#hope this answers your question! if there's anything unclear feel free to send another ask!
insideyoursea · 2 years
I would like to ask about the way you tag the posts. What is the meaning or the purpose? I see that they resemble each other but also slightly different.
Have a nice day/night.
thanks for the question! my tags are all lyrics from songs by the band Lord Huron. i chose lyrics that suit different types of pictures, for example my tag for photos of lakes is a line from the ghost on the shore, "i'm the lord of the lake and i don't want to leave". i picked lines that include a word or phrase that is related to the type of photo. if you check my tags page, i emphasized in bold the word that represents what each tag is for.
it's just kind of a poetic way for me to organize my blog, i guess. i know it's a bit wordy, but i liked the aesthetic of using song lyrics as tags. so i ended up choosing this method for tagging. i hope it's not offputting! 😅
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spottedenchants · 2 years
Hello! So I really want sink my teeth into Touching Sentiments but I'm unclear whether it's supposed to be read chronologically or following the sequence that they're posted in? Do you have any particular recommendation? Either way I'm excited to witness the sappy wizards being in love and kiss a lot
Oh, hello hello!! :D
I got a little rambly, so here's a summary, and I'll get into more nitty-gritty thoughts under the cut :3
Tl;dr: there is no 'supposed to' about it at all!
If your curiosity is caught by some fics and not others, each fic is technically independent of the others and thus all of them can be read in whatever order and quantity you see fit!
On the other hand, if you're specifically interested in TS!Essek's characterization/relationship developments and want to catch up with everything, I suggest the following:
Note the date you start reading the series
Read in chronological order, ignoring fics that are posted behind your own pace through the series (i.e. no need to backread)
Then read in posting order, beginning from the date you started reading the series (and if you run into a fic you have already read, you can just skip it!)
That should get you through Touching Sentiments without missing anything :3
And now for rambles, because I cannot be contained.
The two orders of the series (chronological and posting) are mainly for my own organizational purposes, and they both have their merits!
The chronological order, I see more as a linear explanation of characterization shifts and development, as well as a slightly clearer way to note how the emotional arcs and background events (i.e. out of Essek's primary focus) are moving, a more-or-less standard story structure of cause and effect in which A leads to B leads to C, etc (though with letters missing in the middle).
As for the posting order, since I'm writing disperate points of time concurrently, reading in the posting order can sometimes really showcase thematic and narrative parallels (ex. Essek and Caleb having a quiet, intimate night together vs. Not). It also starkly demonstrates where Essek's (and the Nein's) characterization could head (ex. early TS!Essek has a very hard time verbalizing his wants with his NPC syndrome, whereas he gets a better handle on it by 1.5 years down the road, so that contrast can be like 'whoa what how did that happen').
I do also try to keep everyone believably in-character based on whatever point in the timeline any particular fic is set, so jumping around might be disorienting in terms of characterization, but that's honestly part of the fun for me :3
So the thing is- it can be read in whatever order you'd like based on whatever strikes your fancy! You don't even have to read all of them, and I try to tag with enough detail so that people can find only what they want out of it.
For example, if you're specifically curious about the slow burn aspect of Essek and Caleb's relationship, you can read just the shadowgast fics tagged 'Slow Burn', or 'Pre-Relationship' + 'Developing Relationship', in chronological order. If you want to read how Essek interacts with Luc and Kingsley, and how the two compare, you can just jump around and read those fics. I try to keep each fic self-contained, and any references to in-series events are made under the assumption that they will be taken in stride (ex. as of right now there are references to the wizards taking a bath together around 1.5 years post-canon, but that fic has not been posted yet).
I hope that all answers your questions, but if not, please feel free to send another ask my way :D Have a nice day!! ^w^
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dazaiscrab · 2 years
Hi! I was just wondering about the Poe and Ranpos death theories… when do you think that can happen, if that theory will become reality?
Hey! Thanks for the ask :D Sorry I took so long to answer
I honestly couldn’t tell you what my original ideas were for these particular theories as I wrote them around 3 years ago. However, using bsd timeline and where I was up to in the books at the time I’ll do my best to answer! :)
At this point in the series this would most likely happen in an alternate universe. Something like the beast universe/a different reality due to the way the main story has played out. I wrote these as I was reading the cannibalism aftermath arc (approximately chp.54), so I was anticipating an arc along the lines of the decay of angels but Asagiri excels in making his plots unpredictable. My original thoughts was that this new arc would be centred around Ranpo due to the complexity of the build up to this point but it ultimately ended up more centred on Dazai (which makes a whole lot more sense due to the significance of Fyodor to Dazai’s character which I somehow hadn’t realised at the time).
I believe these situation would’ve been the most likely to play out had this arc been more concentrated on Ranpo. Ranpo being targeted by incredibly powerful and unpredictable foes (that even get the better of him, misguiding his deductions as seen in the kamui revelation arc) could end in outcomes Poe would never be able to predict or solve. In the case of Poe’s death, I would think it would be more a case of targeting Ranpo’s weak points without hindering their assets (Yosano, a massively useful character due to her ability, which also makes her incredibly hard to target and kill. And possibly Fukuzawa who is largely influential and would only create a more dire situation for the enemy by creating more foes depending on the situation they are in).
8 largely created these theories based off of Asagiri’s heavy reference to the characters real life counterparts, especially regarding Ranpo and Poe. The circumstances in which Poe died was a major one, and due to the role swaps in bsd I made the theory of Ranpo’s death. Poe’s death theory was based more on the characters relationship, personality and actions within the show. Because of this, I do believe there may be a very very very slim chance these theories could still happen in the current main universe. Poe’s lack of involvement in the current affairs of the detective agency which could lead to Ranpo’s ultimately unsolavable death. However, it could also be turned around and end in Poe’s death. Poe’s distance from the agency could result in Ranpo paying less attention to his situation, possibly missing cues that indicate any danger and ultimately being unable to ensure Poe’s survival even if his death was preventable.
Sorry this is super long! D: I hope this answers your question! Feel free to send another ask if anything unclear or if you have your own points! I tried my best to not ramble or mess up the timeline but I’m not the best at either of those things TT
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mita-vittua-olivia · 5 months
Heeeey it's ur gift exchanger :D I wanted to write you a fic but I was hoping that maybe you have some prompts or story ideas you'd like to see? You mentioned wanting it to include reader so I can definitely do that but what kind of things/tropes do you like in fics? If you can't think of anything don't worry about it tho I'll figure something out! :)
oh hi, thank you for checking in! :) a fic sounds good so i’m very excited about that!!
i think there’s two paths to go with this, i’d like something either romantic/ship-like (jere x reader) or very funny/crack fiction like; i read one a while back which featured jere as a priest doing glögi baptisms, - i don’t remember who wrote it, sorry - but i liked the absurdity of it and was laughing the whole time, so if you have a good, absurd and funny idea, i’d love a story that just really makes me laugh - however, there’s absolutely no need to force this if you can’t come up with something or would rather write something that’s not humorous :) a romantic story that has me giggling and kicking my feet would make me just as happy!
when it comes to this type of story, i’m not reaaally a big fan of AUs (so like, idk, jere works at a coffee shop and the reader is his customer or whatever) since to me it feels like this way the story could be about anyone and not him specifically, if you know what i mean. (the only way in which i would like this is if it just “added” to his personality in a way, so like, he works at a coffee shop but is still a rapper and only does it because music doesn’t make him enough money - i hope you know what i mean). i think i would like either a first meeting and the date that follows, orrrr an angsty moment in an already established relationship which then resolves and has a happy ending :)
(and another example for the funny fic, i don’t know if i mentioned it in my entry form, is a fic called it’s crazy, it’s christmas party by jerevision on ao3 from the lahjakääryleet last year, it features the reader attending a christmas party with kä+crew and i laughed tearsss reading it; i like that there’s interaction with the whole crew, if you chose to write something funny, i would like that a lot :) whereas for a romantic/ship story, i’d prefer it to be just with jere)
i talked so much help and i hope i sort of answered your question, if anything’s unclear or you have more questions, don’t be shy to send another ask! :) also if you need more info about me to make the fic more realistic (like, my hair colour or whatever idk), feel free to ask! :)
thank you so much for your effort already, i’m very excited for receiving my fic <3
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camelove · 3 years
I have a question about the Aplatonic day before I start writing. I thought I 100% knew what it meant (fellow aroace person here) but I wanted to double check my understanding and after about half an hour of scrolling I'm very confused. I see a good ammount of the A-spec community saying it's a term for aromantic people and then I see some saying that pretty much that's gate keeping the word and it can be it's own thing. I started to write with the mindset that the terms mean what they mean to each individual person (rightfully so) but now I'm second-guessing myself and afraid to write in utter fear of offending people. I really don't even know how to fill the prompt now 😓
Sincerly, a very confused ( and slightly scared ) aroace fanfic writer
Hello Anon ✨
Thank you for your ask! We apologise for failing to discuss the complexity of the term 'aplatonic' and have made you confused 😅
Aplatonic is a term who's use has spread relatively recently, and therefore - as all new things do - a lot of discussion has spread around it. Different people have their own definitions, which as you said is completely valid!
The mods of the fest have chosen to take the view that the term 'aplatonic' applies not only to aromantic people. Our reasoning is two-fold.
One, it opens up the interpretation for fest participants who may wish to write about an aplatonic person who experiences other types of attractions, or ones who want to write about a person who experiences no types of attraction at all.
Two, we want to acknowledge that - from what we gathered on the aplatonic page of the lgbta wiki - the concept was first opened up for discussion by a homoromantic asexual, who posted on the AVEN forums on April 6, 2012, "I have friends and care about them; but love is a powerful word, and one I cannot apply to them."
From what we've read, the majority view in aromantic communities is that 'aplatonic' applies to alloromantic people too. However, since the term is most commonly used by aromantic people, we have chosen to include it in the Aro Appreciation Week part of the fest.
