#how to remove black magic spells
howtoexloveback · 5 months
Use black magic to avoid the issues from love life
It is the best experience in our home being in love or a beautiful relationship. You are about to contact with a person who holds the same feeling. It is a blissful time to being in a relationship that is ending up with marriage. It is only possible when you and your partner are dedicated to marriage or you have true love. But sometimes things are not working like as you planned. You have to do…
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sebbianas · 7 months
Harry discovered a journal while cleaning Grimmauld place.
It was a black journal, nothing fancy, seems incredibly simple for something that was found in the Black ancestral home. At the back of the cover was an elegant cursive stamp that says Property of Regulus Arcuturus Black.
After RAB’s involvement in the locket, Harry has grown curious of the man, he wanted to know more about his godfather’s younger brother. Was there more to his betrayal? Was there more to his sudden deflection? Was there more to RAB that Kreacher’s story and the simple note he left behind?
Curiosity getting the best of him, Harry opens the book. He was surprised to find it didnt have any protective charms or curses, maybe the magic disappeared now that the owner is no longer alive. Harry’s chest felt tight thinking that.
Continuing on, the journal was simple enough. Elegant writing covered the first few pages, a single style handwriting that seems to get neater and neater as Harry browses each pages. The content weren’t anything special, a note about a certain ingredient and its effect on potions, a spell to try, a historical figure to read about, and the reoccurring to read list that gets updated every other page.
The first few pages spoke of a boy living on his own, no personalized stories, nothing that will reveal how Regulus lived his life.
Until Harry turned to the next page and found a new handwriting. It was scrawny, messy, and written without a care. It didn’t seem to match with the journal’s aesthetic yet it somehow fits perfectly. The first one he saw from this handwriting was a capitalized NERD and a little heart. It made Harry laugh a little. Regulus didn’t seem to mind since he didn’t try to remove it.
Soon the handwriting keeps on appearing more and more, leaving longer notes, drawing more ridiculous things. None of it was ever erased.
And then finally at the last page it was empty except for one sentence. I love you, Reg.
When Harry tried to touch it he felt a shock of magic. He’s not sure it was possible for a dead person’ magic to leave an imprint in their old things but this did.
Regulus must have loved whoever wrote this for his magic to stay to keep this one page protected.
Harry put the journal away and wondered who Regulus could have loved that much.
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clubforfrogs · 2 months
Slip Ups (Pt.1?) Poly Marauders x reader
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Authors Note: Hey! This is my first ever fic so it might not be the best. The reader is Gryffindor, and the Marauders are already in a relationship. Lmk if you want a part two!
It was no secret that the marauders were fond of their pranks. Magical slime that only they knew the spell to remove, changing the color of the Slytherins robes to a deep red and gold instead of the usual silver and green, it was all commonplace at Hogwarts. But what you couldn’t figure out was why their favorite pranks were the ones they pulled on you. 
Now their pranks towards you were never cruel. They were always small things like staring water balloon fights with you and your friends during the warmer months or them charming your shoes so that they grow one size bigger every time you jump (it had taken you a while to figure that one out). Even though their pranks were almost pitifully small, something about them just irked you. You weren’t particularly close, and you certainly hadn’t made enemies with them. You would have had to talk to them to do that! On top of all of this, the flirting was incessant.
You couldn’t make it through a single class without a “Is that a new perfume? You smell delicious,” (James) or a “Has anyone told you that you look absolutely ravishing today?” (Sirius)
It was certainly flattering, but it was also public. Didn’t they have any shame? You braced yourself as you walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. As was to be expected you saw James, Sirius, and Remus talking loudly amongst themselves, stopping when you walked into the classroom. You made your way over to your regular seat, coincidentally right behind where they were standing.
Sirius grinned , “Did you somehow get even more gorgeous overnight? Give my poor heart a break L/n.” Remus and James both looked amused at Sirius’ remark. Remus replied to Sirius with a shocked expression, “You’re right,” he clutched his chest, “James catch me,” he said dramatically as he fell into James’ outstretched arms. You shook your head as a blush started to creep up your face. Luckily, the professor cleared his throat everyone took their seats as he began his lesson.
There was an open seat next to you, so James took it eagerly as Sirius and Remus sat in front of you. James leaned over and whispered in your ear, “We’re planning on sneaking around Hogwarts tonight, you wanna come?”
You turned to him with surprised look on your face. This was the first time any of them had ever invited you to break the rules with them, and you weren’t sure if that sounded like the smartest thing to do. You picked at your nails as you though about your answer. James, seeing the indecision on your face, spoke again, “C’mon… you’ll have a good time. We’d really like for you to join us.”
You studied James’ features. His sweet brown eyes showed nothing but sincerity, and to be truthful, you had made up your mind as soon as he offered. “Yeah, I suppose that could be fun,” you sighed out. James’ face immediately brightened and you couldn’t help but flush as you looked at him. Sirius had said you looked good today, but James. His smile was blindingly perfect. His dark curls laid on his head just messily enough for you to want to reach out and fix them. Or maybe you just wanted to run your fingers through his hair.
You had also noticed how good Remus and Sirius looked today. Remus with his sandy hair that laid considerably neater then James’, and eyes that you seemed to melt into entirely. Sirius had long, wavy black hair that made him look like a muggle rockstar. You were so lost in your thoughts about the boys around you that you didn’t realize you had been staring at James this entire time zoned out. He pushed your shoulder gently and whispered, “Where’d you go there?” “I was just,” you tried to find the right words, “lost in thought.” James looked at you teasingly, “Oh yeah? Because it looked an awful lot like you were checking us out.” His words made your eyes widen because of how close to the truth they were. You heard James chuckle as you turned away from him and started to scribble notes furiously as a distraction.
Once class ended, you decided to head off to the library. You had a free period, then lunch, so you knew you’d be able to study for the History of Magic exam you had to take tomorrow. You also knew, from overhearing the Marauder’s conversation, that Sirius and James planned on doing the same thing, while Remus had Herbology next. Not that you cared or anything…
Once you arrived at the library, you quickly found a quiet spot to do your work at. You were both annoyed and oddly pleased when you heard the loud voices of James and Sirius walk in not long after. They were loudly shushed by the librarian, causing them to quiet down. 
A few minutes later, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and the faces of James and Sirius popped into your vision. “Hey there gorgeous, you mind if we work over here with you?” Sirius asked while already haphazardly throwing a piece of parchment and a few quills onto the table. You rolled your eyes with a smile, “Yeah that’s fine. You guys studying for History of Magic too?”
James nodded his head. “Yeah, we wouldn’t usually do this until the class before but Remus said that he’d help us with the Potions essay if we did.” You hummed in acknowledgment as you opened up your textbook and began reviewing the material. Unfortunately for you, James and Sirius quickly grew bored of their textbooks and decided that you were far more interesting.
“Y/nnnn,” Sirius dragged your name out. You turned towards him and were met with the desperate eyes of both him and James. “Will you help us? We’re confused and you’re just so smart and beautiful and intelligent and kind and-“ 
You cut Sirius off, “Ok, ok. I’ll help you whiners out.” James pouted at your words which you ignored in favor of turning your book a few pages back. 
“Let’s start with chapter 4, it’s probably the easiest material so we can work our way up to chapters 5 and 6 after this. Are there any parts in particular you don’t get?” James perked up, “Yeah, in the part about The Goblin Rebellion of 1832, it says that the Goblins refused to work for wizards until wizards treated them better. But in the next paragraph, it says the rebelled because it’s ‘simply in their nature.’ Doesn’t that kind of conflict?” 
You were surprised at how into studying James was, but welcomed it openly. “I had to look into that to. Turns out, this book was cowritten. One of the authors is an absolute twat who thinks goblins are some kind of wild beasts, and the other’s a bit more rational. Just ignore anything that seems super anti-goblin.” “That makes sense, thank you,” James smiled widely at you, making your breath catch for a second. You mumbled  a “No problem,” and continued working. You could see James and Sirius exchanging a smug look at that.
More time passed, around an half an hour if you had to guess. The two boys worked relatively hard, and made a lot of progress. But now seemed as if they had reached their limit. You felt a finger poke you in the ribs. You jump back. “Oi, what’s your problem?” You ask a startled looking Sirius. He quickly regains his composure and looks at you. “Can we take a break? It’s been sooo long.” You give him and incredulous look, “It hasn’t been an hour yet, let’s just work a little longer.” The boys look at you with equally begging looks. “Please, Y/n? We just need a little study break.” James whined. “Nope,” you said, popping the ‘P’. 
In response to your refusal, James and Sirius decided it’d be most effective to start alternating saying your name in increasing annoying voices. It didn’t take long for this to make your head pound, so you drew your wand and cast a quick muffliato spell on yourself, effectively making it impossible for you to hear the boys. This didn’t help you for long, as they realized what happened, and moved to start lightly poking you. You shot each boy a dirty look before undoing the muffliato charm. You were about to give them an earful before you heard a voice from behind you, “You wankers leave Y/n alone.” Remus came into view and gently smacked James and Sirius on the backs of their heads. They both fake winced and rubbed their heads. You were grateful for Remus, but you realized something, “Remus, shouldn’t you be in Herbology still? It doesn’t get over for another 15 minutes at least.” It occurred to Remus that you had memorized a bit of his schedule. He was definitely saving that information for later. “Yeah, some Slytherins thought it’d be fun to mess around with a venomous tentacula. One of them had to be taken to Madame Pomfrey and Professor Sprout was so shaken that she just dismissed the rest of us.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “Yikes, I hope they’re alright.” “Serves that idiot right.” You and Sirius spoke at the same time. You gave him a scolding look and he just crossed his arms like an angry toddler. Remus chuckled at your guys’ antics. “Anyways, have you three managed to get any work done? Ya know, before you decided to start annoying Y/n,” Remus asked. James nodded, “That’s why we were ‘annoying’ her. We finished studying!” Remus raised an eyebrow at James. “Ok, what goblin business was the first to shut down as a result of the revolution?” James thought for a second before answering, “Gringotts!” Remus clapped quietly, “I’m impressed, Sirius, did you study just as hard?” “You know I did,” he winked at Remus. You saw a faint dusting of pink on Remus’ cheeks after the wink, causing Sirius to smirk. Remus was saved by the lunch bell.
All of the boys stood up, but you remained seated, ready to continue working on a paper assigned earlier in the week. “You coming to lunch, love?” You glanced over, realizing Remus’ words were directed at you. “Can’t, I’ve got to finish up my potions essay.” Sirius scoffed, “James and I already told you Remus was helping us with that. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you as well. Besides, it’s not due for another week!” You looked at them uncertainly. Before today, you had only spoken to them during class and when they pulled their occasional pranks on you. This was new territory. But you weren’t going to refuse the ever-growing attention they were paying to you, so you slowly stood up. “Yeah I suppose I’m in need of a break anyways.” James gave a cheer and slung his arm around your shoulder. None of the boys missed how you blushed as he did so.
When you arrived at the Great Hall, you went to sit over with your normal group of friends. Sure the Marauders had made sure you came to lunch, but you didn’t want to overstay your welcome but inviting yourself to sit with them. Before you could take more then a few steps however, a hand caught your wrist. You looked to see James holding your arm, “Aren’t you gonna come sit with us?” You were surprised to see both Sirius and Remus looking so intently at you, awaiting your next words. “Uh, are you sure? I’m really not trying to overstep my bounds.” Sirius shook his head as if you had said something utterly ridiculous. “Overstepping? Please,” he ushered you over to their usual spot and sat you down, James taking the spot to your left. Remus sat across from you, Sirius sitting to his right. 
You had absolutely no idea what to say. Before today, the only interaction you’d had with the marauders was their constant flirting, and the occasional trips to Hogsmeade, and those trips were always with a bigger group. Luckily, the boys didn’t have any awkwardness in starting a conversation. “Lads, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I think I may be a genius,” Sirius started. You and Remus shared a What is he on about? look as Sirius rambled about a new prank he wanted to pull on the Slytherins. 
“Ok, let me get this straight. You want to sneak into the snake pit, and charm their dormitory doors to open only if they say, ‘I’m a lousy, big footed git’?” You said in a disbelieving tone. “This seems a bit immature, even for you guys.” Sirius gave a mockingly offended look as James clutched his pearls and cried, “Not true!” You still believed the prank to be incredibly stupid, but also realized that Sirius’ silly rant had easily diffused any awkwardness you felt before. Merlin, Sirius was so good at easing your worries and breaking tension. And James made you laugh so easily. Remus made you comfortable and calmed you down and-
You suddenly felt a foot nudge you underneath the table. You looked up to see Remus giving you a confused glance. “Are you alright. You looked a bit lost in thought.” You nodded and played with the food on your plate to avoid any further questions. That, of course, didn’t work. “Were you thinking about someone special?” Sirius questioned while wiggling his eyebrows. James quickly perked up at that, “You did that during defense against the dark arts too!”
Shit. This was not how the hottest couple at Hogwarts was going to find out about your insane crush on all three of them. You didn’t think you could handle the embarrassment of being rejected not once, not twice, but three times in one day. In order to preserve your pride and avoid spilling your secret, you quickly stood up from the table while making some shitty excuse about how you suddenly weren’t feeling well. You rushed to the Gryffindor common room without so much as a glance back at their table. You made it to the portrait of the Fat Lady without hearing any footsteps behind you. Once inside the common room, you rushed into your dorm and decided that you would lay there for the rest of eternity, simple enough, right? Ok maybe that was a bit dramatic, but you really didn’t want to risk running into one of the boys and accidentally confessing, and ruining and chance of a friendship you had with them.
After what felt like hours of laying on your bed, you decided to risk going out to the common room and reading a book by the fire. It was dangerous of course, as the marauders could be lurking anywhere, but the prospect of being cozy while reading was simply to desirable to pass up. When you got the the couches, you quickly plopped down and made yourself comfortable. You opened your book, and started to read. 
You weren’t sure how long you had been reading for, but a long while later, you heard the oh so familiar voices of James, Sirius, and Remus walk down the stairs from their dormitory. You froze on the couch, hoping that they would simply waltz through the room and leave. They wouldn’t be able to see you if you stayed completely still right? You were positive your theory was going to be proven correct when something seemed to catch Remus’ attention. He turned and looked directly where you were sitting. “Y/n? What are you still doing up, we tried knocking on your dorm door just now, but we assumed you’d forgotten about our plans and fell asleep.” Oh no. You had forgotten James’ invitation to sneak around with them today. Now you were going to be with the boys all night. What could go wrong?
