#how i basically see lawlu
ghostdoodlen · 10 months
3am thought
Lawlu is basically Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit.
Silly, goofy boi, now equipped with gear 5 giving him the full power of a toon. Extremely affectionate, unconventional and an adorable smile. He pulls and no one has any idea how he did it??
Handsome and serious doctor man who is somehow almost in a different genre but falls in love with said goof CUZ he's funny. Definitely gives off 'Ew. Go away. I only love my husband'
"Seriously, what do you see in that guy?"
"He makes me laugh."
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honeysocksp · 1 year
Doodling - Lawlu HS
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Hhhhh I don’t even know how to start this post really—
This is basically a love letter to @naturecalls111 and their Lawlu high school AU. Such an incredible AU and so well written take a visit if you just enjoy art in general frr!
For this art you’ve got Luffy drawing on Law’s hand. I do this all of the time personally. I did it today just for the purpose of doodling on my hand and I feel like Luffy would too even if he’s not very good at drawing.
Uhhh Nature (i think it’s okay to call you that?) if you see this I really like your art a lot. :) it’s so well made and the anatomy is just perfect imo! The backgrounds that you draw are breathtaking. You’re so creative 😭💖💖 I dunno what else to say really I have too many good things to say about your art in one post hdhhhh.
ANYWAYS I know that this isn’t my best art piece ever but I tried I swear— this also counts as my @lawluevents 10 days of Lawlu entry for today since I don’t have time to make anything else and it’s the free day. :)))
Drawing requests are open in my ask page if anyone is interested. I’ll take any ideas. 💖🌝
p.s ignore the mistakes I don’t have enough skill to fix them. I need to study anatomy.
Oh also
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A little test for a different lineart style while I was bored. Of course they’re there hhoskdjfkrk.
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writing-in-sin · 7 months
LawLu fic idea: Grim Reaper x Sun God
I still have a very long way to go in terms of catching up with One Piece but I know the bare gist of some of the things in the One Piece-verse. I dont have a concrete plan yet for this idea but basically its like this:
I know that fans usually make Law as either the Moon God or human priest to Nika in a past life but I've always liken Law to Hades or the Grim Reaper. But thats usually after seeing some potential in likening Law to Davy Jones
Partly because of his Surgeon of Death nickname (doctors are not only tied to life but also death after all) but also because of the Op-Op no Mi's spatial manipulation and of course, the whole immortality thing
Which is how this idea came to be, wanting to see the tragic romance between the Grim Reaper and the Sun God.  
I dont know yet what name the Grim Reaper had gone by in contrast to Luffy's Nika but tentatively, I think I'd use 'Suya' which comes from the japanese onomatopoeia 'suyasuya', meaning 'sleeping soundly' or even 'Shin' which can from 'Shinmiri (solemn) or 'Shinigami (Death God). Heck, maybe it coulda been 'Water' since it was mentioned to be his 'true name'
So, like the Gum Gum fruit, the Op Op fruit is actually based on something thats very much NOT mortal but no one knows about it because no one has ever awakened it to that point or they died before they could even reach that possibility
But when Law eventually grows stronger, he'd unlock his abilities and becomes The Reaper to Luffy's King. Like Davy Jones, the sea has now become Law's watery grave to rule over
well, thats all i've got for now. if you've reached the end, thanks for liking my rambling!
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
that pudding card is GORGEOUS i love her so much she doesn't deserve to be a part of op discourse leave my girl alone she just needs love
Pudding is such a complex character! I love her so so much! She really means the world to me. Honestly, her whole story is completely relatable and the fact that it's basically used to parallel Sanji's doesn't help. It just makes everything hurt more. I could talk about her for hours and how misinterpreted her character is due to fandom discourse and the recent wave of "puritanism" within the internet.
I'm not gonna get too into fandom discourse because I hate it and I already have horrible experiences about it in this fandom (with Lawlu, specifically), but... I find it stupid. Her character has so many layers. She's just as complex and traumatized as Sanji. That's... That's quite the whole point? She made mistakes and has mixed feelings and different types of personalities due to her past and trauma responses. She made mistakes. Sanji made mistakes too. The only damn reason why people don't forgive her is because "she hurt our little meow meow <//3 She's so evil!!! Evil woman!!!" as if they wouldn't forgive her character right away if she were a MAN. Like. Misogyny who??
Anyway, I think it's pretty obvious people don't like Pudding because of obvious misogyny and overprotection of Sanji. Which is understandable because I'm also very intense when it comes to him, but damn... He would not like it if he knew y'all hate her for her mistakes.
Also, people only talk about her to say "she's a great character but her age gap with Sanj-" why does it always have to be about Sanji? Let the girl be her own character. Have you hear of the Bechdel test? No? Perhaps you could try it? Her character is obviously created for Sanji, but she's so much more! Let her escape!!! From the hands of patriarchy and men!! That being said, the whole discourse about their age gap is... Just... So fucking stupid.
Don't go cancelling me right away. I'm just saying that when it comes to stuff like age Oda doesn't seem to be very... Consistent? He's made mistakes before. And the Charlottes are a very huge family. I'm sure not even Oda knows the order of these children, lmfao. I think he would only say shit like "Katakuri is one of the oldest and Pudding is one of the youngest idk. Just made her one of the youngest to match Sanji's backstory of being one of the youngest". But leaving that aside-- Maturity never equals age in a show that's... About pirates... Where everyone has different experiences with different social surroundings... It's just like the Lawlu discourse, damn. You have to know the characters before saying crazy stuff like "Law would groom Luffy" because HOW??? HOW WOULD HE DO THAT??? That's basically impossible. And you need to think about the characters before assuming things. And Sanji and Pudding? Leaving aside the age difference, Pudding has more power over Sanji and that's noticeable. Does that even matter tho? They understand each other on the same level after all in the end. Tbh I couldn't tell about the age difference. I thought they were the same age ngl. Only found out bc I saw the discourse going on and my first reaction was "This is fucking dumb". Tbh their relationship is one of the healthiest I've ever seen for Sanji. We see him being himself for once without being extremely creepy. The whole arc about him losing himself is about a girl loving him for who he truly is. And the whole arc about a girl being judged for being different is about a boy loving her for who she truly is. It's so beautiful!!!