We hope this answers your question! We also have definitions of various terms in our FAQ. Please feel free to send us another ask if anything is unclear or if you have anymore questions!
Team Camelove 🏰
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arofili · 3 years
i haven't read the silmarillion or anything related but i was wondering how do elves's fëas work?? like i read somewhere about them sharing this fëa bond with people they marry so their fëas meet and that's what makes the marriage marriage in the first place. but im not really sure about that, don't people's fëas normally touch even if they're not married? and what happens if they do touch? this is weirdly specific but im just curious,,,you don't have to answer if you don't want to ofc! thank you if you do answer my curiosities haha and you still don't, ty too! (i asked you this bc i feel like you have a lot of knowledge about elfs)
Hey anon! So, a lot of what you're talking about is fanon, though it does have basis in canon. From "Laws and Customs among the Eldar" we learn about fëar and hröar and elvish (largely Noldorin, to be specific) marriage customs.
It's worth noting, though, that LaCE underwent many revisions and is a highly dubious document as it was written in-universe by Aelfwine, a mortal from the 9th century CE who found the Straight Road to Valinor. That concept in and of itself is a framing device for Tolkien's "translation" of the Red Book into English, and isn't one he kept consistent throughout his writing or one he was ever fully satisfied with - it never made it into the texts published within his lifetime, and doesn't make an appearance in the published Silm, either. And as I said in a previous meta dealing with LaCE:
Maybe this is something Tolkien changed his mind on between writing LaCE and writing this section of what became the published Silm. Or maybe this is an in-universe distinction: the in-universe writer of LaCE is unclear but implied to be a human, not an elf, possibly Aelfwine; the writer of the Silm as we see it is Christopher Tolkien’s edits of JRRT’s translation of Bilbo’s translation of Noldorin loremasters, the chief of whom was Pengolodh. It’s complicated.
That being said:
LaCE doesn't actually offer that much information on the nature of elvish fëar in relation to marriage. We do get the quote that "It was the act of bodily union that achieved the marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete." Since human concepts of marriage are mostly legal/social engagements, and by no means indissoluble, this strongly implies something different is going on with elven fëar when they marry, but it's not stated outright. Still, the wording of "bond" in relation to "marriage" gives rise to the fan-embellished concept of a "marriage bond" that is very popular in fic/meta about elf marriages.
This concept is further supported by the description that a "greater share and strength of their being, in mind and body" is required for elves to create children (when compared to Men). It implies a closeness between a married couple where their "minds" (aka fëar) are as involved in the child-making process as their bodies. Later it is specified that after marriage, elves remain individual people with individual "gifts of mind and body that differ" - a strange thing to emphasize if there was not the possibility for misconstruing married elves as becoming literally one being.
For elves, marriage is forever: the Valar state that "marriage resides ultimately in the will of the fëa." Yet later in the same paragraph, it is explained that elves who are re-embodied need to be married again, because marriage is also of the body and the first body had perished. Confusing!
There are more notes about fëar in this essay, and the concept is mentioned in other places as well, but that's the basic gist of the concept AFAIK. (I highly recommend perusing LaCE yourself if you're interested in this topic! And remember that this is fandom, you can accept or discard certain aspects of the document as you see fit. I know I do.)
Most of your questions deal in extrapolation from canon - I would argue there's a strong basis for the concept of a marriage bond in LaCE, but it's not explicitly spelled out. I can't give you firm answers, but here are my personal headcanons about fëar and bonds. Everything that follows is headcanon, unless I explicitly state otherwise.
Elves are born with bonds with their parents; these bonds are important for the health and happiness of a growing child. (There's another line in LaCE about how the parting of parents and children in their youth is "a grievous thing," which is my starting place for this particular headcanon.) I also think that they have bonds with their siblings, though this is less supported; I just think that living with and sharing parents with someone is likely to foster the slower/less formal creation of a bond. Twins, however, are born with strong bonds between one another, having shared a womb.
(I also think certain Unbegotten elves - aka the first 144 elves who awoke at Cuiviénen - came into being with bonds, thus allowing for Unbegotten elves to have siblings, like Elwë, Olwë, and Elmo. But you could also argue that, depending on how you deal with timelines, those three brothers are not Unbegotten and were born the "normal" way.)
Then there are chosen bonds. These are the kind we hear discussed (albeit vaguely) in LaCE. Marriage bonds specifically are formed when elves "unite in body" and invoke the name of Eru. My personal (aroace) take on this is that sex makes the process of bonding much easier and faster, the naming of Eru and the intent to bond is what's really important, so if a couple would rather not have sex they can still bond. And it also opens up room for debate on which specific sexual acts count when it comes to bonding, what would happen if Eru's name wasn't invoked, etc.
But I also think bonds can be created in contexts other than marriage - found family, for example. I've seen this most discussed in the context of Kidnap Dads, but it could apply in many scenarios: you decide you want X person to be part of your family, and that means you want to bond with them. In the case of orphaned children, if you go with the idea that they need a parent-child bond in order to develop properly, this could provide substitute/adoptive parents to fill that role. Or it could be that you feel like a certain person is your sibling, but you weren't born of the same parents, but you still want them to officially be your family, so you form a sibling-bond with them. These are bonds that occur without the ~physical union~, and therefore take more time and effort, and thus are less common - but they do happen.
All these bonds are basically the same in terms of function: they make ósanwë (mind-to-mind/telepathic communication) much easier and more natural, they connect two fëar together in an indissoluble way, they show a depth of commitment and love between the bonded eldar. But they are valued differently in society, and created/brought into being in different circumstances.
As for fëar "touching" - that is, in my opinion, poetic license for communication/closeness through such a bond. If you touch your spouse's fëa, for example, that's connecting with them to see how they're feeling, possibly passing along comfort or a message, etc. This "touching" is basically ósanwë, I guess? Which, in my headcanon, you can do if you're not bonded to someone, it just takes more effort and closer proximity if you don't have a bond in place.
Hope this helps, anon! Feel free to send in another ask if you have more questions!
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ijwrff · 4 years
Yandere! Wilford Warfstache
Hello! This is a commission from my good friend @nerdqueenkat​. I haven’t written anything for egos in a while so I hope this turned out okay! 
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It...wasn’t very hard to notice Wilford Warfstache. That is...unless he didn’t want you to know he was there. Somehow the world around him seemed to bend to his will. If you didn’t know any better you’d say he was some magical being who could make all your wishes come true. 
That was how it started. You were going about your day as usual, when you took notice of the man with the pink suspenders sitting on the bench you would normally wait on for the evening bus back home. 
“Is this seat taken?” You politely asked, before he gave a shake of his head and scooted over to accommodate for you. Before, he was slouched across it, not leaving any room for a second person. 
“Of course not...you can see me?” It was straightforward, and you turned to him in shock. 
“See you...of course, you’re right here.” He looked as real as anyone else...actually. There didn’t seem to be anyone at the stop. It wasn’t usually a popular spot, but a good two or three people were common. You’d even come to know a couple by name in your time taking the same bus every day. But none of them seemed to be here today. 
“Well now what day is it…” The man looked perplexed, as if he had no bearings on what was real in the world around him. This man surely must be mad. 
Even so, you indulged, hoping that he wasn’t the dangerous kind of mad. “It’s September. The 21st?” The bus would surely be here soon. Maybe he wasn’t intent on riding the bus, and was simply using the bench as a place to stay. 
There were too many things that didn’t add up. 
“No, no, the month or day doesn’t matter, silly! What year?” He didn’t seem to be harmful at least...if anything maybe a bit confused. There was an odd drawl to his speech, maybe he was simply recovering from a late night out. A hangover could certainly explain the confusion. 
“2020.” A short answer, maybe he would get the message and not try pushing any buttons until your bus got here. 
Your answer only seemed to confuse him more as he began muttering to himself. “No that’s not right...I don’t meet you for another…”
Now he was starting to worry you. He sounded like he seriously lost his marbles, you just wanted to get back home and curl up on the couch with your favorite show on. Maybe a nice cup of hot chocolate. 
You turned away from the man and saw the headlights of a bus in the distance, gradually getting closer. “Well it was nice meeting you but I…” When you turned back he was no longer there. Where could he have been able to go so quietly? 
Shaking off the strange encounter, you got off the bus and made your way back home. That would have been it, a strange encounter. But that wasn’t the last time you saw him. 
Months later, into the chilly weather of February, you were sitting in a local cafe, browsing through the internet with the help of their free wifi. It was quiet, and nobody paid you much mind, until one familiar person came around and changed your life. 
“It’s good to see you gumdrop, I’ve missed you!” Before you could react, you were being pulled into a side hug. You aimed to push the stranger away, but you recognized him. He wasn’t easy to forget. His strong grip made it near possible to escape, but as quickly as it happened it was over. 
The man spun around to the other side of the table and kicked his feet up onto the table. You looked around quickly to see if anyone else was seeing what you were, but they didn’t turn. They didn’t seem to notice you at all. 
“How has the new job been going? Got time for a few questions?” He seemed more...peppy than he had been. In fact, he seemed to be almost formal. He had a notepad out and a pen he pulled from behind his ear as he seemingly read through a list of potential questions. 
You were still stumped on the first one. “New...new job? I’m sorry I think you’re confusing me with someone else.” Getting up to leave and give this man some space, you shuffled your things into your bag. He didn’t let you get away. 
“Wait! Just a minute, no worries my darling it probably hasn’t happened yet.” Flipping quickly through a few pages he cleared his throat. “Ah yes, here we are.” He seemed to find his place, quickly throwing out another question before you could process the insanity that was leaving his lips. “What would you say your favorite animal is? If you could have one as a pet what would it be?” 
“I’m sorry...animal? I don’t even know your name.” You wanted to give this man a chance, clearly he thought he knew you. “Um...if I’d have to pick I’d say rabbit. They seem easy to take care of in my current apartment.” 