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swordy-da-goat · 2 months
(last ask for a while bc I feel like I'm nagging you sorryy)
I thought road wiz was like an scp, and now we have hazard monster.
Anyway I wonder how either of them would react to being treated like scps? Hazard would be a keter for sure.
Also if you made a road wiz plush I'd 100% buy it I love him sm
got carried away my bad
The Road Wiz
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Item# : SCP-████
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in ██████, Sector-██ at Site-██. SCP-████ will often teleport out of their containment cell for an unprecedented amount of time before teleporting back. They are allowed to freely walk around the foundation as their skills and “magic” are very useful in securing anomalies, reducing injuries and casualties, and dealing with containment breaches.
Description: A humanoid entity (hard to distinguish if SCP-████ is a human or some other entity due to their hat and scarf obscuring facial view. Request to remove hat was met with opposition) wearing a hat resembling an orange traffic cone with one big and small white, reflective stripes, an orange safety vest with a long cloak attached from the backend, a yellow and black safety coverall, and long black leather and rubber gloves and boots.
SCP-████ is also in possession of a long black staff with a ring on the tip of unknown material. This staff is able to produced anomalous properties which can be better described as “magic.” Their “magic” seems to be a parody of signs, spells being correlated by the top of their staff in a hologram visual. One example being the staff projecting a deer sign when generating a glowing holographic version with mass of any of the Cervidae family.
Addendum 1: Discovery
SCP-████ was first captured near American state highway ██. The foundation was alerted when nearby police claimed that quote, “a portal just f█cking opened in the middle of the lobby where then a weirdly dressed guy wearing a cone on their head kicked a guy through saying to arrest him for drunk driving.” All personnel in the police station were given Class A amnestics. Foundation personnel were then deployed to the last place SCP-████ was spotted. Foundation were able to find SCP-████ feeding some stray dogs under American state highway ██. SCP-████ willingly agreed to come with the foundation for questioning.
Addendum 2: Interview
The following interview was conducted by Dr. Richards
Dr. Richards: Good afternoon SCP-████, I hope you’re feeling comfortable right now.
SCP-████: No, no, I’m fine thank you. Though I would prefer if you addressed me by “Road Wizard” or just “Wiz.” SCP-████ sounds a bit degrading.
Dr. Richards: …Noted. Anyways the foundation would like to ask you questions regarding your… job.
SCP-████: My job! Well you see Dr., as my name suggests, I am a wizard. My job is simply to keep everyone safe and responsible. The world is a very dangerous place, you SCP foundation folks would know that better than anyone about that fact!
Dr. Richards: You know of the SCP foundation?
SCP-████: Of course I do! Very big fan of your work! Trying to keep the everyone safe from all these dangerous anomalies. Kudos to you guys, kudos!
Dr. Richards: Uh, thank you? Anyways, can you detail how you usually preform your job, or keep people “safe?”
SCP-████: Uh… I guess lecturing people on the rules and importance of road rules, filling up potholes, sticking reflective poles near edges, stuff like that. Pretty mundane huh?
Dr. Richards: What about your staff? What do you use that for?
SCP-████: Oh my staff! Well, I use it to channel my magic for the more dangerous part of my job. Magic can be real dandy in a rock slide.
Dr. Richards: I see.
Room is silent as Dr. Richard pauses to write notes.
Dr. Richards: *coughs* Um, SCP- sorry, Road Wizard. If you don’t mind me asking, I know you dub yourself as the “Road Wizard,” but is that the only safety concern you have? Or are there others like you that specialize in other hazards?
SCP-████: Funny you should ask that Dr., my real name’s actually the Safety Wizard. I just go with road because America has a crap ton of cars you know? And no, there's no one else like me so far that I know of.
Dr. Richards: So do you specialize in anything else then?
SCP-████: Sure I do! Let me just-
SCP-████ then manifests their staff from their hand which starts to emit a blue glow. A train sign then projects at the tip.
SCP-████’s outfit then suddenly shifts into a mock version of a steam engine engineer of their outfit, complete with a cap, denim overalls, vest-cloak and a yellow and black striped bandana.
SCP-████: Trains! Guess you could say I’ve become the “Rail Wizard!”
SCP-████: Haha, sorry. There are other specialities too, but it’d probably take a while to show you all of them.
Dr. Richards: So are you able to switch forms like that?
SCP-████: That’s right miss! It’s very important to be dressed proper for any job!
SCP-████’s staff projects a car sign and outfit returns to previous description.
SCP-████: So any other questions for me Dr.? I’d love to stay and chat, but I need to be going soon.
Dr. Richards: SCP- I mean Road Wizard, you are aware that we can’t just let you go out.
SCP-████: I understand your concerns Dr., seeing what kind of place you guys run. But believe me, I’m not a dangerous guy! And it’s not like you folks can keep me in here anyways.
Dr. Richards: What do you mean by that?
SCP-████: Oh nothing. Anyways, it was nice chatting with you Dr. Richards, but I really must be on my way. See you later!
Dr. Richards: Hey, wait!
*SCP-████’s staff projects a Two Way Traffic sign and a glowing, yellow portal appeared to the right of SCP-████. SCP-████ then enters through the portal which disappears.
The Hazard Monster
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Item# : SCP-█████
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-█████ should be contained within a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m chamber of reinforced concrete. Door and windows should be tightly sealed to prevent SCP-█████ from escaping through any cracks.
Description: SCP-█████ is an amorphous, black blob which can change its mass, texture, shape, and composition through anomalous means. SCP-█████’s face appears to be an NFPA 704 Diamond symbol. Each section of diamond can open up to reveal a set of teeth or eyes (amount varies). SCP-█████ normally uses its anomalous abilities to inflict injuries on people. The relationship between SCP-████, or as they dubbed themself, the Road Wizard, is very negative.
Addendum 1: Discovery
Foundation was first alerted of SCP-█████ when reports of multiple incidents were reported by the people in the town of █████████. Residents were reported being injured by a black shapeshifting blob. Foundation, with the help of the Road Wizard, were able to track down SCP-██████ and capture it. All town residents were given Class A amnestics.
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yeonzzzn · 7 months
✨capturing magic: park sunghoon
a vampires bleeding series: four / seven
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pairing: sunghoon x afab!reader word count: 5.3k
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synopsis: your witchy presence causes an uproar with sunghoon, him not enjoying the idea of you being anywhere near him. as you struggle to regain your strength and magic, the banter between you and sunghoon continue grow along with the pull of fate.
genre: strangers/enemies to lovers, vampire!sunghoon, photographer!sunghoon, witch!reader, angst, some fluff.
warnings: mentions of blood and death, swearing, y/n has long black hair and facial piercings, stubbornly cute sunghoon ♡
☾ jungwon(1) | jay(2) | jake(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | heeseung(7) ☽
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“YOU BROUGHT BACK A WITCH?!” Sunghoon snapped, his jaw clenching tightly. 
“Yes!!” the dhampir snapped back, “We couldn’t leave her there to die!!” 
Sunghoon was filled with anger, blood boiling. 
“Let's all calm down…” Heeseung spoke up, placing a hand on Sunghoon’s shoulder.
Sunghoon slapped his hand away, “Hyung, that dhampir bringing this witch here will put us all in danger!!” 
“This witch is one of my best friends!” She yelled, “I wasn’t going to leave her, end of story!” 
Sunghoon scoffed, “Yeah, and if we all die it’ll be the damn dhampir’s fault.”
“Hey!” Jake yelled, getting in his best friend's face, “That damn dhampir is my mate, watch your words. She’s in our pack now.” 
The room fell silent. Sunghoon figured he would have connected with the dhampir, the tension between the two was too obvious. 
“And for the record,” Jake said, taking a step back away from Sunghoon, “I’m the one who said to bring the witch here. We need information once she wakes up.” 
Sunghoon looks away from his friend, looking at the witch lying unconscious on the couch. 
He knew Jake was right. In order to stop Dorian, they needed any information possible. 
Sunghoon releases a breath, “Fine, do what you want with the witch.” 
And with that, Sunghoon stormed off. 
“Easy does it,” Heeseung grabbed your hands, helping you sit up.
It’s been exactly a week since Dorian burned down your village and killed your coven. You were the only surviving member. 
Your heart ached for those you’ve lost, but you knew their souls were somewhere free from the cruelness of this world. 
Most of your burns have healed from your recovery spell, but you still ached with each movement, making it harder for you to move. On top of that, your right leg was broken. And no recovery spell could make that heal any faster. 
The vampires have shown you kindness for the most part. One in particular doesn’t care for you much. 
Once you were completely sat up, you thanked Heeseung. 
Jay knelt down beside you, looking at the bandages that covered your arms, slowly lifting them up to look at your skin. 
“We can probably remove the bandages,” He said, lifting more of the bandage up to get a better look at your skin, “The only thing is, there’s a lot of scarring.”
You nodded, “Recovery spells can only go so far.” 
Jay removed the bandages, relieving the scars. You didn’t realize how bad they actually were until you looked directly at them. 
Flashbacks to the fire came back, shaking you to the core. You dropped your head into your hands, begging for the thoughts to go away. 
“Y/N,” your best friend drops beside you, her hands set gently on your shoulders, “what’s wrong?” 
Her voice alone was enough to snap you out of it, you quickly looked up at her, giving a nod, “I am fine, the scars just…” 
She sighs, “It brought back the memories?” 
You nodded again.
A scoff happened from across the room. You immediately glared in its direction. 
Sunghoon leaned against the wall, arms crossed against his chest, his black hair falling against his eyes. 
“Got something to say, bloodsucker?” you hissed.
Sunghoon raised a brow, “You gonna put a hex on me or something, witch?” 
You gripped the blanket that covered your legs, “I just might!” 
He chuckled, pushing himself off the wall. He smiled just enough to show his sharpened fangs and cracked his knuckles. 
“Alright, that’s enough!” Jungwon snapped, looking between the two of you, “This situation isn’t ideal, but we all have one goal in common, so please for the love of everything put your differences to the side and shut the fuck up.” 
Sunghoon sighed, retracting his fangs. 
“Good boy, listen to your leader.” you gave him a wink. 
“Y/N,” Jungwon warned. 
You sighed and relaxed your body. You were powerless in your current situation. 
A pack of vampires and two humans were your only source of protection at the current moment. Your coven was destroyed. This is all you have right now. 
Sunghoon scoffed, then stormed out the door into the night. 
“Do you think you can make it up the stairs to bathe and sleep in a bed finally?” your dhampir friend asks, giving you a soft smile. 
You removed the blanket, and more burn scars trailed down your left leg, while the other was covered in a cast from your knee down. 
You pulled your shorts down, trying to hide the scars. 
“Hey,” Jay’s mate kneels beside your friend, her soft hands taking yours, “These scars are proof that you survived, don’t try to hide them.”
You wanted to protest, to shout that she doesn’t understand what it meant to survive after what you went through. 
But then you noticed the scars on her neck. It didn’t take long for you to recognize that those scars were caused by Dorian. That __ survived almost being killed by him. 
You forced a smile, “These scars don’t just show that I survived, they show what I also lost.” 
“Then you’ll carry them with you forever,” she gives you a soft smile, “It’ll be a reminder of what Dorian has done, and what will be done to get back at him.” 
She was right. You gave her a smile back with a nod. 
Jay pulled his mate up and to his chest, wrapping her in his arms, “__ always knows what to say.” 
Their bond pulled at each of them. Jungwon pulls __ to him and Jake pulls your friend to himself. Sunoo, Niki, and Heeseung had smiles watching their pack. 
You too had a smile. You could feel the bond they shared. Their vibes and how their energies matched. 
You looked at your friend and Jake. The way he held her so tightly and her head in the crease of his neck. 
Your heart danced for them. You knew how much losing her first mate did a number on her. But you truly believe Jake was meant to be hers completely. She just had to go through some bullshit shit first. 
Eventually, you had enough of the love birds, positioning yourself to stand up. 
Your recovery spell healed your broken leg enough that you were able to stand up straight and still walk…but just barely. 
Your half-blooded friend noticed your struggles, releasing herself from Jake to help you up the stairs and into the bathroom. 
The reflection you saw in the mirror haunted you, a burn scar covering your left eye and up the side of your forehead. The recovery magic healed it enough that it was a light pink. 
A sigh escaped your lips, as you turned and faced away from the mirror. 
You cleaned yourself up, washing away the couch bum life you had for the last week. 
You were so glad to finally be able to sleep in a bed. Archer was nice enough to run to the nearest supermarket to buy you extra clothes, bed sheets, and other witchy essentials to have here. 
Your new room was filled with plants and crystals and a few books that Jake was able to salvage from the fire. 
You tried to stay awake to read, but your eyes failed you. After not sleeping in a bed for over a week, it was way too comfortable. 
You stood in front of the mirror, pulling your long black hair behind you and into a braid. Your bangs pull out perfectly down the sides of your face. 
Your half-blooded friend brought you some jewelry to wear, which you were ecstatic about. 
Witches can’t go without jewelry, right?
You pull some rings onto your fingers, then dangle earrings into your ears. 
A perfectly black hooped nose ring suited your nose and a lace choker around your neck and a short silver bar on your eyebrow. 
You pulled a white cropped tank top over you and a black baggy pair of cargo pants and black boot, and black cast boot on your right leg to match. 
A beautiful light brown cardigan made the outfit even more perfect. 
You did a three-sixty in the mirror, finally feeling and looking like yourself. 
You stared at the scar on your eye. You traced your fingers over it, feeling the rough skin. 
Dropping your hand back at your side, you turn and walk away from the mirror. 
The kitchen was lively, and laughter from your new friends echoed up the stairs as you made your way down. 
Jay stood at the counter flipping pancakes and bacon, a bag of blood attached to his lips. 
The two humans stood behind Jay, begging him to hurry with breakfast and Jay tried his best to shoo them off. 
Jake sat with __ on the couch. She ate a bowl of cereal while Jake drank his own bag of blood. 
Sunoo, Jungwon, and Heeseung sat at the kitchen table with a map in front of them discussing the layout of the area. 
Niki also sat at the table, backpack in his lap, and sipping on a bag of blood as if it were a juice box. 
You giggled and walked over to the table, “You really are stuck in a seventeen-year-old body arentcha?” 
Niki rolled his eyes, “Unfortunately.” 
Heeseung checked his watch, “Off to school.” 
Niki groaned, throwing his head back against the wall, “This fucking sucks.” 
You softly smiled at the younger, “I’ll walk you out.” 
Niki stood up, throwing the backpack on. 
