#how can i delete a message for everyone on whatsapp after deleting it for myself by mistake
rangpurcity · 1 year
WhatsApp's new feature will save you from being embarrassed, users were waiting for a long time
WhatsApp’s new feature will save you from being embarrassed, users were waiting for a long time
This feature will prove to be very useful when a user mistakenly deletes a message instead of deleting it for everyone. In such a situation, the user will get a few seconds, in which he can undo the message. #WhatsApps #feature #save #embarrassed #users #waiting #long #time
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tohokuu · 10 months
babe what happened… are you okay?!
okay so before i start, i come from a conservative pakistani muslim household. it's the kind of place where wearing shorts to bed make it look like you probably fuck around with guys.
i went to pakistan last summer and have a lot of my cousins on snapchat. i barely use snapchat but every once in a while, i post a selfie or an update on life or something. anyway, i felt really pretty yesterday and i posted a video of me.
thing is, i was wearing a black tank top and a thin hoodie on top but my breasts are big so my cleavage was out and i took the video from a high angle so you can def see stuff but it wasn't anything super bad.
now i have 3 diff snap stories. a public one, a main one and the private stories. the private story is obviously cfs only. the main is my entire snap but it excludes all my cousins and the public one is for literally everyone. whenever i post, i post on the public one but yesterday bc of my clothes, i posted to the main so my cousins wouldn't see it. but somehow my cousins werent fucking blocked off the story and a few of them saw it. some of my cousins are cool and some aren't. two of them screenrecorded it. i honestly completely forgot about the post until my mom barged into my room at 4 in the morning shoving her phone in my face.
it was a whatsapp chat where my uncle (dads older brother) sent it to my mom and my dad. he sent my mom a very angry voice message about my upbringing and how my mom should be ashamed of herself for raising a daughter like me. my uncle and my dad don't have the greatest relationship but me and my uncle get along very well. he loves me very much and so do i. its just that im so ashamed that he saw that kind of picture of me. i always dress very modestly when i'm in pakistan and whenever i post a selfie or something.
what's crazy to me is that he sent that shit straight to my mom and dad... my mom saw it this morning during fajr prayers and she deleted it off my dads phone so i don't believe he saw it and i also blocked my uncle off my dads phone so he doesn't call him.
i talked to my cousin and asked why she screenshotted and she said it was so she could ask me to remove the video because it wasn't decent. i was so stressed the whole time and i apologized so much for what i did and i begged her to calm her dad down and delete the photo off his phone and to not call my father about it. i have uni coming up in a few weeks and i truly do not have the money to pay all my tuition myself. like my dad, my mom and i are all joining money together in order to pay. if my dad finds out about this, he might marry me off, send me back home and marry me off, cut contact w me and kick me out or he might just kill me.
there isn't much to be shameful abt than the fact that my uncle saw it... my uncle and aunt are huge gossipers and even tho i dont feel as though she would go around and tell people this kind of stuff, she's also not very trustworthy. my uncle is petty and likes to bring up bad things into random conversations. i begged my cousin and she calmed me down and all but i dont trust these people. my aunt told my mom that it's okay and i made a mistake and i realized it and she also told my mom that i had expressed my shame regarding my uncle seeing it and he was very happy that i acknowledged my actions. she said it's okay to love your body and be proud but there's a limit and i crossed it. but she said that she wouldn't tell my dad and that it'll blow over soon but i dont fucking believe her at all. my aunt has been my moms biggest enemy since she got married into that house and who's to say she isn't mine too?
the fact that they have this video of me at all is so so fucking bad. i could barely sleep after i saw it. my chest hurts and it feels like something heavy is on it. my stomach keeps flipping and i feel like throwing up all the time. i don't know how long this will take to blow over but this is absolutely horrible. im wishing so hard that this is just a dream and i can just wake up from it at any given moment but it isn't so i have no idea what to do. my mom hates me right now and she's angry again. i don't know if my dad knows about this. i'm just so so broken up over this. i don't know what to do.
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elsyrel · 2 years
Arcana headcanons: main 6 and how they use the internet
I thought I wouldn’t write any more headcanons, but... lmao. What can I say? It’s funnier than I expected. I’m not the most versed person on social media myself, but I’m writting this anyway. Modern AU: 
Watches anime on pirate webs. Everytime it takes 5 to 10 minutes to start the episode because he doesn’t have Adblock installed. If you tell him to install it, he laughs and assures you he will. Next time, he hasn’t.
Aesthetic Instagram. Varies from the most beautiful art to the most absurd psychedelic nonsense.
Posts a controversial bomb on delicate site (twitter), and magically disappears when the discourse starts as if nothing had happened.
Has several art accounts where he posts from drawings to artesanal crafts. Sells commissions but obviously doesn’t pay taxes. 
Offers tarot readings to strangers. Uses thousands of emoticons to sound as unthreatening as possible.
Exhaustive + extremely technical tutorials. Used by university cathedratics in their classes on daily basis without credit.
Periodically recieves several offers from companies to become an influencer. Politely rejects them all every time.
Not very interested in social media, uses the internet mainly for research. However, she is surprisingly generous with likes and reblogs for her friends.
Builds her own computer by buying each individual component and ensambling it all together. The result is a monster with the power of a NUCLEAR REACTOR, even though she doesn’t even need so much potency. Somehow, she manages to make it aesthetically pleasing and elegant.
Always... always... always grammatically correct, no matter the setting.
He is like a grandpa. Doesn’t understand shit. Has Windows XP as operating system. Calls the IT guy to delete the rejected documents from the recycle bin.
Mispronounces all social media names. No matter how many times you correct him, next time he will mispronounce it again. The weirdest thing is he never pronounces it the same way twice. You suspect that sometimes he does it on purpose to pull your leg.
Accidentally downloads multiple virus while trying to watch the most anodyne film. When weird shit starts to happen, he freaks out as if the government hackers were after him.
Resends the corniest chains. He sees nothing bad with Comic Sans font, or with pure red text over pure blue back. Your eyes will bleed.
Uses facebook to flirt with single moms and dads in his area.
Ghosts everyone on whatsapp. He checks new messages once every 6 days at most.
Has a secret Tumblr nobody but Asra knows about. Follows mainly bird tematic blogs. Likes mainly funny videos of chickens and cute animals.  500 Likes. 0 Reblogs. 0 Posts.
Incognito mode for absolutely EVERYTHING, no matter how innocent. If he accidentally enters the Google page without incognito mode, he deletes the historial.
Sticks a piece of tape on the computer camera, just in case.
Listens to music in the shittiest quality and doesn’t give a fuck.
Cat. Picture. Hell. 70% of her phone memory are just pictures of random cats. Nine hundred and eighty seven photos of Pepi, and counting.
Posts advice for garden care... and it’s really, really good. Really thoughtful, with tons of examples and pictures. If someone asks something, she always knows the answer.
Has a youtube channel with videos of her exploring abandoned buildings, recorded by herself or Julian. Base of followers slowly but steadily going up.
Frequently makes funny videos of dumb stuff. All of them with shitty quality and too moved. A few of them have gone viral. 
Meme avalanch in the group chat at 7 in the fucking morning. There is no meme she doesn't know. The bombardment of memes and puns by whatsapp is constant and endless. Run.
The most OBSSESSED with social media. Has an account on every single one of them and literally never shuts up. He gets really frustrated when he realizes that gaining followers is not as easy as he thought. Posts the most stupid opinions, then gets angry when he loses followers. ‘People don't know what’s good’.
Potential victim of cryptocurrency frauds.
The most exibitionist bitch on the net. Of course, he has an Onlyfans. But if you ask nicely, he just posts the nudes publicly anyway. 
Thirsty thirsty THIRSTY for notes. Checks every two minutes.
He is a famous patron in the furry artist community. He spends just. So. Much. Money. Some furries even debate if he is a real person, or just a myth, or maybe even several people. He is kind of a legend, actually.
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king-litchi · 4 years
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Picture source : @Mnine5 (Meijo) in Twitter
Note : actually, it’s not a request but I was bored and I wondered « what kind of person would the SNK characters on the social medias be » - soo here we go
Sorry for my english…I am french and I still learning - please forgive me and protect your eyes 🤧
Warning : (12+) social media can be dangerous
Instagram : friends, family, abs, outfits, travel….king of instagram, super popular on instagram, everyone follow him but he only follows his friends and instagram he finds interesting, over time it has become an influence, Eren has like a million followers on Insta @IamErenJaeger
Snapchat :  « who has a netflix account ? » in story, selfies with friends at all kinds of events, often takes pictures of Mikasa and Armin by surprise, never puts a filter on for him or for the people he snaps, everyone can watch his story and comment (public baby), already received nudes… @ErenJaegeeer
Whatsapp : he is in all group discussions but rarely answers, when he answers it is surely because the conversation becomes funny or because they talk about Jean and then it degenerates (when too far between Eren and Jean everyone leaves the group and they end up « wait…everyone is gone…? ») and a new groupe is created but the fight starts again (others are like « here we go again » )
Twitter :  can easily get upset in a debate, is not afraid to say what he thinks, it is blocked by a lot of people (please take away his twitter), has a large fanbase : Jaegerist (@CaptainFlochForster is the leader fanbase…best to avoid them.) it’s very simple : either you’re wrong or you’re not right @ErenJaeger
Tumblr :  He is not really known on tumblr, follow only his friends and is followed only by his friends. Does a lot of reblog tumblr he likes and post a lot kind of sick jokes like « What is the only dog you can eat? - A Hot Dog » (20 followers…)
Instagram : sharing photos of his travels around the world, a lot of ocean scenery, monuments like the Eifel Tower, does not put a photo of him or his friends, his instagram is public to share his beautiful photos with the world  (2,5K followers) @ArminVibe
Twitter : Sharing conspiracy theories with other twittos, if by misfortune a conspiracy ends up in TT you can be sure that it will tweet all evening, twitter reveals its dark side, It can deal with all subjects and he’s gonna take his time to make you understand that you’re WRONG @ArminArlett
Snapchat : he doesn’t know why he has a snapchat, if you send him a snap photo he will just look without answering but if you start a discussion he will probably lose your message if you have not recorded (his fault, but he really does not do it on purpose, he does not really drag on this social media)
