#how to increase website page speed
How to improve website speed
How to improve website speed Title: Boost Your Website Speed: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction Website speed is a critical factor that directly impacts user experience, SEO rankings, and overall website success. In today’s digital age, users expect fast-loading web pages, and search engines like Google consider speed as a ranking factor. Slow websites can drive visitors away and harm your…
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ecomhardy · 2 years
Best settings for WP-Rocket plugin to achieve High GT Metrix score and website speed - eComHardyGet a discount when you purchase the WP-Rocket plugin from the below link. https://ecomhardy.com/wprocket You will receive an extra discount as follow; 10% OFF on Single license 15% OFF on Plus license 20% OFF on Infinite license In this video, I have explained the best settings in the WP-Rocket plugin for your WordPress Woocommerce website which will help you not only to achieve the best GT Metrix score but also boost the website speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1- How to make a website - Buy right Domain and Hosting https://youtu.be/y-JoRxhwhE8 Go to, https://ecomhardy.com/make-a-website All the steps with useful information are provided there. Part 2- Make a website- How to install WordPress on your website; https://youtu.be/t0E7_rp8LrY Bonus video: To know How to point the domain name servers to your hosting, check out the link; https://youtu.be/6UNA7AY-lxw Part 3 - How to install a theme on WordPress. https://youtu.be/inO0H4LPpNQ Thanks for watching. Consider subscribing.
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dduane · 10 months
By the way...
it was sort of last week, or maybe during the week before—I forget— when @petermorwood came downstairs to get tea while he was working on some long post or another full of guns and swords and assorted deadly weaponry—or cats, or food, or historical clothing, you know what he's like... and all of a sudden he said:
"So what about Cyber Monday?"
And I wasn't sure where that was coming from, as Peter normally doesn't spend a lot of his time being concerned about cyber stuff in general.
"Uh, why?" said I.
"Well, it's the Young Wizards anniversary month. Shouldn't you be doing some kind of sale offer over on Twitter, the way you did on Tumblr?"
My mouth kind of opened and shut again. Mostly at the moment when I think of Twitter, it's in terms of imagery involving things circling the drain at ever-increasing speed. And as far as Cyber Monday went, I hadn't really thought about it. This year I noticed that I've started kind of lumping it in with Black Friday, which mostly increasingly makes me mutter and shake my head as I see what my email box gets to look like this time of year. And since I'd been mostly preoccupied with writing issues and website crap lately, you could kind of multiply that not-caring by two. Or five. Or some power of ten.
...Yet he had a point. And what the hell, at least putting a video up there would remind people that the series existed! (Because people do seem to keep forgetting, and then suddenly bursting out with OH WAIT ARE THESE THOSE BOOKS I LOVED WHEN I WAS A KID, WAIT, YOU MEAN SHE WROTE THOSE, I THOUGHT ALL SHE DID WAS STAR TREK?!) (Eyeroll.)
"But I told them on Tumblr," I said, "that I wasn't going to do any more of these sales for the foreseeable future."
"Looks like you forgot to foresee this," said Himself, dumping half a cow's worth of milk in his tea as usual. "Look, if you do it just one more time, I bet they'll forgive you as long as you tell them about it so they can take advantage of it if they want to." Then he snickered. "And anyway, you told them you weren't going to do any Sherlock/Young Wizards fusions either, and look how that turned out." More snickering. "They forgave you for that. Eventually."
"Oh god."
"Just tell them. They'll let you off the hook." Up the stairs he went, still snickering. "Sometime in mid-2024 probably."
Dammitall, I hate it when he has a point.
So look. Here's the discount page. There's the video, two paragraphs down. You all know the drill. The "All the Wizardry" package is $29.99 today. The "I Want Everything You've Got" package is $40 just for today. Anybody who hasn't taken advantage of one of these offers previously, or didn't have the cash earlier, or wants to point somebody else at it...go knock yourself or -selves out with my abslute blessing. (Because who knows whether anybody on Twitter will notice at all, the way the algorithm's been behaving.)
And: everybody please forgive me. (abases herself before the assembled multitudes in the approved manner)
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(...Anyway, WTH, it's worth a try. I want to get this friend of mine a new fountain pen for Christmas, and every little bit helps...) :)
(And a final reminder: we can't sell to people in Britain / the UK, it's a Brexit problem ... so sorry about that.)
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spiraledfaun · 8 months
a deerboy story
CW: In-text induction, suggestions to become weak to spirals, and become owned by spirals. Does contain suggestions to promote safety and agency, but mind the prior warning. Written in third person.
It was a cold, dark night outside, and a little deerboy was all snuggled up in his favorite blanket, in his favorite chair. He’d eaten some yummy food and two edibles, and felt perfectly content. In front of him played the inane comedy he’d chosen, something with a lot of hijinks and fun colors.
Everything was just so lovely.
As the energetic music blared in the background, the deerboy scrolled through Tumblr on his tablet. He always felt a little horny when he was high, so he checked out his favorite place: the hypnokink tag. Not all of it was for him, he wasn’t a “good girl” or looking to “sink into pink”, but there were some good finds.
But the best find of all sent through him an electric jolt, warmed all at once from head to toe.
He couldn’t quite explain what it was concisely, but something in the way they moved drew him in with a vice grip. Not all spirals of course, they had to be the right speed. The right smoothness. The right pattern. Once all the components were there, they would spin him deep into their control before he could even blink.
Of course, he had a collection. No one so taken by spirals wouldn’t have at least a few. This deerboy in particular had over 180. More than a few didn’t work on him anymore, or he had been fooled in the previews that it would be right. But he kept them all. Something about it just seemed right.
And tonight, as he scrolled through the hypnokink tag, he was hoping beyond hope he would stumble upon a wonderful one. A spiral that would make him get a little wetter every time he thought about how depraved it was. Regular people didn’t drop to lines on a screen. But he couldn’t help it when it just sang to his soul, and sucked him in. And the deerboy knew he would give in every single time he let it pull at him.
Even at just the thoughts, the possibility began to draw his mind down. The weed began to hit, and his head grew ever hazier.
Oh, he had just the thing.
The deerboy, with his short little antlers, a little past only just beginning to show, picked up his aphrodisiac pills and popped one into his mouth. He chased it down with a sip of his soda, and sunk a little further into the papasan behind him. When it hit, he would be pulled into a plush cloud of pleasure, just from doing nothing but watching his screen.
He passed by post after post, seeing a new one from yesterday that was actually pretty good. Another from a hypnoblogger with an imaginary scenario. Someone’s hypnostory released to a great response. An underwhelming spiral. An attractive blonde showing off her breasts and bobbing up and down. More fantasies.
But nothing that really drew him in.
And then he stumbled upon it.
One of the blogs had posted a link to a custom spiral maker. He’d tried them out a few times over the years, but some of them just hadn’t hit, or he wasn’t in the right mood for it. But he clicked on the link anyway.
The website opened up to a preview menu. Curious, the deerboy checked over the subliminal text. Suggestions to obey the spiral, not resist, drop, filled the screen. Unfortunately, there were a few lines of text that didn’t fit his preferences, so he edited the text and added some of his favorite mantras. The colors also weren’t quite right, so he made it black and white. A smaller example of the spiral played at the bottom of the page.
Finally, said his brain, leading him down into the winding curves. I can turn off.