You went to the fridge, grabbing an apple and a bottle of water. The piles of blood bags filled the bottom shelf. 
Seeing the bags reminded you that one bloodsucker in particular was missing. 
“Where’s the idiot bloodsucker at?” you asked anyone who would give you an answer. 
Jake perked up, “That idiot bloodsucker has a name,” you shrugged your shoulders, and Jake sighed, “He’s outside doing his photography.” 
Your dhampir friend smiles at you, “Worried about him, Y/N?”
You narrowed your eyes, “He annoys me.” 
She smirked at you, “You look pretty.” 
You toss your braid over your shoulder, “Of course I do, part of being a witch is also being charming.” 
The vampires groan, which you expected. They might be being nice to you for the moment, but witches and vampires still don’t get along. 
You grabbed a blood bag along with your other items and closed the fridge. 
You patted Niki’s back, “Come on baby bro, let’s get you off to school.” 
Sunghoon sat up in a tree, camera in hand, and snapping photos of the open land. 
The morning sunrise hit the land perfectly. He changed a few filter and lens settings, finding the perfect combination. 
His mood changed once he heard the door to the house open, sensing Niki and you stepping out of the house. 
Sunghoon turned around, watching as you waved Niki off, him going into a full sprint and gone within seconds. 
You took a bite out of the apple in your hands, looking around until you made eye contact with him. 
Sunghoon glared before turning his attention back to his camera. 
“You lack a lot of manners bloodsucker, ya know that?” 
Sunghoon scoffed, looking down at you who was now underneath him. 
“Why do you care about my manners, hmm?” 
“Haven’t you heard? We have a common goal, gotta act like friends, don’t want Jungwon to snap our necks, right?” You loved teasing him. You loved how irritated you made him and how you knew exactly what to say to get under his skin. 
Deep down you really wanted to get along with all the vampires, Sunghoon was just the only one not budging. 
Sunghoon ignored you, his jaw clenched as he held the camera back up. 
You whistle at him, his eyebrow rising. 
Sunghoon was fixing to snap, “I know for a fact you didn’t just whistle at me like I am a dog.” 
“Look at me then.” You said. 
Sunghoon looked back at you, a warm smile on your face. 
You tossed the blood bag up to him, Sunghoon catching it. 
“You haven’t eaten yet, right?” 
All Sunghoon could do was stare at the bag, his tough exterior relaxing. 
“Thank you,” was all he could say. 
You smiled even brighter, taking another bite out of your apple. 
Sunghoon drank the blood as you finished off your apple and drank your water. 
“Can I see your work?” You asked, finally breaking the silence. 
Sunghoon glared at you again, “Why do you care?” 
You sigh, “Because believe it or not, we are kinda stuck with each other, soooo.” 
Sunghoon rolled his head, running a hand through his hair. 
He knew you were right. 
“You won’t put a hex on me if I come down, will ya hex girl?” 
You glared at him, “No you idiot!” 
Sunghoon smirked, “Sassy much, hex girl?” 
“Continue pushing my buttons and you’ll see, bloodsucker.” 
This small banter admittedly made Sunghoon happy. You were the first person to get under his skin and make it crawl, but returned every ounce of energy he gave out. 
Sunghoon flung himself down from the tree, waving you over. 
One by one, Sunghoon showed you all the photos he took this morning. 
“These are really beautiful, bloodsucker,” you said, patting his shoulder, “But it’s missing something.” 
Sunghoon once again glared at you, “Missing what, exactly?” 
You smile, pointing at yourself, “A model!” 
Sunghoon furrowed his brows at you, “I don’t need you in my photos hex girl, might put a curse on them.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Come on, just snap a few pictures.” 
Sunghoon wanted to protest, why should he take photos of his enemy? 
But with the way you looked right now, Sunghoon knew with the sunrise and open fields, you would be a perfect fit. 
He nodded, “Fine.” 
You smiled, skipping away from him. 
Sunghoon lifted his camera, snapping a few photos of you skipping. 
You stopped and quickly turned around, the biggest smile on your face. Sunghoon snapped that as a photo, his stomach doing flips. 
The way your lips curled as you smiled. How the sun brought out the color of your eyes. The way your hair fell and blew in the wind. 
Sunghoon stared at the photo. You were so beautiful. 
“Hey!” You snapped Sunghoon out of his trance, “Are you going to stare at the camera or tell me how to be a good model?” 
Sunghoon smiled, “Just…be you.” 
You thought about it, deciding to make a joke, “What if I do Wanda Maximoff poses? Like Scarlet Witch Style?”
Sunghoon blinked at you, “Can you actually do magic like that?” 
You glared at him, “No! I’m a witch, not a superhuman.”
Sunghoon glared back, “Well, I didn’t know what all you witches can do!” 
“Just think of us witches as hippies, just that we don’t smoke a shit ton of weed.” 
Sunghoon chuckled, his hand clenching his shirt from his laughter.
“What is so funny?” You tried to not laugh as well, but his laugh was contagious. 
“Just the way you explained witches,” Sunghoon took a deep breath, “I’ve only ever been in contact with witches who use darker magic, you’re the first who doesn’t.” 
You studied him and his smile, his natural fangs being present with his smile. 
You haven’t seen him smile at all since you met a week ago. 
You walked towards him, stopping directly in front of him. 
Sunghoon narrowed his eyes down at you, “What are you doing? Get away from me.” 
You sighed, “There’s that tough exterior.” 
You placed your hand on his cheek, he pulled away, but reached back for him, connecting your palm to his skin. 
Sunghoon’s heart was racing at your touch, his jaw locking together. 
You breathed in, “You have such a tough exterior, but are so caring and soft underneath it.” 
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, “Stop using your voodoo shit on me.” 
It was the first time you actually called him by his name, and oh did it do numbers on him. 
He made eye contact with you, and immediately after, you backed away from him. 
Sunghoon knew why. There was a spark of electric energy that shot through the both of you, that small string slowly getting tied, but being still loose. 
He shook his head, not letting it tighten. 
“I’m going back to the house.” Sunghoon quickly turned and walked away, leaving you. 
You touched your chest, looking down at the ground. 
“What the fuck was that.” 
Sunghoon spent the rest of the day locked inside his room, flipping through the photos he had taken earlier that morning, stopping at the one of you. 
His heartstrings were being pulled. The moment of the string being attached to the both of you came back into his mind. 
“I can’t mate with a damn witch, it’s impossible,” he whispered to himself. 
But the more he looked at your photo, the more his heart called to you. 
He turned the camera off, set it on the bedside table, rolled over, and fell asleep. 
He woke up at the sound of footsteps walking down the hall. 
Sunghoon stretched, a yawn escaping his lips. 
He checked the time off his phone, rolling his eyes at the time. 
Sunghoon quickly got out of bed, sliding his sneakers on before walking out of his room, seeing the door to your bedroom was open. 
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, “What the hell is she doing?” 
He found you outside by the pond sitting on the ground. Glass bottles filled with herbs sat in front of you, and a small fire was lit to your right. 
“It’s three a.m.,” he yawned, “why the hell are you outside at three a.m.” 
You turned and smiled at him, “I’m doing witchy things.” 
Sunghoon scoffed, “I already figured that, hex girl. I’m asking what exactly you are doing.” 
You turned back to the herbs, slowly mixing them together and setting them into the fire. 
“Don’t you know the witching hour is three a.m.?” 
Sunghoon shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, “Yes, isn’t that when your powers are at their strongest? Just like us on a new moon.”
“Exactly,” you sang, “My powers are only stronger for an hour, plus the protection barrier I put around the house was fading due to my injuries from the fire. I need to revamp my recovery spell as well, so these scars go away.” 
Sunghoon’s heart pulled towards you even more, you were sacrificing so much to protect everyone, to protect him when he does nothing but be an ass towards you. 
You stood up, brushing the dirt off your sweatpants, “The barrier on the house has been fixed, so yay!” 
Sunghoon nodded.
“But I ran out of herbal recovery leaves, so I need more of that to remove all these burn marks.” 
You started to walk away, only for Sunghoon to grab your arm.
You raised a brow at him, noticing how serious his face looked at you, “What?”
Sunghoon walked closer to you, tracing his fingers over the massive pink scar on your face, “You’re beautiful as you are,” his fingers moved over every inch of the scar, before moving down your cheek, his palm cupping your face, “You’re so beautiful, scars and all.” 
Your heart raced. He thought you were beautiful? You thought he hated you. But you couldn’t help but feel that tug to him, and notice his energy was matching that tug. 
“What is this feeling?” You asked, “This energy that’s flowing between us? It wasn’t there before today.” 
Sunghoon reached for your hand with his free hand, his eyes meeting yours, “It’s the string of fate.” 
You looked at him confused, “String of fate?” 
“When vampires meet their mates, a string of fate ties them together,” Sunghoon took a deep breath in, “And I think we might have a string of fate tying around us.” 
“Is that another way of saying we are soulmates?” You made a grossed-out face at him, which earned you a glare. 
“Don’t look at me like that hex girl, you act like it’s a choice.” 
“Is it not?” 
Sunghoon shook his head, “Trust me if it was, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.” 
“Must be spine-chilling knowing your string of fate is probably being tied to a witch.” you teased him. 
Sunghoon half smiled, biting his lower lip, “You know for someone who was the head witch of your coven and village, you sure don’t know a lot about vampires.” 
You rolled your eyes, finally pushing his hand from your face, “I was only recently appointed as head witch, it’s not something I wanted.” 
Sunghoon squeezed your hand, “It’s like Jungwon being our leader, I don’t think he thought he was fit enough.” 
“Jungwon is doing fanatic, better than I was.” 
“I bet you were fine—“
“If I were fine,” you took a deep breath in, “Then Dorian wouldn’t have found a way to break the barrier over my village and wouldn’t have burnt down to ashes and killed my whole coven.” 
Sunghoon pulled you to him, embracing you, “I am so sorry they didn’t get to you in time. The moment Dorian would have been near Jake we would have known, we would have been there in seconds and…” 
“And what, bloodsucker?” 
“I could have saved you and your coven.” 
You looked up at him, “You hate me, hate witches, why do that?” 
Sunghoon took a deep breath, pushing your long hair behind your ear, “I would have gone to protect Jake, he’s my best friend after all, but I would have met you sooner, and could have prevented what happened.” 
You stepped away from him, tears filling your eyes and not wanting him to see it. 
“I couldn’t have stopped what happened, but I can do something now to protect you and my pack.” 
You made eye contact with him, once again feeling that string of fate, it pulled your hearts together, you could feel and see the red energy wrap around the two of you, but you could also feel Sunghoon’s heart trying to reject it. 
“We can’t be mates, you won’t allow it.” 
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, “Stop using your voodoo on me.” 
you scoffed, “I’m not using voodoo! I am using my—“
“Just shut up and come over here and kiss me.” 
You stared at him, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
You chuckled, “What?” 
“Y/N,” your heart stopped at hearing how beautifully your name rolled off his tongue, “I am fighting to push out that string of fate. Anytime I’ve thought about who my mate would be, I never once pictured it would be you. Yet here you are in front of me. We are total opposites and two different types of creatures. And if you go back into that house and ignore this fate, then we will continue this back and forth. But if you come over here and kiss me, I swear I’ll be good to you.” 
God damn that string of fate and god damn this vampire. 
You rushed to him, standing on your tiptoes to reach his lips. His hands found your waist. The red energy of this fate tied you two into a knot. Bonding you as mates. 
“Goddammit, hex girl,” he whispered in between kisses.
“Goddamnit, bloodsucker,” you whispered back. 
Sunghoon sat against the tree, with you between his legs. Back against his chest and his arms wrapped around you. 
You leaned your head against his chin, watching as the sun slowly peaked over the horizon. 
“How long were you the head witch?” Sunghoon asked, taking your hands in his. 
You sighed, “Only two years, I was next in line but I didn’t want it.” 
“Why didn’t you?” Sunghoon was curious. Witches were something totally different than vampires, dhampirs, and even werewolves, their way of life was completely in the opposite direction. 
“I didn’t feel as if I was ready,” you leaned more into him, “I don’t have as many years on me as some of the other warlocks and witches in the village.” 
“And what time period are you from exactly?” Sunghoon teased. 
“I saw the Salem Witch Trials happen.” 
“Gosh you’re so old!” he teased you more, planting kisses on your cheek. 
“Oh shut up!” you shoved your back into his chest, “I can NOT believe I am stuck with you until the world ends.”
“Get used to it, sweetheart.” 
You both laughed and leaned more into each other. 
“Can I take a photo of us?” Sunghoon asked, “I want to capture this moment.” 
You nodded and he pulled his phone from his pocket. 
“No camera?” you teased. 
“Phone cameras work just as well.” 
You looked into the phone's camera and gasped, “Oh my god! I can see your reflection!” 
Sunghoon dropped his arm and rolled his eyes, “Shut up with your stupid ass jokes and take a nice photo with me, hex girl.”
You decided to stop teasing him and smiled into the camera. 
Sunghoon stared down at the photo of the two of you, the happiness he felt, he could see it written all over his face. 
“You know, I’ve never captured something as beautiful as you.” 
You looked up at him, “And I’ve never thought I’d have my own personal photographer to take model photos of me.”
“God you’re so annoying.”
Hand in hand, you followed Sunghoon back to the house. 
Everyone was awake and stopped everything they were doing in shock at the sight they were seeing. 
“Who would have thought,” Jake teased.
Sunghoon tried hard to fight back his smile, “Shut up.” 
Everyone laughed and joked along. 
You were happy. 
The moment you bonded with Sunghoon, you felt the same bond with the others, including your best friend and the humans in the pack. 
It wasn’t like your coven, but the bond was still there. You belonged somewhere again. 
You looked up at your mate, his smile working numbers on your heart. God you loved him so much already. 
But Sunghoon’s smile faded, and so did the other vampire's smiles. 
The room fell silent. The humans and you are both confused, clearly not being able to hear what they are hearing. 
“Something isn’t right,” Heeseung said quietly. 
“Sunghoon?” you take your hand in his.
He squeezed your hand tightly.
Before Sunghoon could open his mouth to speak, you sensed the other presence. 
You dropped your mate's hand, and slowly back away. 
You looked at your half-blooded friend, she was already looking at you. 
“Dorian...” you whispered, “He broke the protection barrier.” 
Sunghoon’s jaw clenched, “Guys what do we do?” 
Before any more could be said, you and __ were running towards the door.” 
“No no no!!” Sunghoon and Jake both yelled, grabbing ahold of you and her. 
“Jake, fucking let go of me!!” she screamed. 
