#honestly didn't expect i would enjoy posing this so much
maranull · 1 month
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shurikthereject · 2 months
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The half animal au won in my last poll! Thank you all for voting!
Honestly didn't expect it to win! I was so sure the pirates au would i win i prepared some sketches already lol. And it appears i bit too much to chew with this au. Because of the different proportions it's harder to draw certain poses so i apologize if they came out a little wonky. But hey! The whole purpose of this au was so that i can practice drawing animals, and im getting better little by little! I know i promised more of the company but it came out to be harder than i thought to accomplish that 😭. I was able to stuff Fili and Kili into the sketches tho! Anyway hope you enjoy this bunch!
If y'all have any questions on this au i will gladly answer them!
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 8 months
hihi, i really love ur writing and I wonder if u could do a s/o who does cheer for a bf team with Jeff + the proxies
Hi love!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Honestly I think the creeps would love it too! I hope you enjoy 🖤
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Ohhhhh you got this man GOING
His ego goes absolutely WILD
Seeing you in that cute little skirt got him distracted
It takes a while for him to get back in the game, and by that time the football coach is pissed.
Makes some star plays just to impress you too
The crowd roars as he makes the winning touchdown. But all he cares about is you as he throws off his helmet and comes sprinting towards you with that crazed smile
He'll tackle you into a hug and give you the most loving kiss you'd ever gotten from him
He'll pretend he never did it afterwards so don't expect him to ever "remember"
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Motivates him tenfold
When he realizes you're cheering his name from across the mat he seems to get ten times stronger
Everyone's already scared to wrestle him but when they see the change in his eyes it makes them want to run screaming
Lets just say the round doesn't last much longer when you start your cheers for him
Walks over to you when everything's said and done and picks you up in his huge arms and spins you around, planting a kiss on your forehead with a big smile
"My good luck charm, that's what you are."
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Gives you that big ol' toothy grin when he sees you cheering from the stands
They don't have cheerleaders for baseball games but it warmed his heart to see you all in uniform cheering for him
Makes sure to show off even though it's not exactly hard for him to do so
When he hits a home run he absolutely adores the way you go wild! Sprinting around the bases and giving you a wave and blowing a kiss as he touches home
As the inning changes and he's put in the role of pitcher he makes sure to pose all nice for you. He gives you a show. You better take damn pictures
Also signs a baseball for you ;]
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Oh he gets so shy
I doubt the soccer team knows he has a s/o so seeing someone cheering for him was certainly new
As the game gets going he tries his hardest to focus. He is the goalie after all, most of the game relies on his skill.
He doesn't have to try to impress you with his skill
When he throws himself to the side to block the ball he hears your joyful cheers and he can't help but smile
He just saved the game after all
After they've said their good games, he'll run over to you and give you a sweet kiss. You better bet he makes you wear his jersey to school the next day
"D-didn't expect to see you here! My little ch-cheerleader!"
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we all love avatar/bosch, but i offer you avatar/ed as a concept, because i'm deep in the ship trenches
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Ohh! Avatar/Ed is such an interesting ship. and srry for the wait! I didn't forget about you I swear! I honestly thought he would have more fics on tumblr because of how popular he is. And here I thought Bosch was the underappreciated one. Dude barely has 5 fics to his name. Also I didn’t know if this was a statement or a request, so I present you with some headcanons. Enjoy!
Ed doesn't want civilians getting caught in his fight to free people from Shadaloo's experiments. So he tells you that if you stay with him you may regret it.
He’s quite distant and cocky when he talks to people, so expect some push back when you try to get close to him.
That’s kind of expected when he tells you to get lost after you reached your full mastery with him.
He doesn't care about who you used to be or if you have regrets about the past, he only cares about the version of you in front of him. The You now.
His friends are important to him, they're like his family, so he would want you to be on good terms with them before he continues the relationship.
He hides most of his feelings behind a wall, but when he finds people he cares about Ed will develop a soft spot for them.
He's one of those people who can take a punch better than he can take a hug.
But that doesn't mean he'll push you away if you decide to be affectionate with him. He'll tense up at first, then he'll relax once he realizes you aren’t a threat.
Ed would want you to meet Balrog someday, and meet the man that shaped him to be who he is. Well...he'll bring you to him whenever Ed decides to reach out to him.
Every person who wields Physco Power uses it in a way to enhance their own individual skill. So he'll work with you to help you find your unique style to the best of his ability.
As your master and potentially your future bf, he wants to make sure you're not using Physco Power all willy-nilly. It's dangerous and he doesn't want you to get seriously hurt, despite you telling him you can handle yourself.
His observation skills are sharp so he can pick up small things about you that you probably haven't noticed about yourself. Like habits or certain mannerisms.
So he can tell when you really want something when your eyes linger on it for a split second longer. Which he ends up getting for you because he likes to see you smile.
Ed can also see when you want to be affectionate with him in public. He saw you catching glances at his hands when walking beside him. But you tucked your hands in your pockets after a while of contemplating. He reluctantly offered his hand to you, because as much as he hates PDA he likes you more.
He still has nightmares every so often that makes him wake up in a cold sweat, so please hug him and tell him everything's fine.
In SF6 there are hints of corruption in his KO win pose where he laughs manically. He snaps out of it fairly quickly when you point it out and gets ashamed for letting his emotions get the best of him.
As much as a hard ass he is, he appreciates it if you check up on him just like he does with you.
Like that fortune teller said, Ed is scared of losing himself and turning into something else. Would you even recognize him?
He does get concerned if he hasn’t heard from you in a while, which prompts him to go on a full-blown search. Even if you don’t think it isn’t a big deal, he does. So he wants to make sure you’re okay.
If you’re not feeling well mentally, he’ll lend his ear to you. He has his fair share of rough days, but if there’s anything he can do to relieve some of your stress he’ll do it.
On the flip side, he doesn’t want to pick fights with you but it sometimes happens when he gets frustrated. Ed has a lot of burden on his shoulders and it doesn’t help if you’re always sticking your nose in dangerous situations all the time.
He cares, he really does. It’s just that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you.
Falke would knock some sense into him if he ever goes too far and forces him to apologize to you. Makes him get on his knees and everything.
Balrog was his unofficial official father figure so Ed picked up on some of his habits later on in life. Good and bad. And his inability to show his emotions without it turning into frustration is one of them.
He’ll try to tone it down for you in the future, but it is something he’s going to have a hard time with, especially since he’s already having an internal conflict with himself on a daily basis.
There are 2 types of kisses I can see him giving: short and abrupt or long and passionate. It depends on his mood and if he’s in public. He would hate to be seen as that couple who can’t stop locking lips at the train station. He’ll get embarrassed.
He would also want to spar against you and help you fix your form when you’re off balance. As mean as it sounds, he’ll make you fall on your ass and tell you to do it again. In his head, he’s teaching you how to be a better fighter. But if it gets too much, tell him. And he’ll adjust his demeanor towards you.
Like those cheesy romcoms. Ed would give you his oversized jacket when it got too cold outside. But don’t tease him too much about it because he’ll threaten to take it back. He won’t.
Ed roams freely at night, so most of your dates will consist of street food and fighting. He also likes to go to the movies with you and watch those shitty horror movies whenever he has downtime.
But ultimately, he’s never in one place for too long. And if you want to keep in contact with him, you better like long-distance relationships.
Because of the distance, he’ll call you at least once a day no matter where he is, because he wants to hear your voice. How’s it been? Are you doing okay? Any assholes giving you shit? Etc.
But similar to his father, if things get too dangerous on his end, he’ll contemplate cutting you off from his life.
He's the type of lover who genuinely wants the best for you, with or without him.
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satorubrain · 1 year
Heyy! I saw you're taking requests rn, do you mind if I give it ago? :D
So recently, I've been really into the game Just Dance & I was thinking about how it would be like to play this game with Satoru. You can add solo dances from which they get competitive on who gets the most points or Satoru suggesting to play duo dances hehe.
Idk if I'm making sense, but feel free to do as you please, so no pressure! ^^ Let me know if I'm missing anything!
Pairings: Gojo Satoru x Reader.
Tags: Fluff!
Synopsis: just two cuties dancing!
A/N: Honestly at first i didn't know the name of the game but that ended up with me watching just dance videos for like 45 mins😭 BUT THIS IS SO CUTE!! He would enjoy this so much. Also i hope you like this!
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It was your rest day, mainly because you weren't assigned any missions today. You wonder who wanted to stress themselves more so you get rest but either way you were grateful.
