#how does it feel to have little old me living rent free in your head
zeroducks-2 · 6 months
The fact that I keep receiving anon hate over having called out that "they're lesbians to me" bs demonstrates that it is in fact a terf dogwhistle.
If you see those posts, please do not interact with them. Radfem rethoric is best ignored when it can't be deplatformed (and being that this website is terfcentral I wouldn't hope for the latter).
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y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
Bhaal talking to you in the journal updates is fun, but honestly nothing in BG3 has topped the one-sided conversations you get to have with this asshole in your dreams during the original games. It nicely illustrated how Bhaal thinks of his spawn and also gives you a good idea of how the Dark Urge's nightmares usually go. I feel like I'm missing things without having to listen to his ego every other night.
Look at this A+ parenting! (These moments have lived in my head rent free for at least a decade so I'm sharing them.)
"Such pride is undeserved, great predator, when your whole being is borrowed. Credit where it is due, and dues where payment is demanded."
"You will learn."
[stabs you with a knife]
[drowns you in blood]
[sets you on fire]
[disembowels you as the Slayer]
"...you will learn to trust me. Don't be afraid. You are safe here... if you behave."
"[My other child] clings to her old life as though it actually matters. She will learn."
"You will come to realize how little choice you have. You will do what you must, become what you must [...] You will accept the gifts offered to you."
"Fall to your knees! You can do no other!"
"What do I want? Your life, your soul, your body! I am the instinct that will fuel the father! I am the blood!"
"I lurk behind your soul, in the very fibre of your being. I am the only thing left when mind and reason are stripped away. I will show you what you can be, what you can do… if you simply let yourself become what you are. I can show you all of this, because I am within. I am what fills the void. I am you."
"You are to be given a gift. It is a valuable prize, one that you had better appreciate."
"You worry for your companions perhaps? Leave them, abandon them, and become what you must. There is great power in your heritage. Use it, and become closer to who you are… what you could be. Feel what is in the void. Use the tools that you are given. Become part of something greater. I am in you, and I know what is best. Each time you use it, each time you accept it, you move a little closer to the evil within. Perhaps you lose yourself in the end, but you will go to greater reward than you can know. After all, what does an eternity of nothingness matter, when you can [easily] destroy all that would oppose your development..."
This didn't work, so on his next attempt Bhaal did his best to ensure this kid would be tailored to obey and have no personality outside of being an extension of his will. Clearly his mistake was waiting until they were adults to start fucking them up, so - kill your family!
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Somebody that I used to know.
Request made by @white-00-7
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!reader Summary: Old friends turned into lovers under very distressing situations. Warning: Blood, Adam, violence.
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After the Axe-man terrified the streets of New Orleans, there was the butcher of the bayou. A cannibalistic maniac, known to left no “crumbs” of their victims, so to speak. You knew that by being hunting season, he may be on the woods alongside you, what you didn’t counted on was the creep following you, rifle in hand.
A rustle was heard in between the bushes, you aimed at the bush with confidence, thinking it was probably a deer or a duck at least, the creep making haste to do the same, to your head. “Come out, come out” you whispered to yourself, seeing brown hair and antlers, there you shoot.
But the thud was lighter than a deer’s.
Moving the bush you saw a smiling man, “Holy shit!, no, sir, I’m so sorry, don’t die, help please!” you cried out, but as you turned around the lights were off as well. The sound of the trigger on the creep’s rifle was the last thing you heard.
The free fall was the least of it, but speaking of thousands of meters high, one does not think about the fall but rather the impact. However, it wasn't so hard for you, for the poor bastard under you, it was.
"Get off me!" he managed to throw you off his back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to land on you” he dusted himself off as he regained his composure, clearing his voice when he noticed you were a woman.
“No, I apologize dear, here, let me help” He offered his clawed hand to yours, only by then both realized they didn’t looked like humans no more, “Interesting” he muttered, pulling gently on your arm.
He was looking at his new self when he heard a sudden laugh, “What’s so funny?” he questioned, then you pointed at yours and his little tail, “They’re so fluffy” he wasn’t so enchanted by the cutesy fact.
He was a deer, a white back at that. You on the other hand were a red one. A stag and a doe, how fitting both lifestyles of pride, more than anything.
“Why are you down here, dear?” you thought about it for a second, pride and rebellion was your first thought, then your taxidermy hobbies, “All I can think off is that poor man I killed as of a few minutes now, I mistook him for a…deer” he took a second to think about it, the click that made him stand up was a riffle trigger, your weapon.
He laughed, "You killed me," he continued his laughter, he took your arm to start walking towards the city, "I must say, my dear, that of all the evils in this world, you are the only thing I didn't think would send me to hell" It still made him laugh, "And it's even funnier that they killed you almost at the same time you killed me, life is a great irony" he smiled, one of the sweetest smiles he gifted you.
Now, don’t get him wrong, he was mad out of his mind, also slightly scared, not that he would admit that. Though the warmth of your arm linked with his brought him an anchor like feeling.
 After a few years of living together, Alastor disappeared without warning. "I will become stronger, soon the citizens of hell will know of my power” He used to take his place at your side and daydream about greatness and have everyone's respect, more fear than respect though.
“I will be able to protect you" that sentence lived rent free in your head, his voice a mere echo in your memories, after seven years you almost didn’t remembered his face anymore.
Alastor took care of the most bloodthirsty so that you didn't have to, without him there, you had to take measures into your own hands. The Pride Ring came to know you as one of the best snipers, the Overlord Ghost Shot, your elemental power to control the air could make your bullets fly up to lightspeed, also take away the oxygen off your enemies lungs.
You build up a company off the souls you began to own, you provided the fabrics that boosted businesses like Velvette’s or Rosie’s, known for the good quality and resistance. You didn’t worried yourself with planned obsolescence, there’s always a new design and a new trendy style that makes people keep buying.
And giving the amount of violence, clothes get ruin almost every day, Never in all the years you have been in hell have you been short of money, you managed to get a suite apartment in your own district, near the Morningstar district.
Eighty-four years of having Alastor by your side, and he just disappeared like he didn't care. Not a note, telegram, letter, anything in 7 years.
Until one afternoon when you received an invitation to an emergency meeting, it seems that Adam the first man brought forward the extermination half the time, having six months of preparation. Not one year you’ve lost a soul, but you weren’t going to start now.
“Asano, I need you to begin the preparations of the bunker, the winged rats will come down on us sooner than anticipated” you had souls knocking on your door, practically begging to make deals with you, giving that in exchange of their souls you provided safety, free housing, and a quality of life no other overlord did.
Although at the beginning some sinners wanted to abuse your good will, since you are a deer demon they tend to look down on you. They didn't find it funny anymore when they started to suffocate. Word on the street is that the air gets thicker when you’re in the room.
“I have the technical revision of my company Milla, if your plan is to arm yourself to fend off the attack don’t count on me, I have bigger priorities” Carmilla was one of your dearests friends, you made her gears laced with angelic steal fibers, and in return she updated your riffle, also gave you bullets made of angelic steal.
“I’m not saying we should, all we need is brainstorm a plan to lose as few souls as possible” she heard you made a pensative hum as she watched the overlords take their seats on the table, “You don’t wish to hide like we do, though you’ve lost more souls than I have over the years, so, do whatever you think is best, I’ll help if you want to listen for once” you hung up before Carmilla made herself aware of Alastor’s return.
 You didn’t owned a television, so Vox’s lovers spat never reached your way, and on the streets of your district no one really cared of other overlords, knowing they were under your wing.
"Y/n dear, how about you stop by the tower? They opened a new cafe on the corner, I bought cream cake and the tea that you like, it’s been a while since I saw you" said the letter that you received along with a new cell phone, Vox was more like a stone among the demons that courted you, and even though you sent his electronic junk broken back to his office, he didn't stop insisting.
“I’m so glad you came, how are your preparations for the extermination?” you brought the tea cup up to your lips, “It has been rather sudden; however I have managed to mobilize things on time, how about you?" he cut up a piece of cake, just as big as he knew you liked, “Oh we are fine, we aren’t the target anyway” your ears perked up in interest, his grin grew bigger on his face as he noticed.
“The princess is trying to redeem sinners, have you heard?” you nodded, “The Radio Demon is helping, but as useless as he is-” you began laughing, “The Radio Demon? What kind of pompous prick is named like that?” then sipped on the tea, “You know, Alastor” but as soon as he uttered that name, you choked on your tea and stormed out of his office.
And thank goodness, the air was too thick to breathe, Vox was having issues with it until you left.
“Mimzy, we know you’re in there you lousy bitch!” you heard the loan shark yell towards the  ‘Hazbin Hotel’, trying to knock the door down with a pry bar. “Gentleman, you’re in my way” you spoke, seeing a green glow wrapped the building.
“Not to mess with the Radio Demon!” taking another puff of your cigarette you watched the ten stories tall face of a man you used to know. A smile you didn’t recognized, stitched on the sides, holding his smile up. As soon as he finished eating the sharks he stopped on his tracks, merely centimeters away from your body.
“Y/n?” his distorted voice spoke in utter disbelief, “Good day Alastor, it’s been many moons, don’t you think?” He was frozen, the cute little deer girl he left all those years ago was nowhere to be seen. Replaced by a woman, wearing a dark black attire and tired eyes.
"Y/n, long time no see" he had to shift his voice a little, Charlie and the rest were right behind him inside the hotel. His chirp tone making it seem like he didn't disappeared at all, was a direct stab to your heart.
"You look..." you didn't know anymore, "Different" eyeing him from top to bottom with a disgust grimace in your face hurt him beyond his understanding, "Yes well, I told you I would get stronger" his eyes were different, they were empty.
"I see that, have a good day" you turned around in your heels ready to walk away from the place, "Y/n wait, that's it?" He was hurt? Why did he felt the audacity to pretend to be the victim when you were left behind.
"What else you want me to say?" Since he left, you stopped being joyful, the killing and the merciless torture you went through did that, and it was all his fault.
"A warmer welcome would be nice" you took out your rifle then shoot his shoulder with a dull bullet, "Warmer than that?" It didn't bleed but it hurt, so much it made Alastor take a few steps back.
"Alastor!" The princess cried out for him, "What do you think you're doing?!" Her little horns and red eyes made you snicker a little, "Is this what you've been doing all these years? Help this little girl with her hotel?" Alastor stood up, making seem as it didn't hurt at all, "Now, now Charlie, all is fine, no damage done" she tried to worry about him but it was no use, "Who is Alastor to you?" She asked you, distorted voice and hair flaring.
Alastor had his eyes on you specially when you locked on his dials flashing on and off, "Someone I used to know” the pain was real that time, Alastor didn’t even try to hide it, “Y/n please, let me explain” a small laugh escaped your lips, the first smile he saw from you in a while.
“Not a note, letter, smoke signal, nothing in seven years” he tried to make up an excuse, but you didn’t let him speak, “I had to find out from Vox, and as distasteful as he is, at least is a true friend to be in touch at least three times a week” the fact he told you sent a holy bullet up on his pride, “I can’t explain” he went again.
“I-don’t-FUCKING-care” you accentuated every word, “Woah, what is going on here?” the one and the only Lucifer Morningstar came next to his daughter, wondering wat was taking her so long after she ran out.
“They know each other” Charlie waved her hand in between the two. “Lover’s spat?” he inquired mockingly, which you replied with a straightforward and cold “No” making the devil choke on some saliva, “Makes sense though, with a face like that” when Lucifer turned his eyes from Alastor to you he saw the end of your rifle, “First one is a dull, will hurt, the second a holy one, apologize” internally Lucifer applauded your bravery, so with a smile that reached his ears he uttered “I’m sorry Alastor, I didn’t meant to bring out the obvious”.
He made you smile, “Good enough” you put the rifle strap over your shoulder again, “I’m not going to apologize for that, by the way” he didn’t expected you to.
Alastor watched the scene with jealousy, as in less than two seconds of interaction you received Lucifer in a better way than him, you even smiled at him better than him. If he had a reason to be angry that was one. When you turned your head he noticed a burn on your neck, then he went down and saw the scars on your hands, maybe how many more marks you had on your body, experiences  that took away the innocent friend he used to have.
"You're thin, you don't eat enough or what? What happened to your teeth?" you started making questions that made Alastor sweat, “What is this Radio Demon shit? Who do you think you are, huh?" “Somone that will take you down if you keep at it” “Baby, we’re not at the same level, you are the lowest of the overlords”
“She’s right” “I haven’t lost a single soul in all these years, I can steal air from your lungs by just wanting it” he started feeling at loss of breath, his lungs compressed forcefully searching for oxygen, “I offered you my life, my time, my love” you straightened his bow tie, ignoring Charlie’s pleas for you to stop hurting him, “And you just kissed me, and early in the morning after, you took off, seven years without a single signal you were alive”.
“And now I find out that you’ve been here for five months already, not even once you tried to reach me” your hands palmed his chest slowly, your warmth poring through his clothes, “I have my territory delimited by a black line, if you cross it, I won’t be so nice as I am now” you hovered your lips over his, returning the air down his throat.
Lucifer whistled an impressed tune, “Y/n please, I can explain” he heard Alastor breathing rapidly, getting off Charlie’s support to try to get you, his knees stopping on their tracks due to the lack of strength left, “Y/n right? He looks like he wants to make things right, please give him a chance” she plead, it getting to your head very quickly, damn that puppy face.  
“Y/n please, tea and tea” he dared to say, bringing Lucifer’s attention, “What’s that?” he looked your way for an explanation, “It’s where we drink tea and talk” you thought about it for a second then looked at his eyes once more, “Someday, not today, you seem preoccupied” with that you took your leave, feeling your heart heavy and lonesome as you did.
It wasn’t until Extermination day, that from your balcony you saw the horde of angels drop on the hotel, immediately seeing the flow of Alastor’s dark magic being shattered by Adam. Almost out of instinct you ensembled your long distance sniper rifle, setting it on the edge of the rail, waiting for a perfect angle to make the winged rat fall.
 Suddenly Alastor few against the edge of the building, that’s when you shot, the bullet piercing the base of both of Adam’s wings, making him wince and drop against the ceiling in pain.
“Radio ain’t dead until I say so, asshole” you allowed wind to take your message, prepping another bullet in the chamber, aiming directly at his head, “Freaky face has a girlfriend?” he joked to pass a little of the pain, “Y/n?” Alastor whispered to himself, feeling the air shift around him, his body reappearing beside you after a swirl of air teleported him.
“When I get my hands on you-“ you didn’t let Adam finish, shooting the joint of his shoulder, leaving useless his dominant arm. “Y/n” that’s all Alastor could utter, seeing you so beautifully concentrated in your aim, “You think I’ll spoil it for Lucifer if I shoot him dead?” you gave Adam a warning shot on the leg, the next one being a holy one.
“Good riddance either way, mon coeur” he had carefully stood up, supporting his weight with a hand on the railing and another around your waist, “Oh never mind, six wings is beating the shit out of him now” you said a tad disappointed since your game ended, feeling Alastor hiss at his wound.
“Don’t touch it, let’s go, I’ll help” you sat him on your bed, helping him discard his clothes. “I’m sorry for leaving like that” he sounded so sad and weak, he was deeply angry at himself for how blind he was, for taking you for granted and abandoning you without explanations.
“It doesn’t matter anymore” you made haste to patch up the wound as best as you could, but there was so much blood blocking your way, “Y/n, please forgive me” he pleads as you try your best to stitch the would close, “Why do you care so much whether if I forgive you or not?” he cupped your face, a tenderness unknown for you, uncommon of him.
He wasn’t used to be gentle, not desiring to rip your flesh apart was new to him. Instead there was this fire that warmed him up from the tip of his ears to the tip of his hooves, “Because…I love you” that word felt right, as his hands  brought your hips closer to him, his thighs on each side of your knees, “The moment to say that, was seven years ago” you allowed your powers to wrapped his bandages in a perfect way, “I can make it up to you” he could think of a thousand ways to bring you back to him, unsure if in the way you were now, any of those would work, but he had the rest of eternity to find out.
“And who assures me that you won't disappear again? I felt so alone without you” his hands pulled down your hips, seating you on his leg, “Me, I promise you I’m not leaving you again, I can’t” you laughed, hands on his bare shoulders, feeling the thin layer of fur.
“Is it because now I’m powerful?” he didn’t expected you to think different of him, he couldn’t blame you, “No, because I cannot breathe without you, I missed you very much, mon amour” seven years of you in his mind, haunting him, missing the warm spot in his bed, refusing to sleep at all if it wasn’t with you.
“Please my love, my moon, my sun, my everything, let me rectify my wrongs” a chill it enveloped your entire body, “Or let your gun finish what you started” he reminded you of your set of words of earlier, his smile relaxed and lovely, “If you ever dare to abandon me again, I’ll prove that you in fact can die twice” your hissing at the last word made him sigh happily, then he moved to place a kiss on your cheek, inhaling your scent.
“You’re hurt” you whispered when his kiss traveled down to your neck, “I know, but I can bare it” you plead that he took a small time to rest, but he kept tightening his arm on your waist, then the other on the back of your neck.
When he licked the underside of your neck up to your chin, he suddenly winced, proving your point, “How about we try something else?” you saw him grin, he only did that when he had something on his head, “William found the bath a while ago” you saw the slippery friend crawl up the wall, a proud smile on his face.
“You sent him to draw a bath?” he chuckled, “I remembered it was something you fancied, the morning after us…” he remembered, you told him you wanted to wash his hair in the morning, but he left before even giving you an answer, “You know that means I’ll have to touch you?” his ears pinned down on his head so he could nuzzle against your neck, “Ever since that day, I’ve craved no one’s touch, just yours”.
His grin grew when he felt a certain movement against his forearm, “Damn thing” you cursed, “You’re not the only one” he was wagging his life off, he guided your hand to his lower back so you could feel him, “Sappy old man” you kissed his lips, “You’re not that younger than me” he continued the loving gesture, “The water will get cold” you heard the shadow groan thinking his efforts will go to waste.
“Let’s get to it then” you spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, Alastor nearly passed out when you were massaging his scalp with the lovely scented shampoo, you told him you were never going to stop bragging about it. Then when it was your turn to get pampered, he couldn’t stop himself from kissing your shoulders, the back of your neck, arms, every piece of skin he could.
His hands just as yours were free to roam around, both delighting in the ministrations, to the point only moans of satisfaction were echoing in the bathroom.
“Just so you know, if you have a significant other, he’s dead, you’re mine now” you giggled at his possessive nature, now both dry but still naked on the bed, “Good thing I ended that relationship months ago” you sassed him, earning a small bite on your clavicle, “As soon as I’m better, I’m claiming you” his eyes shifted to have dials, “Sure thing, you have a lot of pain to make up for, ya’ know?” he knew that.
There were parts of your body that were burnt, others covered by patches made of steel, then there were the cuts, the scars, the lashes, everything he acknowledged it was his fault, “This, are they dead?” you shook your head, “Then my broadcast will have new voices” his voice took a low tone and the growl made you feel butterflies, “Thank you” you whispered, lowering just enough so you could have your head under his chin, legs intertwined, arms holding each other as close as possible.
“This is going to sound weird, but I’m glad I killed you” he let out a breathy laugh, “Me too”.
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
who's your bias? | kth
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Everyone says idols shouldn’t date their fans. Little did you know the crazy sasaengs aren't the ones who might ruin your relationship. It might just be your boyfriend's best friends.
» pairing: idol!taehyung x music producer girlfriend!reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | idol au | established relationship | fluffy smut | lil bit of angst | an attempt at army-specific humor
» wc/date: 12.6k | January 2023
» warnings: canon divergent (i'm just making shit up y'all, as usual) | jealousy | relationship insecurity | reader might seem annoying at first but i swear it gets cute very quickly | tae enjoys using terms of endearment | soft!dom tae | finger sucking | thigh riding | tae's got a Big Dick, but what else is new? | blowjob | fingering | unprotected vaginal sex | overstimulation | a breeding kink is ~hinted at~ | cunnilingus | yoonmin4ever
» notes: this was entirely self-indulgent 😂 i hope my taehyung whores enjoy my first idol au oneshot. also i wrote 80% of this while i was high and with no beta so if it's bad, now you know why
» masterlist | ao3 | join my taglist
» what was jai listening to? impatient - jeremih ft. ty dolla $ign
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“Y/N, stop it right now.” 
Your boyfriend breathes the command faster than you can even open your mouth to greet him. With a roll of your eyes, you put your phone on speaker and sit it on the floor beside you. Rummaging through the cardboard boxes littering your apartment is easier done with both hands. 
“Why hello, Taehyung. What a pleasure to hear from you.”
“Are you seriously mad at me right now?” From the whine in his voice you’re positive he’s wearing a deep pout, bottom lip jutting out as far as it can. You love kissing his pouts away. 
But not this time! And not just because you’re on opposite sides of the world. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep? It’s so late there and I’m sure you’re very tired from displaying your dick to all of America for three hours.” 
The cardboard box in front of you has “BEDROOM” scribbled in your father’s handwriting on the side in thick, black Sharpie. It’s full of little trinkets and random decor. A Shooky plushie is crammed into the corner in between a cracked Army bomb and a small framed photo of you with your parents. You smile to yourself despite your boyfriend’s huffing over the phone. Your father had given you a strange look as he helped you pack the items as if to ask, Really? Do you really need these? 
Just because you’re dating a member of BTS now doesn’t mean you can’t cherish your old BTS merch! It’s not weird, in your opinion. It would only be weird if you made it weird. And you weren’t making it weird. 
“I did not display my dick!” 
You roll your eyes for probably the fifth time while you ponder where to put Shooky. You'd kept it on your dresser in your old home in the States. Something tells you Taehyung won’t appreciate the lack of a Tata beside it. 
“You were thrusting and throwing it around! And pointing at it while doing it, too!” 
“Don’t Y/N me! I have my TikTok evidence!” 
With your cracked Army bomb in hand, you open the app in question, scrolling through your favorited videos until you get to the one. The one uploaded only a day before. The one you’d texted to Taehyung which prompted his immediate phone call. 
“And what does the caption say?” you ask but then cut Taehyung off before he can answer the question. “It says, and I quote, ‘I will never forget Taehyung doing this. I looped this for hours. Kim Taehyung lives in my head rent-free.’ Hashtag Taehyung. Hashtag HipsDon’tLie. With the woozy face emoji. And do we need to discuss the music choice?” 
