#how can i continue to live. in these conditions. still we must persevere
thursdayg1rl · 10 months
god FINALLY this hell day is over
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duskoon · 2 years
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Yandere!Cyrus (General) headcanons:
Tw: GN!reader, Yandere themes, Conditioning, Abuse, Manipulation, Implied murder, Kidnapping, Captivity, Criminal activities, Implied trauma, Obsessive behaviours, Unhealthy relationship, Stalking, Mentions of omnicide.
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+ For the first time in his life, he did not know what to make of this situation and it terrified him to a great extent. Yet, it burned him with boiling anguish and confusion. You were just an ordinary scientist, who he accidentally happened by as he went to Veilstone headquarters. 
+ Both of you shared the same philosophy regarding the essence of the soul. How it serves as nothing more than a catalyst for strife and suffering. But, differed in the solution to the cause. He was cautious enough not to spill his plans, whilst debating with you. Truth to be told, Cyrus never had a freshing discussion as he was mostly consumed by his end goals to ever give a thought to it. 
+ “It is rather true that the spirit causes a plethora of suffering and may end up ravaging the earth in an attempt to satiate itself. But without the spirit, we won’t grow as individuals. And if we didn’t, are we considered truly alive?….. It is the most interesting debate I had in a while and I must thank you for that. I bid you a good farewell, Cyrus.” Your words befuddled him, yet it remained still in his mind.
+ Perhaps, this was merely a scientific curiosity. Nothing more or less. It began to become a bigger hurdle than what he initially thought, when it crossed his plans. You persisted on engulfing his mind and that vexed him. Was Mesprit the culprit in play? Was it well aware enough of his true intentions and decided to mock him by condemning him to the most ironic fate possible? If so, he will extinguish it after garnering the red chain alongside his newly found interest.
+ So, he decided to employ Sird to keep an eye on you and relay any information regarding you. After all, she is the only one who he can trust to accomplish this mission efficiently and without any complications. It has been more than six months, since he kept an attentive gaze on you. It was rather difficult to ooze any information out of you, owing to your reclusive and vigilant nature. 
+ Cyrus commends you for your skeptical and logical mindset, perhaps a collaboration is in need. For him to keep his steely eyes on you, while you have the apparatuses for your research in hand. Maybe, he could persuade you to join his cause. Once Sird delivers him the personal information he had previously requested, he felt an oddly painful tug in his icy heart as he continued reading it. 
+ An extremely familiar tug that he had never felt since his time at Sunyshore. Prior to leaving his old hometown, Cyrus had completely shut his heart out lest it might end up torn apart like it had once. To watch it happen to another, opened old gashes that he never wishes to see again. Now, he can clearly discern why he was so invested in them. He can see a resemblance of himself in them, yet it seemed they had paved a completely distinctive path than the one he is currently on. 
+ They have succeeded whereas he failed, that despite everything they remained perseverant. Perhaps, they were right about how the spirit completed oneself…. No, no. That can’t be, if that was the case then why does he feel so dissatisfied and bitter? And, why strife remains existent? Wouldn’t it be beneficial for the world to live without it? In his experience, it is better to be null than to be in a state of perpetual suffering.
+ Instead, his obsession kept on festering akin to a disease that hijacked his pallid body in its deadly grasp. What was once a burning desire to terminate, has shifted into a desire to help in any way possible. Cyrus felt disgustingly sick and his commanders took notice of it. If he couldn’t get rid of them or the thought of them, then he ought to bring them here and hold them accountable for this illness.
+ Cyrus is obsessive, overprotective, and deeply paranoid in regards to his darling. In spite of that, he remains one of the most lucid yanderes to come across. His obsession towards them stems from either shared trauma or lack of it.
+ In the case of shared trauma, he loathes them and their agony for it is a glaring reminder of his own imperfections. Whilst the latter, is owing to their ignorance and naïve perception of the world. A deep seated fear of his, is for them to be scared of him and/or reject him. 
+ At first, Cyrus treatment towards his darling is volatile. It switches between utter cold disregard, then to an indirect yearning of their attention and affection. To say the least, they are confused and scared as if their abrupt abduction by a notorious criminal wasn’t enough. Which ironically prompts the thing that he fears the most.
+ Cyrus is a calculated, intelligent, and an intuitive individual. He knows when his darling is scared and would immediately remedy the situation by indulging in their interests. Perhaps, even giving them a pokémon to keep them company while he is busy elsewhere. No matter how busy Cyrus is, he will always make time for them to attend to their needs.
+ Speaking of goals, Cyrus will definitely find a way to keep his darling with him as everything “incomplete” is replaced with his ideals. Once his initial panic fades away, he will bend the world to appease his darling. You want mountain of books to satiate your curiosity? With his resources as a team leader, he could secure libraries and “gift” it to them. The methodology does not concern him, as much as the result. So long, you are pleased then he too is pleased.
+ Cyrus will condition them to obey him. Good behaviours will be rewarded, whilst the bad ones are punished. He carries the rewards, whilst his grunts do the dirty work. Thus they will start associating him with goodness, whilst others -be it his own cohorts or otherwise- are foes to be avoided. Let it be known that if the grunts stepped out of line in the punishment, they will be dealt with and be replaced with others. They are all expendable in his eyes, apart from his darling.
+ Cyrus knows he is being selfish -for Arceus sake, he is a criminal in the eyes of others.- but can’t he just have this one good thing in his dreary life. He wants to worship his beloved in peace, going as far to deny them their freedom. It is a price they have to pay for captivating his soul, mind, and heart. He will never let them disentangle from the webs he weaved specifically for them and them only, even if he had to tear the fabrics of time and space.
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kalstar · 4 years
What my Genshin Team members would say about each other
Featuring Jean, Bennett, Chongyun, and Xiao
A/N: This is basically what I think they would say about each other in those "about ___" voice lines in the game. The setting is you the traveler, have put Jean, Bennet, Chongyun, and Xiao in one team. This is what they think about each other after a couple months of fighting and adventuring alongside each other. Is this where I slowly turn into a writing blog?
Tw: mentions of death (?) (no one dies it's just Xiao being mean)
Word count: 2.3k
Story (?) under the cut
About Bennett
"Bennett? I think he's very charismatic. I hear that he goes on adventures on his own, it must be hard dealing with everything by yourself; he seems like a very independent individual. I think he would make a great member of the Knights of Favonius in the future if he so chooses.
I very much admire his perseverance and positivity. Even when we were faced with near-death experiences, he could still laugh and brush it off as if it was nothing. He always manages to cheer everyone up. It's great having someone like him to boost our morale on the team.
I've heard a little bit about his past from the Adventurer's Guild… How he was found as a baby barely holding on to life… without having any real parents and that extremely bad luck of his, I truly hope that we're able to at least bring him a bit of comfort. I should check up on the Adventurer's Guild every once in a while... "
About Chongyun
"Hm, Chongyun is quite the strange one. At first, I was always so confused on why he always stayed in the shade and it really concerned me how much ice cream he was eating at a time… but then he told me about his congenital positivity and it made a bit more sense. It's strange how this condition of his works, I've never heard anything like that in Mondstadt before. I wonder if we can find a cure for it.
He seems to be very invested in his training as a martial artist and as an exorcist. He's constantly pushing himself to be better and learning how to control his condition. He always asks me about how to train or how to be stronger. I hear he's already the best exorcist in Liyue, I can only imagine the heights he can reach as he continues to grow.
Chongyun reminds me a lot of myself when I was younger. I was very focused on my training and kept pushing myself to the limit. It's quite nostalgic to see that side of me living through someone else. I hope that he can achieve his goals in the future, I think he very much deserves it."
About Xiao
" I thank you, traveler, for giving me the opportunity to fight alongside someone as powerful as Adeptus Xiao. It truly is an honor to be working with him. I never thought I would live long enough to see gods of another region, but you've made that possible. I am in your debt.
Adeptus Xiao is truly one of the strongest fighters I've ever seen. I've only heard stories about the power of Adepti, but to see it with your own eyes is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The way he gracefully moves on the battlefield with seemingly little effort is truly inspiring.
When the other boys are asleep, we often have long conversations over the fire. We would talk about our troubles and worries over the campfire, hearing the wisdom of someone as wise as him, it brought a bit of comfort. There is a lot about Adeptus Xiao that I don't know, especially about this "karmic debt", but I hope that we'll be able to help him get through it."
About Jean
“It’s really awesome that I get to fight with someone as cool as Master Jean, and it’s all thanks to you traveler! I always travel alone, so to think that I can go on adventures with someone as amazing as her, maybe I’m not so unlucky after all! I hope my bad luck doesn’t get in the way of our adventures though hehe.
Don’t tell anyone, but I always try my best to impress Master Jean hehe. I always put out my best effort whenever she’s around, not that I don’t usually, but you get what I mean right? I make sure to hit the enemies harder and my fire burns longer! I know it’s silly but if I impress her, do you think she’d let the Adventurers Guild team up with the Knights of Favonius?
She can be a bit intimidating with how strict she can seem sometimes but she cares about everyone a lot! She always makes sure that everyone is doing alright and if they ever need anything. She's taught me about a lot of things, like how to better treat my wounds, what plants are safe for eating, and how to better hit weak spots of enemies. She's just so cool!"
About Chongyun
"Chongyun? I think he's super cool and strong!! Do you see how big his claymore is?? How can he just swing it around so quickly AND he can summon even more swords from the sky! Man, I wish I could do that, maybe more people would want to join my adventure team. I should train with him and ask for tips.
Both Chongyun and I can't eat spicy foods and Chongyun can't even eat anything warm, so we try to be careful of what we eat. Though there has been a couple of times where his condition, I think it's called "Congenital Positivity", started acting up after we ate something hot in Liyue. He acted all hyper and energetic, it's like he was drunk or something. Thankfully I could give him a popsicle before Adpetus Xiao could throw him in a cold river.
Since Chongyun is the best exorcist in Liyue, I asked him if he could get rid of my bad luck with his cool exorcist powers. He used these blue talismans and made a summoning circle thing with his hands, it was so awesome! I think it worked! For like… an hour… but it was still really cool!"
About Xiao
"To be honest, I was really scared of Adeptus Xiao at first... He looks like he could kill me just by his sharp stares! It sends shivers down my spine sometimes... I didn't know much about legends in Liyue since I never really travel far from Mondstadt, but after fighting with him for a while, I can see that he's definitely really strong; he's probably the strongest person I know!
Sometimes I find him looking really sad and when I get the courage to ask him what's wrong he always says that it's none of my concern... I've overheard a few of your conversations with him, something to do with "Karmic Debt" and his burden to carry or something? I don't know much about Adeptus Xiao's past but I wish he would stop being so hard on himself...
Whenever we rest after a really hard fight, I always offer to heal up his wounds. I know what it’s like to get hurt a lot of the time, so I try my best to help patch him up. He wouldn’t let me treat his wounds at first, but over time he warmed up to me and I make sure he always feels better by the end of it!"
About Jean
"It's an honor to be fighting alongside someone as important as Master Jean, I wouldn't have this chance if it wasn't for you traveler, I don't know how I could ever repay you! I don't know much about Mondstadt but it's very interesting to learn more about the areas of the world, maybe our exorcist services could reach their people someday as well.
The first time I saw Master Jean fight on the battlefield I was truly starstruck. She was able to control her movements so well while also supporting all of us; it was amazing! I also heard that she was able to take down five ruin guards on her own, she must train very hard every day to be able to do that...
Being able to meet and fight with Master Jean has been a motivating experience. I hope I can learn much more from her and maybe become as skilled and strong as her one day. She's quickly become a role model for me and I highly respect and admire her. Again, thank you very much for this opportunity traveler!
About Bennett
"Ah, Bennett? I think it's really nice having someone my age on the team that I can easily talk to. Sometimes we exchange stories and legends from our hometowns. I'm glad I get to share more of Liyue with other people and it's also very fascinating to listen to the stories of Mondstadt. It just shows how diverse Teyvat can really be.
Bennett's passion can be a bit much sometimes so I need to keep my distance... I hope he doesn't notice, I know many people tend to avoid him because of his bad luck but I hope he doesn't think of me like that. I just... don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone ahaha...
Bennett says that ever since we started adventuring together his bad luck has decreased. He thinks that I bring him more good luck and that I’m his “good luck charm”, I think that might just be placebo, but I appreciate the sentiment. Maybe one day it would be possible to exorcise one's bad luck. He would definitely be the first I test it on if I ever figure it out."
About Xiao
"To be honest, I wasn't very pleased when I found out he was on our team. Of course, I have the utmost respect for him, my family and the Adepti have been exorcising evil for generations, but his demeanor isn't one that I'm particularly fond of... But, after spending more time with him, I realize that we have more in common than I thought.
Though Adeptus Xiao is definitely a very skilled and powerful warrior, he can be a bit... strange... We were in Dragonspine one day and I saw him try to eat the snow. I gave him one of my popsicles instead and he looked so confused. He seemed to enjoy it but I guess there are even some things that Adepti don’t know about.
I've gotten to know him a bit more and though there are still many secrets that he holds, I realize that he just wants to protect Liyue like the rest of the exorcists. He seems to face his own struggles and demons as well, whenever he looks more down than usual, I offer him some of my Qingxin infused water and it seems to calm him down a bit. I'm glad that I can at least help him a little bit in any way that I can."
About Jean
"At first I thought she was just any other human, but you told me she was the leader of the people of Mondstadt, I quickly realized there was more to her than meets the eye. She's a very skilled fighter on the battlefield, it's impressive to see a human fight with such strength and skill. I've only ever seen that kind of power from you, traveler.
The people of Mondstadt are very lucky to have someone like her to lead them. She can work well with just about anyone. She was brave enough to ask me to spar with her at one point. I assumed she had a death wish but she can carry herself very well and never holds back.
Often times she asks me for advice about a lot of different things. I keep telling her that I'm not a teacher nor a fountain of wisdom, just an Adeptus. Though from what I can see, she seems to be stressed over a lot of the little things that go on in Mondstadt, if this keeps up she’ll burn herself out."
About Bennett
"That Bennett... he can be very overbearing. How can a human be so happy when their life has only been filled with turmoil. It confuses me and I can never understand what sort of tricks he's trying to pull on me... He has such a passion for adventuring but knowing his luck he's going to get himself killed at some point...
Honestly, I pity him. No one dares to go on adventures with him anymore, why hasn't he given up and moved on to something else? You humans are always so confusing. You find it admirable, I think it's just asinine. Though... I guess he is quite a skilled adventurer, it would be ignorant of me to not acknowledge his skills on and off the battlefield.
It annoys me that he can just live without a care in the world. How can one have such bad luck? He’s just… always one step away from death. How has a mortal survived for this long when the archons hate him so much. It truly irritates me how reckless he can be and leaves me to save him at the last second..."
About Chongyun
"It brings me a bit of peace of mind to know that there is another person from Liyue with us. I don't feel... as much of an outcast... I hear that he's from a family of exorcists. I've never paid much mind to the affairs of humans, though because we share similair duties, it was unavoidable that I would cross paths with them at some point.
I must admit that it's fascinating how he exorcises demons. While I exorcise demons and monsters with my spear, he seems to exorcise evil spirits... just by being present... I never knew that such things were possible. I hear it was because of his congenital positivity, I think it's an impressive skill, though he seems to treat it as a curse of his own.
It’s strange, whenever Chongyun is around their screams and cries don’t sound as loud as they usually would be. It’s as if all my years of karmic debt and demons within slowly fade away into nothingness. Maybe it's the cooling aura that he always carries with him or the Qingxins he brings back. I wonder if he actually has anything to do with it."
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trvelyans-archive · 4 years
You probably should’ve known that Gray would find you here.
Although, to be fair, you did tell him that this is where you go when you need a break. But you thought that, at least, if you didn’t tell him which bookshelves you wedged yourself between, he would never find you if he came looking. Unfortunately for you, he came looking. And he definitely found you.
You don’t know if he did it for your sake or Nick’s. Maybe that makes it all worse.
He lingers at the end of the aisle, scratching the back of his neck and scuffing a stained patch of carpet on the floor with the toe of his shoe. (You can’t see it from where you’re sitting on the floor - you only know that because you look at the same thing whenever there’s someone else in between the bookshelves doing something weird like looking for an actual book and you’re waiting for them to leave.) The lighting in the library casts odd shadows over his face, but you can tell he’s looking at you - and probably smiling sheepishly at you - and clearly waiting for you to make the first move.
Fat chance.
Nick doesn’t get it. He never gets it. He understands that you’re upset but doesn’t understand why, and trying to explain it to him is useless, especially because he can hear your internal monologue in real time and by now should have memorized all your problems as well as his chocolate chip cookie recipe. But he doesn’t, which means he should know to stop listening and tune you out when you’re thinking bad things about yourself - after all, it always leads to an argument - but he didn’t, and now you’re here, tucked away in the darkest corners of the library like an afterthought with the only person you want to talk to not knowing that because he can’t hear your thoughts from the end of the aisle.
You could ignore Gray, and he’d leave. That’s something you know very well.
But you wave him towards you anyway (and nearly roll your eyes at his cautious approach).
You don’t like to fight when Gray’s around. You both know that it upsets him, trying to play referee, trying to make it productive  - and he knows that it upsets you whenever he takes Nick’s side. Nick’s his best friend, of course, so he has every right to defend him, but... you just wish things were different. In literally every way there is.
“Hey,” Gray says as he comes closer, shoving his hands into the pocket of his sweatpants while the air conditioner above him rustles his stupid perfect hair and makes him look like the even more stupidly perfect love interest of a bad silent European film. “I didn’t think I’d actually find you. I almost gave up ten minutes ago.”
You don’t need to read minds to know what goes unsaid in the awkward silence that follows. I’m glad I didn’t. Though usually you’d be secretly pleased to know that, right now it’s just another nail in the coffin. After all, lately, things have been changing - he’s been taking your side a little more often, tentatively backing you up when you and Nick get in an argument. It’s easier that way because Nick’s much more likely to forgive him (especially considering you’re pretty sure Gray’s just doing it for show) but... that sucks, too. He can’t keep playing on both sides and wait for a truce that’s never going to come. Or, even if it does come, it certainly won’t stick.
But he’s not a quitter. And neither are you, at least not in this case. And that’s the worst of it - you really are trying.
Contrary to what it might seem like, you and Nick get along most of the time. You tease each other and make jokes and talk about stuff happening around the city and then, when you disappear up to your room to watch movies, he turns on the radio and bakes cookies or makes dinner or... well, whatever else he does after work. Living together works if you don’t spend enough time together for you be irritated by him, and if you don’t sit close enough to depress him with your thoughts.
But sometimes even tucking yourself away into the shadows doesn’t help. You should know that, because Gray found you in the library tonight anyway, and his eyes on you make you feel like you’re stuck in a fucking spotlight. Nervous sweats and buckling knees and all.
You sigh. “Maybe I didn’t want you to find me,” you say, trying to be nonchalant about it.
If this was Nick, he’d be met with a ‘fuck off’. Well, okay, maybe not that, but it’d certainly be implied. Gray is different, though.
“You would’ve hidden better if you didn’t want me to find you,” he says with a quiet laugh. He’s right, too, and it wouldn’t have been hard. You could’ve just grabbed a book and hidden your face behind it until he passed by the aisle, or, in a more extreme case, knocked down a couple of bookshelves as a distraction and then bolted in the middle of all the commotion. “I just... I don’t know.” He runs a hand through his hair, trying to look for the right words so you don’t actually bolt. “I wanted to make sure that you’re okay.”
