#risky lending practices
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
Never Love Another
It was no secret that when Jason came back he came back wrong. The violence and pit rage were the most obvious ones of course, but now that it had faded other little things had started to surface. He had noticed this deep loneliness and homesickness for something he couldn’t remember or name. He didn’t know what to do about it besides, well maybe try to find someone who could sooth the loneliness. But it wasn’t working, if it wasn’t for how bad he wanted a romantic connection he would have thought he was aromatic now because he never, Never felt a spark at all, with anyone.
He actually talked to Dick about it, and let him talk Jason into therapy, but that didn’t help, and when Tim found out about it the paranoid little shit started doing tests. And that was how fucking Bruce found out, and he was even more paranoid so they would not believe it was a coincidence or anything and more tests were done. No answers were found until Batman called in a favour from JLD, Jason tried to insist it wasn’t worth it but Batman said his happiness was the most important thing, which made Jason shut up and make a face like he’d bitten into a lemon.
Now he was just trying to avoid admitting that they were right. “What the fuck do you mean cursed?!” Jason demanded from Constantine who shrugged and lit a new cigarette from the butt of the last one.
“I don’t know mate,” He said with a shrug, taking a drag. “While you were dead you must have pissed off some pretty powerful bastard because it’s Not a petty curse either, not the sort of thing I or Zatanna can break. Looks like it’s to ‘never love again’ or something like that, I don’t know it’s not exactly written in words.” He explained and Jason dropped his head into his hands with a groan.
Of course, why wouldn’t this happened? Honestly though as the literature nerd he was he had to think whoever had cursed him must have been of a similar temperament, given how melodramatic is was.  He wished he could remember what the fuck he had done to get cursed like this?
“So how would we break the curse?” Batman asked, ever solution oriented.
“Don’t know Bats,” Constantine admitted with a one shoulder shrug. “I think you’d have to find whoever cursed him and convince them to lift it. They’re a seriously powerful denizen of the Infinite Realms so we could try a summoning but there’s no guarantee that is would work, and if not you’d have to go to them which would be veeery risky. I’m not sure it’d be worth it honestly, I mean it’s a bit of a blessing isn’t it? Not like our lifestyles really lend to romance,” He snickered and everyone ignored him.
“How long will it take to arrange a summoning,” Nightwing demanded with a frown, why he had to be here too Jason didn’t know but… he was privately a little grateful that he was.
“Mmm A couple of weeks, we have most of the stuff required and the unique ingredients aren’t that hard to find,” the magician hummed thoughtfully. “I’ll remind you, there’s no guarantee that it’s going to work,” he reminded and even though Jason hadn’t looked up he could practically sense the twin scowls Dick and Bruce were shooting John.
“We’re going to try it,” Batman growled and Constantine hummed.
“Sure, whatever you say, I’ll start setting it up.”
Those two weeks were plenty of time to panic about who it might be, what Jason might have done to cause this, and what the being might do if they answered the summons. They had a lot of preparations to do, but when Jason tried to say they shouldn’t do this Bruce and the others insisted that they needed to know ho had it out for Jason if just in case they decided to cause more problems. There was discussion about if Jason should be present, but he really wanted to be if this was happening, he wanted to see the monster that had cursed him.
Constantine and Zatanna were both there the day of, as well as Batman and Nightwing, and superman, just in case things went horribly wrong. The spell was… stressful for Red Hood, the portal it opened made him feel like he was staring into the Lazarus pits again, even if it was missing the feeling of rage.
It felt like they were all holding their breath for a few long minutes waiting to see if the summon would be answered. Jason was just starting to think that no one was going to answer when a white booted foot stepped through, followed quickly by the rest of the body.
Jason blinked, staring uncomprehendingly at the being that had answered the summons, not because they were some incomprehensible monster, but for the opposite reason, because they looked so human. Not normal, their ashen skin, pointed ears, and white hair that disregarded gravity, made sure of that, but he looked human other then that. A head or so shorter then Jason, lean and agile looking with unusually wide hips and soft curves for a man. His ears were pierced three times, two having studs like planets and a set of dangly ones shaped like a sun and a moon which glinted in the light of the glowing crown on his head. It looked like ice that had trapped the northern lights within them, it was beautiful, it took his breath away.
He had a vague feeling that the others present were talking, but Jason and, it seemed, the spirit, were not hearing them. Jason couldn’t tear his gaze away from the creatures Lazarus green eyes, why did he feel so familiar.
“Jay,” The being breathes, a bright smile spreading across his face, revealing little fangs that shouldn’t have been so adorable. “How did you, you shouldn’t have called me, I don’t… You don’t remember me do you? You shouldn’t,” He breathed, the smile dropping as the initial joy at seeing Jason overtaken by worry.
“We want to know why you cursed my son!” Batman shouted, suddenly cutting through the odd, tunnel version they’d both been trapped in and sending them both reeling. Jason had been leaning forward and ended up stumbling.
“Oh,” The creature sounded, his brows furrowing as Jason finally looked around and noticed how Constantine was cowering.
“Batman! Don’t yell at the fucking king of the Infinite Realms!” Constantine practically squeaked. The king?! How had Jason pissed off the king?! “We’re so sorry for disturbing you your Majesty, please don’t destroy us,” the wizard said, sounding like he was on the verge of a panic attack.
The being still in the circle cackled and crossed his legs under him, sitting on air at the odd cape that looked like it was made of the night sky billowed behind him. “Don’t worry I’m not planning on it, honestly, I am happy to see you again Jaybird,” He said with a soft smile, his gaze going back to Jason like he wanted to drink him in. “You’ve grown so much pretty-bird, are you happy? Do you like being alive again?” He asked worriedly. “You’re always welcome back-“
Nightwing read that as a threat that this supposed King was going to kill Jason again and yanked him back, standing between Jason and the stranger, even though he was shorter and slimmer then Red Hood. “He’s not going anywhere! Why did you curse him?” Nightwing demanded again.
“It wasn’t a curse, it was a price,” Phantom said with a frown. “I would let him go, but not to love another.”
“Love, another?” Jason asked this time, his voice harsh and soft. God how his heart ached, why couldn’t he remember something that made him feel so much longing and pain?
“Another,” Danny said, his voice softening again. “While you were in my realm we were… Close, very close. But you couldn’t let go of life, you weren’t ready to give yourself to me, not fully,” Danny bit his lip for a moment. “It hurt, but I only wanted what was best for you Jay, so if you had unfinished business… well, I let you leave. I did! I let you go, but-but maybe I was selfish, I was going to be waiting decades for you and-and I couldn’t stand the idea of waiting that long only for you to have fallen in love again with someone in life and, even after dying and remembering me, choosing to stay with them! So that was the deal, you get to live again, but only if you don’t love again, and you come back to me when you’re done. You agreed.”
There was a long silence as everyone processed what the king had said, it was Constantine who reacted first, rounding on Jason. “You dated the King of the Infinite Realms!?” He demanded, flabbergasted.
“Ugh, just call me Danny, I’m the king sure but I don’t care much for the title,” The bring in front of them corrected with a grimace.
“Danny,” Nightwing said, holding out his hand in a sort of placating gesture. “Can you… change the price?” He asked uncertainly.
“NO!” Danny said instantly, his voice echoing in a way that made those present flinch. “No, the deal still stands. I let him leave my kingdom, but I won’t completely give him up. I can’t, I can’t,” Danny said and Jason could swear he saw Danny’s eyes glimmer with tears.
“It’s alright,” Jason said, softly as he could, Danny’s pain called to him in a way he couldn’t explain. “It’s just, I’ve been lonely, I’ve felt like I’ve been missing something since I came back. I thought it was love, but now I think, I think it’s you. I’ve been homesick, for You,” He said, stepping closer again and holding out his hand. John yelped when Jason broke the circle, but he was being ignored.
Danny’s eyes widened in shock, then welled over with tears as he reached out and took Jason’s hand, his feet landing back on the ground as he stepped closer. “I’ve missed you too Jaybird, I’ve missed you like you wouldn’t believe,” He practically whispered. As he stepped over the line a white ring ran up and over his body, leaving a- well, for all appearances a human man with similar features and inverted colours, maybe a little younger then Jason. “I’m sorry you’ve been lonely, but I wanted to let you live your life. If you want, I could visit more? I would be happy to put in the work to, start over, let you get to know me in this life?” He laced their fingers together, taking Jason’s other hand as well, standing chest to chest and looking up at him through dark lashes, framing beautiful clear blue eyes.
“I would love that,” Jason breathed. Startled by a sound of disbelief behind him, he’d forgotten Nightwing was there and he glanced back. “What? It solves the problem of me being unable to love, it turns out I was just trying to love the wrong people.
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atinystraynstay · 4 months
Here Are The Keys - Lee Seokmin
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Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Seokmin, was known to be the perfect gentleman. He took extra care of you as if you were the most fragile thing in existence. And in the bedroom? He was always prepared to have you see the stars.
Pairing: Lee Seokmin x fem reader
Genre: Smutttttt baby - MINORS DNI, established relationship,
Contains: fingering (f. receiving), somewhat public play, dirty talk, slight degradation (name calling), nudity, oral (f. receiving), unprotected intercourse, female orgasm (squirting), male orgasm (does not pull out)
Word Count: 3.8k
You held onto Seokmin's arms as you walked through the front door of the apartment building you two lived in. You two recently took the leap in getting an apartment together. All the boxes have been unpacked and all the extra furniture you had to order was put together, thanks to the other guys coming in to chip in. They were almost as excited for the two of you and this new chapter, so they were more than willing to lend a helping hand.
