#hopefully the whole fic will be around 10k words
anincompletelist · 9 months
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2024 wips! :D
hi all! taking a page out of @inexplicablymine 's playbook and compiling a list of my current and (hopefully) future wips for this year since I haven't revisited this list in a few months!
also, please feel free to consider this an open tag if it's something you'd like to do as well! I think it's a wonderful way to get organized and to share some excitement!
[and before we start, here are all of the fics posted in 2023!]
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Something Borrowed, Something Blue (aka bridesmaids!) is posting now and currently has three out of thirteen parts posted. it will be fully published by the end of the month! you can read here:
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
When June gets engaged, Alex, her brother, and Henry, her best friend, are asked to be the official Guys Of Honor. There’s a month to plan the whole thing, which would be near impossible anyway, only made worse by the fact that being around each other the last several years has only ever led to petty fights and useless competition. Unfortunately, as the two most important men in her life - aside from her fiancé - they don’t really have much of a choice. Alex has a lot of feelings about this. As it turns out, Henry does too.
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[the following works have at least half or more of their goal word count completed and will likely be posted sometime in february if all goes to plan]
dom!alex part two to this fic [5k]
soft dom!henry [10k]
five times henry doms alex on accident and one time he does it on purpose [4k]
angsty alex 5 + 1 / 'sticks & stones' [2k]
[redacted] 'verse prequel
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[wips that have significant word counts or have been fully outlined but still have a ways to go before they're finished]
poetry au / 'speak easy' [23k]
canon divergent anonymous server fic [5k]
vamp!henry + vamp hunter!alex [2k]
hitman!alex au [15k]
diabetic!alex au [6k]
a/b/o au set in canon verse [20k]
truman show au [1k]
boxer!alex au [1k]
escort alex / private club au [2k]
cha cha real smooth inspired au
canon divergent thriller inspired by 1984 / knives out / nine perfect strangers / the menu / the hunt
Jeff (Bottoms) x Shane (Minx)
professional gift giver non-famous alex au
mary and george inspired one shot
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[ideas and snippets I have written down but don't have a significant word count yet]
quantum of solace inspired one shot (bond)
google au
drunk dial canon divergence
happiest season au
rival wineries au
alex is medusa, henry is midas
museum guide henry + substitute teacher alex
one shot about henry's antidepressants side effects
severance au
a/b/o au #2
please feel free to come and yell at me (kindly) about any of these or to send requests! this list changes constantly but I tried to round up everything I could think of for right now :)
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desired-misery · 2 months
Snippets from the many many Resident Evil wips I have been working on
The drips of iodine on the surgical cloth are dark as blood, but on his skin it is more of an ochre color. Layered over the green marks on his skin, it turns his guides black. Easiest step done— the first, which starts the whole process. He can still take a moment to breathe because he isn't bleeding, he hasn't opened up his own chest yet—
[Luis removing La Plaga, ~4k, about 70% done]
Why is Adam yanking him around like this if he’s not going to do the damn job himself? Why even bother talking to him if that’s all he is going to get?
When Adam doesn’t say anything, Leon tries again. “I thought, since you called—”
“Keep it professional, Kennedy,” Adam cuts him off, cold and firm.
Leon curbs his instinct to snap back, smoothing his anger out just enough to count as humor. He pushes because he always pushes, even though it pisses Adam off— especially because it does. "Jesus, did someone kill the Queen or something?"
"Or something," Adam repeats, drier than a rock. But Adam doesn’t scold Leon for his smart mouth, which means that whatever stick is up Adam’s ass isn’t Leon’s fault.
[RE4R "missing" scenes, focused on survival and all the bullshit Leon and Ashley (and probably Luis) survived, ~16k, about 10% done]
Leon’s sharpness is not limited to his humor. He tilts his head to catch Chris’s gaze again and touches Chris’s wrist next to his head. 
“Are you uncomfortable about complements and want me to stop, or are you just really shy?”
“I am not shy,” Chris protests, for his reputation’s sake. 
“Yes you are,” Leon says, catching the obvious lack of heat in Chris’s answer— and the implied permission to be allowed to continue. The glint in Leon’s eye that is more than just teasing. “You look like a greek god, Chris.”
When Chris’s flush turns into a burning across his face, Leon grins.
"Easily embarrassed, then.”
“Shut up.” Chris leans down to do it himself because he doubts Leon will. Leon laughs in his mouth.
“It’s cute!” Leon says in between kisses.
“I am not cute,” Chris pretends to gripe.
“No, you’re handsome as fuck,” Leon replies. His hand comes to the back of Chris’s head to take control. Chris doesn’t have the capacity to turn even redder because Leon’s tongue is in his mouth and there is nothing else worth thinking about.
[Chris meets Leon at an event, they hook up for a few days, ~10k, ???% done]
"Holy shit!" Nivans yelps over the line— and Chris thinks that Jill is going to be right, the kid is gonna freak—
until the large BOW falls, the side of its pelvis blowing out in time with the crack of Nivan's rifle.
"The hell is that?!" Nivans demands, still sounding horrified, but not blind with panic. "What is that?!"
"Bio-organic weapon— all good, they die if you shoot them, so just keep doing that." Jill says, steady and casual in her way that will hopefully keep Nivans focused. "Headshots are the best way to stop one, if you don't mind."
Nivans laughs a little, breathless. "God—"
The echoing crack of his rifle cuts him off. The downed thing's head explodes.
"Good work," Chris praises immediately, "You're doing great."
"That's awful!" Nivans says, but he keeps lining up his shots so Chris makes sure he and Jill stay clear of the alley they are funneling them down.
[How Chris (and Jill) cross paths with Piers and how he gets recruited to the BSAA, ~1.5k words, just a fragment of a fic]
Piers has to remember to call late enough that his mom doesn't worry about him losing sleep, still believing that he is in a completely different time zone. Lying to her leaves a bad taste in his mouth, but not bad enough that he wants to tell her what is really going on. He does tell her to hold off on sending any care packages under the guise that he believes he is going to be moved to a different base and doesn't want it getting lost in the logistics of trying to track him down while he is being transferred. She responds in less than an hour, email full of relief that he is doing okay and excitement that he'll be calling so soon. That makes him feel worse than shooting people ever did, and that night he spends over an hour trying to fall asleep, wondering if she will be able to tell if anything has changed about him.
[Piers before he gets recruited to the BSAA, stuck stateside when he should still be deployed, ~4k, ??? who knows how this will fit in? maybe with Chris's POV?]
