#how hard is it to find ocean on a planet known for its beaches a massive beach resort and tropical beaches?
aro-pancake · 1 year
Can we stop and complain about the fact that...
I've been walking around Porrima II for hours, at 91% survey, landing at different coastal areas... and I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THE BLOODY FUCKING OCEAN SO I CAN SCAN THOSE DAMNED FISH THAT I NEED TO FINALLY GET 100% ON THIS GODS FORSAKEN PLANET!
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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balkanradfem · 2 months
Since I found the youtube channel of a cool woman who identifies and collects rocks, I've been reading up on rocks, and I gathered some new knowledge! Maybe this is already commonly known but I just discovered it, so I got excited about it!
One of the first rock facts that I find super cool is that many rocks, that can be commonly found outside, are pieces of cooled down lava! Granite, for example, is an igenious rock, which means it was created from lava, and I had no idea, I didn't know I could hold a piece of tamed lava in my hands, it feels powerful and special. Reading more about igenious (lava) rocks led me to the information that 95% of the earth crust is cooled lava, and most of the oceanic crust as well! Floor is literally lava, the children are correct, we are all walking on tons of lava every day, nobody told me this?? Everything under the ocean floor is also lava? I am so close to lava at every point on my life. This is a cool lava planet.
Another cool thing I didn't know is how many awesome rocks you can find outside; I've found out that out of the rocks I've been collecting for fun, a few of them seem to be pieces of quartz! I'm not sure if they are, because I've only started to identify it, but they are white and half-transparent, if you shine a light trough them, you can see inside the rock, sometimes there's brown coloring inside as well. So quartz is cool because it's one of the hardest materials out there (7 on the hardness scale, diamond is 10); you can't scratch it with steel, but it is capable of damaging both iron and steel. To test this, I used a stainless steel pan I found in the river earlier, and I tried to scratch it – the quartz rock stratched it immediately! (don't worry, it wasn't a pan I use). Apparently because of this hardness, quartz can be used as a flint – if you rub it against steel, it will expose the iron inside, iron will react with oxygen, making a spark, and that's how you can start a fire. I've tried this with my pan, but found that the noise was so awful, I stopped before making a spark.
Okay so now that we know about quartz and how cool and transparent it is, nows the time for another very cool info – most of the sand out there is made out of tiny particles of quartz. This, to me, finally solved the mystery of how glass is made, because I knew it was made from melting sand, but that made no sense to me, why would sand become transparent in its melted state? It seemed illogical, BUT, if the sand itself is made from a transparent crystal, then it makes all kinds of sense it would become completely transparent when melted and cleaned out of all impurities. It also means glass is completely natural since it just comes from quartz, I was so happy to know this! Glass is chemically different from quartz, it's not as hard (5.5 on the hardness scale), can be scratched, so it's less cool, but more transparent.
Lots of rocks underground end up under high temperatures and pressure, and sometimes they melt and band together, making 'metamorphic rocks', which sounds made up, but it's what we called them! In specific examples you can actually see layers of different colors, seeing where they melted and banded together, and they're called 'agates', they look colorful, artistic and special. I didn't think you could randomly find something like that outside – turns out you can, if you live in a specific location, or you're close to a river which carries these types of rocks around! I've maybe found one that looks like that, but again, can't identify it for sure, it could be a type of a jasper.
Jasper is a reddish brown type of stone that is also extremely hard, cannot be scratched by steel, and is completely non-transparent, no type of light can shine trough it. It's very common and easy to find! I realized I had a few pieces that are probably jasper, that I liked because of their deep brown color and how smooth they are. If you found a dark brown or red rock on a beach, it could be a jasper. They can also come in dark green, but these are rare! Jasper is also somehow a type of quartz, which just feels wrong.
A cool info I found on youtube was that polishing rocks to make them super shiny and reflective of light, is done by imitating how nature does it; if you find a smooth rock in nature, it's likely been in the river or sea, brushed by the waves and currents against the sand and all of the other rocks, to the point where its surface became smooth and shiny. So people invented a method called 'tumbling', where they put a bunch of rough rocks, sand, water, and some extra material like porcelain in a bucket, close the bucket, then put it in a machine that turns it round and round for about a month! They're taken out every week to be cleaned, then put back into the bucket to get more shine. After they're done tumbling, the rocks become smooth and clean and shiny, looking much more beautiful and satisfying for humans to touch.
One thing I did not know before is that all of the gems that are popular, like amethyst, carnelian, citrine, are all just different types of quartz with some other minerals inside that give them the beautiful color. Quartz really is that cool, she gave us everything.
These are the cool new facts about rocks I now know! If I've said something terminally wrong, please be kind in correcting me, I've learned all this 2 days ago. Incredibly excited to be able to point my finger at a rock outside and say it's name if it happens to be one of the 3 rocks I can now name (jasper, quartz and granite). If you have more cool knowledge about rocks, or know a source to read about it, please give me the link I am drowning on wikipedia.
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camslightstories · 3 years
Tolerate It - Part 13
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Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers. Female Reader.
Notes: Hey! I hope you guys are doing great and if you are not I promise things get better. I’m sorry I haven't updated but its just work and home are being hectic but I’m trying to get everything in track again. This chapter took an awfully long time write, i hope you guys like it!
My inbox is open for suggestions, recommendations, questions, and more. If any of you need help I will be honor to help you, always! Please fill my inbox with theories, comments and more i wanna hear what you guys think of the story! Hope you have a great day!
Taglist: @multi-images​  @captain-josslett​  @aznblossom​  @venteen​   @coxmicbabygirl​  @lezzzbehonesthere​
The smell of fries and burgers invaded your nose as you sat on the floor, glancing at your sore hand. Your legs extended on the floor as you held your head against the column of the place. The uncomfortable ache on your hand had seemed to increase by the second, as you sat down.
Confusion was the main thing in your head, the confused heavy feeling in your chest when you close your eyes, the twisted and ached void confusing you when reality sets in. It felt like a war between your mind and heart that neither of the two you understand. It felt like the reasons that your brain had were now gone, the reason part of feeling nonexistent.  
“Didn't think I would see you so soon” You claimed when you felt the presence of the brunette behind you. Two bags in her hand as the archer sat beside you. 
Thea replied teasingly, and flirtatiously grabbing fries from her bag, after hitting you softly in the shoulder. “Neither did I, princess”
“Thanks” You whispered as you started to eat, both of you sharing a knowing and somewhat comforting. The Queen woman smiled and kept silent giving you a nod. 
Thea had known you for a long time, but not until three years ago she saw you as her older brother’s best friend. She and Talia had taught every skill, you needed and wanted to learn. She had seen you put all of your anger everywhere you could. You were there subtly with alcohol after every break-up and make-up she had with Roy, showing your care as you sat with her drinking in silence until she couldn't anymore. 
The small creek sound of the door took both of your attention. Your mother stood silently with a white medical kit in her hand and an understanding expression on her face. You glanced at the brunette beside you, meeting her glance. A small spark in her eyes which you had never noticed before, you stopped in your way to comment on it when you heard the knowing clearing throat of your Mother. 
“Can I come in?” The Queen woman smiled reassuringly before leaving the room. Your mother stood at the side of the door, watching curiously and carefully before speaking. 
You looked up and met her eye glance, giving her a small nod as you spoke almost inaudible. “Sure”
Your mother had been making the small notes, and remainders when she saw you. She couldn't lie about the fact that her heart joined in joy and broke in less than 24 hours. It had been difficult to maintain a straight face when your oldest sister called her explaining the situation, letting her know and Jeremiah that after days of trying, they were the last option to bring some feelings to you. 
She saw your father way too comfortable yet nervous when they got the news, the trip had been too questioning and secretive that she suspected something had happened with the two of you. But seeing you with her own eyes as you stood in the room with void eyes, and rage protecting your walls. 
The complete silence from your party told her more than you knew. The isolation, the hidden pain, the calm and silence. It all reflected in one thing and it was you trying to understand your feelings, your world, yourself. It had happened when your dad had supposedly died. The heavy feeling in her chest grew as she sat beside you, while you stared at the wall quietly debating with your thoughts and feelings. 
Flashback - February 2005
You sat in the backyard of the house, dressed in black attire. Your eyes watching over the waves as they ended in the sand. The way the breeze moved the palms and softly touched your face. Your hands gripping the blanket covering you. 
You waited for everything to process in, you waited to wake up, you waited for him as you walked down the stairs that morning, you waited for your sisters to tell you it was a lie, you waited for your mom to serve his favorite lasagna as he came back home, you waited for the sound of cheer when he and your oldest sister finished repairing another part of the old car, you waited for him and Kara coming back from the forest at night after watching the stars, you waited for him to sit on the small bean bag of your bedroom as you played him something new in your instruments, you waited for the loud laughs and scolds that would come after you and your sisters would create an eating contest ending with Kara smiling proudly as you and Alex throw up, you waited for the ‘pizza and tacos night’ where the five of you somehow cooked without burning the kitchen down, ending with a marathon of movies and smiles on everyone faces. But it never came. 
The distinct voices from the house gained your attention as they felt closer. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the sound of the waves failing in the attempt. Turning around to see both of your sisters standing side by side as one of your family members expressing their condolences to them. Kara seemed to keep it together as she nodded shyly, while Alex clenched her jaw giving a small thanks before walking away, your blonde sister watched the redhead walk away before looking at the floor excusing herself too. 
You looked away back to the beach, before deciding to get up and walk down the small hill entering the beach. Taking off your shoes, you put them at the side of the beach entrance before wrapping the blanket tightly around you. The voices began to zoom out and the sound of the ocean began to fill your ears. The soft sand on your feet as you walked closer to the shore felt grounding. The soft breeze that moved your hair out of control felt comforting as you sat down. 
Burying your feet in the sand as you closed your eyes trying to remember something, to have something to hold on to. It felt weird, out of place, like something was missing. Your mind tried to wrap up with the fact that your father was dead but even if you knew what was happening, you still had questions. Sitting on the sand, you stared blankly at the ocean, as the waves came, as the breeze moved the palms and touched your cheeks, as the soft salty smell invaded your nose, and the coldness of the day began to increase.
It was like a debate between what you wanted to believe and what was happening. There were running thoughts in your head that made you feel exhausted. It was unpleasant and even tiring to think of how this event would change your and your family's life. You avoided the thought as much as you could, wishing and hoping to wake up from the nightmare but it was real and as much as you didn't want to accept it, your father was gone, and he was not coming back.
You didn't even realize when the sun that was high in the sky had come down and reflected in the ocean, you didn't feel the breeze and air get heavier or the way the only thing illuminating the night was the light bulb you dad put at the entrance of the beach. 
It felt like time went in seconds, long seconds that you wished to take back and at the same time to move faster. It wasn't easy, it didn't feel easy, and the hole in your heart was unmistakable. You weren't a person who liked change, nor a person who easily understood what was going on around you. 
Sure when Kara came into the family, it was like the missing piece. It didn't take you long to warm up to the blonde, but she was suffering from the loss of her planet so you stayed behind the doors and waited the right moment to comfort her and make her as welcome as you could. You saw her hesitate when she was doing something that would make her happy, you saw her doubt herself as Superman came into the news, you saw her shed tears when she tried to find where Krypto would be. 
You tried constantly to win her affection, her trust, her intelligence, and more but you couldn't make her happy if she didn't heal. So you stayed awake during the night waiting to comfort her, you played with melodies on the piano so she could have a similar bed song as she had in Krypto, you ran as fast as you could after school to help her with her English or to watch and sing along with Wizard of Oz. You keep trying and trying even though she was legally your sister, you wanted to have a connection with her just like you did with Alex. So when the blonde the morning of your birthday hugged you and in English told you, you were her sister and she could be prouder than to call you that, you shredded in tears hugging her closely. 
But it was different, everything was different, it felt different, it sounded different, it even tastes different. There was a silence between your family, Alex kept her feelings inside and bottle them in trying so hard not to break, mad at the world, mad at dad, at you, at your mom, even Kara. Your mom was understanding but quiet, she tried to be your and your sister's rock during the day but at night you can hear her crying her heart out. Kara kept silent, mad at the world for taking another person from her, holding you close trying to be helpful as much as she could even if she was hurting as much as she was when she first landed. And you, you kept quiet, trying to understand, trying to find the lie, trying to reach and understand your feelings but couldn't. So you waited for the time to pass by and for things to get in order, just like your dad used to say ‘time heals things, everything gets better with time’ but as the words rounded your head you couldn't feel more than the biggest lie of the world.
Flashback ends
The soft wrap with alcohol against your knuckles ached as your mom determinately disinfected your hand. You felt her eyes constantly glancing at you when you kept silent, trying to ignore the slight throb from the small wound in your hand. You glanced from the wall you stared continuously into her eyes, before speaking. “I tried”
“I know sweetie” Eliza looked up while finishing wrapping her hand before speaking in a motherly tone. As soon as she heard you talk she knew, she knew what you meant. Just your silence gave it away, she knew your conflicted feelings weren't going to help now and they didn't before, but what scared her was how long you were going to take to heal, to flash a familiar smile, to laugh until you couldn't anymore, to look at the eyes of your significant other, to sign with your older sisters until either of your throats wouldn't give more. 
Fighting back the tears your eyes had swollen, you claimed again making eye contact with your mother, your mother's eyes redating with comfort and sadness as she looked at you. You clenched your hand into a fist but immediately opened it again when you felt the strong throb in your knuckles. “I tried, and it didn't work out. It didn't do anything”
“Healing isn't about not feeling sad or feeling numb, it's about letting in, letting go, and finding yourself again but you can't do it if you are not ready for it” She answered brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
And the understanding in her eyes and voice made you doubt, as your feelings started to fall in place. Heartache, anger, sadness, disappointment, pain, and more began to feel your chest and your mind as you took the words of your mother in. Your now bloodshot eyes looked away from her as you felt your lip tremble.
You nodded quietly, and before you knew. You threw your arms around your blonde mother, tears furiously leaving your eyes as she soothed you, with comforting and reassuring words. Your head was hidden in her neck as you cried your eyes out. 
The feeling of heartbreak and pain overwhelming you as everything started to come down on you. And you wanted to cry, for minutes, for hours, days, weeks, even years. Because somehow after everything you still didn't feel enough, you felt everything you did was wrong, that you could have been better and you could have changed differently, closing your eyes you wished for it to be gone, but deep down you knew it wasn't.
“Please just make it stop, mom. Please, it hurts so much”
Flashback - February 2005
“Please just make it stop, mom. Please, it hurts so much”
You don't know how it happened or how long you had been furiously crying until you stared at the small seashells in the sand getting wet thanks to your tears. The once beige shell now was white. Grabbing the seashells from the sand, you started to throw them angrily at the water. 
The sound of the rock making contact with the water somewhat comforted you, longing to throw everything away for it, for the broken shells to absorb your problems and leave with it. Soon enough you fell to your knees sobbing out. As the night lighting shot in the ocean, as the ocean tide had gone up, the once breeze became violent air. 
One second you were crying furiously on your own, and the next you sobbed into your mother's arms, as she reassured you that everything was going to be okay. You gripped her shirt hugging her closely before looking up to her, touching your chest as your bloodshot eyes glanced in hers.
Your lip trembling from the cold and your sobs, her heart broke, even more, when you hid in her neck which made her look up as she soothed your back. She was trying so hard to keep it together for you and your sisters but the moment she caught sight of Kara and Alex with blankets around themselves walking straight to where the two of you sat, made her break into tears. 
You looked up from your mother's neck as you felt a hand rubbing your back and others grabbing your hand softly in reassurance. Each one of them by you and your mother's side, your cries had slowed down when your redhead sister asked with a crack in her voice to your mother. “Are we gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, we will be but it will take time to heal, we can't rush it, we have to be ready”
“We are going to be okay” Kara claimed as a statement of reassurance after your mother responded, but her trembling lip, bloodshot eyes, and the high tone she used made her sound more like a prayer than anything.
Your mother reassured, making you three nod slowly before falling into a reassuring silence. “Until then we have each other, and one of the most precious things you girls are going to have in your life is each other, your family.”
Flashback ends
Unknowingly to you, your sisters had been watching from the door the moment Kara heard your heart spike. Tears in their eyes as they watched your mother rocked you slowly as you cried. Silent sobs and bitten lips coming from them as they stopped each other from walking into the room. 
Alex kept her jaw clenched as her hands gripped each other hard as she tried to keep the tears inside. The redhead felt responsible for your crying, the urge to run in and comfort you debating her self-control. Doubts, questions, and more gained in her head as she saw you sob into your mother's arms, rage slowly consuming her emotions as the protectiveness over you began to show up.
Kara let out silent sobs, with her hand on top of her mouth. Her bloodshot eyes and red cheeks had overwhelming tears. The superheroine hated herself, as she felt responsible for your crying. She just wanted to hold you in her arms and tell you everything was going to be just fine, she wanted to see your sunny smile when you saw her or the bad jokes and puns you used all the time, she wanted you, she wanted her little sister but a part of her told her you needed the same space she once received from you. 
The two of them standing next to each other with broken hearts and tears in their eyes, a small sense of hope in their chest as they watched the scene. Sharing a knowing, Alex came closer putting her arm around your blonde sister’s shoulder before speaking. 
“Everything is gonna be okay, we are getting her back, I promise,” She said quietly reassuring Kara even when neither of them fully believe it.
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thegeneralguy · 4 years
The Champion of Olympus - Poseidon´s Passion
Out of all the three realms connected to the earth, the sea was by far the most extensive one. An entire underwater universe lurked beneath the surface, with more diversity in its inhabitants than both heaven and earth. Poseidon was the ruler of that realm, with the responsibility of maintaining the planet itself in balance. Oceanic currents and tectonic movement were crucial for the mortals´ survival. The god of the sea had inherited the realm after the Titanomachy, given to him by the true embodiment of the sea, Oceanus. He and his titan spouse had given birth to many of the phenomena Poseidon had to keep in check.
But the normally boisterous god was unusually quiet, sitting down in his chariot heading back to the cold depths of his kingdom. The words of his brothers resonated within him. Could it really be possible for Typhon to escape? And more importantly, would he be able to protect all the creatures under his rule? Keeping balance was Poseidon´s primary priority, which made the whole situation even more alarming for him. He took the reins tying the hippocampi pulling his chariot and pressured them to move faster. He had to reach the Oceanic Retreat, also known as the sunken city of Atlantis, to consult with the court about his next course of action.
The palace was located in the center of the underwater capital, adorned with bright gems and bright colorful coral. The city was so deep under the sea, it was unreachable by Apollo´s power. But despite the lack of sunlight, luminescent beings shone brightly to light the streets and buildings. Poseidon´s chariot floated over the gates of the palace and parked on one of the numerous sea gardens, which were filled with creatures and coral normally found on superficial reefs. Triton, Poseidon´s heir, and most trusted advisor greeted him from the gates of the palace.
"That bad huh?"
He asked as soon as he caught a glimpse of the god´s grim visage. The muscular deity approached his son carrying his massive trident with ease, the muscles in his arm pulsing with supernatural strength. The strength to make the earth shake and the ocean rise. Both gods rushed inside the palace to his throne room, while Poseidon put Triton up to date. The young deity was eager to learn the ways of Olympus, for when it was his turn to rise to the throne, so he listened carefully every time his father complained about their extended family.
"How fitting of uncle Zeus to find a way to try to compete with all of you. But if what he and Hades said is right, then we have no time to waste."
"It won´t be so easy son. Our job is to keep balance, and granting divinity to a mortal can very much upset the natural equilibrium of the planet. Just remember where we´re standing right now."
The city of Atlantis, once a thriving metropolis of the ancient world, had fallen victim to the whims of a fallen hero´s delirium and a heavenly dispute. After being defeated by the patron city of Poseidon´s niece, the Atlanteans fell into despair. They managed to get the favor of the god of the sea, who granted power beyond belief to their heroic leader. But this human wasn´t meant to rise as a new god, so the rest of Olympus rejected him, and punished the city by sinking it to the depths of the ocean.
While Triton pondered on his father´s worries, they reached the throne room. A glowing golden throne adorned with all kinds of underwater flora and fauna was in the center of the room, surrounded by a half-circle of different chairs more modest, but still ornamental to symbolize the sea´s royalty. Poseidon stood in front of his throne and slammed the enormous trident on the ground, producing an explosive sound that resonated within the entire ocean.
After a couple of seconds, the god of the sea´s call was answered by the most prominent figures in the oceanic realm. A representative for both the Oceanids, sea nymphs and the Potamoi, the rivers of the world, were the first to appear. Poseidon´s spouse Amphitrite also arrived fast and took her place right next to her husband. Polyphemus came next, the representative for the cyclops who were all devoted to the god of the sea. The old man of the sea, Nereus himself, showed up next. His relationship with Poseidon was more like a truce than a hierarchy, but Nereus´ connection to the ocean realm´s mortal creatures, including his daughters, was a good reason to keep him as an ally. The last one to show up was Styx, the embodiment of the river of the same name coursing through Hades´ realm.
As the court of the sea assembled, Triton took his seat on the right of his father and watched as the gigantic god paraded his muscular physique floating across the room.
"As some of you may know, I was summoned by Zeus for an emergency meeting. It seems the original monster is trying to break free from Tartarus. Is that true Styx?"
Automatically all eyes turned to the river´s seat expectantly. After Hades and the chthonic gods, the underworld river was supposed to know all the happenings of the realm.
"I have heard some rumors, but Lord Hades hasn´t told me anything. Things feel pretty normal in the underworld though. I haven´t sensed any fluctuations within my currents, which are pretty sensitive for any changes in the realm."
"That's very strange, but the fates wouldn´t lie. There is no way they would fall victims of a simple rumor."
Answered Poseidon meditating on the river´s answer. Styx was known to be direct and efficient, seeking to form a bridge between the realms so mortal souls reached their resting space safely. It wouldn´t bother to try and deceive the rest of the deities, especially on such a delicate matter. But then, who was lying? Triton raised from his seat and continued talking, trying to explain the situation his father was telling him about a couple of minutes ago.
"It seems the king of the gods has called for a new Champion to be chosen."
"Is that true Poseidon?"
Asked Amphitrite looking at her husband with worry in her eyes. Poseidon´s days of violence ended eons ago, and she was worried a heavenly competition like the trial of the Champion was going to get the worst out of her husband again.
"Zeus commanded each of the twelve Olympians to choose a champion. As you can imagine, I´m very reluctant to do so again."
Answered Poseidon with a serious tone. The last thing he wanted was to put his subjects through another catastrophe, but something smelled fishy in the whole situation. He wasn´t keen on trusting his family, but the odds were too high. He had to assume the worst in order to prepare. Nereus rose from his seat, his long white beard filled with barnacles floating around him, and talked in a raspy voice that sounded like a shipwreck crashing in the bottom of the sea.
"You have to make a choice Poseidon. We cannot risk Typhon getting out, it would mean extinction for our kind. Your newfound love for balance will have to wait until this situation is resolved."
"How dare you tell me how I should act old man. Remember I am the god of the sea, one of the twelve Olympians, and your ruler. I know what is best for my kingdom."
