#how to drink noni juice
askwellness · 2 years
Noni Juice is a nutritional Supplement and Health Enhancer. It is a powerful health drink to keep us healthy all time. Noni is known for its powerful fermented aroma and taste. We make with great care. Noni juice is available for everyone. The fruit of the noni has been used medicinally to boost the immune system and detoxify the body.
Relief from arthritis, Enhances digestion, Boost immune system, Strengthens cell structure, Increases memory power, Improves skin condition, Increases energy levels. It strengths the body’s natural ability to fight with diseases and infection. Enhances digestion by facilitating the absorption of more nutrients at the cellular level. Boosts the metabolic system by increasing the energy and vitality. The usage of Noni promotes maintenance of healthy skin. Helps in blood sugar control, and also helps in lowering cholesterol level. Noni can be mixed with any fruit juice or beverages for adding sweetness and good taste. This helps to enhance the performance of all the system of our body. Noni juice has so many organic nutrients.
Ask Wellness Noni Juice Organic https://askwellness.in/product/ask-wellness-noni-1000ml/
Noni is rich in Vitamin A, C, E, B, B2, B6, B12, Calcium, Iron and other minerals like Potassium, Chromium and Sodium. It is processed with high care to maintain its Bio-activity and keep active components intact. noni juice is just a magical drink rich in antioxidants and maintain a positive body system.
Noni supports immune system, fights against diseases and infection, superior anti-oxidant, enhances the digestion, boost metabolic system by increasing the energy, gives hair a natural shine and enhances the performance of all the system of the body. Noni juice is packed with vitamin C which helps fight free radicals and reverse the adverse effects of ageing.
The antiviral properties of noni juice can help one to get rid of cold, cough, fever and body ache. Noni fruit is an excellent source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber. It also improves brain health as it contains antioxidants properties. It plays a big role in enhancing skin health too.
Anyone, young or old can. The benefits are universal and everyone can avail this benefits without any fear or doubts. Adult can take 10-15 ml every morning and evening half an hour before eating and children can use half the above dose.
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Marvel; Not sober
Marvel characters being inebriated
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[Tony] Almost got demolished along with his suit but came out intact. So when he woke up hopped up on morphine he thought he was fine. "Care for a drink?"
"No, and you shouldn't either."
"I, am very thirsty." He said grabbing a bottle off the self.
You took it and pulled him. "Let's have something with no alcohol"
"That's fine. MONDAY, can I get a Tahitian Noni?" That was followed by a 'right away, sir'. If you didn't know better you'd say he wasn't inebriated at all. How the fuck did he say that anyway? Apparently it was juice. "Hey." He said to grab your attention that was already focused on him.
He poked you on the chest. "I love you." It hit you like a sucker punch.
[Peter B] As soon as he got home through the window he reached in a drawer and injected himself. It was unholy and unfortunately not uncommon. "Imma sleep this on off." You couldn't blame him. He'd done this for years so it was down pat. All you could do is help.
"Get in the tub first. I'll stitch you up."
He gave a lazy thumbs up and stumbled to the bathroom. "Thanks babe."
[Scott] He almost always came back unscathed but when he didn't it was bad. So you pulled up to the Pym house to a blissed out boyfriend. When he saw you he stretched his split lip, "Honey." Came out in slurs.
You walked up and he bunched his fist in your shirt while you cradled his face. He didn't flinch when your fingers grazed over his swollen eyes. The tears were only noticed when Scott started to whine, "Why? What's wrong?"
You didn't mean to say it but it slipped out, he scared the shit out of you. "I hate you." It was a sigh out of your mouth, deflated and defeated.
"What? No, don't hate me, I love you." That's what he was worried about, not the fact he almost died. "I want to go home. We still have that cake-pie-thing, right?"
You didn't. "Yeah baby, let's go home."
[Miles] Going to get his teeth pulled wasn't the worst thing in the world. They gave him relaxers to help him with the fear and now he felt like he wasn't on this world. During it you had to tell him not to talk so much while they were drilling into his face. And now he was out of words and just stared at you. "Something on my face?"
"Perfection." Damn. That was quick too. "You got a man?"
Oh, you were going to have some fun. "And if I do?"
"I'd say something that made you think I'm better. Something very clever and smooth."
"Well, I think you already perfect for me." You leaned over and kissed him. He was so drugged out his reaction was delayed.
"Hell yeah."
[Stephen] He was no stranger to alcohol but he had a bit too much, or more accurately more than you and Wong. The cape was all but carrying him to where he was trying to go. "Stop moving, your gonna hurt yourself."
"You should come stop me." The cape was not amused. It grabbed him and flew him over to you, basically dumping him on you. And he just smiled, "Hi."
As much as he was further gone than you you were still wobbly. "Hi." Then you fell asleep holding each other in the hallway.
[Bruce] Science was truly beautiful. [epic poem about science] And to you a few key chemicals bonded in the right way was able to let your boyfriend fully relax. "Feeling okay?"
He sighed heavy in his own body. "What's a word that means better than perfect?"
"None comes to mind." You were perfectly sober to make sure he was okay and enjoying himself. "Perfect is the top. Maybe absolute or immaculate."
"I feel absolutely immaculate."
[Eddie] You would never be able to tell if he was drinking or not. He didn't carry himself different and was just as observant and articulate. You only truly knew when he told you. "Hey babe, can we have potatoes?"
You quirked your eyebrow. "Why?"
"I need to come down before I get a migraine."
You nodded, "Yeah, okay."
[Steve] Due to his insane metabolism regular painkillers didn't work on him so they needed horse tranquilizers, but that fucked him up because they were made for a god damn horse. "Fuck." He drew out the word like he never wanted it to end.
"Potty mouth." You tease.
He was not amused. "God, just kiss me."
"Well, I don't think he can so I'll take his place."
[TASM] "I don't think we should get a pet. Too loud, I'd lose my mind have something that loud so close." Peter was very outspoken when he hard a few. And by a few that meant a lot. So he was shamelessly straddling you on the couch. "And all that hair would kill me."
Every time you would take his conversation seriously. You found out a long time ago he didn't like when you undermined him when he was like this. "I don't want any animals either."
"See? We're perfect for each other." He rested his head on your shoulder and played with your collar. "We should stay together for like, ever."
"I can arrange that."
[Trilogy] He is stoned out of his mind. You offered to shared a blunt on your couch and apparently he had never tried weed before, and with heightened senses it really got to him. "Peter? You doing good?"
His voice was meeker than usual, "I think so." You peeled him from the floor and plop him against you. "I feel… I feel."
You stroked his back. "Good or bad?"
He hummed, "Good."
[MCU] To get hit by a bus and come away with only bruises was insane. And said person needed painkillers while he was recovering. "Why do I have this on?" A lot of painkillers.
"Because you need it." You said pulling his hands away from his bandages. "And I need you to keep them on okay?"
He looked outside and started to get up. "I need to go on patrol."
You gently pulled him down, safe back into his bed. "Stark has it, don't worry." He melted at your touch and you guided his head onto the pillow. "Can you sleep for me?" The answer you got was his eyes falling closed.
[Marc and Steven] Marc's job was not easy. Being a merc is dangerous and almost always ends the same. Marc was used to doing it though, he had the suit. Steven was not very good at fighting. He got mugged when Marc was asleep and they woke up in the hospital. And they almost fought their way out if you weren't there to calm them.
You took them home but had some rules. "Don't. Summon. The suit." The reasoning was Khonshu would hold it over them as a service they needed to pay back. There was no question he knew what was happening and he was there but that wasn't enough for him to ask anything.
"Christ, [Name], it hurts so much." Steven moaned as he tumbled out of bed towards the kitchen. You panicked for a second before getting to work. You grabbed the pills and made him drink it down with water. The medicine seemed to start working because his eyes fell out of focus. "Marc. Marc, I'm scared. Where are you?" Quiet whining.
"Steven, listen to me. Your being so brave. But I need you to sleep now. Can you find Marc?"
Like that he was gone. "Fuck, that hurts like a bitch." You sighed in relief. He was still in pain, you knew that, but Marc was better equipped to handle this. "I'll try to keep us asleep."
You helped him back to bed. "Thank you." He scoffed and pulled you into a kiss.
[Natasha] She wasn't one to get drunk, she liked to drink but no one ever saw her at a point of complete helplessness. So whenever she was in a tizzy after a particularly hard mission she went to you to get drunk because you wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. "You need new kitchen knives."