The place finally felt like it was yours. No longer were you trying to sort things and living out of boxes as you adjusted to the new chapter of your lives. Seokmin decided the occasion required a proper celebration. You two went out to eat at a restaurant in your new neighborhood before settling into your new home.
Your heels clicked against the floor of the apartment building's lobby. The sound of you made Seokmin's ego rise. You were his. He just wanted to show you off to everyone.
He led you two over to the elevator, so you could go up to your apartment. He pressed the 'up' button before resting his hand on top of yours which rested on his bicep. You peered up at him, a smile on your lips which made Seokmin smile even brighter. "How did I get so lucky?" He questioned softly. You shrugged which caused him to laugh, placing a gentle kiss at the top of your head.
A ding soon let out, indicating the elevator had arrived. Seokmin stepped back, allowing you in first. You were about to make room for anyone else who might be joining the two of you.
Before anyone could slip in, Seokmin jumped in and clicked the 'close door' button. To his satisfaction, the doors closed behind. He smirked seeing your shocked expression. "Looks like it is just the two of us."
You couldn't help but giggle as you felt a rush of adrenaline take over your body. He walked up to you as the elevator began to travel up. Your back was pressed against the wall of the elevator. Seokmin was standing right in front of you. One of his hand moved to rest right by your head, the other moving to hold your hip. He pressed his forehead against yours as he gazed into your eyes. You could practically melt underneath his gaze. And he loved having that effect on you.
"I've been waiting to get you alone since the moment you walked out in that little black dress." "Then what are you waiting for?"
He quirked an eyebrow, looking down at you. Seokmin never took you to be the type of woman into public play. You just composed yourself with such grace. He loved discovering new sides of you.
Keeping his posture, so he hovered over you, he removed the hand resting against the wall of the elevator. He moved it in between your bodies, gently running his fingertips across your exposed thighs. Naturally, you parted your legs for him, inviting him to do as he pleased. Seokmin groaned at the sight.
With the green light you gave him, his fingers slid underneath your dress. His fingers were expecting to brush against the material of your panties, but he was instantly in contact with your warm, wet pussy. He groaned louder this time, pressing his lips into the side of your face in appreciation. "You really know the way into my heart, sweet girl. Risky to go without panties tonight, especially out to that fancy restaurant, but god. I can't be mad at you."
Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding yourself close to him. You giggled as you buried yourself into his neck. Seokmin didn't waste anytime. His fingers slid into your pussy where he began scissoring your pussy, stretching you out for preparation once he truly gets you alone. The adrenaline of potentially getting caught fueled the both of you. You let out soft whimpers and moans. He pumped his fingers quickly, the sound of skin hitting skin and your wet pussy filling the small interior. It made your cheeks turn bright red as his ego soared.
You heard a small ding in the midst of Seokmin worshipping your pussy. Seokmin gently removed his fingers from your pussy despite your disapproval. Yet, you ended up being grateful when you saw the elevator doors open to reveal someone stepping in.
Seeing that you were on your floor, Seokmin grabbed your hand with his free one. He nodded politely at the gentleman who was seeking to head down to the lobby while you two slipped out. You could have sworn the guy could smell your wet pussy from the way his nose scrunched up. Your cheeks turned bright red.
However, they felt hotter when you looked in front of you to see Seokmin stuck his hand, the one coated in your pussy juices, in his mouth. If he had things his way, he would show off his hand to the world of how quickly he can make you crumble. But you were his, only for his eyes.
For now, he would just savor the taste of your sweet pussy.
You squeezed his hand affectionately, letting your free hand rest on his bicep. There was nothing you took more pride in than being Lee Seokmin's girl. And he was just as prideful to be yours. "Okay, angel, I think it's time to really make this place ours. What do you say?" The tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine. He spoke so gently yet with so much passion behind his words. He knew all the right ways to make you feel weak in the best way.
All you could do was nod your head, pressing a lingering kiss to his sharp jawline. Seokmin smirked as he used his hand not holding yours to pull out his keys.
Once the door was pushed open, you felt Seokmin scooped you up in your arms. You let out a squeal as your own are wrapped around Seokmin's neck. He chuckled at your reaction before walking in, his eyes never leaving yours and kicking the door closed with his foot.
"Sweetheart," he called out. His voice made your stomach feel all warm and tingly. "Can you reach and lock the door for me? Kind of got my hands full."
You couldn't help but giggle but nodded your head. One of your arms stayed around his neck, playing with the hairs at the back of his head. Your free arm moved down to lock the bottom and top lock of your unit door.
Living with Seokmin has always been something you dreamed of. While, of course, you love spending time at the dorms and you were sure that you wouldn't stop going over, you really were excited for this new chapter. You adored all of the members, but it was nice that you could now be intimate with your boyfriend without worry of being interrupted.
"Where should I start with you? Hmm? Should I get a taste of your pussy? We did skip out on dessert," Seokmin began. "Or do you want my cock to pound into you until you see the stars?"
You looked up at Seokmin as if he were made out of stars himself. Seokmin was carrying you into your new bedroom. You at first were eager to cuddle up next to him, to be wrapped up in his arms and be able to enjoy some peace and quiet.
Now, there was nothing more you wanted than to have the two of you moaning. What a great way to introduce yourself to your new neighbors.
"I think what I really want is to feel so close to you, to feel your cock stretching me out and screaming your name." "Damn right. You're going to scream my name so loud everyone in this building knows you're my girl, my pretty little slut. That's what you want, right?"
You shivered at the thought before nodding in response. You felt so small, so submissive even just underneath his gaze. And you wouldn't want it any other way.
Seokmin dropped you onto the bed, but made sure you landed safely. The dress you were wearing moved up towards your upper thigh, almost exposing all of you to him. As much as he wanted you right then and there, he also wanted to take your time with you.
"Get comfortable, darlin'. You've got a long night ahead of you."
Quickly, you leaned up slightly to slip the dress off of body. You were grateful that it was a rather easy dress to take on and off. Feeling the cool air of the room, your nipples easily hardened. There was no way you and Seokmin were in the mood to wait any longer. You squeezed your legs together in anticipation.
Seokmin also got busy unbuttoning the tops of his shirt. You were nearly drooling at the sight of his own bare chest becoming more exposed to you. It was as if he was crafted by the gods, and somehow, he was all yours.
"As much as I loved feeling your pussy earlier, I want a real taste. Is that okay with you, angel? Do you want my tongue to run up and down your pussy until you're squirming?" "Please, baby. Just do something to me," you whined out.
He cooed slightly at the desperate tone in your voice. He leaned forward to kiss a line of kisses starting from the valley of your breasts. In response, your fingers ran through his hair and gripped it gently. He hummed in satisfaction as his lips moved down your torso towards your pelvic bone.
Slowly, Seokmin sunk onto his knees in front of you. You propped yourself on your elbows as he increasingly became out of reach, not wanting to lose sight of him. His hands rested on your thighs. He looked up at you, winking.
Without having to be asked, you spread your legs for you. Seokmin let out a throaty groan, appreciating how your body reacted to him. He felt his cock twitch in his pants at the sight of how wet you were. You were literally glistening.
"So beautiful," he whispered. His lips this time leaned forward to press along your right inner thigh and trailed towards where you craved him most. You could feel his breath against your skin, inching towards your pussy, which made you shiver with excitement.
"Be patient, darlin. I'm not going anywhere." "I just can't help it, baby. I love how good you make me feel," you whimpered.
Seokmin's ego grew from your statement. To show his appreciation, he let his tongue flatten immediately against your pussy. No more teasing. Not when you were being such a good girl for him already.
You gasped at the feeling, moving to allow your legs to rest on his shoulders from his crotched position. Seokmin smirked against you, allowing his tongue to trail from the bottom of your pussy all the way to your clit. Sensing the way your breathing hitched and back arched, he knew your clit was your weakest spot.
He adored the way your back arched with ease, how your head rolled back against the pillows at the head out the bed. He could feel your leg muscles flexing slightly as the pleasure was running through your body. Seokmin wanted to be the only one who made you feel this way.
You've always been the one to look after Seokmin before yourself. Whether it was to cook him a warm dinner or greet him with kisses, you always made sure he was taken care of in some regard. It was why you typically offered to give him oral before he could offer.
Not tonight. Tonight was going to be all about you and this new chapter you. There was never going to be a day where you felt like this relationship was one-sided, not when you two were living under the same roof now. His love for you would always be evident, whether it be through little things he does for you or to you.
His tongue circled your clit, pushing the bundle of nerves around in his mouth. He let out a groan which sent vibrations throughout your entire body, causing you to whimper loudly. Music to his ears. One of his hands resting on your thigh, squeezing the plush skin affectionately. His other hand moved to hold your hips down, keeping you in place.
His tongue then began to move down to slip into your pussy. It only made him groan more. He was able to get a sweeter taste of you, to feel how warm you were against his tongue. He was addicted to the feeling, truthfully. And if this was how he perishes, he would die a happy man for sure.
"S-Seokmin," you called out to him.
The sight of him nearly made you orgasm right then and there. He peered up at you with those piercing brown eyes. His eyes were blown out with lust. His lips and chin were covered in your juices.
"Yes, my love?" "Can you please make love to me?"
He didn't need to be told twice. He leaned down, however, to place one last kiss on your clit. It caused you to shiver yet he couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction. You were just too damn adorable. Seokmin wasn't sure how someone could be so seductive yet so adorable at the same time.
Before he moved up, he helped ease your legs off his shoulders. Each leg received kisses around your knee and then trailing up to your thigh as he laid them to rest on the comforter. He continued to kiss up your body - around your hips, your stomach, your chest. Seokmin made sure to pay extra attention to your breasts where he kissed, sucked, and bit down where he could. Anywhere to leave marks of his undying love for you.