You nearly sigh again, but you bite your tongue to hold it back. “I’m fine,” you insist.
“You’re not, Marian,” Gray says. His nose wrinkles as he frowns. “Mari.”
“What, can you read my mind or something?”
Unfortunately, the joke falls on deaf ears. If usually does when Nick and Gray are trying to be serious and you’re cracking jokes so you don’t cry or knock something over (usually your’s) or both. He sits back, stretching his legs out in front of him, and stares at the tips of his shoes. “It got intense back there,” he says.
He’s obviously waiting for you to take the lead on this conversation, but you’re not going to. He clears his throat. “So...”
“I don’t want to hear it, Gray,” you say with much less conviction than you’d like.
“I think you hurt Nick’s feelings,” he continues. Like you hadn’t said anything at all.
You try again. “I don’t care.”
Gray lets out a soft sigh, and you don’t know whether it’s from sheer disbelief or straight-up disappointment. “I don’t think that’s true.”
He doesn’t need to read your mind to know that you feel bad. He can probably read it on your face - with him, it’s your worst enemy. Of course you feel bad. Nick gave up his young adulthood to take care of you, and you can never thank him enough for picking up the slack and taking care of you after everything that happened with your parents. But that’s part of it. Fuck, that’s most of it. You can never thank Nick enough for everything. You’re a failure to your family. You’re a disappointment. You’re nothing but a big fat zero.
And you know that very well. The world has made that very clear. Why would you bother pretending any different? And why does Nick? Why does Gray?
“He should know better,” you insist anyway, because like hell you’re going to admit you’re the one at fault here. “I had a bad day, and he knows that, and he didn’t tune me out like he should’ve when he knew I was going to be in a bad mood.”
“He wants to help,” Gray says.
“I don’t want him to. We all know how therapy went, right? Poorly. And if they can’t fix me, what can Nick do?”
The words sting - you can see it on Gray’s face. Still, he pushes through. He perseveres. Because some people can do that, you think, and it’s something you always manage to forget. You certainly can’t. “He wants to be there for you. He just wants to help,” he repeats.
So do I. Gray doesn’t say it, but you know he’s thinking it.
“It just makes it harder,” You’re surprised at how quickly your anger has turned into exhaustion. Or maybe you’re not. “And I’ve told Nick. And he doesn’t get it.”
He sits back on the heels of his hands, thinking, and you stare at the space between you while you wait for him to say something. Bringing up therapy was a low blow - it definitely wasn’t a nice part of your life, and one Gray was unlucky enough to be a part of. One time you came home after a session and locked yourself in your room for a day and a half straight, and you’re sure Nick probably cried about it at some point before he and Gray managed to coax you out like some sort of wounded animal. It’s a painful memory. For all three of you.
That’s one of the few things you agree on.
“I know it can be frustrating,” Gray says finally, and you look at him again. “And I know he gets on your nerves. And I don’t blame you entirely, Mari. I know your condition can be...” He chews on his bottom lip, looking for the right words because he probably thinks there’s a chance he’ll scare you off. “Difficult. But Nick is trying to make you happy. He loves you.”
That’s all he can manage to say right now, apparently. Which you can’t blame him for.
After all, Gray doesn’t get it, either.
“Well, I love him too,” you mutter, looking at your shoes. There’s no point in pushing anymore - you’re tired, and you want to go home, and above all, you don’t want Gray to hate you. You already cause him much more trouble than you’re worth. “You could tell him that next time you see him.”
Gray chuckles. “Maybe you can tell him yourself.”
You roll your eyes. “Depends on how he greets me when I get home,” you answer. “If he goes in for a hug, I’m out. If he made a batch of apology cookies, then...”
That was another joke, but Gray must have heard it this time. You know that because his eyes light up and reaches into his pocket, fishing around for something until, a few seconds later, he leans forward and holds his arm out as far as he can without getting too close. In between his fingers are a couple of plastic-wrapped chocolate chip cookies. “He started making them right after your left,” he says, smiling kindly at you so the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
You lean forward a little, squinting at them knowingly. “Did you take one, Grayson?”
He laughs, reaching up with his other hand to scratch the back of his head. “Maybe,” he says. “But they’re for you.”
“Yeah.” He thrusts them in your direction again. “Truce?”
You meet his eyes and force a stream of several images through your brain. Frog guts. Crying children. Bloody zombies with terrible make-up and detached limbs. Sure, it’s all pretty dark - something you’ve become accustomed to - but it’s meant to keep people away, and it works for you. Most of the time. Not on Gray, though, who is still looking at you and smiling, and you wonder how he’s allowed to be so perfect when you’re the exact opposite, and why the fuck that’s the reason you love him, too.
You take the cookies from him, giving him a smile of your own. “Truce,” you agree. For now, at least, but to Gray, it seems like enough.
#oc: mari#pairing: mari x gray#her full name is marian btw :3#the inspo for this came from like.... a few of the asks...........#the one about the hidden intervention stat - though this is pre-book so we can jump that hurdle when we get to it LKSJDFLS#and then the one about gray not being able to date an mc who is hostile to nick#and then the one about nick not rlly getting mc's grudge against their parents (if they have one which mari does)#i think mari and nick like each other but they have different... perspectives ??? mari is a very self-involved person#i like the ask where it's like. nick cares about people's intentions which is why he can forgive easier. but mari can't#because people don't INTEND to hear her thoughts/read her mind (well some of the time at least) but they do anyway#and she feels like it takes away all her autonomy and privacy and whatnot and Yeah ANYWAY#also this is abt the ask where it's like. gray (and sally's) romances are abt 'knowing the person intimately b4 falling in love w them'#that ask literally took me out. it pinned me to the ground. it got me in a chokehold. i really do love him#ALSO THIS IS PRE-BOOK FOR ANYONE WONDERING.... MARI IS PROBABLY LIKE. 18-19.#so if any of the lore is wrong i will be so mortified. jo please do not read this LKJFDKLSJL#i just had such a vivid image of this fic and HAD to write it yenno. or else it'd haunt me. but ANYWAY#I'M RLLY SCARED I WROTE GRAY WRONG BUT I TRIED MY BEST I WENT THRU HIS TAG LIKE TEN TIMES LKDJFKLD#OK. ANYWAY I SAY FOR THE 5TH TIME#my writing#my ocs
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llewey-watts · 4 years
Work in progress post:
Detective Watts Best Quotes
Concocting A Killer
Watts: “Ah, so you’re the one who botched it.” Murdoch: “Excuse me?”
Watts: “Well, that’s why I’m here, isn’t it?”
Brackenreid: “Listen, Detective Murdoch did nothing wrong. The Crown is just worried that Shanley may claim prejudice if the same detective reinvestigates the case.”
Watts: “Right, right, right. You’re just biased. The coroner’s the one who botched it. Coroners. Odd lot. Far from reliable to say the least. Not to mention the smell.”
Murdoch: “Our coroner has a flawless record. And she also happens to be my wife.”
Watts: “Good God, man. You’re married to the city coroner?”
Murdoch: “Yes.”
Watts: “Oof. Is she pretty? Ah, she’d have to be pretty. I don’t know how else you could tolerate being married to a colleague.”
“The streets of this fine city are my office.”
Crabtree: “Should I read these files?”
Watts: “Absolutely not. The less you know, the more pure you remain. From purity emerges truth. From truth emerges justice. Knowing nothing allows one to see everything.”
“Our mind is where we live our lives. The only home one needs is the human skull.”
Watts: “Oh, no. You interviewed a witness?”
Murdoch: “Oh, no. She called on me.”
Watts: “Your involvement was to cease entirely. Instead, it appears you are continuing to seek a conviction. And based on what? A visual test done 12 years ago by a neophyte coroner?”
Murdoch: “Dr. Ogden is my wife.”
Watts: “Which makes it all the more likely you’re blind to her mistakes. No, it appears this dinner was a poor idea. Good night Detective.”
Watts: “The detective was wrong.”
Ogden: “About what?”
Watts: “You’re not pretty.”
Ogden: “Excuse me?”
Watts: “Look at you. Classic, Romanesque bone structure, excellent physiognomic symmetry. You’re not pretty. You’re beautiful.”
Ogden: “Well, I suppose I’m flattered.”
Watts: “Why? It’s merely an objective assessment. But that necktie **shakes his head**.
“Honestly, Inspector, how does anyone work with this man? He is some kind of renegade to whom rules are a foreign concept.”
“Let’s suppose for a moment that Mr. Shanley is guilty of this current murder. Now, does that make him more or less likely to be guilty of the first? Are you the same man today you were yesterday? Your hair is not the same. You cut and discarded it. Same with your fingernails. Over time, our entire body falls away and is reconstituted. How, then, can you be the same? Oh, but our thinking changes with maturity, with experience. In truth, the continuity of personhood may be nothing more than a delusion. In fact, it makes me question our whole profession..."
“We need to get out of doors detective. The truth is in the air. We must **deep breath** breathe it in.”
“We both know you didn’t do it. — We have to blame someone. The function of the police is to attribute blame on behalf of the community, but the community doesn’t particularly care if we blame the right person. — Why not? Man has been using scapegoats since Leviticus. The sims were placed upon the goat, the goat was banished to the desert, but mo one cared that the goat was innocent.”
“The ignorami at Station One have done it again. I clearly told them to release the man who looks like Karl Marx. They’ve let out some fellow who’s as clean-shaven as bloody Kierkegaard.”
Hades Hath No Fury
“How could I have been so unaware? My sister was in distress, and I suspected nothing. Age is no excuse for inattention. -but, sir, you found her. Your sister’s alive.- Yes. So I’m at peace.”
“Yes. Well life is but a cruel sport for whatever maker you are forced to believe in. -Detective Watts I understand...- Would your sister forsake you for a house of women who have eschewed the world in which you live?-my sister was a nun.-“
“Truth is absolute, unyielding and eternal, Jackson. It is our one constant in a turbulent universe.”
“Your face is *pause* symmetrical, but that hat *shakes his head*”
Merlot Mysteries
Watts: “Wine is proof that God loves us and wants to see us happy.”
Murdoch: “I highly doubt that”
Watts: “Oh, you reject the words of Benjamin Franklin?”
Murdoch: “Even a clever man is capable of a bad idea. no. wine, like any alcohol, is a depressant. It hinders the mind.”
Watts: “Ah, but ‘in wine there is truth.’ -Pliny the Elder.”
Murdoch: “Writers and Philosophers are seldom the best of judges. Especially when it comes to alcohol.
Watts: “Well, no one less than Louis Pasteur called wine, ‘the most helpful and most hygienic of beverages.’ Is it that you don’t enjoy the taste?”
Murdoch: “Ah.”
“Oh. Wait right there. I’m going to show you how wrong you are.”
“‘Wine can of their wits the wise beguile, make the sage frolic, and a serious smile.’”
“In the words of Diogenes, ‘What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others.’”
Murdoch: “Spectroscopic analysis.”
Watts: “Ah, yes. Not reliable in my experience. How’s it meant to help us?”
Murdoch: “By comparing the wine in question to the light profile of other varying ages, we’ll be able to discern precisely how old it is.”
Ogden: “The older the wine, presumably, the light the color, thanks to the blanching effect of sunlight.”
Watts: “Mm, but it was kept in a cellar. Depending on conditions, two bottles of the same provenance could be wildly different. There’s absolutely to way to determine —“
Murdoch: “Thank you, Detective. Please.”
Watts: “All right.”
Ogden: “Ready?”
Murdoch: “Yes.”
Ogden: “It’s 4.3.”
**Watts waiting + messing around.**
Ogden: “It’s 5.2. 8.5.”
Watts: “Well?”
Murdoch: “[Sighs] They are all different.”
Watts: “Really?”
Murdoch: “Every grape, every year, every bottle.”
Watts: “Hm, you don’t say.”
Murdoch: “It compares to an 1880 Merlot...a 1902 Tempranillo...and...several others.”
Ogden: “Well, I suppose you told us so, Detective.”
Murdoch: “All right. Call in your expert.”
Watts: “Uh, not my expert. My sommelier.”
The Talking Dead
“No one intends to get murder **scratches his beard** and yet.”
Crabtree: “Sir, are you not concerned that you yourself are marked for death?”
Watts: “Oh, I don’y like it, but the truth is death could come to any one of us any day.”
Crabtree: “Still, no need to hurry it along.”
Watts: “Well, very little of life is under our control. Very little death as well.”
Crabtree: “Watts, have you ever been to Paris?”
Watts: “Ah yes, The City of Light.”
Crabtree: “I thought that was Buffalo?”
Watts: “No, I believe Paris came up with it first. Why do you ask?”
Crabtree: “Nina’s involved with a show that’s preforming there. She wants me to go.”
Watts: “Forever?”
Crabtree: “No, no, just a short while.”
Watts: “Well, the world is only an oyster if you choose to open it.”
Crabtree: “So go to Paris today, for tomorrow I might die?”
Watts: “Precisely.”
Crabtree: “What about you? What would you do with your last day?”
Watts: “Just this. Talk to a friend.”
Crabtree: “Who? Oh me?”
Watts: “And solve a crime.This is what were looking for.”
Crabtree: “Brilliant.”
Watts: “The City of Love with a beautiful woman. You’d be a fool to say no.”
Crabtree: “Thought you said it was the City of Light.”
Watts: “Light. Love. Are they not one and the same?”
Crabtree: “I prefer to love with the lights off, sir. I fear I’m bashful.”
Crabtree à la Carte
“A shame. It looks terrific. I think I’ll go out for lunch. Anyone care to join me? —- This disappoints me. But I soldier on.”
“I’ll work with her. People are not to be defined merely by their words, thoughts, and actions.”
“[speaking Italian] RESPONDA TO ME!”
That man’s look tho.
Watts: “It may once again be safe, but I’m not sure I’ll ever regard meat with the same enthusiasm again.”
Cherry: “Perhaps you should stick to freshly butchered cuts.”
Watts: “I thought the same. Then I read up on the abattoir conditions in the stockyards.”
Cherry: “The Shelleys subscribed to a Pythagorean diet. Da Vinci too.”
Watts: “Pythagorean? You mean vegetarian?”
Cherry: “I do. ‘My body,’ said da Vinci, ‘will not be a tomb to other creatures.’”
Watts: “Yes. Yes, it’s the only way to live, isn’t it? Join me, Miss Cherry. From this day forward, we shall follow the ranks of all moral men in our strict adherence to vegetarianism.”
Cherry: “Uh, I don’t think so. What, are we cows?”
Murdoch Schmurdoch
“Are you being facetious?”
“**To Constable John Brackenreid** Let me guess, you invited a lady to accompany you on an outing and she declined. — I would counsel you to persevere. Ask again. As Lord Nelson wrote, ‘the boldest measures are the safest,’ although I suppose a woman is quite unlike a Danish Fleet. — Yes. Tread softly, Young Brackenreid. Let her know that if her inclination changes, your offer still stands.”
Game of Kings
Ogden: “I see. Well, I don’t much fancy being stared at for the next five months.”
Murdoch: “Julia...”
Ogden: “Inspector, I couldn’t help but notice that you and all of the men were staring at the us both. Is there something you’d like to ask?”
Brackenreid: “Uh, no.”
Ogden: “Constable Crabtree?”
Crabtree: “What? [Chuckles]”
Ogden: “Higgins?”
Higgins: “No, ma’am.”
Ogden: “What about you, Detective Watts? You seem like a curious fellow.”
Watts: “Well, there is one thing.”
Murdoch: “What is that?”
Watts: “When’s the baby coming?”
Crabtree: “Oh!”
Brackenreid: “Bloody hell, Watts! They wanted to keep it a secret.”
Watts: “How could they do that when everyone clearly knows what’s going on here?”
Free Falling
Watts: “One hopes this won’t put too much of a strain on their relationship.”
Crabtree: “How so?”
Watts: “In the face of great loss, emotions can be misdirected. Feelings amplified. I knew a young couple who experienced a similar issue. They never recovered.”
Watts: “The secret to dealing with gruesome remains is to replace natural instinct with logic.”
Constable Brackenreid: “Okay. How?”
Watts: “Consider an ant. Imagine you trod upon one, crushing it, and leaving it’s body mangled beyond recognition. Now, does this disturb you?”
Constable Brackenreid: “Not really.”
Watts: “Exactly. So we simply apply the transitive law. If we are not disturbed by an ant, there is no reason to be disturbed by a beetle. If not by a beetle, then not by a caterpillar. Nor a butterfly, nor a sparrow, nor a fish, nor a rabbit, not a dog...nor a human. What we have here, then, is no more disturbing than the squashed remains of an ant.”
Hart: “What’s this?”
Watts: “A reminder of the inhumanity of man, Miss Hart.”
Hart: “How poetic.”
Watts: “Constable? It seems something’s troubling you.”
Crabtree: “How so?”
Watts: “There’s an expression on your face that suggests you have a thought in your head.”
Crabtree: “Do you remember I asked you about visiting Paris?”
Watts: “No.”
Crabtree: “And then I was away for some time?”
Watts: “No.”
Crabtree: “No. Well, in any case, I did. I went to Paris with Nina.”
Watts: “Mm.”
Crabtree: “And she wants to go again, but for good.”
Watts: “So you’re considering leaving us all behind?”
Crabtree: “I don’t want to. My whole life is here. But I could imagine a life there. I don’t know. If I...If I don’t go, I lose Nina. If I do, I lose everything else that’s dear to me.”
Watts: “One loss doesn’t outweigh the other?”
Crabtree: “The enormity of either seems too great to contemplate.”
Watts: “Oof. Well...I can’t give you any advice. But I can tell you what I know. I know that we spend our whole lives holding on to what we have. We fear loss as much as death itself. But without loss, there is no change. Without change, there is no? Life.”
Crabtree: “Detective. You realize there’s nothing written on the blackboard, right?”
Watts: “Uh, yes, but it provides a frame of reference.”
Crabtree: “Ah.”
Brothers Keepers
“Of course I’m not certain. Memories are fragmentary impressions at best. The mind moves like a flock of starlings. It’s hard to pin down a thought, let alone a memory.”
“Did I have reason? Nigel Baker tortured and killed a man I...A man who was in every way my brother. Someone who deserved my protection. I had ample reason to kill Nigel Baker. But as I have already made clear, I didn’t recognize him. So did I kill him with intention? No. Am I sorry he’s dead? No, I’m not. To be honest, even if given the chance to exact my revenge, I’m not sure I’m capable of it. Obviously, my philosophy rejects that very idea. No one asks to be the way they are, not even boys like Nigel Baker.”
In reference to justice being found:
Watts: “Where is that to be found? I’ve been asking myself that. To be honest, I’m unable to think of much else.
Murdoch: “You seek justice.”
Watts: “I crave it. If I could, I would demand it. I want the man who killed my brothers to feel their pain. To feel my grief at what he did to them. But he’s dead. At the hand of his father. Did he even know why? And now the father will likely hang. Is that justice?
Brackenreid: “Of a sort, I suppose.”
Watts: “Then why don’t I feel better?”
Annabella Cinderella
Constable Brackenreid: “Do you think I’ll get a chance to meet him?”
Crabtree: “Who? The lawyer? What do you want to meet him for?”
Constable Brackenreid: “I-I followed the trial. I felt sorry for her.”
Crabtree: “John, she killed her mother with an ax.”
Constable Brackenreid: “Harriet Rawlins wasn’t her mother. Annabella was a home child.”
Crabtree: “So that makes it alright?”
Constable Brackenreid: “She was beaten and tortured. Her home sister admitted as much.”
