#hm. might do one where i just put all my answers under a read more with a warning. maybe.
daz4i · 10 months
see i really wanna do nsfw ask games but i don't wanna do em on my sideblog bc. i have 80 followers there and many of them are dead blogs. but also do i really wanna expose myself on my main blog like that
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basilpaste · 4 months
osis!swap. because i was thinking about lock.
(Under the tree is…)
(You're not sure what you're looking at, actually. It looks like a bunch of inanimate objects piled together.)
(It has a face. Or at least it has a mouth. The thing grimaces when you see it.)
(It talks! It can speak!)
("… Hi." You say back.)
〘"Welcome to your rebirth! This is your first loop!" Its porcelain darkless hands come up into the most pathetic jazz-hands you've ever seen.〙
〘"Sorry!" It yelps, waving its hands nervously, "That's probably a spooky thing to hear from something you just met!"〙
(You sputter. "H-how do you know about how I-" You can't finish that.)
(It seems thoughtful for a moment. Looking at this stranger now, you notice that its head is almost shaped like a planet. There's a ring that wraps around it where its eyes would be.)
〘"How do I know you died?" It finishes for you.〙
(… You nod.)
〘"I saw it." It says quietly, regretfully, "It's my job to watch over you."〙
(Is this some sort of agent of the Universe? That doesn't make sense, though. A higher being watching over a person is… that's weird. Not how the Universe works. You think.)
〘"… You're looping through time. I'm here to act as a guide to you, Siffrin."〙
(You freeze. "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?")
〘"Er." It looks away, head bobbing slightly, "I know things about the loops, but I also know things about you. Like your name, your parties names, and other important things. Like… pronouns."〙
(You're not entirely sure if you'd put pronouns on the top of important things for a celestial body to know??? Also you're kind of freaking out.)
(Instead of freaking out more you find your voice. "Do you. Have pronouns?")
(… Good question, Siffrin. Great going.)
〘It laughs, bright and warm despite how quiet it seems. "Hah! Yeah. Yes, I have pronouns."〙
〘"It/its. If you don't mind." It sighs. "Like I said: I'm your guide. A something. Think of me as... a tool. A, uh, resource to use!"〙
(Well... at least if you know this one's pronouns, you can think about how out of place it seems. Like a swing taking a role it doesn't know. You nod.)
〘"Oh! Right, um. There's a lot of information that I'm gonna throw at you in a second!" It gestures at the space under the branches of the tree, "You might want to sit down?"〙
(That's. Probably a good idea? Your legs are shaky and your heart is racing so you should probably sit that might help.)
〘"Woah, buddy!" It exclaims, "Take a breath?"〙
(Hah! Yeah, yeah, you should do that! You were just thinking about the fact that your heart was racing. You should breathe. That might help! Probably!!!)
(And out.)
〘"Pheeeeeeeew." It breathes with you.〙
(... It kind of reminds you of someone. The way it holds itself.)
〘"So... the loops, huh?"〙
(You nod. "The loops.")
〘"Every time you die, you'll loop back in time. Like... what just happened. Until you break the loop."〙
(You squint at it, "Can't you just tell me how to do that?"
〘"Er..." It looks away from you, "No? I'm a resource, not an answer key. I'm here to help, but I don't really have all the answers. Sorry."〙
(Oh... thats disappointing. You guess you'll have to figure that part out on your own then??? The actual important part? Which is not being trapped in a death loop forever?)
(... Actually.)
(It's not all bad, is it? Being back means you have a chance to try again! To do better next time!!! You won't die like an idiot this time! You'll make your way to the King and then break the loops! No problem!)
〘"So I can't tell what you're thinking but I can sort of guess and I probably wouldn't think about things like that? If I were you? And obviously I'm not you, but I just wanted to, uh, give you that little nugget of wisdom."〙
(Weird! You're not sure how to read this guy at all! This guy... hm)
("Do you have a name?" You ask it.)
〘"... Do I need one?" It replies, tilting its body to the side. Its head follows a beat later.〙
(You think about your own name.)
("I can't just call you nothing, can I?")
〘"You can call me whatever you want! Your guide, your resource, cr-stars! You can even just call me annoying, haha!"〙
(It's weird, for sure, but you don't know if you'd call it annoying? Maybe it is, but you don't really have a super strong opinion yet? You can't tell if you like or hate this guy yet.)
(You shrug, "I guess? But give me something to call you. So I won't forget.")
(It hugs itself, mouth pressing into a thin line. Oh, stars. Did you already make it mad at you?)
〘"... You can call me Lock." It tells you finally, "Your tool for breaking the loops, Lock. Ironic, huh?"〙
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
You Kept Your Promise
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: After spending the day in each others arms binge-watching movies, Y/N and Natasha fall asleep with smiles on their faces. But when Natasha gets an urgent call in the middle of the night, she has to live up to her promise to protect Y/N.
Word Count: 4,856
Warnings: Car accident | Mentions of blood
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Natasha's POV:
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. Taking my time with opening my eyes, I could tell that it was fairly early in the morning considering how the sun was only partially up.
I turned my head to look at the clock that sat on my nightstand, it read 7:12 am. My body fell into the routine of waking me up around this time because I liked to have an early morning run. It helps me wake up and start the day feeling productive before going into work.
But today was one of the days where I didn't have to go into the compound. I could stay in the comfort of my own home with the love of my life. I looked down when I noticed the weight on top of me only to see Y/N sound asleep. Her head laid in the crook of my neck, her legs tangled with mine.
She looked so peaceful when she slept. I could feel her breath on my neck. Her eyelashes tickled her cheeks and I smiled to myself when she tried to shift closer to me, but didn't get very far since she was already practically on top of me.
I lifted my hand with the intention of moving it under her shirt to rub her bare back to lull her into an even deeper sleep, but that was all thrown out the window because when my hand made contact with her back, she began to stir.
Her eyes fluttered open, looking up at me with her mesmerizing Y/E/C irises. When saw me already gazing down at her, she shyly giggled.
"Good morning, detka. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I said softly, continuing to rub her back.
"It's okay, Tasha. How long have you been up?" she mumbled, tiredly rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Not very long. Just a few minutes. We both have clear schedules today, so I was just gonna let you sleep." I told her.
She nodded her head and stretched her legs before relaxing in my arms again, "What did you want to do today? Did you already have plans?" she questioned.
"I was planning on spending all day in bed, cuddling with the girl that I love so damn much." I gently pushed her onto her back to hover over her and pepper kisses all across her face.
She laughed at my antics, letting me peck her face until I tried to connect our lips, "Nooo, I have morning breath." she turned her head, making me kiss her cheek instead.
I frowned when I missed her lips, "I couldn't care less, moya lyubov'." I responded, turning her head back so I could softly kiss her.
Relishing in the feeling of not only her lips on mine, but also the happiness I felt having her with me and being able to wake up to her everyday.
"I love you." she whispered when we pulled away.
I stroked her cheek with my thumb, "I love you more."
I pecked her lips one more time before rolling off of her, getting up to change into a pair of sweatpants and tank top.
"What does my princess want for breakfast, hm?" I asked, looking at her.
"You're going to make me breakfast?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Oh of course, darling. Wanda has been teaching me how to not set the kitchen on fire so I might as well use this opportunity to put my skills to the test, right?" I grinned at her.
"Wait so this means no more frozen food when you offer to make me something?" she teased, sitting up.
"Hopefully." I answered with a light chuckle, grabbing one of my hoodies out of the closet and helping her put it over her head.
I know she likes to wear my clothes on lazy days, so I don't even wait for her to ask anymore. I grabbed her hand, leading her out of our bedroom and into the kitchen.
"Anything you have a taste for?" I turned around from the cabinet to glance at her.
She hummed while thinking, "Can we have pancakes?" she asked with a grin.
"Pancakes it is." I declared, taking out all of the ingredient and utensils to make them. But when it was time to pour the ingredients into the bowl I paused, forgetting what the measurements were.
She noticed my hesitation and chuckled to herself a little, "Do you want some help?" she questioned, about to jump in and assist me.
"No no no, I got it. I'm making you breakfast for once, so you just sit there and look pretty." While I said the last part I lifted her up to sit her on the counter, giving her a kiss to emphasize my request.
She agreed and sat back while I threw random measurements of the ingredients into the bowl, beginning to stir. When the pan was heated up, I poured some of the batter in and waited for the bubbles to form on top like Wanda told me.
"So what did you wanna do after we eat?" I asked as I turned around to face her, but the second I did she was standing there blowing flour that was in her hand onto me.
She started giggling while I chuckled in shock, "You little-" I set the spatula down on the counter before starting to chase her around the kitchen.
We were laughing and she squealed when I caught up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind to pull her back into me.
I began to tickle her and we playfully struggled like this for a few minutes until I spun her around and pressed her against the fridge with my hands holding her waist, catching her off guard by deeply kissing her.
Her breath hitched, but when she realized what was happening a second later she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me closer. The kiss only lasted for a few moments before she pulled away to catch her breath.
I nuzzled my forehead against hers, "God I love you so much." I whispered and she pulled my head down by the back of my neck to connect our lips in another searing kiss.
My hands started to wander, moving under her shirt and circling her waist. But our moment was interrupted when she practically jumped out of her skin at the startling sound of the fire alarm. I looked towards the stove to see flames in the pan, smoke rising into the air.
"Shit shit shit-" I mumbled to myself, rushing over to move the pan off the burner trying to put out the fire.
Y/N ran to open a couple windows before grabbing a towel and standing on the counter to wave it under the smoke detector, attempting to get it to stop beeping.
I eventually got the fire out and the alarm stopped ringing. Even though the only thing that burned was the pancake, I still had a pout on my face because my girl was hungry and I just burned her food.
Y/N noticed my disappointed expression and walked over to give me a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"It's okay, baby. We can just find something else to eat. It's not that big of a deal." she reassured me while I let my hands rest on the small of her back.
I shook my head, "No, I'm still making you food. You don't have to worry about anything because I will figure this out."
I guess I was a little bit too determined to do this, but I didn't care.
"M'kay, but I hope you know I'm not eating that..." she trailed off with a chuckle, looking at the extremely overcooked pancake.
"That's not even my fault. You distracted me with that little stunt, and those perfect lips of yours." I whined.
"Okay, maybe I did. But you and I both know you're not really mad about it." she teased with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just sit your cute butt back up there while I try this again." I playfully sighed, tapping her butt before starting to make another pancake.
After finally managing to make some edible pancakes for the both of us, we ate breakfast. Y/N had decided on binge-watching movies and cuddling the rest of the day which I had no objections to. I would never pass up a chance to have her in my arms.
Now that it was dark outside and the time was getting closer to 8:00 pm, I ordered dinner from her favorite place which just arrived. I made sure that her meal was exactly how she liked it before bringing the food into the living room where she was waiting for me on the couch with the film paused.
"Here you go, detka. You didn't have to stop the movie for me. We've seen this like ten times already." I spoke, putting the box of food on her lap and placing a quick kiss on her head.
"Don't be silly, Nat. This is your favorite part." she smiled as I took my previous spot on the couch beside her and she snuggled into my side.
"Alright, press play then." I chuckled and she pressed before we started to eat.
"Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python. Because I discovered he had a crush on me." I said the words along with the characters in the movie.
"You do that every time." she giggled.
"Because every time you laugh, and I like making you laugh." I swallowed a bite of food and then turned my head to kiss her temple.
We finished dinner and watched the rest of the movie while Y/N curled further into me. Laying her head on me, I wrapped my arms around her.
I was about to ask her what she wanted to watch next, but when I looked down she laying on my chest fast asleep. I looked at the clock which read 10:48.
"Y/N," I whispered to wake her up, but she didn't move a muscle.
"Come on, darling. We'll be more comfortable in our bed." I softly said, but once again she didn't move.
I smiled to myself, grabbing the remote to turn the tv off. I stood up, picking her up along with me. Carefully stepping over the blanket that fell off of us and onto the floor, I made my way to the bedroom.
I gently laid her down before climbing into bed too. She unconsciously moved closer to me, her head falling onto my shoulder. I pulled the blankets up, making sure that she was covered and then pulling her into my arms.
"Good night, dorogoy. I love you."
Later in the night, my eyes opened at the sound of my phone ringing on my bedside table. I quickly silenced it so it didn't wake Y/N, looking at the clock on the table. 1:16 am. Whoever was calling me at this time better have a good reason for it.
I glanced at the screen, and it was Steve. Sighing, I slipped out from under Y/N and walked out of the bedroom before answering the phone.
"What? Is it urgent?" I spoke in a hushed voice to not disturb my loves sleep.
"A little bit. The guys that Fury were tracking down were more than one step ahead of us. They've known we were looking for them this whole time. We received a recording from them saying that they have each one of our locations, and they’ll take us out one after the other. Fury needs all of us at the compound ASAP so we have everyone accounted for at all times. Bring Y/N too." he explained over the phone.
"Y/N? Why does she need to be involved in this?" I furrowed my eyebrows out of concern.
"It's just precaution. Y/N is close to you and he doesn't want them trying to use her against us. We don't know what these guys are planning to do. Clint is even taking his family to the safe house before coming here."
"How long is he expecting us to stay?" I asked.
"Not sure. I'd assume until we get them off our backs and this whole thing blows over."
I exhaled, peaking through the cracked open door to make sure she was still asleep, "Alright, we'll be there in a few." I responded before hanging up the phone.
I re-entered the bedroom and walked over to my side of the bed which was where Y/N was currently laying.
"Y/N, detka. Come on, wake up." I whispered, placing my hand on her hip to coax her awake.
"Hm." she murmured, half asleep.
"I know you don't want to wake up, darling, but we've got to go." I told her, and this made her open her eyes.
"What? What time is it, and where are we going?" she mumbled, sitting up.
"It's 1:20. I'll explain in more detail once we get in the car, but we're going to stay at the compound for a little bit, Fury's orders. We can pack some bags but we've got to be quick." I tried to speak in a calm voice to make her not panic.
We've been together for a while, so it's not unusual for her when I have to jump up and leave suddenly. But I've never had to bring her with me before, so this was different.
Okay, but why?" she spoke in a hesitant voice.
"I don't have much time to explain right now you just have to trust me, and you trust me right?" I asked, trying to comfort her.
She nodded her head. "Good. Now just pack some of your clothes, and I'll worry about everything else." I responded.
"Okay." she mumbled quietly.
I leaned in to press my lips to her forehead, letting them linger there for a few seconds before patting her thigh and standing up.
"Alright, let's go." I said and we both changed out of our pajamas, I obviously had to put on my leather jacket that was hung up on the closet door.
As she stuffed clothes into a duffel bag, I made sure my gun was loaded before putting it in my pocket and packing some of my own clothes.
When we were ready I carried the bags out to our white Lada Niva, putting them in the trunk. She got in the passengers seat while I got in the drivers.
"Nat, can you tell me what's happening now?" she said while buckling her seatbelt.
I exhaled, "We made a mistake when tracking down these people, and now they're tracking us. They know where everyone on the team is, and Fury thinks it'll be safer if we're all together. I needed to bring you with me so they don't try to do anything to you."
"They're coming after us?" she sounded nervous.
"We don't know who they're targeting first which is why we're staying at the compound for a little bit. So we're not alone." I buckled my own seat belt and started the car.
"What're they going to do when they get to us? Are they gonna hurt you?" her voice wavered.
I sighed, putting my hand on the side of her face to stroke her cheek, "I don't know, moya lyubov'. But if they try you know I can handle them."
"I'm scared." she confessed.
"I know. I know you're scared, baby. But I've got you, okay? You know i'll never let anything happen to you, yeah?" I spoke in a soft voice.
She nodded her head before looking down. I moved my hand from her cheek, tilting her chin back to look at me so I could lean in and gently kiss her lips.
I knew we really needed to get on the road, but I couldn't move forward with anything else knowing how afraid she felt with how sudden and quick all of this was happening. I had to take a few minutes to comfort and talk to her.
I let her choose when to break the kiss, not wanting to pull away until she was ready so I knew that she was okay.
"I love you, detka." I said against her lips when she pulled away, gazing into her eyes
"I love you too, Nat." she whispered.
At that, I settled into my seat and took the car out of park. The ride to the compound was a little over half hour since she and I bought a small little house in a more rural area.
But the whole drive, I kept one hand on the wheel while holding her hand with my other. I got her to talk about other things to take her mind off the situation.
As she started talking about what she hoped to cook with Wanda, my eyebrows slightly furrowed when I noticed a van make the same turn as us once again. I readjusted the rear view mirror to get a better look.
Considering how late at night it is there are barely any cars out on the roads right now, and it's been behind us for the past few minutes. So now I'm beginning to think it's not just a coincidence.
I continued to nod my head and hum, listening to what Y/N was saying I didn't worry her while making one last wrong turn to which the van also followed.
At this point, it was clear to me that the van was following us. I took my hand out of Y/N's momentarily so that I could reach under the seat and press the emergency button.
There was one in every team members vehicle so that it would subtly alert the rest of them that help was needed. But just a couple seconds later I looked into the rear view mirror, and the van was no longer there.
I didn't know whether to relax or stress more, so I just kept driving on the route to the compound while staying alert. I tried to keep Y/N distracted, but it didn’t last very long.
As we reached the bridge that would take us across the water, out of the side-mirror I saw something fly under the car, and then I heard the explosion.
I felt the sudden wave of heat and the cuts piercing through my skin from the windows shattering. The car flew into the air, rolling over multiple times before crashing into the guardrails, the front of it hanging over the bridge.
"Fuck-" I whispered to myself, lifting my head from where it limply hung forward when the car came to a stop.
I glimpsed out my window, checking to see if what caused this was still there. But even after looking out of the passenger window, I saw nothing. What I did see was that the explosion damaged the main structure of the bridge, making it very unstable.
Looking over at Y/N, she was still conscious but in shock. I could see the pieces of shattered glass in her hair and on her clothes, the bleeding cuts on her face.
"Shit, detka are you okay? What hurts? Tell me what hurts." I said, reaching over to cup her cheeks and wipe blood off her face.
"I-I'm okay, Nat. I'm-" she cut herself off, gasping in pain when she moved her leg.
I shifted my gaze down to see a big shard of glass piercing her thigh, "Oh god, okay. Don't take it out, leave it there because it's stopping the bleeding. I'm gonna get us out of this, it'll be okay."
When I unbuckled my seatbelt I fell forwarded into the dashboard, causing the car to rock more. We both let out a shriek at the sudden motion, and I cursed myself for causing her more fear in a situation like this.
I quickly realized that the only way out was through the shattered rear windshield since the front of the car was hanging over the bridge.
“I’m gonna climb over the seats so I can get out through the back. Don’t move I’m gonna get you out after, alright?” she nodded her head and I kissed her forehead before carefully crawling over the center console, climbing out of the window.
