#honestly fml
g0thiclem0nade · 1 year
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Just some boys
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btsmultronstalle7 · 1 year
is everyone going on vacations but me.., again...!!?
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savemygrades · 2 years
Started watching the boys and I kinda really like it. Okay I'm obsessed. But why did I decide to start watching it 2 days before my end of semester exams 😭😭
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misericordieux · 1 month
My doctor told me to do Krav Maga so I could gain confidence in my body and gain overall self confidence
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greatcatcreator · 1 year
Rant from class
Heya, just wanna get something off my chest.
Today was my first day at university. The very first day and I just embarrassed myself. At first, it was going well, I was getting along well with other students at the same table. Then it was time for us to change class. We were in floor 5 and needed to go to floor 17. The elevator was full, so me and my new friends decided to go by stairs.
I have a history of throwing up because I have less blood cells than normal. So, when I finally arrived at floor 17 and sat down. My head was spinning. My worst nightmare happened, I threw up in front of class. Thankfully, I was fast enough to grab a plastic bag, so it didn't make a mess on the floor. Two of my new friends helped me to go to the bathroom, which I am thankful for.
But now, I have made everlasting impression on the class. The class that will not change for entire semester. fml. I wish everyone memory got deleted for that one specific day.
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warm-waters · 2 years
i forgot what heartbreak felt like. i feel so empty.
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Please, someone stop me from listening to Josh Groban, because otherwise I will end up DRAWING ANOTHER "MOTTIE AT BED" ARTWORK.
Like seriously, I cannot.
When I hear him sing "You have no idea" all I can hear is Mathias singing to Dorothea AND MY HEART CANNOT TAKE IT.
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(and I have become the joke of my own household, because my husband, loving Josh as much as I do, now DOES IT ON PURPOSE OF PUTTING HIM ON OUR SPEAKERS, especially when he sees that I am busy working on something not Mottie-related. He knows how my brain works. HE KNOWS IT. So if sometimes you see me derailing, IT'S MR. NEMO'S FAULT AS WELL).
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yeyinde · 11 months
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i need this moment to happen again but with True Form Sukuna
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amid-fandoms · 3 months
i hate being an overly emotional person cause why do i watch one old dnp edit to a romantic inevitable soulmates type song and i'm gutted and feel like my heart will burst and i will never stop crying. like they are in a loving relationship, they're healthy, they're well, they're happy. whY AM I CRYING
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reireichu · 3 months
Louis will be the one to turn Daniel into a vampire.
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We're nearly at the end of the line***, and I have this theory that Armand is not going to turn Daniel into a vampire at the end of the season. Instead, Louis will, and it's because of the above scene.
The entire Season 2 has established very nicely that Armand is a lying liar who lies, but it also has established something else very important:
Louis (is also a lying liar who lies!!!!!) has not forgiven Armand, he has never forgiven Armand, and he never will.
Look at that face.
IWTV hit the lottery with all the actors, and that's including the background actors, the extras, bit parts, the entire Theatres des Vampires and most importantly, with their main characters. Jacob and Assad (and Sam, but we aren't talking about him here) have used the entire fucking season as a masterclass in micro-expressions and honestly, it's so telling that you can rewatch an episode once, twice, ten times, and you will probably catch some tail-end of a thought in Armand's head, or Louis' mind, something you missed, maybe that slight curl of the lip, twitch of the brow, or maybe it was a trick of the light.
We are seeing these particular expressions in real time, instead of via a narrative. These expressions are who they are, how they feel, what they think in that particular moment. None of these acting choices are accidental.
(I could go on a tangent about the big game of Who Lives Who Dies Who Is Telling The Fucking Story Right Now*** and how manipulative Armand and Louis are in their versions of things, how Louis has painted this portray of Lestat that we see and read through his eyes, how they are reading each other, but that's not for today, today is about old maniel okay thanks bye.)
Armand and Louis have a contentious relationship, it’s basically the prolonged divorce of two assholes trapped in a toxic relationship. They’re both the victim and they’re both the villain. They both accept and avoid accountability for all faults. They're as bad as each other.
Is there love there? Yes. That’s what a toxic relationship uses to cage you in—the entire “I can fix him” joke and “but daddy, I love him” trope came from this—and toxic relationships can endure for a very long time, and it can eat you from the inside out, twisting you into some sort of malevolent creature of held together with tape, glue, spite and cruelty wearing the mask of an angel.
Louis and Armand have turned maiming each other with love into a higher art form. They've used it as their courting game, their mating ritual, and now it's their fucking battleground. They love each other, they break each other, and they stay together, and they love each other. Love and hate, different sides of same fucking coin. It put the particular scene when Louis offers Daniel The Gift into a different light for me.
Armand’s expression, as fake!Rashid,could have been read as so many different things (all the awards and commendations to Assad Zaman, please and thank you), and that’s probably the beauty of this entire show. Watch it again now, after the knowledge that Armand sat there as Claudia was burned to death because he ‘could not prevent it’ (LIAR!!!), after knowing that Louis has been with Armand for seventy-seven years of love and hate and ‘tri-annual fuck off and find me’s and everything else in between.
