#how to crochet oval
fifty-ten · 1 year
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happy pride everyone look at what i made (crochet) from discount lesbian-colored yarn
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eringurumi · 2 months
Ancient Hearthian (Outer Wilds) Pattern
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I got so many requests for the ancient Hearthian from Outer Wilds, and they really are so much simpler than the Nomai - but also, my notes and pics are a bit less detailed, and I've been so bad at even getting on my computer lately - so lemme try and cobble this together so anyone interested at least has something to work with!
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Technical stuff: 3mm crochet hook, 9mm safety eyes, Red Heart Super Saver yarn in Jade, probably... but any nice shade would do!
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They start as one long piece that kinda looks like a tadpole! A lot of the shaping is just by gentle smooshing it, but there are a few rows where you increase or decrease unevenly to contribute to it... I'm not even sure how much it really makes a difference tho!
6 sc in a magic circle
inc 6x to make 12 stitches
(3 inc, 3 sc) 2x to make 18 stiches (and a slightly elongated oval rather than circular cross section when looking face on)
(2 sc, inc) 6x to make 24 stitches
9 rows of 24
Add eyes and begin to stuff
Across the "top" of the body (wherever you choose that to be) do (1 sc, 1 dec) 3x, then 15 more sc to make a row of 21 stitches
Again across the "top" of the body do (1 sc, 1 dec) 3x, then 12 more sc to make a row of 18 stitches
From here, it's slow decreases (still at the top) and stuffing as you go:
(1 sc, 1 dec) 2x then sc around to make a row of 16
1 dec then sc around to make a row of 15
1 dec then sc around to make a row of 14
1 dec then sc around to make a row of 13
1 dec then sc around to make a row of 12
2 dec then sc around to make a row of 10
1 dec then sc around to make a row of 9
1 row of 9
1 dec then sc around to make a row of 8
3 rows of 8
2 dec then around to make a row of 6, fasten off and hide tail
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Feet and Legs:
It looks like I really winged it a bit here, so let me try and figure out approximately what I did - the main idea is I think I made a very small tube for the feet, then pulled the tails through to the center, chained into a random stitch, and and did a few chains up and down to give it a short leg, then used those tails as well to sew them on to the body... I'm afraid I can hardly tell what I did for those legs, even looking at it in person, like it might just be a few knots... I am hoping that for here it isn't too much trouble for you to improvise something that works well for you!:
4 sc in a magic circle
3 rows of 4, then close off and pull the tails through the small cylinder, out the center
chain into a random stitch, then into an adjacent stitch,
sc "around" these two for 2-3 rows, to make a short leg
use the rest of the tail to sew onto the body.
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Very messy, possibly blurry.... but hopefully this at least gives a bit more inspiration.
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Ok, again, I apologize, it's not my best pattern, but I hope it will give people a starting point! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you need them, although as I mentioned, I'm not on tumblr much now a days. Don't forget to check out my Nomai pattern here! And as always, give me a tag here or @ erin.gurumi on instagram if you make one! I love to see them!
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FOTH Corsola (Galar form)
Corsola looks so sad 🥺
Ghost pokemon are so interesting to crochet!! This one the spikes are supposed to be translucent and since I can't crochet the air itself I unplied some off-white yarn and made the overall shape of each spike and then frayed some extra yarn to overlay around that for a wispy effect. But omg seeing Galar Corsola as a crochet really highlights how they're like, Dead dead rock bits because the main crocheted bit is just an oval. a pebble 😭
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narcissistcookbook · 24 days
Hello, how round is teddys head? I would like to crochet them a gift !
Teddy's head is wider than it is... uh... deep? long?
So it's more like an oval
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OC Deep Dive
Thanks to @mysticstarlightduck here, @illarian-rambling here,
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs!
I've already done Lexi, Maddie, Ash, and Gwen for this! Let's do another batch of characters!
It was a mistake doing six characters this time, but the time I realized it was getting too long, I didn't want to individually cut two of them. So this is what we got: a very long post. So it's below the cut.
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Noelle - She doesn't like her privacy being violated. She wants to keep her things to herself. She also doesn't like crowds.
Rose - She fears that she'll be trapped forever and never accomplish anything.