With a nod he wrote down your answer, not that you had given him permission to. But honestly? Anything to get this odd situation out of the way, you had to search for a job soon or you’d lose your apartment…
“My name?” The man let out a loud laugh, leaving you to once again check to see if you had caused a disturbance, only ro yet again be met with obliviousness. Not a single person was turning to look at you. It made you feel...uneasy. This man seemed to have an air that said he can and will get whatever he wants...so what does he want with you?
“My name is Wilford Warfstache, my dear y/n.” The man you now know as Wilford leaned forward, leaving you to wonder how he knew your name. “And you...are my spouse. Maybe not now...but surely later. It’s only a matter of time. No matter how relevant such a thing may be.” He leaned forward, and you found yourself leaning forward as well. What was so enticing about this man?
You couldn’t help it...when you leaned forward it was almost as if there was a pink hue to his eyes, swirling...captivating. What...were you just worried about? 
Your lips never hit his though. But a sweet taste filled your mouth. You were alone at the table, your favorite flavor of sucker hanging from your mouth. 
It was months later when you found him for the third time. Since then, random gifts have arrived at your door. You knew it was him, but how he knew your address was beyond you. You resorted to staying at home for fear of running into Wilford again. He wouldn’t be able to make it into your home...right?
You had tried moving multiple times. It only took three times for you to give up. He always knew. How did he always know?
Something was off...something was wrong about him. You knew telling the police would do nothing. He couldn’t be human. He was in your dreams...telling you of a future that you’ll have together. It got to the point where walking around your empty apartment day to day seemed more like a dream. 
The dreams became more...enticing over time. Everything you ever wanted was a reality. All of your problems were just...washed away. The dreams would all always end the same. Wilford would say the same line at the end of every dream. 
“I’ll see you soon.”
At this point...it was unclear even to you if it was a promise or a threat. 
One day, or one gift rather, shined through more than any other. When you opened your door to the sound of the mail arriving, you were greeting with yet another gift basket. This one...was completely full of things you recall telling Wilford about in your dreams. 
A book from your childhood, a postcard from the place you most wanted to visit, and an array of your favorite candies, all mixed in with something you thought you’d never see again. The vase that you broke in childhood, that you were told held great history in your family. Your parents gave you hell for breaking it, and there wasn’t a family gathering you went to where someone didn’t bring it up. How did he know the exact one?
 The dreams had to be real, or he would never know. Or maybe...this was a dream as well. It seemed as if every time he asked you a question, the answer directly correlated with what gifts you would receive next. 
Sometimes they were out of order, but they all arrived at some point. You intended to ask him about it in your dreams tonight. 
The stage was set. You had soothing music playing to help you fall asleep, and were dressed in your most comfortable pajamas. You knew he would be in your dreams again tonight. It was near every day now that it happened. You almost...looked forward to it. 
The dreams range in length and content, and each night was different than the last. A different location, a different theme, but each romantic in it’s own way. 
As you fell asleep, a familiar comforting feeling crept through your body, and you opened your eyes to see Wilford throwing carnival game balls at a set of milk bottles. It seemed the theme  for  tonight was a carnival. 
“Win any games yet Wilford?” By now, you had grown used to seeing him. The conversation always seemed to flow freely. 
Throwing a smirk your way, he replied “Of course, I always win the best of prizes for you.” As if on cue, you noticed the array of stuffed animals sitting on the counter next to the balls. Any and all kinds and sizes were sitting on display just waiting to be grabbed. 
“Wilford...this time I have a question for you, if that’s alright.” For once, you were almost at a loss of what to say, despite knowing you had spent the day preparing what to say to him tonight. Would he react negatively? Would he stop sending gifts? What if you said the wrong thing and he realized that he didn’t need you. At this point...you needed him. 
Wilford didn’t seem to notice the anxiety, and gave a smile over his shoulder as he knocked down another bottle. “Changing things up on me, sugarplum? I think you’d make the most amazing interviewer.” Throwing the last ball he turned, putting his arm over your shoulder. It was also something you had grown used to, the physical contact. 
It was always either a hand around the small of your back, one draped over your shoulder, or him holding your much smaller hand in his own. If a stranger were to touch you in such a way, you’d probably throw a few punches their way if they didn’t take the hint. But contact with Wilford had an almost calming effect on you. As if his very existence made you feel more comfortable. Being with him made all your problems dissolve away. 
Shaking your head clear of your thoughts you spoke aloud the question you prepared to ask. “Why do you send me gifts every day?” Straightforward and to the point. Tonight wouldn’t be about enjoying time with Wilford, like every other night, tonight was about answers. 
He gave you a confused look in return, “Haven’t I told you? We get married eventually. And I see no problem in spoiling my spouse.” He spun around, talking openly with his hands, “Our time together starts soon, you just have to be patient.” 
His words soothed you, almost made you feel like being with him was meant to happen. You saw the pink gleam in his eyes again, and lost your words. All you could think about was him. As your mind begins to go blank, every stress in the world melts away. Looking into his eyes was all you needed to do right now.  
Somehow...it felt right. He declared he would always give you gifts, and you would get to meet him in the real world soon. For now...you were happy to have him in your dreams. 
As time passed...more gifts arrived. You started to grow grateful. Wilford has spent so much time and effort getting you things you enjoy. Someone who seemed so...sweet couldn’t possibly be bad. 
It had now been months since you last saw Wilford in person, and only days since the dreams stopped. You knew he was coming. It was finally time. You were ready for him. 
When he finally returned to your door, he was wearing a pink suit with a bouquet of matching pink roses. 
“I’ve missed you, my special little gumdrop.” He extended his arm to give you the flowers, which you quickly grabbed, moving them out of the way to give Wilford a hug. 
“I’ve missed you too.” Never had you spoken words so true. Something had always been missing in your life. You knew you were destined for more. He was everything you need. He would give you the perfect life you’ve always wanted. 
“Have you made your choice my dear?” He would never force you to do anything you didn’t want to. At least that’s what his eyes were telling you. 
One look into the beautiful pink swirls in his eyes, and you knew. 
He had been preparing you. In your dreams of lavish lifestyles, and endless fun to be had, you knew you only had one choice. One dream in particular you knew would be your future. 
Living your life as his most prized possession. You would spend the rest of your days not having to worry about trivial things that life has tasked you with. You didn’t need freedom. You didn’t need friends. You would only have Wilford and Wilford alone. He was yours forever, just as much as you were his. 
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ghost-light · 3 years
we rot, thinkin' lots about nothing
My contribution for Pride Day of @willieappreciationweek!!!
Their gender- hm.
It was sort of like gender envy. Except remove the envy part. Because sure, ghosts could have gender. But it wasn’t really the gender he wanted. Stuck with it. Just like they were stuck in the afterlife, if you could call ghosthood an afterlife.
Read it under the cut or on ao3
To be fair, ghosts had never really needed a specific gender.
They still didn’t, at least not by any standards or official rules (spoiler alert; that’s because there were no definitive rules. The closest ones Willie had ever known to be rules were smashed to smithereens by Caleb Covington and Alex's band).
So when Julie asked if they wanted a pride flag or pin, it threw him off. When Julie showed them some pictures of pride flags for different gender identities, it threw them off. Hence the mini-spiral of skateboarding and maybe avoiding a certain band of ghosts and their lead singer.
It wasn’t hiding, per se. Willie Williamson Ortega didn’t hide. There was nothing to hide from, anyways. And yet, here he was, skating the day away, stuck in their own head with a problem that wouldn’t resolve itself.
He never had a label before. They were just a gay skater in the 80’s. He was just Willie, or William, to Caleb.
It didn’t feel quite right anymore.
The thing was, Willie's gender just was. They were a ghost. Couldn’t that be their gender?
(Agender, Flynn had suggested. Not having a particular gender. But that wasn’t quite right. He did have a gender. Probably.)
Willie tried explaining it to Alex, because he was a ghost too, right? Except… not quite in the sense that Willie was. Alex tried, he really did. But seeing the blonde’s encouraging but confused smile, and the way Alex’s eyebrows furrowed with intense concentration sank Willie’s spirits.
Flynn was a little more understanding. But they had found a label, was comfortable calling herself a demigirl lesbian. Demiboy and gay felt- close. Maybe. He hadn’t thought about these things so urgently before, hadn’t been able to find people that could truly get the situation. After seeing his look of distress, and the way their hands repeatedly combed through their hair, Flynn’s face softened. They put down their phone, still keeping a half-casual air. Adjusted their hat (where did Flynn get so many hats?).
“You know,” she paused. Exhaled slowly. “You know, gender is more like a concept. Like- my gender is basically a lesbian, yeah? It doesn’t make sense, but it makes sense to me. Some people call it a performance, but the point is that it shouldn’t define you. If you don’t find a label that you like, who cares, dude? If anyone gives you crap for it, hit them with your skateboard.”
The last line startled a laugh out of Willie, their shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. “I, uh, yeah. I’ll keep that in mind. You’re-you’re pretty great at this stuff.”
Flynn smirked, tilting their head to the side. “I know. Now go get ready for your,” she wiggled her eyebrows a bit, “date with blondie. And I am off to catch my demon of a girlfriend’s dance rehearsal.” Their eyes sparked at the word “girlfriend”, and Willie couldn’t help but grin back.
“Not a date!” he called out. “Not- it’s not a date. It’s just movie night with Alex. And Luke and Reggie and Julie. See? Not a date.” Willie was fumbling with their words, meaning he was probably blushing hard too.
“Mhmm.” Flynn looked bemused, shaking her head a little. “Have fun on your not-a-date-ghost-party-plus-my-best-friend then, skater boy.”
Okay, so Flynn had been helpful. That wouldn’t explain why Willie still felt lost, though considerably less so than before.
Their gender- hm.
