes.
There he stands, right in the middle.
Logan McNamara
I’ll speak the truth and ignore the lies.
Would you like to become mine?”
Virgil connected his and Logan’s eyes, letting a smile wash over his face. Logan felt heat rise upon his cheeks, tears almost coming to his eyes as he felt his body move involuntarily. Everyone in the crowd was watching him and Virgil, waiting to see if Logan would say yes.
Logan moved to the stage and lifted himself onto it. He marched over to Virgil, who watched him with anxious eyes and that beautiful smile. Logan took the microphone from his crush’s hand and tossed it aside.
“Yes.” Logan stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Virgil’s torso. Virgil quickly wrapped his around Logan's torso and neck before the English major leant forward, connecting their two lips with a sweet chaste kiss.
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
Baby's Got An Attitude
This is my second time writing this🙄😩😭 but anyway In honor of it being my bby zabs birthday I've decided to write a little smut with him, hope you enjoy. This is my original writing do not copy it or I'll report your ass😗✌🏼
Warnings: smut, dom zabdiel, daddy kink, choking and spanking
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You were zabdiel's best kept secret, as far as everyone outside of the boys knew, you were just old best friends who grew together, but really you guys would hook up on and off again, except lately the two of you found yourselves in a toxic cycle. You would have great sex and then fight about how zabdiel didnt want you to fuck anyone else, to which your response was if he had no intentions of committing why the fuck would you.
The boys and you had plans to go out clubbing tonight to celebrate zabdiel's birthday, you had decided on wearing a tight fitting short black dress that you paired with black Louis Vuitton shoes, you left your hair down in its natural waves, you wore a smokey eye that you teamed with red lipstick for your make up. As you stood there looking yourself over in the mirror you thought about the fight you and zabdiel had earlier this morning, the same fight you seemed to be having a lot lately, you decided that tonight you would not be going home with zabdiel you had, had enough of his bullshit, you were gonna hook up with some one else.
As you arrived at the club you made your way over to the private booth the boys had you noticed Joel, Erick and Chris doing shots and zabdiel and richard were having a conversation with each other, as you made your way over Chris caught you out of the corner of his eye "aye y/n you made it" you laughed realizing he was already tipsy. Zabdiel had heard the commotion Chris made and looked over at you, you watched him scan you up and down, noticing his gaze lingered on your breasts and your legs, but you didnt have time to check him out, you turned to Chris and yelled over the loud music in the club "I'm gonna go get a drink" Chris yelled back at you "I'll go with you", as you walked towards the bar with Chris' hand wrapped around your waist you could feel two eyes burning into your back and you knew exactly who it was, but you didnt really have time to care as you were having way too much fun with Chris.
Zabdiel stared at you and Chris his jaw clenched and his grip tightening around the glass he was holding,he watched as you kept touching his arm and how you kept laughing at him, zabdiel knew Chris and he knew damn well he wasn't that funny, Richard looked over at his friend " bro why dont you go over there and talk to her, fix things like you guys normally do" zabdiel looked at Richard "nah I don't think so".
As you finished your second shot of tequila X by nicky jam started to play, you turned to Chris squealing "oh my god I love this song, come dance with me" you grabbed Chris by the arm dragging him onto the middle of the dance floor. Chris placed his hands on your hips, while you were grinding on his crotch he pulled your hair to the side as he placed delicate little kisses up your neck and then started to tug on your earlobe, you let out a soft moan, before you could register what was happening zabdiel yanked you by the arm out of Chris' grip and Started pulling you off the dance floor towards the bathrooms, you tried to break free of his hold "zabdiel let me go no-" he turned to you with a dark gleam in his eyes "Cállate" he snapped at you, you instantly shut up. As you got to the bathroom zabdiel shoved you in the door and proceeded to lock it after you were both inside.