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Louis has spent seventy seven years with Armand. He had seventy seven years to see what vulnerabilities there are to exploit, which buttons to push, what words will trigger.*** He’s also a patient man. He’s the guy that will buy a splotchy painting to see it go up in value. He invested in real estate before it was trendy y’all, he’s not here for your fucking NFTs or get rich quick schemes. Louis is a schemer, manipulator and a long term investor.
He’s been waiting for awhile, but he’s also spent decades chipping away that armour Armand wears. The little jibes here and there, dismissive, snarky, cunty or full on there it is, that half blank half apocalyptic stare because this man is either all or nothing. I love you, I hate you, I’m not your fucking companion, you’re so boring, leave him alive Arun, you’re a beige pillow, have you met the love of my life.
Armand is fully aware of what Louis is capable of. Armand might have played Judas in his coven’s little play, he might have been cast out, he might have been persona non grata, but Theatre des Vampires was still his coven and (spoiler alert book wise but I mean we are all know this happens) Louis burnt it all down to the ground. Armand might have hated them by then, Armand might have loathed them, Armand might have tired of them, but if anyone was to light the match on his wretched coven, it should have been Armand.
And now, Louis has invited Daniel into his coffin, the graveyard where Louis has spent the last weeks enshrining Lestat like he’s the beautiful boy nailed to the cross, Lestat whom he hates, Lestat whom he loves, Lestat Lestat Lestat Lestat Lestat.***
Why does it have to be Daniel?
It could have been anyone. History isn’t all that important, or maybe it is.
Don’t tell me Louis hasn’t consumated and consumed so many other writers, because we know he has. Because what is it, Daniel, did you think you were special? How many hundred something boys has Louis fucked around and found out with, after lying and telling you it’s just five. How many after that. How many in those seventy-seven years of Loui’s fuck off and find me sprees, surely there’s been hundreds of writers.
So why Daniel.
Because Armand now has only one thing in this world that is truly his, or was truly his, depends how you see it. Armand loves someone, and that someone is mortal, breakable, dying. Because the Dark Gift has been the thing that broken Armand and Lestat and freed Louis. Because Louis and Armand are lying liars who lie, because love of my life is not the same as coal fire in winter. Because Armand is a broken, manipulative asshole who was the victim, who is the villain, who Louis loves and hates. Armand took Claudia, Armand ruined his life, Armand lied, Armand was Arun was Amedeo was a fucking whore and I’ve always been real good at running the fucking show, Armand Armand Armand Armand Armand—
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A very wise old man (and evil dictator, murderer of children, rose garden enthusiast)*** once said:
It's the things we love the most that destroy us.
And Louis has spent a very long time waiting for the right moment to destroy Armand.
And he’s going to use Daniel to do it.
Just me reaching with weird foreshadowing or references, idek.
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Not Lestat's blood. [...] Not good enough for her.
***I’ve had this post in my drafts for about three weeks, and only am posting it now because I basically have been trying to make it more concise or less nonsensical, only to realise that finale week is here so instead it’s now just waffling, with footnotes, bad references, stolen gifs, and inconsistent theorising? Pls forgive me for typos bc I just word vomitted this out to beat the Aus Timezone episode drop.
***Donald Sutherland you were the OG the big bad RIP :(((( you will live on in MASH, Hunger Games and fandom head canons of your twinky younger self from the prequel movie
***I'm actually such Hamiltrash that I couldn't make this post without one Hamilton reference.
***hello arun maitre dom/sub dynamic that reads like a fanfic, the contrast of a former pimp and the former prostitute, using your body to get what you want vs using breadcrumbs affection to manipulate a person, all the narcissism bpd ptsd broken meow meows someone else make this post pls.
***the fact that i cannot let go of this scene, and have used it in both this post and parasite, idek anymore.
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chirpsythismorning · 10 months
This scene at Rink O Mania makes a point to show Mike casually keeping to himself in the background while El goes off with Angela.
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Instead of giving Mike’s reaction to what is unfolding, they focus only on Will’s reaction as he watches. What was Mike doing that whole time anyways...?
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Well now we know why he jumped up so fast...
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bigdsgirl · 5 months
hae-in: "it's so painful..."
eun seong: "what is?"
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nonbinary-vents · 1 year
Dysphoria hoodie in thirty degree heat because I fucking hate my body. Fuck this shit
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n7punk · 10 months
honestly power move on my boss's part to say "you may have a treat waiting in your inbox for your diligence" and then putting nothing there
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georgeclarkewifey · 2 months
my guy friend is being a wanker :(
guess that means I’m gonna do more writing so peeps waiting on the GC fic you’re in luck
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d3presso3spresso · 1 year
If there is a higher power out there, I know I’ve been a shit person but please take me and end this pain.
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