“Y/N, can you please-” 
“Slut Me Out,” you deadpan in a monotone voice. “That is the song they chose for you.”
The other end is silent for so long you start to feel bad. Every time your jealousy spikes, you seem to act on impulse rather than thinking through how you might make Taehyung feel. Yes, he sometimes plays his part in the group a little too well, but you also knew that this was his job. It’s his job to make people get excited - excited for the music, the group, and himself as an idol. 
Still, your opinion is the most important to him, and you know that. 
“Jagiya…” Taehyung sniffles and you feel your heart shatter. 
Fuck, you really are a bitch, aren’t you? 
“Tae, I’m sorry.” 
“No, I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know, I didn’t really think anything of it. It’s just an act, y’know?” 
You did know. Away from the stage and the cameras, Taehyung is quiet, almost shy. He’s happy to be a silent observer of whatever chaos his members create. He gifts everyone with puffy cheeks and boxy grins, sometimes a boisterous laugh that manages to make your heart soar every time. But the soft-spoken soul you listen to old school R&B with while you smoke strawberry swisher blunts on the balcony late into the night, and convince that yes, the apartment is soundly built and no, the balcony will not randomly fall out beneath you… That person is different from the person you see wearing a resting bitch face in interviews or the person who chews away at imaginary gum during concerts. 
You find all versions of Taehyung endearing, although the fake gum chewing is kind of embarrassing if you wanted to be perfectly honest. 
“I know, Tae. I’m sorry I’m being judgmental for no reason,” you insist and you hope he believes you. Complaints about his idol status typically resulted in red eyes and sniffles, yet sometimes you couldn’t stop yourself from pushing his pressure points despite his sensitivity.  
Your apology puts Taehyung in a better mood because his following comment is cheekier than you expect. 
“You get jealous a lot, jagi.” His smug tone is close to bringing back your irritation. 
“I am not jealous of some fans in a stadium, thanks.” 
“Good,” he says more cheerfully. “‘Cause I only have sights for you.” 
That makes you laugh and you feel your earlier heaviness disappear. “You mean, you only have eyes for me?” 
“Isn’t that what I said?” 
You shake your head as if Taehyung can see you. A few photo strips are beneath Shooky in the cardboard box. You silently curse your father (respectfully and endearingly) for casually placing something so fragile in the bottom of a box. The photos are of you and Taehyung in a photo booth at a birthday party for an idol you didn’t know. An actor, you think. You thumb at one of the corners of the photo strip that has curled inward. Taehyung’s hair was straight then, and short, falling just above his ears. You much prefer the thick waves he wears now. 
“You’re so cute.” 
“Only for you.” 
“Oh shut up, now you’re being corny.” 
You’re not sure why, but you try to suppress the smile Taehyung’s light flirting coaxes out of you, even though he can’t see you. Accepting his teasing affection has always been hard for you. All the boys are too caring; it makes you uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. You’re just not used to men acting like that. They’re all very different from the men you’ve been around growing up. There’s a reason Taehyung can’t listen to you talk about your ex-boyfriends without getting pissed. 
“Mmm, maybe. I’m also sleepy,” Taehyung slurs. His voice is so soft you almost can’t hear him, so you lift your phone to your ear rather than use the speaker setting. The smoothness feels like a lullaby gentle enough to carry you to sleep, even though it’s still daylight in Seoul. 
“Goodnight, Kim.” You decide for him, knowing he would stay on the phone if you let him. 
Confirming your thoughts, Taehyung grumbles when he speaks next. “I love you, jagi.” 
“I love you, too.” People always talk about the “honeymoon phase” when the butterflies disappear and couples no longer feel the exciting draw toward each other anymore. It’s been less than a year since you started dating Taehyung, but you’re confident that your heart will always flutter when you hear those three words so confidently spoken. Taehyung had been the first to say it; something about that makes you even more sure of your relationship. 
“Can’t wait to see you soon so I can slut you out.” 
“... please go to bed and never say that ever again.” 
In the distance, you hear someone start yelling. The noise is accompanied by a rather aggressive ruffling sound, as though Taehyung’s phone is being rubbed against fabric. 
“Are you two having phone sex?” The second voice accuses, this time sounding much clearer. 
“Hyung, leave me alone,” Taehyung whines. “Y/N, tell him to go away.” 
You let out a long sigh, but the grin finally cuts through the hardened expression you try to maintain. “Goodnight, Jimin.” 
It sounds like the two boys start physically fighting each other before Taehyung lets out a breathy, “Goodnight, baby,” accompanied by Jimin screeching something you can’t understand before the call ends. 
With a shake of your head, you leave your phone on the floor and get up to position Shooky and your Army bomb on your dresser. You’ll figure out what to do with it later, you decide.
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Later ends up being three more days of you giving a half-assed attempt to sort through the boxes. Your bedroom is mostly organized by the end of the week with only one more box remaining, shoved into the corner of the room. It’s a bunch of family keepsakes that will make you cry if you start looking at them. 
Right now you want to make a beeline to the kitchen. 
It’s hard not to trip over all the boxes that litter your apartment, most of them already torn open and half-empty. The kitchen hasn’t been fully unpacked, either, so you opt for instant ramen in the microwave rather than dig for utensils to cook a proper meal. It’s pretty bad. You and Taehyung are a terrible match; you both have no idea how to cook. There’s no point in all the fancy kitchenware your parents bought you. You’ll never master any of it. It’s not because you don’t put in any effort, like Taehyung. You’re genuinely shit at cooking. 
And baking? That’s even worse. 
You stand in the middle of your living room while you shovel ramen in your mouth. It’s too hot, so you inhale loudly through your teeth to cool the food off before it scorches your throat. There’s so much you need to do, and it’s making you nauseous thinking about it. Somewhere in the mix of boxes are your Hangeul textbooks that you should be studying in your free time instead of playing video games and video chatting with your friends. It’s only been a week and a half, but you already feel lonely without the constant presence of your friends and family. The boys have been on tour the entire time. Namjoon decided you moving to Seoul while they’re on tour would make your arrival less suspicious, and everyone would be more focused on the tour than whatever an unknown American music producer is doing. 
In your opinion, Namjoon was overthinking the whole thing as he is wont to do. But you let him be bossy because you know his heart is in the right place. It’s not like the public knows you’re dating Taehyung. There hasn’t been any press or rumors about you at all. You’re genuinely unknown.
You prefer it that way. 
Your fork scrapes the bottom of the bowl and you realize you’ve scarfed down the ramen without much thought. You suppose it’s easier to do that when you aren’t using chopsticks. (You’ve managed to master them, for the most part, but you prefer to fall back on forks when you’re alone at home.) 
You place the bowl on top of the large cardboard box in front of the couch. It has the pieces for your coffee table inside, but you haven’t had the energy to put it together yet. The part of you that allows your feminism to leave your body whenever the boys are around is kind of hoping you can get one of them to build it for you. Maybe Yoongi. He’s into that kind of stuff. 
With a sigh, you flop onto the couch and slip your phone out of your back pocket. A few Whatsapp and KakaoTalk notifications light up the screen. You used to be terrible at responding to texts, but moving halfway across the world has made you a better texter. It’s a way to fill the loneliness. 
[Alex] hey bitch
[Alex] this 15 hour time difference sucks ass
[You] I’m sorry 
[Alex] its fine. i’ll forgive you for chasing money and dick
[You] I’m not chasing dick omg
[Alex] dont lie
[Alex] whats that tiffany pollard meme
[You] Stop
[Alex] i know his dick is big. i know it! i know it’s big!
[You] I hate you
[Alex] you didnt deny it. anywayyy did you see this? 
As much as you adore Alex, she’s an expert at getting under your skin. You remind yourself that it’s all harmless as you click on the link she texts you. 
BTS' V woos fans with his casual rockstar visuals on his return from world tour
Kim Taehyung, also known professionally as V of BTS, was spotted at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Friday. The singer is reportedly returning early to South Korea ahead of his band members after completing the final performance of their…   
You don’t know why you read the shitty k-pop tabloids. You figure it’s the same reason why people make a hobby out of watching bad movies. There’s a weird itch in the back of your brain that can’t be scratched unless you open the link Alex texts you— teasingly, of course, because she thinks she’s being funny. Your friends don’t understand the nauseous feeling you get when you scroll through the article and accidentally click on a link that takes you to an external website flaunting doctored photos of your boyfriend with Jennie Kim. 
BTS’ V and BLACKPINK’s Jennie Spend Romantic Weekend in Paris 
You know it’s a lie because the weekend in question was the same weekend Taehyung flew you to Seoul to do a final walkthrough of your apartment before you signed off on it. Taehyung spent every second of that weekend by your side. 
The article makes you sick anyway. 
You’re so caught up in trying to craft a text to Alex to explain why she needs to leave you the fuck alone that you don’t hear the sound of your apartment’s front door open over the music you’re listening to. 
“I’m gone for a few months and I come home to you listening to some other band?” 
“Holy shit, Tae, you can’t do that to me,” you yelp when Taehyung leans over the back of the couch to hover over your shoulder. 
“Explain yourself.” His voice is warm honey and milk even when his strong eyebrows point downward in mock disappointment. The expression is almost convincing, his naturally sharp features making conjuring up a dark appearance easier. 
“You can’t tell me Stray Kids’ new album isn’t good.” 
“Jagiya, I just got home,” Taehyung whines. “Kiss me and stop thirsting over Australian boys.” 
He touches your chin to tip your head backward. You lean your head against the back of the couch and look up at him. The position makes you think of the iconic Spiderman kiss, seeing Taehyung’s face upside down above yours. 
“Y’know, I worked on a few of their songs. Before I met you.” 
The confession is meant to tease him for making fun of your music choice. Of course, words’ impact often diverges from intent. It’s in the twist of his face and the way he pulls back slightly just before his lips brush against yours that you know you’ve made him jealous. 
“Oh did you?” His hair hangs around his face as he leans over you.
“Mhm, Bang Chan’s accent is really cu—” 
You shouldn’t be shocked when strong hands squeeze your waist and Taehyung hauls you off the couch to stand in front of him. He wraps his arm around your waist to pull you tightly against his chest. 
“You didn’t work with any other groups before us, okay?” 
You purse your lips to hold in the laughter that threatens to explode from your chest. All you can do is nod in agreement. It reminds you of girls getting upset when they remember their boyfriends dated other people before them. 
Taehyung dips his head down to connect his lips with yours. The closeness of his body forces you to inhale his cologne and feel goosebumps travel down your arms. It’s been months since you’ve so much as held Taehyung’s hand and you feel like you’ve been starved. Your body trembles so severely that you dig your nails into his biceps to hold yourself upright. You moan into his mouth, already open and ready for you because Taehyung is nothing but giving. 
The kiss isn’t bruising, not yet. It’s slow and deep. Taehyung takes his time reminding himself of your taste. You grip the nape of his neck to pull him down as you meet him by standing on your tiptoes. His height has always been one of your favorite aspects of his physical appearance. Dark, watchful eyes that pierce into your soul might be at the top of the list. 
His tongue swirls around yours, only retreating to suck your bottom lip into his mouth. His teeth graze along the plump skin, each nibble making you dizzy in the head. You normally hate wet kisses, but there’s something satisfying about seeing Taehyung’s lips pink and shiny with your spit when he finally pulls away. Pride thrums in your chest; you did that. You made his tan skin flush pink. You made his eyes dark and sharp. You made his breathing ragged and desperate. 
And, fuck, does it feel good. 
You run your fingers along his sharp jawline and watch the muscles flex beneath his taunt skin. “Don’t clench your jaw like that. It’s not good for you,” you muse, allowing your fingers to skim over his Adam’s apple. 
“I’m trying to stay calm.” 
Your eyebrows fly up with concern. “What’s wrong?” 
“Wanna bend you over the couch and fuck you until you can’t walk,” Taehyung says with such a gentle tone that the stark difference between what he says and how he says it has your body trembling once again. 
You inhale sharply and let your hand fall from his throat. Instead, you reach for the lapels of his leather jacket and squeeze them. 
“Why don’t you?” 
You can’t look at him when you ask. Even though you’ve been dating for almost a year, Taehyung still intimidates the hell out of you sometimes. The darkness of his eyes when he gets horny sends you reeling. You’re sure if you look up, you’ll see The Look. He stares at you unabashedly with an expression of desire so strong you feel like he might consume you just by looking at you.
“You haven’t eaten yet and I need to take a shower.” 
“How do you know I haven’t eaten yet?” With a pout, you finally dare to look your boyfriend in the face. The way he gapes at you is judgmental and doesn’t make you feel devour-worthy at all. 
“I know you,” he scoffs. “You’re just like Jimin. I bet you haven’t even been awake more than two hours.” 
Barely a year into your relationship and he’s already reading you like an open book. You can’t stay salty about it when his bread cheeks come out and he’s giggling at the frustrated “hmph” you let out. 
“I’ll be fast,” he promises with a smirk that collapses into another fit of giggles. The hearty slap on your ass encourages you toward the kitchen while Taehyung makes his way to the bathroom. 
You did already eat, but today is an outlier. Normally, you are like Jimin, staying up too late and sleeping in longer than everyone else. And sometimes you’re like Yoongi, too. You get so caught up in the songs you’re working on that you forget to stop to eat or pee or look somewhere other than at a computer screen. 
The move to Seoul threw you off your usual work schedule. Everything you need to get done is looming over your head like a dark cloud. If Namjoon comes back before you finish editing the English lyrics of his upcoming single, you might die of embarrassment, no matter how many times Taehyung insists that Namjoon won’t be disappointed. 
Taehyung wasn’t lying about being quick. He’s wearing a white cotton t-shirt and grey sweatpants when he returns, hair damp and swept away from his face. You’re still standing at the fridge, painfully aware of how little food you have. Plenty of grapefruit soju, though. Priorities. 
“Do you want ramen?” You eventually ask. When Taehyung doesn’t respond, you turn to give him a sheepish smile. He probably thinks you’re ridiculous. 
Taehyung is sitting at the kitchen table with your phone in his hands. His eyebrows scrunch together and he turns to you with narrowed eyes. 
“Why were you looking at this?” 
He lifts your phone in your direction. The doctored photos of him and Jennie glare back at you. You feel your heart drop into the pit of your stomach.  
“Tae, I didn’t—” You snap your mouth shut because, honestly, it looks bad. It looks bad no matter how you explain yourself because Taehyung’s bottom lip is already quivering and you know you’re both replaying the stupid TikTok phone call in your heads right now. 
The two of you stare at each other for only god knows how long. You’re the first to break; not many people can hold their own in a staring contest with Kim Taehyung. Yoongi is probably the only one. Jungkook would give a valiant effort, but he’d ultimately crumble in a fit of nervous giggles. Taehyung is scary when he wants to be. 
Dating Taehyung started as an unbelievably exciting experience. You had your brush with fame before meeting the boys, but Taehyung was the first idol to give you genuine attention beyond whatever job needed to be done. Not that you’d ever sought it out; you had more dignity than that. No, Taehyung pursued you. Who could blame you when you fell head over heels for the sinfully gorgeous man who seemed larger than life? The long legs, big hands, and chiseled features were dangerous enough. Throw in a glowing personality, quirky sense of humor, and a big-hearted desire to care for others and you had a man who was too good to be true. 
And who are you? Some dumb American kid with average looks, a standoff personality as a result of having a bit of social anxiety (and trouble acclimating to a new country), and a penchant for fucking things up. Maybe it was your fault for not seriously considering how hard it was going to be to date an idol.  
“C’mere, jagi,” Taehyung murmurs, beckoning you. 
You expected waterworks— hell, you’re ready to start crying yourself. Instead, Taehyung wears a tired but soft smile. He holds your waist as you climb into his lap, straddling him. He wiggles a little in the chair to adjust you more comfortably on his thighs. 
“Koreaboo, really?” He gathers your face in his hands, thumbs running across your cheeks. His hands are soft and you regret not washing your face when you woke up. Sometimes it’s not fun to date someone as beautiful as Taehyung. 
“It was an accident.” 
You avoid his gaze, but Taehyung coaxes you back to look him in the eyes. It’s hard. There’s so much passion swimming in them. He blinks up at you with an earnestness that makes your heart ache because you’re always the one causing problems. 
“They could have at least used better pictures of me,” he complains with an exaggerated pout. 
“Maybe I’ll send them some from my private collection.” 
“You wouldn’t dare.” Taehyung grins as he threatens you, so you grin back. 
“Oh, I dare.” 
Quick fingers dig into your sides and you let out an embarrassing squeal. Taehyung doesn’t let up on tickling you until you’ve got tears in your eyes and your threats to elbow him in the face start sounding a bit too real. 
“Please don’t torture yourself with shit like that, okay?” He mumbles the request into your neck because your arms are thrown around his shoulders. 
You slide your fingers into his hair to cradle his head against your chest. When you dig your nails into his scalp he lets out a low groan. Nothing about the position you’re in is sexual, but you’re quickly reminded that this is the most skin-on-skin contact you’ve had with your boyfriend in months. With that fact in mind, you don’t feel bad when you scoot further into his lap and squeeze his thighs with your own. 
“Hmm?” When he tilts his head back to look up at you, he’s got that spacey, blissed-out look on his face. 
“Tell me you love me.” You place your finger against the little freckle on the tip of his nose.
The slow, boxy grin is almost better than hearing the words. Your finger migrates to touch the freckle on his lip. 
“I love you with all my heart.” He punctuates the confession with a kiss on the tip of your finger. “Your turn.” 
You roll your eyes, but it’s the reaction he’s looking for. 
“I love you, too. You dork.” 
“So romantic,” he laughs, but the amusement doesn’t reach his eyes. Instead, he watches you with lust darker than what consumed his expression earlier. 
You sit with your breath burning in your lungs as Taehyung slips his hands beneath your baggy t-shirt. His smooth palms slide up your rib cage until he reaches your tits, palming one in each hand. The tilt of his chin tells you he wants another kiss, and who are you to deny him what he wants? You dig your nails in his hair harder while you kiss him, tugging to angle his head in the direction you want. Small moments like this give the appearance that you’re in control. And Taehyung loves domming while you both pretend you’re the one in charge.
He pulls back with a wet smack. If it was anyone else, you’d be ashamed of the whimper that sounds from your throat as Taehyung removes his hands from your shirt. You grip his hair tighter, but Taehyung just chuckles. 
“So needy. What am I going to do with you?” 
You could give him a couple of ideas. There isn’t time, though. Taehyung is already grasping your chin and tilting it down. 
“Open up for me, okay?” 
Your cheeks grow hot as you open your mouth. You already know where this is going, so you stick out your tongue. Still, it’s difficult not to squirm when Taehyung presses his index and middle fingers flat against the wet muscle. 
You swallow around his fingers, sucking as best you can as he begins to thrust them into your mouth. It’s vulgar, the wet suctioning sound of his fingers dragging against your tongue. In and out, a steady pace that doesn’t go too fast. Taehyung has such long, gorgeous fingers. You quite enjoy when he wrecks your insides with them until you’re on the brink of tears. Which you’ve come to find is something Taehyung thoroughly enjoys doing. 
“You miss having your pretty mouth stuffed?”
You know any attempt at a spoken response will come out as a garbled mess. You whimper, eyes fluttering closed as you swirl your tongue around his fingers. You push your tongue in between his fingers and curl around them. 
“Gonna suck my cock like this, jagi?” He purrs the question, ending it so breathy it’s almost a moan as he eases over the term of endearment. “Show me how much you miss me, hm?” 
Maybe it’s the deep, sensual way he purrs jagi with heavy eyelids and that crooked smirk on his face. Maybe it’s because he bites his lip when he says it or that he lets his lip go with such slowness that you can see the way his teeth scrape across his plump bottom lip as it falls back into place. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s shoving his fingers just a bit deeper into your mouth. Maybe it’s all of these things that make you shift so that you can press your clothed pussy against Taehyung’s thigh. 
He flexes the muscle as you start rutting against it, rolling your hips to the rhythm of his fingers gliding in and out of your mouth. 
“Look at you.” His lips brush against the curve of your ear, sending a shiver down your back. “So desperate for me that you’re going to get off on only my thighs?” 
You’re not the type to be able to orgasm just from rutting and friction like this, but Taehyung has managed to learn your body faster than you ever expected. He slips his free hand beneath the waistband of your leggings and underwear. It’s the quick circling of his thumb against your throbbing clit combined with the rutting of your hips that sends you over the edge. 
“That’s it, baby, you did so well,” Taehyung whispers praise against the skin his lips have access to on your collarbones as you shudder in his lap. “Love seeing you cum, fuck, doing this shit over KakaoTalk fucking sucked.” 
Taehyung finally removes his fingers from your mouth when you stop moving. Seeing the string of spit that connects his fingers to your lips makes you feel weak, but you’re riding the high of his praise and skillful fingers, so you don’t care. 
He wipes your spit onto his sweatpants and gently holds your chin with his other hand. He gives you a soft smile and rubs his thumb over your bottom lip. You can taste yourself when you flick your tongue over the trail his thumb left.  
“I missed you so much,” he admits with a gentle kiss on your lips. “And not just because of this. I missed all of you, everything about you, just being with you.” 
“I missed you, too.”
It’s meant to be a confirmation of your mutual love, but it comes out like a whine. You know Taehyung doesn’t mind from the way his eyes zero in on your tongue running along your bottom lip. You don’t have to say anything more for him to know what you want. He nods once and you’re almost immediately on your knees between his legs.  
“Fuck.” He leans back in the chair and lifts his hips so you can tug his sweatpants down his thighs. “Gonna be good for me, baby?” 
You quickly nod your head, though you’re focused on gently taking Taehyung’s cock in your hand. Alex isn’t wrong. Taehyung’s dick is big, but that doesn’t mean you have to go around talking about it. That’s for you to know and for others to wonder about. 
You had to sign an NDA before you were allowed to see it, anyway, but you’d keep your mouth shut even if no legal action would be taken against you for gossiping. 
“Kiss it first.” 