Anyway. Not the point. The thing is that people hate Pudding for... Absolutely nothing? Not knowing how to read complex characters? I still don't get it. Perhaps it's just that my mommy issues are too harsh and I can see through her but damn.
Ana also the whole thing about erasing Sanji's memories? People hate her for that and calling her... Selfish??? Did you not... Watch the scene... Of her crying because she lost the only person she has ever truly loved. But whatever. Call her selfish.
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cosmicatta · 1 year
"I could tell you about canon moments that made me love them, but I could also list a very extense number of things that I’ve just mostly made up myself, including the way I personally interpret those canon moments. "
I would love to hear about those !
Oh my oh my, I hope I don’t overwhelm you with my nonsense, anon, but here I go! ❤
One thing that has always interested me about lawlu is the fact that they seem to be opposites, yet you can draw so many parallels between them. In a way, they really are Sun and Moon, contrasting but, at the same time, more alike than you’d think at first, and inevitably nurturing each other. Together, they create this perfect balance of freedom and logic, light and darkness. They make each other grow, and I think this is especially noticeable from Law's perspective, because Luffy is exactly what he needs: honest, kind, blunt, and so loving. He gives Law the chance to be better and show who he really is, he insists that "Torao is a good guy" despite his reputation of being cruel and terrible. This is the chance that I don't think Law even believed himself to deserve. He probably still struggles to accept that kindness, seeing that he's so determined to deny their friendship, even after proving many times in the past that he cares about Luffy, through his actions.
Their relationship intrigued me from the very start, but what really sealed the deal for me was (unsurprisingly) the Dressrosa arc. You can see very clearly there how much they mean to each other, in many different levels:
They have both seen each other at their worst moments, and yet neither of them ever took that vulnerability as a proof of weakness. Quite the opposite, they see the other's pure strength and power in their resilience, and choose to act as support for that strength. Law was there to save Luffy’s life in Marineford, when he didn’t have his crew at his side, and Luffy is also there in what’s probably the most climatic point of Law’s journey, taking down Doflamingo. Luffy has said it before, that he owes Law his life, but at this point Law is also seeing Luffy as a savior. He is the ray of hope he’s desperately needed all his life, and that’s why this moment specifically hits so hard for me:
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Law knows he’s the one who “dragged Luffy into this fight”, even explicitly saying so himself. He tried to break the alliance in order to protect the Strawhats from Doflamingo, he feels responsible. But this scene here is much more than just basic decency or honor, this is him putting all of his trust in Luffy, allowing himself to have faith even if he says he doesn’t believe in anything anymore. This is so big for him that even Doflamingo notices, he seems surprised that Law can still trust someone so much. And he knows Law is important to Luffy too, which is why he mocks their friendship to rile Luffy up (see this post).
There is mutual trust, mutual understanding and mutual worry.
In this sense, I also really like the fact that they always stand as equals. Not only because they are both capitains of their own crews, meaning that there is no internal hierarchy between them, but also because that’s just how they treat each other. Even if they’re both kind of selfish and arrogant sometimes, they respect each other very deeply.
I don't know, I could go on for hours, I just think there's so much to say about their dynamics, they are so interesting together, the way they function as a duo is very unique within the series.
I will try to resist the urge to come back to this post to add more random thoughts because I don't want to be too intense :'') But thank you so much for this question, anon! ❤ I always love every opportunity I get to ramble about them!
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minniiaa · 6 months
I think my endgame fanfiction where I tell my own life stories through LawLu will be the one about my college boyfriend who was a drug addict. We dated for 2.5 years and about 2 years in he overdosed for the first time and I took him to the hospital and watched him basically die and come back.
I broke up with him 6 months later after spending that time pleading with his family to send him to rehab and my family even tried to help by paying for him to go to therapy.
I came to the realization that there was no more I could do for him. I was fucking 20. My love wasn’t enough for him to want to live. Actually I didn’t really even love him anymore I had grown to hate him for what he was putting me through. But I wanted to help him. In the end I broke up with him.
5 months later he died.
I’m not sure when or how the hell I am going to be able to write this. But it’s been 8 years and I can look back and see things in a new perspective after years of blaming myself.
It just feels like this story won’t be gratifying for readers because the ending = death. I struggle with this in all of my stories bc the whole point of this is that there was no happy ending in the real world.
I’m going to write it for myself nonetheless and it will probably be long but if anyone has input on the idea of a ‘story with a tragic end’ then let me know.
I will inevitably make it at least gratifying with the person finding peace but still conflicted. I personally think there is beauty in the journey that leads you to coming to terms with death. Just not sure most people are open to reading that sort of angst.
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shima-draws · 1 month
Apart from Sanlu and Zolu which other pairing do you like within the one-piece universe? And how did you get into one piece?
I'm a HUGE multishipper at heart so honestly I like just about everything. FAVORITE ships tho besides Sanlu and Zolu are Lawlu, any combination of Luffy/Zoro/Sanji/Law, Namivivi, and Frobin!! Other ships I really like are Kobylu, Usokana, Saboala, Yamace, Sabosan, Namicari, Namicarrot, Mishanks, Corashanks, Zorokiku, and the East Blue polycule c:
As for how I got into OP--one of my closest friends showed me the animated video of Ado singing Backlight as Uta and that had me like 👀👀👀 Basically it was Film Red that served as the introduction to One Piece for me. Also I have a few mutuals that are really into it too so seeing lots of fun OP art come across my dash eventually got to me LOL
I started watching the actual anime before I watched Film Red, but it was maybe like 5 episodes or so. So really Film Red was the beginning of everything :"D
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chenziee · 1 year
Princess Monster: Extra
For @cosmicatta!! All credits for this AU and Monkey D. Ola go to her! (Please check out her amazing art and fics <33)
Here we go, an extra fluffy, very lawlu extra to the main story <3
As before, KEEP IN MIND this story contains MPREG (mostly implied in this one and you are still more than welcome to use your imagination!)