It was sort of like gender envy. Except remove the envy part. Because sure, ghosts could have gender. But it wasn’t really the gender he wanted. Stuck with it. Just like they were stuck in the afterlife, if you could call ghosthood an afterlife.
So gender envy without the envy. And it was still unclear if “ghost” was a real-enough gender, or if Willie was making it all up. So that took away from the metaphor quite a bit. Gender envy, but without the envy. Oh, and scrap the gender too. Nice metaphor, Ortega. You’re really making progress here.
It’s ok. Everything’s fine. Willie isn’t the least bit concerned. He didn’t need a label, honestly. So why did they feel like they needed one so badly? Nobody was going to care, Julie certainly wouldn’t mind regardless of the answer she got. (If Willie was being honest, it wasn’t really about Julie.)
Didn’t Willie figure this out when they were alive? Skaters didn’t need a gender. Skating was what defined them, not a gender identity label or their sexuality. Skating was the one thing that made them feel free and alive. And then they died, of course. That didn’t mean they couldn’t still skate, though. And yes, maybe he couldn’t really feel the wind in their hair as he rushed down Hollywood Boulevard, and as much fun as phasing straight through lifers was, it did only emphasize the fact that he was a ghost. Not real.
If Willie themself wasn’t real, then why should their gender have to be real? It was barely a significant part of them, anyways.
In all seriousness, he did have an idea of why Julie’s simple question was affecting them so much. Nobody had ever asked them that before. For years, decades, Willie had simply. Been. Willie Williamson Ortega, ghost skater at the Hollywood Ghost Club.
It hadn’t occurred to him just how much they didn’t feel like a person during that time. Skating was wonderful, of course. Their only true escape from the strange hodge-podge of Caleb’s talent show. It was Caleb that was the problem, Caleb that had been leeching off Willie’s being the whole time.
And then, he was alive again. Willie, that was. Not Caleb. Alex brought Willie back to life, and wasn’t that just ironic? Because Willie was so, so alive in ways that they had never been before. And all while he was dead, to top it off.
And the craziest part about it was-
And then their board rammed into someone, sending both parties to the ground in a groaning heap.
“Ah damn, I am so sorry, I- Reggie??” This was great. Another one of the band members that they ran over with a skateboard. Alex was never going to let him live this down. At least they weren’t obsessing more over the board than the person. (Although, Willie had done a quick check of his board, which seemed unharmed.)
“Man, I just wanted to go for a walk, not get turned into roadkill,” Reggie laughed, sitting up cautiously.
“I’m so sorry dude, I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention. Honestly, I was kinda having a minor afterlife crisis, as Alex would say.” He doesn’t know why he said that, doesn’t know what it is about Reggie that made them suddenly willing to stick around instead of apologize and skate off.
“Minor afterlife crisis, huh?” Reggie raised their eyebrows, hands propped up on his knees. “I mean, the afterlife is weird. Luke poofed my shirt away the first time we teleported! And Alex still gets wedgies, even though all our clothes are made of air!” Willie glanced at him, checking if he was serious or not. It was hard to tell, with Reggie’s earnest-puppy-dog confused face.
Willie inhaled deeply, sighing as they sat down. “Yeah. You know, I don’t think I’ve felt this alive, with Alex and you guys and Julie, since like, I died. And then Julie was asking about pride, and I can’t quite figure out what my gender identity is. It’s kinda…” His voice trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“Like you just are, but in a different way than everyone else.” Reggie murmured, eyes downcast.
Willie’s eyes snapped to Reggie. “Yeah! Exactly. You know that feeling? Because you just are, but nobody can understand that. I’m alive like I haven’t been in forever, and I can’t. Can’t put a name to myself anymore.”
Reggie nodded enthusiastically. “Luke keeps saying that maybe I’m like him. But I think he’s wrong. I used to wear skirts to our band performances. They were just fun to stomp and jump around on stage with. Nobody asks me, but if they did, I would say my gender’s like that. I’ll do it if it makes me feel good, but not because of labels.”
It was as simple as that. Willie took a breath, felt it sink into his bones and settle there. Simple. As. That. They’d been so busy worrying over finding a proper label. And truly, it wasn’t such a big deal.
Beside them, Reggie was still talking. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re ghosts. We can pretty much do anything. Skating makes you feel more you, right? You say that a lot. Skateboarding, that’s enough to be an identity, gender or not. My sister used to say, when our parents would get mad at me for wearing skirts or makeup, that it didn’t matter. Because I would always be me, you know?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m always going to be me. Thank you, Reggie. I think you solved my minor afterlife crisis for me.” Skateboarding is a part of me. I can be a skater. I can be a ghost. I don’t need any other labels than that.
Except maybe Alex’s boyfriend. Or spouse. No! Stop thinking that much ahead, you haven’t even asked him out yet, Ortega! Focus on right now.
“Nah, it was all you. You knew it, you just needed to hear it again.” They grinned, green eyes sparkling in light of the setting sun. Willie huffed out a laugh, offering a fist. Reggie tapped his fist against Willie’s, not hesitating for a moment.
When Alex met Willie’s gaze, all he could see was happiness.
“Everything okay?” He asked, already knowing the answer that would come.
“Yeah. Reggie helped me figure some things out. And I’m still me. Just Willie.” They smiled, reaching out for Alex’s hand.
“Well, Just Willie, I hope you’re ready for Friday movie night. Luke picked A New Hope,” he leaned in and stage whispered, “for the seven hundredth time.”
Luke protested from across the couch, standing up to make his point.
“It’s a good movie, but we’ve all memorized the script at this point, Lucas.” Alex shot back, squeezing Willie’s hand slightly.
Willie leaned back, eyes fond as he took in the scene. Luke and Alex bickering loudly over who had the better movie choices, Julie laughing, exasperated as she bent over to paint Reggie’s nails a pale purple.
Definitely the most alive they had felt in a long time.
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scullysexual · 4 years
{untitled post col fic}
Yeh it’s untitled because...reasons.
I- it’s like 11:30pm rn and I’ve been going back and forth on whether to post this or not and then I decided I would because it’s me and what do you expect. Not much I can say about this. It’s a post colonisation fic where bad stuff happens so like...proceed carefully. I wanna thank my Spooky Llama Squad- most importantly @mypanicface @baronessblixen @clarke-oswald and @foxscully because without their feedback I’d have noped out of this Big Time. I can’t make any promises that I’ll update this because I really am not in the position to be writing ANOTHER multichapter. I’m also giving it to you in it’s original version so some parts might not make sense. Also we jump around loads so sorry if you get confused there too.
- - - 
Burnt bodies left in a heap, smoke still emitting from the pile.
Mulder’s stomach drops and he runs towards it. Skinner tells him to wait, make sure this isn’t an ambush but Mulder isn’t listening, his knees skid on the ground as he begins inspecting all the bodies. Their burnt beyond recognition, he has no way of knowing…
They were gone an hour on a patrol, like any other day, what the fuck happened?
Mulder stands and looks towards Skinner. He does nothing to keep the worry nor fear out of them.
“We can’t be sure she’s in there,” Skinner tells him. “They would have given them a choice.”
Mulder thinks on that for a moment. Skinner was right, they always give them a choice but what one would Scully have chosen? Death is simple; a shot to the head, execution style, quick and simple. Life is…less so. This life, anyway. Where you are taken and sold to the highest bidder to be…Mulder didn’t want to think of her like that.
He looks to the pile of bodies, maybe that would have been better.
Something shines not to far from the heap. It catches his attention and Mulder crouches back down towards the object. Half hidden in the mud, he frees it.
At the realisation of what he holds, Mulder is both relieved and terrified.
“What is that?” Skinner asks.
A gold cross, so characteristically belonging to her. The clasp is broken like somebody had yanked it from her. They wouldn’t have bothered with that if she’d chosen death. This cross was proof.
“I want to find her,” Mulder says handing the cross towards Skinner.
Skinner observes it, a hint of hesitation across his face.
“Mulder, we have no way of knowing where they’ve taken her.”
He doesn’t care. She was somewhere in the country. What was left of the country.
He takes back the cross and fashions it into a bracelet, wrapping it around his wrist.
There’s not much in terms of belongings to grab, having all he needs right now on his wrist, setting out on his search for Scully.
They slept through the world ending.
Limbs entangled and skin warm beneath the covers, neither one had any idea that this would be the last time they would lay in this bed, together or apart.
It turns out it was the White House blowing up that had woken him up, not that Mulder had any idea at the time. He woke with a start, a pit in his stomach as he tries to think of that the noise would’ve been: fireworks, gunshots…
But he knew then what it had been.
Scully is waking seconds behind him, yawning and asking what the noise was.
Mulder climbs out of the bed.
“What’s wrong?” Scully asks.
He doesn’t answer her, throwing on the discarded pair of sweatpants and heading into his living room to switch on the TV.
The news is on when Scully enters and she props herself up on the arm of the couch. The news displays what’s left of the White House.
“…Is the third building to be destroyed with reports that many more are as we speak…”
Miles away, Mulder picks up his phone beside him, his heart dropping when he notices the onslaught of miss calls.
“How many miss calls have you got?”
Scully searches for her cell. “I don’t know, I don’t have my phone.”
“I’ve got seventeen,” he says beginning to call Skinner back. “This is bad, Scully.”
Scully nods as the no-signal operator sounds through the phone. He rips it from his ear in a huff and tosses it beside him.
“I can’t get through to Skinner,” he says. He switches off the TV, his hands going over his face.
“So what do we do?” Scully asks, looking as worried as he feels.
Mulder stands. “Get dressed,” he tells her. “And let’s hope the Hoover Building is still standing before we get there.”
Night and day they’re kept in this barn, they’re feet chained to the wall. It rained hard the first night, water soaking through the gaps, within an hour they were soaked through, shivering in the cold. The floor was still damp but not so much with the rain anymore. Scully’s eyes had widen when she looked down to see a yellow-ish twinge of liquid pooling towards her. When she looked at the woman who had urinated, a tear fell down the side of her cheek and Scully had quickly looked away, pretending she hadn’t seen or heard anything.
