#honestly I can’t tell if my judgment is even good anymore
damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
Heya! Could you do a Damian Priest x fem!reader where they dated in the past and are re-united at Dominiks wedding?
damian priest x reader
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one more dance
he recognized you the moment you entered the reception. yes, maybe your hair was a little shorter, but he would recognise you in a room full of people.
he knew you and dom’s wife were friends but he wasn’t expecting to see you at the wedding, not when two days before you posted that you were having a work meeting in london.
that being the reason why you two broke up. you always loved each other but breaking up was the easiest way to get going with your lives and career.
his work as a wrestler meant he was always travelling and even if, at the beginning, you loved travelling with him, it came to a point where you weren’t able to follow him and work at the same time.
you were working in tourism, that meant you were always travelling too.
your schedule wasn’t compatible with his schedule no more. he was always travelling. you were always travelling and no matter how much you loved each other, there was something missing between the two of you.
you missed him having close at night when he was somewhere far away having a show. he missed not being able to call you when you were away because of work.
it just wasn’t working anymore. and it was killing you both. so ending it was the best choice.
but when he saw you wearing that purple short dress, memories came back in an instant. memories of you two being happy, memories of you smiling and laughing at his jokes. memories of how your body was made for his bigger one. memories of how he knew you and your body so well.
and in all honesty, he was missing all of that.
he missed you.
and maybe today was the day he could have his second chance with you.
he approached you carefully.
you saw him coming straight to you so you waved at him “hey” you smiled at him and hugged him.
“hey” he smiled back “you look amazing! how are you doing?”
“oh i’m great, i was in london for a work project but i would have hated myself if i missed the wedding…”you said laughing.
“so, you leaving soon?”
“tomorrow…right after lunch…i honestly can’t wait to come back home tho…pretty tiring project, what about you? you made it far” you said proudly.
you’ve always been proud of him. proud of his achievements. you’ve always been his first supporter and he knew that.
“yes, it’s been going good” he smiled “i can’t believe i got the opportunity to be one of the leads in wwe now…with the judgment day and stuff…it’s been amazing” he smiled at you.
“i knew you would have make it far…punisher…” you joked sipping champagne.
how he missed you calling him like that.
“so…” he wanted, no, he needed to know if you were single, if you were dating but he just didn’t know how to ask you that without sounding rude or noisy “apart from work…how’s life going? any changes in your life?”
“not many…but my sister got a baby” you said smiling. damian and your sister had a pretty good friendship back in time.
“no way…i’m so happy for her! tell her that!”
“i will” you laughed “what about you? anything new? girlfriend? wife? lovers? or are you still living your rockstar life?” you asked.
damian was taken aback from your sudden question.
so you were curious.
“single as you left me” he joked making you laugh, even if you felt a little sorry about that, knowing that he was trying to make it work between the two of you, it was you who were too scared of the possible repercussions and changes, that’s why you broke up with him “are you seeing someone?” he asked.
“no…you know it’s too…complicated …” you smiled “i’ve tried…i had a relationship in the past but it didn’t work…probably i’m not meant to be in a relationship but it’s completely fine, i still have my pretty big house and my mercedes benz” you said, making him chuckle.
but he knew you were lying.
as you were still speaking, the dj put on a romantic ballad, inviting all the couples to dance.
“would you dance with me hermosa? one more dance?” he invited you and you couldn’t say no so you took his hand and let him lead you to the dancefloor.
his hands gently posing on your hips as your hands went behind his back. your head on his chest as you were listening to his soft heartbeat. you tried not to cry because you were missing all of that. you realised how stupid and reckless you’ve been years ago.
“you’re still good at dancing uh?” you smirked at him.
“only because i have the best partner with me right now” he said smiling.
“i’m so sorry” you looked up in his eyes, voice still soft “i’m so sorry for breaking up with you, for hurting you…i never meant to hurt you in the first place dam…i thought…well, i wasn’t really thinking, i was just scared” a tear dropped from your eye and his thumb quickly wiped it away.
“i know hermosa…i know” he smiled.
“you should be mad at me damian…”
“i can’t be mad at you…not when i still love you like the first day we met…i could never be mad at you querida…” he kissed your head.
“i miss all of this…i miss you so much damian”
“i miss you too y/n…” he said softly “we can make it work love…we can do it…but please, if there’s something going on, i need you to talk to me, not to hide and run away…that’s all i’m asking” damian said and you nodded.
“i promise” you smiled.
his lips gently touched yours and you felt your legs all jelly. how you missed him.
on the other side of the room there were dom and juliette watching the two of you together, smirking as their plan worked.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Hello, sorry but I just wanted to rant about some things.
Regarding the Hetsuden, I just saw a SNS shipper on Twitter saying that they can’t “defend” Sasuke anymore and that he’s “over”. Other SNS shippers also said that he’s ugly. Why do they need to “defend” Sasuke when the said Sasuke they’re talking about is not even canon. He’s a fanon character from a SS shipper’s fanfic. Like yeah Sakura Hetsuden sucks but it’s annoying to see some SNS stans taking their frustration and hating on Sasuke himself. Like for me I just rather say that’s not Sasuke in the first place(because he isn’t) and will try to stay away from that SS shipper’s fanon version.
I also remembered that up until even before Hetsuden came out, I’ve seen multiple SNS stans hating on Sasuke. Have you seen these types of behaviors too from SNS stans or is it just me?
Hehehe. You know, I saw some tiktoks that were recced to my Insta account and it was hilarious. A lot of fans think Sasuke's character has gone downhill from Shippuden and that he has been totally nerfed and to underline it, they were making comparisons between Shippuden and Retsuden. 🤦
Like that scene where Sasuke struggles to fight the 'dinosaur' (a dinosaur, 😒) was compared with the scene where he fought the hachibi in Shippuden.
But like most casual fans, some underinformed SNS as well, don't categorically know what canon or novel or filler is. Most fans are anime only, so they aren't well versed with the categorizations and differences. All they are concerned with is how Sasuke is shown in anime, and all of it is subject to their judgment of Sasuke's character. You can certainly enlighten them and tell them the difference.
Man like doesn't Retsuden Sasuke have TWO hands? 😑
Most fans don't really pay attention to the details. Or even some of the more overt stuff.
Yeah plenty of SNS hate Sasuke. Some others have a very problematic and skewed understanding of his character. Like no seriously, some SNS maintain that he didn't suffer from trauma or PTSD. Because that would make him weak and he isn't weak. Smh. When the whole manga has consistently and necessarily featured major themes of war and resultant trauma and PTSD where several characters have suffered from it. It's the basis of the isolation and discrimination suffered by many important characters and their arc which contributes majorly to the plot. Like honestly, some fans unfortunately have a very limited and shallow understanding of how trauma and PTSD work. What's problematic is that they spread misinformation about these very significant issues regarding mental health. This needs to be addressed. Some SNS blame Sasuke for when he betrayed Naruto and abandoned Konoha. They only think from Naruto's pov but dismiss Sasuke's own very properly and detailed established pov.
Selective reading. Ignorance.
Lots of SNS don't see or stubbornly stick to their only partially examined theories for a complex character such as Sasuke and most of it is in response to Sasuke stans. Both Naruto stans and Sasuke stans can be silly. It's always this juvenile tussle - Who's better? Sasuke or Naruto? Who did the bad stuff and who did the virtuous stuff and where do they stand on the goodness scale.
These SNS judge them on the basis of easy binaries and keep an embarrassingly simplistic point system to attribute 'virtues and vices' to Sasuke and Naruto's characters and talk morality in just loose, underexamined terms without truly understanding the context. Every one suddenly and righteously becomes a philosopher, psychologist and ethicist in this fandom. Lol.
It's all very silly. It's important to ground these characters in their lived reality and established characterisation and then judge them while being cognizant of their worldbuilding and existing narratives of visible themes and concepts in the manga such as idea of a nation, war, loyalty to the nation, justice, individual vs collective, revenge, systemic oppression, systemic marginalization of a community, systemic bigotry and neglect, corruption, left inclined ideologies, existentialism etc.
If Kishi has featured these themes so visibly and stressfully in the manga, it would be remiss of fans if they simply ignored it by saying ignorant things like - it's just shounen, it's only meant for kids, Kishi isn't that smart, there's no deeper meaning, it's only entertainment, etc etc.
If you don't know about these themes, you wouldn't be able to recognise them. But those who do and have seen them in other works or media, even lots of Japanese media Kishi is influenced by, will identify them. Just a matter of experience, perception and information. Fans will differ in their capacities to identify these themes. If one is truly curious and reasonable, they will imbibe it without personal bias. Those who prefer to live in their echo chambers won't. You can't help those who don't want to be helped.
Yes I know some SNS who are either Sasuke haters and those who are Naruto haters. Both silly. But I don't really interact with them. They are quite visibly biased.
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years
bird primary (badger system → lion system) + snake secondary (badger performance)
Hi again hehehe this is actually my sixth time typing an ask. This is really long but I hope it helps.
Six times! 
For primary i think I’m either a lion primary or a bird primary or that I model bird. I had a few flashback stories that i could say influenced me to why I think so here there are hahaha:
I remember as a kid my earliest memories about morals was when my mom telling me about white lies being acceptable which I understood and incorporated into my mind but I really still felt it was wrong even until now still I still feel like it’s wrong but I’m not that bothered about it anymore.
All things being equal, this bit is Bird. You *incorporated* something into your system (very deliberate, very conscious way of putting it.) And sometimes you feel bad about telling white lies, but that doesn’t really matter because your system is okay with it. 
Also since then I became more open to the perspectives of other people and trying to grasp the whole story then I would compare it to what I felt was right or wrong or sometimes i would decide on what is right for the situation. thats how I process stuff i think?
Yeah. Your feelings are one datapoint, but equally important are the viewpoints of other people, and then you decide what’s right. Very Birdy. 
I respect external outputs but I also respect my feelings I don’t know which one i would lean more tho?
Honestly, the fact that you at the very least set them equal to each other says Bird to me. 
I hate lying because I know back then it was like going against the rule or law of God that honesty is a virtue or something like that and I also felt like it’s wrong. Like we teach our children the value of honesty but we adults can’t also try our best to be honest. That’s a thought that always came to mind when I’m thinking about how I perceive lying as right or wrong. 
It’s not ALWAYS the case, but ‘religious’ and ‘really hates hypocrites’ are VERY often signs of a Bird primary. 
But of-course I also know that lying can also be useful even when it really goes against my morals.
That’s a secondary thing. Very probably you are not a Lion secondary. 
I don’t really see myself as a loyalist but I might also have some models, I used to look like a badger or at least thats how I think my life purpose was. It really felt good helping other people no doubt. As I grew older I realized that what I want in life is to get to know myself more and to search for something that can be worthwhile to do. A part of me wants to be alone for most of my time here. 
Cool. It really sounds like you used to have a more Badger-flavored system, but now have a more Lion-flavored system. But the key part is that you deliberately changed. 
I know I have truths that I already know but I see myself as someone who still can evolve and learn things.
If we can’t still evolve and learn new things, then what’s the point? 
2.There was a time when I followed my religion’s teachings so much I think it became a part of me? 
That sounds pretty darn Bird. 
I would see the world through my christian views as the only right way of living.   kinda felt like it made me self-righteous that I started being judgmental toward other people who didn’t share the same belief as me.
I think we have some Black-and-White Bird 
but I think it only lasted for a year or two until I burned out because some of the teachings were already impractical and i felt like I was just forced to follow this or else I would get punished by God. Which made me realize that it wasn’t what faith should be like in the first place.
Birds burn whenever they’re in any situation where they’re told “don’t think about it” “don’t ask questions” or get given a purely emotional reason like “if you do x, then you’ll be Bad, or you’ll be Punished.” That sounds like what was going on here. 
It was a dramatic realization though since I really believe that would be my life already (someone who teaches people about the gospel) When my mom pulled me out of the church choir thats when I finally realize that things were already getting toxic. At first I really felt guilty for abandoning the beliefs that I strongly agreed were true or at least I tried to make sense of it. Now I’m perfectly happy believing in what I agree with without being forced by other people.
Good for you. (And honestly, good for your mom.) 
I know myself enough to know that I have not been afraid or scared with my emotions. While my friends would think acting on their emotions seems illogical which I would kind of agree but for me I still use my logic but there is a certain feel of contentment or joy or bravery? that comes with following your heart. 
I know it’s sort of an easy answer, but I’m inclined to say that you’re a Bird who has built a very Lion-looking system. 
This applies to things like my future job or even with relationships. Though I consider practicality as something people should consider when thinking about a career I always knew I want a job that equally makes me happy and something that I choose from the heart, like a calling and not out of just practicality or making money.
I definitely think that you shouldn’t JUST consider money and practicality when picking your job. Your job doesn’t have to be your Reason (that’s a pretty Idealist way of looking at the world anyway) but there’s no reason for you to actively dislike it. There are plenty of jobs in the world. Birds are better than Lions at just *deciding* to like something, but I still think this is a sentiment that a lot of different primaries could agree with. 
For secondary well I’m also a bit confused. I know I’m an improvisational secondary. I don’t really like to plan. During vacations I randomly research facts about the place before going but I would still end up researching on the spot about the best local restaurants or attractions nearby when we get there. When I read about the description about lion I was thinking this could be me but I also felt like hmm maybe not? Idk? I also feel the same thing about snake hahahha
This sounds slightly more Snake than Lion, Snake is all about ‘how can I use my environment?’ But it could be either. 
I like being myself atleast when I’m introducing myself to people I’m just mostly being me. I have never been shy about my personality or the things I like.
1.When I was in my first year in high school I would be singing out loud at school so my classmates could hear how much I love kpop. It was totally annoying for me to do but I didn’t care I was having so much fun.
2.I would even post on my instagram proudly how much of a big fan of certain kpop groups I was. I didn’t really care much if people thought I was weird (which they did I was bullied for being weird in elementary for other reasons) for liking something that back then wasn’t still “cool”
Secondaries are very specifically about problem solving. This is more personality stuff than it is about problem solving, which means it could potentially be a lot of things. It might even be your Bird primary deciding on values. 
3.There were also I think there were times that I made emotional outbursts towards people when they made me angry but this was quite rare, like when I saw someone punching my classmate who couldn’t defend him because he wasn’t mentally stable. Some of my classmates told me that I was always butting in stuff even if it wasn’t my bussiness to do so.
This could also be a lot of things. Like “don’t punch the disabled kid” is about as clear-cut morality as you can get. 
4.I really did butt in to someone else’s bussiness a lot when I was younger, I used to have no clear boundaries of my own so I was always the one in my friend group that they could go to if they want someone to listen to their rants which eventually made me feel exhausted.
Okay. Lack of boundaries is usually a Badger thing… but it can be just an external primary thing, especially if we’re talking about a primary that got banged around the way yours did. Being the person who other people just non-consensually dump emotions on also just… sucks. It sucks even if you’re the fluffiest Badger secondary around. 
Also I’m quite like the unofficial leader of my friend group, when we would do stuff I would always tell them “just trust me” hahahah even tho technically I don’t know how or where we would start as I don’t even have a plan.
That right there DOES sound like a Lion. 
But here’s also why I think I might not be a lion:
I am not direct. Idk when it started but there are times when talking about stuff that happens to need ones personal opinion I would listen to the other person first and try to understand their point but I would rarely say what I was thinking especially if I have a different opinion. I do feel scared and unsafe that this person might criticize me or how I think, so sometimes I would just agree with what they are saying.
Okay. This sounds like you’re a Bird primary in the middle of a big system update. (Which we know was the case with you.) You’ve got your worldview, but you’re also CHANGING your worldview, and you’re still around people (like the church choir) who would have have an issue with the new you. Birds need time to build out something very new. It’s like, if you’re writing a story, you’re not going to send it out to readers for a critique if you’re only halfway done with it (unless you REALLY trust and are really REALLY comfortable with your reader.) No, you’re going to wait until it’s as good as you can make it… and then see what everyone else thinks. And just agreeing with whoever you’re talking too is a completely valid defense strategy. 
This wasn’t always true as there were times when I was younger (around elementary school) and high school while being active in my religious group, I would point out to my friends and even to my mom what was right and wrong and back then I was also too optimistic to a fault which makes me cringe now looking back.
Yep. You had a very solid system back then (so it was more fun to talk about) (but it was also a little too black and white.) 
I was young and probably didn’t even fully understand what I was saying. I could say that I’m more opinionated with people I trust.
^^^ see above :D But I think that’s probably also just a human thing. 
Here are more stories that also came to mind when I was thinking of my secondary.
I was a semi home study student in my first two years of high school. I didn’t need to go to school often, only when I would take my module tests and final exam. During which sometimes I would get three yellow papers which where I would write my answers. (Tho most students would get one there wasn’t really anything stated that we couldn’t get more) If the exam was difficult I would copy the questions that I think I didn’t know the answer on the extra yellow papers and sneak them out of the testing room. (I would hide them inside my skirt pocket) When I get home I would search for the answers on my book. Thats how I finished my modules tests quickly. I mostly did this for math and history because I couldn’t memorize the questions and because I hate math. HHAHAHA
So definitely not Badger secondary, and probably not Bird secondary. Definitely thinking either Snake or Lion, the two rule-breaking secondaries. (Birds look a little different when they break rules.)
When I was in elementary I was enrolled in a public school. I remember we had this mini quiz for science. That time we were asked to exchange papers with our seat-mates and check their paper. My seat-mate was laughing at how I made the a spelling error but he stopped laughing when he realized that I got the next number correct (one of the difficult question). Idk but it was just sudden I offered him a deal if he would correct my spelling error and I would also write the correct answer for him on the next number. Which he agreed on HAHAHHA I still got a better score than him which made me feel smart and quite badass because hah look who’s laughing now AHAHHA. I also did this with my two of my best friends when I helped them in mini quizzes like making a deal that they would correct 2 of my answers and i would correct 5 of theirs but hey I get an almost perfect score HHAAHHA. I would also give them the answers sometimes. (I would probably just do a few team work cheating on tests only if this person could be trusted) Idk what I was thinking back then probably being helpful in snakey way 😂 but I don’t really feel bad about it.
Yeah, this feels pretty Snakey to me. Especially cutting that deal with a stranger, in the moment - because it was exactly the right moment to do it. 
I was actually sorted as badger for secondary twice 
It’s probably because you use a lot of social engineering, and the quiz can sometimes read that as Badger.
but I couldn’t really agree with the hard worker, the not cutting corners and people sharing their secrets with me. 
Yeah, you’re not a Badger. Which is *totally* fine. 
I would study only if I felt like it thats why most of my knowledge comes from listening to classes. I’m not really the type to studiously sit on their desk when they get home. 
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - there are a lot of different ways to study, and Prep-work Secondary style studying does NOT work for everyone. 
When writing essays I would jump right in when I feel excited. That’s why my first draft looks messy af, I edit after. 
Great way to write an essay. Very improvisational way to write an essay. Seriously, you don’t have to write outlines if they stress you out or screw you up. 
I’m not really much of a perfectionist for my work but I would also do my best to at-least make it inspiring or with a bit of my touch. Also about being trustworthy I think that’s something my teachers would say yes to but I don’t think people trust me that much with their secrets.
:D Eh, you probably have a good-student presentation for your teachers that’s a little Badger secondary flavored. 
Idk if this could also help but I have trust issues. I got betrayed and bullied a lot growing up so I only consider a few people only less than ten actually as friends and family. 
That could honestly be anything. And I think eight or nine people you’re really close to is a lot!
I remember when I was a kid when we would go to our relatives my mom would teach me how to act around them which I think I still do now when I meet new people. 
This sounds a bit Actor Bird, but the rest of your ask does not. I think your *mom* might be an Actor Bird, and you definitely seem to respect her and the way she does does. This would be the second time a ‘Mom taught me X’ thing ended up in your Bird primary System. 
I’m quite flexible even with people I don’t like as long as there is mutual respect. 
THAT’S very Snake. A Lion secondary would not write that. 
I would normally just smile and be as polite as possible because I didn’t want to be judged especially around adults but thats hardly everyday since there are times that I think I would go out of character and people would be surprised at me. 
I think you probably have a Badger secondary performance you wear a lot. That might even be wha the quiz was picking up on. 
I remember my grandmother describing me as someone having no respect when I couldn’t control my emotions when I got angry at my dad.
That’s just human stuff. 
I have opinions inside my mind but I hardly want to speak out loud because I didn’t want to be on the bad side of people and because I didn’t want to be judged. This is also so confusing because depending on the situation I would also be speak up without caring that much about what people think as long as I get my message out there. 
