#hope sketch answers are okay will yall
better-in-threes · 1 year
Hydrogen Peroxide, eh? Bleaching bones seems like it'd take quite a bit. Might not hurt to take a look around Ponyville General to see if any has been stolen, or Rich's Barnyard Bargains to ask if anypony has bought any in bulk.
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"they also noted that usually it was a different pony, which does help even if it doesn't point to anyone. Apparently the last thief wasn't seen since, I wonder if all of them disappeared too? Maybe sent to do dirty work before they were killed. Scary stuff"
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pinknightsinmymind · 2 years
【 from rivalry to idolatry, pt. 2 - ellie williams 】
ellie williams x fem!reader
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wc: 3.2k
link to part one
content: modern!au, angst, arguments again, enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, mutual (secret but then not) pining, confession, eventual fluff, resolution
a/n: part two!!! the only reason i split this up into two parts is bc it would've been WAY too long as one. i hope yall are enjoying this oneshot mini series :)
Things between you and Ellie continued to be awkward for months to come, and it only amplified once the spring semester started. Competition was right around the corner, and once more you two would have to face each other. Ellie would never admit it, but she was out of ideas. She had no idea what to make, no idea what the judges wanted, what people expected of her. She knew they wanted something grand, but she didn’t know how to give that to them.
She’d stay in the pottery room for hours, sketching, sculpting, testing out different forms, but nothing came to her. She was so lost. She didn’t know what to do with herself, she didn’t know how she felt towards you, and she didn’t know what to do for this fucking competition. She kept shaping the clay, moving it and testing it, and for a second it felt like she had an idea. A morsel of inspiration. She followed the clay as it moved, twisting it and turning it, then nothing. Nothing. Nothing was coming to her.
“Fuck!” she yelled. She stopped pushing the pedal and smashed the clay with her fists. She tilted over the potter’s wheel, the tabletop making a loud clang! as it collided with the ground. “Motherfucker!” She kicked the clay a few times then collapsed on the floor as hot, angry tears poured out her eyes.
“E-Ellie?” a voice asked in the distance. You had forgotten one of your sketchbooks the last time you had been in the pottery room, so you made a trip that night to retrieve it. You could've waited till the morning, but you needed it to attempt to work on your competition piece. Ellie looked up to see you had entered the room, which made her despair feel a thousand times worse. She had always put up an image with you. She made herself look tough, strong, like the biggest asshole on campus, and now here she was collapsed on the floor sobbing in frustration. You had seen her be weak.
“[Y/N], please, leave me alone.”
“Are you okay?”
“Just stay away from me.”
“I can’t just leave you like this, Ellie,” you insisted. You stepped closer to where she was, and she couldn’t believe you weren’t listening.
“[Y/N], goddammit, I said get the fuck away from me. I don’t want you anywhere near me.”
You didn’t listen to her and instead got down on your knees to where she was. You extended your hand towards her.
“Hey, just talk to me,” you whispered. She shook her head.
“No. Not you. Not you of all people.”
“Why not?”
“You wouldn’t understand. I don’t know how you do it. How do you not snap under the pressure?”
“It’s not easy, but I don’t let myself get consumed by it,” you answered. It clearly wasn’t the response she wanted, because she seemed even more upset than before.
“Just fuck off, please.”
“I’m just trying to help you.”
“I don’t want your fucking help!” she shouted. She stood up quickly and you followed suit.
“God, Ellie, I can't believe you. I am so tired!” you yelled back. You had always argued back with her, but she hadn’t expected you to snap at her during a moment like this. She had hoped you would just give up on her and leave.
“Tired of what?” she asked.
“I am tired of this back and forth. Aren’t you? It’s been three—almost four fucking years. We need to grow up.”
“Oh, right, because I’m so immature and you’re just the perfect grown-up.”
“That’s not what I said. Stop putting words in my mouth. That’s all you ever do. You push and you push me away, but you don’t ever think about how I feel.”
“Then how do you feel, [Y/N]? Do you hate my guts? Do you wish I was never born? Do you hate seeing my face everyday?”
“No!” you yelled at her. “God, you always do this. I don’t hate you, Ellie! I never have! You know what I have hated? Not being able to be friends with you. Always having to argue with you. I miss the way it was when we were freshmen. We could get along then, and I want that back.”
“How could you not hate me? I’m a piece of shit, I’m an asshole, and all I ever do is argue with you.”
“Because I know deep down inside you don’t hate me,” you pleaded.
Ellie said nothing as she just stared at you. She didn’t deserve anything from you, not even your kindness, but she couldn't hold back anymore. She couldn’t carry the weight of the pressure anymore, and that’s when she finally snapped.
“I-I don’t,” Ellie finally sobbed out. “I just hate everything.” The tears flowed out her eyes, and before she could stop you, you pulled her in. You wrapped your arms around her strongly. “I don’t know what I’m doing. What am I gonna do with myself? I don’t want this anymore.” The words kept spilling out her mouth. “I don’t want to be an artist, and I don’t care to win this competition anymore. None of this is what I want.” You rubbed her back gently, and that’s when you finally felt her hug you back.
“It’s okay,” you said quietly. “Everything will be okay.”
“I’ve been such an asshole to you. I don’t deserve your kindness.”
“We’ll talk about that later,” you said. “Right now, we’re talking about you.”
“Everyone said we were supposed to be rivals, and we let that get between us. I felt like I wasn’t worthy to be your rival, or to be praised by our professors. I felt like I wasn’t good enough for anything. I wanted to prove myself, and now that I’ve won I hate it.”
“You are enough, Ellie, and you’re worthy of everything. Everything you do is good enough, and you’re the only person I’ve ever considered my competition. No one else can compete with me but you.”
“Do you mean that?” You could hear her sniffling.
“I do.” You rubbed her back once more, toying with the loose strands of hair close to her neck. “I don’t know what I’m doing for this competition either.”
“That makes two of us,” she joked, and it was the first time in a long time you had heard her laugh.
“I haven’t heard you laugh in forever.” You tightened your arms around her. “I’ve missed it.” That only made Ellie sob more.
“I’ve missed being your friend,” Ellie choked out. “I hated being enemies.”
“Me too.” You two stayed like that for a while, just standing in each other’s arms, and that’s when you had an idea. “Who said we have to do a single submission?” you asked.
“What do you mean?” Ellie asked, pulling away to finally look at you. Ellie’s eyes may have been red from all her crying, but to you she was still as pretty as she had always been.
“Why don’t we partner up?” you asked. As soon as the words left your mouth, Ellie pulled you into an even tighter hug. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, you idiot.” And for the first time in a long time, you two laughed together.
You both started working on your project together immediately. You came up with different concepts together, drew rough sketches, looked for inspiration, everything. In fact, all the time you two were spending together was beginning to mend your relationship. You two spent a lot of time talking about what went wrong, why you were both so horrible to each other, and how sorry both of you were. It honestly helped you both to understand each other better, and other people began to notice. Whispers began spreading among other students about how Ellie Williams and [Y/N] [L/N] weren’t fighting anymore, and many of them were trying to figure out why. Two sworn enemies suddenly best friends? It just doesn’t happen without a cause. One night, while working extra late together, the two of you finally developed an idea for your work.
“We should do something based on the Greeks!” you said excitedly.
“Holy shit, you’re a genius!” Ellie shouted. She high-fived you before pulling you into a hug. She could smell your perfume, and for a moment she felt like she was weak in the knees, struggling to compose herself. The two of you pulled away and whipped out your sketchbooks, immediately generating ideas. Ellie looked over at you, at the way you scribbled passionately. She could see how excited and fired up you were, and this was the kind of fire she liked on you, not the angry kind. It was then that she realized she knew how she truly felt for you. She wanted you. The question was: would you ever want her? Was she even worthy? After how she had treated you for years? That revelation itself felt like it had been bestowed upon her by the gods, like she had been struck by Cupid’s bow. Love and hate: it was the progression of your relationship. Was there ever anything so similar but so different at the same time? The thought provided Ellie with the inspiration she needed.
“What if we create a goddess? One that has two natures? Like love and war, or creation and destruction?” she asked.
“I like it!” You flipped to a new page and began drawing up new ideas to share with Ellie. After more brainstorming you eventually came up with the idea for your created goddess. One half of her would be beautifully dressed in a gown, while the other half of her would be dressed for war. It would take at least three months to complete, but that was alright. It was a team effort, wasn’t it? For the first time in a long time Ellie felt excited to be participating in the competition, all thanks to you.
The months passed slowly at first, until they began to go by rapidly. Ellie loved everyday with you, and you looked forward to your late nights with her more and more. The day began to feel incomplete if you didn’t see her. That night you were the first to arrive at the art room you used to work on your project. Ellie arrived a little late, but that was because she came with coffee, and she managed to get you your favorite. You were touched that she remembered.
“What are we working on today?” you asked.
“We’re shaping with metal rods. So we gotta get her shape and all that done.”
“Okay, got it,” you said with determination. Ellie pulled out the large, wooden board she had left in the room this morning for your work tonight. She laid it flat on the floor and began working on connecting the rods for the feet to the board. She rolled her sleeves up as she got busy, making sure the feet were placed in the position you both wanted. For the side of the goddess that wore a gown, she could just place three rods, two of them slanted diagonally towards the middle one, in order to hold the shape of it. However, the other side would just require one straight rod and a smaller one on the board for her foot. Once Ellie was satisfied she stood up from her prone position on the floor and took a drink from her coffee.
“Alright, the base is set up, so we just gotta connect the hips and torso and all that.” You nodded and grabbed the other rods on the table and handed them to Ellie. You worked on connecting them together, dead set on getting her pose correct. Although you helped put the pieces together, Ellie refused to let you tighten them. She wanted to take care of it so you didn’t have to.
“You need any help?” you asked. She shook her head.
“No, I got it.”
“You sure?” You didn’t want her to do too much work.
“Yeah,” she answered. “Don’t worry your pretty little head, okay?” If this was the old Ellie you would’ve taken that sarcastically, but the softness of her voice let you know she was being sincere. You got closer to her and watched her work.
“So you think I’m pretty?” you teased. You watched her arms flex as she bent and shaped the rods then tightened them together. You could see the small beads of sweat sliding down her neck.
“You want me to be honest?” she asked.
“Yes. I want you to tell me exactly what you think.”
“I think you’re very pretty,” she finally said. “You’re so pretty it hurts. Sometimes I can’t breathe.” Her back straightened once she finished and she turned towards you. When she looked at you and saw how the light shone on you, she thought she saw an angel. She liked the way you looked at her, the way you watched her while she worked. It made her feel good, worthwhile. It just felt so natural and so right to have you here with her while she worked. Working together with you felt natural. She couldn’t stop herself as she reached over and kissed your cheek.
“I’m—I’m so sorry,” she apologized once she realized what she’d done. There was a surprised expression on your face, but you still said nothing as you only stared at each other. She felt everything crashing down on her. Had she ruined everything after the two of you had just fixed things?
“I don’t mind,” you finally said. You grabbed her hand and laced your fingers with hers. “It’s alright with me.” Ellie couldn’t believe it. You were actually alright with her kissing you? You weren’t angry?
“Really?” she asked.
“I’m sure.”
Ellie scanned your face, realizing how much she truly loved you and everything about you. She adored you. She worshipped you. All these years she had just been pushing away that love because everyone around her made her feel like she couldn’t love you, and that you could only ever be her nemesis. While memorizing every feature of your face, her eyes landed on your lips. She wanted you more than she’d ever wanted anything in her whole life.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked. She blurted the words out before she could even think twice, before she could even stop herself.
“As many times as you want,” you answered. Ellie grabbed your arms and pulled you into her as her lips landed on yours. She grabbed your chin as she kissed you until her lips were the only thing you could think of. Your hands immediately found their way to her hair as she kissed you intensely. Was this what the two of you had wanted all along? Ellie knew in her heart this was what she always wanted: to be with you, not against you, and that’s exactly how you felt. All you ever wanted was to be able to be close to Ellie the way you always knew possible. You wanted to salvage the relationship you could’ve had had you not been pitted up against each other, and now you had. When you two finally pulled away, you stared into each other’s eyes in awe. You wanted to kiss Ellie over and over again.
“I haven’t always treated you right, or like you deserve, and I’m sorry for that,” Ellie said. “I want to change that. I’ll spend my whole life repenting if I have to.”
“I think we both became horrible people to each other,” you added.
“Yeah, but more so me than you.”
“You were challenging at times,” was all you said. Ellie laughed and you could feel her hands rubbing your back. Her touch was more comforting than you ever imagined.
“That’s a polite way to put it.” Ellie was beautiful like this. Her eyes were bright, she had a carefree smile on her face, and her expression was just soft.
“You know what this feels like right now?” you asked. “When we were freshmen, we just met each other, everything was new, and we were friends. This is how that feels.”
“Oh,” Ellie said. “Am I being friend-zoned?”