Having nothing to do better today after being done with your daily routine, you decide to finally try out the game Just Dance since you were free enough. You turn on the tv, holding the remote in your hand, practicing the steps shown on the tv. Slowly but surely you were getting better since the steps were easy too.
You were busy doing your steps when you heard the latches being unlocked, sensing Satoru was the one unlocking the door, you paid it no mind.
"BAABE-" he dramatically dropped the bags he was carrying when he saw you and then the tv, dramatically gasping "How could YOU! dance all alone, without me!" He wiped his nonexistent tears sniffing "I do so much for you and YOU! decide to not include me in your fun activities. Thou shall be punished!!" He declares as he tackles you down to the couch, tickling you.
"I- IM SORRYY" you gasp through your laughter making him stop as he lays down on top of you caging you.
"Since I'm home early today, how about we BOTH have fun now?" He suggests enthusiastically as he gets the both of you on your feet.
The time soon passes as you both discuss and memorize the dances to your and each other's favorite songs as well. The takeout gojo brought for you both has gone cold and long forgotten about.
But the rumble from Gojo's stomach drags you both out of your trance causing you both to pause, breaking out in laughter. The feeling of exhaustion finally settles in as you both sit down on your couch, wiping the sweat off your forehead. None of you expected to play the game for this long but oh well you always seem to be losing the sense of time when you are accompanying each other.
"Well, princess, I guess our stomachs' demands have been growing, how about we eat up first?" Gojo asks as he clings onto you, cupping your cheek with one hand while the other wraps around your waist, bringing you closer to him before he presses his lips against yours. You return, smiling into the kiss before breaking apart and dragging him to the kitchen to finally have dinner.
Ever since that day, you conduct a competition every time you're both free. Not only it helps you get better at dancing but you also get to enjoy the overly competitive Satoru who loves to dance extravagantly, popping his hips to every move and ending the dance with a perfect score and a unique pose that changes every time. Not just that but he's also your greatest hypeman, who loves watching you dance without even blinking, watching your body sway around smoothly. He gets competitive but his real victory is to watch your flawless form which does things to his brain and he wonders why he didn't bring up this game before.
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graciegoeskrazy · 4 months
making an aesthetic out of not doing well
ross macdonald + teen!daughter!reader
warnings: uh okay, language???? i think, public school, mentions of bullies, mentions of absent momma, my brain isn’t working lmk what else i missed, angst (but ofc i mean it’s me), fluff ending
a/n: this one is for @ccsandman and @ccsandman only🙏🏽 (that was a joke plz enjoy)
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It could be because you started in the middle of the year or your academic achievements, or simply because they hated you, but you were the bullseye on everyone's target for some reason. It had been three months since you started back in public, in-person school. You loved online schooling. You could still have your friends, you were ahead nearly 2 whole grade levels, and you had your father through it during the whole thing. Granted, tagging along on a world tour with your dad and his best friends as a 14-year-old was unconventional on paper, it was fun. You two made it work, and you loved the little life the two of you had created. Your father was always overprotective. You were his heart and soul, his only child, how could he not be? He was always ready to hurt whoever broke your heart and knew you better than the back of his hand. He raised you alone, his only child, starting at the ripe age of 20. A young love turned sour. They were madly in love and were determined to make it work, but as the years went on, your mother had enough and left. He had his support systems (none of which being your mother) and was set on creating the best life possible for you.
You came through the back door like you normally do. You never said a word. No “Hey, I’m home.” or “Hello!” today. Instead, you went straight to the kitchen and found your dad in his usual spot on the counter. He was prepping dinner like normal, making a point to sit and have meals with you now that he was on a break from touring. You didn't say anything. You just dropped your bag at your feet and ran into your dad from the side. You rocked him a little bit which made him smile, not expecting the embrace.
“Hey, how was school?” He asked, putting the utensils down and wrapping his arms around you. You stayed quiet for a second, letting a few tears slip out and silently hoping your dad wouldn’t notice. He raised you your entire life. You both practically spent almost every second of every waking day together. Sometimes it felt as if he knew you better than you knew yourself. You could try and play your emotions off as much as you wanted to, but he could see right through you.
“It was fine.” You mumbled into his chest. He paused for a second. After a moment you quickly moved out of his embrace and walked away, afraid that he was going to catch your tears. It was too late though. “Woah, woah woah. It doesn’t sound fine. What happened?”
You shrugged and grabbed your backpack. “Nothing. I’m fine. I just needed a hug.”
“Y/n Macdonald.” You stopped. He grabbed your shoulders and turned you towards him. “Stop lying.”
“I’m not lying!” You yelled defensively.
He did his iconic dad pose, hand on the hips with a tilted head and all. “You’re being 100% truthful with me?”
You broke, you couldn't take it anymore. Plus it was no use fighting him when you knew he was right. You buried your face in your hands and your dad slowly melted off his stoic pose and pulled you into a tight hug. “Breathe,” he whispered. You did as he said. He guided you through each breath “Again.” Eventually, your sparatic breathing slowed and you pulled away. You sat up straight, trying to look ‘normal’, still ready to convince him that nothing was indeed wrong. He wasn't about to have it though.
“Now, I’m going to ask you again, and I would like for you to answer me honestly. Okay?” You nodded. He took a breath before continuing. “Hi, darling. How was school today?”
You finally met his eyes. “It was so shit, Dad.”
He sighed and you started, “I hate that school, everyone there is stupid pricks who think that everything is about them and everything revolves around them. And my teachers don’t give a shit about their behavior and let them do whatever the hell they want and I’m left to deal with the repercussions. And I have so much fucking homework and I’m so overwhelmed.” He pulled you into a hug, tighter than before, and kissed your forehead. He led you to the couch and you immediately fell into him. He chuckled a bit at how you got so comfortable so easily. “And I don’t know why but I’m starting to not sleep again and it’s pissing me off I got 2 hours of sleep last night combined and everything just sucks. And you're about to leave in a couple of weeks and I don’t want you to leave.”
You sobbed into him. He just did his best to comfort you, not entirely sure if he should speak yet. “I’m sorry.” You said.
He suddenly grew confused. “For what?”
You shrugged, not entirely sure how to make your point. “For you having to…deal with me?”
“I'm your father, it’s kind of my thing.” You laughed and fell into him again. He continued. “I’m sorry I thought you would like real school, making new friends, instead of being stuck to a computer screen all day.”
“I’m doing that anyway, but this time it’s just inside a bland, brick building. And I do have friends, it’s just that none of them go to my school.”
Ross thought for a moment. On one hand, he wanted you to be ‘normal’, but most of all he just wanted you to be happy. “You know I have my doubts-”
“I know…”
“But if it’s what’ll make you happy then let’s do it.”
You shot up. “Does that mean I can come with you!?”
He gave you a look.“...I’ll think about it.”
“EEP! Im texting George to let him know!” You said, getting up to head to your room, and pulling out your phone is the process.
“I didn’t say yes yet!”
You looked back at him. “But I know you will.”
And you were right. You always had him wrapped around your little finger. Ross let out a sigh. “Yeah, I will.”
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I wanted to know the reaction of singles receiving a drawing of them from the farmer
Honestly I thought the idea was cute
Not sure if this headcanon can be considered part of this headcanon, because when I read ask, I had an idea: what if singles get a drawing from the Farmer, but they don't draw very well (just like me in life 🥲). But I thought that the question was addressed as if the Farmer paint well and give portraits to bachelors. I hope I didn't make a mistake.
Anyway, thanks for your ask, anon! Enjoy!
SDV bachelorettes:
Wow, she looks badass! Abby remembers showing the Farmer her orc drawings the other day, but she had no idea that the Farmer could draw too! She received drawing of her, where she is holding a sword in a fighting pose... So cool! Hey, if they want, then Abigail doesn't mind posing for them with a sword so they can draw her better...💜
Haley, due to her popularity, was used to receiving gifts from her many friends and admirers back in school, so she was not at first surprised when the Farmer decided to give her something too, even if just as a friend. But what Haley really did not expect was that the gift would be her portrait, painted in gouache, where she, with her sunny smile, would hold a bouquet of sunflowers. And the fact that the Farmer drew it themselves, and so beautifully... It's pretty rare for people to find Haley blushing, but it looks like the Farmer somehow managed to do it. She will buy an expensive and beautiful frame for this drawing, and put in her room. This gift is really special for her.
Is this... Is this for her? Th-thank you! Penny is shy, but gratefully accepted Farmer's drawing. She saw herself in the drawing, sitting under a tree and reading a book peacefully. Such pleasant colors and shadows are chosen for the drawing, and all this is watercolor... How beautiful... God, Penny blushed so much that she hid her face in the book she was holding! Thank you very much Farmer. She will keep this gift as a treasure.