Growled Poseidon angrily, as his trident caused the floor to shake with fury. Nereus smirked slightly, knowing he reached the god´s weakest spot: his authoritarian nature. No matter how he tried to hide it, Poseidon was infatuated by battle and carnage. And he was going to demonstrate to all the sea that the king still had the will of expanding the realm. A Champion of the sea on earth would create the perfect opportunity to take over the terrestrial plane.
"Leave the sentimentalism aside Poseidon. You have to make a choice. Will you risk the present´s balance to secure the future?"
Everyone looked at the silent god of the sea. Poseidon hated Nereus, but he was right. Balance is not worth it if the future is put in doubt. He had made his choice. As hard as it was, he had to gift a mortal again with divinity. Triton stared worriedly at his father. The advisor knew what his king was capable of, and it scared him. But in the end, the risk had to be worth the benefits. He reached to touch his father´s giant shoulder.
Poseidon then raised his trident, as a powerful twisting current propelled him upwards, going through the open roof and heading for the surface. If his brothers wanted a Champion, they were going to have one. For the sake of the ocean, and the balance of the future.
  It was a peculiarly cold day on top of the St. Helena frigate. Ltjg. Gabo Ramirez was making his usual rounds on the top deck, making sure everyone was doing their respective tasks. The young man had joined the navy in hopes of finding some stability in his chaotic life. He had always felt attracted to the sea, its vast expanse offering the peace of mind that a problematic orphaned child needed. Growing up on the coast let him escape very often to meet his secret lover. He got infatuated when he was very young, and his mother was still alive. She took him to the beach every day to collect different treasures like seashells or pieces of broken coral in order to make jewelry out of them. Young Gabo felt proud he was helping support his widowed mother.
His father was a fisherman, but he barely had any memory of him, because he died when Gabo was barely a toddler. His mother told him his fishing ship sank during one of the common hurricanes predating on the beautiful Caribbean coast. But even though the sea had taken one of his progenitors away, Gabo couldn´t help but fall deeper in love with it. As he grew up, money grew tight. His mother tried desperately to provide for her son, so he could go to school and do something with his life. Life pushed her to more desperate means, selling herself so her son could have a future. In the end, things turned out grim for the poor boy.
He still remembered the stormy night when someone knocked on the door of their little apartment. A tall police officer told him the bad news. They found her on a bench close to the harbor. His mother died trying to protect her son. His childhood ended on that instant, and he was thrown down an administrative rabbit hole that turned his life into a living nightmare. He jumped from orphanages to foster homes over and over again. He felt like the world had betrayed him, taking his greatest love away from him. The sweet child turned into a sour teenager, who caused trouble and mischief wherever he went. His only refuge was still the sea. After all that had happened, it was the only place where Gabo felt grounded and alive. After his mother passed away it became his greatest love.
After he miraculously made his way through school, he decided to leave Puerto Rico and enlist in the U.S. navy. He was conscious his life needed to take a turn for the better, so he was mentally prepared for whichever challenge the tough military system was going to throw at him. The problem was, he was not physically ready for them, struggling through the first years of training. A life of chaos had left him with a scrawny underfed body, which was agile enough to get him swiftly out of trouble, but not strong enough to face it.
He remained adamant on his decision, and he endured the painful years of training, swallowing his deep survival instinct of fleeing before he was entirely committed. Gabo was used to swiftly getting out of trouble, thanks to his more cowardly nature. But he studied hard, put his life on track, and was rewarded for it. Now he got to spend a life together with his love, the sea, watching its waves flow into the horizon. A blue paradise extended before him.
Ltjg. Ramirez diverted his gaze from the ocean and went back to realizing his tasks to their full extent. The frigate was on standby close to the arctic sea, between Greenland and Europe, so there wasn´t a lot to do. The wind outside was pretty cold, nothing but dark water and a few small icebergs in the surroundings. He went back into the ship to finish his active shift and get something to eat in the cafeteria.
"Hey, Ramirez! Come here, we´re playing poker. This asshole has been running his mouth about beating you all afternoon!"
Said Lt. March calling him to one of the tables, where some of his crewmates were gathered. The person running his mouth was Lt. Krass. He and March were Ramirez´s superiors, but they had grown to like the mousy kid. His skills in gambling were known on the whole ship and made his crewmates and some of his superiors very interested in testing his skills. Life on the streets had taught him everything he needed to know to be a good gambler, and he had a good poker face to finish his killer combination.
"I can gladly take all your money off of you sir."
Said Ramirez laughing as he sat on the table to play with the cards. Sailors had to enjoy every second of interaction, or else they started suffering some mental issues that came with the constant isolation and lack of new stimuli.
"I´m telling you kid if you didn´t look like a toothpick I would´ve beaten your ass for taking a week´s worth of salary."
Said the much bigger Lt. March in an intimidating way, but just with the right amount of joyfulness to let Gabo know he was joking. He could probably pick the small junior lieutenant and throw him overboard if he felt like it.
"Give him a break March. It´s not his fault you´re a dumb player. Besides, I´ll get that money and will take you to a nice bar with it when we touch land again."
Laughed the equally big Krass punching his mate on the shoulder. In fact, Ramirez was probably the smallest man on board. The 24-year-old barely made the height cut on the recruiting process, and although he had gained some muscle mass from the rigorous training, it wasn´t enough to get close to his crewmate´s giant sizes. But his appearance was what caused his crewmates and superiors to gain a certain fondness for the young recruit. He was the runt of the litter.
After a while of laughing at Krass´s dumbfound expression as Ramirez managed to beat him and take all his money as well, the boys called off the night and everyone was in their chambers by curfew. Ramirez laid on his bed feeling the soft movement of the waves rocking his bed, enjoying the sensation. He thought about his mother and the beach in his childhood, as his memories carried him to deep sleep, completely ignorant of the approaching menace on the cold waters of the ocean.
 All sailors woke up at five in the morning, swiftly getting out of bed and lining up to clean themselves. Gabo woke up agitated. He had a strange feeling, but he couldn´t exactly distinguish what was going on. He also had strange dreams that night, about a giant black whale stalking the tumbling frigate, whilst he watched powerlessly from the deck of the ship.
"Not a very good night kid? It must be that guilty conscience for stealing from your favorite superior."
Said Lt. March, who was directly in line in front of him. Ramirez managed to get a nervous laugh out.
"It´s nothing, sir. Just a bad dream."
March looked at him with concern. He really cared for the well being of his subordinates, and he was worried being on the sea for so long was starting to take its toll on the novice sailor. He knew the young junior lieutenant was very passionate about his work, but he was still inexperienced to recognize the effects of long-term isolation.
"Listen Ramirez. I´m your superior, but we´re a team. There´s not a lot to do today, so why don't you take it easy just for a day."
The young recruit smiled broadly at the big man in front of him.
"Thanks, sir, but I can handle work. I know what I signed up for."
Lt. March smiled back, impressed at the discipline of his subordinate. This kid was going to go far he thought, as both made their way into the small shower cabin. While they were undressing, Krass approached March and whispered something to him quietly. Ramirez couldn´t hear a word, but judging by March´s expression it wasn´t good news. Krass then left the bathroom, and March turned around to face Ramirez. His big chest was inches away from Gabo´s face, and his lower part was tightly covered by a small towel.
It wasn´t a secret Ramirez was into both men and women. All his crewmates respected his orientation and felt comfortable around him. So much they didn´t mind parading themselves naked from time to time, testing the young recruit´s self-control. It was harder in the beginning, but now Gabo was used to it, casually having conversations with his fellow naked sailors. He still enjoyed the show, only silently and respectfully. He has had few sexual experiences in the past, but nothing to boast about. Still, his crew was untouchable for him, the comradery far outweighing the lust.
March was another story though. The man sported an impressive physique build through years and years of discipline and hard training. His chest was very prominent, followed by a big muscular gut that was still a couple of inches behind. Powerful arms capable of pulling even the heaviest anchor hung to his side, and tree trunk legs supported the almost 300 pounds man. He was also a good head taller than Ramirez, making the younger sailor a dwarf in comparison. Even though Ramirez tried his best, he couldn´t help but feel a certain level of attraction for the muscular man. After gawking at his superior´s body for enough time, Gabo looked up to hear what he was about to say.
"It seems there is a storm heading our way. It´s gonna be a full day of work after all Ramirez. You´ll get your chance to shine."
Ltjg. Ramirez never faced an open sea storm on his few months on board, so he didn´t know what to expect. A feeling in his gut was telling him to pretend he was sick to stay under the deck, but Gabo was no coward. He was going to do his work and prove why he was there among those big burly men. He finished showering and looked at himself in the mirror.
His dark brown hair was neatly cut in a conscription cut, perfectly square and short. His young face had a scar on his chin product of a street brawl a couple of years ago, but his features still retained the innocent look that came with youth. His beautiful light brown skin was free of any blemishes. His smooth body had slight muscle definition, but more because of little body fat than actual lean mass. He quickly glanced inside the towel to look at his manhood. He couldn´t be disappointed because there were smaller dicks around, but he was nowhere near to someone endowed. He was more like on the average to the low part of the scale. He was feeling good and confident about himself today. Gabo quickly put on his uniform and rushed outside to start his tasks for the day.
He headed up the deck to quickly brush the floors, check the analog temperature measurements and check that the lifeboats were in a good state. People quickly mobilized after news of the storm spread around. The captain made a formal announcement during lunch, telling the crew they should brace for the storm in the early hours of the night. No one seemed to be too scared about it, making their usual jokes and talking loudly lie every day. Still, the feeling in the pit of his stomach was starting to bother Ramirez. He had a bad feeling about today. And as a kid from the street, Gabo knew trusting his feelings was crucial for survival. The nerves were causing him to barely touch his food.
Lt. March noticed the kid staring quietly at his tray. It was unusual for the lively Latin kid to go dead silent, so he approached and sat down next to him.
"Don´t worry kid, it´s just a storm. Occupational hazards. It will be gone sooner than you think."
Even though Ramirez loved the sea, storms were always a cause of anxiety for him. He was reminded that a storm killed his father. And worse of all, a storm was raging the night he found out about his mother. Storms were a bad omen for him. He turned around to face the rugged, but the concerned face of his superior.
"I trust you, sir. It´s just I have a bad history with storms."
"I assure you kid, it´s gonna be a better night than one with you taking all my money."
The light-hearted joke made both men laugh, as the tense aura around Gabo dissipated. He trusted his lieutenant. He saw in him the father figure he never had. They finished eating their meal and dispersed around the ship to finish the preparations for the bad forecast. When the sun started setting down is when the dark clouds started gathering over the frigate. Strong winds pushed everything exposed to the surface, and increasingly agitated waves crashed against the ship, making the most remote corners of the shell creak under the water´s pressure. Ramirez finished his tasks on deck and looked to the horizon for the last time of the day. An ominous dark mass was approaching the ship. Little droplets started falling from the sky. They were the last preface of what was about to come. The junior lieutenant went back under deck quickly as the slow rain turned into a tempestuous downpour.
He found his crewmates in the cafeteria as usual, but there were no games this time. Everyone was eating quietly, expectant of the first order barked through the loudspeakers. March wasn´t there, nor Krass. Ramirez assumed that command was having a meeting about the current situation. He sat down on a corner with his tray, unable to take a bite. All his instincts were telling him to run, to get out of there swiftly, so he could survive. Ramirez was fighting his innate fleeing nature. He kept reassuring himself why he got enlisted, why he was doing everything he was told to. He wanted stability, he craved it. But a part of him didn´t want to leave his past self behind. It was what kept him alive for so long after all. But he couldn´t go back to fleeing from his problem. And most important of all he couldn´t let his crew know he was so scared. Bravery in the face of adversity was a virtue after all. This little sacrifice was for his future self, and no one else.
The sailors left the cafeteria quietly. One by one they retired to their chambers. Ramirez followed his crewmates and was able to go to bed early as he didn´t have any guard shift that night. He zoned out for a while, unable to reach deep sleep. After a few hours, around midnight, the alarm made him jump out of bed and get dressed. He got out of his chambers to see all his crewmates heading for the upper doors. The hallway was lit red, and a reverberating sound echoed through the passages of the frigate. Ramirez tried his best not to fall due to what he assumed was disorientation until the entire crew including him were thrown to the side. He wasn´t dizzy, it was the waves crashing against the ship that caused it to rock back and forth intensively.
When he made it to the upper deck, his fellow sailors were all running to their stations. Many went to prepare the lifeboats, while others reinforced the previously tied up materials so the storm couldn´t blow them again. Ramirez went to his emergency station next to the edge to secure the supplies he was supposed to. The sky was completely painted black, like the furious sea bellow him. Rain poured down intensively, and an icy wind blew with all force against the ship and its crew. Ramirez was freezing, his frail body more exposed thanks to its lack of body mass, and the tempestuous currents kept throwing him around like a little leaf during an autumn breeze.
A big wave crashed against the frigate, making the vessel lean completely to the opposite side. One of the crates on the opposite side of Ramirez got untied and came sliding fast towards the terrified recruit, who was holding on to the rails on the edge for his life. He turned around just on time to see the giant box charging against him, and closed his eyes preparing for the inevitable. He immediately heard his name echo in the distance and felt a powerful pair of hands push him from the back out of the crate´s trajectory. Ramirez looked back just in time to see his protector Lt. March flies off the board into the raging waters below.
"Lt. March!"
Screamed the tearful junior lieutenant. His fear was completely erased in an instant, triggering his quick reaction speed. He grabbed a safety rope next to him and without thinking he threw himself into the mouth of the beast. The black waters of the sea swallowed him whole. The only thing he felt was a bone-chilling sensation taking over his entire body, as he swam in the direction of his superior.
"Kid what are you doing here?! You crazy son of a bitch!"
Said March in a mixture of awe, anger, and gratefulness.
"It´s my duty to protect my crew lieutenant! Quick, grab the rope!"
He handed over the rope to the more experienced March, who started tying a strong knot so the crew could pull them out. Their brief moment of relief ended in an instant, as another giant wave stroke from their side this time, separating the young Ramirez from his lieutenant. The crew started pulling the rope, just to get only March back on board. The big man immediately perched on the edge and frantically searched with his eyes for the young subordinate.
"Ramirez! Ramirez!"
But only darkness remained, with no sight of the young recruit. Meanwhile, Ramirez struggled to swim against a powerful current. He considered himself a good swimmer, having grown close to the water. But no matter how hard he kicked and flailed, the underwater stream kept pulling him downwards. The cold was starting to numb his senses, as he let out a last bubble of breath and his unconscious body was dragged into the infinite abyss.
 Ramirez then woke up surrounded by complete darkness. He was laying on a rocky wet floor, dripping wet and feeling breathless. He coughed a couple of times, expelling a good amount of water out of his lungs. He stood up, but couldn't see anything around him. There was no breeze, no sound, absolutely nothing. He was about to take a step when a strong voice made him freeze in his tracks.
"Lt. Ramirez. I´ve been looking for someone like you."
"Who are you? Where am I?"
"Those questions don´t matter anymore child. You´re under my protection, that´s all that matters."
He then heard a resounding metallic sound against the rocky floor and was completely shocked by what he saw. The trident of the god of the sea emitted a powerful glow, which then seeped into the cracks on the bedrock bellow to illuminate Ramirez´s surroundings. He was inside a big air compartment under what it seemed to be the ocean, and in front of him was an extremely muscular man holding a giant trident. Poseidon then approached the young lieutenant, holding up his chin with his strong hand.
"You will do just fine. Your potential is unmeasurable, and you know the meaning of suffering and the price of balance. A noble soul like you will be of great use to me and my realm."
"I have to get back to my ship sir. Please help me, my crew is in danger."
Said Ramirez nervously while he scanned the god in front of him with his eyes. The prominent chest was probably as wide as Ramirez holding both of his arms to his sides, with strong protruding abdominal muscles supporting it. He had the biggest arms he had ever seen, even among the famous bodybuilders he always liked to watch on the internet. His lower body was even more powerful. He was only wearing the lower part of a short white robe, with gold accessories adorning his wrists and belt. Two penetrating blue eyes glowed like the deepest of oceans, set as the highlight of a rugged but beautiful face. The cherry on top was a luscious chestnut-colored beard falling right on top of his upper chest. Poseidon noticed the way this kid was looking at him and smiled broadly. He liked his ego stroked like all the gods.
"The ship was spared. But that passion is what I´m looking for. A loving protector, who is strong enough to crush anything on his way."
He pointed his trident towards the young lieutenant and smiled.
"Meet me on the base of Mount Olympus in Greece by the next full moon. I will grant you the true love of my kingdom, in exchange for your loyalty and strength. I´m counting on you."
A blue light came out of the trident, completely enveloping Ramirez. The cold sensation was gone, together with the exhaustion he felt before regaining consciousness. When the light faded, Poseidon was gone. The air bubble around him started popping, letting water in again. Ramirez was quickly swallowed by the ocean, having only time to briefly hold his breath. Once he could not hold it any longer, he coughed only to find out he was able to breathe normally underwater. He also thought about how he practically was immune to the pressure of the sea above him, not feeling any strain on his body.
He took off his uniform so he could swim better, leaving him only wearing the pair of black boxer shorts he had on, and started exploring his surroundings. The light the trident had infused on the ground remained there and formed a path leading the young sailor forward into the darkness. After swimming for a while, he found the strangest creature he had ever seen. A beautiful horse with the tail of a fish was waiting at the end of the illuminated road. The animal looked at Ramirez, and he immediately knew what he had to do. He floated towards the hippocampus, and rode on its back, grabbing its neck as the animal swiftly swam towards the surface.
He must have been pretty deep thought Ramirez because it took a long time until he saw the weak rays of sunlight replace the absolute darkness he was in before. He could feel the water caressing his body, but it opposed little resistance to the fast creature and the young sailor on top. It also wasn´t cold like before, but getting warmer the more the sea horse carried him through the vastness of the ocean. He was fascinated by its massive expanse and could feel its sheer power pulsating through the water.
They passed all kinds of sea creatures like schools of fishes, dolphins and even a few whales. Ramirez´s connection with the sea grew stronger, together with his love for it. He was so enthralled by the fascinating view in front of him that he missed the sensation the stronger current was causing on his body. The swirling water quickly surrounded him, tying him to the back of the hippocampus and constraining his limbs. Ramirez felt a dull pain product of the waters slowly pulling his limbs and spine further away from each other, rapidly adding inches to his height until the formerly short sailor reached a towering 7 feet height. The pulling didn´t stop there though, as each bone grew to form the canvas for the muscle that was coming in next.
The warm water caressed and massaged each individual muscle, transferring the titanic strength of the ocean to them. The legs holding on to the hippocampus started growing first. It looked like water was being pumped directly into his skin. Quadriceps strong enough to crush rocks between them formed on his upper legs, with edges carving themselves out of the gigantic muscles. His calves were pulled apart and rearranged by the current until two diamond-shaped calves replaced the former toothpick lower legs. His feet grew even bigger for a man his size, necessary for the swift propulsion underwater. The growth moved to his butt cheeks, the sensation finally making Ramirez aware of what was happening to him. He felt a strong cramp in his ass, as both glutei raised further and further from the back of the sea horse. His underwear strained to the maximum under the pressure of the new watermelon-sized ass cheeks.
Ramirez watched his lower body turn into the one of a card-carrying professional bodybuilder. The sensations invading his body were too intense for him to remain calm. He felt incredible awe for the creatures that were crossing through his sight. He felt the warm and pleasurable caress of the water on his body. He felt the strong rocking of the hippocampus´ swimming. And he felt a crushing pain as the pressure in the water reformed his body. He let go of the creature to grab his stomach in pain. He felt like the water was suctioning each individual brick in his abdomen out, and he was quickly left with a powerful eight pack cut into his midsection. His Adonis belt protruded out of his sides, and his serratus muscles carved themselves so deep it looked like the man had developed gills.
Ramirez then felt the current push him from the back of the sea horse, and the sailor fell to the back watching the creature swim away from him. He immediately began swimming trying to reach it, but his newly developed lower body still moved clumsily lacking the coordination needed to move such a heavy mass. Ramirez focused all of his strength on reaching the hippocampus when suddenly a strong water current propelled him forward and he was able to reach the creature. He then realized he was practically flying underwater, enjoying the freedom of moving like a torpedo through the ocean. He swam graciously together with the hippocampus, both dancing synchronized to the rhythm of the waters.
Small whirlpools formed around his brown nipples, sending waves of pleasure through the man and increasing their size to fit into the new gigantic chest that was about to come. His pectoral muscles squared on the lower end, and then pushed further out inflating like two water mattresses. The water was putting so much pressure on his upper body the sailor felt his bones were going to get crushed. Ramirez was left with a herculean chest powerful enough to fight the roaring waves of a tsunami. His shoulders were next, as each deltoid inflated bigger than cannonballs with enough strength to lift an anchor above his head.
He then felt the current pull his arms so hard he thought they were going to be ripped apart. The pressure in his muscles made him wince in pain, while his triceps dripped and grew like marlin´s dorsal fin, pushing the former noodles to the sides of his body, and his biceps inflated like water balloons about to pop due to their sheer size. Massive sinews formed on his upper arms, and his hands grew massively muscular, wide enough to push large amounts of water on a single stroke.
He examined both of his new arms when a cramp in his back made him bend forward and scream in pain. He felt the water vibrating on his spine, spreading the sensation to every muscle like a flare. The upper back started extending and rounding up like a turtle shell, and the lats on each side protruded so far, he looked more like a giant T instead of a V. His back was by far the strongest muscle on his body, designed to propel the new man through the chaotic waters with ease.
The current then swirled around his neck, starting to choke him. The traps raised to connect to his ears and complete the growth of the monstrous back. He could hear his grumble grow lower as his neck expanded with muscle, leaving his head looking like a tiny pin on a godly body. The pain was overwhelming the young sailor. He opened his mouth to let out a painful scream when suddenly water flowed into his body with intensity. Veins started popping out of his limbs, improving the oxygen saturation, and therefore endurance for the giant.
Large veins popped on his lower abdomen, and then he felt an excruciating pressure pushing behind his manhood. His penis then started inflating, far surpassing the limits of the already strained underpants, which were ripped off by the strong currents. His newly improved appendage kept growing and pulsing so much, Ramirez thought it was going to explode. It stopped growing at almost a foot in length, and a jaw-breaking girth. It looked like a glass bottle that was hanging from his legs. His balls were next, inflating to an equine size and falling heavy between his monstrous legs.
Male hormones combined with divine power started flowing through his body, boosted by the invading water current inside of him. He felt a cracking pressure on his head, which grew proportional to the new body size. His angular face grew more masculine, his jaw broadening into a thick square, and his brow pushing further over his eyes giving him a menacing look. His nose then cracked and widened, while his lips plumped a bit more. His already short dark brown hair retreated into his scalp, leaving him with a short buzz cut. The amount of testosterone in his body was so high, his hairline receded a little bit. His face was then invaded by a permanent shadow with the potential of growing a thick beard. The rest of his body sucked in his body hair, leaving his smooth. His beautiful brown skin darkened a bit more. His pores then started producing a small amount of oil, that gave him a shiny look and helped him oppose little resistance to the forces of the sea, making underwater travel far easier.
