#his names radon
in-the-airducts · 1 year
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The war is over, go home.
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penny-anna · 6 days
Hi everyone!! My short story 'What They Named You' is out TODAY in Radon Journal, free to read online, 2600 words.
It is about a robot. If u enjoyed the sad robot story I shared the other day this one has similar themes! Here is a teaser:
7:32 AM. 31/03/2122. Wednesday.
He brushed his teeth, spat the minty froth into the basin, and turned off the tap. He shut the bathroom cabinet and looked at his thin, wide-eyed face in the mirrored door.
Out loud, to no-one but himself, he said, “I am not Phillip.”
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Office disability culture is so fucked in environmental science and fieldwork. Like the mindset that to do the job you have to be in perfect physical health or you should just quit. Like I'm not talking about something that is 100% physical labor here, everything is mostly achievable with aids and you don't need to be able to do every single thing. But there's this weird like..pride..that my older coworkers have. They work out in the gym and brag about how many reps they did. They tease each other for having medical issues. They don't ask for accommodations because they fear that their legitimacy will be hurt. That it means that they can't do their job anymore. That they won't be TRUSTED to do their jobs anymore. That it will get taken away.
So they FURTHER hurt their bodies by not resting, not taking breaks, not using ergonomic equipment, not using safety equipment. Not drinking enough water. Not using mobility aids when they are so old that it's supposed to be acceptable. They don't use the scooters at the grocery store, they don't use their handicapped placard, they don't use knee pads or compression gloves.
And here I come in, 24 years old, looking perfectly healthy. And I use walking sticks, I sit down a lot, I have my care bag, I have a ton of gadgets for making fieldwork more comfortable, I have boundaries and limits, I wear braces and knee pads and compression gloves. I use my handicapped placard.
They react in one of two ways:
1. How DARE I. I'm so lucky to be young and no one sees THEM having to do all those things (literally nothing is stopping them but pride). Like old man if you need a break take a fucking break. I'm not going to hurt my health to make you feel better about hurting yours. I'm not risking a flare up to spare the 65 year olds feelings. Im gonna take my break and use my equipment cause my boss doesn't care as long as the work gets done. I'm tired of glares from 100 year olds making themselves struggle across the parking lot when they could also be using the fucking scooter. (I never take the last scooter, there's always another available. Also it's not my fault if walmart only provides 2 scooters for the whole store).
2. It shows them its okay. Its okay to need aids. When I first showed up at my job it was very...macho..everyone was afraid of seeming old (theres probably only 3 of us under 30 in the whole department, most people are at least 50, mainly 65 year olds). Then they saw me using my walking sticks, taking my medicine openly, bringing a chair with me when working away from my desk, using my TENS unit. I overheard one lady ask her granddaughter what fibromyalgia was (apparently she had spotted my pain tracking journal).
My older coworker with a bad knee got a walking stick like mine and beamed when she showed me. The grandmother uses a cane and a walker interchangeably and more often. I get asked where I get my little portable fan and pocket heaters and special clothing. Even abled coworkers are doing it. My coworker who's younger than me sets alarms to take breaks now just like I do. People seem more comfortable using things that help them now.
My boss has really struggled. He has a lot of internalized ableism and hates thinking of himself as crippled. He spent his whole life physically active and strong and all these health issues and overexertion are catching up with him. Like he did environmental testing in areas with fucking radon. He did work where they threw asbestos around like snow for fun. He's done a ton of really hard physical work. He grew up with the mentality that pain was just something everyone has to push through. But I think seeing a young person make the choice not to push through is helping him a bit. He wants to make his own walking stick, he goes to the doctor more. We bond over having constant medical issues and I even gave him the name of my surgeon. Yea he still says stuff like "shoot me if I have to use a wheelchair" (not as much anymore since he now knows I use one) but he's getting there.
Yeah so I've had this in my drafts for a bit and I wanted to update that my boss has been walking around with a fucking broken ankle for the past couple of weeks. He thought it was just arthritis pain and eventually couldn't take it anymore and went to the foot doctor. The doctor has no clue how the fuck he's been walking on it. Now he has to wear the boot and he's banned from fieldwork while he heals.
Older people and the elderly need to learn that it's okay to not push through the pain and ask for help. Everyone needs to learn this, and not be like my fucking boss. Go to the doctor, get that sore joint checked out. Get those tests done. Use that aid. Stop walking on a broken ankle just because you can.
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I've been on the internet for a long time and I noticed that a lot of white saviors who label themselves as "allies" end up being just as racist as their rightwing counterpart. Not a whole lot but still too many imo. Dobson sounds like that type to brag about how he supports BLM but will talk shit about Asian or Hispanic people. Were there instances where Dobson outed himself as a racist?
I’ve seen people make that argument regarding how he depicted his former college roommate.
And you could probably argue it for his weird hateboner for Hideo Kojima…
(Go to this section:)
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And of course, there’s the infamous “we as a nation need to take Japan to sensitivity training because radon internet rumor that wasn’t even true”(read bottom to top)
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Actually, come to think of it, Dobson has said a lot of semi-racist stuff about Japanese media….
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nomsfaultau · 18 days
Fault crew in nightvale :D
Nightvale of course bristles against interlopers, but this time the discrimination is that they’re new in town, not that they’re anomalous. Progress! And obviously if Nightvale decides to keep them there’s not much the crew can do to leave, so eventually they might even settle into a proper place in the town. Having like actual jobs and homes is crazy for The Blade and Wilbur. They’re remarkable only insofar as they’re something new to gossip about, which is a game changer. Everyone is very skittish of Carlos at first bc of the Foundation, and would probably murder Dr. Janey Lubelle if she’s around when they’re there. The Dr. Blake vibe is just too much.
Tommy as an intern bc hello red shirt! In a purely goof sense I can just picture that because everything is so insanely dangerous, he can just try to pet Khoshekh at the end of each shift and The Blade is instantly summoned. This is how he gets a ride back home. Tommy is likely in the most in danger due to having minimal protection and being nosy. Immediately tries to break into the dog park because he wants to see puppers.
