#hmmmmmm this looked better in my head
ayaraki · 7 months
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Why didn't I try to get to know him better?
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crackinglad · 3 months
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pharhaps ? persnaps ?
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toppersjeep · 3 months
Let Me Go(Charles Leclerc)
mini series
summary: Nova Riccardo is the younger sister of Daniel. Nova is a race engineer at Ferrari she joined around the same time as Charles. Nova and Charles have been close friends for a long time. Most would think they are together but nobody knows if they are.But they have secretly been together for a while.However Nova feels as if she isn’t being treated well at Ferrari. So she decides to look at other options. But her decision might not go so well with Charles…
(tw//:loss of baby, swearing)
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apparently Charles thinks he’s the engineer now?? so does this make me the driver of his car??
- tagged charlesleclerc
Liked by 1 million
carlossainz55✔️: I would assume so nova 😀
ferrai✔️: hmmmmmm do we get nov ric on the track now??
danielricciardo✔️: this is a scary thought not Charles being the engineer but nova in an F1 car 😅
novaricciardo✔️: danielricciardo let me cook Daniel let me cook in peace
landonorris✔️: clear the track mates novas gonna cook on it 🕺🏽
novaricciardo✔️: landonorris this is why your my best mate thank you sir
lilymhe✔️: I think yes
charlesleclerc✔️: I mean I guess so can you drive ?? cause I have no idea how to engineer so
novaricciardo✔️: charlesleclerc I can drive duh Charles… that sucks for you not knowing how to engineer stay safe 🫡
charlesleclerc✔️: novaricciardo so this isn’t gonna work out then because how will you drive a car with no engineer 😔
novaricciardo✔️: charlesleclerc ummmm obviously I will do both sir. but I fear your a better driver so I’ll take my job back now 😀
charlesleclerc✔️: novaricciardo thank god I can not be an engineer anymore
charlesfan: the way he’s looking at nova behind the camera 😭
novxchar: they are flirting in the comments again 🤨
netflix✔️: get someone to look at you the way Charles looks at Nov 🥹
-liked by novaricciardo and charlesleclerc
Nova’s POV
“What” I said looking at Charles as he smiled. “Oh nothing just laughing at the fans comments” Charles said looking at his phone. “You truly are something” I said. “What imagine me doing your job” Charles said I laughed. “Haha I went to school for mine good luck” I said.
“Hey I kinda went to school or well training” Charles said. “Okay fair but you doing my job scares me” I said. “Fair.. I can say the same you behind the wheel of a F1 car scares me” Charles said. “Well that’s how I feel everyday with you” I said. “I know what I’m doing” Charles said.
“Yeah I know that I just worry” I said. “So she cares about me” Charles said I rolled my eyes. “I have a heart you know” I said. “Oh really” Charles said sarcastically. “Keep it up and I’ll go be Carlos’s engineer” I said. “You wouldn’t” Charles said I laughed.
“What am I gonna do with you” I said. “I don’t know” Charles said looking at me. I then took his Ferrari hat and put it on my head. He smiled and took my picture. “Hey that’s gonna cost you” I said. “Oh so we are charging for pics now” Charles said. “Yep pay up” I said holding my hand out.
“Pay up hmm” Charles said pulling me into a kiss. “You are so annoying” I said looking into his eyes. “But I know you love it” Charles said. I pushed his face away gently. “Shush” I said. “So what are you doing later tonight” Charles said.
“I have no plans” I said. “Really your boyfriend isn’t doing anything with you” Charles said. “No.. but he’ll probably annoy me” I said. “I’m sure he will” Charles said. “Why what do you wanna do” I said. “Wanna come over later” Charles said. “Hmmm I guess I could” I said. “You had no choice I drove you here” Charles said as he kissed my cheek as he got up.
“Do you want your hat back” I said. “It’s fine love I just gotta do a couple interviews” Charles said. “You sure” I said. “Mmmh it’s fine” Charles said I kissed him. “Okay good” I said. “I’ll see you afterwards” Charles said.
I watched as he did a couple interviews. Of course they’d ask more personal questions too. Rather than the car or our team. But we both knew we wanted our relationship a secret. Plus everyone just thought we were best friends. Which we were but behind the scenes it was more.
“So Charles is there anyone special in your life” the interviewer asked. I stood behind them. “Yeah.. I’d say so” Charles said with a smile. “What’s she like” the interviewer asked. “She’s… incredibly perfect in every single way” Charles said.
“I really … well this is a bit awkward I don’t really talk about her much in front of cameras” Charles said. I looked at him and smiled. “It’s alright she must be pretty special” the interviewer said. “She is very special to me” Charles said.
Charles and I walked to his car. We both got in and he drove back to his apartment. We finally made it up to his apartment.
“I’m so tired” I said laying on the couch as soon as we walked in the door. “What if I wanted to show you something” Charles said. “I’m sleeping” I said jokingly. “Sure you are” Charles said. “Alright what” I said. “Come” Charles said taking my hand.
He then lead me to his piano. We both sat down on the bench. “Okay char what” I said. “I just wanna play you something” Charles said as he started to play the piano. I rested my head on his shoulder as he played. He looked at me and smiled then continued to play.
“It’s very beautiful” I said. “You think so” Charles said. “Yeah it’s pretty” I said. “I uhhh wrote it for you” Charles said I smiled. “Oh” I said. “Is that weird or” Charles asked. “No” I said kissing him. “Oh so I have to write you song to get kisses” Charles said.
“You just have to ask” I said. “You.. doing okay recently with everything” Charles asked. “I’m alright Cha” I said. “You know we can talk about it” Charles said. “I don’t want to” I said sitting on the couch. “My love we have to eventually you know” Charles said sitting beside me.
“I know” I said. “Hey” he said hugging me. “It’s just difficult” I said. “I know it is difficult harder on you I imagine” Charles said. “Well it’s not easy losing a baby at all” I said. “Maybe down the road it will work out” Charles said.
“I just.. I guess I was excited even though it wasn’t planned” I said. “Nov me too but it’s alright these things happen” Charles said. “Yeah” I said. “I love you just don’t blame you self” he said kissing my cheek. “I love you more” I said.
“Enough sadness for now” Charles said. “Do you wanna go for a late night stroll by the water” I said. “That sounds lovely and we can go to your favorite bakery” Charles said.
“I’m in” I said.
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harunayuuka2060 · 10 months
Diavolo: MC? Where are you going? *has seen them leaving their room*
Kid MC: I'm going to send this letter to Uncle Luke!
Diavolo: A letter? Hm. But it's already late. Can't you just send it tomorrow morning?
Kid MC: Yes. But Uncle said I need to send it tonight!
Diavolo: Just you alone?
Kid MC: *nods*
Diavolo: ...
Diavolo: I'll accompany you. Is that okay?
Kid MC: Yes! And Lord Diavolo? Can you check my letter too? To see if I have written it right.
Diavolo: Of course.
Kid MC: *gives the letter to him*
Diavolo: *reads it*
Diavolo: ...
Kid MC: How is it, Lord Diavolo?
Diavolo: *smiles* You've got the skills of your father. You're quite eloquent.
Kid MC: *giggles* I used a dictionary!
Diavolo: *chuckles* That's great! Here. I'm sure Luke will be happy to receive your reply.
Luke: *smiles as he reads the letter of MC*
"Dear Uncle Luke,
Thank you for inviting me to go on a vacation with you. But I need to ask Papa first.
Instead, why don't you stay and have a vacation here? Lord Diavolo can give you a room in the castle! Oh! And in the House Of Lamentation too!
I can't wait for you to join us, Uncle!
Luke: *then reads Simeon's note next*
"Luke, I really appreciate you updating me on the situation. I must say, I'd feel much better if you didn't get involved any further. It's probably best if you head back to the Celestial Realm. MC and I are doing fine, just as you wished for us. Please take care, and rest assured, we'll meet again soon. Don't worry too much, and I sincerely hope you're doing well. — Simeon"
Luke: ...
Michael: It seems you have no luck either.
Luke: ...
Michael: Have you mentioned about the consequences?
Luke: Yes.
Luke: Simeon is... willing to take the risk.
Michael: ...
Michael: However, you felt relieved reading the child's letter. Why is that?
Luke: MC... They have a pure soul. They may look like a demon, but I would say that they have the heart of an angel.
Michael: ...
Luke: *looks at him* Michael, is there no way for father to reconsider?
Michael: ...
Michael: I'm afraid not. Unless if Simeon becomes honest and confess.
Luke: ...
Simeon: MC, there's something Papa would like to ask you.
Kid MC: What is it, Papa?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Would you still love Papa if I became a human?
Kid MC: What's a human?
Simeon: *smiles* They're neither angel nor demon. You can say that they're someone that stands in the middle.
Kid MC: Okay? But why do you ask if I would still love you if you were a human?
Simeon: You know how Papa writes stories, right? I want to know your opinion.
Kid MC: Hmmmmmm... Papa? To be honest, that's a dumb question.
Simeon: *chuckles* How so?
Kid MC: Because I will love Papa no matter what. You can be a demon, an angel, a human, a bird, a worm—
Simeon: Worm?
Kid MC: I added that just in case.
Simeon: *smiles*
Kid MC: Anyway, I'm saying that you can be anything or anyone but you will still remain my Papa! So of course, I will forever love you!
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *hugs them* Do you know that humans have short lives? What will you do if Papa really did turn into a human?
Kid MC: Another dumb question, Papa! Then I'll turn into a human too!
Simeon: *hugs them tight* Oh... How did I deserve to have a child like you?
Kid MC: What's wrong, Papa? You're acting weird!
Simeon: Nothing. *chuckles* Papa loves you so much.
Kid MC: I love you so much too, Papa!
Raphael: Simeon, you finally agreed to meet us.
Simeon: Yes. After all, I need to give you an answer.
Michael: Then, I would like to remind you of the consequences. Since you refused to entrust your child to us, father has decided to turn you into a human and that would be your punishment for disobeying him.
Michael: However, if you choose to tell us the truth—
Simeon: I'm sorry. But I accept his punishment.
Raphael and Michael: ...