He navigated to the main menu, eager. His breathing increased, excited to give in, excited to just lose. The deerboy hit the final button,
And lost.
Out of his brain dripped every single one of his thoughts, the boy’s mind flooded in ecstasy, the vision of the wicked spiral etched into his eyes. Unable to keep upright, he sagged into the grip of its winding gaze, will eroding with each pulse of the pattern, feeling utterly captured by its beauty.
No longer was his opinion required, no coherence asked, nothing taxing at all. Just looking, falling, dropping deeply into trance was all he could do. It was so easy and simple to keep staring. To lose himself in the ebb and flow, the smoothness of its movement, and give up thinking.
He didn’t need thoughts anymore.
That was for other people to have.
He just needed to keep looking into the Spiral, and get weaker.
Giving into the Spiral was what he was made to do.
The Spiral owned him now.
His body began to flutter, the space between his legs feeling warmer and warmer. The deerboy’s eyes started to cross, and his mouth drifted open. Nothing had ever felt so pleasurable in his life.
As he continued to lose control of his mind to some lines on a screen, his arousal kept growing. He didn’t notice that the hornier commands had been increasing in frequency, he just knew he was feeling better and better.
The boy continued dropping, train of thought entirely derailed, drool beginning to collect in his mouth. He was in the grip of the Spiral now, completely surrendered to the patterns before him. He knew what this was doing to him. He knew he was conditioning himself deeper and deeper. But he had his safeties. He had his protections, and he trusted himself.
But of course, to anyone around, it would look as though he was wide open to their influence, receptive to any programming they might want to put on him. He shivered to think of it, wishing, secretly, for someone to corrupt his mind into something unrecognizable from his everyday self.
This desire kept him enraptured, enshrining the key to his mind in a deep, persistent Spiral fetish. And maybe someday, he’d hand it to someone willingly. It wasn’t his focus, but it always hung around in the back of his mind.
Until then, the bright, weaving lines would hold him, and turn his gaze inside out, making him weaker and writing his thoughts. He shivered in their grasp, and his arousal began to increase again. Down, down, deeper the Spiral spun him, sending his head on a dizzy revolution, dropping him into a haze.
It was so hard to think now. There weren’t any thoughts other than the ones flashing in front of his face.
You can’t resist.
The Spiral makes you weak.
You love to stare.
Give in to the Spiral.
You’re weak.
Staring makes you mindless.
His eyes kept crossing, his mind spiraling down into nothing.
The Spiral owned him now.
Submit to the Spiral.
Don’t resist.
You love to drop.
Obey and give in.
The deerboy drooled openly, lost in the movements on the screen, conquered by simple little lights.
The Spiral owned him now.
It wasn’t a question anymore, it was the truth, and the sooner the little deerboy realized that, the better.
His entire being belonged to the Spiral, and there was nothing he could do about it.
All at once, his cunt throbbed pleasurably, and the blood rushed to his tiny dick.
He’d never had such a good lover as a Spiral, and he knew it. It was just a part of his reality now, that Spirals controlled his mind, and fucked it as they pleased. It didn’t matter that he understood there was no sentience there, he couldn’t help but submit to their beauty.
The deerboy had assigned… names. To some of them.
It was just to think about, never to talk about out loud, but they turned over and over in his head as he stared, wondering what this one’s moniker would be.
And as he realized what this one wanted from him, the deerboy’s hole clenched, the high catapulting him into pleasure beyond his wildest dreams. He submitted, cumming on nothing and relinquishing his mind to the Spiral.
The Spiral owned him now.
The Spiral owned him now.
There was nothing else in that moment, just the deerboy and the Spiral. And sometimes only the Spiral.
He came his little heart out, tiny tail twitching and swishing as the orgasm overtook him, cascading up and down his entire body. Utter bliss. The deerboy gave in over and over again, until he felt wrung out and tight.
Maybe it was time to stop.
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crownmemes · 2 months
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Advice; Where to Make Rules and About Pages
If you've read my advice post about the difference between about and rules pages and why they're both important, you may not be wondering the best way to make them. The good news is, there are plenty of options!
The simplest choice. In the past, people would make custom pages on their theme. However, since dash view has become popular (and you can't view custom pages via it, nor can you view them on mobile), most people simply post their about/rules page as a normal text post, and link to it in their pinned post. If you have a custom theme, make sure to link the pages in the navigation bar too!
Using a plain Tumblr post increases your page's readability, but reduces the amount of formatting you can do. If you make your pages elsewhere, you will be able to customise them a lot more.
A free website maker. You can make a small site with a free account, and the prices are pretty reasonable if you need to make a bigger site. Carrd has a minimalist aesthetic, and it will also adjust what you make to fit a mobile browser (though this may break your formatting if you have designed something complicated).
Carrd is easy to use, but it is best used for simple designs. If you want to do something more complicated than a basic Carrd layout, you're going to spend a lot of time trying to make the formatting work. If you want multiple pages for your site, you're also going to spend a lot of time formatting as you can't clone pages, therefore have to recreate each one every time instead.
It uses markdown for formatting text. If you're familiar with it, this can speed up writing, but it may slow you down if you've never used it before.
One of the benefits of Carrd is that there are lots of free templates available within the rpc! Here are resources I found with a quick Google search, but there are plenty more out there if you look for them: [x] [x] [x]
Another free website maker. You can make more for free here than you can on Carrd. Weebly sites should adapt to work on a mobile browser.
I've never seen anybody use Weebly for about/rules pages, but I do recommend it! It's very easy to use, and, unlike Carrd, you can copy and paste entire pages. This makes it ideal if you have lots of muses that you want to make individual about pages for.
It uses a more typical text editor than Carrd. Instead of markdown, it's more like Microsoft Word - where you highlight text and click buttons to add formatting. You also have HTML/CSS options.
Weebly does offer some free templates, but you're likely to want to edit them to suit your needs more. This is okay! It isn't difficult to do!
Google Docs
A popular, completely free option. As with Carrd, there are plenty of templates and resources within the rpc (here are three examples: [x] [x] [x]). These pages will be viewable on a mobile browser, but the theme may not translate well. Keep readability in mind if you use this option.
If you use this option, also make sure the link you share is viewer only and doesn't have editor permissions!
Other Options (WordPress, Self-Hosting, etc)
Don't feel you have to follow the crowd. If you like to use WordPress, use WordPress. You could also use Neocities, or any other website builder!
Personally, I already own a web domain because I have websites for other online activities, so I use about pages that I've coded from scratch and host them myself. For my rules page, I just use a Tumblr text post that's linked in my pinned post. In the past, I've used Carrd and Tumblr pages for about pages.
If you want to write your site using HTML, some free website hosters will allow you to do this (Neocities, for example). If you're interested in coding, I do recommend this! It allows you to have full customisability, and coding can be a really useful skill. However, one downside of this is it can make your pages hard to read on a mobile browser. It's up to you to decide how important this is.
If you're interested in learning HTML (as well as CSS, JavaScript, and other coding languages), this site is a great resource!
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lil-shiro · 26 days
A (hopefully) half decent guide to get into watching figure skating
With the Junior Grand Prix circuit starting this week, I wrote up a little guide for my online pals and anyone else interested in getting into the sport. I'm going to be focusing on Elite Level Skating.
Disclaimer in case I put this into the main tags: I may make a metaphors or two to F1 for comparison since I primary post F1 related things but I do have a #figure skating tag
Honestly if you want a really good write up/guide I highly recommend the website So You Want to Watch Figure Skating and they even have a Tumblr where they post updates.
