#hope you enjoy!!!! 💕
wooiamamess · 9 months
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felixeis003 · 5 months
More of my Soapghost Post-Apocalyptic AU 😎
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yoonstudios · 2 months
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kooberry! 🫐 | for -> @pauls-mccharmly ↳ run bts: ep. 143
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conjuring-ghouls · 7 months
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I nearly cried and almost gave up a thousand times, but finally, this is my birthday present for @copias-juicebox 🥰🖤 Happy birthday, girl, I hope you have a wonderful day and that Papa shows up to celebrate with you!!
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rheakira · 13 days
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Today, May 23rd, is Robin's birthday!
Happy birthday, Robin!
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preseriesdean · 1 year
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xoxoemynn · 1 month
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10K | Explicit | Innkeeper Era
This is a story of strategy. Of intrigue. Of history’s most brilliant tactician at work, battling fantastic odds to achieve victory at any cost.
Or, Ed learns of the existence of Stede’s sexy little reading glasses and embarks upon the romantic mission of a lifetime to make sure he’s able to see them on his perfect face forever and always. There may or may not be ghosts.
read me like a book is on AO3 here.
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slimey-wallz · 3 months
Here's some s👔ited H👁️me for you 💕
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I'm so silly 💫💫
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He's officially my spirit animal 💕🙌
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hottiehiei · 14 days
I love all of your writing but specifically the soft Hiei story had my grown butt giggling like a schoolgirl 😍! Could we get more soft Hiei, nsfw or sfw dealers choice, in any sort of scenario?? I look forward to reading more of your stories! Also just had my first Hiei dream the other night and I was giddy when I woke up 😁
i’m so happy you enjoy my writing, anon :’) now i’m giggling like a schoolgirl!!! haha <333
i did headcanons because it’s easier for me to write!
Soft!Hiei (Fluff Version)
sfw, fluff, gender neutral
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is so whipped. Everyone has caught him smiling at you from a distance, just obsessed with every little thing you do. Years ago he would’ve laughed at the possibility of falling in love. Now he can’t imagine himself without you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When sitting alone together, Hiei falls asleep on your shoulder. At first it was accidental, and he was pretty embarrassed about it after he woke up, but as time went on, he intentionally shifts closers to your side in hopes of leaning on you. As he gets comfortable with this level of intimacy, he will occasionally rests his head on your lap, which is the perfect opportunity to play in his hair or trace the outline of his face.
𓆩⟡𓆪 It may not seem like it, but Hiei doesn’t mind listening to your random thoughts or interests, even if he can’t relate to them. He makes an effort to understand who you are, and that includes your weird opinions! Before long, he knows you better than anyone else.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei doesn’t have any cute nicknames for you like “Baby” or “Babe”. He only calls you by your given name, but honestly, it rolls off his tongue so smoothly that it feels just as endearing. When he calls out to you, his voice is alluring, and you’ll feel compelled to follow him anywhere.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Disagreements rarely escalate because Hiei can’t stay upset with you for long. He might pretend he’s angry, but the second you start pouting, he drops the act.
𓆩⟡𓆪 If you’re upset with him though, he’s very stubborn, almost like a child. Oh, you’re mad about what he said during an argument? Okay, well now he’s mad too! (He tries to move on like it never happened, especially if he’s the one in the wrong.) Hiei is the type to apologize while you’re half sleep. He mumbles a small “sorry” just as you begin to doze off. You’ll probably end up thinking you dreamed it.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei brags about you more often than he realizes. It’s an unconscious habit, sort of like ‘thinking out loud’. He tells other people not to underestimate your abilities if they’re concerned about your safety. Or, if someone gets something incorrect about you, he is quick to correct them. It can be something as simple as your favorite color and he’s suddenly butting into the conversation like “No idiot, they actually like xxxx.”
Hiei loves being praised. If you cheer him on during a fight, he’s all nonchalant like “They’re no match for me. This is child’s play.” but he feels so fired up on the inside. Ego boosts are great for Hiei, seriously. Works wonders.
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wooiamamess · 9 months
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dylanconrique · 10 months
disney channel's barbie and ken.