While happy to finally be able to walk in broad daylight, The Blade is NOT pleased with the government surveillance state and corruption and has declared war on the night vale city council. Him and Sheriff Sam are beefing hard. It’s ON SIGHT. There’s probably a plot where he tries to take down the Nightvale government and due to a random old law somehow ends up mayor and hates it. Excited to meet John Peters, you know, the farmer, and is extremely disappointed about the invisible corn. Not sure how a Huntokar and The Blood God meeting would go but I think they should. Like…a protector who is a destroyer, do you get me.
On the other hand, city council is really mad at Tubbo for all the forbidden secrets they’re just randomly stumbling across bc of the omnipresence of the swarms. Tubbo gets locked up in the radon canyon like every other day and Phil breaks them out whenever they get board of watching HBO. Tried to follow along with one of Earl Harlan’s cooking segments and got very disturbed, but Wilbur just followed the recipe not aware anything was abnormal. Plus in Tubbos’ backstory there IS an old woman Josie reference, so it’s possible they already know her and she has been using their honey in recipes for years.
Parallel between the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home and the half faceless young man who secretly lives in no home is fascinating. She keeps leaving him like centipedes in his drawers or whatever and it just goes ‘oh nice a snack’ which probably irks her. Likes hanging with the glow cloud bc the ambient lighting stops the void, who is itself pretty chuffed with all the dead animal carcasses
Philza got a letter for jury duty during Hiram McDaniel’s trial and blew it off bc he was dealing with the Foundation. I think he’d be very chill with Josh Crayton, bonding over different forms and getting stuck in a form you didn’t plan on. Impressed with Tamika Flynn’s Librarian wrangling as a teen, though is more supportive of people growing and changing interests than Cecil dreaming of the glory days. And uhhh technically he’s responsible for the death of many nightvale interns since in chapter Phthalo I used wtnv interns to name Foundation employees. Possibly interesting implications if Chad Bowinger, Maureen Johnson, and Kareem Nazari went to work for the Foundation at some point…?
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milominderbindered · 2 years
wtnv cecil/carlos episodes complete list
look, bc 200 eps is a lot to get through, i made a list of all the episodes with important and/or particularly good cecil/carlos moments. sort of a relationship timeline sort of just notable stuff !!
Episode 1 - Pilot
(First meeting.  “And I fell in love instantly”)
Episode 3 - Station Management
(Carlos gets his hair cut)
Episode 8 — The Lights in Radon Canyon
(Carlos drops by the station, but tragically does not mention weekend plans)
Episode 16 — The Phone Call
(Cecil gets a phone call from Carlos)
Episode 25 — One Year Later
(Their first big moment)
Episode 27 — First Date
(as it says on the tin)
Episode 30 — Dana
(Carlos studying the house that does not exist)
Episode 31 — A Blinking Light Up On The Mountain
(Carlos makes Cecil dinner)
Episode 35 — Lazy Day
(Carlos has a busy day)
Episode 38 — Orange Grove
(An email from Carlos)
Episode 46 — Parade Day
(Carlos calls in)
Episode 49 — Old Oak Doors
(Carlos and Cecil reunite after a disappearance)
Episode 50 — Capital Campaign
(Carlos is trapped, but scientists are always fine)
Episode 51 — Rumbling
(Carlos reports from the desert)
Episode 52 — The Retirement of Pamela Winchell
(An update on Carlos)
Episode 54 — A Carnival Comes to Town
(Carlos calls)
Episode 55 — The University of What It Is
(Carlos’s university say hi)
Episode 56 — Homecoming
(Cecil misses Carlos)
Episode 58 — Monolith
(Carlos asks Cecil to visit)
Episode 59 — Antiques
(Carlos calls)
(Cecil paints Carlos)
Episode 65 — Voicemail
(Carlos leaves Cecil voicemails)
Episode 68 — Faceless Old Woman
(Cecil is back from visiting Carlos)
Episode 70A — Taking Flight
(A Carlos heavy episode)
Episode 70B — Review
(Carlos and Cecil reunite)
Episode 71 — The Registry of Middle School Crushes
(A heist)
Episode 75 — Through The Narrow Place
(Cecil and Carlos have matching lycra shorts)
Episode 76 — An Epilogue
(Carlos makes a clever plan, and they go bowling)
Episode 78 — Cooking Stuff
(Carlos and Cecil are going to host Thanksgiving)
Episode 88 — Things Fall Apart
(Carlos calls, and they have nicknames)
Episode 89 — Who’s a Good Boy, Part 1
(Carlos tries to save the town with science)
Episode 100 — Toast
(A big step)
Episode 103 — Ash Beach
(Carlos & Cecil visit Old Woman Josie)
Episode 107 — The Missing Sky
(Another Carlos science mission)
Episode 108 — Cal
(Carlos & Cecil’s home)
Episode 111 — Summer 2017, Night Vale, USA
(Carlos with his scientists, and with Cecil)
Episode 119 - eGemony, Part 3: "Love, Among Other Things, Is All You Need"
(Scientists calibrate their instruments to the length of Carlos’s hair)
Episode 124 — A Door Ajar, Part 1
(Carlos doesn’t want to do science?)
Episode 125 — A Door Ajar, Part 2
(A memory of when they first met)
Episode 126 — A Door Ajar, Part 3
(Couples counselling)
Episode 133 — Are You Sure?
(Carlos’s hair is unusually perfect)
Episode 147 — The Protestor
(Cecil doesn’t know an astronomer, but he does know a scientist)
Episode 149 — The General
(Cecil and Carlos go on a ‘first date’)
Episode 150 — The Birthday of Lee Marvin
(Cecil and Carlos’s 6th anniversary)
Episode 153 — The Heist, Part 1
(Carlos does science at home)
Episode 154 — The Heist, Part 2
(Love is the most important news story)
Episode 155 — The Heist, Part 3
(Carlos is a person of interest, which Cecil has been saying for years)
Episode 159 — Cat Show
(Debates over whose last name Khoshekh should have)
Episode 163 — Bravo
(They go to the theatre)
Episode 165 — Charlie
(Remembering when Carlos was in Desert Bluffs)
Episode 166 — Delta
(Carlos bought….handcuffs….at Target….)