You also fought off Sunghoon’s grip on your arm, “Let go of me!” you hissed. 
“I am not letting you go out there!” He snapped.
You managed to get out of his hold and were out the door. 
“Y/N!” Sunghoon yelled, going after you. 
__ released Jake’s grip and was following behind. 
Everyone else was right behind. 
Dorian stood at the edge of the pond, two women standing at his side, and a black portal opened behind him. 
You clenched your fist and you stood in front of him at a distance. 
“Dorian!” you hissed. 
“I see you survived being burned,” he laughed, “You unfortunately didn’t get the fate as your coven did.” 
“How dare you speak of them!” You took a step forward, only to be stopped by Sunghoon getting in front of you. 
Sunghoon glared down at Dorian, his rage hitting its peak. 
Dorian laughed, “Oh this is too good! Two enemies mated? This pack continues to surprise me.” He glances over at your best friend with Jake also at her side, “Ahh, nice to see you again, __. I also see you’ve mated again.” 
“Shut up!” the dhampir snapped, “Don’t you dare bring him up!! You murderer!!” 
Dorian’s laughter grew louder the more he made eye contact with each member of the pack. 
Jungwon and Jay have death grips on their mates. Their eyes narrowed and their jaws clenched.
“I would love to stay and chat up with you guys, but I only came for two of your mates, and that is all.” Dorian looked at the women at his sides, “Ladies will you do the honors?” 
The women both smiled and disappeared. 
Sunghoon’s eyes widened, those two weren’t like normal vampires. 
“He used magic..” you whispered, “He figured out how to read the spells he stole from my coven.” 
Dorian’s laughter filled the air and it only made Sunghoon rage even more. 
With one blink of an eye, one of the women was at Sunghoon’s side, and then she was gone. She reappeared back at Dorian’s side with you in front of her, a knife pressed against your neck, the sharp edge making a cut, a small stream of blood dripping down. 
The other woman reappeared with the dhampir at Dorian’s side. 
As if on command, Sunghoon and Jake both rushed forward. 
They weren’t thinking clearly. Their brains fogged and only had their sights on their mates. 
Heeseung made it in time to grab Sunghoon, pulling him back, and Sunoo for Jake. 
“GIVE HER BACK!!” Sunghoon screamed, “FUCKING GIVE HER BACK TO ME.” 
“Sunghoon calm down,” Heeseung shouted, “He’s going to kill them both if you take one more step.” 
Sunghoon stopped fighting Heeseung, but Sunoo struggled to keep Jake at bay, until Heeseung repeated the same words again, causing Jake to fall to his knees. 
“Good,” Dorian said, “Would have been a shame to kill your mates in front of you.” 
“What do you want with our pack members!?” Jungwon snapped a low growl leaving his lips when he yelled. 
“I have some unfinished business with them,” Dorian stared down at Jungwon’s mate, causing Jungwon to press __ even closer to him, “I have some unfinished business with all of you actually, but Y/N and this dhampir are more important. They have something I need.” 
Sunghoon went to take a step, just to be stopped by hearing your whimpers as the knife was pressed harder against your neck. 
“Now then,” Dorian turned and faced the portal, “We shall be taking our leave then.”
He stepped through the portal, the women slowly following behind him. 
Sunghoon and Jake tried fighting Heeseung and Sunoo again. 
Both scream out for their mates.
Sunghoon felt powerless as he watched you disappear through the portal, quickly closing up after you stepped through. 
The last thing you saw was the tears that filled Sunghoon’s eyes. 
Once you were gone, all Sunghoon could do was fall to his knees, his fingers dug into the dirt as he stared down. 
The sounds of Jake’s cries muffled out. 
No one ever told Sunghoon how it would feel to have your mate taken from you, to feel the distance of how far they were. The loneliness of them not being at your side. 
Sunghoon couldn’t hold in his rage as he let out a yell until his voice was gone and his throat sore. 
The last thing Sunghoon remembered was Heeseung pulling him off the ground and dragging him into the house. 
Everyone sat in silence the next morning. 
Jake sat in the corner of the living room, knees to his chest and head on his knees, tuning out the world. 
Sunghoon stared down at the photo of you he had taken with his camera. His hands shook. 
“Dorian is going to pay.” Sunghoon said, breaking the silence, “I am going to make him pay for the things he’s done and get my mate back.”
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‘Cause I Swear, I’d Burn This City Down to Show You the Light
Malleus Draconia x gn reader fluff
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Malleus looked forward to your moments together more than anything in this world. He found himself waiting for nightfall, waiting until he could talk with you in front of Ramshackle underneath the light of the moon.
He saw you with your friends every once in a while, laughing and smiling as you all talked. He didn't know what the feeling in his chest was when he saw that. He wanted to bring you those feelings. Malleus would do anything to preserve that smile.
He didn’t know how often he made you smile. Your eyes lit up as you saw the glowing green fireflies through your window. They always preceded his appearance. And before you could blink, there he was, tall and ethereally handsome and standing in your shoddy garden yet again.
The air around you buzzed with his magic. It held the same weight as the air before a late-summer storm. You told him months ago that he was always invited to hang around your dorm and the glow of his joy hung in the air like the glow of his fireflies (were they his? You didn’t know). And so he sat cross-legged on a pillar in front of your home, holding his little egg-shaped tamagotchi in his hands.
Malleus’ head shot up as he heard the loud creak of your door as you rushed to meet him, parcel in hand. You were bounding with energy. The usual fatigue of your nighttime encounters hadn’t hit you yet.
“Hello child of man. What do you have there?” the fae prince asked, cocking his head to the side in the way he often does when confused. You find it endearing.
“Well, it’s your birthday, right? I wanted to be the first one to give you a present!” Malleus felt a pull in his chest, as if his heart was jumping out from his ribcage.
“You remembered? In all honesty, I hadn’t even noticed that the clock had already struck midnight,” he said, trying to cover up the emotion in his voice at you remembering such a small detail about him. A detail he didn’t even remember telling you.
“Lilia came up to me about a week or two ago to tell me that your birthday was today. I wanted to do something for you, so here!” you placed the parcel in his hands.
He carefully undid the wrapping paper to see a bracelet made of shiny plastic beads and string. The beads were green, black, and purple all in an organized sequence. In the middle of the bracelet was “Tsunotarou” spelled out in silver cube-shaped beads with black lettering. Malleus’ eyes widened. He slipped it around his hand and it fit perfectly against his wrist.
“I’m sorry it’s not much. I know you’re probably used to bigger presents. It does glow in the dark, if that makes it any better,” you say, slightly embarrassed that you’re giving the prince of Briar Valley a glow-in-the-dark kandi bracelet.
He takes your hands into his. Softness leaks into his emerald eyes. He’s smiling with similar softness. You can see that he is moved to tears. Malleus experiences his senses and emotions in the strongest ways possible. He is often composed out of necessity. But he lets that mask drop around you. He lets himself be emotional and he talks about the things he loves. And in this moment, the contact of your hands on his holds an intimacy beyond description.
“This means more than you could ever imagine,” Malleus says.
“I have one, too. I had extra beads after making yours. So I made one with your nickname for me. We can match now, if you want,” you say, removing your hands from his grasp to rustle through your pants pocket and pull out your bracelet.
It is in the same colors, except now it says “child of man” in the same silver and black beads. Malleus gasps softly when he sees it, when he sees how the moonlight glints off of the plastic. He takes the bracelet from you and takes your hand again. He slips the elastic string onto your wrist with the same affection that a lover would slip an engagement ring onto the finger of their betrothed. It’s deeply emotional to a point where it feels silly. You’re both on the verge of tears over exchanging bead bracelets. He does not let go of your hand.
Wordlessly, he lifts your hand to his face, pressing his lips against the bump of your knuckle. Your breath catches in your throat.
“Thank you for this gift you’ve bestowed upon me. I will not remove it. You are kinder to me than anyone has been in centuries. I cannot thank you enough, child of man.” Fae do not often cry, but Malleus feels as if he might.
“I also have ice cream inside, if you want,” you offer, breaking him from his spell-like daze.
"Do you want me to stay? It's late," he says.
"Yes, of course I do. I got it just for you. You're always invited here," and he squeezes your hand, unaware that he's even doing so.
"In that case, it would be my pleasure," Malleus says. He is calm, yet sincere.
You walk hand-in-hand to the kitchen of Ramshackle, where a shoddy mini fridge resides on a countertop. You pull out two rectangles, white and wrapped in plastic.
"What kind of ice cream is this?" He sounds excited. You know it's his favorite food.
"It's ice cream sandwiches. They're Neapolitan, so it's vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry all together" and his excitement shows in his face, grateful as you offer him one.
You watch as he tears open the wrapper and sinks his pristinely white fangs into the chocolate cookie and ice cream. He quickly goes into another bite as you start to dig into yours. You can hear the beads on his wrist softly click against each other as his hand moves.
"So? Thoughts?" You ask, licking your lips of the remains of ice cream.
"I like it. I think the addition of all three flavors is unique. If you are more particularly interested in one flavor over the others, you can eat that one first. Or last, if you're so inclined. I prefer to eat my favorite part of a dish last, to savor it the most." You listen as he explains his ice cream preferences.
"Thank you, child of man. You have brought more joy to my life than you could ever know," and you smile. That smile that caused him to fall so hard.
"Could I request one more thing of you?" He asks.
"Yes of course, Tsunotarou," you say with that same smile.
"Could you stay by my side like this? I know about your desire to return home, but I cannot fathom a future without you." He is so tender and earnest in this request-slash-confession that you feel as if the world is just the two of you.
You have grown fond of this world. You looked at your future in your old world with a sense of looming dread. Now, that dread was finally replaced with hope. Despite everything, you were happy here. You had been planning to ask Crowley to cancel his efforts to return you home. You were going to break the news to Malleus after that, but now seemed like a better time.
“Of course I will. I was secretly hoping you’d ask. I know I miss my old world, but this world is kinder to me than that one ever was. I want to stay by your side, Malleus. I want to stay for as long as you’ll have me.” You are just as tender as he is and he perks up in joy.
“It would be an honor to have you with me. I will write home for my grandmother to set up the preparations,” he says, his smooth baritone voice filled to the brim with excitement.
“Preparations? For what?” You ask, slightly confused.
“Our arrival and the announcement of my future co-ruler of the Briar Valley.”
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dashofmonsters · 5 months
Dreamers & Delusions- Pt. 6
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merman x female reader
Tao drew you a bath while you limped down the hall. He was pissed when you arrived to the bathroom but you needed to stretch your legs and the pain wasn't too bad but a couple cuts did reopen.
The bathtub is ridiculously huge since it has to accommodate Tao's giant ass body but you're not complaining. Though the giant white T-shirt might be worth mentioning.
"Hey uh, do you perhaps have a shirt in a different maybe less awkward color," you pick up his shirt and try to hand it to him.
He gives you a blank stare and raises a brow, "Is this color offensive to your people?"
You groan not really wanting to explain what would happen but it looks like you must. "No Tao, do you remember what happens to your shirt after you get out of the water from saving someone?"
You give him a moment and watch as the gears slowly grind and then the lightbulb comes on. Tao quickly snatches the shirt out of your hand then looking flustered and the blue glowing bands on his cheeks return.
"I'll take a black shirt if you have one," you laugh as you hear something slam.
Tao comes back moments later and hands you a shirt without looking at you before closing the door with more force than necessary. You snort laugh and then reality sets in again.
"This is just an emergency situation, nothing weird will come of this. Just take a bath and wear the giant shirt," you tell yourself as you start to strip.
It hurts like hell when you peel your shirt off as cuts reopen and crusted blood makes your skin itch like crazy. The bandages are all bloodied and as you remove them you start to get a good idea of the damage. Once you remove your pants, bra, panties and the rest of your bandages you spin slowly in front of a corner mirror. There's a large angry bruise on your back with lacerations near your hips. Your thighs are splotted with shallow scraps and patches where your legs scrapped jagged rocks. You're sporting quite the shiner on your right eye that you didn't notice before but when you touch it you wince.
"Fuck I look like someone who got into a street fight or some shit," you whisper as you do one more turn before heading into the bath.
The water is warm and clearly spelled as bubbles foam around your cuts and scraps. You let out a sigh as you feel the magic mending your body. You've been scared to use anything from the other realm thanks to your mom but you trust Tao and whatever magicky thing he put in the water.
After lounging and letting the spelled water do it's work you start scrubbing yourself off with whatever soaps he has and rinse off. You'd stay and relax longer if you weren't afraid he'd come busting in thinking you feel asleep and drowned. You quickly dry off and go to grab his shirt when you remember something.
This is all you have to wear.
You pull the shirt on and thankfully it goes a little bit past your knees. It smells like the beach and a mix of spices. You sniff it again and then pinch yourself for being weird.
"Ok we got clothes on but we're probably going to have to go commando for a bit... Ok, let's just be an adult about this. We'll just run a quick load of laundry and be done with this," you whisper as you pace the bathroom and gather your bloody clothes.
Slowly you gather up your courage and tiptoe out of the bathroom and pad down the hall to the kitchen. You peak around the corner and see Tao wrapping a few bandages around his fingers. Trying to be quiet but not sneaky you continue your light steps into the kitchen but you're caught.
"That was fast, I had assumed you'd be in there long-" Tao turns and shuts his mouth as he stares at you.
You look away and fiddle with your dirty clothes. You're not uncomfortable or embarrassed but you are anxious.
Tao clears his throat and you hear him shift his stance, "I uh see the healing spell worked. How are you feeling?"
"Good," you squeak then cough, "I mean I'm feeling better, a lot better. My back still feels a little bruised but it's not too noticeable. Um so what happened with your fingers?"
He looks at his bandaged hand before balling it into a fist, "I had a moment of uncontrolled emotions yesterday and punched the wall. It seems I have inherited my mother's short bursts of rage."
You look around then and see a patch covering part of the wall in the kitchen. "I was upset that I had caused you to cry when you were already in a vulnerable state. I was not being a good friend."
His shoulders slump and he looks at the floor. He looks tired and his hair is a mess.
"Tao if anything you're now my best friend. I don't think anyone would have come to my rescue like you did," you sigh and walk just a little closer to him.
He does his best to keep his eyes off of you but ends up failing. His bright eyes are nearly swallowed by the inky blackness that over take the whites of his eyes. The blue lines on his cheeks reappear along with blue line on his neck. He inhales sharply and closes the gap between you and he.