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gotham-daydreams · 10 months
Hun you have probably heard this before but take all the time you need and more! Lol. It's your fic, your idea and there is no need to stress on getting it out so fast. You lose nothing if some people ever get bored of waiting, but honestly i know many (including myself) who have waited double digit months for someone to update their fics. Anyway this is just my short way of saying that It's alright to just relax and have fun. Hope this didn't come off too rude or like im making assumptions about you, if you feel no stress, good. 🖤 And even if tumblr ends up lagging due to the lenght of the fic, you could always split it into two like you talked about before. Take it one step at a time, can't wait to find out what happens next!
Nono you didn't come off as rude or anything at all! Thank you so much for your kind words and everything, they mean a lot 💛💛💛
Though I do feel bad for taking so long since I have been working on it for a while, and even if I will prioritize the quality of Part 3 over getting it out as soon as I can, I am still trying to get to a point where I can get it out in a reasonable amount of time for you guys! And also hopefully produce a Part 3 that will make the wait worth it- even if the length doesn't exactly say anything about the quality of the chapter itself.
Which, trust me, I never intended for Part 3 to be as long as it's becoming now 😅, as I said a bit earlier on another ask, some of the moments that were supposed to be "small/short" are, in fact, not what most would consider short at all :']
I'll be honest and admit that back when I started writing Pt. 3 in September, I honestly thought that the length would be somewhere in between Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 (so about maybe 3/5k - 10k words), only for us to be here. Where Pt. 3 might end up being, (funnily enough) almost 3 times the length of Pt. 2- which I suspect to be around 10k words since by the time I reached 10k on Pt. 3, it was just about as long as Pt. 2.
Pt. 2 alone made tumblr lag on my end, so that's why the length of Pt. 3 is making me so nervous, and though I will split it into two parts if I have to- I will try to keep it as one whole part since, again, I do believe that it's better read that way.
Which, I also keep commenting on the length and everything since, well- Pt. 3 isn't done yet. And I can only look on in slight horror as I keep writing, and knowing I'm not even at the ending yet :']
Regardless of all of that, however, I do deeply appreciate all of you who are waiting, and thank you for your patience and time! I know I haven't been the most active or anything, but I do appreciate everyone and all of the support I've been receiving!! Recently I've reached 1k followers- and have been also trying to think of what to do for that, since that's a huge milestone! And I want to properly thank everyone for the support and everything, but still don't have many ideas for that at the moment :']
Still, thank you so much for everything!
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incognetomisquito · 8 months
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we got THE mist upon the hill by @ereborslionheart, a Widomauk fanfic where soulmates share their scars, and Caleb is the unfortunate damsel who has to bear through Molly’s recklessness. Dont let my summary fool you though, this fic is brutal and wonderfully angsty
Production rant under the cut :3
The cover is made of 100% genuine leather (according to the tag on the purse i bought at goodwill) and is embroidered with the colors of Molly’ jacket. The back embroidery is meant to mimic his tattoos, because of the whole soulmate thing involving skin.
The leatherbound book and the fire colored headbands were my nod to Caleb. (Plus, if you think of it, how fitting is it to have something of Caleb’s be covered in symbol’s of Molly) If im being honest, my first idea was to paint acrylic scars on the leather, but that pales in comparison to what i landed on.
Im really proud of the typesetting too, I’ve definitely improved since my last bind. (The fic is maybe 10k words longer, but literally almost the exact same size. Thats how much the margins improved)
AND i added a fan poem i wrote for the fic like 3 years ago for an english class. It was “write a poem about a book or piece of media” or smth. Ironically, the teacher accused me of plagiarism bc i put the name of the fanfic by it. I had to inform her that no, the fanfic in question is 70,731 words, my poem is about it, not directly it. Good poem tho, im still proud of it, and i figured itd make the beginning of the book feel more real.
I also put Devon Rue’s map in, specifically centered around where they’re running around in the book, which just simplifies to the Dwendalian empire.
I definitely couldve been more careful with my glue job, and the corners are gonna need protectors eventually bc i didnt cut them right, but overall i am really proud of this.
Hopefully by next book im using printed covers though because i dont know how many more custom fabric covers i have in me. I love them but my god are they tedious to make.
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asymmetryestablished · 2 months
NothingSoDivine's One Piece Fanfic Spoiler Master List (2nd Edition)
because the old version was unnecessarily long and dubiously accurate
also I reread all 77 of my OP fics for this. you're welcome
(last updated 2024-09-13)
This time, we're sorting by spoiler level (mild, moderate, major), and then grouping by timeline, to make things easier. (Timeline groupings are determined by the arc in which the last spoilers occur.) I'm also including emojis to indicate AO3 rating (🟢 General, 🟡 Teen and up, 🟠 Mature, 🔴 Explicit, or ⚪ Not Rated), approximate word count (🌒 under 1k, 🌓 1k–4k, 🌔 4k–10k, and 🌕 above), and ⚠️ presence or ✅ absence of Archive Warnings. Hopefully this will make things more navigable. (And as before, I'm marking AUs with asterisks, but giving no pairing or character information.) Word count indicators for ongoing fics are based on current word count, not projected word count.
Additional note: I prefer to err on the side of caution. Placement on this list is determined by the most serious spoilers involved, and then by the last point at which spoilers exist. So, for example, if a fic has major spoilers for an early arc, but moderate spoilers up to a much later arc, it will be categorized under Major Spoilers for that later arc, despite technically only having moderate spoilers for it.
Mild Spoilers
These are basically fine. Things like non-plot-twisty character introductions, island/arc names, basic worldbuilding concepts, etc. Normal people would not consider these fics to contain spoilers. As long as you've met all the major characters involved, you're safe (though you might be lacking context).
The following fics are spoiler-free at the point where OPLA left off (immediately pre-Roguetown): 🟢🌒✅ Strange Bedfellows (Strange Beds), 🟠🌔⚠️ Duet for Sabre and Musket, 🟡🌒✅ Coda: Reminiscence (Without Regret), 🔴🌓✅ (to be sung to the tune of Stacy's Mom)*, 🔴🌓✅ Two Masochists Attempt Wound Aftercare, 🟠🌓⚠️ Losing Body Parts to a Goddamn Fish, 🔴🌔✅ A Rendezvous at the Baratie, 🟡🌓✅ A Chance To Die By The Sword
East Blue: 🟡🌓✅ Familiar
Alabasta: 🟠🌓✅ Sanji Bi Crisis™, 🔴🌔✅ Kitchen Shenanigans
Water Seven/Enies Lobby: 🟢🌒✅ One AM in the Galley, 🔴🌕✅ Out Of His Depth*
Sabaody: 🟢🌒✅ One More Song
Marineford: 🟡🌒✅ Regret is the Skin You Shed (Just to Make it This Far)*, 🟠🌒✅ Revolving Door, 🔴🌓✅ A Study of Negative Space
Moderate Spoilers
These fics are set ambiguously or very shortly post-timeskip. If you're familiar with everyone's post-TS designs and/or abilities, you're good: 🟡🌒✅ Outlaw Red, 🔴🌓✅ don't ask me who's driving*, 🔴🌔✅ The Babygirl Problem*, 🔴🌒✅ Just This Once, 🟢🌒✅ Identical Sets, 🔴🌓✅ A Horny Interlude, Partway Through Some Training Montage*, 🔴🌒✅ On Their Altars You Lay Your Heart of Stone*, 🟡🌒✅ Equals, 🔴🌓✅ the thighfucking fic, 🔴🌓⚠️ Good Meat
These are things like character, relationship, and location reveals (where the reveal is plot-relevant); significant plot events; that sort of thing.