Episode 167 — Echo
(Cecil knows that Carlos liked him from the very first time he called)
Episode 176 — The Autumn Spectre
(Carlos meets Bloody Mary)
Episode 177 - Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen
(Carlos calls)
Episode 181 — C*****s
(Reminiscing… and a new addition)
Episode 182 — It Sticks With You
(A family hike)
Episode 192 - It Doesn't Hold Up
(Carlos falls asleep during movies)
Episode 198 — Them Woods Are A Maze
(They take a break from parenting)
Episode 205 — The Moon is Gone
(Carlos plays Elden Ring 23 hours a day)
Episode 208 - Cecil in The Big City
(Carlos and Cecil take a trip)
Episode 209 - The Black Coat
(It’s nearly ten years since Carlos arrived in Night Vale)
Episode 210 - Ten Years Later
(It’s ten years since Carlos arrived in Night Vale)
Episode 212 - The Campus
(Carlos calls in about his old University)
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jylesthejester · 27 days
[Also I recall @therummonster wanted to hear more about Raegen! His block of text is at the top :D]
1-Though they all may come from different universes they all know eachother due to multiversal travel.
2-I have made up certain species/things for some characters, if you have questions about them feel free to ask
3-I made a post covering Maxie and Stella in a way that gets most of their story across, so I will only be covering everyone besides them, if you want more of Stella and Maxie I will give you more, just ask.
4-Some smaller details might change later as I'm still working out stories for some characters
5-Theres a little inspiration from almost every fandom I've been interested in/actually in (TSBS, TMNT, LMK, etc) so if something sounds familiar thats likely why
6-My characters are unrealistically tall so most have the ability to alter their height if it's beyond a humans ability to be how tall they are.
7-Most characters have complex relationships that I'm not sure how to write all that well, so excuse me if I explain it horribly
Let's get into it :D
Raegen Caballero aka Radioactive :
Raegen Canallero was mentioned in my last post, to sum up their backstory, the non-humans and humans in his universe had a war where the humans flat out took the non-humans to scientific research facilities for testing, Raegen was a victim of this type of abdution, earning him the name Radioactive for the Radioactive poisoning his breath caused to humans. Raegen works for an organization called the Elements, which, obviously, consists of people with Elemental abilities, Raegan oddly being favored in this organization due to their awe inducing slight of hand and special abilities. Raegen wears a belt that has two drills attached to it with cords, making it easier for him to break into buildings. Raegen is often seen wearing a cropped jacket with shorts and blue boots, with, of course, the belt and some gloves. His eyes are green, and ones radioactive green with a lime colored pupil, the other eye is a deep dull green color with a blue pupil. Raegen is in a friend circle with their (before mentioned) sibling they lost. They just don't know it yet. If you want a good feel of his character, try to associate with him with "Drift away" from SU. Raegen is very easily manipulated, being forced to stay in a facility for a good portion of their development years. His name means "King(R) Soldier(C)". His hands are calloused from climbing, grabbing, and often touching rough surfaces. They live in the woods in a small shack, which is essentially a hide out for them, they keep all their possessions there. His lungs have developed to have a negative reaction to Radon (Radon is a radioactive gas that has no smell, colour or taste. Radon is produced from the natural radioactive decay of uranium, which is found in all rocks and soils. Radon can also be found in water. Radon escapes from the ground into the air, where it decays and produces further radioactive particles.) Which causes them to pass out soon after inhaling it, which their gas mask filters. Raegen has a lot of knowledge about chemistry and science. Raegens abilities include - Breathing toxic gasses, can consume toxic liquids(his lungs immediately processes it and makes his breath have the same affects/smell/taste as the toxin for a limited amount of time depending on how much of the selected Toxin they drink.), Teleportation, slight super hearing (can hear everything thats about in a 50 foot radius around him), height alteration. Raegen, whenever he has free time, goes to lost to time/dead dimensions and helps the souls in there pass on to the afterlife, allowing the dimension to finally Decay and the souls to Finally rest. Raegen once found an alive child in a dying dimension, and helped them out, giving them to Maxie and Stella in secret.
Celeste Kanth Novaflare :
Celeste is Maxie and Stella's biological daughter. She's about sixteen and helps around the casino at times, not being allowed to stay in the heart floor for long amounts of time. Celeste looks like both her parents in equal parts, her main color is blue, being a mix of green(maxie) and purple(stella). Celeste has abilities she hasn't yet learned to control, so she refrains from using them. Celeste knows how to use a bow and arrow. Celeste has a passion in Ballet and performing, both her parents attend all her Ballet performances. Celeste has the same half space type of face Stella has, with the constellations instead being blue but still connecting to make a spider web around the eye. Celeste's abilities include - Teleportation, elongation of limbs(from maxie), floatation, spawning weapons from the constellations(from Stella), being able to make a person blind for a selected amount of time in turn making them extremely sleepy, being able to spawn a cloud to ride on and or use for transportation, and being able to spawn limited Portals. Celeste is a eccentric child, being very nice and forgiving which gets them in bad situations at times. Celeste is homeschooled because most schools around wouldn't accept Celeste due to Stella and Maxies track record. Celeste could be called "spoiled", but shes very humble, she loves giving gifts. She's about 6'1 at the moment, she grew quickly which her parents were surprised but quickly adjusted to. Celeste has one best friend called Gelatin. Celeste has curly hair just like Maxies natural hair. Celeste has one green eye with a yellow pupil and one purple eye. Celeste is a germaphobe and is often cleaning or wiping down counters by her own will, cause she knows it's dirty. Celeste realizes if people are trying to manipulate her quickly, and catches it before they can go on. Celeste doesn't have a whole lot of backstory, since she just grew up being homeschooled by her parents and hasn't really experienced anything bad. She's very warm and welcoming to people in the casino.
