#honestly killjoys were so much fun
m4lexxx67 · 6 months
I did it, I'm done!!! I finished what is probably one the coolest projects I have ever done and it turned out SO COOL, I'm so excited!!! Everyone come look at it cause I made a fucking killjoys shirt collection!!!
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Everyone of the Fab Four got their own type of shirt that I think fits them and they're all the same concept (logo on the back, name in the front, most of the design in their color plus some smaller detail in another color that's kind of in their pallet (taken from their ray guns), words associated with the character) but the font and placement of the writing changes and all that and I really love that they obviously belong together but still look so different!
Also fun fact it took fucking FOREVER to paint Ghoul cause it's sooo many lines and painting lines takes so much time cause you can't just carefully draw a sharp edge and then quickly fill in the rest (like for example Jet's logo) because basically everything is edge! And the design for Kobra's name? Such a pain in the ass, there's so many sketches that were all scrapped. Like in total it took me maybe one and a half to two hours to come up with all of the designs, except for Kobra's stupid fucking name, I kept going back to it for literal weeks!! But honestly so worth it, it turned out exactly as I wanted and just all in all feels very Kobra to me
(As for the different shades of blue/green on Jet's and Ghoul's shirts... The shirts have been done for a while and were lying around my room without being folded or anything, so that's just folds and light reflections, the colors are actually very even)
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jnnul · 2 months
nouvelle vague
a/n: i've been in a fever dream writing this fic, honestly. i kinda just needed to write it. it means so much to me that i did though because it's something that i wish that i had learned earlier and i just love this fic so much please love her like i have. and a huge HUGE thank you to xixi and soph for beta reading! couldn't have made this fic possible without you <3 quick note: feedback, comments, etc. GREATLY encourage writers! if you felt any sort of way (in a good or bad way!) about this fic, pls leave feedback!
word count: 13.3k
tags: college au!, confusing love, y/n who can't get her life together, self-destructive mc x perfect donghyun with a sprinkle of best boy dongmin, so many good friends and so many lessons to be learned
warnings: explicit detail of sex (oral, foreplay, angry sex, unprotected sex...) underage drinking, and general college shenanigans! also heavy detailing of unhealthy relationships with stress, and academic pressures :(
playlist: nouvelle vague - wave to earth, fairy of shampoo - dosii, she - jannabi, 0310 - yerin baek
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don't leave the gas on, don't let sanghyeok lee cook anything, and don't get into pointless arguments with dongmin han that he gets overly competitive about winning.
"...which is why you've got to trust me when i say that mbti is a science that you can actually trust!"
"i don't know, min, i just think mbti is stupid. it's a pseudoscience at best, and that too is a complete overstatement," you say off-handedly, more preoccupied with finding the book you needed to write your essay on. dongmin scoffs, pressing a steepled hand to his chest in offense as he pulls down the book you were look for with the other.
"that sounds like something an intj would say," he counters, withholding the book from you. you stare at him unimpressed, arms folded over your chest.
"it sounds like something a logical person would say," you retort, waiting for him to relent and return your book. this behavior (much to your dismay) was nothing new and you knew your best friend well enough to just wait out his tantrums for you to be able to move on with your life.
dongmin looks at you expectantly and you sigh, hanging your head. "alright, alright, i'm not a logical person; i've just got a stick up my ass. are you happy now?"
your best friend harrumphs proudly and touches the book to both of your shoulders, as though he were knighting you. you roll your eyes and snatch the book from him, hugging it close to your chest for fear that he might steal it from you again.
"maybe if you actually had a stick up your ass once in a while, you wouldn't be such a killjoy all the time," dongmin snorts, narrowly dodging you when you wind up to smack him with the book (read: weapon) in your hand.
"alright so now since i haven't had sex in a while, i'm a killjoy?" you say as the both of you make your way back to the study room that you'd reserved in hopes that you'd actually get some work done today. although, you should've been wise enough to give up on such nonsensical ideas the moment dongmin texted/warned you that he would be gracing you with his presence.
"i still can't believe you won't tell me who you had sex with last. and besides, i don't think you're a killjoy," dongmin clarifies, opening the door for you to walk through. "but everyone else does."
"because i'm voluntarily celibate?"
"because you never go out anymore! you used to be so much fun, y/n. you used to be the girl that would have crazy stories from when she would party until five in the morning. the one who'd have boy after boy lining up in front of her door just to see if they would get a chance with you. not to mention the fact that you used be able to drink us all to shame. i still think you're an awesome and fun person without doing any of those things but i miss you sometimes, you know? i just can't help but wonder where that girl went and that's why everyone else can't understand why a person like you and i can be best friends when they see us now. because they don't know what you used to be like."
you sigh, tucking your hood over your shoulder as you begin to analyze the work in front of you.
"i didn't go anywhere, min and you know that. i don't care what other people think as long as my best friend knows the truth. and besides, that lifestyle was never going to be a sustainable one. i just decided that i wanted more out of life than just parties and bad grades," you explain patiently, eyes never leaving the neatly organized papers in front of you.
dongmin huffs and leans backwards into the booth, but he knows it's the truth. while he'd become friends with you because of your rambunctious and adventurous spirit back in freshman year, he'd chosen to remain best friends with you even later on because you were a good person - an ambitious person who wanted to make something out of their life.
"you can have both, you know," he mumbles and you smile gently at him before looking back down at your book.
"i know. you can have both because you were smart and made sure your grades never slipped. i didn't do that and now i'm paying the price," you remind him, and you can sense dongmin's protest about your self-deprecating statement bubbling up but he's interrupted when the study room door opens and a series of people begin to file in.
"hey, so sorry to have to kick you out but we have the room reser - wait. dongmin? what are you doing in a study room, man?" one of the men who'd walked in says.
you don't pay attention to the people walking in as you begin to gather your materials, leaving the socializing to your much more extroverted best friend. you check your watch, cursing under your breath when you realize that you'd spent too much time looking for the book and dongmin’s antics. you were supposed to switch from this study room to the one next door, because that one was available for a long period of time but only opened up right as the current one was going to be occupied.
"eh, i just came to bother y/n," dongmin says with a bored tone that everyone in the room knows is a front. "what are you guys doing here? don't you have a musty basement to throw a rager in?"
this leads all of the men and women who walked in to snicker, pointing at the poor soul who'd decided to take it up with dongmin today.
"you're basically in the frat too," the man protests and you finally register him to be jeongwoo park, one of dongmin's heaps of friends in the tsr frat.
"yeah but you have to pay to drink your own alcohol with your own dues," dongmin points out, snickering at jeongwoo. "i drink your alcohol for free."
"i say we ban this kid from our parties," another voice, hyunwoo kim pipes up, and a chorus of 'yeah's' and 'shut up jeongwoo' rise up simultaneously from both sides of the conversation. you fail to keep in your giggle as you watch dongmin get banned from the tsr frat in realtime (that you know he's going to charm his way out of somehow anyway), causing some of the people to turn their attention to you.
"y/n! how are you babe? it feels like it's been a century since we've last seen you!" one of the girls, jihyo han, says warmly and you give her a shy smile.
"i'm doing alright. swamped with projects," you say, lifting your arms up to showcase the number of books and papers you were balancing and doyeon coos sympathetically.
"that's what double majoring in english literature and architecture does to you but the woman doesn't listen to me," dongmin says, jostling you jestfully. you turn to chide him for pushing you when you accidentally lose grip of all of your work, causing it to tumble to the ground in what feels like slow-motion into heaps of unorganized messes.
"dongmin!" you hear hyunwoo scold as you swoop down to gather everything into your arms once more. another figure joins you on the ground, scooping papers into a neat stack with nimble fingers and strong arms. you look up to make eye contact with donghyun kim, immediately averting your eyes when you do, afraid of what he might find in them if he kept looking at you for too long.
"thanks," you mumble when donghyun hands you the papers he's collected and he just offers you a soft smile.
"it does feel like it's been a while since we've seen you around, y/n. even sanghyeok complains that he hasn't seen you at their place lately," donghyun says gently and you're left to shrug helplessly as you adjust to grasp at the stray pages more carefully.
"ah. yeah. i haven't really gone over to dongmin and sanghyeok's place lately because i've been in the library most of the time," you say and donghyun nods, silent as he watches you with that knowing gaze that sets your every nerve on fire.
sometimes, you wonder if donghyun knows how much of an impact he has on those around him just by the way he looks at them.
you don't have feelings for donghyun - at least no feelings worth discussing with anyone and none that you were ever willing to recall - but you're sure that pretty any one with a pair of eyes and a functioning heart could acknowledge just how attractive he was.
you were almost 99.99% sure that even if what had happened between you and donghyun hadn't happened, anyone's heart would skip at least once when they talked to him.
"i'm gonna go to the other study room," you announce hurriedly to no one in particular and dongmin takes it as his cue to bid his friends farewell as the two of you make your way to the study room.
"feel free to come to our room if it gets too loud or crowded in here!" dongmin yells over his shoulder, much to your dismay and to the chagrin of the librarian sitting at her desk a few yards away.
"sorry!" he exclaims, equally as loud, and the librarian just rolls her eyes with a forgiving smirk tugging at her lips. of course dongmin had managed to charm her too. you'd be surprised if your best friend left anyone with two legs and a heartbeat on this campus without at least an attempt to get into their pants.
or vice versa. mostly vice versa.
"oh that reminds me. sanghyeok asked me if you wanted to come to movie night this friday. you've skipped out on the last three because of work and exams but you're finally gonna be submitting all the big ones by this thursday so i don't want to hear any excuses on why you can't come to movie night. alright? alright. besides, all of the guys from our - your freshman year are gonna be there. and also, sanghyeok is gonna bring his girlfriend too so you won't be the only girl," dongmin says, his words firing out of his mouth in rapid succession.
you just nod in understanding, knowing that this shouldn't be the hill that you died on when it came to dongmin's antics.
"and i also may or may not have promised that you'd come to jaehyun's party on saturday," dongmin adds sheepishly and this finally catches your attention.
"movie night is one thing but a party is another thing, dongmin! is it a frat party or a clubbing type event? how long is the event? do you need me to send a present for him or something? isn't it his birthday soon?" you interrogate and dongmin just throws a pencil at you and puts his index finger to his lips to shush you.
"woman, do you ever shut up?" he sasses, immediately raising his hands in surrender when your eyebrows lift so high, they disappear into your hairline. "what i mean is, jaehyun said that he would give me the number of that cute girl from your structural design class that you won't give me if you come to his party."
"how does he know her? and what does that have to do with my attendance at his party?" you ask and dongmin shrugs, leaning over the table.
"it's jaehyun. he knows everything about everyone," dongmin reminds you and you have to concede to that. "and i'm not kidding when i say that people miss you y/n. you're still that fun person when you're away from your work and people haven't seen that side of you in so long. you've gotta oblige jaehyun on his birthday, don't you think?"
"...i'll think about it," you say with a sigh after a few beats of contemplation. "as long it's not a 'rager in a musty basement' like jeongwoo's parties."
dongmin lifts three fingers solemnly. "scout's honor. it's not going to be a rager in a musty basement. now please. finish your work! i'm hungry and sanghyeok promised ramen from the ramen bar."
to dongmin's credit, the movie night was actually a breath of fresh air from your constant cycle of work, school, and stress. sanghyeok's girlfriend, jayoon sim, was the sweetest girl you'd ever met in your life, back when you'd met her at the beginning of the year. she was very similar to sanghyeok in the fact that she was outgoing and on the louder side but it was heartwarming to see sanghyeok start to mellow out to balance her spark.
it wasn't as though sanghyeok was toning down his personality for her - if anything, the two of them were even more chaotic together - but he seemed to like riding the backseat of the conversation more often as jayoon went on some tangent or another of the plot of the movie.
which led to lots of moments where the movie was paused by one of the five boys present at movie night (more often than not, it was sungho park, who was more intrigued by jayoon's tangents than the movie itself) and lots of popcorn being eaten in those breaks.
and that was how you found yourself standing in sanghyeok's kitchen, popping another bag of popcorn - the fourth bag in the past hour. sanghyeok had offered but you knew from personal experience that sanghyeok plus any form of cooking equals fire.
you personally thought it was a talent to be that talentless at cooking but dongmin, sanghyeok's roommate and the unfortunate soul who had to put out said fires, was not nearly as amused as you were.
"do you need any help?" you hear a voice ask behind you. you turn to make eye contact with donghyun, standing in the space that separated the kitchen from the foyer where you could faintly hear jaehyun myung and dongmin get into yet another argument about the logistics of whether or not batman could feasibly buy the mona lisa.
"it's just popping a bag of popcorn," you answer. donghyun laughs, taking another step forward into the kitchen.
"and yet sanghyeok manages to destroy the bag and the popcorn every single time," donghyun reminds you and you shrug, slipping your phone into your pocket.
"it's hard to do. you have to give him that," you admit and he laughs again, shaking his head.
there's a blanket of silence that falls over the conversation, the argument in the other room providing background noise so it doesn't grow awkward.
you knew donghyun wasn't much of a talker but at this point, you just didn't know what to say to him anymore. he wasn't a stranger to you - he was close to dongmin, and prior to that, you had been pretty close to the five boys. they'd been the boys that you'd gone out with most of the time during the second half of freshman year and the beginning of sophomore year.
donghyun had seen you in a number of embarrassing situations; granted, most of them were while you were blackout drunk, but the number of times that you were in asaid state during the first half of your college education was embarrassing enough.
and he'd seen you...he'd seen all of you. he'd seen too much of yourself and it made you want to stuff yourself deep underground so you could escape his knowing gaze.
so while donghyun kim was no stranger to you, this new version of you was a stranger to him.
it was an odd feeling: having the knowledge of a shared past that neither of you could fully relate to any longer, and having mentalities that extended in distinctly different directions in the present.
donghyun was the prime example of being able to have it all. from what you knew about him from the past three years of tentatively close friendship, you knew that he was a strong academic who would skip out on a party here and there to make sure he could study the next morning but could be convinced into having a good time pretty much anywhere.
you've heard of a good many adventures from dongmin just this year about how the five of them had found themselves in abandoned malls or parties at the college neighboring yours, which was infamous for its ability to throw a rager for pretty much any reason.
if anything, the strongest feeling that you felt towards donghyun kim was sheer, unadulterated, pure jealousy. how could one person be so well-balanced while it felt like you were fighting an uphill battle everyday just to get everything done?
that jealousy was what had landed you in the situation you were in now: filled to the brim with stress and ready to pop at any moment. it was also that envy which had led to that mistake at the beginning of sophomore year between you and donghyun.
"y/n? are you okay?" donghyun asks, waving a hand in front of your face. you blink, turning belatedly to open the microwave door, only to see that donghyun had already done it for you.
"sorry. i spaced out for a second," you mumble, and busy yourself by searching for a new bowl, seeing as the one in the foyer was still somewhat filled with popcorn.
"you really need to take breaks more often, y/n. i feel like the stress of constantly being on the go is getting you," donghyun echoes from behind you and for some reason, the concern in his voice makes you ashamed and angry more than anything else.
easy for you to say donghyun, you want to say. everything comes easy to you. you didn't fuck up like i did. you don't have to fight everyday to make sure that you actually have a future worth living for because you weren't young and stupid.
but all you actually say is, "yeah, you're definitely right."
you avoid donghyun's heavy gaze as you pour the popcorn into the bowl, silently willing him to go back to the foyer so you could simmer in your embarrassment in peace but to your dismay, he doesn't leave.