Zabdiel turned to look at you up and down with the same mean expression on his face, you didnt want to admit it right now but he was actually turning you on right now, he was usually sweet and gentle with you but this rough side of him was hot. He walked towards you and every step he took forward you took one back until your ass hit the counter "¿Qué carajo fue eso allá afuera?" You decided to play dumb "No sé de qué estás hablando", he gripped your throat firmly and gently squeezed "Sabes exactamente de lo que estoy hablando" he looked at you squirming, pressing your thighs together to create some sort of friction and trying desperately not to moan "Sabes nena has tenido una actitud horrible últimamente y voy a tener que arreglarlo" he turned you around and quickly unzipped your dress watching as it fell to the floor also realizing you were wearing nothing on under the dress, he looked at you through the mirror "Niña traviesa, sin llevar nada debajo de tu vestido" you tried to cover yourself up feeling rather exposed right now, zabdiel pulled your hands behind your back pressing you down onto the counter, you breasts pressed against the cold counter, with his free hand he yanked your hair holding your head up to look at yourself in the mirror, he kicked your feet apart giving him the perfect view of your ass and your dipping little pussy. He looked at you through the mirror "Mantenga la cuenta de bebé" he rubbed his hand against your right cheek before pulling it back to swat it, your hips jerked forward into the counter and you let out a squeal, zabdiel looked you with his eyebrow raised waiting "uno" he continued until you'd counted to ten, five for each cheek. When he'd finished spanking you he turned you around and lifted you up onto the counter placing his hand back around your throat while kissing you from your collar bone up your neck, he tugged on your earlobe and then finally he forced his tounge in your mouth , he rubbed his fingers from his free hand up and down your slit collecting your arousal on his fingers, he pulled away from kissing you to taste your arousal off his fingers, you whined impatiently, you throbbing core clenching around nothing "Zabdiel, papí por favor jódeme" he looked up at you with dominance in his eyes, squeezed your throat little bit harder and swatted his hand on your dripping wet pussy you let out a strangled moan desperately needing his cock buried deep inside you " Sólo las chicas buenas consiguen la polla de papi, ¿crees que te mereces la polla de papi después de ese pequeño truco que hiciste afuera con Chris" you looked up at him with desperate eyes "Bebé es mejor empezar a mostrar papi que puede ser una buena chica si quieres esta polla" you started frantically nodding your "Sí papi puedo ser una buena chica" he looked at you in the eyes "ok good, now be good girl for daddy and get down on your knees" zabdiel helped you off the counter and down onto your knees. You quickly unbuckled his belt and yanked down his jeans along with his briefs, his erect member slapped against his lower abdomen, you took it in your hand noticing his tip was leaking pre cum. Zabdiel quickly grabbed your hair making a make shift pony tail, You took his member in your mouth hollowing out your cheeks, you started frantically bobbing your head up and down his cock hitting the back of your throat every time, zabdiel the gripped your hair tighter and started trusting his cock into your mouth at a faster pase, your small hand gripping his large thighs for balance, you looked up into zabdiel's eyes while continuing to let him fuck your mouth his head tipping back letting out a moan of pleasure, you started gagging on his cock, spit leaking out of your mouth trickling down your neck and pooling on your breasts, zabdiel was close so close, you fondled his balls bringing him to the edge, he screamed out in pleasure as he came down your throat, you swallowed every last drop even licking your lips. You looked up at him "am I a good girl now daddy?"
Zabdiel looked down at her she was a mess but she'd never looked more beautiful to him "Sí nena eres una buena chica" he helped you up off the ground and bent you over the counter again placing his right hand back around your throat while his left rested on your hip, he teased your slit with his tip making sure it was nice and slick, you whined out getting impatient "por favor papí" zabdiel pushed inside of your needy little pussy both of you moaning in pleasure, he quickly found a rhythm, you looked up at him through the mirror "Más papí, más" you needily whined, zabdiel picked up the pase now pounding into you determined to make you cum all over his cock and even more determined to fill you up and watch his cum drip out of your pussy, the knot in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter, zabdiel noticed you were close, his left hand reaching down to rub your clit while his other hand squeezed your throat, the knot in your stomach finally snapped, you screamed out in pleasure clenching around zabdiel's cock, your legs shaking, zabdiel reaching his orgasm right after you, filling you up with his warm cum both of you out of breath.
As he pulled out of you he watched his cum drip out of your pussy and down the inside of your thighs, zabdiel quickly cleaned you up and helped you back into your dress, as you were fixing your hair and make up in the zabdiel fixed his clothes, he looked at you through the mirror "Bebé quédate conmigo esta noche" he softly whispered, you thought about how you said you were not going home with him tonight "why should I" he looked at you and then looked down at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck something he only did when he was nervous "Porque no quiero que estés con nadie más y no quiero estar con nadie más" he sighed, you carefully walked over to him gently placing your hand on his cheek you pulled his face down to yours and placed a soft kiss on his lips "Ok vamos a casa bebé" you softly responded, he looked up smiling at you his dimple on full display. He gently took your hand in his and led you out of the club and took you home.
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 26: a date
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Chapter 25
After I returned to my room, I washed my face with cold water to wake me up a bit, and put on my uniform and did my hair and makeup. Today was gonna be rough running off no hours of sleep, I mean I did sleep all day yesterday, but I was still going to start feeling the effects of the all nighter soon. The hardest part was not telling Hermione what happened, I just stayed quiet and let her talk the whole way to breakfast and while we ate. I zoned out as she talked to Harry and Ron, picking at my food and looking up at the potions professor.
