#holy heck do i have to do this every time omg
galactic-rhea · 8 months
WDYM Anakin is Luke and Leia's dad
I dunno if this post will reach the Star Wars fandom but I hope it does because I'm sure you all will get a good laugh at me.
As of recent I have developed a good hiperfixation for Star Wars, the thing is I knew nothing. NOTHING about Star Wars besides the fact it had aliens and...a war...in space? And funny swords. And main character is Luke or something, I spent over 20 years ignoring anything about Star Wars and somehow missing most references out there.
And recently, literally less than a month ago I saw a gif and said to my partner "oh this guy this guy looks cool, this gif looks nice" and he said "Oh well, he's a good character." And it all developed into me watching Clone Wars, the animated series you know and...and I was kinda blown away, on my opinion the show IS GREAT. And I love every character and their interactions, I love how much they focus on side characters, and they all seem very well written. I got hiperfixated really fast and saw Anakin and I was like "Omg, babygirl. He's a blorbo now."
And because of the show, this was super unexpected, but somehow I also got, really got, into the ship with Padmé because omg, cool woman. Literal happy squeaky noises of someone who was in a bad state and needed some good ol' distraction and comfort.
Now, like I said I knew nothing about Star Wars as a whole. And I still haven't watched the movies, besides the ocassional gif?
So imagine my shock, my surprise, my...bewilderment when I realized.
"Wait a minute, LUKE IS ANAKIN'S SON?! HOLY-"
Ladies, gentleman, and others, I think I came very late to this party and I don't even know how it took me so long.
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Not only that, but because of this sudden love for the series, I went to my friends circle like "BESTIE, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A NEW BLROBO AND A NEW FAV SHIP AND EEEP"
And my friends are like "omg that's amazing, what is it?"
I tell them, and of course they all know these characters and they all react like they know this very bad secret fact and I got told several times already "Please, don't watch the episodes 2 and 3 alone, it will hurt."
I feel like blissfully walking among rainbows and blue skies while everyone else know that my future is doomed. Somehow.
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(Uncomfortable silence)
Not only that, but then I spent a whole deal of time thinking "Where the heck I have seen these guys" cus there was some fmailiarity I couldn't just point out and then one day I woke up, brushed my teeth and of all sudden I realized and it was such a shock.
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Do you know how SURREAL is to get very into a character, and into a ship, and then realize they're the same from that super widespread meme that has been around for who knows how much time?
I swear I thought that meme was from some old medieval fantasy movies or something.
But alas, Star Wars now is EVERYWHERE. People do references to Star Wars ALL THE TIME and it's just now I'm catching them.
I got spoilers. From a meme. In a youtube review that had nothing to do with Star Wars hah. Everything is a spoiler, the world is an apparent spoiler. Now I'm here, trying to avoid spoilers from something everyone seems to know, even my family knows. It's so surreal and I wouldn't have it any other way 😂
Anyways, if you read until here, know that a wild ride still waits me, cuz I'm only starting Season 3 of Clone Wars and I don't plan to watch the movies until I finish the series.
And yes, I made this blog just to ramble freely about SW and draw stuff because it sparked my inspiration after a long art block.
Have this doodle I drew after watching the two first episodes, my offering for you reaching this far.
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Note: Wouldn't Anakin and Padmé's ship name be Animé? Cuz that's hilarious.
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moooncats · 8 months
✿ Pick A Card ✿
✿ What Does Your Inner Child Think Of You? ✿
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✿ Pile 1 : Imagination , Chakra Clearing. ✿
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Wow! This Pile so far is one of my favorites right off the back. Like seriously I RARELY ever pull out this elusive card and right off the bat.... blam! Haha what incredible energy we have here. So I'm hearing that your inner child is so stinking happy of the person that you've become. They love how you revel in the wondrous, mysterious, most beauteous power of your imagination, and let it whisk you away on a right-brained roomp through all things nonsensical, Suess plays Wonka style. To them, you're an off road adventurer, playing in the upside- down, glow-in-the-dark woods of posibility. There is no "no" here. Only "whoa!". And "flow". And "Holy moly, here we go!". (Hmmm maybe there was something in your brownies? c; ). Your inner child feels heard from you and is attentively hanging out with you feeling affirmed by every journey you set out to. I'm hearing "Your the best friend I could ever ask for." Omg pile 1 this is so effing sweet like seriously, they think you're such a cool, magical person. They wouldn't have it any other way! (:
✿ Advice From Your Inner Child ✿
Chakra Cleansing: Archangel Metatron: "Call upon me to clear and open your chakra's, using sacred geometric shapes. Your inner child want's to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and not over extending your energy ♡. Please make sure to cleanse your aura every once in a while. You can take a bath with essential oils, sage/paulo santo's your body and area, or do a salt water cleanse in a lake or beach. The water can be very cleansing and healing. As a native from Hawaii the beach would be my go to cleanse preference. (✿◠‿◠) 🌊
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✿ Pile 2 : Open Heartedness , Prioritize ✿
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Wow pile 2 lemme give you a hug okay? 🫂 Seriously, you have been through some stuff. I'm picking up on heavy energy here. Your inner child is amazed at how unjaded you are. They have seen you go through some people who were absolute bummers. Did that experience make you salty in any way? Heck no. They see you as a strong warriror who always chooses to not let unhappy chapters make you into a monster. They appreciate that so much. If you let negative experiences turn you sour, then the jerks and bully's win. So you move on with an open and hopeful heart, if only because you hate losing to jerks. Pile 2 you are winners. 🏆💗 You kill people with kindness and don't let their bad energies mix in with your pure and thoughtful heart. Your inner child is so sweet, they tell me that they give you hugs and love that you are the person they have become. I'm hearing "We are misunderstood and not everyone will get us, but our hearts are always pure".
✿ Advice From Your Inner Child ✿
Prioritize: Archangel Metatron : "Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get orginized and motivated". Pile 2, your inner child is amazed at how many ideas that you get from time to time. However, they want you to manifest your thoughts from the 4D and materialize them into the 3D. Proper planning and prioritzing will help you with that. Take out a sheet of paper, and start writing your goals, plans, anything that has to do with your future. They want to make sure that you at least have them written, so you can start "scripting" your dream life. If you don't know what scripting is, it's a form of manifestation that helps you with your ideal dream life. Try it out, it's free and does wonders. Your inner child wants to help you realize your power. I'm hearing your quite popular in the dream realm, you may have astral traveled before or have been looking into it. This is your sign to continue on that path. Congratulations pile 2! This is so far the longest pile that I've done so far. So many messages! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ ♡
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✿ Pile 3 : Honouring Ideas , Clear Intentions ✿
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Interesting indeed. This pile I'm hearing unlike pile 2, you are the type to go for your goals. Your Inner child is quite impressed with you! They love how many silly, serious, & whack a doodle ideas you come up with! Lmao, I'm hearing a specific scenario for every event in your life. What an amazing brain you have. This is my pile who always has their head stuck in a book, ears listening to a podcast, and an head full of wonder and ideas. When an idea comes to you, you honor it by doing your best to bringing it into being. You are a master manifestor. Ideas to you, are like children, and you proudly nuture them, knowing they'll grow and develop, and eventually make their way out into the world without ever really acknowledging how much time/money/love you shelled out for them. This is my piles who may be entrepreneurs. Seriously keep that ish up, you are definitely trend setters! Your inner child loves how smart and buisness minded you are. They are definitely proud of the person that you are and have become. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ♡
✿ Advice From Your Inner Child ✿
Crystal Clear Intentions: Archangel Michael : "Be clear about what you desire, and focus on in with unwavering faith". Pile 3, I'm hearing that any idea you have will be brought into fruition. How lucky! The gods are definitely in your favor when in comes to Manifesting. Please do not stop dreaming, all your dreams will surely come true with the right intentions. 🌌☁️✨️
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nanowrimo · 11 months
Pro Tips from a NaNo Coach: How to Write a Clean(ish) Fast Draft
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NaNoWriMo can seem like a daunting task sometimes, for NaNo newbies and veterans alike. Fortunately, our NaNo Coaches are here to help guide you through November! Today, author Jesse Q. Sutanto is here to share her advice on how to set yourself up for noveling success:
Dear Nano-ers,
My first book took me three years to cobble together. During that time, I joined Absolute Write—a free writers forum which I completely love and recommend to all aspiring writers—and I made a friend who convinced me to try doing NaNoWriMo. I was completely unconvinced, but I am a people-pleaser and I can never say no, so I agreed to try it for my second novel.
