#however having take a break from just about everything atm.
cfabyssal · 1 year
//I managed to almost get Laha to 70 on all crafting and gathering thanks to @nossumusmanus, @ancalagxn, and another friend. Would have been far long and painful without their help and seriously appreciated what they had done.
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rapz-rites · 8 months
Demon Daughter
Damian Wayne x Reader, Damian Wayne x Daughter!OC, Reader x Daughter!OC
Time travel is tricky. So of course your daughter is accidentally going to come home early, 20 years too early to be exact.
Inspired by @cipheress-to-k-pop
A/N: this was kinda requested after Demon Spawns which some of you really enjoyed so I hope you all enjoy this one too. I did merge several dc worlds together so sorry if it’s a little confusing
Word Count: 1.3k+
Warning(s): idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ (I’m honestly too lazy atm)
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
“I’m never time traveling with Willow every again!” Milena whispers harshly to herself as she sneaks back into the manor. She sighs as her feet hit her bedroom floor only to realize she forgot something in the Cave from earlier in the day.
After being chased by dinosaurs and almost dying from a meteor shower, Milena decided to be lazy and just boom tube to the Cave. It was only a 5 minute walk but hey, it’s okay to be lazy every now and then. What she didn’t expect to see was strangers in costumes ready to attack her.
“Who the hell are you?” A voice asks as she readies her weapons in response to seeing them. She turns to face the voice.
“I should be the one asking you,” she says as she faces one of her weapons toward them. “Who are you people and the hell did you get in here?”
They could see Milena was a bit shaken up and confused. But it didn’t explain what she was doing in the Cave. After a few moments of silence, Dick was the first to speak.
“How about we all put our weapons down and talk like adults,” he said hands up in surrender. His hands have been up since the moment Milena pointed a weapon at him. Normally, he wouldn’t be fazed but when the weapon looks like one of Cyborg’s, he wasn’t going to take the chance. Especially considering that Cyborg’s canons can easily blast through thick walls of concrete.
“Listen kid-”Jason started thinking he might try and break the tension, only for you to cut him off. “I’m not a kid. I’m 19.”
“Why are you dressed like old heros?” Milena asked. “Those costumes aren’t even sold anymore.”
“What do you mean old?” Dick asked, clearly confused.
“Old as in 2010s-2020s old get with the times,” you say, as if you just stated the obvious. Now they were all confused.
“It’s 2023,” Tim said.
“What?” you questioned in a confused voice. How could it be 2023? How could you be 20 years in the past?
After retracting your weapons you let out a sign. Under your breath you whisper, “I’m going to kill Willow.”
“Willow?” Dick asked.
With slumped shoulders, you turned to look at him.
“Willow West. Wally West and Athemis’ daughter,'' you stated nonchalantly. At this point, you were done with everything. Heading back into the manor you say, “I'll try to reach Willow and get back to my time.I'm going to bed.”
“Hey hey hey! We can't just let you in the manor. You know our identities and we have no idea who you are” Jason retorted. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. Was he being serious right now? How does he think you got in the Cave?
‘Dimwit’ Milena thought to herself. But just as she was going to say something three people entered the Cave. It was Bruce, Damian, and you. Milena couldn’t help but stare in awe.
“Who is this?” Bruce asked in a husky voice.
She paid him no mind, eyes trained on you and Damian. You stood 7 inches below Damian’s 6’1 frame, head tilted up to look at him as you spoke to each other. No one could mistake the look of love in Damian’s eyes as he looked at you while you spoke. He listened intently as you talked about God knows what. But what really struck her was your swollen belly. You were possibly 4 or 5 months pregnant: at the stage were it was kinda obvious you were pregnant but your belly wasn’t huge.
In your peripheral, you saw a girl looking at you and Damian. You gave a small smile as you walked towards her to greet her. Every step you took, you realized she looked more and more familiar. However, just as you were about to reach her, Dick stopped you.
“We don't know who she is or how she got in here. She could be dangerous and she could hurt you,” Dick spoke. But the entire time he was speaking you just looked at the girl. Taking in her features you realized who she was. Your daughter.
“Dangerous? Most likely, but i know my daughter wouldn’t hurt me”, you said smiling at her, your hands on her cheek. Milena couldn’t help but smile at you too. She let out a soft, “Hi mom.”
You didn’t even realize the tears streaming off your face until Milena wiped them away. You turned to look at Damian, teary eyed with a huge smile, “She looks exactly like I dreamed.”
Looking back and forth from Milena and Damian you started to list any and all similarities between them. “She has your eyes. The shape is sharp and green like yours, but is kind of softer like mine.Oh her nose. And-”
“Beloved, she’s tired, let's give her a break,” Damian said. If Damian hadn’t stopped you then you would’ve done a full head to toe assessment to find any similarities you could. The others didn’t know how to react. Tim honestly couldn’t care less. He just wanted to finish his work to go to sleep.
With the help of Alfred, Damian ushered everyone back into the manor for bed.
“Well this is my room.. Well it’s supposed to be. It’s probably a nursery now isn’t it?” You mutter shyly, stopping in front of your room. You and Damian stood in front of the room across from her. With a sorry look you gave her a small nod.
“You can stay with us,” you offered without even thinking about it.
“Absolutely not,” Milena and Damian said at the same time. Milena grew up with you. So she knows how you get sometimes, especially when you were pregnant with her siblings. She’d rather let her father deal with a pregnant and hormonal you. “Thanks but I’m pretty sure there’s an empty room somewhere.”
The next morning you and Damian were in the kitchen having breakfast with the family. That’s when Milena came rushing in from up stairs. You watched her as she hurriedly greeted everyone while fixing herself a plate. Once she sat she began inhaling her food. You don’t even think she chewed any of her food. “Mina, honey, maybe you want to slow down a bit and actually chew your food.”
“Sorry Mom-” Milena started. She whipped around the kitchen like it was second nature. Like she did this all the time. She placed her dirty dishes in the sink and thanked Alfred for the breakfast. “My ride is going to be here soon.”
Suddenly what even one thought was a boom tube appeared at the entryway of the kitchen. Everyone looked back at it to find a teen girl, not too much younger than Milena walking out of it.
“Sorry to drop in unannounced,” she said with a small smile. You could tell by her fighting to stay still that she was a speedster, most likely Wally’s daughter at that. “Milena time to go.”
Milena came around and gave Damian quick hug and a ‘see you son’ before stopping in front of you. You couldn’t stop the tears in your eyes as she hugged you goodbye.
Walking up to the boom tube, she turned to look at you. “Don’t worry. You’re an amazing mom. I couldn’t ask for a better one,” she says, disappearing.
Hugging your side, Damian rubbing his hand up and down your arm. Tears were flowing down your cheeks as you muttered to yourself . “Damn hormones. I’ll see you in a couple months, Milena.”
Walking out of the boom tube, Milena was face to face with her father. She couldn’t help but crumble into his arms. Keeping them both steady, Damian brings them to the floor.
“I saw her. I saw her Dad.” Milena cries into her father’s chest. Damian just rubbed her back, trying to console his crying daughter. “But she’s gone and I miss her so much.”
“I miss her too,” he said in a low whisper. “Every single day.”
Plot twist 🫢
Did y’all enjoy it tho??? 🤔
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Nathan Bateman x F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info
Summary: “You’ve heard of a good night orgasm, right? Well, this is a get well one.” Nathan's sick and has a pretty strange idea for a cure.
A/N: Nathan brainrot so big atm guys. Nathan and Reader are already in a relationship.
Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, banging when someone's ill, swearing, typos, overuse of italics, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 2870
Nathan was surprisingly good when you were ill. Attentive, caring, considerate. 
You’d asked him about it once, his offhand reply being a mumbled: “If there’s a bug in a system, you fix it, you don’t just wait and hope it’ll sort itself out.”
When Nathan was sick however, it was a completely different story. 
He was absolutely god fucking awful to deal with. 
Grumpiness up to eleven. Snapping at everything and refusing to slow down or take a break. Working himself to the point of exhaustion and then further still. 
It was idiotic. But it was Nathan.
So when you walked into the living room to see him on the sofa, curled up and looking washed out it was a bit unexpected. 
He definitely wasn’t hung over, hung over Nathan was a sight to behold. Constantly trying new concoctions and cures that you were sure wouldn’t have been out of place in a history book about medieval torture.  
You paused, a little frown forming on your forehead. Uncertain at first if he was sleeping or not, and whether to disturb him. 
He seemingly made the decision for you. “Baby?” He flopped his hand onto the back of the sofa, vaguely in your direction, and groped around a little, his eyes still closed. 
He sounded weak, drawn in, and sorry for himself. Very unlike the Nathan you were used to. 
You moved to him quickly, taking his hand and squeezing before leaning down and placing your cool hand on his feverish forehead. 
He let out a little sigh of contentment. 
“You’re sick.” You muttered, kissing his temple. 
“No.” He grumbled. There he was, there was your Nathan. He kept his eyes closed.
“Uh huh.”
“Uh uh.” He tugged on your hand lightly, moving it closer to his chest. “Not sick.” 
“What’s wrong then?” 
“Bateria, or viruses. Invading my bloodstream.” 
“So… sickness then?” 
He cracked open his eyes to give you a look. “Come lay down with me?” 
The puppy dog expression nearly got you, Nathan was very good at sweetness when he wanted something. 
“So you can get me sick?” You chuckled. 
“Yes.” He pouted. 
“Are you admitting you’re unwell?” 
“Just lay down with me.” He grumbled, his usual sarcasm didn’t quite have the same bite when he looked as if he might nod off at any moment. 
“Okay.” You pretended that it was a huge effort on your part, moving to sit. But Nathan shifted quickly, a little too quickly, as small multi-colored spots danced in front of his eyes. And urged you into laying down flat on your back, your head against the armrest, before snuggling up to you. 
He laid his head on your chest and breathed out deeply, closing his eyes once more. 
You put your arm around him, just nudging him a little closer and he let out a little murmur of comfort. 
He nodded off almost immediately, breathing softly against you. 
With the sudden technical skill of a surgeon, you managed to fish your phone out of your pocket without disturbing him and spent the better part of 40 minutes browsing mindlessly. 
Nathan shifted, groaning a little as he moved. He stayed quiet for a few seconds and you thought he had fallen back asleep before he sighed again and looked up at you. Blinking his eyes heavily. 
“What time is it?” 
“Nearly 12:30.” 
“Ugh.” He rolled his eyes and buried his face back into your chest. “I feel like shit.” His breath was hot. 
“You look like shit too.”
You rubbed his back and smiled. “Can I get you anything?” 
“No.” His voice was still muffled from where he was pressed against you. “A new body maybe.” 
You leant a little closer and whispered conspiratorially. “That can be arranged.” 