I turned around, now focusing my attention on getting Y/N out, “Okay unbuckle your seatbelt and climb over the seat the same way I did, slowly though.” I called out.
She undid her seatbelt and started climbing over the center console just as I did, but the car suddenly shifted again, leaning further over the bridge. She yelped, slightly falling back.
“Come on, dorogoy. You’ve got it, move slowly.” I tried to calm her down.
She did as I told her, but the sound of a car engine caught my attention. I turned my head to see the same van that was following us earlier come to a stop at the end of the bridge.
I cursed under my breath. I couldn’t deal with these guys right now when Y/N is still in the car. I watched as the doors opened and at least ten people got out, stalking towards us.
In my head I was contemplating what to do, but I didn’t have to for very long because I recognized one of Clint’s trick arrows stunning a few of them.
Steve, Yelena, and Wanda also made themselves known by starting to attack them, giving me time to focus on Y/N.
When she got to the backseat she was now close enough for me to reach into the window and pull her through it. I set her on her feet, but she winced as the leg that had the shard of glass stuck in it gave out, and she collapsed into my arms.
“Oh I’ve got you. Here, get on my back.” I bent down so I could carry her on my back while she wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck. I still held onto her, but if I needed to use my hands then I would be able to.
I didn’t really know where to go. I had to get Y/N out of here, but with everything going on around us there really wasn’t a safe place for me to take her until the team took care of those guys.
So I just resulted in getting off the bridge before she’s gets caught in the crossfire. But just as I started to move the car toppled over the bridge, and into the water.
The bridge was already unstable enough, so when this happened the bridge shifted tremendously causing me and everyone else to stumble over their feet. Already being close to the edge when I tripped, I fell over the bridge.
Out of instinct I threw my hands up and managed to grab onto a metal bar that was loosely hanging from the frame of it, Y/N was still holding onto me.
She shrieked out of fear and I grunted while struggling to hold on with both hands. I started to grab the edge of the bridge to pull us up, but it shifted once again before I got the chance.
This time it caused Y/N’s grip on me to falter, her arms and legs slipped from sound me. Before she could fall I took one hand off the bar to grab her hand, holding onto her for dear life.
I tried pulling her back up, but I struggled and my hand was slipping.
“Nat- Nat you have to let me go or we’re both gonna fall.” she stuttered out, but I ignored her words.
Letting go was never an option in my mind. It never would be.
I mustered up as much strength as I could and started to pull her up once more, grunting through gritted teeth. I managed to lift her up enough for her to be able to latch onto my back once again, wrapping her arms around neck and her legs around my waist.
I put my held onto the bar with two hands again, but before I did anything I saw Clint’s head peeking over the edge out of the corner of my eye.
My eyes widened in relief, “Clint, pull us up!” I yelled and he ran over to where we were, giving me his hand and he pulled us back onto the bridge.
I laid there for a second to catch my breath before standing up, helping Y/N up too. I looked around and saw the people that they were fighting spread out on the ground unconscious.
A voice and a hand on my shoulder pulled me out of the thoughts, “Come on, the cars are over here.” Clint said with a small smile.
I nodded my head, picking Y/N up bridal style and following the team to the cars. When we arrived at the compound I took Y/N to the medbay to get her leg looked at by Bruce.
We were there for about an hour as he removed the glass and stitched her up, then I was able to bring her back to my room that I rarely used anymore since I moved out of the compound.
We borrowed extra clothes and changed into them, finally being able to rest in bed. I laid on my back and wrapped an arm around her while she cuddled into my side.
The room was comfortably silent until I spoke up, wanting to talk about something that was on my mind, “Why did you choose me?”
She looked up at me with a slight frown, “What do you mean?”
“This isn’t the life you deserve. Having to flee from your house in the middle of the night is not the ideal life. You deserve someone who has to protect you from the cold weather outside during winter, not from people who are actively trying to kill you. And someone who’ll propose to you with the biggest diamond ring in existence. I can’t give you any of that Y/N.” I told her, staring at the ceiling.
She lightly chuckled, “Natasha if you’re worried about money and material things, I’d marry you with paper rings for all I care. And as for the rest of it, I knew what came with your job. I knew what you did was dangerous, but I still yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend because I love you. I can’t imagine being with anyone else because you are the life that I want.”
I finally looked down at her, “I just hated seeing you hurt.” I whispered, my eyes glossing over.
“Oh, Nat-” she began, sitting up on her elbow to look into my eyes and wipe away a tear that escaped with her thumb, I kept my arm around her waist.
“Before all of this happened you promised that you would protect me, and you did. There’s only so much you can do to prevent things from happening entirely, but you got us out of the situation. You literally hoisted me up onto your back with the strength of one arm while holding on for the both of us.” she smiled at me.
“Yeah, I guess Steve’s ridiculous and unreasonable workouts have a reason after all.” I chuckled.
“See?” she smiled.
“And here we are now. Laying in bed, me in your arms, safe and sound. You kept your promise.” she whispered the last sentence, dropping her forehead onto mine.
I closed my eyes inhaling her comforting scent, “Well I’d be a terrible girlfriend if I broke it.” I joked with a grin.
“Yeah, you would.” she teased.
I smiled, lifting my head off the pillow to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Her soft hands came up to cup my face, mine stayed on her waist and the small of her back.
After all that happened I didn’t want to pull away, ever. I still couldn’t understand why a sweet, gentle girl like her would want to be with someone like me. But if it was what she wanted, then I would happily oblige and keep her safe with me.
“I love you.” she whispered when she pulled away.
My hand came up to caress the side of her face, “I love you more.” I said against her lips.
She laid back down, curling into my side and laying her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her in a protective manner, planning on falling asleep after I knew she did.
But I still had one thing on my mind.
“You would really marry me with paper rings?” I curiously questioned.
I felt her chuckle, “Of course, Nat.” she responded, I could hear the tiredness in her voice before she let herself start to fall asleep.
“Good to know.”
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toujokaname · 4 months
Card shuffle / Episode 2
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Tatsumi, Aira, Mayoi
"Why'd you change so much, Rinne-senpai?"
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Training Room
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Rinne: Anyway, yeah.
For that reason, we've been dragged into this fateful (?) showdown (pfft) between ALKALOID and Crazy:B! Talk about being saddled with a stupid plan!
Honestly, it's a royal pain in the ass to deal with, since it was clearly cooked up by some moron who doesn't know jack about us.
You guys aside, we Crazy:B are still at a disadvantage in ES 'cause of what we did in the summer. We reap what we sow, but still?
Apparently, ES wants to make this Matrix thing into a big event that'll mark the end of their first year of existence—
And we gotta do our best to hype it up, right?
If we disobey, well, you guys may be fine, but we might actually get the boot this time.
Can't say I'm thrilled about caving in to threats, but... Really, what has ES ever done for us?
Did they actually think we'd be all like "oh, yay, we're so pumped to work for ES!" with stars in our eyes? That nonsense's fine in dreams, but they need a reality check already, hm?
Tatsumi: ...You've been harsher than usual for a while now. Rinne-san, do you have any particular thoughts on this plan?
Though it's admittedly a flawed project, I'd consider it an honor to be entrusted with a major event.
Will this, too, be made fun of as a model answer from a goody-two-shoes?
Rinne: Ahh... Well, no need to worry 'bout that.
It's just that, back when I was an idol under my own name, there was a lot going on.
Aira: ...?
Rinne: Anyway, seems like ES is dead set on having ALKALOID and Crazy:B duke it out no matter what.
Tatsumi: Yes... It appears they want to create that kind of wrestling match atmosphere.
Aira: In reality, we're not even on bad terms... I mean, we had some issues in the summer, but honestly, we barely cross paths at work.
Mayoi: Our target audiences are completely different... The so-called issues in the summer largely revolved around aiding Hiiro-san's efforts to stop Rinne-san from going on a rampage.
From a personal standpoint, we harbor no ill will towards Crazy:B.
Aira: Though we're at least aware of each other, since we debuted at the same time.
If anything, Crazy:B's constant blunders make us look better in comparison, so it's kinda handy.
Rinne: Mhm, mhm. But see, that's a problem for ES! They really want us to be archenemies!
And that's when the focus turned to me and Otouto-kun. We're blood-related brothers, each leading Crazy:B and ALKALOID.
"The Amagi brothers have always had a bad relationship, and they formed their units just to spite each other—"
Something like that. Seems they wanna make a scandalous scenario that the public's gonna eat right up.
Aira: Even though you and Hiro-kun actually seem rather close... I mean, for some reason, he weirdly looks up to such a scumbag of an older brother.
Rinne: Oi, oi, don't call me a scumbag. If I'm not the "foul-mouthed character" type, fans might get disappointed.
Aira: Every once in a while, you put on airs of a snobby senior idol...
Anyway, I think I get the gist of it?
ES wants to create a scenario where Hiro-kun and Rinne-senpai are at odds 'cause it fits their script.
Rinne: Right, right. That's why I became ALKALOID's leader this time as part of that scenario.
We'll swap units temporarily to prove ourselves and brag about beating our sibling.
So, for example, what happens if I make ALKALOID more successful than it was when Otouto-kun was leading?
It'd prove I'm better than Otouto-kun, yeah?
That's the kinda thing the fictional Rinne Amagi-kun would say.
ES always wants to play the poor victims being pushed around by that kinda selfish idol, huh? Gyahahahaha! ☆
Even if this plan backfires, ES can still escape responsibility. Maaan, I've gotta hand it to ES, still as shitty as ever ♪
Aira: Such a foul mouth... Yet you're the one telling off others... Isn't that why you're hated and forced into these harassment projects?
Rinne: I keep harping on the same thing over and over, but I'm totally fine being "that kinda character."
Aira: When you first debuted, you were more of a pure, orthodox idol... Why'd you change so much, Rinne-senpai?
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Rinne: ......
[ ☆ ]
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fontasticcrablettes · 10 months
…Problem: now I need to see Raine x the Wonder Chef. Maybe he’s drawn to her unique spirit of culinary experimentation, the only person in the world capable of appreciating the wonder behind the inedible food……. …or maybe he’s just succumbing to that instinct of horrified fascination with a train wreck.
Well have I got good news for you. The answer to "Which of those crack ships I mentioned is the one that I myself have written?" is in fact, Raine x Wonder Chef. I have the original Word file, which helpfully recorded the exact date it was created, so I can tell you that I wrote this at the age of 15 at 1:44 AM (it was probably a school night):
Genis yawned and sat up in bed, wondering why he was awake.  He rubbed his eyes, looked around his room, and realized Raine’s bed was empty.  Huh, that was odd.  Raine was usually a deep sleeper, and rarely got up in the night. 
He remembered when he was little and used to sneak out of the house at night with Lloyd, and Raine just snored as he crept out the creaky door.  Her arms would hang off the side of her bed, blankets kicked to the floor, book she’d been reading before bed resting under her cheek. 
But now she was missing, and he was a bit concerned.  He crawled out of bed, noticing the open window with the ocean visible in the distance, illuminated by the full moon.  Perhaps it was the sound of crashing waves and the smell of fish and salt that had woken Raine up, although they’d been in Palmacosta for a few days so she should be used to it by now. 
Well, if Raine was up, too, then he didn't know how many of them were actually asleep.  Colette had been in bed resting all evening after the fight with Kilia, and Lloyd had diligently sat by her side.  Whenever Genis poked his head in, she was always awake, staring blankly at the ceiling or chatting with Lloyd.  He’d always tell her to go to sleep, but she’d just smile and say she wasn’t tired yet. 
Genis left the room, seeing Kratos and Lloyd’s room door open.  They were probably out training somewhere.  The question was, where was Raine?  He walked down the stairs to the main room, looking around.  
Wait...was that voices?  Yes!  He heard something coming from the kitchen!  It sounded like Raine’s voice, too, from the sound of things.  Happy to find her but dreading what she might be doing in the kitchen, Genis approached the closed door and listened, wondering who she could be talking to.
“It’s so large!” Raine was saying.  “I’ve never seen one quite this size before.”
“Yes, I know,” a male voice Genis didn’t recognize said.  “I’m quite proud of it.”
"I've seen one before, of course, but a more average size, you know?”
“Yeah, I’ve never met anyone else with one this big before.  It makes me feel special!  Do you want to touch it?”
“Oh, could I?”
“Go ahead!”
The was a pause.  “Wow, it’s so smooth.  And the shaft is so thick!  Is it even practical?”
“Well, it’s really more for show, if you know what I mean.  But we’re really getting sidetracked.”
“Yes, I know.  I’ve cleared the table, just like you asked.”
“Ah, good.  We’ll need plenty of room to make our magic.”
“Magic, hm?  I know a thing or two about magic...”
They were quiet for a bit, and Genis overheard the clank of a pot and shuffling things around.  He was very confused about this conversation, but didn’t want to interrupt.
“Ok,” the man said.  “Now you just need to take off – oh!  Very nice!”
“Yes,” Raine said, uncertainty in her voice.  “But I don’t know...I think they’re too small.”
“Nonsense.  Just look at them!  So round and smooth, the skin so white and soft...they’re perfect.  I want to just put my mouth around them - lick and bite them.”
Raine laughed.  “Oh, you’re just saying that.  But is it warm enough yet?  I feel a bit wet.”
“That’s because it’s so steamy.  But yes, I think everything’s ready.”
“Oh, I’m rather excited.  I’ve only done this a couple times and I’ve never been very good.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.  Are you ready?  First, this goes in here...”
Genis was starting to get a bad feeling about this.  Without knocking, he burst into the room, a bit afraid of what he would find.  “S-Sis!  What are you...?”
Raine and the Wonder Chef looked up at him, standing over a boiling pot of water.  The Wonder Chef had two onions in his hands, his giant fork leaning against the counter. 
“Genis?” Raine asked.  “What are you doing up?”
“Uh, I saw that you weren’t there and wondered where you went....”
“Oh,” she said.  “The Wonder Chef was trying to show me how to make a soup.  I wanted to surprise you and Lloyd tomorrow for dinner.”
“O-oh.  I’ll just...head back to bed now...”  Feeling a bit embarrassed at his outburst, he darted out of the kitchen and headed back upstairs.
“Your brother’s so cute!” the Wonder Chef said after Genis was gone.
Raine just sighed and shook her head.  “He can be rather overprotective at times.”
The Wonder Chef just shrugged.  “Now, where were we?”
Raine smiled and leaned against him, ripping his chef’s hat off and winding her fingers through his blonde hair.  His hands slid across her chest and over her shoulders, pushed her robe off and it fell to the floor. 
“You tell me,” she whispered in his ear and drew back before he pulled her into a passionate kiss.
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edotvie · 11 months
Related to this post by me
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It was at an ungodly hour to most anyone that Gale heard three light knocks on his door. He wouldn't exactly refer to himself as an early bird, spending many long nights reading a book he simply couldn't put down. But even so, if someone were to unexpectedly arrive at his door after the Sun had rested for an hour already, he was likely to shout at them through the wood to return at a humane time.
Of course, this time the interruption was expected, and thus no such action was necessary. Though maybe it would become relevant again since another, more impatient knock followed suit when Gale didn't immediately arrive at the door.
"Coming, coming," he promised, satisfying the visitors for the moment. Finally he opened the door with a creak to properly greet them.
"Hi, Gale!"
"Well, hello, Darling. It seems you're getting sluggish in your old age. Perhaps it was only the tadpole that still kept a pep in your step?"
Gale folded his arms at the greeting he thought of as rather uncalled for. Behind his door stood no other than the odd Elven couple he'd traveled alongside only weeks ago; It wasn't that two Elves together were strange in any manner, but it was their respective personalities together that tended to throw Gale for a loop. Since he was in the habit of analyzing just about anything, these two were no exception and became an occasional headache.
"Need I remind you I'm doing you a rather grand favor, Astarion? I'm sure you can spare a little more patience where it counts," he scolded.
Before Astarion could give the indignant response clearly on the tip of his tongue, his partner rushed to speak instead:
"We're very grateful, Gale. Sorcerous Sundries is an amazing resource in our search."
As usual, Tav - as they'd gotten used to calling her - was the reasonable one. She was generally kind and much more patient than her lover, though by no means dull. She was playful and adventurous, having traveled the Sword Coast even before the group set on their involuntary journey. And though she'd become the de facto leader of their merry gang, she wasn't above making bad or even terrible decisions at times. "Naive," Astarion had apparently once called her, when her idealistic nature was still an obstacle to him. He wasn't entirely off the mark, either. Tav was perhaps a little more hopeful than the average person, relying on things working out in the end with little to no proof required.
Perhaps that's where the balance of her more cynical partner came in.
"Yes... Well, I hope you don't mind I'll save any 'thank yous' for when we're actually there, hm? Patience where it counts, and all that."
"Fine," answered Gale irritably, "Would you like a cup of tea? I was in the middle of mine and it'd be a waste to not finish such a sublime brew."
He turned to walk inside, the door left open for the couple to use. He heard two footsteps, then Astarion clearing his throat.
"Oh! Uhm, Gale?" voiced Tav, causing the wizard to finally stop and turn around. While Tav had moved past the doorway, Astarion stood stiffly about a step away from it, still.
"Ah. I didn't think a temporary room might count as a home, though of course I have gotten quite comfortable here. Then again I don't need much besides my books, scrolls and Tara to feel that way," he started, to the growing irritation of the Vampire stuck outside the apartment.
"I could do without the unnecessary narration, Gale. It's frustrating enough to be stuck standing here as it is."
"Right, of course. Come on in, Astarion," answered the wizard with a welcoming gesture of his hands. Astarion huffed quietly before doing just that, cautiously stepping past the doorway to join his lover inside.
"Tea time better not take all night. There are limited hours under the Moon, you know!" complained the Vampire while being walked to a table by the other two. Tea time, of course, didn't take forever. It was mainly catching up on what each of them had been up to since the Netherbrain had been destroyed.
Gale had been busy with retrieving the crown of Karsus, the very reason for his rented room in Baldur's Gate. He had narrowed down the search area based on the approximate crash site and the effect of sea currents, but there was little progress otherwise. It didn't help that the area was swarmed by opportunists and looters, especially on the first few days.
Astarion and Tav's answers to the question "what have you been up to lately" were suspiciously vague or roundabout. But the fleeting looks between them, as well as the fact they were still a fresh couple, told enough of a story. The only notable point was the fact that Tav had to adjust to nighttime living, since her love could quite literally not tolerate the Sun. She brushed off any particular difficulty on the issue, likely for the sake of her partner.
After tea had been enjoyed (and Astarion got visibly more impatient, the only one not partaking due to his dietary demands) the group set off into the night.
The streets were different in the dark. An acquired taste, thought Gale; There were less people around, but the ones who braved the night were gathered in inns and taverns, where music and the sounds of drunken patrons melded into a less than harmonious concert. He noticed he was a few steps ahead of his companions, and a glance behind showed him the two Elves holding hands. There was an uneasy air around Astarion at first, but Tav leaned in and whispered something that made him let out a sudden laugh. Gale turned away when they shared another affectionate look amongst themselves. He wasn't one to intrude on intimate moments, no matter how small.