Whatsapp : quite active on whatsapp, in groups it is the one that stays the longest active, uses a correct grammar, always has time for someone who needs to talk (a colossal heart…)
Tumblr : very popular on tumblr with his famous landscape photos, he also likes to share theories with whoever wants it, has created a discussion group of which Erwin and Hanji are part (these three are often found in several discussion groups…), is subscribed to Annie
Instagram : her account is private (like most of his social medias) if she does not know you be sure that she will never accept a subscription request (and she receives a lot of subscription requests), sometimes post photos of Eren and her, sometimes with Armin and a picture with the whole group together, has maximum 5 publications and has maximum 100 subscriptions and she subscribes to only 25 people (who are they?) and her favorite girl’s band @MikasaAckerman
Twitter : is fan of girl’s band, a twitter just to follow their news, she has already been on top tweet (never knew why and honestly she doesn’t care), her account is totally private but she receives a lot of follow requests (she declines) @MikasaAckerman
Snapchat : does not do a lot of selfie but she likes cute filters, often does black snap with dark quotes « the sun always shines after a dark night » , tends to reply 2 days after being sent a snap (🤡) yet she makes the flames with Eren (already 834 flames) so she just ignores snaps
Whatsapp : she is in full of group discussions, but always reads without answering (”Read”), she often ends up leaving the discussion groups (but there is always someone to add her to the group, often Sasha)
Tumblr : has a fake account, by the way she is super popular, she posts her covers of her favorite songs @Mikasong (fucking great voice), already has a small community
Instagram : is totally subscribed to Emily Ratajkowski (but who is not?), was the first happy to know that the likes are hidden, kind to like a lot of ass and body fitness (…<.<) it’s sure Historia blocked him (probably deserved) @ReinerBraun
Twitter : profile photo of a football player, often mentions his friends, and ALWAYS mentions Conny for challenges « Dare or not to ring your neighbor’s door at 3:00am and ask him for sugar », the kind to tweets like « Nicki Minaj or Cardi b ? » @ReinerTheBigBrother
Snapchat : You see this guy who makes a lot of views on snap and who everyone asks for publicity? Yes, it’s Reiner. Become master of the screenshot (already found himself in a complicated situation because of it…this awkward moment where you catch something you shouldn’t capture…), also receives nudes (btw 🤡) he never watches stories @ReineerGg
Whatsapp : he often ends up being ejected from discussion groups for his dubious humour and is often the victim of Ymir’s blackmail (screenshots can be fatal…)
Tumblr : he doesn’t even know what it’s for
Instagram : has two instagram accounts, the first is his real account, he only follows his friends and is only followed by his friends and the second is a (secret) fan account on Annie Leonhart @fannie-kickass
Snapchat : goes selfie on occasions like birthdays (party) or when he is with friends, likes animal filters, snap everyone and without warning, during the evenings with friends he often finds himself in the snap of everyone without his knowledge and discovers him the next day (sleeper pose) @Berth5
Whatsapp : the kind of person to share a lot of petitions like « Hi, Nolan still needs 300,000 signatures to be able to convince his parents to buy him ps5 » (he can’t refuse to share when asked…colossal heart - like Armin <.<), calm in group discussions (is not the type to get involved in an argument, always remains neutral when the situation degenerates), he often speaks with Reiner privately and gives him advice on how to approach Annie - but by the time he decided to send a message to Annie, she had already deleted the application… (legend says he’s still waiting for an answer)
Twitter : if you identify him in a tweet, it will probably not read it but will still like it (why not), he does definitely part of the commentators of entertainment shows or sports matches @Bertholdt
Tumblr : hesitates to create a tumblr but does not really know what he could talk about
Instagram : shares his training and does not hesitate to make demonstrations of his techniques, is quite popular on instagram, to a lot of publication, post a photo with his father just after each victory with a caption « It is God who gives » ; already has a good community (320K followers), account is certified
Snapchat : never goes on his account, totally professional use, it is his father who manages his snapchat to post in story the videos her training and his official matches with the caption « Little Rocky 🔥 »
Whatsapp : it ended up deleting the app because too much discussion that ends in spam (it will be for a next time Berth)
Tumblr : her little cocoon where she can be herself, the only social media that has her interest, her tumblr is dedicated to the cat, she is a fan @Kitty-Catnnie , the only person in the group to know her tumblr is Armin with whom she sometimes chat
Twitter : She is still on top tweet despite her « Mikasa vs Annie, who wins ??? », she never tweet but retweet a lot of things especially those of Conny, it happens to like the tweets of commentator Jean
Instagram : if you want to see his account you must first subscribe, generally accept all requests, send quite a lot of DM like « you wouldn’t have a bandage because I hurt myself by falling in love with you » sometimes succeeds other times it ends blocked ( or screenshots that end up on Twitter) @JeanOfficiel
Snapchat : He was blocked by Mikasa and Eren (not for the same reasons), made the flames with everyone (but the most with Marco), has already tried to snap Mikasa in secret (it is caught in the act), loves selfies @Ihateeren
Whatsapp : the kind who doesn’t look to whom he sends a message and always has the wrong discussion, so becomes panicked « DONT READ!!! » accidentally already sent a nude in a group discussion (unfortunately screenshots have been made) Eren laughed about this story for several months like « How is Jeanbo doing ? He’s grown up since last time? » (he doesn’t talk about Jean…you know…)
Tumblr : he created a popular mini series on tumblr « You prefer…? » and also « If you were… » (the concept is very cool and we can do it with all the subjects), made a lot reblog, reblog ALL covers of Mikasa
Twitter : has been blocked by half of the tweetos sphere after several heated debates, is one of the people who comment on the shows mainly reality TV (he does it with passion) « SANDRA LEAVES WITH ANTONIO W/O MONEY !!!! IT’S A FUCKIIIING JOKE ?????!!!!! #TheVillaOfBrokenHeart2 » or « I’m the only one who hates Mike ? #MonacoShore » , it’s that kind of tweet that Annie likes) @JeanKirschtein
Instagram : accepts only requests from friends, his account is private, sharing small moments of his life with friends and families, use many hashtag like #AllThatGlittersIsNotGoldEvenJean (but nobody understands what he means)
Snapchat : often comments his friends’ stories, is the kind to come talk to you if you put a dark snap like « cruel world »
Whatsapp : often receives private messages like « Marco, are you there? » it always ends in long discussions (« The confidant ») he knows how to find the right words, it is active and always “available” if someone needs it
Twitter : always makes Jean’s defense on twitter, the kind of person to be part of a fanbase (like HarryPotter), uses hastag LGBT+
Tumblr : super popular on tumblr, he makes headcanons and screenplays of his favorite books, series and movies, has a preference for Yaoi but he can make any request (2K followers) @HalfMan
Instagram : very very popular on instagram thanks to his account with Sacha where they share their farce and does not hesitate to challenge, they post the pranks they make to their friends (1M followers) they are not yet certified @TwoDummies , he has a second private account :  with just family and friends (arround 55 followers) @hismotherson
Snapchat : the kind of person who does a snap at 2H00 of the mat « who for the flames », has a lot of snap discussions, always makes stories that ends badly like « I’m going to ride a bike » and in his last snap he ends up in emergency… (true story)
Whatsapp : has an unimaginable number of “caption this” for ALL situations, it sometimes created discussion groups (it’s just that it prepares a stupidity) otherwise is not super active but will always answer if it has a message
Twitter : clash with everyone « Your mother was pregnant for 9 months of your big head but you can’t stand a joke ? SHAME » (blocked), king of challenges, makes all the challenges where it is mentioned, retweet all the « Dare or not… » of Reiner, uses a lot of abbreviation, he invented a lot of hastag like #AlphaLevi and people have fun with his hastag
Tumblr : his more than empty tumblr, has no profile photo, and compulsive liker, it’s literally a fake account for liking funny things @JustConny
Instagram : receives many comments under the photos of his joint account with Conny like « POTAETOS GIRL WE LOVE U » and « POTAETOS POWER », often pranks and ends up in the account, has a second private instafood account and also post photos with Nikolo @MadamePatate
Snapchat : oh my dear, he gets into a lot of trouble (funny drama) so stay connected for his “Storytime” evenings (we often hear Ymir commenting in the background with sarcasm and Conny’s laugh)
Whatsapp : the kind of person to send in a « bbiad » discussion (I’ll be back in a bit) and never come back in the discussion, written in abbreviation, loves group conversations
Twitter : has disabled twitter because of a "caption” that Conny posted on it (potaetos girl exists thanks to a tweet) but there reactivated a week later, tweets like a dramaqueen « WHAAAAT @netflix SEASON TWO IS COMING OUT TOMORROW BUT NOT TODAY  ???? WHYYYYYYYYY ! I’m never gonna be able to wait till tomorrow to eat my popcorns frkrkellelrlrl BUY ME POPCORNS NETFLIX BUUUY », has already been on top tweet #potatoesgirl
Tumblr : victim of her reputation even on tumblr, reblog a lot of post food and potential future challenges from Conny, often finds “caption this” with her face and always reacts with a more than dramatic surprise « SHIT AGAIN ??! »
Instagram : receives a lot of DM from people she doesn’t know, never accept them, like all the photos of her friends, you can see her insta only if you subscribe…(15K followers) @RealHistoria
Snapchat : renames all her friends by cute nicknames, the kind that snaps the place where she is or her food with a « have a nice day », queen of selfie, likes the filters
Whatsapp : uses a lot of emoji, hearts have become a punctuation, in group discussions she often comments « Ymir !! » after a sarcastic comment, tries to temper when the situation becomes too stormy
Twitter : avoids twitter like the plague, has disabled her account, reactivates it on occasions before losing interest once again, in fact her account is a fake where she is named @christaLenz
Tumblr : pretty active, committed LGBT+ activist, reblog testimonials, lots of likes, reblog Mikasa covers a.k.a Mikasong
Instagram : a lot of photos of Historia (it looks like a fan account), often comments the photos of her friends (unfortunately for them) @Ymir
Snapchat : a lot of selfie with Historia, if a fight or something awkward happens in front of her she will be the first to make a snap (and no scruple to put it in her story), if Reiner is the King of awkward screenshots then she is the Queen for INTENTIONAL screenshots, her memories are filled with compromising photos on EVERYONE
Whatsapp : Do you remember the screenshots on snap? Well it is on Whatsapp that they find their usefulness. Can send them to a discussion group as if nothing had happened but her specialty is a service for her silence (yes blackmail) it’s never anything bad, but enough to piss off the victim (who is often Reiner)
Tumblr : forgot her password and honestly she doesn’t want to find it, why did she tumblr ?