[ Read on AO3 | Main story | Ko-Fi ]
By the time Chopper finally managed to force everyone out of the room to get the new parents and Ola some peace and quiet, Law had to say he was goddamn exhausted.
And it wasn’t because they had survived the birth of a whole new human just hours before.
“Torao, are you okay?” Luffy asked, poking Law’s side when he didn’t immediately react.
“I feel a headache coming,” Law groaned finally. “And stop poking me.”
Luffy laughed quietly. “Sorry. But you know…” he trailed off, making Law look at him questioningly—and he startled at the look Luffy was giving him. There was a soft smile on his face and his eyes carried so much warmth and love that Law wasn’t sure what to do with it, what to do with himself.
Thankfully, Luffy didn’t give him time to dwell on it when his face split into the widest, brightest grin and he continued, “You look really happy.”
Law blinked, staring at Luffy for a moment but then he clicked his tongue and turned away. Inadvertently, his eyes fell on the crib next to the bed; on the tiny human who was sleeping there soundly, completely unaware and uncaring of the loud party that was already going on on the Sunny’s deck.
“Shut up, Straw Hat-ya,” he said finally, but he couldn’t fight the smile that pulled on his lips.
If Luffy noticed, he didn’t say anything. He only snickered, shuffling closer to Law; so much closer that he was basically sitting on Law’s lap as he snuggled into his side, with Law’s hand automatically going around his shoulders to pull him closer. 
They were quiet for a moment, both simply watching Ola as she squirmed a little bit before settling into her blanket once more, not waking up.
“She’s so cute, Torao,” Luffy said then.
Law hummed in agreement. “She really is. For now. We’ll see what we think at 3 in the morning a week from now.”
“Torao, why would you say that?! And you always tell me not to ruin the moment,” Luffy huffed, trying to sound scolding but betrayed by the way his voice shook with amusement.
“I’m just saying.” Law shrugged, a smile of his own on his face as he pressed a kiss to Luffy’s temple.
“Would you want another one?” Luffy asked quietly, his voice full of innocent wonder and Law groaned.
“Seriously? Straw Hat-ya, she was literally just born,” he replied.
At that, Luffy giggled, the sound light and happy and so very sweet. Yeah, Law was still in love with this idiot…
Which didn’t mean he wanted to think about having another child right now.
“Okay, okay! I get it.” Luffy laughed, pulling himself away from Law. “I’m hungry, I’m getting something to eat.”
Law hummed noncommittally, glancing at Luffy while he stretched his achy body. And when Luffy leaned in, Law saw no reason not to oblige him. Smiling into the kiss, Law had to wonder how the hell did they even get to this point. It seemed like a month ago that they met again on Punk Hazard and now they were here, kissing in bed while their newborn daughter slept in her crib.
It was honestly kind of insane.
“I’ll be right back,” Luffy announced once they separated, pressing one last quick peck on Law’s lips.
And then he was gone, lured away by his growling stomach and Law sighed, closing his eyes momentarily and taking a deep breath; the sudden quiet was strange, but welcome—how long would it last? He was sure Ola was going to wake up soon…
Suddenly, the door burst open again.
Law stared with wide eyes at Luffy, who was standing in the door with stars in his eyes and drool on his lips while he panted lightly. “Torao!! Sanji’s making barbeque!! What do you want?!”
Law huffed; of course it was about meat.
“Doesn’t really matter,” he replied with amusement as his lips curled into a smirk. “You’re going to eat it all anyway.”
“Will not!” Luffy cried in protest before slapping a hand over his mouth, his eyes turning to Ola to check if he didn’t wake her up. Law was almost proud of him for that.
“Sure.” Law laughed and shook his head. “Just bring me whatever, I’m starving. Also coffee.”
“Okay~” Luffy drew out. “What should I get Ola though?”
Law blinked. He stared at Luffy blankly for a moment—he hoped Luffy would somehow understand exactly what Law was thinking in that moment. But he supposed that was too much to hope for when his opponent was Luffy.
Luffy, who was only looking at him with an innocent, completely honest look on his face.
Taking a deep breath, Law willed his voice to stay as calm as he could make it when he finally opened his mouth. “Don’t you dare feed her any meat. We’ve been over this.”
Luffy tilted his head to the side with a pout. “But she can’t get strong without meat…”
“She’s not even a day old,” Law dead-panned. “Try it and I’ll cut your dick off.”
“Fine~” His pout only grew larger and he didn’t look convinced in the least but Law didn’t have the willpower to care anymore.He was going to watch him though.
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I never participate in these things but well, there's a first for everything lol
tagged by @sandwitchstories
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you ask with the title that most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I'm going to do this because all my titles are boringly hilarious 😂😂 It will be only wips that aren't published yet (I have more wips that are published on ao3 which I need to continue but I'll concentrate on wips that haven't seen the light of a day yet). All these fics are something I started and one day might finish XD I'm dividing the list by fandoms because there are too many 🤷‍♀️
Fairy Tail:
and there was one bed - new gratsu fic; you can imagine what it is about 😂
Slayers mating - gratsu idea that is somewhat written in the form of an outline and some scenes are actually written; I have no idea when I'll finish it 😅
gray is secretly a vampire - crack fic where outsiders decide Gray is a vampire and rumors spread like wildfire, pure humor; I'm pretty sure I saw some post on tumblr and had an idea
gratsu natsu knocks on the door - I'm pretty sure the title is a pun to the opening scene of my only multichap gratsu fic, A Sham
kushina lives AU - exactly what it says, I'm working on it on and off every now and then; while Kushina lives, Tsunade is actually the main character, collecting kids just like old ladies collect cats 🤣
seals naruto au wanting to keep the fox in - tbh this is basically just an idea in form of an outline and a few written snippets scattered around; don't really know if I'll ever write it completely
naruto timetravel 1 - this was actually supposed to be team 7 boruto timetraveling to naruto canon before that timetravel filler arc in boruto ever happened. sadly, I never tried to finish it
naruto timetravel 2 - naruto and sauske's consciousness from the future appear as flashes of memories/dreams to naruto and sasuke of the original naruto canon timeline before they graduated academy
kamui raw bondage - a kakaobi kinktober fic I never got around finishing, it was supposed to be a companion fic to my I've patched up the scrapes in my heart
One Piece:
LawLu stranded on an island AU plot - so this is one rare outline instead of a fic lmao (I never do real outlines 😂)
ofmd crossover - had an idea for a crossover but never finished it.