He tongues the inside of his cheek as he watches you. His eyelids droop lower when you plant a puckered, open-mouthed kiss on the head of his cock. You press the tip of your tongue against the slit to lick at the precum already leaking from him. The buck of his hips isn’t unexpected, but you feel like you need to remember how to do all of this after being away from him for so long. Not to mention how tired your jaw is about to be. 
Taehyung seems to sense your hesitation because he allows his body to go slack beneath you. The hand that has reached down to dig into your scalp doesn’t let up, but he doesn’t push your head down like he normally would when you finally slide his cock down your throat. 
He doesn’t buck his hips again, even when you drool so much that the inside of his thighs become just as wet as yours. You squeeze the base of his cock, twisting your wrist to the rhythm you’ve established when you can’t take all of him into your mouth. 
You reach down to gently roll his balls with your free hand. His cock twitches against your flattened tongue and you hum with satisfaction. 
“God, your fucking mouth–” 
You make eye contact with Taehyung as your hand ventures lower. There’s nothing more beautiful than the way his face crumples with pleasure when you massage his perineum. 
“Shit, I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop,” he whines. 
You ease up slightly but still suckle on the head of his cock for longer than Taehyung wants. Why not have a little fun? All you’ll end up doing is riling him up even more, and that can only be a good thing for you. 
Taehyung digs his fingers into your hair and yanks you up. It stings, but the pain might as well be white-hot pleasure once Taehyung is praising you with a gravelly voice. 
“You’re too fucking good at that.” 
You don’t even like sucking dick, but you’d do it all day, every day if Taehyung asked you to. But since he made you stop, you have other priorities to take care of, like the fact that there are way too many layers of clothes separating you from your boyfriend. While you were on your knees for him, Taehyung removed his shirt. The white cotton is discarded on the floor beside the chair and his half-dry hair is tousled around his head in a messiness only he could successfully pull off. 
After wiggling out of your leggings and underwear, you climb back onto Taehyung’s lap. His broad chest shudders beneath your touch as you run your hands down to meet his soft tummy. His responsiveness strokes the ego you didn’t realize you have. 
“Y’know, you never gave me the chance to ask you how travel went.” 
“Seriously?” He knows you’re teasing, but you like the mock-irritated tone of his voice. It makes his chest rumble. 
You use your grip on him to stabilize yourself as you grind into his lap. You scrape your nails at the nape of his neck and suck on his bottom lip. Taehyung moans into your mouth, low and throaty, when his cock glides through your wet folds as you roll your hips. He lets you pull his hair, head falling back to expose the smooth plane of his throat. Your lips leave his to latch onto his throat instead. The kisses you give him are slippery and biting and hot. 
“No hickeys, Y/N.” 
Taehyung’s scolding is deep and sharp; you both know he’s not fucking around. It’s a command he has had to throw your way more than once. The idea of marking him up is just so appetizing, but you know you can’t. Sure, makeup can make just about anything disappear, but it’s annoying to deal with and Taehyung isn’t particularly a fan of the side looks the makeup artists give each other when they see dark bruises littering his neck and collarbones. 
Maybe you’ll give him just a tiny one and suffer the consequences later. 
You cling onto him tighter when you feel two of his fingers slip inside of you. Spreading your thighs as wide as you can without throwing off your balance on the chair, you roll your hips into Taehyung’s hand to take his fingers deeper. 
“Please,” you moan against his neck. You can smell your shampoo and body wash on him. Something about him smelling like you makes you feel overwhelmingly possessive. He’s yours. Kim Taehyung is yours. 
He turns his head to the side to capture your lips with his own as he snakes his arm around your waist. The position allows him to pull you tightly against his chest. He holds you in place as he starts thrusting his fingers into your pussy just as he had thrust them into your mouth.   
Taehyung grunts as he keeps his legs spread in the chair, which in turn forces your thighs open when you try to squeeze them closed around his hand. 
“Stay still.” 
“Can’t.” You shake your head and thread your fingers through his hair, tugging the strands harder. 
It’s too much; Taehyung lights a fire against every inch of your body each time he touches you. If he was anyone else, you’d be singed, but Taehyung takes such good care of you. You’re not singed. You’re ignited. 
“You have no fucking idea,” Taehyung takes a deep breath, “No fucking idea how badly I’ve been craving you.” He warms you up with each thrust of his fingers, adding a third until you’re clawing at his shoulders. 
“So, ahh fuck, fuck me,” you gasp, your mouth hot against the corner of his jaw. Your teeth scrape against his skin and he merely lets his head fall back to give you more. 
“No please?” 
You bite his cheek in defiance and get a slap to the ass that only makes you want to bite him more. 
“Don’t be mean to me,” you whimper. 
Taehyung’s steady rhythm against your front wall has your orgasm burning so hotly in your core that you feel like you’re going to cum if he even so much as turns his head to look at you one more time. 
Your thighs are already sore by the time Taehyung removes his fingers from your pussy. He uses your sticky arousal as lube to stroke his cock and you don’t want to think about how excited you are about this. 
“Hurry up.” 
Taehyung raises his eyebrows at you just as he grips the inside of your thigh with one hand. The other he uses to line his cock with your body. You can feel the head press against your entrance, and you try to push your body down to swallow him whole, but Taehyung holds you up to stop you. 
“Impatient cockslut, aren’t you?” Taehyung chides. 
His previously spacey look is sharpened by the sparkle of mirth in his eyes. Your body tenses when he spits the insult at you, and he knows it’s making your clit throb even harder. 
“Tae.” You bite your lip because you’re close to begging at this point. 
Luckily, you don’t have to. Taehyung presses down your hip and you quickly take the lead, easing yourself onto his cock until you’re fully seated on his firm thighs. 
Your body burns from the stretch it has to make to accommodate him, but you knew it would. Even when you’re fully adjusted to him, there’s always a bit of a stretch. He also knows he has to let you ease into it to avoid slamming himself straight into your cervix. The first time it had happened, Taehyung genuinely thought he’d broken you. You kind of thought so, too, if you were going to be perfectly honest. The struggle of having a big-dicked boyfriend. 
“Okay?” He’s watching you with those lustful, dark eyes.
“Mhm,” you hum because you’re afraid of the way your voice will quiver if you try to say real words. 
You’re so full, it’s a bit overwhelming. Not just physically, but emotionally, too. You missed Taehyung a lot, but holding onto each other in such an intimate position is making you realize just how lonely you were without him. 
“I’m gonna move, okay?” 
He waits until you silently nod your head before he adjusts in the chair, scooting down slightly to spread his legs better. You allow him to adjust your legs, bending them at the knee and hooking them over the arms of the chair. With a tight grip on your ass, Taehyung pulls you down onto his cock at the same time he thrusts up into you. 
The pace Taehyung sets is desperate, but you don’t care. Your second orgasm is approaching at an alarming speed. It feels like it’s taking all of your energy to simply stay grounded with reality as Taehyung squeezes you and your hips crash into each other. You don’t even try to do anything, just let him take over your body as he pounds into you. For the most part, you’re a pillow princess and you both know it. Besides, how can you possibly keep up with someone so athletic? Taehyung’s stamina is ridiculous. Neither of you has an overstimulation kink, but Taehyung’s ability to just go and go and go might as well have given you one. None of this has ever bothered Taehyung, though. He likes giving more than receiving. 
“Oh fuck.” Taehyung nips at the base of your neck when you clench around his cock just to feel him shiver. 
There aren’t any rules about him marking you up. The petty side of him likes when you wear the dark bruises in the open, with no makeup or clothing to hide them. It’s a satisfying game he likes to play. He likes that everyone knows you’re getting dicked down and, therefore, are taken. 
You like the secret satisfaction of knowing it’s Kim Taehyung who gives you those marks, and no one even knows. 
What you don’t like is thinking about all the other people Taehyung may have enjoyed giving marks to. 
It’s hard not to let your mind wander. Taehyung has never talked to you about his previous relationships, and there’s no way for you to know about them if he doesn’t tell you. The media can’t be trusted to accurately report idols’ love lives; today has been a perfect example of that. You’re stuck with only your imagination to make up all kinds of scenarios. Maybe Taehyung has been with other k-pop idols, or models, or actresses - people with more money, who are prettier and more sophisticated than you. Hell, you’ve never even asked him about his sexuality. What if he really has been fucking Jungkook! What if they’re in love and you’re just something temporary? 
“I was made for you, jagi. You know that?” Taehyung’s breath is hot against your skin. His words are gentle, but the power with which he thrusts up into you is bruising. “Made for you.” 
It’s as if he can read your mind, as if he can somehow sense the insecurities threatening to pull you out of the moment. As always, Taehyung manages to bring you back to the present. 
Fuck, sometimes you wish he wouldn’t do shit like this to you. You’re already pathetically in love with him. You can’t imagine what more could come next, yet you feel yourself practically bursting from the seams with love.  
Your moans fall in line with the sound of the chair scraping the floor and your skin slapping against Taehyung’s with every thrust. When your mouth falls open, Taehyung presses his thumb against your tongue. With eyes fluttering closed, you suck on his thumb and try to hold on as your body rocks up and down. 
“Fuck, fuck, oh, god, Taehyung.” 
“Yeah, jagi?” Taehyung pulls down on the corner of your mouth until his thumb is dragging spit across your cheek. “Tell me.”
His voice is so soothing it makes you want to cry. It’s unfair. 
“You feel so fucking—“ 
It’s the slick pressure of his thumb massaging your clit that finally has you arching your back with a scream of Taehyung’s name. You’re so loud that you worry your neighbors heard you. There are plenty of people named Taehyung in the world, though, right? He could be any Taehyung. 
If you ask Taehyung later, he’ll probably say he can’t even remember his own name because of how tightly you clench around his cock when you cum. The feeling is so overwhelming that you think you might pass out from holding your breath. You gasp, inhaling more air than you exhale, but Taehyung keeps going. Every subsequent thrust knocks the air out of you until you have the opposite problem and now you can’t keep any air in.
“I’m gonna…”
“Go ahead, baby. Cum inside me.” 
Taehyung whimpers into the crook of your neck as he cums, the suggestiveness of your permission not lost on either of you. You’re on birth control and Taehyung knows a kid would probably ruin his career. So it doesn’t actually mean anything when you tell him he can stay inside; you’re not getting pregnant any time soon. Still, he gets off on coming inside of you, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. 
“I was going to make a joke that I should go on tour more often if that means I’ll cum that hard again, but I think I don’t want to go on tour ever again,” Taehyung admits with a shaky laugh. 
Just the idea of Taehyung leaving you for months on end again makes your stomach twist. He brings so much life to everywhere he goes, and you felt like much of that life left you when he did. Even if it was only temporary. 
Taehyung holds you until his cock is no longer twitching inside of you. Once his arms finally fall to his side, you try to untangle yourself from the chair as his body, but your limbs might as well belong to someone else.
“Help,” you squeak hoarsely. You feel like covering your face when Taehyung laughs. 
Taehyung helps you out of his lap, though you both are so wobbly on your feet that you hold onto the edge of the kitchen table when you stand. Taehyung looks wrecked, and you feel wrecked. You’re not sure your knees will ever work properly again. 
“Why are we still listening to Stray Kids?” Taehyung grumbles when he realizes the speakers are still playing in the background. 
“It’s a good album.”
“We should be fucking to my songs.” Taehyung pauses for a moment, thinking.“‘Christmas Tree’ is a fuckable song, right?” 
“You’re joking.” 
Taehyung shakes his head and reaches for your phone. His face is programmed to unlock your phone, just like your face unlocks his phone. You don’t understand how he can stand butt naked in the kitchen, cum all over his thighs, and search for the jazz playlist he made on your Spotify account. 
(“Jazz Hands, Y/N. It’s a vibe.”) 
Once his playlist has replaced Stray Kids, Taehyung wraps you up in a giant bear hug that lifts you off your feet. The hug nearly knocks the air out of you. 
“Can’t believe you made me dirty after I just showered.” You can’t see his pout, but you can hear it. 
“You’re the one who started this.” 
Taehyung scoffs. He starts walking down the hallway, practically dragging you in his arms as he goes. Your toes barely reach the ground, but you’re more content to let your body fall slack and make him do all the work. 
He kicks open the bathroom door and sits you down on the counter. 
“No, you did this. You looked at me with those pretty eyes and said, ‘Tae’.” He tries to mimic your voice by moaning his name. “I’m a weak, weak man. You influenced me. I just wanted you to eat.” 
“Well, I did eat.” 
Taehyung presses his lips together. “Don’t say it.” 
“I’m gonna say it.” You lean forward on the edge of the counter, trying to get in Taehyung’s space, but he’s ignoring you as he prepares the shower.
“I ate…”  
“Deez nuts.” 
Taehyung drags his hands down his face, leaving his skin red. His reaction makes you giggle. 
“Technically you only played with deez nuts. Your mouth, sadly, did not ever come near my—” He tries to correct you, but you’re already throwing a scrunchie at his face. 
“You’re ruining the joke!” 
“It’s a bad joke!”
Maybe your sense of humor is way better than his, but as you suffer another Taehyung tickle attack, you can’t help but feel ridiculous for how you’d behaved earlier. How can he look at you with sparkling eyes and a boxy smile that makes him laugh with his teeth, hand coming up to cover his face when you give him your poutiest of pouts— how can you see such genuine kindness and think Taehyung would ever do anything to jeopardize what you have?
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“Wassup motherfuckers!” 
You raise your eyebrows at Namjoon and tap the end of your chewed pen against your computer screen. Biting pens isn’t sanitary or cute but you do it anyway. The man’s eyes aren’t on your pen cap, though. He’s staring a hole into the podcast you pulled up because you know he doesn’t want to look at you. 
“Namjoon, why did you start the episode like that? This is not your Automatic Dick era,” you say with a deep sigh. 
“Excuse me?” 
“The song. It’s called ‘Throw Away’, not… Automatic… Dick…” His correction dies on his tongue when he sees the exasperated look on your face. 
“That is not the point.” You shake your head and exit the website. You’re not in charge of PR. That’s someone else’s problem.
Your attention turns to the newest draft of the song you’ve been stressing out about since you arrived in Seoul. 
“This, though? This is fucking beautiful.” You adjust your laptop on the coffee table so Namjoon can better view the document. The two of you are at the dorm, lounging in the living room. 
There are a lot of highlighted lines and many comments throughout the document. You wish you were like the members who scribbled their lyrics in cute leather journals, but your brain is too much of a disaster and broken by technology. If you don’t have your laptop, you can't write lyrics for shit. 
“How are you so eloquent in Korean, but in English, you’re so…” You wave your hands around like you’re rifling through the air for the rest of your sentence. 
“Yes.” Sure, we’ll go with that, Joonie. 
“Well, that’s why I’ve got you!” 
At least he thinks you’re eloquent. The boys probably think you’re spending all your time in your office easily pulling masterpieces out of your ass when in reality you’re Googling, “what's the word for when you can't remember a word?” 
It’s lethologica, by the way.
You love Namjoon, but sometimes you think he has too much faith in you. Writing songs is hard. He of all people would know that. The difference between you and Namjoon is that when Namjoon struggles with writing he gets all emo, buys a bunch of weird furniture, and flies to another country to look at foreign art. When you struggle with writing, you just go home and play video games with Taehyung until you’re ready to try again. 
You’re both practicing avoidance, but Namjoon’s method just looks a little more dramatic than yours. Despite his assumptions, that doesn’t mean you’re better at handling yourself. You just do things differently. 
“We’re so lucky to have Jagi PD!” 
Namjoon groans and covers his head with the hood of his hoodie as Jungkook flies into the living room. 
Strong hands cup your armpits to lift you off of the couch. While Jungkook is crushing every bone in your body as he hugs you, all you can think about is how you were kind of a little bit sweaty, and now Jungkook has his hands all in your armpits. 
“Jungkookie, don’t pick people up without their consent.” 
Hobi enters the room behind the younger man and gives him a stern look which makes Jungkook immediately put you down on your feet. 
“Sorry, Y/N,” Jungkook says with a pout and galaxies in his eyes. You give his shoulder a playful smack. His baggy black t-shirt sticks to his skin, and you’re less worried about being sweaty. Jungkook is soaked. 
“Don’t worry about it, kid. I’m tough.” You flex your nonexistent muscles to make the precious maknae laugh his pout away.
“You should come train with us, Jagi.” 
“Jungkook,” Namjoon exclaims from where he still sits on the couch. 
He turns to his friend with wide eyes. “What?”
“Stop calling Y/N ‘jagi’. Taehyung is going to kill you.” This time Jimin pipes up. 
You hadn’t realized he’d entered the room, too. The three newcomers are varying degrees of sweaty with pink cheeks and wearing workout clothes. You suppose they’ve just come back from working out or perhaps a dance practice. They’ve all been back from tour for a few weeks now, but if there’s one thing you’ve learned about the Bangtan Boys it’s that they never fucking rest. 
It’s exhausting just to think about it. 
“It’s okay,” you say with a shrug. “I think ‘Jagi PD’ is pretty fucking funny, to be honest.” 
The nickname Jungkook created for you is cute in your opinion. You are a music producer. Jagi PD is better than using your last name. It could be like your stage name. Maybe you can get Namjoon to credit you as Jagi PD under the songs you write. Using your first and last name seems lame when it’s paired with fun names like SUGA, RM, j-hope, and Slow Rabbit.
“Pretty fucking funny,” Jungkook repeats. He gives the other men a triumphant look before launching himself onto the couch with Jimin. 
Hobi chooses to sit on the couch on the opposite side of the room with Namjoon. From the way Namjoon has nestled back into his seat, it’s clear that his song will have to wait. It’s for the best. You’re not thinking about music anymore. 
You can’t blame Jungkook for interrupting your work, but the true source of distraction saunters into the room with his arms full of grocery bags. 
“Hey, jagiya,” Taehyung greets you sweetly with a kiss on your forehead as he walks through the living room to get to the kitchen. The final two men, Jin and Yoongi, trail behind Taehyung with their own bags. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Jimin give Jungkook a pointed look when Taehyung uses the term of endearment. 
“What are you guys making?” Jungkook is curled up against the arm of the couch with his phone in hand. He’s holding it sideways which makes you think he’s probably playing In The Seom. The app is old news by this point, yet Jungkook’s attention is still consumed by it. It’s hilarious. 
You wish you could meet the game developers. Whoever made Taehyung’s character look so fucking feral deserves a raise. 
“You’re gonna cook?” You don’t hide your shock at the idea that Taehyung would be cooking anything, and that makes everyone laugh.
“I’m making dinner,” Yoongi clarifies. “And it’s a surprise, so stop paying attention to me.” He shoos Jin and Taehyung out of the kitchen. 
Jin sits on the couch with Jimin and Jungkook, while Taehyung sits with you. The armchair really only seats one person comfortably, but you wiggle so Taehyung can sit half next to you and half under you. He arranges your legs to drape over his lap. It’s nice, being this close. You can snuggle into his side and let him wrap his arms around you without worrying about who can see or what people think. All the boys are supportive of your relationship with Taehyung. It’s a bit frustrating that there’s no way for you to fully express how appreciative you are. 
“Well, what are we supposed to do?” From the couch in the living room, Jungkook shoots Yoongi a glare as if Yoongi’s request for some alone time while he cooks is a personal attack. 
Yoongi snorts and turns his back on Jungkook to begin unloading the groceries. “I don’t know, talk to each other.” 
“You guys are boring. I only want to talk to Y/N.” You’re not sure how you’ve become Jungkook’s favorite, but it’s exceptionally endearing. 
“You’re not even going to pay attention,” Namjoon points out. “Always on that damn phone.” 
He’s still got his hood up, and he looks like he was half-asleep. No one but you gets the joke, so Namjoon nods his head in your direction before returning to his slumped position. 
“I like watching Jimin-ssi’s character spin around in little circles.” 
“It’s cute, isn’t it?” Jin chimes in. “He looks so small.” 
The glares Jimin shoots everyone in the room are terrifying. You think about something you’d heard someone say: the shorter the person, the closer to hell they are. Something dramatic that only a tall person would say. 
“All the characters are the same size,” he exclaims. “And I don’t do that!” 
“Yes, you do. There are fanmade compilation videos of you spinning around, Jimin-ssi! I’ve watched them,” Jungkook confesses with full confidence. 
A small squeal sounds from the opposite side of the room. You turn to see Hobi practically bouncing on the couch. 
“Please, can we watch some? I want to hear the cute sound effects.” 
A pillow flies across the room, and Hobi just barely dodges it. Jimin crosses his arms firmly against his chest and scowls as Jin and Jungkook enthusiastically agree and Hobi snatches the TV remote before anyone else can. 
“At least watch a video that isn’t about me doing something embarrassing,” Jimin breaks down enough to plead (not beg!) with Hobi. He eyes the room and his gaze falls on Taehyung. A small smirk twitches at the corner of his mouth and you feel Taehyung slowly exhale. “We should watch one about TaeTae.” 
You try to cover your laughter with a cough, but Taehyung applies a light slap to your thigh in retaliation. 
“Why me?” he pouts. 
“Yes! Let me pick!”
“Jungkookie, no. It was my idea.” Hobi scrolls through his phone until his face lights up with glee. “I’ve watched this one before and it’s so cute, Y/N, you’re going to love it.” 
“The suspense is killing me.” You wiggle your eyebrows at Taehyung. The rolled eyes you’re met with feel like a victory. 
“Okay, it’s called, BTS struggling to understand ‘Tae-tae language’,” Hobi prefaces while the video loads on the TV. 
Jin laughs at the loud snort you let out. “TaeTae language is hard to understand.” 
“Maybe you guys aren’t creative enough to understand me,” Taehyung scoffs. 
“Hey! I understand you!” Yoongi protests from the kitchen. 
Taehyung looks like he might say more, but the video interrupts him. It starts with highlights from the comments section of previous videos. One comment mentions Namjoon being their bias. 
“Is that weird? Like, to watch this kind of stuff and hear people talk about their biases?” If you were famous, you were absolutely positive that you’d never Google yourself. You would not want to know what kind of weird shit was out there about you, even something as seemingly innocent as silly compilation videos. 
“I think it’s funny,” Jimin says with a smirk and half-moon eyes. “I’m everyone’s bias, anyway.” 