Nathan sniggered into you and stretched, flopping his left leg over both of yours. 
The press of his hard cock against you made you pause. 
You said nothing for a moment, just waiting until he slowly started to grind against your leg. A subtle action, seemingly trying to be sneaky about it. 
“Hmm?” He said, keeping his head tucked into your chest. 
You put your phone down. “What are you doing?” You said in a sing-song voice. 
“... Nothing.” 
You pressed your leg against his crotch and he moaned loudly, his fingers digging into your skin. 
“Sure, sounds like nothing.” You tease.
He groaned and looked up at you, a small pout on his lips. “It’s not my fault.”
“Isn’t it?” 
He grumbled quietly, shifting again in a pretense moving so that he could prop himself up on his elbow. But really using it as an excuse to grind up against you again. 
“No,” he sulked, his cheeks a little flush. “It’s not. Can’t help it.” 
“Can’t you?” You teased, unable to stop smiling. 
“No, not when you’re all close and, ugh,” he groaned, burying his head between your breasts and pushing them up against his face, “these are right here.”
You laughed loudly. “Am I that distracting?” 
He nodded. “Very.” 
You chuckled again. “Sorry.”
“I was dreaming about you.”
“Good dream?” 
He moaned softly and shifted again, settling fully on top of you and weakly rubbing his dick against your thighs. “Yeah.” 
You grinned. “I’m not fucking you while you’re sick Nathan.” 
He let out a low groan of frustration. “I’m not sick.” 
“Yes you are.” 
“Finnneee, I’m sick, but fucking you would cure me, I’m sure of it.” 
You can’t stop giggling at the weak lamenting tone he’d quickly adopted. 
He grinned, chuckling before he quickly schooled his face back into a pout and puppy dog eyes. “Pretty please?” 
You laughed harder.
“Don’t you love me?” He batted his eyes at you. 
The fit of giggles wouldn’t stop. 
“Come on,” he sat up a little, leaning closer so that his face was near yours. “You’ve heard of a good night orgasm, right? Well, this is a get well one.” 
“A get well orgasm?” 
“Yeah, you know? Releases endorphins, makes your white blood cells work faster, kills bacteria…” He gave you a lopsided grin. “I’m convincing you, aren’t I?”
“I’m glad you’re not a biologist.” 
He purposefully poked out his bottom lip. “Please? I’m sick.”
“Nathan.” You grinned, enjoying his little display far more than you would ever let on. 
“You’re meant to take care of me.” 
“And, why is that?” You lean closer to his face, nearly brushing your lips against his and moving back slightly when he tried to close the gap. 
He groaned a little, wiggling his hips between your legs and you let him. “Because you’re kind, because you love me.” 
“I don’t know about that.” You teased. 
“Because you love me.” He repeated, giving you a little glare. “Because it’ll help, and…” he sighed, purposely dropping his shoulders and failing his arms a little.
This was too good. Far too good. Something about his slightly forlorn brattiness was just so endearing. “And?” 
“And I’m really fucking horny okay? Like so horny, like just let me rub against you and I’ll cum in my pants and take some medicine and go to sleep, I promise.” 
You bite your lips together and smile. “You’d actually take some medicine?” 
He nodded. Nathan not shutting down the idea of taking pills was a feat on its own. 
His whole face lit up. “Alright?” 
You laugh and nod. “Yeah, but you gotta behave, take the tablets, and rest, yeah? Work on getting better.” 
He nodded quickly. Seemingly finding new energy as he sat up a little. 
“Okay,” you began to move your legs, intending to get up from the settee and drop to your knees. 
“No, no, no,” Nathan hooked his hand behind your knee, urging you back to your previous position. “Please, stay here, hmm? I want to…” He pulled at your waistband softly. 
You took pity on him. “Do you want these off?” 
“I want it all off.” 
You sighed exasperatedly, an over the top sound for his benefit only. But you smiled as you did so. Quickly, you began to pull off your clothing. “You sure you’ll be okay, I don’t want you passing out or dying on me.” 
Nathan sniggered. “I’ll be fine.” 
He helped you out of your top and pulled your trousers off your feet before dumping your clothes in a pile on the floor. 
He let out a satisfied groan and kissed your breasts, nuzzling into your skin happily. 
You laughed as his beard tickled your skin. 
“Gonna make you feel so good,” he mumbled, breaking away from the embrace only to pull off his hoodie. 
“The point of this is to make you feel good.” 
He tutted and rolled his eyes, “yeah, yeah.” 
“Don’t ‘yeah, yeah’ me, Bateman, I’ll-”
With a surprising speed, he leant up and kissed you hungrily, slipping his tongue into your mouth and grinding his still clothed erection against your core. 
He broke the kiss, grinning wildly when you moaned. 
You scowled. “Trying to give me your germs?” 
“Oh, you’ve already been exposed to them, baby.” 
“That doesn’t mean I want to be exposed to them anymore,” you playfully swatted at his arm. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he grinned before gently taking your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it softly before lapping at it with board flat licks. 
You squirmed under him, your thighs clenching around his waist instinctively. Your breathing hitched and you tried to get a hold of yourself. “What’s with all this ‘yeah, yeah’ attitude?”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, scooting further down your body. “You’ll have to fuck it out of me I guess.” He gave you a perfectly innocent smile before diving between your legs. 
You didn’t know whose moan was louder, yours or Nathan's, the second his lips and tongue touched your core. 
He laps broad strokes through your folds, ending with a swirl of his tongue around your clit before repeating the whole process over again. He groans with each lick, unable and unwilling to stop himself from grinding against the settee as he sucked your clit into his mouth. Humming happily when you buck and arch up against him. 
He looked up at you, watching your face as you moan with his large doe eyes blown wide with lust. 
Teasingly, he dips his tongue into your heat, growling from deep within his chest as new wetness flows out of you. He slides up again, achingly slowly to your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
Slowly he circles it twice with the very tip of his tongue, drawing out the sensation as you gasp and moan under him, before attacking you with long, wide licks fully against your clit. Repeating the motion again and again and again until you can’t even begin to think of anything else. 
“Nathan,” you moan, your thighs shaking, your breath catching in your throat as you beg him to go faster, harder, anything. “Please.”
He ignores you, seemingly content to continue his onslaught at the exact same pace and firm pressure. But his eyes twinkle as you plead. 
You try to buck up against him quicker, moving your hips so you can reach that sweet peak that’s so tantalisingly close. 
Nathan predicts your movement, knowing all your moves, and leans up slightly with every thrust, only allowing the same constant press and glide of his tongue against you. 
“Nathan, Nathan, please,” you implore him as your release creeps closer, sparking up your spine and down your legs. 
He keeps his pace, watching you with glee as he slowly pushes you over the edge. 
You cry out loudly, your thighs clamping around his head as he continues to lap at you. Pleasure washes over you as your cum soaks into his beard. He allows himself a split second of a pause to savour it, moan quietly at the taste, before his eyes are back open and he’s continuing those long, long licks. 
As you start to come down your legs relax and Nathan pushes them lightly back down, still not taking a break in his actions. 
“Nathan,” you whine, tingles of oversensitivity running over your clit. 
He keeps his eyes on your face, hungry and wild. “Uh uh,” he mumbles against you, still licking. 
You squirm, trying to get away from his tongue even as pleasure starts to build up again. You know that if you really wanted him to stop all you had to do was say the word and he would. 
This time your orgasm builds faster, hardly waiting until your first has finished. 
You rock against his mouth, moving with him as he sneaks his hand under your ass and starts to urge you to chase his tongue. 
He presses into you harder, pushing at you with his hand until you’re nearly curled up on yourself. And he doesn’t stop, doesn’t give you pause as he pushes you closer and closer, relentless in his need to get you to cum on his tongue one more time. 
Your moan reaches an even higher pitch as you grasp at the cushions and sofa, trying to gain any traction to thrust up against him harder. 
Nathan takes his cue, quickly latching onto your clit and sucking, flicking the tip of his tongue lightly over the very tip and you scream. 
Pleasure burns along your nerves, whiting out your vision as you buck against him uncontrollably, cumming so hard you see stars. 
He moans, continuously sucking and following your movements, allowing you to rut against his face however you want as you cum. 
The next thing you know he’s kneeling between your open legs, his beard satuatured with your wetness. 
He suddenly doesn’t look ill at all, and you begin you wonder if you’ve been had. 
For a second he watches your chest rapidly rise and fall as your breathing slows before he is taking himself in hand and notching the head of his fat cock at your entrance. 
His eyes flick up to your face for a second, silently asking. 
You nod, too exhausted to do much more, and then he’s pushing in. 
You gasp, the stretch of him is always a little surprising at first, especially when you’re spread this wide. 
Nathan bites his lip, easing in slowly and gazing down at you like you’re a banquet set out just for him. 
He slides in deeper, inching himself in and running his hand up the back of your left thigh, pressing firmly and helping to angle you so your leg is flush against his stomach and chest. 
You let out a little whine as he bucks, finally sheathing himself completely. 
Nathan gasps, his eyes rolling back as your walls squeeze him, and holds on tightly to the leg pressed to his chest. 
He doesn’t start to thrust harshly like you expect, doesn’t piston in and out of you, instead, he starts to grind slowly, barely pulling out and keeping you pressed tightly against him. 
His fingers dig into your leg, his other hand going down to softly circle your throbbing clit as he rocks and buries his face into your calf. 
You can tell he’s close, the way his stomach muscles tense, how his eyes are screwed shut. You move a little, leaning up slightly so you can meet his deep grinds. For a second, you open your mouth to speak, intending to tell him that it’s okay, that he should just let go and cum like you know he’s desperate to. 
But he moves his leg forward, changing the angle he’s kneeling at and you sob in pleasure as his head hits perfectly deep. 
You fall back a little with the intensity, unable to control yourself as he moves and does it again. 
His eyes are open ever so slightly now, watching you with his bottom lip between his teeth and whimpering as you fall apart under him. 
“There?” He whispers and you nod, sobbing as he repeatedly grindes into you, pushing firmly against the same spot over, and over, and over. 
You’re unable to form words, unable to think as he just keeps rocking, pushing you further and further into the sofa, splitting you open so completely and shattering your sanity. 
You don’t know how much more of this you can take, pleasure running like a live wire along every nerve so that it’s almost painful, almost too much to bear. 
Nathan lets out a deep groan, slipping ever so slightly forward so that he has to put his hand next to your head, almost caging you in. His eyebrows pinched together in ecstasy. “Baby…” 
And that’s it. That’s what throws you over the edge. 
You grab hold of his shoulders as you cum, hard. Surprised at the suddenness and intensity. The force of it robs you of words, of breath as you shake and tense, your toes curling as you clench down on his cock and milk him for everything he’s got. 
