#hot demon daddy squad
hooligans-holiday · 9 months
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Yes, these three are the hottest men (demons?) in Yu Yu Hakusho. No, I'm not open to criticism.
(extra special mention to Enki for being pure, superior quality Husband Material)
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Send Off (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You, Bob and the rest of the squad get ready to send your kids off to school and let the shenanigans ensue
"Okay Daddy I'm ready now!" Auggie chirped as he stepped out of the bathroom.
Bob sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Auggie, though he had tried, couldn't quite match his own clothes yet. "C'mere bud," Bob told him.
He went into Auggie's room and dug around in the dresser for a hot minute, pulling out a little white t-shirt and a blue checked flannel to go with Auggie's jeans. "Put this on," Bob told his little mini-me.
"But we're gonna miss the bus!" Auggie chirped again.
"Buddy we've still got plenty of time," Bob assured him.
"What's he buggin about missing the bus?" you asked, poking your head in the door.
"Just a little," Bob answered. "And might I ask why you're up Mrs. Floyd?"
"Bob, I've been taking it easy for three weeks now," you told him, the dishtowel in your hand coming to rest on your ever growing bump. "The only thing that your sister's allowing me to do is eat, sleep, read, watch t.v or use the can."
"Hey, Reagan's been doing this for the last nine years," Bob reminded you with a grin. "Trust me, you don't wanna brush off her advice."
You laughed a little, neither of you having noticed that Auggie had disappeared and come back a minute later. "Daddy I can't brush my teeth."
"Why not buddy?"
"Patrick's parked on the shitter!"
You and Bob both burst out laughing at Auggie's response, but at least three-year-old Patrick had finally gotten the hang of using the bathroom on his own.
You got Auggie's toothbrush and the charcoal and mint toothpaste out of the bathroom and had him scrub his teeth in the kitchen sink before Patrick was done, having just washed his hands. As soon as Auggie's backpack had been packed up, he followed Bob out of the house to wait for the bus.
It wasn't long before the rest of the squad had begun making their way down. Maverick was the first to drop by with Danny and Thomas while Rooster was close behind him with Nicky and Pete.
"You guys get outta the house ok?" Bob asked.
"Never better," Maverick yawned. "These two little demons though, woke Penny and I up at six-thirty while Amelia was doing her makeup in the bathroom."
Bob snickered a little, more so when he noticed Rooster in his black basketball shorts and a mismatched shirt. "You didn't sleep did you?" Bob chuckled.
"I couldn't even a coffee before we left," Rooster groaned. "These two are like bottomless pits......they just wolfed down their cornflakes and called it a day."
Coyote came striding up just a minute later with Paloma and Carla giggling like crazy but the exasperated look on his face saying it all.
"Hair......" he interjected before anyone could say anything. "That's all you've gotta know."
Bob looked over at his giggling nieces whose thick hair had been put into tight cornrows with white and turquoise beads at the end. "How'd you do it?" Bob asked him.
"I don't have a clue," Coyote said, throwing his hands up. "Those two cannot sit for two seconds to save their lives and my mom and my wife are the only ones who can do their hair. But somehow, Daddy did it!!!"
Payback crossed the street with Geneva and Neveah some time later while Mickey trailed along with Isabella in her new dress with a bright sunflower pattern. Hangman came around the back of his house with the twins while Phoenix was the last to arrive with Gabe in tow.
"Holy shit," Hangman groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "Is it the first day of school already?"
"Unfortunately," Rooster answered.
"God help us all," Natasha said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Couldn't get the coffee in on time?" Jake asked her.
"This little knucklehead woke up and tried to bring the dog to school with him," Natasha answered. "First time I ever saw Cole jump outta bed in his shorts."
Everyone had a good laugh on the morning shenanigans while everyone had begun taking pictures of the older kids all lined up with their backpacks as they waited for the bus. It felt like forever but finally, the little yellow bus that had the name of their school stenciled on the side, pulled up and let the kids on. All of them waved goodbye to their parents, ready for the first day of school as the bus pulled away down the street.
"Are you crying?" Bob asked Jake.
"No," Jake insisted. "I've got allergies, that's all."
Bob rolled his eyes as everyone dispersed and went back to the house. His father's truck pulled into the driveway to bring Patrick down to the nursery school, where Auggie had gone, leaving you and Bob with the whole day ahead to get the nursery decorated for your daughter.
"What?" you asked when you heard Bob chuckle a little.
"Hangman was crying at the bus stop when Missy and Molly got on the bus," he answered.
"Did he really?"
"Oh yeah," Bob laughed. "Tole me it was allergies."
You both had a good laugh on the matter as you began putting the nursery together and attempting to paint it the way Patrick's nursery school had done. You looked over at your phone, noting the time, but hoping all the same that Auggie and your nieces and nephews were having the time of their lives on their first day of kindergarten.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 1 year
What does your husbando/waifu/nonbinary barbie-crotched S/O says about you?
TW: slight teasing,but oh well...., also nsfw themes and swearing ( sowwy)
Scooter/weanie man: complete morosexual or the unhuman need to take care of Boston inhabitants with room temperature EQ ( en englais: you have the mommy/daddy/parent kink and you want to show that boi all the love he deserves)
Soldier: you are a human carpet ( sub) or so Dom my sibling in Christ I am terrified. You think his bravery/randomness is endearing or you got roped in by every tumblr/wattpad headcanon potraying him as the ultimate beefcake ( cant argue with you, mofo built like a brickhouse on steroids without the roids.)
Pybro: A. you are a nonbinary peep and any nb representation makes your ovaries/balls/reproductive parts COMBUst with excitment. B. intense latex/leather kink with slight burn/wax play on main. I am both afraid and faschinated by your ability to flesh out on a person we barely know the most basics of their personaility, Godspeed you allmighty bAstERD <3
eNGIe: cowboy appreciator, daddy seeker and parental figure creamer connesuer, you fell in love with the ( here ) so much you actively search and look out for the gruff, wrench handling and guitar-playing texas man of your dreams. No matter your gender or sexuality engie hits that hotspot only the daddiest of daddies hit !
Heavy: rare breed of bear enjoyer, probs an older sibling that wants to make the older sibling ( tired, unhydrated and slighty (( extremely)) in need of therapy) pair. Probably not a huge shipper since you view HeavyMedic as more of a platonic pairing, or you are of the rarest Medicx Reader x Heavy poly sandwich. Please dont hug him too tight, hell hug tired and make your eyes pop like a cheap pop eyed toy.
Demo: contrary to popular belief, you are not a bbc enjoyer/seeker, Demoman isnt just a sextoy to you. He is just the only level headed person you see in a team of morons ( for u) or manchildren with murder tendencies and well, JUST LOOK AT HIM, HE IS BUILT WITH ABBS LIKE A WASHBOARD AND LOVES HIS MOM, HE IS NOT HUSBAND MATERIAL. HE IS SOULMATE/LOVE TILL DEATH ( WONT DO YOU PART, HE KNOWS MAGIK TO RECITATE YOU) , PLEASE I SALUTE YOU YOU GLORIOUS TAVISH ENJOYER!
Medic: WE GET IT HE IS HANDSOME AND SOUNDS EITHER LIKE A CHICKEN WITH A TOP TIER DANTE DEMON OR HOT GERMAN GILF! Please dont canoodle him so hard, youll throw out his back or break his hip. Also very questionable kinks ( i see you blood kinksters). You unironically are the I cAn MakE HiM So MUch WorSE squad and you scare me.
Sniper: yes he is the ratman ofyour dreams and yes he is also really pretty, but please stop treating him like a man who aint also a hired killer. Yes he wont even think to correct his Macas orders, but he will and can make you swoon so hard you look redder than Pyros suit, mans gots that outdoors, unshowered , rugged swagg and he is rocking it harder than the fricking 80s <3 <3
Spah: yesh you have a french kink, yes you want him to whisper in your ear soft french while he btters your bagguet, probably into dilfs or gilfs in the distance because none is a dilf /suave/sensual enough for you. ( perfume isnt a shower, go to shower now, mon petit coucou
RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE ( or the bimbofied RE4)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: a cis male/ a sapphic soul/trans,enby vagabond who respectfully wants to drown while motorboating he absolute units of bazoongas. Perhaps slight size kink and perhaps a person who doesnt mind a good blood slurped by their F! S/O if their tumm had the ramblies. Please dont go overboard, or youll enter the unholy assemblange of vore/stuffing kink irl
Donna Bienevento: creepypasta kid, you unironically got spooked first time you read Jeff the Killer. Probably into some questionable types of literature, hardcore horror enjoyer who also has a sanrio addiction. You have tried some kinds of handcraftmanship and might even have some hobbies that involve handiwork. I applaud you, but please dont give the basement FEOTus monster your choccy milk, itll have the zoomies and knock of angies card-castle.
Salvatore Moreau: the epitome of I can fix him! peeps, probably slight hurt/comfort enjoyer. You saw how dirty all the other treat him and you crave to make fish man happy. Both feet in monsterfuckening domain, unironically want to do the dirty while he is at monster form. Maybe you saw the Shape of Water and your brain did the thingy, but oh well, please continue on and make the lord of the reservoir the happiest fish in the sea!
Karl Heisenberg : you slimy, daddy kinked bAsterds, cant we have one game with a slight rat man with a good VA without yall flocking to him like lycans to his factory for french toast scraps??? slight bdsm enjoyer, or person who wants metal rat man happy and softened out like a soviet made breadcutter blade after a top tier professional restoration. Either way, please handle with care he may cry if you hug him the good way
The duke: an absolute chad who may or may not want to drown all your sorrows to a large, beautiful, suave man hug ( or man-thing, you never know.) You seriously deserve the world, because you be pumping fics faster than a heated political debate on Reddit. Also probably a slight hand kink, we all show those monsters at the Shadow of Rose DLC.
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serikyl · 1 year
(strolls into fantasy tavern, accidentally hits the unfollow button instead of the ask button like a clumsy idiot, refollows with a very embarassed facial expression because I planned on being a lot more suave about this, leans on the bar counter)
So...I hear there's someone around here with kiddad's head canons?
*smacks hands against counter with a look of immeasurable glee* *pours you a colorful little drink of unknown content with a little umbrella in it* ((there is so much edible glitter involved))
Okay okay so lets start with!!!!!!
My most favorite twins ever!!! Lark and Sparrow
I know a lot of people think they have long hair, to me, they both keep it very short now bc when Lark was like sixteen, a doodlerized something grabbed it and it messed with his paranoia, he and Sparrow shaved it together in the bathroom at like 3am, then Sparrow sat for his turn without a word, and now they always keep it matching like this
Lark and Sparrow have matching friendship bracelets that Sparrow made one year, Lark’s is green and Sparrow’s is red
The Oak Household used a talking stick for a long time, then Lark got mad one night and snapped it over his knee. He felt bad about it later, and the next morning it was found carefully glued back together
I don’t know if Lark has a day job, but if he does, nobody knows what it is, the other kiddads assume it’s something questionably legal, weapon sales probably, Lark always pays his portion of household bills and Sparrow isn’t sure he wants to know. The truth is, it’s a perfectly normal job, he’s a Geek Squad guy at Best Buy. Lark finds comfort in being able to sit in the back fixing things, he hates talking to customers. So. Much.
Sparrow is a cavetown fan, Lark secretly really likes beachy music like margaritaville but would die if anybody but Sparrow found out
Lark’s favorite fruit is lemons, Sparrow’s is strawberries. Lark can’t handle sweet flavors, he prefers sour, while Sparrow is the opposite.
Nick’s turn!!!!
So! During the Nick/Narc fusion, the magic couldn’t remove Glenn without unmaking Nick entirely, so it just added in Jodie. If you tested Nick’s DNA, which Glenn and Jodie did during an argument once bc they’re goofs, it would come back that Glenn and Jodie are both his bio dads, Morgan his bio mom. Because magic doesn’t give a shit about what our science says is impossible.
Nick has a Thing about vehicle safety, he doesn’t care if it’s an emergency or if it’s a five minute drive, everyone is putting on their goddamn seatbelts if he has to climb over and buckle them in himself. He also won’t drive in the rain.
Nick, in his Glenn memories, tried to dye a red streak in his hair and ended up a weird shade of orange bc he didn’t calculate for hair type. He wore a beanie for weeks until Glenn came home. After he finished laughing, Glenn had to help him fix it.
Demons burn so hot that Nick always feels a little chilly, even in the california heat. He’ll be wearing a jacket on an 85° day and people look at him weird, but the planet is so cold compared to Hell.
Nick’s favorite pizza is called “Everything Pizza”, it was something he’d make when he was struggling in the Glenn memories because it was easy. Everything Pizza changes every time you eat it, it also lead to Nick inventing what he calls “the Pizzarito” which is Everything Pizza folded up like a burrito. The other kiddads tell him it’s just a calzone, Nick hates calzones and insists it’s different. Pizzaritos have been banned from DADDIES HQ because somehow that argument always gets started.
Demons need a lot of both sugar and meat in their diets, and Nick now has an insane sweet tooth that would make most people lose their teeth
Oh! and! One of the things Nick struggles with post Nick/Narc fusion outside of the identity crises is how the demonic side of him has changed his body. Half of him feels like the sharp a few too many teeth and slightly pointed ears are features he’s had his entire life, and the other is kind of freaked out by how very Not Human he suddenly looks
Nick’s least favorite vegetable is asparagus, this is a trait he shares with Glenn. They both make the same face about it, wrinkled nose, tongue out
Terry Jr!!!!
I love Terry so much, I have a bunch for him!!! :’D
Terry is considered the de-facto leader of DADDIES, he is the only one levelheaded enough for the job I think. It’s not an official position, but he is pulling double duty as their leader and their tactician
This man lives on coffee, he is a 6 cups a day kind of guy. He started drinking it as a way to remember Terry Sr, who really loved coffee. He both loves the different kinds, as well as cannot function without it.
Whenever Terry has reached his limit he threatens to buy a boat and go live in the middle of the ocean where none of this is his problem and he will never have to see any of these people again. ((He has never gone through with this threat, it’s kind of his escape fantasy))
Terry and Grant have a minor long-standing feud about a drawer in HQ, it is Terry’s, it is a mess, it is organized in a system that only makes sense to Terry, there are so many sticky notes involved, it drives Grant’s OCD crazy, he wants to pick the lock on the drawer and reorganize it. Terry does not want it organized. Sparrow has enchanted the lock so Grant cannot pick it, keeping them locked in a stalemate.
Terry’s favorite food is blueberries, he can exclusively cook pasta dishes
Every so often, Terry has what I call a “Cones Of Dunshire” level breakdown where be throws himself into a deeply over complicated project like designing and building a board game
Terry and Lark have kissed exactly once, in a really weird game of chicken like that scene in friends where Phoebe and Chandler kiss. Terry is Phoebe, Lark is Chandler, Nick is Monica, Sparrow is either Joey or Ross, and Grant is Rachel in the scene, this is one of my favorite silly ones afsgshsjsjs
Grant’s turn!!!!