Twitter : she is often upset about debates, often sarcastic in her retweets, « Caption This », always the last word, she is very popular on Twitter, she’s already been on top tweet (because a drama with her identity) @LadyYmir
Instagram : does not really look at his newsline, Instagram in black and white and very orderly (#GrandArt), his account is public but no one can comment on his photos @LeviAckerman
Snapchat : a block Hanji (too many snap video that turned into spam), to rename all his contacts by nicknames like « Brat Number one », « Brat Number 2 » (etc.) and Zeke « shithead » nothing abnormal, It has already posted a snap of his head in front camera (had not done it on purpose) deleted after realizing…(especially after receiving plenty of notifications), he and Zeke attack each other by proxy story (no one understands…but it’s funny to read)
Whatsapp : is always “offline” or “busy” but will always respond if sent a message, probably blocked Zeke on all social medias
Tumblr : shares his passion for tea and cleanliness, loves the healthy atmosphere of tumblr, has quite a fan, reblog and subscribes to Armin @TeaWithLevi
Twitter : Tweet by accident (in the pocket >.<) like « jf’dyt’rimsjrdy’yfgi » but other thant he almost never tweets, but when he does it is to complain or creepy « today I learned that a lollipop breaks easily like the legs of a clown » (…we don’t want understand), he’s already been on top tweet with the #AlphaLevi like « #AlphaLevi can surround his ennemies. Alone. » ; « #AlphaLevi makes the onions cry » ; « #AlphaLevi can go up downstairs » (we thank Conny for this hashtag) @LeviAckerman
Instagram : honestly if you want to do a search on someone you have to check with Hanji, FBI of the net (”the stalker”), its account is public : post photos with Levi (who has to be taken by surprise) mentions everyone on its posts, photo with Moblit during their experiences (like “Break”), its instagram looks cool @OfficerZoe
Snapchat : snap often its scientific experiments (and other) and we always hear Moblit screaming in the background « Hanji-san! Back ! » , they like to comment on the stories of Levi and Zeke, already tried to make the flames with Levi and Erwin (tried without success)
Whatsapp : spends its time doing focus groups before it degenerates, its favorite pairs are Eren/ Jean and Levi/ Zeke but never has a battery
Tumblr : strangely its tumblr is very serious, they share its hypotheses and theories on scientific subjects, they talk about its experiences and future scientific experiments, they post the results of its research, has its own focus group (Erwin is one of them) @DrHZoe
Twitter : @Dr.troublegirl everything is in the pseudo, will accumulate and then become spectator of a massacre, his catchphrase is « you’re implying… »
Instagram : it is very orderly and pleasant to look at, post works of art that crosses his path, does not often check his actuality but when he does it everyone is happy…(always the little comment that makes a good mood and a little like)
Snapchat : his story is public but only his “friends” can comment, snap his visits to the museum and snap a lot the streetart but is not really active when he makes “snap discussion” @Eyebrow (account created by Hanji…)
Whatsapp : uses impeccable punctuation and grammar, often discusses with Armin on intellectual topics and confronts their assumption he is the only one who is not part of a discussion group with ALL the characters (just a few groups like Hanji/Levi/Mike), from time to time he receives family photos of Niail and talks about old times
Twitter : activist totally committed to good causes ( #blacklivesmatter) (#justicepourAdama ), retweet the political news, has already tweeted with the #AlphaLevi @ErwinSmitt
Tumblr : pretty active, post on subjects that fascinate him (like history), his tumblr is very interesting and orderly, proposes developed theories and some people (students like Conny) go there to find answers to their homework… @Sasageyo
Zeke / Sieg
Instagram : created an insta to talk with Eren but he got blocked after commenting on one of his photos « Beautiful sweetren, you grow up day by day, signed your beloved brother » didn’t understand why he couldn’t see his instagram after that ; his instagram is very neat : instafood & instabook but doesn’t have many followers because his instagram account is private (like 150 follower) @ZekeJaerger
Snapchat : made stories to address to Eren instead of sending him directly in private (didn’t really understand the concept) that’s how to start the attacks between him and Levi, Eren ended up deleting the app to him
Whatsapp : uses impeccable grammar (also blocked Livai on all its social medias), tends to read without answering « Read since two days »
Twitter :  tweets like « I am now on twitter. » or  « Good Morning Twitter. » and lots of  « Join me on Candy Crush » , he also likes to comment on his favorite culinary shows with a lot hastag, honestly he is one of the people who blocked Eren on Twitter but does not really assume it  « What ? Weird…I must have hit the wrong button… » yes of course… @ZekeJaeger
Tumblr : reblog Erwin’s posts which he finds very interesting, to himself his own theories which he confronts with Erwin in discussion groups, is part of a quite popular team on tumblr “GenshiKyojin”, (with leader Eren Kruger) #uses #too #much #hastag (#like #me) @KemenoNoKyojin
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hesagentlelman · 3 years
Rook JP Cappelletty Fanfiction
Love the way you lie
Okay, I'll give you a summary. Basically Rook has been in a toxic relationship with a girl for six months now. Colson and the boys have noticed and are trying to get him out of it. These fics are an English translation of my fics in Wattpad. If you like them I have some more focused mostly on Rook. I accept suggestions uwu
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Rook has been in a toxic relationship for over six months, and Colson knows it. At this point he doesn't know what to do, he has seen his best friend get slowly destroyed by the girl he is with. He started out with just dark circles, bags under his eyes that made it clear that he was not sleeping well, or nothing at all. He later found out for himself that Rook's girlfriend kicked him out of his own home in the middle of the night because of jealousy. She let him sleep in the garden even when it was raining. That had led to Jp spending more time sick than healthy. Him suffocating in the middle of playing a song because he was so sick that he couldn't even breathe normally. With coughing fits that made he looks like he would choke. They had all told him to come home and rest. He had insisted on staying. Kells didn't understand why and over time he understood that he would rather be away from home than be with her. So ... why didn't he leave her? For some reason he didn't dare to ask him and just tried to help him from the distance, thinking that he shouldn't get into it, that he would do better for his best friend if he didn't get in straight. He couldn't be more wrong.
Then one day he had to pick up Rook from a park in the middle of Cleveland at three in the morning and take him to the hospital. He said that a drunk man had thrown a bottle at him and that he had been unable to dodge it. Colson knew he was lying. He knew that it had been his girlfriend. He didn't say anything and just drove, took him to the hospital and waited patiently. They had to suture a wound that covered his left temple up to his eyebrow and he lost 30% of his vision in that eye. Then, back in the car, he burst into tears. Kells didn't know what to do, he couldn't just sit back and watch that harpy tear his little brother apart. But he didn't know how to get into that problem without causing more damage.
Rook stayed that night to sleep at his house. Colson did not sleep. He watched him while he slept. Somewhat creepy but he just couldn't stop looking at him because it seemed like it was the first time he slept in a long time. He felt guilty, because he was just standing there and watching him burn.
After that night he began to see Jp less often and when he saw him he did not look like himself. He looked like the most tired person on this earth and looking into his eyes was almost painful. Colson had never seen such sad eyes. It hurt, it hurt because Rook, his Rookie was the happiest, most active and jovial person he had ever met and at this point he was not a shadow of who he really was.
Everyone had already noticed. They had talked about his girl, how sad and destroyed he looked. Baze had told them that he had heard his girlfriend yell at him for spending more time with them than with her. Tell him that he didn't love her and that he was a bad boyfriend, that he was mistreating her and that he didn't deserve someone like her. Rook had simply apologized, he had promised her that he loved her and that he would do anything for her. Rook definitely didn't deserve someone like her. That girl was a witch. (cof cof Bitch cof cof)
However none of them did anything. They stood there, watching him burn.
The few times they saw Jp he was completely different. He cried with songs and with movies and at that point none of them dared to laugh because they simply knew that crying had nothing to do with the movie. They tried to comfort him but none of them really got in, to stop what was happening in front of their eyes. Colson dared to ask about their relationship shortly after Rook passed out from exhaustion in the middle of a hangout. But he didn't get to ask beyond "How are you doing with her?" or How's your relationship? " and his drummer always answered a " good " that sounded as harsh and bitter as a stab.
Then Rook started arriving with injuries. He started with a pair of broken fingers and he said the wind had closed a door on his hand. Just a few weeks later his nose was broken and he said a book had fallen on his face. He forced a laugh and said "trouble of being short." And within a month he had a black eye, the same one that he had lost part of his vision of. And this time he said that he had accidentally opened one of his kitchen cabinets on his face. The boys looked at him, none of them believed it and they all knew that it had been his girlfriend who had closed the door in his hand, who had thrown that book against his face and who had hit him by opening one of his cabinets uncarelessly out because of her jealousy.
The situation was getting more and more difficult. Now in the sixth month, Rook had just had his fourth anxiety attack in their short time in this month. Slim had gone with him for a walk when his breathing had calmed and he had stopped shaking like a frightened dog. Baze and Kells had stayed there, talking about how far this had come. That's when Colson decided that he couldn't just stand there and watch him burn, he walked over to the couch and took Rook's phone, thanking he had left it there and discovering that he didn't even have a password on it. A part of him wanted to believe it was because Rook expected one of them to try to help him, but deep down he knew it was because his girlfriend was checking his conversations and everything he did. Colson discovered under Baze's watchful eyes that Rook, or rather his girlfriend, had deleted all the female contacts from his phone, even Casie's was not there. What kind of upset jealous was that girl? Finally he reached the WhatsApp messages and there, the first on the list was her. Kells began to read the messages aloud.
- Where are you? - It's her two days ago. - Kells house, recording. - Rook's answer. - You prefer them to me. - She adds. - I've only been away from home for three hours- Rook answers. - You don't take care of me like before, you don't even call me queen like you did before, why don't you love me anymore? What did I do? You are always with your friends and you are no longer with me - Colson continues to read her messages. - I love you more than anything, honey. But I really have to record - Jp responds. - It's a lie, you're so mean to me, I hate you so much! - They are pure written messages, but Colson knows that Rook is blaming himself for that. - My sunshine, no. I love you, I love you very much. I'll be back in an hour I promise. I'll make you dinner and we can watch a movie together. Whatever you want ... - Rook is too good for that girl. She doesn't reply anymore until yesterday. There is a similar conversation that lasts to this day. Now there are a lot of messages from her that Jp hasn't even answered, possibly because they are from when his anxiety attack started. Yet there they are - Jp Where are you? Did you change me again for your stupid friends? You prefer them ... You are horrible ... You don't deserve me ... - She starts and Colson and Baze want to hit her even though they would never hit a girl. - Answer me! Are you with another girl? Is that? I hope you die! I hate you! Do you want me to end my life? You know I can't live without you! I told you! You will make me kill myself! I'll kill myself if you let me! - The messages end there. Now everything makes sense. Now they know why Rook wouldn't let her. She threatened to kill herself. Possibly that girl was so crazy that she was capable of doing it just to fuck the crap out of the boy. Baze and Colson are feeling sick. They know they have to do something, because at this rate it is she who will kill Rook.
- We have to report this - Baze begins. Colson knows that he is right. - She is hurting him, physically and emotionally. That is full-blown abuse. - Baze adds. And yes, he is right. But it is quite difficult to assimilate that one of them is in a toxic relationship of that caliber. More Rook, the good and pure boy Rookie. -We only have the messages, how can we show them how fat this is? -Colson knows how bad the police work, no one will believe them if they say that a girl is mistreating her boyfriend. They will think the opposite is the true and could get Jp in trouble. - I have photos of injuries from the last few months. Well, Instagram stories, but I think it will work. Also, they just need to see him, he is clearly emotionally devastated. - Baze adds and nothing more is needed to convince Kells, they both wrap up warm and send a message to Slim telling him what they have discovered and that they will report. They asked him to keep Rook out of the house until they return because they know he will not want to report his situation. Slim responds quickly, wishes them luck, and finally the boys leave. They drive in Baze's car to the nearest police station and wait until they are attended. It is a bit difficult to explain the whole situation to the agent, why they have the phone of his friend and since when he has been going through all this. But when they say the girl's name, the policeman's face changes. Apparently it was not the first complaint that they received about her for abusing her partner physically and emotionally. But there had never been enough evidence and everything had been up in the air. But now, this was the fifth report to her name and they had clear evidence of psychological and physical abuse. The agent promised them that they would send a patrol to arrest the girl and that she would be temporarily detained as alleged guilty of domestic violence on charges of physical abuse and emotional abuse. That didn't sound like a total victory, but the agent promised them that justice would be served, but by law they had to investigate a little more, that they would need to speak with Rook and take testimony from the neighbors.
Kells and Baze returned home, informing Slim of what had happened. Slim and Jp arrived shortly after they entered the house. Colson handed the phone to his drummer and the brown haired boy looked at him confused. -You don't have to go back to her, it's over ...- It was Slim who said that. Rook looked at them all, a hint of fear on his face that vanished when Baze gaves him a comforting smile. Then he burst into tears, Colson hugged him first and then everyone joined the hug. -I thought it would never end ... I was so tired of her shit ...- Jp starts crying, but he's smiling. - Fuck ... thanks ... - Rook ends. At least it's good to know that he himself had realized the toxicity of his relationship.