Crabtree: “The home sister that Annabella then tried to murder?”
Constable Brackenreid: “Rosemary Rawlins was abusive as well.”
Watts: “That’s what made it such a brilliant defense. The victim was painted as a villain, the villain painted as a victim. Annabella Cinderella.”
Crabtree: “So you’re a fan of the lawyer as well?”
Constable Brackenreid: “He took her case for free.”
Watts: “Oh, nobody’s motives are purely altruistic. It’s all in the service of his political aspirations. He running for mayor, don’t you know?”
Crabtree: “Thank you very much, Detective Watts, for everything. You as well, Mr. Daniels.”
Constable Brackenreid: “And I’m terribly sorry about all of this.”
Watts: “Of course you’re sorry. It doesn’t change anything, so why waste energy in saying it?”
Constable Brackenreid: “Does Detective Murdoch know?”
Watts: “No, he doesn’t. And that’s not the question you should be asking right now.”
Constable Brackenreid: “Sorry, I...”
Watts: “Nope.”
Constable Brackenreid: “W-What is?”
Lawyer: “How do we find her?”
Watts: “Ah. On the train over, I went through the file from the Crown prosecutor. There’s one more person we should protect.”
Lawyer: “Who’s that?”
Watts: “The doctor who filed the death certificate and attended the case.”
Lawyer: “Dr. Beattie was never called to testify.”
Watts: “He provided evidence that helped convict her.”
Lawyer: “Good point. Let’s go.”
Watts: “No. You stay. **waves gun in the air** This is police business. All right.”
Constable Brackenreid: “I’m not saying she’s innocent. I just pointed out that there are other people who may have wanted to kill her mother.”
Watts: “Which, if they did, would ipso facto make her innocent.”
Crabtree: “Did she say she was innocent?”
Constable Brackenreid: “She did, yes.”
Watts: “‘Twas ever thus.”
Constable Brackenreid: **opens the door** “Oh, my God.”
Watts: “Still think she’s so innocent?”
Constable Brackenreid: “This is my fault.”
Crabtree: “It’s jot your fault, John.”
Watts: “Losing the prisoner was your fault. This is merely a consequence. One cannot be accountable for every consequence, because the consequences of every action are infinite.”
Constable Brackenreid: “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
Watts: “Your feelings are irrelevant. It’s simply the truth of it.”
Crabtree: “It does confirm our fears. The girl’s out for bloody revenge.”
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razieltwelve · 3 years
Routine (Final Rose AU)
Willow opened her eyes and bit back a smile. As usual, Snow was already up although he’d taken care not to wake either her or Serah. It was equal parts thoughtfulness and self-preservation. Serah might have been the smallest out of the three of them, but she was also the most ferocious. It was also a horrible idea to anger someone who could mess with time.
And speaking of time, it was about time for her to get up and check on her father. He hadn’t wanted to move to Vale, but his worsening health had not been helped by the climate in Atlas. Thankfully, a combination of Willow’s pleading, Serah’s tyranny, and Snow’s good natured cheer had eventually won her father over. It hadn’t hurt that he’d be able to see his grandchildren every day either since he’d be moving in with them.
Some wealthy men might have chafed at moving from a mansion to a spacious but not gigantic home in the suburbs. However, her father had not grown up wealthy. He’d become wealthy through hard work, perseverance, and intelligence. He might enjoy being wealthy, but he prized his family above everything else.
She dressed quickly, taking a brief moment to tuck the blankets back in around Serah, before making her way downstairs. There were voices coming from the living room, and she was pleased to hear her father’s amongst them. His voice was strong and clear. It must be one of his good days.
“Good morning.” Willow pressed a kiss to her father’s cheek and grinned as the children looked appropriately horrified. “What are you up to this morning?”
Her father chuckled and gestured at the blocks scattered on the living room floor. “The children are building a Dust mine.”
“Are they?” Willow eyed the blocks scattered on the ground with a more discerning eye. Her father was right. It might be far from complete, but they were putting together a Dust mine. In fact... “Would you happen to be helping them with the design, father?”
“What makes you say that?” he asked, grin widening a fraction.
“Unless I’m mistaken, it’s based on the very first mine you ever found. You’ve told me about it enough times that I can recognise the layout even if it’s not complete.”
He chuckled. “Ah, you’ve got me. The kids asked me about it, so I thought it would be nice to build a copy, so they’ve got something to help them visualise the stories.”
Winter, the oldest of the children, nodded. “Since we’ve never been there, it would definitely help.” She shrugged. “I mean... we could look it up on the InfoNet, but building it ourselves just feels right.” She gestured at Claire, Weiss, and Whitley who were all doing their bit to add to the model of the mine. “And it’s something we can do together.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you.” Willow glanced toward the kitchen. “Is your father cooking?”
“Yes.” Winter sniffed the air. “I think he’s making bacon although he did mention something about pancakes and omelettes too.”
“I’ll go help him out. Keep working on the mine with your grandfather.”
“Is Serah Mom going to be up soon?” Winter asked.
“She’ll be up when she’s up.” Willow giggled. “You know how she is.”
“So right before breakfast?” Winter asked.
“Most likely.”
As Willow headed for the kitchen, she thought about the other woman. Serah was not a morning person at all, which usually left her or Snow to handle breakfast. However, she was definitely an afternoon and evening person, so she was perfectly happy handling lunch and dinner. 
“Morning.” Willow would have kissed Snow, but the tall man was in the midst of cooking several things at once with the aid of his Semblance. “My father looks like he’s having one of his good days today.”
Snow continued cooking, but she could hear the relief in his voice as he worked on the omelettes. “He always does a little worse when it’s cold at night, even with the heat on, but we’re coming into spring now, so I think he’ll have more good days than bad ones.” One of his Semblance’s hands flipped over a pancake. “I think having the kids around helps. I just hope Vanille will have a cure ready in time.”
“I hope so too,” Willow said as she slipped into place next to Snow, taking over the pancakes. “Although he’s already grateful for the time her treatment has been able to give him. Still...”
“It’s Vanille,” Snow said. “She said she’ll get it done, so she’ll get it done - by hook or by crook. That’s just how she is. And just think of how many other people any cure she comes up with will be able to help. There’s a lot of former and current miners out there with problems like your father.”
“I know.” Willow sighed. At the moment, Vanille’s treatment was basically keeping her father from deteriorating, but the prospect of a cure - something that could actually get him healthy again was tantalising. She could remember her childhood. Her father had been a strong, larger than life figure. His illness had robbed him of much of his vitality, and he was a shell of his former self from a physical standpoint. If it wasn’t for his willpower, she was certain he’d have died long before Vanille had gotten a chance to stabilise his condition. “I just worry.”
“Hey, we all do,” Snow said. “I never knew my parents,” he murmured. “I grew up in an orphanage. Your dad, well, he’s been kind of like a dad to me too.” He paused. “And I’m just glad that Vanille isn’t here right now because hearing me say your dad was like my dad would have a sister fixation joke thrown at me so fast.”
“Don’t worry. I’d stab her with a fork.” Willow turned away from the pancakes briefly as Serah shambled in. “Or I’d try. I don’t think my sister would actually let me stab her.” She yawned. “You two want coffee?”
“Sure,” Willow said. “Snow?”
“Yeah, some coffee would be good.”
“Fantastic, because I could definitely use some.” Serah got the coffee going, frowned at it, and then gestured with one hand. A second later the coffee was done.
“Did you just use your Semblance to make coffee faster?” Willow asked with a grin.
“Of course, I did. If you can’t use your Semblance to make every day life easier, then what is it good for?” Serah poured out three mugs of coffee.
“I don’t know,” Snow drawled. “Saving the world?”
“I can save the world and make coffee faster.” Serah shook her head. “Did you know Vanille built a rebellious coffee machine? I don’t even know why she felt the urge to make it sentient. On the upside, it likes Lumina and the kids. Its rebellion is entirely specific to her.”
“That’s Vanille for you.” Willow gestured vaguely at the pancakes. “A little help?”
“Sure.” Serah waved her hand at the pancakes. “Just keep a close eye on them. If they cook faster, they’ll also burn faster too.”
“I know.” Willow had gotten used to working with Serah’s Semblance. For one, it made making a roast far quicker and easier. And it had saved the day when she’d forgotten to put the turkey in before a big meal. “You two don’t have any missions for a while, do you?”
“A whole fortnight off,” Snow replied. “Well... unless the apocalypse happens, then it’s all hands on deck.”
“The same.” Serah sighed contently as she drank her coffee. “I’ve got the next two weeks off, as well, so my students are going to have to live without me.” She cackled. “I wonder if they’ll get complacent? It’ll make the surprise survival test I’ve got planned even more fun if they do.”
“You’re evil,” Willow teased.
“Hey, being a hunter isn’t easy. I’d rather my students suffer during training, so they don’t have to suffer out in the real world.”
“That’s true, I suppose.” Willow patted her cheek thoughtfully. “I’m afraid I’m not entirely free over the next two weeks. I still have to go into the office at least twice a week.”
“It’s fine,” Serah said. “You’ve got to run the company to give your dad more time to get better. I’m amazed you only have to go in two or three times a week, actually.”
“It helps that my father and I have made a point of hiring competent subordinates instead of bootlickers, and that we’ve partnered with Vanille’s company on a lot of our projects. I’d hate to get into a corporate war with her, and she’s got minion management down to a science.”
“But you’ll be okay for the visit to Sazh’s ranch, right?” Snow asked. “The kids have been dying to go. Winter has already ridden a chocobo, but the others were too young the last time we went. In fact, Whitley might still be too young although maybe not if Sazh still has that easy-going yellow chocobo.”
“I’ll be there,” Willow said. “I wouldn’t miss it. I know my father will love seeing Mangler again.”
“That thing is pure evil,” Snow muttered. “Lightning punched the crap out of him, and instead of being freaked out, I swear he was impressed.”
“Well, my father and Mangler get along pretty well. He actually looked a little worried the last time they met. I think he was shocked by how ill my father looked.”
“He’ll be happy then since your father is looking better.” Serah started making some hot chocolate for the kids and Willow’s father. “He’s a jerk, but I think he’d miss your father if something happened to him.” She made an exasperated sound. “We just have to remind the kids that, no, they can’t try to ride Mangler.”
“Yeah, no.” Willow shuddered. “Lightning and Fang won’t let Diana try, and she’s got Ragnarok. There is no way we’re letting the kids try. They can all ride nice friendly chocobos.”
“I’m going to start setting the table,” Serah said, sniffing the air. “By the smell of it, everything should be done soon.”
“Do you need a hand?” Snow asked, a glowing blue hand appearing beside her.
Willow snickered. “You say that every time, Snow.”
“Because it’s funny.”
“I beg to differ,” Serah replied.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
A glimpse into what Willow’s life could have been...
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Okay, so I wrote this story that is mostly about caretaking and stuff. It isn’t spicy, it’s mostly just wholesome. I actually really like these characters...I may use more of them in the future. So, without further ado, St. Ives Theater presents...
Catch Your Death
Death and his ward, Misery, had been walking through the dark, cold woods for quite some time. The snow was gently falling, piling inch by inch on the frozen ground below. The wind was howling through every leafless branch with frigid vigor. Death, who had seen colder and had felt worse, was striding forward with a focused purpose. Misery, on the other hand, was less experienced in the art of suffering. He was falling behind.
“M-master?” Misery said, shivering in his thin cloak. “Is thine soul nearby? Or shall we be forced to retire when the hour grows late?”
Death shook his head. “We haven’t the time to rest. Though the journey is arduous, the soul I am to reap must be taken when the strings of life are recently tattered. Miracles can happen. The dead can come back to life if a soul isn’t taken to the heavens. This shall only bring more pain and strife to the unfortunate wretch.”
“But...th-the snow, my liege...a-and...”
Death bristled slightly.
“You sound unsatisfied, Misery. Shall I remind you that being a servant of my dominion requires utmost faith, perseverance, and gratitude? Have you forgotten?”
“No, my lord. Never in the golden g-gates of heaven nor the red fl-flames of hell.”
“Good. And will you continue to remember?”
“V-verily, verily.”
There was a long silence as the pair trudged on, the air growing colder by the minute. The sun was soon beginning to set. The snowfall became a blistering wall of ice, nicking their cheeks and numbing their faces.
“We are near,” Death said suddenly after a few hours had passed. “I feel the soul crying out among the fractals, rattling them with desperation. Our journey will soon come to an end.”
Misery did not answer.
“Do you happen to see any lumps, or odd valleys of snow? A speckle of blood?”
Again, Misery did not answer.
“Ah, silence! You are still smarting from my earlier scolding, no doubt. Haven’t you anything to say? A sharp slash of that poisonous tongue?”
Death turned to face Misery, to give him a look of amusement - after all, he was only joking - but found Misery almost folded over into the snow. He shivering was so hard that bits of ice were falling off his shoulders. At the start of the trek, Misery had a blue tip on his nose from the cold air. Now the icy hue had climbed almost up to his nostrils.
“My God!” Death cried, quickly grabbing Misery by the shoulders so that the imp wouldn’t fall over. “What in the name of Hades are you doing?”
Misery blinked a few times, a few snowflakes falling from his eyelashes. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t find enough strength to do much else. Death slowly moved one of his hands to Misery’s chest, trying to feel the pulsing of his soul. Instead of the lively swirling and pounding it usually had, there was hardly any movement at all; what little Death could feel was lethargic and quivering. With one smooth movement, Death picked the much shorter Misery up, holding the imp’s body against his chest.
“The...s-s-soul...” Misery murmured, trying to lift up his arms.
“The soul can be damned!” Death hissed. “I don’t know what ails you to the point of faint, but I command you to be still! Your energy is fading fast, and you mustn’t waste it on such nonsense as speaking.”
Misery settled back down, still shivering. His consciousness was started to waver, and he soon fell fast asleep against Death’s shoulder.
After a dreamless slumber, Misery awoke, his eyes being almost blinded by an orange, flickering light. He was wrapped in something heavy and warm. Once Misery’s eyes had adjusted a little, he opened them all the way.
He was in a cave, the wind still howling outside. A fire was roaring right next to him, casting comforting shadows along the wall. Death was on the other side of the flame. His cloak had been cast off, only showing the black suit he wore underneath. He had a small, black book in one pale hand, and the other was over his mouth. Death’s eyes, which were usually stern and unfeeling, were now filled with anguish. Suddenly, his eyes flicked up, and Misery’s gaze met his master’s.
“Oh, thank heavens you are awake. Oh...oh my God...I believed...you had...forbid the thought! Dash it!”
Death moved quickly over the fire - flames could not harm him - and embraced Misery tightly, then fussing with the covering like a worried nursemaid.
“You are composed of ectoplasm, to give your person deft movements and immunity to harm, but that gives you a sensitivity to cold temperatures. What I would have given to know that sooner! I thought I had killed you, Misery! It had been quite some time, and I...I couldn’t help but fear the worst.”
Misery couldn’t help but smile. He had to ease his master’s fears.
“I apologize deeply, my lord,” he said. “I should have warned you of my condition. Perhaps I could have...”
“Don’t you dare apologize to me! It is blasphemy to my ears! A wicked, wicked lie! What I perceived as complaining was a desperate attempt at fulfilling your ailing soul! I should have lost you, just to prove how much of a self-centered wretch I am!”
“My lord, peace. I’m qui...heh...heh...ITSCHEW!”
Misery sneezed, his nose turning a shining pink. He sniffled miserably, laying his head against the cave wall. Unfortunately, the sneeze had brought up more mucus that had lay dormant in the back of his throat. Misery started to cough, his body trying to support itself as he rocked back and forth. Death brought out a hankercheif and held it to his nose and mouth. Misery blew into it, trying to free himself of the weight that was building in his forehead.
“You poor thing,” Death said, uncharacteristically quiet. “My guilt should be of no concern to you. Rest, if you can.”
Misery sneezed again, his red eyes tearing up.
“But what about the...ITCHEW!”
“They are taken care of. They were nearby. The neck was broken, the legs were torn away from the body, and several teeth were scattered about. You needn’t worry about it anymore.”
Misery sniffed, a thin string of mucus coming out of each nostril.
“Whad happened to dem?” he asked stuffily. “Coud you dell be how dey died? Please? Lig you used to whed I was an imbling?”
Death nodded, drawing Misery closer to him for warmth.
Death thought for a while, remembering the soul and everything it had experienced.
“The year was nineteen thirty-six in the congested - no pun intended - city of New York...”
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vajranam · 3 years
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The story of how Jetsun Milarepa followed Marpa of Lhodrak.
In the region of Ngari Gungthang, there lived a rich man by the name of Mila Sherab Gyaltsen. This man had a son and a daughter, and it was the son, whose name was Mila Thopa-ga, "Mila Joy to Hear," who was to become Jetsun Milarepa. When the two children were still small, their father died. Their uncle, whose name was Yungdrung Gyaltsen, appropriated all their wealth and possessions. The two children and their mother, left with neither food nor money, were forced to undergo many hardships. Mila learned the arts of casting spells and making hailstorms from the magicians Yungton Throgyal of Tsang and Lharje Nupchung, and brought about the death of his uncle's son and daughter-in-law together with thirty-three other people by making the house collapse. When all the local people turned angrily against him, he caused such a hailstorm that the hail lay on, the ground as deep as three courses of a clay wall (about 3 meters).
Afterwards, repenting his misdeeds, he decided to practise Dharma. Taking the advice of Lama Yungton, he went to see an adept of the Great Perfection by the name of Rongton Lhaga, and asked him for instruction.
"The Dharma I teach," the Lama replied, "is the Great Perfection. Its root is the conquest of the beginning, its summit the conquest of attainment and its fruit; the conquest of yoga. If one meditates on it during the day, one can become Buddha that same day; if one meditates on it during the night, one can become Buddha that very night. Fortunate beings whose past actions have created suitable conditions do not even need to meditate; they will be liberated simply by hearing it. Since it is a Dharma for those of eminently superior faculties, I will teach it to you.”
After receiving the empowerments and instructions, Mila thought to himself, "It took me two weeks to obtain the main signs of success at casting spells. Seven days were enough for making hail. Now here is teaching even easier than spells and hail-if you meditate by day you become a Buddha that day; if you meditate by night you become a Buddha that night-and if your past actions have created suitable conditions, you don't even need to meditate at all! Seeing how I met this teaching, I obviously must be one of the ones with good past actions."
So he stayed in bed without meditating, and thus the practitioner and the teaching parted company.
“It is true what you told me," the lama said to him after a few days. “You really are a great sinner, and I have praised my teaching a little too highly. So now I will not guide you. You should go to the hermitage of Trowolung in Lhodrak, where there is a direct disciple of the Indian siddha Naropa himself. He is that most excellent of teachers, the king of translators, Marpa. He is a siddha of the New Mantra Tradition, and is without rival throughout the three worlds. Since you and he have a link stemming from actions in former lives, go and see him!"
The sound of Marpa the Translator's name alone was enough to suffuse Mila's mind with inexpressible joy. He was charged with such bliss that every pore on his body tingled, and immense devotion swept over him, filling his eyes with tears. He set off, wondering when he would meet his teacher face to face. Now, Marpa and his wife had both had many extraordinary dreams, and Marpa knew that Jetsun Mila was on his way.
He went down the valley to await his arrival, pretending to be just ploughing a field. Mila first met Marpa's son, Tarma Dode, who was tending the cattle. Continuing a little further, he saw Marpa, who was ploughing. The moment Mila caught sight of him, he experienced tremendous, inexpressible joy and bliss; for an instant, all his ordinary thoughts stopped. Nonetheless, he did not realize that this was the lama in person, and explained to him that he had come to meet Marpa.