Nathan cums a second later, watching you fall apart and moaning out your name as he feels you pulse around him. He keeps himself fully in you, cumming as deeply as he can before pressing his forehead to yours and breathing deeply. 
“I feel better.” He whispers, worn out and exhausted, before he kisses you. 
Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @mbakubabe @whatthefishh @romanarose @pimosworld @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial
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itsdeniini · 3 months
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(₊˚ʚ🪼₊˚✧ ) note ᰔᩚ ⊹ㅤㅤ۫ㅤ𓆜ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂㅤ🪩 𓇼
i am a self-taught tarot reader, and the interpretations i provide are personal. if anyone would like to share their own insights, i would be more than happy to hear them! please be kind <3
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career atm!↪
《ten of wands, eight of swords, the devil》
:c Ah, how do I start? Well, you deserve much better, Sunoo. MUCH BETTER. At the moment, he feels extremely drained, like he's so exhausted by everything that's happening at the moment. it's too much to handle, and the pressure on him is going overdrive. But... he's standing on both feet strong to not disappoint engene. There are a lot of tears, late-night talking, and thoughts like, "Am I doing everything right? I suppose I'm doing a good job and I should push it more; it's still not enough, and I still have a lot of things to bring to the table, but... I feel like losing my ground, and there is a lot of competition surrounding me. How can I maintain myself in a good mood and do my best at the same time when it's so tough and I'm almost worn out? Hm, I should be patient and keep working hard." I've been going through the oracles and they're literally saying that he's been feeling lost and excessively restricted in his career. There is a lot of self-doubt that is plaguing him. deep inside, he wishes he would have the chance to take some control over his own career, but he understands that now that's something surreal, and he has to keep agreeing to the terms of his hard obtained contract and follow the rules that were set for him. And those are impediments that are literally suffocating him and his artistic soul, making him feel like he's not moving further and standing in the same place for too damn long. that's not something that has been happening for just a few months; no, it's been almost 4 years, and there are still a lot of fears to overcome and challenges to face. His inner child may be happy that his mature self managed to pursue his dream career, but at what cost? 
However, he feels a bit more at ease lately as he's getting some opportunities to showcase himself. It's not like he's feeling satisfied with the bare minimum though; that's not even something he's associating himself with because Sunoo is aware he's got the talent, the visuals, and the overall presence that can carry him through his whole life. He knows it's not just a natural gift that was given to him; it's constant hard work he's been putting in for a long time now, and he wants the seeds he planted as a young man to blossom until the time he reaches his peak. That's why now he's trying to snatch every opportunity in his way (in fact, there were a lot of them in the past, but they were all fumbled because of be-) .. ANYWAYS 😌 Sunoo is really thriving at the moment with those little lucky chances he's getting; he knows that's his time to shine, and he wouldn't want to stop any soon.
future career paths! ↪
《the magician, the star, the ace of pentacles》
Sunoo will get involved in a lot of activities in the future, BUT there is something... 🐟 .. yeah, something FISHY will be going on. I think there will be a big crew that will manage Sunoo's career, and some of these crew members may not exactly be his perfect co-workers. There will be people who may want to screw him by creating behind-the-scenes rumors or even a whole scandal that revolves around him. It feels like echoes from the past will also reappear and will make themselves known. It will be an unexpected blow to his career. Everything will fall on him at once, and this will be one of the most difficult periods of his life. From here, the energy breaks off, and it’s a little unclear to me what he’s going to do next, since the picture seems to be that this is a fatal knockout that cannot be avoided, but knowing Sunoo, I think he won’t give up without a fight. Still, some outcome is foreseen. This story will have an ending.
But let's talk about the good stuff now!
He is a entertainer. He knows how to 🌟ENTERTAIN🌟 the public!
First of all, he is an incredible fit for the variety shows (and that's not a secret to anyone), so... I think he's most probably thinking of one of his own. It may be a podcast or daily talk show where he would be able to express himself and maybe even talk about his own activities, like something casual, his daily routine, for example, but mainly about photo shoots, his involvement in the media, and most importantly, about his ACTING! Yeah, actor Sunoo is coming, and that career branch of his can even potentially overtake the singing one. Like, we'll be GAGGED when he gets that male lead role (he'll be starting with something BIG; this opportunity will be one of a kind and thus will give him a boost that many newbie actors would wish to have). He will be all over the place, and his singing capabilities will also be used rightfully (he will probably sing an OST?) to attract the audience and gain more attention to his new beginnings in this field. And of course, a lot of individuals will not be happy with that situation because, as I said, some echoes from the past will be sure that this success is thanks to them, and they're the ones who made him famous. This battle for justice will last for some time, and the outcome will become clearer with time. Some things may indicate that the initial stages of this conflict are already behind the scenes at the moment, and when it all becomes public, there will be THAT period when everything will collapse at once.
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In addition to the things that I mentioned earlier, there is also the possibility of him starting his own brand, which will initially generate passive income, but then grow into something with a fairly larger impact.
Sunoo may start as a muse for a brand (🧴🌬️) and take this as experience for creating his own thing later. He wants to participate in the making process of his product and then translate this on his platform so he can show everything, from how the idea appeared to how you use it.
Something cute and practical like this, hm?
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That was it, I wish Sunoo all the best, I know he'll make it through and we'll be so proud of him! >.<
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mailjeevasfan · 1 year
hi! <3
can you possibly do wammy boys with a s/o who is under stress from exams? maybe self projecting rn HAHA but i hope it's not too much trouble ^^
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that’s me atm too so i’ll gladly write this one out (instead of studying for my own exams) thank u for the rq <3
this for all the people doing exams rn💪
-wammy boys x gn!reader
-l lawliet, mello, matt, near
wammy boys with s/o under stress from exams ❦
l lawliet
-he’s literally the greatest detective in the world and a general supergenius so he’ll most likely help you study at first. i mean all the wammy boys are super smart so they’d probably all do this but yeah
-he helps you study because he primarily recognises things that are practically important. by this i mean he would help you study and put his brains to use, but would give you breaks and care and stuff like that afterwards. he understands the importance of you being prepared before anything and wouldn’t want you to be stressed or do bad in the exams.
-if you were overwhelmed and having a breakdown or something like that he’d be very loving and would 100% give u cuddles until you calmed. and would also probably get you tons of cake and treats <3
-again, would help you to study. this would be the kind of thing where if you didn’t get it he’d start getting so frustrated but in a really funny and comical way. you’d just keep laughing, unable to stay serious and he’d get so agitated LMAO
-he’d never express this out loud but he would definitely be worried in helping you study. that sounds so weird with no explanation but i mean he has an inferiority complex and even though he knows he’s extremely smart, he’s been second for so long that he might not feel good enough to help you. however, when you ace your exams thanks to his frantic tutoring he feels a little pleased with himself.
-in the situation of you becoming very overwhelmed and upset he would be a little tough but in a loving way. he’d bluntly reassure you that you’ve got this and that you will be okay in the end. he’s very good with comforting you in this kind of situation due to his past experiences in academic settings
-we all know that matt has a kind of sloth like existence LMAO he just likes to play video games and chill. but if you direly required help with your studies of course he’s going to help you, he was ranked third at wammy’s house, another supergenius here. even if he wasn’t helping you, he’d make sure that you were studying because he doesn’t want you to get stressed from being unprepared. but strangely at the same time i can definitely see him distracting you really badly when you’re focused, he’d get bored so easily when you were busy.
-needless to say, after you’re finished he’s dragging you to the couch, throwing an arm around you and forcing you to play video games whether you like it or not. he would express how proud he was of you if he knew you were very stressed and reward u with lots of cute stuff while you hung out. this goes for after you get your results back too, he would genuinely be so proud.
-if you got very upset he would be very sweet in comforting you. typical stuff, would reassure you that you’re doing amazing and that you’ll be fine in the end. lots of affection
-very very patient when helping you study. he’d obviously understand whatever it was very quickly and if you didn’t get it he’d take the time to explain it thoroughly and be very persistent but not in a pushy way at all. very soft and nice about things, he wouldn’t want to make you feel inadequate since he genuinely believes in you.
-i can very easily imagine his little signature near smile once you get your results back and he finds out you did great. you know the lil :]
-if you were overwhelmed, he’d talk you through it logically, but by this point he’s learned to be sensitive with your feelings and not be too unemotional. he’ll explain that you’ve prepared and done everything you can, and whatever result you get will be amazing seeing as you genuinely tried. he reassures that he will be proud of you no matter what, and that you should be proud of yourself
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avis-fictional-world · 9 months
Happy birthday! How about a celebrity AU with Yoichi?
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Celebrity AU!
The picture’s messy, sorry 😅
I’m answering late because it became a Christmas gift 😉
I’m calling AFO Hisashi just to make it easier ☺️
Also spoilers for second and third ofa users names! And of the Shigaraki brother’s back story! I’m not sure if you caught up, but there’s not really any other spoilers here besides that.
This is how I think the au would go:
The Shigaraki twins started out with nothing, even lived on the streets. Hisashi was stronger so he was always the one to protect Yoichi and provide for both of them. Yoichi wanted to earn money to help out his brother who always looked out for them. He had always been talented and his looks attracted movie scouts and he jumped on the opportunity! His first role was successful, but being inexperienced, the brothers were cheated out of the money. His brother didn’t like all the talent agents taking advantage of him, so to protect his little brother, Hisashi took over as Yoichi’s manager. However, he sorta became what he wanted to protect Yoichi from. Oops. Hisashi became super controlling, not letting his little brother have any freedom outside of acting, interviews, modeling, and even pushed him to enter a music career, which was successful too. Hisashi worked in the background while Yoichi was the face of their success. Yoichi went along with everything because he wanted to make Hisashi happy, but the stress was getting to him.
One night, Yoichi was late to start a show, a security guard checked his trailer, only to find Yoichi crying. Yoichi asks if he’s going to tell his brother, but Kudou doesn’t really care about his boss atm and just wants to make Yoichi feel better. They talk for a bit and Kudou decides that Yoichi just needs a bit of freedom to feel better so they ditch the concert.
Yoichi has fun and is thrilled to be breaking his brother’s strict rules, even though it’s just an evening stroll with a stranger—soon to be friend. Eventually he returns because he doesn’t want to let his fans down. He starts late but it goes well.
After that they keep in touch and Kudou encourages him to set boundaries with Hisashi—that leads to a lot of fights between the brothers and Hisashi hates Kudou for it.
Yoichi breaks out of his professional relationship with his brother, which also results in a fight between the brothers.
Yoichi likes acting still so he starts to audition for small local theatre productions and independent films. He meets third—Bruce, a fellow actor and Yoichi is having fun again with his career.
Happy ending, Hisashi eventually comes around and lets his brother have agency and freedom and they make up.