Alix Caballero aka Lix :
Lix, after experiencing a similar situation to Raegens, was placed in a facility where she was kept against her will, as her abilities developed and she was given minimal amounts of food and water, clothing was white long pants and white long sleeved shirts, she was deprived from human contact and assumed her sibling was dead. After so many years, Lix got a chance to run out and took it. She quickly left the place, burning the walls down as she ran, helping everyone else in the facility escape. Lix eventually evolved to be a Harley-quinn type person. Lix is very sarcastic and rude to most, but at times, she can be funny. Lix's main colors are a light cyan Color, Grey, and black. Alix has naturally brown hair but dyed her hair to have some sections be Ice blue and others being Grey, and putting them up into spikey Buns. Lix's main weapon is a baseball bat, but she also knows a bit of magic next to her abilities she naturally has. Lix has a spikeball tail, she's unsure why it looks how it does, but it's there. Lix's abilities include - Pyrokinesis(blue fire), hypnosis with his voice, able to turn parts of his body/skin into a malubale kind of putty and can shape it into different things, Teleportation, super speed, and Kryokinesis/Cryokinesis(manipulation of ice). Lix talks in a very sarcastic and dramatic voice, mocking people most of the time. Lix has shark-like teeth, which also work like actual Sharks teeth to(grow back after falling out), do at times she'll pull a tooth out for an occasional trick or for scared/horrified reactions. After getting out of the facility, she built up muscle so she could protect herself not only with magic but also with just their general strength. Lix's seclaras have a light tint of blue, and it's noticeable from afar. Lix has visual snow and didn't know it until later on in life when he told some friends about it.
Palin Rockfeller aka Invert :
Palin grew up in a black and white universe, the universe slowly started to gain color(watercolor type colors) as time went on, though once they got the chance to leave the universe they took it, and never went back, due to this, the portal messed with their colors, making half of their body/clothes inverted, anything they wear becomes half inverted and goes back to normal after she takes it off. This didn't affect her much, so she lives with it and usually goes by the name "Invert.". Palin found a handful of friends in this new dimension and met a girl named Lila and her twin named Maya(both are down in this list, Lila is right below palin), Eventually Lila and Palin grew close and started hanging out with only eachother on weekends instead of the two of them with Maya, at some point Palin found Raegen and enjoyed talking to them so eventually added them to their friend group. One day, Palin was going down the street when she heard some screaming. She quickly located where it was from and went down a dim alleyway. This led to her finding Lila's body, She was shot in multiple different parts of her person, Palin took Lila to her place and hoped she could take care of her, since there weren't any local hospitals. Palin eventually realized Lila was going to die if she didn't do something, so Palin attempted to make her into a robot of sorts, but kept her personality and memories in her code, so she wasn't completely different(that's where I'll end the backstory). Palin likes making robots cause she has a passion for design, so she draws in her free time. Palin's abilities include - Being able to split objects into two of itself(one being inverted the other not), short range teleportation, being able to change other people's vision/their vision to see everything with inverted colors, being able to make something the opposite of what it is (eg: medical supplies becoming something that causes harm), being able to visualize words outwardly(like projection, she usually does this when reading stories to children). Palin collects powerful artifacts from across universes and keeps them safe. She has dark brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and half of her entire body is inverted.
Lila [Gear] :
Lila grew up in a good home, her parents and both her and her twin sister all were an 'ice family' in their universe, meaning all of them could manipulate ice. Lila's a twin sister to Maya. Some of the few memories she has are of Palin, Maya, and right before her death. Lila had some alteration in code from Raegen to kind of make her a bodyguard robot for Palin. Lila's main weapon is a hammer. Lilas abilities include - Cryokinesis, Super speed, decoding computers (by plugging them into her head), heightened senses, being able to sense when someone's(Mainly when Palin's) in danger, Scanning Wounds/DNA samples and finding how to take care of it/matches for the DNA. Lila has white skin, black hair with a cyan ombre, black & cyan horns, a halo, and black eyes with cyan pupils. Lila has a phobia of Clowns, so she can't hang around Inky for too long until her fear starts getting to her. Lila is like Molten from TSAMS or Jack from TSBS, she'll attack a set target/go after a set target unless Palin (In the TSBS case for this, Moon/Solar) tells her to stop. Lila is quite fond of Raegen, she doesn't remember him but enjoys his company. Lila's code evolves and learns constantly, just like how humans do, so her code can't be permanently hacked cause it's like manipulation to Lila, she'll eventually realize it and leave the person. Lila has a handful of favorite universes to travel to when she needs to clear her mind (Palin's universe, dreamcore-like universes, anything peaceful like that). Lila has artifical lungs and organs, so she can physically get sick, but it's like 10x worse cause her heightened senses cause her to succumb to the sickness more, so she usually acts dramatic and acts like she's going to die when she's sick. Lila loves jazz music and loves dancing. At times, she and Palin will dance to jazz music around the house they own. Lila can adapt parts of her body to become weapons and / or Sheilds, which helps a lot in fights. Lila has a passion for singing and music. She loves giving people vocal training/vocal classes. Lila loves trying to figure out what instruments were used in songs from movies/shows. Most of her main story is in Palin's section, so sorry I can't put it here :,3
Nova Starstruck :
Nova's actual name is flare, but that's been erased from their memories. Nova grew up in a dimension where everyone had shadows over their faces/bodies, making their eyes permanently white and stuck in place. Nova was chosen as a servant for a multiversal creator. They left their original dimension to pursue this job and new life. They go to various dimensions and note down anything they notice or anything important, making up names for the dimensions based on the notes. Nova has gone to various dead dimensions that usually end up in them just walking around for a bit, taking in the amount of Ashes and taking notes about what is there(that hasn't died yet) or what could've been there. Nova's very devoted to her work and tries to avoid making connections to anyone in the universes they visit. Nova dresses like a pastel Clown to make themself somewhat blend in at some points as a street performer. Nova is extremely tall and looms over anything or anyone they meet. Nova has red hair, a shadowed body/face, and white eyes. There are various other versions of Nova, they were one of the two options the Multiversal creator was going to chose, and the creator chose them for one significant difference, the ability for them to leave their life behind easily. Novas abilities include - Height manipulation(on themself), Illusion/Major image/Minor image, teleportation, a remarkably flexible neck(/ref), can know someone's name by looking at them,
Inky Inkwell :
Inky comes from a dimension called Geometricks where everythings made out of shapes. Inky is very docile and not intimidating. Inky carries candy in his pockets to give to children(upset children or just children who want candy). Inky was/is a juggler at their carnival ("Once upon your wildest dreams") and used Shurikens/Ninja stars in their juggling acts (at times also juggling both objects with Party favor in their hands). Inky's abilities include - Telekinesis, Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Disconnecting limbs, Making matter out of nothing, moving molecular structure, electrokinesis, human cloaking(being able to make himself look human). Inky doesn't talk much about his universe but it's suspected by others(Maxie, Nova, etc) that they left it forcefully. Inky looks legitimately like 2d animation when walking around, they dont have any shading though, so he's just flat colors and some outlines. Inky has Tear marks on his face(look at drawing on my profile if u haven't seen it ^^), when he's actually crying the tear marks turn green and yellow. Inky has a gap between their teeth(which are naturally off white). Inkys neck & waist frills are from the universe theyre now in, unlike the rest of their outfit. Inky keeps poloroids of their close friends (Their Carnival friends and Party favor), they haven't managed to get a picture of Nova yet. Inky's human form is pale with green hair and blue eyes. Inky loves the cuphead universe for the rubber hose artstyle it has. Inky has never been seen angry, they're either bored or happy. Inky can consume his juggling shurikens/daggers, it's a trick they've learned from some of the swallowing-sword's people in their old Circus.
