#hope we can continue it someday
happy points that may be happy points but we dont know yet (mental breakdown shutdown era)
sleepover with friends was nice! we were all wonky, both me and best friend, so at first we had a minor issue but very quickly resolved
we had thai curry for dinner (bestie makes the best curry ive ever eaten, its a comfort food at this point)
we vibed to music, bestie played the guitar and we sung sea shanties together and also labour! and we do be sounding real nice together
i made both of my friends friendship bracelets. both loved theirs, bestie asked for a specific songs, i surprised best friend with a song i thought was fitting
we joked around, talked a lot, slept in the same bed, cuddled with bestie, the usual. home
we made pancakes in the morning (or noon lol, we woke up late)
i had my silly mental breakdown and i couldnt be more grateful for both of my friends, one holding me immediately when things got awful, the other canceling plans and letting my cry in their arms
slept over at best friends place, theyve got a goofy asf dog (bro was very wary of me in the funniest way possible)
we watched goofy yt videos and also The Autism Channel (hilarious content, 10/10)
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munamania · 5 months
hang on i was actually drafting a post in my dreams let me see if i can finish the thought. im so pissed u ppl wouldnt just watch willow or put it on in the fuckin background if u had the chance do u know the searing pain in my heart i feel when i see them... :( do u know what we could have had. NO! you dont. but u could have
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blackpearlblast · 6 months
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[ID: drawings of a golem animated by a palestinian flag painted on its forehead. it is seen: holding out its arms protectively in front of a crowd of children, the children also hold each other supportively; catching an air strike missile from the air and throwing it away or crushing it in its fist; turning its back so that a child can warm her hands by the earth oven built into its back, food in a pot is cooking on the fire and a boy holds a cup of steaming tea to his face and enjoys the aroma; clearing away rubble so a man can help up his wife who was buried underneath, she is clutching a baby to her chest; stooping down to look at a kitten a young boy is holding up to show it; and dissolving small flakes of clay from its finger into a glass of water, purifying it. end ID]
@fairuzfan asked people to create and share art for the strike. i wrote an artist statement and then set about trying to draw what i envisioned. artist statement below.
This golem is a protector that I wish I could gift to the children and adults in Gaza. The flag on its forehead is to show that love for the Palestinian people is an animating force for people fighting for a free Palestine all over the world, especially for those in Palestine who are trying to free themselves and their people. Love is the motivation for the call for a free Palestine, not hatred like people try to claim. It is very strong and fast and can catch air strikes out of midair and crush them to dust or throw them back in the direction they came from. It can lift all the rubble of a collapsed building very quickly so nobody can get trapped underneath. It has an earth oven in its back with an ever-burning flame that people can use to warm themselves and cook food and heat water to use to bathe themselves or make tea. Pieces of its clay can be crumbled up and mixed into water to make even the most brackish and unclean water pure and safe to drink.
The golem is always a bit of a tragic figure so I don't imagine it staying around forever once Palestine is free and it is no longer needed. I think it would use its great strength to help rebuild the destroyed houses, churches, schools, universities, hospitals, and mosques and then dive into the Jordan river and dissolve. It would clean the river of all pollution and make the water splash up over all the newly replanted fruit trees, causing them to grow big and strong. Its love for Palestine and its people can be tasted in the fruit they grow for generations.
I choose a specifically Jewish icon of protection because of how it feels to witness such horrors done in the supposed name of Judaism and the Jewish people. For many anti-zionist Jews, we feel like we are acting directly within the teachings of our stories and communities by opposing this genocide. It is difficult to understand how the very people and institutions who taught us these values now fight against them so fiercely. While obviously I would still oppose Israel were I not Jewish, the way I oppose Israel is directly informed by my Jewishness. I hope that someday, somehow, Judaism can bring as much joy and support to the Palestinian people as it has brought grief and destruction. That Jewish symbols used in the name of love and justice will bear more significance than the ones used in shows of hatred. Knowing the depth of the harm caused, I do not know if this is possible. But this artwork and everything I have dedicated myself to these past few months and continue to dedicate myself to in the future is born from this hope. I love you. Thank you for being on this planet with me. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! And it will be beautiful.
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fish-and-forbear · 1 year
Thinking of First Friends.
I don't entirely understand why the other one hurts himself so much for MY sake.
I don't understand why he cannot put this grief to rest. I am happy! I would rather focus on the good things. I am so glad that I met my first friends. I am so happy to see THEM happy! I made them laugh! We laughed and we cried and we healed and we bonded over beautiful things. And they helped me remember my family, and remind me of what I really need from life to be happy.
And it was fun and wild and strange and messy. Worse things have happened with much less happy memories made along the way. :)
It was beautiful and strange and sad, as most fighters' stories go. I just wish he would stop hurting himself for "letting" me make one or two mistakes. For spiraling and being confused and making a fool of myself.
If our friendship was as truthful as I thought it was, then we all handled it alright. He, my other one, is so terrified that my mere name brings pain to those I still care about... I dearly hope not. I was just beginning to like this name, ha ha. :)
I wish I could soothe this body's heart. I wish it would beat softer and not be so shaken by things that were not his fault. A new quest for me to undertake. It is so easy to help strangers when most of all I need to help the one that got me here.
We will get there!
For now, we rest. We say goodbye to our momentary families and we take a crossroads elsewhere. Our paths diverge and that is alright. Like... finding kindred souls in the darkness. We bond around the fire, we eat, we drink, we comfort and laugh and cry and hold hands, rough calloused hands in broken tired hands. And we leave with our burdens just a tiny bit lighter.
I was afraid of being forgotten, but what does it matter? I would rather be forgotten then only remembered for my mistakes.
I don't think it matters either way. I have my closure. It's been fun and that's enough for me. I just hope the other one realizes that soon. I hate to feel him reliving tragedy because of something I did... I don't understand everything but I do recognize spirals and being unable to let go. But it's all in the past. We are here, myself and my new companions in this body, together. We are not alone anymore. We're going to be okay. We just need to trust ourselves, and the friends we make, however brief. :)
- Grist
#To be clear if my kindred souls do see this someday#I chose to 'unfollow' because... the other one is so torn apart. Hurting himself for my mistakes#that I trusted words too much and did not know how to recognize when someone is UNABLE to set the boundaries or clarity they NEED.#I am so sorry I did not know and did not handle my confusion well at the time#all I can hope is that if it truly is as bad as he fears it is... that the laughter and jokes and gentleness and rekindling of JOY for life#remains even after I am forgotten :)#Consider this... an invitation to forget. All I ask is that the Little Fighter does not forget my wisdom that I gifted him#and that they are all able to heal in the ways they need to#I will miss the happy moments so much! I wish I could continue to embrace them and laugh again and share more things#for my friends to find when they are ready...#but I would rather say goodbye completely than risk learning later that I was actually the one hurting them with my mere name and joy#I do not know how much sense it makes...#the body is FINALLY calm and at peace. So I know I am doing the right thing#I don't entirely wish to be forgotten intentionally... I still hope I was seen as a friend and not a burden.#But it doesn't matter. There was happiness and footfalls forward onto better gentler paths than there was before we met :)#And that is enough for me.#Goodbye my kindred souls of the Abyss. Goodbye my first friends of this world. I will be cheering for your success and a happier future!#You all deserve it! And I am honored to have been a tiny step in that journey. :)#- Grist
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smiggles · 2 months
humans are beautiful and i hope someday everyone can see that were not a parasite. were not destroyers and killers and polluters by nature We help each other. We help other species. We continue to fight for better rights and better treatment of others We sing together. We cook together. We create art and traditions and languages and cultures. We save the last bite of our favourite food to share with our friends. We are lovely!
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acheemient · 6 months
If part 3 of 1941 is not "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" coming on the radio and Crowley standing from the table where they have been drinking wine and coming around to Aziraphale's side and offering his hand to Aziraphale to dance, and Aziraphale looking a bit wonderstruck and a bit delighted and taking Crowley's hand, and they slow dance, holding each other so close, and they look into each other's eyes, and Crowley whispers, "Angel," and he's looking at Aziraphale's lips with all the wanting in the universe written upon his eyes, and Aziraphale with a face that says he's never wanted anything more than to swallow Crowley whole so he can Keep him, and they lean in, and at the very last second, Aziraphale stops them and they are standing there breathing heavily with their foreheads pressed together, and Aziraphale whispers, "I want to; oh God, I want to," and Crowley whines and tries again, but Aziraphale pulls back but doesn't leave Crowley's arms, and says, "We can't," and Crowley looks like he's been slapped, and Aziraphale looks so heartbroken and says, "They almost caught us tonight, and they would have destroyed you" and then continues so quietly, like it's a secret, "I don't know what I would do if I lost you," and Crowley tries to protest saying they can be sneaky, they won't get caught, they can have this, together, and Aziraphale looks so sad and says, "Oh Crowley," and Crowley knows Aziraphale is so close to agreeing and so close to pulling away, and he whispers, "Please," and for a second Aziraphale looks like he is going to give in, but he can't put Crowley in danger, so he makes his face colder, and he steps out of Crowley's arms, even though it nearly kills him to do so, and he says, "Besides, you know Angels don't dance," and Crowley remembers himself says, "No I don't suppose they do," and he straightens up and puts his glasses on and pretends nothing happened and says, "Of course you're right," and they nod at each other and Crowley moves to leave the bookshop, and Aziraphale feels like he's about to lose something so precious that he will not be able to ever get back, so he calls "Crowley," and Crowley turns to look at him, and Aziraphale says, "Perhaps someday...," but he can't say what he really means (some day we can have that, someday we can be together how we want, someday I will stop pulling away), so he visually changes his mind and finishes with, "we can dine at the Ritz," and he prays to a God that he, in this moment, hates so, so much for keeping him from the demon he loves more than anything, that Crowley understands his true meaning, and Crowley looks like maybe he does and like maybe he still has hope, and he nods and says, "Stay safe, Angel," and Aziraphale nods back, and then Crowley leaves, and Aziraphale is left looking absolutely devastated and heartbroken and angry, truly angry, for the first time in his long and lonely existence that he has to be loyal to Her rather than to him, and he takes a moment, takes a breath, and walks silently over to the radio and turns up the volume on the song and closes his eyes and gives himself that moment to remember what it felt like to be held, to be loved, to imagine what saying yes would bring, then honestly what is even the point of all of this?
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i love video games so much 🥺
#🌙.rambles#i'll be productive in like a bit but#listening to music!!!! oh dear i love video games so much#when hades 2 comes out i really hope i can get it#crisis core reunion releases so soon.. i really hope i can get it#zack's always been one of my favs bb boy i love him v much#n ffxvi oh my god i have no more words for that#octopath traveler 2 as well next year aaaa n then ff7 rebirth was it? yh#n then games this year someday i rlly wna play elden ring n stray n gow ragnarok :<<#in general i shld rlly play more from software games n then i shld v much continue gow.#i think my aunt still has the first game or one of them I CAN'T REMEMBER.. i think her copy is in japanese though wtf#also just thinking of. persona oh my god i rlly wna get more into the series sob i may ask my friend if i cld borrow?#my aunt has it too but it's just in japanese 😭😭#n then chrono grrr i rlly wna play.. n then the older final fantasies too#n get to both nier replicant n automata! i rlly want to play the drakengard games too someday >.>#also someday i want to at least try n play one of the bravely default n all games?#n then i want to at least. since we have them in our old xbox smth here; dragon age & mass effect#n just for the experience too i rlly want to try wow. league. n uhh wait there's so much#wait my mind is a mess rn fr but#other fire emblems too ofc! n the other zelda games hehe oh my god i shld rlly finish botw i just procrastinated n left behind#like just a few last things before yh yh#i wna play code vein n tales of arise n pso2 too#wait.. there's also stuff like oh my god i may be a coward but Still tlou & at least one re game n silent hill#metal gear & guilty gear & more assassin's creed too omg & atelier & play more of the witcher YEAH &#there's more i'm not even sure if i'm coherent w this anymore but when i'm done w all this i hope to have time to play again!!!!#i rlly rlly wna go to an orchestra of any vg i like :<<#hehe thinking of the vg osts i like the most probably; ff kh octopath drakenier soulsborne chrono fe3h gbf shadow of the colossus#botw. wait there's a lot i'm fond of bravely default too lots n code vein n other fire emblems n the witcher 3 n persona n#THERE'S SO MUCH WAIT ><
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maidragoste · 1 month
Hiiii!!!! I (18) was wondering if you could write a Jace x his mothers handmaiden reader, where they have a secret relationship 🤙🏼🤙🏼❤️❤️
anon, sorry for taking so long to write your request. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading 🥰💖💖
btw it wasn't clarified so I didn't write reader as a low-born handmaiden (that is, the ones who clean the urinals and that) but as a high-born one.
likes, comments and REBLOGS are always greatly appreciated 🥰💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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A frustrated sigh left your lips as you tried to break free from Jacaerys's grip only for the prince to press your body even closer to his so you couldn't get out of bed. You turned to demand that your lover let you go but you remained silent, watching Jace's face. Even though he had his eyes closed you were sure by the lazy smile on his face that he was awake. He looked beautiful. He always looked beautiful but these moments only belonged to you. You wanted to wake up every day next to him but you couldn't. Your duty was to Princess Rhaenyra, you cannot allow yourself to be distracted. Besides, if she found out that you were having a secret relationship with her beloved son, she would throw you out and your family would be very disappointed in you for having wasted the opportunity that the princess gave you to choose you as one of her handmaidens. Not only that but your reputation would be ruined, if rumors spread that you no longer possess your virtue then it would be impossible for you to get a husband. You are a fool to continue with this romance, someday Jace will marry a girl from an even more important house than yours and you will have to sit silently watching everything. There is no happy ending to this.
“My prince, I have to go,” you said, hoping he would stop playing dumb and let you go.
“No,” he complained, lengthening the “o.” Your place is at my side” he moved his face closer to kiss you but you moved, he tried again but you avoided him again “What's wrong” he asked, letting you go so he could sit properly on the bed.
"It's late, I should go. At any moment your mother will wake up, I have duties to do” you responded without looking at him as you got up. You didn't even have a chance to look for your shoes when he tugged on your arm making you return to the bed. He turns you around so that you both face each other.