This honestly all goes back to your primary. When you’re secure in your primary, and also when your primary has decided that you SHOULD speak up, of course you’re going to. Other than that though… why would you? Just be making more trouble for yourself. 
Thank you so much for doing this I really enjoy reading your posts and I downloaded Tumblr just to get sorted HAHHAHA. 
Aww, thank you. I’m flattered. 
I’m sorry for my errors english isn’t my first language and I probably sound a bit confusing. But again thank-you!
Don’t worry, you’re good.
I just want to add something:
I’m confused in being a loyalist or idealist. I do feel gut feelings as a kid i would have probably acted on them if they aligned with my existing morals 
Even putting it like that is very Bird. ‘I’d listen to my feelings… if they lined up with what I’d already decided was right. Lions flip it ‘I’ll listen to your morality system… if it lines up with my feelings. (And yeah, that can be *very* dangerous.) 
but as I grew up people around me and life is just confusing. 
So it is. 
For example my mom’s views quite distorted my morals? Like what I said before, as a kid I didn’t like to lie because she taught me that it was wrong and I believed that but then she eventually tells me that not all lies are wrong. 
That would annoy a young Bird. To hear “Lying is wrong” one day, and “SOME lies are okay” the next. A lion would be more comfortable with that whole “you’ve got to judge on a case-to-case basis” thing. 
There was a time where we fought because she did something that I think wasn’t right but eventually I came to understand her side because she also has a point. She told me that as her daughter I shouldn’t judge her based of her actions solely (like if she does something that most people will label as wrong she has reasons to do those things also because she did those for me) also she added that I shouldn’t just conclude on the spot or outwardly say “that is wrong” I think what she wanted me to understand was that different people could have different motivations. At the end of the day no one can be entirely right or wrong. It’s not right to judge anyone from your own view only. 
All of that is very, very true. I also suspect that your mom has maybe a Loyalist primary morality going on, while you’re an Idealist. The whole “it is morally correct to always give your loved ones the benefit of the doubt” is pretty Loyalist. 
So now I go by the not judging anyone first until I know their reason and they are proven guilty type of system though I kinda wish It would feel moral to me to listen to myself since it’s quite admirable to have a solid moral system like that directs what is right/wrong generally but now it would just feel selfish to not second guess your understanding of the situation. 
You are not the first Bird primary to just kinda think that being a Lion seems super cool and admirable (and easy.) 
I used to think that I have a solid world view but i guess things change it makes sense but it also seems scary for myself, especially when I was younger when I find out things that didn’t really aligned with what I thought was right/wrong to be actually the opposite. 
A big system change is always scary, but you’re going to be okay. And yeah, it IS really brutal to realize that you used to be just WRONG, because now you have to reexamine everything. 
I think I could be either a lion or bird or badger primary. The problem for bird is that I don’t really compulsively research or get my understanding from like a solid philosophy or something like that. 
Compulsively researching is more a Bird secondary thing, and we know you’re not that. And while it’s true that *some* Bird primaries (especially fictional Bird primaries) have an external philosophy or religion that they just really like, and use unchanged… I wouldn’t even say that this is even especially common? 
I tend to lean more towards the i feel this but question myself ‘is this feeling is right or wrong based what I already know to be true? should I act on this or not, what are the choices which of these is morally right, are there people involved like I would be the type to over analyze the situation to find the best solution out of. I don’t just snap decide because I felt that this was the right thing to do I need more information about the choices then probably decide on which I will do that best fits the situation. (Funny thing is sometimes I also decide based on my feelings but I also ask opinions from other people if I should do this or nah. 
This is all SO Bird. 
Like if I should buy something I like if my mom agrees then I’ll probably go with it if she doesn’t well I’ll just find another way to make her agree next time.)
And there’s the Snake secondary
 But like if the situation is would I lie for a friend I would ask why what’s the reason that I should do that. I might agree or disagree depends on what is at stake in that situation. One way or another I think I have models I’m just not sure yet which and why.
Yeah, you’re not a Loyalist. :D
Again thank you thank you so much for doing this hahahah i hope this is the last time I would submit this hahaha I’m just so curious with my own sorting especially for my primary it’s like I want to know more about myself. 😂
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wrenqueenisboss · 3 years
DSMP Angsty Imagines - React to Your Death pt. 3 --- c!Wilbur Soot
Part 3 to my series of “dsmp boys react to your death”:  Pronouns used: they/them (if mentioned) Warnings: explosions, spoilers for the events of Dream SMP, death, grief Words: 1.3+
The list: c!George c!Bench Trio c!Wilbur - (you are currently on this post)  c!Dream c!Technoblade - (coming soon!)
You had tried convincing your boyfriend not to blow up L’Manburg. But Wilbur Soot wouldn’t listen to you. He wouldn’t listen to anyone. Not in this state.
It had been a long time coming, honestly. Everyone should have noticed the signs. You should have noticed the signs, but it wasn’t as if you were actively looking for a reason to paint your lover as an insane psychopath. 
For months, Wilbur had slowly been descending into insanity. Looking back, the tells were all there. Very irregular sleeping patterns; sleeping not at all and then way too much, days when it seemed as if his emotions had been completely turned off, days when his temper seemed too volatile, the times when you’d catch him obsessing over books explaining the mechanics of tnt. It had all been laid in front of you, but you were too blind. 
That’s the thing about love, children. You either find yourself forced into relationships that make you unhappy or find yourself so in love with someone that it practically erases reality and judgment. There are a few lucky people. A few who find the loves of their lives and spend the remainder of their days in perfect happiness. No intoxicating amounts of infatuation, no feelings of emotional claustrophobia. You were not one of those lucky people. Not at all.
It was already too late to turn back by now. The two of you were already heading to the Button Room. Tommy, Tubbo, and Quackity were supposed to be with you, but they didn’t agree with Wilbur’s plan, so they stayed behind.
The three had been desperately trying to convince Wilbur to step down, to destroy the button and give up on his wild fantasies of watching his unfinished symphony burn to the ground. But that hadn’t worked, So they turned to you.
And as much as you agreed with their reluctance - and disagreed with your boyfriend, you had to support him. For that’s what he did with you. When you had been a newcomer to the server and no one would help you, he did. At the very least you owed him that. But you were beginning to doubt how far your support would actually go when you found yourself standing in the button room.
You and Wilbur looked up at all of the signs on the walls, each singing L’Manburg’s National Anthem in your head.
I heard there was a special place where men could go and emancipate the brutality and tyranny of their rulers Well, this place is real you needn’t fret with Wilbur-
“You’ve been so good to me, Y/n.” Wilbur’s unusually quiet voice interrupted the anthem playing in your mind.
“I’m your partner, Will. I’m also your friend. It’s my job.” For some reason, you could bring yourself to say it was because you loved him. Your heart knew it was because you didn’t love him anymore. Actually, that wasn’t entirely true. It was a different type of love now. Much less blinding, and much more clear.
Wilbur reached up a faintly-scarred hand to touch one of the signs on the walls. “You’ve stuck by me and supported me even when no one else did.”
You could feel your face begin to heat up. “Will, about that.... Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”
Your boyfriend whirled around at that. And for some reason, your mind began to sing the National Anthem once more.
My L’Manburg My L’Manburg
“Don’t flake out on me now, Y/n. We’re so incredibly close. We’ve come this far together. You can’t possibly be thinking of abandoning me?” His eyes narrowed dangerously, sending ominous shivers down your spine.
My L’Manburg My L’Manburg
“No! Of course not! I just think it would... make sense if you... thought about this some more,” you stammered, desperately fumbling for the right words.
Wilbur stepped toward you suddenly and you flinched backwards. He didn’t seem to notice - or care. “Y/n, if you don’t support me in this plan, I have no choice but to kill you. You know too much. And yes, I do remember that you’re on your last life. That changes nothing.”
Your thoughts froze, so did you. Never, did you expect him to go this far. Sure, you’d been aware of the fact that he was slowly becoming insane for weeks, but threatening your life? That was something you could never prepare yourself for.
You were trapped. Either way, you were pretty sure you’d die. If you agreed, the explosions would kill you. If you didn’t, Wilbur would. 
For freedom and for liberty our nation sought to build on these a victory for all under our freedom
“I’m going through with the plan, Will. We’re going through with it.”
Well the darkness came and then it went we built a home and watched it sink and from the rubble emerged my great-
Once again, the anthem in your head was interrupted. This time by Philza. Philza Minecraft. Your boyfriend’s father.
Your heart raced as it realized how close to pressing the button Will had been only heartbeats before. Philza and Wilbur were having a whole debate in the background. It was only when your name was called that you snapped out of your trance.
“Y/n?” Will asked softly, placing a hand on your shoulder.
Your head snapped up. “Yes?”
You almost shut down at the sad acceptance in Wilbur’s eyes. Had it worked? Had Phil really talked him out of pressing the button and triggering the tnt?
“Phil here has convinced me that maybe the button isn’t worth pressing.”
Hope sprung in your chest. It spread its wings.
My L’Manburg My L’Manburg My L’Manburg My L’Manburg
Your boyfriend leaned down to hug you, head resting on your shoulder as his back faced Phil. You were just about to hug him back when his whispered voice reached your ears, making you shiver.
“It’s all up to you now, Y/n.”
He straightened and left the Button Room, but not before giving you a pointed glance. 
With bloodied hands and weakened knees.
Your body felt frozen, pinned by impossible choices. By the future and the past.
“Y/n?” Philza’s concerned voice carried across the cave. “Are you okay?”
You scrambled for a convincing enough excuse. “Y-yeah. I just need a moment. Today has been... rough.” None of that was a lie.
With a slight furrow of his brows, Phil nodded. He began walking away.
Our people rose like the phoenix
You stopped him, though. “Philza.”
He turned around.
Our empty fields and canals ‘round L’Mantree
“There was a saying, Phil, by a traitor, once a part of L’Manburg.”
Phil didn’t know how to react. He just nodded, clearly uncomfortable with the atmosphere, the tension.
With sweat and tears we armed our ranks we laid foundations in our land
“Have you ever heard of Eret?”
Once again, Philza only nodded.
You could feel your body heat up with anticipation. The moment was nearing.
And from every lips for here up to infinity
“Yeah, he had a saying, Phil.” You felt your fingertips ghost the surface of the button.
We sing L’Manburg We sing L’Manburg We sing L’Manburg We sing L’Manburg
“It was never meant to be.”
Wilbur Soot was too busy smiling at the series of explosions going off behind him to realize the fact that you were dead.
And even when those around him cried as they mourned your death, not a single tear streaked down his cheek. No pang of sadness or remorse was felt by this man who had strayed too far down the path of insanity.
Perhaps once, he would have torn up the world looking for a way to revive you. But that Wilbur was long gone. That Wilbur was the one you’d fallen for, the one you’d follow to the ends of the server.
But you’d failed to realize that the Wilbur of today was not the Wilbur you loved. And that mistake turned out to be fatal.
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: one month later...and things start to come to a head. you feel more at peace than you've ever felt, but as usual, what remains peaceful is always interrupted.
pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc
warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, HELLA HELLA toxic friendship and dynamics, suggestive content (hooking up and other mentions)
word count: 4066
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz. would love to hear your thoughts
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Despite a month going by from the last time you spoke to Jungkook in the park and put all of your feelings out in the open, spring air, you feel lighter than ever. Maybe most of that has to do with the simple fact that you’ve finally cut out a toxic, deadweight from your life. Regardless of what ends up happening with you and Jungkook as friends or more than that, at least you are at peace and happy with being yourself.
Besides, it’s not like you don’t ever see him. You see him when you visit the tattoo parlor (but you haven’t allowed yourself to be alone with him and he hasn’t initiated), you’ve seen him at impromptu nights out, at Yoongi’s apartment. Neither of you allow yourself to be alone with each other, since you had both agreed to wait. Even your text message thread with him is dry, though.
You miss him, hoping that a notification of his name with the bunny emoji attached to it flashes across the screen. But it doesn’t.
For all of his bravado, he feels somewhat shy around you on the few occasions that he’s seen you. Jungkook will go out of his way to avoid you, hiding (as much as he can) behind Mina and Mei.
He misses you. Jungkook misses the feel of your lips molding against his, the way you felt in his arms, but most of all he misses your shy smile and your loud laugh. He misses the way your eyes shine when you speak about something you’re passionate about.
Mina had said you were both being stupid, taking time away from each other when you both are denying the inevitable. But it made sense in your mind and his. You want to know what kind of person you were without the burden of Sora’s judgment weighing heavily in every frame of your life. You take the time you need to take to recenter yourself and feel somewhat whole again.
It doesn’t take you long to adjust to life without a former best friend. You quickly begin to notice how different you feel, how differently you approach basic things that you hadn’t really put much thought to before.
It feels so refreshing to not feel like you’re walking in some metaphorical shadow of someone who didn’t really care about you. Well, you think on some level, she did care. But along with the insignificant way she made you feel, it’s not enough to justify it. And you’re really grateful that you don���t need to anymore.
In fact, you’ve already deleted most pictures with her on your social medias. You haven’t quite been able to block her yet, but you think you’ll be ready to do that soon enough.
The ever elusive notion of time really does seem to heal nearly all forms of hurt.
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“So,” Yoongi starts, sitting next to you on his new black leather couch and handing you a glass of red wine.
“Don’t start with me,” You say, poking his shoulder.
“I’m not starting anything with you,” Yoongi shrugs, but his eyes twinkle.
“Oh? That’s the voice you use when you have gossip or when you’re about to interrogate me,” You mutter, rolling your eyes with a fond smile.
“Maybe it’s a little of both,” Hobi chimes in, sitting on your other side. He leans back and drapes his legs over your lap, to which you instantly rest your hands over his legs.
“How lucky for me,” You mumble, taking a long swig of your wine. You’ll need it.
“How’s that witch doing,” Yoongi asks bluntly.
“I don’t know, I told you I cut her off and kicked her out of my house like a month ago,” You reply, “Did you forget already?”
“No, I just like hearing that you finally came to your fucking senses,” Yoongi says, “She was awful, but I’ll commend you for sticking it out for this long. Cheers, the witch is finally gone-”
“I believe the phrase is, ‘ding dong, the witch is dead’, but this will suffice,” Hobi says and yelps when you swat his shoulder.
“Don’t be rude,” You say, “But… thank you for helping me see the light. Even if it took a while. And I’m sorry it affected our friendship, too.”
“Ah, well, we’re all here now,” Hobi says, pulling you in for a side hug.
“Yeah. So cheers,” Yoongi says again, raising his glass to you both, “Cheers to you for choosing yourself. And to new beginnings.”
“You’ll make me cry,” You say honestly, offering your friends a watery smile.
“As if we’ve never seen you cry before,” Hobi scoffs. And it’s true- they are two of your oldest friends, and even if you’ve come to the realization that maybe you hadn’t been the greatest friend to them… That bond is hard to sever, and you’re grateful that they’ve always had your back.
“Drink up,” You say with a smile, “Cheers to new beginnings.”
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Yoongi has always been a little sly, unassuming but always with several tricks up his sleeve. When he so desires to cause a little mischief and stir the pot a little. And Hobi is all too happy to engage.
Which is how you end up several glasses of red wine and rose deep (yes, you mixed, rookie mistake but who cares. You’re in the presence of some of your greatest friends, after all).
And then Yoongi goes in for the kill.
“How’s our Jungkookie,” He asks, without missing a beat. You choke on your wine and wince when it somehow gets lodged in your nose.
“I don’t know. Think he’s good,” You finally respond, your words sounding slurred, “Ask Hobi. They work together, if you didn’t know.”
“Oh, thanks for the information. I had no idea.”
“Happy to be of service,” You say, leaning into Hobi's side, “Ikindofmisshim.”
“What was that? Didn’t quite catch that,” Yoongi says, a self-satisfied smirk blooming on his lips. He heard you, of course he did, but you don’t seem to pick up on it.
“I said I kind of miss him,” You reply, a dreamy look in your eyes, “Do you think he misses me, too?”
Hobi chokes back a laugh but you hear it and offer him a glare. “Don’t make fun of me!”
“Nobody’s making fun of you, stupid,” Yoongi says poking your forehead, “And yeah. Your man doesn’t shut up about you. Always with those eyes around you.”
“He’s not my man,” You whine pathetically.
“Yeah, that’s a mystery to both of us,” Hobi says, “How long are you both gonna keep this up?”
“Keep what up?”
“This weird awkward dance you both do around each other. Avoiding each other when we’re all together. It’s kinda funny, like we all know you both wanna fuck so bad-”
“Shut up! That’s- that’s not- shut up!”
Yoongi and Hoseok both burst into laughter, drunken giggles loud in the living room and you can’t help but laugh with them.
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Clubs were never your most favorite place to unwind, but you make an exception for tonight. For Mina and Mei, you’ll make an exception. The three of you had gotten ready together in Mei’s home, in between sips of cocktails that she had poured out. Mina had done your makeup for you, giving you the sharpest eyeliner you’ve ever seen on your eyelids as well as a bold red lipstick.
It’s not a club night if there is no red lipstick involved, after all.
Your makeup usually looks good when you apply it yourself, but Mina has a genuine eye and skill for makeup artistry. You recall her telling you that she’d always dreamed of going to beauty school but hadn’t pursued it. You had told her that it’s never too late to fulfill a dream and she had only smiled at you.
“Hey,” You say, “Is Jimin coming tonight? How’d your date last week go?”
“It was really good,” Mina says, something sweet in her voice, “He made me dinner and dessert. And then I sucked his soul from his cock an hour later and he even made me squirt. And yeah, he’s coming tonight to the club. We’ll see what happens...”
“Wow,” You nod, listening with wide eyes, “That sounds amazing. I’m really happy things are going well for you both. Including the horny stuff.”
“The horny stuff?” Mei laughs, “You’re cute.”
“Shut up,” You say, playfully shoving her shoulder, “It’s no joking matter that he made you squirt.”
“Yeah, I high fived him after,” Mina says slyly, “It was… a night. Can’t wait to have another night like that. But I’m gonna make him work for it tonight.”
“As you should,” You nod solemnly, “What about you Mei? Are we drinking until we blackout or are you playing hard to get with Seulgi?”
“Who says we can’t do both?” Comes Mei’s muffled response.
“Cheers to that,” You reply, “Are… Jimin’s roommates coming?”
“You think you’re slick, huh?” Mina snorts, “You wondering about Jungkook?”
“N-no, I haven’t seen Taehyung in a while either-”
“Tae’s coming, but Jungkook isn’t. Something about having a long week and wanting to chill at home.”
“Oh, gotcha,” You say, cheeks ablaze as you avoid her eyes. Unable to hold the slight sting of disappointment from your voice.
Mina and Mei see right through it but they say nothing, only handing you a refill of your now empty glass.
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Despite the relatively steady stream of drinks in your hand (an illusion, really, you’ve been nursing the same two drinks all night), you’re almost completely sober. In fact, you’re more tired than anything else. It seems that Jungkook had the right idea to stay home tonight. You’re rather benignly jealous of his decision.
You enjoy dancing and singing with your friends, feeling the thrum and excitement of music and your close companions bursting through your veins.But environments like this overwhelm you sometimes. All of the flashing lights, sometimes smoke and all of the people… Tonight seems to be one of those nights.
“Wanna dance?” Comes a rich, velvety voice behind you to the right. It’s Taehyung, and you’d rather dance with Taehyung than anyone else in this club. With the exception being Jungkook, but he’s not here right now.
“Okay,” You nod, taking his hand when he offers it to you. Your thoughts flit to Jungkook briefly.
Taehyung is good company, always keeping you with a smile on your face and filling you up with laughter. He keeps you close with easy, gentle movements as you both belt out the words to whatever song is playing on the speakers. But Taehyung has always been observant.
“You don’t really wanna be here, huh? I’d take it personally, if I didn’t know you,” Taehyung teases.
“No, it’s not that,” You murmur, “Just have never been a big club goer, that’s all. Jungkook had the right idea in staying home.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung muses, “What are you two doing?”
He’s almost as blunt as Yoongi (who’s also in some corner of the club. Usually, he keeps you company at things like this, but conveniently, he’s nowhere to be found.).
“If I knew I was going to be interrogated in this club, I would’ve drank more,” You say dryly. Taehyung laughs at that and squeezes your shoulder.
“You both deserve to be happy. Just want you to know that.”
“Thanks, Tae,” You say, a grin spreading across your face, “I guess you’re not as sleazy as Mina says you are-”
“Me? Sleazy?” Taehyung gasps, pretending to be affronted. You roll your eyes and offer him your hand.