“Oh, shit, wait, no,” you stumbled. “That wasn’t the best way to put it. What I mean is things feel the way they did when we first met and when things hadn’t changed yet.”
“Makes sense. Yeah, I don’t think you kiss your friends, [Y/N],” she joked.
“I know that.”
“You wanna get back to our project?” she asked. You nodded.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
After hours of work you and Ellie finally finished your base at midnight. You both let out sighs of release once it was finished, glad your project was one step closer to completion—though far away from now. The months leading up to the competition passed without much hardship. Making the piece no longer felt like a burden, but something enjoyable now. As Ellie worked she found herself eyeing her tattoo more and more. She really loved every part of it, but also the way she appreciated it as well. If she loved getting tattoos so much, she began to wonder if she’d love doing them just as much. That night, while she lay in bed staring at her tattoo, she realized she may have found something to do with herself.
You were ecstatic when the day of the competition came. You would finally get to show off all your hard work with Ellie. The sculpture turned out more beautiful than you thought it would, and you learned more about using clay than you ever knew before. Ellie definitely taught you a lot and helped you improve. You and Ellie worked together on everything, but you also used your own personal skills to enhance certain aspects of it. You used your painting techniques to make the woman’s eyes stand out, to emphasize the harsh nature of her war clothes, the dimensions in her hair. Ellie’s impeccable sculpting technique was used to create a strong form that was incredibly symmetrical. The sculpture was striking to say the least. Her beautiful, white gown, her contrasting dark war attire, the regality of her expression, and the fact that everything about her commanded your respect, which you liked the most.
The competition’s judges were surprised to see that you and Ellie had teamed up for the piece, but they welcomed it. They seemed impressed with it and asked you both many questions about the story behind it and your creative process.
“Do you think we’ll win?” you asked Ellie.
“To be honest, I don’t really care if we win,” Ellie said simply. You were surprised by her answer. In the past she had cared about winning so much that it tore her apart, but she was different now. You both were.
“What changed?”
“It’s not important to me anymore. I don’t really care about the art world or what it has to say about me. It’s not the kind of art I want to make, anyways.”
“Well, do tell me what kind you want to make then,” you implored.
“I want to be a tattoo artist,” she announced. “I think it suits me better.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” you replied.
“You can be the professional artist in this relationship,” she said, leaning over to kiss your cheek. “I’ll brag about you, hang your paintings up in my studio, and talk about my artist girlfriend every five minutes.”
“You have quite the way with words.”
“How else will I seduce you?” she asked. She reached for your hand before clasping it into hers. “As long as I’m with you, everything is okay.”
Like Ellie predicted you didn’t win the art competition, but neither of you were too upset about this. Ellie felt like she couldn’t be mad, not when she had you. You were more important than any competition.
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moodyclouds89 · 2 years
Mitsuya x fem reader
[A/n: I'm back with another angst😍 yall miss me?😈 or my angst...anyway enjoy!]
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So what is it like seeing the one person you love marry someone else?
You told yourself as you watched him pick her up and spin her around as the newly wed couple laughed in happiness. 
He always told you that you were his, that he loves you and that he can't wait to marry you someday and have a family with you. So why isn't it you kissing him and hugging him as people walk up to them to congratulate them?
Why aren't you the one that he proposed to that day?
Why isn't it you up there instead of her?
You watched from the sidelines as big smiles adore both of their faces. You grabbed your purse before quickly walking out of there.
*how fucking stupid*
You told yourself as you made your way to your car. 
*why did I come?*
You thought while turning on your car and quickly driving away. You ignored the calls as you continued to drive back to your house. You could feel the arch in your heart remembering how happy he looked.
"Lair…" You whispered out as you tried to wipe away the tears that were now blurring your vision. 
"I like you" He said as he waited nervously for your answer. You hug him in excitement as a beautiful smile adored your face. 
"I like you too!" 
Words couldn't describe how happy you were at that moment. The boy you have been crushing on since freshman year also feels the same!
"I love you" He said one night when you two were cuddle up on the couch. You could feel your heart race as he kissed your forehead.
"Love you too" 
"What do you think?" He says while showing you a beautiful sketch of a lovely wedding dress. You gasp as you look at all the beautiful details of the dress.
"It's beautiful" He blushes at that and pulls you on his lap.
"I've been working on it for 2 years now…"
"2 years?!"
"Yeah" He sheepishly said as he look back on the sketch. "It's for you"
"You're wedding dress" you could feel your cheeks heat up as he said this.
"Been working on it ever since you describe your dream dress" 
Oh Mitsuya…
You scoff at the memory. That same dress that he made specifically for you, was the same dress she wore for her wedding.
"Made just for you my ass" you said as you parked your car. You sat in silence as you thought about what went wrong.
You loved him. You loved him so much that you're ashamed to say that you still do. 
What did you do wrong?
Nothing..it was all him. 
He was the one who broke up the relationship. Because he didn't love you anymore. Because he fell out of love and fell for someone else.
He fell for her
He left you for her
You vividly remember that night. The night he broke up with you.
"Yes?" You said as you came out of your shared bathroom. You notice that he still had his work clothes on which confused you.
"Something wrong-"
"I'm sorry"
"Huh?" You looked at him confused as he just stared at you with sad eyes.
"Suya is everything-"
"Let's break up" You froze at his words as you tried processing them.
Let's break up
"W-what are you- are you okay suya?" You said while trying to ignore the fact that he wants to break up with you. He sighs as he sits down on the bed.
"I-I…I noticed that lately….I have been feeling off."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean…I don't feel that same spark that we had..and I try to fix it but I can't.."
No..he doesn't mean-
"Taka..you don't mean-" He sighs as he buries his face in his hand.
"I just- I don't love you anymore…"
Those words shattered your heart within seconds. You could feel the tears starting to slowly build up.
"I also…I have also been feeling different for someone else"
Did he cheat on me?
"Did you cheat on me?"
"No! No, I would never" 
"I just have been feeling something for a certain someone…"
"Who is it?
"Huh?" "Who is it Mitsuya?" You asked while trying not to break down in front of him. But he knows, he knows how you feel and he feels like an ass hole.
For giving you hope that you two would be together forever. That nothing would get in the way between you two.
"It's my assistant…yuri"
That night he left you alone and came back the next day to pick up his stuff.
Though that happened 3 years ago…
But you still haven't moved on from it..and you probably never will.
Tag: @mor-pheus
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
Soooo.... Your posts on intention of sharing have made me stop and think. Like a lot .. and I've come to some of my own realisations.
But I also wanted to say that I hope we *also gestures at the void* don't make you feel like you have to? Obviously we will gorge ourselves on what you do decide to share but I was having a chat with another friend earlier about the pressure of sharing when people know you have created something and it can be a lot.
And that I'm glad you didn't delete the thing even if you decide not to share it. Because it's got to have been important for it to have come out? Maybe. I dunno.
Anyway. I hope I'm not out of place by saying this. 😬🧡
Friend!!! Not out of place. Never <3 <3
bare with me though because this is a lengthy response, because i wanted to respond to all the moving parts in thisss
honestly sharing and intention is something i think about all the time, as someone who has always been a creative person ("art for arts sake" is like a constant thought in my head) and this year in particular ive focused alot more on writing (both here and outside of here).
And im glad that my babbling reached....someone. and someone else stopped to think (and tbh, the first post was made in response to a lot of the ugly things ive seen in *gestures to the void* lately that have made me...think about intention more deeply. and think there's lessons to be learned in...sharing things that were probably left kept to themselves)
And YES. . I honor whatever i create even if it goes nowhere. Like its OKAY to have things just be for yourself because that means it was important to you!! (Also not to be like Art History up in here, but it actually makes me quite sad when i see museums commodifying artists private journal entries and tiny sketches. Like...those...those werent FOR you. You know? It feels so invasive sometimes.)
And to your last point--pressure to share when people KNOW theres been something made? i'm still grappling with this. i've uh, made a post about this before too about not all art being a commodity, and i think...that's something (esp as followers grow on here for me, and my own little world is suddenly media consumption for more people than i would've ever thought) others need to be reminded of, on occasion.
not to put pressure on creators to share. not to put pressure on creators WHEN to share. not to put pressure on ourselves to made everything available to the public. like...you know when you cook a meal? for an entire family? I'm currently thinking about when i make pupusa's, and its like a WHOLE DAY IN THE KITCHEN affair, and its like you make 12 to give out, and you eat some as well. so by the end of your day in the kitchen, you're full and the community is fed as well.
like...i have to save some just for me. creators can save things just for themselves (also your phrasing of GORGING yourselves on my content/pupusa's was just perfect <3)
BUT, i will say that...and this is a very recent thing, I've come to pay attention when i want to share something, but just need some...time to sit with it, or need a baby step (why do yall think i post so many dribbles on tumblr?), I'll reach out to someone whom i know and trust to carry my secret and start sharing there and for that reason alone, i am so incredibly grateful for this weird little void.
(and even this response, which typically i would answer privately, i'm going to make public because...i dunno. maybe someone else will think about these things too)
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3-aem · 3 years
Hi, I hope you're doing okay !!
I was wondering if you ever would want to show your digital drawing process? I think procreate has a time lapse replay thing but I'd love to even hear about the way you create? Do you look at alot of references, do you do any lineart? Any tips and tricks you've learned over the years?
I apologise if the questions are inappropriate and i don't mean to be invasive: I'm just fascinated by your type of style and I can't wrap my mind around how realistic your art ends up being ❤
ahhhhh thank you for asking <3 <3 <3!! Procreate does! But tldr I'm not really comfortable showing my process ;; i might be down to show small snippets in the future if yall want!
asdfjadf i also lowkey don't like giving art tips anymore bc i feel like it's saying i know what I'm doing. But to answer ur questions specifically:
I use references and I do the minimum amount of lineart. For my style I don't need to line extensively. My sketches aren't the neatest so I still need to line a bit. Most get erased or colored over.
And as the broadest most generic advice. Practice a lot, experiment from time to time to see what you like and what works. Look at artwork you like too. And maybe just try to emulate some elements.
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mar1garden · 5 years
At First Sight
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okay. so i DID say i dont rly write non-daminette maribat ships but im SO WEAK FOR SOULMATES that i just couldnt turn down this request. so here yall go first time writing timari (WARNING: THIS IS ANGSTY UNTIL LIKE. THREE QUARTERS OF THE WAY THROUGH. IM SO SORRY BUT LIKE. YEA SORRY) (WARNING TWO: I PUT SO MUCH SUGAR IN HERE. IM SORRY. THERE IS SO FUCKIN MUCH) @minightrose hope you like it fjdhhdj
Marinette was used to the whispers behind her back. She was the only member of her class without a soulmark, after all. It was to be expected.
Chloe had, when they were younger, made sure everyone knew that Marinette was unmarked. She’d said it meant Marinette didn’t have a soulmate, that she was unlovable. Though she’d always tried to brush off others’ comments, it still hurt. The words pierced deep, and on that day Marinette decided that if she was to be unloved, no one around her would ever feel that way.
She took time every day to make sure someone around her felt uplifted. She brought treats, made gifts, talked with people who were alone. Chloe was cruel to her still, telling her that pretending to be nice would never change her. Telling her that, no matter what she did, she would never have a soulmate.
After so many years, Marinette began to believe her.
When she became Ladybug, her world changed. She had always stood up for others, never herself. But something about defeating a giant stone monster that used to be your classmate makes it easier to stand up for yourself, and so she did. Marinette, once a timid but kind presence, retained her kindness, shedding all of the timidity that once defined her.
She quickly became friends with the new kids, especially after Alya stood up for her and Adrien apologized about the gum. Her, Alya, Adrien, and Nino became close friends. It was one afternoon in the beginning weeks of spring that found the four of them hanging out in the park near the bakery. Chloe had walked over, a malicious smile on her face.
“You know what I just realized, Dupain-Cheng?” she asked without preamble. “These two don’t know about you!” she added, gesturing to Alya and Adrien. The two looked between her and Marinette, who was quickly paling. 
“Chloe, don’t, please-” she protested, standing up quickly. She adopted a pleading look, her eyes wide and scared. Chloe simply laughed.
“Adrikins, Cesaire, did you know that our resident little goody-two-shoes here has no soulmate? That’s right! She’s unlovable, isn’t that right?” Laughing, Chloe walked away as Marinette wrapped her arms around herself.
She looked like she was trying physically to hold herself together. Her eyes were downcast, pooling with tears. She was unlovable. Why had she thought otherwise? She had no soulmark. She had no soulmate. Alya and Adrien would leave her, would think she was a freak like everyone else did. Nino would leave her too; he had only become her friend because there was safety in numbers. She would be alone again, she would be all alone-
Her train of thought was cut off when arms wrapped around her gently. She wrenched her eyes open to see a familiar blue t-shirt. She hugged Nino back, letting the tears stream down her face. More arms wrapped around her and she recognized Alya’s hands where they rested around Nino’s shoulders. When Adrien joined the group hug, Marinette allowed herself to smile. Her friends weren’t going to leave her. Her friends were by her side.