She was currently laying on the counter, her foot at a strange angle to rest in the cabinet. "I know. I haven't found the time to go out to get some."
"Tony could probably get you some nice ones."
You nodded and sipped your coffee. "Yeah."
[Thor] What else was he supposed to do after returning home after a hard fought battle other than have a feast? You submitted yourself to sobriety to inevitably handle a drunk version of him. "My love, are you not enjoying yourself?"
"I am. But I've had enough ale."
"Then I shall have enough for the both of us." The feast was loud, proud, and unapologetic. And after he fell asleep in your arms while murmuring he missed you. A giant soft bear.
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basuralindo · 10 months
Sorry this took so long! I've been tryna come up with something interesting for you but kept coming up blank. So, wanna hear about some Weird Fruit?
The longer I'm in the mainland, the more I discover that certain fruits I grew up with are either unheard of, or assumed to be completely fictional to a lot of people, I'm sure that varies by region and country, but here's some neat ones that I've heard people be surprised by (putting under a cut because it's long and also big trypophobia warning)
Starfruit: This is what the papu fruit in kingdom hearts is based on, I don't know anything about friendship myths surrounding them, but they are actually star shaped when sliced!
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Poha berries/Lantern fruit: These things used to grow at my mom's house, they're sweet and mild and have a texture kinda like cherry tomatoes, but they come in cool pods and are bright orange when ripe, so they look like paper lanterns!
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Pitanga: These are sometimes mistaken for acerola cherries, but are completely unrelated. They're really sour unless it's at its ripest, but tasty and really neat looking.
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Hala: I've never actually eaten this, I didn't actually know it was edible until recently, but these are an important cultural plant in Hawai'i!
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Very cool looking in general, the long thin leaves have been dried and woven into Lauhala mats for centuries, and nowadays are also used for hats and stuff. But, about the fruit. I used to convince tourists these were pineapple trees because of how the fruit looks when it grows, as well as the leaves being stiff and serrated in a kinda similar way.
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This is how they look on the tree, they're a little bigger than pineapples and ripen to a similar shade of yellow. Other than that, they're nothing alike. (note; pineapples are bromeliads and grow single fruits from the top of a short plant)
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When the fruit is ripe is can break apart into these guys, each segment is fully separated from each other, and attached to a central husk type thing, like so:
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They're super fibrous, so when they dry out they're like paintbrushes
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I used to find these things all over the sidewalks downtown
Noni: I'm really biased about noni fruit, because I hate them. I wish that I, too, had never heard about noni. It's vile. But now I'm inflicting the knowledge onto you. They're supposed to be a superfood and my dad went through much too long a phase of making fermented noni juice at home and making his kids drink it every morning. I'm lucky I didn't get botulism. Maybe botulism just didn't wanna touch this shit either. Fermented noni juice smells like ass, tastes like ass, and looks like sludge, and the fruit itself isn't better. Observe:
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Aside from just being kinda oblong and lumpy and looking maybe kinda like a curse from Jujutsu Kaisen, sure, they're not the worst thing. Kinda neat, if you can't smell them, and didn't have to go climbing trees to fetch these slimy shits with the full knowledge that you'd have to ingest them later. Wanna know why they have all those eyelets?
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They flower like the creepiest little aliens. This actually makes me like them more, but not enough to make up for the sins of my father. Anyway, they're green, firm, and tolerable when unripe, but omfg when they ripen...
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Full fledged curses now. The color of something you'd find dead in a pond. Very Eyeballs. The skin will break with even the slightest pressure, and the meat oozes out in a putrid slime that smells like hell. Fuck
Rambutan: These guys are kinda like big hairy lychee. The shell is also thicker and cracks open easy, I always thought they looked like eggs when you open them.
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nonii12 · 1 month
Navigating the Noni Maze: Unveiling the Best Juice for Good Health and Addressing Your Concerns about Noni Elixir Price and Diabetics
In today’s health-conscious world, the quest for the “best juice for good health” can feel like a confusing journey. Noni juice has emerged as a popular contender, but navigating information about its benefits, suitability for diabetics, and price can be overwhelming. Noni Elixir is here to shed light on these topics and empower you to make informed decisions about your health.
Beyond the Hype: Unveiling the Potential of Noni Juice
Noni juice, extracted from the Morinda citrifolia fruit, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Modern research is still exploring its full potential, but some studies suggest it may offer various health benefits:
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Noni juice is rich in antioxidants, which can help combat free radical damage in the body, potentially contributing to overall well-being.
Immune System Support: Early research suggests noni juice may play a role in supporting a healthy immune system.
Potential Pain Relief: Some studies indicate noni juice may offer mild pain relief, although more research is needed.
Noni Elixir: Quality Matters When Choosing Your Noni Juice
While the potential benefits of noni juice are promising, it’s crucial to choose a high-quality product. Here’s how Noni Elixir sets itself apart:
Sustainable Sourcing: We source our noni fruit from sustainable farms that prioritize organic practices, ensuring purity and potency in every bottle.
Concentration Options: We offer a variety of noni juice concentrations, allowing you to find the right strength for your needs.
Transparency in Pricing: Our noni juice price reflects the superior quality of our ingredients and meticulous processing techniques.
Noni Juice for Diabetics: Proceed with Caution
While noni juice for diabetics may offer health benefits, it’s essential to exercise caution if you have diabetes. Some studies suggest it may affect blood sugar levels. Here’s what you need to know:
Consult Your Doctor: Before incorporating noni juice into your routine, especially if you have diabetes, it’s vital to consult your healthcare provider. They can advise you on the potential benefits and risks based on your individual health situation.
Monitor Blood Sugar: If you do choose to try noni juice, it’s crucial to monitor your blood sugar levels closely.
Noni Elixir: Your Partner in Informed Wellness
At Noni Elixir, we prioritize your well-being. We don’t just sell noni juice; we provide you with the information you need to make informed choices. We encourage you to:
Explore Our Resources: Visit our website for comprehensive information about noni juice, its potential benefits, and safety considerations, especially for those with diabetes.
Consult a Healthcare Professional: Always prioritize the advice of your doctor before starting any new supplement, including noni juice.
Immunity Booster Drinks: Beyond Just Noni Juice
While noni juice may offer some immune support, a well-rounded approach to immune health is essential. Noni Elixir encourages you to explore a holistic approach:
Balanced Diet: Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein to provide your body with the essential nutrients needed for optimal immune function.
Quality Sleep: Aim for 7–8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rest and repair.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can weaken your immune system. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or yoga.
Consider a Variety of Immunity Boosters: Explore other options like vitamin C, elderberry, and zinc, which may also contribute to a healthy immune system.
Conclusion: There’s No Single “Best Juice” for Good Health
The quest for the “best juice for good health” ultimately leads you to a personalized path. While noni juice may offer potential benefits, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consult your doctor, prioritize a balanced diet and lifestyle, and explore a variety of options to create a holistic approach to your well-being.
At Noni Elixir, we’re committed to providing you with high-quality noni juice and the information to use it responsibly. We believe in empowering you to make informed decisions about your health. Explore our website to learn more about noni juice, its potential benefits, and its suitability for your individual needs. Remember, a healthy and informed approach paves the way for a more vibrant you!
This content has been taken from: https://shorturl.at/z7fvA
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nonielixir · 8 months
Noni for Thyroid
A natural food supplement found in NONI aids in the recovery of “sick” cells. Weakened or sick cells are the result of the body releasing natural substances either too much or too little. An adaptogen aids in controlling the body’s release of the substance. He provides an example of how NONI affects the release of the thyroid hormone to further clarify this. Here is an illustration of how an adaptogen functions. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid hormone is produced in excess by the body.
People who have this condition are hyperactive, sweat a lot, lose weight, and are anxious. An adaptogen, like those found in NONI’s ingredients, helps the body achieve euthyroidism, or normal thyroid function, by reducing the production of an abnormally high amount of thyroid hormone. Conversely, those who produce too little thyroid hormone are lethargic, easily put on weight, have brittle fingernails, and frequently experience constipation. This is known as hypothyroidism. Again, an adaptogen like NONI could help boost the body’s production of thyroid hormone and return it to homeostasis, or normal balance. It is important to remember, however, that NONI’s adaptogens are food supplements, not medications or drugs.