They can draw too? Can Leah take a look? Oh, this drawing is for her? Thank you! Wow, excellent technique! Perfect outline, soft colors, beautiful background... Leah is proud of them and will say that they clearly have artistic talent. Then she will ask the Farmer if they learned to draw somewhere and offer to go to the forest together somehow. Near the lake there is a picturesque and quiet place where they could draw a beautiful forest landscape. They can take some food and even have a little picnic...
Maru is a little surprised that the Farmer decided to give her a portrait, but she gratefully accepts the gift. She had no idea that the Farmer is such a creative person. Maru noticed how carefully and accurately the Farmer portrayed her, and she also had no idea that she looked so...beautiful? Well, Maru knew that in reality she was quite good looking, but she was drawn so beautifully... Oh my, it seems to be getting hot in the room. Probably the heat is coming from her new invention, yeah. Better to go outside, to fresh air, especially since there she can better see the picture. Maru will keep it in a secluded place, so as not to accidentally spill chemicals or burn it during her next experiment.
Wow, is this a gift, for her? Thanks a lot Farmer! Oh, it's her portrait! The painting depicts Emily surrounded by exotic flowers, so beautiful! A kind aura emanates from this gift, and she can feel how much work and attention each stroke of paint has put into it. Ah, what a beautiful background, the same color as in her recent dream, where she dreamed about the Far- oh, no no, nothing. In general, Emily is very grateful for such a beautiful gift.
SDV bachelors:
As usual, Shane was returning from work until he heard someone call him. Hmm? Oh, it's the Farmer. What do they want from Shane? What, a gift? What is this piece of paper? Wait, this is portrait of him. And actually... not bad portrait. Shane sincerely thinks that he is much better drawn than in reality. Uh, do they want something in return? No? They just give him a drawing? Heh, thanks. Shane doesn't know how to react to this. But he will keep the drawing, and away from the eyes of his aunt and goddaughter, otherwise they will start asking unnecessary questions.
Oh, would you look at this. Alex is depicted here in the same way as in life: inflated, toned, with a beautiful hair styled. The Farmer portrayed Alex in all his glory almost perfectly. Well, almost, because he is so perfect that not a single canvas will portray the future athlete as well as he is in real life!... In fact, despite his pride, Alex is very flattered by such a nice gift from them. He'll make sure to make room among his box of trading cards and autographs from athletes to put Farmer's drawing in. This kind of work shouldn't go to waste.
Wow, Sam looks like a real rock star in this picture! The Farmer drew him playing the guitar and standing on a stage very similar to the one where he and his band first performed in front of the public, such was an exciting moment for the young musician. Wait, they're giving him this drawing? Sam is beaming with happiness. He will definitely show Sebastian and Abigail later, and will praise the talented Farmer for such a gift for a long time.
Harvey is a bit confused when the Farmer hands him a portrait of Harvey himself. I mean, thanks Farmer for the drawing, but it's just... No one has given gifts like this, like... Harvey can't remember if there was even one case. The Farmer handed him the drawing and quickly ran off on their own business, leaving Harvey alone in his clinic. He did not think that the Farmer could draw so beautifully. The doctor looked at his portrait for a long time, until a visitor opened the door to the clinic. He quickly hid the portrait in a book, ignoring the visitor's question about why Harvey's cheeks are so pink.
Sebastian sat in his room with the Farmer as they showed him their drawings. The Farmer recently told Sebby that they can draw, and he wanted to see, with permission, the sketches. This went on for about 10 minutes, until Sebastian stopped at a drawing with his image, and Farmer wanted to pull out this drawing from the entire list to give Sebastian as a gift. To say that Sebastian was surprised is an understatement. It was not the first time he was given drawings and art, the same Abby and Sam often handed fanarts of their favorite characters from video games and films to their emo friend. But his own portrait, and even so well drawn... Sebastian briefly thanked Farmer for the drawing. Maybe outwardly he does not express much emotions, but inside he is simply not himself with delight, because it's so cool.
Incredible! Elliott is surrounded by talented friends! Just yesterday, Leah showed him her new mahogany sculptures, and today he receives a beautiful oil painting as a gift from the Farmer. And this is his portrait, marvelous! Oh my.... Of course, Elliott always looks after his hair and clothes, always neat and well-groomed, but the Farmer portrayed him in the picture just like a real person of royal blood. He is very grateful to them for such a wonderful gift, because a handmade gift is a true act of friendship. Well, not only friendship... Now Elliott needs to figure out how to attach the portrait so that it does not fall off the wall of his little beach house.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Azul Ashengrotto Masqerade Dress Personal Story: Part 1
"A simple, mysterious talisman."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Noble Bell College]
Azul: Sigh… My plan was to thoroughly enjoy this visit to the City of Flowers, but we were truly in a pinch last night.
Azul: Thanks to all that running around exterminating the crimson lotus flowers, my muscles are sore everywhere, and I hardly was able to sleep, so I'm just terribly tired… Yaaawn…
Azul: However, I've come all this way to the City of Flowers. I must explore every nook and cranny of this city and gather any ideas that may be a boon to my businesses.
Azul: Unlike the other students, I have no time to relax or lounge about until the masquerade. Alright, let's quickly head towards the town.
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[City of Flowers]
Azul: My, the people of the City of Flowers sure have cultivated a wonderful entrepreneurial spirit!
Azul: I cannot believe that despite the frantic commotion caused by the crimson lotus flowers last night, the stores have already opened their doors, business as usual.
Azul: Thankfully, that meant I was able to enjoy a nice brunch with dishes made with goat's milk. Now, where should I go next…
Rook: I spy Azul-kun! Bonjour.
Azul: Oh, if it isn't Rook-san. Good morning… Or I suppose it may be a little too late in the day to say that.
Rook: I didn't expect to run into you here in town.
Rook: It is all thanks to the valiant efforts of you and the others that we are able to witness another spectacular morning.
Rook: After facing such grueling tribulations, I'm sure both your body and spirit are completely warn out. Are you sure you don't need to rest in bed?
Azul: Honestly, I would like to sleep, yes… But my desire to explore the City of Flowers far outweighs my exhaustion.
Rook: Fufu, what a coincidence. I've also sprung forth from the confines of my room in order to fully savor this beautiful cityscape.
Rook: What say you? Why not sightsee together, since we've just so happened to meet like this?
Azul: With you, Rook-san…? Hm. I suppose I'm likely to gain some new insight that I would not have gleaned on my own.
Azul: I'm honored by your invitation. I will gladly join you.
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[City of Flowers – Topsy-Turvy Event Hall]
Azul: Despite the fiasco with the Crimson Lotuses, it seems the festival decorations are still up.
Azul: It does look as if we will be able to take in the buildings and scenery now that there aren't as many people around like yesterday.
Rook: It's as you say, Azul-kun. …See, look up.
Azul: Up…?
Azul: Ah. There are some carvings engraved onto the building roofs and even the tops of some pillars.
Azul: Hm…? What is that stone statue there… There seems to be two… no, three faces on its body.
Rook: That is a sculpture of the Kind-Hearted Youth, and his friends. You should take a closer look.
Azul: The Kind-Hearted Youth, and his friends…?
Azul: You're right. When I look closer, several people are clustered together to make a single silhouette of a young woman.
Azul: This one here is the Youth, and this lady was his friend. This other face is some sort of animal… Perhaps a goat?
Rook: Trés Bien! You know your stuff, Azul-kun.
Azul: I suspected as much. I couldn't very well make it out just from looking at it, but…
Azul: The locals here in the City of Flowers take pride in their goats. So I thought it could be…
Azul: However, I'm curious what theme they had in mind when creating this statue. The pose is quite comical, and yet their expressions are very serious…
Rook: Apparently, this figure was made to recreate a well-known incident.
Rook: In an effort to escape from the gaze of some villain, they pretended to be stone statues in perfect sync… Or so this work of art is attempting to portray.
Azul: Ah, I see… When you say it that way, I suppose they do have more of a tense expression on their faces.
Azul: It does seem as though the impression one can glean from this work of art deeply depends on whether you know of this incident taking place or not.
Azul: If you don't mind, Rook-san, may I ask you to teach me more of what you know?
Rook: Fufu, you do know how to fill me with joy. Then, I suppose I shall bring you to this one place I highly recommend.
Azul: Yes, please! Tell me, what is this place you will be taking me?
Rook: You'll see once we get there. Do not worry, I promise you will have a grand time.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @pianostarinwonderland.