If you want to read my more condensed, lower quality version, then stick around.
General Info
The International Skating Union (ISU) is the governing body for competitive ice skating disciplines (not just figure skating but speed skating as well). They're like the FIA in this case and decide/vote on regulations and changes.
Each country has their own individual national associations that administers the sport at the national level.
For example, USFS (U.S. Figure Skating), Skate Canada, etc. These associations do things like assign their skaters to competitions, decide funding, hold national level competitions etc.
Figure skating has 4* disciplines - Men's single - Women's single - Pairs - Ice Dance
*(There's also synchronized skating but I don't really keep up with it)
The two categories I'll be focusing on are: Junior and Senior. You can read about the specific age requirements here
A final competition score is comprised of the total score of two programs (segments) added together.
A Short program (SP) score + a Free program (FP) score*
The main difference is that the SP is shorter and the FP is longer. But you can read into the different technical element requirements that I linked since they vary from disciple.
*In ice dance the SP and FP are called Rhythm dance (RD) and Free dance (FD)
To break it down even further, each total segment score is calculated based on the following:
Technical Element Score (TES) + Program Component Score (PCS) = Total segment score (TSS)
Each technical element preformed has a base value of points (following the code of points) depending on difficulty (it's comparable to gymnastics code of points scoring)
The judges then assign GOE (grade of execution) that increases or decreases the base value depending on how well it was executed
For more detailed info and to read about what makes up the PCS, the USFS has an overview here and guide here.
I'm only going to focus on major and easily accessible competitions for this guide. The goal of competitions is to place high and get world standing points.
National Championships Typically held mid-season ish (Dec-Jan). Pretty straight forward, each country hosts their own national champion competition (most people just call them Nationals) for each discipline and age category. Depending on the country, these results may have a little or big impact on which skaters they pick to go to international championships for the rest of the season.
Grand Prix Grand Prix are a series of qualifying events (each held in a different country) that lead to the Grand Prix final. Skaters earn qualifying points at each Grand Prix event and the six highest-ranking qualifiers meet at the ISU Grand Prix Final.
A skater/pair can only participate in a maximum of 2 events. And each individual Grand Prix event can only have up to 3 skaters from the same country in each discipline.
Senior Grand Prix: 6 qualifying events
- for break down of how to qualify for the final refer to this page - skaters are eligible to be assigned to events based on results at the previous World Championships, season’s best scores from the previous and current season, and overall world standing
Junior Grand Prix: 7 qualifying events
- the same requirements apply for qualifying for the finals - eligibility wise, juniors have no minimum score required, as long as they're old enough their country can enter them - there is also no cap on the total # of participants unlike in seniors - # of spots for each nation are designated by previous world junior championship results
Europeans (European Figure Skating Championships) As the name states, Europeans is an ISU Championship in which only European skaters ("members of a European ISU Member") compete for the title. It is regarded as quite prestigious since it's the sport's oldest competition (first held in 1891).
# of competitors per country at Euros is determined based on results from the previous year
Four Continents Championships (4CC) 4CC is like Europeans but with all the other continents [Americas (North America and South America), Africa, Asia and Oceania]. Skaters must belong to a non-European member nation of the ISU.
Each nation can have up to 3 skaters from the same country in each discipline
Each skater must have obtained the minimum TES score requirement in the current or previous season
*Europeans/4CC are senior level only events
Junior/Senior World Championships Aka: the most important competition of the season! (Other than when the olympics happen)
Just like Europeans, # of spots each nation is allocated depends on results from the previous year. This is how they're determined (wording from this reddit post):
A country can have between one and three skaters/teams per discipline.
Each country automatically gets one spot in each discipline.
To get a second spot next year, that skater/team has to place in the top ten. 
To get a third spot, that skater/team has to place in the top two. 
For countries who already have multiple placements, both skaters or the top 2/3 entries: 
must add up to ≤13 with their placements to secure/maintain a third spot (ie. 8th and 5th, 3rd and 9th, etc.)
or ≤28 to secure/maintain a second spot. (ie. 10th and 8th, 5th and 20th, etc.)
How to Watch
All the competitions I mentioned are live-streamed on the ISU YouTube channel. They also stay up so you can watch replays if a competition is held at an inconvenient time!
The Junior Grand Prix events were streamed on the ISU Junior YouTube channel but this year they will also be streamed on the main channel. You can still watching replays all the way from 2011 on it tho!
Occasionally you may find yourself Geo-blocked from a stream. I find this only happens when a competition is being hosted in your country because they want you to use the local streaming/TV service. For example, I'm based in Canada so I'm blocked from the Skate Canada GP event on YouTube because they're streaming it on CBC. I was also blocked from the World's 2024 Youtube stream because it was hosted in Canada. This includes full replays as well. But this is really easy to bypass with a VPN.
Refer to this page for more info
Here are a few resources to keep up with schedules, timing, standings etc.
Skating Scores: Overview of events, scores, and world standings
@/fskatecomptimes: Time-zone adjusted schedules for ISU-recognized figure skating events
So You Want to Watch Figure Skating: Recommending them again because they're awesome
Jackie Wong: Figure skating analyst, provides updates/live tweets from events
Notes :)
I hope this helps and is somewhat understandable. If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask or DM!
My advice is to just start watching and things will come naturally. I never thought I would be able to identify any jumps aside from an axel...but here I am watching competitions, finding myself calling under rotations on a 3T...
This season is the pre-olympic season and there's lots of skaters returning from injury/break so it should be exciting!
My figure skating tag
My favourite discipline is women's but I try to watch everything
I'm desperate for a Canadian skating revival (2018 you were everything)
Favourite ice dance team: Evgenia Lopareva / Geoffrey Brissaud
Current fave skaters (senior): Chaeyeon Kim, literally all of team Japan, Adam Siao Him Fa, Andreas Nordebäck, Alysa Liu + many more
*I would like to mention that just like any other sport there are a lot of issues within figure skating. It's an environment with a lot of young people whom are susceptible to mistreatment/harassment/abuse, so I just wanted to bring that to light since new viewers will probably discover shocking things that have happened/are happening. And overall raise awareness about being mindful viewers like not commenting on a skater's body for example and just advocating for the increased safety of the sport
There is also most definitely politicking involved when it comes judging, but we as viewers will never know how rampant and the details surrounding it. Some posts explaining it more here and here.
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sandinthepipes · 8 months
Hello fellow dyslexic/adhd/others who would like to enjoy fanfics through their ears, I just spent the entire day testing android apps to find one that doesn’t suck as much.
TL;DR - these two T2S, Audify
I feel like I need to share this because 90% the apps don’t even allow a web page as a source, let alone get past the log in page, and I cant be the only one who doesn’t want to download every single fic.
“Oh, but doesn’t android have a built-in text-to-speech function in the accessibility settings?” I hear you ask. Yes, but it sucks ass very badly. Firstly it only reads in the system language, so it doesn’t really work. Second, you need to highlight all that you want it to read, and seeing that I read a minimum of 15k words in a sitting, I’m not gonna do that.
Also I’m broke, I imagine you are too, but even if I wasn’t I’m not paying for this, if I did I wouldn’t even be supporting a human being, so no.