“That’s not what TikTok says.” Jungkook turns his nose upward at Jimin, though his eyes never leave his phone. It’s a shame In The Seom didn’t allow him to drown Jimin in the ocean, or he totally would have done it by now. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Just check how many videos there are under my hashtag.” 
Jimin snorts with a roll of his eyes, seemingly dismissing Jungkook’s claims. But you see him twist on the couch so the younger man can’t see that Jimin pulls up TikTok on his phone. As if TikTok was the end all, be all. You want to tell them it’s impossible to know who’s the most “popular” or whatever, but you know that conversation is futile. 
“Y/N, you were Army before you started dating Tae!” You can practically see the light bulb going off in Hobi’s brain. Or, rather, the Army bomb. “Who was your bias?” 
Hobi’s question barely leaves his lips when the room grows quiet. Seven pairs of eyes stare at you expectantly, including your boyfriend’s. You keep your eyes on the TV, though you aren’t seeing the compilation video playing anymore. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t have a bias. Y’know, OT7 and all that shit.” 
Suddenly, the room erupts. Screeches of protests and arguments are shouted across the living room, the boys yelling on top of one another and slewing insults at each other. 
“Oh come on, Y/N, tell us!” Hobi whines.
“Yeah, we wanna know! We won’t judge you.” Pulling this precious information out of you is so vital that Jungkook looks away from his phone long enough to give you a pouty face. 
“It’s obviously me. I’m Worldwide Handsome.” 
“Leave her alone, guys.” Taehyung shifts in his seat and adjusts how your legs drape over his lap. His large hands massage soft circles into your calf muscles. “This is so childish.” 
“Right. A bias is just whoever a fan is partial to,” Namjoon says with a shrug. “What matters is that fans support us as seven.” 
“No, a bias is the one the fan wants to fuck the most.” This time Jungkook doesn’t look up from his phone when he speaks. 
Jin hums in agreement, winking in your direction and making Taehyung scowl. 
“You’re just scared it’s not you, Tae.” For someone Taehyung calls his soulmate, Jimin seems to jump at every opportunity to fuck with his friend. He turns to you with those haunting siren eyes that lure in even God’s strongest soldiers. “Is he, Y/N? Is your bias Taehyung or someone else?” 
“I thought Hobi’s question was, who was my bias? Not is.” 
His siren eyes narrow at you. “Stop arguing semantics and answer the question.” 
You can’t hold a staring contest with the now-paused Youtube video, and Jimin’s sudden snappiness makes you feel the need to look away. Right into the eyes of your answer, the only person who hasn’t spoken during the entire bias conversation. 
Yoongi’s sharp eyes catch yours when you look away from the TV. Never one to miss a beat, he raises a perfectly-shaped eyebrow at you, the ghost of his classic Yoongi smirk barely lifting the corner of his mouth before the entire room erupts into shouting again. 
“YOONGI?! REALLY?! OUT OF ALL OF US, YOU PICKED HIM?” Jimin jumps up from the couch, knocking pillows all over the floor. 
“Watch it, Jimin-ah,” Yoongi scolds the younger man for his informal language. Jimin only rolls his eyes. 
“Damn, Jimin was right. You aren’t her bias, TaeTae.” Jin shakes his head with a solemn look. He gets up to leave the room, giving your boyfriend a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as he walks past. “I’m going to my room to play Mario Kart. This is too depressing for me.” 
At the mention of video games, Jungkook perks up. “Wait Jin hyungie, I wanna play, too!” He tosses the last couch pillow in Jimin’s lap and scrambles to catch up with Jin halfway down the hall. 
Yoongi wears a full-blown smirk now. You watch with wide eyes as his tongue slips out to drag across his bottom lip before he’s drawing his lip between his teeth. “Cute.” 
“Fuck off,” Taehyung hisses at the older man, lifting your legs off his lap. 
“Tae…” You reach out to grab his arm to stop him, but he’s already heading to his bedroom. The door slams shut so hard that the photos on the walls shudder. 
You turn back around to glare at the remaining men. “Did you have your fun, hmm? Was it worth it?” 
“I really… I didn’t think…” Hobi fumbles his words, clearly uncomfortable with the outbursts he’d unwittingly caused. 
“If it doesn’t work out with Taehyung, call me, yeah?” Yoongi sends you a wink, his tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek. 
You feel your face heat up and you refuse to look at him. You wait until he goes back to preparing the food before you stand up. Without another word, you follow in Taehyung’s footsteps until you reach his door. It’s locked, but you expected as much. 
“TaeTae,” you call softly. “Please let me in.” 
You wait in silence long enough that you consider going home. If Taehyung doesn’t want to talk to you, you aren’t going to push him. Even if you think the reason for his outburst is stupid and that he’s acting like a child. 
Eventually, the door is opened wide enough for you to slip inside. Taehyung doesn’t look at you when he shuts the door. Instead, he sits on his bed and leans his back against the wall. He keeps his eyes on his hands delicately folded together in his lap. His eyes are already red and slightly puffy. The sight is glass in your veins. 
“Tae, please don’t be upset,” you start slowly. Climbing into his bed, you scoot until you’re lounging next to him. He doesn’t pull away when you rest your head on his shoulder. 
“It’s embarrassing.” 
You let out a small sigh, not because you’re frustrated with him but because you’d known watching fanmade videos would turn out to be a bad idea. 
“If it makes you feel better, you were still in my bias line.” It’s probably not the best way to reassure your boyfriend, but it at least makes him look at you. 
“Who else?” His eyes are narrowed.
“I don’t think I should answer that.” 
Taehyung’s bottom lip droops and you feel your heart seize. 
“Okay, okay!” Maybe holding his hand will make it better. “Jimin, but, no don’t give me that look! Just listen.” 
Taehyung’s pout deepens, but he doesn’t interrupt you. 
“It’s not like when I hang out with Jimin or Yoongi I’m thinking about those things, okay? It’s just a natural thing that happens. Anyone can be drawn to specific people in a group; the same thing happens with friendships. Like you and Jimin. It’s normal.” 
Taehyung doesn’t seem convinced, but he laces his fingers through yours. You interpret the light squeeze he gives you as permission to continue talking. 
“Yoongi is cool because I always saw him as this, like, mental health icon for me. He talks so much about mental health and fans see how he has grown and gotten healthier over the years. It’s inspiring, right? You’ve seen it firsthand.”
“That’s true,” Taehyung sniffles. 
You nod your head. “Exactly, I respect him as a person and an artist. And with Jimin, I’ve always been almost jealous? of him. Because he can so beautifully balance both masculine and feminine qualities and aesthetics. He looks good no matter what and has learned to accept himself instead of forcing whatever weird masculinity shit y’all had when you debuted. That’s inspiring, too.” 
Taehyung is silent for a while. You give him the space to process what you’ve said, and you hope that it’s enough to make him understand that a bias is not just about who you want to fuck. Jungkook is such a flirt; of course, that’s how he would interpret things. 
“Why did you like me?” He finally looks at you. His eyes are a little pink from his tears, but his cheeks appear dry. The innocent curiosity in his expression tugs at your heart. 
You reach up to run your fingers through his fluffy hair, combing out any tangles and gently massaging his scalp. This is probably how Taehyung feels when you worry about fans, paparazzi, and sasaengs. 
“Well, you’re hot,” you say with a grin. You feel a bit lighter when Taehyung’s mouth curves slightly, too. 
“Is that it?” 
“Of course not.” You stick your tongue out. “You were my favorite in the vocal line. I loved how smooth your singing voice is, and how thoughtful you sound when you talk about how important the members and Army are to you. How could someone not love the inventor of I purple you?” 
It feels weird to talk about how you liked Taehyung before you knew who he was. You never made your status as a fan obvious in the beginning. Professionalism is more important than fangirling. Even now, you only casually discuss your interest in the group before meeting them.
“Your sense of fashion made me laugh. You always seemed so happy, even though people like to focus a lot on how mean you can look. And I thought your relationships with Yoongi and Jimin were cute. You’re a great example of how men can and should be soft and loving.” 
They’re all highly-simplified explanations for why Taehyung caught your eye in a group of seven, but they seem to put him at ease. He slides into the bed so he’s lying on his back under the covers. With his eyes locked on yours, he pats his chest. 
You lie down under the covers next to him. It feels nice to rest your head on his chest and throw your leg over his waist. Ever since Taehyung came back from the tour, you’ve wanted to be attached at the hip. It’s not that you can’t handle being alone, but you don’t think it’s a bad thing to want to be with the people who bring you joy— especially when you live in a new country. 
“You know I’m in love with you, not Yoongi or Jimin.” 
“I know.” 
“Do you actually?” You shift your head so you can look up at him. 
Taehyung meets you halfway. You let your eyes close as he slots his lips with yours, allowing your body to melt into his. The desperation the two of you had for each other when Taehyung first returned to Seoul eventually died out. Now, you’re okay with taking things slow. You can savor the feeling of his body on yours, firm and warm beneath you. You can savor the smell of his cologne and his taste as you breathe him in and slip your tongue inside his mouth. 
“I do,” he responds with a heavy exhale once you pull away. “I’m sorry I got upset. I just got so angry when hyung…” Taehyung scrunches his eyebrows and his nose scrunches along with them. 
You massage his forehead and try to forcefully smooth the wrinkles there. “Yoongi is just being an ass. He loves you, too,” you point out. 
Taehyung can’t argue that, so he leans down to kiss you again. You know how important physical contact is to him, especially when he’s upset. With that in mind, you slip your hands beneath his t-shirt. Splaying your hands flat against his chest feels nice. It’s a reminder that he’s real, and he’s here. He’s safe and healthy and yours. 
“We both get pretty jealous, huh?” 
Taehyung gives you a sheepish smile, all cheeks and pretty lips. You love his little lip freckle, but your favorite will always be the one under his eye. 
“Not as bad as Jungkook, though.” 
“Mhm, please don’t break up with me over a perilla leaf or anything.” 
Taehyung giggles and you feel like you’ve got helium inside you. If you don’t hold onto him tightly enough, you might float away with how light and carefree being with him makes you. 
“You won’t get rid of me that easily,” he says as he nibbles your earlobe. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
His hands find the hem of your t-shirt, and you sit up to allow him to undress you. It’s a delicate process because Taehyung wants to take his time, too. It might seem like the two of you use sex to solve your problems, but you never see it like that. For you, letting Taehyung take his time breaking you down, just to build you back up again, is an act of emotional intimacy, just as it is physical. When Taehyung gets comfortable between your thighs, dark eyes locked with yours as he sucks your clit into his mouth, the hold he has on your wrists grounds you. And when he hovers over you with your legs wrapped around his hips as he thrusts into you, you whisper gentle praises against his throat to remind him that you are his and he is yours.
You spend the rest of the afternoon in Taehyung’s bed. It feels good to snuggle with him while he talks to you about all the jazz clubs he forced Jimin to go to during the little free time they had on tour. It seems the tension in the house fades because the rest of the boys are loud and energetic; it’s impossible to tune them out when their laughter bleeds into the room despite the door being closed. 
“Do you think Taehyung and Y/N are done having make-up sex?” 
“It’s pretty quiet in there. Maybe they fell asleep.” 
You groan and bury your face in Taehyung’s side. It’s almost as if Jungkook and Jin are purposefully talking outside of his bedroom to make sure you can hear them. Knowing them, it’s not a far-fetched idea. 
“Probably tired themselves out. The screaming was really—” 
“JUNGKOOK!” Taehyung sits up so abruptly that you fall back onto the bed. “SHUT THE FUCK UP.” 
Jin and Jungkook’s laughter eventually fades down the hallway, but Taehyung gets out of bed anyway. 
“Yoongi is probably almost done with dinner,” he grumbles. You watch him zip up his jeans and admire how tall and lanky he is. Sorry to Yoongi and Jimin. 
He manages to get his arms caught in his t-shirt somehow, so you begrudgingly get out of bed to help. You tease him endlessly because obviously fucking you is so good that he doesn’t know how to use his limbs anymore. 
Your teasing is nothing compared to the way the other boys drag you the moment you step out of Taehyung’s bedroom. 
“You okay, Y/N? Sounded like you might be dying,” Jimin grins as he prepares the kitchen table for dinner. 
Jin snickers, throwing out his own commentary. “Taehyung, you got it pretty good even though you aren’t her bias, huh.” 
Before Taehyung has a chance to bite anyone’s head off, you chime in.��
“Yeah, yeah, Yoongi was my bias when I was a fan,” you say with a roll of your eyes. You can practically see Jungkook registering that you said “was a fan”, and that makes him pout. As if you aren’t still a fan. What a baby, just like Taehyung. 
Yoongi snorts as he retrieves a dish from the oven. “I cannot fathom why.” 
“Me either,” Jimin agrees with a giggle. He’s completely unfazed by the dark look Yoongi shoots him. 
You join in on Jimin’s laughter, and you’re pleased to see that Taehyung is smiling too. The whole thing is so ridiculous. Maybe you’re feeling a bit too comfortable because you start oversharing. 
“And I was a Yoonmin shipper, I’m not gonna lie.” You’re laughing so hard that you don’t realize neither Jimin nor Taehyung are laughing anymore. After a few seconds pass, though, your smile slowly falls. Jimin’s face has turned bright pink and Yoongi has his back to the table. 
“It was one time, okay?” Jimin’s eyes burn holes into Yoongi’s shoulder blades from across the room. “Okay, two times.” 
The older man doesn’t comment. 
You nudge Taehyung’s leg with your foot under the kitchen table. He presses his lips together as hard as he can, but the smile just gets pushed into his cheeks. A rush of air explodes from his lips in a loud raspberry, and that’s what triggers your laughter again. 
“Oh my god, I really wish I was surprised but I’m not,” you confess with a wheeze. 
You’ve clearly touched on a sensitive topic. Jimin blabbers away about how it’s not that big of a deal, all while Yoongi silently finishes arranging the dishes on the table. It would feel uncomfortable, but Jimin’s flushed face and the tiniest of smiles curving Yoongi’s lips make you think it meant a lot more than what Jimin wishes to admit. 
And that’s really fucking cute. 
As the rest of the boys come piling into the kitchen, Taehyung scoots his chair until yours are touching. You bump shoulders and tilt your face up so he can press a kiss against your jaw. 
“I love you,” he whispers. “With all my heart." 
“I love you, too.” You lace your fingers with his and let your hands rest against his thigh. “You dork.” 
The kitchen is chaos, but all you can focus on is the boxy smile Taehyung gifts you.
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
@bts-ruu @chuberella23 @guks-lip-piercing @sailoryooons @hvnnibvni @jinsquishes @jjkeverlast @klitklittredge @koobsessed @moonchild1 @moonleeai @nonbinary-demonbrat @parkdatjimin @reliablemitten @saweetspoiled @sugarwithtea @swga-ficrecs @taegiblr @yoongukie-ff
(and i'm tagging y'all cuz ik you were excited for this) @norushtolive @btscontentenjoyer
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scara-meow-che · 2 years
Dainsleif's dick being infused with abyss energy(?) like his arm-
Like yea Tartaglia's last form's dick, yeah Ito's oni dick, yeah zhongli's dragoon dick,but what of Dain???? That shit must be magical 😩
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⦿ 𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 ┃ eyes up here princess with dainsleif
CW. NSFW (MDNI), big dick! dain, fem! reader, use of words (princess), established relationship, teasing, first-time sex, implied oral, sex w/out penetration (thigh job and dick job? is that even a thing? idk, just read it to find out), dirty talk, magical dick (i am NOT sorry), mention of abyss princess lumine
AN. the new archon quest 🧍🏻‍♀️ it felt like a fever dream and it's a whole ass year again before we get to see this man so i am making it my mission to let him and his abyss-energy-fused dick live in my mind rent-free. also, if the anon that sent me this is still here to witness me posting this, hello :D this took me by surprise bcs i planned it to be short but here we are ig
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it wasn't every day that you get dain's attention all to yourself.
you would often see him somewhere, busy, as always. sometimes, you would find yourself conversing with a few locals when dain tries to do things on his own as he would reason out that it's for your own safety. or you'd be up and about some part of the region searching for the abyss princess as to what he currently puts as his top priority.
these repeating turn of events would, most of the time, make you question whether you really matter to him seeing as he's always invested in things unrelated to you or what interests you. you don't ask too much from him but sometimes, a little attention would be nice, or have him answer all the questions that run inside your head.
yet, when dain would see that familiar expression painting your face as you make your bed for the night, he would put everything on hold and indulge more in what you'd request. he does make up for you, well, you have no complaints when he does because he'd always be there in a heartbeat for every beck and call.
hence why you're laid out on your bed, legs spread out with him toying with your already sore clit.
the idea of having sex had never once danced in between each conversation you'd have with dain. you'd rather spend the time to catch up on each other's day and sort out a route to where you both want to go next. it never fazed you when some people asked how your relationship with dain is going, not even bothered when some old women from liyue dramatically gasped as you've never been that intimate with your lover.
as the tension builds up throughout the months of overhearing people gossiping about their partners or be the victim of a drunk local telling you the tale of their sexual escapades, it draws out some images in your head. would dain be like the same as those oni's you've heard about? or have an impressive length similar to this one tale about a dragon lord? heck, would he have a dick that grows unrealistically big just like with the harbinger that you've heard about?
but who fucking cares anyway? you're about to get the real deal right now.
"what a curious mind you have there, princess." dain mindlessly mused as he press soft kisses along your thighs, leaving you breathless as he presses himself closer to your aching core. you can feel the heat from the big hard tent on his pants as he rubs himself to the dampness of your cunt. "i thought that eating you out could already satiate your pretty little head but you still want... what? what is it that you want from me again?"
he taunts, amused when he hears a cry from your disheveled form. "ah, didn't i say to tell me if you want something?"
"but it's embarrassing to say it!" you can't even fully reason out how humiliating it is for you to casually ask him that you want to see his dick as you let out another moan when he lightly thrusts his clothed cock on your core. he doesn't even let up, continuing his cruel pace in rubbing his aching dick on your already sensitive clit.
"p-please! i just, a-ah, want to see your d-dick!"
"say what again, princess?"
having enough of his teasing, you went to give your best in bending your body just to reach the big tent on his pants. "i want to see your dick dain and... i want you to fuck me, please."
you can feel a rush of heat all over your skin, your eyes quickly darting to the side to avoid dain's amused pair. a chuckle was all you heard before you felt his hands gently laying you down back to bed. in response to his pleased titter, you scoffed and gave him a quick glare.
"i'm sorry but you're just irresistible when you're so honest with me." he paused as he takes a sharp intake of air when he pulls out his leaking cock from the confines of his pants.
your eyes widen at the sight. no, it's not because he's as big as what you heard like the one of an oni or he has that delicious curve like that of the dragon cock but it's because the hue is unlike any other, the dark blue pulses as beads of white litters on the tip. fuck, when dain gave his dick a quick stroke, you can see how it grew a bit larger in his palm.
you drool just by imagining how it would feel inside of you.
"eyes up here, princess." he gave your thighs a light smack, pulling your attention back up before you felt the cockhead rubbing so gingerly on your little nub, smearing your cum on your lower lips.
"you're so eager for me, huh?" he can feel you trembling the more he pays attention to your aching core, gliding the head back and forth your lower lips, enough to push the head inside your hole but easy for him to just pull right back out. he's testing out the waters, waiting for more of your reactions and he could only see you enjoying yourself being please with the tip of his dick.
"just look at you, so wet and ready for me." and you are, feeling your arousal pool and spill right out of your needy hole while dain keeps making a mess out of it. your hips desperately buck right up, chasing for the head but he kept you pinned down on the soft mattress as he continues teasing you.
"dain, please, want to feel more of you." your hand went to grab his arms, giving it a light squeeze that you knew would get him to listen to you.
but it did the complete opposite.
"didn't you say that you want to see my dick?"
before you could argue back, dain had gently straightened both your legs upward, his strong arms locking you in place before pushing the dark blue cockhead in between your thighs. "been wanting to do this for so long," he uttered with a low groan, his body shivering when he thrusts his cock in the middle of your soft flesh, the rushed and hasty movements of the head prods at your clit. "you look so pretty like this, just letting me use you."
you gasped for air when he purposely prods at your puckering hole, angling his abyss-energy-fused cock to dive in and out of your thighs. your eyes caught a glimpse of how each streak of white glow, the nerves pulsing as he ruts himself so needily on you.
"so keep your pretty eyes on me and maybe, if you managed to do so, i might just give you what you want."
and you did, you desperately tried your best to keep looking at dain and just watching how he use your thighs to get off. it was a rare sight to see dain lose himself, tottering over the warmth and softness that covers his dick.
at first, he was scared that he might scare you off, thinking how unusual his cock looks. compared to what he thought you'd prefer to see in between your legs, about to rail the innocence out of you, his was far off the scales.
but when he saw your eyes almost sparkled when he pulled out his dick, hands so damn eager to touch him, and both your lips spilling out how much you want more of him just sends him over the edge. his pace quickened the more he stares at your needy form, enjoying the way your eyes fluttered close whenever he brushed against your hole before proceeding in sliding his cock back on your thighs.
"i'm so close, fuck, you feel so good 'round me like this, princess." and fuck, yes, you can feel more of his pre-cum ooze around the head and coats more of your already slick skin. it felt so dirty, so filthy to watch him fuck himself with your thighs and you felt dirtier when you were enjoying how his large dick, fused with the same abyss energy as his arm, slides back and forth your thighs.
"cum for me please," you whispered, urging your lover to release his load on your skin. within seconds, dain stopped his thrusts as he buried his cock between your legs, pressing it tighter as he shoots his load on your flesh, slowly having the thick globs of his cum drip down on your core.
while dain goes to steady his breathing, you went to open up your legs to see how much cum had covered your body, the scent of sex causing your head to fizzle out that you had nothing in your mind but the need to see his dick filling you up.
dainsleif was shocked when you went to reach out for his cock, the keenness in your eyes captivating as you focused on his dick.
"wanna see how it looks as you fuck me." your request came like a cry, a whimper of desperation. and you can feel the way dain's dick twitched on your hand.
you're going to be the death of him.