Ricin aka John Doe :
It's suspected that he was the cause for his universes death.
Party favor :
Party favor is Inky's closest friend. Party favor is actually a monotonous nightmare-dream eater, though they've stuck around Inky because of the amount of nightmares they have, so Party favor gets to eat nightmares regularly. Party favor has extremely long pointed limbs and a very odd face when in their natural form, the form they're usually in is a compressed version of their form (I might have to draw their monstrous form sometime). Party favor didn't like much of the "Once upon your wildest dreams" crew but tolerated them since Inky got him a kinda-job-sorta at the place. Party favors abilities include - Confetti spawning, Mind manipulation, minor image/Minor illusion, Hallucinations, human cloaking (Same thing as inkys ability). Party favor likes using Sparklers as a distraction at times to get away from people. Party favor doesn't talk about the (now dead) "Once upon your wildest dreams" crew infront of Inky, which they're usually near/around, so they just don't talk about them at all. Party favor has various hats they wear at separate times. Party favors "Eyes" can also be a mouth, the middle of the X is where the mouth pops out of, like a demogorgon sort of.
Jimson aka Clementine :
Ricin is a dead, unidentified body. He died from a workplace accident and fell onto a pipe, busting his head open, before falling into a vat of chemicals, completely burning his skin and Eyeballs out of their sockets, no one was brave enough to get his body out of the vat so they gave him the nickname "Chemical vat John Doe". Ricin is a vengeful spirit and Haunts the company buildings, causing more workplace accidents (which bodies have been identified from), and trying to get people to figure out who he was, it upsets him that he just got the name "John doe" then they went on. Ricin's abilities include - Teleportation, Hallucinations, Portals. Ricin was smoking right before he died, so his spirit has a cigarette in its mouth, the fires unextinquishable. Ricin has purple hair, one green eye, one red eye, slightly tanned skin, and is wearing a black suit with a red tie. Ricin doesn't often make friends with other spirits. He's very rude and reclusive(like EaPs Eclipse!). He consistently tells any new spirits that the police aren't going to find their bodies, and they'll also be known as a John/Jane doe. The only person he sorta gets along with is Jimson(who isn't a spirit, but can see him). Ricin was supposed to get sent to hell, but his spirit escaped, keeping his soul in the factory(that's now been long abandoned [he died in 1920.]). Ricins soul is physically stuck at the factory, he can only go 150 feet away from it before being sucked back to it.
Jimson is a 2d-looking character, similar to Inky, except they're actually 3d. Jimson loves gardens and helps Kaede(an oc that's not on this list) out with his garden! Jimson can see spirits and often helps solve Jane doe/John doe cases, but also is a murderer of sorts. He uses dead bodies he finds for compost. Jimson has a sun mark and a rain-cloud mark under each of his eyes, his eyes are green and his hair is brown, his bangs are a somewhat-pastel indigo, his skin is tanned, and he dresses in overalls, short sleeved shirts, and boots. Jimson is very pushy, which often makes most people steer clear of becoming friends with them. Jimson convinced Ricin to tell them where he died so they could maybe help solve a case (from over 50 years ago? Yeah, good luck, buddy lol), he ended up not being able to help, but he could talk to Ricin better at the factory since Ricin's soul was stuck there, so they talked more. Jimson eventually would find that Ricin can possess an object they have, but I won't talk about that much yet :) Jimson can eat/consume/smell poisonous food/berries/flowers/etc, they have a immunity to it. Jimson quite literally sprouted out of the ground, which is why they have a sprout on their head. Jimson doesn't seem to have a mouth, but when they open their mouth they have teeth like a lamprey(if you guys know what that is, if you don't, Google it, they're pretty metal /pos). Jimsons abilities include - Geokinesis, ghost-seeing/spirit-seeing, being able to consume poisonous things, being able to suck out blood like a Vampire, can sense how far along a plant is to being done growing.
Lydia Summers :
Maya Chrome :
Lydia is the leader of the Elements(the organization Raegen works for). Lydia comes from a Fire family (like in Lilas thing, a fire family means a family that can manipulate/control fire). Lydia is very manipulative and overly pushy. Lydia is good friends with Maya from childhood. She has red-orange-yellow ombre hair, pale skin, fire-like eyes, a small crown on the top of her head, and a fire tail. Lydia dispises Lila a Lot, even though she's Mayas sister, Lydia never got along with her no matter what. Lydia's abilities include - Pyrokinesis, melting/welding/bending metal to her touch, being able to make her whole body fire. Lydia's hair spikes up in Flames (think like redson from LMK) when she gets mad. Lydia's clothes mainly are made out of non-flammable material, so she doesn't burn them. Lydia hates when she's not able to get in on any fights. Lydia is power-hungry, so she has most of the people under her control gather powerful multiversal weapons so she can use them all to rule the world (classic villian). Though Lydia's whole organization is about the main elements/Elemental powers(though there is one using electricity- shshshsh) she still put Raegen in the organization despite him not having any Elemental powers, he's just kinda the barbarian of the Organization (aka the only one like REALLY physically strong). Lydia grew up incredibly spoiled, in a wealthy household, which didn't help much with how power-hungry she got later on in life.