DFO/canon - tbh I don't even remember what this is supposed to be beyond DFO, but what I can see from a fast scan, it's one of the rare outlines lol
baku deku unconventional A/B/O - it's unconventional because it's alpha/alpha pairing; an old idea that I never got to finishing
genderswap au - ah this is one of the oldest wips in the fanfic folder; it's not so much of a genderswap as much as genderswap characters come to the canon through a portal; very fun
DabiHawks mermaid au - a discord drabble I wrote for a prompt and saved to finish one day
Other fics:
FT x DA:II crossover funny - just like it says: crackfic crossover of fairy tail and dragon age 2; Fenris is sure Natsu is a rage demon 🤣🤣🤣
Josuke'a accidental time travel adventure - I had a craving for Josuke time-traveling to part 3 and there was none to read. gasp. but then one day a fic with a similar premise appeared on ao3 so I read that instead of finishing my own XD
FuruSawa fic - an ace no diamond oneshot that just needs a satisfying end (which I need to write so who knows when I'll finish 🤣)
Shiki x Weisz - eden's zero fic just as title says XD
I still have a few more docs but those are literally a few sentences and I didn't bother to list them here
I don't think I talk with enough ppl to tag as many as I have wips lmao so I'll do just a few. feel free to ignore the tag if you don't feel like doing this XD I had fun typing all this and this post is not counting my original wips 😂
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crystalcatgamer · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tag by @havenotwillnotreadthebooks, lo, Kefi!
How many works do you have on AO3?
122 🎵 I’ve orphaned and deleted a few along the years, though.
What fandoms do you write for?
Uhhhh. Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (ORV), Boboiboy, Jujutsu Kaisen and more. Currently really, really fixated on One Piece though I haven’t written fic yet, but am cooking so much toxic doomed brothers food (Donquixote Bros)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Vis la goddamn DSMP phase always going to be my biggest mark in the world. Excluding discontinued fics and stuff I’m not happy with anymore for now…
Run, run (Here comes the boy) 1415 kudos
May the odds (Be ever in your favour) 1203 kudos
There are days where I don’t know the person in the mirror (And there are days I don’t care) 1161 kudos
Hold you in my hands like hot tea 1155 kudos
Knowing I’m safe cause you want me 1052 kudos (A sequel to fourth place!)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every single comment I can, though sometimes I might miss some! I’ll catch them months later lmao. It’s always fun to chat with ppl about what’s in my fic
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back. This is an ORV fic, doomed Doksoo (beloved) and since it’s canon compliant… yeah. ‘Twas full of angst that came from love.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The deep blue of summer nights. This was a cute ORV fic born of me wanting to write Secretive Plotter’s birthday being celebrated by ABFD, SWK and Uriel! They’re my fav rare dynamic
Do you get hate on fics?
I think the closest I got was some discourse on my DSMP fic? To be expected, and it was cleared up soon enough!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I did like years ago lmao, tucked into the depths of the internet. Definitely not on main, for this is a family friendly account sir. It was fun in a way but also I hated writing it most of the time??? More of a reader than a writer I would say. As for what kind… while, I wrote what I liked ☆
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I HAVE THREE (3) CROSSOVERS AND THEY’RE BOTH WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN. Maybe I’m more insane over JJK then I thought I was. In my defence they’re easy to cross. Okay so basically my craziest one is this ORV X JJK one (Something blue, something new) in which I wrote the ship Kim Dokja x Gojo Satoru because I was commissioned to
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and I hope I never do!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but as long as people ask first I’m always open to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A FNAF fic I wrote with Kefi (the one who pinged me for this game): Many vegetables, one soup, and a work full of original poems with @thenamelesshaven: You are made of the sea and the stars (and one day you are going to find yourself again)
What’s your all time favourite ship?
[glances at my art gallery] Recently, LawLu from One Piece and… Sharron/Maric from Lord Of The Mysteries
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
We Shouldn’t Be This Kind Of Tired At Our Age! An ORV fic featuring Yoo Mia witnessing Yoo Joonghyuk’s changes with every turn!
What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhh. Being able to churn out stuff at the speed of light. And writing angst (lol)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually having a proper outline, ehe. It’s why I usually write one-shots.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uhhhh I? Might do it some day? I’m just a bilingual guy who barely passed Chinese. It’s cool when other people who know what they’re writing about do it in their fics tho.
First fandom you wrote for?
Ehe. VIS LA BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA (MY HERO ACADEMIA) but the fic’s been orphaned to the void ✌🏻
Favourite fic you’ve written?
Woah. Tough question, scrambling for it… this one! when I look in his eyes, well, I just see the sky. It’s a Black Butler fic I wrote recently for Whumptober (2023), Elizabeth Midford centric! I love her a lot <3
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My Headcanons For One Piece Characters Sexualitys Because I'm Gay and Refuse To Believe These Fucky Pirates Aren't Queer Too: Sponsored By My Bestfriend Who Planted The Idea In My Head:
Luffy: Asexual and Demiromantic (basically as Aro/Ace as I can get him except for those moments when I see really cute fan art for LawLu)
Zoro: sword sexual and also Trans ('cause why not, I can see it)
Nami: Bisexual and Demiromantic, preference for women (girl just loves money and who can blame her really?)
Usopp: Also Bi with a preference for women and probably not Cisgender
Sanji: "Straight" but really a closeted Bisexual (with, let's be real, a lot of fuckin issues regarding the gays™ and in general) and also EVERYONE knows it except him
Chopper: pronouns are Dr/Baby and I refuse to go anywhere past that (I don't care how old he is TECHNICALLY, he is an 8 y/o CHILD and also a literal deer so I'm not touching it)
Robin: A Bisexual queen (and is probably pretty kinky, she's good with her hands after all)
Franky: Nobody knows, if anyone asks he just says "I'M SUPER" probably Pan
Brook: Omnisexual and probably not Cis, idk what's going on there
Vivi: Lesbian. Yup.