"Ah, here we are: The Gem of the Lower City herself, home to many a wonder and priceless document!"
"We don't need the introduction every time," chuckled Tav. Yes, perhaps Gale had gotten a little over-excited, but who could blame him when a marvel of magic and literature like Sorcerous Sundries was right in front of him?! Even at night the building stood proudly at the center of the district, dignified and impressive in its architecture. But alas, they weren't here to simply observe the outside.
"And here is where your gratitude should be placed. You have no idea what kind of effort I went through to make this happen. I had to cash in several favors and make another that I'd rather not recount while sober, but! We have a private audience with the entire collection (excluding the rare tomes in their guarded vault), for one night only."
Gale knocked on the door in an enthusiastic rhythm, waiting several seconds in expectant silence until the lock clicking open could be heard. A clerk peered through the doorway, though upon spotting Gale's pleased face, he sighed and moved to open the door the rest of the way.
"Come on in."
They did as told, wandering into the silent halls of the book store. Tall shelves of leatherbound tomes lined the walls, and looking up, you could see the spiral staircase leading up and into the more private areas. They'd avoided the place ever since their arcane thievery for the Annals of Karsus, but thankfully despite triggering a trap in the vault, they'd never been caught.
"So, where do we start...?" asked Astarion, his voice echoing into the darkness while he eyed the books among books, among books, hesitantly. Gale cleared his throat.
"I believe I was owed something... What was it again? Ah!" he answered, thoughtfully tapping his cheek until the faux epiphany hit, "A thank you, was it? That's right, it was! A big, fat "Thank you for your irreplaceable aid, Mr. Dekarios. I could not do this without you.""
Astarion rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his partner. Unfortunately, she was no help, and only gestured for the Vampire to go ahead.
"Ugh," he sounded in offense, arms folded, "Thank you, Gale. You're doing me... Us, a favor."
Though Gale felt the need to gloat for his achievement of actually wrangling some gratitude out of Astarion, he settled for a smile with just a hint of smugness to it. He was also genuinely pleased to get a thank you, and decided not to push his luck.
"Now, I suggest we start by researching famed Vampires and known Vampire colonies. You find everything you can on the former, I'll take care of the latter. We'll meet back here and try to narrow down our search, since we have limited time available," instructed Gale, already walking toward a specific section, "Oh, and if anyone asks? You're extremely busy tome collectors with no room in your schedules during daytime, and a low profile to keep!"
Gale barely caught a glimpse of the look the couple threw at one another, but it was just enough to discern bemusement among other emotions. But now wasn't the time for that! It was, after all, time for a famed and favored Dekarios special: A Book Hunt!
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agalnamedlunasea · 2 years
*shakes a bag of treats to lure out your DR headcanons*
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ALRIGHT YOU’VE CONVINCED ME but im putting this under a readmore bc ive got charts and shit
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SO I think the charts mostly speak for themselves? I definitely don't have the energy to go into *every* individual person nor do I necessarily have much to say about some of em, so I'll only go into detail about ones I have particularly strong thoughts about/ things to say. But feel free to ask specifics! Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer but still. ANYWAY SO
I wanna start by saying I am the least confident in my aspec headcanons? They're extremely flexible moment to moment and I'm not attached to many of them. I could see almost anyone almost anywhere with only a handful of exceptions, honestly
I almost put a "cis but they've still got something goin on" category on the gender one,,, I woulda put the antags, Yasuhiro, Sonia, Angie, Gonta, maybe a couple others in there,,,
Not really represented here but im a big fan of genderfluid imposter and byakuya
All the protags are trans, and also they're all bi except komaru, fun fact 👍
Literally all of em are queer in some fashion, as you can tell from the fact that I forgot to put a "straight" category on the chart...
Anyway some in particular that im fond of that ive not really talked about before:
I love love love hc Aoi as a nonbinary lesbian. Its like,, lowkey projection,,, but I think its supported by the text. She's got some hang-ups surrounding womanhood and being a woman and how that relates to her relationship with men (im thinking specifically of her last fte). I think it would be a nice resolution to that struggle for her to shed the expectations she feels entirely and embrace who she is, even if its different from what she feels like she's "supposed" to be. Idk I think its a natural conclusion
I enjoy nonbinary chihiro for a similar reason. I think it would also be a natural conclusion to her struggles with gender and what masculinity and femininity means to them
And somewhat related I hc sakura as a cis lesbian also bc of her struggles with femininity?? I like the idea of her conclusion being to embrace her femininity wholeheartedly. She enjoys being feminine but has a hard time reconciling that with her strength. Id like to see her enjoy both of those things about her
Hm i wonder if those say anything about me, im not projecting even a little bit
I hc that akane is pan but for the longest time she just. Doesn't realize not everyone is like that? It was never even something to think about for her. Like she'll be talking to nekomaru and she's like "really you've never thought a girl was hot? Never? Men, I get ya, but *no* girls? That's possible?" And nekomaru gives her the most disappointed stare.
Idk why but nagito and nekomaru being the only gay men on the island is a lil funny to me
Also. I read a singular fic where nagito was demisexual and I was like ok you've convinced me (can you tell. I am. Easily convinced. About this kind of thing)
I go back and forth on whether I hc izuru as pan or aroace. Things like gender don't really matter to him, I just can't decide how that would work in terms of attraction for him 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I would just like to call attention to transfem hiroko hagakure. Good for her
Rantaro. Feels v aroace to me. In that way where everyone who likes men is like "wow he's so pretty I can't believe he doesn't have a partner id love to date him I wonder if he's interested in anyone" and then he's just like "hey you guys check out this cool thing I found". Like the reverse of bi but noone wants him. Attractive but doesn't want anyone. I can see aspec tho. But that boy is definitely not allo
Once again. Idk why. But kiyotaka, nekomaru, nagito, and kokichi being the only gay men on the chart. Is a lil funny to me. Idk Idk Idk
Ummmm I think thats most of what I wanna say??? I might elaborate more another time but there's that 👍
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
I hated HIM soo much!! something about the way the authors wrote gay and bi people rubbed me the wrong way and I could never get over it. But I will say I loved heated rivalry (the game changers book) with my whole heart, even though the other books in the series were not for me. The main couple never reminded me of sid/ovi mainly because it’s impossible for me to visualize sidney crosby in any kind of sexual scenario :/
✨🌟💕💖HIM haters unite!!!💖💕🌟✨
scream, sorry to sidney crosby but this is so funny to me. i support you. you're so valid.
i told someone else that when i answered this ask that i'd elaborate a little on why HIM didn't work for me, but i'm going to put that stuff under a cut in case there are secret HIM fans on here who are getting really tired of me dragging a book they like, lmao.
ok so it has been a while since i read it so i might not remember all the details, but here were my biggest turn-offs for that book. some of these are things i would let slide if other parts of the book were better. like, i WILL let clunky writing slide if the story/characters are really good (but if the story/characters are also bad i just get more pissy about it the more i read). some of these though... eesh.
the writing. sorry, the writing was not very good!! if i am reading a book and i can't stop line-editing in my head as i go, the story is gonna have to do some really heavy lifting to win me over. the worst part for me was how there were a whole bunch of instances where i would read a sentence and go "hm, that's a weird word choice" because the word choices were just like... slightly off of what they were probably supposed to mean? like someone had pulled then from a thesaurus without actually understanding the nuance in meaning between the synonyms. it was really distracting.
the pacing/worldbuilding. this book constantly did the thing where it introduced a person, place, or concept the moment it became important instead of building those things into the story along the way so that when they became important it didn't feel like it was being made up on the spot. once again, really distracting!
the protagonists. the first few chapters made an attempt at developing distinct voices for the two protagonists but that was all out the window by like a quarter of the way through. they had minor personality differences but other than that were near-identical cringeworthy sports bro stereotypes.
the way every woman was treated in the story???? gross
the way bisexuality was treated in the story?????? GROSS
the HOCKEY. this book actually lulled me into a sense of false security because the first few chapters did a decent job with the frozen four, but after that? absolute nonsense. the main characters are college prospects the summer before they go pro and the book had NO grasp of how that process looks or works. like for example one of them is a goalie and his big existential crisis is "i don't know if going pro will be worth it if i'm not immediately the starting goalie for the nhl team i sign with." WELL BUDDY YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE. BECAUSE OF HOW DEVELOPMENT WORKS. WHICH YOU AS A HOCKEY PLAYER AT THIS LEVEL WOULD DEFINITELY KNOW ABOUT. HOPE THIS HELPS. just, no idea how the player-agent relationship works, no idea how the agent-team relationship works, no idea how the prospect-team relationship works.
the sex scenes read like the author(s) learned everything they knew about gay sex from reading mediocre fanfiction published in 2012
(!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!) the part at the end when whats his face comes out to his nhl team's pr guy and the pr guy is like "no problem buddy we actually already knew because we cyber-stalk all of our prospects! we actually drafted you because we'd been getting some heat for letting all our players of color go and thought a gay player would show we value diversity! so when you wanna come out publicly we already have the press release done!" and whats his face is like huh kinda weird but cool ok! ABSOLUTELY B O N K E R S. not that i wouldn't put it past an nhl team to be like that but oh my god don't act like it's cool and normal instead of total nightmare fuel??
okay. sorry. i'm done now. i buddy-read this book with a friend and she couldn't even finish it because she also hated it. i know a lot of people liked this book according to goodreads, and obviously people are allowed to like things that are not to my taste but lordy. what a bad time for me personally!!!
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Jukebox reviews part 40! For context, see my post “A Project” under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
4/14/2018                                     mc mf md
Ok, but *what's the word though?* I spent the whole story distracted by what the word might even be! Also, Jukebox, you may have accidentally stumbled into one of the more ... shall we say heated? ... debates in paleontology, though it's cooled a *little* since 2015. But paleontologists are not entirely in agreement on whether or not brontosarus is a valid name - and even using the proposed model from 2015 brontosaurs is a genus, not a specific species, though I assume she's looking at B. excelsus ... oh, sorry, hobbiest paleontologist mode was activated >.> This story is fine, if I put my particular paleontology interest aside for a bit, though it's a little too good at pricking my curiosity and then not giving me an answer for it!! I enjoy the sense of process here, the hints that it's been going on longer than Amber realizes, and all, but also I'm a little *too* like Amber for this not to poke at my brain. 9/10 spirals 
 Hands and Knees
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4/21/2018                                     mc mf md fd
This is a fun varient of a trope, and I really enjoy it on a meta level, though the in-the-text level is not as much to my speed. It's too much of a sex-focus for me, even when that sex is being used for the method of control. Still, it's a good story! But saying much more would spoil some of the fun. 7/10 spirals 
 Your Horoscope for Today
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4/28/2018                                     mc mf ff fd
Heh, well, these are probably more accurate than most horoscopes! It's a clever premise, and an entertaining set of mini-trances! I recommend everyone give these a read; just don't put too much stock into what a single saggitarius says about the stars. 10/10 spirals for pure creativity 
 Front Porch Thing
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5/5/2018                                       mc ma
This one is ... odd. It's the very magic control I tend to dislike, and by a plant at that. If you like non-human controller, give it a read, but that isn't what I look for in my MC erotica. Add in the mild surreal horror vibes and it's not for me. 3/10 spirals 
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5/12/2018                                     mc ma
oooh, this is clever. Also I love Ashley's excitement to see new technology at work, even if it maybe wasn't the safest technology ever. Ah well, it got her to her destination safely, anyway, so there's that at least. Though now I'm wondering what would have happened if she'd said no to creating a profile? Hm. It's a wonderful premise, though, and seeing her go from mildly irritated to docile is lovely. 8/10 spirals 
 Kill 4 U
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5/19/2018                                     mc mf md
Aw, poor 4U being in a situation where she knows something is coming, but unable to do anything but obey the commands she is given. I'm curious to see where this is going, and what the fallout of the behind-the-scenes power struggle is. (And how this story, and the power struggle within it, relates to the previous 4U story, which also hinted at a power struggle of this sort.) At this point I'm more engaged in the plot than the control - not that that's a bad thing! 9/10 spirals 
 Just Another Story
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5/26/2018                                     mc ff
So is it even more meta-textual if I'm reading (for review purposes) a story about someone reviewing a story about someone reviewing a story? And of course, messing with the text a little intentionally (like a paragraph that gets repeated exactly) just adds to the meta-everything. It's a good story conceit, though the level of abstraction and the framing do make it slightly less in my own personal sweet spot. 8/10 spirals 
 Smells Like Teen Spirit
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6/2/2018                                       mc mf md
This is so firmly pseudo-science-y, but also the power of scent as a method of overwhelming someone is A+. So I'm a bit torn here between "yes, I love this method" and "but that can't even work that way" here. The rest of the set-up isn't quite for me - I can feel her terror a little too strongly to enjoy things. The fear, the desperation, just are a turn-off for me. Even though we see it melt away as she surrenders to the perfume. But if that isn't a turn-off of you, it's a solid story. 6/10 spirals 
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6/9/2018                                       mc ff
Oh, I do love warping science terminology in ways that don't quite work except as a hypnotic induction. Like, I can put the "that isn't how the science works" away because the science isn't the point, it's using it as a metaphor that the hypnotized brain will understand and that just... *yes.* (Not that I have a partner who commented that she needs to study up on chemistry fractionation now to use it because fractionating me with fractionation sounds fun or anything. Oh wait, yes I do.) And I know just enough electricity and magnetism-based physics to follow this! It's a good use of the way electrical resistance works, and playing on words with different meanings in different contexts. 9/10 spirals 
 Looking Out My Window
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
6/16/2018                                     mc ff
Ah, the powerful lure of one of the Fae, inevitable, irresistible, intoxicating. Add in the power of a song that overwhelms the senses, and, well, it's a lovely image, even if the sort of numb dread that the story starts with isn't to my taste. After we get to the part where our narrator is staring out the window, though, well, it's a lovely story of control and magic and the power of the fae in ways I adore. Yes, it's all magic, but in a hot way, and I love the description of the faerie lights. 9/10 spirals
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duskamethyst · 3 years
stranger danger.
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a/n: did i sit on top of my car to imagine this? sure did. a part of the jujutsu hub collab! thank you vee @suna-reversed for organizing this horny event for us horny people.
word count: 3.8k
genre: smut, nsfw, pwp
warnings: dubcon, literally dumbass porn, degradation + praising kink, daddy kink, gun play, mentions of alcohol consumption, dui and death, public sex, overstimulation, squirting, creampie, implied kidnapping
pairing: criminal!toji x f!reader
summary: dozing off in a parking lot seems dangerous but it seems like the right thing to do. that is, until a mysterious man taps on your window.
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you shouldn’t have trusted yourself. you’ve vowed to yourself not to drink tonight, especially when you were driving to the city by yourself. maybe one drink wouldn’t hurt, you thought. but that one drink led you to another until you eventually found yourself light headed and could barely walk in a straight line let alone drive home.
so now you decide it’s best to just stop in a random parking lot and doze off for a couple of hours until you’re certain that you’re sober and ready to continue your journey back home. thankfully the lights are on and there are a few other empty cars in the lot, giving you somewhat a sense of security.
even though you aren’t completely sane at the moment, you make sure the doors are locked, turn off the engine and roll your windows down slightly to allow ventilation. if you could avoid a possible car crash, might as well avoid dying from inhaling some fatal gas. so you push back your seat and close your eyes to let sleep take you over.
but it isn’t for long until you hear a knock on the window.
startled and confused, you instantly get up thinking it would be one of the securities patrolling the area, telling you to scram but you’re only met with a rather handsome man, tall and brawny standing next to your car.
he leans down to your eye level and glares at you intimidatingly before he speaks, “get out.”
in such a panicky situation, your heavy cluttered brain doesn’t really tell you what to do nor what the hell is happening so you only stare back at him tongue tied, unable to properly gauge the situation thanks to both chemicals in your system and adrenaline pumping through your veins.
“are you deaf?” he snarls with anger distorting his face.
the sharp eyes piercing through you coupled with the discernible scar on his lips go so well into his menacing demeanor and you’re aware he’s getting impatient. unsure of what to do, your hand reaches for your keys to turn on the engine, thinking it’s best to leave but he bangs on the window as if to tell you that isn’t what he wanted.
“i only told you to get out. so, get the fuck out. now.” toji waits for you to comply, but instead you just sit there frozen and he sighs in exasperation. “look, i have a fucking gun. and if you don’t do as i say, i won’t hesitate to shoot your brains off. you don’t need it anyway, right?”
toji fishes out his gun, waving it in front of you in warning. “and you’d be fucking dumb to think it isn’t loaded.”
the threatening sight of the firearm is finally what makes you unlock your doors and he immediately swings the door open and pulls you out from your vehicle by the wrist. toji eyes you up and down, taking a special interest in the mini skirt you don with a filthy smirk across his face. he peeks inside the car briefly, delighted over the fact that you’re all alone in the middle of the night– in some deserted parking lot, no less.
“where were you from?” he suddenly asks with less gruff in his tone. the eyes raking up and down your smaller frame so flagrantly makes you feel small and vulnerable.
you lick your lips to return moisture lost to parched skin as your eyes shift from his gun to his face. “a party.”
“a party, hm?” he does a double take on your whole skimpy outfit, sending a plethora of titillating thoughts to run in his head and waking up his primal instincts. he hasn’t gotten his dick wet for a while and opportunities don’t come by so easily when he’s a man on the run. he’d have to be an idiot to let this chance slip through his fingers.
“must’ve put a lot of thought on your outfit tonight. why don’t you give me a little twirl?”
toji deliberately taps the gun on the side of his thigh, reminding you what could happen if you either scream or run. getting the hint, you decide to entertain him, knowing well that you could end up with a bullet in any part of your body if you try to escape.
but do you oppose the idea of a sickeningly attractive man trying to check you out with a weapon in his hand? not really. if anything, the alarming nature of the affair only gives a delicious thrill to your already messed up nerves.
his predatory gaze is fixed on your voluptuous curves and the little sway of your hips as you gracelessly turn around in your heels, making blood rush straight down to his cock before telling you to stop.
“get in front of the car.” he urges.
“huh? why?”
toji cocks the loaded gun in front of you, his expression turning stern and serious once more. “no talking, just do it.”
you walk towards the front with the gun behind your head, careful not to miss your step until you’re facing your car.
“hands on the hood.” he demands, dark eyes silently watching you do as you’re told like a well-trained dog.
you’re certain he can see your ass cheeks peeking underneath the hem of your skirt as cold air hits your skin. the thought of a pair of eyes staring you down hungrily forms an anticipative knot to pull tightly in your stomach as your mind wonders about the dirty things he might and could do to you.
the next thing you feel is the cool metal of the barrel under your skirt, making you shudder as it caresses your puffy folds before dragging upwards to hike up the hem of your unbearably short skirt in favor of checking your panties but oh, what a delightful surprise– not a single thread underneath it all.