“Wanna dance?”
Taehyung turns you around and holds your hips tightly in his hands, dancing with you to the beat of the music. It’s nice to be held like this, even if it’s a little dirty.
You don’t notice a pair of sly eyes watching you from across the club.
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By the time you excuse yourself to catch a breath and grab some water from the bar, you realize that most of your friends are off doing their own thing. It gives you a second to people watch from the second floor of the curb and lean on the railings, taking in your surroundings. Despite stifling a yawn.
You relish in the cool feel of the icy water flooding your senses, waking you up a little more. You wonder if you can convince Yoongi to take you to get fries or tacos after the night ends. At the thought of tacos, you salivate a little.
But your taco fueled fantasies are broken when a few girls try to push past you to get to the bar. You mumble a soft apology, but it goes unheard. The unmistakable sound of a voice, a voice that you’ve only recently been able to put out of your mind, breaks through the barrier and it makes your heart drop.
It’s an angry call of your name. Your stomach churns, and suddenly you’ve never wanted to learn the art of teleportation more.
Sora, in all her bitter glory, stands in front of you with a full drink in her hands. Beside her are two of her friends, looking resigned and trying to plead with her that they should go.
“Missed me so much that you followed me here, huh?” Sora sneers.
“I’m not even going to entertain that with a response. Or you for that matter,” You say tiredly, trying to step past her.
“All your friends left you. Look at you all alone,” She says and you roll your eyes with a dry laugh.
“I’d rather be alone than have anything to do with you, Sora,” You reply easily, “I’m leaving now-”
But she sidesteps you again, gripping your forearm and looking at you with so much animosity that it makes your skin crawl. Had she always looked at you like that?
“I can’t believe you just dropped me like nothing. After I gave you everything,” Sora says, as if you had said nothing at all. She’s clearly a little drunk, telltale signs of her drunkenness clear on her face. Her words are slurred and she stumbles a little on her feet. You cringe. You don’t want to have this conversation with her whether she’s sober or drunk.
“You treated me like I was nothing,” You snap, “I don’t want to discuss this with you. Now let me go.”
“Or what? There’s nobody here ‘cept you and me, babe,” She says, her lips twisting into a cruel smirk. Her friends have disappeared and warning bells start to go off in your head. She’s right, all of your friends have dispersed. But you manage to fish your phone out of your purse while she rambles to you and send a text to the groupchat, simply stating “pls help, Sora is here”.
Dread seeps into your pores. You just want to be done with her presence.
“Sora, just let me go. Nothing you say will change anything,” You say heatedly, “Fucking let go of me!”
You try to yank your arm out of her grip but her nails are sharp against your skin.
“I loved you, you know that? I fucking gave you everything, you were my best friend,” Sora hisses, “I just wanted to you be happy. To see that I’d do anything for you.”
It takes a minute for the dust to settle but you suddenly begin to understand. “You hurt me! That’s not friendship or l-love, or anything remotely close to it. Nothing you say will change that. I don’t want you around anymore. Take a hint, Sora,” Your voice is cold and deadly, nothing like what Sora is accustomed to.
“Please, let me go,” You beg softly, “Why won’t you let me go?”
Tears spring into your eyes, both from the force she’s holding you with and from how much this is exhausting you.
“What does he have that’s worth all of this?” Sora hisses.
“It doesn’t matter what he has. I like him and I enjoy spending time with him, that’s all that should matter, and I’m not explaining Jungkook to you,” You say coldly, “You lost the right to know a long time ago. If you took your head out of your ass for two seconds, you’d know that this friendship was over months ago.”
By now, both of your voices have raised in volume and pitch, attracting the attention of bystanders. This makes no sense to you, your head is starting to hurt from the implications of her words. You just want to go home. By now, Yoongi has seen your text and is trying to get to the bar to rescue you from Sora.
“He won’t give you what you need,” Sora exclaims.
“Shut up! Just fucking stop talking about him,” You shout, “I’m so fucking sick of this, just leave me the fuck alone. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me anymore, just drop it!”
You feel the need to defend him though, “He’s kind, he has a big heart a-and, you know what, I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just fucking drop it! Leave me alone!”
“You are so fucking blind! You’ve always been such an oblivious fucking bitch,” She screams at you and your blood goes cold. You’ve seen her angry, but not like this not when her eyes are blown over with rage.
Yoongi’s heart is beating in his ears as he tries to find you- this club is fucking huge, where the hell could you be? He’s already sent a text to Jungkook, telling him that you might be in trouble at the club and that nobody could find you.
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“Where is he then? If he’s so kind, he must be here right?”
“What the fuck is your problem? You’ve always had a stick up your ass about him specifically- I mean you’ve always have a stick up your ass, but with him it’s like something crawled up there and died-”
“You couldn’t even cuff him? You dropped me for him and you didn’t even cuff him?”
“That’s none of your business!”
“What are you afraid of, babe?” She sneers cruelly, “Afraid he’ll find something he doesn’t like? Or are you afraid you’ll find something that you don’t like?”
Frustration and hurt boils in your belly, causing wetness to pool in your eyes. You shut your eyes tightly, willing the feeling to go away. With all of the calmness you can muster, you throw her hand off of you and rub your forearm gingerly.
Before you can say anything, her eyes narrow to slits. You don’t even have time to react before you feel a sudden wetness drench the front of your top. Remnants of her drink are splashed on your torso and you gasp, rage flaring through your veins once more. How dare she throw her drink at you? Before you can do anything though, a pair of arms circle your waist and you’re pulled into a strong chest.
You recognize the scent of his cologne immediately and the feel of his leather jacket. “Jungkook,” You mumble, looking up at him. He immediately gives you his jacket and pushes it through your arms wordlessly.
“Hi,” He murmurs, taking in your wide, nervous eyes and the trembling of your hands. He brushes a thumb over your cheek before standing in front of you and you take his hand in yours. Jungkook squeezes reassuringly.
He offers Sora a long, hard look and a shake of his head. She almost balks at his intense gaze. Almost.
“C’mon baby,” Jungkook finally says, “Let’s get out of here.”
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“My knight in shining arm-” You shiver once you’re both outside the club, away from the eyes of strangers. You cut your train of thought off when he pulls you close to him, cupping your cheeks with both hands. Worry dots his eyes and he presses his forehead to yours shakily.
“Jungkook?” You say softly, “Is everything-”
He exhales, a shudder felt against your skin. He seems to be at odds with himself, an internal battle dancing in his dark eyes. But Jungkook makes up his mind and cradles your face again, the gentle pads of his thumbs brushing over your cheeks.
“I missed you,” Jungkook croaks, “Shit, I miss you so fucking much. Can I kiss you, baby? Is it okay if I kiss you?”
You nod instantly, breathing out a soft ‘yes’. Whatever this recent development means for both of you, it makes sense. You want this and you want him.
And then he kisses you as if it was meant to be, as if he’s been thinking about your lips every minute of every day- soft, balmy lips against your chapped, red lips. Jungkook swallows your gasp, somehow brushing against the parts of your heart that missed him. His kiss is sweet and desperate as his tongue traces over your teeth before dipping further into your mouth. Your knees weaken slightly, but he holds you steady with one arm around your waist and his other hand cradling your cheek.
You’re overwhelmed by him and from the events of the night. Whatever wetness had gathered in your eyes clings to your lashes before dropping down your cheeks.
“Baby,” Jungkook says softly. He gathers you in his arms, hugging you tightly. You sink into his hold on you, inhaling deeply. The faint thrum of his heart calms you slightly.
“I missed you,” You reply, voice barely above a whisper, “Fuck, I missed you a lot.”
He kisses your forehead with a small smile, the hint of his dimples making you smile, too. Jungkook looks at you as if you’re transparent, trying to study the reason for your wet lashes and the tear stains down your face. A feeling of understanding passes between you both, calming your racing heart and your nerves.
“Jungkook,” You murmur, “Take me home.”
“Yours or mine?”
“Yours,” You reply, not really wanting to be in your home just yet, “It’s only fair, since you spent the night at my place last time, right?”
“I guess I can’t argue with that,” Jungkook chuckles. He kisses you one more time before adjusting his motorcycle helmet over your head. When you wrap your arms around him, you press a kiss to the back of his neck and behind his ear.
He shivers.
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Jungkook can tell you’re in your head a little bit, a little quiet and shaky. Even as you head into his bathroom to change into the clothes he’d given you, you couldn’t quite meet his eyes. When you returned from the bathroom with a bare face, you’re lost in thought, biting down on your bottom lip and chewing harshly.
He’d pulled you into his arms, applied his clear balm on your lips, and chided you for treating your lips like that.
You only smiled weakly at him and meekly asked him to hold you under his covers. He doesn’t deny you.
He’d caught the tail end of Sora’s tirade at the club, and he’d begun to understand. He thinks you had begun to understand, too.
“Hey,” Jungkook whispers into your hair, “Do you want to talk, baby?”
“I don’t know what to say,” You admit softly, pressing your hand over his.
“I can talk for both of us,” Jungkook says, kissing your temple, “Can I do that?”
“Yeah,” You mumble, threading your fingers through his and squeezing.
“I heard some of what Sora said,” Jungkook says and you tense up but he wordlessly tells you to relax, “I think in some weird, twisted, fucked up way. She loved you and her way of showing you how was keeping you to herself. It’s shitty, but it made sense to her. But you don’t owe her anything, baby. Not a damn thing.”
“Yeah,” You sigh, “I feel really gross and I don’t know why.”
“That’s alright, baby,” Jungkook says, rubbing your arm, “You didn’t know. That’s not love, not really. You’re safe here.”
“I know,” You say, turning to look at him with a small smile, “I trust you.”
You turn fully in his arms, resting your head on his chest and wrapping an arm around his waist. His heartbeat lulls you to sleep, as well as his gentle fingers over your back. It’s so easy with him, and you don’t need to think too much. Just how you like it.
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Tags: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
MoM Tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse @hordanhearsawhooo @anonymous2505
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Hi hi! I was wondering if you could do a dick Grayson x Avatar like fem reader with either a jealous Babs or Zatanna I hope that made sense🥲
True Love’s Kiss
Pairing: Dick Grayson as Nightwing x Reader
Warnings: I don’t think so
Word Count: 4.1K
@writing2sirvive : Hi love, me again but with a request this time. If you have time of course. I was thinking true love’s kiss with Dick Grayson. You can go crazy with it because I know you love Dick Grayson as much as I do. Btw I love your writing so much.
A/N: I think I did it wrong...cuz even though this is a Dick Grayson x reader fic, it’s mostly centred around reader and Zatanna???? Sorry about that???
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You were fine with knowing that Dick was still friends with most of his exes. You completely accepted that he was able to keep functional relationships with most of them. In fact, it showed you how amicable and neutral Dick was and how he never held any grudges against people.
Of course, you were surprised by the sheer number. And the fact that he seems to interact with them practically every day. But eventually you managed not to let yourself get too bothered by it.
I mean, how could you? Barbara was the smartest, funniest, most approachable person you had ever met. She always made sure not to overstep her boundaries and was unusually open with you, given that Dick was her ex-boyfriend.
Raquel was adventurous and fun and you always had a good time when you were around her. She was another one who was respectful of your relationship. She never brought up her past flings with Dick, nor did she ever try and put you down. In fact, she was one of the people who really shipped the two of you.
You liked most of his exes. To the point where it made Dick kind of uncomfortable.
You liked most of his exes.
Ever since you had joined the team, being introduced as Nightwing’s significant other, Zatanna had been a constant thorn in your side. She was nice and sweet but there was something about her that rubbed you the wrong way. You could tell almost immediately that she wasn’t quite over her relationship with Dick. Short as it was.
Or maybe she was just the type of person who didn’t want someone, but didn’t want others to have the same person either.
Nonetheless, being around her put you constantly on edge. You lost count of how many times she redirected a conversation to be about her previous relationship with your boyfriend. ‘Oh, Dick took you to a fancy restaurant for your birthday? Well, I remember back when we were dating, he threw a huge party for me on mine.’
‘Oh, you celebrated your one-year anniversary with Dick in Paris? Well during our 3-month-aversary he bought me an expensive necklace.’
It didn’t bother you in the slightest. At least, not in the way that she hoped. It didn’t make you insecure or doubt or feel intimidated by her. It was just an annoyance that you couldn’t shake off, like the teacher you didn’t like or your annoying neighbour.
Unfortunately, Zatanna couldn’t take a hint that it made you and your friends (Barbara and Raquel included) uncomfortable and slightly irritated. Yet, everyone was just waiting for you to express the slightest distaste, not wanting to step on your toes. However, they were quick to change the topic in case they thought she was going too far.
Dick had been blissfully unaware of everything and you wanted to keep it that way. The last thing you needed was this turning into some sort of issue, especially since Zatanna was still his teammate.
However today you had enough.
You could look past Zatanna’s petty jealousy but allowing the jealousy to come to the forefront during a mission was where you drew the line.
Dick, M’Gann and Conner had been on a covert mission for Batman and out of the country and under team vote decided that you should be made in charge until he returned, since you were the only other older member (other than Zatanna but you were voted leader unanimously. Something you were extremely proud about). That was well and good, until you had been given a mission.
Regardless of how much you did not want to work with Zatanna without the others there to wrangle her, you had to put your personal feelings aside when you had a mission to complete.
You thought you could both be professionals about it and act like mature adults.
You were dead wrong.
If it wasn’t disagreements, it was insubordination. If it wasn’t insubordination, it was blatant arrogance. She questioned your judgment in front of the other members and even had the nerve to argue with you about mission strategies. You were trying to look out for everyone and put yourself in the line of fire since the squad members were better at stealth.
Zatanna seemed to think you were trying to steal the show and insisted that she be partnered with you even though you wanted someone with the younger members to keep them safe.
When you relented and agreed to go stealth, she accused you of ducking out and intentionally trying to put her in danger. The others had to watch as steam practically came out of your ears when you relented once again and decided you’d be with her because you honestly couldn’t argue with her much longer.
As if that wasn’t infuriating enough.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when she refused to work as a team, putting the mission at risk and nearly getting the both of you hurt. She was fighting on her own, not bothering to have your back and going into it alone. Obviously, the two of you were overpowered quickly once they realized that you were pretty much behaving solo.
Luckily, the others pulled through and got you both out of there before anything horrible happened.
You sat in the ship, jaw clenched so tightly that they swore they could hear your teeth cracking, fists nearly white as you tried to control your anger and keep yourself from screaming at her while you were still in the air.
Once the ship landed in the docking bay and Zatanna was the first one to leave without saying another word, you snapped.
“What the hell did you think you were doing today!” You growled out, fisting her collar and stopping her in her tracks.
“What are you talking about?” She feigned innocence and you felt your skin burning. Everything around you faded out and all you could feel was fury. In hindsight, you would have liked to handle this issue in a more refined manner, but you honestly couldn’t care.
So, you didn’t notice the rest of the team, along with the a few members of the Justice League watching you chew Zatanna out.
Whatever would keep you from lighting her on fire was enough.
“I’m talking about putting the mission, not to mention ourselves in jeopardy, all because you can’t stop acting like a spoilt brat!” You hissed.
She rolled her eyes and you and the thought of strangling her briefly crossed your mind before she shoved your hands off her, dusting herself off like your fingerprints were dirt, “You need to stop blaming others for your inadequacy.”
She turned on her heel sharply and walked away. Blood pounded through your ears and your fingers twitched by their sides before you formed a whip of water from the bay and lashed it against her feet.
Zatanna, caught off guard, was thrown across the room before she caught herself with a muttered spell and turned around, glaring at you furiously.
“We’re going to settle things, right here, right now!”
“If you would stop being so insecure, then we could sort out our differences like mature adults!” She screamed back at you and before you could control it, flames erupted from beneath your feet and raced towards her, scorching the ground beneath it.
Each puff of breath you took released sparks. Zatanna immediately got into an offensive stance, levitating one of the weapons crates and chucking at you. You blocked it effortlessly using a wall of earth before throwing an inferno at her.
You kept fighting, flames and splashes of water going into the air every time you collided. The others watched in fear as you both raced towards each other, it looked like neither of you were holding back.
Before you could strike her again, you were being pulled away by Superman and as Zatanna was by Batman, they both pulled you yards apart. Even with his strong, authoritative grip on you, you couldn’t stop thrashing in his arms, throwing gusts of air at her.
“(Y/N). Enough.” Superman spoke in your ear and you calmed down, relaxing in his grip. He let you go after and you winced, feeling your skin bruise where he grabbed you. He gave you an apologetic glance at that.
“You both have to put your differences aside and work as a team or you won’t be allowed to go on any more missions.” Batman told you, voice firm but it didn’t shake you.
“No, Zatanna is going to have to put her issues with me aside and learn that when I have been elected as leader of the squad then you are supposed to put your petty jealousy aside and know your place.” You spat.
“You weren’t right for the position!”
“I did everything right! And if it hadn’t been for you, we wouldn’t have been under open fire tonight!”
“You’re not the boss of me!”
“When I am the leader of the squadron then I am! And you’re meant to listen and not question my judgement because you’re being blinded by your pathetic jealously!”
“I’m not jealous of you!”
“Oh, please! That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve heard from you and it was all proved today! Admit it! You were immature and fucking stupid because you can’t get over that fact that you dated Dick for what? 3 months?”
“That’s because he’s supposed to be with me!” 
“LIKE HELL HE IS!” You roared.
Batman felt a little helpless watching the two of you scream at each other. All this fighting? Over a boy? His son, no less? He had other sons and you were free to have your pick. But at this point, he wasn’t even sure what to say.
“You just can’t seem to accept the fact that he doesn’t love you anymore! Get over it! Because he certainly has!” You shouted, spinning on your heel and stomping away from her, determined to have the last word. Superman sighed in relief. He thought another fight would break out.
“You’re just insecure because you know that if he had the chance, he would come crawling back to me!”
A chill went done your spine and you felt cold fury run through your veins, turning around to glare at her murderously and clenching your hands tightly. You were so angry your feet were rooted to the floor, body seizing up slightly.
The others looked anxiously between the two of you as you glared at each other for a minute before you spoke with the calmest, yet most terrifying voice they’ve ever heard from you.
“Zatanna, you can try your damn hardest to win him back. But I promise you, you’re never going to get what you want.” You told her darkly, before walking away.
As Zatanna glared at your receding figure she decided she was going to prove you wrong.
To keep you from fighting with Zatanna again, when Batman came to you with a solo mission you couldn’t agree fast enough. Even though you knew you’d miss Dick’s homecoming, you still wanted to get the hell away from here. Not like you’d be missing anything important, other than Zatanna fawning over him.
You’d get to tell him how much you missed him in private anyway.
As soon as you were out of the cave, you couldn’t help the relief that filled your bones. You had been so on edge the past few days, still furious with her so the distance between the two of you was appreciated.
When Dick got home, he was ecstatic to see you again. It had been nearly 3 weeks since he had last held you and his skin was practically buzzing with excitement when he reached a cave, desperate to hug you, kiss you, touch you.
He got to the mess hall quickly, running all the way there and when he opened the door, he was instantly disappointed. You weren’t there.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” He asked Beast Boy, hoping he would tell him that you were just back at your apartment or that you had gone out for a while and would be back soon but he felt his heart sink when Gar gave him a sympathetic smile.
“She’s on a mission for a week.”
“A mission? Who’s with her?”
“No one. It’s a solo mission.”
Now he was worried. You usually didn’t take solo missions, liking to work in a team, knowing that there would be people who would be watching your back was reassuring. He knew you were more than skilled to handle a solo mission but not being by your side made him nervous and slightly antsy.
He was also upset that you weren’t here. So, he decided to do the most adult thing. Go home and sulk in bed while holding your sweatshirt that smelt like you.
But apparently the world had something against him because when he was about to go through the Zeta tube he was intercepted. By non other than Zatanna.
Now, poor clueless Dick had no idea that you had thrown hands with Zatanna just a day ago and was the reason why you weren’t there to welcome him when he got back. If he had he would’ve sulked at her and whined loudly for her to hear while he dragged his feet.
But, poor clueless Dick had absolutely no idea Zatanna was the reason he was being deprived of your kisses. So, he just smiled brightly at her and asked her if she needed anything.
“As a matter of fact, I found an old spell and I need someone to test it out on!”
“I don’t know how I feel about being your non-scientific experiment, Z.”
“Come on, it’s totally harmless, I promise.”
“I don’t know...”
“Don’t you trust me?”