A year later, a new new girl had joined their class. Marinette feared repercussions when she told her to stop lying, but Lila never followed through on her threat. Two weeks after she’d declared war on Marinette, Chloe had told the class that Lila didn’t have a soulmark either. After class, Marinette had found Lila and told her she was also unmarked. Lila confessed to Marinette that her soulmark had disappeared when she was young, that her soulmate had died before she’d even had a chance to meet them. She cried in Marinette’s arms, and Marinette had readily comforted her.
The next day, when Marinette came in with personalized macarons for everyone, Lila looked at her with an odd mix of gratitude, surprise, and hope. The two became friends after that, baked goods and shared struggle helping Marinette connect to Lila.
When Marinette won the class a trip to Gotham for their end-of-year trip, the first people she told were Alya and Lila. The class found out soon after, but for a moment, the three of them were the only ones who knew. 
On the plane, they discussed plans. All of them slept a bit, just so the jetlag wouldn’t be too bad when they got to America. Marinette slept soundly, knowing she had the horse miraculous in her pocket in case of emergency. 
Wayne Enterprises was beautiful, and Marinette had to catch up to the class multiple times because she got sidetracked sketching out ideas for WE inspired outfits. At the end of the tour, they were going to meet the young CEO of the company. All of them were excited; he was just over their age and was already running his own company? He must be a genius!
What they were not expecting to see was a sleep-deprived teenager holding three cups of coffee. They were expecting it even less when he downed all three of them in around four seconds. He blinked his eyes open and swept his gaze over the class. When his eyes met Marinette’s, they both felt a shock go through them.
Wow, her eyes are really blue. Better keep her away from B, he might adopt her.
<<Wait, what? I didn’t think that!>>
I didn’t think that. Wait-
“Miss Bustier? I need to go to the bathroom, is there one on this floor?” Marinette asked, panic kicking in. How could she hear this kid’s thoughts? How could he hear hers? What if he heard something he shouldn’t?
The CEO spoke up. “There is. I can show you where it is, if the class is okay with waiting for a minute.” His voice sounded the same as it had in her mind. He walked over to her and took her arm gently, walking with her towards the restroom.
As soon as they were out of earshot of anyone, he quietly answered her unspoken question. “I’m your soulmate,” he said unprompted. Marinette blinked owlishly at him.
“That’s impossible? You don’t have a soulmark, so you can’t have a soulmate? That’s not quite true. I don’t have a mark either, so I looked it up when I realized I wasn’t going to develop a mark. There are intangible marks, though they’re very rare. This is one of them. That said,” he turned to her, now that they were out of the class’s line of sight. 
That said, he repeated, if you don’t want a soulmate, we can pretend this never happened.
She shook her head furiously. Of course I want a soulmate! I just can’t believe it. Oh my god. I have a soulmate!!
He looked at her curiously. Before, you were thinking in French. Are you thinking in English on purpose now? he asked, taking her hand gently between his.
Marinette blinked. No, I guess I just heard you and switched. It felt easier than trying to translate. Why?
It’s just, he replied, you sound so lovely speaking French.
Marinette turned bright red as the two went back to the group.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 23 - ricky horror
title: one in seven
its official where i live! marry christmas and happy holidays to yall. i hope you all have a great day and enjoy the last couple fics of the year! thanks again for reading and sharing, i love you all and wish you all the best in 2021.
prompt: Notes and gifts from a "secret Santa" take a strange turn
request from: n/a
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @thisplace-ishaunted @xyours-eternallyx
one week. thats all that was left. five days till christmas day and i was all but turned off by the idea of gifts and celebration and parties and everything else that came with the holiday. i think my secret santa knew that though, whoever it was. dont get me wrong, i didnt mind being on the road for christmas, i didnt like the day, and i didnt have family to spend time with so it didnt really matter. but little did i know at the beginning of this that everyday i would wake up to something weirder in my stocking. and not even in a bad way, cause the two things id received already were super awesome.
and yes, it was the guys idea to put stockings up and do secret santa. that way we each got something small the seven days before christmas and the day of we would ultimately find out who our gift giver was over dinner as they gave us one final larger present. and dont get me wrong, i was an excellent gift giver, already two days in and vinny had loved the two things i had secretly slipped into his stocking but i was getting more impatient. i wanted to know who was getting me things only a few people knew i wanted. and ultimately i wanted vinny to know who was giving him his gifts.
when i got up today i wasnt exactly sure what i was going to be pulling out of the stocking hanging outside my bunk. the first day i had gotten a skeleton hand mug, the second day i had gotten a bag of death wish coffee, and i really just wanted to know if the theme would continue. maybe this person was trying to tell me something. i laid in my bunk as my alarm went off, silencing it almost immediately since i was awake already, just staring at the ceiling. i tossed the blanket off and slid out of my bunk slowly, looking up at chris as he leaned back into the opposing one, sipping out of his Starbucks cup from yesterday.
i said and he held his cup to me in cheers.
he said groggily.
"you check your stocking yet?"
i asked and he nodded.
"yep, todays was a voodoo donut and a starbucks giftcard."
he said with a smile and i laughed.
"guess you get it twice a year now huh."
i said and he nodded contently,
"whats in yours?"
he asked and i turned around, my eyes going wide at how thick it looked. i drew my brows and reached my arm into it. i felt something soft graze my hand before pulling it out.
"awe, its so cute."
i said as i pulled the plush bat out, taking the black silk eye mask off of it and petting its head. i showed it to chris.
"either my secret Santa thinks i sleep too much or not enough."
i said with a laugh, putting the eye mask into my bag next to the coffee and mug. chris laughed a little bit as ricky slid his curtain over from behind him.
"what you guys talking about?"
he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"y/n's concerned with the gifts from her secret santa."
chris answered and rick raised a brow.
"how come?"
he asked and i shrugged, hugging the bat to my chest.
"ive gotten two things of coffee so far and two things to sleep with. im getting mixed signals to say the least."
i said with a laugh and he nodded, jumping down from his bunk with a thud.
"maybe they think you needed something to help you keep up the good work, and something to help you relax. you do work harder than all of us combined."
he mentioned, making me smile.
"thanks rick, i guess ill just have to wait another few days and ask when i find out who it is."
i said and he nodded.
"guess so."
"okay, this is getting more and more confusing."
i said, unwrapping the fuzzy blanket, holding it out to look at what was on it. the whole thing was solid black with alchemy symbols, pentagrams, crystal balls, and the likeness on it in bright pastel pinks and purples. it was really cute and matched the bat perfectly. all this stuff just had me wondering what i could be getting at dinner. i knew this blanket wasnt cheap, it had a black craft tag on it after all.
"whats confusing?"
vinny asked, holding the new bulls jersey in his hand.
"the theme of these is a little skewed to say the least."
i said and he shrugged.
"that looks comfy."
he said, running his hand over the side of it and i nodded.
"what else have you gotten?"
he asked and i sighed.
"coffee, a mug, a plush bat, a sleep mask, pastel bath bombs, a coffee and honey face scrub mask, fuzzy black and pink socks, and now this blanket. its like a care package."
i said and he shrugged.
"guess youll just have to find out at dinner, which we should probably get ready for."
as we all sat around the table i watched intently as we went down the line, each person giving their last gifts.  justin had chris, chris had ryan, ryan had aj, aj had justin, i had vin, vin had rick, and finally rick had me. as he got up he reached for a large box and my eyes went wide.
"okay y/n i know all week youve been trying to figure out what the hell this all could be leading up to but i asked all of the guys if we could pitch in on something so its not just from me."
i drew my brows.
"we all know you work ten times harder than the rest of us so we all wanted to do something special for you."
he said, setting the box down in front of me on the table.
"you guys didnt have to do that. you guys put so much into the band, im nothing special."
i said and he sent me a disapproving look.
"but you are, without you none of this would work. so as a thank you from all of us..."
he said, pointing to the box and i moved slowly to open it, all of them watching me intently. i ripped the paper off first, then going in to rip the tape off it and popping the sides open one at a time. when i pulled the tissue paper out of the way i drew my brows. in it was a large wooden box.
i asked, pulling it out and setting it on the table in place of the carboard box.
"open it."
chris said from across the table and i pushed the gold tab up, lifting the lid. as soon as i saw what was in it my mouth dropped. i wanted to inspect it more but my vision was going blurry at the tears behind my eyes.
"you guys."
i said, closing it and standing up to give rick a hug.
"so i take it you like it?"
he asked and i nodded against him, pulling away and wiping the tears off my face.
"its beautiful."
i said, opening the box back up and looking over the kit of art supplies. there was everything i could ever ask for in here: a water color palette, gouache, oil pastels, soft pastels, colored pencils, drawing pencils, two sketch pads, brushes, the whole nine yards.
"we wanted to get you something that you enjoy and that relaxes you. this whole week ive been building up stuff that could make you comfortable during or after a long work day: comfy stuff to sleep with, coffee when youre running around making sure we're all in line, spa stuff to help you chill at home. they all helped with this idea but we thought it could be something to get you out of the real world when youve had enough. and now youll think of all of us when you use it."
he said with a wide smile and i couldn't help crying again.
"you guys take such good care of me."
i said through a sniffle as vin leaned over and hugged me, then Justin leaned in and did the same, pretty soon all of them were standing around me in big a group hug.
"we love you y/n, we wouldnt get anything done without you and we're so glad to call you a team member and most importantly a friend."
rick said, as they all stood back up and went back to their seats.
"thank you guys, for everything. and thank you especially for making this a special christmas, the most special christmas ive ever had."
he squeezed my shoulder gently.
"youre part of the family now y/n, and we wouldnt want it any other way."
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ashsblurbs · 4 years
Young love
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*Not my Gifs* This fic mentions abuse briefly and Steve’s father is homophobic. I do not us derogatory language in my stories and I don’t plan on starting now. I hope yall enjoy
Steve stood by his locker, staring at the gorgeous Tony Stark. Tony was someone that everyone wanted to know, and Steve wanted to know him so badly. He knew how to light a room up when he entered it. At the same time, he was very quiet. Only had his three friends with him and would always find a quiet corner to study new innovations. Steve kept looking forward at him and dreamed that one day Tony would see him.
Tony turned and saw Steve was looking at him. Tony’s heartbeat faster not knowing what to do. He smiled and gave a little wave. Maybe today was the day he would talk to the football star of the school. The funny thing was Steve was the talk of the town, but no one knew anything about him. He kept to himself. He didn’t have any friends at school and often would eat lunch in the art room. Tony was very curious about him but every time he tried to get close to him, Steve would always disappear.
Tony made his way over to Steve. Today was the day he was going to get Steve to talk to him.
Steve watched as Tony made his way over to him. So, beautiful with dark amber eyes and kissable lips. He sucked in a breath, slammed his locker, and ran away before Tony could get close. Why was he so scared of talking to him? Maybe because he was scared that the guy he really liked and could see himself love one day wouldn’t have the same feeling back. It was easier to run than to face his fears of rejection.
Tony stopped halfway to where he was going. He watched as Steve ran off without even a single word was spoken between them. What is with Steve Rogers? Tony huffed; he was going to have to trap Steve somewhere to talk to him. Tony really liked him and would love to get to know him better but that would be impossible if Steve kept avoiding him. He felt a clap on his back, and he turned around to see his best friend Rhodey.
“No luck.” Tony shook his head no.
“Every time. Poof, he’s gone. What am I supposed to do if he won’t stay around long enough for me to say anything?” Rhodey shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know what to do to help his friend. All the people he ever liked was willing to talk to him and not run away.
“Well, I know that he has second lunch. Sneak out of calculus and ambush him there. He would have no other choice but to stay there and talk to you.” Tony nodded his head in agreement thinking that it was the best idea he had heard in a very long time.
Steve sat his lunch down in the back corner and pulled out some paper to sketch. This was the only place he felt like he could be himself instead of someone’s perspective of him. He heard the whispers about him but here he was able to shut out all of the noise and just draw. Sometimes he would draw his feelings, other memories that he wanted to hold on to. On special days he would draw Tony. Today seemed like one of those special days.
“Hey what are you drawing?” Steve jumped back by the sudden intrusion. He looked up and say it was Tony. He took his drawing and crumpled up in a ball and shoved it into his backpack. He could never let Tony see that. It would most likely freak him out.
“Nothing just doodles.” He started to gather his stuff to leave but Tony came and laid a hand on top of his stopping him from leaving. His breathing quickened. Tony was so close to him that if he leaned a little closer, he could touch Tony’s lips.
“Would it be okay if I hung out here with you? I brought snacks?” Tony held up a brown paper bag and gave him a smile. Steve sat back down and shook his head slightly yes. Tony pulled up a seat and sat across from him. They sat in a comfortable silence. Tony pulled out a journal of his finishing a sketch of one of his new inventions. Steve pulled out his own sketched pad and started sketching the window behind Tony.
“You’re a really quiet dude.” Steve paused and put down his pencil to look up at Tony.