At the same time, his hands got to work at disregarding the belt around his pants, the buttons of said pants, and his boxers. All had joined your dress on the floor.
Soon, he had crawled his way up so he was hovering over you. You were able to *finally* wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you. His eyes widened in surprise at the sudden movement, but couldn't help but smirk also. Whenever the two of you got intimate, you always just craved physical touch.
Your fingers were getting tangled in his hair, twirling the locks gently. You also couldn't miss the opportunity to plant kisses along the side of his face, which left him feeling a bit flustered. The feeling of your bare chest against his didn't help either as it sent his mind into a whirlwind.
"How did I get so lucky?" He asked softly.
Before you could come up with a witty response, you gasped softly at the feeling of Seokmin's tip against your pussy. Knowing your request, he didn't want to waste any more time. Yet, he also was ready to go at whatever pace was suitable for you.
"I ask myself the same thing every day," you confessed in a hushed tone.
No further words needed to be exchanged. The way you were looking up at him solidified that you felt the same way as he did. You two were made out of the same material, the same soul. You were destined to be with each other.
One of his hands moved down to grasp his cock, ensuring that he was positioning at the right angle so he could slide it with ease. He never wanted to cause you any sort of discomfort. Once satisfied, his hands moved so one propped himself up, the other holing your hand. The gesture was enough to make your heart race yet body melt into the sheets beneath you with ease.
"Ready, angel?" "Please, baby boy."
With the one thrust, the two of you were sent into a chorus of moans. Your hearts were racing with the love, the passion you two had for one another.
He squeezed your hand every now and then, just to remind you that he adored you. To him, sex was just one of the ways he can show his love for you. But at the moment, he also was too consumed by the feeling of your warm pussy hugging his cock.
Seokmin wanted to shower you with praises and remind you of how gorgeous you were in every sense. Instead, groans and moans were leaving his lips without resistance. His hips were maintaining momentum even if his brain was short-circuiting.
He thrusted deep into you, wanting you to feel every vein and the curve of his cock pressing against your walls. You felt so full - both from his love and the feeling of his cock stretching you out. Your head was rolling back against the pillows, whimpering out nonsense as you were overwhelmed by the feeling.
"Yeah? This feel good, angel? Come on, talk to me."
You let out a shaky breath as you were trying to find the right words to say. Words were floating around your mind - amazing, speechless, heavenly. Yet, you couldn't pin them down as the wet sounds of your pussy and skin smacking against skin pounced the walls.
Seokmin chuckled endearingly before he leaned down, pressing kisses along the side of your face. Your eyes fluttered shut as you just let the sensations take over your body.
"You look so pretty like this, y/n, baby," he breathed out. The puff of air and his lips grazing against your skin caused goosebumps to rise on your skin. "With your eyes shut, your chest rising and falling. All because of me. Will always be because of me," he vowed.
Slowly, you fluttered your eyes open to look up at the love of your life. Soft moans were leaving your lips as his cock went deeper, went harder into you. You've never had such a deep connection with someone before.
Your one hand moved to rest on his arm, gripping his bicep. The other hand moved up to tuck the strands of hair that were beginning to lay flat against his forehead due to the sweat. Your fingers gently pushed the straps back, moving through his soft hair until your hand rested on the back of his head. "I'm so in love with you," you breathed out.
Seokmin nearly melted at the gesture and your words. It is no lie that Seokmin was a rather affectionate person, but hearing you say that you didn't love him ut were in love with him? He was putty in your hands. You were his person in this life. And he was convinced that in every universe, you two found your way towards one another.
"I love you today," he began, his thrusts following after his sentence.
"I love you tomorrow." This time, his thrust was a little harder.
"And I'll love you always." This thrust in particular curved right into your g-spot, sending you into a frenzy of whimpers and moans. Your fingernails dug into his biceps which caused him to smirk deeply.
The bed was squeaking slightly, you two were moaning just to each other. Your love for one another was not for show, just for you two which made the room feel so intense. Under his gaze, you turned into a puddle. Literally. You got wetter the more he gazed down at you with his piercing brown eyes.
"I-I don't know how much longer I can last," you confessed. Your stomach was being a fire pit, the band within you getting tighter and tighter. You could burst at any moment.
Seokmin was in the same situation. He was trying his best to delay his own orgasm. He could feel the way his cock twitched erratically within you. But this wasn't just about him. Tonight, this was about you and your relationship.
"I know, sweet girl. Whenever you're ready, I'm right there with you," he promised.
His thrusts Neve slowed down. If anything, they sped up to help you reach your orgasm. If there was one thing about Seokmin, he was determined to give you the very best this life could offer, always providing his best. He would do anything for you.
His cock was driving right into your g-spot continuously. After one particular thrust, you lost it. The band in you snapped and you let out a soft cry in pleasure. Your vision went white, mind went blank - squirting slightly on the bedsheets and on Seokmin's thighs.
That was enough for Seokmin. A low growl ripped through his throat as his hands were planted on your hips, keeping you close to him. He thrusted his hops one more time to ensure all of his cock was buried inside you as hot spurts of his cum painted your walls. His head rolled back slightly as his body relaxed at the feeling of his high.
You breathed out shakily at the feeling of just how full you were. Your body trembling underneath him as you began to come down from your own high. "Seokmin?" you called out softly.
That was enough for Seokmin to be brought down to reality. His eyes landed down on you, seeing the soft gaze on your face. And he knew just what you needed.
"Don't even got to ask, angel," he whispered.
His lips pressed against yours gently as he began to slip out of you. You whimpered softly at the loss of feeling him so close, but soon relaxed as his arms wrapped around you. He pushed back the comforter so he could slip the two of you underneath the warmth of blankets.
Seokmin pulled back just a bit to ensure you were comfortable underneath the sheets. His arms loosely wrapped around you, allowing you to shift as needed to get into a comfortable position. Once you were settled, his arms tightened slightly around you to pull you in closer.
Your head nuzzled into his neck, pressing a gentle kiss. Seokmin was grateful you decided to cuddle up into him, so you didn't witness how his cheeks flushed at the display of affectionate.
"I can't believe I get to end my nights like this now," you whispered. Your voice was softer, your body a bit limp. He knew you were starting to get tired, and he couldn't blame you. You two spent the day unpacking before going out for a dinner date. It's been practically nonstop until this moment.
"I can," Seokmin confessed in a hushed tone. One of his hands rested on your spine, fingertips running up and down slowly. His other hand tucked strands of hair behind your ear. "I always wanted this for us, to have our own space where we can grow and love each other."
Now it was your turn to blush.
Your arms had wrapped around Seokmin's torso, keeping you close to him. Not like he had any plans of letting you go anytime soon. You began to fall asleep to the sound of his soft breathing and his heart beating. It helped that he was also swearing your favorite cologne of his.
"Goodnight, baby," you whispered. "Goodnight, princess. Same time tomorrow?" he asked teasingly.
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fettesans · 1 month
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Top, screen captures from various webcams in Austria, Italy and Germany showing Northern Lights, May 10, 2024. Via Nahel Belgherze. Bottom, Clarence John Laughlin, Woman Attacked by a Cloud (Descent of a Cloud), 1941, Silver gelatin print. Via.
Throughout The Mystery Guest, Boullier certainly does not sound like a man in top form, and his willingness to make himself appear buffoonish saves the book from being an agonizing exercise in flowery self-pity. In the kind of perfectly ironic detail that could only come directly from real life, he decides to distinguish himself by spending more than a month’s rent on a bottle of 1964 Margaux, only to learn that as part of her artistic practice, Calle keeps all of her birthday gifts in storage in their original wrapping. (If he really had been Jesus Christ, a bottle of Evian would have sufficed.) At the party, Boullier talks shit, and crosses the line between anonymous, iconoclastic interloper and garden-variety wine-drunk jerk. The prose is breathless, sometimes drunk seeming itself, and there is something realistic, even touching, about its perpetual ricocheting between hope and despair, often within the span of a single sentence. It is a tightly written portrait of the artist as a young(ish) mess, and its ingenuity lies in its positioning of the “mystery guest” as an idealized state that exists in diametric opposition to the thoroughly unmysterious position of the ex-lover. Familiarity breeds contempt, and it can also hasten breakups. If Boullier can make himself unknowable enough again, perhaps he can represent not only Calle’s future but also that of the woman who once loved him.
His problem—much to our delight, since this dilemma is what lends the book its jittery edge—is that he cannot be mysterious to save his life. In the final pages of the book, Boullier and Sophie Calle meet again some years later, and despite his misogynistic flinching at her age (“in five years she’d be fifty-five, and then sixty, and that vision was hopeless and implacable”), it becomes clear that they are twin souls, if not necessarily cut out to be lifelong soulmates: obsessed with fate, and to some degree with themselves, they have an eye for the kind of minor details that make for terrific fiction, even when they are supposedly recording facts. For a time after this meeting, they were lovers, until Boullier eventually sent her a meandering, self-important breakup email. Calle—in a move that a man so obsessed with signs surely ought to have foreseen—anonymized him as “X” and turned the email into her 2007 entry for the Venice Biennale, Take Care of Yourself, asking women from 107 different professions, from a cruciverbalist to a Talmudic scholar, to interpret his words. If dumping a writer is a risky move, dumping an artist might be more dangerous still: like an invading force, they tend to recruit collaborators.
Philippa Snow, from We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Two French authors’ dueling narratives of heartbreak, for Bookforum, Spring 2024.