He did. But there was just something about this situation that made him uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he missed you like crazy and just wanted to go home and sulk until you came back. Maybe it was because he felt uncomfortable to go somewhere private with his ex-girlfriend without telling you first. Or maybe it was because of the way Zatanna felt the need to guilt him into it.
Nevertheless, he agreed, albeit reluctantly and went to her room. Inside Zatanna had a bunch of ruins written on a paper and some weird poultices beside it.
“Now this isn’t going to work unless you give me your consent.” She informed, bustling about the room and Dick suddenly felt the air was a little stuffy.
“What do you mean by consent? Consent for what?”
“It’s a love spell.” She told him, smiling slyly but he couldn’t quite understand why. His hands got a little clammy at the announcement. What did she mean by love spell? Was she trying to get him to fall in love with her? Why would she be so open about it then? Especially when she knew he was in love with someone else?
“What do you mean?”
“Oh relax, stop being so tense. It’s just a love spell that proves who you truly love.” She said, immediately noticing how stiff his body was. Though she chalked it up to confusion. Dick was simply confused about who he loved, he was clouded by his attraction to you and he felt guilty about being unfaithful. But deep down, he really loved her. And this spell would prove it.
“In the olden ages, people would use it on their wedding to prove that their significant other truly loved them.”
He nodded, mouth falling open with realization. He already knew what the answer would be so why even bother? He assumed it was because Zatanna was curious to whether it actually worked.
“Too bad (Y/N) isn’t here, I mean I know who I love but I’d like to try it out on her. I mean, who takes a mission the day before their boyfriend comes back to town.” He complained, more to himself but Zatanna still heard it.
“Anyway, can I cast it on you?”
“Sure, couldn’t hurt.”
Oh, how he’d come to know just how wrong he was.
You raced through the halls, panicked, hearing your heart beat out of your chest as you sprinted to the Med Bay. Even though you were running as quick as possible you still pumped your legs to run faster, needing to get there quickly.
As soon as you saw Zatanna outside the Med Bay, you skidded to a stop in front of her and grabbing her collar, pinning her against the wall. She hit it with a thud and she saw white for a second when her head collided with the hard surface.
It was then you got a good look at her face. Her eyes were red and face wet. Her lips were bitten until they bled. You gritted your teeth, grip tightening around the collar as tears pricked your eyes.
“What the hell did you do!”
She whimpered, eyes getting glossy again before she started crying, incomprehensible words leaving her lips and you snarled before shaking her again, “You don’t get to cry! What the hell did you do to him!”
“It was a love spell!” She cried out, “It was supposed to reveal who he truly loves.”
“It’s activated by a kiss.” She sniffled, “And I did.”
“Is it done?” Dick asked just as she finished casting the spell. His body was enveloped by a slight glow that was only visible to her and Zatanna’s lips curled when she realized it had worked. Now there was only one thing left to do.
“Yep.” She said, slinking over to his side and he pouted curiously.
“Are you sure? I don’t feel any different. You said it was supposed to reveal who I love. What happened?”
“We’re gonna find that out. Hold still.” She said, smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck to press a kiss to his lips. Dick froze, feeling her lips move against his and his mind went blank for a second before his chest contracted painfully.
He gasped against her mouth, before his legs buckled and he tumbled to the ground. Zatanna’s eyes widened when she saw the way his body twitched, pained gasps leaving his mouth and tears began falling from his eyes.
“Are you okay?!” She panicked, wrapping her arms around his thrashing figure but he couldn’t choke out an answer.
“Someone help! Anyone! Please!”
“A kiss doesn’t put people through cardiac arrest!” You screamed, feeling your chest tighten as you heard it out loud for the first time. Your eyes began burning and your throat contracted, feeling tears build. It was the first time you had admitted it to yourself.
You were scared. Emotions that you could barely process or understand swirled around you in a dark cloud and you were scared that Dick wouldn’t make it out of his critical state. If he was taken away from you because you hadn’t been there to stop it, you would never forgive yourself.
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered, sobbing and her body went limp in your fists. The urge to rip her head off her shoulders resurfaced. She didn’t get to be upset, not when this was all her fault.
“I don’t give a shit.” You hissed, “How do we save him?”
“A true love’s kiss should stop all the side effects.” She whispered, looking up at you with wide eyes, “If Dick truly loves you, then when you kiss him, it’ll reverse the spell.”
You needed to get in there.
You released your hold and Zatanna and she slid to the floor pathetically, holding her body as she cried. But even with her heartbroken sobs, you couldn’t feel any sort of remorse to her, glaring at her instead, “You better hope this works. Or I’ll kill you myself.”
And then you rushed in.
When you got to Dick’s side your breath stuttered when you noticed just how many things he was connected to and you felt your body shake. Batman was carefully watching him from his bedside.
You carefully walked to his side, gently brushing your fingers against his cheekbone. He looked like he was in so much pain. He looked so weak. You wanted to help him but a part of you was scared. For the first time in your life, you doubted Dick’s feelings for you.
The time you needed his love and devotion to be true the most, you were doubtful. A million thoughts rushed through your head and for a second you were tempted to just avoid doing this at all. But you knew that you had to at least try.
So, with trembling hands, you held the ventilator fastened to his mouth, taking a deep breath before tugging it off. Batman, already knowing what you were about to do, let you pull it off him before pressing a fluttering kiss to his lips. Tears gathered underneath your lashes when you didn’t feel anything happen.
Just when you were about to pull away, Dick took a deep breath through his nose and panted against your mouth, kissing you more firmly. You couldn’t help the sob that bubbled out of your throat and he swallowed it without any qualms.
Even through bleary vision, you were able to make out his blue eyes and the small smile on his face. 
His hands came up to weakly cup for cheeks, gently wiping away the tears with his thumbs, “I missed you.”
You sniffled, letting more tears fall because you knew he’d be here to wipe them away, “I missed you too.”
You walked into the mess hall quietly. Dick had just fallen asleep in the Med Bay where he would be kept for a couple days under observation. It was past 1 in the night and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed but you had some unfinished business left to handle.
It was dark and it was hard to make out your surroundings until your eyes adjusted to the darkness. As you walked to the kitchen island, your eyes landed on the sorceress that had her head in her arms and wondered if she was asleep. Batman had said you were free to deal with her anyway you liked and that had been exactly your plan.
“He’s okay now, if you’re curious.” You told her. Her head shot up and she looked at you out of the corner of her eye before bowing it away shamefully. But you caught a glance at her face. She looked like she had been crying for hours, eyes bloodshot and face red and blotchy.
“Thank god.” She croaked out.
There was a beat of silence.
“I’m so so sorry, (Y/N).” Zatanna whimpered out before crying again, “You were right. I was jealous. And I did a crazy, wrong thing. And I’m so sorry.”
You sighed, nodding at her apology even though you knew she couldn’t see you. You weren’t sure if you accepted it, and you didn’t have to. For now, it could remain in the air.
“He really doesn’t love me....” She whispered out and you sighed once again, stepping up beside her and setting something on the table.
Zatanna glanced at the bottle of tequila and the two shot glasses you left. You didn’t look at her, instead choosing to stare straight ahead. You opened the bottle, pouring yourself a shot before tilting your head back and downing it, hissing at the burn.
“Obligatory break-up drink.” You mumbled, pouring her a shot and passing the glass to her.
She sniffled, looking at the glass in her hands before gulping it down. You took a deep breath, refilling the glasses. You still didn’t look at her, didn’t speak to her, just poured a refill when either of you finished and downed it in one gulp. The excitement from today and the tense feeling from sitting beside Zatanna kept you from getting drunk too early.
You two ended up finishing half the bottle, drinking in the dark until she passed out first and you followed soon after.
The others found you the next morning, passed out at the kitchen island, clutching empty shot glasses.
Bonus bonus:
Batman sighed, smelling the overwhelming scent of tequila as he came closer. None of them were able to wake either of you up. You were out cold, face scrunched up and head against the table in a position that would no doubt have your neck in a crick.
Zatanna was no better. Her hair was a mess, tequila spilt on her clothes and she was drooling all over the table, snoring unattractively.
“All this over a boy?”
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
honestly THANK YOU for saying all that abt baghra bc i thought i was going crazy from not liking her??? bc i haven't read the books and only summaries of them on wiki and like. i dunno why ppl like her actually even in the show bc this guy, her son, is like "i wanna make the world better for us grisha" and she's just like "no." even tho he sees that she's MAKING HERSELF SICK from suppressing her powers! she's literally like in bed coughing in the flashback yet seem much healthier at the little palace. also like after everything, after her disapproval, after the fold, after centuries of waiting for the sun summoner.. he never abandons her. he makes sure she's cares for. he doesn't harm her. and i have to wonder if baghra has ever thanks him for that, for just not leaving her alone. like i dunno how im suppose ro believe aleks is a heartless villain when he still cares for his abusive mom like this. like has baghra even told her she loved him (honestly she reminds me of a classic emotionally unavailable asian parent but maybe that's just me). also im wondering if baghra ever told aleks that he had an aunt.. bc like.. now that u bring up her isolating him it's like hmmmm...
not at me being like alina... why do u trust the bitter old woman who literally beats u with a stick and verbally abuses u every chance she gets.. just bc she showed a bad painting... like.. pls use two braincells to see that who u figured out as his mother... is also using his protection..
like baghra could've upped and left with alina. but no. she stayed bc she knew she was safe under aleks's protection.
alsoim just impressed that after his first friend tried to drown him and harvest his bones... he didn't go into hiding???? he still wanted to make a safe heaven for grisha!!! HE STILL WANTED TO PROTECT GRISHA EVEN AFTER HIS GRISHA FRIEND TRIED TO KILL HIM FOR HIS FUCKEN BONES. like... this is the guy im suppose to believe is the villain???
honestly i feel like part of the reason why LB's plotlines seem so bad and disconnected (and sometimes outright racist but that's another rant) and why darkles is disproportionately more violent and villainous in the later books is bc she didn't expect the darkling to be so popular and wanted to stick with her guns of making him the villain. but also wanted the money from aleks's popularity. but like you can't have ur cake and eat it too.
Well thank you for sending this ask! It's very sweet and very passionate. I'm glad you liked my post! I didn't put as much thought into it as some of my others lol. I kind of just talked. But it was nice to be able to finally talk about some of the problems I have with both her character and the fandom/author's perception of her.
HERE is the post this is referring to, in case anyone's wondering.
👀👀 You've hit the nail on the head for so many things, here!
Baghra is extremely emotionally unavailable, basically to the point of neglect. She's also verbally and physically abusive, traits which I doubt were only reserved for her students and not her son. Baghra claims she would do anything to protect him, but I've known a lot of parents who have that mindset and yet still harm their children because they think it's "good for them".
Aleksander stays at Baghra's side for years, and even when they're opposing each other she's never too far away from him. Idk if you've read the books but he does eventually hurt her. And as much as I don't like Baghra, I think his actions were horrid. But I'm also honestly kind of surprised it took him so long lmao.
Yeah I mean, in terms of isolation, let's not forget that she never wanted to introduce him to his father, either. Baghra's sense of eternity clouds a lot of her judgments on relationships, which means she views most people as dust and therefore teaches her son to as well. The problem with that is that he's a growing child, and he needs those social and emotional attachments for healthy development.
I would bet quite a bit of money that Baghra has either never told him she loves him or she has told him so few times it's practically forgettable.
And everything becomes more complicated because so many of Baghra's actions are understandable because of her life and her history, but the impacts they have on the people around her, especially Aleksander, are permanently damaging. And the fact that that's never gone over in critical depth in the books or how it's glossed over in fandom is just very disconcerting. Like, acknowledging Baghra's failings doesn't mean we're excusing Aleksander's actions, it just means we're holding Baghra liable for her own. Which the fandom should be doing, considering she's the epitome of an abusive parental figure.
And Alina trusting Baghra over Aleksander is even more confusing! Especially in the show!! This is the woman who beat her and abused her and tortured her friends when they tiny little children (and who probably still does so now that they're adults). This is the woman who mocks you and harasses you and insults you on a regular basis. Why does Baghra revealing she's Aleksander's mother make Alina change her mind?! Like fuck, I'd just feel bad for Aleksander. No wonder he kept it a secret, I would too! And that painting is enough evidence?! Really?! A random painting shown to you by this abusive mentor that's been making your life hell. That's what you're going to betray your new lover over?
The friends trying to harvest his bones thing is a good point, too. I think Aleksander, especially show Aleksander, is incredibly idealistic. I think he cares too much for others - those he's deemed worth his care (a sentiment given to him by Baghra). Despite everything she's tried to teach him about hiding and abandoning others and never caring and never doing anything to help or reach out or connect with people, Aleksander still continues to do so. It's likely because he never got it from Baghra growing up, and so is desperate for those emotional needs to be fulfilled elsewhere.
His turning point, when Baghra tells him it was understandable that those kids tried to kill him because the world is such a hard place for them - that's crucial. And the reason it's possible as a motivating factor is because of that idealism and that desire to help and that desire to be everything his mother isn't. Baghra tells him this trauma he just experienced was because of the oppression of his people, and instead of following her lead and accepting that, going into hiding and abandoning everybody to their misery, he goes I can do something about that. I can make it so this never happens again. Which is usually how trauma like that combines with one's core personality traits at a young age, especially when there's none of the essential support systems in place to aid in recovery (ie, the role Baghra should have been filling but wasn't, because she decided to exacerbate the problem instead).
And yeah, one of my biggest problems with the ham-fisted "beating you over the head with a sledgehammer of evil deeds" look-how-bad-this-character-is! portrayal of the Darkling in the later books comes from the impression I get that Bardugo doesn't trust her readers. She's so desperate to have us hate this character and think him an irredeemable villain, not trusting any of her readers to engage critically with a morally gray character, that it feels quite a bit like condescending fucking bullshit. Which ew, I know how to engage with literature, thanks.
She really does seem to look down on a large part of her fandom, and imo, the infantilization of the female characters in her books seems to carry over to her impression of most of her female readers as well. Which is why the Darkling's character arc gets fucking destroyed. But he's still a good cash grab, of course, so she'll shake his dead corpse in front of the fandom for money every time she wants something from it.
Also! Another reason I think her plotlines feel disconnected (I'm sorry Bardugo I respect you as a person, but shit-) is because the writing in SaB is just bad. I mean, nevermind the absolutely nauseating implications of the way she portrays the Grisha as a persecuted group who's situation is never actually fully addressed as it should be, considering Grisha rights is what her main villain is fighting for (imo for a series called the Grishaverse, LB seems to be pretty anti Grisha), but her characters and story alone are just wrong for each other. They don't fit together.
And the ending is one of the main pieces of evidence in that regard! You can’t say the ending where Alina isn’t Grisha anymore is her “going back to where she started” when she’s always been Grisha. She just didn’t know she was Grisha because she denied that part of herself that she was born with.
Alina is reluctant to move forward or change, she struggles with adapting, and she’s very set on the things she’s grown attached to throughout her life. She also has some latent prejudices against the Grisha, and so denies the possibility of being Grisha for those reasons as well.
Alina’s lack of powers in the beginning of her life because she willfully doesn’t learn about them to avoid change versus her lack of powers at the end of the book when she’s accepted them and then they’re stripped away from her by outer forces are two entirely separate circumstances. You can’t make a parallel about lost powers and lack of Grisha status bringing her back to the start when she was always Grisha and she always had powers and she simply refused to come to terms with it because of personal reasons.
The first situation is an internal conflict that indicates a story about growth and a journey of self acceptance. Denying herself the opportunity to learn about her heritage and to find acceptance with a group of people like her because she’s tied to the past and because of the way she was raised is the setup for a narrative that tackles unlearning prejudice and learning how to connect with a part of her identity that was denied her and learning how to grow independent and self assured. It’s the setup for a different story entirely. The second situation is an external conflict that centers around the ‘corrupting influence of power’... for some reason.
In a world where Grisha do not have social, political, or economic power and they are hunted, centering your heroine’s journey of self acceptance and growth around an external conflict about... the corrupting influence of power (in a group of people that don’t actually have any power?!) just doesn’t work. It is literally impossible to connect the two stories Bardugo is trying to push in Shadow and Bone without seriously damaging the main character’s developmental arc.
The only way a narrative like this would work, claiming that she has gone back to where she started, is either a) if the Grisha weren’t actually a persecuted group and instead were apart of the upper class, or b) if the one bad connection between the two instances is acknowledged - that Alina denied a part of herself crucial to self acceptance and growing up, and that losing her powers at the end has also denied her. It is a tragedy, not a happy ending.
Alina suffered because she didn’t use her powers. She grew sick. It was bad for her. This was not a resistance to 'the corruption of power and the burden of greed', it was her suffering because she couldn’t fully accept herself.
Framing the ending as a return to the beginning can’t be done if you don’t address how bad the beginning was for your main character. You brought her back to a bad point in her life. You regressed her. This should be a low point in her arc. It should be a problem that’s solved so she can finish developing organically or it should be something that is acknowledged as a tragedy in it’s own right, for the future the world (the writing) denied her.
This is a ramble and it makes no sense and I’m really sorry, but my point is that Bardugo put the wrong characters in the wrong story. The character arc required for organic development doesn’t match the story and intended message at all. The narrative doesn’t fit the cast. She's got two clashing stories attempting to work in tandem and she ends up with both conflicting messages that fans still can’t comprehend in her writing and an ending that doesn’t suit her main character to such an impossible degree that it’s almost laughable.
So yeah, there's a few reasons why I think the story and the plot feels so bad and disconnected. I hope you don't mind me making this answer so long! 😅 I was not expecting to write this much.
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shes-a-gryffindor · 3 years
Of Apples and Psychological Lapses
A @jilytoberfest submission. Prompt #12 - One overhearing something they're not supposed to.
That day, on an otherwise uneventful morning, it started with an apple, of all things.
James Potter sat straddling the bench at the Gryffindor table, poring over what Lily supposed was a textbook, elbow on a knee with an apple in his hand.
Only half listening to Mary’s recitation of the ingredients for the Draught of Living Death that they were supposed to be brewing later that day, she chanced upon another look at him…. the muscles in his jaw jumped as he bit into his apple, and as she watched him laugh at something she couldn’t hear, Lily found herself wondering whether he’d always had that dimple in his cheek… before she’d had the chance to mentally scold herself for her apparent loss of self-control, James caught her eye; grinning roguishly, he winked at her before taking another bite…
“You’re doing it again,” said Mary,
Lily’s neck snapped so quickly away from James she thought she might have whiplash, “doing what?”
“Making love eyes at Potter” she sniggered.
“Don’t be daft,” responded Lily dismissively, “I was not giving him love eyes” she added, silently cursing the blush now creeping up her neck, “…anyway, the ingredients…for today, you were reading them…” a lame attempt at a change in subject.
Mary smirked at her for a moment before returning to her textbook; relieved that she’d been let off the hook, Lily focused intently on Mary’s recitation, despite already knowing the ingredients from memory, she was determined not to look over again at the group of boys sitting only a few feet away from them.
Thinking they’d get a head start on the swarm of students that would soon be filing out of the hall, they packed their books and downed the last of their pumpkin juice. As she stood, Lily glanced quickly over at James again, he was in animated conversation with Sirius, the apple hanging loosely from his fingers at his side… and a ridiculous idea crossed her mind.
Deliberating over it in the seconds it took them to reach the spot where he was sitting, before she’d even really decided upon it, she’d snatched the apple out from his hand, twisting her head round to wink back at him, before taking a bite of what was now her apple.
“Shut up,” she smirked at Mary, who was looking at her with raised eyebrows.
The rest of the day continued in a similar fashion; she felt his eyes burning into the back of her head during Transfiguration, then found herself loitering after class, trying to chance perhaps walking out at the same time as him… before realising she was behaving like an idiot and walking quickly out alone.
History of Magic was, in particular, a challenge. It was, as usual, rather impossible to focus on the monotony that was Professor Binns' lesson.
Serenely unaware that no one seemed the least bit interested in his thorough breakdown of wand legends through time, he droned on… “The Death Stick, The Wand of Destiny…” and by the time the lesson was over Lily and James had shared several silent exchanges across the classroom.
Potions that afternoon was perhaps, although short-lived, her only reprieve. Lily was quite comfortable in her element, happily brewing her Draught of Living Death. Having already reached the ideal halfway stage, she smiled contentedly down at the smooth, black currant-colored liquid in her cauldron.