Ah well it's over XD. If I'm honest this occurred to me listening to Eminem and Rihanna's song "Love the way you lie" but it is quite based on what happened between Jhonny Depp and Amber Heard and also on the post that Melissa Benoist made about her relationship with Blake Jenner. I guess you all know about Johnny. As I know that Melissa's case is less known, I will explain a little, although you can look for her post with the full story of what happened. Basically she was married to Blake (she is now divorced and recently had a son with Chris Wood, with whom she has been in a relationship for a while) the fact is that she had a toxic relationship with Blake and he abused her physically and emotionally. One of the most serious things he did to her was smash a phone in her face. She lost part of the vision in that eye and now has a mark on her iris and pupil, although she had always said that she was from birth until she recognized everything that happened not long ago. Well, the point is that I relied on these two relationships to write this. I mean I wrote this out of respect for these people and for everyone who is or has been in toxic relationships. I've been to one myself. Well that's it. Thanks for reading and don't get into relationships with shitty people. Bye!
Pd: English is not my native language, I have a good level, but you may write something wrong. I apologize if there is anything wrong.
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mycptsdstory · 3 years
The more I learn about FND (Functional Neurological Disorder) the more I feel guilty and bullying another girl at high school because I believed my mother that she was lying. I still feel bad about that.
I don’t think no matter how much I say sorry, I really don’t think it’s going to cut it. She’s blocked me on everything. The last thing I told her (when I made a different Facebook account so I could send her a message last year or a few months ago. My memory is like a fucking siv lol), was when I was sorry for not believing her. I still do truly mean it. When I found out she had FND, I looked it up and yeahh it’s real, it’s not fake. She’s not fake.
I haven’t bullied her in a long time and probably the last time I given her hate was when I was 20? 21? I’m 28 now, that’s 8 years ago; I completely understand that I crushed her mentally. I know this.
I was horrible towards her. I was super toxic back then and when I messaged her, I even showed her this blog, I don’t care if she reads it. This blog is my diary on how I truly feel. This blog also helps with my memory and processing everything that happened during my life.
There is one question I would love to ask her tho; did my mother and her mother was friends at one point? I don’t know my mother at all, she’s a stranger to me. It’s just that, my mother hated her mum for some odd weird reason. My mother would only hated other people if she knew them from long ago, so I’m just wondering. Were they friends at one point? I truly don’t know.
Back to the topic of the FND girl. The reason why I haven’t done anything to her and given her hate, was when I was 20 or 21; it was because I deleted all of my social media accounts. Not because of her, it was because of my family. Ever since I finally got believed by a mental health professional that I was raped when I was 6, she reported it to the police. Then I was being questioned (standard procedure) and I had to give the police evidence of the abuse at home and so on. After that, I was getting severely harassed by my family and it wasn’t just nasty messages, it was far worse. I would get death threats, fake accounts started to message me telling me to die and I’m a disappointment to the family. Telling me to go kill myself and no one would care if I “disappeared”. Even one person pretended to be that girl with FND, I knew it wasn’t her so that’s why I left her to it. So I just deleted everything and left all social media. I came back to social media (aka Facebook) when I moved to a different town, away from my family. I knew i was safe (or so I thought).
I cut everyone off and I only had a select few of friends that I kept in contact with (through online). Before whatsapp, there was an app called Line and you had to use your phone number, it worked through the internet. So I only used Skype and Line to keep in contact with my friends. I did have YouTube so I can watch stuff on there, it was the only apps I used as social media. I don’t really class YouTube as social media, YouTube is my tv, still does to this day.
So if you are the girl with FND reading this on why I left social media, it wasn’t you. It was my family. As you can tell on how my own sister treats me, it’s just bad.
I think the only way for me to not be toxic towards the girl with FND; (talking to myself like I’m the third person).
Don’t give her hate.
You told her that you’re sorry and you mean it, now just leave her to it.
Educate yourself and other people about FND so in the future no one can bully someone else for an invisible disability.
Don’t mention about the FND girl to her sister, just leave the FND girl to it.
Don’t message the FND girl or anyone she knows and talks too.
Don’t stalk the FND girl.
And just pray and hope she will come up to you. If not, don’t worry about it. Just wish her well from afar and pray she has a happy full living life.
I think that’s the only way I can do it, just educate myself and other people so bullying won’t happen. I wish I knew what I know back then tho, I still do feel guilty and I do hope she talks to me again. I can’t force her tho and maybe she will never talk to me again and I’m gonna have to accept that. I just hope she has a happy life and living her best life with her children and her partner. I wish them all best.
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spoonless-sunflower · 4 years
Did the big generic Facebook coming out post the other day.
I hate that "coming out" is such a process and that it never stops. I hate that we are all "straight unless proven otherwise". It sucks. But I was also tired of people acting surprised and trying to make a conversation about it whenever I said "my girlfriend". And I was tired of my family members fussing about which other family members knew and acting like the world would end if they found out. And I was tired of being in calls with cousins that probably wouldn't associate with me if they knew.
For the last few years I have been lying through my teeth to stay safe in my home and I've never been that kind of person. I want to break down every wall I used to protect myself. The same walls that made me feel imprisoned.
So I told everyone. Of course a lot of old friends and acquaintances were supportive. But my extended family sucked.
One aunt sent me a message asking me to delete some people from my friend list.
I told her they could delete themselves.
One cousin told me that she doesn't reject me but that she prays I find the right path.
I told her I already prayed and found it. But thanks.
Same cousin started sending me message after message about how I'm living in sin and how its explicitly haram to be gay siting imams as her sources as if I hadn't already done that research. As if the imam is the word of God and has the right to decide the true interpretation of the Quran.
Truly it shocks me that anyone can be so bold as to ge SURE that their way is the only right way to live.
Well hey. I'm human enough to admit that I may be wrong. But whether it turns out that way or not, it will be one wrong for the many many rights I do. For the strong amount of love and good and charity and kindness I put out into the world.
I don't think I'm wrong. But I also dont care if I am. We're all humans and we all might make mistakes no matter how hard we try to be the best. The important thing is that we accept each other and keep trying.
Anyway, I deleted messenger and WhatsApp from my phone the next day bc I dont need to justify my choices to anyone. I'm happy that I'm out there and im ready to move forward.
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hexfelicis03 · 5 years
Am I ready or not?
I’ve been in several dates and one night stands in the past 3 years. I know, it’s nothing to be proud of but I did enjoy my single life and got used to being alone. I loved myself more and learned how to be independent.
Now, don’t say that I haven’t tried to work on a relationship with someone. I did but I’ve pushed people away many times because I am afraid of being hurt. So instead of them doing it first, I’ll be three steps ahead of them.
But suddenly, it makes me look back 2016. I really was working it out with Saul. He was a Spanish expat who was the former CFO of Lazada. We met in Tipple n Slaw and that was were our story started. The Despacito song and Versace on the Floor was one of the highlights of our “relationship” We will have either breakfast, lunch or dinner or even out of town trip together. It was there. I met his friends, he met mine. He met and Jarrod. But there are times he wanted to hangout and I would choose my friends. I drink a lot. I party a lot. Then when I moved to Heineken, that’s where it just went off. No good byes. It was left hanging. Now he has a girlfriend. Was I ever over it? I was supposed to meet him last August 2018 but I blew it off too. If I met him, would we be back together? Or was it the supposed to be “Closure”? I missed those time with him but I have to accept that it was never meant to be. 
Then was Araam... who I met after Saul. It was in Libertine for Nico’s night. He was on a holiday in the Philippines. I wasn’t even feeling that I wanna go out but there, I went. I wasn’t in the mood the flirt or whatever. I was introduced to Chi and he introduced me to Araam. Then suddenly, conversation just flowed. We laughed and talked about anything. He went out to smoke and I can feel that I’m about to pass out because I’ve been drinking day and night. I was working in Heineken back then. I just stormed off without saying good bye. A few days after or maybe it was a day or two after, I saw notifications in both Facebook and Instagram. I saw Araam’s message. He asked me not to freak out because he stalked me and sent two messages in both social media platforms. He said if I wanted to stay in touch, he gave his WhatsApp number. I checked messenger first though and gave him my number there instead. We talked more. It was Heineken Circus in 2020 in Makati. Nico and I went while Raam, Chi and Theresa went too. I invited them over for more beers. Anyway, I didn’t see Chi and I saw Raam and Theresa. I didn’t know who Theresa was and was actually devastated when I saw them together. Then Chi came and Nico asked them to kiss... the typical Nico kiss and shot. That’s when I knew that they were husband and wife. Lol. Then Nico faced us and asked me and Raam to kiss. We were both hesitant and Raam whispered “I would definitely want to kiss you right now but I don’t want to be too forward cause we barely know each other.” That’when I knew that he liked me. I smiled and when the night was getting late and Nico asked us to kiss - we did. It was all sparks and chill. He went to Cebu with Chi but when he was back, he went to our event again in Tunnl. With Araam, he will be sweet and fun but he will ask if it is time to socialize. It’s all easy with him. I can trust him and he can trust me. We jive. I don’t get paranoid when there is a girl with them in the conversation. He would look at me and pull me and kiss me in the forehead. Even if we didn’t go out in the same place, he will leave his door open and ask me to go home to him. We both stopped talking for almost a year. I knew that maybe he had someone and I also had guys with me... LOL. December 2018 he sent me a Facebook messenger. I totally forgot that I didn’t send him my new mobile number. He thought I deleted him but no. I did not. We went to Vietnam after Valentine’s day and I was with him for almost 5 or 6 days. That’s where we talked and he said that if we were in the same place we would definitely be dating. I jokingly said “Are you sure?” He said “Definitely. I wouldn’t allow other blokes to have you.” He visited Manila in June 2019. All I know, if ever I want a boyfriend, I’d want the qualities of Araam... or can it be just us? 
Before Araam and I talked back in December 2018, I met Jonathan. Well, I’ve been seeing him in John’s social media because of the French community but we never really talked. Until July 2018. He told me I was beautiful and that maybe I should know. Jonathan and I talked and talked online whether it’s in WhatsApp or in Instagram. He was sweet, compassionate and passionate. He is too emotional though and that it was one voice only... but hearing his voice made me feel calm sometimes. He can sing, act. He is an artist. We made it official August 16. He booked a ticket to Manila on September. I remember the first time I saw him. No butterflies or sparks and flowers. It made me think that the picture I painted in my head when we were apart wasn’t the same as reality. There were off days, there were okay days. I felt like the meanest person because I pushed him away. I hurt him real bad. For his last day, he wanted to talk more and to spend more time with me. But instead, I pushed him away and left... never looking back. We still kept talking and talking. There were times when I would call him in the middle of the night because I’m sad. His voice still calms me. He told me he might go back to Manila and we should meet. I thought it was another chance for us. Maybe I was ready. Maybe our timing was finally right. He came and we never met because of his schedules and mine. He was about to leave the next day and I met him. Apparently, he will just break my heart. Karma, right?