Timeskip: 🟠🌓✅ Some Sort of Poisonous Cupcake*, 🟡🌒✅ An Eye for an Eye (Kuraigana, One Year In), 🟠🌓✅ Black and Fuchsia Sugar Roses*, 🟢🌒✅ Company Time*, 🟡🌓✅ Black Cherry Sangria*, 🟡🌒✅ Elsewhere, In a Different Training Montage*, 🟢🌔✅ Portrait of an Oncoming Storm, 🟡🌒✅ Vain Creatures*, 🔴🌓⚠️ Of Wine, Wild Roses, and Blood* (ONGOING), 🟢🌒✅ kiss the homies goodnight
Roguetown: 🔴🌓⚠️ To Possess It
Marineford: 🟠🌓✅ They Grow Like Flames*, 🟠🌓⚠️ Mismatched*
Punk Hazard: 🔴🌓⚠️ Government Dog
Dressrosa: 🔴🌒✅ Lazy Morning Head*, 🔴🌓✅ Four Vignettes in Marine Uniform*, 🟡🌓✅ A Guy With a Pin (to Burst Your Bubble)*, 🟡🌓✅ Your Restless Dreams (I)*, 🔴🌔✅ A Necklace of Crocodile Teeth, 🔴🌓✅ Strings Around His Wrists, 🟢🌒✅ A Favour, 🔴🌔✅ Almost Tame, 🔴🌓✅ Drip*
Whole Cake Island: 🔴🌓✅ Apology on Wood and Canvas, 🟢🌒✅ Pink and Gold, 🟢🌒✅ pervert faces [draft]
Wano: 🟡🌓✅ Smoke and Cherry Blossoms, 🔴🌓✅ King of Beauty, King of Beasts, 🟢🌒✅ A Particularly Sweet Red, 🟢🌒✅ A Private Moment (A Reunion), 🟡🌓✅ Shrimp Cocktail*, 🟡🌓✅ Sugar and Spice*, 🟡🌒✅ Home*
Major Spoilers
This section is reserved for plot twists and character deaths.
Marineford: 🟠🌒⚠️ A Study of Grief, I Suppose, 🟡🌒⚠️ Both Hands With a Heart to Hold*, 🔴🌓✅ A Treatise on Absence and Loss
Dressrosa: 🟠🌒✅ And the Devil Answers, 🔴🌕⚠️ With Every Wall Ablaze Around Us*
Wano: 🔴🌓✅ Fucking Pirates, 🔴🌓✅ Insubordinates, 🟢🌒✅ Bearer of the Sun God's Crown*, 🔴🌓✅ The Beast, the Man, and the Princess
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glouchyouchy · 9 months
Just here to post a quick update ( as much for my sanity ( been battling a bout of pneumonia this whole past couple of weeks ( work has been BUSY and crazy tiring ), which gave me the time to write while I'm recuperating ) as anything else ).
I just wrote the ending for The Mandalorian and the Jedi... And I can't wait to share it with you, BUT... I haven't finished writing the middle portion of the last third of the story ( :D :(( ) - though I have finished the entire outline ( the outline for the last third is already at around 10k words at the moment, with bits of exposition and dialogue already sprinkled in ), now.
It feels simultaneously relieving and sad at same time : relief for finally finding the path that I feel is the right one for the story to take, but sadness that I'll be saying goodbye to these versions of Ezra and Sabine very soon ( until S2 of Star Wars : Ahsoka, that is, whereupon something like an alternate timeline for this fic will inevitably, and happily, give me with more things to think about and write ). In fact, far sooner than I ever anticipated, since I started writing only this past October 2023, after all.
Hopefully it won't disappoint. I'll try to release the entire thing within the month of January.
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lavendelhummel · 10 months
20 Questions about writing - another tag-game!
Now that I spend my Sunday doing the music game, why not do it again? Because  as I said before but want to say again: thank you for *all* the tags @lilolilyr ! I appreciate all of them a whole lot! But especially the ones about writing!! Because I love writing and talking about it and because I still struggle a bit to call myself writer with my cute little 125k words on ao3 and especially with so rarely finding the time to write recently :( Aaand looks like I just answered one of the questions: 
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
It’s 125418 at the moment (hoping that I’ll finally come around editing the 10k chapter next weekend, that sits on my computer for months now, that would change it quite drastically but we’ll see).
But back to the beginning: 
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
Not that many, 7. Most of my ideas still live in my head, mostly out of lack of time to write. It's a very varied mix of length though, my first work are 15 chapters of single one shots, that I posted as one story because I didn't want to take up to much space. Then I have the WiP, that is almost 80k now and not at all finished, I have most of the next chapter finished and it's again quite long. But in between being able to finish that I suddenly started posting shorter works too, one two-shot and one one-shot. And now there is also two new one shots that are a different fandom and the first thing I was able to write since I had to stop for real life stress reasons for a few months, one of them was written together with @lilolilyr, another first experience, writing together, such fun! And then there is also another oneshot collection about pregnancy, that I almost forgot, that I have plans for but tbh they are not very high on the priority list.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly The Wheel of Time (well, Siuaraine aka the fishwives) so far, but those two newer ones are Warehouse 13 (Bering&Wells) and so are many of my unwritten ideas. And I wrote about Marla and Fran from I care a lot.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well, since there aren't that many, it's all of them expect for those two Warehouse ones.