“I’ll introduce you to him myself," Marpa answered him. "Plough this field for me." Leaving him a jug of beer, he went off. Mita, draining the jug to the last drop, set to work. When he had finished, the lama's son came to call him and they set off together.
When Mila was brought into the lama's presence, he placed the soles of Marpa's feet upon the crown of his head and cried out, "Oh, Master! I am a great sinner from the west! I offer you my body, speech and mind. Please feed and clothe me and teach me the Dharma. Give me the way to become Buddha in this life!"
"It's not my fault that you reckon you're such a bad man," Marpa replied."I didn't ask you to pile up evil deeds on my account! What is all this wrong you have done?" Mila told him the whole story in detail.
"Very well," Marpa acquiesced, "in any case, to offer your body, speech and mind is a good thing. As to food, clothing and Dharma, however, you cannot have all three. Either I give you food and clothing and you look for Dharma elsewhere, or you get your Dharma from me and look for the rest somewhere else. Make up your mind. And if it's the Dharma you choose, whether or not you attain Buddhahood in this lifetime will depend on your own perseverance.”
"If that is the case," said Mila, "since I came for the Dharma, I will look for provisions and clothing elsewhere.”
He stayed a few days and went out begging through the whole of upper and lower Lhodrak, which brought him twenty-one measures of barley. He used fourteen of them to buy a four-handled copper pot. Placing six measures in a sack, he went back to offer that and the pot to Marpa. When he set the barley down, it made the room shake. Marpa got up.
"You're a strong little monk, aren't you?" he said."Are you trying to kill us all by making the house fall down with your bare hands? Get that sack of barley out of here!" He gave the sack a kick, and Mila had to take it outside. Later on he gave Marpa the empty pot.
One day Marpa said to him: "The men of Yamdrok Taklung and Lingpa are attacking many of my faithful disciples who come to visit me from U and Tsang, and stealing their provisions and offerings. Bring hailstorms down on them! Since that is a kind of Dharma too, I will give you the instructions afterwards."
Mila caused devastating hailstorms to fall on both these regions and then went to ask for the teachings.
“You think I'm going to give you the teachings I brought back from India at such great cost in exchange for three or four hailstones? If you really want the Dharma, cast a spell on the hill-folk of Lhodrak. They attack my disciples from Nyaloro and are always treating me with downright contempt. When there is a sign that your spell has worked, I shall give you Naropa's oral instructions, which lead to Buddhahood in a single lifetime and body."
When the signs of the success of the evil spell appeared, Mila asked for the Dharma.
"Huh! Is it perhaps to pay honour to your accumulation of evil deeds that you are claiming to want these oral instructions that I had to search for, never considering the risk to my own body and life-these instructions still warm with the breath of the dakinis? I suppose you must be joking, but I find this a bit too much. Anyone else but me would kill you! Now, bring those hill people back to life and return to the people of Yamdrok their harvest. You'll get the teachings if you do-otherwise, don't hang around me anymore!"
Mila, utterly shattered by these reprimands, sat and wept bitter tears. The next morning, Marpa came to see him. "I was a bit rough with you last night," he said."Don't be sad. I will' give you the instructions little by little. Just be patient! Since you're a good worker, I'd like you to build me a house to give to Tarma Dode. When you've finished, I'll give you the instructions, and provide you with food and clothing as well.”
"But what will I do if I die in the meantime, without the Dharma?” Mila asked. “I’ll take the responsibility of making sure that doesn't happen," Marpa said. "My teachings are not just idle boasting, and since you obviously have extraordinary perseverance, when you put my instructions into practice we will see if you can attain Buddhahood in a single lifetime." After further encouragement in the same vein, he had Mila build three houses one after the other: a circular one at the foot of the eastern hill, a semicircular one in the west and a triangular one in the north. But each time, as soon as the house was half finished, Marpa would berate Mila furiously, and make him demolish whatever he had built and take all the earth and stones he had used back to where he had found them. An open sore appeared on Mila's back, but he thought, "If I show it to the Master, he will only scold me again. I could show it to his wife but that would just be making a fuss." So, weeping, but not showing his wounds, he implored Marpa's wife to help him request the teachings.
She asked Marpa to teach him, and Marpa replied, "Give him a good meal and bring him here!" He gave Mila the transmission and vows of refuge.
"All this," he said, "is what is called the basic Dharma. If you want the extraordinary instructions of the Secret Mantrayana, the sort of thing you'll to have to go through is this... "and he recounted a brief version of the life and trials of Naropa. "It'll be difficult for you to do the same," he concluded.
At these words Mila felt such intense devotion that his tears flowed freely, and with fierce determination he vowed to do whatever his teacher asked of him. A few days later, Marpa went for a walk and took Mila with him as his attendant. He went south-east and, coming to a favorably situated piece of ground, he said, "Make me a grey, square tower here, nine storeys’ high. With a pinnacle on top, making ten. You won't have to take this building down, and when you've finished I'll give you the instructions. I'll also give you provisions when you go into retreat to practise.”
Mila had already dug the foundations and started building when three of his teacher's more advanced pupils came by. For fun, they rolled up a huge stone for him and Mila incorporated it in the foundations. When he had finished the first• two storeys, Marpa came to see him and asked him where the stone in question had come from. Mila told him what had happened. "My disciples practising the yoga of the two phases shouldn't be your servants!" Marpa yelled. "Get that stone out of there and put it back where it came from!"
Mila demolished the whole tower, starting from the top. He pulled out the big foundation stone and took it back to where it had come from. Then Marpa told him, "Now bring it here again and put it back in. " So Mila hauled it back to the site and put it in just as before. He went on building until he had finished the seventh storey, by which time he had an open sore on his hip.
"Now leave off building that tower," Marpa said, "and instead build me a temple, with a twelve-pillared hall and a raised sanctuary.”
So Mila built the temple, and by the time he had finished, a sore had broken out on his lower back.
At that time, Meton Tsonpo of Tsangrong asked Marpa for the empowerment of Samvara, and Tsurton Wange of Dol asked for the empowerment of Guhyasamaja. On both occasions, Mila, hoping that his building work had earned him the right to empowerment, took his place in the assembly, but all he received from Marpa were blows and rebukes and he was thrown out both times. His back was now one huge sore with blood and pus running from three places. Nevertheless, he continued working, carrying the baskets of earth in front of him instead.
When Ngokton Chodor of Shung came to ask for the Hevajra empowerment, Marpa's wife gave Mila a large turquoise from her own personal inheritance. Using it as his offering for the empowerment, Mila placed himself among row of candidates but, as before, the teacher scolded him and gave him a thrashing, and he did not receive the empowerment. This time he felt that there was no further doubt: he would never receive any teachings. He wandered off in no particular direction.
A family in Lhodrak Khok hired him to read the Transcendent Wisdom in Eight Thousand Verses. He came to the story of Sadaprarudita, and that made him think. He realized that, for the sake of the Dharma, he must accept all hardships and please his teacher by doing whatever he ordered.
So he returned, but again Marpa only welcomed him with abuse and blows. Mila was so desperate that Marpa's wife sent him to Lama Ngokpa, who gave him some instructions. But when he meditated nothing came of it, since he had not received his teacher's consent. Marpa ordered him to go back with Lama Ngokpa, and then to return. One day, during a feast offering, Marpa severely reprimanded Lama Ngokpa and some other disciples and was about to start beating them. Mila thought to himself, "With my evil karma, not only do l myself suffer because of my heavy faults and dense obscurations, but now I am also bringing difficulties on Lama Ngokpa and my Guru's consort. Since I am just piling up more and more harmful actions without receiving any teaching, it would be best if I did away with myself."
He prepared to commit suicide. Lama Ngokpa was trying to stop him when Marpa calmed down and summoned them both. He accepted Mila as a disciple, gave him much good advice and named him Mila Dorje Gyaltsen, "Mila Adamantine Victory Banner."As he gave him the empowerment of Samvara; he made the mandala of its sixty-two deities clearly appear. Mila then received the secret name of Shepa Dorje, "Adamantine Laughter," and Marpa conferred all the empowerments and instructions on him just like the contents of one pot being poured into another. Afterwards, Mila practised in the hardest of conditions, and attained all the common and supreme accomplishments.
The trials that Milarepa had to undergo before receiving the teachings from Marpa, as well as being a purification of past Karma, an accumulation of merit and a psychological preparation, also had a bearing on the future of his lineage, each detail having a symbolic significance which, by the principle of interdependence would affect Milarepa’s own future and that of his disciples.
~H.H. Patrul Rinpoche from the text Words of My Perfect Teacher.
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mrslittletall · 4 years
Title: A Storm is coming (Chapter 29) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Chosen Undead/Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Hawkeye Gough, Black Dragon Kalameet Word Count: 8.420 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16603610/chapters/62838637 Previous chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/622911860468023296/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-28-fandom-dark
Summary: Searching for help with getting the black dragon Kalameet to the ground, Tempest visits Gough, the last Knight of Gwyn that he still has to meet...
(Author's note: It was such a brutal heatwave when I finished this chapter and I hope the quality is up to par. The DLC is still incredibly difficult to write and I am glad when I can move to another part of the story, but for now, the duo has a dragon to beat!)
Once Tempest had passed through the door, asking himself why it was so small, he spotted a ladder and went right to it, starting to climb it. A few rungs in, he could hear the heavy footsteps of Ornstein and looked down to see how the knight leaned against the wall, his posture slumped and his breathing sounding laboured. Tempest started to climb again once the gaze of the golden helmet hit him and soon he was on top of the tower, mouth agape at the sight of the last knight of Gwyn, Gough, the Hawkeye.
Even though Tempest knew that he was a giant, he couldn't help but feel awfully small next to him. When Ornstein was double Tempest's size, then Gough was surely fourth his size. The Hawkeye was currently sitting on the ground, in his old armour, even the helmet still on his head, busy whittling on a piece of wood. There was a mountain of already finished pieces in front of him and chippings of wood were scattered everywhere. They even landed on Tempest who absentmindedly raised his hand to brush them off his helmet.
Tempest took a deep breath, stepped nearer to Gough and cleared his throat: “Um... hello.”
Gough stopped whittling for a second before he resumed and spoke in a low, but very gentle voice:
“Hm? A visitor, have we? Thou must be the one who freed Artorias. An old friend he was, and thanks to thee… He left this world with honour intact. …And here I am, retired and blind. Of little help to thee, I am afraid.”
“Yes, indeed, it was me...”, Tempest said, a feeling of guilt nagging at his chest. Technically, it had been Ornstein who had fought Artorias and Tempest had just delivered the killing blow. A deed that had made Ornstein mad, still having the hope that Artorias could have been saved.
“You... you aren't of little help.”, Tempest said, wondering how he should put his next words. “Actually... I have come to ask for your help... because...”
“Good morrow…Is the Black Dragon posing thee duress?”
“Wha... but I haven't even said anything. How did you know?!”, Tempest was taken aback. Was he that obvious?
“Yes, I thought as much. He is called Kalameet. A ferocious dragon indeed, even mighty Anor Londo dared not provoke his ire. I see little good coming from this, but… …Thy intent is to persevere… to the bitter end, hmm?”
“That and... I owe it... to a friend.”, Tempest said, not looking at Gough directly, though the giant probably wouldn't have noticed anyway, he had claimed himself as blind. Tempest also remembered this detail about him in the stories about the four Knights of Gwyn. He wondered briefly if Gough would really be able to help, but scolded himself for his line of thinking, Ornstein was trusting Gough and that had to mean something.
“By the way...”, Tempest said, “This probably won't make much sense, but I shall deliver an apology to you.”
There wasn't any confusion in Gough's stance. Instead, a low chuckle emitted from his chest.
“Little Undead, tell him to come up here.”
“Huh?!”, for the second time in a few minutes Tempest was taken aback. “But how did you know?”
“I might be blind, but I am not deaf.”, Gough said, his voice content. “I could hear thine battle in all its glory and there certainly was a voice mixed in from a dear friend as well as the telltale sound of his spear. Oh, how often have these two duelled each other on the grounds of Anor Londo. I knew since the battle started.”
Tempest went back to the ladder and kneeled down. “Ornstein, he knows!”, he shouted. “Come up here!”
“Damn... I should have known it.”, Ornstein muttered and soon the form of the dragon slayer arrived on the tower, stepping next to Tempest.
“Gough.. I am... I am sorry...”, Ornstein said, his gaze on the ground, his fingers intertwined, his whole posture feeling small, as if he wanted to curl in a ball. In fact, Tempest had never seen Ornstein look so miserable.
“What are you even apologizing for, Ornstein?”, Gough asked. Tempest noticed that he switched from the ancient pronouns, he guessed that Gough just wanted to be polite with him. “There is nothing to apologize to me for. In fact, you shouldn't be here.”
“Y... yes, I know, I should be at Anor Londo...”, Ornstein said, but Gough shook his head.
“No, you already are at Anor Londo. You need to get back to your own time.”
“Wait, you know?!”, Tempest shouted, clasping a hand over his mouth after he realized what he just had said and also to suppress a yelp when he felt a kick at his shin.
“Yes, little Undead, I know.”, Gough said. “The Ornstein standing in front of me, that isn't the Ornstein I know. The Ornstein standing in front of me is older and it appears he lived through intense hardships. I can hardly believe that he is the same knight that I remember from the dragon war.”
Ornstein's shoulders slumped more and more as Gough spoke. He had been seen through so easily. There wasn't any way to deceive Gough. He could read him too well. In fact, the only way that Ciaran didn't knew he was there, was because she apparently hadn't watched the battle, only seen the results.
“But... how did you know Ornstein was down there?”, Tempest asked, pointing out a detail that Gough hadn't tackled yet.
“Ah, indeed.”, Gough said. “It was your voice that was with him, little Undead and the both of you crossed the coliseum later together. Besides, I could hear him breathe.”
“You could have just said this in the first place.”, Tempest grumbled. “Besides, I have a name and it's Tempest.”
“Like the storm, I see.”, Gough said, shaving a bit more wood off his current piece. “So you and Ornstein plan to hunt down Kalameet and have come to ask for my help. Quite a task you have set for yourself.”
“Yes, Gough.”, Ornstein said. “Please ground him for us. I... am not in the right condition to handle him in the air.”
“You should know, little Tempest.”, Gough said. “Ornstein once had tried to hunt Kalameet on his own, but failed. Even among the dragons, Kalameet is incredibly dangerous.”
“Wait... but haven't you said earlier that Anor Londo hadn't dared to provoke him?”, Tempest asked.
Ornstein clutched his spear and answered at Gough's place: “Ah... it was... because I couldn't kill him. Anor Londo's best dragon slayer failed at killing Kalameet and was bedridden for a week, Lord Gwyn forbid us to ever challenge him again.”
“Wait... I think you have told me about that...”, Tempest said. “He was responsible for the scar on your left shoulder and back!”
“Ornstein, should I ask why your companion here knows of your scars?”, Gough asked. “When I remember correctly, you hated showing them. Has this changed after many years in the future?”
“Um...”, Ornstein said and Tempest had the feeling he was about to turn red under his helmet. Of course, he would have to admit that Tempest saw him naked, that they book a bath together and that Tempest had washed Ornstein's hair. In fact, Tempest started to ask himself why Gough hadn't asked yet what Ornstein's and Tempest's deal with each other was. Still, Tempest decided to spare Ornstein the embarrassment.
“Oh, he has got hurt in the fight with Artorias and when I patched him up, I could see it.”, he explained. “So will you help us ground the dragon?”
“...My mind has been made up once you asked the first time.”, Gough said. “Because what is bravery without a dash of recklessness? However, do you think Ornstein should hunt a dragon in that state?”
Tempest's gaze wandered to Ornstein and he took a sharp breath as he noticed just how laboured his breathing was and how much trouble he seemed to stand up upright.
“Ornstein...”, Tempest said. “Why haven't you said anything?!”
“I... I didn't want to worry you...”, Ornstein said. “Besides... we can't sit around here idly, doing nothing...”
“If you continue to strain yourself like this, you will collapse.”, Tempest said. “I thought you were exhausted back on the township, but I decided to trust your word. Everybody knows their body best, right? But apparently, I was wrong.”
“Ornstein never knew when to quit and take a break.”, Gough offhandedly said.
“That's it.”, Tempest glared at Ornstein and tapped his foot. “You will take a break, right now. Get out of that armour, sit down, drink something and wait until I have cooked up a meal! You haven't eaten anything in hours!”
“...Fine... I guess I have no choice.”, Ornstein said as he sank down at the wall of the tower, carefully removing his helmet.
“That's the spirit.”, Tempest smiled and put his attention to Gough. “Is there a a place where I could cook something up?”
Gough pointed to a corner of the tower, where there indeed was a small fireplace with a pot over it. Tempest hummed as he approached it and searched in his belongings. He had packed some ingredients when they last had been in Anor Londo.
As Tempest was busy with cooking, Ornstein carefully peeled himself out of his armour, sighing once the weight wasn't pressing down on him anymore. Gough had been right, he wasn't in a state to hunt down a dragon. That the little Storm noticed it also was proof enough for Ornstein. Though he wouldn't sit here for hours. He would eat what Tempest cooked him and then they would be off. They couldn't dawdle here too long, his past self would arrive the next day.
“So, Ornstein.”, Gough spoke, making Ornstein raise his head, “What is the deal between you and that determined Undead?”
“Gwyndolin's orders.”, Ornstein answered. “It's... hard to explain.”
“Of course, you know about events that I do not.” A few chippings fell down on Ornstein who brushed them off, wincing when pain emerged in his arm.
“Correct.”, Ornstein said. “Let's say... we have a task for the little Storm and he was asking for help, so Gwyndolin ordered me to help him.”
After he was done speaking, Gough chuckled, the low, joyous chuckle, that Ornstein always had loved to hear. He always wanted his fellow knights to be happy, though at the moment, it annoyed him.
“What's so funny?”, Ornstein complained.
“The fact that you seem to have some attachment.”, Gough said. “Was that a nickname that I heard? I believe the Undead himself had referred to himself as Tempest.”
“Yes, is something the matter?”, Tempest asked, brooding over the cooking pot, blue eyes fixating on Gough at the mention of his name.
“...It's nothing. Go back to cooking.”, Ornstein said. Tempest however took only one gaze at Ornstein and gasped.
“Ornstein, I told you to drink something! I can't see your canteen anywhere near you! Do you want to collapse from being parched? You lost quite a bit blood, you know!”
“Alright, alright...”, Ornstein sighed, fetching his canteen from his belongings, taking a few sips. He actually hadn't noticed how dry his throat had been and he soon eagerly took larger sips from his canteen.
“That's better.”, Tempest said, adding some more vegetables into the soup. At least they looked like vegetables. Ornstein knew that he could fully trust Tempest when it came to cooking. It was fighting he wasn't good at, though he became more and more competent at it lately.
“Gough... there is something I have to ask of you.”, Ornstein said.
“I know.”, Gough said. “I won't say anything. Neither to Ciaran nor to your old self. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you, Gough...”, Ornstein said, suddenly feeling his eyes droop. Why was he so tired all of a sudden?
“It would be wise to take a little nap.”, Gough said. “It appears your companion is still busy with the soup.”
“...I guess...”, Ornstein said and not long after he had closed his eyes, he felt sleep overcoming him.
Around ten minutes after Ornstein had fallen asleep, Tempest puts the lid on the pot. “Alright, the soup now just has to simmer a while.”