Grant and Terry dated in high school, it was a right person wrong time situation, and Grant has two soulmates: Terry and Marco
Grant developed OCD after the chimera incident, he likes to keep things clean and orderly because he can’t forget the feeling of the blood in his hair
Grant and Lark have semi-colon tattoos for each other, they’re bad for each other and tend to spiral down together, but they respect the battles. each other fights with mental illness, they claim to have a “warrior’s bond”
Grant’s favorite color is bright orange, I don’t know why, it’s a color I’ve associated with him since ep 1
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lokislytherin · 2 years
1) teacher!seok x parent!jae
kind of inspired by this one wangxian au i read with a yuan being a preschooler but hyungseok is a primary school teacher, jaehye is The Problem Child (read: she never shuts up even when she's not meant to be talking) of his class of 7-8 year olds, jaeyeol is jaehye's older step-brother turned parent.
the jae sibs have a 20 year age gap so jaeyeol is around 28, jaeyeol's mom passed away years ago and he and kitae (blood bros) drifted away, hye is from another woman and after steve hong also passes away hye's mom is like Aight i do not want to deal with raising a child. and jaeyeol hates his father being absent all his life but he doesn't want hye to grow up in the foster system so he adopts jaehye even though he's a postgrad psych student (therapist jae!!! he doesn't talk much because he has the hex haywire voice and it's so deep it scares people but in reality it's just hot)
teacher!seok meets jae at a parent conference and he's like oh. Oh. this is the yeol-oppa jaehye adores so much. they start chatting purely bc jaehye is so chatty she's getting kind of behind in class and jaeyeol just sighs bc he's so busy at work he really wants to spend more time with jaehye but he doesn't have time and there's no butler in this au so it's just jae who's crazy busy and crazy rich by inheritance and hye who is a little demon and terrorizes every nanny bc she wants to spend time with her oppa!!
hyungseok is like if you don't mind... i could look after her until you finish work (school ends at 3pm, jae is a 9-5er) and jae's like Please. i'm so glad you said that
so they get a lot more private interaction time and they also coincidentally meet every now and then bc jaehye's harp class is close to the park where hyungseok walks his dogs so suddenly they have a whole routine where on the weekdays it's like
jaeyeol sends jaehye to school
jaehye picks jaehye up after work
sometimes hyungseok eats dinner with them bc hey, they're all going out to eat anyway, if nobody minds then they could all go together!
jaeyeol drives hyungseok home they say good night and they both kind of linger because nobody wants to say goodbye
and on the weekends it's like
jaeyeol sleeps in bc he finally gets a day off!!
jaehye smacks him until he wakes up bc wake up stupid oppa jaehye has harp class
jaehye goes to harp class and jaeyeol hangs out at a cafe and gets stared at for being the hot loner dilf sitting in the corner working on his computer
jaeyeol picks jaehye up from harp class
they meet hyungseok at the park bc he just finished going on a run with his dogs
they get lunch together because jaehye loves hyungseok's puppies LOOK AT THEM THEY'RE SO CUTE
jaeyeol's whipped the whole way through bc jaehye tells him Everything that goes on at school and he has never seen her so happy to go to school until her old teacher left and 'park seonsaengnim' took over as homeroom teacher and 'park seonsaengnim' is so nice to everyone and jaehye is actually Learning Things she just likes talking and when jaeyeol meets hyungseok for the first time he's already like Oh He's Hot
hyungseok doesn't realize he's pining until the very end where kouji's dad!gun (kouji is hye's classmate + 'archenemy') asks him out very bluntly and hyungseok's like wait. Wait. WAIT I'M SORRY I CAN'T ACCEPT YOUR CONFESSION I'M IN LOVE WITH JAEHYE'S OPPA
all the other parents (mijin and jinsung, sinu, etc) have a group chat without jae bc he looks so intimidating (the sheer businessman daddy energy is too strong) and they thought he and hyungseok had a Thing going on since the very beginning but no hyungseok is oblivious as hell and jae is shy as hell
2) winter olympics athletes au
if ao3 user agaybigay is here: hi. snowboarder jay go brr
in this au literally Everyone is there except for yujin's squad so you have
figure skating:
mijin + jinsung: pair skate, in love with each other but not dating, they've never medalled bc they're always 4th place, they beat japan's pride mitsuki and ryuhei out for third place in the fic
hyungseok: men's figure skating, aka south korea's national treasure, gold medalist
jaehye: women's figure skating, aka joy of south korea, youngest of the whole team
gun + dg: former multiple-time gold medalists, both retired now dg bc he didn't want to compete anymore and gun bc he injured his leg, they train the whole sk's figure skating team but mainly they just fight over daniel
gun used to compete for japan as yamazaki yuzuru but he moved back to korea to join korea team
jae: silver medalist, the One Mysterious Guy who nobody knows anything about until his younger sister joins the team and she is number 1 oversharer. has a massive fanbase bc he's talented and his helmet hair is hot
haneul: gets a bronze medal in the year of the fic and it's her first medal, known for her very high jumps and flips like she's part of the sky
burn knuckles: luge. yeah. it was either this or curling and idk what's funnier actually
big deal + samuel seo: ice hockey, samuel is best attacker, jake is best defender, jerry is goalie, sinu is coach, lua is team manager
it's kind of like yoi with hyungseok pulling jaeyeol into a drunk pole-dance during the last national winter sports competition and jaeyeol being so gay for this gorgeous, sexy, absurdly flexible creature who fits against his body perfectly and hyungseok barely remembering anything bc he was so drunk he only remembers the person he danced with had warm hands and he remembers making a promise to that person but he doesn't remember what he promised
hyungseok has already admired jaeyeol for a while, jaeyeol is almost four years older than him here and it's jae-hyung's third olympics (he's 24 now and this is probably his last olympics), and hyungseok's always like wow... look at him... he's so cool 🥺🥺
they get to know each other as the olympics goes on bc they have to share the same hotel room, and ofc i have to bring the There Is Only One Bed trope in. they end up accidentally cuddling multiple times and then after watching jaeyeol snowboarding and ranking 1 hyungseok has a flashback like wait. Wait. he's the one i basically did a drunk strip-tease to. i promised him i'd kiss him if he won gold. he's now world champion. which means i have to kiss him. actually i have no problem with that
after jaeyeol wins gold they end up purposefully cuddling on the hotel bed. maybe they do Other Things too since the figure skating and snowboarding competitions are both over
3) he was a punk she did ballet but it's skateboarder hyungseok and ballet dancer jae bc hyungseok is too poor to afford after school clubs and jae is a rich boy forced to learn Rich Kid Things ie piano, ballet, violin, swimming, etc
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sugar-petals · 3 years
HEADCANON — what makes levi so subby
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↳ NOTE. back again with a levi ackerman ‘study’ lmao! humorous thought blurbs and analytical bits, plus some classic midnight rambles to indulge us putting things into words. 
↬ word count. 6k - bullet points
WARNINGS. nsfw, violence and abuse mentions, smut bits, d/s, restraints, mentions of unhealthy dynamics, crack & serious rants, insecure levi, sort of fem!oc but not very specified, virgin kink, mommy kink, aftercare stuff
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- this dichotomy. levi might always be at the core of his time’s mainstream (...because others want him to) but all of his personal interests are as alternative as can be — do the math.
- yes, he does this to stay alert. but refusing to take off your whole-body-harness unless you’re showering? says something about you. levi enjoys restriction as safety. he can handle the strain of being tied like that without even blinking. he wants it etched into him and cannot help it by all means. that thing probably does some things to you while sleeping. all the other squad members who want to be equally alert — and would even be slightly slower than levi to put it back on — all just don’t wear it to bed unless expeditions are concerned. and even there, he wears it the most religiously. oki doki mister ackerman. noted.
- new levi lore just in: may i remind you that the man instantly figured out how to suspend himself in the air with ropes and hooks? self-bondage 2.0... riggers press f to pay respects. he’d look pretty damn hot upside down from a ceiling in shibari. naked, just the cravat on (gotta stay neat).
- who doesn’t want to put the cat ears on levi. even the subs are curious how it’d look like. what a crime if that didn’t happen at least once in human history. the maid dress he’s basically almost wearing he’s halfway there my friends
- dude got the most insane arch.
- and now the following. he’d say “eh, what does that mean”, in fact you’d have to whip and fuck it into him until he moans it out loud (oh whew), but he sure as hell would get an ego boost from being called a pretty boy. owh yeah. 
- because: a) levi is unsure about his looks all the way as we know. he might not seem like it, but he secretly wants a fuckton of reassurance. especially from the ladies. ”hey... i was popular enough...!”. he might not ask for it directly, but he sure prays it comes. you don’t even know how much he’s concerned with his appearance. despite shaking his head at compliments about his prettiness, he clings to that feedback all night. 
- levi’s inferiority complex in terms of looks has piled up over the years and he never managed to really tame it. figures, he’s all surrounded by people who he perceives as fancy supermodels. who, without even doing anything, automatically make him look dull and neglectable... and we know what he feels about neglect. if anything, it’s levi’s #1 trigger. levi’s grudge against conventionally attractive people is so enormous because he believes that assures them closeness and impressiveness to loved ones. 
- he doesn’t see any insecurity or losses on their part, he’s too preoccupied with his own demons and meticulously correcting his appearance. did you notice? he styles and grooms his body a whole lot for someone who’s seemingly so uncaring, and it’s not just to stay hygienic. he’s also too intimidating when battle-involved — which is 90% of the time — to be able to notice or even get other people’s positive reactions to him in a setting where his cute looks can be made a topic.
- plus the scenario of b) aka someone channeling lana del rey calling him their old man rich daddy which won’t go well. in fact, every syllable is bound to set him off. even if he earns rather decent survey corps loans, he’ll remain frugal all his life. bragging is a no-go, he saw the lowest end of the hierarchy and also the crimes of the highest. and even more importantly, levi reacts pissy at anything that even hints at his age, and his height anyway. he genuinely thinks himself an old wrinkly dwarf while in his worldview, the shining pretty boys are 6′1, lanky, and barely 19. it’s unreachable in levi’s mindset and frustrating because he still wishes he could be like that. news flash levi, you look the youngest. and you’re shining, too. have you seen those two swords twinkle underneath the moon... i’m getting carried away. 
- so, c), anything that fights the exaggerations and misconceptions he finds in his mirror will flatter him. “am i a pretty boy? hange says i’m a grandpa. tch, who the hell fucking knows.” — even just wondering about it will be a massive improvement. 
- levi only lightly suspects he has charm points. he’d probably only name a habit of his when asked what makes him attractive, not a body part. so letting him know that he looks good and pretty is very important for him not to feel neglected. levi’s curse of being left behind can be alleviated surprisingly fast with some pet names. people just don’t dare to call him that, for understandable reasons, he’s generally cranky at it and calls it nonsense.
- but, anyway. it’s not a bad idea to coo at levi. it only comes down how much he likes someone.
- people he loathes will be told off, if he’s into you he’ll be silent about it. there’s no ‘i wanna say i hate it but i’ll tolerate it and say nothing’ in his universe. if levi won’t utter a word, that’s an okay. if it’s not okay, he will dispel it as soon as possible. levi is so damn easy to see through it hurts.
- vice versa, levi will not once call you a petname. only the first name and nothing else, no remarks, not even cuss words, nothing. haven’t met a dom who hasn’t come up with at least one adorable pet name for their partner. 
-  “never thought i’d get bossed around like that. fair enough.” he’s that kind of guy.
- the more he’s pushed into conventions and aggression, the more terrible levi feels about it and secludes himself even further after his duty which he at least can manage well by virtue of his bloodline. but the stress? doesn’t excite him. especially when it’s not a tolerable means to an achievable end. he has no incentives and also doesn’t believe himself to be a role model for other guys — whereas male doms always bond and teach each other over said fact, just like dommes would. the guy who avoids all conversation and would rather pull other guy’s banter apart has quite another hidden opinion, does he. levi actually doesn’t like guys showing their loud and tough side just because. he finds it greatly disturbing and useless.
- levi knows something his environment doesn’t, but he knows them: because he’s a good listener. and don’t tell me a guy as ultra-explicit in tone couldn’t join an NSFW talk, or that he doesn’t want to belong to the group; he values friendship so tremendously. the real reason that levi behaves as an odd one out is that his sexual and romantic tastes are entirely different from the norm and he hates being upfront with it.
- listen. that guy would be the last person to be afraid of a dungeon. it just has to be impeccably scrubbed but he’s the one to do the sweeping and polishing anyway.
- levi the type... to kinkshame and not ironically develop said kink: cuz he already has it. fucking ackerman.
- he’s caught himself daydreaming about a tall dominant stepping on him. yes, levi’s fantasy kicks in sometimes. it tends to get drowned out because of the world he’s living in, and it’s filled with gruelling images all the time, but in some candlelight moments when his drive creeps up to him in his office... he does think a lot about sex. often wishing his mind wouldn’t, but the images just come to him. just like he thinks a dominant figure would emerge in his life and take off his responsibility, at least in the sheets where he’s the most anxious what to do.
- when it comes to situations where inflicting pain on someone is required, levi plunges into emotional chaos and redundancy in its measure as if something possesses him. believe me, to him it’s not that sexy. it’s not something he’d ever do for fun or trust himself to exert on a serious love interest he’s very closely involved with. levi couldn’t inflict any other type of touch after he’s been hugged and kissed and comforted. it’d be a dilemma to his muscle memory if they wanted him to top.
- and mind this. a dominant characterizes themselves by how controlled, enthusiastic, effective with few actions, and deliberate they are with applying pain. a good dom is also realistically strict rather than demanding the impossible, and has a 100% grip on their aggression, otherwise they’re just a mess. the unbendable rule for especially doms to abide by is called SSC, and one S is for sane.
- so if we’re realistic, levi in the majority of his moods would be of no use and even violate that golden code. he’s intense and unstable and his life is nothing but violence in excess which he guiltfully knows too damn well and wishes he wasn’t like that equally so. hence levi shies away from intimacy altogether assuming all people would ask him to top based on his unrelenting battlefield reputation. he has no idea what would happen in his already broken mind if he had sex with a lot of responsibility on him. that scares the living crap out of levi, who’s genetically wired to find a person in command, even more so. he might seem the most passionate and protective to a lover, but levi does not once believe he comes across like that.
- even when his submissive partner was assured that levi was in full control, levi himself would fear all things opposite to that, and be stricter than needed. he couldn’t demand a significant other to take someone as overpowering and rough around the edges as him. he doesn’t know what other methods to use than be too brutal. there, i said it. levi is a proper sub right at home on the receiving end partially because he’d make the most unhealthy dom. that’s the bitter pill. his only strength would be cleanliness (can’t beat him in that regard, though even there he goes overboard).
- when someone wouldn’t make for a sound dom, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a great sub. one doesn’t always imply the other. but wait... guess who perfectly qualifies. levi can handle all roughness and adrenaline, seeks guidance and emotionally doting figures, has the right balance of questioning authority and obeying, and he is a great little spoon if i may add among many other nice things.
- to give you an image. dominant levi is the shattered crystal, submissive levi the yet unpolished one. 
- he’d be very happy to be taught your philosophy on all this. levi appreciates these types of people. he’s so closely working together with erwin and hange because, i paraphrase, they “look at something far up that i can’t see”.
- and man. at one point, you just gotta grow bored and pestered by people kissing your jiggling little heicho ass against your will. those people annoy the living underground out of him. if i were born levi ackerman, i’d look for doms, too. no wonder he’s irritated all day. people want him to be the one looking far up where they can’t see. he only knows how to do that with the ODM gear, and that lasts three seconds. if levi had a coin for each time someone wanted him to demolish their body in bed, he’d be richer than Wall Sina. which is exactly what he hates the very most, and he’d drown under these coins anyway. our boy can’t swim and is scared to learn it, remember.
- long story very short. even as the strongest person in the world, he still has it in him to look up to someone. too many unintended height puns in here, i gotta apologize to him.
-  but hey, his subby mindset... his looks just add on to that. tortured uke meets raging catboy, he’s almost a full-on submissive tsundere stereotype (yea. dropping all the words in a row here). sure, guys who look that way can dom plus height is no indicator whatsoever. but it would be an absolute waste of cute and pretty and smol if we’re honest. levi looks great submitting. and he’d be secretly flustered by just that even if he’d comment a “tch!” about it.
- i mean. just imagine him talking back at you with that raspy voice. and then groaning and gritting because he’s cashing in on his punishments and gets his glossy hair pulled. well, well. 
- he’s collected every bruise and blemish in the book from fights. the belts of his harness leave countless imprints on this skin during vertical maneuvering, too. hickeys, scratches, and marks are basically like sweet feather brushes to him. no big deal. except he’ll be emotionally attached to them since they are from you. he also likes getting marked because nobody will notice anyway even if he walked around topless. not that he’d flaunt it. he enjoys it in the privacy of his bathroom. oh shit, looking at your hickeys turns levi on. well... oi oi oi.
- calls every person on the planet a brat (even random passers-by lmao) and he’s suddenly the exception, huh? um. no way. especially since doing that makes him sound like a mega brat, the effect increasing with every time he does it.