However, as evidenced by numerous testimonials, NONI can assist medication in being more effective with lower doses, thereby reducing the normal side effects of certain medications.”
NONI, in addition to being rich in proxeronine, which the body uses to strengthen and revitalize its cells, is also rich in vitamin A, B, B2, B6, B12, C & E, calcium, iron, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, and other minerals like chromium, manganese, molybdenum, and sodium.
All of this has resulted in many food manufacturers taking a keen interest in making NONI available in the form of a health, nutritional, and dietary supplement drink so that people all over the world can reap the benefits of this amazing gift of nature regardless of their location, climate, or culture.
Tags: Anti-inflammatory drink, antioxidant, arthritis, ayurvedic, Blood Sugar, Blood Sugar regulate, concentrate, diabetic fruit juice, energy drink, fruit juice, Fruit Juice extract, health, Health Care, Health Care combo, health drink, healthy drinks, healthy juice, Herbs extract, immune booster, immune health supplement, immunity, joint destruction reducer, joint pain, juice concentrate, noni, noni d plus, noni elixir, noni juice, vitamin drink, vitamin juice, vitamin supplement
#nonielixir #nonijuice#nonifruitjuice#generalhealth#diabates#joint health#jointpain
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This is how Higher Learning Network,NFP helps the homeless, and it can help you too! How can we as individuals help those who are living on the cold grounds in the streets of Chicago? By helping yourself first! You can’t do anything for anyone else if you don’t take care of self first! Do something DAILY to keep your IMMUNE System HEALTHY first because you can’t help anyone unless you are healthy! Trusting a system that’s designed to TRICK YOU into believing that PRESCRIPTION DRUGS are the only thing that can make you feel better. EVERY SINGLE DRUG we take COMES FROM A PLANT! So why not take the plant in its origional state? Raw Leaf, or JUICE from the leaf! Noni Juice is just that! Berries which make the juice! Many people in the Chicagoland area are suffering needlessly because they don’t have the correct information, as it relates to their health, especially the homeless. Well, here’s a way to help yourself NUTRITIONALLY, (So you can stay out of the Doctors office and the hospital) with daily doses of Noni Natural Juice! NO ARTIFICIAL ingredients! (Have you looked at what’s in Orange Juice lately) If you don’t make your own, it’s simply sugar you’re digesting. Too much sugar leads to Cancer, and a host of other problems. Don’t believe me, see for yourself. Be sure and download how DIABETES ravaged my body, causing Type 2 Diabetes! Download your FREE Recipe on How I REVERSED Type 2 Diabetes! (DiabeticDonut.com) That’s my FREEBIE to you! If you want to take it a step further and continue the practice of Self-Cell Care (Berries PENETRATE the cells for natural healing!) Every time you place an order, ALL PROCEEDS Benefit the Homeless in Tent City! See our deliveries on http://www. Facebook.com/HlnTv1 or Facebook.com/TvShow REMEMBER YOUR DONATION IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE! NONI Juice Link https://ariix.newage.com/s/K2x9XEAw_JpX Since we like Vanilla Bean HOT Chokolate, we share that one too! You Can Too! Homeless people really love WARM DRINKS! ALWAYS COLD in the morning! https://kwikclick.io/smartLink..../cpgnDetail?shareLin Just because you shared this link, someone will sleep on the COLD GROUND TONIGHT, But at least they will have at least 1 BUTANE tank to keep warm for several hours! Thanks in advance! P.S. GOOD KARMA! Thanks for SHARING THIS PAGE! PEACE Be Unto You and Yours Eternally! #thankful #thursday #higherlearning #zeldaspeaks
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Cara Menjaga Usus Besar Agar Tetap Sehat Sangat Efektif dan Terbukti dengan GO Love Life Next Detox
Cara Menjaga Usus Besar Agar Tetap Sehat, 0813 8245 8258, Sangat Efektif dan Terbukti dengan GO Love Life Next Detox, Next Balance dan Phyto Power
Selamat malam kepada teman-temanku sekalian. Saya berdoa semoga teman-teman sekalian hidupnya sehat, umur panjang dan berkelimpahan bahagia serta bermanfaat bagi banyak orang.
Kini sudah launching salah satu minuman kesehatan terbaik di dunia. Produk GO Love Life hadir dengan spirit “Believe in the power of nature”. GO Love Life mencantumkan.: “our mission is to seek out the best plants of the earth and use them in the most powerful ways to help every human body optimize health, performance and longevity.”
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Diatas adalah 3 Produk-produk GO Love Life yaitu Next Balance, Next Detox dan Phyto Power ini merupakan minuman yang realberasal dari tanaman–tanaman dan penemuan-penemuan terbaik yang ada di bumi, di alam dengan beberapa kandungan yang beragam di dalamnya.
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Yang Pertama ada GO Love Life Next Detox. Yang ini bermanfaat untuk Detox. Next Detox solusinya. Untuk Kesehatan usus, Usus menjadi salah satu sumber yang sangat penting di dalam kesehatan kita.
Selain Next Detox ada juga Next Balance dan Phyto Power merupakan solusi permasalahan terbaik untuk cara menjaga usus besar agar tetap sehat. Untuk menjaga kesehatan usus dan lambung, membuang racun-racun yang ada didalam tubuh dan juga memperbaiki kesehatan usus.
Jadi kita mau mencoba ini. Ini produknya masih tertutup ya dan ini produknya langsung dari Amerika. Ini kita import langsung dan datangkan sebab ini belum ada di Indonesia.
Untuk anda yang memerlukan Kesehatan, hidup lebih baik, hidup lebih sehat maka ini akan menjadi solusi bagi Anda. Banyak orang di seluruh negara tertolong. Saya akan rasakan langsung Produk GO Love Life Next Detox yang di dalamnya mengandung beragam manfaat.
Produk GO Love Life Next Detox di dalamnya mengandung beragam kandungan dan manfaat yang baik. Di antaranya terdapat buah raseberry, cranberry, stroberry dan Noni. Ada juga 96 kandungan dari tanaman-tanaman terbaik di alam termasuk Noni Citrifolia.
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Sekarang saya akan konsumsi GO Love Life Next Detox. Rasanya? Keren banget. Asli senang banget. Pastinya siapapun Anda baik anak bayi, anak balita, orang tua, orang sakit, orang sehat pasti merasakan benefit yang sangat luar biasa. Setelah saya mengkonsumsinya, rasanya nikmat, betul-betul wonderful.
Asli enak banget. Setelah konsumsi GO Love Life Next Detox saya lanjut mengonsumsi Next balance. Next balance ini akan menyempurnakan. Sehat banget, enak banget, nikmat banget yang pasti Anda akan sehat.
Oke saya memberikan saran kepada Anda siapapun Anda yang mencintai kesehatan konsumsilah Go Love Life Next Detox, Next Balance, Phyto Power. Untuk  Anda yang mencari solusi cara menjaga usus besar agar tetap sehat  ini adalah solusi terbaik bagi ada dengan produk-produk GO Love Life.
Bagi Anda yang membutuhkan Produk GO Love Life Next Balance, Next Detox dan Phyto Power di Indonesia, silahkan hubungi GO Love Life Indonesia atau Ph/WA 0813 8245 8258 / 0811 222 1614. Bagi Anda yang ingin mengonsumsi Next Balance, Next Detox dan Phyto Power untuk Kesehatan sehari-hari secara GRATIS, silahkan hubungi GO Love Life Indonesia
Rani 0813 8245 8258 Wawan 0811 222 1614
Salam sehat buat Anda, dia saya anda sehat, bahagia, berumur panjang, sukses dan berlimpah.
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
How Would You Feel (Chwe Hansol)
It’s still technically your birthday, so I’m not late!!!!!! Happy birthday, @dvoz-writes​!!! Never forget how much we love you!!!! And this also works (a little) for our 2/18 birthday boys!!!!
Word count: 3000
Inspo: How Would You Feel
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The first time Hansol almost said he loved you, he had bumped into you on a busy Saturday night. He remembered walking backwards as he admired the bright lights illuminating one of the movie theaters and straight into you, which made you lose the perfect shot of the town clock striking midnight. He turned around the moment he made contact with you and in a split second, his vocabulary flew out the window and something jolted inside his brain. It processed “Sorry,” in English but it crossed with his Korean, and the “Sar-” was already ready to fly out his mouth and he caught it, finally stumbling out his apology.