But to be more precise: for some reason, by far, very far that one-shot collection for I care a lot with 176 kudos. I don't understand this at all, because I wouldn't rec them nor do them this way again, they are quite weird and my first fanfic steps. I definitely see that I have gotten better since then, even though it hasn't been terribly long! Still, I am very happy if people had fun reading this!! Second is the long fic with so far 7 chapters and I think, this can be explained by it having more chapters than the others but also I put a lot of work in it, so it's nice. And then the 4 chapter one shot collection with 48 kudos, then the one shot I wrote as a birthday present for @ginnyjyng and fifth the short mermaid two shot - still planning on writing a longer Mermaid AU! - with 18 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, every single one, always so far. Even this one, though it confused me a lot:
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And why? Because if someone says something to me, I answer, I react? Because comments make me over the moon happy and I want to show it? Because I love to talk to people and when someone comes to me to talk, yes I will talk! And I think I would feel impolite not to as well, if someone goes out of their way to tell me something about my writing, then I can answer that. And also! I am unfortunately still working on overcoming my shyness in commenting other peoples fics and if I do that and get a reply it makes me a) happy and b) makes it so much easier to comment again because it means I hopefully didn't annoy the person (rationally I know that other people are as happy about comments as I am but... it's not fully rational).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I have any fic with an angsty ending! Life is hard enough, I want happy endings and also happy beginnings and middle parts! So no angsty endings at all, but you could call the fix-it chapter/one shot of the I care a lot- collection angsty because it deals with the not-so-happy ending of the otherwise great movie (I don't like it anymore, if anyone wants to read about it, better try the follow up chapter, that one is better). And maybe also my new warehouse13 fic, because it deals with Helenas grief and pain, but it's about healing through poetry and both have happy endings!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, all of them then? Happ-iest though... I mean both of the above mentioned because they have a happy resolve? Or rather the ones that are pure fluff, like the birthday one? Or the mermaid one, because sapphic mermaids are the happy ending I am still waiting for for my own life? Btw., even every chapter of the long WiP has its own happy ending. Oh, and I guess chapter7 was a bit angstier too and has a very happy ending! And so chapter8 starts very happy, but unfortunately still unedited in a word document...
8. Do you get hate on fic?
I wouldn't say "hate". But the very first comment I ever got wasn't very positive and I have to admit, it stung for a good while. I am mostly over it now. Well, and the one from above from "weird ass" (why?) calling me "tea snob" (weird ass is right on this one, so I guess its just truth and no hate).
9. Do you write smut?
No, but not because I don't want to or think it's bad. I enjoy reading it from other writers! But I can't do it (yet). I will allude to it though and feel more confident in that the longer I write fic in general, so maybe one day, I will. Right now, I can't.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, it's not something that interests me. Not even in the little head-scenarios, it just doesn't happen.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. But again, my fics aren't very plentiful or popular and most very specific, so I don't think they'd be first choice to steal.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, and I can repeat it here again, my fics aren't very plentiful or popular and most very specific, so I don't think they'd be first choice to x (steal, translate, anything).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Woooohpppp, yes, as I mentioned already, now I have! @lilolilyr and I had fun mentally teasing poor Helena here! It was definitely very different from writing alone, different mindset, atmosphere and feeling afterwards but fun! Different kind of fun than sitting alone at my desk ;) (which is also fun if it's for fanfic). And it was quite spontaneous, we were both actually working on other fics and then interrupted those to do this. Aaand now maybe this new thing that we just thought of? What is going on?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I have to say Moiraine and Siuan here! I can't say yet Bering&Wells because I have only been obsessed with them for months, but it feels like an obsession that is going to stick.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I only have one WIP that is more than an outline and a few sentences but actual posted chapters, it's Yellow. I do still plan on finishing that, the reason it hasn't been updated is that I couldn't write anything at all for a few months and am easing back into writing slowly (still dont have huge amounts of time). But I am thinking about cutting it a bit shorter than originally planned. It would still fully work in the plot and as I said each chapter has a happy end, so it would just not follow their lives as long but have a finished ending. I have 85% of the new chapter written but haven't touched it since mid-july. It is coming!
In my head I have so many and the thought of giving some of them up hurts but realistically I won't write them all. I'll have to see which ones I'll be able to pursue.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can bring a flow into the emotions I try to describe, that they feel kind of natural? And I can't be too trope-y or fake, same as I can't lie in real life, so I'd think my writing should be rather authentic? This is a difficult question, but what I can definitely say is that writing makes me feel very good. It's a very special mindset and calmness that it brings, like a little candle that gets lit inside of me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, I'd say. Not that my dialogue is particularly bad, but initiating it instead of describing the protagonists inner world is sometimes a problem. But I am working on it and I feel like my writing is only getting better. I mean after the involuntary break I am a bit rigid and have to get back into practice but in general there is progress.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
The thing is that there are some things I am used to saying in one language and others in another. Before I committed to fanfic I mostly wrote melodramatic poems in Frallemand (because let’s be honest, Freutsch klingt scheiße), maybe 80% French (because that’s what I mostly use in my head for some reason) and 20% German (because that is after all what I grew up with and spent the bigger part of my life with). So, yes, I love using that! But it had to fit the character and the story, have a reason. And I often find it doesn‘t go very naturally in some fics. In my head it makes sense to use multiple languages but in my head lots of things make sense that could be hard to follow on page. The question is what is the character‘s relationship with this language and words in general? Who are they talking to, do they understand? What about the POV is it in the mixed languages too? 
Are it words or whole sections? I don’t like just using cliché words in that language and the whole rest in English, no one (me?) talks like that. 
So far when I have used another language than English, it was in a way that it got explained during the next few sentences by the characters anyway, so it felt like a flow and not interrupted by translation.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It was I care a lot. I had been trough a bad few months mentally and was starting to do better, and when I watched that film (and loved it) suddendly I started having ideas and it felt like a fog had finally be lifted. I hadn’t been able to access my creative side for a few years at that point because of stress, and it felt so good. So I tried to never give it up again (obviously I had to take breaks again but I didn’t forget about it like before).
And when I read more interviews with Rosamund Pike because of I care a lot I found out about The Wheel of Time and read the books and got into that. 
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My favorite is the least popular. It is a bit of nonsense but so fun and I like the ambiance. Dreaming of waves. The first chapter is serious and actually canon compliant and the second a bit cracky. A bit of siuaraine mermaid fic when I couldn’t write a whole long AU (which I still want to do but we will see when). And now I also like the most recent one I posted, it’s about Helena discovering my favorite poet and so probably as self indulgent as the mermaid one. I got very little feedback on both, especially the last one, so if someone has thoughts, I’d love to discuss them! 
Thank you again, so much for tagging me @lilolilyr! I am tagging @lakeofsilverpike and @trollocks-in-my-bollocks. Sorry to both of you, if this feels spammy, I think it is kind of fun and you said you didn't mind spamming. I am curious to know about your feelings on writing, but only do it if you want to! I will stop doing these again now, this took me three days and will spent my time rather on actual fic writing and not writing about writing ;)
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Eleven/Amy/Rory Update Pt. ?