“What is wrong?” asked again the prince. “Talk to me, please, my lady,” he asked, looking at you with concern while gently taking your face in his hands.
“I think we should stop seeing each other, my prince.” The uncertainty in your voice was clear but still, your words were a dagger for Jacaerys.
“Why?” Your heart ached as you heard the confusion and anguish in his voice. “. I don't understand, yesterday we were fine”
“Yes, we were. But we won't always be. Someday you will have to get married and you will leave me. “I think the easiest thing for my heart is for us to finish our thing now,” you said, closing your eyes without being able to see the sadness in his eyes anymore. If you continued seeing him you were afraid you would go back on your decision.
Your heart skipped a beat when you stopped feeling Jacaerys's hands. You froze as you listened to him get out of bed and get dressed. You should take the opportunity to leave, it's probably what he wanted but you couldn't move. You really had finished everything.
You opened your eyes as you felt the prince's hands in your hair. Your heart raced as he carefully untangled the knots. Once he finished, he kissed your shoulder. “Finish getting ready so we can go talk to my mother.”
“We?” you repeated.
"Yes. I have no intention of marrying anyone but you,” Jacaerys said calmly as if his words wouldn't change your entire world.
“Jacaerys, marrying me is an idiotic move, my house is not that important, and the lords” your chatter was interrupted by the prince's lips capturing yours. You should be firmer and move away, but you can't, so you surrender to enjoying the taste of your lover's lips, feeling more loved than ever.
"I love you and if my mother wants me to be her heir, she will have to accept it," Jace declared and there was no room for argument in his voice. “You are the only wife I intend to take,” he promised before kissing you again.
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Taglist for all my House of the Dragon works
@chaotic-fangirl-blog @venus-flytrap3 @ajordan2020 @iloveallmyboys @sweethoneyblossom1 @fudge13 @crystal-faith @tita004 @ichanelvxgue @snowprincesa1 @joyouart @rosey1981 @alastorhazbin @papichulo120627 @apollonshootafar @jasminecosmic99 @partypoison00 @labellapeaky @rebelliuna @bxdbxtxh15 @impartinghades @thegirlnextdoorssister @angeliod @snh96 @aleemendoza2425-blog   @natashaobo @watercolorskyy  @nyenye @savagemickey03 @kishie8 @ewwwitsel @arabis-world @missusnora @nzygftoji @alisoncdariel @cookielovesbook-akie @partnerincrime0 @klara-lily @427120lxld @justhereiguess2 @buckylahey @wa801 @artistadistrada2002 @thelastemzy @justanotherkpopstanlol @yn-jackson
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celestie0 · 8 days
gojo satoru x reader | college au [18+]
kickoff drabble no3. gojo as a cat dad
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ᰔ pairing. college au - soccer player! gojo x film major! reader
ᰔ drabble summary. gojo tried to give you a little kitten as an apology, but you weren’t able to take it in, so he ends up becoming a cat dad. (note: for new readers, this is in continuation of my long fic gojo x reader series “kickoff”!! masterlist is linked below)
ᰔ main storyline summary. gojo satoru is the most popular guy on your college campus. he's tall, funny, hot, not to mention he's the most talented soccer forward the school has seen in years. but he's also a frat dude, which puts him in a world very different from your own, as he spends most of his nights partying & drinking while you spend most of yours working on your annoying film major assignments. but when he reaches out to you for a favor, you realize that helping him out might have something in it for you too.
ᰔ warnings/tags. 18+, fem reader, fluff, angst, smut, college au, fraternities, sororities, partying, drinking/alcohol, romance, jealousy, pining, slow burn, opposites to lovers, friends to lovers, she falls first he falls harder, gojo being an idiot, marijuana use, sexism, sexual harassment (verbal only)
ᰔ chapter. drabble #3
ᰔ words. 2.3k
a/n. hellooo!! this is such a silly little drabble lol, basically just gojo falling in love w a kitty. kickoff reader does make an appearance tho haha. this will be the last drabble before we move on to ch11 :) hope u enjoy!! <3
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☾·̩͙꙳ moodboard no.1 :: ♬.*゚playlist
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“Wait what? He’s gotta get his balls chopped off someday?”
Gojo holds the tuxedo kitten, which as of two seconds ago is now officially his and shall be named mr. grand theft auto (mr gta for short) up into the air as he examines him like he’s some novel beast.
“Yes,” Nanami affirms on the other line before releasing a deep exhale, “at around ten weeks old, you’ll have to get him neutered.”
“How do I know how old he is?” Gojo asks, twiddling his thumb back and forth to give mr gta something to chase with his paws in an attempt to distract.
“You’ll have to take the kitten to the vet,” Nanami tells him. “They’ll need to check for fleas, parasites, and give any relevant vaccinations.”
Gojo scratches the back of his head and sets mr gta down on his desk, which the Soot Sprite runs to the edge of and almost knocks over Gojo’s half-finished can of Red Bull. Gojo picks him up again, and he hears a tiny little mew squeak out.
“Did you check with Suguru or Hide or Sota if they would be fine with keeping a cat in the house?” Nanami asks.
“That’s the first thing you should do.”
“Ehhh I’m sure they’d be fine with it,” Gojo replies before settling mr. gta into the nook of his elbow and then grabbing his keys. He pets his pocket for his wallet, and then heads out of his room, down the stairs, and outside to the driveway to get inside his car. He plops Fluff Ball onto his dashboard, and then realizes he’s still got Nanami on the line.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he brings his phone back up to his ear, “did you say something.”
A long pause. “I’ve been giving you instructions this entire time.”
Nanami apparently had three cats growing up, it was one of the first things Gojo learned about him during some Icebreakers for Rush. But his knowledge is wasted on Gojo, who’s more keen on winging most things in life.
“Where did you find this kitten?” Nanami asks.
“In the bushes,” Gojo says as he pulls out of the driveway, “over on Main street. Took the scenic route on my run this morning.”
“And why decide to keep it?”
Gojo pulls his phone from his ear to check the directions on his phone for a brief second, a little too lazy to connect BlueTooth to his car for a seven minute drive. “Uh. Well, I tried to give it to y/n, but she didn’t want it. Er, she couldn’t have it, so, I figured I’d keep it.” He glances between his rearview mirror and mr. gta as he turns onto the street. “The little thing’s homeless and cute, so why not. Also kinda ugly, though. His fur looks like he’s been struck by lightning.”
Nanami sighs, then catches his breath briefly. “You found a dirty flea-covered kitten in the bushes and then tried to abandon it with y/n when she can’t even have it, and then abruptly decided you’ll take care of it? I would encourage some self reflection.”
Gojo gets to the closest veterinarian office he could find, mr gta in hand when he walks through the door with the jingle of a bell at the top, which his kitten becomes instantly intrigued with as it tilts its head up to the noise.
“Hi,” Gojo says as he approaches the receptionist desk, where he sees a girl probably around his age wearing bright blue scrubs sitting there at a catastrophically messy desk cluttered with pens and clipboards and certainly not enough space for the gigantic keyboard underneath the computer.
She looks up from her computer at Gojo, and blinks a few times in surprise before addressing him. Gojo wonders if she’s new to the job. “Hello! Name for the appointment?”
“Oh, I don’t have an appointment,” Gojo says, setting mr gta up on the high raised counter, and he feels the fur of his tiny tail brush against his hand before a tiny rough tongue starts to lick at his knuckle. “I found this kitten in the bushes, so I just wanted someone to take a look at him. Or her? I’m, like, 90% sure it’s a boy, but you guys are the experts.”
Crescents form under her eyes in amusement before she flutters her eyes back to the computer screen. “Sorry, we don’t take walk-ins,” she says as she busies herself with clicking sporadically across pixels that he can’t see.
“Can’t make an exception?” Gojo asks, setting his elbow up on the counter and mr gta instantly starts scratching at his skin. He watches her expression change from business to something else before pushing away from the desk, chair springing when she gets up from it.
“I can check with the doctor for you!” she chirps and disappears into the hallway. Gojo looks down at mr gta, who’s staring off in the direction she went before he starts licking his paw.
The vet makes an exception, but not without a twenty minute wait. Gojo briefly wonders what being a veterinarian would be like, getting to hold tiny cute kittens like mr gta—who, by the way, is indeed a mister—all day. But, he figures there’s probably downsides to it too, since not all their patients are probably as sweet as mr gta is when he gets his shots. Cute thing just winces a little from the needle then chirps a drawled meow before shaking his head and wobbling right back into Gojo’s hands at the edge of the metal table. God, Gojo was attached. It hasn’t even been three hours, and he’d already jump in front of an active shooter just to protect the little Black Ball with Mittens.
Well, some of the love diminishes when he realizes just how damn expensive the vet visit cost as the receptionist from earlier adds up services on her dated calculator with punches of her index finger on worn out buttons. Gojo pulls his wallet out of his pocket and hands her his credit card, and even though it’s just the plastic equivalent of cash, he still feels like it’s much lighter somehow when she hands it back to him. She prints out the receipt, licking her thumb to separate the customer copy from the office’s copy and hands the latter to him to sign. The puff ball tied at the end of the pen intrigues mr gta who swats his paw at it while Gojo makes quick work of his signature and hands it over the counter. He’s about to turn on his heel to head out the door in no need of the customer copy, when the receptionist squeaks out a wait and scribbles something onto it before handing it to him. He glances down at the ballpoint blue ink. The total that he paid in written out words, a large circle drawn around a free future check-up coupon, and beneath it, a phone number with a heart next to it. He finally clocks in on the flirting.
His now healthy kitten is captivated by the noise of the bell above the door again when Gojo makes his way through it, and then captivated by the sound of plastic paper crumpling in his hand when he tosses the receipt into a trash can outside of receptionist desk view. It’s not like he needed it, he can’t return vaccines.
“So you’re cool with it?’ Gojo asks, Suguru on the other line since he wasn’t home and he was the last one of his housemates he had to check with if keeping mr gta was alright or not. Not that Gojo would drop the little guy off at a shelter if one of the guys did say they didn’t want a cat in the house. He’d sooner drop one of his housemates off at the shelter than get rid of mr gta.
Suguru sighs through the receiver. “I guess it’s fine as long as you take care of it…but it’s weird, you’ve never cared much for cats?”
Gojo’s eyes flicker across the ceiling of his room as he lays on his bed, swinging his knee back and forth before adjusting his hand under his neck to get more comfortable. His gaze then flits down to mr gta, who is roaming the expanse of his chest and plucking at the fabric of Gojo’s shirt with every step he takes across it. Purring like a maniac where the sound is probably loud enough to interrupt Nanami’s wim hof breathing meditation exercises three houses down from here.
Gojo pulls the phone away from his ear and tucks his chin to look mr gta straight in the eye. “Dude. Could you keep it down? I’m on the phone.”
Electrocuted Puff Ball just stares at him and mews in defiance before using its hind leg to scratch behind its ear, then settles its head down on the center of Gojo’s chest, the rumble of purrs felt on his sternum.
Gojo brings the phone back to his ear. He considers how to answer Suguru, thinking can’t let the gang know I fw cute cats all of a sudden so instead he says— “I don’t know. It’s probably the cat parasite.”
“The what?” Suguru asks.
Gojo scratches the top of mr gta’s head as he puts Suguru on speaker then peruses a WikiHow article on his phone on how to care for babies. Apparently, skin to skin contact is very important, so he shoves mr gta underneath the fabric of his shirt. “Yeah, something about a parasite from cats that can infect humans and basically make us fall in love with them as some sort of survival strategy. I read about it on the mews—er, news. Mews? What the fuck. I just said mews instead of news. See?? It’s the fuckin’ cat parasite.”
He hears Suguru sigh. “Aight. Whatever floats your boat, dude.”
Gojo’s phone pings with a text notification, and when he sees your name flash across his screen, his eyes widen. “Uh, gotta go. See ya at home. Don’t forget the cat food.” And then he hangs up. Because he can’t talk to you and concentrate on anything else at the same time.
He sits up, catching mr gta when he falls towards his lap in the motion, and then he perches himself up on an elbow to read your texts.
|| 10:24am You: hi, sorry for kicking you out earlier today
|| 10:24am You: i was just a little sad about the kitty :(
He sees you typing, before the bubble disappears. He holds his breath. And then he sees you typing again.
|| 10:26am You: i’m on my period, so im’ a little emotional
Gojo blinks at his screen. Then his thumbs move to type.
|| 10:28am Gojo Satoru: Oh
He scans his brain for the right thing to say.
|| 10:29am Gojo Satoru: Are you doing okay? Do you need Ibuprofen
He feels mr gta’s warm little body press against his torso.
|| 10:30 Gojo Satoru: Or a heating pad?
Nailed it.
|| 10:32am You: aw no i’m ok!! thanks though :))
|| 10:32am You: did you keep the kitty?
His eyes flicker down to mr gta, who has fully fallen asleep in his lap. Dumb little thing. Doesn’t even know pythagoras’s theorum, or anything about the Roman Empire. Only knows warmth and whiskers. But if anything bad ever happened to mr gta, Gojo would probably end up in jail for the revenge he wreaks havoc on the perpetrators.
|| 10:24am Gojo Satoru: I did, yeah. Victim of the cat parasite
|| 10:26am You: cat parasite??
|| 10:26am You: what’s that
|| 10:28am Gojo Satoru: Some parasite that makes people like cats
|| 10:29am Gojo Satoru: [sent an article]
|| 10:29am Gojo Satoru: Saw it on the news
|| 10:31am You: don’t you mean
|| 10:31am You: the mews
|| 10:31am You: haha get it
|| 10:31am You: because of mew
He blinks at his phone screen, and then his lips purse. The cuteness aggression he has felt today is enough to kill a grown man, and he has to set his phone down to deal with the wide grin that spreads across his face from your messages. He rubs a hand across his mouth and over his jaw, to ease the sore to the cheeks of his muscles from the way he can’t help the stupid way he’s cheesing over you, and it’s almost embarrassing if it didn’t make his heart beat fast in his chest in the same flush way he feels at the end of a good run or an exciting soccer match.