 He walked in a little late and greeted Dumbledore, he went and sat down and looked in my direction, we held eye contact and I just gave a small smile, "Y/n are you listening?" I heard Hermione say I looked at her and then back at Snape, he had turned away and was talking with Filch. "Huh yeah sorry." I said facing her, "Have you got a dress for the yule ball?" she asked, drinking her pumpkin juice. "I don't know if I'm going to go actually." I said looking down at my hands. "Are you kidding? you have too! It's going to be so much fun." I didn't really know what to say, I didn't want to go without a date, but I didn't want to say that in front of Harry after I turned him down. "I don't know" I said shrugging, "Oh come on, I'm going with Ron and Harry's got Ginny, It'll be wonderful." I looked at Harry smiling and Ron just sighed a bit. "Ooo Harry! You asked ginny! Oh my gosh that's amazing who would've thought!" I said teasing him, "Yeah who would've?" Ron said clearly a bit standoffish about the idea, Hermione just nudged him as Harry just laughed. "I'll think about it." I said looking back up at the teachers table, Snape was just picking at his food and I just admired him, thinking about the hectic night we had spent together. I may have been in trouble, but It was still nice to have seen him. I noticed someone else's eyes on me and looked at the other end of the teachers table, Lockhart was staring me down with a creepy look on his face, I just made a gross face and turned back to the trio. I was still wondering what he had up his sleeve, he never punished me for that day after class, and I was always on edge around him. But he was harmless.
I was headed to Snapes for lunch to meet with him to talk to Dumbledore, I was very very nervous, I didn't know what he was going to say or think. My classes had gone smoothly so far, and I was doing fine not stressing about this conversation, but now it was happening and I was terrified. I walked into Snape's room not even knocking because I found no use in it anymore. I saw Snape writing at his desk and shuffling papers together, he looked up at me and I just smiled. "Are you ready to talk to Dumbledore?" I said holding my book in front of me as I walked up to his desk. "Yes, give me a moment." he said, finishing up and standing. "I'm scared." I said bluntly as he walked around his desk and I followed him out of his room and down the hall. "I know, but i'm sure everything will be just fine." he said with a small smile looking down at me. I nodded and we walked in silence the rest of the way. "Will you tell him, I don't know if I can." I said sighing as we approached his office entrance. "What are you so worried he will be upset about?" he said looking at me with furrowed brows. "I don't know, and that's what scares me, I mean what if he just thinks I was being stupid and expells me or something." he just sighed, "Well I won't let him do that, and I don't think hell want to." Just then Dumbledore came walking out, most likely getting ready to head to the great hall. "Well what's going on here? Is she in trouble Severus?" he said grinning. "No Sir, we actually need to talk to you about something." I watched as Severus spoke and looked at Dumbledore, his face got a tad more serious. "Oh?" he said looking at Severus, they had some sort of exchange with their eyes, and I was a little confused. What did they know that I didn't? "Come on in." was all he said and I followed behind Severus.
We sat down in the chairs in front of his desk and he sat down in front of us. "So what is troubling you?" Dumbledore asked, looking at me. I looked over at Severus and he just nodded slightly. I looked back at Dumbledore letting out a breath. "Um last night, I was left a note. And it led me to the Forbidden Forest, and um well why don't you just watch for yourself, instead of me rambling on." I said laughing nervously and gesturing to my head. He looked at Snape and he just stayed silent giving him another look. "Hmm okay." He said smiling. I looked over slightly at Snape as Dumbledore entered my head and looked at the events that happened. I made sure to block him from anything else, and Snape slowly looked at me too, giving me a comforting look. "Wow that is quite a lot my child." he said sighing and giving me a worried look. "Are you alright? Do you feel anything?" he said, his brows furrowing. "Yes I feel fine, and I don't feel anything unusual." I responded. "Hmm well, can you step out for a moment so I can speak to Severus?" he said smiling, "What? No. If you know something, I have a right to know too, especially if it's about me!" I said a little flustered, I wasn't going to leave the room so they could talk about me, I mean I was scared and worried, I didn't need any more secrets being kept from me. He just sighed and I looked to Severus, he just looked at me and then back to Dumbledore, "Certainly she can handle whatever you need to say, Albus." I smiled at him sticking up for me. "I have no doubt she can handle it, but I don't want to scare her anymore than she already is if i'm not sure of anything just yet." He said politely. This was bullshit, I needed to be kept in the loop of things, I began to grow more frustrated as they sat and talked about me as if I wasn't here, I mean it's my body, and it happened to me, so I should be informed of anything they might be aware of. I'm sick of them treating me like such a child, and having all these secrets that they whisper about. I looked down at my feet as they continued on about whether or not I should stay. I looked over at Snape's feet and noticed the shoes he was wearing, they were plain black dress shoes, most of the time they were hidden from his robes, you can tell a lot about a person from their shoes. I had tuned out their conversation but as I stared intently at his shoes, trying to figure out why I felt as if I've seen the same shoes before, I heard a familiar line, "And why should we just expose her to everything now?" Dumbledore questioned, "You know why. She needs to be prepared," I tuned out the rest of what Snape said as a realization hit me. I remembered my first night in the castle, staying in Dumbledore's room. I eavesdropped on a conversation he'd had, and had seen the very shoes and heard the very voice I was seeing and hearing right now. How did I not realize this sooner? His voice was so distinct, I must have been distracted by his cruelty when we first met, and then eventually I would get distracted by my admiration for him, I never stopped to think about this. I slowly looked up to Severus as they continued and examined his face as I thought about what to do. There wasn't much I could do, but something was up, he was talking about me that night, and I'm sure they were talking about me that day outside Albus' office. Everything was making sense, but it also wasn't, I still didnt know why they were so focused about me? "Y/n?" I heard Dumbledore say and Snape looked over at me as I turned to face the old man that now had a serious look on his face. "Y-yes?" I said, I decided to not bring it up right now, and to just try and find out more about what they knew.