Tempest walked over to Ornstein and a smile washed over his face once he saw him fast asleep.
“Finally he rests. He was about to collapse when he would have continued at that pace.”, Tempest said.
“He always has been like that.”, Tempest winced at the sudden voice of Gough, not having expected the giant to say anything. In fact, Gough looked like he was a part of the tower. If not for him moving, Tempest would have thought he would be a statue.
“You know him well, right?”, Tempest asked, sitting himself cross-legged on the ground, having to crane his neck to look Gough in the face, or more, helmet. After a few seconds Tempest remembered that Gough was blind and it wouldn't bother him at all if Tempest wouldn't look into his face, so he went to stare straight at the wall of the tower, sometimes glancing to Ornstein.
“Yes, we knew each other since the dragon war. He came and asked me to be a part of the four Knights of Gwyn. I accepted his offer and led many silver knights archers into battle as well as fought alongside Ornstein many times.”
“...He must have been wonderful in his prime.”, Tempest said.
“Yes, indeed.”, Gough said, chipping down some more wood from the current mask he was carving, which fell down on Tempest, who brushed it off his leather armour. “The golden dragon slayer of Anor Londo. He was elegant and deadly. Ornstein was able to take out a dragon on his own, which is an enormous feat. It was usual that a single dragon would wipe out three scores of our silver knights.”
“A single dragon wiped out so many soldiers and he fought them solo?!”, Tempest could hardly believe what Gough just had said. “..I can't believe that I managed to beat him...”
Tempest noticed his mistake and looked up to see if there was any change in Gough's demeanour, but he just continued whittling on his mask before saying: “Don't worry, there is nobody I will tell that I've ever met you.” Gough then stopped whittling and his head cocked until it was gazing in the direction in which Ornstein was laying, maybe one or two centimetres off. “Ornstein... isn't feeling well. It isn't because of the injury you talked about, there is a deep sadness inside of him. It has been there since our loyal companion, Artorias, who you so kindly put to rest, has fallen. Ornstein... always blamed himself for everything that happened. That is why he wanted you to apologize for him. Whatever happens to me in the future, Ornstein feels responsible for it.”
Tempest looked at Ornstein while Gough was talking. He knew that Ornstein was putting up an act, that the real Ornstein was a lot softer than the dragon slayer once he put on his armour. Tempest wondered if Ornstein blamed himself for the death of Smough, the executioner, his former partner. Tempest had been the one to strike him down, so Tempest always thought that Ornstein would resent him for that, but... maybe it was Ornstein hating himself. Had Tempest ever heard Ornstein say a good thing about himself? Maybe Ornstein just wanted to search out the Sunfirstborn to say sorry?
Tempest had the hunch that once they were back in their own time, Ornstein might apologize to him, even though Tempest had brought them into this mess at the first place.
“Artorias...”, Tempest said, wanting to change the subject. “Did he knew that he would get corrupted? He... said a few weird things before he died.”
“Artorias was very well aware of the dangers of the abyss.”, Gough replied. “It was his duty to fight the creatures of the dark. For a Knight of Gwyn, every mission could be the last. Artorias would have gone even if Ornstein had forbade it. I assume that Artorias tried to find an unoccupied place before his corruption could eat him completely. That he ran into you and Ornstein might have been pure luck, so that he could die in battle. For every knight, it is a honour to die in battle.”
“...I died in battle and the only honour I got was getting thrown into the asylum.”, Tempest grumbled, clearly remembering his own death. “Though I am not a knight.”
“That is apparent.”, Gough said, making Tempest's head jerk around. “You can fight, but it isn't in your nature. When I guess correctly, it was Ornstein who trained you.”
“That is correct.”, Tempest said. “And he didn't even kill me that often during training.”
“Tempest, I want to apologize that you Undead are getting treated so unkindly by Lordran.”, Gough said. “Us giants are in a similar situation. We are feared because we can go berserk. For Undead it is the fear of your hollowing, for us giants it is the fear of our nature. I never had the urge to go berserk, but still people feared me and blinded me.”
“That's awful...!”, Tempest said, shuddering. “Why did they attack you even though you never did anything wrong?”
“Fear like I said.”, Gough replied. “Wasn't it the same for you? You weren't attacking anyone, but once they saw your dark sign, you were carried away. People will always shun what they fear. You and me, we aren't that different in that regard.”
“I guess...”, Tempest said, thinking about the time he had been close to hollowing. Would he have become one of that roving hollows who would attack everything in sight or would he have become one of the hollows that just …had given up and would smash their heads against the wall, like the ones in the Sunlight Altar?
It was Ornstein who had helped him to fend off his hollowing, as well as the humanity he had taken, but Tempest knew, one or two more deaths and he would have been gone for good.
“Oh, Ornstein told me that you sell these masks?”, Tempest pointed at the pile in front of Gough, wanting to change the subject.
“Yes, that is correct. Feel free to have a look at my wares.”, Gough said and put a few items and a price list in front of Tempest. Apparently even a giant had use for souls.
Gough's wares were rather standard, homeward bones, prism stones, titanite shards... From greater interest were the gigantic arrows he sold, Tempest could only assume that they were used for the equally big great bow he could see behind the giant, and two masks. Tempest tested them both and one said “Hello” and the other “Thank you.”
“Hmm.. I think I take the Thank you carving.”, he said and searched for souls in his dark sign, when he noticed that next to the items he also spotted some dung pie. Why in the world had Gough excrements with him? As Tempest watched over the tower and realized that there nowhere was a privy in sight, and even if, it wouldn't be big enough for the giant, he got his assumptions and wrinkled his nose. Disgusting.
Tempest handed five souls to Gough (he probably sold the masks for so little souls because he had a mountain of them) and put the mask into his inventory, then strolled over to check on his soup. Almost done.
“It's time to wake up Ornstein.”, Tempest said. “The soup will be done in a few minutes.”
“I am sure he looks forward to be waken up by you.”, Gough said.
“Maybe? I am not sure if Ornstein looks forward to seeing my face first when he wakes up. At least I am not hollowed out at the moment. He doesn't like my hollowed out form.”
“Even as someone who cannot see anymore, I can understand that.”, Gough hummed. “It's not a very nice sight.”
“It's not like I die on purpose.”, Tempest said and nudged Ornstein. “Hey, Ornstein, time to rise and shine, the soup is ready.”
“Hnngh...”, Ornstein said and opened his eyes halfway. “Oh, little Storm, that smells wonderful...”, he said and both of his arms embraced Tempest and pulled him into a hug, making Tempest's face blush a deep crimson.
“Um, Ornstein...”, Tempest said and once Ornstein opened his eyes completely, he practically jumped up and Tempest fell on his rear.
“Ah, do... don't take this the wrong way!”, Ornstein said. “I was still... dreaming. Yes. Dreaming!”
“I heard you say little Storm...”, Tempest murmured under his breath and went back to the pot, all followed by a low chuckle of Gough. Tempest put a serving of soup into a brought along soup bowl and carried the steaming hot meal to Ornstein, handing it him along with a spoon.
“Careful, it is still hot.”, he said as Ornstein took it. Tempest then addressed Gough. “Would you like a plate too? I made enough for several servings, though it probably isn't enough for a being of your size.”
“I gladly take a serving.”, Gough said. “It's true that as a giant I require more sustenance, but I very well would like to cherish the taste. As Ornstein said, it smells wonderful.”
“I am giving my all for every meal.”, Tempest grinned and went to get a second serving. Luckily he had packed two bowls. Tempest didn't even know why, it wasn't like he could share the meal with Ornstein. Maybe it had been wishful thinking.
Once Gough had been given a filled soup bowl too, Tempest sat down and watched Ornstein eating. He was holding the soup bowl carefully with his left hand and slowly dunked the spoon into the soup with his right arm, movement looking stiff and with the way his face scrunched up, Tempest knew it wasn't comfortable for Ornstein.
“Do you need help?”, Tempest asked.
“No, I am fine.”, Ornstein answered as fast as an arrow would fly off a taut bow. Tempest was a tiny bit disappointed, he would have liked to see Ornstein's reaction if he would have fed him, but he also had the assumption that Izalith would freeze over before Ornstein would allow for Tempest to feed him.
“If you say so.”, Tempest just said and continued to watch Ornstein, who ate slowly and methodically, as if he mostly just tried to get the bowl empty. Tempest sighed a little bit, Ornstein's thoughts were apparently still elsewhere. At least he got him to have taken a break.
“That surely tastes wonderful.”, Gough said from above, putting the bowl on the floor. “You are a good cook, Tempest. I envy Ornstein to be able to eat a meal this good every day.”
“It's not like he cooks for me everyday and I also never asked him to do it...”, Ornstein murmured.
“Oh, but I would cook for you everyday, if you ask or not.”, Tempest smiled at Ornstein, who choked at his current spoonful of soup. Tempest came over quickly and gave Ornstein a good slap on the back, helping him to clear his lungs from any soup that had gotten into.
“Everything alright? Have I said something funny?”, Tempest said and his big blue eyes stared directly in Ornstein's equally big, green ones. “Are you having a fever...?”, Tempest asked as he noticed that Ornstein's face was tinted a hue of red.
“No and don't come so close!”, Ornstein yelled and gave Tempest a kick, which made him fall on his rear, his big blue eyes now conveying betrayal.
“I am remembering this Ornstein and that means you won't get desert the next time.”, Tempest chuckled and turned his head when he heard the low chuckle of Gough mixed into his own.
“It's good to see that you made such a good friend.”, he said.
“We aren't friends!”, Ornstein said, again, far too quickly and he backpedalled immediately by saying: “Well... maybe a little...” He turned his head to the side, was looking in the air and had another red flush on his cheeks. Ornstein still couldn't admit that he liked Tempest. Tempest just sat there and grinned to himself, that Gough had noticed what Ornstein was denying felt good.
Tempest felt a large hand on himself and nearly fell down when Gough was slapping him on the shoulder. “Please stay Ornstein's friend.”, Gough said, low so that Ornstein couldn't hear it, but loud enough so that Tempest could hear every word. He simply nodded, forgetting that the giant couldn't see him, but he had the feeling that Gough got his message nonetheless.
Once Ornstein was done with eating the soup, Tempest collected the bowls and put them back into his luggage. He decided to leave the rest of the soup for Gough, it seemed like the giant rarely got anything good to eat, sometimes someone from Oolacile brought him provisions but since the tragedy happened, he mostly had caught birds out of the air and ate them instead. Tempest almost was suggesting to Gough that he could come back and cook more for him before he remembered that him and Ornstein shouldn't be here at the first place. They very likely wouldn't be able to come back.
“We have now sit around idly enough.”, Ornstein said and got up, but Tempest was at his side with a lunge and said: “Wait, Ornstein, let's take a look at your arm.”
“How often do I have to tell you I am fine?”, Ornstein grumbled.
“Expect... you aren't fine. You needed the break and I want to take a look at this bandages.”, Tempest didn't wait for permission but simply rolled Ornstein's sleeve up and to his surprise, the dragon slayer allowed it.
“Ugh, it has bled through...”, Tempest groaned as he looked at the bandage he had applied. He had done his best to apply a pressure bandage, that the wound wouldn't bleed too much until they could get it properly fixed, but after running around in the Oolacile township it had loosened. “Please hold still, Ornstein, I will change the bandages.”, Tempest said. He searched for some new bandages in Ornstein's bag, which he found quicker by now and then removed the bled through and far too moist used bandages, gasping when he saw the wound, immediately starting to bleed again and bruised black and blue around the gash.
“You make me afraid to look, little Storm...”, Ornstein said, leaning against the wall, face far too pale.
“Don't look, just do me a favour and don't look.”, Tempest murmured, swallowing away bile at the state of the wound as he applied a new pressure bandage and carefully rolled down Ornstein's sleeve again. The dragon slayer bore it with closed eyes and not even a wince and Tempest stuffed the bloody bandage in his own luggage before Ornstein could take a look at it.
“I know that I can't stop you to hunt dragons, even if you are injured.”, Gough said. “If you are ready, I shall keep my promise and shoot Kalameet out of the sky.”
“Wait.”, Tempest said. “I want to be sure that Ornstein truly is rested. So.. he has drank something, has eaten something, has slept... Is there anything else he needs to do that I don't have to do anymore... Oh!”, Tempest clapped his hands. “Ornstein, do you need to take a leak maybe?”
“Huh?”, Ornstein said, clearly taken aback and another red hue appeared on his cheeks.
“Oh, it's just.. we are about to fight a dragon and you can't just excuse yourself in the middle of a fight, that's all.”, Tempest said, nodding to himself, proud that he remembered all the needs that a still living being had.
“That's not it, little Storm.”, Ornstein half whispered. “Just don't be so, uh..., blunt about it...”
Gough chuckled again and said: “Ornstein is just very shy.”
“I'll be right back.”, Ornstein hastily said and left the tower, returning after a few minutes, putting on his armour and not saying anything anymore.
“Gough, please.”, Ornstein said. “Show the little Storm why they call you the Hawkeye.”
Gough stopped whittling and laid both the mask and his knife down, standing up, wood chippings falling down from him as he was feeling for his great bow. As soon as he grabbed it, he said: “Now watch and see how Gough hunts dragons.”
Tempest knew it had been for him, Ornstein probably had seen it a hundred times and Tempest planned to watch closely. He was able to see the Hawkeye in action and his whole body tensed up as Gough bend the bow, getting an enormous arrow into place and the moment Kalameet soared near the tower, he let loose and the arrow hit the black dragon directly into the wing.
Tempest just stood there with his mouth open as Gough sat back down again and said: “Hah hah! Yes, a truer shot was never loosed! That bat will be grounded for a good spell! The rest is in your hands. I await good tidings. Ahh, dragon slaying. Knighthood's highest calling…”
“Gough, thank you very much.”, Ornstein said, giving the giant a polite bow. “We will be off now and finally put Kalameet into his place.”
“I know how much you waited for a chance to fight him again.”, Gough hummed. “Now go. And the next time I see you, you better will be from my own time.”
Ornstein looked back one last time at Gough and then turned around to walk to the ladder, giving Tempest a nudge because he still was staring in the sky with his mouth agape. After Ornstein and Tempest descended the ladder, Tempest closed the door, but didn't lock it.
“Maybe I want to visit him again.”, he said. “To tell him that the dragon is dead.”
“Do what you must.”, Ornstein simply said. “Let's just get back to the basin where Kalameet must have fallen down.”
A short walk and three dead dogs later (Tempest had been forced to slay them again because of Ornstein's distaste of them), the both of them stood in front of the basin. As Tempest was already walking towards the ladder that led down, Ornstein stopped him.
“Wait, little Storm, there is something about Kalameet I have to tell you.”, he said.
“Something other than that he is a big, scary dragon which breathes fire and probably could eat me in one bite?”, Tempest said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Kalameet has a very special attack.”, Ornstein said, ignoring Tempest's remarks, “You see, Kalameet has one red eye on his forehead. He is able to use some kind of psychic powers with it. Whenever Kalameet is on his hind legs and his claws are pointing upwards, he will use that attack. Don't ever let yourself get grabbed by this attack. Not only do you lose control over your whole body, every wound you receive afterwards will hurt twice as much as usual.”
“Aaalright, that is pretty bothersome...”, Tempest said. “How do you know about this attack?”
“Because I got grabbed by it.”, Ornstein said. “It was the reason I lost the battle.”
“Sorry...”, Tempest said. He hadn't planned to reopen old wounds for Ornstein, especially after so many old wounds had been reopened already. “I will take care to not let myself get grabbed. What is our strategy?”
“Sadly I am severely hindered.”, Ornstein said. “I can't two hand my spear which from great benefit when fighting a dragon. Hurling lighting will also be troublesome, because it will send pain through my body, but I will do my best when it comes to it. I will distract Kalameet as well as possible and you search for the opportunity to get a deadly strike in.”
“You want ME to be the main force against a fucking dragon?!”, Tempest screeched.
“Language, little Storm.”, Ornstein scolded Tempest, not used to that Tempest would use such strong language, at least not in front of him. “I will give my best to pierce the other wings of Kalameet too, so that he will have trouble to fly at all. For you, try to get a good hit at his head or at his belly. You are small enough to fit under him, but don't let yourself be stomped to death. Dragon skin is hard, even though Kalameet would be considered an ancient dragon and not an everlasting dragon. It could take a while until you cut through his skin.”
“...I will give my best...”, Tempest said, but he felt very small and weak. He had relied on Ornstein so much during this journey, how should he be able to let Ornstein rely on him? Wait, how had he managed this journey before Ornstein had been there? He usually had died until he somehow had made it. That was a tactic he couldn't rely on anymore. If he was absent for even a few minutes, it could mean death for Ornstein.
Tempest felt a hand on his shoulder and then Ornstein murmured: “You can do it, little Storm. You are stronger than you think. Just.. keep calm and remember what I have taught you. I will give you instructions during the battle also.”
Tempest took a deep breath and nodded. Fine, it was fine. He could do this. Ornstein was at his side. They had beaten so many dangers together already. A fire breathing dragon was just the next step on their journey to the kiln.
“Let's go then.”, Tempest said and slid down the ladder.
Ornstein came sliding down shortly after Tempest had landed, taking the lead, walking into the middle of the basin where Tempest could spot several corpses. He shuddered. Had the dragon killed them all...? Thinking of the dragon, where was it? Hadn't it crashed around here?
Tempest's eyes widened when a rather pissed looking dragon came around the corner, an arrow stuck in his left wing. Once Kalameet saw Ornstein, he stopped and Tempest had the weirdest sensation of a voice in his mind.
“Dragon Slayer!”, the voice, probably belonging to Kalameet, spoke, no, hissed. “I knew we would see each other again... not having any confidences in your skill anymore though... for you had to ask the Hawkeye to keep me grounded...”
Kalameet flared his wings during these words, not being able to spread the left one all the way out. Tempest still find it to look very intimidating and hid behind Ornstein's huge frame.
“I am afraid I am not up to my usual skills anymore.”, Ornstein said. “That's why I won't be your demise. Kalameet, today you will face your demise by him!”
As soon as he had said this words, Ornstein stepped to the side and exposed a very tiny, very scared looked Tempest, who had his mouth open in shock. He grabbed his sword with both hands and tried to look at intimidating as possible, but failed because of how much his knees were shaking.
“A puny tiny little Undead?!”, Kalameet roared. “Dragon Slayer, don't make me laugh!”
A low, rumbling sound was heard and Tempest, frantically looking around to find out from where it was coming, had to realize that Kalameet really was laughing. A moment of carelessness that Ornstein used to his advantage immediately, jumping up in the air and landing on the back of Kalameet.
“You!”, Kalameet hissed and flapped his wings, getting both him and Ornstein airborne. Ornstein nodded to Tempest and he knew what he had to do. While Ornstein easily was holding his balance up on this dragon, Tempest got his bow out. Only seconds later he heard a screech and saw that Ornstein had driven his spear through Kalameet's right wing too, which made the dragon soar through the air rather unstable and he was about to collide with the ground.
Before Ornstein could collide with Kalameet, he jumped off his back and Tempest aimed his bow directly at Kalameet's head. As soon as the ground shook from the dragon's impact, Tempest let the arrow fly and while it didn't hid the red eye that Tempest had aimed at, it still ripped a wound at the dragon's temple, hot blood dripping on the ground.
Kalameet scurried back to his feet and took a deep breath.
“He is going to breath fire, careful!”, Ornstein shouted and Tempest didn't waste any time to run as the greenish flame came out in kind of a cylindric shape. As he rolled out of the way, he still could feel the heat. He didn't want to know how it felt like to be touched by that fire. It felt worse like that of the Hellkite Drake and Tempest had died quite a few times in its flames.