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seijorhi · 10 months
im so in love with the new fic, rhi ♥️ may i ask how kuroo was able to kidnap reader? I was just thinking abt the gone girl reference like how was daishou interrogated by the police? Was he painted as abusive (verbally) or there’s a third party in the relationship?
good ol chloroform :))
but in essence, kinda similar to how it went down with daishou, but with drugs instead of brute force. he couldn't afford to be seen with her before that, and breaking in and taking her from home would've been risky.
plus, it lends itself to painting daishou as the bad guy. people see her leave work, she doesn't come home, and daishou doesn't even realise. not right away. not for a few hours, after a late practice. and then, like it says in the fic, he starts to rationalise and justify it – she might've been held up at work, or gone for some drinks with her friends and her phone's gone dead. maybe she told him she'd be out and he forgot.
but she's not answering her phone.
and it looks bad when it's the next morning that daishou finally goes to the cops to report her missing.
no enemies, no suspicious behaviour, no sign of a break in or anything violent. everyone loved her. but they've heard this story before. 9 times out of 10, it's the boyfriend. they don't give a fuck how wholesome and loving he paints the relationship, how vehemently he swears up and down that he's not that kind of guy, he's gonna be the number one suspect.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
I got another fic idea grace
Y/N and Mikey
They meet when Y/N is having an especially bad day. They go to a usually secluded area, to scream out and let out all their emotion, all their stress. They shout stuff they’d never tell someone but could never keep on their shoulders.
Mikey finds them, overlooks safety as a mutant engaging with a human, and is like, “Hey, are you okay?”
Y/N whips around with teary eyes, more afraid to be caught by someone than of what that someone is, “Wh-What? There—I’m sorry, Just—“ Starts getting their things to go, only to halt when the stranger begs that they stay. Maybe he could lend an ear, a helping hand, he offers with a smile.
“Well..” Y/N wipes their eyes with their palm, “I guess. They do say it’s easier to talk to a stranger than someone you know.”
now are you tempting me 👀 if you don’t write this asap marlowe my sweet, marlowe my dear I may have to ste— *ahem* borrow this wonderful endearing fic idea 🥰 my mind is in a tizzy <3
Mikey wasn’t the type to sneak nor lie. Both combined were practically impossible to do. So he didn’t per say lie, he just left out some information as he told Raph and the rest of his older brothers that he was going out to skate. Out usually referred to the rest of the sewer but Mikey had other plans, plans to go topside.
Call it mischievousness or just being the youngest and in a trouble making mood. He didn’t want to follow by the rules today, so he skated on the rooftops. And when that got boring he flipped and jumped with the skateboard secured on the back of his shell. He must have went farther than he realized because building to jump on became a longer distance than he was used to. Just as he had been preparing to make such a risky jump he had heard the scream.
Immediately he was switching gears, bolting for the sound, he was a hero, and he’d help whoever was in trouble regardless if he had his brothers or not. But as the scene came into view he realized it was just one person, and they let out another agonized scream. Full of pent up anger and stress. Mikey’s heart ached at such a sound and he wondered if he could help in anyway. He surely could, he was Dr. Feelings after all. So he disregarded all of the warnings Raph would instill about never showing himself to strangers. Especially humans.
How could he ignore you when your screams turned into such heartbreaking sobs. “Hey, are you okay?” His voice full of concern.
writing the beginnings of a fic, im getting carried away XD I loveeee the idea, truly you must write it 🥺 pretty please?
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hey sex witch, I'm hoping you can lend your opinion regarding safe material for sex toys. I'm considering buying a non-insertable stroker (Packer Gear FTM Stroker by CalExotics, for reference) made of TPR. I've seen mixed assessments on the safety of TPR in sex toys -- some saying it's safe without any details as to why or in what contexts, and others simply grouping it with other porous material without giving any specifics for this particular material. Some sources also suggest that even if TPR is porous, it's still safe for external use, but I don't know if that's accurate. So basically, with the mixed reviews, I'm not sure what to trust or how risky porous material is when not being used for penetration. Do you have any thoughts on how to approach this issue?
hey anon,
broadly speaking I wouldn't recommend it, if only because it's a bad investment. TPR (thermoplastic rubber, for those of you playing along at home) isn't a great material for a sex toy due to being unfortunately porous.
I'm going to just directly quote Dangerous Lilly, sex toy safety critic extraordinaire:
[TPR toys] are non-toxic, but are nearly always porous enough to harbor mold and bacteria. These materials are also softened with mineral oil, and might contain harmful chemicals besides phthalates. The material is highly unstable, and will begin to break down over time (a few months). Sex toys made from these materials should be examined closely before every use for material tears, black spots, foul odors. Sex toys made from these materials should be replaced every 8-10 months. (source)
you can read more about Dangerous Lilly's work with TPR toys and silicone blends here.
so even if you do buy this toy (and god, I get the appeal; it's so cheap!) I'd have to say that best practices would dictate throwing it out in a year at most, since the material is fundamentally impossible to completely sanitize and can harbor all kinds of things that you Do Not Want near your genitalia.
so unfortunately that's gonna be a no from me, and I'd recommend shopping to find something similar in a safer material like pure silicone.
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reasoningdaily · 9 months
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The days of legally sanctioned race-based housing discrimination may be behind us, but the legacy of attitudes and practices that kept nonwhite citizens out of some neighborhoods and homeownership remains pervasive. Redlining, one of these practices, is especially notorious in U.S. real estate history.
What is redlining? Technically, it refers to lending discrimination that bases decisions on a property’s or individual’s location, without regard to other characteristics or qualifications. In a larger sense, it refers to any form of racial discrimination related to real estate.
America’s discriminatory past can still be present today with nonwhite mortgage borrowers generally getting charged higher interest rates and the persistence of neighborhood segregation. These trends can be traced in part to redlining, an official government policy dating from the 1930s, which codified racist attitudes in real estate finance and investment, and made it more difficult for nonwhites to purchase homes.
Redlining and racism in America have a long, complex and nuanced history. This article serves as a primer on the policy’s background and how it continues to affect real estate and nonwhite homeownership today. It also includes suggestions to reduce redlining’s lingering effect.
Key takeaways
Redlining refers to a real estate practice in which public and private housing industry officials and professionals designated certain neighborhoods as high-risk, largely due to racial demographics, and denied loans or backing for loans on properties in those neighborhoods.
Redlining practices were prevalent from the 1930s to the 1960s.
Ostensibly intended to reduce lender risk, redlining effectively institutionalized racial bias, making it easier to discriminate against and limit homebuying opportunities for people of color. It essentially restricted minority homeownership and investment to “risky” neighborhoods.
Though redlining is now illegal, its legacy persists, with ongoing impact on home values, homeownership and individuals’ net worth. Discrimination and inequities in housing practices and home financing still exist.
What is redlining?
Redlining — both as a term and a practice — is often cited as originating with the Federal Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), a government agency created during the 1930s New Deal that aided homeowners who were in default on their mortgages and in foreclosure. HOLC created a system to assess the risk of lending money for mortgage loans within particular neighborhoods in 239 cities.
Color-coded maps were created and used to decide whether properties in that area were good candidates for loans and investment. The colors — from green to blue to yellow to red — indicated the lending risk level for properties. Areas outlined in red were regarded as “hazardous” (that is, high risk) — hence, the term “redlining.”
Redlined areas typically had a high concentration of African-American residents and other minorities. Historians have charged that private mortgage lenders and even the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) — created in 1934 to back, or insure, mortgages — used these maps or developed similar ones to set loan criteria, with properties in those redlined areas incurring higher interest rates or not qualifying at all. Real estate brokers often used them to segregate buyers and sellers.
“This practice was widespread and institutionalized, and it was used to discriminate against minorities and low-income communities,” says Sam Silver, a veteran Santa Clarita, Calif.-based Realtor, real estate investor and commercial lender.
The impact of redlining on the mortgage lending industry
Following World War II, the U.S. had a huge demand for housing, as many returning American servicemen and -women wanted to settle down and begin raising families. Eager to help these veterans, the FHA expanded its financing and loan-insuring efforts, essentially empowering Uncle Sam to back lenders and developers and reducing their risk when offering construction and mortgage loans.
“That lower risk to lenders resulted in lower interest rates, which granted middle-class people the ability to borrow money to purchase homes,” says Rajeh Saadeh, a real estate and civil rights attorney and a former Raritan Valley Community College adjunct professor on real estate law in Bridgewater, New Jersey. “With the new lending policies and larger potential homeowner pool, real estate developers bought huge tracts of land just outside of urban areas and developed them by building numerous homes and turning the areas into today’s suburbs.”
However, many of these new developments had restrictions stated in their covenants that prohibited African-Americans from purchasing within them. Additionally, there were areas within cities, already heavily populated by minorities, that were redlined, making them ineligible for federally backed mortgages (which effectively meant, for affordable mortgages, period). Consequently, people of color could not get loans to buy in the suburbs, nor could they borrow to purchase homes in areas in which they were concentrated.
“Redlining was part of a systemic, codified policy by the government, mortgage lenders, real estate developers and real estate agents as a bloc to deprive Black people of homeownership,” Saadeh continues. “The ramifications of this practice have been generational.”
The (official) end of redlining
During the mid-20th century, redlining predominated along the East Coast, the eastern sections of the South and the Midwest, and several West Coast metropolitan areas. Black neighborhoods and areas adjacent to them were the ones most likely to be redlined.
Redlining as a sanctioned government practice ended with the passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968, which specifically prohibits racial discrimination in the housing industry and among professionals engaged in renting, buying, selling and financing residential properties. The Act’s protections were extended by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974) and the Community Reinvestment Act (1977).
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) — specifically, its Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) —  investigates reports of redlining. For example, prompted by a complaint filed by the non-profit National Community Reinvestment Coalition, HUD has been examining whether several branches of HSBC Bank USA engaged in discriminatory lending practices in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods in six U.S. metropolitan areas from 2018-2021, HSBC recently disclosed in its Form 10-Q for the second quarter 2023.