Raphael: Why? He's giving you a chance!
Simeon: *smiles* I'm just protecting my child, Raphael. If the truth comes out, that will ruin them.
Simeon: I will never do anything to ruin my child.
Raphael: ...
Michael: If that's what you've decided.
Kid MC: Papa?
Simeon: Hm?
Kid MC: *looks into his eyes*
Kid MC: Did you become a human, Papa?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *smiles* Yes.
Kid MC: ...
Kid MC: *pouts* Why just you?
Simeon: *chuckles* *lifts them up*
Simeon: *smiles softly at them* Papa wants to see you grow up as a demon.
Kid MC: But you are a human so I want to be human too!
Simeon: We'll get into that, okay? Once you're old enough to make decisions. *kisses their forehead*
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wehaveimagineshere · 1 month
Hmmmmmm. Noticed no one has requested some Carlos smut yet and that last fic gave me an idea. How about a fic where the two "break in their new bed" for the first time. afab if you need specifics. Happy writing!
(Also idk if this will be an issue but could you avoid the topic of degradation? It's a bit of a trigger for me. Just wanna make sure cuz sometimes people add it in when I don't specify. Thanks.)
Thank you for being my first Carlos smut request <3 I've been so excited to write this, you have no idea.
Of course! Honestly, I'm not much of a fan of degradation myself. Besides, I think Carlos has a huge praise kink and wouldn't even think about degrading unless it was something his s/o was into. Thank you for specifying and making sure (: I always want to write something that makes the requestor happy, so I never want to make you uncomfortable. The more specifics, the better!
A new place always came with an undercurrent of excitement. Finding where each little nick knack belongs, decorating just the right way to scratch that long time itch, learning more about the person you're with by seeing how they unpack with you.
It was always a lot of work, but by the end of the day, seeing all the new placements and knowing everything is yours can't be beat.
"Look at it," you hear Carlos from the bedroom as you peek your head in. Hands on hips, you find his eyes surveying the bed.
"Look at...the bed?" you ask, lips pulling up.
"Yeah, look at it. It's so...neat."
"We can't have a neat bed."
"Because you and me don't do neat beds." He smiles at the utterly confused look you give him. "We need to break it in."
"Break in a bed?"
"Yeah. You. Me. Naked. On this bed. Having the hottest sex of our lives."
Your eyebrows raise as you give the bed another, different appraisal, and the heat in your eyes as you shift your gaze back to your husband makes him smirk. Giving a dramatic sigh, you lean against the doorframe. "I really wanted to get the kitchen all unpacked before the day was over though."
He takes a step toward you. "Did you?"
Looking at your nails in faux attention, you sigh again. "It might take all night."
You hear him chuckle, then feel his hands glide down your sides to rest on your hips. "You need to take a break at some point." His fingers find the edge of your shirt and push up, fingertips grazing your skin.
"Breaks are important." Abandoning your nails, you wrap your arms around his neck and plant a kiss to his jaw. "What did you have in mind?"
Warm hands trail up your sides and spine, tugging your shirt up with them. "You, me, and this bed." Before you can respond, he steals your lips with your own, diving his tongue into your mouth almost desperately.
You immediately draw closer, pressing your body up against his, returning the kiss with equal fervor. He breaks apart only to shuck your shirt off, hands immediately going back to trailing fire across your skin as your own fingers find their way into his hair.
His kisses are always intoxicating, and by the time your knees hit the edge of the bed, you've lost your pants and he's lost his shirt. As your back hits the brand new comforter, his lips find your collarbone, trailing down your sternum, find a nipple and suck it in, teeth biting down just enough to smart.
Your back arches without your consent, flames licking down your veins as his tongue flicks across your nipple before moving to the next, a stray hand stroking gently down your stomach and along the edges of your panties.
You're squirming by the time his lips abandon your chest and move lower, that incessant hand still stroking, teasing. It's not until his lips graze your panties that that hand hooks and takes the fabric down your thighs, bearing you to the tongue that quickly slides between your folds.
Hands grip the comforter as your breath hitches, and you can feel Carlos' smile against your skin as he licks you again, and again, gripping your thighs to keep you still. He keeps a slow, agonizing pace, pressure almost a whisper, and you love and hate that he's pressing your hips down to prevent the friction you so crave.
When your nerves are wired and anticipation drips between your legs Carlos finally leans back, quickly chucking the rest of his clothes to the floor and slides up, positioning himself at your entrance as he kisses you, your taste flooding your mouth.
"Ready sweetheart?" he asks, voice husky, and all you can do is nod.
He goes slow, giving you time to adjust as he slides in. Your hands grip his shoulders as he fills you, stretches you, the fire turning to molten lava when he makes it to the hilt and slides out. A nod from you tells him you're okay, and that's when he really moves.
Not too fast, not too slow, he finds just the perfect rhythm to get you a squirming, sweating mess. Breathing becomes an afterthought as his thumb pressing against your clit and all you can feel is him, the pressure, the movement, the friction, and you know he's driving you the climax when your stomach tightens.
"Look at you," you hear him breathe, thumb rubbing circles over your swollen clit.
"Carlos," you nearly beg, language slipping from your mind and tongue like sand.
"I know, baby. Cum for me."
So you do.
It slams into your hard and fast, wiping your vision into white as you arch back and cry out, nerves fraying and snapping as wave after wave of pleasure crashes into you.
"I've got you," you hear him beside your ear, not knowing when he'd wrapped his arms around you. "I've got you." Kisses pepper your forehead, your cheeks, your jaw. "I've got you."
Finally you can take a breath, the stars in your vision fizzing out. Carlos brings your head to his chest, his heartbeat loud and fast. "Give us both a couple minutes and we can keep going."
A chuckle escapes as you lean over and give his cheek a kiss, a hand already gliding down his stomach. "You think you get a rest, big guy?"
The smile he gives you is absolutely wicked.
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aiura-stan · 1 month
(If you’re wondering how I’m getting these done so fast, it’s because I’m doing these ahead of time. I'm running on a queue.) I used dictation and actual keyboard typing for this one, so it’s going to be long. (Side note, I love the ability to dictate things and using split screen mode! Highly useful features and I have no idea why it’s taken me this long to actually use them.) Also, I guess I should say that there will be spoilers in this and probably future posts too, because I’ve already read the manga. Okay! Onto the commentary.
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I love that Saiki outright states he doesn't want to be the "guy you know what he's thinking.” Like, come on Saiki, admit it; you have a little bit in common with Kaidou. (I think he secretly kind of likes freaking people out. He definitely likes the fact that people are a little scared of him.)
He's always the odd one out; He's one of the loner kids. I don't think he really thinks it makes him look normal. I think that's just what he tells himself to feel better about the whole thing.
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I think it's funny that he dislikes Kaidou for the same reasons that he thinks he's so different from everyone else. I mean, Kaidou is always trying to stand out, and Saiki does have a legitimate reason for not wanting to stand out. But even so. He’s just got it in his head that is so much better than Kaidou at the beginning of the series. Like, dude, you're no different from him. You're the same breed of weirdo in a different font. Lol. That font is “really intentionally manipulating others’ perception of you for personal reasons.” It’s just that Kaidou’s version is much flashier than yours. I like seeing it this early on in the comic; it's interesting to see how it all started. Also, Kaidou is a lot more polite than Nendou, apologizing for talking to Saiki out of nowhere. Amusing. He absolutely knows how to behave like a normal person, but chooses not to because his persona gives him confidence.
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I also like that here in the beginning of the comic, we have an unnamed guy who is was basically parroting what Kuuusuke says further on in the comic, and it’s more clearly framed as delusional weirdo behavior.
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Yes, duh, he came to you because you were alone, Saiki. Weirdo behavior attracts weirdos (weirdos attract weirdos.) That's just a basic social law for ya.
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Also, I laughed out loud at “okay, I’m calling you Junpei.” good response, honestly. Saiki’s narrative commentary addressed to no one in particular is always really funny.
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He also seems to be egging him on in the next panel with his sarcastic remarks (wow. Your punch was soooo fast I couldn’t see it at all), though it’s never clear in this manga whether the person being spoken about can actually hear anything he’s saying in all of its dry sarcasm. My headcanon follows the lines that Saiki uses hypnosis when he’s not actively addressing them (sending telepathic messages to them), so people just hear whatever they want to hear from him. Or something like that. I’m guessing that we, the readers, are supposed to assume that they can’t hear him unless Saiki is actively sending them telepathic messages/‘broadcasts’. "I fancy you" is a strangely British way of putting it. Which also means "I like-like you" if memory serves. Translators??? strange. anyways.
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Ah… XD. I forgot that Kaidou saw him teleport in the manga. That’s perfect considering Kaidou’s name joke (shunkaidou = teleportation.) wahh, I wish this one came in the tankobon volumes so I could read them.
You know… since the third chapter of this volume was adapted into the anime, can volume 0 really be called non-canon? Maybe to the manga. Hmmmmmm.
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Oh come on. Why didn’t they put this in the anime??? It would have been hilarious to have Kaidou imagining some kind of green monster-humanoid hybrid and then the screen transitions to Saiki’s expressionless face, with pink limiters and green glasses. There’s an element of color that manga sadly lacks. I get the point with the black arrows, Mr. Asou, but it just isn’t quite the same without actual color.
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XD Asou’s attention to detail is good. We actually see the teacher wondering where the hell he’s going when he runs out of the room, and then following through showing that he won’t be running students down just to make sure they stay in class. It’s a small thing, but it definitely makes a difference, making the Saikiverse seem a bit more realistic.
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Also, look, it’s this guy who appears a bajillion chapters later in that weird gag… What was his name again? Gah… refer back to this later, future me.
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Yes, Kaidou becomes a completely different person outside of his riddiculous chunnibyou persona, which he only uses at school. I do like that Asou sensei writes him this way. It would be easier to have him be in character all the time, but he’s much more realistic like this. I love that Saiki remembers the stupid nickname he gave himself. It makes the contrast even more funny. Okay, I’ll stop analyzing Kaidou and explaining every joke for now.