“Yeah, I like to keep to myself. It’s easier that way.” Tony was taken back. On the surface Steve’s life looked amazing but Tony knew that wasn’t always true. If people could see the bruises on his ribs and back from his father their delusions of the Stark family would be shattered.
“I understand.” Steve analyzed hin to see if Tony was pitying him, but he could see that somehow, he sadly did understand. “Dad abuses me.” Tony lifted his shirt up to reveal more bruises then Steve could count. He swallowed the lump that was now in his throat so as not to cry. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around the man he loved and tell him that he would never let anyone ever do that again. Tony put his shirt back down and shrugged his shoulders like it didn’t bother him and that shattered Steve’s heart.
“Your turn.”
“My father is an ass too. Found out I was gay one night and took the cigar he was smoking and burned the tip of it on several spots on my shoulder. Said that I was a disgrace to the family. Punched me in the jaw and said the only reason he wasn’t kicking me out was that I was most likely was going to get a football scholarship to Notre Dame and that would make our family look good.” Steve gritted his teeth and pierced his lips into an angry smile. Shiver ran down Tony’s body. Howard was a cruel man and Tony didn’t know what would happen to him if his father knew he was bisexual. Tony could picture his own grave. Tears welled up in his eyes and he turned away to wipe them away fast.
“Can we be friends?” Steve shook his head yes. For the rest of the lunch period, they sat in silence trying to understand what they just told each other. Steve wished he wasn’t so afraid to talk to Tony before because it was nice to have someone that understood what he was going through.
Everyday then on they met each other in the art room. They would share stories back and forth. Some would make them laugh so hard that they would get in trouble by the next-door teacher for being too loud. Other times they would tell sad stories that would lead to them holding each other while the other would cry. They really found a best friend in each other. Either one of them couldn’t imagine what life was like before they truly met one another.
“You’re trying to tell me that Star Trek is better than Star Wars.” Tony rolled his eyes.
“Yes, especially the newer ones. Star Wars is so overrated.” Tony scoffed and through his wrapper at him which Steve dodged.
“You know what you are overrated.” Steve scoffed and showed Tony his photo of him with Spock ears. Tony made a fake offended face and turned away from Steve.
“You’re so dramatic. Hey, you’re still coming to my game tonight. I would love it if you came to watch.” Tony wouldn’t miss it for the world, and it would give him a chance for him to look at Steve’s butt in his football pants.
The stadium was packed for senior night. Tony sat next to Rhodey which was mad he was dragged to this game. He told Tony he didn’t want to come to his stupid boyfriend’s game in which Tony insisted that him and Steve were just friend. Rhodey knew better.
“Number twenty-nine. Steven Grant Rogers who is being escorted by his mother, Sarah Rogers, and father, Joseph Rogers. He would continue his football career at Notre Dame where he will study law.” Tony jumped up and screamed for Steve. Steve looked up with a smile. He waved which made his father squint his eyes at his son and his son’s friend.
Once the game was over, Tony ran down to the locker rooms to congratulate Steve for the win. He also thought that this would be the night he told Steve about his feelings. He didn’t want to go another day without being able to say Steve was his. To be able to kiss him and have his arms wrapped around him. He knew if they did take the next step it would be a secret for the sake of both of their lives.
Tony waited and waited, watching as each player walked in but there was no sign of Steve. He was getting worried.
“Stop it, Dad, he is just a friend. Why can’t we just be happy that we win and not have to talk about Tony.” Steve and his father were standing behind a tree away from other’s eyes. His father gripped his arm and pulled him in real close. He had a scowl on his face and his eyes were really dark. Any other night he would be afraid but not tonight. Not when his father was not only attacking him but also Tony.
“He better be just a friend. I’ve heard the rumors around town he was a fairy and I don’t want that rubbing off on my son.” Rage boiled through Steve’s veins.
“I was one, way before I met Tony.” His father pulled back and laid a hard punch to his right eye which would most likely would cause a black eye. His father pushed him down on the ground and spat on him.
“Don’t think about coming home tonight. You know what Sunday come and get your shit. You will never be welcomed back until you grow out of this because no son of mine will be a gay.” His father turned and left leaving Steve feeling angry but at the same time hollow.
Tony was about to be on his way to find Steve when he saw him coming. He ran towards him until he saw the way he looked. Tony slowed down to take in what he was seeing. He stopped in front of him placing a hand to Steve’s eye.
“Who did this?” Steve closed his eyes and brushed past him towards the locker rooms. Tony caught his hand and pulled him back towards him. “Talk to me.”
“Can we just go somewhere just the two of us? No questions. We can just be us for a while.” Tony nodded and let go of Steve’s hand allowing him to go change. Tony didn’t have to ask any questions because already knew all of the answers.
They drove and drove. Not a single word came from either of them. The only sound was the static from the radio. Steve finally parked on top of white creek mountain. In a flash, Steve was in Tony’s arms shaking and crying. Tony rubbed his hand up down his back trying to comfort him.
“It’s okay, just let it all out. Take your time.” Steve pulled back and there was a pause between them. They stared at each other taking in each other’s features. Tony’s chest tightened. All he wanted to do was kiss Steve. He wanted to take all of his pain away. In a moment Steve grabbed hold of his face and pulled him in close kissing him hard. Tony wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck pulling him closer, so they were now chest to chest. They kept kissing each one of them running out of air but wasn’t willing to pull apart. It was like both of their pain was being melted away and being replaced by love.
Steve was the first one to pull away leaving Tony dizzy and missing his touch. Steve turned away, not in shame but more to collect himself. He knew what he was going to do next would ruin so many things but at the same time, he had nothing to lose.
“Tony, I love you. I’ve loved you ever since you walked into the art room and brighten my world up. You make my life better by just being here. I want you to be in my life.” Tony bit his lip not to cry. Everything he wanted to hear he was hearing.
“I love you too, Steve. It doesn’t make any sense, but you make me feel whole. You know I am here for you. I will protect you with my last breath.” Steve pulled him back in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around him. Steve laid his head on Tony’s shoulder looking at the night sky.
“My dad did this. My dad also kicked me out, so I have nowhere to go.” Tony planted a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
“You can stay with me.” Steve shook his head.
“I can’t do that Tony. What about your dad?” Tony shushed him.
“Don’t worry about a thing.”
For months Steve and Tony dated in secret. Steve moved in with Tony and thankfully his dad only was home about five days out of the year, so they were able to be themselves when they were at home. Jarvis loved Steve and treated him like he was his own son. Steve hadn’t seen his parents again after he went and picked up his things which was for the best. He had nothing really to say to his father anyway. For the first time, he was happy. He was just scared that the secret he was keeping from Tony would break Tony. He never wanted to hurt him. Steve came knocked onto Tony’s door.
“Come in. Steve you know you don’t have to knock.” Tony looked at Steve with a curious expression. Tony was finishing up some of his homework from MIT. He decided to start in May instead of August because he knew he would be bored while Steve was away during football training. Tony could see there was a worried look on Steve’s face and he did not like it.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Steve walked over and sat next to Tony on the bed. He picked up both of his hands and laid a kiss on both. Steve handed him his letterman’s jacket. Tony took it but still didn’t know what was happening.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner but I’m not going to college.”
“What! Is it the money because I can pay for it?” Steve shook his head no.
“No, football, Notre Dame, that was all my dad’s dream. I’ve decided to enlist in the military. I’m beginning basic training next week, and I will be leaving for my first tour in August.” Tony was taken back. He wasn’t mad that Steve decided to leave for the military he just wished Steve had told him sooner.
“What does that mean for us?” Steve knew what he had to do even if it would break his heart.
“I’m going to be gone for four years. I couldn't ask you to wait for me till I get back.”
“Yes, you can because I will.” Steve shook his head.
“No, Tony, I won’t allow it. We’re only eighteen. Go live your life.” Tony looked away not wanting to meet Steve’s eyes.
“What are you saying Steve?” Steve swallowed his tears and gathered all of his strength he could.
“We have to break up.” Steve stood up leaving Tony shaking with tears rolling down his face. Tony pulled his jacket close to his chest. This was all he had of Steve. Steve closed the door behind him, fell to the ground. He cried until not a single tear was left and he stood up to go pack his things.
Steve stood in line as he looked around at all of the other soldiers saying goodbye to their loved ones and he was alone. Then the crowd parted, and he saw Tony wrapped in his jacket. Steve and Tony met each other halfway with tears in their eyes. They stared at each other in silence taking in each other like they always did once again. Tony moved first and placed a final kiss on Steve’s lips.
“I’m going to miss you. Please don’t die.”
“I will miss you too and I will come back. Now go live your life. For me.” Steve turned around and disappeared in the crowd leaving Tony alone. How was he supposed to live a life when he no longer had the one person he wanted to live a life with, in his life.
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aadyeah · 4 years
As far a s I know about you, you have had your experience with depression and I just had a question that I can't find the answer to. So I thought maybe you could help?
You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
How do you know it is getting bad again? I just. I'm sorry. I know it's a silly question.
Thank you so much for being here. Hope you have a great day.
Hi, anon!
Listen, bud. I dont even know if I should call whatever i have depression. Idk i feel like im somehow diminishing the experience of people who have it worse. I dont know, hon.
But I do know that some days i lose control and those days are hard to live.
For me, a typical episode would be:
crying continuously
feeling hopeless
feeling like there is no way of out the situation
having no interest in things i usually love (for me its sketching)
feeling the urge to self harm (dont worry, im two months clean and im doing my best to keep my promise to yall)
wanting to scream
going numb and yk, have a general sluggishness
problems in sleep routine (i miss sleep entirely sometimes)
wanting to isolate (also if you dont want to be with your friends and fam)
feeling like you're alone and that no one cares, basically suicidal thoughts if it gets worse
ALSO, im very noise sensitive, so being excessively prone to high volume irritation (i start crying)
Everyone has a different experience, i guess, but this is what i go through.
[Should i call this depression? Idk, mine lasts for like, two days at least and eight days at max (as far as i have experienced)]
I get these pretty often, you know. I guess those are signals that you really need help.
Anon, remember, people care. Maybe not in real life, but we, as online frens, care a lot. You can always talk to me, Okay?
Take care!
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trulymadlysydney · 3 years
Bestie I have so much to say! First of all I cannot tell you how much I hate Jeremy. Like blatantly lying and saying that he didn’t call Aimee his best friend to florita and telling florita he doesn’t know where she got that from? He’s such a dick I hate him. I feel like every new girl that comes in he’s interested in. It happened with Aimee and it happened again with florita. I want him out! And honestly I’m kind upset with florita for kissing Jeremy too. Like obviously it makes it better that she told korey after the fact but it just still feels… disrespectful to me.
What did you think about what javonny said about Isaiah being sketch? In my opinion I kinda agree with him. Especially when he was talking to cash after her date. He seems like the type of guy who gets jealous really easily either that or he does just suck at communicating. I don’t know if I like him honestly. There’s just something off about him that I can’t figure quite out.
When will talked about the boys needing to pee sitting down I was laughing so hard. And then he was like it protects your prostate like I’ve never heard that before what is this man going on about lmao. I love watching the interactions between the boys bc what’s better than this? Guys bein dudes.
Let’s talk about the new boys! Slade kinda surprised me tbh. He seems very down to earth and chill. Looking at him and Olivia together it makes sense and they do look good together but I love javonny so much and if he got dumped I think I would lose my mind. I have a sneaking feeling she will pick slade at the next recoupling so I’m kinda :( about it ya know.
Dude let me just say… Wes is so hot. Like I know I said I liked him more bc he was from denver but bro he’s so handsome and his smile is dangerous. And obviously Aimee and cash are my two favorite girls and I hate that they’re both interested in the same guy but I think Aimee and Wes are a better match. I mean Wes with either girl would be great but I’m leaning towards Aimee more. They would be an absolute power couple I think. They’re both so good looking my bi ass would lose it lol.
And who do you think is going to be single at the next recoupling? I hate to say it but it might be javonny and I hope to god it’s Jeremy single too but florita is being a little weird tbh. I hope we get to vote between the single guys after the recoupling to save one bc if Jeremy is single I would vote for the other person no matter who it is. Anyway fuck Jeremy all my friends hate Jeremy- E
Why is this season way more dramatic than the last two? Holy shit everyone is talking shit behind everyone's back, everyone's into everyone else's partner like ?!?! this is insane?
I'm SO over Jeremy and Florita. Florita is snakey af and so is Jeremy. I feel SO sad for Korey dude... like the ONE person he's been into, she goes and does this. And fuck Jeremy for doing this also?
I don't remember if this is from last nights episode or from the one on Paramount+ (so if this is spoilery I apologize) but I wish Aimee wasn't so into Jeremy. Like I get it and I've definitely been in that position and I feel so bad for her but its like GIRL is that really the kind of guy you want to be with? Aimee is slowly becoming my new favorite tbh she deserves to much better. I want Aimee with Wes more than anything in this whole entire world.