Luckily for him, you didn’t notice the slip up, but you were trying not to fall captive to his brown eyes and the lights making them sparkle didn’t really help your case. Instead, you assured him that accidents happened and when you saw his shirt and recognized the group. You asked him a question, followed by another, and then ten minutes later, he invited you to a small coffee shop to further discuss the group. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen them a lot of times,” he admitted shyly, sipping on his hot chocolate, “they’re really good live and it’s always worth the money. How about you?”
“I try to go to as many shows as possible. They’re my favorite outside of kpop.” You stirred your own coffee pensively, unsure whether to tell this stranger your deepest regret. Well, he wasn’t a stranger; you would’ve been a fool not to recognize Hansol Vernon Chwe, but he was still someone you didn’t know. “One of their shows I missed, this most recent one I couldn’t afford to go because work hates me and I need the money, but they said it was their best one yet.”
“Oh yeah, I went to that one. They added a song that wasn’t normally on the set, and I recorded it.” He pulled out his phone and began scrolling through it as if his life depended on it. “There it is.” He debated whether to show you. He was aware you knew him, but he appreciated the way you treated him like a normal person. He hadn’t felt this way around anyone in awhile, so he handed it to you.
“No way,” you gasped when you pressed play. “This is my favorite song. I mean, I saw it on YouTube and everything but-” you didn’t finish your sentence, you hand covering your mouth in awe and shock. You could feel the tears coming but you wouldn’t cry. Not tonight in front of an idol.
Hansol cocked his head, processing all your emotions, feeling the smile coming on and he didn’t fight it. His heart did a thing, and for a moment, he regretted not telling you he loved you, but then he remembered he didn’t know you or your name, and he wanted to know you. The moment the song finished and he locked eyes with you, he knew he had fallen in love with you.
The second time he almost told you he loved you, it was after he invited you to come with him to see his family. Sofia had a thing to do and after countless hours of begging him that he needed to see this, he relented and you crossed his mind, and he said he’d go on the condition that he could bring a friend and she agreed. So he called you, and he left you a voicemail when you didn’t pick up, when he forgot that you worked that day. You called him a couple hours later on your break (leaving your own voicemail because he had idol duties to attend to) and let him know that you cleared a few days off the ones in question. 
The look on Sofia’s face when she had opened the door and saw you instead of one of the members was amusing, to say the least, but she warmed up to you really quickly. She still had a few hours until she had to go to a school graduation, one that had asked her to sing the Korean national anthem so she was doing everything she could to keep her nerves under control. You were currently on the floor, playing a board game and they were both yelling at you and accusing you of cheating. Even through everyone's fit of giggles, Sofia couldn’t miss the way your competitive streak came out and how Hansol just egged your annoyance on. A few rounds later, you called it quits by throwing your cards on the board, mostly because it was time for the little sister to start getting ready and because when it was siblings against the one person, they usually won. You reached over and mussed Sofia’s hair and she jumped up quickly, claiming she needed to shower before everyone was late. You helped Vernon pick up the game, joining in his sing-along and him telling you about how he grew up and pointing to the various juice stains on the ceiling and showing you all his favorite books. 
Sofia found you both in the kitchen about 20 minutes later, huddled over bowls of cereal and arguing over which was the best one and she announced it was time to go.
Although you only stayed at the graduation for a few minutes, everyone treated Sofia as if she had performed a full concert and everyone was now celebrating it, not that there were any complaints. Everyone was having a good time; the parents were drinking and he saw you and Sofia squeezing your eyes shut from the pain that brain freeze brought. He looked at the milkshake cups, his sister having drunk more than you did and he decided to help you out by eating as much as he could before his own brain freeze followed. He placed his palms on his temples, exhaling deeply, his breath cold and he still laughed along with you. 
Later that night, once everyone was sound asleep, he snuck to the kitchen to get a glass of water and stopped at seeing you still up. He watched the way you turned the page intently and how you struggled to keep the flashlight on your phone steady. He smiled, the thirst no longer a problem to him and instead thumped the couch cushion to get your attention.
You jumped, the light blinding you momentarily as you heard Hansol laughing. “I’m gonna kill you,” you whispered.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“Sofia gave me this book and I wanna finish it before we go home.”
He liked the way you said we; it seemed like you were on the same team. Home too. It was like he pictured his future with you looking at him the way you were if he ever accidentally dropped your favorite mug on a night like this. Again, the “Sa-” was on the tip of his tongue but he didn’t know how you’d react, so he had to switch tactics asap. “Sofia has good taste. She’s the reason I grew to like books. Even if we have to stay a little longer, we will. Or I can just buy you a copy...but we have to have joint custody.”
“Sounds like a deal, Chwe.”
The third time he almost said it, you had managed to pull off a surprise birthday party for not one but two boys....with the help of the ‘95 line helping you decorate the place, the ‘96 line going out and buying the ingredients you needed to make the birthday boys a cake for each of them; Mingyu and Minghao taking Seokmin to go to a carnival in the next town, and Seungkwan and Chan taking Hansol to a record store and buying some stuff. Hansol had wanted to spend the day with you but he had been under the impression that you had to work that day and that his respective brothers had some recording to attend to. 
(It wasn’t easy to pull it off, considering Hansol kept bugging Seungcheol every few minutes, asking when the maknae line was due to arrive to the studio and Minghao asking Jeonghan how else to distract Seokmin. Your efforts were almost blown when the front door slammed open and you dropped the frosting, and you couldn’t help but beat Chan (he was alone) with the dishrag you used to pick up the mess. 
“When you marry Vernon hyung, you still better be spoiling him like this because it’d be false advertising as my future in-law,” he said eyeing the sink and pulling out a dirty spoon you used to make the frosting. He didn’t think twice as he licked the chocolate.
“I have no intentions of marrying Vernon.”
“Your loss,” he shrugged and turned to the oldest boy. “Hyung, are you almost done here? I’m tired of hearing Kwannie hyung sing all the songs on his phone.”
“Almost. Just be patient.” And with that, Chan left satisfied, and Seungcheol looked at you trying to focus on the last of Seokmin’s cake. “So is it okay if I ask you what’s going on with you and Nonie? Or is that too personal?”
You shook your head. “Nothing’s going on. We’re just friends.” The blush on your cheeks and your trembling hands didn’t exactly help your case but Cheol was kind enough to drop the subject.)
You weren't exactly sure how you managed to balance Vernon’s chocolate cake and Seokmin’s red velvet one but you did, even singing the birthday song when the boys in question processed what you were doing some few hours later when they walked in the front door. Once they made their wish and blew out the candles, Seokmin gleefully grabbed his cake and skipped to the table, sticking his finger into the frosting and licking it clean. He paraded across the room, showing it off to everyone and gloating that he had the bestest friend in the whole world. Hansol, merely took the cake with one hand and gave you a side hug as tightly as he could manage before Soonyoung intervened and grabbed the dessert so he could hug you with both.
“Happy birthday Hansol,” you whispered. “I hope this was okay.”
“Wait, this was you?”
“Well, I had help. I couldn’t have done this without your group mates.” You pulled away with a gasp. “Oh crap! I forgot your gift! I’m so sorry!”
“Why would you get me a gift after doing all this?”
“Because it’s your birthday.” 
“Did you get something for DK?”
The horrified look on your face told him everything he needed to know and he marched right up to his birthday twin who had somehow been able to find somewhere to sit and was currently stuffing his face with Junhui and you couldn’t tell who looked more like a chipmunk and you hoped someone would get a picture of these two looking like that because your heart multiplied. 
“Hey hyung?”
“Mmm?” He looked up at you, face full of frosting and he swallowed loudly. He scrambled for a napkin and wiped at the spots frantically. “Yeah?”
“So would you be bummed if we didn’t get gifts from our friend here?”
“The surprise party wasn’t a gift?” You had yet to get used to Seokmin’s naïtivty and his knack for being easily surprised.
Hansol shook his head. “Never mind. Enjoy your cake hyungdeul.” He turned back to you. “See? You don’t need to give us more than this.”
“So you like it?”
“I love y-” He froze the moment the words almost slipped out and just started coughing to thwart his speech, and didn’t speak again until you had given him some water. “Sorry...I meant to say that I love it. Thank you Y/N. I have the greatest friend in the world.” 
Various offended “heys” sounded throughout and he reiterated slightly. “Besides you guys.”