I think one of the factors why Jonathan and I never worked out was because of Hannes. The German Heineken guy. Ever since I gave my resignation in Heineken, he showed more interest in me. I do know he was interested while I was still part of the team but when I was about to resign, that’s when I confirmed it more. He has been the distraction of my life. Giving me mixed signals here and there. I know he have other side chicks but I chose to ignore it. Even when I was with Jonathan, I will still go to Hannes. He is like a drug that I cannot ignore. I wanted more. I knew he was having a thing with another Heineken girl but I can’t be the one to judge or to be angry because we were never exclusive. He was surprised when I showed no signs of anger and jealousy. He made the situation seem like it was nothing to me... like he was nothing to me. Hannes and I can chill at home. He cooks for me and takes good care of me. He is more of the guy who will likely make me stay in more than go out. But don’t be fooled, I know it’s just him hiding who he’s dating. Like I said, he gives mixed signals. One day he is sweet. One day he is not. One day he will be angry for being jealous. Then one day he will say he will date other girls. He is toxic but I seem to like the drama. I like the excitement and that he was jealous when I posted a photo of Fede, his fellow friend in Heineken. We tried to work it out with communication and trust. Trust. What a word. We met after his trip in Germany and my trip in Australia. We tried long distance when he went to Amsterdam. But I can’t. I was in Vietnam with Araam when I started to tell Hannes I can’t do it anymore. He became more lose and more chill. Letting me enjoy time with friends. Sending me sweet messages. He was asking my plans ahead and when can I go to Amsterdam. I felt the pressure because I don’t know if I can even process the visa to Europe. I don’t want to lead it on with false hope and I don’t see we can work it out given the long distance situation. I think it just dawned on me all the pain of betrayal and also the fact that I’ve been blinded with his affection. I ended it... it didn’t end well. He forever hated me.
I’m done dating here and there and going back to square one. Looking back at the guys I’ve met, it’s only a few I remained friends with. Others have left Manila too. I enjoyed my nights with friends. I go out now just to be with them. Go home alone and drunk.Work and play was my daily routine. Then I met Bonnar. Bon was his nickname. Scottish Chivas Brand Ambassador. I was working with Bryan and his meeting was in Nokal with Niccolo. Bryan left and I stayed. I was drinking until I saw Chino and his team together with Bon and Julian (Jameson Brand Ambassador). Chino introduced me like he always introduces me to everyone. I was the Jameson queen. Just in time, it was a Jameson event in Nokal. Chino said of course I would be there because - duh- it was Jameson. Like Araam’s story, I was just there having fun. I didn’t really talk to Bon. I was just having a great time. I left them too. I did my ninja move. I saw that we all followed each other in Instagram. He sent me a message in Instagram that it was nice to meet me and I disappeared all of a sudden (see? like Araam). Then the next day he asked if I was going out. I had to check if I wanted to cause I was tired. I decided to go out still cause my friends are going out. I invited him to join. We pretty hung out and slept together - like literally just sleep. A few days more of hanging out, he mentioned that he really likes me. I was easy to talk to and very chill. There was this one time in Versus where I kinda ignored him and he said that five dudes wanted to fuck me and that I was annoying. He kept dropping hints about exclusivity, mentioning girlfriend, etc. I don’t know if he’s fishing or if he just wants to tone down. What I am afraid of, he is young (25 and I’m 29) and new here in Manila. Also my job required me to relocate here in Iloilo. I am also scared to be the paranoid girlfriend. I don’t handle overthinking well. I have anxiety issues. I don’t want to get hurt. He have some qualities like Araam but the part of socializing with people - I can’t say I am calm like I am with Araam. He explains who he was talking to but I don’t know. I don’t want to lose what I built. I don’t want to be weak. But my friends told me that he also wants to know what I want. What do I want? Am I ready to take it the next step? How? What’s stopping me?
Lol... Stay With You of John Legend just played. 
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wafflinganiexty · 5 years
Safety Net Friend!?
In June, i have had 3. Yes, THREE former friends from my past reaching out to me. After months (In one case, years) without any contact and suddenly all 3 inserted themselves in my life through my DMs. Let me set the scene, all 3 of these former friends connections all started and ended the same. They were my go to people, to chat, gossip and rant to when we both needed someone to talk to (well that is how i felt it was) but after a while i noticed all the conversations we had were focused around them and only them.
Former friend #1 - She started work at the company i worked at. She was very nice, we hit it off. I was working 6 days a week and 80% of the time we were on opposite shifts so i had no time to be friends outside of work. After 6 months of hell in this company (I might share the story at a different time) i quit. On the spot, i walked out. I kept in contact, daily with this former coworker because i thought we were friends. The conversations died down while i was busy jumping from job to job to find my feet with agency work. We had a nice catch up chat (whatsapp) near Christmas. The chat died on December 23rd when i wished her Merry Christmas and have a nice time with your family. January rolls around. No message. No happy new year friend. I got over it. I saw on her Facebook she was on holiday. I texted her. Hope shes having a great time. How is the snow? The conversation was incredibly one sided. She only replied to the questions i asked. No, i'm good how are you? My Christmas was great how was yours? I'm not asking for much just pretend your care about me for one second and i'd be happier when asking about your exciting holiday in the snow when all we had was rain and slush. Yeah, this back and through never happened. Only answered the questions i asked about her life. I accepted it and ended the chat. One month later, the mood stuck me. I'd message her again, see how shes doing and if shes surviving the hellish company i used to work at. I was there for her to rant whenever she wanted because I've been there and it's not nice, experiencing that place alone. I messaged her, the blue ticks pop up but no reply. Okay. Hours go by... shes only again and again. No reply. Days go bye. I'm annoyed. I message her something fake to see if it gets a response. I invite her to a birthday party i wasn't having. NOTHING! This from someone who spent months on a daily basis, asking me if i wanted to hang out. I'm no inviting her to a birthday party and i get NOTHING back. I decide. I don't need part time friends in my life. I delete the chat and remove her number. I didn't block her. I delete the number.
5 months later.... I get a message. Hi, how are you? I reply i'm great how are you? (My curiosity made me reply) her response was "Finally you reply to my messages" Hmmmm... Have i missed a conversation over the past 5 months?? FIVE MONTHS of nothing and i get a cheeky backhander from her.  I let it slide and laughed it off (Crying face emoji) i asked her how everything was. No joke. Over 50 messages back and through and it was all about her life, how much she hates the job (hellish company) all the drama that was happening in the company and how she hated every minute. Oh and a Guess what i'm pregnant news. That i was actual genuinely happy for her in the moment because he struggled to get pregnant in the past so that news was great to here.  The conversation died for a week. If you want to talk to me, you can message me. I'm not looking for part time friends. 4 weeks later, she messages me again because shes on the early shift and none of her other friends are up at 4 am. Lucky for her, i was bored at work so i replied. Work drama this, work drama that. I'm fine BTW thanks for asking. The one conversations about how shit her job is lasted a few days. From the moment she messaged me 4 weeks ago to the current chat, she hasn't once asked me about my job (A new job i started just before the come to my birthday party message) hasn't asked me about my life, i went on holiday 3 weeks ago, i was super hot and sunny. Nothing about me. Just a simple hows life? won't hurt anyone. After all these messages about how much she hates work and it's making her miserable, she just blurts out that she has a miscarriage over 3 weeks ago. I'm shocked and saddened for her, she was so excited but the fact that it's just an afterthought from her to tell me made it sadder. Miscarriage is a serious topic, can't just oh BTW this happened to me. I gave her loads of love, apologised for her loss and told her, if she needs someone to talk to i'm here. It's not an experience someone should have alone. She gave me the love hearts emojis and told me to text her anytime. The conversation ended and it's been one week. I'm her part time - I have no one else to talk to friend. 2 months update - She has not contacted me since her last message.
Former friend #2 -  Another ex coworker. This is the "acquaintance" i made when i left the Hellish company and Former Friend #1 and started a new job. Former Friend #2 started a week after me, i was able to meet people and get comfortable in a new company and when she started i was there to welcome her and show her what i knew and who i met. It's terrifying to start somewhere new and when you know no one. My anxiety can't handle those situations so i took it upon myself to welcome her. We had 2 days of training together and we were on the same shift. I was thinking, yeah i have someone to have my breaks with, for the first week i practically sat on my own at lunch playing on my phone. When she started i at least had someone to sit with.There was probably 15 women in the whole company. We were seriously outnumbered so we had to stick together. She would text me when she got to work, i was normally 5/10 minutes behind her because i was traveling by bike or bus depending on the weather. After a 12 hour shift, she would text me. On days off she would keep the conversation going. I thought i had a friend that enjoyed talking to me. On our shift there was 3 women. We made a trio, we had break together and gossiped together when bored. This company had too many negative personalities, well on our shift. It was the shift no one wanted to be on because of the negativity oozing out of the older miserable men. I had had enough and i looked elsewhere for jobs. I scored a better paying job in a smaller company doing the exact job i was doing that the company i was leaving. I started work on the Tuesday. I texted Former Friend #2 to break it to her. She was "gutted". My shift started the day after. I emailed the manager with my notice but he didn't inform the shift. The morning of my shift while i'm on my 2nd day at my new company, non stop phone calls and texts asking if i'm okay. Did i have an accident cycling to work? Former Friend #2 was asked if she had spoken to me and where was i? she said she hasn't been in contact with me. I texted everyone back to say i have a new job and the manager has my notice.. blah blah blah. I texted former friend #2 after my shift to see how she was doing without me. Blue ticks and nothing. Okay she must be tired, long shift. At the end of the week, same blue ticks and nothing. 3 weeks later, how have you been? Same old blue ticks and no reply. I don't need part time friends, deleted chat and deleted number (I didn't block) 5 months later (What is this a 5 month itch?) she messages me. I don't have her number saved so i'm confused who is this. The message reads, "I forgot i still had your phone number" after 5 months of not messaging me and 3 weeks of ignoring my messages you start with... i forgot i still had your phone number. WHAT!?!  Hows things? I'm playing this game. Things are great how about you? Shes the only one that asked about work, briefly. It was hows work? and that is it. It was all ME ME ME, I've got a new role in the company, drama this and drama that, people keep asking me how you are, i have a boyfriend now and i ran in a charity race. The only time the chat was about me, to catch up on what shes missed in MY life was Hows things and hows work? That was it. Nothing came back to me after the first 3 messages. Normally i'm the last person to say something in the chat because people just stop conversing with me. The conversation ends with me. Its sad but she kept messaging me about HER LIFE even when i didn't continue to show interest. She ended the conversation with "keep in touch" I left it at that. 3 days and nothing.... Former friend #2 sent me a friend request. I was hesitant and didn't accept right away. I returned to the request after 2 weeks. It had been removed. Oh how nice? fair enough i can move one. 3 days later... friend request from the same person. Okay, screw it accept. I didn't even look at her profile. Accepted and logged out. Sometime within the next 4 days. She removed me as a friend. What the hell is wrong with this person? Did she see my profile and realised i don't share anything personal on there. She can't get any gossip off my page to share with ex work colleagues? I needed to END this connection/friendship whatever this is/was. I sent a message to the now non-friend and basically telling her to never contact me again. I don't need some fake person floating in and out my life when THEY have got their fix of attention and bragging rights. I'm not here for that. She never replied. Hope she got the message.