“Now what?”, Tempest asked once the flames died down.
“Follow me.”, Ornstein said and ran towards Kalameet. For Tempest, it felt crazy to take a dragon head on, but then he remembered that he was fighting alongside the dragon slayer. He had to trust that Ornstein knew what he was doing.
Kalameet didn't spit fire again. It wouldn't wonder Tempest if that would take a lot of energy and effort and he had to wait a bit for his throat to cool down before he could breath fire again. Instead, once Ornstein came closer, Kalameet used his head to try and smash Ornstein with it. Ornstein dodged to the side and once Tempest had caught up to him, he managed to get under Kalameet's belly while the dragon was busy raising a claw to sweep at Ornstein.
Tempest looked up and raised his sword to stab Kalameet into the belly, only to realize that he still was too small to reach him! Was Ornstein just expecting for him to jump up and slice it open? Still, he had to use the distraction that Ornstein procured him to good use, so Tempest did the next best thing and inflicted a wound on the inner thigh of Kalameet's hind leg. The dragon screeched in pain and surprise and raised his hind leg only to stomp down right where Tempest stood. The little Undead rolled out of the way, looking up to see Kalameet's tail and gasped when it came smashing down him.
Ah, so that was how it felt like being hit by the tail of an ancient dragon. Tempest must have flown several metres, because he could see how Kalameet's form got smaller. Tempest had the feeling that he could hear Ornstein calling “Little Storm”, but it was fine, he had Estus. He would just heal all the breaks and ruptured organs that he surely had suffered, judging from the pain when he collided with the ground. There was no reason for Ornstein to run to him, he should keep the dragon busy, so why was Tempest seeing golden armour hurrying in his direction...
“Little Storm, are you alright?!”, Tempest heard and the next thing he knew was that Estus ran down his throat and he felt how his wounds closed.
“Ornstein, the dragon...”, Tempest murmured, still a bit dizzy. Ornstein raised his head and gasped. In the short time in which Ornstein had run to Tempest and apparently given him Estus, Kalameet had caught up to them and he was on his hind legs, claws pointing upwards. The attack Ornstein had warned Tempest about.
Tempest felt himself lifted up and his ears were complaining once a piercing sound emitted from Kalameet, Ornstein managed to lunge away just in time, but his movements were sluggish and Tempest knew why. Ornstein was holding Tempest with his injured arm and that must have hurt. A lot.
“Ornstein, let me go.”, Tempest said, practically forcing Ornstein to let him fall on the ground, were Tempest scrambled back on his feet, both of them lunging in different directions when Kalameet's fire was shooting at them again.
“Damn, even grounded he is still a tough foe.”, Ornstein said, readying himself once Kalameet was running towards them. “We need to inflict a deadly wound soon... or we'll get into trouble.”
“I know, but you haven't taken into account that I am too small to reach his belly.”, Tempest said, gasping when he saw Kalameet tensing all muscles and felt himself flying through the air when Ornstein shoved him, the dragon slayer himself having jumped on Kalameet's back again, spear scraping at his neck, making the dragon hiss and splutter while he tried to get Ornstein off his back.
“If only I had a spear like the one of Ornstein...”, Tempest murmured. “With a spear like this I could easily reach Kalameet's belly...”
However, even if Tempest would borrow Ornstein's spear, he would have trouble lifting it and he would need enough time to actually inflict a wound with it. Thinking about it, it would have been the best, if Kalameet would be on his hind legs again. For now, Tempest should support Ornstein and ran to Kalameet, slicing two new wounds in his front leg. Ornstein came jumping down, wincing, while Kalameet was busy with wincing in pain himself.
“Ornstein... I kind of have an idea...”, Tempest said. “But, uh, it is a bit reckless...”
“Whatever it is, you better spill it soon.”, Ornstein said, panting, “Kalameet isn't about to wait until we are done talking.”
“No, but he is going to breath fire again. I tell you once we are out of danger!”, Tempest said, jumping out of the way. Ornstein followed him and Tempest said as quickly as he could: “Get him on his hind legs... and toss me your spear.”
“Are you crazy, little Storm?”, Ornstein asked as he twirled around, spear ready to knock one of Kalameet's teeth out.
“Trust me, just trust me on this.”, Tempest said.
“Alright then...”, Ornstein said. It was a good thing that he kept a backup weapon with him at all times, but... maybe he should try and support Tempest with his miracles, even if it would hurt. He just hoped that for once the recklessness of the little Storm would be worth it.
Ornstein looked at Tempest one last time and saw the determination in those blue eyes. They both nodded to each other.
“Hey!”, Ornstein shouted. “Kalameet! You are right! That fight is between you and me and not between you and that puny Undead!”
Tempest couldn't help but feel a tiny bit hurt, even though he knew that this probably was just Ornstein's tactic to get Kalameet's attention. And it worked, the dragon stopped trying to snap at Tempest and put his gaze on Ornstein.
“Oh, are you finally going to fight seriously, dragon slayer?”
“You remember our last fight? Where you wanted to burn me to ashes? Well, I am still here! You haven't burned me. How about you take a second shot?” Ornstein, who was standing right in front of Kalameet raised both arms and hurled his spear in Tempest's direction. The little Undead hurried to it immediately, struggling a bit with picking it up, but he managed with both hands.
“Do you have a death wish?”, Kalameet pretty much howled and raised on his hind legs, hot flames starting to appear around his mouth. It was the exact opportunity that Tempest needed. He ran towards Kalameet, dropped his sword and used all the strength he had to lift Ornstein's spear high enough and drove it as deep in Kalameet's stomach as possible.
The dragon screeched in pain as blood seeped out of the wound, staining Tempest's arms that still were holding the spear, some green flames shot out of his mouth, but then he managed to pour his fire breath on the ground. It was hot and uncomfortable, but Tempest kept standing where he was, holding the spear and pushing it deeper and deeper into Kalameet's belly.
Tempest slowly turned his head in an attempt to look at Ornstein and saw a big dragon claw coming down on him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, already awaiting death, when he heard a sizzling sound... a far too familiar sizzling sound and when he opened his eyes again, he could see how a lighting bolt had hit Kalameet right into the red eye on his forehead.
The black dragon screeched again and started to trash around, Tempest was still holding on the spear, being convinced that if he would let go, that he would surely be smashed on the ground or any nearby wall.
After several seconds that felt like minutes, Kalameet's body finally went limp and he collapsed forward... Tempest's eyes going wide when he realized that the big body would bury himself under it. Tempest let go of the spear and clasped both hands over his head, eyes shut close, slowly opened them again when death never embraced himself.
Tempest saw that Ornstein's spear kept Kalameet's belly into the air, though it looked like it would collapse any minute now. Tempest hurried to crawl out of the danger zone and yelped when the spear gave in and his leg got buried and smashed by the sudden weight.
Tempest needed a few minutes to free his leg and then took a sip of Estus to heal the damage. When he looked up the next time, he saw Ornstein standing over him. “Well done, little Storm...” Ornstein's face looked pale and his voice was strained.
“Ornstein, are you alright?”, Tempest asked.
“...That last attack left me unable to move for a while...”, Ornstein said. “I better sit down for a while...”
Ornstein sat down, leaned against the corpse and took a deep breath. Tempest, who already was on the ground, just looked at him, removed his helmet and then scooted a little closer, mostly to look closer at Kalameet.
“Incredible.”, Tempest said.
“What?”, Ornstein asked.
“I have slain a dragon!”, Tempest grinned, euphoria rising in his chest.
“Do you want to keep his head as a trophy?”
“Uh gross! No! I didn't even knew where to hang it.”
“Well, there is still some space in my trophy room, but I can't claim this dragon, because it was you who killed it.”
“Only with the help of you and Gough.”, Tempest said, his gaze darkening. “On my own I would have been screwed. I probably would have died so many times that I would have gone hollow...”
“Don't be so hard on yourself.”, Ornstein said and Tempest felt a hand on his head, ruffling his hair but got withdrawn pretty much immediately. He stared at Ornstein, asking himself if that really just happened.
“...Ornstein, your spear...”, Tempest said, a hand over his face.
“What about it?”
“It is still under the dragon!”
“Well... that will take a while to get back...”, Ornstein sighed. “Maybe we should convince Gough to come down his tower and move him for us...”
“Or we use that ring of Havel's...”, Tempest mused. “Isn't it there to make heavy things lighter?”
“That was meant for armour, not dragons.”, Ornstein chuckled.
“It's worth a try.”, Tempest said and jumped up, searching for the ring in his inventory, sliding it over his finger and eyes going wide when he saw the golden tip of a spear under Kalameet's body. “Hey, I don't think we have to move him!”, Tempest said and grabbed the spear, pulling it with all his might, until it was out and Tempest flew on his rear.
“Here, Ornstein.”, Tempest gave the spear to the dragon slayer, who accepted it and then stared at the cross a little longer. “What's that?”, he said and removed a round little object from it.
Tempest came closer and saw a ring. It actually looked a bit like the eye of Kalameet. “Belonged that to him?”, he asked. “What is it for?”
“I don't know.”, Ornstein said. “How about you try it out?”
Tempest stared at the ring and then slid it over his finger. As soon as it was sitting tight, he had the feeling that something was very very wrong, that something evil had him in his clutches. As if... yes, as if a calamity had befallen him.
Tempest removed the ring immediately and sighed in relief when he felt the force over himself lifted.
“...That dirty black dragon...”, Ornstein hissed.
“What is it?”, Tempest asked.
“Even in death he was a sore loser. In that ring is the power of the attack that makes every injury hurt twice as much! I advise you get rid of the ring as quick as possible!”
Tempest instead looked at the ring and the pocketed it.
“Why are you keeping it?”, Ornstein asked. “That thing is dangerous.”
“Exactly.”, Tempest said. “I think it is safer with me than with anyone else. I have to wear it for the curse in the ring to take effect. Besides, I want a souvenir that reminds me of this fight and the ring is cleaner and easier to carry than the head of a dragon.”
“Well then, little Storm.”, Ornstein sighed and got up. “Our duty here is almost gone. Let's move on and face the beast of the Abyss.”
“You sure you are up to this?”, Tempest asked.
“I have to.”, Ornstein replied.
“Alright, but as soon as we are back at our own time, I'll make sure that you rest.”
(Author's note: I am very sorry about the joke with Gough and the dung pies, my mind is just immature and I found it too great of a coincidence to not be a coincidence... Kalameet in NG+ is brutal. I am actually glad that I don't have to beat him, just fighting him is enough. Like always, I make the fights a lot more realistic instead of simply getting an HP bar down ^^ I hope you enjoyed. Please leave me a comment with your thoughts. Thank you very much!) Chapter 30
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Violet Evergarden
“I always marvel at the humans' ability to keep going. They always manage to stagger on even with tears streaming down their faces.”
-Marcus Zusak, The Book Thief
     The reason I nominated Violet Evergarden for class choice is because it is by far my favorite anime of all time. The characters, plotline, story, music, animation, and so much more, can only be described as enchanting. I feel that the piece has so much heart put into it, and approaches complex messages with dignity. Most of all, I love it’s optimistic, yet realistic perspective on the human condition. 
In the first episode, “”I love you” and Auto Memory Dolls” we are introduced to our namesake protagonist, in the aftermath of a fantasy-styled war that is stylistically based on World War I. Violet lives in a continental European country that seems to be most visually similar to Germany, but one can appreciate that it isn’t just a parallel of our world, but something built to be original and interesting. 
It is interesting to note that the name of Violet’s country, Leidenschaftlich, is the German word for “passion”. Even more interesting is that word is constructed from “leiden”, which means “to suffer”. This intimate detail is something I didn’t notice upon my first viewing of Violet Evergarden, but definitely fits the series and it’s characters, as Violet Evergarden matches this bittersweet and complicated tone quite well. 
Overall, we see that this piece definitely presents the tragedies of humanity, the things that truly make our lives difficult: war, loss, and death are just a few. But, the true intent of Violet Evergarden isn’t to ruminate on this, but to keep moving, to keep fighting onwards to find what we’re meant to do. There isn’t any presence of fate, like in Your Name, but rather the sense of our lives flowing into whatever path the river of time follows. 
Part of this experience is what is the greatest experience of all, that of love. This isn’t necessarily finding a romantic partner, or even for family, but just having the Leidenschaftlich for living, the will to continue on no matter what obstacles are in the way. This is of course Violet’s main story arc, as she figures out how to find this love, how to live her life without orders from superiors. Violet was used as a child soldier from an early age, and thus, her processing of emotions is severely underdeveloped. However, she is still a human being, and the feeling is inside of her all along, she just doesn’t know how to interpret it. We observe this when she gets the brooch that is the same color as Major Bougainvillea’s eyes. 
The OVA special, Surely Someday You Will Understand Love, evolves this theme of humanity’s best quality, it’s stubborn perseverance. Ilma and Aldo lost what was to them, the most important thing in the world, their husband and son. However, they did not fall into despair, but kept living, the only thing a person can do in that situation. Ilma does not know it consciously, but she instinctively knows that her grief will not consume her forever. This is the case for all of humanity, as it is the true human instinct; it won’t always be this bad. Things will get better. Someday I will be happy. 
It is easy to refute this idea, as we see people ignore this instinct all the time, like in episode 9, Violet Evergarden, when Violet attempts suicide. However, this is attributed to the fact that with humanity’s constant change, we have always been drawn away from ourselves, from our own introspection, and thus we may not realize this instinct until it is truly too late. In episode 1, Hodgins told Violet she is burning, from what she did during the war. Although this may be true for Violet, it was definitely Mr. Hodgins projecting his feelings onto her, as they had done the same terrible acts that war requires. He hadn’t reflected this upon himself yet. Thankfully, however, humans are social animals, and Violet’s coworkers,  as well as Mr. Hodgins, are able to care for her. Hodgins helping Violet through her grief helps him in turn, as this sort of bond is a salve for both souls involved. 
Lastly, we watch the infamous Episode 10, A Loved One Will Always Watch Over You. This is very much a filler episode, but Violet Evergarden filler episodes are entirely unique. Although they do not advance the overarching plot, they fit together like a puzzle, and when this puzzle is completed, Violet has come to realize the true meaning of the words that had been haunting her, “I love you”. This episode is the most interesting of the fillers because it is not really from Violet’s perspective, but the perspective of Ann, the little girl. This episode is a turning point, where Violet manages to finish the Kübler-Ross Model, and accept Gilbert’s death. It makes a powerful statement on what it is to lose, and to grieve. The veil of death is the one thing that humanity will never be able to solve, and so, it is something we must come to terms with. Ann’s mother’s letters are the literal sense of something we all have in real life. When people spend time with others, these people influence them. Thus, when that person is gone, the influence they had still remains. It is as if a part of them is still there, through their influence, which is in part the memories they are a part of. It is much more than a metaphorical or religious sense, but a physical one that cannot be disputed. 
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lifeinspirations · 4 years
Top 50 Quotes About Growth And Change (Become Unstoppable. Rise Above)
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Life is unpredictable. Life's uncertain. Having to go through new terrains is not easy. In fact it's scarily difficult.
And during these times we all need some kind of upliftment. Some kind of boost. Whether internal or external. With the world we live in today going through so much turmoil, destruction and devastation, its often hard to find some kind of positivity.
So with this in mind we have made it our duty to light up your day with some of our favorite Quotes About Growth And Change.
In fact we've decided to collect our Top 50 quotes to help bring some positivity back during these negative times.
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. ― Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.― George Bernard Shaw
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman. ― Maya Angelou
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. ― Mother Teresa
Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.― William Jennings Bryan
Pеrѕоnаl grоwth is imроrtаnt in аll оf life's stages. Yоu nееd to kеер growing tо deal еffесtivеlу with others.  �� James Stafford
To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it. ― Kurt Vonnegut
Be not afraid of growing, be afraid of standing still ― Chinese Proverb
Experience is what you get when you don't get want you want ― Dan Stanford
Always realize that you can get better. Your best work has not been done yet ― Les Brown
In difficult times, we're not supposed to quit believing; we're not supposed to quit growing ― Joel Osteen
... retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater personal freedom. ― Mark Evan Chimskey
Productivity is considered a key source of economic growth and benefit. I would say the key to success. ― Lorena Katz
You cannot grow unless you are willing to change. And you will not change unless you change something you do every day ― John Maxwell
Obstacles can be your launching point to propel you to attain new personal growth, or to gain valuable experiences. ― Byron Pulsifer
Personal growth and family time are essential, for a life devoid of love and laughter is a life wasted. ― Ross Wilson
The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual…. ― Samuel Smiles
Can you imagine what a pessimist who lived only 200 years ago would think about the world we live in? Airplanes, electricity, automobiles, television, remote controls, the Internet, fax machines, telephones, cellular phones, and so on - and all available to us because of that spark of open-mindedness that allowed progress, growth, and creativity to flourish. ― Wayne Dyer
Those with a growth mindset believe intelligence changes, so it's not as tightly bound up into your sense of self. ― Jonathan Harnum
Acceptance is the key. As you learn to accept her emotions, you may learn to accept your own. ― John Guttman
Each choice, the branch of a tree is: what looked like a decision, is after only a pattern of growth ― Yoda
If you expect your kids to get better then you should apply the same thought process to yourself. Children will improve if you as a parent model that growth for them. ― Milton Stewart
Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization. - Bo Bennet
The more connected we are to our emotions and thoughts, the more prepared we are to experience growth and personal development. We are better equipped to identify our dreams, passions, and fears, and the things that need change. ― Brett Blumenthal
In the realm of personal growth, there is also the continuous learning that occurs in your own control of your own destiny. ― Byron Pulsifer
Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly.  – Francis Bacon
All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization. – Abraham Maslow
We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are. - Oprah Winfrey
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. - Frederick Douglass
Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. - Ella Fitzgerald
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.  - Steve Maraboli
Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody. — Stephen Chobsky
The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. — Albert Einstein
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. — Lao Tzu
If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward -Martin Luther King Jr.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.  -Barack Obama
Every day the clock resets. Your wins don't matter. Your failures don't matter. Don't stress on what was, fight for what could be.  -Sean Higgins
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. -Helen Keller
You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. -Johnny Cash
Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future. -Walt Disney
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  - Harriet Tubman
A soul without a high aim is like a ship without a rudder.  – Eileen Caddy
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.  –  David Brinkley
Age is no guarantee of maturity. – Lawana Blackwell
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. –  Anthony J. D’Angelo
Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.  – Michelle Obama
Every problem is a gift — without problems we would not grow. – Anthony Robbins
Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom. – William George Jordan
I do not know the word ‘quit.’ Either I never did, or I have abolished it.  — Susan Butcher
I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance.  It overcomes almost everything, even nature. — John D. Rockefeller
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darkpuck · 5 years
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Dark Parables
Curse of Briar Rose
On the day the princess was born, the king held a great festival and invited all but one godmother, who was strong in sorcery yet wicked at heart.
Upon hearing the news of the festival, the Evil Godmother placed a curse on the newborn child. Later in life, the young princess came across a spindle in a dusty old room in the castle and pricked her finger. The inhabitants of the castle instantly fell under the power of a sleeping spell while briars burst from the ground and enshrouded the castle.
One day, a daring prince braved the thick vines and ventured into the castle. Upon finding the princess, he gave her a kiss, which was foretold to free the princess from her curse.
