#honestly i'm sure it has to do with someone's ego
frumfrumfroo · 1 year
So it appears that Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on Rey being Luke 2.0 space nun addition. And I've heard that no one else from the past films will even be in the Rey movie concluding that DLF has learned absolutely nothing. Now that A Reylo fic turned OG novel is getting it's own TV series and another well known Reylo fic turned OG novel is anticipated to be the next LOTR series. It sounds like they've either surrendered Ben Solo and the concept of Reylo to its community or couldn't care less due to their warped code of ethics until maybe their filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. And that's a BIG maybe for me. Any thoughts?
I mean, this is exactly what I said they would do barring some massive shake up. Except rather than no appearance at all, I'm sure there will be horrible CGI thrawls of past characters if they actually make this slop. They're not going to stop trying to legitimise this.
They clearly already decided they do not want our filthy reylo money and it's a question for the philosophers if that's because they're so staggeringly headass that they genuinely can't see the fortune being left on the table or if it's because they think we'll taint the franchise with our terrible girl cooties and drive off all the mouth-breathing manchildren who are apparently their desired audience.
The new disney entertainment monopoly seems terrified of romance, probably because a) aforementioned cooties and b) it requires sincerity and vulnerability, and God forbid we have any of that without quashing it instantly with a fart joke.
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verysium · 10 months
some thought on us/reader/yn (i don’t know how to address it lol 😭) and seeing ex-boyfriend, who preferably myb cheated and now is dump struck how we got a new boyfriend/it’s been some time since last seeing ex)
um.....i'm assuming the bllk boys are the new boyfriend for this. hopefully, that's what you meant, but here you go anon:
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kaiser absolutely thrives off this situation. this is the perfect chance to stroke his ego, so he's going to take full advantage of it. definitely notices your ex before you do and tugs you closer, arm wrapped around your waist, nose buried in your hair. obviously, you can't see his facial expression, but you can tell by the way he's smirking that he's definitely up to no good. when your ex finally realizes that your new boyfriend is THE michael kaiser, he's like... 😏 that's right bitch. keep ogling. y/n's doing so much better without you. even better if your ex is actually a fan of kaiser. his sadistic ass will not let that go. you want my autograph or something? oh wait...sorry i don't give out autographs to losers. deliberately sets out on a mission to make your ex's day an absolute hell, and he's smug about it too. once your ex is gone, he looks back and asks...so did i do good? no, you don't need to thank me. i'm already thanking myself. (he's so stupid....i love him.)
sae's reaction is encapsulated in one word. side-eye. he won't actually say anything, but the judgmental aura leeching off him is already enough to send your ex running in the opposite direction. i don't even think your interaction is going to last more than one minute because sae is just so intimidating. the entirety of japan already knows who he is, and compared to him, your ex is an absolute nobody. poor guy will probably never recover especially after seeing you and sae on the front of every tabloid, magazine, and news channel. his ego is broken, masculinity in ruins, reputation in tatters. and honestly.....serves him right.
rin holds an even stronger grudge than you do. he never lets any personal slight go without consequence. probably still holding every single mistake your ex has made in the past five years over his head. what did you even see in him? he's a lukewarm piece of shit. again....like sae, i don't think you would even need to say anything because rin's death glare already says enough.
shidou needs a restraining order because i don't think your ex is going to make it out alive. probably goes straight for the throat too. he genuinely enjoys seeing other people in pain whether physically or emotionally. will probably make out with you right in front of your ex just to fuck with his mind a little bit. hand placement is key. he places one hand behind your head and the other one grasps your ass. uses a lot of tongue. leaves you winded with starry eyes and swollen lips before he maniacally grins at your ex. he definitely enjoyed that a little too much.
barou has a quiet but menacing aura. he's very tall, so i think he would likely tower over your ex. and uh...have you seen his physique? he would probably cross his arms, and his biceps would bulge, and he would whisper in the lowest, most chilling tone: you got a fucking problem? and that's about all it takes because your ex may be a wimp but at least he has enough self-preservation to know you don't mess with someone like barou. probably kisses you on the forehead after that and his voice softens just tad...you okay, baby? (dfhkjsdhf i just blushed)
nagi wouldn't really care. nothing fazes him, especially not your ex because he's in the past now and that makes him irrelevant. but he definitely does not back down from subtly throwing some insults. oh...him? he's just y/n's ex. a weak guy not worth the hassle. don't bother. if your ex is stupid enough to actually confront him though....he's not going to hold back. shut up. you sure bark a lot for someone with no bite. pet store's two blocks away. maybe you should check out a new collar. lmao nagi can be painfully rude when he wants to be.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: May I request the demon brothers with a reader who likes being with them because they feel safe around them?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hi! Absolutely! Headcanond seemed a bit too boring so... I did oneshot. I guess reader could be seen as shy in some? So sorry if this isn't what you wanted but hopefully, it won't interrupt much and hope you like it anyway!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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You were just walking next to Lucifer with coffee in your right hand and his hand in your left. It was late night and you were walking back home after a date, you honestly didn't even care about the fact you were just about to pass some clearly drunk rebels, unlike Lucifer.
You were walking on his right side two you were basically out of reach for them. You just continued your little chat while your boyfriend was the one being caucious about this whole situation.
When you finally walked out of their reach, you could hear him sigh and turn his attention back to you. Just from the posture, you could tell... it's not gonna be the happiest conversation.
"Y/N... you know I appreciate you having conversation with me but I think it'd be better if you could keep it down when we walk by more problematic demons."
"Why tho? I don't think we should have worse time because of them."
"Yes... but haven't you considered the fact they might not be the nicest? Not speaking about the fact they were intoxicated and may've hurted you."
"I don't think so. I really just feel safe around you and that's why."
You certainly made all of his arguments escape his head. You could see small sparkle of pride in his eyes as his expression turned from scolding to gentle smug.
Seriously tho, what made you think it was good idea to boost his ego even more?
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Mammon got you out of the house, mainly by claiming he's not gonna make you pay again this week because he won in casino last night so he's treating you today! Sure, money isn't everything but those little demon owns you thousands of Grimm by now... it's nice to see him pay sometimes too to know there are feelings on your relationship after all.
You were walking through city with one restaurant in mind when he suddenly stopped and pointed at the jewellery shop.
"Hey, wait for me here, alright? I'll just go grab something from that shop!"
"Can't I just come with you?"
"Well uh- you could but... it's gonna be quick, yeah? It's not like someone will steal ya!"
"And what if they would?"
You said it kind of jokingly but also with slight worry... you felt the safest around him, it was only natural you wanted to go with him rather than wait here.
He also changed his expression and he actually thought of it. It didn't even took him long before he grabbed your hand and walked with you on his side into jewelery shop.
"Alright human, THE Mammon has you covered! Just don't peek when I tell ya not to!"
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You tugged on Levi's shirt, trying to get him off his console for 3 hours now... you respected his dedication and fact he wanted to beat up the impossible boss but he's loosing his sanity and you're getting hungry. And since all brothers except you two are away, you wanted to go eat in the city.
"C'mon Levi!! Let's just go order a pizza, have a little walk and we can come back home!"
"You realize you coule just go without me? I'm not gonna run away from this room anytime soon..."
"Well yeah but I don't want to go alone! It's safer with you!"
"You could always ask Lucifer to go with you? Or Diavolo? Or-"
"No, none of them make me feel safe like you do."
You looked up at him, seeing flushed face, open mouth and widened eyes. It was clear you caught him off guard and you couldn't help but grin knowing it's gonna be so much easier to convince him now.
"So? Can we go now?"
"S-Sure... let me pause..."
He wanted to tell you to wait for him to calm down but he simply couldn't bring himself to it, so he just paused his game and followed you to the city.
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You were actually walking alongisde Satan from your little cat cafe date quite comfortably. That's untill you noticed some shady demons on your way. Your boyfriend seemed to simply not care so you just got on the side closer to wall and catched his hand.
You simply felt safer behind him and even tho he wasn't looking your way, it didn't go unnoticed to him. You maybe not realized it at first but after he sent you small smug right as you passed the other demons, you knew he had you all figured out...
"Feeling this paranoid?"
"What's wrong with going behind person I trust?"
"Nothing. I just thought it's cute act. Are all humans this cowardly?"
"It was more of a survival instinct than cowardness..."
"Call it however you prefer."
You could just look at him upset as he chuckled at your reaction. Seems like he knows what he'll rub into others faces for the next few days... but it's still the fact that's the most important to him. People are usually scared of him and you feel safe around him, avatar of wrath? You're definitely something...
@miya-akane - come get your cat lover!
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You were casually walking through streets and carrying Asmo's bags as Asmo was thinking of shop you haven't visited yet today. And we know, you HAVE TO visit all the shops around here!
But when you were walking past shadier alley, you felt slight shivers down your spine... not only it was looking like out of a horror movie, you also heard from news, just today that there were kidnappings and murders happening recently.
Pink haired devil seemed to notice your concern and immidietly grabbed your hand in attempt to reassure you a bit and calm you down.
"Hey now. No need to get so scared when you're around me! Let's just have fun!"
Maybe he knew about your opinion on him, maybe he said that just to tease you? Who knows? What's important is that his actions worker flawlessly!
"Right... thanks a lot."
But your answer left him with small gasp as if not believing you admitted it just like that. So he was just teasing after all!
"Oh my, really?! Awh~ Alright then, sweetheart, I'll fulfill my job as tour prince~"
That definitely made his day and it'd definitely be hard to restrain him from posting anything related to this situation on Devilgram. He even hummer an upbeat song for the rest of the day and took you with him absolutely everywhere even after coming back home.