- pretty tired of doing tough and brutish things at this point. levi just wants to be released from duty and have his tea peacefully instead of going nowhere with his efforts every time. strength burdens him a lot and rather backfires on him instead of being a useful tool he enjoys. of course he’s amazingly goal-oriented, but being domineering is the only valid manner of survival, not a cute option. between his bed posts, levi will choose differently exactly because of that.
- levi does consider his bed a different world. it’s sweet. but also quite a leap for him which is why he avoids it. he wishes a partner would to lead him back there, and take care of him, and make him feel good, so he would sleep in their arms, finally home.
- what strikes me a lot. he’s notorious for dismissing people who hail his ultra high rank and capacity for bloodbaths. levi didn’t fully decide to occupy this spot by free will. remember, levi was bribed into the survey corps and kenny brought him huge knives before even teaching him how to get food and connection due to the circumstances underground. the real levi was not meant to fly that dangerously high later on, lose so many, and be so machine-like at the same time, although it without a doubt made im a legend and irreplaceable. and yet, true levi that the universe meant would sit calmly in his tea shop, clean the counters, and have a reliable spouse. his tea is one of his only remaining fragments of that meant person. levi at his core is not strongly motivated towards power at all, nor an offensive guy, nor addicted to savagery, nor empty-hearted. and i think that’ll show during intimacy. especially since it’s something where he’s starting out on his own terms and wasn’t bribed into. it would be beautiful.
- let me tell you the ultimate doctrine and secret. little counterintuitive but hear me out. it’s better if the dom is a little weaker (albeit capable and firm) and the sub a little stronger (albeit sensitive and serving). not vice versa. because who has to take the whip strokes? shouldn’t be someone who caves or is afraid. spanking or choking or putting your fingers in your sub’s mouth needs more technical accuracy than muscle power. being the one receiving end... different story. not that domination ain’t hard for some practices, doms need to be proper, but you get the gist.
- unless gentle domination is concerned: weak subs defeat their purpose, believe it or not. and anyway: things get pretty dangerous the other way around if humanity’s strongest is involved as the overpowerful master torturer. granted, levi wouldn’t wanna hurt someone he loves. but the power imbalance is way, WAY too drastic to be any good. put him in the most submissive role you can think of and things are in much better equilibrium. strong but sensitive in a serving role is exactly him. he deserves that break to begin with.
- who said levi would find complete joy and relief in dominating? cuz that’s what you are very much supposed to feel if you found your zone. it’s easier to picture levi enjoying a forehead kiss in the remoteness of his office, and an order to get out his cleaning cloth because mommy’s boots got dirty and she wants him kneeling. that’s gonna make him melt so much and he’ll do it almost automatically anyway.
- inch resting... levi rejects worship immediately but doesn’t say anything with praise. do y’all see the difference? it’s the cutest thing, too.
- the animal you adore the most showcases the values and characteristics you seek. some psychologists go as far as asking their clients their favorite animal to know their ideal type. that’s why levi lovers are cat enthusiasts. in the meantime, i don’t have to tell you what horses stand for. cue google, pray tell:
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- yeah. sounds exactly what levi wishes and searches for in a nutshell. psychoanalysis case closed.
- look at my horse, my horse is amazing... levi would totally espouse his dom with more pride than you’d usually see him exude. then again, have you seen how devotedly levi treats horses. like majesty indeed. he even gets his hands dirty for them and wants to cuddle, this stuff made me gasp.
- another thing to tie back to the weak/strong idea. submitting doesn’t force levi to compromise his innate strength. on the other hand: if he tops, he’ll have to curb it in all kinds of ways to tone it down to um human level. which he can’t gauge to begin with. he’s essentially a non-transforming titan as we know. imagine if he didn’t suppress himself entirely. in the worst case, his power could scathe his partner as it comes out vicious by default. levi’s physcial prowess is only adequate for absolutely gigantic creatures. 
- so, at best, his partner gets sweet boy levi.
- oh, to make him tea for aftercare. he will ascend.
- and don’t be fooled by soft sub levi only. he got the freakiest side in him. mr. ackerman understands what masochism is all about on levels other people can’t even imagine. talks about it all the time as if he’s trying to prompt something. hmm. 
- this guy’s philosophy in general screams bdsm not gonna lie. 
- let’s remind ourselves how levi’s interests resort to cleaning and roaming the streets if he doesn’t follow some kind of directive by a higher-up. yes, he wants a certain degree of depending on someone, probably even too overtly for various reasons. obviously he’s not a helpless doormat to life (he may feel like it and get treated like it by circumstances, but he’s not) and still wouldn’t do this at the expense of giving himself up — complicated topic. 
- but at the core of that rests a specific desire. besides needing a greater cause, he also needs that intimacy. most people would call levi independent by his battle initiative, but it is just that: combat smarts and good martial reflexes. in his emotional life, he’s still in a state of needing more guidance than most other people. skipped childhood, ackerman powers, you know the deal. he feels more hollow and even more universally deprived than most, which increases his drive to attach himself. in needy ways, almost.
- he sees using pain as a public lesson for someone who’s legitimately evil and a political threat rather than finding sadistic pleasure in treating someone he likes to it in private. he’d ask: “why the fuck do you want me to just slap you out of nowhere?”
- needless to say, he’s courageous enough for subbing. if you have as much as a foot in the door when it comes to bdsm practices, you’ll know subbing won’t be for the faint of heart. and i don’t mean courage in terms of pride or the frequent emotionless dom/whiny sub stereotype from doujins and fan arts that actually just depict vanilla dynamics. someone who believes subbing means being off the hook in terms of bravery either likes the softer sides of femdom or has no idea about d/s. then again, it’s common sense. and again, levi is the opposite of squeamish.
- just how much more flexible does he have to make himself to show you he’ll can be sexily bent to all your perverted likings. every dom can make use of someone this elastic. even monkey d. luffy is in awe of those twisty ackerman aerials.
- let’s talk principles. levi simply does not like to ruin beauty. ask his spotlessly-clean tea cup that didn’t have stains ever since he can think. almost every dom will tell you the opposite. we love inflicting messy stuff just because, corrupting pretty subs and ruining someone’s innocence in the most sexy way. what is making subs cry, cum all over themselves, and bring out their disgusting sloppy side but an act of degrading something gorgeous. when levi ruins something, he just wants to do away with it rather than revelling in the lustful destruction. the only dom wanting to preserve beauty is a caregiver. ask levi what childhood and uncle-associations he has with the word ‘daddy’... he’ll run for the hills.
- he’s the last one to baby and pamper someone in the first place. he can pat someone’s head and say thanks after some years — that’s all he can muster and that’s certainly not satisfactory for a needy little one.
- and as we said. levi is the needy partner at a second glance.
- it’ll take some time until he’s comparing himself less to other guys who vibe submissive, especially very handsome ones. he might even look at eren and wish he had more attributes like him (and strong girls pursuing him like that, why do you think they have such an odd rivalry). that eren makes a good and gorgeous sub but one lousy partner has to be pointed out to him even if he already knows. levi realizes that the lousiness truly radiates from the inside across all the good things, puts all else in shambles and it’s a shame. and so it stands, levi would rather have no clue at subbing than be a cataclysmic boyfriend so there’s that, priorities. and the no clue thing can be worked on very easily. levi is the fastest ever physical learner. so, no problem, luv.
- who doesn’t wanna pull that undercut hair. come on. it’s made for it.
- you’ll never know if his mind plays things much raunchier and wierder than... i mean what to use for comparison... say, hange’s strange titan science methods. levi’s vocabulary is 1000% NSFW after all, it’s not like his thoughts will sound like a sonnet. this guy’s fantasy must be a firework. i wonder about his romantic dreams as well if he has them. 
- this guy’s just out there blatantly posing with his ass and legs, man. how many more invitations does it need.
- yes. dear ole human insecurity... it’s an esteem and safety thing to you. how much more of a confidence boost can you get knowing you can bring the strongest guy ever to knees. and it’s because levi wants to give you that confidence. you might not realize you’re giving it to him in return.
- let’s be entirely real. levi can handle getting a ride. the hardest you can think of. his body is so 1000% vibranium that wolverine is jelly, you think levi’s dick suddenly isn’t? 
- he can easily take the strap, too. this guy has felt so much, anal is peanuts and he enjoys the heat (if everything is perfectly clean, mind you). if there’s one person not made of glass it’s him, he can take a pounding. but you can’t take a pounding by levi. don’t deceive yourself.
- you’ll snap in half before he even gets started and thinks he’s going at tolerable levels. pair your mortal physique with his spiralling OP skills and you get internal bleeding at level one intensity already. “he’ll be gentle” — levi has not once been taught what being gentle with a sexual partner means. and it’d be a lot to do if you were to teach him all that. it wouldn’t emerge naturally this way.
- he has a hard time figuring it out emotionally and physically and would rather entrust those things to you. he’d rather be able to trust you being gentle with him than unfuck his DNA. 
- the pure reality being: he is the consequence of a lab experiment superhuman designed to annihilate 60-meter titans within split seconds. for eldia there’s been no use to genetically tweak an ackerman to have any throttle on their power once it gets going since they were created to deal with almost unsurmountable enemies. 
- generation-long engineering lead him to be the most violent warrior in history and that’s been out of levi’s control. he hates everything about it — lotta people like his immense brutality but he not once said he did, guess why it’s not hot, it’s horrible. he possesses above average empathy which comes from kuchel and his endless list of losses, but has been notorious in not being able to translate it. instead, his body just resorts to more violence by muscle memory traded since ancient times. levi has no clue about moderation. there’s a reason why the harness stays on 24/7, it’s the only way he can feel contained and orderly with less chance of snapping.
- levi feels the most ever comfortable being completely bound and controlled and even secondary to someone. subdued to a command which he has to follow no matter what. rather than being put in a position where he could even just accidentally hurt his significant other, or is asked to, which he’s conflicted about. 
- he’s too overwhelmingly furious and feely to be ordained a sadist who has to operate from logic at all times. he only fully functions as a subordinate since that’s drilled into his brain down to most of his cells, as inhumane as that sounds. well, because those experiments were just like that, against humanity. his biology won’t fade unless titans and his traumas all fade. which becomes especially apparent in bed when inhibitions are low anyway. if he’s honest, he’d avoid sex altogether. only the prospect that a simple order will put him in his place and make him never harm you could convince levi to be intimate.
- so i repeat my cause. you can’t rely on the test tube war machine part of him being unbearable on your body if you’d command him to hurt you sexually. levi would forbid it to you anyway, before you could even speak it out loud as long as he can resist the instruction. he has no interest in being awakened all over again. he wishes the titan power in him could just go to sleep. 
- which is where submission comes in. yes, if he does it, he does it out of guilt and fear in the beginning. but then, for the purpose of guaranteeing that he will love you no matter in what state he’s in.
- if he’s locked and chained and cuffed, levi doesn’t have to anxiously preoccupy himself with figuring out which level of strength is the limit that he can exercise. and trying to read your reactions, which he is frequently clueless about, anyway. meanwhile. if he submits, levi’s own limit is too high for you to even reach in your whole lifetime so you might as well go ahead with whatever you fancy, obviously if he’s fine with it. knowing him, he’s fine either way unless it’s too hygienically... challenging.
- for the sake of the argument: even your hardest punch — if you employed it — can’t unsettle him much less than even remotely destruct him. flip it around? levi’s hardest hit tears you to pieces until you’re just ash and atoms propelled to the other end of the galaxy. and that’s just the punch and not even the kick.
- i think you get whose task it is to lead and ‘regulate’ your sexual interactions. in the exact sense of the word, setting rules. levi likes those.
- he believes himself to be a ticking bomb who’d have to stay away from someone. but levi also has his heart saying he needs somebody, and that his scientifically created abilities are not really him nor his fault so what the hell is he gonna do.
- surrendering himself is the only loving choice he can make, and levi is very loving when given the chance. on top of being the guy who says to pick the option with least possible regrets so the case is more than clear.
- there’s a reason ackermans were designed to follow authority within the walls. you cannot put someone as unleashed and artificially rage-guided as that in the leading position to just sit there and sign laws. and they are too powerful not to have someone give them a clue, too powerful not to have a loophole to channel their ability and mold it. if levi has to make use of this inherent feature to make love happen safely? he will let you use it. in fact, he begs you to, so he can stay normal and not go insane.
- he virtually has no motivation to just go and blow your back out until you’re screaming. he thinks that’s disgusting. most of his steam he’s blown off in the air. levi does not want power over a person, he has always wanted power over his living circumstances. huge difference. he will only punish people who he instinctively knows are evil, and never in sexual ways. 
- the guy’s not dumb. he sees what happens when an ackerman plays the angry protector of someone all whiny. he just has to observe mikasa with eren for two minutes or less. 
- levi fully gets how it shouldn’t be done for a fact. ask erwin if you can, levi also found out what happens when he’s supposed to be giving the decisive order. the problem is: levi hasn’t seen the full truth how it should be done, then. i think you are very capable of showing him. he’s a simple guy, it’s not a giant challenge for you.
- look. it’s easy. just taking him by the waist, and you asking if you can pull him in for a kiss when he’s pinned against a wall blushing... will trigger some stuff inside of him that will sustain your dynamic for as long as the two of you desire it to do so. after all, his power makes him know exactly what to do according to your wishes. 
- did you know that lover skills are also part of that? his power concerns his body movements, after all. oh yum. they adapt to how he’s talked to.
- that’s why levi is so unreachable romantically for almost everybody. he has to know he’s in good hands. nobody discerns more. 
- like seriously. if someone would seize his obedience completely and eradicate all other options for him, he could be pressured and violated at the snap of a finger. someone with as many opponents and obsessive suitors as him has already double the caution at play in his interactions. yes, he’s afraid of rape. the strongest man on earth. he’s seen too many of these people underground; he always envisions his obedience getting exploited for something one-sided in all kinds of scenarios. 
- levi’s bloodline also has generational trauma from persecution and almost complete extermination. just how many criteria you have to fit for him to let you in is quite impressive. subs, and especially if they have that ackerman mechanism like him, are always even choosier than the most anxious doms could ever be. consider levi liking you and letting you take control a knighting and testament to your charater (and how much he needs and loves you, anyway).
- not making levi moan and sweat and squirm like crazy would also just be a waste of being able to witness the hottest, sweetest thing. levi, silent and raw in bed? eh, same old, and not romantic at all. if anything, it’s robotic. the atmosphere would be terrible. vocal levi is just so much more incredible.
- if levi’s docile, he feels sheltered. if he’s hostile, he’s threatened.
- yes, i gotta roast him on this even more. unless his personality suddenly changes from the ground up, levi would make for a strangely erratic dom who couldn’t easily hit any nuance or range. it is possible. but he’d have to try and practice and scold himself out of his hardwired patterns to get there. 
- dominants are collected and kind and systematic, ready to teach and spoil someone endlessly. if a dom isn’t giving and able to fawn a little or a lot over cuteness, even the more serious tops, what’s the point? they’re also the types of people who want to dump softness and comfort on their subs during aftercare and come up with all kinds of ways to achieve that. i’ll be honest. levi would be awkward rather than a natural. i can’t picture him anywhere near ‘awh, you sweet little thing i love love love you cupcake boo’ (okay that’s a lot but anyway) or ‘come here, let me apply this, you did so well, you’re amazing’.
- even in the most hardcore categories of bdsm, every top needs a loud fanboy or fangirl mode for their sweet baby darling up their sleeve. at best, levi goes “---” and grits his teeth mumbling some roundabout consoling. more things are not in his vocabulary, he’s not made for it. he can devote himself, but not hold a speech of love. even in a great mood you get a standard thank you phrase and that’s it. for some spartan subs, maybe a short well done is enough. but excellent doms find lots of accurate words highlighting their sub’s greatness in all apparent regards (just like they could be constructive and careful). 
- so. if you can’t do praise speak, and i’m not saying a whole essay but just a proper string of acknowledgements, quit the game. even less talkative and doting doms gotta be able to do both. smack talk and quality compliments that are decently elaborate. 
