#ho late watch
high-voltage-rat · 3 months
I think it's fascinating that the quotes:
"Have you forgotten sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species. I feel I must remind you that it is an undeniable, and may I say fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."
"When you spend every day fighting a war, you to demonize your attackers. To you, they're evil, they're subhuman. Because if they weren't, what would that make you? What I'm trying to say... is I've been afraid to see you for what you really are. You're our brothers. Our sisters. And the things we've done to one another are unforgivable."
"These guys want to use us, take us away from our families, and send us all over the dad-gum galaxy just to test if their agents are ready for the big fight? Well... guess I'm interested in showin' em exactly what a big fight is all about! So I'm not ordering you to go. I ain't even asking. You do what you gotta do, Private."
came from the same series whose standard fare is lines like:
"What in the hell are you two doing?" / "We're being executed by our own men, sir." / "Cut it out."
"I only drink the blood of my enemies, and the occasional strawberry yoohoo."
"You always said I could sleep when I’m dead, Sarge, and guess what? I am dead. This purgatory is about to become purga-snore-y, yawn!"
...and both categories manage to be a poignant statement about the nature of war and what it does to the people in it.
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
Y'all, I find the reception of XO, Kitty so dissapointing.
TL; DR: The underlying homophobia/biphobia/lesbophobia/misoginy towards Yuri as potential and viable endgame which I don't think would have happened if she were yet another hot guy.
The straight-baiting marketing of this show was absolutely genius and I loved that Jenny Han, who writes the straightest central romances to ever romance (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Summer I Turned Pretty), actually initiated a series with such visibly queer storylines and then literally jumped into this sort-of-interracial, sapphic romance centered around a bi+ character. I could see Han trying to be more inclusive in her past on-screen works, but this was incredible.
No you don't understand. There was this point midway through the show where I thought I was in a fever dream and watching wishful fanmade content because I couldn't believe an IRL Netflix show could actually give us this. My mind was blown.
So you'll understand that I was fully bamboozled to see that social media is swamped with Min-ho fangirls pretending like Yuri doesn't even exist. I love Min-ho too, but am I the only one who also saw so many signs that point to a future Yuri x Kitty?
First, for the narrative satisfaction of their moms being best friends in the past!
... and to complete Kitty's coming of age! Kitty, growing up in the cisheteronormative Song-Covey household, made the oversight of initially operating under the assumption that she exclusively likes boys and that she has mastered the art of relationships. That's already been debunked partway by her breakup with her first boyfriend who was supposed to be endgame, and is only going to be sealed further if she ends up with a girl in a long-term relationship. (And no, of course she doesn't have to "end up" with a girl for her queer identity to be valid, but I think it just makes the most narrative sense to have that unfold in the story as her worldview alters.)
Here I present to you: my pet peeves in the XO, Kitty fandom
hyping up parallels between Peter x LJ and Minho x Kitty scenes claiming that this means Minho x Kitty may be endgame. They literally have to reach and dig for those because the most parallels are between Peter x LJ and Yuri x Kitty, right from the scene that they bumped into each other! Kitty has also shown zero romantic interest in Minho so far, as opposed to her very keen interest in Yuri.
People finally addressing the elephant in the room like "Ugh, Yuri is probably going to be endgame. 🙄 I want Minho instead!!" like it's such a disappointing or borderline gross outcome. Yuri is a much more intense enemies-to-lovers character than Minho. She is beautiful, kind, and fun with a little bit of bite, everything that Minho is plus Kitty is falling for her hard.
Being real here—If you think Yuri is a boring love interest or kind of a b*tch while Minho is simply a fun old enemies-to-lovers character, I am begging you to check your biases. You, a straight woman, may only see hostile fictional women as competitiion and hostile fictional men as ... well, kinda hot. However, Kitty is bi+ and she could see them both as viable romantic interests, equally. Yes, Yuri has done more malicious things than Minho, but then again she has had a harder time this academic year than Minho. You are obviously still allowed to like Minho better, as long as you're not dismissing the struggles of and flattening a strong female character. Misoginy and homophobia make an ugly combo, y'all. Trust me, you don't want any part in that.
(Additional unpopular opinion: I'm going to get crucified for this but I genuinely think Kitty is too boring for Minho in the same way that Dae was too boring for Kitty. He seems to be into her only from the Halo Effect. Minho is my child and I squeal whenever he's on screen and I hope to see him finding someone actually fun!)
Saying that Kitty’s crush on Yuri was just a token plot point with no real basis or depth. While there is some unrealistic family drama in the show, it's all still credible. Fiction is supposed to bring in imaginative elements and try to keep things grounded. Regardless, I'm never going to be the person who says that a wild and shocking bi- or gay-awakening is unrealistic. As a queer person, let me tell you that it is just as wild and confusinh for us IRL.
Besides, many cishet people actually do not care if (or is hateful when) the MC is bi, that I doubt how much it “helps” with marketing. (That's why queerbaiting exists, folks.) Also, have you seen Kitty in TATBILB? That's a bi preteen right there if I've ever seen one.
"Stop trying to invalidate other people's ships!" I will say this once: I don't care if you ship Kitty with Min-ho, or Dae, or anyone else that's not Yuri. I DON'T CARE! Frankly, good for you because straight ships have better luck out there anyway, ya know? I am simply begging you to not reduce a queer person's nuanced concerns about dismissal of sapphic fictional characters to petty fandom arguments. Read the room, guys. Please.
This is such a crucial show to many of us. I just want y'all to understand that this is just a little bigger than your celebrity crush on a hot guy whose character you're rooting for. We never, ever get contemporary slice-of-life romcom sapphic rep (and Netflix is notorious for cancelling sapphic shows, too). Please don't be dismissive of a perfectly good possible ending! We want to give Netflix every reason to renew this show, and give Han every reason to allow Kitty to flourish just the way she plans to! (This is me begging y'all to not influence the writers into swerving last-minute towards a sloppy Minho endgame, though I do trust her better than that.)
I hope that Netflix renews the show, even if it's through the excitement of straight people in denial LMAO. And then I hope it treats us with a glorious sapphic ending.*
*(Aaaand I can already imagine the cishet women in the audience complaining online about what a terrible person Kitty is for leading Min-ho on and then dumping him, and how she and Yuri are both awful and totally deserve each other. Music to my ears.)
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camels-pen · 7 months
mmm read a hurt/comfort Zoro fic recently and like. I get it now. That guy DOES hurt so pretty. kinda wanna try my hand at it.
A voice disappeared.
Zoro stopped in his tracks, feet rooted to the spot.
Who was it? Where? How-?
Just barely, he managed to block a blade aiming for his neck.
Luffy was ahead of him, laughing his head off. The cook was a bright flaming beacon in the sky.
The rest? C'mon take a count, Zoro. Make sure.
Usopp. Nami. Chopper. Jinbei. Robin. Cook. Luffy.
What? Two? No, where were-
His breath hitched as he blocked another attack.
Calm down. Take a breath. Count again.
Usopp. Nami. Robin. Cook. Luffy.
Fuck. They couldn't-
No, they had to have left the battlefield. These guys were smallfry, even for the so called "weakling trio".
Zoro took a moment to focus on the enemy around him. He let off a tatsumaki before focusing again.
One at a time, Zoro. Come on.
Zoro jerked, eyes wide and searching frantically.
"No, no no no no no. He can't have-" Luffy would never leave before the battle was done, not without making some kind of grand exit. He wouldn't leave without telling Zoro- telling anyone- about it.
He wouldn't up and disappear into thin air like that. Not unless-
Zoro shook his head roughly. They were fine, he just couldn't see them. It would be too much of a coincidence for them all to disappear like that. He just needed to count again, then regroup with Usopp, Robin, and the cook, and figure out what was going on.
Stay calm, Zoro. Losing your head won't find your friends.
So, again, Zoro breathed. And Zoro counted.
The only voice left, was Usopp.
Zoro wasted no time.
He sprinted as fast as he could, cutting down anyone in front of him almost as an after thought, as he bulldozed towards Usopp's voice.
He'd nearly made it too, when some dead man kicked his side hard enough to stop him in his tracks.
Zoro turned to him, a snarl on his face. "Get out of my way before I kill you."
"Huh?" The man sneered. "I should be saying the same thing, watch where you swing those swords, asshole."
Zoro was about to retort when he noticed Usopp's voice moving away from him. He didn't have time for this.
Without warning, Zoro moved to slice through his opponent and, to his surprise, the man blocked it with ease.
"You wanna go? Here and now?" the man growled. "I'll kick your fucking ass."
This man- Zoro has never met him before, but nonetheless felt he would need to pay him his full attention to have a chance at winning.
But Usopp was getting farther and farther-
Oh, Zoro could hit himself.
"USOPP!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, startling the man. "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, I'LL BE THERE SOON!"
Usopp didn't respond, but he stopped moving, and that was good enough for now.
"Hey!" The man yelled, pressing down on Zoro's swords. "Whatever you need him for can wait until after our battle's over. He's got his own problems to deal with."
Zoro didn't bother wasting his breath. He cut and slashed, throwing attack after attack without abandon. It didn't matter if he was wasting his energy, he needed to get to Usopp before- before-
The man, infuriatingly, blocked almost every blow, and got a few hits in on Zoro himself.
Zoro would get to Usopp, even if it killed-!
Suddenly, there was a crackle in the air and all at once, Zoro's nerves lit up with pure unfiltered pain.