I’ll immediately break your trust with the first point, but it’s what I’ve been doing until now, and now that I know what the android mobile experience is like, I feel the need to include this. The best solution I’ve had so far (which works wonders, let me tell you) is letting Siri read them on the iPad. It’s only doable when I’m at home and it’s still an apple product, so that’s why I began the research. However the positive points are INCREDIBLE so I’m going to ads it to the list because I said so.
First of all it’s built-in and SO EASY to access, you literally just swipe with two fingers and it stars to read. It reads the punctuation, you might think that’s a given and so did I, but no. A question sounds like a question, an exclamation point does why its supposed to do, short sentences sound what they’re supposed to sound like. In apparently all the apps ever created, you won’t find any of it, just flat, monotone voices with flat little pauses. Overall excellent experience 10/10.
Cons: it’s on apple, I consider apple the same as Disney, I would love to not give them more money so that they can make the market increasingly worse. Every now and then a system update will fuck with the tts function and it will be unusable for a while. Sometimes it doesn’t like the text format on some fics. It’s not portable.
Now that we got that out of the way let us get to the meet.
Speechify - it sucks bad. At least the free version, but seen as it costs almost 10€ a month I’m not even going to consider the premium version. Fuck that. You can’t increase the speed, and as somebody who hasn’t watched a single YouTube video on normal speed since they added the function I can’t do that, too slow, I forgot what we were talking about once we get to the end of the sentence. Also you can only use those weird very robotic voices, and they’re not even that many. Don’t recommend. I felt like I had to include it since it was one of the few who allowed browser navigation and well, it’s speechify. Also you can’t t have saved more than 3 “files” per time. Doesn’t have sleep mode.
T2S - cute. It works. Again, no emotions, but it reads what it has to, nice voice selections, easy to use. The premium version adds literally nothing, they’re a good app, what they have, they give. Also you can customise the interface colour if you want. Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: this app allows you to have multiple tabs open at the same time, unlike Audify. - EDIT EDIT: it's waaay better than Audify with pdf files.
Audify - works exactly the same as T2S, but it saves the history and has a bit more customisation for how it reads and what it reads (which you don’t really need for ao3, but if you wanted to read, say, Wikipedia with all the notes and stuff, now you know). Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: the double tap to start reading works slightly better than T2S on websites with weird formatting. But unlike T2S you can only have one tab open - EDIT EDIT: will turn your pdf file into text and will show you just text. If you had things like images or columns fucks for you.
That’s all folks. Now go and be free of your reading impediment, or be free in your multitasking, or whatever you want to do. I’m done, I’ve given my datas to all kinds of shady apps, I need to go do damage control
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vinhjacker1 · 1 year
The Evolution of PHP: Shaping the Web Development Landscape
In the dynamic world of web development, PHP has emerged as a true cornerstone, shaping the digital landscape over the years. As an open-source, server-side scripting language, PHP has played a pivotal role in enabling developers to create interactive and dynamic websites. Let's take a journey through time to explore how PHP has left an indelible mark on web development.
1. The Birth of PHP (1994)
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) came into being in 1994, thanks to Rasmus Lerdorf. Initially, it was a simple set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries used for tracking visits to his online resume. However, Lerdorf soon recognized its potential for web development, and PHP evolved into a full-fledged scripting language.
2. PHP's Role in the Dynamic Web (Late '90s to Early 2000s)
In the late '90s and early 2000s, PHP began to gain prominence due to its ability to generate dynamic web content. Unlike static HTML, PHP allowed developers to create web pages that could interact with databases, process forms, and provide personalized content to users. This shift towards dynamic websites revolutionized the web development landscape.
3. The Rise of PHP Frameworks (2000s)
As PHP continued to grow in popularity, developers sought ways to streamline and standardize their development processes. This led to the emergence of PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. These frameworks provided structured, reusable code and a wide range of pre-built functionalities, significantly accelerating the development of web applications.
4. PHP and Content Management Systems (CMS) (Early 2000s)
Content Management Systems, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, rely heavily on PHP. These systems allow users to create and manage websites with ease. PHP's flexibility and extensibility make it the backbone of numerous plugins, themes, and customization options for CMS platforms.
5. E-Commerce and PHP (2000s to Present)
PHP has played a pivotal role in the growth of e-commerce. Platforms like Magento, WooCommerce (built on top of WordPress), and OpenCart are powered by PHP. These platforms provide robust solutions for online retailers, allowing them to create and manage online stores efficiently.
6. PHP's Contribution to Server-Side Scripting (Throughout)
PHP is renowned for its server-side scripting capabilities. It allows web servers to process requests and deliver dynamic content to users' browsers. This server-side scripting is essential for applications that require user authentication, data processing, and real-time interactions.
7. PHP's Ongoing Evolution (Throughout)
PHP has not rested on its laurels. It continues to evolve with each new version, introducing enhanced features, better performance, and improved security. PHP 7, for instance, brought significant speed improvements and reduced memory consumption, making it more efficient and appealing to developers.
8. PHP in the Modern Web (Present)
Today, PHP remains a key player in the web development landscape. It is the foundation of countless websites, applications, and systems. From popular social media platforms to e-commerce giants, PHP continues to power a significant portion of the internet.
9. The PHP Community (Throughout)
One of PHP's strengths is its vibrant and active community. Developers worldwide contribute to its growth by creating libraries, extensions, and documentation. The PHP community fosters knowledge sharing, making it easier for developers to learn and improve their skills.
10. The Future of PHP (Ongoing)
As web technologies continue to evolve, PHP adapts to meet new challenges. Its role in serverless computing, microservices architecture, and cloud-native applications is steadily increasing. The future holds exciting possibilities for PHP in the ever-evolving web development landscape.
In conclusion, PHP's historical journey is interwoven with the evolution of web development itself. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a web development powerhouse, PHP has not only shaped but also continues to influence the internet as we know it. Its versatility, community support, and ongoing evolution ensure that PHP will remain a vital force in web development for years to come.
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dino--draws · 2 years
How to Play Pokemon Without Dishing Out 60 Dollars: a Guide to Pokemon as a TTRPG
I thought this would be a fun thing to do, as I’ve been a part of three ttrpg (D&D eqsue) pokemon campaigns and both use a similar set of rules for how its done (I helped co-create this specific system for how it works to begin with). So this is going to be a long post about the mechanics of running a Pokemon D&D/ttrpg-style campaign!  Since this is going to be one HELL of a long post, I’m putting it below a read more! 
Alrighty, let’s get into this shit! 
First and Foremost 
Resources that will make your life SO MUCH easier:  
https://pokemondb.net/ (Literally going to be your best friend. Use it.)  https://rolladie.net/ (Or any dice-roller website (or actual dice), this is my go to because you can put custom values into it)  https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page or  https://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml (basically any pokemon wiki that gives you access to item info, shops, areas and maps!)  A calculator of some type, weather digital of physical (you will need this, trust me)
Pokemon have... a lot of stats and it involves a lot of numbers, and the aim of this is to reduce the amount of math needed to be done as much as possible. So there are 4 stats that actually matter to us when it comes to this guide, and those stats are:  Health, Defense, Special Defense and Speed You can find all of these specific stats for every pokemon on the Pokemon Database (first link under Resources) 
Speed will determine the turn order during a battle, just as it does in game. This stat remains static no matter the level of the pokemon, and only can change with evolution or an fed item that can increase the base stat in game. 