"you're incredibly intelligent and hard-working. but if you don't give yourself a break sometimes, you're just going to burn out. i wish you'd come back to us sometimes. you can't ruin your present for your future," he says softly, and suddenly everything is just too much.
his words strike a chord in your mind somewhere and you can feel your strong front start to crumble.
you want to yell at him, scream that he had no right to tell you how to live your life and that you were going to lay in the pile of sins that you'd committed. but for some reason, all you can do is try and fight back tears.
it makes you feel so incredibly embarrassed that you'd worked so hard for the past two years to ensure that you'd never slip up. that your mistakes from freshman year and the first half of sophomore year wouldn't catch up to you.
you'd worked on yourself, working on controlling your lust for going out and having fun. on not getting affected by when people would ask you to come out with them, only to reject them for fear of what would happen to your academics. you'd worked on not showing any signs of being tired or scared of your future.
just to cry. just to cry here in front of donghyun in sanghyeok's kitchen. not in the privacy of your home where no one could see you. but the exact place in front of the exact person that you didn't want to see you cry at all.
you hastily wipe at your tears, willing them to stay in the confinement of your eyes before you could let them fall in a place that would deliver such a blow to your ego or your social standing.
donghyun is taken aback, you can tell by the way that his usually impassive face has a hint of worry written into the lines of his forehead that crinkle as he watches you try to put yourself together.
"can you give this popcorn to the others? i just need to use the restroom really quickly," you whisper hoarsely, not daring to look at donghyun in the eyes as you rush out of the kitchen, trying your best to look alright and conceal the fact that you were crying in front of the five other people in the foyer.
you know you're unsuccessful though when you hear footsteps growing louder and louder as they approached the bathroom and it takes every ounce of your strength to keep from crying harder.
"y/n? you okay? you looked kinda hurried going into the bathroom." it's dongmin, and you contemplate for a moment before slowly opening the bathroom door, pulling him in and he immediately wraps you into a hug as soon as he sees your tear-streaked face.
"i'm okay. i just really need a hug right now," you manage to warble out, and dongmin's arms just get tighter around your shoulders. you try to come down, steadying your breathing as you try to keep fresh tears from falling down your cheeks when a knock sounds at the door.
"it's me," donghyun says and you want to curse him out. you want to tell him to leave you alone. that you didn't want to talk to him and that you wanted him to stop judging you and your choices. instead, you lean over, breaking away from dongmin, to click open the bathroom door.
"i'm so sorry," he says softly and you shake your head, giving him a mirthless smile.
"i've just been super high-tension for the past couple of days with all of the submissions and i just - i just kinda fell apart. sorry you had to see that."
donghyun steps forward, and dongmin steps back, letting go of where his arm was resting on your shoulder.
"i didn't mean to make you feel bad, y/n. i was just worried about you. i know what it's like to feel that kind of pressure and i just hated to see one of my...friends in that level of stress," he continues, glancing at dongmin when he says the word friend, and dongmin steps around you in the tiny bathroom to reach the door.
"i'm gonna leave you two alone. don't do anything i would do," he warns with a stupid grin and despite the situation, you find yourself laughing, threatening to throw the toothpaste at him.
"he's so dumb," you say under your breath and donghyun watches you carefully.
"he's a good friend," he remarks and you nod, pulling at the toilet paper to wipe your tears away.
"he's the best friend i could ever ask for," you agree and donghyun's expression doesn't change but his demeanor grows a little more hesitant.
"we all thought you guys were gonna start dating, you know. i mean, he's the one person who stuck by you through everything," he confesses and you immediately shake your head, the very thought of it making you want to gag.
"dongmin and i? no way. he's my best friend but i could never see him as my boyfriend. we're more like siblings than any sort of romantic relation; i'd fax his soul directly to satan if he asked me for my fries but i'd give my kidney to him," you explain and donghyun relaxes a bit, leaning against the wall behind him as he watches you clean yourself up.
"he hasn't talked to you about how much stress you're putting on yourself?"
"i'm doing fine, donghyun. i really do appreciate that you have my best interests in mind but dongmin's the one who's been there for every single step i've made. if he doesn't think that there's an extreme cause for concern, no offense, but i really don't see why you do."
donghyun has nothing to say to that, and although he probably should, he doesn't feel hurt at all. you were right. donghyun knew you as an outsider, compared to dongmin and even sanghyeok, and didn't know how much stress (or lack thereof) there really was in your life.
but he couldn't explain why he was so worried or why he missed your old troublemaking tendencies so much. or why he missed your strange ideas of a good time or unnecessary dialogues during movie nights. he couldn't explain why he missed the heat of your body on cold nights or why he replayed that fateful night in his mind over and over again.
this was the first movie night that you'd been to in a while from donghyun's knowledge but what did he know? he was only at this movie night because dongmin invited the old freshman/sophomore year gang to start their friday movie nights tradition once more instead of them just being sanghyeok, you, and dongmin.
so when you slip past him, not only does donghyun find himself at a loss for words, but he also finds himself more confused than he had been before your conversation.
at least he could figure it (whatever it was) at jaehyun's party tomorrow.
the one redeeming factor of your attendance of jaehyun's party in exchange for dongmin's sexcapades, in your opinion, was that it was not in fact hosted in a musty basement.
jaehyun had taken it upon himself to host his party in the penthouse of his apartment (rich people had the strangest ways of spending their money), which was definitely a step up from what you were expected.
unfortunately, the sheer number of people in that party who were present, on top of the number of people who were surprised at your presence was more than a little bit overwhelming.
you'd forgotten just how loud these parties got, and if you weren't already over the legal drinking age, you'd be extremely worried about being caught dead near this many drunk people.
not that you hadn't done your fair share of illegal consumption of ethanol but that was something you chose not to dwell upon.
"Y/N! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SINCE YESTERDAY!" you hear someone scream over the obnoxiously loud music, and immediately, your vision goes black as jaehyun bearhugs you, clearly too drunk to be fully present in the situation at hand.
"jaehyun! happy birthday!" you manage to squeak out, hitting dongmin in the arm to pry jaehyun off of you. you'd convinced dongmin to stick with you the whole time during the party in exchange for you actually showing up and he'd declared that he'd serve as your bodyguard during jaehyun's party for times like these.
"alright bud, i don't think she's ever gonna come back to a party if you squeeze her to death," dongmin warns jaehyun, peeling the energetic boy off of you. jaehyun pouts, not looking unlike his dog (the cutest golden retriever named juno) as he shakes his head stubbornly.
"no! she has to come back! she's so much fun! she's the life of the party!" he exclaims, searching through the throng of people for a cup of whatever nasty concoction you were sure sungho had come up with.
you should've known better than to come to this party, you lament. any of jaehyun's parties always turned into ragers from the absolutely insane number of people that he knew.
but soon enough, jaehyun is shoving a cup into your hand, the suspicious liquid in it sloshing around dangerously as he teeters backward into a tall figure.
"careful, dude. you don't want to end up in the emergency room on your birthday again," the figure says, catching jaehyun's body in his arm.
you internally groan. donghyun.
"ugh no. i hated going to the emergency room last year for my birthday," jaehyun whines with a strong tone of sheer pout staining his words.
"that's what i thought. where's sungho?" donghyun asks, and you figure that sungho must've been put on jaehyun duty for the night, as the man was a total lightweight and was known for endangering himself more than anyone else whenever he had a single drop of alcohol in his system.
"sungho! OH MY GOD SUNGHO!" jaehyun yells, slipping out of donghyun's grasp in search of his more than likely tired friend.
"that guy needs a girlfriend," dongmin sighs and you roll your eyes.
"why? so some poor girl can get tasked with dealing with jaehyun's mess every time he gets drunk?"
"nah. every time jaehyun gets a girlfriend, he turns into such a clean drunk it's crazy. i think he subconsciously feels bad that his girlfriend has to take care of him so he does it on purpose," donghyun explains and you hum, examining the substance in your cup with a critical eye.
you never knew that jaehyun had had a girlfriend. or more than one girlfriend at that. you were pretty close with jaehyun once upon a time. why hadn't he told you when he started dating someone? had you really become that out of touch with your friends?
all because you decided that you didn't want to party anymore?
no. that wasn't it. your friends weren't people like that. it was probably because you declined every single invitation that they'd extended to you to hang out with them.
a guilty weight settles in your chest as you start thinking about just how many times your friends had invited you to do things with them over the past year and a half. in the moment, you'd always had something that you needed to do. something to submit, something to do for extra credit, something to do to get better grades.
but now that you looked back on the past year and a half, you could only remember the events they'd invited you to, and just a handful of truly important assignments you'd needed to submit.
"you don't need to drink that," donghyun says, extending his hand for you to deposit the drink into. dongmin looks between you and donghyun, confused by the sudden offer. donghyun never went black knight for anyone else - much less women he wasn't all that close to.
even when you were a well integrated member of their friend group, you had never been particularly close to donghyun, from what dongmin remembered. the two of you were close enough to embark on drunken adventures separate from the group maybe once or twice but definitely not close enough to mention those adventures to dongmin in explicit detail.
not close enough for donghyun to drink a drink for you.
it's clear that you think the same thing (for different reason, however) when you lift the cup to your lips, staring at donghyun straight in the eyes as you tip your head back, drinking all of the contents of the cup in one straight go.
donghyun smirks, watching you drink the whole cup, aware that you were proving a point to him.
you don't need to keep trying to worry for me. i can handle myself.
the message is clear in your eyes as you lock eyes with him, wiping the excess liquid on your lips with the back of your hand, the challenge explicit in the way you look at him.
"too much pride is no good for you," donghyun quips and you roll your eyes.
"it's not pride. i just know that i can handle my alcohol. i don't need you to worry about me or worry about whether i can or not," you retort. "you worry about me when i study too much. you worry about me when i party. when are you not worried about me donghyun? why are you even so worried in the first place?"
"because we used to be good friends," donghyun counters but his argument isn't all that strong, by the way his voice wavers when you step a step too close to him - so close that he can smell the cinnamon of your perfume.
"were we? we were friends, sure. but were we good friends, donghyun? we just went out together. we hung out with the group but we weren't all that close. not...not until... not close enough for you to be suddenly popping back into my life with advice that i don't need and i didn't ask for!" you can't help but raise your voice, searching blindly for dongmin's arm and dragging him with you, chest heaving in anger as you storm away from donghyun.
"what the hell?" dongmin is left to ponder. "has the alcohol already kicked in?"
"don't talk to me right now," you seethed, pushing at donghyun's chest as you walked faster towards the rest of your friends, somewhere further up the street, laughing and shoving each other.
"i don't even know what i did!" donghyun exclaimed, using those stupidly long legs so that he was walking backwards, face to face with you. "why are you so fucking mad at me?"
"you seriously don't know?" you yelled, and you saw dongmin turn around to see what was taking the two of you so long, unaware of the bomb he'd dropped, but he's turned back around just as fast by sungho, who had an extremely drunk jaehyun on his back and clearly needed dongmin's help carrying their lightweight friend who was a heavyweight in body weight when drunk.
"i seriously don't know!" donghyun repeated, his arms flying up to show you how frustrated he was. of course he didn't know. there was no way that he could know just how upset you were with his perfection. of course dongmin had to mention that donghyun had a 4.0 gpa. of course he could come out every night with you and your friends and still maintain that gpa.
of course he didn't have to worry about whether he would even get a job in the future because he'd failed a class or two. of course he could go out every night. of course he could drink his weight in alcohol and still function the next day. of course he could get any girl he wanted just by looking at them for a second too long.
"i hate you," you whispered, almost as if the words had escaped the dark recesses of your mind against your own will.
"what?" donghyun asked incredulously, swooping down to catch the noxious words falling from your painted lips.
"i said, i hate you." your eyes were fierce, shining with a dangerous light that donghyun had never expected from you and had never seen before. you looked like the picture of peril, a knife poised at his throat, threatening to draw blood.
it was an emotion that was so raw that donghyun found himself leaning even closer, absolutely intoxicated by the reckless way that you refuse to hide the challenge in your eyes.
"are you guys coming or what?" sanghyeok call out from where the rest of your friends were, some ten yards ahead of you. donghyun waved him off, his stare never leaving yours.
"we're going back to my place. i've gotta show y/n something," donghyun yelled back and you can't help the sneer that draws upon your lips and if donghyun weren't beyond turned on, he was sure that he would find it a little concerning.
it wasn't everyday, after all, that one of your good friends mentions that she despises you. especially not a good friend that you found incredibly attractive.
the rest of them turned back around, leaving you and donghyun to simmer in this strange energy. competition, charged with something else much more primal - anger and lust.
the entire walk to donghyun's place is silent. it was just a five minute walk from where you'd split from your friends but those five minutes feel excruciating as you feel a dark sense of excitement sit deep in your core, making you feel split in two directions.
the first direction was much more logical: you were jealous of donghyun's ability to handle it all and you wanted to just yell at him and scream until your throat went hoarse.
the second direction was stronger and much less logical: you were incredibly drawn to donghyun and you wanted him to fuck your throat until it went hoarse.
same end goal, but different ways of pursuit.
the second direction ends up winning out when you found yourself pressed up against donghyun's door the second you step out of the elevator and into his studio apartment, donghyun walking you backwards so that you shut the door with the movement.
his lips stayed tantalizingly close to yours as he reached up to lock the door, his hand falling down so that it was cupping your cheek and his eyes search yours, looking for any sign of discomfort.
"look, are you going to fuck me or not?" you whispered harshly and he barks out a laugh, his other hand moving from where it was resting by his side to caress your waist.
"you've got so much anger in you, y/n. what did i do for you to hate me so much?"
"does it matter? i'm telling you to fuck me. either i leave without a heart to heart and you can jerk yourself off or i leave without a heart to heart but you cum inside a pussy tonight instead of your hand," you bit back.
donghyun's breath was shallow as he assessed you, making sure that you were in the right mind and could make decisions for yourself. if you really knew what you were asking for.
the thought of it pissed you off.
"i just don't know if this is a good idea," he admitted and you straightened up, hand reaching next to you to turn the doorknob. you didn't need someone who was going to be so apprehensive. so now you weren't even good enough to fuck?
"i'm leaving then," you said donghyun's hand immediately covered your own, pulling it back and over his shoulder so that one of your hands was resting at the nape of his neck.
you circled the other one to link your arms around his neck, forcing him to bend even further so that he was eye level with you now, lips so close that he can practically taste the flavor of your lip gloss.
"do you want me to leave donghyun? do you think this a bad idea?" you asked, purposefully letting the venom of all of your emotions drip into your voice. you're being unfair, you knew that, but it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter when he was so close and yet so far from you and you couldn't even think straight.
"fuck you." his voice ghosted over your lips, and the two of you stayed like that for a moment, equally proud and unwilling to be the one to give in and kiss in the other.
but donghyun's patience clearly wasn’t as strong as your ego when his lips pressed against yours, too gentle for your taste. you wrapped your arms a little tighter around him, letting him rest his hands low on your back, still too careful.
"i said i hated you and this is the best retaliation you've got?" you whispered, and it's like a switch turns on in donghyun's brain. his hands leave their position on your back to cup your cheeks harshly, tilting your head up so he could kiss you deeper.
you sigh against his lips, a smirk tugging at your own as you finally achieve the level of animosity you were looking for. you didn't want to have sex with donghyun. you didn't want to make love with him.
you wanted to be fucked. ruined. unable to think straight.
which was why you let him kiss you stupid, your lips swollen from the force of his own. it was as though the two of you were inseparable; his hands roamed your body freely, claiming every square inch of it for himself.
he tugged you forward harshly, lips never detaching from yours, hands reaching lower and lower until they finally settled on your ass, and you couldn't help the shallow gasp that left your mouth when he squeezed experimentally, a cocky grin melting into your kiss when he hears the soft noise.
he turned the two of you so that you were walking backwards as donghyun walked you into his bedroom, finally pulling away when your knees buckled as they hit the bed, making you fall backwards onto it.
he didn't even give you a moment to think as his lips descended on you once more, even more insistent and rough than before as he let you slip his leather jacket off his body.
his lips left yours, descending further down your body until they reached the hem of your strapless top, leaving wet kisses and blooming bruises in a heady rush.