Former friend #3 - This friend WAS different... We were best friends for 5 years. I would visit her for constantly. She lived 400 miles away. I'd visit her a couple times a year and stay with her for 2 - 3 weeks at a time. We would go to events around the country together. Meet up there and meet old friends and make new friends. She was different, even with the distance we were as thick as thieves. I could message her whenever about whatever and she would reply. Same for her. We could go months without talking and pick up where we left off. It all changed when we reconnected with her friend from primary school who happened to live in another country and i met the love of my life. She had been visiting her old friend for maybe a year before i met my love, i had months of her talking about her trips and planning the next one. I was happy for her because i was struggling financially so i couldn't meet up with her as often as i used to so i was happy she had someone to hang out with without making me feel bad. Slowly the conversations became ONLY about her trips and friends. I would ask about work and it would turn into, saving for my next holiday. Overtime for my next trip. It became boring. I met the man of my dreams, after the first few dates i decided to tell my best friend that i finally found someone i really like. Her reaction was a simple... great. She could not have been less impressed. Maybe i caught her on a bad day, i moved on from the new boyfriend talk and asked about her life.. BOOM!! Me me me, my holiday was great i'm going again in 4 months. So, it wasn't a bad time for her, i just wasn't interesting to her. Few weeks passed, things are getting serious. I need best friend advice, she didn't care but she felt talking about her next holiday would sort my man problems out. This whole... talk to me about my holidays and only my holidays shit got old fast. Me having a boyfriend should have been front page news, it was to everyone else in my life but not my best friend. I messaged her in September to see if i could visit her in March for my birthday, like we have done for 3 years before. No reply. One month goes by, she replies... Only if i'm back from holiday, yes you can visit. Her holiday was in January and she came back the last week of JANUARY. i was asking about March. It's always about her and her trips. In that month of no reply, i made different plans for my birthday. She wasn't pleased but got over it because when she got back in January she was planning a trip to see another friend in March. She could never visit me but will visit those her lived further down south than i was. NICE. She messages me randomly out of the blue every probably 6 months over the past 3 years. Her last random message was a week ago. It read "Hi, How you doing?... My next holiday is in blah blah and i'm going blah blah" Her first message in months was about her next trip. Not, when you getting married (joke) or long time no speak, how have you been? and waited for that message to get a reply. No. I am going on holiday soon AGAIN! I don't ask much from a friendship even a work "friendship" If i have to listen to you moaning, ranting, how good your life is, how happy you are now... you can at least ask and pretend to care how my life is going. A basic how are you? and hows work? is your way of "tricking" me to ask about you is that a friendship, you want someone to moan to without feeling judged. You can't give me all the negativity and brag about the good parts when you don't care if i'm in work or not, if i'm still in a relationship, if i'm doing FINE!!! I have a history and anxiety and depression, I've tried really hard over the many many years I've felt this way to not share that bad side of me. When i isolate myself because of it, there is no one there asking if i'm okay. They just replace me. *That is another story for another time*
Why am i the part time friend? Why am i your last call? Why is it so easy to remove me from your life? Why do you think i'm so desperate for friends that you can just pop back in my life and think i'll welcome you with open arms and leave without any damage. Fuck you!!
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silentghosttimez · 2 years
Honestly was my irl ever actually even my friend in the first place?
We were in the same friend group for years but I didn't know about her until 4th grade when we argued over who stayed would stay with who before the day we got sent off to 4H camp
We officially became friends in 7th grade but according to her years later this was only because she wanted to use me for tests and assignments.
Now getting to the shitty stuff she did, she:
Always lies to me, even now, even though I've stated I knew more about her via what I heard through her brothers and "friends" behind her back when I was getting to class or was in class
I don't think that there was ever a time where she actually asked about what's going on in my life or the things I like and enjoy
She never defended me from being bullied and harassed, in fact she once even snickered before holding it in when the druggies in the corner of the room threw things at me and called me names, again when the guy next to her said some unsavory shit
She constantly used me as a free therapist, relationship advice giver and just emotional punching bay in general
She brags about her wealth, power, and connections to me all the time to me, someone living in a household living paycheck to paycheck
I have had to talk her out of suicide more than I can count, many of those times were not successful talkouts ending with her recovering in the hospital
She on multiple occasions has groped guys in their genital areas and gone to touch me directly after when I told her not to
I know she talks behind my back, unfortunately I wouldn't know about what aside from the time I came out to her and she immediately went to tell a group of people, one of which came to me and asked me if I was gay in which I had to respond no or else everyone would remember and make my everyday life living hell like they did years back which nearly pushed me to self deletion due to the endless harassment and people actively running away and avoiding me. I made eye contact with her and her look said that she didn't expect someone to come up and ask me about it.
I can only communicate with her via Snapchat. I've tried to get her to just please...use the regular messaging app, Discord, whatsapp....anything except snapchat. I know she uses all of those when it comes to other people but she keeps me exclusively on Snap, she even had my phone number, I've see screenshots she sometimes sends that prove her messaging apps outside Snap do work. Does she not see put friendship as something o serious or of value?
I know so much about her, her living situation, family stuff, issues, and trauma, everything, but she knows near nothing about me unless I bring up something
She just responds with "oof" or "same lol" when I'm genuinely struggling to live with myself and e everything is low mentally and emotionally.
My mood depletes like a Sims character through nearly every interaction with her
Onto the spicier stuff....
She had sent me unsolicited nudes not 95% of the time without warning or warning seconds before sending without care if I was around family, in public or what. Plus the fact that this makes me deeply uncomfortable but my brain sometimes tells me to play along despite zero interest, my brain is sometimes just interested in seeing how much I can work her up without doing more than saying just words, using charisma and flirtation I usually keep locked away to mess around.
Apparently she really wants to do me...or me to do her? But like...the thought of that with her makes me sick....like physically so...but I can't just say it..she told me she felt some sorta way about me for years and hinted at it through touches and actions that apparently caught on to everyone but me? I knew people thought we were dating but I had no clue she apparently didn't mind being paired with me and that she apparently really likes when I flex my muscles...? Still not sues what to make of all that aside from I may be ace or severely depressed, or simply emotionally constipated to the point of not even being able to identify my own emotions majority of the time or display them properly.
She also tends to just ghost me for weeks too so....
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hurricanebrain · 3 years
New bed <3
Today I'm getting a new bed! It's weird how life works sometimes. My mom is out of my life, alive but out of my life, like I said, gone. Long story, will tell absolutely but not now. This ones about the mom of an old grouphome-friend of mine. When I call someone a grouphome-friend it's just because it's likely you'll never see eachother again and chances are you don't even know beforehand if someone's leaving. When I left a grouphome in 2011/2012 I got to say goodbye to everyone, including C. 'You can do it girl' are one of the last words I heard from her before I was placed into this type of grouphome where they actually teach you how to adult. You learn how the washing machine works, how to cook, etc. In 2014 we got in contact because she wanted to go to this festival that was nearby my home. I remember not acting too enthusiastic because I was anxious to go. But I did say yes. We never went, because about 2 months before the festival she committed suicide. It was and still is horrible, just fucking horrible. Me being stuck in the mental health care system and having an old roommate committing suicide the year before, on my birthday actually, was pissed. And I felt and saw I was more pissed than others who I knew who knew her. It's like they forgot her and like they were doing good in life and being like 'oh well' about it. It still annoys me. But, before I get myself emotional as hell, this ones about C's mom. After I heard the news of C being missing I messaged her on her Facebook but we were no friends anymore. I friendrequested her again but everything was deleted. Like she abandoned facebook. It was 5 days later that she was found, but passed away. I then saw posts coming from her account and it confused me so I messaged 'her' how amazing it was that the account was made so beautifully' something like that. I got a response, it was C's best friend and we started talking. She then asked me to contact her on whatsapp or on her on facebook and we became friends. We visited eachother after months of talking because we don't live nearby. We visited the tree she was found at every year to remember her. The first 2 years we didnt only sat at the wrong tree, but C's mom wasnt ready to go there yet. The third year we went all together. Me, R(C's best friend), another friend J and C's mom. Her mom is such a sweetheart. We stayed in contact and she just is so kind. I'm too tired too describe how and why she's so kind and how I appreciate her so much, but she's coming today with her boyfriend to put together the bed that she bought for me since I'm sleeping on a mattress for about 2 years. My mom isnt in my life and it's really fucking lonely. When I still talked to my old friends they kept saying at one point that I needed a parental figure. My response: 'I'm 26, I should be my own adult figure.' But they kept on going like someone older someone who just is as adult as you but is just further in life and can talk to you and help you with stuff. And it was frustrating to hear, because, as I also told them, where am I gonna find that? ''I need a mom.com?'' And they did stop about it because they realized how useless it is to say something like that. But then just out of .. well not nowhere. I'm doing really really bad lately mentally yaknow I'm fucking fucked up as hell. Bipolar is on fire and its been so draining. Life is shit. But C's mom noticed and came to the rescue many many many times. She once picked me up to sleep at hers for a few nights because I needed to get out of the home. But aah I got so much to do. C's mom is here in 4 hours and I got so much to do. 4 hours is like 2 hours for me because I dissociate so much and then 30 minutes passed. Not even distracted or dreaming but just ''power off''. butokaybye <3
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dewhiteflowerme · 3 years
I don’t even know where to start or what to say as a matter of fact. I’m lost for words and all that fills my heart and soul is just how much I love you Nicole. So much that... I am so lost, so confused, so hurt, so angry. I feel so betrayed yet all I know is how much I love you and how much I don’t want to lose you. People keep asking me why I’m so calm and are confused by the fact that I seem fine. I’m not fine, not one single bit. Every bit of me is broken. A part of me or maybe all of me just knows that this is not you. This might be wishful thinking but all of me is telling me that you’re coming, you’re coming back to me and you will eventually sit me down and just talk to me like we’ve always spoken. The treatment I’ve received in the last few weeks from you is no comparison to the love and compassion you’ve given me in the last three years and I guess that’s why I seem calm to everyone else, why I seem like I’m handling this and taking this “well”. Yes, you’ve ended it but I’m finding it impossible to believe that this is how you’re choosing to end it by treating me like shit.
Ever since you sent that WhatsApp saying “you haven’t reached a conclusion about our relationship and you’ve suddenly realised how different we are” I’ve cried myself to sleep, I’ve had thoughts and theories in my head and to be honest I knew what you were going to say but I didn’t want to believe it just like I can’t bring myself to believe that this is happening between us or has happened. I’m moving out, I’ve moved out and for the life of me it still just seems like a dream. I’m floating and I just don’t know what to do.
You’ve given the reasons why you’re ending this and I’ve listened... I’ve betrayed your trust and gone through your private messages and found out that in actual fact there was/is someone else but for all that is me I still can’t accept that this has ended and that the other person is there now in your life - that you have chosen to end things in this manner. You’ve treated me like a stranger, like someone you don’t know, like someone who came into your life and invaded your space, like a piece of shit if I can really be frank. You’ve shown me the utter most disrespect that no human should have to endure and still I sit here loving you so much and refusing to accept that this is the you that I know. That that’s my Nicole who’s treated me like a queen over the past three years. It’s not happening and I refuse to accept that it’s happening. My own downfall perhaps but I will stay hoping that someday you’ll reel me in and just talk to me.
The worst part I think was that every time I asked to talk about us and every time I mentioned to you that something is off you would say to me - “we’re okay, we just need to talk about a few things”.