Kelsey - Accidentally harming her loved ones, specifically her younger cousins
Robbie - He does worry about losing relationships or being lonely, and not being strong enough to protect those he cares about
Akash - Similar to Robbie, but specifically being abandoned or left out
Hye-Jin - she listens to true crime podcasts sometimes so she sometimes becomes a little paranoid that someone's going to break into her house
Do they have any pet peeves?
Noelle - meandering, not getting to the point, excessive brainstorming, illogical thinking, inconsistency
Rose - whenever someone says something a little rude or inconsiderate, especially if they imply she has done something wrong
Kelsey - whenever she's being forced to do something that she doesn't want to do, especially if they're mean about it (if they asked politely she'd probably have done it!)
Robbie - he doesn't like it when people make assumptions about him that aren't true, or make similar assumptions about others that aren't true. Also whenever someone makes a noise during a test
Akash - someone being disrespectful, specifically being interrupted
Hye-Jin - she really likes being acknowledged for her hard work, so if she works her butt off at something, she at least expects a half-hearted "thanks".
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Refraining from sarcasm.... Ahhhh
Noelle - folded laundry, neat small shelf of books, and a desk where she works on her homework
Rose - sketches of outfits she's drawn taped all over the wall, a dresser with a bunch of stickers on it, and an art table where she keeps her supplies
Kelsey - crochet supplies and some projects she's made for herself, a bunch of books on top of her dresser she can read to her cousins, and an oval mirror on the wall
Robbie - probably a basket of clean laundry he hasn't folded/put away yet, a desk where he keeps his laptop that totally isn't disorganized (he knows where things are!!) and a bookshelf with novels and manga
Akash - a mirror that has stickers along the sides, a small bookshelf of favorite books, and a couple sports posters
Hye-Jin - her pet lizard Luna, many shelves and bulletin boards of all the medals and ribbons and other prizes in the same vein, and a very newly organized desk with a lamp
What do they notice first in a person?
Noelle - general demeanor
Rose - what they're wearing
Kelsey - what mood they're in
Robbie - whatever vibe they give off
Akash - figure/outfit
Hye-Jin - height/how pretty they are
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Noelle - 8/10
Rose - 5/10
Kelsey - 4/10
Robbie - 8/10 (only due to powers)
Akash - 7/10
Hye-Jin - 10/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Noelle - freeze
Rose - fight
Kelsey - flight
Robbie - fight
Akash - freeze
Hye-Jin - flight
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Noelle - no, it's just her and her mom, but she's definitely a family person
Rose - no to both
Kelsey - yes, she lives in a house with four adults and several young cousins, and she is a family person especially for her cousins
Robbie - not really, it's only one sibling and his parents (+Akash) but he is a family person
Akash - if you count the Staffords he has a decent sized family, and he is a family person
Hye-Jin - she also has one brother and her parents, but she's definitely not super close or anything
What animal represents them best?
Noelle - probably an owl
Rose - butterfly
Kelsey - black cat
Robbie - golden retriever
Akash - I feel like a wolf
Hye-Jin - axolotl
What is a smell that they dislike?
Noelle - lavender
Rose - car fresheners
Kelsey - that rusty old metal smell
Robbie - most perfumes/cologne
Akash - y'know how your pee smells after you have asparagus?
Hye-Jin - cinnamon
Have they broken any bones?
Noelle - no
Rose - yes
Kelsey - yes
Robbie - yes
Akash - no
Hye-Jin - no
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Let's pretend it's a peer from school.
Noelle - “Damn, that girl is tall. I'm a little confused on her name, I've seen her respond to Noelle and Carissa. She really stands out, man, but only due to her height, y'know? Like she's kinda plain looking right? And she seems a little distant I guess.”
Rose - “That girl is always drawing something. I see her talking pretty often though. Like she's reserved but not that shy. I think she's really pretty and has a cool sense of style. I wonder what goes on in her head.”
Kelsey - “Who? Ohhhh, that girl. I don't know anything about her. Like, at all. She's always so quiet and doesn't talk to anyone except that girl Maddie. I think she just wants to blend into the background, but that dorky aesthetic makes her stand out. She pulls it off, though. But I can't tell you anything else.”
Robbie - “That Robbie guy is super popular. Never had a class with him, but he seems nice. My friends say he's super smart. He's also always hanging out with Akash, so he's obviously nice.”