Ace: Ace and Biromantic
Jinbe: Asexual and Demiromantic (I don't ship him with anyone, but I don't think he's fully AroAce)
Law: Also Ace and Demi for the same reason as Luffy
Doflamingo: so flamboyantly Queer he's circled back and became straight again, homophobic
Hancock: Demisexual, obviously
Perona: Pansexual or a lesbian, idk
Mihawk: gay, he just has the vide
Crocodile: deeply in the closet and homophobic
Moria: vampire grade homophobia
Iva: do you even need to guess?
Sabo: 🎶Bi Wife Energy🎶
Yamato: AHHHHHH, MY LOVE🥰💖💘💝💗 ..... what was I talking about?
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lawluenvy · 2 years
need to write these ideas down before i forget so i can maybe write them someday and tbh if anyone else wants to take a crack at these i would also love to read that so prompts for everyone i guess:
1. zhongchi fic: it's the final battle against celestia, traveler's visited all nations etc., and childe is one of the casualties - in fact - the most devastating of casualties to even the traveler. also extremely upset, zhongli ressurects him as an adeptus
2. lawzolu punk rock band au: brook (lead guitar)/law (lead guitar), robin (bassist), nami (lead singer), usopp (keyboard) and zoro (drummer). nami, usopp, and luffy have been best friends since forever so luffy is their groupy from the beginning. when zoro joins the band early on (he's a weirdo known for playing with three drumsticks and has his drumset custom made to do this lmao) luffy is instantly Smitten and they immediately start to have a Thing (which Nami disparages Luffy for of course but puts up with it under Robin's advice) then maybe a year later after Brook leaves the band for a solo career (no hurt feelings, they agree to part ways as brook wants to take his music in a new direction but they stay under the same label The Franky Family and support each other) they hold auditions for a new lead and that's when they meet and hire Law. turns out Law and Zoro had a past from kendo and Law's basically here to get Zoro back but refuses to admit it even tho Zoro and Luffy and everyone finds out and Knows but he's really good and everyone likes him so they look past the tension, hoping that since Luffy and Zoro are dating Law knows not to over step. however, Luffy notices that Zoro isn't fully over Law either, but doesn't mind as he realizes that he's really starting to like Law too. then bam. something dramatic happens and they all get together. maybe like... Luffy finally deciding to confront Law about it Law realizes Luffy's really hot when he's angry and kisses him. Immediately Law freaks out and apologizes and runs off and then Luffy talks to Zoro and blah blah who knows yet but they all get together. for the record, Law would audition without the knowledge that Zoro and Luffy are together. but he finds out immediately after he gets in cuz in celebration and excitement Luffy jumps onto Zoro and kisses him and Law's like shit but doesn't wanna back out now. he's still gotta pay the bills and he needs gigs.
it also works as a just zolu or just lawlu as well. i just think poly is more fun. everyone should know the only acceptable resolution to a love triangle is polyamory, duh
basically the idea for this fic started with seeing punk law fanart on twitter and DYING and not being able to stop thinking about how hot he is and then imagining a straw hat band and then thinking oh shit zoro should be drummer cuz he's got the arms AND how fun would it be to make him known for three stick style LOL i love it it's so great (in my op)
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xamaxenta · 2 years
What are all your favorite op ships? And what ones are hard no?
Honestly I ship all of the WBP with Ace excluding Pops (And Teach but honestly man was never a WBP anyway the traitor!!!)
But yea MarcoAce is my number one for sure I just need to figure out how to draw Marco consistently and then we gucci - MarcoAce is 👌🏽 hits that spot for me, the older more mature one hesitating in falling in love but the younger one Ace chasing them pursuing them actively
Like the whole firecracker chasing the old bird? LOVE IT!!!!!
Big fan of LawLu and CobyLu both are veeeery cute anything with Luffy is automatically super cute
Also Corazon and Bellemere for happier modern Aus ❤️ they are cuties bc I love Nami Nojiko and Law and Lami being siblings
ThatchIzou theyre the longest relationship on the moby, married and everything and Ace goes to them for advice on Marco and how to ask him out awwua ThatchIzou is the sexy couple ok i love em
NamiVivi as well like Nami the cat burglar has a PRINCESS wife? The vibes are immaculate here such a powercouple
Ofc FrankyRobin/Frobin i love that funky cyborg man and his equally funky archaeologist wife, they’re that couple you envy for being so adorable and in sync
Deuce/Ace is a new one for me one I didnt expect because Deuce didn’t really appeal to me, Until I drew him and oh man I got it bad for Deuce now and I think they would be very SHY together like first love holding hands and BLUSHING BECAUSE ITS SO LEWD
SanjiZoro (yes) you read that right, I think zoro is a bottom bitch and sanji tops - purely for the fact I like changing the norms up with super popular pairings like them - Sanji gets to feel more idk in control? Like I personally feel Sanji would struggle with loving a man and all the toxic masculinity stuff he cornered himself into, bottom sanji isnt a bad thing and i like the fight he always goes through in letting zoro take control but YOU KNOW WHAT they switch I like healthy zosan sanzo whatever ignore what i was trying to say lol - Omega Zoro tho sets me on fire i love it so much
UsoppSanji - very cute ok I think they are like a basket of kittens - although ZoroSanjiUsopp is UH GREAT??? Usopp thinking he’s not good enough but these two bearing down on their sniper king like YEAH YOURE HOT AF BRO its very bromancy but they also hold hands together and kiss USOPP HAS TWO HANDS
But also Usopp and Kaya is just sweetness
Some pleasure ships that I’m not embarrassed about and love very much haha:
Shanks/Ace, Rayleigh/Ace, Jinbe/Ace, Sabo/Ace or specifically Marco/Sabo/Ace
Not for Me ships
Smoker and Ace, i get it I Really do it so be like that but :/// idk I’ve never been very into Smoker, My gf is obssessed with him🤣 maybe im having lingering hard feelings bc he steals my girl everytime he shows up…. Im kidding Smoker just aint it not when MARCO EXISTS HELLo??? (I also think post time skip Smoker is ugly, his pre timeskip design is wayyyy better)
Sanji Ace - again i totally see the appeal, I also love the idea of all the strawhats having a crush on Ace but thats it just a crush - idk I can’t see Sanji doing one night stands or long distance relationships - he seems like the kind of guy who needs daily affection, love and affirmations and Ace can’t give that to him imo, i think theyre cute and compatible but because of Sanjis nature i dont see it working out, and I dont like long distance relationships due to originally trying so hard in one myself and basically getting neglected (im not saying im projecting but Sanji probably would feel the same, not that Ace is neglectful but it takes time to send letters and travel to see each other on the grandline) - SO TLDR; definitely cute but not for me
- Hard no ships - I dont really have any? Love is love and love what you love haha but I gotta say
Anything with Teach - is he even paired with anyone?