Today's word count on posted/drafted/the like is 52k which, for six days, is a little bit insane, I'm not gonna lie. About 10k of that is my Let's Kill Hitler rewrite, which will probably gain a couple thousand more tomorrow. This episode took a LOT of work to rearrange, not only to fix the stupidity of the Season 6 River Song plot (goodbye, Silence, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya), but also having to rewatch the episode for inspiration grossed me out so much with all of the blatant sexism/"sexy" moments/absolutely weird vibes. The whole Doctor/River marriage has some rancid vibes because not is her whole identity wrapped around him, birth to grooming-to-be-an-assassin to being TOLD she'll fall for him to sacrificing her regenerations for him, but also the Doctor/River romance completely falls apart for me because they only get married/have a relationship because they're both told by the other that they will. We never see any organic build-up whatsoever.
So hopefully in this 'verse, you'll find this version of Let's Kill Hitler better than the original. Amy and Rory get to actively participate in and are actually important in the quest to find their baby, the person who kidnapped River makes more sense, River's motivations make more sense (both for killing the Doctor and then eventually helping him come back), and we leave off on a fun tease for the next episode!
...Why did I write out my tease for tomorrow's fic post in today's update? Is it because I'm a bit sleep deprived right now? Probably.
Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun not only writing for the immediate next fic in the series, but continuing to brainstorm/outline/write for future updates as well (the process may sound insane, but it satisfies the ADHD well). I got into watching a bit of Thirteen's run today and it gave me a lot of inspiration for Eleven's post-regeneration era, even if that is getting further and further away because of some of the one-off ideas that are inserting themselves into the middle of Eleven's era, including a River-POV fic about her finding her own way in the universe OUTSIDE of the Doctor, a fun poisonous-hallucinations fic that serves as a great character study of Rory, and an explanation for/introduction to Clara as a character. Tons of fun!
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jawanaka · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you! 💖
The Swallow of Novigrad remains original love and where it all began. There are parts that I don't think work today and the pacing is a bit erratic (especially the ever increasing chapter lengths) but I love the themes and am still very proud I made it hang together and it still has sme of my very favourite scenes.
2. The Sins of Fathers gets moved down simply due to having trhe audacity of not being finished. But it is a more complex story, deals with more chacaters and will, hopefully, be better paced. Also I'm writing romance, who would'eve thought.
3. Where Paths lead. I've alwasy been in awe of peopel who can tell full epic drams in under 10k words so I was very happy with this one. Not that there is much happening, its very much a slice of life fic with some romance and food porn thrown in. But it is very cosy, the corvo bianco family are my entire heart and Eskel doesn't get enough love.
4. The Queen Who Never Was (but once). it probably suprises no one that I am a massive GRRM fan (though of course he has his flaws). So playing around in this universe was great, as well as railing against some of the dafter plot points of HOTD first season (still a good show though). And the foreshadowing, references to canon and mythos and of course, people plotting, that I could weave in were great fun and I love how it all came together. It got me to experiment with different writing styles to. Also, Rhaenys has my whole heart,
5. Let me be your armor is a small fic for my smallest fandom but still its very cute and love all the character appearances and how it handles the main characters relationships. Also it has Trebuches whats not to love?
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jinkookspencil · 2 years
hi hi! how are you all?
my mental health has been a bit eh and i couldn’t write for a while but i’ve been feeling a bit better these past few days and i had a good day today. i’m hopefully getting back on track with some things (please pray that i do) <3
and i and got to work on my au jin series!! finally ready to share it soon :’) i have the first few chapters done and I’m finally happy with them. Im still a bit stuck with some parts but I’m progressing and writing so yay! It’s a bit of a cheese-fest (is that a word? it’s cheesy as fuck) but I love it :’)
for so long I didn’t wanna share it because I was scared you guys won’t like it (especially since it’s slow) or that it isn’t good enough, but I just had to remind myself that the whole point of me starting this page was so I could write for me and just share it online while hoping others will like it.
it’s slow and probably around 9-10k words now?? didn’t think I had it in me to write that much.
I have that Jin fic series coming but I also have a Jin one shot SMUT I wrote ages ago that I can’t believe I never shared. It’s either a one shot or a two parter but the first bit has been completely done for months…..
So you’ll definitely be getting Jin stuff from me for a bit (let’s hope it eases the pain) but what do you want to see first: the smut or the beginning of the series? would it be okay to share the first chapter of the series then the smut and then continue on with the series? 💚
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Writing Process: Google > Scrivener
When I began writing, I already had plenty of material to work from! For more details on this, read the Preamble. 💋
⚙️ When I began work on the fic, I was working in Scrivener, adapting first-person journal entries I'd drafted in my phone's Notes app. I wanted the full fic to be third-person in order to develop the background motivations for multiple characters. Scrivener gave me plenty of space to hold all the journal entries, timeline notes, and dialogue scraps I didn't know what to do with yet.
I originally planned for 10 Chapters, at ~10k words each. My initial outline looked like this:
I The Bulwark II The Kulrut III Returning IV Rest V What Was Lost VI Waiting VII The Scorcher (👈🏻 After 26 chapters and 90k words, we are currently here.) VIII Rebellion IX Endgame X Finale, or Returning, Reprise
However, I was quickly burning out due to the length of each chapter, and after asking around in Discord, I had a sinking feeling readers would be overwhelmed.
What I Did Instead:
At a certain point in April, after about ~6 months of on-again off-again drafting, I got fed up, a little drunk, and chopped up my enormous existing chapters into smaller chapters: five, to be exact. That night I posted the first one, ironically called 'The Last One.'
While I have been very selective about chapter titles, at the time, I didn't have a title for the whole shebang. But I was wine-drunk and flippant, and said "Oh just fuggin pick something u bish." So I called it 'The Marshal,' because it was just vague enough, y'know?
(I absolutely would have called it 'What I Choose,' if it didn't already exist.)
I told myself I'd post weekly. Just the first 10, ending in that bittersweet conversation Aloy has with Varl about Rost. It gave me 5 weeks to figure out how to write 5 more chapters. And I was off to a great start with 6 & 7 drafted in advance.
But then I got this comment on Chapter 6: "Looking forward to the Kulrut Hopefully we get some more of our power duo fighting together 😁"
I was... absolutely planning on skipping directly to the dialogue scene after the battle. And based on what I'd already plotted, I would need to squeeze in an extra chapter to get'er done, pushing out my 10 chapter outline. But I REALLY didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially if they were LOOKING FORWARD TO IT?!? 🥹
I was also traveling at this time, away from my computer and my stupid, bulky Scrivener file. So I whipped open a Google Doc and started firing on all cylinders to write a new Chapter 8 complete with Kulrut battle scene. And lo, I discovered:
⚙️ Writing in Google Docs gave me SO MUCH MORE FREEDOM. I could access my drafts from my desktop, my tablet, and my phone. These days, I write mostly in bed on my tablet, which is a FAR cry from the early days staying up till 2am at my desk.