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Things like this make me wonder if Saiki really doesn’t know that’s how his looks might be interpreted at a distance… even though he understood from the verbal description that he could be perceived as having “pink horns” and “green eyes.” And he spaces out in class just thinking about it. Thoroughly neurodivergent behavior.
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I also love things like this, that imply but don’t outright show that Nendou just… openly teleports in front of Nendou because he can get away with it.
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I also enjoy Saiki’s stubbornness in calling Kaidou ‘Junpei.’ Peak comedy.
I love that Kaidou would rather Saiki think he has multiple personalities instead of just being polite to people outside of school. And Saiki says he appreciates the effort… lol. I think he does actually appreciate it, in a way, sarcasm aside. Kaidou is committed to the bit.
“Whether that’s true or not, you need to get to a hospital.” Lollll. But also… makes me wonder if he really believes it, again. That along with the “Kaidou personality chart” further on in this comic. From Saiki’s other confrontations with people who clearly need help (including the one where he talks down a suicidal guy. And of course Terushashi’s brother.) It’s as if it never even occurred to saiki to have a sense of urgency about these kinds of things.
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Mmmm! Once again I wish I had the Japanese version because I’m sure he is using polite speech here, for a minute.
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Well, at least Kaidou acknowledges here that he’s in fact a chunni and therefore doing this on purpose. Which, again, makes me wonder why Saiki would ever believe even for a second that it isn’t an intentional thing. Or maybe it’s just supposed to be taken as sarcasm outright, but the panel where Saiki is confused about the Horns Saiki drawing really is throwing me off. Another thing I should look for raws of, to see if there’s anything to be gleaned from the OG text.
YES! You and saiki are pretty similar. In a way. Yes, he is worrying about his high school debut… in a way.
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Saiki, it is entirely understandable that you think Kaidou is an egomaniac, but given his “other personality,” how did you not guess that he’s just lonely??? He literally had to explain his entire thought process for you to get it??? Yeah, emotional EQ in the single digits.
Earlier, I said Kaidou knew full well how to act like a normal person and just doesn’t do it, but he’s definitely awkward. I mean, of course it’s going to be awkward asking strangers if they’ve seen a guy with green eyes, sharp teeth and horns. (I am not quite sure why Kaidou is so committed to the bit myself.)
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Saiki, that’s your own goddamned fault, lmao. Put your money where your mouth is and shut him down if you’re tired of annoying people “entering your life”… :)
That wraps up 0-6.
There’s a lot going on here, to be sure. In conclusion, I think Saiki works really well here as a character who is technically omniscient, in terms of perspective, but deeply limited in his ability to interpret information.
Alright, the end. Ja mata! 💫
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bratshaws · 2 months
through the hourglass 382. brb x oc
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a/n: :,) we are nearing the end (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: just some suggestive stuff uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
“I think it’s enough clothes.”
“Right? It’s enough.”
Beatrice blinked mid fold of his Hawaiian shirt, he wanted to take with them even if the weather wouldn’t be the greatest. “...I…suppose?” she frowns ,”...are you okay,Roos?” it was a dumb question considering they were packing for his reunion that weekend.
Lie all he wanted, Rooster was easy to read…especially by her, “I’m great.” he lies, and her brow arches, “...I just think it’s enough clothes.”
“...honey, you have three shirts and a few pairs of underwear…and one pair of pants.” she frowns, “You know how Virginia is at this time.”
Rooster sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. "I know," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "I just...I don't want to overpack, you know? And I figure I can always buy more clothes if I need them."
Beatrice nodded in understanding, setting the Hawaiian shirt aside and reaching for a warmer jacket instead. "I get that," she said softly, "But it's better to be prepared, especially with the unpredictable weather in Virginia."
"You're right," he conceded, "I'll trust your judgment on this one."
Beatrice smiled back at Rooster, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that packing for trips could be stressful for him, and she was grateful that he was willing to listen to her advice. “You sure you are okay?”
“I could be worse.” he mutters, “My insides are just flip-flopping—when is our flight again?”
Beatrice's expression softened with concern as she heard the unease in Rooster's voice. She set aside the jacket she was holding and moved closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey," she said softly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "It's natural to feel nervous, especially with everything going on. But remember, we're in this together. We'll get through it."
“Roos.” she leans down to look into his eyes, “Baby.”
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
Beatrice smiled back at Rooster, her heart swelling with love for him. "I think we’d both feel very lost if we didn’t have each other.” she lets his arm wrap around her waist and his head drop on the curve of her shoulder, her own hand reaching up to gently caress his nape. “I called Mav.”
“He said he can stay with the kids.”
She chuckles, feeling his voice vibrating on her shoulder, “Roos.” he huffs quietly, keeping his head down, “Honey, it’ll go by so fast, you’ll see. We’ll get there, then go back to the hotel.”
“I know.” he mumbles, “I’m just bothered.”
“...again,we can cancel the flight.”
Rooster lifted his head from her shoulder, his eyes searching hers for reassurance. "I don't want to cancel," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I also don't want to ruin the trip for you."
Beatrice reached up to cup Rooster's cheek, her touch gentle and comforting. "You could never ruin anything for me," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. "I just want you to be happy."
Rooster smiled gratefully at Beatrice, feeling a sense of warmth spread through his chest. "Thank you," he murmured, leaning in to press a tender kiss to her lips. "You always know how to make me feel better." and he kisses her one more time.
Beatrice melted into the kiss, her heart fluttering in her chest as she wrapped her arms around Rooster's neck. They stayed like that for a moment, lost in each other's embrace, before pulling away with reluctant smiles.
"Okay," Rooster said, his voice filled with resolve. "Let me mentally prepare myself for tomorrow,I’m sure it’ll be amazing.”
“I’m sure it won’t be as bad.” she says softly, “As much as I hated my reunion,I felt…really good. And I did befriend Hannah, so that wasn’t so bad.” she says, gently tucking some of his pants inside the suitcase. Rooster walked around with only his jeans on– because he was at home and he was comfortable - and Beatrice dropped her eyes down his bare torso, “...hm”
He looks up suddenly, “What?”
“..I…you look…beefier,honey.” she says softly, pupils enlarging for a brief second, “I mean, you…I know you keep going to the gym but.” and he arches his brow, interested, waiting for her to continue. 
“...gorgeous you still fluster.” he smirks, “And we are married.” But Rooster chuckled at Beatrice's flustered response, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment," he replied, his voice laced with amusement. "And you're not so bad yourself, you know."
Beatrice blushed at Rooster's words, feeling a rush of warmth flood her cheeks. "Stop it," she protested playfully, her voice tinged with laughter. "You're making me even more flustered."
Rooster grinned at Beatrice's reaction, feeling a surge of affection for her. "Sorry, couldn't help myself," he teased, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "But seriously, thank you for noticing. I've been putting in a lot of effort at the gym lately."
Beatrice smiled up at Rooster, face red. "Well, it's definitely paying off," she said sincerely, her voice filled with admiration. "You look incredible."
Rooster's smile widened at Beatrice's words, nuzzling her jaw. "Thank you," he murmured, leaning in to press a tender kiss to her lips. "You always know how to make me feel good about myself."
“I don’t have to try too hard. You’ve always been beautiful.” she confesses, “Honestly,If I was to say what I like the most about you…I think your neck…and your hands.”
“Oh? Please elaborate on that.”
Beatrice grinned mischievously at Rooster's request, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, your neck," she began, tracing a finger along the curve of his jawline, "It's just so...strong and masculine."
Rooster chuckled softly at Beatrice's words, his eyes locking with hers. "And my hands?" he prompted, his voice filled with curiosity.
Beatrice reached out to take one of Rooster's hands in hers, her touch gentle as she examined it. "Your hands," she murmured, running her fingers along his palm, "They're rough and calloused from all the hard work you do. But they're also so gentle and caring when you touch me or the kids"
He shuddered. 
Damn her.
“...you wanted to distract me.”
She grins, “Is it working?”
And his eyes drop down to her Metallica shirt, “...well, you are still dressed…so maybe I need more–”
“Mama!” Nicole’s voice comes from the door. The one year old’s little pajama was…somehow, backwards. Nicole’s brownish blonde hair was everywhere, looking like she was electrocuted and she looked like she was in a fighting stance with her little fists by her side.
Yep.She just woke up.
“Honey!” Beatrice steps away from Rooster’s grasp, “You escaped your crib again,hm?”
Cue to Nicole’s very lispy ‘yesss’ as she looks……confusedly tired, “Where is Jojo?” 
“She’s probably downstairs,honey.” she smiles, picking Nicole up, “Up we go, wanna say hi to daddy?”
Rooster chuckled at the sight of their daughter, her disheveled appearance only adding to her adorable charm. He watched as Beatrice scooped Nicole up into her arms, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she straightened out her pajamas.
"Good morning, my little troublemaker," he cooed, "Did you have a good nap?"
Nicole giggled in response, reaching out to grab at Beatrice's hair with her tiny hands. Beatrice laughed softly, gently prying Nicole's fingers away from her hair as she combed her daughter’s hair “...her hair is getting thick, like yours,Roos.” she had to be extra careful when doing so.”
Rooster nodded, his eyes shining with pride as he looked at their daughter. "Yeah, she's definitely taking after me," he replied, reaching out to ruffle Nicole's hair affectionately. "Just like her daddy."
Nicole giggled in response, her eyes sparkling with delight as she reached out to grab at Rooster's hand. “Why don’t you take her? I’ll check on the twins.’ she smiles, “They are about to wake up as well after all.”
“Sure.” he holds Nicole under his arm like a little sack of potatoes. Not something that people liked to see, but Nicole loved it and she wasn’t hurting at all “It’ll be alright,” he grabs a white shirt from the chair in their room, pecking Bea on the lips as he walks downstairs with Nicole.
Cue to toddler babbling, sharp inhales of air and ‘yeah?” while she looks expectantly at him. Nicole was getting bigger every day,dear God she was almost as long as his arm by now…well, not that much but enough.
“Yeah,honey,sure.” he nods, “I agree with everything you said.” he looks down into the living room,seeing that Jolene was sleeping on the floor with her head pointed to the staircase “Okay,” he looks down at Nicole, “Let daddy put on a shirt, sit close to Jojo for a little bit.”