Something about the way he's looking at you does things to your head and you're not sure if you like it or not. You feel smaller than ever but safer than you've been in your life. He lifts his bandaged hand and soothes your lightly bruised cheek with his thumb.
"As I've said before, you are all I have. As my shoal mate you are mine to protect, mine to care for, and mine to guard," he says, his voice a lot lower than usual.
Your heart is pounding loud enough for you to hear and you hope that Tao isn't pay attention to the smells in the air because the way he said mine has you more aroused than you care to admit.
Tao soothes your cheek a moment longer before letting his hand drop. He inhales sharply and you cross your legs hoping he won't smell your arousal. Unfortunately you think he does when his leans down and sniffs you. You try to back away, embarrassment finally taking over but you don't make it too far.
"You smell good," Tao whispers as he holds your hand.
"I uh just used whatever soaps you had lying around," you laugh nervously. "Could also be from the healing spell too. It did make the water smell a little lemony."
Tao straightens up and the first thing you notice is that his eyes are all black now, not a single trace of gold in them. He tilts his head and sniffs the air. Your heart is pounding wildly now and it gets worse when he starts to slowly crouch to your eye level.
You try to back up again only to get spooked by the thundering roaring outside. You almost trip but Tao catches you and holds you close to him. He nuzzles your neck and cheek and you hear a low rumbling purr.
"Hey uh Tao, buddy? Um you alright," you poke at him as you squirm in his arms.
He holds you a little tighter and and hides his face in the crook of your neck as he mumbles something.
"Tao? Hey um-"
"Just give me a minute," he grumbles, the purring calming down a little now.
"Oh uh ok? Is everything alright," you ask.
"No," he groans then lifts his head off of you and gently pushes you away a little bit.
Tao quickly shifts away from you before standing up and straightening himself.
"Hey are you going to be alright? You were being a little uh well different than usual," you try not to say weird or anything else that would make him feel bad.
"In time... I just was not expecting- Never mind, I need to go rehydrate. I'll be in my tank for a little while. Try to get some rest and if you get bored you have some of your books you left here in my nest room," Tao says with his back to you still.
"Oh uh ok," you nod.
Tao heads for the bench, peeling his shirt off on the way there and you quickly turn around as you notice his pants come off next. You bolt to the hallway and press your back against the wall. Your mind is blank for a moment and then you finally remember about your clothes.
"Fuck me," you slap yourself and try to recall what all just happened.
You dropped your bloodied clothes when you were trying to back away from Tao. You sigh and go back to the kitchen to collect them knowing that he's probably in the tank already. You gather them up again and try to hunt down his washer and dryer that's at the end of the hall across from a room that he probably uses as a closet.
You check the washer and dryer to make sure that they're empty and to your luck they are. You throw your clothes in and turn the wash on and hum a nervous tune.
Trying to not think about what happened between you and Tao is like trying not to breather, in-fucking-possible.
I am ashamed of myself. I cannot believe what I had done. I am thankful that she does not understand merfolk culture or I would be even more mortified by my actions. I had smelled her and my instincts took over and I scented her with my own pheromones.
Worse yet, I am painfully hard. I had to come up with some excuse to dismiss myself so she would not see my shame. I had rehydrated myself plenty yesterday and this morning after I checked on her. I am glad she does not know that so she cannot suspect my lie.
My body shudders and I cringe at remembering the taste of the lie on my tongue. Fair folk can lie but it comes with a cost. For my kind we can taste them and they are not pleasant. The bigger the lie, the more disgusting the taste.
Recently though that lie was not the only one I had tasted. I had called her my friend many times over and not once did it taste bad until I mentioned it yesterday. I did well in hiding my disgust when the word rolled off my tongue but it tastes horrible. I tried saying her name and calling her my friend while she was bathing and the vile flavor was more intense.
I tested a couple other words with her name afterwards. Shoal mate tasted normal, acquaintance tasted as bad as that human alcohol she had me consume one time, and then I tried the word mate. It had tasted absolutely divine. I had thought for a moment I had made a mistake. I whispered it a few more times with her name and the flavor grew more exquisite.
I knew deep down I craved more than just her friendship and I want to be more than just a friend but her heart is hurt. I couldn't ask her for more than she's comfortable with no matter how much it pains me.
My body feels tight and too hot as I grab at one of my cocks. The pressure help alleviate some of the pain but it's not enough. I allow myself to sink down and situate into a bed of seagrass and lean against a mound of sand I piled up before the tank was filled.
I loll my head back as I grip at the top cock again. I think of her as I slowly pump it, pressure building and the pain dulling. I think of how she looks at me, her eyes wide and curious. I think of her smile and how easily she shares it with me. And then I think of how her cheeks flushed when I walked her to work for the first time.
I groan as I pump harder and faster. By the goddesses she was gorgeous. Her eyes shone in the setting sun and her lips looked so kissable when she was at a loss for words. I wanted to see her more flustered and flushed.
A shameful thought crosses my mind and I grab my second cock and start working it. I imagine her flustered if I tell her she's beautiful and that I want her for my mate. Her face would be flushed and I would kiss her until she was dizzy. I gasp and arch my back as I feel myself tighten.
I would bare myself to her, body and soul if she'd accept me as a mate or even as just a suitor.
I pump harder and faster and bend forward and growl as I come. The pain is nearly gone but something worse happens. A terrible clawing ache finds its way into my heart.
I cannot deny myself what I feel for her anymore. I want her as my mate, I need her as my mate. There will not be another and I feel this truth deep in my bones.
"My mate," I whisper as I go limp and slowly succumb to much needed rest.
You paced around Tao's home here and there while he was in the tank. For the entire rinse cycle you paced in the laundry room then you moved to the hallway where you paced until the clothes were ready for the dryer. You ended up back to the nest room where you flopped down and tried to rest but you ended up just sort of rolling around before you left to pace some more.
After a while you ended up back in the kitchen where you paced till you heard the dryer chime that it was done. Your shirt is completely ruined but you want to save it anyways to remind yourself that you survived something terrible. The pants are luckily salvageable and just have a few rips and tears. You shimmy into your panties and pull on your pants. As you remove the shirt that you're borrowing from Tao to put your bra on the door opens and suddenly you're bare chested in front of the mer himself.
He quickly slams the door shut, "I AM SO SORRY!"
At this point your nerves are to wound up and you're too tired to care anymore. You start laughing. You end up on your knees, laughing so hard that you're in tears.
"I should have knocked, I'm sorry," he says again.
"It's-" you wheeze. "It's fine. No harm man," you snort laugh as you try to gain composure. It takes a couple minutes and you quickly slip on your bra and the shirt before straightening yourself.
You slide into the hall and see Tao crouched against the wall on the far end.
"Hey, everything's ok man, it was an accident right? Not like you knew I was shirtless in the laundry room," you laugh as you walk up to him and join him on the floor.
Tao grumbles, his golden eyes flicker as they look towards you for a brief moment then back to the ground.
"Yes, just an accident," he mumbles.
"Come on, stop being so depressed. Why don't we go to the kitchen and make some lunch or dinner or whatever. I don't even know what time it is but I'm hungry again and I haven't seen you eat," you stand up and tug at his arm. "Come on you grump."
He sighs but he does get up. For some reason you don't let go of his arm and for some reason he lets you keep tugging him to the kitchen. You eventually let go of him and grab an apron that you brought over. Tossing his to him you give him a smile and he just shakes his head and laughs.
"What's so funny," you ask.
"I feel like I should be used to your antics and being surprised by you by now but I'm not and I don't think I ever will be," He smiles at you as he ties his apron off.
"Sorry," you grimace.
"Don't be, I wasn't saying that out of annoyance but rather... fondness, yes that would be the word," he nods and heads towards the fridge. He pauses before opening and turns to you. "After we're done eating there's something I want to talk to you about. I was thinking it over while I was in my tank."
"Oh uh ok, sure. So what do you want to make? I was going to just reheat the soup from earlier for me, so this'll be more for you," you ask as he opens the fridge and pulls out a few ingredients.
"How about that one fish dish we wanted to try, the one with the miso glaze," he suggests.
You quickly go to the pantry and start pulling things out needed for the recipe. Tao pulls out a chopping board and knives while you clean the fish. After a minute you both fall into a comfortable silence while passing off ingredients, chopping, cleaning, stirring, and sautéing.
Whenever you pass him something you notice his finger brush against yours. Whenever you splash water on him while cleaning something off, he retaliates and splashes you back. He smiles and laughs unrestrained when you're both like this.
Once the fish is done you reheat up your soup and take it over to the living room. Tao has one of those tall tables you usually see at an overpriced burger joint. He sets the food at the table while you climb up your ridiculously tall chair. You nearly fall off and he laughs when he catches you.
"Not funny man, I need a fricken step stool just to get to the first run on this chair ya giant," you poke at him as he sets you down.
"It might not be funny to you but it's hilarious to me. And didn't you say last time we sat up here that it made you feel young again," he gives you a smug grin.
"Yeah as in my legs dangle enough that I look like a kid swinging their legs uncontrollably at a restaurant," you glare and angrily kick your legs.
Tao looses it and has to hold the table for emotional support as he actually snort laughs. He looks so strange laughing like that that you start laughing and neither of you are able to control yourselves anymore. You haven't laughed like this in years, probably since you were a kid if you're honest with yourself.
You start to think about those old times when you were little but stop yourself. You don't want those bitter memories to sour this.
"Have I told you lately how strange you are," Tao asks with probably the most devastatingly handsome smile you've ever seen.
"You've insinuated it but nothing direct," you tease him, wiping a couple tears from your eyes.
"Well, you're very strange and-"
You gasp and feign being scandalized.
Tao shakes his head, "You're strange and full of life. There are some days I envy how easy it is for you to smile and enjoy living. You're a beautiful soul."
You feel your cheeks flush and your heart threatens to pound out of your chest. Your mind is racing trying to figure out why he's saying all this stuff.
This isn't like him! He doesn't just say mushy stuff like this! Maybe he's still not over me almost drowning, that's gotta be it right? Yeah no, for sure for sure. He's just recovering right? No way he'd say that to me... Oh it could be practice for the fake dating right? Gods I forgot about that... Fuck fuck fuck!
"Something the matter? You've been glaring daggers at me," he raises a brow.
You grumble, not realizing you've been staring at him and turn to the soup. Tao chuckles and starts cutting into the fish dish you both made. As you pick up your spoon a piece of fish is being waved in your face.
"Try some before you eat that," Tao offers you a bite.
When you try to take the fork he pulls it away with a smirk on his face. You're not used to this version of Tao whoever this Tao is. He's being unusually playful and teasing you and actually laughing. It's not bad but it might take some getting used to.
That being said, you want that fish.
"Come on, I can feed myself now," you try to reach across the table but he raises his hand away.
"Says the person who nearly fell out of her chair," he grins.
"I will climb on this table if I have to," you hold your bowl, ready to move it out of the way.
"Would you now," he asks, raising a brow.
You move the bowl over and far away enough that it won't spill. You lift yourself up onto the table and scoot close enough to Tao that you can almost grab the fork from him. That is, till he moves it to his other hand.
"Fine, be that way," you poke at him and move his food down the table.
"Really," he tilts his head.
"Yes, really," you scoot back and try to snatch the fork again but he moves it to his other hand once more.
You're about to say something but Tao moves you till you're sitting right in front of him. His hand snatches your chin, his thumb brushes your bottom lip.
"You know, it's considered rude in my culture to refuse food especially if someone is willing to feed it to you," he says, his tone a bit more serious.
"I uh... I didn't know," you frown. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be insensitive."
Tao gives you a soft smile then, "I know and I did enjoy seeing just how far you'd go to get the fork from me, but out food will get cold."
He lowers the fork down and tilts your head back just enough. You take a bite and it's so good you can't help but do your happy food dance.
"Then I guess it turned out well," Tao smiles, the whites of his eyes going black again.
"Of course it turned out well, we made it," you say as you start back to your seat.
You move the plates and bowl back to their places and start eating. Tao takes a few bites then offers you bits here and there. You stop putting up a fight a just eat when he offers it. You didn't mean to offend, not like you know much about merfolk. And then an idea hits you.
"Hey how long do you think this storm will last," you ask.
"Maybe another day or two. Why," he says between bites.
"Well since I won't have much to do here I was thinking I could learn about merfolk culture. I don't want to offend you or anything so it's best to learn when I have the time right," you tell him.
His expression is unreadable then, "There is not much to learn but I would... I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have."
"Awesome, so quick question that's been bothering me. How do you drink underwater," you ask.
"We do not. We usually just filter the water into our bodies. Now if you're talking about wines and beverages of that sort, we usually go onto land or caves with air pockets that have been spelled and enchanted to stay dry," Tao says then goes into a long lecture about the trade between merfolk and fae.
He tells you stories then of when he was young and helped hull crates to his shoal's caves with the other merkids. He went into great detail about the time one of the elders got so drunk off of fae wine that he mistook a seal for his mate and kissed it.
"And then Belzan, the cave guard thought my mother wouldn't be able to handle going after the thieves. So she challenged him to a dual. If my mother lost she could go after the thieves and expose the guard's shame of letting some of the wine get stolen. If the guard won, my mother would have to remarry him," Tao pauses. "My mother won and came back with the thieves not even a full day later."
"And what of the guard," you ask.
"She never spoke of his shame. For that, he was indebted to her. He was actually the one who helped me meet my acclimation agent. Belzan had much respect for my mother and knew of my suffering. He knew it caused my mother great pain that she had to remarry and the mer she was arranged with was not cruel to me nor was he kind though," Tao sighs and looks down at his hands.
"Do you ever wish that your mother got arranged with Belzan instead," you know it's a bit of a sensitive question but your curious now, completely invested.
"I never thought about that, but maybe if she had married him things would have been better. I would still have had to leave but I might have been able to leave on better terms. I could have been able to set up some way to write them, let them know I'm alright and I'm alive and happy with my new shoal," he runs his claws across the table, his voice pained with grief.
"Tao, I-"
"Maybe one day though, right? That's what you would say? That I should talk to my agent and ask him? Maybe I should have when I moved here, maybe I still can," he lifts his head and smiles at you.
"Yes, that... that sounds like a great idea. Ask him when he comes to visit next time," you agree. "So uh there was that other thing that you wanted to talk about right?"
Tao nods and scoots his chair back, "Yes, just give me a minute. Do you want some coffee? Tea? I'm usually not much into sweets but the orc who runs a cafe next to the grocery store I usual go to let me sample this chocolate cake the day before the storm and I just had to buy a whole one. Would you care for a slice?"
"Oh uh sure, and coffee sounds good," you answer as he clears the table.