@vodka-glrl - come get your pretty princess~
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Beel actually knew that his body shape and sin itself could scare others easily and that most of his brothers felt safe around him. Also, he'd always offer to tag along when you were a bit too scared to to somewhere. Even then he didn't expect to ever hear it directly from someone else than Belphie...
"Thanks again, Beel... I shouldn't have watched that horror movie at 1am I guess..."
"It's fine. You already thanked me with food. And as much as I don't mind... you really should go to sleep earlier. Don't human need like 8 hours of sleep?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know... But still. I'm happy it's you who went with me because I had no worries for the entire way! Out of all brothers, you're the one that makes me feel safest."
Beel stopped munching there for a second and looked down at you with slight surprise, but later on it turned into a grateful smile.
"No problem. I'm happy to put my reputation to protect ones I care about!"
What a cutie, he was smiling for the rest of the day too. All brothers thought it was just some delicious food but you, Beel and Belphie knew very well it wasn't the only thing that was causing it. It was honestly sweet to see him follow you with his legs or eyes like a little loyal puppy.
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Walking through city with Belphie looked like either him being carried on your or someone's back, or him looking like he's gonna drop and sleep on road any second. Even then, you took out no one else than avatar of sloth alone to accompany you.
Despite his lack it energy, you knew he could be dangerous. Heck, you alone probably know it better than anyone! So despite him being lazy as always, you actually felt safer than around anyone else! Well... maybe you could use Beel's company to feel even more safe but your boyfriend was still definitely enough. It was just trying to convince him to keep going that was hard...
"I'm so tired... you already have enough, let's just go home..."
"Just a while more Belphie. I still have one or two more shops to visit!"
"You said the same thing for last 6 stores... Couldn't you take Asmo with you instead?"
"Uhm... well technically but I prefered you. You're the one I feel safe around."
He suddenly stopped complaining and you could swear you just saw him getting slightly bit more energetic and motivated after hearing your voice. Also his pout changed into gentle smile as he finally wasn't walking like he'll collapse anymore.
"Oh... alright one more store. But I'm warning you, if we go through 2, I'll tell asleep on you..."
@miya-akane - come get your sleepyhead~
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junkissed · 6 months
for 1k.. mtl likely to completely melt when u go into subspace and say "thank you" after your orgasm? 💤
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member — svt ot13 x gn reader  genre — mtl, fluff (18+) word count — 1.3k (each member has a paragraph) warnings — subspace (reader), just aftercare but there’s allusions to having sex (not explicitly described), implied that svt are dom/reader is a sub, all are gn except shua's uses “good girl” as a nickname notes — requested by @junhuisms for my 🐈 1k event — this has been in my inbox forever i'm sorry nhdnsjs. honestly i feel like all of them would melt but in slightly different ways so i did a little blurb for each. i hope you enjoy! <3
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1 - seungcheol
this man is the biggest simp on the entire planet and he would be so so good at taking care of you. i think it’s about 50/50 the amount of time he spends as a hard dom and a soft dom, but regardless of what activities you get up to he is the best at making sure you always feel good. he would melt the hardest on the nights he’s been a little meaner and a little rougher, because how can you be so sexy and so adorable at the same time, especially after you just came four times from his mouth alone? it boosts his ego so much not only that you trust him with all of yourself, but that you love him enough to say thank you afterwards? his day is made. his week is made. his whole year is made.
2 - seungkwan
he is absolutely obsessed with you. his reactions are always big whenever he's around you because he's so in love with you; you could be doing the most mundane thing in the world and he'd react like you just saved a burning building full of orphans and solved world hunger. he’ll melt over literally anything you do, but especially when you get that dopey smile on your face after you cum because your pleasure is his pleasure so your reactions only make him melt even more. he gets so caught up in how cute you are, he’d probably end up falling asleep with you tucked in his arms and forget to clean up.
3 - joshua
he thinks you’re just so adorable. most of the time he enjoys a little pushback when he’s fucking you; being a brat tamer is what gets him off, so he’s always making you beg him to let you cum. but he can never tease you for very long, especially on the times when you decide to be well behaved, so of course he has to reward you for being such a good girl for him. he lives on giving and receiving praise so he’d be thanking you too for letting him take care of you like this.
4 - mingyu
he completely melts. literally reduced to a puddle on the floor or the bed. he would get the biggest puppy eyes and be so pouty because he’s so whipped and he believes you shouldn’t ever have to do any work. he’s the one who needs to be thanking you, actually, because he's so honored that someone as beautiful and perfect as you decided to choose him of all people. he will give you anything and everything you could ever need because he doesn't want you to have a single care in the world, especially when you're being so sweet clinging to his arms. he may not be perfect but he's going to try his damn hardest to make sure he truly earns your thankfulness.
5 - jun
he’d start smiling and giggling, and he wouldn’t stop until you came back out of subspace. he would also get super clingy and hold you close to his chest and stroke your hair and grin uncontrollably. he’d give you the sweetest “you’re welcome” you’ve ever heard and just keep praising you for being so darn cute. he is the snuggliest boy and his aftercare would be the softest and best part of the whole experience.
6 - hoshi
everything about him is intense, especially when you’re in subspace. he fucks you hard and loves you even harder, so when you thank him after your orgasm it would make him so happy and he’d love you even more than before (if that’s even possible). he thinks your reactions are the cutest thing in the world and once you come out of that headspace he’d be begging for another round just so he can see you like that again.
7 - jeonghan
he’d mostly be cocky and proud of himself for making you feel so good, but deep down he'd be so giddy about your reaction. he doesn’t always explicitly say it or show it, but you’re so precious to him and all he really wants is for you to be satisfied and happy. he would absolutely tease you later about thanking him, but inside he’d be blushing and hoping it’s something that’ll become a habit of yours. he’s a fiend for praise and would want to get you there all the time.
8 - seokmin
he has hearts and stars in his eyes for you on a normal day, so it’d only increase when you’re in subspace. he’d get all blushy and embarrassed and tell you not to worry about it because it’s his job to make you feel good, so there’s no need to thank him. he’d wrap you up in blankets if you’re too cold and he’d put a cool washcloth on your forehead if you’re too hot and he’d coo over you with the purest little smile on his face.
9 - minghao
he gets so soft and he would be so gentle with you. even if he'd been a hard dom earlier, he'll flip on a dime as soon as he notices you in subspace. the responsible dom in him comes out and he tries not to dwell on how cute you look because instead he's busy making sure you’re feeling comfortable and safe and loved, bringing you water and helping you calm down. he’d melt at your reaction, but in more of a protective way because he’s not gonna let anything happen to his baby. 
10 - wonwoo
he wouldn’t not be into it exactly, but he wouldn’t have as much of a big reaction as the other members. he’d mostly be proud of himself for being able to satisfy you so well, and he’d be ready to give you whatever else you asked for or what you needed. he knows what his job is and he does it well. he smiles when he thinks you're not looking or when you aren't paying attention and the sight of you makes him feel warm inside.
11 - woozi
he wouldn't melt so much as he would just be fond of you. he’d smile at you, let you rest on his lap and play with your hair until you come back to him. he's usually quiet, not making a lot of noise unless you ask him to, but when you tell him “thank you” he'll hum and blush a little to let you know he's listening and that he appreciates you.
12 - chan
he would love it when you go into your subspace, but at the same time i think he would get a little panicky. it’s a lot of responsibility to take care of you when you’re so vulnerable, and he would be so focused on that that he’d forget to think about his own feelings. he would still adore you and how cute you are, but it would be more at the back of his mind.
13 - vernon
quite honestly i don't think he'd even notice when you're in subspace. looking back later he might realize you were suddenly acting a little calmer and a little clingier, but he wouldn't treat you any differently than he normally does. he loves you and thinks you're cute all the time, why would he be any different now? he's just happy to be along for the ride, but he won't deny it feels good to be thanked, even if he thinks he hasn't really done much.
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leupagus · 8 months
Guys I Might Have Three Nickels
I've been watching "Agatha Christie's Marple" for the past few days and it's pretty good! Marple adaptations all tend to have a better caliber of actors than a lot of bog-standard mystery shows (looking at you, "Madame Blanc"), and while Joan Hickson's Marple is right up there with David Suchet's Poirot and Jeremy Brett's Holmes as "literally can never be beaten, these are the best anyone's done it," both Geraldine McEwan and Julia McKenzie do a fantastic job as Miss Marple.
Then I got to "The Secret of Chimneys," Season 5 episode 2
and guys
So there's a murder of a viscount, like there is, and this detective Finch rolls up and immediately spots Miss Marple (in her NIGHTIE! standing at the window like some kind of hussy, honestly Jane) and doffs his cap to her with that little smile that makes you go, "huh."
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At this point I've watched a couple dozen Miss Marple episodes where she goes through detectives like wildfire and this guy's supposed to be a "*guru*" so I'm expecting some battle of the egos or something and like, Stephen Dillane is great! But bleh, I might have to skip this one.
Then my dude asks Miss Marple to SHOW HIM THE BODY, with a pleased little smile at her as she goes "uhhhhhhhh but my knitting?" (He even does that thing where you use someone's honorific and wait for them to give you their name, and that's when I was like "ohhh this bitch knows exactly who she is.") What follows is what I can only describe as a meet-cute in the secret passageway where the viscount was shot (and in fact the body is STILL THERE) and where Miss Marple literally asks the police equivalent of "is there a Mrs Finch" and he looks at her like this:
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At which point I'm like "ohhh my dude not only knows who she is, he deliberately came here without a sergeant so he could draft her," and sure enough he just starts...handing her pieces of evidence like "hey babe can you decipher this note for me thanks love you" while Miss Marple is like, "this approval and camaraderie coming from a cop... not sure if want."