Akash - “Oh, yeah, that kid. He seems cool. He always has a smile on and is chatting with Robbie. I heard him call his chair Ariel so he's probably super feminine or something.”
Hye-Jin - “You mean Reptile Girl? Oh yeah she's a little weird. She makes straight A's and everyone knows she'll be valedictorian. She's also in a lot of school functions. She is certainly something. She always has her headphones on. I've never seen her talk to someone.”
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Noelle - morning
Rose - night
Kelsey - morning
Robbie - night
Akash - morning
Hye-Jin - morning
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Noelle - as a foodie she refuses to say she hates or loves any flavor because they all taste different depending on how much of it you use in a dish and what you combine it with
Rose - hates pineapple, loves pasta
Kelsey - hates avocado, loves cheese
Robbie - hates pickles, loves peanut butter
Akash - hates asparagus, loves berries
Hye-Jin - hates coffee, loves tea
Do they have any hobbies?
Noelle - cooking
Rose - art, specifically fashion design
Kelsey - crochet
Robbie - depends on what his hyperfixation is; robotics, reading, watching TV, acting
Akash - singing, reading, sketching
Hye-Jin - music, puzzles
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Noelle - even if she can appreciate the effort she hates surprises
Rose - indifferent to surprises, but I think she'd cry if she found out someone planned a surprise birthday party for her
Kelsey - eh, not the biggest fan of surprises, but if it was a low-key party she'd be deeply appreciative
Robbie - LOVES SURPRISES! He'd be so freaking happy to learn he has a surprise birthday party!!!
Akash - also loves surprises, just not as excitable as Robbie about it; a surprise birthday party would be dope but he'd see it coming
Hye-Jin - does not enjoy surprises, even less than Kelsey, but she'd be nice about it; she'd probably just be sad that the person who threw the party doesn't know her well enough to know she wouldn't like that, but would try to keep a bright face
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Noelle - just earrings
Rose - yes!!! She loves jewelery, she just doesn't own as much as she wants; usually goes with a chocker and earrings
Kelsey - yep!! When she's older she may dare to get more piercings
Robbie - is absolutely a bracelets kinda guy
Akash - yes, since I'm counting watches
Hye-Jin - yep! Necklace, earrings, and a couple bracelets
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Noelle - neat
Rose - slightly messy, very loopy
Kelsey - not as neat as she wants but not messy
Robbie - messy
Akash - neat
Hye-Jin - neat and loopy
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Noelle - apprehension and confliction
Rose - hope and longing
Kelsey - compassion and worry
Robbie - protectiveness and excitement
Akash - gratitude and guilt
Hye-Jin - enthusiasm and love
Not sure if these are feelings more than emotions but oh well
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Noelle - idk cotton? Polyester? Viscose? She doesn't care
Rose - she has to pick a favorite??? All??? What garment???
Kelsey - polyester
Robbie - cotton or polyester or denim
Akash - viscose and cotton
Hye-Jin - chiffon
Idk I just picked mainly what I see them wearing
What kind of accent do they have?
I'll provide where they grew up and also their parents or other languages they know that could influence their way of pronouncing certain phonemes. Hopefully that gives an idea. Most of their parents are Alii (weird exceptions, don't make me explain) but I'll give the accent closest to what their accents would sound like.
Noelle - from suburban Houston area but also only with her mom, who has what to our ears sounds like an English accent
Rose - also from suburban Houston area, is bilingual and speaks Spanish (Mexican dialect) at home
Kelsey - from suburban Houston area and parents are also from there
Robbie - from suburban Dallas-Fort Worth area, parents have what is close to English and German accents, bilingual as he does know "Alii German"
Akash - from suburban Dallas-Fort Worth area, bilingual and speaks Hindi with his mom
Hye-Jin - from suburban Houston area, she's bilingual as her parents are "Alii Korean" and speak that language
Damn, that was a lot. Sorry bout that
✨Noelle intro✨
✨Rose intro✨
✨Kelsey intro✨
Other Robbie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, outfit, two truths and a lie, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, fun facts
Other Akash: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, kiss, outfit, fun facts, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, questionnaire three
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo, origin, fun facts, outfit
I'll tag @tabswrites @novel-nook-blog @authorcoledipalo @theeccentricraven @willtheweaver
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Blank questions:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry?Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric?What kind of accent do they have?