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dawn-moths · 11 months
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♡ “what he does for you on your birthday” sd!nanami headcanons (since it’s my birthday today and i want this man to spoil me lol)
♡ words: 2,800+
♡ content warning: contains 18+ content! minors please do not interact! daddy kink, size difference, reader is called “princess, sweetheart, angel”, reader is picked up and carried shorty, aftercare, bathing together.
♡ You start your day having slept in (which you usually do, Nanami knows his precious little baby needs her rest) and wake up loosely tangled among the soft sheets and fluffy comforters of the king sized bed. You look over, expectant and excited to see Nanami lying next to you, but your joy quickly turns to confusion when you find his place in bed empty. However, the moment you smell the decadent sweetness of your favorite homemade french toast drifting in to the bedroom, and hear the distant, muffled clinking and clattering of pots and pans from the kitchen, a gentle grin finds its way back onto your face.
♡ Stepping out of bed, you slide your feet into your favorite fluffy pink slippers, scuffing them gently across the floors as you wrap your billowing silk robe tighter around your shoulders and approach the kitchen. You can hear him humming, the melody slow and lilting in his rich, smooth baritone. Sometimes he hums to you when you can’t fall asleep at night, softly stroking his knuckles along your cheek or his palm against your hair until you finally doze off. But now, as he looks over at you standing in the entryway, his song ceases and a smile spreads across his stoic features.
♡ “Good morning, princess,” Nanami greets you with syrupy sweet adoration, setting the spatula that was in his hand off to the side where he’d just flipped the piece of bread cooking in the pan before migrating closer to you. You meet him in the middle and fall into his arms, nuzzling into his chest as he kisses you on the head, squeezing you slightly tighter in his embrace, and asks, “Sleep well, birthday girl?” in a quiet, velvety murmur.
♡ You nod against him, feeling a yawn rising in your chest, knowing you won’t be able to suppress it as it fights its way from your body, limbs still a little heavy with fading slumber. Nanami hums out an endearing note, beginning to guide you further into the kitchen to sit at the white marble counter where he’s already made you a plate piled high with fresh, juicy strawberries and rippling, fluffy whipped cream, mini chocolate chips sprinkled atop the mountain of the sugary masterpiece.
♡ The first bite tastes like heaven, your eyes glittering with glee as you shift your gaze from your breakfast to the man you love so much. A part of you is honestly a little impressed how well the french toast turned out. Nanami’s cooked for you before a few times in the past, but with his busy schedule the two of you usually end up at one of your favorite 5-star restaurants or have one of the interns drop off some fancy takeout. You’re glad that Nanami is willing to indulge with you, sliding into the seat next to you with his own plate that’s nearly identical, though his has far less whipped cream and chocolate chips and is accompanied by his usual mug of black coffee. He’s never really had a sweet tooth like you do, but once in a while, on special occasions, he’ll make an exception.
♡ Golden sunlight streams in through the tall, floor to ceiling windows as breakfast concludes, and Nanami says he has a surprise for you— only, it’s hardly a surprise, as you know he goes above and beyond on your birthday. The only question will be how will he outdo last year?
♡ He leads you by the hand towards the living room, then, right before you can turn the corner he stops and tells you to close your eyes. “Promise you won’t peek until I tell you?” He playfully requests, and you giggle and do as he asks, replying with excitement, “I promise, as long as you don’t make me wait too long!” From there, once your eyes are closed and covered by your hands, he guides you into the room, leaving you waiting in suspense for just a moment before announcing you can open your eyes, and as soon as you do, you can’t help as a gasp slips past your sugar-dusted lips.
♡ The whole room is decked out with glittering decorations and fresh bouquets of roses in pink and white and red, balloons of the same colors scattered across the floor and floating in their own hovering bouquets in each corner of the room. Sparkling confetti is strewn across the floor (you can’t believe Nanami was willing to make such a mess, even on your birthday, but he must’ve remembered when you said how much you loved confetti at your childhood birthday parties growing up and decided that one day with the mansion in slight disarray couldn’t hurt) and at the center of it all is a pile of neatly stacked presents, each box wrapped in shiny paper and topped with a big, silky bow, metallic silver balloons hovering behind the gifts in the numbers of your new age.