A pokemon’s base health stat is exactly that, it will be their base health. With each level, a pokemon gains usually 2 HP. To calculate the health of a higher level pokemon you can do the following formula: 
Base Health + 2(Level) 
This will give you the base health of the pokemon. This stat can change with evolution so sometimes a recalculation is required. 
Defense and Special Defense only truly matter if they are HIGHER then the pokemon’s base health. If a pokemon’s base health is lower then one of its defense stats, the defense stat becomes the new base health. This is so that more tanky pokemon retain this.
Leveling Up
The leveling system is also simplified. A pokemon requires only 100 XP to level up each time, making the meter look more like this:
0/100 XP
The XP yield from battles is determined by the DM, just go ham there doesn’t exactly have to be rhyme or reason to it, if you have a plan for the levels of each area/story beat, try to manipulate the XP drops to keep your party on level. 
Wild Encounters and Catching Pokemon 
The Wild Encounter system for this is pretty simple, pokemon have designated areas that wild pokemon spawn in, aka the tall grass. Have your players roll a varying number of d20 (depending on how big the grass patch is) and if they roll a number that is above a 10, they are given an encounter. 
Utilizing one of multiple pokemon wikis, you can find the spawn rates of pokemon within specific areas, usually the pages for the Routes contains this information! From there you can create a table of sorts, and with that table your players can roll a 1d100 to see what exactly their encounter. 
To catch a pokemon, one must, of course, utilize a pokeball. When a pokeball is thrown, the pokemon must do a 1d20 saving throw against the player. If the player rolls higher then the pokemon, then the catch is a success. Modifiers do apply to catch rates. 
If a pokemon’s health is very low, their roll can be subtracted from by a number the DM can determine. If it’s high, their roll can be added to.  Different pokeballs have different modifiers for their catch rate, a great ball can add a +2 modifier, a ultra ball a +5, for example. The DM themselves can determine the modifiers. 
A pokemon’s gender is determined upon capture, for the most part you can just flip a coin for the gender. 
For fun, you can also include a shiny percentile. This can be done by rolling a 1d100. If a player rolls a nat 100 after catching a pokemon, that pokemon is shiny. (The campaigns I’ve played in usually go for 95 or above as shiny) 
Alright here’s where a LOT of the math comes into play. Get out your calculator y’all.  As you probably know, all damaging pokemon moves have a Power Level, and this power level will determine the hit-dice (aka the amount of dice you roll for damage) that the move has. The power level functionally becomes the highest amount of damage that the move can do. 
For example, tackle is a 40 power move. This means it would utilize 2d20s as the hit dice. The number from that roll would be the damage.  A 100 power move like Spacial Rend would utilize 5d20s as the hit dice, as 100 damage would be the maximum. 
For the moves a pokemon can learn, utilize the Moveset from the most recent pokemon game. This can also be found on the Pokemon Database. 
Accuracy is usually not calculated for unless it is an intrinsic part of the move, such a Sheer Cold of Guillotine. These moves would require the rolling of a 1d100, and if the number lands within the percent range of the attack’s hit chance, then it lands. (However, if you wish to include accuracy, use a 1d100 and if you roll below the accuracy number, then it hits). If a pokemon is attacking out of battle, and for this example we will use attacking a trainer, they must roll a 1d20 for their aim. The one they are attacking must roll a 1d20 against this attack. If the attacking pokemon rolls higher then the target, they hit and now its time to do the damage calculations. If the target rolls above their attacker, they dodge.  Human character’s HP can be determined by the DM, but 100 HP is always a good number to use. 
Similarly, a moves PP (Powerpoints) are also not calculated for the most part. The only exception it the signature move of a legendary, or one that specifically has a PP level of 5 due to its power. 
Super Effectives and Resistances work as normal. A normal super effective hit does double damage, while a resistance takes half the damage. A quad super effective if 4xs the damage, and a quad resistance is 1/4 the damage. If you don’t feel like memorizing a typing chart, or keeping track of multiple things, resistances can be expunged and only super effectives kept if one needs additional simplification. This is all up to personal preference of the players and DM. 
Mega Evolution increases the health of a pokemon by 25%, and adds a +20 to their damage output. Undergoing mega evolution requires the player trainer to have a keystone, and a corresponding mega stone for their pokemon. 
If one wishes to give their trainers an extra challenge, operate on some of the Nuzlocke rules! You can add extra tension or stakes by making pokemon killable. With these rules, if a pokemon hits 0 HP, they must roll a 1d6 saving throw. If they roll above a 3 they live but are in critical condition and fainted. If they roll below that the pokemon is dead. 
Example of a Pokemon’s Information + Template 
An example of how a pokemon’s information can be set up is as followed: 
Eclipse  Female Charizard (Shiny) Fire-Flying Type Level: 45 (20/100 XP) HP: 168/168 Moves: Flame Burst (3d20, 1d10 burn (fire)), Wing Attack (3d20, (flying)), Fire Fang (3d20, 1d4 for burn (1d6 damage) (fire)), Flamethrower (4d20 + 1d10 (fire)) Ability: Blaze (Increasing fire-type moves power by 50% when below 50% health) 
And here is a blank template for your own use: 
[Nickname] [Species]  [Typing] Level: (0/100 XP)  HP:  Moves: Ability:
The World Around You (NPCs, Shops, Items, the Map)
The use of NPCs (especially trainer NPCs) will really depend on what you’re doing for the campaign’s story. If it is taking place in a pre-existing region, then you can utilize any pokemon wiki to see what trainers are in specific areas, and see their team and moves! You can utilize the multitude of NPCs that exist.  If you’re doing something completely original, or in a fan-region, the DM will have to set up all of the NPCs on their own.  And of course, you can use this to play around with the characterization of pre-existing pokemon characters. Have fun with em! 
Shops and Items are relatively straight forward. You can utilize the prices from the most recent games for items as a way to price them for purchase. (For example, pokeballs across almost all games cost 200 pokedollars) Pokedollars can be given to players are post-battle rewards, quest rewards, or just in general found items (or stolen if you want smh). 
The Map, Route, and World your players explore once again heavily relies upon what your campaign is. If its within a preexisting region, you can access the map and routes from any of the pokemon wikis and work from there. If its a fan-region, then the map and routes can be custom made. And you are always free to add or take away things! You do not have to fully adhere to everything. 
Story, Plot, all that Jazz 
The story and plot is all up to you as a DM! Are you running a campaign that is the same as the plot of one of the pre-existing games? Are you modifying a pre-existing game to change the story? Are you throwing it all to the wind and using your own fan-region and fakemons? Are all your players characters friends about to embark on the gym challenge, only to be swept up in the dark plot of an evil team? Is it a band of guild pokemon going on an adventure Mystery Dungeon style? The sky is the limit! Have fun with it! :D  You are not constrained by much of anything plot wise! You can make it a fun and silly adventure with friends in a fantastical world, or it a dark and tragic tale full of bloodshed and perseverance through world-ending catastrophe. Or like... both.  Both is good too.  
And that, everyone, is how you play pokemon with friends without actually buying a pokemon game! And hey, this time its multiplayer! 
If you have ANY questions, hit me up and I’ll be happy to answer you! 
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topseoprocess · 3 months
How Website Technical Analysis is Beneficial for SEO
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Conducting a technical analysis of your website is crucial for improving your SEO strategy and overall digital presence. This guide will explain how a comprehensive technical analysis can benefit your SEO efforts.