"y/n, you have to tell me if you want me to stop." donghyun's voice came out strained and you knew that he was exercising every bit of self control to keep from fucking you stupid.
unfortunately, that was exactly what you wanted from him.
"donghyun. i'm not going to say it again. fuck me stupid."
that was all he needed before he was practically ripping at your top, pulling it off of you harshly before diving in to suck hickeys down your chest, unbuttoning your jeans at the same time.
he tugged them off in one motion, leaving you in nothing but a bandeau bra and your underwear.
"thought you were gonna get lucky tonight?" he asked with an eyebrow raised as he looked at your panties - which were fortunately, and unfortunately, the sexiest ones that you owned. lacy and thin and everything.
"yeah. thought i was gonna finally fuck sunghoon park again. that man knows how to fuck a girl into the headboard," you retorted and you could tell that you'd gotten under your skin by the way that he reached forward to pull at the strap of your panties, letting the elastic snap against your waist with a painful sting.
"you're such a little brat. you need someone to fuck that attitude out of you. didn't know you had such a fucking dirty mouth on you," donghyun growls, and you would've come up with some equally as brutal response when donghyun pulled his shirt over his head with one hand.
you'd seen donghyun shirtless before. multiple times, honestly, with the number of times dongmin tries to pull you guys into random bodies of water whenever he got drunk. but seeing him in that moment felt like your blood was made of lava that was coursing through your body, rushing to settle in your core.
"you're so pretty but you're so bitchy sometimes, you know that?" donghyun taunted, hovering over you so that his gold necklace hit the bridge of his nose as he leaned over, pushing you up the bed so that your head hit the pillows.
"heard someone was gonna fuck the attitude out of me?"
donghyun smiled a wolfish smile, and pulled your underwear down, almost painfully slow as he watched you squirm, clearly unhappy with his pace.
he threw them behind him somewhere that you knew you were going to have to search for in the morning but it didn't matter in that moment.
no. all that mattered was that donghyun's lips were on your core, licking an experimental stripe, grinning proudly when he saw you shiver. he dove back in, enthused by the groans leaving your lips.
his lips were unrelenting, his tongue darting out to dip into your pussy, leaving you at his mercy. your hands reached out to tug on donghyun's hair insistently, incredibly overwhelmed by just how good he was making you feel.
"fuck. pull harder," he groaned, his hot breath fanning over your pussy, causing goosebumps to run up your spine.
you giggle, a sound that sounds out of place in such a situation, but you didn't care and obliged, pulling on his hair even harder. he groaned, leaning in to eat you out with even more vigor, his hands on your clit and rubbing at it in just the right motion. you'd laugh at his conflict if you weren't otherwise preoccupied with the hot ball of pleasure growing in your core.
donghyun watched you carefully as he pulled away, instead replacing his tongue with just one finger, waiting to see if you'd show any signs of discomfort. when you didn't, he moved his finger in and out slowly, adding another when he noticed you started to get impatient with his ministrations.
"trust me, there's nothing i want to do more than to fuck you dumb. but i can't do that if i can't be convinced that i'm not to break you in half with my cock," he whispered.
"i don't think you're big enough for that," you snarked back and donghyun just offered you a shit-eating grin and added another finger, watching for any sign that you might tap out. holy fuck. was he actually that fucking big?
he picked up the pace, fucking you faster and rougher, his fingers slipping out for just a moment as he adjusted himself so that he was laying next to you before continuing again at an even more brutal pace.
"fuck!" you can't help but yelp, one of your hands finding one of donghyun's, as his fingers move at almost mind-numbing speeds.
"i told you someone needed to fuck the attitude out of you. now look what you've done to yourself," he crowed almost condescendingly. if you weren't so blinded by the sheer pleasure of his fingers, you'd probably cuss him out.
"fuck, fuck, fuck! fuck donghyun i think i'm gonna cum!" you cried out.donghyun simply nodded at you, and you took that as a sign to cum. but just as you start to feel yourself topple over the edge of the cliff you were standing on into the pit of pleasure, donghyun rips your pleasure away from you.
he pulled his fingers out of your pussy, watching you squirm and convulse as your hips bucked pathetically, searching for some way to taste the pleasure you were so close to attaining.
"baby doll, you should've known better than to assume that i'd let you cum for the first time on my fingers rather than my cock," donghyun preened mockingly, kicking his own jeans off in the same motion as his briefs.
"fuck you, donghyun." it was all you managed to conjure up through your tears as you tried to catch your breath, only to have to wind knocked out of you once more when you caught sight of donghyun's cock.
"oh hell no, that's not going inside my pussy," you gasped, and donghyun smiled despite himself, and ran his fingers over your hair gently.
"it's big but that's why i prepped you so much, isn't it?" his tone makes it clear that there's no real question in his words. you were the one who'd said you wanted to be fucked stupid. donghyun was the one to make good on that wish.
"just go slow," you grumbled and donghyun nodded, lining up at your entrance carefully.
"can't promise that i'll go slow for too long - fuck!" donghyun cut himself off as he slipped the tip of his dick into your hot core and immediately, both of you let out a groan.
if just his tip was enough to make you feel a stretch after he ate you out and fingered you, you had no idea how you were going to fit the rest of him inside you.
if just the entrance of your pussy was enough to have donghyun's head spinning, he had no idea how he was going to fit the rest of him inside you without immediately coming.
he slid in slowly, forearms resting on either side of your face for stability, that stupid gold chain smacking you in the face with his every slight movement.
it would feel degrading if you weren't turned on beyond belief, you were pretty sure.
"god," you let out softly and donghyun couldn't help but agree as he sheathed himself completely inside you. if donghyun would be allowed to see the pearly gates of heaven, he was vaguely sure that it would feel a lot like this.
"tell me when i can move," he grit out, exercising his self-control to the fullest he's ever had to.
"you can move," you whimpered, equally close to losing your mind.
he pulled out so that just the tip was in your pussy before snapping his hips forward, knocking the breath out of you with the motion. he continued that agonizingly slow  until both of you got fed up, and finally picked up the pace.
"your pussy is perfect, you know that?" he growled, fucking into you with fluid and quick motions that make you feel as though you've established permanent residence on cloud nine.
"you're not too bad yourself," you huffed out and a short breath leaves donghyun as his movements grow harsher.
"clearly i'm not doing a good job of fucking you stupid if you can respond to me," he said.
he made good on his promise that night, fucking into you deep and rough until you both came in a symphony of moans, chests heaving as he collapsed next to you, utterly spent.
maybe if you'd said something other than what you did in that moment, things wouldn't have turned out this way. but the reality was that it was those words that ultimately dug you into your grave.
you finally spoke some ten minutes later, when your brain wasn't so fuzzy you didn't know where to pick words from.
"i wish you weren't so fucking perfect, donghyun. i just can't...just forget this happened. please. it's not like we're going to get into a relationship because of this. and i don't want to face our friends right now. so just forget any of this happened."
you'd gathered your clothes and dashed out of his apartment, the buzz from earlier in the night completely gone, along with any chance of donghyun ever figuring out why from that day onwards, you'd started completely avoiding your friends and your past, running towards a future you so desperately wanted to grasp, even if you didn't know how to.
and as he fell back against his sheets, facing the ceiling, donghyun realized just one thing: something in you had changed. but was it for the better or for the worse?
dongmin lets out a low whistle, followed by a crinkle of his nose.
"you could've let out the explicit details, you know," he bemoans, pressing his hands over his ears, as though he could reverse time and delete the story you'd revealed to him from his mind by doing so.
"you said you wanted to the whole truth on why i was being so bitchy to dongmin," you point out and dongmin inclines his head towards you, pulling his knees a little closer to his chest.
"you were kinda unnecessarily bitchy, though, you have to admit. but what i really asked was why donghyun decided to go all black knight on you, to which i still haven't received a proper explanation.," dongmin corrects and you shrug, accepting the packet of gummy bears that dongmin had produced from his back pocket.
in freshman year, you'd become infamous for chasing your shots of vodka (the only alcohol you chose to drink, other than whiskey) with candy and ever since then, at least one of your friends would always carry a packet of some sort of sweet candy on them for you.
"you brought gummy bears for me?" you ask, touched as you rip the packet open, the perfect level of fuzziness buzzing through your head.
"sungho brought gummy bears for you," dongmin says softly and you look at him surprisedly. "when i told him you were coming to jaehyun's party, he told me that he needed to be prepared. they all miss hanging out with you and going out with you, you know."
"they miss hanging out with who i used to be. i don't think that they'd want to hang out with me now," you snort and dongmin immediately slaps your knee, shaking his head.
"you've gotta stop doing that."
"doing what?"
"doing the whole 'woe is me' act when you just grew up. we all grew up, y/n. maybe you haven't seen it because you've been so busy in your own world, trying to make up for the past but we've all grown up right besides you," dongmin rants, getting up from where he was sitting on your balcony, starting to pace back and forth.
"when you pulled away from us, you know how confused we all were? it was like one day, you were laughing and making jokes with us and the next day, you suddenly hated us. you stopped coming to our hangouts, stopped initiating plans, fuck, you didn't even come to sungho's birthday last year!
"we thought that we did something to piss you off. we interrogated donghyun for weeks but he was just as confused as the rest of us. and then i realized just how lonely you were by yourself. you think i didn't notice how you'd watch us hangout in the library without you? about how you left that stupid neck pillow for sanghyeok when you saw him staying up late studying? or when you paid for jaehyun's coffee when you knew he was having a bad day?
"i was the only one who saw all that. so when everyone asked me when i didn't drop you like you dropped us, i didn't know how to explain that you didn't drop us, but you were just going the wrong way about chasing after your future. i didn't want to out you and make you feel as though you needed to stop taking care of everyone behind their backs because i still wanted you to be with us.
"we all cared about you so much. that's why i've been here the whole time. i've been the only one in front of you but the same way that you've been taking care of everyone else, everyone has been taking care of you. who do you think lends me his car whenever i need to come to your place because you're having a bad day and need a shoulder to cry on? sanghyeok. who always keeps the pantry stocked with your favorite snacks in case you might come around one day? sungho.
"who always points out clothing whenever we go shopping and says 'y/n would love this shirt!', just to get upset when he realized you weren't there to respond? jaehyun. who would always nudge me to go and check on you because he was worried that you were putting too much stress on yourself? donghyun. even jihyo and jayoon ask about you and keep asking us if maybe you'd come over more often since there were more girls hanging out with us now.
"i'm not telling you all this because i want you to feel bad. i just needed to tell you because we've all been caring about you this whole time but you've just never let us in, when we've been knocking at the door, just waiting for you to finally open the door. and you just won't because you're so scared of coming back to us!" his chest is heaving at the end of his rant and you can't help it, leaping to your feet as you let your voice grow louder and louder, scratchy with emotion.
"i am scared dongmin! i'm so fucking scared, i can't even think straight! i miss all of you so much and i'm so scared that i'll fall into the trap of loving you all so much that that's all i spend my time doing and i'll neglect all of the hard work i've been putting in for so long to reverse the mistakes of my past!" you scream and dongmin steps even closer, clearly not backing down from this fight.
"and what kind of future are you going to have when you turn around and see that we've all moved on without you? i can't fucking move on without you because you're like my sister; i can't imagine a life without you but what about everyone else? how long do you think everyone's gonna be waiting for you?"
"i didn't ask them to wait for me!" you shout and dongmin runs his hand through his hair frustratedly, turning so that you wouldn't see the anger on his face.
"BUT THEY DID! THEY ALL DID! they all waited for you because they - we all love you, you stubborn piece of shit! all you had to do was tell us you were feeling this way! all you had to fucking do was talk to us and ask for help. but you pushed us away when you needed us most and now look!" dongmin points at the empty space around you, forcing himself to overlook your watery eyes. "look at who's here besides me? you know jaehyun would've wrapped you in a hug, that sungho would've immediately offered to study with you. that sanghyeok would've stayed up with you, even if he didn't need to. that i would sneak food into the library with you! that donghyun would literally sit down and tutor you if you needed him to."
he swallows when you finally break down, sobs wracking your body as your fists clench into balls at your sides, stubbornly refusing to take the one step you would need to for dongmin to wrap you into a safe hug, like the ones that jaehyun always gave you.
but it's okay, because dongmin takes that step for you, wrapping you in a tight hug that makes you finally feel like you can take a breath through the tears that feel like are choking you from inside out.
"i just wanted to be good enough for all of you. i wanted to come back when i was good enough and i thought i could be someone everyone wanted to be around if i was good enough," you sob and dongmin can feel his heart break as his embrace grows tighter.
"you're good enough the way that you are, y/n. you know how much you've inspired everyone? i've even started studying for tests the day before the test, instead of the hour before!" dongmin exclaims, feeling a little more relaxed when he hears you laugh through your sobs.
"that's not much better," you warble and dongmin just shrugs, never letting go of you.
"it's better than the hour before the test."
"dongmin? for the record, i don't think that i'm the only one who grew up. i know that everyone grew up. i just..."
"i know."
"i wish you were my actual brother."
"if i was your actual brother, i probably would've spit on you by now."
"what the hell."
you wait nervously in dongmin's room as you hear people begin to file into the apartment, a jumble of familiar voices as jihyo and jaehyun begin bickering once again about something or another.
it was just a matter of time before the two of them started dating, you figured.
dongmin was betting on three weeks and you were betting on three months. something about the slow-burn of it all was appealing to you. dongmin insisted that fanfiction was just rotting your brain.
you let out a breath of air and dongmin flicks you on the side of your head, and you fix him with a mean glare as you rub the spot that he'd hit.
"they're just your friends, y/n. you don't need to be that nervous. you've been looking forward to this all week," he reminds you and you just nod, still rubbing the spot.
after the emotional conversation/argument with dongmin last week, you'd asked to come to the next movie night, wanting to start spending more time with your friends. and although you knew that it wouldn't be the exact same as it once was, it would never be and that was a good thing.
balance was a good thing.
"dongmin? where are you, motherfucker? i can't believe you made me buy you three different types of sour gummies, fatass!" you hear sanghyeok yell from the other room and dongmin takes this as his cue to drag you into the room with him.
"i only wanted one type. y/n wanted the other two. still wanna call me a fatass?"
dongmin doesn't get an answer to his question because no sooner has he said the words do jihyo and jaehyun bound over to you (not looking too much unlike juno) and wrapping you into nearly bone-crushing hugs.
"dongmin told us that you were going to be more available to hang out with us more and more and these two - " sungho cuts himself off to grab jaehyun by the scruff and jihyo by the collar of her shirt. " - have been a little too excited since he said so."
"we've missed you so much!" jihyo exclaims.
"you saw her last week," jaehyun mutters, groaning when jihyo smacks him upside the head.
"so did you but that didn't stop you either, now did it?"
"you're such a little bi - "
"alright. let's stop while we're ahead and just be happy that y/n's back with us, how about that?" dongmin proposes, the voice of reason for once in his life. jihyo and jaehyun exchange a dirty look (albeit, a very childish one) before the two of them sit down, leaving just you and dongmin standing awkwardly, as though you were about to give a presentation.
"uh. thanks for having me back guys. i kinda don't know what to say other than the fact that i'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. i struggled with hanging out with you guys and balancing a good gpa on top of that so i made some really stupid choices but i promise that i won't hide those stupid choices from you guys anymore. i just - i've just really missed you guys." your little speech clearly moves more than one person to tears but before jaehyun can try to deliver death by hug once more, sanghyeok claps his hands, pulling up some streaming platform or another on the television.