The woman wasn’t the only one to pee. After five days of being in here, they all had done it. The tears stopped, too.
She wakes to the sound of the barn doors opening, light flooding through. The two men who took them here stand in the doorway, rifles strapped to their backs, pistols at their sides.
Most of the women assumed they were twins yet Scully knew better, after all she had investigated it once upon a time. What they really where were clones.
“Wakey, wakey, ladies!” the one in red shouts.
Their presence here was surprising. Nobody had seen the clones since their arrival. Their being here meant something was happening.
Scully’s suspicions are confirmed when the people who usually bring them food enter. Heading over to the women nearest the door they begin unlocking the chains from the wall.
“That’s right,” the red one says at the questioning and hopeful looks the women begin to show. “You’re going on an adventure.”
There’s movement all around her as the one in blue shouts for them to stand. Scully waits until her chains are have unlocked before she follows suit. Her legs shake as she stands for the first time in five days, wincing in pain as the irons move about her feet.
“Before we head off though,” the red one says from the front. “You’re going to need an inspection.”
Scully swallows. There was no secret to where they were going, what they were about to become. Everyone knew it now. Men were taken to be used for hard labour, do all the work the hybrids didn’t want to do. Women were taken to be bred. Population was dwindling, babies not surviving past the age of one. That was a concern.
Yet what this inspection was, nobody knew.
“If you pass the inspection,” the red one continues. “You’ll board the van.” He points to a green van behind him. The same one they arrived at this barn in.
“If you fail…” There’s the sound of dogs barking, at least five of them. The clone doesn’t show the dog, instead he just grins gleefully.
“We like to turn it into a game,” says the blue one. “Makes it a bit more fun.”
The clones, and the people who unlocked their chains, begin making their way down the lines that they formed. It’s unclear what they are doing at first but as each woman heads off towards the van and the men come closer to Scully’s line, she can see the way their hands disappear up skirts and down pants, the uncomfortable shifting the women do before they’re indicated to which direction to go to, does Scully realise what is happening.
And the woman beside her does, too, barely stifling a cry.
She catches Scully’s attention and as Scully looks down does she notice faint red marks on her leg.
Babies can’t be made when you’re on your period.
And as the clones approach near to Scully and the woman, Scully begins to panic, on behalf of the woman. The dogs still bark outside, waiting.
“Don’t cry,” the red one says, wiping away a tear falling down the woman’s face. His hand disappears and Scully watches in horror as realisation passes across his face. Then that realisation turns to pure joy as he removes his hand to find it covered in blood.
“It’s an unlucky day for—”
“Leave her alone!”
The words are out of Scully’s mouth before she can stop them yet she refuses to take back her statement or cover her mouth in shock. She stares the red clone down, trying not to think about what’s going to happen to her now.
The clones, men, and those remaining all turn to look at her.
“Little bitch has a mouth,” the red one proclaims. He roughly shoves the woman aside, making a beeline for Scully.
The clone grabs her, pushing her face-first into the wall. Her cheekbone collides with it, sending a bout of pain up the side of her face.
“Take that one,” the red one motions to the blue one. “I can deal with this one.”
Scully feels his fingers brush against her thighs and tries with all her strength to shake him off her.
“You’re a little fighter, too,” he says, pushing her harder against the wall. “But you see, that’s not going to help you where you’re going.”
Despite all her moving and struggling, the clone manages to get his fingers to swipe through her folds and oh does Scully want to kick him hard in the shins right now.
But she doesn’t and he backs away, disappointed.
“That’s a shame,” he says as Scully turns when she realises she isn’t being held down any longer. “Would’ve been fun to see you run.”
He grabs her by her wrists, dragging her towards the barn doors.
“She’s going on the van,” he calls to his brother. “We’ll have to warn them about her.”
And Scully is almost thrown into the van. The woman and dogs nowhere to be seen.
If you wanted to catch a monster, you had to become one yourself.
He has a vague memory of somebody telling him that once. Maybe not in so many words but that’s truly what they meant, surely.
Mulder feels that way now. His status in this new life he hasn’t taken without a reason. While thankful for the luxuries he has, it’s the people he despises and he hates the idea of the others- of her- thinking he is just like them.
And maybe he is, on the surface, by just the first glance, but underneath there is still a humanity, a care, and ultimately, an end goal.
“How do we know they even have her?” asks Skinner.
They sit around a fire in what was once New York City, eating their last can of beans. Mulder had been quiet most of the time. It’s been three months since she can taken, three months of searching and still not finding. There were good days and bad days. Days when his hope and belief that they will find her was strong, pulling them through, and other days where he wanted to give in, to bed down and never move, to protect Skinner and hand himself in to be a slave to this new colony.
“She’s an abductee. They must have a record of her somewhere, must know she can’t be used in their breeding programs.”
“No!” Mulder almost shouts. At that notion, at the use of that word. Breeding program. Like she’s some kind of dog in a kennel. “Then they would’ve killed her.” He looks at the cross that has dangled from his wrist for three months. “She’s still alive. I know it. Feel it.”
Most nights he lays awake trying to connect to her, trying to feel for where she is, feel what she’s feeling. Most of the time, he just ends up feeling his own anguish and pain. She’s too far away.
“When will this end, Mulder?” Skinner asks. He’s asking for his own safety, his own sanity, and for Mulder’s too.
And like in the life before, Mulder is obsessive, caught on a hook and will not leave.
“Until I find her,” he says.
He couldn’t save Samantha and he will not make the same mistake with Scully.
“Maybe we’ll get lucky.” A woman’s voice protrudes his thoughts. Lucy. His wife. Blonde and tall. He should be thankful he was given someone who looks so different to Scully.
He knows nothing about her, nothing of her life before this, even amongst the Higher there are still things forbidden to talk about, they’re thoughts and conversations listened to closely. In constant surveillance.
“Maybe this will be the night,” Lucy continues. If there’s one thing clear about Lucy is that she is desperate for a child.
“Maybe,” says Mulder.
In truth, Mulder dislikes this process just much as the girl does. It’s hard on both of them.
“I’ll let you get ready then,” Lucy says and she leaves the room.
Mulder gives himself a moment to think things through. A means to an end, is a mantra he repeats almost every day and this moment is no different.
“Send her in,” he says.
Chloe is his girl, one of the older ones, because Mulder refuses to sleep with anyone under the age of 30. She is quiet, has the same thought process as he: Get this over and done with as quick as possible.
The scars of her cheek make it seem like she’s always smiling, a sick joke. There life is nothing to smile about. He tries not to think of those same scars across Scully’s face.
He tries not to think of Scully at all. She’s always there, never fully gone. When he’s alone, he’ll talk to her, her voice glued to his mind, as familiar as his own.
But when it’s time for this, he prefers her gone.
Chloe climbs onto the bed on her hands and knees and it’s time to start.
He’s more fortunate than most of the other refugees they share this shelter with. They’ve lost people, children, spouses, lovers. He still has Scully, can still have some normalcy of wrapping his arms around her when he sleeps, can still quietly forget where he is when he’s loses himself in her each night. Tries not to feel guilty about it when they’re little curtain goes up, giving them minimal privacy.
He always lays against her when they finish. She once told him she didn’t mind the feeling of him crushing her. He keeps himself inside her until he can’t anymore.
“I love you,” he says every time against her skin afterwards, peppering kisses all over her collarbones.
“You say that like it’s the last time you’re ever going to say it,” she notes.
He props his chin up against her.
“I could be.”
Her hands brush through his hair and he places his head back down against her, his eyes shutting.
“No,” she gently tells him.
It was.
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aegaeonistheruler · 4 years
2/16/2021 - relationship pulls and questions
Hi, so yesterday I said I would do free relationship pulls (one card per person) or answer a question. I will let you know how you can get one:
Send an Ask, do not inbox me (inboxing is for something else, i like explain it)
If you’d like another free pull or want me to answer another question wait at least a week (i know it seems long but it helps me do my job easier)
If you want the relationship service please put your initials and sun sign as well as the initials and sun sign of your person. (preferred pronouns of both too !! dont wanna misgender anyone)
ask a qusstion about them using your intials and theirs as well.
do not ask anything sexual! i do not feel comfortable doing that!
anonymous asks are fine, i don’t mind as long as you put the information down.
if you want to tip or want a deeper reading please dm me and i will tell you my prices.
same goes for questions, if you don’t wanna wait a week dm me.
If anything is unclear please comment and i will explain it. other than that, feel free to like reblog and ask questions, I hope i can help you to the best of my ability.
Have a great day !!
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will-grvhvm · 4 years
Will, what’s the best and worst way to die?
I’m sure if you are on this blog, you are aware that some content may be triggering. And if you’re in the Hannibal fandom, I’m sure you are not triggered by gore and death.
I feel it’s my duty to trigger warning this post. There are graphic details on various causes of death that some may find triggering.
Furthermore, I hope this question was asked out of simple curiosity, but I feel I must preface it with PLEASE DO NOT TRY ANY OF THESE AT HOME. This is an educational post and is not advice! If you are feeling homicidal, please seek professional help. If you’re feeling suicidal, please seek professional help.
If you wish to talk, I am always here, but I would highly advise you speak to a professional if you are struggling.
And lastly, I am not a medical professional, these answers are from my own research, and I can not guarantee their accuracy. If anyone with medical knowledge wishes to chime in, that would be very helpful!
This question is a little unclear. What do you mean by best? Quickest? Least Painful? Most effective? Easiest? I’ll answer them each separately, but feel free to send in another question if I don’t answer your question thoroughly enough. (There will likely be some dispute over some of these. They are my personal opinion from personal experience and/or research)
I am also going with simple causes of death here; if you want to talk torture methods, there are a lot worse than these.