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mondstaub1 · 1 year
Modern/ABO Lucemond fanfiction
- When Viserys died he left everything to his daughter, brother and grandkids (Rhaenyras kids of corse) several houses and mansions around the world, his company, his money, stocks .... all in all several millions $
- So Alicent and her kids were left with nothing and in a terrible finacel situation since:
- Aegon (beta) was a highschool dropout with a alcohol and gambeling problem
- Alicent (omega) never worked before (she was a gold digger, or used as one, that is up for discussion)
- Daeron was in middle school (alpha)
- Helaena (beta) had graduated from highschool but had problems with autism (everyone else had problems she is just so sweet, not her fault her family can't see that) so she was working part time with kids
- Aemond (omega) was about to finsh highschool and since he could not bare to leave his family could not go to collage
- Otto is dead (we are all so sad) (Daemon problably threw a party)
- So they moved into a small aparment and tried to find work with was difficult for several reasons, mostly their lack of experience, Aegons drinking problem and the fact that most people were freaked out by Aemonds eyepatch
- All of them got paid the bare minimum wgrn the had jobs and whenever they had a bite saved up Aegon would spend it on himself
- So in his desperation Aemond used his status as an Omega and got a job as a dancer at a stripp club (Alicent nearly fainted)
- He danced behind a one way mirror so he never saw who he danced for and who it was his was undressing himself for (no touching ever)
- Aemond also took hormons to make his chest and ass grow (he hated the way it made him feel and look but he needed the money)
- Meanwhile Rhaenyra, Daemond and their family ran the buisness and slowly everyone grew up - Jace (beta) studied business to one day take over the company
- Luke after turning out to be an alpha to everyones suprise went to Driftmark to study merean biology and he learnt how to sail from his grandfather
- Joffrey beta got into highschool and played sports (he already had offers from collages for a full scolorship -
- Aegon and Viserys got into a privat school which they enjoyed and Visenya enjoyed her life as Rhaenyras youngest and daddys little girls with lots of sibling so spoil her (not presented)
- Baela (alpha) became an aphlate and Rhaena (omega) studied language and traveled
- After Luke graduated and passed his sailer purment Jace and some of Lukes friend dragged him to a stripped club (guess with one)
- They insisted Luke should have some fun and hired a stripper for a privat dance, they heard of a stripper nicknamed ,,The pirat" and thought it would be perfect to celebrat Luke offically becoming a sailer.
- Luke blushed but let himself be talked into it and the moment he saw the half naked omega through the one way mirror he felt his jaw drop, because in front of him dancinging in the most suductive poses was his oncle whom he had not seen since he was 14
- Aemond had chanced, he used to be so scary and intimidating and now he was dancing around a pole in a string tanger and a BH that seemed so small, well that did not matter when he took it of.
- Luke knew he sould look away but he couldn't and he didn't want to.
- The last time they talked Aemond told him he was a dirty bastard and his mother a whore, so this felt like sweet karma and honestly Aemond was hot
- So Luke sat there hard and with a shit eating grin, watching his uncle dance
- Once it was over Luke claped an said "Wow uncle, it's so nice to see you again. Even if I honestly didn't expect to see so much"
- Aemond went first pale and then red before he grabbed his underwear and ran away mortified
- Luke couldn't help but chuckel before going back to his brother and friends, but he decided not to tell anyone about Aemond.
- Aemonds heart nearly stopped when he heard the voice of his nephew, it had been years since the had seen each other but somehow he know instandly that it was Lucerys. Blood shot into his face once he became aware of the state he was in and so he flet, like the coward he once acussed Luke of being.
- His face burned, his intire body burned with shame, how was Luke even hear? This had to be a nightmare. But it wasn't and he knew it.
- At the end of the shift one of his coworkers aproched him and handed him money, saying it was a tip from one of his clients. Aemond knew immediatly from whom it was.
-He wanted to throw it away but he was not in a situation in with he could turn down money, so he took the 200$, feeling dirtier then ever before.
- The next day at breakfeast his mother anounced that they would meet with Rhaenrya at their old home, to celebrate Lukes graduation.
-Aemond wanted to die, he didn't want to face Lucerys, he didn't know it he could but it seems like he had no choice.
- On the other end of town Luke was grinning after this mother told him his aunte and uncle would attend the party thown in his honor. He could no wait to see Aemond again.
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Artificial Wingman chapter 5!
Since this has reached 5 chapters, I've decided to post on my AO3! For the entire story, click here!
The next day started bright and early. Well, as bright as Gotham got, anyways. Damian was naturally an early riser, and honestly expected to be the only one up for a while. Most of his 'siblings' slept in any chance they got, Cain and Grayson being the exception most of the time.
He was pleasantly surprised, however, when a sleep-muddled Danny wandered into the kitchen only a few minutes after him. He watched in amusement as the teen rummaged through the cabinets clumsily, seemingly not realizing where he was or who he was with.
Or, he assumed the teen wasn't aware of his presence in the room. He was proven only half right, as the teen handed him a bowl, going back to digging through the cabinets until he re-emergerged with a box of cereal and a second bowl. A victorious trill emerged Danny's mouth, the sound far from human. That was one theory confirmed.
A bit more awake now, the teen jumped slightly as he turned back towards Damian. In response, Damian simply raised an eyebrow at the teen, taking the box of cereal from his hands and pulling a carton of almond milk from the fridge. Danny continued to stand there with a blank look on his face, before shrugging to himself and settling himself on one of the barstools at the counter.
They ate their breakfast in companionable silence. Danny was the first to break the silence. "So, what's on the agenda today?" He asked, taking his bowl to the sink. Damian didn't answer immediately, thinking it over in his head. Absently, he noted a bit of milk that clung to the corner of Danny's mouth.
Pulling out the list from his pocket, he looked over the ingredients before responding. "I suppose our next stop would be a grocery store." He answered, standing to follow the teen into the living room.
He had an odd look on his face, but Danny only nodded, tossing on the hoodie that he had tossed in the drier before he had gone to bed, along with his canvas bag. Turning, he posed quite ridiculously as he faced the Robin. "Okay, lead the way!" His voice was light and playful, reminding Damian of his friend John a bit. A small voice in his mind that sounded a bit like Grayson told him to be thankful for the sunglasses that sat perched on his face.
With a small smile, Damian took Danny's hand, using his free hand to wipe the milk off the teen's face. Now slightly red and stuttering, Damian had zero trouble leading him out the door and into the shadows.
He recovered quickly, keeping close to Damian as they trekked quietly in and out of alleyways. It wasn't long before they found themselves slipping quietly into a supermarket. The light-up sign on the building was missing a letter towards the beginning, and had one blinking towards the end of the name. The door also squealed loudly as they pushed it open, almost drowning out the annoying bell that rang, announcing their entrance.
No one looked at them twice as they began to explore the aisles. Cheap, off-brand products lined the shelves. A lot of them past their expiration date. 'Alfred would not be impressed by this place.' Damian thought as he put a box back in its place.
Danny was ahead of him, looking over the shelves for the ingredients that they needed. He kept glancing down at the list, then looking back up. Occasionally his head would tilt as he peered at the aisle signs. 'Cute.' Damian couldn't help the small smile that turned the corners of him mouth.
As he moved to follow after Danny, who was just turning around the corner to the next aisle, something stopped him. He was aware of his surroundings, much more so than he had been at the mall. The front door squealed open, the bell going off with a high-pitched ding! Glancing at the noise, he madeneye contact with a familiar set of feminine blue eyes. Cain.
She glanced around a bit before looking back at him, a silent 'why?' in the way she shrugged her shoulders, tilting her head slightly. He rolled his eyes, but didn't move as she approached him.
"Hello Cain." He greeted when she was close enough, his voice low and a bit cold. She nodded at him.
"Hello." She signed. "Why are you here?"
Damian scoffed. "I could ask you the same."
She scrunched her nose at him, but made no move to sign. Waiting for his answer.
"I'm busy." He responded.
"With what?" She asked. He started to walk, then. Danny was out of sight, and he had no way of knowing which of his other siblings were hiding in here.
"It's a…Personal mission." He decided on. She kept pace with him as he checked the next aisle. No Danny here. 'Maybe the next one?'
"Personal mission?" She repeated. Damian sighed. 'At least she isn't trying to drag me back to the manor.'
"Yes. A personal mission." The next aisle was empty as well. 'How far did he get?' "One that is delicate." He looked at her from the corner of his eye. Cain was frowning slightly, but in a confused manner.