The fourth time he almost told you he loved you, you were in his car in your front yard after coming back from your first date together. You kept leaning over to the driver’s side and stealing kisses from him and all he could do was relish in them and kiss you back. 
“So has anyone ever made you this happy?” you asked him. 
He shook his head. “I can’t remember the last time I was like this.” He welcomed the warm feeling of your hand caressing his cheek gently. “Have you ever had this much fun?”
“Once,” you admitted. “I went to visit some friends and somehow we all stayed up past our normal bedtime just looking at the sky and feeling at peace. It wasn’t a big thing or anything, but it was just us, all the stars and all the wishes we made. A lot of them have come true since then.” You looked over at him, not saying more. “What’s the dumbest thing you ever wished for?”
He covered your hand with his before bringing it to his lips to kiss them repeatedly. “It wasn’t dumb but I remember putting it on my Christmas list every year. I just wanted to go back to New York. At least there, no one gave a shit if you were black, white, mixed, missing an eye or tooth or whatever.” He brought you close to him to kiss you again. “Why did you agree to go on a date with me?”
“I figured it was about time to be real with my feelings and you.” You smiled at him. “I’d been wanting to tell you for awhile, but you beat me to it.”
He nodded slowly, liking the answer. He leaned in for another kiss, but his phone ringing disturbed the moment, and just for that he ignored it. “I should get going. Can I walk you inside?”
When you nodded, he quickly removed his seatbelt and ran to the passenger side to open the door for you. As soon as you were out, he wrapped his arms around you, back hugging you and kissing your cheek. He finally felt like a rebellious teenager to be doing this with you. It was a little past curfew, you had to be up early and so did he, but he didn’t want this moment to end. He was even more in love with you than ever before.
“Hansol, you have to go,” you whined after you realized he didn’t plan on moving from that spot.
“A few more minutes,” he sighed. “I don’t wanna let you go just yet.”
“Either you do now, or Seungcheol will pry you away from me if you're not home in the next ten minutes.”
“I’m not scared of that grandpa.”
“You hear that Cheol?” 
And with that, his head snapped up, looking in all directions for the leader, already looking for words to excuse his actions. “You liar.”
“I thought you weren’t scared.”
“I’m not,” he pouted, but then he sighed. “Do we really have to say goodbye?”
“I don’t want you to go either.” You reached for his hand so he could finally walk you to your front door. “Hansol, thank you for tonight.”
“Anytime. Thank you for agreeing. I’ll call you soon, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
He waited for you to unlock the door so you could go in and just as you were about to close the door, he called you.
“Sa-” The saranghae didn’t go past his throat; neither could the I love you, so he cleared his throat and tried again. “Sleep well.”
The fifth time he almost told you he loved you, he had convinced you to sit on the roof with him at his house. You had long ago admitted to him that you had never seen a sunrise, so he vowed that the next time neither of you had plans, he was gonna invite you to Seventeen’s dorm to make you watch it. Two months later, it happened, and he spent the day making sure he had everything to spend the night up on the roof with you, and despite the chilly air, it was worth it. 
You sat in between his legs and he had his arms wrapped around you, often tightening around you every time he felt overcome with emotion. He would take your hand and trace a pattern in the sky with your finger and then tell you the name of the constellation. You offered him your earbuds sometime during the night, and you took turns listening to your favorite songs, singing along to all the words. 
Every time you could feel yourself nodding off, Hansol would gently shake you awake and offer you something to snack on so you could stay awake. “We’re almost there Jagi,” his hoarse voice would encourage you. “Just a little longer.” And then he would kiss your cheek and cuddle you a little more.
You were both blissfully unaware of the 12 other boys spying on you and seeing what you were currently doing. More often than not, someone had to stop Soonyoung from barging in and interrupting, but they quietly left out extra blankets and water bottles and other snacks by the window so neither of you would have to move much. 
Finally, the first few rays of sunlight came peeking through over the horizon. It wasn’t much at first, but then suddenly, the whole world seemed to wake up along with it. You could hear the birds chirping and the insects buzzing, and everything warming up. 
“What do you think?”
You nodded, finally closing your eyes and resting against his chest. “It’s beautiful,” you managed to mumble sleepily. Can we do this again?”
“As many times as you want,” he promised.
“Okay, good.”
He waited a little longer in case you had more to add, but the only thing he could feel was you breathing in and out deeply and evenly, finally fast asleep. “Hey Jagi, how would you feel if I told you I loved you?”
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chandigarhayurved · 2 months
What is ITP? How to cure it Naturally?
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Platelets are one of the components of the blood. Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the platelet count in the blood is lower than the normal value. Platelets play a key role in blood clotting and are needed to heal the wounds and stop bleeding. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is an autoimmune disorder of the blood in which the body self- destroys the platelets causing a deficiency.
Types of ITP
Acute Thrombocytopenic Purpura: It is the most common type of ITP. It occurs mostly in children of the age group 2-6 years
Chronic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Adults suffer from chronic ITP more often than children but it also affects adolescents.
Causes of Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Purpura
Genetic, from parents to child
Insufficient no of platelets produced by bone marrow
Retention of a considerable amount of platelets by the spleen
ITP affects women more than men
In children this disease follows a viral infection
The bone marrow does produce platelets in sufficient numbers, but it is either used up or destroyed by the body
Infection like HIV, Hepatitis C or Chicken pox may lead to severe damage of immune system and may leal to conditions like ITP
Sign and symptoms of ITP
Nose bleeding
Blood in stools and urine
Bleeding from gums
Bone pain
Lump under the skin
Swollen lymph nodes
Excessive fatigue
Purplish areas or red spots on the skin surface, indicating bleeding under the skin
Wounds that continue to bleed for long
Diagnosis of idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Blood smear
Complete Blood Count
Bone marrow test
Ayurvedic view of ITP
According to Ayurveda, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpur can be correlated to Raktapitta, As in ITP bleeding occurs from different parts of the body. In ITP patients, the main cause is the increase in Pitta dosha due to excessive consumption of Ushna, Tikta, and Amla Rasa. The vitiated Pitta dosha causes Raktapitta.
Ayurveda treats it with herbal medicines and Panchakarma therapies to cleanse the body of toxins, improve blood circulation, boost energy levels, and promote overall health & wellbeing.
Ayurvedic herbs for ITP
Papaya leaves
Bhumi Amalaki
Dietary & Lifestyle guidelines
Avoid the intake of hot and spicy food
Dairy products such as curd, buttermilk and milk products should be avoided.
Sour fruits such as oranges, lemon, and sweet line should not be consumed
Avoid consumption of alcohol
Avoid Stress
Do yoga and medication
Avoid warm temperature
Avoid being under sunlight for long duration
Light and easily digestible food should be preferred
Avoid taking hot water bathing
Vegetables such as bottle gourd, pumpkin, radish and carrot should be taken
Drink pomegranate juice daily
Avoid excessive salt
Drink wheatgrass and aloevera juice
ITP management according to Chandigarh Ayurveda Centre
Noni Capsules
Noni capsules have been used for thousands of years to help in treating a variety of health problems such as high blood pressure, inflammation, parasitic, viral and bacterial infections. It contains fruit of a Polynesian plant that’s commonly called the Indian Mulberry, Morinda Citrifoliua. The capsules reduce the small red bumps on your skin, excessive fatigue and Useful for preventing free radicals damage of platelets.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 capsules twice a day with normal water.
Stop Bleeding Tablets
CAC stop bleeding tablet is a pure herbal formulation that acts as an anticoagulant in nature. it helps to stop or reduce heavy bleeding. when there is bleeding, the body forms clots to stop the bleeding. in some of these clots leads to bleeding after breakage. therefore stop bleeding tablet helps in stopping the clots from breaking and thus reduce the excessive unwanted bleeding. these tablets have anti-inflammatory, pain killer, anticoagulant properties. It also pacifies pitta doshas and helps in detoxification of rakta dhatu (blood tissue).
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.
Detox Premium Powder
The powder contains a mixture of natural and pure herbs which plays a major role in the treatment of ITP. The mixture contains – Gandhak rasayan, Akik pishti, Jahar mohra, Moti pishti. This combination has Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, Anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in strengthening the immune system, reduces oxidative damage, and they are rich in minerals, vitamins and other essential elements which helps in tissue repair and healthy blood formation in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice a day with normal water.