And while he tries to contain his face despite the lack of any witnesses, except for the kitten curled up in his lap, he realizes it’s been minutes since he responded to you.
He falls back onto the bed, head hitting the pillow while he sets his hand holding his phone down on his chest to read your message. Mr gta crawls up from his lap to sit in front of his phone screen, and Gojo has to tilt his head to look past the obstructing view of his wispy floofy tail.
|| 10:35am you: sorry. was that lame :(
Mr gta meows incessantly at the phone as if in response to you. “Yeahhh I know. She’s really cute, isn’t she.” And then Gojo scratches behind his pointy little ear with his index finger. Mr gta entirely leans into the sensation, purring loudly almost on command before he’s meowing again in a tiny voice.
Mr gta reaches his paw out, pressing it against the bright screen of Gojo’s phone, typing nonsensical letters because he doesn’t know the English lexicon, or any lexicon for that matter other than purr and meow and hiss.
Gojo thinks nothing of it, until his paw accidentally presses the blue send button.
|| 10:37am Gojo Satoru: sjhdfhh
|| 10:38am You: huh?
|| 10:39am Gojo Satoru: Sorry
|| 10:39am Gojo Satoru: That was the cat
[the end]
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a/n. hope u enjoyeeddd lol gojo as a cat dad was not in my plans for kickoff at all but this was fun to write alskdjdh i want a lil kitty so baaaaad </3 anywho, like i mentioned, this will be the last drabble from ch10 haha we shall move on to ch11 now 😼 but there will def be more mr gta appearances in kickoff bc that’s gojo’s lil baby now :”) thanks sm for reading!! love u guys
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taglist: @megumisdivinedogs @witchbybirth @avatarl0v3r @mwtsxri @asherheed
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note: please send me an ask if your taglist preferences change at any time!!
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writingmeraki · 3 months
men on a mission.
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a kim mingyu drabble !
pairing : secret!agent!mingyu x secret!agent!reader, established relationship ( they are married lmao )
genre : fluff. few rotten tooth worthy fluff.
warnings : kissing and mentions of alcohol/drunkness.
author's note : well. i was inspired by a sort of dream i had abt mingyu and this sprouted out of it lmao. i rlly do hope it makes sense <3 i kinda wanna make this a fic someday but i have too much shit on my hands rn so take this instead :D also unkept, unsaid,ugly emotions other units will be coming soon and maybe something for enha too cause it's been a HOTTT minute ☝️!!
sp. dt to my svt luvr moots 🩷!! @blue-jisungs ; @shuamorollss ; @odxrilove ; @flwoie ; @strxwberry-skiess ; @bambikisss ; @enluv !!!! ( this is my small attempt at showing y'all i am alive and do think of you guys everytime i open this app :( love u all even those who aren't mentioned ! )
word count : 0.9k
small drabble in the same universe ( continuation if you wish ) !!
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Mission be darned, you may just get exempted due to murdering your assigned partner.
“Mingyu! Can you please stop drinking!?” 
You were sure your forehead might have become red from the amount of times you've been rubbing it and you can feel the grey hair seeping through.
Glaring at said man as he downed probably the fifth shot of some combo of liquor, you turned your attention to the bartender.
His eyes widened as he gulped in slight fear from the anger radiating in your gaze.
“I told you to stop. No more drinks for him.” 
You said calmly as he quickly nodded his head and went in a rush to clean the already cleaned up counter for the second time, finding it better to be anywhere but near a furious person.
He knew what he was paid was not worth getting into an argument about how customer service is the top thing and all that. 
“Loosen up! Have some fun babyyy!” His words slurred towards the end and you had to stop yourself from grinning at his words. You rolled your eyes at his words before hissing out lowly towards him,
“We are not supposed to have fun, if you remember, we’re here to collect some information!” You were whisper yelling at this point but you doubt anyone would hear you anyways from the loud music playing in the club which was already giving you a headache. 
“ ‘s fine~”
“I’ll get it out some other time, just relax yeah? It’s been a while since we went out.” 
Sighing at his words, you avoided looking at his face. You knew damn well he had that specific look. The look when he really wanted something from you which you weren’t agreeing on. You think it’s his eyes that get to you every damn time. 
Suddenly, he moved from his position and clinged to your arm, almost making you fall off the bar stool as he scooted closer with his, making a screeching sound that would have made you cringe if it weren’t for the fact you were trying not to fall over from the sudden weight added.
“Mingyu!” You yelped as you moved your right arm around him, trying to hold him as support,which was another mission in itself considering how broad his shoulders were. 
His face plopped itself on your shoulder, cheek smothered on it as he spoke, “You’re so warm, always are warm.”
You suppose he was somewhat fulfilling the actual mission you’d come for, which was acting like a couple in love as bait to get some information on a group that was specifically targeting couples for their acts and scams. 
“Uhm, are you alright?” You turned to the concerned bartender, who had immediately turned towards you once again when he heard your shocked yelp from before. 
“If he’s bothering you, I can call security.”
You rolled your eyes, for probably the nth time that night, murmuring under your breath how if he hadn’t given him the shots, he wouldn’t act that way.
“No it’s fine- he gets…clingy when he’s out of it.” 
“Gyu?” The coldness of the ring on your ring finger touched his cheek which made him slightly wake up from almost dozing off as you had turned your attention away from him.
The ring didn’t go unnoticed to the bartender as he nodded at you and went about his business. 
Turns out your mission was already halfway complete because you didn’t really need to fake being a couple, after all being married for six years is probably as real as it could get. 
“You’re so pretty, wanna marry you and just be with you~” 
You couldn’t stop the giggle now, your eyes sparkling underneath the club lights as you rubbed his cheek in adoration.
Well what was the point of trying to accomplish the mission anyways? You knew you would be able to get the information through other ways, so you might as well just 'have fun' as your actual partner ( for life ) said right?
Your anger was considerably simmered since it had occurred to you, it had been an actual while since you went out with him. Even if he was your husband, it was tough to get free time when you were both the best at your agency. 
“Well I think you’ve already accomplished that yeah baby?” You don’t think you’ll ever get over how your stomach feels like butterflies are roaming around when he grins at you the way he is at the moment. 
You’ll definitely never get over how he always and always looks at you like you hung up every star in the universe just for him to gaze at in awe. He looks at you, always did as if you held all the answers to his questions and perhaps in a sense you did. You were his everything, all the answers and all the stars. 
“I love you.” Your cheeks were probably hurting from grinning so much, you could never be angry at him. 
You moved your face a little closer to his, pecking his nose and pulling back,
“I do too. I mean I don’t think I'd have kept up with your annoying ass for the past almost decade if I didn’t.”
Before he could go on a rant about how mean you were being, you moved again, placing your lips on his, effectively shutting him up as his hazy brain tried to comprehend his long time–lifetime– crush kissing him. 
He would never get used to how you would make him feel like he’s a giddy boy in love all over again just from your mere actions. He’s probably been in love a trillion times by now but just with you and only you. 
Mission be darned, if he could have you like this at the end of the day, he doesn’t think he’ll ever regret anything. 
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌
links : main navi ! | svt masterlist !
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latherinhoney · 9 months
kinktober 2023 day 5 - stuff me full
(jake - enhypen)
genre: (non - idol au)
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warnings: (18+), (hard smut), (breeding kink), (pregnancy kink), (mentions of jake wanting kids), (creampie), (soft dom jake) (pet names)
1.5k words
a/n: day 5 of kinktober! again sorry for the late post but I knocked out last night 😭 but I had alot of fun writing this one so I hope you enjoy! And as always feel free to send in any requests :)
Jake absolutely adored the fact that you and him would eventually have kids someday. Seeing little copies of one another running around made his heart swell and he knew you'd make a great mother as well. He couldn't wait for the day when his little family formed.  
"Babyyy"  Jake whined to you trying to get your attention while you were both getting ready for bed. 
You let out a small sigh laughing at how he always gets like this when he wants something. 
"What's wrong honey?" you ask him, turning around so that you could face him. He looked so cute with the slight pout forming on his lips that you just wanted to pepper his face in kisses. 
"When are we going to start our own family?" He asks shyly "We've been together for a long time and I always see other people looking so happy with their little families and I want the same for us" he confesses. 
This caught you by surprise, you never knew that Jake had been feeling this way. I mean sure he loved playing with kids especially his nieces and nephews. You saw the way he looked while playing with them but didn't know he wanted that for yourselves. 
You'll admit though, that you didn't think you were exactly ready to start a family yet but the way Jake's face lit up talking about you guys having your own kids made you want to give him five on the spot. 
"Hmmm I don't know yet baby" you tell him nervously "I don't know if we're ready for that yet, what if it's not like what we expect or what you expect?" you ramble to Jake, starting to feel slightly worried now. 
"Shhh it's okay princess" he whispers as he grabs your hand, rubbing his thumb over it and placing a kiss on your forehead. "You'll be a great mom and you know why? Because you're already a great wife and there's no one else I can imagine being a perfect mother other than you" he reassures you by combing his fingers through your hair. 
"You really think so?" you ask, feeling your worries start to ease. "I know so" he whispers, placing a kiss on your lips.
 He deepens the kiss and you kiss him back harder. He's caught slightly off guard. 
"Mmmh fuck princess, if you kiss me like that I won't be able to hold myself back" he pants out, looking at you.
 He takes you in, how pretty you look before going to bed and thinking how sweet you are to him. You're the best wife he could have, how could he not want to have kids with you? Wanting to stuff all his cum into you, to the point it starts dripping out knowing that he'd for sure get you pregnant. 
"Fuck you make feel like I'm floating" Jake breathes out, breath getting heavy. "I need you so bad right now princess" Jake whines pulling you back in for another kiss 
You can tell he's starting to get turned on. Finding it really cute when he's practically begging for you. You continue the kiss turning from sweet to hot and heavy. He pulls away, saliva disconnecting from both of your mouths as he licks it away. 
"Lay on your back princess, I can't take it anymore" he commands, pulling the blankets to the side of the bed and plopping you down onto it. You adjust yourself on the bed, shifting into a more comfortable position as Jake is already taking off his pajama pants. As he slides them off you can already see the bulge on his boxers, your body shuddering at the sight. 
You can tell he's desperate by the way he's trying his best to take off his clothes as fast as he can. He then slides off his boxers, cock slipping out already stiff and leaking. 
He rushes over to you and spreading your legs open. 
"Oh fuck my princess looks so pretty for me, I can't wait to stuff you full of my cum, so much that it starts leaking out" he grunts out. It caught you off guard seeing his dominant side come out as he usually is nothing but a sweetheart. You couldn't help as his sudden aggressiveness turned you on and couldn't wait any longer for him to start fucking into you. 
"I'ma make my baby feel so good" he says taking off your shorts, underwear included. 
He groans at the fact that he can see your pussy clenching around nothing, ready to take him in. He grabs his cock, teasing you but sliding it up and down your slick pussy. 
"Hmmhm fuck Jake" you beg "Stop teasing and put it in already" you muster out gripping the sheets already. 
His head is spinning, flustered with the fact that he's finally gonna be able to stuff you full and breed you to his heart's content. He grabs his cock lining it up with your entrance. He slowly pushes the tip in, gasping at how fucking good it feels. He could feel the slight pressure of your pussy tightening around his tip making him go insane. 
He slowly pushes the rest of his cock in, making you gasp at how full he was making you feel. He moans at how fucking tight you feel around the rest of his cock, starting to fuck into you. 
"Fuck princess this pussy of yours is so tight, I don't know how much longer I'ma last" he grits his teeth continuing to slide his cock in and out of you. 
Your head is spinning, moaning as he fucks into you at a brutal pace. He feels so fucking good especially the way his cock is pushing up against your sweet spot, your head lolling back everytime he hits it. At this rate you didn't know how much longer you would last. He slides out for a quick moment to put your legs over his shoulders to fuck into you at a better angle. He slips his cock back in, both of you moaning at him re-entering you. 
With this new angle, Jake was directly hitting your sweet spot, the feeling in your stomach growing tighter and tighter. 
"Fuck gonna cum soon" you moan out "fuckfuckfuck c-cumming" you yell out arching your back from the bed.
The tightness from you cumming was clamping down on his dick sending him over the edge. 
"Oh fuck mmh cumming princess" he grunts out placing a hand on your stomach. 
He groans as he keeps his hand on your stomach to feel himself release inside of you. Thick ropes of his cum filling you up as you continue to ride out your high on his cock. 
"Hgnn fuck Jake" you whimper as you come down from your high. Jake still fucking into you to make sure he stuffs you full with his semen. 
"Mhhh fuck princess, I'm going to breed you so good" he moans "fill you up so good, stuff you full of my kids" he says applying more pressure onto your stomach with his hand. 
"Jake, stop please mhm sensitive" you plead out but he ignores you, and continues to fucking into you, making sure to release every last drop of his cum inside of you. He finishes riding out his high and pulls out of you watching his cum slowly drip out from your pussy. His head feels dizzy, watching the scene in front of him unfold, you still whimpering from the overstimulation meanwhile your pussy clenches around nothing dripping out his seed. 
"Fuck princess, I can't hold myself back with you" Jake pants out grabbing his cock and slipping it back inside of you again. Your body breaks into goosebumps from the feeling of him slipping back into you. 
"Jake please" you beg "give me a moment" 
"I can't" he continues pounding into you "Not when you look like this" thrusting deeper into you. 
He's desperate, his mind is being overtaken by the sole fact that he just wants to breed you. Fill you up so good that you'll be pregnant with his child by the time he's done with you. 
"Mmhmm coming again" he whimpers cumming into you for the second time tonight. Your mind has turned into mush at this point, overstimulated all you can do is just lay there and keep moaning out. 
"Fuck this pussy of yours feels too good, and it's all mine" 
Once he finishes he pulls out again, seeing how much more he stuffed you this time. Your body trembling, begging for no more but again he slips back into you and continues for multiple more rounds. 
"Fuck princess" he groans out slipping out for a last time. Watching the multiple rounds of his cum leak out of you. He leans over you to place a kiss on your forehead "you did so well for me" 
He places his hand back on your stomach again. Rubbing your stomach, pleased with himself at the fact that he stuffed you full of his seed. 