My second novel took me less than a month to write. It was a complete mess, but it was also a revelation. Often, I felt myself falling into that writing Holy Grail—the hole which consumes you, makes you forget the rest of the world, and absorbs you completely in the world you are creating on paper. I loved the process deeply, and never looked back since. All of my subsequent books have since been written in a matter of months. 
And you know what? They were all a horrific mess. I did not learn how to do a clean and fast draft until my NINTH book, and I don’t think I would’ve ever learnt without the help of NaNoWriMo. So here are my tips on how to best tackle a sprint-a-thon like NaNo. 
1. Try to come up with a loose outline.
When I first started writing, I was a pure pantser. I had no idea what was going to happen before I sat down to write. This is a completely legit way of writing, but I have since learned that it is massively helpful to have an idea, even a vague one, of what you are trying to say with your book. What was really helpful for me was to sit down for just five minutes before writing each scene and try to envision what I wanted the scene to achieve. Once I had that in mind, the scene became much easier to write. 
2. Break down your writing time.
Ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? In order to hit 50,000 words a month, you need to write around 1,600 words a day. That is a heck of a lot of words to write! Break it down. Set 10 or 15-minute timers and use that to your advantage. Trust me, if you told me to sit down and write 1,600 words, I would be like, “Omg that’s too much!” But if you told me to just write for 15 minutes, that feels a lot more doable. 
3. Give yourself permission to write trash.
Before each writing session, I actually say out loud: “I am going to write trash.” And this gives me permission to write whatever comes to my mind without judgment. You can always edit later, but for now, focus on letting the words out on paper. 
4. Lean on others for support.
I made the mistake of thinking that writing is a lonely vocation. In fact, it is one of the most social things I could do. Social media, while a double-edged sword, has done so much for the writing community. I have found all of my close writer friends through social media, and I chat with them every day and consider them my close, lifelong friends. Don’t be afraid to reach out and make connections within the community. You are not alone. 
Jesse Q. Sutanto is the award-winning, bestselling author of Dial A for Aunties, Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, Well, That Was Unexpected, The Obsession, and Theo Tan and the Fox Spirit. The film rights to her women’s fiction, Dial A for Aunties, was bought by Netflix in a competitive bidding war, and the TV rights to Vera Wong was bought by Warner Bros, with Oprah and Mindy Kaling attached to produce. She has a master’s degree in creative writing from Oxford University, though she hasn’t found a way of saying that without sounding obnoxious.
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smicksstuff · 1 year
maman said: “the best people in life are the ones who loved you when you werent very lovable”. yn finally understood what that meant.
The PitBox Crew Series
Power, Beauty and Soul
(f1drivers x yngasly)
a/n: sorry for the long wait! hope you like it 😆
30 April 2023
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liked by lance_stroll, pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 892, 672 others
yngasly little miss watching cars go around in odd circles every weekend
view 802 comments
lance_stroll 🤍
pierregasly seeing you every week? what the heck did i sign up for !
yngasly no getting rid of me now 🤗
username2 how rich is this girl? she is at every race so far!!
yngaslyfans her brother races every week, she goes with him
username2 oh, where do i sign up to be gasly sibling too
yngaslyfans ive been asking the same questions
carlossainz55 chiquita why are you studying in baku?
yngasly because i have schoool 😭
landonorris so it wasnt an excuse when you said you were busy studying?
yngasly yes lando, it wasnt an excuse 😐
arthur_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
lancestrollfc lance comments hearts and he gets a feature in the post? hmmm is this our mystery girl?
lancelot i would love if she is
username4 lance can do better, no way his dad will approve of her.
astonmartinfc if she is the mystery girl, it will be the best couple on the grid.
norris4 im still rooting for her and lando tho! they are so cute tgt!!!
scuderiagasly yn studying during the race weekend? new studying aesthetic unlocked!
user5 @yngasly what are you studying?
yngasly im currently wrapping up my final year at the University of Buckingham. Im studying Marketing and Media Communications. All my classes are online, hence me being able to travel with my brother to races ! 👍🏼
user5 holy crap she actually replied!! thats so cool!! all the best for your final year!!
liked by yngasly and 202 others
scuderiagasly omg does that mean you are gonna work in paddock after you graduate??
yngasly 🤷🏼‍♀️
olliebearman paddock bestie 🧸
liked by yngasly and 8,930 others
arthur_leclerc hey dont steal my bestie
1 May 2023
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liked by scuderiagasly, yngaslyfc and 9,048 others
f1wags Have we cracked the case? Is our mystery Coachella girl from Lance Stroll's instagram story the one and only Yn Gasly?
Since the beginning of the season, Yn Gasly has been rumored to be linked with McLaren's Superstar Lando Norris or Ferrari's Star Boy Charles Leclerc. Since then, another hotshot driver was added to the mix; the Pride of Aston Martin F1 Team, Lance Stroll.
Since the Australian GP, Yn has been seen out and about Monaco with friends and family and she also attended Coachella in California bumping into Lewis Hamilton. Lance Stroll on the other hand was also spotted at Coachella after soft launching his girlfriend on Instagram Story. Right before, he was on a date night in Monaco.
The timelines match up, is Yn Gasly the new girlfriend of Lance Stroll? What are your thoughts?
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scuderiagasly TEAM LANCE
liked by 7,890 others
sirlancelot its definitely Lance! Maybe im being delulu but i really want them together!
lancestrollies Lance and Yn as a couple ??? They are gonna be so cute!!
strollygirls PLS BE TGT!
norris4 TEAM LANDO
liked by 7,624 others
landino Yn and Lando are literally carbon copies of each other!
norris4life match made in heaven
mookiesquad this is just giving me Best Friends Brother Vibes
liked by scottyjames31 and 890 others
strollyfamily OMG YES!
astonmartini is this confirmation that it is LANCE and we are not simply being delulu???
cowboyric if this is true and Lance is dating Yn, it wont be the first time Scotty leaked information about Lance!
2 May 2023
charles_leclerc and pierregasly added to their story
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9 May 2023
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liked by pierregasly, lance_stroll, danielricciardo and 927, 902 others
yngasly Miami Dreams 🌴❤️
view 9830 comments
pierregasly Best Hotlaps ever!!! 🏎️
yngasly NEVER AGAIN ! its like you wanted to kill me!!!
francisca.cgomes the look on your face when you came back 😂
yngasly it was the best and worst experience of my life
alpinef1team can we do it again but this time we record it 🥺
yngasly yes we can i will do it with esteban or jack not my brother.
frenchies OMG do hotlaps with YN and let all 3 drivers take turns
liked by jackdoohan, pierregasly and 8,902 others
maxverstappen1 i finally made to Yn's Race Weekend Recap!! 🏆
yngasly what are you talking about i have posted you here before
maxverstappen1 really? since when?
danielricciardo double trouble back in the paddock 👊🏼
yngasly they dont know whats coming for them
heidiberger_ yall are such kids
yngasly you love us too much
heidiberger_ thats also very true
lance_stroll missed having you in the garage! come back soon!