- the best affirmation levi’s mind can come up with is ‘don’t die you shitty fool’ or something in that vein. of course the good intention is clear. and he can’t put it in any other way. and yet. doms just can’t relate. we almost excessively pride ourselves in becoming our sub’s greatest supporter and being able to express it at length. if ye don’t tell your subby sweetheart that they’re a beautiful gift and they’re so adorable frequently, what are you even doing? just going feral on them doesn’t count, it’s incomplete. brutalizing and then frowningly patching your sub together without a word ain’t it.
-  before i rip him apart completely, let’s flip that scenario and put levi on the receiving end of aftercare. oh well, let me tell you how nice that would be. for you and him alike. levi gets his fill of affection in an intimate state where he can grow to accept it, and you can just take care of him and do the soothing things he really needs. also, what better thing is there for him to be cleaned by you personally. hallelujah.
- and, talk about cleaning. if levi doesn’t radiate malewife energy...
- he’s been surrounded by gals who would make the sexiest dommes ever since years. nothing new to him. hange has an excited sadistic streak, annie can kick any guy’s ass, ymir is the most butch top i’ve ever seen, historia is out there beating him up for fun (...and he was just smiling), and let’s not forget mikasa who’s all about protecting her beloved. levi would be more surprised by someone who vibes the opposite. his entire social enviroment is like... hello, we are the dommes.
- kenny would get confused af if levi didn’t come along with a tough lady at the gates of heaven, so.
- talk about being drunk on something, levi is such a boobs guy, i mean just smother him for tea time and he’s a happy man.
- i mean. someone who doesn’t give a shit and holds his blades in reverse is open to experimenting.
- levi can feed a dom’s virgin kink to literally no end. jesus christ. i know it’s been making the rounds.
- since he’s older in particular, that makes corrupting him and making him messy in a playful way even more orgasmic. just-turned-18-year-old virgin sub giving a dom their first time? come on. boring and creepy. and even if the dom is the same age, how skillful and sophisticated and perfected in their practice can they even be to make it amazing at its fullest? meanwhile: levi, he’s seen it all. he’s experienced in life, he’s been so strong. him, gifting his vulnerability and the only remaining unexperienced thing about him to you? the utmost honor.
- that levi’s received hype at the ends of the earth in the most niche communities and all the tops like him. we’ve come full circle, do the math here as well.
- not a logical reason but... how to say it.... he’s so endearing.
- and that’s all folks now you heard about why levi is so subby
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more levi writings: mlist
final note. i want to go on debating about horses 😂
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional. 
307 notes · View notes
piper-williamson · 3 years
my hoa ranking of characters — least favorite to favorite
not all characters are on this list but the ones i felt like i could rank as of rn. there’s too many minor characters i don’t care for and it’s not that i particularly care for the others i just remembered them enough to rank.
rufus — -70969943853/10
kidnapped patricia. and jerome. and trudy. willing to commit human sacrifice of a kid. threatened them with electric bees or whatever. have had nightmares about him. thrilled that bitch is dead
denby — -10/10
so threatening with her words but she’s all talk. no action. kinda makes me hate her more? but in a different way. storyline is so messy like how did she even find out harriet’s destiny and how did she then decide she wanted to awaken a >hundred year old man and basically a hell demon?? like girl just go work for donald trump or somethin
vera — -6/10
not as annoying as denby but still like what did she even want? to be with rufus? why?!?? creepy af the time she was frozen dead but like not.
mick — 1/10
just,,, there. all he does is be in love triangles and play the sports. half of his storylines are just him leaving. patricia says there’s a man in the house (rufus) and he eats a banana. n who gives their gf and “just a friend” matching bracelets?!? 1 point for not being evil.
victor — 1.5/10
as much as i wanna put him above mick, he yells too much. calm down old man. 1 point for caring for the kids enough to not carry on when he found out about the whole human sacrifice thing. also saving joy in s2. y’know what he gets half a point more than mick.
trudy — 4/10
trudy is heartwarming but holy shit is she oblivious. Is Just Ok with “robert smith” being there even when she has no confirmation of his identity. very loyal to the kids and does protect them from a lot of shit. writers did her dirty a lot of the time.
mara — 5/10
ok listen. i don’t dislike mara. i just tend to favor the sibuna mystery storylines, and all of her stories are more realistic scenarios. that being said i love her helping poppy and i also love the sisterhood thing in s3. but also mara why the FUCK would you fall for mick like he’s mick??!?
kt — 7/10
written into hoa way better than on shows like h2o where there’s just one sentence about emma being gone and that’s that. she wasn’t just nina’s replacement, she was her own person. love her personality and her friendship with eddie. 100% a lesbian. only reason she’s so low is cuz no matter how good she is of a replacement character she still kinda is one and i don’t do well with those. i’m working on it.
nina — 8/10
i love nina so much. fabina is so cute together. i think the only reason i have her so low and don’t wanna put her higher is cuz i always hate main characters, even though i don’t hate nina. my mind is strange.
amber — 8/10
dumb blonde stereotype but who cares i love her. provides much comic relief for me especially in s2. ping pong queen. also love her bday episode. ungrateful for alfie at times. also liked mick but it’s a little more understandable cuz Hot Guy cliche. but was also mean to mara about it. but also a lot of that was mick’s fault #blamemick
alfie — 8/10
class clown who’s loyal af. Actually completes amber’s bf trial list. would go through hell for her. always feeling like he has to prove himself to the group but he’s always been an asset. we love him.
willow — 8/10
was such a comfort character when i was little. for some reason rewatching she was less of one. still absolutely so pure of heart and lovable. somebody get this girl a hedgehog.
eddie — 9/10
cool dude™. top notch bf. peddie is one of my fav ships ever. he kinda gets all heroic in s3 but s3 has a whole set of issues. plot twist reveal of his daddy issues. great development while being a great character the whole time.
fabian — 9/10
such a solid dude. guy-falls-for-girl-first trope to the max. he’s awkward and nerdy but not really cocky or annoying. fabian defense squad for life. point off for kissing joy like dude besides the outfit she looks nothing like nina come on.
jerome — 9/10
terrible person at times, but great character. comfort character of mine. his flaws allowed him to be developed throughout the show. he feels very real and human and i love him.
piper - 10/10
obsessed w her cuz i’m also pretty similar to her. both of us go (went) to music school and love patricia. not that i think she’s a BETTER character than a lot of the characters lower on this list, but this is a ranking of my favs so she has to be above them.
joy — 10/10
also a comfort character. i honestly feel most like joy out of all the characters. similar to jerome in that her character flaws lead to richer development. i live for it. was Literally held hostage by her parents and forced into a cult in s1. most of anubis house seemed to just brush that off. that doesn’t excuse her actions, but i love her growth throughout the series. not higher cuz she was kind of a dick to nina for a long while.
patricia — 10000000000+++/10
again i wish there were an infinity symbol. do i even have to say anything? witty and sarcastic and says what’s on her mind. i wish i were eddie cuz i’m in love w her. i know amber’s the one who went to fashion school, but patricia is a style icon. my gay awakening.
46 notes · View notes
dudeandduchess · 5 years
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The first list of all the sins I’ve written? Enjoy, bbys!
Tomioka Giyuu:
HURT GIYUU WEEK: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Mini/Thirsty Headcanons [Various Characters]: x, x, x, x, x,
Giyuu Being an Unexpected Baby Daddy (SFW Scenario)
The Kamaboko Squad Inviting Giyuu’s Wife on a Picnic (P1) (SFW Scenario)
The Kamaboko Squad Visiting Giyuu’s Pregnant Wife (P2) (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu Soft Sex with his S/O (NSFW Scenario)
Receiving Oral (NSFW HCs)
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Giyuu with a Female Nymphomaniac S/O (NSFW HCs)
Giyuu with a Lustful Pillar S/O (NSFW HCs)
Sabito and Giyuu Dating the Same Female Slayer (NSFW HCs)
Watching First Fireworks with Crush (SFW HCs)
Peach(es) and Cream [Giyuu x F!Reader Multi-chapter Fic]
Giyuu Cheating on Reader Angst (SFW Scenario)(Part 1)
Giyuu’s Ex Moving On with Sanemi (SFW Scenario)(Part 2 of the Cheating Giyuu Request)
Before It Sinks In [Giyuu x F!Reader] (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Teasing (NSFW Scenario)
Giyuu with a Pillar F!Reader who Goes Missing (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Tanjirō’s Older Sister (Very Slight NSFW)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Accidental Pregnancy (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Beautiful Girl (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Awkward Proposal (SFW Scenario)
Practicing His Proposal Spiel with Kyōjurō (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Just a Nightmare (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Confession + Date (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Slayer F!S/O: Almost Proposal (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Childhood Sweetheart Reader: Hardest Goodbye (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Dead S/O: “Your Hands Are So Cold.” (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Kagaya’s Little Sister: ‘Til Death Do Us Part (Part 1)(SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Kagaya’s Little Sister: "You’ll Always Have a Piece of Our Love With You, Even After I’m Gone” (Part 2)(SFW Scenario)
Giyuu with a Time Traveling S/O (SFW Scenario)
With a Drunk AF S/O (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Giyuu x Kagaya’s Little Sister: “Y/N, there’s nobody there,” (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!Reader: Jealousy Bites (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!S/O: “Stop being cute! I’m mad at you.” (SFW Scenario)
Why the Moon Became the Sun: Giyuu x F!S/O (Mythology AU)
Giyuu x F!S/O: Harbinger of Doom (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu x F!S/O: Finals Week (Slight NSFW HCs)
Giyuu x F!S/O: “Um, is that my underwear you’re holding in your hand?” (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Giyuu and Kyōjurō with Sleep-Deprived S/Os (SFW HCs)
Giyuu x F!S/O: First Date (SFW HCs)
Giyuu x F!S/O: “I love you”/“I’ll never stop loving you” (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Sabito x F!S/O x Giyuu: Teaching Moment (NSFW Scenario)
Mini/Thirsty Headcanons: x, x, x, x
Sabito x Reader Romantic HCs (SFW)
Sabito and Giyuu Dating the Same Female Slayer (NSFW HCs)
Basking in the Afterglow: Sabito x Reader (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Sabito x F!S/O: “Do you have any idea what this feels like?” (SFW Scenario)
Sabito x F!S/O: “You’re such a doof” (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Sabito Taking Care of a Sick F!S/O (SFW/NSFW HCs)
Rengoku Kyōjurō:
Kyōjurō with a Reader who Saves Him from Death (SFW Scenario)
Outcast!Reader x Kyōjurō (SFW Scenario)
Daddy Kink HCs (NSFW)
Kyōjurō in the Hot Springs with his S/O (NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Modern!Reader AU (SFW HCs)
Ballroom AU (SFW HCs)
Meeting His S/O During a Mission and Eloping (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Reader with Low Self-Esteem (SFW Scenario)
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Kyōjurō with a Lustful Pillar S/O (NSFW HCs)
Pining After a Dense S/O (SFW Scenario)
Watching First Fireworks with Crush (SFW HCs)
Pining After a Senpai (SFW HCs)
Sweetest Sin [Kyōjurō x F!Reader Multi-chapter Fic]
Kyōjurō x PIllar F!Reader who is a Member of the Wisteria Clan (SFW Scenario)
Basking in the Afterglow: Kyōjurō x Reader (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Pillar F!Reader who Goes Missing (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō with a Time Traveling Reader (SFW Scenario)(Part 1)
Kyōjurō with a Time Traveling Reader (Slight NSFW Scenario) (Part 2)
Kyōjurō x F!Reader: “I Said Move” (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Reader: Unrequited Love (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Pregnant!Reader: Good News, Bad News (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Demon!S/O: Accidents Happen (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: In Another Life, Let’s Be Lovers Again (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō with Kids: Meet the Rengoku Five (SFW Scenario)
With a Drunk AF S/O (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurõ with A Breeding Kink (NSFW HCs)
Trying to Bake a Cake for His S/O (SFW HCs)
With a S/O Who Loves the Rain (SFW Scenario)
Jealous Kyōjurō x Pillar F!Reader (SFW Scenario)
With a Sick S/O (SFW HCs)
Kyōjurō and Sanemi Sharing a Lover (NSFW HCs)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O x Sanemi: Hashira Sandwich (NSFW Scenario)
Meeting His S/O’s Family (SFW HCs)
Kyōjurō vs. Tengen: Whose Kids Are Better? (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō With His Kids: Meet the Rengoku 5 (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Happily Ever After (SFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!Reader x Kyōjurō: Daddy Kink (NSFW Scenario)
We Can’t Be (Rengoku Kyōjurō x F!Reader) (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “When were you going to tell me?” (SFW Scenario) (Part 1)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Jealous (SFW Scenario) (Part 2)
Meet the Parents (NSFW HCs)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “I’m not going anywhere without you.” (SFW Scenario)
Reacting to a Lap Dance (NSFW HCs)
Kyōjurō x F!Reader: Snow Day (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Caught Red Handed (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Lullabies and Prayers (Part 1)(SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Lullabies and You (Part 2)(SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Barista F!Reader (SFW Scenario) (Modern AU)
Kyōjurō x Stripper! F!S/O: I’m N Luv (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O x Shinjurō (NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Pillar F!S/O: The Morning After (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Last Goodbye (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Christmas Decorating (SFW Scenario)
To the Ends of the Earth: Kyōjurō x F!S/O (Mythology AU)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: The Cleansing (SFW Scenario)
Random Kyōjurō HC: Kagaya Knew He Was Going to Die
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Piggy Bank (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x Yuki (OC) (SFW HCs)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “Please don’t leave me” (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “Is everything alright?” “It is now that you’re here with me.” (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “Can you help me take care of this boner?” “Take care of it yourself!” “Well, it’s your fault it’s there in the first place!”(NSFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “Today’s the Day I Beat You In A Thumb War.” (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!Reader: “I want to be happy, but I don’t think I deserve it” (SFW Scenario)
Giyuu and Kyōjurō with Sleep-Deprived S/Os (SFW HCs)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: “I can’t keep pretending like I’m okay with being just your friend when I want you in my bed.” (SFW Scenario)
Mini/Thirsty Headcanons: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
Rengoku Shinjurō:
Shinjurō x F!Reader x Kyōjurō: Daddy Kink (NSFW Scenario)
Younger!Shinjurō x F!S/O: Wifely Duties (NSFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!Reader: A Love To Last A Lifetime (SFW Scenario)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O x Shinjurō (NSFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!S/O: Bath Scene (NSFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!S/O: “Do you think you could love me?” (SFW Scenario)
DTR: Define the Relationship [Shinjurō x F!Reader, Modern AU, Multi-chapter Fic]
Shinjurō x F!Reader: “I’m no good for you, baby. I’m not a good man.” (SFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!S/O: Sinful Surprise (NSFW Scenario)
Shinjurō: Teletubbies AU [Part 1, Part 2]
Shinjurō x F!Reader: Surprise! (Modern AU, NSFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!S/O: Best Part of Me (SFW Scenario)
Shinjurō x F!S/O (NSFW HCs)
Mini/Thirsty Headcanons: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
Iguro Obanai:
Reader Having a Crush on Iguro and Declaring Kanroji as a Rival (SFW Scenario)
Receiving Oral (NSFW HCs)
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Shinazugawa Sanemi:
Sanemi x Reader: Modern AU - Dates (SFW HCs)
Daddy Kink HCs (NSFW)
Sanemi x Wife!S/O Domestic Fluff (SFW Scenario)
Pre-Hashira Sanemi Being Taken Care of by His S/O (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi with an S/O Who’s Insecure About Her Scars (SFW Scenario)
Receiving Oral (NSFW HCs)
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Sanemi with a Lustful S/O (NSFW HCs)
Sanemi with a Penchant for Public Sex (NSFW HCs)
Love Her [Sanemi x F!Reader Multi-chapter Fic]
Reaction so S/O’s Ahegao Face (NSFW HCs)
Sanemi Pinning His Shy S/O (Slight NSFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!Reader: Unexpected Surprise (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi with a Sleep Deprived S/O (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi with Giyuu’s F!S/O: Unrequited Love (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!S/O: Time Traveling AU (SFW Scenario)
Falling for a Working Class S/O (SFW HCs)
Sanemi x F!S/O: Making Ohagi (SFW Scenario)
With a Sick S/O (SFW HCs)
Kyōjurō and Sanemi Sharing a Lover (NSFW HCs)
Kyōjurō x F!S/O x Sanemi: Hashira Sandwich (NSFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!S/O: Cheek Kisses (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi As A Father: Meet the Ohagis (SFW HCs)
Meeting His S/O’s Family (SFW HCs)
Sanemi x F!Reader: Unexpected Surprise (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!Reader: Post-Workout Teasing (NSFW Scenario)
Meet the Parents (NSFW HCs)
Sanemi x F!S/O: “I’ll teach you how to use that mouth.” (NSFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!S/O: “Sometimes the happiest people are often the ones who need the most cheering up.” (SFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!Reader: “Because I still fucking love you.” “If you walk out that door, we’re done.”(SFW Scenario)
Sanemi x F!S/O: Green Eyed Monster (NSFW Scenario)
Mini/Thirsty Headcanons: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x,
Uzui Tengen:
Daddy Kink HCs (NSFW)
Pining After His Fuck Buddy (SFW Scenario)
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Meeting His S/O’s Family (SFW HCs)
Meet the Parents (NSFW HCs)
Uzui x F!S/O: Domestic Bliss (Slight NSFW HCs)
Uzui x F!S/O: Overstimulation (NSFW Scenario)
Uzui x F!S/O: “Now’s not a good time” (SFW Scenario)
Uzui x F!S/O: “Give me attention” (SFW Scenario)
Tsugikuni Yoriichi:
Yoriichi x F!S/O: “I only want to please you” (NSFW Scenario)
Yoriichi x F!S/O: “I missed something didn’t I?” (SFW Scenario)
Tokitō Muichirō:
Muichiro with a Pillar!Reader Who Loves the Rain (SFW Scenario)
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Kochō Shinobu:
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Kanroji Mitsuri:
Reaction to a Nude and Inviting Non-Girlfriend S/O (Slight NSFW)
Haganezuka Hotaru:
First Day Married to His Wife (SFW HCs)
Urokodaki Sakonji:
Urokodaki Sakonji x F!Reader (NSFW Scenario)
Kibutsuji Muzan
First Random Thought of 2020: The Blue Spider Lily Must Have Been On Mt. Yoko
4K notes · View notes
Bring on the Mania! Pt 4
After escaping from the mermafia, they managed to make it to professor Crewel. But ever after since encountering the twins, Amane was surprisingly well behaved, sure he would flirt with a student from time to time. But when they left the classroom, he would look behind his shoulder every so often.