"Does this mission have anything to do with him?" She pointed down an aisle, to where Danny was looking between two canisters of salt. A small sigh of relief left him, tension dropping from his shoulders. Beside him, Cain's face cracked with a small, knowing smile.
"Yes. He is an essential part of that mission." Damian's cheeks tented lightly with blush, not that he noticed. Cain did, though. That blush told her all she needed to know.
"I understand now." She signed to him. "A new brother." He glared at her, but she continued before he could retort. "Your 'courting' him, yes?"
The blush that stained his face darkened. "Well, yes. At least, I'm trying to. He seems convinced that my feelings are artificial." At her questioning glance, he elaborated. "We met when I landed in a fountian that he had made. The water was contaminated with a 'love potion'. Though my thoughts and actions are slightly skewed at the moment, I do know myself better than that." Her face scrunched slightly, but she didn't object.
"What are you doing about it?" Danny was moving again, Salt canister added to the cheap green basket he had grabbed when they entered.
"I'm helping him collect the ingredients for a cure." They followed from a distance, watching as Danny pulled a bag of…something from the top shelf, sending a few more bags raining down on top of him. His surprised cry went semi-ignored by the two.
"Alright." She patted his shoulder gently before turning away, headed back towards the front of the store. She turned back to face him for a moment. "Don't worry, I'll stall the others. Good luck romancing!" And with that, she was gone. Damian watched her slip through the door before turning to catch up with Danny.
He had just finished putting the bags back up when Damian made it to his side. The teen glanced at him over his shoulder as he chucked the last bag up. "Hey, Robin. Who was that?"
Maybe his situational awareness was better than he first thought. "My adopted sister. She came to make sure I was in good health." Damian looked over the items in the basket, mentally ticking them off the list. "How much more do we need?"
"From here?" Danny pulled out the list again. "Umm, this is it. We can go pay now, but the last thing we need could probably be found at a flower shop." Slipping the list back into his pocket, he offered his hand to the teen absently. Damian took it immediately, taking the lead and heading towards the checkout.
"So, where to after this?" The teen asked. Damian was silent as their items were scanned. The cashier read out their total, and Damian tossed him a few bills before grabbing their things and walking out.
Back in the Gotham air, he decided. "How about lunch?" He started towards the nearest restaurant, which just so happened to be a Bat Burger.
"Sure, I could eat." Just as the teen said it, his stomach growled loudly. His face turned red, a hand coming up to rub his neck. His blush deepened as Damian chuckled, allowing himself to be pulled along the sidewalk.
In no time, the two were seated in a booth, farthest from the window and hidden by a few fake plants, should anyone walk in. "What's good here?" Danny asked as he glanced over the menu.
"I wouldn't quite know. The only thing I get from here is the veggie burger. And my siblings are a bit… biased, when it comes to ordering." Seeing as how they all claimed that their namesake meal was the best.
The teen looked over the menu for a few more minutes before sighing in defeat. "Could you order something for me?" He asked.
Damian nodded. "Of course. Do you have any preferences I should know about?" It would be horrible if he ordered something the teen was allergic to.
Danny shook his head. "Nah. Anything is fine. My friends often joke about me having an iron stomach." Chuckling a bit, he went a bit further. "Heck, I'm pretty sure I ate a spork once!"
For both their sakes, Damian hoped that the teen was exaggerating. Human or not, swallowing something like that was not healthy. He ignored it for now, simply nodding and heading to the front counter.
The teen standing behind the counter looked at him with a bored expression, a mock of Batman's cowl sat awkwardly over his head. "Welcome to Bat Burger, home of the Batburger and the Jokerized fries. How may I take your order?" He asked in a monotone voice.
Damian ignored the part of him that wished to scoff at the boy, placing his order quickly and paying, before heading back to their booth to wait.
Back at the booth, Danny was fiddling with the salt shaker. He pushed it from one end of the tabletop to the other, again reminding Damian of a cat. All he was missing were the ears and whiskers. He filed the picture his mind provided away for later, sitting down across from the teen.
Abandoning the salt shaker, Damny sat back up. "So, what's with this place?" He asked. Damian raised an eyebrow at the random question.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, this place is named 'Bat Burger'. Unless they actually use bats in their burger patties, which I hope to all the Ancients that they are not, what's up with it?" Damian couldn't decide if he wanted to be amused at the teen's question, or disgusted at the thought of honest-to-god bat burgers. He eventually landed on neither, instead focusing on the odd curse he used.
"'Ancients?'" He voiced his curiosity.
Danny gave him a look. "You tell me, and I'll tell you?" He suggested.
'That sounds fair.' Damian decided. "This restaurant is themed after Gotham city's vigilante protectors."
Danny nodded. "Cool. So, are you one of those vigilanties?"
Shaking his finger at the teen, Damian smirked. "Ah-ah-ah. It's my turn, now." The teen across from him made a show of letting his shoulders droop before motioning for him to continue. "What, or who, are these 'Ancients' you keep referring to?"
"Ancients are the oldest, and strongest, beings that inhabit the Infinite Realms." He answered. "Now, it's my turn again. Are you one of the 'helpers' for this city?" His discrete wording was appreciated, as while they were talking the door dinged, a couple walking in and sitting in a booth not too far away from them.
"Yes. I am a 'helper'. One of the main ones, in fact." He couldn't help the way his chest puffed up slightly with pride as he spoke. Danny noticed, giving him a knowing smile, but said nothing. Instead wiggling his fingers as he waited for Damian's next question. "What is the 'Infinite Realms'?"
At his question, Danny's eyes seemed to take on a gleam. Though what it meant, Damian didn't quite know. The best way to describe it was a mix of fondness and excitement. "The Infinite Realms is basically the realm of the dead. Though it holds more than just ghosts, it holds entire civilizations, as well as portals to any and every dimension that exists." He blushed as he realized what he had said, looking away from Damian to examine the table in front of them.
Damian sat there for a moment, a bit stunned by his explanation. Sure, Damian knew that other universes existed, so it was no surprise to him. What did surprise him though, was how blunt and honest the teen was with him. If their roles were reversed, Damian couldn't say that he would be as up-front as Danny was being with him.
Not wanting to make the teen uncomfortable, all Damian did in response to this information was nod. "Makes sense. I suppose that you are one of the 'beings' that inhabit this realm?"
"Ah, no. Though I do spend quite a bit of time there, I'm not from there. I have a family in the mortal realm." Danny chuckled and rubbed nervously at the nape of his neck. Before Damian could respond, the teen at the counter called out their order number.
Damian stood up without a word, fetching their food and bringing it to the table quickly, a bit eager to get back to their questions.
Danny reached for his food, looking over his tray with a small smile. "Thank you." He said before digging into his burger. Damian watched him with a small smile, taking a bite of his own burger.
Swallowing, he picked up where they left off. "You aren't human though." At his words, Danny seemed to choke on his food, swallowing hard and coughing loudly into his fist while thumping his chest with his free hand.
"W-what do you mean?" He asked when he could speak again, his voice rough and squeaky.
"Exactly what I said. You aren't human, are you?" He took another bite of his veggie burger, watching as the teen struggled to find a good response.
Finally, after half of Damian's burger was gone, Danny sighed. "How did you know?" He asked, slightly exasperated.
Damian chuckled and began to list off his evidence on his fingers. "Your hands are constantly cold, you are concerningly light. You have fangs. Your eyes have a sheen to them, and glow in dim lighting. And just this morning, you trilled like a bird." With each piece of evidence, Danny's face grew a shade redder until he was sporting a bright lobster red.
Sighing, Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. "I really need to get better at hiding it." He mumbled. Looking back up, he refused to meet Damian's eye. "Yeah, I'm not completely human. But I am half."
"And what is the other half?" Damian couldn't help but ask.
Danny twitched, but didn't flinch away. "Um. Well, to be honest, I'm part ghost." Damian blinked at him. "The ghosts from the 'Realms' refer to me as a 'halfa'. Half ghost, half human." He did jazz hands with a small 'ta-da!'.
Again, Damian could only blink as he tried to process that. He had seen a lot over the years, as a child assassin and as Robin, but this was a new one for sure. How could someone only be half ghost? Does that mean that Danny had, at some point, died? That generally is the only way someone becomes a ghost, is it not?
Something clenched painfully in his chest at the thought of Danny being in such a perilous situation. He hoped that was not the case, but he knew that it was most likely wishful thinking. "You're being incredibly up-front and honest with me."
Danny looked a bit surprised at the sudden change in topic, but only shrugged. "I mean, what's really the point of lying? I doubt that you're gonna do anything to me." That… was actually a very valid point. Damian had no urge to do anything to him, anything to hurt him anyways. In fact, it was only Danny's hesitance that kept him from spilling all his secrets, along with his family's secrets. Another thing that endeared him to the teen. His sense of honor.