"thanks for that touching speech, y/n. now if you could get the fuck out of the way, we need to vote on a movie. your vote only counts as half a vote since you've missed more than two movie nights but you're welcome to rally for full membership after attendance of two more movie nights," sanghyeok announces and you roll your eyes, before looking for a spot.
dongmin's caught up in some conversation about that girl from your class with jayoon (undoubtedly doing some background research; as if he could find out anything that would make him actually keep it in his pants) and everyone else's spot is taken, leaving just an empty space next to donghyun.
i'm a big girl. i don't need to sit next to dongmin for everything. donghyun is still your friend at the end of the day. that you fucked. and was the last time that you had sex. and was also the best sex you'd ever had. but just a friend! haha. just a friend.
not the best dialogue to be running through one's mind during their re-debut into civil society (read: friend group) but you manage to divert your mind before it delves into dangerous territory.
"we're still friends," donghyun murmurs from beside you and you turn, despite your common sense telling you otherwise, to see him looking at you with the most genuine and twinkly eyes that you have to swallow and force yourself to turn once more to face the television set.
"yeah. friends," you repeat, softer than he'd said it and you can feel his stupidly sweet gaze on the side of your face.
spending more time with your friends was nothing like how you thought it would be. for starters, it turned out that your friends themselves didn't have too much time to use as expendable time to just fuck around, like you used to in freshman year.
as juniors and seniors, most of your friends were occupied with their classes and their work, as opposed to the lighter coursework in earlier years. on top of that, many of them were either in relationships or were pursuing someone (or many someones, in dongmin's case) so there was more time eaten up by that as well.
but the time that all of you did spend together was much more domestic. equally as chaotic, as you'd discovered when you'd gone grocery shopping with just jaehyun and jihyo and no adult supervision from sungho (who'd trusted you to be the adult supervision), but less shenanigans than before.
instead of finding street signs to steal off the road to stash in dorm rooms, the friendship that had developed between your friends had gotten much more real, and there were more nights that you can count where at least one of you was staying up late to finish something so the rest of you were stuck helping them.
even staying up late to finish projects was more comforting with the presence of your friends, though, and you were so grateful that you'd come back to them. that they'd accepted you with open arms.
you'd had conversations with each of them one on one at some point or another, detailing why you'd left them so abruptly and asking for forgiveness but more often than not, you'd just gotten scolded for ever thinking that they wouldn't give you a chance to explain yourself.
"you were such a good friend to us for so long," sanghyeok had said. "you don't think we would just drop you when you're going through a rough patch, right?"
of course, that had led to another round of tears (which jayoon witnessed and went ham on sanghyeok for making you cry, which made you cry even harder because god, what country had sanghyeok saved for such an amazing girlfriend) but that was besides the point.
in fact, you'd made amends with pretty much everyone except for donghyun. you could see him waiting for you - waiting for you to reach out to him and explain yourself like you'd done so with everyone else, but for some reason, you just couldn't.
partly out of guilt, but also partly out of shame. you just couldn't help but avoid him.
it was easy to do so when it was all of you, since you could always rely on dongmin and sanghyeok to keep your attention otherwise occupied. but when it was just the two of you, after everyone has left the library to do things other than study for their innumerable tests, you can always feel the apology bubbling in your chest, threatening to break free.
but it never does. it never does and you know you're going to regret it.
you didn't have romantic feelings for donghyun, no. but he was someone that you could develop romantic feelings for and someone like that didn't deserve to think that you just hated him for no reason. because just going off of what had happened last year, donghyun really had no reason to think that you felt any emotion towards him other than hatred. and your actions prior to making amends with your friends didn't do much to dissuade that thought either.
which is why you didn't understand why he was still treating you with so much kindness. you were fairly sure that he wasn't head over heels in love with you or anything (especially since he's also had a good many girlfriends ever since your encounter) but you also couldn't come up with any other reason for his understanding.
he'd been the first one out of everyone to come and actually talk to you, four months ago in that study room, even at the risk of you pushing him away once more. he was the one that was most likely to be pushed away and he still looked after you, cared for you, and worried for you.
"you don't have feelings for me, do you?" you blurt out, immediately slapping a palm over your own mouth. donghyun looks up from the tablet his taking notes on with furrowed eyebrows.
"what?" he asks incredulously and you furiously shake your head, looking rather comical with your hand still covering your mouth.
"nothing. forget i said anything." you wince as you look back down at your book, ensuring that the references lined up with direct quotations as you mentally bash yourself. stupid, stupid, stupid. so you won't say that you're sorry but you'll do this? just be grateful no one else is here to see this catastrophe.
"i don't have feelings for you," he clarifies and you nod, unable to meet his eyes. of course he didn't have feelings for you. that would be so dumb. when you didn't have feelings for him, why should he have feelings for you? right?
so why did your heart just feel the tiniest bit tight in your chest?
"i don't have feelings for you but i used to search for you in every single party. even before we...we did whatever we did that night. i used to always look for you first. and i always used feel so happy just looking at you smile," he says. you look up, confused by his statement now. donghyun's looking right at you with those horribly confusing, glittery eyes and you feel your breath catch in your throat for a split second.
"i said i don't have feelings for you. but when you pulled away from all of us, i just couldn't help but think if i did something wrong. if i did something to push you away. and i realized that i would rather have you hate me, i would rather have you push me away every time i come close, or even use me to vent your stress however you need rather than have you walk away once and for all," he continues and you feel that same tightness in your chest as he speaks, heat rising up your spine as it sits uncomfortably in your cheeks.
"i just wish you'd stayed that night. i could've convinced you to tell me all your fears and all your worries and i could've just gotten rid of them for you instead of you holding onto them for so long in your own mind," he finishes and you sit there in silence, unable to piece together any thoughts.
"so, uh, you don't have any feelings for me?" you confirm and donghyun rolls his eyes, and for just a split-second you see the dangerous glint that you remember from that night.
"you're an english lit major and you can't tell that i'm telling you that i have feelings for you?" donghyun teases and you just stare at him dumbly.
"i thought you said that you didn't have feelings?"
"and you said that you hated me."
"i don't hate you."
"i know."
and that's all the confirmation you need to spring forward from your seat, pressing a kiss to donghyun's lips. just as soft and as perfect as you'd remembered.
he reaches forward to cup your cheek, molding his lips against yours gently as you try to pour every single emotion you can into a single kiss.
"i don't hate you," you whisper, leaning your forehead against his, still standing up somewhat awkwardly due to the desk in between the two of you.
"i know," he repeats. "and i know that you don't feel the same way as i do. not as strongly as i do, at least. and i just want you to know that i'll wait."
"you'll wait for me?" you assure and donghyun nods, his hand reaching up to pat your head gently.
"i'll wait for you to take me back as a friend first and then we can figure out the rest."
"what if i'm never ready to put a label on our relationship?"
"then i'll just be here with you. i don't need a label for my feelings."
it's not perfect. for all his perfection, donghyun kim had heaps of flaws. he was surprisingly 'needy' and felt anxious when you weren't with him for extended periods of time.
and when jaehyun, sanghyeok, and sungho graduated, you realized that it extended to far more than just you. for someone so stoic and poised, it turned out that donghyun was extremely soft-hearted and could care for nothing more than to have his loved ones around him for as long as he could hold onto them for.
it proved to be a little difficult, given that after your departure from your friend group, you'd gotten used to a certain level of independence and affinity for your own personal space that donghyun just didn't understand sometimes. but the two of you worked on it, because you loved each other even as just friends too much to not work on it.
there'd been points where you were sure that the two of you would just have to be friends and move on with life because of how hard it all was. you could never let go of donghyun fully; all of you were just too great of friends to ever be able to keep out of each other's lives completely.
but all's well that ends well, and you and donghyun learned to work through those issues. your affinity for running away when things got rough and donghyun's tendency to latch on harder every time you guys faced an issue was something that took months of serious discussion and communication to get through.
dongmin was the mediator more than once whenever the two of you got into arguments (you exploding at donghyun and donghyun just sitting quietly, making you even more upset before the two of you calmed down and worked things out) and it helped to have him around.
the one good thing was that your relationship, however imperfect it was, spurred dongmin to start to settle down and look for a girlfriend himself.
much to your happiness, and dongmin's chagrin, there weren't many girls on campus willing to date someone with such a reputation but that just meant that dongmin put in more effort to convince them that he was a changed man.
it was a good look on him, you'd told donghyun one day. dongmin suited having someone in his life that he had to work to please and someone who liked him regardless of his clumsy attempts at love and cared for him fully.
the three (four, when dongmin met his girlfriend) of you stuck together throughout the rest of college. there were still uncountable numbers of allnighters trying to make sure that you were maintaining your grades but it turns out, you could balance both having fun and being academically strong.
you could spend time with your friends and your boyfriend without having to worry about whether you'd be able to secure a job after college because of your gpa. it was nice, not feeling like there was a huge demon breathing down your neck every time you needed to sit down and study.
it'd taken you a long time to get there, but like all good things, with the help of your loved ones and with some self-work, you developed a healthy relationship with studying and a work-life balance.
oh! and you did end up getting a job. your dream job. right out of college. everyone had been so proud, just like you knew they'd be.
and just like that, years had passed by in the blink of an eye.
the five of you made it a point to reunite at least twice a year, since most of you were in the same country (other than sanghyeok and jayoon, who'd relocated back to south korea to take care of their parents after they got married). even five to six years later, when all of you were reaching the end of your twenties and entering the next phase of life, nothing changed.
"JAEHYUN MYUNG, IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME BACK THE TV REMOTE!" jihyo screams from downstairs, and you hear loud footsteps as jaehyun undoubtedly keeps the remote withheld from her.
"i can't believe they're the parents to two children," you snort, blowing on your nails to dry them quicker.
"i can. all that fighting energy has to go somewhere," donghyun retorts and you roll your eyes. he had a point.
"you've got a point. we've been on vacation for three days and they're already in their fourth argument. well. i guess it's just flirting to them," you contemplate, extending your hand to examine your handiwork.
"you thought that fighting was flirting back in college too," donghyun reminds you and you shake your head, looking at donghyun. and just like usual, he's already looking at you, head tucked into his fist as he lies on the bed that the two of you had slept in together for the past five years (vacation was hosted by your family this year).
"it clearly worked on you," you fire back and donghyun smiles a giddy smile.
"you're my weakness. anything you give me works on me," he says in a lovestruck voice and the laugh that escapes you is a real, full-bellied one.
"god. you're such a dork; i love you so much," you sigh, getting up and walking over to where he's lying, climbing onto the bed to wrap your arms around him.
"yeah? wanna channel our energy into making a few babies?" he teases with a greasy tone of voice and squiggly eyebrows.
"you're incorrigible."
"you love it."
"i love it," you agree, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to his lips. you'd liked the darker sides of donghyun and there would always be a side of you that got giddy whenever you saw that side of him.
but you'd always love this more. soft, reassuring, and unconditional love. from him to you and you to him. neither of you needed perfection. you just needed each other. husband and wife. you didn't need those labels, and you'd believed donghyun when he said that he didn't need them for his love either. but it was nice, having everyone know that you had each other for life.
"ARE YOU WHORES COMING OR NOT? WE'RE GONNA START WATCHING WITHOUT YOU!" dongmin yells from downstairs, and you can vaguely hear his fiancée slapping him on the chest and knowing her, she was definitely telling him to shut up and let the two of you make her a niece or nephew.
you laugh, grabbing your husband's hand and leading him downstairs to plop down next to your friends. someone shoves a bucket of popcorn into your arms and you realize how grateful you were for all of the people in your life.
and how glad you were that you'd decided to forge a new path for yourself with your loved ones and with your newfound confidence in yourself.
love and life are always easier with friends and family, after all.
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streaminn · 1 year
This can be for after you’ve got rest and don’t feel burnt out!
T&T - how would Enid react if she were to walk into class to see that Joel took her regular seat next to Wednesday?
"hey," is the only warning Enid gives as she stands right infront of him. The look she has is unamused as she looks down at the intruder "you're on my seat."
Wednesday pauses in her reading and Enid can see the way she stills and begins to watch her from the corner of her eye.
There's an itch in Enid's chest when Joel gives a beaming smile at her, his arm is too close to her seatmate, her roomie.
Did Wednesday not..?
Wednesday never let's others sit with her, atleast not willingly so did she simply allow this Aidenn scu- the realization that Wednesday simply let this be hurts, it stings at her heart and it makes Enid tense her jaw.
"sorry sorry," Joel laughs, waving his hand. "I just wanted to catch up and since the seat was empty.."
There is no one talking in the classroom and Enid can feel the way they stare, waiting for a reaction.
So Enid rolls her shoulders and bares her teeth right back. It looks like a smile, it's anything but that. "No worries," she chirps and her hand reaches over to Wednesday, an offering. "I think you need the seat closer to the front anyways, considering that you have glasses."
Something warm curls in Enid when Wednesday dips her head in such a way that she knows is a sigh before folding her book and shouldering her bag.
Good, Enid thinks and her fingers tighten around the cold hand of her Wednesday. I didn't know what I'd do if Wednesday decided to be stubborn and stay with him.
He's saying something and Enid honestly doesn't have enough fucks to tune him in, so she watches his cheap attempts at waving goodbye.
Pathetic, he's floundering like a fish out of water.
It reminds her so much of someone. The way he shifts and fidgets, it's annoying.
We could make his sight worse? It giggles and Enid's fingers twitch. A lil slice across the eyes, so he can't see anymore opportunities..
Maybe next time, Enid notes as she leads Wednesday to the emptier seats in the back. There's disappointment after her words and groans of killjoy! And you're no fun float around her head.
When they're all done and settles, Enid watches the way Wednesday props up her book once more, somehow finding her page without a bookmark. They aren't holding hands anymore, the shorter girl having let go and already the wolf misses it.
"what was your convo?" Enid prods, always so nosy. Does he excite you, Wednesday? Is spineless men your type? Tell me dear, tell me all.
Wednesday doesn't answer any of that. Instead she huffs through her nose and slams her book shut to give a piercing stare. She's beautiful like this, when her brows are a tiny bit furrowed and she looks like she's frustrated.
What a pretty roomie Enid has.
"next time," Wednesday starts. "arrive sooner so I don't have to entertain such happenstance."
Enid leans close, crossing her arms on the table to bump it towards Wednesday. She doesn't move back because ofcourse she doesn't, Enid is special. She's already accepted her and there's no take backs!
Enid is aware that someone is staring at them.
"just say you missed me Wends." finally there's a smile on the wolf's face and everything is right where it should be.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Wednesday lies, fixing her posture in a way that it pushes against Enid.
Blue eyes flicker to the upset frown of Joel Glicker and Enid shrugs, her lips pulling up to showcase teeth as she reached over for Wednesday's hand.
She didn't need to do a thing before their fingers intertwine.
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
Okay, this has honestly been in the back of my mind for years now, but I feel like I must ask. Did anyone else feel an immense feeling of anger/discomfort when Poppy brought the entire village into Branch's bunker? Because I did. When I first saw it, I felt uncomfortable. And to this day, I get the ick thinking about it. Like, I get why she did it, and I understand that it was the safest thing to do for the village, but like... I can't explain just how upsetting it was to me. Branch is a better person than I am, because if it were me, just... no. And she didn't even ask properly! And then had the audacity to say it was a solid burn returned like??? No? No it wasn't? That was a home invasion, not a snipe back at him, what? In what world is his comment on her life skills even remotely on the same level as her just letting the ENTIRE VILLAGE in his house? And they weren't even good houseguests either! They IMMEDIATELY started messing with his stuff, like, have these trolls never heard of proper guest etiquette? Look, I love Poppy, but she can seriously get on my nerves a lot. Especially since the movies made it so that in the end, she doesn't really learn much because her screw ups have a way of completely disappearing with little to no consequences.