"Uhhh, are you okay? You've been acting paranoid ever since we ran into Azul and the twins." Concern etched her features. It grew when she watched him flinched at the mention of the latter.
"Ha-hahaha! What are you talking about, Sugar tits? I'm just peachy!" His smile didn't convince her. She could see the corners of his mouth twitched. She glanced at Grim and Lisha; the former furrowed his brows in suspicion, while the latter had a worried look in her eyes.
School ended for the day. Valerie and Amane made it to the entrance of the school where the rest of her first-year squad was. Tomorrow was the weekend, and she texted them for a sleepover, and they all agreed. Though they were still wary of him, they were able to hold a conversation with him better.
"Wait." Ace started. "You guys ran into Azul and the twins."
"And he's been jumpy ever since?" Deuce ended, glancing at the man, who was busy chatting with Epel about Lisha, the said strix nestled herself on Epel's fluffy head.
"Yeah, I don't know what they said to him, but whatever those two said really did a number on him." Valerie carefully cradled a sleeping Grim in her arms.
"I wouldn't be surprised if they have blackmail on him, considering that his family has a strong influence on Twisted Wonderland, and Azul will use that for his benefit." Jack added, huffing at the thought of it.
"But, they just met him. How could they obtain that information in less than a day?" Deuce thought.
"With how he paraded himself, it wouldn't be hard for him to the object of discussion for the whole school, even more so his family name." Sebek nodded.
The sound of music and praise filled the air when they neared the sports field. Valerie paused to see the commotion; the others did too, curious about what took the girl's attention.
There was a crowd of people, and they all surrounded whoever they were cheering for. Deciding to go nearer, Valerie politely excused herself from her friends, much to their confusion, and carefully waded her way through the crowd.
"Excuse me. Sorry, coming through." She repeatedly apologized before finally made her way to the source.
In the center of it all were Jamil and another student in the middle of a heated breakdance competition. By the look of it, no one was sure who was winning. She spotted Kalim in the far corner, holding a large 'Go Jamil!' sign over his sign.
"You're doing amazing, Jamil!" The garnet-eyed male cheered with a brilliant smile on his face.
Valerie felt her friend's presence. Hearing some of them catch their breaths confirms it.
"Damn it, Princess, and you said me and Deuce give you a headache." She heard Ace complain. She felt him lean to her side, his hand resting on her head.
"Do you think Jamil is winning?" Deuce asked as he watched in awe as the two students kept on pulling advance moves.
"I sure hope so." She replied, having full faith in her senior's abilities.
Amane stood behind her, pursing his, and folded his arms over his chest. He had a contemplative look on his face as he watched them dance. A loud cheer caught his attention, he glanced in the direction of it, and a flash of realization came to his fate when he saw Kalim.
Jamil delivered the finishing move that ended the battle and claimed his victory. The crowd cheered for his win, congratulated him, even his opponent, who wasn't even phased by his defeat, and admitted that he was the better dancer. Kalim happily ran over and tackled him for a hug. Jamil staggered from the impact but recovered quickly and tried to get him off.
"Oi! Get off!" Jamil demanded, trying to push his dorm leader away.
"Jamil, I'm so happy for you! You were incredible!" The energetic male praised. Jamil stopped when it appeared that he wasn't going to move from his position and reluctantly let Kalim hug him. Around them, the students had already dispersed and went back to the dorms. Well almost...
"Jamil, you were on fire." A feminine voice complimented. The Scarabia duo turned their heads and saw the school's only girl in front of them, as well as her friends.
"Hello, Valerie!" Kalim cheerfully greeted, Jamil just gave a nod of acknowledgment. An idea popped into Kalim's head.
"Hey Jamil, maybe you can teach Valerie that dance just now. She already proved herself to be a fast learner under your tutelage." Kalim suggested. Jamil hummed at the thought.
"That may be so, but it's still advance for her." He reasoned. Jamil jumped a bit when he found her face so close to his, he fought down the blush rising on his cheeks.
"I promise to put all my effort into it! I won't disappoint you!" She affirmed, the sincerity evident in her voice, and her determined face was too adorable for him.
"I-If that's how you feel, then fine. I won't go easy on you." The dark-haired male declared with a smirk. The girl just happily grinned up at him.
"Sup, Al-Asim." Amane casually greeted. He strolled up to the group with his arms behind his head.
"Mm, oh hey, Amane." Kalim waved at the man.
It that time, Grim woke up. The monster blinked blearily and let out a large yawn. He looked around and saw everyone's surprised faces; he turned his head to Amane and Kalim in the middle of a pleasant conversation. The first years blinked, watching in silence as Kalim and Amane converse like old friends.
"Do you know each other?" Epel queried.
"Oh yeah, I met this ball of sunshine when I was ten. His father brought him over so we can get acquainted;  for future business relations." Amane waved his hand dismissively.
"Our meetings became less frequent as time went on, and then we stopped seeing each other." Kalim admitted. Though there was an underlying sadness in his tone, he covered it up with a bright smile.
"But I heard rumors that a man was hanging around with Valerie. I didn't expect it was you."
"Amane, you already graduated. What are you doing here?" Jamil questioned. He narrowed his eyes towards the older male.
"I decided to hang with this girl for two days." The hetero eye male replied, wrapping one arm around Valerie for emphasis.
"Since we made the blood pact, I wanted to get to know her better and check out this school more." He added.
"You could have just visited her during the weekend." Jamil countered, crossing his arms.
"Oh, snake daddy, do you have any idea how hectic my schedule is? It's probably worse than yours." Amane remarked, using the girl as an armrest.
"Anyway, we got someplace to be. Catch you two later." He removed his arm, walking ahead from the rest of them.
"Oh, bye, Amane!" Kalim smiled at the back of his friend's retreating form.
"He could have at least wait, how rude." Sebek cast a disapproving look at Amane.
"Might as well catch up with him. See you, guys." Valerie waved at the Scarabia duo; before jogging after Amane. The rest of the first years followed.
"It's good to see Amane again, huh, Jamil?" There was a fond look in his eyes as he watched the first years catching up with the demon.
"It is surprising to see him here and making a pact with Valerie no less." Jamil commented.
"I hope we can re-connect, considering what father told me what happened to him." He turned to Jamil with downcast eyes; his smile lacked the joy he had earlier.
"Let's head back too. I'm sure some of the residents need something from us." Kalim went ahead, acting like nothing was wrong. Jamil stood there, watching Kalim's figure before catching up with him.
The sun was already setting, and everyone was currently in the living room, having already eaten dinner made by the ghosts. The boys were already in their pajamas, so they were just waiting for Valerie to come down.
"Wait. You're friends with Lorelei Arachne?" Deuce asked incredulously. He wore a simple white shirt and dark blue pajama shorts. He was lying on his sleeping bag with the rest of the first years.
"Childhood friends, to be exact, honey." Amane corrected. He wore silk maroon pajamas with gold accents, lying on his side, taking most of the space on the couch.
"Pfft, now way. You expect us to believe that crap." Ace scoffed. Like Deuce, he wore a white shirt and red pajama shorts. "Probably a ploy to get in our pants."
Amane reached to the coffee table and grabbed his phone. He swiped it a few times before showing them a picture.
It was him, and his arm was wrapped around a young woman. She had an alluring heart-shaped face, long wavy blood-red hair that reaches to her thighs. Her eyes had black sclera, amber iris and black slits , and porcelain skin. Both were smiling and dressed in winter clothes, and what seemed to be a resort in the background.
"So hot stuff, you believe me now?" Amane smirked smugly on watching the first year's gawk at the photo.
"I-I-I..." Ace had no words for what he was seeing.
"I can't believe what I'm seeing." Jack muttered, scratching the back of his neck. He wore a white tank top and black pajama pants.
"That's amazing, Amane!" Deuce exclaimed as he stared at the picture.
"Where are you?" Sebek questioned. He wore a dark green pajama set with white accents.
"It's in the northern part of the land of pyroxene. She wanted to take a break from idol life, so I suggested this place; it wasn't that popular, but it had potential. I'm glad I did; it was like she got a few years of her life back." He took back his phone to stare at it; a small smile formed on his face as he recalled the memory.
"Is her life that hard?" Epel asked. He wore a black shirt with purple flannel pattern pajamas.
"Hell yeah, it is." He started to count each one with his fingers.
"Following a strict regime. A special diet to maintain her figure. Always acting happy in front of the camera. Walking around with weights on her body to make her dancing more fluid. Constantly performing and going to meet-n-greets no matter how tired she is. No love life. Ohh, and don't get me started with those bitchy fans of hers."
Amane seethed at the last one; he curled his lips with icy contempt and held his phone so tight, cracks were forming. His eyes flashed, not only in anger but something else. His eyes glowed dangerously bright as if a wildfire lit up, ready to burn down everything on its path.
But what concerned them the most is what was happening to his body. Like a technical glitch, they could see horns and a pair of wings on his back, flickering in and out of existence.
The first years' froze from their spot on the floor. Unaccustomed to seeing this side of him, they glanced at each other, unable to say that might trigger the hetero-eyed male. Fear tingled their backs as Amane's eyes glow brighter and becoming more demonic.
When Amane finally looked up, he found the frightened and wary faces of Valerie's friends staring at him. Their bodies were tense; they were either ready to run from him or pin him to the ground. Confused, he glanced at the dark screen of his phone and understood their caution. Amane closed his eyes and took a deep breath, counting up to twenty in his head, and let it all out. He looked at his phone; no glowing eyes or horns and wings.
He turned back to the first-year squad. They were still on high alert, albeit calm themselves considerably; there was an awkward silence in the air, with neither party saying a word. In the end, Amane spoke up.
"So, is Sugar tits done yet?"
"I'm right here, Amane." Her voice rang out.
She came into the room wearing a pink shirt that exposed her midriff and matching shorts. Grim was lying on her head, with Lisha on top of his. In her arms were various board games. Valerie's cheerful smile was replaced by a concerned frown; the tension in the air was thick, and from her friends' body language, they were on the verge of tackling him.
"Is everything alright?" She asked worriedly, sitting down and placing the boxes on the coffee table.
"Yeah, we-" Deuce started before Ace abruptly cut him off.
"THIS GUY NEARLY WENT DEMON MODE ON US!" Ace screamed, pointing accusingly at the midnight haired male. Valerie blinked and turned to Amane, who bowed his head.
"Uhh, w-what happened?"
"Amane was just telling us he was friends with Lorelei Arachne." Jack answered. "But Ace didn't believe him, so he showed us a picture of them on his phone. Amane began to list off how hard her life was, to the point of angering him."
I-I didn't mean to lose control." The incubi tried to defend. "It's just the way they treat her makes my blood boil."
Amane bit his lower lip. Eyes darting everywhere, unwilling to look at them. Simmering in silent rage.
"But, at least she had you, didn't she?" Grim, surprisingly offered. Amane stopped biting his lip and loosen his muscles.
"Yeah, that bitch and I had each other backs ever since I could remember. Whenever the world decided to throw shit at us, we always managed to come on top."
A small smile etched his face,  his eyes grew soft and nostalgic. Valerie placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. The hetero-eyed gave her a thankful smile.
"So, what do you have in store, Sugar tits?"
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hollow-dweller · 3 years
wip tag game
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title(s) that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
hey @ambivalentmarvel every time you tag me in something like this my wips list is longer than the last. considering this a personal attack at this point you will be hearing from my lawyer (ilu)
okay so (not including future parts of posted wips or pwps because this list is already WAY TOO LONG):
acadec squad saves the day
buried alive
find the beginning
fos bonding hours
hot idiot summer
may pov poisoning fic
morgan mj kidnapping fic
ned saves the day
out here in the wild oats
peter goes to space
sad hours with morgan stark
tony gets shot
monica/yelena feels
pepper/okoye fic
a shrine, or else a scar
character study series
emmyrua monster
medieval sugar daddy cinematic universe
your heart (like a bird in my teeth)
amnesiac knight/rogue au
bloody beef man on the stoop
ciaran is Stressed
ciaran POV
cinderella au
demon/priest au
diarmuid goes alone
diarmuid was in the cart
fine i'll do it myself
flame and rust
future mob boss diarmuid au
hunchback of notre dame au
hunting season
no post on sundays
oh how the turn tables
pagan diarmuid au
presumed dead au
prison au
prisoner diarmuid fic
raymond is a bad man
rivals raymuid 4 rua
role reversal au
serial killer/SOTL ripoff
take your broken wings
the love is contained in the soup
the one with the baby
tomorrow, after you leave
tragic: the worst person you know just made a great point
where the spirit meets the bone
you don't have to know that it's haunted
other fandoms
nile saves the day (the old guard)
hannah grose deserved better (the haunting of bly manor)
yassen ex machina (alex rider)
for you (i'll take the blue) (vld.hell)
hold my bones and wonder (vld.hell)
the cracks you'll see (vld.hell)
the shallurance masterwork (vld.hell)
hi yes i live in shame at all times thank you so much for asking
i'm not tagging this many people lmao but (no pressure ofc) @lunannex @saltwaterpanda @lnnkeeper @emkayoh @gooddaygalaxy @grazygardener @unwanted-animal @123-its-just-me
and anyone else who wants to do it!! (seriously tag me and i'll gladly harass you about your wips)
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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THE AWARD NOMINATED FIC CONTINUES! Now nominated for the 2020 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha fandom awards for best dark! This is the second time I've been nominated for best dark, you guys trying to tell me something? LOL! Maybe I should post a comedy soon? I do love writing a dark plot for Inuyasha though...