Gunshot to the ‘T-box’.
The t-box is the space between your eyes and a little lower (found in what is commonly referred to as the ‘t-zone’), if hit correctly, the bullet should completely sever the brain stem, resulting in instantaneous death.
Sleep Deprivation.
It can take anywhere between 7 and 36 months to kill you, depending on how severe. You would suffer from a multitude of different medical issues in that time, and to say it would be unpleasant is an understatement.
A lethal dose of morphine.
Painless and you will simply lose consciousness.
(This is a difficult one because no one can ever tell you.)
Burning alive.
Although, I will preface this with it would stop being painful when you have burned all your nerves, so this should comfort you whilst you are burning alive.
Similar to the first answer, anything that destroyed your brain stem. There’s no coming back from that.
Any non-fatal wound.
You could argue that they could develop sepsis or bleed out, but overall I’d say the chances of death are slim, so I’m putting it down as least effective.
Injection of an air bubble into a vein.
The air bubble will move to a major organ and will cause an embolism.
Being framed for a crime.
Frame them for a crime in a state with the death penalty. They’ll die, but it’s a lot of effort, and the chances of getting caught are high.
I trust that this question was asked out of curiosity and is simply research. I hope I don’t hear about any of these methods used in any cases to come.
Will Graham
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toastedbuckwheat · 4 years
Hello! I got Tumblr at the beginning of quarantine, so I'm a little new to this and I have a question based on your post about reposted art. I originally got Tumblr to lurk in the shadows, but started re-blogging stuff when I noticed posts about how creators want re-blogs instead of kudos. Is re-blogging the same as re-posting or are the two different?! Also, if I re-blog someone who re-blogged is that bad, or should I reblog the original post?
Hi anon! Welcome to the Hellsite of Tumblr hehehe and thank you for reaching out to me! I know this is confusing at first (I was super confused when I first joined Tumblr and also needed someone to explain things to me fjghfchg)
Reblogging is not the same as reposting. Reblogging is great! it’s in fact the greatest thing you can do here to support a creator - this way you expose their post to a wider audience (because it ends up on your blog = your followers get to see it, and may pass it on further)! 
Okay this might be difficult to describe... Basically, when you hit reblog, no matter how many times it gets reblogged, the post can still be tied to its source (the ‘OP’ - original poster). I might get 10 or a 1000 reblogs and everyone will still see that it was originally posted by me. This way the notion of authorship of the post is preserved! And reblogging from someone who reblogged from me (or anyone else) does the same thing. In fact, i can still see it in my notifications that my post got reblogged, no matter if someone reblogged it directly from my blog, or from some other account (because the post is still tied to me - i’m the OP)
Reblogging works like a chain. you reblog something from me, someone reblogs from you, and everything is nice and trackable to the source. when you click on the notes you can see everything people said when they reblogged the post, even all the tags they used (those are often really funny)! When it comes to art posts, it’s great because I can scroll through all of this and see what ppl think about my work. it’s really satisfying!
Please reblog!! :D
Now, reposting. Reposting is when you, let’s say, see a drawing on tumblr. You decide it’s nice, you download it.... and then you RE-UPLOAD it to tumblr (make your own, separate post) or WORSE, you put it on another platform (Instagram, vk.com, whatever) without asking the artist (the original poster). This is Bad. Because it’s not like the reblog chain! if you re-POST someone’s work, it is no longer tied to the artist! So above i said that no matter how many times/from whom ppl reblog, the OP still gets notifications and feedback. If you repost, they obviously don’t! like, unless you ask them, they will never know where the hell their art is. and when something gets reposts once, even with credits, it’s likely to be reposted again and well, the authorship becomes obsolete. It becomes just another image on the internet while someone spent hours working on it. It becomes some sort of a common good (which it’s not - it’s got an author!) and might even end up getting reused/sold on products, and ppl will think it’s right because ‘oh i found it on the Internet, i don’t know who the artist is’.
Imagine you worked on a piece for 3 days, put it on tumblr, and then some time later it got reposted multiple times, got popular, people use it as their icons on instagram or something, and you get absolutely zero credit, feedback, or material income (in case you make profit off your art). Everyone recognises your drawing but nobody ties it to your name! :(
Obviously another thing is deliberate art theft, which would be someone downloading art and reuploading it while claiming it’s their own.
If some very popular account re-POSTS a piece and it gets a thousand likes and a dozen comments, the artist usually gets fuck-all from it. 
On the contrary, if a post on tumblr happens to get re-BLOGGED by a popular tumblr account (with a large follow base), it is likely to get a lot of likes and reblogs, and the original poster gets notified about all of these, and they might benefit from it! :D 
If you ever wish to share someone’s art to a platform you assume they’re not on, make sure you ask them for permission, that’s all. 
Lol this got long, i hope it answers all your questions. feel free to send me a message if anything is unclear!
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becomewings · 4 years
I feel Taehyung is going to get invoved in the whole time travel thing with seokjin as he is the closest to knowing what is happening and also his dreams. What do u think?
Tumblr media
Note: the following refers to fictional characters and events in BTS Universe.
Interesting idea! While I do think it’s in the realm of possibility that TaeHyung will be the first, or one of the first, to figure out what is happening with the loops, I personally don’t think it’s as likely that he will directly assist SeokJin’s time traveling. This is, in part, because I’m not sure if the “gift” of remembering the previous loops can extend to anyone else (beyond the dreams and fragments haunting TaeHyung and a few of the others), but also mostly because I don’t believe that SeokJin will openly allow for his help.
From the beginning, SeokJin has guarded his secret carefully. The Save Me webtoon presents SeokJin’s (many) early attempts at saving his friends. He tries to fix everything himself and fails when events keep spiraling out of his control, sparking his friends’ suspicions along the way. By the time loop(s) presented in The Notes 1, SeokJin has determined that he must guide his friends to save each other, essentially manipulating them from the shadows whenever possible. When he learns of TaeHyung’s nightmares that contain visions of previous failed loops, he does not take the opportunity to explain himself.
“Several days ago, he came to me and asked me about the dream he’d been having. ‘You know what it means, right?’ He pressed me for an answer, but I acted like I didn’t know. I said, ‘How could I know? It was just a dream.’ TaeHyung got upset and turned away. It wasn’t completely a lie. I didn’t know why TaeHyung had been having such a dream. But I did know how brutal it was. That’s why I couldn’t tell him the truth.’ — SeokJin, 22 May Year 22. The Notes 1.
SeokJin intends to confess something that night at the seaside cabin, but TaeHyung interrupts to demand if he’s talking about ratting them out to the principal and causing YoonGi’s expulsion. It’s unclear if this is the high school event SeokJin meant to confess, though he does acknowledge it as true. But when TaeHyung continues pressing him to reveal what else he is hiding, he refuses to yield any more information and a fight ultimately breaks out between them. (For more on that moment, see my latest post Rift.)
That is only one version of May 22. In an earlier variation, we know that TaeHyung jumps from the observatory platform into the sea before they make it to the cabin. Thanks to the choose-your-own adventure style Notes 2 excerpts posted on the official Smeraldo Books Twitter account from late July to early August, we now also know that there is another version in which TaeHyung follows SeokJin up the observatory. The wind on the tower seems strangely familiar to TaeHyung, and he almost tears up at the sight of SeokJin’s cold face. Per the audience’s popular vote, he decides to ask if SeokJin is helping them.
“‘I know you’re helping us. I don’t know how. I can’t explain it.’ I went on and on about awful things that nearly happened to us and how mysterious coincidences took place right before those horrible events to prevent them from happening. SeokJin pushed me away and said, ‘I don’t need anyone’s help, and I don’t help anyone.’” — TaeHyung, 22 May Year 22. The Notes 2 (SB excerpts: #3A, posted Aug. 2020).
I don’t want to dive into too many more details about SeokJin’s development because I’m tentatively planning a post for after I’ve read The Notes 2, but I’ll add briefly that it’s become apparent in the more recent album-released Notes (and now these Notes 2 previews) that these countless failures and repetitions are taking a toll on him. SeokJin’s motivations seem to have gradually twisted from saving his friends to self-preservation, particularly due to new knowledge of an accident that apparently has happened—will happen—on September 30. To me, this does not sound like a SeokJin willing to accept anyone’s help to reach his goal.
“I could only think of one thing: stopping the accident on September 30 and ending the loop. I was only moving toward that goal. Even if there was a problem with that process, or if someone was hurt or alienated, I couldn’t do anything about it. If I let myself linger on or be overwhelmed by those things, I would never achieve my goal. Even more important than saving everyone was that I myself was able to survive and escape. That was the lesson that the endlessly repeating loop had taught me.” — SeokJin, 11 April Year 22. The Notes: 7. Translation cr. @origamifirefly tw.
To wrap up, let’s consider TaeHyung's perspective. He is plagued by nightmares and visions of violence enacted onto others and by himself. He may have the best intentions for finding the answers to this mystery, but like SeokJin faces his own share of setbacks. His failures often drive members of their friend group apart (for example: they all go their separate ways after he fights SeokJin on May 22). And like the others, he participates in the lack of communication that harms them all.
But there is hope. Thanks to another entry from MotS:7, we do learn that TaeHyung and NamJoon have finally reunited by midsummer, as they have spent several weeks as of July 18 searching for something or some place in Songju based on signs from TaeHyung’s dreams. Since it came from one of his dreams, it is likely that they’re investigating something connected to the time traveling—whether they suspect that is what’s happening yet or not. I’m excited that these two found their way back to each other, but I’ll leave you with one last thought: they will never break free of the loop until they are all working together. Particularly in the case of TaeHyung’s search, another friend may have already had the answer. Because this is not the first time we’ve heard of a clover symbol like he saw in his dream:
“‘Did you find it?’ I drew closer to JiMin and asked. ‘Find what?’ JiMin sounded confused. ‘Your house.’ JiMin nodded. ‘I grew up in the orphanage right there.’ I pointed to a place beyond the railroad. ‘Do you see the supermarket in the direction of the river from the gas station where NamJoon works? Do you see the clover-shaped neon sign behind it? The orphanage is to the left of that neon sign. I lived there for more than ten years.’” — HoSeok, 16 May Year 22. The Notes 1.