He set Nicole down and the toddler moved her eyes from him to the sleeping pittie. “...Jojo?” she points.
Rooster smiled down at Nicole, "That's right, honey," he replied softly, "Go to Jojo. She's taking a little nap right now."
Nicole toddled over to Jolene, her tiny hand reaching out to gently pat the dog's head. Jolene stirred at the touch, her tail wagging lazily as she blinked her eyes open, "Dada."
“Jojo, honey.” he nods, “Dada is right here.” he tells her, finally slipping on the shirt and walking to the living room, “Did you have a good nap?” he picks her up from the floor, “Come here,Jojo,come.”
Jolene stood up, her body stretching as she let out a big yawn. She walked over to Rooster, her tail wagging eagerly as she sniffed at Nicole's feet. "Good girl, Jojo," he praised, scratching the dog behind the ears. "You're such a good dog."
Nicole giggled with delight as Jolene licked her hand, her eyes sparkling with joy. Rooster smiled at the sight, feeling a sense of warmth wash over him as he watched his daughter bond with their beloved pet.
Their very first dog, actually…then became three.
Beatrice’s form walks down the stairs “Hey there,” she greets with a smile, “Did I take long?
“No, how are the twins?”
“Hmmmm, still asleep.” she explains, pulling her hair up in a ponytail as she walks around the living room. He watches, mesmerized, “I was thinking about cleaning the house before we go, so it’s better for Mav when he gets here.” she didn’t wait for him to help, leaning down and grabbing some toys that they were too tired to put away last night, ‘Oh, and groceries, he could be hungry…and maybe some more formula.”
“I mean Mav cooks out of his microwave,Roos. We need to buy him something better.”
“Like an electric oven or something.” she continues, grabbing more things,”And a new fridge too, I mean, it’s old Roos. What if it stops working and Mav is away?”
“Baby…relax.” he gestures with his hand and is incredibly amused Nicole does the same, mimicking him,”We’ll be alright, you’ll see.”
“I know but…”
“And so will Mav.” he smiles, a little less nervous than before, “I…it’ll be okay, we’ll be back soon, we don’t need to worry that much.” he inhales, “Anyway, let’s just focus on what we gotta do today,okay?”
And forget Saturday.
For now.
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daisychains111 · 1 month
live "tweet" books with me (via the Goodreads progress bar) pt. 6 A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
SHAMELESS PLUG: The rest of the books are on my page as pt 4/4.5 and pt 5 hehe
Nesta laughing at the cauldron is so badass oml.....she was really pissing me off in frost and starlight so this book better redeem her"
you're reading my mind cassian...man up and knock
is he gonna call her nes the whole book YES PEASE
 Nesta "You're not my high lord" Archeron back in action
hahahaha rhys is scared of nesta (for good reason but it's still funny)
I still say that Nesta and Mor are gonna be besties.... it's just a matter of time
HAHAHA self insert smut book shaming
damn Cass brutal as hell
I am beyond excited to watch these two losers lust after each other for the next 700 pages...my favorite annoyances to lovers....plus Cass drooling over Nesta in pants is HILARIOUS
cassian comparing his reactions to things that happened to Nesta to Rhys' reaction to feyre and Tamlin cracks me up....just patiently waiting for their mating bond to kick in
Eris is right, they need him...but 1 he doesn't need to be a dick about it, and 2. I'm not excited for Mor to find out
Nesta making fun of her celibate bat boy "making fun of my smut books? I raise you making fun of you having to jerk off yourself" ICON
how Az isn't laughing his ass off rn I will never know...he's stronger than me that's for sure
hmmmmmm....Nesta dear, that sounds suspiciously like a mating bond
these mf have dirty ass minds....they're really just horny af
cassian don't be a creeper
yes Cassian be very bashful about what the sentient house can see...ya nasty
I would choose to read books with a romantic subplot over just a plain romance book literally every day but sometimes I'm really just like "fuck your war go kiss"
hehe Nesta and Gwen bestie prediction
I love the house so much...such an instigator
choosing to ignore the length of Cassian's hair bc long hair is an ick
I'm really ready for the Archeron sisters to be on one team...this 2 vs 1 bullshit is stupid...like clearly you love each other
YAYA RHYS AND FEYRE BABY!!! I saw that coming from a millleeeeee away
that is gonna be the most spoiled child known to man
reading this in the library at school is an interesting choice
"Just sex," my ass
azrial is the worst chaperone in all of existence... but he's also clearly the biggest Cassian/Nesta shipper in existence, so it's fine... Also, the way he just knowingly ate at the table after what they did is BOLD
awwww smutty book club
the older sister disapproval is real...also Nesta calling Rhys Rhysand is hilarious
I love Emerie and Gwyn so much omg
Emerie and Gwyn giggling at the sword inuendos is peak bestie vibe energy
every once in a while the Archeron sisters will say something very "human girl in her 20s" and it cracks me up to no end to watch their centuries-old faerie boyfriends look at them as if they're speaking tongues
just admit you're in love with each other..." just sex" is just hurting both of you
that is just about the hottest thing I've ever read
ewwww what does Tamlin want
Nesta needs a pin that says "bitch and proud" bc she really owns that shit like no other
"your my friend" my absolute ass
I love dancer!Nesta
bc I haven't read in like 5 days I can't remember what plan Cassian is ruining rn but I'm glad he's doing it...go dance with your girl pookie
Rhys is good at his job bc he can have feyre AND Cassian freaking out at him in his head and still hold a conversation....live laugh love feyre and Cassian as the Nesta Archeron protection squad
ha ha az...can't hide that you are in love with Elain from Nesta, she sees all
Az getting Nesta a gift is the cutest thing ever
Cassian has the confidence of an actual doormat...sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's annoying as hell
I love Gwen so much...that's all
hehe her mate taught her 😊
there is a little too much plot happening right now for a book that only has 30 pages left
cracking jokes after you almost just died...Cassian I love you
death pacts make me want to kill the people who made them
miracle magic objects are gonna miracle magic object now and bc Nesta's a badass everyone's gonna live...the end
awwwwww nyx
if I die never knowing what happened with Eris and Mor I'll kill Sarah myself (I never got to know)
(Afterthought in post-production: this could've been two books bc the way the plot was resolved in the last 30 pages of a 750-page book is WILD)
I'm also not gonna be reading fantasy for a while just bc that's not what's next on the tbr, so it might be a while before I do the next part cause these are harder to make for contemporary novels tehe
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vibratingskull · 9 months
Frolicking at night
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Tag: Oral (f receiving), PinV, creampie
You mock Thrawn in his white jacket and earn a passionate night
You step out of the shower with a contented sigh. Finally! After six weeks on a dusty planet, a real proper shower. It really felt like paradise.
You tie a towel around your chest and scrub one on your hair. Putting on your underwear, you enter the empty room. Curious. Thrawn should normally be back at this hour, was there an emergency call?
You cross the room, feeling the cold hair biting your tender thighs, to the cabinet and open it to find your clothes. It is at this moment you notice it; through the mirror, laying there on the bed, his white jacket. Doubly curious, he would never part with it. You turn towards the bed to get a better look. You take it in your hands to examine,, the cut is extremely precise, you can clearly see the measurements of the chiss in this piece of cloth. You press it to your nose and deeply inhale the fragrance of your lover. You saw him just before taking your shower but you feel a pinch to your heart not having him close.
You turn back to the mirror and wonder; do you dare? You look at your reflection for a moment, and slip it on, trembling with anticipation. The jacket is obviously too big for you, but damn! You feel powerful and important. You turn around and look at yourself at every angle possible., You didn't realize it before but it is actually quite comfortable. You start posing like you were giving orders or posing for a recruitment poster for the Empire.
“Commodore, full alert! Put the Chimaera on maximum defense. Commandant, stand ready with your tie defender, we will get them!” You declaim with an exaggerated voice.
“So this is what you do when I am not here.” a cool voice coming from behind you.
You turn around with a squeal of surprise. You didn’t hear the door.
Thrawn stands before you, straight as ever with his hands clasped behind his back, looking at you with his incandescent eyes. His gloves and prominent muscles indicate to you he was training with his droids.
“Is that truly how I sound to you?”
He comes towards you with a stern and aloof expression but kisses your forehead tenderly.
“Yes you do” you murmur.
“I need this vest back, Ch'eo ch'acah.”
You pout at this.
“Hmmmmmm… No!”
Not missing a beat he extends his hands to take it, prepared, you deflect it and jump on him. Unbalanced, he falls on the bed with you on top. You pin his hands above his head and laugh.
“You’re my prisoner now!”
“What are the terms?”
“Life or death. However...” You rise above him and open the jacket to give him a good view of your chest. “...I'm willing to negotiate “
His eyes lingers on your breast, his hands on your waist, thinking about pros and cons.
“Then I shall convince you without fail.” He smirks
“Put this tongue to good use, Grand Admiral.” You lower yourself and kiss him.
You feel his hands traveling from your waist to your head and back, caressing your hair and holding you closer. Yours hold his face tenderly, like he is made of glass. How much you love this man! You open your mouth to let your tongues meet. You moan and roll your hips, feeling the desire rising.
Suddenly, he seizes one of your legs and rotates both of you smoothly to end up on top., You whimper in surprise. His kiss descends to your jaw and trailing down your neck with his tongue, he kisses your chest adoringly and continues to go south arriving at the hem of your panties. He stops and looks at you, resting his head against your thigh.
“Do you want this?”
You can’t speak, caught between excitement and a rising desire you can only nod vigorously, hoping to communicate your enthusiasm the best you could. He understands and slides your panties off, you lift your hips to help him and they quickly disappear at the edge of the bed. Getting back in position he kisses your thigh right above your mound and sucks the flesh to leave a hickey in your inner thigh. You hold your breath in anticipation, gripping the sheet in your hands you feel your body trembling.