If you really don’t want me in your life and you can’t see that future with me then I am now begging you to just let me in. For my own sanity and for my own well being please just help me understand this end of us. You said things like you don’t want to bring me into your emotions because you don’t want to hurt me, well Nicole, you’ve hurt me and if anything please give me the courtesy of a conversation as at this point I really can’t hurt any more than this. Things can be written down on paper or said to other people but you and I both know that never in your life would you treat me like you have - never would you blatantly lie to me, chase me out of your house not caring where I go or where I am, never would you bring another woman into the house that we’ve shared whilst I’m still living there. Out all the things we’ve discussed never would you do the one thing that we both agreed is the most inconsiderate, selfish, hurtful, disrespectful thing another can do to the one they love. Never. But here we are and you’ve done all those things, one after the other - it was as if I stole your money or slept with your relative or worse killed someone the way you just chose to day after day show me pain and no consideration whatsoever.
In one of our conversations I remember us having a disagreement about me not answering the phone when you were meant to bring me my suitcase I think - you called I didn’t answer and you left, then you told me that you never want to feel dispensable and disregarded and we had a whole thing about this but here we are and you’ve made me dispensable. I don’t get it. What did I do to you to make you purposefully hurt me day after day with your actions and so blatantly as well..
I’m not asking for much, I’m just asking for you. I want every bit of you that I’ve had and that I know I still have. If for the life of me I have lost you then an impeccable end is all I ask - I go crazy everyday seeing how you’ve moved on, see how happy you look yet even at the end when you were ending it with me you told me that it’s not you were unhappy. I’m really not sure what that means - you’d tell you love me and care but...
This is me reaching out, this is me begging for you to just.. I don’t know.. reading those messages to that other lady on your phone my heart just shattered because those are the things you used to say to me, things you still said right up to the moment you broke it off. This could be the end sure, I can’t force you to do anything, I can’t force feelings on you that aren’t there but..
Put yourself in my shoes just a little bit.. we were so great - we viewed a house, you paid for my freakin surgery so that we could have children, we were planning holidays, we were planning adventures, we were doing things for the flat, we were spending time with each other’s families, we were having sex, going on dates, buying flowers, cards. we’re still saying I love you - you were constantly telling me that we’re okay but we need to talk about some things... When and how did that all change - your reasons are valid, you’re allowed to think all those things about me but when did they all change to things that you weren’t even willing to work on? When did they all change to me not being in your future? How did you not even want to work or talk about my flaws when I constantly asked you to but in your saying you’re a decision, priority first person, how did you make that important decision to just leave me out and then when you were not happy with me just end it without a discussion/conversation?
Please understand my confusion and when you’re ready all I really want is just a conversation... even though it doesn’t end up with you and me - help me to still believe in love because in losing you I honest to God have no idea what love is if it’s not you. I look at you and I see love and I look away and I see absolutely nothing.
I love you so much.
I don’t know what it is that you have with this woman, I’m not sure how she makes you feel - she could probably give you the world that I never could but was hoping I had the rest of my life to do. She’s probably your perfect match on paper, you guys probably have more intellectual conversations than you and I - you probably have way more in common on paper than you and I but...
You’ve played such a big role in my life and I am so sincerely sorry that you felt like you didn’t fit into mine and I wasn’t that person for you that you saw a future with. I am sorry that I wasn’t what you wanted. I do however hope and to a certain extent believe that I was what you needed. You decided not give my flaws a chance or talk about them or reprimand them, I don’t know why you did that but Nicole.. I remember you telling me things like you see us getting married, things like you are so sure about me, things like there is very little that could make you re consider me, me talking about proposing soon and you being thrilled. You said things like you exist because of me and I bring out all the good things in you even though you know your flaws - you sent me the song “All I am by Glynne” and I choose to believe one doesn’t just say things like that.
I also need to get back to normal life, I also need to be okay, I also just need to be normal again.. the drinking, the smoking, the non care, I am slowly dying... very scared of depression and what pulls out of it are the very things you always told me were great and unique about me. The flaunting you did to people, the constant reminders that I’m amazing and who could ever dislike anything about me.
Gave the keys back, not to you but to your cousin because well, I personally couldn’t face that encounter at this moment. I’ve know Sereen, for as long as I’ve known you and it was the weirdest encounter we’ve ever had. Didn’t even hug, met her at the gate and she had to rush back into the house. She waited for me to get my Uber but I swear I felt like a stranger and her to me. It was so uncomfortable and I’m imagining that’s a replication of what my encounter would’ve been would with you... it’s also a replication of what you’ve said to these people about me. There’s no way that a person can just not care about another.
You seem so happy my love - your profile picture with this person changes almost every week, it’s been 5 months since you ended it and the way you’re going on I’m starting to believe your romance with her started way before the time you’re letting on and I can’t bring myself to block or stop looking because well I still miss you so much and actually I know your number and well if ever I wanted to look I would and I do even though I delete it almost every week. It’s okay that you’re happy, really it is but I need my sanity back - I just need to understand. I need to understand when it all changed, did I do something specific? Even though you reassured me every time I cried about how financially unstable I am and how apart we are in that department was it truly about that imbalance. You’ve left me for someone who’s the total opposite of me. Older, wealthier, white and in seeing you the one or two times after you ended it - you’ve bought a new fancier phone which I tried so hard to convince you to get, you went for laser which I countless times said why not and you insisting it was too expensive, you upgraded the smart watch to a more fancier gps one - you bought a car that I wanted and that we wanted for each other and a car that was more my dream car then yours and well I can’t help but sit here and think did I hold you back from the life you truly wanted - a life where you wanted that someone to rather be the one taking you on trips, suggesting luxuries stuff and actually doing it for you and not you spending so much in the both of us? Was it all just lie because quite frankly I believe and know that I never once mis used your funds or made you feel like I was with you for your money. We had so many conversations about this and it was never ever about the finances in our relationship yet your actions now tell a different story.
Be happy, go on with the life you’ve chosen, you told you don’t know the person you’ve become after I told you I know about Ronel yet that very weekend after chasing me out of the house you still spent the weekend with her. I’m worried, your actions are not of the person I’ve known for three years, you’ve met this person and appear very happy yet this relationship you’re in is bringing out the absolute worst in you. You would never treat any individual as you have me, you never just I don’t know lie and just be this unbelievably non caring person. Like I said be happy but if I have to wait forever I will for you to sit me down and be really remorseful, explain, tell me the honest the honest truth because what’s happened and what’s happening now, that’s not at all.
Yours always
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
New Jersey launches online portal to give residents accurate answers about COVID-19
Fake news about the novel coronavirus disease is a rampant problem across our social timelines. Think misinformation about treatments, symptoms and anecdotes tainted with racism and xenophobia.
As scientists and health professionals are still scrambling to find a cure, and even contain the outbreak, falsehoods can resonate more than they might during a time of confidence and stability. 
New Jersey, which has roughly 2,000 confirmed cases of COVID19, has partnered with New York-based Yext to get accurate and up to date information out to residents. Yext partners with businesses to send verified answers to consumers, and, in this case, verified information about the outbreak to residents. 
The New Jersey Office of Innovation and Yext created an online portal tacking live state updates and orders, testing information and assistance information for businesses and employees. It also has a hub that presents the most researched questions, like “how can I prevent myself from getting the virus” and gives answers from scientists. 
If you scroll to the bottom of the portal, there’s an interactive map detailing COVID-19 cases by county. Beyond the portal, residents can find information through Yext integrations with Google, Bing, Alexa, Siri, Apple Maps, Uber, Lyft, Facebook and more. 
Yext is working with other state agencies and businesses right now and offering its services pro bono, after seeing an uptick of users searching for COVID-19 answers on its platform. The New Jersey online portal was initiated and launched in five days, per a blog post.
Yext aims to deliver more coronavirus-related answers by making its site search free
This isn’t the first example of fighting misinformation that we’ve seen. WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned messenger system, has become a hub for misinformation spread through viral texts. This weekend, to help people “prepare, not panic,” India launched at chatbot on the popular platform to create awareness about COVID-19 (and my mom, who is in New Jersey but lives on WhatsApp, says she received messaging about it).  
Twitter responded to fake news threats by prioritizing its blue checks, its verification badge, for experts and professionals around COVID-19 so users can know when facts are coming from a trustworthy source. 
It also broadly banned any tweets about COVID-19 that could help the virus spread. Ideally, this would target tweets with false claims about the outbreak. Twitter’s efforts proved weak when a tweet from Elon Musk about how children are not vulnerable to coronavirus did not get deleted. 
We’re also seeing efforts from the CDC and WHO to make sure everyone is informed on best practices during this scary time. The flurry of efforts of different organizations, both private and public, comes to show that while washing hands is an important tip to remember, our education, when accurate, most definitely shouldn’t stop there.
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workfromhom · 4 years
New Jersey launches online portal to give residents accurate answers about COVID-19
Fake news about the novel coronavirus disease is a rampant problem across our social timelines. Think misinformation about treatments, symptoms and anecdotes tainted with racism and xenophobia.
As scientists and health professionals are still scrambling to find a cure, and even contain the outbreak, falsehoods can resonate more than they might during a time of confidence and stability. 
New Jersey, which has roughly 2,000 confirmed cases of COVID19, has partnered with New York-based Yext to get accurate and up to date information out to residents. Yext partners with businesses to send verified answers to consumers, and, in this case, verified information about the outbreak to residents. 
The New Jersey Office of Innovation and Yext created an online portal tacking live state updates and orders, testing information and assistance information for businesses and employees. It also has a hub that presents the most researched questions, like “how can I prevent myself from getting the virus” and gives answers from scientists. 
If you scroll to the bottom of the portal, there’s an interactive map detailing COVID-19 cases by county. Beyond the portal, residents can find information through Yext integrations with Google, Bing, Alexa, Siri, Apple Maps, Uber, Lyft, Facebook and more. 
Yext is working with other state agencies and businesses right now and offering its services pro bono, after seeing an uptick of users searching for COVID-19 answers on its platform. The New Jersey online portal was initiated and launched in five days, per a blog post.
Yext aims to deliver more coronavirus-related answers by making its site search free
This isn’t the first example of fighting misinformation that we’ve seen. WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned messenger system, has become a hub for misinformation spread through viral texts. This weekend, to help people “prepare, not panic,” India launched at chatbot on the popular platform to create awareness about COVID-19 (and my mom, who is in New Jersey but lives on WhatsApp, says she received messaging about it).  
Twitter responded to fake news threats by prioritizing its blue checks, its verification badge, for experts and professionals around COVID-19 so users can know when facts are coming from a trustworthy source. 
It also broadly banned any tweets about COVID-19 that could help the virus spread. Ideally, this would target tweets with false claims about the outbreak. Twitter’s efforts proved weak when a tweet from Elon Musk about how children are not vulnerable to coronavirus did not get deleted. 
We’re also seeing efforts from the CDC and WHO to make sure everyone is informed on best practices during this scary time. The flurry of efforts of different organizations, both private and public, comes to show that while washing hands is an important tip to remember, our education, when accurate, most definitely shouldn’t stop there.