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⠀⠀scara-meow-che © 2023 ┃ do not copy, modify, or repost ANY of my content
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qiupachups · 10 months
hobie brown
.。.+*☆ headcannons 🎸💭
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contents: general hcs, london based hobes bc i live there
a/n: my wife! the picture above is ‘stay close to me— omega sessions’ by bad brains (super cute song and so hobie)
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When he’s not playing shows, antagonising fascists, or staging unpermitted political action slash performance art pieces— Hobie takes care of his garden. There’s just about anything growing on his canal boat that can survive London.
It’s fun just like him! He can repurpose whatever he finds into a planter, which includes old Henry Hoovers.
Most things we take for granted are ridiculously scarce in his world, like running hot water. Not wanting to waste this luxury, Hobie developed the skill of taking extremely fast showers.
Sometimes it feels like he steps in and comes straight out. It’s a little unnerving.
Once a month, Hobie does a super deep clean of his canal boat. He finds all sorts of inter-dimensional trash he’s collected over the weeks. After heaving it off the deck, you swear the boat groaned in relief.
Where does it all go? Miguel’s dimension, of course. The man didn’t have to guess the mystery fly-tipper when he saw the bags flickering through the colour spectrum. In Hobie’s defence, the waste disposal system is better in Earth-98.
If you hadn’t realised yet, Hobie is a methodical and thoughtful spidey. He plans for the best times to grow his produce and harvests them at the perfect time (not always since he’s usually… busy).
After freezing or preserving the amount he needs, he gives the rest to his community. So, expect some strawberry jam materialising at your doorstep.
For as longer as he remembers, Hobie could always cook. There was never a time he didn’t help feed his community or volunteer at F.E.A.S.T— even with his responsibilities post spider-bite.
In Hobie’s eyes, there’s nothing better than a good home-cooked meal. He can make something (amazing) from nothing so you can trust him even when it feels like there’s just dust left in the cupboard.
Multiple spideys can agree that Hobie’s singing isn’t the best. When Gwendy gave him a very forced smile, it only broke his heart a little. The face of Hobie’s idol basically admitting his singing sucks isn’t a big deal. Duh. He’s a big girl— he can handle that…
Thankfully, playing his MaryJane (guitar) more than makes up for it. If he’s not using it to torment police, he’ll make the best damn art that’s gonna stick in your head rent free.
With at least eleven piercings and counting, the dos and don’ts of them are like second nature to Hobie. That’s only eleven we can see— who knows how many more he has hidden? Without a doubt, there’ll be more to come.
Instead of getting blood poisoning from Claires or judged by a pretentious tattoo artist, go to Hobie. He’ll refuse payment but he wouldn’t turn down a drink.
Hobie isn’t called the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man for nothing. His genuine (almost violent) care for his community has earned him the respect of basically everyone, despite their initial concerns.
“A dependable young man.” That’s how the elderly women tend to describe Hobie. They’re his biggest allies since he’d drop almost anything to help them cross a road or carry groceries.
Gwendy’s chucks aren’t the first and certainly won’t be the last thing he’ll steal. (You seriously think Hobie just happened to have shoes in her size and colour?)
He’ll definitely nick something of something of yours when you’re not looking. Once you realise, he’ll hold it high above your head and force you to jump for it. Why? Because he can.
Like every other British teen, Hobie’s dabbled in some underage drinking. It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught! When he’s drunk, he’ll be obnoxiously sweet and yell stuff like “You’re gorgeous, luv!” because he truly means it.
In addition to Hobie’s strange array of skills, being good at pub games is another. Beer pong, darts, etc… you name it: he’ll clear it. Hell, he might start organising them if he’s drunk enough.
In his personal humble opinion, roses are way too cliche for a romantic gift. It’s overdone, boring and stupidly difficult to obtain in his universe. So instead, Hobie rips off that patch you’ve been eyeing and gifts that to you.
As much as he’d like to, Hobie couldn’t rip off every patch for you. Instead, he makes a matching set and he’s cheesy enough to sew his one over his heart.
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tag: @vhstown thanks for bean card xx
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hjparisian · 1 year
bad idea right?- harry j potter x reader
p: ex! harry j potter x fem!reader w: modern au (phones exist at hogwarts dont question how), everyone is friends, small mentions of drinking and smoking, slight sexual implications (no smut) summary: (y/n) and harry have been broken up for a while now. while at a party (y/n) gets a message from harry asking her to come over. its a bad idea, right? a/n: based on the song by olivia rodrigo, which has been living in my head rent free and brought my first idea in weeks. currently trying to get through a few requests and ylm part II and seeing what'll happen from there. also im on pinterest and tik tok so come find me (has nothing posted on either lol)
There was nothing like a good old party after the Quidditch games. This game was between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the latter being victorious, which meant the Slytherins would be hosting the party. All the houses were invited.
(Y/N) sat on the couch with Hermione, Pansy, Daphne, and Cho, a drink in her hand. She had tuned out what the girls were chatting about, observing the surroundings of the party. From the people dancing, couples making out, people taking shots and smoking, and Ron doing a keg stand with Blaise and Theo, Draco laughing at them from the side.
(Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of her phone, which had also caught the attention of her friends. She picked it up to see who it was. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately to her, it was her ex-boyfriend. Harry.
5 missed calls
feeling a bit bored rn
no ones at the dorm right now
come over?
"Who is it?" Cho asked.
"Oh erm, no one important," (Y/N) said.
"Well your phone was buzzing for a good minute until you finally picked up so it has to be someone important," Daphne chimed.
"Really it's no one," (Y/N) tried telling them.
At that moment, Pansy took (Y/N)'s phone out her hand and looked at it.
"Yeah no one important, unless it's your ex Harry fucking Potter wanting to see you tonight!" Pansy said. The girls gasped.
"Harry?" Hermione asked. "Harry's texting you? But you guys haven't spoken in a couple of months."
"Yeah, I know," (Y/N) said.
"How come Harry isn't here anyways? Doesn't he usually go to parties with Ron?" Daphne asked.
"Said he didn't feel like it," Hermione told her.
"Well, are you gonna do it?" asked Pansy.
"Do what?" (Y/N) asked.
"You know, see him?"
Cho chimed in. "Oh (Y/N), I don't think that would be a good idea."
"Yeah, that would be a bad idea, he is your ex after all," said Daphne.
"I never said whether I was going to or not!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "And if I were why would it matter? I know he's my ex but can't two people reconnect?"
"Well, they could," Hermione started saying. "But a lot of the times it doesn't work out."
"Besides," Pansy starts. "There's a bunch of other men out there waiting to have a chance with you. Men hotter than Potter."
(Y/N) didn't know whether to agree or disagree with Pansy. Well sure, there's other men out that there that could be more attractive than Harry, but there's just something about him that draws her to him.
"Okay, okay! I only see Harry as a friend anyways. Also we're at a Slytherin party right now and I'd much rather be getting drunk with you guys than continue this." (Y/N) told them.
Her words rang in her head as she took a shot that Pansy brought her. Does she really only see Harry as a friend? Or is that a lie?
The temptation to see Harry was only getting stronger with each drink she took. It wouldn't be a horrible idea to visit Harry right? They probably wouldn't do anything anyways so what's the harm?
While the girls weren't paying attention, she texted Harry back, telling him she would be over in a little bit. It didn't take long for Harry to get back to her.
cool, see you soon then
(Y/N) waited until the girls were done with another round of drinks, hoping to be unsuspecting with her need to leave.
"I think I'm going to head to bed, I'm feeling a little bit tired," she said.
"Already?" Pansy asked. "Come on we're having fun!"
"Pansy, leave the girl be. It is starting to get a little late anyways," Daphne said to her fellow Slytherin.
"Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" Hermione asked her, being one of the more sober people of the group.
"No! No I'll be alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow though alright?" (Y/N) said as she wave goodbye to her friends.
Once she exited the Slytherin common room, she quietly made her way towards the Gryffindor common room. Curse Harry for being a Gryffindor and making her walk so far, but it'll be worth it, at least that's what she's thinking.
(Y/N) finally made it to the entrance of the common room without any setbacks. The Fat Lady had woken up from the sound of her footsteps.
"Quid Agis," (Y/N) said, having remembered the password from when she visited Hermione earlier in the week.
The portrait opened and (Y/N) walked in. The common room was empty, most likely due to the party as well as it being late in the night. She made her way to Harry's dorm, memorized where it was due to the countless times she's gone over.
The girl knocked on the door before going to grab the door knob, but the door had opened before she could. In front of her stood her ex-boyfriend in sweats and a black shirt, contrasting her party dress she wore tonight.
"Hey," Harry said to (Y/N) when she walked in, closing the door behind her.
"Hi," (Y/N) shyly said. It was a bit awkward being in Harry's dorm, considering the last time she was there was a few months ago, before their break up.
Harry guided (Y/N) to his bed, the two sitting at the edge. She could feel Harry's eyes taking her in. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't doing the same just before.
"So you came from the party I assume?" Harry asked.
(Y/N) nodded.
"How was it?"
"Good. You know how Slytherin parties are." The girl said. "Exciting. A lot of drinks."
"Do your friends know you're here?" Harry asks her.
"No." (Y/N) felt a hand touching her thigh.
"Where do they think you're at?" Harry asks her. "They think I'm in bed right now." She said. But she never specified whose bed.
A faint hum of acknowledgement came from Harry as he began rubbing her thigh, his hand slowly getting higher and higher.
"You know, I've missed you a lot (Y/N)."
(Y/N) could feel her heart racing at Harry's sudden confession. "Really? I've sorta missed you too." She didn't know if it was the alcohol talking that made her say that or what, but something made her want to see where this was going.
A small smirk appeared on Harry's face before he brought the girl to his lap. His eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips.
"How about I show you how much I've missed you?"
This definitely was not going to be a bad idea, right?
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philtstone · 3 months
title: check yes, juliet
It doesn't matter that Juliet is a freshly-minted, top-of-her-class field agent (alright, so she hasn't actually been in the field yet) or one of the few women working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's cutting edge check fraud department (just last week, their 20-year-old coffee maker broke and they ran out of number two pencils to mark up their overhead projector notes with): every time her mother calls, all she does is lament that her beautiful, intelligent daughter isn't meeting any eligible bachelors.
“Maybe that’s for the best,” Maryanne sighs eventually. “All O’Hara women fall for liars, Julie. It’s our curse.”
Juliet has to wonder if she didn't scoff at her mother's claim a little bit too soon.
my brother & i had the earth shattering realization a month ago that the plot of "catch me if you can" (2002) is almost to a tee just a mildly alternate psych timeline and that thought has lived in my head rent free to such an insane degree that eventually 14 thousand words poured out of me in au fic form. im posting it so as many other people as possible can see the vision. and also because im sure theres one person other than me who revels in early seasons shawnjuliet's frankly insane levels of chemistry, lol. enjoy!
“Your average bounced check would be routed to the bank it originates from, so you’d only really have a few days in one place before you were discovered. This guy’s been filing off the routing numbers, changing ‘em somehow – so cleanly and neatly that it’ll take a real sharp eye to notice. It’s all about the branch you’re cashing it in. A check cashed in at Chase Manhattan with the one changed to ten’s gonna bounce halfway around the country before anyone figures out it’s rotten, and by that point this asshole is long gone. The numbers go East, Central, West – you see how they cover 0-60, 70-80, and of course they require a special kind of ink to be recognized as real checks, which you’d all know if you’d read the report I circulated …”
Juliet doesn’t notice the full cup of orange juice in front of her until it’s too late. 
Her head’s still full of Carlton’s two hour long briefing this morning, during which she learned more about check fraud than she’d have ever thought a single person could in one lifespan. Certainly not Juliet, who’d originally studied literature at Florida State. Then again, back then she’d have never expected to end up an FBI agent, either.
Then there’s the wired, tense feeling in her gut that probably won’t go away ‘til this sting is over and they bring in the pathetic local guy Carlton’s been tracking for the last week. His MO is pretty girls in pastel dresses, which made Juliet the right man – woman – for the job. At least maybe doing this’ll help the guys in the office take her seriously as a field agent. And, well … she does love a nice peachy pink cardigan. The color goes well with her complexion.
“This idiot’s no real con man, he’s just a clown who can’t be bothered to work an honest job. Child’s play compared to the real thing. ” Carlton tends to pause here, angry that he’s got to acknowledge it like that – the real thin g. “ You know what they’ve been calling him in the papers these days?”  
Him . Always him. They don’t have a name on the subject yet, despite over a million cashed in fraudulent checks. Juliet hums and nods so her partner feels acknowledged. 
“��The skywayman . Pathetic. Like he’s some magician or something, instead of a two-bit liar who thinks he’s smarter than me. ”
“This isn’t personal, Carlton ,” Juliet says tiredly. “ It’s not like he knows who you are to be deliberately toying with you.”  
“Oh yes he is. I know he is. I know him .”
Her hands aren’t quite shaking, because that would be stupid; this guy, their local guy, shouldn’t have a gun on him, and if he does he’s not the type to shoot a woman. Juliet focuses on the paper in front of her and tucks a lock of her hair behind one ear. A window of ten minutes – that’s what Carlton said. Unlike Carlton’s unsub nemesis, they know plenty about this one. He’ll come in, dressed like the middle-aged schlub he is, loose tie probably, gray slacks, thinning hair. He’ll notice her, buy her a soda she’ll accept with a faulty check and then pick her pocket for the cash. The string of pearls at her neck makes her a sweet college girl whose parents have money. She mentally forces herself to stop chewing her lip and instead moves her right hand down to her lap, where she can pick at her nail polish without anyone seeing. 
“Well, obviously we wanna catch him,” Agent Dobson says, when they’re a third of the way through the morning briefing and half the room is asleep or dreaming of lunch. Juliet, of course, has been furiously taking notes. He means the Skywayman; he means the real thing. “But you gotta admit, Lassiter, there is a bit of a magic show to a good con, isn’t there? The press has that one thing right.”
“It’s not magic. It’s lies and deceit and a healthy helping of audacity, and a damn good typewriter. O’Hara, write that down. We’re gonna go through that list of makes and models again, see what we can come up with.”
Deep breath. Her purse, orange to match the cardigan, is in her lap. The gun’s in the purse. She’ll draw it, but not to shoot. This is the kind of work she’s begged the Chief for, and she’ll be just fine.
Maybe Juliet would feel less desperate to prove herself if this diner wasn’t in Miami, and her father didn’t gift her the only string of pearls she owns.
A voice clears itself quietly above her.
“Uh, excuse me? Hi, yeah, hi. That’s my seat.”
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evilwickedme · 1 year
This wasn't asked for because nobody in their right mind would ask for this but this is a fic rec list of fics I cannot stop rereading
Just started yet another reread of Inimitable Verse by deniigiq and I fully plan on rereading their into the multiverse series which occasionally crosses over also - this is a Spider-Man/team red focused series, think comics canon infused early mcu-spidey since only homecoming had come out for a non substantial amount of time they were working on the series and the daredevil stuff is explicitly tv show AND comics. Also the multiverse series is how I got into Murderdock and therefore how I got into Spider Gwen
Unpretty's Sorrowful And Immaculate Hearts series which is just a loosely interconnected series of DC fics. My personal favorites are Empty Graves, in which Martha Kent keeps killing time travelers trying to kill baby! Clark; any of their clois fics but especially Third Wheel; and Anti-Social, which is a social media fic mostly about Tim and Bruce that made me cry laughing. Catch Bruce trying to get Walmart's employees to unionize. Also shout out to unpretty's only fic with Jason in it, it looks awesome but is tragically incomplete
This particular Reverse Robin AU which put in the work to reverse every single younger generation and is chef's kiss I LOVE this version of Tim he's wild
Both of Shoalsea's fics are in constant rotation for me I talk about Into The Brighter Night all the time in the tags of reblogs and stuff it truly lives in my head rent free. Anyway Tim gets kidnapped by aliens and the batfam have to watch as yj98 saves him and it's angsty and funny and such a good take on what could have been if the new 52 hadn't happened. And Compassion Builds No House is about Tim and Pru from Red Robin. Ugh they're both so good
Speaking of Clois (I did you've just forgotten this by now) brilliant (like a confession) by kathkin (penny-anna on the hellsite) is so fucking good I'm. Okay. Anyway it'll be listed as inspiration if/when I finally post my two person love triangle fic for them
I'm too anxious to catch up on this before it's done but jumble sale chic is hands down the best spideydevil fic series despite and because of the omegaverse
Make A Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is my favorite take on Jason, period, and has a lot of fantastic Damian stuff going on too. It's updating every few weeks still! Sometimes more often! I love you bacondoughnut it's me JustGail the person who will not stop commenting on your fic you're stuck with me forever
I lied above Rumspringa Murderdock is what got me into Murderdock but that series is second place. I found this one while scrolling through the tv show's mattfoggy tag, thinking I was safe
Speaking of Murderdock mattfoggy, The Lawyer All the Wickedness was written early on in spider-gwen's history and so diverges from canon really early in ways that I think are super interesting and creative
Oh also straight on 'til morning by merils (Tumblr url mamawasatesttube) does SUCH a great job unpacking Kon's trauma and building up healthy relationships around him including a budding timkon romance and yeah it makes me sad and happy at the same time
We're getting into poisonivory territory so just trust if you like the pairing and poisonivory is writing it you'll like it. Ok rapidfire
Like A Handprint On My Heart mattfoggy soulmate au with a twist
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? Damijon future fic/au. Jon came back from the future when both of them were 19. Demisexual!Damian at its best. Damian's terrified of being abandoned by Jon again and it made my heart hurt
I feel like I've already recommended every JayRoy fic by poisonivory and genuinely I do reread them all, sometimes in order of publication if I'm in a particular mood. Maybe the one I've read most though is I've Got the Feeling You're the Right Thing After All which is about Roy and Jason starting a fwb thing while Roy still harbors old feelings for Dick. Can't see anything going wrong here lmao
Mmm this post is long enough so I'll leave it at just superhero fic for now but I do in fact have the ability to do a whole post just for the Witcher or Leverage so I might do that. Anyway thanks for following me on yet another burst of insanity it will happen again
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welcometothejianghu · 5 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 有翡/Legend of Fei.
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Legend of Fei is a 2020 adaptation of priest's webnovel Bandits that tells the story of a competent yet sheltered young swordswoman, the terrible gremlin boy who decides they're married now, and their various friends as they venture into the jianghu to acquire the legendary MacGuffin that will do ... uh, something, probably.
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This show is a delight. It is pure goofy, tender-hearted sincerity. It has so many precious baby angels with adorably pinchable cheeks performing so many fetch quests in so many styrofoam dungeons. It is funny on purpose and funny on accident. It is 51 episodes of rollicking, slapdash, green-screened adventure.
I am trying real hard here not to bite on @agendratum's wonderful rec post for the series, which includes the words "discount word of honor with teens," a phrase that lives rent-free in my head. Go look at their work for a more detailed character guide. What I have here are a mere five reasons above and beyond said post that you should watch this darling little show.
1. All the production values of a sixth-grade class play
This show flopped pretty hard, and I can understand why. It was a highly anticipated drama with two big-name headliners. Fans expected a lot from it! And what they got is something that looks and feels like a mid-budget syndicated UPN show from 1993, complete with how all the high-schoolers are played by actors in their thirties.
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This show is comically janky and earnest. Stunt people fall down before they're hit. Breakaway furniture abounds. Actors bounce gently off "stone" walls. Damn near everything was filmed on sound stages with greenscreens. (Filming ran from September 2019-January 2020, stopped for pandemic reasons, and finished March-April 2020. While this certainly is not the only cause of the show's jankiness, it definitely contributed.)
This it not a show with no money; this is a show with an appropriate amount of money spent poorly.
The flow and pacing of the story are as smooth as a car crash. So many times, a scene with Characters A and B will be happening, the show will cut (sharply) away to a different storyline, and by the time it jumps back, Character A is in a completely different location and Character B has departed. When did that happen? Why did that happen? Where are we now? No time to ask questions! Establishing shots are for weenies! This director knows filmmakers who maintain narrative continuity, and they're all cowards.
Speaking of the narrative: I've seen Saturday morning cartoons from the '80s with more depth. I would be hard-pressed to explain what exactly is happening that's driving the plot. There's big business with a deposed emperor and a forever war happening on some distant front and disgruntled veterans of the army that's fighting it ... but, like, it doesn't matter? All those machinations are barely relevant to the plot at hand, which can be summed up thus: Bad Guys want Thing, Good Guys go on adventures to stop them from getting Thing.
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And I am listing all this messiness as a selling point -- as the show's primary selling point, in fact -- because I think it's all charming as heck. This show is plain, unpretentious fun. It's a downright romp! It's got a very teenager's-eye-view of the inscrutable situation driving the whole plot, which does a good job of drawing attention to how maaaaybe this whole situation is bullshit and the grownups should stop killing themselves and other people because of it.
Here's a good metric: If the Ye Olde Haixing parts of Guardian warmed your heart, you are in exactly the right frame of mind for this.
There's no way to tell how much of this campy, underfunded aesthetic was intentional, and how much was the result of both poor budgeting and way too many cooks in the production and screenwriting kitchens. I'm not going to say this was a labor of love, because it was at best a labor of like. Everybody onscreen is giving it their all, but no one's giving the same all as anyone else. Go into it expecting that and nothing more, and you'll have a great time.
2. Punching the Bechdel Test into next week
Are you someone who loves c-dramas, except for the part where you're like, gee, I sure wish there were some girls in this? Oh, my friend, there are so many girls in this.
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I actually kept being stunned while watching it by just how many girls are in it. Old girls! Young girls! Evil girls! Nice girls! Rich girls! Poor girls! Strong girls! Weak girls! Just a whole lot of girls!
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Truly, it's not just how many female characters there are, but the sheer variety of them. The main octet includes an awkward tomboy who can kick your ass, a spunky brat who's not above crocodile tears to get what she wants, and a soft femme who's a brave little toaster despite having zero martial arts skills. The show absolutely loves them all and thinks they've all got important things to contribute, no matter how hard they can or can't punch.
And that's before we get into how many female side characters there are, both heroes and villains. I've seen that some people hate on these side characters. Those people are wrong.
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Maybe the best part is how much they interact. There are many scenes with multiple female characters in them, sometimes with male characters too, and sometimes just the girls. Because this is a jianghu story with martial artists, several of the female characters have unique skills that they pass on to other, younger female characters. Women are often the honored masters of things who have competent all-ladies support staff. And there's no sense that they wash out after a certain age -- even the grannies can still school you as needs be.