It was extra comfy, because Google Docs is where I do all my client work. As I've mentioned: IRL, I'm a copywriter/project manager for print & digital design work. Mostly, I build websites, but as a freelancer, I work on a wide range of projects and the tools I use need to be flexible & accessible to a wide range of audiences.
The Google Suite is perfect for that, and I have a simple filing system for all my projects to keep things nice and neat. My writing work fit perfectly into that system, and the same flexibility & accessibility really supported my writing process.
Here's what my file folder looks like these days:
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Which frankly, is a lot easier to navigate than this dumb Scrivener sidebar:
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I finished chapters 8, 9, & 10 in Google Docs. I'm still really proud of myself for taking the leap and posting. Sharing your work is scary! Or at least, it was for me.
I'd never written ANYTHING on this scale before, and it felt like a huge accomplishment. I'll be honest, impulsively posting that first chapter with a short runway and a clear end-goal made it a LOT easier to be accountable. I would recommend this strategy to ANYONE!
Tips & Takeaways:
🖤 Consistency is key, but I've found it comes at a price. Trying to post once a week in perpetuity will slowly bleed you out. Wait to post until you have at least half your content under your belt, and set a clear end date—if only for your own sanity.
🖤 Be flexible in your outline!! In both Part 1 and Part 2 I ended up with an extra chapter that pushed my intended finale into the next season. I'm still glad I had an outline, but I'm grateful I left room for it to change. (This is something I would have had a LOT of trouble with 5 years ago! Personal growth FTW!)
🖤 When you start to feel like writing is just biting concrete, find the most fun way out. Is it writing the most exciting scene you can think of? Or is it looking at what you already have and finding a new way forward within your existing structure?
🖤 You're gonna be stuck with your title for the long haul, so make sure you like it. Or at least that it's something you can tolerate.
🖤 Do what feels natural. Everyone is different. If you're like 'okay yeah, but I really like writing by hand and then editing as I transcribe it' do that. Go bananas. Have a ball! Find your own way up the mountain. These tools may work for you, or they may send you into the pit of despair. And you should always avoid the pit of despair.
🖤 Write sober, edit drunk.
xo, Sheesh
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call-jupiter · 2 years
committing myself to attempting a chapter in the form of a true-crime doc for The Sycamore Tree lmfao should be fun but we’ll have to see how it goes. I like challenging myself and trying my hand at a variety of writing styles and this fic being my first rookie fic AND being as long and as… involved… as it is makes it a good sandbox for some experimentation. might scrap it if it pisses me off but the attempt will be made. I already know exactly what ground it’s gonna cover and everything so I’m looking forward to putting those chapters in proper writing (not just an outline) so I can really get to work on this one knowing fully how the relevant chapters before it panned out. it’s planned and all but I need to actually finish the chapters first bc I’m not… always great at following my own outlines. lol.
since I’ve been trying to flesh it out with subplots and side action and new characters and bottle chapters and things my outline has come out feeling structured very much like a season of television. so I thought it’d be cool to try and take one of the show’s unique episode formats and incorporate it in. turning Sycamore into something of like a… what-if for s5 on the whole rather than just a canon divergence that happens to start in s5? like I want it to be Large Scale. if my readers and I are committing to 40 chapters that range from 7-10k words each, I might as well use that space to its full potential.
I’m rambling. but what y’all are gonna learn about me the more and more active I get in the fanfic scene for this show is that there’s nothing I love more than using my socmed platforms to pontificate my little fic ideas instead of making private notes. do it on my twt all the time for bbc merlin bc that’s the place I promo those works. tumblr’s become a bit of a home base for my rookie content (which is just Sycamore rn but hopefully more in the future since I’m enjoying creating this one so much). that means these random little musings about potential fics or directions for those wips are mostly gonna land here. feel free to ignore them. or, hell, if I post some off-hand concept that you like go ahead and lift it for your own works. I think that’s why I like making notes this way tbh bc then if an idea is dead-on-arrival for me it could theoretically find life in the hands of another writer who came across it. like paying it forward or whatever but in fic prompts. inspiring myself and hopefully other writers in the process—since I know coming up w an idea is half the battle. might be a bit presumptuous but it’s like if I do it this way maybe I can make that part a bit easier on my future self or on someone else. idk.
anyway. love y’all a lot. like a lot a lot. the support is still mind-blowing to me. I don’t think I’ll ever quite wrap my head around it. very surreal. so hopefully you can bear w me and my aimless posts like this and my writing experiments that may or may not succeed. I’m so proud of this work so far but it’s such new territory for me and it really feels like it’s asking a lot of the audience to stick w it since it’s… so much. like I want the diversions from the main arc to feel natural and engaging. it’s difficult tho bc I’m not a professional or whatever. I’m not even someone w an english/writing/literature background or something. I’m just a pharmacology student writing some silly little fanfiction in my spare time.
what I mean to say is that I’m trying my damnedest to make it worth your time to read it all. even the parts that aren’t chenford or aren’t connected to the main plot. like they’re there bc I feel like it adds to the experience not bc I’m trying to pad the length. and ik that in my mind but sometimes I see the current word count or my projections for the final word count based on the average of the finished chapters and I question how it comes off. like I worry a bit that adding stuff like that could seem superfluous even tho it’s not my intention. I don’t want Sycamore to be long for the sake of being long. I want it to be long so it can feel like a whole universe. like a highly fictionalized thing still grounded somewhat in reality. not just a one-track story to get characters straight from point A to point B. you know?
idk what I’m saying anymore but. it all makes sense in my head. I just have so many thoughts about this work and I’m also just so excited to write it and publish it and let you see it but it’s very slow-going bc I want it to be as good as possible.
anyway. weird little draft note thing over. there was a point to this somewhere but I definitely lost it midway. lmfao. this is what happens when I forget to take my adhd meds and can’t focus enough to actually write but still want to feel like I’m making progress. whoops.
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quillvine · 2 years
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I posted 246 times in 2022
53 posts created (22%)
193 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#quill is not in the house (queued) - 45 posts
#quill fic recs - 41 posts
#quill writes - 14 posts
#goncharov - 11 posts
#we love blue in this house - 10 posts
#we love brandy in this house - 5 posts
#timezone reblog - 4 posts
#eurovision - 4 posts
#we love tali in this house - 3 posts
#we love qvo in this house - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#the owner of possibly the most beatiful hands in cinema history. you like walking down hallways and talking
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thank you so so so much for 600!!!
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Today I just hit 600 followers and let me just say I am so grateful for every single one of you.
The facts that I hit 600 is mind-boggling. I hit 500 of February of last year, it hasn’t even been and a whole year since I hit my last milestone and now I’ve hit another one??!? I cannot comprehend that, you guys are literally the best.