“no panties?” he bites back a groan when he notices the glistening slick coated around his black gun. “don’t tell me you’re getting off to this?”
“‘m not–” you deny meekly despite the blossoming heat between your thighs growing bigger when you feel the tip of the barrel against your drenched cunt again.
“don’t lie. you’re a little slut aren’t you? went to a party without your panties on– something tells me you’re an attention whore.” he mocks, poking the gun against your entrance only to observe your little squirms.
“not a slut!” you whine giddily as you spontaneously grind against the long barrel in seek of relief for the dull ache that has formed in your core.
“no? you’re gonna tell me you’re not jerking off to my gun right now?” he chastises with a satirical smile on his lips, feeling his cock harden even more from watching the way you’re eagerly rubbing against the gun he currently holds in his hand.
“i– i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you try not to let your words slur as you play coy, even when breaths are already hitching in your throat.
“oh yeah? ‘cause that cunt is positively leaking right now.” you whimper at his words, being bad and filthy never felt so good– especially to a man you don’t even know. “bet you want me to fill that needy cunt.”
“mhm!” you mewl, gyrating your hips even more salaciously once you manage to find an angle to rub your sensitive clit, sending waves of sensations to every fiber and nerve in your body.
“now that’s an honest little slut.” he coos with amusement lacing in his voice. “why don’t you beg for it?”
you tilt your head back towards him, bottom lip jutting out into a cute pout and eyes pleading. “please..?”
toji lets out a huff, “not good enough, sweetheart.”
your eyes narrow at him, hoping he can read the desperation in them as you call him in the softest mewl that you've used to numerous guys before. “daddy.”
“hmm?” he strokes your clit by rubbing the gun back and forth and watches you quiver with a lopsided grin across his face.
“w-want– need your cock, daddy.” you pant in a shameless expression of your need for him.
“what do you need daddy to do to you, pretty girl?” he studies the barrel, now smeared with your slick.
“need daddy to fuck me– fuck my little tight cunt.”
toji draws his gun away and raises it at the back of your head. “then, get on your knees.”
you don’t need to be told twice as you instantly turn around and face him, the gun now pointing directly to your forehead and follows you even until you’re already kneeled in front him.
“you went a little too fast there, didn’t you?” he chuckles, the sound is smoky and alluring. “so eager. now, take off my pants.”
your hand reaches up to unbuckle his belt and undo his button before pulling the zipper down and tugging off his pants and briefs hastily. your mouth waters at the sight; his thick cock is already throbbing, tip flushing red and leaking precum with a prominent vein on the underside – causing you to quickly disregard the life-threatening weapon in front of your head.
seeing you blatantly gawk at him causes pride to spiral in his chest, as if you’ve never seen a dick before. but is it bad for toji to assume that you've never seen a dick as big as his?
“getting nervous now?” he teases. “fuck that. put it inside your mouth.”
toji exhales sharply once your tongue carefully licks off the salty pre on the tip, rousing him further with only kitten licks until the barrel nudges your head in warning, forcing you to stop your ministrations.
“are you asking to get a hole through your head?” he scowls, showing apparent irritation.
“no.” you answer meekly.
“then? i told you to put it inside your fucking mouth.”
“‘m sorry, daddy.” you wrap your fingers around the base of his cock and give it a few pumps up and down his shaft in hopes to please him and calm him down. “promise i’ll be a good girl.”
“then stop fucking around.”
without a second to waste, you wrap your lips around his cock and hollow your cheeks, squeezing and milking his cock with your tongue and throat as your head bobs up and down. you graze your tongue on the underside and slowly drag upwards, following the curve of his vein before giving a harsh suck on his tip, drawing out a loud groan from his throat.
“look at daddy.”
and you do, fixing your gaze with his darker ones as you slobber his cock with so much drool and you relax your throat in order to force yourself down to the base, devouring him whole even as he tilts the gun next to your head.
“wish i had my phone right now. you should see how you look.” his other hand reaches the top of your head, holding you in place and causes you to choke slightly before jerking his hips forward and begins to fuck your throat.
squelching noises resonate in the silent air, mingled with his grunts. drool starts to seep from the corners of your mouth and tears begin to well up in your eyes as his heavy balls slap against your chin.
“boys must really love you, hm?” you can feel the tension in his fingers as he puts monumental effort into restraining himself and he finally draws his gun away. “just taking it like a good girl.”
you can only whimper around his cock, the praise making you feel hotter that you find your hand between your thighs to push a finger inside your wet cunt.
“fuck– yeah, keep touching yourself like that.” he growls, the sound rumbling in his chest as the vibrations from your muffled moans are slowly sending him to the brink of an orgasm.
you’re too immersed by your own finger pumping in and out to even care about the ache that has formed on your jaw but the moment you feel his cock twitching, you both know it won’t be long until he breaks down.
“you’re gonna swallow all of it. got it?” he states more than questions, feeling his balls tightening as he starts to lose the last remaining control he owns.
you hum in response and flutter your eyes close and you wait until his hips still before he spurts thick ropes of cum down your throat, invading all your senses with the bitter taste of his load.
once he has emptied, you pull away with your tongue gliding along his length, not forgetting to lick off the sensitive slit to clean off any remnants.
“open your mouth.” he demands. you part your puffy lips and stick your tongue out, showing your obedience to his prior order and a delightful smirk makes its way on his face upon seeing that you’ve downed every drop of his cum. “good girl.”
“to be honest, i didn’t think you’d cum quickly.” you blurt out bluntly.
his brows furrow and his face contorts into a scowl. “‘fuck did you say?”
you shrug nonchalantly. you don’t know where it’s coming from either– the alcohol still lingering in your veins or the fact that you feel beyond proud that you’ve made him, some guy who claimed that he wanted to rob your car cum so fast. “well, all the guys told me i give the best head but none of them ever–”
“get up. face the car.”
toji clicks his tongue as you blink at him in confusion and he grabs your arm to pull you up on your feet before spinning you around and bending you down on the hood with his body pressing against your back. you swallow nervously when you feel a nudge against your ass, his dick is still hard despite the fact that he has cummed just a minute ago.
“you’re gonna regret that. once i fucking ravage that little cunt, you’re gonna be begging for me to cum quick.” he leans down to your ear as he threatens, sending shivers up and down your spine.
“i’m sor–”
“no. i won’t give a shit if it hurts you or when you cry for me to stop.”
toji gives a harsh smack on the plump flesh, making you jolt in surprise. with your hands down on the hood, he lifts up one of your knees on top of the car, causing you to spread wide open in an instant before he impatiently pokes the tip of his cock against your pulsating hole.
“but that’s what you want, right?”
your eyes roll back, lips parting in an appreciative squeal as you feel his fat cock stretches you out accompanied with a delicious burn when he sinks in deeper.
“mmh– s-so big–!”
“yeah? never had a dick this big before?” toji pulls out almost completely, eyes fixed on the cock glistening with your slick under the street lights, not missing the white cream attached onto the skin.
“n-no– ah–!”
toji cuts you off with one hard slam of his hips, drilling his cock into your tight pussy in a brutal pace while you keen and whimper as it brushes against your walls, each stretch and drag inside you so exquisite while deep crescent shapes of his nails form on your pliant skin as he holds you firmly by the hips for leverage.
“no wonder you’re so fucking tight. stupid boys didn’t know how to fuck you right.” his words thrum in a burst of heat as he growls in your ear, breaking through your every thought.
you tilt your head towards him with heavy lidded eyes and meet his lust addled gaze. your mouth is gaping in breathless moans, tongue slightly lolled out from your lips as you try to reach closer to his scarred lips, wanting to crash your lips onto his before it stretches into a devilish smirk and you feel warm liquid lands on your palate.
“you looked like you were begging to taste my spit.” he mocks. toji watches as you eagerly swallow it down your throat and he lets out a brittle chuckle. “dirty slut.”
your pussy flutters upon hearing how he degrades you, causing you to buck your hips wildly against him in an attempt to meet his thrusts.
“you liked that, didn’t you? i can feel you clamping down on me like a fucking whore.” he derides, fucking you harder and deeper until your world is reduced into nothing but the way he makes you feel completely stuffed and filled, the cockhead kissing your cervix with each deep strokes.
“please– make me cum, daddy–” you keen as pressure pulls taut in your lower stomach, the slick noises are so loud that the both of you can hear them even through your moans.
your body flushes against his, so close together and you can only focus on the sounds of flesh against flesh, the salacious rhythm making you more delirious.
“then, cum for me. let me feel you gush all over me.” toji brings his fingers to rub against your clit, easily tipping you over the edge by pressing tight circles until you find yourself crashing down with an orgasm exploding throughout your body.
“you want more?” he taunts, helping you ride out the aftershock by continuously rutting his hips into your cunt and not giving you the slightest chance to recuperate.
“ah– ‘s too much–” you whimper as soon as the pleasure begins to numb and you clutch onto his wrist tightly to try and pry his hand away from your sensitive clit.
“too much? don’t think that i’m done with you yet.”
toji finally draws away from you, but only turns you around to face him and effortlessly puts you on top of the hood with your elbows propping your weight. with his hands, he spreads and keeps your legs apart before sheathing his cock back inside your pulsing cunt again, completely mindless of your pathetic sobs. he lifts up your top, not surprised over the lack of bra underneath and he intently watches the way your tits bounce with each merciless pound of his cock.
“s-stop– please–” you whimper feebly as you try to shut your trembling legs together but he doesn’t budge and only keeps his grip on your thighs even tighter, stretching out your pussy for him wider.
“fucking take it.”
toji ignores your plea and his head dips low to your chest, latching his mouth onto one of your nipples and starts to flick it with his tongue coupled with harsh sucks until he pulls back with a pop and watches as the nipple stands erect before assaulting the other, swiftly sending sparks of pleasure down to the bundle of nerves.
“might as well keep you around. be my personal fucktoy. would you like that?” he grins up at you to see your jaw slacking, mouth falling in a wide ‘o’ as the burn down your core begins to cease.
“yesyesyes– make me your slut–!” your toes curl, making your heels drop down to the ground while your knuckles turn white from squeezing your hands into balled fists too hard.
“yeah? you’d do anything for a good fuck, huh?” he sneers at you, although he’s fascinated with your state of arousal.
“mhm– need daddy to fill me up with his cum–” your back rests against the car, reveling in the feeling of his cock abusing your swollen cunt like you’re nothing but a sex doll.
“but daddy’s not gonna cum yet. not even when you’re tightening around him like this.” toji slams your hips down closer to him, fucking into you deeper and harder with his heavy balls smacking your ass.
“t-too deep–! daddy, i’ll–” you babble, losing the ability to form cohesive words as you feel a strange knot twisting rapidly in your guts. the feeling is too intense and unbearable– the refined drags of his vein brushing against your spongy walls is anything but agonizing.
“come on. use your big girl words.” he drags out slowly and quickly pumps back into you ruthlessly. “or are you too dumb already?”
“i’m gonna–”
toji lifts up your legs over his shoulders as he leans down closer to you and he nips on your pulse point, causing your body to tense as your hands find home in his dark locks and tight shirt.
as soon as he lets go, your pupils are blown wide as pleasure washes throughout your body and you feel yourself gushing around the cock still buried inside you along with a broken moan from your lips. the release is oddly more relieving than your prior orgasm, making your body feel lighter as your mind ascends to a state of euphoria. you find yourself panting heavily as you squirt all over him, staining his black shirt with clear fluid and with some of it dribbling down to his thick thighs.
“making such a mess on daddy.” he groans as he feels your walls convulse around him rapidly, milking his cock dry and slowly dragging him down to his own high for the second time of the night.
you can only look at him in a cockdaze with no particular thoughts running inside your head, each one formed gone like popping bubbles. your eyes glued onto every bit of his features; the brows furrowed in concentration, the lips parting in grunts, the damp matted hair against his forehead and you drink the sight of it all even when you’re not sure if you’ll remember it all the next morning.
“fuck– it’d be a shame to not cum inside this pretty cunt, right?” his thrusts turn sporadic, dick twitching as a telltale of his pending orgasm that’s soon to crash down over him. he didn’t need to hear your answer as he ruts into you faster, hips stuttering out of control before a low, guttural sound escapes his throat as he shoots hot ropes of cum, flooding into your womb and stuffing you full with his seed.
and once he lets go of your legs you can feel your whole body sore all over, but you can’t bring yourself to care nor whatever is going to happen after this when the man in front of you has given you what you truly wanted and made you feel satiated like you’ve never felt before.
toji pulls out his spent cock and runs a hand through his hair before putting his pants back on. a cocky smirk graces his lips at the sight of your fucked out body, still splayed on top of the hood with his cum dribbling out from your pussy.
he presses your cheeks together with one hand and forces you to look at him, even as your lids are getting heavy to lift.
“i was serious about you being my fucktoy– and stealing your car.” he cackles. “so, do you wanna be in the back seat or do you prefer the trunk?”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • all rights reserved. do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
enjoyed this work? wanna buy me coffee? :)
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queentala · 2 years
Make me your dumb little kitten
Gods, writing this was a fucking torture but! finally, the most awaited moment since the very beginning of this account: Fenrys smut. With special dedication for all those 28 people that asked for it. (pls don't hate me for ignoring your requests for so long, I seriously can't write smut for shit)
And now I should probably start my Gavriel smut...
You can pray for me.
Fenrys Moonbeam x reader
Summary: Fenrys taking your virginity
Words: 7865 (I have no fucking idea how but I'm not complaining)
Warnings: soft dom Fenrys, sex, dirty talk, swearing, fingering, oral (female receiving), praise kink, slight size kink?, Fenrys being cutie and I think that's it
The clock pointed almost three in the morning. The whole castle was sound asleep, corridors engulfed in stunning silence as not even cats wanted to leave their warm hideaways to wander through this cold, winter night. If now one looked at a great, stone castle from a distance, he might have think that it is abandoned if not faint, golden glow in only few windows of the highest tower.
Despite the grim atmosphere around them, lazy smiles decorated both Faes' faces as each of them was engrossed in their work. The fire in the fireplace faded slowly and the clock chimed the full hour when Fenrys finally put his papers away, stretching and announcing that he's done for tonight. Tearing your gaze away from the documents you were reading you smirked gently at the male laying across the bed with one arm flung over his onyx eyes. "Go take a bath then and jump under the covers" you said from where you were sitting against the headboard "I'm ready and waiting for my cuddles." You already took a bath before getting to work so now you were in your boyfriend's shirt which you of course had stolen and only panties underneath as you knew how much Fenrys drooled at the sight of your bare legs.
White Wolf chuckled quietly, even after three months of dating, and even more of friendship, the sound made your belly erupt with butterflies, his broad chest moving as he inhaled deeply and then exhaled. "Too tired" he mumbled with eyes closed at what you stretched your one leg forward and poked him in the ribs. Fenrys only gripped your ankle and turned over on his side, lying his head on your foot and nuzzling his face into your soft skin. The sight made your heart flutter but you knew if he won't go now, he won't go at all. Shaking your foot from under your boyfriend you poked his cheek with your big toe. "Bath. Now."
You rolled your eyes at Fenrys' childish behavior when dissatisfied whine left his mouth in answer. Deciding to let go your eyes once more wandered to the papers in your hands and you exhaled through your nose at the amount of work you still had to do. Despite the late hour you weren't really tired but the arduous perusing boring papers wasn't the way you wished to spend your night.
"Ready for cuddles, hm?" mocked your boyfriend cracking onyx eye open to look at your face decorated with grimace.
"I'll be done by the time you bathe, slob" you mocked back at what Fenrys huffed and nuzzled his face into you foot once again. His lips curved up in a smirk as if he was plotting something. You were curious but decided to wait patiently, both of you stayed like this for few minutes, enjoying the relaxing silence of winter night. That was until Fenrys shifted on the bed and you felt soft lips placing gentle kisses on your ankle, slowly heading up.
"Maybe just put those papers away, princess" murmured Fenrys against your calf, his lips like a ray of summer sunshine on your bare skin.
You perfectly knew what he wanted. Fenrys was making it quite obvious since the war ended, never even trying to hide his gaze full of lust or playful smirks that made your thighs squeeze, letting you know how much he can't wait to have you in bed for the first time. You yearned him too. From the moment you two kissed for the first time you wondered how would it be to have those lips tasting you elsewhere. How would it be to taste him elsewhere, everywhere. Yet... There was this one, tiny problem. You had zero experience when it came to those things. And this freaked you out. Fenrys was over century old sex god that had in his bed hundreds of sex goddesses, and still he choose you, Fae in her twenties that looks and acts as if she was one of those women that drive men crazy in bed but in reality has never been touched in those places. Fenrys choose to spend his WHOLE life with you, calling you his mate, his one for the eternity... but what if he'd be disappointed? You couldn't get rid of the thought that he might expect woman with skills of courtesan that will take him to bed and send him to paradise. That if you tell him the truth he'd back out, not wanting to have shitty sexlife to the end of his days.
Luckily for you since the great victory everyone were too busy with getting everything back to normal to even sleep so neither of you had enough time for one another. At least not enough to spend the night properly as Fenrys wasn't interested in quickie being your first time together. So you kept torturing yourself, wanting to feel every piece of your mate against your skin but also avoiding him in every situation that might lead the two of you to bed, still trying to figure out the best solution for this situation that, unfortunately, probably doesn't exist.
Moving your free leg you put your toes against your boyfriend's forehead and pushed him away gently before his lips could reach any higher than your knee. "I thought you were too tired?" you asked with small smirk, hoping that playful tone wouldn't rise any suspicions in him.
"Hm, I think I could find enough energy for some activities..." He gripped your ankle firmly and started trailing kisses up your other leg. Yeah, sure, your playful tone only encouraged him more. It's Fenrys after all.
Your breath got stuck in your chest when Fenrys licked long stripe on your soft skin, leaving wet track before moving past your knee to the inside of your thigh. Shaky moan left your mouth, head falling back against the headboard when Fenrys dug his canines into your flesh, kissing fresh wound and lapping at your blood by turns. The look on his face told you this little motherfucker enjoyed every single second like never before. You could feel yourself getting wet and clearly your mate could smell it as he moved higher with pleasured hum. His boldness both attracted and scared you at once. His arm hooked under your other leg, broad hand slowly stroked your thigh, from time to time reaching your ass "by accident" while he kept his lips stuck to your skin.
Absentminded quiet moans left your mouth one by one, eyes closed as you enjoyed your mate's caress, your body was melting under his touch and both of you got caught up in a moment, letting your desires lead you and not quite realizing where it is going. It all died when you felt Fenrys' nose pressing gently against your panties.
Your eyes shot open, straightening yourself you yanked out from Fenrys' touch jumping on the other side of the bed, papers you had in hand laid on the floor, long forgotten. Only the loss of his touch made you aware of how soaked you were.