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thisisapaige · 2 years
for suptober22 day 10: enchanted
The bunker appeared massive from Dean's vantage point. The library table he stood upon was a vast prairie of finished wood. The lights overhead felt like a thousand blazing suns. The two faces staring down at him belonged to giants. Sam was always huge, but now he was King Kong-sized. Cas really was the size of the Chrysler Building. 
"What happened to him?" Cas's voice rumbled from far above, vibrating the table. 
Dean slid across the surface. Sam reached down and stopped Dean's movement with a hand the size of a turkey meant to feed a family of twelve. 
"He touched an enchanted object while we were cleaning the storage room," Sam said. He walked out of view, his footsteps echoing thunder. He returned with the object in question, a sparking green jewel wrapped in a plaid hand towel, and showed it to Cas. "I told him to be careful."
Dean would have protested, pulled a face, punched him, or something. But that Dean couldn't. Dean couldn't do much of anything. He had a featureless face save for his green button eyes, an oval body, and four rounded limbs in the approximation of legs and arms protruding from it. 
He was a crochet doll. Not even a good one.
Causing a crash and an earthquake, Cas crouched to be at eye-level with Dean. Cas's face was huge, blue eyes the size of oceans, the stubble across his cheeks a forest, and the nails on the end of his fingers resting on the table shining pools of holy light. Dean figured most people would look horrible at this angle, but Cas appeared divine, good. Dean felt like he'd snatched a small, privileged glimpse of the true form hidden under Cas's vessel. It must be beautiful.
On the other hand, Sam wasn't fairing so well from Dean's perspective. He could see right up Sam's nose. Oh, Dean was handing him the trimmer the second he had usable hands.
Cas cupped a hand around Dean's new body, his touch warm, gentle, and tingling with grace. "I can feel his presence. He is alive. Just..." 
"A half-finished amigurumi doll?" Sam sighed. The resulting wind would have launched Dean over the table's edge if Cas hadn't been holding him steady. "How do we fix him?"
Cas held his free hand out to Sam. "May I see that gem?"
Sam carefully placed the object in Cas's hand, the towel covering every piece of exposed skin. Cas stared at it, at the swirling green light in the centre, his brow wrinkling in concentration. He concentrated for so long, Dean wondered if the gem could make time stop, too. He would have that kind of luck. 
"Sam," Cas said, "please stand back."
The resulting booms indicated that Sam followed the command, then Dean's world tipped sideways. Everything blurred as he moved. Dean couldn't shut his plastic eyes to stave off the motion sickness. His yarn stomach lurched and churned, if that were possible, as he ascended up, up, up.
Finally, it stopped, and Dean realized he was safely cupped in Cas's palm. It was kind of nice if he ignored the circumstances. It was similar to lounging in a hammock, if the hammock was made out of fleshy appendages. 
Okay, Dean made it weird.
Ringing filled the room, then bright blue light blotted out everything. The blue became mixed with green, and Dean unravelled.  
While it didn't hurt, it was a strange sensation, like how he imagined a ferret flattening its body to shove itself through the gap in the bottom of a closed door felt. It began with his leg, the yarn stretching and spinning until it was the size of a human's, one at a time. His arms suffered the same treatment until his cotton parts turned into skin, muscle, and bone. The transformation ended when Dean's eyes formed, pushing the two buttons out until they clacked against the floor.
The light faded and the noise ceased. Cas dropped the gem, which skidded under the table, dull, dark, and lifeless. 
Dean's ears rang. His swallowed, his throat dry. Dean's limbs, Dean's human limbs, swung in the air. He blinked over and over again to clear his vision.
Holy shit, Cas held him in his arms, one hand at his back and the other at his knees. Dean didn't try to free himself, didn't want to. Instead, he rested his head against Cas's broad muscled chest. He felt Cas's eyes on him and looked up to meet them, smiling shyly. Dean could swim in that ocean.
"Hey, Cas," Dean said. "Thanks for the rescue." 
Cas tipped his head. "Of course, Dean."
Sam loudly cleared his throat from behind them. Dean and Cas paid him no mind.