Just as she was about to start chopping her roots, she caught James, brow furrowed, curiously observing her potion, before looking back at his own - which appeared to be eliciting a sort of blue-ish haze, not horrible but certainly not what it should have been doing by that point… better, if nothing else, than Peter’s… who was looking more distressed by the minute at the now foul smelling, brown concoction bubbling in his cauldron.
“Care to share your expertise, Evans?” Asked James, grinning over at her. With his sleeves rolled up over his elbows, his forearms were tense as he shifted his body weight onto them, leaning over the table toward her… and Lily thought quietly, that the dimple in his cheek was obviously not the only thing she’d failed to notice.
“Afraid not, Potter,” she responded, “see If I told you, I’d have to kill you… although, could be doing myself a favour there,” she added, smirking at him.
“Better not then, otherwise you might actually get some peace and quiet… can’t have that,” he said seriously.
“Merlin forbid,” she mumbled, in mock exasperation.
“Merlin forbid,” began Sirius, “all this terrible flirting makes me throw up in my cauldron.”
Mary and Peter burst into a fit of giggles, even Remus, it seemed, found it amusing, while James just grinned down at his cauldron.
“Your potion can’t get any worse than it already is Black… I say try it,” Lily mocked.
Sirius, however, had cast his attention elsewhere.
From the corner of the next table over, having apparently overheard the entire exchange, Severus was looking darkly over at them. His eyes flickered briefly between James and Lily before returning to his potion. She knew she’d been shamelessly flirting with him, for days, weeks really… what she hadn’t realised was how blatantly obvious it was becoming, to everyone even beyond their friends; blushing furiously and feeling rather sheepish, she scowled at Sirius, who was still grinning smugly over at Severus, before returning to her own potion.
As she made the last of her rounds that evening, her mind once again wandered to what was fast becoming something, or rather, someone, she thought about much too often. He’d looked a little too smug after catching her at dinner - watching, as a Hufflepuff in the year below them asked for his help with a Transfiguration essay that weekend… in addition to self-control, she was now apparently also losing her common sense… it was perfectly acceptable that he help another student with an essay, why should this bother her…? But honestly an essay over the weekend, she thought… ask the bloke out and be done with it, what a stupid excuse… Surely he knew the girl fancied him.
The sinking feeling in her stomach at the thought of them, tucked away in a quiet corner of the library poring over an essay together, was extremely disconcerting, this sudden interest in who he was spending time with… He’d made his existence impossible to ignore for the better part of six years, perhaps now that he wasn’t asking her out at every turn her mind was playing that stupid game, the one where you only want something because it’s not as easy to get anymore, not because you genuinely want it… some psychological lapse in judgement… yes that must be it; so trying to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order, Lily resolved to get a grip.
She met Remus in the dungeons and together they checked the last of the corridors before heading back up to the common room, chatting about weekend plans, their upcoming exams and whether they had anything planned for the summer holidays before their seventh year.
Lily was careful to steer the conversation in another direction anytime it got a little too close to James, so she wasn’t exactly thrilled (maybe a little bit) when they stepped through the portrait hole to find James, Sirius and Peter sitting alone in the common room. With a warm smile, Remus bid her goodnight and went to join his friends in front of the fire.
“All right, Evans?” Asked James, grinning that lone-dimpled grin as she walked past.
Shooting him a quick tight lipped smile, she trudged up the staircase to her dormitory with an infuriatingly pink face; she had just reached the top of the staircase, however, when she heard Sirius snigger -
“Reckon she might actually prefer you to the giant squid now.”
Failing in her resolve to get a grip before she’d even begun, and apparently not above eavesdropping now either, Lily stopped and stood there at the top of the staircase, dead silent, craning her neck to listen to them.
“What?” Asked James, “What makes you say that?” In his voice, Lily heard a hint of what she thought sounded like hope.
“Are you daft? Or do you just want to hear it all back?”
“A bit of both I think,” chuckled Remus.
“Did you not see Snivelly’s face in potions? Even he can tell she fancies you mate,” said Sirius, dryly.
“Looked a bit put out, didn’t he?” Chuckled James.
“A bit? Looked like he didn’t know whether to cry or hex you,” chortled Peter, “d’you reckon him and Evans… you know-”
“What? Asked James, cutting him off, “went out?”
“Nah,” answered Sirius quickly, “who’d want to go out with that? Didn’t they know each other from before school, or something?”
“Yeah… they were friends,” said James, with finality in his voice.
“‘Till he showed his true colours,” scoffed Sirius, “…bit naive of her though, don’t you think? To think that he’d be anything but the slimy git he is.”
Lily had half a mind to go down and give Sirius a piece of her mind, until…
“Nah,” said James, “I reckon she knew who he was the whole time… she just chooses to see the good in everyone, y’know? Even a slimy git like Snivellus.” When no one said anything, he added, “Personally, I don’t think she should change that about herself.”
There was silence… and then someone made a dry-retching sound like they were throwing up, followed by scuffling and a series of thuds, “gerrof!” Came Sirius’s muffled voice, over Peter and Remus’s laughter.
Deciding she’d heard enough, Lily tiptoed quietly into her dorm; and as she pulled the scarlet hangings of her four-poster around her that night, she thought perhaps her interest in James Potter wasn’t a psychological lapse in judgment at all.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
intelligence & issues (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- chapter twenty-eight
Hi babes! I forgot to say this last chapter, but I made a playlist for this story! Here’s the link xx. You’re welcome to snoop around my Spotify! I make tons of playlists haha (Here’s the link to the “pov: you’re falling in love with aaron hotchner” one <3)
Chapter title is from “Let’s Get Married” by Bleachers!
Warnings: lots of ~suggestive~ comments (no smut), angst if you squint (i think), loads of fluff
Previous chapter || Fic Masterlist
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: I know it’s hard enough to love me
Aaron doesn’t get done at the BAU until seven. Much later than he wanted, but he had work that he couldn’t abandon. The case still wasn’t closed yet – all the paperwork is done now, but it normally doesn’t take him this long.
He shouldn’t overanalyze his every move, but he can’t help it. He knows he’s walking a thin line, dating a member of his team. A fellow agent, a much younger fellow agent, when he’s a divorced father who doesn’t even have custody of his own son, only visitation.
It’s tearing him apart. But the one thing that puts him back together, is seeing you.
So, that’s what he does.
He didn’t like leaving you this morning. He didn’t want to. But he didn’t expect the psych eval to upset you as much as it did. He truly was only trying to give you a heads up – even though that’s against his rules, too.
He’s breaking all his rules for you. Every last one of them.
And yet, you don’t care.
You open your apartment door to him, and you throw yourself in his arms like you’ve waited all day for him.
“I’m sorry I’m so late,” he says, kicking your door closed with his foot. His arms are around your waist and yours are around his neck, so he’s lifting you off the ground just enough to carry you over to the couch. He’s careful when he shifts your weight as he sits down, so he can swing your legs around gently so you’re sitting in his lap, your arms never having to leave their place around his neck.
“It’s okay,” you say, your voice muffled due to the fact that you’re hiding your face in his neck. “I’m sorry I was so grumpy this morning.”
Aaron sighs, rubbing your back. “You’re forgiven, I promise.”
You lift your head a little to press a kiss to his cheek, your apology in two parts. “My mom and I talked about it.”
“What did she have to say about it?”
You smile softly. “That you look at me the way my grandpa looked at my grandma.”
Aaron hums, curious.
You continue. “She said you looked like you’d bring the moon down to Earth if I asked you.”
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I would.” Another kiss. “I’d need some help.” Another kiss. “But just say the word.”
Another kiss and you’re giggling. “I don’t need the moon, Aaron.”
“No?” He raises an eyebrow. “Or are you too afraid to ask?”
You shake your head. “I’m not.”
He tilts his head, giving you another look. “Little girl…”
“No,” you stop him, pulling him closer, staring into the glass of whiskey that is his eyes. “I don’t need the moon…because I have you.” You pause, watching his eyes, seeing his reaction. “And that’s enough,” you whisper. “I don’t know how to let you love me, but I’m gonna try.”
“Mom told me you just love me too much. You’re not trying to upset me, you’re just…trying to make sure I’m okay and that I can do this without killing myself, I guess.”
“She’s right,” he adds softly.
“I know she is,” you chuckle. “She’s right a lot more than I want her to be, but point is, I’m not mad at you. Thank you for the warning about the psych eval. I know you weren’t trying to be a dick by doing it.” He’s not out to get you. You know that now, or you’re trying to.
“Thank you for saying all this,” he says quietly, the one hand that isn’t holding your back coming up to brush your cheek. “I owe you an apology, too. I didn’t do a good job of explaining earlier and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sprung that on you right before I had to leave. That wasn’t fair.”
“It really wasn’t,” you laugh, “but thank you.”
He hums, sealing the resolve with another kiss. “Have you eaten dinner?”
You shake your head. “I was waiting for you.”
He sighs, smiling despite his better judgment. “I appreciate that, but it’s late. You didn’t need to wait for me.”
“Well, tough.” You lay your head on his shoulder, biting your cheeks to keep from smiling. You’re more than well aware that that little comment will poke Aaron’s buttons. His hand tightening around your waist is evidence of it.
“What do you want to eat, brat?”
Your breath hitches. Then, as if you want to make it worse, you say, “Do you want me to answer that honestly?”
Aaron sighs again, this time tired and ragged, holding on by a thin thread. “Food, little girl. Food. My cock isn’t food.”
“Fine, fine. I don’t know, pizza? Pizza is a safe bet.”
“Pizza it is then,” he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. While he’s looking up the number of the pizza place, he says nonchalantly, “You know I’m not fucking you until you’re fully recovered. I won’t say it a third time.”
You want to argue because technically sucking him off isn’t him fucking you, but you decide not to. Right now.
Later, you will. He’ll cave eventually. You’re sure of it.
Aaron curves your every attempt to steer things in a more sensual direction. You don’t mind it really, you like teasing him like this – even if you know it’ll come back to bite you in the ass when he decides to punish you for it all. But he insists on not fucking you.
You know you were just shot, but you wish he’d just slam you into the wall already.
Unfortunately, your injured leg doesn’t coordinate with your desire because rough sex – or any sex – is off the table now.
You weren’t going to take any pain medicine for it because it wasn’t hurting that bad, but then it got worse, and you think it’s probably because you did laundry today when you definitely shouldn’t have. You’re not telling Aaron that, though. No way.
Still, he made you take some pain medicine, and now you’re settling into the first Harry Potter movie. He kept his word and you did, too. He needs to watch all of them.
You’re lying down now with your head in his lap – on a pillow, of course, because he doesn’t want you getting any ideas – as the familiar tune of the opening scene plays.
You doze in and out, falling asleep quickly because Aaron’s hands are massaging small circles into your head. You recall him throwing a blanket over you at some point, so you must’ve been shivering.
It’s not long before you’ve fallen asleep completely, waking only after the movie has ended and Aaron has you in his arms bridal style, carrying you to your bed.
“What time is it?” You mumble, turning to bury your face in his shirt, inhaling the familiar smell that is your man.
“Almost eleven,” he whispers back.
You hum, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Are you staying?”
“Of course,” he replies almost instantly. “I stuck a bag in here when we surprised you.”
“You did?” You ask, smiling stupidly. “Cheeky motherfucker.”
He laughs, catching himself and muffling the sound so it doesn’t rattle your eardrums as hard. “Just looking out for my little girl.”
You hum again, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. “Your little girl loves it. And you.”
“And I love her too,” he murmurs. “Can I put you down now?”
Your eyes pop open lazily, seeing you’re in your bedroom. “Have you just been holding me?”
He nods as he lowers you onto the bed. “I felt like holding you.”
You hold onto his neck, and he doesn’t seem to mind as he stays bent over you, his nose brushing against yours. In the dim light, you take him in, searching his brown eyes, trying to find some reasoning, some magic spell that made it possible for him to love you this much.
“You better stop,” you whisper, not knowing where this is going.
“Or what?” He asks, inching closer, his lips ghosting over yours.
“Or I’ll wanna marry you for real,” you mumble. You’re aware of what you’re saying, but the exhaustion from the pain medicine makes it hard to fully process your own words. All you know is you mean them, every syllable.
“I already want to marry you,” he replies quietly. He’s not sure if you’re even coherent right now. You look like you are, but it seems too good to be true.
And as if his thoughts are confirmed, your eyes slip closed, sleep taking over.
You probably won’t remember this in the morning.
But he hopes you will.
When you wake up, Aaron is long gone.
There’s a note next to a glass of water on your nightstand. He’s left for work and is going to try to be back earlier this evening. You smile at the thought, knowing he’ll get caught up again, but you don’t mind. It comes with the job.
You would love to go to the office for lunch. Maybe surprise him this time? You wouldn’t need a ride, as long as you don’t take anymore pain medicine today. The affects from last night’s is already gone.
He might kill you for it, but you’re doing it anyway. You miss everyone.
So, on that note, you get up and eat a quick breakfast before throwing on the comfiest clothes you own. It’ll be weird going into the BAU in these clothes with your badge clipped to the edge of your sweatshirt instead of to a blazer.
And sure enough, it does.
Stepping off the elevator on the floor of the BAU feels more nerve-wracking than it should.
On one hand, you’re excited to be here again, to see the rest of the team and to surprise all of them. On the other hand, you know Aaron won’t be happy with you (at first) for coming here. And you have this strange pit in your stomach, but you’re not sure what that’s about.
You push the negative feelings away and try to stay positive, focusing on the reactions from the rest of the team. They’ll be happy to see you, no doubt. That’s what you should be focusing on.
You’ve barely rounded the corner when you run into Penelope.
She grins, shaking her head. “You’re not supposed to be here, you sneaky little weasel.”
“I know, I know,” you groan. “But I was going insane and I miss you guys! I had to come visit and surprise everyone for lunch.”
“I can order in your favorite,” Penelope winks. “Come, come. Let’s grab JJ.”
Penelope links her arm with yours and the two of you walk to JJ’s office. JJ is at her desk and not on the phone for once, but the stacks of case files are as tall as ever. She looks up when you knock on her doorframe, and her face breaks into a grin.
“Hey you!” She stands, ignoring the open file to give you a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to say hi,” you chuckle, squeezing her tight. “I’m going insane doing nothing.”
“It’s barely been two weeks,” JJ laughs. “What are you gonna do for the other two months?”
“Don’t even tell me that,” you groan. “I don’t know. I’ll just come bug you guys every day off the clock, I guess.”
“And if they’re gone, you can come camp out with me in my lair,” Penelope offers.
“Of course,” you nudge her arm. “I’ll probably hide out with you to avoid the wrath of Hotch.”
“He doesn’t know you’re here?” JJ asks. She grimaces when you nod. “Good luck with that one, sister.”
“Why do you think I want to walk in there with you guys? I’m not going into the lion’s den alone.”
“Oh, you’d be fine,” Penelope laughs. “We’re still having a girl’s night, right? We still need details and you are not getting out of it.”
“Yes, yes, we can, we’ll find time,” you promise.
After another moment of idle conversation, the three of you head up the hall to the bullpen. Through the glass doors, you can see Reid doing another magical science trick, and he must be practicing because Derek and Emily are working on some paperwork instead of watching him.
You decide to surprise Emily first since her desk is closest. Derek spots you, but doesn’t say a word, letting you sneak up behind Emily.
“Did you use my shampoo?” You ask right into her ear (don’t ask why, it’s the first thing that came to mind).
She spins around and jumps up, pulling you into a hug. Derek gives you a hug next, and Reid waves from his desk before going back to whatever experiment he’s in the middle of doing.
“Where’s Hotch?” You ask, glancing between everyone.
“Your man is in his office,” Derek snickers. “What? Did you not get enough lovin’ this morning?”
“Shut it, Morgan,” you try to smack his arm, but he dodges your swing with a laugh. “And since you asked so nicely, I’m never satisfied.”
Your shit-eating grin earns cheering from the girls, but Morgan groans loudly, shuddering.
“I did not need to know that, L/N. Seriously.”
You shrug. “Don’t ask then.”
Morgan shakes his head, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I’m glad to see you’re just as feisty as always.”
“That’ll never leave me,” you wrap an arm around his waist, accepting his hug. “Where’s Rossi?”
“He took today off,” Emily answers.
“Something about his publisher,” JJ shrugs.
“Another book?” You ask. “I thought he was done with that.”
“Maybe,” Morgan says. “And I thought you weren’t allowed back here for at least another month.”
“To work,” you clarify, poking his stomach. “I’m just here to bug you guys and have lunch. I’m enjoying my time off, thank you very much.”
“You’re bored, aren’t you?”
“Out of my fucking mind,” you admit with a laugh.
You’re too busy talking to Morgan to realize Hotch has walked out of his office and is standing on the balcony, arms crossed over his chest, and a near death glare settled on you.
“Uh oh,” Morgan mutters, sliding his arm off your shoulders.
Your arm slips from around his waist, your eyebrows furrowing. “What—Oh. Oops.”
“Y/N,” Hotch says firmly. “Can I speak to you in my office?”
“You’re gon’ get it now,” Morgan says under his breath.
But you hear the remark, so you punch him in his side. “Of course, sir,” you say to Hotch, adding another jab to Morgan’s ribs when you hear him snickering at you. You’re gonna get him back later. So bad.
Aaron turns and walks back into his office. He’s closing the blinds when you walk in.
“Shut the door,” he says sternly.
You do as you’re told (for once), shutting the door behind you. “Aaron, I can expl—”
You don’t get to finish your sentence because the wind is knocked out of you, and Aaron lips are smothering your own. He nips at your bottom lip, and you open up for him, moaning when his tongue doesn’t even fight for dominance, just takes. The kiss has you hot all over, thanks to his wandering hands that run under your sweatshirt, leaving goosebumps everywhere his fingertips touch.
When he pulls back, you’re breathless, your chest heaving, your eyes wide, lips bruised.
“Um,” you pause to take a deep breath, licking your buzzing lips. “I’m sorry?”
“We’ll talk about this later,” he says sternly. “You’re lucky they’re out there or I’d bend you over my desk.”
You swallow thickly. “You still can.”
He smirks, but shakes his head, his thumb stroking your cheek softly. “No. And if they ask, you can say we were discussing your psych eval.”
You deflate at its mention. You try not to show it, but Aaron sees it. “When is that, by the way?”
“The Friday after next,” he says quietly. “At noon.”
“Okay,” you murmur. “When are you supposed to formally tell me?”
He chuckles. “Today is fine. I can tell Strauss I called you in to discuss it and you decided to have lunch with the team – if she asks.”
“Are you okay with lying to her this much?”
“Believe it or not, I’ve lied to her more often than you think. Before you joined us.”
“I don’t believe it,” you smirk. “You’re always such a stickler for the rules.”
“And yet here I am,” he pauses, kissing you again, “in love with you.”
“Loving me is dangerous, huh?”
“You have no idea.”
Next chapter
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salamoonder · 4 years
Alright, so here’s the thing. At this point, I actually don’t care what Artagan has or hasn’t done and, morally, what that means. It’s irrelevant. Interesting, but irrelevant. What I want to talk about is what the Nein, excluding Jester, know about him, and what they do with this information, and how they cast judgment.
Here are things that the nein have actually seen: fleeting glimpses of a figure in a green cloak. one conversation with a giant archfey who has recruited jester’s help in planning a convention. further, fleeting glimpses. very very brief phrases.