"I'm just going to eavesdrop anyway if you kick me out so you might as well tell me what you think is going on." I said before he could continue. Severus let out a sigh and I just ignored it staring at Dumbledore. "Alright, Severus and I think that," he was cut off my Severus, "That it might have just been a trick, from a student or something, and unless you see any changes in yourself, that you may not have anything to worry about." he said looking at me. I looked at him confused and then we both looked back at Dumbledore, "Yes right, we do not believe anything is too concerning as of the moment." he said smiling looking at Severus. I looked at them with a confused face, furrowing my brows trying to figure out what they were saying. "Huh?" I questioned. Severus gave Dumbledore a look and he just nodded, "You have nothing to worry about my dear." was all he said. "Umm okay, I mean I think that's a pretty crazy prank don't you think? and I can't think of any enemies I may have." I said skeptically. "Yes but until we have reason to believe it has caused any effects to your wellbeing, we believe it was harmless." Severus answered looking down at me. I just looked at the two suspiciously and decided to not question it, I mean If they really didn't think anything was wrong, and I was perfectly fine, then it didn't really matter. "Ok if you say so." I shrugged and stood up. "I think i'm going to skip the rest of lunch and just go... study. I'll see you in potions Se-...Professor Snape." I said, smiling as he eyed me to stop me from saying his first name in front of Dumbledore. He nodded and I waved goodbye and hurried out of his office to my room.
All I could think of the rest of the day was what they were hiding, I couldn't imagine them just lying to me like that, but I was sure there was something they werent telling me. I was saying my goodbyes to the boys as we left DADA meeting up with Draco, "hey how's your day been?" I asked as we walked to potions. "Awful Potter was so annoying in Herbology today." he said, complaining and rolling his eyes, I laughed "What did he do this time?" he just scoffed, "More like what didn't he do, all he's got to do is breathe and it's annoying." I just shook my head as we continued down the dungeon halls. I yawned as we walked and let out a breath, "What's with you?" he said looking over at me, "Nothing just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night." he nodded, "Well that makes sense, someone said they saw you walking around last night." he said smiling. "What?" I said quickly looking at him, "Who? What did they say?" I said a little worried someone might have seen or heard something. "I heard it from another Slytherin boy, he just said he saw you leave the common room at like midnight when he got up to go visit his girlfriend. He thought you were a teacher at first so he didn't say anything. Why? What were you doing?" he said, raising his brow at me. I thought of what to say that wouldn't seem suspicious, "I just went for a walk to clear my head." I lied as we walked into the potions class. We walked to the front of the room and sat down. "Well you should be careful, you could get detention if you're caught out at night, especially if you're caught by Snape." I looked up at the dark professor that was seated at his desk reading some papers, he looked over at the mention of his name and we made eye contact, I just looked back at Draco, "Hmm yeah that would suck I won't do it again" I laughed. "Look Y/n I never got the chance to ask you what I wanted to ask you in the library." he said, fully turning to me. "Oh yeah, what's up?" I said as I opened up my textbook and got my supplies out. Most of the students had arrived already, and we were just waiting for Snape's instructions, Draco slowly stood from his seat and I looked over watching as he stepped around in front of me, I saw Snape look up from behind him and eyed him suspiciously, whatever he was about to do, he better not get me in trouble. He took a deep breath and smiled at me, I looked at him confused and he lightly raised his wand, he swirled it and said "Orchideous."' and a pink light came from his wand, followed by a bouquet of pink flowers. I just stared at him with eyes wide and an embarrassed look on my face. "Y/n L/n, will you go to the Yule ball with me?" he said smiling. I stayed frozen in shock and looked around, all the students were now looking at us and I just looked at him, mouth slightly agape, "I- um.." I didn't know what to say, I didn't like Draco that way, but did I really wanna go alone? I looked over at Snape who was watching the whole scene, a slightly disgusted look on his face and his jaw clenched. He made eye contact with me and I gazed into his eyes, looking for...well I didn't know what I was looking for. I almost expected him to look at me and say, 'no don't go with him, I care deeply for you too and I don't want you going with anyone.' But he didn't he just looked at me and his face softened, almost in guilt and he went back to his papers. I lowered my eyes, I didn't know why I thought he would say anything, I looked up at Draco, still smiling and holding out the flowers. "S-sure I'd love to." I said smiling kindly. He smiled and I took the flowers placing them on the table and he sat back down pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so glad you said yes, I think we will have a great time!" he said excitedly. I nodded and looked over at Snape. He was just looking at his papers, he could tell I was looking at him, but he must not have cared that much. I guess I was wrong.