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daisyisnotaflower · 1 year
A list of TMA headcanons that came out of a recent brainrot session with my cousin
Jon used to wear glasses but no longer needs to after waking up from his coma
they're small, square, gold glasses. he doesn’t start out with a glasses chain, but gets one eventually because grandma core
Jon damaged his glasses at some point so he taped m up. Then the skin on his nose got irritated because he kept pushing them up
the event that damaged Jon’s glasses may have been: the worm attack (MAG 39), breaking into getrude's appartment or the not!Sasha attack (MAG 79)
in s1 Jon cleans his glasses very often. He always has the little cloth with him, at all times. He cannot stand dirt on the lenses, but maybe more so than that, he thinks it makes him appear put together, important, smart etc. he will often clean them while in conversation with his colleagues, as an attempt to show dominance.
Jon stops cleaning his glasses regularly in s2
Jon does not handle it well if you put them down on his desk wrong
Jon gets a haircut the day before he starts as head archivist and then never again.
somewhere in s3 Jon starts brushing his hair less and less. it gets matted
somewhere in s3 Georgie tried to teach Jon how to sew. he stabbed himself a thousand times and gave up
during Jon’s coma, Martin would often come by and detangle his hair for him. he is so gentle about it. it takes multiple sessions, but when he’s done, he braids it. it’s a fancy braid, too
Jon does not redo the braid, he keeps it as it is. it gets floofier over time, with more loose strands
s2 Jon, Martin and Sasha all regularly put their glasses on top of their head and then forget them, but Sasha especially
Tim’s vision is pretty bad but he refuses to get glasses
Sasha’s glasses are big, gold wire and either octagonal or heptagonal, but with rounded corners. they have the type of lenses that turn blue in sunlight, funky stuff. She has a glasses chain
Sasha knows how to sew, knit, crochet etc. she makes a lot of her own clothing.
Sasha keeps fabric scraps and makes patchwork clothing out of them.
Sasha has a jar of buttons on a shelf. or maybe it's an ordered box with compartments. if it's a box, she made it herself.
Sasha has a shelf full of crafting supplies.
Sasha has a garden where she grows vegetables and herbs
Sasha makes her own strawberry jam.
Sasha loves cooking
Gertrude has those tiny little glasses that pinch onto her nose. they’re oval and silver.
Getrude knows how to knit, but only does it when she wants to look like a harmless old lady.
Elias also does not need glasses, but he wears them to be smug.
Elias’ glasses are small, half moon shaped and gold, He has a glasses chain with little eyes at the ends. they may or may not be prescription. it does not matter to him
Martins glasses are big, round dark blue wire.
Martin has some plushies
Martin mends his own clothes because he doesn’t wanna waste them
Martin is pretty good at knitting and crochet
Melanie dyes her hair blue
in s4 Melanie’s hair dye is faded and starts to grow out.
Melanie wears contacts. They are prescription, but also might be coloured, maybe to work better with her hair.
Melanie stops wearing her contacts in s4, because they are too much work to keep up with and she is not going to leave the archives to replace them, that’s too dangerous. Her prescription is pretty low, so it’s manageable.
as Melanie gets more and more affected by the ghost bullet, her irises slowly start to turn red.
Malanie has sewed some patches to her clothing. she’s also dyed some of it.
Melanie likes to tie her shoelaces in fun ways. She looked up some tutorials online.
Georgie loves sewing while listening to podcasts. the podcasts are mainly about true crime, media and art, and some political stuff.
Basira wears reading glasses. they’re rectangular, black, plastic glasses. they’re pretty cheap, she doesn’t wanna waste money she on glasses she only wears sometimes
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moon-drunk · 2 months
I'm gonna figure out how to crochet an oval tube, even if it kills me. And it might.
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mossfeathers · 2 months
ok chat i dont have time/energy to finish either the bigb or grian dolls before the crane wives concert (i dont know how i want to do eyes/hair) so instead i will be carrying a crocheted bag, a crocheted 3-heart traffic thing (3 green, yellow, red hearts on a white oval w black outline) ON the bag, and POTENTIALLY the scarlet pearl makeship plushie
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expatesque · 1 year
Sweaters, quiet, amber ❣
Sweaters - what's your go to fall outfit? Lately: full skirt (black knit/stiff white/beige cashmere), tight ribbed sweater (taupe boat neck/white turtleneck/chocolate brown mockneck), pin (rust-colored leaf stick pin/ blue and gold oval/black and gold doublet worn together on one side of the sweater), earrings (dangling, either the red glass or the silver-set mother of pearl), kitten heels (cream Aeydes / black Ferragamos), vintage WW2 paratrooper jacket (army green, cropped, wool).