Tao puts on a pot of coffee and pulls out a rather large and impressive chocolate cake topped with raspberries. You watch him fiddle about the kitchen, cleaning up and plating the cake slices. You also can't help to notice how happy he is. Like really truly happy.
From the moment you and he started cooking to now, his just been so happy. You want to keep seeing him like this, you want him to smile more and laugh like he did when you kicked your legs.
You watch him some more until his eyes meet yours. For a second you think he's going to tease you but instead he smiles, "Coffee's about done, same amount of cream and sugar as last time?"
"Yeah, thank you," you nod.
You're not gonna lie, you're in an absolute daze with how Tao is acting. You feel drunk off of his smiles and dizzy from his laughter. You tell yourself it's your silly crush come to rear it's ugly head but you feel like it might be more than just a crush. You've had crushes before but nothing this intense. You know you feel something more but you're still scared, still unsure if you want to even accept these feelings.
"Are you alright," Tao asks, setting a slice of cake in front of you.
"Oh um, yeah... Just thinking about some things. Cake looks good," you quickly change the subject as he sets down the coffee.
"Trust me, it tastes even better than it looks," he smiles as he sits back down.
You quickly dig into the cake, practically melting in delight with the first bite. Unable to help it, you break out into another happy food dance.
Tao laughs, "Do you have to do that every time you eat?"
"Only if the foods really good," you grin.
"I don't think I've ever seen you just sit still and eat," he mentions.
"Well that's because I usually eat whatever we cook and it's damn good, so I will do my happy food dance thank you," you point your fork to him.
"I suppose you have a point," Tao says. "So I guess I know whenever you don't enjoy something you'll just be still as a stick."
"Pretty much, so what is it you wanted to talk about," you ask again.
Tao takes a sip of his coffee and a bite of cake before twiddling with his claws, "You said you got into an argument with your grandmother and that I was mentioned?"
"Yeah, it was her typical 'you're not pretty enough to keep a man' banter mixed with her being a rude bitch. She said somethings in regards to our fake dating like it wouldn't work out and shit like that or you'd get bored of me. It pissed me off," you tighten your hands around your mug, recalling how hateful she was.
"Did it really upset you that much," he asks.
"Of course it did! When she talks like that she's indirectly insulting you! I couldn't just stand there and pretend that it didn't bother me Tao. You're my best friend and you mean a lot to me, so yeah it pisses me off when people say stupid shit about you," you give him an incredulous look, confused why he doesn't understand your annoyance.
"Thank you for defending me, this isn't... Well I am not used to anyone caring so much to the point of near death, accidental or not," Tao admits. "You shouldn't have to live with someone who would push you to a breaking point like that though."
"I know, but I have nowhere else to go," you sulk.
"No relatives nearby or anyone," he asks.
You shake your head.
Tao is quiet for a bit as he nurses his coffee and strums a claw against the table. He stabs at the cake, taking a few small bites. After a few minutes he lifts his gaze to you.
"Would you like to move in with me then?"
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
9 Days of Solomon: Day 5 - Pact
I wrote the beginning of this a long time ago and then got distracted. I kept meaning to go back to it and this prompt gave me the perfect reason to. I am obsessed with this man's pact marks and that's really all you need to know lol.
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Solomon x GN!MC (this is an established relationship scenario)
Warnings: Solomon's wrists are restrained, oral (Solomon receiving), lil bit of biting, I think that's it I dunno you could say he's a bit subby here too I think lol
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You had just come home from the House of Lamentation, ready to finally relax for a bit. You looked around for Solomon, but didn't see him right away. You went to his room and found the door was slightly open. You peeked your head in, but still saw no sign of him. You opened the door wider and went inside.
And that was when Solomon came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.
You gasped. You didn't mean to and your hands flew to cover your mouth immediately, but it was too late.
Solomon turned to you and all you could look at were the pact marks that covered his bare chest and arms.
You had seen them before, of course. But you didn't often see them so clearly. Solomon always wore clothes that covered almost every inch of his skin. And when you had been in moments of passion that required clothing removal, you hadn't really been paying too close attention, too busy fumbling in the dark.
Solomon watched you carefully. "Hey, MC. I didn't know you were home already."
You forced your eyes up to his face. "I… just got back," you said awkwardly.
Solomon ran a hand through his still damp hair. "If you give me a minute to get dressed, I'll make us dinner."
Several emotions ran through you at this statement, but the main sentiment was don't you dare. You didn't want him in the kitchen or making dinner, but you also didn't want him to get dressed.
At that moment, the light of his room was bright, illuminating the contrast between his black pact marks and pale skin. The way they covered him so thoroughly was something you hadn't quite realized before now. The last thing you wanted was for him to cover them up again.
"Absolutely not," you said.
Solomon looked surprised. "Oh?"
You took several steps toward him and rested your fingertips on one of the pact marks on his chest, leaning in close. "You don't even realize, do you?"
Solomon shivered beneath your touch. "MC…"
You noted the blush that had crossed his cheeks and the tips of his ears. You put your other hand on one of the marks on his arm. "You're stunning."
Solomon laughed. "Me?" He sounded incredulous.
You pressed your lips to one of the marks on his chest. You heard him suck in a breath. You pushed on him gently until he was pressed up against the wall as your lips and tongue moved to another pact mark. You nipped at this one and received another gasp from him in response.
"M-MC…" his voice was already almost a whimper.
As you kept your lips on the pact mark, you let your fingers slide down and run just beneath the edge of the towel that was still tucked around his waist.
To your annoyance, he caught the wrist of your wandering hand. "Ah, now that's not fair, is it?"
You leaned back a little to smirk at him. "Don't make me tie you up," you said jokingly.
Solomon's eyes widened and his face flushed, the heat clearly creeping down his neck. He frowned a little at his own reaction.
You laughed. "I see how it is."
You didn't give him a chance to protest, instead reciting the words to a spell you happened to have learned recently.
Solomon let go of you as his own wrists were pulled together, bound by a thread of magic. His flush deepened. "Did Asmodeus teach you this?"
Your fingers went back to the towel. A glance downward revealed how hard his cock was already. You pulled on the fabric, letting it fall to his feet.
Your fingers brushed against him, trailing along his erection, across his hips, over the pact marks there.
"I think I'd like to explore every single one of these," you said, your hand splayed across a pact mark on his stomach, just behind where his bound wrists rested.
For once, Solomon didn't protest or make any kind of sound at all. Instead he simply watched you, his eyes hooded, as though he was no longer thinking clearly. As though he was dizzy from wanting you so badly.
You pulled him over to the bed and made him kneel on it. He did as you asked obediently and you noted how he was like putty in your hands.
Slowly and carefully, you set about putting your lips (and tongue and teeth) on all seventy-two of Solomon's pact marks.
You couldn't help but chuckle when you got to Asmo's. "You were right. He did teach me that wrist binding spell," you said just before sucking on the center of it, leaving a dark red mark there.
Solomon sighed and managed to actually look concerned, even with the heat all over his face and his cock still straining. "I'll have to talk to him about teaching questionable spells to my adorable apprentice."
You moved on to the next mark, nipping at it momentarily before saying, "Talk to him about how grateful you are, right?"
You deliberately stroked his cock with your hand, making his whole body twitch.
"Ah, MC!" Solomon bit his lip.
You shook your head, but just moved on again to the next mark.
By the time you were finished, you had an overwhelmed sorcerer begging you for release.
You cupped his cheek, which was hot and slick with sweat, pressing your lips to his. "You've been so good for me."
Solomon moaned against you, squirming just a little. You kissed down his throat, his chest, his stomach, lingering on the marks as you went, maneuvering around his still bound wrists.
When you finally took his cock in your mouth, Solomon moaned out your name. You began soft and gentle, teasing the tip with your tongue. The needy sounds Solomon made were so desperate, you decided to have mercy on him. He had waited long enough. You sucked and it wasn't long until his cum was sliding down your throat.
As Solomon gasped in air from the long awaited orgasm, you stood up, wiping your mouth a little, and snapping your fingers to remove the magical thread around his wrists.
You started to move away, but as soon as his hands were free, Solomon was pulling you toward where he still knelt on the bed.
"Oh no," he said, already tugging off your shirt. "It's your turn, MC."
"What?" you demanded.
"You have pact marks, too," he said.
"Only seven!" you protested.
Solomon's arms were around you, keeping you against the bed. He rested his chin on your now bare stomach and looked up into your eyes. "Then I'll just have to add the other sixty-five marks myself, won't I?"
You were amazed at how quickly the tables had turned. Now you were the one blushing deeply. You could tell it was going to be a long night and yet you found you didn't mind at all.
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day 1: stars | day 2: nostalgia | day 3: knife | day 4: ocean | day 6: snow | day 7: familiar | day 8: Barbatos | day 9: humanity
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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windvexer · 6 months
Maybe this is a dumb baby question but, How do you know if a spell works? I’m investigating different practices and all the spells are like… focus, luck, etc, like things that are supposed to either influence my interior state or encourage certain events to occur. But I can’t help but think that if magic was “real” it could do things that are obvious or immediately observable. Have you ever done anything you think was undeniably magic? How did you know?
Not a dumb baby question.
It works if it works! And you can test this.
Broadly speaking we can divide all practical sorcery into two categories: verifiable and unverifiable.
It's really hard to know if an unverifiable spell works. E.g., a spell for focus could often be explainable by the placebo effect. (Or, this lovely Guardian Animal Shielding exercise, which is a fun and relaxing thing to do).
But a verifiable spell is something that you should be able to test and see if your magic did or didn't work.
A good way to find sources of verifiable magic in your life is to observe relatively stable patterns in your own life which have been going on for months, and then cast a spell to directly change it.
An example might be always getting a bad parking spot at work - and then trying to get a very good parking spot.
Either you get to work and have a great place to park even though the whole lot is normally full, or you don't. The spell worked, or it didn't.
Yes, I've worked magic that is obvious and immediately observable. I've worked so much of it and some of it is so miraculous that I don't talk about it publicly because practitioners have a lot of hangups about what kind of magic they think is allowed to exist.
But more importantly I think that while wanting magic to be real, and sorcery to work, are very valid, just chasing that realness alone is probably going to lead you to a path of misery. Here are some of my thoughts on this: On witchcraft as spirituality
Here are some random stories:
At one time there were many arguments in the household due to home renovations (stressful!). I cast a spell to cause one person in the household to be more mindful of the situation. I cast the spell and stepped outside of my practice space. That person was, surprisingly, in the yard and started asking me questions about the exact issue I had just cast on. We ended up having a very long conversation and after that the arguments stopped.
Some years ago the neighbor was causing horrible ruckus and giving my partner awful anxiety, as he could clearly hear it through the old, thin window. I found a bit of thread and "tied up" the neighbor's loud sounds into a knot, and weighted it down with a rock on the windowsill. At this time I wasn't living with my partner, so I came back some weeks later to see the knot. I thought I'd get rid of it, but when I moved the rock my partner stopped me.
"You know what's strange? After you put that there, the neighbor stopped being loud."
I looked at the disrupted rock, which was to "weigh down" the spell, and immediately the neighbor started yelling. I put the rock back, and about 30 minutes later he piped down again and stayed quiet.
Years later, after many calls to the police from many people in the neighborhood with no traction at all, I used the Justice tarot card in a spell and that neighbor was permanently removed from the home within a couple of weeks.
At one time, I was trying to do a distance energy reading for someone. But something was wrong; I couldn't see clearly. In fact it looked like they were consumed by a black void... then presently a lighter blue color was around the blackness, then white, then dark blue. It was no energy I was familiar with and I double-checked with the person that they had no magical protections to stop me from Seeing them.
"Oh, the only ward I didn't take down was my nazar." 🧿🧿🧿🧿
I have Very Silly Tendons, and in the morning I usually have a painful limp for several minutes until my foot stretches out. That is, of course, unless I remember to do a very simple energy exercise the night before. Then my foot is as loose and supple as a bowl of buttered noodles.
Once, I cast a spell using the planetary energies of Mercury in order to secure a good deal on a used van. I put in very specific requirements, and asked that if I tried to buy a van that didn't meet these requirements, that the elementals would stop me and not let the deal go through. Immediately after I cast the spell I found a van which was disqualified from the list, but I reallllly wanted it. I contacted the Craiglist seller, who didn't respond for a couple of days, but the listing stayed up.
The next morning my friend contacts me. She says she had a dream that yellow tornadoes came and told her to give me a message; that I was making a mistake.
Well if you know Mercury, then you know yellow airy energies are really his thing.
I immediately set up the spell again, retracted my requests, and apologized for going against what I said I wanted.
The seller contacted me within the hour, and I got the van.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 month
I think Eagleone is canon because in the game something really happens between them and it’s very noticeable, but I’m wondering why you consider them canon?
Because the romantic nature of their relationship is baked into the thematic framework of the narrative. In order for RE4make to achieve what it's trying to do with its storytelling, Leon and Ashley's relationship has to be read as romantic.
Resident Evil 4 Remake is Resident Evil 4 re-imagined as a fairy tale. Survival Horror is the genre of the gameplay of RE4make, but Horror Fantasy is the genre of its story.
RE4make contains fantastical elements that were not present in OG, including but not limited to:
Leon and Ada's plaga hallucinations (Ada's especially looks like it has a magical effect)
The magical blue fire that keeps the Armadura at bay
The cursed black water in the castle (irrespective of whether it's tied to the mold in RE7; it's still attributed to turning men mad and is treated like a magical reagent during the ritual)
Ashley getting possessed -- not Saddler using her plaga to manipulate her body (which he also does in OG) but actually physically possessing her and speaking through her mouth and seeing through her eyes
New enemies that invoke the imagery of Minotaurs
On top of that, one of the major themes of this story is: folklore, story books, and fairy tales. We see it show up not just in the characters but also in the lore of the world itself. Just to name a few examples off the top of my head, we have:
Luis's parallels with and direct verbal references to Don Quixote
The folklore of "madness" spread around the villagers that Mendez tried to quell panic of
Historic folklore from when the people of Valdelobos thought of Las Plagas as demons
Salazar's invocation of Pulgarcito (which is a Spanish fairy tale)
Literal storybooks that you find throughout the game, like the one in Mendez's house and the holy scripture (complete with a colored illustration like a child's picture book) in the castle
And, most of all -- and, most importantly for our purposes -- "The Knight and the Princess Fair" allegory that gets repeated over and over throughout the game centering entirely on Leon and Ashley.