Thank you again for submitting your question! This was fun to think about, and I hope it inspired some new ideas for you all too! If anyone has any additional questions, either about this topic or some other aspect of the BU, please send them in!
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clownloki · 4 years
I write a fic once every 6 months lol, I hope you enjoy this one! I love criminal dukeceit waaay too much :,) ❤️
Partners in Crime (2,620 words)
(A dukeceit fanfic but you can ignore their romantic relationship since nothing really happens!)
“The serial killers that the media has dubbed ‘The Duke’ and ‘The Serpent” are still at large, they have a body count of 39 in the 4 months that they have been active, it is unclear whether the FBI is making progress on their case but they have informed the public to remain vigilant, these individuals are armed and very dangerous”
Logan turned off the tv in the conference room the team currently resided in
“Great, the press gave them names now, they are glorifying them, this will only fuel them more..” Virgil said, clearly frustrated by the situation, it had been 1 month since he joined the team in order to catch his former “teammates” and they where no closer to catching them.
Virgil helped to identify “The Serpent” his name was Janus Deceit, a former law student who dropped out of university after having several discussions about the justice system and its fairness with his professors and later disappeared exactly 2 weeks before the attacks started. There was his motive, he thought the world was unjust and didn’t wanna play by the rules of a rigged game.
Then there was “The Duke” or Remus Creativity, he was a performing arts student at the same university as Janus (presumably where they met) Remus dropped out and disappeared along with Janus, with no clear motive, it seems he does things for the heck of it, his only driving force being Janus.
It wasn’t hard to decipher that the two criminals had a romantic involvement, what they did for each other and how they acted was too much to be platonic or professional, it was romantic..
the most dangerous kinds of criminals are the ones who are in love; because if love makes people do crazy things, what does it do to people who are already crazy? Put two insane serial killers who love each other in one team and you have a recipe for disaster.
Virgil joined them out of need for survival (or so he says) Virgil is a hacker, he stole, sold information, infiltrated government agencies and many more definitely illegal acts. He was going to get caught once, that’s when they found him and Janus told him
“Come with me and everything will be fine”
Virgil couldn’t help but believe him, he had such a way with words.. And so Virgil joined them, he never participated in the killings, that was mainly Remus’ work. 2 months after joining them Virgil decided to leave, he completely disappeared from the radar only to resurface as an FBI agent they hired because of his connection to the wonder duo.
“Well maybe that’s what we need, if they are at the surface we can get close and catch them” said Roman, one of their agents, he was put on the case because he is the twin brother of Remus, Remus and Roman Creativity. Much to his own dismay (he does not enjoy talking about it)
“And the confidence could make them careless, they could give us a way to track them” added Logan, the head of the team
“But that would mean there would have to be another victim..” said Patton, he was their liaison, he was not one for the cruel harsh reality of working in this field, that’s why he was the one who talked with the press and the families of the victims
“They are going to kill again either way.. and I don’t think they’ll get careless, Remus maybe but Janus isn’t careless and Remus listens to Janus’ every word..” answered Virgil, the situation getting more hopeless by the minute
Suddenly the phone line rung, Logan picked up
He said a couple “yeses” and “rights” before putting the phone down and saying:
“Remus and Janus have been spotted in a nearby bank, they have hostages, let’s hurry”
With that everyone stood up and made their way to the location the duo had been spotted
-Janus and Remus POV-
“SHUT UUUP!” Remus yelled as he shot at the roof, at the moment the people who where crying and screaming became silent
“I thought you liked the cries of despair” said Janus who was shoving money into one of the suitcases they had brought
“I have enough with the voices in my head!” Remus laughed as he helped Janus with the suitcases, he could do it alone but Remus insisted that because he was so small that he needed help
Janus looked at the clock “I wonder where they are..”
“You think he’ll actually come?” Asked a curious Remus
“Of course, we are too close to their head quarters for them to pass this up and with all the media coverage we have gotten they must be eager to catch us” Janus said matter-of-factly
“I’m just excited to see the emo again! It’s been 2 whole months! I didn’t think he’d join up with the FBI though” Remus said partly disappointed but also impressed
“Me either but I don’t mind, I prefer when we work alone” Janus responded as he lifted Remus’ chin with one finger
Remus awaited the kiss that he guessed was coming but was throughly disappointed when Janus let him go and put a finger on his lips instead
“He have a job to be doing” he said smugly as he got back to paying attention to the hostages
This whole ordeal wasn’t a serious heist attempt though, they didn’t intent on hurting anyone (at least not physically) they just wanted to see Virgil, he still had something that didn’t belong to him anymore and Janus wanted it back
It was only about 7 minutes later that the fbi arrived at the scene, Remus was ecstatic
“LOOK JAN-JAN! VIRGE IS HEEERREE!” Remus sung/shouted at his partner once he saw the familiar face pull up
Janus stared through the glass doors and had mixed feelings, it was nostalgic to see Virgil but now he didn’t see the kid he used to care about so much, now he saw a traitor
Janus had already set communications with the police officers and was only waiting for the fbi to get on the line
Of course, Logan was the first to communicate
“Hello, am I speaking with Remus or Janus?” Logan spoke through the microphone calmly
“Ooh, you know my name? Well that makes things less fun, it’s Janus”
He was disappointed that Virgil gave them his name but not surprised
“Well Janus, this is Logan, head of the team investigating you and your partner, are you up to negotiate?”
Now Janus was interested
“Sure, there’s only one thing I want though”
“And what would that be?” Logan asked hoping this “thing” was in their favor
“Virgil” answered Janus simply and calmly
Everyone looked at Virgil in silence after hearing that
“From the silence I suppose all of you heard that, if we get what we want no one will get hurt” Janus pauses to make sure everyone is understanding “so, my request it that you send Virgil in unarmed, in turn I’ll let 5 hostages go”
Loganregained his composure “what about the rest of the hostages? There are at least 40”
“57 actually, once we let Virgil go they will be sent out 5 minutes after him, these are my conditions, abide by them or we will cause a massacre in here” Janus said, that last part had venom in his tone, living up to the name “The Serpent”
And with that he hung up leaving the FBI agents to see what they could do.
-Agent’s POV-
“Why do they want Virgil?” Patton asked with worry written all over his face
“They could want to get rid of you so you don’t give more information away” Roman tried to rationalize
“No... if Janus wanted to shut me up I would have been dead 1 month ago..” said Virgil looking down
Silence and worry filled the room
“Fine, I’ll go, I don’t know what they want from me but at the very least it isn’t my life” Virgil said now decided
He looked at Logan for approval and Logan gave him a nod, trusting Virgil’s experience with the duo to get him through this
About 5 minutes later everything was set up and Virgil was nearing the entrance of the bank, he took one deep breath and went in only to find his former teammates waiting for him in the middle of the room
“Jaaaan! I didn’t know we let a raccoon in!” Remus joked to his partner, much too relaxed for Virgils liking
“I know, we should get this over with so we can call pest control” Janus said smirking, Remus erupted into a fit of giggles, Janus humored The Duke way too much
“Like I said 5 hostages will be let go, you may choose who is set free for now” Janus really knew how to fuck with Virgil, there where 57 terrified people in this bank and he had to choose 5 to let go, this meant classifying them in order of importance and that pressure was eating Virgil up.. and Janus knew it
In the end Virgil figured that everyone would agree to let the children go, so with that 5 kids where separated from their parents and told that they would be reunited shortly, the kids were escorted by the police once they where out
“Ok, enough games, what do you want from me? Why can’t you just let me get rid of you?” Virgil asked, clearly frustrated and fed up with the whole ordeal
“My dear Stormy, we are part of your life now, part of your past and everyone is haunted by their past” Janus answered and looked up at Remus as if communicating in some unspoken language that Virgil couldn’t understand
Before Virgil could even question what Janus meant, Remus spoke first
“Clearly you still are, even without us coming after you, hehe, it’s like you don’t wanna let go of us” That signature wicked smile never left his lips
“What in the world are you talking about? I can’t get rid of you no matter how hard I try!” Virgil was fuming, what was Remus talking about? He wanted nothing more but to forget all about the 2 criminals and his time with them, what did Remus mean?
“Enough chit chat, we brought you in here for 1 reason alone, you have something that doesn’t belong to you, something you don’t deserve anymore” Janus said getting close to Virgil, this made Virgil step back
“What? What do I have that doesn’t belong to me? If it belongs to you feel free to take it, I don’t want anything that reminds me of either of you!” Virgil thought and couldn’t think of anything, he got rid of everything that would remind him of the duo and of his past life.. everything except.. that..
“Is that’s so?” Janus trailed off, still moving closer to Virgil who was still moving backwards until he felt someone grab his arms from behind, Remus
His back was now being pressed agains Remus’ chest and Janus was pressed against him and grabbing his chin, he fell into their trap, of course Janus had calculated this
“Let go of me!” Virgil struggled to no avail, Janus was small, 5’4in tall and petite but he had the grip strength of a boa
“Don’t worry, we only bite each other, we won’t hurt you~” Remus said in a teasing voice
With that Janus roughly moved Virgil’s chin up, exposing his neck as grabbing the necklace that hung from it, at that moment both Remus and Janus let go of Virgil who obviously tried to get away from them and then the snapping sound of the necklace was all that echoed in the bank’s vast walls
Time seemed to move in slow motion, Virgil saw as Janus pulled the necklace, his own swinging from his neck because of the force with which he pulled back and Remus’ necklace also swung as he made his way towards Janus
They all had necklaces with their logo on them, Janus had a 2 headed golden snake, Remus had a green sword with tentacles and Virgil had a purple storm cloud.. Janus had gifted them to Remus and Virgil, it was their way of being together even when apart, they used to say it reminded them that they where a family..