Quiet - how do you relax? Crochet and a video from Rajiv Surendra or cooking while talking to my mom or reading with a candle or hot yoga.
+ autumn asks
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majicart26 · 1 year
🧀 - Heyo, here are some more details on how I made the trimming plushie. I don’t know exactly how well I can explain it as I am still a beginner and I was an idiot and never wrote down a pattern…
🧀 - But, I can still provide some key details and what tutorials/articles I followed! Sorry if I don't get into every part, but I tried to put stuff together.
🧶 - Crochet hook: 1/9-5.50 mm
🧶 - Yarn: (4 - Medium)
I used Double Crochets (DC) throughout the work, so no other special stitches.
For most of the body parts, I mainly used these as reference.
🧶 - Base (I used as a magic circle, so feel free to make it as big or small as you’d like.):
🧶 - Legs 6x:
Create magic ring
Chain 1
7 dc into magic ring (depending on how thick the legs will be)
For the first row, dc 2 into the first stitches (both front and back), and dc 1 into the next (basically dc 2 into every other stitch)
For the next three rows, dc 1 into each stitch (how long the legs are)
Do not close the leg, but cut the yarn to a generous length, and pull the end of the yarn through the last stitch loop.
🥩 - You can now fill it with stuffing and sew it to the base
🧶 - Head
Create magic ring
Chain 1
9-10 dc into magic ring (how thick the head will be)
Same thing as legs, repeat the pattern of 2, 1, 2, 1 dc increases into each stitch for the first two rows
For the next 4-5 (how long the head is) rows, dc 1 into each stitch
Don’t close the circle, but cut the yarn and pull through the last stitch loop
🥩 - Don’t forget to sew the slit eyes and nostrils onto the head before you sew it to the base
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hi, can i ask for a romantic matchup for hsr, genshin, and bsd? thank you! this is quite lengthy, so please take your time as always! (if i didnt already send in an ask??? idk adhd stuff makes me lose attention)
i'm agender, but i can go by any pronouns. shel her is my default since i look like a girl. i'm aroace, but on the spectrum that i can fall in love but it'll be extremely difficult.
zodiac/mbti: virgo, intj, sx/sp
appearance: i'm pretty short, 5’5, fairly olive skintone and phoenix eyes. i have shoulder length black hair, slightly wavy, an oval face, and some sideswept bangs parted from the middle. i wear glasses, silver frames. my eyebrows are pretty thick. i look more cute-sque then anything.
likes and hobbies/interests: reading, writing, crocheting, taking walks, horse-riding, listening to music
dislikes: unhygienic things, people who make life harder for you by doing things like standing in front of a subway station's staircase, and a refusal to understand certain things
personality: i’m passionate and opinionated, individualistic, honest and wears my heart on my sleeve. outwardly and inwardly, i’m very contemplative and reflective, so it tends to give me a more quiet aura and first impressions. sometimes im too stuck in my head. i’m also very levelheaded. realistic, but also very optimistic with it. i’m very considerate of others, but sometimes i open my mouth before i finish thinking. i do acts of service and physical touch, and i try to push myself and others to be healthier people with their permission. im not pushy with serious topics. im the type of person who always gets their jokes taken seriously over text. i give good advice (which i say, because they mainly work out in positive ways) and me and my friends joke around a lot.
thanks again!
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while! I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Welt loves listening to music with you. He finds both the tunes and your presence soothing. He can be encouraged to dance with you, but only to slow songs. He’s not really up for dancing to anything too fast or upbeat.
He admires your honesty and your tendency to wear your heart on your sleeve. He will always do his best to make sure he doesn’t hurt you. The last thing he wants is for you to feel betrayed in any way.
Welt is surprisingly good at helping you get out of your head. No one’s quite sure how he does it but whenever you’re feeling stuck in a loop, he’s there to help you out.
Your tendency to speak before you think is nothing unusual for him. Now, he’s just got another person like March to be around…
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Ayato would love horse-riding with you. I see him as someone who knows how to handle a horse and is surprisingly good at it.