To add to this, anyone else feel like when rewatching the first Trolls movie, that Branch was in the right, and that he was done so dirty by so many? Like, the ukulele scene. As a kid, I did think Branch was being rude, but now? Those 2 were literally out in the woods, with who knows what out there. Poppy literally got her friends kidnapped by a BERGEN literally the DAY BEFORE, and she's going back to singing loudly? Like, Poppy, babe, are you TRYING to die? Her whole song just shows how much plot armor Poppy has because, seriously? Not to mention, trolls are tiny, so her singing could genuinely put a target on them. I feel like the only reason Branch didn't up and say this is because it probably should be common knowledge, but apparently, pop trolls don't really have much common sense. I really wish they had Branch explain it though, because as a kid, I thought him to be a killjoy and unnecessarily bossy. But now? Yeah, I can see why singing in the forest when you're tiny might not be the best idea. Makes me wonder just how the pop trolls survived all this time?
I love Poppy, I really do. She's fun, nice, and is a complex protagonist (who is awesome and not a Mary Sue, though the same can't be said for TBGO/Trollstopia Poppy) whose character development is very visible. However, the writers really focus more on Branch's character development than hers and focus more on finding new ways to traumatize him than finding ways to make Poppy more mature, and that's what really bugs me about Poppy's character.
I really wanna start a petition for DreamWorks to lay off Branch for once and give Poppy more attention. I'm not asking to all out traumatize her (though the idea of DreamWorks giving her the Branch Treatment is funny in the mean way) but it would be nice if they gave her another journey where she has to learn and grow, and for there to be consequences that aren't easily waved away by a song and dance. TWT did a decent job at it (it could have been better, but it was a start), and I really need DreamWorks to do something like that (but better, obviously) again.
That being said, I do like how they handled Broppy. They went from rival/strangers to friends to lovers. It didn't happen instantly, and the progression of the relationship didn't feel rushed or forced. They both have an equal standing in the relationship and are supportive of each other. It's cute, and I'm glad DreamWorks at least got that right.
This should have probably been separate asks, but oh well. YOLO or whatever. I just really wanna know your thoughts.
I'm mostly of the same mind it angers me but I get why she did it I feel at the very least she should have told everyone to behave themselves and not act like they were teenagers throwing a house party while their parents were away for the night.
some people have said that maybe she did in on purpose to pressure Branch into going with her but I prefer to think that wasn't the case because in my opinion that would be straight up villainous.
a Royal abusing their power to put pressure on a civilian to Risk their life to rescue a group of your friends who are in danger due to your incompetent leadership.
not to mention a civilian who she knows is more terrified of the Bergens than anyone else in the village.
yeah that would make her an out and out villain imo so I prefer to think that wasn't her intention.
I don't feel its so bad it needs to be changed in the story overall but I would have liked it had Branch actually called her out on it.
basically just have him angrily point out to her after she acts like it wasn't a big deal because it was just a bunch of old Junk. that it wasn't just a place to him it was his home and that wasn't just a load of old Junk it was stuff he worked hard for years to make and it made him feel safer it was the only place he actually felt safe and like he could relax.
maybe prompting Poppy to actually give a more genuine apology as before she just thought of his home as him being over the top for the sake of it.
since she and the village just viewed him as a Drama queen and she didn't really realise his fears were actually so genuine that the Bunker actually mattered to him that deeply.
part of me thinks the intent by the writers was for her consequences in the first film to be being betrayed by Creek who she cared about but yeah that whole thing could have been handled better.
her and her dads leadership put him in danger and he literally said what he had to say in order to avoid being eaten alive he didn't really have any agency in the betrayal.
so Poppy's somber pleas for him to not go through with it kinda make me mad tbh like this whole situation is your fault yet my guy Creek is expected to die because of it.
so your incompetent dad can live? yeah no.
also if you made that Petition for Branch I'd totally sign it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
and I agree Poppy deserves some more focus and development tho a touch of angst for her I think could maybe be a good thing in making her character stronger.
like I've said before maybe having Peppy die in a future film and her at first trying to ignore her grief by focusing on her queen duties and slapping on her usual smile worrying both Branch and Viva.
or having her mother turn up in the future like some fans have suggested only for her to be a selfish villain who couldn't care less about Poppy and Viva.
and this is the proper shock to Poppy's "" family is always great "" mentality as even with Bro zone they worked things out in the end making her think no family could be entirely broken.
but her mother literally doesn't give a shit if her children live or die and she maybe abandoned them both when Poppy was a baby.
drawing a little contrast with Branch only for the mother to have zero remorse since she didn't want children and maybe she was only with Peppy for status as royalty.
and Bro zone could be shown as being more remorseful over the past even a while after the events of TBT which contrasts with Poppy's mom kinda nicely.
anyway I'm getting off topic a bit lol but yeah I agree Poppy needs more focus and Branch's needs to be picked on less by the writers.
but I feel a touch of angst directed Poppy's way could give her some good development and make her a stronger character overall.
edit. also as someone who doesn't like Hugs Poppy's smug stunt with the Hug time Bracelets does make me a little mad like tell the Trolls to Respect people's Boundaries Girl.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
So I know you like Marvel, DC, and Percy Jackson, but what other shows, movies, or genres to you like??? Action, horror, comedy, crime/medical dramas? If you don’t mind me asking that is .
so DC and PJO are definitely the big ones, and have been for years but other than that
Miss Peregrine's Home/ Peculiar Children series
greys anatomy with my sister (but i refuse to watch past season 14, there was NO reason to keep going
the owl house? a little? i still read the moringmark comics and am on the subreddit, but i'm not really active in the fandom. same goes for gravity falls. OH I NEED TO POST A GRAVITY FALLS THING ITS COOL AS SHIT!!!
throne of glass (sarah j. maas series) i love this series but oh my fucking god the fandom sucked when i was last in it. absolutely no understanding of any sort of morally gray character. i adore characters who are human and make mistakes, and from what i saw.... no one else did.
sort of merlin tv but also.... just the fanfics. i watched the first season of the actual show and then it got removed from netflix so i just read the fandom wiki and fanfiction. got into it originally because caffeinatedflumadiddle (SOSF writer) also wrote for merlin.
umbrella academy!! TV more than comics but i definitely like both. TV wise, i've not actually watched season 3 yet, but imma get there at some point.
love the true lives of the fabulous killjoys comics, don't really read the fics bc ppl conflate the fabulous four with the band and that's ick.
heartstopper! my ex gf got me into the series, but i definitely still love them now!! personally i like the show, then the novels (like solitaire!!! god i love solitaire), then the graphic novels. i love nick and Charlie (obviously) but tao is my favorite non-main character. non main being not-nick-or-charlie.
dear evan hansen. not like. a lot a lot, but i like the fics, the book was cool. not watched the musical, but listened to the songs.
hunger games!! controversial opinion but i don't really thing gale did much wrong? like he designed bombs WHILE THEY WERE IN WAR. what happened to prim was a tragedy, but one that was accidental. definitely still team everlark though.
derry girls! watch it (and rewatch it) with my family a lot. my favorite is michelle.
love both the song of achilles and circe by madeline miller, even if they're not historically accurate (moreso the circe there...) honestly, love a lot of mythological retellings-- daughters of sparta is another really good one.
speechless (tv) is great! watched it mainly for the nonverbal rep, ray is definitely my favorite character. fun fact, my mum was in a mums group with minnie driver.
everything's gonna be okay! also watched for rep (this time just autism in general) and also love it. drea is my favorite character.
coraline!!! holy shit i love coraline. book and movie. favorite animated movie by far.
my sister's keeper is a great book. not watched the movie, but i love the book.
girl in pieces is a great book.
i watched fate the winx saga, that was good
school spirits!! can't wait for season 2
okay also, nonfiction/poetry wise
i adore richard siken. he's a wonderful poet. i like crush more than war of the foxes, and i can't wait for the next collection to come out!! seriously ask me about his poetry, i could go on for ages-- i've got favorite quotes, favorite poems, everything.
black girl, call home (and other poems by the author) jasmine mans is great. i am white, so disclaimer there, i probably shouldn't speak as to the racial poetry, but i definitely enjoy her queer and sexual assualt poetry.
a couple of others i can't pull up rn
night by elie wiesel. genuinely guys, usually i don't like nonfiction, but i read this book for english nine YEARS ago, and it was such a beautiful book that i bought it when the unit was over. it's absolutely horrific, but.
radium girls by kate moore. was my special interest for years and years and years, and still definitely a comfort book.
honestly for books i just wander through barnes and noble and see what strikes my fancy
it really depends on my mood, like, i have tv shows/movies for background noise while i do homework/chores, tv shows/movies for when i'm trying to fall asleep, ones to watch with other people, ones to watch by myself...
i like watching a lot of documentaries. on Netflix, i recommend keep sweet pray and obey, brain on fire, athlete a, the volcano: rescue from whaakari, and take care of maya. also, i can't remember the name, but the boston marathon massacre one.
also, hannah gadsby? great comedian 10/10 recommend. i've loved the shows since the first came out in 2018. not watched the most recent ones yet. also rec the book.
i guess mainly action and fantasy. and then documentaries, and sometimes medical dramas.
medical drama wise i've watched greys anatomy, house, new amsterdam, parts of the good doctor, and the first couple of episodes of scrubs.
everytime i go to chicago i go to exile in bookville. if yall want the website link,
sorry this got so over the top lol
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jojikawa · 1 year
I know you're not taking any requests right now but I have this idea for a baby daddy chamber,phoenix or yoru x reader seperately or even poly
Poly Baby Daddy Headcanons 🍼
Chamber, Yoru, Phoenix 💗
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Sure, bb! I honestly don’t mind taking requests sometimes. It’s just that some of my valorant works kinda blew up and my inbox was filled for months with new things being added everyday. It was overwhelming and made me so sad bc I don’t have the attention span for writing so much valorant related things 🥲 (doing poly bc I’m a sucker for harems)
The protocol was somewhat normal before you arrived. Afterwards, when you brought your pretty little self into the crosshairs of the team, it was only drama after that. Brimstone didn’t even get involved. Killjoy thought the way the boys acted was cringey and hard to watch. Viper, however, reveled in it. No French man to annoy her now. Why? Well. He’s a father now. Or so, he thinks he is. He seemed to be in competition for who the father actually was.
The other two candidates were Yoru and Phoenix.
All three of them had been eyeing you up and trying to make you their own. It led to a long night of fun where you had the pleasure of three men worshiping your body at once. Like a goddess giving a blessing. There wasn’t much to it, right? Well, no. It wasn’t that simple at all. It never is.
You got pregnant. It was hard to identify the father since they all…ya know…inside of you.
And the AFTER that you had personal time with them individually where you’d engage in sexual acts again. No one had any idea who the father could’ve been.
Throughout your pregnancy, all the men would do so fight over you. They would fight over who got to have time with you and when. Each one of them claiming you as if you were their wife.
Chamber was charming, promising to spoil you in his riches, along with the baby, of course. As long as you let him take care of you whether the baby was his or not. He had a way with his flirtatious French speech.
Yoru was extremely aggressive. Not with you, of course. If he weren’t on a team with the other two, he’d probably kill them judging by the way he spoke of them. He didn’t want Chamber or Pheonix near you or your pregnant belly. He tried to convince you that he is the only suitable father because he’s willing to do so much more that they won’t.
Phoenix was probably the bit of sunshine within this drama. He was extremely upbeat and helped take your mind off of the question of who the father could be. He definitely made you laugh and blush. He could be flirty as well. He made you feel like you were pretty even with your belly poking out the way it did.
They all took turns staying in your room at nights, even if it wasn’t particularly allowed. They would washed you, helped you dress, fetched you things and Chamber even made it a habit of feeding you. He’d tease you by not letting you have anything until you said something in French to him.
Once the child was born, that was a whole new can of worms. The child took so much after you that they still weren’t able to know who the father was.
Cypher suggested a DNA test. It would finally put an end to the 9 month long headache he’s been dealing with. Even on missions, the three would never shut up about you or the baby.
You refused because you didn’t want to hurt the other two men who had their hopes up of being the father. You didn’t mind co-parenting. You would just need to be able to have them get along.
The child was extremely cute with bright eyes and wavy hair. The rest of the team couldn’t help but gawk at them. Viper proved to be a great babysitter whenever you needed it but she was a busy woman. You couldn’t take missions and be a mother at once so you would often stay back. You joined the team to help people so you were very disheartened when the growing threat of Mirror Earth pursued. Getting more dangerous.
Chamber wanted to send you away to his home in France. Yoru wanted you to go to Japan with his family and Phoenix advised that you should just go home and keep in contact with him. Another thing that you refused. You wouldn’t run away from a fight at all.
And that just made you hotter. You were a young milf that was just as much of a soldier as the rest.
They all offered to take care of the child. You got them to work together. You let the child see every one of them so that they could get to know their dad.
But working together doesn’t mean they didn’t fight.
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asclexe · 6 months
omg ty for the tag @intheoldtherebefore <33
here are my answers!
were you named after anyone?
i don’t think so…i believe my name was chosen just cuz my parents liked it lol. i hate my middle name, but i love my first name, cameron
when was the last time you cried?
i actually don’t remember. i don’t cry that often and actively try to avoid it, but it’ll come flooding out soon enough
do you have kids?
oh fuck no. too young + they’re too scary, time and money and energy consuming, and pregnancy and birth scare the shit out of me
what sports have you played / do you play? 
theater is my sport, but in the past i played socccer, softball, and volleyball !
do you use sarcasm?
nahhh, never. jk all the time <33
first thing you notice about people?
i honestly don’t like read into people that much until i’m away from them, but i always get a general vibe from their style immediately
what is your eye color?
blue/green, almost kinda grey. sometimes people say blue, sometimes green, sometimes grey
scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies <33 i love tragic/unhappy/bittersweet/question endings, i prefer them over happy ones for sure
any talents?
i’ve been told i have an impressive vocal range for an alto, i’m fucking goated at stardew valley fishing and playing the electric guitar , i have a really high reading comprehension (according to tests idk), forgetting things literally everywhere, and i’d say good at cooking
what are your hobbies?
writing, sometimes drawing (not very good), reading fanfiction, ignoring my problems, taking walks downtown/in the forest, make bead bracelets, reviewing movies, musical theater, and probably daydreaming
do you have any pets?
atm i have a dog, olive, and my parents are considering adopting cats for all of us from the local shelter. i’m naming mine mr whiskers no doubt
how tall are you?
freakishly tall for my age and being afab, i’m like 5’10
favorite subject in school?
theater/art class!
dream job?
forsenic pathologist/diagnostician !! or an actor. or an author. or all three!!
this was fun!! <33
no pressure tags: @nycbirdenby @killjoy-prince @crazycriter
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randomthefox · 3 months
Rough and Tumble are such odd cases
Surprisingly, their designs are fairly alright. They're not overly cluttered messes like Clutch and Surge, but they're not basic to the point of being boring like Tangle and Lanolin.
The two of them have the exact amount of detail and flow that anyone should want from a sonic design.
Of course, the only decent designs from idw are given to the two characters that are supposed to be irrelevant jokes.
Meanwhile, the OCs they do want us to care about are all ugly.
I'm like half convinced they only came up with Rough and Tumble because they were originally supposed to be Surge and Kit, but the glitch trio got rejected by IDW editorial and Flynn just didn't want to rewrite any of his scripts so they invented two losers to fill their role instead. Which is why Rough and Tumble are initially henching for Starline when he kidnaps Eggman even though there is no comprehensible reason why they would be working for him. ("Because they're all bad guys" is not a reason, unless they are meant to be chess pieces instead of characters)
Their designs are honestly good enough that you could probably drop them into the games as is and they'd fit in just fine. Their gimmick is cute and doesn't get tired or annoying, and frankly the way everyone keeps making fun of them for it makes them come across as a bunch of killjoys. They legitimately have really strong functional personalities and have good chemistry together. Really the only thing working against them is they dip a bit too much into gross out humor with the "stink attack" stuff for my taste.
I'll admit the only reason I started liking them is because Surge and Kit were such a fucking let down that Rough and Tumble started looking better by comparison lol. But now I legitimately think they're decent Sonic characters in their own right. I wish they'd been the ones to join the Riders race instead of Surge and Kit.