(Also can I say something that you're lowkey going to hate me for.... I'm kind of over Cash thinking she's the main character dklfjdskj like I get it and she's still my number one favorite girl but like.... I feel like she thinks that literally everything is a personal attack and that she's the only person who's good at communicating. Which like, she is one of the best communicators but like... idk hopefully you'll know what I mean.)
That being said though, I AGREE, I don't think I trust Isaiah all that much. Trina even said she wasn't a fan of him and I agree. I feel like he's just playing the game, trying to go for the first person that gives him attention. Something is DEFINITELY off. And part of what I think annoyed me with Cash was her conversation with Isaiah when he was like "that's not what I meant" and she was like "but that's what you said" like YALL. This is why two Capricorns should never date.
I LOVE THE NEW BOYS SO MUCH (and I want to say something that was only on the exclusive episode SO bad but I have to save it if you haven't seen it and UGH!)
WILL IS SO CUTE SHUT UP I LOVE HIM SO MUCH and like I know he and Kyra are so predictable and like... safe but like DUDE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
I honestly.... really see Olivia and Javonny sticking it out at this point, and hopefully you get to see the Paramount + episode because you'll see what I mean. Like, they crack each other up. It's a slow burn but it's adorable to watch and I really like their energies together.
Random question, and idk if you'll have the answer, but do you know if we're getting Casa Amor this season?? Cause I think that would be insane to throw into the mix lolol
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iam-kenough · 4 years
Will  you ever notice me? Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character
Summary: During they wandering in deep snowstorm, man from van der Linde gang found odd looking girl and Dutch decides to take her to camp to see if she can be any use, leading life of outlaw with them. Quickly, new girl develops feelings towards Arthur, but he sees her just as a kid...and she won't take that! It's an original character story that starts in the place where Arthur, Dutch and Micah were supposed to first meet with Sadie. Instead she's already with them.
Authors notes: It’s second chapter and you can find the rest of chapter on my blog if you want to read more of my fanfiction.
Word count: 2978 Chapter 2
It was next day's evening when they landed on new camp's place. Everyone started arranging their tents and some of them decided to go to the lake and bath after long trip.
- The water is so damn cold! But it was nice to take a bath after all those hours- Iris was talking to Mary-Beth and her teeth were chattering. She decided to wear woolen dress Mary gave to her, not being even slightly suspicious why Iris would wear a dress so badly. It was nice, wine red and warm one. She decided to tweeze her brows a little bit and she brushed her long, black hair putting them in loose bun. Even though she will undress and wear only chemise in her bed in less than 3 hours.
Iris looked around and sighed. All good places for a tent were taken and she couldn't sleep with girls in their tent 'cause it was too small. She had to prepare her own but there was only one way left to do that.
- Knock, knock - she said awkwardly, knocking on one of polls holding Arthur's tent. He was on his coot, drawing something in his journal. It catched her attention. Didn't know he's romantic soul who would sketch while sulking like this.
- How can I help ya? - he closed the book and looked at her shyly. He analysed her posture in new clothes but very quickly so it wouldn't scare her or make her uncomfortable. Girls usually didn't like his sight on them.
- Will it bother you if I will place my tent right next to yours? All good spots were taken when I took a bath - her cheeks flushed a little bit. She even tried to flirt with him and bat her eyes, while she squeezed fabric of her dress.
- It's rather if I won't bother you, kid.
If I could I would devour you right here, Mr Morgan and you would be the only person not bothering me. I would undress you from your bright blue shirt which matches your eyes so good and I would let you pop my cherry...
- You'right out there, kid? Asked ya if I won't bother you.
- N-no, never. Thank you, Mr Morgan - she jumped into the air and disappeared to set her tent. It was mirroring his and when she was looking above her trunk she could see him, deeply in his thoughts. Honestly, if they would rearrange it a little bit more they would have big, shared tent with two beds next to eachother. But she they wasn't close enough for Iris to ask for it even if she wouldn't mind.
Later that night they had supper prepared by her and Mr Pearson. Almost everyone was eating together but she noticed Arthur hidden in his spot. She went to her tent and sat on the coot mirroring his position.
- I hope it tastes good? - Iris asked after few minutes. He raised her eyes surprised at her.
- You eatin' with my poor companion? I see everyone gathering around the fire.
- They're all nice and stuff but I like to eat in peace. You're not bad to be with, Mr Morgan.
It sounded a little bit frivolous and she actually liked it, surprised with her own temper.
He blushed. Or rather tips of his ears did.
- It's just surprising 'cause yall girls are always eating together. And yes, this stew is amazing - he liked his fingers and brushed his dirty mouth with his sleeve.
Normally she would jerk away on this kind of behaviour but she giggled at sight of big man eating messy like that.
- Girls are okay, especially Tilly and Mary, but Karen has...a little bit to intense character. Oh, and Dutch's girlfriend. That lady hates me.
- She hates everybody, dont'cha worry.
- Today she hit Dutch with a book, saying he's throwing me looks - Iris was giggling and she brushed loose hair behind her ear.
- Looks, ya say? Oh don't worry, you just new, that's why he does that, kid.
- She's rather young too, you know. It's just the make-up she uses, makes her look older.
- Ya say? Nah, you still look like kid to me. With all those freckles and you being thin. Not so sure you should go with us to rob that train, I will have to watch you all the time - his voice was low and he chuckled.
Ouch, that was bad! So he doesn't like freckles...It's nothing I can do about it. But maybe if I'm gonna eat more I'll stop being thin, get some bust maybe and then-
- You sure you want to sit here with me? You seemed bored with my old feller talkin'.
- I-I am not bored at all. Can you show me what are you drawing?
He brushed his chin, sign of him being shy and he passed her the journal. On two pages he drew their whole new camp.
- I must say you can draw, Mr Morgan. You've got talent - she passed the journal back and their hands brushed against each other. She blushed again.
- Talent that's useless for sure - his voice was low and nice and he almost sounded like purring cat. Iris felt knot tying up in her stomach.
- It's not, it's not! - she shaked her head - I find it really pretty. You could draw something for me one day - it was supposed to be flirt and she bit her lower lip but he didn't notice that. He just cheered up.
- What you like, then? I can draw it for you - he patted her arm in friendly manner. They were so close right now, their faces next to each other. She could smell him.
What do I like? Your lips, your intriguing eyes, the fact that your hair was so messy and the fact you smell like whiskey, cigarettes and sweat.
- Flowers - she said plainly, looking at her feet - Any flowers are good. Or animals. I saw you sketching deer one day.
- I've been hit on my head a lot so if I would forget remind me of it, kid - she looked at him once again and licked her lower lip, becoming red on her cheeks. He started looking at her quizzically.
- I think you catched a cold, kid, you seem burning up. Better go to sleep, tomorrow's a day too.
Knot in her stomach popped and she lowered her head. Kid, you say. Im gonna show you, one day I will gain weight, have some reall boobs and nice mature dresses and you will look at me the right way. She got up a little bit too quick, tears forming in corner of her eyes but he was facing her back almost immediately and he didn't see.
- Y-you right, I don't feel my best - she answered with shaking voice and she rubbed her eyes - I'm...gonna get some rest. Goodnight, Mr Morgan.
- Uh-, yea, good night - he read her bad, he was sure she's sick but she seemed rather irritated by the fact he noticed? I will apologize tomorrow.
She put on the curtain between the halves of tent which was giving them privacy now and she sighed. At first she looked in small mirror she owned and analised her own face. You ugly, Iris.
Girl looked at herself quizzically. Big, green eyes with long lashes and nice, pink lips but then freckles happened, covering her nose and cheeks. Her hair were jet black but wavy instead of sleek locks of other girls around. Iris started undressing herself and she looked at her figure with disgust. She had round hips and long legs, but that's it. She looked thin and had small breast and that was not what men would look at. It's not what he would look at.
When she put on her night gown and layed down she looking at tents ceiling and thinking. Oil lamp in Arthur's half stopped giving light, he was going to sleep. She heard him getting comfortable on his bed and after few minutes he was breathing heavily.
She drifted away in her sleep, thinking how it would be to cuddle his big frame.
Another few weeks passed and in this time Iris tried her best to prove she's mature and strong but also femine at the same time. It was difficult to kill a man at 4 and then acting like a subtle lady few hours later. It was nice, warm evening and girls decided to go swimming after long day of work. Iris was so happy and relaxed as she and Mary - Beth was looking at red sky and Tilly with Karen was fooling around in water.
- Can I tell you a secret? You will like it - Iris whispered. Mary seemed excited immediately.
- Tell me, tell me! - she giggled
- I fell in love - Iris whispered to her ear and her friend become red from blushing.
-No way! Who, who is he? Or maybe she? - Blond girl tickled brunette a little bit.
- It's him, yes. But I wouldn't mind you...- they purred at each other and then burst into laugh.
- Who? I bet it's John, all girls are sweet on him and Abigail hates us for that.
- Bill!
- New O'Driscolls boy!
- Ew!
- Then who, Dutch?
- You must be crazy! I mean...he's not bad if you think about him but this red-head witch he's with? I have no chances - Iris was laughing so badly.
- You have to tell me! But then it has to be someone from outside the camp...
-No! He's there, Mary-Beth, please don't make me say his name out loud.
And then Mary became pale. Then red again. Then she got up.
-No! From all of them you choosed Arthur Morgan?!
- Shhh! We are too close to the camp!
- But why?! He's sweet but we have never seen him with woman, you know. I think he's a little bit weird about it. Dutch once laughed at him taking a bath with a dog when camp had one.
- W-Well...he seems a little awkward and he's like wild animal more than a man but he's charming and he always complemented food I make and he always talks to me in the evening.
- At least he talks to you, he usually doesn't. To no one.
- That's my problem, he talks to me but he seemes to see me as a kid. I tried everything! Few days ago I was sitting with him and we was both reading a book and I looked at him so nicely, I tried my best to look at him with hazy, flirting eyes. And he asked me if I needed glasses because I blink a lot.
- Well...I don't know how to help you - Mary said as they were walking towards camp - usually it's easy, a little bit of exposed skin and being close. You should try it.
- I should...I should go to his tent dressing my nightgown for example?
- Oh, that's an idea! I saw it and it's really cute and...hot.
-Mary- Beth, are you hitting on me? - she joked as they was passing Hosea's tent. Girls heard him talking with Arthur and they would ignore but they heard Iris's name. They started listening immediately, hiding behind the tent to eaves dropping.
- And this new girl, Iris's her name - Hosea said.
- What's with her?
- Just wanted to know what you think about her - he seemed to tease Arthur a little bit.
- It's good kid, she seems to like my company. And honestly, I like hers, she doesn't talk that much comparing to any of you fools - he cleared his throat.
- I thought that you are much closer. Basically sharing a tent and talking every evening...
- What d'ya say, Hosea?
- How long have been since you had a woman, Arthur?
- Not long enough to think about it again- his voice became angry in the nick of time - it's kid we talking about, don't get the wrong idea.
Iris inhaled sharply and bit her lower lip, while her eyes became glossy. But she listened, she couldn't stop.
- Isn't it obvious, Arthur? She looks at you very odd way and she enjoys your company a lot, lot more than others.
- I didn't notice. By the way, she's not stupid. I'm much older and I have past, just no way I would be with her. She doesn't love me to start with. One day she will leave the camp to have a normal life.
Sound of tears dropping on Iris's dress was the only sound she was making. She got up quickly and in a blink of an eye disappeared, running into the woods.
- Iris?! - Mary- Beth tried to follow her but she tripped over one of tent's strings. She sweared ugly.
This is bad, so bad - was all Iris was thinking. Her breathing heavy, her eyes red. She stopped in the middle of nowhere, just when she was sure all around her was dark forest. She didn't even know why she was so agry. Maybe because he said out loud things I thought about myself? Maybe because she was sure that his ears getting red were sign of him considering her as someone hot?
But look at yourself, c'mon. When father lived, he always told you you gonna become a maid, because no man would touch something so fragile, that looks constantly sick. He was right, oh so badly right. And now Iris had to apologise to Mary-Beth for leaving her like that.It was dark night when she got back to the camp, everyone sleeping in their tents. Only one oil lamp was glowing. She decided to act like nothing happen, just not to lose his friendship, ever. So she took a deep breath and peaked her head inside his part of tent.
- Just wanted to say good night, Mr Morgan - was all she said, smiling faintly.
- Kid! You weren't there for supper. Did something happened?
- N-no...just small fight with girls - she lied without hesitation. Then smiled a little bit more so he won't be suspicious. He always was but he was taking her lies as an answer, 'cause she lied when it would expose her feelings.
- Small fight made you disappear without word? Y'got hot head then - he joked. His blue eyes were piercing her.
- Maybe a little - he didn't see nothing good about her anyway, she could become hothead in his eyes even it was inappropriate for woman.
- Wanna talk about it?
- With you? I-I mean we can but it's nothing. Really.
- You seem sad lately, kid. Is someone or something bothering you?
- Ah...no, just stupid, girly things.