The current then stopped forcing its way into his body and released his limbs from their invisible shackles. Ramirez started touching his body incredulously, incapable of dimensioning the change he just went through. He felt the raw power of the sea pulse within him. He touched his face and felt his young skin under his fingers. His scar was gone too. The sight of the new man might have been bizarre, due to him still looking young despite his overwhelming masculinity. Ramirez was so distracted by his new body, that he missed the waters getting slowly more superficial and the hippocampus turning around and leaving back into the abyss.
The sailor propelled himself further into the shallowing waters when he was suddenly greeted by the figure of a beautiful young man sitting on an underwater rock. He couldn´t be older than the junior lieutenant, although his presence and demeanor felt older than civilization itself. His long hair flowed along with the current, glistening with silver light. He had the carved body of an Olympic swimmer, with defined and strong limbs made to love underwater and a very wide back developed from physical activity in the sea. He was also completely smooth, the only hair on his body remaining on his head, eyebrows, and long eyelashes. He beamed a white smile as radiant as the sun at the stranger.
Ramirez approached the young Adonis with a dumbfounded expression on his face. Even though his sexual experience was limited, he was very familiar with the feelings of lust invading his body. Only this time, they were overwhelmingly strong, almost clouding his entire conscience. The man got up from the rock and touched Gabo´s muscular chest.
"Father was right, you turned out better than expected."
He had a melodious hypnotic voice almost too beautiful to be coming out of a hunk like him. Ramirez looked down at the man caressing his body. His knees shook nervously, while he let himself be seduced by the apparition before him. But something in his mind suddenly snapped. He felt the pressure from before again, only this time inside his thoughts as if the water was rinsing the old cowardly nature of the sailor. For some reason, the situation didn´t feel right. He was the one supposed to be doing the seduction, not the other way around.
He took the young man from his legs and pulled him close to his body raising him to his same height. He then proceeded to passionately make out with the stud, both their tongues dancing in each other's mouth. Ramirez felt like sea spume was filling his head, making it harder and harder to focus. He started losing his grip on reality. Like waves carving and molding the strong rocks underneath, the magical power carved out a new man out of the young sailor. More and more dominance asserted itself into his persona, replacing the old more submissive nature. His body language was a dead giveaway of what was happening in his mind.
The sea hunk noticed how his lover´s kiss started to grow more aggressive, invading his mouth with a strong tongue. His big hands started squeezing the young man´s ass, ways of pleasuring a person during sex being engraved in his memory. Years of experience pushed their way into the new man, his face growing more rugged with lines of age and his body gaining more thickness that comes with years of labor. His giant manhood was already grown at full mast, stroking the cheeks of his prey like a sea serpent just before attacking and spreading his self-produced oil on his skin. The young man then guided the hard rod to the entrance of his body, pushing down ever so slightly to get the head in.
The hunk had been with many lovers before, but this was still considered to be a very big phallus. He carefully slid down in order to accommodate the muscular man´s size inside of him. Ramirez kept fighting the tide inside his head. He was scared of changing, of letting go of who he was. A part of him still wanted to flee and pretend none of this had happened. But remembering his hometown beach stopped his train of thought. He remembered the beautiful waters shining in the sunlight, of all the creatures dependent on them, from little crabs on the beach to the big metropolis of the world. The ocean´s ecosystem was the most important one in the world, and it had to be protected. The love he felt for the sea turned into a massive tidal wave inside of him that finally broke down all his mental barriers and completely dragged his old personality out of existence. He didn´t have to flee anymore, he possessed the strength to break the earth and part the ocean. He could destroy anything that got in his way of protecting what he loved.
Ltjg. Gabo Ramirez was reborn in the form of Gabriel, the name his mother had originally given him, and the new protector of the sea. The last bits of his personality evaporating like the sea breeze under the scorching sun. His young lover watched in awe as the eyes of the titan started to glow, and a deep blue color washed his former brown irises away. Once his manhood had entered the hunk completely, he started thrusting back and forth with the strength to shake the earth. He was a god among men, and he had the right to be pleased. Still, he liked to share the pleasure with his lovers, and care for them. He liked feeling like the strong protector he was born to be. The young sea hunk smiled broadly knowing the transformation was complete, and let himself be completely dominated and pleased by the titan inside of him.
 The sun was already setting when Gabriel came out of the warm waters. He wasn´t in the frosty northern sea anymore but the warm coasts of southern Greece. He was only wearing the bikini strap the young hunk had given him once they parted ways, along with a kiss and the promise of meeting him again. Gabriel looked at the vast sea before him and smiled. He was going to do whatever it took to protect his new home. He was going to honor his Lord´s will by conquering and crushing anything in his way. He still had a couple of days before the full moon, which should be enough to get to Mount Olympus. He then thought about all the life and all the pleasure he could have on his way. He was going to bless a lot of mortals with his sexual prowess. He took one last deep breath before heading inland, his nostrils filling with the salty smell of the sea breeze along with his own radiating masculine scent, his skin shimmering under the setting sun. The giant then disappeared into the prairie, ready for whatever challenge the world may throw at him.
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In the distance sitting next to a cliff was Nereus, watching the newly chosen one walk towards his destiny. He found the Olympians obnoxious, but he had to admit they did a pretty fine handiwork. The new man looked like he jumped out of a perverted fever dream, with enough power to shatter the earth with each step.
"He really does feel like he looks, father."
A joyful voice said on the back. Nereus turned around to see his own son Nerites staring playfully at him. The young god loved to play around but was filled with respect for his father. The beautiful merman smiled broadly at the old man, who gave him an approving nod.
"Well done son. I knew Poseidon needed a little push. I´m glad to see his opus got your sign of approval."
"It´s going to be an interesting time after all. Life is just fun."
Said Nerites enthusiastically as both gods stared into the distance wondering about the Olympian´s intricate rivalries and plots in the sky.
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Disney Songs That Hit Different™ When You’re Autistic, a full Spotify Playlist
Open to updates should anyone notice a song I missed!
Tracklist and specific lyrics that fuck me up under the cut: 
The World Above - The Little Mermaid Broadway Production
“It’s like my life was wrong And somehow, now, at last I’m in My own skin Up here in the world above!”
“The sun’s so bright here Upon my face! It feels so right here Warm as love... Life seems to be Almost calling to me...” - stimmy 
Belle - Beauty and the Beast 
“The bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful story. About a beanstalk and an ogre and a—” - y’all ever been interrupted on an infodump and then realize nobody cared? yeah that feeling 
“Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? Never part of any crowd Cause her head's up on some cloud No denying she’s a funny girl, that Belle...”
“[That one? But you've read it twice!] It's my favorite. Far-off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise...” - SPECIAL INTEREST 
“Look there she goes, that girl is so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well With a dreamy, far-off look And her nose stuck in a book What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle...”
“Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him till chapter three...” - IF NOBODY LISTENS TO MY INFODUMP I SHALL INFODUMP TO SHEEP
“But behind that fair façade I'm afraid she's rather odd Very diff'rent from the rest of us She's nothing like the rest of us...”
More - deleted song from Moana
honestly the entire song is a bit “want to break off and learn about special interest / be in my own world / be myself” mood 
“The other kids just dance and play How can you play? There's so much out there to explore...”
“She stares at the sky, she stumbles down the beaches She mumbles all the names that her Gramma Tala teaches With one foot here and another in a distant past She’s growing up too fast...”
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid 
not only a BIG SPECIAL INTEREST MOOD... big “i don’t belong here” mood...
“Look at this trove, treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here, you'd think Sure, she's got everything” “I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty I've got whooz-its and whats-its galore You want thing-a-mabobs? I've got twenty But who cares? No big deal. I want more!”
“Betcha on land, they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimmin', Ready to stand...”
“When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore up above?”
More Than Just the Spare - deleted song from Frozen 
“I'm not part of the town, not born to be queen Just somebody hopelessly in-between She's the scholar, athlete, poet I'm the screw up, don't I know it...”
“I may lack style and I may lack grace And once in a while I fall on my face But this little button deserves a place in the sky This button wants to fly- Wait, buttons can't fly, it doesn't make any sense!”
“And maybe I can't be the perfect one And maybe I err on the side of fun...”
“Someday I'll find my thing, a thing that's all my own That thing that makes me part of something, not just all alone If only all this feeling I have in my heart, could mean something to someone, how I'd love to play that part!”
“Like a button, like a horseshoe Like a girl who's bad at metaphors!”
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Broadway Production 
“So say I'm slow for my age A late bloomer, Okay, I agree...”
“But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part Someone's gonna make good, cross his stupid heart Make good and finally make you proud of your boy...”
“Say I'm a goldbrick, a good-off, no good But that couldn't be all that I am...”
“Though I can't make myself taller Or smarter or handsome or wise I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you Mom, I will try to try hard to make you Proud of your boy...”
Let Me Make You Proud - Tangled: The Series
“Maybe I make things a mess And maybe you're right to have doubts in me Maybe, but nevertheless If you for once could just trust me...”
“And when I return And I'm more than you dreamt I'd be Maybe then you will realize That you never actually knew me at all...”
“Cause I long for that look of surprise When you see your son rising at last...”
Almost There - The Princess and the Frog 
“Ain't got time for messin' around And it's not my style...”
“But I know exactly where I'm going Getting closer and closer every day...”
“People down here think I'm crazy But I don't care Trials and tribulations, I've had my share...”
Home - deleted song from Frozen 2 
BIG routine song
“Wandering through the town with everyone doing all of their stuff Somewhere in my heart I feel I've not yet done enough For these people I know, this place that I love so...”
“I know how fragile things can be. If I lost them, I'd lose me They're my ocean, they're my shore. I wanna give them more...”
In a World of My Own / Very Good Advice - mashup cover of Alice in Wonderland 
“They would sit and talk to me for hours When I'm lonely in a world of my own...”
“I could listen to a babbling brook And hear a song that I could understand I keep wishing it could be that way Because my world would be a wonderland...”
“I give myself very good advice But I very seldom follow it That explains the trouble that I'm always in...”
“Be patient is very good advice But the waiting makes me curious And I'd love the change Should something strange begin...”
“Will I ever learn to do the things I should?” 
Reflection - Mulan
“Now I see that if I were truly to be myself I would break my family's heart...”
“Somehow I cannot hide Who I am, though I've tried...”
“How I pray that a time will come I can free myself from their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself And to make my family proud...”
“They want a docile lamb, no-one knows who I am Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?”
If I Wasn’t So Small - Piglet’s Big Movie 
“It's not as if I want to rule the world Or even the forest, or even one tree I suppose I could be happy, if I could be helpful With just a little bit of noticing me...”
“I'd be needed and useful More each passing day...”
Jack’s Lament - The Nightmare Before Christmas 
“Oh somewhere deep inside of these bones An emptiness began to grow There's something out there far from my home A longing that I've never known...”
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew - Tangled: The Series
“I thought no one could love me And how could I have known? I was wrong, oh so wrong...” “Then I thought I found it, a dream that I could share I thought I was so lucky, it almost wasn't fair I thought I knew my purpose, I thought that I knew where I belong But I was wrong...”
“Now that it's all crumbling, help me understand If none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be?”
“I guess my life meant nothing I guess it was a sham I guess I'm someone else now I wonder who I am...”
I’ll Try - Return to Neverland
“I am not a child now I can take care of myself I mustn't let them down now Mustn't let them see me cry...”
“My whole world is changing I don't know where to turn I can't leave you waiting But I can't stay and watch the city burn...”
Waiting in the Wings (Reprise) - Tangled: The Series
“I craved so much, and yet I kept on waiting One glance, one touch, and I just kept on waiting...”
Waiting in the Wings - Tangled: The Series 
“Guess we all are born with parts to play Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way I know I was meant for glory But that's never what my story brings And yet I keep on waiting...”
“When you have the passion and the drive You expect your moment centre stage to arrive I show up with heart ablazing Ready to achieve amazing things But I'm left waiting in the wings...”
“It's always someone else who sings While I'm left waiting in the wings...”
“Always overlooked unfairly, while pretending that it barely stings But it stings, yes, it stings...” 
I’m Still Here (Jim Theme) - Treasure Planet
“I am a question to the world, not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms...”
“And how can you learn what's never shown Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me, cause I'm not here...”
“And I want to tell you who I am Can you help me be a man? They can't break me As long as I know who I am...”
“They can't tell me who to be Cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleeping While I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe...”
“And I want a moment to be real Want to touch things I don't feel Wanna hold on, and feel I belong And how can you say I'll never change They're the ones that stay the same I'm the one now Cause I'm still here!”
God Help the Outcasts - The Hunchback of Notre Dame 
“Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still, I see Your face and wonder Were You once an outcast, too?”
“God help the outcasts, hungry from birth Show them the mercy they don't find on earth God help my people - we look to You, still God help the outcasts or nobody will...”
“Please help my people, the poor and downtrod I thought we all were the children of God?”
So Close - Enchanted 
honestly the entirety of enchanted is an autism mood but, 
“So close to reaching That famous happy end Almost believing This one's not pretend...”
Into the Unknown - cover of Frozen 2
“There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day And ignore your whisper which I wish would go away...”
“I’ve had my adventure, I don’t need something new...”
“Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I am really meant to be?“
“Are you out there? [Do you know me?]  Can you feel me? Can you show me?”
Someone’s Waiting For You - The Rescuers 
“Don't cry, little one There'll be a smile where a frown use to be You'll be part of the love that you see...”
Sally’s Song - The Nightmare Before Christmas 
“I sense there's something in the wind That feels like tragedy's at hand And though I'd like to stand by him Can't shake this feeling that I have...”
“Although I'd like to join the crowd In their enthusiastic cloud Try as I may, it doesn't last...”
Someday - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Off-Broadway Production 
“Someday, when we are wiser When the world's older, when we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live...”
“Someday, these dreams will all be real Til then we'll wish upon the moon Change will come, one day  Someday soon...”
Where Do I Go From Here - Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
“They do what they must for now And trust in their plan If I trust in mine, somehow I might find who I am...”
“The path ahead's so hard to see It winds and bends but where it ends Depends on only me In my heart I don't feel part of so much I've known Now it seems it's time to start A new life on my own...”
Wherever You Are - Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
“I'm out here in the dark, all alone and wide awake Come and find me I'm empty and I'm cold, and my heart's about to break Come and find me...”
“I need you to come here and find me Cause without you, I'm totally lost I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far...”
“I used to believe in forever, But forever’s too good to be true...”
Belle (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast 
“And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned...”
Endless Night - The Lion King Broadway Production 
“Home is an empty dream Lost to the night Father, I feel so alone...”
“I know that the night must end I know that the sun will rise...”
Set Yourself Free - Tangled: The Series 
“Locked inside a tower, kept behind a wall Sheltered from a world you’ve barely known That’s the way they treat you...”
“There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours, life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!”
“So use the gifts you're given Make the world your own Look inside your heart and find the key...”
“Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose...”
“No more letting someone else define you to a T You know that you are strong You've known it all along...”
Let it Go - Frozen Broadway Production
“The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know!”
“I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway...”
“It’s time to see what I can do  To test the limits and break through  No right, no wrong, no rules for me  I’m free!”
“Let it go, let it go And I’ll rise like the break of dawn! Let it go, let it go  That perfect girl is gone!”
How Far I’ll Go (Reprise) - Moana 
“All that time wondering where I need to be is behind me I'm on my own to worlds unknown...”
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas 
“You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew...”
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan 
when u meet another autistic person.... 
“Whatever you do, I'll do it, too Show me everything and tell me how It all means something And yet nothing to me...”
“I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there...”
Beyond My Wildest Dreams - The Little Mermaid Broadway Production 
“Look over there! Oh my god! How very odd! And what might they be? Something splendid, maybe! Look over here! Could you bust? Isn't it just bedazzling, dazing, utterly amazing! Gazing 'round, it's like, to die! Just seeing it feels so good, I'd scream if I only could!”
“Just keeps on gawking- Weird how she's not talking!”
“I'd hoped and wished My life would feel enchanted! Wished and prayed The fates would hear my plea...”
Watch What Happens - Newsies Broadway Production 
“’Write what you know’ So they say, all I know is I don't know what to write Or the right way to write it...”
“It could practically write itself And let's pray it does, cause as I may have mentioned I have no clue what I'm doing!”
“Speak up, take a stand, and there's someone to write about it That's how things get better...”
[also. the squeal.]
“Like someone said, "Power tends to corrupt" And absolute power, wait, wait, corrupts? Absolutely, that is genius! But give me some time, I'll be twice as good as that six months from never...”
“Just look around at the world we're inheriting And think of the one we'll create...”
“Give those kids and me the brand new century and watch what happens It's David and Goliath, do or die The fight is on and I can't watch what happens But all I know is nothing happens if you just give in It can't be any worse than how it's been And it just so happens that we just might win So whatever happens, let's begin!”
Son of Man - Tarzan 
“Oh, the power to be strong and the wisdom to be wise All these things will come to you in time On this journey that you're making, there'll be answers that you'll seek And it's you who'll climb the mountain It's you who'll reach the peak...”
“Though there's no one there to guide you, no one to take your hand But with faith and understanding You will journey from boy to man...”
“In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn You'll find your place beside the ones you love Oh, and all the things you dreamed of, the visions that you saw Well, the time is drawing near now It's yours to claim it all!”
Strange Sight - Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast 
“You stand in the light You're wrong, but you're right And my heart's beating wildly Strange how I'm scared but delighted Afraid, but excited too!”
“Do you long to be left all alone? Set apart with a heart made of stone? Let me help, let's begin Let me learn, won't you let me in? All the light, let it show...”
“You are a strange sight, some new kind of wonder With good hidden under, I'm sure that it's true Strange how your dark doesn't faze me...”
Wind in My Hair - Tangled: The Series 
“What if the doors began to open? What if the knots became untied? What if one day, nothing stood in my way And the world was mine?”
“Plenty of mysteries to unravel Tons of mistakes to not regret So much to see, and to do and to be A whole life to spend And it doesn't end...”
For a Moment - The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea 
“This way is left, but which way is right? Well, now I'll be circling in circles all night...” - direction problems amirite
“This is more than my thoughts ever thought it could be For a moment, just a moment, lucky me...”
“For a moment, I can feel, All the dreams I've been dreaming are real, Wish my mother could hear it, the sea is my song For a moment, just a moment I belong...”
Speechless - Aladdin 2019 Remake
i would like to send this song to autism $peaks (hate group) underlined in red and with a photo attached of me with a middle finger up 
“Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say. My voice drowned out in the thunder...”
“Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending ‘Stay in your place, better seen and not heard.’ Well, now that story is ending!”
“Let the storm in! I cannot be broken! No, I won't live unspoken! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!”
“Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky!”
“I won't be silenced! Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it, All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless! Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!”
Show Yourself - Frozen 2 
the siren call... stimmy
“Something is familiar, like a dream I can reach but not quite hold I can sense you there, like a friend I've always known I'm arriving, it feels like I am home...”
“I have always been a fortress Cold secrets deep inside...”
“Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself! I'm ready to learn...”
“I've never felt so certain! All my life, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason- could it be the reason I was born? I have always been so different, normal rules did not apply Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?”
“I am found!”
“You are the one you've been waiting for All of your life...”
Here I Am - Camp Rock 
“They tell you a good girl is quiet and that you should never ask why Cause it only makes it harder to fit in And you should be happy, excited, even if you're just invited Cause the winners need someone to clap for them...”
“It's so hard just waiting in a line that never moves It's time you started making your own rules...”
“If how you’re living isn't working there's one thing that'll help You got to finally just stop searching and find yourself...”
“The world better make some room Yea move over, over Cause you’re coming through!”
“You gotta scream until there's nothing left With your last breath Say here I am! Here I am! Make em listen Cause there is no way you'll be ignored Not anymore...”
Us Against the Universe - Phineas and Ferb: The Movie - Candace Against the Universe
“I used to feel alone, just me against the raging tide, But I guess I should've known that you were always on my side. Now I don't have to be an island, cause you've been there all the while, and Now I realize my fears weren't justified!”
“Cause as long as we're together, We can stand and face whatever Kind of trouble this world tries to put us in. If you're out there on your own, You just might take it on the chin Cause if it's us against the universe, we win!”
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zabrak-show · 4 years
Home on the Remains
Presenting to you all my Valentine’s Day gift to @abnaxus​ from the @starwarsfandomfests​ gift exchange put on by @lilhawkeye3​. It’s fluffy and sweet and I hope you enjoy it and have a lovely Valentine’s Day!  💝💖💘
Pairing: None, Gen
Summary: This is a found family fluff short story with Maul, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka. They are on their way to a special gala on the mostly deserted planet Lehon/Rakata Prime.
Word Count: 1.43k
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(i had to laugh at this collage I made where Maul is the only one sort of smiling hksadfhl)
“You can’t possibly be thinking of wearing that.” Kenobi gestured towards Maul’s open chest tunic. It was made of sheer silk and trimmed in leather, black as the deep space their ship was soaring through. A shadow of his bright red skin could be seen through the soft silk.
“I’ll have you know, Kenobi,” Maul smoothed the fabric over his torso, “this is designer apparel right here. The finest in the galaxy.”
Kenobi rolled his eyes and adjusted his own brown robes, tying a decorative tan belt around his waist.
“Must the Sith always be so orchidaceous?”
Maul hissed back at Kenobi.
“You know I haven’t been a Sith in years, Master Jedi.” Kenobi ignored him, while he fluffed his hair in the mirror. “You look ridiculous.” 
Maul made his way out of the room. Kenobi was still ignoring him and it was no fun to bicker with him if he wouldn’t bite back. Ahsoka walked past him into the room, blocking his exit. She gave the Zabrak an up and down glance and cocked an eyebrow.
“And you don’t look ridiculous? You know we aren’t going to a funeral, right Maul?”
Maul huffed and shoulder checked Ahsoka on his way out of the room. He made his way to his private quarters. A clearing of mind was in order. All this naysaying from the Jedi was wearing his nerves thin.
To think that he was able to even cohabitate with them at all was a conundrum that still puzzled his mind at times. All he had known was hate for the Jedi, especially Kenobi. Now he was starting to feel something - something twisted up inside of him softening his hard edges and patching up his broken hearts. He resisted. It was too much too fast. He couldn’t change all that there was about himself, or else, what would be left?
Knock Knock
“Yes,” Maul answered.
“Hey, it’s me. Can I borrow one of your black robes?”
Maul opened the door and let Anakin enter.
“All my robes are black and why can’t you wear one of your own?”
“I left one on Padme’s ship and the other one is dirty.”
“You only have 2 robes?”
“Yeah, how many do you have?”
Maul opened his closet to reveal a sea of black tunics and robes.
“Many. Take your pick.”
Anakin went through his closet looking at all the former Sith’s luxurious robes. He ran his fingers down the textured fabric and seams, trying to find the perfect one for the occasion. Maul let him take his time and sat at his small table reading a book.