He holds himself above you, letting his breath brushing your exposed clit. You gulp, praying for him to end your torment and finally start. Without warning, his head dive between your legs and start to lap and suck to his heart’s content. Your back arches violently under the pleasurable assault. It feels so good! The shameless sound of him eating you out diligently makes your head spin. You can feel your wetness increasing. His hand snakes their way along your waist pinning it in place, preventing you from getting away from him. One of your hands holds his while the other grasps at his hair, holding him there pressing him against your core. You’re slowly getting closer and closer. He keeps licking and sucking your bud like his life depended on it; alternating between circling your clit and rubbing it vehemently. You gasp and mewl, clasping your hand on your mouth to prevent any from leaving you. He stops and grabs your hands.
“Do not refrain. I want to hear all you have to offer. Chant ch'acah!”
Getting back to his urgent business he holds your hand, fingers intertwined with each other. He goes down twice as hard, doing his best to make you sing. He tortures your poor clit, kneading your soft and tender hips.
Digging your nails in the mattress, the sound of your pounding heart fading behind your moans. Your hips jolt so he holds you tighter with a guttural growl of his throat, like a predator satisfied with his prey. That’s how it feels, him chasing you and you chasing your orgasm. You can feel your pussy dripping wet on the sheets and Thrawn drinking from you, satisfying his thirst with your juice. Blood rushes to your cheeks and makes you moan even more., It feels wrong, it feels dirty but Maker it feels so good. Soon enough you feel a well known and satisfying sensation of waves crashing on you. You feel all your muscles and toes tensing from the pleasure. The only thing getting out of you is a strangled cry. Your pussy contracts on nothing, feeling infuriatingly satisfied and empty at the same time. Thrawn lets you go, licking his lips and wiping off his chin from your juices, looking into your eyes without any shame and a grin.
“Thank you, I was rather parched from the training session.”
You hide behind your hands with a pathetic whine, sometimes he really flusters you.
You feel hands roaming around your waist and opening your bra, they roll on your skin, gripping your chest, firmly kneading your beasts. Those hands then slide to your arms and hands.
“You will not hide from me. Not now.I want to see all of you.”
You feel the strong grip of a fist on your hands, pulling them away from your face. He guides them toward something hard, warm and soft, you open one eye to see them on his stomach, feeling the muscles rolling under the skin as he removes his black shirt. You gulp at this vision, feeling suddenly thirsty too. You rise from your station, circling him with your arms and kissing his pecs, you let your hands roam through his strong back while listening to his heartbeat hammer against you. it misses a beat as you kiss him again. His head rolls backwards with a sighed moan. He strokes your cheek lovingly.
“Want to help me, ch’eo vir?”
You nod and open his pants, helping them slide off his hips. You take your chance to grab his ass,laughing. He rears in surprise and grabs your hands, you laugh at his pinched lips and squeal once again as he pushes you down. You bounce on the pillows and he crawls slowly over you with a low growl. You look at him with raised eyebrows and shove a pillow in his face.
“Quit the apex predator bullshit and kiss me.”
He kisses the palms of your hands and lower himself to you level until his lips can brush yours but doesn't go further., Without breaking eye contact he spread your legs, leaving you open and dripping. He kisses the tip of your nose and slowly enters you, letting you adjust to his length. You always liked this moment, feeling yourself filled by a warm and throbbing limb of your loved one. He pauses a moment to make sure you are comfortable and starts rocking his hips. You circle his waist with your legs, imprisoning him in your embrace, digging your nails in his flesh. He finds a fast, steady rhythm. you concentrate to meet your hips together and feeling a maximum of pleasure. The sloppy sound of the flesh quickly goes to your head and you start to see with brighter colors. You hold on to him for dear life, hearing his grunts as he moves faster chasing after your orgasm and his. You hold his face to kiss his forehead and lips properly, meeting his tongue with delight. As your hips meet you feel once again the wave rising in the distance, growing and as they approach. You breathe with difficulty, feeling it close, everything makes you dizzy, smells , sounds, skin to skin, you try to savor the moment the best you could before it crashes around you! In those final moments your hands search frantically for Thrawn’s.
“Ah… Thrawn, I’m close…” you pant.
“Call my name, ch'eo ch'acah!”
The waves finally crash upon you in a glorious way, you scream the name of your lover, blinded by a light you swear you could see stars shine. As you come down from your bliss, Thrawn’s movement becomes more and more erratic until he freezes in place, unloading himself in you.
Forehead to forehead, you let the tension soothe, letting your hearts calm down and taking back your breath. Holding you in his arms, Thrawn slides next to you and starts cradling you both.
At peace, you rest your heart on his chest listening to his heartbeat with a smile on your face.
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@bluechiss, @exoplorationn
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thelyingjoke · 11 months
what's something new you noticed on your rewatch of v3?
ah this is an interesting one!!! also a little difficult, since my memories on things like this tend to blend together quite quickly, so i’ve had to think a lot about how to answer (which is why this took so long, along with typing it all up, sorry for that!). i probably don’t have everything, but luckily i did take some screenshots while watching! so there’s some bits i definitely know that i noticed!!!
i was really focused on exactly how kokichi’s character develops because i did Know generally beforehand but i didn’t have a full clear progression in my head—and well it’s kokichi so there’s not really ever gonna be 100% full clear progression for him but i think i see it a lot more now!
like how he’s a lot more open to cooperation in chapter 1—he loudly supported going through the tunnel the first times, and was the one to suggest the daily dining hall meetings!
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he’s much more open about his intentions in early chapters (there’ll be more examples of this later, but here’s one for ch1! himiko quickly brushes it off as a lie but it really doesn’t feel like one)
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and he’s the one that’s the most insistent on monokuma being dead and the killing game being over. he REALLY doesn’t want anyone to get the idea of starting it up. and then there’s the shock when monokuma does show up (he quickly brushes it off with “at least it’s not boring” but you KNOW he’s screaming on the inside)
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actually, i’m just noticing this now, he seems to have a strange amount of optimism towards the idea that everything will just work out in ch1—he doesn’t even investigate because he thinks everything will be completely solved through the pictures, and to do so would be pointless, which he later expresses regret for. it’s overshadowed for most people, i think, because of the tunnel scene and his later behavior, but honestly the fact that he even tried it without skepticism in the first place, along with his insistence about monokuma being dead and thinking that rantaro’s case will solve itself… wow he is showing Quite a bit of belief here without reason! hmmmmmm!!
i’d say he probably compensates for that for investigating even outside of cases in ch2, and being more skeptical of things. when everyone tries to ignore the killing game, kokichi brings it up (he’s tried to ignore it before. it didn’t work). kaede’s death also had him believe that cooperation would be punished—she was the one encouraging it, after all, and look at what happened to her—upping his paranoia, and the fact that he still believed there’s a mastermind didn’t help matters! now he has to be careful not only about working with anyone out of fear he’ll be punished in some way, but also about who he works with, destroying any good chances of working safely with the group as a whole!! yippee!!! that’s probably even more frustrating for him considering his talent is literally being a leader of a group
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about killing or dying… But I think it’d be better if we didn’t cooperate with each other… Actually, we *definitely* shouldn’t cooperate with each other!” […] “Think back to all of Monokuma’s actions so far. Whenever we tried to work together, Monokuma would retaliate with a plan to make us suffer. It happened when Kaede wanted us to cooperate, and again with these motive videos, right? Which means, the more we try to cooperate, the more he’ll try to make us suffer. That’s why I had no choice but to screw with you guys. But you ingrates didn’t even notice.”
THIS BIT GETS ME SO MUCH like Honestly he couldn’t be clearer with his intentions here. he denies an assumption he doesn’t care about death; he states his beliefs; he clearly outlines why he believes this with examples; even directly says Yes he screwed with them for a reason they just didn’t notice and tells them Why! (although he still has to insult everyone of course. he’s an ass who thinks he’s better than everyone else [affectionate]) but it goes ignored, and the reasoning is really interesting. shuichi’s thoughts are:
It’s *because* we’re trying to cooperate that Monokuma is making us suffer…? But what about… everything we went through..? What was the point of Kaede sacrificing herself…?
it’s been like 2 months since i was on ch2 so i don’t remember Exactly but i’m pretty sure nobody brings it up after this. it’s so interesting to me, i don’t have the brainpower to put my thoughts together more eloquently but i’m rotating it in my head. (i remember you bringing it up in the tags of the kaede/kokichi parallels post actually!!! mixed in with that bit about kokichi suggesting a family member of rantaro being the mastermind. i misremembered this the exact same way too until i went back to check i could’ve SWORN shuichi brought up the promise to kaede then but he didn’t💔iirc he actually considers the possibility? which was interesting but then it was never brought up again. Anyway back to the post)
rantaro also says something similar to kaede in ch1:
”You have what it takes to win…” ”What…?” “I was just thinking, what you said back there would have pissed off whoever’s running this. They definitely don’t want us holding hands, workin’ together… …They’re going to come for you, Kaede. With everything they’ve got. I’m a little worried about you. You’re just so…straightforward.”
and kaede just goes “geez that guy could stand to be a little less cryptic!” IT’S A REALLY INTERESTING PARALLEL TO ME and the fact that both him and kokichi describe “winning” the game 2nd survivor kokichi real
oh and also something i’ve been thinking about! i think kokichi had the mastermind plan forming in his head relatively early, but he didn’t actually want to do it at all, and didn’t start going “okay, i have to do this now” until about ch4. it’s more of a plan B, “if nothing else works, at least i have this”. but the issue is that in order for that to work, he has to keep it in mind until he knows whether he has to use it or not, which puts another barrier between him and working together with everyone else. even if other plans would be better if he could gain everyone’s trust, he has to keep the option available, so he can only gain people’s trust indirectly. he’s more actively looking for other ways to do this earlier on though, particularly in ch2. he expresses distaste about how people treat him early on (this bit immediately reminded me of the 4th trial where he’s like “bullying? yeah, what about it? that’s what you do in this game, right? you guys blame and gang up on me, but now you pretend to be good people?” and i was like Woa!!! his frustration in that scene does not come out of nowhere!!!)