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Hi loving all your prompts on the esque characters, especially the belmont and majima s/o!
If that's okay with you, could I request a various characters (your choice) opinions about majima s/o? Seeing as how the dark knight and belmont one got one too
Sure thing, I can give ya the Majima and the Belmont one!
Even though they all call them S/O, assume that Ayaka and Eula are the "canon" love interest for the respective reader.
Anyways, starting off with:
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(Ayaka) "S/O? Despite what everyone says about them, they are the most selfless person I have ever met. S/O has sacrificed so much of their own happiness to ensure everyone they care about is safe. Including me. I couldn't be more proud to have them in my life.
As for their eccentric side...Well, I think it has a certain charm to it. Especially when you've gotten to know how they're actually like. I could, however, do away with them terrorizing you, Traveller..."
Vision Hunt Decree
(S/O) "Eh, Kamisato? That stick in the mud? Why the hell would I know her, she cramps my style!"
Post-Vision Hunt Decree
(S/O) "Ayaka...It's astonishing how willing she is to stick with me. I've caused her no small amount of heartache and pain to her life. I avoided her for a year straight to avoid getting her in trouble during the Decree. Yet, she never gave up hope in being with me again.
Hell, that might just be why she's still here. She just never gives up on anyone. Heh, though she could've loved someone who was less of a pain in the ass. Bet Makoto would've said the same thing."
(Itto) "S/O might as well be an honorary Arataki Gang member! They always put up a hell of a fight for me, and I'm happy to throw down! It's pretty funny too watching them pop out of nowhere. Though uh, Shinobu definitely doesn't find it as funny..."
(S/O) "Itto is the only one who truly gets me! To fight and train each other, so that we may be worthy opponents! I could have no better rival!"
(Shinobu) "They're an absolute menace. I have no idea how they keep coming up with no stunts to drag the Arataki Gang into trouble every single time. But I'm going to fight them myself one day."
(S/O) "Bah, Shinobu's never any fun! She never plays along with the rest of the gang like the killjoy she is! She needs to lighten the fuck up, that's for sure!"
(Thoma) "Ayaka trusts S/O with her life, and for good reason! They're a good person, calling them the 'Mad Dog' is unfair. Ah, but I guess with how they act to everyone that doesn't know them is...a little justified."
(S/O) "Thoma's a good man, a little bit dense, but still. He took good care of Makoto while we were still hanging around. He tried to save her during the raid, and for that, I trust him like Ayaka does too."
(Sara) "Ugh, first it's that Oni, and now it's that lunatic. S/O is yet another daily nuisance I have to deal with. They even seem to relish in my misery! I swear when I get my hands on them..."
(S/O) "HAH! Oh man, does Kujou hate my guts! She ain't a bad cop, I'll give her that but boy she's got a glare that can rival Shinobu! I still don't know who's worse in the 'No Fun Allowed' department!"
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(Eula) "S/O Belmont. They are many things. A drunkard, rude, a brute, stupid...And yet, they're the most reliable and kind-hearted person I've ever met in Mondstadt.
Outcasts are what we both are. Clan Lawrence damned Clan Belmont to extinction, so one would assume that we'd hate each other. But we're here together, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Though, they need to seriously stop spending all their Mora at Angel's Share. I like drinking as much as the next person, but NOT to that extent."
(S/O) "The Lawrence girl? She's not as bad as people made her out to be. Honestly when I met Eula, I expected her to be a right fuckin' prick like me. But she's got a heart of gold, explains why the Knights took her in, no questions asked.
She may not act like it, but she's a big ol' softie. Just gotta get past that icy exterior of hers. Barbatos knows I have, heh. In fact, you know she gets all emotional when she drinks? It's the funniest shit."
(Jean) "S/O means well, despite what they can say and act like. They came from a disgraced Noble Household from Mondstadt's history, but they have always been honorable.
The Belmonts were monster hunters and protected the people. Thanks to S/O, the Belmonts continue to do so to this very day. I just wish they would consider joining the Knights of Favonius since they always seem to tag along with Eula."
(S/O) "Ah, Jean. Nice gal, way too overworked if you ask me. Shit that she does is exactly why I don't join the Knights. I'm a bloody monster hunter, I don't have time to be chasing cats around. She's downright mad to listen to every single damn request these people have."
(Lisa) "Once S/O actually cleaned themselves up, they are quite interesting to talk to. They always come in the library to do research on old monster tomes, you'd never know how smart they were just by looking at them!"
(S/O) "The Librarian kinda scares the shit outta me. You know she once shocked a guy for accidentally spilling wine on her book? Poor bastard couldn't walk for a week, it's why I'm damn careful with the books I get from her. That smile hides some sadistic shit, I'll tell ya that much, Traveller."
(Kaeya) "Master Belmont. They hide quite a bit about themselves around me in particular. I'm not too sure why, as I just want to make conversation. But to each their own, I suppose. I would love to see how they fight in person, though."
(S/O) "Kaeya is the shadiest son of a bitch in this city. He knows way too much just to be comfortable with the position of Calvary Captain. And speaking of, what the hell is the point of being a Calvary Captain without any horses?!"
(Klee) "Master Belmont is the coolest! I taught them how to put my special bombs on their whip! It makes a HUUUGE kaboom! Hehehe!"
(S/O) "If you told me that a child could weaponize the Morning Star whip to be even more explosive a year ago, I'd have been VERY skeptical. That kid is going to kill us all. Pretty cute, though.
Feel sorry for the bastard that's gotta meet her parents if they get to know her when she's older."
(Diluc) "The Belmont. They do good work, and I'm glad they haven't joined the Knights so their independence isn't entirely gone. They're also one of my best customers with how frequently they come in. Though, I'm afraid they're going to an early grave with just how much they drink."
(S/O) "Master Diluc, love the red-headed emo boy! He serves some damn fantastic wine, enough to make me forget the entire day! A little too stiff, but eh? If that's how the man is, I can't change that. Has a real hate boner for the Knights though. I mean, I don't like 'em entirely myself but MAN, he really hates them."
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courtneysmovieblog · 1 year
The live action “Little Mermaid” is great, get over it
If there’s one thing all the backlash of The Little Mermaid has proven, it’s that the Disney fandom has gotten pretty toxic. And I’m not just talking about all the racist tantrums over Halle Bailey being cast as Ariel.
Are the live-action version of cherished animated films necessary? Of course not. Are the CGI versions of characters we know and love weird-looking? Yes. Are some of the story changes dumb? Yes.
But do not treat the people that actually enjoy them like they’re any less of Disney fans as anyone else. People are allowed to like whatever they like without being accused of somehow betraying the original films.
That being said, while I have enjoyed most of the live action movies, warts and all (with the exception of Pinocchio and Lady and the Tramp because they sucked), I can honestly say that the new Little Mermaid is probably the best one to date. Say what you want about Rob Marshall, the man knows how to do a musical.
From the very second we heard Halle Bailey sing “Part of Your World” in the trailer, we knew she was going to be awesome. And she’s more than just that beautiful voice, she plays Ariel with all the passion and fearlessness that made us fall in love with her back in 1989. It’s ironic that critics are quick to dismiss her version of Ariel as “too feminist” when the character has been unfairly derided as antifeminist for so long.
Also in her favor is her amazing chemistry with Jonah Hauer-King, who plays Prince Eric. As much as we loved the animated version, it was a necessary change to flesh out their romance more than just love at first sight. Hauer-King, for his part, gives Eric more depth than he had in the original, and the scenes with them interacting are what really make the movie great.
Melissa McCarthy--I never doubted her for a second. For once, Disney didn’t screw up their classic villain. This Ursula is even more evil than before, and fabulously so. She doesn’t just chew the scenery, she eats it up and leaves no crumbs to be found.
Regarding Flounder and Sebastian and Scuttle: just ignore the CGI. Daveed Diggs is a delightful Sebastian--his version of “Under the Sea” is a blast. Jacob Tremblay is a perfect Flounder. And love or hate Awkwafina, she made me laugh as Scuttle. You’re going to have to come to your own conclusions about her solo song though.
The lighting is nowhere near as dark as some people were complaining--or perhaps it just looks better on the movie screen. And while the underwater scenes may not be realistic, it’s lovely to see all the bright and colorful sea creatures.
The Little Mermaid shouldn’t be dismissed as a pale shadow of the animated movie. It’s a fun movie on its own, and it was obviously made by people who love everything we love about Disney classics. Don’t let the racists, nitpickers, and overall killjoys stop you from from enjoying it.
But if nothing else, this is definitely Halle Bailey’s breakthrough role. And if there’s any justice in the world, she’ll be swimming in more casting offers very soon.
8 out of 10
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youmaycallmebrian · 11 months
look i really don't want to be a killjoy, I don't want to be the "boomer" who over-criticizes movies because they don't get anything and refuse to have fun... Like, I really want to enjoy this and join in on the fun but I can't lie, I was so so so disappointed with the FNAF movie. I wasn't expecting anything good because i'm used to video game movie adaptations being terrible. And yet, I was still let down. It was worse than what I even imagined. And I see everyone going crazy over the movie and saying it was so good and legendary and all and I'm just... what? Did we see the same movie? Am I insane? Am I missing something? Did I reach that annoying "adult" stage of life where everything seems dull?
I don't want to sound like an annoying movie elitist youtuber that sound like they think they have it all figured out and know better than everyone (u know the kind i'm talking about). I generally don't know jackshit about movies, so please take everything I say with a grain of salt. My opinion doesn't hold much value. I'm honestly just trying to make sense of what I saw with this long ass post lol. SPOILERS AHEAD, just in case it wasn't obvious. I'll try to be as fair and precise as possible in what I liked and disliked.
Here's what I liked: the animatronics design was awesome, they really looked like the ones in the first game. The whole pizzeria too. That was cool. The actors were great. I think they did the best with what they had. I don't have anything bad to say regarding the acting. Gods, seeing Matthew Lilliard with white hair made me feel old (he was like my first celebrity crush when i was a 5 year old child, in the scooby doo live action). And seeing Josh Hutcherson playing what I thought to be a dad but turns out to just be a big brother ALSO made me feel old (aren't we just used to him always being someone's son in all his dang movies???). Also seeing MatPat was cool. I also like how they explored the whole theme of "you don't need to be rich to be a good parent/guardian or to make your child happy" as we saw with Abby and Mike vs the aunt, and I also like how abby being more introverted and into drawing wasn't seen as a necessarily bad thing. I liked those themes.
Here's what I disliked: Okay first. That whole backstory with Mike and his little brother, the "dream theory" thing. Very cool, a very nice concept to explore in a movie. HOWEVER, what the heck was this doing in a fnaf movie? Like, was it just me? idk i just think it was way too much of a side-plot... I know it was related because it's implied then confirmed that Afton took the little brother. But like... I don't know. It just seemed so freaking random and out of place? Like what are the chances are that this is the guy who took your little brother and that you end up working for him? It's just not the vibe at all I was expecting for a game about being a security guard in a haunted pizzeria? I thought we were going to see and feel the atmosphere that the first game gives, like being stuck in that tiny little room, realizing slowly there's something wrong with the animatronics, the panic as you watch the camera footage, the survival instinct kicking in as you try to rationalize it... Instead, Mike just slept through all of it to "solve" a completely different side-plot. (again, yes I know it's not really a side-plot since it was directly related in a way, but it really did feel like such a random, far away thing) And then the "ghosts" of the children appearing in the dream as if it's like something they do all the time... Idk man. This whole thing just felt so weird and out of place.
2nd thing I disliked: Abby being involved. I love her character, don't get me wrong, she was adorable, i love her to death. But her role in the story felt so... plot-convenient? Like oh the new security guard just happens to have a little sister the same age as the children who went missing and can see ghosts and likes to draw and one day she sleeps in there bc the babysitter is unreachable.
Speaking of the babysitter... That whole thing where they pair up with the evil aunt to sabotage Mike's career... Again, this just felt so... random? I don't know what other words to use. It just felt like it came out of nowhere.
Another thing I disliked. How quickly Mike just. Accepted that there were animatronics moving on their own because they're haunted with the ghosts of murdered children. And how he just casually builds a fort with them and Abby and Vanessa. Like... bro??? What are you doing? Aren't you worried? Aren't you scared? Confused? Listen I know the animatronics are supposed to be like goofy and all since, at the core, they're literally just children. But like... Idk this is just... not the vibe at all I was expecting? It completely took me out, honestly, like it just broke the immersion for me. I mean, come on. I don't care how psychic you are, how open-minded you are, if you see huge-ass animatronics moving on their own, you will be terrified.
Other thing I disliked: Vanessa as a character in general. Nothing against the actress (It's Beck!!!!!). Just... why the fuck did she even show up there in the first place other than for snooping around? She had honestly no actual cop business there. And why did she spend so much time there, on her actual job hours? makes absolutely 0 sense to me. This seemed to be only fan service (in reference to vanessa/vanny). I honestly genuinely do not have valid reasons for this one other than I just really didn't like her character in general.
Also... Why is no one mentionning the smell of the animatronics? Or how they would probably have attracted maggots and dangerous parasites? There are decades old bodies decaying inside them ffs... I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure you'd notice something is off about the smell pretty quickly. Even when the people went in to trash the place, their bodies stayed in the pizzeria for a whole 2-3 days after that while Mike and Abby were there. It's enough time for the smell to start hitting. Yet no one noticed...
Speaking of the bodies. It was a PG 13 movie. why? 8+ at most would've sufficed. Also... was it a horror movie, a comedy, a drama, a thriller? All of these? Because it felt like none of these. Like, it felt like it was trying to be a horror or a comedy, but just didn't commit fully. Idk how to explain it properly, it felt like it was holding back, in a sense.
Also when they electrified the animatronics, ngl, it felt like I was watching a bugs bunny cartoon.
I feel like there was sooooo much of the lore being dropped in the film, but in very awkward ways? Like it was trying so hard to appeal to the fans with all the little details of lore but it GIRL the fnaf lore is crazy heavy and complicated there was just no way you could plug it all in just one film... and yeah, that really kinda broke the pace of the movie, in my opinion. It was all revealed all at once, so bluntly? People keep saying "if you like the games and the lore you will love this movie" and for me it's like... no?? Quite the opposite? The lore feels all crammed in there with no real purpose... it felt so weird.
Alright I'll stop here. I know movie adaptations can't always be truthful to the games, realistically speaking since it's not the same kind of media. I know that. Sometimes major changes are a good thing. Sometimes going a bit off the plot can be beneficial. It's just that, in this specific movie adaptation, it felt so... out of place? I really disliked the changes. Don't understand them. The entire thing feels so far away from the source material in a way where I just honestly cannot enjoy it.
But everyone seems to have loved the movie so clearly there's something i'm missing, and I am honestly genuinely very open to discuss it, if you liked the movie please tell me why and how. Because for now I am just flabbergasted at how much I just don't fucking get it...
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poolboyservice · 1 year
the killjoys' favorite FNAF characters + why (opinion, very long)
Party Poison likes Toy Chica and Funtime Freddy! Toy Chica because she reminds Party of themself, also she literally eats her victims (or at least it's implied she does), which Party finds badass as hell Funtime Freddy because he makes terrible jokes and Party hates the jokes so much she literally can't help but to just adore the dumbass
Jet Star likes Nightmare Fredbear and Springtrap! Nightmare Fredbear because his design is literally so gnarly, like, he's got a mouth on his stomach!!! What other FNAF character has that??? (aside Nightmare but shhhh) Springtrap because the idea that the person who is trapped in the animatronic suit is not only still alive, but also so relentless in trying to kill you, is so cool but creepy
Kobra Kid likes Monty Gator and the Mangle! Monty Gator because he relates heavily to him, they both have anger issues/a short temper, and they're often misunderstood + disliked because of that, which makes them both feel insecure about themselves. The Mangle for a likewise reason of being relatable, they're both torn to pieces (whether figuratively or literally) by their situation, and the people who once tried to help aren't there anymore, or just don't care, so they're left behind to only feel pain internally and externally. They both love themselves, but they hate themselves likewise. They're loved by others, yet they're treated like a threat. (Kobra Kid is very emotional when it comes to their interests)
Fun Ghoul likes Ennard and the Mangle! Ennard because the concept of multiple animatronics with different personalities being formed into one intrigues him a lot. Like, how would that work? Does each animatronic control a different part? Also, functionally, how would they work as an animatronic? Like, where is the core that keeps them powered? Can they see with all of their eyes, or is it just for show? So much questions unanswered.. The Mangle because what did she look like before they were broken? Why does he have 3 legs? Why is her tail that of a rounded tail if they're a fox, is their tail supposed to be like a nub? Does the Foxy head majorly control the body or does the endo head do that? Why did kids decide she was suitable as some take-apart-put-back-together toy?? If only he could figure out in person...