liked by 7901 others
yngasly definitely will be back soon 😙
sirlancelot 💚💚💚
lilymhe my wife ❤️‍🔥
liked by 788 others
yngasly loml ❤️‍🔥
alex_albon im right here guys 👀
10 May 2023
chloestroll and heidiberger_ added to their story
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14 May 2023
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liked by chloestroll, scottyjames31, lance_stroll and 1, 902, 587 others
yngasly F1 Royal Wedding of the century ❤️
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pierregasly Bellissimo ❤️ congrats scotty and chloe !!
liked by scottyjames31 and 728 others
lance_stroll ❤️
liked by 1,463 others
landonorris looking good bestie!!! 🤍
liked by yngasly and 578 others
liked by scottyjames31 and 7,234 others
danielricciardo who took those pictures??? they are amazing
yngasly the wedding photographer was amazing
lance_stroll 100% committed to the job. made sure to capture every moment, even in the bathrooms
danielricciardo hey its an in-thing to take mirror selfies in the toilet
lance_stroll true, got to admit that was the best picture
riccc3 can someone pls post the mirror selfie
chloestroll maid of honour understood the assignment!
scottyjames31 when i got married i never thought that i would have to take care of a kid as well
yngasly chloe is pregnant????????? CHLOEEEE???
yngasly oh my bad,, hehe yea we are a package deal 😙
chloestroll @scottyjames31 we discussed this babe, my mini me is always included
scottyjames31 geez okay! go hang out with your racer boyfriend mini me! its my honeymoon time 😎
yngasly what racer boyfriend?
pierregasly @scottyjames31 3...2...1... SCOTTY REALISES THIS IS YOUR MAIN
scottyjames31 fuck me! not again!! 😩😳
sirlancee racer boyfriend???? which one ?
16 May 2023
Venice, Italy
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liked by yngasly, pierregasly, landonorris and 2,494,933 others
lance_stroll Us? I like the sound of that ❤️
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yngasly mon amore ❤️
liked by lance_stroll and 9,028 others
pierregasly if anything happens you know whats coming
lance_stroll yes ofcourse!
yngaslyfc am i the only one dying to know what the pep talk was ?
scuderiagasly pls i wanna know too!
charles_leclerc she may be yours but she will still wear ferrari 👍🏼
pierregasly HEY WHAT
landonorris WHO AGREED TO THAT?
carlossainz55 ferrari 55 merch 👍🏽 🌶️
lance_stroll 99% Aston Martin 1% the rest of you 😎
yngasly maybe i like motogp now 🏍️
chloestroll MY BEST FRIEND AND MY BROTHER !!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
liked by yngasly, lance_stroll and 1,383 others
sirlancee i just wanna know chloe's reaction to this
yngasly stuck with me forever now ♾️
chloestroll im not complaining! i love this ❤️
scottyjames31 you are welcome ?
lance_stroll thin ice scotty 🧊
scottyjames31 you still love me tho
lance_stroll we will see about that
gaslystroll scotty is an absolute matchmaker
ln4 and we all thought it was lando who couldnt keep a secret
teamlance THEY ARE SO CUTEE!!!!
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daniel3.jpg added to their story
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fulla02 @mehrmonga @myescapefromthislife @deviltsunoda @lithiscool @bat-shark-repellant @harrysdimple05 @majx00 @baw-sixteen
credits: all pictures found on pinterest and instagram.
a/n: thank you for reading this far!! if you have any suggestions send them to me! i would love to include them in the next chapter!!
if you would liked to be tagged in new chapters, comment your username below 👇😗
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bloopitynoot · 9 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 10
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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I am so stoked for this chapter! I've been really getting into the story to the point that I want to read multiple chapters per day (I COULD but I also want to be able to take notes- so I cannot realistically with the amount of hours in a day I have) BUT I will continue with one a day.
Normally I have hot drinks while reading, but I am dehydrated as fuck, so take this as your (mostly mine, but also your) reminder to drink some water.
Let's get into it!
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Wait! Like three seconds in and we are starting off strong! How can Sha Hualing control Shen Qingqiu??? p213
Holy shit, even in his new body he's being poisoned. I suppose, theoretically, if there is a person who never gets poisoned, there must be a person, statistically, who always get's poisoned. p214
Shen Qingqiu (probably): if I had a dime for every time I had demonic blood poisoning me I would have two, and that's not a lot, but fucked up it happened twice. LOL
also Shen Qingqiu (probably at this point): "and this is how I was abducted and then became a qi sex slave for a half demon cultivator" p214
Omg also, the fact that Sha Hualing tried to plant a fake SQQ to try and appease Luo Binghe. RIP to her this time for almost (accidentally) doing it again. no wonder Luo Binghe is so pissed! pp216-217
Oh god. SQQ probably doesn't die here but it would be equally terrible and funny if after all of this, second body and all, like less than 2 days in, Luo Binghe just accidentally destroys SQQ. immediate end of story p217
Well- the system is now fixed! p220
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and now shen qingqiu is wearing basically a veil, oh my. p222
(Okay unrelated but related to the veil, I desperately need some arranged marriage au's. I am so ready to read the heck out of this pairing when I'm done the books).
I have a sneaking suspicion that this man (SQQ) does a terrible job of hiding his identity. "he just had to be especially careful so Luo Binghe didn't discover that he'd pull off a great escape using the Son-Moon Dew Mushrooms". p222
He really needs a better name than peerless cucumber. LOL I can't every time he introduces himself. p223
oh no, baby Luo Binghe has been mourning this entire time. p224
You know what, I'm not even mad that Little Palace Mistress is in this awful state, she is a vile character that has not grown on me at all. p226
Yeah Shen Qingqiu he definitely did not end up with any of the women because he has been super mourning for you my guy. (not that he knows this because he is oblivious af) pp228-229
Oh. My. God. This man really thinks that Luo BInghe is asexual. I can't wait till he finds out. LOL p230
Oooo! Another dream realm sequence p231
oh and we have two SQQ's (again I need this fanfiction)
aaaaaah luo binghe has clocked the real SQQ p236
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Okay okay, he thinks this SQQ is part of the dream and does not know he is indeed the real deal. thank fuck for SQQ's sake I guess p236-237
Oop. now this guys is "yes and"ing Luo Binghe in the dream. Oh gosh I hope this ends alright. p237
The head pats! p238
OH MY GOD p239
DREAM REALM KISS??????!!!!!!!!!!!!! p239
(AHAHAAA his face in the art tho)
LOL the system p239
Bro just found out why Luo Binghe had no wives and is GOOPED. He really found out in the worst of ways for him ahahahahahahahah I am CACKLING p241
I truly don't know how these two end up together with SQQ not vibing at all. is it Stockholm syndrome? like I genuinely do not know how SQQ ends up realizing his emotions for this man.
SQQ is literally saved by the bell in this one. p242
Liu Qingge is here?!?!? has he been trying to avenge SQQ this entire time? p243
Ah, Fuck!
We have a kiss, we have a SQQ now trying to be sneaky, I honestly don't know how this man is going to stay hidden- if at all.
And next chapter we have a showdown ?!?!?!?
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penguinlop · 1 year
Holy heck. I read your piece and I just had to comment. Your Yandere Alhaitham piece is so good! Your word choices are exquisite, and your descriptions are amazingly detailed. I fell hook, line, and sinker into the story. And the twist at the end was so well executed. I saw it coming and it was so satifying to read, even if I did feel bad for poor reader.
As I read that ending, I did wonder if in some alternate universe (I didn't start Sumeru's archon quest yet), the knowledge capsule reader took was all about Alhaitham, and Alhaitham used that to keep the reader at his side. Instead of reader finding out about him watching them, I imagine it would go the other way, where reader believes Alhaitham would do nothing wrong to them, and Alhaitham uses that to manipulate the reader into falling deeper into him. Lol.
All in all, this is an excellent piece. I look forward to more of your writings.