Doflamingo with either Cora or Law is frankly upsetting - he’s a horrible person and I can’t personally see how he’s attractive, he’s repulsive and seeing noncon stuff with him and Law or Crocodile etc is gross
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wizardyke · 3 years
regarding lawlu: theres a 7 year age gap admittedly (post-ts luffy 19 law 26), so if that alone skeevs you out i understand. but theres also a point where law puts himself in danger by saying that theyre equals, so thats how he canonically sees their power dynamic. plus im p sure luffy is actually stronger than him cus protag privilege, but either way theyre both captains and both adults post-timeskip (i used to ship them pre-timeskip as well when i was like 18 so i understand people that age who still do, but most people i know only ship it post-timeskip) and theres also a lot of respect for each others power in their canonical platonic relationship.
there are people that twist it into the typical "top/bottom" "seme/uke" dynamic tho which is :/// but you get that with any big slash ship. and personally im wary of people in their mid-20s onwards who still ship it pre-timeskip (luffy 17 law 24) so if youre still interested (or regardless i guess) id suggest you also give them a wide birth.
anyway hope this helps ^^
THANK YOU!! this was very indepth i appreciate it <3>3<3<<3<3
one piece is very good with its diverse ages in its cast but along with it you have to be careful abt romance n ships lol but then again ,a large majority of the fans think luffy "pulled" boa and zoro/robin are basically canon
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Why is shanks/buggy so underrated in this side of fandom? It’s much more loved in Japanese one, one of the most popular for shanks. I feel like this one prefers other mlm options for him and I don’t get it. It got better after OPLA I think but still. Sorry for my English!
Oh! This is actually such an interesting question. I was talking about this the other day and I came to a conclusion with my friend about this. Basically, there are a lot of things to take into consideration here. The screentime, the age of the characters, the chemistry, how they're perceived by the fandom and canonically, etc etc etc.
The first thing I thought about was the screentime, honestly. Shanks and Buggy grew up together and they have a deep bond, however, we've only seen that through flashbacks (one in quite literally episode 8 of the anime, another one in Wano that isn't even about them and they're just side characters in this flashback, and in chapter 1082 of the manga. But it's not even a proper flashback because we already saw that when Shanks talks to Whitebeard about Buggy, it's just Buggy's interpretation of it) and we only have like one scene of them together that isn't even two minutes long. So, quite obviously you'd think "well, the ship isn't as popular as other ships because they barely have any screentime" and I think it's correct but also not quite. And also, this would also have to apply to the Japanese fandom at the end of the day. Fandoms don't give a single fuck about screen time if the chemistry is right, really, but there's always this factor, y'know. Lawlu has less screentime than Zolu and yet it's more popular somehow because people absolutely love their dynamic. Then, if you stop to think about it, both Satosugu (Jjk) and Soukoku (Bsd) have the same dynamic and concept as Shuggy, but they're by far the most popular ships in their fandoms. They're basically the same ships but Jjk and Bsd give them proper development and story because they're shorter series. One Piece is a long show and we still have many things to see, even if we know it's gonna end soon, so I guess that we'll still have to wait to see more of Shuggy. Once we do, I'm sure it'll become more popular. Also, Shanks' personality is very diverse because he's all mysterious and all, so I kind of understand why people don't want to make content because they still don't have him figured out.
But then again, screen time isn't really the problem. It's just one of the factors. If they had more screen time, they'd be more popular for sure, yes, but it's not exactly what makes them less popular in this side of the fandom. Otherwise, it'd be equally as popular on the other sides too. The Japanese side of fandoms is different from this one and tbh they often don't take into consideration things like cancel culture and proship discourse or the standard beauty regarding age because they just post whatever they want and scroll past what they don't like (god I fucking wish we were like that because I am so done with these things). Besides, isn't Buggy like a very beloved character over there, aside from Oda's favorite? At least from what I've seen, they take his character way more seriously than this side of the fandom does, honestly. And it bothers me because he's such a complex and great character, and people never see it because they use him either for memes or to keep saying "omggg turns out the clown is hot!! Can you believe I want to fuck a clow-" yes, Samantha, we know you want to fuck the clown. It's not weird. It's not new. Do you even like the character, at least, or you're just using him to say how kinky and quirky you are? (And I don't even care about the sexualization of characters because, again, fictional characters are fictional characters and you don't have to take everything so seriously. I have tons of characters I don't like that much but only stan because I find them hot and that's alright. But damn, it bothers me sometimes).
Anyway, with this, I wanna say that there are other things to have in mind when talking about this.
Recently (I know it's not exactly new but in fandom years? Recently) there has been a huge thing surrounding the term "old men yaoi". People are so down bad for middle-aged men and they see two of them together and they instantly go "omg they're soo married" but that's- That's it? That's just it. They don't even ship them, they just find the concept of older men hot because "omg he's such a dilf" and they want to fuck both of them. But they never end up doing anything with it. They try to be so groundbreaking like "ohh I am SO woke by shipping these two old men! See? Breaking stereotypes!" because both irl and online, age has always been a very stigmatized thing. Apparently you can't be in a fandom if you're older than 25 because then you're weird, and if there's an actress older than 50 she's instantly useless for the industry.