"Anyways," Danny pointed at him with a fry, "who are the other 'helpers' of the city?"
Ah, an easily answered question. "Well, there's Batman, for starters. Nightwing occasionally helps out, but he mostly stays to patrol around one of Gotham's sister cities. Red Hood is more of a crime boss than a vigilante, but he protects his district fairly well. Red Robin, Signal, Orphan, and Spoiler are the other vigilanties that patrol Gotham regularly with Batman and Robin. And Oracle is the 'person in the chair'. She gives them most of their information while they are in the field." He listed off the names of his siblings alter egos easily, pausing after he was finished to take another bite of his food.
Danny nodded. "Okay, cool. But if that's all the vigilanties, then why are there more names on the menu items?" He pointed to the menu with another one of his fries before shoving it in his mouth.
"That's simple enough." Damian scoffed slightly. "They are the names of the villains that Batman and the others often fight." Danny hummed, raking a long drink from his cola.
"Makes sense." He nodded. "Any other questions for me?" He added before sticking the last bite of his burger into his mouth, making his cheeks puff out like a chipmunks.
Damian thought about it for a moment. He had a lot of questions, some branching from his inner detective and some that were decidedly not. In the end, he decided that he would only ask one question. The rest of his questions could wait.
He had plenty of time, after all. They might almost be done collecting the ingredients, but they still had to make the potion. Not to mention, while he did appreciate Cain's ability and willingness to derail the rest of his family, they would find him eventually. And they, too, would want answers. He only hoped that, by the time his family did manage to track them down, Danny would trust him enough not to run.
"One more question before we go." Sipping on the rest of his drink, Danny waited patiently for him to continue. "That… gun, the one you had back at the park. What was it for?"
The look that crossed the teen's face could only be described as a mix of realization and horror. "Oh Ancients. I completely forgot about that." Running his hand down his face, he sighed heavily. "That gun was my 'easy' way home. It's basically a portal gun. It uses ectoplasm to tear temporary holes in the demintional barrier, it's how I got here in the first place." He explained quickly.
Groaning again, he let his face hit the table with a muffled thud. "I can't believe I just left inner-dimensional tech in a random park." He muttered into the cheap wood.
Damian frowned, part of him wishing he had known this sooner and another part happy that he destroyed it so quickly when they first met. Still, even destroyed and hidden away in the underbrush, it wasn't safe to leave it there.
Resisting his urge to run his fingers through the teen's hair as he had his crisis, Damian pulled his phone out of the hoodie pocket he had shoved it in. Scrolling through the contacts, he clicked on the one person he could trust with this at the moment. Typing quickly, he sent a message to Cain, who responded a few seconds later. She sent a confirmation text, saying she was en route and would text again when she got back to the manor.
Satisfied that the issue was being taken care of, he tapped the table next to the teens head. He peeked up, his expression still stuck on dread. "I've taken care of it." He told the boy. His face switched from dread to confusion, one eyebrow raised incredulously at him. In response to the silent question, he held up his phone.
Danny's expression cleared, a tired kind of relief settling. "Oh. Okay, good. My sister would kill me a second time if she found out I left something that important just laying around." A worrying statement, now that he had a bit of context about Danny's 'situation', but a discussion could wait.
"Well, I suppose we should head out. You said something about a flower shop?" They both stood, the teen stretching until three little pops were heard before standing straight with a sigh. Shaking his head, Damian grabbed the teens hand and led him out of the restaurant, pausing as he stood at the crosswalk.
Where was the nearest flower shop again?
Cass sighed inaudibly as she rummaged through the bushes. Damian's text had been annoyingly vague in it's instructions, just a simple request to look for and retrieve a damaged, high tech looking weapon.
The location was easy enough to find, remains of an electronic birdbath laying prone in a small clearing. From there, she tracked the pair's movements through the underbrush, broken branches and tracks in the mud making it pretty easy.
It was just her luck that they stopped in a fairly overgrown area, the grass stopping just above her mid-calf. This was where she had been, bent over moving stalks of grass, for almost twenty minutes now.
Finally, though, her fingers brushed over a metallic casing. Moving quickly, she dug around in the green vegetation. With a few careful tugs, she revealed two pieces of what she assumed was some type of gun. Silver and green, with a bulky shape and some sort of slimy, Lazurus green liquid pooling in the glass canister.
She didn't waste any time on trying to figure out what it was, just gathered the pieces and shoved them into her bag. While she was extremely curious about the gun, along with the reason her possible future brother-in-law had it, the only thing she could really think of at the moment was where she could hide the bag where her family couldn't find it. Because if she wanted answers, she knew that they wanted them even more.
(I know that there are some spelling/Grammer mistakes, but thats okay. I tried my best.)
For all the lovely people who asked to be tagged, as well as the amazing person who made the prompt for this story! :
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legal-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
Edit: I forgot the tags again. Oops!
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airahscorner · 6 months
A little fanfric with a fanart for day 1 of hisakiki week ! @hisakikiweek
The fric just a minor explanation of how the scene I drawed as a fanart happned . I'm not good at writing and I wrote it just for enjoyment, so it may seem off or have mistakes( I didn't even cross check it 😅). But hope you do enjoy the fanart 😁😄
Fated Rendezvous
It's a dark yet moon lit night, hisame returns home after 3 weeks after finishing official matters somewhere else. It's quite late, when he returns, he finds sounds of lively chatters from the living room of Count Lugis and Earl Seiran filling the silence
After greeting he immediately goes for a bath as he's tired and had a long day and wanted to go bed as soon as possible
After he's done bathing he went to the room with the fire place as it was winter,it felt cold. He's in his comfortable home clothes.
As he was entering he sees a silhouette of some one which feels familiar, on going further he silps as his feet were a little damp from the bath.
Before he fell,he that person trying to save him pulls with one hand. But also looses balance and falls on him
To his surprise it was kiki. They were now in a position which was similar to that of a ball dance pose but on ground with his hand on kiki's waist
The moment felt still, they were completely riveted in each other . The room with fire place dark yet also lit, Giving perfect ambience. You could hear nothing but dim distant chatter sounds and crackling of wood.
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They stayed in that position for about 10 seconds after which kiki to her instinct gets up and asks "Are you okay" In a little worried way
Hisame felt his tiredness slowly fade away while seeing her. He said "I'm okay, the rug was quite thick so I'm not hurt" smiling affectionately while looking in her eyes.
Kiki asks " when did you get back". Hisame says "just a while ago, but more importantly what are you doing here did you want to give your deaaar fiance a sweet welcome surprise" teasing
After hisame says so, kiki abruptly gets up as they were still in that position as she lost notice of it because of the conversation. "Not really, father insisted me to tag along with him so I've been here since the evening"
Hisame then asks vaguely "since the evening??!", who knew they would click so much" and chuckles
Kiki then makes her way out of the room and tells "if you'll excuse me, I would like to continue reading a book which was in the other room, after this break of exploration".Not looking back she walks
Hisame stops her by grabbing by her wrist and pulls to hug her saying "I missed you"
And tightens the hug
Kiki with her wide eyed poker face snds still
Hisame asks " Where's mine" , "what your's?" She answers. With a slightly unpleased face he says "my ' I missed you'" ,tell me honestly did you miss me even a little?". She says " I guess a little bit only when mitsuhide looked like a lonely lost puppy. And also ummm.... you can let me go now"
" ah Certainly" he replies "but stay for a while, would you" says smiling with a intense lookin the eye, leading her to the sofa to the left in front of the fire place.
They talked for a while after which hisame lays on kiki's lap saying "let me rest for a while" in a exhausted voice
He soon falls asleep. Kiki thinking what to do now, is drawn to his hair and ruffles it slowly, not expecting it to be such a nice feeling continues to do it with a tender smile noticing his earrings which he always wears.She decides to remove them as they seemed pointy. Tenderly looking at him she whispers "I missed you hisame " In a short while she fell asleep too.