Ty and I hope you like it! Merry Christmas
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ask-the-sagents · 7 months
Ask the Agents Masterpost
This is gonna be the post for pretty much everything about the universe and the characters. It'll be updated on occasion and will remain pinned on my profile - more under the cut:
Edit: I've made a lot of changes so consider this an AU
Edit: (also check out the tags. Usually, I'll add in additional info (: )
Discord Server
Most recent update on this post: 8/8/24
Character Pages
What is Sanitization?
Start Reading Here!
Askblog Stuff
The idols will be available for questions sometimes, but not all the time. I'll make a post and update the askbox with whoever is available for questions currently.
Magic Anons are allowed!
Posts will be posted as they are completed and will be a mix of answering questions and random comics!
If a main character (3,4,5,8)is unavailable, you can still ask them questions, but they won't answer it til after they get back
If a character is available but spotty, it just means they won't answer filler questions for the time being
World Info
The Idols:
Marie - Age: 30 - she/her - bisexual
Callie - Age: 30 - she/they - pansexual, trans
Pearl - Age: 27 - they/she - Lesbian, nonbinary
Marina - Age: 24 - she/her - lesbian
Deep Cut - Coming soon!
General World Info:
In the beginning, it takes place 6 months after the events of Octo Expansion. Currently (as of 8/8/24) it has been about a year.
Spawn points don't exist outside of Turf Wars/Ranked battles, etc.
Octavio has been captured and currently resides in a high security prison. He is never getting out.
Octavio had used sanitization and hypnosis as a tool for control and punishment during his reign. He never had any intention on liberating his citizens.
There is only one hospital on the surface that handles Sanitization cases atm. This is due to it being rarely seen on the surface during octavios time, so not many people were researching it.
Squidjumping within city limits is illegal unless if it's an emergency
Instead of sewers, there are tunnels connecting the surface and the underground.
Their current goal is to find out where all of the sanitization infections are coming from, helping to acclimate octolings to the surface, and helping to establish a working government/system to the citizens below the surface who are too afraid to leave (works alongside other agencies) Sometimes, they help around the community as well.
To their knowledge, there are no more hypnotized octolings.
Although small, NSS is a publicly known and important government organization
Captain Cuttlefish is deceased, NSS is run by Marie and Callie currently, although marie takes on a bigger chunk of the responsibilities.
There's a temporary housing area set up for octolings new to the surface not far from the clinic. They stay there until homes are found for them, which usually takes just a couple of weeks. They work with social services to help them beyond that as well.
Marina and Pearl are agents 6 and 7, however their role is much smaller and mainly help on the side of helping misplaced citizens find homes.
There is a single clinic near octo canyon as of this point that the NSS helped to establish with Inkopolis Memorial (due to a large chunk of sanitizations being found in that area) It's fairly small and typically only has one person working at a time, usually Agent 5 or another doctor from one of the local hospitals.
Inkling/Octoling Stuff:
They take more after the human side
They bleed actual blood instead of ink
They have claws that they can use for defense - ink will fill the tip of the claws.
Everybody has a limiter, which is a chip installed in their arm. Without this, they could use up too much ink when battling and possibly die due to their bodies not being able to keep up with production. When low on ink, their tentacles will become extremely dull and lose almost all color. They'll become extremely weak and lethargic until their hearts finally stop.
They have more flexible bones, but they can still break
They have 3 hearts
Inklings and Octolings gain their squid/octo form around puberty - they are in human form up until then.
Development of a person's squid/octo form can be stunted during puberty if they have health issues
They cannot be in saltwater but can in other types. It takes about 5 minutes of being in saltwater for someone to dissolve
Ink burns are rare but can happen. It's caused by consistent exposure to enemy ink in a single area or an extremely strong shot. They can be painful, but they will heal and fade over time - they turn blue in color despite the color of the enemy ink.
When a cephalopod feels intense feelings of romantic love for another, their ink color will subconsciously change to match their partner's. They don't technically need to be together for this to happen.
They cannot fall asleep while in squid/octo form; if they do, they will change back automatically.
They have to use special shears to cut their tentacles or else it would be painful and cause possible damage.
Octolings only have some control over their tentacles, and usually, their tentacles can give hints to their mood. Typically, the older they get, the more control they have, but this isn't always the case. The amount of control changes depending on the person.
Inklings and octolings reach full maturity in their 20s-30s. This is where they develop a secondary color at the tip of their tentacles, and octolings will also have their fingers matching their ink color. Typically, octolings reach this earlier than inklings, but everyone is different.
They can get grey/white ink streaks due to age or extreme stress or anxiety
this will be updated as more information becomes available or as things change!
Updated hylian Font chart
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Hylian Font chart (old, ignore this one!)
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theladyofdeath · 1 year
Sooo currently it's exam period in my country at my uni. Which means I need a lot of motivation, something I lack atm. I use my time wisely catching up on fics instead of studying. So I kindly ask you for some motivation, preferably in the form of Elorcan. Preferably them also needing motivation or stress release. I mean I don't really have a preference as long you like writing a little Elorcan. With maybe Elide still studying for her last exam and Lorcan coming home from work and helping her out or something? Idk? I'm bad at prompts? I know it's not summerish but it's sunny outside and hot and I have to study? So that also summerish? Anyways enjoy your free time and have a wonderful day!!
I am always here for fluffy Elorcan! Good luck on exams! x
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Everything on Elide's screen had gone blurry. She'd been staring at it for so long that nothing made sense and letters officially were beginning to look like ancient symbols that had yet to be discovered. She knew that she needed a break, but her last exam of the semester was in fifteen hours and if she wanted to get any sleep tonight, there was no room for breaks.
Even if she desperately wanted one.
Just as she threw her head back with a groan, the front door opened and Lorcan trudged inside. With one look at his fiance, he lifted a brow. "How long has it been since you last moved?"
Elide didn't even know. "An hour...maybe five."
He snorted as he kicked off his shoes and walked across the living room to where she sat on the couch, her laptop on her blanket-covered lap. He leaned down and kissed her, slowly. At the touch of his lips, the tension faded from Elide's body.
"Hi," she whispered, and kissed him again. "How was your day?"
"Better than yours, it seems," he mumbled, plopping down on the couch beside her. "You look stressed."
"I am." She had been stressed all week, it was nothing new. Tomorrow was her last final, the final final she would ever take as a student. After tomorrow, she would be finished, and in the matter of a couple of weeks, she would be a graduate of the University of Perranth with a degree in psychology.
"Why don't you take a break?"
"There's no time for a break."
He blinked, surely thinking that answer was ridiculous but Elide didn't care. This was important to her. "Okay, well, can I do anything for you? Help you study? Bring you wine? Strip tease?"
"You were a horrible student, so I can't say that your help in studying is very tempting," Elide chuckled. "The wine and your nudity, however, are pretty tempting, but both are too distracting for my current state of mind."
Lorcan clicked his tongue and sighed. "How about I go pick up dinner and feed you while you cram, then?"
Elide swore she had never been more in love with him than in that moment. There was a little bistro across the street that had soup made by the gods, and in half an hour, Lorcan was back with a giant container of chicken barley soup that had Elide's mouth watering, and a couple of paninis.
She couldn't help but be distracted by Lorcan as he made his way into the kitchen and took out a couple of bowls and plates to fill them with food. He didn't even notice her watching him - he never seemed to - and Elide had always found that charming.
Five minutes later, the coffee table that Elide had been lovingly using as a footstool was covered in food and drinks - wine included, and even though Lorcan claimed both glasses of wine were for him, she knew better.
"You're trying to get me too tipsy to study," Elide muttered, keeping her laptop up and running while she ate.
"No, I'm not," Lorcan said, mouth full. "I'm just trying to give you enough to take the edge off. You're obviously stressed as hell, and if you won't take my cock for twenty minutes, I'm pouring you wine."
Elide lifted a brow. "Twenty minutes?"
Lorcan just narrowed his eyes and took another massive bite of his sandwich. After he swallowed, he said, "Fine. Fifteen."
Elide continued to stare at him.
Lorcan pursed his lips and took a sip of wine. "No need to be rude, damn."
Despite herself, Elide laughed, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Lorcan's lips twitched. He was always trying to make her smile, even when it didn't seem like it.
It was one of the many reasons that she so desperately wanted to marry him. He always made her smile, always made her laugh. It was a side of him that only she saw - well, she and his closest friends. Lorcan wasn't the warmest of men. In fact, he was rather broody, but for her...he made her whole world a hell of a light brighter.
While they ate, Lorcan kept quiet, but when he was done, he pulled Elide's feet onto his lap and rubbed them through her fluffy socks while she scrolled and read and reviewed her notes...and tried her best not to doze off.
She had no idea how much time had passed before his fingers grew weaker, then slowed, then stopped altogether. She glanced over at him and chuckled.
Her future husband had his head thrown back against the couch cushion and his mouth hanging open. His eyes were closed and he was snoring softly.
Nothing, not even a twitch.
"Lor." She nudged his lap with her toes.
He shot up, his fingers resuming their rubbing. Elide laughed, quietly. "Go to bed. I'll be there soon."
"No, you won't," he said, running his hands up her shins. "You'll be here all night. Which isn't healthy, by the way. In fact, you should take breaks while studying or else the information won't fully stick in your brain. Trust me. Your brain needs time to process."
Elide rolled her eyes.
"Hey, I got my degree. I passed my exams. I know what I'm talking about," he defended. "At least take a few minutes. Take a shower. Or a bubble bath. Pee, for the gods' sake."
Elide groaned, closing her eyes, just now realizing how much they ached. "Alright. Fine. Ten minutes and not a second more."
She wanted to finish out her senior year strong and allowing herself to become distracted wouldn't help her do it. Even if she had been studying all day.
All fucking day.
The second Elide shut her laptop, she felt guilty. But, Lorcan was there, taking her hands into his and pulling her onto his lap.
She nuzzled into his shoulder and took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around her.
"You know that I'm so proud of you, right?"
His voice was quiet, hardly more than a whisper. Elide leaned back. There was nothing but pure adoration and support in his eyes.
"I know," she said, and kissed him, softly. "Thank you."
He nodded and twisted a strand of her long, dark hair around his finger. "I know it hasn't been easy for you to get here, but you..." he shook his head and huffed a laugh. The genuine affection in his gaze had her tearing up. "You made it, El. No matter how tomorrow goes - and it's going to go great, because you've been studying your ass off - but, no matter how it goes, I hope you're proud of yourself. You're going to be a college graduate. Have a degree from one of the best universities in the country. That's amazing."
Elide nodded because she didn't trust herself to speak. She would be the first in her family to get a college education as far as she knew. Her parents died young, but her uncle, who she had lived with after their deaths, hadn't gone to college. No, he had just been a lazy, drunk asshole that Elide tried to ignore as much as possible until she turned eighteen and got the hell out of there.