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from Facebook – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/3ae3l7B via IFTTT
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deardiary152-blog · 7 years
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PART 9 🐒Crazy LandLord🐒👹Paranoid Tenant👺
As i was on the roadside all I could think about is what’s next .Suddenly I remembered a famous guy from Montego Bay who i contacted several weeks ago to see if he could find somewhere for me to rent at a low cost of 5-7k as i was not in a stable job and did not want to bite off more than I can chew.He said he knew a guy tht lived in Bogue Hill St.James that is renting somewhere I immediately took the man’s number I have done planned it that if anything I would deduct the rent money from the 200k that i already saved for my store and so was it.I called the man and he said the room was available I told him I needed it immediately and I immediately took a bus from Ocho Rios To Montego bay at that point in my life the status my life was in I didn’t care how the place look I just needed shelter plus who gives a fuck how it looks Im not going there to live I just need somewhere to stay until my mission is completed West side of course as Kingston is not if my liking.Anyways I went there he said the rent is 5,000 I agreed no deposit nothing just 5,000 flat the house was ok on a hill of course bad internet connection but he gave me Wi-Fi the people in the community seemed cruel n mischevious so i hardly went outside like i ever did anyways, but I never forget the first question he asked me was if i wanted to live with him instead of renting the room I said No .I then rented the room and bought a bed, dresser paint n other stuff to get the room looking tidy as a lady’s room should be (out of the 200k ) the same evenin I rented the room)while talking to him after the dresser n bed was ordered I sensed signs that he was arrogant mischevious moody and possibly apart of illegal activities as he was always harboring waste looking men taking drugs plays explicit music at his yard and would address me as “Mumma"instead of my right name I was surprised as this man could be my father and is acting like a loose waste boy.However I bypassed that and decided to live around all that because all was on my mind was making sacrifices for a better tmmrw .Anyways we waited the whole day and the furniture finally came in the evening the furniture man was moving as if he didn’t want to bring the furniture and as soon as he found out where i was staying the furniture were brought in much quicker it was then i realised it seem as if he is a bad man or perhaps a madman .Anyways,the furniture came n yes I bought a fan too luckily I got two fans in the box instead of one he helped to bring in the furnitures as well as the fan and also to fix up the fans I realised he brought in everything else in his room except one of my fan so I said to him why is my fan still in ur room and u already have a fan and one that is mugh bigger than mine he didn’t reply I just went in his room and take out my fan and he came back in my room and took it out back.I ignored him and said to myself I donot think me and this man is going get along for very long cuz he seems very domineering which does not work well for a person like me and I should not be domineered as I am not his friend I am his tenant however he seemed as if he wanted more than that but I am definately not interested.His personality is a total turnoff. I just planned to myself that im gonna hustle back the 80,000 I withdrew from the 200k I made to start my business and leave asap.So with that saying I did not make any contact with him I keep to myself and stay in my room he realised i was not into him so he disconnected his Wi-Fi with which he shared with me he realised I wasn’t even bothered I took a weeks rest then I left there to hustle some money I spent 6 days away n came back .When I came back i realised he made bed with his couch pads at my door way knocking down my door asking me where i went .I told him it’s none of his business as I am his tenant .He started get angry saying he will give me back my rent money I did not reply to him n he walked away.Several days after I got a call from the guy that introduced me to him and I told him what happened he didn’t seem to take it serious and to me he thought me and the guys was in sexual relationship to how I described what happened.But i could never see myself sleeping with him furthermore I Do not mix business with pleasure.Anyways.the guy tht introduced me to place was offering me a job as a journalist he said his boss needed a talk show host for love sex and relationship talk show on Facebook .I liked the idea and decided I will work on it .I did not have a Facebook account with much freinds on it at the time as i closed down my original account because I am not physically ready for that type of exposure which that account can offer(Will talk about that a different time)so i created multiple fake accounts of both genders in promotion for the sex n relationship facebook page. I also had a page with my photos on it but it was not popular I normally get quite a few request on it .What i did not know was that my landlord was on Facebook searching for a profile of me he searched n found me I added him not knowing that it was my landlord I was looking promoters and admins for the love sex and relationship page at the time so i message everyone i added trying to recruit admins so they can invite people to like the page .I added him as a admin not knowing it was him .Suddenly i got a message on face book messenger stating ,“delete me off that page deh” I read the Facebook message but did not pay it any mind .It was then wen I received a message via WhatsApp saying “my girl yuh nuh hear me say to delete me off page "I replied saying "wtf"and went back on Facebook and open the profile I got the message from it was then i realised it was my landlord he had only two photos of himself up so i messaged him on WhatsApp and asked what is he doing on my Facebook and he started disrespecting me I don’t quite remember the things he said but he was not talking to me like I was his tenant he was talking like I was his Bitch .I was very embarrassed I didn’t want him on that profile as there was where I got my freak on n I had a video up with me sucking on a dildo anyways he was still arguing saying I should remove him from the page .I had it in mind but made up my mind I’m not gonna remove it until early the next morning and so i did around 7am I deleted him off the page and blocked him from my Facebook.By around 12 pm it was him knocking off my door I went to him he said,"my girl me nuh tell u fe delete me off the page” pushing me away from the door jam and pushing himself into my room I replied,“Look how long me delete yuh” he hit me in my face so I hit him back he then pushed me to the floor and started hitting me in my face multiple times then went out the room.
The photos above shows the injuries of my face two days after the altercation between me and my lanlord
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nrjacobs-blog · 7 years
First post! The post that hurts the most.
So, this is my first post. I made this page so people could follow my footsteps for anyone who is interested in my journey from bum to someone.
I recently broke up with my girlfriend of quite some time. This isn’t really supposed to be a sob fest but the breakup was pretty bad. I had to leave the home we shared together in London. I had to quit my job (for reasons I won’t get into here!) and obviously worst of all, I lost the person I love and my best friend. You can’t really explain what it’s like to go from talking to someone everyday for the last 5 years to having no contact with them at all. It’s quite something I have to say and I don’t wish anyone through it.
So this leads me up to where we are at. I’m unemployed, homeless, and needing direction. This blog is as much as anything an open discussion regarding depression. Something that unfortunately I’ve suffered with for a number of years and I fear may have hastened the demise of my relationship.
My key aim is to show how, hopefully, with a plan and some direction anyone out there who feels lost or alone or sad can push themselves. I’m really trying to steer away from this being a cheesy, feel good thing with loads of montages of me running up staircases in the rain to an 80s sound track. Life isn’t all sunshine and farts and I’m very aware of this. I’ve been that guy who has just given up. Lying in bed for days, weeks. Fluctuating weight. No drive. No interest in my own wellbeing or safety. I’m no saint. I can’t lie and say this was something I convinced myself to do easily. I didn’t. I spent a good month after the breakup basically not living and simply passing time. I didn’t have an interest in having “another go at it” as everyone told me I should.
So as much as anything it’s a blog for family and friends and like minded people to try and keep me on track. Encourage. And also to help those who feel as alone as I feel sometimes. Let’s push forward together and see what we can do, eh?
At this current stage it’s Wednesday the 31st of May, 00:41 hours and I’m at my Dad and step-mums house in the village of Westonzoyland. Came here on Friday night so we could go to a gig together on the Sunday in the nearest town of Bridgwater. It’s a special place is ‘Bridgy’. You notice there is no 'E’ in the word Bridgwater and I notice there about 2 or 3 chromosomes too many in the people who frequent the town.
On the Sunday we went to said gig. It was good to see some live music. I’m a musician myself so I do enjoy a good live band. Maybe one day I’ll play you a song on here? (I won’t play you a song on here)
At the gig I met a girl working behind the bar. She was stunning! Blonde hair, no makeup on at all. Her skin was porcelain and had no imperfections. She wore dark red lipstick to accentuate her skin tone and her eyes were deep and blue. Huge eyelashes! Sorta eyes you lose a summer in as Morgan Freeman might say. Sounds better if you read that last line in a Morgan Freeman voice and pretend you’re in jail.
But anyway. Part of the new me I decided if, when we leave, I find myself one on one with this girl I’m going to ask for her phone number and tell her how beautiful she is. As we left the bar I knew she was outside and deep down I wanted her to be with someone to spare my blushes. She was alone…
So I waited and waited and then when I couldn’t wait any longer I finally drew the courage to speak to her. I approached her and said “This is a strange one and not something I’ve done before, but I just think you’re so beautiful. Do you think it wouldn’t be too rude of me to ask for your phone number?”
To my dismay she said yes! I handed her my phone and she proceeded to enter in the digits. She then said “You’re very brave” Winked and walked off back into the bar. I checked the number and it was, at first glance, legit. The right amount of digits. I saved the number. 'Rachel’ was her name or at least what she said it was in my contacts.
I text her that night. Giving her my name and apologising again for how I approached her. We text most of the evening until I fell asleep. In the morning I awoke to a text message from her explaining that she had tried to look me up on Facebook, twitter and instagram and her search had come back blank. I told her this was because I had no social media as I didn’t really believe it was healthy or natural. Something I’ve always thought ever since I had a MySpace page and felt like I was sat up for hours on end stalking a girl I was seeing at the time as she would go radio silent for chunks of time. I didn’t like the way it made me act so I deleted it, ended it with her and swore off it for life.
And from here on in the conversation slowly tailed off. She asked me to get snapchat. I politely declined. She asked me how she could trust me when I had no digital foot print online. I told her most of the internet is basically a who’s who of dirty old boys hiding behind avatars online, pretending to be sexy 16 year olds and pop stars (my god kids are getting sexier) and surely meeting me in person and asking me what she couldn’t find out online would be safer as she can see who I really am.
I was blocked today on iMessage and WhatsApp at 15.31 hours.
And the reason it seems was because I like my privacy and wish more people would appreciate theirs. I didn’t want to send her pictures of my head or what I’m about to eat. Or a meme of some kid doing a thing while holding a thing. And that was enough to deem me undateable. A really strange situation to find yourself in and, if I’m honest, one that made me quite depressed and low for most of the evening. I know I’d only met her once and if I hadn’t of asked for her number you never would of known what could of happened. But unfortunately not knowing anything in this instance is better than knowing something. Which seems so often the case these days.
Alas, depression still hanging heavy like a dulling wine I have to look to the next few days to keep my spirit up. I have been staying with my friend, Jane, since I returned to the southwest of England and it’s been fantastic seeing her again after too long without her. Unfortunately finding work in the area she lives is hard especially when you have no money to start with and this means I’m on the move again.
Tomorrow afternoon I move into my new home for the next few months with my Brother and his girlfriend. I can’t explain to you how excited and grateful I am for them allowing me the chance. It gets me closer to work opportunities and closer to good friends, and most importantly it gets me closer to them and makes me feel safe. And I cant stress enough how when you suffer from depression knowing that you’re safe and there are people you can talk to, or even just sit in silence with, can change your whole mindset for the better.
Ahhhh thank you, Jane! I will see you over the next few weekends to cook for you!
Finally, the main part of the blog. The direction part. When I got back to the southwest I sat at my mums house the first few days and had a good hard look at myself. I’ve never really done anything I wanted to do. Always changing my mind at the last second or encountering shit luck or playing it safe. I thought to myself “I don’t want to do this anymore.” I don’t want to be the guy coming home back to his mum and his dad with his tail between his legs and them thinking here we go again.
So I decided I was going to follow a dream I always had as a kid. To join the forces. I didn’t mind who it was, Army, Navy, the RAF; I was going to pick myself up off the floor, get fit and get out of here and do something meaningful with my life.
At this stage my applications are in with all three. The Army have got back to me and I’ve been sponsored to the Taunton ACC to have interviews, hopefully about going in as an officer. But if not I’ll be a grunt. I’m not choosey. I also finalised my RAF application to try and become a weapons operator working on aircraft. This has only just been submitted but I’ll keep you posted!
Sorry this was such a long one. It won’t happen again. But do check back to see my progress and hopefully have a good larf and some serious chats.
Love love Nicholas
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