♡ For a moment, you’re so caught in awe, you’re just standing there, but as Nanami places a big hand on your shoulder and says, “You know, the presents aren’t going to open themselves…” with a hint of harmless teasing, you instinctively begin to draw nearer to your shimmering gifts, all the decadence luring you in like a moth to a flame.
♡ It takes over an hour for you to open everything, leaving the room littered with more glittering paper debris and streamers of ribbon, this year’s birthday gifts consisting of everything from the latest designer handbags and shoes in your favorite colors to the oversized plushies that you so adore (and keep piling high on all the guest beds as Nanami had to put a cap on the number allowed to live in the bedroom you two shared at three) and some books you’d been dying to read. In the end, it doesn’t matter the cost of the gift, you love each and every one of them equally because they all came from your Daddy, specially and thoughtfully selected for his perfect little princess.
♡ But the day has only just begun, and as the clock ticks over into the early afternoon, Nanami is already suggesting you go get ready for a day of top secret, super special birthday soirée activities. So you put on your favorite dress, pairing it with one of your new pairs of shoes and a pair of diamond earrings, grab one of your new handbags, and walk out the door arm in arm with Nanami. He lets you choose which of his sports cars you want to be driven around in today— you pick one of the convertibles— you queue up your favorite playlist, and you sing along to your favorite songs with the wind twining through your hair as Nanami speeds into the heart of the city.
♡ Your first stop is the luxury shopping block where your Daddy treats you to even more expensive items from your favorite brands, designers, and boutiques. When he asks you what you want for lunch and you reply with, “Ice cream!” followed by an adorably devious giggle, knowing if it were any other day, Nanami would never let sweets substitute a meal. But today, of course, is no ordinary day, so Nanami gives you a grin and shakes his head to himself, unable to say no to you as you’re already drifting towards your favorite little ice cream shop and all its pastel pink, blue, and green flag banners beckoning you from the elaborately decorated window display. Nanami must be in an especially cheerful mood today himself, as, not only did he have french toast this morning, he also indulges in two scoops of his favorite flavors.
♡ You two take a break from all the walking and shopping as you enjoy your afternoon dessert in one of the plush retro booths of the ice cream parlor, sampling each others flavors here and there as your ankles intertwine underneath the table. When the toe of your shoe begins to inch further up his leg, slow and teasing, Nanami flashes you a look that is both warning and wanting, as if he’s daring you to see how much you can get away with here before anyone else catches on. But you decide to cease your little game before it goes too far, knowing full well that tonight he’ll be the one teasing you.
♡ After ice cream, you two do a little more shopping and then decide to catch a movie as you happen past the theatre and take a peek at what’s playing. You’re so exhausted from shopping that you nearly doze off with your head rested against his shoulder in the dark of the room, the theatre nearly empty aside from one or two other people catching the matinee showtimes. Nanami’s arm drapes comfortably around your body, wishing there wasn’t an arm rest in the way so he could let you curl into his lap like he knows you love to do so much. You guys are in the very back row, so he figures he might be able to get away with it what with the other scattered patrons sitting more towards the middle and front, but you seem to remember that you actually want to pay attention, stirring back awake and trying to right your posture a little straighter so you don’t get too comfortable.
♡ Once the movie is over, you two head back to the car and it’s already dinner time. Nanami hopes you didn’t fill up too much on the ice cream earlier, because he has a reservation at one of your favorite 5-star restaurants tonight. He was even able to get your favorite table too, the one on the second floor with the view from the window where you can watch the glittering lights of the city as you dine on delicacies from all different corners of the world. In the end, you do have to take about half of your dinner home, but that’s alright, because Nanami knows you like to snack on your leftovers the next day.
♡ It’s nearly nine o’clock when you two finally arrive home, and Nanami can tell you’re worn out, but in the best way. “Tired, princess?” he asks when he catches you in the middle of a big yawn. You nod and smile, telling him “Only a little bit…” to which he chuckles under his breath and replies, “It’s hard work being the birthday girl, isn’t it?” and that earns him another sleepy nod and a grin. But Nanami has one last surprise for you, so he hopes you have enough energy left to enjoy it.