Giloy Capsules
Giloy Capsules are herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. Giloy has been used in ayurvedic medicine since ages. It is also known as AMRITA  which  translates to root of immortality because of its abundant medicinal properties. It can be used in the form of capsules, juice and powder. But CAC capsules are highly effiecient as they contain required amount of Giloy in them and are 100% natural and safe. It is one of the best Rasayan of ayurveda that help Rejuvinate your body in all aspects.
Recommended Dosage -Take 2 capsules twice a day with normal water.
Platfer Tablet
These are herbal combination prepared from herbs like Papaya (Carica papaya) & Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) that in combination increases the platelet counts naturally. It provides good & effective results for patients. It increases the physical and mental strength of a person and builds up immunity.
Recommended Dosage –Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
Nerve up Tablet
Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas. It reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet,  praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in the symptoms related to ITP.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
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nonii12 · 3 months
Beyond the Juice Cleanse, Potential Juice For Weight Loss: Noni Elixir
Ditch the fad diets and sugary drinks! Noni Elixir, packed with antioxidants and Noni's powerful properties, is your natural ally for weight management, perfect Juice for Weight Loss. It helps you feel fuller for longer, supports healthy energy levels, and promotes a balanced metabolism. Noni Elixir empowers you to make sustainable choices for a healthier, slimmer you. Explore how it can support your weight management journey today! Buy Link: https://nonielixir.com/
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Weirdest headcannon you have for the ghouls?
-Aether- Likes the miniature, travel-sized products he sees at the shops. Like, mini boxes of cereal, laundry soap, toothpaste, ect. Thinks they’re cute and has a bag full of these cute minis on the bus! Everyone is aware of this and loves going to “Aether-mart” when they’ve run out of something. 
 -Cirrus- Like to wear men’s cologne. Not like old-men ones but classic Burberry and Versace ones– Musky but with floral and spice undertones; the smell of anything expensive. Has been known to ask the boys what they’re wearing then goes out and gets the same thing. 
 -Cumulus- Obsessed with peaches! From the smell of peach candles to those little peach-ring candies, this girl looks for anything peach related when they’re out and about. The other ghouls have made a competition between themselves of gifting her the craziest peach-themed item! So far, Rain is the current winner with a peach-shaped purse. 
 -Dewdrop- Eats butter straight from the stick! This was a means to wean him off of eating bars of soap and has developed into something much worse! You can imagine this little impulsive gremlin tearing through the bus fridge at 3am looking for a fix… 
 -Mountain- Likes to watch 90s cartoons in his free time. Angry Beavers, Rocko’s Modern Life, and Aaahh!!! Real Monsters being is his favourite, though. Compares the other ghouls to the characters and now calls Dew “Ickis” instead of his real name! From time-to-time regrets letting the gremlin watch it with him as it has given Dew some devious ideas of how to torment the others. 
-Rain- Has a pet rock named Shale. It was a gag-gift from Dew but the response hadn’t been what the fire ghoul had expected. Turned out that Rain quite liked the lumpy stone and keeps it beside his pillow. Has been known to take it into the shower with him to sit on the ledge. 
 -Swiss- Refuses to drink straight out of a glass, that has ice in it, without a straw. He doesn’t like to feel anything bump against his lip or his teeth while drinking. Also hates orange juice with pulp for the same reason. Once was give a glass of pulpy juice and promptly chucked it due to his reaction… (Aether smelled like citrus the rest of the day)
 I hope this was alright, Nonie~ c: Thanks for the ask!
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Hi I really love ur fics and wondering if you could do an imagine with Dipper and just watching a movie while cuddling, thanks!
Movie Nights
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Pairing: Dipper x Reader
Words: 1258
Warnings: none
A/N: Oh hey look I’m not dead!! I’m really sorry it took me so long to write this nonie!! I hope it lived up to your expectations! If I have to be honest I’m really proud with this fic I really like how it turned out and I hope you like it too!
Hearing the microwave ding behind you, you turned around, opening it, carefully taking out the hot bag of popcorn and placing it on the kitchen counter next to the other two already slightly cooled down ones. Then you opened the cupboard and took out a large bowl. Carefully emptying the popcorn into the bowl, so as to not burn yourself, you didn’t notice the shadow of a figure slipping inside the kitchen.
-“Where did you say were the napkins?” A hesitant voice startled you. Letting your grip on the bag loosen a bit and spilling some of the popcorns as a small yelp left your lips, you turned around, ready to smack whomever this intruder may be only to be met with a confused and flustered Dipper. Sighing, relieved you didn’t have to face a burglar, you pointed to a drawer a bit to the side.
After a few years of knowing Dipper and several months of dating him, he had finally agreed for you to be the one to host you weekly movie night. It’s not like he hadn’t been to your house before. Of course, you had invited him numerous times but it was always for a short while and you parents were there too. Now, however, they had gone off to visit some distant relatives and left you alone at the house, knowing you didn’t exactly burn with desire to meet up with people who “have known you since you were a wee bit baby” but whom you couldn’t remember the names of for the life of you. Therefore, you thought that it would be a great opportunity to spend the night cuddled up next to your boyfriend and watch a good movie while munching on some snacks. And with that thought in mind you called him, expecting him to be happy that you didn’t have to bother his parents with your constant comments while watching movies in their living room. But to your surprise Dipper was somewhat hesitant as he reluctantly agreed.
You were currently preparing all kinds of snacks and drinks, from the popcorn you had just finished filling the bowl with and were now throwing away the paper bags and the ones you spilled when Dipper startled you to the ice cream and all the bottles of coke and your favorite kind of juice. In all honesty, you had enough food to feed a small army and you both knew it. But that didn’t stop you while you were filling the cart at the store. The food just kept piling while you were laughing you asses off and mentally thanking your parents for letting you use their credit cards.
These movie nights stated a few months into your friendship when you had invited the twins to come over to your house to study. However, Mabel had other plans for the weekend so when Dipper arrived at your door all you ended up doing that evening was watching movies until his parents came to pick him up. Ever since then it has been the same. You stocked up with all sorts of junk food that could last you for at least a few days and watched movies; every time different ones. And even though you always felt sick the next morning from all the unhealthy mixture of sweet and salty foods and fizzy drinks, it was all worth it.
Walking back to the living room you smiled at the comfortable nest of blankets and fluffy pillows Dipper had made in front of the TV. When you laid your eyes on your boyfriend, who was currently arranging your favorite drinks and foods closer to where you were going to sit, your smile grew bigger. Putting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table you turned to Dipper who was standing on the other side of it. Even for a teenager his age, the awkwardness radiating off him was too much, considering that you had been friends for the past few years and were his significant other for over four months now.
-“What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?” You asked him concerned.
-“What?! Oh no, no, I’m fine!” Dipper jumped surprised and held his hands in front of him as if to defend himself from your worry. He quickly sat down on the blankets and carefully organized pillows, moving aside a bit to make room for you as if you weren’t going to lean into him halfway through the movie.
You simply sat down, deciding not to question him for now and as you settled into a more comfortable position, you turned on the movie.
A good fifteen minutes had passed from the beginning of the movie when you leaned into Dipper, expecting him to put his hand around you and pull you closer. However, you were left surprised when he stiffened at your touch.
-“There’s something you’re not telling me. First, I had to convince you to come over for our weekly movie night and now I feel like you don’t want me near you. Did I do something wrong? Please Dipper. I’m just worried.” You said softly, eyes cast down not wanting to see his disappointed expression.
-“No!” He exclaimed. “You did nothing wrong! You could never do anything wrong. You’re perfect. I’m the one who messed up everything.” Dipper admitted shyly, scratching the back of his neck as a soft red hue covered his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
-”What do you mean?” You asked confused. “Dipper, please tell me you didn’t summon a creature from another realm and now we have to get it away from here before it destroys reality as we know it….again.” You deadpanned as you crossed your arms over your chest.
-”What? No, no! I promised I wouldn’t try anything like that ever again.” Dipper defended himself, a visible shiver running down his spine as he remembered the events from around half a year ago. “It’s just that…well…” He hesitated as he continued. Looking up at you from under his eyelashes, Dipper saw you patiently waiting for him to continue. “I’m nervous because this is the first time I’m going to spend the night at your house and because we’re going to be alone.” He finished in one breath, shutting his eyes tightly and hanging his head low, waiting for you to laugh at him.