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goldengalore · 2 months
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An anxious!reader fic.
Summary: Harry wants kids. Y/N isn’t sure what she wants. Feeling pressured to make up her mind, she agrees to something she’s not ready for.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: angst, smut
A/N: Hello! It’s been a while. This fic is based on this ask I received forever ago. Enjoy :)
Y/N has always been on the fence about having kids.
As a young teenager, she assumed she would have them when she grew up, fell in love, and got married. Social norms, along with her own childish naivete, made her believe that this was the only path one could take in life. Having children was the next logical step to marriage, which was the next logical step to falling in love.
And then she matured and realized that life is not nearly as cut-and-dry, that having kids is a choice, not a necessity, and that she can absolutely go her whole life without having any if that’s what she wants. This realization came as a relief but also felt somewhat unnerving because how is she supposed to know what she wants? She is quite possibly the most indecisive person on the planet, so it’s no surprise that she has bounced back and forth between wanting and not wanting children throughout her entire adult life.
On one hand, she thinks of her friends who have kids and how their lives have become utterly consumed by the little humans that require their constant care and attention. There is just so much that Y/N wants to experience and achieve before settling into a life like that.
Not to mention the horrors of pregnancy. It’s not exactly a walk in the park, having to carry a human life inside of you for nine months and then give birth to it. The health complications, the irreversible bodily changes, the sheer, agonizing pain of childbirth.
And yet, on some days, she fantasizes about becoming a mother, of holding a tiny life in her arms and nurturing it into a full-grown adult. An important character in these fantasies has always been the sweet, thoughtful, loving partner by her side who takes equal responsibility for their child. This person was always a faceless individual—an idealistic depiction of the kind of partner Y/N hoped to find someday.
And then Harry came along.
Sweet, thoughtful, loving Harry who, unlike her, was always sure of his desire to have kids. For him, it was never a question of whether he wanted them but a question of when.
That moment finally arrived for him a year ago. But Y/N wasn’t sure if she felt ready yet.
“What are you afraid of?” he asked her one day. “I don’t mean that in a judgemental way. Bringing a child into this world is scary for anyone, including myself. I’m just curious to know what your specific concerns are.”
“Well, there’s the usual stuff, like whether or not I’ll be a good mother—”
“You’ll be a phenomenal mother.”
She smiled at him, then continued, “Or whether my kids will be able to have a good future with so much chaos in the world...” She trailed off hesitantly.
“But there’s something else,” he said, gently urging her to share what was really holding her back.
“I… I’ve always been terrified of the idea of having to raise a child alone, either because something bad happens to the father or he leaves out of the blue or we break up and I’m left to take care of this child by myself. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I… I’ve never been able to shake this fear.”
“Doesn’t sound ridiculous to me. I was raised by a single mother, so I know it’s not an easy job.” He reached for her hand and kissed her knuckle, never breaking eye contact. “But I’m not going anywhere, Y/N. You know that, right? We’re in this together. We’re a team, always.”
She nodded. “I know.”
“Well, I’m alright with waiting until you feel ready. I want us both to feel ready before we jump into this.”
In the six months following that conversation, the topic would crop up several more times, like after Harry saw her interacting with his godchildren at a party or they walked past a cute baby in a stroller at the grocery store. Y/N didn’t mind discussing the topic. It gave her a chance to ponder and become more comfortable with the concept of motherhood.
Yesterday, Harry returned home from a month-long movie shoot in Sweden. Y/N surprised him by showing up at the airport. What he doesn’t know is that she has another surprise in store for him.
While he was in Sweden, she decided to go off her birth control and now wants to try for kids.
She plans on telling him later tonight once they get home from their friend’s birthday party. They’ve been all over each other tonight. That’s what being apart for a month does to them. Hell, even a week apart is enough to turn them into a couple of horny teenagers that can’t keep their hands off each other.
“You look so hot in that dress,” Harry whispers in her ear, half-joking because they both know this is his fifth time saying that tonight.
Emboldened by a couple glasses of wine, a tipsy Y/N whispers back, “I want you to put a baby in me.”
His eyes widen. He chuckles. “That wine bringing out your wild side?”
“I’m serious,” she states, glancing around to double check that no one is within earshot of their conversation. “I went off my birth control a month ago, after you left for Sweden.”
He stares at her blankly, like her words haven’t quite sunk in.
“H, I’m ready to do this.”
She smiles. “Yes.”
“We’re doing this,” he says as it finally sinks in. He kisses her wine-stained lips. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?”
“Yes, please.”
Y/N can hardly keep her composure on the way home. Harry appears to be in the same boat, as he keeps sneaking glances at her while driving, his hand caressing her thigh. While he’s always been a responsible driver, she can sense the impatience in his maneuvers tonight.
Once they’re home, it’s almost a race to the bedroom. Harry gently pushes her onto the bed and climbs on top of her.
“Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to watch you walk around in this dress tonight”—he runs a hand down her front—“and not be able to bend you over and just slip my cock into you?”
She moans as he cups her pussy through her dress with a firm hand. He lets her grind against it for a minute before pulling away to take off his clothes. She follows suit.
Soon, they’re back on the bed, sharing another series of ardent kisses. By the time he goes down on her, she’s already dripping wet and he licks it up as if he hasn’t had a drop of water in days. Her hips grind against his tongue like they did against his hand just a moment ago. It doesn’t take her long to orgasm.
He shifts up the bed to hover over her body. He kisses her again while lining up his cock with her entrance. As he slides into her, she feels a slight discomfort from being stretched open for the first time in a month. He pulls out and pushes in a little deeper each time to let her adjust until he fills her up completely and she’s too immersed in pleasure to have a single coherent thought anymore.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” he says, starting to pump in and out. “Gonna come inside you, yeah? Gonna come deep inside your tight little cunt and fill you up, put a baby in you. Is that what you want?”
Those words flip a switch in Y/N’s mind. She makes an involuntary noise that makes it seem like she’s agreeing with him, so he picks up his pace. Just as he finishes inside her, the terrible realization dawns: She is not ready to have a baby. Not at all.
“I love you,” Harry whispers in her ear, his body resting flush against hers as he comes down from his high.
Tears spring to Y/N’s eyes as she realizes what she’s done, what they’ve just done. When she doesn’t reciprocate his statement, he lifts his head to look at her. A tear escapes her left eye at that exact moment.
Concern furrows his brow. “Lovie? Hey, what’s wrong?”
She just shakes her head while staring at the ceiling.
“Y/N.” He caresses her cheek, urging her to look at him. “What’s the matter? Are you hurt? Did I go too—”
“We shouldn’t have done this. It was a mistake,” she says in a trembling voice.
“What are you talking about?”
She tries to sit up. Harry moves out of her way.
“I’m not ready, H. I’m not ready to have a baby.”
His face falls. “I— But— Then why did you say you were ready?”
“I don’t know… To make you happy?” She covers her face and hears him sigh heavily.
“Y/N, you can’t— You can’t lie about things like that just to make me happy. It’s not like we were deciding what to have for dinner. We’re talking about having a baby, for Christ’s sake.”
“I know that. Of course I know that. But I just— I see the disappointment in your face every time we talk about this, every time I tell you I’m not ready. You seem so sad, Harry. I hate it.”
“Well, I’m sorry I’m not able to hide my emotions as well as I thought I could. That still doesn’t mean you should lie to please me. I thought we were past foolish antics like this.”
She squints at him. “Foolish antics?”
He sighs again. “I didn’t mean it like—”
She turns away from him and gets off the bed.
She shuts herself in the bathroom. For a brief moment, a part of her resents him. Resents him for being ready to have kids before she was. For bringing it up so often. For making her feel as though she needed to lie about being ready just to make him happy.
But now, as she stares at her teary-eyed reflection in the mirror, she knows she has to take responsibility. She is the one who led him to believe that she was ready when deep down, she knew she wasn’t. He never once pressured her to make up her mind or acted like he loved her any less for not wanting kids yet. He never made her feel any type of way about it. He has done nothing but be the supportive, understanding partner he’s always been. It was her who doubted that. She let her own paranoia get to her.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
A few moments later, he knocks again.
“Please, lovie? I’m getting worried.”
Finally, she opens the door. He takes in her red, puffy eyes and tentatively places his arms around her, only pulling her in when she steps into his embrace.
They stand there silently until he says, “Why don’t we head over to the pharmacy and get you a morning after pill?”
She agrees, so they get dressed and head out. The ride to the pharmacy is a quiet one. Every time she glances at Harry, his eyes are focused on the road, both hands gripping the steering wheel, and he appears deep in thought. It’s the complete opposite of their ride home from the party, when he could hardly keep his hands or his eyes off her. She tries to think of ways to break the silence, but nothing feels appropriate. The last time she felt so awkward and unsure about what to say around Harry was when they first started going out and she was terrified of saying the wrong thing.
When they get back from the pharmacy, she swallows down the pill with some water and they head back to bed.
Y/N: Hey H, you on your way home? Hope you’re hungry, I made your favourite for dinner 😊
H: I have a business dinner tonight. Mentioned it this morning
Y/N: Oh! Sorry I forgot about that. I’ll save some in the fridge for you for tomorrow
H: Sure, thanks
Y/N stares at the message. She can’t tell if she’s reading into things or if Harry’s replies really are as dry and aloof as they sound. Her propensity to overanalyze everything makes it difficult to know. Ever since the incident in the bedroom a few days ago, it feels as though Harry has been avoiding her. Spending long days at the studio, coming home late at night when he knows she’ll be asleep, giving short replies, taking longer to text back. They haven’t had sex again since then either.
After scrutinizing their text conversation for twenty minutes, she comes to her senses and realizes that she can’t keep going on like this. It’s driving her crazy. What she needs to do is talk to him. But he’ll most likely be tired when he gets home.
At first, she thinks she’ll sit him down tomorrow morning and talk it out. But when he walks through the front door just after eleven o’clock that night, she can’t help herself.
She stands in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a cup of tea, when he enters. The dark circles under his eyes are noticeable. He has been willing to sacrifice his sleep just to avoid being around her any longer than he has to. Her chest constricts.
“Hey,” he says, placing his phone and keys on the counter. “You’re still up.”
“Can’t sleep.” She stares down into her half-empty mug, the remainder of the tea quickly growing cold.
“How come?”
“I can’t stop thinking.”
She swallows the lump in her throat and looks up at him. “About whether or not you’re upset with me and how I can fix it.”
He frowns. “Why would I be upset with you?”
“Because of what happened a few nights ago.”
His frown dissolves into something different—sympathy? Guilt?
“Y/N, I’m not upset with you about that.”
“Are you sure? Because it seems like it. You’re gone before I’m even awake and you come home when I’m going to bed. We’ve barely talked or kissed or cuddled in the past few days. I know you haven’t been that busy since you got back from Sweden, so… I don’t really see any other explanation.”
He stares at her wordlessly for a long time before speaking. “You’re right. I have been avoiding you. But it’s not because I’m upset with you. It’s because I’m upset with myself. I feel like I pressured you into doing something you obviously weren’t comfortable with. I never saw myself as someone who pressures people into doing things they don’t want to do. So, I suppose I’ve been feeling some shame and guilt about it… and then avoiding you because it’s hard to face these feelings.”
Y/N sets her tea on the counter. She never could’ve guessed that Harry felt this way. She was so convinced that he was mad at her, it didn’t even occur to her that he might just be feeling guilty about it all. After how long she has known him, it should have been obvious that the latter is more consistent with his character, but her anxious brain wouldn’t even let her consider that possibility. She walks over and wraps her arms around him.
“H, I had no idea you felt that way.”
He squeezes her tightly, resting his chin on her head. She turns her head to the side so that her cheek is against his chest.
“To be honest, there were times I felt pressured when the topic of kids came up,” she says. “But a lot of that pressure was created by my own fears and insecurities. I just hated disappointing you over and over. I was scared your feelings about me, about us, would change if I kept saying I wasn’t ready.”
“This hasn’t changed how I feel about you or us. Y/N, I want you more than I want kids. Way more. If you decided one day that you don’t want them at all, that still wouldn’t change how I feel about you.”
She pulls back to look at him. “Are you sure? That’s a dealbreaker for a lot of people.”
“Well, not for me. Not when it comes to you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Suddenly, he lifts her up onto the counter and stands between her legs.
“So. What did you get up to today?” he asks, planting a kiss to her collarbone.
She rests her hands on his chest. “Hmm, what did I get up to? I hardly remember anything other than obsessing over this whole situation.” She laughs.
“Aw, lovie, I’m sorry I had you all stressed out.”
“It’s okay.”
“Maybe I can make it up to you. Help you relieve all that stress.” He peppers kisses along the side of her neck and jaw.
She sighs softly and closes her eyes. “I would like that.”
Thank you for reading! For more anxious!reader and other fics, check out my MASTERLIST
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fuzzyautumninmetal · 28 days
Loving Husband pt 2
Olderhusband!Price 🤝 YoungerWife!Reader 🤝 Trying for a baby
The beginning is a lil sad I'm sorry
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Part 1 Part 3
It had been two months. Two months of trying, of hoping, of praying, and yet still no positive result. Each negative pregnancy test was a dagger to your heart, a cruel reminder of the unfairness of life. Despite your tears and sorrow, John remained steadfast in his support and love, comforting you in your moments of despair and promising you that they would eventually achieve their dream of starting a family together.
"We're gonna get there my love," he assured you one night after another failed attempt left you in floods of tears. "Just hang in there for me, okay? We're stronger together, remember?" His words were a lifeline, pulling you back from the brink of desolation and giving you the strength to keep fighting, to keep believing that someday they would succeed in bringing a child into their lives.
You wiped away your tears and took deep breaths, John saw you were trying to stay positive for him and for yourself. "I love you. So much" You managed to say through ragged breaths.
John watched as you struggled to regain control of yourself, wiping away your tears and taking deep, steadying breaths. He could see the effort it cost you, the battle you waged against your own despair, and it only made his admiration and love for you grow stronger. Seeing you try to stay positive for his sake touched him deeply, reminding him once again of why you were the love of his life.
"I love you too, baby," he said softly, pulling you into his arms and holding you tightly against his chest. "We'll make this happen...together." His words were a vow, a promise that they would not give up, that they would continue to fight and hope and pray until their dreams of becoming parents were realized.