And it's not just Salazar being a crazy asshole, either. Luis also refers to Leon as "Prince Charming," beckons him to the ballroom, and tells him not to be late for the dance.
The story itself also has an element of "true love conquers all" in it, as both Leon and Ashley literally pull off the impossible. Leon manages to fight off Saddler's influence (something that we've seen no other character manage to do -- and Leon's plaga is very advanced at this point) while he's holding Ashley in his arms. And tiny little 120lb Ashley manages to heft all 200+lbs of Leon and his gear up onto Luis's surgical chair all by herself in order to remove his plaga. They saved each other for each other and only got through this ordeal because the other person was there with and for them.
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This narrative is then reinforced by overtly romantic imagery, like Leon appearing to Ashley bathed in moonlight, and Ashley wistfully looking to him off towards the horizon, hands clasped to her chest, as embers float around her like fireflies.
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It also invokes the imagery of classic romance stories and fairy tales, including:
Several literal princess carries
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Prince Phillip about to break the spell on Sleeping Beauty with true love's first kiss
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The Prince approaching Snow White's altar
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Leon kneeling before Ashley like a knight does his queen
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Romeo and Juliet's very famous balcony scene
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Leon extending a hand to Ashley as though he's asking her to dance, not once but twice
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And in case all of that wasn't enough -- if you somehow still didn't catch it, Capcom included a set of matching alternate costumes for Leon and Ashley literally called "Romantic."
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I don't know how much more explicit they could've been about this, short of having a big, sweeping kiss scene -- especially when you consider that absolutely none of the above was present in OG. None of those scenes happen in OG at all.
And this isn't even taking into account that the devs restructured the plot of OG to follow the story outline of a romance novel beat-for-beat -- nor the overt sexual imagery associated with specific lines of dialogue between Leon and Ashley. And even if you ignore the fairy tale aspect all together, Leon and Ashley's relationship is intrinsically tied to the theme of teamwork, and there's a romantic element about how that is portrayed, too.
So, sure. You could look at RE4make as a story about a man who's just doing his job and saves the president's daughter because idk he's a badass and that's just what he does. And he overcomes his trauma about Raccoon City because he actually saved a person's life finally, and it wouldn't have mattered who it was; it just happened to be Ashley.
You could.
But you miss the fucking point of what the storyteller(s) were trying to do.
You miss the intention of the developers paying homage to RE4OG being such a huge part of so many people's childhoods by turning the story into a fairy tale.
You miss the parallels of Leon becoming a broken husk of a person because of failing re: Ada, and Leon finding his smile and his kindness again through Ashley.
It leaves you with a shallow story where shit just kind of happens and Leon's a cool dude who overcomes the odds all on his own because he's so cool and strong.
And you'll never be able to convince me that that's how the devs wanted their story to be read. Not with the deliberate layering of themes and imagery and allegory that they've folded into the narrative.
And you'll never convince me that all of this was just a coincidence, either.
Eagleone is canon -- just not canon in the way that most people tend to think of it.
Because the one thing missing from RE4make's fairy tale is that Leon and Ashley don't live happily ever after. They don't end this game a couple, and they'll never be together in the future.
Because while RE4make was a fairy tale, it was the nightmare horror version of one.
And horror stories don't get to have happy endings. That was true for Ethan and Mia in the literal storybook that was RE:Village, and it's true here for Leon and Ashley.
But that doesn't make the romance between these two characters any less real.
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"Riddle me this, Rollo. How mad would you be if I accidentally set the shared kitchen on fire with a ramen packet? ..I may have forgot i was cooking and left it on the stove. ..for a half hour." ~ (based off a real experience of mine <3 ((i should never be trusted with a stove again))
UHHHHH... Concern????? ???? ??? ? ? ????😅 I'm glad you're safe after that incident though, Anon! Malewife Rollo cooking and cleaning for us, that's the dream/j
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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Concern immediately registered on his face. His eyebrows drew together, creasing the space between them. His lips twisted into a disapproving frown before ripping open and letting loose a harsh bark.
"You fool!"
Rollo darted past you and into your kitchen, making a beeline for the stove. As you had confessed, a small yet sizable fire had consumed the far most wall, setting ragged curtains and rickety wood ablaze. Stray embers and heat fanned him as he approached, undaunted by the flames.
“R-Rollo-senpai?!” you called from the doorframe. “What are you doing? Get away from there, you’ll hurt yourself…!”
He glared at you from over his shoulder. “Who is to correct your grievous error, if not I?"
Rollo closed a hand around his wrist—a pained expression rising up. The fire was too large to be stamped out through regular means. If he didn't act fast, the flames would consume the entire building and all life within it.
The only option he had to salvage this situation was…
What I wasn’t able to do all those years back.
Rollo swallowed thickly and raised a hand. His command came loud and stern. "Begone from my sight."
The jewel set in his ring let loose a flash of cooling light. A great pillar of water crashed down upon the raging fire, strong splashback sending you hurtling back a few steps. Roaring filled your ears and dissipated just as quickly--and when you blinked again, the magical water was gone, leaving behind a broken scene ravaged by black.
The fire, extinguished.
Whoa... That's raw power right there. Sometimes you forgot just how devastating of a mage Rollo was--and the reminder of that made you shudder.
Rollo sighed and casually dusted off his shoulder, banishing an invisible fleck of ash from himself. "Let's see what the damage is."
He brisky made his way over to the stove with you trailing behind nervously. Using his handkerchief, Rollo removed the lid from the pot sitting on a burner. Lying inside was a dry lump of noodles, charred beyond belief.
Rollo replaced the lid. His facial features twitched imperceptibly as he turned his attention to you, tone icy. "How irresponsible must you be to leave food on the stove unattended to?! Fire is not an element to be trifled with!!"
His mouth pursed into a line. "It's a miracle that you haven't burned down this hovel by now."
"Eheheh... Oops?"
He found no humor in the giggle and the light-hearted shrug that accompanied it. Folding his arms, he tapped one finger. "... What do you intend to do now?"
"There's always the cafeteria," you said sheepishly.
“Its offerings are surely more healthy than whatever it was you were about to ingest. Instant ramen has enough sodium in it to kill a baby goat,” Rollo sniffed. “What of this mess you've made of your living quarters?" He gestured to their destroyed surroundings.
"You could just put it back together with magic, right? I saw that amazing spell you pulled off just now. It should be no problem for you!”
He sent you a withering look. "And reward your reckless behavior?! I've already expended enough of my time and energy on you—against my better judgment. Magic is not something to wield so flippantly!!”
“Boo, you’re no fun!”
“There is nothing ‘fun’ about this!!” Rollo retorted. Again, he had his handkerchief at his mouth, masking his open disgust. “It is about time that you assume responsibility for your own actions.”
He casted one last glare at the ashen wasteland around him. A kitchen forever scarred, the damage scorching deep.
This destruction, fun? Claimed by hellish flames, fun?
His chest throbbed.
Rollo clamped his handkerchief down even harder, crumpling the moon and the stars upon it. His breathes quickened, yet his next words were forced into an eerie calm.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see myself out. Enjoy your… meal.”
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Evil Eye and Protection⛤
Many cultures around the world believe that through our thoughts or through an envious look, a person can harm another person by causing illness, injury or even death. 
There are many different names for this phenomenon, and the most common one is “the evil eye”.
What is the Evil Eye?
This word describes the process during which a person is affected by the negative energy of another person that hurts us intentionally or unintentionally.
In Islam:
“The Evil Eye” (ar. el-ajn) is a "poisonous arrow" that comes out of the envious person or the cause of the spell and goes towards the person who is envied and who wants to be cursed.
Sometimes this arrow works on a person, and sometimes it doesn't. If a man has no protection, then it affects him, and if he protects himself from it, then it has no effect on him.
The spell that affects people is the result of envy or too much admiration for something.”
Although we have our first testimonies of the evil eye in Islamic culture, it is deeply present in other cultures and traditions under different names.
Many people consider this to be pure superstition and a phenomenon for which there are no rational explanations but still partake in some of the methods used against it (such as knocking 3 times on wood) during situations in which they feel like their luck could turn bad.
⛤How to protect yourself
There are a lot of ways to check whether in a period when only bad luck follows us, the cause is someone's magic or the evil eye. 
Some of the oldest and very simple methods offer us the possibility to find out easily.
⛤Spot The Evil Eye with Olive Leaves
Olive oil, olive leaves and water should be prepared for this ritual. 
Fill the pot with water and pour three drops of olive oil. 
Then add the olive leaves.
If the oil separates from the leaves, it is an indication that there is an influence of the evil eye.
⛤Spot Negativity With Lemons
Lemons are used in this ritual, it is best if it is an odd number, three, five or seven. 
They should be placed in the corner of every room. 
After a few days, see if there are any changes on them. 
If black spots appear on them, spots of unclear shape, this is a sure sign of present negativity.
⛤A Magical Ritual to Remove Spells and Negative Influences
This simple and old method is considered very effective for removing spells and negative energy. 
It is done during the full moon. 
This ritual requires a little help from someone you trust.
What should be prepared for the ritual is:
one new white plate
one new white candle
fresh water
olive oil.
First, find a place where you will sit during the ritual and light a candle so that it is close to you. 
In the plate that the person is holding above your head, they should pour water, and then you should touch the water with your left hand. 
After that, the person pours three drops of olive oil into the water, saying:
"The evil eye was sent with envy and left with love."
Then it is observed on the plate how the oil drops have formed. 
If they have not separated, it is a sign that there is no presence of the evil eye, but if they have separated into countless small droplets, then the influence of negative energy is present. 
This method allows us to find out whether the evil energy was sent by a man or a woman. Namely, if the drops of oil are formed in the form of a line, it means that the influences were sent by a man. 
Oil droplets formed in the form of a circle mean that the negativity was sent by a female person.
At the end, the water is thrown into the ground, which should be illuminated by the light of the Moon, and on that occasion it is said:
 "May the spell and evil return to where they came from and to the one who sent them."
⛤Isidora ⛤
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rupertsfangirl · 5 months
Ron Weasley Imagine-Comforts you after a rough day at work (Smut)
Disclosure: Spanking, oral (female & male receiving), Probably missing sum but idk.
Summary: You have a long and rough day at work and your doting husband Ron takes care of you when you get home (IYKYK). 
Word count:2.5k
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Ron Weasley
Note: HOLY HELL I APOLOGIZE! I know I released the original all fluff version like weeks ago but the holidays came around and then my birthday and a bunch of other things but anyway I’m back for now (hehe). I am starting school up again but I should have a bunch of free time due to most of my classes being extracurricular ones since I took college courses to do the other classes early (Yippee for me). Anyway I really hope you enjoy it. I know I had fun writing it even though it took me like a million years. I do plan on making a twins one but I kinda need to rewrite it cuz I accidentally set it in a time period making them underaged sooo yea gotta redo that, oopsies. 
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Ron stood in the doorway and let his blue eyes trace your figure. 
“You look beautiful.” You blushed at his compliment. 
“Well today is important.” He walked up next to you and took the necklace you planned to wear off the desk. He placed it around your neck while you lifted your hair allowing him to clasp it together. 
“Perfect,” he whispered, placing his hands on your waist from behind. You smile as you put your matching earrings in. 
“Alright, I'm ready.”
“Do you have everything prepared?”
“Yes, it's all in my organizer.”
“Well then don’t forget you are amazing and you’ve got this, go get’em.” You hug him feeling a surge of extra confidence from his words. You walk out of the room and down the stairs to the fireplace, Ron trailing behind you. He presses a kiss onto your forehead. While stepping into the fireplace you grab a palm full of floo powder,
“Ministry of Magic.” You watch as Ron disappears behind the flames and the ministry's black brick walls appear. You start towards the conference room feeling the sweat on your palms, you take a deep breath and reassure yourself. 
“You got this.” You step into the room first, as you expected. You begin to set up your presentation; it was an important one because it would allow your department to expand and potentially lead to a promotion for yourself. Once everyone had arrived you began the presentation. You glided through with ease feeling quite cool and collected the whole time. Why had you been so nervous before, you thought of Ron’s words and smiled internally. After the presentation you were feeling pretty good about it. You left the room and started back toward your office however you heard a few of the wizards and witches who had been in the room talking badly about your presentation. It made you upset and questioned whether you had hallucinated that you were so calm while presenting. You tried to shake it off but remained in a funk the rest of the day. And add that you were behind on just about everything due to being understaffed, it was a combination of all the things that made you overwhelmed. 
You had stayed about 3 hours overtime and got home later than you planned; but even still the second you got home Ron was there to greet you. He took your bag, giving you a kiss while grabbing it, and placed it on the couch. 
“How was work?” You only groan in response. “That bad sweetheart?” You nod and place your head onto his shoulder letting out a big sigh. Ron tries comforting you by rubbing your back and holding your head. 
“Why don’t you get out of those clothes and we can just relax.” 
“Alright,” you say, grabbing your bag and heading upstairs to change into something comfy. You take your hair out of the tight bun it's been in all day and fling off the narrow pumps your feet were squished into; sitting down you take out your earrings and necklace. 
Suddenly Ron shouts from downstairs, “I have a surprise for you!” You can’t help but feel excited using a spell to quickly and cleanly remove your makeup. You make your way back downstairs to see a table set with two plates of delicious looking food, candles, and glasses of the good stuff (nice wine). Ron looks pleased with himself and you can’t help but feel like you drooled a bit when you saw the food. 
“Oh my goodness, what did I do to deserve you?” You give him a tight hug and you both sit to eat. You tell him all about the rough day you had and he shows all his emotions on his face like he usually did: anger when you told him about the people who talked bad about you, worry when you told him about all the work you have, and excitement when you told him that you still felt the presentation went well. Then he told you all about the day he had at work which was usually light hearted as he co-managed the joke emporium with his brother George. He always managed to make you laugh with something crazy that happened. You guys finished eating and took the plates to the kitchen placing them in the sink then Ron used a spell to start washing them. 
“What do you feel up to, darling: a bath, a movie, or maybe me?” You giggled at his proposal and rubbed your finger on your chin pretending to think really hard. 
“Hmm, what about a massage; my back and feet are killing me.” 
“I can make that happen.” He had placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed them lightly. “Go up to the room, I’ll meet you up there.” 
“Okay.” You head up the stairs and into the room, you lie face down on the bed placing your head into your arms. Ron walks in a minute or so after with a bottle of oil. 
“Well you have to take off your shirt,” he chuckled while giving you a knowing look. You roll your eyes at him making sure to face away from him while removing your shirt. You quickly lay back down on the bed and soon after Ron drips the warm oil onto your back instantly soothing you. He begins to glide his hands along the sides of your back to your shoulders where he puts pressure and squeezes causing you to let out soft moans. 