Relationships (main) [Relationships you guys should know about] :
Maya is Lila's twin sister, she doesn't know her sister died(technically) and thought she just went missing. Maya is incredibly reluctant to help Lydia with her goals, but does anyway since Lydia is her best friend. Maya admires the "Casino crew"'s (Maxie, Stella, Palin, Kaede, Gacey, etc[most I haven't wrote about here]) work, but knows they're a threat to the Elements organization, so knows she has to take them down at some point. Mayas abilities include - Cryokinesis, Teleportation, Water manipulation, minor Illusions. Maya has black hair with a light cyan ombre, light cyan horns and tail, cyan eyes, black diamond pupils, and pale skin. Maya respects most of the Element's people, mostly respecting Raegen for dealing with Lydia's bullshit most of the time. Maya loves fashion and includes it in her everyday outfits. Maya often wears a chrome belt on her outfits, liking the look it gives against her skin. Maya often leads buisness meetings since Lydia hates doing them. Maya's one of the kinder people in the Elements, most are insane or just need to go to a mental hospital or therapy. Maya is very gentle with people, and usually when talking to Karen's uses gentle parenting techniques.
Main Organizations/Companies/Groups :
Maxie & Stella - Married
Inky & Party favor - The consuming and the consumer/Being used and doesn't know and using them
Lydia & Raegen - Manipulative 'Relationship'
Maya & Lydia - Best friends
Jimson & Ricin - Friends with romantic tension/Ghost and annoying person they're attached to
Kaede & Jimson - Being helped and Helper/Friends
Gacey & Kaede & Lix - Love triangle with a lot of tension (AND I LITERALLY MEAN LOVE TRIANGLE. NOT A LOVE V.)
Party favor & Nova - Hates eachother but get along around one person(Inky)
Nova & Inky - Thinks they're friends(Inky) and Hates the other person(Nova)
Maya & Raegen - Knows they're both in a bad situation and bond over it
Lila & Palin - Creation and creator/Admires eachother deeply
Raegen & Celeste - Cool uncle and cool niece/Chaos embodiments
Lix & Raegen - Awkward but chill
Palin & Maya - Friends that distanced themselves from the other over time
Celeste & Inky - Besties!
More Oc lore that I'm going to write about :
Once Upon Your Wildest Dreams Carnival - Flare(ringmaster)
Elements - Lydia(owner/creator)
The Multiversal Casino - Maxie & Stella (Co-owners)
Special weapons/items in the story :
All of the 'Once Upon Your Wildest Dreams' Carnival characters' Lore.
Gelatin (another oc)
Weapons/powerful items that exist in the multiverse I've created.
The Code breaker chain/Multiversal Glitching Chain/Glitch chain/Multiversal breaker chain (it has a lot of names)
Eclipsical Staff
Color absorber pallette
Jingle-bell Scythe
Starstruck information orbs
Lmk if you want me to talk about the whole little multiverse I've made in my head more ^^ I really enjoyed typing all of this out :D I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
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duochromium · 7 months
hi your pinned post says that youre aroace. can i suggest rebranding
aromantic is only one letter away from aromatic, and aromatic compounds have several real-life applications, such as paints and detergents. one aromatic compound is benzene, or ben for short
now, the ace in a deck of cards has a value of one. however, because i believe that everyone should have higher self-worth, i would like to suggest using the highest numerical value in a deck of cards, or 10.
thus, i would like to suggest that you refer to yourself as ben 10 from now on.
this was funnier in my head im sorry
actually aroace doesn’t mean aromantic asexual in my context. let’s break it down.
the first half of that is aro. put that numerically it’s 1, 18 and 15.
1 is I in Roman numerals. i refers to the self, but also can refer to the imaginary unit, a part of math very closely tied to the concept of squares.
now i’m sure we’re all familiar with wilhelmstein. everyone’s second favorite artificial island.
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and would you look at that. it’s a rectangle. almost a square. the only thing wilhelmstein needs is a PORT.
onto 18, as in Android 18 from the dragon ball series. who’s her husband? krillin, who has six dots on his forehead. six dots? you know what the best kind of dots are? atoms. with six complete shells, radon is by far the coolest element. and it’s a noble GAS.
15. well, everyone immediately thinks of such a notable year, 1915. year of the Battle of Loos, the most relevant fight of all time. the first battle in which the British use poison gas, namely mustard gas. mustard. mustard sucks dick. what is dick commonly shortened to? D.
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shisabun-art · 2 years
Accidentally made a new Transformers OC for a Coriolis game on Discord. The group named him Radon because of his color scheme. He's an idiot, but we love him.
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I had fun practicing the TFA style. Might try merging it with the Prime style and see what I get. 🤔
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neonsunday · 2 months
Even, with radon blood leaking memories of quantum war and stellar histories over her cheeks, he looked on her with respect. Her frail hands rocked him and called him gawu at his birth; the creasy lips now run over with iridium ooze once whispered stories while he napped. She even, with the help of his mother, lifted their hereditary club to name him guardian.
So, ran off by war from their house, it was all he could do, to slay xaeic prey and eldritch dogs for her-- so that she may, in senility, feast on ghosts and bathe in blood.
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vikenticomeshome · 7 days
The Land of Ta (Vintage Stickers) (1981)
So, a few years ago, there was a mystery being discussed on Reddit regarding the origin of a vintage pin featuring a strange creature with the name Geedis.
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I don't know that they ever found out who made the pin. However, they did find out the origin of the character of Geedis. He was from a collection of stickers called the "Land of Ta" produced by the artist Sam Petrucci for the company Dennison back in 1981.
YouTuber Whang! made a pair of good videos. One of them talks about the mystery, and the other discusses the resolution.
It was discovered that the artist was Sam Petrucci. It was also discovered that the characters were only ever used for the stickers. There wasn't a book series or cartoon tied to it. I got ahold of the two known sheets labelled for "Land of Ta", and I did high-resolution scans of them. The 80-218 sheet looks a bit off, as if they printed the characters slightly to the right from where they were supposed to go. The 80-219 sheet looks perfect, however. I don't have the spin-off(?) sheet "Women of Ta" (80-224), but I plan to get that one as well.
So, we have these characters without any backstory or even character bios. So, we can only judge these books by their covers. That's what I'm going to do. Let's go out of order and start with the 80-219 sheet.
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So here's Eris. I can tell that they aren't a traditional Dragon, as those have four legs. Likewise, I can tell that they aren't a traditional Wyvern, as those have two legs. Maybe they were based on the more obscure Amphiptere. It's not a perfect match, as Eris's wings (or are they flippers?) are basically on their head.