Next is a series of romantic strolls through the gardens while they discuss murder, during which Finch reveals his undying love I mean his research into Miss Marple and the "dozen case files" of her previous exploits that he's collected like some deranged fanboy. Miss Marple responds to this by BLUSHING LIKE A SCHOOLGIRL and stammering about how pish tosh it's nothing really, and I couldn't find a gif of it but he's staring at her like this:
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Yeah I bet u r tempted
He also makes a half-hearted attempt at negging her "amateur sleuth" status, only to then immediately assure her that he makes like, so much money being a big fancy detective and can keep her in all the yarn and garden seed she could ever desire.
There's also a late-night tryst at the compost pile right after Finch has been (mildly) poisoned and Miss Marple is like "men are so weak" as she roots through the garbage for clues.
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Not how he wanted their first date to go D:
The next morning there's another murder which: bummer, but also allows the two of them to read love letters together and for Finch to give Miss Marple the following look as she explains how secret assignations among lovers can "quicken the ardor":
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Miss Marple then goes onto solve the murders and btw hands over the priceless diamond that's been literally missing for two literal decades that she found in her spare time. The entire scene features Finch looking at her like this:
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After the dust settles, Finch and Miss Marple have a lovely moment where he calls himself "another one of your casualties," then super casually mentions that he's probably going to have to go on assignment to use the diamond in a daring international espionage case and I can't decide if he's asking Miss Marple to go with him or simply trying to show her that he is cool and smart and would make an excellent wife, but either way the episode ends with her turning him down and Jane, we need to talk about your priorities.
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Anyway I've already written 2K about the subsequent 10-year epistolary romance these two have following this episode because I make poor choices.
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fallstaticexit · 24 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning
DJ plays- Color Me Badd - I Adore Mi Amor
Transcript under the cut
Geoffrey: Hey! Check out this little guy.
Bob: Probably one of the cats they let in the church to keep the mice out. Wonder what’s he doing all the way out here.
Geoffrey: We can’t leave him out in the cold. It’s starting to get cold soon.
Bob: There’s no way you think we can sneak a cat in the dorms.
Geoffrey: I’m pretty sure people have snuck in worse. Besides, we’re doing an act of kindness, right, little guy?
Bob: Does Nancy like cats?
Geoffrey: [nervously] W-why?
Bob: I saw you two being all cozy at the game the other day. Care to share?
Geoffrey: She was just being nice, that’s all...
Bob: Popular girls aren’t just nice for no reason. Actually...popular girls aren’t nice at all.
Geoffrey: She’s different. She’s still the same Nancy Landgraab I knew when we were kids. Kind. Smart. Um, really pretty...
Bob: Oh, boy. Do you hear yourself! You my friend are in l-o-v-e and you should talk to her! Ask her out!
Geoffrey: Ask you Nancy Landgraab? How do I do that?
Bob: Glad you ask. I am a certified ladies man. You just gotta- you know, talk to her! Listen to her when she talks. Ask about her day. Compliment her brain, not just her looks, trust me.
Don: [snorts] You listen to this dickhead and you’ll never get laid, Osteer. If you want to hook up with Blondie, I can help you out. It’ll cost you, though.
Geoffrey: Like what?
Don: Room swap. It’ll be easier for my girl to come over without getting caught if I have your room. Dina is friends with the hot blonde chick and she’ll put in a good word. Don’t worry, you can tap that before we swap. Deal?
Geoffrey: I don’t know... shouldn’t I get to know her better?
Don: We’re saying the same thing, dumbass! I’ll let you in on a secret; Tonight, a couple of us cool kids are sneaking out to a college party. Blondie will be there, and you two can get your freak on. How’s that?
Geoffrey: I-
Don: Atta boy, Osteer! Don’t dress like a dork virgin either.
Bob: [in a baby voice] I think this is a bad idea, Geoffrey! Yeah, couldn’t have said it better myself, little guy.
Geoffrey: Hey, Nancy. Um. Thanks again for helping me the other day. The only thing that’s bruised is my ego, honestly.
Nancy: Yes, of course. I’m glad you’re okay. Sorry about your ego.
Geoffrey: [chuckles] It’s ok, it should be used to this by now. What are you reading? Can I sit with you before class?
Nancy: Yeah, sure.
Vanessa: She has a crush on Geoffrey? Why didn’t she tell me?
Nina: Apparently, they’re childhood sweethearts. We need you to play matchmaker. If anyone can hook them up, it’s you, VV.
Nancy Narrates: [Ever since that night in my room, Vanessa has been noticeable distant from me. The only thing reaching me was that lost, faraway look in her eyes]
Cassie: Guys...I don’t know. What if Sister Agnes decides to do another room check? What am I supposed to say?
Cassie: I’m just gonna say it- I don’t think you should do this. Feels wrong. Lying? I wouldn’t even know what to say if someone asks. Nancy, say something-
Vanessa: Jesus fucking Christ, figure it the fuck out! Come on, Nancy.
Geoffrey: Do you want to da-
Nancy: Getting a drink.
Vanessa: Hi.
Nancy: Are you mad at me about something?
Vanessa: Why would I be mad at you?
Nancy: I don’t know..
Vanessa: Put that down and come dance.
DJ plays- Color Me Badd - I Adore Mi Amor
Dream on, dream away I think I'm gonna have to stay Stay forever I adore mi amor
You want to take her place You say you'd treat me better Better I know for sure
You see she loves me And I could never leave her
Nancy Narrates: [There it was, that feeling again. Only this time, I did fall completely apart]
Nancy: [panting]
You're the one that I adore (I adore) I'll be forever your love (mi amor)
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
Dude shy! Reader and Mafia! Underboss! Simon is giving me major brain rot right now.
I saw you slip in at the end of one of your drabbles about possibly making reader a virgin and I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I can just see his brain absolutely short circuiting so fast when he finds that out. He’d be soooo prideful and comforting to reader if/when she finally lets him take her virginity.
I truly believe that this man has the best aftercare as well. You would have a whole ass spa day after he’s done fucking you.
i love seeing everyone's opinions on this so much ;alksdjf
i'm thinking shy!reader being a virgin fits super well because in my mind she def has the urge to want to be with someone ya know? but she's just too goddamn awkward and overthinking it and maybe a little self conscious that she just never really has the opportunity to?? and i agree with you 100% about simon fucking short circuiting lmao. like just imagine he's trying to initiate something and it gets a little heated and he feels you start to tense up and asks if everything is okay and you have to pitifully admit that you've never really done anything past kissing ):
i think he fixates on it more than he should, too. like he would never tease you or anything but it's certainly on his mind for WEEKS and he's trying to concoct the perfect scenario of what would be best for you and how to make things perfect because you're his girl and you only get the best but maybe it also fuels his ego a little bit cuz he's still kind of a prick lmao
also, for your first time he doesn't let you do ANYTHING. you've seen the vids, and you have it in your head that you're supposed to be performing the whole time but no! he basically forces you to be a pillow princess. might not even initiate p in v sex the first time you get intimate either, he's just totally content fucking his fingers into you and watching the pleasure contort on your face while you're moaning for him ):
and of course the aftercare is god tier!!! he knows he's a big guy and he can get a little rough and into it and so he's making sure you're hydrated, telling you to use the bathroom so you don't get a uti, and just fucking dotes on you the rest of the day/night. like he will rarely let you leave his sight or his arms because honestly you've got him wrapped around your finger <3
god like imagine aftercare in the shower with him??? just washing you up? the tattoos??? you guys need to fucking sedate me actually
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eustasskidagenda · 11 months
Hi! I love your writing! Can I ask some headcanons with Kid, Sanji, Zoro, Law et Luffy going to the beach with their S/O, please?? Tysm!
Hello sweet anon! Thank you for requesting, it was fun to write. Hope it will match your expectations ☆
☆ Kid, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy & Law going to the beach with their s/o
CW : g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid is cursing but I guess no one is surprised, Kid is a savage, really vague mention of sex for Sanji, slight cursing for Zoro + mention of alcohol,
WC : 2,3k
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Heavy stomps, mumbling curses, regular sighs and grunts full of irritation. Yep. It was your idea to go to the beach. Kid would never go to the beach by himself because he hates all the screaming children and the sand between his toes. And, the sun could ruin his make-up. So he would act all grumpy, wondering what he has done to end up in such a situation. 
"Goddamn, y/n, come back, you didn't put your sunscreen" Of course Kid thinks about his skin all the damn time, he's such a beauty-influencer when it comes to make-up and skin care. If you neglect to apply sunscreen to your body, he will bark at you, grab you by the wrist, and do all the work himself. And then, you'll have to help him, especially when it comes to applying sunscreen to his back. He won't let you know he loves when you run your hands down his back and along his always tensed shoulders. 
"I've seen this place before you, fuck off!" While planting violently your parasol on the ground, barking to the poor innocent guy who tried to set his stuff at the place Kid noticed in first. "It's my beach."
He's so possessive with everything, help.
Actually, Kid likes one thing about the beach: he can brag about his big man boobies. No shirt, just his glorious bare, toned chest. Every time someone looks at him with jealousy or admiration, he feels so proud; his ego is never satisfied with this. He's perfectly aware of how shaped his torso is, and he's really proud of it. 