♡ Suggesting you two head upstairs, you’re none the wiser to the fact that, while you two were out, he had Nobara, Yuuji, and Megumi drop by the house to set up the last surprise in the master bedroom. He’d been secretly texting them throughout the day and getting updates on how things were coming along. His interns never disappointed, and even Nanami is in awe once he finally pushes open the doors and casts his gaze upon the room that’s been so decorated it’s nearly unrecognizable as your shared bedroom. You, of course, are blown away, completely and joyously surprised as you take in all the bouquets of flowers and balloons and ribbons that curl from the ceiling down to the floor in a cascade of all your favorite colors.
♡ It’s so much to take in that, at first, you don’t even notice the box topped with a big, silky pink bow sitting at the center of the bed, just waiting— begging— to be opened. Once you do though, you glance back at Nanami as if to ask, “For me?” and he gestures a hand towards it as if to say, “Of course, do you even need to ask?” and that’s all the confirmation you need to go bounding towards the bed, doing a jump to land before the box with your legs tucked beneath you, knees bordering it on either side. No matter how excited you are though, you always savor the way the thick, colorful paper peels away to reveal what’s hidden underneath, appreciating it like it’s art— sort of like how Nanami always takes good care to enjoy every detail of how each piece of your clothing he takes away reveals a view of your skin to him, no matter how familiar, no matter how eager he may secretly be, he always takes his time in unwrapping his favorite gift.
♡ He delights in the way your eyes light up as you land your gaze upon the new lingerie set he picked out especially for you— another one in your favorite pink and white with ribbons and lace, yet still unlike all your others of a similar design— and mutters in your ear as he places one of his big, warm hands on your shoulder, his palm engulfing you, “Wanna try it on, sweetheart?” to which you flash another one of those devilishly adorable smiles and reply, “Be right back,” before planting a quick peck on his cheek and scampering off into the master bathroom with a giggle. Once you’ve changed you merely crack the bathroom door, giving him a teasing sliver of a peek from the gap between the connecting rooms before emerging all the way.
♡ Sometimes Nanami likes when you play with him, likes how you’re able to help him forget all his important, pressing responsibilities, even if just for a short while, and go to a place where it’s just the two of you, living in your own perfect little fantasy world. He likes that you challenge him sometimes too, thinking you’ve gained the upper hand— and he lets you believe it too, for a little while— before being reminded just who’s really in control here.
♡ So, standing by the bathroom door, back pressed to the wall, he rhetorically asks, “Is everything alright in there?” catching another quick glimpse of you through the tiny opening. “Why don’t you come find out?” you bait, a devious lilt woven into your sweet tone. You two go back and forth for a little while, the push and pull of who holds the power egging you both on, until it all ends with you sat atop one of the counters with him standing between your legs, his jutting sex pressed to your soaked core, your mouths locked in a languid, deep kiss that leaves you breathless, lips slick with each others spit. When he suggests you move things back to the bed, you just give an eager little nod and let Nanami scoop you up in his strong grip, fingers digging into the plush flesh of the back of your thighs, and carry you back to the mattress.
♡ And he puts every other year of birthday sex to shame this time around, his hands and mouth and cock practically worshiping every inch of you, taking his time and really working you up until your legs are trembling and your back is arching and you’re whining his name through a clipped moan of divine pleasure, giving you a little more time than usual to come down from the high before he’s gifting you with another earth shattering orgasm.
♡ Once all is said and done and you’re both fully satisfied, Nanami cleans you up with a warm washcloth and leaves you to rest while he draws up a candle lit bath for the two of you to share, vibrant crimson rose petals scattered and floating along the water’s surface, and gently massages different parts of your body as you rest with your back to his chest, your body cradled between his legs. Your lethargic little fingers reach back behind you and lazily play with his hair, tired whispers of “Love you, Daddy…” and “Best birthday ever…” falling from your lips. Nanami kisses the top of your head, his grip flexing slightly tighter on you for a moment as he says, “I love you too, angel. I hope you had the best day ever.” You turn to face him, still moving slowly, and straddle his lap in the big, porcelain tub. Staring into his eyes, the flickering candle light dancing in the center of all that dark, alluring tawny, you press a chaste yet lingering kiss to his lips. “Every day with you is the best day ever,” you tell him, and it’s so sincere it sort of catches him off guard. “You’re the best gift any girl could ever ask for.”