At last, Anakin found one he was content with and pulled it out of the closet. He draped it over his arm and turned towards the seated Zabrak.
“What are you reading?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing, a book about fighting styles. Trying to brush up while I can.”
“Mm, right. Well, I was thinking about that problem you had with your legs, the clicking. And I might know how to fix it if you’d like me to take a look.”
“What problem? There’s no problem! I do all my own repairs anyway.”
“Yeah, I figured as much. I wrote down a schematic of where I think the problem is and how to fix it so that you can do it yourself.” Anakin handed Maul a folded up piece of paper. Maul’s intense amber eyes bore into him looking for some negative, mocking undertone to the Jedi’s actions. All he found was genuine friendliness pouring back at him through the Force. He reached out for the paper and snatched it down placing it underneath his book.
“I will take a look, but I’m sure it’s something I’ve already tried.”
Anakin smirked and left Maul’s quarters, the door hissing shut behind him.
Lehon’s aquamarine atmosphere illuminated the ship’s walls where it poured in from the viewports. They were close to landing and excitement for the gala filled the recycled air of their ship.
Maul entered the lounge where Ahsoka was primping herself in the small mirror. She let out a long sigh and sat on the bench with a look of disappointment on her face.
“Now what’s this all about then?” Maul questioned her.
“It’s nothing. I just.. There's something missing about my outfit. I wish I had some jewelry to pull it all together.”
Maul pressed his front fingers against the bridge of his nose and sighed with more dramatic flair than the teenager in front of him.
“Come with me.”
He led her back to his quarters. Once inside he opened up a large smooth wooden box to reveal a wealth of jewels and jewelry.
“Here. Take your pick, but return them when you’re done.”
Ahsoka’s eyes grew big with delight. She went through the box of treasures, handling each piece with a delicate curiosity.
“These are all so beautiful. You should wear some too.”
Maul made a displeased noise and took a seat at his small table. It was too late, though. Ahsoka had already picked out a gold chain to loop around his horns in a decorative manner. He growled lowly but allowed it to happen.
“Hmm, you need something else too.”
“And what of you?”
Ahsoka turned her attention back to the box of treasures. She picked out a necklace with a round pendant that had four symmetrical curved lines on its surface. It gave off a strong yet mysterious Force presence. She wrapped it around the Zabrak’s neck.
“I thought we were looking for jewelry for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Ahsoka slipped a few rings onto her slender fingers and strung a silver chain necklace around her neck. The chain landed over the navy blue chiffon at the top of her dress and brought out its grey accents.
“Now we are ready!”
The sky on Lehon was still a beautiful bright aquamarine and the temperature was warm, but not too hot. The gala was on a small island with white sand beaches and tropical flora aplenty. The ocean waves lapped up the shoreline with calming tranquility to it. Light glinted off the water from the shining sun above.
Ancient ruins of past Jedi and Sith battles littered the planet’s surface. Altitudinous durasteel structures poked out of the water and some smaller debris took up considerable space on the island. The millennia of plant and animal life had seen to blending them into the tropical essence of the planet. Birds had made nests in them and vines, moss, and other foliage wrapped around many of the structures. Despite the years of discard and assimilation into the planet’s surface, filigree could still be made out on some of their surfaces.
The four of them made their way to the gala, towards a large off-white building not too far off in the distance. Kenobi and Maul walked ahead of Anakin and Ahsoka on a small dirt path. The two younger more energized young adults were teasing each other and laughing. Kenobi looked over at Maul and down at his metal legs.
“I see you found a way to fix that clicking noise that had bothered you so.”
“I hadn’t realized everyone was so aware of my little irritant.”
Kenobi placed a hand on Maul’s shoulder.
“Maul, my brother, we are all Force users here. We can all sense each other’s feelings and unease.”
Maul looked down at Kenobi’s hand on his shoulder and back to Kenobi’s face.
“Is that not what we all are? A family of sorts?”
Maul looked back at Anakin and Ahsoka. His black robes hung around Anakin’s tall frame. His jewelry, sparkling in the sun, pulled together Ahsoka’s gala outfit. He then looked down at the pendant over his heart. The pendant his own brother had used to find him when he’d been discarded as trash. He took the pendant in his hand and warmed the cool metal with his touch.
“Yes, I suppose that is what we are. What we have all become.”
They walked on towards the gala and Maul contemplated his thoughts from earlier. Perhaps there was more to him than hate and revenge. The ancient ruins surrounding them made him feel hope. Hope that even when something was designed for destruction, the nature of its surroundings could decide otherwise while still accepting the original construction of the entity.
The twisting in his gut happened again and made its way up to his throat. He swallowed it down and decided to allow himself this feeling. He’d never admit it to the Jedi, but they made him feel like he was at home.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #26: Captain's Holiday
Words: ca. 1500 Setting: Star Trek AU (TNG Era) Lemon: no, but there are a few sexual jokes CW: none
The idea of a vacation had never really crossed Elsa’s mind for most of her Starfleet career. While she often had her ways of amusing herself like her holoprograms recreating historical locations from various alien worlds, not to mention a Klingon martial arts program that an old academy friend had lent her, she’d never taken a full-on vacation before.
Whenever the topic of shore leave had come up and most other officers went on vacation or visited a nearby space station for their relaxation, Elsa usually went home to the Vulcan colony where her grandparents lived and where she was raised after her parents had died.
But for whatever reason, Elsa now found herself laid back on a deck chair on a beach on the beautiful planet known as Risa.
Anna had been the one to coax her into it. They both had shore leave coming up and this was the first one they’d been on since they’d gotten together. It was Anna’s way of trying to get Elsa to have some actual fun, instead of being glued to the captain’s chair most of the time.
Elsa tried to remain still on the deck chair… but she just wasn’t feeling it. She just couldn’t find a way to relax. The sound of the waves nearby crashing against the shore, the sounds of other vacationers laughing and talking in the distance… It was hard to focus.
“Ugh, this isn’t helping,” Elsa groaned.
Anna, who was on a deck chair next to her, pulled down her sunglasses. “Come on, we’ve only been here on this beach for half an hour. Just give it time to clear your thoughts.”
“I can’t focus here, Anna,” Elsa responded. “This isn’t like the holodeck where I can have everything under my control.” She sighed, knowing she didn’t want to be angry at Anna. Anna had done this partly for her, the last thing she wanted was to ruin this vacation. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, you’ve never had a vacation like this,” Anna told her. “It just takes some getting used to.”
Elsa sighed. “I’m gonna read.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a datapad. Holding it in her hand, she began to read the text upon it.
Anna narrowed her eyes at Elsa. A quick telepathic scan of her girlfriend’s mind told her that it wasn’t a steamy romance novel that Elsa was reading. “Elsa, what is that?”
“Uhhhh… just a book?” Elsa spoke, blushing sheepishly.
Reaching over, Anna grabbed the pad from Elsa and looked at it. “This is the mission report Kristoff sent us last night!”
“It might have been important!”
“You’re here to relax, not stress yourself out with work!” Anna argued. “By the deities, you are impossible.”
“I’m sorry,” Elsa apologised. “Work helps me focus and I feel relaxed.”
“Yes, but that kinda defeats the point of going on vacation in the first place, doesn’t it?” Anna remarked.
Elsa sighed, taking the pad from Anna and deleting the report from it. “Alright, I promise you, I won’t be trying to sneak any more work into this vacation and you’re more than welcome to telepathically scan me to make sure I’m keeping to that.”
“Nah, you know I’m not fond of doing that to you,” Anna argued. “But… I appreciate it.” She leaned over and kissed Elsa on the cheek.
Elsa smiled, looking out on the vast ocean before them, the twin suns of Risa making the ocean sparkle before her eyes. It looked so perfect, but while the view was lovely, it had nothing on how beautiful Anna was. Her freckles practically glowed in the sunlight.
“The weather is lovely,” Elsa admitted.
“It’s like this every day here,” Anna remarked. “I remember when I first saw those two suns in the sky.”
Elsa raised her eyebrow. “You’ve been here before?”
“Oh, plenty of times!” Anna replied. “My moms came here when I was a kid all the time. It was the first time I’d been off-world. I built sandcastles with my two older brothers right over…. there.” she pointed to a patch of sand close to the water. “Or was it over there…. all the beaches here kinda look the same.”
“Sounds like you had a lot of fun as a kid,” Elsa admitted.
“And I guess growing up with Vulcans wasn’t entirely full of joy?” Anna assumed.
“Well, I wasn’t entirely bored,” Elsa remarked. “I remember I used to go up into the mountains with my grandfather. There was this peak where you could see the entire colony.” She sighed, feeling relaxed. “I spent so many afternoons there.”
Anna chuckled. “I bet you were cute as a kid.”
Smiling, Elsa reflected on her childhood, glad that she had someone to share such memories with. It honestly took her a lot to open up to people and felt glad to have someone like Anna. Just then, Elsa felt a slight burning sensation on her skin.
“Hmmm, I think I need another dose of sunscreen,” Elsa admitted. “Typical binary suns.”
“Want me to get it for you?” Anna wondered.
“No, I got it,” Elsa replied, reaching into her bag. As she looked in the bag next to her, she saw the small statue that Anna had bought for her that morning, an item quite popular with the locals. It was a small brown statue that depicted a deity in Risan mythology.
Elsa picked up the statue, holding it in her hands. “I don’t know why you bought me this… Horgun was it?”
“Horga'hn,” Anna corrected her. “And I thought you’d like it! You could display it with all those other artifacts you have in your quarters.”
“Yes, but those artifacts were ancient and from civilisations long since extinct. Some of them are virtually priceless…. you can buy these at the resort’s gift shop.”
“Think of it as a souvenir of your trip,” Anna replied, gently kissing Elsa on the cheek again.
Elsa blushed softly, before going into the bag again and pulling out the sunscreen. As she applied it to herself, however, she heard someone clear their throat beside her and Anna. “Excuse me?”
Looking over, Elsa could see a young brunette woman wearing a rather revealing uniform standing next to them. Judging from the familiar symbol on her forehead, she was one of the planet’s natives. She had rather dark skin and wore her hair long, a smile on her face. However, Elsa just groaned internally.
Not another one, Elsa remarked. I swear that’s the fifth Risian woman today who’s come up to me
“Yes, can I help you?” Elsa asked.
The woman walked over to Elsa, her dark skin shimmering in the glow of the sun. “My name is Maren. I’m employed here at the resort. Is there anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable?”
“Oh uh, no thank you,” Elsa responded politely.
“Are you sure?” Maren inquired further. “I couldn’t perhaps offer you a massage of some kind?”
“No, my girlfriend and I merely wish to be left alone,” Elsa responded.
“How very odd,” Maren noted. “You say you want to be alone… yet I can’t help but notice that Horga'hn sticking out of your bag.”
Elsa raised her eyebrow. “Why? What’s so important about that? I thought it was just a souvenir.”
Maren chuckled. “This is your first time being here isn’t it?”
“Uh yes?” Elsa answered. “Look, what’s going on here? Is this why like five Risian women, including yourself, have come to me asking for help?”
“Yes, you see, the Horga'hn is our fertility and sexuality symbol,” Maren explained. “To own one is to call forth its power. To display it is to announce you are seeking Jamaharon.”
Anna then giggled and Elsa then realised what exactly was going on here.
“Jamaha…” Elsa shook her head. “Yes, I see, I get it.”
“Are you seeking Jamaharon?”
“No, no, I am not. I did know about it until you told me just now,” Elsa replied.
“Ahhhh I see,” Maren accepted. “Well, since you are not, I’d recommend leaving your Horga'hn in your room. I wouldn’t want things to be awkward for you.” She smiled. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!”
As Maren left, Elsa glared over at Anna who was beside herself with laughter. Oh, this was quite a trick that Anna had played on her, that was to be sure.
“And what is so funny?” Elsa asked sarcastically.
“The look on your face!” Anna laughed, almost falling off her deck chair. “It was just priceless!”
Elsa smirked. “Oh really? Well, I hope you’ve had your last laugh because I have a Vulcan nerve pinch with your name on it.”
Her girlfriend giggled nervously. “Now, Elsa, let’s not take this too far. I just thought that maybe you’d like to live a little. Did I ever tell you that Risan’s find pointy ears really hot?”
“I’ll have you court-martialed for this,” Elsa said with a sickly smile.
Anna gulped. “Oh boy.” And then in a panic, she started running down the beach, Elsa chasing after her.
“I’m sorry!” Anna cried, giggling.
“Anna!” Elsa shouted, also laughing. “Get back here! I’m not done with you!”
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The Helmeted Hunter: Chapter 31
Boba Fett x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Injuries
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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Chapter 31: Home
You fell endlessly. Indefinitely.
Down, down, down.
There was darkness and there was silence.
There was pain.
But most significantly, there was emptiness.
You were alone, you realized, before falling again.
You came to that realization over and over, each time your breath growing heavier, your heart becoming smaller. You couldn't stand it.
You let yourself fall one last time.
* * *
When you woke for real, all you could feel at first was the helmet on your head. It pressed against your temples securely and held an amount of warmth that the rest of your body didn't seem to have. You tapped at the visor, the night vision display flickering a few times before coming into focus.
There was no sky above you, only a mess of rubble and pipes. You couldn't tell where you were or how far you had fallen. Only that you were alive.
You gulped in a panic, wanting to test your limbs and functions, unsure what the damage was. That's when you became aware that your shoulder was in a sling across your chest, and that your body was laying on something soft.
"Easy there, little missy," came a familiar voice beside you as soon as you tried to sit up. A hand guided you to lay back down, and then the wrinkled face of Hondo Ohnaka appeared above you with a small smile.
You blinked in confusion, unable to remember what had happened after you'd fired that gun. You turned your head around, seeing that you were laying on some sort of blanket. A long, mirrored pod hovered just beside you, within the the space of rubble that had conveniently fallen at angles against each other. Boxes were strewn about, random contents dumped alongside them. Quadoro was tinkering with something in a panel on the pod.
"Those things are a nightmare fit into, even trickier to pilot," Hondo explained. "We fumbled around the cliffs for a while, and then saw your little explosion. And by little, I mean big. I don't know what you were trying to do, missy, but you're lucky we were there to break your fall."
You swallowed a few times, looking for your voice. "I was trying to... end it. All of it."
Hondo cocked his head at you and hummed. "Well, that's one way to do it, I suppose."
You weren't sure why, but you suddenly found yourself laughing. It started as a chuckle and then turned into an uncontrollable fit of laughter that shook your entire body and brought tears out of your eyes. Hondo couldn't help but giggle along, though he was clearly worried you'd lost all of your sanity.
"Did you hit your head too hard?" he asked, trying to get you to lay back down again. You'd sat up, curled slightly inward as you rode out your last wave of laughter, and waved him off so you could enjoy the feeling.
It was like a lifetime of worry and frustration and fear had finally been released. Everything that had built inside of you these past couple of months, trapping itself deep inside and threatening to push you down forever. All gone. Your plan had worked, and even though you'd been prepared to go down with it, you hadn't. You were alive.
You were free.
As you caught your breath, Quadoro wiggled out from under the pod and came over. "Alright, trackers should be disabled now."
"Should be, or they are?" Hondo asked, still looking at you with concern. "If everyone thinks this girl is dead, we need to keep it that way."
"They are," Quadoro asserted.
"Good, good." Hondo held onto your upper arm, the one that wasn't wounded, and made to help you stand up. "Let's get her back to her family, now."
* * *
You rested most of the way, paying no mind to Hondo's incessant backtracking and detours, and the subsequent extra time it added to the trip. He was taking no chances, and after you'd just taken the biggest risk of your life, you appreciated his efforts.
Eventually, you found yourself being dropped off at the coordinates from Boba's helmet. It was a beach, pristine and deserted, save for the ship parked on the coastline, and the two people waiting for you by the water. Hondo and Quadoro gave you another salute before heading off to have a drink in the nearby town, not wanting to intrude on your reunion.
You first took off your shoes, relishing in the feeling of warm sand between your toes as you stepped out onto the beach. Waves lapped beside you and seagulls called out above you. You weren't sure what planet this was, but you knew Boba had picked it specially for you.
It was your mom that got your first hug, not having the patience for your strolling, running up to meet you instead. Your shoulder was out of the sling, but still bandaged and sore, so you cradled Boba's helmet beneath it and returned her embrace with your other arm.
"I did it, Mom," you said through her hair as it blew across your face in the breeze. "The generator's gone. No more portals. They won't need to look for you or Dad anymore."
She pulled back and held the sides of your face, just as she had back on Eadu.
"I'm very proud of you," she whispered, her eyes bright with tears. "But I'm even more relieved that you're okay."
You nodded, your gaze flicking behind her to where Boba stood off to the side. He had changed into fresh clothes, slacks and a white shirt that made his skin seem even darker. His hands were in his pockets and he was gazing out at the ocean.
When you looked back at your mom, she had a smirk.
"I told him he could come with us," she said. She moved a hand over the helmet you still had under your arm, rubbing some of the dirt off absentmindedly. "But I think he'd rather stay out of it... do his own thing...."
"Come with us?" you echoed her words.
"To find your father. And any of the others who are still out there. I have some ideas where they might be. It's time for our family to be back together again."
You looked down at the sand, wiggling your toes in and out of the grains. Your rings caught the sunlight as they moved around. Gold and silver. Old and new.
You'd envisioned a future with Boba, agreed to start a new life with him once you got your questions answered. But you'd made that assurance when you'd thought your past was behind you, before you'd known your family was still alive. Did that change anything? Would you need to rework those plans?
"Of course...," your mom drew your gaze back up, "it will take some time to track them all down. And who knows... maybe they've all found ways to move on... like you have."
She smiled at you, the kind of motherly smile that let you know no matter what choices you made, you'd always have her love.
You were glad she was alive, that you weren't as alone in this big, crazy galaxy as you had once thought. But even if your life hadn't ended up this way, if you had stayed on your planet and remained none the wiser to all the other peoples and experiences out in that unknown space, there would've come a time where you would've moved on anyway. You would've grown and learned and lived a life of your own creation. And that's exactly what you still intended to do.
Your family and your past would always be a part of you. But now you had more. More to explore, more to learn, and more to love.
Your mom knew that, just as she seemed to know everything. Her eyes squinted playfully.
"Do you think Hondo would be willing to help me out?" she asked, looking off in the direction he'd left. "Seems like he'd be a fun travel partner."
You laughed. "Probably. Just don't double cross him. He has a thing about honor."
"Well it's settled, then." She tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "We'll keep in touch, hun. This won't be good-bye... just a simple, see you later."
You nodded and went in for another hug. "See you soon."
* * *
You saddled up to Boba, brushing your arm against his. You looked up at him as he gazed out at the ocean. His skin glistened in the sunshine, his curls rustled in the breeze. You weren't sure why you had ever stopped yourself from finding him attractive.
"I'm sorry," you said, finally turning toward the water yourself. Waves rolled gently from the horizon toward the shore, its foamy remnants eventually lapping up to tickle your toes. "I'm sorry I played that song and I'm sorry I didn't stick to the plan and I'm sorry that I yelled at you and worried you and almost didn't even come back to you."
He stood tall, his muscles pleasantly taught against his shirt, and yet it was the most relaxed you'd ever seen him. He didn't answer you right away, but when he did, his voice was quiet.
"Your mom told me about everything. To think I was working for your parents this whole time." He chuckled once and finally turned to face you. "I'm really happy for you. I'm glad you have a chance to start over and be with your family again."
He really believed you would leave him, that you would go back on every promise you'd made to him. He wasn't relaxed; he was sad.
You shook your head and let his helmet fall into the sand by your feet, wrapping your hands around the back of his neck. "Dumbass, you're my family now."
You kissed him, just as you wished you had in that ravine. His lips were warm and pliant, and after a second of hesitancy on his side, he finally wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up to him, kissing you back properly. You hoped your mom's attention was occupied elsewhere as you expressed every ounce of love you had for this man.
When you broke, breathless, you could tell he had let go of his sadness and was allowing himself to be happy - or at least, as happy as his frown lines would let him appear. You kissed at the particularly prominent crease in between his eyebrows, causing his face to scrunch up even more.
"I love you," you said.
He set you down and just looked at you for a while. You could see his throat bobbing as he struggled to swallow a few times. Was he going to cry? Was your fearless bounty hunter finally acting emotional?
But after a moment more, he nodded, as if finally accepting your words as not only truth, but also something he was deserving of. "I love you, too."
You liked hearing him say your name, and when he uttered it again, softly and delicately, you got a little chill up your spine.
"Hey, careful," he said suddenly, his gaze having noticed something on the ground. He dipped down to pick up his helmet as the incoming tide crept ever further up the bank.
"I like this thing," you said as he brought it between you, shaking off some sand. "I think I'll keep it."
He shot you a look, making you giggle. "You can get your own."
"But it helped save my life. It's a matter of sentiment now." You cocked your head playfully at him.
"Whatever," he huffed, pretending to be annoyed. "Maybe we'll share it."
He bent down to kiss you again, smiling the whole way through.
* * *
You woke up, blinking slowly at your surroundings. There was the familiar paneling of the Slave I's interior, the dim glow of its lights, the gentle hum of its engines. Things you had seen and heard and been around for long enough, but were just now coming into focus in a way that made you feel like you were really, truly noticing it all for the first time.
In the back of your mind, a few simple thoughts repeated themselves, as they often did when things were quiet... You were free. Your family was alive. Everything was okay.
There was a warmth beside you. You turned slightly, finding yourself nestled alongside Boba Fett. One of his arms was stretched out under your neck, the other draped lazily across your body. His chest rose and fell in a simple rhythm by your head. His face was relaxed and serene.
You reached up to graze your fingers along his hairline, brushing aside his curls. His eyes fluttered open, a sleepy smile sneaking across his face. He turned to lay on his back, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you with him.
Your head rested on his chest, taking in the steadiness of his heartbeat beneath you. He was here. He was yours. But an even more powerful realization overcame you, making your heart swell full. You grinned against his chest and felt him smiling into your hair in return.
You were home.