His favourite moments are when you’re out riding together and there’s a soft breeze. It’s relaxing. He loves being able to get away from his duties and spend time with you.
Goes to you whenever he needs advice. He’s used to dealing with things on his own, but now that he has you, he wants your opinion on big decisions.
Please ask his anytime you need advice as well! He’s had years of practice picking the right choices so he’s very good at giving sound advice as well.
If you crochet anything for him, he will treasure it forever. His favourite thing would be a blanket since he could wrap himself up in it when he has to work late. It’s a little reminder of you.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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You and Atsushi would very rarely have fights. You’re both very honest and open people so any problems you have would be solved quickly and easily.
You’re also both level headed which everyone at the agency appreciates greatly. The last thing anyone needs is another people jumping into every possible argument or fight they see.
I think Atsushi would also fall in love very easily. He didn’t really get a lot of love as a kid so any affection means a lot to him.
Please teach him how to crochet! He would love to learn and he’ll make things for you to show his appreciation.
Astushi also loves reading and writing with you. He’d love to have dates where you both read the same book or you each write something for the other person and then gift it to them at the end.
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mrvelocipede · 2 years
Equinoctial Madness
In which I take on a project that is perhaps overly ambitious
I’ve finished knitting the green doily, and I’m working on writing up my thoughts about it, but in the meantime Daughter has become interested in doilies.
“Could you knit me a doily to line my Easter basket with?”
“Yeah, probably. It would have to be rectangular, or maybe oval. What do you think of this one? I have the pattern for it.”
“No, it should have flowers. Look, here is a picture of one with flowers!”
“Hmmmm. Well, this website has some charts. Interesting, it’s knit in multiple units, which are sewn together, and then a border goes around the whole thing. I’ve never made one like that before.”
“Does that mean you could use more than one color?”
“...yes. But—”
“I want it to be spring colors! Pink! And green! And yellow! How many shades of pink do you have?”
(at this stage there is quite a lot of rummaging in boxes, and comparing the available colors of cotton crochet thread)
“So, this is supposed to have nine central pieces, and would possibly end up the size of a tablecloth. Oh, but I see some people on Ravelry have made versions with only four pieces. Ok, that might work...gosh these charts are kind of weird. Maybe the instructions will help.”
the website with the charts: I'm afraid I don't understand the instructions for the second part, but perhaps someone who reads this will contribute the instructions! My copy of the original is damaged at this spot.
“Whee! Looks like I’m winging it!”
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good-prog · 8 months
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(baby) dagon!
I've been wanting to crochet something JJK related for a while, but all my ideas have been too large (i.e., I fear that I will lose interest before getting across the finish line). With this project, I wanted to get more practice drafting my own pattern, but it turned out to be mostly freehanding.
Project dates: 2024/01/04-01/08
Yarn: as with most amigurumi projects I've done, this is just store brand worsted weight acrylic (red, cream).
If I were to make him again, I'd probably exaggerate his cheeks and use bigger eyes in order to make him look cuter/woobier. Also, as crocheted, he's quite top / front heavy. I'd need to make the base wider, push the head back, and/or reposition the feet for support.
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Pattern: freehanded (notes below).
Head: Basically a sphere with local increases for the cheeks (approx 5 sts wide of the initial 42 st row).
Mouth/tentacles: half sphere with tentacles made with 4 ch to length, sc back, sl st between tentacles.
Body: To be honest, I'm not sure about what Dagon has going on for his back/tail, underneath his cloak. I took inspiration from this twitter thread of microcrochet for how the opening of the body is folded and stitched to create the back. (It includes proper instructions for how to crochet your own Dagon, though I'm not familiar with Japanese crochet terminology.) I crocheted a sphere to start, but realized with the "folded" shape that a starting oval would be better. Essentially, it's a bowl (with an oval base instead of the typical 6 st magic circle).
I looked at how crocheters executed the caterpillar "feet" for their own designs, and settled on the popcorn stitch. This video was an inspiration. Originally, I mathed out the body to have relative increases/decreases for segments, but ended up freehanding that section to result in a smooth oval shape.
Hands: Fingers are constructed similarly to tentacles (sc, ch3, 2sl st back). Each hand has 4 fingers spaced by an sc on a magic loop, then is worked in the round until desired length. I added floral wire on the interior for easier posing.