It's is dawn and hisame has woken up to do his training before which he yearned to see kiki so goes to the guest room where see is sleeping
hesitating a little before entering. He convinces himself with the excuse of taking his spare sowrd (which he wouldn't use and was under the bed)
He reaches to her bed sitting on the side caressing her and tucking back a lock of hair behind the ear, drawn in the moment kisses gently on the forehead deciding to leave but kiki awakens slowly
Finding him there she sits straight and looks at him, while hisame getting up and straightening the curtains as light was coming through the gap
"Sorry, did I wake you" he says ,she replies "did you need something, ah, could it be your earrings" reaching to the side table picking it up and walking towards him
"No it's not that", smiling away. "I just wanted to see you, I guess u removed them while I fell asleep on your lap, thank you for the consideration "
Taking them and staying still for a while she asks "you're not gonna wear them"
He replies "why don't you keep them for me, no.... wear them"
Kiki- ....sure.. ,unable to decline his sweet look. He tucks back her hair and puts both of them on and hugs gently. "I'll be going now, if I stay longer I won't be able to concentrate while training, sweet sleep. Saying so leaves.kiki reaches her bed,sitting thinking about hisame, smiles softly.
Please note the fanart turned out good only because I found a perfect reference😂
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reds-skull · 7 months
So my thoughts on the train wreck that was mw3
(spoilers... obviously)
I reblogged a post talking about this a few hours ago, and it talked about this issue better than I could, but the mission with Samara made me grind my teeth literally. It doesn't mention that at the end of the mission, when she's forced to wear a bomb vest and hold a glock, in order to get to the detonator to stop the bomb you need to go through a crowd of people. I didn't shoot them but the game encourages you to. jsyk.
It's really fucked.
Overall, I'll be honest I didn't take anything too seriously. I heard it's a shitshow so I just looked for the full half of the cup. I also had a feeling someone's gonna die so I was scared for everyone all the fucking time.
[continued rent below]
My favorite parts are where Graves and Shepherd show up actually, since everyone's so fucking done with their bullshit it's so funny. Ghost straight up asking Laswell to airstrike them killed me, Soap being feral is a highlight.
Shepherd being the prisoner made me laugh idk I can't take that fucker seriously.
I liked seeing more of Farah and Alex. Playing as price was also interesting.
Liked seeing what happened in Verdansk that was cool.
Now for the shit... I was expecting a sort of chasing around the world part 2 after a couple of missions. And that's what it is? Kinda? I'll be honest I'll need to rewatch to understand what was going at the start...
Now for the last mission... I saw people talking about Soap's death coming out of nowhere and I can't help but disagree? Like since Verdansk with Makarov threatening Soap and then Shepherd telling him it will all come back to bite him in the ass... I knew it will be him.
But did it make sense for him to die at that moment? That is harder to tell, I think they're aiming for his death to be a catalyst for Price, to be more ruthless. We see that with him killing Shepherd, like Soap wanted to.
Was it necessary for Price's arc to have Soap die? Not really. He was already set on killing Makarov at the start of the game. I guess you could say he's not tolerant of Shepherd and Graves' grey morality, but they didn't really pose a threat to the 141 after mw2. Shepherd went off the grid and Graves was busy with Farah and Alex.
In general I was surprised that was the last mission. It felt really jarring, even if I know it's supposed to lead up to mw4.
Small note gameplay wise (and glitches) I actually liked the changes, but that's because my favorite games are stealth based, so having the option for it was more fun for me. But I see the average cod player not enjoying it (not really what they signed up for).
I was actually feeling like if I had the option to return the game I would, but it's a dlc and I sure have more than 3 hours on mw2 so I can't...
(first time I buy a triple A game on release and that's what I fuckin get... kinda deserved ngl lmao)
The 2 main things that should be taken away from this are that first this was an impossible game to make in a year, there's a lot of overworking we didn't see behind the scenes, and we can thank the execs and the current nightmare that is the triple A games industry. You can't make a good game at that short of a time.
Second thing is, this is cod. As much as it wants to criticize the military, on the bottom line they got ties with the American military complex. Because of that, Call of Duty will never be an accurate view of the army, and will always glorify western military.
I honestly was agreeing with some of the stuff the villeins say at times when they criticize the good guys. But the villeins are often so over the top evil you can't really agree with them. And that's the point, isn't it?
So it will always have that issue. My interest in this story is purely from a narrative point, irl I come from an extremely militaristic place so I'm sick of all that shit propaganda. Might be obvious for the rest of you, but for the ones that are not... do your research. Learn about how propaganda works. I promise it will be useful to you at one point in your life.
(getting sidetracked here... sorry recent events really bring up some emotions. Mostly anger.)
Just as a sidenote about my own comics - I'm just gonna straight up ignore mw3. Might work with the Verdansk backstory because I liked that, but in general just imagine I'm going off on a tangent. As much as I like angst I want it more emotionally fueled than the campaigns, so if anyone dies, it's on my terms!
I've been really fucking busy with uni so it might take a while, but I'm working on a nice fluffy comic (with an idea I've planned months ago so it's completely unrelated to mw3)
Whoever's still reading, I'll cya then!
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lorifragolina · 10 months
Fourth entry for Mungrove Summer Bingo 2023!
Prompt C2 Summer breeze It’s probably the one I had more fun writing! @mungrovebingos
Sweet Pies
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Those summer nights
Eddie Munson didn't believe in love at first sight before last may.
He believed in his dick quiver and in his arousal, although he had a few relationships that didn’t last long, to be honest. He was always busy, on tour or in the studio, his fame was growing quickly and he was always crowded with people he could enjoy, and that all didn’t favor a relationship.
But when he met Billy Hargrove, his dick had twitched in a very good way and, oddly, his heart had twitched too, so now he was madly in love with his boyfriend and, for the moment, things between them were working. Billy Hargrove was People Magazine most beautiful man of the year, and honestly Eddie didn’t think he could ask more. Besides, Billy wasn’t only stunning beautiful but also kind, lovely and funny, and apparently was also crazy in love with him.
The circumstances didn’t help them at the moment, though, because Eddie was in Europe for summer festivals all over the continent for a month now, they could only talk by phone, and although Billy was always available in Eddie’s time zone, it wasn’t the same.
They started dating for real two months ago, Eddie had a little pause between the USA tour and the festival season in Europe and they spent some days in Malibu, where Billy lived, then went for a weekend in Vegas and generally Eddie followed Billy in the cities he had to work. He spent more time than he expected under a beach umbrella watching hours of makeup, dressing and photoshoots waiting for Billy, extremely bored and amazed because Billy seemed always ready and professional despite the hours he was forced to stay still or pose.
But all the waiting and the boredom was repaid by the dates he could have with Billy after that. They went to little restaurants and cafes, almost always with baseball caps and sunglasses, but Billy was so incredibly shining that he could barely hide himself from the tabloids. There were some photos on the Internet of them kissing and holding hands, and there were some speculations about their unexpected relationship but they kept going out together and having dinners eye to eye, and things were smooth now, after Eddie’s assistant had a little nervous breakdown, nothing serious though.
But now he was in Paris, and he was on the edge of a breakdown himself, that only a huge quantity of scotch could control.
All he did was eat and sleep and sing, have hot calls with Billy that unfortunately couldn’t last forever, and drink in the tour bus, after the soundcheck or before sleeping. It’s only two days before they would return to the USA and he was trying to breathe deep and relaxing at the pool with his drink. He fell asleep in the sunset, they didn't play that night, they had another festival the following day and then finally a flight home.
He woke up to the summer breeze that came up later that night, the sun was down but the light was still intense, the air smelled of thyme and sunset and tequila, and he heard a soft water noise.
He looked around, he was alone in the beach chair and it took a little time to adapt his vision to the low light.
Someone was swimming in the pool, he couldn’t see well but apparently was a single person, he also saw a pair of flip flops on the edge. He sat in the chair and drank the last sip of scotch and melted ice, and lit a cig, watching.
After a while, the person decided to emerge to the pool. Eddie found himself holding his breath for a while against his will.
The young man pushed with his muscled arms on the edge and lifted himself solidly to the pool edge, shaking his dark honey hair and splashing droplets around. His chest was wet and hairy and his stretch Speedo didn’t leave much to imagination. He appeared to be fully stocked and his round bottom was a feast for the eyes.
He grabbed his towel to dry his head, and he saw Eddie staring mouth open only at that moment.
“Oh” he said. “I’m sorry, I think I was alone” said tilting his head to you. Eddie moved a little to hide his hardon in his trunks.
“No problem” said with a dry throat.
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bishiglomper · 20 days
I can't sleep
I took a whole muscle relaxant but.... yeah
My brain won't stfu
I keep trying to run scripts
Being one of those self conscious autistics freaking SUCKS
I figured out how I could ask Amir stuff though.
I'm weird and can't curse IRL without some major effort so to just SAY "You don't have to fuck to be fab" is already hard enough without the extra layers of social anxiety that come with it. I was about to conceded defeat with that idea. But fuck it I'll just hand him a note like "Can you say this line as Alastor pls?"