Technical analysis involves evaluating various backend aspects of your website to ensure optimal performance and search engine rankings. By addressing technical issues, you can enhance user experience and improve your site's visibility. This guide will cover the key elements of a technical analysis for SEO.
1. Improving Site Speed
Site speed is a critical factor for both user experience and SEO. Faster loading times lead to lower bounce rates and higher search engine rankings. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix speed-related issues.
2. Ensuring Mobile-Friendliness
With the increasing use of mobile devices, it's essential to have a mobile-friendly website. Technical analysis helps ensure that your site is responsive and provides a seamless experience across all devices. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure your site’s mobile compatibility.
3. Fixing Broken Links
Broken links can negatively impact user experience and SEO. Use tools like Screaming Frog to identify and fix broken links, ensuring that users and search engines can navigate your site efficiently.
4. Optimizing Site Structure
A well-structured site helps search engines crawl and index your pages more effectively. Technical analysis involves evaluating your site’s URL structure, internal linking, and navigation to ensure they are optimized for SEO. A clear and logical structure enhances user experience and search engine visibility.
5. Enhancing Security
Website security is crucial for protecting user data and maintaining search engine rankings. Ensure your site uses HTTPS encryption and conduct regular security audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
6. Improving Crawlability and Indexability
Ensure search engines can crawl and index your content effectively. Check your robots.txt file, XML sitemaps, and meta tags to ensure they are correctly configured. This ensures that search engines can access all important pages on your site.
7. Monitoring Technical SEO Metrics
Regular monitoring of technical SEO metrics such as site speed, crawl errors, and mobile usability is essential. Tools like Google Search Console provide valuable insights into your site’s technical performance and help you identify areas for improvement.
8. Using Structured Data
Implementing structured data (schema markup) helps search engines understand your content better and can enhance your site’s visibility in search results. Technical analysis includes evaluating and implementing structured data to improve your SEO.
9. Conducting Regular Audits
Technical analysis is not a one-time task but requires regular audits to ensure your site remains optimized. Keeping up with the latest SEO best practices and search engine algorithm updates is crucial for maintaining and improving your site’s performance.
For example, leveraging professional SEO company services can ensure continuous technical optimization of your site.
Performing a technical analysis for SEO is essential for ensuring your website’s optimal performance and search engine visibility. By improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, fixing broken links, optimizing site structure, enhancing security, and monitoring technical SEO metrics, you can enhance user experience and search engine rankings. For expert assistance in technical analysis and SEO, explore our Digital Marketing Services and SEO company.
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marketingprofitmedia · 11 months
Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner's Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic
In today’s digital age, where the virtual world reigns supreme, a robust online presence is your ticket to success. Whether you’re an aspiring blogger, an e-commerce entrepreneur, or a passionate individual looking to make your mark, increasing website traffic is the first step towards achieving your online aspirations. Welcome to our comprehensive guide, Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner’s Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic.
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In this digital journey, we will explore the subtleties of maximising your presence on the web in order to achieve your goals. We’ve got you covered in every aspect of digital marketing, from perfecting the science of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to capitalising on the influence of content marketing and social media tactics. By the time you reach the conclusion of this route, you’ll be well-versed in the techniques that will bring an avalanche of visitors to your website and help you achieve your goals in the digital world. So buckle up, because we’re about to go on an incredible journey together!
Why Does Website Traffic Matter?
Website traffic is the lifeblood of your online presence. It’s a reflection of your website’s visibility and reach. More traffic means increased opportunities for achieving your goals, whether it’s growing your brand, generating leads, making sales, or sharing your passion. In essence, website traffic is the fuel that propels your online success, making it a fundamental metric to track and improve.
1. What is Website Traffic?
Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who access your website. It’s a crucial metric that measures your online reach. Understanding the sources and types of website traffic is the first step toward boosting your online presence.
Organic Traffic: Visitors who find your site through search engines like Google.
Direct Traffic: People who access your site directly, either by typing the URL or using bookmarks.
Referral Traffic: Visitors who arrive at your site through links from other websites.
Social Media Traffic: Traffic generated through social media platforms.
Paid Traffic: Visitors acquired through paid advertising, like Google Ads.
2. Setting Realistic Goals
Setting realistic goals is the compass that guides your journey towards a thriving online presence. By defining clear and achievable objectives, you create a roadmap for success. These goals might encompass increasing monthly visitors, boosting newsletter sign-ups, or improving conversion rates. Realistic goals provide direction and motivation, helping you measure and celebrate your progress in the dynamic world of digital presence.
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3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results. It’s a multifaceted strategy encompassing on-page and off-page techniques. On-page SEO involves optimizing individual pages with relevant keywords and quality content. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, focuses on building authority through backlinks and social signals. Together, these efforts improve your website’s rank, making it easier for potential visitors to find your online content. It’s all about making your website more visible to search engines like Google.
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages for search engines. Here are key factors to consider:
Keywords: Choose relevant keywords for each page and incorporate them naturally in your content.
Meta Titles and Descriptions: Craft compelling meta titles and descriptions to encourage clicks from search results.
Quality Content: Create informative and engaging content that keeps visitors on your site.
Page Speed: Ensure your website loads quickly to improve user experience.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO focuses on activities outside your website that impact your online presence:
Backlinks: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your site’s authority.
Social Signals: Engage on social media to increase your content’s visibility and shareability.
Local SEO: If you have a physical location, optimize for local search to attract nearby customers.
4. Mobile Optimization
Mobile optimization is the process of tailoring your website to provide an excellent user experience on smartphones and tablets. With mobile devices dominating internet access, optimizing for them is essential. It enhances your site’s speed, layout, and functionality on smaller screens, making it more user-friendly. Mobile optimization not only improves SEO but also ensures you don’t miss out on potential visitors. Here’s why:
Mobile-friendliness boosts your SEO ranking.
It improves the user experience.
Increases the likelihood of retaining mobile visitors.
5. Quality Content Creation
Quality content creation is the cornerstone of engaging and retaining website visitors. It involves in-depth research, understanding your audience’s interests, and crafting valuable, informative, and engaging material. Using multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics enriches the user experience. Employing storytelling techniques also adds an emotional touch, making your content more relatable and shareable, ultimately driving increased website traffic. Consider the following tips:
Research your target audience and their interests.
Develop a content calendar for consistency.
Use multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics.
Incorporate storytelling to engage readers emotionally.
6. Blogging and Guest Posting
Blogging and guest posting are dynamic tools for driving website traffic. Through regular, informative, and shareable blog posts, you engage your audience. Guest posting on reputable websites in your niche extends your reach to a broader audience, enhancing your brand’s visibility. It’s a two-pronged approach, combining your content’s magnetism and the reach of established platforms, ensuring your website benefits from increased traffic and exposure.
7. Choosing the Right Platforms
Choosing the right social media platforms is vital. Each platform caters to distinct demographics and interests. Facebook suits various niches, while Instagram emphasizes visuals. LinkedIn excels for B2B and professional networking, while Pinterest thrives in DIY and recipe niches. Twitter offers real-time engagement and news updates. By picking platforms aligned with your audience and niche, you maximize your online presence and potential traffic. Choose the right ones based on your niche and target audience.
Facebook: Ideal for a wide range of niches, especially B2C businesses.
Instagram: Visual-focused, great for lifestyle, fashion, and travel niches.