He dropped to his knees, blurry vision wavering on black shoes. He couldn't feel his arms. Or his face. And his head was getting lighter and lighter.
Zoro's fading thoughts were prayers, to a god he didn't believe in, to keep his friend safe.
"Nami-swan, a little help please?" Sanji said, voice uncharacteristically strained.
"If you're asking, how can I say no?" Nami said, smirking. "Get out of the way... now!" The moment Sanji pushed off Zoro's swords to hop away, she brought down her Thunderbolt Tempo on top of Zoro. He fell to his knees before crumbling to the ground, twitching.
"You could've knocked him out on your own though, why ask for my help?" Nami asked.
"Ah well, it seemed he had a couple screws loose and I didn't want to kill what little braincells were remaining." Nami nodded in understanding.
The two of them turned to Usopp as he inched his way closer. He carefully prodded Zoro's thigh with his boot. "He's really unconscious, right? Not gonna get up anytime soon?"
Nami shrugged. "It's always hard to tell with him. But don't worry," -she stood tall, holding out her Climatact- "I'll shock him as many times as necessary."
"That means I get to live another day, so you have the Usopp deal of approval." Usopp gave her a thumbs up.
"What'd you even do to get him so pissed at you, Usopp?" Nami asked.
"Nothing!" He paused and looked away. "Well, nothing recently."
"He wasn't just mad," Sanji said. "He looked..." Scared, Sanji wanted to say. But the word was so... simple. Too simple. And it didn't explain the desperation in his eye. The wet sheen. The way he hardly blinked.
The way he kept himself facing the direction Usopp was in, revealing his constant use of Haki.
This wasn't just Zoro scared. This was Zoro terrified.
And Sanji had never seen him terrified before.
"...off," Sanji settled on, furrowing his brow. "He looked off."
Nami and Usopp hummed in thought.
The three of them stared down at Zoro's prone body. An ominous dark puddle started growing under him.
The three of them sighed.
"I'll call Chopper-" Usopp felt a tug on his ankle. He looked down. Zoro's hand was holding his boot. "I thought you said he was unconscious!" he yelled, trying to break his grip unsuccessfully.
Sanji poked Zoro with his shoe. Zoro didn't move. "He's still unconscious, so you're gonna have to be his teddy bear."
"What?! No!" He gripped onto Sanji's shirt. "Sanji-kun pleaaaaase free me before my ankle's crushed in his sleep!"
Sanji rolled an eye. "You'll be fine."
"Then can you go get Chopper? Zoro's losing a lot of blood."
"The mosshead'll be fine too. Also," -Sanji pointed to Luffy and Chopper doing some kind of strange combo attack, with Chopper in Heavy Point using Luffy as a whip- "I don't wanna break up their fun."
"Sanji-kun," Nami piped up. "Go get Chopper, please."
"Of course, Nami-swan!" Sanji immediately ran off.
The two of them quietly watched him go.
"Did you see what caused this?" Usopp asked.
Nami shook her head. "I know about as much as you do: Zoro suddenly taking out a big group at once and then charging towards you." She bit her lip. "I don't think he recognized Sanji."
Usopp sighed, squatting down to pull the bandana from green hair. He stared at the slackened face of his friend, hands tightening in dark fabric.
"What happened to you, Zoro?"
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donutcats · 1 year
catching feelings
Kitty calls Min Ho. It makes absolutely zero sense and their text thread consists of maybe six conversations maximum, but it’s two in the morning and his contact is right there and she knows they’re in the same time zone so she wouldn’t have to worry about scheduling conflicts and-
“Missing me already?” He greets immediately and she contemplates hanging up.
“With that attitude?” Kitty volleys back. She can’t tell if she’s feeling bold or stupid, or tired and just a little petty. She knows his feelings. She shouldn’t poke at them. “What would you do if I said yes?”
She does anyway.
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herawell · 2 years
Girls don't want a Rohit/Aman remake of Kal Ho Naa Ho, girls want a remake where the racist misogynistic dadima is properly bitch-slapped and not rewarded with a loving family & boyfriend.
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angsty-teacup · 2 years
hey tea! did you watch the new cuphead show episodes?
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aahsoka · 2 years
how did meteor garden manage to do the forced kiss WORSE than boys over flowers. like considering how much newer the show was I was HOPING theyd just skip it entirely but noooo it was WORSE
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nebulouswaters · 2 months
Wow. Sheesh is. Bad.
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beskad · 5 months
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theyluvkarolina · 3 months
hi hi!!
i just read your lando angst fic. so good ahhhhhh😩🤌🏻
um.. and if your requests are open… could i request a max verstappen x manager! reader where she is real madrid’s or mancity’s social media manager or something and she’s sorta famous herself and has a really good relationship w her team. and max goes to one of the games and meets her and all the guys are teasing her (like how brothers tease their sister over things haha) and they get together after a while ?
sorry if that was so specific😅 love your works!! and i understand if you don’t want to do it!! have a lovely day <3
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` you break her heart, i’ll cut your dick off. ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Meeting a f1 driver at your job wasn’t on the bucket list. However, crushing and getting teased by your new team members as if you were their little sister makes this much more worse interesting.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ max verstappen x fem!reader
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌 ୨୧ none!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ GOOGLE TRANSLATED SPANISH!! I’M NOT AT ALL A SPANISH SPEAKER PLEASE BEAR WITH ME!, Y/n is a major fangirl for Max 😭, i made y/n a bit more… sassy? sex jokes again
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ i’d like to apologize for how long this took and that i definitely could have done this request better than this considering how happy I was to do this but my writers block has been out of control lately :( as for the teasing, i went the more “over-protective brothers” route. I hope that’s okay with you!
𝐀/𝐍 2 ୨୧ … safe to say i did NOT plan for this to be finished and come out on the one race max got a dnf 😭😭
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INSTAGRAM, 1 year ago.
realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid ¡Al Real Madrid FC le gustaría anunciar a nuestra nueva gerente de redes sociales, la Sra. Y/N L/N! Nos gustaría felicitarla por esta increíble oportunidad y por su dedicación no solo al Real Madrid, sino también al equipo. ¡Bienvenido Y/N!
Real Madrid FC would like to announce our new Social Media manager, Ms. Y/N L/N! We would like to congratulate her on this amazing opportunity and her dedication to not only Real Madrid, but to the team. Welcome Y/N!
INSTAGRAM, present time.
fabriziorom ✔︎
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fabriziorom ✔︎ Who’s gonna win 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞? 🏆
Atlético or BVB 🆚 Barcelona or Paris Saint-Germain.
Real Madrid or Manchester City 🆚 Arsenal or Bayern.
username1 Real hardest matchup again
username2 Let's all laugh at vardrid we're going to see 5-1 aggregate again 😂
→ username3 bro thinks barça has been doing shit for the past 5 years 💀 → username4 at least we don’t rely on VAR → username5 at least we have 14 champion league wins
username6 Real Madrid revenge arc coming soon.....
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ WTF
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ guys i can’t do this
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m stressing
username6 someone check on Y/N rn
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ me because we are versing Man City in Champions League.
judebellingham ✔︎ what is that photo of me.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ art.
username7 DON’T REMIND ME
username8 girl aren't you supposed to believe in your team?? 💀
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ even it's okay to admit defeat once in a while. → judebellingham ✔︎ BE CONFIDENT BLOODY HELL 😭 → y/n_l/nmadrid IT’S DIFFERENT WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE WATCHING 😞😞
tonirudiger ✔︎ BELIEVE IN US 💪 💪 🔥
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i wish I had your positivity toni 🥹 → tonirudiger ✔︎ don’t worry y/n! we will win! 💪 💪 🔥 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i think you can stop with the emojis → tonirudiger ✔︎ 👍
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y/n_l/nmadrid you guys are in a crisis…. i’m on my way.
camavinga ✔︎ jude has been influencing you too much.
→ judebellingham ✔︎ and? supernanny is a good show. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ someone is jelly they haven’t seen peak british tv. → judebellingham ✔︎ it’s telly you fake 🙄
vinijr ✔︎ those headphones look familiar 🤔 🤔
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ shhhhh
username9 what even is the “crisis”???
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ man city. → rodrygo ✔︎ stop this rn.
y/n_l/nmadrid has posted a story 1 hour ago!
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid up up and away! ✈️ Onto Manchester 👊
username10 i still forget it’s y/n making these posts for the team 😭😭
username11 i love how she does a whole 360 with the actual team insta posts than her own 💀
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ I WOULD BUT THE OLD MAN IS GETTING ANNOYED BY IT → judebellingham ✔︎ yeah because you have an entire album dedicated to him and then cry when you think about him retiring??? → username13 EXCUSE ME??? → username14 y/n crying because of modrić being close to retiring 🥹🥹 → username15 WHY ARE WE IGNORING THE FACT SHE HAS AN ALBUM DEDICATED TO HIM??? →username16 because who wouldn’t cry about him retiring → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ @ username16 is right → judebellingham ✔︎ @ username16 i second that → rodrygo ✔︎ @ username16 make that 3. → camavinga ✔︎ @ usernme16 4. → fedevalverde ✔︎ @ username16 5 😅 → lukamodric10 ✔︎ I’m retiring not dying 😓
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid ✔︎ Miss Y/N hard at work! What do you think she is writing? 🤔 ✍️
username17 how to win against Man City
username18 how to not piss herself watching the game.
ardaguler ✔︎ she works?! 😧 😧
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ you get playing time?! → username19 SHOTS FIRED 😭 → ardaguler ✔︎ :( → username20 WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU 😭😭 → judebellingham ✔︎ be nice to the baby he hasn’t been here that long to know your harmless 😞 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ @ judebellingham don’t say that as if you haven’t been here for less than a year either. → judebellingham ✔︎ this is what you sound like: wah wah wah
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ congrats to my favorite boys!! onto the quaters! 🫶🫶
username21 she’s actually so unserious 😭
pablogavi imgagine not believing in your own team
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ imagine being on a team that lost 7-2 in the champions league against bayern munich → pablogavi you won’t let barca live this down will you? → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ nope. 🫶
judebellingham now you believe in us??? 😒 😒
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ shush. be happy i even posted about you guys.
tonirudiger ✔︎ working hard! 💪 🔥
lukamodric10 great teamwork! 👏
toni.kr8s what a game 😮
username22 toni and luka are such parents 💀
y/n_l/nmadrid has posted a story 1 hour ago!