Also I was kind of hoping for a-
"You dont have to fuck to be fab, darling!"
But then I thought if he did it more like-
"You dont have to fuck to be fab, my dear."
THEY HAVE SUCH DIFFERENT VIBES AND I LOVE THEM BOTH like a "let your freak flag fly" VS encouragement UUGH how do I verbalize that exkncbfjsn. Like honestly if he did the latter I might get teary fr 🥺
Also that would be fun to share with a panel and voice it at a mic but LOL like i could do that. 💀
Also. If I WERE to have the courage to use the mic..
I would want to pose a question to him as Alastor, and say something like "Do you consider yourself asexual? (a sexual)" (ty 🤭 @grownupchangeling)
But that's a very risky chance of Amir catching onto the wordplay let alone expecting him to run with it.
If I can get a hold of him before the Sunday panel (which, I freaking hope I would) Maybe I could just run it by him and then he'd be prepared.. 👀
See, I told you, my brain just won't shut up. I'm so anxious lmao I hate speaking to people. I wish I could just emote irl. Sigh.
You know nephew is so different when he's in a mask costume. Pikachu or plague doctor, he loves interacting with people. He actually had the confidence to sit away from his family to join other kids at an interactive thing at the Ren Faire, and he sat himself at the edge of the road to greet and pass out gems to passerbys. He's just totally different.
My friends said her kid was like that too. With masked costumes, they're just more confident. And she can tell how comfortable they are by whether they're wearing their covid mask or not.
I cannot put on that type of mask, my self consciousness runs too fucking deep. I can't even play imaginary with kids. I can't read/sing aloud. Barely even alone. I feel like too much of an idiot.
One time anime club asked me to explain the plot of the anime we were gonna watch because they didn't see the first episode, but I had. The lights were off, I was in a corner, I didn't have to look at anyone and they didn't have to see me. I also knew beforehand that they were going to ask it of me. I did it but I felt like I was on fire. Even all that only helped by like 15%.
It is just. So bad. So, so bad. My online interactions are only marginally better. The think-to-text filter is a lot more forgiving than the think-to-speech one.
So anyway, that's the trauma dump of the day ✨️💅 I hope you enjoyed your stay ✌️
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 months
ARC REVIEW: His Scandalous Lessons by Katrina Kendrick
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3.5/5. OUT NOW.
Vibes: seduction lessons, gentle hero/traumatized heroine, instalove
Heat Index: 7/10
Anne needs help finding a husband--it's the only way she can escape her abusive father and worse fiancee. She offers notorious rake and political blackmailer (and enemy of her father) Richard a deal: if he teaches her how to seduce a husband, she'll give him information he needs. The problem? She may be, however unintentionally, seducing Richard.
This is an interesting one. It got off to a really good start. I like the characters, and they have good chemistry. I'm definitely intrigued about the rest of the series, and will most likely be checking it out. But it went by very quickly. This would have benefited from more page time, and for that matter, more time luxuriating in the romance. Anne and Richard get together fast, and the story takes a pretty dark turn from there--one I expected, but even then it felt tonally dissonant from the frothy, heady love story I'd read up until then.
I know this book was published in a different form earlier, and I wonder if it was any longer. As it is, this is compelling and makes plenty of good points about nineteenth century politics and the abuse suffered by women. But it's pretty rushed.
Quick Takes:
--Just as a heads up... when I say this gets dark, it gets pretty dark. Emotional, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse are discussed and occur (and it has been occurring for a very long time). I didn't think this was over the top, and I feel it was sensitively handled. However, read with caution.
--One thing I really enjoyed was Richard's friend Caro (not because of the name similarity, but it helped) and all of the nude paintings she did... starring Richard. More books where the heroes pose for nude paintings! More books where the heroes have female friends and it's cool and chill and nobody is weird about it! I definitely want to read Caro's book, which I think comes out next year. Marriage in trouble? Yes please.
--I hate the term "instalove", because I often feel that what people are referring to is instalust. I honestly don't mind instalust when done well; it's the love part I want to see happen gradually. Because the first half of this book, when the falling in love part takes place, is SO quick, this did feel pretty instant. Richard is really, really soft with Anne--and yes, he's a nice guy, but it kind of feels like he's falling for her super fast. And if there had been more to the relationship, more trouble and friction, that may have worked. But the love story itself is pretty smooth.
--On another note, I will say... for a nOTORIOUS ROGUE, Richard is pretty sweet. Not that a notorious rogue has to be the worst person ever, but at points this book seemed SO aware of its publication date. Richard is super talky about consent, and like--I want this book to have good consent politics. I do not need the hero explaining consent. It felt awkward.
That said, otherwise he was very hot, and I enjoyed the fact that he got weird and cranky when he hadn't been laid in a while. More of this behavior please.
--This all sounds very critical, but honestly--if you want a good romance and you're okay with things being a bit fast, you'll probably love this. The writing is good. It's hot. It's tender. I liked a lot of it. I'll be reading more. I just think that this installment could have used a bit of work.
The Sex:
Speaking of, this was good. It obviously begins pretty early, and there are several scenes that aren't RIDICULOUSLY explicit, but are very much explicit. And it begins with a gazebo moment that is QUITE impetuous. The best part is that he's very grumpy and fucked up about it after because they aren't together and he's trying to help her find a different man, but he can still taste her in his mouth!!! DAMMIT!!!
A flawed but nice read, I think this book shows Katrina Kendrick's talent, but would benefit from some expansion and a bit of further development.
Thanks to NetGalley and Aria for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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bryastar · 2 months
word salad #12
oh shoot I'm back edition!
alrighty so, hi, it's been a bit. so I guess I should explain my absence a bit but I ended up getting a certain respiratory illness which included trouble breathing, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and it was so bad that it took me out for basically an entire week.....
yeah pneumonia isn't fun
what have I been up to that hasn't been staying in bed all day while doom scrolling way too far in TikTok...
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probably a tiny thing here but I reorganized my ipad icons a bit, keeping all the drawing apps on one screen (plus the battery info for the pencil), socials on the next, and games at the end. seems less overwhelming....and cuz I like the background art ^^; (art by @wavecipher)
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solar eclipse! we had to drive out an hour towards the path of totality to be able to see it, but honestly this was one of the coolest experiences I've ever got to witness! pictures don't do it full justice and it's really hard to describe the mood. just being able to witness the moon slowly creeping in front of the sun slowly while experiencing this beautiful mix of daytime and nighttime vibes simultaneously....aaaa! I was really sad before I wasn't able to see much of the 2017 eclipse previously and I wanted to make certain it worked out this year, and just so happened that everything lined up perfectly (teehee) to be able to see this! (top pic taken by amber, the others by me)
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butts! I ended up using a combination of pose to pose and straight ahead animation here. I wanted to try and push myself with this and experiment, and I'm discovering a bit that I enjoy doing things like water splooshes. down the line I wanna touch on more things like water ripples or fire animation too.
all of this happened before I got sick and bedridden and I was a bit worried that I would lost the drive to anima--
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nope! still got it! I'm pretty happy with how this came out! I asked for a random object and a random action at home and got "apple" and "jumping" and I decided to add the bit at the end with it bonking and bruising itself. I used a mix of drawing individual frames, but also simple subtle transforms when the change was minimal anyway to streamline the work just a bit.
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I originally struggled with getting the impact to look right. adding a smoke cloud and simulating a camera shake seemed to help with that (which I struggled originally because I tried to keyframe it in capcut but because it's animated of twos that came off weird and the earthquake effect didn't satisfy me either so I had to just manually move everything in toonsquid...which ended up taking less time overall anyway) I especially like the doubling/smear frame I made right before it hits the ground.
I think improvements I wanna make is planning out the facial expressions more. there is a point where the apple realizes it loses balance but I think it happens way too fast to be properly noticible at full speed. also I did abuse the transform tool juuust a bit much at the end so maybe I'll stick with reserving that for ease in and outs.
lately I've been in a bit of a Starfox kick. I ended up finding the N64 cartridge at a game shop (only $40 USD which was definitely a bit cheaper than I was expecting for a first party title) and I'm honestly really impressed with how well it looks compared to the NSO version on switch, particularly with transparency effects, colours seem bolder (the gold rings in particular stand out more), and how smooth the game runs overall (with occasional but expected slowdowns in certain areas). also the voice samples seem to sound more accurately to a radio signal. I also wanna see if I can get the 3ds version of SF64 sometime too and compare that.
alrighty so apologies for the extra word salading this time around but there was a lot to catch up on. hopefully I can keep up a bit more as I start to get back towards 100%
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