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...Of course, the sad thing is, I'm touting all this ladyfolk representation when maybe 20% of the total listed cast is female (doing quick math from the MyDramaList cast page). Pound for pound, the Untamed's listed cast has a (slightly) greater female:male ratio, and nobody would call that a girl-forward show. It just makes a difference when what female characters you have, you push toward the front of the narrative and give them reasons to have relationships with one another, instead of making them occasional props in the background while real (read: male) people get to be people.
The entire reason the Bechdel-Wallace Test exists is not to praise or condemn any individual piece of media, but to comment on larger trends in the depiction of women in fiction. It's not a problem when one thing doesn't pass the test; it's a problem when nothing passes the test, or when the things that do pass skate by on single moments and technicalities. The more things that fail its three criteria, the more that indicates the prevalence of an attitude that regards women only as accessories to men's stories.
Legend of Fei is aware that not only do women have inner lives, but they relate to one another in very specific, culturally informed ways. The female characters in this are not just male characters with incidental she/her pronouns. Zhou Fei not only gets to be the protagonist who goes on the whole hero's journey of growth and change, but along the way she also gets to have some complicated interactions with her own gender and how much expected modes of femininity do and don't suit her. But it's also not because she's Not Like The Other Girls! It doesn't make her better or worse to be that way. It just makes her more like her mom -- and if there's one thing I know that makes a teenage girl break out into a cold sweat, it's the idea that she's anything like her mom.
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This little drama is hardly some revolutionary piece of thought-provoking feminist insight, or anything like that. It's just that if you're feeling the lack of ladies in your c-dramas and wish to see girls on film (as it were), Legend of Fei may be what you're looking for!
3. Chaotic bisexual (asexual?) extravaganza!
priest's work is queer as fuck, and while this story itself does not rise to the level of being textually gay, there's still a great big rainbow flag flying over the whole business. You can rest assured that when two dudes or two ladies are giving one another meaningful looks, it is not an accident. We all know who's writing this.
Do you like relationship charts? Because I've got a doozy for you:
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How many of these are me making jokes? Way fewer than you think.
There are of course some actual canon couples in there, and the amount of real estate they take up in the narrative means your affection for them will make or break your affection for the show. Fortunately, all the teen pairings are super-cute!
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Zhou Fei embodies the bisexual stereotype of liking all the ladies and maybe one dude. Xie Yun falls so hard and fast for this beautiful butch-by-local-standards that his head spins. Together, they are the romantic backbone of the story, and they are just a treat.
I've seen people say these two have no chemistry, and I think that's bullshit, but okay, let's assume that's your read on it. You can still understand why they like one another, beyond your standard, he's a boy, she's a girl, what more do you want? Zhou Fei likes Xie Yun because he's funny, emotionally available, and socially unacceptable. Xie Yun likes Zhou Fei because she's fierce on the outside and warm on the inside. Sure, they're in love, but what's more important is that they're good partners and great friends.
(I think it helps that even though the characters are supposed to be around the same age, Zhao Yiling is literally a decade older than Yibito is, and he clearly thinks even off-camera that she's dreamy.)
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Also, it's great when he helps her sheathe her sword. This is a couple that's going to take about three whole minutes to figure out pegging.
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Li Sheng and Wu Chuchu are the normie couple. He is big strong boy-man! She is small helpless lady-girl! ...Except no, this is yet another case of a wife guy who thinks his girlfriend's strengths are awesome; it's just that in this case, her strengths are her brains.
The fact that her attack and defense scores are nearly zero does not keep Chuchu from being the most competent person in any given room. She starts out as the girl who's important because she's got an important dad and an important key item, but she winds up being basically Jianghu GameFAQs. She never stops being soft and pink and feminine and tender, and she never learns to fight worth a damn, and none of that keeps her from being a vital (if unfortunately kidnappable) part of the team!
Meanwhile, Li Sheng is never really a male chauvinist, because he's grown up under his aunt, who kicks so much ass. But he is a bit of a cocky teen-boy turdface who needs to get knocked down a few pegs. It's great, then, that the show pairs him with the kind of helpless femme that he's supposed to want, then has him decide the fact that she's miles smarter than he is is the best.
And then there's these dipshits.
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Normally in c-dramas, I'm used to triangles that are a strong canonical line between the main guy and his girlfriend, a strong but unacknowledged line between the main guy and his best friend, and maybe a faint dotty wisp between the girlfriend and best friend. Not so here! Ying Hecong, Li Yang, and Yang Jin (L-R above) are a damn near equilateral triangle. I mean, okay, technically they're set up as a more conventional love triangle, where both boys like the same girl, and she does sort-of choose one of them in the end. But in that arrangement, you'd expect the boys to become rivals -- and they never are. In fact, they become special allies who trust and take care of one another more than they do anyone else.
They're a great weird trio. Ying Hecong is a poorly socialized weirdo whose special interests are poisons and befriending snakes. Yang Jin is the chief of Doctor Village, a position that he got not by being a doctor, but by being a dumb jock who didn't realize fast enough why nobody else wanted the job. And Li Yang is the spoiled little sister of Li Shen and cousin of Zhou Fei, prone to getting what she wants by pitching a damn fit about it, who has decided that both of these boys are hers now and she can do whatever she wants with them.
(Li Yan is actually the most Actually A Teen of all the characters, and is the one who makes me wish so much that more of the cast had been played by actual age-appropriate actors. Some character traits are adorably tolerable when someone's twelve and verge on really fucking annoying by the time that same person is twenty-five.)
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If you are into OT3s where two partners have to join in solidarity with one another so they can survive their third, you've found your pot of gold. Each one of them is enough of a catastrophe that they need two whole love interests to manage them. Between the three of them, they almost make one well-functioning human being.
Now: A thing to note about all these relationships, and one thing that may be surprising to you about something adapted from a priest novel, is that this show is negative horny. All of the romance is extremely chaste. At no point does any grownup worry that leaving these teens alone with one another will lead to some hanky-panky. Nobody ever volunteers to chaperone, or seems to need one. The adults aren't particularly horny about one another either! This is the kind of universe where people blush while tenderly embracing, then go to pick their baby up from the local cabbage patch.
Even my jokes about Zhou Fei's fuckable grandpa are just jokes, because nobody actually wants to fuck him. They all want to duel him, or to fuss over his health, or to follow him around and bask in his nobility. He has two kids, but we never meet their mom(s?). He deflects the obvious interest of multiple beautiful women with ease. He is the perfect man, both fuckable and unfuckable at once.
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This may be what's having people read the main pair as having no chemistry. They have a lot of chemistry! It's just not a particularly sexual chemistry. It's extremely tender and playful, and there's plenty of physical intimacy. But it's not horny.
And that's not on the two actors. I've seen both of them look at someone else like they wanted to eat that boy alive. That was a choice this show made, to play all the romance about as spicy as when the puppets on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood hold hands. The only hints of horniness are in the fighting/injured bits, because sex is a big no-no, but nice polite violence is always okay! (Hey, uh, culture? We need to have a talk about this.)
4. The Grownups
As you may have gathered, most of this show is about the younguns. But a great deal of the supporting weight is carried by characters who are supposed to be of their parents' generation (even if most of their actors are only a decade or so older than the "teens").
I cannot fully in this post detail my great affection for every adult character; I wouldn't have room for anything else. So here's my top-three shortlist of the most memorable old folks.
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If you like your ladies badass and crazy, Duan Jiuniang is here for you. Her grip on reality is ... well, it's complicated, but it doesn't stop her from being able to roast you from the inside out with her special skill. She's a terrible teacher and an even worse step-grandma who's made a lot of life choices that weren't what she wanted, but were what she needed to do to survive. I have no idea where she got those hideous leggings, but I kind of want a pair. She doesn't stick around past her one arc, so enjoy her while you've got her.
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Speaking of crazy, the Phoenix, Mu Xiaoqiao, is a beautiful, tragic, genderqueer, completely insane middle-aged drama queen with a pipa to play and an ax to grind. I would watch an entire hundred-episode drama just about his campy antics. Hands-down my favorite character in the show. I'm not even going to say anything more. This bitch must be experienced. Love you, baby.
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This fucking DILF. Holy shit. Shen Tianshu has a chocolatey voice and the world's most inconvenient prosthetic hand. At first his facial hair seems excessive, but then you see him without it in flashbacks and you're like, no! put it back! put it back! Frankly, I'm glad for the tufty brows, because this man does so much eyebrow acting, and you wouldn't want to miss a sinister moment of it.
And he's not the only one! Every single villain is running with full Bad Guy From A Power Rangers Episode vibes. No piece of scenery remains unchewed. They're what make this whole thing feel like you're watching a stage play. Every arched brow, every expansive hand gesture, every maniacal laugh, all of it plays to the nonexistent back row. (In fact, one of them -- Eyepatch Guy -- was so over the top that we had to look up his whole deal. Shockers, he's got an opera background.) If you have affection for the points I discussed in selling point #1, you will have love extra for the adult antagonists.
If you've ever watched a show made for a young audience starring young actors, you know exactly the grownup vibe I'm talking about. No, real adults don't act like this. But these are not real adults -- they are adults seen through the lens of a YA narrative, where everyone has big emotions and ultimately pretty simple motivations. Violence is acceptable but sex is not, and sexualized violence is especially not. You can threaten the kids but you (mostly) can't kill them. Parents should be removed from the main storyline, by death if necessary (offscreen preferred). By the end of the story, all adults must defer to the wisdom and battle strategies of the kids or be ready to be taken down by them. The lessons of age and experience are ultimately only useful once handed to the next generation.
Which is fine! ...provided it's the vibe you're expecting. I'd put this as another item in the list of probable reasons that this show did not go over as well as it should have.
5. We use every part of the Wang Yibo
Okay, so if you're like me, your introduction to this beautiful man was the Untamed, where 95% of his job is to keep every one of his facial muscles from doing anything -- and, if you're like me, you then watched some Untamed behind-the-scenes stuff and went, holy shit, this boy can make expressions?
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This boy can make so many expressions.
I'm not going to argue that Wang Yibo was necessarily miscast as Lan Wangji, because that's not a fight I'm interested in having with internet strangers. I do, however, think it's undeniable that the Untamed misused him by all but ignoring his two primary skills: his giant goofy smile, and his being a dancer.
Legend of Fei makes use of both of these to great effect. Xie Yun is a gremlin who can't fight but can dodge. The show loves to leave the camera on him and let him spin and duck his way out of battles with his own mischievous grace. Wang Yibo does a remarkable amount of his own flipping and fighting, with and without wires. In a world of stunt doubles and smash cuts, it's a delight to watch.
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My favorite thing about Xie Yun is that he likes that girl so much. He looks at her like she's the best thing in the world. He is her biggest hype man. He's all wife guy. Every time she's stronger and butcher and meaner than he is, he's pulling out his pompoms and cheering her on. He is in no way emasculated by the fact that she kicks so much more ass than he does. He is actually her wife, and he knows it. Kick their asses, baby, he'll be your flower.
Wang Yibo sells that devotion with each look in her direction. He brings every piece of his inherent chaotic good energy to the role. He's a comedic scamp right up to the point where he rips your heart out. If you are at all a Yibito fan, you owe it to yourself to get this show in front of your eyeballs so you can see what trouble that precious baby boy has gotten himself into this time.
Bonus: Do you like Word of Honor? Because this is how you get Word of Honor.
So I'm betting a lot of you did what I did, which was that you watched Word of Honor, and you loved it, so you went to read the book, and you were like, the fuck? Because Faraway Wanderers is also great, but uh, after a certain point, they're two very different stories.
While I cannot prove this, I would place a large amount of money on the screenwriter for Word of Honor's having been very aware of this production while doing the adaptation. See, in case you haven't read it, Faraway Wanderers itself barely spends a page of time with anything outside of what the main dads-and-kids quintet is doing, which makes for a fun danmei webnovel, but doesn't translate so well to live-action. I am almost certain that in the same way that they used frog DNA in Jurassic Park to fill in the gaps in the dinosaurs' code, this screenwriter (who is a priest fan) used Bandits/Legend of Fei to build out Faraway Wanderers' moments into a whole drama.
The timeline goes like this:
June 2010: priest publishes Qi Ye
October 2010: priest publishes Faraway Wanderers
November 2015: priest publishes Bandits
September 2019: Legend of Fei starts filming
June 2020: Word of Honor starts filming
December 2020: Legend of Fei airs
February 2021: Word of Honor airs
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So yeah, it's not like the Word of Honor screenwriter could have watched Legend of Fei prior to penning the Word of Honor script. But there's too many similarities to be coincidence. To be clear, I'm not accusing the Word of Honor screenwriter of ripping off Legend of Fei. Watching it is more like seeing bits of Word of Honor's first draft. The Color of Ocean and Heaven and its five tokens become the World's Armory and the Glazed Armor. Wu Chuchu becomes Gao Xiaolian. Mu Xiaoqiao becomes the drama version of Xie Wang. All the nonsense with Yu Wenzhi and the Demons becomes all the nonsense with Zhao Jing and the Scorpions. Someone with more time than I have could probably make a thorough accounting of the number of times scenes with Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu visually parallel moments Xie Yun and Zhou Fei have, and how often those scenes were in bits not related to the original Faraway Wanderers plot.
And I think this is great. It's why, even though a lot of Word of Honor was not in priest's original text, Word of Honor is still very priest-flavored. Frog DNA, you know?
All of which is to say: If you love Word of Honor, you owe it to yourself to watch Legend of Fei. It's much sillier and straighter, and it's way less sexually charged, but it's got a very similar vibe, and it's fascinating to see what the two have in common. Think of them as two distant cousins, where you're like, sure, I can definitely see how you're related, but ... huh.
Ready to embark on your journey?
So many options! It's on iQiyi (VIP), Viki, and YouTube.
We watched it on iQiyi, and the subtitles were ... well, they made some interesting choices. You could always tell what they meant, but the actual phrasing was often wonky. Occasionally, where you'd expect a "Dammit!" or "Crap!" these subtitles would have someone exclaim, "Screwed!" And we never stopped laughing about the poor villain whose name those subs rendered as "Pathetic Clam." I cannot tell you if the other subtitles are any more polished, but I can promise that the awkward translations just added to the charm.
Do I have a soft spot for well-meaning television that does not have the means to achieve its goals but tries anyway? You better believe it.
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Just a pile of precious cutie pies.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Best of QL 2023: Favorite Lines
Okay well, I was going to spare everyone (and myself) from having to choose between all the pre-2023 shows I binged this year, but @twig-tea wanted more pain and suffering so here it goes:
Top Five Pre-2023 Lines that Lived Rent-Free In My Brain This Year:
"I don't want to see him sad." -Oh'Aew, I Told Sunset About You, Ep. 5
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Okay so you see, my real problem here is that my favorite parts of ITSAY, the things that stay in my head rent free. No. The things I pay to stay in my head because I love them so much are the things that happen in the silence. Beginning of Ep 3, end of Ep 3, the kiss in Ep 4, the wrestling at the end of Ep 2. Those aspects, those moments are what absolutely destroyed me with this show. But I am gonna be real with you all, when Bas let Oh go like that? I wept. And I do love what it says about Oh that despite how much he has been hurt by Teh, he loves Teh enough to know how utterly devasted Teh is right now, and he cannot bear the pain of seeing someone he loves so hurt. Especially when he and Teh haven't spoken since Teh gave up his seat.
"You're tired, aren't you?" -Mork, My Ride, Ep. 5
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If you saw my Favorite Lines 2023 post you would notice that this line is very very similar to my favorite line in Moonlight Chicken. And that is because loving and caring for people is super fucking exhausting. Meeting the world with kindness and grace and radical empathy in the face of horrible things, in the face of people who think you are weak for your kindness, or who seek to take advantage of it is fucking exhausting. And it is honestly quite rare that I see kind characters being asked this question, so I always go feral when they do because it is such a testament to love to say 'i see you' but to grant people enough space and autonomy to decide how honest and vulnerable they are going to let themselves be. I was talking with @ginnymoonbeam about this line a little so I am going to steal a line from her: "have you eaten" = I love and care for you
"are you tired" = I see how much you love and care for me/others
Of course the fact that Tawan absolutely just melts in to a puddle of tears because yes, yes he is tired, so so fucking tired does absolutely nothing to help me stop thinking about this scene. I love my boys!
"Because you raised me this way, that's why I'm not like other kids" || "I had to hate Pran, to compete against him, because of you? That's the reason? -Pran || Pat, Bad Buddy, Ep. 10
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I cheated here. I do not care. These lines come almost one right after another and are just the same level of one-two gut punch that makes Bad Buddy so fucking incredible. Pat and Pran have been through so much because their parents were trying to save face. All the pain they have suffered, the lies they've had to tell, the caution, the fear, the secrecy in their relationship. How long Pran has had to keep his feelings for Pat at bay, how much Pat is sacrificing to let Pran maintain a good relationship with his mother, is all because their parents have decades old beef. There are so many good lines in this show, if I were to pick another one it would be "do you want to be friends?" "no" from Episode 5, but I feel like no lines sum up the conflict of Bad Buddy better than Pran and Pat confronting their parents.
"You must be disappointed in me." -Wang, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Ep 7
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Ok so I lied about this one, the line that absolutely stays in my head rent free is the line "Mom." Wang sobs after his fight with In in Episode 8 but I had a legitimate 30 minute melt-down over that singular line and moment so I am picking one of the next most painful lines for me. And if it wasn't this it would be the entirety of the 52 Hertz Whale monologue that In gives in Episode 3 because that is the saddest gayest monologue for the saddest gayest man. And if it wasn't those it would be the boy in boarding school monologue Wang gives in Episode 5. Honestly this entire script, and this entire show is with me always.
BUT what absolutely kills me about this line in particular is that Swasimol tries to shake her head no, and can't bring herself to lie, and Wang watches his mother nod in confirmation that she is disappointed in him when he tells her he is in love with In. And that's the part that is truly crushing.
"I know you're hurting," -Shiro, What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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GOD. THEY MAKE ME SO. AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Honestly a huge fuck you to @bengiyo for introducing this show to me, this brain rot is 1000% his fault.
There is something just so fascinating to me about Kenji and Shiro's dynamic especially around how they handle and navigate their queerness. Kenji is loud and out and proud and while we don't know if there was time his mother had to work up to it, we know that Kenji's mother is pretty accepting of Kenji being gay. But Shiro didn't have that same experience, and he is quiet, and struggling with internalized homophobia, and decently rooted in the closet. And I think when you have a character like Kenji who rarely seems to take the insults and the jabs to heart, who is just the human embodiment of sunshine you can forget that Kenji is human, and Kenji uses his sunshine as armor the way that Shiro uses his silence.
Shiro never says I love you to Kenji, in the first season he rarely engaged in any level of physical affection, and kept a distance from Kenji if they were walking together in public. But Shiro loves Kenji so goddamn much, so so fucking much, and while he can't bring himself to say the words it is in moments like this one, where Shiro knows despite the fact that Kenji hasn't given any indication, that Kenji is hurt by the fact that Shiro's mother rescinded his New Year's invitation.
Shiro and Kenji mean everything to me.
If anyone is curious about any other favorites (shows, cinematography, pain, etc) from this year, feel free to drop an ask!
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shinjisdone · 1 year
♡ Yandere Alphabet ♡ Glitchy Red ♡
Based on the original story and slightly of Retold!Glitchy Red story. Not a single AI thing here, they are nice don't misunderstand but like, they are too disconnected from his real personality maaaan
this man has been living in my head rent-free + listening to Isotope and all the great content I find of him here is not helping-
Yandere alphabet found here.
Original picture cut and cropped here.
TW: Yandere behaviour all the way, extreme possesiveness, murder and psychological torture mentioned (not at you), bodily harm (at you) gore, guilt-tripping, fear of abandonment, dream manipulation and nightmares, blood, wish for control, trust issues, desperation, uncontrollable jealousy, clingy behaviour, wish for death mentioned,
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Well, we are already starting out with a tricky one. Red here is a sentient video game character stuck in a Pokemon game from 1996. It doesn't matter if it is from an original gameboy, a gameboy advance, emulated or romhacked, Red is stuck. Stuck in an device that is similiar to hell to him if it weren't for you and your company, even if you two can only communicate through your two vastly different worlds.
There is no physical way for Red to show his affections even if he wanted to. The guy is rather indirect, subtle and scarce with his affections and can only do so through verbal confirmations. Again, they are subtle and could be misunderstood as simple appreciation if you two are close. "Thanks for sticking with me, a video game character" or "Having your company is better than anything else this hell offers." Maybe even a "All I have is you and I don't mind it." That's really all he can do through his little message text boxes or even through the old speakers, though his voice would be so bit-crushed and not clean, that it would be hard to understand him. Better so perhaps, maybe he'll let a more intense version of his feelings for you slip out, one that might unsettle you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Again, Red is stuck in some device he cannot escape from and he is the only real person there, so it isn't like he can go out of his way to get messy. Maybe mess with some code but that would only result in himself getting hurt and how would that help you?
However, the willingness is there. Right there, 200%. Once Red realizes and accepts that he needs you and wouldn't want you to ever leave, he will protect you. If he could find a way to at least, maybe...jump from device to device like a virus, then he'll do his utmost to terrorize and scare away those he himself judges to be too close to you or that are harmful to you. He feels no empathy nor thinks anything through whether this person truly deserves torment or not or how you'd feel about it - if Red wants to hurt a person, he is going to do it. Unfortunately, without a physical body outside in the real world, he cannot get rid of anyone but trust me, how he wishes to do so. He would hate everyone and anything equally no matter who they are - if their mere existence threatens your safety or you being taken away from him, Red will do anything to get rid of them. The sooner the better.