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judebellingham replied to your story!
judebellingham Y/N YOU ARSE LOOK AT THE GROUP CHAT PLEASE y/n_l/nmadrid … y/n_l/nmadrid should I be scared? Read at 5:32 PM y/n_l/nmadrid wowww okay i see how it is
mxverstappen1 has posted a story 5 minutes ago!
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f1 ✔︎
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f1 ✔︎ Max wins it in Silverstone! 🦁 An outstanding performance once again by the Dutchman! 👏
username22 another day, another gp max ate.
→ username23 no way homegirl didn’t recognize THE max vertsappen 💀💀 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ damn i’m sorry my entire sports knowledge is the one i work for 😞
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ lowkey… he kinda fine 🤭
→ judebellingham ✔︎ bloody hell → camavinga ✔︎ we need an intervention for her rn → fedevalverde ✔︎ euthanize her. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ FEDE??? → usernme24 y/n gets the appeal → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ when you do work with men in sports your forced to see apeal.
username25 DU DU DU DU 🔥 🗣️🔥 🦁 MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏎️🔥 🗣️
maxverstappen1 ✔︎
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maxverstappen1 game of padel before race day!
tagged ; landonorris, fernandoalonso, danielricciardo
username25 f1 is just a jobby for him at this point 😭
username26 the goats and some guy named lando
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ is he single
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ that’s a handsome man right there 🥴
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ he can paddle me anyday 😊😊
→ username27 MA’AM ??? → username28 the Real Madrid boys are NOT gonna be happy → judebellingham ✔︎ WHAT IS THIS??? → rodrygo ✔︎ i wish i can bleach my eyes out rn. → camavinga ✔︎ tell luka to giver her meds now. → tonirudiger ✔︎ already messaged him! 🔥 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ CAN I THIRST IN PEACE???
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ fun trip to manchester and london!
judebellingham ✔︎ we should have left you at the flower shop
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ but then who will make you guys do silly dances that the fans demand 😞
lukamodric10 ✔︎ moja kći ❤️
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ lukita 🥹 → username29 the day luka leaves is the day i die.
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ very pretty lady 🙃
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ 🤭 🤭
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ is she single by chance 🤔
→ brahim ✔︎ woah woah woah → aurelientchm ✔︎ what do you think you are doing? → vinijr ✔︎ back up dutchie → judebellingham ✔︎ away from our girl → tonirudiger ✔︎ no she’s not actually ! → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ yes i am very much single 😚 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ don’t listen to them!
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ ; Date #1
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ karting and fifa is my kind of date 🏎️ 🎮
tagged ; y/n_l/nmadrid
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ ofc you use Barcelona 🙄 🙄
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ is it bad to support my favorite team? 😅 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ if you wanna be with me then it is 🤨 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ noted.
toni.kr8s ✔︎ is this why you took the day off??
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ …noooo… → rodrygo ✔︎ she’s lying lock her up in the locker room. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ no thank you i don’t need to smell you stinkers → camavinga ✔︎ okay we don’t smell THAT bad after a game. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ 😬 about that..
username30 HELLO???
username31 the sports collab we didn’t know we needed
username32 this was NOT on my 2024 calendar…
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ Date #2
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ busy trying to make a new Madridista 🤍
tagged ; maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ you’d look good in blue and red 🥴
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i was going to agree until i realized what you were doing. → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ i don’t know what you are talking about.
username33 they are lowkey so cute
judebellingham ✔︎ why are you collaborating with the enemy.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ he literally drives fast cars and is not a barca player?? → ardaguler ✔︎ that’s what he wants you to think 🤫
pablogavi ✔︎ why convert him if you can join him? 😉
→ vinijr ✔︎ get out of OUR pr managers comments. → pablogavi ✔︎ make me → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m literally gonna block both of you if you don’t stop acting like kids. AND THAT’S COMING FROM ME → vinijr ✔︎ …yes ma’am. → pablogavi ✔︎ 😶
rodrygo ✔︎ stop acting like a couple in the stands. it makes me wanna puke.
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ Date #3
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maxverstappen1 my good luck charm 💙
tagged ; y/n_l/nmadrid
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ stooopppp you’re making me blush 🫣
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ liefje 🫶 → vinijr ✔︎ ew 🤢 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ sounds like someone is sad and single. → landonorris what’s wrong with being sad and single 😞
redbullracing ✔︎ wonderful job out there 👊 🔥
→ ferrari ✔︎ hey @ redbullracing ! please stop winning so some of us have a chance! 😊 → realmadrid ✔︎ no thanks @ ferrari! we like that the newest golden boy of the family i winning :) → judebellingham ✔︎ oh! → ardaguler ✔︎ :( → lukamodric10 ✔︎ since when was there a new golden boy?!
username33 DU DU DU DU 🔥 🗣️🔥 🦁 MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏎️🔥 🗣️
username34 it’s them against the world
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f1 Max Verstappen and his #1 Fan! 👫❤️
tagged ; maxverstappen1 & y/n_l/nmadrid
landonorris ✔︎ okay maybe i am sad and single
→ ameliadimz ✔︎ ??? i’m right here 🙄 → landonorris ✔︎ your right my bad 🫶
judebellingham ✔︎ …fine i’ll let this relationship slide.
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ am i bellingham approved?? 😮 → judebellingham ✔︎ don’t get your hopes up mate. i’m doing it for her not you 😑 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ jude 🥹🥹
lukamodric10 ✔︎ ti razbiti ona srce, odrezat ću ti kurac.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ yes sir.
→ username35 ✔︎ HELLO???
→ username35 ✔︎ LUKA??
→ rodrygo ✔︎ i don’t know much croatian but i know that is not good.
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cro: ti razbiti ona srce, odrezat ću ti kurac.
eng: you break her heart, i’ll cut your dick off.
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seventeenpins · 11 months
bad girl
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
word count: 4.1k
summary: you're staying in your hometown for a couple of months with your mom and relatively new stepdad. he walks in on you masturbating, and is surprised at the sort of porn you've been watching. no outbreak. very smutty. 18+
warnings: ooh god where to begin??, reader is kind of a detached menace but in a fun way?, masturbation, porn watching, infidelity, choking, pussy slapping, pussy eating, unsafe piv, dirty talk, big dick, daddy kink, bit of breeding kink, age difference (unspecified, but reader is late 20s, joel mid-40s or whatever you like really), begging, slight dom/sub vibes, readers mum is a ho, somewhat degrading language (probably other warnings????)
a/n: honestly don't know what happened here. one minute i was working on what i intended to be a lil daddy kink drabble and then it turned into a whole other beast. also--i'm a recently out nb person but feel most of my writing has focused on fem readers. any nbs out there who'd want smut more tailored to us??? doesn't come up in this fic, but in my heart joel miller is bisexual and would make for some gr8 gender play ahhhh
you had only met your stepdad twice before he married your mom, and only a couple of times since, and you could never quite get a read on him. he seemed quiet and gruff. upsettingly hot with his salt and pepper hair, and his biceps, and his little bit of tummy, but seemingly entirely unattainable (how your mom pulled him, you'll never know). your mom didn't have the greatest track record as far as not cheating on her husbands, and you didn't know how much or how little he knew about her past, but you were incredibly curious how long this one'd last.
he's polite. enigmatic. a man of few words. he had two kids, who you hadn't actually met yet, but they were a few years younger than you and away at college--one daughter from a previous marriage, the other adopted when he was a single dad.
you'd only been staying here for a couple of weeks, usually only home for two months out of the year to do some freelance work and catch up with friends, but since your mom got remarried (again) you're adjusting to the new dynamic. you didn't have the best relationship with your mom, but you didn't argue. didn't fight. didn't have enough interest or passion to try and make her angry. you had a mutual understanding--you'd stay here for a couple months of the year, rent-free, and you wouldn't get into it with her about how her four husbands and a dozen boyfriends in between them in the nearly thirty years you'd been alive had simply made you impassive towards most men, knowing they'd never be able to stick around, and instead you took what you wanted and then ditched them before they could ditch you. to say you had daddy issues was just the tip of the iceberg.
there's only been one family dinner night since you've been back, but calling it awkward was an understatement. you were sat in almost total silence, as your mom scrolls on her phone and joel scoops up some mashed potatoes and slaps them onto his plate.
"so, uh-," he begins, clearly not sure how to start a conversation, "how's your work been going? guessing it's pretty slow these months since you're able to take the time away? your freelance stuff going well?"