The Girl likes Circus Baby and Freddy Fazbear! Circus Baby because honestly, in the zones, vanilla ice cream on a cone sounds so great, anytime, even in dire situations. Also, she smells like birthday cake, and Circus Baby can dance and sing!! How cool!? Freddy Fazbear because for an underrated character, he's so mysterious and unique. Like, he's one of the only characters that don't have voicelines aside from his iconic laugh. Adding to that, he apparently just shut off power just like that, how can he do that!? Also, The Girl absolutely understands the feeling of being under the shadow of her friends and loved ones, a lot.
Dr. Death Defying likes Phone Guy and Bonnie Phone Guy because he reminds him of himself, and honestly, he finds 'em endearing. Dr. D got sad when he found out he died in the first FNAF entry. FNAF 3 phone guy is okay but it'll never be like FNAF 1 and 2 Phone Guy. Bonnie because, yeah, yeah, very cheesy, but he aspires to be a guitarist and learn the drums also. Bonnie gives Dr. D a lot of inspiration, he aspires Bonnie in a way, I suppose. Sadly, he was never able to achieve the goal of being a guitarist, at least he was able to learn and play it.
Volume likes Monty Gator and The Marionette! Monty Gator because he reminds him of Val in so many ways, a major part of why he likes Monty, also that mohawk is so fucking radical, and so are those glasses. The Marionette because while he doesn't necessarily like the fact it has a mask, he finds the animatronic's functions in the game (FNAF 2) so interesting, and the lullaby needed to keep the puppet inactive actually calms him when he's having really bad anxiety.
Vinyl likes Foxy the Fox and Scrap Baby Foxy because he understands the feeling of being alone while your friends are out and having fun, meanwhile you're just rotting in your 'safe place', if it even is safe anymore. Scrap baby because, if Vinyl had to be honest, he thinks her design is pretty cool and badass, even if it doesn't really make sense in the lore. If he were a chic he'd probably sport a style like that.
Val Velocity likes Chica and Freddy Chica because honestly, while Val likes her, he will not admit it, and while he actively says he doesn't like her, if you talk shit about her don't be surprised to get a punch straight to the nose. Freddy for similar reasons like The Girl, though he now doesn't talk about how he likes Freddy, because he's aware The Girl also likes Freddy, and he doesn't want people comparing him to her.
Blue Droid likes the Marionette and Balloon Boy Marionette because the lullaby needed to keep it inactive is oddly comforting, and sometimes she lets it play late at night Balloon Boy, not because of his mechanics or the character itself, but because she always wanted to have a child, but obviously since both Blue and her loved, Red, one are androids, she can never have that. It comforts her, I guess, but it also pains her as it gives her a constant reminder.
Red Droid likes Ballora and DJ Music Man Ballora because she reminds her of Blue in almost every way, her blue hair, her purples eyes, her gentle voice, everything. DJ Music Man because it reminds her of when she was fully capable of being able to walk around with no issue, being able to dance, sing, and just have a good time. It comforts yet makes her feel bitter. Also because DJ Music Man makes really good music, in her opinion.
Vaya likes Funtime Foxy and Roxanne Wolf Funtime Foxy because, not gonna lie, they remind Vaya of Vamos in a lot of ways. Like the pink theme, the enthusiasm to give a show, the ability to fluidly wear flashy clothes, regardless masculine or feminine. The last one is more of interpretation, but still! Roxanne Wolf because, well, she reminds them of themself. Making sure their looks are in check, constantly hyping themself, and always looking for approval. Obviously, they absolutely feel pity whenever they remember Roxanne is not only now blinded so she can't see herself, but also she's never told how she looks so she constantly feels like she's not good enough.
Vamos likes Mr. Hippo and Lolbit Mr. Hippo because he reminds them of Tommy Chow Mein, the horribly long story Mr. Hippo gives makes Vamos actually cackle like a witch everytime. Lolbit because 1. they just look cool, and 2. Lolbit reminds Vamos of Vaya. If they could, Vamos would ramble about how Lolbit is like Vamos for hours and hours on end! However, as a TL/DR: They're both chaotic, super super cool, and very tech savvy.
Korse likes Foxy Granted, he isn't necessarily all knowing about FNAF, as he has lived in Battery City majority of his life until very recently, but he finds the character cool, also it quite frankly reminds him of his dead boyfriend, which can be bittersweet sometime.
Obviously this isn't ALL of the characters but ya :33
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moonchild-things · 2 years
Chapter One: Demonstration Gone Wrong
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Summary: Tony Stark is the egotistical and arrogant CEO of Stark Industries. The man who makes sure that his big brother doesn’t always make a mess is William Stark. He’s not eccentric like Tony, but he’s smart and willing to help when he finds out about Tony’s escapades as the newest superhero: Iron Man. Trouble ensues. One thing is for sure; brothers always stick together. No matter what!
Word Count: 3113
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A/N: This is another marvel fic that’s apart of the revival universe!
THE CALM, DRY DESERT OF THE KURAN Province in Afghanistan seemed to be completely undisturbed. No animals roamed the vast plains or hiked to the top of the mountains. Though the peace of the empty plain was broken by a cloud of dust flying on the dirt road. Half a dozen U.S. military vehicles drove down the road. The distinct sound of ‘Back in Black’ blasted through a stereo in one of the vehicles. 
In this specific car, the famous, recognizable Stark brothers were sat next to each other in the backseat. While the eldest brother, Tony Stark, held a glass of liquor in his hand and bobbed his head to the recognizable music of AC/DC, the younger Stark, Bill Stark, sat in between his brother and a soldier stiffly. The younger looked somewhat similar to his older brother. However, while Tony had facial hair, Bill’s face was cleanly shaven. If anything, Bill was nothing but a baby face. Even though the man was thirty-six-years-old, he looked more like a twenty-six-year-old. God, the number of times that Tony has made fun of his brother for that was impossible to keep track of. Though that’s beside the point. His eyes were a lighter brown and his skin was slightly paler than Tony’s which is likely due to Bill’s decision to stay indoors as much as he can. Despite the differences in appearance with the brother’s, everyone knew that the two were brothers. Who doesn’t know?
However, even though they were brothers, they happened to be quite the opposite of each other. That was evident from even the fundamental fact that Bill was currently content with the idea of sitting in the jeep without talking and just listening to the music while Tony was dying in the quietness. The constant glances from two of the soldiers also wasn’t helping to ease him.
“I feel like you're driving me to a court-martial,” Tony commented towards the three soldiers in the car with them. “This is crazy. What did I do? I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me. What, you're not allowed to talk?” The soldiers still sat tall and seemingly unmoving, so Tony leaned forward to look at the soldier seated on his brother’s other side. “Hey, Forrest!”
The soldier, a young man spoke up, “we can talk, sir.”
“Oh, I see.” Tony shrugged and leaned in towards Bill to stage whisper, “So it's personal?” Bill rolled his eyes at his older brother’s remark in exasperation. He was far too familiar with Tony’s (annoying) antics.
“No, you intimidate them,” the soldier who was driving, a woman, called.
Tony looked up in mock shock, “good God, you're a woman,” This earned Tony a jab in the ribs from his brother. He ignored Bill and continued on, “I honestly... I couldn't have called that. I mean, I'd apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? I thought of you as a soldier first.”
“I'm an airman.”
Tony stared at her shamelessly, “you have, actually, excellent bone structure, there. I'm kind of having a hard time not looking at you now. Is that weird?” That earned him some chuckles and laughs from the others in the car, sans Bill who only leaned back in his seat with crossed arms. “Come on, it's okay, laugh,” Tony encouraged while nudging his killjoy (Tony’s words) of a younger brother. All he was trying to do was get rid of the tension in the car.
Bill just sighed, “you are so annoying.”
“Sir,” the soldier in the front passenger seat spoke up, “I have a question to ask.”
Tony hummed, “yes, please.”
“Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last year's Maxim cover models?”
“That is an excellent question,” Tony started while taking off his sunglasses dramatically. “Yes and no. March and I had a scheduling conflict, but fortunately, the Christmas cover was twins.” The soldiers in the car all smiled in amusement, “anything else?” The Soldier next to Bill, Jimmy, raised his hand. Tony sighed loudly, “you're kidding me with the hand up, right?”
The young man asked nervously, “is it cool if I take a picture with the both of you?”
“Yes.” Tony shared a glace with Bill, “It's very cool.”
Bill nodded his head with a genuine smile, “sure.” He was used to people usually only wanting pictures with Tony as he is the more… Fun and extravagant brother. Bill was more private and reserved when it came to his life, unlike Tony. Bill was more behind the scenes, specifically behind the scenes when it came to the medical side of the company. He may be famous, but not as many people wanted to take a picture with him as they did with Tony. Besides, Bill sometimes can be dreadfully shy, especially around large crowds.
Jimmy excitedly pulled his camera out and handed it to the soldier in the front seat. The three in the back seat all posed for the picture together as the other man tried to figure out the camera.
“I don't want to see this on your MySpace page,” Tony jested. Jimmy puts up a peace sign for the photo as the Stark brother’s smile at the camera. “Please, no gang signs.” Tony commented which Jimmy obeyed instantly, “No, throw it up. I'm kidding. Yeah, peace. I love peace. 'd be out of a job with peace.”
“Come on. Hurry up.” Jimmy urged the other soldier with the camera. “Just click it. Don't change any settings.”
While the soldiers bikered about the camera and they all waited for the picture to be taken, the car shook as an explosion roared in front of them. They all cringed at the noise as gunshots soon were heard surrounding them. The Starks were starting to panic at all of the commotion, “what's going on?” Tony shouted. He looked at each of the others in the car with wild eyes. Bill had started to shake in fright at the noise and gunfire. He truly did not like guns or weapons… 
“Contact left!”
“What have we got?” Tony tried to get another answer but the soldiers just ignored him and started jump into action. The woman jumps out of the driver's seat to try and combat whoever was firing at them but was shot down quite quickly.
The soldier in the passenger seat grabbed his own gun and looked back at the trio in the back seat. “Jimmy, stay with the Starks!” He hopped out of the car and positioned himself on the hood of the car to get a better shot on those attacking them. 
“Stay down!” Jimmy urged the brothers and pushed Bill down to try and get better cover as Tony did the same.
“Yeah,” Tony said as Bill nodded his head 
They watched as the soldier took a few shots out in the dust, but they couldn’t see if he had hit his mark. However, his marksmanship was no match for his opponents who shot him dead in an instant.
“Son of a bitch!” Jimmy got out of the car like his other two fellow soldiers.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!” Tony shouted over the deafening sounds of warfare and leaned over his brother was still cowering in his seat. “Give me a gun!”
Jimmy turned to them and looked at them through the dusty window to yell, “stay here!” Once he turned back around he was gunned down as the bullets shot at him pierced the car. 
Now seeing that they had no one to protect either of them, the Stark brothers knew that they had to look out for each other. Tony grabbed his younger brother by the arm and started to pull him out of the car through his door. Bill allowed himself to be dragged and hastily did his best to keep himself from falling flat on his face when Tony pulled him out of the car. The hot, desert sun beat down on the brothers as they stumbled around while looking for some kind of cover. Their scenes were dulled and their eyesight fogged up by dirt and dust. Finally, Bill dove behind a rock for cover from the rain of bullets and motioned Tony to the relatively safe area as well.
Tony and Bill sat next to each other with their heads ducked and backs pressed up against the hard rock. Tony pulled out his phone and slid it open to call for some sort of help. Just as he opened up his phone, a thud shook him to his core. Both of the men looked over to the left to see a missile had landed right next to them. The tried to scurry away from the logo of ‘Stark Industries’ that glared back at them, however, neither of them were able to get out of the way.
The missile exploded and caused both of them to fly off to opposite sides. With dulled senses and a pain in his chest, Tony looked around his surroundings when he noticed he couldn’t see Bill. He looked over to the side to see his little brother further away from him. Blood painted Bill’s left side completely and colored his clothes in the dreaded hue. The man was motionless with eyes closed and Tony was unable to tell if he was breathing or not. The sharp pain in his chest intensified and bothered him to no end. He looked down at his shirt and tore it open to see that his own chest was starting to bleed profusely. He obviously had been injured much like his brother. There was really no telling what had happened to either of them.
Just as Tony’s vision grew blurry and dark, a few figures emerged from the dust cloud and headed in his direction. Weak, disoriented and unable to do anything to stop them as he grew unconscious, Tony could only watch as the figures decked out in thick layers grabbed him. He was hauled up and started to be carried from the spot he once laid. He couldn’t do anything as his limp body was taken away and left his younger brother on the sand covered in his own blood. Finally, his eyes slid shut and Tony fell unconscious.
James Rhodes scoured the sand dunes that were laid out before him with squinted and alert eyes. The rolling hills of hot sand stretched for miles and miles everywhere he looked. There seemed to be nothing touched and no grain moved. His stomach churned.
He and the other soldiers riding with him in identical jeeps to those that had left only a short time before them had gotten a message saying that there was an attack. The jeeps that had been attacked had been carrying two of his closest friends, Tony and Bill Stark.
They had no idea who gave the message as she didn’t want to give her name, but that didn’t really matter. They would wonder about who the caller was once they arrived at the scene. All they knew was that many of their men had been killed by, most likely, a terrorist organization. There wasn’t too much information that they were able to obtain which meant that they didn’t know who orchestrated the attack. The U.S. military had far too many enemies in the middle east to allow them to make any sort of assumptions. 
He and a group of soldiers had taken their jeeps and sped through the sandy landscape to the coordinates of the call as fast as they could. James really didn’t want to think about what may have happened to the Stark brothers. Who knows who attacked the group of military jeeps and why. All James really cared about at that moment was making sure that the billionaire brothers were safe. However, as a soldier shouted out that he had spotted the vehicles out in the distance, James’ hopes were slowly dwindling.
Each jeep was unmoving and appeared abandoned. Sand was picked up by wind and pelted against the cars that were covered in holes that no doubt came from gunshots. There were obvious signs of explosions evident from the few cars that were charred black from fire. The wind had killed the spread of fire which was a good thing. Less fire meant that there was less of a possibility of any evidence to who had done this being burned away. They needed to find out who thought it was a good idea to attack the U.S. military and fast.
The soldiers all jumped out of their rides and marched hastily toward the fiery ruins. Fallen soldiers were laid out all over the area. Their weapons at their side as bullet hole decorated their bodies. It didn’t seem like they were a match for their opponents. They were completely caught off guard it seemed by the ambush and were unable to stop the assailants from killing them.
Each soldier ran over to investigate the scene and look for any survivors of the attack. Though from the carnage that they were all able to see didn’t give anyone much hope that anyone lived through this savage attack. They trudged through the sand and debris to find that no one had survived. Each and every soldier who had been inside of the cars had been killed. It placed a terrible feeling in all of their stomachs and a bad taste in their mouths.