"Y/N?" Fenrys also straightened himself, concern and fear was written on his face with big, fat letters. He was caught off the guard, analyzing his every move that might get you uncomfortable. You could see that he regrets going this far without your verbal permission.
"I-" What were you supposed to do? A good girlfriend probably should now throw herself at him for a heated kiss, rip off her shirt and take off his pants and make love with him till they can't anymore, but... you weren't this girlfriend.
Instead, you jumped off the bed, ready to jump out of the window if it would be the only way to hide the furious blush that covered now your whole face, painting red your cheeks and ears. Fenrys was faster though. Broad hands clasped themselves firmly on your waist and threw you back on the sheets, right under your mate. He stared at your face with worried eyes, his forearms caged your head between them, forcing you to look at him back.
"Darling, I am so, so sorry for invading your private space without clear permission, and I truly apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable, but please, Y/N, I beg you, don't run away from me." His voice was almost desperate, his eyes looked as if in a moment tears would start falling from them. "Don't leave me here alone, wondering if you'll come back to me or if I have lost your trust. Wondering how to fix it. Please, princess, stop running away and start talking with me." His voice moved something in you, few tears ran down your cheeks. Putting your hands against your mate's cheeks, you brought him closer and connected your foreheads. He moved his rough palm to the side of your face, caressing it gently with his thumb.
"I love you Fenrys," you whispered, "you're the best thing that happened in my life. I'm sorry for running away. I am just so scared to fuck things up."
"Tell me what's wrong, my love." He kissed your nose and slightly pulled away to look at you, his body still towered over yours but instead of feeling trapped you felt protected.
"Well..." You could feel your cheeks getting redder under Fenrys' gaze with every second. "You see, when I was a teenager, my parents were very, very strict. To the point where I wasn't allowed to hang out with boys and I have nev..." For a few heartbeats you wondered how to put this into words. "When magic disappeared and this... everything happened and I got stuck in my animal form for over ten years I was eighteen." Your mate's black eyes studied your every facial expression with swither but also curiosity, he analyzed your each word with a frown, trying to riddle where you're going.
Taking deep breath and shifting your gaze at the ceiling, you continued "Having sex in an animal form wasn't really on my to do list, you know," you chuckled nervously, "and when magic came back this whole shit with war started and there wasn't really time or even any right person and somehow..." Each word falling out of your mouth came out faster, chest moving heavily and heart racing.
"Y/N." Fenrys gripped your chin and gently turned your face so you could look at him. Never in your life you have felt more nervous, especially in his presence. Seeing that Fenrys tucked strand of your hair behind your pointed ear and ran his knuckles down your cheek lovingly. His voice was quiet and calm when he asked "Kitten, are you a virgin?"
One of your canines bit into your lower lip when you nodded shyly. If he was surprised, he didn't let it show. Corner of Fenrys' mouth lifted, behind his onyx eyes laid gentles, understanding but also something else, something more like... pride? Excitement? You couldn't name it but to your relief, it definitely wasn't disappointment.
"You're my mate, Y/N, and I love you with my whole heart. I don't mind at all that you don't have experience in bedroom. And I won't hold a grudge against you if want someone else to be your first time. I would never force you into anything, I hope you know that."
You nodded, your shiny eyes caught his black irises, looking deep into his soul, "I want this to be you, Fenrys. I trust you with my whole being," your words were nothing more than a whisper but Fenrys heard every single one clearly as if you had yelled them into his ear. A smile so gentle appeared on his lips that you could do nothing more than to smile yourself, wondering what have you done to deserve being looked at with so much love.
"So..." something like tickling ran between your thighs at the sound of your mate's voice dropping an octave down, his thumb ran across your lips curved in small smile, "no one has ever touched you in a way that brings pleasure?" The way Fenrys carefully chose his words threw you off a little but you still shook your head in confirmation. "No."
"But, have you ever touched yourself, kitten?" Your eyes widened at Fenrys' words. You were taken aback, most definitely not expecting this kind of question.
"Well, I- I've tried to touch myself few times but it was never enough to bring me release. It was as if something was always missing." Your voice got quieter, eyes shifting somewhere else under Fenrys' playful gaze. His head dipped to your neck and all the stress left your body when you felt his lips leaving soft kisses on your delicate flesh. He moved slowly, lazily, his hands started caressing your sides, playfully sliding under the hem of your (his) shirt.
"Show me" he whispered and then placed a kiss behind your ear.
"What?" Your head spun to the side with surprise and Fenrys pulled away slightly, looking you deep in the eyes. "Show me how you touch yourself, love."
You swallowed hard, knots tying up in your throat. You were nervous, but the burning feeling between your legs couldn't be ignored any longer. Your fingers moved to your shirt, shakily undoing the buttons. Your eyes were still fixed on Fenrys, his face showing pure love and gentleness yet you didn't missed the desire hiding in his gaze. Only when you finished with the last button, and your hands shyly shifted the white material from your chest, exposing your bare breasts for him, Fenrys looked down. His eyes darkened at the sight of your hard nipples, his hand moved to your waist but stayed there, not daring to move any further.
Biting your lower lip you moved your hands to the black material of your panties. Now or never. With one move you slid them down and threw somewhere to the side. So there you laid. All naked under your mate, your arousal filling the chamber. With his body still towering over yours, you nestled yourself better on the pillows and spread your legs. Fenrys swore under his breath but his black with desire eyes wandered back to connect with yours.
"You're the most beautiful person in this universe." He leaned down, his lips brushing against yours, goosebumps appeared on your skin at the feeling of his warm breath on your cheek. "I love you so, so much."
"I love you too," you breathed.
"Are you sure, darling?" How could you be not? The answer was oblivious, you wanted this every night since last three months. You desired him just as he desired you, and now when your doubts and fears were allayed... "Yes. I do want this." The matting bond danced happily, as if it has been waiting for this moment eagerly.
Fenrys not needing any more reassurances pushed his mouth onto yours like he did every day, yet this time was supposed to be different. Your hands wrapped themselves around Fenrys' neck, your fingers tangling into the golden hair, soft as Spidersilk. Strong, calloused hands gripped your waist tighter, finally begging their travel up your body, roaming over the softness of your stomach, analyzing and remembering every inch of your skin. Muffled moan left your mouth when his rough palm cupped one of your breasts, his thumb playing with your nipple.
"C'mon, kitten," his lips moved to your jaw, leaving wet trail of kisses leading to your neck, "do it for me."
Your heartbeat quickened when you shifted your palm down your stomach and between your spread thighs, your cheeks burning furiously, small gasp escaped your mouth as you brushed your clit, the little bundle of nerves reacting immediately. Fenrys was biting his fangs into your neck but his eyes stayed glued to your fingers that played with your entrance and clit for few minutes, warming up and collecting some of the wetness before disappearing between your folds.
Quiet whine was all your reaction as you started moving two fingers in and out of your pussy, massaging your inside walls with fingertips in search of this spot that made your legs shake. Your mate was doing his best to help you, his tongue already found all the sensitive places on your neck and started decorating them with purple-red marks, his broad palms never stopped playing with your breasts but still, not even a hint of the knot tying up in your lower stomach appeared. The movements of your fingers were enjoyable but definitely not enough to satisfy your urge. Your eyes turned to the male above you, pleading.
"Can I touch you there, princess? Do you want my help?" Fenrys smirked at the desperation on your face, the way you shook your head entreatingly, letting out a whine that was supposed to sound like "yes."
You wanted to remove your hand to make a room for your mate but he grabbed your wrist, keeping you in place. "Let's try it like this," he said and grabbed your left leg, hooking it over his shoulder, then bending and moving the right one a little bit more to the side, leaving you fully spread. Shifting his weight on his left side, Fenrys slipped his palm under your head in the way that allowed him to stroke your cheek with his thumb. "Now, relax." He kissed your nose and his right palm slid down to your entrance, but instead of replacing your fingers with his own, he slowly pushed them right under yours.
Squeal of surprise and pain ripped out from your lips when you felt burning stretching between your legs, few tears fell down your face but Fenrys was quick to kiss them all away, holding you close. "You okay?" he asked quietly, his hand staying still, allowing you to adjust to the new thickness. Few seconds passed before the pain faded, Fenrys was peppering your face with kisses, patiently waiting for you to be ready.
"Yeah," you breathed out. Despite the weird sensation your pussy was throbbing, demanding something more.
Slowly, carefully not to hurt you, Fenrys started moving. His big palm gripped your smaller one, bending his fingers, he pressed onto yours what made you follow his movements. He led you gently, your hands moved in perfect sync, creating wave-like shape. You moaned loudly at the pleasant feeling when Fenrys changed the angle and additionally started pushing your fingers in and out. "Feels better, doesn't it, bunny?" You whined in answer, your head falling back, hips thrusting up. Blush crept to your cheeks when you realized how much you're enjoying yourself but fuck yeah, this felt good. Fenrys chuckled lowly, "You just needed someone to guide you, hm? Dumb little kitten couldn't get off on her own. But don't worry, princess, daddy's gonna take care of you now."
With each stroke the pleasure expanded, your juices dripped onto your hands and sheets as wet noises mixed with your absentminded moans filled the air. A whole new feeling started building up in your lower stomach, weird but pleasant heat spread over your body. Fenrys slid your fingers across your g-spot, earning from you a loud gasp. He lowered his head to your breasts, circling your nipple with his tongue before taking it into his mouth, sucking gently. He sped up, your entwined digits kept running over the sensitive spot, making your legs shake. You tired to pull away when the pleasure became overwhelming but Fenrys only held you firmer, still busy with your boobs.
"Fuck! Fenrys!" Your vision started to blur, you were desperate for release.
His fangs bit into the skin on your collarbone, dark mark forming on the delicate flesh as he sucked it into his mouth. "Come on, darling, just like this. Keep chasing it, you can do this. Cum for daddy." Loud cries escaped your throat, Fenrys straightened himself, dropping your leg on the bed, his fingers speeding up even more, taking yours with them. Your thighs squeezed together but you kept thrusting your hips, meeting with your mate's each stroke. "Such a good kitten," Fenrys cooed, taking in your struggling form, "Now, sweetie, cum for me."
Every muscle in you tensed painfully, toes curling. Your palm clasped itself tightly on Fenrys' arm when waves of pleasure took over your body. Your mate helped you ride off the shock your orgasm left you in, constantly telling you how great you did and how proud he is. Only when you managed to calm your breathing, he removed his fingers from your pussy.
"It's not that hard, isn't it, baby? Some training and you'll be able to get off without my help."
You also slowly removed your fingers glistening with cum, wincing at the empty feeling. "I think I prefer when you do it." Fenrys smirked proudly at your words. "Just not with my fingers, please," you chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, it was hot. But I'm surprised you didn't broke them." Your mate erupted with laughter and you joined him second after, slowly sitting up.
Looking up at your mate you sighed at his beauty, not even the awful twin scars could uglify his handsome face, and every time he sent you one of his sweet smiles, you were falling for him even deeper.
"C'mere," Fenrys extended his arms, inviting you in. You gladly accepted his offer, entwining his waist and snuggling into his chest. "Are you okay, baby? Was it too much?" he murmured into your hair at what you only shook your head. "I'm fine, Fenrys."
You stayed like this for few minutes, Fenrys stroked your back and thighs as you still shook slightly, and you played with his shirt, enjoying his presence, proceeding the things that just had happened. Small smirk appeared on your lips when you remembered one thing.
"So... Daddy?"
Fenrys glanced down at you with surprise, you could see the cogs working in his head. His dark eyes widened when he realized. It might be the first time you have seen the White Wolf of Doranelle blushing. Your fingers caressed his jaw when you looked him in the eyes. "Are you into those things?"
"Only if it doesn't make you uncomfortable." His face was serious when he said this. Your comfort was his number one priority.
You shifted so now you were straddling Fenrys' lap, your hands wandered around his neck, playing with golden hair at the nape of his neck. You had no idea from where all this confidence suddenly came from but you couldn't waste it. The bulge in his pants pushed against your crotch and all the wildest scenarios ran through your head. "What if... I'd told you that I'm into it?"
His rough palms squeezed your buttocks, pushing you harder against his boner and you had to bit your lip to don't whine at the sensation. Hair on your arms rose when he leaned in, stopping millimeters from your face, and whispered, piercing you with eyes full of desire. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, kitten."
You took one deep breath.
Enough of just dreaming. You wanted more.
"Almost twenty nine years, Fenrys. I'm done with waiting, I want it intense, passionate and rough. I want to try everything, to explore it with you. Fuck me and make love with me, laugh with me but don't stop till I can't take it anymore. I want you every day and night for the rest of my life. Make me yours." Your mate looked as if he'd jump out of his skin any second, the bulge in his pants grew harder and bigger, his hands gripped your ass so hard you were sure you'll have bruises there.
You leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Make me your dumb little kitten."
Fenrys snapped.
His mouth attacked your so fast, taking you by surprise, that you returned the kiss with few seconds delay. Broad palms roamed your body desperately, almost aggressively, squeezing everything they could and you had nothing more to do than tangling your hands in his hair, giving yourself wholly to him. Fenrys once again laid you on pillows, goosebumps appeared on your skin when he kissed his way down to your stomach, leaving wet trails everywhere. He already had total control over your body and mind and you were fully aware you're getting yourself into addiction. You didn't cared. Not as long as he was your drug.
Fenrys stopped at your belly button height, lifting his head and looking into your eyes. "If you want to stop, tell me immediately, okay?"
"Okay," you nodded. Strong hands gripped your thighs and spread them wide open, showing your dripping with juices pussy. Your heart raced at the thought of things that were supposed to happened in few minutes.
"Okay what?" His voice was lower than usual, and combined with his hungry gaze, made you somehow feel smaller, weaker.
Few seconds passed before understood what he meant. "Okay, daddy."
Your mate smiled proudly at you and dipped his head, continuing his path of kissed before settling between your thighs. "Good girl. I'll go easy on you this time but the faster you learn the rules, the better for you, kitten."
Blush crept up your cheeks but Fenrys' gaze was already fixed on your small hole that only waited to be destroyed. He spent way too many nights wondering how you taste or what sounds you make while nearing your release. You were the imagine he had in front of his eyes every time he pleasured himself in the dead of night, behind closed doors of his chambers, thinking of all the ways he would make you cum. How many times he had to leave the meeting only because he could barely stop himself from taking you on the table right then and there, in front of the whole court? And right now... Fenrys always imagined your first time together will be desperate and rough, that you would fuck the months of waiting out of each other. But no. No, no. He's going to take his time with you, enjoy your taste, study your body langue, and teach you all the sinful things that will make you go crazy.
He started with small kisses, wanting to see how you'd react but also not to overwhelm or scare you, nibbling gently at your soft, untouched flesh, and running the tip of his nose between your slick folds. It was weird but definitely not unpleasant to have someone between your legs for the first time. Your body reacted to his every action, slightly jumping or squirming whenever Fenrys placed his lips on your skin.
Your palm traveled to your breast, squeezing it and playing with your nipple, the other one gripped the soft sheets beneath you when Fenrys added his tongue, licking your juices with the thick muscle. His soft lips closed around your clit, sucking at the sensitive nerve and your head fell back at the pleasure. Whines and moans falling from between your pretty lips were like a song for your mate that with every minute was loosing himself in between your legs even more, lapping and sucking at you eagerly, burring his face in your cunt as if it was a pillow.
The pressure in your stomach kept expanding, blood flowing to your clit demanded release, making your swollen pussy throb in pain. Fenrys changed the angle of your hips and you squealed when his tongue pushed into your hole, fucking you at fast peace. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You were panting, the male between your legs moaned loudly when you fisted his golden locks, sending vibrations through your core.
"Fuck, I- I'm-" You swallowed deeply, more cries got caught up in the back of your throat. The pleasure was too much and not enough. Your legs started shaking rapidly but Fenrys gripped them tightly, pushing his face deeper into you. Your back arched. "Fenrys!"
"Not my name, kitten." The male removed his tongue from you, lifting his face he eyed your glistening cunt with a smile. He just found the never-ending fountain of the sweetest nectar in the whole world and deep in his heart Fenrys promised himself that since now, he'll get drunk with your juices every night for the rest of his life.
"Daddy!" You cried out and your mate hummed happily. "That's better." He dived in with so much vigor that almost jumped out of your skin.
Just a little more.
Fenrys feeling your desperate attempts to let go doubled his efforts, bringing his fingers to your clit and drawing tight circles with rough pads. His thick tongue kept thrusting into you, massaging your inner walls. Your hips bucked up and with final cry you came all over his face. Hard. Really hard.
The pleasure was overwhelming. Never in all those years when you imagined what sex feels like you'd guess an orgasm can be that powerful. No words other than magical could describe this feeling. The blood running furiously in your veins, heart racing like a racehorse, stars in your dazed eyes as you stared at the ceiling with parted lips, trying to calm your breathing. Not to mention the mating bond dancing happily, demanding more.
Tears blurred your vision. Your thighs squeezed together, caging Fenrys' head between them. He didn't minded at all. Letting you ride his face and get off your high, your mate was on cloud nine. He drank your release like a man abandoned on a dessert with no water, his tongue collected every single droplet, afraid it might disappear if he won't be fast enough. Gods, he could cum just by eating you out.
Just now you noticed that the fire in fireplace almost fully went out, leaving the great bedroom in darkness lightened by only few candles. Propping yourself up on shaky elbows your gaze wandered down at the love of your life. Fenrys was looking at you with all the pure love he had in his heart, his cheek was pressed against your inner thigh, his arms circling your hips. The golden flames reflecting in his onyx eyes made your brain melt completely.
"You look like a goddess," he whispered so softly. "And you taste like one."
And you look like a god. The most beautiful of them all. You wanted to say but your voice got stuck up in your throat. No words were needed anyway as second later Fenrys brought his lips back to your clit, his eyes closed in bliss as he sucked at it lazily. After two orgasms you were already so sensitive that it didn't took long before you felt another one building in your lower stomach, threatening to pull another chain of moans and whimpers from you.
"Gods, you're so perfect." Pleasurable heat was filling your body as his mouth kept caressing your swollen cunt, placing kisses on your slick skin every second. "So good for daddy, taking what I give you so well, my little darling."
Your head fell back in delight. Each word made you wetter, your arousal flowing from you like a stream, leaving you aching for another release. Fenrys, happy as never before, feasted his eyes on the sight in front of him, wondering what other sounds he can pull from that pretty mouth. The thought of you screaming his name for the whole castle to hear made him harden painfully.
He needed you around him. Now.
But you weren't ready for his size, yet.
His hand sneaked up between your legs, stroking and petting your pussy with gentle touches as if it was the most precious thing in the world. The coil in your stomach grew bigger. Your thighs spread wider for him, hips bucking up as in invitation, accompanied with a whine. A quiet plea.