Every time someone looks at your body, he feels really pleased with himself. Even if they try, they won't be able to have you. But on the flip side, he's also upset when he realizes that everyone can see your beautiful shapes. His arm would be wrapped around your waist. All. The. Time. 
Kid being Kid, he would smash all the sandcastle made by the children. Prepare yourself to get in trouble with all the mad parents around there, while their children are crying because "the big scary man told me I'm a piece of shit who don't even know how to build a sandcastle" You better watch Kid tightly before he stuffs their mouths with some sand to make them shut up.
"Come on Kid, it's just a child." 
If you try beach sports, he will make everything a competition. Avoid playing volley beach with him, because if you team up and lose, he will smash the ball into the winner's face. "Now who's the loser?" 
If someone tries to sell him an ice cream, he would scowls madly. Does he look like someone licking some fucking ice balls full of sugar? Ugh. It's so ridiculous. 
He doesn't wear armbands because he thinks he's too good for them. "I don't care if I can't swim, I won't use those damn armbands." 
Honestly, Kid hates how weak he is in the water, so he would stay away from trouble. The ocean makes his voice weak, even his strength is leaving him. And, even if his eyeliner is waterproof, he doesn't want to risk ruining his make up. "I fucking hate water" 
Would end up using his DF to find some metal around and build something with it while you're swimming. It looks like he doesn't care, but secretly, he watches to make sure you're safe. And if you're drowning, then, he'll run to save you so yes, congrats, now you're drowning together. 
Luckily, Killer is not too far.
Killer deserves a break.
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Oh, damn... going on a beach date with Sanji is not a good idea. All the women in swimsuits would overwhelm him. Sanji, as he is, wouldn't be able to handle all the women around him, even though you are the prettiest of all the people around.
But the moment you take off your clothes and replace them with your swimsuit, his eyes would be on you all the time because you're the most mesmerizing person in the whole universe. 
He's so proud to introduce you as his s/o to absolutely everyone, yes, even that one person sleeping peacefully under their parasol. "Have you seen how beautiful y/n is?" 
Of course, he would help you apply sunscreen to your skin. Enjoy the massage because his hands are so heavenly smooth and divine. He would clearly take advantage of the situation to place some soft kisses along your collarbone, shoulders, neck, jugular, and down your spines. 
It's clear that Sanji brought his own food to the beach. You can enjoy fresh drinks, ice cream, waffles, cakes, fresh salads, and juicy fruits just for you. He wouldn't let you buy some ice cream from the trader because it's probably disgusting, full of sugar and chemicals. Your body is a temple and cannot be contaminated by non-premium quality food. 
He's probably causing the parents to be angry because he's smoking. But Sanji is nice, so if it was asked politely, he wouldn't mind stubouting his cigarette. 
While you're tanning under the parasol, Sanji is probably laying next to you, with a book explaining all the fish he could buy in the town. 
If you decide to go swimming, of course, he's going with you. As the kind person he's, he wants to make sure you're safe, and if you uncomfortable with your body, he wouldn't mind using his own body as a shield, so no one but he can look at you. 
He's a pure romantic, so prepare yourself for some lovely hugs in the water, with him holding you tight and his hands roaming all over your wet skin. Sweet kisses on your neck. He's not against taking things further, but he's romantic and all the screaming children are ruining the mood. But during the night... yes, he's definitely not against swimming at midnight. 
And if he finds some ugly, green, gummy seaweeds, then, he'll take them back to the Sunny. "Marimo, don't let your children alone at the beach."
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"Oi, y/n, where are you?"
Well, have you already seen Finding Nemo? Remember about Marlin always asking "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?" Now, you're Marlin and Zoro is your Nemo. 
Do not leave him alone for more than two seconds. Do not leave him buying ice cream for the two of you. Otherwise, the date is ruined. The only thing you will do is ask everyone 'Have you seen a big man with big boobs and green hair?' 
Maybe he'll find the one piece before the end of the day.
"I wasn't lost, your indications weren't clear." 
Zoro's obliviousness means you need to pay close attention to him. Stay close to him and everything will be okay. He's in good shape, so people are probably looking at him with admiration, jealousy, or whatever thoughts come to mind. But he doesn't give a damn, and is probably thinking people are looking at you because you're mesmerizing in your swimsuit. 
He doesn't care about the people wearing swimsuits around him. It's not an event for him. "I won't nose bleed like this shitty twirled-brow." 
He thinks the beach is a good opportunity to train himself. While you're relaxing under the parasol, he's training in the sun. Burpees, push-ups, and even some yoga are used to work his breathing and stability. 
Once he's done, he's all sweaty and wants to swim a bit. If you don't follow him, he'll be swimming until he finds a new island. 
If you're too lazy to swim, he'd be okay with carrying you. If a jellyfish tries to bite your thigh, then, the poor creature is doomed and would end up as a dinner for the crew when you'll get back to the Sunny.
He prefers alcohol over ice cream, of course. It's the best thing to enjoy after swimming and training. While he's drinking, he likes when you rest your head against his chest. On the other hand, he's a bit flustered because Zoro cares about his privacy. But you're too cute, he can't push you away. 
Arms wrapped around your waist while you sleep together. Perfect date for Zoro: training and restlessness. No one would dare trying to steal your stuff because Zoro is used to standing guard on the Sunny, so he would react really quickly. 
At the end of the day, he got the biggest sunburn ever because he forgot to apply sunscreen. Poor Zoro.
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It's like going to the beach with your overly excited dog. 
He's yelling excitedly, jumping everywhere, laughing loudly, and oh, good luck, he's already running away. You tried to catch his wrist, but it just stretches his arm beyond its limits. Good luck in finding him. 
Well, honestly, if you want to find Luffy, just try to figure out where the food is. He's probably eating some waffles and ice cream, or more precisely, emptying all the stands of their food. 
"Oh Y/N, you're here?" He speaks with his mouth full, obviously. 
Luffy is selfish with food, but he would let you have the last waffle because he loves to see you smile. 
As Zoro, he doesn't give a damn about people in swimsuits. 
If a child has a better rubber ring than him, he's sad. "Y/N, we need to buy a better one! What about this one?" While displaying an extravagant beetle rubber.
He's so happy, with it. Prepare yourself to pull him out the water because while he's watching to find some fish or play with some seaweeds, he would end up falling overboard like the overexcited child he's. 
But drowning wouldn't destroy his joy. Be ready for the sandcastle episode after the rubber ring one. He wants to build the best one. But have you seen his nonexistent artistic skills? His creations wouldn't look great, that's all we can tell. Please, help him building a pretty sandcastle, he's so sad. Poor baby.
"Don't get a sunburn, y/n." While lending you his straw hat. 
"Y/N, have you seen those crabs? Y/N, have you seen how funny this seaweed is? Y/N, have you seen this stone? Oh, Y/N, this cloud looks like Zoro, don't you think?" 
He wants to catch all the crabs and winkles he can find. And would probably end up organizing a crab fight. If his favorite one loses, then the poor baby will be sad again. He's so fluffy when he pouts.
He is eager to try and do everything with you. So you better follow him, because going to the beach with Luffy means you'll never be able to rest peacefully under the parasol. He's too energized to sleep peacefully. 
And if you're sleeping, he would bury you under the sand, so when you wake up, your body is totally covered up, the only thing you can do is moving your toes and head while Luffy laughs loudly and proudly. His laugh is so endearing, you can't be angry with him.
"Gum-Gum… ice-cream stolen" 
Prepare to run away from the guy who is mad at him.
Overall? Not relaxing at all, but funny as hell.
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If Luffy is like an overexcited dog, Law is like a cat forced to bathe. Have you already tried bathing a cat? Do you end up with scratches? It's nothing compared to Law.
"Bepo, don't sharpen your claws on the deck!" "What? But it's not me. It's Law, Y/N decided to bring him to the beach. They had to drag him to the ground. 
Yes, Law probably hates the beach. It's a noisy place with noisy people, the food smells bad, the children are annoying, and the sand is irritating. And please, the sea is like the toilet for the fish and all those disgusting people. He's so pissed off to be here. 
"Why me, Y/N-ya?"
"Aren't you happy? The sun is beautiful today! You need to take some breaks from your work." 
His sole response would be an annoyed scowl. 
Ain't no way for him to wear a swimsuit. He's conserving all his clothing, even the hat. And he's standing under the parasol with his arms crossed. All the people around are probably avoiding him, and that's for the best because a 'room, shambles' could happen really fast if they dare to make a comment about his non-appropriate clothes. 
Law would remind you to apply sunscreen on a regular basis.  And he wouldn't mind applying it himself. He loves the feeling of your skin against his palms, it feels like heaven. 
He would remind you to drink water frequently. And to wet your neck before swimming. Certainly, he's watching closely the entire time. He may be mad, but he cares about you. Prepare yourself to have a shadow following you everywhere. If you're too far from him, he'll use his DF to bring you back to him.
"Please, help me, my child needs a doctor!" He's annoyed as hell. Even at the beach, work is still pursuing him. Of course, if someone asked for a doctor, he would help. He's frustrated because he can't take care of someone and keep an eye on you at the same time.
If you give him onigiri, he will look like a child: pouting while eating silently. 
"Y/n-ya, don't touch this, it's a toxic seaweed.", "y/n-ya, come here, you have to stay hydrated."
He would lend you his own hat if you forgot yours, while he's standing under the parasol. "Do not lose my hat." 
No swimming for him. He'll stay away from the cursed water. Just like Kid, ain't no way for him to wear armbands. And if you Try to throw some water on his face, he would look like a wet cat: shocked and angry. Beware, he yowls.