James just about broke down at the fact that they couldn’t find either of the Stark brothers. They were his best friends! Now all of a sudden they were missing after a terrorist attack out in the middle of the desert. He leaned against one of the trucks in mental exhaustion and defeat. God knows where the Stark brothers had been taken and if they were even alive.
Just as James’ thoughts about his friends whereabouts turned grim, a shout pulled everyone’s attention to a collection of rocks a few meters away from the deserted cars. 
Everyone jumped into action and raced towards the soldiers cry. The medics grabbed their gear and readied themselves to help an injured person. James ran over as quickly as he could through the sand. His hopes were slowly growing more and more as he neared the area of rocks to see who was found.
He was greeted with the sight of a man who appeared to be quite young laid on his side in the sand. Even though his suit was caked in blood and sand, James was easily able to identify the man as Bill. James jumped to the younger man’s side as the medical personnel started to pull out their supplies. 
Bill’s perfectly shaven face was smeared with his own blood and painted an ashy black from soot and no doubt an explosion. James wasn’t completely sure if Bill was even okay. However, he was able to see the shallow movement of his friends chest. The younger man was alive but barely. He didn’t know what had happened to the younger Stark brother, however, he could sigh in relief for the time being that it wasn’t something that killed him like the soldiers with them. 
Yet there was still the absence of the eldest Stark brother. The cocky man was nowhere in sight at all! 
“Bill?” James asked the man to see if he could get some sort of response. “Bill? Can you hear me? William?”
As the medics worked on making sure that Bill’s side was properly taken care of, said man groaned out quietly in pain. His whole body burned and ached in a way that he had never experienced. The sensation emanated mostly from his side and crippled his body to the point that he couldn’t move. He found himself comparing the pain to the one time he had broken his arm after being forced to play baseball. However, it was far, far worse.
His eyesight was blurry and dotted with black spots dancing all over the place. People surrounded him and moved around him quickly. They were doctors, he thought, obviously they were there to help him with the pain. He was able to focus on one of the faces that was right next to his and choked on his dry throat as he tried to speak. "Rh-Rhod-odey?"
James sighed in relief as Bill was able to recognize him. That was a good sign. "You're gonna be alright, Bill." He watched as the doctors and medics looked over his wounds and dressed what they could before they transported him somewhere safer. 
"T-Ton-ny?" The injured man spat out painfully through his scratchy esophagus. "W-where is-s T-T--" his throat started to clog up before the medics tried to calm him down as the young man started to panic. No one could answer him that question because no one knew where his brother was.
Elsewhere, somewhere in a cave in the desert, a disoriented Tony Stark sat on a chair with a burlap sack over his head. After gaining conscious, he listened to the fuzzy words being spoken by the people who surrounded him. He couldn't understand a word as it was spoken in a language he did not know.
His eyes were then assaulted with a blinding light as the sack over his head was roughly pulled off. Helena blinked his eyes to try and adjust them to his surroundings and found himself staring down the lens of a video camera.
A group of terrorists surrounded him threateningly as the speaker spoke to him the camera. It was obviously some sort of ransom video. As the reordering continued on, Tony was finally able to understand what sort of situation he was now in. He was kidnapped by a terrorist group after they attacked the military. Oh, God. Where was Bill. What did they do to his little brother?! Tony didn't see his brother anywhere. Then again, Tony was having a hard time seeing anything within five feet in front of him.
Bill could be there… but he may not. He racked his brain to remember the last thing he saw of Bill. The chilling image of his baby brother laid on the ground with brooding painting his side that dripped down to stain the sand around him shook Tony. His brother could be dead for all he knew. 
For the time being, Tony stayed quiet as the man spoke and stared into the camera threateningly while speaking in a language he didn't know. As soon as he could, he would find out where he was, what they wanted from him, and where his brother was.
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inceledwardcullen · 2 years
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aamircoeur · 2 years
more very random valorant hcs because i said so
cw: might be ooc for some. or most. i could not care less honestly
skye braids sova's hair sometimes
astra has a video of cypher slipping and landing on the floor ass first
astra does reyna's makeup sometimes. or vice versa. raze and jett asks for them to do theirs too. phoenix is also quite interested in having colorful eyeshadows cus he said it makes him look more bold and flashy.
i feel like yoru has a lot of ear piercings but stopped putting on earrings (except for the ones on his ear lobes)
once, during valentine's day, phoenix bought everyone in the protocol flowers
one time, cypher was really having a bad day but then he saw chamber bump his head on the door frame thru the cameras and it made his entire day better
skye has a pet chicken
brimstone has this habit of smiling at agents that he passes by in HQ too
killjoy knows how to do kick boxing
chamber dislikes starbucks
reyna has reading glasses
there was one time wherein phoenix was on a british slang frenzy. there wasn't a sentence that he said that didn't contain, "bruv" and "innit"
- yoru, neon, and raze teased him a lot for it by adding innit and bruv to their vocabulary; even in very very random sentences that didn't make sense.
"g'day, mates." said neon. "mornin', bruv." raze replied. "ohayo gozaimasu innit." said yoru.
it was it went on for a while, roughly a month. what surprised and amused everyone in the protocol was when reyna joined in and said, "it's tuesday, innit?" randomly on a wednesday evening. it's safe to say that phoenix toned it down a bit. it was a fun time for everyone in the protocol, though. they made sure that phoenix was alright after it too.
sometimes, all the agents go on a road trip for a vacation. (they go on separate cars/vans)
the drivers: breach, chamber, reyna.
reyna doesn't allow the agents that's in the car that she drives to have a pee break, saying that she wants to arrive at the vacation place quicker, making the driving a competition that the other two are unaware about. she'll go only when they're on the verge of tears.
breach tricked raze into swallowing a sleeping pill so that she'd be asleep throughout most of the ride. the other agents were so thankful for she's one of the noisiest n can't stay still during a car ride (poor boom boom)
chamber's the driver that goes through McDonald's drivethru but only buys coffee for himself
the ones in reyna's car: neon, killjoy, phoenix, brimstone, viper
the ones in breach's car: jett, fade, cypher, sage, raze
the ones in chamber's car: yoru, astra, skye, sova, omen
the ones that have pills for headaches n oils for body aches: sage, skye, sova
the one that always asks if there's a bathroom nearby: killjoy
"are we there yet?": cypher, neon
asleep most of the time: astra, raze
the chill ones : quiet most of the time but they're the one that starts car arguments/debates: yoru, fade, omen, viper (omen's the only one that's really quiet)
fade once asked if water was wet out loud and jett and breach fought back and forth about it for two hours.
yoru randomly pointed out that chamber looked bald and they didn't stop for a pee break for four hours.
astra connects skye's freckles with a washable marker. it was kind of hard doing it on the road and with omen in between their seats but he just let them do their thing. saying, "you missed one." from time to time.
yoru and astra would secretly eat all the snacks in their car and would act so upset when accused. yoru would blame it on sova. much like the situation/video meme:
"don't look at me. look at sova." yoru said
"what? i didn't eat it."
"huh, that's weird. how did you even know it was eaten?" yoru asked.
"... because the chip bags are right in front of us, and they're empty."
"suspicious." astra spoke.
"no, it's not-"
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Hi! So, I absolutely love your series where the MC is the kid of Lucifer, and I was wondering if I could request that with Diavolo and Barbatos? •v•
:0 you definitely can! Right now I’m just doing Diavolo, but Barb’s will be up sometime soon!
MC is Half Demon and Oh Shit They’re Diavolo’s Kid-
Diavolo wasn’t exactly what one would expect of the prince of Hell, I mean, he was suppressing the urge to bounce in his seat from pure excitement. I mean, his exchange program was starting! Humans, demons, and angels, all together, his dream was coming true.
All that was left was for the student to arrive, the portal opened, and the human fell flat on their back. Oof, maybe Diavolo should have set up some kind of landing zone filled with pillows. No matter! The human was-
What peculiar eyes this human had…
Oh… oh dear…
The MC was his child, no question about it. This was… very unexpected. Well, the entire assembly hall was completely quiet, and the kid looked like they were getting impatient.
“HEY! Mind telling me what the hell is going on?!”
After that, Diavolo launches into his explanation, also the explanation that he’s definitely this kid’s dad. Kid was not impressed, they tried to square up with Diavolo and Lucifer had never been more confused as to what to do.
Well, the moment MC sprouted wings and launched themselves at Diavolo, Dia caught them with one hand and continued speaking like nothing happened.
MC, please calm down… Diavolo didn’t know they existed, let him make it up to them! They’re going to stay at the Demon Lord’s Castle! Dia’s going to be a good dad!
“This feels like the plot to the world’s most messed up fairytale.” MC jammed their hands into their pockets and grumbled. “I get sucked into hell and find out I’m royalty there. Great.”
Diavolo managed to smile and awkwardly reach out to give them a pat on the head, then retracted his hand after the kid shot him a glare. “Well, it’s not a very traditional fairytale, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here.”
“Mm, sure.” MC mumbled.
Okay, so his child wasn’t that enthusiastic about the exchange program, but Diavolo was sure they’d come around.
Dia tried everything he could possibly think of to get his kid to both like him and enjoy their time as an exchange student. A lot of things had… mixed results.
Also, legally recognizing MC as his child and legitimizing them caused a big stink amongst the nobles who were opposed to the exchange program to begin with. So MC then had to deal with a few assassins. Wonderful. Fantastic. Show stopping. Dia, be a good dad and comfort your angsty murder target- I MEAN preteen.
They do manage to build a good relationship fairly quickly despite their less than stellar first impressions, and Diavolo made them a promise that he knew he wouldn’t ever break: he would let them live as normal a childhood as possible.
This means that MC gets to do all the normal kid stuff that Diavolo wasn’t allowed to do. It honestly works out great for everyone. MC gets to live their life, Diavolo gets the satisfaction of knowing that his kid’s having fun, and Barbatos doesn’t need to worry about MC causing chaos in the castle.
Man… does this kid’s magic potential scare the shit out of everyone though…
Tired Uncle Lucifer
No. This has to be a violation of his worker rights. It cannot be legal for him to be this stressed.
He knew this exchange program was a bad idea. LUCIFER FUCKING KNEW IT. This kid was judging him. Why did he suddenly feel self conscious about every single one of his features? This child was picking him apart and they hadn’t even said anything!
He confiscated Asmo’s phone immediately, this was a matter of national security! Satan’s too! Beel as- oh shit Lucifer may have to give Beel the heimlich maneuver, then take his phone.
When all the brothers eventually got back to the HOL, they were greeted with Mammon getting shaken down by Levi.
“Lucifer! Ya won’t believe this! Levi- what’s wrong with you?” “The exchange student is Diavolo’s child.” “What..?” “*pops the cork off a bottle of Demonus* the exchange student’s Diavolo’s child.”
The worst part about this kid was that they took to the privileges of being royalty like a fish to water. MC went out and did whatever the fuck they wanted, and Lucifer needed to make sure a state of national emergency wasn’t called just because MC picked a fight at RAD.
It didn’t help that MC was just so unimpressed with Lucifer. Anytime Lucifer would tell them not to do something they would just raise their eyebrows and challenge his authority without saying a word.
What the fuck.jpg
The things he does for his prince boyfriend…
Cool Uncle Mammon
Huh, so this little pipsqueak is Lord Diavolo‘s kid? Hm, do ya think they’d let him into the royal treasury? No? Okay… lame.
Mammon then decides this kid would be just perfect for scamming people! Who is going to say no to the Crown Prince’s kid? A suicidal person, that’s who!
And the kid is… up for it? Wow, Mammon didn’t even have to grovel! Awesome!
It’s such a shame that Lucifer came in and promptly removed MC from Mammon’s presence. Tsk, killjoy…
Mammon and MC do get along swimmingly after MC stops angsting. Whenever they hang out it’s pure chaos.
And they would have gotten away with it too- wait, they do get away with it. Because who’s going to question the Crown Prince’s kid? >:)
Reclusive Uncle Leviathan
Levi was in the middle of throttling Mammon for his money back when Lucifer burst through the door looking like he had spent over 1000 Grimm on a gacha game only to not get the card he wanted.
And where was that human he said would be staying with them? Huh? The human’s HUH????!!!!
… wack. Maybe he shouldn’t have skipped out on that Student Council Meeting…
Either way, ew, new person he needed to talk to. NO THANKS. Well, no thanks until MC started to visit the HOL to hang out with Mammon. Of course those two normies decided to bug him. OF COURSE.
Levi finally snapped when MC loudly proclaimed that they could totally beat Levi in Mario Kart. Haha, NO. Levi challenged the little runt to a 1 v 1 race on Rainbow Road.
Kid lost. Obviously. Rainbow Road is rigged.
Honestly, kid’s alright. Still a total normie, but not completely terrible.
Cat Uncle Satan
Huh, a half human child of the soon to be demon king, how very interesting.
Oh, and just look at Lucifer’s face. :D priceless. Satan wished he was fast enough to get his DDD out to snap a picture, but he wasn’t able to…
But back to MC, oh how very intriguing. How much power do they have in comparison to Diavolo? Will using that power rip their fragile little body apart? Would they learn to control it? Satan was just dying to find out.
His feelings on the child themselves were mixed at best. They were clearly unhappy with the situation and Satan could sympathize, being thrust into a completely new world and then being told you can’t leave and are also royalty? That has to be hard. But this kid was still being an unreasonable little shit.
Satan continued to try and study MC from afar until the kid themselves walked right up to him and half demanded half pleaded for his help in studying for a test.
Not being one to avoid an opportunity to flex how smart he is, Satan agreed to help out. (Nerrrrd)
And honestly, it went well. When the kid wasn’t being a little shit, they were actually quite pleasant to be around.
Overly Affectionate Uncle Asmo
Listen, when Asmo asked Lucifer to pick a cute human, he didn’t mean cute as in CHILD.
This kid was DIAVOLO’S?! What lucky human had gotten to have the experience of [Jesus Fucking Christ, Asmo I’m not writing what he said for the sake of the nation]
Anyhoo~ little MC just made his heart go “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO CUTE!” They were so cute Asmo could just eat them up!
But they were so mean! That scowl they always had on was going to give them wrinkles and ruin their perfectly cute face!
Sigh, oh well. He can’t manually rearrange people’s expressions. What he can do is take this child shopping. Poor Diavolo was constantly in his RAD uniform, this poor innocent baby shouldn’t have to suffer the same fate.
The kid continued to scowl at everything, but at the same time, their little quips were very entertaining. This little kid spitting verbal venom at anyone who displeased them reminded Asmo of someone… he just couldn’t place who, but they definitely had amazing hair and a cute face :3
Hungry Uncle Beel
Where’s the takeout- I mean human? What’s happening? …are all humans this small? Dang, that’s barely enough for a snack.
So the human’s not going to live with us because they’re not fully human and Diavolo’s kid? Huh. Wild. Anyway, what’s for dinner?
Beel’s not too invested in this drama, he misses Belphie too much to be that interested…
The kid’s weirdly interested in how cool and strong Beel is though. MC tails him to the gym pretty often.
Diavolo and Beel already being gym buddies send tweet-
Since this benevolent little shit likes Beel so much, they decided to take it upon themselves to help with the family drama.
Beel finds that very sweet 🥺
Murder sleepy Uncle Belphie
Oh man… if you thought Belphie was being unfair to L!MC due to their parentage… hoo boy…
When this kid waltzed up the attic steps like they ran the place, Belphie needed to hold himself back from trying to break down the door and throttle this kid.
Pff, of course Diavolo would have a half human kid. Of course.
…kid beat the shit out of him when he tried to kill them. We stan this MC.
After all is said and done, Belphie still isn’t overly fond of MC. They’re brash and rude and only funny 40% of the time. They don’t even like napping 😒
But Beel likes the little runt, so Belphie and MC put up with each other.
Bonus! Your Angelic Uncle Simeon’s Chihuahua
:0 friend!
MC: *speaks*
>:0 not friend! Begone! *throws crucifix*
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