"sure," you agree, "it does get slow this time of year. freelance has been good. got a couple of projects i'm enjoying working on."
there's another silence.
"your momma said you'd been dating someone you met at your work? how's that been going?"
you laughed, thinking back to one of the only guys you'd mentioned to your mother, less out of a closeness to him and more because you wanted your mom to get off your case, "honestly, that ended a while ago. he was a pretty terrible lay."
joel clearly wasn't expecting that, and you smirked at him as he choked on the beer he was sipping, coughing and trying to cover up any spittle. your mom gently pats him on the back, still staring at her phone, not even listening. typical.
not sure how to follow this up, joel just shrugs and puts on a stoic face. "sorry to hear about that, sweetheart. what a shame."
you'd be lying if you said that didn't make your heart flutter just a little.
you've attuned to the general framework of home again. you've noticed a few other things, too. first, your stepdad seems to be taking a whole lot of evening shifts. second, your mom seems to be out when he's out, too, but always manages to slip in just before he gets home. finally, if there's one thing you know about joel, it's that if he's working an evening shift, you can pretty much guarantee that he's gonna be at least an hour later coming home than he says he'll be. more often than not, two. you've been here for sixteen days, and in the eleven days he's worked late, he's been late late. and this morning, joel said he wouldn't be home till at least 9pm.
it's only 5pm, so you think absolutely nothing of it when you pull up your favorite porn site, careless about keeping your bedroom door closed.
sometimes it takes you a long time to decide on what porn to watch. sometimes you want the release, and just need something that'll get you there quick. and then there are some days where you know exactly what you want. you know exactly how you want it, and you know just where to find it.
you've got an incognito browser up as you scroll through the page till you find the section you're looking for. click open a couple of videos in separate tabs. skip the ads.
place the laptop beside you, choose one to start with, and watch as the scene unfolds.
you need this. it's only been a couple of weeks since you've gotten laid, but you and your most recent fuck buddy have more or less broken up and you are extraordinarily horny, with no outlet besides your hand (and, technically, your trusty magic wand, but you forgot to bring your charging cable and she's only got so much life in her).
you focus on the scene, slowly dragging your fingers along your pussy lips, your other hand pinching and twisting at a nipple. you listen to the moans on screen as you tease yourself, dipping a finger into your tight, wet heat, and then adding another. the friction begins to build, and the pressure you're putting on your clit is just right.
"fuck", you let out a breathless moan as you start finger fucking yourself in earnest. your hips are stuttering and you feel it building so deliciously and you absolutely don't hear the knock on your door and the slight clear of a throat.
and then you register it, a couple of moments later.
you look up from your laptop screen and towards your door and you see your stepdad, cup of coffee in hand, and he's staring at you with an expression you can't parse, one eyebrow raised.
you buffer, taking a moment more for you to react to him, and you manage it in the worst possible way.
"fuck!!" you shout, slamming the laptop shut and practically flinging it away from you, pulling your hand from under the sheets and not-so-subtly wiping your slick on your duvet, and pulling your top back down over your tits. it's all done in a split second, and it was neither low-key nor quiet. you know your face is growing more flushed by the moment, and you can swear joel is actually smirking.
you stare each other down before you finally speak, "what are you doing home so early?"
"i live here," joel shrugs, takes a sip of the coffee, and then realises he might sound like a bit of a dick. "just- uh. just found out some... shitty news. decided to take the day off."
you almost forget the situation, quick to voice your worry--"are you okay joel? what's going on?"
he snorts. opens his mouth and closes it, as if he's decided better of it, and then opens it again. "just found out your mom's been stepping out on me. well. thought it was true for a while, but my brother just saw her with some guy. guess that's all the confirmation i need." he laughs, wryly, and his smile is dangerous.
"well shit," you say. it doesn't surprise you in the least, but you're not sure if it'd be better or worse to acknowledge that, and then you immediately remember your newest stepfather just caught you masturbating and you're deeply self conscious again.
"i'm really sorry, joel, but you've clearly-" you clear your throat, "caught me at a bad time. is there something i can help you with?"
he looks you up and down for a moment, and you can swear he's looking at your mouth for a second longer than you'd expect.
"well," he says, "i'd come up to see if you wanted anything for dinner. i was gonna order takeout."
there's a long pause.
"but now i'm curious about what i interrupted."
your eyes widen.
"let me see your computer. i wanna know what you were watching that you're so embarrassed of."
you immediately grab your laptop close to you and shake your head. this is something joel cannot see. "absolutely fuckin not," you tell him, and his smile gets sharper.
"i wasn't askin', sweetheart."
there's something dangerous about him now, and even though it frightens you, it's somehow exciting, too. commanding. persuasive.
he puts his mug down, and you barely think about what you're doing when you hand him the laptop, type in the password, and turn it around towards him.
you can't bare to look at the screen at the same time as him. it's fucked up and weird and he'd have every reason to avoid you forever after this, but there's a small (but persuasive) part of you that's telling you that this is a line he's willingly crossing, and there's a charge beneath it, and maybe you could get from him exactly what you want.
you study his face as he scrolls down the page. you hear him click, but no sound starts playing--he must be looking at the other tabs.
his eyes widen, and you can hear your heartbeat pounding as you watch his face.
you want him to say something. you need him to say something.
he hits play on one of the videos and the room is immediately fills with the sounds of slick flesh and moans and cries of "oh, daddy, oh daddy please--"
it's only then that he looks at you.
"well aren't you a filthy girl, hmm?" joel ridicules, "and don't think i don't notice the trend with these little videos of yours."
it's humiliating. you almost expect to die out of embarrassment right on the spot.
"look at some of these titles," joel continues, "stepdaughter gets fingerfucked by stepdaddy, stepdaughter's pussy pumped with daddy's cum ASMR, jesus christ girl-" he laughs, incredulous, "letting my stepdaddy breed my little hole".
joel's staring you down and you still haven't said anything, and that just won't do.
"these the usual kinda thing you like to touch yourself to? or is this a new subject now that you're home, spending time around your stepdaddy?"
"i-" you start, "i don't know, i-"
it's not an act, you're pretty fuckin frazzled, practically cocooning yourself in your covers and you shrink back in shame, and this seems to amuse joel to no end
"how's this, sweet girl," he says, and you realise he's been getting closer and closer to you and now he's seated only inches from your bare legs and pussy, still covered up with your blankets, "you tell me to stop, and i'll leave this room right now and close the door and we can pretend i never saw anything here-"
"no!" you cry out, and then slap a hand over your mouth, eyes wide at yourself while joel starts to chuckle.
"or," he continues, "you can let your stepdaddy make you feel real good."
"yes-" you cry, and not a moment later, the blankets are being pulled back and he's stroking two thick fingers along your cunt.
"there's a good girl," he says, and actually groans as he dips into you, collecting your slick, "so fucking wet for me. it is me you've been thinking about, ain't it?" he asks.
"yes joel," you say, because it's the fucking truth. you've been thinking about him nonstop for a while now, thinking about how his muscled arms look in those stupid threadbare t-shirts, thinking about the sigh he makes when he's had his first sip of a cold beer, thinking about the silver of his hair, the brown of his eyes, and the mere idea of what his cock might taste like. "i've wanted you to fuck me since i first met you."
he lets out a fuckin growl and presses his fingers into you. "such a cute little pussy, already dripping for me, huh?" he moans, and it's two digits pressing into you, but you've been working yourself up for a little while now and you're already swollen and wet and they slip right in. he finger fucks you for a moment before turning back to the laptop.
"which one's your favorite?" he nods at your screen, "which one do you watch and wish it was happening to you?"
you swallow and click back to another tab.
"letting my stepdaddy breed my little hole?", he snorts, "you really are a dirty girl, aren't you? get up off the bed." he commands.
you obey, standing up and kicking off the panties still around your ankles.
"and take that top off," he commands, and you do, pulling your top up over your tits and melting at the sound of his groan at seeing you bare for him.
he sits down on the bed with his legs spread, jeans still on. "you come sit here by daddy's lap," he says, and you do, sitting in between his thighs, inching back ever so slightly until you could feel his hard cock straining against his pants.
he runs his fingertips down your body, down your breasts and torso, dipping into your bellybutton, before drawing little circles on your hips.
'hit play," he says, and you grab the laptop next to you and resume the video.
he copies the video, rubbing one hand along your pussy and the other holding your thighs open.
"that's it," he coaxes, "keep those legs open for me, yeah?"
you're about to agree, when he starts stroking little circles around your already stimulated clit and the ability to speak leaves you. all you can do is focus on trying to keep your legs open, but your thighs are already almost quivering and he only chuckles.
"barely even touched you and you're already stupid."
you tried to nod and let out a sad whimper, tipping your head back and resting on his shoulder. he keeps his thumb pressed on your clit while he pumps his middle and index fingers in and out of you. it's so wonderfully, deliciously wrong. it feels addictive.