Overall? You had fun. And even if Law acts annoyed all the time, secretly, he would love to have a break day with you.  On his desk, he would keep the beautiful shell you found on the beach and give it to him.
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simpjaes · 9 months
Ok whod fuck hard and rough out of jealousy? Like thatd be one of the indication that he was jealous, that he fucked you as if it was his last day on earth.
MTL: hyung line + most likely to hate fuck you out of jealousy
jay: the type to get jealous over the smallest things, like he will find a reason to be jealous solely as a form of reassurance that you're his and you always want to be his. and you guys know me, i see jay as a switch, so it's more likely than not that he would be incredibly overpowering, painful, and dominating towards you if you were to do something that makes him reaaaallly jealous. like if it's something he isn't making up, and his friend really did hit on you, and you really did flirt back. i'm just saying, at that point his only reassurance would be to hear you moan his name, and let him do whatever he pleases as your apology to him.
sunghoon: gets jealous easily and overthinks a lot of things that really only need like, a two second sit down to explain away. he's really blatant with it too, like hella passive aggressive and cold especially when he fucks the truth out of you. and sure, the truth is something that calms him and puts that jealousy to rest but man, he always comes the hardest, always fills you the fullest, when he thinks he's losing you and desperately trying to keep you. also the type to probably start swinging at his buddies if they mention you.
jake: mean when he's jealous but hides it pretty well from everyone that isn't you. all he has to do is smile, all he has to do is laugh, all he has to do is put up a front while also gripping your arm far too tight to mean he's okay. plus, that smile of his can get eerie fast, to the point that you see it and know someone was looking at you in a way only he should be able to. would fuck you til you pass out probably, solely because he hates that other people look at you and want you. like you don't even do anything to make him think you'd leave, but he feels better releasing his rage through burying himself deep inside of you, boosting his ego back up when he reminds himself that you'd only let him fuck you til you can't stand.
heeseung: doesn't get jealous super often but you see a switch flip in his head when it does happen. man handling gets more painful, his words are meaner, he makes terrifying promises, and would probably make you apologize for making him jealous. because honestly, when he is jealous, it's with good reason and you should apologize to him. the type to breed the fuck out of you when you do it too, saying shit like "no one else would want you if you let me fuck my babies into you like this anyway." and "you're only doing this to get the reminder of who you belong to, right?" anything to make himself feel better lol
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salmon-bagel · 5 months
Tf2 mercenaries x Seductress! Class! Reader
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Warning: nsfw content, female reader, sexism
When Scout heard that there's a woman who's a professional at seduction, he had already started plotting.
"Hello, name is Y/n L/n, but you can call me the Seductress. It's nice to meet you."
"Heya, nice to meet cha' mommy- Oh, i mean mommy i mean mommy i mean mommy i mean mommy-"
Constantly hits on you. Scout believes that you're the type of girl that's 'easy', someone who will let anyone bang them regardless of who they are.
That boy isn't going to leave you alone until you let him into your pants.
Even when he's not busy trying to get in between your legs, Scout is asking you for advice on how to woo the ladies. Considering you're a professional at flirting with people.
You go back and forth on giving him good advice and bad advice. Sometimes you feel bad that he can't get a girlfriend. Then again, you think to yourself that no woman should be within three feet of Scout because of how much of a horny asshole he is.
After some time, you did grow to have a soft spot for him. Since he's bullied a lot by the other mercenaries. He can be kinda cute when he's not being a complete jerk.
Soldier treats you like the other mercenaries. Ruthlessly bleating in your ear when you're doing something wrong.
He wants the best from you. Regardless of your gender, he'll push you to the limit until he's proud enough to call you a warrior.
Soldier tests that you're a good seductress by making you flirt with him. It's an ego boost on his part, but he's genuinely trying to make sure you're hot enough for the enemy.
Buys you clothing that he believes would work well when you're seducing the enemies. It's always american themed swimwear or lingerie. You began to believe he's just buying that for himself for you to try.
Whenever the team successfully wins for the day, Soldier immediately rushes towards and smacks your ass as hard as he can.
Sniper believes your work is very unprofessional. Considering he believes you have to whore yourself out to the enemy team. Instead of using your actual skills.
He says he has nothing against prostitution or sex work in general. Sniper just thinks that stuff you do should be kept behind doors and not on the battlefield. He says it causes too much of a distraction. However, you claim that 'distraction' is the point. Sniper doesn't seem to get it.
You honestly could care less what he thinks. Snipers throws jars of piss for a living, and he really thinks he has the right to judge other people?
The truth is you're good at seducing people. Too good. That it distracts him from doing his own job. Sniper has a tendency to watch you through the scope of his gun.
The way your body gets all hot and sweaty from the terrible heat, oh it does something to him. Sniper has imagined licking your sweat off your tits while you degrade him for being such a filthy fuck.
You are his go-to jerk off material. The women in his porno magazines don't get him off like they used. The only way he can relieve himself now is by imagining your fat ass bouncing on his cock.
When he noticed a pair of your panties in the laundry basket, Sniper couldn't help himself to inhale the sweet scent of your panties before putting them back.
Sniper knows he's a damn hypocrite.
He slut shames you for what you do, only to get off to you afterwards. The post nut clarity consumes him with guilt and shame.
Sniper still hasn't built up the courage to apologize to you.
Heavy is one of the very few people who treat you like an actual human being. He was raised by a single mother alongside three sisters. Heavy knows to treat a woman right. Less he wishes to face their fury.
Heavy doesn't understand why you seduce the enemy. You're supposed to shoot at the enemy, not bat your eyelashes and wink! However, after watching your work on the battlefield, he gets to more of an understanding.
"Oh, I see. You lie to enemy and lure them in like fish? HA! Very clever!"
Absolutely loves gunning down the enemy that is distracted by you.
Is one of the few men who genuinely falls for you for your personality. Heavy knows you're drop-dead gorgeous, but he knows that beneath all that beauty is a truly intelligent woman. You earned your place on the team by impressing Mann Co., with your skills instead of batting your eyelashes and begging to be a part of the team. You make his heart swoon like no other woman has.
He likes to write you poetry. It helps convey how he feels for you because he's too bashful to put it into simple words.
Heavy is not afraid of anything. Nothing, not even death itself. However, it took him a lot of courage and constant rehearsal to ask you out on a date.
He hopes to start a genuine relationship with you. Heavy doesn't want a one-night stand or be friends-with-benefits with you. He wants you to be his girlfriend and maybe possibly his wife later down the line.
"Well, I'll be! Aren't you the prettiest thing I've ever seen."
Engineer is taken aback by your good looks and sauve personality. He genuinely questions why you wanted to be a mercenary. A beautiful lady like yourself is too of high risk to get hurt!
Will always be there to help you if it gets too much for you to handle.
However, he can be very overprotective over you on the battlefield. Engineer thinks it would be safer for you to stay on the rancho relaxo than getting shot at by the enemy. As much as you'd like to not do anything on the job, Mann Co. isn't paying you to be lazy. They see everything and will tell you to get off your ass and start fighting.
You have to beg Engineer that you can do it on your own. He understands your point of view and begrudgingly lets you fight with the others. Even if it means going against his code of defending and protecting a lady when she needs it.
While putting up dispensers and sentries, he can't help to admire you from afar. Engie believes that a guy like him has no chance with a girl like you. What woman would be interested in a bald man who has a robotic hand and locks himself away in his work? No gal that's who.
Engie fantasizes about working up the courage to flirt with you and ask you out, which would eventually lead to a rather sensual night spent together. He did try to ask you out once but miserably failed. Engie kept stuttering and mispronouncing words out of nervousness while attempting to seduce you. You couldn't make out what he was trying to say. Thankfully, Demo had the heart to pull Engie out of that mess of a conversation and save him from further embarrassing himself.
So now, he just admires you from afar. Dreaming that one day he'll get to win your heart.
Surprisingly, he wants to get to know you as soon as possible. It's not every day you get to meet a lovely lady.
When he learns of your class type, oh boy, this man will make you question if you're even meant to be the Seductress.
"Mademoiselle, you are the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on."
"Do you know why they call Paris the city of love? Why don't I take you there and show you?"
"If the verb ‘to love’ didn’t exist, I would have invented it upon seeing you."
Spy leaves your entire face red and completely frozen after he's done talking to you. He's so flattering and charismatic. In comparison to the other men, he makes it seem like they're not trying at all. It isn't their fault, though, Spy is a natural at wooing the ladies.
You're surprised when Spy gifts you things that you really like. You never shared these intimate details with him before or with the other mercenaries. When you asked him how he knew what you specifically liked, Spy merely winks at you and grins. He has a way of receiving information without anyone knowing.
He has a tendency to kiss the back of your hand whenever you two are greeting each other. Spy is a gentleman and can't help himself to be sweet to a beautiful woman.
When Spy asks you out on a date, you agree to it because you have been meaning to go out. You felt like you'd go insane if you stayed in the base any longer. You put on your best dress and left with Spy into town.
After having a nice meal and a few glasses of wine, both of you give into temptation. Spy could hardly keep his hands off you when he drove you both back to the base. All your clothes came off the moment you reached his bedroom. You found it a little strange he refused to take off his mask. Oh, what the hell. He's hot and treated you to a nice date.
In the morning, you receive uncomfortable stares from the other mercenaries. Let's just say you and Spy weren't exactly quiet during your lovemaking. Unfortunately for the others, you decided Spy would become your fuck buddy.