John held you tight as you cried on his shoulder. You stayed like that for a long time, just crying and clinging onto him. But eventually you calmed down and looked up at John with teary eyes.
As you calmed down and looked up at him with tears still glistening in your eyes, John smiled softly and gently wiped away the last of your tears with his thumbs. His heart ached at the pain he saw etched across your features, but he knew that all he could do was be there for you, to support and love you through the difficult times. "You okay now, baby?" he asked gently, cupping her cheek in his palm and leaning in to press a tender kiss against her lips.
You nodded slowly and kissed John back, feeling yourself calm down even more at the feel of his lips against yours. "With you by my side.... I'll always be okay" You whispered.
John smiled warmly at your words, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He knew that you were right; with you by his side, he could weather any storm, face any challenge, and overcome any obstacle. Together, they were strong enough to conquer anything, including their shared dream of starting a family.
"And with you by my side, I can accomplish anything," he replied softly, pulling you closer and resting his forehead against yours. "So let's keep fighting, yeah? Let's keep trying and hoping and praying...until we finally get our happy ending."
John pulled you close again, hugging you tight as you buried your face into his chest. Your heart beat steady against his ear as you breathed him in. A tear rolled down your cheek as you thought about everything you had gone through together, all the ups and downs, the good times and bad. But despite it all, here you were, still together, still fighting, still loving each other.
Feeling you bury your face into his chest and hear the steady rhythm of your heartbeat against his ear filled John with a profound sense of contentment and peace. He held you close, wrapping his arms around you and savouring the warmth of your body pressed against his own. As he felt the warm trickle of a tear against his skin, he knew that you were thinking about all they'd been through together, the trials and tribulations they'd faced, and the strength of their enduring love.*
"Hey," he murmured softly, tilting your chin up with a finger under your jawline. "No more tears, okay? We're strong...we can do this."
Feeling your soft lips against his own, John knew that you were pouring all of your love and affection into that single kiss. He returned your embrace passionately, his hands cradling your face as he lost himself in the taste and feel of you. The kiss was a testament to their enduring love, a symbol of their unbreakable bond and their unwavering determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
After breaking the kiss, you rested your head on John's chest again, listening to his heart beat. "Don't forget Soap's invited us for a BBQ this weekend" You reminded John.
At the mention of the barbecue, John chuckled softly, his hand stroking through your hair soothingly. "Yeah, I did forget about that didn't I?" He said, smiling. "Well, maybe it's a sign. Maybe we should go, have some fun, take our minds off things for a bit." His words were hopeful, filled with the belief that perhaps changing their environment might lead to a change in fortune.
You smiled up at John and nodded "Yeah, you're right. We need to take our mind off things. And besides, I'm sure Soap will have plenty of booze, we could use a few drinks." You giggled.
John grinned at your suggestion, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your arm. "You read my mind, sweetheart," he said, winking playfully. "A few drinks, some good food, and great company...sounds like just what we need."
"But first," he added, leaning in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. "How about we take a nice hot bath together? Soak away our troubles for a while..."
Your cheeks turned pink as John suggested a hot bath together. You giggled and playfully pushed him away. "Naughty boy! You're trying to seduce me when I'm supposed to be sad!" You teased him, he always knew how to cheer you up.
John laughed at your teasing, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief and desire. "When am I ever not trying to seduce you, sweetheart?" He asked, pulling you back into his arms and nuzzling your neck.
"But you're right," he continued, his voice dropping to a low purr. "You are supposed to be sad. So how about this? I'll make you laugh, cry, scream...and then I'll make you scream some more. Deal?"
You giggled at John's proposal, running your fingers through his hair as you looked into his eyes. "Deal" You whispered, kissing him again before leading him towards the bathroom where you drew them both a hot bubble bath.
Following you into the bathroom, John couldn't help but admire your figure from behind. Your curves were enticing, your ass round and plump - a sight that never failed to stir his desires. His eyes locked onto you as you started drawing the bath.
"You know," he said, stepping up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. "I think I've got a better idea..."
Before you could react, he bent you over the edge of the bathtub, spreading your legs wide apart. He then plunged to fingers into your tight cunt.
Caught off guard, you gasped as John's fingers entered you roughly. You gripped the edge of the tub tightly as he began to finger fuck you. You moaned loudly, your pussy clenching around his fingers.
Feeling your tight walls clench around his fingers, John groaned in pleasure, his cock throbbing with need. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you, curling them to hit that sweet spot inside you.
"God, you're so wet," he growled, his breath hot against your ear. "And you sound so fucking delicious..."
Your whole body trembled as John fingered you relentlessly. You reached down between your legs and began to rub your clit, amplifying your pleasure as you moaned and whimpered.
Hearing you moan and whimper, John felt his control slipping. His cock was painfully hard, begging for attention. Pulling his fingers out of you, he spun you around and pushed you against the wall next to the bathtub. He then lifted you up, your legs wrapped around his waist, giving him easy access to your dripping cunt.
Caught by surprise, you let out a loud gasp as John thrust into you, filling you completely. Your legs quivered around his waist as he began to pound into you, your nails digging into his shoulders as you clawed at him.
Feeling your nails dig into his shoulders, John groaned in pleasure, his hips slapping against yours as he pounded into you. His cock throbbed inside you, stretching her tight walls deliciously.
"Oh, fuck..." he muttered, his breath coming in short pants. "So fucking tight...so fucking perfect...my perfect wife."
Your eyes rolled back as John fucked you against the wall, your pussy clenching around his cock as you screamed out in pleasure. You reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him in for a rough kiss as you moaned into his mouth.
John eagerly accepted your kiss, his tongue duelling with yours as he continued to thrust into you, harder and faster. His hand roamed over your body, cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples, and squeezing your ass.
"I love you," he managed to gasp between thrusts. "Always have, always will"
Your breath hitched as John continued to fuck you, your body shaking uncontrollably as you climaxed, screaming out in ecstasy. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, urging him on as you came.
Feeling your pussy tighten around his cock, John knew he wouldn't last much longer. He quickened his pace, thrusting into you with wild abandon as he neared his climax.
"Fuck...I'm gonna cum," he gasped out, his grip on your ass tightening. "Fill you up...my beautiful wife..."
"Please John" You gasped in between moans. "Fill me up....give me a baby" 
Hearing your plea, John grunted in response, his thrusts becoming even more frenzied. His cock twitched inside you, signalling his imminent release.
"Fuck...I hope so..." he panted, his body shuddering as he finally erupted inside you. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, his seed filling you up completely.
"Ahh...fuck!" he cried out, his grip on your ass tightening even further.
Your body convulsed as John emptied himself inside you, his hot cum filling you up. You kissed him passionately, your tongues wrestling as you rode out your orgasm together. John held you close, his hands caressing your back and ass as he slowly slid out of you.
"That was...incredible," he murmured, panting heavily. "But now we really should draw that bath"
You giggled as John pulled out of you and gently put you down, his cum leaking out of your still quivering pussy. You nodded and led him over to the bathtub, pouring in a generous amount of bubble bath. John got into the bath first, then you got in after. 
As you settled between his legs, John wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against him. He sighed contentedly, enjoying the warmth of the water and the feel of your soft skin against his own.
"This feels nice," he murmured, nuzzling your neck. "Just what we needed after all that excitement"
His hand moved down to her belly, gently rubbing circles there. "Hopefully we did manage to give ourselves a little surprise tonight..."
"I hope so" You smiled as you intertwined your fingers with John's. Admiring your wedding rings. 
John returned your smile, his gaze falling on their entwined fingers and the wedding rings adorning their fingers. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, feeling a surge of affection for you.
"These sure are a reminder of how lucky I am," he said softly. "To have found someone like you."
He leaned in closer, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. "I love you, my dear wife."
You looked up at John and kissed him back, your lips lingering on his for a few seconds before you spoke. "And I love you, my dear husband."
John returned your kiss, deepening it slightly before breaking away with a soft chuckle. "Well, isn't that just the sweetest thing?" he murmured, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "My lovely wife, who can make even the toughest soldier melt with her words."
You blushed deeply at John's compliment, "You're just a big ol' softie when it comes to me." John chuckled softly, leaning in to press another kiss to your cheek.
"Guilty as charged," he admitted with a grin. "There's no denying it, sweetheart. But don't go spreading that around, okay? I've got an image to maintain." You laughed softly and shook your head, "I wouldn't dream of it, darling."
John grinned, leaning back against the edge of the tub as he pulled you closer to his chest. The warm water lapped against them, creating a soothing rhythm that seemed to match the steady beating of his heart.
"You know," he mused, his fingers idly tracing patterns on your stomach. "I think this might just be my favourite part of the day."
He chuckled softly, nuzzling your neck. "Not the sex - though that was pretty damn fantastic - but this. Just being here with you, relaxing and talking. It's perfect."
You smiled softly as John talked about his favourite part of the day, his fingers tracing patterns on your stomach. You closed your eyes and snuggled deeper into his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. "Mine too."
John smiled, his heart swelling with happiness at your words. He tightened his hold on you, pulling you even closer if that were possible.
"And to think," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "we almost didn't get married. Can you imagine? All those missed moments...all these wonderful memories we could have missed out on."
You sighed softly and cuddled deeper into John's embrace, your fingers tangling with his as you gazed out at the stars twinkling in the night sky through the window. "I know. It's crazy to think about."
John nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the stars outside. A sense of gratitude and appreciation welled up within him, making his heart swell with emotion.
"But we did get married," he said softly, his voice thick with sentiment. "And for that, I'm truly grateful. Because without you, my life would be nothing more than a series of battles and losses. With you, it's a journey filled with love and laughter."
You smiled softly at John's heartfelt words, tears pricking at your eyes. You squeezed his hand and turned to look up at him. "And without you, I'd probably still be wandering aimlessly, trying to find some meaning in my life. With you, I've found not only love, but also purpose."
John's heart pounded in his chest as he listened to your words, his grip on your hand tightening instinctively. He swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat as he fought to keep his emotions under control.
"I love you, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "More than anything else in this world."
You stared at John for a moment, admiring him, "And I love you, more than anything. You're my whole life". You gave him a gentle kiss before you began washing yourself, once clean you started started getting out of the bath.
John watched as you began to stand from the bath, his gaze trailing appreciatively over your wet, glistening form. He couldn't help but admire your beauty, both inside and out.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, reaching out to pull you back down into his lap. "John" You laughed as he pulled you back into the bath.
John smirked, wrapping his arms around you again, holding you close. His lips brushed against your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine.
"I thought we had all night," he whispered huskily, his erection already stirring beneath the water once more. "No rushing off to bed just yet, Mrs. Price."
"Sorry Mr. Price" You smirked as you started grinding against his cock. John groaned as you ground against him, your movements sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. He reached down, his hand sliding between your thighs to guide his length to her entrance.
"Not sorry enough," he muttered, thrusting up into you. His other hand moved to cup your breast, thumb rolling over her nipple teasingly.
You moaned softly as John thrust into you, his hand squeezing your breast as his thumb rolled over your sensitive nipple. You arched your back, pushing yourself further onto his cock.
John's breath hitched as you took him fully inside you, a low growl rumbling in his chest. He held your hips tightly, guiding your movements as you rode him.
"That's it, sweetheart," he groaned, his free hand moving to stroke your clit. "Ride me...just like that."
You moaned louder as John stroked your clit, the sensation causing your pussy to clench around his cock. Your hips moved faster, grinding against his hand as you fucked him harder and faster. "Oh god, John" 
John grunted in response, his grip on your hip tightening as you picked up the pace. He could feel himself losing control, his climax building rapidly.
"Fuck, sweetheart..." He gasped, his thrusts becoming erratic. "I'm gonna...fuck, I'm gonna cum."
You smirked at John, you were feeling spontaneous tonight, you decided to take charge. You wrapped your hand around his throat. "Not yet baby" You slowed down your pace. "Not until I say so." 
John's eyes widened in surprise as you grabbed his throat, slowing down your movements. He groaned in frustration, wanting nothing more than to release himself. "Yes, ma'am," he rasped. "As you command, Mrs. Price."
You smirked at John's submission, you loved seeing him like this, needing you. "Good boy" You mumbled. You leaned forward letting your lips be dangerously close to his but not kissing him knowing it drives him insane.
John bit back a groan as you teased him, your lips tantalizingly close but not quite touching his own. He wanted to reach up and grab you, force you to kiss him, but he knew better than to defy his wife. "Oh fuck, sweetheart," he breathed, his cock twitching inside you. "This is torture."
You giggled at John's words, you liked having power over him. You leaned back and started riding him again, your hands resting on his shoulders for support. You started fucking him faster.
John let out a guttural growl as you resumed your passionate movements, his hands gripping your hips firmly. He could feel his climax approaching rapidly, every thrust driving him closer to the edge.
"Fuck..." *he gasped, his thrusts matching yours. "I'm gonna...oh fuck"
You slowed down your movements again. "Not yet Mr. Price" You smirked at John, you were enjoying torturing him. You leaned down and began kissing his neck, nipping it occasionally.
John groaned in frustration as you slowed down your movements once more, your teeth grazing his neck adding another layer of pleasure to the mix. He gripped her your tighter, desperate to maintain control.
"Sweetheart..." he warned, his voice strained. "I'm warning you...if you don't let me finish soon, I'll have to punish you later."
You smirked at John's threat, you loved the idea of being punished by him. You continued to ride him slowly, torturing him. "Is that a promise Mr. Price?"
John gritted his teeth, his grip on your hips tight enough to leave marks. He was teetering on the edge, his climax threatening to spill over any second now. "Yes, it's a fucking promise," he growled, his voice laced with desire and frustration. "Now stop teasing me and let me finish."
You laughed at John's words, you loved how much he needed you. "Oh so demanding" John groaned, his patience wearing thin. But despite his frustration, there was an undeniable thrill in submitting to your whims. "As your husband, I demand it," he said with a smirk. "But if you want me to beg, I will."