Speaking of posting fics, I have a couple up to bat for next. I was wondering if you guys would be interested in having a say? I could post the choices on Tumblr? If that is something you'd want or if you don't tumble and want me to post them in my ANs, let me know!
Thank you all for your support. Another nomination... I mean I was blown away with the first one! This really is a great Fandom. I had honestly considered leaving fanfiction completely until I entered this one. Now I want to stay! My originals are going to suffer but oh well I guess. I'm almost done with one original and I'm super excited about it! I might take a small break from originals once it's done and out to publishers to work on some fanfiction. I also still don't have a keyboard, typing on my screen currently. If I thought I had gorilla fingers before... Top of my list to finish, Daddy Issues (SM) and STYH.
Anyway, enjoy all!
Oh am I supposed to still tag? Idk if I am I think most of you have this bookmarked. @underwater0phelia @lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows @superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan @cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere @inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac @faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92 @storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed @petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess @theschultinator @all-too-ale​ @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen @queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00 Do you guys want me to tag you? For this and other things I post? Please let me know!!!
Chapter Eight
"Didn't...Inuyasha say something about a six-year-old?" Kagome asked, pulling a stool near and sitting to listen intently to Miroku.
"Inuyasha was six, living with his mother with no word from his father when he met Naraku. His father was never in his life and his mother didn't know a damn thing about demons. So when Naraku found Inuyasha and tried to pull him into his gang, Inuyasha cried as loud and as hard as he could about the bad man trying to steal him. Naraku fought back against the cops, of course, but this was around the time that anti-demon repulsion was coming into fashion. Naraku didn't know what hit him and it was all thanks to Inuyasha that the cops even knew what to use on the fucker."
"Okay.. so Naraku hates Inuyasha. With the looks around the yard, I would think that would be in his favor?"
Miroku huffed, "Yes and no. Naraku will crush anything that Inuyasha touches so no one touches him. And Naraku was one of the demons that helped in the purge."
"Hold on, is that what demon killer meant?"
"Yes. The purge of 06 was carried out by demons."
She felt sick, swallowing thickness beach down her throat. "Why would demons do that to each other?"
"Well, ones like Sesshomaru were promised their freedom. Which of course they didn't get. But Naraku… he did it for power. And the idiots that ran this place back then let him get away with consuming countless demons before cutting him off. He killed about a hundred demons and thirty humans that day."
"You were there?"
"No. I'm not that old! Geez, woman! No, my father was there. He was a guard once before his curse consumed him."
She brushed the back of his cursed hand. "It will consume you too?"
Miroku nodded and moved on quickly. A sore subject. "Inuyasha's reputation isn't helped by the fact that he put a lot of the demons in here."
Her head was starting to spin. "Inuyasha was part of the Anti-Demon Squad?"
"Ug. Always hated that name. So contrite."
"You were on it too?"
"Yes. We were partners. Hence why he tolerates me. But then the tables turned and we were the ones on the wanted boards. All because he has demon blood in his veins and my curse."
"I was thrown in here, too, for being different." They had a short moment of solidarity and moved on. "If you both hunted demons then why does no one hurt the people you touch?"
Without saying a word, he lifted his cursed hand and waved it. "I'm also not a half-demon. That's frowned upon by both sides apparently. Never bothered me. Who he's related to also doesn't help. Plus, I don't have Naraku gunning for me. Inuyasha never had a chance, getting thrown in here."
"Couldn't he have lobbied for a different prison? There are at least… three?"
Miroku shook his head, "the public wasn't told this, but after the purge, they knocked it down to one prison."
"But..but...that means…"
"All the caught demons are all right here in one convenient spot. Cuts down on funding"
"So if this place becomes overpopulated again…"
"Luckily new demons don't come in much anymore. With people like me and Inuyasha no longer on the force," Miroku gloated, "they don't catch that many anymore."
She huffed, "for such a good demon catcher, you'd think you'd avoid getting caught!"
"Yes, well, what do all humans end up getting caught up in no matter how hard they try?"
It took her no time at all to figure that one out. "You? And Inuyasha?"
"Inuyasha's girlfriend turned him in while I," he sighed heavily at the memory, "I was turned in by one hell of an enchantress."
Kagome had gotten caught saving the man she once loved. There was nothing she could say on the subject, she was just as pathetic as they were.
"Inuyasha is just trying to protect you the only way he can. If everyone thinks he hates you, they'll leave you alone. Although now I'm not so sure there's a point. Looks like Naraku has it out for you regardless. What did you do to get in his sights?"
Rolling her eyes and her stool away, she started straightening up to leave. "I took some blood. He didn't want me to but I didn't have a choice! The Warden was breathing down my neck. I don't regret it, doing it got me this infirmary and now I can do what I love, helping people."
"They're not people, Kagome. They're demons."
"Same difference!"
"No. Not really. If it weren't for the runes they wouldn't even need a Doctor."
"Well there are runes and I am needed."
"Runes or not, you're definitely needed here, Kagome."
She was still thinking it over, but now she was sure. A talk with the Warden was a necessity.
It didn't take as long as she expected for the Warden to find time for her, stopping by the infirmary. And he didn't give her a fight on her sleeping in there either like she thought he would. Either her argument, being ready even in the middle of the night to help and not needing much guarding like the demons in the prison, worked really well or Onigumo had other reasons. She didn't kid herself, the grin he wore the entire conversation told her it was the latter.
What he gained from her being here, she didn't know but she gained as well, getting away from Inuyasha.
Miroku's story that day had been nice, it was good to know someone in here had a heart. But it also showed her what having a heart did to people here. Inuyasha would forever suffer more than the other inmates. They could connect with others, maybe even fall in love and have some kind of life in here. Inuyasha could never have that.
So really, she was doing him a favor. Getting out of his hair would only make things easier for him. This way, he no longer had to force himself to care or not about her.
Inuyasha wasn't in the cell when she got her things, a few extra pairs of scrubs was all she had, and she was glad for that. The last thing she wanted to do was explain and see the relief spread across his face. Now a few weeks later and she almost never saw Inuyasha, proof positive that he was glad to be rid of her and she tried not to let it bother her.
It was a good thing, that didn't mean she was happy about it.
Now the keys to the infirmary were hers for good, locking everything away and pocketing the keys when the door opened. Koga was leaning heavily on one of his men, blood dripping to the floor. Pointing to the bed without a word, she got the needed items and pushed her stool to his side. His friend left, shutting the door behind him.
"What happened?"
Koga glanced at the wound like it was nothing, a long and angry line that continued to drip blood on the floor would be nothing but a scratch to a demon under normal circumstances. "Your friend attacked me."
"Excuse me?" Her disbelief was rolling off her tongue.
"Kagura. I think she was hoping for solitary. Wants to be back beside her man."
That actually made sense. Sesshomaru got a couple days a week out of solitary and those days were spent enjoying the cooler days outside or with Kagura. Usually both at the same time. It was really endearing, the cool-headed Sesshomaru falling at the feet of the hot-tempered Kagura. She should really have a conversation with Kagura, see if she could get her to come to the infirmary for a private meeting.
"Kagome," Koga grabbed one of her hands and stopped her work, "I'm glad we have a moment together like this. I wanted to give you another chance to think about my offer…"
She pulled roughly from his hold. "I told you, no. I don't need or want your protection…"
"Why? Because you have the Hanyou's?" She remained silent and Koga snickered, "He won't protect you. Not from everything. And he's nothing compared to Naraku, who has a hardon for you."
They both ignored the small jump in her chest at the mention of that name. "Naraku is locked away in solitary."
"For now. They let him out every now and then you know? Not as often as Sesshomaru, obviously. And there are other things to be protected from."
Kagome hadn't had many struggles since she'd been here, focusing on wrapping his wound instead of his words. Because they were false. "I'm fine."
"Of course you are! Because of me! The only reason you've had it so good is because I've kept you from the worst of it this whole time!" He shouted at the top of her head.
He was like a child, acting out when he didn't get the attention he wanted. So she didn't give him what he wanted, continuing to watch her hands. "I'd prefer it to being your woman. I know what happens to them."
Silence rang out for a few solitary moments. Then Koga took her hand again, stopping her work to her agitation. "It wouldn't be like that, Kagome. I… I like you. I want you to myself."
Throughout her life, Kagome had received a few confessions. Each time it was a shock. She never once thought of herself as someone 'wanted' or 'likable' like that. She was self-confident to a healthy level, but she never took the time to consider others romantically. Even Hojo, it took her some time to collect herself and give him an answer when he confessed. But, even though it was a surprise, she knew she felt nothing of the kind back to Koga.
"I… appreciate that. And your protection. But I can't give you anything more than friendship. I'm sorry."
Roaring, he got up at that, standing over the bed and her with a glare that had his eyes glowing. "You'll regret this, Doctor."
His continued immaturity was on full display as he stomped out. Kagome just found it annoying. She made it through her younger years unscathed only to get locked up and deal with bullies like this? It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
It started out small, the differences in 'life without Koga's protection'. Mostly just more kid's stuff.
The nods she used to get turned from grimaces to indifference thanks to Naraku, making the hazing that much easier to occur. Someone would walk by her at lunch and tug her hair. It hurt but it wasn't enough to scare her into Koga's arms. Next, it was shoving. In line for food, out in the yard, walking around in the halls. Then tripping.
All they were really doing was making her look and feel like a klutz.
Combine the three and it hurt pretty bad though, especially when they didn't let go of her hair until after she hit the floor hard. By now she knew who to look for too. And for some reason, it was Koga's women. That had her a little worried that things would only get worse and that he would eventually send his men after her. No way was she going to break though, she refused to be someone's bitch. She'd rather be beaten to a pulp.
Which was very likely to happen before Koga's pack went all out, his women clustering around her for another dose of 'life'. They had already gotten her in the cafeteria today but it looked like they were upping their treatment, coming up from behind as usual.
Hands on her back, she knew what was coming and stepped to the side. This didn't stop them from tripping her but it did keep them from getting a hold on her hair. Her long braided cord was still aching from when they tried to rip it from her head earlier. Her side step put her on a different path, one that had her colliding with another body once she lost her equilibrium. Or rather had it forced from her instead of lost.
It was the first time in weeks she hadn't face planted to the floor. Instead, her face was planted firmly in a chest that had hands wrapped around her biceps. "Oi watch where you're going!"
Slowly lifting her head, Kagome prayed she'd heard wrong but it was undeniable even before golden eyes glared down at her. She had successfully avoided Inuyasha since the day she moved into the infirmary. Three weeks of not seeing his molten orbs on her and now she was practically on top of him.
She wasn't a fool. He was avoiding her too. How else could it be possible, a large jail but not that large, that she didn't see so much as a wisp of his white locks disappearing around a corner? He wasn't avoiding her now, his hands still on her even as she got her bearings. His glare quickly passed from her to the women softly cackling behind her. Their laughter stopped but Kagome knew their hazing was far from finished.
The women moved on but Inuyasha still had his hands on her, slowly turning from holding to rubbing. "You alright?"
She shrugged off his question but not his touch, missing it more than she cared to admit. "I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle."
"Koga is trying to pressure you…"
"I know," she sighed, "he confessed to me a few weeks ago…" Inuyasha tensed but she ignored it, "I told him I just wanted to be friends…"
Now he laughed, the sound echoing off the walls and a few others that passed by. Inuyasha didn't seem to have any struggle being seen touching her all of a sudden. But there weren't many around to see this. "I wish I could have been there to see that!"
"You didn't need to be. Because he responded the same as he is now. Childish pranks and hazing. People are so immature here!"
"Demons," he corrected her again, "and most have been locked up in here since before puberty. They don't know how to act like adults." His hold dropped and he started to back away. "So how did kids in your schools act when they didn't get their way?"
She knew the answer and she didn't like it. "I get it. Any advice on making it stop?"
He was leaving her behind so she followed at a distance. "If Koga wants you to be his 'girl' then there's really only one way to make it stop. Unless you want to be his?"
Turning to look at her over his shoulder, Inuyasha teased her in a manner that had her wondering if he was actually curious. "Yeah, that's a big 'no'."
He chuckled, turning back around. If anyone were to watch them it would look like she was just walking behind him, not that they were having a conversation. "Then you gotta become someone else's bitch."
"Nope. No way. Forget it, I'll just take the hazing."
He stopped and spun to face her. "Even if that includes getting your bones turned to paste? Can't help others with only one arm."
"I'm a Doctor in a jail infirmary. Not a surgeon in the cancer ward. One arm will serve me well enough." His eyes went impossibly wide at that but she ignored it. "Can I pretend to be someones? Like you?"
Taking a step, he removed the distance between them. "I don't pretend."
Maybe he was trying to scare her? It was pointless, she didn't fear Inuyasha in the slightest. Of all the people here, he was the only one she trusted to the fullest. It was why her heart picked up its pace whenever he was close. The fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous didn't help though, his strong jaw flexing more the longer she held her ground and head up to him. Crossing her arms over her chest and hoping to muffle the sound, she took a slow and deep breath. Not to speak, but to breathe in his Earthy scent that she had missed.
He broke first, shaking his head. "No. Even faking a relationship with me would only bring you more trouble."
"Would it? Naraku already has it out for me. And everyone here may hate me but they won't touch me thanks to my Doctor status."
His mouth hung open for a moment, thoughts turning in his head. But then it slammed shut and he seethed. "Miroku."
"What else did that damn gossip tell you?"
She kept her mouth shut and shook her head. Anything else that Miroku had told her was more like hearsay, it didn't really tell her anything about the man before her. And she rather hear the details from Inuyasha when he was ready, not forced to explain.
"Doesn't matter. Things would only get worse if you associate with me. Which, you know or you wouldn't be living in the infirmary." His tone was accusing and she took great offense.
"I moved out so you'd have one less thing to worry about. Besides, I was tired of the angry puppy routine."
"Dog references. Nice." He said with a grimace.
"You're welcome!" She smirked.
She watched the corners of his mouth fight with him for a moment, wanting to smile but not before her so they ended up twitching. "You should talk to Miroku. I'm sure he'd looove to have you as his 'bitch'."
Kagome wasn't too sure about that but Inuyasha knew him better than she did. Giving him a nod, she expected the 'conversation' to end. Except Inuyasha reached up and gently pulled the small elastic out of her hair. She never asked how but Kagura had given her a few from her 'stash' of hair supplies. And now it was around Inuyasha's wrist like a bracelet.
While her hair still maintained its shape, it was only a matter of seconds before it completely unfurled. That wasn't fast enough for Inuyasha, carefully loosening her strands until they fell apart, a long cape down her back. He stared at her for a few more heart-pounding seconds, breathing in deeply like she had moments ago when he got close and her lungs weren't restricted from his actions.
"Just wear your hair up and out of reach. It won't be much longer till they cut it off like a trophy. Probably what Koga wants them to do the most."
Swallowing hard, she kept her eyes on his, watching as he looked all around her face, neck, and shoulders. As if drinking her in. "What would he do with something like that?"
Instead of answering her question like a normal person, he reached over and took a handful of her hair. Then pressed it to his nose as an example, closing his eyes as he breathed in her scent deeply. It confused her body because she really liked him smelling her, oddly, but that mixed with the image of Koga doing the same thing. Inuyasha was a dog and Koga a wolf. So although different, they would have many things in common like their addiction to smells. If Kagome went by Inuyasha, she must smell really good to those with sensitive noses.
Suddenly, he dropped her hair and stepped back. She had forgotten that the distance between them wasn't the norm, feeling the heat of his skin on hers he was so close.
Turning on his heels, Inuyasha shoved his hands into his pockets and quickly moved away from her. "Just make sure it's a fake relationship with Miroku."
He called to her, not turning to speak to her as he was too busy getting as far away as possible. Inuyasha was out of sight when she realized he didn't get her back her hair tie.