WOW this was just an incredible message to read! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ This almost made me a little emotional ahhhhh Thank you for taking the time to write such a precious message !! I'm glad you liked the twist at the end but ikr poor reader Alhaitham is just too smart even in canon fr 
But I love your au idea a lot omg I think I love it a little too much haha
These are just a few thoughts of mine! 
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cw: GN reader, yandere themes, manipulation, mentions of stalking
Link to my actual fic: https://www.tumblr.com/penguinlop/723237974841622528/yandere-alhaitham-x-reader?source=share
I can imagine Alhaitham being meticulous in crafting this faux knowledge capsule. It has to be perfect. Alhaitham knows exactly every memory he will put into this canned knowledge. He needs it to be mundane enough, filled with tedious meetings and detailed manuscripts to depict his life as the Scribe to make you relaxed, almost bored. Yet sprinkled in has to be just enough childhood memories, eccentric tales, and his day-to-day pastimes. It will leave you intrigued, desiring more. Everything is so calculated, so pristine. Another crucial factor is that he will make sure that the knowledge capsule is completely filled to the brimmed so your mind will be utterly exhausted, leaving you easy to manipulate. Hours and hours of memories of him crammed into your mind in mere seconds will leave you so tired that you will have to lean on his shoulder, thus strengthening your bond. 
There are two main scenarios that Alhaitham predicts. 
The first one is that since Alhaitham centers everything to be just about him and everything to be overall rather ordinary, you feel more safe with him. Every aspect you love about him is just magnified to the max, and because you will still think your stalker is out there, your love for him keeps growing—that desperate need for a safe haven is found with him. You are much more clingy and affectionate. In your eyes, Alhaitham is no predator but a protector. Now, you will quickly approve of ideas you thought were too haste before, such as moving in together. Living together means getting to know so much more about you. Alhaitham can't wait to capitalize off of this. His actual knowledge capsule about you will be constantly updated. Perhaps he will even have to have an entire collection of canned knowledge dedicated to you. 
The second one is that you will fear for your relationship and push everything under the rug, becoming paranoid that Alhaitham will find out about you going through his knowledge capsule, especially when you know he works under the Sages and is privy to confidential information. You become so worried and corrupted, like the scholars who lose their sanity while trying to attune themselves to Irminsul. You feel so guilty that you rummaged through his private belongings and were too curious for your own good, especially when it turned out to be so "innocent." The paranoia truly is parasitic. It feasts on everything, like disgusting mold and mildew. Alhaitham makes sure you are the penitent sinner in this scenario. When you leave Port Ormos and return to Sumeru City, you must constantly be on your best behavior for him wanting to ensure he doesn't leave you because you are scared for a life without him. From your perspective, all Alhaitham has done is treated you well, and you crossed him. This only worsens when Alhaitham rises in the ranks after the final Sumeru Archon Quest, as you feel he is so much better than you in every way conceivable. Alhaitham wastes no time tugging these insecure strings. Moreover, Alhaitham will feign being busy when you want to confess what you did, or if you finally do, he will bluntly shrug it off and say, "Why are you so worried about something like that? You have better things to worry about." It will leave you oddly comforted yet humiliated that you became so restless over how you thought he might react. In the end, all he did was shrug it off. How low did you think of him? This abysmal hole Alhaitham put you in just keeps on growing and growing. 
In conclusion, Alhaitham always wins somehow. 
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Thank you again for the message! It really made my day!ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ
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cramathonn · 16 days
Hey!! I saw you had requests open, but when you have the time, I would like an Anton x pirate! Reader (Like the faction the reader is like a pirate crew despite having no sea based areas yet in ZZZ 😭)
Anon... Anon holy shit your brain is humongous. You woke up the small pirate hyperfix I have omg-/pos
Since you didn't specify what role pirate reader would be, I'll be a little silly and make them a navigator. So... Yea, I hope this is ok with you, dear anon. If you'd like a more deck hands reader or even captain reader, you can just send another ask and I will write it like that!
The rest shall be under the cut!
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The content ahead is gender neutral and will not have reader referred to with any pronouns!
Content warning: none! Just headcanons and fluff
Anton Ivanov x Pirate!Reader
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★ Listen, constantly going on voyages and being at sea almost all the time will most certainly make you smell of salty water or like a tropical breeze, you can't change my mind. And Anton absolutely loves that smell, he would most definitely just rest his face near your neck or on your hair and take a VERY NOTICEABLE inhale. His muscles relax almost immediately when he does that
★ Absolutely hates how long you take to come back from voyages. Like, yeah, your ship is probably equipped with the most recent machinery to make your travels last less, but it still takes a while, specially considering that the weather makes a big difference in trip durations
★ Will hug you so tight when you come back tho, bear hug levels of tight. Will inquire on how everything went and will want to hear every last detail. Like, dude has barely been able to hear your voice during that entire time because your signal was shit or he didn't have time due to his work on Belobog, so please yap about everything that happened on your trip, he missed you so much
★ Also, during those times you are away, Anton will visibly be like a sad puppy waiting for its owner to come back home and he will yap about how much he misses you to whoever asked him if he was ok (please hurry back, Ben and Koleda can't handle much more of Anton's whining)
★Some times, Belobog hires your crew to bring some materials for them and Anton ALWAYS goes along (he begs for Koleda to let him go every single time and she lets him because PLEASE GOD spare her ears she can only handle so much)
★ Simply adores seeing you at work, he won't understand a lot of it but gosh, you look so attractive while cracking the coordinates of where you guys should go inside a hollow and relaying the information to your crewmates
★ Will be by your side constantly when you're on that voyage. He will obviously do his job, he prides himself in what he does, but will do so while staying by your side. If you need to do something when he's working, he'll let you go and finish what he's doing before rushing back to your side
★ Listen when I say this, he loves how you look when you're in your uniform. Regardless if how it looks like, he just loves it. Seeing you wearing your work uniform, dedicated to your role in the crew is so attractive in his eyes (he is vocal about how gorgeous you look to him, btw, will drop compliments here and there)
★ Anton isn't a big fan of staying at home, so be prepared for high or medium activity dates. Going on walks, going to the beach, going to the pool, whatever it is as long as it's not staying at home is a must with him
★ His personal favorites, however, are beach and boat dates. Yes, boat dates, as in he rents a boat and goes to a river with you type of boat dates. He loves seeing how you still get in your navigator mentality even when on dates, he finds it endearing
★ Will bring his bro along dates tho. It's his bro, he ain't leaving him behind! So you better get used to having Anton's bro revving up during your hangouts, specially if you guys go to Bardic Needle (his bro likes to sing)
★ Talking about singing, share the songs you and your crew sing during voyages! Heck, even teach him some, he'd love singing those with you (or simply just listening to you sing)
★ Now, if you're exhausted after returning from a voyage or planning for it, Anton is taking you back home to get a warm comforting bath and a well balanced meal (that he most likely bought at Lumina Square because, in my mind, he's not a good cook)
★ And in the topic of food, Anton would gladly help you prepare your and your crew's rations for voyages, keeping in mind the amount of nutrients best fit for consumption during specific times of day. He's THE meal prep guy.
★ tldr: he loves you and whole heatedly supports your pirate endeavors, helping you prepare for trips and taking care of you when you return. Don't let this man go because he sure ain't letting you go.
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erenfox · 11 months
Episode 4.
It's the best piece of work Marvel has made after they made IW and Endgame.
spoiler alert 🚨
lemme start off with our favourite Miss Jolly Rancher Unhinged Clock and Victorian-Era HWR Fangirl. I KNEW Ravonna had somehow helped HWR in building the TVA, but him erasing her memories was straight up evil.
Then we come to the absolutely gruesome deaths of Dox and the others. HOLY SHIT MISS JOLLY RANCHER IS AWFUL like she was enjoying every second of Dox and her hunters literally getting crushed to their deaths. B-15 was traumatised, to say the least and you can see on Ravonna and Brad's faces a hint of disgust. But Miss Minutes grinning like that - outright disturbing.