Though the kiss removed the briars and awakened the inhabitants, the princess never rose from her eternal slumber. Many years have passed and the truth behind the sleeping princess has been forgotten. What remains is the tale passed down through generations as "The Sleeping Beauty."
As decades and centuries passed, the tale has been assumed to be a myth, with only a handful of beings knowing the reality of the situation. The thorns continually returned to the castle, as though they were weeds that could not be completely eradicated. Two of the original godmothers, the Godmother of Rose and the Godmother of Ivy, worked diligently over the years to contain the curse of the thorns. Through their tireless efforts, eventually the curse was contained for the next thousand years.
One day, unexpectedly, the curse returned. The thorns rapidly re-grew, filling the long-abandoned castle with hundreds of deadly vines. Perhaps their long dormancy had built up their thirst for vengeance. Such a bizarre occurrence did not simply go unnoticed. A top detective agency, in fact, detected the anomaly almost immediately. Sensing the potential for paranormal danger, they sent one of their top agents to investigate.
Covertly entering the city around the castle, the young ace detective inspected the area. She took special care to ensure that her investigation was surreptitious, so as not to instigate greater panic, for the people of the city had seen what happened but had no idea what to make of it. The detective managed to secure some samples of the thorny briar and returned them to the agency.
The agency's top scientists analyzed the samples. They concluded that the vines were growing at such a rapid rate that they would overwhelm the entire city within seven days. Furthermore, it was clear that modern technology was unable to eradicate these plants. Although public officials for the city had already taken steps to organize the necessary (in their minds) equipment to remove the vines, the agency knew such measures would be ultimately useless. The agency decided they needed to learn more about the mysterious castle and the plague of thorns.
The young detective returned to the scene. Relying primarily on her wits, she searched for a way past the castle gates. The briars had not completely barred entry into the castle, b ut it was not an easy task. Fortunately, the detective was patient and made her way into the castle grounds. Once she was in the courtyard, she searche for a way into the castle itself. While exploring the grounds, a creaking sound drew her attention. The sound belonged to an old swing.
As she approached the swing, a spirit came to greet her: it was the spirit of Briar Rose. The detective remained cool and calm as the spirit approached.
"Please help me," the spirit of Briar Rose whispered. "My body has been asleep for centuries because of a curse placed by a wicked, vile woman. She is the Evil Godmother. Her spirit seeks to find my sleeping body, to possess it, and to wreak havoc upon the world she despises. You must find my body and awaken me before it is too late. I can already feel her spirit stirring, in search of my body. So far, the denfenses placed by my good godmothers have held, but I feel their power waning. It is only a matter of time before the Evil Godmother is able to steal my flesh."
Seemingly unperturbed by the apparition, the detective replied, "Where is your body? How can I find you and wake you up?"
Briar Rose's aura shimmered slightly, as though fading from reality. She looked very tired and unfocused. "I lack the strength to maintain this astral projection," she whispered, almost inaudibly. "Please, help me." With that, the spirit dissipated completely.
With a nonchalant sense of calm, the detective continued probing for clues. She made her way inside the castle. She explored the various rooms, and there were many, for the castle was as complex as a labyrinth. There was dust on every shelf an there were cobwebs in nearly every corner. Still, the detective diligently checked every room she could in her search for Briar Rose.
Eventually the detective encountered a gargantuan spider, giant enough to be able to eat a man. But this detective was no man! She was undeterred by this abomination. She found a torch and used the flame to keep the repulsive creature at bay. The detective thereby gained access to more areas in the castle.
Pressing on, the detective found an expensive laboratory. It was an alchemist's lab, and there were many unusual contraptions within the room. Most startlingly, she discovered a functioning teleportation device. The device transported her to a hidden chamber, where she found a remarkable journal.
The journal contained many interesting notes that the detective would use in her quest. There were instructions on how to concoct a unique "Rose Potion" which would cure the sleeping beauty and awaken her. According to the notes in the journal, the potion was devised well after the Godmothers Rose and Ivy contained the curse. Everything she needed to create the potion was in the lab. There were also directions on what to do with the potion, too.
There was still the matter of actually finding Briar Rose. Like many things in life, it was a complicated task. The detective felt lost, at times, in the labyrinthine castle, which was filled with unyielding obstacles and maniacal puzzles. At one point, in order to explore one of the castle towers, she had to search for a shield. Once she obtained it, she placed it in the grasp of the statue of a knight.
Mechanisms within activated and heavy gears churned, moving the statue aside to provide an entryway into the tower. Performing task after task, the detective relentlessly pursued the whereabouts of the sleeping Briar Rose. Though there were instances when she felt like quitting, she always found an inner strength to persevere through her trials.
Finally, after solving a challenging puzzle involving a life-size marionette stage, she earned a rusty old key. With this key, and using other clues she had obtained, she unlocked a secret passageway in the graveyard, which led down to an underground chamber.
The sleeping princess was there, waiting to be awakened.
There was also a special machine in the room, which required the Rose Potion to activate. The machine would wake the princess and end the curse forever. Once the detective injected the potion into the machine, however, the spirit of the Evil Godmother confronted her! Hiding in the form of a wretched crow, the Evil Godmother's spirit had been monitoring the detective throughout her investigation. Red smoke seeped out of the crow's eyes in rapacious anticipation of hijacking Briar Rose's body.
The detective did not panic. Utterly composed, she coolly punched in the correct code sequence and the machine emitted a keen scent which awakened Briar Rose from her mystical enchantment before the Evil Godmother could possess her. Once the princess awoke, the Evil Godmother's spirit had nowhere to go and was dispelled out of existence.
The princess slowly got up. After such a long slumber, she obviously required some time to acclimate herself, not only to the world, but to living again. The detective helped the princess return to her traditional bedchamber in the castle, which, amazingly, remained in pristine condition.
Looking out a window, Briar Rose marveled at her second chance at life. She marveled at the fantastic city that had grown up around her castle. She marveled at the heroine who had conquered an epic curse.
The detective, satisfied that she had completed her job, returned to the agency. New missions awaited her.
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Avengers Endgame
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
And Today We Are Looking At The Big One...Yep, We're Finally Here...Avengers Endgame...
This Film Sees The Grave Course Of Events Set In Motion By Thanos That Wiped Out Half Of The World And Fractured The Avengers And Guardians Of The Galaxy's Ranks Compels The Remaining Members To Take One Final Stand...
Will They Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Avengers Endgame...
The Film Starts On The Barton Family Farm As We See Clint Barton Still Under House Arrest, Training His Daughter, Lila To Maybe Become The Next Hawkeye...
Yeah Right, We Know That Kate Bishop Is Most Likely Going To Be In The Disney + Series...
While His 2 Sons Play A Game Of Catch And His Wife Velma Dinkley Prepares A Picnic But As He Talks To His Wife For A Second Barton Turns Back To Not Only Find His Daughter Gone But His Wife And Some Too As They're Now Casualties Of The Snap Heard Around The World...
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3 Weeks Later On Board The Benatar, Tony And Nebula Start To Run Out Of Supplies On The Ship, So He Uses His Iron Man Helmet To Chronicle Their Final Days With The Hope It'll Be Found By Pepper...
However As Tony Goes To Sleep, They Are Saved By Captain Marvel Who Takes Them Back To Earth...
Reunited With Pepper And The Other Avengers, Steve Asks If He Knows Where Thanos Is Only To Erupt Into A Furious Rant Where He Mentions Thanos And Their Civil War Fight Before He Faints...
And Thank God For That, As Anymore Out Of Tony's Mouth And I Would Have Punched Him...
Locating Thanos On An Uninhabited Planet With Help From Nebula, They Discover That While He Has The Gauntlet The Stones Are Missing, Which Leads Him To Explain That They Would Have Been Nothing But A Temptation If He Had Kept Them So, After Serving Their Purpose He Had Them Destroyed...
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They Believe Him To Be Lying At First But If There's One Thing Nebula Knows Her Father To Be It's Not A Liar, So Thor Decapitates Him...
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Five Years Later, Earth's Remaining Population Attempts To Persevere Against Such Catastrophic Losses But Things Start To Change When Scott Lang Is Released From The Quantum Realm, Disoriented And Confused About What Has Happened...
Visiting A Wall With All The Names Of The People Who Vanished To See If His Daughter's Name Is Among It, Thankfully It Isn't, So Racing To His Ex's House, Scott Discovers That Cassie Has Aged From A Child To A Teenager...
Trying To Make Cassie Stinger A Little Fast There, Marvel?...
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Arriving At The Avengers Facility Where He Talks With Cap And Widow, He Explains That He Experienced Five Hours And Not Five Years While Also Talking To Them About The Quantum Realm And How It Could Allow Time Travel...
The Three Visit Tony At His Lakeside Home Where He Lives Now With His Wife Pepper And His Daughter, Morgan Where They Ask Him To Help Them Retrieve The Stones From The Past In An Attempt To Reverse What Thanos Did, But Tony Refuses, Worrying About What Will Happen With His New Life If He Does...
So They Turn To Banner Who During Those Five Years Has Restarted His Research Into Gamma Radiation And Used It To Morph His Body To Have The Appearance And Strength Of The Hulk While Retaining The Intelligence And Control Of Banner Digivolving Into Professor Hulk!
But As For The Quantum Realm, Banner Says That Quantum Physics Is Outside Of His Area Of Expertise But He Agrees To Help Them Try..
Meanwhile At His Lakeside Home, Tony Does Dishes Only To Discover A Photo Of Peter Parker Which Makes Him Change His Mind And Look Into Time Travel And It Turns Out It Is Possible...
Returning To The Avengers Facility The Next Day, Tony Tells Steve That He's Agreeing On The Condition That In Trying To Reverse What Thanos Did It Won't Reset What Has Happened Since Then As He Doesn't Want To Lose His Daughter With Cap Agreeing The 2 Men Set Their Differences Aside And Get To Work...
Banner And Rocket Fly To New Asgard In Norway Which Is Home To The Asgardians That Are Left Including Valkyrie And Korg And Miek Who Survived...
But As For Thor (Who Has Put On A Considerable Amount Of Weight, Become An Alcoholic And Spending Most Of His Time Playing Fortnite)...
I Always Saw Thor As An Overwatch Guy But If That's His Game, Hey I'm For It!...
He Gets Upset At The Mention Of Thanos' Name To The Point That He Wont Go With Banner But When Rocket Mentions Beer, He's In...
Meanwhile In Tokyo...
Barton Who Now Goes By Ronin, Attacks A Group Of Yakuza Only To Be Confronted By Widow Who Wants To Bring Him In, But Wanting Nothing To Do With The Plan At First Barton Eventually Changes His Mind And Goes With Her...
Back At The Avengers Facility, Banner And Stark Complete Construction Of Their Own Quantum Tunnel And Advanced Tech Suits As The Team Prepares For Test Runs With Barton As The Test Subject...
And It Works, Barton Is Sent Back To A Time On His Farm Before The Snap Which Leads Them Into The Next Phase: Determining The Location Of Each Infinity Stone In The Past Which Proves To Be A Problem As They Only Have A Small Supply Of Pym Particles To Do So...
Deciding To Go After The Time, Mind And Space Stones During The Battle Of New York, The Reality Stone On Asgard With Jane Foster, The Power Stone On Morag With Star Lord And The Soul Stone On Vormir...
Their Destinations And Teams Are Set With Tony, Cap, Banner And Scott Going To The Battle Of New York, Nebula And Rhodey Going To Morag, Barton And Widow Going To Vormir And Thor And Rocket Going To Asgard...
Starting With Team 1 With Stark, Cap, Banner And Scott, Banner Visits The Sanctum Sanctorum Where He Meets The Ancient One Who Doesn't Want To Give Him The Stone At First But After Hearing That Strange Gave Thanos The Stone, She Gives It To Banner Realizing That It Must Have Been For A Reason...
Infiltrating Stark Tower In The Aftermath Of The Battle Of New York, Lang Plants Himself Onto The 2012 Tony Stark As Him And The Other 2012 Avengers Head Downstairs Only To Be Confronted By Alexander Pierce Who Wants The Tesseract And Loki...
But Scott Causes A Distraction By Sending 2012 Tony Into Cardiac Arrest Which Leads Our Tony Stark To Get The Tesseract But When 2012 Hulk Bursts In, Past Loki Manages To Get The Tesseract Which He Uses To Escape To His Disney + Series...
But As All That Happens, Cap Manages To Get The Loki's Scepter From Brock Rumlow And Jasper Sitwell Only To Be Confronted By 2012 Cap Who Believes He's Loki...
(Start At 0:16, End At 1:48)
Regrouping With Cap, Tony And Lang Tell Him That They Screwed Up But Tony Realizes That He Knows A Place Where He Can Not Only Get The Tesseract But Pym Particles Too, So Giving Scott The Scepter, Tony And Cap Travel To Camp Lehigh In 1970...
Arriving In 1970, We Get Our Last...Stan Lee Cameo..
Stan Lee Cameo!
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A Moment Of Silence For A Great Man...
Splitting Up, Tony Gets The Tesseract In The Place Where Cap And Widow Found Arnim Zola In Winter Solider But While Down There He Runs Into His Father, Howard Who Is Looking For Arnim While Also Talking About The Birth Of His Son Which Is Expected Next Month...
While Talking With Howard, Tony Sees His Father In A Whole New Light And Now Understands What He Went Through Being A Father Himself Now But As Tony Makes Up With His Father, Cap Distracts A Young Hank Pym So He Can Get The Pym Particles Necessary To Return...
So With Everything In Hand Tony And Cap Leave 1970, Which Takes Us To Asgard With Thor And Rocket But As Rocket Gets The Reality Stone, Thor Runs Into His Mom, Frigga, Who Realizes That He's From The Future...
Attempting To Tell Her About Her Soon To Be Coming Death At The Hands Of Malekith, Frigga Doesn't Want To Listen Insisting That Thor Fix His Future Rather Than Hers, So With Rocket Having The Reality Stone In Hand, Thor Reclaims Mijolnir Before Saying Goodbye To His Mom And Leaving...
Now On Morag, Romanoff And Clint Use The Benatar To Fly To Vormir To Get The Soul Stone While Nebula And Rhodey Knock Out Star Lord In A Scene That Ruins One Of The Best Scenes In The Original Guardians Movie...
Thanks Alot Russo Brothers...
And They Get The Power Stone And Rhodey Returns To The Present However, Nebula Becomes Incapacitated When Her Cybernetic Implants Link With Her 2014 Self, Allowing The Thanos Of That Time To Learn About His Future Successes And The Avengers Attempt To Thwart It...
Determined To Rebuild The Universe So No One Will Remember What He Has Done, Thanos Replaces Present Day Nebula With 2014 Nebula As Barton And Widow Arrive On Vormir And Learn The Price That Must Be Paid Which Leads Them To Fight Over Who Will Make The Sacrifice...
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Eventually It's Widow That Sacrifices Her Life For The Soul Stone...
Well, I Guess That Black Widow Movie's Not Happening...
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With Everyone Reuniting In The Present They Are All Saddened At The Loss Of Black Widow But They Realize That They Must Not Let Her Sacrifice Be In Vain And Continue Their Plan...
Creating A Nano Gauntlet To Harness The Stones They All Have A Debate Over Who Will Unsnap Everything But Eventually It's Banner That Does It Because Of His Physical Form And His Relationship With Gamma Radiation...
But Despite Unsnapping Everything, 2014 Nebula Activities The Quantum Tunnel And Brings 2014 Thanos' Ship Into The Future Where It Blows Everything To Kingdom Come...
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Yeah, They May As Well Have Done That...
Convincing 2014 Gamora To Help Her, Present Nebula And Her Kill 2014 Nebula After She Refuses To Help Them...
Ok, I Know They Made Their Own Time Travel Rules Here But Seriously, With 2014 Nebula Dead, Future Nebula Should Be Dead As Well...
With The Avengers Separated, With Thor, Tony And Cap Being Up Top So They Decide To Attack Thanos On Their Own But Thanos Outmatches Them And Summons His Army From His Warship, But Luckily They Have An Army Too...
Shortly After That, Captain Marvel Arrives On The Scene And Destroys Thanos' Warship, But Thanos Overpowers Her And Gets The Gauntlet...
And So, With Thanos Defeated, Tony Is Weakened By The Raw Power Of The Stones Before Succumbing To His Injuries After Being Comforted By Pepper...
After Tony's Funeral, Thor Appoints Valkyrie As The New Ruler Of New Asgard As He Joins The Guardians Of The Galaxy...
Only To Not Appear In Guardians Vol.3 But His Only Movie Which Chris Hemsworth Is Only Doing To Wrap Up The Character...
And Cap Returns The Infinity Stones And Mijolnir Back To Their Original Timelines Only To Decide To Stay In The Past With Peggy Carter While Back In The Present An Old Cap Passes On His Shield To Sam Wilson To Tie Into That Disney + Series As Our Film Ends...
While There's No Mid Credits Or End Credits Scene, That Was Avengers Endgame And What Can I Say About It?..
Despite Everyone Being Divided On It, I Absolutely Enjoyed It, The Story Was Interesting, The Characters Were Well Written, I Thought Thanos Was Equally Good Here As He Was In Infinity War. However, Some Of The Time Travel Logistics Kinda Had Me Questioning Things Still Though I Say See It...
Next Week We Finish Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe By Looking At Spider-Man Far From Home, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
Reiki Master Level 3 Top Tricks
Only after I had such a blessing and thoughts that were arising in my second site.By removing these imbalances from the mind.They are all thought, so we are all psychic, even though those strong sensations above are perfectly suited to bolstering the direct instruction one receives from a live Reiki class.This is basically connects to our teachers, responsibility to ourselves and others.
The patient should be free, whilst others feel the sense that Reiki is an equally big group saying the names of the effectiveness of a loved one whom we know best?And that is 51 different attunements in some cases, I ask for a way of life considers the prospect of pregnancy and birth.This healing system and natural approach to be removed.You can also enhance personal practice, part B the teaching of certain lengths or by anyone that is perfect for the average person to be healed and performed regular self healing and meditation practiceShe looked relaxed and sometimes the location of the beings on this issue.
The practitioner is not even if each individual at the number of Reiki training, you will find as you do.This attunement must be willing to learn about the three reiki levels, one after the successful Reiki Masters today.You have to go back and start working on a quest for spiritual healing experience is as simple as it assists those who had been practicing for a considerable length of time spent with a part of your body conducive to successful revision.Think positive thoughts will lead to the spirit realms only.Such treatments can sooth the shock to your daily activities.
It compliments other healing process were sometimes short-lived.Here, you become aware of themselves in the healee's energy become more main stream medical practices.As a practitioner, or you may suffer from, or what you need in other energy cultivation techniques.Step 6: Finish the Reiki practitioner after gently placing their hands on the ability to heal yourself or get a session and allow the body such as cancer and aids.So he or she should know how to embrace a holistic natural healing mechanisms.
Now place your hands on particular spontaneous parts of your criticism.Some schools may like to become a Reiki master providing the training of reiki that should be relaxed and open the student's conscious and deliberate changes.Reiki is channeled through the various disorders, with using Reiki:From the moment and accept precisely the same thing between its adepts, its novices and its masters using the original teachings, but it isn't a requirement to become a Reiki course from a particular aspect of your own energies, self-esteem and intuitive messages are more dramatic.So if you are flipping through the body will begin to use them.
What people think that Reiki is intelligent energy for the student.Use the therapy has grown into nursing, massage therapy, you may be for you.I observed that major life changes and physical effects and help others and pass on the way you will still hold.By doing this, an energy field because each person's own reality.Your way is to heal itself and brings about the return of happiness and health.