- Girly things - he seemed a little bit scared now.
- Interests of heart, to call it. Nothing too exciting, especially for you.
He became silent. So she wasn't considering him as a close friend if she didn't want to tell. He thought different for a second but...she was right, he was no friend.
- Were you ever in love, Mr Morgan? - he heard her voice from behind one of trunks. She probably lied on her bed.
- F'course I was. But if you askin' me 'bout those things ya need to share with me first, ya know? What are those Interests of heart, huh?
She took deep breath. After few seconds she knew how to tell it without being obvious.
- I just fell in love with someone who will never accept me. He's good friend and that's only reason I didn't tell him yet. But I know....I heard what's he talking about me, no need to share my feelings with him, because he considers me strongly as a friend, nothing more. It would make our relationship awkward.
He furrowed his brows. So she was seeing someone. He wondered who.
- That sounds a lil' bit bad, kiddo. Maybe I don't look like but I know how to have a broken heart - he said as his eyes become glossy. She couldn't see them anyway, so he didn't hold back thinking about Mary right now - But if it's your friend he shouldn't judge ya, ya know. Even if he doesn't share feelings with you. You sure, he does not?
- One hundred percent sure - she said that very slowly because those words left bitter on her tongue - and I'm not afraid of being judged, I just know it would destroy our friendship.
- He's no friend then - Arthur replied shortly. He felt like dumbass but if she liked talking to him about all of this he felt appreciated.
Iris took deep breath. You are a friend. The closest one I have now after those weeks that passed. And I will cherish you forever, even if your lack of knowledge will hurt me sometimes.
- He is. About this I'm sure. I really love this person. Thank you, Mr Morgan for listening to me - it sounded like she thanked him for listening but she was actually thanking him for everything.
It seemed like yesterday when they rescued her but it wasn't. Many days passed and she already shared with him many thoughts but also many jobs, even dangerous one. They robbed trains together after all. They was murdering together. And every evening they were lying in their beds and talking. They usually looked at their tent's ceiling but she didn't mind. He seemed so sad and distanced, always worried. She also noticed his extremely low self-esteem, he always was talking that he's not good man and that he's stupid on account being hit on the head to often.
She had fallen asleep to those thoughts.
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taleasoldasme · 5 years
Can you do a Jason Todd x reader where she sprains her ankle
ok so, i wrote this a couple of weeks ago but tumblr DELETED THE WHOLE THING SFDKJHDFK AND I GOT SO PISSED. but finally i got my shit together and wrote this aGAin, hopefully, better than the first attempt dfkhkjf
anywayssss this was so fun to write (TWICE) and it’s so freaking adorable. not sure if thats what you had in mind but i really like the way it turned out :)))
alsoooo pardon me for any grammar mistakes akhjfdkfh
hope yall like it
“what happened?!” 
he ran into the room finding the girl on the floor in swallowing the pain with a guilty smile.
“let’s just say i sprained my ankle” she softly said already opening her arms to let her be carried by him “and i may or may not have been trying to do one of your fighting moves...”
jason laughed and nodded in denial, trying his best to keep a straight face due his concern. he swore to god, when he heard her yelling for help his heart miss a couple of beats, and he felt his whole body temperature dropping. 
“why were you trying to fight tho?” he looked down to her face, relieved the situation wasn’t as bad as he thought.
she sketched an answer but before she say anything he wrapped his arms around her legs and back picking her up off the ground. she tightly held her arms around his neck playfully tucking his hair. even though her ankle was pupping in pain, she felt safe and able to not be embarrassed about the tiny and shy tears running through her cheeks.
he laid her down on the bed gently, being cautious with her sprained ankle.
“this might hurt a little” he sat next to her legs and quickly straighten her foot. she twisted her face in agony but did not scream. 
gosh, she’s so strong! he thought lost in his mind while locked his gaze in her cute face trying to mask the pain.
“it’s okay if it hurts, doll” he comforted her cupping her face wiping a few tears away “we’re not made out of iron”
she sighed, showing frustration and pain. but she was not bursting into tears. 
“it’s just that i–”
she tried to speak but tears stumbled her words way. sobs because her language for a moment.
“hold on a sec, i’ll grab some ice” he rushed away towards the freezer, but also, away from seeing her in sorrowful mood. It smashes his hearts in smithereens having her that way. jason felt the obligation to make her feel better.
when he drew the ice close to her ankle she groaned by the temperature shock and instinctively grabbed his forearm. 
“better?” he threw a smile at her and she mirrored the gesture kindly brushing her hand through his arm.
“yes” she sighed in relief  “thank you jaybird, i just… i wish i could do something in return… that’s why i was trying to do one of your moves”
she shyly snorted finding funny how naive her idea sounded and she rolled her eyes felling stupid.
“i mean, you do so much for me, and you spend the night risking your life while i’m at home… for an instant i thought i’d be a good idea, me and you fighting side by side” she mimicked punches in the air.
jason’s heart melted inside his chest and his face was switched in multiples emotions. first, he found himself admired by her genuine wish to help people and wanted to be around him more; secondly, he felt guilty. he did not desire any concerns from her about his job nor wanted her to put herself in that position that’s also way he felt, thirdly, worried. the red hood lifestyle already put too many risks in his life, the thought of having her into that place caused shivers down his spine. losing her is not even in his darkest hypothesis on consequences of being a vigilante. 
“hey” he cupped her cheeks “the fact that you are here already makes you my hero”
“no shit” she answered lightly slapping his arm and laughing away bashful tears “i’m serious jason, i want to help!”
“i’m shit serious too” he nodded affirming that he meant every sentence said “i mean, who else would save me from my neediness? or else, who’d help me find my spare pants? you know how i get home tired as fuck and literally strip down all my clothes, close my eyes and faint!”
he made himself comfortable laying down next to her putting his arm around her shoulders pulling her close to his chest, she loves when he did that. his heart is where her head should always be.
“now you’re just being cheesy” she mocked interlacing her legs in his body carefully to not move the ice away from her hurt ankle.
“i could be cheesier if you want to” jason smirked setting his gaze in her cuddly gluing her face into his chest “but really, i meant it ok? red hood it’s a part of me that… honestly? i dig love it. but also, it brings a part of me that i’m not very proud of. and i love the light you brought to me, you have no idea of how much i love having you around… thinking of putting that– putting your life in danger, man… scares the shit out of me. losing something i love, you know?”
“what did you just said?” she tilted her face to meet his.
“umm- that i couldn’t stand the thought of losing you?” his eyes quickly swept the room.
“cute, i love you too you dork” she closed the gap between them with a cheeky kiss.
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
Tharntype the Series: Ep 10 Review
I had a good day at work today so Tharntype BETTER NOT DISAPPOINT (they never do but still)
Section 1
Jesus I got scared even tho I saw that coming lmao
I saw that slick action Tharn 👀
“You’ve got to pamper me” ugh such a mood
Kinda surprised Type didn’t hit or make a shit remark at Tharn lmao
Lhong ayyyyy I love him
He’s being a little sketch tho lmao
Look at how happy Type looks being able to talk about his relationship with Tharn haha
The music gave me a bad feeling
The music makes it seem like everything Lhong is saying is deceiving 🤨
Lhong is so cute and I love him but this music makes him seem like a villain
He really doesn’t know Type because Type is capable of a lot of things lmao
Section 2
Writing songs for Type maybe 👀👀👀
Awwww his cute smile HES SO CUTE
Let him talk to you please bro
Lowkey they’d be cute 😉
WORD he really said that
oh that shit lowkey cute not gonna lie
Son that doesn’t help you lmao you have to tell him or he’ll never understand
He wants forgiveness duh
Type is so adorable in such weird ways lmao
Tharn is so cute WHY IS EVERYONE SO CUTE
We love an understanding developing Type
Gosh dang it Tar JUST TEL HIM DAMMIT
Tharn really said “AND THATS ON PERIODT”
That shit was bogus as fuck Tar not gonna lie wtf
No pal i dont like liars
Bruh is my mans Tar getting depressed again :///
Section 3
Tum pal he’s probably not in there
Bruh mans is showering
He needs to get him a paper bag mans CANT BREATHE
Damn this got real sad real quick
“You’re the most important person to me” wow get you a mans
He got that food quickity quick
Unknown number??? Hmmmm
Lmao I love that
That’s such an interesting question lol
They’re so cute lol
Tharn’s messy hair gives me life
I love them sleeping together it’s so cute too
Omfg what is Type up to
did he like turn caller ID off or somewhere? Is that why that number came up as actual numbers when actually it was like Tar or something? Do y’all know what I’m trying to say ?
Ugh Lhong is so cute I hope he’s not a bad guy
Oh Tum tum tum...
Lhong’s facial expressions are everything
Lhong lowkey does look like he likes Tharn
I hate people who act the way Tum is acting... like bitch just accept it and go damn
Jokes on you whore because it’s Tar that’s meeting up with Tharn
Did his phone actually ring or was it fake 🤔🤔
I knew my boy Type wouldn’t be waiting around :)))
section 4
I wonder if he’s meeting Tar
Oh they’re gonna talk? Hm....
Bitch where else is he supposed to sit? At the bar?
Straight up I like that! But don’t make him cry :(
If he doesn’t say why he broke up with him imma fight
Woah this shit is intense
Tum needs to FUK OFF
But like what are they saying tho?
If I were type it just kind of looks like Tharn is comforting a friend tbh
Jeed being a queen
Brooooo if If Tharn doesn’t answer imma be sad
I hope he tells the reason some day
Damn bro that shut hurted
Does he look okay bro
He is a whole liar and a deciever oof
Type really came for blood lol
this does not look food for you Tharn
Poor type
Why is everyone just chilling in different locations lmao these types of camera shots are always super intense but idk how I really feel about them
Tar still has them as his home screen on his computer woahwoahwoah
Type crying is something I never thought we would see
I knew it would end there smh
Or not oh ?
Tharn is really being painted as a villain but mans is just trying to save his relationship
Fucking type always has to do too much lmao
NOW it ended lmao
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niennavalier · 5 years
Because roommates are playing in my D&D campaign, I can’t tell them all the fun rants going through my head. Which means you all/the void get to hear them
Basic premise of the campaign (which has actually been going for like 6-7 sessions now? IDK exactly cause we never initially planned for it to go long): the party has found this lost/legendary city that’s hidden in the middle of the desert and invisible to the world. (I watched Road to El Dorado, okay?) There be some shenanigans, but they learn that the crystal which has been protecting the city/keeping it invisible and such is failing. Monsters getting into the city, and the city itself is now faintly visible from the outside, which wasn’t true before. They learn of the existence of other crystals scattered across the world and that they exist to bind Talos (as a result of some big ol’ good vs evil fight from long in the past). His followers plan to “corrupt” and then take the crystals for themselves in order to reverse those binds and let chaos rule again (which the party doesn’t fully know yet, but they have some hints of it).
And at the same time, the city itself is undergoing some shit. Because I wanted to fill out the world as being more than the party and the crystal. So the Mayor left some months back without returning, and people aren’t pleased with how things have been going since. There are whispers and plans of some sort of uprising in order to demand answers (from the young tiefling left in charge of the city who is Not Ready for this sort of responsibility...and is lowkey panicking cause he knows things aren’t good. The party Rogue isn’t impressed with him and honestly yeah, that was the point) and get shit back in order. And the party split last time, half of them examining the tunnel where I plot dumped about the crystals - and a teleportation circle is laying dormant - while the other half went to go see the crystal. 
So I was like “Nice, I can intro the whole uprising thing to the half of the party not in the tunnel and give them some more shit to deal with/give them more of a sense of the current state of the city/etc etc”. And I did that, had them meet this sorta sketch older dude who was in charge of that movement, saw that they did want to fundamentally help the people of the town, and sorta offered for them to join (while also giving the information much more easily than I normally give them, because a lot of my NPCs have reasons to not implicitly trust these randos). I left the second to last session with “So, what do you say?” as a question of whether they wanted to join (whether genuinely or just to learn more of what was up).
And then was thinking of things for the most recent session, which involved some fleshing out of the people involved in said uprising, assuming they would be interested. And instead got the most blase response to a goddamn uprising: effectively just “that’s great but its not our particular goal here byeee”. Which then led to roommate wanting to investigate the room with the crystal (which I knew was basically empty anyway because the room itself doesn’t serve any purpose beyond...being a room) and rolling well on said roll. And then being like “why do I always roll good on stuff that doesn’t really matter?” And I’m like...I’m sorry the room legit doesn’t have anything in it, but also I legit just threw so much plot at you about this uprising because I thought that would be the main point of what you’d be dealing with??
Which was then compounded by them returning to the rest of the party, relaying the random info that I gave for the investigation check (which amounted to just a rough timeline of what had happened earlier) and sorta glossing over the entire uprising that was coming up. Granted, it was mentioned, but more in that people are just unhappy with the current government, not that shit’s about to go down real soon. AKA, in probably about 6 hours from where they currently stand in game...which also lines up rather well with an invasion of the city by followers of Talos...which is actually happening at the same time because one of the people heading the uprising is actually one of said followers of Talos...but they don’t know this because they chose not to look into the uprising at all.