You smirked at John's words, you loved hearing him beg. You stopped riding him completely, leaving him hanging. "I would love nothing more than to hear my husband beg"
John let out a frustrated growl as you stopped moving entirely, leaving him hanging. His cock throbbed inside you, desperate for release. "Shit" he groaned, his voice strained. "Let me...please, sweetheart. I need to...oh God, I need to cum."
You smirked at John's begging, you loved hearing him plead for you to let him cum. You started riding him again, your movements slow and sensual. You cupped his face and ran your thumb over his bottom lip. "That's a good boy"
John let out a relieved sigh as you finally started moving again, your movements slow and sensual. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a low moan as your thumb grazed over his lip.
You smirked at John's reaction, you enjoyed making him squirm. You rode him for a few minutes before speeding up your pace, your hands running over his chest and stomach. "How's that Mr. Price?"
John groaned in pleasure as you sped up your pace, his hands reaching up to grip your hips tightly. He could feel his climax approaching rapidly, every thrust bringing him closer to the edge. "Fuck, yes," he gasped, his voice strained. "That's it, sweetheart...just like that."
You smirked at John's words, you loved hearing him praise you. You leaned down and kissed him passionately, your tongue exploring his mouth. You broke the kiss only when you felt John's cock pulsating inside you. "Cum for me baby"
You sped up the pace, your head falling back. "Oh fuck" You gasped. Your cunt clenching around John's cock, his fingers gripping into your waist hard enough to leave bruises. "John!" You cried as you fell forward.  John's entire body tensed as you urged him over the edge, his cock throbbing inside you. He could no longer hold back, his climax ripping through him with a force that left him gasping for air.
"Fuck, sweetheart," He groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic as he spilled himself deep within you. John laid beneath you, panting heavily as they both recovered from their intense orgasms. He could feel your hot breath against his skin, your kisses and gentle bites sending shivers down his spine.
You lifted yourself off John slightly, looking down at him. You had a satisfied smile on your face, your eyes sparkling with happiness. "Can't I get out of the bath now?" John chuckled softly, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her back down onto him.
"No, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice husky with satisfaction. "We're staying right here until the water cools."
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lxkeee · 4 months
⋆.˚ . FLY ME TO THE MOON ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚.
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Archangel Raphael! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Notes: finally, a divorced man meets a divorced woman.
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Nothing too interesting happened for the last couple of months, work on earth, do paperwork in heaven, repeat.
Scratch that, something did happen.
[Y/n] looked at her hand, seeing the gold band that was usually on her ring finger was now placed on her middle finger. A symbol of individuality and responsibility. She and Azrael finally got divorced—for shits and giggles. Just kidding. Azrael found love that's why and he and [y/n] it was time to end this marriage of theirs and remain friends. Azrael is now dating this cute principality angel named Francis. She supports them. She even set them up lmao.
They still continue doing their usual routine of spending their free time in each other's places (more on spending time at her home) and gossip.
She has to find her own love someday. [Y/n] sighs softly. Eyes staring outside her office window.
Today is the extermination day. She hopes Adam fucks up during it.
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It was rather boring for the rest of the day. She was just flying around heaven and seeing if the order was maintained. [Y/n]'s eyes widened when she saw Emily showing someone around heaven. Someone familiar.
That's right! She saw this snake man during the meeting when Charlie was showing about Angel's progress.
He looks different though.
Her eyes widened, realization dawning upon her.
He got redeemed.
Blinking her eyes, eyes sparkling in excitement.
She calms herself down first, she needs to confirm it.
Flying next to Emily, the girl slightly jumps in surprise to see [y/n]. Despite the woman being one of god's seven virtues, Emily sees her as an older sister figure.
“Hi [y/n]! Nice to see you here, it has been awhile since I've last seen you!” Emily says excitedly, eyes sparkling and wings flapping from excitement from seeing the older woman. The man beside her just looked in confusion.
“Hello Emi, dear. I just so happen to have some free time so I was just flying around. Is this a new soul you're showing around?” [y/n] asked, smiling softly at the girl and the girl squealed.
“Yes! Actually, this man right here. Was a sinner and got redeemed! Isn't that amazing!” Emily says and [y/n]'s eyes widened and smiled, smirking a bit before returning it to a genuine smile. The confused snake just staring back and forth between the two girls.
“Really? Now, isn't that surprising. This... This changes everything.” [y/n] says with a whisper before turning to look at the redeemed soul.
“Tell me, mister. What is your name? As one of the seven virtues, I would like to know the name of the first sinner ever to be redeemed.” [y/n] says curtly and bows at him gracefully.
“I am Sssir Pentiousss... It is a pleassure to meet you... Misss?” Sir Pentious greeted, though a little awkward but cute.
“Greetings Sir Pentious, I am Raphael. An archangel and one of God's seven virtues. But you can call me [y/n].” [y/n] says with a small smile, offering her hand for a handshake which Sir Pentious accepted.
[Y/n] looked at her watch that's on her wrist, pretended to look worried. “As much as I want to stay and chat. I have somewhere else to be. Emily, Sir Pentious. It was nice seeing you two.” [y/n] says frantically, although just pretending.
Emily nodded and tried to calm the panicking archangel, “It's alright Miss [y/n], we can catch up later.” she says and [y/n] smiles and places a gentle kiss on the girl's forehead.
“Alright, have fun. And Sir Pentious?” [y/n] calls out to the man and he looks at her with confusion. “Welcome to heaven, I hope you'll enjoy your stay.” she says and quickly waves goodbye and flies away.
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A meeting was then held with the seven virtues, they discussed what they should do next now that Charlotte Morningstar's hotel has worked. They agreed to put Sera on a trial but won't punish her severely like Lucifer.
“Adam's dead?” Camuel asked, shocked and [y/n] nodded.
“Apparently. Based on the exorcists' reports. Manz gone.” [y/n] says with a shrug and a lazy smirk.
“Finally!” Azrael laughs, the others just smirking.
“Good riddance.” Michael says calmly though a slight smirk on his face.
“What's our next course of action?” Gabriel asked, crossing her arms.
“Since this hotel the Morningstars are offering seems to work then there's only one thing we can do next.” Uriel says, sighing.
“Can't believe it actually worked. I guess we were wrong on how we treated Lucifer.” Camuel says and the others just shrug and sigh.
“We support this. We'll have to make sure this hotel keeps on working.” Jophiel says.
“[y/n].” Michael calls out and [y/n] can already tell where this is going.
“No.” she deadpans and Michael deadpans at her in return.
“What do you mean no? I haven't even asked yet.” Michael deadpans, Azrael chuckling beside [y/n].
“I just have a feeling I won't like it.” [y/n] says with a frown on her face.
“Too bad, you're doing it anyways. I want you to go down there and make sure to keep track of the hotel's progress.” Michael says sternly making [y/n] whine, she drops her head onto the circular table they were all sitting in. Groaning.
“More work? I don't wanna.” she says with a groan. Gabriel laughs.
“This can be an opportunity to get closure with you know who?” Uriel says with a chuckle.
“The fuck is closure? I don't need it.” [y/n] says, rolling her eyes.
“I think this is your chance [n/n]. I heard he's divorced lmao.” Jophiel cackles, [y/n] groaning once more.
“You two are going to be matching or twinsies!” Azrael teases making [y/n] glare at him playfully.
“Jokes aside. You need this [y/n]. Get some closure. We want you to be happy for once and I don't think we can handle more years of you feeling guilty for being so cold during the last time you saw him.” Camuel says softly, giving the girl a thumbs up.
“I better get extra day offs for this.” [y/n] says with a groan.
“Deal.” Michael says and [y/n] sighs.
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It was a few weeks after the extermination that was targeted at the hotel. The hotel has been rebuilt and now looks even better than before. Charlie is happy that she and her friends managed to stop the extermination. There are some new sinners who wanted to give redemption a try so now the hotel is now bustling slightly. Her dad moved in and has a room of his own and helps her manage the hotel.
Currently, the crew are in the lobby just talking. It was already late in the evening and the other guests are now sleeping. Angel, Lucifer, and Husk were at the bar area. Niffty was cleaning, Vaggie and Alastor were on the couch.
Knock, knock, knock.
Loud knocks were heard on the front door of the hotel.
“New guests perhaps?” Alastor says with a grin, Charlie grins excitedly. A new soul wanting to try redemption.
The others just watched the girl walked towards the door, curious who was behind it.
Charlie took a deep breath, preparing herself to greet the new guest.
Opening the door, it was someone she did not expect.
A tall woman (almost the same height as Alastor) was standing by the door, a serious look on her face. What caught her attention was the amount of authority and power emitting from her and... The golden halo on her head and the small angel wings behind her head.
“Good evening Charlotte Morningstar, I came as a messenger from heaven.” the angel says with a grin.
Lucifer's body went pale as he heard that oh so familiar voice.
“[y/n]...” Lucifer murmurs in disbelief, seeing his supposed best friend now in front of the door.
“It has been awhile, Lucifer.” [y/n] says softly, eyes still emotionless. She's actually just dissociating so her eyes are like that, she can't control it okay. She has a serious case of lazy eyes.
“Ooohh drama...” Angel Dust whispers to Husk.
Suddenly an angelic spear was pointed at her throat, she did not flinch nor was afraid. She merely used her finger to move it away.
“What are you doing here?” the gray haired girl asked, glaring at her. [Y/n] just looked down on her with a smile on her face.
“I am just here to deliver a message. The seven virtues would like to support this hotel!” She says with a grin, Lucifer looked at her suspiciously.
Why wouldn't he? The seven virtues didn't listen to him before. So why now?
“Why now? Why did the seven decide to support this hotel just now?” Lucifer glares.
[Y/n] clapped her hands, Lucifer's eyes landing on the wedding band on her middle finger. It's no longer in her ring finger.
Alastor noticed the way the king of hell looked at the newly appeared angel with so much longing in his eyes. Interesting... Alastor grins.
“First and foremost, heaven apologizes for the yearly cleansing. It was a decision Sera, the high seraphim decided without informing us. We do not condone her actions and she would be faced in a trial.” [y/n] says nonchalantly, putting her hands on her pocket.
Lucifer flinches, he didn't know the decision was Sera's alone.
“Secondly, the hotel works.” [y/n] says with a grin.
This made the others look at her with confusion.
“A certain serpent sinner was redeemed. Ironic as the first one to doom humanity was a serpent and the first one to give humanity hope for redemption is also a serpent.” [y/n] laughs softly, Lucifer's eye twitched.
[Y/n]'s words sparked even more confusion with the others.
“Serpent?” Angel Dust asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“Someone who goes by Sir Pentious is now in heaven. Based on my records, he was a sinner before.” [y/n] says, shrugging.
Their eyes widened at the news. Sir Pentious is alive!
“How can we be so sure you're not lying?” Husk asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman. [Y/n] just chuckles.
“It is up to you if you believe it or not, after all... Angels never lie.” she says with a grin, summoning a small notebook from thin air, flipping through the pages of the notebook to scan for her notes.
“Lastly, I will be helping with the hotel during my scheduled time here. I'll be keeping track of the soul's progress here and research how a soul actually goes to heaven as Sir Pentious' case is a rare one and the first one so... We have no data. Heaven hopes to find more info about this case.” [y/n] explained, “I hope we'll get along.” she says with a grin.
Charlie's eyes widened, progress. Her hotel is making progress. Heaven is slowly helping her.
“Excuse me, Miss...?” Charlie softly calls, not knowing the angel's name.
[Y/n] looked at the smaller girl, patting the girl's head.
“My name is [y/n], also known as the archangel Raphael. One of God's seven virtues. It is a pleasure to finally meet you officially, Ms. Morningstar.” [y/n] introduces herself gracefully. Lucifer is still in awe in how fast she climbed the ranks.
Charlie nodded, finally happy to know the woman.
“Is there a way for us to visit Sir Pentious?” she asked hopefully, the others leaning in and hoping the same thing. [Y/n] closes her notebook, a loud sound sounding from it.
“I am sorry, heaven currently doesn't accept visitation unless necessary. Although, I can send letters back and forth whenever I visit.” She suggested, Charlie's eyes saddened but returned to hopeful. At least they know Sir Pentious is still alive.
“That would be all. I'll see you next time on my visit to keep track of the progress. Until then.” [y/n] says softly bowing at them. Turning her back and slowly walked away from the door.
Stopping, she didn't turn around to face them again.
“And Lucifer...?” she says, hesitating but her voice is vulnerable. Lucifer's breath hitched and the others just looked at the scene with curiosity. It is obvious these two knew each other based on how they already know each when she first arrived. They can practically sense the tension.
“I was wrong and I am sorry.” she says softly. Summoning her three pairs of wings, large and majestic.
She has wings now... Lucifer thought. His eyes softened when he heard her apologize.
“Wait... [Y/n]—” He called out but she didn't listen.
[Y/n] quickly flies away, a portal opening for her and closes after she enters.
“Did anyone else notice the tension...?” Angel asked, voicing out everyone's thoughts, a smirk on his face. Angel didn't mention that he really felt the unspoken romantic tension between the two angelic beings. He's getting more tea.
“This is getting interesting.” Alastor says with a grin and Lucifer knows that the radio demon just found more ways to torment him.
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End notes: I know some of you read Alastor's line in Zhongli or Childe's voice lmao. And yes, Azrael and reader divorced each other. I had to ship Azrael with my oc okayy, I need Azrael to have some love 💀
@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata
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coldfanbou · 6 months
Thanks For The Help
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Woo! Today, we return to the unnamed Mommy Series with Dahyun! (If someone has a possible name for this series, please share)
Length 3.2K
Dahyun X Mreader
Previous Part
Next Part
You wake in the morning tired from the last night. You start to get your clothes on when your phone goes off. “Hey, It’s Jihyo. How are you feeling after last night?”
“I’m feeling good. Really good, what about you? Was it everything you wished for?”
“Hm, I’m not sure I’d say that,” Jihyo says teasingly. You can imagine her smiling on the other end. “I would’ve liked to continue into the night, like before. Are you heading to work?” You tell her that you are heading to work. “Oh, that’s too bad. I was hoping you could come over today and help me out. I could use someone to help me relax.” You know what she means and tell her she’s free to visit you whenever she wants. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Are you busy tonight?”
“At the moment, no.” 