Instead, Dipper felt a soft hand gently lift his face. Opening his eyes, he was met with your face, gentle as ever, a small smile gracing your lips and eyes holding an ocean of love only for him.
-”Is that all? I have to say, I should have guessed. I was a bit nervous the first time I had to spend the night at your place, too. But it’s okay. Just try to forget where we are and focus on the fact that we’re together and we’re going to do is watch a movie, make stupid jokes and eat a ton of junk food. That’s what helped me, at least.” You said sincerely, earning yourself a lopsided smile.
-”I’ll try. Thank you.” Dipper said with sparkling eyes, his cheerfulness you oh so loved returning as his nervousness melted away by the second.
With one last smile, which seemed to be permanently stuck on both of your faces, you turned your attention back to the TV, snuggling comfortably against each other for the rest of the movie. At that moment, you thought you couldn’t be happier but little did you know what life had prepared for the two of you.
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farhinyeasmin-blog · 4 years
1.How to Lower High Cholesterol
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Lower High Cholesterol
Nowadays, our lifestyle change too fast. So, we should maintain our health and heart. We can protect our heart, lungs, skin, and other parts of our body to prevent them from diseases. At present, Cholesterol is the common disease all over the world. High Cholesterol increases the risk of a heart attack.
You must have to decrease the level of cholesterol and maintain good cholesterol level in our body. Doctor’s advice, the best and easiest way is to use some natural remedies to control cholesterol levels in the body. You can use the following natural remedies for decrease cholesterol levels in the body.
Some Natural Remedies for Cholesterol:
Flax seeds:
Flax seeds are a very effective for human health and it is healthy food also. Flax seed can protect against many diseases. It can Control Blood Sugar, Reduce Body Weight, Fights Cancer, Maintain healthy digestion, Controls Cholesterol, Balances Hormonal Imbalance, Hypertension, Care Your Heart.
If you taking 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds you can lower the bad cholesterol level in the body (LDL) and increase good cholesterol level (HDL). Its fiber content help in reducing and controlling blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart problems.
Chia Seeds
It is small size and you can consume it easily, it is full nutrients, minerals andOmega-3 fatty acids. It can boost fiber intake in the body, lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol level in the body.
It also helps in losing weight and increasing appetite, helps in improving the immune system, it lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, and many cardiovascular diseases.
Garlic burns body fat, helps in protecting diabetes and lowers the blood cholesterol level, delivers other prominent benefits to reduce the risk of heart failure and help to control obesity and acidity issues.
If you drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of turmeric in its early morning help to prevent heart problems and reduce body weight. It boasts all the requirements of the body and decrease the LDL cholesterol level.
Black Seeds (Kalonji)
Black seed oil decreases the blood cholesterol level. It helps in curing hypertension and lowers high blood pressure. You can reduce the cholesterol in the body, if you intake some black seeds early morning with an empty stomach with a glass of warm water.
Quinoa seeds
Quinoa seeds help in improving metabolism. It helps in reducing blood sugar level and triglyceride levels. It is used in place of gluten-free bread and pasta.
Noni Juice
Noni is also rich in vitamins C which help to boost good cholesterol and provide you longer heart life and lowering LDL and blood triglycerides.
Olive Oil
Olive oil helps to reduce inflammation and bad cholesterol impact on the body. Extra virgin olive oil must be used while cooking food at a lower temperature as it breaks down further and does not accumulate.
Beans and legumes
It cans balance diet and regular exercises are very essential. It improves your immunity and strength. It raises the good cholesterol level in the body and help boost metabolism.
They regulate the good cholesterol level in the body and helps reduce the risk of heart complications in a person. This food help to give proper diet and you can reduce your bad cholesterol level and the risk of heart attacks.
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kaiyodei · 5 years
facebook deleted my note so i’ll keep one here
---things that cure, treat, thwart or slow cancer. effective or not,  in vitro or not. with varying degrees of toxicity and processing--  thangs big pharma don’t want you to know.
714X(trimethylbicyclonitramineoheptane chlorid) Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) Abrus Acidianus virus Actaea racemosa (or black cohosh) Acupuncture ADOPTIVE cell transfer AHCC Arctostaphylos uva-ursi alkline diet Allium cepa (extract) Allium nigrum (Black Garlic) ? Allium sativum? (Maillard reaction) Almonds alterd polio/polio vaccine Amaryllidaceae (spider lillies) Amblyomma cajennense( saliva compounds from Cayanne tick) Amomum subulatum (black cardamom) Elettaria (green) Andrographis paniculata anethum graveolens(dill) Annona muricata (soursoup) all other Annona genus/  Annonaceae family anti fungals? Anti-cancer psychotherapy antibiotics Antineoplaston therapy ANTI NEO PLASTONS Apitherapy Applied kinesiology Apricots (kernels/seeds) ARGININE (1-ARGININE arsnic trioxcide Artemisia annua ( wormwood/sweet annie/sweet sagewort/annual mugwort or annual wormwood) ARTEMISININ AVEMAR Bach flower remedies Bhasmas minerals, metals and jems barefoot walks in the connifer forest battery acid (*only listed in case it -does- destroy tumors in a petridish) Bean sprouts bee propolis beer(hops?) Berlinia grandiflora BETA GLUCANS, 1, 3, 6 biblical diet bioactive polysaccharides BIOMAGNETISM black cumin (Bunium bulbocastanum?  Nigella sativa ?) Black salve Blackberries bleach (possibly, in vitro only)https://www.cancertutor.com/chlorine_dioxide/ Blood (Turtle, Alligator, ) Blueberries boswellic acids (Frankensence) BOVINE CARTILAGE Breuss diet Buckwheat Budwig diet Caesium chloride Cancell Cancer guided imagery canna Cannibis oil Capsicum annuum (Guinea spice, cow-horn pepper, aleva, bird pepper) Carctol carotene Carum carvi (caraway) Cashews Catharanthus roseus (rosy periwinkle/teresita) Cavia porcellus (guniea pig ,with  ritual) chelaton therapy Chelidonium majus. Chlorella chlorophyll chloroquine Citrus limon Osbeck (lemon) Citrullus lanatus (watermellon) Clark's "Cure for All Cancers" coffie enemas Coix lacryma-jobi (jacob's tear/job's tear) Coley's Vaccine therapy Colloidal silver colorpuncture CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID OR CLA Contreras Therapy Convallaria majalis Convolvulus (bindweed) CoQ10, Coral calcium Coriandrum sativum (corriander) Craniosacral therapy Crocus sativus (safforn) Croton lechleri Cruciferous vegetables Cucumis sativus (cucumber) cucurbitacins Cuminum cyminum(cumin) cupping Curcuma longa (tumeric) Cytokine therapy D-GLUCARATED daffodill (Amaryllidaceae?) dasatinib dance detox footbath, with intravenous vitamin therapy, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, combination infrared waves plus oxygen, acupuncture, colon hydrotherapy, Di Bella Therapy DI-INDOLE METHANE (from cabbage) Dieffencachia maculata,(dumb cane) Dionaea Muscipula (Venus flytrap Carnavoria brand extract, anti tumor?) disulfiram/Antabuse DMSO dry fasting ear candeling Elderberries Electro Physiological Feedback Xrroid Electrohomeopathy elephant P53 and TP53 Elettaria|Amomum|Zingiberaceae (Cardamom) Ellagic acid emu oil EPICAN FORTE® Erecial dysfunction drugs (for after tumor removal surgery) Essiac tea = ( burdock (Arctium lappa), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra), and Indian rhubarb (Rheum officinale) or turkey rhubarb (Rheum palmatum).[3] Some formulations may also contain watercress, blessed thistle, red clover, and kelp) Eugenia caryophyllata (clove) Euphorbia tirucalli (firestick) Eutrema japonicum/Wasabia japonica (wasabi) Fallopia japonica/Reynoutria japonica (Japanese Knotweed) FAR INFRARED THERAPY fasting Fava beans ferro fluid FLAVONOIDS Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) Fontainea picrosperma (Blushwood berry) (Hylandia dockrillii ..?) Fragaria? (strawberries /) FUCOIDAN GcMaf and transforming-growth-factor-beta GEIPE THERAPY Gelsemium elegans (heartbreak grass) Germanium German New Medicine (GNM) ginger tea Gingerol Glyconutrients gold Goldenseal (or Hydrastis canadensis) Gonzalez protocol Gotu kola Guiera senegalensis HANSI THERAPY heat HIV Hordeum vulgare (barley) Hoxsey therapy HULDA CLARK'S THERAPIES human breast milk Hydrazine sulfate hydrogen-peroxide Hyperbaric oxygen therapy hypnosis HYPOTHERMIA THERAPY IMMUNOCAL® Indole-3-carbinol (found in broccoli) Influensa Vaccine (for after tumor removal surgery) Inonotus obliquus(Chaga) Insulin potentiation therapy IP6® IPT (INSULIN POTENTIATED THERAPY) Issels treatment juicing Junk DNA k3 Kalanchoe Kangen Water Kelley treatment KEYTRUDA kinase inhibitors Krebiozen Krebiozen LACTOFERRIN