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it’s also the reason he frames the motive video watch party the way he does. if he says outright he’s trying to prevent more murders, and people don’t watch the videos, a later mastermind plan wouldn’t work! BUT, if he can get everyone to watch them, then his motive video plan works and people would know he doesn’t mean harm because they would see his video, better convincing them than he could do so himself! best case scenario there are no murders and people will see he’s being serious when he says he’s trying to help them. of course, watch party ends up not happening in the end, and also he’s lost quite a bit of trust from his closest ally (which could have also been prevented had he not been so paranoid since gonta DID agree to get everyone to watch the motive videos), so he’s getting closer to that mastermind plan.
another thing in ch2 is kokichi losing much influence in the group. this isn’t just because of the insect meet & greet! from the beginning people are wary around him, but he’s actually able to steer conversations in his favor at times, and if you look closely you can see his leader talent popping up. when he speaks up against kaede, the majority agree with him; the majority agree with him when he insists that the killing game is cancelled; again, when new flashback lights are presented, he expresses concern and everyone agrees not to use them. except kaito. and shuichi, i guess, but he doesn’t even get to answer before kaito cuts him off. people question kaito, he gives a speech to convince everyone to try them, and though it doesn’t work on kokichi, it sure works on everyone else!
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they’ve clashed before, but now kaito is the one making things sway his way. this happens in the trial, too. kaito says he believes in maki without any reasoning, kokichi calls him an idiot, and everyone starts to agree. but things end up going in kaito’s favor. almost everyone else thinks he’s an idiot, but then tenko and shuichi switch around to his “side” of wanting to believe in maki despite all seemingly logical reasoning. most people still don’t agree with kaito before maki admits to seeing ryoma, but those two do, and kokichi is so baffled by shuichi believing in this (i feel like this could be worded better but i can’t think of anything right now, hopefully you get the idea though!)
the mastermind plan grows ever closer with ch3 and more being added to the courtyard message. it’s still not something he’d like to do. i’m unsure of the exact timeline, but i believe ch3 is around the time he asks miu for the inventions (possibly even earlier for the bugvac)? he wouldn’t be able to do it with her around, and he wouldn’t want to kill her just to keep to the plan. he’s probably trying to find the best moment to present the stuff to everyone so they can fight monokuma, and waiting for miu to make enough of them so that they can, considering there’s only enough electrohammers for the remaining people by ch5. but the guy’s in a tough situation, because on one hand he wants people to trust him so they can work together but on the other he needs them to distrust him in case plan B becomes necessary. he needs to be careful so that monokuma doesn’t notice him cooperating, because he also wants to keep being his favorite (i love it when he goes “riiiiiiight, monokuma? aren’t i so evil and twisted haha don’t you love me i am so entertaining if i died it would make the viewers mad haha right” he’s trying so hard). he doesn’t know who the actual mastermind is. people are already rightfully distrustful of him. but he still wants them to know his actual intentions, if they’re willing to. it doesn’t seem like it’s too late yet. (he is so wonderfully contradictory and human, i love him. paranoid asshole who wants to be Known but the idea is also terrifying and dangerous and he ends up sabotaging any opportunity for that to happen) so, he presents a piece of information he hopes will make people trust him: maki’s talent.
ok, well, that sounds like a lot of guessing stuff that’s not really in the game. i suppose. but i do have a reason!!! these lines stood out to me as i was watching:
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he doesn’t even follow up with “that might be a lie” or anything. he really does want to work together with everyone, it’s just that finding a good opportunity to show it safely is Difficult and people don’t believe him. and he is really set on the idea that trusting people too much is a bad thing. there’s a few reasons why he only chose to reveal her talent now instead of before, when apparently “given his position” he’s known since the beginning: kaito’s blind faith in maki prompting him to show that actually, she Isn’t trustworthy! the believing thing is stupid and false, see? hopefully getting more people on kokichi’s side rather than kaito’s side. he tries again later to get people on his side, accusing kaito of trying to turn everyone against each other by defending maki and dragging her places
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everyone mostly ignores him though and moves onto the flashback lights. as this and the next chapter go on he continuously tries to provoke maki, probably to get her to snap and show people she really Is just a killer or something, although she doesn’t budge until later. this was probably me reading too much into it but all of that did really stand out to me
well all the Good Plans fall apart with ch4. they could’ve all worked together using miu’s inventions but then The Case happened kokichi has a chapter-long mental breakdown ough it makes me so sad to think about. i mean after all that there wasn’t much coming back from it, the mastermind plan was likely the best thing he had. the “everyone hates me so the role of villain is perfect for me” always made me sad but especially This time after looking for everything else. dude…negative character development…..so good but also making me cry! me when i have good intentions but my own distrust and paranoia becomes my downfall as i start to have no one to turn to. me when the same person’s death that led the main character to become more open and outgoing towards others led me to become closed off and solitary despite both our earlier attitudes!!
he also succeeds in provoking maki in the end. i don’t have any particular comment for this i just took the screenshot i can’t remember what my thoughts were on it
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i don’t have any other screenshots to do with this so that’ll be the end of that i guess!!! not super eloquently worded i’m just kinda throwing ideas out there, i can elaborate on any points that might not have been super well-explained if you want !
oh and for more silly stuff:
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i like this maki line, it’s after shuichi says “about the size of a girl”. there’s one later (in ch4, i think) where i don’t remember what the first part was but she says “not to sound like tenko, but you men can really be like that”. these are 2 very throwaway lines but they almost make me think she was supposed to be the new feminist after tenko’s death (just without the weird stereotyping and much less extreme). she should’ve been. especially given kaito’s casual misogyny at times this would’ve been cool! unfortunately we didn’t get that :(
oh and
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shuichi is a yo-kai watch fan, kokichi is a pokémon fan. this is a source of conflict between them and it is unknown if they can overcome this
okay i made this WAY longer than i should’ve. i’m sure there may have been more things but they’re slipping my mind. hopefully this is sufficient!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
skateboard as a distraction for you 🛹, white hair & the W hotel story 🏨
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A mix of CPNs going around turtle spaces lately and I thought would be nice to talk about on here. either to archive or to share to those who probably have missed it— and they are not very well known ones that’s why i love them. aside from galaxy brain cpns, candy archaeology is my favorite thing 🍬 especially if it’s suspicious ones.
go back in time with me ⏱...
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I. Skateboard as a Distraction
This is post Tencent Starlight 2019 when they left the event together. What’s special about this is how it shows how they protect each other. How their teams operate and work well together, tho this was early on, I think both their teams collaborate much better and smoothly now. So what happened was there were many people waiting for them to come out and Bobo suddenly appears— on his skateboard. This is unusual for him because he usually doesn’t show off especially in public places like this. He was also not wearing a mask, making him easily recognizable, something he surely wouldn’t do at this time knowing that people are waiting for him. The logical deduction here is he wants to be seen. He wants people to follow him and have their eyes on him.
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A few moments later, we know why. XZ appears with his team with no luggages on hand. He was able to make a quiet exit and wearing the nike paranoise shoes ( which is another story ). What’s funny here is some XZ weifen were scolding WYB because he was causing a ruckus skateboarding, in the meantime XZ just appeared quietly. NOT KNOWING THAT YIBO WAS THE REASON WHY XZ WAS ABLE TO DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE. WYB did that to distract people, his staff even holding XZ’s things/luggages so that XZ can exit quietly ( well as quietly as he can ).
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I wonder how many times they did this, I can think of a few more after this incident. Protecting each other like this. I feel so soft because WYB didn’t care about what people will say about him. He will use himself as a distraction to make things easier for XZ. Incidents like this, even if you don’t szd, even if you just know of them from the Untamed — this is proof that they do care for each other. Them and Their team tried their best to work together to navigate the chaos that their new found fame brought them. This is why XZS 🤝 YBO cpn is popular because they were already doing it before so it only makes sense that it still goes on. This gesture seems so small & simple but shows what love is. Love is protecting you. 🥺
This is the same event where people were saying someone was following XZ’s car, then a fan said, the car was Yibo’s team. So they really left together.
II. White Hair
A short one and more of speculation. I’m so sorry to XZ for exposing his one strand of white hair. Lol. Anyway, On 10/19/2019 there was a post somewhere online that had this subject : Very distressed, I really want to announce this to the world loudly.
and the post said : I am a man, I have a boyfriend who I met at work and we have been together for a year! But he is 6 years younger than me, and because of special reasons at work, so it’s not convenient to make it public, but our relationship is really good.
hmmmmmm 👁👄👁
Then clowns were like, they needed a sign that this was GG. So they posted replies on 10/29, telling the OP to ask his boyfriend or him to post something on oasis tomorrow and we will believe you. It was just people joking around but lo and behold, the next day, Yibo posted on Oasis. One of the photos had a person’s head on it but you can’t see it except for a strand of white hair— which people think is GG.
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LOOK BRO, I do believe in coincidences but this is too much. It’s one of my favorite BJYX fandom story and it’s because, again, what are the chances? We don’t know if it’s really GG that is on the photo but still. Anyone can post that — I have a boyfriend blah blah blah. sure. But Yibo posting the next day when people asked the OP to? What? It’s either the universe is fucking with us or it’s truly SZD. 🤯
III. The W Hotel Story
before we go any further, i will mark this section as fake and fan fiction. none of this happened. it’s all made up.
The date is 7/23/2018, the boys were still filming CQL and were not yet the XZ and WYB we know now. This is why I think these clues were able to make it out there cause no one was looking. No one cared — compared to how it is now. So they were both in Hengdian, after work, they spent time at this hotel in Shanghai before Yibo went to Tokyo. The thing is, fans were already waiting in Hangzhou, thinking Bobo will be there to ride the international flight to Tokyo. But he didn’t. His itinerary was hidden. If this happened in 2022, I think we will CPN the same thing, as per the same city and well — stuff like this:
Who are you sir. 👀
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Upon further investigation, the suite XZ photographed is from the Fantasy Suite in the hotel. This is a luxury hotel and at the time was hard to get in because it’s new and popular with rooms sometimes being up to really expensive. The suite he stayed in was the 38th floor and most of it is color red which is GG’s favorite color.