"Shh, kitten, I know." Fenrys placed one last kiss on your pussy before raising his head. His long, thick fingers played with your entrance, running between your folds but not entering the tight hole that throbbed with need. "Trust me, princess, daddy knows what's the best for you. Patience, love."
Two orgasms didn't satisfied your urge. You wanted, needed, something more than his fingers. Questions ran through your head: how long is he? How thick? Will it hurt?
Maybe you wanted it to hurt? Just a little bit. You blushed but the thought of his cock spreading you for the first time kept you thrilled yet still nervous. The way Fenrys moved and spoke, his actions, his gaze... It did something to you. Quiet voice kept whispering to you, telling you to be his good girl. To do as he says.
Obediently, you relaxed on the pillows, trying to ignore the unbearable burning, and let Fenrys work on you. Your hands clasped on your breasts, your gaze drifted to your mate, studying his every move with your lower lip between teeth.
His broad palm cupped your sex, easily covering it all, and in one fluid motion, Fenrys pushed into you his middle and ring finger. This time he wasn't waiting. Immediately his long digits started pumping in and out of you, constantly changing the angle, twisting and spreading your walls. He set steady peace, it wasn't slow but he was gentle, still having it the back of his head that it is your first time.
"Feels good, doesn't it, kitten? You like daddy's fingers fucking your little, tight pussy, yeah?" Fenrys asked with a smirk, cooing at you when your moans reached his ears.
His hand kept fucking you into another orgasm. Puddle of your juices formed on white sheets as you came on his fingers, clenching on them as hard as you could. The painful pleasure faded but his fingers didn't stopped, picking up their peace instead.
"Daddy," you managed to whimper despite your panting, "daddy, please."
"I love when you call me this. My dumb little kitten, learning so fast." Fenrys took in your struggling form, the way you were slowly falling into overstimulation. "What do you want, baby?"
"I want to feel you. Please?"
"Oh dumb kitten," Fenrys looked at you with amusement in his gaze, "you're not ready, darling. We have to prepare you for my cock. You're still so tight, so small. We don't want it to hurt, hm?"
"Please." You were on the verge of bursting into tears. You were ready to beg him on your knees to fuck you. The desire you had for that man was burning the brightest flame and every another second of waiting was driving you into madness. "Please, fuck me."
Without a word Fenrys removed his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth, licking off your sweet essence. Fuck, you tasted so good. At the first opportunity he'll get, he's going to sit you on his face and eat you out till you can't stay upright anymore. Then he'll flip you on your back and spend another hours laying with his face buried in your cunt. He waited way too long and now there was no person that could keep him away from you.
You winced at the lack of his touch when Fenrys rose from the bed, still towering over you even if he stood few feet away. Without wasting time he swiftly removed his shirt, throwing it to the side, and you couldn't help yourself but stare at his powerful muscles, sliding your gaze down his sixpack to the bulge in his pants where his hands worked on untying the strings of his trousers.
All the air left your lungs when your mate get rid of the rest of his clothes, legendary White Wolf standing in front of you in all his glory. Not even your boldest dreams could compare with reality.
He was huge.
Your eyes stayed glued to his hard, long and THICK cock as he crawled back to you, settling between your legs and with arms on either side of your head, just like at the beginning. Your heart threatened to jump out of your chest when Fenrys grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. Thousands emotions played on his face and you'd guess yours wasn't any different.
"Will it fit?" You asked, swallowing loudly.
"Don't worry, I'll make it fit." His fingers stroked your cheek comfortingly and you relaxed a little. His touch always made wonders on you. "I just need you to trust me, okay kitten?"
Shaking your head in response you again glanced at his member. Your cheeks burned like rubies when you asked shyly. "Can I?"
Fenrys nodded and his gaze followed your little palm, sliding down his sculpted stomach to his pelvis. Low moan escaped his throat when you grabbed his hard cock, running your fingers along the veins and stroking his head with your thumb. Encircling his size with your hand you pumped him few times and Fenrys not being able to help himself thrust into your palm, eyes closing in pleasure.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so good," he moaned and it took him all the strength to pull away from your touch. "I can't imagine how divine your tight pussy must be."
With his hand he grabbed his cock and ran its head between your folds, earning breathless gasp from you when he gently pressed at your entrance.
"Are you sure kitten? Hundred percent?"
"Yes, Fenrys." At the sound of his name on your lips he hardened even more. "I want this to be you. I want to be yours."
Your mouths clasped in a heated kiss, his tongue pushed into yours, easily winning fight for domination. "Hold onto me tight, kitten." He whispered against you. "It's going to hurt but it will pass and daddy will kiss you better."
Immediately your hand clenched on his shoulder, the other one entwining his that cupped your face. You inhaled sharply and sob ripped through your gritted teeth when his head pushed through your folds, painfully stretching your walls.
All your muscles tensed and you forget how to breathe when the burning pain overtook your lower parts. Fenrys groaned above you, either in pleasure or pain caused by your nails digging into his skin.
"Try to relax, baby, it'll hurt less if you're not tense." You tried to do as he says but it was impossible as with every inch he pushed into you the pain increased. Your mouth opened in silent scream and Fenrys held you tighter. "Sh, sh, kitten. Just a little more, you're taking me so well." Your foreheads pressed against each other and you felt Fenrys' warm breath on your wet with tears cheek as he peppered you with kisses. His other hand sneak around your waist, bringing you to his chest.
For Fenrys it took all his willpower to don't slam into you with all his strength. Your walls hugged him so well, your warmth and wetness made him feel like in heaven. All those months, all those nights and finally he got what he dreamed of. If only he could make it less painful for you. Tears on your face caused him physical pain but the way you clenched around him... He was ultra careful to don't hurt you, sliding only till his head hit your cervix, then staying still even if he wasn't pushed to the base.
His fingers played with your locks scattered on the pillow, stroking your hair, cheeks, doing anything that could help you calm down. Both of you stayed still for a longer moment, your breaths mixing was the only sound in the darkness of your chambers. Shiver ran down your arms when cold air suddenly hit your warm skin.
The new thickness filled you to the brim. It was weird feeling. You wanted to pull away from it but also it made you feel complete. It hurt but you could also find a pleasure in this overwhelming stretch.
"I think I'm fine." Your words were more chocked out than said. Fenrys looked into your eyes, his irises were entirely black as he gazed at you in search of emotions.
"I love you, Y/N. I want you to know that."
"How could I not know that, Fenrys?"
He smiled gently and corners of your mouth rose in answer. Fenrys adjusted his position between your legs, holding you so close to him to the point you were almost wholly swallowed by his body. Good. After ten years of living in fear, he made you feel safe.
Moving his hips Fenrys pulled out of you slowly, only two inches, before pushing it back. The pain was still there but not as much as minutes before. And when that vein on his cock rubbed against your entrance... Your head fell back, giving your mate the opportunity to mark your neck with more hickeys.
"Just like that, kitten. Let daddy take care of you."
He was so big in every aspect, filling you perfectly with length and width. His head spread your walls perfectly, making room for the rest of his dick as Fenrys kept moving in and out of you, with every more pulling out more just to slam into you deeper.
You were driving each other crazy.
There was no sexier thing than your mate loosing his control, moaning lowly into your ear or neck, sending vibrations through your skin. Few more strokes and the pain was nothing more than a distant memory, already fading into oblivion. In its place appeared pleasure. Pure pleasure that rose with every movement, every friction, drawing from you moans and whimpers one by one.
"Holy fuck, kitten, you're so tight." Fenrys groaned into darkness, throwing his head back, golden locks sticking to his neck where droplets of sweat started to appear. His hips moved in rhythmic peace, not too fast but perfectly enough for you to feel another climax building.
You moans grew louder as Fenrys slammed into that sweet spot, making you squirm in his arms. The feeling started to become overwhelming, your legs entwined your mate's waist, looking for a way to somehow release the pressure gathering inside you, your hands roamed his back, leaving red scratches wherever they appeared. Your palm wandered down, pressing below your bellybutton, where you could feel bulge created by Fenrys' size. Whimper left your mouth when you realized how deep he is.
Sound of skin slapping against skin filled your ears and Fenrys' pelvis slapped against yours with every push. He slid to the base and you didn't even acknowledged it, too lost in the way he made you feel. Wet noises accompanied his every thrust, your juices mixing with his precum dripped on your sheets, filling the air with your blended scents.
Heat filled your body, your legs started shaking more furiously (or maybe they never stopped in the first place?), the pressure in your lower stomach started taking over the rest of your body, threatening to let go any moment. You throbbing cunt clenched around Fenrys' pulsating cock and he couldn't stop the loud groan, picking up the peace. You were close and he knew that as he was on the edge as well. Swears flew into the silence of the night, your whines changed into screams.
"Daddy, Fen... Fuck!" Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as Fenrys hid his face in the crock of your neck, his hips never loosing the rhythm as he chased both his and yours release.
His cock slammed into you like a hammer, fucking all the thoughts out of your head. Fucking you like a dumb little kitten you were.
"Come on, baby, make daddy proud and give me one more, hm?"
Three more strokes and and with silent scream fireworks exploded inside you, making your pussy clench strongly, cumming all over Fenrys' hard cock. Your body went limp below him as you lied half conscious, shaking and moaning with stars in your eyes. Few seconds later Fenrys came inside your abused pussy, painting you walls with his seed, claiming you as his. Forever.
Sweaty mass of pure muscles collapsed onto you. He also was shaking. Hearing your heartbeats you were surprised none of you had a heart attack.
It took you good ten minutes before any of you could move. Fenrys slowly slid out of you, making you wince at the emptiness between your legs.
Both of you were tired, sweaty and sore but fuck, nothing could erase the shit eating grins on your faces or sparkles in your eyes. Fenrys scooped you into his arms and seconds later you were placed under warm duvets, his hands stroking your overstimulated body. You threw your arms around his waist and nuzzled into his chest, trying to proceed everything that happened.
"I- I have no words." You finally stuttered out.
"That was powerful," stated your mate. The two of you too stunned to speak.
You lied in complete darkness, tucked into warm duvets and furs to protect you from winter's cold, enjoying each other's naked bodies, still warmed up from your activities.
"Are you okay, kitten?" The silence was broken by your mate. His hand stroking your hair made you eyes close in delight. You were too tired to answer so your only response was small nod. "You did so well, darling. I'm so proud of you."
You hummed happily, lifting your head. Despite blackness around you, you could still distinguish his facial features, know that he was looking at you with loving gaze. Your lips met halfway in a lazy kiss. "Thank you," you muttered against him at what Fenrys only deepened the kiss.
Using all the strength you had left your eyes drifted to the clock on the wall. "It's past four in the morning." Tired sight filled the air between you. "We have to be up in two hours."
Fenrys only tightened his grip on you, bringing you even closer. "Fuck this. Ain't no fucking force in this world that can get me out of this bed tomorrow. And if Aelin wants you, she can come here and try to rip you out of my arms."
You huffed happily but said nothing. It didn't took long before you drifted away with your cheek pressed against Fenrys' chest and feeling you sleeping peacefully beside him, your mate followed soon after with his nose buried in your hair.
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lunamochii · 3 years
Genshin Men [ Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Childe ] taking you into a manga cafe - nsfw -
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WARNINGS  : Modern AU, nsfw, pure smut, Oral receiving (F) [ Zhongli ], tit-fucking [ Kaeya ], Drunk sex [ Diluc ], thigh fucking [ Childe ], f!reader, minors dni
I tried my best and I hope you guys will love this! Enjoy reading! You guys can request too~
You guys have plan this last week that both of you will check out the new manga cafe that just launch around this month and you are excited going there with them, since it has it's own private room enough for two plus it's unlimited drinks, you guys can read many books as you want. Who would've think that things will end up somewhat different on what you expected. Well, you guys better keep your voices down if you still want to come by again.
You guys can request too~ Happy reading!
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"What did you say ?"
You gulp down hearing his baritone voice and you tried to shrug it off by letting out a chuckle and looking away, you totally forgot your man gets jealous easily
"C-Calm down Li! I was just joking about wanting to- hmpf!"
You quickly covered your mouth when slip his fingers underneath the skirt you are wearing, hands grabbing on his polo, his breath hitting your skin on your neck
"Joking ? How can you joke wanting to get railed by another man ? Am I not enough ?"
"They don't exist- Zhongli~"
You couldn't stop yourself from moaning his name when he start to move his fingers against your panty, the way he move his fingers is so slow that you just want to beg for more
Zhongli began to kiss your neck up to your chin then proceed to shower your face with kisses, then he brush his lips against yours
"Just kiss me already.."
You whispered and that made Zhongli chuckle and put his arm behind your back pulling your body close to him, your legs wrap around his waist and he planted a soft kiss on your lips
You quickly wrap around your arms behind his head and pulled his head closer and deepened the kiss, Zhongli groan between the kiss, your tongues battled for dominance but in the end he won
He began on caressing your thighs giving it a light squeeze every time you suck his tongue and you would moan whenever he will slap it softly, Zhongli broke away from the kiss and flip your position
Now you're laying flat on your stomach as he lift your skirt up and pulled your panty down, revealing your wet cunt and all you can do is watch him lick his lips and played with your entrance by his fingers
"Hm! Z-Zhongli~ Stop teasing me~"
"Teasing ? I'm just starting, love."
Zhongli grip your butt and made you lift it up, now your wet cunt is facing him and Zhongli rest his cheeks against your butt cheeks before giving it a slap and trailing his tongue on your cunt
You almost moan loudly but Zhongli stop you by slapping your thighs and you just buried your face on the pillow, this is why you should not provoke him, also it would be bad letting your voice out the people on the other room might hear you
Zhongli insert two fingers and you just want to scream this pleasure building up on your stomach, you move your ass wanting him to go faster but your boyfriend is such a tease, instead of thrusting his fingers faster he instead didn't move it and just lick your cunt
"Yes dear ?"
The way he answered you is like his mocking you, oh how badly you want to tug on his air, you look at him pouting and Zhongli knew exactly what you want
Luckily this room is big enough so he pulled his face away from your cunt and focus on fucking you with his fingers, and in a second he got you moaning and chanting his name
"Shut it Y/N! Others will hear you!"
"It's your f-fault! Hmmff!"
"Can't even control your voice."
Zhongli pulled you up and now both of you are standing on the ground with his fingers slipping again inside your cunt, his other hand groping your breast, you put one of your hand on his hand as he went more faster
His other hand is on your face lightly gripping your neck, he felt you squeezing his fingers tight so he smirk and bit down on your shoulder as he fasten his pace, you squirm slapping his hand trying to get him pull out
But Zhongli remain stern and he got you squirting out, soaking his fingers wet and some of your juices is dripping on the floor, when he let go of you, your body plop down on the bed, with your juices oozing out
"What a sight, how about we go home so I can fuck you, hm ? I would love to hear your voice."
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"It looks fun so why not try it, right ?"
Kaeya smirk and you glared at him back but that only made your man chuckle, his hand softly caressing your hair as you gag on his cock, wrapping your tongue around his cock, you continue on rubbing his cock in between your breast
It all started when he decided to read a smut book, he saw a panel where it shows the girl giving the boy a tit fuck and this man right here wanted to try it, though you can't deny that you love it too
"Oh fuck... that's it baby~ Hmm~"
"Geez Kaeya! Don't moan so loud."
"Oya ? Sorry sorry~"
Kaeya smiled and grab a handful of your hair so it won't get on your way, to get you back on track he purposely slip his feet under your skirt rubbing it against your soaking panty
You let out a soft moan and began to suck him whole, his other hand grab on the sheet as he throw his head back, not wanting to let his voice out but the way you suck him is too good that he can't hold his self back
"Squeeze your breast together for me baby."
You did as what he told you and it took you by surprise when he started to move his hips and you can feel how his cock twitch in between your breast, you roll out your tongue just so you can lick the tip of his cock
"Fuck! Hmm!! Holy shit!"
Kaeya curse non-stop and it was like a music on to your ears and with a few more thrust he came and you open your mouth as to catch his cum but some of it still got on your face and breast, Kaeya let out a satisfied sigh as he lay his upper half body on the bed
"Are you satisfied daddy ?"
Kaeya peek on you and motion you to lay on top of his chest and you did, he twirl some strand of your hair on his fingers as he gave you a quick kiss
"You tire me out baby~ I will go grab more book and maybe I can find more interesting positions."
He wink at you and kisses you passionately before fixing his self and told you to wait for him naked, on the bed, while he fetch more book.
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"I'm back! Gosh I found so many good mangas that are impossible to buy!"
You announced once you entered the room while holding the mangas you got, but what welcome you is the scent of the alcohol on the air, your nose immediately scrunch up
Your eyes landed on your boyfriend sitting at the swivel chair, the coat he wore is now hanging at the back of the chair and his polo is now unbuttoned
"I feel hot.."
You quickly put down the book on the table on the side and went o him but he grab you by the wrist and pulled you making you sit on his lap
His hug on you is so tight as if his afraid once he let go you will run away from him, he inhaled your scent and buried his face on the crook of your neck
You roam your eyes and found a one glass that is now empty and it looks like he drank all of it, you shook your head and pulled away from him, his face is really red and his looking at you with a weird expression
"I love you and you know that right ? This manga cafe... this room... will be the witness on how I show you that I love you so much.."
"Hahaha you're saying weird things again Diluc.."
You chuckled but he just lowered his head down to your breast and he look up at you, then he buried his face in between your chest
"Let's fuck."
"Eh ? Right here ?"
Diluc just nodded and began to rub his cheeks against yours, this is what happened when he gets drunk, it's either he will pass out or he will seek for you
"Then, I will be on your care."
You said to him and Diluc gave you a sweet smile before kissing your lips full of love and passion, his hands didn't waste time and immediately slip inside your shirt, getting rid of your bra his hands groping your breast while the both of you kiss
Saliva dripping on the side of your lips as you grind on his crotch that is starting to grow, Diluc let out a soft moan when you got rid of his polo, he broke the kiss so he can take your shirt off and hold you by your waist pulling you towards him
Your breast getting press by his chest as he suck and lick on your neck, then he whispered to you that you should get up a bit so he can unbuckle his belt and get rid of his pants
"Are you sure you don't need help ?"
"Mhm.. no.."
Diluc sounds just like a baby, gone his deep voice now it's replace by his soft voice. Once his done he held out his hand and you gulp seeing his hard cock, standing proud
"Loving what you see ?"
You nodded and that made Diluc smiled and when you place your hand on top of his, he brought it close to his lips and kiss the back of your hand
"It's all yours"
His sweet even when his sober but him being drunk is a next level, you can't help but get all butterflies on your stomach, you slowly lowered yourself to him and Diluc didn't stop whispering sweet words and praise to you
"Good girl, love you darling.."