laetrile/laevo-mandelonitrile-beta-glucuronoside,/amygdalin/Vitamin b 17/Nitriloside lapacho tea laughing Lauraceae (cinnamon) Larotrectinib Ligustrum lucidum (Glossy privet) Linalool Lima beans limonene Lipoic acid Live blood analysis LifeOne Protocol Livingston-Wheeler Therapy Lorraine Day's  10-step program low sugar diet lye lymphatic drainage LYMPHOTONIC PF2 Macadamia nuts Macrobiotic diet magnets meditation Metabolic therapies MGN3, Millet Miracle Mineral Supplement MG-LZ8 (Ganoderma lucidum ) MODIFIED CITRUS PECTIN Moerman Therapy Momordica charantia (bitter mellon) Morinda citrifolia (noni) Moringa oleifer (moringa/ drumstick tree/horseradish tree/ ben oil tree/or benzoil tree Moxibustion MYCOSOFT GOLD® naked mole rats don't get cancer N-TENSE® Neuro-linguistic programming Nieper therapy Ocimum sanctum/Ocimum tenuiflorum (holy basil) oleander OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS Oncolyn® Oncotox® Orgone Origanum vulgare (oragono) Orthomolecular medicine oxygen therapy P53 genes P80 Natural Essence Panchagavya pangolin Pau-d-arco Peperine Peristrophe bicalyculata Persea americana (avacado, the pit part) pH Balancing Phyllomedusa sauvagii phytoestrogen phytolacca decandra (American pokeweed) Picea(spruce genus)Alpha- & Beta-Pinene Pimenta dioica.(allspice) platinum Plumbagin (see carnavoria?) Plumbago zeylanica (ceylon leadwart) Polarity therapy Poly-MVA Polybia paulista venonm (a wasp) Poria cocos/Wolfiporia extensa (hoelen/ poria/tuckahoe/ China root/fu ling/matsuhodo Portulaca Oleracea (Purslane) positive mental outlook prayer(??) proanthocyanidins Proteolytic enzymes Protomorphogens Prunus avium and P.cerasus (cherry)Prunus africana Psychic surgery purple rice Qigong quark cheese and flax (http://www.getholistichealth.com/41061/the-industry-suppressed-budwig-protocol-or-how-to-cure-cancer-with-cottage-cheese/) Quercetin radiation Radiosensitization raido frequencies Raspberries Rauvolfia serpentina (or snakeroot) reiki Resveratrol Revici's Guided Chemotherapy Rhinella marina venom (cane toad) rhinocerous horn ricin RIGVIR Rosmarinus officinalis(rosemary) Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot) sea cucumber (Holothuroidea?) sea silver seeds from other fruits like apples, cherries, peaches, prunes, plums, pears Selenium Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) shark cartilage Shiatsu Silybum marianum (milk thistle) smelling farts smoothie:https://pinklotus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/DrFunksAntioxidantSmoothie.pdf sodium bicarbonate (bakingsoda) Sorghum sour honey Stellaria media (chickweed) Strawberries Strychnos nux-vomica(Strychnine tree) sun light swiftlet nests Taraxacum (dandilion genus) Taxus wallichiana (Himalayan yew) Thapsia garganica (deadly carrots) this salad http://realfarmacy.com/make-giant-cancer-killing-salad/ Thymus vulgaris (common thyme) Tigilanol_tiglate /ebc-43(from blushwood berry) TO-MOR-GONE Trametes versicolor/Coriolus versicolor/olyporus versicolor  (turkey tail mushroom) Transfer Factor Plus Trifolium pratense (red clover) Tripterygium wilfordii(thunder god vine) urine , cow, dog (http://www.cowurine.com/cancer.html) Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Uncaria guianensis, Uncaria tomentosa (or cat's claw) varicella vegan diet Venom Peptieds (various spider and pit viper species, arazonian bark scorpian) VG-1000 VIBE Machine vibrations Vinblastine Virginia Livingston Therapy Viscum album (misletoe) (Iscador) Vitacor vitamin c (ascorbic acid ? ) vitamin D waiting for your immune system (http://www.getholistichealth.com/41065/the-american-cancer-society-admitted-that-untreated-cancers-often-go-away-naturally/) Waxy monkey tree frog, skin compounds wheatgrass Whipple Procedure, Wigmore therapy Withania somnifera(Indian ginsing/ zapotin Zingiber officinale (ginger) Zoetron therapy
•Fava beans •Raspberries •Strawberries •Blackberries •Blueberries •Buckwheat
•Macadamia nuts •Bean sprouts All are the highest sources of absorbable vitamin B17.
https://cancerwontbeatme.com/2014/10/02/a-list-of-78-proven-therapies/#more-164 https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/medicinal-mushrooms-cancer/
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Sleep in Saturday! Felt good to wake up in a nice warm bed huh? Not everyone has that priviledge we take for granted! How can we as individuals help those who are living on the cold grounds in the streets of Chicago? By helping yourself first! You can’t do anything for anyone else if you don’t take care of self first! Do something DAILY to keep your IMMUNE System HEALTHY first because you can’t help anyone unless you are healthy! Trusting a system that’s designed to TRICK YOU into believing that PRESCRIPTION DRUGS are the only thing that can make you feel better. EVERY SINGLE DRUG we take COMES FROM A PLANT! So why not take the plant in its origional state? Raw Leaf, or JUICE from the leaf! Noni Juice is just that! Berries which make the juice! Many people in the Chicagoland area are suffering needlessly because they don’t have the correct information, as it relates to their health, especially the homeless. Well, here’s a way to help yourself NUTRITIONALLY, (So you can stay out of the Doctors office and the hospital) with daily doses of Noni Natural Juice! NO ARTIFICIAL ingredients! (Have you looked at what’s in Orange Juice lately) If you don’t make your own, it’s simply sugar you’re digesting. Too much sugar leads to Cancer, and a host of other problems. Don’t believe me, see for yourself. Be sure and download how DIABETES ravaged my body, causing Type 2 Diabetes! Download your FREE Recipe on How I REVERSED Type 2 Diabetes! (DiabeticDonut.com) That’s my FREEBIE to you! If you want to take it a step further and continue the practice of Self-Cell Care (Berries PENETRATE the cells for natural healing!) Every time you place an order, ALL PROCEEDS Benefit the Homeless in Tent City! See our deliveries on INSTAGRAM hln.homeless.project www.YouTube.com/HigherLearningTvShow www.Facebook.com/HigherLearningTvShow REMEMBER YOUR DONATION IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Here’s link we use to raise funds too. We purchase Noni Juice and Hot Chockolate to help them keep warm! NONI Juice Link https://ariix.newage.com/s/K2x9XEAw_JpX Since we like Vanilla Bean HOT Chokolate, we share that one too! You Can Too! Homeless people really love WARM DRINKS! ALWAYS COLD in the morning! https://kwikclick.io/smartLink/cpgnDetail?shareLinkKey=KXm1640987613046&productId=554 Just because you shared this link, someone will sleep on the COLD GROUND TONIGHT, But at least they will have at least 1 BUTANE tank to keep warm for several hours! Thanks in advance! P.S. GOOD KARMA! Thanks for SHARING THIS PAGE! PEACE Be Unto You and Yours Eternally!
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gofitnesspro · 4 years
How Does Noni Juice Helps the Body?
How Does Noni Juice Helps the Body?
Noni juice can help one get rid of cold, cough, fever, and many more. I will also discuss the useful benefits of using it read till last. Noni fruits used to treat various minor health problems such as muscle pains, burns, aches, the effects of aging, viral, and bacterial infections. And major health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, tumors, arthritis. This juice has…
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