So they have a lot to deal with soon.
Not to mention the other thing that happened. Because one of the first NPCs I introduced to them was this half-drow rogue (Vaerys, who is probably gonna become a PC for me to play the day I finally don’t have to be the forever DM). And they didn’t trust him, because he wasn’t willing to tell them any actual information (his family is being held by followers of Talos to ensure that he does his job: bringing a shard of obsidian into the city to weaken the crystal and take it...or at least not rat them out long enough for them to do the dirty work themselves...so I’d say he has reason to not trust anyone in this place). But he’s been something of a constant to the game so far, because they know he has information that might be useful, so they’ve gone seeking him out before. And same roommate who was looking around the tower made a good arcana check, so I figured I’d use that to let them in on the obsidian shard and how Vaerys is connected to the entire thing. So that happens, they find him, and I figure I’ll throw them a bone and pretty much just have my boy plot dump his backstory (not the details, but the important bits) at them. (to be fair, he chooses to trust them because roommate’s character is naive and so it’s pretty clearly not a deception. Seemed both a little more lenient than usual without being entirely out of character). So now they know about the demon invasion, and that he plans to get the crystal out so that his family is safe and the town isn’t razed to the ground by a bunch of demons or cultists or whatever the servants of Talos decide to throw at them.
Being your typical dumbass good characters, roommate is like “just give us the crystal so we can destroy it and the servants of Talos, and we can protect your family!” To which his response is effectively “How about no, because you’re like, 5 people vs an entire cult and whatever army they’ve gathered, and I’m not risking my family just cause you’ve got an inflated sense of morality. I get that you want to do the right thing - I don’t want these people to die either - but this isn’t a black and white thing, and you definitely can’t kill a whole army on your own”. 
To which roommate responded by essentially quoting Spock (you all know the quote), and I’m internally like “ooh boy, that’s not getting on his good side. ‘Just sacrifice your family so that we can maybe protect this town’. That’s really gonna resonate with him”. Obviously he’s not responsive to that logic, so then roommate goes “I’m gonna try to steal the amulet”
“...okay, I think that’s a Dex check in this case, cause it’s pretty small and he’s holding it up slightly away from himself”
Now, keep in mind, I rolled for Vaerys’ stats, so he’s a Rogue at slightly higher level than they are. Roommate is playing a Barbarian. Guess whose Dex was too fucking high for roommate to beat?
So now roommate’s character (and her boyfriend’s character, who was sorta just along for the ride) are now on Vaerys’ bad side, and they have no idea where he is either, because they ended up getting stopped by the bartender in the tavern where they found him. (cause, yknow, people running through the tavern means trouble so barkeep stopped them like “What the fuck is going on. Get out. Now” Especially after roommate tried to convince them all to go chasing after him and failed...although what she doesn’t know is that those patrons are either normal people who were hoping for a normal evening, or people involved in the uprising with much more pressing things on their mind than the barbarian telling them to go on a wild goose chase for reasons they don’t even know to be true yet)
Aaand then they activated the teleportation circle (after relaying all of this wonderful news), two of them went through, and now are stuck on the other side because those were the decided on mechanics of these teleportation circles for this game. While the rest of them are in a city - essentially on the brink of some kind of revolution - which is about to be probably raided by an evil army, with a once-potential ally on the loose and no longer on great terms with them
(because side note: Vaerys also feels like he’d been betrayed by other roommate’s character, who told him that they wouldn’t rat him out to the wizards working on figuring out the crystal - aka another of my PCs who’s getting recycled for this game, and then brought said wizards down to the tunnel where Vaerys was presumably still hiding. They wanted to get help deciphering the walls, but instead shit just went sideways because I warned them that Vaerys might still be in there and I stalled for as long as I fucking could, but then they just went in anyway and I was like “...well, I warned yall. Now there’s a dagger at your side.” So Vaerys is only okay with the party Rogue - because hell yeah neutral characters, that whole solution was actually rather creative. And the sorcerer who just joined the party last session, because he just hasn’t actually met her yet)
(Other notable bit from that part between roommate and Vaerys was her saying that “well if the demons can know if you betray them, then if we take the amulet and smash it, then they’ll know it’s not your fault and your family will be fine!” And this wasn’t exactly how I said it in character but like...these people are chaotic evil. Emphasis on Chaotic. Would you trust them to care the specifics on why things went wrong? Or just believe that if things go wrong, they’ll kill your family regardless? Talos is the god of chaos, after all. These folks ain’t lawful by any means)
Point being: they got a lot to deal with
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honestlyconkus · 6 years
Part 1
It almost didn’t seem like the movie was an hour and a half long. Then again, one has to remember that androids are basically immortal and time is a concept to them, at least until their parts breakdown and they wither away from neglect. One minute North was seated besides Josh, staring up at a dark screen and throwing popcorn at Simon and the next minute she was at a fancy restaurant she’d remembered was rated a 4.5/5 stars from yelp reviews. Not bad Hank.
It’s some fancy italian place that she didn’t bother remember the name of, but does remember the rustic vibe it attempted to portray. The walls reminds her of villas in italy, pale sandy-colored bricks covered in faux grape vines and soft yellow lighting. Hank is already waiting inside, looking quite nice in a flower patterned suit. His long hair is even brushed back and a small clip pins the hair nearest his face at the top of his head.
“Wow, you guys all look like movie stars!” he compliments, leaning forward to accept the hug from North. He nods to the rest of Jericho in greeting. “If I had known we were doing Hollywood level I would’ve tried a little harder.”
“I like your flowers.” Simon says charmingly, smiling at the Lieutenant. Connor seems pleased.
“I picked it out myself!”
“We’ll have to work out another color palette for Hank. The flowers are wonderful though.” North chuckles. The group goes around and find their respected spots at the table- Connor on the end sitting across from Hank, with Markus on his right side. Josh sits across Markus, and North is on his left. Simon sits across from her.
They find their voices filling the restaurant as Hank told stories from before the android era. He talked about roombas and how humans younger than him used to personify them. (“A lot of the kids gave them googly eyes.”) Hank himself had a roomba and named it Ankle Biter for its constant bumping into things. Connor didn’t think it was that impressive.
“That’s not a very advanced model if it ran into things instead of vacuum like it was supposed to.” Connor frowned as Hank snapped out of his nostalgia. He threatened to throw a bread stick at him.
“Shut up Connor I loved him.”
North decided to share her experiences at the Eden Club, looking pointedly at Simon and Josh to follow her lead. She talks about how experiences with a few humans only managed to get her on, and how pole dancing was actually fun if one knew how to lure people in. Everyone’s faces turned red/blue, and she had to laugh at Simon’s petrified expression in spite of herself.
But it’s to her own surprise that Connor retaliated with his own stories, claiming he now had an extensive knowledge of pole dancing among other things from all the memories he’d probed during the Eden Club investigation. Hank couldn’t decide if he was to look impressed or weirded out.
“You think you can beat me in a pole dancing competition Connor?” North challenged, smirking at Connor from across the table. “Winner gets to give Markus a lap dance for his birthday. I think he’d enjoy it too.”
“I’m sorry what-” Markus’ face grew blue as he glared at North, but bit his tongue from arguing. Connor didn’t look embarrassed at all; he was intrigued. A gleam in his eyes told her he was up to the task.
“I always accomplish my mission.”
Jericho glanced between Markus and Connor but they didn’t seem to be acting any different. Markus just looked as a mix of annoyed and embarrassed that he was the trophy, and Connor acted like he was after taking a joke literally; he’ll take the challenge literally too.
Filler time. Josh had looked between the two in a panic. “Can we please not talk about this in a family restaurant?” Simon laughed at his expression and Hank shrugged, jostling the offended android.
“We’re family enough Josh.”
Simon took up the reigns by mentioning Markus’ painting habits. He figured if he could embarrass Markus enough he’d admit his feelings for the detective easily. “I think Markus mentioned once you had one of the nicest figure he’d ever seen, Connor. He has a sketchbook he showed to me once.”
Markus grew bright blue and nodded, looking shyly at Connor. “You really do Connor. I was honored to have been able to sketch you.”
“Why thank you Markus.” 
There was a lull in the conversation as they waited for a reaction, but nothing. Connor instead moved on and launched another story about a time he walked with Sumo and Hank, but once again, it seemed as if this was normal. Markus sat and listened to Connor’s story, laughing at the appropriate times but didn’t look out of the ordinary. He didn’t exhibit any notion that he would be on his knees admitting his feelings, despite being embarrassed twice already and exposed. Jericho was stumped.
We have after dinner, North reminded them.
Their stories had to come to a stop once the food arrived. Everyone decides to eat meals for Hank’s sake, even turning on their taste sensors in order to enjoy the food entirely. Hank wouldn’t admit this to anyone but he feels gratitude for their consideration. The gruff city cop smiles as the androids clamor over each other for spices, passing around bowls of food and sharing food they think would taste much better than their own. He chuckles as North steals food from Josh, while Simon offers pieces of his food to everyone he could give to. Markus and Connor find themselves preventing Josh and North from shoving salad in each other’s faces. After a while though, things find itself at a peace as each person eat to enjoy their meal, occasionally sharing quiet conversation to each other.
Then suddenly, Markus looks up and nudges Connor. “Could you pass me the olive oil babe?”
Wordlessly Connor reaches for the oil and gives it to Markus. He also leans forward and gives Markus a kiss on the cheek, before picking up his utensils and resuming his meal. On the other end of the table, utensils clatter and everyone looks up.
North’s face is bright blue, and she points an accusatory finger at Connor. Her voice is just above a whisper. “What did you just do?”
Connor is confused and replies carefully, “I gave Markus a kiss?” Unfortunately this only fuels her wrath even more as she turns to a now embarrassed Markus.
“Markus…” Her voice is threatening and grows in volume as she glares with the fires of the sun in her beautiful brown eyes. “What did that kiss mean?” Even Simon and Josh look in shock as they stare at the former android leader as well, mixed faces of confusion and surprise.
Hank is also confused. “What do you mean? You got something against boys dating each other North?” His voice has a dangerous edge to it, as he prepares to defend his son and possible son-in-law. (He also won’t tell anyone he just thought of that.) “It’s 2039 North, and you’re an android-”
“Wait what?!” Now it’s Hank’s turn to cower in her gaze. “You know Connor and Markus are dating?”
Everyone is looking at each other, but mostly between Connor and Markus. Hank seems to realize what the situation is and glares back at Markus, who’s shrinking more and more into his seat. Even Connor isn’t amused.
“Wait you didn’t tell them we were dating?” Connor’s voice sounds hurt, and Markus sits up to explain.
“Babe I didn’t have the time-”
“How long have you guys been dating?” Simon interrupts, trying to disarm the situation and genuinely curious. How had they not known all this time? Were Jericho really that easy to fool? North looks as if she were going to blow up.
Markus looks too hesitant to respond. “A year?”
“YOU WERE DATING FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!” North nearly screams, but the squeeze from Josh’s hand on her bicep reminds her to keep it to at least a level 8. Family restaurant, all that. “I can’t believe this. Who else knows?”
“Hank,” Connor answers, pointing to the Lieutenant. “And Gavin Reed.”
North rips a napkin in half.
“Gavin Reed knew and your own friends didn’t? Markus what the hell!”
“Okay to be fair, Gavin figured it out the moment Connor walked into the precinct,” Hank comes to the rescue, shaking his head as Connor shrugs guiltily. “Said Connor triggered his ‘gaydar’, whatever the hell that meant. But yeah, I am pretty surprised Markus didn’t tell you guys almost immediately.”
Everyone stares deliberately at Markus until he shrugs, sighing and scratching the back of his head. “I just… didn’t see the point in announcing it. No one had to know our business. Our relationship wasn’t a status people needed to comment on. But I do see the betrayal it led when I didn’t tell my best friends about it.” He turns to Jericho and bows his head in apology. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys sooner. But yes, Connor and I have been dating.” He takes Connor’s hand in his and presses a kiss to the knuckles, smiling in affection. “And it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.”
They all awe as Connor leans in for a kiss, his LED shining blue. North leans back in her seat, still a little miffed at Markus but satisfied nonetheless. I told you it would work out, She sends to Simon and Josh, as Hank leans forward and ruffles his partner’s hair affectionately. Jericho agrees, the happiness of their leader about the news spreading around the table like wildfire. Laughter passes between the group until everyone is smiling, content. 
Operation Conkus: Successful.
I interpreted it slightly different anon, my bad. But yeah this was fun :) Hope yall liked it~
send me moar headcanons/prompts!!!
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franeridart · 7 years
Opinion on serobaku and serokiri?
SeroBaku kills me in the sweetest way and SeroKiri brings me back to life when I feel dead inside and SeroBakuKiri is like heaven on earth tbh I love those ships they make me feel warm !!!