Next steps: Not sure if I want to crochet or sew a little cloak for him.
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Hiiii! I love your moths! If you dont mind, i was wondering how you make them?
Thank you!! \(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)人(●’◡’●)/
I didn't really use a pattern for them, I kinda just made it up as I went along. I think I did explain it in the posts, but I used a pretty regular crochet stitch to make the shapes, then put them together.
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Here's what I did for each moth:
A sphere for the head and an oblong, slightly tapered oval for the body, then stitched together. I sewed two button eyes more towards the sides of the head.
Each of the six legs are short, flat nubs that are two chains wide. I stitched each one onto the underside of the moth's body across from each other.
I used photo references for the wing shapes I wanted to use, but they're generally sort of a rounded teardrop shape. I cut out four wing pieces total for one moth, and carefully hot glued the fabric patterns onto them.
I arranged the wings onto the moth's body with hot glue as well, and glued some furry yarn over the joining point and around the thorax, to hide any exposed glue. I'm sure this could also work with a fuzzy fabric, or even yarn wefts.
The antennae are made with wire and fuzzy yarn. I carefully hot glued the wire in between the yarn (like a sandwich), still leaving a bit of plain wire out on the ends to poke into the head for attachment (with a bit of hot glue). This could also work with other materials cut into smaller strips.
ミ☆ ミ☆ ミ☆ ミ☆ ミ☆ ミ☆ ミ☆
I think that's about it for the steps, sorry I couldn't just link you a proper tutorial or something, but this is what I've got, so hopefully it's helpful in some way :)
Feel free to ask more questions if you need! <|:-)
Thank you again, have a good rest of your day or night, take care!
*:・゚. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/<3 <3 <3 *:・゚.
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aching-tummies · 1 year
Pocket Boy IRL?
It finally happened. I decided to put my other hobbies to use and try my hand at amigurumi to craft a pocket-boy. I've got a few adorable guys already as I experiment with altering the various patterns I’ve seen out there and such. I was planning on keeping quiet about it on here until I made a few presentable ones to share photos of...but...well...I decided to open myself up for suggestions/tips/tricks?
I stuffed the first one with ordinary polyfill after experimenting with altering the pattern to give the little one a bit more of a prominent bulge around the stomach area. Adorable. However, polyfill is just fluff. I wanted to try and come up with a pocket boy craft that would be a bit more tactile. Though...I will say that the polyfill version is adorable and stab-able ^^ seriously, I had waaaaaaaaaaay too much fun leaving the yarn needle in strategic spots on this one when I wasn’t sewing with it.
My next idea was maybe to fill up a balloon with water or oobleck and stuffing the amigurumi with that. I'm worried about 2 things with this method: The possibility of a mess in the event of a rupture (though I am doubling up on balloons) and the possibility of something going off--i.e. mould developing inside the balloon. 
While out shopping, I stumbled upon a new-to-me kind of stress-ball. It feels like matte silicone on the outside and it's suuuuuuuper soft and squishy...but it also seems to have shape memory because as much as I can twist it or squeeze it, it'll eventually return to it's original shape rather quickly. It's a really fun texture, like thinking putty...but in a matte ball. Unfortunately, this squeeze toy was too big for my amigurumi. I attempted to cut the ball to size, but it turns out the entire thing is molten under the matte finish...and the molten mess is basically glue. When wet, it was viscous and sticky. When it dried, it was hard--like hot glue. I experimented with shoving it into a balloon to avoid a mess should the stress ball rupture, but the balloon changed the texture enough and the way it squeezes for that to be less than desirable...but I'm thinking of going with it.
I'm currently in the process of creating a crochet "basket" around the stress ball/balloon-covered-stress-ball...that I can pop the thing into and out of as I wish...and thinking of attaching the other parts of the doll to it and leaving the front open and available for squishing/squeezing. Not sure how that will turn out as I've only just started on the "basket" portion of the craft. It'll basically end up being like a teddy with a different colored stomach, where the oval that is the other color is actually just the stress-ball...framed by crochet yarn.
Putting this up to open up my inbox for ideas. Considering how popular "pocket boys" have become, surely there are other crafters in the crowd that are like me, trying to create a tactile pocket boy IRL for fun.
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