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are weird: We fight way too much
“Are you going to ask him or chicken out again?” Manti sighed.“Will you shut up already. I’m asking him about it at lunch today.” Her friends giggled and said they’d join her. She wasn’t entirely sure why they would be joining her but she imagined they were tagging along just to get fresh gossip about their new human crew mate. Manti’s people, a humanoid alien species much like Humanity with the exception of ocean blue skin and pitch black eyes, had agreed on a cultural exchange program and had exchange volunteers so they could better understand one another. The human that was now on board Manti’s ship was named Jacob Flint, a friendly soft spoken person who had quickly become a close friend. Despite seeing him first hand her friends warned her to stay away from the human, saying things like they were all murderous bloodthirsty killers. She found that description somewhat hard to believe after seeing Jacob spend some twenty minutes attempting to kill a fly that had been flying around his cabin all the while swearing at the top of his lungs and knocking over his belongings in his frantic attempt to squish the buzzing fiend. That changed however when they shared with her some reading material they had gathered from the information web. They were documents recording horrific events of humans known as the “French Revolution” and “World War I”. She read the provided material and was shocked at the sheer brutality. Heads mounted on pikes, people murdered with poisonous gasses, millions dying all for what Manti saw as pointless reasons. Manti’s people abhorred violence and in their entire history as a species had never gone to war with members of her own species.  After knowing Jacob for so long, with his warm smile and caring nature, she couldn’t believe that these were real and had worked up the courage to ask him about them. Surely they were fake events made by her friends to scare her away from Jacob. --------------------------
She found Jacob in the mess hall sitting at a table alone reading from a data pad between fork filled bites of his food.  Her friends were already there and upon seeing her went over to join her.  “Go on then.” “We believe in you!” They said, giggling.  Manti sighed again and together all three of them went to Jacob’s table. As they approached Jacob looked up and saw Manti and waved to her.  “Hell- *cough*” Jacob tried to speak but choked on the food still in his mouth. He smacked his chest for a few seconds before catching his breath. “Death by potatoes, not how I pictured going out.” Manti smiled, “You should probably know then that those aren’t potatoes.” Jacbo stopped and looked down at his food. “Then what the hell are they?” Manti shrugged, “They can’t be pronounced in your tongue I’m afraid.” Jacob put his fork down and gently shoved his plate to the side as if it had suddenly become toxic. “If I can’t say it right then it has no place in my mouth.”  Manti started to laugh but her friend nudged her in the side. “Would you all like to join me then?” Jacob said motioning to the empty seats across from him. “Thanks, we’d be happy to.” The three of them sat down across from him. “There’s actually something we’d like to ask you.” Jacob sighed loudly. “For the last time, no, I do not know Justin Bieber or that guy from Twilight. They’re both very much dead and trying to get something of theirs for you is considered grave robbing on my planet.”  Manti was puzzled for a moment. “No, we wanted to ask you about something else.” “Oh thank bloody god. One care package from another human gets shared and suddenly they’re a cultural hit with your people.” Jacob said as he threw his hands up in the air, “They’re not even great at what they do.” One of Manti’s friends slammed her hand down on the table. “Justin Bieber is an icon, don’t you go talking smack about him.” she said with a dead serious stare. Jacob just stuck out his tongue and made a “Phbbbt” sound.  Trying to regain control of this runaway conversation, Manti continued with her question. “My friends seem to think your people are blood thirst murders after they read some documents online about events called the “French Revolution” and a “World War I”.” Jacob nodded his head and shifted in his seat. “Clearly these events are false but I wanted you to tell them that so the air could be cl-” “No those events are real Manti.”  Jacobs words stopped Manti’s train of thought. “This....this is some of your human humor yes? You’re just “messing” with us, right?” Manti asked, a sudden tingling sensation running down her spine. Jacob shook his head. “No, those events are real and did happen.” “I...” Manti couldn’t find the words to describe how shocked she was, but her friends didn’t seem to suffer such a setback. “So it’s true your people had a world war?” “Oh yeah. In fact, we like it so much that in roughly 21 years after the first one ended we had and even bigger second one which we called “World War II”.” Jacob was being slightly sarcastic with the statement but that was lost on the group of women. “Some would argue that we had a third world war as well, but since there weren’t any big battles on the scale of the previous two it got changed to the “Cold War”.” “So your people fought the weather this time?” Manti’s friend asked mockingly. Jacob cocked his head to the side and smirked. “Nah, it was more spy warfare. So instead of giant battles on beaches and in cities you had people being strangled with piano wire in their homes or being fed cyanide capsules in their food.” The mocking expression on Manti’s friend vanished replaced with one of utter disgust.  “And...and these were the only conflicts your people had?” Manti’s question a vain last hope to maintain the image she had painted of humanity with her friend Jacob as the starting point. To her surprise Jacob laughed. “Hell no. We’ve had countless wars beside the ones mentioned.” Before Manti could respond Jacob brought up his data pad and ran a quick search. “Let’s see here. The Football War, the 6 Day War, the War of Spanish Succession, the 100 Years War, the American Revolution, the Chinese Civil War, the Punic Wars,” Jacob continued reading off wars fought between humans while Manti looked on in horror, “the Russian Civil War, the Mongolian conquests, the Crusades, The Nika Riots, The War of the Stray Dog, the Trojan War, War of the Three Kingdoms, the Opium Wars, the-”  “Stop it, stop it, stop it!” Manti cried out.  The surrounding people all looked at from her sudden outburst for a moment before returning to their previous task. One of her friends tried to place a hand on her shoulder but Manti shrugged it off at once. “It’s all true, isn’t it?” Manti’s voice soft as she directed the question at Jacob, “You really are all murders...”  “Well,” Jacob began saying, “we’re not totally terrible people.” “Did you not just hear yourself as you listed off all those wars your people have had!?!?” Manti’s voice now slightly angered thinking Jacob was truly ignorant to his peoples horrific deeds. “And at times for such stupid reasons! A war fought over a stray dog??!!”  Jacob calmly looked at his data pad. “A Greek soldier was shot and killed by Bulgarian soldier after crossing the border between the countries while chasing after their dog. So probably more about a soldier being murdered then about the dog itself.” Manti was shocked and outraged with how easily Jacob could state the reason. “And the Football War?!?” He looked down at his pad again. “The football game was the tipping point for years of tension that had been building between two nations. One being heavily overpopulated and its people illegally immigrating over the border into the neighboring country that would then sometimes violently deport them back.” “The 100 Year War?!?” “A series of battles fought over a century to determine the rightful ruler of two nations.” “The Nika Riots!?!?” Jacob paused to read again and laughed slightly. “Well, this one is kinda stupid but it started after the Emperor Justinian refused to let two sports team members free because they were sentenced to death so the team’s fans banded together and started a massive riot while fighting the royal guard and attempting to crown a new Empe-” “ENOUGH!” Manti slammed her hands down to silence Jacob. “Your people will find any reason or excuse to fight with each other for the sake of your blood lust then afterwards had the audacity to laugh at the reasons you made up as foolish in the first place!” Manti’s hands were trembling, tears welling up in her eyes as she realized her friend wasn’t whom she thought he was. “Humans are all monsters...murdering monsters....”  For a long time the room went silent, not only at the table but with everyone around them as they had begun listening in on the conversation themselves. Many thought Jacob would have some outburst and attempt to attack Manti for her accusations and readied themselves to step in and stop the barbaric human.  Jacob said nothing as he gently put down his data pad and pulled his plate of food back over again. He took the fork and played with the seemingly potatoes, shoving it from one side of his plate to the other as if waiting for it to suddenly attack him.  “Yes.” He began, his voice calm and collected. “My people do tend to fight a lot.” He continued playing with his food. “We have countless years spilling each others blood on our planet that some say that our Africa’s soil is red because of how much blood has been soaked into the soil.” His fork scooping up a bit and bringing it to eye level for a moment before going into his mouth. “But,” he spoke while chewing, “sometimes fighting is all we can do to move forward as a species.”  Manti looked up at him. “That is a lie. Violence is not an answer, just look at my people! We have lived just as long as you and have never had reason for conflict.” “And there in lies your problem.” Jacob said while swallowing and pointing his fork at Manti. “Your people have lived on a single continent that has always been abundant with resources for easily a thousand times your current population.” He spun his data pad around to Manti to take a look at. “My people were spread out and divided with vastly different situations.Who are you to compare the two of us and still judge me?”  Manti looked at the data pad and saw the planet Earth. It’s landscapes alien to her and wildly different from what she had grown up surrounded by on her planet. She shook her head. “You could have come together.” She stated. “You could have banded together and resolved your differences.” Jacob nodded. “But what if some people didn’t want to resolve their differences?”  The very idea was as alien to Manti as Jacob was. He tapped the data pad. “The French Revolution you brought up, was the result of an ever increasing gap between the poorest and the richest in the nation of France. The poor were struggling for decades to make ends meet despite wars, famines, and ever increasing taxes; while the rich lived it up without a care in the world. Every time the poor and rich would come together to try and resolve the crisis poor found that the rich didn’t want anything changed because it would threaten their way of life, even though the rich were maybe 300,000 in population and the poor were some 27 million.” He opened a file for her showing depictions of the poor french tending to dead fields while the rich lived in luxurious manors. “Realizing that change would never happen peacefully, the poor rose up and revolted across the entire nation in the hope that through their actions their lives would be bettered.” “And the heads on pikes?” She retorted. “How did that make their lives better?” Jacob became solemn for a moment, his carefree expression gone. “Picture for me that your holding your starving child, their tiny bodies nothing but skin and bone as you’d been unable to buy or find any food. Imagine looking at them as they gazed up at you with pleading eyes, begging eyes, eyes that tell you that they don’t want to die, that they want to live and spend a life together with you. Then imagine those eyes suddenly glazing over and the warmth fading from their tiny frail bodies as they leave their mortal coil; and as you lay their cradling your dead child, picture that just down the road is your landlord so fat and plump from the feasts he’s held every night because he doesn’t have to pay taxes like you do and can buy all the food they need and them some.”  The picture was too vivid for Manti and even more so for her friends who began wrapping their arms around themselves, eyes on the verge of crying. She looked up at Jacob who was staring at her directly. “Would you not want to carve up that landlord and all his ilk for murdering your precious child?” His gaze shifted around the room at the onlookers. “Wouldn’t any of you want to see them dead?” he asked a bit louder. The listeners all shifted their eyes away, unable to meet his gaze.  He reached out for the data pad and Manti slowly returned it to him. “I’m not saying the wars my people have fought are sensible, nor am I saying that all of them began for legitimate reasons. Some were fought on the beliefs of madmen and monsters. War is not a subject that can always be labeled with black and white, good and evil. Everyone believes they are the good guys, everyone believes their cause is just.” He began to rise and walk over to Manti.  “What I take away from it all is that when humans are backed up against a wall and their only course left for them is to put their life on the line they will run head first into the fires of war to protect what matters most. A nation, a flag, a plot of land, a loved one, a religion, a belief, and even at times a friend.”  She looked up at him and saw his smile back on his face. He gently placed his hand on her head and ruffled her hair the way he knew she liked causing her to let out a soft giggle.   “So, you would go to war over me then?” she asked without even realizing it before blushing in embarrassment. He laughed and ruffled her hair some more. “Manti, if someone hurt you what I would do to them would have me hauled off to court for war crimes.” She felt the sentiment was sweet, but after what she had read she didn’t know how to respond so just smiled instead.  “Now if you ladies will excuse me, I need to have a word with your cook and see if I can get some real potatoes.” He waved goodbye and left the cafeteria, the on lookers parting as he past by. Manti watched him leave before turning back to her friends. “So did you get enough gossip then?” They just looked at each other and smiled. “Oh yeah, plenty of juicy bits.” The other nodded. “It started off way darker than I thought it would go, but near the end it almost got touching and honestly I think that was Jacob’s attempt of hitting on you.”  Manti looked on in surprise. “What?!?! How did you two get that????” Both of them just nodded. “He said he’d go to war over you.” “Sounds pretty up there for human romance if you ask me.” “So wait, was this actually about warning me about human war making, or were you just trying to hook us up together?”  Both smiled and stood to leave. “Little of both honestly.” “Wheels within wheels Manti. Wheels within wheels...” 
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rossetteaaaaang · 4 years
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Have you been to South korea? If yes, I envy you. “South korea, East Asian nation on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula.” I always wanted to go in korea. You wanna know why?
I admire how South Koreans are so used to studying -- the country has the highest education level in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, with 98% of the population completing secondary education and 63% with a college education -- they can't get out of the habit once they reach the workforce.
As we all know, South korea is where our k-drama actors and actresses live. Of course from the word itself “k-drama or korean drama” silly me. K-drama or korean drama are television series or movies in the Korean language, made in South Korea. Korean dramas are popular worldwide, partially due to the spread of Korean popular culture, and their widespread availability via streaming services which often offer subtitles in multiple languages.
I know most of us millennials or even older or younger like or LOVE rather watching korean dramas. As for me, one of the reasons really, is that I would love to go to South Korea because of them. I'm an k-drama addict, you see. I mostly spend my time watching korean dramas and I cannot count anymore how many k-dramas I have already watched. I’m not expecting to finally meet them, but I still hope so. I want to go to many places, nice places that I have always seen in the series or movie. To feel like I was with them that time. I really always wanted to go to the country where they live.
Just like in the series, DOTS or descendants of the sun, D-day, School 2017, Sweet revenge 1, The odyssey, Weightlifting fairy, Strong woman, Legend of the blue sea, The heirs, Fight for my way and many more, my all time favorites. So let us see where this travelogue will bring us.
One of the places there in DOTS is Taekbaek Hanbo coal mine, the place where abandoned coal mines in Taebaek City, Gangwon Province, South Korea, were scenes of the soldiers’ military camp in fictional country Urk was filmed. It is where Captain Yoo Si Jin and Doctor Kang Mo-Yeon put the flag where the mines were, so that the people would know and be aware that it is dangerous to step.
Second place is Sorae Galmegi, one of the beloved Korean BBQ joints in Seoul, it is the perfect dining option for drama lovers who want to try out delicious local food. In the show, this is where the epic drinking session of the army occured. Song Hye Kyo joined 72 hours non stop drinking in Seoul too. This should come as no surprise, as drinking soju + eating mouthwatering pork cuts is one of favorite Korean pastimes.
Third, there are several scenes in the show that feature this cozy Korean coffee chain. Arguably the most memorable one is from the second episode in which Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo’s characters break up. We can find this branch of Dalkomm Coffee in the vicinity of Incheon Central Park, a lovely area in its own right.
Fourth, The European-style shopping mall lies in east Seoul, appearing in the show as a date spot for the two leads. As you glide through the lavishly decorated avenues, you can reenact the show and do a little shopping on the side.
Fifth is the modern architectural wonder located in Songo, Incheon. Its sleek, state-of-the-art appearance is one of the reasons why it appeared in a lot of drama. Tourists can climb up the tower to witness some of the most spectacular views of the Incheon Central Park and the surrounding area.
Sixth is Jaguen Maeul, Also known as Bok Chicken in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, Jageun Maeul is home to the fried chicken restaurant run by Bok Joo’s father in the show. Unlike the show, the restaurant serves a variety of Korean food instead. If you’re looking for an adventure outside of Seoul, Jaguen Maeul is the perfect place to relive Bok Joo and Joon Hyung’s awkward romance that made us swoon.
Seventh is Descendants of the Sun – Wolmido Island Theme Park, Fans may be disheartened to know that they can’t visit Uruk, the fictional country in which their love bloomed, but fret not! Many other sites of the drama can be found in Korea, including Wolmi Theme Park! Found on Wolmido Island near Incheon, the theme park is featured in the show’s first episode There, Si Jin and Dae Young are spending their time off trying to win themselves “girlfriends”, the show’s famous stuff toys.
Eight is Legend of the Blue Sea – Aqua Planet Yeosu, If the scene where Joon Jae and Shim Cheong reunite made your heart melt, this Legend of the Blue Sea set is the perfect place to relive the show’s romance. Multiple scenes were filmed at the aquarium, but this reunion scene was filmed in front of the Ocean’s Life main aquarium. The aquarium features over 280 species over 4 floors, and is said to be the second largest aquarium in Seoul.
Ninth is Boys Over Flowers – N Seoul Tower, As one of the most iconic landmarks in Seoul, it’s no surprise that the cult favourite drama Boys Over Flowers was filmed at Namsan Tower! The tower is where Jun pyo and Jan Di were supposed to have their romantic date. Famous for its gorgeous views of Seoul, it’s a popular date spot for couples. Who knows, you might even meet your own Jun Pyo while enjoying the view.
Tenth is The Heirs – Bukchon Hanok Village, A tiny traditional village in the heart of a bustling city, Bukchon Hanok Village dates back all the way to the Joseon Dynasty. In The Heirs, Eun Sang meets Kim Tan outside a dreamcatcher shop found in the village, but did you know the actual store sells egg tarts? The village is a popular tourist place for those wanting to experience traditional Korean culture. A walking tour is also available for those teens to find out more. But they said that you need to be quiet while walking along the way there because you may disturb the residents living there.
Eleventh is Shilla Millenium Park, Boasting what might be the most star-studded cast, Hwarang: The Beginning told the story of Hwarang warriors during the Shilla period. Being a period drama, most of the show was filmed at traditional heritage sites. Shila Millenium Park serves as set for Hwarang’s training ground in the show. Shilla Millenium Park is also home to dramas such as Queen Seondeok as well as Boys Over Flowers. The park allows visitors a peek into the life during the Shilla period, complete with architecture unique to the era.
Twelve is Strong Woman Do Bong Soon – Seoul Land, No Korean drama is complete without an adorable theme park date that makes us wish we had an oppa too. If Bong Soon and Min Hyuk’s date in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon seemed like the perfect date, don’t forget to stop by Seoul Land with your significant other! I really wanted to go here. I can see how they enjoyed themselves while walking in the park and I want to experience it too!
Thirteenth is Goblin – Jumunjin Beach. If you have already seen that drama, you would feel the same too! It was a nice scenery and for sure it can relieve stress. Your Korean drama pilgrimage isn’t complete without stopping at one of Goblin’s filming sites. One of the most iconic scenes from the show is when Eun Tak first summons Kim Shin to the beach on her birthday. Since then, fans have been flocking to the breakwater to recreate that moment. Jumunjin Beach is home to more than 5 breakwaters, so make sure you find the right one! if you’re not sure which one it is, look out for the huge TV signboard.
Fourteenth is Wolmido Island, Incheon (Descendants of the Sun). Those scenes where Captain Yoo Si-jin and Sergeant Major Seo Dae-young were playing at a shooting range? Yep, that was here, at Wolmido Island. Travelers can enjoy the vast array of cafes and seafood restaurants along the coast – with great coffee and sea views too boot. There’s also Play Hill, another theme park that’s a must-visit.
Fifteenth is Samcheok Daemyung Resort Sol Beach, Donghae (My Secret Romance). This Santorini-themed location was used to film My Secret Romance, and it’s actually a resort outfitted with Spanish architecture. It features restaurants, Aqua World (an indoor water park), a sauna, and a fusion buffet – perfect for unwinding after a long day of traveling around.
Sixteenth is Petite france. When you look at Petite France, it becomes no surprise why this is a popular filming location for K-Dramas – it’s a French cultural village complete with French-inspired buildings, and has The Little Prince Theme Park too to boot. Make sure to check out the Orgel house, where a 200-year old music box plays on end.
These places are just a glimpse of how the Country South Korea is beautifully made. You can check out in google many other places because there are still a thousand places that you can go to and enjoy. You cannot blame me why I would really love to go to South Korea because you can see how the places are wonderfully made. I also want to taste their food there and make a mukbang video as what I have always seen on youtube where many of the koreans do video mukbangs of many delicious foods. Check out G-Ni’s videos. I'm sure that it can make your mouth watery. We can see a variety of foods and a variety of restaurants where there are so many unexplainable tastes of food she introduced.
As I have researched many articles saying that Koreans also give heart warming welcome to those especially are new to their country.
I will not let things stop me from going to South Korea, it is really the place I would love to go to and spend it with someone who was really special like friends or family. I will work hard so that I can reach my dreams and treat them without minding how much I already spend. Aja! (Fighting). Kamsahamnida (thank you) for reading chinggus (friends) . I hope it made you want to go to South Korea also. Annyeong~ (Bye)
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Soft OC Asks!
Thank you @wolf-of-the-glade​ for the tag! This is a long one, and was a lot of fun to do! 
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🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?   For Viri, that's Odessen, Naboo and to a smaller extent, Rishi.   Viri was born on Corellia and does have a special affection for the planet but it's gone through so many changes that it does not feel like home to her anymore. She associates 'home' with Naboo because the years she spent there as a child were safe and happy, because she was raised with a lot of Naboo cultural observances, and she was loved tremendously by her grandmother. She wears modified Naboo makeup every day (the red streaks by her eyes). She also associates 'home' with Odessen because it is the place she and Lana found respite and safety as adults. And she loves the Rishii section of Rishi and the beaches because they feel calm and welcoming to her.   Home to Viri is where she is safe and happy, with an energy she connects with. The Force is part of that. Odessen's balance in the Force is very significant for Viri, and she loves the Force attunement of Naboo as well.   🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?   Viri loves sugar. She is a huge sugar junkie. She especially loves cookies baked with Corellian recipes, candy, sweet breads and fruits. 
 As for cooking and baking, however, you do not want Viridana in your kitchen. She'll burn it down. She can't cook at all. When she was a kid her parents and the house droid cooked; in the Academy she ate in the dining halls and since she's been on her own she's had her own house droids and the Alliance chefs. During her years as the Wrath, Vette would sometimes cook Ryloth cuisine for her.   Vette tried to teach Viri a few things about cooking during her time as the Wrath and they both ended up agreeing that it was just a lost cause.   🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?   When Viri needs to be alone she will typically go for a walk in the Odessen wilderness, go to her private sparring room and dance, or go into the fields and play with her pets/rescued animals, like her sleen. She and Lana do each have their own rooms in their suite, as well. Viri has a private altar there, as well as books and her personal treasures, and she will sometimes go there to be alone too. Outside, Viri favors an area close to the base with a waterfall, and she's been known to spend hours there reading or meditating.   🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?   Yes, if your name is Lana Beniko. Viri is extremely huggy with Lana. She has also reached the point where she feels relatively safe getting hugs from people she knows well and trusts, like Vette and Jaesa. As a kid, her parents and grandparents hugged her all the time. If you're not someone Viri knows well and implicitly trusts, though, her immediate reaction to being touched will be to block your hands and reach for her lightsaber. Just don't.