Here are things that the nein have heard about him from jester: he’s pretty cool, you guys :) . he’s got a chaotic streak, like her. he helps her pull off pranks. he’s always shown up for her. he’s handsome. he taught her magic. he kept her company when her mom was busy. he is her first friend. he is her best friend. he is her oldest friend. she really loves him.
and yes, they know he misrepresented himself to jester for years. they know he sent them to an island where you lose your memory every night. they know that he is sketchy as fuck and they do not know if he means what he says. and that is reasonable and understandable and fair.
here is something that i don’t know if you guys know about abusers, regardless of if artagan is one or not. (and he’s not. i’m not even going to say i don’t think he is, he literally is not abusive. words mean something; stop throwing them around because you personally don’t like someone.) you cannot tell their victims that they are abusive or awful or manipulative or horrible, and expect that to help. that makes it worse. the same is true of cults. you cannot, and i mean CANNOT, make yourself hostile, because then the outside world is hostile, and the abuser is safe. the outside world is hostile, and the cult is safe. furthermore you’re reinforcing what every abuser and what every cult plants in their victim’s heads--i’m the only one who would put up with you. i’m the only one who really loves you. everyone else will be cruel to me, but i’m the only thing you have. even if the nein had reason to suspect that the traveler was straight up abusing jester instead of just weird and shady, that is not a good response.
no matter how bad artagan is or isn’t, fjord, caduceus, and beau are still being condescending. they are still failing to trust that jester knows what she’s talking about. they are still trying to coddle her, they are still treating her like a child, and i want to talk about that. i want y’all to see that they’re still treating her like she’s emotionally fragile. like individually, i want to talk about that, and also the fact that everyone seems to want to lump caleb into this. (and yasha?? yasha has barely said anything about him, y’all.)
i’m going to skim over caduceus a bit because i don’t think his is a jester-centric problem. he tends to just trust that he either has the correct answers to a situation, or that even if he doesn’t know what’s correct, he knows what isn’t. this arc has been very interesting, because it’s been a lot of “i’ll play along with this because it sounds intriguing, but i’m going to be very self righteous about it the whole time.” like. the “we’re good” when jester brought up transferring followers to melora is haunting me. why “we’re good”? i get cad’s philosophy that not everyone is going to flock to one god--that’s fine, that makes sense. but the implication of “we’re good” really makes it sound like “mmm no thanks, none of these people would end up in my cool and correct religion anyway.” because he doesn’t know! he doesn’t know if any of these people would actually be happier and better off with melora. or. maybe he does know, or has decided, that they wouldn’t be, because these are not the kind of people that he could see himself falling under the same moral umbrella as. (lmao love how i said i was going to skim. anyway. again, less a jester thing, more a “cad is smug about everything” thing tbh.)
let’s move to fjord. he is quite honestly making me almost more uncomfortable than beau, because he’s making statements that i don’t really actually believe. “we just don’t want you to get hurt” is all very well and good. coupling that with agreeing with beau that they shouldn’t leave jester alone with artagan? without telling jester? does not jive. (i’m still not over the ridiculous of that, by the way. yeah this dude--no, this ARCHFEY, who could snap you in half in a moment--has been alone with her regularly for the first 20ish years of her life but now, now he’s going to try and kill her, and you’re going to be the one to stop that.) fjord keeps saying things like this--that he trusts her--but he doesn’t actually act like it. at one point he even says “if jester has faith in the traveler, that’s good enough for me, i suppose.” but it’s not, and he doesn’t act like it is. you know who actually acts like that? caleb. caleb’s getting his own paragraph though this is getting long as fuck. but if fjord actually meant that? he would’ve told beau “listen i know this situation is sketchy and i don’t like him anymore than you do but because i trust jester i also trust that she knows what she’s doing here, and i’ll be there to back her up with whatever she needs/wants me to do”. but he did not say that or anything like that. instead he agreed with beau to essentially be bodyguarding jester--without consulting jester about it at all. he wouldn’t have told jester “he’s generally full of shit, right?” about the traveler. jester is continually telling the group over and over again that she knows what he’s like. she knows Exactly how he can be. and the sad thing is, if fjord actually believed that she knew what she was talking about when she said that and if he believed that he could actually talk to her frankly and not that her feelings had to be protected at all costs (my skin is still crawling at “we don’t wanna ruin jester’s special day”. it’s not a five year old’s birthday party), then he would have straight up told her. he would have said “hey we’re concerned enough that he’s going to hurt you that we don’t think you should be alone with him. can we help guard against that?”
and i’ll be honest, i’ve kind of been squicked out by all the romantic posts about fjord and jester because he’s spent the last few episodes genuinely treating her like a wonderful but vulnerable child who needs to be protected from the world. when he told beau "I'm probably the least clued in as to how jester feels” i was like YEAH NO SHIT. and i know he meant it in a romantic sense but i feel that it’s true in general. like i get that he’s scared to talk to her. that’s fine. he doesn’t have to talk to her about her feelings, romantic or otherwise. but if he’s acknowledging that he does not at all know how she feels then he has no right to behave as if he does know. and again i don’t mean this in a romantic sense. i mean it in a, he is making the assumption that she can’t handle reasoned criticism of the traveler to her face, kind of sense. he and beau both are opting for “random insults, threats, and judgments they have decided apply” over “genuinely this is why we are concerned”. there has been a lot of “you don’t need him” and “you are better off without him” and “you’re better than him” and “you have us why do you need that” and those are judgement statements that are essentially meaningless. all they do is further demonstrate to jester that they don’t actually understand why she’s upset or what she actually wants.
i think caleb, mr i-eat-encyclopedias-for-breakfast, likely just has a better intellectual understanding of the fae and that may be why he’s not as outwardly concerned as the rest, but he’s also actually decided to trust jester that she knows what she’s dealing with. she has demonstrated both verbally and with her actions that even if she may not have known about artagan initially, She Knows How This Works. and he trusts that. caleb truly went “alright, i trust that you know what you’re doing, where do you need me” and that was IT. i’m not saying that he’s not allowed to be suspicious or concerned or wary of the traveler: i just don’t think he is. and i hate that people keep lumping him in with the rest of the nein “treating jester like a child” because they think he’s predatory or something--especially as caleb and fjord are pretty much the same age--when he is literally the only FUCKING person consistently asking jester how she feels and then actually acting accordingly.
and the thing is, you don’t have to be caleb and largely unconcerned, it is actually possible for you to show concern and alarm and wariness for your friend’s best friend without condescending to them and veth has been doing that this whole damn time. we know how she feels about him; she decidedly does not like him. but she set that aside to really fully listen to jester and then tried to be helpful to her in deciding what to do next, without inserting her own opinion. veth is the only one acknowledging that, sure, this looks really bad and i don’t like that guy, but you know him best, jester, and you know yourself best and so it should be your choice what to do in this situation. she reminds jester--if he is really a friend to you, and he is doing things you don’t like, then you can talk to him about that and he should listen. i want to talk about how when jester suggested that artagan join the mighty nein, there were exactly three reactions. extremely lame excuses from everyone but caleb and veth, “maybe, like, an annex--” from caleb, because he knows what everyone else is gonna say, and “we don’t like your friend” from veth, literally the only person who has apparently decided that jester can hear that without dissolving into a puddle or something.
and i want to make it clear--i don’t hate the actors. and stories are supposed to make you upset and uncomfortable, to an extent. they’re supposed to make you think. you’re not supposed to be happy when darth vader blows up alderaan. you’re not supposed to be happy when edmund betrays his siblings to the white witch. these are all excellent, excellent character choices and i applaud the cast for making them. and i don’t hate fjorester. and like yeah there have been a lot of cute moments in the last few eps. and they are cute and their story is compelling and it’s interesting. but i wish people would stop acting like fjord’s attitude towards her is perfect and lovely and that he trusts her sooo much when he is going behind her back like this. i am...the biggest widomauk shipper. and i have to admit my heart does the swoopy thing every time i rewatch the forehead kiss. but that wasn’t great. it was overall really not a good read or handle of the situation. it was, there was an attempt. and i do think fjord is trying. and i think beau is trying too. and i think all of their attitudes however terrible just come from a place of loving her and wanting to protect her. but--and here i must point frantically back at artagan--loving someone does not mean that you’re not hurting them.
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hi! since you're done with prof!tom (and thank you for writing all of those requests; you're awesome!) I was wondering if I could request something for mob!tom? where like reader has just given birth and has been given the 'okay' by her doctor to be intimate with tom again but because she's insecure about how her body has changed, she lies about it and tom finds out and decides to show reader just how much he still wants her; body changes and all?
––clearing out my inbox–– (requests are closed) 
this turned out way longer than expected lol but i’m kinda proud of this one
warnings: smut
word count: 2k
"darling, you know i think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, right?” his eyes were looking into yours, making sure to get through to you. he placed his hands on your cheeks and you smiled sadly.
“you’re just saying that because you feel bad, tommy. it’s fine, i know i don’t look as good as i did before.” you tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t let you.
his brows furrowed, “did someone say this to you? who was it?” 
you could tell he was getting ready to fight, to do whatever he could to avenge you, but you quickly shut him down. “no, no baby, no one said anything.” he tilted his head, his eyes softening, almost asking in silent question, then why––
you sighed. “i just. my figure doesn’t look the same, my stomach is still a little big from the baby, my stretch marks are even bigger, and the list just goes on tom.” you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. “and i just don’t know if i’ll ever be able to look like i did before...” you looked up at him, your eyes starting to water. “when you fell in love with me.”
he could feel himself starting to crack a bit on the inside. he felt angry that you felt this way, that you could put such ridiculously judgmental thoughts in your head, even though it wasn’t your fault. but more than that, he was upset that he let you reach a point where you didn’t think he would love you anymore because of what you looked like. 
he took your hands and brought you over to sit on the bed next to him, the both of you facing each other. “darling, i fell in love with you for way more than just your looks. i fell in love with you for your kind heart, your beautiful soul, your intelligent mind, and everything else i could possibly list off. i don’t care if you never look the way you did before, either because you physically can’t or because you just don’t feel like it. i love you for you. and i’m sorry that i let you feel this way, it’s absolutely killing me inside.”
his voice got quieter near the end and you brought your hand up to hold his jaw and he smiled at you. “even if you don’t think it, i believe that you are the most stunning woman ever. and all of those changes your body went through only show you how amazing you are, how powerful your body is to have grown a human life and pushed it out of you.” he let go of your hands and held your cheeks again, “you are incredible.” he pulled you in and kissed you gently. it wasn’t one of your usual kisses, but it was just as loving, it was reassuring and it was everything you needed. 
a tear slipped from your eye as you pulled away, a small laugh escaping you. “oh, tom.” 
“hey, hey,” he wiped the tear before it could get far. “no crying, okay?”
you bit your lip, nodding, your face still in his palms. “i just don’t know what i did to deserve you.” 
he shook his head. “such a silly girl.” he tapped your nose playfully. “everything i do is the absolute least i could do for a perfect woman like you.” he kissed you again, this time deeper and you could feel the tension in the room shift.
he pulled away after a bit, looking at you as he spoke. “now i don’t want to rush you, love. but if you’re ready, i’d like to show you just how much i still want you and will forever want you no matter what.” 
you nodded almost immediately. “i want you too, tom.”
he smiled, giving you a small peck, which turned into several, longer kisses as your hands unbuttoned his shirt. he took it off hastily, without breaking the kiss, then reached for his belt and threw it aside. you pulled away, making him whine but you just smiled and got up to help him take his pants off. 
he stood up and reached for your shirt. “can i?” 
instead of responding, you started to pull it off yourself, but he was quick to bat your hands away, making you gasp and look up at him. 
“naughty girl,” he tutted. “told you i wanted to take it off.” you just smiled. it’d been a while since he spoke to you like that and you could already feel your head slipping into that intimate space again. it felt like home. he pulled the shirt off of you and his eyes roamed your chest. your breasts had gotten bigger during pregnancy but they were still very sensitive so he knew not to touch. he’d do fine with just staring for now. “fucking gorgeous, baby.”
“my eyes are up here, you know?” you teased. 
his eyes shot up to yours as he licked his lips, a grin on his face. “oh i know.” 
you just rolled your eyes in response. then he bent down and kissed your stomach, as he pulled your sweats down. your panties were not cute at all, but the hungry look in his eyes told you that he did not care. just as he reached for your panties you gasped suddenly, backing up one step. “wait––”
his eyes found yours immediately, trying to cool the fire in him as he became concerned. “what is it?” his hand reached for yours, his thumb rubbing your knuckles softly. “what’s wrong?”
you swallowed, suddenly nervous. “i just um––” his eyes were soft, patiently waiting for you to continue. “i don’t look––that good down there?” you laughed awkwardly. “uh i just, i started to shave but then i gave up cause it was too much work and i wasn’t really expecting this so it doesn’t look that pretty––”
tom stood up, his hand still holding yours, the other coming to hold the side of your face. “darling you just had a baby. i’m not expecting you to look all clean shaven for me. that would be ridiculous.” he kissed you gently. “just wanna make you feel good like you deserve. s’that okay?”
you looked at him before kissing him again, thankfully, a smile on your face. “yeah okay.” 
he smiled but instead of getting back on his knees he led you to the bed and you lied down in the middle. he slipped his underwear off and climbed up on the bed, settling between your legs. he looked up at you once more, confirming that you wanted this before sliding your panties off. you spread your legs and his eyes locked in between them. he licked his lips subconsciously and the sight honestly gave you the ego boost you needed. 
“can i taste you, lovie? gonna let me put my mouth back where it belongs?” 
you nodded but that wasn’t enough for him. “forget your manners already, love? hasn’t been that long, come on.”
“please put your mouth on me tommy.”
his lips curved upwards as he lied down between your thighs. “of course. my girl gets everything and more, you know that.” he wasted no time, and used two fingers to spread you open, licking his way into you. he’d missed seeing you like this, being able to taste you and touch you the way you both loved. you let out a small oh and he pulled you in closer, dying to hear you again. 
he placed his hands on your thighs gently, keeping you close as he let you grind your hips onto his tongue. he moved his head up and down with you, not wanting you to do all the work. he left long wet kisses on your pussy, his tongue languidly stroking your clit as he moved along with you. 
your hands found their rightful place in his curls and he moaned into you, not realizing how much he’d missed that feeling. the sound of him enjoying himself only made you wetter, your pussy clenching around nothing. it didn’t take you long to reach your peak. “fuck that feels so good tommy––”
he sucked on your clit and you mewled. “that’s it. wanna watch you fall apart on my tongue baby.” his eyes were entranced as he watched you, your back arching the way he missed, your breath catching as a soft sigh escaped you, your hands pulling at his hair in the way that thrilled him. your thighs clenched around him, a gasp falling from your lips as your eyes fluttered shut. tom didn’t stop his movements, his lips still wrapped around you, his tongue lapping you up until you dropped back down on the sheets, your eyes opening slowly. 
he pressed a kiss to your clit, then to your thigh, his eyes still watching you in awe as he sucked marks into your skin. when you calmed down, your hands pulled him up eagerly and he complied with no complaints. 
you pulled him down to kiss you and he made sure to hold himself up, not wanting to press against your sensitive chest, making you smile. “want you inside me.” you looked down to his hard cock, he was already leaking. “please?” you batted your eyes innocently and he narrowed his eyes at you, shaking his head as he laughed.
“you little minx.” he rubbed his cock through your folds, swiping your wetness as he went along, rubbing it over your clit, making you jolt. he smiled and slid into you slowly. a little too slowly for your liking. so you wrapped your legs around him and pulled him in making him bottom out immediately. 
you both moaned out and he rested his forehead against yours, “fuck. needy little thing aren’t you?”
you nodded. “only for you.” you were already breathless as he slowly started thrusting into you deep, pressing your clit every time he pumped his hips. 
“shit––” your walls were clenching all around him “missed my pretty pussy so much.” his eyes drifted down to where you were connected, looking at your arousal wetting his cock, your cunt opening up to him like it was made for him.
his eyes found their way back to your face and stayed there as he sped up his movements, watching the way your body showed the pleasure you were feeling, the pleasure he was giving you. 
“feel good baby girl?” he brought a hand down to rub at your clit. his smile was cheeky as he looked into your eyes and that only made you clench around him even more. you loved when he was cocky, and he knew that too.
you nodded, biting your lip. “so so good. always make me feel so good tommy.” 
he growled, fucking into you faster as he got closer. he’d been throbbing ever since he got his mouth on you. “such a tight little pussy. always good for me. you gonna cum one more time with me?”
“yes yes.” you pulled him close, digging your fingers into his back as you felt yourself inching closer to the edge. it wasn’t long before the two of you climaxed together, your mouths locked together as you moaned into each other, the both of you connected in more ways than one. 
you both agreed that you didn’t want to pull away from each other just yet––it felt comforting to be so enveloped by each other. so tom moved the two of you over onto your side, facing each other, looking in the lights of each other’s eyes, the glow in your skin. 
he ran his knuckles over your cheek lovingly. “please tell me when you’re feeling down about yourself darling, okay? so i can remind you just how amazing you are.”
you smiled, your hand coming up to hold his wrist. “okay tommy i will.” you kissed him slowly, taking your time to show everything you felt. “i love you.”
“i love you too darling. so much.” 
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topazy · 3 years
Silent Bloom
Parings: Finn Collins/reader Bellamy Blake/reader
Warnings: None
Chapter: 2.01
"Ok, tell me again."
You groaned into your hands. You had explained everything that had happened, from the mountain men chasing you to Ada letting you go countless times that morning. Blinking against the sun shining in your eyes, you let out a deep sigh. "I can’t. I’m sorry, but I’ve gone over it so many times the details are starting to become fuzzy."
Clarke gave you an uncertain look before leaning back in her chair. You yawned into your hand and fought against the urge to close your eyes. The lack of sleep was starting to catch up with you.
Bellamy cleared his throat, which helped ease the growing awkwardness. "Tell us again what the plan is."
"It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."
Bellamy looked skeptical. "Are you sure we can get past the reapers and the..." He paused as his eyes lingered on you before continuing, "mountain men? I swear to God if your mom doesn’t sanction the mission, I’m going by myself."
"You won't be by yourself," Clarke confirmed.
Your jaw opened slightly as you noticed Finn walking towards your table. Gulping, you did your best not to make eye contact with him. "Guess the inquisitions are over," Bellamy said, giving you a sympathetic look. "How's Finn doing anyway?"
You shrugged. "I haven’t spoken to him since...since I came back."
"Hey," Finn said softly.
You continued staring at the table in front of you while Finn made small talk with Bellamy, and Clarke. You were afraid to look at him. The Finn Collins who did this wasn’t the same boy you grew up with. He wasn’t your best friend, or lover. The person standing next to you was a stranger. A murderer.
"Next round on me," Bellamy said as he stood up to leave the table. He squeezed your shoulder as he walked behind you.
Finn sat down across from you. "Mount weather, what’s the plan?"
"Still working on it."
Glancing at the blonde beside you, it finally sank in how Finn’s actions had affected everyone. Clarke had lost one of the few friends she had, and you couldn’t even imagine what this was doing to Raven. You stood up from your chair and finally made eye contact with Finn. Staring into his brown eyes hurt. He looked so lost and confused, but it still didn’t change what happened. "Excuse me, I need to get some fresh air."
"You look lonely out here."
You frowned instantly upon hearing his voice. You weren’t in the mood. "What do you want, Murphy?"
Murphy placed his hands on his chest, pretending to be hurt, before sitting down on the ground next to you. "Not interested in our hero’s gathering either?"
"I came outside because I needed some air."
Murphy made a scoffing noise, "I thought you would have been the council's new shiny toy. I’d heard you’d escaped grounders and our good friends from the mountain."
"And I heard Bellamy almost beat you to death again for trying to hang him."
You noticed Murphy toying with his fingers. "Yeah yeah, the same old Murphy that everyone hates."
"I don’t hate you." You looked at him, confused, as he shook his head, and scoffed. Did Murphy think you were mocking him? Despite everything that he’s done, you didn’t hate him.
"What, do you think I’m lying?"
"You kicked me down a ladder."
"In all fairness, you had it coming." Murphy nudged your shoulder as you both laughed until you saw the others getting ready to leave. "Can I ask you something? Would you have done it?"
Murphy let out a sigh, before answering. Even without saying the actual words, he knew what you meant. "I tried to stop him...I’ve done similar things to survive."
"No, no you haven’t. We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of, but nothing... eighteen people are dead. I always thought I’d do anything to protect my friends, but after this, I’m honestly not so sure."
"He didn’t do that because he was looking for a friend. Finn did it because he’s in love with you."
As you opened your mouth to reply, Octavia’s voice cut you off. "We are getting ready to leave."
"Try to stay out of trouble, Murphy," you said as you nodded and stood up to join her.
"Right back at ya, Daze."
You walked beside Octavia in silence until you approached the rest of the group. The first thing you noticed was Abby shaking her head. "No, absolutely not. I’m sorry Y/N, but you can’t come with us?"
"Because..." her eyes moved to the side where Finn was standing.
"I’ll be a distraction."
The older woman nodded, "there are plenty of ways you can help in camp."
You rolled your eyes. Abby’s tone was patronising but you decided not to think much about it. You hugged Octavia. "Watch what you're doing out there, okay? I need you to come back in one piece."
She chuckled softly, "I always do."
You stepped back to let her pass and felt somebody squeezing your shoulder gently. Spinning round, you smiled, seeing Bellamy staring at you. He looked worried. "You’re not coming?"
"This is one party I’m not invited to."
"Voluntarily?" You didn’t expect to hear the harshness in Bellamy’s voice as he spoke.
"Abby has a point," you said quietly. Something seemed off. Bellamy was more intense than usual. Placing your hand on his, you sighed. "It’s probably for the best that I sit this one out."