Maybe this was my chance, going with Draco, maybe this was gonna be my way to get over Severus, I always looked for a way out of these feelings, and maybe this was my shot. If I was gonna do this, I was going to do it the right way, and I was going to get over Snape, screw the Amortentia, I was going to go out with Draco, and I was going to be happy with him. He was a good friend, and I'm sure he could make me happy. So it was settled. I'm dating Draco Malfoy.
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Logan's Birthday (1/7)
Logan was a smart man, he always had been, top of his class since he was little. But being smart only got you so far, there always came a time when you just werent smart enough.
For Logan, that time was adulthood. So many years worth of studying, gone at the slightest notion that someone else was- better. And of course, Logan knew exactly what made his competitors better, but saying it out loud, that was paramount to insulting the company.
So here he was, twenty-two years of age and stuck in an apartment, sifting through job applications and bills, as if he'd ever have enough to pay them off.
"Oh yes Logan go on take only honors and AP classes for the rest of your life, I'm sure it'll all turn out fine," Logan muttered bitterly.
He let out a groan of annoyance as the tv flickered through one of his least favorite commercials.
He'd always despised fashion and makeup companies, but the Kingsley company was another story on it's own. He couldnt explain it, for all he knew it was some odd combination of self hatred and toxic societal expectations, he just couldn't stand those twins, with their overly wide smiles and stupid overzealous compliments. But of course, most other people bought it. So Logan always assumed there was something wrong with him.
Eventually Logan finished with the papers, setting them aside and walking to the kitchen.
"Like anyone would pay thirty bucks for a makeup set that's going to fall apart two days afterward," Logan muttered, glaring at the tv. He walked over to the coffee machine and got started on his fourth cup for that day. It wasnt healthy, Logan knew that, he'd done an entire report on it in sixth grade, but it was the only way he could seem to stay up without having a breakdown.
Logan looked over at his to-do list for that day, he never seemed to finish them, so he had no idea why he bothered. He checked off the section labelled "bills and applications" before walking back to the coffee machine and picking up the mug. He watched the sunrise outside the window, he always liked sunrises more in the colder months, they were much brighter.
Logan finished his coffee and set the cup in the sink, checking his watch. His mother had set up a job interview for him, but all she'd given him was an address and a time, he certainly didnt want to be late. He walked to his closet and pulled out a blue sweater, black vest, black pants, and dress shoes.
"5629, Ridgeport Avenue, should be interesting," Logan muttered as he fixed his tie. He'd never exactly liked Ridgeport, it was a rich people and idiots thinking they could make it big on stupid ideas.
But what awaited Logan when he reached the location was far worse than what he was expecting.
"Mother I told you I dont want anything to do with this company!" Logan hissed over the phone, currently hiding out in the bathroom, he may have hated the Kingsley company, but he wasmt stupid enough to insult them where someone might hear.
"Its good pay! You can suck up your pride for once in your life cant you?" His mother replied.
"Me, a secretary for those- those-" Logan couldnt seem to find the right words for it, all he cod think was 'Ew' and 'Not in a million years'.
"I'll call you back after the interview," Logan said, hanging up and stuffing the phone back in his pocket. He fixed his hair in the mirror before rushing back out, after all, he did have a meeting in thirty minutes.
"Logan Sanders," The intercom sounded, the voice of Remus Kingsley flooded the room. Logan felt his stomach lurch as he stood up. He trudged down the hall, fiddling with his tie. He finally reached the door to Remus' office, and knocked twice.
"I'm not naked if that's what you're thinking," Logan held back the urge to vomit as he processed the sentence, and then he opened the door.