You grip tight on his shoulders and Diluc cuss under his breath feeling how soft your walls are, he didn't move for a second since he want to shower your face with kisses, your mind become clouded when he lick your earlobe and started to move
His thrust are sloppy and his hands are groping your butt cheeks, his breath are uneven and every time you guys kiss, you can taste the alcohol and maybe that also got you drunk
You never left his lips not wanting to cry out loud, you just muffled your moans in between the kiss and Diluc thrust his hips faster, giving your ass a playful slap every time he shove his cock deep
That will also earn him a sweet moan for you, he can tell that his not that drunk but being this close to you, inhaling your scent is what making him drunk, he sunk his teeth on your shoulder and buried his cock deep as he painted your insides white
You shivered on his embrace and Diluc sigh as if he finally let out everything he had, though he didn't pull out and just keep you close to him, then he look at the book you got yourself
"Say darling, how about you read those while riding me ?"
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"Two college students fucking in a manga cafe~ How daring~"
Childe lick his lips while thrusting his cock in between your thighs, holding it and all you can do is moan, you never expected you guys would be doing this inside a manga cafe, the books that you guys read are now scattered on the bed
"Look at the tip poking out every time I thrust~ Ahh you look so good like this love~"
Childe can't stop praising you loving how you look right now, his cum all over your body and you can't even count how many times he have cum now and how many times you have cum without him fucking your cunt
He let out a groan when you rub your thighs together and that just made him thrust more faster, your moans getting out of hand so you grab the pillow that is place right above your head and press your face in there
"Oh fuck! Coming!"
Childe release his load once again on your stomach and you felt how hot it is, he reach for the pillow and toss it away as he make you hold your legs, press against your chest and he slowly insert his cock once again in between your thighs
"When will you fuck my insides Childe ?!"
"Patience love~ I will fuck you silly once we get to our condo."
Childe smirk lick his fingers and insert it inside your cunt making you bit your lips and at the same time he began to thrust his cock in between your thighs, his fingers fucking your cunt, he can sense how needy your cunt is for it to suck his fingers in
You tried to grab the pillow but Childe told you to push your fingers on your own mouth while your other arm is holding your legs together, lost in the moment you guys didn't even notice the blinking light, a sign that the time is up
"H-Hurry Childe! Hmm make me cum!"
"Together, let's do it together."
Childe groan and pulled his fingers out and fuck your thighs faster, you let out muffled moans and your eyes saw the blinking light and you know anytime somebody will come knocking at the door
He release his cum on to your face and you squinted your eyes as he rub his own cock and keeps on coming on your body, just as you thought somebody knock and both of you look at each other
"Dear guest, would you like to extend your time ?"
Childe smirk seeing how you began to suck his cock and he caress your cheeks with full of adoration, it's your turn now to feel pleasure from sucking him
"Dear guest ?"
"Ah yes, we would like to rent this room for one more hour. Since.."
Childe bit on his lower lip holding his self back to moan when he felt you wrapping your tongue around his cock
"Since we're not done reading the books~"
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maddenleftchat · 3 years
What about someone who abused God!Technoblade's S/O before he met them?
Ooh. I like this one!
Triggers: Mention of abuse, description of abuse and extreme bullying, mention of possessive behavior, mention of gore and torture, mention of isolation, mention of attempt to gouge out eye, and yandere like behaviors. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN READING THIS!
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Okay, so let's start out with a brief backstory.
You were an outcast in your village.
Specifically in your school.
Everyone hated you, why?
Simple, you came from a wealthy family, and for some reason your parents decided to live the humble life.
You were beaten to a pulp almost daily by your classmates.
Whether it was on your way to school or on your way home, the same group of kids would always beat you till your skin was full of bruises and scratches.
Shit, you even still had a few scars to this day.
One scar is under your left eye, from when one of these kids tried to gouge out your eye.
The group never gave you a specific reason for why they beat you.
But you could only guess because it was from your background and their growing envy of you.
Because those kids thought you didn't have to work a day in your life.
And they were right in a way.
You wouldn't have to work if you didn't want to, as long as you were smart with your money.
But you wanted to work, and feel useful.
And as you got older, the abuse from your classmates only got worse.
They would gang up on you even on weekends.
This got to the point where you stopped going to school, and leaving your house in a whole.
Now, how did big boy Techno find out about this?
Well, one day you were just chilling in his lap while he read, but the scar under your eye caught his attention.
He didn't say anything at first.
But slowly as the days went by, and his curiosity grew.
"Little thief?" He asks while at the breakfast table with you.
"That scar, under your eye. Where does it come from?" He asks, putting down his book.
(Techno usually keeps you at his "house" (it's more like a huge cabin) in the tundra while he spends his days in the heavens working. But he'll sit with you for breakfast.)
"Oh, that? Just when I was bullied when I was a kid." You shrugged, as you try not to let it bother you.
This statement had all of Techno's attention on you.
"Please, my love, do continue."
And this will lead into a spiral of questions and answers about your past experiences with the bullies.
Now, what comes out of this?
Well, Techno would immediately take that day off to give you some late comfort and he would start to check in a lot more on your mental state.
Shit he might even come back home with some beautiful golden jewelry and may or may not just give you a crown.
He'll put the crown on you, along with his red king's cape and cup your cheeks and say.
"You are the royalty that even us gods must bow to."
And if you are still feeling shitty about yourself from what the bullies said, Techno will be sure to flaunt you off to all of his god friends.
And the god friends will not hesitate to compliment you, but from a distance.
They don't want to deal with an angry Techno.
Then what about the bullies?
Well, surprise surprise, they still live in the same run down villages.
And Techno will be sure to put them through hell.
Whether that is physically torturing them, or getting a certain XD to slowly ruin their lives and mental states.
They will go through living hell, and if you are cruel enough, Techno will allow you to watch them being tortured.
These bullies will scream for mercy.
But remember what they did to you reader.
Remember all that pain they made you go through.
Remember the hurt and agony from each insult and wound they inflicted onto you.
And let it sink in.
In short: Techno, obviously, would not take kindly to this, and will take the necessary steps to get back at your abusers :)
Word count: 664
Thanks for reading!
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shotorozu · 4 years
you like their hands
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou, monoma neito (2/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk left unmentioned
post type : headcanons + small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice] not even nsfw
note(s) : i was gonna put denki in this but i had a hard time thinking about what kinda hands he’d have, so i’m putting him in the next post
»»————- ♡ ————-««
shinsou hitoshi
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his hands are big, and his fingers are quite thick.
really likes wearing rings and bracelets, but he usually doesn’t wear them when he’s working (i’d say that bc wearing jewelry while doing physical activity HURTS)
regarding texture, his hands were initially soft— but due to transferring in the hero course, they roughened up over time
he’ll use hand cream if you want, but he doesn’t go the extra mile. and his nails are trimmed at all times. painting his nails a black color would be great once in a while.
lol i forgot to mention nails in the last post
he notices right away that you like his hands when he catches you staring at them when he’s cracking his knuckles
like.. people have said that his hands are nice, but he doesn’t really say much about them bc they’re not you
a crack sound is briefly heard in the rather silent room. the scrolling on your phone halts, and your eyes follow the sound of the crack.
ah, he’s cracking his knuckles. you think to yourself, and you’re left just simply admiring the way he applies pressure on a knuckle. who knew that his rather— large hand would look appealing, even while cracking his knuckles.
you snap out of your observation, but instead of just simply going back to whatever you were doing, you’re met with lilac eyes. “you were staring again.”
your cheeks heat up, and you opt to just turn your head to the opposite direction. “sorry,” you apologize. however— that’s not what hitoshi was looking for apparantly.
“if you like my hands alot,” he scoots next to you, hands sliding up and down your arms— his firm grip practically making the pre existing butterflies in your stomach act up again. “then you should’ve said so, kitty.”
is he conscious of his actions? hm. you could say that
he’ll purposely play with his capture tool right in front of you— the material wrapping around his hand. and he can only laugh when you immediately get absorbed into it
the back of his hand will brush against your cheek. then, when he comes in to kiss you, he’ll cup your cheek— kissing you with his other hand resting at your nape
under the table, his hand will start to slide against yours, interlocking hands with you. he’ll act like nothing is happening, but on the inside— he’s taking in your reaction
a little spicy, but when he wants you to look at him— he’ll do that thing where his thumb brushed against your bottom lip, as it almost dips right into your mouth
if he feels a little extra, his hand will also be tugging on your hair (if you’re fine with that. otherwise, he’s sticking to the one above)
oh and he also does that thing where he rests his hand on your neck, thick fingers squeezing your throat lightly.
overall— THIS MAN omg, he’ll entertain your interest in his hand nicely, just for you. and every single thing he does is memorable
kirishima eijirou
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his hands are quite normal regarding size, they are almost always veiny, a lot more than bakugou’s actually. i think at some point he was concerned about them
his hands are rather flushed in color, but that’s because of his quirk. his fingers have a few tiny scars here and there,
he occasionally has pen marks on his wrists due to bad penmanship, and his nails.. don’t look the best, but they’re not the worst it’s bc of his quirk
the palms of his hands are ridden with callouses. but he wears them with pride because it’s the pure evidence of his hard work with his training.
but he starts to get worried about them when he goes to hold your hand.
you always had a thing for kirishima’s hands, but you just never had the chance to tell him that. i guess asking you did it for him
did you even realize how hard you were staring at his hands right now? it happened every single time he enlaced his arms around you, his hands resting at the sides of your arms
at first, he thought it might’ve been because his hands are too rough, or you might’ve been in discomfort— because maybe, just maybe, he accidentally activated his quirk?
the fact that he can’t exactly tell what it is worried him, maybe he should just ask you.
but his worry washed off when you told him upfront that you ‘liked his hands’
“wait so.. you’re staring at my hands because you like them?” kirishima wants to confirm your words, and— so casually, by the way— nod in agreement.
tracing the veins on his hands, you elaborate “your hands are really nice, i can tell how hard you must’ve worked.” pressing your smaller hand against his, you smile.
eijirou takes a moment to process it, but it’s surprisingly quick. “oh t-thanks!” he sheepishly took the compliment, a small blush sporting on his cheeks. “i’m glad it wasn’t because you thought they were weird.”
kirishima unintentionally feeds your interest with his hands. like sometimes.. he’s just not aware of it, but yes— he is feeding your interest well
will always make you compare hand sizes with him, chuckling softly at the dazed look on your face when your palms touch
if you allow him, he’ll fix your hair for you. doesn’t matter what hair type you have, he’ll do LOTS of research to know how to style it
those hands are magical
if you get a papercut, or a wound from cooking— he’ll patch you up, then he’ll press a kiss on the bandaid.
he’ll do this thing where he’ll squeeze your sides when you pull in for a hug. but if you’re not okay with that, he’ll opt to just rubbing your back with his hand— rocking you softly as he hugs you
a little spicy, but his hands do wander a lot. you might need to even hold them in place to make sure they don’t go too wild
in addition to that, he’ll just SLIGHTLY, activate his quirk to make sure you’re conscious of his touch. his finger tips gliding against your back, sending shivers down your spine.
but of course, he’s careful. he doesn’t activate it to the point it causes scratch marks, nor will his actions draw blood. he doesn’t wanna do that
in short— kirishima’s a little clueless at first. he wouldn’t really tease you in public, but he’s surprisingly attentive to your interest.
monoma neito
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his hands are on the tipping edge of slightly above average. he doesn’t have a lot of veins on his hands, but they do pop out depending on what quirk he’s using
monoma’s hands are pretty spotless of any scars (from cuts, abrasions, etc.) because he gets REALLY annoyed with wounds pretty easily
to the point he’d want to attend to the wound immediately, he doesn’t let them sit— it’s just a personal preference
his nails are at the perfect length. not too long and not too short to the point it hurts, you don’t know how he does it.
wears watches on his wrists, and not the digital type— he sorta acts like he can read it easily, but it takes him a few seconds to even get to know the time
you know this because kendo snitched on him and told you LOL
you secretly hate yourself for this, but you really like his hands because of how he takes care of them. you’d never tell monoma even though you’re dating him
you’re unsure of yourself on how your boyfriend— monoma, found out about your fascination with his hands. it was supposed to be a secret for the rest of your life, and you only remember talking about it once out loud
which you assumed was a close call, considering that you thought he didn’t hear it at all— but he did.
“so i heard you like my hands, huh Y/N?” monoma’s teasing tone does not aid the situation. your cheeks heat up with embarassment, and you can’t get yourself to answer his question— without sounding like a fool anyway.
you fake annoyance, “where’d that come from?” you ask, and monoma doesn’t seem to want to switch the topic
“i’m asking you a question, dear Y/N— i heard you like my hands,” his tone would’ve sounded condescending to any other person, but you can tell that he’s either genuinely curious
or just teasing you, because that’s how he is.
to aid his question, he brushes his fingers along your neck— near your pulse. you jolt, stunned by the sudden action— heart beating rapidly against your chest.
“see,” monoma presses his hand against your chest, where your heart is palpitating, grinning in a way that’s teasing you “it’s true, isn’t it? sweet Y/N has a thing for my hands, hm?”
you furrow your eyebrows, and flick his forehead— and he hisses in reaction, “fine then, i do like your hands.” you finally give in, admitting final defeat.
ever since then, you haven’t heard the end of it
definitely that person that’ll just randomly bring it up to you, no matter what hour of the day it is.
“oh Y/N, you were totally fawning over my hands earlier—”
“i will castrate you.”
you know he means well most of the time, but sometimes he just loves teasing the heck out of you.
but that doesn’t mean he neglects your obvious interest in his hands.
he’ll compliment you, he’s a snarky person in general— but to you, he’s totally smooth with it.
slides his hand from your forearm to your hands, only to bring them up to his lips, pressing a kiss against your hand
squeezes your hand everytime he sees you, it’s kind of a nonverbal greeting at this point
similar to kirishima, he likes comparing hand sizes— teasing you about the size difference (even if it’s not even a big of a difference, he’ll take that chance.)
does this thing where he rubs his thumb against his palm. does it a lot when he’s concentrated about something, or just out of the blue
a little spicy, but he’ll make you tell him what you like about his hands, and what you like about the things he does with those hands of his. if that makes sense
he wants all of the details, doesn’t care if it’s mundane, or things he does when he’s feeling a certain way.
he wants to know, because as soon as you’re done with your spewl, he’ll do exactly what you like, teasing you while he’s at it. and so he can start incorporating those habits whenever he’s around you.
totally someone that’ll make you suck on those fingers. oh, but he’ll purposely get some dessert on them— asking you to suck them off
“good grief, i got some dessert on my fingers again. Y/N, come suck them off”
sometimes he’s serious, sometimes he’s just teasing.
overall— it’s pretty adventurous. he starts to act on it as soon as the revelation is revealed to him.
but i’d say he does just fine.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work for audio readings without my consent :))
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Could you do the brothers (Lucifer especially) reacting to an MC who jokes all the time, seems carefree and stupid but eventually they find out that MC is actually a very deeply caring, responsible and intelligent person. They act like an idiot likely as a response to some adversity in their own past. Sorry if its complicated, i just like the idea of the brothers almost discounting MC only to realise they weren't looking deeply enough
Hi Anon! Thanks for the request! Sorry it took me so long to get to, it's been busy in my personal life. The older brothers are under the cut so this post isn’t a mile long lol. I hope this is worth the wait!
King of rolling his eyes at your antics.
Belphie is maybe the most knowledgeable about humans so, of anyone, he might be able to see a little deeper than the surface.
On one of the rare occasions you got Belphie out of the house, you two came across a Little D that was clearly lost.
He didn’t pay it any mind since he figured the Little D would just teleport to their master but you insisted on helping.
As you knelt down to the creature Belphie stood back and watched as you quickly soothed the Little D’s worries and it hopped into your arms. 
You brushed past Belphie to carry the spirit across the street and start talking to the shop owner. The two of you laughed and Little D hopped over to the shop owner’s hands.
“The shop keeper knows that Little D’s master and will give them a call,” you explained as you wrapped your arm around his and began leading him down the road.
“You’re amazing MC,” Belphie murmured, such a small act really changed his view of you.
Where he thought you were foolish in trusting him after what happened in the attic, he realized that he wasn’t a special case of forgiveness, you were just a truly caring person. 
“Hm, what was that Belphie?” You asked but he wasn’t sure if you actually didn’t hear him or if you were teasing.
He wasn’t too proud to admit his feelings but his face did heat up a bit, “I said you’re amazing.”
He’s pretty caring for a demon so he could see you were too, although maybe he didn’t know the depth until today.
The two of you were enjoying a meal in Hell’s Kitchen. Beel was absorbed in the food that he didn’t at first notice you were distracted.
When you asked for a moment and got up to grab the attention of a waiter. Beel watched on curiously, he was hoping you were asking for more food.
The waiter nodded along and ducked into the kitchen. You waited in that spot and you caught Beel’s stare. You waved at him with a smile.
He waved back with a fried shadow bat in hand.
You laughed and then the waiter was back. They handed you a to-go container, you talked for a second, probably thanking them and then made your way across the restaurant, walking right past your table.
Beel thought to call out to you as if you had somehow accidentally overshot the table but you made your way right out the door.
He started to get up to go after you, he shoveled a few things in his mouth not totally satisfied but more confused why you were leaving.
Then he saw you through the window. He stopped moving as you approached a small demon looking into the restaurant through the window. Beel sat and watched the scene unfold.
It jumped back away from you, probably not having seen a human before, and was clearly defensive as you talked. You then offered the to-go container, popping it open so the demon could see the food contained.
The little demon inched closer, clearly hungry and tempted by the food you offered. You nodded and the demon took the container and ran. You watched for a second and then came back into the restaurant to join Beel.
You sat down like nothing had happened and went back to your meal. When Beel didn’t start eating you asked,  “What is it? Do I have something on my face!?”
He shook his head no, “You’re incredible.” He picked back up eating but he would not forget this moment.
You watched on as Asmo was applying his make-up. He always enjoys your company when preparing for the day but he noted you were reading the ingredients pretty seriously.
“What’s got you frowning MC?” 
“This is from the human realm, right?” you held up the bottle so he could see the label in the mirror.
He hummed, “That’s right, I get products from all over so that one is definitely from the human realm. Have you used it before?”
“Um, no I tended to stay away from their brand.” You put the bottle back where you found it.
“Why’s that? It is kind of expensive in Grimm, was it the same in your currency?”
“Not really, it’s just that…” you paused trying to think of the most sensitive way to put it, “there are make-up brands in the human realm that test their products on animals before marketing it to humans.”
“How cute!” Asmo giggled at the thought of bunnies in blush.
“No Asmo, it’s more like they are testing if their products are safe for humans by using animals as a proxy. It can be brutal and even unnecessary and could result in the animal’s death.”
Asmo had stopped and turned to look at you as you explained. His face was slightly troubled.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I just tried to use products that didn’t use that as a part of their process in manufacturing so as to not cause any unnecessary distress.”