I also basically went on an unplanned, unannounced hiatus. Before posting “Can You Feel My Love?” the last thing I wrote and posted was for my 2020 Halloween celebration and those were basically little blurbs. 
“Falling For You” was my last actual fic and it went up in September of 2020 it’s been more than a year since I wrote something of substance. The gap in activity was due to some big life events that happened to me in late 2020 and 2021 and I was so so scared that I had hit my peak as a writer all the way back then before all of my life stuff happened. 
I was sacred to get back into writing because I put so much pressure on myself to make my gap in content to justifiable and worth it. I felt that if I didn’t come back with 10K word fic that was just so beautiful and wonderful that my break wouldn’t have been ‘okay’ in the eyes of all of you guys.
But as I posted again you all proved me wrong. The response to “Can You Feel My Love?” has been so positive and it’s done a lot to soothe my writing anxiety. Quite frankly, after seeing your responses I feel a little silly for feeling the way I felt at all.
What I’m trying to say, if my long long ramblings are too much for you to comprehend, is thank you. I basically sat on my ass and cried and posted zero fics for more than a year and you guys still showed me so much love in the form of like, reblogs, asks, and being amazing friends.
I am so grateful for every single one of you and I have no idea how I will ever be able to repay you for all the love and joy every single one of you have brought to my life.
xoxo, quill
3 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
not me remembering the 7 (8 if u count the bonus) angsty hotch storyline that i planed wayyyy back in july 
4 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
tell me something good. i’ve a had a rough day today
5 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
8 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
my lover is the sea
aaron hotchner x reader
a/n: so this is the first of what will (hopefully) be many installments of call of the ocean. i already have a second part knocking around in the ole google doc and i’m really excited to share everything with yall! please let me know if you spot any errors because full disclaimer this fic was started more than a year ago and has been very slowly pieced together with little bits of tape
masterlist | call of the ocean master list (coming soon)
It is the peak of summer when you first meet him. The sun feels impossibly hot for this time of year and it makes for an incredibly miserable trip to the market.
You normally wouldn’t even go into town when the sun is blazing its fury on the earth, but you have it on good authority that the cargo ship that just docked has a little something special for you.
When you get to the town center it is already filled with rowdy sailors elated to be on dry land, making the already crowded market even more cramped and your thin patience even thinner. But, if you weren’t jostled and elbowed to high hell and if the sun hadn’t made your skin sickly hot, you would be rather endeared by their eagerness.
Even though your days at sea are long behind you, you remember what it felt like a hot meal at a tavern for the first time in ages. You remember what it was like to have salt in your hair and what it was like to see deep blue everywhere you looked.
The thought of the ocean tugs at a familiar feeling in your chest, one that you should have buried down a long time ago.
You were never good at letting things go.
Shaking off your thoughts you finally start to push your way through the crowd and to your destination, a little stall right in the center of the market, yet tucked away protected by the hustle and bustle of the crowd.
A cheerful call catches your attention, it’s the stall’s owner, one Miss. Penelope Garcia. She motions you over with a wave of her hand, excitement clear on her face.
“Come, come! It came and just as you requested, and it looks beautiful,” her voice cuts through the crowd loud and clear and you push even harder through the crowded market to make your way to her.
It seems that Penelope’s excitement is too great for her to simply stand still and wait for you to make your way to her market stall and she meets you halfway moving through the crowd with an “excuse me, excuse me! Coming though, please sir move, I have to- ”
Her words are cut off with an ecstatic squeal when she finally reaches you and immediately takes your hand to pull you through the throngs of people. Navigating the crowd with the same ease as she did before she deposits you, safe and sound, in front of her market stall.
“Oh my darling it is so nice to see you again!”
“It’s nice to see you too Penny,” you tell her as she reaches for a little paper wrapped package.
“Here it is, all nice and snug just as you requested,” she says pushing your package to you, “I hope you don’t mind, I had a little peak. I just couldn’t help myself.”
You give her a warm smile and assure Penelope that it’s okay, her curiosity will always be her downfall.
Your fingers shake slightly as you move to unwrap the package. Whether it’s out of excitement or fear you don’t know, but the drumming in your chest only intensifies when you finally tear through the paper wrapping to reveal a thick book, worn with age.
The Morrowson’s Compendium of Earthly Creatures, the beautiful leather bound cover reads. Flipping through its worn pages you see that it’s inside is littered with colorful illustrations.
“Thank you Penny,” the words come out breathless, your voice soft with awe, “it’s exactly what I was looking for.”
She gives you a blindingly cheerful grin, “anything for you my lovely.”
The two of you say your goodbyes and you begin to make your way through the market to your next destination. As excited as you are to go home and turn through the gilded pages of your new book you still have some shopping to do.
Your mind is always on the book though, thoughts never drifting away from its worn cover and colorful illustrations as you look over vegetables for blemishes and examine cuts of meat.
Lost in your thoughts you end up running into a fair amount of people which in turn causes many angry exclamations to be thrown your way. You just mutter your apologies and scurry past them, desperate to finish up and go home.
As you finish up at the bakery and start to finally head back home you run into yet another person.
Only this time you’re not able to get away with a halfhearted mumbled apology. Your things spill to the ground, rolling every which way and you have to scurry to pick them up lest they get snatched up by an unsavory passerby.
It isn’t until you have brushed all the dirt off your clothes that you think to even check to make sure you have all your things. Your first instinct is to reach for the book that should be tucked snugly away into your basket-
See the full post
22 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
looking at her is kind of bittersweet. i wish i spent more time on here you know?
I still stand by My lover is the sea though, like read it pls if you haven't yet. I'm very very proud of her
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beomqutie · 2 years
i just finished the rough outline of a new wip and it's already 4 pages long and just writing it broke my heart :(
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forevamark · 2 years
Preview: Looking for Attention (l.jn)
I’M BACK! What it do cookie boos ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
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(If that dont work lol im sorry but its the latest post on my blog lmao)
looking for attention (l.jn) 
After a couple months of hiatus, I finally found the inspiration to finish all these drafts of fics I have in my WIP folder... sorry for the wait, I want quality out here.