You looked back to hear Clarke calling his name. "You need to go. Just…"
He chuckled, "I’ll keep them safe."
You smiled softly before letting his hand go. You watched the small group walk away while finding it hard not to worry.
You jumped when you heard somebody talking, dropping the pen and paper that were in your hand. "Jesus Finn, you scared me!"
"Sorry...I’ll leave you to it."
"No, I’m sorry." You sighed, "I just got a fright because I didn’t hear you come in. When did you guys come back?"
"About an hour ago, I was surprised I didn’t see you."
"I’ve been in here doing the food inventory. Is anybody hurt?"
"One of the guards died, but other than that, no," Finn said, leaning against the wall, his head bowed. "We almost got caught by acid fog but everyone managed to hide."
"Then what happened to the guard?" You asked.
"Lincoln killed him. He has been turned into a reaper. The mountain men turned him into one of them."
You stared at Finn's mouth agape while trying to process the information. If mountain men were able to turn Lincoln into a reaper, you dread to think what could be happening to Monty and Jasper. "God, I need to go find Octavia."
"Daisy, can you wait? We need to talk."
A wave of guilt washed over you. "I know we do, but Octavia-"
"O will need me," you said, frowning when Finn cut you off.
"She has Clarke and Bellamy with her."
You picked up the pen and paper you dropped previously in silence. You didn’t know how to talk to him anymore.
"You can’t stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"I’m a monster you're afraid of."
"I don’t think you’re a monster, you just made a really bad judgment call."
The haunted look on his face sent a chill down your spine. "I thought they had you, and everybody else. When I saw Clarke’s father's watch, something just snapped inside me. I can’t explain it."
You look down at the ground, not knowing what to say. You couldn’t imagine the guilt that must have been eating away at him.
"Do you think we can ever get it back? What did we have before?"
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. "I..I don’t know. So many things have happened, and I hope we can be friends again, but it will take time."
"What I did in the village was wrong, but at the time I thought it was the right thing."
"It's not just about the village..." you couldn't stop crying as your voice broke."You chose her over me."
"No, don’t keep cutting me off. Do you know how hard it was watching you with somebody else? Especially when you spent the night before with me? I was heartbroken Finn but I kept it together the best I could. You made your choice. You chose Raven over me and expect me to act like nothing happened."
"It wasn’t like that Daisy. Raven means so much to me, I didn’t want to hurt her."
His words stung the same way being physically hurt would. Finn had a big heart, and regardless of how much he cared, you’d always be second best, and you couldn’t settle for it anymore. Hearing footsteps getting closer, you did your best to compose your emotions.
"I need to hand this in, and check on Octavia." You sighed, looking at him, "You still mean a lot to me, Finn. I’ve never stopped caring about you. We just need to take it slow with rebuilding our friendship again."
"Baby steps?"
You chuckled, "baby steps are fine with me."
Season two
So here we are at season two, and Daisy has finally started to get the closure that she needs to move on from her relationship with Finn. Thanks again to everyone who’s shared or liked silent bloom so far!!
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nancydfan · 3 years
Okay but honestly everyone (besides Mia) doubted Ethan and his abilities the entirety of the game- especially Chris.
Obviously all the lords are like “ha ha you’ll never get past me!” And then insert picacho surprised meme when he does.
Even Miranda seems to be like “whAT THE FUCK” when Ethan stumbles his way back to fight her after she swore she killed him. Like yes she knew he was “special” somehow but never realized the full extent of his abilities.
But Chris himself doubted Ethan the most honestly.
I feel like when Chris and his team found and got Ethan and Mia out of the Baker’s house in RE7, he probably just thought Ethan was lucky. I mean, here’s this totally average guy and you’re telling me he killed/ severely injured the members of this family who had been infected with the mold, as well as killed Eveline himself? Like Chris was probably like while this man definitely was able to fight his way out there’s no actual way he was able to do this on his own, maybe he’s over exaggerating or whatever.
But he doesn’t say anything, and offers to teach Ethan military training (at least I think it was Chris, only because they seem to be more familiar with each other in RE8) because even if he’s over exaggerating the man clearly has talent and capabilities to make it out of that house in relatively one piece.
And then they get into training and Chris is incredibly impressed. For what appears to be your typical average dude he’s got pretty good fight tactics and techniques, and can handle a gun pretty well. Of course there’s always stuff to improve on and Chris teaches him to the best of his abilities, and here he gets to know Ethan.
This is a man who always offers help to anyone who needs it, and goes out of his way to comfort people whenever they need it. He truly loves his wife, he never makes a “gotta get back to the old ball and chain” or other “I hate my wife” jokes, he truly appreciates her and respects her with every part of him.
He has a great intuition, both in fighting and just when reading people. When Chris or someone around them has an off day he immediately picks up on it and is able to sense what that person needs. With Chris he will casually mention that his door is always open, he might not know the answer but Ethan is always willing to listen if Chris needs it. And though Chris at first insists that he’s fine, somehow Ethan Winters gets him to open up a bit (not completely, but Ethan’s genuine kindness begins to crack Chris’ ‘tough guy’ mask he puts on that lets Ethan see a glimpse of the real him. Chris’ squad is in utter shock of this because it took them YEARS to achieve this), and they both can sit down and share the horrors they both have experienced and for once in Chris’ life he starts to feel that maybe he can actually recover from what he’s seen.
Ethan also somehow knows exactly what to say. Though sometimes he’ll have to pause to get the right words and thoughts together, when he finally speaks his words are exactly what Chris (and others) needed to hear, even if Chris won’t admit it.
Ethan is the guy who when he sees injustice he doesn’t stay quiet, he is loud and makes sure that whatever happened doesn’t go unnoticed. He somehow remembers everyone’s birthday and gets them the present that they actually want, even if the person and Ethan have only talked once.
And though Ethan has the capability to be serious when needed he can be light hearted and funny, and though sometimes his jokes are simple puns or the same reiteration of the joke you’ve heard 100 times you can’t help but laugh because he somehow made it sound different, somehow breathed some fresh life into it. He has his favorite shows that he always makes sure he is home by to watch, and though he is at his core gentle and kind he can also be tough, and isn’t afraid to call you out when you’re wrong.
Ethan is the least judgmental person you will ever meet, and is truly open minded and will listen to you completely and openly. He isn’t afraid to change his opinion when he realizes he was wrong. When him and Mia throw a Christmas party they always invite Chris and he is always touched by it.
It is through their time together training that Chris realizes that while yes Ethan is a completely normal man he is far from completely ordinary and boring.
And when he announces he’s going to be a father Ethan’s eyes completely light up, and he spends hours of talking about all the beautifully mundane things that accompany preparing to become a parent and dealing with the trials of Mia’s pregnancy. There is no doubt in Ethan’s voice or heart that lead anyone to believe that he thinks that there’s a possibility that Rose might be unhealthy due to both of their exposure to the mold. Ethan runs on optimism and truly believes that she’ll be alright, that though they’ve been through hell him and Mia finally got the happy ending they deserve, and Chris has never been so happy for him.
And then, of course, everything comes crashing down.
When Chris learns that Miranda has infiltrated the Winters’ home he is infuriated on their behalf (can’t this family catch a fucking break?) and does all he can to help them (but little does he know he actually will make it worse). He doesn’t tell Ethan whats going on because they need the element of surprise to get Miranda and Chris knows Ethan will not lie low until he gets there. While Ethan was incredibly lucky to survive Dulvey there’s no way he can survive Miranda’s wrath.
(Also I think there was a document saying they didn’t know if Ethan was compromised or not, hence why Chris didn’t tell Ethan immediately what was going on but still he was over the line)
When Chris discovers that his team escorting Ethan, Rose, and Miranda had crashed and died, leaving Miranda in sole control of Rose he is devastated but thinks to himself that he must keep going, there’s no time to grieve or feel guilty for mistakes when Miranda is moments away from completing her ceremony.
And then he gets word that Ethan Winters has been spotted in the castle. And he shakes his head because of course he’s still alive, Ethan must run on luck and sheer will because how else would he have survived the crash?
And though Chris wants to go after him to tell him to sit his ass down so his team can do their job he can’t because again time is a luxury he can’t afford and he hopes Ethan’s luck saves his ass again this time. And though he hopes for the best can Ethan really take on these god-like creatures?
And then he again gets word that Ethan Winters somehow is defeating all of the lords. He’s going through them as if they’re simply ants beneath his feet and somehow he is still going. And though this is great Chris and his team are rapidly losing the element of surprise they’ve been trying to maintain since coming to this village.
And when he encounters Ethan again it almost hurts to see this man who once sat with him for hours talking about nothing, offering to help him with his taxes look at him with such fury and disdain that it almost sends shivers down his spine, that even though Chris is a highly trained operative he for some reason feels like if Ethan chose to kill him Chris wouldn’t last long. He wants to explain but time won’t let him (or is it the fear that he was wrong all along and once he spits his words out he’ll realize this).
And when Chris runs into Ethan at Karl’s factory he finally gives up and figures that he could use Ethan’s luck on his team, if Ethan can eliminate the four lords without any military help then he’s got to be able to have a shot and killing Miranda with Chris’ and his team’s help.
And when he hears Miranda kill Ethan on the phone it is a blow to his gut that he wasn’t expecting, because Ethan Winters has made a bigger impact on his heart than he thought possible. And it is in this moment of grief that he realizes his mistakes, that he was wrong to alienate Ethan, the man who went through hell twice without looking back to save his family.
The guilt only gets worse when he finds Mia, because he has to explain to her that it’s his fault that her husband is lying dead without his heart due to Chris’ own negligence. And when Mia tells him that he doesn’t understand how special he is he desperately wants to hear it, despite his mind telling him that’s she’s wrong, he wants Mia to tell him that Ethan can survive the impossible because he wants a second chance to make things right.
And when he gets the report again that Ethan Winters is somehow alive and is on his way to the ceremony site Chris’ heart soars and he wonders how could he have ever doubted Ethan Winters and his ability to come back to the people he loves time and time again.
(Also I could be wrong here because I don’t remember if Miranda blocked Chris out once she realized he was there but the rest of this is going to go off of the assumption that Chris was present and could see what was happening)
It is not until Chris makes it to the ceremony site and sees the battle between Miranda and Ethan that Chris truly realizes that he has severely underestimated this man for 3 whole years.
He’s seen Ethan fight before- he saw it in training and heard his squad give him the summary of what they saw when Ethan fought the other lords, but this is the first time Chris has seen Ethan TRULY fight, and on his face where Chris is so used to seeing compassion and love and carefreeness is suddenly replaced by anger, resentment, and pure determination because his daughter’s life is on the line and he will fight until there is nothing left of him to keep that little girl safe.
Chris watches in awe, because even though Ethan looks like he is barely staying together, like he is one breath away from falling apart he is still fighting. Maybe it’s because the mold is being destroyed or maybe Ethan’s injuries are so severe that the mold can’t be bothered hiding itself anymore but he finally sees the proof for himself that Ethan Winters is no longer human- Miranda is tearing into him and Ethan does not care- the long gashes she makes onto his body are desperately trying to suture themselves back together with small tendrils of black, this mold desperately trying to keep Ethan together when Miranda is so intent on tearing him apart.
He watches in amazement as Ethan somehow manages to avoid her claws and her own tendrils of mold reaching out to pound him into dust. He watches in amazement as it doesn’t matter how much Miranda damages Ethan- he gets back up again to unload another round of bullets into Miranda without slowing down, and watches in amazement as Ethan actually begins to win this battle- this perfectly normal man versus a god-like creature and Ethan is actually winning despite all the odds stacked against him.
This is Ethan Winters, he thinks, and while the mold might have given him regenerative properties the mold did not give him the drive and determination Chris sees before him- though Ethan Winters is infected but he is still Ethan Winters, each bullet he fires is coming from him, and his pure will to survive and save his daughter. The mold did not change him to a super hero because this is who he is at heart, a man who is willing to risk it all just to make sure the ones he loves are all right.
And if he didn’t already respect Ethan before he certainly does now, and he curses himself for being so ignorant and not letting Ethan in when he had the chance.
But that’s alright- because Ethan Winters has just eliminated Miranda before his eyes and is running to his daughter, and now Chris will have a lifetime to make it up to him.
But then he sees Ethan collapse to his knees in front of him, and his feet are moving before he even thinks to go because there’s no way, this man did not survive this hell just to die on him now.
Chris is relieved that Ethan is still (barely) conscious as he puts his arm around the man to help him out. Time has never been on their side and it certainly isn’t now, as Chris practically drags Ethan out because he has failed him too many times and he refuses to fail him again.
He tries to get Ethan to keep fighting because it seems that all of the life has drained from this man, the only part of him that’s full of life is the arm carrying his daughter because even when he’s on the brink of death he will not let anything happen to her. Chris brings up Mia and it pains him to hear the loss in Ethan’s voice, as if he’s already decided he’s a lost cause. Chris will not let this happen, he points out that they’re going to blow the village sky high and that’s why they need to get a move on and-
Suddenly Ethan is pushing Rose into his arms, and Chris can’t believe he gets the privilege to hold this man’s daughter after all he’s done and Ethan is draping Rose in his worn out coat and begging Chris to teach her to be strong and Chris won’t have this, Ethan Winters will not die on his watch he will get home to his family and live to live a perfectly normal life, when suddenly Ethan pushes Chris out of the way of a mold tendril that acts as a barrier between them and Chris watches in horror as Ethan stumbles backwards, the man looking more and more like a walking corpse versus the man he just saw moments ago, full of life and determination to kill Miranda.
“Goodbye, Rosemary” Ethan chokes out as he starts to stumble his way back to the ceremony site, and Chris can almost feel the pain of Ethan’s loss at not being able to be with his daughter and wife just within the utterance of these two words.
And Chris is calling Ethan back because dammit it doesn’t have to be like this but Chris knows what a man hell bent on something looks like, and Ethan is already almost out of his sight and the whole village is collapsing around him.
Cursing Chris turns around, cradling Rose close because Ethan somehow miraculously chose to trust Chris in protecting her and like hell will he let something happen to her after this. Chris will teach her to be strong and how to be brave, and not because he’s a man and Mia is incapable of it, but Chris will teach Rose how to be strong like her father was, and how to defend herself because both he and Ethan know that Rose’s abilities will make her a constant target for people to use for their own gain.
When Chris hands Rose back to Mia the joy on her face is short lived and suddenly she’s demanding where Ethan is, begging them to put the plane back down because there’s no way in hell he’d leave them willingly and just as Chris utters that Ethan chose to sacrifice himself the bomb goes off and he feels another blow to his chest, and it’s as though he can’t breathe for a second. He sees the realization hit Mia, and that though Ethan has survived the impossible time and time again can he really survive being blown to bits?
Chris can barely contain the grief and guilt that is consuming him as he looks out the window at the site where Ethan Winters’ luck has run out, the site where Ethan Winters has now died for the second time.
He glances back at Mia and Rose, and each sob Mia lets out cuts him like a knife because he knows he is responsible. He promised this little family that he would protect them and he failed. He failed Mia, he failed Ethan, and now he has failed Rosemary as she must now navigate her life missing a father who would have done anything for her.
Chris will not let Ethan die in vain. He will protect Rose, he will teach her how to fight and how to defend herself. And though he wants to reach out and comfort Mia he knows it will be unwelcome, but looking at Rose he will not fail her again.
He made a promise to Ethan Winters that he fully intends on keeping.
I’m sorry what did I do to be so emotionally attacked like this 😆
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I’m SOBBING OMG. Ty really. I feel like I have nothin I can add to this because GAH MY HEART. You get it. You understand these characters and I was smiling so huge as you described Ethan because YES ALL OF THIS. Then the pain as Ethans end approaches. AND CHRIS’ PERSPECTIVE THROUGHOUT AND HIS PROMISE GOING FORWARD.
Anyway someone get me tissues. This was so beautiful. Bless you 💜💜
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keltonwrites · 3 years
Where no one knows your name
How many times is a person meant to make new friends? When I moved into an apartment in DC with an absolutely iconic girl from Craigslist, I wrote in my journal, “you never know when you’ll meet your next bridesmaid.” Charmingly juvenile, as I was 24 years old. Ironic, as I never had any bridesmaids. And embarrassing, knowing I wrote something that’s surely been embroidered on a bachelorette party t-shirt by now. My point was: you can meet people you fall in love with anywhere, anytime, assuming your heart (and calendar) are open. Now my heart and calendar are open and I am one of Elizabeth Bennet’s sad sisters, cloying and desperate for attention while everyone at the ball ignores me. Meeting people here is unnerving and hapless and eye-clawingly vulnerable. My first new friend told me she was moving away in a few months. Do you invest deeply in hopes of another faraway friendship? Do you just go back to waving as you pass on the street? I like this girl! What an embarrassing thing to have to say to someone! Do you just invite people to every and anything like a lunatic? I can’t even remember to call the people I am forever-and-ever in cahoots with. I’m also deeply bound by what I’ll call the Movie Trap: say it’s 3pm during not-a-pandemic, and you get the urge to see a movie. You look at the showings, and there’s one you really want to see at 7:15. You think to yourself, “I should make an effort,” and you text a friend. “Hey, you wanna go see This Cool Movie at 7:15 tonight?” No one ever says yes. Don’t give me an example of when someone has, because it’s always one of these answers:
“Oooh, I’m actually seeing it with Kate tomorrow - wanna come?”
“Can we go to the 9pm showing? Stuck at work.”
“Yeah but let’s see Movie You’ll Fucking Hate instead.”
Now maybe I’m just lighting flares guiding you to the worst parts of my personality, but this drives me nuts. No, Liz, I don’t want to go tomorrow. I want to go tonight. At 7:15. So I can be in bed by 10. And you’d have to drag my dead body and prop open my eyes to get me to see something like Marriage Story in theaters. The Movie Trap is a big reason I usually hang out by myself, or I make plans weeks in advance. (Don't I sound like a blast.) Just the idea of being like, “I like you! Wanna hang out in October?” makes me want to collapse into a puddle of sad adulthood. Which is why on Friday at 4:30pm, when a girl I’d met a week prior asked if I wanted to grab a drink, I just said yes. I put on a pretty dress, did my makeup, put stuff in a purse, and drove the 25 minutes to town. It was really fun! And how novel to have new contacts in my phone like “Maggie blue house” and “Jess concert friend” — a throwback to the days of “Greg guy on L train” and “Devon ad party.” The very concept of not knowing someone’s last name or even needing it, and a year from now updating their contact info and smiling at your origin story. But for the most part, no one is in our phones. In terms of phone numbers collected, here is the list:
Two friends we knew prior who thank god you guys exist.
New friend who is moving away.
New friend who is game to drink tequila and ride mountain bikes.
Neighbor-not-yet-friend who I really fucking like and am not sure how to cross hang-out threshold with.
​Not to say there aren’t any other prospects or people I’m platonically gaga over, but I don’t have their phone numbers. There are honestly a lot of people like this because when you live in a small town (and you’re from the Midwest) you say “oop, sorry” to every person/object you bump into, and you say “hi :)” to every person you see. These are the rules. If I drive by you and don’t wave, it’s because I was so deep in a daydream I probably shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. This isn’t acceptable, because in our urgency to tattoo our vaccination status on our foreheads so we can make friends, it turns out just driving by someone can be a viable strategy. A few days ago, a man was driving by our kitchen window and then our driveway, and then he reversed back up to the kitchen window and started waving. Ben went outside — it was that kind of wave. The man had seen from his car a smokejumper emblem on the back of a truck in our driveway. “Hey, are you a smokejumper?” We aren’t. But my dad was, and he was in town visiting, accompanied by the emblem on the back of his truck. The guy said we should drink sometime. Numbers were not exchanged. We’ll call that a node, because it’s not quite a connection. And it’s mainly nodes, waiting to be connected, to have relevance. But first, no matter who you’re trying to befriend, you have to answer everyone else’s Do I Care Quiz. The quiz is employed by 93% of locals to determine how they feel about you existing within their personal 50-mile radius. The first question is non negotiable:
1) Are you visiting?
Variations on this question include “how long are you in town?” or “what brings y’all to town?” or my least favorite and most insulting, “did you just finish Jeeping?” I know I have blonde hair and say y’all, but how dare you. (Also, to be clear, you can own a Jeep, customize your Jeep, mod out your Jeep, and love your Jeep, but you’re not Jeeping until you drive too fast through a tiny town so you can hurl your Jeep over a mountain pass without ever getting out of it.) So the answer to “are you visiting” is “no, I live here.” Which brings us to the next question, my favorite for how loaded the gun, kneeling in the grass, scope on, target locked it is.