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That was drawn by English cleric Edward Topsell back in 1608. The Amphi- prefix suggests that they are amphibious creatures, which would fit with Eris's sea-serpent look. However, I can't find much information about them.
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And now we have Hermann. It is a bit difficult to make out his eye color. His eyes may be red, which is stereotypically evil. That axe, complete with chips, does look somewhat menacing. However, he might not be using it as a weapon. He may be a wood-cutter. The short legs and massive torso make me think of Where the Wild Things Are. On the plus side, his legs are super short, so you could probably out-run him in a chase.
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And now, we have our first human (or maybe just human-like) character. Radon has a horned helmet. That's an old Viking stereotype that has been largely debunked. Having horns on your helmet is a really bad idea in a fight, as the enemy can grab the horns and do alot with your head. I cannot see what his necklace is made of. His boots are made of metal, while the rest of his minimalist outfit is made of fur. That's a bit odd. Barbarian types would probably still with all-fur, and a knight would probably have more substantial metal armor.
He's jacked as hell, and he looks very serious. So, fighting him would probably be a bad idea.
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And now, we have whatever the hell Shimra is. They look like a cross between a red-eyed tree frog, a mountain lion, and a chipmunk. I don't immediately recognize Shimra as an existing creature from well-known folklore. They look about ready to pounce. Those claws look like they could do some damage. Some frogs do have tiny teeth, but they're more for swallowing prey whole rather than chewing.
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And here we have Stefan. He's a tall, jacked, barbarian with an elaborate wyvern on top of his staff. He appears to have just taken down some type of wyvern. However, I'm not sure I believe this. Sure, he has one foot on the wyvern's belly. However, it's claws are well within range of ripping his balls off. The staff that he leans on doesn't looks very useful as a weapon, as he's bound to get the little wyvern caught on something, or broken off. He's not even looking at the wyvern that he's supposed to be fighting. He's just staring straight ahead, not knowing what he's about to lose.
I think this shot was setup and posed. It's like that old trope of the hunting trophy with the bear posed like it's going to attack. Yeah, something tells me Radon could take him.
But maybe I've got Stefan all wrong. Maybe that wyvern on his staff indicates that he is a wyvern-trainer of some sort. Maybe the wyvern on the ground is actually his pet, and that's why he isn't worried about the situation.
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And here we have Uno. They won't stop staring at me. I have to question how they're holding that club. Why is the club being held in their lower arm? It they try to pull back to swing, their upper arm will get in the way.
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And now, we have the first member of the 80-218 sheet. The green skin and antennae make me think of the Namekians. He appears to be carrying a serpent, which I assume is a living minion. Or maybe he swings it like a flail. Maybe it's both.
Zoltan, of course, is rich as all hell. He bought those gold arm bands with the royalties from his line of fortune-telling machines. Here's an example from pinrepair.
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And here's C3PO's cousin, Tokar. Or maybe that's a man in a suit with a respirator, a-la Darth Vader. We know he was inspired by Star Wars anyway. That's definitely a killer robot pose. I wonder who he is reaching for? Or maybe this is as far as he can raise his arms. That upper part of his chest piece looks like it would inhibit his shoulder movement.
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And now, everyone say "hello" to Iggy. That is certainly a face. This bothers me more than Uno did. Just like Zoltan, we have some sort of living serpent. In this case, the serpent is wrapped around his staff. Surely, Iggy isn't planning on using the staff as a weapon while the serpent is wrapped around it. Or maybe I've got the wrong end of the staff here. Maybe Iggy is the serpent, and the green guy is the minion.
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And there's Harry. He has some horrifying mixture of a bald eagle and an earthworm. Just like Stefan earlier, his animal-handling skills are questionable. It looks like its about to bite off Harry's nose.
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And now, we have Erik. At first, I thought he was another human, like Stefan or Radon. But then, I saw those bird talons on his feet and that beak on his face. I don't see any wings, but he does have a bird on his helmet and on his staff. With the questionable exception of Tokar, Erik is the first one who decided to bring chest armor. He looks like the sort of person that another fighter would discount immediately because of his looks. But then, he would take them apart.
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Yeah, I saved him for last. Geedis led so many people to learn about the Land of Ta. He brought the 1981 sticker pack out of obscurity. He looks very friendly.
And that's it for the 80-218 and 80-219 sheets from the Land of Ta. I'll make another post later on when I get the 80-224 sheet for the Women of Ta.
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pissmd · 8 months
This catastatic feature of the puppet-film’s plot — that Johnny Gentle, Famous Crooner threatens to bomb his own nation and toxify neighbors in an insane pout over Canada’s reluctance to take redemised title over O.N.A.N.’s very own vast dump — resonates powerfully with those members of the movie’s E.T.A. audience who know that this whole parodic pseudo-ONANtiad scenario is actually a puppet-à-clef-type allusion to the dark legend of one Eric Clipperton and the Clipperton Brigade. In the very last couple years of solar, Unsubsidized Time, this kid Eric Clipperton appeared for the first time as an unseeded sixteen-year-old in East Coast regional tournament play. The little Town-or-Academy-Hailed-From slot after Clipperton’s name on tournament draw-sheets just said ‘Ind.,’ presumably for ‘Independent.’ Nobody’d heard of him before or knew where he came from. He’d just sort of seepily risen, some sort of human radon, from someplace low and unknown, whence he lent the cliché ‘Win or Die in the Attempt’ grotesquely literal new levels of sense.
For the Clipperton legend derived from the fact that this Clipperton kid owned a hideous and immaculately maintained Glock 17 semiautomatic sidearm that came in a classy little leather-handled blond-wood case with German High-Gothic script on it and a velvet gun-shaped concavity inside where the Glock 17 lay nestled in plush velvet, gleaming, with another little rectangular divot for the 17-shot clip; and that he brought the gun-case and Glock 17 out on the court with him along with his towels and water-jug and sticks and gear bag, and from his very first appearance on the East Coast jr. tour made clear his intention to blow his own brains out publicly, right there on court, if he should lose, ever, even once.