Viri also is very suspicious if someone she doesn't know is overly affectionate or offers a lot of flattery, and will assume there's an ulterior motive. Someone like Darth Rivix would have zero effect on her.   Viri is very generous with her friends and family. She often tries to help her loved ones with their needs anonymously (for example, if she found out her friend had a speeder repair bill, she'd silently pay it and not say a word about it). She will also really pay attention to people's likes and dislikes and try to get them things that she knows they will love. She also offers any means of political or physical protection she can - when she was the Wrath she bought Imperial citizenship for Vette, for example; and she put all of her friends under protection with notice to the Dark Council. Viri's incredibly loyal.   As for strangers, Viri is obsessive about health and the rakghoul plague so she does quietly send a lot of supplies, help and credits to T.H.O.R.N. and other humanitarian projects that provide vaccines and medicines. She also helps with projects for former slaves and Twi'lek cultural restoration that Vette has told her about.   🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?   Viri's very attuned to the scents around her - ocean air, ozone, fragrances. She loves it when she comes across something that feels like home to her, like the scent of the ocean.   🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them   That would be Lana. She would describe Viri as a fierce, sometimes kind force of nature that she is absolutely smitten with, with blazing eyes. Lana happens to be especially fond of Viri's curly hair and hands, as well as how gracefully she moves while dancing or fighting.     💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?   From the time she was an acolyte Viri became very adept at hiding any sort of pain or illness, both with physical camouflage and emotional shielding. It was for her own protection, of course. She has walked around with broken bones, fevers, massive bruises, you name it, without looking sick at all. After she was in carbonite and her skin was grey for a while during recovery, she wore makeup to hide that. All of the other post-carbonite side effects she had were concealed from the Alliance as much as possible. After defeating Valkorion she wore makeup to hide the shadows under her eyes from the damage. Her usual MO is to conceal everything and then quietly take care of it on her own time. She knows how to do her own sutures and basic first aid and infection control, and has several medical droids and trusted doctors.   With people she trusts like Lana and Vette, as well as carefully selected doctors and medical droids, Viri will allow herself to show pain and sickness. She can't hide it from Lana, since it's obvious through their bond. She will allow Lana to Force heal her, and she trusts both Lana and Vette to care for her. She also trusts Lucinda Walrez, the Alliance's surgeon.   Viri's a better Force healer than she gives herself credit for, and her immediate course of action with allies is to storm in, throw Force healing at them and immediately start patching them up. She has zero bedside manner, however, unless it's Lana or Vette. It's usually more "Shut up and stand still so I can fix you, you're not going to die damn it!"   🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?   If Lana's working long hours and Viri gets home first, she will lay out Lana's pajamas and warm them, for instance. She'll sit next to Lana, Vette and Jaesa and help them take off or put on their armor. She can't cook but she will get food for people. If she sees someone's armor is scuffed up, she will get it cleaned or repaired or replaced. If she sees someone has a bruise on their cheek, she will throw Force healing at it without thinking twice. Those sorts of things.   🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?   Viri loves to read. She loves memoirs; accounts of adventures; books on nature and wildlife; scientific journals, comics, you name it. She often unwinds by reading on the couch. She also spends a lot of time meditating and sitting with her pets to unwind. And she and Lana usually have a few hours of *ahem* fun before turning in.   🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?   Viri feels so deeply that her emotions can overwhelm her if she's not careful. She can be so happy that she cries. She can be so angry that she physically feels it. Being very Force sensitive she does have a lot of ability as an empath and can feel others' emotions quite often, especially if they are projecting strongly and don't realize it.
If Viri is offering support or comfort she will usually try to puzzle out what that means for the individual. When Vette was mourning her mother, the best way to help her was to bring her tea and then leave her alone. With Lana, the best way to help her was to be right there 24/7 for her and directly know how much she was loved. She does realize that sometimes the best way to help is to say "I see you and I'm here" and just be present.   🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?   If it's a garden-variety nightmare, Viri usually centers herself by reciting a Sith blessing or protection spell under her breath. If it's a flashback sort of nightmare, Lana is the only one who can help her through it. Lana usually sits next to her, speaks to her in Sith and reaches out to her in the Force through their bond. When Viri wakes up she will ground Viri by telling her where she is and that she is safe. If she's dealing with a flashback alone, Lana will still feel it and reach out to her telepathically.   🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!   Viri has long been divorced from the idea of having a lot of tangible things, because she has had to move around so much and has lost so much. Having said that:   - Her lightsaber. Viri designed and made her own saber and it really is extremely important to her. Her lightsaber feels like a friend, not just a weapon, and she works with it seamlessly. And it's so attuned to her, specifically, that even Lana had trouble using it when she had to in an emergency. - Her ship, the Tyuk. Viri loves and adores her ship and has done everything she can to upgrade and maintain it. - The necklace and pendant that Lana made for her, for their wedding. - The affection token from Ryloth that Vette gave her, also for her wedding to Lana. - Lana's belt. Technically, it's Viri's belt, since the original from Lana was worn until it literally fell apart. Lana just keeps making new belts for her with the same design, and Viri loves them because Lana made them and they always remind them of her. She stubbornly wears this belt no matter what else she's wearing and no matter how poorly it matches the rest of her outfit. - Naboo food. I've pattered Naboo food to essentially be a lot like Italian cuisine, and Viri is very enthusiastic about it. - Corellian cookies. See "Naboo food." - Dance clubs. When it's safe - and it takes a lot of precautions now - Viri loves to be in the middle of a crowded, sweaty dance floor all night long. - Music. - Silly but smart cartoons. Viri tends to favor really silly, lighthearted but clever entertainment fare, because she gets enough gloom and doom IRL. In our world she'd adore things like the Addams Family, Bob's Burgers, Animaniacs, etc. - The beach. Being in open bodies of water - the ocean or sea- feels like home for Viri. She is an excellent swimmer and a strong surfer, and even the sound of waves will make her heart jump a little. - The night sky. Viri loves looking up at the stars and planets. - Waterfalls. - Holo portraits and photos of her friends and family.   🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?   Viri would not be the sort to keep a journal because she would worry about it being stolen, compromised or used against her. She did make a holocron, however, like the Jedi Consular.   If she did keep a journal, she'd have a thousand abstract doodles all over it, in as many bright and metallic gel pens as she could find, and her entries would probably be written in three different directions across the page, with little cartoons, random song lyrics and poems, and a lot of snark, written in several colors of ink/marker per entry.   🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?   Viri does have casual friends and acquaintances, but her circle of true trusted friends is small. In terms of romantic partners, Viri has never looked for one - she is strongly demisexual and demiromantic, and until she met Lana and was attracted to her, she had no idea that was even a thing she wanted. And she wouldn't want it with anyone but Lana.   In terms of friends, Viri looks for people who are loyal, trustworthy, kind to animals and civilians, and somehow appeal to her senses of fun and connection. That may seem a contradiction but Viri actually has a very strong code she follows for herself. If someone kills a Jedi who is attacking them, she gets it. If someone kills a Republic civilian in a hospital, she's not cool with that and will be angry and upset about it.   She has friends from a variety of worlds with different Force creeds and beliefs, but she would not be friends with someone who was downright cruel, someone who was anti-alien or otherwise racist, someone who was homophobic or transphobic, or someone who approved of slavery.   The people she would trust implicitly with her life:   Lana: Force bonded partners for life, and there's nothing that could separate them or make them turn on each other. As of 3629 they have been together and friends for 10 years. Vette: Viri's adopted sister. They both take that 'sister' designation very seriously. As of 3629 they have been friends for 14 years.   Other very very close people: Suvia Kallig (Darth Nox): Suvia spent 7 years in carbonite, but she met Viri and befriended her when she was newly the Wrath. Suvia was new to the Dark Council. They bonded over their shared "outsider" status, because they were both bright, cynical young women, and because they shared views on issues like slavery (anti anti anti) and aliens (pro pro pro).  Suvia went missing after Marr’s coalition was attacked and searches for her were fruitless. Viri found her in carbonite, hanging on a wall in the Zakuulan royal palace, seven years later. The Alliance unfroze Suvia, gave her medical support and named her the director of the Alliance’s Force lore and artifacts. Suvia now runs those archives, studying ancient Force rituals.    Talos Drellik:  Viri met Talos through Suvia during her Wrath days, and he was present in the Yavin 4 coalition. However, she did not really get to know Talos and consider him a friend until he joined the Alliance after her time in carbonite. She loves chatting with Talos, appreciates his enthusiasm, and is grateful that he was able to discern that she was suffering Force Walking sickness after her battle with Valkorion and the other ghosts.     Jaesa Willsaam: Jaesa in Viri's world is neither the extreme DS nor the LS version found in the game. She's an amalgam, and in my mind she's patterned a bit after Jena Malone's portrayal of Johanna Mason in the Hunger Games films. She's loyal to the end to her allies and friends, but if you cross her you will regret it.   Viri met Jaesa as described in the class story. She killed the Jedi on Tatooine because they hurt Vette. She let Jaesa's parents live and told Baras to let them live in luxury on Dromund Kaas. When she had more clout, she quietly staged a 'death' for Jaesa's parents so they would be out of Baras's crosshairs, and gave them new identities so they could live safely and anonymously. Ironically, this is the same thing Viri's own grandmother did on Naboo - staging her death to live anonymously so she would not be targeted by Baras. Viri appealed to Jaesa by telling her that nothing is black and white, but that she should explore everything and decide for herself. So Jaesa did, and she decided on the Sith. She went to Korriban to study - not in an acolyte's trial of course - around the time Viri was working with Lana Beniko on Manaan.   Jaesa vanished after Viri disappeared, and Viri and her team found her seven years later, frozen in a trap on Yavin 4. She has now rejoined the team, works extensively in both Force lore and as Viri's second in battle, and is romantically linked to Suvia Kallig.   Somminick Timmns: Viri and Somminick met as described in the class story on Belsavis. Given that they were on opposite sides, their contact was limited until they both fought in the coalition against Revan on Yavin 4. After Viri disappeared, Somminick - and his enclave of not-quite-Jedi-but-not-sure-students  were sent to fight against Zakuul. After it became obvious that it was not a winnable battle and his students would just die, Somminick walked all his survivors off the battlefield and returned to Nar Shaddaa. Satele Shan was forced to allow him to go. Somminick became an ally of Lana Beniko's, and after the Alliance was formed, he remained a valuable contact on Nar Shaddaa and communicated with both Lana and Viri via holo. When they came to NS to destroy the Star Fortress, he joined their battle. He finally came to Odessen with his students after the fall of Zakuul.   Viri and Somminick realize they have very different beliefs in the Force, but they still find common ground. Their favorite thing to do is snipe at each other, playfully - Viri will tell Somminick that she knows he's joined the Dark Council, and Somminick will tell Viri that he's so happy she's on the Jedi Council. All fake of course.
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Questions for You!   💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?   I'm not sure, to be honest. I adore Viri because she is Viri. In many ways she's an alter ego, although in many ways she's not.   ☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!   I really try to temper how much Viri suffers. I feel that even though I do deviate from the game's plot after KOTET, I can't deviate entirely. Thus, she unfortunately has to go through the traitor arc. She has to deal with Iokath. I can't logically leave all those things out and say “whoops! Never happened.” 
I also have to look at what the effects would truly be for things she encounters in the story. For example she's frozen in carbonite for five years. Considering that carbonite can kill someone in a matter of hours and can cause huge amounts of damage, she could not just skip away from it. She had Valkorion in her head for five years with no way to escape. Given how evil and sadistic he was, and the small fragment of carbonite consciousness we saw in chapter 2 of KOTFE, I surmise that it would have been a terrible trauma. Valkorion would have tried to drive her mad, hollow her out on the spot or break her so she would be pliable to his suggestions. I can't sugarcoat that, so Viri has PTSD and flashbacks.   Having said that I try to give her far more agency than she has in the game and have her deal with things more effectively. And when things are not described fully or are omitted, I’ll try to run with them. For instance with the Vette vs. Torian choice, she ordered one of her top military teams to go for Torian. They didn't make it, but they still tried. With the carbonite, Lana helped with her rehabilitation and recovery and it was not overnight. With the Machone Gods, since there was no solo way to clear them in the game or see those cut scenes, I felt free to create my own path for them.  I also try to steer her toward as much happiness and love as I can. She and Lana WILL have a happy ending, both in their galaxy and the afterlife.   🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!   10 of course. Viri is baby. Baby who could literally melt you with the power of her mind, decapitate you in a nanosecond and scare people just by walking into a room, but I don't think she'd accept any answer other than 10.   💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?   I would erase the assaults she suffered at Academy. And I would give Viri her parents back. That's actually what I was aiming for when I had Viri's grandmother show up on Naboo. Her parents are very much dead, but I saw an opening to make her grandmother appear, and I took it.   But in terms of the writing that is from other people, ie the game plot, unless there's some great plot twist up ahead, I would erase the current trajectory that seems to suggest that the Alliance is just going to fall under faction control entirely and the Commander is going to go back to serving their faction. In fact I don't plan on letting that happen to Viri's Alliance, even if it means I need to move the whole damned planet to another dimension a la She-Ra.
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riskgarlic91 · 4 years
Buy A Cyprus Property In Limassol, Rates Are Cheap
How to Discover Property To Buy in Cyprus
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The Sotiriades Golf Club has come to be the premier location for international golf players. There are some wonderful fairway to become located right here, however the southeastern segment of the isle is understood for its own magnificent surroundings. It is listed here that you will discover some of the more magnificent yards, including the islands of Euboia and Souda. As a matter of fact, some folks strongly believe that these pair of isles are one of the most attractive in whole South Cyprus. Property for Sale in Cyprus and also a glass of wine are actually outstanding right here, and the locals will definitely encourage you along with a range of shopping and home entertainment options. Many website visitors concern Sotiriades coming from across the planet. This island has many destinations that interest tourists coming from throughout the world.
Paphos - A Location That is Perfect For Your Needs
To buy a property in Paphos, Cyprus is actually more than merely tipping inside your property or on your doorstep. You have to do all your research and also study prior to you go forward along with the deal. You ought to know the main reason whies you are going to buy property in this spot. Several of the preferred reasons individuals go for buying a property within this location are for the ease of urban area life, stunning landscapes, the great quantity of sunlight, seashores, fairway as well as many other causes that are actually definitely necessary to obtain. There are various types of properties accessible in this particular site and you can easily choose the one which greatest satisfies your requirements. In the here and now opportunities, there are actually several rental properties offered for folks to rent on the holiday season. The amenities that are actually supplied in the properties will certainly be actually the prime consider choosing your choice.
This is actually an excellent retreat coming from the stress of metropolitan area life, and also it is a location that is actually known for its awesome weather as well as different kinds of scenery. The beach front is popularly known as the isle's most desirable feature. This is a location that is properly connected to other cities as well as areas and for this reason, driving to work is actually easy. It is actually a good possibility for you if you intend to join your job or college. Individuals may simply travel back and forth between this as well as other metropolitan areas of Cyprus.
Nevertheless, you should be careful while choosing a low-priced property to invest on. Ensure that you check out the rankings of the property you want. While inspecting the scores, ensure that you browse through the payment alternatives that are actually offered on the property. You should also check out the really good image of the firm that is actually selling the property and how much time they have stayed in business. All these factors may help you in bring in the right decision.
Tips to Sell Your Property Fast
A property available for sale in Cyprus possesses its very own market. However this market is actually just available to buyers who have the ability to devote large amounts of loan, as property is actually often very expensive in the country.
The only actual alternative open to the homeowner in Cyprus is to find a purchaser about to pay a rate that is going to acquire the property offered in the least opportunity achievable. There are a couple of tips and also techniques that are going to assist a dealer has the capacity to sell their property fast.
First of all, make an effort to make sure that the people you are going to be working within Cyprus are actually reputable and also dependable. Do not depend on a business or individual that you don't know. Additionally, decide on a reliable vendor over a dubious one considering that the dishonest ones have the capacity to rob you blind.
It's a good suggestion to have actually photos taken of your property just before you carry it out for selling. You can easily utilize these images to obtain the focus of prospective purchasers. Having said that, these photos should be current and correct. Any kind of photos were acted like a few months or even a year must be prevented.
Be sure that you don't seem like a rookie when selling your property. You might would like to apply your bathrobe and slippers however if possible shoppers understand that you are actually a knowledgeable home owner, they would rather go to your home to begin with.
Take a good consider your home. Ensure that there are no primary loss or even stains that may interfere with your home. As soon as the property is actually well-maintained and nice, ensure that it resides in good condition.
See to it that the property is clean and has all the proper papers on it. These documents are actually used to verify the ownership of the property in the event a dispute comes up. The documents is actually really vital just in case any type of disputes come up.
If you do each of these traits, you would be actually stunned to view just how much less complicated the sale of your property would be. If you intend to stay clear of all the aggravations as well as problems associated with selling your property, after that you should hire a specialist realty agent to help you.
Buying and selling property: 5 frequently asked questions responded to
Being actually informed is actually critical for efficiently purchasing or even selling a property, therefore whether you are a purchaser or even a seller, never ever fear to inquire you property agent inquiries to soothe your mind, obtain additional details or even far better comprehend the process. "If https://app.bitly.com/ had R5 for each opportunity they acquired talked to the complying with 5 inquiries, they believe theyd be actually very rich. Nevertheless, pranks aside, our team discover the questions that our clients very most often ask really fascinating as they are actually very significant to the marketplace as well as deliver a valuable chance to inform as well as inform customers concerning these elements of the market, says Johan vehicle Schalkwyk, Capital at Leapfrog Roodepoort.
https://techspy.com/user/score/ilisterscy surveyed Jump agents around the nation to share the inquiries they are very most often talked to in the common training program of business.
These 5 inquiries were at the first:
1. What is my property valued at?
Warren Buffett claimed it best: Rate is what you spend. Market value is what you receive.
Truck Schalkwyk points out property experts can provide you a market-related estimate for your property, based upon sector patterns and research, their understanding of the requirement in the region, and also the attributes of your property. Value is actually much more individual and also is basically determined by what a customer is actually readied to pay for a property - the popular prepared seller and able to buy economic model.
Along with details regarding property quickly obtainable using numerous on the web systems and devices, this has provided shoppers the energy to be savvier about the market value of a potential expenditure as they can do relative research. This implies shoppers are actually a lot more notified and sellers need to be even more pliable along with their prices.
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2. Which is actually the most ideal place to acquire?
This inquiry is similar to asking how much time a part of string is actually, as it depends upon a huge variety of aspects, consisting of the kind of property, the preferred roi, bordering amenities, security as well as safety, and individual desire.
Usually talking, property throughout Cyprus is a great financial investment. But, like all financial investments, property assets need to have to become proactively handled to make certain development that meets your desires.
Depending upon individual needs and tastes, a trusted property specialist will certainly aid you examine factors like site, future progressions as well as more if youre hoping to make a long-lasting investment. Property has a tendency to be an incredibly individual investment, along with wants and needs to differ coming from one person to another, and also family members to family.
3. Is a promotion to buy lawfully binding?
Yes, an authorized promotion to purchase is a legal document that is binding.
The document describes the purchase arrangement, which includes the terms and conditions relating to the property in question. Through signing the provide to acquire, the buyer consents to the phrases designated in the papers, featuring the cost they agree to purchase the property.
If the dealer mores than happy along with the price delivered by the shopper, the paper ends up being a legally tiing sale deal.
All-time low collection is that you need to have to be incredibly sure about a possible investment just before registering the dotted line.
4. How long is actually a power observance certificate authentic for?
A Power Certification of Observance (ECOC) is valid for a time frame of pair of years. It is obligatory to become in things of this paper when selling a property, according to the demands of the Occupational Health And Wellness Act under the Electrical Installment Laws provision.
The ECOC assures the requirement of the circulation panels, electrical wiring, earthing and also bonding of all steel elements.
5. What happens after the home mortgage is given?
After a mortgage is given, a guaranty attorney is actually coached by the bank to register the guaranty at the Acts Office, while the homeowner recommends the transmitting attorney to transfer the property.
Next, the guaranty attorney advises the transferring legal representative of the receipt deed of transmission as well as guarantee requirements. Then the cancellation lawyer calls off the sellers guaranty and also the transferring attorney receives the name records and also termination designs and also sends a copy to the bond legal representative.
Hereafter, both the customer and also the seller authorize the transactions documents. The customer is responsible for the transmission expenses as well as the transmitting legal representative spends for the fees as well as tax obligations, as well as the move duty. It goes without saying, the papers are authorized as well as costs paid out, the move, brand new connection, as well as termination connect documents are organized housing at the Actions Office. Here it takes concerning 3 full weeks to be examined as well as prepped for registration by the attorneys. On the day of enrollment, the bank spends the funding as per the warranties provided. This whole process commonly takes about 10 weeks.
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sciencespies · 5 years
Mars' water was mineral-rich and salty
Mars' water was mineral-rich and salty
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NASA’s Curiosity rover has obtained the mineralogical and chemical data of ancient lake deposits at Gale Crater, Mars. The present study reconstructs water chemistry of the paleolake in Gale based on the Curiosity’s data. Credit: NASA
Presently, Earth is the only known location where life exists in the Universe. This year the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to three astronomers who proved, almost 20 years ago, that planets are common around stars beyond the solar system. Life comes in various forms, from cell-phone-toting organisms like humans to the ubiquitous micro-organisms that inhabit almost every square inch of the planet Earth, affecting almost everything that happens on it. It will likely be some time before it is possible to measure or detect life beyond the solar system, but the solar system offers a host of sites that might get a handle on how hard it is for life to start.
Mars is at the top of this list for two reasons. First, it is relatively close to Earth compared to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter (which are also considered good candidates for discovering life beyond Earth in the solar system, and are targeted for exploration in the coming decade). Second, Mars is extremely observable because it lacks a thick atmosphere like Venus, and so far, there is pretty good evidence that Mars’ surface temperature and pressure hovers around the point liquid water—considered essential for life—can exist. Further, there is good evidence in the form of observable river deltas, and more recent measurements made on Mars’ surface, that liquid water did in fact flow on Mars billions of years ago.
Scientists are becoming increasingly convinced that billions of years ago Mars was habitable. Whether it was in fact inhabited, or is still inhabited, remains hotly debated. To better constrain these questions, scientists are trying to understand the kinds of water chemistry that could have generated the minerals observed on Mars today, which were produced billions of years ago.
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One of the clay minerals, smectite, can trap ions in water through ion exchanges in the presence of water. Even after loss of water, smectite records ion compositions within interlayers of its structure. Credit: Nature Communications
Salinity (how much salt was present), pH (a measure of how acidic the water was), and redox state (roughly a measure of the abundance of gases such as hydrogen [H2, which are termed reducing environments] or oxygen [O2, which are termed oxidising environments; the two types are generally mutually incompatible]) are fundamental properties of natural waters. As an example, Earth’s modern atmosphere is highly oxygenated (containing large amounts of O2), but one need only dig a few inches into the bottom of a beach or lake today on Earth to find environments which are highly reduced.
Recent remote measurements on Mars suggest its ancient environments may provide clues about Mars’ early habitability. Specifically, the properties of pore water within sediments apparently deposited in lakes in Gale Crater on Mars suggest these sediments formed in the presence of liquid water which was of a pH close to that of Earth’s modern oceans. Earth’s oceans are of course host to myriad forms of life, thus it seems compelling that Mars’ early surface environment was a place contemporary Earth life could have lived, but it remains a mystery as to why evidence of life on Mars is so hard to find.
Explore further
Researcher makes the heart of Mars speak
More information: Keisuke Fukushi et al, Semiarid climate and hyposaline lake on early Mars inferred from reconstructed water chemistry at Gale, Nature Communications (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12871-6
Provided by Tokyo Institute of Technology
Citation: Mars’ water was mineral-rich and salty (2020, January 21) retrieved 21 January 2020 from https://phys.org/news/2020-01-mars-mineral-rich-salty.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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percywinchester27 · 6 years
Unconventional Roommates (Part 15- final)
Word count: 2.8K
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warnings: Feels, fluff
Series Summary: Now that his brother is at Stanford, for the first time in his life, Dean does something for himself. He takes a step towards chasing his own dreams and moves away from Lawrence to start college, which is both thrilling and scary at the same time. Only catch, in this unknown town, he is stuck with the MOST infuriating female on the planet- the roommate from hell!
A/N: Thank you so, so much guys, for all the love and adoration you’ve shown towards this series. It’s what gave me the encouragement to keep writing it!