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jessedvn · 4 years
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HELLO ALL!! the name is sierra and i’m twenty four years old. hailing from the pst timezone, you’ll find me around at such odd hours due to my work schedule at the hospital and overall fact that i’m just a hot mess extraordinaire. message me or like this or whatever you wanna and we can connect on discord! ❤ check below for a little intro on my girl jessica. 
full name: jessica grace eden. age & birthdate: 30 // december 22nd, 1990. gender & sexuality: cis woman // bisexual. relationship status: single. children: bella eden. occupation: er nurse // part time bartender at rendezvous. hometown: charming, california. current residence: charming, california.
trigger warning for miscarriage, still birth, unhealthy relationships, drug abuse !!
jessica was born and raised in charming, california to a father she lost way too soon and a mother who was more absent than present. she had a younger brother who she practically raised, only a handful of years between them, named jamie.
she was a cheerleader in high school and fairly popular despite basically being on her own with no parents for support. luckily enough, she had decent grades and good friends so her childhood wasn’t all that bad.
entering college and doing so locally, jessica decided to pursue nursing. her ultimate goal and dream is to climb the ranks and wind up on a surgical floor or an icu unit. but with working from an income on a part time job and grants that only took her so far, college was a little difficult for her. her studies were the most important, and caving to weakness, jessica turned to popping pills and partially cheating on exams to get by. not that she truly needed to, she was intelligent, but there were only so many hours in the damn day.
she eventually graduated and upon earning her degree, she also brought along her pill problem and took it home with her. she managed to curb it with the help of her little brother.
turning twenty five, jessica had met who soon would become the father of the child she lost. he was affiliated with the devil’s disciples and the relationship was on and off and a bit messy. after the loss of their child their relationship seemed to dissolve completely.
with her brother finding his way to the wicked wolves, jessica also did as well. she found solace and friendship and connection in quite a few of the members. one in particular saved her from an instance with her former boyfriend, her relapsing, all by forcing her out of the situation and smacking her right back into reality.
after the loss of her daughter and the almost relapse, jessica decided to get the hell out of dodge for some time. she left charming to pursue a job in seattle and stayed there for a few years.
now, jessica’s at a much better place than she was when she left charming. she’s returned within the last few years, scored a job at the hospital but was forced to work part time at the bar to make ends meet since she’s still pretty low on the totem pole at the hospital. she missed her girls and her brother and, well, seattle was lonelier than she’d like to admit...
she’s a feisty, loud mouthed and passionate woman. she’s driven to better herself, but often falls weak to her sins and demons in the closet. she’s sharp and stubborn. loyal and soft. tenderhearted and has an insane desire for love... and garlic fries.
her aesthetics? high waisted levi jean shorts on curvy hips, open bedroom windows at night, 3am conversations in the booth of a diner, and cheap champagne in plastic cups.
FORMER BABY DADDY┊trigger warning for miscarriage, still birth, unhealthy relationships !! this one is a storyline driven connection but could work for plenty! basically, jessica and this guy had a sticky situation on their hands. he was a devil’s disciple ( how involved he was with the club is of course depending on said character ) and she was a young twenty something in college trying to make a life for herself who turned to popping pills to get through it. the relationship was on and off and very troubling, but they both were passionate and often fell back into each other. sooner or later, when the couple was off, jessica found herself pregnant. the pregnancy was hard on her body and almost as if her body betrayed her, she suffered a lot of complications up until late in the game. their child was still birth and the pair never seemed to recover or find their way back to each other afterwards. however, their relationship was passionate, so feelings could still be there.
YOUNGER BROTHER┊for headcanon purposes i’ve named him jamie, but this of course is not set in stone and can be changed upon chatting and getting things rolling! he’s about 25/26 and the younger brother of jessica. as you can read above, the lost their dad and their mom was absent and a runaway, so jessica was a big role model for jamie upon growing up. of course, when he got old enough, he began to work fo himself and do everything he could to provide for himself while also helping jessica throughout her college years. he’s currently a prospect for the wicked wolves which isn’t what jessica imagined for her brother, but she can’t really blame him for heading into that life, either.
THE SAVIOR┊this would be the member of the wicked wolves that jessica had met through her brother being introduced to the club. jessica jokes that he “saved” her from her former self, but in reality, he kind of did. he was the one, aside from her brother, that made sure jessica didn’t slip back into her old habits after suffering the loss of her daughter. he has an obvious distain for jessica’s ex, but that also fuels the fire that they are from opposing clubs. there’s a brief headcanon that he and jessica fell into bed together once the night before she left for seattle but jessica has yet to touch on that since returning to charming within the last four years.
GIRL SQUADS┊jessica is a girls girl. she needs all the girlfriends she can get. she’s got an insane love for samantha martinez and considers the girl her sister. buuuut, she keeps her circle close and tight knit, so she needs all the girlfriends that i can steal for her!
NEIGHBORS┊jessica moved back into her childhood home upon returning to charming four years ago. it’s a smaller three bedroom home but it works, so obviously, she would have plenty of neighbors! probably old from where she grew up, and some new from where she moved back home.
EXES┊whether it be from high school, college, or before becoming pregnant, jessica did get around so this connection is very open!
ONE NIGHT STANDS, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS, LOVERS┊jessica has yet to tie herself down since her previous ex, but a girl has got needs, y’know? this connection is pretty much open to all and is a little self explanatory! 
ENEMIES┊jessica is a lot to swallow so i’m sure she’s earned a few people who dislike her... or even hate her... here and there. she probably feels the same way.
OLD DISCIPLES CONNECTIONS┊i imagine since walking away from her ex quite a few of these relationships were severed, but once upon a time, jessica befriended a few members from her time with her boyfriend/baby daddy. it might be interesting to see how they interact now!
WICKED WOLVES CONNECTIONS┊mostly because of her brother and her job at rendezvous jessica is well known within the club. she’s also a nurse, so arguably, she’s useful to the club if they ever do need her help. she’s willing to provide it. she’s grown close with a few i’d imagine! and some probably question her loyalties i’m sure.
ANYTHING ELSE? LET’S BRAINSTORM┊i’m a big sucker for brainstorming ideas i’m not creative to come up with on my own OR even starting fresh and throwing them together to see an organic connection. i’m all for it!
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moistmailman · 5 years
Baby Shark
If there's one thing that Jaune grew to appreciate over his years of living, it would be a good night's sleep. Humans needed sleep, otherwise they could easily become insane, becoming nothing but a hollow vessel of what they were. So being a father now, sleep was an absolute must.
So there he was, face full of pillow, some slobber coming from his mouth, and eyes shut tight as he enjoyed his peaceful slumber of his current comatose state. His wife, the amazing Pyrrha Nikos, was currently sleeping beside him with her back facing his way, her hand reaching from behind so they're fingers were interlocked together. Despite it being hot in the room, making cuddling at the moment a complete no no, she was always an infectious sleeper. The woman never wanted to be too far away from her husband. So the next best thing to cuddling was hand holding.
Darkness surrounded the Arkos couple as they slumbered. Sleep was the only activity going on in the room. Both crashed as soon as their heads hit the pillows and nothing else really mattered but a healthy 8 hours of sleep.
Although, something soon broke the darkness.
A very small creaking noise was heard, not being loud enough to disturb the couple, but loud enough to break the complete silence of the room. Soon light followed afterwards, coming from the hallway right outside. Someone was opening their door slowly, being careful to not make too much noise. After a solid 3 seconds of this, the door finally opened and a little girl with red hair and blue eyes stood there, clutching a teddy bear.
Tiny footsteps made their way to the bed before it reached to where Jaune was peacefully sleeping without a care to the world, or at least until 2 quick little jabs of a small finger to the cheek disturbed that anyway. At first the blond just grunted and unconciously swatted at whatever was trying to wake him. Then two more jabs came his way, which was enough to wake the poor man.
Opening his eyes and allowing them to adjust to the nearly dark environment, he saw the little girl, looking up at him with big blue eyes, matching his own. A yawn escaped his lips as he sat up, removing his fingers from his wife's hand, hearing a small sound of discomfort from the woman afterwards.
"Hey sweetie." Jaune said quietly, being mindful of his sleeping wife. He rubbed all the sleep out of his eyes, or at least all that he could manage before putting on his famous ol' dad smile. "What are you doing up so late? It's currently" he looked over at his alarm clock real quick. "Yikes it's currently one in the morning, sweetheart. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
At first the girl just stared at him, teddy bear in hand before she finally spoke.
"Baby shark." those were the only words that left the young girl's mouth.
Jaune's eyes widen in fear, resembling saucers. It was just a single statement, but it could've been a death sentence. Oh, oh no no no. Not this late at night. Heavens no, please god no!
A force chuckle escaped Jaune's lips. "Oh...I see......you wanna listen to baby shark again...........really?" Despite him trying to sound upbeat with the fact that his daughter currently wanted to listen to a blasted nursery rhyme that made his teeth grind by just thinking about it, he couldn't disguise the utter disappointment in his voice from the last word.
The girl in question only nodded and repeated herself. "Baby shark." This time with a small tad of attitude, probably sensing the reluctance in her father's voice.
Jaune sucked his teeth, a fake grin plastering his lips. "Oh uhm....okay sweetie. Uh........hold that thought for me." The man somewhat retreated in his bed, towards his wife. His head hung over her's before he kissed her cheek to wake her.  "Hey babe?" He said, his voice sweet and lovingly. Pyrrha's only response was a grunt. "Our daughter kinda wants to listen to baby shark again, and I just wanted to know if you cou-"
"I did it last time." The redhead drowsily slurred out, interrupting her husband's plea. "So it's your turn now."
Jaune physically cringed from hearing that. "Y-yeah, b-but still wouldn't you like to hang out with your baby girl right now? I mean, a mother's love is a precious thing, isn't it?"
"I've carried her in my stomach for 9 months before squeezing her out of me after an intense 12 hours of labor." Pyrrha said matter of factly, not even bothering turning around to face her husband. "So I've shown her a lot of love as it is. It's your turn for baby shark."
"I'll give you a foot massage tomorrow."  He pleaded.
"A full body massage."
"I'll uh......I'll-"
"Oh you didn't even let me finish that time!"
Pyrrha yawned loudly before getting deeper into her pillow, probably in an attempt to sound out her husband.
“Honey? Hoooney? Come on, babe. I'm not done negotiating yet. Would you want me to cook you a big meal? Or how about take you out to dinner? What jewelry would you like? Just work with me, please!" he sounded so desperate at the moment, as if he was walking into a firing squad blindfolded. "Just ask for anything, and it's yours!"
Silence was the woman's only answer. Silence and small quiet snoring. Damn it.
Jaune turned to his daughter again, a very wide and fake smile covering his face. "........H-hey honey, uh.... wouldn't you rather listen to something else? Maybe something th-"
"Baby shark." The girl only said.
"Okay, that's one option, but how about we try to-”
"Baby shark."
"How about you listen to one of daddy's favorite songs? Wouldn't that be bett-"
"Baby shark!" The girl said stubbornly, crossing her arms while doing so. In defiance of her size and adorable look, she was oddly intimidating. It actually sent a shiver down his spine. She probably got that from her mother.
"Okay, bu-"
"She wants to listen to baby shark, babe." His traitorous wife murmured his way, still sounding half dead from her drowsily state. obviously she was woken up again and didn't appreciate it.
"Yeah, I heard her the first time, but I just wanted to see if I could mayb-"
"Baby shark!" Both his wife and daughter said in unison, causing a deep groan to birth from his lips. Who the hell even made that song?! Probably some demon that hated parents! Life is bullshit.
Jaune pinched the bridge of his nose before looking back at his daughter, who was still looking right at him with her arms crossed. "..........Fine, let's go.' Jaune growled out as he stood from his bed.
"Yay!" His daughter cheered, all traces of anger gone and now was clapping excitedly. "Baby shark! Baby shark!
"Yeah yeah, let's just go." Jaune huffed at the girl, slightly slapping himself awake to endure the hell he's about to suffer.
"Love you, honey." His wife said, muffled from her face being in the pillow.
"Love you too, babe." Jaune quipped back, walking towards his doom.
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gamerkitty67 · 5 years
Obey Me characters and why I like them
He's so nice???
He a sassy boi and we love that
Pranks? Yes bitch.
He likes reading and so do I dhdhd
I have a thing for blonde bitch boys, don't judge me-
His color is one of my favorite colors ★
He likes cats, which is a major thing for me. If you hate cats, get away from me, please and thank you.
Can I just,,,, lay on top of you and sleep while you read???? Please???
Oppositional defiance disorder? Me too bitch.
Wanna bond over out mutual daddy issues lmao
I just love him, alright???
Nerdy gamer bois are 👌👌👌👌👀
Wanna cuddle and watch anime together 24/7?
H e a d p a t s
We both just need a close friend, please.
He looks emo? Hippity hoppity, he is now my property.
*laughs in tsundere*
Let's just be envious together lol
Chronic fear of normies™
Video games.
He kinda hot tho-
Not the angel Ash,,, not the angel.
He's so nice ejdndj
Ho Bible
He a beautiful boyo
He's kinda funny too lol
Oh yeah! He also reminds me of myself for some reason
He's babey.
Choke me daddy-
He tried to kill me, buuuttt,,, it's fine lol
Emo boys 👌👌
Just-, lemme nap on ya.
He's so cute, like, wtf??? How????
Let's sleep 24/7, please and thank you.
I want to p e t him.
Floofy hair
Cuddle with me... Now >:3
Babey boi
Woof woof
Honestly, me too bro-
I want to cuddle him
I am now his mother, come with me child and I shall protect you from all the impurities of this world.
He makes me soft UwU
Luke protection squad where you at
Hear me out-
He's nice 👌
I may want to punch him in the throat but,,,, he's nice.
Plus, he makes me laugh lol
P i n k
Yea, that's all I got.
Bitch boi-
I treat him like a dog. I am a horrible human being, but it makes me laugh lol
Have my head pats.
I like him, he's just fun to fuck around with lmao
Usually I'm attracted to smart people (like Satan), but it seems today I'm a morosexual too lmao
Dude, please. It's so clear that you like me. It's almost painful watching you try to hide it, just tell me!
Seeing him eat makes me feel guilty ;-;
I still love him tho.
Soft boy.
Big boy.
Hug me pls.
Want me to make you some pancakes? Mine are special because I have a secret recipe lol
Want me to make you food? Have all my food bro, I don't eat.
Jocks aren't my type, but, he's so cute and soft and ughskdndkd
I don't like what he did to Belphie
If he hadn't fucked with Belphie he'd be a lot higher on the list lmao
Give Luci a break lol
He's fucking nice though
Like holy shit
He seems overdramatic af
He also seems like he'd give nice hugs uwu
Sugar Demon Daddy™
He's gay
He's so fucking gay
He scares me.
My guard is up forever as long as he exists
Kinda cute tho ngl-
I think he's gay
Join the club bitch-
Fucking nerd
Strict people are not my type.
Please fuck of sir.
Excuse me,,, no, no, no, nope, I'm out, goodbye bitch.
He's sweet...
I guess...
He's just not my cup of tea...
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Twisted: Gangster!M’Baku/ Dom!Erik
Thirst 💦👅 Day requests for you! I have never written slap kink but hey, first time for everything. Triggers are in the tags! If you like my work reblog/like/comment lol Thank you! I have two more left!!!!! I know I’m bugging yall! my bad! 