"you're doing so good, sweetheart, fucking on daddy's fingers like that," he praises, and it sends another spark of electricity building in your centre. encouraged, you start rocking your hips towards him, meeting each thrust of his fingers. "ready for another one?" he asks, and you nod vigorously.
he takes a moment to hold open your pussy and lean over you to look at it, stroking his fingertips along the outer lips, gathering some of your arousal, and prodding back your hood to get a little direct contact with your clit that leaves you writhing and gasping. he's smirking again, and presses a third finger into you. he curls them upwards, fucking the digits into you so nicely, and you enjoy the sensation as your arousal builds and builds and builds and-- as you come, you white out for just a moment, and as you come back into reality you can hear him speaking to you, "oh you're clenching so tight on my fingers, messy girl, look how you're dripping so nice down my fuckin' wrist. you're a nasty little slut, just like your momma huh? but i know you're gonna be a good girl for daddy, ain't ya?"
you continue to grind on his hand as his fingers stay buried in you, as you ride out the rest of your orgasm. only when you still does joel pull his fingers out of you.
as if hypnotised, he examines the arousal coating them. then, quick as anything, he pops his fingers in his mouth and sucks off your slick, immediately looking sheepish as though this was the only line he'd just crossed.
as quickly as he had become shy, he switched back to overt confidence. "y'just taste so good, sweetheart," he says, and then starts stroking your pussy again. "you're gonna let me have a proper taste, aren't you honey?"
you nod helplessly. it's so fucking good, it's too fucking good.
he scoots out from behind you and you buckle a little, toppling back onto the space he left. he's in front of you now and presses your thighs apart again, dropping to his knees on front of the bed's edge. he runs his tongue up your inner thigh, chuckling at your whimpers as he bites and nips at the sensitive skin. he takes a tentative lick, drawing his tongue towards your clit, circling it gently, and then dipping back before pulling off you for a moment.
"y'taste so fucking nice," he breathes, and his exhale on your slick pussy is exquisite. "i could just drink you up."
he presses the hood of your clit back once more, leaving his thumb there, applying perfect pressure as he flicks his tongue directly on that bundle of nerve endings and you feel like you're on fire.
"fuck, joel, yes-" you cry out, but he pulls back and shushes you.
"shhh," he says, "you don't call me joel right now, baby."
"i don't-?" you say, taken aback by the sudden lack of contact. then it clicks. "daddy-"
he smirks, "that's a good girl, sweetheart. wasn't too hard, now, was it?"
"no, daddy," you agree, and he's already diving back in, pressing his tongue into you in long strokes, letting you grind against his nose, his lips, the scratch of his cheeks, every movement he's making is so fucking perfect.
as he devours you, he presses his fingers into you again, and then you can't help yourself. you rut up on him, totally unable to practice anything resembling self restraint. in between strokes of his tongue, he pulls back and tells you, "i'm gonna need at least one more from you, baby, before you even get to think about sitting on this cock."
you let out a crazed whine, feeling joel's chuckle as he dives back in, eating your pussy like he was made to do only that.
he continues to build you up and up and without warning, you reach your peak again and come all over his face, your wet pussy drenching him and he closes his eyes and eats you through it like a man starved.
"fuck, baby," he says, "you taste so damn good, i could do that all day long."
you're splayed out, totally bare, the slick on your thighs cooling with the lack of contact. joel's looking you up and down, admiring your flushed body as he starts to undo his belt and drop his pants, your stomach flipping at the soft thunk of his belt hitting the floor.
you could feel, through his jeans, that his cock wasn't small, but you sure as fuck didn't anticipate just how thick and heavy it would hang between his wonderfully muscled thighs.
"you'd better get over here and fuck me, old man," you tease, and he snorts, before pulling you towards him by your ankles and landing a smack on your bare pussy.
"watch your manners, girl," he sneers.
"fuck!" you cry as you ride out the sensation, and he moves to slap you again, but your thighs are so slick his hand slips when he makes contact and accidentally presses you just right on your overstimulated clit, and to the surprise of both of you, you come again instantly.
he watches you, wide eyed, as you scream and your pussy clenches around nothing.
"you're just too easy, sweetheart," he laughs, "can't believe that little boyfriend of yours was such a bad lay when you're so goddamn easy. barely have to touch you and you're coming again and again for me."
"he'd just put it in, give it a couple thrusts, groan, and roll over," you snorted, loving the way joel's jaw clenches at your words, "besides, i prefer an older man."
"that's a damn shame, honey," he growls, "but i'm sure we can get ya taken care of."
you both realise at the same time that the video is still playing, as some particularly loud moans come through the speaker. you look over, and you swear you can see joel's eyes dilate as he watches.
that's a good girl, the man in the video croons, taking all of daddy's dick. wanna breed you full of me, fill you full of daddy's cum, you'd like that, huh?
you swallow and look back at joel. he looks ravenous.
"you love watching such dirty shit, don't you, baby?" joel asks, and starts teasingly rubbing your swollen clit again with his forefinger.
"yes daddy, please-" you agree, trying to chase the sensation, "please, i need your cock daddy, fill me up just like that-"
he lines himself up, notching the head of his thick cock at your entrance, and you're practically vibrating with need. it's not a want, it really is a need, if you don't have his cock right now you're probably gonna die and you need it you need it you need it so fucking badly
he laughs, and you realise you said all of that aloud, but you don't even have the capacity to feel truly shameful right now, you just need to feel him.
"c'mon, jo- daddy," you whine, "gotta feel you-"
"uh-uh, sweet thing," he chides, "i think you need to beg for it. you've got no manners, and knowing it's your momma who raised you it's pretty clear why, but you need to learn how to be a good girl. daddy's gonna teach you how to behave right here and now. got it?"
you let out a sharp exhale. "yes daddy."
"now beg."
two words shouldn't have such an ability to wreck you, but they do, and before you know it, you're rubbing your drooling pussy up against his cock head, rutting against him, begging and pleading-
"please, daddy, please fuck this wet pussy, you know how wrecked you've made me, turned me on so good, made me drip for you, made me come again and again on your fingers, i just wanna make you feel good, wanna take that cock, take everything you have to give, fuck me hard and fast and please, daddy, please--"
he cups your chin for just a moment, stroking a thumb along your jawline.
"that's better," he soothes, "what a good girl," and then he's slamming into you.
good fucking god he's huge, and you can swear you can feel every ridge, every vein, the swell of his shaft, the notch of his head, he's stretching you out deliciously.
you tilt your head back, leaving your throat bare, and let out a rough plea of, "choke me, daddy," and he doesn't need to be told twice, wrapping his hand around your neck and putting pressure in exactly the right spot. you can already feel the haziness building, and his thrusts keep coming fast and deep and you can feel the head of his cock brushing against your cervix.
"jesus christ, girl," he whines, and his thrusts start to falter a little, "you're gonna be the death of me. letting daddy use this nice little pussy just so he can feel good-"
his words begin to tip you over, and you know what you want-
"come inside me, daddy," you choke through the pressure around your throat, "fill me up, make yourself feel good, give it all to me-"
that does him in, and he lets out a strangled moan, coming inside you right as you come one last time, walls clenching tightly around his throbbing cock.
he releases your throat, and you both lay there for a minute, both totally fucked out.
after a minute, joel gingerly pulls out of you and lets out a weary groan.
"gonna be the death of me, woman," he snorts, and walks to your bathroom to clean himself up. he comes back a minute later with a cloth. you're expecting him to wipe you up, but first, he takes a moment to examine the cum that's dripping out of you.
"look so pretty like this, sweetheart," he smiles, presses his cum back into you, and then wipes down your slick thighs with the cloth.
"shit, joel-" you say, "who'd have thought you had that in you, old man?"
he rolls his eyes but he's still smiling, and then you sit together for a minute in comfortable silence. joel stands up after a while and grabs his coffee mug. takes a sip that you know must be cold by now, but he seems unbothered.
before he can leave, you stop him. "so-" you ask, "is this a one time thing, or?"
he shrugs, seemingly indifferent. "no reason i need to let your momma know what i know yet. and i reckon there's a lot more fun we can have before that happens."
you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, and your shoulders relax.
"good." you say, and joel smiles.
"good," he repeats. "now, i know i've worked up quite an appetite and i'm guessing you might have, too. you pick the takeout, i'll go pick it up."
"thanks, joel." you smile, and you're already thinking of the next time as you scroll takeout options on your phone.
that's it. you're fucking addicted, and goddamn you can't wait for your next hit.
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call-memissbrightside · 6 months
As a single parent, you worked overtime to make sure your son had a great Christmas… toys, clothes, all a good mixture of needs and wants.
The warm mug of much needed coffee was cuffed in your hand as you pretended to be at awe of all the presents Katsuma unwrapped.
His excitement made up for being woken up so early, a sleepy smile on your face as you watched Katsuma thank you over and over again for all the things you got him.
Christmas was usually a quiet thing in your household, Katsuma would unwrap all his presents, you’d unwrap whatever craft he made you in class, then the two of you would cuddle on the couch to watch Christmas cartoons. Katsuma would fall back asleep tucked into your side, and Christmas would be over.
You hadn’t thought of what Christmas would be now that Katsuma had his father in his life.
A text from Katsuki in the early morning hours explained how he’d be a bit late coming over, something about a bank heist?
Right when Katsuma opened his last present did the doorbell ring, both of you perking up.
“It’s Daddy!” Katsuma’s excitement spiked, and he tumbled over all his toys and wrapping paper scattered across the floor to open the door.
“Ho ho ho brat!” Katsuki’s voice boomed, heavy boots from his hero costume mimicking the jolly man’s costume.
You explained to Katsuki that he shouldn’t go overboard with presents, Katsuma really didn’t need a swimming pool nor an electric car because he was just five, so you really thought he’d simmer it down when it came to gifting presents.
You were dead wrong.
“It’s a puppy!” Katsuma jumped around as his father carried in a small puppy in his arms, you noted how he must of just came back from a mission due to the fact that he had scratches and a rising bruise forming on his face. Nonetheless, your ex looked just as happy, carefully handing over the pup to Katsuma.