"I love you," he said, once it was clear that she was getting nothing out. He kissed her forehead. "Pee. Take a quick shower." When she raised a brow, he held his hands up in surrender. "I promise to stay out and not try to steal your innocence."
There was no point in saying that he had "stolen" her innocence at least a million times.
Elide snorted.
"When you come back out, I'll have all this shit cleaned up and I'll let you study the night away."
There was no point in denying his wishes. She did have to pee horribly and knew that her hair needed a good washing. She did it quickly, though, and fifteen minutes later, she was walking back towards her spot on the couch.
Lorcan was in the kitchen, washing dishes, and although the coffee table had been cleared of their dinner, there was a newly filled glass of wine and a full glass of ice water sitting on the glass. She suppressed a smile, checked out Lorcan's ass while he dried a plate and put it in the cabinet, then snuggled back up on the couch to boot up her laptop, yet again.
Once Lorcan was done, he plopped back down on the couch. Elide's eyes left her screen and found his. "Not going to bed?"
Lorcan shook his head as he fought a yawn. "I'm here to keep you company and support you until your beautiful brain can't hold anymore information." He pulled her feet back onto his lap. "Study away. Let me know when you're ready for me to quiz you."
The fact that he was obviously exhausted and was too stubborn to leave her to study alone made her love him all the more. She was truly lucky to have found someone so...so....right. He was different from anyone she had ever known.
He was everything.
Soon, she would be a graduate of the University of Perranth.
Then, she would be Lorcan Salvaterre's wife.
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Can I get a Shinsou comfort fluff( as usual ) with a afab reader with major depressive disorder and an eating disorder ( abusive family had influenced this, the reader is a normal weight but has been gaining weight from medication for their mental illness ). Mentions of the nickname kitten from Shinsou and he calls them his "girlfriend". Please and thank you~!! ( this is entirely self indulgent, as always as I'm struggling hardcore atm)
Ofcourse Aevyn😁👍 And this fanfic as a whole is definitely something I would definitely write about😃👍 And you're very welcome😁👍 Apologies ahead of time for adding the angst genre😅 I figured I'd add "they/them" part, because I wasn't sure if you wanted the "they/them" part, as well😅 Hopefully you enjoy this fanfic😃👍
*Note: This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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🫂 Shinsou Loves Me More Than My Family, Ever Did And Ever Will🫂(Adult Hitoshi Shinsou x afab (assigned female at birth) (They/Them) reader)
Genres: Comfort fluff (or Comfort and Fluff) and Angst (Warning⚠️: Eating Disorder, chubby phobia (pertaining the any of the reader's family members), Mentions of depressive disorder, mentions of throwing up (or puke), language, and abuse from family)
When you first met Hitoshi Shinsou (he was already a pro hero), he was at a book store, as he couldn't help, but notice you at the manga section. When the both of you introduced yourselves to eachother, the both of you immediately bonded somehow, so he decided to exchange cellphone numbers with you. As the both of you got to know eachother, within the matter a weeks you decided to ask him out when it comes to being in a relationship with him, which ofcourse he will say yes to you, because he wants to be in a relationship with you, as well.
While you have told Shinsou that you have a major depressive disorder before getting into a relationship with him, at the same time, despite of your major depressive disorder things, Shinsou thought everything was sunshines and rainbows, at first. However one day, when you decided to spend the night at his place, he notices that whenever he asks you if you wanted to eat the food he offered, you refused it, including chicken nuggets. So, while you were in the bathroom, he decided to check your backpack to see what medicine you were taking. He doesn't usually snoop by any means, however with you refusing food and you not opening up about personal stuff (aside from your major depressive disorder), ofcourse he will be concerned about you.
The next thing that happened was after Shinsou started digging though your personal belongings in your backpack, he discovered some meds in your backpack and not just antidepressants... He also discovered a few bottles of weight loss meds that you bought. He was shocked about the amount of bottles weight loss (pills and/or gummies) you had in your backpack.
Once Shinsou puts all of your personal belongings exactly the way you had all of your stuff back inside of your backpack, he heard you throwing up, so he rushed to the bathroom and luckily the bathroom door was unlocked (otherwise he would have to break the door down). Unfortunately he found you passed out, from throwing up. So, he decided to clean you, before getting you dressed into your pajamas, then carrying you to his bed so you can rest easily.
When you finally regained consciousness, you saw Shinsou across from you as you asked, "What happened? Why am I in my pajamas right now, Shinsou?", as you realized you're no longer in your regular clothes. Shinsou replied, "Well my kitten... I knew something was more going on with you, than what you're telling me, especially about your major depressive disorder... So I did something I really hate doing to other people's personal belongings, which was looking through your backpack... Then I discovered that antidepressants aren't the only meds you were taking...", as he grabbed your backpack, then to dump your personal belongings on his bed (where he had you rest in), as he then continued, "After I put your stuff back exactly where they were in your backpack, I heard you throwing up, I rushed in the bathroom to see, if you were okay... Unfortunately I found you passed out, however you're lucky that you left the door unlocked, otherwise who knows what else could have happened... Care to explain why you're refusing food, taking a bunch of weight loss meds, throwing, and everything else you're going through? I need you to tell me, because I care about you and aside from your major depressive disorder, you haven't opened up to me about anything personal once... Please quit hiding stuff from me, my girlfriend... You're very precious to me..." You were shocked about the fact he told you everything he did and said, as you then had to think on wheather or not you're ready to open up to him.
You then decided to open up to Shinsou, as you know he is right. You then said, "Well Shinsou it's complicated... I know I told you I have a major depressive disorder and I never told you anything else otherwise... However both my major depressive disorder and my eating disorder is because of how my family has treated me and they still don't treat me the greatest... Brother's have called me names since probably before I was in my preteens, especially names, such as fatty and fat ass, even if I was at good weight and it has gotten worse after i gained only a few pounds from my antidepressants that I'm on. Then when I do something that upsets my dad or don't do everything my dad wants, my dad called me names, and/or threatened to disown me and/or threatened me with his cane, you name it... My mom also never wants to hear anything I say nor gives a damn about how I feel, unless it's something she wants to hear or when any of my past relationships went to hell or stuff like that. Because of my witchy mom, a couple my past relationships got ruined! And when she found out I was in a relationship with you, she only keeps getting on my case about you, Shinsou!". Shinsou then asked, "What do you mean, she got on your case about me, when I don't even remember meeting her yet, hun?". You then answered, "Well she keeps saying that you need a "real job", because she believes that "pro hero work isn't a real job" and you should all the coming over and I'm not allowed to be in a relationship with anyone unless makes her and my whole family happy and other bullshit she fucken comes up with. So, the only reason why I spent the night, because I lied to my family and told them that I was going to a family friends house to spend the night... I really wish I wouldn't have to live with my abusive family! If I had my way I would live far away from them as possible, because I couldn't take the stress anymore. I want to get out of this hellhole that I feel, so obligated to deal with when it comes to my family. They are the reason why I'm on antidepressants and weighloss meds... They're the reason why I have a major depressive disorder and eating disorder...", as you then began to sob.
Shinsou then hugged you, as he said, "I'm sorry to hear you've been going through this, my kitten. You never deserve the treatment you have been getting from your family. I get your mom might want to protect you, at the same time, from what I'm understanding, she is too overbearing. So, you're right about your family being abusive. Would you like to live with me, my girlfriend? I can even makesure your family won't know where you live, if that's what you want or if you decide on that.". You then stopped sobbing, as you had to think about making a decision on wheather or not you feel that it would be a good idea to live with him, even without your family knowing it... Then you told Shinsou that you decided to live with him, unbeknownst your family and to also get a restraining order against your entire family, as well.
After you told Shinsou your decision, he decided to cook for you, which he madesure you eat atleast something, because he wants to makesure you don't keep feeling sick from not eating food or lacking food. He tells you that he loves you and that you always will be worthy for love, regardless if you're happy with your body (and/or weight) or not. Shinsou also help you with chores. He also will give you massages and any other form of care you need, plus he will do his best to fulfill your needs. He has shown you more care than anyone ever did, including your abusive family. You knew that living with Shinsou was the best decision you had ever made.
Once you changed your address and managed to file a restraining order that will keep your family away from your abusive family for a super long time, you began to feel like you have more freedom, than you ever had in your entire life, before that night you spent the night at Shinsou's place. You knew you're in better hands, than you ever were. Eversince you started living with Shinsou, your life has been, so much better.
🫂The End🫂
Okay my Tumblr Peeps, I hope you enjoy this fanfic 😃👍And @hitoshislover , I hope you enjoyed this fanfic, as well😁👍With certain parts of this fanfic i did put alot of thought in, in a way🤔 Anyways, I really hope this fanfic makes your day, Aevyn🫂😁👍
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probablyaseamonster · 4 months
I just saw the trailer for the next Cult of the Lamb update and I'm having fuuuun/devious glee.
Sidenote but it'll be coming out a few days before my b-day so that's great! (I totally didn't need anymore signs from the gods that I need irl friends before I snap hehooo)
So, regarding the alternate universe vessel character.
(so far I've seen like 5 names that I love to death but I have a feeling I know the one in particular that is gonna settle before the others get considered. I could make a list if anyone wants to debate 'cause fandoms can settle Fast and I think there's some potential for layered contrast and just settling for the easy option would be disappointing. But I'm not the biggest fan anyway so maybe I shouldn't be so arrogant about it.)
I noticed how they were wearing purple robes and were often in purple lighting, obviously, the way everyone else did, but something might be wrong with my eyes cuz their crown colour seemed like, straight-up blue to me? I do have an eye injury atm so maybe that's legit. Seemed kinda glaring tho/pos
So now I've got two diverging paths I'm *scrawling* over/pos:
1- AU where Shamura is the one bound in chains (and Narinder the role of think no evil) and the player character serves the god of War instead of Death.
Look, the animatics just write themselves. Any God of War scene? You can warp and adapt. Also, the "Warrior of the Mind" animatic for anyone who got obsessed with Fate: the Musical recently. It's just potential!
I also like the idea of instead of the dynamic being black cat x deceptively wholesome shepherd, it's intellectual spider x scruffy goat with a knife.
On the OTHER hand, hear me out,
2- Kallamar & Narinder roleswap AU. This could have the personalities swap version (something something scaredy-cat), or a fun to imagine scenario where Kallamar became jaded enough to the point of nearly paralleling Narinder in formidable vengefulness while also having been just as much of a coward in the past. Basically he grew some courage but at what cost?
This would probably mean that Narinder stayed however he was before the betrayal and imprisonment, probably being the one to lose his ears, and maybe taking the role in the narrative as the sibling to run from the Goat after the two younger gods got taken out and the middle child realized he was next? I can't imagine Narinder throwing Shamura under the bus like that, maybe it was more like a "you can't kill me, it'll fuck everything up! You have to spare me or the last fight will take place in an even more fucked-up apocalyptic hellscape!").