Remus Kingsley was a tall man, with a white striped birthmark in his hair, and a mustache that gave him the impression of a man who'd gorged himself on mud. His clothes didnt help much, a ripped jacket paired with a green shirt and twice as torn black jeans, his feet were even propped up on the desk for gods sakes.
"I'm here for the secretary position," Logan said as he closed the door.
"Well secretaries arent supposed to stand are they?" Remus said, moving his feet and gesturing toward the chair in front of the desk. Logan took a seat and finally let go of his tie.
"So what sparked your interest in the position?" Remus said, very obviously reading off notecards.
Logan bit back the urge to say 'brute force and a ransom note'.
"I've seen a lot of your commercials, the name was recognizable," Logan said.
"Oh so you've heard of us?" Remus said, now checking his nails. Logan was getting more annoyed by the minute.
"Yes, I have," Logan replied, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from growling.
"Great! You're hired! You can start tomorrow," Remus said with a grin, Logan noticed he was missing one of his front teeth. He slid a sheet of paper across the desk, Logan looked it over and pocketed it before getting up.
"Very well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow," Logan said as he walked out.
"I could get used to seeing that face every day," Remus said, Logan felt his face heat up slightly, though he could scarcely tell if it was from rage, or from something else. He merely nodded and closed the door behind him on his way out, rushing through the lobby and out into the streets of Ridgeport.
"This is it- my life is over, this is how I die," Logan had decided to meet up for coffee with his friend Remy, and the conversation had turned very quickly to Remus' comment at the end of the meeting.
"I mean it could be worse, at least you're both in the same age-range," Remy replied, taking a sip from his iced coffee.
"I dont know how you're drinking that when its 27 degrees out," Logan said with a laugh.
"Nothing will ever be as cold as my heart," Remy said, grinning.
"Oh? Cold-hearted are we? Then please, do tell me where all those photos of Emile huddled up under your arm with his head buried in your chest came from,"Logan said sarcastically.
"Oh Em, the only person warm enough to melt my poor icy cold heart," Remy said, bringing a hand to his forehead and falling back slightly.
"Gods you're so cheesy," Logan said, rolling his eyes.
"You're just mad because you dont have a queerplatonic partner to give you forehead kisses every night before you go to sleep," Remy said.
"I dont need a partner of any kind, I'm fine on my own," Logan replied.
"Sure you are bud, sure you are," Remy said.
And that stuck with Logan the rest of the week. He had a lot more interactions with Remus than he'd expected to, sometimes they felt- planned. But Logan could swear up and down he was imagining things, there was no way someone as influential, nor as self-absorbed, as a Kingsley would've spared him a second glance.
And he carried this thought process with him, that is, until he found a letter on his desk. A letter, inviting him to the company Christmas party, from Remus.
"Did you get my letter?" Remus leaned on Logan's desk, that same grin he always wore plastered on his face.
"Yes, though I dont think you specified the office you want it delivered to?" Logan replied.
"Oh! My bad, I think it was right abooouuuuttt- here," Remus pressed a finger to Logan's nose, Logan tensed slightly, his cheeks flushed red.
"You turn a very pretty red when you're nervous," Remus purred, resting his head on his arms, which were now crossed over Logan's desk wall.
"I-" Logan wasnt sure what to say, here was all the evidence, right in front of his face, and yet he still didnt dare believe it.
And he didnt believe it, not until the day of the Christmas party, where he arrived in a limousine, hand in hand with the man, to a cruise ship of all places, wearing, for the first time in his life, a stunning midnight blue dress, that made him feel like he was worth a glance.
Though of course, no amount of party dresses could top that which he wore on his wedding night, a floor length gown of Remus' own design, studded with pearls and sequins, reflecting blue lights everywhere he walked.
"Remember how I said I wouldnt mind seeing a face like yours every day?" Remus said, smiling as he moved Logan's veil.
"Well, you wont have to worry about that now, will you?" Logan said, smiling, and he relished in the kiss that Remus placed on his lips, Remus' arm pulling Logan closer and closer by the waist, until the space between them was so thin that they were almost attached.
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red-daddy-riot · 4 years
I’m The One - Kaminari Denki
Overview: After seeing the viral “I’m The One” trend on TikTok, Kaminari is inspired to rope his girlfriend into replicating it with him. Of course the rest of the class had to bear witness to his shenanigans too.