I can't get over OB and Victor fanboying over each other's work - it was so funny yet wholesome.
Now let's talk about Loki and Sylvie. As a diehard Sylki stan you know I am, my fangirling heart was overjoyed seeing these two lovesick ducks working together willingly! I mean, yea, they did have that rather awkward talk in Pie Land (mind you that's it's official name henceforth) but after that they worked together as teammates! Now I must say, I completely agree with Sylvie on snapping on Mobius, because, well, yeah, the multiverse is a bigger priority than pie and I legit don't get why tf antis hate on Sylvie for doing so. Like you hated her for not giving a damn abt the TVA + the multiverse, but now when she stood up to do so y'all are hating on her again?? Like?? Make up ur mind, smh.
Anyways, back to Sylki. Sylvie got stuck in the elevator and the way she and Loki worriedly called out each other's names was so soft! And the "You ok?" trope CAME BACK OMG! THAT PHRASE IS LITERALLY THE BACKBONE OF SYLKI! When I tell you my fangirling heart screamed with joy omg-
The the whole paradox scene which brought Ep 1 back in a circle. I absolutely loved the way our Loki realised what he had to do and went real slow to prune his past self just so that Past Loki could get a glimpse of Sylvie; which would then lead him to be more determined than ever to go look for her. And I quite literally died on Sylvie being confused af as to wtf she just witnessed.
Then there's the telephone scene. OH MY GOD it was literally OB all this time when fans were out here speculating it was Kang or someone lmao. Both Loki and Sylvie yelling simultaneously to turn the security thing off gives out so much Couple Vibes, I absolutely loved it AAHHAHAH-
our friendly neighbourhood lovesick ducks teaming up to enchant Brad was just too good. Loki in his hot, creepy voice luring Brad into a dark area while Sylvie very swiftly just straight up grabbing his face from the back - pure horror. Absolutely loved it, 10/10. Tho I must say, to do execute elaborate scheme, these two must have done some detailed planning (=more Sylki moments we were robbed off).
Can we talk abt Victor's redemption? Man had been portrayed as evil since Quantumania, and has been manipulated by both Ravonna and Miss Jolly Rancher, but at the end of the day, he was a sweetheart. Man fanboys OB and basically became besties with him and Casey, worked together to create the solution to a mess he most certainly didn't want to be a part of, and then himself stepped up to fix the Loom once and for all to prove to everyone (and not let Sylvie's choice of sparing him go to waste) that tho he contained HWR's DNA, he wasn't HWR - he was a far better person HWR could have ever been. Seeing him getting spaghettified was tragically heart-wrenching, man deserved so much better :(
BUT HOLY SHIT DID THAT ONE HECK OF A GODDAMN CLIFFHANGER LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE WTF WAS THAT?? U can't just kill off a character who had redeemed himself, and then make our main character and his homies watch literally EVERYTHING THEY WORKED SO HARD FOR GET ANNIHILATED TO THE GROUND-
But we know our God of Mischief isn't dead, and so are his homies eheheh.
However the looks on everyone's face was tragic. Loki knew all was lost and had tears in his eyes. Sylvie looked like she had accepted defeat and her death. Mobius and OB were in denial, refusing to believe that Victor was dead. Casey and B-15 looked horrified, as they realised what was to come now upon them.
Tldr, this episode was an ABSOLUTE BANGER. IM READY TO CLAIM IT SUPERIOR THAN ENDGAME, come and fight me. Its a top cinematic piece, and the suspense to Ep 5 is eating me up.
Ig i should go and study for the 4 tests this week before ep 5 ;-;
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lanaactuallyabanana · 2 months
Okay- Okay- Okay! Soooo, hear me out on this one!
Headcannons or a oneshot of...
Reader, gn or fem, I don't mind which, is the older sibling of Ranboo. So obviously, being the cool asf and totally straight sibling that reader is, they randomly show up at Ranboo's apartment one day with a ton of baked goods cause they run a little Bakery back in California. Ranboo doesn't know this, and they're playing a horror game so any noises of doors opening or closing just seem like apart of the game they are playing. So reader naturally scares Ranboo by sneaking up behind him. So that leads to two things. One, reader getting whacked in the face due to Ranboo's reflexes. Two, that leads to a ton of questions from chat on who the heck Reader is.
Take your time on this one! Make sure to eat, drink, and take all the time you need on this!!
-Mackenzieeeee :))))))
omg kenzie. all hail kenzie for their amazing asks wtf ur filling my inbox with beauty and i cannot repay for it ily so fucking much holy shit ur so cool @catswithroses (also is this header cutesies or what oml) also lana is back in her writing actual fics and not just headcanons everyone yippee!!!!! AND BEFORE A BITCH SAYS SOMETHING, MACARON IS PRONOUCED MACK-UH-RON. NOT MACK-UH-ROON. WRONG FUCKING DESERT.
ranboo x fem!reader (platonic, sibling dymanic)
, smelling something sweet !!
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Ran and Y/n have always had a dynamic as siblings. See, when you typically hear about siblings in a novella such as this, you most likely think of young kids fighting and arguing with one another over the most silliest of things. But, to your dismay, these two never had such a duo like that. They were simple but yet so unique as siblings. And that's what made them special.
Y/n was constantly in touch with Ran, she felt a need as an older sister to check up on them, as would any sister do. Ran had previously lived in another part of the world, England, for a little while, but had moved back to California not so long ago. They lived in a smaller apartment (a shit one, according to Ranboo themselves), and Y/n quite liked to visit them every once in a while. It was an easy thing for Y/n to do, as she owned a bakery around 30 minutes away from his place. Y/n had closed early for the day, deciding to visit and deliver her most popular and desired treat (one that Ran couldn't resist), elderflower and rose macarons. She packed her deserts in a purple tupperware container, and placed them in the passenger seat of her car.
Soon enough, she arrived at his place. She entered through the door using the spare key he had given her, and looked around his place. It was surprisingly clean, he must have had a friend come over and help him clean. As she was admiring his polaroid's on the kitchen wall, she heard her brother yell. Her eyes widened in confused, and checked her phone.
RanbooLive is now streaming! "WOOO HORROR GAME LETS GO"
She laughed at herself. No wonder why he was yelling. She opened up the stream and saw his setup, facecam was on and he was playing some horror game that she didn't recognize. She noticed on his facecam that she would have a perfect entry for them not to hear her, considering he also had headphones on. Y/n smirked deviously. She placed her phone in her pocket, and held the baked goods in her arms tightly. She slowly creeped towards the office door.
See, reader, Ranboo was in their own state. They were unable to truly focus around anything around them (which is most likely a hazard) due to how realistic the game seemed. Footsteps, wood creaking, whispers, and rumbles were just all part of the game.
Now that you know that, Y/n quietly snuck behind Ranboo, seeing herself in the facecam. She paused for a second, looking at the chat.
mcytfan765_ : erm
ilovedinosaurs474: who is that??
biolevded: ranboo has stalked confirmed
Y/n giggled to herself at the chats. She waved and smiled quietly at the camera. Ranboo, somehow, is still entirely clueless and very focused to one singular monitor that has the game on it.
Ranboo turns his head to the side in confusion slowly, but still remains focused to the game. "Guys, I swear this game has a placebo or whatever you call it cause I'm smelling something sweet right now."
Y/n took that as her cue, and screamed.
Ran's eye's widened and they fell off their chair entirely.
Let's just say we got a clip-worthy moment between the two siblings.
hehehe i love this fic its so silly!! its also short n' sweet but i love it!!
tysm to @catswithroses for the wonderful request, both jackie and kenzie feeding me with these asks yum yum
if you liked this, please support me by liking, reblogging, commenting and following me!!
requests are open!