Coming for the kinks, you say??? Well can I request a dub con fic with my beloved Killmonger? Lol - @vanitykocaine​
 Hey. I'm currently on vacation but I'm using the little ounce of free wifi that I can't get to send in a kink request 😂😂😂😂 Can I get a Erik with a praise kink? Either him praising the reader or the other way around but i need some nice Erik to even out all these good nigga Erik's 😂🤣 thanks love 😘❤❤❤ - @valynsia​​
Office sex with Erik? - @yaachtynoboat711​
I don't really have a kink to be honest. But maybe super possessive mob boss where he dated the reader and had a daddy type of relationship. They break up but he spots the reader out with a new boyfriend? Maybe super hot smutty public you will always belong to me sex? - @scumyeol​
Yay! I would die for some face/ass/titty slappin and biting with Erik. I dont care who's doin the slapping i just need a pain kink fic tbh.if you do this I'll be eternally grateful, if u dont i still love you dear!!! - Anon
Sooooo for that thirstday post....... all i can think of right now is m'baku and just straight up rough sex 😁😁😁 like the "you are being annoying because you haven't gotten any in a while so I gotta help you" type of sex - @pebblesz892​
So, thirst day? I’d like to request M’Baku with hair pulling and dirty talk. Please and thank you 😈 - @muse-of-mbaku​
Mbaku smut- @mbakuwifey​
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You and Erik had been together for nine months and you didn’t want anyone else, even your ex M’Baku. Some things were not meant to be and that just happened to be one. Erik had his ways… Selfish. Loud and arrogant but when all the bullshit washed away you saw the real him. The him that truly wanted this to work with you. He opens the door for you and your Manalo heels hit the floor.
“We ain’t gotta stay long if you don’t want to.” Erik places his hand at the nape of your back and ushers you into the club with him. This was his scene. Always being seen talking to everyone and he had you right there with him introducing you like the Queen he claimed you to be. “This is my girl Y/N, Y/N this is Mike.”
You wave at him and talk casually then slip away from Erik dying for a drink and a moment to take it all in. You sit at the bar with your legs crossed. “Shot of Jack, please.”
“Sure thing.” The brown headed bartender said winking at you.
You shake your head knocking back the shot and watching your surroundings entertained. Then you feel a hand on your shoulder. “Enjoying yourself.” M’Baku whispers in your ear taking the barstool next to you for himself.
Your heart is heavy for a moment remembering how sultry that voice was and how it had the power to make you weak. “What do you want?”
“This is my spot.”
“Oh, you still illegally winning I see.” You roll your eyes and stand up from the bar. He’s in front of you shaking his head. “Can we talk for a minute? Five minutes?”
“About what?”
“You’ll know when we start talking.” M’Baku leads you out of the main area to a room overlooking the dancefloor. The music still loud but you were able to speak without yelling. “New guy?”
“yeah, he’s cool.”
“A fuck boy, but if that’s what you consider cool then okay.” M’Baku lights his blunt inhaling for a moment and sitting on the couch in front of you. “you moved on quick.” He slowly blows out the smoke leaving the room in a haze for a moment.
“It’s been almost a year. Who all have you fucked hmmm, big thug nasty M’Baku. I left you because you didn’t want to grow up or live in the real world. You wanted to sit up here and play all these fucking games and honestly I don’t have time for that shit.”
“Who are you talking to?” he stand placing the blunt in the ashtray and pulling you closer to him. “Perhaps this new man has given you some type of power that makes you think you can address me like you’re crazy but no. you could be fucking the entire squad and you’re still fucking mine. I think it’s time your remembered.”
“M’Baku, he’s looking for…” He’s before you shaking his head flipping you around so that your chest is flush against the glass. “M’Baku…”
“Keep saying my name.” He says with his hands traveling up your legs. You moan as he pushes into you with his thick fingers once and then again. The crowd below you can’t see you at all but the thought of Erik watching you fuck another man makes you wet. “Does he fuck you like I do?” M’Baku whispers in your ear aligning himself up quickly thrusting into you.  You’d forgot his power. His hands wrap around your ponytail and your head is against his chest as he pounds into you. “I don’t care who you have on your arm.” He grunts thrusting into you and pulling out slowly only to fill you again.
“Oh fuck.” You gasp hearing the smack of your skin together. You grab onto the bar as he increases his speed biting his lip while gripping your hair so hard it hurts. “I can’t breathe.” You scream. “I’m fucking coming.”
“Then come, what you holding that shit for?” M’Baku smiles slamming into you so hard you do come. You see fireworks explode around you as your snap your eyes shut. Your knees are weak barely holding you up and you feel him lift you up still fucking you over and over. “I want you to go home tonight and fucking feel me when you sleep.” He growled. “fuck that other nigga.” M’Baku feels you clutching around him and it triggers his own release. He spills into the condom with a roar that for sure could be heard downstairs and lowers you to the ground. “You better get dressed. Old dude probably on the hunt.” He picks up his blunt and tucks himself back into his pats leaving the room.
 Erik was insistent on you going home with him tonight and you didn’t want to, you wanted to wash M’Baku off your body. You wanted to cry in the shower and try to push out all the get good shit you and M’Baku had in the past, because he was not for you. You grab your overnight bag from the car following him into the house. Erik’s house was lavish like him.
“Baby, I sweated at that damn club all damn night. You mind if I get clean and I’ll be right up.”
“Nah ma, take your time I gotta finish some shit from the Outreach.” He kisses you on the lips softly and you go head up the spiral staircase. You bathe taking your hair down from the ponytail and slipping on one of Erik’s shirts. He was a hard worker. He was always in that office doing something. You head down the steps to his office where he is typing a few things into the computer. He had changed to, he was shirtless and smiling. “You done washing that nigga off?”
Your heart drops for the second time tonight into your stomach. “What?”
“You heard me…” He stands up from the desk and in three strides is in front of you. “You up there fucking yo ex like I don’t have people every fucking where watching you. So did you wash that nigga off?”
“Nah, we at home now….” He raises his eyebrow at you awaiting your tone to change.
“Yes N’jadaka.” You look up at him with your mouth slightly parted trying to remember to breathe. “I’m sorry N’Jadaka.” You whimper. “Baby…”
He rubs your face softly and then his three fingers hit your face sending a zing pleasure below. “what are you sorry for?” Erik says rubbing your face again then he hits again and his hands down to the hem of your shirt pulling it over your head. “Tell your Prince what you sorry for?”
“Fucking M’Baku.”
“Giving another motherfucker what’s mine.” He growled. “Hmmm?”
“Good girl, I like when you’re honest… sit on the desk. I didn’t get to eat today and I’m fucking starved.” He sucks air in through his teeth and you see those gold canines. “You’re not to come when I do this? You hear me?” He slaps your thighs crouching down in front of you, his eyes looking like they had seen a god. Erik laps his tongue over your clit and then sucks for a second. You were already sensitive and yearning but the teasing of him didn’t make it easy to not cum. You closed your mind off as he sucked and twirled down below pushing your lips firm against the cold wooden desk and taking his sweet time. Each time he licked your heart spiked and your breathing became more labored.
“N’Jadka please.” You moaned. “Please.”
“You don’t deserve that shit.” He said against your thigh. He raises from the ground leaves you aching. “What do you think you deserve?” he asks.
“To cum.”
“Nah, next…”
“Your dick.” You plea kissing him tasting yourself on his lips.
“Good as answer baby girl, drop to them knees for me.” You do in front of him and you stroke him in your hands. Then he knocks your hands down tapping the side of your face with his fingers again. “Suck.” He pushes to the back of your throat nearly suffocating you and then pulls out and then he’s back again causing your eyes to well. Erik slaps the side of your face over and over with his hand and you can’t take it. You want him inside of you and you try to pull away, but he has grasped the back of your head thrusting into you nonstop until your saliva is trailing from his dick. “Take it.” He growls and you do bobbing your head until he’s nearly there then he stops you.  “Good girl. You wanna come?”
“Please what?”
“Please N’Jadaka let me come.” He shakes his head and you can see the demon in him rising up. He grabs both of your breast gripping and twisting until it hurts then slapping and you feel yourself nearly come from the pleasure of it. He knew how to do those things to you. Erik places you back on the desk.
“What if I went around giving your dick away huh?” You don’t answer so he spreads your legs. “I told you I don’t like that sharing shit.” He smiles against your neck and lifts you just so he can slide into you. He pounds you for a few seconds and then slows when he feels your body tensing near a climax. “Nah, you don’t deserve to come. You ain’t sorry.” He slides out and your legs clamp around his waist. “What?”
“I am sorry.” You plea. “Please…”
“I ain’t convinced ma.” His tip toys at your entrance and you thrust forward and he moves teasing you. “You don’t run this shit.” Erik leans in and sucks on your neck and your throw your head back. “Next time, I will fucking kill him.” He says in your ear as he pushes back into you. Erik grips your hips bringing you to meet him at every thrust and your breathless scratching down his back and your boy starts to shake when the euphoria hits you in waves.
“Yesssssss.” You hiss. “fucking yessss N’Jadaka.”
“You gone see that nigga again…” He asks through clenched teeth.
“No baby.”
“That’s fucking right.” He growls tapping your face before he kisses you again. “Good fucking girl coming on daddy’s dick like that, god damn.” He chants in your ear licking from your earlobe to your neck. You come again as his pace quickens and you feel him swell inside of you. “God damn!” He pants withdrawing from you and sending his cum down your legs.
Tagging:  @challaxkillmonger @wakanda-inspired @misspooh @valynsia@vanitykocaine @harleycativy @jecourt@virgosapphire79@sparklemichele@theunsweetenedtruth@ahhhhkeya@iamrheaspeaks @thiccdaddy-mbaku@muse-of-mbaku@myboyfriendgiriboy @someareblindtoitsbeauty@brittyevans@almostpurelysmut @readsalot73@ivarsshieldmadien@slimmiyagi@cinnabearice @royallyprincesslilly @hutchj
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st-percocet · 6 years
rec masterpost
yo here’s some tunes that i recommend cause i get asked to rec bands/songs a lot so yea bold = absolute bangers that i can’t get sick of
SONGS: 1 trillion dollars - anti-flag 17 crimes - afi 302 - the lippies 5 to 9 - fidlar 6969 - ninja sex party acid baby - spilt addicted - simple plan afraid of heights - billy talent alfie - lily allen aliens are real don’t tweak - netherfriends all american girl - adickdid alone and stoned - king tuff alone is no together - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds a mask of my own face - lemon demon a more perfect union - titus andronicus a new wave - sleater-kinney anxiety - pinact atmosphere - joy division bad egg - hands off gretal bad habit - the kooks bad kids - black lips beach bones - more amor ft ryan ross beck and call - sundressed better man - jamie campbell bower better than sex - the midnight beast billionaire - travie mccoy ft bruna mars bitch theme - bratmobile black me out - against me bleed - out came the wolves bleed american - jimmy eat world body - mother mother boy grinder - jack off jill boyfriend - best coast boys wanna be her - peaches bubblegum - mystery jets but a nightmare - danzig byob - system of a down california uber alles - dead kennedys can we laugh now? - 7 year bitch cannonball - the breeders can’t go to hell - sin shake sin cardiac arrest - bad suns carried away - passion pit cat-o-nine-tails - L7 cemeterysexxx - doyle cheer up london - slaves chop suey - system of a down cold hands - the dose colder quicker - real friends come on eileen - dexys mightnight runners constant headache - joyce manor corrine - black honey crazy - gnarls barkley (cee lo green) creature - it looks sad. daddy issues - the neighbourhood dance like a maniac - the dollyrots danny don’t you know - ninja sex party dark necessities - red hot chilli peppers dark nights - dorothy death cup - mom jeans devilgirl - gorgeous frankenstein don’t come home - all human don’t mess with me - brody dalle don’t you wait - cloves dreaming dead girls - doyle egg - shoe. empty apartment - yellowcard even when the water’s cold - !!! evil eye - franz ferdinand faking the benz - from oslo family tree - black lips feels blind - bikini kill fill in the blank - car seat headrest firetruck vagina - baby guts first light - django django flannel - cardboard swords full circle - aerosmith fyi i wanna f your a - ninja sex party genghis khan - miike snow get busy - jimothy lacoste gia - fabulous disaster girls and boys - blur golden - travie mccoy ft sia good rhymes for bad times - bears in trees gothic roccata from the suite - léon boëllmann, roman penicki grace kelly - mika green eyes - wavves ha ha ha - the julie ruin hands down - dashboard confessional happy pills - weathers happy today - the wowz headfirst for halos - my chemical romance heroin - badflower hopeless - screaming females hung like jesus - cancerslug hypnotize - system of a down i killed abor day for you - panucci’s pizza i’ll be your butcher - cancerslug i look good - chantal claret it’s amazing - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds i wanna get better - bleachers i was a teenage anarchist - against me idiot - jeff the brotherhood is this sound okay? - coconut records i’m not crying you’re not crying are you? - dear and the headlights i’m not part of me - cloud nothings jellybean - video nasties jerk it out - caesers jerk of all trades - lunachicks just like you - nial harvest killer ball - gesu no kiwami otome kiss this - the struts la la lainey - forever the sickest kids ластоска - leningrad lezbophobia - tribe 8 liar - the dying arts lights out - royal blood lillibulero - bellowhead loner - fangclub lost on me - peace love bites (so do i) - halestorm makin’ whoopee - neil gaiman, amanda palmer max can’t surf - fidlar maxwell murder - rancid me and the bean - spoon miley - smwrs miss murder - AFI mixtape 2003 - the academic modern swinger - the pink spiders mother - danzig move (i’m coming) - chantal claret my best friend’s hot - the dollyrots my sharona - the knack nagoya - it looks sad. new born - purple nightmare - avenged sevenfold nite vision - mean jeans no surprise - the shacks not my girl - tokyo police club nothing can stop me - heavens to betsy nothing is wrong - analog rebellion no waves - fidlar oh bondage! up yours! - x-ray spex old folks home - cottonwood firing squad olly olly oxen free - amanda palmer (piano is evil version) only acting - kero kero bonito on your side - a rocket to the moon orgy for one - ninja sex party overdose - fidlar palm trees - smwrs panic switch - silversun pickups paradigm - avenged sevenfold paris - magic man psychedelic ascension - mr traumatik pudding - joel cossette rats - ghost red flag - billy talent river - eminem ft ed sheeran romance - wild flag romans - adam walicki salad days - mac demarco samantha - hole same damn life - seether same old blues - phantogram save me - aimee mann say it ain’t so - weezer schism - tool shia labeouf live - rob cantor shit twins - dads sick boy - kill hannah sick shit - together pangea silly boy - the blue van skulls and daisies - danzig slob - artificial fever soldier - dover southern comforting - hotel mira (prev. known as jpnsgrls) speak life - damien marley spooky ghosts - snckpck strange town - the moderates supermodel, superficial - voodoo queens sur la planche 2013 - la femme sweet ‘69 - babes in toyland sæla - black foxxes tears don’t fall (acoustic) - bullet for my valentine teenage whore - hole televisor - morningwood the beer - kimya dawson the devil’s son - creepshow the hounds - the protomen the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel the times they are a-changin’ - bob dylan think of you - bleached time bomb - rancid toy box - ward xvi transylvania - iron maiden trophy wifey - partyline turn me on (radio mix) - wet fingers twin sized mattress - the front bottoms typical girl - the slits ukulele anthem - amanda palmer us - regina spektor vampire’s kiss - john gold virgin sacrifice - doyle volcano girls - veruca salt wait for me - motopony waiting - jamie campbell bower waste of time - elvis depressedly weekend - smith westerns west coast - coconut records whole wide world - big tree without me - eminem you are going to hate this - the frights you’ll fall in love - mrs magician you’re gonna go far kid - offspring
BANDS: against me! - amanda palmer - artificial fever - avenged sevenfold - bellowhead - black foxxes - bleachers - bloodnun - blunderpuss - bullet for my valentine - cancerslug - cobra starship - counterfeit - danzig - dead! - death spells - doyle - earl. - electric century - fidlar - foo fighters - frank iero and the patience - ghost - good charlotte - gorgeous frankenstein - green day - hole - hotel mira - hounding - iron maiden - jimothy lacoste - kero kero bonito -leathermouth - leningrad - marilyn manson - mindless self indulgence - misfits - my chemical romance - ninja sex party - nirvana - papa roach - paramore - pencey prep - poison crow - pup - queen - queens of the stone age - rage against the machine - ramones - rancid - reggie and the full effect - simple plan - slipknot - spilt - sum 41 - swmrs - system of a down - taking back sunday - the darling buds / jamie campbell bower - the dead xiii - the dollyrots - the dresden dolls - the killers - the left rights - the levellers - the pretty reckless - the used - the world you love - video nasties - ward xvi - weathers - weezer - wolfe sunday - yellowcard
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