— David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
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WTNV quick rundown - 129 - A Matter of Blood, part 3
Featuring the voice of Jasika Nicole as Dana Cardinal.
Read the rest here!
We make our own luck. Which is to say that things randomly happen and we apply our personal ideas about luck to that randomness. Welcome to Night Vale.
This broadcast is canonically two weeks apart from the previous one. Because of this, Cecil is able to list exactly what happened with Dana and with the blood matter from space.
Dana comes without weapon to confront her Vengeful Double, who has harmed her/their mother and was planning on murder if Dana did not come. They fight, but the other Dana hears how much our Dana has held herself accountable for the murder of her double in the sandstorm and decides she has suffered enough. The double leaves.
Dana begs the voices in Radon Canyon to choose a new mayor, believing herself to be too flaws to hold that power. They refuse, so she says she will just not be mayor and NV will simply have no mayor. A problem, since all power now runs through the empty mayors office.
Weather: “Mariposas” by Yva Las Vegass
The radio station is at a low point in the geography and floods quite siginificantly. Cecil, unable to swim, floats atop his buoyant desk, the rest of his equipment also floats.
Not only has it been two weeks since the last broadcast but clean up of the blood matter from space has also been going on that long and is still going on, leading Cecil to believe they may always be tinged with red.
From a town turning and turning in the widening gyre, I say to you: good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: My name for the pony I have been planning to get one day has been Ponye West, for years. But for obvious reasons, I have recently changed it to Janelle PoNeigh. This wasn’t written for me by Joseph, these are the actual names I’ve made up for my dream pony. Thank you.
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eldritch-omen · 11 months
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I love my children. These are all detailed and well thought out characters even if I need to develop some more than others bc that's what happens when you have a favorite child. It's the flying types one. Camael is my favorite child.
But this took forever UUUUUGGGHHH (forever means 2 days it's a miracle I finished this. Especially bc almost all of the designs are still kinda a WIP lol.)
First one isn't type swapped, otherwise you can tell their swapped in type by the text color. Also aside from bug (who has his visor pieces on his back. They make sense in the pokemon design I SWEAR bc he's a crab they're a part of his shell) the 3 with no overlayed design pieces above the body lineart aren't real eternatus they're just allowed for character reasons and "yea close enough" woooooo. Normal's the guy baby radon (non swapped one) based their form on. They're traumatized about it. Ghost's body isn't one of an eternatus, and it's held together by a dead, lifeless core of an eternatus who had it's energy stolen and replaced with physical darkness (lore I'm not getting into bc I'm lazy). And typeless is lore I'm not getting into but with dark matter (yes the pmd enemy) now.
And then all the ones without the little rod doohickeys that turn into eter's finger heads in the emax on the overlay can't do that. They can't EMAX bc their bodies can't handle and spits out excess energy or their body doesn't ever need to go into overflow rampaging toddler mode bc they can actually handle endless amounts ykyk. The ones that can't also have "canon" in their sig move names and the others have "beam" in (at least one of) their sig moves. Unless you're normal type and don't have any sig moves. That'd be cringe.
Yeah I'd say I'm pretty normal and rational about this topic. Why would anyone imply otherwise. I'm so normal about eternatus and writing my ocs that are that obviously and I would never froth at the mouth and monstrously pounce at literally any chance to talk about them. No. Not at all.
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indragonsaur · 1 year
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Name: Rodan (ロダン) Alternate Names: ROGRado, Radon, Monster Zero-Two, Fire Rodan, Fire Demon Height: 70 meters Wingspan: 130 meters
Weight: 15,000 tons Abilities: Shockwaves, Wind gust, Fire beam
History: Durning in 1929 in Madagascar, zoologists discover some Birds to learn about until they discover in the mountain was a 70 meter pterosaur with volcanic Dripping on his wing and his color palette was resemble Dracula parrot. The zoologist taken a few pictures until the flying cryptid flew around 40 miles and cause the speed wind and killed species of animals and the zoologist take the last photo before his death was passed. In June 9th 1929 in the state in Brazil there a lot of sightings of the flying creature and multiple news reports around the state. cryptozoologist was trying figure the flying creature to give it name but one person who name was “Rodan” the fire beast.
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bakushinverse · 2 years
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シン•ラドン SHIN RODAN | Shin Radon [The One Born of Fire]
“The King of Monsters appears to be awakening his ancient allies, Mothra and Anguirus, now Rodan from the bowels of Mt Calbuco. Makes you wonder, is Godzilla is preparing for something big?”
After Godzilla and Anguirus arrived at the foot of Mount Calbuco in Chile, it erupted in an explosive display and an enormous Kaiju, known as Rodan, emerged from the depths of the volcano and seemed to argue with the others before attacking Godzilla who thoroughly beat him after short battle. The enormous winged Kaiju then turned and fled, flying North while Godzilla and Anguirus went back to the ocean, Anguirus heading towards the North Pacific and Gojira heading to Antarctica. Rodan is seen in the Amazon rainforest after Monarch reports a large disturbance of radiation in the area. Natives to the rainforest have described ‘demon plants’ starting to invade the forests. Monarch Sciences sends Vivian Graham to investigate the reports despite her protests to join Dr Serizawa in Antarctica.
Arriving at Monarch Sciences Antarctica Base, Dr Serizawa demands answers regarding the incident with the crystal creatures and Kiryu's premature activation. He is horrified to learn that Shin Gojira's flesh has almost taken over Kiryu's metal body and that Dr Shinji Mufune appears to be under the influence of something and is holding the base hostage. Dr Mufune warns him that Shin Gojira's newest and most powerful child will deal with the scientists in the Amazon before introducing him to the 15 metre tall Gojiran who has been named: Adam.
Height: 85m
Wingspan: 210m
Hot. Sometimes on fire
Can control winds
Uranium Heat Ray
Fast flight, not as fast or maneuverable as Mothra but makes up for it with overpowered offenses.
Can fight on the ground however notably weaker
Lives in a volcano
Can create small storms
Like deserts and sand
Impulsive, makes quick decisions he often regrets. Like taking on opponents who are larger, more powerful and will ruin his day.
Arrogant however Yoroi Goji often puts him in his place.
Can be quite selfish at times.
One of Yoroi Goji's oldest friends along with Anguirus. If they were human, all three  would be drinking buddies.
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