He's been meaning to include a female subject in his experiments- I mean, he's glad to meet you!
You try your best to steer clear of him. However, on the front lines, it isn't so easy. When you're constantly getting shot at and stabbed by enemies, you'll need the Medic's help to get better.
When he sees you in action, Medic feels a new emotion that he's never felt before. Is this.. love? Maybe it is. Or maybe it's just lust.
Medic has never been infatuated with any woman. Except you. The way you lure in these pathetic men with your good looks and false promises, only to kill them afterwards- oh God, it makes him giddy. He feels like a schoolboy all over again!
Medic does routine check-ups on you. To make sure all your lady parts are in working order. In reality, this perverted fuck wants to have an excuse to grope you. Always gaslights you into believing he's not being a degenerate.
"Is this really necessary?"
"Why, of course! Breast cancer isn't something to take lightly!" He'd respond. You would understand, but after thirty minutes of him fondling your breasts, you knew what his true intentions were.
Medic writes you love letters and his dove, Archimedes, deliver them to you.
The letters start off relatively sweet. Medic writes that he views you as a Goddess, a truly ethereal being that is too perfect for this world filled with lesser mortals. And how he's the only man truly worthy for you.
Then, the letters take a complete turn the more you read it. He writes how he wishes to fulfill every filthy fantasy he's ever had with you. Oh boy, the list is long. For one, Medic wants to tie you down, gag you, and breed you like the filthy whore you are. Another consited of how he wants to fuck you on the battlefield while you're bleeding out and fingering your open wound as if it was your pussy.
You've stopped reading his letters and tend to light them on fire.
"So, how much do you regularly charge for a quick shag?" He'd ask you before laughing his ass off.
Demo will never take you or your work seriously. Even if you politely ask him to.
He doesn't see what's so hard about showing off your tits and saying how much you love to suck cock. Demo believes you should've been a stripper if you wanted to tease men so desperately.
You frequently explain to him in detail how you help and provide for the team. You honestly can't tell if Demo deliberately forgets or because he gets drunk so often, he hardly pays attention to you while you talk.
Don't worry, though. After you've instilled the fear of women into him, he'll be gladly reminded that he shouldn't judge or ridicule a woman. If his mother were here, she'd knock some sense into him.
Demo apologizes to you, drinks, gets drunk, and apologies some more
"I'm sorry, lassie! It's just that I just get so lonely sometimes! What woman would give me, a one-eyed freak, a chance!"
He bawls on the floor, crying in front of you. You attempt to cheer him up by comforting him. Instead, you end up getting drunk with him.
Did you shag him in the heat of the moment? That's all up to you ;)
Has no idea what you're doing to the enemy. Anything sexual you do is translated as innocent in their vision. Will never know what real seduction or sex.
Luckily, they think everything you do is nice and polite!
Regularly gives you grotesque gifts, which are usually human hearts and bones. You begrudgingly take the gifts because you know they mean well and don't wish to be disrespectful.
Pyro has a tendency to go through your closet when you leave your room. Or while you're sleeping. Either why, they steal your clothing and belongings. They pick out outfits and wigs they like along with makeup supplies. You wonder where you placed your dress and immediately begin searching for it. Maybe you left it in the laundry room. As soon as you exit your room, you see Pyro wearing your clothing over their suit. Fake eyelashes have been glued onto their eyes, and lipstick smeared all over the breathing hole.
You can't even be upset with Pyro. They're doing their best.
You let Pyro keep the dress they're wearing, considering it most likely wouldn't fit you anymore.
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lasirenatarot · 11 months
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What makes your Future Spouse get jealous and how they express their jealousy?
Pick a picture:
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Pile 1:
(Cards: 6 chalices; judgement; 4swords; 2swords; 5 of air; 7 of earth; 8 of air; the emperor)
- Honestly, this pile’s Future spouse seems like a very confident person, very sure of themselves, there are not much things that can make them jealous or question their own worth. Because of that, normally they would not even be considered as a person who gets jealous at all. They like giving you your freedom, they don’t seem like an obsessive person, they do have their set of standards when it comes to relationships and loyalty tho.
However, they do have their moments like all of us and you should not be fooled by their detached demeanor or purposely try to make them jealous, because what can happen is that they may simply leave and never come back.
Situations in which they may feel jealousy is if they see you have a deeper emotional connection with someone else, also when you’re blindly defending someone, it can make them think something like « why does my partner defend that person if they really feel nothing for them? » and that would make them suspicious of you..
They may get slightly annoyed if you constantly post pictures of yourself with a person that has a visible crush on you or is maybe too touchy with you (Or someone posts pics with you..), but this is not entirely jealousy, annoyance is the correct word here.
How do they express their jealousy?
- They seem like a mature and confident person so they definitely won’t be throwing tantrums or being childish. This is mostly due to their pride and ego.
They will check every piece of information before they even ask you sth.. they may even go through your phone to check if there is anything they should actually worry about when it comes to you and a certain person they are suspicious of. I feel like they may be the type of person to give you an ultimatum if you’ve crossed some of their boundaries,but regardless of everything I just wrote (which may seem pretty toxic) I don’t think they will be unreasonable when they get jealous.
If someone is getting a bit too « close » to you, they will expect you to draw a line and make it known you’re in a relationship. If your future spouse feels their standards are not met and feels disrespected they may even leave you. They seem pretty cut throat when it comes to loyalty. They won’t loose time arguing with you or asking you multiple times to do something they want you to do, they may have a big ego so they wouldn’t want to feel like a beggar.
Briefly, if they feel jealous, they may check your phone and all the information available and then talk to you once or twice, if something you do is really bothering them, and expect you to keep your distance from people who are interested in you.
Pile 2
(Cards: knight of wands; ace of chalices; queen of wands; the high priestess; 10 of water;the world;the empress;7 of air;the fool)
- Right off the bat, I feel like you would be the more confident, outgoing and successful one of the pair, not your future spouse. Or at least this may be true for a certain period of time during your relationship. You may be more fiery, what I am getting for you is absolutely the embodiment of the « naturally popular girl » when we were in highschool, stereotypically they would be the « nerd » and they may feel intimidated and a bit insecure around you. Your confidence may be the main reason for their jealousy. Since you may be a person who easily attracts people’s attention, your future spouse may feel like you can have pretty much everyone and that they’re easily replacable, whether or not this is actually true..
Do not get me wrong tho, you do not need to dim your light in order for them to be less insecure- this is their own problem to solve. What you can do in this situation, is to give them compliments which can uplift them and try not to give them reasons to be jealous, reassure them that they are the one for you, this may be important to them even if they don’t admit this openly.
How they express their jealousy?
- How they would show you they are jealous is a tricky question to answer honestly. They may not show you or tell you at all, you may need to figure this out on your own. They may start asking you random questions, as well as being almost « too nice » with you and fulfilling all your desires even the ones that may be at their expense, the important thing here is to not walk all over them since they may have a people pleasing tendency when it comes to you, so they can make sure they are so perfect that you wouldn’t leave them. They may become more clingy than usual.
As we all know, perfection is an illusion and it does not exist, so this perfect partner image they try to portray for you may be tiring for them to maintain.
If you notice some of their behaviors I just mentioned, talk to them and be honest with them.
Pile 3
(Cards: tower; 3of pentacles; 8wands; death; 3 of fire; the chariot; the tower; knight of earth; the hanged man)
- You will definitely know if your partner gets jealous, they wouldn’t hide it at all, they may have fire sign energy and easily get angry if someone touches what they deem as « theirs » (you). They may find you to be really physically attractive and that may make them want to keep you to themselves and be a little posessive.
They may get jealous if someone approaches you in front of them or when someone disrespects the fact that you are in a relationship with them and makes moves on you anyways..
Another thing which can make them jealous is if someone who they find to be similar to them (when it comes to qualities and what they can offer, not looks) shows interest in you in front of them.
How they express their jealousy?
- They may be pretty dramatic to be honest. This may be a drastic change from their normal behavior, normally they may be a really calm person, but if they feel someone is a threat to your relationship they may get very defensive and may even start an argument with the person who expresses interest in you in front of them.
In moments like this they get a little « primal » and don’t think things through, they may get more aggressive because when they see a threat they feel hopeless, like there is nothing else to do rather than confront the other person directly, they feel like they have to get rid of the « threat » immediately.
If they do actually have a tendency to cause scenes due to their jealousy, try talking it out with them and making them sure you would make the boundaries known if someone else approaches you.
Pile 4
(Cards: knave of air; queen of air; the magician; the priestess; the sun; 5 of water; 10 of pentacles; 10 of wands; knave of wands; knave of pentacles; 7 of swords)
- In situations where they feel jealous they may feel really hurt, even if they do not show it, it may remind them of past experiences and kind of « open an old wound » they tought they have gotten over.
Just like in one of the previous piles, they may view you as very beautiful and confident and sometimes they may feel as if they are not worthy of being with a person like you. They may be less experienced than you which can also make them paranoid you would leave them for someone more experienced.
How they express their jealousy?
- When they feel jealousy they really feel it. This can make them look a bit closed off and they may get really quiet all of a sudden, that’s how you would know that something is affecting them.
I don’t think this person will cause scenes or throw tantrums when they feel jealous at all. They are much more rational and mature. They may get some time away from you to clear their toughts and only after that they may adress the situation which made them feel jealous with you. Whenever they feel jealous, they may distract themselves with their hobbies, go out with their friends, go clubbing in order not to overthink every bit of what is bothering them. They may also get pro-active with you, give you gifts, pay more attention to you than normal, be more romantic with you..