What I want to say with this is that most people in the fandom are young. They're young and they like attractive, young, hot people and they don't want old, unconventionally attractive men. They don't want them unless it's to give a "hot take" and to be super progressive and woke. Do you know what they like? They like Dilfs. They like Shanks because he's conventionally attractive and good with kids and he's the standard for a Dilf. Because he's hot and mysterious but also silly and quirky and "he's almost forty that is so hot something something daddy kink". And they don't want to see him fucking someone his age because God forbid this man has a personality outside being a Dilf. Younger people in the fandom constantly read y/n fics regarding Shanks because they want him to fuck them and not Buggy. And they can't project in these old men, so they publicly say "oh, Shanks and Buggy are so married" because it's just a fact the fandom made clear, but they don't really like the content. Because liking Buggy sexually, apparently, is just so weird. Or as a character. Nobody wants to say their favorite character is the failguy clown. It's a hot take when you say that Buggy is hot because people keep being all weird about it when... Uh... He's- He's just a clown. Guys. It's not weird. Or bad. Who raised you to think that? God, I find Monet extremely hot and she's half-bird. Could we please normalize these things? They're fictional characters. And also, stop reducing Buggy to his jokes or the fact that he's a clown because his character is GREAT and complex and it just bothers me so much.
This makes me think about this whole "background couple" thing. Which are basically couples that are canon or that are so popular and obvious that people, instead of making content for them (because why would you make content for a canon couple?) just place them in the background instead. There are so many fanfics in which Shuggy is a background couple. Or studies in which, instead of analyzing them, they're used only for parallelisms. This happens with, idk, Saboala? Frobin? Yamace? People don't like couples that everybody agrees on. They don't like m/f ships because they can't be woke!!!!! And queer!!!! (when they easily could but whatever). They don't like ships that everybody likes because!!!!!! They're canon already and why would you write about them???? And so, Shuggy stays a bit more as a side couple instead. For being old and unconventionally unattractive and not having much screentime, but being extremely popular. Not in a "content" way, but in a "knowledge" way. Even the general audience thinks their bond is crucial to the story, c'mon.
One of the differences that this side of the fandom has with the Japanese one, as I mentioned before, is the cancel culture and proship discourse thing. They just don't have that concept. And that's perfect, honestly, I wish we could just scroll past what we don't like too and live peacefully because the discourse is getting tiring. And also you have to admit that, because of the anti propaganda going around, now fandoms have turned into the most puritan thing in the world. Beware! Sex! Age difference between fictional characters that have a consensual and healthy and mature relationship! Oh! God forbid teenagers have sex with people their age! Ohmygodjustshutup. And so, Shuggy isn't a problematic ship. Not even close. But inside the OP world, people do say they are brothers. They keep talking about each other like that, too. And I don't even think it's the typical "we say they're like brothers so you don't think they're gay because they're both guys and guys can't kiss" (I am having flashbacks from the IT fandom). They do have the same parents. Like- We all agree Shanks and Buggy were both raised by Roger and Rayleigh and they consider them, if not their dads, parental figures at least. Right? And you're aware that doesn't make it incest, right? Both things can coexist. Foster families are a thing. Lots of people who grew up together and consider the same people their parental figures end up dating because they don't see each other as siblings. Well, most people don't see it this way and hear the word "brother" and run from it like it's a fucking virus. The Japanese side of the fandom doesn't give a fuck because they're fictional and because they're y'know, not brothers? And even if they were, cancel culture and proship discourse is so fucking stupid to them because they follow the "don't like don't look" thing. But on this side of the fandom, a lot of people see them as brothers and the other half sees them as a divorced couple and apparently nobody knows how to fucking read this manga and have a proper fandom experience without jumping to each other's throats at the minimum disagreement.
So, to summarize: People on this side of the fandom don't like Shuggy THAT much and it isn't such a popular ship in comparison to the Japanese side, because young people don't like older men together, they don't focus on unconventionally attractive characters, are afraid of any little possibility of cancelation, and also, well, Shuggy doesn't have much screentime anyway so there's not much we can do with that.
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ghost-kitty · 3 years
I was bored, so I decided to write down my NS.FW alphabet headcanons for LawLu. Thought I might as well share them here too and maybe you guys want to share some of your hcs too 🥺👉👈
Smut Alphabet, LawLu version:
Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Law: Law knows how important aftercare is and he's prepared okay. He always has everything ready: snacks, fluffy blankets, soothing oils, some of his old clothes; everything. He can get pretty rough so it's important to shower Luffy in love and affection afterwards.
Luffy: He's a little shit, okay? He loves to get spoiled rotten. On most days he just demands cuddles and snacks but taking a relaxing bath with Law is one of his favourite things to do after sex.
Bodypart (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Law: He's pretty proud of his huge cock of course lmaoo but also his hands. What he loves most about Luffy is his face, as cheesy as that might be. And his butt. Luffy has a great butt.
Luffy: He's not insecure about his body so he basically likes everything about it. For Law: he loves his hands too, they always know exactly how to make him feel good. And the tattoos of course, especially the one on his chest.
Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Law: Oh boy, Law loves to make Luffy his cum dump! Cumming on Luffy's face or butt is a huge turn on for him. Filling him up (ass or mouth) - yes!!!
Luffy: He likes the taste of Law's cum, so swallowing it is a clear favorite. He likes to play with it too, he's all for scooping up his own cum to lick it off his fingers. That he drives Law crazy with this is a bonus.
Dirty secret 
Law: Yes, he did use his df to masturbate before. His first blowjob was him sucking himself off.
Luffy: Luffy? Keeping secrets? Nah.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Law: He has a ton of experience with both men and women. However, sex with feelings is a first for him so doing it with Luffy was quite overwhelming at first. He still gets a bit nervous from time to time but he's good at hiding it.
Luffy: No experience until he and Law started dating.
Favourite position
Law: Law loves taking his partners doggy style but with Luffy he really loves missionary and the intimacy of it.