Bankrate insights
In October 2021, the Department of Justice announced its Combatting Redlining Initiative, working in partnership with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. It has reached seven major settlements with financial institutions to date, resulting in over $80 million in loans, investments and subsidies to communities of color.
How does redlining affect real estate today?
The practice of redlining has significantly impacted real estate over the decades in several ways:
Redlining has arguably led to continued racial segregation in cities and neighborhoods. Recent research shows that almost all formerly redlined zones in America remain disproportionately Black.
Redlined areas are associated with a long-term decline in homeownership, home values and credit scores among minorities, all of which continue today.
Formerly redlined areas tend to have older housing stock and command lower rents; these less-valuable assets contribute to the racial wealth gap.
Redlining curbed the economic development of minority neighborhoods, miring many of these areas in poverty due to a lack of access to loans for business development. After 30-plus years of underinvestment, many nonwhite neighborhoods continue to be seen as risky for investors and developers.
Other effects of redlining include the exclusion of minority communities from key resources within urban areas, such as health care, educational facilities and employment opportunities.
Today, 11 million Americans live in formerly redlined areas, estimates Kareem Saleh, founder/CEO of FairPlay AI, a Los Angeles-based organization that works to mitigate the effects of algorithmic bias in lending.  He says about half of these people reside in 10 cities: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco and San Diego.
“Redlining shut generations of Black and Brown homebuyers out of the market. And when members of these communities did overcome the barriers to purchasing homes, redlining diminished their capacity to generate wealth from the purchase,” says Saleh. “To this day, redlining has depressed property values of homes owned in minority communities. The enduring legacy of redlining is that it has blocked generations of persons of color from accessing a pathway to economic empowerment.”
“Also, due to redlining, African-Americans who couldn’t qualify for government-backed mortgages were forced to pay higher interest rates. Higher interest rates translate to higher mortgage payments, making it difficult for minorities to afford homes,” Elizabeth Whitman, a real estate attorney and real estate broker in Potomac, Maryland, says. “Since redlining made it more expensive to obtain a mortgage, housing wasn’t as easy to sell and home prices got suppressed in redlined areas.”
Data from FairPlay AI’s recent “State of Mortgage Fairness Report” indicate that equality in mortgage lending is little better today for many nonwhite groups than it was 30 years ago — or it has improved very slowly. For example, in 1990, Black mortgage applicants obtained loan approvals at 78.4 percent of the rate of White applicants; in 2019 that figure remained virtually unchanged — though it did rise to 84.4 percent in 2021.
Although there’s no official federal risk map anymore, most financial institutions do their own risk assessments. Unfortunately, bias can still enter into these assessments.
“Lenders can use algorithms and big data to determine the creditworthiness of a borrower, which can lead to discrimination based on race and ethnicity. Also, some real estate agents may steer clients away from certain neighborhoods based on their racial makeup,” Silver points out.
With the rise of credit rating agencies and their ubiquity, how do we know it’s a fair system? I don’t think, at my core, that African-Americans are predisposed to be poorer and less financially secure. — Rob Roseformer executive director of the Cook County Land Bank Authority in Chicago
Insurance companies have also used redlining practices to limit access to comprehensive homeowners policies. And the home appraisal industry has also employed redlining maps when valuing properties, which has further repressed housing values in African-American neighborhoods, according to Whitman.
Furthermore, a 2020 National Fair Housing Alliance study revealed that Black and Hispanic/Latino renters were more likely to be shown and offered fewer properties than White renters.
Redlining’s ongoing legacy
Even without conscious bias, the legacy of redlining — and its impact on the accumulation of assets and wealth — can put nonwhite loan applicants at a disadvantage to a disproportionate degree. For example, studies consistently show that Black borrowers generally have lower credit scores today, even when other factors like education and income are controlled for. Credit scores, along with net worth and income, are of course a key factor in determining mortgage eligibility and terms.
As a result, it remains more difficult for Black borrowers to qualify for mortgages — and more expensive for those who do, because they’re usually charged higher interest rates. Other minorities are also much more likely to pay a higher interest rate than their White counterparts.
Because home appraisals look at past property value trends in neighborhoods, they reinforce the discrimination redlining codified by keeping real estate prices lower in historically Black neighborhoods. That, in turn, makes lenders assume they’re taking on more risk when they extend financing in those areas.
“The single-greatest barrier in helping to break out of these neighborhoods is the current appraisal process,” says Rob Rose, former executive director of the Cook County Land Bank Authority in Chicago. “The appraisers are trying to do the best that they can within the parameters that they’re given, but it’s a broken system and industry that’s built on a faulty foundation.”
African-American homeowners pay hundreds of dollars more per year in mortgage interest, mortgage insurance premiums and other fees than White homeowners — amounting to $13,464 over the life of their loan, according to “The Unequal Costs of Black Homeownership,” a 2020 study by MIT’s Golub Center for Finance and Policy.
What can be done to reduce the impact of redlining?
The current housing financing system is built on the foundations that redlining left in place. To decrease the effects of redlining and its legacy, it’s essential to address the underlying biases that led to these practices.
“This can be done through Fair Housing education and training of real estate professionals, increased enforcement of Fair Housing laws, and investment in communities that have been historically redlined,” suggests Silver.
Others insist that the public and private sectors need to play a bigger role in combating prejudice and discrimination.
“Federal regulators likely will continue to put pressure on financial institutions and other stakeholders in the mortgage ecosystem to root out bias,” says Saleh. “The Department of Justice’s Combatting Redlining Initiative shows the government’s commitment to supervisory oversight. There are also policy and regulatory moves, such as the recent push by regulators encouraging lenders to use Special Purpose Credit Programs — lending programs specifically dedicated to remedying past discrimination. Similarly, various federal task forces have been actively addressing historical biases and discriminatory practices in the appraisal industry.”
Also, financial institutions could adjust their underwriting practices and algorithms to better evaluate nonwhite loan applicants, and help level the playing field for them. For example, in late 2022, Fannie Mae announced it had adjusted its automated Desktop Underwriter system — widely used by bank loan officers — to consider bank account balances for applicants who lack credit scores. Fannie and its fellow mortgage-market player, Freddie Mac, now may also consider rent payments as part of borrowers’ credit histories.
Such efforts won’t eradicate the effects of redlining overnight, of course. But they can be a start towards helping more people towards a key piece of the American Dream.
If you believe you are the victim of redlining or another sort of housing discrimination, you have rights under the Fair Housing Act. You can file an online complaint with or phone the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at (800) 669-9777. Additionally, you can report the matter to your local private Fair Housing center or contact the National Fair Housing Alliance.
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
Do you think Dean's ever secretly watched sam have sex and then tried to subtly give him pointers on what he thinks sam needs to improve on, or offered himself up for practice? If sam wants to learn how to suck dick dean figures he might as well practice on him first (that's not so subtle but dean doesn't strike me as a subtle kind of guy, he goes in all or nothing)
this idea settled in my brain and i ended up writing a little fic idea thing for it. im sorry/ur welcome.
my first thoughts are that it would be the opposite way around. at least at first. deans more frequent and blaise about sex. deans careless, especially when he was younger.
sams most formative sexual moments being when he was still pretty young and dean broke into the empty motel room one door down from where he was staying with sam and was so loud about it that the sense memory sound of dean groaning replayed in his head for months.
and i think sam would want more (knowing he cant have more) n be stupid enough to try to hear it more by doing risky shit over the years, like hiding in the room when dean comes back thinking sams sleeping at a friends house, waiting to hear the impala drive into the parking lot so he can sneak out at listen to dean dirty talk a girl, sneaking after dean when he goes to the mens room at a bar to listing to him gagging on a cock. classic brother things.
It would be fun if the reason deans always nagging at sam to go get laid is because hes been doing that too. the reason he always tells sam his sexual exploits in excruciating detail to see how he reacts. watching carefully to see if him squirming in his seat and telling him to shut up is because hes repulsed by the image of his brother having sex- like a normal brother- or if its just to hide that hes just as much as a freak as him.
i think once dean has it figured out he'll start letting it slip, intentionally. telling sam his stroke game could use a little work and giving him a fucked up mixed signals stern and fatherly yet arousing "wrap it before you tap it" talk after catching him fucking a girl without a condom. getting too close to him when hes just had sex and still reeks of it. telling sam that if he needs help fine tuning hes methods he can always lend a hand, but always said with a smile on his face and playful enough that sam laughs it off, teases him back, and keeps the game going.
sam starts having sex with more strangers (and with a lot more men) purely in the off chance that deans watching him. like hes laying out a trap for dean to walk into. eventually their eyes meet while sams in a compromising position in an alleyway. both caught red handed in their own ways and refusing to look break eye contact as dean drags his zipper down to touch himself to the sight. its a game, they take turns teasing their toes right on the line theyre not allowed to cross until its blatant that they want to cross it for real. both standing right of the edge of it. paper thin now. trying to bait the other into crossing it first so they dont have to.
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classicquid · 9 months
How Frequently Can I Take Out Short Term Loans UK Direct Lender?
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thecosmicangel · 2 years
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Numerology Part 2
Check out pt 1:
Astrology & Numbers
1: leo, sun
2, 11: cancer, moon
3: sagittarius, jupiter
4,22: aquarius, saturn
5: gemini, virgo, mercury
6,33: taurus, libra, venus
7: pisces, jupiter, neptune
8: capricorn, saturn
9: aries, mars
0: scorpio, mars, pluto
*This chart was found when researching on numerology and astrology connection*
Number 1: 
Puts power in our hands as a symbol of independence, confidence, & new beginnings. 1s are true pioneers, eager to break ground on new endeavors & pave the way for others to follow. Natural leaders and a proactive force. Shows us the possibilities that await us. Spiritual symbolism-number of creation & the birth of all things. The divine origin of the universe.