♡ Nanami’s expression of awe morphs into adoring contentment, into the purest, softest kind of love. He lightly nudges his nose against yours and says, “I’d still give you the world, if you asked for it.” Laying your head on his shoulder and relaxing against his form, you mutter, “Don’t have to… I already have it.”
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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collab w/ @astertimberwolf! we did this all over the place lmao, but they mostly did the lineart and me with the coloring!!
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magnusbae · 2 years
Dreamling - A Boon Granted - 535w
Hob finally asks for a boon. 😌
"Dream?" Hob calls, getting the attention of one beautiful pale creature back to him. His eyes are pale blue, speckled with barely visible white spots, an entire galaxy reflected in the calm gaze.
"Yes Hob?" he asks, purrs really. He's always good mooded after a good shag.
"Remember that boon you've offered me?" Hob asks, noticing the way Dream's shoulder line tenses, the way he seems to breathe slower, eyes narrowing just a fraction.
"Yes." his answer is slow, calculated. His lips purse just a touch. "I remember."
He's so guarded. Hob knows why, may Roderick Burgess rot in hell, that old wanker.
"May I wash your hair?" Hob asks, his voice relaxed, hoarser after the love they just shared.
A flinch of Dream's eyebrows, the eyes narrowing a fraction more, his lips parting for a second. Oh, he is baffled. Hob can tell.
Hob lifts himself up to lean on his elbow, gazing down at Dream, beautifully contrasting the black satin sheets. (Smartest purchase, right smart of him.)
"Is that the boon you seek?" Dream speaks first when it's evident Hob is not about to elaborate.
"Yes." the answer comes with an easy smile. His eyes wrinkling with fondness.
"I am not certain you understand the concept of a boon." Dream sounds like he is contemplating whatever he should be amused or not.
"I think I do." Hob shrugs with one shoulder, reaching a hand to Dream's perpetually disheveled hair. "I ask you something..." he says the word slowly "... and you grant me my wish." he chuckles at the shadow of a pout that passes on Dream's face, no longer tense, he just looks bewildered by him. Good.
"It is to be what you'd use your boon on, Hob Gadling, washing hair that needs no washing?" Dream aims for stern, but it's clear from the way his lips are twitching upwards, the lightness of his eyes, that he is smitten by the idea.
Whatever his feelings of showers are, he enjoys the thought of it being all Hob asks for.
"You understand that there would be no second boon." Dream is almost smiling now, voice deep, smooth. "Yes?"
Well, that and perhaps a little bit of shower snog, Hob thinks idly. He's certain that this being would oblige, he is a gracious God, after all.
Despite Dream's insistence of being no God, Hob finds it hard to see much difference.
He is a God to him, would have been even if he wasn't one, if he was only a man of flash and blood. In his bed, as he is, he's God.
"Oh yes" Hob remembers to breathe a reply, leaning in to kiss willing lips, smiling lips.
Dream is humming under him, a satisfied purr of a sound. Dream's arms wrap around him and pull him on top of himself.
He likes it, Hob noticed, being pressed down like this.
Naturally, he doesn't keep any of his weight off of Dream when he lies down on him.
"Very well." Dream agrees, sounding a touch breathless already "Your boon shall be granted, Hob Gadling." his nails drag across exposed skin, following the shivers his voice set.
Hob is indeed a man of good fortune.
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lovereadandwrite · 1 month
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“that day, May 5, was my birthday”🐯🌕✨
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Chapter 2 of The Dichotomy in Our Hearts is Out!
I realllyyyy loved writing this chapter. Ugh, my heart is still gushing from it. If you want some fluff for the end of the weekend, here ya' go!! 💕
(Want a fun lil' snippet? This chapter has a cute moment I intended to use in Sweet & Sour, but never got the chance to use. 🤫)
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