“Good, then I’ll see you tonight.” Jihyo ends the call, and you finish getting ready before leaving for the office. Along the way, you get another call; this time, it was from Dahyun. 
“Hello, Dahyun?”
“Hey, sorry to bother you, but is there any way you could pick me up? The bus is late, and I don’t want to be late to work. I know it’s sudden and a bother, but-”
“It’s fine, Dahyun; I’ll come pick you up right now.” Dahyun thanks you for taking the time out of your day to pick her up and hangs up. It takes you a few extra minutes, but you can figure out where she lives; you had only briefly come by to drop her off the time you had been to her place. As you roll into the front of the building, you see Dahyun sitting on the steps, tending to her baby in her carrier. “Dahyun!” You yell from your care. You notice Dahyun shake a little as she hears her name be yelled. You thought it was cute; the moment she saw you, she put on a huge smile, and her cheeks became rosy. Stepping out of the car, you take Eunsoo’s carrier in hand and help Dahyun settle her into the back seat. “Little Eunsoo is growing.” You comment. Dahyun glances at you with a smile.
“She’s getting too big; I want her to stay tiny.” Dahyun moves the hair out of Eunsoo’s eyes before closing the door and making her way into the passenger seat. “Do you remember where the daycare is?”
“I’m going to be honest. I barely remembered where you lived; you’ll need to put it into the GPS.” Dahyun puts in the directions, and you begin your drive to the daycare.
“I’m sorry about this. I usually get the bus; it was so late today and-”
“I said it’s fine, Dahyun. It’s really not a problem.” You rub Dahyun’s hair, making a mess of it. You hear her whine and glance over at her. She’s feigning anger; you can tell as much. When you look back at the road, Dahyun turns the other way, her face becoming bright red for a moment. “The office is going to think we’re a couple when we come in together.” You tease.
Dahyun flails her arms into your shoulder, “Don’t say that!” As much as Dahyun liked the idea of being seen as your girlfriend, the idea of her coworkers talking about it made her embarrassed.
“I don’t know, you’re pretty cute, Dahyun.” Dahyun is stunned for a moment, unable to conjure any words. She places her head against the car’s window and stays silent in defeat until you reach the daycare. She quickly handed Eunsoo off to the daycare worker, along with all the things Eunsoo would need, before hopping back in the car.
“All set, let’s get going.” You and Dahyun talk a little more during your ride to the office. You get to know her a little better, and she tells you that you’re free to come by her house if you ever need something. 
You park the car and step out; going over to Dahyun’s side, you open the door for her. “It’s nice of you to invite me to your home. I’ll take you up on that someday.” You start walking with Dahyun when both of you spot Jeongyeon.
“Jeongyeon! Over here!” She turns her head and spots you quickly. Dahyun jogs herself over to her friend as you walk over. Jeongyeon gives you a weak smile. She’s still struggling with her thoughts after she argued with Sana. Seeing you with Dahyun, she felt a little jealousy bubble up deep within her. 
“O-oh, what are you two doing together?” She said, stuttering as she spoke. 
“He picked me up. The bus wouldn’t be on time, so I asked if he could come for me.” Dahyun says as she wraps her arm around Jeongyeon’s. “Come on, let’s go. We have a busy day.” Jeongyeon nods her head and walks with Dahyun. You follow behind them, shaking your head as you see how happy Dahyun is, and Jeongyeon just going along with it. The workday goes on as usual, the only difference being you chose to go out to eat today. Dahyun and Jeongyeon sat together in the lunch room, eating their meal.
“Is something wrong, Jeongyeon? I noticed that you don’t seem to be your usual self.” Dahyun says as she stuffs her mouth, her cheeks full of food.
“It’s nothing, Dahyun. I’ve had a lot on my mind the past few days.”
“Anything I can help with? If you want to talk, I’m a good listener.” Dahyun says, pointing to her ears. The gag makes Jeongyeon break out a smile.
She takes a deep breath and looks around. “Dahyun, you have to promise you won’t tell anyone. Promise me.”
“I promise,” Dahyun says hesitantly, seeing the seriousness on Jeongyeon’s face.
“I-um. You know how I’m married. I haven’t been happy with my husband for a long time. I-I, Dahyun, I’ve started having an affair.”
Dahyun is stunned by Jeongyeon’s confession. “With who?” She responds. Jeongyeon glances at Dahyun before casting her eyes downward to the table. It took Dahyun a moment, but she connected the dots. “You’re…having an affair with him.” Dahyun’s breathing quickens, and she purses her lips. Her mind fills with thoughts. Since the day you and Dahyun got together, she had thought about asking you out and dreamt of what it might be like to be with you. To find out that you were Jeongyeon’s affair partner hurt her. 
“I slept with him too!” Dahyun blurts out. She didn’t know why she said it. She should have kept it to herself, but something inside her snapped at that moment. She felt threatened. The man she had Eunsoo with abandoned her, and now she thought she had a chance at having a happy family. Dahyun felt that it was being taken away. The women stared at each other, shocked and unable to speak. Dahyun balled her fists under the table; she didn’t want to back down.
“You slept with him? When?” Jeongyeon asks, finally breaking the silence. 
In a low voice, Dahyun responds, “It was when we went shopping. When did you start your affair?”
“It was a few months ago. My friend Jihyo brought me in, and we sort of connected. I thought that was the end of things, but he got transferred here.” Dahyun nods along. 
She gulps and looks straight at Jeongyeon. “I-I want to be with him.”
“So do I,” Jeongyeon says quietly. 
“Y-you’re already married.”
“I know.” The women were at an impasse. 
At that time, another worker passed through the halls, “Hey! You two! Lunch is over, so let’s get back to work. When they come back from lunch, you’re sitting at your desk talking to other coworkers. You wave to them, and they both give you a nod before heading to their desks. Jeongyeon was right beside you, while Dahyun was far away. 
“Do you want to spend the night together?” Jeongyeon asks as soon as she sits down.
“What’s with the sudden change?” Jeongyeon huffs. “Something wrong Jeongyeon?” 
“I just want to spend the night with you.” 
“What about your husband?” You say quietly. “I mean, we spent the other day together, so I’m not sure you could get away with it.” Jeongyeon looks annoyed. It was true that spending too many days away from home would give her away. For now, she had to back down. “Oh, that reminds me. I saw Jihyo yesterday. You didn’t tell me she lived in the city.”  Jeongyeon curses herself internally. Jihyo being in the mix made things more difficult. Jeongyeon knew she had more freedom than her. “She said she wanted to come over to my place today.”
“Is that so?” Jeongyeon says, trying to keep calm. She leans in and pinches your cheek, “I’ll make time for you. We’ll be together soon.” You think it’s strange how Jeongyeon’s acting, but push it into the back of your mind. You finish the day and get ready to pack things up. When the office is empty, Jeongyeon stands up and kisses you, “Next time, I’ll let you do whatever you want,” She whispers into your ear. You’re still confused by Jeongyeon’s sudden change; her willingness to engage in your relationship is welcome but odd to you. She pats your chest and leaves. 
Soon after, Dahyun pops up beside you. “Sorry to bother you again, but could you take me to pick up Eunsoo?”
“Sure, it’s no problem.” You and Dahyun quickly head out of the office and pick up Eunsoo. When you arrive, Dahyun quickly picks her up and sits in the back, seeing that Eunsoo is a little fussy. You get to Dahyun’s home, and Eunsoo begins to cry, Dahyun struggling to calm her. “Dahyun, could I try to calm her down? You can take her stuff inside.” Dahyun is hesitant but agrees. You pick up Eunsoo and rock her gently, bouncing as you move from side to side. You and Dahyun walk inside together. She lays her stuff down and reaches out for Eunsoo. You hand her back, nearly asleep. Eunsoo rests her head on Dahyun’s chest as she rocks her.
“Wow, how did you do that?”
“I don’t know; that always worked with my little brothers and sisters. So I tried it with Eunsoo.”
“Do you think you could give me some pointers? If you have time, that is.” You check your watch and decide to help Dahyun. You spend time giving tips to Dahyun on some things she could try with Eunsoo. You’re both sitting on her couch when she places her hand on your thigh. “I want to thank you for today. I took a lot of your time. Do you want to go out sometime? So I can repay you, that is.” 
“You don’t need to do anything, Dahyun. I’m more than happy to help.”
“Um, what if we did something,” Dahyun says shyly. She squeezes your thigh, “Please?”
“But Eunsoo is sleeping in her room.”
“I can be quiet.” She says, moving to straddle you.
“Okay, Okay. We can have some fun, but let’s go to your bedroom.” Dahyun gives you a nice big smile. 
“Okay, but you wait here. I want to get ready.” Dahyun hops off of you and hurries to her bedroom. While you wait, you pull out your phone and message Jihyo, telling her something came up. 
“Aww, and I was going to wear something nice just for you. Oh well, you’ll just have to look forward to it.” She messages back with a winking face. 
You put your phone away, and not too much later, Dahyun calls you in. You step into her room and see her lying on her back with her arm covering her breasts while her hand covers her slit. Dahyun’s milky skin looks great with the sunlight passing through her large windows. You take a quick look around her room, seeing a mountain of plushes in the corner. “Ya! Don’t look at those! Look at me!” Dahyun says, waving her arms around. It allows you to see more of her body and makes you chuckle. You start to strip for Dahyun; you can feel her eyes become glued to your body. Once your cock is out of its confines, Dahyun’s entire face turns red. 
“You’re so cute when you blush.” You tell her as you climb onto her bed and begin to crawl over her body. You kiss her thighs, lingering before you move up her body. You kiss just above her slit while holding onto her thighs. You feel Dahyun shudder and look at her face. She’s smiling at you. Her chest rises and falls slowly as she takes deep breaths. You move up, kissing her stomach and reaching her breasts. Your hands are wandering around her lower body, touching and squeezing her. You first kiss the space between her breasts before moving the left and capturing her rosy nipple in your mouth. Dahyun releases a soft whine as she tries to keep quiet. Moving your tongue around her nipple, you move your right hand up to her other breast. Using your finger, you mimic your tongue’s movement. You suck on her nipple lightly and feel her milk begin to leak out. Dahyun turns her head to the side and shuts her eyes, relishing the pleasure. Your thigh moves higher, getting between Dahyun’s legs and touching her slit. Feeling it, Dahyun starts to grind against your leg, her juices coating it. 
You move up again, finally coming face-to-face with Dahyun. She’s red and seemingly out of breath already. As you kiss her, Dahyun wraps her arms around your neck, holding you in place. You lightly pull on her nipple, forcing her to break the kiss to moan. “I’m ready,” Dahyun moans as she spreads her lips for you with one hand; the other grasps your cock, giving it a slow stroke. “I need it.” Dahyun places your cock under her slit, rubbing the head slowly. “Give it to me.” You kiss Dahyun as you align yourself with her. With one movement, you ram yourself into Dahyun’s cunt. Her warm and slippery walls allow you to move in with ease. Her moans are muffled, and she holds you tighter as you begin to thrust. You slide in and out with ease; with each thrust, you try to push yourself deeper into her cunt. Dahyun’s constant moans grow louder, and when you break the kiss, she lets out a roar. 
“You said you could be quiet.” You grunt between thrusts.
“It feels too good. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She repeats. Dahyun wraps her legs around you. She forces you in deeper. You can see the pleasure on her face as she nears her climax. “Shit, I'm cumming.”
“Cum for me, Dahyun.” She follows your words like they were an order. Dahyun pulls you in close as she cums on your cock. Her walls grow tight around you. You bury yourself inside Dahyun, giving her time to recover. 
She’s covered in sweat. Dahyun cups your cheek, her hand shaking. “You didn’t cum yet.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll cum soon enough.” You pull out of Dahyun and help her onto her stomach before pulling on her waist to get her on all fours. You admire Dahyun’s beautiful and soft skin; your eyes move down her back. You notice just how small her waist is compared to her hips. You think about making a joke about her having childbearing hips but decide against it. Your eyes move further downward to her pale ass. You place your hand on it, squeezing it before delivering a quick smack. Dahyun moans from the hit. You weren’t expecting that reaction, but you loved hearing Dahyun moan, so you smack her ass again. This time, you watch her add jiggle and see a hand print beginning to form on her pale skin. Refocusing, you push your cock back into Dahyun’s pussy and take hold of her arms, pulling them back. As you begin thrusting, you notice Dahyun planting her face on a pillow. As you try to pull her head up, Dahyun brings the pillow. She was biting it in an attempt to stifle her moans. You admire Dahyun’s determination to stay quiet.
As you ram your cock back inside, you focus on Dahyun’s pussy. Reveling in the way her walls squeezed your cock. Dahyun’s soft ass was great, too; it made you want to thrust harder. You let go of Dahyun’s arms and watch her upper body collapse onto the bed as you hold onto her waist. Dahyun began to warn you that she was cumming again. Her high-pitched whines came constantly, and her walls tightened around your cock once more. You felt yourself nearing your orgasm, too. Your grip on Dahyun’s waist grew rougher as your hands dug into her soft skin. “Dahyun, I’m cumming.”
“Inside. Inside!” Dahyun cried as her orgasm crashed into her. Her body shakes, and her cunt is tightly wound around you. You drive your cock back into her cunt, and you pull her body back, allowing you to put every inch inside her before you shoot your cum into her. You’re pouring your cum into Dahyun’s womb. She lays below you, twitching as she feels the warm liquid fill her. You remain attached to her, feeling her walls milk you. Pulling out, you lay beside Dahyun for a moment. She stays face down. You move the hair away from her eyes and see her tired smile. “That was amazing.” 
“It felt good for me too, Dahyun.” You kiss her on the forehead before laying back. You rest there for about an hour before deciding to head home. Dahyun was already asleep. You get dressed at your own pace. Choosing to write a small note thanking Dahyun, you tell her you appreciate the night and that if she wants, you could pick her up every day. You leave her home and begin walking to your car. Along the way, you spot the woman you had briefly met at the ice cream shop. She wore tight-fitting jeans that hugged her ass and a crop top. You struggle to remember her name, but considering she was making her way over, you figured she would tell you. 
“Hey, stranger. Did you finally come looking for me?”