Luffy: He enjoys most positions but oh man, that boy loves riding. Definitely his favorite.
Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Law: He's always been the serious type but Luffy showed him that being goofy during sex can be awesome. 
Luffy: Luffy loves being silly during sex. Lots of giggles. Especially enjoys when he can even get some giggles out of his boyfriend.
Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Law: Like with his facial hair, Law is well groomed down there too. Always trimmed and clean. He has armpit hair and hairy legs too.
Luffy: Hair? On his head, yes. Everywhere else? Nope, not a single hair grows on his rubber body. (Law secretly loves it)
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Law: He can be surprisingly romantic. It all depends on the mood he's in though. But even when he's being rough, he always makes sure to whisper into Luffy's ear how much he loves him. Loves kissing and caressing all of Luffy's scars.
Luffy: Luffy is not really the type for big romantic gestures but he can't deny that he loves it when they have gentle sex. The look of pure love and adoration on Law's face is one he'll never get tired of. He loves the passionate kisses!
Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Law: He doesn't masturbate that often to be honest. Doing it by himself just isn't the same. However, he does have his needs; especially when he hasn't seen his boyfriend in a while. Mostly it's just quick during his morning shower though.
Luffy: Before he and Law got together he never really experimented with playing with himself. Maybe he tried once or twice but it wasn't all too pleasurable for him.
After getting together with Law he does it from time to time when he's missing Law too much. He likes fingering himself, imagine it to be his boyfriend's long, tattooed fingers.
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Law: Very kinky. Law loves all sorts of things. Bondage, sensation play, roleplay, choking, spanking - to only name a few. What he loves most though, is being dominant.
Luffy: He definitely has a praise kink. Luffy loves it when Law tells him that he's doing good, that he is a good boy...
Oh and he has an oral fixation.
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Law: He's not very picky and open to try different locations. If Luffy wants to fuck in public? Sure, why not. Though, as kinky as he might be - his favorite place to have sex is in a comfortable bed.
Luffy: His favorite place to have sex is whereever he gets horny. Seeing Law licking his fingers after eating onigiri in the kitchen? I'm sorry Sanji, just deal with it. Someone tried to flirt with Law on some random island? Better drag him to the nearest alley to suck him off. On top of the Sunny's figurehead? Yes, yes, yes!
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Law: Begging gets him going like nothing else. No really, he's a sucker for it. Also, big thanks to Nami and Robin for talking Luffy into wearing lingerie to surprise Law. His hot boyfriend wearing sexy underwear? Just for him? Best thing that ever happened to him.
Luffy: Sometimes just hearing Law's voice is all he needs to get horny, really. It's mostly just subtle things: seeing Law do that thing with his hands, or feeling Law's gaze on him. 
Law showing off his tattoos works every time too.
No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Law: Not many no-gos to be honest. Just nothing that would really hurt his partner. Being very possessive, threesomes are off limits with Luffy.
Luffy: Pretty much open for everything. Likes to try new things and if it doesn't feel good they can stop at any time. 
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Law: He loves both. Receiving because it feels fucking amazing, and Luffy is very good at it. And giving because he loves it when his partners enjoy themselves. Seeing Luffy coming undone from his tongue is the hottest shit ever! 
Law enjoys giving head as well as rimming, important is that Luffy is squirming underneath him. He has enough experience to know what he's doing too.
Luffy: Loves both too, giving maybe a bit more due to his oral fixation. He's a natural at giving head and his devil fruit definitely helps too. No gag reflex and can deep-throat easily. Very enthusiastic.
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Law: Loves being rough but when in the right mood, Law can be very sensual.
Luffy: Fast pace is definitely a clear favorite. Enjoys slow too.
Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Law: Law likes to take his time, long foreplay and lots of teasing, so he's not really a big fan of quickies. Luffy is though, and Law sure as hell won't say no if Luffy is in the mood for a quick fuck.
Luffy: Yes. All the time.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Law: Yes.
Luffy: YES!
Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Law: He might have some stamina issues with his DF, but definitely not in the bedroom. Seriously, he can last for hours without coming even once. Usually two rounds, but very long ones.
Luffy: Comes pretty fast but can get hard again immediately. Multiple times. Can go for 5 rounds at least, sometimes even more. Has even better Stamina than Law (RIP)
Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Law: He has everything: dildos, plugs, ropes, handcuffs (normal and seastone), cock rings, blindfolds,...
Luffy: Luffy owns exactly one dildo - a gift from Law - and yes, it's an exact replica of Law's cock.
Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Law: King of teasing, no doubt. Loves to tease and could do it for hours.
Luffy: He says he hates it when Law teases him. It's a lie; he loves it.
He's good at teasing too but the thing is that he doesn't even realize that he's doing it.
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Law: Not really loud, mostly soft moans and grunts. Tries to hold back his voice but when he's feeling very good he can't help but moan loudly. Loves dirty talk.
Luffy: One word: screamer. He's very vocal and blunt about how good Law makes him feel.
Wild card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Law: He loves making good use of both their devil fruits! Stuffing Luffy full with his cock and a dildo? Hell yeah! Or even better: cut off Luffy's dick and use it as a dildo! He gets very creative with it…
Luffy: Loves when Law calls him names. From Baby to slut, it just drives him crazy. 
A sucker for kissing!
X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Law: Huge cock. Sorry not sorry, no one can change my mind about this. Big dick Law is real.
Luffy: Average size. 
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Law: His sex drive is pretty average, he can do without it just fine for a long period of time. But he really loves sex and his boyfriend is young and hot so he they have sex fairly often.
Luffy: Law created a monster. Luffy wants to have sex all the time and with his insane stamina, Law has a hard time keeping up with him...
Zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Law: He likes to take a nap after sex. It's when he's most relaxed and his body finally allows him to fall asleep for a few hours. Being satisfied and falling asleep with the love of his life in his arms - that got to be one of the best things in the world to Law.
Luffy: Sleep? No, no. First a snack and then he still has energy for another two or three rounds… but sadly Law is already softly snoring; might as well snuggle up to him and close his eyes for a few minutes. Listening to Law's steady heartbeat is what lulls him to sleep eventually.
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