Power, action, independent, goal-oriented, innovative, forceful, risky, doubtful, ambitious, proactive, pioneering, self-centered, uninhibited, reckless, motivates, loves freedom. newness, movement.
Tarot: The Magician
Astrology: Leo, Aries
Number 2: 
Known as a feminine supreme force, representing both grace & power. Cooperative always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation. Can be very sensitive & has a strong intuition. 2 is able to sense currents & feelings instinctively. Partnerships; the coming together or balancing of two iindividual people, concepts, or things. It wants harmony & teamwork, 2 likes to be a mediator because it can see two sides of a situation in an unbiased way & guide others to the middle road.
Intuitive, unifying, influential, indecisive, easily hurt, unassertive, tactful, sensitive, cooperative, inclusive, supportive, empathetic, protective.
Tarot: The High Priestess.
Astrology: Taurus, & cancer
Number 3:
Thrives in an upbeat & engaging atmosphere. Youthful & positive. 3 has an enormous zest for life. Its prized skill is communication & uses this talent to build a wide and interesting circle of friends, lovers, and kindred spirits. 3 is highly original & embraces unique thinking & creative expression. Artistic curiosity allows it to convey abstract ideas and find solutions others may miss. 3s are a child at heart, and express all the love & joy it embodies. 3 is also a symbol of the holy trinity and very important number across different cultures and traditions around the world. think about all the things that come in 3s: birth-life-death, mind-body-soul, when you see 3 is often an omen of creativity, communication, enthusiasm, curiosity, and optimism. 
communicative, artistic, charming, naive, unfocused, shallow, jovial, scattered, social, optimistic, youthful.
Tarot: The Empress
Astrology:  Gemini/ Sagittarius
Number 4: 
Extremely dependable and lends a great amount of stability to a person or situation. Dedicated to advancing but in a more conservative manner rather than progressive. 4 sticks to what is tried and true instead of attempting methods that are new. They can be old fashioned. 4 leads with its head rather than its heart. It uses it mental strength to build a life  of service & contentment
practical, loyal, dogmatic, dull, rigid, survive-oriented, strong, traditional, hard-worker, dependable, efficient
Tarot: The Emperor
Astrology: Cancer
Number 5: 
curious and need for a variety of exciting experiences in order to feel fulfilled. Craving for freedom and adventure. not afraid to go with the flow and be guided where it may. Likes to get out there and experience, plus is the master of change. 
curious, adaptable, social, non-committal, unreliable, directionless, flexible, adventurous, unpredictable, outgoing, restless, energetic, independent, inconsistent
Tarot : The Hierophant
Astrology: leo, virgo, gemini
Number 6: 
The embodiment of the heart, represents unconditional love and ability to support, nurture, and heal. Powerful force of compassion and empathy. Its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart & soul to be of service to others. 6 shines in partnerships of all kinds specially emotional ones
supportive, protective, romantic, passive, self-sacrificing, idealistic, caring, healing, compassionate, nurturing, harmonious, warm,
Tarot: The Lovers
Astrology: virgo, taurus, libra, venus -desire  devotion.
Number 7: 
It is not satisfied with simple explanations or surface level information. Skills of 7 are listening, asking questions, researching and sensing in its search for awareness. It is an analytical number that enjoys gathering and filtering through information to find answers. 7 has a powerful intuition, and uses it as a guide. 
Spiritual, curious, reclusive, secretive, suspicious , perceptive, intellectual, mysterious, reserved, skeptical, solitary, introspective, deep and wise.
Tarot: The Chariot
Astrology: libra, pisces
Number 8: 
Achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. Good business sense and powerful presence. 8s have a strong drive for success. The symbol of balance. 8 represents an ultimate form of achievement that many will spend their entire lifetime striving for.
Ambitious, authoritative, karmic, entitled, enduring, accomplished, balanced, dedicated, prosperous, strong, professional, materialistic, goal-oriented.
Tarot: Strength card
Astrology: scorpio, capricorn.
Number 9: 
Completion but not finality. Cyclical, ending of one cycle & the potential it creates for another cycle to begin. Guides in the process of transition & transformation, empowering us with its wisdom. 9 takes in answers from a spiritual source and then delivers them to us in the real world. 9 is a humanitarian at heart. Wise, and more aware.
Compassionate, kind, strong, awakening, tolerant, supportive, resentful, sacrificing, suffering, experienced, spiritual, sacrificial, compassionate, accepting.
Tarot: The Hermit
Astrology: sagittarius/aries
Master Numbers: master numbers take a long time for a person to master. Potential often is not  reached until later in life. Patience and Perseverance are required. They hold remarkable potential but it doesn’t come freely. The master numbers in a numerology chart often go through great struggle or burden in order to learn the profound lessons that lead to its potential.
Master numbers can represent the 3 phases of creation: envisioning, building, & sharing
11: visionary, 22: architect, 33: delivers it to the world
Number 11: seer, visionary, more powerful intuition than any other number. spiritual , works well with others
Similar traits as number 2, but in a higher much more spiritual plane.
11 has a deep sense of awareness about things most cannot see. Very sensitive to subtle energies, they possess a physic-like sense of knowing. They can hear other people's thoughts, fears, and feelings. They spend a lifetime learning to trust their intuition, as they are presented with more difficult experiences than others in order to refine their unique skills. Relationships and teamwork are key for 11 to fulfill its ultimate potential.
Attentive, understanding, supportive presence, follows the wisdom of its spiritual inner voice.
Number 22: 
Known as the “master builder” intuition of 11 + gift of practical effort. Ability to turn grand visions into realities. Qualities/traits of 4 but greater instincts and people skills. Actualizers, confident, hard workers with the intent on creating something of great value and meaning. Like 11 they may have a lifetime of  setbacks and struggles which help them learn what it means to stay dedicated to their life purpose. Each trial brings in a spiritual lesson. Keep their eyes on the price and work with currents of the universe. Resisting the energy of 22 results in total lack of direction.
Number 33: 
Relates to the heart and soul, pure love & light “master teacher” they have the profound responsibility of guiding others on their path to healing and enlightenment. 33 is a rare number. Spend a lifetime of heartache and hardship to learn how to handle struggle with grace and to be an example of hope and healing for others. They are meant to radiate the concept of love and healing in everything they do. 33 is a channel for divine messages to reach us on earth. 11 perceptive powers + 22 manifestation powers + extraordinary ability to share and heal= 33.
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sebeth · 1 year
The Self-Delusional Grandeur of Aegon the Conqueror
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  House of the Dragon established as cannon that Aegon conquered the Seven Kingdoms to unify the realm for an unknown threat from the North.
I’m fine with that as its been a belief in the fandom for a long time. Attempting to weave the catspaw dagger back to Targaryens was lame. I give the creators points for trying to salvage the “Arya kills the Night’s King” nonsense but I will never believe a tiny dagger was the promised Targaryen weapon designed to kill an unknown threat – why would you choose a tiny dagger when you have Blackfyre or Dark Sister? The creators tried, it failed, moving on.
Before I cover the non-warring aspects of Aegon’s reign, I thought I would see if Aegon’s unification worked or whether it was the egotistical delusions of a man trying to put a noble spin on the deaths of tens of thousands.
We only have an actual ending in the books but we can speculate on upcoming events in the Winds of Winter and A Dream Of Spring.
The short answer is “no”. By the start of the main series, the Targaryen dynasty has been deposed and is down to an exiled prince and princess plus an unknown bastard. And the Seven Kingdoms will be at war with each other before A Game Of Thrones ends.
“Whenever a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin” to decide if madness or greatness awaits the individual”. A saying we here in the books and the show. I wonder when the saying entered the Westeros consciousness. Does it pre-date the Doom of Valyria? Did it occur after the Targaryens settled on Dragonstone or after Aegon’s conquest? If the saying was common before Aegon’s conquest if might explain why he so reluctant to share his vision with other people. No need to further the reputation of insanity.
On the other hand, Aegon descends from a famous prophetess – Daenys the Dreamer – which should lend weight to his claims of having a vision. The North and the Blackwoods are familiar with greenseers. Aegon’s lords (especially in the North) may have been more receptive than he anticipated.
In my opinion, Aegon shared his vision with Rhaenys, Visenya, and Orys – those were his “ride or dies” and his partners-in-crime. And we are told that starting with Aegon only the direct heir was informed of the upcoming threat. I don’t understand the logic behind the “only the heir is informed” practice.
Despite Jaehaery’s proclamation, the Targaryens are not exceptional – they die in the same ways non-Targaryens do: illness, injuries, drowning, drunk horse-riding, etc. Betting on the fate of the world by only imparting knowledge to the heir seems a risky way to ensure knowledge of the threat continues to later generations.
I still find it odd the knowledge of Aegon’s threat lasted in the post-Maegor years. How did Jaehaerys find out? Aegon, Rhaenys, Visenya, and Orys were long dead by this point. Aenys and Aegon the Unrowned were also dead. Visenya must have told Maegor but that leaves Jaehaerys. Aerea was Maegor’s heir but I highly doubt he told her about the Others. Did Maegor leave a letter in his belongings detailing the threat?
And as we saw in the Dance of the Dragons, only telling the heir backfires spectacularly when the family nearly wipes each other out, causing the later generations to lose all knowledge of the threat.