“I don’t know who you are.”
“I’m Tzuyu; we met at the ice cream shop.”
“Right, right. I was just here dropping off a friend. I’ll be going now.” Tzuyu grabs your arm as you try to go past her. 
“Come on, handsome. We could have some fun tonight. The night’s still young. We could drink and get to know each other.”
“I’m not interested right now.”
Tzuyu huffs and lets go of your arm. “Fine, but if you ever want to get to know me, You know where I live.” She tosses you a set of keys that have her apartment number written on them. Tzuyu sticks her tongue out at you and heads to her place. 
“Don’t you need these?”
“Nope, I have another set outside,” Tzuyu says as she turns around. You shake your head and walk toward your car, finally heading home. While Tzuyu was beautiful, you still didn’t like her personality all too much. She watched you leave, thinking about how you were playing hard to get. She loved a man who did that and couldn’t wait to see what it took to get you.
 Arriving home, you lay in bed and head off to sleep.
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bountydroid · 28 days
Darlin' pt 11
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / pt 6 / pt 7 (SMUT) / pt 9 / pt 10 (SMUT)
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x reader
Description: Cooper exposes his jealous side as they find out Moldaver’s location.
TW: swearing, canon typical violence, slut shaming?
I woke up in the morning sprawled across Cooper with a wide smile on my face. He looked so content when he slept, like all the things that had hurt him over the years had never happened. I wonder what he looked like before he turned ghoul. I imagined how handsome he probably was because even after ghoulification, he was still stunning. He must have felt my stare as he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards me.
"Mornin', sugar." He mumbled out before yawning. 
"Mornin', Coop," I responded, smiling at him before kissing him on the head. "Ready to head out?" 
And so, another hike started. I hoped once we found Moldaver we could maybe take a couple of days' break. Honestly, I had no idea how I kept walking after weeks of nonstop hiking, it felt like my legs were going to fall off.
Eventually, we happened upon another town, bustling with life. I didn't try to hide the smile on my face as we squeezed our way through the crowds. I tightly fisted Cooper's tattered duster jacket to make sure we didn't get separated. As usual, he was quiet, he wasn't used to sharing his plans with anyone.
As we approached a small bar, he finally spoke with a stern look on his face. "Stay close, darlin'."
I gave him a small smile in response and happily nodded my head. We slowly entered the tavern, trying our best not to turn any heads. I had no idea if ghouls were welcome here, but considering our past experiences I highly doubted it. As he headed to the bar I let go of his jacket, mesmerized by all the different people I was seeing. Maybe someday I could convince Cooper to stay awhile in a town like this.
"Well, hello beautiful." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see a tall, skinny man with shaggy brunette hair and dark brown eyes.
I hesitated. My first instinct was to tell him to fuck off, but maybe I could get some information out of him so I gave him an award-winning smile before responding. "Hello. Maybe you can help me? I am trying to find out where I can find someone named Moldaver." I batted my eyelashes at him, giving him my best doe-eyed expression.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise as her name rolled off my tongue. He briefly looked me up and down as if trying to ascertain if I was friend or foe. After a brief pause, he asked, "You lookin' da join er?"
I nodded quickly, trying to hide the fact that I had no idea what I was talking about.
"Well," He continued. "Today is ya lucky day. I could take ya to er. We are real close." He boasted. The lie about their relationship was clear on his tongue.
"That's amazing!" I faked amazement, trying to milk his attraction for more information. "Where is she?"
"In da hills." He continued to spill information like a fountain without a second thought. "My name is Roofus, by the way."
I hummed for a moment before responding, "Nice to meet ya." I mumbled while looking around for Cooper. Our eyes finally locked as I found him leaning back against the bar. His arms were crossed and his hat was tilted down, I could barely see his eyes peeking out from behind it. Anger radiated from his form, causing those around him to instinctively find somewhere else to stand. I gulped nervously as I took him in.
"Hey-" Roofus waved his hand in front of my face, catching my attention again. 'That guy scarin' ya?"
'No." I answered quickly. The last thing I needed was for this guy to confront Cooper, but he seemed to have a mind of his own.
Puffing up his chest as he started to make his way towards Cooper's imposing figure and ignored my pleas to stop. "Don't ya worry sweetheart, I'll get rid of  im’."
I gave Cooper a nervous glance as I saw him straighten his back and move his hand to rest on his gun belt, suspiciously close to the gun itself.
"Hey. Ya scaring my lady." Roofus accused Cooper confidently. 
"Your lady?" Cooper laughed loudly at the thought. "She ain't yours."
"This is Roofus," I said quickly, interrupting their conversation. "And Roofus, this man is my friend." I made sure not to say Cooper's name, knowing how protective he was of it. However, this just seemed to piss Cooper off more.
"Your friend?" Roofus asked, surprise clear on his face. 
"Roofus, huh? Stupid name." Cooper sneered.
Roofus prickled with anger, but before he could start yelling at the ghoul in front of him, Cooper interrupted him. “See, I heard somethin’ about a Roofus while at the bar here. Said your movin’ some cargo.” Roofus’ anger switched to confusion at Cooper’s words. “Movin’ cargo for Moldaver.” Cooper finished as he stepped closer.
At the mention of Moldaver, Roofus looked back at my nervous form. “Who da hell are ya people?”
“People you should be afraid of.” Cooper growled. “Now, you are gonna tell me how to find Moldaver, or I’ll rip your guts out.”
Roofus’ hand move instinctively over his coat pocket and the noise of crumpling paper was heard underneath, “I ain’t telling ya shit, ghoul.”
Cooper hummed, his venom turning to amusement as Roofus unknowingly gave him the information he needed. Her location was on that paper in his jacket. “Have it your way.” Cooper said before a gunshot rang out in the busy tavern. I squealed in surprise as Roofus’ body hit the ground. The room went quiet as Cooper belt down to pull out the letter from the dead man’s pocket. I looked around nervously as all eyes were on us.
“Cooper,” I whispered.
Ignoring me, Cooper stood back up eyeing the paper. “Damn.” He mumbled as he studied the hole in it before folding it and sticking it into his jacket pocket.
“Cooper.” I hissed loudly as I saw some people start to get up from their seats, anger clear on their faces.
“Don’t get your panties in a bunch, boys.” Cooper said looking up at the angry men. “Just a bit o’ business, and I got none with you.”
“You better get the hell out of here, ghoul.” One of the men growled before spitting on the ground in front of us.
I knew this would piss Cooper off, so I quickly grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the door. He ripped his hand from my grasp but continued following close behind me. When we finally made it out of the village, I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. However, before I could register what was happening, Cooper roughly grabbed at my shirt collar pulling me close to him. “What the hell was that?” Cooper growled, staring down at me angrily. “Flirting with other men in front of me? Acting like a slut?”
I squeaked in surprise. Never in a million years did I think he would ever speak to me this way. “Coop, I was just tryin’ to help.” I pleaded, but he wasn’t listening.
“You are MY slut. You understand me? No one else can touch you. No one else can even fuckin’ look at you.” He ranted as one of his fists flew to the hair on the back of my head, tugging harshly.
I gasped loudly at his actions. I never took him for the jealous type, but here he was completely overtaken by it, and much to my surprise I liked it. I pressed my thighs together while I complied, “Yes Coop, I am your slut. Only yours.”
This seemed to appease him as his grip loosened on the back of my head as he pressed his body against mine. “Good,” He hummed. “Never do that again.”
“I wont. I wont ever.” I responded as my hands trailed up his chest and cupped his face softly. “I’m sorry I upset you.”
He studied my face for a moment before pulling away with a grunt. It was clear he was still angry with me. I watched intently as he pulled out the letter from Roofus and read it. I didn’t know it was possible, but his face soured even more.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Cooper mumbled. “I shot right through the damn location.” He said sighing.
“Roofus was the son of an old friend of mine.” He said before looking up at me. “Let’s pay him a visit.”
It didn’t take us long to find the man’s house. As we entered, however, only a little girl was home.
“Well, hello darlin’. Your daddy home?” Cooper asked nicely.
The girl just shook her head in response. Much to our surprise she didn’t seem scared of us. She just stared up at us with a blank expression.
“What is your name, sweetie?” I asked as I bent down to her level.
“Sandra.” The small girl replied.
“I’m an old friend of your daddy,” Cooper said while looking around the small home. “When will he be home?”
“Soon, it’s almost dinner time.” Sandra responded.
At the mention of dinner, my stomach gurgled. My face reddened with embarrassment as I looked down at my feet. “Well, my girl and I have traveled a long way so why don’t you get us some dinner too?” Cooper said while putting a hand on my shoulder.
The girl just nodded in response before heading to the kitchen. I slowly stood up from the ground, giving Cooper a sheepish expression before looking around the home. It was a nice little place. The walls were covered with wood panels and metal sheets, but it was homey, much nicer than the one I grew up in.
As if he could sense my thoughts, Cooper asked, “Remind you of home?”
“This ain’t nothin’ like my home.” I responded quickly as I studied the shelf on the wall. “Much nicer.”
He hummed quietly before sitting down at the table and placing his hat down next to him. I waited there in silence for a bit, the only noises to be heard was from Sandra puttering in the kitchen. “What are you gonna do?” I asked as I sat down at the table next to him.
He studied my face for a moment before responding, “Depends on them, darlin’.” I just nodded while I picked at my fingers. I understood what he meant. Whether he would kill them or not depended on if they complied or not. A feeling of dread settled in my stomach as I thought of Sandra.
Before I could say anything, Sandra returned with two plates of dinner. I looked up at her in surprise at the contents. Wonderful smelling meats graced the plate in from of me, brahman maybe? And definitely some chicken. “Thank you, Sandra!” I said excitedly as I grabbed the silverware from her hands. I can’t even remember the last time I had a meal that looked this good.
Sandra didn’t respond, instead disappearing back into the kitchen quietly. I quickly started cutting up the meat, a grin plastered over my face. I heard Cooper chuckle next to me, no doubt amused at my excitement, but I paid him no mind. He slowly followed suit, cutting up his meat slowly as he watched me. As the brahman hit my tongue I moaned with happiness. After weeks of iguana and jerky, this felt like a meal fit for a king.
The door swung open as a man and a young boy entered the building, a look of confusion on their faces. I ignored them as I continued to eat happily. I trusted Cooper to handle it, but he stayed quiet as well, just staring at the man and slowly bringing the meat to his mouth.
“Sandra?” The man called out only to be greeted with silence. I looked up at him and then over to Cooper who was maintaining eye contact with him. Before he could call out again, Sandra’s footsteps could be heard as she entered the room with two glasses of water in her hands. She quietly put them on the table. Her father visibly deflated with relief at the sight of her.
“Thank you, darlin’.” Cooper said to her before looking back up at the father, “Oh, wait. You thought?...” Cooper said smirking as he held up a piece of meat on his fork. “Come on now.” He said laughing.
“Sandra, wait outside.” The man said, his voice wavering with fear. The girl quickly did as she was told.
“Lead farmin’, huh?” Cooper said, continuing the conversation. “Why, hell, I probably still got some of your lead in me somewhere. But today, I am just lookin’ for information.”
“I’ll tell you anything, as long as you leave us in peace.” The man said. I could tell he was trying to act confident, but his voice continued to waver.
“Say, am I out of date, or did I hear you had three kids?” Cooper asked as he pulled out the letter from his jacket.
“I had an older son, but he’s gone. He took up with that madwoman in the hills two years ago. We haven’t heard from him since.” The man explained.
Cooper smirked as he looked down at the letter, “There’s always some new little faction, ain’t there? Brand new team of believers with their own dumbass ideas about how they gonna save the world. What did you say the name of your eldest was? Was it Roofus?” At the mention of Roofus’s name I instinctively winced, remembering how mad Cooper was at me for talking to him. This didn’t go unnoticed as Cooper’s eyes flickered towards me for a second before returning to the man.
“I didn’t say-“ The man started to respond.
“That must make you Tommy.” Cooper interrupted.
The man looked over at his son before angrily asking, “What did you do? What is that envelope?”
“Well, you see, daddy-o, from what I can tell…” Cooper says clearing his throat. “… Old Roofus got Tommy here mixed up with that madwoman, too. Now according to this. Roofus sent Tommy a stash of caps to pay a courier for the safe transport of an Enclave defector, to that very same madwoman in the hills. Moldaver.” Cooper explained with a smirk plastered across his face.
“Now the problem is, by the time I got this letter off your brother,” Cooper said addressing Tommy, “It was a little bit hard to read.” Cooper held up the letter, peaking his eye through the bullet hole. “For some reason I can’t make out her location.” He looked back over at the father before saying “You really should’ve taught your boy to not play with toys that aren’t his. Maybe you’d still have two sons. Now you give me that location, and I’ll be on my way.”
The man and his son looked at each other before Tommy said, “I’m sorry.”
“Tell him, son. Just tell him.” The father pleaded.
“I didn’t want to spend my life digging through dirt.” Tommy explained. “I want to build something, and we have the chance-“
“Tell him what he wants to know or else he’s gonna kill us all!” His father yelled, interrupting him. “Including your little sister.”
Tommy stared Cooper down. “Huh.” Cooper hummed, surprised by this turn of events. I had stopped eating at this point, my attention turned fully to the men in front of us.
“You should tell him.” I said softly, giving the boy a reassuring look. “Listen to your father.”
Tommy looked between me and Cooper before surrendering. “She’s… she’s at the Observatory.”
“Now please, leave us.” The father pleaded.
Cooper sighed deeply before saying, “So, what you think, Tommy? Am I really walking out of here today, or are you gonna draw on me for what I did to your big brother?”
Tommy’s eyes darkened at Cooper’s words as rage filled his expression.
“He won’t.” The father responded.
“Maybe not today, but someday.” Cooper said, eyes never leaving Tommy. Understanding the threat Tommy reached for the shotgun next to him, but he was too slow. Before I even realized what was happening, Tommy was on the ground, a gunshot through his chest.
“Tommy!” His father yelled as he crouched down over his son’s body.
Cooper stood up and slowly started to collect his things, signaling me to follow. As we passed by the father, I gave him a sad expression but said nothing.
This was just how the Wasteland worked. Kill or be killed.
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