Pairing: Kaminari x herocourse!reader
Warnings: slight suggestive content at the beginning
Song: Famous (I’m The One) by Mozzy and IAMSU
Author’s note: Yayyyy we’ve got a one shot for our beloved Pikachu, Kaminari! This fic is so much shorter than the others, but I was inspired to write this crackhead piece by a TikTok that appeared on my FYP. A creator named @mariavalarts drew a scenario similar to this with Kaminari and Jirou doing the challenge, which made me laugh so much. Go check out her page if you are both on TikTok and a BNHA fan, because her art and videos are both cute and hilarious. I hope you all enjoy!
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Denki only continued to look at you from his perch on the couch arm, palms clasped together in front of him in prayer as he batted his eyes at you.
“Pleeeeease babe! I’ll literally never ask for anything ever again.” He whined.
“You and I both know that’s bullshit, you needy brat”. You huffed, looking at Yaoyorozu who had heard the whole conversation from her place on the floor with her notebook, and who was currently trying to stifle her laughter into her hand. “Yaomomo! Stop laughing!”
Kaminari had recently become obsessed with TikTok, spending hours of free time scrolling through videos from different content creators, ranging from meme videos, fancams, and his most recent obsession - the dance trends. His own TikToks were mostly clips he’d posted of his friends doing ridiculous things at U.A., such as Bakugou working himself up into a frothing rage, or getting the Bakusuqad to participate in the “Jojo Pose” challenge as characters from their favourite anime. However, for his next endeavour in his pursuit to go viral and become TikTok famous, he had turned his sights onto you.
More specifically, to beg you to take part in the “I’m The One” dance challenge with him.
Needless to say, you weren’t having a bar of it. At least, not unless there was something in it for you.
You looked back down at your yellow-haired boyfriend who had resorted to bigger tactics in order to convince you to change your mind. He had slid down the couch to kneel at your feet, lips formed into a pout and looking at you through what he thought was adorable puppy dog eyes. “Please baby. It would make me so happy! And I’ll buy you your favourite snacks next time we go into town!”
You hesitated, feeling your resolve weakening at his offer. Regardless, you tried to stay strong. “I’m not convinced.” You said with a smirk.
That was when he pulled out the big guns. Smiling innocently, he leaned forward, placing his palms on your knees before ever-so-slowly sliding them up to your thighs. Just as he reached the hem of your skirt he paused, smiling innocently. “I’ll give you a massage every night for a week.”
Damn it. He knew how to play to your weaknesses. Why on Earth he was this desperate to get dressed up in your school uniform skirt and dance on camera was beyond you. Maybe his electricity really had fried his brain.
“Fine! I’ll make your video with you.” You sighed, trying not to show how much the thought of one of his godly back massages made you excited.
“TikTok, babe! It’s a TikTok, not a video.” Kaminari cried, exasperated at your ignorance.
Facade crumbling you laughed, pulling him up from his knees towards you, leaning up to give him a peck. “You look so cute when you beg, Sparky” you said, hands twining into his fluffy hair as you pulled him down onto the couch.
Momo’s eyes widened and she stood up abruptly. “Andddd that’s my cue to leave” she tossed out over her shoulder, gathering her things and striding towards the dorm room elevator. She paused and winked, laughter still evident in her voice as an idea occurred to her. “Maybe the rest of the class would like to watch this legendary moment” She exclaimed, rushing out of the room towards the location of the dorm rooms.
“Momo! NO-“
That’s how you ended up here in the common room of the Heights Alliance building, surrounded by the majority of class 2-A as they waited to witness Kaminari make an absolute spectacle of himself. Admittedly that was nothing new, but this time he was determinedly forthcoming about it. You stood in front of the TV unit where Denki had his phone set up to record, dressed from head to toe in his school uniform. You had mimicked him to perfection, red tie neatly done up around your neck and blazer undone, pants slightly crumpled and wearing his scruffy black sneakers that were way too big for your feet.
The rest of the class were crowded off to the side, as close as they could be to the action without making it into the frame of the camera. Kirishima had his phone out, ready to immortalise the moment forever on his camera roll, while the rest of the class were lounging around prepared to be entertained. Even Bakugou was present, leaning over the back of the couch with a smirk on his lips, getting ready to witness Dunceface make an absolute fool of himself. On purpose as well. Todoroki however, just looked confused. He didnt really grasp the whole concept of TikTok in general, and especially not the type of ridiculous challenge you two were trying to emanate. Only Mina was absent, currently upstairs in her dorm room with Kaminari, getting him dressed in your own school uniform and primping him with make up and accessories to look just like you.
Suddenly, the elevator ‘dinged’, announcing the arrival of Mina and Kaminari from upstairs. The class looked eagerly to the hallway as Mina stumbled into view, clutching her stomach with tears rolling down her face from laughter.
“Oh my god oh my god. He looks SO GOOD!” She shrieked with joy. The giddiness felt by everyone present intensified as they waited for Kaminari to make his entrance. Your own face cracked into a wide grin, ready to see what your boyfriend looked like in your clothes. Kirishima instantly raised his camera, ready to capture Denki’s grand entrance.