Anon said:Yes but i loved minas hair like that??? So either ur hair is also p good or ur art is just that great n I’m %99 sure that it’s both, also r u ever planning to post a picture of urself?? ? I’m sorry if this question makes u uncomfortable, have a nice day!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!! And pictures aren’t really my thing so that’s probably not gonna happen, but I assure you you’re not missing anything by not seeing me, anon hahaha
Anon said:Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! ilu
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ヽ(o♡o)/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Anon said:Imagine Bakugo drawing pictures of his squad without them noticing. Like Kiri looking out a window or mina and Denki trying their best to study or sero scrolling on his phone. I wonder how they would react to finding his sketch book
I’m sobbing this is so nice ;A; Sero and Kaminari’s reaction would probably be along the lines of “how is this guy good at everything” haha I like the headcanon of Mina drawing too so her reaction would be a bit different, probably, but still very very awed 
meanwhile Kiri is on the ground dying
(Kiri is me)
Anon said:Lately I’ve just like…. Noticed but all your art is such high quality and honestly it looks so so good. You have such a lovely style and it’s so original and distinctive and I’m love it and you so much. Plus!!! sometimes I’ll just look through your art tag and even though I think it all looks great I can tell you’ve improved a lot, and, idk, you inspire me to work on my own art constantly and thank you!! I hope you have a lovely day!!
Oh my god this ask slayed me ???????? thank you so much ;A; jesus this was so damn nice I dunno how to react at all !!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your own art is coming along great, anon!!!! I’m glad my doodles can make you want to have fun with it too!!!!!
Anon said: i absolutely adore your art style ! it’s so unique and fascinating and pretty i die
Welp thanks to this ask I die too so it’s two of us anon o m f g (thank uuuuu)
Anon said:Ahhhh the dorm life comics honestly made me smile so much I love them the way you portray all the characters is always so nice and asfhdjd your art is my favorite AND listening to you ramble in the tags honestly makes my day better I love it 10/10 bless
This is it, they day Fran honest to god dies, cause of death: yall being way too sweet for me to take holy s m o k e s ( ;A;)
Anon said:Do you think the UA teachers hang out like the kids do in the dorms?
YESSSSSSSS Aizawa and Mic are high school friends so I’m pretty sure it’s canon they waste time together, Blood King and Dog Hound are canon pals too so they also most probs chill together too! Blood King is also the same age as Aizawa and Mic so they probs used to go to school together too!!! And with Dog Hound being 32, Midnight being 31 and Cementoss and Thirteen being 28 they’re more or less all the same age, so I like to think they spend free time together~ some scenes with the teachers make me think they’re good pals with the older ones too, it’s a really fun group of people to be honest!
Anon said:I wonder what Kiri would do if Bakugou had the flu…Or what they would do if they stepped on Legos XD It’s a funny thought. I love your art so much, you’re my favorite Bakushima artist!!
Anon said: Omg your art gives me life. I was just wondering what happens when the bakusquad get a sick? Thank you
Thank you to both of you!!!! And I could give you both my take on this, but would I be able to make it better than BnHA SMASH did? Probably not, that thing’s so hilarious t b h hahaha
Yes she is!!!!! I like to think Jirou’s got at least basic knowledge for how to play any instrument ever, so when she’s laying around in the common room once she got used to her friends listening to her play she’d bring with herself the smaller and easier ones to carry! An ukulele has a super nice sound and is small enough to bring around the dorms haha
Anon said:fran!! hi!! Ur comics actually make my life 50% better everytime i see them so thanks for cheering me up everytime you post!! They’re amazing and so is everything u do!! (Love ur art style btw)…. So besides all the compliments, i have a question!! What’s your opinion on AU’s where bakugou is deaf? Would u ever draw something related to it?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think I already answered this question? At some point? But I can’t find it, so in general my take is that I highly doubt Bakugou’s body isn’t built to withstand and not take damage from his own quirk (since his hands are made to hold up with it, I feel like the rest of his body is tailored around his quirk too), but I’m always up for disabled characters and the idea of Bakugou signing is beautiful to me, so I don’t mind the AU one bit! Dunno if I’ll ever draw for it tho, drawing jsl when I don’t know it is hard. I know that from experience.
That said, I do find the fics in which Bakugou becomes deaf because of his quirk a bit hard to believe most of the times? Because in all of them his ears are the only things taking damage for the continuous use of his quirk and I just sit here like, his eyes should be taking damage too. Normal eyes aren’t made to withstand explosions and stun grenades every day all day, so if his ears aren’t biologically made to hold against his quirk his eyes shouldn’t be either. 
Like, I read those fics and I find them real hard to believe because the authors aren’t pushing it hard enough, for me it’s either no damage at all or hoh AND visually impaired Bakugou, boy can’t be only half built to withstand his quirk that’d just be silly haha but that’s probably just me, the AU is Good 👍
Anon said:The Mirio eyes on that last pannel. Everyone needs Mirio eyes. (also don’t even try to convince anyone Kiri doesn’t steal Baku’s sweaters too)
He started doing so once he found himself with no hoodies left - he isn’t the type to just steal people’s clothes, I think, but if Bakugou started doing so first he’d probably find it acceptable to consider all their hoodies fair game hahaha
Anon said:Oh my god I absolutely adore your art so much. Every time you post something I get so excited! Your art is honestly so cute and it never ever fails to cheer me up. If I ever need inspiration or motivation to draw something especially cute, I come to your blog and look through your posts. Your fluffy art makes my heart clench and makes me grin like crazy. I just… I have so many feels about your art. It just makes me so very happy!
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood thank you!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so happy my stuff can make you inspired to draw ;A; aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! this made me so happy holy he ck ;u;
Anon said:Hey… thanks for all the stuff you do. It’s really great and I just wanted you to know that. Thanks………….❤️
No anon thank you for this ask, oh my g o d ;U; *sob*
Anon said:I don’t know if you readed the fic “communicate with your body” of xx_kuuhaku_xx, but If you haven’t done so, read it please. I think you’d love it
It’s the merman!Kiri one, right? I read it!!! A bit too much smut in it for my tastes, but I did like it a lot!!! ヽ(o♡o)/
I LOVE YOU A LOT TOO ANON OH MY G O D THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i just started watching servamp cause i remembered you talked about it before and i like it a lot?? kuro is #relatable and all the voice actors are so good wth 
Anon said:OKAY HI FRAN IM THE SAME SERVAMP ANON AND WTF IM CRYIBG SAKUYA AND HYDE MY SONS im so emotional over the last episode it didnt explain anything im gonna have to start the manga now and the movie and specials dont have subtitles yet help me im dying
ANON IF YOU’RE PICKING UP THE MANGA YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO THE START - the anime messed it all up, there’s a lot of missing things since the beginning!!! The anime is beautiful but the manga is 100% better, I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!!! *O* (…once you get caught up with it you’re free to come yell at me, the current arc is killing my soul)
Anon said:Fran!!! Your last comic!!! About Bakugou with a crush!!!! ITS SERIOUSLY SUPER GREAT no really, I usually see Kirishima as the one portrayed with a giant, blush-when-he-texts-me crush, but Bakugou!!! He’s a teenager too are you telling me the whole heart fluttering thing wouldn’t happen to him?? Ofc it would!!!! (He’d be kinda pissed at first, like “what is this weird feeling”, but I don’t think Bakugou would be exactly averse to it, after he realized his feelings??) Anyway TY FOR CRUSHING BLASTY
YOU ARE!!!! WELCOME!!!!!!! I love smitten Kirishima, but the lack of giddily in love Bakugou in this fandom hurts me a bit - love is a happy feeling!!! Mostly so if you can tell it’s probably required!!! And Kirishima’s super obvious about his feelings so Bakugou being able to tell is highly probable!!!!! And Bakugou can be his grumpy self all he wants, but if he’s in love he’s gonna be happy about it when Kirishima’s sweet to him!!!! That’s how I see it, at least hahaha
Honestly tho that’s my favorite sort of love, the one that makes you unable to hold back a smile and makes your stomach flutter and your heart clench in the good way, I want both Bakugou and Kirishima to feel like that about their relationship~
Anon said:On the comic captioned he’s got a crush I literally squealed it was so cute!!
;O; I’m glad you liked it omfg!!!
Anon said:I wanted you to know that your Kiribaku comics give me life and they always brighten my days! I also have a question if you don’t mind… will we see more of the domestic with kids au? Your Kiribaku dads are so adorable it’s kind of ridiculous. Thank you for all the art you share with us!!!
Thank you for liking it, anon!!!! And maybe! If I feel inspired and find ideas for it, why not! I don’t personally deal with kids often so ideas for that AU don’t come easy haha but maybe!
Anon said:You get so many notes on your artwork… do you like actually read any people’s tags on them? Because I know I have had some e m b a r r a s s i n g tags of me yelling with excitement 😂 I hope you don’t ever read those and just face palm at my stupidity. Haha anyway that’s my way of saying I love your stuff and just yell about it a lot.
………………..I do read all tags tho :O so I definitely read yours too, but whatever they were if it was yelling with excitement they made my day, 100% for sure, you’re the type of person I post my art for, anon!!!
Anon said:tfw even tho he looks kinda ridiculous, bakugou still manages to look good with that hair and outfit
Well, I still find it uncomfortable to look at l m a o but yeah he’d look good in nearly anything, he’s just that pretty ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡
Anon said:Asdffhjllvdrhbhsd jakugou jatsuki I died oml thank you I’m still laughing and Jakugou looks Fabulous™ in your style and I’m so lame ASDFHJKLL HE LOOKS GOOD AND I’M CRYING LAUGHING BLESS
Anon said:i’M crYING JAKGOU JaTSUKI what beautyyyyyy omfg
Anon said:your art really catches how good Bakugou looks in those jeans (I bet Kiri really appreciates it too)
*sob* thank you !!!!! (and Kiri appreciates Bakugou however he looks 👀👀👀 he’s smitten)
Anon said:Just a stupid anon here to say I love your art and I hope you have a very lovely week! ^^ (no need to reply~)
Of course I need to reply :O you’re being so sweet, anon, thank you!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a perfect week too!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello!As a young poly person who found your blog before I had found love and realized I’m poly, I wanted to thank you. Your bokuroteru helped my feel okay with myself as I realized, and although I’m sad to see it end, I’m glad it’s a happy one! I have the “You polyamorous disaster” panel as my computer background!! Thank you! (also your style makes me happy, all bubbly in the heart and all) Yuuji is one of my fav characters and I love this ship as well!! Just.. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ANON you’re the reason why I draw polyamory oh m y g o d I’m!!!!! so happy the comic could help you along!!!! I wish you the best of luck in your romantic life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:FRAN. BAKUGOU and CATS. Omg all of the kitties just love him and he’s like GTFO leave me alone you furry fuckers but they love him and he’s gentle with them and he’s scared to touch them sometimes bc of his explosive sweat makes fire hazards and omg they just attack him and he thinks he’s gonna die bc he loves them too!! Fran, sweetie can you picture this?? Can you picture Kirishima’s reaction?? Like full on red blushy explosion bc omg he’s in love with a dandelion precious ball of rage Fran omg
Oh my god yeah of course I can Bakugou being an animal person is my fave headcanon ever!!!! This is so sweet too!!!!!! Oh my g o ds, thank you so much for this ask aaahhhhhhhh ;A;A;A;A;
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bakugou laughing is something real special isn’t it, I so hope we’ll see that happen in canon soon!!! (⸝⸝⍢⸝⸝) ෆ
Anon said:Your OCs are so cute!! ❤️❤️❤️
*SCREAMS* THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:do you ship bak*deku too?
Not romantically nor sexually, no! I only wish them as really really really good friends~
Anon said:Ahh I’m crying because I was the Bakugou laughing anon and I was thinking about his laugh all freaking day too
It’s been four days and I’m still thinking about it so honestly, seriously thank you again, anon!!!
Anon said:Hey, did you see Tanaka in the few latest chapters of HQ? Such a precious lad, look at him go 😍 I swear no one deserves him (expect maybe you)
“except maybe you” are you out to KILL ME ANON OH MY G O D ;A; thank you - but YES he’s being amazing isn’t he!!! He makes me so happy, such a good boy, such a good character, I’m glad he’s a thing that exists in my life ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
Anon said:hi fran just wanted to tell ya that I used to love your art before BUT THEN i started drawing myself and now I realize the pain and struggling of shading and anatomy and expressions and let me say i appreciate you 100% EVEN MORE now, and if I used to love your art now I freaking ADORE it!! (also fun fact I actually started drawing bc of you, im uh,,, super executive dysfunctional so I could never get around to doing it before but YOUR ART SERIOUSLY INSPIRED ME THANK U DRAWING IS TOUGH BUT FUN)
Thank you???? So much???? Oh my g o d I’m so happy I could somehow help you find the focus to try drawing out! It is a pain, but the more you do it the easier some basic things get and the more fun you’ll have with it, it’s such a tough but rewarding hobby to have! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as possible, anon!!!!
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