2) Are you part-time or full-time?
The first time I answered this question, I didn’t realize it was essentially like asking how someone voted in the 2020 election. The judgment was cocked and ready and the palpable relief/joy/or at the very least, tolerance, exuded by answering “full-time” was like when the sun comes out from behind the clouds on a 40 degree day. I was fine, but wow that does feel better. The third question though does not have a standard hoped-for answer. This is where nodes turn to connections turn to phone numbers.
3) What brings you here?
It seems like the best possible answer would be saying you work in town, and you’re going to begin construction on displaced-worker housing to ensure the people who run this town can actually live in it. We’d have everyone’s phone number. Saying you’re a writer who works remotely and bought a house from a legendary and beloved local who could no longer afford it is really something you keep to yourself. But in the interest of making friends, I just word vomit my entire history. We might as well find out at the onset if I make your eyes roll back into your skull. Not at all threatening that all it takes is a single social signal misinterpreted to be the absolute death knell of my ability to make friends in a town of some 1400 adults. In fact, I’ll share one such interaction. I was hiking with Cooper, about 5 miles by foot away from my house. I was on a trail, crossing a sloped meadow, and a group was traversing up the hillside to the trail. I said hi, where y’all coming from. One girl answered and we talked about the trail. She eyed me up and down. “Did you just move here?” “I did!” “I served your family last week,” she said. “Oh,” that phrasing. “Must have been my in-laws.” “Heard you bought Jack’s house. Such a bummer when locals like that are forced out.” “We didn’t even know about his house,” I said. “We were looking at another house and he asked his realtor if he could get us to come see his house. We just loved it, and him!” She had no emotional reaction to this. “You moved from California?” she asked. (Dangerous question.) “Yeah, got these sea level lungs, haha,” attempting to disarm with humor was a failure, “but couldn’t be happier to be out of California.” “It’s not like this all year. Winter’s really hard here, you’re in for a rude awakening.” “Well California’s the last place I lived, but I’m not from there. I’ve lived in brutal winters. At least Colorado gets sun!” I laugh with cloaked loathing. “It’s different when you live at altitude,” she said, like no human aside from her had ever been literally anywhere. “Are you trying to go around?” She indicated the path behind her. “No, y’all go ahead, just gonna wait to give you your space. I’m sure you’re faster than me.” “K, good luck making it to the lake." Maybe she was thirsty. Maybe she was hungover. Maybe she just has vicious delivery, but it felt like every blade of grass was leaning against the wind to listen. She was with four other people and not one of them said a word. I left that interaction not wanting to see another human ever again. But that interaction, and her intimate knowledge of exactly which house I lived in, made me want to decorate like we lived in a gingerbread house, all candy canes and plum drops, screaming to any passerby that we’re friendly. One of the mayor’s first questions to me was “what are you going to do to the house?” There are rules here about what your house can look like, and I kept emphasizing we bought the house because we loved it, not because we wanted to change everything about it. And now, instead of wanting to decorate the interior, I want to put up shades so we don’t contribute to light pollution, I want to hang a sign by the water spigot saying “grab some if you need” for hikers and mountain bikers, I want to paint a sign for the wild mint by our door that says, “I mint to tell you to take some,” because our neighbors were openly panicked they wouldn’t be able to just grab mint from the cabin’s garden anymore. Without question, COVID makes things harder. Dinner parties feel like dares. Dropping cookies off at someone’s house feels invasive. Grabbing a drink feels like the ultimate sign of trust. But at least we have nodes who can connect who can think to invite us and who can see that despite having lived in California, we’re not all that bad. In the meantime, I’ll be painting signs about water and mint, hoping to garner the benefit of the doubt from the so beautifully, earnestly, and waiting-to-see-if-you’re-worth-it doubtful.
Subscribe to the newsletter at tinyletter.com/keltonwrites — high altitude relocation and renovation in a tiny mountain town.
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
sweet & dirty — im changkyun/i.m
request: as a request, which feels SO weird to do considering i don’t ever ask them but fir you i’ll make an exception 💗, how about a changkyun fic with a bit of corruption kink, biting, and kyun cumming in his pants? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
a/n: this is going to be soft n cheesy as fuck i do not apologize also i was gonna do the in the order i got them but i got inspired for this one 😔😔
word count: 1.2k
content: sub!changkyun, dom!gn!reader, corruption kink, biting, hickies, handjob, cumming in pants
summary: when you learn that your best friend—when you’re incidentally in love with— a virgin, there’s no harm in playing with him a little bit, right?
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his words echo in your head, practically haunting your for hours on end. it’s impossible to focus on any of your work at all because of him. he’s always been endlessly beautiful, even before he suddenly bulked up, but you had assumed that, if he looks that good, at some point he must have at least done something. the words keep echoing, bouncing around your head until it’s impossible to bear, ‘i’m a virgin.’
‘how? how is that possible?’ you wanted to ask him. he was gorgeous! he could have anyone he wanted just by flashing that charming smile. and now that you think about it, after all these years of being close friends with him, you’ve never seen him seriously date someone. he’s had flings, but they never lasted longer than two or so weeks.
so now it’s hours later, and you’re lying on your couch, with his voice still in your head, refusing to ever let you escape the thought of having him to yourself. it’s not your fault you’ve fallen for the beautiful and confusingly unavailable bachelor in the span of a few hours.
and then he texts you.
💜: do you wanna come over? i’ll order takeout and we’ll watch the lion king
and now you overthink it. the ironic thing is that there’s nothing out of the ordinary with his text. he always invites you over just to cry softly while eating lukewarm takeout, it’s basically your friendship staple, but now it feels strange. it’s not like you’ll say no, but now every little thing he does has your head spinning.
♥️: of course, just don’t expect me to cuddle you when mufasa dies
💜: but you absolutely will
yeah, you definitely will.
“you’ve seen this movie plenty of times, kyun, you knew this was coming,” you laugh incredulously at the way he seemed so spooked when scar did… whatever scar did. honestly, you weren’t really paying attention.
“at least i’m watching the movie, you’ve been spaced out this whole time,” he mutters with a teasing smirk, probably not even realizing just why you’re so out of it, “something on your mind you’d like to tell me about? you in love with me or something?”
and you know it’s just the way he teases, constantly making you second guess his intentions, and then pulling away at the last second before you finally crack.
because yeah, you kinda are in love with him.
“what if i was? what then?” you say, more in a way to match his tone, but it’s a serious question.
“then maybe…” he scoots closer to you, until your faces are barely inches apart, “maybe i’d let you love me.”
“your breath stinks,” you mutter awkwardly, and he scoffs.
“that cannot be what you’re thinking about right now?” he says incredulously, moving in just a bit closer, tilting his head, looking up at you with those beautiful eyes, and it feels impossible to not suffocate while he gazes at you like that, “do you love me?”
and, against all better judgment, you breathe out a simple, “yes,” and he doesn’t give you a chance to gauge his reaction, pushing you down to the floor and kissing you like you’re a fire and he’s freezing cold. he becomes somewhat handsy, but his movements make you realize just how innocent his touches are. he cups your cheek, holds your waist, and runs his fingers through your hair. it’s impossible to catch unless you’re paying attention, but there’s nervousness behind his movements.
so you pull him away for a moment, “kyun, do you… want to do this?”
all that fiery energy leaves him in an instant, and he fidgets as he nods, keeping his eyes away from you, “i can’t promise i’ll be good at… it, but as long as you want me, i want you.”
“alright, let me get on top,” you murmur, and he lets you flip him over, pulling him back in a kiss for just a second, but your lips soon drag down his jaw and then his neck.
“a-ah— oh! that feels weird…” he mumbles to more himself than you, but soon backtracks, “like a good weird! it feels good, but i just… it’s so…”
“overwhelming, maybe?” you smirk, “let’s see if this feels good too,” you bite down gently against his neck, and he cries out.
“ow!” he shouts, but he still holds you close, and after he contains himself, you start to kiss and suck on his the bite mark, sweetly apologizing for the pain you caused. he moans like he’s never felt anything this good before, and it’s an incredible feeling knowing he’ll only feel better and better from here.
“baby,” you purr, and that sound in and of itself is enough to make him so incredibly flustered, “do you want me to touch you?”
“y-yes, please,” he responds, suddenly so polite and sweet. you kiss the pretty hickey once last time before focusing your attention to the front of his pants, ghostly touching your fingers over the fabric, and rubbing the inside of his thighs over them as well. you move so you’re beside him, sitting while he leans against you for support as he starts to lose himself.
you want to keep teasing, but with the way he begs, you cave easily, adding more pressure and palming him over the pajama bottoms more firmly, “you’re so cute like this, kyunnie.”
“ah, it f-feels really— really good!” his hand reaches out to hold your free hand, squeezing it when it feels like too much for him, but he doesn’t want to stop. not at all, it’s just a lot at all once, “h-how am i already so close…?”
“oh? baby, you can cum, don’t worry too much about lasting a long time,” you reassure him, but he’s still so flushed and nervous.
“b-but i’m still wearing my—”
“don’t you like how dirty it is, baby? don’t you want to show me how dirty you are?” you ask, even though you know the answer, “can you cum in your pants for me, sweetie? that would make me really happy to see you all dirty and cute like that.”
“y-yeah,” he whispers, jerking suddenly when he problaby hits his high. he makes the most lewd expression you’ve ever seen, eyes unfocused and lips parted so prettily. he loses all composure as his moans loudly pierce the relative silence in the room as you can see a dark spot forming in front of his pants. he clings to you, gripping your hand tightly as he curls up beside you, still reeling from the high and a bit flustered about how dirty he felt, “d-did you want me to take care of you too?”
you shake your head, even though you are grateful for his willingness to return the favor, “no, it’s alright, kyunnie. i think this is a good place to stop. let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?”
“i— okay,” he buries his face in your lap, muttering softly, yet still loud enough for you to hear, “i really liked that.”
“good, because after that, we’re not gonna be friends anymore,” you mumble, tucking his dark hair behind his ear, smiling down at him while he looks so dazedly up at you, “you’re mine now.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @feelslikelove @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting @baa-nana @foenixs @sunflowerkeen @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Please Don't Say Goodbye | Tsukishima Kei/Reader
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi
Pairings: Tsukishima Kei/Reader
Warnings: light swearing, crying, implied panic attacks, arguments, yelling, ummm lemme know if I missed anything
Word Count: 2181
A/N: This was meant to be a drabble- okay, in my defence, I've had such writers block and apparently the feels were necessary soooo. This is 1 of 2 fic ideas that were sent to me by @satan-ruler-of-hells for a prompt thing I did (idk if I can find the thing) and the next one is Tendou. So, maybe get ready for more feels of my almost 5 am angst. I also did not proof-read this, sooooo
How had things ended up like this?
Every little thing was like the calm before the storm - the most tense calm that had ever existed; you were walking on eggshells, and maybe so was he, but you couldn’t help it. At least, you thought you couldn’t. Each attempt to try and fix the mess around you only ended up in more heartbreak.
The storm that always seemed to be headed in your direction had tore apart the home you’d meticulously built together. Plates and picture frames shattered to the ground; glass leaving you walking on bleeding feet. The flowers of your love torn apart somewhere in the distance now. Breath stolen from your lungs, but not from those kisses he’d give you back in high school, not from the way he’d dance with you around his bedroom (only to shove you onto the bed when his brother barged in), not from your outrageous laughter at something stupid that had happened. This was a breath stolen from countless nights arguing, screaming, trying to gain the upper hand in a situation where you were both at a standstill. A breath stolen from your heaving words as you scrunch your hands into your roots, pull your legs close to your chest and shove yourself into a corner while he slammed the door and left to God knows where. Breath stolen from the realization that maybe things just weren’t working like they used to, and that it was okay to love him, but to not be in love with him.
Tonight was just another picture perfect example of why you weren’t meant to be together. You’d come home late from work (because of some stupid assignment that you just wanted to finish today). He was sitting on the couch, scrolling through Netflix for something to watch. Honestly, you just wanted to eat something, so you didn’t bother greeting him, but the moment he noticed your presence in the house, he was hot on your tail.
“Where were you?” His voice sharp as daggers, digging under your skin and tearing you apart piece by piece. His arms are crossed over his chest, eyes so judgmental you feel like you’re in court. Nothing you say is the right answer, so you choose to not say anything. Apparently, that wasn’t the right answer either - this you find out when his iron grip settles on your shoulder and forces you to turn around.
“Hey-” you winced, trying to pry his fingers off.
“Where were you?” He repeated, basically growling at you through his gritted teeth.
“I was at work.” You rolled your eyes, turning your attention back towards the fridge, trying to ease the beating of your heart. In, hold, out. You repeat to yourself, barely remembering what all those instagram therapists had told you.
He scoffed, finally releasing his grip in favor of slamming the fridge door shut, “really? Because the last time I checked, your work ended two hours ago. What could you possibly have been doing for two whole hours?” He was in your face now, making you know how pissed he was.
But you already knew. You’d always known. Why did he need to try and make it so blindingly obvious to you?
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Kei, I was working. What part of that is so hard to understand?” You snapped back, moving away from him with a heavy sigh. At this point, you didn’t bother holding back the venom in your words. You knew he had issues (and you knew why) but did that mean he should take it out on you? No. Fuck.
“Two hours! Y/N, I was waiting two hours. I was going to take us to dinner, we were going to have a nice time.” He followed after you, closing every cupboard door you opened, trying to get your attention. “But you didn’t even send me a text. Were you too busy fuck-”
“Oh my God!” You yelled over him, spinning around to face him with your pure unfiltered aggression.
Back and forth you went for what felt like hours. Tears were acid down your cheeks, your spit a very special concoction of venom just for him. And yet, even as you were dry heaving in the kitchen sink, yelling more obscenities at him, you could never seem to stop. Neither could he.
Tsukishima Kei was known for a lot of things, being an asshole was one of them. That you knew too well.
For a while, though, things were good. He loved you. You loved him.
As he sits there, accusing you over and over of cheating on him, even though you hadn’t and you wouldn’t. God.
When had he become so anxious and persistent that things were going wrong? Yes, they were going wrong, but not for the reasons he keeps saying. It’s driving you insane, to the point where you can’t even remember those stupid breathing techniques, or grounding techniques, or anything.
This argument had lost the plot at some point around when he started yelling at you for doing the dishes wrong (you still insisted there wasn’t a wrong way to do them). So you bit back that his clothes were stupid, or that dinosaurs were stupid, something. Something was stupid.
“If you have so many problems with the way I choose to live my life, then get the fuck out.” You screamed, slamming your fists down onto the table and pointing to the door. His expression was scrunched up into something completely unrecognizable - a fine mixture of hatred and anguish. His chest rising and falling so rapidly you’re amazing he’s still standing. His hair is a complete and utter mess, so many times he’d ran his hand through it to try and make sense of the nonsense you were both spouting.
“Fine, I will!” He yelled back, voice hoarse from the past two hours.
You watched him head towards the door without a second thought, grabbing his coat, shoving his shoes on. You didn’t have the energy to call out after him, no matter how much your heart begged you to.
And your heart did beg you to; but it had already accepted that the end had been coming for too long.
You lean back against one of the cupboards, looking up at that one crack in the ceiling that he’d insisted he’d get around to fixing but something had always come up.
If you had to say what was wrong in your relationship, it would just be something. Something was wrong, and neither of you knew what it was, but something would be your downfall. Something filled the air with poison and made you destined to hate each other; something danced around in your words and twisted the meaning; something caressed your cheek as tears fell.
Something was your downfall and you didn’t have the energy to fight it.
So, maybe you’d call in sick the next day, and your boss would believe you because your voice sounded like hell; and maybe you’d spend the entire day lying in bed despite the fact your stomach was beginning for some nutrients; and maybe it would feel good to not have that nagging voice that you shouldn’t sleep in all day.
But today would have felt nicer with him by your side.
If there was one thing Tsukishima Kei was good at (after a lot of practice), it was making you feel just a little bit better with his empty promises and sweet nothings.
So, maybe you’d dressed yourself in his shirt and breath in him; and maybe you’d grab that dinosaur plushie you’d bought him for his birthday so many years ago and pull it to your chest; maybe you’d sleep on his side of the bed even though his pillow wasn’t as fluffy as yours; and maybe, just maybe, you watched his favourite movie on repeat, hoping it would bring him back to you.
Those were all maybe’s. But maybe they did happen, and you wanted nothing more than to be in his arms and tease him for his glasses that he insisted were cool. Or to have him laugh at you for the fact you majored in literature, despite the fact you weren’t good with words.
When your phone rang, you didn’t hesitate in picking it up, almost too excited for his voice, “Kei-”
“Y/N…” Yamaguchi’s voice was soft, understanding. It killed your fire of excitement in an instant.
You listened to him talk, something about how Tsukishima had decided you needed a break and would be staying at his place for a little while. Something about how he still loved you, but he didn’t want to keep hurting you like this.
It wasn’t a surprise that you didn’t manage to keep it together and broke out crying all over again, basically screaming and begging for things to be okay. There was no doubt in your mind, if Tsukishima was in the room with Yamaguchi, then he’d heard your cries.
“I’ll be better…” you whimpered, after far too long, “I’ll be nice. A-and… I won’t make fun of his glasses. Or dinosaurs. Please… please, Yamaguchi, please tell him to come home!” You cried out, unsure if you even managed to breathe.
He was silent on the line. You couldn’t take it. The silence, you wanted the noise. You’d prefer the arguing over this.
“I’m sorry…” Yamaguchi said weakly, and you knew how much it was hurting him to say this.
He hung up the phone and you were left as a shell of yourself.
And yet, your life must go on. So, for two months, you pushed your problems to the side and kept dredging forward in the hope that the answer to your problems was in one of these articles. Hoping that your co-worker would tell you some shitty anecdote that would distract you for just a little while.
Yo couldn’t look at your apartment anymore, not as little pieces of him were still littered everywhere.
Only, one day, you came home and he wasn’t anywhere. You didn’t notice it, not at first, but then you saw his mug from your museum visit in his third year of high school wasn’t next to your matching one. And then neither were his books on the shelf in your living room, or under the coffee table. His clothes gone from the closet. Every inch. Every detail. Every bit of him you had left had disappeared in the span of one work day.
And you were left with nothing.
With as much energy as you could muster, you turned and ran in the general direction of Yamaguchi’s house (which was hopeless, considering you had the directional capability of a broken compass and the stamina of a dead horse). You really were hopeless as you dialed his number, ignoring the way the moon taunted you in the sky.
He answered, for whatever reason, and you let out a breath. “What is it?” His tone was even, but something told you he was barely holding it together.
“Is this it?” Was all you could say. Head dizzy as you looked for Yamaguchi’s house - which you just knew was somewhere around here.
“It’s been it for a long time.” He really sounded robotic, like he was reading from a script.
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Your voice broke as you ran, ignoring the splintering pain in the balls of your feet, “you thought making Yamaguchi say you needed a break, and then disappearing for two months, and then only reappearing to take your things back was the answer?” You cried out.
“You know-” his voice cracked and he stopped speaking. God, it hurt you so much.
“I never wanted this.” Tears were pouring down your cheeks.
“You think I did?”
“I tried, Y/N, I tried so hard. But you would never listen to me!”
“I tried too, Kei!” You tried not to yell, and you hoped that it worked.
Some miracle brought you to Yamaguchi’s door, the one you only recognized because of the little frog statue on the windowsill. You pressed the doorbell, hoping for the best.
“I tried because I loved you. And I waited for you, I waited and hoped you’d come back. I-” you ran your hands through your hair once again. “I know we aren’t the best, that something is always wrong, but we can work on this. We can… fuck, I don’t know. You were the smart one…” he let out a low chuckle laced with pain. “But we can work something out, can’t we?”
There was a pause, and Yamaguchi opened the door, shocked to see you. Your breath hitched but neither of you spoke.
“I… I can’t do this anymore…” he admitted, and you felt your heart shatter. “Y/N, this is it…”
You could see Tsukishima pacing in the living room just down the hall, and you know Yamaguchi knows you’ve seen him. His phone pulled away from his face, finger shaking over that familiar red button.
“Please don’t say goodbye…” you called out.
General Taglist:
@pies-writes-and-more​ @satan-ruler-of-hells @dekuspet @samkysnks @tobi-momo @kaleidoscopekai @elektrosonix @realcube @darkvadeeer
If you want to be added to the taglist, send a DM or an ask :D
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