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melluna43 · 1 year
How submissive are they? Part 5
JJBA Headcanons
Warning : Nsfw
A great friend of mine helped me with this <3.
Leone Abbacchio
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20% Submissive.
Omg, Goth Daddy please rail me. Okay, I believe this man's also rough as fuck. He is not gonna be satisfied until your legs are shaking.
He prefers to fuck you in doggy style, spooning and prone boning. Basically, every position in which he's behind you at this point.
He admires it when you call him "daddy". Ohhh, call him that as he rails you from behind. He'll definitely smirk whenever you call him that.
He loves to be called "daddy" so much that his speed will get 2 times faster. So, get ready to get your insides ravaged.
He barely shows expressions during sex, but he moans in a deep tone. His voice is already deep though—
Well, he doesn't want to be submissive often— like barely. If you want him to submit, you have to do it in some ways.
He will definitely lose composure upon seduction and eventually give in. You can seduce him well by wearing a black lingerie, and by dirty talk.
When you are top, you obviously get to choose the position. You can ride him, and talk dirty. But still, he will show no expression, but will still moan, but there will be a faint blush on his face— though it's barely visible.
He'll love it if you nibble his dick. Tease the tip of his dick and he'll be so turned on. Lick it slowly with your tongue. Suck it a little but then pull out. Then, nibble his dick's tip with your lips.
He has you nibble his dick when he is standing and he likes to lay against the wall. Hah, he likes to stand while doing this is because he faces up when he can feel his cheeks getting red.
Yes, he loves it a lot when you call him "daddy". but damn, doesn't it sound way better when he's on his submissive side? say, "Daddy, won't you look at me? Let me see your burning face~" or "Daddy, I can taste your UMAI delicious cum on my tongue!".
Okay, he will probably get impatient and command you to go faster. He would also prefer you to stroke it as well while you nibble on it, though you can make him cum with nibbling it alone and he'll love it.
When he finally cums, he would want to cover your face with his cum while your tongue is out. He will probably grab your hair while cumming. He'd want to turn the tables again now, so get ready to get your hips destroyed.
Narancia Ghirga
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85% Submissive.
*COUGH COUGH* Yes, this man is 85% Submissive. Okay, first of all, let's just do that 15% dominant side of his.
Hmm, he wants to be top often. But it is so damn easy to get him to submit. So, if he says that he wants to be top, you just need to plead a bit to convince him to submit.
You can make him do anything you want on his dominant side. Tell him that you want to fuck in doggy style— heck, he's in for it.
He is extremely expressive with voice. Fuck yes, he would be moaning soo loud with no hesitation. He will let you hear him moan as a sign that he is loving it.
He is not that expressive with his face. He will just keep staring into your eyes with a straight face if you're facing each other. He shuts his eyes once in a while, when he feels highly pleased.
Okay, he'd say stuff like "HOLY SHIT!" Ah yes, Joseph in order to express himself. He often says it during sex with you.
When he is submissive, he easily gets a boner when you lick the tip of his dick. It's the easiest as well as fastest way to get him hard.
He enjoys being handcuffed or pegged. He gives you all the control. You can ride him while he's handcuffed, so helpless that all he can do is moan. Forgive me for these sins, God.
You can touch him all over seductively while riding him and he'll love it. Please, give bite on his collarbone, it makes him moan and this is when he'd say "HOLY SHIT!".
To seduce him further you can take his hands and make him touch you. He will love it when you put his hand on your ass and thighs. Slowly, you should take his hands up to make him touch your nipples with his fingers.
When he is getting close to cumming he will say, "HOLY SHIT!"— to give you the sign that he'll be cumming soon. He'd shut his eyes close when he cums.
It is easier for him to cum when you are sucking him. You should switch between sucking and stroking after a minute or two— it pleases him more. Smirk at him seductively while stroking him~
When he finally cums, he will moan so loud—with still not much expression on his face, bruh. Well, he will fall asleep soon after unless...you want to continue.
Fugo Pannacotta
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60% submissive.
This man is rough when he is dominant, but calm and gentle when submissive.
He submits whenever you want him to. Actually, he submits often as he usually hides his angry side. He wouldn't want to show his angry side to you.
He gets seduced by certain phrases like, "I'm hungry, but I'd rather eat your dick"
Omg, he loves it if you grab his wrists when you are riding him. He loves it and smirks whenever you do so and may say stuff like, "You're so sexy when you grab my wrists like that".
Yes, he likes riding and all but he prefers reverse cowgirl position more. Yeah, you can't grab his wrists in reverse cowgirl position but you can surely caress his thighs.
To tease him, you can bend to the front and he will let out moans, and then bend back and he'll moan again.
Yes, he likes stroking and all but he likes it even better when the strokes are tight. He moans calmly whenever you squeeze or stroke his dick tightly.
Hear me out, he prefers to do it more on a chair, or couch than on bed. He prefers to be ridden better on a chair, or a couch than on a bed.
He would rather eat you out while you're sitting as well. He likes spreading your legs as wide as possible so that he can dig his mouth in to eat you out.
He wants to make you cum as soon as possible, so he asks if he can go faster when he's licking you. He goes all out if you consent him which you'd definitely love.
It's music to his ears when he hears you cutely saying his name while stuttering like,"F-fugo, I'm gonna c-cum" when you are getting closer to cumming.
When you cum, or when he cums when you're riding him, he will say stuff like, "You were incredible...we are going for another round..."
But meh, he won't let you take the lead for the next round, so get ready to get your hips wrecked.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Clari clari do you think chuuya would ever step out of line and try to steal time with reader against dazai's say so?? Do you think dazai would punish them somehow as he'd do with aku and reader, or chuuya wouldnt stand for it?
omggg anonnn this is such a good question!!!
and also kinda hard to answer because i feel like even though chuuya very clearly n evidently does not like dazai, he does, in some twisted way, respect him. aku is selfish as heck and reader was supposed to be his toy to begin with—his to own and fuck and use whenever and however he’d like—but chuuya isn’t like that. chuuya sees you as his equal: as a person to be loved, not an object to be owned.
i think it heavily depends on the situation itself and on the motivation/reason why chuuya feels the need to steal time against dazai’s wishes. if it’s because dazai is being unnecessarily and unfairly greedy with you, and is using his power and title as Boss of the relationship to shove chuuya in a lonely little corner while dazai soaks up all of your attention and love for himself, then yes absolutely i could see him disobeying whatever bullshit rule dazai has tried to impose on him and taking the time that is rightfully his, because he genuinely believes he deserves this (like i said in this ask, i think chuuya would be willing to push back against dazai when he feels it’s necessary/feels very strongly on the matter, but would know when and how to do this to ultimately keep himself safely within and a part of the relationship).
omg i’d like to see dazai try to punish chuuya the way he’d punish aku!!!!! chuuya only just barely submits to him, doesn’t trip all over himself and cling to every letter that slips from dazai’s mouth as if it’s fucking holy gospel the way aku does. chuuya also doesn’t desire dazai’s praise or attention the way aku does. as such, dazai’s punishments when it comes to chuuya would need to be a lot more sly and clever, more on the level of psychological warfare and emotional torture than anything physical and sexual.
i feel like being in a relationship with the two of them would be absolute hell because of this—because while aku is abusive, he’s also so fucking honest and predictable, and you always know what you’re going to get with him and how daddy dazai is going to respond. but with dazai and chuuya??? well, they’re always off playing their own game, in their own language, that you’ll never have a hope in hell of understanding.
but to answer ur second question i definitely think dazai would punish them/you both in some way, just not as straightforwardly as he did with aku n reader <3
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elvencantation · 6 months
damsel liveblog
tbh my forward arrow fingers are itchy so im gonna be skipping through a lot of this
okay that opening quote was just tacky. we get it. we've seen the previews. youve made the point with the movie title
dude youve brought like twelve people to kill a dragon?? how badly do you want to die?