As for preparing for the upcoming threat, Aegon did nothing after conquering the Kingdoms. The North – more specifically the Night’s Watch aka the organization on the front lines of the upcoming threat – wouldn’t receive any aid from the Targaryens until the reign of Jaehaerys I. I would think Jaehaerys informed Alysanne of Aegon’s vision (despite not being the heir) as she was a very active partner in his reign. Alysanne granted the New Gift to the Night’s Watch though they didn’t have the personnel to properly use the land. Alysanne journeyed to the North and made a point to visit the Wall. Possibly scoping out the potential threat. We know she was unsettled by Silverwing’s refusal to cross the Wall.
Did Aegon’s conquering the Kingdoms aid the fight against the Others. A definite “no” in the tv show, a most likely “no” in the series:
Daenerys was the only acknowledged Targaryen to participate in the Long Night, round two. Her greatest contribution in armed forces were the Dothraki and the Unsullied (neither native to Westeros). Her dragons contributed to the battle but Viserion was killed and then used to bring the Wall down (not great).
The Targaryens could have contributed as much if they had simply remained as Lords of Dragonstone the entire time. Their contributions would have been greater as there would have been more Targaryens and more dragons as they wouldn’t have killed each other in the Dance of the Dragons.
The North, the Free Folk, and the Night’s Watch would have been involved with or without the unification of the Seven Kingdoms. They are on the front line either way.
Jon Snow”s Targaryen blood was irrelevant in the show and if Bran becomes King in the books, I don’t see it having much effect in the series. No one is following Jon because he has Valyrian blood, it has been his Stark heritage that rallied the North to him, and his own merits that have the Night’s Watch and the Free Folk following him. Hopefully, Jon is allowed to defeat the Others in the books – its only been his plotline since book 1.
The Westerlands. Jaime, Pod, Sandor, and Tyrion in the show. Most likely Jaime in the books as well.
The Stormlands. Brienne, Davos, Beric in the show. Most likely Brienne in the show. Possibly Stannis, and the remnants of his forces if they survive the Battle of Ice. The rest of the Stormlands are dealing with Aegon’s invasion and may end up battling the Daenery’s forces.
The Riverlands. The remnants of the Brotherhood participated in the show. This area is my big question mark. I feel the Blackwoods would gladly answer the call. They were a Northern house, they worship the Old Gods, and have intermarried with the Starks. The Mallisters are also strong Stark supporters. The remnants of the Tullys are the big question marks. Edmure is on his way to Casterly Rock, the Blackfish has esacaped and Lady Stoneheart is on a murder spree. The Brotherhood has split into multiple factions and the Riverlands has been annihilated as it was ground zero for the War of the Five Kings.
The Vale answered the call in the books and will in the show as long as Littlefinger is eliminated. But they won’t be aiding the North because of the unification but because of the close ties between the Starks and the Arryns/Royces.
The Iron Islands. Theon and a few Ironborn helped in the show. Assuming Theon , Asha, and the captured Ironborn aren’t executed by Stannis, they will aid in the battle against the Others. They won’t have a choise as they will be in the thick of the insanity. I’m not sure if Theon will be able to help as his mutilation is much more severe in the books.
The Reach didn’t contribute in the show and won’t in the books. The Reach has been coasting through the War of the Five Kings with minimal casualties but this is Westeros and no one is allowed to have nice things. The Reach will be too busy dealing with Euron’s attack, the arrival of Aegon (and later Daenerys) plus the madness/incompetence of Cersei Lannister. That is a three-pronged attack to ward off and we can’t forget the Golden Company’s insistence on “friends in the Reach” which implies a possible civil war within the Reach. The survivors of the insanity won’t have the strength or motivation to travel to the North.
Dorne. No contributions in the show or the books. The desire for vengeance will be the downfall of the Martells. It killed Oberyn and will destroy the rest of the family. The only Martells I anticipate surviving the series is Ellaria’s younger daughters and Sarella Sand (if she survives Euron’s attack). The rest are caught up in Cerei’s madness and the upcoming Aegon vs Daenerys war – and the Martells seem to be allying with the side that doesn’t have dragons which is a bad idea.
The Crownlands will not have any strength to aid the North. They are dead center for the Cersei-Aegon-Daenerys confrontation. Rest in peace, King’s Landing, it was nice knowing you.
As for Aegon and Daenerys, Aegon will not go North but Dany will. We know King’s Landing is going to be wiped off the map. The exact circumstances are unknown.  Who’s to blame is unknown. But it’s going to happen. I don’t know if Aegon and Daenerys will receive requests to come North before the inferno of King’s Landing occurs but I think said destruction is the reason Dany’ heads North with her forces. She has a Stannis-moment where she realizes she needs to put the people before her own desire for the crown.
In Summary, Aegon’s Conquest did not prepare Westeros for the return of the Others but is did provide Aegon with a delusional justification for killing tens of thousands of people in order to obtain power.
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Akemi’s Past, Chapter 3: Why Don’t You Do Right, Like Some Other Men Do?
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Alternative Title: We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when. Part 1
Title based on: “Why Don’t You Do Right?” By Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Chapter 2
TW: mentions blood.
•When Akemi was only taking train after train across Europe to travel, pacing from town to town had gotten tiring that she decided to spend her money on transportation.
•The next thing she knows, she somehow managed to find herself in Paris.
•It was 1920 and Paris was flourishing with art and music. Jazz music filled the streets and there was a pep in every step.
•Despite all that Akemi never bat an eye on it, she was just focusing on what she could eat for today and tomorrow.
•Broke and still cross-dressing as a man, she decided to be a newsboy for the local newspaper. It seemed easy enough and she was agile enough for the job.
•Akemi found the job decent and just collected money so she could have the chance to jump to a different town.
•Every night after working, Akemi would wander the streets in hopes to find shortcuts to different addresses, and every night she would get curious about the cabarets and the music that bled through the outside
•Eventually, Akemi snuck into the bright red cabaret called the Moulin Rouge to watch the performances and the dancers. The cabaret seemed so cheerful and bright that she almost wanted to dance along.
•Ever since that night in the cabaret Akemi would visit from time to time to watch the women dance for a month. She eventually started dancing herself, albeit clumsily.
•Nevertheless, Akemi continued with her job as a newsboy, continuing with her plan to jump to different towns. It was too risky for her to stay in one place, especially since she would show no signs of aging as a vampire.
•Well, that was the original plan, until she caught a man’s attention, again. More specifically, he noticed her dancing and singing in the streets at night while he was taking a smoke break outside the Moulin Rouge.
•That middle-aged man proceeded to arrange a meeting with her, and the next thing Akemi knew, she was offered a job as a cabaret dancer.
•Reluctantly, Akemi agreed to join the cabaret temporarily. While in the cabaret, she had to learn how to do warm-ups, improve her flexibility and catch up with the rest of the girls.
•Saying it was difficult was quite an understatement. Akemi’s legs were in constant pain from flexibility exercises, she was tripping and stumbling during rehearsals, and struggled with the corset after not wearing one in decades.
•Even so, Akemi worked hard and tried to practice her flexibility and dancing even after practice.
•It was exhilarating, and the excitement Akemi felt as she danced and sang. As she got better and better, Akemi was able to dance on stage with the other girls after practicing for so long.
•She never would have thought that the excitement she felt while dancing could be so addictive.
•Akemi had a few acquaintances in the Moulin Rouge that she spent her time talking to in the dressing room. She found their company reassuring as the ladies taught her how to use makeup.
“Why aren’t you a doll? You should have a bit more confidence in yourself” Jean gushed as she dabbed rouge on Akemi’s lips.
Jean proceeded to make Akemi face the mirror. “There we go! See? You look gorgeous!”
“Thank you…” Akemi mumbled under her breath.
Jean would sigh and lift Akemi’s head with her red fan. “Chin up dear, you’re a young lady now”.
•She would also lend an ear for their stories and gossip, from the sabotages between other girls in the cabaret, romantic scandals like one of the girls hooking up with the bartender, or simple chatter about their lives outside the cabaret.
•What Jean and the other ladies would talk about the most, was a mysterious, and handsome man that would enter the Moulin Rouge.
•The older women would tell the younger that he doesn’t come often and that visits from him are very rare. No one knew what he did for a living and remained an enigma.
•The ladies talked in hushed whispers about that one-time Cecile was asked by the man to meet in private.
“Mmm, his eyes were like molten gold.” Cecile moaned dramatically as she told the ladies who were so eager to hear more, Akemi sat on one of the seats in the dressing room as she combed through Chloe’s hair, listening.
“He had a way with words too, I haven’t seen him since” Cecile sighed, and she dabbed rouge on her lips. With a smirk, she looked at the ladies around her and purred, “He might come back eventually, but not for me.”
•The ladies giggled amongst themselves, joking around that they might catch this mysterious man’s eye. Akemi shook her head whilst smiling to herself, all the while helping Chloe with her updo.
•No one thought that man would return, no one even knew if he used his real name in the Moulin Rouge, so the girls brushed it off.
•That until Akemi had a solo act on stage, she was singing her number on stage when she felt a different presence watching her.
•Smiling like nothing is wrong, her eyes darted across the table in the front and spotted a man with dark glasses, his curious gaze could be felt by Akemi, it was like he was trying to study her.
•With the risk of ruining her show, Akemi went down from the stage and continued to sing her number as she walked towards the mysterious man, who seemed so pleased to see her, wearing a smug smile on his face.
•As Akemi sat on the man’s table for a closer inspection, she was shocked at the man’s eyes, it was a pale gold color, just like what Celine said.
•After Akemi got a closer look at him, she returned to the stage and finished her performance. She thought that would be the last time she would see him but was proven wrong.
•Every single night, the ladies in the dressing rooms would chatter about that same man, they chatted about how that man would sit in his usual seat.
“Look, do you think he’s looking at me?”
“Ooh, I think he’s looking at me!”
•No one knew who caught that man’s eye and made several guesses.