“You have magic hands Ronnie,” you mumble jokingly. He chuckles quietly and continues to massage the knots out of your shoulders. He then slowly moves his hands down to your lower back and using his thumbs he presses into it and moves out slowly; you gasp lightly feeling loose and calm. 
“Did that feel good?” You nod into the bed and he smiles feeling happy he can please you. Ron’s rough yet gentle hands rubbing from your neck, to your shoulders, to your tailbone. You feel as though you're on a cloud and you allow your mind to wonder. You sense his fingers slip into your pants, slowly pulling them down; you think about telling him off but it’s been awhile since you two had been sexually intimate, so you let him continue. His hands caressing your ass; starting from the bottom of your cheeks and squeezing while sliding up. He pulled the spandex waistband of your underwear letting it slap back down onto your waist and swiftly slapping your ass making you tremble. While sliding your pants off all the way, his hand came down a second time leaving you a shade redder. 
He smirked at his ability to make you squirm and leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Ass up.” You bite your lip, abiding his demand, getting on your knees and arching your back to lift your backside into the air. He ran his thumb under the trim of your underwear, lifting it and planting another slap on your cheek; you jump, letting out a slight squeal. 
A pleased grin spread on his face, “You’re so wet for me.” Placing the pad of his finger on the forming wet circle, beginning to rub it; the friction of the fabric against your entrance causing a moan to escape your lips. His fingers traced over your lips gradually moving inwards towards your more sensitive areas; slowly working up the pressure but keeping the same pace. 
“Your hands really are magic.” 
“That's not all that's magic,” a sly smile forming on lips. He roughly pulled off your underwear revealing just how wet you really were. His tongue gently skimming your thigh until slowly reaching your vagina. You softly call out his name as he draws circles and places kisses; soon after pushing his tongue into you. Sultry breaths and rough hands accompanied by a soft tongue brought a rising heat. Contrasting with the coldness of his fingertips as they explored your legs before placing another slap on your ass, pulling a whine from your throat. His mouth hovered just above your clit, placing gentle kisses around the hood and releasing light slow breaths onto it, making you ache for his tongue on your clit. Your hips seemed to take control attempting to move closer to his mouth; prompting Ron to plant another slap on your already rosy cheek. 
“You have to be patient,” he tutted before treating your ass to several quick slaps. The sensations drawing out sounds you were unaware you could make. 
“Please,” you whine.
 He smirks into your skin and shakes his head, “But I love watching you beg.” His finger trailed from the top of your vulva to the bottom; his breath still seemingly rubbing your clitoral hood. As his finger was just to touch your clit he pulled away skipping over the area then continued down. Every time he did this you whined and squirmed, craving his finger pads on your deprived clit. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, the feeling of Ron’s muggy breath and his coarse hands that knew all the spots to make you scream. 
“Ronnie, I-” 
“You're close, I know.” His voice trailed as he put his tongue back to work making you moan at the sudden warm stimulation. He slowly licked up to your clit and finally allowed it some love. Your voice filled the room and you could feel your climax on the tip of your tongue as could he (literally). You felt as if you were filling up until it spilled over, spreading throughout your body making you shiver and moan Ron’s name. Your legs become wobbly and weak causing you to fall flat back onto the bed. Ron flipped you onto your back and wiped your watery eyes. 
“How does my princess feel? Can she take another round?” his hands rubbing your cheeks and head. You felt all the warmth from his body next to yours. You turn your head to face him and biting your lip you nod. He smiles, “We can take a break.” Suddenly you feel a surge of energy from the very last remnants of your orgasm; quickly you straddle Ron who looks shocked but also extremely turned on. You slide his pants down slowly with his boxers in tow, revealing his hard cock. 
“It's so perfect. Perfect for me.” You place a kiss on the head, Ron smiles as his cheeks turn a light red. You slide down his legs to make it easier for your mouth to reach. You reached for the oil on the floor and put a bit on your hand. Placing your hand he twitched at the temperature change. You gripped the center and began slowly moving up and down placing kisses along the side. 
“Sorry it's cold.” He only mumbled under his breath in response. Your other hand made its way to his balls cupping them and beginning to massage them. Dragging your tongue across the head you heard Ron let out stifled moans, using his hand to cover his mouth. His eyes locked with yours, he seemed nervous but you maintained the contact seemingly making him more sensitive. You smile to yourself as you continue to navigate your tongue around his sensitive head, licking up a bit of precum in the process. 
“Does that feel good?” You watched as he brought his hand to grab the back of your head; he lightly tugged your hair letting you know he liked what you were doing. “You need to use your words darling,” you whisper smugly. Using his arm to cover his eyes he mumbled, “Yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes it feels good.” His whines and reactions to your hand and tongue only tempting you to mess him up further; but you want to take your time teasing him until he can’t hold it. You start to quicken your pace as you feel Ron getting closer from his expressive voice and face as well as the abundance of precum flowing from him. His hand gripped to your hair hard pushing himself deeper into your mouth just as he came. You felt it slide down your throat as you swallowed, wiping some from the corner of your lip. You continued to run your hand up and down as he was feeling out the final traces of his climax. “If i’m magic you must be mythical,” he huffed catching his breath. You laughed a bit at his joke and crawled up to his chest laying your head on him. 
“I guess I must be.” He stroked the back of your head while planting kisses. Your hand remained on his penis, idly rubbing it through which you felt it regain the stiffness it had just moments ago. You slid back down so that his penis was against your stomach. 
“I thought you were tired. And yet here you are taking charge,” He chuckled while sliding a hand on your waist. 
“You’ve invigorated me.” You practically beam with confidence; giving him a sly look, you sit up on your knees to guide his dick inside. Placing your hands on his chest you began to roll your hips, looking at his pleasure stained face. You leaned over pressing your lips to his. His fingers snaking to your hair and pulling you away from his lips leaving a trail of saliva. You had stopped moving, catching your breath from his sudden aggression. His hips started to entertain you with small thrusts making you moan. Releasing your hair, he sat up keeping you in his lap. Pressing your foreheads together you breathe heavily into him soon after your lips are locked with his once again. The kiss is deep and messy matching his hip movements; you can feel him getting closer. He quickly flips you onto your back, catching you by surprise. You look upon his face, admiring him: his heavy breath, the way he looks at you, it makes you squirm a little. You move your hand to stimulate your clit as Ron drags his tongue against your neck, making you shiver. Both yours and Ron’s bodies were nearing their limit. A warm and powerful sensation began to overtake your body until it suddenly burst and felt like a wave crashing and soon after dissipating back into the ocean. At the same time you could hear and see Ron climaxing with you. You felt him fill you up and then fall next to you both of you catching your breaths. Ron turns his head to face you, pushing your head to face him.
“Your brilliant-” you glare a bit, “-and beautiful” he whispers quickly as he caresses your cheek. You smile leaning into his hand, your whole face a bit red. Bringing yourself closer to him you lay your head on his chest, allowing you to hear his fast beating heart. 
“I think I’ll take tomorrow off.” you chuckle. Looking up you give him a suggestive look, he seems to blush but it's hard to tell as his face is all a pinkish red. 
“Y…yeah maybe you should.” He slides his hand down the back of your hair as he speaks, while trying to avoid eye contact. 
“You're cute.”
“And you're perfect.”
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oswald-can-draw · 1 month
I love your MLP infection AU! Genuine question, how would Starlight’s cutie mark removal spell/the Staff of Sameness factor into the AU? Since the infection is centered on Cutie Marks, could that be a cure/temporary solution of sorts? Or could the infection still latch onto the replacement cutie mark and cause the illness or even mutate it?
Starlight’s staff was given its power by Starlight herself, so she could most likely find another staff to cast her magic onto.
The only problem is that, if she ever gets infected, there are only two options: either she write down the spell so someone with powerful magic could replicate it, or the spell can’t be done at all.
And even if the spell can be done, it has its own issues.
For one, that would require taking away the personality and destiny of a pony. If no other solution ever comes, this could mean a pony living the rest of their life completely numb and colorless.
But that is the best case scenario.
While it is rare, a neutral cutie mark can mutate. This usually only happens if a person is already infected before the procedure, but it can also occur in ponies that have really strong magic or talents. This causes a subset of the Meanie Mark Virus, where a pony slowly loses color, distinguishing features, and, finally, all physical proof that they are a pony —this is known colloquially as “bleaching”. They do not die, and they aren’t aggressive, but they simply wander the landscape, looking for their lost cutie mark. These are known as Bleaches. Luckily, it is not contagious.
Another issue is how difficult removing a cutie mark of an already infected pony is. You can physically see black tendrils cling to the cutie mark, which leads to a magical tug of war that is not only excruciating, but can lead to the contamination of others. Powerful ponies, such as alicorns, the Mane Six, and anyone with great physical or magical strength, have an especially hard time removing infected marks. The pain can be so great in these cases that it can cause lasting trauma, damage to magic, chronic pain, and, in some cases, death.
The last problem is with the storage of these cutie marks. Would the virus fizzle out, like a flame without oxygen, or would it keep feeding in the magic of the cutie mark? What would happen if the marks happened to get out, even far into the future? If an infected mark has nowhere to return to (the pony that owned it died, for example), what would it do? Could another epidemic erupt if the case was uncovered hundreds of years into the future?
This could work, at least as a temporary solution, but it would require careful study and great caution.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Germ Theory
The Germ Theory, which emerged in the late 19th century, demonstrated that microscopic germs caused most human infectious diseases. The germs involved included bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and prions. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), a French chemist and microbiologist, and Robert Koch (1843-1910), a German physician and microbiologist, are credited with the discovery of the germ theory in the 1860s-1880s.
Regarded as the most important discovery in the history of medicine, the germ theory challenged the medical profession to reevaluate how disease was thought about, offered possibilities for both the prevention and treatment of disease, as well as the discovery and implementation of new technologies to combat disease.
Previously, doctors assumed that disease was an internal process of the human body especially Hippocrates' long-standing four humors theory notion that excesses or deficiencies of four bodily fluids (blood, phlegm, yellow and black biles) led to illness and disease. The germ theory contradicted that idea by separating the disease from the afflicted persons. Furthermore, the new theory ushered in a regimented way of classifying diseases (nosology) according to the type of microorganisms causing the disease.
Historical Theories of Disease
Prior to the discovery of the germ theory, various theories were advanced as possible explanations for illness and disease in humans. The earliest theory was the miasma theory attributed to Hippocrates (460-370 BCE), a Greek physician. Derived from the Greek word meaning pollution or "bad air", the miasma theory suggested that decomposing particles from organic materials, plants or animals, poisoned the air. Although easily detected by smell, people who inhaled the "bad air" would become ill. Additionally, planetary movements, disturbances to the Earth, poor hygiene, and polluted water often contributed to miasma. Attempts to remove waste along with cleanliness were thought necessary to improve the atmosphere to avoid infection and disease.
Aristotle (384-322 BCE), a Greek philosopher, offered the spontaneous generation of disease. It was possible, Aristotle thought, for living organisms to spring from non-living matter. Furthermore, this process, like maggots appearing from dead flesh, was a regular and natural phenomenon.
Galen (129-216 CE), a Roman physician, extended Hippocrates' earlier speculation about the imbalance of bodily fluids as the cause of disease. Galen attached each of the four humors to a particular season characterized by hot, cold, dry, and wet. For example, colds and flues occurred most often during cold and wet weather. Any change in the weather or season could upset the balance of the four humors so treatments were devised to restore said balance e.g., purges, bloodletting, enemas, and vomits. These ancient theories dominated Western medical thinking about illness until the 19th century.
Another theory of the origin of diseases referred to supernatural causes. A person's sins resulted in contracting a disease or illness as a punishment from the gods or God. Ghosts, demons, and evil spirits also possessed the ability to afflict a person with illness. Magic, divination, spells, exorcism, and various drugs were used to diagnose and treat illness. It fell to a variety of healers – shamans, priests, diviners, medicine men – to drive away the evil spirits. Illness as a punishment for sins, as well as a test of faith, was later offered by Christian theologians as an explanation for disease.
Additional theories on the origin of diseases continued to emerge. Girolamo Fracastoro (1476-1553), an Italian physician, is credited with first using the word "contagion" when describing the transmission of illness. His "seeds of disease" theory argued that disease could be spread by direct or indirect contact or over long distances through no contact at all. A German chemist, Justus von Liebig (1803-1873), one of the early founders of organic chemistry, suggested that as a result of a chemical process from decaying organic matter, disease simply emerged in the blood (the body's "chemical factory").
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taldigi · 1 year
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Chat Noir's Tome of the Black Cat functions very differently. The words inside are indecipherable unless viewed through the eyes of the cat, and even then- are complicated and wild. The tome is ancient, and written less about individual spells- and more about the nature of fae magic and how to make it work in your favor.
Plagg exists as a spirit during transformation, eternally bound to the tome- his presence is imperative to it's ability to function. The tome is, in fact, a direct transcription of Plagg's heart- and the better Felix does to get to know and bond with Plagg, the easier it gets to read and comprehend the tome.
The tome floats on it's own, and is indestructible. It has a mind of it's own- basically, being Plagg- but it swayed easily in tune with Chat. Often, it is used like a shield or a battering object. It cannot stray far from Chat, unlike Ladybug's Drone.
Unlike Ladybug's Bugets- which seem to interface directly with her desires and thoughts in order to transform between different modes: in order to use the tome, Chat must memorize, practice, and study the tome to learn his spells and rituals, and then they must be performed accurately. His pool of magic is far more deep and flexable than Ladybug's charge, but the spells are difficult enough that he never really masters more than a handful. A plesant side effect means that he is eventually able to read Faescript, even outside the disguise.
Chat is- surprisingly, compared to his witch theming: more a physical fighter. Black Hole and Shadowmeld help him develop a hit and run style of fighting, using his claws to do damage- combining that with Plagg's assistance via the Tome, he can do a lot of damage up close. In a pinch, he has Black Storm. However, this takes a lot out of him and is often used as a last resort. Should he need a smaller, less intensive charge... like, for example: needing to knock something off a shelf: the simple version: Black Spark can be used instead.
Black Hole is used by scratching on the surface of something while thinking intently of a place. The scratch marks will swell until they are large enough to pass through. Scratching a new surface will remove the old portal. Chat Noir must have been to the location in order to stablish an exit portal. Shadowmeld is able to make him totally invisible in certain amounts of darkness.
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