Here’s a delulu scene that I have had rotting in my brain the past couple of months starring no other than the man of the hour: Lee Jeno. I started fully flesh out writing this fic at around 11:45pm and its currently 6:25am and I’m still not done with it LOL shooting for 10k words with this to make it worth while to read! Enjoy this teaser/preview, after my beta readers do a read through and make edits, I’ll post the full length fic hopefully tomorrow! <3
Pairing: Jeno ft the ‘00 line dreamies x fem! reader insert
Tags: gamer idol au, secret girlfriend reader, slice of life, needy reader, jeno is a nerdy hard head,  substantial amount of plot leading up to the nasty, possessive jeno, lowkey the ‘00 line wants you so bad, jeno knows everyone wants you so bad, y’all can look but not touch vibes, camera voyeurism
Warnings: teasing, voyeurism, exhibitionism, oral fem reader and male receiving, masturbation, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), mentions of potential five way, multiple partners (not directly), possessive domination, degradation, reader is a simpy subby sub sub, dumbification/bimbo kink, mentions of referring to reader as ‘pet’/’kitten’, (probably more knowing me... I’ve been brewing on this one for a WHILE)
Word Count: final product: ~10k, teaser: 640 
** I haven’t proof read this yet, and this may not make the final cut, please be aware of that !
Summary: Between Jeno being an idol and you being a current nursing school student, it’s hard to find time to be there for each other and actually feel like you two are dating. So when Jeno makes time to spend a whole day with you but actually spends the whole time playing with the boys online instead of helping you study for your exam, you decide it’s time to play some games of your own.
“Are you kidding me? Hyuck open your fucking eyes!” Jeno screamed at his screen while throwing his hands in the air, “I’m tired of us not moving on because of you!”
It’s been three hours since you have arrived at Jeno’s apartment. You’ve been insisting on spending more quality time with him and he finally promised to put more effort in by agreeing to spend the day with you.
 Maybe you should have seen it coming when Jeno insisted on you bringing your study materials for your upcoming exam, mentioning that he will help you study. When he opened the door you were expected to be bombarded with warm hugs and maybe even some cuddles and suggestions to bake cookies. Would it be so presumptuous to even be looking forward to being savagely ravished in some long awaited sexy time? The thought of having uninterrupted alone time with Jeno bounced around your mind as you anticipatingly waited for him to answer the door.
However much to your chagrin, you were begrudgingly and briefly greeted with a breathy irritated Jeno that barely made eye contact before running back to the room shouting, 
“I swear I’m here! I’m here! Just had to open the door for y/n! I’m back! I’m back!” leaving you confused and rooted to the welcome mat of his front door.
Sighing, you slowly removed your shoes and made your way to his kitchen to grab some water and place your stuff on his table. Making your way to Jeno’s room, the volume of his excited shouting elevated and as you rounded the corner you saw him slouched over staring at the screen with intent eyes and hands frantically moving. 
“Hey babe,” you knock while leaning against his desk, his eyes not meeting yours once again. 
“Just go towards the back Jaem that way they won’t see you,” he called out adjusting his mic. 
“Babe,” you raised your voice.
“No Hyuck, stay there, we need you later,” he replied while checking his second monitor briefly then shooting you a quick smile before clicking repeatedly, “hey babe sorry I’ll be done with this game soon, one sec.”
“Will you really be done soon? It’s fine if it won't just let me know so I’m not just waiting around.” 
“Yeah, yeah swear,” he nodded while playing.
You made your way back to the table in the living room and placed all your textbooks down and opened up your laptop to finish a lecture that you needed to finish taking notes on.
Fifteen minutes passed and your feet were tucked under your body in the seat and highlighters were scattered around. As you cracked your knuckles closing the lecture video tab, Jeno walked out of his room shirtless, sporting a pair of gray sweatpants and his gaming headset on, making his way to the fridge. Jeno was a dream. Only he could look so insanely attractive while having the personality of the biggest nerd you’ve ever met. 
“Let’s fucking go!” he hollered while rummaging through the shelves to find a carton of banana milk and drinking it, “can’t believe we made it out of there, Hyuck fucking sucks at stealth missions, so it must have been a miracle for them to not see him,” he laughs while heading towards you. Jeno flicked his hair to the side and tucked a hand into his pocket making his arms slightly flex, effortlessly gorgeous as always.
Straightening your back you leaned forward awaiting him to finally sit with you, lips sitting prettily puckered awaiting your overdue kiss. Excitement erupts and you can barely sit still as you think how you will escalate this further today. A long list of positions and roleplay fill your head excitingly. However Jeno wasn’t nearly on the same page as he walked straight past and into the pantry to take out a bag of chips and jog back into the room. Disappointment -and a bit of sexual frustration- sets in as you hear a faint, “hell yeah I’m down for another round lemme log back in really quick!”
You have got to be kidding me.
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f1bb · 2 years
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🫡 That's it for the F1 Big Bang 2022! 📚
It’s been a long few months, huh? Thanks so much to everyone for sticking around! Details and links to most works can be found in the previous promo posts, with a handful more on Ao3 by creators who didn’t wish to advertise here. All of the fics and art are amazing, so please continue to show the creators your appreciation with ❤️ kudoses, 💬 comments, and 🔁 reblogs.
The Numbers
As requested, some fun trends and stats. 🤓
A total of 74 writers (63 priority, 11 late) and 26 artists (18 priority, 8 late) initially signed up
A total of 23 proposals were accepted and claimed, with one additional writer/author team working together from the beginning - all but one (🙈) of those made it to the end
Total Word Count: 666,546 (🤯 the minimum was 10k!?!)
Total Image Count: 59
All art produced was some form of visual medium - digital or traditional drawing/painting, comic, gifset, or epistolary edit
There was a trick question on the signup form to see who actually read all the instructions - 50% of writers and 54% of artists got it right 😭
Top 3 Relationships: Lewis Hamilton/Sebastian Vettel, Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg and Charles Leclerc/Sebastian Vettel (tie), Pierre Gasly/Charles Leclerc
Top 3 Fic Characters: Sebastian Vettel, Charles Leclerc, Pierre Gasly and Lewis Hamilton (tie)
Top 3 Art Characters: Sebastian Vettel, Charles Leclerc, Lewis Hamilton and Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen (3-way tie)
The most common fic rating was Explicit, while the most common art rating was General Audiences
There were 3 pieces set in canon, 1 future fic, and 19 alternate universe stories 🤔
A Request
Now that everyone’s had a little time to breathe (but things are still hopefully fresh on your mind), I’d be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to share how the experience went for you, no matter how you participated (or didn't!).
Finally, and most importantly, several acknowledgements are in order:
To all of the writers and artists, whether you finished or not. I hope it was at least half as fun as it was stressful. 😅
To the readers and cheerleaders for the invaluable ongoing encouragement. 🎇
To my beloved Discord mods - rhu, K, and Shiwi - who were witness to copious amounts of flailing and failing. The server would not be possible without you. 🙏🏻
To bom and the Martian handbasket collective, this is y’all’s fault in the first place.🧎🏼‍♂️ A million thanks for the idea bouncing, process feedback, and keeping me (marginally) sane throughout this whole business. 💚
🗓 See you all again in February...
Until then, 🛌
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