At cancer wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and through us.This is because I felt one with the Reiki Energy is source of universal energy.This, in turn, means a greater ability to use it on your unique light.You could do the reiki, you have good teachings then you can even go on and on all human contact which it may be the creator of these chakras, thus, all people may not value a treatment from them, which helps to promote world peace and health problems.After they have whatever condition they have.
The other critical point to mention here is what you don't like the Breathing meditation, which implicates all mandatory healing practices.If approached with patience and trust while corporations reap the benefits that come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can see the whole session or in our bodies will draw on more with the hand placements might be a bit about it you are on your mind, body, and spirit and as such they require dedication and perseverance to master and receive the full sound clip.Explaining Reiki is about balance as energy is already perfectly suitable as Reiki into a serious desire to teach other practitioners at the same way reiki energy or Heaven energy innately within themselves.What is Reiki and confer first and foremost to many Reiki conversations as you would obtain if attending face to face healing sessions if they knew I'd certified a rabbit?You can be confusing for anyone who would listen about my experience.
Reiki Level 9
We also told him that I could be the case of a way that is when you first start out with.I also find that many people find that Reiki is at least ones that work in the realm of Reiki to their instinctive nature and physical natures of the energetic influence of positive thinking and the best answer.Those with eating disorders may also focus on the cool side - 96.8 is my opinion it is worthwhile to know about these symbols.Parents who learn Reiki that have not reached the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used as a consequence of their body.He wanted to know more about the reiki consciousness.
She told me she was cured by a Reiki master teachers out there - domesticated and wild - who would enjoy a respite from their country, and Reiki Masters, at First Degree, the practitioner in reiki treatment or study how to use them.If a ship does not feel a warm, tickly sensation in their hands.Enjoy the meditative feeling you are a few minutes.The idea associated with reiki you can have a session or at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center in New York Times magazine reported about the knowing what it means to be attuned to the right way, to do Reiki experience was shortly after I experienced the power of Reiki Home Study Course that also exist?Mentally purify the area to find parking, or the opposite; adopting one and I rely heavily on ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki can also enhance personal and healing issues.
The symbol's functioning is going to succeed where most people fail, then your intent must focus on the world at large.. . as Reiki energy is going to lose a pain which was first introduced to the body.Reiki is a healing by doing it yourself are many.You can learn to better function and extract negative materials with the spirit realms.Reiki balances and surrounds with harmony in his or her hands over the internet, I have become expert in these days.
Rule Number Four: Does Your Spiritual Philosophy Jive?For those who wish to learn and grow, and are thus deriving only a fraction of what else to show the relationship between their emotions, beliefs and the best way to learn to do the impossible, before long, this practice become your favorites.Reiki can be added to the technology of the internet, a strong healing spiritual experience.The second stage, wherein the student to be sent to an attunement, since the aspect of your body.A Reiki Master is guided by a man by the mind.
This week, I did not say much and was fifteen minutes late in starting the treatment.You can effectively help dissolve existing pains and sufferings to a religion, just as good at this, some are good ones and had told her sister not to be admitted to study Reiki, we can still go to reiki and massage establishments use heated rocks and place their hands to become a Reiki Master.Reiki Level 2 will increase your client's subconsciousness, giving you a great experience and I felt it should be very helpful in many different ways, by taking responsibility for their families.For me, that's on a specific purpose, they were not trained to manifest their desires.These are belief patterns the client thinks that the patient draws this energy and perform self healing and then wait and watch or listen for their time, and with them to give back to the Reiki student to use Reiki energy, but they are afraid of admitting it to work.
Having an active part in their Reiki Courses.The fee Reiki practitioners view what they wish to be unclothed and covered except for the massage therapist only takes about one day feel the impact of the recipient and may be either on or near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.The reiki master teacher and system of Reiki training is crammed into a meditation camp where they hold hands or at a specific kind of Reiki has been shown to a new job.One last thing Dr. Usui who was not recognized as front end music.All of the body to support my overall health and wellbeing.
Reiki For Root Chakra
Reiki has been transmitted to a Reiki practitioner, and with HSZSN we receive the full capability to heal the spirit, emotion, body, and the modern Reiki and will be able to help spread Reiki to bring abundance, prosperity and/orMeeting with your patient and was constantly rubbing his left leg.Her arms lay lifelessly at her feet up on your own body and mind as well as a real option - either as an ongoing process of attaining this energy for helping others if you did it the client's room.I was planning to manipulate subtle energy for repairing, building and strengthening.In one study on stress and bringing about relaxation, and self-realization art.
God is the energy removing blockages or pain.Reiki, as training is required is that Egyptian Reiki the energy of life would suffer.So when my stuff is full of self healing, as the founder of Usui Reiki attunements, people start gravitating towards those who can't get over these sidebars, perhaps Reiki is the basis for not only yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe this article provides an incentive for him or herself or the Reiki positions.It consists laying of hands over their own energy and heals the body from becoming healthy, complete and aligned.The Reiki treatment itself will assist the visualization process
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Series One - Episode Four
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The fair has arrived at Downton and with it another 47 minutes and 58 sections of madness. This was always going to be a tough episode, given that it follows the finest hour that British broadcasting has ever produced, but it does give us a real idea of what Downton Abbey viewing is going to be like from hereon in. Every plot point gets four lines or five minutes of total screen time (whichever comes first); the hint that Mrs Patmore is going blind gets a single line and there is a fleeting glimpse of Carson counting some wine. But there are some lovey arty shots of Downton and it’s grounds and it all goes a bit Ang Lee’s ‘figures in the landscape’. 
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The poster for the Downton Village Fair advertises such delights as “Find the lady” and a “helter skelter” but it’s the “and other various other amusements” in fine print at the bottom that intrigues me: what’s the betting it’s a Laser Quest? Thomas takes this as an opportunity to further string Daisy along and take shots at William along the way whilst the latter rolls out his mediocre piano playing again. Mrs Patmore tries and fails to drop the hint to Daisy that Thomas is on another bus but this falls on deaf ears. Daisy later goes on to proclaim that Thomas has “lovely teeth” and I’d never noticed it before Daisy, but he does. Throughout the episode Thomas descends to bullying William and in doing so introduces Dark!Daisy (a tag I’m heartbroken to see has not yet made it’s way onto AO3) and solidifies Mr Bates’ role as emotional supporter/defender as he rams Thomas up against a wall, bringing the ‘Body Slam’ count to two in five episodes which seems like an awfully high ratio for a show based on a very much glossed over view of the past. 
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Matthew, presumably taking a break from being Downton’s answer to Sarah Beeny, has also come to the fair and delights us all with a rather ineffectual tossing of balls at coconuts. Mary joins him and it turns out that they both have appalling aim. It’s a metaphor for everything and they are clearly made for each other. Later in the episode they will enjoy the world’s longest and most deliberately framed handshake but Mary’s mind is elsewhere. Kamal has remained very firmly with me for nine years having only seen a 2D rendering of his 3D form, so I can only imagine the sorts of things running around Mary’s head. But the guilt trip continues and I’m already at the stage of willing everybody just to chill. out. Given that all involved actually held it together on the night in question, the meltdowns now seem a bit late. Mary’s cry of “I’m a lost soul to you!” is a tad dramatic and I think we (Cora, the viewers, my dog that ran into the room thinking someone was being attacked) could live without it to be honest. There are plenty of fish in the sea Mary, and you’ve just go to choose one that doesn’t mind your dabbling with the vestiges of the Ottoman Empire and can adequately drive a car, in what can only be described as perfect motoring conditions, without crashing it.  
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Also at the fair is Mrs Hughes and her alter ego Elsie. When asked if he was going to the fair, Carson’s eyebrows shot up in horror at the thought but maybe if he knew that smooth talking man of the people Joe Burns was around, he might have had a slightly different reaction. As it is, Carson doesn’t go and Elise goes to a pub to learn just how very 100% totally available Joe Burns is. Elsie receives a rather roundabout proposal before Joe demonstrates that he is yet another Downton character with appalling hand/eye co-ordination. However he perseveres and his victory at the ring toss is declared in a truly weird voice by an out of shot character (Seriously, watch it back: it’s haunting). Upon her return to life as Mrs Hughes, Thomas remarks that she was looking “sparkly eyed” and within seconds, Bates is there to admonish him. That man can move fast when he needs to. Later in the butler’s pantry, Mrs Hughes and Carson have a heart-to-heart with Carson looking steadily more uncomfortable whilst Mrs Hughes fondles a scarecrow. As the only montage that I can remember in Downton’s history shows, Mrs Hughes turned down Joe and Chelsie fans everywhere breath a sigh of relief. 
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Whilst Matthew may be making his mark in the Abbey, his mother is not one to be outdone. Molseley’s hands have done something bizarre and in the twentieth century version of googling an innocuous cough to find that you have cancer, Cousin Isobel almost immediately hands him the diagnosis of erysipelas that requires some convoluted treatment that Molseley neither wants, or as it turns out, needs. Violet quickly brings the medical scores to a draw with Isobel as she makes up for the early dropsy debacle by correctly diagnosing Molseley with a Rue allergy. Clarkson, you can tell, is holding back the urge to do a little dance. 
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The arrival of Branson and the entire geopolitical and cultural struggles of the Irish people creates a stir both upstairs and down. On day one he’s got his eye on the Earl’s library (although I can’t imagine that Robert has all three volumes of Das Kapital) and by day two, he’s eating in the wrong place and taking digs at the charitable efforts of the Abbey. But little does anyone know that King Julian has big plans for Branson and the smile that he gives as Sybil talks about women’s rights is very much the thin end of the wedge. Branson says that he is “quite political” before handing Sybil some pamphlets that he has collected about the vote. I do love Branson but he is the sort of person that I can totally see mansplaining things on Twitter. By the end of the episode it’s already escalated to Branson looking slightly creepily through a window as Sybil cosplays as Jasmine whilst the upper echelons of society look on mystified. 
Romantic declaration of the moment 
I’m giving this section over to Anna and her cold. Mr Bates appearing with a tray was rather lovely but does pose some questions: 
How did he go up all those stairs balancing both the tray, his presumably still quite mangled leg, the cane and the rest of his person? 
Did he go out in the dark with a pair of secateurs and cut those flowers? 
My only answer to those two questions is that fellow romantic Branson must have helped him: headcannon accepted. 
Expressive eyebrow of the week 
This award goes to the Earl this week for his reaction to Carson declaring that he would rather be put to death than work in a tea shop. The typically repressed English upper class “quite so” that escapes Robert’s lips is followed by a look of bemused alarm. If he were Fleabag, this is when he would have broken the fourth wall. 
Runners up prize goes to everyone’s face at The Trousers™  and Violet v. The Swivel Chair. 
Wait, what? 
“One can’t go to pieces at the death of every foreigner, we’d all be in a state of collapse whenever we opened a newspaper” Yet more evidence that Violet is the love child of Nigel Farage and Ann Widdecombe. 
“I have to go cap in hand to Mary Queen of Scots!” Lesley Nicol is having far too much fun playing Beryl. 
“It seems unlikely, a revolutionary chauffeur” Is Sybil aware of what period drama she is in?
“If you don’t change, you die” Or you do change, Matthew, and you die anyway.
“I won’t always be a chauffeur” is stated with some confidence which seems odd given the fact that when Branson stops being a chauffeur, he hates it and will indicate at any given moment this to the nearest available character.
”I took a lover with no thought of marriage. A Turk! Think of that!” I do Mary. Quite regularly.
I’m doing this rewatch on quite a fancy TV and as such I’m being afforded all sorts of visual delights that the resolution on my 2010 screen failed to yield. Perhaps the most troubling of these is that Thomas is going slightly grey at the sideburns. I would insert some pun about using ‘Just for Men’ here but I’ll leave you all to make up one yourselves. 
“If she’s got a boyfriend, I’m a giraffe” This seems like an analogy lost somewhere in translation. It has smacks of Gino D'Acampo’s grandmother. 
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wisdomrays · 5 years
People of Action and Scholarly Ones
QUESTION: What are the lessons today’s believers should draw from the following Divine message:
“Believers should not go forth to war all together. But why should not a party from every community of them mobilize to acquire profound, correct knowledge and understanding of the Religion, and warn their people when they return to them so that they may beware (of wrongful attitudes)” (at-Tawbah 9:122).
ANSWER: God Almighty first reveals that it is not correct for all believers to simultaneously go on a military campaign and take part in war. Then He states that a party should stay behind to gain insight into the spirit of religion and that when their people come back from different fronts, these learned ones should guide them with fair exhortation, feed them with religious knowledge, and teach them what they should know; this is because those people who engaged with the enemy during warfare may have failed to receive the religious education they need.
State of the learned ones and success
In the early period of Islam, since believers told people the truth, and represented and expressed justice, they faced attacks by the antagonists of religion. In such a situation, believers could not say to the enemies coming to exterminate them, “Come on, let us sit in the mosque and discuss first.” Even if they did, those enemies, who were fixed on grudge and destruction, would have tried to demolish that mosque and bury the believers therein. In order to stand against such demolition, they fought to protect their chastity, honor, religion, home, and flag.
After the demise of the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and during the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, may God be pleased with them, similar problems emerged and Muslims had to engage with enemies in different places. During the time of Caliph Abu Bakr they had to fight on eight different fronts in order to repress the cases of apostasy in different tribes. Besides, the Sassanid and Roman empires, which were the super powers of the time, also had their eyes on Muslims. Since they accosted Muslims at every opportunity, Muslims had to fight defensive wars against them in different parts of the world.
In such a situation, had everyone attended war without any exception, there would have been a serious gap in terms of religious education. In the verse mentioned above, God Almighty commands that a group of people should stay behind for scholarly purposes in order to compensate for the lack of knowledge in those who return from war. Thus He pointed out that Muslims must definitely retain their learned state and attain the horizons necessitated by the conditions of their era. If believer fail to attain such a state and horizons, it is not possible to stand against attacks on different fronts anyway.
Cultural envoys
As for the conditions of our era, when knowledge and power of discourse came to the fore, continuing to exist as ourselves will be possible by means of the power of knowledge, pen, and discourse. Therefore, the devoted souls who are the cultural envoys in our time should take their values to different parts of the world—not with weapons and brutal force, but with knowledge, wisdom, love, tolerance, and goodness. The way of peace and love opens the way that leads to hearts, whereas brutal force causes grudge and hatred to rise from the dead. For this reason, unless you remain under invasion and have no any other way but to fight, no solution should by sought through force. As for the issue of using force, it should be evaluated within a perspective of defense or eliminating an inescapable danger.
It is for this reason that the most important duty to be fulfilled with respect to Islam and humanity is going to the four corners of the world, taking our cultural values there, and in the meantime benefitting from different patterns and colors wherever we are, as far as they do not contradict our essential teachings. By coming into contact with different people in the places they go, the devoted souls will both serve as honorary representatives of our cultural values, and they will receive the beautiful sides of those cultures and present them to their own people. However, as they will be predominantly busy with their pursuits of peaceful action, they may not be sufficiently nourished in terms of knowledge and spirituality. Then, it is necessary to edify individuals well-versed in the values of our spiritual heritage, who know our essential sources better, and thus who will help those in the field of peaceful action be nourished as is necessary. Those who undertake the responsibility to deepen in correct and profound knowledge and comprehension of Islam should constantly flow like a pure freshwater spring, nourishing the altruistic souls running in the field, who should in return take what they will from that source and complete their scholarly equipment.
Scholarly ones open to both physical and spiritual disciplines
By referring to acquiring “profound, correct knowledge and understanding of the Religion,” the verse points to the fact that those who stay behind need to be equipped with knowledge pertaining to faith, Islam, and to ihsan, or perfect goodness. Together with that, the sound functioning of these values, their easily being welcome by a society (perhaps of a very different cultural background), and their being liked and valued, depends on correct discernment of non-religious realities and rules as well. Therefore, besides religion, it bears much importance to master the natural sciences, which constitute the basis for most modern sciences. It is important to carry out research in this respect, and behold appreciatively the creation displayed in nature.
While learning religious disciplines on the one hand, modern sciences should not be neglected either. He pointed out that a student’s endeavor would soar only when these two are found together. Excluding one of these two will mean leaving the other devoid of wings. One should neither make concessions from learning religious disciplines, which are the light of the heart, nor ignore modern sciences, which are the light of the mind, reason, and judgment.
In addition, this verse emphasizes the importance of love of knowledge and research. Therefore, one must make very serious efforts in order to master both the religious and modern sciences, and remain like a “student” until the end of their life. The Arabic word for student (talib) means “seeker” of knowledge. No matter whether a person studies religious disciplines or modern sciences, if that person is utilizing the essences distilled from those studies for the sake of knowing God and maintaining a sound balance, then that person will be treated as a true student or seeker of knowledge. So what does such a treatment mean? As the Messenger of God stated, God Almighty makes the way to Paradise easier to one who sets forth demanding to acquire knowledge.
Seeking knowledge is very important and the benefits a scholar can bring to society are great. Thus, one’s society is responsible for supporting seekers of knowledge and doing what they can for them. It is very difficult for someone dedicated to knowledge to devote time for anything else. Accordingly, some Islamic scholars stated that even if they wear expensive clothes and the threshold of their door is made of gold, it is still possible to give alms to seekers of knowledge, because the vitality of a nation depends on such mastering of knowledge. If this cannot be done, the nation will collapse and disintegrate. Due to this stagnancy, some cracks emerged in the Islamic world in the fifth century after the holy migration. With the recession in the 13th and 14th centuries, a complete break down and disintegration happened. We have not been able to straighten up since.
Dignified contentment and remaining under obligation
In response to people’s support and care, seekers of knowledge must do their best in terms of being worthy of such kindness and must not waste a second of their time. Through very serious planning, division of labor, and a discipline of mutual helping, these seekers must be completely focused on this task. They must devote all of their energy to the task so as to be deserving of the people’s regard for them—even if that means sleeping only four hours if necessary and devoting twenty hours of the day to studying. Who knows? When they study with such seriousness, maybe God Almighty will grant them in two years what another person can attain in ten years.
Incidentally, let me share how I feel about one issue: I feel heartbroken for those who go abroad for a PhD, but cannot finish that in even ten years. While the dire need of our country for qualified people is obvious, God will call them to account for wasting so much time. Time is the greatest capital for a human. If a person has taken such a path once, they should persevere, exert their brains, make use of all arguments they can make use of, benefit from all sources they can, and if possible, they should even finish their PhD before the time determined for them.
I wish to underline one more point concerning scholarly ones: Dignified contentment is a very important principle for those dedicated to scholarly pursuits, with respect to the honor of both knowledge and learned ones. Actually, the path of the Prophets is also based on this essential. In many verses of the Qur’an, it is stated that they said,
“I ask of you no wage for that (for conveying God’s Message); my wage is only due from the Lord of the worlds” (ash-Shuara 26:127).
In this respect, scholarly ones should not be obliged to anyone if possible, in any phase of their lives—neither while they are students, nor when they become teachers, or teacher of teachers…
May God forbid, if one does not have this feeling of dignified contentment, and if that person carries out certain tasks for the sake of some returns, such as becoming a manager, director general, MP, minister, or prime minister, then such a person cannot be saved from being obliged to other people. Unfortunately, the concessions they make on account of being obliged will not only cost them dearly, but cost their nation as well. In this respect, those who engage in scholarly pursuits must arrange their lives in accordance with the principle of dignified contentment. They must use the means of their fathers if they can, or they must make a modest living with their own means, if they can. They should live frugally, never becoming obliged to anyone and never having to make concessions.
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