Eternally grateful to the amazing @deanssweetheart23 for beta reading this series. This wouldn’t have been possible without you, Athina. 
Unconventional Roommates masterlist
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She fell to the ground gathering all the things and hurriedly stuffing them inside the bag. She slung it across her torso and dashed out, not even waiting to listen to Cas' question asking her where she was going.
Again, no one paid attention to the black figure, not in the glittering, glamorous bar. No one paid attention to the tiny figure that broke down the moment she stepped out of the club.
It was Prussian blue today. All of it. Deep, dark Prussian blue. Some might call it black, but a random trivia stuck in the back of his head reminded Dean that the sky was never truly black. It was the eyes that were incapable of deciphering the true color. There was light there, just too far away for his eyes to see, but there was always light. With its speed, it just hadn't reached him yet.
Dean also knew that screwing his eyes into tiny slits wasn't going to help. It wasn't their fault that they were flawed. He would just have to wait for the morning to be able to see the sky clearly again.
It was unfair though. Why was he always the one waiting? Waiting for sky to lighten up at its own pace, waiting for her to trust him when she wanted to. Just eternal waiting.
But, at least, there was a certainty in waiting for the morning. If he stayed still, after a few hours, the sky was sure to go from black to purple to orange and then to a clear crystal blue. There was no such certainty with Y/N.
The sand dug into his bare feet, sticking to his skin as he sat there, staring at the endless blank that was the sea, almost invisible if it hadn't been the froth that came with the waves.
She wanted to be like the sea.
He had no choice but to be the sand.
It was quiet in this part of the beach and dark, too. There was no one around for quite a distance. Dean drew comfort from the silence that was only broken by the rhythmic waves.
Soft padding drew his attention, but he did not look away from the ocean. However, his breath caught in his throat. He felt something light graze his head, then felt her sliding down against his back.
Dean gulped.
She sank down into the sand with her back touching to his, facing away from the sea.
Dean waited with baited breath for her to say something. Anything; but nothing came.
He didn't know what he expected, but an apology never came.
Finally, he spoke. "We were friends, right?"
His voice sounded strange. It was too even, almost flat, which was in direct contrast to the uproar of emotions he felt inside.
She still said nothing. If it weren't for the heat emanating from her body and into Dean's own skin, he would have concluded that her presence was a hallucination.
"Why didn’t you tell me?" He asked. "Why didn't you trust me?"
"It wasn't you, Dean," she said quietly, voice diminished. "How could it have been you?"
"Then why?"
Dean expected an answer, a clear cut rebuttal or a fitting reason. One of the two, so, her words came as a surprise.
"Do you remember Mia's recital, Dean?" She asked.
He wanted to ask what that had anything to do with this, but he answered her question. "Yeah."
"Remember Odette? How she would be a swan all day long, and truly herself only at night?"
"She was cursed," he reminded her.
Her voice was suppressed when she answered. "She was also helpless. You think the prince would have believed her story if he hadn't seen her transform with his own two eyes? You think he wouldn’t have just accused her of being a random, characterless chick who roamed in the forests at night?"
"Well, Odette would never know that, would she? Since she really didn't know the Prince's point of view. Never really saw the way he looked at her."
A sigh.
"He would have killed that swan, Dean. He would have hunted her, thinking she was just a bird and nothing more. He didn't, because he saw that she could turn into that damsel. And then, he just fell in love with the girl, not the swan. That's why he professed his love to a girl who was impersonating Odette, not even looking at the swan who was banging against the window. Because he just fell in love with one aspect of Odette… not all of her."
Dean opened his mouth to cut her off, but she cut him instead.
"Even then, what did it cost the Prince?" She questioned. "He had to give up his life to be with her. Was she even worth it?"
"That was his choice to make," he said firmly. "Besides, I'm not the Prince."
"And I'm no Odette… but is it hard to see why she might have wanted to keep her secret to herself?"
"Why, Y/N?" Dean asked again. "Just why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared," she admitted. "I was scared that my well planned out life would topple over like a house of cards in a gust of wind. I love dancing. Ever since I set foot in Miss Kathy’s dance class in Tampa, it's what's given me a will to live… A purpose. It's something I know I am good at. In all the shit-storm, learning to dance was my one dream come true."
Dean tightened his arms around his knees. "Did you think I wouldn't let you go after your dreams?" Had she not known him at all?
Her shoulders stiffened against his and she seemed to shake her head. "For as long as I've been in this city, I've only had this one dream. To buy that apartment, renovate the basement into a dancing studio and open my own dance class. Where I could teach little girls who wanted to learn, who wanted fly. I knew what I wanted and I was willing to work hard to make sure my dream came true. It was everything to me."
"So what happened?"
A nervous pause.
"You happened, Dean Winchester," she mumbled, quiet. "Something… someone else became more important. I wasn't afraid of losing my dream anymore, I was afraid of losing the one thing I wanted more than my dream- you. And it scared the hell out of me."
Her voice became huskier than usual. "Suddenly, I wasn't lifting the boxes alone. You were there, painting the walls of the studio, fixing the rods in all my dreams. You were always there, laughing and teasing and being you. And then I was scared that I wouldn't want that dream if you weren't in it. I- I was just so… scared."
A sob left her lips and Dean turned. She was huddled just like him- legs propped up, bent at the knee with arms wrapping around them, except, she was hunched over and there were tears running down both her cheeks. Her eyes were puffy and the tip of her nose was shiny. It left him aghast.
He had never seen her cry. He had never even imagined her like this. So vulnerable… so helpless.
He could do this to her.
Thoughtlessly, he pulled her against his chest, and another sob ripped free of her. All too soon, she was sobbing incessantly against him, and he could feel it. Feel days of stress, tension and worry with every heave, every jerk. The mere effort of trying to control the crying was making her entire body shake violently. It was like she couldn't control it anymore, didn't know how to pull herself together.
With  a stab in his gut, he realized that maybe she had never needed to pull herself together because she had never allowed herself to fall apart. She simply didn't know how to stop.
The corners of his own eyes started to sting, and gently, he pulled her into his lap, pushing the stray hair that had escaped the beanie out of her eyes.
"Shhh… it's okay," he murmured. It only made her cry harder, the shivering now uncontrollable. With some difficulty, Dean shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it over her shoulders. She was wearing a black satin robe that split high at her thigh, her leg breaking free of it completely. Underneath, he could see the hem of her skimpy dance costume.
He kept whispering a steady stream of incoherent reassurances that he hoped were enough to calm her some, all the while running his hand over her sides, back and forth… back and forth… back and forth… "Just… hush…."
It took a while… several endless or rather timeless moments, but eventually, her breathing became somewhat even, and her heaving jerks reduced. He had lapsed into a silence, listening to the unique harmony of the water, letting it fill him with calm.
Y/N wasn't moving in his arms. In fact, she hadn't moved in a while and Dean assumed that maybe the crying had exhausted her enough to fall asleep.
Until her low voice sounded. "Dean? Are you mad? I'm sorry."
"No, Y/N," he said, pulling her slightly closer. He wasn't sure she was ready to move yet. "I'm not mad, of course not. You're a freaking find. You're mesmerizing and just so… talented."
It was an understatement. But there was no word in the English vocabulary that would come close to describing just how magnificent she was. No such superlative had been invented yet.
"There… there was this guy who found out who I was outside of the club. He found out that I was Y/N and not just Celestia… and he started following me around… broke into the house, too."
"Shit." Dean remembered the day when she had locked the house from inside and it had cost him Zach's imposition. That was why.
"And then… this other guy I had met at the University years ago… He found out that I worked in a strip club and then… then…"
"Those guys were idiots!" Dean's blood was boiling. Y/N was unique, typecasting her into just one persona was such an ignorant mistake. Those men didn't deserve her.
"So you're not ashamed… of what I do?" Again, her voice was small, still uncertain.
This time Dean pushed her back slightly and lowered himself a little so he could look into her eyes. She was still scared. That wouldn't do.
"Y/N," he said firmly. "You're a genius. It would be a shame to let all that talent go to waste if you chose to not perform. You're splendid and the world needs to see that. You don't belong in a tiny club, you belong on the stage. But, if that's what you want to do, then that's that. I'll be there to cook the Ramen and fix the leaks, and I'll be doing that with a thousand watt smile on my face because I'm proud of the person that you are."
He paused, collecting his thoughts… finally saying it out loud to her. "I didn't fall for that exotic dancer, Y/N. I didn't fall for the intelligent girl, the genius that you are, either. I fell in love with my somewhat eccentric, beanie-wearing, psychopath of a roommate. I fell in love with you." Funny, how his heart was still beating wildly.
Her eyes widened, and so many emotions flashed through them- shock, pain, recognition, hope and then finally settled on something that was more raw… more primal. Her eyes began to swim with tears again.
Dean put his palm against her cheek, reveling in the softness of her skin. "I'm a little disappointed, though."
Her brow furrowed.
"I really thought we were gonna make a torture chamber out of the basement," he winked. "I had even thought of the first person I wanted to put in there." Nick's stupid face came to Dean's mind and he pushed it away.
She smacked his chest, but then laughed despite herself. It was a throaty chuckle.
"Well… there's still the attic."
He couldn't believe the girl. She had just been through so much and still found it in her to return the sass. However, Dean's stomach was still in knots… He had confessed, but she hadn't explicitly said it back. The way she was looking at him though… Dean didn't want her to lose herself in the moment and do something that she would regret later… when they weren't quite wrapped around each other like that.
Dean cleared his throat, slowly disentangling himself, then helped Y/N to her feet. If she usually wore mismatched clothes, she had outdone herself this time with the black, frilly and silky robe, pink flat and brown beanie. His bag that he had left at the Elixir was hanging limply from her side. She looked a cross between a carnival game referee and a recovering hipster. Dean fell in love a little more.
"C'mon," he put an arm around her, tucking her under her shoulder while she wrapped one around his waist. The tingle that ran up his spine at her touch hadn’t changed at all he noted wryly.
They walked the short distance back, and Dean purposely took the stairs, not wanting to risk the closeness that the lift necessitated.
In fact, he was so nervous that his hands shook as he tried to put the key in the keyhole.
How was he going to sleep tonight knowing that she was right there… a few steps away. He could hold her, pull her against him as he slept.
The clicking of the lock shook him out of that thought.
Y/N trailed behind him as they reached the middle.
"C'mere," Dean said, catching hold of both her hands and pulling her close. "You don't have to say it back, but now that I've said it once, I can't seem to be able to stop saying it."
A nervous laugh.
"I love you, Y/N."
He then closed the little distance between them and kissed her brow, lingering just a longer than was necessary, then stepped back, completely letting go of her.
"If you uhh… If you need anything at all… you know where to find me," he said scratching the back of his neck.
"Dean!" She called as he turned. Her warm, smooth hand found his fingers and yanked him back. "Come, I want to show you something."
She led him towards the red door which appeared to become bigger and bigger with every step forward. At the last second, she looked up to meet his eyes. Complete and utter trust in them… not even the hint of a doubt.
She turned the handle and pushed the door.
The creaking echoed in Dean's ears before Y/N stepped in and flicked the lights on.
The room was basic, much larger than his, but painted in similar pastel shades. Baby blue and Beige. It was as sparsely furnished as possible; completely functional. There was a small, single bed pushed against one side and next to a folding table and a chair were propped against the corner. A stereo was positioned next to it on the extending window sill.
A rectangular shelf cum wardrobe took up little part of the floor next to what Dean assumed was the bathroom door. The part of the mahogany shelf that had glass panes was stuffed with books. Thick, small, novels, diaries… just so many book. What was left of it probably held her clothes. There was a blue travelling bag stashed up on top of the wardrobe.
The floor was covered in a dark maroon, think, fluffy carpet. The room would have been completely ordinary, generic if it had been for the gleaming steel pole that was fixed to the floor right in the centre of the room and stretched up till the ceiling.
This was why.
"I'm sorry about the other day," she said not meeting his eyes. "It's not that I don't trust you. I just don't trust my luck. Nothing so good just tumbled into my life… nothing except you. Selfishly, I just didn't want to lose you, because… I love you, too."
A heartbeat passed.
"Say it again," Dean pleaded.
"I love you, Romeo."
That was all it took for Dean to cross the space in two bounds and pull her flush against himself, pushing her into the wall. Y/N looped her hands around his neck and hoisted herself up, crushing her lips into his, kissing him with a passion that could have set the whole room on fire.
"Whoa!" Dean gasped, breaking apart for a second so he could catch his breath. "Aren't you a surprise?"
She grinned wickedly. "You haven't seen anything yet, Winchester." Then abruptly, she pushed him onto the tiny bed.
Dean's heartbeat quickened, mouth dry with a fresh excitement, but all he could manage was a lame comeback. "Isn't this bed too small?"
"My roommate has a bigger bed in the next room," she winked conspiratorially, moving to cover his body with her own. "We could move there, but only if you promise not to tell him."
A/N 2: Thank you so much for sticking till the very end!! Who is up for a small epilogue?
And!! How did you like the end? 
A/N 3: Please do consider reblogging my work and leaving feedback. Reblogging helps spread it, and also helps against the “best posts first” option tumblr has. The more the notes, the less chance of it getting buried beneath others posts. And the comments are what keep me going. I love you guys and I’ll be in forever grateful <3
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cherita · 6 years
10 Climate Fiction Books to Read for Earth Day
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Today is Earth Day, that day of the year when we’re reminded to take care of our planet. It’s the only one we’ve got, after all… for now, at least.
But in the world of speculative fiction, reminders aren’t really needed. Sci-fi authors have long thought up future scenarios impacted by every sort of ecological disaster imaginable, whether caused by our own careless pollution or technology gone awry, some strange alien virus, or just a pissed off Mother Nature who’s had enough of our shit. It even has its own cute genre name: cli-fi, for climate fiction (see what they did there?).
Though the name is a recent invention, writers have pondered the perils of climate change as far back as Jules Vernes’ 1889 adventure novel, The Purchase of the North Pole, while J.G. Ballard’s dystopian novels The Drowned World (1962) and The Drought (1964) are considered early cli-fi classics. Today, with terms like “global warming" and "carbon footprint” now part of our everyday lexicon, climate change and environmental disaster are in everyone’s thoughts — and climate fiction has grown right along with our awareness.
Even if climate change has never once crossed your mind (you could be a monk, I guess?), these 10 books are sure to get you thinking about the environment and our impact on it…
Imaginative future sci-fi of a floating refugee city in a post-climate change world:
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Blackfish City (2018)
by Sam J. Miller
After the climate wars, a floating city is constructed in the Arctic Circle, a remarkable feat of mechanical and social engineering, complete with geothermal heating and sustainable energy. The city’s denizens have become accustomed to a roughshod new way of living, however, the city is starting to fray along the edges—crime and corruption have set in, the contradictions of incredible wealth alongside direst poverty are spawning unrest, and a new disease called “the breaks” is ravaging the population.
When a strange new visitor arrives—a woman riding an orca, with a polar bear at her side—the city is entranced. The “orcamancer,” as she’s known, very subtly brings together four people—each living on the periphery—to stage unprecedented acts of resistance. By banding together to save their city before it crumbles under the weight of its own decay, they will learn shocking truths about themselves. 
Blackfish City is a remarkably urgent—and ultimately very hopeful—novel about political corruption, organized crime, technology run amok, the consequences of climate change, gender identity, and the unifying power of human connection. 
Moby Dick retelling of inter-planetary exploration to help a resource-depleted earth:
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The Beast of Cretacea (2015)
by Todd Strasser 
Master storyteller Todd Strasser reimagines the classic tale of Moby Dick as set in the future—and takes readers on an epic sci-fi adventure.
When seventeen-year-old Ishmael wakes up from stasis aboard the Pequod, he is amazed by how different this planet is from the dirty, dying, Shroud-covered Earth he left behind. But Ishmael isn’t on Cretacea to marvel at the fresh air, sunshine, and endless blue ocean. He’s here to work, risking his life to hunt down great ocean-dwelling beasts to harvest and send back to the resource-depleted Earth. Even though easy prey abounds, time and again the chase boat crews are ordered to ignore it in order to pursue the elusive Great Terrafin. It’s rumored that the ship’s captain, Ahab, lost his leg to the beast years ago, and that he’s now consumed by revenge. But there may be more to Captain Ahab’s obsession. Dark secrets and dangerous exploits swirl around the pursuit of the beast, and Ishmael must do his best to survive—if he can.
Lyrical present-day tale of the apocalyptic effects of climate change:
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Clade (2015)
by James Bradley
On a beach in Antarctica, scientist Adam Leith marks the passage of the summer solstice. Back in Sydney his partner Ellie waits for the results of her latest round of IVF treatment.
That result, when it comes, will change both their lives and propel them into a future neither could have predicted. In a collapsing England Adam will battle to survive an apocalyptic storm. Against a backdrop of growing civil unrest at home, Ellie will discover a strange affinity with beekeeping. In the aftermath of a pandemic, a young man finds solace in building virtual recreations of the dead. And new connections will be formed from the most unlikely beginnings.
Clade is the story of one family in a radically changing world, a place of loss and wonder where the extraordinary mingles with the everyday. Haunting, lyrical and unexpectedly hopeful, it is the work of a writer in command of the major themes of our time.
Near-future tale of the apocalyptic effects of climate change:
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Drowning Towers (1984)
by George Turner
Francis Conway is Swill - one of the millions in the year 2041 who must subsist on the inadequate charities of the state. Life, already difficult, is rapidly becoming impossible for Francis and others like him, as government corruption, official blindness and nature have conspired to turn Swill homes into watery tombs. And now the young boy must find a way to escape the approaching tide of disaster. The Sea and Summer, published in the US as The Drowning Towers is George Turner’s masterful exploration of the effects of climate change in the not-too-distant future. Comparable to J.G. Ballard’s The Drowned World, it was shortlisted for the Nebula and won the Arthur C. Clarke Award for best novel in 1988.
Fantasy tale in an apocalyptic world of catastrophic climate change:
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The Fifth Season (2015)
Broken Earth trilogy
by N. K. Jemisin
This is the way the world ends…for the last time.
A season of endings has begun.  It starts with the great red rift across the heart of the world’s sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun.  It starts with death, with a murdered son and a missing daughter.  It starts with betrayal, and long dormant wounds rising up to fester.  This is the Stillness, a land long familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no mercy. 
Hard sci-fi in a post-climate change world where skyscrapers are island homes:
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New York 2140 (2017)
by Kim Stanley Robinson
New York Times bestselling author Kim Stanley Robinson returns with a bold and brilliant vision of New York City in the next century.
As the sea levels rose, every street became a canal. Every skyscraper an island. For the residents of one apartment building in Madison Square, however, New York in the year 2140 is far from a drowned city.
There is the market trader, who finds opportunities where others find trouble. There is the detective, whose work will never disappear - along with the lawyers, of course.
There is the internet star, beloved by millions for her airship adventures, and the building’s manager, quietly respected for his attention to detail. Then there are two boys who don’t live there, but have no other home - and who are more important to its future than anyone might imagine.
Lastly there are the coders, temporary residents on the roof, whose disappearance triggers a sequence of events that threatens the existence of all - and even the long-hidden foundations on which the city rests.
New York 2140 is an extraordinary and unforgettable novel, from a writer uniquely qualified to tell the story of its future.
Spec-fic tale of genetic engineering gone awry, causing ecological devastation:
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Oryx and Crake (2003) 
MaddAddam trilogy
by Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake is at once an unforgettable love story and a compelling vision of the future. Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journey–with the help of the green-eyed Children of Crake–through the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining.
Poignant, literary tale of inter-planetary exploration to help a devastated earth:
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The Stone Gods (2007)
by Jeanette Winterson
On the airwaves, all the talk is of the new blue planet – pristine and habitable, like our own was 65 million years ago, before we took it to the edge of destruction. Off the air, Billie Crusoe and the renegade robo-sapian Spike are falling in love. Along with Captain Handsome and Pink, they’re assigned to colonize the new blue planet. But when a technical maneuver intended to make it inhabitable backfires, Billie and Spike’s flight to the future becomes a surprising return to the distant past –- “Everything is imprinted forever with what it once was.” What will happen when their story combines with the world’s story? Will they –- and we –- ever find a safe landing place? Playful, passionate, polemical, and frequently very funny, The Stone Gods will change forever the stories we tell about the earth, about love, and about stories themselves.
The ocean fights back against mankind’s pollution in this sci-fi thriller:
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The Swarm (2004)
by Frank Schatzing
Whales begin sinking ships. Toxic, eyeless crabs poison Long Island’s water supply. The North Sea shelf collapses, killing thousands in Europe. Around the world, countries are beginning to feel the effects of the ocean’s revenge as the seas and their inhabitants begin a violent revolution against mankind. At stake is the survival of the Earth’s fragile ecology—and ultimately, the survival of the human race itself.
The apocalyptic catastrophes of The Day After Tomorrow meet the watery menace of The Abyss in this gripping, scientifically realistic, and utterly imaginative thriller.
Biopunk tale of a genetically engineered future in a post-climate change world:
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The Windup Girl (2009)
by Paolo Bacigalupi 
Anderson Lake is a company man, AgriGen’s Calorie Man in Thailand. Under cover as a factory manager, Anderson combs Bangkok’s street markets in search of foodstuffs thought to be extinct, hoping to reap the bounty of history’s lost calories. There, he encounters Emiko…  Emiko is the Windup Girl, a strange and beautiful creature. One of the New People, Emiko is not human; instead, she is an engineered being, creche-grown and programmed to satisfy the decadent whims of a Kyoto businessman, but now abandoned to the streets of Bangkok. Regarded as soulless beings by some, devils by others, New People are slaves, soldiers, and toys of the rich in a chilling near future in which calorie companies rule the world, the oil age has passed, and the side effects of bio-engineered plagues run rampant across the globe.  What Happens when calories become currency? What happens when bio-terrorism becomes a tool for corporate profits, when said bio-terrorism’s genetic drift forces mankind to the cusp of post-human evolution? Award-winning author Paolo Bacigalupi delivers one of the most highly acclaimed science fiction novels of the twenty-first century.
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fanofawesomethings · 6 years
Blue Hands
Another commission for @bixbitesmeepmorps and her delightful Gemsonas.
This fic is connected to the Blue Diamond and Bixbite picture
Bixbite had gotten used to crossing the countryside at high speeds whenever she and Onyx visited Wheat Town or Beach City for Steven. Because Onyx ran at her fastest speed possible, usually to show off to the magenta Gem, Bixbite never really had enough time to admire the scenery as she’d like to, but she’d never tell the impatient Onyx to slow down. But at last Bixbite had all the time to admire the vast plains that surrounded her forest, watch them pass by below her feet. The Lapis carried Bixbite by her arms while the pillars made of water walked great distances with each step like spider legs. As long as she’s known the Lapis, Bixbite remembered the blue Gem prefers walking as her method of traveling rather than flying like the other Lapis she knew. It was slow comparably, to be sure, but the Lapis didn’t say they had a time limit, and Bixbite didn’t mind having the time to watch the land either.