My only advice to this pile is to be fully honest with them and try not to keep secrets from them, as this may intensify it if they do have trust issues due to their past.
thank you for reading! Hope it resonated, comment if it did.💞 Don’t forget to follow for more.
- La Sirena💋.
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
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merlucide · 5 months
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Notes: lmao I was bored so I wrote this Ig- trying to make myself like writing again 💀
wc: 750
warnings: shidou, I wrote this tired so idk how it is
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Your boyfriend is 'special,' you could say. He's got a big personality and an even bigger ego. He's prone to getting into fights and has zero shame about it. But, you love him nonetheless. You are the most important person in his life, and he makes sure you damn well know it.
But right now, you honestly feel like throttling him. It's 3 AM, and he's spammed your phone with calls more times than you can count. You responded with a kind, "Fuck off, I'm sleeping," and turned on DND. You managed to slip back into sleep, if only for a brief moment.
Your rest is interrupted again, this time by the uncomfortable sensation of being watched. Groggily, you blink your eyes open to find a dark figure towering over you.
You let out a shriek and start flailing at the figure.
"Ow, stop—it's me! Stop—IT'S ME!!" a familiar voice urgently whispers. You squint in the darkness, heart hammering. You soon realize the so-called intruder is actually your stupid boyfriend, Ryusei.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU- WHAT- WHY?? HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN HERE???" you hiss, smacking his arm as he scoffs.
"uh- I called you like a gazillion times, and I threw rocks at your window, but you didn't wake up" Ryusei explains nonchalantly, glancing from the window back to you with a smirk beginning to form. "You know, you really should lock your window, babe. Someone could sneak in."
You smack his arm again, harder this time, receiving a small 'ouch' from him.
"What do you want, Ryusei?" you grumble, massaging your temples.
He grins, grabbing your shoulders. "Well, I was bored, so I thought we should totally hit up 7-11, yeah?"
With a deep sigh, you accepted defeat. "Fine. I'll go with you. But God so help me, if you pull another stunt like this again, I will break up with your insufferable ass- you hear me?"
His grin widens, and he starts climbing out the window. "Yes, ma'am," he replies cheerfully.
You grab a hoodie and peek out of your room to make sure no one was awakened by your earlier scream of terror.
Stepping out the window, you slide down to the ground below. Ryusei offers his hand, which you take, and together you start jogging down the street.
The night air is chilly but refreshing, not cold. The streets are deserted, as expected at 3 AM. Ryusei is dressed down in sweats and an oversized hoodie, his hair flatter without his usual styling, and his face bare without the iconic eyeliner. Under the yellow hue of the streetlights, his skin seems to glisten. Sometimes you think, he could have been a model in another life.
You and Ryusei chat aimlessly and stumble over each other's feet as you walk. Arriving at the 7-11, you grab snacks that you both know are unhealthy. You both get Slurpees and head to the checkout.
You both share your snacks, and show each other your colored tongues. 
Ryusei takes a sip of his drink and looks over at you. "Y’know, we should do this more often," he suggests.
You playfully roll your eyes. "Oh yeah? Why?"
Ryusei grins, looking around at the empty streets. "Because, let's be honest, when else are we going to run around like this without anyone else in our way? It’s like the world’s ours for the taking."
You laugh, shaking your head at his straightforward reasoning. "Only Shidou Ryusei would think a run to 7-11 at 3 AM is a grand adventure" you respond, amused by his enthusiasm.
He snorts, slinging the 7-11 bag kver his shoulders. "Admit it, you’re kinda loving the freedom too," he says, nudging you gently with his elbow.
You sigh but can't hide your smile. "Maybe a bit. But let’s aim for the daylight hours next time, okay?"
"Can’t promise that," he shoots back with a mischievous smirk.
As you finish up your late night snack run and head back and the first hints of dawn start to light the sky.
You climb up to the window, you wave your boyfriend goodnight as he sends you kisses. You returned them as he runs off into the street. you both crawl back into bed, content and a bit exhausted.
You never know what to expect with Ryusei, but that what’s makes being with him fun right?
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made April 8th 2024
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tikitsune · 1 year
I've had this sitting on a docs for a while and decided to finish it on a rehearsal day because why not and math sucks.
Obey Me Pack Mark Placements: Brothers
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- Man would deadass give a full tattoo sleeve but he can’t so he puts it on the inside of the left wrist.
- He puts it on the inner wrist so it’s clear who you belong to.
- He absolutely loves it is when you cup his cheek and caress his face.
- He will grab your arm and kiss his pact mark.
- If you thought him rolling up his sleeves was hot, he thinks when you roll your sleeves up, you are the hottest thing in Devildom, and that's staying something.
- Him being the Avatar of Pride means that he is kinda easily jealous. Like if it's around his brothers, the undateables or Thirteen, Raphael and Mephistopheles (someone tell me the trio name please) he's fine. He's also fine with like the students of RAD. But if it's with someone of higher power, like a noble, they can get pushy.
- Let's just say it won't end well for both parties (*ahem* the opposing side)
- Back of the neck, just where the bottom of the hairline is.
- Due to his ego, he put it where it can be hidden if there was enough hair.
- When he is sad, he will back hug you and bury his nose where his pact mark is.
- He would love it if you would wear your hair up or split your hair so it shows whenever you are with him.
- He is one of the more jealous brothers. Like the eldest, he is fine around the normal crowd, but around the students and everyone else, he is a bit insecure.
- Give him hugs, kisses and pets on the head as reassure that he's yours, and you are his.
- Under the ear 
- He likes it there because it’s personal to him, and can once again be hidden by hair, but can be shown if the hair is pulled back. 
- Levi is also the jealous type, he doesn't get out much which means he doesn't know if you are being hit on.
- On the days he does go outside, he is stuck to you like glue and will only release you under certain circumstances.
- Give the boy love but not too, much or Levi.exe will stop working.
- Across the shoulder blade.
- His own little intimate place that can be shown if MC wants.
- He would love it if you show it off, even just a sliver but he won’t force you to.
- He be a good boy like that
- In terms of domesticity, he loves it if you wear something that shows off your shoulders, even if it’s just you and him
- He can and will kiss all the way across you're shoulders
- A ring around your hip
- He may be the Avatar of Lust but that doesn't mean he wants to have sex all the time. He's just generally attracted to you, as his is to you.
- He absolutely loves it when you wear low-waisted things
- He would love it if you showed it to everyone but if you are uncomfortable with low-waisted things, he is perfectly content with seeing it when it's just you and him
- It is a pleasure/soothing point.
- On the tongue
- Bickslow style
- Honestly, out of all of the pack marks, you can't hide it if you tried. 
- It might be for the best because as sweet as he is, he is the ragey jealous type. 
- He has the build for it as well, so make sure your relationship is known. 
- I'm not saying he is insecure or anything but if you get uncomfortable he will do what he sees fit to make it not so. 
- On the collar bone
- He is a lazy bitch so he just puts it in the most "obvious" place.
- He, like his twin, is a ragey jealous type of person but he has more triggers
- If you cuddle, chances are he will have his head right near your collarbone or on your chest as an assurance that you are indeed here and you are his.
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partycatty · 5 months
I NEED a part 2 of eyes on the prize!! Like I wanna know if it alters the present!! Like maybe older Johnny just stares at readers breast and doesnt know why or maybe he’s distant, maybe flirtatious? How it affects their relationship with well, everyone in the S.F
johnny cage > something shifts
something about your timeline alters after you flash your boss's younger counterpart.
warnings: dilfy is kinda creepy here
notes: younger johnny is "johnny." older johnny is "cage."
[ read part one here ] [ masterlist ]
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• shortly after your admittedly shameful spur-of-the-moment decision, you and younger johnny packed up shop and assumed you were needed back in the intel room, clothed and mature. as you walked through the hallway, your skin prickled and the air felt thicker as you walked. brushing it off as newfound heat for the timeline jumper beside you, you tried your best to ignore it and focus on the job.
• "so, how about that number?" johnny nudges your arm, pulling you from your thoughts. you shake your head with a smirk.
• "do you expect our phones to connect across entire timelines?" you grin up at him, brow cocked. he shrugs, adjusting his sunglasses.
• "so you bet on a losing battle! and hey, who said i was going anywhere?" his tone has returned to his playboy attitude, though you know his ego is still bruised from your smart move.
• "seems like older you says so," you respond, eyes forward. "lieutenant cage might burst a blood vessel if we kept you around."
• "old fart me just forgot how to have fun," johnny brushes... himself(?) off, rolling his shoulders as you two near the room with your colleagues. a quick adjustment of your gear and a tug of your collar later, the metal doors slide open with a scan of a keycard.
• lieutenant cage stands near the door, head snapping in your direction with wide, curious eyes. his gaze softens as it locks on you, quickly turning to a furrowed, conflicted glare.
• "gone a while," cage observes, standing straight. "i said keep an eye on him, not let him poke around the compound."
• "cool it, gramps," johnny's quick to butt in. "you guys have awesome future gear and i wanted to snag a look at it. no big deal, nothing broken, mini-me."
• "you're mini-me," cage corrects johnny with a scowl. "this is the present."
• your head spins at their conversation. "my apologies, lieutenant."
• there it is again. that gentle analytical stare. "don't worry about it." cage's hand rubs the bottom half of his face, grounding himself as he physically shakes his head to rid of the foggy thoughts brewing in his mind.