“A dog?” You were going to kill him.
Katsuma begged for a dog or any pet every year, but you just couldn’t do it. You worked all the time and lived in an apartment, plus all the responsibility would fall to you because Katsuma was five.
Katsuki had his famous smirk on his face, red eyes taking in your disbelief.
“Yea,” he said nonchalantly. “It’ll live with me, but can come visit when I come over.”
Relief made you fall back against your couch, visions of chasing around a teething puppy evaporating as quick as they formed.
Katsuma forgot all his other presents, now all his attention was on the small puppy.
“Mommy hold it!” He shoved the poor puppy in your lap.
Sensing you weren’t as excited as Katsuma, it curled up in your lap and fell asleep once you started petting his head as your son quickly excused himself to go, quote, “take a leak!”
Laughing, you looked at Katsuki. “You’re rubbing off on him.”
Katsuki snickered, collapsing next to you on the couch, clearly tired but still reached out to stroke the puppy on its head.
“Damn right, he’s my kid.” Katsuki smiled.
He truthfully hadn’t been this excited for Christmas in years, and seeing his sons reaction to his present made up for the fact that he had to fight off some lousy villains in the morning.
“A puppy? You trying to make me look bad?” You joked, still in disbelief that Katsuki ‘won’ Christmas. Not that it mattered, but you knew when Katsuma was asked what he got for the holiday, he’ll bring up the puppy rather then all the other toys you got him.
Katsuki tipped his head back to laugh.
“It’s my first Christmas with him,” he shrugged. “I wanted it to be memorable.”
Katsuki took something out of his pants, before handing you a small box.
“Oh Katsuki, you didn’t have to—,” you were quickly cut off.
“Just open it woman, sheez,” katsuki rolled his eyes.
Opening the box, you gasped, inside was a beautiful necklace with Katsuma’s birthstone and a small ‘k’ dangling next to it.
“So you’ll always have him with you, even when the brats at my house playing with my awesome present.” Katsuki knocked your shoulder with his.
You were touched by the sentiment, and the necklace was beautiful. It was thoughtful, and sweet, but you had something up your sleeve.
“Box on the left, it’s yours.”
Katsuki groaned as he got up to retrieve it, but returned to sitting next to you.
“Katsuma? Are you okay?” You called out to your little boy, slightly worried he was taking some time in the bathroom.
“I’s okay mommy!” His little voice called out. “I got a big dump!”
You and Katsuki both laugh, and the hero opens up his present.
It was a photo album of Katsuma over the years, you smiled fondly of all the photos you remember taking of your baby as Katsuki looked at every page. The last four pages had recent pictures of Katsuki with his son, some sly photos you took when they were together.
“I’m always going to be sorry I held Katsuma from you when he was born,” you explained, the similar guilt weighing heavily on your chest. “But,” you jutted your chin to the photo of Katsuki helping Katsuma ride his bike, “I hope we can make more memories together.”
Katsuki was silent. You worried for a moment you did something wrong when he didn’t say anything. Then—
The puppy barked unhappily from being startled when Katsuki hugged you tightly to his chest.
“Thank you,” he mumbled against your forehead. “This is the best present ever.”
You smiled, eyes becoming teary.
“I guess I ultimately won Christmas,” you teased.
Katsuki barked out a laugh, letting you go and petting the puppy again lazily, flipping through the pages again of the scrap book.
“I guess I can live with taking second place.”
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mediumgayitalian · 22 days
“Psst, hey! Nico!”
Plink. Plink.
“Nico! You up?”
Plink plink plink. Plink —
“What in the world,” Nico hisses, yanking open his window, “is going — oh.” He blinks. “Will?”
Will grins. “Hi.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I was in the neighbourhood,” he says, voice not nearly quiet enough for someone who is at direct risk of being devoured. “Thought I’d drop by. Can I come in?”
If Nico were smart, he would say no, actually, it’s like four in the godsdamn morning, go the hell back to your cabin. What is wrong with you.
Instead, he says, “We live in the same neighbourhood, dweeb-face, this is a camp,” and opens his window all the way. Will grins at him, wide and glinting in the dark, and yanks himself in head-first, somersaulting onto the floor and staying there, sprawled on the polished marble floors.
“Hi,” he says again, grin shifting into something more crooked.
Nico breaks away, hiding a smile with rolled eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“It’s ridiculous to want to see you?”
“Before dawn? Yes!”
“Aw.” He settles against the ground, tucking his hands behind his head and letting half lidded eyes trace over Nico’s form, over the sleepy shape of him. Nico shivers. “I was awake, you know. I dreamt of you.”
Cool the fresh hell down, Nico screams at his brain. Out loud, he says, “Shut the fuck up,” and ignores Will’s snickering. How dare he, honestly. For someone who gets clowned as often as he does he is not nearly humble enough. Apollonian genes, indeed.
“What, you don’t dream of me?”
When Will lies, his throat swells up and he breaks out in hives. Nico is at the top of the leaderboard for getting the reaction out of him, with Cecil at a close second and Kayla no slouch in third place. Will is highly manipulable. It’s a good time for everyone around (even Chiron, who is, to his own irritation, lumbering behind at spot #42).
Nico, however, has no such holdups. Nor is he inclined, at any point in time, to fluff up Will’s ego, no matter how he looks when he’s cocky. Nico has self control. Mostly. (Well, at times.)
“Of course not. My subconscious would never do that to me.”
“You’re mean to me, di Angelo.”
“You like it.”
Nico watches, fascinated, as Will’s loudmouth snaps right shut; as his face burns sacred cow right in the low light of the cabin, as he squirms.
“Oh,” he says, gleefully.
“Can it, di Angelo —”
“Oh ho ho ho —”
“I’m gonna curse your ass with haiku disorder, do you know what that is, ‘cause I’ll show you, dickhead —”
Nico crouches down and pokes Will hard in the cheek, and he doesn’t even flinch — he just goes redder. Nico guffaws.
“Dude! Have some — dignity, oh my —”
“Shut up! Shut up! You’re so horrible, gods, I am leaving —”
“Oh, come here.” Will is dragged easily from the windowsill, because he is a big fat faker. There are actual claw marks on the infirmary door from the last time Austin brought Nyssa to drag him out.
“I don’t wanna stay where I’m unwanted,” he laments, bouncing on the bed when Nico shoves him. He takes the inch Nico gives him and burrows deeply under the blankets, throwing a melodramatic hand over his eyes. Nico rolls his own eyes, hoping if he rolls then hard enough Will can tell regardless of whether or not he’s looking, and crawls in after him. He makes sure to kick him at least thrice. “I can take a hint, you know.”
“Medical arts were the wrong career path for you. It’s not too late, you know. I’m sure you could shadow Nicholas Cage or something —”
“I am going to kill you with hammers —”
Nico evades gus clumsy attacks with ease, snickering as he pins him to the bed, smirking when he gives up fighting with a huff.
“I’m glad you came when you couldn’t sleep,” Nico says, after a moment for them to catch their breath. “But the point of that agreement is for you to then shut the fuck up and sleep. Here. So.”
“I’m trying,” Will grumbles. “But you’re being mean and it’s crushing my soul. How am I supposed to sleep with a crushed soul?”
“Oh my gods.”
“Okay, okay! Put the pillow away, jeez, I’m sorry. Meanie.”
Nico rolls his eyes again, settling down next to him. Will takes longer to settle, because he’s annoying, but right before Nico is ready to smack the shit out of him again, he calms down, burrowing stilling once he’s turned on his side.
“…Thank you.”
“Whatever, goober. Go to sleep.”
The smile is obvious in his voice. “Goodnight, Nico.”
“Goodnight, Will.”
“In the morning can we —”
“Goodnight, William.”
“Okay, okay. Night.” He pauses. “Love you.”
Nico shoved his grinning face into his pillow. “Love you too.”
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yxngbxkkie · 5 months
7 minutes in heaven (b.c)
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so, i found a forced proximity prompt list and decided that i want to dabble in a few of them. and, channie is the first one 🤭 i hope you guys like it! let me know what you think 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
“Jihyun, I told you I don't like these kinds of games,” you tell your roommate, trying to get her to stop dragging you.
She stops, and you almost run into her. “Oh come on, Y/N. It's our last year of college. You need to live a little,” she scolds you, narrowing her eyes.
“I can live a little. I don't have to play childish games in a frat house to live,” you remind her, not fond of how she's speaking to you.
“Just one round, and then we can leave,” Jihyun attempts to negotiate, squeezing your hand in hers. “Plus, Chan is playing.”
The tips of your ears start to turn red at the thought of Bang Chan, the president of this frat, Theta Kappa Phi. You've had the biggest crush on him since your sophomore year.
You press your lips together before glancing around. “One round, and I'm gone,” you tell her in a hushed whisper.
Your roommate claps her hands and continues leading you into one of the many bedrooms. Your heart pounds in your chest as you lower yourself onto the floor.
“It's a strange sight to see you, Y/N,” Chan greets you with a soft smile.
A shy chuckle leaves your lips as you nod your head. “It's strange to be here,” you giggle, tucking some hair behind your ear.
Chan chuckles and pats your leg. “Well, Jihyun talks about you a lot, so I'm glad that you could make it.”
Butterflies swarm around your stomach at his touch. Hyunjin runs in with an empty bottle before either of you can say anything else. The other drunk students around you cheer as the taller man sets the bottle in the middle of the circle.