           The pillars that supported the two Gems were mighty yet delicate. With such huge legs, able to cross large gaps of land in a single step, Bixbite did not expect to see there was no trail behind them, not even watery footsteps. She looked behind and saw the water touch the ground as though it was air and then absorb the water that touched the ground, leaving not even a single snapped twig behind them.
           “How many Gems are going to be there?” Bixbite asked.
           The Lapis struggled to speak. Carrying Bixbite and walking with the water, it seemed, occupied most of her concentration and made it hard for her to carry a conversation for very long.
           “I’m not sure. Before I left my—Hessonite said we were aiding an escort mission to Earth but she—n-never said how many. Just that it was—extra—important,” said the Lapis. In her paused the pillars of water ruptured as though a stone was thrown into them.
           “Who were you escorting? Golly, it must be someone really important to need an escort,” said Bixbite wondering what kind of Gem it might be though she didn’t know much of the Gem hierarchy.
           “Someone—who—hoo—needs it,” panted Chest Lapis. “We’re almost there, okay.”
           They dipped, falling from their elevation for a split second before returning. Bixbite knew then the Lapis wanted to cut the conversation short.
           The two Gems came upon dipping hills over the horizon with the biggest one of them all was being a mountain overlooking the land. Even far away, Bixbite saw something resting at the tip of the mountain and as they got closer she saw a large object, colored blue and glistening against the sunset because of its metallic frame, and the Lapis climbed up the side of the hill, panting with her tongue hanging, Bixbite saw two figures standing outside it. Gems! New Gems, Bixbite exclaimed in her head.
           “I’m—I’m here—” The Lapis panted. The pillars collapsed with a splash and she and Bixbite fell to the ground abruptly.
           “Welcome back, Lapis,” said an Amethyst. Her muscles and structure matched Onyx’s and so Bixbite was immediately entranced her before the other. Gem on the upper part of her left arm, her hair was long and curled like ocean waves at the ends. Her demeanor read cockiness and ready to find a fight, and when she saw Bixbite trembling shyly like a deer she bulked her muscles. “Who’s this?”
           “Oh…hello, I’m Bixbite,” Bixbite waved awkwardly until she got over her enamor. “I’m an old friend of Ches—Lapis.”
           “You found another Gem on this planet? There wasn’t supposed to be another one? Oh geez—this wasn’t supposed to happen. Or was it?” The other Gem whose voice cracked from perpetual nervousness was dark green and a particular Gem Bixbite was curious about because she turned her back to the rest of them while she fiddled with a projection screen. Puffs of white were around her collar, under a spherical head and a single green eye. Her Gem was her navel and it matched the greenness of the rest of her skin.
           The screen the Gem looked up brought a tiny list that Bixbite read over her shoulder. It detailed by its length but that was sadly all Bixbite could make out—she was illiterate, at least in Gem language; Steven had thought her a bit of English but even that was too much for her sometimes. There were pictures which made it easier but the green Gem soon noticed Bixbite’s nosy eyes and hid the screen.
           “Okay…let’s see. Arrive on Earth—check. Scan for possible Gems in the area—check. Meet with the others is the next step. I suppose we did out job by scanning for Gems…but were we supposed to actually find one? I-I thought that was routine,” shivered the Green Gem.
           “Calm down, Nephrite. Bixbite was a survey Gem on a drop ship that flies near Pink Diamond’s moonbase. Her ship accidentally left her stranded,” said the Lapis, lying as she said before.
           “Yes! Exactly that! I thought I could help you Gems out before I get a ride back,” said Bixbite; she had a harder time lying.
           “We could always use another Gem and Bixbite can fight,” said the Lapis.
           “Oh? I haven’t had a good fight since we left Homeworld,” said the Amethyst pounding her fists together, the force of their collision Bixbite could almost feel. Bixbite felt scared.
           “Remember the mission, F10!” Nephrite squeaked. “We were supposed to meet the rest at the rendezvous point before this planet’s dark cycle!”
           “Can it, will you, we’ll get there,” said the Amethyst. She patted Bixbite on the top of her head, as she was taller than the magenta Gem. “We’ll throw down when we get back to Homeworld, cutie.”
           Bixbite blushed.
           “Who are we meeting at the rendezvous, Nephrite? The entire trip from Homeworld you haven’t told us anything,” said Chest Lapis.
           “It’s because I don’t know myself! You think if I knew I’d keep it you myself!? It’s stressful keeping information! And I’ll tell you what’s even more stressful: not being told mission objectives!” The Nephrite blurted out. “I mean, I thought the Diamonds trusted me the most out of all the other Nephrites in my Cabochon…but they didn’t tell me anything! Me!”
           The Amethyst and Chest Lapis rolled their eyes. Nephrite folded herself and muttered under her lips, anxious in every sense of the word. Bixbite who felt sympathy for the pathetic Gem put her hand on her shoulder.
           “Maybe the Diamonds will be even more impressed when you finish the mission. And it will be better because it’s a mission you don’t know much about! I bet that would be pretty impressive,” said Bixbite.
           The Nephrite wiped her single eye, a tear that wet half her face, and she smiled back at the magenta Gem.
           “Y-You’re right! This must all be a test! Yes a test! By giving me little information the all-knowing Diamonds put the odds against me but I will prevail and finally rise up the ranking!” Nephrite proclaimed with vigor.
           The Amethyst nudged Chest Lapis’ shoulder, whispering to her. “I like this new Gem.”
           “Alright, everyone, let’s be off! We weren’t told much but what we were given was a signal. If we follow it we’ll find the Rendezvous, no doubt,” said the Nephrite, a lot cheerier which made Bixbite smile from ear to ear.
           Bixbite had only known two Gems ships: the one she was made on and the Gem ship hovering over the mountain. Both varied in size and the ship she entered was yet another variety of ship that challenged her notion that all Gem ships are as massive. Outside the ship was fairly small yet the inside gave even the Amethyst who was the biggest of the group enough room to stretch her legs, and at the far end beneath a wall were the controls; Nephrite pressed a button and the blank wall suddenly showed the outside. If Bixbite hadn’t been watching the window she would not have known the ship began to move—the ship’s take off was nearly silent and impossibly still. With another button pressed the ship was on its way.
           Chest Lapis pulled Bixbite to the side.
           “You should ask Nephrite about Corruption first. But you have to be sneaky about it,” whispered the Lapis.
           “I don’t think I can be sneaky. Can’t you do it?” Bixbite whined.
           “They think you’ve been here longer than I have. If I got attacked by a monster I would’ve told them already. Just do the best you can.”
           The Amethyst noticed the two Gems in the corner whispering, though they weren’t at all discrete about it.
           “Hey, purple, what kind of Gem are you anyway? Don’t think I’ve ever seen a Bixbite like you on Homeworld,” said the Amethyst. “Or a Bixbite at all. What’s a Bixbite?”
           Before she could make up one lie, Bixbite suddenly found herself having to make up another lie, on the spot no less.
           “I’m a new kind of Gem—an experiment!” Bixbite spat which was true, making it easier on her.
           “A new Gem type!? Fascinating! You must let me examine your Gem once the mission is complete!” Nephrite wailed in excitement but not able to look away from the monitor.
           “After I was made I was put on that drop ship…but…but…we’re been orbiting the area for a long time so I’ve never been to Homeworld,” said Bixbite, her smile was as timid as the rest of her.
           The Amethyst chuckled eyeing Bixbite. “Maybe I’ll get to be the first Amethyst to fuse with a Bixbite,” she whispered.
           Bixbite hid how flush her face became at the comment. The Lapis cleared her throat to get her magenta friend back on track which she stumbled to do.
           “While I was on this planet something attacked me,” started Bixbite and the Amethyst was immediately interested. “It was like a weird monster and it has a Gem! It was Corrupted.”
           “Corruption?! A-Absurd! No one has ever been Corrupted since before Era 1. I-It must’ve been a mistake,” said Nephrite.
           “It was! You know about it, Nephrite, is there a way to fix Corruption?” Bixbite inquired.
           “Certainly not! A-At least not any I know of. Information like that would be entrusted to Aquamarines or maybe with just the Diamonds. WHOA!” The Nephrite screamed suddenly, startling everyone, especially the Amethyst who nearly jumped out of her Gem. “If I report back to Yellow Diamond about a Corrupted Gem on Earth she’ll definitely give me a merit! She’ll uncorrupt the Gem and gain another one in her court, and I might even get a Pearl!”
           “You really think Yellow Diamond can heal a Corrupted?” Bixbite asked.
           “Not from Homeworld definitely. The Diamonds can do everything and there isn’t a Gem around who doubts that,” said the Amethyst who had regained her tough exterior. “They’d be shattered if they did.”
           “That sounds unfair to shatter someone who doesn’t agree with them,” protested Bixbite and the other crew reacted with a start, but the magenta Gem who knew nothing about the Homeworld was confused as to the strangeness of her words.
           “That’s just how things are on Homeworld, Bixbite. But it’s not all bad. The Diamonds keep us safe and they help us win on the planets we go to. Not to mention it’s because of them that we were made,” said Chest Lapis in a royal side to her that Bixbite had not met the last time they were together.
           “L-Let’s not talking badly about our SUPREME DIAMONDS RULERS! OH HOW I LOVE TO SERVE UNDER THEM FOR THEY ARE THE WISEST BEINGS IN ALL THE KNOWN UNIVERSE!” Nephrite raised her voice darting her head all around like she was lookin for something that Bixbite couldn’t see.
           “You still think the Diamonds listen in on us?” Chest Lapis asked mockingly.
           “Better to be safe than shattered,” said the green Gem.
Finally the blinking dot on the controls which up until them remained silent made a noise. And over the horizon above, hidden amongst the clouds of that evening, was something that Bixbite couldn’t see because of its mass at first glance, but as the ship broke through the clouds she saw a gargantuan arm at least a thousand times bigger than the biggest arm Bixbite had ever seen on anything. Her mouth was agape and she quickly grew nervous the closer they got because the arm’s shadow eclipsed their ship.
“That’s the ship we were supposed to meet?” The Amethyst asked, anxious, slamming her hand on the controls to snap Nephrite out of her trance.
“This can’t be right? Why is she here?” Chest Lapis gasped.
           The Nephrite couldn’t move or speak.
           “What’s wrong?” Bixbite asked without knowing she would soon regret asking, among other decisions she made that day.
           “That’s Blue Diamond’s ship,” said Chest Lapis, words that drove a spike in Bixbite and the Nephrite’s Gem. “No one else can use it but her.”
           The last Gem Bixbite expected to meet—out of her wildest imaginations of the kinds of Gems she’d meet going with the Lapis—was a Diamond. Bixbite only knew the Diamonds from other’s view of them and thus the image she conjured for them was powerful beings capable of things she could never comprehend; she wasn’t ready to meet one. With all her might she wished the ship would suddenly slow down or that the giant arm would float away from them, or she’d be suddenly thrown off the ship and land safety in Onyx’s arms in her forest, but the ship did not slow down in its approach nor did the arm move away, and Bixbite was very much cemented on the spot she stood on. Chest Lapis saw the dread on her friend and pulled her aside; her face was close to breaking into tears.
           “I’m so sorry, Bixbite, I didn’t know this would happen,” sniffled the Lapis. “The Diamonds never come to Earth—I thought we’d be meeting an Aquamarine or something!”
           “No it’s okay, I wanted to come here even though I didn’t know what was gonna happen either,” said Bixbite trying to calm both the Lapis and herself. “What are we gonna to do?”
           Bixbite had faith her friend would think of something and she did almost instantly which kept her from crying.
           “Once we land in the ship you need to separate yourself from us. The ship is huge, plenty of people can get lost if they aren’t thinking. Once you get far enough, find an escape hatch. I’ll tell them you wanted to wait for your manager on your own,” explained the Lapis.
           “What about finding out about Corruption?” Bixbite asked remembering her objective.
           “I’ll ask anyone I can and then I’ll meet up with you at your forest. Do you think you can find your way back?”
           “I think so.” Truthfully Bixbite was unsure, but she had discovered her visor has many uses that are still unknown to her. Perhaps, she thought, one of could be a way to find Onyx.
           The ship ascended straight up and Bixbite could feel it all of a sudden, but it was her own overshot nerves tricking her body. Her stomach aching from the anxiety, she closed her eyes and opened them when she heard metal doors closing. The others disembarked but Bixbite found herself rooted. Bixbite swung her hand desperately trying to find Chest Lapis’ to hold; without her friend there, Bixbite doubted she’d even make it the first step outside.
           Her first view of the blue inside of the massive ship was an equally massive hallway. An elongated stretch, she couldn’t see the end, it had its own horizon, and the ceiling was miles above her head. Bixbite began to imagine what sort of Gems the Diamonds had to be to have a ship with such high ceilings and long corridors. She had no time to be awestruck; the Lapis pushed Bixbite to the back of the group and then the blue Gem ran to the front.
           “What do you think Blue Diamond wants from us?” The Lapis asked as a means to divert attention away from the back.
           “It could be anything. No Diamond has returned to Earth since the Gem War,” said the Nephrite, rather sporadically. “But there have been reports of Gem activity on this ‘abandoned’ planet. Perhaps they need us along to help them find the lost Gems!”
           “Whatever they want I just hope I get to punch something. I haven’t had a good fight since me and my squad took out all those squishy things on this one planet a while back,” said the Amethyst.
           “Oh yeah, you didn’t tell us about that mission. F10. We got some time before we get to Blue Diamond’s control room. How about you tell us what happened to pass the time?” The Lapis asked, signaling to Bixbite.
           Bixbite froze before her next step. The Amethyst began her story and she was incredibly loud and detailed about the experience; Bixbite wondered if Chest Lapis knew she was going to tell the story that way. Cautiously and watching the group the entire time, Bixbite walked backwards with her face forward and when a great enough distance had been achieved, she at last started running. Bixbite whipped her head back at the group of Gems which was still within sight and they wouldn’t be for some time, but a turn into another corridor at last gave Bixbite the chance to disappear. She took one last look at the Amethyst and Nephrite to see if they actually didn’t notice her absence, and when they didn’t appear to, she started running full sprint.
           Uncertainty loomed everywhere for Bixbite even if the vast hallways she ran through were barren. Periodically she’d stop and listen in on the area for anyone and when she heard nothing she continued, but when she checked again and started running, Bixbite heard the faintest noise and immediately stopped in her tracks. She had all but blocked out the bad memory of her entrapment on Alabaster’s ship and how much she was deathly afraid of being caught there too, but being on a strange ship with who-knows-who around the corner, Bixbite thought she couldn’t be too cautious about anything she heard. But what Bixbite was looking for throughout her running she did not know.
           Bixbite came upon a room with blinking machines and boxes. Like all the rooms she had passed before everything inside was blue, except that room came with a window, one large enough for her to squeeze through.
           “This is it!” Bixbite proclaimed to herself. She balled her hand, bracing herself, and then punched the window shattering the glass. The shards fell beneath the clouds.
           Crouching on the windowsill overlooking a seemingly endless fall, Bixbite was no longer certain about her means of escape. Suddenly she heard something coming, footsteps and they were growing louder; Bixbite had no idea where they came from as she just heard them suddenly when they were only inches from the room. Yet still Bixbite hesitated to jump because she could not see the ground. The steps, faint claps, came closer until finally a Gem strolled by the doorway and saw Bixbite perched on the window. It was a Pearl; blue in all part of her body from her hair which covered her face to the veil skirt around her waist, and when she spotted Bixbite the Gem gave a small gasp.
           “What are you doing up there? Who are you?” The Pearl asked, her voice like the quietest sigh.
           “I’m…Bixbite,” the magenta Gem answered out of impulse.
           “Bixbite?” The Pearl whispered.
           The magenta Gem took one last look at the Pearl. “Bye.” Bixbite allowed her body to slip off the windowsill and plummet.
           Wind roared in her ears and slapped her face but Bixbite didn’t dare open her eyes to see it all. Any moment she would feel the ground and then the massive pain that would come from falling from a great height, and when it didn’t come fast enough Bixbite thrashed around with anxiety. Once Steven had told her he had the power to slow down his decent and float and in her mind Bixbite wished she had the same power, but she searched herself for any hidden surprises and found nothing of use to her. One minute turned into three and then into five minutes and so on without an end; it almost made Bixbite wish she’d just hit the ground already. But when she at last bumped into something while her eyes were still shut she still gave off a startled yelp.
           The next thing Bixbite felt was the ground. Her eyes burst open and she saw the purple and blue setting sky and then she felt grass under her hand. Bixbite never thought she’d be so happy to have grass stuck in her hair, but while she enjoyed the sensation of solid earth, a voice disrupted her relief.
           “Ow! What was that?” The voice groaned.
           Bixbite stood upright but it wasn’t enough to see the figure in front of her. She needed to tilt her head all the way up an abysmal blue cloak to the hooded head towering above her. The figure turned around; Bixbite was surprised to see tears in the giant’s eyes and a Diamond-shaped Gem on her chest. It was Blue Diamond.
           “What are you supposed to be?” Blue Diamond inquired looking down at the Gem who was too dumbfounded to speak.
           The one being Bixbite wanted to avoid was standing before her. It was too much for the small Gem who only knew stories of the fearsome Diamonds and was not at all prepared to stand before one so suddenly. Bixbite didn’t know what to say or do but all she knew for certain was she couldn’t run or hide while the Diamond was staring at her.
           “I asked you a question. Speak,” said the Diamond impatient without a response. Bixbite got scared.
           “B-Bixbite,” she mumbled.
           Blue Diamond examined the magenta Gem, paying attention to the single Gem on her hand.
           “I’ve never seen a Bixbite before. What are your identifications?” She asked. Bixbite didn’t have the slightest idea what the giant Gem asked for and when she didn’t respond, Blue Diamond drew closer, a step that sent vibrations up and down Bixbite. “What are your identifications?”
           Bixbite knew any more stalling would only incur more impatience in the Diamond and could potential bring anger, anger that could lead to her being shattered.
           “I…am…an experiment Gem…f-from the Gem War,” said Bixbite and when she started to speak the rest came out more easily. “I was made on a ship without a number…and I’ve been on a cargo ship since the War.”
           Blue Diamond scooped Bixbite off the ground like a handful of candy to look at her closely. Bixbite remained still. She became lost in the Diamond’s massive eyes, powerful and deep but also wet from the tears that had not yet completely dried; Bixbite never felt such an overwhelming sensation of subordination whilst meeting her sight to the point where the magenta Gem felt compelled to bow in front of her.
           “Another relic from Era 1. When she was—” Blue Diamond trailed off as her voice weakened. She dropped Bixbite, abruptly, and turned back to what she was doing before Bixbite appeared.
           All Bixbite saw in front of Blue Diamond, which she guessed was what had her attention, was a bottomless crater. Next to it was another crater only with a bottom, and pipes leaking water and debris as though whatever was once there was picked up suddenly and taken away.
           “This leads to it—to the object of this world’s destruction. We’ve come to claim it,” said Blue Diamond to herself but Bixbite thought she spoke to her. “If only her planet could be spared.”
           Bixbite heard sorrow in Blue Diamond’s voice and instinctively she approached to comfort her. “Whose planet?” She asked. To her surprised Blue Diamond answered.
           “This was before your time. Pink Diamond. She was—shattered—on this world.”
           Onyx had once told Bixbite about Pink Diamond though it was very little. Pink Diamond was the lowest of the four Diamonds, comparably, and Onyx had never met her but she heard stories of her. None of Onyx’s stories mentioned Pink Diamond was shattered and it came as a shock to Bixbite; she concluded it must’ve happened after Onyx was poofed.
           “I’m sorry. I never met her, what was she like?” Bixbite asked and again she was surprised Blue Diamond responded.
           “She was caring and happy. She loved her Gems. But now…she’s gone.” Blue Diamond whimpered. “You should leave this planet.”
           “Yellow and I are here to extract the geoweapon in this planet’s center—the Cluster. If you do not wish to be shattered you must leave with me.”
           Blue Diamond turned and started towards something that Bixbite had not noticed because she’d been focused on the Diamond. A pristine structure with legs like the Lapis’ water legs—a palanquin.
           “Wait,” Bixbite finally spoke, “do you know how to cure Corruption?”
           Blue Diamond turned to her. “Corruption?”
           “A Gem I found here was a monster. I wanted to know how to cure her.”
           “Do not joke with me. No Gem survived the Gem War. Remember your place, your ignorance of Gem culture will not be an excuse to speak so informally to me,” scoffed Blue Diamond.
           “F-Forgive me, m-my Diamond?” Bixbite addressed her unsurely and even wondering if what she said was the correct way to speak to a Diamond. “But I’m telling the truth. I saw a monster with a Gem and I wanted to know if I could help her.”
Blue Diamond stopped and turned to Bixbite with a disgusted glare.
“I warned you to not lie. Corruption has been and will always been the punishment we give to maximum offenders. Rose Quartz was one but we obliterated her and her Gem allies here on this planet. Enough talk of this or I will leave you on this planet to get shattered!” Blue Diamond’s voice roared shook the rocks on the ground and every bit of the magenta Gem. Bixbite had never been so frightened by another Gem.
           Blue Diamond took a step onto her palanquin, a structure that had enough room for the giant Gem and still had a space for Bixbite to ride in. On the arms of the Diamond’s chair she pressed buttons that caused the legs to lift off and the structure hovered.
           “Hurry up,” said Blue Diamond.
           Bixbite didn’t want to keep going, the burning determination that first allowed her to go with Chest Lapis without Onyx kept her from obeying or running away. Never did Bixbite think she could meet a Diamond who definitely had all the secrets to Corruption than anyone else in the universe, and when she finally did she fought against her fear to speak. Nothing mattered to Onyx more than healing Plume Agate, a goal that Bixbite shared, and she wasn’t about to let the opportunity to find an answer go.
           “I need to know how to heal a Corrupted Gem!” Bixbite shouted.
           Blue Diamond rested her hand on the arms of her chair, exhaling to calm her voice.
           “Are you questioning my orders?” Blue Diamond inquired.
           “I have a Gem that I bubbled. A Plume Agate! I need to know how to cure her! Please!” Bixbite pleaded.
           “There hasn’t been a Plume Agate since the War. You’re lying.”
           “I’m not! She was the captain of her squad of Off Colors, she needs your help, please!”
           “You disobeyed my order to not lie and yet you still do. Goodbye.” Blue Diamond pressed the last button and her palanquin took flight towards the arm in the sky.
           “NO! WAIT!” Bixbite cried holding her arms over her head as though she could catch the structure that ascended faster than a hawk, but she couldn’t.
           The blue palanquin and the blue Diamond who sat in it disappeared into the clouds. Suddenly the clouds blew apart as though an explosion scattered them to the distance—the explosion was the giant arm taking off and vanishing over the horizon.
The clouds settle like spooked cows after the tremendous force and the sky was still. Bixbite crumbled, paused, distraught, and then she began to cry. She let her tears fall because her hands pounded the ground to release the frustration building in her stomach. Suddenly the fear Bixbite felt towards Blue Diamond became anger, fury, resentment, but she didn’t hold onto it for long. Bixbite wondered what she was going to say to Onyx.
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