“Ohhhhh honeyyyyyy” came Kaminari’s voice, taking on a high-pitched feminine tone as he finally strutted into view of everyone present. Instantly your jaw dropped to the floor as you registered his appearance.
You had no idea how in the hell Denki had managed to squeeze his whole frame into your shirt and skirt, but by god he did it. His legs were on full display, the hem of your tiny green uniform skirt just barely hitting his thighs. You swore you could see the hem of his boxer briefs as he twirled and sashayed around blowing kisses. Your blouse strained against his shoulders and unfortunately lacked the length to completely cover his lanky torso, resulting in a crop-top esqe ensemble that left little to the imagination. Your disbelieving gaze traveled down to his legs, where a pair of dark school socks were pulled up to his knees, along with a pair of shoes that couldn’t possibly be yours. Your feet were way too small for your boyfriend to wear your shoes comfortably. Mina had topped off the look by scraping his electric yellow hair into a decent replication of your signature ponytail (albeit lacking the length), and by applying blush to his cheeks, high shine lipgloss to his lips that were jutted out into a pout, and exaggerated false lashes to his eyes.
At the sight of the now very feminine Kaminari the whole class lost it. Kirishima and Sero cackled hysterically, with Kirishima hanging onto the couch for support, phone shaking unsteadily in his hand, whilst Sero slowly sank to the floor, banging his fist on the floorboards as tears of joy leaked from his eyes.
Ochaco’s hands had come up to cover her mouth in shock, eyes wide and cheeks very pink, while the floating ensemble of clothes that was Hagakure convulsed uncontrollably in the air as evidence of her hysterics.
From his place next to Uraraka, Izuku laughed out loud, eyes scrunched up tight in glee and unable to control his giggles at the spectacle that was his classmate.
Even Bakugou, who rarely displayed any facial expression that wasn’t a scowl had quirked his mouth into a grin before barking out harsh laughter at the sight of his friend dressed as a girl.
As the class exploded into laughter at the sight of Kaminari, he strutted his way over to you, mischievous grin fixed in place. Upon catching sight of your wide eyes and the hand over your mouth, his entire face lit up and he practically radiated glee.
“How do I look baby girl?” He questioned, coming to a stop in front of you and cocking his hip out to the side in a sassy pose. One hand came in front of his mouth as he leaned forward and blew you a kiss, whilst the other hand settled on the hip of his not-at-all-PG-rated school skirt.
Kaminari winked. “Don’t I look sexy?”
You blinked at him once, twice, before bursting out into laugher along with the rest of the class. Giggling hard, you abandoned your surprise and opted to wrap your arms around his neck before pulling him in close. “So sexy Pikachu. You look just like me.”
Smirking down at you, Denki planted a kiss on your cheek before pulling back. “Well you’re always sexy my love.”
Blushing heavily, you fiddled with his tie around your neck before Kirishima called out to you both, causing you to face your hysterical classmates.
“Smile you two!” Kirishima said, raising his phone and framing your figures perfectly in the frame. The rest of the class followed suit, determined to capture a picture of the moment before you made your TikTok debut. No doubt such pictures would later be featured on various Instagram and Snapchat stories.
“All right!” Denki exclaimed, rubbing his hands together mischeviously. “Let’s get this show on the road baby.”
The rest of 2A filtered out from behind the couch, taking their place off to the side of the room as you stood on your own in front of the phone ready to record. Pressing start, the iconic lyrics of ‘Famous’ filled the room as you started lip synching, pulling off some masculine moves and flipping up the collar of Denki’s shirt arrogantly. You then gestured smugly to your wrist, mimicking the showing of a watch before pointing behind you, swaggering out of the frame as Denki came strutting into view. Executing a twirl before ruffling his hands through his hair seductively, he bent down low, running his hands down his legs before straightening up, forming his fingers into a gun shape before pointing them at the camera and blowing a kiss on the word “guns”.
As the sound cut out you stopped the camera, smiling triumphantly as Denki started laughing. You laughed back, listening to the clamour of your rowdy classmates giggling at your success. Denki rushed forward, scooping you up and giving you a quick twirl before setting you back on your feet.
“Thanks for doing this with me baby”. He said, lacing his hands with yours as he smiled brightly.
You looked back up at him, even taller in his borrowed shoes. “Happy to help babe. It’s worth it to see you smile, Sparky.” You laughed.
Denki stepped back, beaming wide and bouncing excitedly. “Now we have to upload it! We‘ll go viral for sure now that I’ve got my super hot girlfriend in one of my TikToks!”
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