“Who would like to start?” Hyunjin grins, holding his hands out.
“How about our wonderful President,” Felix suggests, smirking lightly.
Chan laughs, and he shakes his head. “I don't want to go first,” he mentions, his eyes dancing between his two buddies.
“Too late, spin old man,” Hyunjin laughs, lowering himself to the floor.
You watch Chan sigh and move to sit on his knees. His veiny hands grasp the clear bottle before he spins it fast. You don't realize you're holding your breath as you keep your eyes on the bottle.
No fucking way… You think to yourself when the bottle stops on you. You can feel your heartbeat pounding as his eyes meet yours.
Cheers and hollers echo off of the walls as you grow more and more embarrassed. Chan releases a sigh, standing to his feet before holding his hand out to you.
“Come on,” he whispers loud enough for you to hear.
You swallow thickly, reaching out to grab his hand. Chan pulls you off of the floor and leads you towards the hallway closet. He opens the door and allows you to go in first.
Clasping your hands together as you peek into the dimly lit closet. “Uhm,” you pause, tilting your head to look up at him. “Is now… is now a bad time to tell you I'm claustrophobic?”
“Shit, really?” He mutters, a frown settling in on his face. Chan starts to mumble incoherently, trying to figure out a solution.
You tuck your lip between your teeth and decide to do it anyway. “If we keep the light on, I'll be okay,” you reassure him, not wanting to miss out on this opportunity.
“Are you sure?” He asks while stroking your arms. “I don't want you to be uncomfortable.”
“With you, I'll be okay,” you end up blurring out.
Chan's frown turns into a smile, and he nods his head. “Okay. I'll go in first,” he says before stepping into the tiny closet.
You follow him, pressing your hand against his chest as he shuts the door. You can feel the palms of your hands beginning to sweat, and you start to fiddle with his shirt.
“You okay?” Chan whispers, bringing his hand up to move the hair out of your face.
“Mhm,” you hum, nodding your head slowly.
He brings one of his arms around your waist, tugging your body closer to his. You lift your head to look at him, hoping he can't feel how fast your heart's beating. His eyes stare into yours as his hand gently rubs your lower back.
The longer the two of you stare at each other, the more you notice the light freckles decorating his cheeks. Your gaze flickers between admiring his freckles and his dark eyes.
“I've never noticed your freckles before,” you whisper to him, lifting a hand to gently touch them. “It's cute.”
Chan giggles, dipping his head down. “You can see them?” He asks, bringing his free hand to his other cheek. “I haven't gotten much sun, so they're pretty light.”
“Mm, yeah,” you agree, dragging the tip of your finger to each one you find. “They're pretty light, but I can see them at this angle.”
“And, you think they're cute?” He asks, leaning his face closer to you.
You nod your head, not trusting your voice as the guy you've had a crush on for two years gets closer. Your eyes flutter shut when his nose brushes yours, your breath hitching.
“I'm going to kiss you, okay?” Chan mutters against your lips, your heart jumping at the light touch.
“Yeah… yeah,” you breathe out, releasing a deep breath.
He fully plants his lips on yours, and your grip on his shirt tightens. You're kissing your crush. He asked to kiss you. He's actually kissing you. The hand on his face glides to the back of his neck, threading your fingers through the ends of his hair.
“Shit, your lips are so soft,” Chan mumbles, pulling away from you.
Giggles leave your lips, finding yourself a blushing mess. He leans in to give you a quick kiss, a groan coming from him after.
“It's that great?” You ask with a laugh, your hand stroking his clothed pec.
“You have no idea,” he whispers before reattaching your lips.
A moan comes from you while sliding your other arm around his neck. You kiss him back with just as much passion, leaning on your toes to deepen it further.
Chan glides his hands down your waist, resting on the back of your thighs. “Jump for me,” he mutters, and you do as he says.
He holds you in his arms, pressing you against the wall behind you. Your ankles lock together, a little scared that he'll end up dropping you.
Pounding on the door snaps you from your little makeout session. Chan's lips find a place on your chest as Hyunjin calls from outside the closet.
“Time's up! Come on!” He laughs, pounding his fist against the wooden object again.
“Chan,” you giggle, tugging his head back by his hair. He groans, squeezing his eyes shut while keeping his plump lips parted. “We have to go.”
“Stay over?” He asks, gently setting you back onto your feet. “We can get breakfast in the morning.”
You bite your lip to stop yourself from giggling even more. This man… When he's like this, he's irresistible. You can't say no.
“I'll stay over on one condition,” you tell him, tapping the tip of his nose. He nods his head, motioning for you to continue. “When we get breakfast tomorrow, it's a date.”
Chan grins ear to ear, nodding his head vigorously. “Absolutely, deal. Seal it with a kiss,” he says before stealing one more kiss.
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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lipringlrh · 11 months
dirty streets | OP81
summary: oscar swears he doesn’t like you but still holds your hand. prompt from this list.
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader
an: please lmk how you find it :) i love oscar piastri!!!
word count: ~950
warnings: none, dark streets at night
feedback appreciated + requests open!!
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"Let's just clarify, I don't like you," Oscar said, staring at you.
It was late and you were walking down a main road, hand in hand. It was quiet, you two were the only people to be seen, except for the occasional car driving past.
"You're holding my hand," you replied pointedly. You were both staring at each other, eye to eye, almost as though you were challenging the other to say something.
"That's different," he argued, staring you up and down, focusing on his jacket that you were wearing and how good he thought it looked on you.
You pulled his attention back onto your face, questioning him more, "How so?"
"I- just- because it is," he insisted, not finding a reason. You looked at him doubtfully, silently questioning him again.
He turned away, focusing on the pavement. He squeezed your hand harder, pulling it towards him making you move closer.
"Such a good reason," you mumbled sarcastically, watching his eyes move further along the pavement, "such bullshit, Oscar. If you don't like me, don't act like you do."
You tried to let go of his hand but it didn't work. He was gripping you tighter and tighter every moment, making sure you couldn't let go.
Suddenly, he stopped walking, forcing you to be dragged back by his arm. He used his free hand to run over his face and through his hair, the other one pulling you closer.
"Shut up, just fucking kiss me."
He stood there, watching your reaction. He watched as nothing changed, you stood there in confusion, but only for a moment, then you were moving extremely quickly towards him.
You moved closer to him and grabbed his face, pulling it closer to you. Your body moved closer to his, his free hand subconsciously grabbed your waist. He was waiting on you to kiss him, for you to make the first move, but it never came. Instead you just stood there, letting your lips linger barely any distance away from his.
He moved your hand up to his neck before letting go and joining it with his other hand on your waist. His breathing was speeding up, you could feel it on you and there was no doubt he could feel yours on himself. Except you didn’t feel like you were breathing at all, like you were frozen in a moment you’d yearned for.
"Please- I-," he almost begged, "Please don't, just kiss me."
You pulled him in quite harshly but he didn't mind. Your lips met, brushing over each other impatiently, as though it was the thing you both needed most.
You ran your hands through his hair, tangling them at the root. Oscar's heart was racing: palpitating, all because of you. You both felt warm all over - a fuzzy feeling that you wish could last a lifetime - a sense of nervousness mixed with clarity that you were his and he was yours.
Oscar pulled away first, unwillingly. His lungs were clenching, gasping for more air that he wished he didn't need. He didn't stray far, there was still barely any distance between you both. You could feel his breath on your lower face and his chest move up and down under your arms.
His eyes were trained on your face, looking everywhere, trying to memorise every part of you. He wanted to kiss you again but this time to never stop - he thinks he'd be okay dying whilst kissing you, it might be better for him as he's sure they'd send him to heaven.
He pressed a tender kiss to your cheek before trailing wet kisses down your neck and into your shoulder. He kissed the crook of your neck before letting his head rest there. You could feel his breath begin to slow as he managed to catch it again. You kept your hands in his hair, beginning to scratch at his scalp.
"I feel like I've been waiting for that for a lifetime," he whispered, still hiding himself in your neck.
"Worth it, I hope," you lightly joked, turning your head to see if you could see his eyes. You couldn't but he seemed to noticed and moved his head back up to be face to face once again.
"Better than I ever imagined, pretty girl," he promised, tugging you closer to capture your lips in a brief, delicate hold.
"What does this mean for us, Oscar? Because you swore me you didn't like me a minute ago."
"I'm kissing you in the middle of a dirty street, how much more romantic of a love confession do you want?"
You couldn’t help but laugh, accidentally tugging on Oscar’s hair, making him groan slightly. He tried to hide it, and would’ve done it well if it wasn’t for the fact you were solely focused on him.
He ignored it, choosing to instead place a chaste kiss on your lips in an attempt to distract you.
"I do really like you though and I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you," he mumbled, lips barely away for yours, “I promise.”
You couldn’t help but be flustered by him but you didn’t fancy letting him know. You turned away and began to walk again. He grabbed your hand again, almost as if it’s second nature.
He laughed at your reaction and followed swiftly, never letting his eyes leaving your face.
“So is this hand holding still just friendly?” you joked, meeting his eyes.
He looked at you shockingly, even though he knew you were mostly joking, “do you want me to kiss you again?”
feedback appreciated + requests open!!! reblogs are appreciated so much
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summerssover · 2 months
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 ⊹ ִֶָ ❲ 𝘴𝘶𝘣!𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭❳
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘, in which matt and chris tag along with you and nick to go shopping but matt can’t take his eyes off you.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, sub!matt x dom!reader, matt x bfb!reader, matt x poc!reader
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒, suggestive content not really smut, language, kissing, dry humping
part 2!