He nodded understanding your thought process. The Devildom didn’t have such markers since suffering was the norm.
The fact that you were thinking about what products you used and their impact on others, even just some animals, had him reassessing you.
It was more thoughtful than he originally credited you. When you and him were joking around and gossiping, he figured your interests were more superficial.
It was refreshing that not only could you keep up with the most recent hot news around town but you truly cared and respected your impact on others.
“Asmo?” You asked, he had been quiet for a while lost in thought.
“It’s nothing!” He recovered but he kept peeking back at you with a mysterious smile.
The two of you were studying in the RAD library.
There was a particularly tough exam coming up, notorious for dropping the GPA of 75% off the class.
Satan was confident in his abilities but he agreed to come study for your sake. He didn’t have access to know your grade like Lucifer did but he assumed you were struggling by your pleas for his help and deprecating jokes about failing.
He watched as you diligently took out your books and notebook. You flipped through a few of your notes and then shifted your focus to your textbook. Satan shrugged as he opened his own books, you seemed to be off to a fine start.
After about an hour you asked, “Can we quiz each other?”
He agreed and flipped to the end of the chapter he was on for the review questions. Satan took a question and asked it in a slightly different way so you couldn’t rely on memorized answers. 
To his surprise you answered correctly and made up a question for him that he thought was actually pretty difficult. 
Of course he got it right but shrugged it off as a fluke that you didn’t mean to ask such a hard question. The next one he asked you was harder, not from the textbook in any way, it was something that the teacher had mentioned offhand in class.
You got it correct again. With your turn next, you asked another complex question.
Satan answered properly but was now on the edge of his seat, surely twice in a row was not a coincidence.
His next question, he matched your difficulty. You thought for a few minutes and dived into explanation with examples and even a source that you quoted off the top of your head. Your answer was insightful and succinct.
You were waiting for Satan’s assessment of your answer but he sat unmoving.
“Was I mistaken?” You asked, and started frantically looking through your notes.
While you reviewed your materials, Satan was seeing you in a new light. He figured you got along so well with Mammon because the two of you could joke and slack off with the best of them. He thought that you and Asmo got along more as a pair of airheads. But here you were, in this moment your intelligence came off as easy and effortless.
“No, you were right.”
“Really?” you looked up surprised but happy.
He smiled back, but wondered, “What is your current grade in this class, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Last I checked, like 96?”
Satan laughed and shook his head, unbelievable that he thought otherwise.
He already thought of himself as a charity case. The fact that you would be willing to sacrifice your time to be with him was a miracle in his eyes.
No matter how many times you told him you wanted to hang out with him, it wasn’t a sacrifice, he still didn’t believe you.
When he gets more comfortable around you, he let’s you see his uglier sides when the envy consumes him.
You were a safe space he could vent to and you took that responsibility seriously. You listened and he felt the things he shared never left his room when you left.
It was after one of those vent/gaming sessions that you had to excuse yourself.
You had never gotten up in the middle like that and it scared Levi, had he gone too far? Did you actually hate him?
He watched silently as you left the room. Once the door closed, he was on his feet, what was so important? He decided to follow you.
Levi followed about a hallway behind you, as you turned a corner he would sprint to the corner to watch where you go next.
He followed all the way to the kitchen? He didn’t want to peek in fear of being caught but he listened as you greeted Beel.
Beel asked what’s up and you answered you were getting snacks for an intense gaming night with Levi. Beel must have perked up with the snacks you grabbed and you shooed him off, “If Levi’s up for it, you can join us but you can’t have that snack, I made it for a special occasion.”
Special… special? Levi couldn’t wrap his head around it when he thought of himself but the silence in the kitchen meant you must be leaving… meaning you were heading right for the door he was cupping!
He turned around and found a hiding spot on the other side of the hall behind a vase.
The door swung open as he held his breath. You started the way you came. You were heading for his room and he wasn’t there!
Cue montage of Levi comically running through the halls of HOL to get to his room before. He jumps into his gaming chair seconds before you open his door quietly.
He was panting and sweaty when he turned towards you with a smile, totally failing to act natural.
“Sorry I got up so abruptly but I just remembered I made you this!” You presented a cupcake exactly replicated from the anime the two of you watched last week.
Levi’s heart melted, he felt bad that he had second guessed you. He reached out for the cupcake with one hand and with the other he took your hand to pull you to the bean bags. He was blushing but still said, “Let’s put on that anime while I eat it.”
The level of detail that you had gotten correct showed how dedicated you had been to paying attention to his interests and how much you cared for him in turn. He was also impressed with your baking knowledge, it takes a decent level of skill to be able to replicate something just from seeing it.
The scene was coming up where the protag was going to give the cupcake and Levi was struck with the most embarrassing thought. But if anyone would indulge him, it was you.
As the protag took the cupcake, Levi copied their posture. Then he copied their words in unison they both said, “Thank you, no one has ever made me anything like this before.” The two of them ripped the cupcake in half in the same spot and he extended the half to you as he protag did, “Will you share it with me?”
“Of course!” You and the character answered together then giggled as Levi blushed and hid behind the half cupcake as the two of you returned to sitting on the beanbags.
There was no way he was ever going to forget this moment, his eyes opened to how much you did care for him. Even if he was doubtful of others by nature, he would never doubt you again.
People always write Mammon off as dumb and because you have a pact with him, you’re often included in that assumption. The two of you get along like peas in a pod. You’re here for a good time and Mammon can definitely provide that. 
His schemes to make money keep things interesting so you usually go along unless you have other commitments. Today’s work was clean-up in the local park. Not because it was lucrative, but because this was a punishment from a prank that backfired.
You had pleaded with Diavolo for a lighter sentence on Mammon’s behalf as his pact partner and Diavolo indulged you.
Mammon was brooding on your way to the park but you were looking forward to being outside in nature for the day so you chattered aloud to fill the silence.
Barbatos was waiting for you two with the materials you would need. He gave you a look of pity when you turned but Mammon caught it and knew Barbatos was probably feeling sorry you had to be punished when you didn’t do anything. Mammon ripped the rake out of Barbatos’ hand and sulked off after you.
You each set to different tasks, Mammon raking leaves and you weeding the flowerbeds. 
Demons and spirits passed with a few snickers, definitely not the first time Mammon had been sent to do community service but he hated that you were now a laughing stock with him. You didn’t seem phased by it though, even flashing him a bright smile when you two made eye contact. 
Halfway through the day, the two of you were taking a break for a snack and fluids, you shared a bench and admired the work so far. “We might even finish early!” You shared your optimism.
Mammon nodded but still kept quiet. It was so unlike him and you were hitting your limits of how to try to get him out of his own head, you figured he would be back to normal tomorrow but missed hearing his voice.
You two split the last of the duties, you were now cleaning equipment and decorations while he was trimming bushes and trees.
While Mammon was trimming a nearby bush, he heard your voice, then heard his name. He peeked through the bush to watch you talking with a crow.
“I thought it would make the day more fun if I was here with him because he always makes me have fun but it’s like I’ve made his mood worse…” You looked down at the bird bath you had been polishing and knelt down. The crow watched your movements from it’s perch on the top. “Maybe he hates that I intervened with Diavolo, I probably overstepped. I don’t know what I can do to get Mammon out of this funk. What do you think?”
The crow outstretched it’s wings and took off. You pouted, but continued polishing. Mammon was about to push through the bushes to comfort you, his mood wasn’t your fault and he felt even worse that you thought that but then the crow returned.
It swooped onto your shoulder and dropped something into your hand. You jumped with surprise and it scared the crow off your shoulder, it resettled on the bird bath. “This is perfect! Thank you!” The crow let you give it a few scritches and took off once more. You looked around for Mammon.
He nonchalantly rounded the bush so you would notice him, “Mammon! Look!” You rushed over and handed him the object.
It was a golden grimm coin. You explained, “A crow gave it to me, that has to be good luck! Take it and your luck will change, you won’t be punished forever!”
He wrapped you in a tight hug. What did he do to deserve you? Why did you care about him so deeply that you’d give him your treasure and good luck?
You laughed into his hug and he pulled back, “Alright, let’s finish this up and go home, I’ll treat ya to some ice cream on the way back.” He ruffled your hair but your shining eyes and too big smile made him blush and turn away.
He questioned if putting you under Mammon’s care at first was a mistake.
It’s not that you didn’t get along, in fact you two got along too well. Was Mammon’s stupid tendencies to slack off rubbing off on you?
You had been coming back late without being accompanied by one of his brothers and he was determined to find out what you were up to.
For the morning, he watched as you and Mammon walked to school. Lucifer stayed far enough away so he couldn’t be sensed so he couldn’t hear what you two were saying but it was clear you were having a good time. Mammon was snickering as you animatedly gestured and walked backwards. Lucifer’s heart warmed that his brother was genuinely happy then realized he was getting distracted.
You sat through your first class diligently taking notes and participating. The same for most of the classes that day. Lucifer started to acknowledge your responsibility to learning but it made him all the more curious as to why you skipped your last class. 
He watched you look around for any onlookers and dipped into the library. He was both surprised and amused that you were meeting with Simeon. The angel was leading you astray? 
Simeon didn’t look happy about it either, probably scolding you for missing class, but he was a pushover and your pathetic look won him over. The two of you sat as Simeon talked. You were taking notes on whatever Simeon was lecturing on. 
You left the interaction and Lucifer took the chance to talk with Simeon himself. He learned that you were asking about stories from the Celestial Realm. Simeon offered that it was just human nature to be curious what lays beyond life. Lucifer, the ever-skeptic, didn’t believe that was it.
He had lost your trail by talking to Simeon so he went home to wait for your return.
Lucifer intercepted you as you tried to sneak in. “MC, this way please,” he led you to his office, “How was today?”
“Good?” you answered but was unsure why he looked so serious.
“How was class?” 
You got nervous but answered, “Fine, same old same old.”
“Ah,” Lucifer smirked, “And how was Simeon?”
Your attempt to play dumb failed spectacularly when you stammered, “W-who’s Simeon?”
“Lying to me won’t do you well,” Lucifer reminded.
“Sorry, it’s just it wasn’t an approved activity so I didn’t want anyone in your family to be implicated…” you scratched the back of your head and looked away.
“And what activity is that?”
“Oh I thought you knew since you caught me,” you laughed, “Solomon and I were going to play with young demons at an orphanage in town. We were telling them stories from the Human Realm but I thought it would be nice to incorporate stories from the Celestial Realm too.”
Lucifer sighed.
You took that as a sign he was disappointed so you continued, “Let me explain, I know I should have asked permission first and for that I’m sorry. Solomon and I just stumbled on the place one day and the kids bombarded us with questions, never having seen humans before and before I knew it we were going almost everyday. I guess I thought it wouldn’t be bad because exposing the next generation of demons to humans would help Diavolo’s mission to strengthen relations between the realms. And I asked Simeon for stories so we could share Celestial Realm things too without getting Simeon in trouble or putting him in an uncomfortable position.”
Well that was definitely an eye opener for Lucifer. What you said made sense that changing minds starts with the youth. His original assumptions that you were just shirking responsibilities was way off base. He didn’t want to but admitted to himself he was wrong. Not only had you been doing something charitable but you were furthering Lord Diavolo’s message in a different way.
“You’re correct, you should have asked permission,” he started and you sank in your seat, “but I don’t see any harm in what you’re doing except for missing classes.” You sank further in your seat. “For skipping class, you’ll need to do extra studies,” he paused to make sure you knew this was a punishment, “I think a fitting topic would be interracial communication with a focus on the youth of Devildom.”
You perked up with a smile, “So I can keep going to the orphanage?”
Lucifer fought back a smile himself, trying to continue to be stern, “Yes, but that’s only if you don’t skip class and you have one of my brothers accompany you. As competent as Solomon is, he is also human and I would feel better if you had a demon escort.”
You were absolutely beaming now. “I’d like that but I don’t think you brothers would be interested.”
“They’ll do what they’re told but I think the twins would enjoy it the most,” Lucifer offered.
“Thanks! I would like if you could join us sometime too,” you suggested shyly.
He did smile at that, “If my schedule allows,” He didn’t finish before you were hugging him. He stiffened, not used to being hugged after doling out a punishment but softened and returned your hug, “I’ll make time to join you.”
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uuujeewriting · 4 years
you can do it! [albedo, kaeya, childe, zhongli and diluc]
s/o has been going through a depressive episode and lacks motivation to finish their work and is getting anxiety because of it
tw: none, mentions of depression/anxiety, nothing too much. fluffy comfort <3
albedo x gn!reader, kaeya x gn!reader, childe x gn!reader, zhongli x gn!reader, diluc x gn!reader
a/n: self indulgent bc i'm way behind school and in the middle of a depressive episode so motivation's been lacking ;-; hope you guys are having a good week tho!
i would like to clarify that if any of these scenarios/hc's of mine are similar to other writers' works, it is unintentional and i apologize
oh? unmotivated you say.. self depricating thoughts? intrusive ones too?
albedo was never one to mope around when he was stuck on some problem he's yet to puzzle together, but seeing you exhausted, anxious and so... dull–he desperately wants to take all your worries away
he's a bit slow, failing to realize your depressive episode for a few days. as it prolongs, he notices how you seem to talk down to yourself and give up easily
sometimes, you don't even start work at all
this is due to your anxiety, he assumes as you think you're incapable of finishing or doing the work satisfactorily enough.
pulling you into an embrace from behind as you work on the projects you've been stuck on for the past few weeks, he gently whispers into your shoulder
"darling, have you been alright recently? are you in need of assistance?" he asks
he presses a loving kiss on your neck and you stifle a chuckle
"it's that apparent, no? i've been under the weather for quite a while now.."
as you explain your reasons and all your troubles to his end, he nods and hums ever so often
"you must be feeling drained, hm? well, frankly enough, i seem to need a break myself."
"eh? albedo where-!!”
he pulls you away from your working place and carries you to the couch, laying you down gently as he smiles at you
"aside from your unmotivated self, i reckon you need reassurance for those intrusive thoughts of yours."
and that, ladies, gentlemen and folks, is how you end up cuddling with albedo until the sun sets and you fall asleep
bask in the comfort of his words as he calls you his everything and more :')) <333
my, oh my. what's gotten into his precious little love?
he's sharp, quite easily takes notice to your frantic and dim self.
he sees you sitting outside, head in your hands and sighs leaving your lips every now and then
unbeknownst to you, he creeps behind you and presses a careful peck on the nape of your neck, causing you to flinch and look back quickly
he was about to laugh at your cuteness, but as soon as he's reminded of your troubled state, he sits beside you and takes your face into his hands
sir we're in the plaza-
"oh archons, why is my sunshine so dim these days?" he pouts
rip u probably after this
"kaeya.. well, you see-"
and as you explain your current doubts and anxieties, he strokes your cheeks softly and looks into your eyes fondly
when you're finished, he nods and presses a light kiss on your forehead, a silent promise to accompany and help you on your endeavors to face your troubles
"i'll always be here for you, my love. if there's anything i can help you with, do not hesitate to come into my arms, hm?"
"noted, mr. suave"
jkjk o r a m i
he laughs and kisses you on the edge of your mouth
"what say you we head into the tavern for a bit? you could use some relaxation, right?"
as if you had a choice other than to say yes
this man would know the second it started
having a bunch of siblings has its benefits huh
when he walks into your shared room and sees you on the edge, tears brimming your eyes he sits you down on your bed
"hey, hey.. i'm here, it's alright."
as you cry in his embrace, he rocks you gently, shushing you softly in an attempt to hinder your tears
"you can tell me if you're up for it, honey. i'm never too busy for you."
"i-it's just that-"
mhm. oh? why, how dare they treat you so harshly. really? why must you have to be burdened so heavily?
he acknowledges your struggles and worries with gentle strokes and brushing through your hair
"you have it really rough, don't you? ah well, nothing we can do but-"
he stands up and leaves the room for a second
he comes back with food, drinks, your favorite clothing of his, a scented candle you bought and some books you have yet to finish reading
the action warms your heart as you sniffle and smile at your lover
as soon as he lays down with you, prepare to never see daylight again as he won't let go for the longest, and i mean longest time ever
"i love you, y/n. you're strong and don't let anything, not even yourself, make you think otherwise."
dearest, must life be so unfair to you? why you out of all people?
zhongli is wise–he knows something is bothering you when it does. that being said, he isn't sure whether or not he should approach you so directly
especially if it seems like a sensitive topic
instead, in your depressive state and anxious fiddling, he calls you over to him
he pulls you into his lap as he takes your face into his hand and kisses you tenderly
"my dear, has anything been bothering you? might i offer my hand in dealing with them?"
you'd think kaeya's mr. suave then this man pops up with his broke ass
"as a matter of fact.."
as you go on and state your dealings and troubles, he listens with an almost solemn look
he looks at you with utmost affection and concern when you finish
"the terrains of life have been steep and intimidating, you have been very commendable for braving through these, my dearest."
he places his lips onto your own and strokes the back of your head lovingly
for a reserved man, zhongli easily expresses his affection for you in multitudes of ways
his kisses being one of them
after parting your lips, he peppers your face with his kisses and you laugh quietly at his ministrations
"might i suggest a quick stroll to take your mind off things?"
you agree, thinking that once you head home, you'll be back to work with a clearer mind
little did you know mr. no money in his pockets got a liiiittle surprise for you as you won't be returning to your work any time soon :DDDD
by 'surprise' i mean he's taking you out to dinner
yall nasties
diluc is a busy man, dealing with a winery and all
along with his night profession (which he has only admitted to you and the traveling duo)
you did your best to hide your troubled self and aid him in his work, but you can only hold the facade for so long before it eats you up inside
when you break, he is slightly taken aback but is quick to comfort you
he sees you shaking and situates you on his couch as he sits beside you, rubbing your back as you curl into his figure
he's very warm
"sweetheart, would you mind telling me the problem?" he asks
he waits for an answer as you're still trying to find the words
"diluc, i'm sorry for bothering you.. i know you have plenty on your schedule and-”
"y/n, you're my top priority, no matter what. my work is nothing compared to what you mean to me."
and it's true, you're really his top priority
woohoo !! :DD
when you explain your anxieties and doubts to diluc, he's very understanding and listens to you earnestly
"-and that's why i've been so.. down, let's put it."
he strokes your face and presses his forehead to your own, looking you in the eye softly
he pulls you in tighter and closer, pressing kisses to your jawline and below your ear
"thank you for expressing your troubles with me, my love. i'm sorry for not noticing earlier."
"no need, love, you're very busy and i can't thank you enough for taking the time to understand me."
he pulls away for a second and shakes his head
"again, my work is nothing compared to you. i am willing to put aside all my responsibilities for a week in order to ensure your happiness."
uh wh a t
"ah," you laugh concerned, "sure–"
"which is what we're going to be doing this week." he smiles
welp. no turning back now
enjoy ur week with the redhead you utter s i m p
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