If Narinder was still the one to first express discontent with Death, wonder how Sickness being restrained in the afterlife affected Narinder's situation... Or what if Narinder was like Shamura, and the two were conspirators, instead of Death by War it was Death by Plague? And Death stayed free but went deaf or insane? What would Kallamar have to gain from the idea of breaking past his cosmic role, thinking "okay but what if, immortality was an option?" remixed to be uh, maybe something to do with health? Immunity? Something bordering Frankenstein as an affront to nature?
As you can see I'm putting thoughts and curiosity into both ideas, the only thing I kinda hope becomes mainstream fanon is that the Goat is a bit like Lamb's opposite - wheras one is welcoming and soft but capable of horrors at night, and of course being a badass monster fighter - contrasted with an equally small and powerful but ig more unhinged-seeming up close for the first couple interactions (probably recruited individuals with a pitch like "look I'm the one with the weapon here, so you're gonna wanna get behind me even if you don't trust me with access to things") but then shows glimpses of a heart of gold that makes followers feel safe enough to stay. As well as a sense of responsibility and like, actual leadership skills lol.
Just, Sheep / Goat religious allegories make me very sad and I think this silly little game would make me feel better about things.
I can't WAIT to see how Bamsara handles this update. We gettin' the multiverse canon? Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy, and we stick with just the two purple/blue and red characters for a little while.
I wonder what other satanic animals could be vessels? Wolf, definitely, donkey makes sense also, and pig is usually ascribed with gluttony but there's something that could be done with cleanliness or intelligence but percieved otherwise... I also think there's something that could be done with birds though, like I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that the Mourning Dove is angel coded, much like the Lamb. Could just be the Dove also, though I was kinda hoping that the Symbol of World Peace wouldn't be a drect Christian symbol, which was a wishful hope.
Um... yeah! Just wanted to get my thoughts out! And there's a certain other goatlike character who's been occupying my thoughts recently, dw, I'll get to that soon. I'll explain then.
um. I don't know if this is a function so I'm not even gonna try lol but I hope I remember to come back to see Bamsara's initial reaction to the alternate universe implicated update! Oh yeah and a daycare centre, that's a relief for everyone involved whoof! Hope there's an NPC willing to take up the job, and who would of course enjoy being around kids.
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lovely-showtimes · 11 months
I'd like to ask for Reader moving in with Kanade and Nene (Seperately) ty!
moving in . . . ♡
characters - kanade, nene.
type - hcs.
a/n - i know that atm kanade is living with mafuyu, but for the sake of this post, we're gonna pretend she isnt shsgfsghsj
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If you're moving in with Kanade, you'll have to be good at staying tidy. We all know Kanade's not very good at doing it herself
I imagine she'd at least attempt to keep everything clean for you, though
Those cups of noodles just seem to build up in her room no matter what, however...
Well, if it ever becomes too much, you can just call up that housekeeper of Kanade's, right?
You'll also often have to make sure she's taking care of herself
Gentle reminders to take breaks from her work, making sure she's getting good rest, and most of all, making sure she's actually eating healthy
She'll often call you into her room while she's working on some music and ask what your thoughts on it are
To which you'll have to say "Kanade, it's 4am, why are you still awake? Go to sleep."
(She does not go to sleep. You later find her passed out in front of her computer again. Maybe she'll actually use her own bed next time...)
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Living with Nene is pretty calm
She's in her room most of the time, either playing a game of hers or practicing for an upcoming WxS show
And while she does like to keep to herself, that absolutely doesn't mean you'll never see her
She'll come up to you and ask you if you want to play something with her if you aren't busy
She usually kicks your ass at it if it's a competitive game, but sometimes she feels bad about it and lets you win
But if it's a co-op game... You two are unstoppable
You might occasionally pass by her door and hear her practicing her singing/acting
She has such an angelic voice that you can't help but stop and listen for a while
...Until she realises you're listening and stops immediately, embarrassed at having been heard
Although, if you tell her you loved it, she might sing a little something just for you. <3
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thequeenofthewinter · 10 months
Work-in-Progress Wednesday
Taking a brief break from my break with socials to post some WIP. (Writing this morning is helping me push through irl chaos.) I'm not tagging anyone because with how things are atm, I can't keep up. If you happen to stumble across this, I hope you enjoy it. <3
There have been many moments over the last three years when Dahlia has questioned her sanity; however, none have made her do so more than right now.
As she lays in bed, covers pushed completely off of her, she contemplates her life choices and how it is that she got here to this exact moment. She wanted this—they both did. They wished, prayed, and plunged headfirst wildly into it together without even so much as looking back. Every aspect. Thinking about it now, the whole of their relationship together has been exactly that: both of them together, hands clasped tightly running against whatever destiny has thrown their way. Or perhaps, it could be more aptly put that they ran directly into her arms. Either way, there is not a doubt in her mind that they wanted this—all of it with the full package tied up neatly with a pretty Saturalia ribbon. Only none of it went as planned, and all of it has been harder than she or Ulfric had expected. And perhaps it might sound crazy, and Lydia would definitely tell her she is out of her mind, but despite all of this this with everything that the Divines have brought upon them, she still wants it. 
Maybe that’s the funny thing about life: you run from destiny, yet she makes you want it anyway. Akatosh must be laughing right now.
Dahlia only wishes it wasn’t so godsdamn hot.
She turns again to lay on her other side, hair sticking uncomfortably to the back of her neck. Maybe the floor would be a better option, but then, how would she get up again?
She sighs and carefully pushes herself up from the bed to walk a few laps around the room yet again. Who would have thought that the coldest place in Skyrim would could also be such a sweltering oven?
Any day, any hour, and any minute now she would be blessed if this baby would just come already. As the months have pushed into the beginnings of Summer, Dahlia has only become increasingly uncomfortable, both from the temperature and also from the heft of carrying her swollen stomach around. If she never does this again, it will be all too soon.
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dcynight · 1 month
- NSFW will be likely on this blog but not a constant. If you’re uncomfortable with murder, gore, blood, abuse, etc. (or any mentioning of these things); Then this blog isn’t for you. Sexual things may occur from time to time but it’ll be rare and tagged accordingly!
- Most art I use on here, whether for icons or other means are not mine, nor do I take credit for them. All things that I draw specifically will be tagged as such! Artist credits are as follows: koda_mint, shandzii, sanchesky, fluffpillow, deceptiveshadow, (more tba + links)
- I’m personally triggered by very little, but if I follow you back, if you could tag the following things for me I’d greatly appreciate it. Otherwise tumblr savior won’t work: emetophobia / trypophobia
- Again this blog is going to be full of adult themes and scenarios at times because despite these two being silly daycare attendants, this is still FNAF after all! I’m fine with role-playing serious topics, HOWEVER! Please message me or plot with me beforehand when it comes to heavy topics like this so we’re both on the same page.
- I WILL NOT post about fandom discourse, nor will I engage in call-out posts, vague-blogging, or anything else related. This is a fun and drama-free environment for both me and my friends. If you start drama, harass people, bully, or send hate of any kind towards me or my mutuals, you will be blocked and reported. As Sun would say, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!
- Personal blogs that follow me will usually be blocked. If you have a sideblog that’s your roleplay blog, message me and let me know, or have it stated somewhere on your blog so that I’m aware! I’ve tried in the past to let personals chill here but after weird inbox messages and nonstop spam in different areas, I no longer tolerate them.
- I don’t usually care about reblog karma. I will always personally reblog memes and prompts from their sources, and I won’t get angry if you reblog from me and don’t send something in every single time. However, I WILL get upset if you start to use me as your CONSTANT meme or prompt resource. This means, if you constantly reblog memes from me and never send even ONE back in to me. I will probably say something to you! This is a roleplay blog, and it gets discouraging after a while if you take everything I reblog and never bother to try and send anything back.
- I will ALWAYS read your rules page before I follow you. I will also do my best to make sure I send in passwords or any other form of verification. HOWEVER, I follow A LOT of people so if I ever break a rule of yours, I can assure it was probably an accident. Just message me privately and let me know and I’ll fix it, no problem!
- I have anxiety and my memory and attention span can be shitty and sporadic at times. So it’s totally okay to remind me of replies I owe if it’s been a week or so since I’ve replied! HOWEVER, do NOT harass me or constantly pester me to reply to a thread. Otherwise I’ll drop it completely, and may even soft block you if you become hateful about it.
- Going off what I said above, my memory is bad at times. I also follow a TON of people. I WILL forget things. I may forget about replying to threads, I might also forget about replying to ooc messages, and even certain rules or headcanons about your blog or characters. I can PROMISE you this is not intentional though, and I encourage you to nudge or remind me of things if I DO forget!! Just again, do not be rude about it or hateful. I promise I’m doing my best.
- Sometimes I may get overwhelmed by the amount of threads I’ve accumulated. Or I may not know how to continue a thread if it hits a dead end and I can’t think of anything to keep it going. If this happens I’ll most likely drop a few that I may not be feeling atm. If this happens I will do my best to message you first if I decide to drop a thread of ours!
- I will ONLY interact with MUTUALS. This means if you follow me and I am not following you back, then I’m probably not interested. My inbox is always open though to anyone even if we aren’t mutuals!
- I will interact with ocs and canon characters from different fandoms. But again we have to be MUTUALS, and I do ask that you have an about page or post somewhere that I can get to, just in case I’m not familiar with your character.
- I WILL NOT interact with personal blogs, or anyone under the age of 18!! This is for my own comfort and even safety. You don’t have to put your age on your blog, but if I ever find out you’re underage, you will be blocked!
- This blog will be multi-ship and multi-verse! I don’t do mains or exclusives, though I may have certain people I respond to quicker just based on the fact we’re close friends or mutuals.
- In addition to running this blog, I run another RP blog, and I also have a job irl. So my activity on this blog, as well as in general, will be sporadic.
Name: Nub / Nubby
Age: 27
Pronouns: They / Them
Hobbies: Cosplaying, art, crafting, sewing, cross stitching, roleplaying, cooking, and prop-making!
** I also take art commissions! If you’re ever curious about prices never be afraid to message me!
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My Friends Enjoy Reminding Me of My Many WIPs: The Tag Game
Another tag game lads~ @kiliinstinct and @thehylianidiot both tagged me, so here we go. I'm just going to do my uhh... current-current wips, which is to say, the ones I am actively looking at, more or less. Otherwise we will be here forever.
And before anybody wonders, yes, Runaways is on the table but I don't actually have any WIP of it to share because I took my break immediately after the last chapter so there's nothing to share atm
- rules: share the first line (or two or more!) of every current wip you have (that you feel comfortable sharing) and tag some writer friends! feel free to add the titles of your documents if you see fit
Whumptober 2023: Day 12 (Genshin Impact)
There was much work to be done.