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙮𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙨!
HEY LOVES sooo i went a lil mia sorry school started kicking my ass after spring break but i’m back active. YALL THAT PIC OF MATT AT THE TOP GOT ME FOAMING AT THE MOUTH LIKE WHY DOES HIS FACE LOOK LIKE A CHAIR😝 that’s my man yall, him and his fine ass brother trust!!!!
comment to be on taglist!!! (if your not on my taglist what the fuck are you doing ho go be somebody and join my taglist)
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you and nick you were looking for outfits to wear to a function you and the triplets were invited to on such short notice. nick forced you to ask matt to take you guys since ‘he would never tell you no’, and chris didn’t want to be alone which resulted in a field trip to the mall.
you would waltz around a variety of stores and boutiques, turning around to the boys to get their opinions on the clothing. the oldest and youngest brothers gave you genuine feedback, thinking about the vibe for the night and the possible outfit malfunction while matt could care less about what you wore.
okay maybe that was a lie, he was surely to loose his shit if it was something he disagreed with but his mind was so fogged with the way your clothes hugged your body that he was completely zoned out and he wasn’t fooling anyone.
you snap your fingers in front of matt to bring him out of the sort of daze he was in. “matt, where’s your head at baby?”
your words went straight to his dick. it wasn’t unusual for you to call him or anyone for that matter, baby. it was in your daily vocabulary, you just used it as a filler name for when you didn’t feel like using a person’s name. you never really meant anything by it and matt knew that but he would always let it get to him and he could feel his knees go wobbly now. “oh yeah, just so tired. what were you saying?”
nick was the main one to notice. like when you guys were walking from store to store, matt would be watching your ass while it jiggled with each step you took. he was in the process of licking his lips before nick gave his shoulder a shove. “could you have some fucking class, oh my god”
he rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing wether to feel embarrassed that he was caught staring at you by your best friend or ashamed by the fact that he was low key disrespecting you, literally undressing you with his eyes, not his proudest moment.
“can you even blame the kid?” chris laughed and nodded his head at matt then going to dap him up letting his brother know they had the same thing in mind.
nick rolled his eyes, “yall are insane”.
you weren’t too far ahead so you heard the whole interaction and to say you were flattered was an understatement. you’ve been plotting on matt for some time now, he’s always been so fine to you and he’d probably be yours by now if he wasn’t related to nick.
typical for you, looking for a quick outfit turned and to a shopping spree and you definitely over did it with the victoria’s secret stop but it was going to be so worth it later.
as of now everyone was getting ready in their rooms while you were making your way to matt’s with all your bags in hand. you weren’t entirely sure what you were doing but it’s was too late now. your fist connected with the door, knocking a good three times.
heavy feet could be heard getting closer to the door before revealing matt, topless with dark washed jeans on. his hair was damp and the stubble neatly dancing around his face, defining his jawline. his eyes were low and kinda glossy and his room smelt like a mixture of cologne and herb, it was a comforting smell.
looking up to him with your best pleading eyes, “matt could you help me pick an outfit?” he couldn’t bring himself to respond. he only widened the door allowing you to come him, not missing the chance to glance at your ass while he welcomed you into his room.
you plopped down on his bed and he followed after you.
“i narrowed it down to two choices but they both look so good and i need a second opinion”
matt paused for a moment trying to grasp what was happening right now but his mind was still blank so he just went along with it.
“great, you wanna’ turn around for me” you shifted to look matt in his eyes, searching for how is body reacts at her choice of words. he went wide and furrowed his brows, he was either flustered or confused, you just hoped you weren’t making him uncomfortable.
“oh in here, yeah yeah” matt stumbled over his words like a damn fool as he turned his back to face you. he’d finally have the girl he fantasized about in his room, undressing in his presence and he was selling so bad right now.
“okay, you can look now”
his mouth drops to the floor at an instant once the first outfit decorated your body. matt thought he really must not have paid an ounce of attention at the mall because he definitely didn’t see you pick this up and did not want you to wear it anywhere but this room.
you made your way over to his body length mirror to adjust all the fabric in all the right places. you called matt who was now cross the room, staring at you.
“matt will you come tighten these straps for me?”
matt sprung up from the bed and over to you. his taller body now stood close behind yours and gazed at you through the mirror as patiently you waited for him to nap back into reality.
“sorry, tighten what?”
“the straps of the top part, just pull them up for me baby” there sat a sly grin on your lips. you were having so much fun seeing him be so infatuated with you, like your were some sort of goddess. the only thing on your mind was his face buried between your legs, maintaining eye contact the whole time because he was too pretty not to. your pussy got even wetter just thinking about it, you needed him now.
as matt’s large hands went to your back, a set of chill went through spin. he took his sweet time adjusting the straps of your top only so he could look at you some more, up close and personal. you weren’t wearing your pasties, allowing your hardened nipples to be one display and due to your thick thighs the slit in the skirt appeared higher than intended but sat perfectly on your waist. he heard you let out a chuckle, making his eyes shoot back to your face.
“what’d you think”
you admired yourself in the mirror and ran your manicured hands all over your chest, stomach, thighs, then ass. the back of your hands had brushed over the tent in matt’s pants, bringing a groan from his lips.
looking back up to his eyes, only to find the he was already staring at you with hunger and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. it was like his body had a mind of its own. hands just twitching to be connected with your skin.
“you can touch, i don’t mind”
you said in your most inviting voice and brought his hand low on your waist. “the material is a little cheap right?”
matt didn’t even hear what you had said his hands traveled from waist to your thighs but before they could go from your thighs to your ass he stopped himself.
“fuck, sorry i shouldn’t touch you like that, im so sorry” he backed away feeling like a fucking creep, he couldn’t believe that he just let his wants take over him so easily, probably making you feel so uncomfortable.
“no baby, you’re good”
you pulled him behind you this time his chest connecting with your body, then placing his hands back to your waist where they belonged. “i never told you to stop...”
matt’s breathe hitched. he didn’t know where this was coming from but he loved every bit of it and now that he knew for sure that this is what you wanted he wasn’t passing the opportunity up. matt’s hands began to resume roaming around your clothed body as you gazed at each other.
“what do you like about it baby?”
he didn’t even have to think, everything just spilled out. “i really like the slit, makes your legs look nice” he rubbed up and down your inner thigh. “the gold buttons are nice too, i think gold compliments your skin really well” he began to undo each button on your corset until it fell off your body, showcasing your tits to him, his eyes widening at the piercings through your nipples, that was new. “i love all the detail, you look gorgeous” his hands glide up stomach, across your boobs, pulling them up with his hands and plopping them back in their position, then all the up to your neck with your head following to fully look up at him.
matt immediately smashed his lips into yours, starting the act of a heated make out session. he kissed you slowly and passionately, every kiss could be captured as your mouths moved in sync and only got deeper by the moment. matt lets a moan at the feeling of you pressing on his dick and before his hands falls to your hips, turning you to face him and lifting you up.
your wrapped your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck, pulling him back into the sensual kiss. your skirt was now bunched around the waist leaving matt’s hands to rest on your bare ass cheeks and nothing but a black thong keeping you from being completely exposed.
you and matt were currently on his bed with you straddling him as he littered hickeys throughout your neck and you grinned your hips together, both of you moaning and humming at the feeling.
a loud dang on the door caused you guys to jump apart, nearly giving you a heart attack.
“we’re ready matt, come on, your gonna’ make us fucking late if you don’t get your ass out of that room right now, have you seen y/n/n anywhere by the way” nick scolded to his brother, continuing to bang on his door.
matt cursed nick out in his head, biggest cockblocker goes to this bitch. “nah, i haven’t seen her, i’ll be out in a second though”
“no, you can jack off to y/n later, you sound like you’ve just ran a fucking 5k. we need you in the car now” nick dragged out the last part and you tried to cover your mouth, hiding your laugh at the fact that nick was on matt’s ass per usual.
he huffed and rolled his eyes, “shut the fuck up i’ll be out when im ready”
“kay well i’m not leaving till you are”
you and matt turned to each other for what to do next, neither of you knew, but nick was literally going to break the door down and there wasn’t any other way out of the room. you sighed to yourself. you were going to have to walk out of the room in front of your best friend with a hickey covered neck.
“do you have a scarf?” your hopeful eyes beamed up matt as you harshly talked under your breath.
matt threw his hands in the air, responding in a similar tone. “does it look like i own a scarf?”
“are you not from literal boston?”
matt started to get frustrated at the whole situation. all he wanted to do was blow your back out in the comfort of his own room and he can’t even do that. cupping his forehead, matt exclaimed, “what the fuck are you talking about?”
“well i don’t see you coming up with any ideas, we can’t just sit here all day like dumbasses” you got up from matt’s bed to retrieve your top from the floor. getting up as well, matt followed on your trail.
“i’m just gonna’ go out, it is what it is”
he let out another huff, feeling kinda bad for not being able to help you in this tricky situation. nick was never really the type of sibling to emphasize an all mighty rule of his siblings being off limits but it just felt wrong to not bring it up prior to events as this one. matt watched as you place your hand on the doorknob and grabbed you by the waist before you could twist the handle. “hey, i’ll make it up to you later alright?”
you looked at him for a moment before your tough exterior started to form into a small smile, he seemed genuine enough.
“yes you will”
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