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The reason why this cpn was buried was it was used by antis to say that GG was staying with a sugar daddy at this hotel. So this is why turtles need to be careful with certain CPN because some people may twist it into something else. I hope that our boys get to spend days together and i’m pretty sure they are more discreet now. We will barely see any clue. 🤐
sources: one | two | three | four
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jadetheblueartist · 2 months
1, 4, 26, and 29.
1. What song makes you feel better?
There’s two songs I use almost every time I need to work myself down from a meltdown or from intense overstimulation. First, is Underground by Cody Fry, especially where the instruments build and explode beautifully. I blare that as loud as possible in my headphones and it always helps. If I still need one more song, I’ll play Not Another Song About Love by Hollywood Ending which is an odd choice if you know me hahaha. It’s totally a song about love which is all good and fine (I don’t personally care about romance and love much right now) but the guitar in the song is just too good (oooooh what a rant)
4. What flower would you like to be given?
I don’t really know about many flowers, and I’m not sure if this even counts as a flower, but I do like the look of lavender. I crocheted a few and they’re just so pretty.
26. What movie would you want to live in?
Hmmmmmm I had to think about this for a while because upon further reflection I realized I watch series’s much more than movies (and the movies would not be good to live in… I’m looking at you rise movie). But probably a studio ghibli movie because they’re just so peaceful and nice. Specifically, Howls Moving Castle might be cool.
29. Morning, afternoon, or night
Morning, but like really early while most are still sleeping and it’s quiet and empty. I like being alone and feeling like I have a head start. Plus as the day goes, the more tired and unable to accomplish things I become. If my schedule allowed for it though, I could see myself liking night because I’m alone and have “extra time” in comparison to those sleeping.
Sorry for rambling but these asks were fun! Thanks @exhaustedwriterartist
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riallasheng · 2 months
(I hope things get better on your end soon, friend!)
oh hmmmmmm..... that is a SUPER tough one....
I'mma gonna cheat and do my fav line from each fic I've got up on my ao3 in posting order
Trust: But now she has discovered the one thing with which she can not trust herself.
A Cure for Boredom: They clamped their mouth shut around the shot, jaws icing shut as they tried to stop, stumbled, and went into an out of control roll. Black Lion jumped as they pin-wheeled underneath, finally skidding to a stop near the other side of the valley.
Fair: It wasn’t fair. (specifically the final line)
Madame Mort: “Come on then, Doctor. Here’s Bad Luck. …Bet you can’t kill it.”
Mnemosyne: Did that mean that the cat-boy was also an anime magic girl?
Sans Sheriff: “…Or the driver could do that,” a female voice mumbled. “My bruises have bruises.”
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: #“PLEASE hurry, she doesn’t have leggings!”# Chat wailed on the recording, his blushes getting worse before he ended the call.
Shadowhawk: “How is a giant octopu- …wait is that a SHIP in its tentacles? …I thought the people all wailing and despairing were close to it but if that’s a SHIP then – why is there a super giant octopus?! How is super ginormous octopus not important?”
Monghost (currently incomplete as I both had a SHIT TON of RL stuff happen really back to back, and I lost interest in Miraculous and haven't been able to get myself to start working on it again): Tie, though both are by the same chara Regaal sighed. “...Fine. Fashionable clothing that allows full range of motion.” “Yeah, see that I can agree o-” “So that you are both fabulous AND mobile for COMBAT TO THE DEATH!” “NOOOoOoOoOOO!!” “Me?”  the blue thing asked, then offered a chuckle that raised every hair on Monghost’s head and set every nerve jangling like an alarm bell.  “I’m the kwami of warriors!  REGAAL!”
The Collector: 'Nother Tie... both by the same chara again John looked around at the murmuring voices and flashing lights of Thunderbird 5 and blinked. “Ummmm…” Yup. Scott was fine.
As the Wyrm Turns: “Decided he was a 18th century Galleon Captain.”
Manhunt: Paul sat down beside him and rested a hand on Adam’s shoulder, ignoring the tears he could see escaping past Adam’s hand and how his breath hitched, knowing there was nothing left to say, but determined to be there anyway.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
i fucking LOVE that you can put frames' animations on different frames
like what other game lets you customize animation sets. c'mon.
i switch limbo from limbo's noble to harrow's noble from time to time but i'm shopping around for another one and there's been Several New Sets since i last checked and auhdfghhg i love them all
why gauss so jumpy. inaros' stances literally just switch between the two Modes of Mummy: still & upright in a casket & Zombie Mode. ivara's agile just dances around, as does zephyr harrier's agile
mirage oneiro. what's on my ceiling??
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jhdbfbh it's immediately followed by nekros. what's on my flOOR
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and nezha's out here just balancing on one leg like an absolute fuckin. legend. (i have incredibly bad balance on less than two legs and i am JEALOUS.)
honestly like. tag yourself. i'm octavia's agile set. my stance, sitting or standing, is Shrimp & dancy stimming. also hiding something behind my back at all times.
revenant is just stuck halfway through the YMCA verse?
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wait valkyr carnivex also thinks there's something on my ceiling, clearly
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need to get all of these frames to find out What Is Going On with their Heads for these animations to make sense because they look hyper goofy on limbo like this
there need to be better ways of previewing all the animations in a set on a given frame. i NEED to know what yareli's dance looks like on poor Vince. but am i willing to spend 50 plat on it? hmmmMMM
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Day 1: Hide & Seek
Yay! It’s sapnap week! Hosted by the lovely @rxsahgrce, you can find the week of prompts here! (probably gonna use this as an excuse to write / draw lee!sap all week but oh well!) I’m a day late but my brain went a bit wild with this one. Oops.
Sapnap has been lee all morning, but is feeling way too shy to ask for tickles - Dream notices and points it out. This leads to Sap getting embarrassed, darting away from Dream and George, and throwing them all into the most interesting game of Hide & Seek they’ve ever played
(lee!Sapnap / ler!George / ler!Dream : 2.7K words)
Even though his gaze was fixated on a very interesting blotch of pink that was somehow stained into the tan carpet beneath his feet, Sapnap could feel the stares of the two older boys drilling into him. He knew that they knew exactly what he wanted, yet somehow he has yet to receive! When he woke up this morning in the biggest lee mood of his life, he had thought it would be an easy task to ask for tickles. How hard could that be?
Turns out it could be and is, very hard to ask for tickles.
When he had made up his mind to find Dream after getting out of bed, he found his feet felt like concrete dragging slowly down the hallway that seemed to go on forever. By the time Sapnap was standing outside of Dream’s doorway he kept walking passed, his nerves bubbling up with anxiety over the prospect of asking for something so silly and childish. He quickly talked himself out of that headspace though and decided to give it another shot, spinning on his heel and walking back in the direction of the blondes room.
This time he made it, trying to seem as calm and collected as possible when knocking on the doorframe lightly to let his presence be known. Dream turned his head in the direction of the noise to find a very bashful Sapnap hovering in the entryway of his room. He smirked, having an idea of what was going on but decided to play into it. The blonde spoke up from the bed when after a moment of silence, the younger boy still hadn’t looked at him.
“What’s up, Sap? Everything alright?” Sapnap heard Dream’s question but it was like his throat had suddenly closed up on him, unable to produce any words or sounds. Instead he opted for a quick nod, coughing slightly to fill the empty space where his reply should’ve been.
“Mhm.” he managed to get out after a few more seconds, shifting his gaze briefly from the floor to Dream. The older boy was staring at him, a small grin on his face as he observed Sapnap’s reactions. This cause the smaller boy to immediately snap his eyes back towards the ground, hearing a small chuckle coming from the boy on his bed.
“Are you sure? You seem kind of tense,” Sapnap heard the creaking of the bed as Dream moved to stand up, making him take a step back towards the hallway. “Is there something you want, Sapnap? Something you need?”
As the younger boy opened his mouth to deny the claims, he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder, making him yelp and spin around to find George standing beside him.
“What’s goin on? Did I miss something here? Sapnap you’re so red!” George, always the curious cat, was not making the situation any better. Sapnap again heard Dream giggle, now much closer than before. George made his way passed Sapnap and next to Dream, looking to him for more information since the younger boy seemingly couldn’t provide any more himself.
“I think someone here is in a very specific mood, but won’t admit it.” Sapnap could practically hear the smugness dripping from Dream’s tone, picturing the toothy grin the blonde was no doubt sporting. The oldest made a sound of acknowledgement followed by a long “hmmmmmm”, not elaborating any further than that.
“N-No.” the younger boy denied, still staring down at the carpet while the other two continued to stare at him.
“No? You’re not in a particular mood?” Dream clarified, reaching a finger forward to poke into the smaller boys ribs. Sapnap squeaked and reached up to swipe at the hand that was already back to Dream’s side, whining and crossing his arms over his torso to prevent any more unfair attacks. “Are you suuuure?”
“I-I’m not.”
“Sapnap,” he heard the oldest boy purr, watching as the pair of shoes on the left took a step forward towards him. This only cause Sapnap to take another step back, leaving the same amount of space between them as before. “Look at us, Sapnap.”
The command alone flustered him, but the way George was acting so calm, like it was the most normal occurrence in the world was what got to him. He glanced up for a second, being met with two pairs of mischievous eyes, and immediately fell into a round of nervous giggles. Sapnap couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to make a run for it. In the middle of Dream trying to ask him another question, the youngest boy quickly sprinted down the hallway and down the steps, squealing and panicking as he searched for somewhere to hide.
“Oh Sapnaaaaap, I wouldn’t do this if I were you!” he heard the blonde call from the top of the steps, the two clearly unbothered by the sudden escape by the youngest man.
“Considering we always find you in the end, anyway,” George had mumbled, yelping a second later when Dream gave him a playful elbow in the ribs. “What, it’s true!”
Sapnap was out of options, scanning the living room for places to hide before settling on crouching behind the couch. He knew it was a stupid idea. He knew it would never work. Yet he found himself wedging himself between the couch and the wall, wiggling himself as far in as he could go. When he reached a point where he assumed he was completely hidden, he stayed still, careful not to make any additional noise.