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ooooooo i do love some mushroom arthictecture!! gimme more pls
also love how the fire almost looks liquid in some spots. or maybe thats the melting armor
oh look she's cutting wood she's not a regular girl
they did pick the right task tho chopping wood is kinda hot (see that one canadian lady on instagram)
why does her maidservant already annoy me? its cute theyre holding hands tho
i like their furs. giving stark family vibes
queen of aurea?? seriously??? queen of gold with ships of gold? how on the nose??? or is that the point
srsly giving reverend mother vibes with the 'your holiness' and matchmaking. or maybe ive just got permanent dune brainrot that's closer to the surface after seeing pt2 twice in imax
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oooooo cool hair!!
WAIT THATS HER LITTLE SISTER? oh okay the side by side shots make more sense now
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more cool hair i wanna see closer!!! and cute sibling interaction
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screen recording aquired, will link when i gif
i'd be annoyed at the parent's reactions to aurea if i didnt think about just how much it weighed on them to not be able to provide for their people
i need to take a break and go walk mom's dog
back after that and yummy dinner and just hanging out in bed with puppy and re-reading star wars time travel fics
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love how the mountains are immediately ominous behind the beautiful manicured gardens and the stately if a little smudgy castle
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lovely balcony and once again, ominous mountains! so pretty so pretty
also yes i know this is pretty basic symbolism but having her in full sunlight and the other girl in shadow? *chefs kiss* i love it every time
girlie why you drawing a labyrinth? i thought she was journaling or something
excited to see what the labyrinth will be. boy be calling it a maze smh
awww i do love a good horse ride!! and they match! too bad he's about to toss her into a chasm like a sack of sacrificial potatoes
oh no did they brainwash her poor dad?? also my god stepmom is on fire with the braids and outfits
the cracks are starting to show. but seriously, forgetting the name of the girl youre about to sacrifice?? thats just plain rude
ahhh here's the scene i saw like five times on instagram
oh god please dont make the corset weird please dont say anything weird about it P L E A S E for the love of marzi!
did they give her a bodice dagger?? or was that just the sheath? i love it
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ahhhh i do enjoy some nature inspired jewelry!!
also the red cloak!!! lovely
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pretty pretty pretty!!!
ahhh the creepy gold masks theyre so intricate!!!
and robin is now a reverend mother too
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ooooo what a pretty shot and i want her jewelry wow
ahhhh i do enjoy how subtly uncomfortable the prince looks
aha there we go. now the fun can begin!
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oooooo look at all those coins
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also a very pretty shot!
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oooooooo i need to gif this bit too
my god the voice is stunning
MAGMA DRAGONFIRE THIS IS GORGEOUS (pausing for more screen recording)
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looks like the maw of a dragon!!!
wait im sorry why's the other girl burnt and dead if its only 'once a generation'???
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avenging angel vibes pls continue
ok yeah so it was only a sheath. too much to ask for for them to give her an actual weapon
what the heck was in that pretty filigree egg thing?? also i want one. its so pretty. i mean i know it was some kind of scent. convenient that it burns like a lamp XD
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wow this movie is just feeding me lots of pretty visuals tyty
good thing girlie's got lots of upper arm strength from chopping wood!
yeahhhh make a bioluminescent lamp!!! and double win, she got rid of the second sleeve. much better now
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wow im gay
magically healing bioluminescent non-oceanic nudibranches??
thats my new indie band name btw
please tell me shes taking some magic slugs with her. youre gonna be climbing spikes pls bring some healing with you
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such pretty stabby crystals!!
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once again looking like a maw. though this time more like the maw of a sandworm ;)
"three were taken three must be given" ???? excuse me
ah. they were dumb enough to anger a mama dragon. they deserve to die
tell me her dad aint gonna get him and his men killed
also damn she made it all the way up just to have to come back down
oh we finally get to see the dragon!!! goddamn. she looks like a scaly gryfon i like it
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dont you guys dare kill the dad off just as i was starting to like him. dont do it
yeah i guess they realized they had to redeem him so his death would have impact. rude
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girl take chekhov's sword!
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ohhhh this is so pretty i think i gotta screen record it too
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this is some pompeii shit. oh i should watch that movie its got two hot people in it
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even cooler!!!
theyre just killing everyone?? thats boring
the mulan hair thing woulve been cool if i didnt daily put up my hair in a very secure bun without any pins or hairties that only works when your hair is like mid back length at least XD
its a miracle you didnt hurt your leg with you fell elodie
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oh noooooo oh god that was so awkward i cant
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why is this so awkward?? whats happening
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like you ever did what you were told?? whats happening? whats with the pacing, the dialogue the blocking?? w h a t
why did they have to show the queen with her crown melting off for so long??
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oh they match! nice
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ooooooo pretty pretty
overall kind of a fun movie. dont think i'd watch it again. still need to watch i am dragon
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timecma · 1 year
cyrus appreciation day!! mainly because of boredom but also i’ve just been feeling this urge to make these lol.
first and foremost, big thanks to you man. we’ve been friends for like….almost 2 years? 3? i’ve lost count lol— and i really have appreciated your friendship. you’re always willing to listen to me and my silly little rants whilst also giving me some advice which for me…it’s a little weird for me because i’m not used to being able to rant to people, i usually much rather listen to others ranting. did i mention i’m the complete definition of a hypocrite lmao-
but yea i really am grateful for your time and ability to give such incredible advice, be it actual or just little jokes. quite literally you are the dad figure in our friendship lol. and like an older brother i never had (in this scenario my cousin brother doesn’t count lol-) you are genuinely one of the sweetest, kindest and most optimistic person i know and oh my gosh your art <333 to die for. i love your style and just the way you draw !! and your roleplay…and knowledge…and theories…and canon explanations and basically just everything about you lmao- thank you once again and here’s to making more memories in the future (yk…when i’m not burdened with exams and losing my mind lol) <33
gift ;;
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Shri this was legitimately the best thing I could ever wake up to—you’re such a kind person and you’ve been really toughing it out for school and you’ve been doing such a good job!!!! Way to go on your exams btw!!! I know how hard you work for school, and you’re really going to go far!!!!!!!! Also, I’m always happy to just listen to you rant because honestly we all need someone to listen to us every now and then and I’m also super hard on myself when it comes to school and exams and stuff and your little tidbits about your school days are sometimes really funny or they’re just downright shocking—it’s always really fun to see what’s going on with you because there’s days where you’re just like “today something CRAZY happened and I HATE it” or “today something CRAZY happened and we got McDonalds” and it’s always the best ahahahaha!
I can’t believe we’ve been friends for so long already!!! Honestly where the heck did the time go???? But also it’s so nice knowing you because you’re such an awesome person and you make REALLY PRETTY MOOD BOARDS I SWEAR LIKE THIS IS GOING RIGHT NEXT TO MY XANTHOUS ONE REAL!!!!!! And you always have such aesthetic writing and you make really cool stuff! I can’t wait for when it becomes like officially summer and you get to relax and just do fun things again like write and roleplay and stuff and RELAX BECAUSE YOU WORK SO HARD DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaa you’re so nice and kind Shri this is gonna make me cryyyyyyy!!! It’s literally everything I could have ever wanted this is amazing I’m keeping it forever and ever!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you times a million 🙏😭!!!
Also uno reverse and shoutout to you for always being super fun to message and share stories with because you’re literally one of the best people ever!!! This post has contained more exclamation marks than I’ve ever used before but I’m just super excited and also super grateful you’re so awesome and sweet!! Here’s to many more years of being friends and listening to your wild stories about how school’s going AJDGKAGAJAGSJAA!!! You’re the best! Seriously thoooo!!! Thank youuuuu!!!!