LinkedIn: Best for B2B businesses and professional networking.
Pinterest: Perfect for DIY, crafts, and recipes.
Twitter: Excellent for real-time engagement and news updates.
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8. Consistency and Engagement
Consistency and engagement are the dynamic duo of social media success. Regular, engaging posts maintain your presence in followers’ minds, fostering a loyal audience. Responding to comments, asking questions, and running polls or contests spark interaction. By maintaining an active and engaging social media presence, you not only boost website traffic but also build a vibrant community around your brand.
As we reach the conclusion of our online presence-boosting expedition, you’ve gained a treasure trove of insights. Remember, this journey is ongoing, marked by evolving strategies and the need for adaptability. With clear goals, SEO prowess, captivating content, and a dynamic social media presence, your website traffic is set to soar. The digital realm is your canvas; success depends on your creative brushstrokes. So, keep innovating, stay tuned to emerging trends, and continue crafting your digital masterpiece. Your flourishing online presence awaits!
1. How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?
The timeline for SEO results can vary. Some changes may lead to immediate improvements, while others, like building backlinks, can take several months to impact your rankings significantly. It’s a long-term strategy, and patience is key.
2. Do I need to be on all social media platforms?
No, it’s not necessary to be on every social media platform. Choose the ones that align with your niche and target audience. Quality over quantity is more important in social media marketing.
3. What’s the ideal blog post length for SEO?
The ideal blog post length can vary, but longer, comprehensive content tends to perform better in search engines. Aim for 1,500–2,500 words for in-depth articles, but don’t sacrifice quality for length.
4. How can I monitor my website’s performance?
You can use various tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor your website’s performance. These tools provide insights into your traffic, user behavior, and SEO data.
5. What are the most common SEO mistakes to avoid?
Common SEO mistakes include keyword stuffing, neglecting mobile optimization, ignoring backlinks, and not creating high-quality content. Avoid these to ensure your SEO efforts are effective.
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Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner’s Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic
Thanks for reading my article on “Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner’s Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic“, hope it will help!
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rushsmith13 · 28 days
What is SEO and how does it work?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's a set of practices aimed at improving a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal is to increase the quantity and quality of organic (non-paid) traffic to a website. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:
Keyword Research: This involves identifying the words and phrases that people are using to search for information related to your site. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs can help you find relevant keywords with good search volume and low competition.
On-Page SEO: This focuses on optimizing individual pages on your site to rank higher. Key elements include:
Title Tags: Descriptive and keyword-rich titles for each page.
Meta Descriptions: Short summaries of page content that appear in search results.
Headings: Using proper heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) to organize content.
Content Quality: Creating high-quality, relevant content that answers users’ queries.
Internal Linking: Linking to other pages within your site to improve navigation and spread link equity.
Technical SEO: This ensures that search engines can crawl and index your site efficiently. It includes:
Site Speed: Ensuring your site loads quickly.
Mobile-Friendliness: Making sure your site is responsive and works well on mobile devices.
Sitemap: Creating and submitting a sitemap to help search engines understand the structure of your site.
Robots.txt: Directing search engines on which pages to crawl and which to ignore.
Off-Page SEO: This involves activities outside your site that impact its authority and rankings. Key elements include:
Backlinks: Getting other reputable sites to link to your content. Quality backlinks act as endorsements of your site’s credibility.
Social Signals: Engagement on social media platforms can indirectly influence rankings.
User Experience (UX): Improving the overall experience on your site, such as easy navigation, engaging content, and a clean design, helps retain visitors and reduce bounce rates.
Analytics and Monitoring: Using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your site’s performance, monitor traffic sources, and adjust strategies based on data.
SEO is an ongoing process since search engines frequently update their algorithms. Staying current with SEO best practices and adapting to changes is crucial for maintaining and improving your site's rankings.
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istherewifiinhell · 7 months
Carrot Pineapple Muffins
The recipe for the muffins seen here, well. Sort of anyway.
Recipe as written, on a page from maybe a website or book? I just have a photo copy I reprint as needed (read: as the paper falls victim to mishaps)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup salad oil
2 eggs
1 cup finely grated raw carrot
1/2 cup crushed pineapple with juice
1 tsp vanilla
Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together in large bowl. Add oil, eggs, carrot, pineapple and vanilla.
Blend on low speed until all is moist, then beat for 2 minutes at medium speed. Half fill greased muffin tins and bake at 350 F for 25 minutes.
Makes 24 muffins. -Mrs. W. Atkins Agincourt, Ontario
Well thank u Mrs. Agincourt, the impact uve had on my life is not insubstantial. If you would like these muffins id def reccomend just making them as is...
however... u dont have a recipe in your life this long and Not Fuck With It.
Number One alteration that ive never NOT done (well maybe once by accident?) blend those pineapples. well it very well might be to ppls preference to have little morsels of pineapple in there. but a blended pineapple slurry just makes it like. applesauce muffins. just a nice moist texture throughout idk
Number 1.5 is u can make this a cake if u like. i guess thats obivious. BUT. Its good. i had this for many a birthday. ice that shit, normal buttercream please what is with the cream cheese obsession i dont know. do what u like but dont limit urself to expectation okay. Bakes into a nice really brown cake. U gotta bake this recipe like 'well done' if u want it to have any kind of structural intregrity so its kinda? crusty? i like it tho.
Number 2. ratios. in an impluse that im sure started in some healthy eating for the kids blah blah. but its just how i make it now. I tend to increase the pineapple and decrease the oil and use one egg? how much?? ehhhhhh..... like like a cup of pineapple. and 1/3 oil? does that math out? probably not idk. dont do it like how i do it maybe probably but thats how i do it
ALSO. MORE CINNAMON. Live deliciously. could go up to a tbsp of cinnamon honestly. Maybe even apple pie or chai spices. Could do whatever.
Number 3. definitional quibbles. "makes 24 muffins" whos muffins.... i find this tends to make me about 15 large muffins. maybe 16-18 if u want to be safe from over flow? and more if u want to fill em with a jam thing.
"finely grated carrot" using a grater with wholes less that like... idk half a centremeter gives me a bad time. u want like. chedder cheese size not parmesan.
oh also "salad oil" i use canola or vegatable. is that what it means by that? [makes i dunno noise] you could sub with various melted fats. there would be differences but not a big deal. butter or marg or coconut. whatever.
Number 4. Process. Oh mostly just I mix all the liquids together and then add them to the dry ingredients. (u could pop them all into blender together if u want) im mixing this shit by hand so u know. usuaully i do carrots a dry ingredient but that might not even be a good choice again ignore what im doing.
and again bake time. Ur really gonna want to check on them to to make sure their done. like toothpick check colour check whatever. their moist so its not a big like. over cook problem i think. AND i think theyre really good after sitting in the fridge or freezer and getting reheated (fresh baked goods are soooo tasty but a microwave is also a wonderful invention)
post thought. the jam. i dont usually fill these muffins usually i save that for applesauce ones, but i did last time. i tend to just heat whatever frozen berries, little lemon or lime juice. uhhhh maybe 1/4 cup of sugar? in a small sauce pan. how much fruit. ??? enough. i fill each muffin with like. a tablespoon. so idk. math that one out. needs to be a thick sauce! (however if its TOO thick then u also lose out on messy pick apart muffin treat. ur call) and chilled. if u wanna avoid Big Mess Muffin. lmao. u could swril the jam in or whatever else to but. effort.