Footsteps from the two older boys grew closer and closer as they made their way down the steps, giggling and calling out teases to try and get Sapnap to give away his hiding spot. He squeezed his eyes shut and slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent any sneaky giggles from tumbling out at a well placed tease, determined to keep his cool and stay hidden from the two menaces who were continuing their search.
Suddenly there was an eerie silence - Sapnap couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore, and they weren’t teasing like they had been. He heard a chuckle from above him and snapped his head in that direction, eyes widening and a scream ripping through him as he came face to face with Dream.
“Gotcha, Sap.” he heard another voice come from the side of him, looking down by his feet to see George smirking back at him, squatting down and slowly bringing a hand forward to grip his ankle lightly. Immediately the smaller boy tried to kick, but he was wedged so tightly behind the couch he feared he actually may have gotten himself stuck.
“P-Please George, wait! This isn’t fair! I-I think I’m stuck!” Sapnap tried to plead with the brunette, but he seemed too preoccupied speaking to Dream, requesting he come hold Sapnap’s ankles still so he could “tickle him to death”. (George’s words, not his)
“Sorry, Sap. You made it harder on yourself,” Dream appeared next to George, Sapnap watching in horror as the strong hands wrapped around both his ankles easily. “You could’ve just asked and gotten the tickles you wanted, but instead you ran and made it ten times harder on yourself.”
“Will he ever learn?” George faked disappointment, looking to Dream as they both broke out into giddy chuckles. Sapnap was about to open his mouth to plead once more, but a single swipe of George’s finger down his arch was enough to make him yelp out instead.
“N-Noho please!” Sapnap managed to whine, breaking out into bright giggles as George now used both his pointer fingers, one on each foot, to trail from his heels all the way to his toes. He threw his head back with a cackle as George attempted to slide a finger between his toes, but was stopped by the sock that was causing a makeshift barrier to the sensitive area.
“This is in the way.” George mumbled, gripping the top of the sock on Sapnap’s right foot and tugging, causing the sock to slip off with ease. Sapnap’s struggling increased, moving his legs back and forth as much as he could, but Dream was keeping him in place; Dream was simply too strong to break free from.
“NohoHOHOHO G-GEHEHEORGE!” He swore he saw stars as he squeezed his eyes shut and pounded his fists on the back of the couch, feeling George begin to use his nails on the ball of his bare foot. Sapnap was cackling, shaking his head and curling his toes as much as he could, but nothing was taking away the tickly feeling.
“Geez, he’s squirming around like a little snake!” he heard the oldest boy remark at Dream through laughter, hearing a returning hum of acknowledgment from him.
“Yeah, and it must feel even more ticklish considering he got himself stuck behind the couch like an idiot,” Dream replied loud enough for Sapnap to hear, causing him to whine through his high pitched giggles as George moved his nails to scrape across his arches at an agonizingly slow pace. “Does it tickle more, Sap?”
The question made a shiver crawl up the youngest boys spine but he was too out of it to pretend, so he nodded his head - it really did tickle more. He couldn’t understand why, it just did. Maybe it was the fact he was stuck. Maybe it was the fact that Dream was holding him completely still as George focused on tickling the life out of him. Maybe it was the flustering situation of having one sock on and one sock off. All he knew was that it tickled, and it tickled bad.
“Plehehease! P-Plehehease no more!” Sapnap squeaked out in between his high pitched giggles, pathetically wiggling his feet in Dream’s grasp. George tried to stick his fingers under his toes but Sapnap was quick to curl them down before he could.
Dream tightened his grip slightly so George could get a better grip to pull back his toes, scratching at the underneath of them with his nails slowly. Sapnap screamed, trying his best to curl his toes but with no success. George was giggling and Dream was wheezing at the youngest boys reaction, watching him punch the back of the couch so hard that Dream swore he’d break through the fabric any second.
“Okahay okay you little giggle bug, we’re almost done, don’t worry,” Dream tapped George’s hand with one of his fingers, signaling him to come to a stop to let Sapnap catch his breath. “I have one more thing I wanna do, is that alright Sap?”
Sapnap sat for a second, his eyes closed and his arm across his chest with his face buried into his elbow as he contemplated if he could handle anything more than what he’d already gotten. His lee mood was satisfied for sure….but he could always do with more tickles while he was like this.
So, he lifted his face slightly from his hiding spot, his face bright pink as he looked to Dream and nodded his head the slightest bit. That apparently was all Dream needed, and he adjusted his hands to now grip both of his feet, pulling his legs out as much as he could without hurting the smaller boy. The blonde smirked at Sapnap before turning his attention to George, tapping his fingers close to the brunettes ankles.
“George, I have to show you a secret spot on Sap.” the older boy tried to explain, but was cut off by the screams and high pitched screeches coming from behind the couch. George’s eyes widened as he giggled, watching as Sapnap continued to freak out and yell over Dream. He was pounding his fists on the couch again, this time with the purpose of moving it forward so he could break free.
“What is it?! Hurry, before he breaks the couch!” George exclaimed through his now very high pitched giggles, excitement coursing through him at the idea of learning another spot of Sapnap’s.
“Run your nails around the balls of his ankle on both sides. Make sure to trace over the thin skin below them too, towards his heel. That drives him crazy.” Dream managed to explain when Sapnap finally stopped screaming, becoming lightheaded with the force he was using to raise the volume of his voice. The smaller boy began squirming, trying to kick as he pleaded and begged and screamed, but it was no use. The second George’s nails touched down on his ankles, he was a goner.
The shrill laughter that left Sapnap was enough to stop George for a second, startled at the noise that the light tickles produced. He’d never heard Sapnap laugh this hard in all the time they’d been friends, and he was in awe of how quickly the younger boy was reduced into a puddle of lee. George looked to the side, noticing how Dream was watching Sapnap laugh, a fond look on his face. The oldest boy rolled his eyes at the softness of it all and turned his attention back to the ankle in front of him, making sure to pay close attention to the skin right underneath the bones of his ankles.
Sapnap was wailing, hysterical laughter continuously bubbling out of him as he finally stopped squirming, too tickled out to fight it anymore. His eyes were squeezed shut so tightly that tears were forming at the corners of them, little trails of wetness rolling down his cheeks whenever he managed to open his eyes while begging.
After a minute or two, Dream knew that Sapnap was at his limit and tapped George’s hands once more, signaling for him to stop. The brunette traced another little circle with his pointer fingers around the balls of his ankles before pulling his hands back into his lap, watching as Dream began to soothingly rub out the ghost tickles as Sapnap attempted to control the left over laughter.
George stood up to move the couch slightly forward, allowing Dream to stand and scoop the giggly boy up in his arms. The couch was pushed back into the correct position and Dream sat the two of them down on the couch, the blonde running a hair through Sapnap’s hair as George pulled the smaller boys ankles onto his lap to continue the calming rubs. Sapnap’s laughter eventually died down to tiny giggles every few minutes, still feeling the impact of the devastatingly ticklish attack he endured. His eyes were still closed as he made a tiny whine when Dream stopped playing with his hair, making the older boy laugh.
“Sorry sweetheart, thought you were asleep.” Dream resumed playing with the curly locks by the nape of Sapnap’s neck, making him shiver slightly as he buried his head into Dream’s neck.
“How was that? You look all spacey now, did you like it?” he heard George ask from beside them, feeling his blush move across his cheeks and up into his ears. George giggled, and he immediately knew that the older boy had noticed that he was still flustered.
Sapnap could only nod his head, not daring to look up at either boy out of embarrassment. Dream made a cooing noise and George teased him a bit for it, but he didn’t mind. Although he was tickled half to death, his mood was satisfied, and he knew he had the rest of the day to pester the older boys….not for tickles, of course. Just to get them back! (…okay, maybe for tickles.) And if Dream and George teased him about that too, it wouldn’t bother him - that makes it all the more fun.
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plaindangan · 6 months
SSS Kokichi 👀
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SSS - Kokichi
When Kokichi awoke, he was expecting to awake to his usual messy, yet still meticulous, room where he can plan out his next devious tricks.
So how the Hell was everything cleaned up and organized? Especially without him noticing? In front of him was a servant who bowed before him.
"Greetings, Mr. Oma. I am the servant of Princess Sonia Nevermind. She asked if I could escort you to your hideout's guest room."
"Ahhh, hold it, hold it, hold it!! I think you're skipping one too many steps. How did you guys find out where I live? Where is the rest of DICE? And, three, why would a princess of a country with a very musical like name want to see me?"
"To answer your questions: She asked one of your minions, the twintail one, after running into her at an anime convention." Inwardly, Kokichi was sighing and cursing the Hell out of 'Smiley' for her blunder. "As for the rest of DICE, Sonia had given them an out into town for the day, catered to by her trusted servants. As for the last question...she mentioned it being about an SSS event? Does that ring any bells?" Things clicked for Kokichi right then and there.
Sonia...was his SSS? Nodding, he brushed pass the servant towards the guest room of DICE. Inside, he found Sonia. On her head she was wearing a Santa's hat and a fake beard...but on her body was was dressed in quite the red set of lacey lingerie~ At the bedside was presents of all sorts!
"Ho, ho, ho~ Happy Holidays Kokichi!! I come bearing gifts of wonder and amazement~ I also do believe I fulfil the requirements of being a Sexy Santa, don't you think so?" With his eyes downcasted towards her body, Kokichi chuckled before shaking his head.
"Hmmmmmm....pretty sure you failed!!"
"Wh-what?! But I even made sure to put on my best for this!!" she said, twirling on her heels to show off more of her lingerie, which meant a better look at her curves and figure.
"I think you misunderstand what SSS is about, its not about dressing up as as a Sexy Santa or even giving gifts as one...it's about delivering a 'perfect present' to who you're supposed to please~" Sonia looked somewhat puzzled.
"Perfect present...and if its not physical gifts then...oh~" Sonia let out a small gasp as her eyes finally looked down towards the tent in Kokichi's checked pajamas pants. One that was begging to be 'opened'~
"I...I think I do understand now~"
"Neeheehee, if you really think so than I'll leave it all to you~" A royal fucking was a once in a lifetime chance.
So who better to receive it than Hope's Peak greatest supreme lader, right?
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