Between dismantling the Akasha Terminal, uprooting the corrupt sages, and salvaging the organizational structure of all of Sumeru, there was not a moment to lose. There was also the added factor that the people needed to be assured during this tumultuous time. Unfortunately, Nahida was a practical stranger to them, and assurances from strangers never seemed to have the same effect. The fact that she was their archon only helped a little.
The light turned red, and I ran it (Jujutsu Kaisen)
He was Gojo Satoru. The strongest sorcerer, the only special-grade to call. He was the heir to the Gojo Clan. He was the pinnacle of everything jujutsu could hope to achieve.
He didn’t know how to make pancakes.
Memento Vivere: Chapter 2 (Fairy Tail FMA AU)
“I’m going to kill you!”
“Oh yeah? Then come over here and—ACK!”
Gray was not a child. He didn’t find senseless violence amusing. He did, however, laugh when Natsu fell on his ass on the ice-slicked hallway, because Gray was a bit petty. And Natsu deserved it.
Whumptober 2023: Day 19 (Genshin Impact)
It had been five days since Lisa had been abducted inside her own home. Four days since Albedo tugged Kaeya to the side and shared his hushed concerns about the scorched marks on Lisa’s kitchen tile being a result of Khaenri’ahn sorcery. Three days since, after determining that she could be anywhere in all of Teyvat, they sent word to the Milleleth first in hope for some confidential international support, and then to the Traveler, in hope for a miracle. Two days since Ningguang herself sent a falcon back, with word that they were aware of the mysterious scorched rune and that Captain Beidou was similarly missing. One day since Albedo received word from Forest Watcher Tighnari and they learned that General Mahamatra Cyno was missing as well. 
Kaeya was at a loss of what to do. It was a position he was seldom in and he hated it with every fiber of his being. 
Whumptober 2023: Day 12/26 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
“Oi! Sensei!”
Maki did not make it a habit of making a commotion to get Gojo-sensei’s attention, because he was a diva and he didn’t need his head to be even more inflated, but she had been waiting for that bastard to show up for days now, and she wasn’t going to let him poof away. Again. 
Kintsugi: Chapter 5 (Fairy Tail)
Erza’s closet was huge.
Lucy’s jaw audibly clicked shut when she realized that she was gaping. It was larger than Lucy’s had been, back at home, and she had been nobility for crying out loud! And Erza was… Well. Lucy absolutely was not judging, but Erza and her brother kinda lived as hermits in the woods. How Erza managed to collect such an assortment was beyond her.
Current BTHB: Hives (Twisted Wonderland)
The worst part about taking showers was all of the stuff they entailed. At least in Pomefiore. It was way, way too much. 
Epel used to be able to take simple, hot relaxing showers, with a single shampoo that would clean his entire body. It was fine. But noooo, things were different in Pomefiore. There were only a gazillion products for a ton of different things. Epel could hardly keep it all straight. Sure, they made his skin smoother and his hair softer, and it wasn’t a terrible feeling, but it wasn’t worth it. He couldn’t skip any of it though, because Vil would notice, and the housewarden’s lectures were worse.
Within Infinity (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ieri Shoko was informed that when she would be attending Tokyo Tech, or whatever it’s official or unofficial name was, she would have two classmates. The small class size was to be expected when sorcerers weren’t a plentiful group, but she was dreading it all the same. That few people in such a small proximity promised interaction, and sorcerers were infamously a weird bunch. Her dad had been proof of that, for certain, as much as she hadn’t minded when it came to him. 
The thought of being forced to get along with two random kids until they graduated or someone died was enough to make Shoko reconsider her dad’s wish for her to attend regular medical school. However, Shoko didn’t like her prospects among regular people either, so she figured she would stick it out with the weirdos. Besides, if her old man’s passing was anything to learn by, sorcerers needed doctors too. (And a few miracles, but Shoko didn’t have any delusions about that one.)
Unmade (Fairy Tail)
Natsu couldn’t remember how he got here.
That by itself wasn’t a big deal. Natsu was used to not having the best memory. He was also used to getting knocked out. It happened from time to time. Hell, half the time it was inflicted by Erza. But that was fine, because his friends would make sure he was okay.
Except this time, he woke up alone and chained to a low-hanging stone ceiling, so Natsu was beginning to feel nervous. Just a bit.
Okay I might accidentally re-tag somebody but let's seeeee (and no obligation to do this, of course), ummm @genavere @jinn-mori @breezy-cheezy and @phoenix-before-the-flame for the heck of it :3
(and as always if this looks fun and you want to do, pretend I tagged you and we roll with it)
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aishangotome · 2 months
Main Story Chapter 17-15: The Third Bang (第三声巨响) | Light  and Night 光與夜之戀
Chapter 17-13
My phone was gone. I held the safety charm Osborn gave me, lying in bed all night without sleep.
When I woke up the next day, he had already left. There was breakfast on the table, with a note pressed under the plate.
"It's okay if you don't see me after you finish breakfast." It said.
He seemed to understand everything, and it was precisely this clarity that made it even more frightening.
Looking around, the doors and windows were sealed, there was no escape. I thought I was trapped again.
How many times has it been? I mocked myself, breaking off a small piece of bread and putting it in my mouth. Chewing and chewing, I felt it was a bit bitter.
There were only a few necessities in the room, even the pen had its core removed, not to mention other sharp tools.
In other words, there was only one way out --
Kill him.
The thought that suddenly came to my mind made me shiver. I didn't dare to continue thinking.
I calmed myself and looked around. I thought this was probably not his room, many of the decorations had a distinct personal touch.
If it was a rented house, these things should have been dealt with long ago. Speaking of which, he didn't have an ID card, how did he rent the house --
I picked up a dusty keychain, closed my eyes, and tried to sense it with my talent.
It was him...not only him, but also them. It was the dead people Osborn mentioned, their faces twisted and flashed before my eyes.
A cold sweat broke out on my back. I took a deep breath and touched the coat that was casually hung on the sofa.
The sound of sniper fire rang out one after another, followed by a large swathe of crimson, and much sorrow and pain.
There had been many conjectures and countless excuses. However, everything I perceive at this moment tells me clearly that all these cases are his handiwork.
Could the ATM explosion also be his doing?
My hands trembled uncontrollably, and my stomach felt cold, as if I was about to vomit something.
How can I treat him the same way I treated Osborn? I now understand his madness and his extremism.
The desire for revenge is controlling him, and one day, his last shred of sanity will be consumed.
He is no longer the boy I knew. But why? In just a few days, he has become indifferent to everything, even willing to risk his life in a gamble.
This can't go on.
I clenched my fists so hard that my nails dug deep into my palms, yet I felt no pain.
That afternoon, only one thought remained in my mind - if he were dead, everything would be fine for Osborn.
I think I'm going crazy too.
Maybe anyone can turn vicious when it comes to the people they care about.
I was rummaging around the house, and when I came back to my senses, I had a bottle of sleeping pills in my hand.
I boiled porridge, opened the pills and poured some powder into it. He should fall asleep, right? I thought to myself, as my hands were shaking.
The night outside was as dark as ink, lulling the entire city of Guangqi to sleep, including every desolate corner.
In the depths of a narrow alley where one couldn't see their own hand, the young Osborn looked at Yuan Hao coldly.
Osborn (Boy): Why did you use a bomb?
His voice was calm and cold, echoing lonely between the two walls. Beads of sweat dripped from Yuan Hao's forehead, unable to explain the violent mood he had at the time.
The boy took out a dark object from somewhere and walked forward, roughly tying Yuan Hao's arms together. Yuan Hao shivered, and it took him a while to see that the object the boy had taken out was a bomb.
Yuan Hao belatedly felt the icy murderous intent from the "god" and started to struggle and scream hysterically.
Osborn (Boy): It'll be quick, it won't even take three seconds.
The boy methodically stuffed the bomb into the hemp rope held between his hands, and after confirming it was secure, he pulled out the safety pin.
With a loud "boom", the bomb exploded, tearing Yuan Hao's arms apart. The boy strolled out of the smoke and dust as if the screams coming from behind were a pleasant melody.
Yuan Hao's cries of pain did not pierce through the night, nor did they disturb the tranquility of other places.
In a desolate, abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, a tall figure emerged under the moonlight.
Martin boots stirred up the dust on the floor as Osborn stopped in the hall, carefully scanning the surrounding shadows.
Yesterday, he finally found the source of the bomb, a blood kin. And this was his hiding place.
Osborn's ears picked up a slight movement, and as expected, several long-hidden guards rushed out from all around.
Osborn: Get out of the way if you don't want to die.
The guards did not retreat, but instead pulled out their weapons and cautiously approached.
Understanding their choice, Osborn said no more and ignited a blue flame in his palm.
He dodged a stabbing blade, kicked away the nearest person, and then burned away a sneak attack from the corner aimed at his heart.
He barged through a narrow door at the back of the hall, where the blood kin who supplied the bomb was located.
Opening the door, he indeed saw the face from the file, but the middle-aged man's eyes were filled with terror.
Osborn: I just want to know who asked you to buy the bomb.
The middle-aged man tremblingly reached into a drawer and pulled out a gun, but at the moment he raised it, he was surprised to find the person standing at the door had disappeared.
At some point, Osborn had appeared behind the man.
He grabbed the man's arm, and with a "crack", the man screamed as his wrist was twisted at an unnatural angle, and the gun fell to the ground.
The man struggled to raise his other hand, his fingertips gathering a terrifying black mist - a blood kin's talent? Osborn was slightly startled, but reacted quickly to block the attack and pushed the man's head onto the desk. With a muffled sound, the man lost consciousness.
On the glowing screen, transaction records flashed by, igniting the rage in Osborn's eyes.
The name "Tang Jie" suddenly caught his eye, and the purchase date beside it was after his death.
I stood restlessly in the kitchen, feeling the warmth of the porridge gradually fade in my hands. The situation at hand left me no room for hesitation.
No one but me would know what was melting in this steaming bowl of porridge right now. I tried to tell myself there was nothing wrong with this, as long as it was for Osborn--
After waiting for a long time, he still didn't come back. I slumped over the table, overwhelmed by exhaustion and feeling dizzy.
Dusk fell, and only a dark red afterglow remained on the horizon. The porridge had completely cooled down, and in a daze, I seemed to hear the sound of a doorknob turning.
A jacket fell on me, with the clean scent of laundry detergent. I knew he was back.
I didn't open my eyes, just heard the chair being pulled out, followed by the faint clinking of bowls and chopsticks, suggesting gentle movements.
He started eating, my heart pounding uncontrollably, even my palms becoming clammy.