•That is until after Akemi got to have her second solo performance, she was just about to wash off the makeup with the water she just got from her pitcher when Chloe called her over.
•Confused, Akemi walked out of the shared dressing room to see Chloe hold a bouquet of light pink peonies.
“Chloe… what’s all this?” Akemi gasped as she touched the peonies’ delicate petals, they were fresh and bloomed fully as if it was spring.
“Well, starshine, a secret admirer has his eyes on you.” Chloe smiled, handing the roses to Akemi.
“I heard through the grapevines that you’ll get to speak with him, privately.” Chloe giggled as she escorted Akemi back to the dressing room and called out two other girls, including Cecile.
“W…wait, what? Right now?!” Akemi exclaimed as the girls giggled, all the while they were touching up her foundation.
“Yes, it was quite sudden, and you’ll probably need a little help powdering your nose.” Camille fretted as she added mascara to Akemi’s eyelashes.
•All the while getting ready, Akemi felt slightly nauseous, it was like history was going to repeat itself. Cecile noticed this and held both of her hands, squeezing them tightly.
“Ma chèrie, I know you’re scared,” Cecile whispered, Akemi started to take deeper breaths in hopes to calm herself. “Don’t fret, we’ll hide behind the curtains in case something funny happens” Cecile joked as she brushed Akemi’s curls off her face.
•Despite nausea still at bay, Akemi smiled and assured the ladies who were helping her get ready that she was fine.
•With a dab of blush and a kiss on her shoulder for comfort, Akemi was ready to meet the man in the private room.
‘If he dares put his hands on me… I know what to do.’
•Akemi entered the room with a fake smile plastered on her face, greeting the man lounging on the loveseat across her.
“Why hello, good sir.” Akemi cooed as she closed the door, lowering her voice as she took a seat on the chair from the opposite side. “I’m surprised you took interest in little ol me~”
The man’s gold eyes flickered in the dim lights of the room, giving out a warm eerie glow. “What’s not there to take interest in, dear?” The man chuckled, his eyes raking from Akemi’s body to her face, Akemi instinctively tried to wrap the translucent shawl around her in hopes to hide her frame.
“Would you care to sit with me, love?” The man coaxed, patting the space next to him. “It would be a pleasure to see your face up close.”
Akemi cocked her head to the side, feigning innocence. “Got tired from watching me from afar?” She asked as she fiddled with the glass beads of her necklace.
“Mmm, you could say that.” The man said, never taking his eyes off her. Akemi shuffled in her seat, trying to keep her distance from the man.
“Say, why don’t we have some drinks?” Akemi prompted, in hopes to steer the conversation in a different direction.
•The man agreed, and Akemi fetched the wine bottle, popped the cork, and poured a glass for the man, all the while slipping red liquid into the man’s drink, from a vial hiding in her sleeves.
•Despite being discreet and hiding the empty vial, the man did not drink from his wineglass. He just picked the wineglass from Akemi’s hands, swirled its contents, and let out a laugh.
“Fufufu, do you mind telling me why you’re giving me your blood, Aurelia?” The man wondered, his golden eyes glowed as he smiled, his fangs visible. “It seems you’re not accustomed to how your kind views things.”
“You’re just like you’re parents”
•In an instant the glass he was holding shattered into pieces, yet the wine did not spill. Before the man can react, he was pinned against the wall with blood-red needles holding him in place.
“Fascinating… I’ve never met a vampire who could do something like this, you’re skilled” the man marveled, he tried to move his left hand to no avail. “Who on earth are you?!” Akemi hissed.
•The man didn’t even look scared, he only grinned as his face slowly changed. Akemi could only watch in horror as this dark-haired man showed his true colors.
•His skin turned paler, long white hair cascading his sharp features replaced his short dark hair, and his plain suit melted away into an extravagant habit à la française dyed in dark red.
•The pins of blood and wine evaporated into nothing as he made his way towards Akemi, the same easy smile on his face. His golden eyes remained the same. It was like he was taunting Akemi like he was daring her not to believe what was happening.
“If you do wish to address me, I believe Karlheinz would suffice” the man confessed.
“Never in my long life would I think to find a demon who can experience human emotions, all without an Adam” Karlheinz observed, holding Akemi’s chin in his fingers, fear was clear on her face.
“I want you to come with me,” Karlheinz ordered, he finally let go of Akemi’s face leaving her on the ground in shock. “And if I refuse?” Akemi asked, her voice clear but shaky.
‘This girl… even if she was frightened out of her wits, she still dared to talk back to me.’ Karlheinz thought to himself, amused at the rebellion.
“Well, you can come with me or live the rest of your life on uneven grounds, it’s not like this cabaret is paying you enough.” Akemi glared at the man, so what if she lived her life in the Moulin Rouge? She had gotten used to decades of scampering for ends meet.
“Why should I? I don’t even trust you.” Akemi reasoned, so what if a powerful man would whisk her away, there are too many things that can go wrong.
•Karlheinz faced Akemi once more, he saw her trembling in fear, but she still dared to look him in the eye.
‘Goodness… she almost looks like Beatrix’ Karlheinz chucked to himself. He’s not done yet, he has yet to slam the final nail into the coffin, the very thing that will make ‘Aurelia’ bend to his will, no questions asked.
“I mean I won’t hold it against you, you can stay here for as long as you like.” Karlheinz watched Akemi’s face contort in confusion, waiting for what else he had to say.
“… it would be a shame if Alice and Charlotte will never get to see you again.”
Karlheinz found pleasure in watching Aurelia’s face, as skepticism turned into naïve hope, for being free and the promise of a reunion. Akemi let out a shaky breath. “You better not be lying.”
•Akemi yielded and was taken away to the Sakamaki Manor.
Part 2
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poisonedepths · 10 days
Human Advantage
Humans have a natural advantage over the beasts of the surface. Possessing classes and levels appears to not be that advantage, as beasts seem to get them as well...well they at least get levels, the greatest Human scholars are still unsure if they have classes and what those classes would be. No, it is our innately high-cunning to use and manipulate the levels and classes we have access to as well as actively seeking Achievments.
They used to fall into three broad base classes 'Leader', 'Soldier', and 'Worker'. Since the Breach, a fourth class was added, 'Mage'. These classes are unlocked when a Human reaches the age of 17, with a guaranteed option of Worker, the other three requiring the completion of unlock conditions, usually achievable through various Achievements.
Vocational or charismatic Achievements will lend themselves to unlocking the Leader class. Damage resistance or weapon training Achievements will likely unlock the Warrior class. Cunning or mana survival Achievements will likely unlock the Mage class. These classes affect the base attributes of the Human and can later evolve into more advanced classes with more significant attribute increases or with new 'free' achievements.
Each level increases each attribute by 1% until the class evolves, and thus, the level is reset back to 0.
Achievements are passive benefits, stat increases and innate armor are the most common forms of these Achievments. They are gained by pushing yourself to the limit. Surviving certain circumstances is the 'easiest' Achievements to get, though the most risky as no Achievement is ever truly easy to get.
Attributes are something that grows over the course of the life of a Human, until they get their first class. The growth is related to training, innate aptitude, and minorly from interest. It is rare to see a Human with total attribute scores greater than 30 or so when unlocking a class.
Speaking of the attributes, Human Attributes are few and simple. Whether or not beasts, monsters, animals, or Deep Ones possess additional or different attributes is unknown; Might; Corrisponds to physical strength, and modifies physical damage with melee weapons. Vitality; Corresponds to maximum hit points, and offers slight resistance against mana. Cunning; Corresponds to 'intelligence' and processing power. It is 'required' for practicing magic. Concentration; Corresponds to the ability to shut out or ignore stimuli as well as the ability to think along multiple lines concurrently. This is also considered to be 'required' for practicing magic, but the reason is so that the mage's mind is not solely focused on weaving the spell, to the detriment that they don't register their surroundings, or so that they don't get distracted when placing the magic together and causing an 'accident'.
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ainews · 20 days
In the 1770s, resorts were not considered physical properties and thus were not viable options for lending or investment. This was due to a number of factors, including the unstable political climate, the lack of infrastructure and transportation, and the overall perception of resorts as temporary and frivolous establishments.
Firstly, the political climate of the 1770s was characterized by unrest and uncertainty, particularly in Europe which was still recovering from the Seven Years' War. This made it difficult for investors to trust the stability of resorts as a long-term investment. With the constant threat of war and political upheaval, many preferred to invest in more tangible and secure assets, such as land or businesses.
Furthermore, the lack of infrastructure and transportation in many resort areas made them less attractive for lending or investment. Most resorts were located in remote or isolated areas, with no proper roads or means of transportation. This made it difficult for investors to access their assets and to ensure their profitability. Moreover, the lack of infrastructure also meant that resorts were prone to disasters and damages caused by natural disasters or conflicts, making them a risky investment.
Additionally, resorts were perceived as temporary and frivolous establishments in the 1770s. They were seen as places of leisure and relaxation, rather than long-term investments. People didn't view them as physical properties similar to buildings or land, but rather as transient and impermanent structures. This perception further deterred lenders and investors from considering resorts as viable options.
Furthermore, the concept of vacation or holiday was not as prevalent in the 18th century as it is today. The idea of taking time off from work to relax and unwind was not a common practice among the working class. As a result, resorts were often limited to the wealthy elite who could afford to indulge in such luxuries. This narrow target market also made resorts less attractive to lenders and investors who preferred more diversified and inclusive investments.
In conclusion, resorts in the 1770s were not considered physical properties and were therefore not suitable for lending or investment. The unstable political climate, lack of infrastructure and transportation, and the perception of resorts as temporary and frivolous establishments all contributed to their nonphysical nature. It wasn't until the 19th century that resorts began to gain more recognition and popularity as desirable investment options.
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