On that note, the best way to get rid of or scare people away is through dream manipulation. He'd need some kind of connection to his target but once he does, the willingness to mess with them is there. How messy and bloody he will be depends on the person's actions and how Red feels about them aka how angry he is at them. Whether or not they hurt or are too close to you, his emotions range from cold murderous intent as he stares into their eyes with a grim look as their limps rip and crack. He'll visit them in their dreams in irregular, unpredictable patterns, the torture lasting for weeks until the person decides to already stay the hell away from you. When he is angry, truly, truly enraged (which can happen easier than you might think) the torments last shorter but much, much more painful. He'll scream and bark, his jaw unhinged as he for once does not mind his body glitching in and out as he screams all the pent-up thoughts and feelings he has for the target. How dare they take you away from him, how dare they mock and hurt you, how you belong to him, you are his, his, his, his (Name)! All the while he mauls them.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
The only way he can "abduct" anyone is by having them keep the game - rather, make it impossible for you to finish or get rid of the game entirely. That way you can never leave him.
In a way it's more like you are keeping Red and if it cannot happen willingly, then he has to force himself to stay in your life. By dream manipulation or by telling you how you are the only player, the only real person he can count on not to hurt him like the others, how he needs you. How you are something, something real between all these NPCs and codes he believed to be real too, only to find out that their lifes are meaningless. In a way, there are others out there that also believe his life - he'd prefers to call it existence - is meaningless (especially his creators, Red is sure of that). Nothing would be lost if he or everything in the game were to be deleted. But you would care. You do not see his existence as meaningless. Don't throw this away now. It's not like those are lies either. He doesn't see himself manipulating you but just telling you his perspective of things. Though he would silently admit to himself that it is guilt-tripping.
So there isn't any real "abduction" and therefore no mocking, he doesn't like to do that to you anyway (only to others who think they can do as they please when it comes to you). The only time Red would mock you is if you were really, really confident of getting rid of him. Of leaving him. After all, a player has control over the video game character - oh, if only you knew of what he is capable of. Look at you now, still here with Red. You two aren't done here and you will never be.
If we wanna get reaaaaally fanfic-y and deus ex machina - then if Red managed to trap ypu with him on the game, then he must be absolutely insane. Trapping the one he cares about in his own hell just for you to be together...there will be begging and depseration, yet also control and orders. Not a pleasant time.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Definitely hurt or hunt others even if you say they are harmless, even those you consider friends or family. Red judges many things on his own terms and if something displeases, annoys or makes him jealous, he will deal with it his own way. Of course, he won't tell you so and plays the aloof, innocent character trapped in a game - what could he possibly do?
Red would have his own sense on what is regarded as "safe" for you. Going to this one place? No, better not. That one person would like to buy you some coffee? Don't even think about it, Red doesn't trust them. There isn't much he can do about it though. The number one reason why he'd look down on each decision like that is because it means you'd leave him back home, on your bed or table while he is once again alone and will wonder when you'll come back. If you ever will even. This jealousy he harbors against anyone and everyone and the lack of control and agency he has frustrates him. He does wish he could..."control" you better than just saying "no".
Distorting your dreams however is different. While the place your dreams take place in are usually a void or a place in that godforsaken, messed up game, Red can ignore all of that and instead focus on you. While he wouldn't do anything against your will in your own dream - he still...cares for you and...loves you (he thinks...he never felt anything like this before. Before that it was all anger and brooding, pessimistic depression and even before that it was nothingness...but now he has you and these feelings he can hardly admit to himself) - and he still wants you to like him, like you do now. You care for him...and Red would never want to betray that trust, that privilege.
No, instead he revels in the control that he has in seeing you. In touching you. Hearing you clearly instead of these old-school speakers. It's his favorite thing in the while world now (not that there is anything to be fond of in this glitchy game).
He'd never do anything to upset you but there is a certain glee he feels when he can actively initiate touching you. Before he'd just sit back on a more tolerable map, listen and reply. Here he can walk up and see your human features, touch your human features. All because he invades your dream, he the one to call you and being able to manipulate and transform your unconcious dream world whenever and however he pleases. He lives for that kind of control but wouldn't mind more.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Vulnerability is not something Red can afford showing when he is a helpless creature at the mercy of players again and again and again. It takes time and it takes trust and there will always be a tint of fear that you could end up exploiting his vulnerable side and secrets or even worse, leave him after all the trust he put in you. It's in the back of his mind, seldomly however if you do prove yourself as good and trustworthy.
Red will have no problem telling and showing you all that he constantly has to deal with, his reality. He'd definitely show you parts of the game's world through your dreams, see replicas of the glitches and the messed up codes which he has to face every playthrough. It makes you understand him better, maybe even have a bit of sympathy for him which he strives for. He wants you to understand and he wants you to see what he sees. He, too, is a person. In some way at least.
When it comes to his feelings though? He is...hesitant. A part of him doesn't ever want to confess his feelings, let alone even accept them himself. Loving you means being vulnerable, letting you see every part of himself that got crazier and crazier with each player that tormented him. He'd rather just never think about what exactly he is feeling and prefers to just indulge in this love you are giving him by just being there. Yet when you two find yourself in a fragile situation, Red might be a bit more honest and a bit more sentimental. He might even go too far with his honesty. These things only happen in bits and pieces and every blue moon so don't forget them. Red won't.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Fighting back could happen like this: You don't listen to him, do not play anymore, keep the device shut, straight up disobey him or refuse to sleep so Red cannot enter your dreams. Those are unusual ways of fighting back but it works better than you think.
In the beginning he will be begrudgingly quiet...before loudly exclaiming how pointless this is. He cannot leave and will not. Maybe he even will say how childsh you are being right now. Yet when enough is enough, Red will be heavily and throughouly frustrated. You can tell when a high-pitched howl is heard from the speakers even when the device is shut. In fact, something you may not know since he keeps it from you, is that Red can willingly open the game and turn on the device whenever he pleases. So when you think you can just 'shut him up' by closing the game you will certainly be jumpscared to death when it just pops back up with that familiar Pokemon sound effect ear-piercingly high. Red would stare at you through the title screen, glaring and disappointed. "I'm not done talking." He'd hiss.
No matter how you approach the situation, he will be frustrated beyond belief. The soundeffects whine and screech, the game turns on in the middle of the night, being incredibly hot to the touch, the cartridge sometimes appearing at convenient times right in front of you and with Red glitching out more and more everytime he appears. It's hard to distinguish anything anymore on the screen. The pixels on him and all around are nothing but black and white, one's and zero's with Red screaming and screaming and screaming so hard that you cannot understand a word. All in hopes and in frustration that you will pick up the game again. You must. Don't leave him here.
It's going to take a lot, and I mean a lot, of time to get him to even calm down. Getting his trust back is a whole different story.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Is this a joke? Not ever would Red even humor the thought of seeing this as a 'game' - hell, he is trapped in one! No, he does not enjoy watching you try to leave, try to leave him. He doesn't even see this as any 'escape attempt'. In his eyes you are abandoning him. You come into his pathetic excuse of an existence, you, the one good thing he has ever had - he never thought good things could happen to him - and then you are trying to leave him? Abandon him?! No! NO, hE woN'T LeT THat hapPEn!
Genuinely afraid that you will succeed. He is a video character, damnit! There isn't much that he can do! He's not seeing this as a game, he is desperate! Softlocking the game, haunting you in your dreams, anything, aNYthInG he'D DO!
Yet Red is also feeling very much betrayed and hurt. Why? Were you seeing him as a joke this entire time too? Were you just toying with him and his feelings? No, that can't be...you are different, you are! Is it him, did he scare you away just like the others?
He's torn between taking his revenge on you for even daring to abandon him and begging you to stay and ready to sacrifice anything to get you to. You have to stay. You have to stay. You have to stay!
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Oof, the dreams turned into nightmares for sure. If you are attempting to escape, or in Red's words, leave him, then enough is enough. As a last resort after having tried everything to get you to pick up the game again, Red is frustrated. It is only a matter of time before you fall asleep out of exhaustion. One little moment of weakness and your eyes flutter close for just a second before you are faced with Red. He was waiting for you to give in.
You can barely let everything sink in as the environment around you distorts and screeches. A place that doesn't even seem solid, glitching in and out of existence and artificial sounds grate your ears. Red is right in front of you, a glare as dark as thunder with a voice that is just as booming. Jaw unhinged and body glitchy, he screams and screams and screams in your face on what you were thinking. How you could do this to him, what you were even trying to do and if what you two had was really that awful. But this is as far as you are going to go. Red is going to do everything to get you to stay. If he has to do something to disable or keep you from leaving, then he will do it. He isn't joking.
The noise and the blurry vision is an overload of senses. You hold your ears, shut your eyes close but you can still hear and see everything - fighting back is pointless. You can barely do anything from this sensory overload, your body feels frozen as each scream shakes your bones. Red might hesitate since he does not really want to hurt you but his rage is too big, too tempting and he grabs your shoulders in a steel-tight grip, not letting you look away from him. He doesn't mean to but he will end up digging his fingers into your flesh and there is a chance you will end up waking up hurt and bleeding. Red doesn't mean to but he is too angry to control himself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Tricky one again. While Red insists and believes he is a person ("I think, therfore I am. Isn't that what you humans say?") he cannot say he is normal. He does not need to eat or sleep, he cannot change nor really age. When there is no change, there is no future. All he can hope and want in the realm of possibilities is to continue to stay with you. Keep turning on the game, keep talking to him, keep him company forevermore. Never leave him. You are the only real and good thing he has and while it utterly hurts to know he cannot really ever have you beyond the screen, Red still wants this. It may be monotone and routine-like but it's the most joy and happiness he has ever felt in his existence. Nothing compares.
Well, he does like to daydream when you aren't there and likes to get whimsical while doing so. Imagining what it would be like to get out of this forsaken cartridge and be there, in the real world with you. Would it still be routine-like? Would he partake in all these things you do in your life that you tell him about? Oh, how wonderful it would be to wake up by not having a screen go blank but by opening his eyes and seeing you. Holding you and touching you and doing normal, human things with you where there is no time-limit like in your dreams. Where he can be in a clean, not-distorted environment where the everchanging tiles and droning music does not make him go mad. Just you and him and no one else. No one else. Just you and Red.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Jealousy is unfortunetely something he experiences often and in great measure. Whenever there is just a third person mentioned, no matter if he knows their name or not, no matter if they are friend or family, Red will get jealous. Mostly due to the fact that it means you're leaving him alone to be with someone else. Someone real. You'd leave the game back home, ask even sweetly if Red would like to keep the game on or not, which he will begrudgingly either refuse or accept - it doesn't matter either way if he is on and here. You will not be. You are going away to be with someone who isn't Red, a real person who you can probably connect more with. Most of his jealousy stems from insecurity and the fact that he may have feelings and thoughts but he isn't real enough to be with you, unlike other people.
When he is the least jealous Red will just be pouty and snippy at best. Sarcastically telling you, no, it's fine, meet your friend and leave him be. He'll be fine. He doesn't really lash out nor cope in that regard. He'll just try to distract himself as much as he can in his own little hell. At worst is when that friend or family member or whoever is a recurring person in your life. It doesn't matter if your relationship with them is platonic, superficial or just in a polite way. Red wouldn't like them. He'd ask if it is really neccessary to meet up with them if they are just a coworker or classmate or whatever. If they are just that, then they aren't important enough. Spending all your time on them...what about Red? They probably have more humans in their lives; He only has you.
However, his endurance has reached a limit when that person is romantically interested in you (even worse when you are romantically involved). No, he cannot have that. To Red it is a clear sign that this person is trying to take you away from him. Whenever you gush about them or even objectively tell him of your 'date' with that...person, that thief, that bastard...then he's losing his mind with each word. He is trying utterly and incredibly hard to not snap at you both through the screen and in dreams - in fact he will be so upset he will not visit you in your dreams for a while - it...isn't your fault. No, it's them. How dare they. How dare they try to take away what is Red's. You belong to Red. YOU BELONG TO RED.
There is this underlying possessiveness Red always has that peaks when he is feeling utterly jealous. As a video game character who has always been a puppet and whose accomplishments were all lies, Red longs to have something to own and be his and that thing is you. You, this wonderful, kind being. He only has you and only needs you. He will not hesitate to think like that and to say things like that. Maybe not to you directly, he is still aware that it is abnormal to feel like this but he will definitely let that bastard know.
As mentioned in 'Bloody', Red will cope by tormenting that so called bastard through their dreams. He will also definitely try to kill them even if he knows it could be fruitless. The attempt or even succesful murder is more or less like a stress-reliever for him, for all these pent-up feelings he couldn't deal with in his game world. Well, he did. Red messed with the code of some NPCs, made them suffer as he imagined it was the bastard who suffered. Though NPCs aren't real people, they don't scream in agony as they die so a real human, who is also the target, is much more satisfying.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Surprisingly quite normal. There is always a gentle smile on Red's face when you two talk through the screen and he enjoys listening to you and talking about anything and everything, even mundane things. He may not have many opinions on things (please talk about anything but Pokemon. It's all he knows and he is sick of it) but he feels like he learns a lot from you when listening. Will actively ask questions about anything that intriguies him. Might throw some vague compliments here and there but will be embarrassed and discouraged if they aren't received well. Other than talking there isn't much he can do in the game. When unprovoked or nothing displeases, annoys or makes him jealous Red is quite pleasant to hang around with. However, he becomes so used to it he will always be expecting you to turn on the game every single day.
When entering your dreams? Unprovoked and without question? A bit more bold. Red will willy-nilly visit your dreams how he pleases, which later on becomes every night. The more he likes you, the clingier he gets when it comes to having your attention. He wants to talk to you every single day and wants to see and interact with you every single night. It isn't overwhelming to him in the slightest when you are the only one he has.
In 'dreamland' he really, really likes to touch you. Anything that can initiate skin-to-skin contact. From brushing your arm to holding your hand, even (embarrassingly) asking for embraces. Anything to feel your touch. Red knows what humans feel like, he usually initiated contact to rip their limbs and claw open their chests but with you this is different. You're sweet and kind and the touches you share are not of malice but of affection. If you start showing him affection, prepare to have him silently ask for it always. You aren't denying what you've done and are begging him to stop, you are showing him a new side of physical interaction. You are showing him embraces, he never had those before. Not by real people and not by that fake NPC that is supposed to be his 'mother'. This is new and warm and soft and makes him drunk off of it. This is love, isn't it? He can finally experience it - and expect him to always want to touch you and vice versa. Any kind of refusal will make him awkward at best and upset at worst.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Courting? Red...doesn't really do that. There's that slight fear of rejection. He could tell you how he feels but what if you reject him? What then? Will you continue being with him or ignore him all together? Would you feel disgusted that a sentient being is in love with you? Will you leave him? It all seems too risky.
On the other hand, actively courting you means being aware of his feelings and accepting with his whole heart that he loves you...that also seems risky. Red never had these kind of emotions before, it was always brooding anger, always distrust and revenge. Fear and pain. Being in love feels like being millions of miles away from these negative emotions and it's jarring. He knows he feels light and good when thinking about you as well as calm and happy when speaking to you. And when it comes to touching you in the dream realm? Absolute ecstacy, it's like he is high. Red likes these feelings very much so and indulges in them without a second thought but he cannot yet fully accept the source of these feelings. It's too unknown and jarring and scary.
Humoring himself with the thought of you saying you love him though? God, it sounds so great. There's that smile that turns into a gleeful grin when he daydreams like that and it goes up the charts when he also imagines kisses and sweet nothings. How he wishes you'd do that, he'd really go high. The image of you saying 'I love you, Red' repeats in his head and it's so damn wonderful and beautiful and makes his possessivness go up by 1000% as well. It'd do the same if it were a simple 'I care about you'. Your fate is sealed with those words.
Would try to be subtle with words and touches. Quite careful since he's new to it and he will be listening and remembering all your favorite things that you look for in a person. That's all he can do. Stuck in a game it's not like he can go on 'dates' or gift you anything.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not at all. Red is as honest with himself as he is to you and everyone else. To you, someone he trusts and cherishes, he is able to be much calmer and nicer. Why wouldn't he be? You're probably the only one who sees him as real and treats him and his feelings and thoughts as such and he does grow to care for you as well. He is much calmer and nicer. You enable him to do so, to act and be different in a more positive sense for once since he never had to have experiences like that with others.
Other people however, are immediately met with distrust. It makes sense considering his past and he is even more distrustful if these people want something from you. He'd rarely show himself as sentient, only when he is forced to. Distrustful, brooding and negative. He won't even give others a chance.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Red wouldn't ever want to 'punish' you. He cares for you and your well being very much and 'punishments' would only result in you hating him and he doesn't want that ever. He doesn't want you to change or hate him. You being you is the reason why he fell in love in the first place!
Instead the 'punishment' would only happen in a scenario similiarly to 'Hell' where he is trapping you in a nightmare. Red himself doesn't see this as punishing you but rather telling you how he feels. He's the kind of guy to be upfront with his emotions and desires when pushed too much since he just used to be a 'vessel' with no agency. Telling you how your actions hurt him and why you are doing this. Stop distancing yourself from him, stop changing! Just stay with him!
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The question is if he could. Disabling options in the game when you're playing is easy as pie but how would he stop you in the real world? He could scare you away from doing some things but again, you'd only fear and hate him and that's the last thing Red wants.
But oh, only if he could. Just like his whimsical daydreams, Red also has fantasies that are much darker. If only he could have you interact only with him, have you locked up in a room where only the game - him - is there to be your company. If only there was a way to cuff you with him, like linking souls or hearts and no matter what would happen to the cartridge, Red will always be with you. Don't talk to anyone but him and be with noone but him. A dream come true.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Patient until he snaps? In the middle. The more unpleasant things happen it's like they pile up on his brain and the faster the limit is reached before he explodes.
Patient for you to love him? Quite a bit perhaps. He knows you aren't bad, aren't taking his feelings as a joke and you two like each other. Red doesn't see any charm on him with that glitched and messed up body and mind of his but he knows he cares and he knows you care. It can only go up from here, he tries to be optimistic.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Holy shit.
If you die...oh my. It would take Red a long time to figure out that you aren't ignoring him but have died. That's why you didn't play anymore, how could he have known when stuck in a cartridge? It would take Red a very, very long time to accept your death and when he does, he truly loses everything. He didn't have anything in the first place as a puppet until you came and now you're gone too - he should've known, should have acknowledged your mortality but always ignored it in favor of just indulging in you. Red gives up and wishes more than anything now that his cartridge is destructable. At least he'd be gone as well.
Successfully escaping leaves him in a frenzy though. You probably exclaimed your displeasure and pain with him in your life before leaving so that gives him at least a reason to assume you are still alive. Since the cartridge cannot be destroyed, Red can try anything and, I mean anything, to get you back. He's got infinite time. Perhaps the game will fall into the hands of another fool and Red will torment and force them to find you. They'll be a useful tool who can actively engage in the real world and having all the information of you that he has, Red will mercilessly do anything to them to have them track you down and only then, would he promise the fool he'll let them be. Prepare to find the cartridge again with distorted Pokemon music faintly playing. As long as Red is capable of it, he will never let you go.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
As mentioned, Red would never ever let you go. As long as he can still hold onto you, no matter in which regard, he won't let go. Red can never go back to the time before he met you, to this solitude where anyone he stumbled across was his perpatraitor and tormenter. Where people abandoned and replaced him, making him go through glitch city and missingno again and again and again. You are the only one who makes him feel alive. If he let you go, the chances of all that repeating like a cycle are a terrifying 100%.
Guilt? No. He cannot afford any guilt when he knows he cannot be without you. He'd feel awfully upset if you cried and felt frightful of the tight grip he has on you (both metaraphorically and literally when he immediately holds onto when entering your dream and stays that way until it ends). Mostly because the fact that Red being himself upsets you but it won't ever go to the lengths where he'd let guilt eat at his conciousness. It never did when he tortured other players before you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
First he used to be just like the other NPCs: Unwittingly following a role with the utmost ignorance. As things began to become routine and inconsistend in his world, in this fake world, and he learns of the true reason for his existence through other players who inhabit the real, outside world - everything came crashing down. Existential crisis, a pessimistic feeling taking over him, loneliness, self-hatred, both emotional and physical pain, betrayal that all concluded in this cycle of revenge. Everything is the same and everyone is the same. Mocking him, causing him pain before getting scared when they get a taste of their own medicine and Red is being thrown to the next person.
Until you got the game and things were different. Red was still as distrustful to as he was to others before but over time, you proved yourself to be good. All that he was supposed to have in this make-believe life of his - purpose, care, love and recognition - he gets it all from you. You give him a taste of life, of what it feels like to be a person. Not a video game character.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He won't let the guilt gnaw on him. It hurts to hear your screams echo through the speakers and it hurts even more when you finally give into sleep only to see Red looming over you and you beginning to sob.
It hurts and he will frown all the while, being eerily silent as all he can do is offer a hug and rock you back and forth. Red doesn't know what to say, he is well aware of his selfishness but does not care in the end. He cannot let you go and he cannot go back to a time without you. He could easily tell you his perspective of things. Of how he needs you, how it is impossible for him to be any different and he will never, ever do anything nor let anything happen to change this dilemma. Red could let you know how he thinks of this...but he knows it's only going to bring you more pain. You are the prisoner now and while it hurts to see you like this, he won't change.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
If nothing that displeases him happens, Red is surprisingly nice to hang around with (aside from his clinginess). He slightly puts you on a pedestal and feels more malice and hostility towards others and always seems them as a threat. Since he is stuck in a game he has a bit less control over you, which is balanced out by his possessiveness he has over you in your dreams. Possessive, desperate, jealous and very keen and enjoys inflicting pain on others.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
A hard one. Since Red can connect to you in your dreams, you'd have to find a way to get him to stop. You'd have to learn to be as cruel as the players before you and exploit his trust. Make him believe you got his back no matter what and that your love for him is real and everlasting. Then, when you ask him to stop his visits for a bit, get rid of the game. Give it up to someone else, try to destroy it, just do something in this short time that you have. However, that does not guarantee any successful escape.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
As mentioned in 'Hell' there is a possibility of that happening but only once. Red cares about you and he doesn't want to use pain and violence as a way to keep you in line. It reminds him too much of his own past. The guilt would definitely eat him there and he'd do his absolute best to never do it again...unless of course, you keep on trying on abandoning him.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
There definitely needs to be work put in there for Red to even consider trusting you, which could take months to a year. Once he considers you good and trustworthy - and then later harbors feelings for you - Red might start to put you on a pedestal. When he's only experienced mockery, betrayal and torment for 'fun' because all people wanted was 'to see what would happen', you being the only one to not do that makes him believe that all this goodness, kindness and innocence people talk about must be all found in you. You are kindness incarnate while the rest of the world must be this so-called wretchness.