And Virgil never got rid of it.. he got rid of his old computer, his old jacket and anything that had to do with them but.. he couldn’t bring himself to get rid of his necklace and even still wore it everyday, he felt that getting rid of it would mean getting rid of his once family, maybe deep down Virgil cared for the duo that had saved him in a past life
But that was over once the necklace was pulled from his neck, as if Janus was afraid that Virgil would pull it off and realize he really didn’t want anything to do with the other two on his own so he decided to pull it off himself.. before it could hurt more
With that Virgil snapped back to reality, he looked at the other two, still filled with shock
Janus and Remus looked at the emblem of a purple storm cloud as if looking at the friend they lost all those months back
“You still wore it.. you don’t deserve to anymore” Janus said, not looking up from the necklace
“This is us officially removing you from our family, you are free, now you really are someone new” finally Janus looked up, his gaze meeting Virgil’s
Virgil remained silent, he had nothing to say, no excuse as to why he still wore it and no reason to be glad or to complain that he was no longer part of their family, he kept telling himself he was a new and better person, that he had no connection to them but now it was true, now there truly wasn’t anything connecting them except a bunch of memories
“You are free to go, the hostages will go right after~” Remus said, like he knew that staying around any longer would hurt Janus and possibly break him
Any other time Virgil would have tried to see if this was a lie, try to catch the criminals but he couldn’t, not now and not today
Virgil backed away, his sight never leaving the small male who’s eyes where now downcast, until Remus stood in front of Janus, in a protective manner
If Virgil didn’t know any better, he would have sworn he saw Janus tremble and sob as soon as he felt safe behind his partner
Once Virgil got to the door he left and never looked back inside
Exactly 5 minutes later all the hostages were let go in 1 organized line, no one was physically harmed, the police went inside the bank after all 57 hostages were out and safe but the criminals were nowhere to be found, the only evidence that they had even been there where the gunshots in the roof, the empty vault and a note that simply said:
“Good bye,
Janus & Remus”
Virgil never spoke of that they took from him because they took much more than a necklace, they took a part of him, the same part that he had taken from them that fateful night he decided to “do the right thing” and leave them
“Good bye Jan, Good bye Re...” was all he could say as he looked down at the note but he knew this was not good bye for ever because Janus was right;
Everyone is haunted by their past.
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geminalupus · 4 years
This question might be more business-y than vaccine worry but I’ll try asking you anyways so I hope you don’t mind! So is there any known difference between Moderna and Pfizer? I don’t really understand why two companies (?Biotech makers? Pharmaceuticals?) are creating what I think is two different vaccines instead of pouring resources into one to help the development of the vaccine. At the end of the day it’s not like a person can choose which one to take right? Sorry if my ask is a mess!
Thanks for your question!!!! Like I said I’m here to help however I can-- if my answer isn’t super clear feel free to ask follow up questions!! The businessy part ends up being an integral part of any sort of biomedical development-- which is why I had to take classes on logistics and legalities as a biomedical engineering major in undergrad.
So there are a couple of different things contributing to Moderna and Pfizer making their own vaccines. One is just that they were already two companies that were established in pharmaceuticals and vaccine development (although the difference between pharm and biotech gets kinda blurry and there is some crossover within these companies but that’s a bit of a side tangent). So they already had their own research teams and facilities, and since they had separate facilities it makes sense to just use what you have with the team you know. There is also an element of “if we have everyone try to do something similar but in slightly different ways someone should get something that actually works”, rather than having to go through ideas one by one. While Moderna and Pfizer are the only ones with clinical trial data at their current state, Oxford-AstraZeneca is also in human trials and several other companies are at least in the Phase 1 (is this safe) stage so we have hopes for lots more vaccines being approved by the time we get to April when the general public (not first-line health, long term care facility, or at-risk populations) should be receiving vaccines. (and the Oxford-AstraZeneca partnership I think is an example of what you originally asked about too where academic research scientists partnered up with industry scientists to work on the vaccine development).
Now, that being said, the science community has actually been very open about vaccine development throughout, so while they may not have had formal “collaborations” in a way we would classically think about it, these drug companies have not been at all “secretive” in a way they might normally be when they’re trying to be the ones to get a patent on their creation first (this is not to say the FDA isn’t fully aware of what’s happening with drug development, just that typically companies try not to let competitors know what they’re doing so that they can make the money off of it first---- everyone has essentially agreed to forget about the money/competition part for the COVID vaccine). So for example, my university has had an ongoing COVID update symposium within our School of Medicine every two weeks since the pandemic started to keep open dialogues about the most recent discoveries to make sure everyone is on the same page as soon as possible. So even though Moderna and Pfizer are two separate companies, they-- and other research scientists both from industry and academia-- have been communicating with each other so as soon as someone had data showing the mRNA vaccine looked to be the most promising, that’s what everyone started trying to work on.
At the end of the day, the two vaccines are very very similar, just due to manufacturing there are some minor differences in the technical aspects of how these vaccines are made and stored. One of the differences you may have heard of is that the Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at -70C (not a temperature most normal clinics are prepared for) while the Moderna vaccine can be stored at -20C (still very cold, but other vaccines such as the chicken pox vaccine requires this so more clinics are prepared for it, and it can be stored in a regular fridge for longer than the Pfizer vaccine). I will be very honest in that I am not versed in the specific process for how the mRNA vaccine is created on a more technical level, but a lot of these differences in temperature requirement come down to how stable the mRNA is, and how long it takes it to degrade at various temperatures. This comes down to some of the specific techniques used by one company or another, but because we had the two different companies making this vaccine it means we actually have a nice way to split the distribution--- larger cities with research hospitals will have the capabilities for storing the -70C vaccine while the more stable vaccine can go to the rural areas that don’t have those capabilities. (disclaimer: this is not to say there is any official announcement I have seen or heard saying this is how the distribution would be split, it just makes logical sense based on current requirements and capabilities of various areas)
You’re absolutely right that at the end of the day you will not be able to go to your doctor and say “I want vaccine A not vaccine B (or C or D or however many we end up having)”. As I just mentioned, which vaccine your clinic gets will likely be a question of distribution and resources for storage. However, both of these vaccines look to be very safe and have astonishingly high efficacy (which is really great for the future of more mRNA vaccines-- these will be the first approved by the FDA and most of the mRNA vaccine field was working on HIV before being pulled for COVID research which is really exciting about the possibility of an HIV vaccine in the near(ish) future!!!!) so with what we know at this point I would personally feel very good with receiving either vaccine.
This ended up much longer than I originally planned but I hope this helped answer your question!!! Again please feel free to send follow-ups or more clarification questions if I was unclear with anything!
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incorrectsujuquotes · 5 years
What happend with Yesung? I like Super junior but I'm not an ELF so i don't follow the news about the group
I’m glad you asked, anon. It’s kind of complicated, and long, but I’ll do my best to explain (more under the cut). Bear with me:
There is a Super Junior member who’s been on hiatus from group activities since around mid-2016. His name is Kangin. Unfortunately, within the last 10 years, he has been involved in several incidents, two of which were DUIs: one back in October 2009, and a second one in May 2016. Fortunately, he has never injured himself or anyone else through these incidents, but the fact that these incidents occurred in the first place is what was most disappointing to fans. Some time after getting his second DUI, SM made Kangin take a hiatus from the group and he’d since been reflecting. He’d mostly been laying low, away from the public eye. He hasn’t had another DUI since the one in 2016, but, over three years later, he still has yet to officially rejoin Super Junior in their activities. His involvement in the group is a controversial subject, as some ELFs believe he’s reflected long enough and should be able to rejoin the group, while other ELFs believe that he should just entirely quit altogether, because of his past incidents.
Now for the new drama with Yesung… very recently, Kangin officially ended his hiatus from Korean entertainment because he is filming a new webdrama––this has been a hot topic in the SuJu fandom because this is Kangin’s first real activity in over three years. So Yesung, being a good friend, decided to promote his fellow SuJu member’s new webdrama on his instagram story. When he did this, a lot of Korean ELFs lashed out at him, telling Yesung that they would not support his upcoming album, just because he still mentions Kangin and still talks about him (even though… Kangin is literally his friend… who he’s known at least since 2005, and likely even longer before then…) Korean fans got SO nasty toward Yesung, to the point where he actually BLOCKED some of them on Twitter. Eventually, Yesung deleted his instagram story about Kangin’s webdrama, and proceeded to take a hiatus from Instagram, which is extremely unusual for him because he’s known to post on his account multiple times a day. And yesterday, he finally came back––by posting a formal apology to fans for talking about his FRIEND.
The fact that Yesung felt the need to apologize at all when he was literally talking about and promoting his own friend and fellow Super Junior member, someone who he’s known almost his whole life, is what’s most upsetting about this situation. He shouldn’t have had to apologize for talking openly about Kangin. Don’t get me wrong, fans can dislike Kangin all they want, it’s completely understandable if people dislike him because of the seriously irresponsible things he’s done in the past, but Yesung can talk to, be friends with, and promote whomever he wants. And as fans, we have no right whatsoever to dictate him about that. This is what has been upsetting a lot of international ELFs.
Also, I thought it was worth mentioning that it’s not just Yesung who has talked about/posted about Kangin ever since he took his hiatus. Some of the other SuJu members have occasionally posted pics of them hanging out with Kangin, showing that they still keep in contact (Siwon even comments on Kangin’s instagram posts sometimes).
I hope that answers your question anon, I’m sorry for the lengthy reply but I felt that it was necessary so that you could get the full story! If there’s anything else that’s unclear feel free to send another ask and I’ll do my best to answer.
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