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an-honest-puck · 2 years
a collection of highlights and viewing notes from 'The Wizard of Paddington Station' because I don't have the time to liveblog while watching but I do have thoughts
(also: holy heck this got long XD)
I'm sorry to start this way but: the protagonist having a dead mother? yeah, that's a D1sney movie alright
in a more positive reflection of this movie: mate this was WHOLESOME AF OMG
so many good Hen quotes!!!!!! the man's a genius!!!!!
"Power! End of song." - Hen
"I do love an exaggerated scroll" - Hen
"And yet! A doubt circles me. Represented by this hoop. *holds up the headband/circlet from props* I reach through the hoop and pull out the doubt. Do you see what the doubt is?" - Hen, lowkey turning everything into a magic show XD
so many hat bits pfffff lololol
Bry's little "Oh! My hat!" when her hat gets taken away!!! D:
Hen: You are demoted to a hatless position.
Bry: I will walk a hatless existence 😔
give her character back her hat she's so sadddd DX
Bry: Could I have a hat with a pom pom on it, sire?
Hen *trying to pause dramatically but really checking the props hat rack*: ... Yes, we have one of those.
I don't think I've heard of a spell that terrifies me more than the tax-based spells from this movie /jk
any time Hen just declares "End of song" is gold lmaooo
Nancy and Josh as bins XD
"Hello, love! How are ya, darling?" - Nancy, as a bin lolol
Petunia (Ellie): What would I do without you two [bins]?
Bin #2 (Josh): Probably litter.
^ award for best unnoticed line goes to (which wasn't even the award of the night lmao)
I did not realise how much this highlights reel was just quotes but boy howdy there are just so many good ones XD
"You've only gone and put the hat in a portal, you mug" - Nancy, rather affectionately lol
the tickets!!!! don't put them in the bin!!!!! D:
Bry: I could delay people's taxes with this hat!
Hen: Certainly. You can cause massive inconvenience in a whole new other branch of public service.
Josh miming all the instruments in that one musical number lololol
Nancy: I missed the birth of my child child child
Nancy: I missed my child's 7th birthday birthday birthday
Josh: I missed my birth birth birth
hello can someone please tell me why 'Half Wizard' is one of the most audibly pleasing songs I've ever listened to?????????
Josh Elliot strikes again with his lovely baritone (?) good lord-
also, who does that "wi-i-i-zard!" line?! because it's either Bry or Niall and I know who I want it to be I like to think Niall's got the range lol
not Bry and Niall giving their ticket characters the most heartwrenching/heartwarming character backstories and arcs!!!!! 😭
Nancy: O- *no one else is singing*
Hen: *deliberately making everyone pause*
everyone: *trying not to break too badly*
everyone: ... ONEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Bryony: to the moon!
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mariusvonhangme · 2 years
Not counting the newest Marius card cause I have not read it yet (if you a link for its translation please share I can't find one!) Almost every other card just hints to a much much darker side to him I'm talking almost yandere type shit if we let him be and while yandere is not my favorite trope I did drabble a bit in five from other fandoms and Marius just shows sides of him sometimes that is exactly like that. I don't have everything memorized obviously so this can go a bit wrong but from memory the two that stand out the most are the gufeng card and the ccg card. Omg the climax of that card is insane I would've never expected Marius to act that way, yeah in the end he let us go but that's cause Marius is a good person just has some dark thoughts that sometimes show themselves in moments of perhaps say anger or hurt. And Marius was angry and hurt at the time but holy heck wow he didn't have to go that far. Another thing to note is that (and maybe that's cause he's a love interest and it's an otome game blah blah) Marius does not forget in all three au cards he never forgot even tho I'm sure most people would have moved on (maybe less so in gufeng but honestly man no excuse in sott and bakerlon) at the end of the day we were just some random person he happened to stumble upon and save you don't keep feelings much less ones with romantic potential towards these people. Now all these are aus right? They don't have to count to what Marius' actually personality is like right? Wrong dude ccg a very non au card is the worst of them all (or best I don't judge your tastes) mainly because it was completely out of the blue he wasn't like angry or broken hearted or anything of the sort it was a relatively normal setting he said it so casually too while they were doing something as mundane as picking tea no life threatening situation to make him confess such dark feelings or something like you'd expect in maybe his second solo card. And if I remember correctly he tried to do something related to couples remaining together for a life time , cute yes and we were dating at the time yes but we were completely unaware of the meaning till towards the end after he had planned everything and made us promise to do it. What I wanna get out of all this is, Marius has a much darker side to him one that he may not have even experienced before meeting us but he's a good guy who knows what wrong and what's right so he never acts on those feelings but he still very much feels them I guess it comes from finally having someone to trust and love other than his brother who is missing and his father who is usually away on business trips he might even feel completely alone because of that and that we're the only ones he currently has left so he projects on us as in he wants himself to be everything we have much like how we're everything he has and I guess he's completely aware of how fucked up that is but is reluctant to ask for help since it was mentioned in the sweet wonders card that therapy did not help him before so why should it help him now? Anyway he's my little cutie and I love him so much Marius beloved <333
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bookishbunnies · 2 years
Okay, now that the two series ppl have mixed up again I'm gonna chill a bit and do an episode at the time, coz before I was kinda switching when they switched between crows and s&b
Episode 5
Oh Jesper, you're so fucking adorable, doing anything to stay near Wylan
Omg David and Genya are perfect for each other. I'm so in love with them.
Okay, every scene with Wesper is making me laugh, and every scene with Denya is making me cry, heck
Omg Tolya giving Jesper dating advice 😂 Jesper, let the man recite his poems dammit
Omg dammit, this scene is the perfect set up for the notbjust girls scene but it doesn't work now and I'm so mad but so happy. How dare this show give me such conflicting emotions.
'Warm. And wet'. Wow Kaz, it's like I can taste the tea myself.
Omfg. Waffles. Holy shit. Nina needs to be in charge of nicknames till the end of time
'Kerch are more affectionate' well that explains Jesper and Wylan 😅😅
'If you want the blade, you'll have to steal it' alright bet
Oh damn, wow this is a brilliant callback to Kaz telling Inej that most people aren't smart enough to look for his real weakness. That Shu woman real fucking smart
Oh gods the amount of Kanej we getting is amazing
And Wesper. I feel so sorry for the Helnik shippers, getting absolutely fucking robbed
Tho, it is good that Matthias is still in hellgate. Gives me some hope for getting further soc shows with the ice court
Yus! Time for a heist! Gods I can't wait to see Jesper and Wylan work together
Omg Jesper 'why do you think we're here?' 😂
Ooooh, yes. Pekka in Hellgate, I wonder how many seconds he'll last 😂
Oh ffs, let Matthias at him dammit
Pekka, Kaz destroyed you. You have nothing to offer, shut the fuck up
Omg is Hellgate filled with fucking idiots
Okay, I am loving the shared hated enemy that Kaz and Matthias now has. And that I know both of them would hate to know they have something so major in common 😂
Baghra is so fucking real and I love her so much for it
'In what sense' bitch in the sense that no one fucking wants you around.
'He's never walked away from me like that before' Alina you heckin yelled at him
Okay I am loving Nikolai and Alina. Not as romantic partners, but as besties
Oooh, Wylans lil bag. I'm so excited, we've had a badass Jesper scene, is it time for a badass Wylan scene? To to be fair, Wylan jumping on a guys back to save Jesper was also pretty badass
Jesper, honey, you are digging yourself the biggest hole in the world
Aha!! I fucking knew it. Jesper, you knew Wylan is smart. You literally just told him so. And you're surprised he knows you're Grisha??
Also the parallels of them both hiding the big main thing they're ashamed of from each other, failing to hide it, then sucking at accepting the fact that they can't hide it from each other? Beautiful
Wow Jes, thanks for stating the obvious. Brilliant
Omg. The imagery. Brilliant. Beautiful. We'd seen him go into the water, but that fall was just magestic
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