• some time passes as the timeline mixup becomes a graspable concept now, everyone discussing their solutions and understandings of the odd scenario. you sat at one of the monitors, desk chair facing outward as you chatted with a coworker, aimless talk that was even harder to focus on when you glanced past them to notice the two men staring daggers into you.
• johnny's feet rested on the desk, his teeth absentmindedly toying with a pen. cage's head is tilted, thick arms crossed but eyes averted downward. which is to say, entirely transfixed on your tits. as someone with them, it was a second sense to know when they're being stared at, so there was no doubt in your mind what he was doing.
• your body heats exponentially faster. sure, flashing johnny was one thing, but since then, cage has been giving you nothing but funny looks. did he catch you two on the security cameras, you wonder?
• cage shifts in his seat, subtly adjusting himself before muttering to johnny. "it's bothering me."
• "what? how hot that rack is?" johnny replies with a cackle, earning a solid whack on the back of the head. "don't be mad that i'm right, old man. you're totally into it."
• "i wasn't before," cage honestly admits, lips concealed by his hand it props up on the armrest. "at least, i don't think so."
• johnny is silent for a long moment. "don't be mad."
• cage swivels, now facing his younger self directly. "what the hell did you do?"
• "me? nothing!" he holds his hands up in a faux surrender. "what happened wasn't even my fault."
• cage pales, assuming his younger self to be far grosser than he was in the moment. "you didn't bang anyone, did you?"
• "not yet," johnny wags a finger. "though i bet you're picturing a nice set right about now. i know that look."
• cage's anger had a veil of daydreaming about it, something glossy in his stare. sure enough, yeah, somehow and someway he was able to fully envision you underneath him, breasts rippling and nipples hardened from the cool air. the memory slips from him the moment it becomes coherent.
• it was starting to make sense now. the new memories were being forcibly implanted into his brain, a new set of wires connecting at this development. and damn, you were looking sexier by the minute.
• cage stands with a huff, chair scratching the floor and silencing the room as they observed the sudden movement. he exits the room, finding the nearest break room. a smaller, shut away room complete with a water dispenser was his personal oasis when he grabbed a paper cup, gulping it down with intense thirst.
• he couldn't shake the violently sudden attraction to you. wondering if he might burst if he kept being in the room with you, scent and body overwhelming his every sense, cage shakes his head and splashes himself with water, eyes transfixed on the faucet as he tries to distract himself from the increasingly vivid image of your sweet skin and alluring form.
• you needed answers. "lieutenant." your voice pulls him back to reality, and he only gets a moment to adjust his hard-on before turning to face you. his jaw clenches as he meets his gaze with you as you stand in the doorway. "you seem bothered."
• cage's voice is colder than he meant for it to be. "i'm fine, no need to pry." his desire was consuming, pissing him off beyond belief that he needed to take you as soon as the opportunity arises. "just needed a break from the timeline nonsense is all." he pauses, taking another sip of the water as he thinks about his younger self. "i can be a lot."
• "that, i understand," you laugh with a deep breath, wondering why you felt so compelled to follow him. "a real charmer." you freeze, wondering if complimenting himself was a wise decision.
• cage's expression was dubious, unreadable. "you still think i am?"
• a smirk tugs at your lips. "what?"
• "charming," he clarified. "do you think i'm still charming?"
• there's no need to ponder the question. "i'd say so. the whole johnny cage flair thing is a hard thing to ignore, if i may say so, sir."
• cage's expression is dark. "you may." his eyes lock onto your chest, his own heaving.
• you follow his gaze. "you know what we did, don't you?" your face burns.
• "i have an idea," he mutters, face twitching as his gaze traces the plumpness of your boobs. "i feel different."
• so you know your boss has officially seen your tits in his memories now. your curiosity is piqued, butterflies tugging in your stomach as you inspect his wrinkles deepen. "did you like them?"
• the cup is quickly discarded, his eyes unmoving as he nods slowly. his gaze flicks up to your own as you bat your lashes his way. confidence surges through you after your realization of the timeline altering.
• "to be frank with you," he chuckles dryly, rubbing at the back of his neck. your fingers dance on the hem of your shirt with a bubbling need. "can't say i'd mind seeing them again. refresh my memory, would you?"
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qqueenofhades · 6 days
I may very well be getting too far ahead of myself here, but reading your last two (back to back, hot diggity damn, queen!) essays got me thinking about the future. In the beautiful possible future where we keep up the fight, elect Kamala, and keep Trump out of office for another 4 years, do you think there's a real possibility we'll be seeing the same election (Kamala vs Trump) in 2028?
I hear the arguments against the possibility - he's old and unhealthy so he'll probably die (not counting in it), the Republicans cannot be stupid enough to try again (they can), his fragile ego will be too broken to try again (his ego disconnected from reality long, long ago), he'll be in jail (unlikely with this Supreme Court, and hilariously we have no laws preventing someone in jail from running), but even the sum total of them doesn't seem like enough to count him out.
Mind you, if he does run against Kamala in 2028, I feel like the odds would be on our side? I'm just. So. Tired of this guy. I'll keep fighting till the day I die, but it'd be nice if we could actually see this dude go down and take on the next one.
We honestly have a good shot to shut ourselves of Trump forever at this election, because of the simple fact that he is in rapid dementia decline and I honestly don't think he'll be remotely sane in another 4 years. Not that he's sane now, but at age 82 after another four years of associated legal troubles and/or penalties complete with his rapidly unraveling mental state... I just don't think it will be possible even for the withered husk of the GOP to trot him out again, and I say that as someone who always unfortunately knew he would be the nominee again in 2024 despite some overly optimistic prognostications to the contrary by others. As I've said before, this is the last-chance saloon for Trump in any number of ways, and that is part of the reason he is so desperate now.
We can't count on the legal system to rid us of Trump before the election, but the delayed sentencing in his NY felony trial is coming a couple weeks afterwards, the Jan 6th trial has restarted, and the 11th Circuit is fairly likely to reinstate the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case. Trump running for president is a convenient grift to pay his legal bills, and if he gets crushed in November, even the most faithful MAGA diehard are going to find it hard to keep coughing up for his various fundraising appeals. I mean sure, he'll get something, because some of the cult members will be in it to the bitter end, but overall, he will be fucked. On many, many levels.
This is the delightful vision that is fueling me and frankly should fuel all of us, so yes. Vote. Remove stubborn orange stains, once and possibly fucking finally for all. Please.
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meanbossart · 4 months
Just thinking thoughts about Orin and Drow lore, and idk if this has been asked already, but
If Orin had just disappeared for like a year, not even Sceleritas could find her, with how obsessive pre-tadpole Drow was how would he handle that? Aside from being prideful and murdery, I don’t remember in the pre-tadpole Drow lore about any instance (after he made it to the temple) of him expressing anything else. Did the two ever have a wholesome moment?
Hmmmm not wholesome, no. I'm sorry to disappoint people who might wanted to see a more explicitly vulnerable side to both of them at that stage in their lives, but that's just not... How I envision things. I don't think anyone born into the temple would have had much room to express themselves in the way average people do.
What they did have was an undeniable connection and mutual understanding. This lasted for about 7 years, so between ages 18-25 for DU drow. (Canonically he's currently 28, give or take). I think that, sometimes, they also silently understood among themselves that things weren't always fair or good.
This might sound like a whole load of nothing to some people, but based on the culture within the cult, Orin's story, and the behavior of everyone involved in it, it seems huge to me that two people who were essentially groomed to be the embodiment of murder would harbor any kind of care for one another, even if it was subtle. The fact that they could share a bed, talk shit about Sarevok, and seamlessly work together and share in the glory of their deeds as equals is what intimacy looked like for them - before DU drow's ego (and the very need of a more explicitly intimate connection with someone, to be fair) got to his head.
They killed together, they rolled around in blood together, they bickered and fought and one time Orin stabbed him in the gut and DU drow punched her jaw out of it's socket. Then they flopped down on the ground and cackled about it while Sceleritas rushed in to stop the bleeding. Is that wholesome? I think for deified bhaalspawn who know nothing but that life it's the closest it gets.
There had to have been quiet moments I'm sure. Like Orin waiting around while DU drow got ready to go somewhere, him adjusting her headpiece, Orin slicing her brother's long hair off when he first arrived and looked like some sort of sinewy wood's creature. At night, they probably laid in bed in silence and sometimes stared at each other until either fell asleep.
I am very interested in not inventing an obscured, soft side to Orin that we didn't get to see, you know? While she wasn't always the level of manic we see in-game, she was completely unfit to function normally due to her upbringing, and this reflects in her relationships. DU drow is also undeniably emotionally stunted, just in a slightly different way.
I got off rambling to no one's surprise LOL but to answer the first part of your question - I don't think he would have been quite as dramatic about Orin just up and vanishing, as there's no explicit suggestion of death in that. He would have been insufferable to be around for a while, but in that scenario I could see his duties keeping him busy.
Not to mention that, while through death, she would be leaving him unwillingly - disappearing with no trace implies the uncomfortable possibility that she truly, honestly, just didn't want to be around him. That allows room for contempt and bitterness to fester until you wrongly convince yourself there was never any love there at all, even if just to soothe your own conscience.
He would have just become a much, much worse person that way in the sense that he would have nothing to focus on besides for his lord's will - as horrific as his attitude towards Orin was, it is very much a human feature to desperately cling to connection. With Orin around, he had a little bit of fucked up tenderness and love in him - it was a personal desire completely separate from his "job", a vestige of free-will. Without her, he just has Bhaal and whatever Bhaal wants.
Orin has always unwittingly anchored him, and then, later freed him. And he never ever deserved any of it.
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