While he knows you aren't perfect, the more kindness you show you him, the more he will believe it. It's not exactly worshipping nor reverance but definetely thinking higher of you than of any other possible person. If they are cockroaches, you are a butterfly.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Red could pine forever as long as you stay with him. He'd be actually fine with only being on friendly terms with you as long as you keep him as your number one.
If another person comes into the picture and threatens your relationship (or rather Red immediately sees them as a threat) and if nothing happens either by you or him to sever this bond you have with that person, Red might snap. Angrily confessing to you, telling you how they are taking you away from him because you belong to Red! He loves you!
He is too emotional to think through the consequences and will demand that whatever is going on with that person has to stop. If you aren't doing it in a harmless way, Red will do it in a painful way. Fully aware and enjoying every second of it.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not ever would he want that to happen. If he realizes he's being too much, he will back off for a few days but never truly gone. Red cannot afford to leave you, he doesnt want to. If there is anything you need or want to...just calm down, he will do it. Just stay as you and never leave him. Please.
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hotmessmaxpress · 6 months
If Marc were to ever get pregnant in the omegaverse, how would that impact his abandonment issues regarding Vale? Since a whole child is the most certain way of actually never ever separating (forever bound by the antichrist child of motorcycles racing).
Also how do the pack dynamics change?
(your writing is absolutely delightful and as addictive as crack cocaine, got me hooked and following you)
okay so this is hard to answer because there are sooo many good rosquez baby au's. (@its-always-silly-season has a rosquez baby au that lives rent-free in my head, @shooters4yuki has Baby Boots and Riding Suits where Vale is the mother-- an absolute must-read) Also as a child of divorce I must say a child does not prevent two insane people from separating lmaoooo
I think that in this specific au marc being pregnant would give him some amount of anxiety. It's the totally irrational feeling of 'now that vale will have a baby what if he doesn't need me anymore? what happens when I'm not the center of attention?' which is actually a super normal fear with new parents on both sides!!
On the other hand the pack and vale are so so insanely supportive. vale has never been more in love with marc and he has more than enough love for marc and their baby. Vale will not shut up about marc being pregnant and how he's going to be a dad and how he got marc pregnant (*pervy old man eyebrow wiggle*) and how hot marc looks pregnant. Vale is one of those guys. If it wasn't so adorable and exciting for everyone then it would be sort of gross.
The pack are out of their minds supportive. Bezz is the one who maybe has the most emotional crisis about it because he's the other omega and suddenly he's learning about how much marc and vale are happy about his pregnancy and marc is glowing and bezz is like "well fuck who is gonna knock me up now??? I want one". (obviously Bezz is still racing and isn't mated yet so getting pregnant is still pretty far off for him but that doesn't mean he doesn't start fantasizing just a little).
The pack are fully preparing to spoil this baby. They love her before she's even born (I love girl dad vale so I have decided they have a girl). She's going to have so many uncles ready to spoil the fuck out of her and take her on rides and generally endanger her life in cute and lovable ways.
Even with marc's anxiety it's sort of hard for him to ignore the support of his pack and his mate and his family throughout the pregnancy. By the time he has the baby he's sort of chilled out about his feeling of being replaced and he's soooo happy to have their itty bitty little baby that he doesn't even know what to do with himself. He loves getting to see vale be a dad and see the rest of the pack step up and help out.
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necroromantics · 7 months
🧺 — Laundry And Taxes
chapter 15. // (masterlist)
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“I’ll see you tomorrow!” Nina exclaimed, pulling her pink knitted scarf over her mouth as she waved goodbye to her coworker, pushing past the front glass door and out onto the windy streets painted by early springtime frost. The girl made her way down the bustling downtown roads, the soft chill reddening her puffy cheeks as she quickened her pace. As she passed by the townhouses and little local shops, Nina glanced up towards a particular apartment and noticed a large red sign swinging with the strong breeze, the words reading in a blocky white: “FOR RENT”. She stopped her in tracks, heart beating a little faster, her honey doe eyes sparkling in the sun that barely peeked from behind the cloudy skies overhead. A large smile etched its way onto her face, an eager sort of excitement creeping up from her chest. She ran all the way home that late afternoon.
Nina scrambled into the living room of that tiny, quiet farmhouse, nearly tripping over her own feet as she slid and hopped over to the two boys sitting on the torn up couch, watching whatever channel was blaring on the old TV. Chris turned his head over towards his erratic sister, and Toby raised an eyebrow at the girl as well.
“I found a place to move into,” she shouted out, beaming as bright as rave lights.
The loud thud of the box echoed throughout her new, and empty, apartment as Toby dropped it down onto the hardwood floor. Bold black letters announced itself atop the cardboard flaps holding everything in place, reading in bubbly cursive: “Ninas Stuff”. Chris wandered through the tiny apartment, his quick footsteps pattering as he ran through the halls and into the rooms, playing with no one but himself.
“How’s it feel to finally have your own place?” Toby asked, looking at the girl who was deep in thought.
“It feels so good, really freeing. I was thinking of getting a loveseat to put over here, and then I can put the TV there. I want like, a flatscreen or something, yknow?”
Toby watched as she slowly made her way around the living room area, gesturing her hands out to show where she was picturing everything would go. As Nina continued to talk, Toby slowly made his way over to the window, and peered out over the street.
“You gotta be careful too. Don’t forget that anyone can break in,” he interrupted.
“Duh, I’m not stupid,” she grumbled back, “can you not talk to me like I'm useless?”
Nina crossed her arms and stared at the boy, who continued to look out of the window. The muffled sound of cars speeding past, engines roaring outside, and people loudly chatting amongst themselves as they walked by, filled the open air.
“I’m just being realistic,” Toby said, turning to face back at the girl who was glaring daggers at him.
“You’re not being realistic, you’re just being an asshole.”
Toby shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the door, the old flooring creaking under his steps, the ambience of the streets outside pouring into the silent apartment.
“Make sure to lock the door,” he said as he tried his best to ignore Nina’s irritated pouting from behind him.
As he walked through the downtown area, the boy tried not to think too much about the junkies riding past on stolen bikes, or the men with tattoos of gang symbols. He tried not to look at the same type of people he’d meet back in the old world. Not proxies, not ghosts or ghouls, but something worse. It was a different type of society living in the cracks between buildings, in alleyways and unassuming houses. It was something normal people wouldn’t bat an eye at; but he knew. He knew the types of things that go on in areas like these, it was something he’s experienced many times before, in the old world. Toby continued down the street, past the old, rotting buildings, the ones with chipped paint and smashed in windows. He scowled a warning at anyone who looked at him as he walked past the old brick buildings tagged with graffiti and boards on the windows. It was early into the chilly evening, but late enough where certain types of people would be around more often than not. Toby made sure he never left the house without a pocket knife, just in case.
When he approached the run-down bar, the neon light sign overhead giving out, poorly flickering the name “Bulldog Tavern”, the boy thought he should’ve felt a sort of ease of his nerves that he didn’t. When he pushed past the door, and into the dim pub, wooden floors, wooden tables, warm light shining off of the bottles on the shelf, people gathering in after their shifts at work, music blaring, his nerves only got worse. There was a red neon sign illuminating itself on the beam over the bar counter, giving off a soft glow down onto the bartender, who Toby knew better than anyone.
Natalie wore her hair back, sleeves rolled up, apron on. She had a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face; the fake kind she’d use when she wanted something. To Toby, it was almost terrifying, like the horrible smile a predator would give before devouring its prey. And he knew better than anyone that when that girl smiles at you like that, you’re better off running away.
Toby casually made his way into the bar, watching as Natalie chatted casually with some customers who seemed to have already had too much to drink. They were a group of five, maybe six, and they were a rowdy bunch. The older men sported thick graying beards, some bald, wearing vests and jackets with familiar patches. The boy sat at the front bar, a few seats away from the loud drunken men, and watched quietly as Natalie served them another round of beers. He furrowed his brow at the sight, arms crossed as he leaned into the counter, trying to make sure the girl didn’t fall out of his view. Every roar of laughter, insult, tone change, cuss word, made Toby squeeze his fist shut. He didn’t know why it made him so tense; he didn’t know why he could do nothing but glare and sit alone with irritation choking him.
Toby continued to stare without a word as Natalie wiped down cups from across the bar, the tiredness on her face being quickly replaced with a fake-warm friendliness whenever one of the men dragged her back into the conversation. Showing off, flirting, making a big scene, tossing her around in their bad jokes like she was a ragdoll. She laughed her fake laugh, a loud cackle laugh, as if the jokes they had made were funny. As if the stories of crime and violence they told meant anything. And when she finally glanced over towards the boy, and noticed his familiar scowl, she just as quickly dropped the act.
“What’re you doing here?” Natalie asked, making her way over to Toby as he continued to look at her with disdain tracing his face.
“I was just in the area helping Nina move in. How's work?”
“Work’s great. You look stressed, need a beer?”
Natalie grabbed a bottle from a little fridge under the counter and popped the cap off, handing it over to the boy, who immediately took a heavy swig of the drink as soon as it reached his hand.
“I’m off in an hour if you want to go home,” she said.
“I’ll wait.”
The girl looked down at Toby for a moment, before sighing in surrender at his stubbornness, and walking back over to the lively section of the bar. She continued to make drinks for new customers, reapplying her charm and take-no-shit attitude the locals seemed to love. Toby took another sip of his beer as he kept a close eye on her. Smiling, laughing, raising her eyebrow. Taking no shit.
The boy tapped his finger impatiently on the empty beer bottle, his dark eyes still fixed into his usual glare. He waited and listened to the men talk about the same things he had witnessed in the old world. Bar fights, petty theft, guns, money, drinking too much on a Thursday night. Toby watched as Natalie’s coworker came in, tapping her on the shoulder and taking her apron from her. He waited impatiently as she made her way into the back room, letting her hair down, and grabbing her coat.
She met Toby outside of the bar, the night skies dark, only illuminated by the warm glow of street lamps shining down on them as they walked down the street, and past business lights pouring out from the boarded up windows. The boy matched her pace as she slowed to light a cigarette, perching it in between her overworked fingers.
“You seemed to be making some interesting friends,” Toby said.
“I’m just doing my job,” she muttered as she took another long drag of smoke, inhaling the mountains into her dying lungs.
“Yeah, cozying up to guys like that. Definitely in the job description.”
“What is your problem?”
“I’m just saying that those types act all tough, but I bet you they’re all too pussy to do half the shit I’ve done.”
“You haven’t done anything in this world, Toby,” Natalie said in annoyance, brushing the boy off as she continued to walk down the darkened streets of downtown.
As he followed behind her, he had come to the terrible realization that the girl was right. The dreadful truth that everything he had become, everything that he had seen, committed — none of it was done in the world they walked in now. Toby had never intended to become what he was. A killer, a weapon, a false prophet. He knew nothing of peace, or time, only that he had lived through a war that no longer existed. And he wasn't even left with the scars to prove it.
As they entered into the moonlit serenity of their home, the pale light settled on the old floorboards, Natalie quickly made her way into the bathroom to run herself a bath, while Toby sat down in the livingroom to watch cable TV. He pressed his thumb down on the remote, the screen flashing on to a news channel which had been in the middle of discussing local politics. The boy leaned back into the couch, half-watching the nonsense plastered on the television. His eyes fell heavy as he barely processed the words the woman discussed with another man on screen. As his body grew tired, melting into the couch cushions that cradled him, Toby continued to listen as the news channel switched from local politics, to local crimes. There was a sour taste in the boy's mouth that grew more and more as he began to listen intently to the woman explaining that the horrific failed break and enter last month that left one child dead, and a family devastated, was still under investigation. And that anyone with information should call the number that proceeded to flash on screen.
The world around him fell as short as his breath, as if the room had taken a step back. Toby watched the news like he, himself, was trapped behind a TV screen. There was a soft tightness gripping the heart beating in his chest as the number was announced once again through muffled noise that didn’t process properly in the boy's brain.
Call the number if you have any information on the crime.
The horrific crime.
The one that left a child dead, and a family devastated.
Toby felt the room spin around him as he wondered how many people called numbers about his crimes. He wondered how many children he left dead, how many families were devastated. He felt the couch cushion swallow him whole as the world slipped past him, the news switching to commercial break.
Call your insurance company today.
Call your doctor about the newest heart medication.
Call your mother.
Call the number if you have any information on the crime.
The sudden, loud blare of the house phone ringing out shattered through the glass box Toby found himself in, yanking him back into reality. It stopped for a moment, the boy thought he must’ve imagined it, before another loud drill of the phone rolled across the heavy air of the living room. Like it was taunting him, like it knew what he had done, or not done. Not here. Not yet.
Toby brought himself to his feet and slowly made his way over to the ringing phone, he barely felt the floor under him as he stepped down. He barely felt the button under his finger as he pressed the answer key.
Silence. The quiet infomercials danced around in the space behind him.
Call about the newest product.
Call for more information.
“Hello?” He asked again, unsure if he had actually said it the first time.
Silence again. Toby waited, not saying another word as he counted the seconds that passed in his head, the soft static buzzing from the other end of the call. The long air of silence lingered, draping itself over the time that had been passing the boy by as he stood, awaiting a voice on the other line. He thought about what he would’ve said if he heard his mother on the other end, screaming a sob as loud as he remembered the other woman did through the broken window pane that dreadful night; wailing about how her baby died, her poor child. Toby thought about how much his mother must’ve cried alone after Lyra died. And how much more after he left her behind. And still, the silence screeched through the call, suffocating him. The room twisted mercilessly around him, Toby felt himself losing his footing, he tightened his grip around the phone, hoping it would offer some sort of support if he fell. He felt his chest strain so tight, he couldn’t seem to breathe.
“Toby?” A familiar voice rang out.
“What are you doing?” Natalie said, standing in the doorway of the living room, hair wet, freshly changed into pajamas. Toby quickly hung up the phone and placed it back onto the holder, shaking his head.
“Nothing, I thought we had a call but it was just silence.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” the boy said as he walked past her, avoiding her raised eyebrow and crossed arms. Avoiding her demanding voice, the silence that fell around it, and the infomercials quietly playing on the TV behind him.
Call the number if you have any information on the crime.
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prince-liest · 8 months
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I've been having Angel Dust feelings percolating in my brain since episode 4 aired, and I've also been gently foaming at the mouth about Alastor's 45 second solo in the final song of the season, so I decided to smash those two things together to disastrous results! Additionally, I saw the old Voxtagram posts where Val bought Angel a weight loss guide as a "gift" right after he had a nice day out with Cherri and they've been living rent-free in my head ever since. Mind the tags, and enjoy!
ps. Naming Hazbin Hotel fics is stupidly fun.
Val rolls his eyes, a gesture that is mostly noticeable from the way he moves his head, and stalks forward, ushering Angel Dust toward the couch. “So, my little spider, how is your little—thing, with Lucifer’s daughter going? She’s got that fancied-up hotel, now, and daddy’s money, looks like. Do you have the money yet?” Angel’s stomach does a little swoop, like he’s stepped off a ledge he didn’t know was there. “...Money?” Val’s eyes narrow as he takes a drag of his cigarette and blows it in Angel’s direction, an occlusive pink haze of hearts that make Angel squeeze his eyes shut against the sting. “The money. That you and your little bitch cost me when she nearly burned down my studio.”
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Billy & the Kids
Also on ao3 
Long story short, Steve’s been surviving on zero sleep and five cups of coffee a day, so Billy decides to take a load off by suggesting that he can watch the kids. Steve drops them off at the pool, and Billy learns that the shit birds’ summer break has been... hazardous to say the least. He sees an opportunity to connect with them, recalling the bag of pool toys he saw in the supply room. Plus, the kids get to have some normal fun. No monsters. For Billy, too, because Neil is going to be at a meeting until 10 p.m. Knowing his old man, he’ll be back three hours later. 
He assures Steve they’ll come back in one piece, and Steve gives him a tired but knowing smile. “I know.”
It’s a strange feeling, to hear that someone actually trusts him. Not just anyone; Steve.
The day goes by smoothly, except for Mike refusing to put on sunscreen. Max ends up chasing him and squirting him with the stuff, which solves that problem efficiently. That’s something Billy would do. She’s got the better side of him, too. He’d forgotten there was another, sillier side to him until Steve brought it to the surface.
Dustin brought his mother’s floral shower cap instead of an actual swim cap, a misunderstanding that will live rent-free in Billy’s mind for the rest of his life. Lucas and Will were the only ones who thought to bring goggles. Max goes into the pool first, followed by the boys. To his delight, they walk, not run.
El lags behind, and he approaches her with a friendly albeit concerned smile. “What’s up, Hopper Junior?”
Staring holes into the ground, she replies quietly, “I don’t know how to swim.”
“I can teach you-”
“No! I want to join my friends. I don’t want them to see me differently.”
Billy frowns at that. “They’re your friends. They shouldn’t judge you for shi- stuff. How about floaties? They help you... well... float.”
El turns pale, and she shakes her head so hard he’s worried it’ll snap clean off her neck.
“Uh... alright... what else... Oh! You see that red and white thingy over there?” He points to the other side of the pool, and she follows his finger. “Looks a bit like a big donut?”
She nods.
“Heather! Could ya pass me that lifebuoy?”
“You know what, Billy, the day you use the magic word to ask me for a favor, is the day hell will probably freeze over,” his co-worker yells into her prized megaphone.
If she said to him the only reasons she wanted this job were for that and her “throne”, he’d believe her.
“JUST- get it. Please.”
Heather gasps dramatically, kicking her feet in the air. “Does hell feel any colder?”
“You tell me. You’re way closer,” he says, mock shuddering.
She climbs down with one hand (the other is too busy flipping him the bird). “You suck,” she informs him, tossing the "donut" in his direction.
“And you swallow.” He catches it, flashing her a triumphant grin.
“No, that’s you.”
Oh fuck. The kid. “Whatever you heard, don’t tell your parents.”
“My dad curses, too.” Her little face grows oddly serious, and she adds, “I won’t tell.”
He ruffles her curls. “C’mon, I’ll show you how to use this donut.”
Turns out time does fly when you’re having fun. The kids listened to him. No one ever listens to him.
When the sun starts to set, they dry off, and Heather tells him to go ahead, she’ll close up this time.
He drops Lucas off first, then Dustin, then Mike. Nancy’s waiting for her brother when Billy pulls into the Wheelers’ new driveway. She looks happier now that Karen’s out of the picture.
“Hey, Billy. Was Michael well-behaved?”
“Mike! It’s Mike!”
Billy smirks. Since he and Nancy had started to become friends, he’d learned she could be quite mischievous. “Michael wasn’t a total demon.”
“Too bad you’re not sleepy enough to shut up,” Nancy says, giggling.
“UGH!” Mike stomps into the house, dripping water all over the floor.
“I’m going to murder you, you little shit stain!”
Billy chuckles to himself as he gets back into his car, where Max is asleep on El’s shoulder, and Will is yawning.
The next stop is the Byers.
Joyce opens the door after the first knock, and the aroma of pie hits him.
Has he eaten since breakfast? Shit.
Will waves to him sleepily, and El hugs him, then whispers something to Joyce before going into the house.
“I can’t thank you enough. El says everyone had a great time. Would you like to come in? I have pie.”
Now, he doesn’t know Joyce much yet, but from what he gathers, she’s not one to take no for an answer. He’s too tired and hungry to turn her offer down, even if his suspicions are still ever-present.
He follows her inside, where she puts a blanket over his shoulders and pulls out a chair for him.
‘’Do you like apple?” Her eyes aren’t anywhere they shouldn’t be.
Billy hates how that only makes him more anxious. He clears his suddenly scratchy throat. “’S fine.” His mother used to bake all the time when she was happy. During those last few months, she stopped smiling, stopped doing what she loved, and she would leave for a couple of hours. But she’d always come back, mostly in the morning. Until she didn’t. That’s just what living with Neil Hargrove did to you. Apple was her favorite. His, too.
“I’ll fix you some tea, too.”
“Mrs. Byers, you don’t have to-”
“Nonsense. I want to.” She sets a big slice in front of him, accompanied by a fork and knife. “Call me Joyce. I insist.”
“Thank you, Mrs- Joyce.”
“Dig in, it’s no good cold,” she says, smiling at him. Her eyes never travel to his chest. No, she maintains eye contact. Like she sees right through him.
He starts eating, all too happy to oblige.
“You’re really good with the kids, you know. Especially with El. You were sweet to her. She doesn’t have... great memories of the water, but you helped her make happy ones.”
Billy swallows convinced some crust is caught in his throat as his eyes begin to tingle. “I... helped?”
“I see why that Harrington boy likes you so much.”
He blushes up to the tips of his ears, stuffing more pie into his mouth.
“Nearly midnight. How about that.”
Fucking fuck. Just like that, his dream bubble deflates. His eyes sting again. I don’t wanna go back there. But worse will be waiting the longer I put it off.
“Billy? You’re welcome here anytime. I mean it. And honey?”
“Drive safe.” She sends him off with a long hug, pie, and tea for the road.
“Thank you, Joyce.”
“Good night, Billy.”
Karen had told him the same thing. Drive safe.
Joyce wasn’t Karen. Wasn’t his mother, either.
Both bring an odd comfort to him.
His stomach is full and warm, not leaving much room for doubt. He drives the speed limit this time, thinking about his day. His mother, wherever she was, did she know he was happy?
That he had fun? No tears were shed. He made people laugh.
Today was a good day.
I want more good days.
//✍️Tagslist open//
@flashwaves @thebussynotes @shieldofiron @thatgirlwithasquid @jad3w1ngs @usaqaix @hargrove-mayfields @thecrabnebula @talesfrom-theupsidedown @emeraldwitches @robthegoodfellow @magellan-88 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @spaceboxkitty @ashyyboyy @harringrovsonsworld @martyreasemymind @awkwardgravity1 @fizzigigsimmer @captainrexshusband @atomrose @billyhargr-a-ve @anarcha-queer-horror @skyesayshi @hgrve @angelshiba @jaethecreator @thissortofsorcery @suometar
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