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naina-2024 · 27 days
How to Increase Online Sales for Your eCommerce Store
Running an eCommerce store can be highly rewarding, but increasing online sales often requires strategic efforts. Here are ten detailed strategies to help you boost your online sales and grow your business.
1. Optimize Your Website
User-Friendly Design A user-friendly design is crucial for keeping visitors on your site and guiding them towards making a purchase. Simplify navigation with clear menus and categories. Use a clean layout with plenty of white space to avoid overwhelming visitors. Ensure that buttons and calls-to-action (CTAs) are easily noticeable and intuitive.
Mobile Responsiveness Over 50% of online shopping is done on mobile devices. Ensure your website adjusts smoothly on all device sizes. This means using a responsive design that automatically resizes and reorganizes content based on the screen size. Test your site on various devices to ensure a seamless mobile experience.
Fast Loading Times Slow websites frustrate users and can increase bounce rates. Aim for page load times of under three seconds by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and using a reliable hosting service. Use tools like Google Page Speed Insights to identify and fix performance issues.
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2. Improve Product Descriptions
Highlight Benefits Effective product descriptions do more than list features. They explain how the product solves a problem or enhances the customer’s life. Use storytelling techniques to make descriptions engaging and relatable.
Use High-Quality Visuals Include multiple high-resolution images and videos showing the product from different angles and in use. Visual content can significantly impact purchasing decisions by providing a better understanding of the product.
SEO Optimization Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the descriptions to improve search engine rankings. This helps potential customers find your products more easily through search engines. Use keyword research tools to find the best keywords for your products.
3. Enhance Your SEO
Keyword Research Identify and use relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and meta tags. Effective keyword usage can improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.
Content Creation Regularly publish blog posts, guides, and other content that provides value to your customers and improves your SEO. High-quality content can attract and engage visitors, encouraging them to explore your products.
Technical SEO Ensure your website has a clean structure, fast load times, and is indexed correctly by search engines. Technical SEO improvements can enhance your site's visibility and performance in search engine results. Continue Reading... Click the link below. https://www.bharatgo.com/blogs/Boost-Sales-With-Proven-Strategies
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managedserversus · 1 year
SEO-Friendly Website Hosting and Management Services
When it comes to running a successful online business or website, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role. It helps improve your website’s visibility, drive organic traffic, and ultimately, boost your online presence. While many factors contribute to effective SEO, one element that often gets overlooked is the choice of website hosting and management services. In this article, we will explore the importance of SEO-friendly website hosting and management services and how they can benefit your online business.
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The Impact of Website Hosting on SEO
Website hosting is the foundation upon which your online presence is built. It affects various aspects of your website’s performance, including page loading speed, uptime, security, and overall user experience. These factors have a direct impact on SEO, and here’s how:
Page Loading Speed: Search engines prioritize fast-loading websites, as they provide a better user experience. Slow-loading websites not only frustrate visitors but also result in higher bounce rates, which can negatively affect your search engine rankings.
Uptime: If your website frequently experiences downtime or is unavailable to users, search engines may perceive it as unreliable and lower its rankings. Choosing a reliable hosting provider ensures maximum uptime and minimizes the risk of website downtime.
Security: Website security is crucial for both user experience and SEO. Search engines prioritize websites that have robust security measures in place, such as SSL certificates and protection against malware and hacking attempts.
SEO-Friendly Hosting Features
When selecting a website hosting service, it’s important to consider the following SEO-friendly features:
Fast and Reliable Servers: Look for hosting providers that offer high-performance servers and have a reputation for speed and reliability. This ensures your website loads quickly, improving user experience and SEO.
Uptime Guarantee: Choose a hosting provider that guarantees a high uptime percentage, ideally 99.9% or higher. This ensures your website remains accessible to users and search engines at all times.
Server Location: If your target audience is in a specific region, consider choosing a hosting provider with servers located in that area. It helps reduce latency and improves website loading speed for visitors in that region.
Scalability: As your website grows, you’ll need the flexibility to scale your hosting resources. Look for providers that offer easy scalability options, allowing you to accommodate increased traffic without compromising performance.
SEO Tools and Integrations: Some hosting providers offer built-in SEO tools or integrations with popular SEO plugins. These features can help you optimize your website’s on-page elements, meta tags, XML sitemaps, and more.
The Importance of Website Management for SEO
Website management involves various tasks such as content updates, regular backups, security monitoring, and software updates. Proper website management not only ensures smooth operations but also has a positive impact on SEO:
Content Updates: Regularly updating your website with fresh, relevant, and high-quality content is vital for SEO. A good website management service can help you schedule and implement content updates, ensuring your website remains engaging for both users and search engines.
Security Monitoring: Proactive security monitoring is essentialto identify and address any vulnerabilities or security threats promptly. Regular scans and malware removal prevent potential SEO penalties due to compromised website security.
Software Updates: Keeping your website’s software, plugins, and themes up to date is crucial for security and performance. Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and slower loading speeds.
Choosing SEO-Friendly Website Management Services
When selecting website management services, consider the following factors:
Content Management System (CMS): Ensure that the website management service supports popular and SEO-friendly CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. These platforms offer a range of SEO plugins and tools to optimize your website.
Backup and Recovery: Regular backups are essential to protect your website data. Choose a management service that offers automated backups and easy recovery options in case of any unforeseen incidents.
Security Measures: Look for a management service that includes robust security features such as firewall protection, malware scanning, and SSL certificate integration to keep your website secure from potential threats.
Technical Support: Ensure that the website management service provides reliable technical support to address any issues or concerns promptly. Quick resolution of technical problems can prevent prolonged website downtime and potential SEO consequences.
Choosing SEO-friendly website hosting and management services is crucial for the success of your online business. A fast, reliable, and secure hosting provider, coupled with effective website management, can significantly improve your website’s visibility, user experience, and search engine rankings. By paying attention to SEO-related factors when selecting these services, you lay a strong foundation for your website’s long-term success in the competitive online landscape
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t-u-t-a · 1 year
How to Optimize Your Website for Better SEO and Higher Rankings
Greetings, my fellow digital marketing enthusiasts! As the best blog writer on Tumblr, I am excited to share my top tips on optimizing your website for better SEO and higher rankings.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of digital marketing. It involves optimizing your website's content and structure to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. By optimizing your website for SEO, you can drive more organic traffic to your site, increase your visibility, and improve your online presence.
Without further ado, here are my tips for optimizing your website for better SEO and higher rankings:
Conduct Keyword Research - Start by conducting keyword research to identify the keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition.
Optimize Your Website Structure - A well-organized website structure can improve user experience and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages. Use a clear and simple navigation menu, organize your content into categories, and include internal links between related pages.
Optimize Your On-Page Content - Your on-page content should be optimized for both users and search engines. Use your target keywords naturally throughout your content, optimize your meta tags, and include internal and external links.
Focus on User Experience - Search engines prioritize user experience, so it's important to make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly. Use responsive design, compress images, and minimize the use of JavaScript and CSS to improve page speed.
Build High-Quality Backlinks - Backlinks are an important ranking factor in SEO. Focus on building high-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites to improve your website's authority and rankings.
By following these tips, you can optimize your website for better SEO and higher rankings, driving more traffic and improving your online presence.
I hope you found these tips helpful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.
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