This dinner was especially long, and I could do nothing but wait. Suddenly, footsteps approached, and I couldn't help but become alert.
However, he just stopped and carefully picked me up.
A faint smell of gunpowder wafted over. Had he... gone to kill again?
I held my breath uneasily, letting him put me on the bed. Then he sat by the corner of the bed for a while, tucked in my blanket, and got up and left.
I waited until the room was completely quiet before slowly opening my eyes.
On the nightstand, there was a glass of water and an unopened magazine.
Did he buy this? Why would he think of buying it? I nervously opened the magazine, the white powder still flickering faintly before my eyes.
The sharp paper grazed my index finger, leaving a long, narrow cut, blood slowly seeping out.
Unsure if he was still outside, I didn't want to disturb him. I quietly opened the drawer, looking for some iodine for the cut.
After rummaging around, I found a package on the top shelf of the cabinet. Unwrapping it, inside was the pack of band-aids I had given him before, along with two meal tickets for the noodle shop.
The meal tickets were even carefully sealed in a plastic case.
I took out a band-aid and wrapped it around my finger. I told myself not to feel it, but the intense emotions still surged through me.
Under the dim, warm light, he looked at these things that could hardly be called gifts, smiling with contentment.
It was as if a layer of mist had descended before my eyes, and within that mist, slow and warm moments stirred.
"Stop feeling sorry for him," I told myself.
The night was deep, the dew heavy, and the air was filled with a burning silence.
When I got up to get water from the kitchen, a fruit knife had appeared on the counter at some point. It was small, but very sharp.
The thought that had faded away returned.
I gripped the handle of the knife. Under the incandescent light, the blade reflected a pale white glow.
Just like that, I returned to the living room. On the sofa, that familiar figure was curled up in the corner. His eyes were closed, his only movement the gentle rise and fall of his breath.
With the knife in my hand, I stood beside him.
He seemed to have not rested for a long time, his brow furrowed slightly, even his dreams restless.
I forced myself to raise the knife. His eyelashes fluttered. A few threads had come loose on his clothes, but there wasn't a single stain. This was the one I had bought for him.
As I hesitated, he suddenly turned over, his chest now facing the tip of my knife.
Just one centimeter, one more centimeter closer, and he would die.
However, my gaze wandered and fell upon the scar on his ankle. It had once been smooth, but now it bore a shocking mark.
Osborn: I used to be afraid of water. Once, I jumped into a river and cut my foot on an abandoned drainpipe, leaving a scar.
Osborn: Because I wouldn't give up. I wanted to prove that my choices were right, and even more, I wanted to prove that even if I was wrong, I could make it right.
Osborn: Don't regret your decisions. Being alive is your best card. Look ahead.
*flashback over*
Fate played a trick, leaving a scar on his foot as well.
I abruptly withdrew the knife, barely suppressing the gasps in my chest. Before making a sound, I fled.
In the darkness, a pair of emerald green eyes slowly opened. He lifted his arm and stared at his wrist for a long time.
At first, he only wanted to get his body back through her.
But then, she stood up for herself, smiled and talked to him, even invited him to eat... She was kind, a kindness that was both familiar and unfamiliar. He had almost forgotten what it felt like.
So he kept his promise to protect her, but she had forgotten everything.
He had Yuan Hao create a disaster, just a small one, as a protest against Y/N not coming to find him. Then he would go to save her, and Y/N would be grateful and feel guilty for not coming to find him.
He knew that this was also a punishment for his other self.
But she actually said she only pitied him. He didn't understand. At that moment, he really didn't want to let Y/N go, but he didn't want to keep her for long either, just a few days.
He couldn't explain his feelings for Y/N.
Maybe it was because meeting her that day became the most unforgettable day after his rebirth. He was living like he used to.
So, he wanted to have a few more days. When he came home and saw her waiting, the food on the table, though cold, was filling. He wanted to have more days like this.
But the first thing she thought of was always Osborn, not even sparing him a few days.
He knew there were sleeping pills in the porridge, but he still ate it, not even flinching when the knife was pointed at his chest.
She still didn't do it, her footsteps hurried as she turned and left.
If pity wasn't love, then what was this?
The night deepened, even the chirping of insects grew faint. He lay quietly on the sofa, staring at the ceiling in a daze, then got up and went to Y/N's room.
Y/N was asleep, her clothes and blanket tangled together, sweaty strands of hair clinging to her forehead.
He hesitated, then reached out and carefully tucked in the corner of the blanket that had fallen off the bed.
Osborn (Boy): Why didn't you kill me?
The girl before him wore a mask of ignorance and a dress of self-satisfaction. Yes, she was just like everyone else, just a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites, no different.
But he couldn't deceive himself. What he felt was something he had lacked for so many years, something no one had ever given him...
What was it? He couldn't figure it out. He wanted to look into the sleeping eyes of the person before him, to see if they could give him an answer.
Osborn: Aren't you afraid I really won't let you go?
Or, that I might really fall in love with you.
He reached out as if possessed, his fingertips covering her thin eyelids. Her sleeping eyes moved slowly, giving him a false sense of hope, like touching a treasure he shouldn't possess.
This night felt unbearably long. Osborn lowered his head, looking at the list in his hand, his eyes slightly narrowed.
The guild's tracking system showed that after Tang Jie's death, his bank card was still being used, but the phone card used for payment was only used once before being thrown into the trash.
Yuan Hao was the one who caused the explosion! But who else? Was the explosion aimed at him? It seemed so on the surface, but in reality, Y/N had been taken away.
He knew there was one person who would do this, someone who would want to take Y/N and who was related to the academy.
He should have thought of it sooner. Y/N clenched the list tightly in his hand.
He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can, then put on his jacket. The little black dog doll slipped out of his pocket and rolled to his feet.
Maybe he hit the switch, because Y/N's voice came from the doll. It turned out the doll could record, he didn't even know.
Voice Recording: At first, I didn't think he should be destroyed either. He's also you, the you from your youth that I missed.
Voice Recording: But choices have to be made, right?
Voice Recording: If it means sacrificing you or causing you pain, I can't do it.
Osborn picked up the doll, the recording still playing on repeat. His fingers slowly tightened, as if trying to grasp the last remnants of the sound.
He hesitated again, his heart softening. This time, he had not only harmed himself but also her. It was time to put an end to everything.
He arrived at the bar named "Weeds." Zhou Weicheng was sitting at the far end of the bar, not drinking, with only a glass of lemonade on the table.
Seeing Osborn, he wasn't surprised, and just stood up calmly.
Osborn did the same. He pulled out a chair and sat down, his gaze equally calm.
Osborn: Please, extract the soul that belongs to him from my body.
The lemon slices in the glass floated up and down, reflecting mottled shadows, then instantly disappearing into the boundless night.
Chapter 17-17
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
so when are you posting the afterburn wednesday x uvc cairo enemies to lovers fic /j
I laughed for about ten minutes after I read this. It was a guilty laugh.
Don't think I haven't thought about a crossover, however that would be...somethin' else since they're the same fkn character, with few differentiating qualities. UVC Cairo is more talkative and casual, lugubriously loquacious like a typical Southern Gothic writer. AB Wednesday is...well, she's Wednesday. Sharper (in the head and on the edges, obvs), and doesn't tolerate who she perceives as imbeciles. But with UVCC practically being her twin, the competitiveness would be explosive. Wednesday is the better writer, too, and that would piss UVCC off to no end...and amuse Jon in the process.
...Damn you, anon. I have too much to write as it is. I mentioned it before, but I have multiple active 'Benson' files (UVC, though one of them isn't UVC universe, it's standalone one-shot "What If?" that centers around their confrontation/when Cairo is emasculating him). Look at this mess
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Damn you, mid mfkr...damn you to Hell. 💀🥲😭🪦🥀
I don't even know how many active AB files I've got going atm.
It is very rare that I go out anywhere, but I needed a walk/break from everything so I took the senior dogs (and the baby dog strapped to my chest) out in their stroller. Been struggling mentally with the non-writing shit that's been happening in my life. Every day I take care of the needy dogs (the seniors are both 17 years old this year...as old as some of the teacher crushers that I see on my fyp 💀 and a year younger than Wednesday). One of them has trouble with his back legs and sometimes energy. Anyone remember that Family Guy cutaway where Peter is holding an elderly Brian who is blind/deaf/senile by his water bowl so he can drink? That's me, except my boy is able to drink on his own. He just needs me to hold him up on his bad days. The other senior I inherited from a nasty (racist) old lady who passed away, but this dog is behaving more and more like her every day (won't let me cut her nails...same as Mommie Dumbest, who lived with a gross, yellowed, grown out pinky nail she wouldn't let anyone cut). And because she's 17, she has CCD (canine cognitive dysfunction, it's doggie dementia) and sometimes gets lost or stares at the wall even though she's blind. Both dogs can still eat/drink, potty in the right place, and still come when called (though they love sleeping 💤 ). My boy is still sharp in the head somehow. I can talk to him and he still understands. I never trained my dogs to 'obey commands', I just treat them like the mental toddlers that they are. They listen to me, though the old girl here has a little trouble orienting herself/figuring out where the sound of my voice is coming from (which is ironic, since for her mother, she was a Hearing Dog). Taking them all out at once is a big feat since I'm also disabled/walk with a cane, but thankfully the stroller worked well for all of us. It was a nice day to walk around the lake.
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Of course I got one fkn ass bish making a comment about how they're dogs and should be walking. Had to tell her that they're both 17 and the bigger one can't walk steadily all the time. And when I did let the little excited girl down to walk shortly after I took this photo, she couldn't get her bearings since she is blind. Yes, she looks like she's excitedly looking at something but she's not...she struggles finding treats I put down in front of her. BTW, the seniors are my babies, but my baby baby is the one everyone is enamored with, since she still looks like a puppy/has a baby face...hmm....
I played the AB soundtrack on the walk and it was a good motivator. I had forgotten what an eclectic collection that is, since I usually play the Gates Mansion Secrets soundtrack while we're out (blasting the Genitorturers while walking by an Easter Sunday church crowd was fun). I really want to get 8 done so I can move on to After the Burn/AtB, but there are small scenes that will be happening between her winter vacation and the start of the spring semester (which was/is January 2023). I'll have to decide whether they're going to be published in between 'the first season and the second season', or whether I'll keep them for flashbacks in AtB.
This is not to mention the other non-fandom stuff I've got in my notes/partially written. I'd love to improve one of my movie scripts, and I have ideas for a couple of others.
Anyway, TLDR; the 💩 that no one cares about: I know you were j/k, but exploring the F/F sexual dynamic beyond the Nighshades in AB isn't something I feel I need to do (...yet). With ABW and UVCC, I feel like it'd be a very slow burn. I can't slow burn anything besides what I have in the pipeline for AB.
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